g i ' ==ww«nnagrcyalfillepcom = - — ■■== _ ___ ' "~i^~ _ , - p f t B W - .^ ------. >7 E YANDEUL ^ r ■ 2 6 2 7 7 9 9 0 3 . ' ■ ' ’ E L PPASO i am m J M WS r-TwirT FallsTldililaho/96th year, hJb.6.61 ] : ■ ~ "7~~' Z ~ ~ . ^ March 2, Z O O l ^ . •.______j ; o0 ccnts- c ( ^ I N G Dairy “W eatM r )ncrss say ‘h o ’ lay: Cloucfy ‘ ’ , , 'omrr * iiissk - ^ Today; h a high of. ' By Ruth Streefe e te r.;- T • . " . • toljase% theirtl dedsion on w hether; - lagoonX: 44.'ChChance of T^«»|40wsw Cassia County Planningand Zo.x )n in g •, ' tlie ptopiroposal m e t s ta n d a r d s in t h e • _ r a iiLQiiii:jnQ W _l — . - - r --- countv’sv ’s c o n fin e d a n im a l 'feedir>g ----- rshowersincreasmg tort o n i ^ t . “ ^------^ B U R L E YSf— — It a llx a m e b a c k to^------=offidaIscumdo^Q] vn Gontrovensial'Fnnog tarm - opcrauoi Low ,28. ■ size, densityiity and proximity lO ' . ° • C h ea rrequirement t is the opera*, ■ }95,000*hog 5 9 5 operation oh 5,(5,090.'' debate has sparkeked a long and ' lion musnust be “harmonious” with bill sin ; PageA2. gh , Cassia County - acricres. about 24 miles eastst of emotional debates iiin Mini-Cassia, the counjunty’s comprehensive plan.’ Planningandind Zoning coihniission' Burley. Bur audience membersjrs showed.little. Djmmissnissioners had varying defi*. icnators^ . f i;v ers said thethey believed in the “Just “ bccausc It’s big doe:lesn’t . emotion afterr Thursday’s ’ nltionsIS forf( that word, but they a ll.1; ■ M agic V alley scr MACitcVALLlj good-faith effortsefi and willingness Kare scat me. Fve seeif the big ones.or announcement, h a d concloncems about w hether Big o f B ig S kyTarms y 1 lo.make its. some Son are run better than othtthers. . JeffDrlscolof■ AAberdeen, one 'Sky Fan'arm s could fit unde^ that,; split clicirsiippdi[ V ) r t ' operation nuisance-nu and hazard- ...... It’sI the .size in the one loca-lo , of five partners; in the Big Sky definitio:itio n . ' . free, commimissioners Thursday don,” tion said commissioner Vau(lughn project, _attendeded Thursday ___ C ommmiss.ibner m Jack H illiiad*i* By Michael Journec- *' "night Vnaiiiiirii'm'ously denied the Cook. Coo ^ ■ night’s hearing, bubut left cjuietly, -concermjrns, about, noise and odor, TImes-Ncws wtHer____ s’-controversial plans The T decision was annoummeed . moments after thehe decision was' and, que:iUesnohe/1. w hether the hog fo r a h o g faa rrrm fo r R a f t R iv er. t>efore bef< about 75 people at Buiurley announced." farm wouldwoi be “harmonious with1 ■ BOISE - Senatorss Thursday.Tl B ig S k y FFarms a had proposed a City Citj Hall. A lthou^ the hog farmfz Commissionerss vw ere required" Please see HOGS, Page A2 • rejected a Magic Viilleyley lawniak- _ _t;rXattempt tu make.daitd a it^ ’ tii)eni-_.[_. . iocs employ profession.ional'eiigi- .» ■ heers to build thi-irleir i\as.iu — Reward:jV-Buhlcoupliipleis------— _ A j i O L E JJNJVJY_BJU.GKE — lugoons:—— :------Seeking h elp in solvingd n g a I 9 9 9 Despite sirong supp'ppnrt from,.- • hom icide. 'sevenil Magic Valk-y rcprcsenia- rci: Page'Bl lives, who reprek'in .ire:areas where ^ ' ijrfsSiii Odors from a fe-. largeirge dairies have angered n-sidenisrnis. Senate Innocent plea: An arczT e a a rti- Bill II48.died fact collector has pleail e a d e d \ ■ after ajengiliy innocent to federal chic h a r g e s . debate on a Page BI 19*15 vote.' Sen.. Laird ' ------N n h T -^ .------K i m h e r1y. M() n i -:y : ___ dr.a£icd—iind_ fW y Meat giants: Though I sponsored the ^ tangled in an accounti m easure. ^ Opponents, m ess, its $3.2 billion1 aa] g re e * . including two ment to be acquiredd 1^b lyson senators from Sen.in. LLaird Noh Foods is still on. M ini-Cassia, said they thought ihehe bill was . unduly hariih on wcll;.-lline.uiinK i dairy operators and coul((juld pul the WI’I'KP a ' d . - j Slate (111 a slippery slopi-,ope to reiiit' — latinfrnihcrlivostnck-nik^npcratinns . ------Temporal wiihoul sim ilar.problfiii'eiiis. concerns: "I th in k th is is a s h ipip in ilie iiice T he . to tlie dairy; industryk' aat tu l to ihi* • ag industry.” .said1 SenSi Di.ti ' Ju n io r B a S sIWi Burtenshaw; R-Tcmrreldil. i the M usicnf ’ I'ill’s chief opponentent durinji • Playhouse kieliaie, . T h e iiill rL'Ciuiri'il CC.Al'Os .\l wiih ,ni»ru th a n l.OOU .in innial ia l luiiis 1" . - ■ rim e.” ------■h;'i\V’W n>te-ty>iems-di.-''dv-'irttiftt-bv------^ \'trtiffud.erginijcrs.. All,\i atiim .ir,:, r-“ — —^Page C l^ S H ip l^inii is a u c i i i u J . i ' ai.' based tm ueiglii: t.'pic,pic.iliv. nut aduli dairy cowr. f<|ii.ili.d 1l.OOO.iiii ' Spor'i's : ' iital iiniis Ota- st.ia-- la\\law (lei'iiies State surprises: T hee ute a m s 2,.'()() svM iif. v a i h u i ii. |itm iuK -or iiK*K-. .!>• K'lDil.non-.iiiini.d. that were favored to0 w in d id M iinii-s. n o t while upsets ruledl e d a t th e tOCXSCmiM \ Sen, l)i.-nion D.irrimr ir iu in ti. K- boys’state hoops'tounlumeys BIctolEtemiementary School thitd-erader Bryntrynnly Pabst sliigs during the sece cond annual BIckol Talent Shovhow thursday afternoon. Tho eycnteye was organlted by fifth- Declii. and Sen, De.iti I' Thursday. nanda Thiemah. . Page Dl _ > ^ ______P.'ease seo DAlRlAiRY.Pi:;.'r.:LL_ . Tiger's back: A fter an ram appear J_____ed ahsencc atop th ee Ieleader- Buyl/^back progn ^s^_SenaIte endqo r s e s j c o jm p r o ml i is e board,'Tiger Woods; isleadingis the Dubai Desert Clas "tgeDl tom ^ iPowergoa M odified bil ex te n d s - I)iickerss.iid. . fleet Idaho 1 ■)ill Cfliservalive Rejnil'lilll'lie.i;! Sell - . ' 'IIu-Sfiuilc-u’’/W w ’/'CV vyW v.' 11 ib ie .ile n s ihi- ei'nin>iO...niK \i.(l’iii' ■ nontlis ' TWIN FA'ALLS - Idaho Power ^Ett^Tfilnli iMiiliWI i r r i g a t o r s h I a d Police State? Two moi IV of agi'ii'iilliiri.-, ill being Co. iippareniently will meet its goal . • su b m itte d bic.)ids. . The Associated Pres'fOSS. ______later, the truth is still I .'••W .ViviiiasinM iM.■;i 'ii; :>..u to cut the amount of Company C officials estimatete th e o n s h o o t. ■ i.fi f y iH S to 1 loNsc .Spciikcr m ir.ll I--:i withlieldintheEden:ensnooi .wwer IrriRatg a to rs u se th is s u m m e r program p ro could reduce puVclichase BOISE- The si;Slate ScMKiie on . will'll' .tm ii'ulliiri' i'm I -W . ings, today’s editorial;' a s s a y s . AIK.U19OT00 applicants willing to pi»wer pb\ costs by S60 millionn this’ Thursday ovui v c r w b e l m i n g l y . ' Brucc N c w c o n i l ) Ml'.;' Hawkins sai.l uImi iho loliin •> Page A6 c u t tlie ir powjower consumption sub- _ summer. sim Tlie prograrn wotddId cut endorsed.a coinprojroinise to extend liiri' ImliK." m itted hid;ids to the utility by costs cos by reducing the amoun,int of minimum wage.]e.protection to ------le . Ihii e v i'ti ih e I' .Itt niII! lili: I .1',:, ■ Wediicscliiy’!ly’s deadline, company power po\ used during times of' p e a k ' n e a rly all f a n n w.■orkersin or Idalio. Housese forI its ralification of llie K "liicli luiil j(la;ii,iiii spokesmanj;nJJeimis Lopez.said.______ddemand^^demand c r met by Innlaying., I'liere \vas onlyly ;a scattering of conjpropromise. Key Ilouse leaders d ^lu’iwp.inili-ir-mmiinii'ijr’: !“ ■ Si-crioN iiVsi-(>1'X.1I()N T ln n ig licgcgmpany officials liave. power po\ bn the wholesiile marki II' ', . • /X tatallied l up the total The 'I company will tally up'ip 'tlie . vocal o p p o n e n t wl: eal worked out lias indilulicaied he. will sign ii, . lhi> w eek. In ll,,- ■ i- i, • Section A SectJCtlOn t amounl off |K)werp the bids would bids bid and submit .t report lo10 the adopted ihe dea nd between farm Thele a a g re e m e n i ili-lfU 's lh i' iVil'il' j-heie. Ihe I- I'!;:;. ekEnd .,1-8 cover.-ihedieligible bidders - each Idaho UU' Public Uiiliililies over the weekend feaifier ... ,2 WeekE in i a i h e r i h . n i ...... ‘d,to cutting at least Commis.sion Coi by M arch ‘J, PUC P worker advtK;aies;L‘S and the state's eral exeinpiionex from niiniinurn uinc fi c o m m itt e d , >l' l,.ibiii I tl I'.il iiiu ii: ' 1! ' felion ...... 3-5 Moviesvies .....0 loo.ooo.kilo;ilowatt hours - would ' officials offi ihen will look over*r the largest farm orgaiiianization. • wagee protectionp for workers oi lers who employee less thanIll*, i.ile il mil.' l.|>i tk< ii; • I. iZ^inion . . . .6-7 total at Icasilast 90 million kilowatt bids bid for any geographic effeifects. . "The Senate cacaniC'up with u farmers r- uiirKeis .lie I'eiiiK i’.mi.liii'lr-- .ll.ll' OOfficials ff are expected to niklie on compromise, andd iit's win-win for SOJ) man-daysniai of hired labor dur- i c t l o n D .1. . ■ sV r. .Ill lie!:.- ,i n v lection B f npany had hoped that the prograip by March 15. everybody,'’ Hoilouse S|)eaker ing anyan; ihree-nionili period. irl3„jL-5_ „.30-i»ipeccent-of-the-fligible—------= = ______Uruaijiew.cunib_ib - o 0 .viuk‘^LSiU- sliortly after tlie StSenate aclion. percent minimuni wage proifciii'ii.I I . ' ilietv.ite l.xOiiiH.>.r..n. . ;o i)ta ie s.,'.2 ■ reducinB; the i iitility’s peak reprcporu'r 'i\.S. Ni}kl:sil>ly hight-i.1. i,iiid u v W o r l d ' ...... 5 S>6CtiCtlOn t countinf’ wasw doiie'Thursday, Jjui M orning break .6 <^'3ssilssified .1-12 ' ^ ' C rossw ord.. .6 )rt h w e s t (q u a k e diarmg^estimatee r e a c h e ss $2 billi(ion ------^^bear-A tby ...... 6 .------C o m ics.'....? The Asaoclatca te d Press — tlamage throughouout the region. ^------pPtecairtions pay off B3 U.S. Sen. Pattyy NM u r ra y « iid th e . ... l i ^ V ...... preliminary damiuhage, esiiinaie ‘.v ^ ------yUpMonieqciocydedpepx------— :rhe-Noriliw«- " I F O ' pennaner would have expected,” Sea gy Deparinient C la ssifij•*-r^ estimate.^ hit S2 billion Thursday State Ecology Mayor Paul Schell said j re fanning out ■ as expertss cexamitied buildings, ' •'* ‘‘ i n s p e c t o r s w e r e T hursday news conference. ;e z«)ne to follow ■ ■' J Log oh t o ... • • bridges, dami'lms :m d road.^ u across the quake ■ Two minor afiershocks'w nspections that I- _ , State cmemergency officials up on initial ins recorded early Thursday at‘V o': found no significiicani damage to ' 'p ' r e p o r te d mmore o than 320 injuries same location - a magnitude f* r ^ ^ ^ . directlylintinked to Wednesday’s ' .‘'“■•f;' ,,re»>lams.------Hlhefe quake at 1:10 a.m. PST andan a Koads and bridridges also were iui rAM magnitude-6,l‘-6.8 (jiiake. Most were Hww.tna£lcvalley. magnitude-2.7 ai G:23 a.m.,•• ; being double-cl-checked. The ; m in o r a n d1 ncnone critical. University of W ashington > V ^ tlujuake was centered ^ * Alaskan Way Vladiaduci. which car- • . ... for online classlijslflod ads m olo^st Bob Norris. ough do\Witown ^ I . a b o u t 3 Si nmiles southwest of . • r ie s U S 9 9 th r o u Neither was widely felt am !d ju s t in tim e fo r ,i Seattle antind 33 miles under- '}^ Seattle, reojktiied j additional damage was reponineU. Thursday eveningng rush hour. US f ,• ground. The’he depth helped-ease , r I.___ _ . — Federal Emerge Shelton and 733-093 tlie impact,:t, as the Earth’s crust W lot between ! M ajiagement Agency Direi “J, Olympia also reopiopened Tiiursday mr\’ a b so rb e d mmuch i of the shock, sti-" Joe j^ ‘^, Allbaugli joined member s unsafe to , afterhiKiii after a temt iwrary niail. _plympl8pis building department Inspectotor Jim Davis marks a home .is un I '/l O ' ' P n tists sa idd. .- . — W oasliington’s confp^issibnalI d ele- py Thursday In W ashington's capiDpItal city.' 677-404M Z ■ - n i e bigficiigest news Is there is no gation^ in checking out quluake Please seesee QUAKE. Page A5 « « “P y l r - . ■ • ■ . ______)K .______; ^

K2 Tlffl^m,T«inraQi_J

R ^ W (^ r e ' ; '-AccuWfflW ther.cffm—

— '■ 'i - w r s J ------EHQZ almabk N A ~ C ------FFIVE-DAVFORE I ECASTFORTWWIN FALLS r"CANADlAi>TacrriES~^~ 'l^rtkfra IdaholoExtrenM E S > f n Filli throughut^6pjTt.yttt«fdiy . 8« L ; 3H T 1,1 S a t u r d a y ]. Yestis s te r ^ y : TomperiBture “ l^DAy~n [HraNiG? .F" s UNDAY. II MONONDAY I TUESDAY « . HI Lo W 1 - s T S» ‘33'11'pc' HighM* ■■ HicWpw ...... 45*/22* Cranbrook 39 16 peX 38 17 .c ... m ______..„_4fi*/28‘ - Lowell...... Nofmal Ngh/tew . - -Edmonton 3r’'*35^1-i ------'A l-ovLow-9*- . Woh/to»la#ry«ftr ...... 43*/3r - * Kotowna-.. ^ 41 ^ pcX 42 21 : c . islaiviland Park ' ...... 60* In 1892 ' m : : Lolhfaridflo ■* 4 f ? 5 ' px c " '- '3 8 '1 9 < Roeord low ...... ; 3* In 1993 • ^ P«clpltatIon~------^A'r rT. Afowshowow ofsol • Moslty cloudy; It dsfollowod Mostly sunny and 5 32 14i< 1 ■ 24 houfi ontfng>88p.r^i.yo«. 8 ...... I;-----0.00* . 8{K d rain. might showor. Bunshino:------— pleasant.— 7 • Monitilodol#...... 0.00- ^ l l i t r ^ - snow and r . “pS ;: Vancouver ' 46 - 32 shih~46"t»r-pc ^ ^ ^ , Nomwl montri lod#t«to < ...... 0.03* ■ , Vh:toria 4S 32 ahIh 43 3 U p c y I I A44° T24*r | a 46‘ ▼ 26'I I A 50*D» ▼ 28° A. 50* T 2 8 * M issoula Yeartodalo ...... 0.02’ I------A 44* I I ▼28* J • Wlnnipog . ' 30.13 9» .. 30 i2:::c '• . ^ U w ii r to n .14 0 /2 5 • No«itiowor possiblo lato; snow and rairaln will sp read across tho wostt wHhwi snow iovels Sunsot to 1. City HI Lo WN m lo T w Y««lerdayat‘6 p.rrp.m;...... 29.96 in. gonoicnorolly atxwo 3,000 foot.______. Moonrlsorise loday‘Z."Z.'.'.3 am!1. Aespulco 68 72 p» c ' '84''70'ih Ki, \ Pollon yo»tordiirday in 7\wln Fatis sol tonight-— . . , ...... t :08 a mi__AlhSi»__^61_50_c „ : _ 6 8 - 5 5 - p c ------}oIm: Mostly cloucfy today with aQ fi(ow showors: iho'showors'mighlight bo mixed with - ."- M o o n s o l: >\ucW«nd- ' ■ 72-'59’ pe'» -^ - -7 2 -e 2 -‘pc \ .. Grass ...... NAt Woods...... ;.....N A snow;now for a timo.lhis momlng. Mosiljstly cloudy tonight: a (ow rain stsf^owors)0 changing lo ‘Fl'stIt Fill! Loat Now » 02 7 3 1 s 'Salmon^ \ ' Trrts:...... t N A Mold .....N A snow ^now showors.. Ih ••’M ' lg r 'i' ' . - 34/2 3 ^ ^ 4 - S o u f w: Aattim*A« and AHwgy ol Idaho------...... Non HJds In tho o a s t today, whllo cloucBuds prevail In tho ■ ' Buen68'AIros'"7B'72"ih“S“-B2-feh' ’ • • wes«^ t with a few rain and snow showlowors moving in during iho mkkJikWay ^ u r s . Mostly • -Mar 2 ' Mar9 Mar16. - Mar244 Cairo - 74 49 sI 72 son ■ ■ 1 ^ . Shown Is ' ' ’ ckiuc:k>udy tonight with a coupio of rainin andi snow showors. - HdfinKorig ■ 66 62 pe»"70'6Stpc " ; Jofusalom '61 39 aI 61 4 3 '4 ■ ' Jorthom Utah: Partly sunny today,ay. but clouds will tend to Incroasijasoandthickoriin' UV IIWEXI TODAY Johannesburg 79 63 pe«■ ' 87'6S^j9C V • i'. Boise ’ \. £Sunystlay , ?' - . W" '3 ^ . Kno wost this aftomoon whoro ihoroiro could bo a rain or snow showc3wor lato. MosUy . ~ ‘7 ~ ‘ “ London 37 28 »nn 41 2 6 ‘ pc - loudy tonight with a fow showors} 0of min and snow. ~ MexlcoCJty 68 45 pc« 06 •4s:te ^ I ™* r s r “ ______e U ------Moscow 30 26 snin 30, 1 8 -sn . , highs ond . lorthem Idaho: Mostly cloudy andnd chilly loday with occasionalI rainrai and snow; 2 - Paris ■ 39 30‘pc« “ “4 r az7'« '■ • “ a"'* snownow lovols will bo gonorally abovow) 2.500 foot. Mosily.cioudy tonlgmight wilh a fow 2 _____ ~ RlodoJanoIro 79 69 pcIC 79 66*pc ~ Romo 57 50 r •- " 6 4 5 T - r : « 1 . . ^ o c tatettti u showhowers ol rain and snow possiblo.lo. . - *jn.—10 a.m,~Noon —2 pm.—4 pm.~ S e e d 54 40 pc« 44 2 6 -r ~ - ' ' • T' , S y d n e y '...... 77 e e 'sJj h "~ 7 4 w a h *-■4 ■ ' NANATIONAL EXTREIEMES Ywt»rd«y(toflN>rlN>48eoni.3uou»ittttw) 0-1. MinimInlmal; 2-3. Low; 4-6. Modoralo; 7*9. /■ All maps, loro* ------9- -Tokyo 45 30 pce 46 47. pc _ d, (TWIMFAU'ALLS V - / ^ 104^, Vory High. Values Indicato the Warww' ' 39 26'lf'# • ' '39-28*5n c asts and doia Highiigh 0 6 ' in Port Piorco, FL L o w - s r In Ciajlon U t« S £ W ' 144/28 >; • ^uko.ME. . . jre lo Iho sun's uttraviolot rays. Zurich 42 41 c M Ui:yh a ik i providodby , 1. ^ AccuWeother; ^ 4 ___0 ^ 'J VJATIONALWEA'\THER - ..... ■- NAT] 5 ' w rnm km inc. 02001 = = ; TIONAL CITIES ShownShoi aro noon positions ol woatrtorI vtysioms and procipitaiion. TomporaliuraluretMndsara Today . SaL ■ Today - S t i- : ______Wflhhtohs lof ihc day Pwocasi high/tew lo>lomp^ol^ >d colios. CItv Hi Lo W HI Lo WV City Hi Lo WV HLLo^W ______---- REeiQNAlre]CITIES—------■ — ■ — AUanti—i 60 50 r 6J 52 r Memphis 56 45 c; 53 40 r Atlantic:Cliy Clf 40 31 pc 43 19 pcK Miami 84 64 s 84 64 s ’ ■ Today. Sol Today SaL JS Baltimore>re 50 37 pc 48 2S pcK MIIwBukeo .4 t'2 9 'p ec ’ 30 2 1 'i x City HI Lo W Ml Lo W City Hi Lo W HI Lo W •J . . Billings 48 26 pc 42 24 c: NashvUlo 58 40 - c 50 3 9 .r Bolso 44 28 cc ’ ’ 44 26 c MeCin ' 33 16 sn 45 24 c _ Blmilf>9horjhem 63 52 r 64 SO f NewOitoans 7 6 68 1 77 55 1 BonnofS Fotry 38 25 pcPC 41 24 pc Mtssoula. MT 40 25 s( 40 21 c 30 19 8( 36 17 sfif . Now York 38 28 C 40 24. pc Burloy 44 31 cc 44 32 c Pocalollo 42 29 c ■ 43 24 c CharJostonlion; SC 68 58 sh 69 60 c Oklahoma City 67 39 c 50 33-re Coour d'Alonc 38 24 pcpc 38 24 PC Portlar>d, OR 48 34 s>) 48 34 pc iCeU(Mdjy viJuCAjB S|H B f|| Charlbstonston.WV 55 35 sh 47 31 c: Omaha 38 20 pcc 39. 23:. c . Efko 44 25 $h5h 39 30 c ' Richland. WA 47. 25 PC 49 23 pc HK |j« ’v V ^ , : Chlcogo0 44 26 c 40 24 c Orlando 84 62 pcc 65 6S< pc Eugono.On -46 32 shsh 48 32 pc Solmon 34 23 sJ 40 .18 8l :Mna '3 " FratC ' . . Clovolandind 40 26 sh 26 26 pcK ' Phiiadolphia 48 32 c 44 24 ‘ pc HaQorman 44 . 28 cc 46 26 c .Salt Lako City..UTUT 50 30 pc 47 30 sh ] S 44 22 a 49 28 pcK Phoonix 68 50 s 66 50 PC Idaho falls 38 26 cc 42 19 c Soanio.WA - . 48 34 sh 48 34 PC DoaMolno:)tnos 40 26 pc 39 23 c Portland. ME 23 9 siI 25 to si ■ •--Kalispoll.MT ' . 35 "19 sisi 41 19 pc Spokano.WA 38 24 pc 41 25 pc '42 26 Sh 28 16 pc« Roloigh ------62-39-^sh-h- ■ ‘57-39 Sh------Lowislon------4 6 - 3 0 - s} h h - - 46-30 -pc— Stflfiloy------36-20-jn—36-t4-sJ------}------58 - 38-sh— 60' 38-p c'« — Rapid a ty ------46 -17 S—— *'4 0 19 -DC ------Malad 46 30 c: 43 25 sn SunValloy 40 23 C f 39 17 sf iTTTT FolrtjanksIks ■ 19 .9 pc 16 -8 pc« -■ Rono • • 48 26 shh 47 30 ih- Malta . 44 23 peX 43 19 c Yollowslono, MTT 30 12 pc 31 6 sf rr. .32 21 -pc 35 22 c Sacramonlo 56 39 shh 57 -40''r — — ------. +V hj - 82 67-8- 80 67 a I -SI. Louis- - 53 -34-pc—C— 42-29T C —:------: >!j; n 56 46 sh 61 47 r SI. Paul 38 21 pcC 37 22 -C I w IndlonopolfcIMlis . 47 32 C 40 20 c Salt Lako City '50 30 pee 47 30 ,sh . Jacksonvtllinvillo . 60 61 c 84 66 pc« San Diogo 63 53 pee 64 S4 pc d i e ■ ^ : KansBsarlO ty 44 25 PC 40 27 c SonFrandsco 56 44 shh --54 43 ' f :1 . UsVogassas 63 43 PC’ 64 46 shh Soattlo 48 34 shh 48 34 ,pe ■ - p b o b k M n r ii L ■•■i.'-, UttloRockock 55 44 c 53 39 c Tucson 68 38 s 65 42 PC i p m e n t . \ ou ' i LosArwoloaolos 63 47 pc 61 49 r V^rashington. OC 52 36 pec 48 28 pc Ayo. W. > Twn fmW.lfll(wrW4 . la U7 .e-.^r.'.vr, . =t | ^ ^ 5 * 5 | Wofltherar 0(W): s-sunny, pc-pon!y doudy. e-cl:-cloudy. sh-showors, Mhundorslorm:lorms. f-.rain. . K S g ii^iiUi Lincoln«. Joromt, lajrwUrw J0e-324.73M ^ •(-snowV Ilullurrlos. cn-snow. i-ico. —^Bairy^iz. ‘ Res^archfters^ind— Continued from A l h a s u ltim a teJ atau th o rity fo r reg u lat* h a s sps o n so red so m e o f th e reggull., u signs of dldrugs at R 'R u p c ri, vaiccl iin.stit (i:th e hill: in g d a irie s in itlie state, coritratis tionon billsI himself, l>elievcs the s< Diirrington, who has> sps])onsored its a u th o rity’ ovover dairies to the-ag lionsons caii be explained to lawmi hor sim ilnr legisiatiori reg-egulating • dcpanment. e rs inir th e fu tu re. bard’s )me site -iarge-scalc* hog CAFOs,is, « said th e S e v e r a l SeSenate opponents CaCaijieron und others nlniso JOHANNESBXJ}URG, S o u th relatively low throsholdId of< 1,000 ■ objected to foefocmalizing ihe agree* argurgued local planning offici:rials Africa (AP) -Seven'era! 17th T C T h ijU S ir \VTTw in —I P Twill j-alls Kerry McMurray willvill draft a^ ~ and (iilicr Oro.is ...... '.10,1. hy M;ii;ic Vullo) L t ,., ,7.1.i.(l‘JJl ‘" S ook . . Mid the operation is har- docum ent .spelling outut thet pliii- Nc»sp;ip«fK Inc.. PcI>cji.Hli».*j|N pjj.l ;il Twin ' WoWodnosdoy, Fobrunry 28, numlx[ibora W odnoBdny, Februaryary 28. numbors mnnioiic Kitls h> Till- Tinicv-ic-.-New\.OfritijU'iiy:iml | OU.S in lluit it brings various; ning commission’s deci«lecision. Big . .Sulxscription nucs oiuiii> ncw'p:ifvt-•t ppiirMiJiil lo Seclicm f>C- .' Jies of agriculture together,. ■ Sk y F a r m s c an a p p eal a l that tl deci- ll.>ini-.lcl.vci>' il.ul\ .imlSiiilSiiriil.i>, y . 2ll |()S„|ihci;i;il»>.r.>.CihIc. TliiirsJay is lieichy e said most other operations; . sion to Cassia Countyity commis-1 per ua-k-,,.Suiulj> oi.lj, S:.!i) [VI week. ihc: il;ril;iy Ilf ilie ueek nn-whieli 1 3 9 46 47 - is size have taken several1 s io n e r s . M.iil Mil>vtti(mnns aiiiM Ih: p.iiihn.iil».iM«|mmI lc;;:i1militCK».llt>c' P® sS Ul iiijini.>i>Kil. M.jll r'liov: Alllil.ih.iuli-N:All .i,Micss|uniilii:l’.C Thursday, March 1, num bors I’.O.'Hox.'i.ia. Twill I'j 1I>. 5 from homes, buildings and1 Dale Pierce suggestedid thetl fierce Sfi.lHI pc)>01 «cek..l,til\. V 1,!j1i„ H.VKl.V ThurBday^Har^h l.rumbsr. ’ baclu fr aring spots. The project's! community debate over •>I1|> S-I.rxi [K't ui.'1-k. Sumt;i> e a l h o f i ver the pro- *'>"”1."""; cwnniighiosooi |i)--s. • ' proximitm ity 10 o tlie r d e v elo p m e n tsi po.sal has left wounds th ilL-s: c|,iil\ ;nii1 UjgicValkyill*yN*w.p*pw«lne. s tiuit m i^i I P l « - c o uipled p li wilh the size of'lhet never be healed. ‘ Id a h o ( o p e r aiiion tic - had commissioners: “I don’t see how it co 'I'im cs-NiN ew s telephone direircctory t could ever 5 6 43 45 46 7 3 fl ■ worried.e d . be harmonioas with' tlie fire that Circulation (Daniel Wale/alock. Circulation D irector)..) ...... ;.:..E xt.l . _____ ° - “It;s's harmonioush with agricul* has already been built,'lilt,” Pierce ■ C la ssifie d A dvetlL singi; (L(D eby J«)hnson, M a n a g e r) ...... E x t. 2 t • tu re ifif nobqdyjivcd n dose,’’ com-• , . siiid .___ ^ N(iws.tClack.WahvoriliJh .A la iiag in g E d ito r) ______E x l_ 3 ------Jdaho.SurvivoLSecK K JondChanceiK ewSyWOHLlSll: ^l^ZmissioneonecJoyce-WarAsaid ------Retail Advertising (Mikelike Sinit', A dvertising Directoi:to r ) ...... E x t. 4 S omnc e commissioners .said iheir• '■ Times-Ncivs lurilcr Ruth S frtw c r EBEAR would be allayed if acreage Ag W eekly (Janet Coffinffin, G en e ra l M a n ag e r) ...... E x t. 5 u />1j • -can be nachcd at the’ MiMirii-CossKi 1*iihlisher S te p h e n I la n g ...... E x t. 249 . All entries must bee in by Tuesday, MarchV fl Jfa . co u ld1 be added to tlie proposedI ' Bufuiu at 677-1M2, ext.Kt. 109,I or by i r ig e n ...... v - v ...... •rat M il mm CAiaorriiif cou >0A lOC momOMtnx MtxtvtMtcxotaSfuoemnixn . ■«llw

l ^ U S E D VIVEHICLES I r . ’ V ] m PRICED BELOW 1 ^ BOCOKI **■ I / m M ^ iK

1437 BLUE UKESBUBLVp. N. • 733-1833 * 1-800-333-3319 1< ' w w w .g a ryryfw«sriaHd.cen i 107070 BLUE UKES BLVD. H. • * 733:1825 •I-800-390-8> 0 -8 6 3 a 1 •Invoito fnayjwjTWuwy nrt.tBfle^deoi^ottiw lai es«U, 3 /4 Ion, Extended Co b o k Kder for corivleta de taib . O.OK%APW«36Mo.OAC»ote{tmod / xfals. B ab ate on sefect modab.

A I-'' • - i Jl > Fridiy, M*rc)K h2,2001 TIiw »N«w», Twh Fait,FiI.,!

fepBtfliGandSTrashrBi]»ush ■ ^ •r ^ , 2 tai ? x p la n th rirough.pannel - 9 - ASHINGTON U P) - Radngg ; changed Bush’s plann slightlysi to a k to do0 President Bush’s bidding,, create an interim 12 p e r c e n i 'H o u sse' e Republicans pushedd b r a c k e t r e t r o a c t i v ee t'(t ' o 'J a n n ; ------— -acro&s-tl^the-b(^rd t» cuts ihroughil— - 2001, applied to a taxpa;xp a y er’s first — com mTiittee iti on' Thursday, clearing8_ sey.ct*al_ihousand_do. d o l l a r s , o f . . th e wvay ay fo r a flo o r v o te n e x t w eekk income. Republican's;n's^aid this . .• on he.cornerstone of the newV step was particularlyly irimportaiit inistration’s economic pro-)- . given the economicc slislowdown, , g ram1. . , . ■ and offidals said it wouli.'ould m e a n a " T hle e vote in the Ways and'd' ' maximum lax cut this year of M e ams n s Com m ittee was 23*15,I, S360.for‘a c o u p lc a n dd SISOSI fo r a n - : g party lines, as Democcats.s. indindual. •, • * 'ply criticized'the bill^ss ' • T h e c o m m itte e -a c teted d less than, ed and called the unusually.y. .48-.hours qfttr Bushis h s t e p p W ^uick-Qk-actiotvbj^tiie-pBnel-a'poor-r------^^befortrra-nationwid’e-Kfe-television— —T

Isseniially what ;he presidentIt . Congr.ess to- urge passaissage of his propcoposing is a pay raise for thee • tax oil pro^m . * a v e r•age a g Am erican,” said Rep.I. W h ite H o u .se s p oikesman k e s Ari J e r r y W eller of Illinois, one ofif ' F le is c h e r s a id a fte r the th e vote the ral Republicans on the panel:1 president “is pleasedi Con^ess..is.Cc - 'V h o aargued r ( the bill would sdmu-I- . rnovihg forWar.d onI hishi« plan to la te the economy as well as pro­)• p r o v id e ta x r e li e f aind n d he looks v id e rre e liel f to ta x p ay e rs. . furw-ard tn their also takita k in g action __ ::id.do.not o . »-ant to go back to thee on.paying down theie dtl e b t a n d - ' ' : of deficit spending. This pro->- -improving education." ll pputs us in that direction,”” Political fault lineses were^ eyi- , c o u nitered te r Rep. Michael McNulty,f, ■ dent throughout thee committeecc . I Y. Other( Democrats critidzedd session. R e i^>ublicans-for u b going aheadd ■ Republicans bandedled togt;ther -— >re Congress agrees on ann .to reject a Democraticic attempta: to |^^^^H „ovcrall•alLplan.for spen. Even sfK.Nussle andid ont th e rs said, ^ ^ th one diicf wish: To:o iretrieve- connection lhat,th along u'ith other say,ay,” Horita said. other political lealeaders and met Republublicans praised the plan butIt c h a n g e s .a re J ik e ly . pariicularly ariii to.- • |i2hie boat; they fear hasis Ibecome expre.ssionss ofo contrition by U.S. Fallon F; met w th 14 rplativeves of with two fatherss oof the missing. . indicatirated that changes areproba-!• somp of Bush’s spendirtiding-privri- p*die deep-sea tomb of theitheir loved . offidals, hasas done much to allay thehe mis-sing, two teachers,i, j a n d H e c a lle d o n th e 1local governor ble. . ties, This included Bush'ush's plan to I.o n es. ' s u s p ic io nof o fthe United States, .threhree creu- members..The scl?ched- Thursday morningng before coming Shiittiiittling among congressionalll hold discretionary progra'nisprr - . ' “He said he didn’t wantant to read' according ;oto thoset he met. uie'tied one-hour meeting was \ to this village ab(about 430 miles ccimmitiTiittees. W hite House biidgett everything thc ^ipverninrnineht does . any prepared texts burjOr iast have “We wereiren’t just reiterating .. ext' h aird rd td t live'on— ------1 S1.6 tritrillion, 10-year tax cut. S22 4 percent with all of.f. thethi priority _ ioii in debt reduction and a ■■■' item s .tliaV our. presideiid e n t warVts.' ' j|h e y o p p c)Osed R ic h1 pardon oo v e r h a u l b)ankruptcy : y laws Siz: orv o v e ’-all sjx.‘ndin g increas-i- a n d f r a n k ly w e w illI have ha some ^ . e s to>-,sIiglitly .sli alH )ve th e inflation1 different priorities.".-s." Senate •tJvASHINGTON (AP)») - T h r e e tig a tin g if polpolitical orDther dona- VWASHINGTON (AP)') - recent years. - ‘ ra te , Budget Comniii.lee.* ClChairm an ' *3? form er President Clinton’sCl tions influenenced Rich’s pardon. LegLegislation making it harderler for The legislation’!m’s progress has “I pronouncepr il alive and in^ Pete Domenici. K-N-!•N.M.'. told ►J5 )sest advisers toldI a f lo iis e , c a r l i e r T h uursday r f released an e- “ penpeople to'ltse bankhiptcy to~setto ■■ beeironly“sliglillytly slower in ihe excelk.•lleiit condition." HouseL- .O 'N e ill. ' ; • D^mmittcc Thursdayay they mail saying; thattl at one time pros- D out u t of crcdit-card debts begi*gan a Senate, where tlietli two parlies D ^I^'sed his pardon of MaMarc Rich pcutors hadi offeredo to drop their . spe?peeded-up Journey back to the have a 50-50 split,it. iand Denukrrats ;to theje UnitedI States.— - PrePresident Clinton, banknijiipicy - Judiciary Comummittee-voted ' sk {be nasar-sinwis specialist.^ i ' R dont that it was our view:w thati the 'TheM anlinhattan U.S. attor- ovt:)verhaul was the first m;major Wednesday. 10*8.1.8. to approve a ^ rd o n should not be grgranted,” . ncy’s office.ce offered to drop a i>lllbill to comc to a vote-inn the. piiralleUiiU and SCIsend ii'to the full ' ["■------■ ^ 7 3 2> - -0 7 0 0 . . ^ V Cjjnton’s W hite House;e cchief of tfctJeral rackcketeering charge if ' ne>[tew Congress. The Holouse - Senate, whicli mayin vote nexr H I Staff, John Podesta,.tc,.told_the_^ Rich returnen e d to fa c c - th e -o tlie r _____vk-oted-i06408-for-iuThurs« o t rsday., ------w ee k . ■ ...------JToJLFree 1-8-877-MD-SINUS u .'t H o u s e G o v e r n m e n t FReform charges. RicUch attorney Robert witkvith m ajority Republicicans Some Democra;ratic opponents C o m m itte e . F i n k s a i dd in an li-mail in ioHdly so! - in support iand criticized the Houlouse's priorities. T h e ^lus Clenter - Idadaho The panel’s senior DeiDemocrat, ‘ February' 2000 to-'Avner- DeiDem ocrats split.' s;iying cam'paipi[) financefi refurin. h;e m o rerepressing. i • • — ‘ Pirliripilm Pioiidtr• ofol Wnlidtr. Vrdirilil. Blof Ctots. Blif Shirld.hifli, In ti« and Clinton confidantmt Bruce . Israelis in1 sisupport of the par- oi)l thet most sweeping overhaiuml of __JU m lsey if there was a “q“ q u id p ro d hy Clinton on his bani)an k j;iip icy law-N in 20 yeaV:al-s. jq u o ” o f d o h a tio iis T o r 'tl'the par- last day m oof ffic e ; jjooijoomed througlt the House tinift-di 'dons. Ail three repliedd *'“No" or The e-maillail said prosecutors ing itig process despite new g»vDvern- ^ijlo.sir.” a\so would alallow Rich to remain. meiiient data that sliows perse •'..Tlie committee, which:h isI inves- free on hail1 if he returned. l)ar:>ankruptcies have declincij S W W r i . ' ■ Ashcroft pus}shes:.„|r^^ v s tm iM m a - m , anti-racial . . JVQCAL1 p Q in u FOR ONDNLY®19®®PERS0^ )NG profiling bill O u m s e fr o m ll* I ', I ® DBDiren 2001 WOO'S (If Sunns ftcUon I •i.VwASHINGTON (A( A P ) - • Declaring “it’s wrong,”’ AAttorney • Hours: By Appointrrilmeni • CALL 737-95.'545 General John Ashcrolr o f t s a id L,„A 1300 KimberlvRcJ-d - Twin Falls ------■Thursday-he-isasking-'Gi;-'C«ngre»'i----- |B B ' ^ ------Thursdcjay-&-Eriday,-IVlElarch .0_avm ._to_7_BjTLI I _ ‘ to attack rac|al profilinling - Che practice of sinking out pcipeople for 1^ 1 . Saturday, Marclrch 3 1 0 a.m . tot 4 p.m. law enforcem ent baseiSed upon ir^' their race. ' at the Colleilege of Southern l(Idaho Expo Centeer in Twin Falls. Id:Idaho A s h c r o f t s a id t h a t \yl\yhen he . H T E X h - . was in tlie Senate, heh e h e a r d See Tn'icior DcmoiisiraU'a j i o n s S^cdotal evidence of th e pro b - 7 a ^ •S' . lem and said, “I hav'a ve lo n g V A dult Ta)a n D a n e e r i Relieved that to treatat people ( \- B('i’in tw rs Advanct'd . Classes... W in a C o l o r T c l c \ i'>io:'i o n 1 ^ ^ j^ ely on the basis of thetheir race V x S f ti r f .s M>Ionday, o i March !i # a s a v i o l a t i o n o f t!i------3|ush not long after hiss ses< le c tio n _ “ Agri-AcictibiT 2W0fironeie o f tfi^ ia r g ^ t^ ’ to head the Justice Depa[•p artm e n t said “the president t h e f l i reof jtsWnd inththe Northwest! U nited States elevated th is issu e K shows Into the -consciousne: r ' " • imericans.' ; ^ Ashcroft noted a men Ju sli sent liirii earlier in\ th e w ee k ^ it premierr- - - 41rectii\g the departmt m e n t & cview the use by fede: la w iiffiliaicL’ ■ ^forcem ent authorities> oof f ra c e a s . For more, informati■nation Jl factor” in their workk a • ; ^ e v c lo p a n y re le v a n t d a ta " to doc- ’ ■ Southehern Idaho’s tN e u ’s Source . . . '.(208) 733-liOOlO p « im e n t tlie e x te n t of th e pprc ro b lem .

, - ■ • . I

______^ ■ . ’ i u Tfne»Nm.'TwiftFiDf,■Df,ldtfw'Fild«y,M«rtb3,2001

Coalition filies la^suUlt i Symip a t E i z etr gives> slain b)oy funie ra l ® g coiporatitioij ^— -A fter-sijven-yi ■gainst ho£ - y e a r s , — CANSAS C iry, Mo. (AP) - A ' conference Wednesdaysdayin.K ai^ • ■ _ _ unidentifie.dj Ibo.dy__ ilition of groups-dpposed-t<-to ------p o r a te h o g farm s h a s H ied feed-.: d _____The North CarolicoIinaiedeW l..7' ; , - is buried accocording f ^ J and state lawsuits claimingi)g lawsuits and the intentinti to nie .' ' I ' - Smitllithfield Toods Inc., thfhe— motions aQegevioIatioiationsoffedtf- t o w o m a n ^ s wwishes ■ ' 'M n a tioion's n largest hog producer, hailas al environmental>1 1laws: The b roik k e] e n c rim in a l a n d d v i l la w s bby j . .'Florida suit;aUegess vi'v io la tio n s ' ^ P H IL A p E L P H IA (AJ(AP)-M ai7^ H wiUfu]Ifuily Ignoring environinenta; federal racketeeringring law s dUti . .Peck was reading thele newspaperr , K -n' . .W^j re giulations.' u la flfttrag the companyy^ftmded^ is . one day in 1994-when.le n -sh ’e c a m e . » - Trhe h e federal lawsuits were filetled .. ille g a l p r t f i t s m a d e b y • ' across a story aboutt a s lH n boy, E , ^ ' / ^k^edni•dnesday in Florida and Northrth causing pbUudon. whose decaying, 41*^o •^ o u n d b o d y • ■ ' ‘ rolina. ’Hie group a ls o file d foui)ur ' - Officials from thebe £Sm ithfiel4 • • , had'be'en; found Insi'diside a'nylo'n . F .' n o ticrices e of .intent to sue in'.Nort):rth Va.-based company,fiy, which has d u ffe l b a g . • - C a rirolina o l i and one intent.to.sue ir1 0 hogjy^RitionsJnjiine.line^states and ^MuriuWherfiJraitfifield o v ^ iJnJ.1.8tat4S;_____ ■ 'fo rmmer'Mui^hy ei Farm sbp^tions.' ' ^ d . i f K d m e d y ’s m u ; . . ^ abuse/and'a final,-fatalIta l b e a d n g - .. '- jroupb^eyS ’ T:iie h e coalition of 3S'groups repsp- ' environm ental law:,aws weren'n -but policc did noc knowlow h is n a m e. - enting farmers, environinen ' being enforced, they:ley should so^ - . 'For seven years, InvInvestfgators . ists, ranchers and .animallal the Envirdnmentallal Protectfon •tried ip identify tht h e " e bhts t s organizadons is led by Theh e . A g en c y , believed to be 4 to 6 ;y e a r s ■ ^^B H M I WaterIter Keeper Alliance, whichlb ij "But theselawsuiisuits are not Peck, a widowed mothis th e r - bby y R o b m K e n n e d y J r ------about the environmeninentlhey^ - '.prayed for the boy and fo r 'Thii is the beginning off a ' a b o u t th e s o d a l agendaaidaofagrtup __ a the day she could gi al campaign to get the familjily - undected, unaccouicountable triu proper burial. mers back to the land and totc - ' la w y e rs w h o w a n t toto o'override tbe V,” sa id P e c k , ' “ H e ’s a t p e a c e now ,” ce the corporations to takeke , legsd and regulatoryy frframework” ....— '• . -'70, a5 she awaited c a re e oof the land and animals thejley Richard J.M. P Po o u l s o n , ' a W ednesday byrial at. R o m a n n,” Kennedy told a crowd olof Smlthfield vice presidesident, said in *;Cf*bo!iC cem etery. “M“ M y - a b o)ut u t 200 people dtiring a n wws ; . .. a prepared statement.QL______■^have been answered.” * P e c k , w h o l i v e s o 5 o n S o c ia l .itight, and Sister Catherine Penn)inny wlpa te a rs during graveside:le services for an unidentified1 beboy Wednesday at ' y TC ------^Seciirity-ond-shurw-Q-h , Seven years ago the boy w asI foundft d e a d In an abandonedHot. lol For th'oie UJSDAfiridssee( i- 2d contam inateted f . her daug’hter,.w as.re£r e a d i n g th e , , I ’ o C a lMrderaJ li Cem eteo' In Philadelphia. 5 Philadel^ia Daily Newlews that day seven yearss Mrs.M Peck has been waiting untijn tll she co.uld give the boy a' proiroper burial. in 1994 when a pictui witdthunapprovecid^m anipulatiedsdcorrt ,s,ig„,dro.:o th e case . • • a a cold,c crisp day for the servitvice at “In 40 years, wtwe have only two • h e r a tte n tio n . holding out hope, wait- New Nc Cathedral Cemetery, whichw cases of.a homicnicide of a child • T h e boy’s fa c e , a s t eK c rieatedbra' ..S™ "'']?' IfASHI^GTON ('AP) - T race!res ' spring. than usual before turn- donated do the plot. Peek cararried who’s also beenin unidentified,” a.„J forensic sculptor, gaiedc(louIi.lhcr:.. i 1-gen'eticaIIy engineered vari'iri- Seed compani^ havhave detecu(i bpy over for burial. . theth' boy’s ashes in a pale floralfl said Jeff Monoran, a Health etyof the large, inquisitive eeyt y e s, e n d ea r. ■ ! ? S J.hi! .bo of com lhat prompted nation)n- tra c e s o f S tarL in k in1 1 1to 5 p e rc m t , often keep X-rays for ' box. bd Her children and a grgrand- Depanment spokesk e sm a n . t ing half-smile, broad-nd nose, high Ho.spitaUoi le food recalls lasr year haveve of the seed they have'tested,ha­ irs. He wanted-to keep child, ch carried sprays, of flo>owers The duffel contiintatning the boy’s been I . ;f«rL“he a d !md sliort browr o M c u r k :n found in seed being prC're- according to an indusidustry offiqiil that long, in case he and ani a stuffed animal. Joe Holoban, nude bqjdy wa;vas found near ’ ■ . “ It ju s t to o k n iy h eanbecausel a rt the body tb ed for sale to farm ers, butlut ____ who-spoke_on_conc o n d itio n _____ ied it to compare witlv a a 38-year-old i salesman from f Interstat^95. HeIe iiras ivrap^^in_ „ have two sops and t\stivojrana- everjieedec le.of.the grain has.beeaplant'nt-.: ____a nonym ity,______fat cQuId identify the W Wj ayne, Pa., played bagpipes.!S. a blanket adorhcrned with clowns gj , .som.” Peck «iid. . - X-rays that the gover^ent saidlid The biotech corn,rn, knownr^^ • 1In Philadelphia, about 353S0 of and bears. A whwhite pillowcase xiuirstl ______Slie-cuUed-tlie-poUc&jc&ielephone- ,------irsd a y .. StarLink, was api>royeroved only as disappointed by the the thi more than 3,000 casesSS the and an Infant giri;iri’s greeti polka- ..jhe num ber listed at thele I;bottom of ^ e c k 'vas he contamination was discov'3v- a n im a l c o n s u m p tioon n becauseiof I : understood. m m< edical examiner’s officee Ihan- dot dress was alsalso found insioe the story -.a call thatIt wouldw lead delay, but ur d during testing that seed comm- unanswered question:ions about jits . thought it \vas amazing, dies dl« each year involve pe«leople the bag. to countless others,'andand the start . ^ lies started this winter at thehe safety for humans.IS. “‘ T h e s e p d ity in this,” said Quain. whose wh identities aren’t kncnown. “I gue.ss I’ll ntMnever understand • of a lifelong bond withith the child her tenacity riculture Department’st’s industry has inform

5 fro m caiirdiac arre Deaths est rise- ~ S ujbscrlbe t today.I Cair733-0931 or3 r 677-4042 -fo r h oom e delivery. ■I’l among; y o u iig a(idults dur:ring 1990)S ' *. . S A N A N T O N I O -■(• iished reports tliat fingerprintsifound fc death rate from cardi la tlo ii In brief oon n an item they reco\‘e r^ froniim th e ■ ■ rose surprisingly amoim o n g y o u n g ' ------ZZaniops’ ai home matched Parker’s American adults in1 tlthe 1990s,. ’ — — 1The documents'make nor^n n Dll ' climbing 10 percenrlil' tlon'of any neo-Nazi raaierl ;^IS £:iC ardIa 32 p e rc c n t in w o m e n , fe lac arrest according to a broadcast re; • .cials said Tiiursdiiy. . Tho.numt»foi3f ol yoongof'Axnericans wtw ,.,-last la s week, sucli publicauons \ Cardiac arrest is sstill rare diodfromnoailoartaltacftsrosodunngtho found foi in TuJloch’s hom e.'i I j II cording lo a roport roloasod ' ^ 'a n , • uiider age 3S; accountini ti n g for ju s t .I990-s.accor< Z^antops were said to beli Doctors point lo an incroaso ^ *1 percent of all deathsths fro m th is Thursday. Doc •strongly that iheir'.nai ' . » i TMI to explarn tno trend. . . .. cause. But experts ^;.y \ y iI h e new ly '«oM S'0 91 02 -oa •« 05 06 ' had Iflllllll m accusedJC( Ringling Bros, of sp; KOI $ f mill's hr Ojejsc Conwo/ system needs ovethsrhaul souncEccr,i^> on PAWS in order to discred: mildcii 58 .ind Pwteriitsn' U'ASillNGTON- - . r h ( { ------^------— *P • T he nonprofit grouf] has criticI I BREAS the cirais - hilled as The Greii Aiiiericaii health careire sy ste m i.s c hlelsea. e i, Vt., teen-agers . I*'*- e a ie st U . CHEES ui: ______!_brukun and urgeiitlyy mii need of c-two counts of first--- — Show on Earili.=.for.iis treatnitm cn i— .cordmslo a o f e le p h a n ts and o th e r a n im al wholesjile reform, accoi lurder in the Jan. 27 ' repnri released Thursd The settlement wasreac; S e d rsday bylhe ■ , jdeaths of Half and . ‘ Falls Bpanfl Falls Brand11 V • n o n p ro fit I n s titu te of-M( a >Meclie,ne. Zantop, whostrbodics ------ilonday^icjiunibcLoLanir F E B S h ___ “We are. saying thalhat Ihe tare f„„„jid in the study of their a n d th e am om it of m oney pniviivitled I TH CK "suCHi-MS the American populaiita n o n g e ts IS |„ „ „ for their care were not disdosei not whal they shouldidge, ) said Thcdociinriim ents c o n firm e d pul>- - compiled from wire rep nciw; Of Donald M, Berwick of Harvard ^ BACOP ------Medical School; a-memlGmhernf the" expert panel that.evahI'aluaied the Amcnerican 2 Pkg. s t a l e o f U .S , h e a lth1 ciicare, "Tlie Redd Cross r * < T Ot game is over. It’s timetie forI a hew roatofldaho DorOPltOS ^ S eedlesle s s . system,'" PORKP Aliiiougli health care:are workers ______+ pr G roat LLA CHIPS PJ IPES I strive hard to deliveiver quality _. I J C care, the report says; thtile current AT CARE ROASI fragnienied system imp ■ascijspilal canbe k g g g j l f Ei Police release.docuicuments /orascary thing f l y # S In slayings of profeslessors- - . ^ ' r a child. S F i LEBANON, N.H. - Pingerprlnisfin • I f

- --- -N atkFI0N— 4

This II an ivy suspencJs:>:use o f dispututed— NASA^ hop^ 101 hear I trt5»l'»T h draw- . IngInj of the P y e lom bing range Pioneer 10 lerto Rican be g e ,. ipacecraft WASF.SHINGTON (AP) - T h e with P u erto Rican Gov. Go Sila from ol)ld spaaecraft ------G aJd e ro n on-T uesday.------bombing on the Puerto' . On Vieques, the decisi2cision-was : • * .. ._ fio S ANGELES (AP ^ )~ NASA 'is ' olds thatIt torbit the sun, and in .l9 ^.it. Jupiter In . - R jc /n1__ island of Viequesj___ cheered by opponents'nts’of the ^ jBttiem^ting to reach outJt acrosss 7'6fl- . was the! fiifirst to obttdn dose-up images 1 9 7 3 . NASA "fhursda];day while negotiators pur- Navy’s presence. " - l|ch»l..n "the island. . ry,” said anti-Navy activisiivist Ismael •. . j irom the'probe.-Pioneeiecr-10» since Pluto, i decision, revealed by Guadalupe. “We needd totn redou- J itwiiit™ (August. Nearly three decaecades ^ te r its It is'nonow nearly 7.2 billion jniles use Secretary Donald H. ble bur efforts now to t1171| 7 to trans- ' ff&rch 2,1972 launch, the spacecraft from Ear^arth and c a rrie s .a plaque iMmmoUl igtllo . Rumstelifeld, is a concession to the. form this suspension intoint« a halt ' . iay be gone for.good, thethe signal from . engraved»1 with a message of goodwillviii d ish e t in . ' , n e w PPuerto u c Rican governirlen't, to Navy bombing on the island ts dght*>v8tt transmitterer toot weak for and a.maplap show i^ Earth’s location. California,. whii:h1 wwants the Na.vy to with- forever.” ^eyen the largest radiolo an£ ten n a on Though^ its miission, formally ended Spain entirdy from the .training; A spokesman for thee NqvyN: said ., • . .'Earth to d ete ct. in 1997,^ tthe probe had remained in it has used on Vieques for the decision to suspendnd training1 “We are certainly chathallenging the- fairly regiiegular contaa w ithEarth u n ^ Sles. i The Navy has resisted,, • on Vieques is not a.penpermanent ------^ttwork-in-ttyingrto-liteiiteraUjTTrick-a-— Aug.-19.~A).~A'transmitter failure,'lacicof'rof— .Puert0:RIC0—: ------saying-Vi5-Vieques is!viial to train in g;-r—'-halt-to-training - on-Vii-Vieques, - •— '3ignalTnifof-theT« uuiwi," said puwet fii towanJtte—7-—r rr^or'Iis'Airam m iciieei. - .------•:. alinougn that couldlKe i>:ihe'even- B,pbert Ryan, who haslias managed ■ source or a simple pointing errorror heavens In an R u mnsfeld sf discussed the m atter. tu a l o u tc o m e. " ground'based commimicinications with - could all11 eej^lain the probe’s silence, effort to pick ' | = = ce- jth^ probe for NASA sincenee its launch. Attempnpts at contacting .the space- up a signal ■“Ifs a combination of nostalgia!no and craft havlave so far failed, including engineering exerciseIse to see how efforts ththis week to listen with theth e from the 29- __well we can do i t ” world’s5 Itlargest radio antenna, the[he year-old space- ' ‘Pioneer 10 was the firsi^ s p a c e c r a f t 1,000-foofoot dish at the Areciboibo craft. ■ ,^1‘pass through the thickdc belt.oft aster- . ‘ Obserotoatory in Pueno Rico*. rt IIOU'S E ..; ^ j Pl<

“i Q u a k e — ------[ sS a d d l e -&-T a g iU| Irim ep^IS' d2 Seafood. c 7^lif J CoirtlnuedfromAl ______sion.walls.___ Monday, March “ IS w ^'built around'a'sinkhikhole'lhat ------Paula^V^andorssen, ar 4(1, in ' ^ 'VoorTopen for Prev. ho Cocry yridaij ^ '2 4 : 5 0 — devoured northboundnd lanes Maple Valleyley was driven from fra Wednesday.— • . t>er home byt)y a quake-triggered West Coast of SJH.yjSenJorsn — s o .y jjiijs ------In In Olympia, several:al s tre e ts mudslide, formerly Cavanaughs C wfre blocked off as hahard-hat ‘ “This used:ed to be my living it' (irews began clearing awaway rub* room,” she saisaid Thursday, point- Three Thn Bor Scddleiy of Son i^tonio, Texi Kure and disperul ble and preparing to shshore up ing to a 2*fooioot flow of mud and of ofi oil merdiondiu from their Moniono onddh dtstribulor, oil damaged buildings. Thehe 'Capitol broken glaiss.s. ^tnerchondu mini be dtspoud of ot f inCa Moniono. This 1 ^ r u n c £ -dimpus remained closedsed, idling Four^omnes'were ei evacuated merthontfse will be divided equolly an I Spseverol locolions. '{0,000 workers - mosilost u n til Thursday dueue to slide danger in S 1 3 . 0 0 tCoL’rtj . Stw c/ay Monday, when officialsIs 1hope parently paid off. • three-story brick builduIding th at There was no widespread struc- exos has ordered o tomplele foredosur h^sed the nightclubub jPenix 'tural'damage,'je,‘ despite the rubble - - na Distribulor. Pe/ order ol tiediior ond Qjderground Cafe. As passers-bypa< and broken glsglass. It public ouction ond connot be sold in A feped at damage,I, E th an A $65 millicHion retrofitting pro- and disposed of at public auction in se\ ___ Sm xigtan paintlintingit.____ gram that_ha:has_fjnn_ed _up_m we _ _ iproximolely 100 Western Pleosuie, Roj \ O N T A N A -■ ^larrington, 28, o{C S

i^AGRi-AcxiTION S h o w S ! pec ia l ipom e and SeSee us at Agri-A-Action and f5^ I S a v e uup | to $500 In i o r e \ f i , i l \ Z O N A'A ^ Thursdayly • Friday • Salaturday PinetreeSfiports—-— 2 1 6 5; Over/ondO Av«. • BuHey, IDI D • (308/ 678-5869 JTP For one:S im p le rate. f to-border, everyI ccall is a local call ■ F .long distance andid no roaming chars" S e s .

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■ " ' a • business salf C tti ' ; (jpinionEifm Page fayrM arch-ZrZO o!^ ------T h cT im ccs-N s- ew s - — li -

i j f m E d i t o rlA i ' L fAUST GET m to McCAIN T w oritionths-Later,4Ed( l e n ^ ^ - I 1 N\ysT-&ive fV ^ lM fAONEV. shootirings, aresstill murt*ky Il’s been two momonths since three sel fnfrom another nation. Seveijveral for- men were shoi to deateath during a sher* eignn ccitizens were killed. There'ere's clear- iff’s raid in Eden., Tl The lives o f tw o' lya’loI’lot to investfgate. ' Jerome County sherifiiriff^ deputies arid U.S.I.S. authorities coidd claimim tbei^’s I 1 an Eden homeownerT wwere,cut short. ‘ an “oi“ongoing investigation" io-prevent io-i .. ■ , ' . . It was ostensiblyra a drug bust, but , basiclie details from -beiny disciisclosed - 7^__ ]' notHing more than a ttrace amount of but ththey aren’t. Instead, the American"An _ • E marijuana* was found.nd. 'Rvo public already kno’mow§ thaY " i r li ; months after the'incic . . . civilians were atIt tl the con* I (I basic details still ha\ha\’(;n’t I f ffisresfxrtjutjut fo ■ trols of th e submarilarine. been revealed. ihepuhUcfork'1(1^' T hat’s the way/ it should * It’s time - long pastist ttme ‘ ■’ * vvork in a n opentn society, s - - for the-truth to em : i . Clart Walworth...... !...... Managing editor MikejSm Sn it...... Advertisingng didirector it in th e f ir s t: p la c e .” ■ 2011. 'aich w hat hapi>ens in this uuttc itc e rta in i-i • Note the tin-im e M q u e n ce ; F irst, h e said; Treasury Secretary'rj’ Paul1 O’Neill says c o nom y. O n th e sa m e d a y lhthat a t Bush •;.) • The members of Ihe editorial board and writersi ofol editorials are Stephen Hangen, pay down1 tth e d e b t b y g iv in g th e th a t h e th in k s th e taax x lin/in A m m ca. as w ell' ' ‘ of allII c'lof u s d ia l lia v e c h o se ii MiVgic'W<-' , by-year breaktkdown of those estimated ’ “ crapslioo't. M iich Datii*atiiels^ th e s'ti”diglil> , If if the tax cut is trimmed toosensible se V; as Mexico. We have higiliigh n u m b e r o f ...... V alleyley as our home aiul ysjieciailyilly those surpluses. Ancn d g u e ss w h a t? B u sh 's tiwnI._. - talking Hoosier nametlnetl.byBushashis !__ pro|i-oportions Bush,would haveve a .so u n d ‘ Hispanic persons in iiurwir work force but ofusilIS ihai grew’ up liere and choseise ini stay.- hudget-writen•rs .say th e y e x p ec t to see budget director, irisisn;ist^‘d th a t th e re w ere tidget. Limiting overall spendi;n d in g w tie lh e r (ir n o t ii p e rsom n is His]Kinic isan .Arleri'L-n Crouch is one of us who lefte ft th e ______o n ly o n e -q u air rt te r o f th o s e su p n o se d sur- no "magic asterisks’' ir'"JIH ■ groirowth to 4 percent is appropriiipriate, after' etiinic (lesiRiKition, noiI a racialr one. i-or areaiTfor f7 ii wITileTihen i-aim>a'Ck“ir plu.>esiti.iieri{i•ialize in the next live years.'j: referrirfg'to the myslersterious and never-to- ,|,ele congressional appropriauon e.vample, a person couldId hli e I’ueru* ch osese toi invest in ihe future of theth e a re a . F u lly S-1.2 trilliillion of the theoretical S5.6 . be-realized spending.eiig.economies that jjjstist year. His priorities - fromm S(sc h o o l a id - Kicaii..Nicaruuitan. as wellasMwel e.’cican. ' I haveliai not been iniiniaiely closeDseioall trillion is projt) je c te d to o c cu r b e tw e e n fis-jj.* Reagan's man, Davidid Stockman,,S > u.Vpanded health research:i aan n d ser- ' aiKl.siii) be consideredI Hi:llisjtanic:. ilie/ie;n e g o iiatio n s b u t ba%’e trie d .to.to remaini cal 2006, whidich starts a year aftei^ the eihployed to cotrcealtlli the-fiscal conse- vjctices - are right. Congress cana n lih e lp him ' SeuituI, I'would liesilaliilate to character- as iiifoiiforiiied as possible. I chose riotnoi to presidentntial election,and fiscal tiueilcesof dial 1981il b udget.' But in. h is ' la k e a su c ce ssftd s ta n o n hlis is pip re sid e n c y ize Me.\ico as a riclrcoiiiiiiiiiiiry compared to commiunent publicly because I did1 nunot have -j q h next breath, Danielss hh: a d to c o n c e d e th a t i,-yy ie.'cercising good judgmentitonthestze;< on -. the United Stales, In toinioinparison to the alt tilelie facls.'M any have made thci:heiropin-' “ only S1.4 tritrillion in stirpluses is Bush's budget containilined no estim ate of id shape of ihe tax cut. ’ . the additional costsoflof making the pro- .. .United .States. Me.xico hasha;. higher unem- ..ions% kiknown having only had iiifornormatmn e.vpected duriir in g B ush’s c u rre n t te rm - ' “T -----^------^'■11 -ployment. hifjher iiin,;!!ior!ion and much from11 leiiersh to the editor, coffeee sh o p Ijjss thiin the a m o a n i o f hi's p ro p o se d taxIX .posed tax cuts retroactlactive to the begin- pC^vu!. S. H nxkr is ti uaiionat p< , • lower wages, 'I'he neiv presideni.-yicentepre ' talk.ivnews stories and other non-revrehable cui. Fully S1.7.7 trillion of surpluses- ningofthisyear,.asth(the president now ritcr for The Wus/it;v;r«n Post,Wt. r-r I''ox, is w o rk in g to correcteci some of those sourcerccN, T h e real s t u f f h a s b e e nI sirsin c ere ------pro l.le n is,------;------iuui-- beiweiivC-en c arin g , fu tiirc -ih in k in g>, , intelli-in ------:------iiniiortani ntied for eniploiployees in our gentt pP' eo p le. =^]je tT: E F t= area. M.my. jobs that haveave few. if a n y . .Myly congraiiilauons( to Mr. Croucou ch for local applicants ar.e filledled byiuigrant _____stayini/ing ibe course and not walking:ing away. -BeCOme afllorgandpnpr. < .___ O rg a n , e y e a n d tissussue donation does neec e d e d . ■ Hot affect or interfere':re witliTuneral-, -----r----- l'l ean think of very litde betteetterthan to— ^—" workers.'.Many (jTtliesei-iol)s, jo Miclfas ■■■ Iliesiir sign of a man dedicated to lireTuturethe • ify„uareahilh organ, eye and tissue arrangements. Majoror rreligions support knnn ow th a t w h e n 1 d ie, a p a rtt oo f mi e r ...... : tlairj’ work, pay much higlhiglier th a n th e of Ma;:■lagic V alley. I a ls o g iv e h e a rty con-■ d o n o r, yo u c:)uld o u help up to 200 people and encourage organ,m, iu-n.______• pulled from the wreckeckage of their car so coumild there be? To givelifeasa s CG od h a s ■ ____ ------3,47,Twin-FallallsrID 83303rinid-PU-^end- •. ,vel.!t,v-lvi.-vuivuiM'i!i;ilMvoicni •Cori)oriKraiuliiiioii.s and iliankyou. id Itial'lhey nuglii liveL' to see tlieir liitiire givtiven lo u s? T im e is ru n n in g; ouio u t. M o re ■■ jt;romline i officials and .Mr. Arlen cCni rouch.,1 babies grow. To give'e yyour kidneys lo tliailan 74,000 people are wailing,ing. Let’s not. .'our family and'let them .-Ml in all, m igrant work(irkersare vorv lookfoc forward lo great new jobs for.for.M agic . 2. I alk to y o one who depends onna a machine to live, let•t thi e m do w n ! A n y q u e stio nns, s, 0) 3366-6744:, regardle.ssofa■ a person’s decision to GKI-G ItOGKKS . ' J . ii(KOIJIN KJNSKV gasping priest who is drowning( for lack JOUNJ. J) KALANGE donate, the faiat'nily m ust agree. Twin I'alls Je.•rnme m of air so he can returnurn to where he is • T T w in I'alLs


_ „Doonesbury . . ------By-Garry-TrudeaLau— ^ W lallard-RIP i l l m o r e ------—By-Brucejce-Tinsley i|- - -

. ( HI. 7»SXS.W JM t/p/trf The TAIL.- M Sff7/UI$. ^ [M YffsTue^^Z • ■ 'V y ; CO/tCK r X •■ 'BAo5 SUPPOSSP ^ '■jSiir' it\ Ml 6FR) AFTgp -m e £ 5 t w i Cft jARYPe^KeJW r/^c> to sig n . I OiOFIj&.BL ■ TveerJOHfi- b 0 5 ) . A ^ A l - T o ' JIMMY . GCOPKJP. ■■ '/eiO M TS \ a i L B t f e r i ^ /A OP -me . T | JCllfJfJit ^ CXXffJZW ,£L \ \ TOPSmi O — 1 . tm . g M • M i ----- V CAUltte C - Guess -msy I ' ( i+ste W VY fiacpgpc^wilW r I t - , Iagazime... / yk . _ / ‘'5tM iwyioH6 ^ JfC WiUf/ZBAU^AU-y t ] o s OUT. 0 0 - ^

\ ' ■ I : . _ V

Fridty.Mtarchl12,2001 TiiM»M«w»;TwlnFiit,ldb,ltfa

© JP 1 M ( "Poiiei:ing th(lemurlKywo)rld of Interrnetsw .1 ■ he recordingigindus* i — ------^ .• ...... I - - viddeocassette eo recordei^ Ihe forged a n w , highlyIlly l u c r a t i v e l i n i n g3 tfith e be&nning of the ratchet up the pressurere oon the " ic ■ jl tiydo^'tiw VCR,C R , i t fo u n d , h a d s ig n ific a nI t _____home-video maAct.&t. . negotiatirJting piocess’-iOne'iHat______recordihgindustxy.taentienier-the------' » H ' Napster(and "f . SlEVv I e n W i l f - uunftn^Sg'usS^wch as Blit the Napsterr casea is not . promiseses ito be long aiid hard- m a rk e t, b u t h o w t h a t .will , 3 H doesn’t needsditsset- i lo w in g a v ie w e r to v « itd i a another Betamax..InBetamax, In - fought.Tl. The recording industiy occur rem ains to be seen,een. Thi* — -. r1 -...; ------.show . t l ^ e n t oKei; low a t a l a t e r d a te . W ith t h isis- - the makers of the: copyingCO - ...... has notI bronly to contend wiih real question is how to0 pcpolice ------• d ev d is s io n , th e h ig h c o u r t p rq tee c a - . device received a boostbo in their NapsterT bbut also other ^ 3 the copyrights that thelecourt c( ;Napstert$l-bilIionssettle-6 i risk their goodxxlwill, these every- • ed1 vvii id e o c a s s e tte r e c o r d e r man-.. a r . barguning power■ fromfn the sites, likeike Gnutella oi* FreeNei, has reaffirm ed. nieni offer to ovoid whathat could • day users of'the th .devices theoret- ufacra c tu r e r s . N dw i t w a s th e filmIm courts. In the NapstiKter case, the where therethe is file-sharing with- have am o u iit^ to a shuttiutdown ically might: h;ha v e b e e n p r o se -. in dud u s s b y t h a t w a s p r e d ic tin g itsi t .. pressure comes notot fromI the out a cententralized company- Steven W ilf is an associaiKiatepro- . oMts most frequently ddo ow n * -:-----cuted, ...... - - - .. ownivn im m in e n t d e m is e . B u t, ais s ..... courts but from 50 n0 million con- — owned intermint ediaiy and which - - fcssor in theinteilecruatf pro n p eh y ...... Icnded music files is not]lothing In a stunnin,ling reversal, the wekrs k n c n ^ th e fflm i n d u s t iy wras ai sumers who are clanlamoring for are moreire difficulti to policc. program at ihe Universiiyiiy oc f but a final, desperate moveme in , Supreme CouiDurt ov e rtu r n e d th e ' vironjrang Studios negotiated the recording industustiy toper- . -Therecrecordihg industry will ; Connocricut School oJ Law.aw. He a long copyright su it Thr I (Uiually 90 Days) TO A FULLLL 2 YEARS ^ I N apster knows al^ u t specificspc jll 3 , ORIGIHAL DATE OF PURCHAHASE ! i . s DVD PLAYER:R 1 ■ infringing of files postedted on its i IP h H h •puncHAsedessSOS OR UORE P£R ITEM REOVIKEO=D-AVAILABLE • I I WITH I oNLYONireusih: IN A FACTORY S£At£D BOX • HOTirsuajecrro S i i .irTH o J PURCHASE OF ANY BIG SCREREEN COLOR TV 36” OR LARGERIGER I si.te - and the recordingig Iindus- l | | y T * | P OFFER IS FOR INDIVIDUALS. NOT S(/; Jt m th TV PURCHASE UNDER SltM • 0V1DVD With TV PURCHASE of $1699 er OVEiOVER I BUSINESSES I j • N et App/kMbIc to Prior Sole • OwOnl^^On^Coopon P»r Purchast tiy will make sure it doe;!oes l i T i h l l l I receive notice - then Na]^fapster o B S S B B!»9B9R999S> m ust shut them down. ■ ^ m a^.w ays this wasras a gar- den variety copyright case:ca: ___Napster.enables othersrs t to copy without paying royalties; i n c m - i^olves the very core ofo f copy------right - true artistic expr

