The members of the Synod celebrated the 325th anniversary of the restoration of unity of UGCC Przemysl Eparchy with the Roman Apostolic Church

Monday, 10 September 2018

The of the UGCC visited the Przemysl-Warsaw Archeparchy to celebrate the 325th anniversary of the reestablishment of the unity of the Przemysl Eparchy with the Roman Apostolic Church. Such a visit of over forty Bishops of the UGCC from all over the world to Przemysl took place for the first time in history.

Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw, Yevhen (Popovich), congratulated all members of the Synod of our Church, as well as Salvatore Penacio, the Apostolic Nuncio in Poland, and the Bishops of the Polish Bishopric Conference in his diocese.

“Today, in Przemysl is a great holiday,” said the Head of the UGCC during the sermon at the Greek Catholic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Przemysl. – “The Kyivan Church has arrived in Przemysl in the person of their Bishops from all over the world to thank the Lord God for the incarnation of the history of our Church and our people. Today we solemnly want to thank God for the fact that He loves us so much.”

Speaking about the history of the Przemysl Eparchy, His Beatitude Sviatoslav emphasized that it dates back a long time ago … “This year the Kyivan Church celebrates 1030 years of the Baptism of Rus’-. But we know that the history of the Przemysl Eparchy is even more ancient and reaches the mission of the holy Slavic educators Cyril and Methodius – it was set up by their disciples,” added the the Primate.

Christianity in these lands in the has survived different stages of its formation and prosperity. “But a special event was the one which memory we celebrate today: 325 years ago, the glorious of Przemysl, Innokentij Vynnytskiy makes a historic decision – to restore unity with the successor of the Apostle Petro,” said the Primate.

This Eparchy in its history knew various points … Through the power of the Spirit of God, it showed the height of the flowering of Christian spiritual life, culture and art. We know that this diocese gave our Church and our people the author of our national anthem (Mykhailo Verbytsky – Ed.). But also it has survived the time of destruction, persecution, martyrdom. Therefore, today’s holiday is celebrated in the context of the resurrection of the Przemysl Metropolitanate,” said the Primate.

The Head of the Church remembered Bishop Ivan Martynyak, who became the instrument of God’s work after the resurrection of this Eparchy, a teacher of love and unity. Today, said the spiritual leader of the Greek Catholics, this diocese is confidently stepping forward because it feels that the Church is nothing else than continuation in time and space of the sacrament of the incarnation of the Word of God.

“This year both Poland and Ukraine celebrate the centenary of restoring their statehood. And, standing in front of God’s throne, we thank for the fact that He cared and cares for our peoples. But today we have to say together that whenever our history was a history of salvation, that is, the history of God’s love, then together we were strong and invincible,” convinces the hierarch.

And each time, he added, when the history of man on earth threw God out of it, it turned into the human history only, the time of destruction, hatred and war came. “For the history of man without God is death,” emphasized the Head of the UGCC.

“We pray today, – called His Beatitude Sviatoslav, – that the history of modern Poland and modern Ukraine was a continuation of the history of salvation. Let no one build a future on hatred. Let us be the followers of this unifying Divine Love, to which our Holy Father Francis calls us today.”

“Let today’s feast of the visible and complete unity of the Church of with the Roman be the feast of God’s love in our hearts, communities, eparchies and peoples,” wished the Head of the Church.

On this day, the Bishops of the Synod also visited the Przemysl Cemetery, where the Bishops of the Przemysl Eparchy, the fathers Choristers (Kryloshany) and prominent pastors of this Eparchy are buried. In general, over one hundred priests of the UGCC are buried in this ancient cemetery. Here, the Bishops held the Panakhyda.

Photo: br. Ivan Vyhor

Department of Information of the UGCC ary_of_the_restoration_of_unity_of_ugcc_przemysl_eparchy_with_the_roman_apostolic_ch urch_83778.html Messenger of the Holy Father at the Synod: Meetings of and the Head of the UGCC are always very fruitful – they build the foundation for cooperation

Monday, 03 September 2018

The Holy Father asked me to convey that the Holy See is always close to you and has a great desire to follow you, to be in touch with you in all matters that may be a sign of the care of the Church of Rome for the love of the whole Church. This was stated by Bishop Claudio Gugerotti, the Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, during the first day of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, which continues in -Briukhovychi from 2 to 12 September 2018.

