t: *i YORKSHIRE @s tr CHESS 6 E ASSOCiATION buililct [[ -.8- No.l98 JULY EDITORIAL ']eneral lhe Annual _)'leetijrq ,'ha"+, do Yorkshire che:s players Co on Saturclay afternoons rthen the ..ci)dhr,)ilse 'lur, anrl ].tr'[ .Bror.rn league prc?famnies cone to an end.? Hol+ cio they fill iirat a.wk:+ard qap before the prrbs open a3ain in the evening? Over sixty pla;,er: solrrei. ihis r:rob13n on June 17th wlten they cane tr:geiher in Leccls for the annual enccunter I<norm as the AiM. Although there'rrere slolle conllaints about the stoCgy pla../ anC that the sane pieces were ,'noved backwards and fcri.rard.s all- afternoon, ther:e were sone exciting mornents and mo:;t cf tfrose presenl stayed for the uslai four hour session. The openinr' f.ia-c, conven+uional . The Secretarj,r pres-cnt,ed his repor+u ,lrar.ring attention to the lroble,"ns caused b;r tire ne;q teams ent,ering an alrea.ciy cror.^rdec leaE;e programme. fn the later discussi-on i-t .ra:l agree{ to have li +-earns in the iooChouse Cup nex+- season and, to have bhree I.lnl .Bro,^ri C.ivi::icns *i*;h approxinately 10 tearns each. Ihe llecretary's procosals for all-clting-beans to lhe;e cl-ivisicns t;il-l be put to'uhe ixecutirre Colnreittee for approval at its neeting on July 151h. 'he Treasurer lleportec a srnal-l deficit for the season just en.Jecl and estinated another similar rleficit for the next season. I{ost fee:; :rere }eft unchanqed but the foliowing increases i.rere asreed.'fhe club affil-iatj,on fee ;:e: up to f4, Lhe conbinerl BCr', N,ICU anC YCA regisfss.lion fee i.ri1I be !Op, bhe board. fee forjuniors olaying in couniy matches becon:s 75p as aLsc Coes lhe Bul-letj-n s;ubscription ("3tiil very <oorJ- va.lue!", I hear you cry.) lhe tean cairtainsj ano, tne ccrrespondence controller also gave their report:. ]he books le11 us that ire;hould fieht to control the cent,::e of the bcar:d.. .rn YrlA affa.ir:; ii seems that, the "centre" is junior chesi;, since the slru.ggle for the contrcl oi this lras the main th:rne of the rest o:i uhe afternoon. in.ieed only the electicn for Junior rlhess 3ecretary i,ras contes+.eC; Briar:l Liel/ bein-; re-elected by -r1 v3+u€F to ie,lric Binns'25 (pserholoqists may rnal<e ,.inat +"hei.;1j11 of this jl .7 1- sw:ns, against 3rian, as ccnlare.'l with last year). ihe otiler officials are unchanged. except that lave l'li1to:r reilaces Aian :itonson as cne of our NCCU deleSates, and. he also has become one of the oouniy graclers. aian Surkett is norq our chief g,rader; John Lar,rscn an,i- John Povey have both reti.,ed. f::on iheir lositions as qrad.ers. T a".rn sure a1f reaciers r.ri11- join with ne rn thankinJ them for their <reat, service to YorLshire chess. Next the Ail'I considered a lcnl 1ist, of resoiutlons" iYoposals to restrict the nrinber cf neople,rhc could vote at A3lYts iie::e ct efea-ted. ft;vas ag-reecl. ic; make pronotions betr^reen the lea,Jres oi-,tional and, after a :';urprisingly long l{ranqle, it r+as a-Sreecl to recognize the Yorkshire l,aCies;.)hess Association a,sthe appropriate bodv for organtztns, fadies chess events in Ycrkshire. h proposal f::on ,,ras noncast,er to disaffil-iate from the BJt' heavily d-ef'eatecl for the second 1.ear rrrnnin3. Ie not'' came to the main combination of the afternoon. Brian .',Iey put forriard a series of resolutions l.rhose effect r.+ould have been to 3ive complete control of On Other Poges 0bituar;r 2 Conqress Diary 4 ,,oodhous': ._lup Results q Qesults .{round 'r,he l€aques Final Ieague Tables Con,g:ress Results lla:r r ? i 'li o Junior Chess Nei.{s 10 Star Galre Best iame .?rize 5 Oounty '{anted -r "batting iounty l4atch Results 7 averages,t 10 -z- junior che,;: to the Yorkshire Scirocls Chess Association" The votinil on tir; a proposals t+as so close that a w-rit,ten ball-ot was helcr". 