D COMPACTCC ;Recording companiestsand a OISC AliWM STEREOSTE ahists have good reason»n tto fear f MSSETTE R£CQECORDER H AIWA PORTABIIBLE CD PLAYER. • \ ' \ \ ) > ^ AM-FM STEREOEO RADIO a CASS. ■ ■ ■ J that the availability of freefre I M l - l5 3 C * RECORDER Wn■nTH 4-SPEAKERS niusic on Napster mightu ppu t an RSoSwdcT*''*!^ I * T \ V W • O-Sound (UI I 1 \y ^ C y f eAd to the purchase of musicmi in a.’”' * 4 9 ■ ■ ■■ I ; rm o re expensive formatstslike 1 _____ CDs. In the Napster case,se, the I i g A "■~r^ordihg industiy'pr^rsented compelling evidence that[lat this is precisely whatls’happeniening. fl j B ut Napster’s secfmiilg generous offer of a g ularan- ar BC2]322fiE teed total of S200 milHoilion per ■M t M M itmI biM nvi s y ear for five years for licens-lie 1.Buy«nrOlraeTViTVSyMm -TOTU MOVIES ■ ■ -.BISSit ing really provides littlet le in 2. Buy •(»«»«»*<«•iontllfttUIUtWn •TOTM. SPORTS IS Y«*r -TOTAL DIGITAL I LAYAW/IWAY -—7- r e tu m rlf Napster canI tlu u r u : * ' - S ^ cho1c:EP»g.«.V p -TOTALCMOICE ; ~ ' AVAIUBJVBLE . itself into a fee-based s'eservice BiTTi*!. and estabHsh technologyogyto- 9 _ ■ enforce its proprietaryy_rights ri ____ over downloaded music,:ic,then .tuMAMka . th e recording industiy/c C( o u ld do so'itself - and pocketcetthe :mii»usT« CLElAfliSWE■EPS profit. If Napster cannotlo t keep > others from swapping musicmi (P^aionlcFl'i ( [53=lARPHp i PANASONIC ^ SHARP 1 ^ ' NATIONALLYLY SSOLD for free, and th e burden 3MNCH STEREO 25-INCH COLOR I LIPS MAGNAVOX n | | H 13-INCH COLORCOL policing rests with th ei record-re MONrrOR-RECEIVEI■VER TELEVISION WfTH f 9-INCH COLOR TVWITH21-K21-KEY- . ing industry, then there,re iis no W llh 2-TUNER P-t-P’•••p. TRILINGUAL If V WITH TCTTAL REMOTE CONTONTROU SURROUND SOUNDjn d , ’ MOTE CONTROL ON-SCREEIHEEN i reason to deal with Naps : ON-SCREEN ■ U gh to d UNIVERSAl DISPLAY AND E . MENU D ISPLAY PU IN • I ------The settlement offer is:isaplea,. . REMOTE ft 3 SETSE T s . REMOTE CONTROL I r ^ < i £ i y r ' MM .ENGLISH & SPANISH.SP/ ______: B of AA/INPUT JACK^cK s S & AUTO SLEEP£EP TIMER in the w rds of Napsterrd d] E O . •ffankBany, ‘/that.thisconcommu- nity ought to be allowedd tt< o s t ^ • • $189 ^139® '9 together.” But there is nono reali ------OLORTV . , community. In st^ d , thereere are ' »659 ^ HITACHI 60-INCH PHILIFILIPS MAGNAVOX ( ttffSHiBi I "7S ICHFST . DUAL TUNER P-l-P SOiO" " TELEVISION ' ■ > TOSHIBA COLO ___ only indiadualfonsume.Rlere ...... ,:i-S a TOSHIBA DVD VIDEt —ITH-INCREDIBLEJ WITH ____D f i K INVAR . PLAYER, DOLBY* ~ -STEREO PROJECTION W ith 36-INCHBETM I TS- • bristUng at the high cpstst 0of CDs tfflSHlBAiS TELEVISION With MTS STEREEREO"-, P-l-P And BLACK® INVi DIGfTAL & DTS» SCREE^EEN PROTECTOR \P dbx®. and wanting a more convenvenient COMPATIBLE WITH STEREO/SAP W /dbx~ U J W ^ . I ------SUPERTUBETIC> Sound, • way of.acquiring, storingig an£ d . VIRTUAL SURROUNI SURROUND SOUND & Ama • IX'MM m STEREO/SAP. Romoto d i------SOBND&OSD UNIVERSAL REMOTE k ess to | ^ ; ¥ ^ i -WTTH SMOOTHSCAN­40TE [PafM fnnfcT-,:-.'-’ SURROUND SOUND,. . in OPTICAU150* . -* lER And hand negotiating powerr ttc o t h e , DOLBY® DIGITAL ^ DIGITAL ZOOM • A , I WITH COLCZOOM SMOOTHSLOWMODE VIEWFINDER recording industry as theyley enter & MuKI^Brsnd REMOTi DECODER And M 10 sD^ui REMOTE CONTROL -M i’,l ; 2 0 k/2 0 0 x ZO this new market. (TV/RECEIVER) ______CAMCO I .jJgB w . 'cot;oR m m ______S O T . , What makes the Napsteister case P iBxc f i ' ■ ' different froni'theaveragj•age* in »329'[^ c o p ^ g h t case is the sweeveep of / ■ ' J ^247 i: ^ ^271' DIOITAl ' J «197'tO R ( PANASONIC I j H f n l WITH 3- LCD . . the infringement. From1 thtfi e fil- >HS VCR WITH I J V b h ■\ JVC MtnlDVITOR. Old 2S0> ' ’ ing of the lawsuit by thee record*r ■ "o" |au_gy;-.' . QUASAR n CAMCORDER WITHrALZoom, TOSHIBA 1 9 -COLoiAA/ • Lit5555S*i_ • BY PANASONIC AflwIIP UtrMUI-lr. Rebut ^ «ULTI-BRAND 1------COLOR MONITOR,iwflndor. irig industiy at the end of 1999 ' TVA/CR COMBO Will 4-HEAD VHS HI-FI IVERSAL TOWER 1 * — ^ . SUPEROIGITALIPICTUflE Z REMOTE, 2 VIOEOLOCK MOTE CONTROL i | NTH , STEREO VCR WITH ^ — ■ ■ COtOB Vi»wfln<■«ER . ' I — until the recent court niliitiling,. HEADS, FRONT A/V .C>oc« S«f Mutli.Funclon H F . f| l S = S m REMOTE And pic INPUTS, AUTO CLOC i UNIVERSAL REMOTE M Dr.pIa,-VKl»oM.inSi.n- ■ ■ Napster had swelled.to moremi ( • ConimtitKl Skis ■ Ttilinauil a e.EVENT/1-MONT^ ' On.5««.nU."u-Aul«-Cl«.^l than 50 million users. PROGRAMMABLE JPaqasogtej' > 0.0'lji * **■ .. It was these numbers: thatth; uN ivE ■ 1 re p eat----- ‘'" '.L—-rr: REMO"^59 - gave Napster hope for a re >b" . ^89 ^ -AuloCkx of the 1984 Supreme (^ourt u r case f ■ Cloe> D»r ™ J 2 l9jy® f . . ! ; tu< S,«i.nICHNICS 2-WAY. LY SOLD • known as the’^tam six cascase [ J ^ TECHNiCS FRONT ( SPEAKER BASS • S S i , 1 ^ ^ •FLEXSPEAKER HELP Before the Betamax case ,V JVC-1MW*5 DOLBY® ' LOADING 5-DISC $ n NATIONALLYWITH J CO CHANGER SYSTEM IfnOK _____ 3-CD SHELTEREO reached the high court, thi i WITH QUICK DISC a i ' s a ' - s i s V M M s9 i ^ 1 ^ ) SYSTEM ANDwn ' . > W T H 5.1 CHANNELS I ROTATION SYSTEM nyrB irflii a m /f m s t e r eral 9th Circuit had decidt TECH EDECK In 5 DISCRETE AMPS t u n e r a n i that the videocassetto rec<'ccorder E SH IB • Doreyc SuMDun4 Pro-!■ lot ■ ■ 2-SPEome T.««laf fSUriOO D.’JI? ■ ■ ■ ■ ‘CASSETTE DE contributed to the infringtngement . REFLI of copyright. In Betamax,ix ,asinj : ^ I mm . O^EACHOQ99 L. • ■ _ 7 ' ------Napsterrthere wasUterriK•riRle ^ ' J ^89 L #J- V TOTAL outciy. In order for the vidvideo-- f H g m ^%1lECEtVER AM-FM CD . I ^ ■ N SONY 200W TO ifiE. f 1 SHARP 0.7 Cu. Ft. 700W ’■DOWN . cassette recorder manufac RECEIVER. , ■ I -POWER.CD RECE 3HARP'l.4Cu. fi;EL . COMPACT CAROUSELt' 1 0 0 W A TTS LE PACE. •ers to be liable for contribi MICROWAVE W)th4-DI0IT ■NY.I wrrH FLIP.DOllEREO f- 950 WATT OVER-THE- -mm O TAL PO W E R DETACHABLE F, -to infringement,-otdinarynry-users ----- — RANGE CAROUSELitjNOr OI»pI«y, ll-S/S'Tum Ublo, DTEXT _ -AUrO.t0UCH.C0NTR0LS.. S>1(%CK Urct\jr.tm • CV^<> AM/FM STEREFRONT & of the device in homes weiwere ISMARPI^^ MICROWAVE OVEN, TUNER. CD TE r - -INTERACTIVE C00K1NC I INSTANT START KEYS B ) . C.«'V MP OUTS identified as infringers in 1the & 1 0 POW ER LEVELS V DISPLAY 4 .FROICJOOOX 7>DI0rr 0I9PUY & S ' £ REAR PREAMP ( 9th Circuit’s decision. AlthJthough IMNCH TURNTABLE SoflOomo , .rjlB UoMim-iuo the film industry did notIt wishv. to 1 7 J «59 L______^13- • I «229 «3 By G.E. f I HOTPOINT BY G.E. ( ■JERAL ELECTRIC RANGE LARGE CAPACITY Cu. Fl. CAPACITY \ HOTPOINTCU. By IFT. HOTPOINT By Q.E. ' 30" ELEC. RAh ' ECECTRIC DRYER Wllh fpKM^ ' EFRIGERATOR- RE | ^ ING OVEN Keep track ------E X l ^ J J u { f i E _ m . V^ITH 5.0 CU. 1 . 3 HEAT SELECTIONS Pc 0*ip CAPACITY WASHER • Auio Olv Control • 3 CycW . t o t ! ,____ U SELF-CLEANING o f y o u r ______‘ • WJTH 7 CYCLES. 3 S«>»clion» Aulo CononfAulo ------'WASH/RINSE TEMPS P»fmio«n1 Pt#t» • limod Oiy ' ^ • MDIi’DCW' •MVLJUEYWW i investm ents w i t h ' 1^ : ' 4 3 WATER LEVELS ■l‘C0»O0 ■ 59 the Money pac ^ $259 ^ «219 [i V >399 « CSTO SHARM2AUI> ______O'SULLIVAN LPTURED AH eNeRor-. udrary I HOME MEDIA CENTE r STAND rn . ' ' in'UPSlOHTVACUUM [ , • • AiUuli Well 3f t v > . 5in>*t TECH CRAFT SCULPTI h QUADRUPLE tillCROH : GENER' >.PkH O.*. 10C0»-a;WmOj, TERAt. ENTERTAINMENT ST 1 - .lalM MoM*d Dr 0 » Km P< In 0« lloro,. • TIM, AdvMlU»«M« IfKli-fc I- kaihih etvp 2 > Prto*« 0< OoUyMl BMipllw thlpmorMt V> rCR Lets TMC IDENTICAL ITXH IH A fA< at! ArTtN T !,, S 6 SunuP(>o«r| I ««."su KK?;;r.»wfr«S'rf“Y^s UCTION«. afCCIAL FUHCMA»Ci AHP ITtIWill Olldtr Vou A OBBSBDOBb . BBOgOOOBBSBOl CHICK PoOCVl Occ*>»en>ny thm T* Uixaa«■ PifrtwtMCi iau« AM AOoiTtowAi.rM aa riHO^T OTMcn lm a l STOns"iT< I ntMr** T>M RMM To LMI Ou«MIIM«. • Ho a»% or TW« PIfFtHtWCK. TXIl AOVIH ■

208- 735-8603


T lm e t^ m . Twin Fall*,[[•,lda)M> I Friday, March 2 ,2 Q 0 1 ' “1 ' , ■

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H[ertz t of M K lagic Valleley j FfJ t e - . - 1 : WouldI Like to Tlmm^ f m « rfc ( t^ m ; ■ . ■ 1Southerrn Idaho, ■ - Z Z T f — - 1 for Makiling"Hertz m T l n ^ B I r M i Idahco’s #1 M !_ ', ~mISEDCARrDEALER!' }* - 9BPIR llii : We'dd like to show ouiur appreciation bjby .i J i i I.-;...-.’•.‘'■.‘•■V-'\.''V'’^H ■ ;..„' offeriiring you a chancece at a First ClassiS ■ ■■ m ^ m . \ ' 1 )^ Vacatiation for two. ___^ _ s?j;v;.7y;'i!i ■lust: VVisit Our Showrcroom This Month'h a n d . ^ , RegisIisterTp Win. NoI PurchaseF Necess, - m m .' Iv TheVWinning Name WillW Be Drawn . ■ Satunirday, March 31. /And. The Winnerr m — —- - - Majrfrehooye-A-Trip TTo Hawaii, ' ' ■ I" Tt- tr, ( 3 ‘ ■ Disne;leyworld, iVlexico0 or an Alaska ^ ^^i;<. ,5 __ L ..' Cruiii(iiie!.!.^___ s 1 re y islrslration per family.-Adult;jIts 18 y ea rs o r o ld er m ay ienter. . • '.' v-SS if: T L o ^ M lim ^ PoiowcrSe«to*.tlUSteering •C■ C niL w • =-You N eed Not BeJe P re se n t To W ln~>------JiminI .•'Sl^C M K lte*.KeuVtSoggfT- Kc ------‘ Id a h10 o ID c p a ftm en l o f M o lor r V> eh icles - th r u J a n u a r y O )ioR^ MO. DID. • ;.';.72niohU»lh»*tSJO%APR ! H v \

DURAHMAXDIESELiL u - — i s S s . s i ; ' '■“sS £2;.*'o^aco~~^ I \ • P 2001 CHE1iVY 2500 QQUAD 4X4I LS EX-CAAB llock #1692 • O nly 60 Miles* • Longbox • Power Seat •• PP< o w e r W in d o w s • Pow er Lo<.ocks • Potyijr M irrors • Tilttit steS e r* S s ^ s ? S s " ”--' ing i • Cruise Coritrol • Wheelafels ••Tow Package ■ as:;:-'- .. i ¥ ^ OB ^ LEASE W ...'•’‘^“V - ■' ■ ^ y ( c ) ^ j y FOR ^ MO. G(30V0RIM0 SRPlPSKO-HpVATSKI K\ ; Se Habla1 EspafiolI RLS Inc.. A HcfU Corporationon LUc«nM «; 02000 Hertz Corpoialioolioa ‘ 636 Pofeiiline Road, Tvrwin Falls • 7733-4000 . f ... ------j- ■ ■■ ’ . i

• Rollover: Burley. Inside critical conditicrh... ■ InBoischq^iiaL— - Obituaries...... ______W aho/W est .'P a g e B S y m 5 1 m s CilyUufUlon K^'in Rjchrrt - 733-093093i,iLxs.B4. .The Times-Ncw ■ r - ' -Sc•Section B

T— - ;r rc\'vard t wm h Streeter Where to calli ~ 7 ~ | C a iile CountyIty H ig e n s said th e restresults of long- -, TF hospital me(leetihg r. AgrWctlon trade I theexpiperts show continues to ------nviN FALLS-=fThfe' Z2 4 th a n n i ^ I State brushesI C S up_____ r^=-Agri*Action tradedlowvf v\vill r e s u m e '— to d a y a t th e CSI E x p o CCei en te r. I on student te:testing' _ - —T o d a y ’s - h o u rs -a re rlOrio-a^mrto 7 ------pjn. Saturday’s hours arearc 10 a.m. to H , By Jennifer Sandm anninn . 4 p.m.* I Times-News writer The event is free andid openo to the ' public. * H TWIN F.ALLS - V.How much Agri-Action feam ress agricultural-a| H public schools shoullould test stu- r e la te d p r o d u c ts a n d s si e r v i c e s H dents and what shouldould happen to in te re st to farm e rs, ranchiic h e rs students who do not pass loom------and dairymen. More)re than 110 H in g s r a ie itr a d iia n o^n n titests will he exhibitors are expecti a t t h e H * debated this month.h. e v e n t.’ ______H Educniors, businesiness people . and policy-makerss wi w ill m e e t in Klmberiy senior cecenter Boise next ueek to Ilearn what H n a t i o n a l _ holds fundH'alslhgtg dinner H' e.xperts say H about ihese . HMBERLY-TheAgclageless S e n io r \ iSws'lTnk ; ■ i s s u e s , Center will hold a fund-rid-raising din- m ew< • , . S Speakers*...... ner from noon to 2 pmm..Sunday.at .. ^ ^ i n c l u d e 310MainSt.N. ^ 'William H; Schmidt.dt. director< of The main course will b e ^ the center overseirseeing the ! beef. The cost is SS foror iadults and ■ - —naiion'-s panicipaii7aiion-in-thv-,------SlM foFchildfS:— ^— H . international mathh andai science ' "study that coriipares'Ue s'tr.S ! sTiidetU • - - V' . Ketchum hospice H performance againsilinst students 1 H from a ro u n d th e gloln.-.olh.-. receives $20,0000 grant . B [ 'Next week's conferiiference is the KETCHUM - The WoodW( River. n kick-off to an intenseise stale< effort Valley Hospice, whichich provides 10 d e v e lo p a p u b liclie sschool sys- ' '■ care to the d>ing and bcritxireaved, has J ^ tem “assessineni and'accuunt-anc received a 520,000 gcanant from St. ' " . abilh>'” plan- The StatState Board of L u k e 's W ood R iv er Foundundation. fv E d u c a t i o n 's ' , , v \ o l u n t e e r , “Hospice is one of thithe medical *w .V ' ' i .A ssessm ent a n d .-\cco^ccountahiliiy cenier^s key partners,”J,” said; Judy , . J..Commis5ioniwill_cortearte.up..with.a ______■ Atkinson, presidentt 'ofb the St. p roposal. Luke’s Wood River Founcundation. “&»• . "It’s going to ber a Ihuge thing ■ ad d itio n to p ro v id in g \-italital programs .... for parents," said;1 cocommission like Camp Friendship andan( wellness louctwiiiH _____meml>er_D.alticai'ne..rie,.princinaL iti_____ — groupsrthey are'on'cal'call for'our— — j5 Jefferson Elementarj-tar\' School in ilies24hou.. Natasha1 BrennsrBl play< n viola part duringIng a> rehearsal for the Twin FallsIts Elementary Orchostra. Thele orchestrao will perform a t 4 p.mp.m. a t tho Magic Valley Mall as patients and their familie: J e ro m e . . '• • part of the:he About Healthy Kids Baby a nid d CChildren's Falre. The event wilivlll feature events such as aI ple-thiowingpl< contest and a child a da y , 355 d a y s a y e a r." hlldren's fashion show. Is-sues to be consideridereci include The nonprofit St. Luk.uke’s W ood liow much and whatat kindk of test- River Foundation gran•anted m ore- •ing schools shoulduld do- ilu than 5307,000 during 2000200 to such I H ^ amount of testiiigiig in public groups as Hospice, thee RRomancing V ^ Ahildren’s J s fair ansswers hilealth qLuestionsJ schools has beeri a concernCi In the Bean Coffeehousej s e , W R M C som e. T h e s ta te a lso•io nimust decuic Women’s Resourcc-Cente IferSendmann------hott-TO-hoid-smdenr;enrs-accoimt- - St. Luke's, a new commu e w i w riter______. able for learning ththe e n e w cu:' matioii and referral Sser . " h e FairIre fare riculum stand.iriK spelledspe OUI .i: foundation receives donai The About Healthy Kidi Baby i ■J FALLS - H eadlining lyand- Saturday the SSouthcentralol Distnct Heolth each giade Icvci. aand n d ih e re lia,s m e m b e rs o f th*e c o m mn u u r S / a n d runs trom .4 ti hird Annual Baby and. Chlldren'a Falre 1 to 9 p.m. All day: Scooter' obstacleob couue: com- Oepartrlartment. ■ ,f)een ilisciis-siun m' using usi: e,\isiin,k earnings on iis S1.8 milU(mione^clow. . Friday and from 10 a.m. to 9 1 m.: Neilsen's Star G a:efS .. jn’s Faire” this year is’ 9 p.m. outer gam e tourncirnamoni, ' 2 p.m.: I D;easeseeTESTESTS. Pac? a i m ent. I p.m.: Tootfi Faiiy presenta'lion on I d a h o FiFirst Lady Patricia Saturday a t Magic Vollc; Mat),itl. A list of 1 0 a.m .: Strollerr paradep, contest loak- 2:30 p.r )n free Center Court activities foil lome, who will hi^iliglu - - _____mg Jotjnem ihrithrce.best-flecofoied ' ..^healthyl.thyjeetn by the health depart- ^__ “ House'recelves hislilstorlcal « " ’s focus on child immu- ■ Friday ' “ • .strollers, mp'nt,It, ■-...... • • ■ ---M an pleadads— - I. ■ 4 to 6 p.m.: Patricia Kcmpttioaome, 1 0 a.m . to 1 p.m.:m.: SAFE.KipScar 3 p.m.: IDaddy's 'N Diapers. Ccmpote designation In Halli Idaho's First iJdy; Amber,Cno:nossen. safety se a t installtaliations and msDee- J.'^ n o'old-fashioned cloth diapcf con ’Iley ■ "‘TtT,™irst lady will kick off the innocent tt( o HAILEY-Tho dly offof Hailey has , fair at 44 p.m.| today in Center Olympic higti Jumpci: Twin Fallalls . tiotis in the J,C.:.-Penney Pi Co. inc. park- 'csi-. ‘ 3:30I p.np.m.: Children's fashion show, desi^aied the Fox houseuse at 119 E. • Court att Magic^ Valley Mall with Elemontoiy Schools OfchoslraIra: Cat In - mg lot, . Bullion St. as a buildingig havingh his- a speechh abouta Idaho’s new and the Hat story time: New Year'sir's Baby ' 1 1 a.m .: poiico RhythmsRh 4 p.m.:Tl.: IExercise for kids. hargcs I p.m.: Sage Gymnastics. , I * federal cha torical si^ficance lo Hallilalley. voluntarjory Immunization ond Native Idahoan Tuition FurFund Qoby 1 1 :3 0 a.m .: Q.irnc:inos & Mot)le In:, sior> 4:30 p.n I Tl.: Aoult baby food eating con- Tlie building, recentlyly purchased{ Reminderler Information System, Celebration. time,-’’ • 5 p.m.: ■ - By N.S. Nokkontved for office space by the WoodW< Riyer i r i s . D)uring u r the health fair, '6 p.m.: Sage Gyr;inasllcs Noon: Adult b ! HOI-I.I.STKR - .\A ltn;al11 mnln Pciiitie eicnieii ' 6:30 p.n ! collector has pleadedded innocent Orcn Kirott pics ill I'lCi' siren ts , 1881, the .same year Haileliley became. to statev:ewide imm unization 7:30 p.m.: Exetciso tor kids - interne-ii tar>' scnooi dt.ini.iii'.i Ciul'S ncrto'ni ; .CMilaffi ' ‘ to leileral charges; thatthi he ilie- n.: HPrlH-'H COOtlMp wct'l HuIS a city.,- r e c o r d ss-,and_sends . , : parents , tive domoristrations. 5cei.'(’‘-I 'o ip ’ Tnene Ui/o'(! ,mc] ; 7 p.m.: I ’ gaily du^np Iiuliatitl aat riifa c ts on lonsttniion ' The oricinal two-room>m log struc- reminder;ers when it's time for 6 ' p.m.: Pie-throwing conicst. ChilbronCl 'Bye. ByP BirUiCe •' ■ • (lemons , . piihlic lands, ture was Duilt in the fallfai of that shots. throw pics at their parents, .1 :3 0 p.m.: H)('.n>in'L'lie i^csuntiiliyn Ot 7-30■p.mi: p.n C.iijo star, t.mo ; .i,erry Lee Younglo of t liolliMi.r.' y e a r. • " O n e oofourgoals.thatwelive f — wlio owns the-ldalioilio Heritage The Wood River LarLand Trust by Is niakiaking Magic Valley the MMcMuIlin, clinical manageger for Tin-Iiospitalil .is,i S|ionM_>riiin't!u' . tiolit ii (o n c ilild ri'ii u p to .'ifje' l.i,I.i. M u s e u m lUi L',.S. MigHigliw.iy oj. wants'to restore the hou;louse, which healthiestBSt p la c e to liv e . W h a t NMagic Valley Regional MeJetlical fair tliai thisi year,y< hroiiileriing shesa:■ said. this week pleaded.1 innocentin ti> still contains part of thehe log struc- better,pla.)lacc to start than with CC enter’s maternal/child ddc e p a rt- i t s fo c u s o u pr<,p re g n a tK 'v , iiii'antr< all five fel- t\ire ha ck to it.s 1906 stalate. te The his- our chllclldren,” said Candy mm e n t. aiurtoildli.TN to iiiclude iiifortna- • . / Please sop HEALTH, Page e-63 ony counts, j ^ toric de.signatlon allowsws bujldirtg . Young was officials some flexibllii.llityinthe T T! ^ ^ charged with L huiidliig code so the hou?iou.se can be J“^ 1 O 3 v io la tin g ih e i,,; rchabilitnted in a mannernerassensi- -C gh court 14uph] o ld s e]x p u lsio n sIS of pellet‘t shooters tive to its historic nature ological KOsourcee Protection P ureuspossi- 'Th.A.tocIi>clated P r e u Brian Bi Bro'wn should he rciiL'iuiiiiii- liu u i >.ii(l till.':lie Supieine fuim. reluct,net.nice lhat tiie courts of thi: •1)lo. • Act. destruction ol1' goveniniefiigo Tlm'ei-News ,ted*tu ,tc school. Carlson hadlid cull- with H‘"’d ivaMiison. Ii.ul nut lu'cn statete s'liinild■ hecome involved, it: Tridii Caniidiiy, architecitectunU his- J.,-, property, thel'i ol'’ ggo- o v e rn m e iii ^ ^ eluded cl lhat the stmk'nts' su^pcii-su iiivolvi-il wiili aa Itiiuli schoul diMi- Vuiiniiiflicis uliich arise in the oper to ric al a n d n a tio n al regi.stiy.ster coordi- unicc -.pri^pefty. and possiossession ol 2 - A judge imprT)puriy "■ '’si sio n 'fro m G oo d in g H ig h Sclu)ol' Si •, pliiJiir.v L-iiM- MIKn ic e so m e ’HiiiKliaiii a tioon n oi t .scliuot sy ste m s," ' - nutor with tlw Idaho Statttate Historic iij., sto le n p ro p erly . d the Gooding School immediately in following thee Sept. Otuniy girls \wiwre tlisciplioeil fur InII .irpm,i ients before llie coun I’rejw rv au o n O ffice, .saidid t.he bmid. M o'ked 1 ,„ l ■ T h e H oise g r a n d.1 ;jiiry ;iii indict- . expulsion of two high 24, 2< 1998, pt^til gun incideiiL'lil was' u'cjiriiig s'liicksvs : a n ti p a iitsu its lo - ^\ovemhei-20()0. the-school ing IS “clearly an importi»rl0 M stnic- 1,^. '■mciil'chargeil N'oiiiigling w ith diK' ' tirdents who admittcd to flawed. fli —i— —M-hiK)l ill 1. (listric■trict h a d th e n g lii to u x p e l ih i ture in Hailey’s historyy na n d c V c w ' s d i » l slird liiiis .tip'. m..ro t ill; h a n ' 1 .200 I pellet gun on school Chief Justice Linda Cul^upple “It i'i into theth hands of the . sttideiideiirs louder ai\. Id a h u 's “ giiri. . effort should be made to pre.ser\'e . . ^ rin g n p American Indian artifutifacis from' p r o p e r t yy, , the Idaho Supreme T Ti rout also wrote thut,>tli(;he stu- ■ school hoard.flcelected by the local free'se 's c h o o r / o u e " s t a n i t e . silh: and restore it." 'fc'd eriil—Ittntl—tHi;y B ria ii-Ju lia n . \ ^ o re p rc It is eligible for listlrilln g in lh e Court said, . archaeological sites naninious opinion issued not nc violated by the three-ir•month. , l.egislature liaslas iiliiced the ills-. -sememed the Gooding School National Risglster of Histoistone Places Yoiing's-Tuih Kailsalls anorney y, the five-member high expulsion e> order, as Carlsonon had crciioiiary po^viiAver to ^lisc^pline,^.'■'^l^slri^;irici. . - ' : ■ ' ■ for its association with theIhe early his- - Thursday,^ Harry DeHaan. whoivlio did.noi - sid 5th District-Judge ruled, ru since they wcry proi■ovidcd- and expel studi:ii'iems’; she wrote. -"If•If wo’re> going to have districi tory of the founding of’ Hailey,Hi she . fo u rt said ,]j. • ' return telephone callsills Tluirsilay. ^ added.* • M o n te C2arlson ai erred in ruling ' with w adequate noircc oof f t h e ••-.Vs-we c a ru iomed n i iirour earlier ju'tlge;Ige^ jiinijj into school discipli ^ that studeidents Clint Rogers and board'.s b( action and a Hearingngr' ilecisioiis. it isis- ^ijiK'^with great , Q3 _ ''.Please see YOUN'OUfiG. Page B3 ■ Compiled from staffst« re p o rts Please see EXPEL. Page B3

-r ' ' • • . - B-2 Tlme*New».TwlnFitl*.lt l « , l ^ Friday, Much 2,2001

- 3-MAGie-VAi\LUh'/lDAHOy - - ' ' ■ Court upholdsI iWler’secmvietioin Wcrndell drIrivers b)ucklc I • B O IS E (AP)-A unanimous u n ' .34, and chil:hildrcn, Joshua Corn- possibly pos schizophrenia. u p Idnho Supreme C(Court on , ellier, 10, andan Tabitha Comcllier, IiIn another criminal case.e, the By QIna M ulder- cersm: made a an additional 482 tral-i- offer, but with a h ’Augikugiist repay- -■•Thursday uplield conviinv ic tio n a n d 8. SupremeSui Court upheld the d Mpondent fic stops. stoj Out of those trafficic ment date when thele Cdty would - ■ d e a th s e n le n c e o ( R o bbin in Lee Row _ In her latestit appeal, .Row - sionsioi by a lower court in BitiE stops,)s, 70 safety.restraint.cita-a.::___ be In better finandiai a l; standings __ for killing her husbandand arid w o ' claimed thatiiat her l a s e r s failed to - C Coi o u n ty to a d m it e v id e n c e ofdnig f c . WENDELL-WWendell drivers tionss werew< issued, he said. . after the Jiily tax: assessinentas: ■ - • children nine years ago.go. , ' press the: possibilitypi that brain • trafficking tfal found during aI war-\ -are buckling up mmi ore these days, Fisheisher said he plan s to r eapplyly ■ check is received. •___ * Thu court-Tejecrerf:^■ d T tll'R o w ’s------d a m a g c T nlay a j h av eco n trib u ted to ------ranranrless-searrch"of"A nthi:hony- PoUollce’“CS}eJlDave for anotheram Occupant Safetyiy“ DTotKeFBusinesrWirWednesday, ___ ..-.;daiins. indudm g allegaijgations Uiat her behavioi/ior in killing her fami- DotDohato’5.garbage. The court Fisher told thele City Council Grant,nt,-which would, start Inn the council approvede d 1 a r e q u e st ’ • sho was not adcqnate:iuely repre* Jy. lowlowed the U.S. Supreme CcCourt Wednesday thatlat the Wendell . March,ch. . . ’ _ from Business, RecRecreation; sented by hcrattdmeys.■ys.' • • ' ■ Followinj ru lin g th a t th e re is n o rig h t to ing CT serins iri 1993 ‘ mil topn- Police Deportm'ourism and . It. w jis'ih e se co n d timime e the high - showing dtrophydti of the brain, vaqvaqrin^bage.- — ' m entin the lO-mtmonth Occupant bers.sai said they’d like to strike a History, (B.Rj:.A.T.H.).H.) to place d the con- lawyersconc coiirt. has rejected t jncluded that m ore test- I Ii n w ritin g fo r th e c o u rt, tnief Cl Protection P ro^ram has resulted deal1 withwi the nu-al fire depart-1- signs in WendeU. Pollyoily Huggins dertined murderer’s app«ippeals. ing was nee lecessary to determine JusJustice Linda Copple Trout* 5 • in more motorisi•ists using iheir ment,it, whichv has offered to helpIp with B.R£j^.T.H. saidmid the ;ion- R»»w. -IB, w a s c o nivictcd v i( and what impactict the situation had on Dor Donato had no reasonable ex] seat.belts. , th e ddty ty pay for its share of neww • profit organization v/aswas working ordered executed- forr settingse the., her behaviqviqr. Her lawyers said tatii:acion of privacy in trash dep( "The OCcupan;ant Protection extricatication equipm ent - , dosely with South Cent>ntral Idaho - ' ' -family duplex on fire in February: that further'ertesdng would reveal edi sd in a public'area and access;ssible Program startedsd ih April 2000 ,, “Therhe rural department a^eed:d -' Recreation .andI T o u r is m '. 1992. killing her husbantland, Randy, potential menialilTnessme including totJ[Q th e p u b lic . ______^ • —a n d w nc ed_by a $4.100 _ to consg^njider the i^ea of footing.|g-_A«odation,tojlacej5igJjsigns.around ____ flrunt ^rotn thp '>ffiro of Highway ------Safety. The mone ney was used to Councilncit-would be agreeable to0 off the highwayr . a n d in t o = = S efiRVICES= pay ■$2,500 in polic)lice officer over- ■ makee a a motion a n d approve thatIt Gooding County’s tovmsvm s. . time wages and to purchase two motionion to repay them back byy The Wendell' signig n s w o u ld klmo Grant Burgergess of Twin Heyburn,, servicesi at 1:30 p.m. servic-vice at 1 pjn. Saturday in ththe new radar units totalingtot $1,600. the firstIrst of June,” said Fire Chiefii direct tourists to locationsloct in l-'alls, service at 1 p.np.m. today at Saturday at the Heyburn LDS Hove:iveRober^n Funeral Chapepel; F ish er said ththe program’s Red Orr.On , Gooding where area;a mapsn and I'urke's Magic Valleilley Funeral chapel; frienends may call from 6-8 burialrial will follow at the Jerom>me , major objective: wasw to increase Thenle new equipment would costit information can beb e f o u n d , H o m e in T w in F alls.i. p .m . to d a yy aat Hansen Mortuary Cemeim e te r y , tH ere w ill b e n o p u bblic li seaLbelC-usagejain Wendell bv 6 aboutIt $10,200,$ which would bee Huggins said the groi•roup would •Rupert Chii^hapel, 710 6th St., viewiriwing. percent. In Novenember-2000, the equallyilly'split between the city'y work with the-h e- I d a h o Kuhcn Del Bosqiisque Sr. of Rupert, andnd before the services , compliance rateI wasw 56 percent, and ruralrur fire departments. OrrT Transportation Departpartme'nt on Heylnirn. funeral Mas;lass at U a.m. Saturday at the church; inter- Jose[oseph A. Bauer of Paul, sei;er- up from 26 percentent in-April-2000i------s a linnew-equipment-was-needed- e i d-:— the-type-of-signs-and-wld-wher©-they------Kiday at the Littlittle Flower ment willI bbe at the Heyburn vicee ata 11 a.m. Saturday a t ththe . The program als(ilso emphasized becausiluse the fire departm ent’s's would be placed, ’ Catholic Church, 1601 16< O akley; cemetery, Paulul ILDS Stake Center, 424 UW. ^ th e need for pr.oper p child existinging extrication eq uipm ent isis Also Wednesday, com:oundl mem- Ave. in Burley; burialrial win be in ' EUisis ijin Paul. Burial will be in ththe " ' restraints along withwi motorcycle ineffectective on newer vehides. bers agreed to adoptip t t h e 1997 . the Gem-Memorialil CGardens in -Dora . \>W heeler _Mads_en • Paul.Cid .Cemetery. Friends may ca]a ll and bicycle helmetlets; • Sinccnee the first-of the year,*, version of the Uniform)rm Building Burley; friends mayr callca one hour W aymcnt: of0: Jerome, viewing fromim 6-8 p.m. today at Payn.rne To help make motoristsm aware councilicil m em bers h av e repeated-1- Code. Currently, the(he city has prior to the funcra!•ral M ass on ,from 9:30-11I I a.m. Saturday at the M oi rrti t u a r y , 221_\V . M a in S t . iiin __ of the programI aand^i'ts safety ly deniienied Orr’s $4,500 requestit been using the 1994 venversion . Fl‘niay~(Tayne MVrdriuafy'iir^huTcK oi r^fuituncral at 11 a.m. iturlejrley and'from'10-I'0:45 a.m.m. issues, th e Weirendell Police saying'iig'the-dty'didn’fhave'the-e------B urley). Saturday atIt thet: Jerom e 1st Ward Saturdu r d a y a t th e c h u r c h .' .Department condnducted satura- moneyey forI the new equipinent.[. Times-Ncws corresponowndcnt Cina ■ Chapel, 8011 B St.; internm ent will ______tion-patrols.each.ih.month,-Eisher__Council.icil.membei:s.arejviUingjo_ 0 _M uldercan be rvached.ir.^jn W endell . Jo s e p h ■Joe' C la rkk oiof Buhl, scr- be at the GrGroveland Cemetery Elsiilsie Conger of Twin FallsLls, said. As a result,It, W endell offi- consideiider the rural department’ss at 536^649. ' vice ai 2 p.m. todayy ata the First • near Blackfocfoot (Hansen M ortuary memo:morial graveside service at ^ - • Christian Church inn Buhl;B inter- Rupert Chap'. and certainly hasas a lot of false - the paylay of all teachers to levelss individuals hit hard‘d b y r is in g hope.” th a t districtsdisi can ill afford andi healtii insurance premiiumiiums while' Dnnte Julcamanyailyan of W est ------' — , RepubUcan Rep.tp. Don Pischner th a t areare above the overall aver- creating an incentivelive for the Valley City, Utah, funfuneral Mass )EATHNCOTICES - of Coeur d’Alene1 wasw; in m ajority age salaialary in Idaho. uninsured to buy thele ccoverage at ntxm, Saturday at S ee) Virginia chapeiipel. as the House killedled tiie measure “Whailiat we’re doing if we passs they heed but iiughit stistruggle to. - Xavier Catholic Churcl on a sharply dividecled voice vote. this isis we’rei giving a deadly/ afford. 321-> S,. K ea rn s . U taah: h : interment Klein StOU “To assure thehe quality we weaponion to the teachers union, Most employers alrealready can will follow at the Ta, T GoldiIdie Fern Gay Tii.vlorsvillc WENDELI■LL - Mary (Vee) expect from tcach<± e r s , ive estab- And tiiey’llthe use it,” Republican) deduct their health-inii-insurahce Cemetery; friends OODING - Goldie' Fern Gay Uein Stouder, 84, of 00 ' Ush as a goal thatat 1the m inim um Rep; BiIiSaliofKuna.said,._Bill .. premium payments. before tlie funeral of Gooding ;died Thursday, •y. ■ salary of a teach<:her should be in anyanj case, GOP Rep. Doug’ “If we can do someim et h i n g to church (Rasmussen, ied W ednesday, Feb— M-Jr' 11, 2001, at Gooding Rehab s T / B X r ' ao fixed at S30,00010 and that we Joness ofol Filer said, the laws off ' encourage people to takitake care of Washington, D.C. . S uLiving Center. Services arc H om e. 1.^50 Ii. IG tb S t,, ‘'■® shoiild seek to attaita in tiiis goal as supply a ; djemselves, isn’t thatt wl w h a i w e ’re - Services are pending under the penditiding under the direction of y and demand.will take the rapidly as reasonallably possible,” matterir out01 of lawmakers’ hands, all about?” Republic:>lican Rep. Laura Mae Bairdd W\ ilcos of ilireclion off tDemaray’s Wendell Demar;la r a y ’s G ooding C h ap el. the resolution said.d- “ Thislis is going to happen,” he} C:elia Gould of Buhl said.aid . I Backers said suemch an expres- said. “You’re“Y not going to have} “We’re all payingg fofor it one sion of legislative2 ssupport would any choid iiin the S2. D ism issed ' ; • Joel Garza of Riipeipert and Jesus Gomez of But opponentsts said such a taxes, . James/)f Peck.ck. Carole Mintun of Gbodin;ling._ Heyburn \ billion budget. statement from the tht Legislature The*e* vote ' • was 51-H onI -co m p iled from winwire reports rtlARIES- -L egisi5LATIVE L I O G -^ ■ ' ; Fof obituary rale s and Infornronnatlon.M-ail 7 3 3 0 9 3 1 , Ext.. 278,'between2: 2 p.m; and 5 pV[H.I. M'MondafthfbugJi Satunlay. The A ssociated Press1 9 8 ------tery ticketskets,------^ ^ — . lirtrodiiced In Hdiise; ~ Deadline Is 4 :30 p.m. foror nnoxt-day put)llcatlon. Death not notices ore a free ienrlco and c ain.be n > placed until 5 p.m. every HB331 (State Affairs)() - Replaces ‘‘ay-' ^ Com pletes for Thrhursday ' Compleipletes for T uesday, duplicate prescription formsms vwith forms o r______SIgneJb)3 by Governor I thal use non-al(erablc. non-copyablenon- —:------— ------Twin-.Fa.-Faiirro'siaenrpassGd-aw^y’------Signed-by-Govemor- — —paper for prescripiions-im-alli-oll scheduled------5 (Nctvcomb) - Authorizes the Vl.CS , He is\siirvivvive.o ny his paferiis. suddenJc'ni'y o n 'S a tu fd a y - F e b . 24,/ SQI015 (State Affuirairs) - Mnkcs the lus nicohol-rclatcd I»<»rd of)f i’odiairyI*< to incren.sc the fee for 1 Taxation) ■> OI1S (Mary) Siram Sir o* .Rogers, ArK. • 3001.. al Ihe hom e of >iis toother, rcncwiil d.itc of v.iricius '™IB332 (Revenue und Ta ;cnscs. vners to assess arid Ba^Qara ( . . Kik-s licvnws siihjcctI toin iidmini.iiratlvc Allows certain property owner a (Ray)'Thompson‘,or He! wn a n ci.1- . Danfiy Strain of was maim arried lo Pam Lloyd on Augtj .. vide corrccirrcct terminology. scrvice. • • ' '.‘'^ H .'C a iO '.v e ii. 'a t^roijroinGr; .Latry Slram pi 25, 199S992. Thi5 love of his life w as 10 SQIOIO010 (Ju d ic iary a n d R ules) - HB333 (Revenue und1 TaTaxation) - • .i^cattic. WasniSh.'; s is t e r . R c tie c c a g o huntunting, fisfnng and camping15 •• Killed by'House AmendsIs existingei law relating to Jury Prondes a 100 percent tax creditcrei for per- Strain of Rogeig e rs,‘Ark'; h ts g rarid --’ wilh'fam;family a n d frioncJs. IICR30 (Ediicaiionlon)’- Calls for a .Mlccriontointo provide co rrea terminology. s(jnal property taxes due foror a(agricultural rncilier. LOma'la’Hughes. h’is uncle. He! is'is'sufvived by Pam and son,n, 530,000 minimum Mlaty.lity.forteachci?. - machinery and equipmentI t and.for.rcalan __. Larr.y (Leslie)) H ughes hoih ol Twm C:hafJesles Feiterly ol Twm Falls:.hisis property used in mining. ^ N SenttoG:o G overnor IIB334 (Appropriatio ' Falls, iiunis. Gr.Grace (John) Roice of biologicigical laiher, Jim FoiiGrly; five iations) - , Killed by Senate . SBl(M6t146 (Judidaiy and Rules) - Limits' Appropriates almost S3.4 millimillion 10 the ,,a H 'Ha/Gili)n. Floi•lorence-Simpson of Feiterly riy brothers and itieir families,s. Sni148(Kt-«i.ircwiiniand Environmeiil) the "definitiinition of nonclassified employ- nepurtment of Finance forforthe-2001- 1 '- • jy M - Twin FaNS; Av Ava'(Roy)'Shdup of- iwo sisttjisters. five Livmgslon broihorsrs • -Ilriii)»cl.-iiiy'opvniiinn]ons under ilic cur-' - ccs df thehe SiaieS Brand Board to the state 2002 budget year. " m &|L< . J v jfl Goodmrj 'andnd Hilda Lewis' ol and.Ihcirheir families, iw Livmgsion sis-S- rent iir»cediiru% for npnpprovinR wnsie brand inaptnspcc'tor and'the distria,supcrvi- !!H335 (Appropriutiiiutiohs) ; - ClarkrIdQC. Ark^rk along with numor- icrs ancand his parents, Roborl andd matuiBcmcni plims forir cconfined animal son, _ Appropriaies more tlutn S3I millmillion to the '' O.US C0uSil1H.''i? 'anU-a mullitude ol NancyU:y Livmgsion fcL-dinc opcraiioiis, SD116S(6S (Finance) - Allocates an addi- ■-‘ Division of Finuneiul-Managtnage^ient for ' 5i)&ciai-!r*eiidsJ s ------• - ...He-wfi‘-was -Offcceded-tii-deHih-Oy his-iS -' ------—...... i------...... U onnI.S.Sias.OOO-to lI the Industriul- -• the 2001.2002 budget y«,ir. - - io fv ic e s lor T o d d -E ' birlh moihef. m o grandparcnis'cinclitv^o0 . Introduced ln.Sehat( , Commisiiofulnn fur thc.curfent budget ye.nr. HB336' (Appropriatioations) Slram j.conclucieo at 2 pm sisicrss i\p p ro p riu le s 5804,100 tootheiluman thi SnilHS (I-inuhc^c) - A] ■ -Rights Commission for thehe 2 2001-2002 Sf^iurday. Marc:arcii 3, 2001. ai While M em;mofial c services lor Richard -K lllodbj: d -million to JliL-Catajtropl by. H ouse ' . budget year. ' Moriuafy.Cnauiapi-i Wllh Pasior G reg '• Feiieriy. riy. will b e ccm dijcied al ;10-30'0 , Cost F und fur cltc 2001001-2002 budfiut IIBloaIB (Bicier)(I - Allows a person to UB337 ('Appropriotioations) • - ■ ■ " i F»dnoss.oi-C?-ContmlNsi«n^m-_J(nied_By.By Senate_____^______------.Snj I«0 (Firunco)— AllocamKalOR449,200------i^ry. (Vo Box 845,* fv/ip Falls, ARinKfnrtlic2001-2002b12 budfjet year. ' SJR IOI101 (K duculion) - P ro p o se d , for 2002 operations of the;he 'Women's------irid ' 3303;0845 SIlll')] (Jiidiciuryry and Rules) - , chanfungig ilthe consiiiuiion to lower,the ■ Commisison. ' 1-1 r-ilf.lit' H:'-, cnriy'J'S ( S S Edna Ruth :h Taylor • ® Incfca«.-s judicial sal.iriesries by 4.5 iK.-rceni.' majorityy fofor school bond passage to 60 SB1181 (Finance)-Allocate:cates $6.2 mil- I .r.yr.y an;i T'.vifi Edna R u itrT'Taylor. j 8G, of Jc^rorno • T " \,. SB11. lo Id.itioI iitid broiti.or. Foiilerif Baiser E Btirberst2rshop, O uariei He se rv e d m •• ■ . (! h M--lritDtrir s wfir.-K.' M (init)rial S( '' year (0 meet cleanuplUp promises by BWXTr IIdaho' officials have agement programs,, s:sffid on services lor Edna IhoUSAiS Army during World War II ‘ I at least 537 million, /[ioriistj ;V(is hiyi'i' will t)o coriduciod ca looay ai 2 Funeralerai services will be al 11 a rn refusedJ to elaborate on their bud- Wednesday the contracr a cto r h a s .vt. I'.O (,i.it(:(J Ti)d(l I) ni in Hovo-Fe-Rot)(‘rlson Funeral Salurda•day. March 3, 2001, in„ A memo writtiitten to the get.probloblems. There have been made progress in the: la:last three ' initial Hdnila • C h a p el w iin the ih Rev J Oumion Soulhtno:imoni Baptist C lujrch v/ilh Dr D epartm ent of Energy in widesprea)read rumors of retirement months to minimize the1 im pacts of jh o sil- Kiinb'ow ollicialilaling Larry RejReynolds olliciaimg No visiia- Decemlier outliningIg how1 tiie con- dffersorhar layoffsi'bursiteltrnnagers-— — .diejjudget shortfall. ,|I Iiinti ol)l tiiRtl d eairi Crem aiion v/as v/a undor the diroc- lion is5 sc h e d u le d Burial will bo m„ tractor planned tito re s h u ffle ha'veconfionfinned nothing.^ Bechtel waiits E I n e r g y I M';; (;;i5i.ion lo> Lars.w;;.was rclloci- tion ol Hovo-Ri-Roboftson Funeral SaniaI RosaRc Memorial Park, Saniau money suggests ass manyr as 370 The memome says the INEEL ran DepmTmeijt permissionin to t< divert Iftiis . c m n o r• and nr ffjr.fo- Chapel and CrerIremalion.Service. Rosa. Cahl.Ca ______jobs could be affeifected by the up $37 mlmillion in unforeseen costs money from other projirojects to * ...... iKo finjoytidrd c ain p irig , t Mr BaiBacon IS survived Xjy his wife,!. shortfall. tiViiig.toto Imeet a deadline to ship cover the additional cost::osts. State • * • ' . f - n "i.Kioo' ;iciiviiiiiviiif's Tocid . e B acon of Denion, Texas and:) It does not say whwhether those nuclearr wastewi out of Idaho. - n o v e w ould I N F a M.S •offidals were told the movi .-..I' iftM f(isi)(.'i;lo■i;lod l)y Ins * " 'IS will be cut, employloyees'will be ^ad thtthe site hot been saddled not jeopardize any oUierher signifi- . '„n-i nijiri(.-fi)u Richard Lei,ee F e tterly s™‘SIkey-Mason, Jack Schmn/ andI reassigned or positionions will simply , with delay2lays and permit changes at cant deanup projects orir dcdeadlines -uncral Homo n' charQC of’ go unfilled. Jeral dump foe plutonium- in the 1995 coun-cnforcedced n u d ca r i)i.' Ricriard Lobb FFellorly, 39-year-old arrangenjem bnts the feden Tlie document wasras obtained l>y , contamirminated waste in New waste deal between thee statest and the Post Register in Idaho Falls Mexico,), ti:tlie money earmarked by federal governments • \ I-.:. rr-'-ii- .

• I _ . 1 _ . ______

•hT2M i~Tlffl»N^TiitfFaliriqi e i iquakQ le av e s in its wake. SinceK e wi a v e s , ______• SM ttieT lnw t 'nm e»W flw»w ritof ’ . o i^ e r . __ lo se Intensity BS they tr y travel outw anj from the e p i»nter, ^ t i factors such a s population1 density( and th e amount of consu3fistnjclion_____ ------^— No-chargesl M -have-beenflled-in ------' ' - n e a r the e p ice n teraare re crudalr-Hereare-some-otherthef-importartt-varfables:------;■ OAKLEY - A Burle:rley man connection withwi this complaint, SEATTLE - Seattle was ppi r e - , injured during aI c h a s e H ig e n ssa id . paired, re d a n d S e a ttle w a s lu c k y . Building designin ' '•".W ednesday afternoon rerremained When' policilice cam e to investi- That's the assessment hrtim se After fidentlstisdlscowttverod thai the Pacific Northwesw est’ . - A building built o n ' * Ac[uake-resi£resistant ' V In c r i d c ^ co n d itio n T h uirsday rsd at a gate, Jesus RochaRo led them on a ologists, structural enginee w a s a i greater risk ofot a m a ssiv e quake a noncontinuousus buildinghasa lasafirm ' . , B oise h o sp ital. c h a s e alo n g 775( 5 0 E a s t, w ith sp e e d s Sid ' * em ' ergeniy officials after 1 f l e d trtan previously thougiHjght,morethanS130 foundation that't' - . ' foundation wirfiw ith a Jesus Rene Rocha, 227, 7 , r o lle d re a c h in g 110)m m p h . isqually earthquake rattl y w million w aa sp e n t behwtween 1988 and, - incorporates post)sts continuous us his vehicle on Idaho High'ighway 27 “At the dmiime of the crash, he s r v e s a n d w in d o w s f)r'c o n 1995 to m ake buildinstings and other • \lv H & ' . or .crawl sp a c elis i: ' ■ perimeler,r ,' and 1250 South. Idaho;ho State was not beingtig pursued by Cassia j^elli;;llingham '.to Portland i _____large stnjctui^s, such a s the - J less Stable, - - -T rooper-John G ibbs, w hrois-inves— o u units,^-saidGibG ibbs, w h o n o te d t h a t - ednesday morning.— -;— ^ t a k e ' S ^ M e ^ e In Seatt3atae,m ors fleers had discontin- ThiThe 6.8-magnitude qtial tigating.the accident, saidaid Rocha . pursuing offio earthquake resistant, ---losrcontrolofhis vehicleide as he^— ued the chaseise four-miles before- -cause.u^d.few.serious.injurie&ai ^ ^ ------r - - r e h t i . Was going around a comjrhei*.^^-— thFBCddenc— lativeljr-Iimited property-da slid off the road. He ovenrercorrect* . It is not tmancomnibn for officers . ;e. 'By comparison, a 6.7-magjgiu- Ground condltioiions Soft, loose S e ism ic ed and went back aerocross the ' involved in a chase lo stop the de quake hit Los Angeles!S in ' a relatively dry winterler in the soil greatly' B w av e s a re highway, where he hit ai p"6g 8an estim ated $15.3 billi.______sp a re d3 majorm. damage. - . ' ______—- ^Vngeles and San Frandsco.isco, quakeake m iddled the im paa aboxive “If this had happejpened 10 years • Pioneei[leer Sq u a re w as h it h a rd for . Samis Land owns 144 buildingsbi RENO, Nev. (AP)-ElkoC<0 C o u n ty s e ttle m e n t pablic u b l grouround, said Steve K ram er,:r, a ago; it would be ai veryv different two reaseasons, said John Hooper, in Pioneer Square. Thee buildingsbi wants a federal judge to make State ^ Assessemblyman John strucructural engineer at tlthe story," she said, p rin d ppal a l of earthquake engine^r- lhat were retrofitted survivirvived per- public the confidendal settletdement Carpenter, R-EIt-Elko, a party to the .UnivN’illwill re o p e n . T h e fro m otinotiier areas of the dty such and ceilings. th re a te n e d fidi.— ------J a rb id g e R ivf'er e r in th e Humboldt-* ------Elko County District AttorneyAti Toiyabe Nation:o nal F o re st. Gary W oodbury said diele countyc AnotHer panin o f th e d e a l a p p a r- I J commission has instructeded himI to entiy involvess thet -county’s agree- 3uake tip3S Ricks College( seismogr;S raph needdie make the request of U.S. menttohelpreire im b tirse th e F o re s t . M agistrate Robert McQuiQuaid on Service for effc}fforts to protea the' IDAHO FALLS (AP) - TlT h e R e x b u rg school. e n e r gy y waves w to travel fr^m the frightened people, inci n c l u d i n g . Friday during a private; telecon*te threatened bullbui trout, the Elko eanhinhqtiake which shook Oreg';gon The temblor hitlit .W ednesday Coast to Idaho.I some former,eastern IdalIdaho resi- ference on the status off th d i e p ro - D aily F re e Pres:•ess reported. andid \Washington on W ednesd;d a y s o u th o f S e a td e . “ T hle e \ilast big one to hi{ Seatde dents. . *. ' posed deal. ’ Another panany to the negoda- • hadid lilit d e e ff e c t in I d a h o , b u t: tlthe , The seismographph picks up all was inn 1949,li so there's a whole “It was the scariest monm o m e n t o f “T h e y fee! it is tim e for r theth pub- tions, Elko 6)ur3unty GOP Chairman need:edle on-a seism ograph1 at the earthquakes thithat happen in generati-ation that hasn't experi- my life." said Mindy ChaChambers., lie to know the agreemem ent,'t . O.Q. “Chris"’ Johnson,J told sup-- Rickscks College jum ped as highh as Californiai and evie v e n r e c o r d e d e n c e di this" thi Lovell said. “Thank who now works in t h e . | Woodbury said Thursday.'. • porters at a' rallyral in Sparks last it woiwould go for several m inuteses. the earthquake inn 1 India earlier heavensens that we have good W ashington State LegisL‘gi s l a t u r e I . . .. Assistant U.S. AttomeyJBy..Blaine_„week that.theJ coa u n ty ’s p e rm issio n :______l‘O“Our i stadonis.set.up. to.men e a - — t h is year...... ______h iiilH ingJig codes..If .we. didn't, die—------b u ild in g in -O ly m p ia -aiftcc-livinji—^ ftci ------1 W elsh said Thursday the talks to rebuild ^ee roadn would be sub- surere smallers quakes in the areirea,- “ 1116 E a rth is lik eike a l>ell. Once buildingings were just bricks and in Idaho Falls. were subjecr to a “confiderdendality ject to an fenviiivironmental review • ‘ so whw h e n ' w e lia v e a b ig o n e like Iil ■ you. send off a bigsig quake like mortar,ir, some people would have She said she was meetii.■eting w i t h ' , order” and he could notnc say- under the NaNational Environ- thatat itii just maxes our equipmenent • that, it rings for a1 f0 mi i g h t m ilk a t 5:59 p.ni3.m.' m ilesiles a ro u n d h e r ho m e ; O n J ain. n . 1, been completed frofrom the West Now,k-, park_qff]cialsp plan to tr>-_. , ■Ml drivers must be out of the ' know sometiiing. Investigatorsors believe she then 2000,00, a farmer found Kacy Ra;Uiy's Entrance to Old Faitlaithful and offi- to keepep the road plowed until park by 6 p,m, 'each dayJay unless The investigation has revealedrei drove straighght home to 2117 bodyd y 12 m ile s so u th e a s t o f B urley. rh dais are opening thethe road to lim- March:i 12,li which is the official o th e r a rran g e m e n ts a re: m;im a d e. > the following informationon about Hiland Ave. ininBurley. 1 Rayly 1had been stabbed in the tl ited public traffic. end of' tlietlu w in te r se aso n ., The road will be ci«)Sed)sed to the the last day Ray was repreported When.Ray m:missed two appoint- neck,ck. The road was plowedpic due to Untiltil then, traffic will be general driving public beebecause ot • seen alive untirthe day herhei body ments and failciilcd to answerphone IdalIdaho State Police and Cas foi-f biling tricky and ththreatened to ed by I’arkl’;i Service-authorized bicycling, skiing or rtiller-t;ler-t)lading/ F a lls a ro u n d 4 p.m . D ec.:. 22i 6 . S h e fo u n d h e r c air r |parj^^in- her dri- lowinwing leads and interviewiiving - damage snow-grooiooming equip- . winteredr concessionaires and hold- also for siifoty reasons, d ro v e h e r w h ite M e rc u ryI SSa a b le to v e w a y . b u t s hle e )was not home. peopliopIe,-and-the-investi^tion h a s ' Rupen’s Memorial Gradele School,S Judy Ray rc[reported her dauglh. spanranned several states and h w here site taught first gradeade. ter missing andmd sheriffs deputies costSt dth o u sa n d s o f d o lla rs. Tests- She entered the school ata 5:05 . did a pretiminilinary search of the — Continued from B l____ ------pjn_and went to.her classlassroom,— .-areor^ccking-rjg-Kacy Ray’s home TimTimcs-Neivs writer R uth Srran VatinrknoTnftrfii?----- She left the school at 5:41>:45 p.m. - again. Tliere waw as n o sig n o f f o rc e d ' c ann bebt reached a t the Mmi'-Casjjssia assessments for tharja rp u r p o s c . ¥.v.w,m.igicva]ley,com lo (incjnd oou: ' o’s standards Tho stattitntflwldo standards ano*' and stopped by Ridley’s IGIGAgro- entry and no signsig o f a stru g g le . ' B umtm ii iu at 677-4042, Ext. 109, or.)rby Whether Idaho’* more at)out the co^icfonco eery store and made a smallnail with- On Dec. 31,1 , AMini-Cassia Seardi c-rnciinai] at, 'rstrcctcr<^niagiigic- ' movement will involvein high- asscssnjssm cnts conference Monday drawal from the automatedted teller and Rcscuee iand the Cass|a jMllcy.Ilcy.e0 m . stakes graduationn itests will be and TucTuesday m B o ise's free, but- , '• ■ part of the discussi'ssio n . T h e r e , is- icG'Straiitraiion is teauircd. Mark your calenda:idar . ■ concern that many’;ly'students are Relresmcsnments and luncri aiH De d'O- A soutli-central Idaho iiuu-:; 'le.vitif,''c Health — i— -N n o t ta k in g th e -rigg o o : ro u s c l a s s e s video,a. on student tesiirp «ii'I'c -loi.i they heed to be abitible to p a s s th e Rcfilstorit«rbyv>iH follow up the confer- .•\t next w i-ek\ I'onfeii i f e r e n c e . ' ■ to re^ster children in theie immu-i • Comjjare :yt your .child’s height infant'ant feeding and swallowining, toward pilot testint4nR..in spring . ence willivith a series of statewide Twin I-alk Scho..| I);D istrici • nization rem inder systemem'. The and weight ’dedevelopment on a • speeceech and language develolo p - . 2 002, Layne said. p u b licc ccomment meetings in Su|H.*riniL'nderit T errell H Hin onicht i> state is ranked near thei bottomb growth gridI aiat the Children's :nt, motor and cognitive skil:iU.s, ■ C om m ission m.emlmhers will uso' March1 aniand April, scheduled to Iv ffiXj-:f e n.c :>_i'_____ -HW c-anLare.guiiig.iu.do.wlut_LLiiIl—_ seniinjUdiiltii^'iiw'Ldihiruh(ricti.tak:___ ;__ rates.- • • ^ o rm a tio n . c h a n c e to, le a rn a.ss ririuteh as they our dog.>g and: pony show .iroiuid ing the lead in develo'pni>'pment ress test screeriings M onie Sm ith, the dististrict’s' ' • Child stres Msq available is Informatiction can about what hasas worked and the state.’Ite." she s;iid. - standarilsaiui assessments,nts, ■ lie at the M ental public relations coordinatoiwor said ' available Community seiVices availaBible ‘what has tipt workrked in other The■ commissionci tlien w ill., the registry helps parentsm/keeo- “ eqlth Child;id and Adolescent -forcIi’ diildren and families inclulud- states, said StateIte Board yf developop an assessiiu-nt ami Tinic.<-.\\v:.< c Ju c a u niri n rt’;>r)r:i'r n ' - tr a c k o f ih e ir c h ild r e n ’s“ ii mSu'! Scrvico.,b™,h, *ng{ parent p i suppon groups, ch:hil- Education Vice Presresident Karen accoimtaiitahility plan and luipefully . hviiicr Soiith’Mun a iri IvI v twichcil i nizadon records. When chichildren . * Hearing arand vision will be dren'sin 's activities, baby-proofirfing McGec, a rneniber• olof the board’s have itt rereaily for.piililic review by ■ iit T.i.Umi. i:\l.24I. nrr /ifby e-»iiii/ visit their doctors or see new screened att the Physicians homemes, child -safety, anand as.scssment coinmissiission. The com- Novembeiiber. she said. • (H iMmlnMiin'f^'iiui^u'viilky.i doctors, even elsewhere‘ ataround Center booth,1. re solources u i for childreri w ith did is- the state, their immuniznization Doctors andid i nurses and other abilitiiilities. records can be pulled upI on com- health care prprofessionals will — Young puter. It’s more convenienlent and answer questioitions on obstetrics Timirimes-News staff tvritcr Jcnnif saves money. Smith saidlid. The and the hospitalital's new neonatal Sandnndmann c an be rcached a t 73733- Continued from B l P r o te cciion t ii Act was pa>sed in . valiialile archai'ulogicalII inii lo n ii.i Registry costs $3.91 perer child intensive caree uunit, women's ser- 0931,31, E xt. 241, or by c -m a i7I at,i disputes the g«'g o v e r n m e n t ’s 1979, Hi)However, the indictiiient tion ai a site, in .idditionion to arti compared with S14.50 per.>er. child vices, child birtlirtheducation,.com- jsatidnnd m o n n ® m a p a> a //i,’t;.cofM • clairns. lis ts innfrai'tioiis f r between facts that are pnpiilar with.vith colloc Young has beenn 1fighting the and 1998.)98,. tors, many arcliaeologicigical •Jitc".. government sincece Burea.ii of The clicharges carry penalties also contain fr.igile clueslues alxnii Expel.__; — - Uind-Managemeniiit.investigators - that total)tal up to .^7 y e a rs in prisim ancient cultures, how)W p| e o p U - ■ s e iz e d p a rt o f lii'ss ccollection 'in and S1.251.250.0(H) in fin es, o r a m ini- lived, wh.it they ate,•, andbi>\van • Continued from B l ’ Idaho's zero-tol•tolerance gun-free case'\se'was “w ithin.the board s 1998. and they hav.ave not shown mum of liireei years supervised (hey survived. n a ry m a tte rs , w e n e e d to setse t clear school zone stantatute, whidi is very legitinitim a te sc o p e o f d is c r e tio n .” any proof of illeg;egal activity. releaseaie ani! a Sioo sjK'cial assess- . param eters for that," he said. specific in itsits definition of a Therhe case stemmed from a . D e H a a n h a s siiid. m e n i, TheTh» gdwnunent also seeks rinie.s-.Veirs otiiui'ntal Othenvise, he said at thoho time, firearm. a c dddental d e pellet gun shooting5 i ' DeHaan said VoiI'oung dug lip to.recovfiiver the artifacts, rc;N»rriv-rVn'»—N‘o>Ai’ritrcefore the -Officiacials say taking artifacts n\wh>.\l ill T .lU m i. E.\i. •schopl boards.'^ Carlson conclicluded that the lot.. RogersRc and Brown adm ittc Archaeological Resource fronPpul■public lands can destroy bii e-nuhi rnf/.>V HiuA’ta'

^Senate ? begin;IS d e lib>erat:ioins oveir Hous»e ta x Cl

BOISE (^U;)’- Idaho'ss ec( co n o m ic C o m m e; r c e Committee that admidmlnistration’s lat* i- ' ------1 r e f llect e t consumer Andid while' the state’s unem-*1* lem^ a large’numberr of senatoCs horizon Was getting darkerker as-the unemploymentent insurance claims estst tax i collection L . fidence. Holiday • ploymeiment rate has been below 5 have,^d^eircautionvsn w U l lik e ly Senate’s overwhwhelming hit a record'S'I S4 million last week. updapdate that showed •/flh20Q1 us were more percentent for the past 16 months,''i, '• be a key factor in howow thi e ir t(ijc . b c g a n - its ____ Xhai.was 22Z percentp liigher than. -payr'ayroU witl^holding uj n n n— 5—^percent - Madsensen speoilated that it wouldd relief pacluge is fashioncioned. - ' search on Thursday forr a consen* a year ago mdand the .seventh of the - aa keyk Indicator of IH H jw expectations, be on_tn the rise into the spring,!, The general tqx budgetbuc h js. sus altiernative to thele tbudget- last eight weeksw< that jobless* . le the .' economy’.s IBiyffgDlaJH S jiruU I .and'tlthat translated reflect!scting recently announced already been"set71eaveaving Je* busting S200 millionn tta.x cut claim.s significiicantly exceeded the undby Labor • trends are disdisturbing in mining, .W lowerlot than analysts projecticted. • receipts and producl u c f t a x e s . ' d o ea’t sn ’t take very many to affectt acceptable bill couldild.bejas I b ^ director Koger M .id^Isen onlv in forestry,. evene iri hifih;tech. Froiirom July Through NovernSiiber. • Qverati, tax collellections are still the econ ' 7 ioned sim’ply-by je«iettisonir^— hours before the 32 GOPIp ssenators And the agricriculture economyis paycllycheck witlTholding ran Sll»16.5 running sllghdy ah State hor)nor H MERIDIAN (A:;AP) - Eileen MeridiarJian. e s, a n d w ho d o e s b o th. exexc c e p d o n d - see smaller Tliomburgh was horlonored with her - Lt. Gov.Go Jack Riggs designated1 ly w ell w ith h e r h e a r r ,”” RiR ig g ssa id ,------very own day WeVednesday for Wednes'tiesday “Eileen Thornburgh1 Thornburgh has been^en teaching Iw ing Id ah o ’s T ea chc h i e r o f th e Y e a r. D ay ” ini n :Idaho. Also on hand werei -■ in Idaho schools since:e 1975,1 and oil dividenci d but her reward iss helpingI shape Idaho0 SSchools Superintendentt has spent the past 165 yearsyc wi(h m i -young people.--^=—.. • • -MariljmIjm Howard, M eridian School' )istrict.-:— — r ------A N C H O R A G E . A lask a i M B a | | | | | | r ^ d ie M e rid ian S ^ o o l D istr "De^ees and conemficates aside, Superintrintendent Christine Donnell i T h e stock m a rk e t .shimp hhas a s ta k en 1 ■ She will represent IdahoIdai Id the f ■ H being in the classro<;room and work- gnd SilvSilver Sage principal Joyce? N ad o n a l T e a c h e r o f thhe e Year^ pso- ___ iii-tuILon.ihe_£UuskaJ.’erne rm a n e n t____ ^ 3 iii'g w ifh y o u n g h'ea'iearts and m m os'l” jolinsoa — gram—and—^lU ^tra Ftiml, iitid Alufiknns ura• litlikely to - t r a v e l—;lo ------is my accomplishmtment," said the “In1 mimeeting Dr. Thornburgh. II •- Washington, D.C., this spi see a smaller divideijd fro m th e ; sp rin g . 111)0 49-year-old third-grajrade- teacher at — met-a5 personp< who loves her job, -stateVoil-wealih-Siiving^iii , national teacher will bebe namedr at ' Silver Sage Elementtjntary School in' • who loi'elo^es tlie children she teach- th a t tim e. th is year. Tiie Permanent Fiind 'dividenddi\ •’ is exjK-cled to slip from SI.S l S t t i n . ‘■'■.i'.-' 2000 to about ^1.925 tinshTsyear, ‘ -'-.'rC-|, I Husbaand mistaakes wifeJ for intrucider according to fund projecjections. ■' • T h a t w o id d s till b e the ssi e c o n d . , LH ■ WOODS CROSS.5. UI ta h (AP) - A sta r. HBer er husband, Jed, 27. heardi She was flown to LDSDS Hospital hiphest per capita disiribiiiihuiiim on I -^Woods Cross manin njistook his a noisese and thought it ^vas anI ' in Salt Lake City, whereere she was _____rec o rd ______• t i —^pregnanr-wifc'foi-nnn n 'i n t n i d e r a n d ------ih n u dl e e r r ------^ ^ ^ ------in sta b le condition:------TJie slij^ht dn»p in diviiiv id e n d s- I n hred a shot that woundedw her, He cacalled out. but his wife 'Officers said the fetustus was not rLu_liacd_____ ^ ||||H |||||||||| ____ obscLires-whaiJias.beerLa 0 policu.:;aid______ledlydid not respond.------harmed-and-the-buliei-,iel-did-not------fall in tiie Permanent F Officers .said Seslesanie Hansen I^mseiis e n fired h is 9 m m h a n d g u n strike any of the womaiman’s vital stock jHirtfolio, Since thee Stanst of ** went downstairss about'2a a.m. and'thehe :slug hit the woman near organs. the fiind's fiscal year Jiiuei e 33 0 ,t h e , ' Wednesday to adjusjust the thermo- the pelvii:lvis, po lic e said. N o ch arg es w ere p lan n e d . fund's U.S. stock holding:in f’s a r e down about II percent lo a b o u t S« billion, said spokesma.m a n J im Co-worirkers.drowim after car lands^ in po>ond K elly. Titis year's slock losses. anare u^y. fr ei^SE (AP) -- Police 1 have got intoito the back seat as they Deposits of sand andid kloose dirt b in a c o rr e c tio n fo r (lie.* s(so a rin g recovered a carcocontaining the were tryingtry lo escape after the were in the same areaI o f f: tlie ro a d markets may have been oviov crd u e. > bodies of a 30-yeaiL -ar-old w o m a n ' d riv er lostlo: control of the car. Tlie wliere the skid m arksks started,: “ — aiTa"?r287eOTTiTrd’idiiran-fronrji ----- vehicle':le~J ifm pe d"a"c u r brw e n r~ whIch"could have contriliiributedto For the first time since 1994I9‘ Ihe SWBI b | ^ L{ pond in the .southealeastern part of down aa 3-footI embankment and the accident, investigatoritorssaid. fund is projected to slip in value,' \ - th e city. -in to t hl e e \w ater. Police said some residesidents said from 526,5 billion to S26,2,2 billion.I —ilB i Ada County Corloroner Erwin TheJ airbagsa in the car had tliey heard a car skiddingding arouifd tins'year. Since June .10, thilie e fiincl ^ Sonnenberg ,saiuaid Kelley deployeiyed and-both of the vehi- 1 a ,m . o n \V e d n esd a y . is dow n i percent. Kelly sail Anderson and Jo.shuihua'Shorl - co- cle’s windowswii were rolled up, A motorist called pollpolice after diviilL-iul last feli in 1992, workers at a Buiscise consulting policesai: said, n i e r e w a s a lso signifi- she spotted skid m arksks ion Lake K elly c a u tio n e d th a t ihe figuresfi firm - appear to havehi: drowned cam danJamage to the roof, which Forest Drive and a brealreak in the a re prelinuiiar% ' a n d could1 ch an g e. , . early Wednesday momorning. may indindicate that the car rolled fence surrounding the! pondpoi at on Alaskans pay no state in ft'; Investigators belielieve the two beforei plungingpi into the pond. intersection. ------iai-andjiu_state-sales.iaxla.'c..and------much of the stale’s budReie l i K _ , ; l •' ■ eretl by ta.xes and royalties on oil a^^B -' ijV 1 Budgett blu ep nnt raises cleainupconceierns piimi>ed fiom A laska'ss ^Nortli B . Slope. - Voters createde d th e ™ WASHlNiSrONN (AP) - only beebeen here five and a half its legal obligations.' . Permanent Fund in 1976as;a s a s;iv- E n v i r o n m e n t a l cleanup c at weeks." Sen. Patty M urray.^ DD-Wash'., in^is acc o u n t for s Ihe Office of Mananagement and specificsics on funding for agencies p a rt o f^ V o rld W ar II’ss top-secret toj .•\ariin O'Hara, 2-i. Uass cicaught fi()ni leslifyingig . against him in a termsns of i his relea.se .several time Budget^ lold Hastiiitings and the or progrngrams such as niMlear-. Manhattan Project. Therhe facility . by an officer i»atrollinn iliche roads lorturc case inin which Holliday wh'deoleout on bail. • House Budget Com:)inmittee that weaponsms cleanup in the budget in south-central Wa ash s h l n g t o n ouiside of the prison. s:iidid PI e rrin w as ilie v ictimI. , • At t the tl tim e. Brad Hollida; the work is a “highI priority.”p • blueprintrint released W ednesday. * made plutonium for ththi e c o u n : Damon, a spokeswoman1 for fo the llollidav was•as brutalized and argued•led that K noclj^Jajhcr ha< Energy Secretailary-Spencfer ------Even-S'n-so,-some-Northwest-law- - - try’s nuclear arsenal untilntil 1986.', stale i»cpanme7iiT)rCorreci'ections- ^ buried alive inn !Marcii 1997, just accept'spied responsibility to hel] Abraham has beenn 'vocal on the makersrs were hoping lo see Now the nation’s mostost t Daniels said, fro m the th e $1.5 billion allocated prim ary mission is c cli l e a n u p ; Malheur Knoch was se (Jrejimi Siaii- Police and ^hl serving a life sen- duty.y. HollidayI later settled ihiihe “After his respons>nse, I felt like for the cu; current fiscal year, Current estim ates indie;idicate the 'Coiiniy sheriff’s deputies es were teiice with'Uit paparole. suit,. whichw also named the cifity we cau work on thi:his," Hastings They sy say Hanford needs an effort will cost S55.6i.6 billion searchiiij’tlie area, O'Hara is ser\'.•r\'ing six years for and state.forS112,000.sta sai