According to Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, this year’s Synod takes place at a special moment that Ukraine is experiencing. “I would just like to recall the topic that was and is at the center of our attention – the celebration of this glorious Tomos. There is a lot of talk about it, but nothing is visible yet. Therefore, there is a field for different talks … We need to focus primarily on the Church, which is a favorite of Christ. But we must also be careful about the political moment that is present on this topic. I would like to talk more about Christ, but less about politics,” said the envoy of the Pope.

According to him, we are now preparing for the presidential election. This, too, says the Archbishop, is a special opportunity to see how Greek Catholics in Ukraine can help people understand what they want – to help remember the consequences when we talk about values such as justice and respect for human rights, which are often neglected.

The theme of the Synod is the Word of God. “The preaching of the Word of God awakens the aim of being missionaries, the ability to work and draw conclusions that will serve the universal Church. Without this, the Church would be poorer. This is a characteristic of the Church – to receive the Word and then to preach it,” says Bishop Claudio Gugerotti.

The Apostolic Nuncio noticed that during the Synod there will be new bishops nominated. He expressed the hope that these nominees would be exemplary. “The new bishops are the strengthening of the Apostolic Collegium, which is entrusted with the management of the Church. They must continue to be healthy, deep, living spirituality with the ability to lead, which is a special specific characteristic of this task,” he said.

Finally, the Apostolic Nuncio wished the members of the Synod a fruitful work and conveyed the hugs and blessings of the Holy Father. “And you should be proud of who you are and in order to be able to support the faithful in the faith,” said the Archbishop.

Bishop Claudio noted that Pope Francis and His Beatitude Sviatoslav always have the opportunity to meet. “This is always a meeting that is very fruitful, which builds a common foundation for cooperation,” he said.

The Head of the UGCC therefore asked to convey to the Holy Father “the unity and support that the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church want to express”.

“We said publicly yesterday,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, “that the UGCC is with the Holy Father in his suffering, in his difficulties, and always wants to bring him joy. We do not want to upset our Father, but by our work, our ministry we always strive to be the cause of joy. ”

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The Synod of Bishops of the UGCC held its first working meeting. Guests arrived from around the world

Monday, 03 September 2018

In Lviv (Brіukhovychi), on Monday, September 3, 2018, began its first working meeting the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church under the chairmanship of the Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav. 42 bishops of the UGCC from Ukraine and the world participate in the work of the Synod.

First of all, the Primate officially opened the work of the Synod and thanked everyone who came “for this particular moment of the Holy Spirit’s breath on our Church and our people.”

Then His Beatitude Sviatoslav recalled to the members of the Synod what changes took place in our Church in the last year, namely the last Synod.

First of all, the Head of the Church said, the division of the Kolomyia-Chernivtsi diocese into Kolomyia and Chernivtsi took place at the past Synod. “Therefore, we congratulate Bishop Vasуl (Ivasyuk) on his new title of Bishop of Kolomyia,” said the Head of the UGCC. – The special joy of last year was the fact that after the Synod ended we could proclaim the creation of a new diocese in our Church – the Chernivtsi Diocese. And hence the enthronement of the first Bishop of this diocese – Bishop Josafat (Moshchyn), whom we now heartily congratulate as the ruling Bishop, took place. ”

There was also an unexpected change – the Holy Father accepted the resignation of Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan (Soroka) of Philadelphia. His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanked Archbishop Stefan for his work and expressed his joy that the Archbishop came to the Synod.

At the time of the vacancy of the Metropolitan of Philadelphia, the Holy Father appointed Bishop Andrіу (Rabiу) to perform his duties.

This year’s Synod is attended by a new member of the Synod – the youngest Bishop of the Synod, the Assistant Bishop of the - diocese Peter (Loza).

During this year, Bishop Andriy (Sapelyak) went away to eternity at the 98th year of his life. His Beatitude Sviatoslav asked to remember him in his prayers in the context of the memorial days. Traditionally, guests arrive at the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC. The Head of the UGCC congratulated each of them personally.

For this year’s Synod came Bishop Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine. “Whenever you are between us, we feel the presence of the Holy Father, Pope Francis” said the Head of the UGCC.

