g i ' ==ww«nnagrcyalfillepcom = - — ■■== _ ___ ' "~i^~ _ , - p f t B W - .^ -----------------. >7 E YANDEUL ^ r ■ 2 6 2 7 7 9 9 0 3 . ' ■ ' ’ E L PPASO i am m J M WS r-TwirT FallsTldililaho/96th year, hJb.6.61 ] : ■ ~ "7~~' Z ~ ~ . ^ March 2, Z O O l ^ . •._______j ; o0 ccnts-c ( ^ I N G Dairy “W eatM r )ncrss say ‘h o ’ lay: Cloucfy ‘ ’ , , 'omrr* iiissk - ^ Today; h a high of. ' By Ruth Streefe e te r.;- T • . " . • toljase% theirtl dedsion on w hether; - lagoonX: 44.'ChChance of T^«»|40wsw Cassia County Planningand Zo.x )n in g •, ' tlie ptopiroposal m e t s ta n d a r d s in t h e • _ r a iiLQiiii:jnQ W _l — . - - r --- countv’sv ’s c o n fin e d a n im a l 'feedir>g ----- rshowersincreasmg tort o n i ^ t . “ ^---------^ B U R L E YSf— — It a llx a m e b a c k to^--------=offidaIscumdo^Q] vn Gontrovensial'Fnnog tarm - opcrauoi Low ,28. ■ size, densityiity and proximity lO ' . ° • C h ea rrequirement t is the opera*, ■ }95,000*hog5 9 5 operation oh 5,(5,090.'' debate has sparkeked a long and ' lion musnust be “harmonious” with bill sin ; PageA2. gh, Cassia County - acricres. about 24 miles eastst of emotional debates iiin Mini-Cassia, the counjunty’s comprehensive plan.’ Planningandind Zoning coihniission' Burley.Bur audience membersjrs showed.little. Djmmissnissioners had varying defi*. icnators^ . f i;v ers said thethey believed in the “Just“ bccausc It’s big doe:lesn’t . emotion afterr Thursday’s ’ nltionsIS f(for that word, but they a ll.1; ■ M agic V alley scr MACitcVALLlj good-faith efiefforts and willingness Karescat me. Fve seeif the big ones.or announcement, h a d concloncems about w hether Big o f B ig S kyTarms y 1 lo.make its. someSon are run better than othtthers. JeffDrlscolof■ Aberdeen,A one 'Sky Fan'arm s could fit unde^ that,; split clicirsiippdi[ V ) r t ' operation nunuisance- and hazard- ...... It’sI the .size in the one loca-lo , of five partners; in the Big Sky definitio:itio n . ' . free, commimissioners Thursday don,”tion said commissioner Vau(lughn project, _attendeded Thursday ___ C ommmiss.ibner m Jack H illiiad*i* By Michael Journec- *' "night Vnaiiiiirii'm'ously denied the Cook.Coo ^ ■ night’s hearing, bubut left cjuietly, -concermjrns, about, noise and odor, TImes-Ncws wtHer____ s’-controversial plans TheT decision was annoummeed . moments after thehe decision was' and, que:iUesnohe/1. w hether the hog fo r a h o g faa rrrm fo r R a f t R iv er. t>eforebef< about 75 people at Buiurley announced." farm woiwould be “harmonious with1 ■ BOISE - Senatorss TlThursday. B ig S k y FFarms a had proposed a CityCitj Hall. A lthou^ the hog fzfarm Commissionerss vw ere required" Please see HOGS, Page A2 • rejected a Magic Viilleyley lawniak- _ _t;rXattempt tu make.daitd a it^ ’ tii)eni-_.[_. iocs employ profession.ional'eiigi- .» ■ heers to build thi-irleir i\as.iu — Reward:jV-Buhlcoupliipleis- ----------- -— _ A j i O L E JJNJVJY_BJU.GKE — lugoons:—— :-------------------- Seeking h elp in solvingd n g a I 9 9 9 Despite sirong supp'ppnrt from,.- • hom icide. 'sevenil Magic Valk-y rcprcsenia-rci: Page'Bl lives, who reprek'in .ire:areas where ^ ' ijrfsSiii Odors from a fe-. largeirge dairies have angered n-sidenisrnis. Senate Innocent plea: An arczT e a a rti- Bill II48.died fact collector has pleail e a d e d \ ■ after ajengiliy innocent to federal chic h a r g e s . debate on a Page BI 19*15 vote.' Sen.. Laird ' -------- N n h T -^ .------ K i m h e r1y. M() n i -:y : ___ dr.a£icd—iind_ fW y Meat giants: Though I sponsored the ^ tangled in an accounti m easure. ^ Opponents, m ess, its $3.2 billion1 aa] g re e * . including two ment to be acquiredd 1^b lyson senators from Sen.in. LLaird Noh Foods is still on. M ini-Cassia, said they thought ihehe bill was . unduly hariih on wcll;.-lline.uiinK i dairy operators and coul((juld pul the WI’I'KP a ' d . - j Slate (111 a slippery slopi-,ope to reiiit' — latinfrnihcrlivostnck-nik^npcratinns . ------- Temporal wiihoul sim ilar.problfiii'eiiis. concerns: "I th in k th is is a s h ipip in ilie iiice T he . to tlie dairy; industryk' ata tu l to ihi* • ag industry.” .said1 SenSi Di.ti ' Ju n io r B a S sIWi Burtenshaw; R-Tcmrreldil. i the M usicnf ’ I'ill’s chief opponentent durinji • Playhouse kieliaie, . T h e iiill rL'Ciuiri'il CC.Al'Os .