R ' M I m ssB ■ w raWSIarR ■“ Cm5y“i TTofirTPovIs^ DR Curtis Co. ReM ax CenenturV 21 ^ P o v lsen V K eystone ' RivRiverside Povtsen5n , Really • Really ' Realtyy

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...... - 5 rf— — - Friday,M«fU rth2,2001 T1me»Mm, TwbiiFiDi^Ma^ FiDi B-S •Wo r l d = M UH: M adiurese nefugee^ r e c o u ] nts esc:ape _mm~ r H ROUGHHmm M A R C H 31 1 2 ____ FfODAY. MARCH 2-10:30am SATURDAY. MARCH 10-11:0010- AM OavaDeta Datwailai & Nttighbots - Fann Machineryjry Haiel& Ralph Schneg.FeimMi Natives Boirmeans }ud Eqirip. • Irrigation Equip. • Twin FalltI LivwtoctEquipmeniit-flooeiRooerson ■ IndonesiaI Violencey AwiW!n>ent-Fobrutrv2S Advirtisement - Maichla i c h S killhundred:ds m K jk Thqro wore sporaditBdico)(changM_oi.„_ MAlMASiBtSAUcncwsenocE . MASTERS AUCTIONU SiSERVICE B | K . gunfiro between amamiysi0ldi0fs,and w w www.maatersauctlontlon.com ------poliC9otficor»-Tuo9( — in-effort-td b HL': . . . Sampit. . ■ - FRIIFRIDAY, MARCH 2-11 :00am SATURDAY. MARCH 10-1IO-11iOOOAM ! Poliot Farms-Don Kaser "A&T Farms • Anthony & TTerr> e rry Millar purge settleiers . ■ Row Crop Equipment - l^ampa Row Crop Equipment-Mefi'M e rid ian Advenijemttnt. February 2 5 ‘ Atfvertisement • Ag WeeUt" • PARENGGEAN,-• IiIndonesia BAKBl.AlXmONCO. TimeS'NowsWn ■(AP)-Everything inn Indonesian'D • www.bakerauetlon.com BAKER AUCTION)N CO.C Borneo is under controltrol, the vice — ' www.bakaraurtlon.ilon.com ____^ ,_ p re sid e n L sa id T h uursday, rs but MTVROAY, MARCH 3-11 KXUm 'Madurese settler Anijii Hina dis-.' Furniture-tools-Collactibles SATURDAY. MARCH10-1'I0-11«00am igrees: She lost her hushusband, her ;-HOMJBhol(i:Mi$C..TwinFBlls ' I'. ' JKO Ranches-'Farm Pani-Hti- H e y b u f n ------1—«on-and her-home-this-ya , attacked by aa DayakE gang at ' ■armFarm & Ranch Equipmcm - Homadale Auction ■ Farm Machinery*y « NNt y ssa . OR province, Vice * P r e s i d e n t charred vehlcliilcle where elfht Madureie refugetjgees were burned alive. In night, as they sleple p t. A(JverTijenieni-Febiuarv25 ; • Advc«scmeffl-Maich8n c h 8 Megawati Sukarnoputrijtri visited a Parenttean,I, ccentral Kalimantan province, on Borneo Island, northeast off In dip chaos, shishe was separated BAKBlAt>CnONCO. SPA R K S AUCTIONON cred.by.a c n Dayak m ob o n Sunday. - and the Dayaks',000 M a d u re se set- MA!VIASTERS AUCTION SSnOCE past 12 days, in a largely . 3rdAnnualJohnHayesUemoncmonal.Ooi'n ! province of of Sam pit.'t. They smashed win- evade ev£ Dayak death squadss 1h u n t-. tiers are still sheltleltering in squiilid vwwww.mastenauctlon.com > ful drive to purge th e pr Consignmcni Dsny Heilcr Sale-EmmenSale < dows, kickedced in doors and cut her ing Madurese settlers. ing for them and thousancnds of camps, slion of foot:ood a n d m edicine, ------> 7 0 I - 3 t i n SATUATUROAY, MARCH 3-11 KWOam AtfvcfliscfTient • Oassfied «70I •: ThomosonCashYafdAuciipn EMMETT VALLEY UVESTiESTOCk CO. 1-800-S97-5016316 Taliban bbegin destn■ a c t i o n U.K: I probecs trairi acccident Shop. • Tools • Collcciililes • Hc'yburn MONDAY. MARCH 12-112-IIKWam US Aucnotgs Johnson Bfothc/s • FaimI EEqi/i quipm ent • GREAT HECK, E ngland (/(AP)- hoped to completile te T h u rs d a y , so wv« www.ue-auctlonaaf.com _ ------—TrjclofS-Iiucks*Hajel|laielion--' —despiteirintem ationaili outrage--O nOnrawTcckagc-strewnstrctt2tc h o f------the'corpses'N^'OtilOtlld'nofSpend a ------■' ' " • • Advcnisonienl-t.ljitinilWO' ------■ • rural rail line, investigaga to rs second -night in tin th e o p e n . SATtATUROAY, MARCH 3-1 1«)am US AUCTIONSNS tan---Using— •...... ■ ■ — -secsearched-Thursday-for-bo ------KABULrAfghanistan bodies------Construct ion-m—crews—were ------Rwereverend Jim Oavis ’ flctircmcnt Aijction~' www.us-auctionaars^lorsTcoin everything from tanks the fateful minutes beforere two around the crashash site so heavy launchers, Taliban troop Advertisement-March i MONDAY, MARCH 12-112-11«)*m Thursday • _ trainstr a and a car collided out across the country■y 1 d in4a-- equipment couldId 1b e u se d to c lea r ALLIL AMERICANj AUCTION CO. P fciler F a rm s • H ow Crop E quipmm en;en! fjvssa. Ofl s, including Thursday, deadlyde» h i^ -sp e e d crash. to destroy all statues, i: the widely scattertered wreckage of VAvw.aurtlonjldaho.comw v AjKemscmeni-AgWoeU', 33 statues ot "Milosevicvie told me personally n iWo Sthicentury sta Thirteen people wereL- con-', the two trains. It'cIt'could take up to ' ------Time-Ncvrt-1-i a mountain- that he'll ninever answer to any fin Btiddha carved into a n: firmed dead and more tlialan 7(i 10 d a y s to h aulul l away all the SUNiUNDAY. MARCH 4-12 NOON BAKER AUCTIONINCO. C ... court.subpijpoena” said.Sinisa inji injured In the Wednesday nmom- w recked cars, Tlio'liompson said. Jnmesit e s l e R u e & f em ily • H o u s e h o ld • H o is c« www.bakerauctlor».-prevent-officials from------I'roin I llic-.Mauii^VjUuv.IU.-KioiionuLMcdical-Cvnivr-ln-rwin.I'a i.l'j||s,.ldjlio,:Uo- - .ToiJSHov1 HovyDid HaiOer-Ffltm MDelimeiY- Sohl-ihl- - — — r - U S AUCTIO NS- g a summons to 4 miles west on I Ivvy. ‘.1(J to juiKtlDU (U)jackpoi). Ihethen ^o IS intles . ,Advcnisemi>ni-Maicti3 . . . . www.usaucttons.ees .com ■...... of. art, many of.whichi c h . a r e i n ...... so u th to HolliM cr ((losintintcnt5'v rom itr>-.Store coruerl.Ml,™ ll 1 mile- Kabul's main museum.1. "We hope Milosevic forW questioning. " '' wi-it on \taiiiin Si. U'aicli ftiV aiiciioii sinus. ASTERS AUCTION SERVICE the A f^an governmentntiviUshow > Butsuppoiport'for Milosevic has , — wivw.maiter^auctlon.com WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14-11:6014-1 am ______Lii — Wada Bros. Ri'tnemePiI AuctionAuc the spirit of tolerance:e eenjoined mehed awayay since: October, \vhen Sale Time: 12 NOON . Lnnch tyKalliy — ^ solution forced him to ' j lONDAY. MARCH 5-10:00am RoivC'OpEqui[OTeni • Oiariol a r i o OR upon by Islam as well1 aias respect “■ H-i»' re™ '' APPLIANCES • FLFURNITURE - H O UJSEHOLD S AifvL'(tlSL‘m{nI.AgWei'Wv3‘t.'Wv3" Jge that he lost elec- wc. ham, Inc IBIame & Kiy Mccham FaimsII for international sent!ntim ent in acknoivledgi WcMiii^jhouvc 20.<> I'u. It. lniMlist Iree relriKerator Iree/er. .ill.ilmoml colored - Mecham TiftiesNftvS'Matctii 1 h e s t e p p e d d o w n . Irln1'rlHiOiilrc .10" olectfic sU)w. sinvinnle oven. I year old - lii; microw.ive tn - 1K';\ , . . Tiacio's- T PoiiiloEquipmem this regard,” Pakistan:an, one of 'i™s BAKER AUCTIONNCO. C< 0 recognize Milosevic'ancind three other associ- hiMvv dulv .ultuni.ilk' clotlivs• w.islierv • Kopcr heavy duly aulom.nicau clothes '. LivestocVEqurpmum-HjicHoiinv only three countries to r tlr>'cr • l.dtlK T rccli'iiLT • Cornci www.bakarauetion.c>n.com anted by the U.N. war Her nook d in e ile set w ith Ii’llt Ini' in liench seats • ' Advertiscmunt .. • Ag-WMkly • 2/2 J the Taliban, said a stzstatement are wanl Small hookcasc - Siom ki' c.'iblniIncl Iniiikshi'll • Assoried womlloden cal.inels • t. • Timos-NeJvs - 2 |25 "niursday. crimes trib'ib u n a l f o r a lle g e d jr..,;ilMWcr clK-sl of iltaw cfs • 5 ilr.ivauer tlivst ol drawers • O.ik meiiiedk'ine cahiiiet - THURSDAY. MARCH 15-1C15-10.-OOAM l>ls»l.-iy sh v lf - l .irRc w ood \i involvementnt in atrocities during l>lvi •aorase cuphoard - Desk • SmS all e lec jrica l______WEWESTERN AUCTION CO. Dave law tciice Inc -faljlicniinginimjSShot) I_ ■ kdown--on Kosovo j'PIj':ippll.inti‘s ..t.iii>|'‘iulnci,ni;ii.'lilnlinvAassurted.i'Ijnlerb • Itailers'.'fS'cliKk •..Aisiifted .__WWWww.wastornauctlonco.com - . Enuipmtm'. H anser' — Bln Laden applauds ( lumps • cil.issw.tro - lo'.cph .■>;on pollerv ■ 2 drawer tile vahiiihinet " ' _____ AiNci5SCmem-Ag\Vtfckv-3■ki^-210 lanlstan LAWIITN & GARDEN TUE5UESOAY. MARCH 0-S:00 pm bombing from Afehan iifi lawn m ower, tw in re.ir ha^ue««er. electric st.u r- . u T.frw.\i%vs-31313 Clwftsrn.in 10 hp. .<()" cut fiillni; Houscholrt-ToolS'Anti(]ues , DUBAI, U nited A rablb IEmimtes Tribunal Ississues indictments ajAKtl'II Fill) 17 cu (t lilt IkhI m illllilv Irailer • Coast lo Coaslsi S .‘ hp Iront line . MUSSEB BROS. AUCTIONE3 N E B l S a C ConsiQnmoms Wdco'tie-Jo'omo The.world’s most rro io liller • llvol>i cat.-aier w iiti Intisli c u ller - ,l eiii<•iiili/er spreader • '•on: www.mbauction.co Islamic militant, Osa '“'“IIng of Dubrovnll< . RuIjIktS llfi-d w heel li.irrovv - .\j;ri^ri r.ili 1-1 cu ft lawn can • (>.is..isharbecm-KMlI,- KLAAS KL AUCTION BARN . SDAM. Netherlands - . 1;“"l.ifclliiiL- foklinu nlcnii' tal'Ic - LiwnI chairs - lirnam eiit.il v,ird v.ii decor,Itions'. • 208-324-5521< TJIURSDAY, MARCH'I C H 15 Udcn, has applauded1 the th bomb- AMSTERD IJakc's: lloes • liardeii hose • Ir.lrashcans-Sm,ill _____ ribunal said Thursday Mi'MUnldlnK tiilik'- Stu.vds - W est End Com^imi^’AiiciiA iicn c r ing of the USS C ole; in ii Aden. Jlie U.N. tnh l-'vn puiup p ic i^ u p . ( - describing the destroyereras i a ship “ issuedcd an indictment for CAMPER TRAILER= R tuUESDAY, es MARCH 6-11K)Maw Farm M acntveiyM ijc; - Blit'.Bi on Faims • faim Eduipmeiit • WirtHjoll N ow Taking Con$ir]r.mi.fit of injustice that sailei l e d t o i t s ; by the Yugoslav army iI'lHl '>« VolkswaKon K.ihhit nickur,up, 2(l.(10'l miles siiiie lonipleipletelv leliiiili. >;,is SconFi doom. for the 199991 bom bing of the , .■n>{lno. -1 sjii'vil, loiiK »vkV l»'.si».\ • (. 1/2' 12’ ll.uhed t.uuliluleill a.xle.tlalhed AdvcftsemLiil Adv • Ag WeeUy IV. 3^ ■ AOvcrliStfiriim • M.iMi<:u\2 I, ir.ilk'r - i’llKfiiu ovi-fsliol i';uii|iiiper. e.\celleni. new upholsi'■Isterv, etectru. nr' Tiiiies'Ne\v$i4 MASTERS AUCTIONI SESERVICE Bin L aden’s rem arkarks were ‘coastal city of |)ri)|Kini‘ llxlKs. slovo. c(.-lriK<-'>aiU)f\(or H' .\ 12' w ood Mor.iyi-ve hulldln^ on skids, insulateilied, 2 vears old - Qatar’s satellite chanlannel, Ai- Imiui' smil M _ Oe.in Moni[>e>l[>e iram ed ^anv,is Ailvi’rlisi'm cn:' f.Vr:*- rsdetonat- did not disclo!:lose w h o th e y w ere. Pollock Fiirms Two suicide bombers i )i]lv covervd (.iir poit - 10’ \ ID'I)' melal d u s k e n n e l. <>' .\ ItV' lulieavy duly metal RowCioREnuiiimcm.ro Pj^utto U S AUCTIONSM S 1 'explosives . IGcii-count indictment ed a small boat full of ex Advcitisumem. Ftitiniaiy 25 alongside the USS Colee a:as it refu. included mumurder, cruel treat- HORSE,-MlMULE, TACK & Etc.:c. “ > year old wIiIil- M oIIv nuik- Iiroke In lo ride. <11 p.ick • veaiMI oKI lirown and BAKER E AUCTION CO. eled in Aden harbor. YeYemen, on "i'"'. cks on civilians, plun- >v SATURDAY. MARCHCH 1 7 evastation of civilian— ''yjjil J?i .'ide,j_\iisiralian_lf«,.l.'2,'lsadsaddle.wiili.lluni^ ____ Oct. 12, killing 17 A An m e r i c a n - .i'liiiriiT H or\c*si/c I'M ltlcd miij;njile drivutf: harness compk-teete • 2 lar>;e dr,ill ------Mothers. ,. institutions:,s a n d h is to r ic m onu- lorsc mule fancy work iirldk's ■; ConSK jrTm ufit C.V sailors and wounding 39 o ■ assuited t>ridles • Halters • I'ail'ails and I’laiikets • uucrtmIDfJESDAY; MARCH 7-11:00am . ■ Yemeni and U.S. inVejivesugators "i™” . ■' «iillid the charges related i k'.ivy lull sl/c liofsi' lilankL'l wlfvlfli hliod • assorts! new liotseseslioes. ■ Cinches '^^fJ Coi'Sifl'i ...... ;niction of Diibrovnik (iM oinin}: llc'ins - 18” collar •!• Small s.iddk' racks - Several:l 1,II1\,ISi. jti.iiitles • ■ ScotlloilIlovi‘lnii(1 F.iims • F,ii;n Eqini) • Oecio have said publicly theyey have: no '» llu! ‘‘“ >™ illvL-r in u u n ia l hits ■ I'alr of sll\ih e f m i'iinled les \'i>nt laruef rowel n spurs witli Ajtvuttisi'ttieiil Ajtin - AgWutV^ iJJ. 53 the attack andsumiiindinding areas; j’*”': BILL ESTES & ASS0C1At C I A T E S jurd evidence linking thi Innlcs - r.iir of shoi >juu thajisl>s • I’alr ol clunk vliai's • I'.ickck h,infers • Neik IimesNw.-sSi of the sus. Dubrovniklik w a s p u m m u led by' (208)654-2546 or 6707 0 0( 2 4 6 RS:bin Laden,, but one of .'t>kL' - WcMvfti ixipiT I'ack IxMikiiks • Many wesierii iirt inaiiresires • M im aiute o \ m u '“ cl< lau:aunched from nearby :t)Kl>oV liools - W cslcrn hats • lliichin>;111 tack ■ lIiandiiiK irons , the Saudi Moiitencgro0 □on O ct. I . 1991. Thu CAMPINNG& SPORTING • ttu.Woiiii;ett— kv.couiurv-skiwwilh-iitile.s^tiuiil:joi.vaitd.|Jiiidnu;s, ------1-----___:Slii;il4.&J33:n!!l.f.li;Ciuii;_-!______iscd oiu'c - Lirxe irv ii.in • Soiiv I'ricicrlI' 10' and 12' \ S' iiieialial jMiiels - llie Valiev how lie .N ■ inel.i! horse RSOt-ar;ate - I’ovsder ------as pledged charges■es o f w a r crim es dur- {wil'w iler • -1 mi'tiil Iu u h ' tei-ik-r • Slobodan Milosevic has | tlver nielal panel hay ti-eiler - 2 w.itl horse li-eder^- l.»’ iiealeak'd 1.011.1I poles THURSURSDAY. MARCH 8-11;00am ',ll.Kr;.ts HrvUll-:' l' - PNH snialllall 2 hole heated slock w.iieierer • Several Ire.ited Row;uw CropI Edimmifiii Ci'i^'isuium.'n: •V lvi'iiiSi'm riil M ,ii.cli2! own and relies on the for questioning aboutlit alleged; [»ree of its o« I" .\ -I" .n lU’ llnilK'f-.- tlseil wirele • Healed Molv water tank • Ilmlliickets .Iiul luhs ■ OjiiiU'i). OP . .U S AUCTIONSJS international peace K;il>llal>l>li CiiKC • Vel siipi'lies ■ 2-.< inions of all.ilta/iti'ass hav, under t'frongdoing_ ranging froifrom fraud NATO.icd in ...... , AilverliM'mem A. fi'lmi.i's 25 www.us-AUCtionoors.i>iieitislls . Hand le ailu r ® SATUFtDAY. MARCH 24-11!4-11KX)flM Dills • ('rallsm ’iui lu " ial>lo-\,i'>,iw . W ood h e u ih - M ei.il .a.alimels...,Heilcll l . Alltlii.ll TvS'iIl f.lIK Cll'll'ini:i-1\i-l\ Al,A I't • Shops,iciiiiins - J ------Ifc »Wn«t«T» BilSw tf o ij abinels • IK'iu h uriiuler • Waniu';iier airless conuiierci.il spr.iset ■ TdiCks C.its • I,U);s filit'iin (iood assorinieiil ol hand luumils • I'liip ci'ttls ■ MiU'i sawm • Shop liKliis . . THURSURSDAY. MARCH 8, 11:000am M cnc Usirf.ilis- ^ ' 4 j ^ .lel.ll tool Imxes • .Ait I.ink • .Mun )en'i?.Soiiv If.: f.itm t(iiir|i nmn'H . ■ . CL Oen.i Nl)>v i.iuMi; Cii'is'i;nm m:' MISCIc e l La n e o u s Ailv( AItiiiUuininiun H>' e.sieiisum l.ulderer • o' Itherul.iss siep laddcu- l>[.iil(c>iul H [il.lled A U AMERICAN AUCTIOITION CO. liiinl'ei - v.in • plastu li.ii 7 3 4 -4 5 6 7 liikup Ii’ol ho\ ■ |)iiiiensu>n.il li SER BROS AUCTIONEERS. LLC ? WWW.I/.m agfcvalley.coi 1“i'lte and ek'ciric com poneiils • 1lencinj; items - IV1 ».irrietN '.'•1;::;;:- II w u ssE f itick saws • Vo>; chauis • ('li.iiiiI likinders ■ II,iv hooU • liiiiiielsels . U c o d p.illets www.mbnuctlon.com Wl MONDAY. MARCH:H 22( 6 • 'nd oilier inlscellaiieousjleriis loiiH> iiinueroiis io meiitioii . IS.UK Aiicli.m PiJt.iiu tmli'uiiiem ^ W n in c !iN c '^ > i ' I^BIORIOAY. MARCH 9-11 ;00am t ■ E JOTJ;; Mot m.’i Iti I'hili. :lll Ulfl', \ i i l ' t ictlll llh lduiiuli\c•l.'i li'l inii fo , 'li\ . , _ Irurki r.iiin [iMHimenl Ami'iif ______■ , JnnciAHoiS Pun Pidtcii - Fnii'i Miiciimi'iv in" AiNi'ilist'ilient M,»i;!i24 Click on... OWNER: aES LARUE . Ailviiitiscmi^ni • Miiiefi 1 US AUCTIONSJS " .... iSTERS AUCTION SERVICE www.us-nuctionnors.i T ttnt: Caih sr BankobU Chfww.mamtortauction.eom Souther Sole managed byly M a s te r s A u c tio n .S c rv icce e - — ^ SATURDAY. MARCH 31-11iMIKXJam I D.L. EVAl -The Busintiness thai Service Bulir FWFRtf>AY. IMARCH 9-11 KX)am ' Am uKil A n n n n i' S CoH i'i lil'N Jotii'Citill Chiist' Faim Eouiiimi'iii • flwiieir IF CminiyfaitiiKMMih Frii 3______B a n k ______W a ste E AUCTIONEERSs CLErtir tK . .( Ailk'uitiscmeiil • Maicli 7 N o iv I.iV nui CnnsniMiiii'iitv Lylo Mostora Gnry OatMrnene Joo Sennoll Lnrtinrinr Lovolnnd US AUCTIONS ALL AMERICAN AUCTlOrTION CO, tin Mot>ili. Hill..' Uiihl. Itliilio GooOinn, lUnlin • 734 -4 5 6 7 (i’Ofl) IL’OU) 93-1-M‘j‘jOO (?o(i'ig;iii.oiii iVuhi. mw.us-nuctionoars.com Jim Chrl^anaon • Dti|:Uipotl. Idiihu • 'u ll-.lli’i’ oi a :i|..ll.' on and visi-t onlir ' Mololii l>rio«iin 73t l<>H>|(> • r>39-53SO • 6;)i)-oiit.» a:n- H«iQiK»n Plvoim gOQ.JOl-TaS!! « f AX■ X 54J-5?;>7 ot !I3J-(1'.177 • v\ww tii.islnnliTH.ii«:|.<'« corn iUii'k .null


Lyl U l ('”

I ______. &6 Tlme>Wawi. Twin FilliFan*, Idaho Fr1

M o r n i ns c G BREAK

. TUSPu«tMO*dc»n I ____ : i l ------flCROSS- ' - Tr — — TT i r — — -j'D rilioislollors _ 4 AnOSIS . '* ■ . 9 Plonul - Blood donor.gives ggrandpa new lif1 e - 14 E xist ""— ------15 Aneioni reoion “ DEAR ABBY: My, grandid f a th e r m the opportunity to meet andan DEAR KRISTA:: HiThank yw ' for In Alia Minor • is ^ amazing man. He serv U in love w ith his first greaeat- your eloquent leiteitter. A pint of tCNolhorlamlJ------“ 1 ' f S l i AnIitloB is la n o ------_ country during World War D e a r g j«andchild. n . Thank you for givirring blood is'easy and painpainless to give, 1 7 F io iy ------■ postponed his dreams to'gi randpa his 62nd weddinling and it can Uterallyy mmean the:dif- .18AetorSydnoy ------■ five children a better life. F ______anni.iinixei5aty,and.his.85th.binhda:day.. ference-betweenJifelife-and-death ------. 2 0 A i m ------p -.my-grandmother-sacrlfice xank-^u for allowing his exteniin d ------Readers-if-you-wonwon’t-do-lt'for— ■■ —:------sTT^orr-^— F ------‘ — :------—shvefl'strthtms: htrfrxhildreir f-familyTo-gaihei-in'celebradadon— yourselvesrconslderdenlolng It In ■njuno* . hr ------■.!« . have the chance to go to c ■ ■ I o f OC h i ristm a s. T h a n k yo u fo r evei/eiy the memory of a lovedlovi one who 25 T harj'^ lolkjl L and emerge debt'free. He* ly that you have ^ven our famim i- . d itin ’t m a k e i t 26 Mineral spnngs I" 0 th e hospital fo r fur- ' ' 29 Buildino blosk i— ______: _ ■ ■ ■ kindest k and gentlest personinlhiJe hfretumed'oU the chance to absorb mot;ee t o fC o n ta c t the nearestu-est Red Cross 31 Floostowed ' • iher transfusions)ns and is doing fine. __ ^______! L ! L ! 1 , ®' eyer known.' s wisdom. Abby, pleasase Center by lookingg ir i n y o u r te le - 33 W ildoboost m nfR4 hr. I WOuld likeB tot< take this oppor- -.i, ^ Last summer, at the age of k your readers to take the dmime phone book or askiniking the infor* 30 luac’8 eidost ■ (ik all of the people 5? 37 Low poinls p ------alalmost died uf a still undia£agno’sed • tumty to ihank save a griandpa, a child,1, a mation operator,, oor r c a ll 1-868- l i s P “ JWsUfe who gave theneir time and their stran ,3 a _ It Itio Ifuih? L blood disorder. Whal saved I - a n g e r o r a re la d v e . G iv e blood.}d. 25&638S for the localocation of your It my grandfather 40 P0ft 51 Casual assent , pronoun re c a mBV i G/\RY, Ind. (AP) - DanaI FPowcU that they can1 beb< negative,”: said isn’t>*t worriedi that Powell is studiidy- said. 52 Fresh 7 sinpsKk 54 Crto Gueva'B't . .ammo is g e ttin g a n in sid er’s view'forher fi Powell, who is from New York ing5 hhi e r . Powell, who iss m ajoring in - - (irstname . 88_Cruz.CA. |0|l|L|LlM*l collcge thesis on whether beautyb and whose fifamily lives in “If someone is watching meTie, broadcast journalism,ism, deddM to 58 Mnp collodion . 9 i Knee bone lAlDl i l o l s j p a g e a n ts e.xploit w om en. Rockville Centtn tr e , I’m being mysellelf, write her thesisis onc beauty - 60 Exprossion ol 10lOMestosup i S I e IwIb p ^ n jp ro o f 11 11 PooistekI Ik E n M c iT I Fowell is Miss Massachihusetts N.Y. so however shshe pageants after becoecoming Miss 6t Like some 12 12 Liflcetn's1 and she will be trying just a5n backer I 11 | p |S |E M t | At the same tinfe, the senliniorat modeling swiwim^ tlim/^iiigrliemsek Kenya Howard.1, a she didn’t want to tellt Powell 69 Cflbrnel parts...... 212 1 1 Kandef# IqIe Ie Ir M a I ...... 70 Tram s 10 MX ...... portno'I in ... • '.wteuSTwTiS Enierson College in Bostot:on will suits for judgesa5 a n d . m 'm f o r model and cngiig i* ___w h a t s h e t h i n k s ooXpagMnts, ^ _ -T— ™ ' - 71 Co teundeo by i be tucking away tidGits folor her always compan , • neer who'w-brkss atn allov/ing her to forrform’her own H, Ross Perot 24Lo0ki}v0r 24 I 226 6 :Steeple lop .41 AciorN«ola»3la» 57 Von Bismarck • se n io r p a p e r e x a m in in g thebest- e 1 • their looks. AA: n d ju(ig(^ (HlH 'iil'ays. General Motoro r s id e as. ------DOWN ------■27T)angoi------4427-1 Cninoso wutMjup------•nnoGmnam------a-and-x^-orst r - that pageants hthave to though shejoy _ C p rp T s a id - s hle^s e ' —“But as-a-womanin iiin her 50s I 1 Rospoetful 26 (Boots ingredients:s 5S Skeicn artisl o fffe r. " the glam our, shis"h'?s^------not worried abouout have another pointt of view,” she HinOo lillo 30 .. Lumpur 46 Head eaviliesiiies 59 Ladder part 2 Maine town 32 ILyiis poem 50 Prolil >>guie10 61 Wordless yos- “The more, knowledidge I unhappy with,tf i t h e ^ ^ Powell becausijse said. “I can’t say whaivhat I want to, 3 Heated 33 1Boajtlul 53 Moumlvl enei;nes 62 Vanity UCacquire,'the older I get, the.ie.hard- message .beaua u t y . she always operer- that I can’t believe2v e p e o p l e in argumont 34 Alcove1 55 Hackneyed■d 63 Exciioment eer r it is to jast say. ’Pageantints are pageants can ggi\ iv e to yo u n g g irls a ters s likli e sh e 's o n d sta g e. beauty pageants arere sistill wearing 4 rtniian 35 1Tear open 56 Put mio prop(ropof 64 Gardner ol gcntluman 39.39 Avivjalla pitch lilms ■fun,’ fu and that’s it. I haveI tito see about the ideali b b o d y im age. “‘I I iactually think it’s a gootlod bathing suits and thatlhat it’s a meat themth for what they are amtnd see Miss Hawaiiii Christy( Leonard idea.ra. It’s a good thesis,” Howanard market.” Scorpi(io:- ■ r~^

“ - ^ P l a ^ r hlard " to get i v iEl

^IF M A R C H 2 N Dd IF I y o u r BIRTHDAY... you areire sensitive, creative, emotional anand loyal to I ^ I ------lo v e d o n e s. Y ou a re! aattracted t to ------living quarters nealear water, . Capricorn. Cancer personsper play m a j o r r o le s in y o uir r life, li could h a v e t h e s e l e t t e r s , initials ii in names; B, K, T. Duririring I^Iarch, i n t u i t i v e i n t e l l e c t dcid o m in a te s . r Social life accelerates,tes in April, ! September features5 mmoney and 7 % ro m an c e. ARIES (Mar. 21-Aprypr. 19):Yuu _ . . _ w ill be relieved of)f a: .‘.‘losing a ii & - oli proposition.” Look; beyondbe the I F H IDAY I immediate, future holelolds for you tnivel., fyeater recogniiyiiiion. Libni in v o lv ed . f wonf i e n ' s SS f io e tsw t eafv

. . H o k o s c oO il 'l - Sydney Omainarr I o ne s s e s i6 P a n t^ i setsM Choose from yoi/our favorite designers. .• ' • TAURUS (Apr. 20-20-May 20):------' ------... MISSES;.PETITES=S & WOMEN’S WORLD.D,. ______/fi/S Make fresh start. Judgidgment and intuition honed to razrazor.sharp- ' ness. Imprint style, doJo noti f<>llo\v others. Create yourr owno tradi- tion. Leo plavs role. M ie n ' s S fv i o r ts mr t e u r ^ GKMIM (May 21-Jll-June 20): ____ Focus on partnership,'Ip, local poli- , . tics and m arital slattatus. Look M m SI behind scenes, someoneone wants to C o l l et c t i o n s ••tell you somethinR,'ig," Cancer native fijjures prominenle n tlv . CA.NCER (June 21-Ju!y22):21-, ------E l e m e n t s o f lim in 'Rg. . 1hick ride with you. Popularity• zozooms, peo- pie want to wine andid i dine you, Rom antic involv6mem e n t c o u ld result in jouniev. , LRO (July 23-Ai•Aug. 22): O bstacles placed inn j:path, you _ _ o v e rc o m e a nd a d vancL-ILL- in career. __ ___ HveTS I’ro m o tio ri d u o alim n; w:wiili added ...... responsibility, Ta'iirusrus, Sctirpio' ^ Palis plavoiitstandinf* roles, V H IG O (A u g . ,23,-Si-p?irpt. 22): Be Holidm analytical, hut don’t: getgc hogged down with details,, F Flirtation Sports^swear S | could be tn'ore seridirious that} i | K & oresfsses ■ expected. .Lonn-distanctince comtnu- nication verifies opinionions, Choose from1 a groal I.IBRA (Sept. 23-(:3-0ct. 22): soloctlon .•\iient;on revolves aroiiroiind ants- ^^^|H~INFANTS,'TdDOIDOLERsi tic endeavors, domesti-•Stic a d ju st, ^ S [ U B g IRLS' 7-16 &6 EBOYS' 8-20. ment, I'ocus on possibliible cliange of residence, tnariiaital status. Another i-ihra plays role■ole, SCORPIO (Oct. 23..'I3..N0V. 21): P r a c ti c e r e s t r a in t, xvor!v'urk b e h in d scenes. Do not becomene HMi avail. able. Play waiting Rarr;ame. Legal clearance'retjiiired for project, Pistes fimires in scenaritario . ' ' SA(;iTTARIUS (Novs’ov. 22-Dec.. 21): I'ociis on prornoiiiin,ion, ability to ‘ AVE 75% work with liiiilier-ups. GGo overnm ent ' SAVE1 6I 6 % ■ aneivcv could Ih; involvedved. TIRE STOCK ENTIRE■STOCK 1 C A P R IC O R N (D ec.. 2222-Jan. 1‘J): I WOMjEN'S PA U Finisli what yoii start,t, emphasizee ^ MEN'S S WOKJM EN'S P A U utiivcrsal appelil. Thinkink big, you EAR & SUPPERS^ SLBEPWEOR ROBES ' can fulfill iispirationons. Aries, G bnsie. on.QOinti stylos. Libra individuals playiiy i o u tstan d - ing roles. Luck with minilu m b e r 9- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-20.Fel), 18); ' . P e o p le w ho g e n e ra lly o[:opj)ose vou coukl now become ytiiytm r allies, —StrccTindependence,ce, original thinkinn. W ear hrishight colors, make personal a'ppeanUinUices. i i k trd ’s IMSCF.S (Fell. 1pie’pies$ Caid. Omeis Club Inicrnjiional., MM;: astcrcai!),^ ant) IM Oiscovsr Caidlid . . '



E N ti M EN'S & WARMWB Excludes t

Sfio We .veicumn youi Oiiljr Fitdiy,M«rtft3II2.2001 Tbn»Nm.TwtiFaa*,ldb , MKK> > 7 COM]yiics, • *- • —------' ■' — 7 — Claulcr Peanut!------; - ‘ BycnariesMrSchulZ'Iz _ . ;!'-JF6r BrttBrwForWcwic w a " ' __ !,..'■ - -- - r . ~ " . rTByl^nJoh) Johnston T O «ft *Htu'Oiao*/c>ocKr OnKAT''TKAr ■ ■ B ,U ) H f f O _ i ■ p U f tC K '.* - 'm i3 UCOK KT .... y w j uarfH 6 c M * ^ HQr 3. ji rr Gives you eve^ 'U- ■ ■ < h e ----- 7 ^ ftNOf»*lMN.OeuHCHoiMaQ-lBT rr ft! r ^ r t M i f- T IN A 6 U 0 ^ g n f f u l TR«TMl |SE6(PTHITjcyoCTsSoivT r r LOVE T AOMT if D0E8NT ' ( RAISES/ SHOW/US a ; v o u m«MOMEyf^^» e t /n / . S H O R T < f ! . r d ( , ^ IP O W N A T , M EETIM SS,' J • ' TIKUJILL DEfAONSIJS T R A T E ;■ ijllSEEK VERV SPECIAL luMBWlOi • THE rAANAGEMEMTCT CLO A K . { , WJH HE EN Y O U k n o w ; ‘ f OPTICE.'/ ______QF IN Y ISID ILIjy.. ______.| _HQt*Q U f J X S - D Q N E .. ,. .. .. ifyiH 1=

■B.C. • By Johnny Hart[ PJcWe« By Brianrian Crane :crwaiwAtftM / \tHJPUW6Pt53335^ rAMPCo*1C> Cto? SOMEO»4E*6 PER-PE 6ASmR-R)«fix p & r A 6 1 E £ P ? — r MlS6K»i 6£R>% «& fOflGNeUirEMES6 >. I'M l 'fOOPRAWOM ------^ — C u r t ^ l , , ^ p

- K»l ' "Gatfleld By Jim Davis Dennis th e Menace By Hank Ketch;itcham , The Family CircusI ‘ 'ByBilKEiil Keane ; . ni ^ ^ ( I PONO N T i I OU MOST T"" I *' r H w eiriM Tl e 1 /\A, ?N TO RELA^ • <1 S TO STCS T O ^ ^ \ V T z. y ^ - - J - i ______i«Lp— ^}rL ------( I h o W S - ) - M g - - ° c 3-ES o°- L / fi ^ J i

HI and Lob. s i i By Chance Browne ; I yoO'fZE i l i PA y-F'> pef?>visvv — ~0A3V’SrfTING~5—~TT7 l-L/—MAP»6-Me-jAhl ------^ A-FUUt=-FRlPSey^* : FOfZTHeFlMBSTQHSIS / OPFCR J 5R|— / _\ c o u L P h J 'r u 3 X ^ d ^ f feee. I vTww'RvIrlccwJtfe^ S W " M o mnmy, t my feet are in > : □ t hle e wrong shoes.” i i n S = ‘Coulpvouwrap™IWlSAFaeiNAPlE FORMEW E ?", - __ _ ' ^ TBBP' I I *' '• 3 2 : The wizard of Id ■ By B Brant Parker & johnny Hart.. Bose Is R o s e .. ByPaliPat Brady .' ' r i m o u r \ / H A « p \ / J, (I'm CTWKB^ ^ « n n / ^VBK \ *s ^ T H " ^ * < 1 :; t h = A K p /i r ^ S iraWISP I C-Mt ------I aEANIMeA6AlNSriW “ IT'S n o rm 5 A^ v I . /^ E T TH1N65 EE" *WT O ” TOWYTWETRKE£I5 I ,) «tlN6 0NE0PI■ ‘T5 ,V //3 F Av>=- 'S'! ______I^MOMORFW.THttm P Y / j ■ '■ MIW c n w r / ) m ^ m c \ KlfiTE5/j _ : Hagar th e Horrible ; By Chris Browne ZIts By Jim Botgman and Jerry'jrry Scott

It „ ' r \ 'O g H oTi/^UY U t vJizirrBtJ . . (^catf^eaiSCTK?N:’ t—— _____ ^ A ^ u r i c f A N f z i a w D f m ] RiCHANPW-r 1 — r- = f = f SOTABKACEy . ' . | — Hii— ^ •*' -t ■;■ 1, ■

L l - f e ------:------1------

I . I I 'V

: B eetle Bailey By Mort Walker UtBttn By Gregeg Ei’ansEi

" I " TH ERE ^ P L / S 1 ------WMAT 15 HAPPENINQjJ5'neR£.TirFANY»-rTHev I SOIso t I I^U t-1 ClD V /-\'E i4 -\PjM-i'nJu6tet)->t5t;r\-/-MiSu€u.-« ------C l L _ b SO M E (3RB(R^T PIWol^R. p J e - I TOOK SUKfTHeR-S: KKNOTEBOOK POR AN CAuChTirt KCnwK^ll mSl i \IJIj T7/ArSw»i^\ UCvf--5-2^ -SSO/T r \ CLOUPSI P S W H A T P O ^ M >w>Bii. FOOL,.; YOUJ TOOK -r HIS test cweATiNs,NS, i^ / ■ ! ’ • V '^ V s j^ W u i______^ I-Li l t iJiSlB t T i K ir x. rT^rYTVPffH>W^T>TV^4tT’OrT>^l.»tT-l . 2.-^ !i*S! FranK and Ernest By Bob Thaves strange Brew • . By'John Deering:ring NonSequltur • By3y WileyW o O O O o O W /ir TH/IT /I RtM/M /lK e O f A Hi?,N5,N3, MO, SO !' S - t Q U U l | . MOSN .s^VMX PO 1 IXfeNt 1 Tcl-V. 'OU.RDOKlC.'? PiRVT5-TS9U ^ / ^ CHOCK UK, CR«X T R ^TTll'IC., ^^; . ■! poNT rNOv/. if t;j£ s i 'av, 1 ^ ^ Pp /I /p IT « 6 M ;? t/K f THEY />(P ■-. IT Oi/fn, Of. . I ovefO ip IT] ; l \ J mim ^ . j l The Bom Loser By Art Sansom & Chip

■ I ~ J t o o LOOK LIKE£ Y IO O ^ WKJO'SCaiCkY!

- -' - - - ^ ' _ 1 k v ; M Tlm«»MeM, Twin»ln F llto, M ibo ■ fM ti, M v c h 2. 200tool:

EIDAHO0-50100-50 ' . ^A1 r i ^ J _____ I m J

t t 'm n 3 ., : ' ; M I ii idF f p l i I » 10 LB. li T - { V \ P BAG \ Q -V i?;‘V . \ m \ \ : - J

; w ' _— 1= L arge E ggs L eg; Q u a r te rrs BathTr is s u e A lbertsorso n 's* Grade AA 'A Fresh Chicken • Crai M • . I8.Pack-(ck-Cartoa— ______M I . ^ lO lb. B ag ___ ^ ■ A lberje rtso n 's Soft C hoice .v 24 Rq Mighty Paper Tow els* 8 Ro! 9 9 ^ ^ I b . ^ eachh ^ S A V E 2 6 is ._____ SAVE 30

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'B - l IB l l Hi u n C " T - ■ IE 3 S t ztal Flavored Vanilla I C X C K K A M


S<^UARTS ■ ‘' *1 ' /I : Mild Chee d d a r Q ua!ik er Cere<^ jIce Crre a m Albertson':on's • Random Weights ■ • Assorted Varieties. G ood3d I Day Appfoxim.(imatelyS lbs. • • 21 • 32 oz. Bag , ‘ - Assort!orted varieties Available)le IIn Our Package Deli Dept. S 5 Qua^uaVt Bucket T|99J jC T Es i ’*«D ^ i ^ e a c h 1” S t t A l SAVE 6 0 'lb. S A V E ‘3 .7878 ON 2 SAVE ‘1.80...

I-( T '^ c ^ r v v izzrz: ------P

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P aampers D3 ia p e rs L a u n d rry D e te rgg e n t 2 4 P a c k: W a te r JumbooPack I A Good Day Spring'Water Assortedi VVerielies . J Regular or With Bleacf )oz. Bottles 27 • 68 PePer Package ■ 301b. Bucket [ 9 9 Q99 % 9 9 ) each Im r each ^ ^ e a c h AVE>4.00.., i 4 S A V E ‘4.0100 » . S A V E ‘4.01

I I A A 1 . RAINCHEO: W eUstirv ir v t to hive on hdnd su^cient slocklock of asJvertwd merchandiie. H foi• arjyat reason vve are out of stock, a F’ricesJS Effective: Fri,ri. thru Sun. • MarchIV 2 - 4, 2C.U U I Rdin Check will be i«uedi»u enabling you to buy Ihc ilcmm aat the advertised priccas soon as it becomes : available, e Copvtigh^2(il 2001 by AlbetlionVlnc. All HighK1 R««fv«JRei AVAIUaillTY: E»hch cl( iKcie advetirsed itemi i» reqihn^qirited to be readily available lor salee al. or belovv the adwrtited price in / each Albeftwn's ilaie,Die, a% ipecilically noted in this ad.w ------(-______. 1 ■ i...

i^oufh of the _ . — liiorder-SI'hc,-— J n sid eE.— __,:iM<=J»an’«in>cs_ Whafs playing ... .03 'Events spotilghi .., .c - _:^ihcatci5. ,, .C4-5 ~ Movies...-..7.TT..:..,C 6 ' ------: $ PageG3 :«E t e ■ Fmtunsliifiitri[6n!iHt(:niwii-W -09.il,w , ' 3 ’hc T im c s-N cw:ws ____ Fridayly.lMarch 2, 2 001... , . . SecSection p B ill entertaininimailt I stor

I O akley tlicspispians I reim agine‘OtOncc ■

I U pona\IattPctrcss' I By Lorraine Cavener Dancin’fei I TImes-News correspondenident______Boisc-bascd Balletet Idaho I OAKLI-Y- TheOakUakley Valley sorts its Millenniui I .-Vrts Council • h a s; cc< o m e u p I with a spin on a familiarliarckissic. ------Fine Alts lou r Mo/Ionday~~ ■ ' Ii s the vcnerahle sauafji Ihe ■ Princess ;ind the Pea.a. asa- irnmnr- !_____nj^tvw tliapetfonbrmance_ ■ talized in the l‘J5‘)I KI5r r i .a d u a y of“200I:AbanCe ■ musical “Once Upon a .Mattress" .\ I - the show thiii madiiade Carol • Odyssey,” at Twin I Burnett a star. I G a il C i lle ite .p ta y.•S s tltile DVer- Roper AudiKjrium. I bearing queen and is•. tiutile tlmreii . I grapher in ______fiee. I n;™;.:;,;;! yal I ship and ‘ Sncnaisn a n lg a n s I ,c o m e up- • What::Hat: lne I. ------p u n c e ^ w h ic h — Oai I e l l s O p e r a RoOgers'gers' ono Action fann and rar R H o u s e a n d MsrsiiGiisMgH B arcf's r u n s th ro u g h :Oncei.'ice Loon a ; show mas until 7 p. I M arch 24. Mattresstre s s .' ‘ -■ O tiie r cluir- • Where:icrc: Mua (MOM/Tkt rto*» I ti) 4 p m on Saturd; . otRoiMrAiiilllcilitorium. miilf kiiiB w n: ; , ilie College of Sgutluthcm p liiy e .l li.v so.n;.anc! ’ K e n t 'E v e n - Mn,cn a —— Idaho Expo GcntcttciHn------TTnrrmrmRr— protected 2q ' 222 2 2 2,:, . I Twin Falls. Admiss:i.ssion.is , i . , prince plavod p free. “Justcltke"^ l o c ttewor]k i\v A d 'im w m uch /' 1 -o n ster-' .■Is, . ‘‘" ‘I .1-0 is.'J8. .Tea;,III 1 an aggressive H J u mIp i ComiDariny preseniIts ‘On Tilime’ in Tvwin Falls princess. played l.y ASIS ; Steve Cnim[imp - K C a t h e r IM e . TlmefrWows wwrt rtter______■ ttnpuiV ' ■ • - ...... -sn^u^,- Ihe set np, ,0=, - TWIN FALL■LLS - It’s ab o u t- tim e . • - • ' looks like a ■ _ L aurel Z im ineinerman says. m e d iev a l ca.s- F o r tl showw atmui aU aspect.*; of - ' tie andtliccostumi-s iin; i things tempoiporal. So the Junior .• .• / Gillette .iitribiitcs suitiesmn III the Musical Playlilyliouse, with cast of talent to an anniuil, dr.iii K ^ ^ li'.iiiia c .in ii’ ock in tonight a,nd m /jk that six or seven cii' i!k-1h e I'hililreti trith “On Tim e,” the I intlleprii(iiictutnluni;itie attended. tro u p e’s w inIter le t show. .^H I The kid> icani seem•enes I'roin' • I skctchc::hcs and musical num- I' children's liieiiit-urelire, said I ‘ b e f s a b o uI t timt e,’’ explained W I GiHette. wlio stiidieilI I'hi'hiliir.-n‘' ' Zimmerman,1. a substitute teacher I I theatei' tnnillege. • in tlie .Twin FiFalls School District ■ I D uring dram a >. kiikuK le.ini j Feel the be)Q c C L ^ r e c e nnt t fine-arts and sec- f I . voice and.dicQun^iiui.siL.Li.sicai n iiin . I ondary educatiration graduate of the i a ; _ liers. rhytlini and he.itat nniiiiibei' Roots of Bmdl willII coverc University ofif Idaho,I who’s direct- L 3 and set design. Tlieyy pi[1111 DM a ^ ing the prododuction. “There's j shciri p la y n n d tlK-\ le.ilearn ;.ari. • tlie N laciil'elc to die ■ everything frf ro m a ’T im e ’s U p ’ . I toniiine,, . samb-a in a dazzling! I to a part based on I U'liL-n Ch.irleiie Bl.imI.iiier pail' r e ’s s e v e n a g e s o f I tnniinies tlie.i|iieen inill i liie u i ' l vey o f Brazilian dam, m c e ■ I scene, .th.it's ii g<»nl e\.ue \.iii\i'l? ul , The musicaical, written by Jdy ■ ■ I ilrama cainp. (lillette ;.LIW _ product of thehe Twin Falls school and and Sarah StevenS'Easibrook's *0n'0 arc avallablo a t Everytwifbody’s O thler e r cast members arc Rees;■ e r o n th e 'M ije . Time." . • Business. Classic Cuttir 'llie Mount Hatrisoi . system andI activea in the arts jttingGlftsi Atkins,IS, Carlie AtkiiiS. Lacey when she wasIS atJI Twin Falls Higli, • • Ww here: Roper Auditorium. Twin, Decor. Plow's H eatings'e&Air B iirn hlard, a n Katie Baxter, Jackie «viih a hunk aiul end"du\< u uiiVi Condilionlng. Kurt’s Pha Heritage Foundarioidon will ) Company alumnus. Falls. Fan. Pharmacy and ' B axter,r. Emily t Boiiil, Becky Bratt. snnietiiinudt itie.inuii:,'' • ' a u l M y fam ilyly was\ always travel- . ^ . Hallmark in Tvitn Palls,s. tat the door, or • i£ric;, Bywiner. |jv Jeiur.i Bywatcr. jlirect'iir Kent Severe., aii_()VAt.ui_ • When: Tomgtit al 7:30 p.m, and present an old-fashich i o n e d in g d u rin g thle e summer,j so'I never 'd from any c a st member,‘■’f' S iefanfcifc CraytliDrn, Grace Daigh. member wlm li.islieeritl iriMli ii\eil got to,” saidI ZZimmerman,'refer------:------' Caitlinn I'adness.!• Kelsi Fadncss. in diieiTiii,i;'.sinte h i' I'li-fii'i i>la\, ------^yariet\'-show-“Galaa l a ------rin g to th e trctroupe’stradirional ------—•Gast-memberS'include-Dest•stri ------Nickf-M illcrtif-Dtcitc tric h rD to T T n ------J tv a ir l1 Infin.'yIni . Llin fH a rri’i.- S iu 'nlr— ^ ^ l l*i.~ I ~ ------• I,- summer musicaacal production. “But Gnffiriffin, Cody flicks. J e n e Johrtsctson Halfliger of Fili-iler; .\slilee Hosktib.iib. I'chii Hoskins, |);inika "U'h.ii I like ahumuiil 'Kelli ■ 2001"-M on d ay niglight in ifs nice ,0 do0 iiit for the first time id Emily ^ Plew of Buhl; AlaJan i^airbanks, Anniinie Hawkiii.s. Johnsonson. .Iordan Kocli, Mniily Severe'is iliai he .iS'ijiibluris su nie. )r." . Anden d e rso n , M ichelle A n d erso n anda r Jessica Koache andid Andy< Koachu btuly lo dii 'luneihing: .in.Iiul civ.e' . Burley’s King I'ineC /Ans “ director.’ Please see TIME, Page C2 Center. Please >ce MATTRESS■SS C,‘ ' Symphoi)ny perfoirms Schuumann’s; ‘Spring‘ SSymphoiTi w ’ Very funnyy The TlmefrNew«iw« •______^ _ ------1 Uuriiring his l.< years uiili HSl "' “ Ifyougo..^ ^^2^77” ! deparnrtnient. Purii'y h.is tauizhi \ \i» inhii ,iiul Joindie(>>llegeoff . . TWIN FALLILLS - He, has been one of dri- Hwdagt*jij^|jletiiiiiie. oi.ii■•ile.i iu-. >'ll,iin , ■ ving forces b>ehind e h B o i ^ S ta te ■ W hat Magic Valley Symphony5 / wiij present its springiconce.eaunn c W m . b c r innnisic. .ind lias *lirei-led ihe (lij. , the music of Schumann Southern Idaho'I'heneater University’sf 's music departm ent for the nn. Wvaldl and Vaughn Williams, a J k I '” '''iversity Orv-liesti.i pn.giania m Mi'IIl: . Now. Craig Purdy will bring•ing ■ • Whem Tonight. 8 p.ni.m. ■ I>pamTierit 'fhutsd w ith hi;his iKisition .it KSl'. 1‘uuiy !i.i' p,inu i ityle to the Twin Falls as heh e • Where: College of Sououthem Idaho Fine Arts Center au>^\ , .p a te d1 tin nunieioiis national .milDll llllei'll.li gic V alley \ . lio n a lI festivalsasf night for the openinj jjjjj ' Hoh much: TTcRcls. wl i " s o f f as the guest conductor and wtilch are $7 for tegular admissioision. S6 for, seniors idelberg l-'estiv.il in Gei inaiiv.'iluin.u ' ■ soloist duringg Symphony’sS Sp'ring Concert and S4 for students, arc available at Uie CSI Bookslot'core. Crowley's Soda . “.SIap.stick.s'A Fountain and General Store. St EverytKxJy's Business andnd Blip Pfinlcrs In Twin liv ia nI I-'estival1 in I'l.iiuv .iiul MMii'U- u' u i.iii tonigJn. ' B e a r N'alley \' in Calitnrnia, He ii.i'ii.is 'eive.i f S p a c e T liis tviU b e Falls ond at AMene's FloFlowers in Jerome. Omglonieration ofS )e Purdy’s first tim e |)erfomi------1 a s thhe e concerimasier ni iln-Ih.- ili.i'..- M .. ing with the MMagic Valley Symphony, ana n I------^____ and lniph)vi.s;ui()n.” ------—------H _ S u inm eifest. .iiul has |>erli.rrm .1 opportunity he quickly embraced, the conductor’s batonn and lead the orches- cicians in turn can learn to> rvrvact ditfer'ently event'sI's reaiui'eil soluist, _ ___iiThis is somiimething we’ve all wanted! to.to tra ill Robert Sch:humann's “Spring toto the new circumstances.";." » Purdrdy has been a guest I'hainl’enluT . i n i 'r • happen, but IIwcausek; of our .schedules we Symphony” No. 1 inB i H a t- That's exactly what thethi symphony’s ' with theth Oregorr String Oi’ui iei.-I. .m.t il I' .1 For times, dates andi d c o u ld n ’t w o)rk rk out the ideal tim e andnd A new face at the podium] can bring a mmusic director, Ted HadleyIley, had in mind ' fouridiiliing niemhei nf BSl"s ii.m\ la i v iiliy • place,'* s;ud PuPurdy, a.-aistarit professor of different perspectiveD andi approach to the wlwhen he extended the invitavitation to Purdy, pianoiq ig iia r ie l. detail.s, music nt BSUU and; director of the school’sil’s music. Purdy said, “ It is w o n d e rf u l fo r th e orchestraoi to get Alon;mg with ivrtiiriiinii; as ihe Clle'lcm O'tl .see Kvents Spodight rogram since 1994. ”But nowow , “Sometimes the mu:lusicians enjoy a fresh toto experience someone besidesbes me. lead- ductiir.If. I’urdv will play ii vmliti 'iiluiiltlu-'n|.i out. and I couldn’t be happi-ipi- face in front of them.” th he added. :n:nfr" Hadley .said, ”\Ve alwaIways leani some- ‘’Sprining" portion ul' \'ivaK h''l'' "! uiii I*age04-.S e r.“ _ “Because of the condnductor's experience ththing new and Ixicome lietteHter musicians bv Season:ms" and in K.ilpii \'.iiii;linI Uilliani'' \Vi • A s the* feaitured tu i guest. Purdy will takeike and interpretation off the( music, (he musi- ththese kinds of interactions."IS." " T h e I-irkI- .Asi'eridnig " .— ------Twh Ftf fta». ldtfM -Frlday,M «rch 2.2001a ...... —

W e e k E nND IAUTOlBL•LEX I IZ^FoundaS i o n ~ M aittress—— t ------p C o n th MIfroroW fn . ______5 ^ . m'plctc stewardship over itopreseent ■ 1.“ G ille tte sa id . perform anceiynot-jtistTi------Comer of-BlueLLakes S^PoldlneRoaload-— V — ( Y ) 1 : e r e a ^periencc ^ for the cast and 208-8 -7 3 3 - 3 0 3 3 ‘Gala 20\ j y j -L ______CTCW-bUtt Viwill be.worthwhile.for_ . th e 'c o m innunity," a Severe said...... — ^------B y tw rafrw C avener—------:------^------“ T h S'eTs^soniething i n to live TTmes-News cofrw pondf«dent ■ . pcrformaniance that you don’t get. ------xmTV,"he h e a d d e d . ;ress,” with mtisic by w m ; . BURLEY - Some; of tiie'Magic . “M attre Valley’s brightest starstars will be on JRIchard1 Rodgers’I daughter, ', display Monday nightght when the Mary, wasas originally written as : Mount Harrison1 Heritage part of ann adulta summer camp: A . Foundation presentss"Gala200r “( one-act versiony< was so well • a t th e K in g F ijie A rtss C e n te r. r e c e iv e dI tlthat Rodgers and her , , T h e .e v e n t is th ir dJ ajannual cele- lyricist, MaMarshall B ^ r, dedded . b'ration o f th e o p e n inngoftheKing g < to expandid ft into a full-length C e n te r. ^ ------• —• :— musical:—^ . “ Son,3 n g a „ a ------. ih e stoilory centers around ~ showcase of J . ® P rince DaD auntless -the Drab; the best tal- 03d an c e whose motllOther. Queen Agravain e n t w e c a n • vmurt:hat: The ■ to keep the boy to her- O t O S A fin d c a d i s declared that he will S ':' 1 true princess of royal Mosrtes year, sa.cl Hj^lagtrage^'"'*’'’ yedona^I I..-..- A la n H a le , ' lOMU proBram- ’“S" • “ en PrincesP Winnifred _ ^ cm Odd arrives dri; The prince (Adam Fenstermakeiker) b e^ his mother, tha queen*n(Clall chairman of •' -sooi.' iripping wet - having • I f t l E B i l , the event. “I , .?ivum in theth e m o a t - a n d d e c la re s dHGillette) to let him marry the princesspr during a reh e arsal ofilO 0 aM q I ” ; «re:K,ns herself a . d o n ’t th in k a contender for the. V«lVelley Art Council's productionin of "Once Upon A M a ttr e u .”.'The 1 show ] ^ i i 4 M s Center. p rin c e ’s han there will be land, the queen devis« stastarts Thursday. one number ■ .a cleverr testt to determine n on this pro- _ • )^wn: n : Monday. whether thisth self-proclaim ed. onon May H , 1959, with Bumcn e tt i n ------T im es^N ew s cprrespiindent ■gram th a t is '7:3C>p'.ripim. ‘princessishs w o rth y o f h e r son. ththe e title role, and had a lonfn g ru n Lorraine Caveneric r c a n be rcachcd n o t o u t- wruKh: The play,ly opened on Broadway ono n a n d o ff th e G re a t W h ite WV ay. at 532-4809 or Icat'catKner<3]7mr.or5. ' " “"‘‘“'fr , IMS.>ts. v!hicn are T i e G a la 55 j ,;,, ire available e a d i y e a r . n u sin g «})er- = ■ PBOItCEcr Mouse Tiues ating money *------ronicles o f Digi and G rsj— rti . for the Mount Harrisonson Heritage C Im i ’Inject Mutual Telephone's^t's_ mice-in-residence . , ! Foundation. OHyTHCUTEST THINS tSTW/(r \ HOWMAW / tTfiEWNOINOSMEOF \ .• . Shows sudi as the recentrec “Man I raowTOPDesrcKa.. COMPANIES I PMT ANDJHOWTHCVael H< of La Mancha" wouldJ nn( d t Iw 'ab le ' V shiSHIBT? / MONTtftEV jACn T»€V EVEN ^WOOLOtXJ V AIWAV5'560IN6TX 6 / to be produced withoihout money CaOOMAP»>eClM¥FURI from the fundraiser, HalH ale said. ^ ------Som eoftheartist.s schsc h e d u le d to— r — — a p p e a r M onday: igal]e_y_i|[i ------;;— - • G o ld e n M o m e n ts,s a vocal trio ' ^ from Twin Falls consinsisting of C a m ille Co.x, M ilto n Barrus Ba and ForF c more advertii:ising Informationon on Jack VanBuren will do a couple ______B pop numbers with a jazz trio • "AA BITE OF> VALL. I E T < backup, Tlie trio consist MG\C sists of Hale ~______(in the . Roger Turr umer, direc- irsniuE.uE. wiTWTwEia _ ___— |-ve*H, #yTru.8ET I . i^ rs J ust PUT rr. ■ H — ' - t l tor of Magic Philharmir m o n ic , on &€NuiNeiNeivfaiEncitv y T>«y donV have I THIS WAV. DICI tall 208 733-1-0931 Ext 22' 1 9 - ^ b a ss a n ti S te v e Cox o nuhedrum,s. th sesw cs-^.^NOm f«ST.OATt ^ \ MV FASHtON / O THEweeoT • Serena Clark, a 7Tm'n \ Falls ™ ^ NOTHINU ON VOW v ocalist, \vho h a s th e Iciilead role in WN i N g tr — _. — the D ilettantes of thithe Magic V^^/2 Valley production o of f “ S o u th Pacific" later this montli,itli, will d o a few Broadivay numl)ers.rs. • Top Hat Tappers, a taiHjancet NOW OPE•EN I • g r o u p ... , SUNDiff! • Handymen Dancerc ers. " T h e y ' ^ ■” Pjj rs are fun*«o watdi - a funun bunch nf ' ^ y s , ” H ale said. . l i kike e a favorite .ihirt. PMT bclievi:ves lhat service should be warr'arm ,______;;______( F or D in n e r • Burley High jara Kas E^asemble. comimfoniiblp f and never go out ofif style.> W e've been pu llin g theh e V - ....■. 4:00 - 9:00 PtPM V '* • Ja n e lle B>ington, MiMiniCa.ssia ^ cuslo.jsiomcr first for so long, we woi/ouldn'l know how to dp il anyny other way. * Junior Miss, will perfornorm a piano 7 3 3 - 9 7 1 6 Check O pr Snotlay N ightiSpcdilsI Sp< sok). W'e'rc e'n: even developing new waysys to custom fit our scrviccs to - • M arti Bedke will plaj |)lay a pia n o • yourlur needs.I So. have you tried usus on liiiciy? 4 S 6 -7 tS 1 in Rupe/pen; . , . ^^‘lections of show tunes:-s: • . . . ■ 171-1ri-71S1 in Burftr; 734-3655 >ri . * Donnu Mutschkeke on the’ in 'limn FiiUs.' piano. Jolen’e Hobson oil th e vio- lin and Don Royster onin tthe viola will perform a Mozart nurnu m b e r. • Rob Ncw.min,-a Rupcupert voctil- ist, will sing a numben b e r f ro m 1 1 I PMT SsrvIrviCO. Arc you ^t’rriH^ itr r s “Phantom of the Opera." ■ ± 7M ^ t _ - .. •D am ien Rodriquez,z, thtl e g u ita r loe)00 SPRINGS J player in “M ail'of laI M a n c h a ,” . will perform Spanish guit.;uitar music ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ along with Salvador CarCarrenza, :i ■ teacher who has.as,„di,.a, a • S i K W elch Mu-sic in Hurloy. [i^n'Eii cJ . liiS M : You gM SfrO ttr Hcatcted Rlverluuirl^wjC TiriicS'Xcw i cnrrcsi'L'SimiuIctii ■ ■■ ■ ■ • Ijim iim C uvoK T can I kc' nxiclKxlrt' at B B B Ciimruxinet Dinners ,— Ji32=lliQlucJcaL-aii:t& '}]inuttiLor)!------, ■ALL W INTERW/EAR E ______line-Parties—V A (Boots. Bibs. C oats. GIG lo v e s ) H B ^N Discounted Priv/IVATE Group Packaocs | | b m Actor’s famibily . : H ■ H j|U tf^7 Course) \Wlne'lastlng JM jf Dinnerer Cruises a g U increases by/one ( Wm . Private Co<:ocMail C ruises J K B V ^ i S K R s ^ S u n d a y Ctiamimpagnc Brunchcs LOS ANGELLS ,(APAP) - I t’s 'H j r a 3 0 „ ^ ) F F ! _ Hour’ SScenic Tours _____ atU)ther_boy-for-at:n>r:or Pierce' ------■ Brosnan and Keely Shitye■lye S m ith . d « j B VEGA OPEN-FACED HIHELMETS • r . Paris,Beckett Brosn>snan vvas BB b ,5 . ■ f»)rn Tuesday iii an undiindisclosed JH E F or S pecia ltyIty Metius^ • Los Angeles area hospi spital and AS S129.95 G iftft (Certificates AvailablcI |l 9 & nctervalioitlions.. " e v e r y b o d y ’s g r e a t , "" B r o s n a n Callfon/bf rfjrnut/o« &OurJ/wJu/J)',UfnujI] w publicist Dick Gutiman s a id . I i ------r ntf.lU , Boru , was tiie second son for t favwwi, cockudi and lyatu^rt rcl » PMai.y, March 2,2001 T k n e » ^ ,T w

, A ¥ E Eek ^ E n d —

; ^ e ; y S e x ie ito A e ^ArmsoD £ S t r a nigers’“hfif iiF th e a titers iicocnIiliiedxIraMiYicMCM______5J Movies playing inn southcentral'9 - a a i k m i i ------i*Idahothis-weekcnd.-CI'Opfnlonsare'— H - l *;by A ssocuted Press,iS,LosAngdes 1 • anH Knight Riri -•Savlng-Sllvorm a n,*1,-T Tw in— R iriripT. rgvigw - _____ ^£^pa,S ajg^ 1 ------:iers:“ Ratings"by”iJ~th~e'~Motion~ .v:*,-. Cinem a - — ^Picture-Assodadom»TorAm?ries— ' •S ee 'S p p t Run;* OdysOdyssey '' ‘ ' •;are: (G) for, generalral audiences; ..Siin V a lle y T heater *^(PG) parental guidsidance urged rSweet f4ovember.'0(r.'O dyssey :

/ic e ia n a hl a n ^ s j K ■ X r ® i| J JOININUSFORSUNOAVBIBRUNCH n m m m i i f f f / BREflKFflSTBlBUFFET tsOM -l I AM) ...... $6.25 y LUNCH BUFFCTC T t U f l M - 2 ; 3 0 P M J ...... $7.50 ; W a RR'EflKFflST 'E ^ ^^LUNCHH ^';iO,INN£R ^SnP.PE-TIZERS S IO:OUNGE < ^ B E E R . WINE. SPII?IRITS

20 W c.si,M ain cromc. Idaho 3 2 4 - 5 8 2 5 • ; Tuc%ilj)-Tl'ut»kliur>klj) ?am-llli'rii • Vti’ilj)-Sjiiiiiljj Taiiv?jin,||prn • 7jin-.'|>iii ^ j C4 Ttoio»f(miTwlnF»ni,•»at,ldiho Frtdty,M«cli2,200t

WeekEniS T - . . ______. - J ^^ssB sassss^sisssBs 'I'hc igstoni-Frrer r ^ • ) play SaecuIS P ette^