Bishop Mečislav Mokshitsky, Lviv Roman Catholic Metropolitan, Bishop Roland Mіnnerаth, Archbishop of Dijon, representative of the French Catholic Bishopric. “This is a great sign of communion between the local Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the French Church,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The Apostolic for the Catholics of the Byzantine rite of , Bishop Manuel Nin arrived from Greece. “Feel like a among the brothers. Thank you for the fact that tens of thousands of faithful in our Church in Greece are under your caring parental care,” said the Head of the UGCC.

The guests of the Synod were also Bishop Filaret (Kucherov), Archbishop of Lviv and Galician UOC (MP), and Bishop Dimitry (Rudyuk), Archbishop and Metropolitan of the UOC (KP).

Bishop Ihor (Isichenko), Archbishop of the Kharkiv-Poltava diocese of the UAOC arrived at the Synod. Bishop Ihor will also take part in some meetings of the Synod. “Thank you so much that you are among us and that you will work with us,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

In addition, there arrived also the representatives of the UGCC communities of certain countries where the Church still does not have fully established structures.

The Primate congratulated fr. Vasуl Goverа, Apostolic Administrator for Greek Catholics in Kazakhstan, Fr. Yuri Kolasа, General Vicar for the faithful of the Byzantine rite in Austria, and Fr. Makariу Leniv.

However, this is not yet all the guests who will arrive at the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC this year. The members of the Synod also expect the arrival of the Bishop of Milan (Shashik); the ruling Bishop of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic diocese Bishop Nil (Lushchak); the Assistant Bishop of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese Fr. Andrés Martinez Esteban; representative of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference; vicar for the Eastern Catholics in Spain; and Fr. Serhiy Hayek, for the Greek Catholics of Belarus.

Department of Information of the UGCC

Adapted from an article on: eeting_guests_arrived_from_around_the_world_83712.html

Members of the Synod of Bishops of UGCC prayed to the Holy Spirit and made a vow

(Photo: Bishop Andiy Rabiy carries Gospel)

Sunday, 02 September 2018

On Sunday, September 2, in Briukhovychi members of the Synod of Bishops of UGCC were praying to the Holy Spirit before starting working sessions, as Moleben to the Holy Spirit reveals a spiritual sense of this meeting.

“Every start is always the most important in any competition, since the final result depends on how you begin it (I mean with what enthusiasm and energy). We start from the heights – the Liturgy we prayed in St. George Cathedral. We are calling for God’s blessing and inviting our faithful to pray for their hierarchs, for their shepherds. Since bishops came here as parents who brought their concerns, expectations and worries, as well as hopes and joy of their children”, – explained in his comment bishop Bohdan Dziurakh, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops of UGCC.

As for him, every Synod is unique and it cannot be compared to any session. Time passes, we became wiser, got better experience, nevertheless we have challenges, pain and suffering, also new tasks which God calls us for. That is why we have to search for new solutions what will correspond to God’s will regarding our Church and people.

“Certainly, we ask for a gift of the Holy Spirit, because things we want to solve are not our plans. We aspire not just to fancy something for our Church, but to reveal God’s will to us and our faithful. And God’s will shows itself in the Holy Spirit, in a humble spirit of God’s Word. That is a reason why we started our working session with a solemn invocation of a gift of the Holy Spirit – gift of wisdom, what we will need”, explained bishop Bohdan.

Following Moleben bishops made a vow. Bishop Bohdan defined that a vow identifies our responsibility for the whole process of work. Mainly in the vow, which bishops make, is mentioned that we have to avoid any careless statements which might be harmful to our Church.

“Every bishop is a teacher and spiritual doctor simultaneously. That is why our first priority is to bring healthy teaching to the people of God, bring medication – the grace of the Holy Spirit, what will heal the wounds of our people (and under no circumstances to harm by any act or indiscreet word), – bishop Bohdan assured.

As we have informed, from September 2 till 12, 2018 in Lviv the Synod of Bishops takes place. The main theme of the Synod is dedicated to the Word of God and catechization.

The UGCC Department of Information holy_spirit_and_made_a_vow_83720.html

The Head of the UGCC: Our Church in Ukraine and all over the world is with the Pope Francis!

Monday, 03 September 2018

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church supports Pope Francis in all his endeavors, as she tries to bring goodness not only to the faithful, the Almighty, but also to the Holy Father.

This was emphasized by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head and Father of the UGCC, in his speech to the faithful on Sunday, September 2, at St. George’s Cathedral in Lviv. On that day, the solemn opening of the annual Synod of Bishops of the UGCC took place.

