
Early American History ID’s Exploration and Settlement:

1. Early Native Americans 2. Sioux, Pueblo, Mound Builders, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas 3. Renaissance 4. Technology 5. Ferdinand and Isabella 6. Protestant 7. Portugal 8. Henry the Navigator 9. Christopher Columbus 10. New World 11. Amerigo Vespucci 12. Treaty of Tordesillas 13. Vasco Nunez de Balboa 14. Ferdinand Magellan 15. Hernan Cortes 16. Francisco Pizarro 17. Conquistadores 18. Encomienda system 19. John Cabot 20. Giovanni de Verrazano 21. Samuel de Champlain 22. Robert de la Salle 23. Henry Hudson 24. Roanoke Colony 25. Joint-stock Company 26. Virginia Company; Jamestown 27. Captain 28. John Rolfe; Pocahontas 29. Royal Colony 30. 31. 32. Separatists 33. Pilgrims 34. Mayflower; Mayflower Compact 35. 36. 37. Great Migration 38. Virginia

The and the British Empire:

1. Corporate Colonies 41. Dominion of 2. Royal Colonies 42. Sir 3. Proprietary Colonies 43. 4. Chesapeake Colonies 44. Triangular Trade 5. George Calvert, Lord Baltimore 45. Slave Trade 6. Cecil Calvert; Lord Baltimore 46. Middle Passage 7. Act of Toleration (1649) 8. Virginia 9. Sir William Berkeley 10. Bacon’s Rebellion 11. Indentured servant 12. Headright system 13. Slavery 14. 15. Providence 16. Anne Hutchinson 17. Antinomianism 18. Rhode Island 19. Thomas Hooker 20. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 21. John Davenport 22. Connecticut 23. New Hampshire 24. Halfway covenant 25. New England Confederation 26. Restoration Colonies 27. The Carolinas 28. Rice Plantations 29. Tobacco Farms 30. 31. 32. Pennsylvania 33. 34. 35. Holy Experiment 36. 37. Georgia 38. James Oglethorpe 39. Mercantilism 40. 18 th Century Colonial Society:

1. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur 2. Immigrants 3. English Culture Domination 4. Self-government 5. Religious Toleration 6. Social Mobility 7. Colonial Families 8. Subsistence Farming 9. Great Awakening 10. Jonathan Edwards 11. George Whitfield 12. Georgian Style 13. Benjamin West 14. John Copley 15. 16. Benjamin Franklin 17. Poor Richard’s Almanac 18. Phyllis Wheatley 19. John Bartram 20. John Peter Zenger 21. Andrew Hamilton 22. Limited democracy 23. Town meetings

Colonial Protests and American Revolution: 40. Battle of Yorktown 41. Treaty of Paris (1783) 1. French and Indian War 42. Articles of Confederation 2. George Washington 43. Unicameral legislation 3. Edward Braddock 44. Land Ordinance of 1785 4. Albany Plan of Union (1754) 45. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 5. Peace of Paris (1763) 46. Shay’s Rebellion 6. Salutary Neglect 47. Mary McCauley (Molly Pitcher) 7. George III; Crown 48. Deborah Sampson 8. Whigs 49. Abigail Adams 9. Parliament 10. First Continental Congress (1774) 11. 12. 13. John Adams 14. John Dickinson 15. John Jay 16. Joseph Galloway 17. Suffolk Resolves 18. Economic Sanctions 19. Declaration of Rights and Grievances 20. 21. William Dawes 22. Minutemen 23. Lexington 24. Concord 25. Battle of Bunker Hill 26. Second Continental Congress (1775) 27. Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms 28. Olive Branch Petition 29. Prohibitory Act (1775) 30. Thomas Paine; Common Sense 31. Declaration of Independence 32. 33. Patriots 34. Loyalists (Tories) 35. Valley Forge 36. Continentals 37. George Rogers Clark 38. Battle of Saratoga 39. Absolute Monarch