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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-20-1895 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-20-1895 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-20-1895." (1895).

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alructml at a coat of aeveral tbouaaud CI acting chairman, The inane . 'PIIIA i a dlavued SWINDLED STOKOS. Ifleel. h. iile dally out of Ihe twenty-four- TIU- - RAILROADS. ter Irvm, Ailolph Hrllwsg ami two On tbny were aelied Mi. dollar. landing by m waa the advlaablllty of aeparate political Ihfh-'p- Meirlll, Joyrr, tiallalieu and the children, and Mlsssea ikira and Molli a cowmltte and, Imitating to tht latter action llrllweg. Two large log neit yar, but no definite action mtfd Chaplain C. C McCaU will be the Is cabin and a What ftclnc Iwiic un all the Western It-Il- tho 3.VI I big l have been up fur re- nierieiice of tbe original arrlvata waa taken. It eipeclwl another meet- Hcavls Also Cauchl Ulhcr Astute Mew principal preachers during the firet week. fitted thtlr agn, Lines. ception and a wagon loail uf turnltun, year wele conducted to a place of ing will b held Among thote Yorkers, while Hev Ur Hiker, of Wheellii, W. Hum-Iwr- n, - l"thlng and irovlsion preceled them to They are Meeting in Large s Oih-IwI- Trainmaster It.ibbu (rom tlal- entertainment where they were feasted Indians of Wyoming Holding preteut to day were! J, R. of Va , wlM have charge of the camp children's hip this yesterday, on Rtrawherrie ami eitjam and nothing Memphl! Charle CotHn, moriiitig Id Baltimore, Dance. of Arkauaaai department The lent for the American elae, Utiv. Oreentialge ami their Annual vis or LAno tame. A Hew time table ot B 'e, UN A LARK. tulle arrived J. 0. Halphtuydar, of Weat Virginia! mi crart services seats 4.00AI, while the separate t. l're Cott A l ,1. ahortly liefore noon, and after reviewing rtecretary Ackler, of Naabville) Oenoral tente for the Hwetlisb ami Norwegian l'boentl well! il.'Ct oil Jul) li;, Two Women Their Companions Have the proceaalim, took part In the pilbllo A. J, Warner, of Ohio) A. W. Kucker, of will Twent) five tloubie e ked tor anJ tlie Ni ,,ik . rtci , acconimiUte some sit thou car, Manchcster-by-thc-S- ea rfom a oui-b- tta In eiercltee ami feativitlet, Cattle Thieves Captured Coh e Mi'ht Harris Arrested. Revclllne and Jailed ratio, and II. W. Miller, of Ktlwartl b. htoke admitted yesterday sand more sheei eblpitirlit, went et .i Oallup lat Old-Ti- Ktta Harris ami Lea, two soiled dove Ifttft Celebration. In . Colorailu. that tbe from that James night. eietrea tllevrlaaU. reirl alletl A m a , having room nu North 'I'hinl street, and (Irlllln. IH -- A I'rralta-Heavl- A. 11 Heading, th.- (la., July free ailver Hanaait I'll) etluek Market. Addison uf colossal land Little lieorgie Uellls, only a II month- - kn wn court two companions of the masculine gender, democratic coiiveutlotl it being held here, Kama City, July Is. - Cattle market grant lame, who came to In New stetiogiApher, I lloldltk- - a dt'ek at were out on a "lark" latt nigbl, ami grief old cherilti, was called away b) Ihe all !!! lenty Firemen Injured at Hrc by Uvday. Henator Little Hope for Entombed Miners In ateaity. Tela tteere, 'J the freight every glass of beer drank, or every I Morgau made a apeer.h, Mexico the other day, had swindled him I deml. gels from papa and mallillia at Jtl )ee-teni- tlilmblelul of old John llarleycuru gtllpenl M Falling Walls In Inc. T-- Je Cincinnati. Clavelaml Mlchlfan CllWt, (l.f0ujU.'Jfi beef A I, J acorlug and Carllale, which ler ami other New Vorkere wae iUlle true. afleruill The hrnVe little fellow el''k train, lomleil u ,i . Ktte, passe.) wmild intensify their hilarity and th gnat euthiltlaam, he ;s.V,j& I0j native cow, $1 I avenue and tree l lleaatd rame t wouldn't," eaid he, "rare to slate gave hopes to the loving ones around III through the cit) entl) tn.e inorniiig from reverberated with i and feeilere, bUsplieuiy and yells. Policeman to the convention an a democrat to advo- t"fl etouker f'J.Uooj.4Ut bow much moiie) t put into that Magdaleha , ell rmile ! hnlieas pastures, Harris OTHII TILICRArniC GEMS. ABIZ5TKD AT CLirTOX, A. T gil t'olich of wlthhtahdltig a severe attack of started alter the tpiartetle, all mora or cate democratic principle, old and aouml. bulla, tl.lajHj'J W. Hheep eteaily. beautiful schema. I could, give h"ever, braid feter, but the spirit t'o,iiiered and Hr M.J NlCtlnlsoh ll leCelVed the lees full, and al 1 .10 p in, headed tbsbl - I a a great national parly. you the name of one or two net lit.