March 10to - Pocatello tedte free with identifiesc a t i o n 2 7 5 E . T h ird N[., ., IB u r le y . F reemont, m Rupert 355-2787. Abravanellel IHall is loair- datio bhow leaturing ------edaM 23W estSoo*'i*Templer'^>^------seven heavavy rock and rap bands . . Saturday Tueslesday -w »ll-hg-h=Jield=at_7i_p;in._ai-:— ^AprlLM-Boise ------^T h e FugitivesSS will play-from ^9==KKroakcrrKarQokrwUhbie^fft n fear=Saturday— .— N e w b e r rry’s, y ' 15^ N. Main, '' The Gene Harris Jo s Fe'estival p.m. to l_ajn. at the Blue Room. turedreitfrpm_9_p.iaj0_1.9.m..aijl ■the,' ,M lattCassia ___—Coinmuni^—_C : — PocatelloTlO': The bands are ‘ isis scheduled for. the Boise5 IState ■SIJFremoiit.RtJjRupert Geori»rgc K’s East Restaurant, 2i275 '. Concerts will presdit^ t Yoon ajid cc of Mountain Home, University Ur Pavilion. The fesfe stiv a l • E..ThiT h ird N ., B u rle y . ' Min Kwon, 730 pjn.,>jn.,.KingFi;ie. f Walls of Ririe.,.Stool kickoff kii is scheduled for■11:45 1 Saturday ■. A rts C e n te r, B u rlely. y . AAdmission is )f Cal'dwell, Denots of ,a.m a.r ..l p.m. on April 4 at El Dusty atid thithe Nomads will lesday and W ednesday by season membershirship only, .^p . Fwb Punip Chump of and an Idaho. The main festival TiieS .m. to midnight at ,Ful tickets to individuidual perfor* N e v e rth e le ss o f R u p e r t cert ce: is scheduled for 7 p.nI ® P-™- Full M oon M usic,M adnet S p a n b a u e r ’s -Barn -B on U.S. Karaciraoke will be featured i^m Q monces are sold at t the door., A in Black of Pocatello. AprilA i 6, featuring guest a ; J. season's membershit Lntln Hiehway 93, eteast of Jerome. p.m.n. ito 1 a.m. at the Riverside ship, however, ire SIO in advance and .Eddie .Ed Palmieri and his L ’ ■ will be available at t " I H r a n g e ' C o v e r c h a rg e issS7,Call324.7366. S: . westcs t o f B u rle y . at tho door^u : day of the show. Q Qu uarter Octet. Tickets n : any time. Cost is $31.50$3! f o r '^ - J tickets are avaUable at form foi S12-S50. For further i Folk mu a d u l t , S 1 5 .7 5 .f o r students s tu dnd' change in Twin Falls or mation, ma call Select A Seatt ( 208) ' Monday and WedrBdnesday ' ______$94.50 fo r a fam ily membershiff^lmei ____ ig (800) 96S4827.-- -42( . _ loBtgliti-Satiirday^ -42G-176GT-:------. TuB sday^UFflh t^ ______Ktoiakcts ro Katiioke w ill b e feife a ^ - - - ...... ed from 9 p.m. to 1 ajn . at 61 and Sunday Pocatello, N Leftover SalmtImon will perform.. 610 Sunday-Nampaa ” ' ^ ‘ a n d D a r in at Salt Lake Cit) ub, 1054 Overland Ave P C 0 M ,E d ' V . . :ity’s Zephyr Club — -Northwest Nazarene'eneUniver^^— The Kingston Trio rley . Tickets are at 10 p.m. Tickeu:ets, which are S18 Cacius Petes Resort Department of Artirt tand Music S 1 3 t h e ( and S20, can be b< reserved by Jackpot. Prices for jlie £ will* present MentMendelssohn*^ u S I c' Advanced ti Tonight and Saturday phoning Smidi’s’s 1Tix at {800} 888- Ttiursursday ner sliovv start at 514.9 “Elijah” at 3 p.m. in the Bran'cu Music Exchi Sun Valley Repertory Com*C — TIXX: The Zephyih y r C lu b is lo c a te d F'ull u l Moon M usic Madnes _ and Sunday and SI css Center’s-Swayne! AiAuditorium. * ,- ppany a ‘ will present “The-S-Scott- at 301 South Weste s t T e m p le . K araoraoke will be featiired from' “ Saturday. There’s a S7 n '9 '' Admission Is a suggeiggested d o ^ ' andam Floyd Show,” an evenirlin g o f p.mn. . tto 1 a.m. at The Office o charge for the 11.p.m. on tion. For more infqmformation, im provisational comedy, show tonight and Sundn ' . a t 8 Tuesday throuflugh Thursday w aiho h o S tre e t in P a u l. the music departnieinient a t (2 0 ^ -p.m. nightly in Ketchu on Saturday. For rest Heartnote will■iU play from 8:30 _ ' 467-8413. rzTort Casino, ii ne.xStagene." Theater. Tickets, w and information, call ( » tS P-m. to 1230 a.m..m. in the Lantern ursday 8 p.m . din- ' are S15, arc available at murs •1103. , “ Lounge at West.iston Plaza, 1350 Ktw :ea- March 9 - Boise5 .tf* to n ig h t .3 -U tah ’ door. CtYKikcrs K a r a o k e w ill b e fe: ______Blue.Lakes_BIvd./d. N-, Twin Falls-.— lured: o n •ovcs Jezebel wilLpcr* ______ed from 9 pjn. to 1 ajn. at ththe -. The seventh ann'mnual Bo^se----- No cover charge.e. R iv'e ers rs id e , w e s t o fB u r le y . Monday - Boise S7.50'cover alt Lake City’s Zephyr April An 2 0 -U ta h Philharmonic fund-rad-raiser, “Thp Rosalie Sorrels & The 0 p.m. Tickets, which ^ Chef and The Gourmtirmet,” will be i.m. cocktail Gallagher will perform at B o ise will perform atid nt y a n d S lO in be reserved by phon- ^ a t th e March 13-UtiUtah C l ir ! heldafffpjn. at theBalt Lake City’s Zephyr W 7849. Proceeds wiUU sisupport Ihe 0 p.m. Tickets, which . P u r d y w ill Leo Kottke will pcrforBcial E v tn ts . n philharmonic^s childjildren’s con- G o s p e l musiI , P erform r f Egyptian Theater :kcts, at which m be reserved by phon- v c March 17 - UtaItah I . certs and the educatioi i J ) - c .c - t ation outreach ------Tickersnvhich-are-S2‘:■ud by plion- ai301Sourhii-s-Tix.au(800)-888------— :—:— -^C ollin -Raye will H p r o g i ^ . u m a n n ’s S26.50, can be resen-edM 2 0 8 )4 2 G . Zephyr Club is located Cg4Saturday E V e h I s — ^------in g - S e ie c i- A -S e a t- a H 2 March 16-]ilUVestJ:emple.i-- ^___ j. £ - U j L £. Local Christian bandTliicli i p h o n y ” ' — March 13^U tah~fl------1766. The Egyptian Th Neville Sta Fears will play at 8 p.m. ac in its sps rin g S Violinist Nadja located at 400 W. Main S -Utah: ' ja Salernb'. wiU play Salt Lighthouse Christian Fellow.sl concenc e rt a t 8 ^ Sonneberg will.perfo:rform a pro- r(Tni al Ihe Club at 10mg i Dtiblinets will play 900500 N. Lincoln, Jerom e.t 1 l I. in the I _ | grani of Ravel and dSi Saint-Saens City’s Zephyr Club at ban U n iv e r s ity Rock ' n ' at R 8 p.ni, areSlS.canl aand will pLiy Christian conti E Slege e^ of Southern Idaho Finene with the Utah Symphciphony at X30 ghtly. Tickets, which por; S24:S0 anti ------liS-Sm ith;* ?orary-rock music. Free adr A rtss CCenter auditorium , Twirrin p.m. in Salt LakLake C ity’s eti^by ph;n- n b e re se rv e d b y p h o n - .sion>ion. 7 :3 0 p .m . F a lIs. l s . 'T ic k e ts , w h ic h a r e 5 7 foi•or Abravanel Hall. Tickrs are S20, S29, 37 and $■ . TdrilgHt^Utah T i c k e r s , ■ ■ reg uliar la r admission, S6 for senion id$45,can«e T h e a te r is Zephyr Club is located Mai 3le reserved by phoning i Caroline Spine will pla March 9 - Boise which are S19.S00 aanil S24.S0, can S4 for students, are available ng (801) 355- ‘ ' :nSt. April 6*7-h I W est T em p le. 5*s 2 787. A b ra v a n e l H allill is is located at Joes in Salt Lake City Carman will sing in the BoiseBe be reserved bv Phoninsnh Smith’s he CSI Bookstore, A rlene’s nd-— 123-WMfSouth-Temple p.m. Tickets, which a re : T h e Y o u n g JtareTJiiiversity t'avilion- aa T 7 ------Tix at (8(WrfiS8-TU wlQ-'s-Soda-Pountaimnd j;™ be reserved bv phonirn ^ , S a lt L a k e Cii ).m. Tickets, which are SIO if:if y o u G e nl e r a l S t o r e , E v e r y b o d y ’s . 888-TL\X. Liquid Joes "is ° ^ 10 p .m . n igivill h perform at the E arriirrive before 6 p.m., cann b e B u sininess, e and Blip Printers iir n March 1 5 -U ta h1 , ■ are SIS, can I; n FaUs and Arlene’s Flowers at 3300 Smith 1249 East. Vest 'Valley City, Utah, ' resteserved by,phoning Seleci;c t A K araA O K E . 5rs U(ah Symphony will perform' a in Je ro i ...... “rin g Sm ith’s.Sold out. Seaieat a: (208) 426-I7i7 6 6 . 2ro m e. program of classical1 anand populv , T IX X .T h e Z e AAdmission d n is free if you arrr r i v e • love songs at 7:30> p.rp.m. in Salt Tonight and Saturdayplay Liquid at 301 South \ .Tonight Jtah aifte fte i rG p .m , Tonlfifiight-Caldwell Lake City’s Abravaiivanel Hall. Raising Cuin will play:ity at 9:30 ____ Full Moon MuHusic M adness .1-. T ic k e ts, w h ic h a re $15, $15 $24 and p.m. to 1 a.m. at The Oa.* le will play Salt Lnke Karaoke will be featuredfe from 9. ie Langroise Trio will per- ire SIO, can Anrll 12 - L he $31, can be reservedid bby phoning . Blue Lakes Blvd. N.. Twin in g (8 0 0 ) thyr Cliib at IJ) p.m. . B .1 U E S ! p.m. to 1 a.m. att thetl Blue Room, 1 in concert at 7:30 p.m. in the at- (801) 355-2787. Abravai ______NQ.cov.ec.charBc.^______s is locatcd „ ''c/n c bich yil are SIS, can be ______613 Fremont. Rupc groise Center redtal hall at avand Hall, is St. C p n te r is We. Please see EVEWreNTS.Page|5 David Gray ephyr Club Saturday . lay Resort in Ma t 10 p .m . " JIA E IIMUU* H — • Saturday-Utah ’Karaoke will b)e e featured ; from B C TJ p.m. Tickets. ickets. M v ' V George Clinton & the, formerly „hich are h ic h a re 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.n. at the Cove All-stars will phiy Sahair s, will play sio and S20, 20. can be Lounge, 496 AddiIdison Ave. W., ■ ^ - in Alagna, Utah., atIt Muesers __.can _____ b e 2served by Twin Falls. E i c t u x e Tickets,-which are S26,St.S., Iwm reserved by honing . . ' . . T ^------. re.served by phoning Smii’3- phoninghwest of Salt Lake g nterstate 180 West to T ix Framing at (800) 888-TIXX. Saltair Sm ith’s Tix I (800) 888- irtosh .a t (o loke will be fea- !001 is located 30 miles south - at (800) 888- . TIX?iIXX. Tlie Zephyr Club is loc I. to 1 a.m. at the ^55 Salt Lake Citv: take Int hel’-Funk ---- • ------:— - - e dJ aat-301 t South-W cst-Tcmplcr- MalnrDedo-:------^” “ 7 1980 W’est to E x it 104. Saturday Fine Idaho_ATt_&J)ist tair Resort S a l t a i rA Z Z f e - - .■. u 7 p m Resort is AprilpriI27-Utah Kroakers Karaok Z6,canbe located 30 ocat- tured from 9 p.m. t( Profesfessional Frame 8f Canylyonslde Gallery 733-;1 3 -3293, JohnnyJ o l W inter will play S; imith'sTix miles south* r;------B ig-K ahunarO lirMlusic ? M adness RONALD E . • L aake k e City’s Zephyr Club at tair Resin C.ty; take Ime featured frflm 9 m. Tickets, which are S25. c utiiwestof E>otl04. ver Valley jazz gui- I’;"."- Saturday '&L Lounge, 702 .■ reserved by phoning Stni S;intistevan will per- ___ Interstate^ ix.at_(aOO)_888-TIXX....TISalt Full Moon Mus ;mrin the Fine'Arts ------I 10 luiraoke will be fer - Initerest t Rat« J A L'phyr Club is located at t e s A re mi 119 at the College ' I*;,)Uth , West Tem ple. ■can p.m. to 1 a.in. acC&! 1 Idaho to lielp raise nilh FSt.. Kupcrt. .ow... How Ai b o u t le CSI Jazz program. _ Tho- . . - onday . Tonight perfonns regularly in CountryC ' music e featured from ' A j y and T\sHn. Falls. Nightly except, at the Klover L H' o m e U p gg r a d e ? W o o d R iv e i > S5 jw r person. Sunday and iVlon., T w in F a lls . ^ ia rist D avid S;i T o d a y ! “ Call Ken Roy ] R o y . form "af7'p;m Tonijmight and Saturday ^ Karaoke will be f an S Theater Roomy , . HeiHeartnote will play from 8:i • 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. a _ —Saturday--Boise----- of Southernid-Jaz7-Night-^vtll-be lc ------P-"'-'ni;-n»-I2!:5»-ti;mrin-thc-bantci Klul), 402 Main N.,'llusic-M udness— ------—GEMSTATE S-REA lTY rlN e^C i - — ^ )unge at U’eston Plaza, 13' f e a tu re d fro m 4- Chubby Checker will pi funds for the;h iCSI’s Salt Peanuts Lf*'"* ______1 4 4 5 ' A ddison Ave,ve. East • 734-0400 . at the Powerhouse Event Santistevan pe ue Lakes IJIvd. N„ Twin Fall lue.Room,613 et. including John 8:30 S“"‘ co v e r charge. Sun Valleyent i Jensen, Gene Noco te rn ------11-Moon-M us ' S49.S0, c an b e r e s e r\’ed h> Admissio'nisd SJ Jesse Hadley, from 3 5 0 K a ra o k e w ill l>e fea I v;;;.*.**.*.'...... r r > . in_g S e le c t A S e a t a t (20f m. at Mugger’s . SatUJturday a lls. • P-f"- i>t t h e B lu t 1766. Tho Powerhouse 6 Second St. S., Twin MixedMIj Emotions will play fro We’re T,falking! Center is located at 621 J . Wednesdayc h a rg e is S3. C S I stu - H:.l()^0 p.m.j: to 12:30 a.m. at (jeorf St. ------— D in n c m niculty d - will be admit- K’ss Kiistli. R’e.stau ra n t a n d L ou h g II perform featured with < ro in ( N m v \ ;nt Center Jazz Qujirtet, .vhich are - Cugno, Bren i hy phon- I-oranger and J 208) 426-, 7:30-10 p.m se Event Brewpub, 516 S WKKm >1 S. 17th Falls. Cover chi dents and facu S te a k s U liw o t- ^ C an-Ej UOERS • .siwia- I Jj S< . C e U u I a r L W A I W‘P 9 K j F «U3) A tender 1/2 pound sir! H e a d e d , WccarnafuUIif c o m ) — fried shrimp as youcai ic u n f CaUURPlK>«?i..PA(:i hakcd potato, fries, or • ACONiORU:lOHE-324-2800 W r • fatniius chccsc Joasi. . MagicVau£yMm/om/ahcellolar I Add our fresh fniii l i& i A 11-Y 01] 7 3 6 -i^ r -788-1994 I © a)OM U , s b a " salatl har for jus( S2.9‘J tK ur i a t S h iim ] 634 S. Lmcoui, J eromi ■ww.mcnibo.com/ V IlfllltlMI |,l„,ll,-(,ricf.,Nl) ..>,,ll,lM.Mll «<‘li'i I ili;:ii,il I Sdlijii'l lit .n.iii.ilkil sirloin steak and as many bru; r|,|.i». I.,r ...... ni' ...... 1 Iiiiiti.- .in-,I I.nl) Dihrf fp>in. ll.ifi. in,i) ,tp|irpiil) Str «liiti- (or ih l.ill. ’(Ilirr :i-1 ' 117 N. Main, HAmr I can cat! Includes your choict a o sa sm . or seasoned rice, and Sizz^Y: J,

J ------^------^■-.-Frfd

• _rr ______' • •______• M.______■ '"Event^_ . ' '} ~ , .._

- d^itlnindfraiiM • . ' Wednesdayay • ...... tici)ricipantf can bring hand-drtrum s ■ ■ H ailey. Tickets,' w i, which are $ 1 5 WednO! _____fpr.students.and-senior.ion. citizens,______March 2 6 -Utah Dr. rhythm instruments. All aages for general admis nesilay,.Thursday — I. Bob Noraro IBand will play for nission.andjSiO ___„^.„, ------a r e a v iila b le a t th e door; .j - U ta b S y m p h o n y w ill1 plapL y m u sic ' la d ie s n ig ht fifrom 9 pjn. to 1 a.m. ire wCfcome. CosTonH TainInner for"students and1 s “ Utah'StatFUhiversity ^ wilTjr o p 'S ------in - H a iie y r -T h e iJprbductiomrdn:— n WTdiroriIbnum, 1 win Falls, lickets,------mu5ical-“Gra2y“for-Vo-You"*\sill------7 p.m. in Abravaninnel Hall, from 6-8 p.m. p. at Sax Fifth ^enisent “A Moonlight Serenadi d e , ” ■ th ro u g h Mto ar r c h I L . w h ic h\\ aiare 55 for adults and $3{ -perform at Nampa’s?a’s Civic' ...... lockets, which are $10,;10, $12, $ 1 5 A v e n u e , 21313 :Fifth Ave. S., Twin >vith a s im ila tio n o f th e G2cIlenn' ,, . fo r stu;udents d i and senior citizens, Center at 7 p,m. Ticket:kets, which . f^dSl^canberesehredledbyphon- _Falls. MVlillfer il Orchesta with ithe Monday •a re a vvailable ail at the door; are $32, can'be reser:served by . (801)-355-2787;'AbAbravanel ' ...... : ------: ~ r ...... cZrestmark f e Orchestra, ithe “Forever Plaid”d” will play the phoning Select A Scat:at at; (208) is lo c a te d a t 123 W e 426-1766. -The Namps w e s t 5 o u d i March 9-101 0 -U ta h Juoburst Singers and tthe Boiler Room at theth Sun Valley Tnlirsdisday through m p a C i v ic Sunburst Dqnces, 7;30 p.m., K C e n te r is lo c a te d a t 311 111 T h ir d S t. : f f s " ' " ' - Frank Sinainatra Jr. will perform pjJ King Resort at 8 p^m. Fine Arts Center, Burl cii 24 S. .■ . with the Ut«Jtah Symphony at 8 r-.ri rley. nights through "prir2.TAp; St^ rickets, which are 510 and $ • i3flarch3(Ml-Utah'« p.m. nightlyly iin Salt J^ke City’s S15, which are S18 forir adultsa and S12 Thee Oukley Valley Arts ire. available at W elch’s Mu: ■ J;„yiiihSj.nTlK»iirmllpI,1 pla y a p ro - A b ra v a n e l H;Hall. Tickets, which' under, are'avail- Cbuncilicil will -present Mary’ March 23-25 and 292 M 1 rhe-Book Pla7a and the T"m in esi ^b*i R o d c er.s 'S tim jiJteortkJtoffti n r t n n rf ^ e $ 2 0 t(l i39^canj>e:resecy.ed_i,", $3 :er.«;» .and M arshall Barg'r’«;>------^The-Dilettantes-of*th<'•th e -M ttg ii-^ ------__ Vcigrofflcc~rn~BUrlc;v. a t I ------[H indem ith.at:8,^^H ng fSPi.) 355.27S7. B Upon a M attress^8 n.m .^ __ Jook^lftre m Rupert, or at ] I------V ^cy^ill-pr«sent-Bit-R+c-hftr-d------■ '{ p .m . i n S a i t ^ B H Hall is located at 123 mIs Opera House. Oakley, lo o r.. • X " ' Tonight and Sati Rodgers’ and . O s c a r S o u th Tf <‘°P ' ts, which are $8. are avail- •------'Lake City’s W H k __ . ------^The Ju n io r-M u sil :__H am rnerstein’s.“Souihth IPacific,’!....:" ^iral Playhouse-----able b'yby'rescrvation'b'nly'by ------tA Brw ana'H airK jM will present "On ' 8 p.m. on March 23-244 andar 29-31 . ing 677-A R T S. '^fckets, which March 13 : Theater p.m. on March 2.3 ; and 2 p.m. March 25 in College -fare $1S, $20, H |9 xle and fiesta dinner ' M a r c h 3 . R o p e r , of Southern Idaho FFir i n e A r t s $24, $31 and i at the Eighth Street Tnn Twin Falls. Ticket :h 14-15 Center auditorium, TwiTwin Falls, ' $35,. can be ronlght, Saturday ) N. Eighth, Buhl^The - - ' ...... S5, are available iai at Everybody’s Jbe2 Twin-FallsT High SchoolI Tickets, which go on salesaU March ;^served by 1 be served from 5-7 andihd Sunday B u sin ess, C lassic: CuttingCi Gifts & Dramaa Departmentt will present 16 at the Magic Valleyjy Mall,N are Wioning (801) 35 Drum circlcred by the drumming CcCompany of Fools will pres,jsent Decor, Flew’s Healeating and Air Williamam Shakespeare’s “Julius; 58 for adults, 57 for kidskid 8 and .ftbravanel Hall is locate< wiU be heldI. aCulinary director WariVarren Leight’s “Sidem an,'1,” 8 Conditioning, Kuriurt’s Pharmacy Caesar,ar.” 7:30 p.m., 'Roper ' under and $5 for the! MarchM 25 - W est South Temple. C e n te r, 200t2g N e r w ill p r e p a r e th e p.m).m. . toniglit and Saturday ammd 3 and Hallmark, or)r fromf any cast Auditoriiorium, Twin Falls. Tickets,, matinee. For furtherir informa-ir dinner willlisine. b Dnunming par- p.m.).m. Sunday, Liberty Theatater, member. • w h ic h1 aiare 55 for adults and S3I tion. call 736-8831. April4-Utah - S355-2787. p.m. foUowed ...... Piahist H ya'Itin'w illated i: at 123 at 7-9 p.m. ( V a le r ie M etzg Prokofiev’s Third Piano C M exican cuisi: >i*J I ^ I ' '^ th the Utah Symphony Ba . Tickets, which arc S. '» 6 and $42, can be resetili;^i^onn~' ;p'Honing ' (801) 10 35! Concerto Abravanel Hall is locatedony a t w est South Temple. S20, $2 5 . eserved by lir il 6 -7 -U ta h 3 5 5 :2 7 8 7 . j'iUtah Symphony wiU pc program of Broadway shoi ll^ ] Parks & Recreat )PoUce Depaip artm ent ______at 8 p.m. iji Abravane S w i mn i m in g P o o l T i ^ e t s i .w fiich a r e S20, S 736-2265 or 736-226 !.16or7.1Sfl.Sl2 ' and 539, can be reservedp eb rfo n n a ------ing-(801)-355-7787rA^7 show tunes w STK ID Slflm^ E E S T O I ^ ’^ H — - m ------O P E N SSWIMHOORS l < - is located at 123 Wesm e l H a l l. S u n N io n I T ues te m p le . )rS25,“S 3 ~ ■ F O R KIND ERiERG ^m EN $ I W cd.lThursI Fri I Satd fd b y ^ h o n ^ ^ m R 0 U G H 2 N I GR^XDE 1:00-1 7:30-*- 3:30- 7:30- 3:30- 1:00-0- CK ^ ^ M 6:00..| 19:00.^ 9:00- 9:00.. 9:00. 6:00.. U )ra v a n e l 7 ~ T j y ^ ■ 5:00i-M-5:- i s 'c E t I. A N E 0 Vest ^u th ' I \ Tuesdays &Tl{ Thursdays ., Nan-Emergency/ rPolice Service 3RD CRxXDE THROUGH 6TUT U G R fW E - Tiiiight - 5 : 4 5 i ' M - 6 ; 3 0 i ’m T u esd ay s & Th Desert Rain, also known Classes Starting M an 735'hHELP ■ EOUS (■’ arch Sth ■ (735-41S ______P r o 2a k a n d t h e N o e rc . 3R B Y C A L U N G3-7354iELP -7 ------FROM7:00*u^;a4:00 PU DAILY 1 ajn. at M r. Bills, 101 N. RING SOCCER REGIS1ISTRATION 10K W ;^:00 pmSATUR:^ROAY& SUNDAY I n J e ro m e . T o n i g h t j a n Ols<)wn as Kid C Ilh socccr for boys and Rirls curr in K-7 p play from 6*8 p.m. at ^«^le£ii£_^^^HSa: ____ — M EM BERS O F OUR COMMUNrTYCANCC Birthday Paa r t i e s a t t h e p o o l ! Jw begins now. G am w will bt,*gi • Avenue, 213 Fifth Ave.rj aS pjn. to . RECEfVE.NOT^W ERGEWENCYCTTY SERVICES | H Checkk into it now!- ila y ed e v en in g s a t .Soutii I’ark..S I'ields. ' Falls. ^N. Alder. SPRI ( .Atiiinari'ontrol cills i / 2 in cit)' lim its— S I5 tiiilsiil C ijty.m 'iil infornialidii 55 extra for jersey if tu-vd FAMILY FLOATI NIGHTS Tonight and Saturday t He|xirt y r lm o after the 1.11, . iiiMi I'nn ulal 5.' VolunK-cr Coadics nm li " 'Bob Nora Band will play.s., Twin M g :* :, t ]U-|X)n siKpldinis aaiviiii.- . . .-Ii'oihl- inmsi Ivtli-an oi ddniM t Tr.itfie priililenis ' ' _ to 1 a.m. at.Sax Fifth A Fa'i ___ItistmaorM'sonluncl.j»r.(i[iUiaKD______” ~t"U rR i:nl vv.ilef'tifrnHin ami _ 213 Fifth Ave. S., Tiiil'uiriwin LEARN KAYAKINt . C W ater .serN-lteiniiblems. Falls.Tonight and Saturdi ■ 5 beginner course Is designed to • ( Si'Werprt>liIeniN SWIMMIil^NG LESSONS Dog Entertainm ent fealay from 9 ' ____ C .Any nim-etiierHeiio' Held M ondays, Ti;Tiiesday-s a n d David Avalos will holdilA a : venue,______basic skills. One dry session aam n d three \\i\-w,ltid,iirn i/’tiliu- (m-lin n'lvniiip ’Iliursd.Tysfor(hri.vw' w w k session's, 4 a n d d a n c e p a rty fro m 9 p.i he water. 0|x;n to 13 years and up. a:m. at the Pioneer Club lay-Moiulay, March 16-19, 66-9 - 9 m . .Kimberly Road, Twin Fa ^ . s ? per person. Includes equipmen New Session ^ a sin g in g S P E A K E R S EB U R E A U H mominj-Jrid Saturday ) p.m . to 1 In l iK'City of Twin I'alls ivpmprmuljoannininu- liu' i^'i'iiiiiK Irom U jii’flki'iUhy k l'a--sthool u> .Adi’aiU'nI. lu b , 1 5 1 9 Friday f’•WANTED! sp o n so red b>' E \v ry liloaiiiiiis ‘ tiin i' 111 li\a l M'liDols, oiminiii dvii' );rou])s .\i-:ol’K% \isliii-i aiul iMri-imii- M jiiiti'iunti'C l ’ atiiliifMniMiiiin!.,-riii-. willI pnpriividi- ihuM.- rix'ipii'niy S^urday 8 p .m . H S aturday, M a rc h 17, 9 a m to ; plt-aw ini'k'uk'u|i an jppiiialiim at thi- |» i |. ^in down- ^ wiih a^aifate anii tcimptvlinn lrif(iniiati(in t; Jlandy Egner will play fr 16 lo AJiilt— S33 per\T/H75(m. f ■ c harge. alnnit v.itiinis polite le ljld tn|Ulpll^. .'Ml ol our pnx'ii- ; ijn. at Sax Fifth Avenu CONCESSIOI)NAIRE WANTED!! ; 'U lh A ve. S ., T w in Falls. ter> are ienilit.il .mil v.\[K.'riL'iiii:iiuxl I'oliie l \ ’|Virtiiii‘nl ,\Ni- Jie .ici'i’jiIinK hid, prnjx)*j|spi lor a.coniwiini stand1 MOONLIGHT SKIa TRIP IvfvHind with iraininj;.inilt\IcviXTtiw in tlii'topii'oi loo|vraiiaii-ai thei'ily [xml. —'Monday- —— y from 7-9 - IROSS COUNTRY^SJS K I TRIP ilk'lt p tiv n tatio n . ______/(If »uif{- iiilimiiiitiiitioii, umUuiGKlJiivS.nU. . 2 1 3 ------riH-'i'wiii i'.ills I’lilici' IX.-|vin.viniiieiitliMiks.il»iir * I* The M ount Harrison He . Meet at Magic Mcnmtain i im iinm niiy as a n-vmnv ami a V.ihial)li- p,in ol utir foundation will present March 10thm ■ ie,ini. If anyone h,is any suKnes ;f001," King Firie A rts Ci S8 w ith D in n e r— S5 Sk ^i-stioinlor priM'iiation __tijpiQiluureJiuI-iin;luiliaLm. — ■Boiser-Tick e t s, w h i c t r a r c i ixiirod -iu.uuLpri*ram - Available at Welch MusicHeritage a: - pliMM' li'l us kmnv amidst' ivill do our (o (Intermediate or al)ove K S a n it aition t Dept. Book Plaza in ^Burley,: n t; “ G a Ia .iui>mriii^l.iU-yini, l.isfi\l Ivloieliu\’ ail' S|v.iki'is iliireaii L, , C all fur IlSV I' M ikv llallv)liley 7.12-544;i Bookstore ih RuiK n, at 77itfs C e n te r , ii>;>Ks ih.li .lie itm enily .iv,iilal HH (Norilic Ski AsvKiiit ■ u h i k b . kcws B u rle y office, o r a t rerSSrarn—th e • • I nnu’ I’riAvriliun THINKIK W E E D S , a n d th e ■ • I'oiiuMk Viuk'ni'e T H IN K B UJR I BUTTERCUP! a t t h e NOTICE!! • i Miiiiminilv(:niiu-i;.iioat' H H | Tuesday S<\^l ;;i'lliiin,itioii IS Iri^ i'\ llu- iifsi i\,itm nitf Times- ihoshoiic Falls is doscil forbrvxcitiiis-.. i H B W B - j: Saxophonist Brian Blari •-llic.l(illu-liili>{iii,iiit'r.iliiii's r.io)ivlK’iVuvii i” :,", (he door. ____ ^ play fro m 6*8 p.m . a t Sa; rcim'ations until (iirthirr noticc.lu B H D h H ; • N atioias lnveMi«aliniis B B & j llu-lrukMosiKMk.ik It Ivh'U' Il MU-,lk-, U|' Avenue, 213 Fifth Ave. S., • • Ilk l>\KI l'io«t.iin uri > livolixl. & • I’alrnl rriM-vluies v'i.iliy It .iKtir.ixali-iii-s litMM’ who sulli-'r .tioiii h.iv lla n d fo rd • (:.ifuTs in I’liiiiin^ Itallii' 1. lovei c.iiiM- hliMiiMi’is. IIiis I'bnt \.iii tvn>i|, • |uesday Sax Fifth • l tirnin.il ln\i-slin,iiiuris liolliil a 1oh;u..ipi>li'l>lll^l hvil'iiitlo l>ki- l(>nir'Klu|>. . iiii,ilo, ut i\ lliv |’ri\liii.i you fhiH'M' j; Milestone and Friends wi • ( l>mpllU■r('^imt• slunild K'ton- III'tiK- plant iKmiTs - Iaki-iiUMs. • ( (iniiiiiinity rolidni;,iiul[’iI’roblvii) iKilvin^ ' from 9 p jn . t o ^ a j n . a t Sa> '(iri.'s to II |.lor us<' in loii.r |>,irtiail.i[ siui.i, Avenue, 213 Fifth Ave.'S., • I'liliiv t ’si’1'1 lu a v ______ll \\' iin?b .UiLLKKlv-.dimu):___ F a lls------• hvin LilKl'oliivMf.iti>;ii ri ■ 733-2964 luiitl pulling. Df iill,i^t-1..-un Iv u-^xl lo pti'Uiii this ! w ill p la y A \ pl,rili iroiii sixilm^. Tuesday Sax Fifth innSMPRESCHOOL e STORYlYTIM E , / f inw.\7i>j(/i(ir(i;vijii(, wtniiil ii-^- Friday, March 2, atll I10:.10 a m liir fcHM’ llif SjK\ika\> iiiiriviii pluhf iiill .-The Taffeias will sing i X) WASTE OP£N . .\vf. 2(K<-7.{>-722.<. CITYWOOC toiler Rooni in the.,Sun \ .I.K.«)\v-)0>)im'i^t-Manh M, jjdge at 8 p.m. every Tut ILDREN'S UBRARYr BI O O T H Iwlha />iror)fiii' Inxith at i >(/>/(' uill S>iiiiUithiii /ii'/‘72ty-f . anil $10 fo r c h ild re n , a rc igav;i ' ling at 296 Tails Avenue West (inon I tlie door. n Vnlley /•ijllII 2, froiii 6:(X>-7:30pm. ' ______^ T u esd ay . Wednesday-Boise or a d u lts ERACYWITHSTORYIlYTElilNGT l J ;k ./ jw ater Deparartrnent av aila b le Iniildin^ I Sarah Bnghtm an will si l]t1n ChiklrcnT.VrV'ia-N fi>t "I'iiTtiiTl Miirch feoise’s B a n k o f A m e ric a C er Storyti'lllnK”, a s|)edal haiiilw in \v(iW()lksllK|) f( )e p a r tm e n t 7:30 p.m, Tickets, which an ll and chilli (ages 2-61 Ui Iv lielcl Api '— irtWVTER METIITERS ARE HK 3®) $49 or S59. can be resurvi . LITER V NOW BEINIM G R E A D H | phoning Seleci'A Scat .1at sing ut ' LET'S TALK A BO WU T IT •• I'iiM v m a k e Mire tlieii'IS iti'In v BURNINMG PERMIT? 426-1766. T he Bank of AmC enter a t ' join uv will) our coiiiiniiiilly |>.iriiu iiK'lei N iu .its iM ikii! t'mI iliIlu-inelei. No ^Vi' isMiiOK Iniiniiv111^ ivruuls till Ilu- JiHil Center is located at 251 S.a C rc $39, . lutuniifte .ii iWlv.il, j t lhi- "OllK't AiiH'tiias" immik1 wlll’iull't M’.ll. \<;r.iiii will Iv onA Siiiiu’vl.Vv. M,iu l H J | B h |S . Niaiii>ii.ii \vi'ivi-ntii- ^ asi .luiiiin U'Kul.ii uuik- .lliUKUl IIIi'UT. Nil ullsUtliluiiio n on llu- (2 0 8 ) - \i 111I llu- I J h M f v ' s I*ti>Kr.iin Hoiirii. Hi ing hours. ivI' loi IniiniiiK iri-e nii'let. t :iLMii .iiul fle.ir >;mss lioni Wednesday A -m erica c:iVjd'f for CIilk-l)|.Hl’ bv liiiif.i I1m|iiUm liMVi-s. K.iuU'11 o:'I < xaiil liiiniiiinns. No ih,iij;f:— >. Cnpitol Oiw llr y llri-ixh IVlHiiKiTul tlii-Cn (Hilsiilealjieol llu- iiii'ter Ih I’llllU'.llt'lliVs lot '• Armageddon will D J tlic i M o n cn) !iblic).-You in.iy Mill -Jkii up aiul lu luislii-s ariuiiiil iiietei U>\ lilanlin^ {rom 8 p.m. to midnigi iiv ivii mil 7;(I(IimIL- Ixxiks for tho b \t llin v v \\lo iiv (.’i ol tUiwer\ lo .illoiv tuv .lav to Honker’s Place, 121 Founli iiiJ.i ,11 ~.<.<.72.to: - ...... at Ihe Ul'nirylm i"«n- biti>nii.ith>i'i. Ih i\. Vour I'lHipeMiion will 1 •. S., Twin Falls. No cover ch ill Ih- apiiriviati-ii, W ednesdayGuitarist E Saniistevan will play fror i.m . at Sax Fifth AvenueIIPin liA v e . f if th A ve. S ., T w in Falls. ' c h arg c.

' i . ,

■ \ CS ■ Tknet^ewt, Twin FaDt,tlb,liUtw I F i((t^.K U ^2,3001

RootsiofBrazzii willci:ometoresistH g e ' gB €C K /vio^ ★ Trading-CG ^ l « The Tlmea-Nflw« j.;__lLGame!l e s ^ ^ _____ I „ I th e b o ssa nova I •’ T W IN F A L L S - Bef( ■k Board Gai 13 on Toor will present,—T— ^ .....K 1 ., ------i^wtfs-fuU-of-motion,, mm=8lc and - BraiiL- ______l.ArtspnTour_____ —if. ■*f Toum am ente.'.^ir.iiK luding M a ^ T G & Potemon Po# B -‘ I m e n a c e . odegsofSoutricmidaho will present ewerajditodunVTWnaii'. * Role-Pla) So Roots oj Brazil, a N !Boot« of _____ ly in g G ^ e s . . . ..b'asciI-reV ue.-of^tW the. South Wnesday, 7:30 p.mr-— • — m ------— fndatjing‘D’6 _ Brazil’ CSI— ...... - ’’Sr D -a n d Vam pire:, r ___ I America nation’s 400-ycD-year dance JcTlckotsrwhlchora - nne Arts O P E N 2 P M T O ,1 2 M \YDAYI B ___ ------^^'herilage thnt-Arts on-'in T o u r m l l ------lultsand SSfor.students . \nD NiG nT...E\^RYt sn; are available at 20rSh6shone Si bring (0 the College ofofSoutlieni onamjen, l5n * H ii Schi,— 733=7261 ------______Idaho_srage_on_WI e(i 'c d n e s d o y ______’s Business^The Wednesday. offers some unexpect orcrwieyrtrtrnnxr ------surcsarid surprise?.—r— KJatJob. M OfiltyBlleyAta. _ — g I t ’s a m e l a n g e o f i Id the CSI Community ■ • Portuguejie .and CentcHn Twin Rills, ot ’ - fE S E B S American rhythms uniqin i q u e i n l t e nJglnBuhl.atArtCfie'3 ■, world - many of them^ mn n r , i a l i „ Jerome, ond a t the C S r Centers in Burley. Hailey W(Vest es African religiotis tra3itlition era and Africaican-origiiiajed ' o r i p n . ' ;alled candomoble. Duringg the . idances called batuatuque. It’s a dr* ■; Maciilcle, for exampleiplo-asrick ?»10»«lnag. S . ■ ■ • ______• proc)roces.sion, solo dancers, who0 irep- de dance that wasiras c o m m o n p la c e • dance that’s the remnmnant of a ------, recsent s e different gods,'pcrfcform on the sugar plantsn ta tio n s o f n o rth - | I I m ■ m ore elaborate andd ccomple.x long stickss symboli;!Cs weapons,ejJ,, ritlier in a circular form ationtoi* oi in e a s t e m B r a z i l .It’s l t ’} a communal , warribr dance attribuielUted to the but.these werewei later replaced by .row* ows. Tlie characteristics ofe;.each • .' activity accompaniimied by forms of |||||| Cucumbi*> trihe of An;;Angola. The the macheteste.s of cane workers of • goj ;od are interpreted by arm1 {g e s - . sin g in g a s v a rie dI aas s ro c k *n ro ll o r tn td i tio n s o f tr a in in g f( c fo r b a ttle B razil’s colonioniiiLeca.------:— ------tu r e ' — ja z c —. lherc._i;&CQrdt;d by)v o u t s i d e ------O r Afo x e - lonlsbyse^. H Q ;d to show mteniciive. • Monday ni^t,'designed t F inine e Arts Center Saturday ni|fught membeishlpoi^notic) tickets to IndMd- ’ - !off its varied dance styl M b '3 » j l ity l e s in a “ T h e g o a l1 ifIS to engage young - thethi third event in the Miu in i- ual perfonnances am's(a'soldatthedoor.'.V' ’ ;Millennium Fine,-\rtsTourb u r. pcH)ple a n d get5et them intertsted in Cass'assia Community Concertsis s e a - Season membership)arBavailablest;-.c an ■ ■ ■ ; The tour continues withwitl three dance," Pellineinen said. son.3n. the door, however, atIt $31.^$: for an --i} ■ t i i ■ perform ances in IJIaineie Countyi V2001: A D;Dance Odyssey" is The Th pair have played Came]le g ie adults. $15.75 fora studentstL and "sd io o ls on T uesday. choreopraphcihed by-Toni Pirnble, Hall,[all, the Lincoln Center, Aspiip e n $ 9 4 5 0 fora family, “It’s a little hit of everjn thingtl we • artistic ciirectoi:to r o f b o th th q Boi.sc a ntid d R: a v in ia . T h e y itjc e m ly cocom - ‘j— do," said Candace Pellinen,ien,execu- and Eugenee companies.c Local pieteleted both a 48-city recital totc u r £ tive director the troupe.pe. “We’ll audiences knonow her for her pro- ofr thethi United States and a tourur 'ICEK, ______have.sLx.dance£s.in-theilio>dm w d o in g ------duction— of_jf— Idiaikowskyis ------S ccandinavian a n countries^ ------C r o u c h in g "n c i & variety bfthin&5.” "Nutcracker."'." which has come to Performing Pe together sinin c e H i d d e n pRAGbj3 0 N ' a a « g !g g ______2200J:.AJ)ance_Odysse>iSeyrJS-aiL------I^nFallsdiej]cj)asiji Decembers_____i g387,-they-recently-releas g ? s s e d — hour-long, parrated produciJuctionfor with the-Eugeigene Ballet and per- (heir leir debut CD, featuring tht e Sal^Su^jflO ^^. 7;^. students and their fam^iesilies. From formed eadi yej-ear with a group of niusiiusic of Brahms, Gershwin a n d cavemen through thee IRoman local kids. ______Pagaiaganfni. Empire to folk. classical11- aai n d con------The Kwons moved , to t tl h e ' ■ temporary dance, audience n c e s will ri/ncs-A’cif.-!.< j:irrifer Sfire C rum p U n in nited States with their famim ily Itural her- can he nachixJ a m ^ B B b SSBB experience W estern cultur d m 735-3223, or write ,vhenh e n Y o o n >vas 5 a n d Y oon w as itage through the olddstst f fo rm of to /itn i Uf cnmi/ji 7i/j@'nj^ifjciu//ey.t'or7i • 4. A pianisti and a violinist, Yoc THIIMUTONI ^ I S N T Wl % n o3w w 21, gave he first publb lic W IA U N S ANT PANTS. T F H S cej cital at age 8 and won a sch:hol- R m jR JR elebrates ‘P(^eanuts ■ -tiship to the' Juilliard PrPre- B ayA liJM iJM 1 By Steve Crump ------:------1 C oallege. lle She’s also an accoi;om - TImes-News writer Good o o grief piishtished figure skater. I ------. • W het-TheTwin Twi FaiirHigh School Min, M ii 20, won her first piai •e still rea- ' Orama Depanmnment will pfBsent .d om ppetition at age 4 in Sou TW IN F / U I £ - Y ou’re st INTERSTATE AMI . ■ j g i .sonably liip. Charlie Brown.i^T, Ciartt Gcsner'sr's *You‘re 0 Good K o)rea re t and later won a full scht • TW IN CINEi “These 16-, 17-year-oh■-old k id s Mon, Charilef Brown.*Bn a rsship’to h ii the Curtis Institute IEMA1 2 * I No 00? 734-240(400 NowShomnga^^ atre ■ : know all about 'Peanuts,'U S '" sa id 'W hore: RopererAucfitorium, A T\vin Rills ' Music in Philadelphia, In 199993^ WVL i-(*i j l Mllll Howard Miller, drama teacteacher at *When:Wednesincsday, Thursday and a s tlKj t b w inner of the Juilliai T w in F a lls H ig h School, whcwhose stu- Klarch9.7^0fiOp.m. . C om)mpetition, } she made hi : dgtnts wil!-present,the_BxqB roadw ay____ •H ow much: Tickets,Tic which are $5 Uncoln n c o C e n te r d e b u t.______version of history’s most p loraauns-anasS3 f0fstiJdent5~a'fia~------“ B M B P i n ------J O l l com ic c h a ra c te rs ne.vt iv e e t ;------seniordtlrensrisra'rerrtne'ilftif: • - " G h a rlie BrowTi a n d hisiis fri^'ndsI • ^ - — were institutions long hefor-•fore th e y w e re religi«iusus groups that com- - f llH MEKICi came along, but they still1 relatere to , plained Lucy; wwasn't sorry when , l A I ! ^ th e m .” - ' slie p u lle d thle e football out from HS j IIII fliii III iKiij lit ' ».nuiu» “You’re a' Good ^lan,1, C h a rlie u n d e r C h a rlie Bi Brown,” the 34-year-oldi musicalm The musical .PUPCEUBRATEOUR RRS ■y based on Schult7.’s‘work,)rk, runs' ahoiit different EAR OF OPERATtON WITH A Now, Showing at the Tw -•nt tr ia ls in th e life win Cinema 12 Theatre Wednesday. Thursday andnd Mi a rc h a n d tim es of CIB. B and his friends. ‘‘V^“WEEK OF TOLERANCE" ,9 a t R o p e r A u d ito riu m . TilTiie tim- Junior AdAdam York plays INTO 7 i ing is to celebrate thehe 50th « Charlie Browi; OTHE ARMS OF.STRANGERJ w n , s e n i o r J a c k i e oSCARi:AR nom ination b e st OCCUMENTAm anniversiiry of the “Peanutsluts" strip Baxter is Lucv,cy. seniorJ-Ierm _aii_ ____ . - —and tn commemorate'SchS c h iilt2*s “ S a n tiiiia is EiiHiiiius, senio'r Chelsea ' ' ____-TODAY 7:15-9:30 ?m ~.— N g o N Y ' d e ath . . W atkins is Sally, Sa senior Cyd "It’s a good musical foror ia high . Higginhotiiamn isi S n o o p y , s'eiii'or FREE SPEAKERS school production - 12 chaiuiiai’acte rs , . .Mica H olland isi s W ' oodstock, senior MARCHiRCH 6 LEE ANM HAGAN (AUSCHWITZ) • and they all sing,"'M illerHer said, . Rhianu )trP..)dr)driguez is Pigpen, M A O: rHh T7 C W ; BAR TIETT (ARYAN NATIO 'f "It’s also probably one of'tliemost iIk seniortSaviinrinnah Boggess is MAMARCH e MAVA HATA LEMMONS controversial plays I’ve’ve ever Schroeder. sentoriior Uiura.Sylvester .(INTERNMENT CAM PS) d o n e ." is l-'rieila, seniJiiitir Julie Call is. ' OR, R OBERT SIMS “There Were newspapers.•rsin the Peppermint Pali'aity...scni«)r Marcl • - -(JA PAN’ANESE/AMEfllCANS E DURING THE WAR - ..Now Showing at the South that threatened notot i10 run Potniesil is Marcarci. senior Stcfatiie _ he Jerom€.,Cineqifr:— Scliultz’s strip if he didn’tn ’t e■ lim i- K a ta n a is th e; 1-iltlc L Kcd-Mah-ed ,------nate the l)lack charsaracter. Girl and S()i»hoin«)re soj N'yie . Franklin." M iller said.' “’I ^ b o r e __Matsuoka istiteiieaccniiii)'anisi,______Celel¥brate special^Iprograrns "AIWO-HDURADRENIIM IN E HIGH... ' B e s t _ _ J U THISRDMANIICADVIIVENEURE dpledge youi’.r support. HIISIHEBUll'S-EYE.« . W ft Idaho Public - IHI B iM ii, conic iiramciniciir ' / ■ Television 'CINIMIIDBieBIIDtNIIJIIIIAISlAis JISIGNilllMIIIKFIIIIIDIIfS." through Man uniM aBB’Bi rch 18! r ' ' "

rcoin5oo5^7 tm a n : Idaho: An Aorial Tnposny_____ Naluro: DabyTalos______Satnh O'lghtman -rto pledge 'L o L una Chailotto Criufch: “ Am, Exp. -Stronmlinors; Amonca's ows Livo F(om Jofsolom iT losi Tr.iins- OavoMailhows - Band ' ■ Donny Osmond; Ttils is tlio MomcnTicnl Chitiuly In Itio Li Your support ai I Lighi ol Joiusalom 2000 ^. partnership fo rm s tl Pav.ironi & FfioniJs Championship Ballroom heart and foundation |P.incing J' " . . - J Outdoor Idaho Idaho Public Televisic ilton John; 0'n6 Night Only ^almon^ii^°CoM,y I 7 ^ ' mai pmPil JOmBDHBTS Washington WallStioot iMnt Keep this parhiersli Idaho Ropons Irish Tonors Live Ship U ||K Wook wook- . T ivo Fiom BoKasi strong with yo J.imos Lnsl. Gcntlaman o( Music' iWallacoSnGfomit--...... pledge of suppc Go To Hollywood J.'iluio 'John Ounvcr: Let This Bolo n Voico- Arnoricnn Playhi during,FESDVAL20C yhouso "1,000 Piocos ol Gold* n Ml Aboard: • j Cut out this,prime tin Going to Iho Sun ' •- Michool Ball: Livo ot tho Ilia «> | l|ll t i l I lie II III \Norltiwosl RailJoufnoy, . " ■ scschedule to refer to il f floyal AlOofi Hall ______3vQ( Arizona AintAinofican Droam; Androo Bocolli's S outstandiriing s Slaluo ol Libony Concert iilllffliu — , _-programmingthrouc iJntio: An Aorial Tnposiry Los MiS0rQblQS~lh Concon lU lH llliin' ' M a rchI 1] g , Eelt<•choosofaBltlorCfossing: , DlQlOQUO IlUHIffl® .owls & Clark In Idaho ______DooW opSI. im ™ _| IUhllaabailn>aiM«n__ DRM

r .

. ^ e 1

" T - - ^ - - -Fri(l.y.>,>1^ 2 , 2 0 0 1 , Hni«tlTwIflFtit. Idaho C-7

m J S 8 UH n n ^ n j l O B I c l Z Z Z Z Z ^ Ii!b - r

J P ^ R » I — ^ ...... _

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♦VlD0HC.16V M S flp _ _ : j f ! a , 7 % Q . • 1 B . B S O .... •Intermittent Wiper* I •3,0LV-6Engine • - *Rejtonolc Trunk M tiit •lulS Air Bags • ,\JC • M SRP ^* f O , a s o rDualAir Bags Coll. Grad' M O O Jfltf’p • a o oi rH * Retnote Deck! id Release Coll. CrsO" . •A/C , . -Reste ir Window Defrost earAnii-IxxkingBrake> ‘ Auto •aoo T^idclmpact Bag* -•Floormats RCL ...... • s o d •soo RCL •so o I •Auto ' *Qu3uadra!inkRear FortlCisl M/FM Stereo.cn • I ’lmcrStaT •Power Slecring •ftuiiveAmi-Theft M Discount 'M h * 1 ,0 0 0 *AM/F " " " i ! ForaCJSh •i^soo L * D i^ Air Bags *Sus ? AM/FM StcfroCasi.a. System Juspenwon MDiscoicount •a,aya Ca\sr4\seitett( Clock •|{carWiDdiidow Detroit M Discount • r s a ■ *.jSpealtm8------• PaviivTAmi■mi-lheftSv^tem- Ndt~Cost‘ - ~ • * •4-Way Drive* • Upper &Lowa Child ^ s , s a a — • IHnver Steering • EmEmergency Inside heft DeierrentT>)'ileni • hivirr Brak•akcs A , . AdjiuubleSeai •Seat Anchor* ’ ' • Power liKks Trufrunk Release’ * Emergency Imide • T il l ■ ; ujI Ouiside Mirrors * Kenloie Kq■Ceyless K n try w •Riwrr Remote Mirrors •Rer ■Trunk Release • S p e e d C o n tro l j (emore f^tess {^Iry ^ ■ 'Trailei•ailer Towing • Kcinoie .Mils lir r o n t§plil Folding Rear Scat; e a t - • 5-sp e e d W •Till ' . *AM^M/FM Stemi ■ K P S Ifing llarncvs * Vfi linj-ine M ndow Defrost • lntermitter)t Wipers ( yied Steel \Mieel> • «l/40 Split;lit .Seals -_ I ’ m g m S j M imiTje n u d n u n n c n w cn vnlh om ttiJW body leuvimJ good grip.:rip. Ikimm rcciUtr with a Ihumn lilf in luting;-Ihe Highesi Anvficjericas Best Selliiij: Oimposl I’Kkui': We . ;o>M E im n a n o n . Il i> qju u iirilf foocnx fo r i lulw K nm a AH oc o imnu n u siti a>mrcn^wiih bountiAl hr«i >c j p i'b u d llie jO ila h J ity o f i h e m oiheJilvjinV-ft h e * tn' ...... 5-Sur Govtmment Safety lUtly car. and they ihint in thii nJe."- C«bJ>bu.rifrC.iiif llicRjniRanger. il» siikkhIuicss n pfeal and il is. iiuildi|ujliiv,* l>uil' <^iiKe. K cir ro o m ak 4RKamong (he hot in ilA^ n n o t u fun to tlmv jnd tne^r vny ^ pMtU ^pctitive. Pin a on youtr thiithi>cpu>g liu.** O iu m rr Cualr. Tium i ii»)-niinynwiui with family« mtuinrr Cgiidlf ^ , a u 23 PoeUs Dlseounw ifPrfeett . jrw s O lsxounttfM c e t L ,( M l 03 Kangenr s D iscount Pricn r c e t f . M i s r m w E I £ S B i H

S • l.ugpne U.I •_ ^ r Anti-Locking BrakeraJos ‘ XLTExtaiorAaenl ^ ' • Dual Air bags • (airowerLiftRaleReW fow Dal * y 0 0 - ••'\uii> u a s k M Discount______MOiScow . »A/C T ov,etnole Keylexv hiiiry ------iwer Sti-eriiig • I’ower I it'lg1'lg.itel{ole.iH- ' •AM/FM Slereo Caueltertte , Net " Cost" • w a ,s a o ! ;& Oock •I’ou-erllrika " ■ •Auto • •««!a«ivr,\mi.-nieft ------* I’owerI'svr Brakes • Interrnitten:cm U ’ii'ers •I'ower Steering 'l*a«i-Mcnt ir * ”.'" Mniermittcnt Wpets • Remote Kejle^t Entry 1 ■wer I )»>(ir l-ocks • Bear Wiiuludow IVtrosi •I’liwerHrjkex Sj'Miriii^Omtn>l ...... ,*iThdT Deterrent Sk'stem • I Wrr Window - 'I • I’ower D<)i>r IxKks *,Cr»i::ep Bars wer Wii^»Io^s^ • Sujser I o.uli r ^ O u u iU e Mirrorsi * Itawcr Locks I •h m rr Windows ‘ Stepomenience Group wer.Mirrots .*;TraileTTowing . •I’ower Mirrors *G>n•Way I'ower Scat • puddle lights wl puddle liglit-. • 6-W — — toxikj’j Belt SeUin^Gomp rmipJOPiekuri-W r3i>iijud ih ra v a iUlibilityofihemrrhe^camV-oin b i ------Srnrjni'^rsljiilEajUiimiaikTiid'nfIHew mi>rTp.m.ctfiilYh "IWTUi.'ritiiil it*.^l‘Kllini;>UV m Aniiihj.1i nci%:cis ,vijiulji>l .iMlKiiuUs a n d a n e w inn.'cri'.w^MulVi. » cr i —«i«grfi^ ^nii it i* f ilrly ilrrtnQrTi 1 vides-pood off-lhc-lint powrand fmraiif-atnundnhe lowmwponir -v,Uhniet.1ieirrgcsI^r,irc-V^-;-ivst-viiint.^tn~iirxiiicr; ;iT iff.|l'c .|;n v ' | v ~ a - 7 iKr n n c '.i.o u .inin lITiilTc ir-i^n loiVii.-*------*T“ iiorc ciimronjI>lc fur limilaily prkcilI velvehklo.-- CAiiitjM

MSRP •SS.GGO MSRP ■ * 2 9 , 5 9 5 * Dual Air Bag.^ •IntermilientWper. ^ u l .-\ir ikiiis • Inicriniiiem IS Can. Graa- • ^ O O Coll Gmtf...Wi m m •niulA ir% » •A/C .....^ * 4 0 0 RCL * 5 0 0 ' * 5 0 0 •SOO * Rear Anti-lx)cking Brakesakes • 0*113] Oubide Mirrors. ^ • RearAnti-LMkingBrakes ' •AutoTfateriorAicent ar .Anli-I.iKkirig •Du.ilOmsul FaidCisn *SOO ish " s o a •SOO M Discount * g ^ C g g . •AM/FM ' Stereo Cavsflte *.\IT,werL»cks . MDiscour. ikt's • AM/FM Sicrw Cmelte ount »S,SSO • a , t f t f O f ite 4- U a d T n ilc rin g H a rn e s s . - ScQockCD •I’owciWial Aluminum ------4-Um.I lr..iUi > _acK k N et C o st" i f ^ S t r G S O *;\sui-; •I\i«crSiceting • I\.Wheels (J S IC O ^ t/r.M SlereoCissi'lle N,'lCosf ^2■ :2 S . 9 3 S •Slyled Steel Wlieeis •Ali-SrawtnHro VN'hc'Mxt Hrakn ;:i'>sk •st\irtisiivviuheds i' ■ ,v '. .• •Powvr Steering • InifTniiitenl W lfw -• l\>nxli.Cruise •Kcar’ Sfei>lium|Kr ^ iser Steering • Ite.u Sii'p Hi II.V« ' £ ^ 7 ^ lliinij'i'r . I ’ AllScMon Tires ♦[)uaiOui»i •'Iili.l • 4-l«dTr.iiicfiiig llatnev*. • 5.4/40SpiirSe3ie I. ------S Q B S B ^ A * All Scasiinsc.i Tires ^ ------E 3 S -•-RcjrStep-Hiimpcr------liicfiiiwiiiiii'kg. • I\iwcf VS’imlim-> ‘ Tnilc ■ ■ Eaaa , "AiHeticji |>frmnul Kllini; vrliivlr lu« ciirUcnl liuiki i|Uilit>‘,lity. citrrior tiniili." , 'A lisle lus rxirllciil Imild i|ualili,c!iicricir.irlinisli.- li -Ai»ais,i■fis,i'si'cic>mi,il l"J’ h IIiii,h .:ii.I. |i,..vi vv.ill.M, I'liii.l.iailicv, i-Mviii'i liiii'tr ' - (jiimimrr (.iiiult 'Amcrii.a’' [vrennul l»j' kIIImi: vvliici' "

M l a ei F I -iso s O iseouii

S a u e; ' 7 o j g m

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\msrp ' •sa.aas •4x4 • i>.u«r Witul.ii.^ w ^ M arl Co//Gr.,tf-« • • « o o , , im•a s,so s .il,\ii B.ijts * Inii'iniiiient c o n 6ti\a’ ■ " i f t O O .- ■ For\iC.\s\u ______.Auu* . • • Ke.ir \Viii.|„>I...... » < : ,.« / ■ •aoo • Dual Air Bjgs •A M /l-M C a ^ s e tie , RCLRI . * 5 0 0 ••r)u.li /' Air lugs' ‘ 'tWIiiti-UK:kingHr.ikc' ^ '.'ll;"',';/ •so o ‘ a m 'I n • IVnui I il1i;,U FordFo C.tsh • f . O O O Anti- «►«*»« r,„ f' „ u . ,:n •i,soo •Aiilo •Traiier'Iinvl’kg, ^ v.iy hiwer Scat . ’'rv'”.r'.u. •. J.I- . •. . ? i\l»Vl>vi ^Mfcring '' I Wiiivl .\iiii M Discount " S . S S O ^ ^ ,1 ' M Pisciumi______•a,ito • Amo • h-w.i!isvrl.illg.ileUclr.iy.- ...... MVmer>er Br.iki-sI * i’.is'Ui' Ann • • l\iw r Steering •(AiMi)niUliccK Netfjc C o st" ^ s r , o 3 s y ^ >ei P i» 'r I osk' Vstiiii S S , 9 9 S • I’ow r -Sli-ering. • I’oermitlent w Wi|\'rs 'W iH T sK '-'^ T/A M * IVHVcr lirake\ • A/C •I’.merV,erW iiulows , ' • .ck,s •i’rivac>'GUs • I’ower IliHir IjkUn •Re.ir'IRowSeab nuldle lights • K.m> I ili!;.tt.’itiM iUsvim ^9SSPVISm .IV I’.nsvi V.ll ' ,*,l-.>l.!l',ii.nii1 kea. S'..ls • Cniije •SiidingltejrCU^ j || • I’oiwr ^\'inlio^s•^ ' • .tn l!{ :ls<- • I I'allici * Itilcri;iiitenl WijKri • i;j»'il liiiiM i{uilily. ~ltc issc tin tr am i iM xp' n x n ii. MsiluUty, uiwiwiii(!,aii.l iii l>mlil.)ii.ilii»_:_ .,'IWvi lli»; lul I'llllil >{ll.llltl Il i m Iio 1k m liuy o v e r S iilniirluii. iilu Yukon XI. Tjjioc.jmlOM i;.’-Cc-C'oiijiimiTtuiJ./.' ■ hi. ,..n X L bli.K ', a m K iM i:."- ( •.Mi,i-m,-r (, I.' Km f'ln miI'.iiImm Viik.iii \1 i.ii, "llcsl lUiyl l-Aicili-nl .inclcMlion.’t'a"< i-r(i'iir./r llivllii'lv It isllii'k-M Iniy mrr !

1243 Blue, L ------Lakes Blvd., N. , T w in Fat M is, Id a h o • ------IWUIMtUll « ^ r I i ^ www.julesha, m Li-sa-tJ I N s, Twin Falls, m larrisonford.cotri ^ 1 M p F a lls,‘lD BuhI.m omF■ O O ' " f . ■ ■ I " • ______' M Tlnw»Hm.TwlnFtIn Falto, Idaho Friday, Mweh 02,2(X 5 g f i |

We am sure by/nowyou n have seen1 tithe news about GM anda their reorga- I —ntzationrandMiesn^minentdBiniseiotlhBi iBlr.OldsmobllB:linBupr. xiThersearch-forrzm a replacement line9 ofi automobiles w asIS ilong and hard. Ourggoal w as to find I —.aline.df.cars,Mcki:ks,.and.SUVs.thatwo vould.givethepeoplex iof.Magic_Vailey_m the b e st quality anand value We feel we3 haveI some of the be!B S t quality, value ■ " ^ G l - and m ost cx>mpetlti\titive prices automobilevies on the market todiiay. So w e wouki I liketolntroiluce.toi0 you the new Randyy HansenI Import CentiIter. . ' ' ' . . I m AEmOC I Tcake c3 loolk! I / T H E E V EE R P O P U UARVTHEE E C O N OMICAL k ✓ THEINEXB7 °e n s i v e M

) p a y m e i ^ ^ " ^ ^ 3 DOORD HATCH!IBACK FOR , - n i £ 'Z — l SI a I K 9 0 Id a y s JUS]ST LOOK AT WHAT\ YOU CGET... I j a U J j r - 33 !year/36,000 bumper lob0 bumper warranty - 55 iyear/60,COO pow ertrain»ill w arranty 1 year/12,000 Vehicle maillajntenance (ie Oil Change: . I S j peed Floor M ounted _TraosmiS5ion±Rear_WindiTr idow.Defroster/Wip e r _ W • AM/FM A^ Stereo Radio & Cassette'MC e uch, much, minuch more! H

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V I . .

iWSSPORTSLlNE: ^ N S I D[DE------— D id 73M 325 forthir^ e bicsc high school scoresres. , • , ,.Slate loutnamenisents ...D 2 ^ Or chock onllnsr ■ ' ' ___ Scpiesjntstals-3 l s _ ^ ...D 3 ______. - . - . r - D W - ...... \nvw'jTli^)cvalIcyay c o m fo r th e la te s t .sp o n s nlews. c \ • . ^ o r : Spo^ editor.r, J,ffRusm 'j35-32Z'J (Hou.'hun:2-H p.m.) Ste 7 — ;^hc-Times-N • • • • • • • . moving on to the semifinanalsofjhe •A^piciuiciure sh a rp e n s . - \ amps, Valley - Valley will play New PljTnoiloudi. Valley coach Rogerer Coresia.C “A n d 1 Class A-3 boy’ state higi V - By Kevin Hall Igh school^ - P a g c D 2 ' . . w whi ho defeated R irie 54-38 Tliurstrsday. don’t th in k I saw anyiny dunks."d ' basketball tourn’ameni:nt today,' • • ~:.Tim6>»New»wHter ■ m o ^ .todt{)day at 6 3 0 p m a t Capital. •' Tilings were doseoscearlyas'Black e - ovestoserhis thanks to a.66-43 vicior o r y J n ,t h e ______.___ _ . . ■!------—I^pwairknow'for-its-runn1 m in g ------lonied-in-fivc-poinr . .gamor-watched-as-tlKsVikh^ingfi ■ - <|uaner-and -Rob-Ma ------— The-enrire-baske sketball' olanet; ------• re^'^oolinBoise; - “ L apw ai is a good team,” said „pi ■ • including the NBA,:A, is after Uche TftnevNii-New»wrttf ______operated-a patient nffensisive • in a pair of buckets.ccts. T h e V ik in g s . In o th e r T hursday opentmers, West . Valley senior)r RobF Black, who p a c e d i,tti O k a f o r . ' attack Snd was never able to"0 g e t led 15-10 a fte r one.e. ., ' . Side beat Potlatch 61)1-S7 and the Viking attackati with 19 points int ISE - When you comc to state, into its rhythm. Valley a ls o M alone go t h o t fromfroi bc*yond th e But all the • fi • M alad b e at H om edale 71-61.67. and eight reboi[bounds. “But when you tur ■ College of ___ cttCT bring you’re A game. , turned up the defensive opr re s - V Lapwai was last seasoison’s state come to thes statest championships, S o u t h e r n sure, forcing 13 first-h•half .— — Please seeVAiV A u iy . Page D2 Idaho 7-footer g il wants to do is h e l p t h e Golden Eagles ■ j s earn a trip ■■ ------back------tQ - K l SI Hutchinison, |H '4cw branid ofEball 1 CS Kan., for the Pw ------_N_J_C.A A y | Ma national tour- H™H i [ajor Leaguee batters gett close-up viewV of neww strike zone nam^nt. That ’ Usoclatad Press______begins with Uche • The Am winning next , I ^w ir I week’s Region Okafor d uINEDIN, n Fla. - Raul 1 8 • I•«••• M o n ddesi e : watched the fastball Tournam ent w h iz 1past the Blue Jays In St. George, PJCSI men’s em on his chest, and kept 1 ^ • Utah. . ‘ ^ ' . t h e b a t o n h is s h o u ld e r , r i y “We ..have babasketball Hee>expected to hear the hiss got a. lot of - o f th e heater.;'Iti was the other 1 ugl work, but to s o u n di thattl surprised him. Eagles hoi'old off me, we need to winwin regionals," « g> t r I k e 1-^ ------) ------he^aid.=^.rhink-na-nationals-may= 1 1 ^ ^ = ^ = be easier win tharhan regionals. I ■ -ef'-—plate- ■ —ln sid e~ ~ i r e D a n " ^ '“Lane^forlc — tell-my-teammatesitesr-^lf-we-win- —7-- ^ the regional, I bett yiyou tlial we’U . >=“ ogngna shout- - by th e book win nationals.’ M o s t o f o u r = ‘! ;^ slugoutvicvictory league is highly train•alned and they e T o r o n t o • McGwife’s- know everything yoyou have, but star blir)lln k e d a n d "’iH'ons H |||N ByioeSunnefi at nationals they dondon’t.” asked:d: “Is that Pog«p4 TImes-News writer Does his confidifidence come what y'yo u g u y s '------' , TWI.N'FALLS - If close pames . from playing on aI stistronger team are call!illin g ? ” build character;; thi th e C o lle g e o f this season? Okaforor doesn’t nec- After er months of talk and a IH H Southern IdahoI ha.seballha, team essarily think so. w e e k 0 : of dem onstrations, the T worked a season full of character . “I cannot say thathat (the team) start, of of the exhibition, season building into eightht innir in g s at th e is better than lastst >year's and I Thursd sday provided the. first 1 ^ ^ McDonald's Slugougout tourney cannot say last yeayear’s team is ___i look at the strike zone Tliursday. better than this yearear’s team,” he The Eugles downed dov Lane said. “But 1 think we have every- baseballlall intends to enforce this Community Colleylle^e in eight thing this year.” ^ s e a s o nn . , innings. I2-n.'to movenove their record After escapingXa{Lagos,-^Iigeria-l ------S c Scottsdale. Arlz.. there ___ ~T0“7:G"antJT'0mahnirin ilV d e fe a te d “a t“ ^------through a complicatcrated and clan- was even e\ a light-hearted Frontier Field'th'this s e a s o n , It ;n t. destine network oof coaches, moment Freshman Jeremyny Barnest hit a • agents and friends ids in Russia, The; ffi i r s t p itc h o f t h e g a m e - ' piuid slam and a siiiKlsingle to lead the ’ Europe and Canacnada, Okafor was aI veryv< high strike thrown Eagles w ith fo u r RBIsRBIs. Sophom tire —, landed in Twin-Fall;'alls-nvo-yeai's by“ Sian ^ t-rancisco’s Livan calch'er'THby barneti■nett ca m e on in ------ag o :------^ ! rnaemantuidez to EnTVoungof the “TelierfuriRewve. W hat a long, strar range trip It’s * Cubs.. UmpireI) Kerwln Danley ■ ■ “Tliat wasn't quitejite how we envi- b e e n . c a lle dl a strike, then took off his m ’ sio/ied it w o u ld b)e e aftera: the first “If I had to do it all for a goodrnatured argu- i c o u p le in n i n g s '"■' CSI C! assistant I would come to 'cSI°IS'‘|raJCS I coach Boomer Walkcalker said, "W e' with Young, w ith both because the baskeiketball is so jnent w r had one of oiir better;lter guys on the ing. good,’’ Okafor said.d. “It‘ may nol ‘“"ehinE L hill, and ^\itJi a big; leadlea you should be the m ost excitingng city< but you , Peoria, Ariz., seven-tim e I I be able to just go!o o u t a n d ta k e ‘ can learn a lot fromom here. The Japane:nese batting cham pion ■, themdouTi.'* community loves the basketball Ichiro 0 Suzuki made his m L ' The Eagles battl’dtl'd through the and we’don't get intoHO tr o u b le . / A m e r i‘lean c debut and com- ■ I order in the first inniinning, jumping “They feel happjppy, the kids plainedid ^ umpire Rob Drake was ' out to a n e arly 6-0i|u.id Icai on RBI-sin- ______come .around you,j u , a n d i i h e y ------c a l l i n g sstrikes on outside pitch-— -gies.by..Barncti-andJ.nd-Kevin.Sytko make you feel good.Dd. T o m e , i t ’s e s. — ' and B arnes' g ra n d slarrslam. 1 ^ 1 "U 'h en you g e t a st: ------been very nice.” . . “ T he third t at-bat, the second ' a six -n in .lead . it Regardless of theoi should be euphoria."ia." W alker s;iid. e o u tc o m e th is was not a strik e,h e said . postseason, Okafor m “You normally.don'tn't s score a .lo t t)f r may hove an Through}h a'tran ^to r “The first endless supply of optionsopi await- a;.|,at,s j^ H runs (vith wood bais.IS. W e Ju st iiid n ’i in g h im . second pitch, was out- make u lot of good ppitc itches w hen we ' “ B o th (D iv is io n I c o lle g e a n d *■■!=by 8 inches. If they’re needed to." the pros) are optionions for rae," SOing totq call what they came ' S>-tko d ro v e in aiiothiiother nm in the Okafor said. "I feelel \good about' °tit hertere and taught us, then second inning andi freshmantrc Man It, but most of the timtime it is a dis- both thohose pitches should have Gunning doubled d(nd(twn the third traction. That’s whyly I! tell coach been Jails.”bal , • base'line loth rwoI out and two'ori • to tell (the scouts) notno to disturb Seattlttle’s David Bell was wKKm. to score two mure.ire. giving the Eagles a 9-0 Ita d a fiefier r itw o innings. ... .me.throughthe^seasfliison-II ------; e je c te dd-for-arguing - l an outside- T h en th e E a g le.■s' s' ppitching aiul The first tim e he•stepped st' with strike, S ^ Suzuki didn’t argue the defense started to stni(stniggle.- his size 19s onto the CSI-hard- calls agi against him, but didn’t . T he Titim s opened■ddie dll tliird w iih .i wood, a gangly, skinkmny Okafor think h he would'have been, 1 double to n gijt field; ;ind sloleii single • looked lost as one ne opponent tossedifi f h e h a d . • w hen S>tk() cinildn'iI pulpull the M i out after the other pushishecTthe tall . utj “ vould have been no prob- •tif his glove at third in timti. e lo (jet the N i g e r i a n a r o u n dI. . IBut as his ninner,' T lie l» lib le ciistcust ihe L ig le s a game has mature,oi:s M jingu'c• 5>ic;c0'v5>ic;i I" VI'J week ago,. Okafor wentwc a com- , h a rd m an to nlcaleast.-,. . _S;?S;a;o Co:e^fa',TSii.; La-c Cr-.... ,.'M> sccQ'lC^-'-'^c.... inju'eciCSiiCSiiws' blned 7-of-23. Ovev e r a l l , h e ’s By Kevin HallHal F R ick s ag ain ." h e sairf7-“ 0vi) v c r th e ------His College oL‘ of Souihern Idalio " -Ccivyge Ca' , ...... — •0c-;a~i- -Hciicoster' I- ;i AH';. , : ^ ' shooting 54.5 percercent (90 of Tlmaa-NcwiBwa wrttflf • .______V weekend, I thought maylly h e WL- b a sk e tb a ll leaiJi.iiJi hiis a curi t-iu 12- When;' 30 a.-. .o\SC'>r\: ‘"'‘I OOR r-v 165). • • . , c couldn’t even compete _____ijam e wiiming.Mt;.Mtyak iti harul.iikiriK SLCC ■ ■____ _ . tr-r... ------_iiAoM>allyr-my—fi-free-th'row - - — T-WIN-F i-FAI:I;S-=-fcifcu-a-batl-l^:r-lJ—I«ck!T-8ui-ajrrirok .tnla'iR' tTTpc. jv iij, 28-ginni.'na- homi'coiiri 'viii ' R.-Hllo: •'Ll' l-j':'.-'••\l -shooting is good ... I ci I d o n ’t k n o w m o v ie , th;he e ta p e of la s t F rid a y ’s 32- it’s ii not that they were sn ■n sircak. . is ,■ Not' NBA team know;ows of him.- mentally,y. Gram said the Golden - 50. 5 About tlie only positivee in the jrT' n “Some people are; sasaying I will Eagles*«ir«imply forgot about the game g was in the tiimiiversiCiitefio- c K ' i;' ^ liMiii aiui (lu ite fo-^tv'o'vcs; go in the first roundI (o(of the NBA -fundamentcn tals, ry, r; where Southern Idali .on .si Saturday, whelien the , . .Rejjinn 18 n'l'.isyc «im me o,i> o'< rvit Tnuisa,i>. healthy, and in theB offseasono: I But aftefter gutting out repeated Golden G Eagles (17-10. 7-9 le ag u e ) Tr.“ Arnold T o u rn am e n t, a t i SfiOrt Coi'ogo vii.xks tfH* Rooeis ..1ni WPvOeC CSl wins il<.'if?t'OUit'ourwgarne, , will work on my weiiveight. And viewingr.■r. G ra n t, w h o a f t e r th e rebounded n with a must-havave, 14- St. George.^ I ;o' CSl :o IV \ a S ... wnoe^o-0-is ■ nc sn'tl i: iSn I .notai flisVf'_ _ . then if it’s possible forfot me to gq loss said1 heh hoped CSI wouldn't point p win over North Idahc) I Utah, to a camp, then I willwi go to a haye to openop with Ricks at nex? C o lle g e .------...... Y ei Z-cck brisirisik's when queried 7“ you need to so c a m p a n d t r y o u t .. But B if not, , week’s RegionRe 18 Tournament, “That was a fun win."' ( G n in i alMiut iIil- (>oI

...... 1 r

s. D-2 TltT)^'twi,TwlnFan Fallt, Uit» ' Friday, March 2,300]O O l'......

