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COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SENATE Official Hansard No. 9, 2002 TUESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 2002 FORTIETH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION—THIRD PERIOD BY AUTHORITY OF THE SENATE INTERNET The Journals for the Senate are available at: Proof and Official Hansards for the House of Representatives, the Senate and committee hearings are available at: SITTING DAYS—2002 Month Date February 12, 13, 14 March 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 May 14, 15, 16 June 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27 August 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 September 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26 October 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24 November 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 December 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 RADIO BROADCASTS Broadcasts of proceedings of the Parliament can be heard on the following Parliamentary and News Network radio stations, in the areas identified. CANBERRA 1440 AM SYDNEY 630 AM NEWCASTLE 1458 AM BRISBANE 936 AM MELBOURNE 1026 AM ADELAIDE 972 AM PERTH 585 AM HOBART 729 AM DARWIN 102.5 FM SENATE CONTENTS TUESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER Questions Without Notice— Veterans: Doctors Fees .................................................................................. 4227 Small Business: Growth ................................................................................ 4227 Workplace Relations: Paid Maternity Leave ................................................. 4228 Financial Services: Disclosure....................................................................... 4229 Minister for Family and Community Services: Press Release ...................... 4230 Foreign Affairs: Iraq...................................................................................... 4231 Telecommunications: Interception................................................................. 4232 Foreign Affairs: Iraq...................................................................................... 4233 Economy: Household Debt............................................................................ 4234 Industry: Kyoto Protocol ............................................................................... 4235 Telstra: Services............................................................................................. 4236 Aviation: Ansett Australia ............................................................................. 4237 Transport: Australian Transport Safety Bureau............................................. 4239 Questions Without Notice: Take Note of Answers— Workplace Relations: Paid Maternity Leave ................................................. 4240 Financial Services: Disclosure....................................................................... 4245 Committees— Membership................................................................................................... 4246 Petitions— Medicare........................................................................................................ 4247 Immigration: Asylum Seekers....................................................................... 4247 Notices— Presentation ................................................................................................... 4247 Business— Rearrangement............................................................................................... 4248 Notices— Postponement ................................................................................................ 4248 Committees— Legal and Constitutional References Committee—Meeting......................... 4249 Superannuation Committee—Meeting.......................................................... 4249 Munduwalawala, Mr Ginger Riley ..................................................................... 4249 Committees— Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee— Meeting....................................................................................................... 4249 Ministerial Statements— Foreign Affairs: Iraq...................................................................................... 4250 Documents— Tabling........................................................................................................... 4311 Questions on Notice— Agriculture: Wool Industry—(Question No. 392)......................................... 4312 Natural Heritage Trust: Clyde Run, Tasmania—(Question No. 403)............ 4313 Environment: Climate Change—(Question No. 456) ................................... 4314 Forestry and Conservation: Heard and McDonald Islands—(Question No. 484)..................................................................................................... 4315 Forestry and Conservation: Heard and McDonald Islands Fishery— (Question No. 485)..................................................................................... 4316 Forestry and Conservation: Heard and McDonald Islands—(Question No. 486)..................................................................................................... 4317 Forestry and Conservation: Heard and McDonald Islands Fishery— (Question No. 487)..................................................................................... 4317 Forestry and Conservation: Patagonian Toothfish—(Question No. 488)...... 4318 SENATE CONTENTS—continued Forestry and Conservation: Illegal Fishing—(Question No. 489)................. 4319 Forestry and Conservation: Patagonian Toothfish—(Question No. 490)...... 4320 Environment: Australian Greenhouse Partnerships Office—(Question No. 499)..................................................................................................... 4321 Defence: Certain Conventional Weapons Protocol—(Question No. 501)..... 4322 Environment: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority—(Question No. 525)..................................................................................................... 4323 Education: Disability Discrimination Act Education Standards—(Question No. 531)..................................................................................................... 4331 Health and Ageing: GMF Health—(Question No. 570)................................ 4331 Employment and Workplace Relations: Superannuation—(Question No. 610)..................................................................................................... 4332 Industry, Tourism and Resources: Superannuation—(Question No. 619)..... 4333 Tuesday, 17 September 2002 SENATE 4227 Tuesday, 17 September 2002 firm that numerous current ADF personnel ————— who hold the DVA white card due to their injury on service overseas, including those The PRESIDENT (Senator the Hon. injured in Timor, also face the inconvenience Paul Calvert) took the chair at 2.00 p.m., caused by the inability of the government to and read prayers. come to an agreement with the AMA? Min- QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ister, why is the Howard government reneg- Veterans: Doctors Fees ing on the bipartisan commitment that all of Senator MARK BISHOP (2.01 p.m.)— the costs of injuries suffered while on active My question is to Senator Hill, the Minister service in the defence forces will be covered for Defence and Minister representing the by the white card? Minister for Veterans’ Affairs in this cham- Senator HILL—I do not know of any ber. Can the minister confirm that, just as circumstance where we have reneged on any doctors are refusing to accept the gold card undertaking that has been given, but I will held by veterans and war widows, they are pursue the detail of that question and see also not accepting the white card held by whether there is something that has not been veterans for the free treatment of their war- brought to my attention. I will be surprised if caused injury or illness? Does this mean that that is the case. It is interesting that the hon- veterans must either pay for the treatment ourable senator in his supplementary ques- themselves and claim reimbursement or go tion refers to the assertion having been made to another doctor with no familiarity with by the AMA. The AMA is attempting to use their case? What possible reason can the the veterans issue to lever the government to government have for simply refusing to hon- a higher level of remuneration for its mem- our the longstanding commitment of the bers. I regret that it is seeking to use the vet- Australian people to care for veterans injured erans community in that way. Our responsi- in the course of their service? bility to veterans will be honoured, and I take Senator HILL—I have not seen evidence this opportunity to specifically thank those to support that assertion. To the contrary, doctors who cooperate and assist us in doing what I have seen suggests that an over- so. whelming number of doctors are continuing Small Business: Growth to honour the card, and in doing so they are Senator JOHNSTON (2.04 p.m.)—My meeting their responsibility to veterans and question is to the Minister representing the to the community as a whole. I think they Minister for Small Business and Tourism, should be applauded for doing so. I have Senator Abetz. Will the minister inform the heard from some who might be described as Senate of how initiatives of the Howard gov- doctors union representatives that they wish ernment are assisting Australia’s vital small to do what amounts to using veterans as a business sector. Is the minister aware of any lever to increase the remuneration attached alternative policies that threaten small busi- to the existing scheme—but that is an en- ness viability? tirely different