Notes to Chapter I: Introduction 1
Notes NOTES TO CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1. Thomas De Quincey, Confes!fions of an English Opium Eater, ed. Alethea Hayter (1821; Harmondsworth, 1971) pp. 105-6. 2. CL, III, p. 541. 3. Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting in England, vol. 4 (Strawberry Hill, 1762- 71); quoted in Mario Praz, Introductory Essay to Peter Fairclough (ed.), Three Gothic Novels (Harmondsworth, 1968) pp. 16-17. 4. See: William Vaughan, Romantic Art (London, 1978) pp. 32-6; J0rgen Andersen, 'Giant Dreams, Piranesi's Influence in England', English Miscellany, 3 (Rome, 1952), quoted in Mario Praz, op. cit., p. 16; Philip Hofer, Introduction to Giovanni Battista Piranesi, The Prisons [Le Careen] (New York, 1973) p. viii. 5. Hofer, op. cit., p. xii. 6. Thomas De Quincey, 'Samuel Taylor Coleridge', Tait's Edinburgh Maga zine, Sep 1834-Jan 1835; repr. in Reminiscences of the English Lake Poets, ed. John E. Jordan (London and New York, 1961) p. 10. 7. Quoted in Alec R. Vidler, F. D. Maurice and Company: Nineteenth-Century Studies (London, 1966) p. 222. 8. Fortnightly Review, n.s. XXXVII (1885) 11-25,223-33. 9. A. C. Swinburne, Essays and Studies (London, 1875) p. 274. 10. Charles Lamb to William Wordsworth, 26 Apr 1816; see Edwin W. Marrs, Jr (ed.), The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb, 3 vols to date (Ithaca, N.Y., 1975-8) vol. III, p. 215. 11. Leslie Stephen, Hours in a Library, vol. III, 3rd edn (1879; London, 1909) p. 343. 12. E. P. Thompson, review of David V. Erdman (ed.), Essays on His Times (Princeton, 1978), in The Wordsworth Circle, 10 (1979) 261-5.
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