S P O R ; r ? ' 1 '

• F m m i n ^g a dyn£lasty

)ecl10 MMinico’s the taairii I S t a tw ^ w l i n g ____ i ______Whm:To(>ay.wltti prelimrellmlntiy rounds for to beat at state team »ee(Iinj8nd ItxHvkrxtMdualuties - ^ S e a s o n:i^-first-lass - :s'sends-Hoomets-toG(;onsolati0nn-round -5bowling toumamef a.m.— ------r:— - — : SB-SS—— __ J - * to start Bt 230 pjn...... ■' B yJohnbeff many runs. Each riirun was . but then theI IndiansIt went into 11^riw Tlnw^WewB . — , Whw«: Snska Rtver BowlBo»*l - ,- Times-News writer * ______Clas!ass A-2 tournament answered < by the Ho[ornets, . ■ the delay witvi.th a niiiei-point ______• exceptt the last. • ‘ cushion. Eachii'tim i e the H ornets BURLEY-The Minico Hi well, they aren't. -NreUlDIAN'-ThiThe streak is " Preston built a seven2n-point -got the ball o\ovei^ the next- two C SchiSchool girls bowling team"h ^ S dicy don’t bowl wcl ofar -SOlngtowin.” Hvcr.- lead early in the third quarter,,qt • minutes, they!y were■ unable cut tilled over the competition so 3 roll • tournamentnt sstarts at 11;30 A ftor’wiiining’ theil first 23 -M but baalem 'lursday. today at sistraight in^the paint, cuttiiting the were able toI pipenetrate more,” aotetote championships of siny sp o rt Minico’s queens; of the lanes{ as field (16-of-48V,r, \w h i l e t h e T:'45 p .m.m. at Meridian H igh’ 1ise and C a p ita l Indiiins hit iin 461 percentp( (18- School. Other0 games Thursday Dillan Christensen scot;ored in to win the lastast game we play. bepre p ^ d offoralongtima'* . , _____ T h e B n iin s a r e ;th th e e only tean ?,to — .of-3‘J). Free throwsw s s h o w e d a s a w M M« a r s h V a l l e y t o p tlthe paint off the assisist-by — We may not be on the side of With Wi a strong core of senior t [ beat the SpanansIS thistl ve'ar, hav- huge disparity wit:vith Preston Middleto:ton 41-37 and Salmon K nt and solia complem enta H e w a rd to Y n a k e i t 35-3 IIJH7-41 to Jl egular seasorl," > a second-place state finishh as Studer said. “Theyey seems to bdwl no.” said IJeclo coachco. Loyd jumperr and£ Kyler Heward pip e rio d . Pmw ■ 1 DEClOl4n.Vnot invitational forr highh school o fte n . tied it agiagain at six before the tJthe game out-of reach,h . F o x Mnun2.F«L^4|SrwT

^ TH u ^d a ^ ' s = V a ile y r ^ X T ' > ------— S ta te SScores c i ------ContinueclfromDl pomts,'add(dded one from the charity C lass A-1,11 , Div. I arc to open the seconcond quarter. • stripe. MaMalone scored on a fast - ■ I he senior guard hit iwitwo 3-pointers b r e a k , andwl 1R istik, who cam e o ff th e ( t hle e halfi on the bench. Kentn t ’s Lake City 61. Highlandnd51 5 Oakley, Carey- fter COA 61. Pocatello 50lO • ______• as the Vikinfis went by-\V<. .J themen missed their first five sho;lo ts :------Carey 50, Clarllark Fork 47 o f the The WildKits, who0 h;had won 68 Wildcats tooto< as their top scorers - the second half, and the scoio r e C l a s sI A-;A -2 CALDWELL - Strong perfor-pe In another cl Mrainht Karnes, steppedled iti lip in th e B r y a n BojBoyer {(6 points), Ty ; close game, the wasIS 332-32 heading into the fin: Preston 5 6 , DecIo 411 mances_by Carey and Qa ------thir(l-<|iiiirteMViih-si,(-differeni------D o m e b ot {'(S-points)-and Andre ) a k le y ------C a n ^ L P a n th e rs■s iadvanced to the-— perioir io d .— ------.------—------Suger-Saiem 67. Lakelar^eiand 44 - lilavcrs scorin'};. L ipwivai ai w ent on a D o m e b o (Spoints)-foulcdout.(8 j Thursday Th earned the MagicM Class A-4 sersemifinal game LorLords hit three straight ba:>as- ■ Marsh Valley 4 i . MiddJetjdJeton 37 ; - ' i • 14-() n in o v e r the firstSt ssi,\ m in u tes - T h e Vikiiikings finished the game Valley’s Va District IV boys’ babasket- defeating Clark•k IF o r k 5 0 4 7 . k:ts e t s for M ackay to open tht h e Salmon 6 6 . BonnersiF Fen eny48 o f ih e p e rio d ;is tin : Viking V: lead forcing 23.23. tu r n o v e r s a n d o u tr e - ball b a teams a place in the} (Class It took a fullill three quarters foiirtlirth while Richfield could mn o t .luid shrunk to 34-31 h o u n d e d the taller Wildcats. A A- 4 state championship g a m e fo r e i t h e r te a mn tito jum p into the ____ finid d thet hoop. Lucero finally gg( o t______C l a s si AA-:-3______------~ cirnri-T eam m w ke'a-|'i-aiimriknew ------“ I k n c ^;vwe'could n score, but to _on on Saturday.______------d r iv e e ls -se a ty -b-buutowardft-lhe i ------th ee-Egecs-oiutHelboardr.cor _ 3 o n ------^VaIley.66.-LapwaiJl3i______ila^te you"liave“to play • '( t\'v*\v(iiiltnui\'e t'o' wf eat a th e r a fm y ------W iiT a f s I a Oakley beat M agic Va'i^alley end of the thiihird, Carey put necdicdng on a 3-pointer to cyt tht h e New Plymouth 54. Rirleirle 382 • \\\‘ jiisf needed a basktisket to break defense."’ C;Caresia said; • - ' Cn Conference rival Raft Rivever 61- together a six-po•point run to laKfe deficificit to five with three mir,in. west Side 61. Potiatcn:ch 557 ' tlic ritn." C aresia sitid.1, ■ , vrifrKUMti. ^ ' 5 1 51 to earn a semifinal date:e with a nine-point lead,a d . ues t e s left. But the next Tigeger- Homedale 7i.Maiad67J67 Cart-sia callcd a.iinie(ntiedui to trv (o •" s(n«4B;*»)Hiltt«i34:ij.W!)Mj CCarey a today. The PantItthers "We got a littltttle bit lazy in the pointlints came with a m ere 2 settle his troops; "He:ie told tis u. MJ.&r/-C:Hmi RiaSMiO teulv g j, n e v er Hl;ick s;iid. advanced edging Clark Forixk 50- third and were! mmaking bad shot ticksks leftI on the clock.' C lassiA A- -4 ' OMS.jciiiJi.isiKrtwJSOS '4 7 . nts Hagerman 50. CascadeJde49 ^ (iriflith s hit ii fre e' thithrow at the tOcr*o:Ml«fcCar^1M? Srt»4J5 selections,” saisaid Clark Fork LorLords finished with 23 point l:4S”iinirk oniie per.LTi..d, ti,o,r. "Carey is a terrific team,”t,” said coach Bob Haysjys. “Our guards andd 141' rebounds. Mackay 5 3 . Richfield137 37 . <7lUw-«2)Uc»,tfTCenrtoi IcuIWi- - - Meadows 54. Council 41 Malunc. who fiiiisheclie d w ith 12 vjta.ii u fiH fo Oakley coach Jeff Harrahih. “It weren’t able to0 gget the ball out “Wi‘We have to step up tomoi 1141 ■ Kendrick 7 6 . Kootenaial 434; shouldshe be a hell of a gamele that ^ to the right peoj2opIe at the ri^ t row.V. VWe have an excellent tean Oakley 6 1 . Rafl Riverr51 51 could go down to the wire.” ■” time, and we misnissed four or five andd nown we have to respond, Cole Valley 64. NotusS47 47 M eanwhile, in a rematc ...... p r r S P Q I tch of good chances tl^hat way.” Wardi r d s a id .' ____: _Genesee.60..Rockland,4‘Id .44 ; )RTSINBII R I E E = ^ -H ^ asrseasonV -titlc'ganie;erthe The Wampusiis"Cats m ade a, Carey 5 0 . Clark Fork 47 Richfield Tigers were, sen ent to fourth-quarter rurun to tie it up at HagOgerman 50, Cascade 49^9 Dates for all-staitar baskettiall gamesBS'are set ththe e consolation round wiilfiIra 53- ' 41 off of a Brentsnt Stutzke three xho r h e Ramblers dominated ala l l Today’s Pal‘airings TW IM-'ALIS-'nieHie dates f(ir sevend h i^ sdioiJiool all-star Iwsketball 37 loss to M ackay, andd the pointer, one of three he had t the last four m inutes of thith e Today's pairings (or ttwB boyboys' high school ^iiini's laierihis monthm th h av e l>een a n n o u n c e d , HHagerman a Pirates weree one Tltursday nighl.t. Tim1 Young and me, taking a four-point leai;a d basketball tournaments:ts: point away from 'being’ sent • Antone Changal;lala then slashed ^ First ii|> is itie Distriistrici IV s annual A-3 vs. A-4-4 IHigl) School All-Star. ' P° 0 halftime and later.extendn d ------^------home from the tournamentnt but. right through thehe Carey defense jj liaskeiliall Games.-'1s.- The games will be Wednidnesday. March 7 at } it to 15 at 49r34 midwa; squeaked past Cascade, 50-4)49. to even the scot 'a y C l a s s A -1L, , DlDiv. I ______Shrjshone Hij^i School,lOol. 'H ie girls play a t 6 p.m . wiUMtlitlielwys’gamefok. j ough the fourth. In the comeback of thee day, ' Changala combi"hISed"fo?'2rot , At the Idaho C«ntor In NampaNorr • lowinji ‘They were doing a good jol theth e Pirates erased a 14-pi•pojnt Clark Forks’47 p< io b , Higniand (14-12) vs. Capitalip“‘ C“!5yJiP5y__secon;ond-half 3-pointers, w hidc h — p,m,------nabout h ( stepping ir up'aiifnotch f(»uf points, all1 off6 free throws. t Hagerman back withirii n Emmett {13-11) vs. Centuryitury (169). 3:15 when it counts." Clark Fork got,01 off one last iking distance in the lat(l i e P.m. Roping club |s1 Iclooking for new memimbers "'jjHagerman faces Kendricick, a prayer, a 3-poiniinter which Ihe Bishop Kelly {17-8) vs. Mok o ^ (1S8). .|i';KO.MI--Vhe.Ierrlerome Roping Club is organizilizing for the 2(X)1 sea- 76-43 winner over Kootei;enai, Panthers stifled;d to1 avoid going ^ L Levi. Lemmon put-in gavelyg 6:30 p.m. M.niindisaca'ptin«ne’ new menil>ei's, totoday. d in to o v e rtim e . . • . H a ggerman e r its first lead of theh e Vallivue (13-13) vs. Skyviewview(168).8p.m, I'firniorelnformatioiI t i o n . call Mik{•1-6830. • ' . , ne with less than 30 second:ids OalOakley. 61, Raft River 5351 Mackay 53, RliRlchneld37 S anaining. i From there, Wilill Class A-2 A-2 Kimberly Bbosteiter Club sets meetinging March 5 “Despite a 28-polnt perjrfor- When you haveive a team down, Fontaiitaine stole an inbound pas:]SS At Meridian High Schooln mmarice a by Jacob Nelson,1, the YOU need to keen«p_iLlhenjJIhai ____ t_Q_cojcom plete the m iraculou;i is Declo (23-1) vs. LakelandTd{156), (1 1:45______------:— ^ ------KIMUKRht^-^l^hc-hc-Kimbcrlj-Bnnstcreinb-vb-will'tijcerMontla}:; ------R a i RafTRiver Trojans were untiname didn’t happen for the Ridifield fourthrth-quarter Hagerman comele - . M a r d i .'a t 7 p.in'. in ththe u higliscluxjl annex. to eget past Oakley. as the Tigers donlominated in the back,:k. Middleton {21-2) vs. Bonnennners Ferry (9-14), FrjrincireinformatioiI t i o n . call G eorge F lew a t 423-4EM 987. • 0Oakley took charge earlyly, on . first half, only to go cold from “I1 fellf( like they w ere'in thej ,e '3 :1 5 p.m. r-Salem ( it^ ). jjum u n ping out to a 19*12 ffirst the field and seese the Miners gamene the whole tim e,” salei j j Preston (21-4) vs. Sugar-Sali tiiiarter lead, which they liheld come back and taketal the game in; Cascascade coach Jim Simpson 6:30 p.m. AT&twill air seltelect boys' state titlele hoop games . ' Marsh Valley (166) vs. Salmon‘(21-2).Salrr 8 onto until^ midway ihroughih the the second half, “ T hle e only ( difference was thej VnVlVI-AIJJi - AU\'KVr Uro;idband will air selecilect lK)ys’ higli sclnx)l th ji third period. Raft Riverr ;suf- ' “We worked hard,ht but there stanecned hitting their shots in theh e ; giim es this S a tu rd a y niglit. l)askeil)allsi«i(.MiiIe^ii: ffered e r t slightly from one-din-imen- are no excuseses. The ball fourth,r tb .” • . ClassA-3w Thu com pany {\illI sIksliow the Class A-1, Div. I andind □ gnines live - th e s;ional io i play, going to Jailacob bounced their:ir way,” said . “ForFor us. It’s about finding a BotM 'Div. II coniesi*;'!! u p.m. p.m and (he Dif.T sliowdownwn a t 8. ‘Ilie re a re tu> NNebon.for e l 18 of their 23 poTOints Richfield coachich Garr Ward. grooveove,” said M arlin, who put' . At CapKal High School, In B ,1- . Rifle (12-9) vs. lapwai (22-1]22-1). 1:45 p,m, plansjtislir>ii:ilie’A;2.A2. A-3 o r A-1 c h am p io n sh ip gatr;ames, however. ‘ thrrihrongh the stan of the thirdrd. “Tliey had the heihtiiglu advantage - up10 10 points.'“If we aren’t able j...PotlatclL(lS9)Ais_Homedalt Thu jjamus will iiirair on Channel 10 in the TwTwin Falls area and “We play these guys all-;1- sea- and there were somesc mismatch- to findfini that groove, th en 'lt’* „* .p.m. (;ii.iiiiu4.54 in ,\Iini;(:av son. I know thc7 are one diirim en - es.” g o inig g tto be a long gam e for us.” ■ Now Plymouth (21-5) vs.-Valley Vail (22-1) vs. s;ional,”-- io i H arrah said. “ " W e ------^ S h o o tin g to ld tli 1 the final tale as o*«ey(«ii' 6:30 p.m. ■)layed great defense onI hitn 1 th'e Tigers finishished the game tuc(v<«>i!,ni»qju« jMur.CLnre.; ucB'di) tiragila to com pe West SWo (15-7) vs. Malod{ilod{15-ll).8 ipete at USA Indoor ChChampionships f,|“io n ig h t.” hitting just 19 petpercent from the ‘ luriMnil.Vtn|JI;- M Krwnt (VxraKicdt WW4.[Wit>^! p.m, . !\TI..\'NTA,-Nearlyirly !)00 of America’s finestt tracktr and field ath- J-CtUr,V. Trtn» l«'ii-s .III-(in h.iijd inri AthiniaA for ihe 2001 Fontiae: offoffered th e ch an c c tQ go. c«rucMFM4r Hageman {12-14) vs. Kendrtendrtck(l8-7),,. hfc TVojans sneak to w ithinn Ifive today at 3:15 at ( llij!lili«litiiiR thislis 'iveekend’.s’ action',is StacySt; Dragila, the t C a ld w e ll H ig h ontriM) 11:45 a.m. ifter being down \iy a s m a nny j as School. M?Wjl>P»l>. POMIOI It. iMmta t. C«t s. Fhm >. Sm } Olympic gnhi.medalila list a n d w o rld in d o o r nn4. Mackay{184)vs,Meadows'ows Valley ( 1 ^ ) . -Complied fromTl S« ta ff anti w ire re p o rts ’" 1 " ] “Those guys deserve a lotlot of' (juarter and sperlent the rest of -Cua«I4.H,9

_____ 1!______-Fitoy. MlU u diZ iO O l------Tkne»Mm,.T«fD

— ------:------T I r J ...... S po rts Zone

' Continued Co from DI “That was prettje tty ridiculous. It — Umps-.have-been-told-to'tr ta k e ------was-by-my-chestrlstrlt-was-a-ball;”------away the couple of extra-incnches— Kendall said.-^t-iik«-it-shows they’re— sdsrBjGSBrheatrap=©iubatSllassie ^the pitchers often got on thele iout------reaDy g £ ^ to do) it.it. 1n i tak e striking------, side sid and inside of the 17-i:Mnch ' outifourpitdiersgeisg e t lhat pitch.” vever, ~Th?Jt pitch” is tthe one above DUBAI;— trniTnftea 'Arab somegr'greiens that are this smoothI didn’t have to wait longng to lead Duval signeined a contract with plate. The high strikes, howe ______Em irates (A P )_-'- Tiger.W oods ____a n d th is are getting the, most attentiotiqm ______the belt, whichI hahad been called his .true. I got up and hit the:_____ another assault, on .tl.t h e .B l u e ___ ^Nike.Golf.woivor^ about$7.million::^_ and Denmark’s> ThomasTl Bjom ball widvithin birdie range a n d con* M onster, shooting a care<■eer.Iow62 ayear.makin,dng Kim the first play- At ^ Bradenton, Fla., Pittsbuburgh a ball'for as longng as£ most major shared the earlyr first-roundfix lead verted.”i" . ' -for a two-stroke leadad in the er to use eveivery golf product that star Jason Kendall also wasas not leaguers can remei^member. - — —Thursday-in-the-Ie-Dubai-Desert ------D e s5pite-awakening-at-3-a.m.,— p i ,— Genuity-Championship^------Nikehasio^jfi im p r e s se d ------;------______Now_though»-Uii».umpires-ia.ihe ------. Classic, shootingig 8-£ obvious!lusly jet-lagged from a 255- With two eagles bn1 Ihis first .The.dealil vwas finalized late In ^ the first inning, Kentndall majors and minoiinors have been ' undeppar 64s onjn ;a ^ 'hour triptr from Los Angeles,, ‘ eight holes, W eir took advantageac "^W ednesdayly night,-and Duval was wa called out by big leaijague instruaed to stickic k w ith rhe rule^ still, warm dayf onoi Golf WoodsIs said he felt at home in1 ' of nearly perfect coronditions teed off in theth< first round of the im “*J’ ip ire M arty F o ster on a ddecid- e book definition,1, whichw puts the • :the Arabian penirn i n * ------;____ t h i s ccommercial o center andI lliursday to post th e lowjwest first-. jGenuity Chaihampionship looking, ediy ed. high pitch from Detiitroit strike zone betweerveen th e kn ee and • J sula. t o u r isst t enclave on,the Persian, . round score in th e 40-yeaear history like a walkindng billboard for the knuckleballer km Steve Sparks.s. th e m id p o in t o f th e e belt andshoul- ‘ , The lush fairwayvays, triie:rolling Gulf; at Doral. sp o rtin g goodjo d s com pany.- Some S fans at McKechnie F ield d e r s - a s in , acrossjsstheleners. tl • greens and the! dry di desert air Littletle*known Spaniard jose Sixty-one*year-oldI Jack “I’m very•y iexcited about it,” jeered, jee and Kendall and Foi•oster ■ Foster’s work< w£was under care- Ieftthe7,127-yard3r d ^ ^ j l i s C o u rse M a n ulel e l Lara was 8 under after Nicklaus; playing on thet PGA Duval said afa f te r rallyin g fo r a 3- talked tall about the pitch betw:ween ful watch. Umpiriipiring supervisor , Hpe for pickingng by the two...... 17 holeslies, but landed his second[ Tour for the first time tlthis year, under 69, leleaving him seven innings. iiin The Pirates catcher didlid not M arty S p rin g steaead d was on hand, ...... ■; Ryder Cup playeiyers, who' both shot in a palm tree and dosedI . had few complaints witvith his 2- ' strpkes outut of the lead. .“It seem see angry - riithef, he appea)cared and a camera,rec « a lso to the all ___ “"JPJI single with two out then—,— up tworuns in the'sevehtl'Ith and th e— vrtis iaken in’tln-the34th7ouirdTvTIic“ ^ the community ot)t iiaH; a s e n a n d a ll Ba^ba: w a lk eid d 1th e next batter he faced, exceUent coverage of our progra lead sh ran k to 12-11. . C a rd in a ls. ..i ..: Barnes went three and all of tlie ^rl's ba.<;ketbali tc:teams Hansen Haskiask ies fan s who ------Continued from 01 - - - and rclieJicf pitcher Brad Bumw gave ■ CSI sophomore Nick:k Parker innings withoulout sleeves on his uni- j_. in the NIagic Valley this year. follow ed U.S thisycaryear. Yourcontri- 0, run-scoring sin{,les that cut . cam e on to sto p th e b le e:ding d i in the form M fore succumsu< bing (o the cold t, again with a grounilunder, allowing It has been a sp ed al year fore,fQur buiiom,R‘______AfterthrccitwasSS s S : ------. E a g l ergavcTip-el^tTunrwlthTwe*— r p eIghtlrbcfor«-l.Orr*>t«>.a. rom som ething like th a t.” ■ ' ■______includingincl our attempt to rea^ith tl e us, and w e showedlw.om we play».h L ane h a d th re e p la y e rs c som e good character/ ming delivered an RBI single T in a -N c w« sv writer Joe Sunncn cun state tournament for th e first tinlim e (E ditor's note: RickRick Abel is the ter that have been drar a f t e d b y be n xd ied at 7 in school history. Even when we CSrs pitching had"dmor. .rouble t «fifth to answer a two-run If 735-3230 or by c-mail in s ve prin cipal a n d Rirl's''s basketballbe cvacli 5 by the Titans, putting the Major League teams, in c lu d in g atjsunnmmta.masicvalleywrn. pla:played poorly or failed to attainin our a t H ansen Hifih Schoc'diool.) ES^AND-Si "71*------H---- Tj;«m ' Tomo 1 Q lao Hucnnocmn a> m . tW'Qi.YiraaMtO P»W « « S r u < 2 i ^Ora Men’s college basketball 0 0 m Ouwr.Ftamtl nfOOETS 1 0 7 . LAKER!JCERSm SitiF-imiesriPicww-n>73 CamaCTKMlpn A-J^EiUJ\0£l5^i a s &l0imr«)172.Cc*MrSUNIC> U L M i m mWJ i • S.mr,iC*M.0ew.9l l?W BiAioaCMiiTptn CSI at Utah Valleyalley Stale College. 7:30 p.m. (W6 _ ase. § 2 ..sm ’ OvM>l3'.LA.tJl«ilO<^ rciJ4MI.0>«lMIMI4.0H<4,0n«an5j.ij . • NY.Hrgna>uin>«i.ip ______yowiiiercV'®rey.® M rvtw* r « xn«>0, 0 0 CCD T 5 3 0 sti ' ~ College baseball ... 0 0 CBO G o l,F f . . -S S i5!K .T .” CiE.tJUOtseAsV« AsVat— So NRrcrt».Ba»n ' ep'n M cDonald's Slugo;iugout tourney: S«iat 0 0 COO y tsaa-oiist-ci-disr'— K ar/,sr!E: ^ WuKniU utauuatl ll.PCMf MM74 M M tF m r . , T)uM*r ■ vs. PBA.-PBA/at Brum Field. 10:30 a.m, ^■ji.-C4:.ir<;5irC V *.^ S S ■ S I S ' IS M19. UnaO M 0 M U Vaa7.17II.|J C> M r*C fflnlnG oia£U 4>9 niundiiy'i u S icfth lake, at Frontier Field, 10:30 a.m, 0 I oom SMSiato«vS»n ij BRUINS 3 . UOt:u o K r UneCCvs.North ■ rutti TatoBv 0 I e-l ' , RiCksvs.PBA.3lE. 31 Bmin Field. 2 p.m. a 2}-m ti].nMi.inii4SiM]i-s »I.S,N»r,Oj,F< UmaDteeltsm KS, S-CT.ri5, CSlv5.DougiasC(IS CC. at Fiontier Field, 5:30 p,m, . . A-.tVAAivES^^.ES ,.rrS^ & i ! i Dm VIS (Va< C>a M. Urw] M < 0-C ii„^ y T» ------.1 . 0.. IBM IBM-...' uS ^» o JS ?'rp ^ ''" l.p9infrl.l^nraMi FoMUm r " s s l ^IMT Bdtir!v!rKil.i;u. , Ritn/ik-lAUMrteifOWI'l S7 StcsraPRO-l. lameBnBiT.L .on»«i7 ‘.■•Boys'hig'high school basketball state touioumament S SKnrwKaiAOnimaXpnOpn l U f ^ i e i tMM-ALMm M7 iCi.M)ni in J.eounlx I'I sm SM^nOaiai• OvwnfYinCHiiillaatut-l }4-«7 iSanm-.tiUAi 1331 P« A-lD^.i.lflatioCe10 Cenier/Nampa TtMjr m lAlMaaVvcww.lXpi" ' JI,D«..JlA-HSM(1»W9t Zi»y^ .«>/.a Ar-A7»;Kr»-»i,^t-iie * . <4MtUi!MI E'9ini;404-U 1 S S S C 3 5 *• ”i-«yw.tr.i. A-1 Div.jI. NotUl«tti«st Naiatene Umv, ' • • «v T y» I«r s isr.ffissfs,.. 1-U Tf«eP»t<»3 fc*«T>OT« (0} CrujjaUtMOM.enpm KINOS1 2 2 . WARRIOR! A-2.MendianH.S.H.S. i ' l j wawcvtQiuBr “ ‘ 9J0 4 bianlre>rcrJt|V _So______------fttwi.W Hn-ageMC/.Tj».i i‘u(!i ; j ^ t r ” ~ » 3 : C 3 p [ t 3 r H ;S f - M------W««H.CW»,».tOM1tW^ J-J6-J4. ■_____• inttfigi tJSliu.»».IIi .Sf— :— ^------i lr f .™ M I'J------aeU »j\ & 0*d 31 JI.4I !#«■------:------S-»ad*tf''OOr «i*C.r«w»« Qm hnlaiaTorejtfXim 4» - SNno<7>*.>>t'oV»->-i‘’M.j.i9ft,»«ijv. • W."vaiiivijeH.S.(i.S.CakJvteilH'S. ra M ;• r MSaMi. OWttalMallpm w.’-Ks K ssS sa M « ta igM rarumpr M9. f e | S S | -lariuBnOtf4 Highsclloolbowling N».JiO»,aW»»MlB« ' F i s u Z ' : OWJIJO V « J 7 Slate Tourrament.nent. at Snake Rt\er Boni. 11:30 a.m. ..SMaiaunoKuiXpm S a S S Sd»>!-7i «mi BettnfiriMi-,j.iflj.ifliine.. •• . rirMtUl7.Ncn[Wr«< UmsOmunllXpm Son X M1 C4/rrra <■ IJ1 .J II 0-7] A-U.711|17i6Jl Tow & ^ Ton rarUM-J CoanSutalAUMrtFXpm H«l«tm-Uti Kiurffu:.Pa.iSN«k^ Pa. &A9&A9HTUU. CmiNaJQMWOJM plOn*hlp L r w ,^ r ,^ C ^ ’ir,!iT 'tS ro H ... I . O n 'nil-; AIK . FWB«WW»*W Thursday'! NBAiB«x« B< S S 5 ; s ibSuoiT tiOmJMniBllSlttel[•U noU ot JACKETS 5. PRH>flEDATORS 2 • XrAMlCelraKS SWRS91.SUKS7t $ 7 1 XMCaat-Swawn^iSiBJc . ^ TELEVISION n«ea(n|I . OrauUSMcMcM.Wftm. CakMw i ] I4- - uMrfMr.ewunse MOI] 0.ll0a3.ll5«l«.4.17|lirf».MOl!.™M .eSS' *1^ . fV*Itortd M(»«* 0 I 1-1 DenOueSMFfaroiaiS FKqn M l< J1. C ftemoi <■ 111 rniP«>t»-> Cou-tiA &rc ■ • Seniorgoll.Tosnibismba Classic • ' PW5W55 Ic.di &m Dwjd I. Sm9> 1 cnvrr '.ISKLTI liJSK L tSi'Si »-U -i: • V*««ii-ns rcoirtu*! pqr y a * UrrSSHtawl^ 5”!*:^ fcST SS!n-w 4 A.t»). i]» iw » * .*Z w r S /^ , SnowiiK*IHndn|aclng.Snocro«Series- • ESPf5PN 1p.m. Ucr»uli Kt>ymUM4 M htjn fr M J ^ a£5SSSK i"«iilltlG iA P 'S w JWI-<31^ 4 JJJ tt^OnrttwiJi 17 W J 1 S & M - . JMJ. WlXMF\t rjioasrt* ««-KY!Fiu» J3.M .7 1411 S HiuvK Tf-nwMJ- i ? 5 S £ ‘i S „ A o to ra cin g , NUSCIASCARWInsto(iCupquaUf)1_ng FSH5PT 3p ^ .' . — — MMlf.ft«r47«11in)rw■rWtMMt------• - ' —H-JMJU 5~.T — ■ ~1»J4i») P|.abe.-Dr«« Tovn n hm rot TrMM 0 Tim I r-« • 4 4<» Vrtomj OiUMftrniST ) m SSSS NBJ.JaoalCe»c:et!ics '-FSPIiPJ 5:30 pm >'esu7'rt DmalMMilfu Tliuisdsy's Colle] S S " SB-« S « O n iw ^ '1114 e*T'CM OfMm(Min UntilMirmM n I..T1 Basketballa Pce*iiu«rt>r 3JX-Cg:« 4 ^ , ~ ^ , , i , s 4 t ^ . . NBUPenJutealsat Rangers • - ESPt5pti 6 p.m. - Tim bi rt rooi u y n fu j4 -r< MMKn n In tr^mi ■ Vn BuA ri *M i____ l>l«fl'«Scom >>•<4 4 IVdPmM CowtvtX't «, • College baskeibaii.ibaii. N, Atiiona at E.'Washmgion FSP*jp*. 6:30p.m. SMiMrt VuTMnHTinn Arv -FWHCST m 7 -1 iSaWiCf«^»t»i I8l7n> Chuga»»«Soir. imaaTuaoiK UMM III) rt Omim•! PK«n SosVi/;m«}4.1>.«7S ’" r .Sd P,.%»m-«>w O.M 'tourcouwi 1173 Co»inC»‘>^J « n ; ” ' Sa'F>macort 0u 9>C«uaUtu.J Af«jU.Or*Jt«lSl S4 , ______Suji4{gieg^_^__ tiuiturnii 174)0»owmi C » ^ 7' Z l., ______MitoiFto«D*Fi &tnMn) ------i;<0>«mKn‘'^M>wqW O ) i}7* M W u i A.»c»^.ii«7. . N nrcnuan UnnMHMwifT ru u ------m(WiMsSitr»»«t*v^i7n t«vn h Sa^ro.>.mofWvi-*-j iBc I63J. R t'r~ »O r-iL »'s » Ort (TM>uniw u»SiOXS«ttB«*»M5) • -I . - Kavwi •mmoc'.'.r*.}!"}! I l» 3 JC i» < V ti t r r » - w r '7 V v - i i ty W«jl4 l.ieMOTJST) 80UIH Crvmrwwi^.'/'vwig Ttutn DoO»i«^U« fU- M • Sfenot'»)►<:».«« IMI nj ROCKETS 10s, BUCK!IC K S91 a V E R S2. 2 .S SABRES 0 0utwvw ^ > MS-SA5C'' ^eiB/ai rt Cnnu> a Svnco nj r9cr7S C>M Bav. »}4-«l »-'4.» '& ite 0 eD M t u ■ .^jFIt HOUJTONd*9 UjtiUmS'mnWMrSIlII ' P«/Got 3e-]t47 Pci.«>«u;CRc/^/>i«t-Ca>/ 0 ] ^ u4'u”?:C‘-s- -r FU Ititoe-IO JH Xtvvoias OMWtjn Or«>«ilU«*irKxi.|(]>4llMnaiM44 Smmi Ciirtui Iva: I ^ Ftonlin KueraKiiurmH (b1 Fnnn».l9»4»iltniTMN(>44M4>KiifaSt AcomSl n.ltutSorwU U>M1 >UlfN« Dirft»*i7.! Umuu rt Amtcx « fen UjomUt.tnUt.Fit MID FlmnMM; Uro>l'3i}<1.JOCJ.Cmo' frtnV—t> &>XW"UU z n r - m i , s s w a ^ a ! la»W «n Sf.witemPs-.suKSLliCS^---- MM 0 I I _ ICUWIHEPH 2.*»?iMti ' .) Ucmi(rtSiLan«j«iH.n> iOI95lV*tr« Prn5if»»»l73 Vw,S#9> }4«-70 ■] 0-J i.N-f Tur»<; . I I«fM FU V«li« fr'imTl 74J] t* OM Slr«'904J6.70 ' J 3»iW Krtf4.l)M9 J*«0BJ?1»'■ TOURNAMENTNT « .t« M a» JJ.jr.7 0 -J BUCNKAWKS2.S2.KINCS2 • 0>U99C.ttiulrt U«>MaPr>Mn OM M -ro, . MiMnrt OuliWaPttani . : Ia»i}r«i4-iiji • IB ■tm rjmnsn i a j r i '! ! s &«ni(ulv1 S»iOin>aPcni.J l?Ji • ^ 4 » w n j:> i IkWKrt UrraKUaFolMrvi nti\t if>ancrl4U«MKMM1 F. fWFtanS■" National liochay I Cranatn liut a Pol C'luxet anUM>i.Pecw7iall>«inkKMx.ru- .U«uiM>->iaa»;»5erfiwi7» !,«» a m tflU (OuS^^a-i I9J7IK;t : P ru tn -U iT i .> i V n r i >..-t ►aw rt f; ^FU lCnM4t| T(UHUU«Ultfi:i.U» w I T a '•J U nFU . tKnxtO-lUMMlMDAnw.l «ctrtMen-«c«*»isr J* IJ 10 7 ? K WjM IiTMlUtrt u n ia u tm w >U>u i-1JI.-«(l|fl7| N*»YcrtUmri rbituavoifu i r * i* n -PtatuT 3? ?J 7 7 J 73 K)'M Bttrgi J43C«i-CNict-tTxTS^h'''" LEAFS 3 ,, CAICAPITALS 2 ' Rt ICSBS 0«,s,,n,ass. ^ 4J III. 0mm n Ma)«o a Tr-pi jW DOSTtMM ' ■ . «1&0>/Ii.i SMcrn u«nM04;,Si».?>iiuiaTgnavAn< t< U<(M(M)0 Tcua3>r4i»-XI.i-XM ' W o n w i'iS c oVM m I o n s X 7} \ 4 71 Oww-tc*Ar^wi ptf.r 1 r SaiCktgart SNStaPicni Vi . !V«n J7 JI 7 ■'*' ‘ SanaU•u'<. .4 U .'him A^M oSS o'***^’'''* " S i ' .« "-''’i-'.f"'",’',''' ■“I** . ifrUJ-??? Mam»j»i-lt JJO* IB, (KVwvlMtS^wwuO^ «al-4Mllh0T«t-»4.«lSWir“SSt'Jjjs ■ ■ w L aXP» I CfOH lr»w-Ai.MlVrr».»ttj, '■ 'r*' ______j S j g K i j i i j _____ —:----- ^Thuraday’rCeHegfrBwe _____^ ____• - 5 ^ I n i T 3 ------SENAT0RS-8.-SHi.-SHABKS'4— ------Fmu 17 JJ Kuiar, . " rO •mRraAbrecr.rnUUiVSI t s s ssr I !SJ .4. . law a [cuuiM Unot nu vir ItrpiBJT ' t » « II Hi..’ gvPf^-i OBjrt T w r M.r.,.r.; T' '" U,Ur ...... -iv Sa-«r9».IMwuvSl] Unjtrtncr Jt IliflW 1 J.FWt I- TOCt A»»juci>j loe J K 5*JWSl lOtCMrJHjlMO I-) C^TftO-l. thjT«,ft.|.;KUenO" ’S S {< 7* 1 ^ 73 ^XWl»W_4Si- •■7'iiirr; ip.4 oj-ltn n«aii»OoiCr» W iCa^ in «MI>-Clc>tyFcmS.I«eriiuOnMe ' Ix1.-6j»kh:i Itcfro { M i^ilS SA.M.SJl’O,!^. ■•flCMiru i.ljruiuluiI l«usSo#wriS7>jn]mSl Si S i S ! I C a ^ JI ). : ti S IS IS 'B;VSKli'|'l)ALLL L MN'CS l o t CAVAUEB;JERS99 Oo».Vn.h:,T«,^M ^Na1W O WBn | iKyw> JCO ' dfti*C*Kt « .« » < • I» ^ outoo* DMavin ItMllU 1 P« GFU I'tMWi JM« C»ti«‘ikC»;klKf^ 7 ) rtnViju-’c'J . National Basketbalf55il— |(.«>«IJ • &,ia?sti-w70 • CoUido 40 12 . » J nVAirrskl744 l» Pl|W1>-?1411JJ7. 1 KMMCAUnSI ' VatziA* » JI S S Association U«rMJ4irrt«T,MtH?7J•l77?.l«o,S. Vi«TOi70H..>4inT5f.iM ■ eUTDMCCNFOCKtt ., JI-»1I.Oi«wOOM1.W:fciPWli-piuofliji Sum ^ ^ I? i tin • . owmSi tl ;«uoiSi 7J U m icu JJ J9 I 3\ \VSS 13JIWI«I3 0!,N,>nJ-i*Uc«i I CS '“f ’'-* ' | ‘o£Ja«e(9BI c«TOK«M n i.w(i Ppnti 1C cniBi U'.A*»aifli'1»l'INf.r I------iupi>)UMiuiiiMnnca»4.:;. i - i u i i ------cg«i»-u------______^ T S iXH..VQA.. , B»A/-.iti-ic«.t.C«i« NnTcrt M . n SK itfir>i;«>4MM«e'tefrrit JKixnMICkjtdLi FMWnc79.JtctK>k«iSlU 0 .J 1514.., .tMji IJSI 1; Ct»*i*vUiJS.SJS - ' -^S'KII':iiNf; ------S 5 S ai;OM:«»«4.Ukrn»'l]N2 1 .7 I7»ise l».t P^tUvSJ-SJII^ s s . s s s II 7S004 0li«l4CH3f.(v»nMl '■ & ? 1 ! s i1 77 IMIiJ SJi>^«o/V'4IJI T " " '' • ski RepReport ‘-.-'u ca u « Boicn » U Ul •fMMlIaUi.CKimSrcntJ . I '* j« l^ StttlC«'>i*-SjnJ^SI7V,i7v j;O j - . | v > Nr.»vi « 3> W, ”, £ S i * * ^ ”» 1. ai-in » , iiui.nUTn<79 tiu»AnmU W«tf»flcn 13 4S Tli » otiwrii a a r nnM* i ' S C«:MSIM UcxafrcMSi . alwadM- p.}M'nx C»—O i» ) Oa»-sMlvt] FAAHOr W iO iM ^O aM"■ i >oet«>ti6• ii6«M«'1u n l * '« i ' ''-Sij.vi'i UtoMN V, n tit ttO^lFcuM N VravUPcriMSIir Cou*J»»l [Wu? SfwaWii SOvKW.’J'J; j i», CTJ.. Cmt, : jj NT Aaqn4 Ftotuj & s 3 s UTMai Pecu^J >um ■ • ' *t jiXS.VicSSiSj^^uL^7i I M TOURNAMENT “**•* ■ ■ ■» 17s txA-SuMM.CinKMn ^ ■vX rw w ;; & i i s II iKftKa^-PKUfKnCMMltgal " Va«xvrt>!iDaii4 . I7S *-ll07lMJMj HU RRICANES). ISLISLANDERSX ' s s . '! s iS l^ n aiC iO M * Vl'.’ '•i'! VT-;.. ‘'“ TOTIOW^NCee Wednesday's late9 B-1 C*«tM IWOM .V T)u* W L M ' OB MAQIC97,SUNS9i>9^ Ul.,A««A»«C»<.« Wtai Sil J kf.Tin SiMi.iatMtai4 13)1 3 M\tV ' ’*"»! - • ;'.1 ';* “ ^ ' CaoM FrirD»13iO>-*l^jp«'l-'J»’ «» « SinMn) It .t U> ^u.utjau*'*^ . C««4JNV wrdtril Ct>tirM Ofl»Wit l7J7j®l CMu » 77' Ul 1 . MMi »,-»iBx94.liMaUt«I Cou-tuiS ' Pmrt^-ScuJialN'.mxsTOXJI f t o ^ , , ' *.r.i ...** IKy>hcu M 14 im t ■ M44ft01«Mm}tM;.>iiAc^ip*a^JJO^ ho*UWtS4 1«V9M|J O ojoJ a «S euroK aeurewwnCeiewa"» “ TaM/iOam, S«rt3Pi^>C« I l-]S7: \ N 'i s ■ Di"* 30 n K« lOS 0«0«0 Tcua^toir^tr FMFIWM Vtnownr It 41 M 721 ■ PWOOffl) .' Ma>-lM| ala*— _ P e a u ^ a M ruriji*» lp"< f l ;/»».»».«! i>M»iA« t-»i»-vtotr * I J I'cljiru t 1o441l M 1 11 4* UmMuaEaTTr*n.7gt>< ' ^ ■ ------vwrjc^iMVta-a i'« iMtTirw-...... I . ruJrtMMO Wh.711l.Jj74 Ic *>-jrv.<:rtit. o2iSKirtifrm 1. I La'SS?’ j? It M? . > T s s r - N*M.AAmw S..W . ■ S ^ ' a .L ^ AoMKhvSiM C«d(7>aWuxSS ^ »3i.»i<««,CWtrt.r<»wCwi I ,.< < V. » -.1 . »■ 'tuasi'r.ii lima M K -V ^ I •— r -v-^vr ? L . ” ” “ ’“jl • SmAJMaDnen lU n .1 '

. . . . M ' TbnevNew*, Twin Faff*•afft, Idaho Friday, March.2.2001t..’

~ g P O R t S ' ~ iJMacja.1igrees_toi$30M_eextensio) n J a n kkeesopesn-w ithad o s s 4 o ^Jays- ' ...... J U P lT K R f> 1 a ^ (A P .fm d a b e tte r org an iz atio n an m d b e t-— I 'Hw Associatod Pr

'b a se b a ll playt?lytJr. iK-rfod. You can’t -evenven top Rodriguez’s record. h e ^voiild sw itchI Manny^ Ramirez Wdbarriams said, “so you haye to Iis*s- M a r k G a rd n e r. i H ' ' SStiles shlatters PNGAA-.womern’s recoi) r d '

SPRINGFIELD. M o.'(AP e v e r yybody b o here, SMS, the com- g la d i t ’s o v e r fo r h e r.” Breaking rea the NCAA sCori ty, it’s their record, too. Wei There was another2r c h a n c e 't o reBcord c o hroueht .TnfJquareJiarden In.^w; (b' 3,1333, poi.nts, breaking tlt h e ^ ■ I . ' th e 3, , the th crowd rising in am id-'•' _ple who helped me: alongal the York Thursday. • ‘-'‘'.V* . recoitcord of 3,122~lhat Patricic i a . • , *'•»«• p a tio n aas } the ball left her hand, w a y .” ■ Hoskipskins set at Mississippi V air illcy '• Southwest r^lssotirlI StateSt guard - . “I rancan never keep track in my H o s k i n s , ' w h o l li< i v e s iri ate from 1985-89. The reco :prd-.. Jackie Stiles Is preseniented wllh tlie head,, butb I could tell by the G reenville, Miss., was'as'flown l in Camby’s 11 w htn Stiles hit a 3-poiht s big nightIt pays' fell': d I was getting close by Springfield businisinessm an ‘ •' e a rlyrly in the second half, givii? i n i . •• gam e ball by her cpacfa c h C h e r jl, ■ . " “ " ‘I ise they were getting louder John Q. Hammons andmd the fan? 1 h er 3,123.3. Burnett during a cerem juder,” Stiles said. “I could gave her a standingng bvation'i “The pressii're’s off;" Stilii l e T * S tiles for sotting a nownew NCAA career (dl whei -o ff for coiDach Van C 'hen it went that that was w hen She was introduce!uced before' Gundy id. “Now we can just conce cen-^ scoring record. it.” ■' t h e g a m e . . NKW YORK (AP) - ate on winning basketba - Marcus scoretl 2'J-popoinis as Houston trate . ry; and Stiles sentnt them home FansIS were« still celebrating the “ I ■ refused to •rniss -ini: this ■ Caniby scored a season-1 mes. It’s just a'burden off n m-high 27 won iis 13thIth straight game Same; my . happy as SoutlLwiew e s t_Mj s s o u t i ____ .r e c o•d', r d , c h a n t i n g , “ l a c k ie . ____ momeni,t!-Hoskins.sai£Llid-inhis-is:— _ ___ ------jKiints-nnd grabhed-17 rei oulders.V- • _ ' rehfluiKls _ against ii'Cent:n tral Division oppoi_ J-•gJ'jjl ...... Staie.(21-5,.lS-2)2) stayed one -- Jackie,-ie,-Jackie"- w hen Stiles — something I want to-shi-share w ith ------Stiles, who was averaging'30 ■U> help Tefr Vaii=^ n e n i. 3U-0 game behind first-pl.•place Drake in scoredi againaj on a jum per 34 sec- everybody.” ..C.tiinly become ihe k ints, needed 20 to break tl NBA ' ^ii‘")don AnAnderson iiddcil 21 •be the Missouri Valleyley Conference onds latilater,, That m ade it 59-26. Stiles is still not the:he all-time third-winningest cord and the game dreww a ra c e . - poinis for Mou; B u t b y then, tl the score was inci- collegiate leader. Fiveive players coach in Knicks histo* inding room-only crowd t I o f' . “I didn’t know ifif iti: would ever dental1 - Stiles had the record scored more than Stile:til e s in th ^ ' ■ - ry as New York outlasted • • 9 ,1155 5 5 that^included M issou 'u r t - 1)0 p o s s i b l e , if iit t would ' ever and thele Lady! Bears were going years before women’ss basketballba • 9.S-K8 T h u rs d a y n ig h t, Spurs 91, SunsSi 7 1 G oIV. v . B o b i H o l d e n ’- a ’ 1 9 7 373 come true." StilesJS s a id . “ I t ’s a to w in .. ■ came under the NCAASA ini 1982;; uthivest Missouri ?ta\e gradi With 224 career coacbiching vie- SAN . ANT^TONIQ - Tim iduv , credit to all the greareal people I’m "Youu couldc see the relief in Lynette W oodard wass theihi leader’ tfiries, Van Gundy move )ved past Duncan’s 200t)Oih career double- , surrounded by. I dotdon’t look at it her face,ce,” said teamm ate Carly in chat era with 3,64919 pointsp at Ml hoped to' be a part of histi Pat Kili.'y on the teamI’s'career ’s' double wass ttrouble for the as my record. I look lo at it as , Deer, Stile’sSt room m ate. “I’m Kansas from 1977-81. coaching victories I'istfist. Red Phoenix Suns, Ilohzm an won 613 gamilines and Duncan collollected 25 points. Z \ I Joe Lapchick w()n 326, and IO-relx)uounds as the Sun- ^ ^^freidsson hat trick leaves1 Shi Larry Johnson addi larks all w(etin Otta^awaii elded 21 Antonio Spur:urs b.ounced back >TTAWA (AP) - Danitliel eighth shutout, tyii points, •Kurt Thomas hadulIGand with a ‘JI-711 \vk-.ory over tho , ying Dominik their fourourtJi Stfaight win, and each reds.son tied a ciireer-higli witkith Hilsek for the NH Hurricanes 3, Islandeiiders 1 Latrell Sprewell 13 for fo the IMioeni.x Suns,ns, who w;ere held , '^HL lead, as are4-2-lii-1 in ih e ir la st seven. ee goals, and h a d = == Philadelphia beat I UNIONDALE, N.Y.i'. - A rturs Knicks, who won theireir ihird ' i» their lowest.•si t o ta l o f th e se a - It Buffalo and' Felix« PotvinPr stopped 20 shots to a;;sist to lead the taut H asek. Irbe turned aside 36 shots,she and s tr a ig h t, son,' im p ro v'e e to t 3-0-3 since joining Los awh S e n a to rs to an 'Philadelphia inc Carolina got goals ffro r o m R o d , . Duncan mad increased its * Angeles.s. Jocel;^J Thibault stopped ade n „f;22 d„.,s Brind’Amour, Ron Franrancis and Sonlcs 101, Cavs 99rI 9 r 0 l ------an^iurduuirppair of blocks as he njgin o h i over th o San Jo se S h a rk s, . p o in ts o \'cr New Je rsersey. ; Sandis Ozolinsh co defeatdefi .thC' ■ CLi:VI-LAND-Shamammond reached a mihlilestone in games gii;,| lharks captain Owen Nola:lan Keith Primcauu and Eric U afe 3, Capitals 2, OT New York Islanders. W illiams’ l«-fooi jimipeiper with doubleI fifigures in points .scoredred twice in his first gam e bac:ick . Desjardins scared se A ll the scoring took>k p la c e in less than «me second'rcni;cmaiiiing /'"d rebounds.ds. lie has played from a m an 11-game suspeiision. IIHe goals, ami Daymondd“ uL r & ^ W A SSF^GTON m - Gary Roberts . the first period.. in overtime sealed ihc-• wwin for ’263 games inI three-plustl seasons reacheched 20 goals for the seventl:ith Mark Recchi each had w ith 3:39 re m a in in g in over- ;___ Seaitle. which snaiipeilI a iliree- and has the m o s i d o u b le -d o u - tim ee in in his c a r te r. : ______. s i ™> Tgronjo ; lwat WaSiington, Bruins 3,-Lightning! 1 — ; r — ^ gam e losing streak, Dies ot any NBMBA player during AlfFilfredsson also assisted oi ng a four-game road losing Blackhawks 2, Kin« " g s 2 BOSTON - Joe T Th h o r n t o ^ Gary Payion scored 27 poiius • that span, Alexeixei Yashin’s team-leading 29lJ scored three goals to rec a n d W illia m s fin is h e dI wiwilh 19 lie got some1C :help from fellow .goal, .CHICAGO-Chiclicago’s Tony Washinhington, which had aT 2- record his first career hat trick as for the Sonics, “Twin Tower’' .David Robinson, Amonte and Los AiAngeles’ Luc game uniunbeaten streak snapped as Boston : beat Tampa Bay. who also had';d a dinible-double RyCfS Robitaille scored theiheir 3Ist goals Tuesday,ly, 1 h a s lost hvo stra ig h t for ers 2, Sabres 0 It was the BruinsIS i s e c o n d ; "iih 17 points, of the season as thele Blackhawks the firstt tii tim e since J a n . 18^19. T h e Rockets 108, Bucks 919: Its, 11 boards and' PHll • straight victory following IHLADELPIIIA - Romaia n • a n d Kings play ed to aa2-2tie.a i ‘losing strstreak matches a season ^ .•ing a five-' ' . .\IILWAUKlili..r,S[eveJ:'e-I'rands s t; a s . . ------1 ------Cc-thini hmiiiiek made-26 saves for hi:h is ------Both'tcams'cntered•ed looking for lu'glir ' ] gam e losing streak. ’ . Ladies__ _ Eagles . .Continued from 01 Continued from D l . sa id . "W l- were all preityy eemb.ir- •‘We’re matuituring.into a pretty weekck ago.. rely on their iminen* nsc dence. We play on theihe road in the third-^*edred Snow Collcge(14^3, 25- rasM.’(l a fte r th e K icks fiaiisco.". s ti ciimplele teamm ami; I ihink we've si/e ;i ■ Z e c k said sa^^vy W olverinerine coach ^ e and brute power undeler- tminiament, so it’d l)e nice to win 4) puts So In ihcir IKO-degrec.'c tiirii- go t e v e r y th in g Southern Idaho into the ■Jeff Reiiiert and liis talenteented corps ng lhat we need,to neath.:ith. The attack begins withil ( (>• two tougli, conference ce roiid gtimes covetedI to to| p se e d o n S a tu rday. • of nlavers_wiILbe.a_touitouglLttist ______.lluv-and-Salt-I-jike;^^------f o o>1 l- *4 j ------p n s i' ' A s 'h I e i g ig h - -RninR-lmn-tlfctoWalifiililent," •• "(Jetting:ing th e No. 1 sc‘e d is" m ore ton ig lu . its siKJts. ht-'hl a advadvaniage lie said, "Tliey'\■y've goi so m e g re a t Cham I amburlain (12,2 ppg, 7.5 rpg;>g). But even w ith a w>ake ak of defeat- importantmt than hosting this year,’’ I'lii Ilie n la s s .,g ia b b e » l l.{ l.J •sicaK players. Ihil ovei “Tliey are talented, tlieyilie/re big, verall with our play- contii]uiniies with 6-fooi forwarcirds ed opponents behindnd his team - Zeck said,id. , .mil genuiillv made a niiiiiiiisaMce ers and ilie.svsu.•stem that we’ve got Kriste. tliey*re very well-ciiaclied■d andai diey isten Saliby (8.4 ppg. 7.1 rpfpg) CSI has heat foes byly ; a 20..'5-|X)ini B u t ■irst f ir s the Golden Eagles, • JliisclldL'Ic-nsivclv. '• . . in, if w e ru n it, create matchup problems,:ms," Zeck it, we've got a greal andil BB ro o k e .lo lin siin ( 7 .8 p ppg) ^ average - '/-eck is notlot concerned must beat ,N'(.w I h e f o t .i s s h i f i s 1< eat the W olverines, who said. “And Utali Vali(y e\'ee\'ery year •> to this ■ o])|).jfiuiiiiy too gel) two wins this ;uuld ee n d s w ith .'>-11 s la s .h e r s a h o u l a |M)tential leidoi dow n. - to o k C S;i I toto th e lim it b e fo re falling . Ls o n e o f tlie touglicM pki'cesices to pLny • weekeiul. wliu-n ihc (Hilik-n (h weekciul." ■ Bekka of the first , sc*cond Imlfuilfrcrasliing-the-lioards-to— — sports-nine players oveKSe t 6-4 a n d ...... < S1 o .iild ...... ih.tile two .'\i itisliiiiig s;ii(|, ha lf," ■ - 1 . • centit toto 41,8 for Southern Idaho, ih c n in e oof: f a 14-1 s e a in d lia lf adviin- shoots 48.7 percent.-n t . ~ - J e f f ; UMtns in Ihc first roundd ofo llie Soplioiiiore Tu Tonya Phillips said Thehe (juickeri sm aller Bruini„s Might a loss jiringng the team tageondiedie offeasive gla. l id against North courtrt press| - which has been thi k s a id . " B u t left! “T lie y ’r e Iw th b ig te amrns s a n d a r e "W e'll piepare liard tliislis week Iilalii), nvo wins y.j. recall what luip|)ened ti us are within reach banu-cilu-of the (Golden liagles’ seji dtoSahLiike A 26-fotfoot 3-pointer by John v e ry w e ll-c o a d ie d ,” -Zeckk sasai id . ;iiul llicii we'll prejKire supeiiper-luird (oni'glii and Sam l,\. last year. Tiiey were in itiird a y . >ion.. B B'u i Grant sees facing tin : in first place Hille cutIt thetl margin in half with . But as big and atlileticic asa eadi riexi week.” Craiit said, ■••I‘i know "(The week( and two games up goii; :kend) is pretty pressass as a win-win scenario.- oing in to the four secoiconds to go, and after opponent is tliis weekend,Id, Zeck/ is (Sl.a- roach) Hetsv (Speck J, J Iasi tw o gam es, a n d th e eckeler) imporlani. We'k’e'v e g. so ii's .aid. -We pla%laved preity bad Gramini said. ‘•IIoi)efully they’l if getting the' Wolverinetie K1 en a n Jo y c e ’s p a ss w as, “Basketball is a funnyiy thing,"t ’ «i'iog iti t)c a matching n • No, 1 seed, they go in i of the against Kicks butIni we cami; hack comele 01.1o and tr>' to pressure us II with ihe No. deflectedd a a.‘ s llie buzzer soim ded. he said. "One little thingg cancn hap- m iiiils." 2 se ed and lose th e ir fir: aiul played jirett•etty well. It’ll give That’sI’s a . win-win siiuation for us first game." Zeck said sa UVSC’s plan of pen to take .you out of sysyr n c. I’m l-.niiil view s ih f iv,jc-kciiil .'iiiT^is a n s m o in e n tu mI gcgoing into region- If we.'e lose,I at leiist ive face tlius foi into the tour- good ideaa th tl is tim e aro u n d , Slaying focused'and wwor o r r y in g ney. Bui victories at U ihe regional,.CSI lost at huiihome lo This weekend’;id’s opj)onents pre- the tournamenijton And if we bea Utah Valley “It won’tn’t be effective this time," ;a b o u t ^vinm Ilg tw o gam es.”s ,” ■ Slate College (8-8, 1 l)'>lh clubs by a coml)inc.10. 15-1.^) over .lioiriis in iis regular seasonHall can be nxicluxl at 735-3115-3239. or ^ S la te Collej^e (.16-1, 181) U loss at andwe’i/coI c o m p ac t.” 1by c-mail at kcvn&tnof^cvallcvllcyjxm..------Fridey.Mwtarch 2,2001—Tlm«»Newi. Twin F#ni,FaDi Idaho'D-5------Cutdo^• w n d e a d l [lineinthele Rouiishteame e y e s L a s AY e g a s _ lHlearin g o n[1 ______^

-JS-ELdc l a i m s s everalplayi \ -Mot(:orSpeed5i w a ^ t u m aa r Q u n d - - alytopsy^phc i l e t e s — ~ -J f t e A««octated P f m ' ~ ' ittsburgh and Kansas City.------' — L A S - V E GGASj (AP) - Jack-Roushis h ^entries.'* ' Frank M urtha', Del Greco’:CO’S a g e n t , c o u ld n 't w altt’to t g e t to L a s V e g a s, Martin, a perenniallal ichampionship con- ]PDostponed l - " 7 ^ D ana Stubbleflcid,, thith e N FL ’s d e fe n siv e callcdied the cut “an unfortunatelatc turn of- The.gammgng tables hold no allure for tender, has finished 3 d 33rd and 20th; last DAYTONA D; BEACH, Fla. (AP)(Al r Dale J_player of the year in 1997, Cornelius even^ems.” th e W m ston CupC' team ow ner. It’s the 1.S 1.5- - year’s top rookie. Mattlatt Kenseth, finished Ear:irnhardt’s widow will hav(lave to wait . fiennett and kicker AiAl Del Greco were Thursday’s 11) cuts continued theth e tre n d o f m ile oval onI tlthe north side of the desert ert 21st and 28th; touted2d irookie Kurt. Busch anoto tiie r w e e k b e fo re n y in g toDstopa s tt news- dinong the casualtiesie s h ig h i his eyes gleaming in antid- igh-priced veterans who havehai been that has h id- finished 41st and.36i36th; and Bu»on'is ____ papert G riffith andreceiv-anc Hve straightIt wins, if you count thehe the Roush Tauruses(S iiin particular - do _ i,“ reporter sub- A tla n ta in 1999. ‘ Ited a public records requestjst aasking for-- ...... e r CCris r Carter agreed to restiucmicniredcon- - Saturtlay Bus.isch Series events, Martintin - in d e e d h a v e an e d g e here,hi Bunon Is tak- " “ C a n h e still b e produixluctive? Fm certain traasl a s to h e lp t h e M in n e so ta V ikinikings meet won the raceB iin 1999 and Burton swept:p t in g no th in g fo r grantetf. ny and all photographs" of.EanEarnhardt, Sentinel attorney David Bralov Of that,” Colts presidentlent Bill Polian said. thes ccap. J h e w ee k en d la s t ye ar. “1 have so much resjrespect for how hard alow .said ih e “But the question is at wspaper has no desire lo'caufcau.se-Teresa i at what price and , *A*Also gone Thursday wasas Reggie “The first tiltime we went out there, myny it is that I don’t thinkik iit means anytliing . w h o c an a ffo rd h im ? ” m hardt more pain. The Sentientinel's edi- White, h it who retired for the thirthird tim e. • feeling tvas thahat Mark and Jeff have bothJih' lhat we ran well herere Ilast year.” Burton s h a v ^ id they have no inti '•■Bennett was paid $1.9»1.9 m illio n la s t sea- • \Vhitints in 17 seasons, histot!tory, he ends his. 15-year careareerw ith races this time,le. with the weekend cappeded Dale Earnhardt Inc. E a rnrnhardt. then the public is served.”; ______ipolclhehilfiirTeiinea»seg!s.24-10,loss to._ . 1983 sSi a c i ^ m o r e th a n a n y o th e r NNI F L p U y b y S u n d a y ’s .UUAW.-DaimlerChrysler 400..30,------.Michael-Waltrip-wo-won-in-Daytona-on ------Bralc Baltimore in the AF(\FC playoffs. He' er.H(H e h a d a c a r e e r low 5.5 th isi seseason. i ”"e ei:else would be surprisedI - the day his boss. Dak lale Earnhardt, was- UrJnder Florida's public recoecords law. bounced one Held goald oloff an upright and *Gi ling back even though hish team is off to a miser-' >Green Bay signed runnin; cr-' killed in a last-lap) crash.ci Teammate autojlopsy repons and photographsphs are piilv had two others blockecked, including on ^. Dorse lied three. able start, rsey Levens to a renegotiatct Steve Park earned anfin emotir>n.iIi rjcio rj- Jic recordr e unless t/iey are pan: o f ai n active retim ied for a touchdowr (if 5wn. yearir icontract. Levens, who missclissed most „ I" 'I'e ti'ft 1two races of the season,in, in Rockingham the daday after the third crimiTiinal investigation. Last season, Del Greci reco made 27 of 33 of laslast season with knee injuries,ies, was in Burton’s IStli-pi-place fini.sh in the season-in- DEI driver. Dale Earn!irnhnrdi Jr.. crashed NAJASCAR officials refused to commenic . field goal attempts and k id kicked game-win- ^ ther fofourth season of a five-year,It, S25S mil- opening Daytoi:ona SOO is th e best showingng . out Iwfore the rains camecan and iwstponed on theth Sentinel’s reiisons for warningwai the ning field goals againsin s t P h i l a d e l p h i a ,' lio n1 c(co n tract. by any of Roioush’s four W inston Cupjp (hu finish. a u too fp sy photos.