- e - 4.ld Uetas; Id Karepe. lletlawa). Mr and Mr L. K llelli g.t appollittneiit ol .Southern p, ih- surgeon, oil ou .North Third street near Coptwr IH I 1 tUlttcoirr, Mil., July On the lire Lander, Wyu , July IH. There much men who got lu fur ae much ae I inlio-io- n III avenue. They were warned not lo "dis- MrrMf lajarrd. New Vork, July 18 Tb tteaintblp on a sorrowful to tlehkufth, Wis , lefillot) being flout tl Sllnoll to con- but 1 My turb Ihe .eac" any further, or they of the great gathering of Christian uneaalneta felt In thla city over the Normaniiie, apirre, won't going into ) III ii- Cincinnati, July 18. The twenty fire- which eaiiml limk out The) delight Albmpielipie Ihagiaiii .'iiminil, An would find off Ki-- themselves sleeping their Him tun, Col-gat- the thing came al and almost before dition of affair In Jacknoli'a Hole. The JMU.IKHJ gold e about through Will men injured hy tailing walla at the burn- blppel by Newlage, lilliale and return ehortl). It I rep.ite Hint line stupi r in the city haetlla. This repri- Iheir ieau of praise have ceased to echo Indian, It la re'torted, have ent Conkllug, but not through any fault ot mand did Set lsiior-r-Ultii-- d ing of a warvbouee, at Walnut and Water acroiw ii Co, taliill) , lormetl) ot t, Marcial, not well on tbe hie, 1 v A I. Mile of through the Uml cottira tl assembling hi lie-da- the range to the bead of llreeii river for lutri'lureil Ilea If to Henator l.riti stomach Kit Harris, and she etreelt laal night are doing well will up lerldi'tl tl Kl I 4'tilra Ntaru ItnrKet H, M tbe h He rou-erle- d take then aeo aliilei-- 1 , III this cil)' of tbe hosts of the llapliat ra.lnforce.meul. There la a ronalilerable Conkllug myself. It was a few months l'halulnrs, artiet, the tlicer the luosl Insulting Theimee now coneldered aeriouely injured Chh ago, July 1.1 Cattle active ami ehortl) tin ha been I hen- kicking Conkllug hii old woolen haeli leiwl Into a maiitiei, and tigbting him like a I ting People's t'lilon nl America. It Ik are Michael McNally ami Kdwanl New- body of Indiana holding a eun dance at liefore died. Theeeuator tieiit forerl maddened hyena, strong Tetaa eteere ;(.7..i4 Imlk pretty piece of art It represent the Week further warned tiflli point. le three weeka in the t i the international convention of Ihe man will Mc- that The Indiana, it umlertnd, U 'Mi 3 "fi goingover I'eralta keep her tongue ipilel led hi more The latter recover, but in Hbeep elea.1) hi elrong. Will w tin- - t claim tome- - Hulling old mill in it prieline da) of i" h lUim .leikat alniee, finally nrgauitaltnn, ami tit ir,lKH) delegate Nally may The corrected lint threatened to deatroy Ihe proerty of the piere. Then be said 'Htiikee, until the nlhfer yanked die. ahnwi: freight depot, Ml Mtn . tl have dar- Market. If the deed ami documents thai tide lleefllllie, when the i ottonwiail were the ice Kle) Ktta out of U,e vehicle ami escorted her win brought with thru nearly a Total loee, llK),()00t lueuranie, 11i(l,llOU. eettler and teach them a leaaon for 1i..e man New Money on not a 'I I a now, and I a little gem if on a vai atnili. and John Miniiiion I the the cil) jtil, where she remained until many of their kindred, come from avery ing to Interfere with their favorite e lurk, July lh rail holds ore genuine he baa one of the uioet l lll C ,1 I I tin morning, the )oiiug gentlemen fall, ArTra) vaey I per caul. I'rtm mercantile r, I hatii.tnilelled relief lalldt'aie, a new del k, hlle .nine tak ug l.i section of every state In the Union, a ehMllM nf huntitig. Judge Jay L, Torray, perfect chains of evidence to a title that mg In secure bond III to prevent l.-- onler I.oa Angelea, Cal., July i Alonin 1 - feature ill painting. The gentle- vacation aell at from Canada ami from Mexico. tpeaker of tba boutt of repreaenlativea, have ever seen, and would It- willing to ei'emr he i Itoui Kciip) mg a cell laat Me) em nbot and inatantly killed hi wife Irf-a- man I now at woik on a rlief d'n re of mill.--, at Aeh night Tin Crawford 0tng to the fact that Haltlmore hai. mi ha arrived from Kmbar ami eeut the Hlltrr anal lefeml his claim against the world.' ia Ten rale loaded hork, morning, Juatlce aiMer-in-la- I investigated night and atteinjile.1 to kill hia - New Vork, July Leu which will the chief a her cae and Ill I. nil enough to lart follow It. Silver, rt. That waa enough for me. A etoek com-pan- y portra) paetlme of and rotielgpfd to Mlollg hntiea, aeiwe! large accommodate mi governor a meeaagn a l'it, '!." fine hue-bau- d. (:l 'JO. llarri" woman f mid costa Her Mre, Irving Llnaou, and her rerlalu Alliuipienpie man ll'itt aw a) flolu tin, .ugh Un- - n ( . t . The great a gathering a uiainiiiolh lent linn "I'leaae autborixe me In organlxe a wan lormed to proeeeute the i lalm pee,i cit) lat Aa p, 1 1. Afterward he eliot Inmaelf, and HUttH-HAhVli- Y Indue. lllllle belong to In . , I erected at the Madison street force to go Immediately to the relief of ULRAlh. and Ingersoll was at one time the pres- l.alltr) lallloall iTaI-A- .II HH1I I I Ih-u- hl liitllcte a fatal wound. Hit eieter-l- law I. to Hill Park, ami which Ik our fellow cliilena in Jackaon'a Hole. ident of it. titll.ll MlblihlS. blllldel eecaed without Injury, but her huaband mill to Is the largeat stretch ot canvass Can be there with a force in forty-eigh- t Tbe Two Ocwslnr Orators Wtucklnr "Certainly, Hie idea that the deene and Colldlll tor J. M How Use litoilght ill A Oiuc llouscholJ lixlsts No receiveil a wound from which he may die, diN Mnu-mctt- t llarn eer put up in the world. It alumle hour. (Hlgnetl) Jay L, Toiihht." Away at Each Other. iiments might have Imen forge.) never A In iKvcliip Hkli Hell La nun oil .'he i, ir t h hi ml Kin in a ick con Jealouey wae the of the crime, Mure. pace for PJ.tKX) chairs, covers a tract of raliee Chicago, July 18. -- The third day of the enleretl my mind, and veii now, in epite I'Uccrs. tltloii, a) the .Sail .SUli'ntl II.