“Our Synod of Bishops of the UGCC is a visible way of our celebrating the complete unity of communion with the successor of the Apostle Peter. Our Church in Ukraine and around the world is with the Pope Francis – with him in his pains, suffering, and in his joys. As a beloved daughter who wants to bring joy to her Father, we have gathered for the Synod, because we feel the calling to be the messengers of the Good News, God’s Word of joy not only to His people, but also to the Holy Father,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The Head of the UGCC also wished a blessing to the Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine the Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, as he would soon visit the faithful in the occupied territories.

In addition, the Primate congratulated all the Bishops and thanked them for participating in the Synod, and also mentioned the three levels of responsibility of the Bishops: for the diocese, the local UGCC and the entire Ecumenical Church.

Department of Information of the UGCC the_world_is_with_the_pope_francis_83711.html WORKING SESSIONS OF THE UGCC SYNOD ONGOING

3 September 2018

On September 2, the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church began the Pontifical Divine Liturgy in Lviv at the Cathedral of St. George.

The worship for the beginning of the Synod was led by Patriarch Sviatoslav in the co- celebration of the representative of the Holy Father, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lviv and other bishops – members of the Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. This is reported by the Lviv Archdiocese of the UGCC.

As Patriarch Sviatoslav noted during the sermon before the Synod’s opening, this year’s theme of the Synod was devoted to the Word of God and catechism.

The Bishops of the UGCC will consider how the UGCC teaches and proclaims the word of the Holy Gospel, in what way Ukrainian Greek Catholics draw from the Word of God for their daily lives and live it, how much they know and how they are capable to pray and how well they know and adhere to the moral and spiritual principles of Christian life. The members of the Synod will discuss how the catechism is being taught, whether there are catechetical schools in the parishes, and whether the UGCC has well-prepared catechesis programs.

“Catechism is not only a certain course, the program of religion for children. People in all age groups need to be accompanied by their bishops, priests, monks, nuns, in order to better understand God’s truths in all circumstances of their lives, therefore this Synod will be of great importance to the life of every Greek Catholic Ukrainian, no matter where they live in the world,” they stress in the UGCC. The Assistant Bishop of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, His Eminence Eduard Kava, Exarch Nil of Greek Catholics in Greece, and the representative of the Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church in France, Bishop Roland, also attended the liturgy. Participating in the liturgy was Bishop Ihor Isichenko Archbishop of the Kharkiv-Poltava Diocese of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

The Synod will be held in Lviv-Bryukhovychi during ten days and will end on September 12, 2018.

In Bryukhovychi, before the Synod’s working meetings started, the bishops of the UGCC had prayed to the Holy Spirit and swore an oath. The working session continues.

Adapted from the article on:

I am asking all faithful to call on grace of Holy Spirit for our Synod, Head of UGCC

Sunday, 02 September 2018

On September 2 – 12, 2018 in Lviv – Briukhovychi an annual Synod of Bishops of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church starts its work. The main theme is “The Word of God and catechization”. Bishops will analyze how teaching of the Holy Gospel is spread and proclaimed in our Church, and to which extent our believers derive from the Word of God for their daily life.

“This is something what is related to the topic of catechetical ministering, – teaching of main principles of our faith. To what extent our faithful know God, who they believe in, how well they can pray and how much they are aware of basis of morality and spirituality in Christian life and adhere to it”, told Father and Head of UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav in the interview for UGCC Department for Information.

Head of Church explained that issue of a Synod, which takes place in our Church once in a year corresponds with an idea and sense of a story about disciples and resurrected Jesus Christ walking to Emmaus. “All our bishops worldwide will meet for a synodal session, as His Beatitude Lubomyr used to say. Ten days we are going to walk a common way of listening to the Word of God, discerning His holy will in our life and developing our Church in Ukraine as well as on settlements”, said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

Additionally, he mentioned that “Synod gets a shape of not just a meeting only when a resurrected Christ visits us”. Hence, Head of UGCC asked all faithful of our Church in Ukraine to pray for it. Particularly, asked to pray to the Holy Spirit, so this meeting of our bishops would truly undergo a deep grace of a synodal act.