) u r ;S p f ’ )o/i/:S/yj/t

^ Ni-:w BROV)\\'\ DHL r Copipus Cove sponnsofs”R op^N -j GityTcb u m a m e^nts ] heat i J-Ruh upTwin B U HHL L - Thirty-five giris from \-The past two weekerkends have th ro uighout g h ' southern-Idaho and ■ In the singles event, first ia n d 1J '*■" . been filled with bowiini H Nevadada icompeted in the Rope-N- e v e n ts sesecond !: was a father-son combiibina- !-Jcr.BrTj; in Twin Falls - the MeM e n ’s ^ B r K nn au t CCopus Cove .-\rena in Buhl1 - ’ 'N O tion. M aurice M iller (son)i) le d . / 'J m •.Pjjjt-CT t»; 'tw; Tournam ent, _ held L b - r ’s G o F e b . 18. J i»3"j with 777 and M aury (Dad) wa;vas at iMnfl ) •< VtM B o w lad ro m e, a n d th e Lac ' ' TheJ nextn< competition will be Ladies’City 766. H o w ev e r, D ad took th er lile ad Tournament at the M apc Bov\'l in g ' h e ld at a t Copus Cove Sunday, litiravS m i^ c B o w l. in scratch at 685. The Doubjb l e s [ l-njn; ’S!!,. ' T im .e -o•onlys r are at 11 a.m.. '..And the unofficial sts ta n d in g s U ie lm aT u d ief iTantiandicap is led by John Bonnn n e tt from each have been ri A m ericaiican West Barrels follow at n released.. andmd Roger Largent at 1.490, w ith ' N Unofficial means veril ■ 12:30 p.m.p.n and breakaway roping e r if ic a ti o n M —X B______• B BobBob McClain and RiR ic h m u s t still b e co m p leted , :d, ia n d v e r i- . .. Famswonh second at 1.461. S a m ■ doubles and Karen ' fy" ' more information or to fic a tio n m e a n s c h ec k inng g a< v e ra g e s jl£ .Vormsbaker and Bob Leazerr ;a re d Kristy Rodriguez are e n te r ,, c:lll c: Lana Parker at 208^ for correct reporting, thjthat scores Monmoand K dinners at scratch with 1328. (Ho(i«■ n n irirw , h 1,40S. Scratch dou- 53(^2772." 2. were written doivn correitrectlyand semnil wilh . Bruce M ajor leads the A rrpp, - Dies was Julicilie Capurro and Barb A ll- ______^all.ihe.addition.was.correi ivents-Handicap-Bt-2,220. TTl h a t ------:~FoltowlrBwlng-arettieFebriS'fesults:------^— Sony,-guys,-but-I-stillitm believe- _ ;uy-known-to many of us -...... On<3t>Mtaam— . A ll-E v ents HandicapTis 1 lead-by ~ >s " *m*rie*nWM»« BjitdBK#-:------•I’i ' ‘J-.N Vr ‘ ’• «. . ■.<: in lad ies first.* ‘Senile” M iller, or Maury, if jyou .T h e L o o n e y T u n e s t ano at 2,204, foUowed H »;5i..n •«**; w i s*- .s t e a m o t nust, look second with 2,210. V-rv- Bxi-»r 'J ).•; Julie Capurro, Kathy W 1 Show alter at 2,116. ■ leads AlNEvents ,,, All Events Scratch is S: Barb Smith and Jonna' a K S . o “ ' ' iSilror»MWM> th 1,765, and Tracey iVormsbaker 2,017 and Uo rolled 2,778 capturee tlthe first ''' I .*1® .-•:.v i;-. •reeman foUo\ys at 1,999. - Vry- place in the handica]c a n tp a m H o ffm a n ISse iverage.” and Ada Perrine. Thele :Looney 3,524,-StumpTips and Trees/Baily J.D. Jimenez received(ed his Junior V a lle yy. . ?McCall. Pocatello and For a com plete list of thti Tunes team also took the scratch "ere scconi1. PlayingP on that team I’” ''® brown b e lt In the art-(irt-oft.AJ. • " " P o rtla nnd. d , Ore, panicipated in the ppearing in the prize list, che team high with their 2,424424 are Terry Car:arpenter. Ban Baily, jeciirity Winter Games ice ut the scores listed under■the i (Tfansitlonal Arts lnc

■ ■ ■ \ CblRSCOPRES A N D s< t a t s " — -BA.SKi'rniAi:i— a s aaTaitT*«u>»,;i8 - s vorlUlcau9^St| $>», 3r7T|sisTr& T “ Nvsinw.euur TF P a ria and Rec i"’ feits'i--;'*: i ■ , aaassB gffl ; r , I ; & l s g a ...... ■ r m : - : - ...... ” ^ rir . • wvas;:.:,,,-. p: I Sgg;:: J . ” i KB l e - i i I S ' i S i iH K ir ^ ~ t lls,. il o PARK AVE.E. d . 1 S :B “ oGOLF DRIVININCd l i P - s o RANGE d

® N O W OPEPE N ° j_ . O W eallier Perniltlintl lin g C h ■ ; I I ••:«-. ■ Siioo riNci M.ioic V.iiley's Only»/v q J . I p Trapshootlng Com phre Pr.ictice Rniu ■■ results B()\\ i j n (5 S s ?? . "TtocirBwllng ' pisH.EI i l c i i f e : A J

PS f 'SS r O # - f i i - l i s s f d E f l l d _ 3 8 0 P a r k A v e . . . . siis : ;- 0?JI4^1_65* T w i n F=a A l l L L sO ^ ' ' '' SM EE • T im n ^ E /T u Hutdt'm 733733-0P3I,£x/,242 . , ■ Pa^c I)-6 . II'riday.March ' l 2, 200)01 T h c TT i im c s - N c w s

B rie[EFLY )URT lONEY ~ T y s 0in i altc^ F S b t-lyoutt-offe: t :FILI]-INGS — Ight RIdder News Service ■t ’ Idaho gets i votes and a formal re?e s , o , e . ; s money to expects'tO G ornpl< - Meat'packere Jlete purciiase; Jm e o t o f e a r lie r r c ^ i s fro n CHICAGO - Even though IBP aid ex-millI Vworkers__ j h w hidi is still working wit!ilhfcd 'BOISE-RecenicenractintyinU^, - c. has become tangled in an Bankruptcy Courtourt induded these a!i federal goveem m eni:ehecks LIBF’s books :e r a l o f f i d a ls o n th o se m a tK ' P I E R C E - T h e staSt te o f Id a h o vrill a c ccounting o t me.ss, it*: S3.2 billionon . . rilings: For investors who have receive nearly $1.1SI. million under . agretrecmentv(o be acquired by l)y 'acquisition of IBP. ____ dale for dod o s in g I h e f ir s t pha.se _ . sspeculating .whcther-T ...... - the federal Workfjrkforce Investment ■ Tysorson F oods Inc.', Is’ still on - foj^' or IBP shares have flfor-weeks of ihe deal.al. The latest extension nm ight seek to rcnegoth ' “ Chapter 7,-nontonbu3in^,' '. • Act to help.workerkers who lost their' now.w. traded substantially/ Ibelow the was to expire ex at midnight Itlower, price or walk away ■ jobs when PotlatchItch C org. c lo s e d it.s _ CSiting jr delays caui»ed hvthe ly from Under $50,000Kk) ___ -nmpj?iHul_S.3J^aisha£atiLhuyoui__W .ednesdajja y .,- t h c - lu .s t- d a t e - b y ——the-dealj-W ^tl ednesdoy’s-di "JaypcTtElI lasl'SepSeptem ber.______fe'dierargovcrnmcnt’s er continuing or3er..l02?..Coiiaiit----- ■ w hich “yeal-could -go for^vai^—^-sn re offered llttlencWBUra ------r m r g n m r r i r ninirolihced i r by the - probiobe o fT ^ ’s bookkeeping,'. iQjmce: Ave., Burley, indi'ndividuoli nonbusf* , g.' .‘ Jn a stai’emerit, IBlBP empha* under the! originalor terms. - "•"IBP.continues to work wit Labor Departmenlent, finances ser* howe' ntn me ness, Chapter ’ 7,7, 1*15 creditors, kvever, Tyson said W ednesday:iy siz ed th a t “ w h ile th e processforp “Unfortu: tunately,” Chairman SSEC to resolve their accou)untihg assets under $50,S50.000, liabilities vices ranging fromom career counsel- it’s; scrappingsc the original buy-y- completing this tran.sa •saction will and Chief' EiE x e c u tiv e J o h n T y s o n ' i?issues,” CEO Tyson ;s a i d , u n d ^ r $50,000. Case ing iind job traln/nin/ng to re-employ- outI formf( at in favor of a more Caseno.Oi-40242. * ' re now-change, the basiciic terms of - - said W etlntlne.sday m orning; “it- 'aiadding,'“A fter that work is com* ment assistance. cumnbersome hi method lhat allows vs the agreement do not."n The will be impinpossible to complete pplete, we will determine The workers canca get help for Tyson>on to k e e p its o p tio n to pur- ‘ w h a t Chapter 7, non!lonbuslness, ir- Dakota Dunes, S.D., concern the cash tendertei offer" before ele f f e c t th e s e m a tte rs w ill ha> relncation, job seaisearch, basic skills -chaseise IBP alive while putting off ff sjiid: “We join TysonI officialso irr the deadlineine. 01o u r d e a l.” $50,000 to $$1(100,000 training and suppui5port sen-ices such a finalnal decision. rc-affirming our dc.sinire to com- Tyson FoodsFo form ally can- A Tyson spokesman dedjclined Jeanne Gail WadWaddns, also known as dependent careire nnd transpona-_ “WlW hat this does is allow.lhem m . pleio this transactionI aas prompt- celed the much-delaypdm ipnrlpr_____taela3»ratetC ------^------— ;i_asJeanne-G-KncfcncfcLJOSU ;ilh;AvoA=^ si ly as possible ’’ r o ffe r a n d saidsail it will instead pur- IBP has said that its acci:count- N-* Buhl, individuiidual, nonbusiness, Training prograinrams include weld* Rcse>search analyst Christine e The original plan calledc for sue a single-:Je-step “cash-clection” ing ir troubles, which centeter nn Chapter 7, lS-4949 creditors,c assets . ing, plum bing, electricaleli work, McC'rC'racken said. "It really y . Tyson to make its S3l»30-a-share • merger. UmJ n d e r t h a t f o r m a t, it —-the tli Chicago-based DFG-F-Foods 550,000 to S100,(0 0 ,0 0 0 , l i a b i l i t i e s business services.'es, health profes- doesn'isn’t change anything." cash tender offer foiFor half of said, IBP ««i qcjdiolders will be subsidiary si the , comjn n W 550,000 .to$100,0G0,000. Case no. 01- sions hijili-technolojology, manufacruri= — IBPBiLKas_iie.s_to. tiie-Jklagic^ npany ^0250...... — IHP’s shares,-follow»wed-by-a— 'allmved'to^fi-choo.seeither casFor acquired ac in 1998, had the e ing. facilities mainaintenance and Vallejley’s agricultural conimuni- Carol Hors.n,in, alsoi known as i- stock-swap exchangtge for the siock for theirih shares. But in of overstating IBP’s earning operations and engi:ngineering. ty. ngs by Nancy Carol Horslorgan and Nancy rem aining half. But everei since, contrast to0 thet earlier arrange- S53.9 Sf million over the past Some of the woiworkers who lost Invi St five Carol Walker, 610ilO 17th1 S t.. R u p e rt, ivestors coniinued to bidd thedi.sarrayinlBP’s'iwi>ooksca/ne-f m ent, thi.-!‘ii.s form requires qi quarters.' Ix also l a s t wweek individual, nonbusii)usincs^ C h a p te r 7, jobs when the millmil closed have down.•n IBP’s: stock price, reflect-I- to lig h t s e v e ra l w e e kn is frauduliduleiil invoices soclated Press ,tion. five Sail Lake area A p ril 2 •a s io r e s f o r a w a y to1 combat c the high sche:hedii|ed for-November 200002 . ^or embroidereded bags from as execuiive >. - Cottonwood. South T'Towne. prices charged:ed on the isolated with ter’.s Grandma’s Stitches,lies, a company .T LAKI-: CITY .- /XMI. i ■ith a break during this wintei vice presideni. , - . , Layton Hills. Vall.ey Fai‘air and frontier. h e a n d h is w ife ow nei calls itself America’s firsi j holitioliday shopping sea.son and il v ned. sec,Clary ami Fashion Place - will1 begin Since lh«n. tl •Evers al.so alleget ment store, will change its « , the original store ' 2002D02 W in te r OIympic.s., jgedly told the Siinday operations as ofi)f April hns become a to Nleier & I'rank in ihe i a Salt Lake land- M(M eier & Frank, which is bastised company accountantant that he had 22. Th.e stores have alalways mark and a po] L-w weeks, store offlci;ik ____ [ popular i^ilgrimage inI P( Portland, Ore.. operates, 20i worked as a bankik ccontroller in — l>«eti-t=losed-on-Suiul«iVi ivhtn'IslnlHTClry:------s n r ri ------Sacram cntorstolcT icedlhiirstlay. : ’ ores in Oregon. vViTslungto Ic'moneyrwas ------P.^ erence to Mormon clchurch ' Upon the sal L. 12 ■ prosecuted and was T &• F ra n k h a s l)eeii opc-r- , sale of the stores, Utahtab and Idaho, including the ; ■vas put on five le iie is . Salt Lake Cii . g[ years’ probalioiL ' E E i r ^!ie 12 ZC.MI M ores in U tah 2ity Chamber of .now;tw o p e ra tin g a s ZCM I. I'h e S iSursiein: Tucvins'ki & Ojlliini,C l-.c! “'"'B 'lio There is no word yei v< on Commerce Pr ’ and Idah( President Larry Louiouis-based May.'Co. is one[. „f( “Then (Evers) statedsta that he in Albany, N.y. aho since its parent com- w v hciherjhe 7XMI Mall.'r . named Maiikin calleiled the possible thele icountry’s largest reiaile,le„ thought he had lickeicked the prob-. I-'ernandez will repor The May Department after .j the flagship store in portdirociiy.,,. n down- ■ name change: “a very bitter pill withith 427 departm ent stores in^ 43•' lem,” court ducurnurnents state, President and Chief lix Co., iKnight the chain from • lownj, Salt Lake City, wil E x ftiiriv o IJol) 1 . . .•ill a ls o f o r a lo t oC shoppers sin to swal- stateates. W ashington and PueriTl,, “(Evers) also siaiitales that lie .Sardelli, who joined tl rinon church in I'JM, undergo „ a name change. II,l« c.,m|,ar,y ;e. That low.”. Rico.ico. .should not do.nnyI moremt account- in 'r.)eceniber from■om G e n e r a l ^ - ing.” Hlectric’s Power Syste’stems division . Evers denies thehe iallegations, in Sdieiii;ctady. N .Y .. Ite fines La»abor R ead 1 cxcepi that he ackacknowledges Also. Home Dcpoi.s;!l-s;iid longtime iy over WOorkercom]ipensation lhat he got inn troublet in m arkeiitig e.xecuii:iiliv(.- Uicl< KnIeMBIdi RIdder Nows Service------— ^Workers' c, , tl;that’s triie,” of niiiTkeiing and comii the deparim eni. many• ILabor set the underrepi■eporting. Octolttober of workers’ hours an immtinicaiions WashingnIgton state nearly a half- H Uld Evers said. “I’m .surj.surprised they Ready workers doing coninsiruc- The violationsHIS appeared to be classi and oversaw ihe launciinchof Home million d ;issifications in Wa.shington anstid are doing this. Theyay d(lid all kinds 1 dollars,'plus penalties lion li cleanuj) (such as diggir’iiigand accidental, aci D cjm ji’s national hran(anduig siraie- ;,ndiniere according .10 the OhioIlio-Last monlh. the Ohihio- - of looking into thisis moren than a - erest, btcaiise it niisclassi- moving n din and liiiidscapiipe con- depariment. gv during ihe 10%s wi B uireau re • of Workerers year ago." with sponsor- fi^d empnployees in calculating siruciion) si were classified a ship?, of ihu Olvni a s i>cr- O ffic ia ls wilh ith Labor Ready - Comijtnpensaiion foui'ld some mii ynipics and workers'•s' compensation preiiii- foi-niing fi grounds inainiet nis- Evers said be plan)lanned to call N'.ASCAR, enance which opened).•(j i t s T w in F a l l s d a sissification, s i thougli no delibei laie auditors sai.tl this rather n than construction 5er- IHC officials in thec hlio o p e o f w o rk - Dick Sullivan, mere tl w o rk . office a y e a r igo-didago not reiunt atee I intent ro mislead, an le rc h a n d is in g • \veel(. Ther firsi category carries a md ingoul a solution, vice presideni i;i ihe a work- _ calls seeking1 commentci on the • orderdercd Uibor-Ready io pay a he mmpiiny's Auditorlors for the Departmeni e an An IHC spokes:kesman said Nortiiwc-st division, ers' comp rate of 40 cen.*nis an Washington aiidiiidit- ______a d dditional ili $48,000 in premiums. III. Kill laki, „t Laboriir and Industries found Ir i-s- Wedne.sday that comjompany policy hour; the second, 51.20. ___ ,-The companyny has 30 days to Tlit H am niill's place ass s< sc’illiir i- itc , | | „ | , 1,^. , The W ashington audit exan:im- requires all prospectiective employ- e giant lemporary-liel]) Such misclassifica.•aiions ask the deparinuimeni to reconsider incd i presideni of inarkctin)ting. Sullivan company i .•d reciirds at U ibor Ready’s;_19 1 ■ e e s to u n d e rg o a criminal c rin back* ly o w es S497.‘W0 in b a c k . aiaccounted for three-<|uari(riers of its order, or appi ’l)reviotisly was seriinr:or v.ie presi- premium ppeal to the Board office:ices in the .state for 1998. Th'• he ■ ground check. The s ims, plus more than I.Labor Ready's underpayir le spokesmnn d e n t o f ad v t-riisin g ,-inenis. of Industrial Insuisurance Appeals.- deparparttnetil also plans audits fo S236.0000 ini penalties and inter- ai for did not know whetherher that policy according to the (lopariinen’i.•nt.The The Buildingg and a Construction 1999 99 and 2000, spokeswomaian was in place whenen IEvers was Compiled fromim wires rep o rts est.f«»rin?:imihey.-araudiled, ' aia u d it a lso fouiWl so m e in.sii.stances Trades D.epartmi iment of the AFL- Tamnmmy Firkins said. h ire d . ’ •

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______. Ffldir1diy .M m h a .2 0 0 i. Tto>>Waw>.Ti»^T■lnFll^fcl•ta_D■7-_-

: i 3 ■Monky

M aidi1,2001101 ______.. -itcoo ^ 3^ZD be ten- announced eamirmings ^ going to were still.smarting from . t;tative given- that eachch day continue to slumpLimp. B i^d co m lost many consecutive s ^ssions,” said commentsIS byI Federal Reserve ii irivesiors are confronted bylyanew . ^Sl.63tocloseat$4u $47.63.------r ^ r March 1, 26601} ------g - Alan Ackerman, exeajcutive vice ChairmanI AAlan Greenspan lhat s< set of companies warninfng th a t Bleak profit: outlooksoui also hurt president at Fahnesttstock & Co. the econom'jmy has further to fall, fi Nasdaq future profits wiU b e weak.- Gateway, whichlich ended down q _I just before the markettclosed. c and that theth Fed won’t lower “We have funher disappo “But on balance, the pointing S1.45 at S15.75.75. The computer le market is interest rate:Jtes before it.next m eet- ddownscaling of future.pro: . still suffering from pnprofit woes. ing on Mardi •ospects maker warnedd th that /irst-quarter r J rch20. • 0of big companies," said.RRobert earnings virill be ' Companies are still r ^dudiigtheir i • WallStree be disappointing,. V 2.183.37 reet,wants G reenspan to SStovall; market strategi:;is t' fo r and said it will re; earnings and outlook: numr bers."___ ;take.quick.a 1 restate downward »vtaii B ^action.to.boost-lhe ail------—PrudeptialP Securitiesr-:------— ~~^lts;2000r^t5.— — ^— r r 4 7 — — ------Ackennan'aaa^-“WeieVe in a dif------in g — -e cronom o n y:------H o w ev er;------MiTch of ihLMecli sector’ ficiilt environment t. ir’slate ..Network equiquipment maker '.High Lew to call.... Greensi)anan reasoned that the ' reprieve n caine from IBM, 1 There isn’t a lot of coimrunitment" ' ' economy w , vyhich ' 3Com dove neai*eai-ly.18 percent, ' 2.1M.4J Z071.071.03 ^ g was less Uuggish in ’ m rr et pnvately with analystssatS.G. a downS1.63atS7.S T he Dow Jones indusustrial aver- January and 57.50, after warning nd February than it was ' Cowen. C IBNI, a Dow'stock,» s _?liiniping demand _ ' -RtcofdWBh: 5,048,1>48,62 fs ___ age closed down ‘45.14 at-, attheendof and for its products March 10.2000 of2000. didn’t d report any new infohrmiatiori - will cause third-< X> 0EC£M8£n JANUARY F WARCH 10,450.14 a fte r recoupin,ing much of Greehspar rd-quarter profits jan’s comments gained to K the analysts, but itsi j sto ck and revenue to m i its earlier 190-point loss.is. so m e supp< ) miss expeaations. )port Thursday via a climbcd cl S6.15 to$106.05. Earlier this week AP I B roader m ark et indielicators fin- report fro eek, it announced from the National Other tech gainers incleluded l,200Jayoffs. -4n=th(lero a fkl e t p l a e e ,, t h e f u t :i i r e f e nn i a i n s t hl ( e f o c u s Delta chab a n g e s . ‘^JohnCunnlff " _ ble foresi^t, advis^ to s [o stay aw ay from __ lesson;>*}?_of_ihe p a st w ere forgoneKten in the favorite stock one-stop;p f l i g h t s The Associated P*resstw " — ocks, the one’s they were pr stocks during'the-recoveryiry 1to foUow? boom'In - and if th e past was a badad ione then moting. And r id maybe too for the declinee iin SALT LAKE CITYITY (A ? ) - D e lta Their number includes» tthose huckster- goodI riddanccr and'let’s get onin 'with the their reputatic - • NEW YORK: - As relief from the ations. Air Lines has anno ing letter writers whoI stuffsr mailboxes ^ow/. .: F o r tp s te r s don’t go broktoke, clients . But Green; nnounced it will • ‘painful pasttimei ofol watching stock prices with their offers of a enspan, the Federal Reser\rve , replace irs one-siopip d;daili' flight from ittJe known stock do. chief, can at I • fall, you can lean:am much about market at least argue that he madele a Salt Lake City’ to Stockholm, sure to soar several hund:mdred percent if - You>u won’t get'apologies eithither from few decisions ' 'forces by shiftingng your attention to the you subscribe now at th e loi uns, like raising intere4l^rat(ites Sweden, with onene toi Frankfurt. i low, low price. ventur.ure capitalists who nourisheihed imma- six tim es, whi • ' aoions of highlyf paid,p; big-name forecast- while -so many were indedsiv>ive .Germany, It includes seven-figurgure analysts at ture companiesc and, still imimmature, when they sli ers. large brokerage houses, w ’ should have been protectining pie FranWurt tlighlight starts April 1 s, w hose p rim ar y ___ broughght ;hem ip_underwriters foifoLsale to— themselves.- -Those to be stud 'and'w ill stop at JohnJoh F. Kennedy tudied are the ones who' —concem “ was io keep potehtchti^'uriderwrit- thepu)lublic, collecting their moneyeyandfad- Finally, yo repeatedly upgra5raded their advisories ing clients happy by em pha you w on’t fin d m an y smlall al International Airpon.o n. * Jhasizing the posi- ing froirom th e scene. investors apoli throughout the greatgre decline that began pologizing to anyone, wives anm d T he Stockholm flight, flig started on tive while barely mentioniiDning lost m a rk e t. N orir will CEOs apologize, eve!ven those husbands tnc last March, whenn aalmost every stock that share. included. Maybe they shoululd Det.l, also stops att JFKJFi International > who ininsisted their sales and: r(revenues have known b fell was seen a s a1 buyingbi opportunity, n better, but who were they' tto and will run through^ March.M , And it includes ponfoli(olio managers at looked2d good despite the downttntum, and , challenge the ___ ^^ow.ihaLthey.thr-these-stoejcs have fallen— iie opinions of those wise for(^re-—. —i-A Jthough th e Stock}Kkholm f l i ^ t h ad------— m utual and pension fundsIs wv ho shared th e ----- \A o thithenrlate-in the game,-conce(icedcd th at dasters, monej .. to a level from whiwhich they will either so iney m anagers a nd chief execi:cu- g e n e ra te d tra ffic; fnfrom Salt Lake wew that the only directioirtion for the m ar- their o|optimism was, after all, unjinjustified. tives? splat or bounce -- w hen buying op ponuni- __ _ City, Frankfurt isi aa imore common >j»lt_dQjtJi.their-. ,,And-evevea-worse,-as-in-Xerox-and nd-Lucent;------Inthe-securi TiTies reaJly m ight,t existe - will these fore­ clients’ assets. curitieybusinessrthere’siJlertirtly (iestination out of Utah, Delta that thithey didn’t even know thingsigs w ere so of blam e to) gogc around, but it seldom cor • casters show the samsar e courage and zeal? Don’t expect any apologie•gies. bad. :on- spokeswoman Alesialia VW atson said, gregates onI onone or two specific targets, The new flight will It : Or will their confisnfidence too be suffocat- In the investment businesness, it’s the ever- Alanm Greenspan won’t apolo^i ill leave Salt Lake _ -J ■. ed by the gloom su ^ e . Som e_____ Perhaps thtthere are too many of thenjm . Cit>- each day at 11:30 1 surrounding them?-Will prom ising fu tu re that’s sol

Wi«t Of» LW ChQ CmTtoi Crt 04 2576.1 09 K«a>rp 118f18f 7670 . 70 sntoos a3*(Ol.e9 .7$ C«T£r>, 170 3767 . 67 1 t7l ■ B E *N«m**m* Dir LM Chg UnMtTt .I3(mi3.1i0 SM6 CrpS»« -tflMS-I.IJ KnMcrg » S o -:.;; SMMSini -.M4n.(Jl! *esce« H u .u B - 42J0-140 •« KOBI 21 94 . 63 ssrSlTi _ taso .50 KAgnR I00>00l-59i0 . » S*lTtSVli4«8146S .09“ ’McOTACIIVE(nn«>« MosrAcrncdtBaKMi} M70 «non , - Hama. -Vo<(00) U tt Cho Nim4ima VoKDOl Cttt Chq S‘S’ ^s-;s ssi" - J.- Sicm m n-- J.e* -Jt • WXTW . «M -0) OTIOTE 706 3735.1 31 ISlUq .1' BiJS *5? *«*»»" a NoflOlNw 339674 1B.49 I > i« n S i n WUS w iseg -44 0*. • Semrc TJ 63J2 .43 NsM)10OTtl0O048248.B0.IJ5 :i}COI 1171261 2450 .81 UTI>k JirS K .-: s»TW«t. x» i ijt- o r OMrtiC 277. *899 - 63 UB-nw ' •J Nokia* 259934 23 54 ♦I.s* SPOH S 144567124 60 -t-65 SunSiunMcro *696727 20 06 .19 1?K[I 44c 14U *UI 15m 7203 -B7 OrtSwiI 0*1 .13 »00.2,t0 H»Cafp .. 3160 - 48 ScfotBt 04A0S0 -40 « G«fl£loci 2393S9 4591 -.59 S Ki,'. . ;S! “a«.i,i3 ATTWrSB »1S .M D*mno) D»f 06 &3 70 . 76 LtggPui 4StJ2 1J04 .30' 5e>Ad. 04 48 , 3 .n SemiHTrn 25593 44 60 .2.75 OraOVade 674555 21,38 .238 *c.«& So'uTMl 78X .M ' Ml J9U .»* 0«>nDv M 7172 -01 l»nmOf| Jtl Luc*m 210038 12.00 * 41 DDjlADiom 25471104.68 -.32 JDSDSUm* I S90466 29 25 .2 50 AtiP«;SS". ,t “ S 5 £ p . . ;iiMwUi* S K I J J I ill ^ OaVi> . 34 60-164 Uunift . ... » EMC* 204444 42.91 015 BrdMHTn B 19878 3155 .1.85 Imeti l*04tiA- '"dlB36*.50 ^ScOco ' id" 8 68 -S3. *“D» » « Dm 68 40 67 . 08 LO,iUl not* • 541257 2913 .,56 S' ■ »;;•?'!! ’;i SPMCh¥n>n-.d14J«.1J* ^ !S2 i2 EcftoSu.1 266i S .M “««->» «M -'9 S®- AgSrti itoa 0W>* 0« 7S 1399 - 04 L*,E» l.tTI.171 7898 - 48 S-»C« . 345 - 12'3 QAMTO(aO«HM) IU ‘‘Mm. i . .. 74X.IJ6 ' 14 94 . 06 *e*w* DKxA. IM 10 40 35-1 77 LtT4«)» X30 1?72 - 43 sr<.n« 142. 49M .69 QAWERSCnMm} . ( D«»M . 7M 7435 . 76 LncNit 1771 — SSidL-zeJi” ■« ^ Niint Ijmt Cho %Cho Ham* N La«t Oiq %Cho Hirw SS|^_o5 H oo^S «- t J3 .03 0«C7«---191-5441------.14- IS5S3------4756 .06 .------0«4>00 1410 .3414 NttE1S2 MetnjmMK 3.18 ..24 ' .62 htgpfMOpn 10.00 .281 .39 1 S ’’ » ’=•'” ■■■ g§Sii:H l ^5»Vl-n dt5J3 .56 At»W 39* MJJ.103 D0UK». Do* <0 1821 -39 U7.(« .14 Mceii ea M4J .7} Oomnn Ow 756 6515 .41 Uon 08coaa“ oo r2J ” ” ■“» Fnovapl 2425 .345 .166 Irwinfra Ir 14.40 .103 .7.7 ArtrfljttilUlt 2 63 . 63 .31 3 A»*.aiS ’ ^ SI 4te.4'i6 S«lpr»n .. to* -.It . MjEfVT irj «j» .11 On^fliOW2 cw 56« 1634 .09 - •*' Sciwm • . 7770 -05» Gitea * 2.35 . 33 .163 GGloOLTo 5 05 . 35 .7.4 M«u TOtJ .13 Wins* ult70 -li Do.K>mtl Do- 16 3378 .47 UQU 3d361 0255 -J3 Soun<0 1 04 X 98 . 03a L0S£RS(S30Miib«i} DMiMi _dl40*-7.O* SS:S « • 'SS-I tSrtHM Z _ 16 75 - 6« JJ. i3?S .to ft;P L o s e rs (12 OH KM) L I osers (So*KM) iHKBt .. »3t.27i »• 84 Srwm ...dir.l* .*4 ’ Uutl* 761 4I00«I tl a Oul« x .:ss;:g !siir,'s•S i i s ' S ' S * ^ * 02 1800 -60 Name' La«l Cho »Chg tom; "«< . -IM U8I .11 0,t S 77 7 59-*^ *12 »W .91 •2!------l£t>-.Chg %Chg SrMiUn .. 1*80-70* e UtOgun 203 -t27 -385 EquCynen II 310 -40 -11.4 TftVst AUit . . 3t».130 Ecs‘ ET» ■ ” I S » r.74 41 56-1 12 SC-M-P 260 S590 -JJ8 ^V5tyn 1500 -7 25 -32 6 AP.^n.S' ijt E.tS«twj 073 3 SrmnK .- 4»J0.J»4 33 a n -61 EMCi EMC 1.241 47.91 .115 UmnU;t.700t0010544-1 58 S«mFON 50 21 74 . 67n. FleolEn 8.95 -310 -257 MedAavS M 310 -40 .1I4SBSTBSTtcns 16 13 -588 -26 7 .tmx% 679i.?M E00n« EOC l«l 43 64 .M USlWfl “ “ - i iS - r ^ 53 81 .iC unm w 7? 41 .41 E«. O MM 'SS - OJO-1.M« Conslof 12.00 -351 -226 Intwlotts In 4 00 -.50 - 11.1 Tr,nlo'^loehj- . 231 -63 -213 TUPW> 5169 .63 EXM*ii 1 76 44 67 - It Utxo 57 ^ Sumwi 97 0514 .57, BetepI 1425 -245 -147 Newlekn N. 325 -.35 -9 7 Pje.iC ••AffVm «07 -10 EC0U9 Eeo* 571 47 3 7 . 42 UtuCp 1884 tcilC 30 91 -8 22 -21 0 Aiwwi d19?3. M O’-'C- •" SIS. iSK.rS TicrCjil ..'9 38 -ita .. 017SO -40 Ejtwpow EM 1485 -M U4>mtE« 040>4Ou?00i3u .30 SUrwM 601 35 75 . 05J B«*» 070 -140.1-139 ftxmof* B< 2 2S,.~24 -9.6 PSITiSiTecnn 4W -t.25 -202 >c. <115 75 .75 « « *«? ^«»1* 07 50 4J.I61 '*EP J40 4TSJ .01 EiMMt ISi M 3860 - 27 U4M Jfi AtiOjCo «« ‘h ^■'C'3 963 .Ti Iruw 43T5 -3' .*«E.8» H *JOO -M ElP»V)Co ElP. 851 71 06 178 83M u u»» ‘ m W107X.I65 • 733' -75 !«•« WtnCfi tm nM .IU EU" ! ■ Dim y • DlAflY . Duhy Twiyont 5.75 -7* ----•XltoT.p—s:-5i B3-.-12- E EOS ^ - u S w » . * «■ Aavaneeo : •T470 Wvancod At ■” 306 Achrarwaneefl- iWo" OM-756 V-4SV'4M..k C7. IS 1215 .35 Ema>ia Emb .71. 13.72.1,17 UcWiBOC « 74 :» « I t? SUJPpn. 715 2370 Dcetnod D«Un«J .. 1,575 D. '■ 366 Oeckntckned 2.179 • IIOJI: 8 7B . rs C7 75.1 19 EmvEi £mn . 153 65 90.100 U«M .68:68 26 66 -.71 SUaf .. 4797-1 05i Unetwnflod \ 226 Ui *«.vt " 4J3*.*?5 >C«n» .. 7.50-113 •*>T>Wli Ml MJ0-1J3 EiWTcn Eflw 68 TOCO.103 UMinc .70u • SrftlFnjnlTB 2236 .31 Unchanged 114 UnduneJwngcd 1.110 AnlKh Nuincrtn . 01 75.1.75 AftMik » M50.100 Enrgn Enro 50 68 68 .18 M.ta>rr« 88 < ' TouiBsucs ■ 3.271 ToUliMue*Tc 766 To NowLows 54 NewLo*r»Ni 45 N«wLKwLovil 221 Ai>ioT« 10*TO«1 B70 M . »* <««»» 3in 44U . « E EMUkKM 1 69 65 57 . 70 UflU.n 70 ; J Vohww______1.479.508,990 VolumeVc ______151.139.495 Volum3lumo 2.190,571.300 r iJSiSJ SSIS*'ISjS ]S K S 'V : S!!:!S-1;::; EiunUco I 76 81 4Q. >35 UUM 3Kt\(% S S :il f S V f. S * - « I AudCo.dCo.«i ... I6M .61 i.13.2J5 OtKl. ... J1J4.31* ^ »3I -Ol SK. fPlCp 7741 6535 .X Mor>P. „■ A(.ioi;n> .1 'i . . 3.-13 -94 ImSiitmS«ie . (S3I.56.I50 'McmCI 2tU3 fti* 170 8160.190 MOHYOo 451,:151 ,37 15 . 15 140 0900 -04 1^;?* SSS..r :. ‘ ii irrttityr.- .. 1JM.7J5 . Wlitn Ul 872 - 0« f»aeFMEtCc 4107 >09 MSOWf 9710(17104360-1 53 T»wS*m 1797 -91 AtKlSilClSTtn .. 1675.1.19 C^Si>n 216:o iS *UKCiU JI 5919 . 19 .FmS.foflSflrt 7*. 7774 .09 UMoroUt .16 I ' - S2.W»*k NetN«1 S YTO 52-wk ... t0 06 . 64 'i*-*tl d39ll.5i3 TrwlOtr MStlttt *«aj:on» . 7400 . 74' F fWlm>0S 4741 .» NCRCp ' i < s : s I S . ' Hlflh Low N«mt ______Lail Chfl Cha Ctig SChfl SCtio ASrt. 385? .55 4 » -i« PS:..„ . -w trwiwni .. dj.3l .63 .-.HI)e.l.O* F«S«liF>J.IFa^ 40 31 37 . 41 C sn M ?5 . 3S ;« . 5. ",i X69.J38 . * rinoy* _ I t* .,74 Hj!iC4> 1 14I4-; - 7695 - 75 37r 77 60 . 90i -'.11,425 45 8,654 64 DowJoneslnclIndMlnsIt 10.450.14 -45514" )4 -43 -3 12 -2 81 B«Di»lDi»» ’5« .44 «4»li"St -. 175 I?l -31 p^,,c »»l.t7J T.OvH*. .1-94..Tl ■ Ftl04U 06 67 73 . 47 NtS*m! ...... >1,71.t.2« ] TM bp U lt SU5.2J0, 3.157.44 2,260.78 DwJonetTrjTranjportalen * 2,668 36 -566 68 -1 94 .266 .21 85 »Jfy 4411.144 "TTKiOlr. f' ?1 * P*'' S'?36 t«m» 7.13 .19 ■tec 'r ||i | ESFbUC 96ffl 0770 .03 NirnW J P^*''" ' 34 57 -M MItwOE .. 2 5< lA *IS 98. 37 70 . 47, 418 25 272.37 OowJoo«Ul,i 38 7 44 .122122 .32 -600 .3454 FImiDou 1 07.41 00 - 75 NTI«M 46 4 I 681.19 575 11 NYSEComool _ .DPyoia.i.4Q.5o a ».M - 005ilO •625.15 -179179 - 29 _-4 S3 -3.93_ • > . WMTao^ ki i i i i 'BiMb 4t 40 02 .12 ^Ot»rt»o«fi IM.787I .40 NMfnM 1717 I 1668 . 03 3100 -23j------I.W3-46----83ffOS“ AlM)nMrt~i------55337------T• 65m . 07 .118 -9 46 Owfl. ii'i . tUta.5 1 721 37 10 . 10 ' r0C .i. Fe»«tlB. 6770 - 703 NwCp* 16.S» 3 '» «»*>'0, 5.13252 2,127.50 NaM»qCo>r«>TipOJilO 2.183.37 Oll54 W .147 -M 62 -5406 W'”’ • 047«-i« M»’eirt«lu .. I6TC QMOna M »70 .43 FonitFonmOi 96 33 45 -33 riScwC. t 161 i , 1,553 II- 1.21544 S4P500 1,24123 .129 130 -H p^,u.n 30* .41 US.™.US.nim.t ■ 7 00 -13 BkriAm 2J4I 49W-1J6 fi«lF>MUk ‘6t 1768.783 U«D 482 0 ?2X *1! ’•■*« M •« 129 .10 -599 -10’17 >>(1 77 5145 -U FUCCFUCOo(0310.r910 .10 l*»,Dr 4“ m I ” « MM‘JA5 . 614 16 440.7S nu«5CD20000 47330 -107107 - 23 -2 12 -18 90 O-ocj*- 33m 'M OfCr “ mm;> t:S _ !>»«« M90 -10 fOo*FOoMm _ i)U9-t,0} NoUai ,11.I. 3 23.M'.I.M' f>«woEI 7770-- 70I ' 14,734.25 11,425.29 W* '-vy"» 3.''5 PUnvSr 34U.I19 H I OUTtO 22 1672 . 02 « « 17.93 -5? tflir.,* .16 31 75 . 14 « ^Oo| .• 6651.734 . 0<>!« 1.16> 9761 . 57 H NorfkSe 74m I C.Ci.f''.' S'-' -Ci Pontom. aM0jIl73 VAlm . iU94 .75 BtlrSl 60 5749 .31 OAT^OAT^ 1 241 43 05 - 67 UowHm 08d1"* 'J.ro -3» loKO 171 4006 .DI I *CPU. .. 3M9.j06 156jM -19 Pc,-y,J . JJI9 vjw 0«ts,r> IM 67 10.108 IW.M-X108I* AlDonwi .76 ’ 15 2864 s - ■ -21 .88 SconPw 1646 27 66 .'16 -6 6 Cp»infn>inTion . M il-144 a;;“ 1701^990 . 60 0^'Ei3«>E>KI Ml 4591 - 59. Mm NA 80r10"l«00.7M -05 ArAmerCM 636 ... .24 4 Se'nwni 53 14 21 85 . 20 '-10 <9-’« Prcon’ ■ -MDM.IM ><4 •OojTM «ei 59«-2S5 OwM-awvU-sj MQ 4505 . 7U CJ4li»0M t.l8 -04 !r»-«h .10 Oe.49-7.01 A«AonCorp 68 19 .-3472 .45 . .14 SkyWestt CB ,r W9l>» Jioii W ; ■ SSri? 1555 .30 Q(l>l3tl*U 77 65 - 07 'OMWEoy 04p II BkolAffi 2241 11 4934 -1.36-1 .76 SoiekotP 280 13 5590 -08 .11 5 C.o^:p « *63 P«im. . d7019.1 94 V.-wC/lr»l»Cp» IIJ3.I41 'DotlSd ... 17.44 .17 Cfru' 1 141 76 67 -09 0"!DM ® IgS *S T|Wi>n. .. 1140-US 0<;Bo.»«C 60 9 3237 .24 . . -39 Tert(7,n‘ 12 3100 - 23 ■ -168 3.PCGP 50 2154 .47 0ll<»m4. 1 iic- "’I9W “'OMcfl.2it •BcjiJPt 1 46 11 74 .15 0»’’C( 296 110 •'« - " CIICIKorgy ISO 14 330t • .36 -60 TuBpwa B3 17 2257--103 '.104 ch»Poi-.iPoir.U 7t31.7IB l‘ .'! -44 Ou«tlcy-W» 55 32 05 . 48 OUH.f< 06S M4000 . 59 UAL 1J1 JS.IU-3.04 (VConAgra 90. 17 1972 .04 . -242 USOtrKrp, 751 iUittSKKI ?2* 55 19 . 12 CJmnrom 70D »90.70 .01 W .. 810 -10 S IB 2325 . 05 Ciucot:o» . 3J6J.S61 l"«NAP 4 1717 .4: OuWilM • U31.13I v.-rU 1619 .M Co*leo ... 30 -1031 -1.44-1. .9 Vtlfti 24 37 1040 -09 -96 v-r 4:‘ . 7' limrC»0 350 50 - 34 »IFU«Oi SUM.150 USAEAK 701 74 40.It7 QD«t)Olaw . -. ,64t . . 15 . 2806 . >n 4(;fi i"r-*S»c J*.*' 'K * '1 i t i ^}iix>u . :s8i .10 ^ ^ ^ ■ 2 ‘lU .31 -159 W4lM.lrl.--- .M • . • 35 -.48 34 -1.75 —90 7S -»4 .‘U-Tiani. . 3<,-5.;w ioiawS « 9161 -14 PoiECo 113«: .03 USXU4.- 9J 2760 - 02 Hoini • 1 57 23 4? 75 .17 . .99 Waj^iFod 1000 15 26 19 . 19 .1 3 *Cp. j ” cl«Eft, 'l « ’” “ I h Sw!;o<»'cn 110 3947 .M PNC .977 7[7000 . 50 »«»USS too 15 43 .19 u. i-* M«UnMUrin 73T5 .05 M 4fi75 .K •* W.Bn 15 65 - 27 Pin.. 441I 44 4410'-90 UUtKn 90 7801 . 10. ■ i.«i 157 47 75 . 17 Ptuim»cu 48 51 con.i'iiii"1 dl3 00 .75 '^/^’’1’c; "CC4? 'ji c'"!?'* I-ICMO 18 .03 C+WHI IMOOlO-t40 "fCl* I 5197 .77 tAnthOi 03 58 99 - 24 3163.J7J '.rm0n« 03 30 -X ta on lha-Naw York Slock EJtchar>ea.I. ntha 400 mo*l active on me Sf Ij.« ij.v 'Io *“ S*1 CilfflW 136 4J 00 . 40 '"’O" S3 35 . 61 W^Prov 59 76 70 . 53 Natdiq NitlcntI MarliM tnd 10010 moat1 actrva on American Slock Ezc^Exchange, Mutual lund* are C£*3 N«iw: 8)odi* ar* K*t«t afphilNtleti C«W»r«® “ u'to’t S lUrirti ” 44 05 ’m '*6 leaBybythaconipany^tullnania Inoii^01 It* abbreviation), Ccmpanj Okv '•VJ■'v > i ’l 'i . :s Ui.-'Vi j-,w Crtfyl,! 7W 7613 -69 OtfFJ 260 K2i"'.X PU»0 K' ^*99 'b *»« ntfltM mMi up of MMb appMir MU thaB bagMng of each Miera-HtL i;' JV - f i^)4ic • vo.Cs■< ’;5 'I**!*!'! Ch«»f>^} 910-02 KOUMI0«M»n-IWI 1768 . 06 PWOWA 716' 72» 77 Vrtot. . M 0245 -JO Ohn Cwram annual dMdwid n u ptipM on floA tMaed on laietl quanartyirVo..«««-x^aldociar«k»i i -if sng'ru^l. . Wm'Im 760 66M,II8 0«hW .76 58 40, ..48 Po*>nL 79 cini 7**4.311 > ..l,« S< « !;o 3 .f t- .7o-(Vc-o-tVc- K s: M . O ' CfUniliMi ...021310.34 HuOO.10uOemi 137 26 60-1 35 PWI035 2 06 n 34 s ; j ! iM t ^PriM HMk .MU tmdl^ at «hM CMntlMn ..«tSja-l.71 ^ n j 1375 .75 P«m£| 166 72 «n anhange dotad lor Iha day, IP 10 7610 -45 P.S.B 681 409143 -69 '9 H PtffLaaaoroalntefttixlay.Hachki>hno»n« - 56 46 65 -U '“S"‘ M85-t85 V^«.l 62M -90 fund N«m: ^.ltMri 7311d1440.1 03 y’CWI’tw l50«t:4^C.^• CoiCemm 1560 .14 ‘S>»>»' 740 2496 -02 Pioo>»«£n717t 43 Salt: N«i aatU vah». or prtM al whididctirund.couUbaicld.^ ‘4 .0} ln«w>«» 259t.J03 OUUm 250 60 70 . 45 «C.t> IM 3 7 57 . 77 PfOtSi 90 ^Tn 5 nS * « OncOagyfmcftanotlnihaNAV. ”*.•0 7IU 9H0 .3 ' CUfliSu 16 1777 .15 VW 60.60 49 . 06 P>ffv«Jf« 12 4946 49 I 55 «M • « W •>*'C0 VIC .iC s*.c.t.”C.I’ 73. MIC -4.' om.M .,. Ij.45.tj5. P«e.lEnj,1 64 73 71 -07 WtMifl 74 48 04-1 75 Aee«i*Pn S;« :g;., ,i3 .J “£r fe . “ ;;g :j; ia”“U .52 IM OS .<.15 O^tk^Oil 1 14 9797 55 .M 14 4037 -95 te, M - icei «r> im 1} riw. a . Mm S7«* S" "«nc- :-4f .« tfU.. (0 7073 . 57 OutRit » 76 ” • '» WMAOrp _ *,M-IJ» iss.*. s n - Nm Mje M KM tt M q - OomM.*ena nx«uM hna no PE e«v " “lot" a.“8»r..^ a S ss :S SS'iMgii 20| 1892 . 13 Ounlv 70 27 MM. I > M er MM (M M «l ts M a «nrt»MiaMnc»avW»»tu- ,^51' : :g K”T s~» {VwCE 16 73 M .94 "'I’WiPac 1 00 3755 - 11 O-MICin .., 04W-3II 04.. MM -*3 him M^J«5h auBiy fl^.»-1^«S«!h2 S '“*tS£?' ^ ‘ IRKt .. 3900.4.00 nPM M 991 05 -'l7 WtMMme 01 34 65 - 72 iSwted fp5w2w«linenSl5p ii?u :u SW, 1^ ■ 54/w ^ i-:^ & s fuOOo 38 3699 -61 flMoSr* 70 4065-1 40i 95 Wilt'll 6370.2 16 1 Ittutl «l. Whim ■« » W. IM'IjO OtSa 7t 77 06 .04 li«M>»iTui.1 78 1557 -73 FUSnPj 76 31 U»4dMno*«wnii«- , Co>W 10 19 48 .73 li*«K»ii.K»i. 05 3610 - 75 n»ythnA .80 »: * v 7WV010M JJ ***i» -7- HAP.X. ' Its ‘-to luWfuWie" d#00 . IJ -«9« . . 3 76 >13 ft^ttna .80 S 3&I i S i r J 161 42 05 . 06 , Ll-OedMdecpMaliKtteck. '4 .'4 rtni.i j;s .74 TNmvo 07 31 40 .71 ■0^ .sagap ssg asa; IMIM««n0.k«OMlllM«pM !><.^n:^T 19 • i» IC4 . 0: TH»V>h. tUrwCOi . 44t0-190 44 WMRHI . 9999.M4 MdMWMai.p~Mtfr.vrv OooliCIICl. °M !«■ ISitJ'' . '®?8 Ct»wail M « 15 * ^ M B n.unEn 1 50 41*1601 -»1 WMtFrpo 96 49 58 . 06 iwuVnoM. I - OacWtd et ptfd tl pfteti«a*q t < fio* pka* «M «Mdind I - PMan«MilnlHII2rra.«MnM. n I Ik-itlco It -07 OnJnni . . 104 .31 TiOUti C««00 76 2J97.117 JfUOrjlUor^ni7t 4611 ->55 n<«Ad i. •d ca«i ««IM e» et dMMMn EjMtiWvidanltiMtiUl.l- OrflMHUll?I"«ka3155 Its D4| 21 73 - 75 ftu-M 79; : » S I ' i ' 8«ie h U . - ki bertnipieif et tMMtmS*eT * " ^SoSSSllSS’f f ^ ^«VICyAct,ertKvrMt«*>uiu-u-i XOC •(* , W ?T 2771 36 61 ’ « jSrvunw ITS 9906.175 norlOul ISA. 5910 591 *77 *08 »» t.U .'0.' .SMl'MCVoTffMOf lf»Pl9e .sMicroon4:*MMS MU CaWMEnItt 47 73 -47 Jc^ietAf'»tAn< 360' -33 RuOrTv.4 .0>ult01 J7.9J.IJ3 SDCCom 1 03 45! WlKE-i 80 2IS2 -X QjlADu-nt 1 .50 S«niimt>ai..0 o^ 11, ,01 . _ C'V* to 26 50 -15 KtrC'VIftno 11 70 .10 SXtKm 17. IBM IBC .49 X«. 20 574 . » L - ■ " , .' . 9aoMroaiTT>aAaaoelatadPAM.8aleatlBuraaataunofflclal.alae 5.18' . 340 --17. W.««.t

I . •

------* • ■»

TlmMtitwi.Tw, Twin Ptili. Idaho ' Frtd«y, M«reh ^liM 2 i

I- ' D MV&>9»*»taf»bt. rMaiiufaec ' ^ T " C u Ts u n g bu flMnum; CMM pw twM l*bnc*ta« U80 81 ofl to 37. cuiingslowwsbut^ ^GTWURES . S u g a r W0lmo«nThu:I769.70fil1|l60. . J • ..1 — ._w msmS wHUSA4pATHu-.t7eS40Utl.70Im . ^ 2 » s 2337S i n 23225 .1 75 m is 'E 23«2J24>25 I 23TS 240 .1 75 if*tf*^onin«Naiit NE>VVeBK{APHP).fulmtlr»0Mgenff(«NVIM(t .1 iui' IjllScOno- * u?7a<178 34444 I4S72 .118 Om 249 24 25? . 748 - ;5l .1 TS shows sig]jnsofbottc ■ — “ ■—W»>'j.v»n ■■ ■ eSM toming 95U 8J2J 85.43 . 07 U«r 2S . - ^ H Eu’O 9310 25879 2809 29725 7«C <1755 ■UUB.fco!?' ■ H91 ' lOT 8*0* Q«. ------>.J?U .. a 01 '---- - »J3—‘ CS------API—789 7077077040 78780 - 2«#M-.-l,90:...: i showed sigiu of hitdng bottS S . ,: :Purchasl,ising - , . J ; ..lj:«>.COU£X&lv« MWM» -43 90 41M- . 77 OAT8 My 703 7.94 7.19 ■ SK *IS ■■ 771.90771771 90 789.90 .770 00 -1.40 February F as it "extende U., COUD(Copp«' U M hi irMmun: MMi pw toafM Jul 798 7.98 783 289 .09 Oef a7S,»0777.277,10 771.50 771.90 -1.30 j ded its I Here is a lookikallha at !- Jan Puil,rH.n fliooo“ S •!« » *S m 100 9 102 1C09 1015 .1.25 7J3 .03 Dw 27900779:779.90 777.40 77300 -1.70 decline “ for a seventh moi M«> Tteji Bond ICSat$ t$ io$jj-To«io' '.’is ku^ 1? '9 00 Tea 7.e» jeo 7.80 . 07 Fab 775 00779177900 77400 77430 -170 |( lonth. a I Purchasing ^anager^'Mam Index, !' M«t Mur. Oo«J tOJOeiJ0« 104 Jl 104 2g . u 5U’ ili107 108 104 S 107 .9 .5 («*a.»»*lt»4J,7J7 key industry group CO--J* 25 nt.9 t129 11T25 11125 Jun !!!!! !! ' 5aid I which tracksIhe the overall i J*n-0'#~jO 74 00' HI® •"» s«p ,ii: - I" It7.20 -rio Thursday. T '4 00 72 JO 72 40 . 10 'Dk 'I I?;m I ” *123 l"^® l"*® • 25 li2«0l>t.:MnMp*rb. AJ ...... -.77aeo ii,io , . , business activityivity of more than ' I l a n.10 1U8 ..IS Sit 12879 2 m 128 75 ' l» -9 May 214B 21.51. '21.40 The report from the Nairational 350 industrial cor I «!#» 3.092 • All 21.49 J1.47 2185 2I.U ' -07 . WM'(i;a;i'..4Mel’,167" .AAssociation of Purchi il,companies. I P^ODFI^k* i l l ?03t 15.058. i«.4ta n a s m g i . 60%e*S ---- ^ -J»aO 21.81 --2178 — —Management supporte'd'thlh e con- ; e s ------rapartgyez. ,, : ' Ju" • ?<*5 S ’ " i i 4 S ', l “i ! , ; l Dec -4680 .4644640 . 4550 4557 ,-63 the .economy appearedI 10 t b e . : “ ■ -'-S — — • . L-v.-:«tf.. 7nO? B -83 .slowingSl in the early mont OC*,t™-:C(lfl9 . 75ii ?5 sL' 5 .flj- - .-yi nths of ; «n ?1 i S. £ s r .:;i i . • L ^ E S I T XXDK • -£ •: -2001. - - • Vji Ftrciini» 87 77 ------Wa«;(«alat10.794 ;;i ii s-. i OtJier reports issued Tliuimrsday 45 ------»ri ea40 S’ i . 4’r s; 1 . TWIN FALLS-T«.nF4i(.Liy*i(«»C■M Comm»M>n Co. ‘^•0 ‘ opan kI a2.»47,a2.9 UC728' , V.i, c.iric 881 ?5;; "m !!g : X. .SU>« 71.553 -il showedsr improvements In peperson- )I0 aS7S MM .. (S (tpo:at»<) 95 104. on SO 092 ”al ' income and construcu c t i o n .<0 :------Jj.i ,C«.’5 F»»4 9203**^»i5tnV^r’ up ‘ }J ' ' ■Jainis : “ T m n T TJ T A - S 0 N 0 J F ______vl! ‘ ' i.m (K I ------.16.82_Ifl.M___ IfiJfl___Itt. untJ«> 400 M.. 998 90 -for-unemployment-insuranc€ice;— ------2000—------~ o 'i ; 1698 1808 1870 18«? .27.: ' IH . S95'S107, 900 (o SOO tot.. 984iS‘»i?79^r- 7} >Otf»XX'tflT^un!Uy*4■^9^.on»007^ —- The NAPM, an organizati78 980 90 9v» 700 »t. H7.$7•S’’ Coi.*4 440HanayinayAHamanfsnt, aAJytjueta) *!« -:------:______m4* I55155 70! 15890 15490 15840 .70 8«unliyuK-.F^-\4 r n«11og'.>«Kt 'M iM70J9?aO— I64.V1---»ifr-30--- .-»0----- »-»eoj.«iWJ,w:Llc*u;aaj_____ ?,!!; U on_in------SMjo/wuy- rtOjusrorf 'MwoKj'i Js No 1 ' 'itij ' iwcWOO-5620 I93I0 -15520 .t20 Na<«» *28-941 ------PIaiiiSST*5M 631.0 the overall economy. • •.-«Vn'43»C"4-o». S.P 1S30S3M155M 152 70 IS400 .1 « C(U(s 929-9'O0 ntj.nei ouotBd. n«.n '>'•1.0 »,Aj*ct 10 cMi'O* *<'c•rt'Cv^n3«<« ProOuctt Oc1 '1?J5220154 50 I5t«a 19330 .1 70 HOflt »!5 S27h««(). The upturn in manufactuluring S840 billion . _ W.»1S5M 1S2 10 194 00 .. :a 1*0. 939 545 o'« *30 S65 '■•«aa. NEW VOHK (AP) - Ke S(i»»o 'M(J»'».$7t.S79. (an. *45.970 followed,atoi January figuree that 19850 '. ?0 932-S39 (.(t...*.. S(9-*27 . Ewv^rtati ,shl.showed manufacturing at itsts low. ,820 58 5^!j8M- isaw Jsacr iijo - - *09317 *09241----- l...eSest t level since early. 1991... iT T ■ co»«ctM >t«^ - - JEnCME-PfO>0Mingpi<«t»lrwT'tlM»04;'y In Pouno *20994 2 1163 T he purchasing managerr tai«(i« SM* Ov Too50iC(->g*'» *1.530 »«2» 96933 F eb ru ary r ea d in g mean.-:i.sJjIe 760 III Tor 190tcrmg«'t *1.470 overall economy contracted C r: a i \ S • 'nnnxri; etna p«( ewM F.pv ceiftit *1090-91.220 -■'I fy ,c "juioel'om J ' l» 320 315 3(5 .1 75 S’'o«ef»a 91.000-J1.220 FO.S.S!iSIL M 'E I,S the second consecutive muilonth, '60 previousrvious moniti rt ^M8 5 jV4 124 25 .259 ONnn«.(«r» 300lO400(ti«.*190.i(9’il65 400to500 . ------^------th e n. *1.5% IV, ,.I -. . 9 t» 9(405(05 500IO800TI.9I22J the uptick in ilie index andnd its i “"- £' IfI’ J42 7S . Wl 341 25 r?55 fti. W (0 800 (S«. *118-*'M155 SSS'“ i2? NEWVOri«(AP,.Fut. components might signal that••...he 74» IC, *1.0S ‘'K.»,uC-c1toctM''S» [)«. 313 5 9-*t34.8001o»CO Ma'tanliieEncnanjaTi IV, *0.5S decline has rcached its low po .'>«r S4J5HVpci.rBM.ji ' ^jII’ 369 2V, 3cJ_2'j 3IWI5 1255 ' SC»CM|le)C»» t« lla-'O*"* , vv« t cc»l«£M28 1 3*0 that it takes more thanI o< n e I I I ,-i:t . ’iM «PS»|, F»S'1*4» 13"'. . CHICAGO |AP)-Fulu*;3-ng on (n« 1“ v,v, "'= S? J ' »f,ri I.i!n J\ u.iiVi iJCJi-KJBA-'i.,..-iMx^WinMeo-. J^wnwwT JoSfcunlStnWrrjim; e*nti p*» A(«rcan(J< Eicnann* Thu .78 27 22 77 55 . 19 month’s ^01 data to make that de II I J A S O N D J S'* 10 ■.CM4.«;IMa»*,C,S."-C>5l W.,, 323 8«* Cftft iug i u 77IS“ . : x n,i,mination,” said Norberi J. C 40,000 ba.; cans («>(). • S«fl 6 58 26 05 26 53 26 75 . 22 \vh(who oversees the monihly sururvey ______2 000 •oi______".'wru'in ______325______— aei— av45“ BT'55 '~nyo3 - ai -.5 SS ?,;i ilU lltl :lt — for-for'lh«TNAFNrHe notedThat »-» Ij;e Ju». • 74 10 74 1 5 . 7i57' 73 72 -J3 Oa: 2980 26 10 OlCommtrte _ AP / Sin>fT.,r' 'iS ~.«r,cc. S ssS meat” A<,g 72 00 73 0 7 72.57 .727769 . 3? F,D 25M 2549 important component of^ ti h e SOUKE Deoanm^niolCo ------D.irr.7TrB0.^,,.n $4 7a.7,.o ---Ocl---- rs-M—797i 7f(K)'—T4 24 25W 2524 . 30 IHCl 0« 76 12 74 30 75 »0 75 85 ' 30' "‘I'" indL*x,'rievv ord ers, shoive<•ed a ' positive sign forr mm; anufacturers’: I F«o 77 00 77 00 70 95 7B99 7B -or lln' 74 27 24 494, J4 27 Itll "H Slo» E.( M« 16.520W.J ^Ml«19C« ?lower rate of decline, ounc]Oic«:H» 1 3JM ;»r to C 88 90 H8^0 «H4 5 88! Coeur d'Alene Ti’ibe plan PncM counMy OMKiia Fooda. r SI? t'g ;sro“ 7“^? Co( ins a M atheson .said1 thosethi plans are 9880 - (7 , s«0 71 10 71 7070, 73 75 7no .‘«3 mil 9867 -OS Oa 71 00 7100' major expansion (if iis.ca.sii.sino firm, hut th e tribeibe is still work- e‘»"( Mle. 1.876 w/tf -. Nov 71 70 72 40” ;l7fl’ m t 'ti re.st■c.sort that will include a 7.0',000 - ing OUI a i)hm lo esi ...... Poiv r.vi'()i-:.s/0.\i()\.s j Oac. 72 20 77 80 ) establish a tour . hoos!i^ • Jjn 7^p 7^90 w;iit indoor arena and 4.000-S')-seat tra in i h a t'w ill run ru; along the \ O'.- .AO, (1,1. .11 40.000 iu.;^ewily.«fc. . 1..11 1: l‘DT lOAHOFAUSc. S' ¥l I s Sjutdoorone. Union Pacific linesIin between I.,. c, Turn uh.v j Dave Matheson, chief exe.tec'll- Spokane a nd th e1 casino,ca? 00»60.>KI(]000 DjiotJ (it Ily l^ni oK'CI AH Toi^-tlO !e3‘ ' W«o” JJ,^".m?iT52^ ive officer of tribal gamiiling, The plans will I; Oc? ijio 5200 »e:0 W . 55 UNLEADED OASOUNEk?*”'' * . ill be o ffic ia lly . ; , toc'Kj"! D« 50 07 90 45 50 05 i«4 ,(W. m:icnade the announcement duriJring announced in Worlejirley at the grand n.'tJ'. USS 1 2-mcno< 4 ouneBmi''imun UiMi 10 F ^42 07 A*t*” H P«I huno.ju-e.s'l, D 60-7 50. Won 5 ' A 50 95 50 97 50 80 50.0 997 .07 •_ 85 Jo BO 70 f i l l :IS h e 2001 R ea l E sta te Marl,rket opening of the tribe’ribe’s conference 3 J3 '7'3 7fi '-1 ;crro4rrte'i lO ro '>'n Cjit3» p«>r (-u"(3:o.rc4-»-n • 'i.rOB-.vh,,:.,.i:>t. P«r rignaipadj.j-i. n 50'9 50 C4i*iJ U.I £ ww Smuo^J 01 ^ ’ •” ir !SS -SS center on M arch 1. An/ update on '■Ts.' 3MS-3H-lr%occ'T Auo 81 20 81 700 “ w 8?S^ "I"That will give us the abil)ility the tribe’s golf cours. 3 53 a, ;9>r-o co">p4>,. vacn, p,, ;J3» p«(tiu'M3-tiO««.ijM 7 00.8 00 100 O V Sap 78 CO 79 90 )urse, recreation- '••’'5:353' unS'WlM-g"!, toe (ga ulei (o Susie. 50 (8 P 0 hold more events at the cast-cz al vehicle park, nan . , CA'IO"* eethuFKhuna.«o«»-5i(. 40» 6 00-7 00 (»». ^l5^^t 40.000il IM4 cm P*rt). naiure park and ''7 '., - . 50««CO-700.Kl0.w<7.»^,5n„.OOt65^•BOO,mo^!V7CO• M«! V __ 76 40 77 65 74 40__ 7aj), 1 72 50 72«5 .35- HO,’10,” he said. "The larger facil:ilit>- 78-room h otel expar 25.-*»weS a C3-B 50, - ' J; — ? !.t|-T 3 t------ri i 1-a 1 so-anra c t'b IggeFnar~ame un~v^cdlhat s^te^ay. e di • , ) H 33'4 j: -0 CS-ea>,«n Kfr «nfl (oosr 9Ct a 00-9 00. '^c«t(y . ;.S A, 7.K. 7J70 7.0J 7.7, z ...... 71 20 . 35 evervents;” ,...... :c«»-or4!r,n,gneraoaio»9'. iIXJ»8C0' Fi ?I2 ;?S EtI M'»» 54 647W«J I ' ' ■MaTh'eso'n“ s aid id the t tribe is ( ■j S .•■ r.l' ", '.V V»’na" .rr.„~j Ct^oec-cn'jS" 9C0.rovveC08C0'8 90 9ctii>'CnA'rn.f;norangia„,r V . CoeurC( d’Alene tribal officiicials close to .solidifying a • s*:;.-' 4 9$.5?1 > 4* 13'120u"C»min.n.n,n«.m600.700.«c«.=n.,,^j.„ _ t. J» assS""'* Ig a neu' gam ing £»,.=.7..M d 10.000 tntn n/a, t parirmmWu m Iso are working with the ere-ci compact with the2 statesti of Idaho, , a.r J 0- !-# C^ :43a DC4>3 CHICAGO (AP) - Ell MJ«»645.W«8 »Mi«» 1.386 , ' Apt .5 2 04 5 3 400 9 130 ^ 5 186 -5; a tor: kP| - USOA - (.><<.0' pctilO '•■Atiiatt ^(i* W»9 iecan.nt2.905. uO '25 May 5 26i) ' fStO tors of Silvenvood Theme PaPark which would securcure its future • . dp«n Hian LOW Law S«« CT,...... ■ J-fi 9291 53501 ■ '5274 ^46 T Athol to add a theme park'aiand ^ revenue at th e casincisino. ■ • , 1. WHEAT ^ ■S |AP| . Thu-» p«r butn Cou('(y. 0'» METALS/CrRRHII* N C ^ Aug 5 3J0 5 420 3 .. 9335 !3»5 . -47 ------V.- ;t - i 3m :i Hi ■;ni 0»m«ra(4.,t, jooo (.<«.««t, ,«“e« . ------Sap 9340 9390 J07 297 n *" '* l-^M''«i.8n!'/"!sI n.pner stdgrt «cci.( itoasr v«';e« StSaiactaaocngooiaofices. Thuttsay 0«I 9 343 5 390 •9 US • 50iotac«». «LC»fea'o»i4i . HjngH: Ksn; lata *286 85 us *0 80 . • Nov 5 460 9 470; i i - 2 SometlitWng missing? .. 2 s?r 1; i;??J fso-soam'^ri,3tti/800 K»>.cr«iJy'higner.coctui I IS0 'x»nrr<.n,ngliiing * 66.70 us J2 00. Oac i 970 9 580I 9 CO 5515 -44 ■ S ; i ; r ’i,i 3«iif 7 CO ct:»».ar«irji jur-cj l.flWnoanatamoofili.ira 268 39 UB *0 S.65' J4" 9 600 9 605) 9 33 5 540 -14 t a O are able to customlzs ourir inciufle It. J..‘ I 'J J34S 33'5 >18 50 c^cAt^rANr (<'gn«' c'ev'cuics'n. l.el.8"<»tiian. *2a9 80e" O'O .-I,. 340 \'J 34fi ■’* - ” .’'” ior.®n Pa.i.»n«-i'0O'(f..'"9 S2 867 UB *2 04 MaV 5 025 1 025s -ii ‘ - W market report to match reafle(Jets’ For tho se req u e sts, orr any other sug- Zu’iC"ialB«((»inoo'(. 9266 20uB JOflO Apt 4 94 0 4 6 20 Interest?. If you're Interested fn a NVH«n3,4Marman *266 35 0» *0 3$ ! VM J??? Int' 8- •gestions about improvingiving the-Money' TI800-700 irct.r^-ec?:otc«v;rj-y — NY 5'u*’' J»0 VdlI 4,4S:.„ 4 530___.17 ___ stc . _>3r,r 5:»*339 ■■ 'Ell....47efl?W.a,, -stflck or mutual fund that’sin noto ur— in report, p le ase call Ramorsmona Jones at ~NY E*3^^*S H67"4'5'^tlo'M*^"^'* " - wao •Cpa''.r.l332 560 report. Just call us ond we’llto try to 7 3 J 0 9 3 1 . Ext. 2 62 . r------^------1 ( ' I

Utmt .S»ll Cf>9 tgJO'On e: ;•'^:AB 24 57 -07 *t:-.A 7« ,C4 ir(:n AAiUuluilA :j«5«i5 *03'3 SCf.'r »75 .Cff - CtfrjkEq-^cA iclinci 1003 . 02 S1n1CeStm3e2.11 t^rj,c 634 r*(in«A 9 (0 . C5 WnWncSSotOOS .02 SoSicn 225! -03^ *ir5°ciriT.5.oi 1^2^07 aupl. mtiSl»n 1)3) -04 RutMl . n»iA.Br-.'j'78 . 06 lit '•»^«4'-04 Co«i«coFdCts. O.S«clS«cABi2;a r-iSiT'CA 23Jt -32 mtii L'CoGAo (C3t .04 .U3D 't9 .09 Wa.5irFo '99) . 03 0.-j£am,ifti3 1: 29 . 0i MO9OMnl04»-0( EaOl 5 w '^ n I?,?8 .-O? --i . LI30G5 9 52 USOm ■-(0 74 .C2T, 'S?.m 'j3.i« 0 1 34 15 . 02 B-.aCOl 1719 .04 n .nAp H!B.t3 .ittrA 9.15 .flt UtDuiSUtC 997.01 U(i(,n 158J.1717 QiOM»tn (949 - 20 S-rCcODI 9(3 in 26 39 .03 MOCaP" 39'7 .63 Bjllail«iln.ailot: B.aCrvl IB99 - 05‘ ,, M.5(vin 1544 !S■BOAo t034 .01 l((.'..A }« (^eCi^eCCSt. to<8 .0( viiuii^ 4871 .11 n .04 ^^ssi"'’, .HI 'S' 33« *'5 .^•'on ? lUinitTn 1188 *01 ’ ' «W .01 C-nS.:-"^i |-,.|-.Al-(Aa 1415 .24 '^Ilr.t tJK'.o, WjaC"G (0 70 .02 FldilllySalacH: S;"i, jj*u . l l Bi^A 33 46.09 '^iBcnci!1 K'056 . 01 7janE.tn24l8 .It fic.arTn 2S«:?I t X , 3 « ‘ °’ N»!i»Llnll 14 .01 I flL. 1>r1' ’c4 £-•’*' s^t C'Ap 1S0( -ie M.S«A ,041 .§t MSSGi .'2S; D! 3>9 -:i ':t? . 03 KS'-'saires (042 . 02 [),c«. :430,.3iC7 EsO’C 24 7( . 03 C>.».nA 37 74 .29 UatiillLyrxhO: >.f.'.C.:iJc, J5 23 . 02 '■a.it". l32Bi.no 74..50 ta-cBl 12 33 .C9 C.pApAB45'B 45 59 . 19 SpaC'iin 1097 . 01 STfaan 10.33 Kp-dtCIB. l.t FJA 987.07 u«itU»iCcS 2S 17 .03 i-iuii 47 42 .35 39 11 . 08 IF'f^n 9 7) .01 9JIPo»Poftlalloa:” G'fosc'^2'15 * n SISnj/yn 1039 r|j.=5‘p r jl: |ll'ea0( 48J .:t v',T-yi* (547 .05 WjC s S . 'liiII ■ ssr ;;;s :s »£s.»1 M'J TiFiHn 1157. 0( Dl'i"t Si'i(E4tnl4 47 . 04 S?i nhn ‘K>iiD2t47 .27 FidiriddO: MrCM^Vo 1?36'03 705? Jp5( Cuatdian Fundi: ^ K»moii*funfli*B94 -01' 0<3»0l 1(57 .03 G>I3'B “ 25 ’® *JS V»iua« 1974 -Oi Ce.a‘. 'tjSp J!8 .Ct »5rG'0 'JW .04 l.'ij'a's 1012" ' uTc.'t 4}2jlio9 IB . toVBl K 76 .20 0"~^C, ?35 :i? ‘ nJ P'ovtn,C#gn».l EtW.W'7S"6Ca.04j ‘<*C»"Ab(8 65 . 04 r.UCAi,n294l .04 . "S:;1 iiS; l=a 8 76 FldtlltySpartin: T.VOiin 26 99 . 03 . 3 T M 1. /•'’ *” RSs;;;a i ; : “ K ‘ SS;!: “£ : • "ni S't^AS'" (40! .05 E3‘9‘* ipntiB COCtpUilFdt. 0- in:' $>'11'':$ 878 CAWunn 1237 . ?J02 KSAT,IA 262 TatnBi u ”!!:» ^ a f . ' . , ;»“•« ■?? PrvdtnlWFda24t: I'^EoA » p ' i S ^ o ’ :?^ USO'Sn vs 2278 . 24 'IK'O 9 07.-09 Da.-UD 9 9>.0J SMV.n S«V 1523.01 Ejiji" «C 9 .« 01 .44 B»C«is29 42 . 04 S|.'"Ap, 1?H 4 :?? •'•"''Z '«35 -04 ;;.An I0 24 . 09 TEI--40 OC3 .02 W-UV'yn 1467..0S i i t - 0! o.isioiS:Op 12S9 -0’ CaVuOe (094 .0' S“K.> “ISSoiA 5(0 -ot luttdlnltl. I "y.*® ' Sl*ia.ln 77 7t .02 ,0>cAn22S2 . to USG.A 8 69 . 07 WlWak-yn 2597 .ta ■ i f 'h •'* 2iV fciB,fc(a,.ea .:56 .0( (2 78 -C2 Wnniin 24 97 . 04 - » ; 5 o ; M.v.-A J.-;3 .02 ..-CODj'OD ’l«i .-IO E^-O-O (354 -02 T,=i! i^SiS Hs u ■ '«5iX'''(43'‘ ! 'FcTas" 'te^oToJ' • ITA Oi.li Fundi 0 .-I'l-lD■i-iB 4r7-.C4 CcFrUp 15J1 -07 t,,.,;Tt=i!)o5 'C:a .0( f.YUjnn 12 78 .02 f CpA«iAp29M .C4 57 63 - l ir i S J 'Sii -S 'X f ' , ThitdA«nuaF(J.; Van«u.,dW>>c>a: nFunoi* (i/v.-O I'--! -C t)fiS'"l 199 TstM-t'nnJI 53 -01 II. SLAB • ;0(r-03 Llba.lyDa.iA.93-tc AtnOccd 27 87 .0? lifiJleiu* PtudanlialFdaO: . AfJ*'■Wn 2151 .C? V»u0 39 52 . C8 »!500'. (14 77 . 12 (JTS^ffSa 199 FittlAfntrFaaA: *339 -14 0..0*J«a«ni963 .02 . ^ '!«! 0*.(iFun(}*c»Y • I-'ICCBCs‘,“ ,s'la»li1»A«yFoeO >mi*c lUf.Oi II ’'E*D '523 • A«>Tfit439 Twaady Btoivt'a: * £i.t i l s l S•l ?nj -0^ srrcuot TKflJpn i«83 • 49 FlialAtnatfdiO 3£”“ "“s ■" £i.tcfcan 23 74 . 0) ST";S:;; :;"5'-,!g:S ,a'IB«niyAa»F«cT- :<^!iDt .11t4-0l i?M os ;«'«oi t5j4-tn GMv’i 1969 - 09 l„E.'anon 2468 -02 F'.t'S.'.T 20(4.01 FIttlAmar Fundi C: " ICOHfai: IWZ JIMS-.. - gsi" l!;S;g » 3349 05 PiilMtnFutidaA: S ? ' (VtKtnn 2 7 84 . II iffiSS.-;. ;:3 !ii:3 Ifta ifJcB 16 99 . 23 OCcWjBi 329232 -05 iTSr?® * " • ” S?Pw.' " ?a tl ' '^4^'«''’'!{4 15 -03 ^ " » . , . r "" 'Sf'r I919 !ol ‘^''”5'"’ ^5 09 . 09 irOnan 1025 .03 c £ S : . S ‘ ” ttKriI U19 . ‘J ftitlAimtFdiy:' !9.(|) VCEq,B 2(«.50 O’'l'uaAp20' c5t.‘ap 6 « : « “ PS. M 1907 -04 . - • I l l If .'U rtE« 2)16 iriTrCl G’Oreflr 3525 .04 irrn '. (f84-0! ^ . lU) '.11 STEnd" 1011 .01 Ig'siB: Iff.laalily Aa.uat I: igCBV4'^n(867. 04 i?§r:?^ W v'^5, OlMh#A...(MPm>:_ EsOnn 5535 . K Fitll Eagit: ’ 12 .0( V.'A-B 31 16 .« PBHOFwdi: H ii'-" sH TclflMn 1014.'. 01 -Jsu«li>_ui4—01------D(fri«r»lonilFfl'. " ^^sCcsCc a<; s-rcps(u uu, -cT ItJattlT'AitttiCi.T.' " “5C0®TiG"3.19 a.'!!!-E»*.ClAst465.5 . 19 U»nattFun(i,: PlMCOFuna.. WMf. 22 22 - 03 •Jn ’m Ui''-’«4I5S5 -M EMirprii. E3M 21C0 .04 tiKn'V4i 5435.20^ ■?] Us'o.*t^M49 .0( V«r<(Vanguatd Inall F«*: , ‘I i '; ; ' D..«iiilnaFunc« O.tnv j'ci-'cf iiJ67 .04 FUglnxilsraA' ’ fiq '?i O'-5«*0 :J'7 'l«i‘i«iAB2735 .f) ig| VanXiittpFundtA: mu j.Cw’ D0!9 -04 Cct”iAb 24 83 -31 UuncUiFuM.n. Ict'llA 10! .. C-T«iAp 1732 ,. 02 „,r ■•''.31 .59* .03 FotliaFundt S ••.!-'i’(0n5?M :Ss i«Pin ((3 72 . 17 ___ J3' ^6’ ' F«(l*r»(«ac*^‘ . i.i'^B'.'OCcTp23 55 -01 C4»|iAp t6 64 -0? 7 :i. UxtualtatMa: L“ g : ; .tOiwn •- 1014 .02 Jii'j.. rgitftA’' ’ ■' j Am;«s'ii*na..'iJV n '''' ^.--^£3C2;'C •:*.;3 e«ui/iuii ci>=r. >.tMjT 16 20 - 05 FrinW.mpFtnli*; 5 .02 0«Kn2 14 09-.CJ ^.-vrAc 7 90 - 02 ISinur. '5^ 2794 . 01 • ^ 'J • DoagtlCoi “O'Di ld«lityFia«dom: AGEApi 218.-C2 N^oSAfiMleoa Vi\.aiun 2222 -04 .■/■X: •• V . :- 1 ■‘23t0fi t346 . 02 OMH.S 37M-0? i S ,.! S S ;;!J “H " i ^'03 -i o5?a: I'So I m 'r2:20n 1369 .01 OcO.tAs 6032.1 24 | Tc(H(nrBn2607 1^3 S' -03 N-VaUfl14 5« sV n^^?ot"up^"' ISV VanlagapolnlFda: Aljii rlndi 0 ^ fundi I ij|:| p .siiI Ji•f2035n 14 15 .02 CaO'CAp}'}} .-?a is% .5.A" o>c‘:s “ 3A 0 36 29 .04 i>4.-cAb I0'9 *04 ST,O'C^nn 9 71 .05 4 , ■ ■;: - D»miniS..l E'tOAp 4093 >1 "sGvIbJ'm ISI S n'B- (440 tQin:Ol 799 .02 *um*ar 792 - 08 ■ &" U'jr^n .15 23 - 03 C.HinAp 2383 . 34I ' »«!;■. 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Friday. Marchih2. 2001,TlmeBjj9WB,Twlnj«lrifallB,.ldaho.E1_____ : LEGAL N O tli tlCHl liOALNOnCIICE LEQALNOTICE'E' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LLEGAL N OTICE^LELEGALNOnCE—JLEGGALNraCL |H : N O n C B O f RESCESCHEOULEO TRUSTEE’S SALE N oven«er 19. 1996. record ' 'O n March 20. 2001, EHoctlve on or after April i . . ■ THE COUNTY OF ogoliigalnst such a change of /s/i3 reg< S^ss" ■ W t. al the hour of 2:00 o'clock p,mpm-ol Instrumonl No. 199B-021 ego/y H. Lowry 321170. re^^o?Tw i^a® 5_200I..Cal)[oONE.wUlmaka__ I ____ :2aldJlay.«tm*lobb\>bby-ot-Truileerie3 Fourth'Avetivenue-County.-ldahorarmodlfled lfl8dby:M6ailIc6i;orrAQfe«ner^ utty'TV-'arProsldonrr^re^^ ------r,i be added dn • ■< A Petfllon by FronK H . ------—— — any cht:hangos o r addilions TImos-inos-Nows 15 not rc- ISEM. June 5.2000. The baiancoKO owingI os ol this data on the t LEQALNOTICE lo.lhoC ____^mbra partlcutaA dssciBsctlbed M foDows:.:______------obUsatkjn-secured by aoW 0 _ch. 19andQreatAmeflcan Ro » Ooneral flulos and _ _sponsit^n«;ihln Inr firntr nt. W Oeed«f-TnHtir$1O32W;00r"n29; c .. . TITLEFACT.INC. win bo addod on ch. 40 ond Stalo.ol Sta Idaho, now reskl- < ady and dvailabioin" E-MAILML you'y classified atJ ■ El.Entetlalnmenl,Tolovi- ing rovom ent A ssociation, iho olli(fllcos ol Idaho Crop •THENCE North OO’OO>'W'00* East, 677.00 leel alongig thei /s/ a ToM B l ^ . Vice Prasl‘resident \ ing al 1625 Mopio Street. P 'o v - to us ,11 East bow M aryofSadl« d lo n 2 9 : ' sion will be removed Irom Trailer Tro ■42. Buhl. Idaho. »c. 'will bo hold Tuesday. Improve>vomoni A ssooation, iwinacJlnadgmlcron.net . . Ihe lineup, Odyssey Chan- pre larch 6lh from 12:00 noon Inc. alii THENCE North 89'29‘*29'16* Wost. 33.00 feel paraUolDlwlth w PUBLISH;Fobfuory16.23a proposing a change in' iKor April 30lh This FOUND" 23 and March 2.2 0 0 1 Jnol will bo romovod from nat nltl 5:00 PM ond will re- also inc NO • 2/25 Ig tjtinaio . 'Iha South boundaryr ofof: Section 29 lo the REAL POINTJ'TTCF ■ name lo Fqbinn Rangel includes any .omorid. „,alo0 dog. Oc about 9 mo. . . ■eEOINNING:’ - - tho lineup. Those changes Floros. Flo h as boon filod in f®"'',onvono on Wodnosdoy, monlss tto tho abovo rules oW.rai, NOTICE OF BID Details may bo oblalnod WiU v offoct cuslomors in Iho the Colt 5^3-6358 3HENCE North 89‘29-'2 9;t6-W est 356.11 (eel, parallelsslwllh Notice Is hereby givonv the abovo-ontlUod Court Morellorch‘7lh, ate:OOAMartd ondrogiugolatKins. , , onv Irom the district oflice al ffonowing aroos; Twin Falls. I h i Tntinuo unlil 12 noon, liio Gregory ® South boundary^ofS«ctlon29: ot lhat VaOey School mstrict Iho reason forthis jryH. Lowry ' C 314ENCE North OO'OO’I icl 602 Valley Road South, Kimberly, k Hansen. Jbromo. chongo cha in nome being thol f"®®*looting will bo held al tho Exoculr,jlr/o Vico Pfosiclont | P OO’OO’ East 395.93 Veet. parallel»l withm 1262, Hazelton. Idaho willvill He2ellon. Idaho. . - ‘ c ttwEastbourxlaryofofSectton29; S - •/ Gooding, V/ondell and Petitioner Pet (1) would ima to FAX receive aoajed bids for,ar,a . ThoBoordofTnistoesfor' f THENCE N0fth3V59-^ Rlor. tfyouhovoanyquos- bo bo known.by his original sso'clalion ollico In PUBUS•ISH; March 2, 9 and ••V ’/ 59-48* East. 113.59 feet; ■15-passenger van. The vanan School DIstrlct No. 262 tl TfiENCE South e oWOO* w i East, 295.91 feet; tions, please contact us ol: name n ar al Ihe lime of his Inridlnn. Idaho,, • •16,2001»i . : T ^ shouM b e a iate modol andnd r a se n e s the right to rojecl CabloONE ______birti rouR ____3>plNT0F8EGlNNlNC other dptlons appropriatelie jndor the name ho Is c ?0BJECTTO:.TwlnFa1 Foils Highway Dlstrfcl right Hi way , 208-733-6230 ■ CunnjrrenBy known by. • 5 iESCLASSlFlED-' « y ' lofschooluso. PUBLISH: March 2 and 7 SELL IT! BL •> Said sale Wm Iw' n\emade wthout'covenant or warrarrranty Bids will b e rocoivod until Such potiliori will bo hoard UY-IT! )EPARTMENT 7egardmsDtla.pb»S4issl itil OPEN; March 13. 2001 ol pPUBUSrt: March 2,2001 o3n n 'W ednesday. March 2 1 .. osston or encumbrances lo satisfyifylho t 3:00 P.M. March 13. 200101 7:30 P.M. • A Tim es*News Cla:lassified 208-' obiloatlon secured byBy eand pufsuanl to the jw w ef ol u - I 200JOOI.ot 9:00 o'clock a.m.; ' )8-734-5538 I sale in the School District olflco.------^11 Will Fill E very NNi e e d txnferred In the D eedle d ol Trust from WILUAU EVEf IN THE DISTRICT COURT andm d objoclions may be filed /ERY' Bids m ust b e submllted inIn ' IMPORTANT RATE ANO OF r THE FIFTH JUDICIAL b y t •OR andSA neA R A EVER1ERY. husband and wife, .to TWePaiFact, 0 sealed envelopo marked'' jy any person who can. in Inc., Trustee, arxl D.L od CHANNEL INFORMATION DISTRICT r OF THE STATE s ^ l 7 3 3 - O g 3.L Evans Sank. Sensfldafy. dated Won'. _ . . CABLEONE i iuch objoclion. show to tho 9 3 1 2 0)8-677-4543 8 - ( OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR C:ourt o a good reason ■■■ (Bl(BURLEY)