-.- - I 'I 1 he IlKHilrrM Jailed llorr Harvey silver debate oiienrd 11 Jul) tth, Maria Alvaradiide llari ground XI ft hy I'Jfi feet, ami lit supported A al of the decision of the court at Hanla Ke Hon V S i, ne f the chief t 'l un kehalik elii.n--l winch Woman la le Klretrernted. Hpringview, Neb , July 18. The four a. m, the lalene of the starting hour loiewe, wa led to the h) Ineueal altar at lii Paso, I tifly feel ill lif iK-- L' New York, IN eentence of ami the arrest of Keavle, il may turn out fai'tor III the development tlie pri'liiii'd an improvement in the poles mler the July The - securing of i'ii I mailer captured by vigilante, have tierelolore having tmen Ion ml iuconvrnl- Tlie y "it Iif 'i bride was born at beautiful nf great 10.IKHI death by electricity waa y paaeed in 1'be that Ihey are genuine " llllleliiiro Mae Iiipallie.1 to eii k mall. siieder this canvass dele lieen here, men been eut Home rve:t. aubjecl umlar plarer, ri Mita of jailed fifteen have - lt.enlie, in the elate Chihuahua, assembled thin at ID upon Maria who on April UO cut llecuetlon waa, what Harvey bail char- . town by a who l inakilik.' I g.tler morning llarberi, out ten day tbeee rattle thieve at Mc Peiiv.T extieil. be holitlielli I'hCiIi Hellattllla lieiid, Mekico, and beloug to a proud, ' after acteriteil In hia book, "crime of '7.1" Oratem .reeearj-- dashing when the convention called Ihe thlnat of ll.minco Cataldo, a boot-blai- h Ihoroilgli t'talniliatloii ol the Kent ,V i.k Waa a big, and the only wonder I of diver. After tome ml Washington, July IN Faulk- Ari"lm, le to be on ai I'oillit t)pe of the leading Mextcau classes, Hb I. onler h) President John II Chapman, with whom hail lieen living - rttrtt'klei placer gr..iiinl ami other of the that the ruttlere were uut bung or tboton rellaneouit sparring, Harvey charged cor- ner, chairman of the national deiuorralli' sand Meaiii.g oul tl ii of the wa m.el and won ami she left parent nf Chicago Tht-- her off execution le III passage Ueiuoneli-xatio- n cement deport nf t It- - Hell a devotional exercises, ntidwliocatt Her eight, a about half the committee after lUpllou llie ol lue congressional committee, denies that any gteat pinup fst ae lny wele put in and liouie to join her fate, for better or l act. diatrn-- j- -r winch were characterifeil liy great eet lor the week beginning Auguat l'J. ol democratic cation The of ting. The well I I, film leel l.ep i,nd water wa them were old time vigilante. The Horr reiiudiatetl the Inference that the party oratore le to be eeut )e.iw wotse, with the mmi of her choice. That ami In) liy gel taken from the Htrirkler placer k i'Hi fervor, vrrnt Hv. nor-nip- to the Knl etllli l a depth ol feet. rtiatlera denied their crime until laal alliens of tbe UlilUwl HUtee wele all t, nortbwrat under the auspices of the their wedded life has not been through a Demurrer 0rrrnlrd through-il- C. A. Hnhbs, of Delavan. Wis. Tim ul of )ear ago attracttii attention l I'- Ir I'liuadelphia, July IK In the United night, at a lonesome plact uear I'onca and none their women virtuou. comtaitlee for the purpoee dlecileelug ndio lot pol Howe, o Mnii Miiicinl, path of roe i apparent from a statement It wsa the luiuilig of Itivk- - praise ami prayer occupied nearly half a llorr tleclariHl luat not true that the legion the lec.-ive- Mtatee court. Judge Atchiaou to day ovei-rul- ed creek, on the Hlouz reservation, Tbe currency ipjestiou, "I have vtritteti a telegrain Irotli M l.oin the f'limelied 'I'u a Ciiixkn this morning by hour, ami welcoming every man had bis price. The luemlwr ie i in Value ol tin- - Inggeet addressee were then rail-roa- cotton-wiNi- it Mr, Hazrard, who was eaid to have ini- intrluric of the demurrer ot the Heading il rider role up under eoma old of congreM were a honeat aa tlie average ally part tbe week toni)ing the the iiuhapp) woman from which Ihe fob in Kugene Levering, the Kii. nugget taken out wa something like J'.to, onler of the pruceetlinga for forecloeure of trees, knots In their lariats, American He knew where ol be tiated the movement for the tour," eaid pleaeltig tie we that he I l"l the eecotid lowing particular are gleaned, omitting ill tying cltiin. while taw I'Ufe uhurchi for there were hundred ranging in - spoke the churches I'eiieral lliorlgnge. and remarking: "This Is a gixal place, epoka for ha hat lieen a member of thai the senator, "telling him Hint the tune a fiitln l , and thai the InoUn-- i and the mime ol other par In- to the lateat of ll. v. II. M Wharton, of umx up tlie u in lory ol tlie value from $.1 to :WI. Apart from the Haltimnrei the KII," which