October, 1950 Scene from Dubrovnik 50 Cents
SCENE FROM DUBROVNIK SITE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHESS TEAM TOURNAMENT (See Paye 290) OCTOBER, 1950 • ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION-$4.75 • 50 CENTS Emanuel Lasker won the World's Championship at the age of 26? Moving one square at a time, a Bishop may go from K 1 to K7 In eight moves in 483 ways ? In successive rounds, Reuben Fine once beat Botvinnik, Reshevsky, drew with Capablanca, beat Euwe, Flohr and Alekhine7 It t akes a Kn ight three moyes to checl!: a King that is two squares away on the same diagonal? WHITE is to play and draw in tllis ex· 12 B-R2 P- QR4 14 N_N1 P-B4 PaUl Morphy, King of Chess, alice lost qUisite ending by Korteling. 13 0 - 0 P-N5 15 B_B4 P-K5 a game in 12 moves? 16 N_N5 B-R3 Two lone Knights Cnnllot force mate ? mack cbaHenges White's best·posted Chess players fOl' mOl'e thun 500 years piece. used a pair of dice t o detet'mine their 17 BxB R,B 19 R,R N,R moves? 18 PxP RPxP 20 P-QB3 P-R3 21 N-R3 N-N5 Whimsy Now he attacks the Rook Pawn and Let us turn to a bit of Fail')' Chess , In fOl'ces 22 P-KK3, this problem by your columnist, the Call' 22 P_KN3 ventions are suspended, Black is to play And no\\", with all his Pawns on black first and he lp White to mate in three ::;ql1ll1'CS, White lias condemned his msll· moves. op to life imprisonmflnt, 22 ...
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