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' t t r a SLMj^ I n b U E l m w m & r D IH m L im HI I S *3 r *ms9 S S ^ m m m E m P ^ n i i ^ s

' I' ‘ 'jiH fciiij E S HSiiaas*nm,as .fc H i m -m * f c i «»^9a F*tK!aas>* » a s m \ i 0 muMrn MBS * 9 5 * 2 !9,aas *aaki,gag|aO K C n fS Bt SI t i o / i I’rica do lU’i in>

” >1 ~ 1 ------® ------EISEIII MOm m i THEISENI------llrii S-S MOTORS s * • 7 0 1 M aa i n A v e n u ee £ . ^ p S L A A I \jTHEISENj i ' M O T O R S fr. N N1 ic i«it«iuawiL I T w i nn Falls, Idaho V m TMn Falls, 10 TWln Falls,Jlt.lD j I I I

ij y a e ^ ^ € > € 3 ^ OW F B O > 3S

\ \ > \ , » E2 Tlmo8-New8.I. T1\ w in F a l l s . I d a h o F r id a v . March M< 2.2001- - t ------»www.mag9icvalle'y.ccom ^ a W r e U e ^ ( i w^ “ HOME:ESELLEB^’ ' ■ ' D -Canyonside Reallalty/GMAC Real Estate‘ Cei3enluiy 2l 7Grealer Valley PropertiesPre • CenlUiy_21 ^ RWenerslderGerriJtalaJeally .. Curtis Co.'»Sitver Sa^e Reale^ly_!Brawley.BealtyiUz.C ilGuIch.BeaLEstateAWeslaiT ma-Realt^le e PfU'riidential. Idaho Homes • MagicMa Valley Really Robert.3rt Jones Really • Strickland RealEstaleRi , • ^^ColdwellBarSanketCurlls Beally^lmln.RiiRealtyyAIpIne Realty_____ S"\ FOUND Roiwillor/Ch’/Chow. — ■ ^-320N95OE-Dedo3 Bfowrr0f - J — ----- 1Q 4------'R bl.ick. Call65J-25V I . PERSONALS LOST • Oinck Sctinauinauzor, ■ i _ malo, noutinod. won fPO CQiiaf Wllh rabbi ' SINCERE SINGLES3 1 . lasi soon on isi•I S .ri • • sooking long-tormin AUTO• PLex . VVondoll. Answof! relationships. Froo ■ ’^Okvdy. Call 536-JfS 4652 e^chuto: 1 (0OO)94WM-0411. S200 Rowatfl' www.HQiniros.com L O S T • N c u lu ro d bl. LAB. approx 65 5 Iba, " ^ . d — i n c ------collar, (arfjtly pot.t.^O di M I SPECIAL NOTICE! nol hunt Lflsl soonm 1700,1 Easi. 3900 Nonh:'• BuhlBi 'HERBALATIONS:sT " ___ 6<}.co[|------^AROMATIC------rHONErMUO-:— L O ST (ctaiic Biack-Laii LabX Making Idaho bcauiifulfull ' ■ dog. Losi SW olITwin T^

* 11. . Suited to comfort or to easier ll ra w ' m wm 1999 GMC Sierra Kx Wmi pSTormance. ______*24,325 "212 1 ,9 9 0 1998 Chevy7 Silverado S 3/4 Ton Ext. Catab4x4ti232A *19,995 M7,99S~ “ ^ Ext. C ab H1241A ^ “ ~n999~aiW?>im‘nul fT063 »26:Stft 25^300--i998~DiitoS;e SLT 4x4 Short Bed iC43i *19,3851 M8,500 ~ 2.2 . Handy, 1999 C.MC Si(;rra Ex ______*24,500 "2121,8S() 2000 ChewE•y Blazer Sport Utility 4D iP3;P3gaa ______*24,410I M8,S>85 Ext. Cab 3D 4x4 «i250B - 1999 aic\TSilvLTad n044A~^— ^27.S6S~ '242 4 .9 7 3 2000. Chevyy Astroyj Minivan 3D «P33io *22,420I M6,340 rado Ext. Cab l.T4x4 3D »ic 3. Classified's 1999 ChevT Monte ( 6______*15,700 ^1212,98(1 .2000 Chew;'y Astro Minlvan 3D »P3309 -______*24,560I M8,988 tc Cado LS Coupe 2D *3076 consistent; easy 1998 Clia-y Pickup: »13,61Q "121 2 ,7 9 3 2000 Cadillacllac DcVilleSedan~4D »P3i21i *36,815 "32,490 jpSlO Ext'CabiiiaOA availability for 1996 FordF250.Sti|>t 032B *14,900 M31 3 .9 7 3 2000. BulckH(c Regal LS Sedan 4D i32se ______*19,645 "17,843 1995 hu7ii RodeotijK-r .S! C ab L ons Dcd 4x4 iioa both advertisers 155A ' * 1 2 ,1 3 5 "11,201) 1 1 2000 .Buickc ParkPj Avenue Sedan 4D iPsc3034 *25,990 "22,880 1995 Chevy i.uniina>.S S port U tility 4D 4x4 iioisi______^ 5 ,9 7 5 ‘ "3 3 ,9 , 9 .S 2000 Buick Cl and readers : Century Custom Sedan 4DDIP3263 *17,130 "13,980 ina Sedan 4D»P327sa 2000 Pontiac Stinfirc *12,675 "1010, 7 3 1999. Volkswa:wagen New Golf GLS HatchIhback 4 0 11223B *17,770 "12,690 flrc.SE Sedan 4D »323^ 2(XX) Pontica Sunfirc *13,410 "111 1 ,6 9 0 1999 Saturnn SL2 S Sedan 4DIP3143 • ______*12,920 MO,980 2000 Pontiac Montaifire SE C oupe 2D nP3iSQ ______* 2 1 ,3 7 0 MIK S ,90n 1999 Ponllac(ac Grand Am SE Sedan 4D it3311 * 2 3 ,7 8 5 "1 9 ,9 9 3 1999 fonlMu;Vfustang Coupe 2D iP30S6 ______*15,765 M4,958 Bravada Sport Utility 4D 4x .2000 Oldsniobilc Ale ______*15,990 M2,I2,99.S 1999 Plymoull>uth Breeze Sedan 4D iP3060iQ______*11,855 "10,973 Alero GI. Sedan 4D »3i98 6 2(KX) Clicvv VenHirc ,.'*22,905 M7,1 7 ,9 9 2 1999 I'oril ExpExplorer Sport Utility 4D «P3P3169A ______*21,9770I "17,995 2n(KI ClK-vy M aliliuire S Ext M inivan 4D «P3290 I *16,300 "14,1 4 .5 0 0 2000 Oldsmoblobile Intrigue GX Sedan 4DID »P3090 *20,980 "14,970 2000 Chevy Impalalu SedanL 4D «P3075______733-0931 ______*18,560 M6,6 ,9 9 7 2000 MazdaiB40004WD,SECab B. Plus 414 D I0160A *20,980 "18,860 I 2000 Chevy Cavalierla Sedan 4D «P3307 _ * 1 2 ,6 4 0 " H0,499 ) , _l999,CclicvrolTolct Suburfaan 1500 Sport: IUtility I0S26A *28,415__^■_:^24,990 ier Sedan 4D «P3304______'6 7 7 - 4 0 4 2 • 20(X) ChcvT Cavalier *12,915 MO,0,-S0l) 1998 Dodge? 150015 Quad Cab Short Bed»l»C4ia • *19,945 "14,900 1994 Chevy 2500 Extier Sedan 4D »3305 .______SOA' *14,625 "13,3 ,7 K 0 1997 ToyolaC , WWWAW.magicvalley.com . 1 Camry CE Sedan 4D «P32Sa52______*12,890 "12,390 1993 GMCVandura2Ext C ^b l.on>» Bed 4x4 iQ560;1228D * 9 ,5 6 5 - "8!t,99.> ,< 1997 Honda'A.i Accord LX Sedan 4D iiP325454 '______*,15,300 M2,890. •a 2500 Van Conversion #322 1993 lord MustanKL |«1O40A *11,260 "9,(?,6.S0 1997 fordMusriustang Coiipe 2D moozA ------■ 13,585 "12,543 K L.\ 5.0 I. Convertible 2D i J t — 199:t-rord Escort LX : .----- *4,610- ^2,*Z,9-S0 1997 Cadillacac CateraI Sedan~4D'«P3032 ~ . *17,190~:~ 7 1 5 7 7 0 0 ^ 1993 Buick Skylark.X C 2D »ii&3 ______*5,300 "2,t? ,9 9 (l 1996 OldsmobilObile Cierra SL Sedan 4D»KIP2959A ______*7,975 "7,284 ■ 1993 Chi-vvSlOlilaKk C ustom 4D i330iA ______p l l p *8.445 ."7.fL 9 4 3 ....._19S6_Che.vrolelOlet D[azcrJport.umity_4Di> iP3iaSB. ...— *13,965^— -M2^9------■ 1997 Chevy Silveradoia /e r4 Dr 4x4 «3290A______*20,900 M7,7,98K 1996 Buick RivieraRIv Coupe 2D iP267eA ______*15,650 "14,900 ! , 19?7_njKlKe_S-I.Ti;xl.iido Ext. Cab 3D ■xi053 --.-*21,800. 'IH , ■ W i m K .9X7 1996-BulckRcjRegal Custom Sedan 4D »P30^ 5 A *11,840 — "8,9 7 5 - - a . Cab 4x4 »P28ii02 *Plus tax, title,e, iand dealer doc fee of $89^89.63. S e ^ AM i k e o r 1 -D e ra nr . E s p a r z a - 7 3 31 - - 0 7 0 4 7 .fj — ^ ^ 1 - 8 7 7 -~T7^-T17-l— 7 ’t'lj L^panril

\ ,.-1______New^looTHyumdai Ac7 c e n t " • « f ( I Sporty Accei:e n t w l 5'Speed, /Am/Fm/Cassette , T h e H v u nidai d Advantage; - America’s Be:PLUS... • 10 Year lOo'.OOOAl0 -Mile Powertrain Proieciionon • 5 Year 60,000 Mile Bumplest Warranty: _ • 5 Y ear U n lim itecd d f Miles 24*Kour Roadsider Advantageh mper'to-Bumper Coverage Thi' Hyundain iAdvantage America’; IOY-/lCO,Ctf3 f/-le a ’s Best Warranty Comp mpetitive Coverage ■ AM. 2001 MODELSELS HYUNDAI'S Y E S i YES Yl ■; FORD______V h.Wm.l,NO ■ 3 YES • Ir 3fty/,^..>N0 ;r y.'/A--1 p m m NO______SATUHN 3oOC0^.1>NO i f TOYOTA -^ N O ______

.NO 1070 BLUE UKES BLVEUVD. H. • 733-1825 'I-aOO-SS-390-8633 • www.garyiwatllan. ’unPBrv

V . . . • ...... - ....

t______’ • Friday,.M t a rc h 2, 2001,Tlmet-N«wi,Wl, Twin Ffllli, IdahQ E3 ALCOHOH O L I 0 8 AUTOMOTIVEE ' DRIVERS - • DENTAL ASSISTAHT A N O N Y fc HT EDUCATION • ' FAF4M YMOUS WHEELAUQUONMENT LONG HAUL DRIVRIVERS N ee d ed , experienceced or Job Specialist. Jobs I ' ’ HOU8 EKEEPINQ . ' • 9»-733-e300&0 & 7 2 6 -4 as0 « MECHA^1ANIC • NEEDED BSfor HERDSMAN/FEEDERI Housekeepers wanted Im- 0 __ ... ■ win train, 324-fl6 6 1 Jl-M------AmoficaU-GraduaJ:iaJ08- fof600cov»daiiyr733-363 S M f ttD ------Position avaiiabiia bleln asial>r 'Accepting applicailoations for q r iv e r s 3W 4- -medtatBly 0 the Comlort -Il»h«d,-lully a (JAG) Program, full tin "ThalblrthdayW y eq u ip p ed , - kuw haul drh^ers. Ci im'exp. “ Orarfl funded position w ______lnn._Competilive w ages, __| B ExpoflancB- • CDLcufTentmBdlcil ii S ? 2 ,5 OTR, 2 yr#r minimum f f KHjwtimeai S.27C p e r mile. Altsite r SO ■ benefits. Requires teati ; 5 - S K T c t ouohs App'y p e rso /i, 8 am.- wheel align- & claar driving ri 1" .- -4pm. Comojoinoortetvnf ) I 77nw5-W«vs7 ance & *''g cortificato in relat(aSd ■ H now accepting . 8, and stmts, required. Average 5 2 „ ; Insuran. _____ time lo w o w p 401K.Call20a-324-3♦-3515, area to work force devdevol- applications lor full timejf"* JAILER ayplanwlih -our7-lo.-95% SISno­ gril I housekeeping. Flexible ' pictures. Sto r - 7 —7 opm ont. S tarts April ‘«'® Jerome County Shertfrs | | ™ B i I CustonerSei base. Benefit freight. N ew er•tractors tra E4«AILyourctasslflo.itodad Find complete dutiejtie s ' S om e night shiH. od equip- to us at ! ______^ luding, health and. trailers, good < - i , - quoiiiicatlonB. appllcatl ' Please apply In personal .'SSX Zteffli aldvacatwoj, mom.-Pald,vacatlofjtlon, Bfck twlnedPmlcron.n.— * - process and fomi on“ '1^t •13S78lueUkeirBI^.-N —1 holldaya, unlfcniforms, and leave and holidays. n „ , ask for Earleno.Bf-N ' -a l Deputies. Applications lys. Other EDUCATION _ C _ S 1_W e b.S.I t 0..; ______.win be.ttken unlit 3/i4A)i. _ ^ _ _ 1 01 07 ^ — ------1- -dU countsrDDisablllty-ln-- ls - b a n e n tr in d u d e mi I J mfldical------Rfer School DIstrtcIrid www.csf:eiJuA|obs. EEC;e O ,i' INDUSTRIAL - Apply In person at: 7 " M A B O}RTION m I surance, crocfedll union. Insurance andd 401.(k)4( announces a vacanc ney (or e l e c T R IC I^ ------MECHANIC familiar willwith 300 N. Lincoln. Jerome.B : I ALTERW^NA TIVES I d e n ta l a n d vlivision plan plan. Apply in person pers at an AsslsUnt Basel available. 115 13th Avo. S Soi outh In Coach ai Filer Hig Idoho llconso pumeymlyman equipment and ma UKDSCW iNO I PflEONANCYCftR OK A uto SyS y s te m s Buhl or mall rosurisu m e to School lor tho 2000-: base c^ilnery fo r assarfibly 0 T>lmm.r> , ; -Fft££TEJ .Q ngp now com ponents. Equip TESTING ' BSA4thAvavo. W est • Rangon. Inc, Attn:tn: Trans-1 school year. Tho reqiM?i?rnd 'fa to of pay. S 10.OO p «!th Experienced in trimming • J. 734-7472-SOO800-371-7472 T S^S,rtD,10,83301 ponatlon Manager, hour. Coll 775-738-24£2491 m o l/ito n a n ce am Bring In YouDur W 2's a | ger. P.O. ‘ method ol applying i - ■ welding required. Exper./ small troos ft shnibs. Im orTom Box 706, Buhl, 10 0: fOff------1 733peningB-wI324-490 crew. Expenonco Injrri; :JU_talLZ33ia&54_i Irri- Jobs slan in March; J^(0H) — iia HOUSEKEEPER------■ -g a iio n 'a n d spflnklor sys- , iKonseatiorOioao ig Foreman: Gooding Joint SchoolK«„i Die. 2269. EEOH . 1993 fOBD PBOBE : I HOMEmE. ------Oeanna'e Cleaning. NoNow toms dosiroablo. To applypply flpp/(CflWr4 fpos/conJna/ iforoncos & Irlct N231- has Iholo fofc llo ^ RNANCIAL------^ : I CARESEBB w c b s hinng PT to vrork inlo0 FFT. go to nearostriob Sonncovwo operaiorMpcr to woik in )ERVICES I knowallaspspocts of ingvacancy; #II4I395A ...... W 4 . 9 8 8 LOAN SPECIALISIST Musi bo avail, for all shiftihifts. O ffic e . J o b o r d e r ID:ID; Wood Rivor.Valloy. Salary (REALTY) ■ : TWINFALLS 736-0504. (orinten/iow.l9W.H 1014370.H DOE. 208-823-4101. r: Position OpenIng(a}:)(s}: Hot Full lime position. If IhisTspo- owned, cortilied iliod homo lor Must have ownitools.bola- to< Lunch Suparviir v i a o r . ' siilon is filled below ; . seniors has 0| IW tho 2001FOBOF2SOC8ENGENUBrmSIBDIE 8 o p e n in g s , miliar witn metaetal fabrica- Position available} JuiJuno 1, full porformance level.ol. tho ^ S i p i S 734-3446.B tion & electricalical helpful. 200i. duties will bo commerlensu- Exoerlence helofolpfuibutnot - rale with tho'grade le SAVE THOUlUSANOS T— ' I nocossary. Submit'Appllcatlortion to: Duties include receiv : I 1 1 3 AtphaltRakanr: . Gooding Joint SdS c h o o l a p p lic a tio n s lo r Ri. ; I CHILD)CARE. a _ Must havo rofs.Is. All posi- District *231..507)7 liIdaho housing loans andn d /o r 1992 POmiCEBIHB FBIFBII . . I SERVICVICES lions are wage:ges D.O:E. Si. Goodmg. IcJaho0 8283330. g ran ts adm irilstereded by plus bonefits. Phono: 200-934-4324321. • US.OA. Rural Oovol M53D3A...... jow ’4,988 Id Care h a s Valley Paviaving mom. Conducts mtiS I ^ a r c J T ^ I___ J___ openings (or;BflosJ.yeora. age .2O0-7e8f2284.askask.for.ClmL. -D«Bdllne:-Match.l6..2I6..200t ____viovia.atpwa'disapprc > through 6tti^grade. grd Fun. CONSTRUCTION jnity loan ap p lica tio n s, p 1993 F0NTIICBIIKDMIId . ' ON • ,Equal Opportunity • t f ' safe, age appiappnapriale______n ni>y iituciiein______Employerr vidos technical Inlorrorma- — i------ncmrniorwimt ^ 1 1 ■ a im s ...... S7.SBAr. DOE.JE. No exp. EDUCATION ------tion lo lenders, broko lte rT Wit ^jB»M if988 - : ■ values taui 1 1S a ac roaliois. arrangesos lor ICCPIsacceS t I24-4448.B BuhfSctiool District is i j 0(5 copling appl«at.ons,n« lfnr -» -appfoisals, m ak o s Sites '•chm • 199S POimiCERIHDMIM : i8iMofTi«ot)SL:S t 734-3693. CONSTRUCTION ispcc- 'anted. Exp preschool InatructliirHnn.i consltuction insp : ALL ABOUTr K K i D « t~L i- Outstdo holp want iS nMi! provides loon su- oquipmentop.operator “ W® «o sion immadio «20!A;...... w e , 8 8 8 - censod, ICCP. pt slid drivers Application matonals,ni. miw porvision and oversigh'ghiol 3 3 - 0 5 ^ « ^ proferrod. Valid irtici- ■ meals Incl. 733-C33 _ o sa 3 ,B _ license roq. WatVaoe DOE obtained at theho 1^ M accounts, port 'ortu- • PUBLIC SERV 1.” “ ™, ««y»y5"|t67a.6('6-6600. nily lender, provide a : MESSAG•AGE '’“''0 ;o apply in ’ employor.a ; SHOP CON PAUUJIOS FIRST... ' Don'i pay lo findnd ™,k t oo. : lofo you got tho esum e wiih <5 -5 x ■MOMnBACKCUiUUKTEiK in lars driving Iroo inlormatioToi°Si,ou', . . . A C r e a t i v w ■ J listod. g. I'tWUBWINNINSSUVK ! avoiding omployn Solutions rran k lln C areer M oye. " ILUI BOOK VAUIUCIUnUUTPOSTCD • Vico scam s, S wni oT itS o’ EmplovmTfsI;; • Federal Trade C ESuHo24 ------• . . . ■WtUAMIISAUSUNDlWDUD nUIPMEKT • sion. Washingioon P .C .. - Twin Falla, Idr l-‘Mnklin_|}ui!dinK SupSu|)[)lv is l(X>kiriK for I'tKTHclic. ■ WI TMITUM-IMS.....PWDFMMHOI W _ ■ ' 2O50Oi'or'callI IheIhc Nation- DRIVERS— c.iimmirfdwi jxttjjlit)(jlL-'Hir Insicio SiiIS'.'Qu.iliM«i al Fraud Inlormaimaiion Con- Coma|oln ourtoar a T h o m o '' in

2001 DODGEGERAM I ^ D ^ , a - . ^ ^ 2000 Chew SiBiRB:.m \N Zlo(IwsFroni ....SIll/[ 1 . , “ a s k in g QUESTiSTIONS , /TT. While. Gniive.4»J. '[ THOySSiiSS ' C onduct publicic copinion . CI), I’l,. I.. : • .p o r week. Gfoatp, job or second job Closo *209A,1»**(k ..:....j ohi w M B , 8 8 8 * .^ .1o CSI campus, For F< moro J info call 736-28538531111111111 W/KsRssibUities of y 1999 CMC 1/2 I0HaT.CIBUB4H j]]!]3| H B p Kn f g H e r e . . • 1 m m ....'...... JIOjiow‘22,988 ^ All Shifts Avallelallible ■ . • S6.00-S10,00per -i'- ■; r e v f f e ? ; G M C Y u k o n X y - ~ I p .^50 V-8 AT. Beige Leather. CC CON PAULQS V PinniMntindT«nipi iS M S rie i^ Fjctat> Running Bnatilv BuckeLKkei Seai\ n • AwptlngippUcalion . JEROME L .TWINFALLS t Conslrucllo ; ■ J 1 4 ^ 4 2 6 r Clericalr i i a i: ForkliftCertlflrtllled T" ; Production II i f e t f . _ ____ ...... ■ ■ Machine Operaerators Maids WarehouseJse ^ 11. .KIMIn HMisefi=^ I y i c @ I gipflHAI^N IM General Lab(abor ' ' R u p olo r< r t D www.conpauloij l o s .c o m '"'sniitiyHivor :• ■ Assembly t- - N lLU nceln tSMISMUM lik u lM N . H ' ''y J E R O M E TVTWIN FALLS El Apply in petsonsonal^ • N 800-287-7000 U800-2U-2954 . H 3 2 4 - 3 9 0 0 7 3 5 - 3 9 0 0 M JMiSMrtOMnAw n*IWHMtlktnrtOi ■ ' ' n»«Mlmr< . I ] i TlaM tElrv^aai'1 W r tlM n : - HliPEHT 0'' ?oo’ -_ . m K f l":iS78aaai/; ■ vv.ww.M mhahs'itic6m ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■AJ V ■ ' iH

E4 Times-News, TwinI FjPalis, tdaho Friday, M arch1 2 , 2 0 0 1 •

...... i ; - — " ^ T h e T i nn i e s ' N ^ ^ G l a sJ; S I F B E E Km ^ \REm r15D\GEg Tfi^he TimesrlSIew:Afs Online http:/A//www.magicyaalley.com » TvV in Falls: 733-15-0931 • Burley: 677-4042

■ ■ . ' ,612 Pastures For'crR P enf 823 Varietyf FiFood & Services . . ' 132 3rd Street W — n • ' '6 1 3 Pasture Wanie'anted . ' 924- ' Video Equipmenl'Eq ^ W est 3 25'/,‘/2 E a s t 5 th N o rth* ' Mill | u | | | f I:ducl u c d t i o n WantedToReriRent’ ' 8 25 W anted!dToBuy- Twin i Falls, Idaho0 83301 Burlirley, Idaho 83318 . 615 Mobile Homesme Space . 826 Campingng Equipment .O p p i c e HHours:o M on.-Fri. 8:0;00 to 5:30 401 SchooMnslruaiciction 616 RoommatesisWanted. Wi '827 GarageSaSales I------______I ' I.; 4 0 2 - Music Lessons. . . 8 2 8 MedicalsilSuppTies ■ | U B . 403 Tuloring. H D m M . 829 FleaUait a a i\ , Wo931,|1, press 2 ■ ■ :630-W anledC 34-5538------csinm&i ' \ r-.^D " eadlines^ ■ 101 LoslSFcund ; or Private Party Linele i A d s : j 1 6 ^ 3 Hcnl:n l K s t u i e ' 701 Livestock ?7-4543 102 Card o( Thanks ™ail: -BmiiucattonDay PFAnilNJUNE. 103 DisiaryAids S a l e s 702 FamvflanchSuiiSupplies . 501 Open Homes [email protected] Sund. 104 Personals 703 CuslomFamiSrmServices [DAY 4 pm FRID/UDAY 5 02 Homes for Salee 705 Irrigation ■ 105 HacpyAds ’ 901 ATVsiM. Motorcycles - H appy Ads NDAY S PM FRID/UDAY 510 Out-Of-AreaHomflomes 706 . Farm Seed Ii & R Fertilizer 9 0 2 Bicycles ds - . 106 Special Nowes ® ‘ Cclcbraicrale a special event in the livelives of friends anil TUESISDAY 1 PM MONl'ONDAY. 511 Out-Of-StaleHomiomes 708 Hay,Grain&FeiFeed ’ 903 .Boals&A 107 A&oncnA!iemaiives - l o v e d onein cs with a tunrs-Stvs Happy-Ay-AA-Displsyailsof ---- ^VVED^JNESDAY-----1-PM_TUESI,JESDAY— - •s 5 12 Farm sflandies0ts^airies h h h 904 CampersJ hur 108 Professional Serviceses ■ 513 Acreages and LotiLots 1,1 “ c arc available at spccial rates. T IRSDAY: 1 PM WEDrEDNESDAY ; m r n n m )AY 1 PM ThurnjR SD A Y : 110 Hcrr,e'HeaiihCareUseUser 5 14 Income Propertyly II 9 06 Hot TubsIS SI Pools - Pre-Paymen; n t - - 111 ' EnienainmentService■ice -515 Commercial Prope'operty Mlerchandisc e n 907 MotorHonlom sS flV s 1'ht TimImes-Netvs acccpts paymiment for classi- SatufURDAY 12 PM FRID>\JDAY I i r Child Care S e m c e9 s ' 5 16 .Vaution Property/irty/ 9 08 SnowVehiW e s S Equip. ■»>ads i n 'cash, personol1 ccheck, Viso, ■ AgWW eekly 3 pm ThuriURSDAY ; • 3000 Service Directory Time Shares 6 0 r Antiques &CdkCollectibles 9 09 Sportingj Si Hunting Equip, M a s lc:rCord, r C American Expresses.s or Discover. \ 517 Contjominiutns • 8 02 AppTiances 910 TravelTrai'laileis ^ Deadlines— 516 Mobile Homes 803. . Bazaars & Craft!drafts '911 utifrtyTraii - Responsibilitiitie s - V C h e e k; your yi ad for errors the firstIt d a y . TAe Times- F or Display AdsIs i f l H 5 1 9 Cemetery Lois 604 Building Matenalterials • ju sin css days prior to put)ticatiniatinn. Call ; XfL's wM’ill il be responsible for thehe first, incorrcct ^ ■ 1‘lniploynn:in c n i '5 2 0 Real Estate Wanteinted 805 Cameras & Equi;Equipmeni | = | = | ^ rim cs-N ewj advcrtijinR sateslies rcpre- , on and to no Rfcatcr extcnttlitthan the cost of •521 Manufactured Homim s 806 Childrerj's Ilems ntative for more infurmation.:i«n, 733. ; occiipicd by the error. T “ '2 1 4 Employment Wanted 807 Cloihhg • - Tn.n.,portalion T h e p u b l i s h e r 09313l.cxt.219. . cs no financial rcsponsibilicility for errors or 215 Resume^paralion v n r ^ H 806 Cominunicalionltion Equipment om issioon n of copy. __ ’ ■ 216 Employmeni Agencies 809 Computers 1001 Aviation I h s l n i c ------810~FIfewood------• 217 . Employment Opponunili ------.-1002-AutaPansrts’4A cc^ories~'^ Wnm^.\fS-Sevs r>H/f'wfcatnfcs vvcb-baseu s e d cIjMificcl ads. Any classifieded ad placed in the print vcnionsion o f 7/c e m u ) . . Fumilure/Carpelirpet * . 1004 Autos Wan'anted '-<'&nfs-SfVi'm can Ik placcd nnlinc fnr .S0 . n-fiil.r 7-jjy fj Seirice;e Representativeses 303 Money Waniefl . - ifihi;it«mdduc'llr.inik- U 608 Commercial Proper!'perty 819 OfTice Equip^Sup/Supplies- 1053 Imports4^SportsCars. S . . jjfmj|7dj>s. j • ‘ 3 04 invesimenis forr Information 609 Condominium^meimeSliares 820 Pets & Supplieslies ' 1054 Stoc!(Ca5‘fs 1 . is .n u v I •305 Coniracis & Mortgages . a-ci>lji l.^ jy es 610 StorageAVaretiouse'Use Rental 821 SterecffladioCOiO s 1055 AutoServiovices & Repairs rjtc.jdi*jdd?,fjnj?f\h^iic™di^^ ;lt. co il ir..l L l l a Sssified J Specialsl ' 306 Financial Sen^ices 611 Farms For Rent 822 ToolsiMachinerlinery . 1 0 9 9 Auto Dealerilers II tun (he jil fcir jn jddiiiil 7 ^0 lagorman Police Do* Olo'Die' now hiring Man- Par1-tlm<-time ond PRN partmenent Is accopting ap- ager8.,oj.,ail positions. Pay pesiliomlions for nursing plicalloilions for, tho position Sqsedtdonexcallenco& c assistantsnts ori CNA's. Posi- C 4 « ____ -o fP o lieJiico Ollicor. Applica- porsonjonol performance. tions onI all all shifts ovallaWo. •* * *w '? dlettFam U y MedicalJcSiitw C t‘ons orare avallablo at City Good o« reforoncos Applyipiyjn person.’ O n to fi ■—H aifnno.WostMaifTorcail i atojy,.S8jo.Sl2po7: ~ParKo:Wfi.View Care and ______537:666636. Posi cortillod' Apply Ap| Mon. through R ahab.. 230323 Parko Avo. 10 J f f p ro f 01o r ro d o r m u s t bo Fri.. betweenbo 2 p.m. Burfeyftey.^DB3318 ise(>tlU>rwlW9M f f i | cortifialiablo. A ppllcationt ______aand n t 5 p.m.B E S f i T T ve pu ck t b e subtnitlQ d by MECHANIi 1 ------^------Sl. Bcncdi.diets is a mission-driven heallhealth care kecM oi ^NIC ‘ MEDICAL B p.m. March 15lh, wontodd alignmenta per- CHIROPRAlR A C nC ASST. prgani7Jtiorion providing palicnt-focused carc. We are ’ 1 . Tho City ol Hagor. son/mocilechonic. Apply at PT wantedled in busy office '“ king ,for3r caring profvuioruls who wantant toI work man is oni Equal Opportu- aI's Amomorican Car Care. on Fri.■ ri.aSat. I Bring fo ra lo p q:]ualily u , health can* provider. imployer. 1819 Kimrv Assisted Bd Manager rioodod NOC^io°W);00p.m.-6;30a.m. .signonbor'bo™. P'"?"ling, documentation. Coordinali-s . FT for)rnowopl,complox r eonof ssion and dLstharge planning. Full-Fiill-time In Halle nofiis includo; . a positiveIve work environ- liley. Idaho. Office & • * Medical*^ ment wwiliorion, available March 1. Retjuircss DSWDS' or basiclie computof skills. ------if f '. Pa>\-ious exp. working wiih elderI'lderty and . W agosIIS DOE. Fax resume ♦ « Doiital*i .Com polilivcilivo salary MSW. 1 ♦ Vision*. .Terrific benefitsber package ' M.D.S,i5. process.. to:to: 578-23S7.H * Voa rocallonPoy* ...inciudinop: - ' MANAGEg e S------• *r SISick P ay* .A lob whorePoray^n'ri;^' .TCU ^PK N pi>sit7«Wu«rg'fen7rCTn Care Money EE; xpress M onsogo e . * Holiday P ay* adlMoronconco in som eone's Unit. WillW provide skilled nursing scrvici:rvicesto- soaksimonagoriioanol- rr EducatiorI'onal Assistance ufo n.-siut'nl.'nts of f.-«ciUty. Curn-nt license a-quln.-quin-d. .licor foror Twin Falla. Lend- - ^ 401K Plan . Shill differeierentiol. ^ — :------_ing-&-6asalfls-backorounda- opply in person a l - ____ S iotpbyfor-an o b ------.^ _ H O M E . lE.UEALTH.RN^Qnt: pan-limee positionpo: m u st.. (Groai company . 5*” *olk Street Easi, applicationnontforintorvtew. or . andiw*)wo I’RN pmltlons. Requin-scura-nlra-nt RN 'bonolit:lils. Abiliiy to earn iboriy. ID 83341 K F aills l l lCare C enter . licmM.-,4.-, valid driver's liceaM.*anJ n-ti.ibti[|.ibte S3SK to S200K. CaiiJolf of call ConnloCo Slone or 574 Essttan astI d Drivs transpoijortation. BeneriLs with parl-limcne Acroo atal t-800-310-3004, Jones al423-5S91. EOE El ______positionon. ^ * * * * * * * * ICAL TECHNOLOGIST.- Full-time, IMANAGi c i S ^ I MEDICAL ;« RN HoBpico ® S ,^ ‘ lime, no Pront 5gram ft^anager Mod. Techjch. or LPN lor of- ^ C aro 'o n wweekends. o Also L'nds. call required. ASCI’, NCAI or Exclllnting Opportunity lice nufso alent ri'quircd; preferably genwalis ----- .------^------. Qijf time RN Case ._ Tfllist with ufcompanyis------“ froni olfico biology cxpcriencc. Lab Is full Mr\'lM r\'tcc ...... 0^ 1 )r-for our Homo ^ i^anding into tho on appllcallcjten.,121511. )ivision. Boih-pe------j v i t tita^e ^ ot the art eouipmenl. fwin Folis aroa. Avo. W.• Goodlng.BG gidong ,oqu| Wo oroa lookingii fora pro- jquire0 minimum u c a jt^ ,L lyearciink:jinkMlexpofionco. O HEAl^n-TH INFOKMATION CLERK - DutiesDull gramm manager lor our le adm itting, unit secnMar)'and1 telemetrytele DevolopmonlalDc Now hiring>g CNA’s( and NA's B e c o m eoapartolour a oas. M edical terniinology ,ind tvlen DIsabiabilities Rosklontlol 'or smtail all, assisted living great teamim l i Apply In per- function telemetry Llvlr»ong Program. Quail- locillty.. CallCt 731-4258 or son at Idahoaho Home Haalth red. Part-time position, nights, benefitsbcm Hodjcandidaiesmust c 734734-1 Q66.B & H ospiceCO 200 : 2nd Avo. ' ^vailabl.ble; shift differemial h a v o . L'------N. Twin Fall; inr a s « r , »RN.ACLCim - CARE - One^A-plus I’RNRN ilyfofovcninjjWghl MEDICAL . liold.£d.andatloastono nn.s available. OB experience di-sir.ili-sirable, ------\..-rr..r— •- : ----- yo auicjLmanogomonl- —*arge nurse in a PT/FT HHoro™ hi,. iii,; . K t "iLBN.Iiccn5trw ! ]uiiw l.______s u r a t P N ;------exportorionceinihollold «fnhe^rlfacility------M ed'S u . 1 o ldI daveiopmonlal long-torm caro, flexible hours,hoi license rnm~.n«titive w.igni; benefits include lilional care and requirod/hidftiome health disabijbtlilios.llyouaro 'J S I, v.Kation. holidays and n-lin-menlnent. I’ost- , 1 Intorierastod In olnlng ventilatelator unit. Many experienceneed preferred. nrug l . scatrning and pre-employmunt tunllies for cross Salary D.C • • an Inn,nnovalive. loading- op;»rtun D.O.EConl.ct 1 required. Appty at St. Ik-m-dicls:1s FamilyF.i ig. Must hold ID Judy Stockh . odgoi]0d company lhat training. Center. 709 N. Lincoln. Jeromi*. ID onse. Competllivo G oodlni tes's Tioios professional LPN iicens OE )wih. please moll, v'OOe andone benefit pack M em orial oro-moilacovor ago. .4p;4ppiy/nperson,- -w ■-„ [ | rent ■ , or twap wiiti Mor and rosumo: Park V'/ekvCfl/eanrf Vii xind. 733-0931. b. 2303 Perk A. . «»»' 3 S.LI START & «»“ , . /.ID 8331 a EOE r 5 ° P ' A T E S , : :■ '• f . - ‘K T ’ rOpponunllylily lor RNInlarost- i S 4 iinidoka f l Mem Cheney( Dr., Ste. D /^ X M-F9:0000 am - 4:00 pm In Fallt, ID B3301 ^^7 Equal Op,Opportunily Employer-Drurug Free Workplace^$ft^&I-: ______Friday. March 2 ,2C2001,Tlm eii-N ev»B,T»lnFalli — ^ . '______F.i.:i..hoEr

B ro u g h tt t o y o uu by I I JJijsJtii m e s - N ee w X - S j

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& ¥1l™ ”?i',“"> S I J m m m s g p ^ i “l p OlllllVIMM.s f S P i ' .''S: ,’j ',[, B l ■ K r i f t r L r ' i cr;!;;:r^:z::^:;: '".•v".• . . _ ^ r tiS I I ^ V i i g, www.datemiaker.com/twinf; c ifaNs^nl ■ S i S f >r custom er service:e. call 1-716-634-7:7849 I ;^si^Zi'’S'.-« t.,.V-b.J^<,U.«, I,-,. I.I Fori — ■ . .M 1 ..M . . r : . . i r i ^ ; ; s i S S . ? K£• “S . E EiE - ~ -“ i imp^iB l rttiilc J Je w ish * WVW.OCM«*0<. H H,5Wrvc o) ^00i;W0 (lllCi ...... • ■• • • . i */Vrvu^ J!'r..n','w; .n ’ H...,.t t,,v ' i | § i l i . i >r< fu iKitti rici.m .' McM'l J ic«l"i'li'0 t;- '|\I' Jsa'jjK 's!... ■ » yi.v\v?.- ThiA n.- -,KV. l-f.V'4^' i.iv;,.i-,!s r- ' J- .• si'.'K.risra'Ke ;?vilSH s 's;£ ’g S g S S - S H g g g g s

S' 'f \ V E6 TIm es-News,I, TwinT\ Falls, Idaho Friday, M(M a r c h 2 ,2 0 0 1

MEDICAL - MISCELUNEOUS RESTAURANT R U P E R T RUPERT I IRLEY 5 bdrm. 2 bath TONIN F.FALU '. Condo for ' Now accopiing applesilicatlons Gonoraf labor for n uurtory rt - Burley OollCoursfl, DRA ’C O ...... b u r - 218 ' . I r/basemont. In country salolo by Ownon 2 level! 2 for FT i PT in Twinwin Falls w ork FT. Coll 934-45J•*594, Snack Bor 20-30 hrsAwk. TIMES NEWS INVESTM ENT C O R P ...... ;..&surrounflingoroo5. - 109.000. 678*3073 _ ^bfltm..ilfm..2.5-bath..2.caroa- ____ ifenlif MISCELLANEOUS-=------■- ...... A(o 19orold«rS5.50— ;^CARRIERS__^ ______^7\oodod 24 houf c _ThoTlmaa-New»la ------MAIL your elassiliod o d . Cfe. j!fireblflco.-734-3307 r//VGS------pr/hr.Apply in person— __^Tho Tlme8*New8 Is------734^107. leave m'sgi - ' sla rlln g rmirTodial I currently looking for currently looKIng for You want 10 sell? . ^ Heavy TECHNICIAN IwlM JOiSsriM ~ - fW H ■ ConloclJoylo Qt Jo» ' Independent Walking I n d e p e n d e n t W alking Wo wont to buy. __!!! n T aU s o o w n t o v M ^ ■■ ■■HomoCafo208-733-€ EXPERIENCED LUBE BE DISTRICTS R oute C arriers In th e' R o u te C a rrie rs In th e 'PrompI & cash olfers. FILELER • Almost new'4 Bri^Bright vintago homo. I TECH - Good pay and, .Wo oro local & codipotuivo___ l7ddrm r ..m anulociurod. _New.baw e aih /c aip etflJi^n ______MEDICAL, _____...... *-Fo»kIilt------bonofits. No'wookonds:Ijy!' MOTOR-ROUTE617—------RUPERT area.------R U PER T a re a .------RN Twin Foils Coro Cc Call 208-733-3821. hbrromo 00 } acfo; w/wator By3y pcpark/dlnic/library; eCentor ,JCD L Drivers _ ------Full timo. Send resum o lo------■" Has an immoOiaio10 open'0| VMochonic -fl,.Todd Blass.-PfeskJeni- -# hharoB.-SSO.OOO.-Call- a -*73,600J^00.Coll733*2013,« ------______Box 99595, c/o Tho Times’£ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ t I c . RUPERT rupert - tn g lo f o FTrRN.-ovoovoning- -*-Woldor6 ------^------~ ~~ '' ~ ~ flIchardB.’SlivefS,— - 73434-5092. homo or 731* TwifTHIN F^ALLS-For a ale by ' - Nows. PO Box 548. Twinivin ,The Tlmos-Nows Is - • R0UTE421 ' ROUTE 420 • Vico President. 509092 COIL O w ner m o tl- Owner, . shill.WooKofcompoinpelitnio * Radiology Tech -Pal'S. ID 83303-0540. mer.Townhooso.1450 - pay along w /a com,:ompro- *Medfcal Tech. ASCP __ currently looking.for.an..r _____1stSt---6ltl3t------.^l.llhSt^-SdottAve.— -_^T.W,Slivef8,— -v«tiitad to MlJ, make offer.; -sq-'ftir.-ft;rdbl-corgarago.-2 ------. ticnsivo bonolils pkg. in- MLT TECHNICIAN Independent Motor F S t.-K S t. F S t.-A -S t. _ _ Socrotary/Treasoro. , F j.E t f R • Z m an u lac tu ro d Ix*™'«rm. 2 turn. Auto sprirr* ciudingPTO,401k,hoI.heahh, TOP PAY-NO FEE Snoivmoi)/to^ ATV/oc/jn/"tnl- R oute In the mm^mm — f'On'omes,'3 bdrm, 2 bath, k ors.oirs.courtyard/poreh/gjis . . denial, vision. Wo.1. &4dis.- I l l Filer Avo. 7350verf£erfond FuII*Timo Position.in. ; Shoshone; Richfield, IF you live In tho IF you live In th e 1 1 10 now on city lols, ready firoepiaco. p it Aldorwood ability insuranco. ApplyA'pp in ,733-7300 67W 04i1040 ■ M oilvalod pors'on withiih , , Picatjo, Carey,'__ . - RUPERT area S are ; _^ R U P E R T a r e a s are Ii f f l j n B B rI jmovo Into. Can help >>oors)ors. Q uiet, pr^itio ------pofBon-Ql-674-Easll j f S .- ranowmobile & ATV-SDr^ Ighbofhoodt^cellftnl. - Dfetrlch i'Bellevue Interested In being a Interested Ih being a ■HAii|-B«Iiicatum ■ -withith financlno with ap- - no i - i i 1 i i i i corroctnoss c< on Ifio first ^atl Fi •Dollvery foreman doy that it runs, os Tho nice.ce. Below ap p raisal a t bath. 2 ------Papa Murphy's needsods 2 Supcn/lsodopanmoniond 132 3rd St. W. X m T T K X X X * h. 2 cor gerago. nicoly MISCELLANEOUS ...... outgoing, onorgollc po J ; Twin Falts. Tlmos-NowsTl is not re­ 599,500.539<199. londscidscapod. fodwood . Filnoss/aoroblcslnatr Poo; warehouse. Load .dnv9 r. sponsible for errors of- Reaealtor ow ned. J e n ta n dock, s I w!.ri positionT otol I lor deliveries. High com- ;k. sprinkler system. __tor waniod. Mon. W THE TIMES-NEWS THETIMES-NEWS ter fi mat timo. Reiteal EtiJita 837*6116. 570,900),000. Call 734-8727.a Ffi. 9amO0am. Pjior>.«; A. P'OP person & 1 oveniioning rnunication skills. Salary1;; ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Pi222 mokor. Musi I CURRENTLY HAS CURRENTLY HAS _ perionco roq. Call YW st 00 based on oxporionco.0 . G erm ans bdrm. 2 TwifTBN FALLS. 3 bdrrt)..2 avail, wknds 799 Choni THE FOLLOWING -= Ith, Vi aero lot in now batti,brl 733-4384. '0"oy Ploaso present rosumo a>ot GOODING (5) THE FOLLOWING -= ^^^= = = bath tl, brick, gas heat, cov* ------SALES 204 Main Avonuo North, INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT 5 0 2 - 8ubcibdivlsion. S99.S00.or. _.orodid potlo.p. ilroplaco. . - MISCELLANEOUS do. Caa 20e-736-0142Jl sprlnkloiInklers. Porgo llootino., ’ 3NNEL A owned and opor-op( Cains Homo Furnishings. N E W S P A P E R N E W ^ A P E R I CAR WASH PERSON^ i 'kirkA -k'k-k oly decorated, cleani iionJor ated company in busine:m ess WAREHOUSE ROUTES ON THE ^ 3EHMAN. only *82.500 |jj« ly « Full-iime positions open ROUTES ON THE HOMESFOR SALE [ ^ st sesl S90.900..625 - day shid at Magic VaUcJa\iol% 'or over 100 years h aas s ani warehouse Operator. Full ir now 3 bdrm,, 2 bath, Must 86 W EST SIDE OF EAST SIDE OF iwood.Call733-3718.a Imosi car caro com opening for a Cusfomom er jjfno job. Exporionco t h e t Im e s - n e w s aroaraoewiihooonor. Lynwooc T W IN F A L L S TW IN F A L L S • golli ______Must be al loasi 17 ;inri Servleo Ropnaenlotiv required in invonlory IS CURRENTLY ( PUBUC SERVICE .,'0_ranBoAOW ” ^C.^ JrwiFRN FA L L S . 3 b d r m ...... - -jl-you.are'jigg>«6&ver6? MESSAGE 2 carmamtanance oxiorlor, ' ' brick:k h(homo on Ig. loi In - to n irotrnysiorDpDtgtionsT5“ ------COOKINGTOR” ' “ hconso. ExcoUent workonikinn *' soH-sioner. looking? r Of Musi have o Class A CDL, ROUTE eoo ~ Soiling property? Don't pay — ^ ulled ceilings, oak trim. Sawwtooth toc School Oist. INDEPENDENT JR condiiions. Ploaso) aplooiv secure, steady emplot>lo‘y ondorsomeols NHT or bo Skylane Trailer Park i2200^M^C^eDr. u av! nyfoos unill ifa sold. For ^ ced™ right for quick solo. AC, ,S93,000.733-7152JiS93 in person Monday Itiroihrouoh ^3vo aa pipo- able lo obtoin ono. Fax; R O U T E S 2200-2300 Hlllcrest Dr. free roo information about 37-6402. S30-6402.B fyTTTTFN FALLS. NEW4 Friday 8 am to 3 pmom It si'non for you. We off. 500-70amAvo.W 600-1000 Cypress Way 1-800.076-7060. * *J * * * * * * * * * 663WhiiWhispering Pino.M. sprinkler lo'cman 4A 'j as- 54fl. Twin Falls. ID 83303303 p ro fe rro d . S h ip p in g &S 700-800 7lh Avo. W B B i n s m - - - 200^) sistani nu»sory manag ------receiving. Must bo 18 yrs.i. 600-800 8in Avo. W 259 Pheasant Rd. Wost HUD * VA Homes TWINI FAIFALLS. Rural Itvi.ng Must have abitiiy to» wc r » s a l e s — ------old. Cleon dnvmg rocord izbo BIk. Twin Villa Loop lank Owned Homos at itsts fit finesti Charming crow Outside sales representz d 200-700 Among ■ 5 0 ^ s S i o r . C • A — F7I won with clionis & ere a,High School Diploma.'• 200-300 Toxas 200 BIk. Villa Circio heHesaTeam.Com brick:k hehomo, 3 bdrm,;-2 • ______oxcellent pay & bcnel'neliis needed - Greal earr —Ex.c^boQolilsJncludtno. _ _2^0.Blk.j:resi-^ __ I/EST YOUR TAXES------.bathroihrono-iovoirgroat------Please" “ m g 'P o tc n n a rP fe v to o a------300-900 Ulah------GUARANTEED ^2 “ ioQuallfieffporson. Pica 'oj's vacation & holiday pay, ~ ROUTE 803 I2200 BIk. Filer Ave. E. a now homo for your ro oim. m . handcrafteld ' onl at sales expononce helpli ______AD______-T ifiv i call lor appoinimcnl J & 4 01K, Fax ro-^ _ If you llvo In this area S JOO-200 J_ Blk. Calionio Dr. 500-700 BIk. Rimview B uj family, trimi/d /doi o o rs, P o lla win* are Intoreslod In being a ------Drive------— p I niVeetwfnd-Homes- a r dows.ts. ccentral*v3eTT-+------sumo to 20B-788-2069.“eV a " 'fain. Call Jutie days 208208- Buy the Guaranteed 732*5710 f rnuch:h m moro. 734-8217. — — 25 J -2 900 orevo:, 0 S WELOER/FABRICATOR— - . 100-200 BIk.'Coronado MISCELLANEOUS —package*andThe- • 1-888-310-9037 ' S212K.3'’K.3t43Woodrid9&B Mm. 3 yrs, oxp. alt facots ~ Please call Dialrlet 100-200 1 El Camino Ave. ROUTE 736 . I Idmrredraio pos'lions avc ----- structural labncation, road^ Manager 2100 Filar Ave. E. Times News guar- 1 , 0 M E .6 b d r m . 2V^ TWIN1 FALLS.FA Spacious )wing SALES ----- ablo lot tho (ollowir blueprints and have toolsJ 733-0931 ext. 346. ■ ■ ROUTE 80S '. 2) . anteesto sell mer- . h. ■ i 2 firoplaces.'2700 “ naw counlrycoui homo on pn"^------positions 2100 BIk. OakwoddCt. = of the trade. Leadership t - i t i i 1 t Lazy J Tralior Park 2100 BIk. Rusty Cl. w chandiseor------ft. V, aero, now win* vale 55 Oiaero lot.' 340 0 -sg. Position: Insldo skills a plus. Benelits vs, pool. Ig, RV shod, It.w/atlai^attached dbl. garage, • •• ✓ Bilingual People Neodicoded Advorlloing Solo® W K A A A K K Fawnbraak Apts. 400 BIk. Rusty Ln. automotive ' items sq ti ... pkg./advancement. Omni- . 19.900. 529 Highland bonuslis rdo- ■ - ✓-Lab-Tech------in 7 days and real dows, .® frac,\.aGrando.OFl'.54l.• JEROME' (5) ROUTE 821 Call 20S-324-6576.a tochedled (dbl. garago.'fo* ✓ Fish Processor Solos Supervisor si5 9 . 963-0139 ask for Pamela. 100-600 3rd Avo. E • , BO u t e z ^ estate in 15 days HOME. Custom Bum " " "ilic ' I ; m aster suite ✓ Farm Worker A_A i i 1 1 t 1800 b lko f 4th Ave E or we will rerun' ^ tied lub, Ig. wolk*in ✓ Lumber Yard Responsible lor: 100-600 4IHAvo. E jm e. 3 bdrm. 2 both, 400-500 bik of t^ladrona ' ' JERC ol, 4 bdrm. 3 h bath. ✓ Fish Processors . Generating advenismg rev the ad an addition* 3on Moor ptan. lots ol S ,? ! ;,:, 200-400 tifomingside Dr al 7 days. There ras! Overlooks foinway ), Oh|bright counlty kitch- ✓ Journeyman or appro:jpren- enue for Tho Timos-Non: ROUTE 822 l family rm. Forfr)ol THETIMES-NEWS 1 400 bik of Wakefield Jerom e County Club. ' ; iicccieciricians Ihtough community page:i l I 100-700 BIk. 2nd Avo. E • Is a S3 exlra ig& living rms. Maplo ' Please apply m person'i;on' or and small business LOT IS CURRENTLY charge lor Ihe “ '”oEdna at 208-324-5734. . ROUTE 780 •oidtmon Realtors , 1°°'®-s. 2 ^ gas liroplacoe, contact; Oovolopment, The positior LOOKING FOR RQ U T§iSS • guaranteed canE< scoped yd. I^ny.olfj* Q will include prospecting 200-300 Carnage Way it 733-1988 SOS STAFFING INDEPENDENT JR ■100-500 ” Heyt)urn Ave. W 2C package. Ads Foi m onlties. Prlt:o R E S O U R C E S5 now accounts, ad design,5 1 1(X}-3Q0 Cedaqjark e; Noed A Homo? S242.0001.000. Cad 326-4050.H ^ fj customer service, and ECHNICIAN R O U T E S may be cancelled _____ 663 Blue Lakes Blvd. N id ROUTE 862 Circle c Twin Foils Area - Twin Falls. ID 8330104 ' coqlnbuting ideas to3 . Full-Time Posilion at •A V A ILA B LE IN T H E 100-500 Filer Avo. W 2200-500 Whispering early for customer n Boise Area? iii ^ (208)736-4473 theme pages. All jobD busy Dealership. JEROME AREA. 1001 BIk. Wirsching Ave. convenience but • ioHessToam.Com | q3U u t T-0F, s t a t e :’ — ... duties Will Ce dono through Pine r( “ 9^ Excellent Working Wasl ■ 40 the charge will IL- J M eadowbrook I PRPF O PERTY I PUBUSI^NC loiephono, lax. mail and 400 Bik. Woodland Ct. remain the same, id. 4 bdrm. 1 ^ bath, ______NEWSPAPER__------— ccrrospondenco. Must s. Conditions, ROUTE 866 ■___ 1 ___ _ }vol. cornor lol. hoot QUARTZS ______INTERNSHIP____ - c w w o t k m g wilh otherslefs- Comptehensive Befieliis- - - lTZSFE.AZ.,Cold&______' For Magic Vaiioy Student! 300-400 BIk Brackon N. » q Subd.ipS95.000438-2fl54.B‘ “ snowgon/getting to you, groat lonij in a |qq^ environment.M. Package. Musi b e 18 100-800 East Avo. H 3i tri-lov( 700 Soulh Fillmore 400 BIk Rosa St. N. ^ s h o n e ------winterir hoihome. 2 bdrm. mo- Tlie Trmos-Nows. a 24,00 years old. Idafio Drivers ...... 1' " p u m p300 l Approximotely 8 bilo honhome w/covorod Mail resum e to; Attontion ROUTE831 ~ 1 locatod in Gold Star circulatron tJaily ncwsp:['spa- tnsido Soles Manager,,f Licet^e required with < If you llvo In this area i ______sTIo sIS. h homosite with farm 100-400 Bik. Monroe m e lie Homo Park. Coll . I’Of in Twin Falls, oilersers a jlic Tirtios-Weivs. P.O.y clean record. are Intorested In t>olng a und north of Sho-. vaiiuly ol paid summor ir On BUHL “ S ' j620or.520-927-6867 'O/'f’- Box 548. Twin Falls, ID .Drug Free Woik Place. newspaper carrier... 1100-1200 Park Viaw no, 5 shoros wator, tornshics tor colloge’sii Please c.ill District Man­ 1100-1200 Park Way ROUTE 854 rosic^VeSTORS - 2 HOMES! g rood u r rood, nico views, A • Stu- 83303. You may also stop‘°P . Equal Oppor1uni:y . On 0 comer lot in o nico ’ shono denis (oroxcepiionalhig bythe.ollicolocatedail ager. 733-0931 ext. 346. 1000-1200 Sparks N. 400BlkAltair Fi y commute to Sun 1 .^ 5 1 3 I • school students) wh ^ .Employer. .• 500-600 Bik Jackson osidontial ' area near Foris pavedav. Call TOM LLOYD lA C RREAGES^l^TSl E A " f ’ o W. Main(A£7-WccWy Field in Buhl lor only e a s y i grow up m our circulaiio'a'lon annex Owldmg) in Twin R0UTE894 30C300-400 Meadows Lane D •3924 or 420-3350. j I s Join (he 1 p m ,.. 'k-kirkirkic S70.000, Call Jim. , Valley533 BUHL*.* GrtGroat building siio. Falls. Tlw rirnes.Wovvs is ‘ Avcnidn Del Rio 700 81k Newport ’ ^ a drug.lree workplace, 17 acrescros in Melon Volloy. Ttie (joai ol our iniornshii Apply In Person ~ Camarillo Way Sail 543-5953.W iship Equal Opportunity Las Lagos Itf yyou live on the EAST BARKER ^ I * n J l Call ■ piOQram IS to ctiltivaie pc Employer .... - sh Realtors ^ ^ P'LERI Nonh.-groat-viow; Noi "icniinitong^term-emptov 1534 BJue Lakes BlvdN, Mlni-Cassla- side of Twin Falla A aro b u HL Call 543-43711 ll/I Interested In being en o|q( ^ ^ I V I 2800SQ.ISQ-ll. home. 4 bdmi, COS who would tiko lo'livif l i SALES Twin Falls, ID . If you live on the West ATE REALTY. INC. 3 bath.Fir Motor Routes Jsido o f Twin Falls A oro JHLi Musi soo to appro- h,Firoplace, covered anu work in the Twin FallFalls 00 Your Own B oss. 735-3900 734-0400 patio.. UndergroundUnc sprln- area For mat reasonson E>colient opporiumiy for a Inlerested in being a POper carrier... ia io Ih is c h a rm in g 3 STAT Independent newspaper Voase contact District jr,a/icidrm,. 2 both homo with FALLS MU5IS.IIII , 30'* 50' shop on 31 those mtornshipc aro. hmInn! moiivatcd sell starter Attn: Scrvicc Manager , The Times*News is IS w /g a to d p ip e . carrier... Manager ot 733-0931 cious/indow soot in latgo dm- ■ ms.. , 1 bam, S04,000. ■tec) 10 siuUents wtio0 atat- Possible S3000 00 to looking lor p ^U n1.000. r,Z 934-4281 br lenood htgti school inn Ihlino S5000.00 per month. Please contact DIstrlcI 0x1348 ig/living room area. Spa- t w innocall732-8566H f < Incfepcndanl Molor ious kitchon, utility roqm. 3 bdnn; 11971 Magic Valley or Wooga'lndepenctent __ 3.900.735-9560. JEROME^E counlryc living,-7 • Nows Heponing . •30. Twin Falls. Idaiio hasa s G o lo Molor Route carrier - lo nbyOtvr?0f,com*lfl36 c o _acros.i. full fu wator, groat ^ S 1 1 3 . • Edilm^'Paye Design a sales position opening.ig. w w w .P e r s o n n e l.c o m or subsitute please IFALLSNowera Ji',°'^38,5138,500.324-3407B • Atlvoriismf) Sales Bilingual hclplui. Earning soililby ^ALLS or call 733-7300 • stop by I BUSINESS I ^ 1, 2 baih homo, w/2 TWIN FALl • CuMomer Sorvico potential. S50K first year FA X f ' t w i ngarage. f Morning- Buildingig Site,S 10 acres. I OPPORTUNITIES I Health Insurance benelits. m V 'O’Leary school dis- S55.000.}00. Call Gale lor II you are inictesioc) m'OX- ox 401K. stock options Call The Tlmes-Ndws Burley ’■ ’ ■ car ga inlormaiion. ofllconl325 1/2 E5th Y O U R L . asking $95,900, moroinlor oiofing a car-.-O' withth ■'jr ^ DEPARTMENr _!:£ bdrm_homo_QrL5lt^______■734*3373—^734 .. ------pllcnM on and sign• n Fedetal employment inlor- ■ Business Opportumiy “SWii ” a™oir 'opfcs'.'niaiivo saniiiics ot c®o uo East in TF, You'll *^ , ^ yoiii wofk 10 Qosombly Pamt, coloror mation.is tree Remem- _ 208-734-.5538 Conimotc-al Pfopomes : ,i<»°_bdmany nico feaiuros FALLS-200 ' acres. matct'ing or vinyl applica- tjor, no one can promise '''■ ThcHossToam.com («ca.lakg) II Ul«ga] Ig ocfvtnJM AvcnuoSing stool siding; now "liilion ’'"'O" gallons water cii you a ledetal job. For Iroo .)d ' lojiillf. Wtioii'you rtiilo .O R _ I per day...... Mnry Knrrcn lion a plus. Must be a sell I windows; o high P' ,i. inloimniion about lederal your ' cliiwiliod .-id lio suio ' m 0,0 sMInooor lawn I S '.dovilscorral.com • , . - Human Resources, siartof and quality orient­ iH.iJoij unduisi.liwl your’ ^208-677-4543 >c«. color. i.iifliVi.* io“? 'ncludinloncy gas lurnaco, tio |obs. call Catoer America ' business. Trailer, tractor, andup. tamiiie/(Uiui, or vinyl w iO-357-4734 ■ Coordlnnlor ed Apply m pi'icon: Lytle mosMQi) - spijli cl out mowor, ininmor. and proioi •ol oir & n g a s tiro- Signs 1925 Kimberlyly Connection. 912-757.-3000 — (B U R LEY ) n The Tlmos-Nows ■biovaiowor W1II1 lawn accounts. I. The linishod bsm t TWIN FALLS* FALi 5 aero Tot ■...... P.O. 8 0 x 548 -Road.-Twin Falls Wo ore 326-6564 or420-0229B Jn^^rrolertn;g. llmliJi7on or id o s a n a d d itio n a l w/covenanenants. S o l TF. Nb 3 a drug free workplace. Itedmlnallon.' Fsmlllat P'aCO.1 & a cozy lamily MFGhomclomos, 734-7285j Twin Falls. ID 03303 lalui tncludti ctiliaian providi , SOCIA^ERVICES , S87.900. Call KEN fw iN FALLS..2.acrc.tot FALl ______, DwicJlin_p March 15,.200101 Looking lor successlul BA Ilh*' para'ni's^ol® M 7 3 ^ 7 :3909: 1197545- - ' w / u K:. & road,n Easi Twin The Timo5-N('wr. is a drug- MONEY TO LOAN !!oS;»io'i Doatorsiiip, Excellent avail,ii;i” HI ?. locations. •000-B76-70G0. BILE HOM ES , wotktng conditions, Cotn-). is a c c c p l i n g n pplications p l i ftir Wnlkinj; Kcsititinsi nnd n c.in bo 0 soiirco of i additional I H-i.'inii »‘jKin» olfor.Call2t:oll 200-326-5458.B flQi S Lincoln MORTGAGES J license. Apply m person, — JEROMEE 14x70.14 2 bdrm,, ./(•romt!, ID Monclay-Friday at Gary's5 incoinc U'hik'vini gotgo paid for your niorninjng walk. Some 324-3900 SS CASH NOW SS ' t a | | M wall lo wall carpot, Fieoway RV, Exit 182 oH Iho gooc • ■ and II ro iiU ’S ,a l .s o q C i.i l i f■ yfor f o n sign-on.bomis of upip Id S50.(H), Forcir Contracts &Mongogosi goodios plus deck Intotsiale 04 Plunse ask and shod.X). CCall 324-3300.S I63-I Blue Laker. DIvdNJ lor Dave Hermanson.I. If y iu i