brought tba rustlers to un- iKiy. itorr committee would have nothing little ilaiighler ale doing ue. dlnina ofdoiueelii. Infelicity in Alliuipier- - hlraaM ram MarUei. tlemonrtliatrou act and proceeded to ebow llllgget pocket there are thousand llrahlly Memorial spoke for the to do with the echeuia. There is no cam llm u-- : Chicago. derstand there waa to be a hanging, ami the atage through which it bail pasnvtl, The Kl ao Trilmtir eaye: The nta I Young People's soclet) of llulllmole, anil July Is Wheat, July, tJ; and do not Ihoueaudrt of ton of rich cement that will thia brought them to terms. The people ami euacuuent waa not bad Ulli paign thia year, roiuuitttere Ke ralll oad i I now eiigsged III Monday waa the die lr;t of her life, lifij Com, ; Meptein-her- , that uual ouipaliy renponw on of bo,nl of mana- Auguet, July, i'.H It feel ,n pay well to treat by the stamping or the of the country are up in arms, uew vlgl fter hail been liefore congress nearly called iijh to send orators through boring well at It roiltnl Allh'Higli the) had Hot IivihI together for July, '."ill September, process of all artesian gers of the International Union ami the U(. (te, three yea re. Ihe to 1 any If cruehiug Tlie lack tutlii'ielit country lectin iuestloii. J - time, tlie ueglecte.1 wife thought il 'J'-- lance committees have lieen organized, lllille, n the hOllthweetel ll 'I ot the eoiue 11 V 'j Harvey returned to the attack uihiii the water has the drawback to this Wegatr waa inaile liy the A. C any deeiio to go out as individuals te and cattle rustlers from tbl on will be boueaty of legialaturet throughout Ihe and lit). It may lie that the well w ill not but pmir that the huthaltd should 1' I bright prooition, and it Is Ihlon, of rook )' II. The latter lalil e LQUITAR1.E ALWAYS AHEAD. the they have perfect uruilel : banged. country, Including congre, and llltnoi address ieope a deep enough to rei'iue all al leeiali to her support . This is her story cial stress UMin the fact that this waa and Colorado legialalure. Tide venality right to do so, but It is uut that that the capitalists behind the present Cntombed Mlnrrw. pner tlow. bill oieratiUia will coiilllilie until Mi sought him and found him in tba the tiriil time that Mexico hail rent dele. The First to Pay Insurance on the Life of waa capping tbe tmindatlous nf tbe gov the name of Ihe cougreeflioua! committee iiiiivaintint have plans to the Mnuplaln, Mich., 18. No the la st II 'W of water poeilde I leacheil. apai tinenta of a woman iu a large build- Iron July rumeut aa it destroyed every republic of ground in a systematic, manner. Kate to the couvetitlon ami gave an II. V. Harris. should ba used by the party as pro- - Work will not be at amtoued ing on south Thlnl street, Hhe forced her poellive information a to the safety of the the lakeu with until water especial pniv-Inc- e 18, 1HU5. This lauve in connection the drt-pera- greeting to lhoe from the Auu'QUKugra. N. M.. July it.again to defense of pi ised." of the very beet ipial.ty I eeciueil. wa) into the and waa no doubt entombed miners at Pawable mine can be Horr relurnetl the development of the Milagros group rin. of (Jueliec, Ontario, ami Manitoba W A KutillaMr Ilia houetty nf American people. He early ticiiirjl Maimtirr. given. Blow progress I being made Al.hUVUI:ltyui7l.Ihl:ltAl.lIV. enough hearing tba other I. ilf .N itaid few t.endnn ol gold mine indicatea a bright future for llU A rousing reception waa glvru to the in Aiiiiik' Harvey merely plcktsl nut a Klrrllon. woinnli' Voice lo have Imiken the ilisir 1 through tb of ore, broken timbers in Ilear hir: heivby acknowlnlge the mass corrupt men and drew from them the Loudon, July lft. Tbe literals receiv He. I catiou. lu North cation Immediate- defatlghhle general secretary, Dr. Frank If tieceeeary. Woman No. 'J. who I of rec eipt of your eoinpaiiy'e check for three and rocks, tbe work being much delayed proposition iieopl ot the nation No I'cnt-U- p lual the ed the news of another aennus defeat to ly lu this rich gold break pr.t-p-ic- Utica l.oiilliic Her Summer I. William, wheu he liaik several l the platfoitn Ihoueaml dollara (3,IKM)), lieing the - war all corrupt. If Harvey hail lived am-tl- tature, tried to hold her by tbe by tba continued falling of ore, Tbe re- day, when II was announced that John de- for the purpoee of reading the general re. of InmrancB carrte.1 by my late In time he would have looked in th slate loriuattoti are being (lutings. aiiioiinl Mrt '.bat communication bail been Job' over arm, i, treating her at tba same lima Henry V, in com- ealah Mnrley, chief secretary for Ireland under veloped and the result are timet xirt of the general manager, and after liuelianil, Harrla, your that unfortunate man's sores and gone eiicnur. AlliUpieile weals lm tight laced col tmt lo rreal.' a scene. The husband grew 1 my tinenro lithed with tbe men laal nlgbt appear to bait bean fit.) eet i iitiiiv-illle.