'Ihe proposal to oe,'"la-f.: a1.1 junior county func'fions to the YSCA was defeated. by one vote, l-'irt the proposals that our junior trophies be permanently loanect to the YjjA, artcl inat the YS{IA should. select count5r junior sid.es rrere passed.'I}re question then arcs: as to whether these rule changes needed. a two thjrcls najority. The consti-trrticn is arnbiErous on this point so the position ha-= been seni for ad-juCication Dy the Executive Cornmitte,: r.rhen it treells at 'bhe Y'1iA, Leecls, on Ju1-u 1.j11-t. ;..ts" i. ('Ihe official minutes; of the ACri will be cj-rciiiateC late::; for a l-ei'uer frx .v,,r::y Alf on +,he ':ubject of thre Aill s;rle page 5.) ,\ r\ zl q) L/) luc - ) /,- Obituory /e regzet repcrt the i.ea'rh of i'Ir r',1 .A.Jaqger on Jrrne lct,n, aTed 90. l- rember and one tine secretary of the York 1Jlub' 09 i.ias aii;o a vice- Frre si.dent of the Yorkshi-re ilhess A-=scciation. 'o hls family we send, our condolences. aa q) RESULTS YnRf Sll;TRg INDTVI D!AT, CHj\l{ PION iH Ir Congr:atulations to Peter 3af1ar,1 on wj-nninl tne Yorkshire Individual I)harnnionship for the first time. As *uhe table beloir shows Peter iienonstrateii his clear superiority over the other conpetitcrs even though a n'"l.nber cf games r.rere not p1aye,1 . PB AD 11tr ill.4 l,'ij, v'_l ,jts -Lard .1aa t1 1).3a.1 X LlIr 11 );' ,) A Dnrtor c x-1- 1- qir:th L rl ,l . ? -,( -+ ,l A. Ta'1-Lione C 1- 1 -.. 1 1l Mrrlzhan 0 1 I l,tlet+ood 1,1 . ?.l,i 0 co6+ -\- l'liss V.lraLven 0 -r b Anthony Taglione, the r.rinner tn i)7)-76 and l)?6-7-, ,ras tnus feprivecl of his hat trick. It is reinarkable that although in the last l0 years ten lrlayers have r,ton the Yorl:shire championship tr.rice running nc-one l.ra.; lret rrnil:,ed. to r,rin it three times in a ro'nr. YORKSHIRU EA.ll LI iHqLINc :lHAl'1P}Ni':iIIl This wa:. plarred- at Rcr,rrtrees canteen, Y.,rk, or: April lJtl-i 1o7i. 0r.ganized by David Hardcastle ancl contrclled l-,y jiaviri i.iilt,.rn, the chanpionship r.ras a seven round swiss tournanent -i,rith five players per iean. 1sl: Rotherham I Z4ptsi 2nCL= Sradford- I, Bradlord l)..iA i 2))-;4i,h ,-eeds li 2Z; (th l,eer 'ith ,loiherha,n ?Clr; Tilt ., )A ?:i= r:y, = I 2L+; 17 Braifor,l LI ?'t i(;.i 3h1 iheffiei{ i'ni.rerriilr 111; lOth Huj-] I 1ii 11th Hull lI L7+i LZLin= 3radford DIA II, Sradford li 77i lrth York II ',5*; i5th= le'.:;;btry, York i 1$; L?tn= BrariforC DCA iv, Scarboroulh 15; 19th Rotherham f'{ i)i 2Ath ';ite i?o,;e Yorkshire rad.ies 12; 2Lst Rotherham I:!:I 1L$; 22nd" taLh Qi. lRI TI sl"l CHAMPI0NsHI ljaolTAl QUALI.I" -,Ij_ lctlPr'l$Iql Ttre T,trorth East zona] ::esults ',r; e as foiloi,rs;l l ySt r..i '. -1 1st '{.J.Ha'.rqarth 5 2nd"= }{" L' i,tlewoctl, ?. i.Henps:on 5; ;ir I{. _nonas -)21 5th= i"A"Li't,1e, J.-,l.llickery lt* 7th= ,'!.A"Jcnes, J.:jimpson 4; 9th P..T.rt:.riIly t; 10th D"J.Oakley 1" The first three qualify for the British Champior, i:i p io be played at A;,'r in Au.grst. -3* Cen6r**e ffi*s*B€s LEEDS Held at the premises ef Rose Forgrove Ltd, t{ay 1!th-21st 1pl3, the iongress attracted. JA% nore entries than the previous 3rear" Despite the Leed"s bus strike everything went smoothly" fne new venue proved to be id.eaL for playing chess and it is hopecl to use the same premises next year. The eongress was organized- by A..,l.G.Overy, controlled. by John Elliottr *ith Alan Hughes in charge of the catering anrangemenls. Brian -riley completed a hat trick of victories in the Ope:: Conqress and" thus his is sti11 the only name on the riric 31unt T?ophy. nPEN (26 otaye,:s) 1st 3.E1ey 4.!5; znd= P.{.Romi11y, C.J.t:ngthorp '4; r}rad.ing' I'l -Ttt= .I.i.Vickery, H.l{ossonq, J.D.B1ore f . prize: .Graham. ltAJlR (l1o players) 1st i.Heywood 4/5, 2nd= T.Loftusr I,l.Buczynsklj, N, il.Taylor, S.Barnett 4" iradinq prizes: N.Bramson, D.Shelwood., A.Dunnington, J.Addis and T.Pawson. "Ilre Saturrlay night lightninq tournament was won by ].Nixon with G.Senior and T.3ernley 2nd,=. .[he proceeds from this event r,qere user] to.AroviCe a book prize for l{ige1. 'lhonson, a junior nlayin;3 in his first cong"ress. BRADFORD The ,Joo1 Exchange, Braclford., made a pleasantly cool playing halL for the Bradford. ancl District {.lhess Association's congress played over the very hot Sank holid.ay weekenrl of l4ay 2lth-29th L973. fhe Open tournament was particularly strong.'[he favourite was the former Brad"ford.
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