JEROME. N/co 2 bdrm. TTWIN FALLS 3 bdrm . i TWTWINFALLS ^ AIL your classified od ^ [ W d a y , M arch 2,20(12001 , ...... lownhouse, all appls. No bath, now duplex, carport. FllsrAve. Fll« E ast-1700 sq. r " " " " " 6i 6— ~ | to u s o i ■ 702 smoklno/pots. S495. _ali,'appl3JJW . 5575.mo..-i-. __tt.^Iofco-receptloxi-foom.. tt. . ■[ROOMMATCSWf^ " _twvlnadOmlcron.nsI lf ------| _ F A■ARM/RANCH R ______■ F1ojwcblia)0:324^13«' “ $400 dop. Call 736-9269. 4 4 private olficos. =fi4METT,VAUEY- - - I S UIPPUES/EQl^ P P I _____ ■ kiMBERLY. Clean studio. TTWIN FALLS Largo 1 bdrm FlIor AvB. E ast - 1300 sq, TWIIWIN FALLS roommato — ~ ; |;theaciDESONBRID()G E ^ BoblyWolEr" ^ ft., main floor. 600 sq , ft. waiwontod, 5 bdrm, 3 both, 2 . . . LIVESTOCK S275. Incls. appls. No In I quiot historic district: 11- Annual John Hsyes BEANfPLANTER, PL Mono- pott.lHA.Cail423-9659.« S400/rt>o, + S300 deposit. bosement, carcorgorago.S475/n>o,lncl. Rent NagoUsbl0 utiJrutiJiti08.'^vls731-e77U Mem orial Auction. somo.1. bean bo S'boel plant- • - ,HUPERT------6 mo..loa80^No.»mok.------Dairy Heiter o ^ n - ^ ------er,-4 ael!aels platos.-Ahways------t i h e i r lucfc b u r N O R T H - j . 2 ak ' ' Taking opplicallons tor Ing/pois. Available 3/17, Csll 734-5380. ■ TWiIWIN FaL lS . floommalo' cof\ 1 0 774 4 2 ♦80S' <••Hear the quiet! _ 737-3969.B - fwTWIN FALLS. 500 -sq, fl, L i 5895 eves.'■ ^ ‘ Examine the playlay of today’s no- A A Q JJ106J '*‘7 • ■ ofticb w/1000 sq, ft. shop,' BULilULLS Black Angus. Fall <>'Y-,Slg00.7y.7855. ^ BoRSEfFE TRAILER. 4 place* '.Inim p gom e. Wouldild a second look LaurdParic Apartments 2'• bdmi, 1V) balh. M ndo, S565/mo. SJ Call 736-6246,* yeayearlings & 2 yr. old. Out H O RSIS E . 9 yr. Old m are. ExcoMen(Ment cond. S3000 , have solved West’s’s problem?p . SOUTH ' 176 Maurica Slreot • NoarCSI.SSOO-fdop. TWTWIN FALLS. Bo a p a n ol fo( ' ‘ Top Al siros. So'men ArabiaDian, rcducodS650'o«ef. .731-53495349 or 237-6925M A A Q J 7 Twin Foils - 733-0139 or 420-6935.a Histonc Hi Old Tow no. Re- tested & ready to work. Bayo'CoKy. Call326-6541.B l E A T'CUTTER c u BEES i ' . F e a rin g E a s t mightmi] hold only For moro info call Micho h o ^ • V K 9 6 • 734-4195 fTWIN FALLS. EXCEP- lallandprolosslonalspac-' 'a' SE . Small lOyr.maro. loose( cell.cell 182 gal. 2,200 Nflve h e a rts. Southh nrefused to win A ngus, Emmoit-. ID o h ‘v . ♦ A 9 3 . fwiN i FALLS 1 bodroom T/OWAt:2 bdrm. D/VV. e s (or lease in.iho Roger- .'vorygontlo.Beenrid- porgal.]al. Asking- Sl0/gai - his h eart king a ftec r iE ast h ad cov- .. 208-365-7399B rto n *K42 .... Appls. Incl. All ulil. paid. irolrig.i rango. disposal.' ^ son Mall. Call 734-6032.B ^ n by childr'on'& In 324.85373537 or-280-11^5 . ered W est’s h e a rt; 10 with his jack. S435-.-dep, 733-9141 ., iprivate util, rm, w/W/D ^ , BULIlULLS Reg, Block Angus' rodeoeo^.S800.324.6651.B picKUP; ------L_-608- - = n -bullbuHs-S-heiler9r5-2yr::0W- ■c t q o ------South-then wonEasI^ast’s-spade'Bhift— Vuliiei^^leTNorlh'Soiilh ^ ^ -hook-uprAC72 spaco' ■ " CK TRAILER 1611. w'waiorirKtTTrir; LoisotexUaD’ virgin bulls. 4 - yearling n&R b and ratUe(i off fours]ir spade winners,. Dealer■rEasl E - 1 both. W/D hookup, some- Iparking. No pots or smok- I , bumpor pull. 1 yr.'old SlO.OOO,.000, Call West £ny ' ingSSOO. 734-6360H. • | .virgin bulls. 7- yearling .' , Call r 543-6896B Sprayinglying 208-'543-B623 '• . h;West'8ignaling vidkidlently with his oppl. S475/mo.-»S250 ' heilors. to chooso from, ____ L dop. No pots. 543-e277B. r club queen. Goingg aafter-his. ninth T he blddidding: . TWIN FALLS. U rg e clean ^ COMMERCIAL vlr{(not pickod over) Proven ' Buy, Mii.ionis or swaowiin PLANTERTER (2) Monosen 1 bOmi, apt, Waler & g as U” trick, South led a diamond to TWIN FALLS------RENTALS . . ,virt& losiod. ready to go, CaJi a cia«lasntiooaa 733 0931 NO* 12 row.i 22'. Mic^o 1 ^ . pd. No pots/smokIng, I South West North Gartten Apis, quiot, I hoii S. liquid tortiiizer ■ dum m y’s king to leace ad a h eart from 2 «* 543-5283 or 539-52831 jR A Il 2NT Pass 3NT atira«ivo.2&.3bodroom. $325/mo.-fdep. 734-9450. . ers, 515,500.12) A- .dummy. East wpn TWINFALLS ^------=------(f’OlATTLE • Yearling Sim- bum pn h is a ce. a n d All pass 1 bath. Microwavo. OW. ” TWIN FALLS. Ouiet 2 ' RoioiiUj spaces available for &mental J' bulls and hoilors. comp, /, 12 row. 22- cutti- •S.2130 -2030. '956 , W est com pleted hisIIS iecho in ciubs, -wcaklw: two-bid • laundryfacility.nopeis.'' bdrm. 2 balh deluxe - pi lease. 2272 sq. ft a n d 543good quality and reason- I6 6 I . dropping th e six. Csll Today, 73S-7105 energy otlicieni apl. 2022 sq. II. al 870 Blue CATable prices. 326-5056,B w M Tri flodels. S3500 A TWIN FALLS Large 2 S52S/mo.-Elovaior. Lakes BlvON. II mterosled moi ITED S5000.10. (4) (. 620 a 6200 . Dutifully, East.sv^.switched to his — OpeningIg lilead: H eart 10 - — ^ :ATTLE-Rock-Croek-An- HoiHolstem calves ano grain dril bdrm. duplex. Central AC.” “ socuro'■ underground park- 'snj' please coniaci C onnie or goo idrllls,-S3500 4-up-:— • •pingletbn club, Westest's 10 winning Ing. newer building, gus Ranch Production- cross cr< bred calves. C a i'208-'2O0-731-1657B ,S650/fi», 734-4120. Loioy Atwood ablis a le . Sat. M arch 10. t 539 •when South duckerked. But when 1 bJJ ■ • 734-2556. I'l 1-800-269-6348-B 39-t418ord2O-20O3 h o GAT<3ATQR 85.S 1995. HDW ITH TH E ACES “ iTWIN FALLS------^ _ p.m. Rockland. ID. Selling , ;;w e5t cashed hisI acace, ho p in g to ______, trailer, tanks, purrn • 3->B Nower. boaulitui energy T W I N F A L L S .S o n .o r TWlNFALLS1.OOOsq.lt., A\ gujI0.2yr.oidbolls,48year.. e „ J J _____drop South’s king,ig. South could elflclent.1,2 & 3 bdrm. Ihousing. Clean-1 bdrm, —overhead door, restroom, salling bulls. 30yoarling heil- Met, Tack "m'.'SI . compieie setup 9-000.862-3278.1 claim his'hte'e \rihhei ap'ts. Allordablo prices. -aptrSlovo'Si refrig.rOW. '•%8’xl5'olhce. Highland p.mers. 10 bred hoilors. Jilrr 4 holds: agenencpm iorg' . _ . W as W e s t th e^“ vi limofbad Income restrictions apply. AC. < siorago unit & patio. Ave. E. Call 423-541 !.■ 10.v/oodwonn 548-2312 Mon A 1 0 9 6 Bingo & cards weekly. In­ • C oupe' 91 P o a ^ -tuck, o r of poor coun Call Fawnbrook Apts. I ATTLE. Reg. Black M Jt C SPRA- Co lunting? South's V 10 como based. W/O & ga- •••••••••••••' r ^1. mafatX/p.m. m arkerler.C ( om puter ra;c- (or dolails 31734-1600. < Angus 30 bulls. 15-2yr. n „ play should havee giveng West a ♦ 10 7 4 2 EHO. H«ndicapp«d ragosi avail. 208-73S-030S. p,* )oo/i open ol nx.ptn comroiieroller. Etcol cone,' accBtlble. TWIN FALLS bulls. EPD-sonall !£2-327da clear picture of Ea*East’s distribu- A A Q J 10 6 . TWIN FALLS. SpaciOUS. 3 pn BluoUkos CAIanimals. Jim 9 326-4729 f CoQjf ' el Twin FoH$ 2°B-6£2-2 tion. After South:h Mls.i Taking opplicaiions'tor • rTWIN FALLS - 2 bdrm.. 1- - moved. S19.500.677-382i ♦ doposiL 734-2347 or 736-9919 arro s T rs after th a t tirpe. will beI soldsc in st»«iii loiotiont. i ci.v,-,!;:i.v.-yi.c3 3820 S475 dep. 736-0322.■__i waiting lisl. 1. 2 . 4 3 bdrm. bath. Slovo. relng. OW & r = i JEROME. 3 bdrm. 2 botham apis. Mountain Voiw East BRAWLEV REALTY :WIN Pa FALLS no t r W/D.Nopots.732-0895.B 734-5836 jnni i . • 5 1 9 " mobile homo in Villagoigo 678-9141 . jhop/Warehousc/ Office. Q(fQ, TWIN FALLS • BEAUTI- Eves, E & wknds, 324-4603 hoi ^EMETERYLOj^rs West. No pets.-Long term 1000 sq . ft., w aronouse. ’™ BURLEY 2 bdrm. lorao FULNEWSbdrm. 2path. 57 Easiiand Dr. 1 * ^ S S loase, S500/mo. * deposit. bsmt. S320 por month + Z ero loi duplex, rolrig. WENDELL . Nice 2 bdrm , 2001 TWIN FALLS. 2 comoior apis, lor ronl. Subsidi2Cd. lOOO Os sq. ft., olfico. w are­ TheTimees-ISews OlOJy 324-8903 or 788-4305. dop.67e-0712/67e'.2l98- rango, microwavo. OW. p -.plois if» Sufisol Momofiai Equal Housing Opponun- 142(house. Ostrander. KIMBERLY. Very Clean disposal. W/D hook-up. . . S1.200oa. 480-937.5447.1 FILER. Nowor duplex. 3 ' ■Ily. Low ronlal rales, :000 Str sq . (t.. olficc. shop. — iS smalt 2 bdrm. houso, car­ .gas (iroplace; conlral bdrm. 1 balh. appls.. ' Call.535-6244.« . 390Osirander. 5 2 0 port. shed, partial base-Sf- garage. DW. S65G/moi. . air/heal, ' paiio, 2 car ga- _ I 420 o l: sq. ft., olfico. L0 CUSI d mont. S450/mo.+S200•,M *650. dep. 326-5047.B •. rago,; desirable locaiion, ^ Street Soulh. ■ iSIFIE REAL ESTATE 3D I - 605 - Km CLAS dop. 433 Polk St. VJ. Call no smoking, no pels, I WANTED |R00M £F0RR6t^ 90 sq, ft. - 5340 sq.fL. . I M A 1 4 e t P ( ei ,c e _ 423-4140. olior 5:00 p.m.m. HAtLEY S695, Call 734-6360.H | . oMtco. warehouse. " ------M;V.--MogIcAdB Scrvicos^ ------BALMORAL-APTS.—■ " f m iN FALLS - Clean quiot “ Kimberly Road * Now* , ~ JEROME Holiday Moiol magicads-mall.com/ront comlortablo 2 bdrm., apts. SlOO&upwkly. . 401 W. For more iiilo. on th o se 8 , Allordablo • • Please print clcatarly w ith dark pencil »ir' /-AX Apt. S Homo Rontala S475- S495, W.D,. D,W,. Mam. Call 324-2361 ^___.oihofs.cail-Slovo______h n r p e n ' l243 Lynwood MoUT.F.I■ Luxury A.C., siorago. no pols, r)o = Hallows Property Mgmt _ * * N O W I* * smoking. Call 735-0473.B TWIN * 1 FALLS S95/wkS349- I 734-4334______• A ppro.\itn;ircly 2 ^ >p.iccs including hhii■’la n k YOUR SHOSHONE. 3 bdrm..■ 2 2 l.2.3bdrm. = mo. Spcc/al. Microwavo. I „ baihtrir, houso. S450 mo."0, 578-111pB TWIN I FALLS - Nower 2 rclng. " &utils.incl.735-r985 > p;icc-i. Availabiu March I5ih. Call bdrm, duplex, carport, ylil, = r 6 1 0 I TWIN FALLS rooms, fwii evenings aie86-2560.a■ HA2ELT0N. Irm. No smoking/pets. ‘' STORAGE/ • W c will in'til'y vi','i>u il th e re i> ;i ^j''eciitl,!:iil.i^i'iUL: AD ^— ■ Now taking applications: S425/mo,Call733-3742.a• S80/wook, * microwavo. WAREHOUSE j RENTAL TIMES CU^SSIFIED E D TWIN FALLS ^ Syrlngo Estalos. fi rolrig. Ulililics pd. Cablo □'«, tm w hich ini'fjhr.r. re>ulr.in a iliscoiinreJ.'J p[• n c c rf Lookotthlsl TWIN F A L L S -N o w l/ro -. TV, t no pois.1201 KimBor------‘ DEPARTMENT 1 bdrm. apts. Quiet 8. w ell' , VIN FALLS. 12.000 sq. a 3 Be'droom. 2 Both modeled 2 bdim.. duplex, ly Rd. or call 735-0232.B • ^ litK- n'linim uinV - • pri\';ue Parry O nly maintained for the elderly .S475.mo.Call734-4i20B ~ II. warcBouso. Lg. otircos. i 208-734-55380 425 Park Terraco Dr. . • 62 yrs. ol ago or older. = TWIN FALLS-Capn Moiol. IHent/saiQ 'Fj Call 733-1359. - Slovo. Rolrig.. Foncod^ Handicappo^isablod _ JTWIN FALLS 1 bdrm. W /p 1341 , Kimberly Rd.SlOO/- i i * 3 — — yard. 2 cor Qoregor- - 208-6^-4543 - . • rogardloss ol ago. - -hookup,-siove/relrig. lull- ~wl>. S385'mor733-B452-^ '100 For moro inlo. Call Mirkio bsm t..approx. lOOOsq ll.. I 6 1 1 I {BURLEY) i° Fodoraily Assisted TWIN FALLS. MOTEL 3 I waiFARMS FOR RENT I ----- Hollows Property Mgml Housing. Coll 629-4206, J no pets. S400.423-4532. 'J . 734-4334 ' SlOO/wk &S360/monlh Im- 5 2 1 __ Handicap AccossibleH. TiTWIN FALLS 248 gj, 2nd Avo W. 733-5630 BEE00^ Beres't.nrm"iana~ASB BN U um ber of Dnvs - 3 l 1 i n e . s C o s t MANUFACTURED;D tw in FALLS . 3 bdrm.. 2 2 Equol H ousing 1,1,2 and 3 Bedroom Apis. 7 water. 2 mi. S. ot K asola M HOMES balh, nowly romodolod.}d. O pportunity. !Stanmg al S300 monihly ■ 606 lni-ct)ango.gfO Call 678-7974 ^1- , 1 J ; t v s ...... S 1 ^ .7 0 ^ gas heat. AC. crodil chock - up 10 S695 monihly. ■ .JEROME- 2 bdrm,. 1’7 ’ MIOBILE H O M ES. lEET 43{ STOCK 210 sn a re s. RLEH '90 Guofdon. singlenn| . required. S550ymo S500 Slop >n 10 pick up ■ bath, patio. W/D.- S48S • ' ■______BLIILease wiih or w/oul 4 - 7 dav> ...... wido2bdfm...l balh. mus:rZsi dcp. Coll Tracoy 736-8503. a renial sheet. L ground C ali-431-2t47 or I* .... iii 324-38J1 or 324.8499.B , ^vl|l ■ movo, $34,000, 326-6515515, tw in f a l l s 2 bdrm. 150 OrcallMickie. 438-5573 alter 6. .JEHOM_E- WINDWOOD - i ...... s - t : . o o ' FILER 4 bdrm.. 2 bath.57fT M a d is o h . S 5 0 0 , C a ll - 1061 eiuo Laves Bivd Njm04_ -FILER~ \ 2Jjd;m.-l bath„ - ...... “ A P A R T M E N T S ►Hallows Property Mgmt 1, 3LISS, 73 larmable acr^s -Chadwick good sonscn so .733-9658!,;. loncod yard, S350 monlh __ 921 South Davis./^ow 734-4334 with barn & coral Grnvny i ^ 6 - 1 0 a a v . s S 7 ^ . ^ 0 'OvOf 1600 sqH-326-48851as« TWIN FALLS 2.bdrm.■ .• taking applications (or 1. - S300 deposit. Call iirigatod ‘• Hay S pasiuro. S - ...... ■ . PAUL. Broadmoro,'7777 garago.’'4 5 t Sih Avo. N.. 734-8335 nlior Gpm ■ • Will Ink'e'rdason'ablo offer ''■. 2 i]3.bd«m , unils Ronl 4 bdrm. 2 balh, appls. ^ (liicliuikS M ii;:ic\’iilii[n o , .'\}:'Wccklv iinJ In tern:c riu 'i) - ' 14X66w/tipout. 3bdfm,m,2 2 S450-dop. 736-0322 ^ subsidized .^JHUp.Rcm _ FILER-. 2 bdrm. S-J25- Call 208-463-436S or I A -■ balh, good carpoi, now -S300<3cposit-326-4Sffr»-r-^f|1 208-165-6183 ■ ___ ow TWIN FALLS Nice couniryIry based on incomo for cli- ~ e l w o o d 4“e v a n s " J vinyl windows. S0OOO.10. homo. S800/month f S50000 gable households. For in. 734-1401 GOOOJNG CC - 2 boim older 67£MERSON a re a tOO ac Cnll431.6827,B dop. Includos yard maml,nl, lormalion & applications, Kir., slove, fcing, now cai- j jA&B.watoi_Conlact.VioJcL. - p h Print .Ad CoJ()/)v in SjH ices i3 c io ti'I' ~ 2 car garago. Rols. roq.)q. phono (.208)324-4929. TWIN ^ FALLS 114-. $500,2 “ SAVES SAVES ■ bdim, 1 bath, largo yard, pet. 2carcarpcn,'lg. ynro. or ^ Oennis Meade Call Q, Nosmoking. 734.8418B■ Hcanng impairod 1-800- 678-7953 alter 5 p.m Four homos availablo at and appliances. accorss (i. tlio sirool irom n Jj: 376-2640, EHO. day A l ^ ^ l— ■ ■ rot'igorator, som o uiililics Looking fo' oxii.1 vncolion 734-1401 £ " 532-4189 paid. S400»doposii. monoy7 Why noi aoil ilwsA 607 ] ( I I m m j Ucul I-.iiiiB 1 bedroom, 1 bath. S3SS'mo TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 1 I O FF IC E S, PAUsar~rToiF75i r ^ "0 siill-good Items you vo boon •' balh, t good location. 605 ■ Henliil _ _ -fdoposit. All utihlios pd. RETAIL SP A C E wo: Gravity irngaied J- sioiing? OnssilicO will do ii ■ '2nd Avo. N, S375 * S200 L Call Susan at Irwin Realty 560Call 801-731-4769 . ; 601 Hy Cflil 733-0931,______tdop. Cnll208-73-i-9059B - 1 FURNISHED 73-1-6R00, BURLEY OMicospaco, eacAUL - 140 acres. 8 miles wesi ol Paul Call -123- ' HOUSES .TWIN FALLS, 2 bdim. Now 3 good size rooms, sTrji ■■■ cnrpot. W/D hookup. Reasonable rates, 568-1 , cvos. or days 735- ; f | O P E N I N5 ~ S O O N M I 980-1, ask lof Ron ■ | ^77^- -S-175rno poisr73: , UNFURNISHED TWIN FALLS. Duplex, ga- 'ro esiall, a u lo la k e o ll, I ,\'; HOUSES CALL 734-1339 OR luioOacKliush 80G-2S63 ^ rago, loncod yd. S500.0- Brand Ne w -E 'nergynefi Efficient . 200-3-J2-73Ce ■ C J \i^,t J M.iM.-u.iui JJ ,\iiK -ik.m l-Ai'i,-.. J i 'f Ploasoc.-\ll 208-733-1359, WIN FALLS 400 A CRES >. ''1 I 1 ,2 & 3 Bedroomm A partments t w i n m l I's 0< SUGAR BEET I K \lii ( ',11.1 N 'ii n il\'f BUHL3bodioom. TWIN FALLS. For ronl. 1 REDUCED ____ I 5__ bdrm. 1 baih homo. 5-11II . CONTRACT lor rent J 309 gth Avo. N. 621 North College. TWir i;\pir.ilii'ii l\iU ' lalh Pierce. Avail. March fsl.51 ■ Spacious rioor Plai•Ia n 's . . Allorpait 037-6313 SSOO/mo. Call 733-9658 ■4 oflicQS, conlori'nco. or73t-5030,B 'I I I >mt. S65Q/mo.*350 cldaning p'anlry. Inrtjo' roceplion & " a s BUHLCIoan2bdfm,l balhigo. dop. No piils. Call 208-s'? ■ Individual Patios/1)s/Balconles WIN FALLS, 124 iicros, ! , , landGc.n’ing J

, J ------E&-Tlm«8-Now8,TwlnWin Palls, Idaho Friday, Marcrrch 2,2001— ------^;----

C r»"lr^ »I i.. - 4 y - 4 fr i r i f e e iafliSlI ♦ •• 3 -UNESa 1 CP Days m ■ ^• -• fo r ftenems under or add'ding, up to $100100 (Maximum ool f 4 Items) • • (S2 each additioninai line. Private Party only.ily Merchandise only.)

H T heiHines^-1 f e w S ^ C a1 l 1 1 : 7 3 3 - 0 9 33 1 - E x t J - or t - 6 t 7 - 4 0 4Ul ; ii JL l . TRACTOR, with loader,f e l FREE mixed bread pups- WA ler, « H U G E * ' - VANTED MOTORHOME. HONONDA,-97, CR250, exc. SPRINGSP CLEANING JD 44^0, approx. 4600 hts I " ~ 8 1 7 ------1 " 9 0 i ~ SPAI;PAS& POOLS INVENTORY Ploaso call 208-733-4572. Reasonably Ri priced. Good concond. New parts, oxirasi q5UTBOARD iit MOTORS! I « ,AC'cab.-5harpfSl8.750. 1 MISC FOR SALE | ^ cond. G as or diesel. Must Roi G U N S m iF L E S _ J P™ '* ^50. SE L L OUT FREE, black/whlto cat. cc Roadyl S3100.788-9719. 4)55 hphe outboards, S250 ca. 734-6103 DaloU 324-93l2B spoyed.boauti(ol.&-(2)7 bo30'orlorger&mustbo ___ Tanners Antiques BULLY BARN. Very good, “ AWASAKI '00 KX-eO 4)66 hp outboards, S200/up - cue-. <0 River Pool & Spa mos. old kittens, darling ablo "C to lake payments. F SHARPS, .45.70. ' WHEEL/LINES 2-7 yrr cICold cond. S2750/ollor. GAS , WF pipes i motor. Extras. 2)7.517.5 hp outboard. S495,00 A.A'm WSOO. cach. 4 -iC .(amily. living at CSI. m ust Ploaso "I' call 208-352-4215, ‘’“ J: 10 hp outboards, S495,00 5 ?wintwxw/roloodino * I ' 'IO . Eveivihing musi go. TANK.300gal.731-4691 'I: S3000/olfer. 423-6875B 2)10h 5. S750. 731-6401 o r _ . g _ ■ ' yr old A & M S4000 oacMS'". bymrenaiM hove hom e by 4/01 o rb o WAVANTED Newor usod- —s r 15 hp outboords.-S395/up ' Hand lines 10-4 yrs ole CEMETERY LOTS (2) m disposed. d 734-9950. computor. co Pro(or Pentium • T" Al/tanI tank tested & run good. ______73*-7flga.- , I MOTOR ' Olo , including Pinehurst section Sunsol » 1990. S1800. real clo an .. Rair> lor rent, S1000 cacfjach display showcases II, 300-»M hZ, M onitor. Several moro HOWA'A M odel 1500. 223 Memorial Park, Used ox- FREE, ” 10 a good homo. Coll 733-39654,B , call 078-0865 ir 431-099S Tues.-Sat 10-5pm. ’malo, pan Shih-Tzu, loss • keyboard •'O & primer. Also 10 choose fromi w/sco|;:opo.erownlno20ga. ' ■ ygencorKentrator.$\OCX). I! Carpet. 14x24'. 733-3634 YAMAMAHA'95 Virago R ed . Bert3ert Harbaugh Motors pum|:np shotgun. Ugly EaSVisyToTow -' — I 320 M ain A vo. N. , 423-5167(orin(ormatioo.B lhan " t year old, k e n n el Ci 4 703 ^ (Noxl'io Idaho Com Gallery)y) ______also a avollabls. 736-4881. or 539-3634, && *w hile, less-lh o n I2li« DoDowntovm Wendell Stick. 5364323 539-9S E c oO ^N O M IC A L I ------I -C U S T O M —J ***••-'• ' E-MAIL your ctassidod a d ' ; WANTED TO BUY; mis, Exc. cond. Now tirts. — 10 u s al GOLDEN ‘ RETRIEVER 53500/o1(er.543-6158B lO C K W O O D ; •poppy. AKC, Champion Door antlers, ^ FARCRAFT '96 14' w/ INGTON 70 0 . V',S.. WANTED 2001 Sprir)^ • Call 324-7591 ,■ YAM lond .223, new. S735. rRAILERS 'R ; - ; gram.planting. Laic mode 4 ^ ~ 8 0 2 I bloodline, beautilul. greai ___ AMAHA Alba B anshoo. Z:ooman oo trailer. 35hp 1997.cvstommada Evin 734-3923. do from •' liberglass '• { . .C oncord no till air drill, I APPLIANCES ; rtsposidon. fsj shors.' wMNreOTOBUY: A Ivlnrwdo m otor, lots of & aluminum ' ^ 5205,735-2414 (Ti Toomey plpes/siloncor oxtra . r~ ' pulled by Cat Criailenfjcr ] ' y ^ x ' “ (TOOLS) Newor usod. Toe xtras. 324-8721^9-2268 WAI'ANTED TO BUY n Osacrificem c ! ol quall^r' lirbox, doson tank, nurf ------m odol 75C Wllh 3^030' - DISHWASl?ER'Bb5cFt''7 ^ or735-3221 day,B big bic or small. W orking o r O'flJ - 303010 Lever action nllo. o n:e m you’ve vr seen II10' jars, body armor. Iwisi tracks. Does a supor |ob,lob r- old. panol (roni Liho GOLDEN Retrievers, AKC not! no Accessories, aulo- ■’“f: A Call733-6409. Lockwood, yooH tironio.bigdesortlighting l _ . 904 ' I ___ Si 'roasonade p/iced, Serv­erv- new. S350 Can 324-B34QMi rcgislorod, groal pois/ m o liv o . c o n s tr u c tio n . ttiro c o m e a Belleverl .1 YOUR \ }yslom. low hrs,. Iiko now. B ^CAMPERS^HE^ A ing all o( Souinorn Idatio.i"o RANGE • Black and while humors,'S250. 734-4127, electrical, o'e lool boxes, lad- sysl 906 n ‘olconco you've seen dors, tarps, lights, bench- S45>4500/olfor. 735-1947.B 543-5773 or cell 7 3 t.1002.tW2. Hotpoini elocftic, S125. IVORY LAB. purebred (o* )TTUBSffOOLS I ihopho price, you'll I a d ^ es, shelves & racks. Call VAM,^M AHAYZ250'99.Rid- iVE ON USED CAMPER H l 2 I tc o m e a Buyer! = i .Cnli324-9S03. male, 7 months old. From fr: iHELLS Many sizes/mod- CALI i ” 705 - TIMES CLASSIFIED qGolay Kennels- 734-1021, JMikoai f ! 208-734-5002. jjenJen by old dude. S3900 L SPA, 6 mon tub. ***^WIWHERE?? REFRIGERATOR Magic :all 676-7586 or 431.7200 ls,0ualitycond.67s-0103 $140400/olfor. Call alter .^ r p e I IRRIGATION _ Chet iv/ico maker. 3 yrs.f DEPARTMENT c*LAB AKC. 6 Cnocolalo WANTED, ' largo livo Call TERMOUrJrAIN Evergreen & Deciduous, 5pm.733-5059.« ^ old S300 Call 436-9656 208-734-5538 males, bom 1/10/01. Call lELL Top-lt Good cond, ------^ OTORHOMES CLYDE'S PIPE REPAIR. dR 5:537-6713or731-8329.« Call ^ D & B Treo Farm ■ 903 I ®?*5^|'x5'x2r.S110, HOTSISPRINGS Spa. 98 jT d „ JZrRESTAUflANT^ — ^—934-4594,B------^ I — ^ B O A T S & ------I Call 543-8374 . ' ' Sovo'oroign modolT-6- —Sc « RVCAMP-^” _ n in EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. 20'8-6^-4543 ~ LAB puppies. AKC. ______■ persor T 155. Wendell. IQ ana wnool lir>es. (oven m 'ANTED- 5-10 KW dbl. ACCESSORIES ______;on, E asy lift cover. Ihe licld),Call 678-7149.19 Walk m (reezcr. 10 burnerJr (B U R L E Y ) regisierod. bom Doc. 23rd. WAi j'll tx) pioaMnuy surpiisoo Call 678-755967 ______536-2301 * • Call324-2157.B -boiDearing gonoralor. singlo ^ ^ 5 — siove, oven, complele 11 how easy il l« to place a 'pAcTFI « n EVERY Oayll : HAND LINES (5) Hook & slide tiiroogh DW, (2) 3 FR A M E* CANVAS. Many ^ 3r3 phose. Call 733-6409. SEAEAS w Tr l '89 Sierra ^ IFICA hot tub. 2000. BU^Y^'sir-SELL-TRADE- , LABS, chocolaio. rogis- _£L: ilassic, 18'oponbow .4,3 lassiliod nd Tho cost is B am c n latch. SlOOOIino. 8- Mainto n retrigeraiof S more. sizes,, over S500 Selling tered. AKC. (or moro in- WA. 3w...lho rosulls aro high. : REPO: Taking b id s PARTSRTS 4 SERVICE- Line. 60(1. nsors, SOOH riboard/oulboard, - Will trnflo (Of motoihomo, S150; 734-7404,, Iotmaiioncall326-4510.B 'hji'a clatftiod. 733.0931. ___ ww.ldahorv.com . ,Si.80'(t..6-malnllnc.60 — -GEL-MACHINE OPI------fjfii; It. riser. Si 50 (1 Call 733-‘33. • Coll 775-7S3-6900.B— ' I H E E T L - i MicroBond. Barely used. • . pies.ni, 1st shois. dowciaws ___ call 423-4900. Z Z 4077 days, 733-3894 1 S i 75. Call 734-3745 4 cv ings.B 4 803 I & la ils d o c k e d . G o o d WAi'A NTED: N on-w orking ____ 5: - I BAZAARS & CRAFTS ******.****★★** disposition. di: 733-132S.B go;jonoralo^s and woldor. HANDLINES (or saio. 3', DIABETICS p 7 generator sets and ditch Dali & sockei. hook & ^ I LOOKING FOR - - Supplies mailed 10 your POMERANIANS • Haumps.Call 324-7426. ^ ' laich 208-678-7549orO'; CflAFTERS . homo ai no cost. Wo bill Vory cule'! 3 weeks Old. 3 ^ USINESSW!SERVICEMU! ANTED: Propane cook- ^ 208-431-7149.- ___ -■ lor upcoming Spring mio Medicare/second msura- (emates. ‘O' 1 male. Pul your WAI ng range in good vrorking PERKINS ENGINES andind CratlShow 3/31-4/1 ncc. Coll 1-800-762-7704. dcposii * down now. Call ''iQ yder. Call 20B-934-0920. | V parts. Factory authorizedzed Call Micnolle 324--9S66B * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jo 40 an m 324-5586,B liRECairgRY^ slocking dealer Cali PYRENEES 2.CUI0 m alo }WANTED: Up lo 4. MISC. GE top nngor wash 20X6,00 5 hole Budd B b Twin Foils Tfoctof 4 809 I mochino. S75. Lincoln puppies 4 mbnihs old. * 1-800-293-9359 I COMPUTERS Readytogo.678-0013 }jyIruck nms. Also rololillor, ■ ■ 250 AC-DC welder, 40' ^leaso call 208-829-5554, PIVOTS - USED, and usedsod lo a d s, 50 lb. fod, S200, SHIH-TZU SHI AKC. malo pup- lOOKKEEPING I ,------I I R nt whool lirios- S u n n(se s o LAPTOPS • Toshiba. tOO-• Please call 208-734-3533, Pypy. S250. AKCDachs- WAtANTED: Vintage Barbie I A^-COUS-TI-CAL . r I I P O F I N G ! I Irrigation. Call 734-94-ld144 150 mhz Pentium. S300- hund'lem alc puppy (Mmi dolllolls and clothing, 1959 - . HOMM E R E P A IR S MISCELLANEOUS J’*' or 733-0574 • S500 Doug. 734-6GS8« wiro)S400. 352-4466.B 19:1979. inierested in os- & « D R Y W A L L Abo<, bookkeeping sen,iico. Roasoi»asonable ralesl Bully Bom. Wood, t0‘x12,‘ _ ------, 17yi17 years cxporioncc.Call ales and coiioctlons: Call JNY’SHOM E- Froobstiir)slimates. (inancing SOLID SET IRRIGATION wired. Partially ihsulaicd, TO WHOM '“'J 436-6127 ortolllree • PIPE tor rent or sale. i . I T o I IT MAY CONCERN: _ 1’33-1322 ± or 733-9688.B Bob's Bi Besi Drywall '•31 737-0000 S1200. Finished shop. I ______Bestost Quality • Bost Rates 877-436 6127 FREPAIRS . unMP ______A&M. 3 'x 40 , 837-0313 L^irew oo^_^ Anyone buying reg. AKC UE BUILDING 14'x24', Wired, boated. An —Custom Toxluros------— - I _____ &l&Undscaping_— or'73'l~5030.B — Latjflogrrogistorodto- ■ ^ 8 2 7 ------C >la-ns-Availalilo------• ~sulale■ ■ 10- card truck loads, m ouih Of Chrysler, StOO. iniiques, slove VCR. car 'CLEANING we . 1909 Ludwig. Siro.is90%TimbOf ®ir WoK, g,' 3FFICE ID 736-8668 in's Sharpening ' HAY dairy S (c cd c r. — . delivered ai Si 10 por jleroo. dresser, clothing, boaulilul carvings, slays Cubs havo groal lemper- ____ Air Quality Son/ices ', Visit our retail sioro HOIvI:ME REPAIRS I •""’"'•sService and straw, targe bales cord Llmilodquonlilics. . amoni & arc greai w/chil- INDCDOOR Filer FleaM orkel ^'1 ocated by OKice (iiax Call 208-46S-2422 luncd..S750 Playor pi- • Air Ducts Furnaces plolo sharpening, Call 73,1-347.1 days, an o . lovely wood. S300. ,dron. 2 liters to choose at!It Twifi Falls County Fair ' Dryer Venls Chimneys ------1 b e nn e e f ,e l ;s h o m e ' S flido f i ;& steel saw s,- ** 73-t'3Sa9ovcsB** PlOQse call,20B-324-8930. from. Call 775-289-66a7:B insulation Romoval = = CARE ,411 Bracken Br Si S ,' H A T n\i7aiia.Tlst..2nd.and March 10 & 11 '' odols. drywall. tilo._ -734-4050.:------; ^ I i FURNITURE A CARPET I • • 3rd croo Also straw. Call ■ REMEMBER . f ~ 8 2 1 ~ ■ Vondors'Wanted ■ sSn,-;. -;-[co^ONSTRUCnONl " Sinting & carponlry, i.g(j(-8OO-471-40S0 . ; 543-0009 ■______That birthday ad you placed | s ' STHREO/RADIO/CDSl2-4439-Free ^ Admission ____ 20’Oyrsoxp, Froo . L— ------— I BED • LOG New customI som e iimc ago in ■ ■ ------Eufotureka Construcllon & ’Eslimaies, . HAY tsi, 2nd. S 3rd cuttin­ Tho .MOVING SALEH I - buili, queen size. S550 Timcs-Ncws'^ Now is iho ' CD Excavating gall1 Bruce G 733-7543 1 y gs Small.uaios Call CD CHANGER. Jensen 6 .Fyiojion w/matlress, washor. AiLL L I FLOORING I 'HI : Call736-7316______limo 10 come pick up your dis ryer. TV w/stand. Small pecializing in concrete. L _ ^ _ T R E E I 078-2673 . , disc. S80, Bolh like new' rio,, diroclional boring. ------BED • Whiie Dunkbed, twmj •' pictures Stop by Tho '67. 3lrig., dining scl. P ric ed Rop HAY 500 f . ol 3'rci crop lon 670-3483,. ,o1n =lopai»s & Instollations ..one r T RRIMMING i i matjross on lop. tulonI Customer Sen/ice.Dopt D sell. 734-2787 days, one •enching. portable wold 1——7 - bales Test m St Ciouo | jn carpel, vinyl, V,C.T,. ing & hauling. L A^NDSCAPE h - ; ______loclayt I 4,“ couch on bollom. un(olds 8 2 5 1 733'33-6200 evenings. ceramic cer lilo, & wood, f 'ecll'sTree l.lm nosota. HFV 1 7 5 'J5 .10 lull Size bod. Only 1 yr ; 4 Free Eslimaies MAIN CruciO piotoirt 23 B9''g, • SNOWBLOWER, elect, iI j WANTED TO BUY | ^ JPERT 123 S 200 W ^>^05=tesidonlial/commercial. 733.■33-1017 or 731-3076 IVIMUNINTENANCE old. rarely usCd, S300/OII- Sian, used iwice. S300. ^ Trimming ADF 25(i'’'„. NDF 36 52% i lar, 3 tO a:m rio 5 p,m:------ualitv work ouaraninnd. sping & romoval ° or. Call 934-8934 days or• Please call 208-423-6240. 400 bales wheat staw FIREWOOD. Will lake n shop moving sale, |___ Richard^ 732-5786 —. »— ------Now tattaking reson/atjons ^ ^ lItump u m removal. ^ 934-9669 evos., spring dean-ups, • . | 4«.}<8 Call 707-3447. down uees (or wood. Call ifeldor, ; compressor, sm , _____------’ — conONSTRUCTION TOO Eslimaies * 767-3430. 767-3347 ■ ENTERTAINMENT CEN- I 734-5727, odor t0;00 am. ampor, lols of tools, I—TT I mowing, & organic q:a_,, ll 733-0385• - izor,tO%discounl 77 TER Nico limshed, glass; I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ^OLD GAS PUMPS o r g a s “aiming 1] equip. Lots of AL^DlO/VIDEO I NORTHWEST w 'jl'"'" HAY Oriytit green, lo.ily. runingihm-a^lS/OI^ ...... Early cut. 2nr). 3 string,, doo>, lols o( usuabt?“ •• ___stotlon rts n jS ^ p .S ______•ens-stutf:— ^------:------•-C OONSTBDCTlOITCOr' N I J ' space, SiOO 53G-2476 'G U IT A R , (m idi), p la y s _Pi); Ulordablo Services 1------— Darn btorod 22P . 28F - paid.' Tony 20?BBB-0274. _ _/IN FALLS Fn. Mar, 2nd Fiouble.wilh Troi your A/V andscapingarjdmore!! ' ihrougti amp or keyDoard. TO 'onds.building rodw o^ |______732-0480[ T T R E E I Coll 3? 4.7 t 4fi« FREEZER While S400/oltor BASE CABI- . TOm BUY: Enclosed S-J2' 3pm Sat. Mar, 3rd 8-2pm . sysiern? decks & remodeling. ■ Wesimghous<3 20 7cubic NET. Wllh (1) 15* speak- 'tai.modium size Trailer in , ■'[iside, heated. 6 fam lllos. Hool■iookupOporatxjfvTiDublo — TRifRIMMING ■ HAY FOR SALE 60 lw“ ' 700 esiimaios, 15 yrs. ------• i;.l .;inp S7'> pi. ion I, ' *i iipritjtii like new. S275. era. S200/oHor, 324-0442, neilair/good cond, or (laibed uality antiques, collecta shooimg sh< and repair, ^^<>0 Exccullvc desk iike-new : needing work aliair price. les.oldsyclho. Dept. 56, -pr* exparience. No'iobto U G HHT ” HAUUNG I k& 054-.I347 ORGAN. Gem H600, ____ Precision Video "”J|;malll Call 638-5707B K&KTree S700. Call430-2129 ‘ 733-8838, Arn-lime. imiiuro, beds,cioihes. •735^081 ■ HAY RETRiEVlNG ‘ .• bonch & music books, WAJ ood Slove, riding mower. L _ Trimming . QUEEN SlZE PILLOW WANTED ' , ^ 00. = = = = = *-ANE£EENrEBPRISES T S C. Hay noineving '■ SSOO. Call 208-733-3927 GU air.salon.iiQms.-larm. : Lawn caro__ ___I, ••C;iiiCon-ai4?o-oi33 TOP MATTRESS SET— • GUINEA HENS, speckled han Hauling Handyman...... — — Cair734:3-tl^2------~ to l\jols, (cncing, PU gas ____g iNSTRUCTIONi • ‘•”'£5°l_Junk Debris ’ Shrubbrubbery and bush T ______Qt^0-0839.« ______: Siiiiinniasrir:.S2CQQ0 I ftIO I -BUSINESS— !- .1 ^ ' tnmiring. — — — 1 M,it)ic Valley Mailiess, 1 WANTED ------ta n HAY, 300 Toiif. proni'ium I OFFICE EOUIPMEMT wo heel tail gale, 4 Runnor- | r.frooEslima’tos Working Maylag wringer whe SERVICE Sweel'e e t C o n s t ru c tio n . Consirx up ■' 1s t'2 0 0 Tons 3rd 43.0-" I ' . & S U P PL IE S ;va iceiverhiichandMOREII icializing in remodeling Homefl} Repairs Painting :a ll 735-0S53 t ! SOFA 711 Likfnew. Mn & ! washing machmo Call 'oce Spcciali 5915. iciitfO mossant; ■ , I Erii lis, S.y4E.otPay‘nPok T 1 W IN FA L L S kiicher:hens and bathrooms Light|ht Consiruction I blue. S350. Aniique Hoo- DESK,I 3X0, solid oak. Incl Ernioweekdays 733-2891. 3mi_s HAY'OAT."x String Dak's’ I 36-5994 NO CHECKSII ' ^ windows and doors,- L ______2 sior.v grinder. S975 2 uj. (Me dia-rtcrs 6 2 sm ”WANTED 3w idO l0'^ PLAN ROOM wild I p S iE i iTRIM M ING 70 iQfii at S'*;- Ion C.iii I Jobs to bid for all dOidecks S lences. ______' I Call 044.1442 ■ Idrawers E«c cond S400. rNow , i Holland haystacker ' ' 8 2 8 ^ i; "I new additions. ,------91.1_^-^505_a2'f' ■ i Please call 208-543-6954. Call 438-5562.or 677-5562 ■ ' construction, Fieo nt HAY- l 5l.2nd&'.irdcuTtin^fn SOFAS Double »ccti'iof...... - • WAf HEDICALSUPPUES "monlh (New CO.) Cali:all 733-7532 today LIMM0USINE~1 NorthJrthsldeTree - ■WANTED. 8'-V Shtle-in PU ■ i f ' dose to town sell anyny blue, 2 years old, S400. 4 Blueprint copies. Free esUmates. e c ^ 2 0 cam per. Top cond. Will SERVICE ______Mlalntenance a iri 1 ------:----;ioiSuni-C^U-L'i3-2S2aB-■ _ L 9 .v ; : .> : n i ,hi.;.0, S !S Q ,.,I LSPITAL BED, adS L _____-734-eUXN(Zd2B)?! ___ |. J NcNo lob 10 small. roo-Trimming— ------■- •pETS-arSUPPLIES^jt ^■pay.CASHtJJ3.C334------3le, olecl, in o*c, cond, '------HAY.'Y2“ 'Ei7tJ"b;ii(.-s,T5i— Exc cond Call 543-9201 ■ | & Romoval, 300. (2) PORTA PO T- ______i;u i lin g , S07 f.O 1 3 ? [ WANTED Small call S30i ______^______LIMO 'LI 4-U roo p* estimate, I {? \ WATER B'ED'King si/e, E IES. S2S/each. 731-4691. 1------uaior. 3ro(o«(0 INiy1 aio arxt tvU • 0 ci'air*', S DiiHoi M<;i.'dsG ^ liirt) 10 Iho clnssilmd n,v)'t^ lo King Kin gas pump globes mob>.000, L ots of e x tra s . Jerom e 324-3299 Interior 4 Exiorior Frocroo Eslimaies .ovoryonono whofow youia Vriii, i so TRAILER lor snow- 1 2-5618 o r 731-6089 (20{!08)934-5343 bo irwooQhoQh ino1 powoffuntoo rolini'-.tif.'d S750 'If in.ikoD. M-O-ROTC'TR'A'CRTnpso: till mnny U,icHosclioot Call Cal Steve Lynch 078-- S15( T" . oda in elaaaitiKlclaas . oityr .c..ii;'00-:)j'(< 404aIS S350 Schwinn Airdyno 7 I'uncJa Cftii 733-0931 1201201inBur1oy - 934-1obilo or-4 wheolors. • J, .0 5300 Bolh o«c. condilion 1500. All 3 . S 1 3 .0 0 0 , |____ 1 Cai|^M4^340B___ 14-9670, atier 6:00 p.m. | ______< ■ y ■» / ■ }

» r » - ______Friday, March 2.:2.2001, Times-News, TwinI Falls,Fai Idaho E9 I CONCORD, 1877 COACHMAN Catalina '96 ^ I ------1 0 0 2 I F o n o F i n 19SS. R igijl.r CXa iE V Y .P U , 1979J 4 ion, FORI3RD, F-150,1988, Vi ton.* - ^-^mrtorhofiie.-cotalytlc'. tic------26.9’. sM e-out. fulVcofti- cab.'Ioog bed, 302 full in- 4* lift, 35* tires, weW goo)00d cond. UR kit. tiros & i a k Q g i l . — Eihimof.fu^MB-contained,n ^ r -taln«d,sloepssbi,load»d.-CT |_AUTO PARTS*- -fl-gected 4-8peedroi>od “ wheels,» rebutlt 383.A T ,- - w h i _ I - ACCESSORIES | vheers.'camperBhelt w « « 000. - •' C«ll67S-0395 - - cond.. $2500, S 3 f r ^ J mechanically sound. >ptlonal. o p t $5000/ofter.. |^^now$2495ce9h I' COMPANION 1994 18 ft, 734-4350, ask for Scott. Piet’lease call 208-737-4685. . i^'UmlMtlnwonlyl CHEVY TH400, $150,250 days. S e e a l Renlor rHiir ' ' m ade d o w ab e d , tandem ^goodBhape^Ex'cJ’wo^k , MC'87JimmyV-6,5spd. r Mora te eh o o M from Center. Twin Falls. ID. t 'B a r t HartM uah Motor exls, awning, big relrig.i." a irucki 460. $3500. Call ‘ iC, only 71k mis. Runs •> Downtown W«nd«ll" , ' This w eekend. $6995. ^ C^I324-2450.* - _Z733-8119, leeverRsg.B . :lJMVYi S u b u rb a n , '8 8 . grettreaL $3900. ^ 4 -3 7 0 3 « - " Brocknwn’iRV 324-4203 5 3 6 ^ 2 3 ..: 1SU2U, 1992, Space Cab. 170KB mis. Now engine. QIZc ;___ orl-600-773-3167. , ; CHEVY, Camaro hood, $39.000.Call678-0712.B \n«c ^ • W j l . st r ' —T ^ T -B U Y -fo n ------SUPER SAVINGS -To(rniuchioTist.-WOOO.------» ^ jacks. Was $16,172 new?* Call 73*-7275« ■ call208-731-4691. POFO R D '9 7 ExpodilJon. Low gWluard, ' running boards.ol- - ■$* 9999 Four Winds Hurrl-"rt- $12,900 - one only, M 3 ^ = '" n FORD, F( 4.0. V6 engine, for miles; mil Perfect condiOon. '®V>ywhools.5l7,800/ol1or-) ‘2^ 4 ,9 9 0 - ;can e, Loiidod. Nowow Bn>ekm«n'»RV324-4203 » I 1006 a Ranger or Explorer. ’ $S22.5OO.Call734-6109« 2 ____ !Chris 735-1838,« Ll FOR » $46,995. (wnor.i) . . orl-800-773^167. IM O A irex, 28 tl. Class A. _ I .SEMt&HEAVY very low mileage, f OF MC. 1994, Sierra SLE S f t n *12,999 (7QFJ7.J) ’ KOMFORT. 1997, 23 fool«l iEQUlPMENT oxcollont. « $850.731-4691 ret SM , 6.5 diesel. AT, PL, IDN/>349» 'W .$7000, 326-4004.B Call CUrys FrM w ay RV.IV travel trailer, awning. AC, TIRES 4 Big Foot XT. wheel drtve, I60k miles, ' 733-6756 o r . m icrowave, S8,7S0. CallBli CATIT-140 Loader 5260 ^330x9.5x15*. mud and S4.999.208-726^)l74.B ^ CMCMC, S u b u rb a n , 1995, 837-4007 orS39-6611. - 1-80»82S.S336 hrs. 1996, 80% rubber, snow a Ures. like now, $200. FOORO f F-150 XLT '98 5.4. SLTILT pkg. Leaihor. Trlr. - $54,000. JDS44GkMder, c 001 4HUHNtllSR5 Call 536-2476. ^-8, V-l AC. CO changer. 33k rakes, 454. % ton, very i 1994, Rlde-4'yd. very -= 9 08 M I" = mi,T>i. asking $20 k.678-8099 «leant !f‘ 97K, $15,500. LOAOfDAOeO INCLUOltJC KEYLESS EMTRY sharp: $47,500. HITACHt t f lease call 208-823-4540. • A a a O Y S ‘ POWER SUN ROOF • CO I .? N O W VEHICLESS 8 cubic tt! niter, many I 100 9 foDRD r F150 93 Flair aide, g .. : & EQUIPMENT m ore options! '88, EX200LC w/thumb, I DC. Yukon. 1999. kMdod, . POV/ER V/WOOV/S K m ,e newly painted. $33,000. LI 4 X 4 -S I 7lew e engine w/less than ^ Spring F e v e r Salel $8695 101 leather, LT, 36K, betow 8BUY* FO R 3 3 S S OTHfeRS. 539-5839,* 7^ lOK. $8S00/offer. McKee {FMAIL your classified ^ad B«rt H arbaugh Motors CHEVY *99 Suburban LS :ri-hull tri- '79 110 Evinrudo. » o k a t $22,900. Please t ' ' to u s a l ' D ow ntow n Wendell __ JHARMAC. 1908^0,000 RiRear AC. loaded. 44k, .eliUD^tolllng.m j otOL ^ .call 208-837-4007 O f-. - -<:29,9 9 0 _ r g j g 1------^536-6323==^- fb8;-25 ft: ta n d b n ra x lo ' ■ $: — 203:539^ 55;— ------: ) ‘ .twtnidOmlcron.nrt " - $23;25OrCair0373S7, r m u to ImI lllUMI-llUIIIill PHII1I-.MPIIIV V^il^l^'.^Ul'tCTl 1 600-743-9526 ext. 102.B ^ JRD. 1976, hTon short fiapo. runs grool. best REESE Sth wheel hitch,- Ploose can 208-879-2456. 7^ » d , 4x4, good cortdrtjon. Ker, Call 324-6388.1 CLUB MEMBERSHIP CHEVY Suburban '8 4 - 2 be< '• S250. F o rd 5lh wheel lou-.j'.. TRAILER Trinity '96, 40«. W E P '95 Chorokeo Laredo Jerom o Couniry Club. WD, AC, PL. PW, exc. .Ca:all 324-2641. JE E P vered tail gate, 66^ ’ wkJe,9, Liko now. Call evenings cc 'D. Sharpll LoaUior. CD. H L f •. Call726.5533B., cond., $2500. Call 735- ^ ORO. 1995 crew cab S7 S100. Ford 2000, rearir 733-0504 ■ 0082bot4pm&10pm.a oC >owor Po Stroke. XLT. AT, uto. 77K mis, $12,900. S H ■ ^QOLF CART. gas. Harioyso chrom e bumper, 'NEW*. D8-989-5833a . ■ {jl CHEVY Suburtjait 1993. l03Kmis.Caa825-J168.B ) w/canopy. S600. Ploaso . $100. Call 206-734-3533.1.' 4 1 0 0 7 ^ JEEP C herokee 1981 H S c call 20B-733-6920. 5 I TRUCKS Loaded, excellent condi- FORDRD. Bronco. 1996. XLT, ^ ROADRANGER Elite, 5lh tion, must see. $9500. 4X4. 4 PW. PL. keyloss hlef. rebuilt 360, all now UEROME COUNTRYIP. wheel to ihe iraller. '87. Call 735-1233 days.M sntry, on cnjlso. lilt. CD. trlr, interior, “ very nice, . ^ ■ ■ 1 M ;• 'ouaE.PU.,984.p,lc. .E; nd;S7500.733-8626B j CLUB. 733-0373 Iv. msg. or best offer. Call :ddleBauor,rod.2t.OOO -■ 4G - IOMH07I . -PU w/5th wheel & utility nl„ m oon roof. Wa»ranty. oaMiiiwilMd , . . ir>« Miuiion 10 [the JEROME ROPING i-_ box. Good cond, 324:7810 324-7165 3^ or 539.7165.B ]a- .2U}J).GulL5UQam^ea-- '36-8207 or 420-8002, B «Ulyelyeurnoodi 733-0931. H P e _ _i_CLUB_Js_gotiing.orga-:on hawk. 29 It 5lh Wheel,I. FORD '92 F250 XLT Load- CHEVY, CHI 1986 PU. cam per ^ *ft(rod for tho 2001 seasonow ' S24.995(OHitW) od 351 EFl ongino. Fold shell, sh $1,750.837-6614.B ,-and will t» accopting nowod Call G ary 's Freew ay RV, ', dow n Sth w hoel h ilc h . CHEVY, ^ 1993. Short box i 'm e m b e rs . II intorestod130 .1. . 733-6756 or 1991 fOBD F150 4X4 $5000. Call 532-4285 . .Miendod ^ cab. Silverado _ . r “1991-CHEVY SnPSIDISIDE 4 X 4 - call Mike Roland 324-6630— 1-600-826-5336 URIEI,V-8.5-SPE£D,0HLy7l.000MI . FORO 250 XLT. 1981. OX- loaded. >0£ Call 543-6760.B I *' SllVERAOOJ.7,5-SP,AiR MWER'iWER WINDOW W HO E -97 3 5 tl Mint cond.>■ cellont condllion. W inch CHI I 9 1 0 1 CHEVY. Blazer. '97. 71K V * 8 8 3 0 Complote hitch setup.I. on Iront bumpor. Asking miles. mi Vonoc 4.3 V6. mini ■ ^ 8 9 ^ 0 Sell-conlained. Lilted,I, S3000/offor.536-1964.a cond.$12.900.644'I191B co ^ 11, AC, microwave, freezer, a IrCTREAM. I972."3rir l >01 owning, large slide out, VEHICLE Ol)UTLETS) 1 1 : New carpet & drapes, sol10.1 generator. This comes ;jip in nico park. S4800. IVKI) 14. w/everythlng. READY TO) kcETYOURUEMLOANh call 206-837-6614.77 GOIl Call 423-90141 1) 0 1 ) 0 1 p i ftHAUPION, 1997, 19 ryII. WANDERER '99 With pull-t Apply now by callingn g o( u r toll H K B 1999 GRAND AM SI .lExc. cond; Used very■ oul and awning. 23’, used (auc i ! 1 199^lScAB4 , Iitlle.S7.900.324-6651.M— 7 limes. Call 676-3079 * 24 Hours a day 77 daysdi a week (0, POWER WINDOW, (Ruavurr (UAN! I SILVERADO. CAPTAIN (HAIRS. , r v i c e I COACHMAN 1976. sleeps Sdies • Sen _ m ^ 6 o I * 1 2 , 8 31 < 0 8. loaded, oxc. cond.. 25',J' I iooi I ^ I AVIATION S3500.736-0520 oves.B I 1-800-631n-9317 A ccessories « Detail H g -----;Nomano»rx»wyou#(HKVlyour- J -"NbCrE'dltTBa“dB a d C te d ll ' days, clattlllod lilt yout»*• , FUGHT INSTRUCTIpN ' bucy tetwdulo. Put clasjt- 7 3 6 - 3 35 : 2 5 E . R&J Aviation a C W e A p p n lied'* tlm*-»avlno diroctory al Jorom o Counly Airport iroite! : J L2 4 4 1 K Jihberl) Kdi • -n>in fa ' ' ol good* and w n ^o s _ to' .Calt Jim 5394486 | \^Prf9uiI'fl^i^lofimu:ohinisuutsttSYUpustiingtbmt.^ wofK lof you today 19 9 8 CHIVTCAMEIIO I 1999 NISSAN ALTIM ------1 1 v-6, AIR, POWfR WINDOWS, ABS I . _. ^ 1 3 , 4 6 6

Kadi 1998 TOYOIACAMRY LE'S~r~ 1995 FORD F*150 S-CI IVPW l i M ]■BiH # 1 . 1 1low ML, c{Riimow/ioo,ooo Ml m nY EDOIE BAUER. LOW MILES, SHi m ^ 1 4 , 9 9 0 * 1 4 , 9 99 ( 0 sler S ebring JX I 1999 199 8 S a tu r nl S C 2 ' 12000 C hryslc ^— V6.AT. V ^S ili VT. Convertible, fcsa! l'.oadcd; . . .Muded. L im ited. o n i> 3 3 K m j j K K m )nlv2IK l a t h e r . ' kllles! I.eadcd! nuB g r 1998T0Y0IARAV4 '1 9 9 7 FORD EXPLORERR XIXLT V-8 AW0.5SP(CO.AlSPOWliiWINDOVtS All WHEEL CRIVE. lOAOED. MUST MUS' SEE'* ^ 1 5 , 9 9 0 * 1 6 , 8 9}0 C ^ ^ 0 0 1 ^ l O ^>d 0 l 1996 F o)rd n P robe SE 1 9 9 & F o r d SM ustang I pf1997 Honda Civitic Coupe I % — Loaded.^------BKB ... -Loaded ______lAxal unnM>f. _ - Sporty!______T r a d ^ n . 1 Onl>nlv 2AK “ T 9 9 5 CHEVY^fAHOE'lT^^ 1 M 8 JE£P « O ffS O K(F IFI F lA R f P C W ----- Onlv 6.1K W M ^ IW1II{R,liAi LOWHIlR.AllOrS millKV 6[»LPOWO!SEJI,n) Mlllft! il « 1 6 , 8 9 0 * 1 7 , 9 99 < 0 I ~1 » i o ^ J a . , 1 ^ »oo ido] ' otaCamryLE 1999-T oyota GGoroUaG]^^P^—199 8 S u b a r u O u K itb ac k — I- -1998Tbyotg g ™ t e H M AT. AW V i i 1 9 9 8 CHEVY X-CAB 4 X 4 * 1998 DODGE RAM QUAa u ^ ^ A ^ ' Loudrd. k AT. SILVERADO 3 7 3R0 OOOii. lOAOlO iU lOV.'MllES IMMiCUUIE.^S^RBUY' SUP ■ Loaded. Only 28K O n ly J IK ealhcr. * 2 0 , 8 4 C Miicft. H U i iiaded! * 1 9 , 9 7 0 Superior! . 1 - ' ;.i ■I ^ 1 1 . ^2 5 0 1 L iool QA LSjpoit^e^a” 2000 L997. N is s a n K in g 2000KIAS Fo t d^ n d s ta r U C 1 [l£ g C a b X E -7/ 1 9 9 9 AVALON XL 1998 FORD EXPEOmD in O N I Lauded. U R O■ H m s B s ' ' Speed. ftM R lEAlHfR SEA5 AllOTS (0 m im M 3 ID sai 54(0U'^HANGEil ■ - AT. ' Rear c . ^ ' n w H H , , ^ 2 1 , 8 9 0 I ^ d c d . Hoy W h ee ls * 2 3 , 8 9 C Quudbuckels, O nnIy l 40K M M ill '----- 3 0 0 1 ^ H l 9?99 9 f F O R D F .1 5 0 . XLTiS.CACBM 1998 CMC C3500 SUBI m ■ -1X4m SUPER DUn73T0l\SlL6SPHl) ■ S ll 4H 7 4V8'HIAtEDlEAIHERSEAn ^ S . AUOYSj * 2 6 , 9 6 0 I * 2 7 , 6 9 C - ^ e H a b l a t

.oipest O verheadI - Low est P rices" " WY 30 » BUFIRLEY, ID » 206 HW )8 678-8874 « < 1-800-574-i - 1 2 4 8 w Q j y y j D R A i I ' ^ ■

ElOTimes-News.Ti.TwfnTallB, Idaho Friday; MarchMi 2,2001

' • OLDSMOBILE, 200030 Bra-E TOYOTA-se Deluxe oxi n QMC'OO Safari V w . S e a ts ' a 20K cab. Hand controlroTs™ € i o i o I ,A C U M r f ^ f i i i / O T ; suiv: ~ AUTOMATTC ~bu1BUICK.LaSabre, 1991,4 BU*c‘ic K Century 1084. runs CHEVY»VY Monte Carto.1695, vodo, fully loadod. 2 8. Qreat condilion. $3,905. TRANSMISSIONS dr undort»ok,Sie,900.(ob.Call S5Q00, Call 438-249818 I VAN A BU SES | roof, tpoller. CD. new dr. $3395. DOtXiE. Van, O'**« at. tMdy Is great, must lowI mllds;mil $8.000/aest J CalI734-3310a ilres. 65K. good cond. Special S359.65. Most . io >ti.$e50.Catr732-539i: offer.>r. Eves.& 7 3 io is o > « •- 637-4007or539-6109109. fo V o T A 4 Runner, 1091, 1 « _1888. $2260..Both,hava: .J S ^ $1500 under blua book. ••"> AmericanvahidBs, para,' -in. an options &exceptionaUv CHE\ — SR 5, »un roof, PW/P ^ f - .-1020-^^^ - ■ PlMsscall 208-733-4684. - • I«t)or4insta«allo»> at EVY71 $4600/offer. _ CHRYSilYSLER 1999 LHS, j SUZUKI - 1086 Saniuranural. 5 lln lo cf w in d o w s , n e • flO«* corjdltlon, iS700. Included. _ daant Jerome,'644-r423. Runjns greaitf BMW’04 sunrooj iM rtv u r. a n m o d e l, B8K m l l a s . ^ ------aiarrnrmatchtng-snish o il------spdrrehellroxtras' CHEVY— 1W9-SllveradOr ^ C HHbVr.UAinaro.im E ' -^'MAItlAIL your ciaMlT16<^fl t>H loootr, ' C^57B-9688o;720.1089 Csl ;D'87 Taurus. How B867or539-9636.», t>rakes,lop- , 73k mis.-, 1 pw her, >00/of(er.438-29ltJi 3 T aurus U Woflon, 9. kMdod, low ml& on ' ullt onglrle, ciotin, ' m CalloeM ^Ji . 3j:eropo^199J,.v\T_. so. lltl, AC, PWr'Obw- nirrors, saaiTack, [ i n 00. Call 324-5392^ ), Thunder«ln), 1S67, 0. AT, S15O0 or bost See at All TechV^u- otive, 695 Commer- »ve. Twin Falls, Idaho '95 Suburban.IfiOK m Exc. cond. S98QD. j | m Calf 43 2 .5 3 6 6 » > - iARAN TEED l y A D S : e Times News Wm guaralarantees to sell mmercHandlse,C e i . ’ alutomotive u to in 7 ddays a y and real: e sstate ta ti in 15 days • . P i o r rerirerun the ad an ■ additliIditional 7 da/s. i 1 1 ------1 . T hlere e r e is a S3 extra i l e e} loilor the guaran* t e e p£package. Ads ay be cancelled — riy for cusicmer jnvenlence'ftt he chgrge W» 4 t 1 - 1 main the.;5a i^ . ■ ------— m a y t e a r ly I conv« thA e'88 < Civic 4 door, cnilos. CD pla^or. 25^ r e m a i }/offor. 734-5863J I onogej;_____ ' I A A ccord DX 1987. 1 9 9 9 D o d g i u r aind n i N e w J i»S. good condition, Q u a d Ca b3 /4 X 4 HONDA00. '8 Call 536-6230 F o rd sC reraw Cab , ■ eSK. cnil(af1or 6pm 1 1 S2900/off(A. Accord EX. 'd7. w s m i S S i i MW__J i HONDAExtended Ac warranty. m f i j M B Hm " Sole« ,______Sdes A T.PS.{00. Call 543-4072.B 9 9 ' L!NCji ;:.:io%ct Do-«JorJ'2.Mo..ltn ol a.2Jit,Al Ploaso.calHack. Inside oxc,. 0 0 ' M E R C:URY U l MOUNTAINEER HONDA,-wprk Ci neodoa^in 9 9 ' M E R C U R Y SABI\B l£ W G N .L S o r FORD FOCUS back, jr..CaIIrod. ■ 324-OIOf! •S2200.CalUR;-88. XR4TI.— ■ LINCOLNI. Call ( m ornln^a or 1 ^ 1 " ^ ______J 6 5 . Bigs J ^at 733-8863:i 1998CUIIOSS GLS. ______. _ $ 1 7 , 9 8 8 ' $ 1 6 ,- 1 r_lully.loadod..47K___ rl ). Cou.837-4007. I •lO '^D ow nbf■ 72 Monihi Ql 6.25% APB ■ OACC *0% Down for 72 Monlh> ol 88.25% APR - OAC Do*' •10% >mbr24Mon*j£me^^ lAC, '91, 6000, Bl—g B I. SUBURA, Wag- .S1300.324-3353JI sonTe w.oi . .*.SxJerter..ClA'C, G ra n d Ain. ,.bluo..2.dr..79K_ YOUf 0 M E R kUAC, R , now paln( in IR PRE- V\ StSOO. Ca 'IICLEHEAIiDQUARTEERS 0 roat cond. S3800. 1mm ovonin^s a I call 208-733-6276. • w a . '(B6HAZnil32 i i OL D S -199IU 1988. slation WFORDBKONCOSS WMBKURrCOUSW 1<92 RND ESCORT U -B9 P •UV iFOflopEsnVA '84acvycj( c u m m ' : _loothor_lul. Loadod. sunrool, o ja : I S0.500. Co ?lSCHA5i PfICJ PUJCHISI ?IlCJ .. xcolloni corid. . PURCHASE PJICI PUBCHiif PJlCI PU.« PUI ------1 P O N T IA. Coll C 324.1186a s is o o . S I RU, GL W agon. - “ ' ® 5 8 8 bn, '81.S13 8 « 6 9 9 ® 9 8 8 ® 1 2 8 8 1 2 8 8 ^ 6 44 m o * ■ asking'SlOOO/rwg- PO N T IACall C 208-734-1021, J 9 9 1 , b it ’92P0HT1ACGRAM UNDAM S4F0n)CnCWKVnDRUDRU '92ietCtffiYSABl£GS ’940LDSACHIEVASL >9 <93CtfffifYASraOVAH WFOflDTJD TAURUS Ql A mllos. • AC, • • • • n i'2 ? , 'Aija.sr-aitfiaffadjs-.15-. «J5c3-CS6atjxn:«12?. H '96. groat Hl22A-S2ffifcr36rD01JS‘. »BtaB-W•W iM trtiw O lO ?, »WW.-S66S!to PloasoWIN call FALt.5 '' y r lol wiih showrootn. . SU BARU 1 - - , - - s 8 3 mMo*:“ ' ® i ‘0 0 Mo*i)* “ 0 0 * wagon.IS LoiIrom Iho Giant. « i o o ^ ^ i : r07 or 734-9884 52500. 733-0328. Ca : *98 DODGE NEOHNEC ^^ ‘98 FORD CONTOUR LX B Ul 'XDOKIECRMICAIUVM. '99CHEVYFRIZU • • • • • . :-c«:7=. .»XC;p^ H a ve T h e ; 208-67C a r F o r Y ou . (B U R 1m m 1-64-E x it 2 08 \« ■ D S ' 1 Snake R i v e i ^ OVEwSSlD AUTC I f » V Usedo r d FISO sum _ L ^ \ WcHaiLT 4 x 4 . _ 1 0 9?6 6 E. MAIN 5T.^ jl8 7 8 J 6 L 1 _ _ r _ = : ; = • y u R i x V Bihn nSuRL AuuWttJ-Engin#.------___ I I, Was $11^00 i 4 5 0 O ' m m ___ W » ^ g tto I OVERLAND AVE.E. - 878-9382 ^ / 4 0 2! F 1 ST ■ 436-561 * 1 0 ,5 0 0 > 0 9 0 iStil.J-/0 0r: ffOi B > 7 « d - 0 !^ 9 4 O verland \ i-m w /1909 i m ^ ‘9 4 F o r ley. Idaho •: W Wuvw.goddem l otor.c i - 2 n f ' ------BMrC-aUuirt ! a | ' Luded.W a N ow *1 a • Empires Sal i'“"■I | _____ I f ia 6 2 6 0V ( . . ' ■ ' ■ . ' i

Fridiy.lfcM«clia.2001 H»»)tor«,T»>lF»tBF J ^ / I f ^ y tH i.^AW / if ®m ,r= HH WE

s I K lP S |r7 ^ *tR:TWr ' < 9 ; e * ^ # 7 1 9 / fM O. 89/JMW o . <9^ 9 . OAC, 72 monthl;ithly payments of S179J6 docss notn include tax. S8 title fee, OAC 72 monthly payment nts o f $289.« docs not includeJe Itax. S8 title fee. OAC.C. 772 munilily paymViiis 0 Buick Skylark . j ^(24' % 9f S 9 S P P i ^ ^ % 8 »S 8 m l l •SOChe^[evyC3000FlatBe ‘93 Ford Escort % 9 9t . s % 9 9 5 T i m ■ % 9 8 8 — r-l55 ■ R T W ^ T " '

‘87Pjy'lymputh Voyager a ^ ‘85 Ford:d F-250 Ext. C ^ 9 5 * 1 ,9 8 1 a Dodge Caravan brdF-250Ert.^ 9 5 ESj/BM IE I ..: . j \ 1 ^ ^ T tm ^ ^ 4 , 4 9 5 MEHl a - ‘93 MitsubisIishi Mighty Max X Plymouth Neon % a m| 5 " 7 , 9 9 5 9 5 3 ' Ford Contour Plymouth Brec/c ^ 1 1 , 9 9 1 "1 1 ,99 5 | P P ^ — — "9 , 4 9 5 ------

W3 iFord Taurus l e ‘00 For3rd Excursion DS! ^ K , 9 9 i "4 f,9 di^ 5 g ■ _ * f ^ 4 9 £ J _ " J g , 9 9 5 ' ^ M a Does nol incln'd«fdc tax , S8 title fce.'Sl 1*^ liiK' loi-.

Ig) ---— I • '. - j € B f mmmm = L ^ O * ‘p= ^ - 22 4 3 Blue LLakes Blvd. N ' M P r \ ■■- Twin Falls, ID ■ T>vm FallIls, Idaho • wv'ww.julesharrisisonford.com ' “ “ “ P T>.Ttoln F alls. ID Buhl. ID I » O B * « € > < » ^ r

I !. , ' i ' 1-1______:__ . i .1 •> ;r-a jii.^»i-? 7 r*i g a m

...... £-12-Tta»li«n.T«rtW aFilMdite RMiy.ltediZ,12.2001

' 1 V ~ ' ■

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= 1 iW P (I 20101( DODGIIE NEON 2 0 0 1 OlODGE STIr a t u s . Slock aiON-38 ‘ H:ZOOi DODGE IS500 REG. CAB 4xix4Si.t J-38. C o lo r S le d Blue • A ir ConditioningCc • AM/FM Cas- :] Stoc)i tlDS-16. Colonr BlackI . Air Conditioning • Poweri Window* & H I Si M-lte • D ualll AiAir Bjr5 • 3 Year/36.000 Mileile W arranty • 24 H our Road- S tock t l T D ^ 7 . C o lo n R ed • AutoinatJc'* CD Player • V-l W Locks • Cauette • CrulrulM Control • Dual Air Bags;> • 3 YeAW36.000 M ile H | • CruiM • Air Conditioning • fMcIi-A»sM;>ncc W arra n ty * 2 4 H o u r Rw(oa<^ilde A ulstance { • P o w tr W , L * M • O u lu A ir • 3 Y e . f O « ^ M ile W arrantyity • 24 H o u r R o a ^ t d e A u laIstance ta r RETAIL IL * 1 « S 4 0 RETAIL *2> 2 4 8 S ra ■uwL * 2 9 <0 6 9 S TOTAL SAVINGSs * 4 1 0 7 I TOTfl'ALSAVINOS * S 3 7 g M lO tA L MlAviMoa *B B900 ^^E SD Sjr E E $ * a I ' d IT.*. jH H BOH I J l_^EL^A uESi JSH ■ —


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