- tine document hail heeti disposed of with, pany. deeire to exprrH out ami tiubllalint throughout the world Ihe Hoeelierry government, ngltig. At a depth of Uearly feet the that coiiline liei il.en In tile rep-ree- ut wrath), she and clinked to you the company you have been falae. Kdwanl Webb, Jamrs all Cbaldea waa one Imineiiee - n f en)e, heron tliauke and that car- at NtlWCaslIe-o- Titie, where holh Hyde mine le looking well and a piece of atmoephere home etimiuer leeort out discussion, two lirlef addresses were for your iinimiituee a it haa Ikwii bunds, llorr amid laughter, said The Pecos and La ega hot I., the bill and there truck her several Uowdan, l'eter Carlson and John Johnson thn, n were euccesefii! rprilig candidates rU the of a walnut leave all I dellveml, one culture for eervice, mil) eight day ainoe the neceraary he would return to the tiuestion under pi el.n have .eeti fieely vleltiil I.) Albil'Uer-tUeal- i on the head Hha exhibit (light iiiii are among tbe entombed. Tbe names of Laiicasliire, Mouth lime hy Hev. lh- - Wallace, prtMif ol Heath were liamlei: you. H lue discussion, and procewle.1 with the his In Houthort, Walrs, string of gold In the pan. The tin a giHal piel delega- of Ton into, and the five abraioii of the skill alsitlt the left ear roropanie which Mr. car-lie.- ) tbe other ant unknown. tory of ilemonetlxation act, Miiuting Itiglit Hon. tl N Curmi, conservative to took III H.e Maeoiilt! at other upon Hm-iet- a lour in liarrlt tbe owner have stittlcielit Capital develop tion atlou "The Junior the I lit evidence of the assault with blows. insurance the lvpillable waa the ml now ine bill nail lieen rrail In lull eltting uieiiiltt'r, rereive. fdtil votes hir the and while they have nothing La Vegas, shoot it hundred AH lloie ol the Movement," K. A proierty I by Hev. lr. uret to pay. Heajiectfully, Arreted, time ami printed v is .sunt, I on the Koiiith-'JO- il Vastenlay the husband left town, sba lour lfrxinal several separately II. H, Taylor Leyiand, liUral, l.f.i'.i. loea) they "keep on sawing Wil." lH ' I. Ilraiit, of Portland, Ore. The after-hu- MHt, MAMT W. lliUUli, l'erry, Okla July 18, News ha been eleven timeo and twice tb rep-irl-t of of lliem Proprietor for south, in tdecte.) feiingwr l'i'o a)s pirpiitnably the and tbe Ilerlierl lilndstoue is by the of the I'alaCe- - I eeventy of service was prefaced by a praise aer received here that Frank Landen, alias tbe comptroller of currency. The de uajcrrH fur lleaanre eeli lift) tive woman who is No. 'A In tbe case Tea. 10 tbe occupleil sixty eix vote. Col. North, conservative, t Iif in remaining through r Urn week, a led by Kev. L, II. Tlioiiiaa. ot Coli) rieraa Hcotty." a notorious character in the bate seuale Or busitie, person on the point of taking left, wlfa went vire In laal syndicate ar teai'lo-- l n'o and Ihe claima they Kill Ilartwell her columns of th Coturrnasiimal Keronl. J HlailHlone, an "outing" on landoreea, yachtsmen and delegation of till) and olhele radii Hpriugs, and the convention reeolved recommend any early day of l'erry, has been arretted at liaVe g ne together. The assault having he- - ticle y! "1 don't je In the report of the committee it wae eitling member, iUU tourist need alnlehould lie provided with Vlelleil llenvt si ore east hi aw) Itself into an parliament at which ial brand of tea for afternoon four o'clock!-- . Clifton, . Landen held up an old eUtrl It bad lieen examined, line by line Visit the old hoini-elea- and n ..ttle army nine a matter of street talk she desire to !l follow- some preventive of sea sicklies and cor- od 1 do, however, know all alxiut the beat wont liy At o't'liH'k this afternoon the if oi thereat-- , it have )rtemalic and prniort Innate giving waa farmer, wife and daughter on their way ami wonl, ami Dually aetml. rective of tlie (K'l'aeloiml ill effect of tl It three hundred set herself right liefore the public. Hhe -.. lake at niirht Parka' Tea will He would show that In so doing the sen ing waa the reelllt of the eleetimie Con- made the I'ai'ltii coael the shrine .f eilln-lue- r discussed by a number of peakera. li to l'erry to trails. He was arretted, air, f. - t ami water. Many has not made up her mind what to do and t certainly clear your compleahin and mr- - ate knew what it was alioul. 'J.'iJ '.'.Hi. worship Ktliiit'uig that vis-ll- servatives, i Unionists, IK: total, nervous ieron e ipialm akin eet) It wa eweltrring hot within the great yoo IUimi on win iki eurprue.1 tried for highway robliery, convicted and Harvnv. in reply, said llorr would have from here to the an Is considering the pniier course to pur- liy ai Liberal, 70 j McCarlh) Itles, .1; I'.rnellitee, lii ea sicklies when traveling by rail. ot repreei,t tenl lirought from Cievelsud for the the improvement if you take a cup of sentenced to ten year in tbe wnltnntiary to tlivert from hia ieitiun when tbtt iirop. 