Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10:10:50 AM

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From: Woojin Shin Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 5:06 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bonner, Lee; Chris Cushing Subject Biographies - Korean Speaker Delegation, Korean Ambassador Attachments: Bias - Korean Assembly.pd!; Bio - Cho Yoon-Je.pdf

Ms. Gourdikian,

Attached here please find the short form biographies of the delegation members and the Korean Ambassador.

Thank you.



WOOJIN SHIN OF COUNSEL wooji n [email protected]

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10:10:50 AM Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10:10:50 AM

The Republic of Korea National Assembly Delegation Short Biographies

Name Title1 Organization I MOON, Speaker; • National University, B.A. (Law) ·HEE SANG the National Assembly • Interim Chairman, New Politics Alliance for Democracy (2014 ~ 2015) • Interim Chairman, Democratic United Party (2013) • Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly (2008 ~ 2010) • Member of the 17th National Assembly (2004 ~ 2008) • President, Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Union

2 LEE, Chairperson; • B.S. of Arts in Sociology, Seoul National University HAE CHAN The Minjoo Party of • Chairperson, Democratic United Party (20l2. 6.~2012.11.) Korea • Senior Advisor, Democratic United Party (20 I I) • Chairman, Innovation and Integration (2011) • Chairman, GwangJang Foundation (2008. 3. ~) • Chairman, Peace In Northeast Asia, Uri Party (2007. 2. ~)

3 CHUNG, Chairperson; • University of Wales, U.K, Master in Education DONG YOUNG Party for Democracy and • Chairman of the Korea-EU Interparliamentary Council of Peace the National Assembly (2017. 2 ~) • Head- of the Korean Parliamentary Bipartisan Delegation for peace and Cooperation in Northeast Asia (20 I 6. 9 ~) • Chairman of Special Committee on Jobs of the Future (2016. 7 ~2017. 6)

4 LEE, Chairperson; • Korea National Open University, Department of Economics JEONG MI Justice Party • Deputy Leader, Justice Party (20I5. 7 ~ 2017. 7) • Spokesperson, Justice Party (2013. 7 ~ 2014. 8) • Member of the Supreme CouncH, Democratic Labor Party (2004. 6 ~ 2005. I 0)

This material is distributed by Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP on behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Additional information is available at the Departtnent of Justice. Washington, DC.

-~--·-----~---F----JFe;;i".NSD.Lf~gisJ:ri!!iP.1! Unit 02/08/2019 IJl: 10·50 AM ______Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10: I 0:50 AM

5 HONG, Floor Leader; • Dongguk University, Ph. D. (Public Administration) YOUNGPYO The Minjoo Party of • Chairman of Environment & Labor Committee (2016) Korea • Acting Chairman, of Trade, Industry & Energy Committee (2015 ~) • Chairman, Incheon Metropolitan City Chapter, The Minjoo Party of Korea (2015 ~) • Vice chairman of Trade, Industry & Energy Committee (2014 ~) • Senior Deputy Chairman of the policy committee of the . Democratic United Party (2012 ~) 6 NA, Floor Leader; • Seoul National University, LL.M. KYUNG WON • 17th, 18th, 19th National Assembly (2004 ~2011, 2014 ~ 2016) • Chairperson, Low Birthrate and Aging Society Special Committee, National Assembly (2016 - 2017) • Chairperson, Low Birthrate and Aging Society Special Committee, National Assembly (2016 ~ 2017) • Judge, Busan and Incheon District Courts (1995 ~ 2002) 7 KIM, Floor Leader; • Seoul National University, M.A. (Public Administration) KWANYOUNG BareunMirae Party • The Secretary-General, People's Party (2017 ~ 2018) • Member, PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics and International Competition Special Committee, National Assembly (20 I 7 ~ 2018) • Member of the National Policy Committee, National l '/ Assembly (2016-2018) • Member of the constitutional refurm special Committee, National Assembly (2017 ~) 8 KANG, Chairperson of Foreign • Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, B.A. (Spanish) SEOKHO Affairs and Unification • Chairman of the Saenuri Party (2016) Committee; • Member ofthe Special Committee on the Public Safety & Liberty Korea Party Innovation, National Assembly (2014) • lst_ Deputy Secretary-General of the Saenuri Party (2014 ~ 2015) • Member of the Special Committee on the Strengthening of the Organization, Saenuri Party (20 I 4 ~ 2015)