“This Synod will make a huge impact on a life of every Ukrainian Greek catholic believer, no matter where they live. Hence, I am asking every faithful of our Church to participate in a synodal act, which takes place from 2 till 12 of September, with the help of your prayer”, urged Head of UGCC.

“We will be trying to inform you about a progress of our Synod. I would like to ask you not just to be interested in it, but also pray to the Holy Spirit for our bishops, our Synod and our Church, so we can truly accomplish God’s will in these modern realia in Ukraine and live according to His commandments”, pointed out His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

UGCC Department for Information our_synod_head_of_ugcc_83701.html

The Head of the UGCC on Independence Day of Ukraine: «Let’s ask ourselves today: How much do I love Ukraine?»

The Head of the UGCC on Independence Day of Ukraine: «Let’s ask ourselves today: How much do I love Ukraine?»

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Today, for us, the example of love for the Motherland is the heroes who, for centuries, have given their their own lives for their country. Therefore, when we congratulate each other today with the words “Glory to Ukraine!”, we answer “Glory to the Heroes!” Let our heroes, who put their lives on the altar of freedom, independence, today will be our teachers of love for the Motherland.

This was stated by the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav in a video address on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.

Today – August 24 – we celebrate the great national holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine. “On this day I want to invite all of you to reflect on how each of us builds our attitude towards our homeland as a native independent state,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

A well-known folk song teaches us this way. Everything in the world can be chosen – except the Motherland. The foundation of a true, relevant attitude towards the Motherland is love. Love to one’s state, to one’s people, to one’s native land. Liubomyr Husar used to say that today Ukrainians are no longer divided into Westerners, Easterners, Ukrainians or Russians, and this division passes through one question: Whether I love my Motherland or not. Therefore, in his opinion, we can all be divided into those who love Ukraine and those who do not like it.”

The Head of the UGCC urged today, on this nationwide holiday, that everyone should ask himself: do I love Ukraine? “Let’s celebrate this day in the context of a certain spiritual conversion. Because often people rate the attitude towards Motherland in this way: what did Ukraine give me? Instead, let’s ask ourselves: What did I do for my Motherland ?! With what love do I love: the one which only wants to take, or with the true love, which calls to give?” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

“Today, Ukrainians around the world will unite in the universal prayer for Ukraine. We pray together for our Motherland. I congratulate you, Ukrainian people, on this remarkable holiday!” – the Head of the UGCC said in conclusion.

Department of Information of the UGCC s_ask_ourselves_today_how_much_do_i_love_ukraine_83637.html His Beatitude Sviatoslav participated in Convention of the Knights of Columbus opening

His Beatitude Sviatoslav participated in Convention of the Knights of Columbus opening

8 August 2018

The 136th Convention of the Knights of Columbus began on August 7 in Baltimore city. The theme of this year’s Convention is Knights of Columbus – Knights of Mercy. Patriarch Sviatoslav took part in the Mass on the occasion of the opening of the Convention which was led by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori. It was in Baltimore that the founder of Knights of Columbus, the righteous Fr. Michael J. McGivney was ordained to priesthood. It is reported by the Department of Information of the Ukrainian Greek- Catholic Church.

10 cardinals, 74 and bishops, as well as more than 100 priests prayed at the Mass on the occasion of the opening of the Convention. Participating on behalf of the UGCC were Bishop , OSBM, the Eparch of Stamford, Bishop , the Eparch of Parma, Bishop , the Eparch of Edmonton, Bishop , the Eparch of Saskatoon, Bishop , Apostolic Administrator of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, Bishop , Auxillary Bishop of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, and Archbishop , Archbishop Emeritus of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia.

Overall, more than 2,500 delegates from around the world are taking part in the Convention. The Ukrainian delegation is led by Mr. Bogdan Kovaliv, Territorial delegate of Ukraine.

As reported, on August 6, the official visit of the Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the United States began, during which the Primate held a number of important meetings in Baltimore, Stamford, St Paul, and Philadelphia. The visit ended on August 22.

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Pope Francis greets Ukraine on Independence Day

23 August 2018

Pope Francis conveyed his greetings to the President and Ukrainians on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of independence.

The press service of Ukraine’s President reports.

“I hope that the desire to find a solution to the benefit of peace that the people are so striving for will bring positive results for the whole country, especially for the inhabitants of regions affected by the conflict,” the Pope wrote.

The Pontiff wished the President and all the people of the country a blessing of God.