'Xjieuillture of at J 1 X . Ihe aggie sue under the circumstances, Hbe at- t Labor, 'J total. ll'J They, tin, teipilre a uieiLcltlal safeguanl. el Tea each nigbl." Hold by Dr. (.1 er time came. In iKilnt of fact the lull of Albllipieripie iii,.iey III Cal- Promptly at 1U o'clock I'rrei Park' Home ill friends anaiaUd him to break The le-e- t III ellhtence I Modeller' Moli. gale sient tribute their separation to her hutbaiid' II. Ilurgea & Hon. about which he had talking wae not ifornia tl r lone won. I leach .et.oi'O. lent II. Chapman, of C'hicaun.called Time. jail at Newk'rk ami be got away, blltebot beu aeh Hitters, which prolllplly relieves lat jealousy, for which feeliug she says she John I he Mil finally paaeetl Judge helly, in Irllma nf the Street. There Is not a lilde-liin- feature alem' MX) liaileea,slck headache, blloUne,crauipH Uhiu a chorus of voicee, which to . and killed a man named Winter a be presenting tba bill in the bouae, said it Colorado Hpringe, July -- The liodiea Altiuipieripie and her n are known gave iiojust provocation. Summer Excursion came out of the jail olid colic, etc. It business calls )ou to il.i pie-ll-i- il door wa merely coliticalkii. of laws. In re- - everywhere for III ir liven lo the absence from with two selections. The A I'aeific will aell a nl Mrs. Annie Cooer, wifa of engi- some locality where chills and fever ol htieralit) wing husband' The Atlantic railr.t to the question, Judge Kelly re the hotel on the Pa. In call waa ver happy in hia address and on 4th, lHtb and July 'J, l'J ami 3(Hb, PltrhtlH In 'aba SMinee neer of th bridge construction crewj bilious remittent is prevalent, don't fall to waiter Okt town Tim i iria.i is unable to give hi June plied tliat Die lilll inaile no change In tlie , tell all Albuillerleall "t, iglit, al-h- to provide With It, Kor cnslllia-tloii- railed forth llllich laughter when be l round trip ticket from Albuipienpie Havana. July 18. Marshal, be. Jaities Chllders, liretnati of the bridge )olirself version of th unfortunate affair. values of I coin of tbe nation, In IhTii, kid- Loe Angelea, Keilonda Ileaub, Hanla rheumatism and Inactivity ot the I ei to tie warm heart e and warm inn with U00 cavalry troope, sustained fierce when the bill came up, It was tlxiken of crew, and au unknown tramp were found ItAU.HllAli IMJSMMlt MI S. Han U egn, with return lim- neys It is excellent remedy. Klllllielit of I he eoutll Monica ami a aa a bill on a dry subject, anil the. mem- Manager C. II. Anting, iif Wells. Kargo ninety a of tiO, fighting ami passed the line of tba auemy Imneath the. pile of wrecked cars oonimeiid It highly. La) in a it of day, at rate bers lost Interest It waa at that time, ph)iclati company, returned laat night fnim a bus- Information call or to tba number of a.OOM between at at the scene of tba bridge on the supply lnfola you start h) boat, steamer How a I'nimlnent I lllcn Views Ihe MualrMitl llrrerm. Kor any further ti Manun from tbe record, that tbe first dis- disaster 1 1 I a most serviceable travel- iness trip south. Omaha, Neb.. July 18. The. e.ry for aililrea v. II. MaTto. Ageui. illo and Hayamn. Many insurgent ware Pars intention to Haiita Ke road near Monument, Col, or train. Situation. closure of the change the ing .tiiiipanlou. wounded, (ianeml HanUi Ulll mail In "1 have not tildlel the eltuatloii ," nmiiii ipal reform In Omaha, caueVd gen Cure for Htadarac, killed and eliudard to gold waa a sieecb by Mark Wickeiis and Hrakemali J. I Ut wa reaeou to said a well klcwn rrall) by tire, Nlire and other depart-ineiit- form of hedache. '.e was kllltMl and tbrae other otticer Hooper) there lielleve N. Krby urn likely to die of lojiirioe. but sii cefu DISEASE, nki Ae a remetly for all that tbe was not actually delivered, ilia- l.eaal liuua, business man to Tiim I'ltitui Ut even. -- Klet Hitter ha proven to lw the were wounded. It is reiMirted that Anto Sech eleven othrrs, who were bailly hurt, will j"li being domlnatetl and oee for tric but printed by leave, or it wae read from Notice ha Is serve.! thai the appli- Dig, "bii I hellete the proceed inh'e jnt HEART ailment when thty It enec! a permanent curv rail-roai- hold of system, liliml piirpoea by I ho radical elemont in very leet. nio Macao was seriously wounded, and manuscript, ami there wonla omitted, but probably recover. cation for separate receivership of the A- taken lii put the Atlantic I'acili' l hut" t'tlfii the and the drenlcl habitual heailachen nerer Ret of IU nan but the A 1'. leorgalil- - mit made a prisoner. Tlie rebel chief. Mateo, no reference wasmaile to the deuioneiixa- A in the of the on it own leg i trauglil witli A., ha reeulted in a y Id to it Itifluenoi. Wn urge all who lleav M elKhla, tlantic I'actlie railroad suit Them are his Hanlo D imiugo. liun of ailver. Uu the enrollment of the Thr iif great Intereet In Albllipieripie I'unmtHHlItt tinttrn trmrmr. tatti.ij nf the iHilice force under Chief w hat tent fatrl'y to I' tilted Htates Trutt company of New jr are amicieii pnwurr a lantin, ami (hi bill the clause waa untitled which bail the The Albuiuerueau who wnl north to Let ua sa) that the proceeding or e p. Hem ...lot a le. know lh. li..n a ilefn'IlT 1m White, thbt a fair trial. In caiw ol well-know- length art, Mill not fai t. whom a coiiuntaeion eecumd from An Head. etfect