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9 LEE, Vice Chairperson of • Yonsei University, M.A. (Political Science) SOOHYUCK Foreign Affairs and • Executive Secretary of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Unification Committee; Committee, National Assembly (2018 ~) The Milljoo Party of • Chairperson of the 2nd Policy Coordination Committee Korea (Foreign Affairs, Unification, National Defense, and Intelligence), Democratic Party of Korea (2018 - ) • Chairperson of the International Committee, Democratic PartyofKorea(2018 ~) 10 KIM, Vice Chairperson of • Seoul National University, MA (Law) JAE KYUNG Foreign Affairs and • Chair, Special Committee for Constitutional Revision and Unification Committee; Political Reform, National Assembly (2016-) Liberty Korea Party • President, Korea-Argentina Parliamentary Friendship Group, National Assembly (2016 - ) • Chair, Central Committee, Liberty Korea Party (20J-li-) • Chair, Special Committee on Budget and Accounts, National Assembly (2012 ~ 20 I 6)

11 CHOUNG, Vice Chairperson of • Yonsei University, MA (Public Administration) BYOUNGGUG Foreign Affairs and I - i , • Assistant administrator, Foreign Affairs & Unification Unification Committee; - Committee BareunMirae Party • Elected to the-I 6th, 17th; 18th and 19th National Assembly • Minister, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism • Chairman, Communication Standards Commission of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

12 CHIN, YOUNG I Member of the National • 4th Term (17, 18, l 9,20th National Assembly) Assembly; • Member, 17, J,8, 19, 20th National Assembly The Minjoo Party of • Vice-President and Member of the Executive Committee, Korea Inter-parliamentary Union • Chairman, Security and Public Administration Committee, National Assembly • Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare

------~------"'-'eci:.i.lce.cLh;,_J:,_S_P..LEAR.b....Registralilln Unit 02/08/2019 I 0: I 0:50 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10:10:50 AM

13 BAEK, Member of the National • Ph. D, Graduate School of Politics, Kyungpook National SEUNG JOO Assembly; University, Daegu Liberty Korea Party • Member, Future Workforce Special Committee, National Assembly (2016.5~) • Executive Secretary, Special Committee for Nuclear Crisis , Response, the Liberty Korea Party (2017.9~) I • Member, Special Committee on the 4th Industrial • Revolution, National Assembly (20,J 7.12~)

14 PARK, Member of the National • Seoul National University, BA (Law) -.-~-.~ i ~:!{·t· 'le .. -.· JOO HYUN Assembly; • Chief Spokesperson of Party for Democracyand Peace ! ..· . \\.' . Bareunmirae Party '. . .',-. -·-. ,,:·' . )_." '.{/) • People Participation Chief Secretary and Participation . '['·\ ... ,._, \..1'·I _.,- .1-_ Innovation Chief Secretary of Blue House \,•":::'f/, .·'·•·'1· ':'.}•~;- .;_:.· ~ .·. -)}',,,,, ·,)':i.~ .. • Social Welfare Committee President of Lawyers for a ~"i,\' 1~: ,,A, J Democratic Society • People Participation Chief Secretary and·.Participation Innovation Chief Secretary of Blue House

15 KIM, Member ofthe National • Yonsei University, BA (Economics) JONG DAE Assembly; • The Editor and Publisher, Defense21 + (2007 ~ 20 l 5) Justice Party • Innovation Officer, Emergency Planning Commission in Prime Minister's Office (2005 ~ 2007) • Secretary to the Prfsident for National Defense, Office of the President (2003 ~ 2005) • Expert Member ofNational Defense, the 16th Commission on Presidential Transition (2002 ~ 2003)

-----~------'Rec.civ.i;,lliY,b!SD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10:10:50 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 10: I 0:50 AM


NAME Cho Yoon-je DATE OF BIR1H Feb. 22, 1952 EDUCATION Feb. 1976 Graduated from the Department of Economics, Seoul Nationa.l University, Seoul, Korea May 1984 Graduated froin St_anford University, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. (MA & Ph.D. in Economics)

CAREER 1984 - 1989 Economist, The World Bank 1989 - 1992 Economist, Exchange and Trade Relations Department, International Monetary Fund 1990 Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Services, Georgetown University 1992 - 1993 Senior Economist, Financial Sector Development Department, The World Bank 1993 - 1994 Senior Fellow and Director of Research, Korea Institute of Public Finance 1995 - 1996 Vice President, Korea Institute of Public Finance 1996 - 1997 Senior Advisor to· the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy 1997 - 2003 Professor of Economics, Graduate School of International Studies, Sogang Urtlversity 1999 - 2001 Member, Policy Board, Korea Center for International Finance 2000 - 2003 Member, Financial Sector Development Committee, Ministry of Finance and Economy 2003 - 2005 Advisor to the President on Economic Policy 2005 - 2008 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008 - 2017 Professor of Economics, Graduate School of International Studies, Sogang University 2017.5 Special!ential Envoy to EU and Germany

FAMILY Married with one son and two daughters

This material is distributed by Nelson ! Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP on behalf i of th_e Embassy of the Republic of Korea. I I infonnation is available at the ! Department of Justice, Washington, DC. I ' Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/08/2019 l 0: 10:50 AM I