\l wiih ,ni»ru th a n l.OOU .in innial ia l luiiis 1" . - ■ rim e.” -------■h;'i\V’W n>te-ty>iems-di.-''dv-'irttiftt-bv--------- ^ \'trtiffud.erginijcrs.. All,\i atiim .ir,:, r-“ — —^Page C l^ S H ip l^inii is a u c i i i u J . i ' ai.' based tm ueiglii: t.'pic,pic.iliv. nut aduli dairy cowr. f<|ii.ili.d 1l.OOO.iiii ' Spor'i's : ' iital iiniis Ota- st.ia-- la\\law (lei'iiies State surprises: T hee ute a m s 2,.'()() svM iif. v a i h u i ii. |itm iuK -or iiK*K-. .!>• K'lDil.non-.iiiini.d. that were favored to0 w in d id M iinii-s. n o t while upsets ruledl e d a t th e tOCXSCmiM \ Sen, l)i.-nion D.irrimr ir iu in ti. K- boys’state hoops'tounlumeys BIctolEtemiementary School thitd-erader Bryntrynnly Pabst sliigs during the sece cond annual BIckol Talent Shovhow thursday afternoon. Tho eyeeycnt was organlted by fifth- Declii. and Sen, De.iti I' Thursday. nanda Thiemah. Page Dl _ > ^ _____ _________ P.'ease seo DAlRlAiRY.Pi:;.'r.:LL_ . Tiger's back: A fter an ram appear J_____ed ahsencc atop th ee Ieleader- Buyl/^back progn ^s^_SenaIte endqo r s e s j c o jm p r o ml i is e board,'Tiger Woods; isisleading the Dubai Desert Clas "tgeDl tom ^ iPowergoa M odified bil ex te n d s - I)iickerss.iid. fleet Idaho 1 ■)ill Cfliservalive Rejnil'lilll'lie.i;! Sell - . ' 'IIu-Sfiuilc<wuc / i r Hj) zi'tlh . "St.in Hawkins.oi' I'ciioeii;i w.is tlie ByN.S.Nokktkkentved alxmi 53 pert m inim uin w ag e to • i g h iy ('I I dcoinimiinisc. iiiu l h'.< (inly lawrnakL'i'iK pul’lnli’lie h .■i'leei Tlme»New88 w riter ____________ ■ rN SSSif*'! of .-.I viatic III..' O l M N I O N 1,700 eligi 10 llie mM l’.''’”" " ’- most himi wworixcrs .7/>-u’’/W w ’/'CV vyW v.' 11 ib ie .ile n s ihi- ei'nin>iO...niK \i.(l’iii' ■ nontlis ' TWIN FA'ALLS - Idaho Power ^Ett^Tfilnli iMiiliWI i r r i g a t o r s hI a d Police State? Two moi IV of agi'ii'iilliiri.-, ill being Co. iippareniently will meet its goal . • su b m itte d bic.)ids. The Associated Pres'fOSS. _____________ later, the truth is still I .'••W .ViviiiasinM iM.■;i 'ii; :>..u to cut the amount of CompanyC officials estimatete th e o n s h o o t. ■ i.fi f y iH S to 1 loNsc .Spciikcr m ir.ll I--:i withlieldintheEden:ensnooi .wwer IrriRatg a to rs u se th is s u m m e r programp ro could reduce puVclichase BOISE- The si;Slate ScMKiie on . will'll' .tm ii'ulliiri' i'm I -W . ings, today’s editorial;' a s s a y s . AIK.U19OT00 applicants willing to pi»werpb\ costs by S60 millionn this’ Thursday ovui v c r w b e l m i n g l y . ' Brucc N c w c o n i l ) Ml'.;' Hawkins sai.l uImi iho loliin •> Page A6 c u t tlie ir powjower consumption sub- _ summer.sim Tlie prograrn wotddId cut endorsed.a coinprojroinise to extend liiri' ImliK." m itted hid;ids to the utility by costscos by reducing the amoun,int of minimum wage.]e.protection to ------------ le . Ihii e v i'ti ih e I' .Itt niII! lili: I .1',:, ■ Wediicscliiy’!ly’s deadline, company powerpo\ used during times of' p e a k ' n e a rly all f a n n w.■orkersin or Idalio. Housese forI its ralification of llie K "liicli luiil j(la;ii,iiii spokesmanj;nJJeimis Lopez.said._ _____ ddemand^^demand c r met by Innlaying., I'liere \vas onlyly ;a scattering of conjpropromise. Key Ilouse leaders d ^lu’iwp.inili-ir-mmiinii'ijr’: !“ ■ Si-crioN iiVsi-(>1'X.1I()N T ln n ig licgcgmpany officials liave. powerpo\ bn the wholesiile mark<ket. iiegaifve mice vouotes and jiisi one .predlcincuTcrihe niea'suri^otild' when iho Senalc .pass’an,'a n d Cltiv, O irk K i*in])ihorni-le . lei'tioii. dtc.|'iV>i II' ', . • /X tatallied l up the total The'I company will tally up'ip 'tlie . vocal o p p o n e n t wl: eal worked out lias indilulicaied he. will sign ii, . lhi> w eek. In ll,,- ■ i- i, • Section A SectJCtlOn t amounl off |K)werp the bids would bidsbid and submit .t report lo10 the adopted ihe dea nd between farm Thele aa g re e m e n i ili-lfU 's lh i' iVil'il' j-heie.
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