ot limiting tbe coinage of silver. have a talk with a n lurk, which suit was mentioned al arate receivership and linal torecloeure hut' admit the They habitual conetlpatlon, Klectrk Hitter f ilon i ami their friend lo worry, and Cliieagu, Twenty live Hilitiral and Bofia, 18, Btambu Horr replying, charged Harvey with Cor-be- lt lu yatterday'a Citiik.i, will be brought prevail What then With the t.,nou,. by giving the. neetlml ttinti to the July tHirt and capitalist rrgarling tbe fcno.r a Uncharged cure ipjotlp tingle sentence ami leaving out ikm and Interert the Atlantic A I'acitic IttH't what t iakf for It, agitaUiri have Iteen d On July 16, as a off New up for argument on lbs 'Jttth, U-- . liweht, and few cae long reelat the uae luO, of Uulgaria, is dead. Kllrsimmons mill coming in leaeed line il and tin y li:im li told limn anil acaln that mmlliying context. Tbe record r Alex-aisle- could buy the to jate and an policemen muat it once. Large lbs Among th counsel to apM-a- are r t edict laaurd that of thia luetllcine. Try M. HUmlmlofr, was returning home from g Mrxioo, provided the fight falls to mate. ii lin'iiriilile Htich was th - bowed the statement made in th ruu-nin- by building Unity mile or cotinect tmt fifty cent at Or. II. Uur- A llre-tic- , Mr let iolitical aud rrllgioua affaire in bottle only T. tbe Union club be waa attacked by sever debate waa not uuder leave to print. riallie at Pallas, Texas, telegraphs that of New York, am! W, II. Willi the new Mpreckle' road al lUkei of Mt.i. Parley of lynrlll, Ohio u I Urfere with their duty aa orHcar. gee li Hou'a, ilruggltl with revolver and In every speech referred to by Harvey nigbl Cliihlers, of this city, for Ihe Mercantile held Thee line Willi the I'alllortiia who rlliw June J, lol, aa follonai al erons, armtxl ha reached Donvrr last and wll " it I tbe said the bill provUled for the II. general houtherii would coiietitnte the great IV f hint hrart 93 tn kkMHttirrH Calirarnla." knives, Utambulou reoalvail Mveral si eaer hav a conference with "hi man" this Trust company, lleurge IVck, my In hiirtitn; me' (r veir, Mmr tUmm Tn rrntttrlea. andard "lu a tingle metal" Instead of Hie rallwa) )leui Well, what do )mi irt altnixt roullniially, A new book. Iwautlfully illustrated, will bead and of solicitor of the Alt'hlsoii, Toieka A Halita llr--l IS I il,. lon-,- l MaticheUT-liy-lho-Be- Maaa , July slab wounds about tba IkIi as tielore In two metals, ami that all evening. He give tbe Information that think would liapi en tlien'" The ji ir. all Ihnllnsa, I receipt of four cent In Ke and Judge C. N trying srterul ili 1 latis ami remedies, --Two anil have. le mailed fre on bis arras were so badly cut tht ampul noius. excelit aubsldlary ooina, tmaild be. It li nk bright lo, Ihe "big drawing canl" railroad iinpany, "The Atlantic A I'ai th. ga;- eal Would b centurira a half t ., until my last dia-Ui- lold melt was only a postage aUm Adilre Jno. j. uyroe, was neceaaary. HI left aye was gold. Horr ataika of the deuimitlxtiou being pulled off stimewheie in centra! Hlerr), general solicitor for the Atlantic A be built, ol iniiroe," id the reirter. day which (lov. pi...... tiou . - ipiisthMi tlnee tht tiMn r 1... I IU . - I of Him aa Ill ..I ill- IJ mm m rvrun "No, elr, do not want to that gap general peuger afeot, Halita r rout, gouged out and tbe right one so severely tlivrr vj tilTJl iiiu New Mexico, ami those Deuverlte whom I'acltic railroait. I i iiuhl not he Vi'lulhrop. wbn had leMin Mint nut from of In tbe uae of double stand built J net lieleu a linHuent With the cured. AngclM, Cal, exerieiict with Alhuipietipie as , I iradiially grew Kiigland to th 13 ay colony, lamled with Lo injured that he waa blinded. artl. In 1871 flermany ailopted tbe old ha has name A llapn Itnaband. Atlantic At I'acitic all lliie-i- lent line lo well-know- worae, vrry on the market l&M,- - tbair choice for the meeting of tlie n Helaware, lil Afl r four months' Albllipieripie, hacked by a gieal I'acitic weak, tle nulls rrtxa tha aliip ArhalU on tha Oh Veal vctrd, standard awl tbrw and rotoputUly Harrlaan lla imi.UOO in ailver. It wa tbl that tbe use iif rtiuiiiion Liver KeguUtor in) wife railway ylein, y n would immediately Uincheater abors, ami with boom-I'- W Cough Myrup, ami w Y July -- Major L ml gladiators. until I keen Park' Hvracuae. N. lb. T. ipjaetlon, not ia ml Til' Ml enlltely relieve.! ol chrolilr, see Ihe IWk Inland ami Mi" 'in I'ai'lhc world considering the ellvtr II , It the beat cough cur we I of cannon, eautlo, procecaluna and tall everyon It 1'iMile aakl to day concerning tb report of any gold bug conaplrary. The financial Hnrnl Hrlrigr. couatlpatett Slid bleeding piles " W II Vlellig With each other to here, and propal half Kverybody like It ami we aell it w Up lu tail, taa'austl I f'etlng, the atriutle clttiena of tbtUiwn aril. what Oen. Harrison bail said to Joaepu liey ot no great nation wa ever domi- Tbe Coluuihlali 1 mite. I due here all'. I" leier, Vour t!ruggil sells It in iwder the lleuver A III" liratidi lid not on a guaraule. iry H your coin to be I would rwwlaf m't It ataMM wlebrat-ltt- r lr nated by conspiracy. I and lltlllld j the aiwiler taken dr) eland on Ihe onler of coming. tUt now covera the abnrva are Hold Dr. 11 urge & Hon. Hay le ami himself, that be would under o'clock thla morning, arrived alemt nor all up. Think-In- : by Tho. li. for the el-ce- or made into a tea. Colli " Interoaling Tbl cIomiI tbe debate day, my tbt blatorle aveol. An no circumstance be a candidate for the answering iiuettiou by the die o'clock this aflenii'Mi, the ttelay being Hum had wifa home I lol.l fam- tur of the thla morning waa Kdwanl Klder and returned nreaWency again' "Tbe story l mad by of tlie caused li) tbe acclilelital burning of lift)' HI Alfalfa 1 rm SamrHhal Heller mine niy eiartiaea putanta, propound"! memlters I Laa , i tin ily what wanted the latt nlgbt from a visit to cloth, attendance waa large fm--t bridge thla of Uernar. Til I'ITIZHm'm eriialiloi'orre-omleul- lieu Darker, whose lii Hon Was landing of a company of cltlxnna tnm plent absolutely out of whole Harrison audience The nnl of a side Haa nl. I waa of A, liotli-ei- l deplete. I III Tueeda) Iimveil dona ahen a to old Vega, ami were met at tba train by Mr k a mai- hut appreciative, and generous ami mi tinder llale July write "I '!'" veaael built reaemtila tba Arbella never or even hinted at surh dllio. 'r-i- (roiin. Hut on Urn flrwt day of March on rtial in rerogultion nf telling pouile III the Albuuertpie llviniH'iat all Item una slreti'lier till llloi li i,k teitMi In con- - Kellogg. I.-'. tho iiilatlon of Mra. KannUt every detail, and which ba bean and Mr ler." all of the llernallllo alfalfa piarters III the I'lllMlllg to Joom, Mrlhedlal amp .rtM ayiug that rar) ii' I I e ' nf Ainlcixin, int., commencial taking , Male was cut the rains. This Is not bl iiWII residents near ) ('nines Kanxnl ealeralell Ilia .nd Chicago, July IN For the next two thr. JUlrm1 Xrtr (wrs July 18, It is announced Correct a only the alfalfa of una part) is ei iuewhat lmproe I. t, it is a. gil far th Beri , July 18 A large force nf New tork, Ihe old hlstoitc camp grounds ami wiiii.terfiil lo II, In ten daya I wa Colorado Pue ami Coal rotnpany week at was eut The balance la being cut to- sign thai lie l recover ilig oiitiol Af hi that the ' at light work Hlack Flag recently atlacke.1 tbe Japu of lesilallies will lie the Mei of luiwt nf and far the weather Is clear ami mental faculties. workltu and on Man'h It ba negotiated the sal of two million day I t tt lt I fraiiiunr a tiarn, which heavy ere troot at Tokobam ialaml, Kor. general mortgage lainde, Ihe pne-ee.- the bishop and leading divines of the there are of ralll All expect to It now hinted t'.at some suits for Its work, mill I ln.1 a li-- I a brought b) I in eoine time ago ma)' li.n'nt day ainM courage r pay ou pre. thoii-eaml- a have aa much in the tiret cutting, which debts LEVI STRAUSS & CO? tnoa, and fought with deaperaU wiiu'liare nine usni in Methi'list church, and of scores of yivimold, t tu I't IiicIhw and welh aedba, "lock scrip, ImhuI loans ami Uoat. at a fair estimate was about JVJ tons " furnish a clue in iliraSelntig the in Th Jaitaneae were only eaved from d ferred of the laity of that denumiiiati 'ii M aim fully and debts, ami give the company an In myttei) . beero ruml, tltsclplln of lug I am only anilous that evrryon shall feat hy tbe urlor their workiog capital uf aUiUt (WW.OOO The now i elehrale.1 camp llieeling e.ll. I iif finally to re A raw ill I'arly, know of your wonderful remiotte." TRAM trunoa. hut were cmiellMt blltheil tblrt)six year ago, and which Toughing around. Sou can stop it if) on wru llaaa-ri-t Thi morning' Coi'iiiiluaii limite.1 took Iiyiwvllln, OhUt. Hiuta fAxuvar. tbe onalaugbt of tbe Chinese. 1 gathering of Ihe kind lu the vtaiit to hy using Parks' Cough Hyrup. treat btfore 18 leads ever) a happy famil) part) In Wallace, or (Irrentburg, I'a , July John (lol it your cold you get !r. Mlhw Heart la snM oa a poalttr in olul ot attendance ami If doeeu't cur can ih-- where .me lir A ami Wlllltm Kreeuiau, negroes, I'nited Hlatts Thornton, as it is raited, that Ihu Ural lailll will taiaaCt. fallllral air wrie oiir mime) back. Holt! by Tho. II wa await- All itrucgtst I It at L holtUi fortt, or 18, com hanged Ibis morn mg crime wa luAtilfeatalioua of religious fervor, oh-u- lr of Andy Home' best .oacbra Cblcagi, July Tb executive Hurgess A Hon. to the of the killing of alai HlaughUr,ll' a fellow at 'I o'clock Ibis morning wltb a cons. ing to take lliriu mining camp aiitMiintMl by tb con I'er-ali- a mlita reeant sliver a gam paterfamilias al HedWegslmrg, th coke worktr, ovtr of canlt, r rat loo servic, ami will continue until Mrs. K H Htoveraml son, llmldy, have COPPER RIVETED CLOTHING Yrntlon at Memphis mat in conference while bol anil kllla.1 his talinn in the I'l. hitl mining ilittrict, Freeman mis. end of tbe month with serylo planned a delightful trip to tb coast, with Dr. Miles Heart Cure ay Ui e, the and for a outing. Tbe Parly com. i,ar to-d- with tb mtabers of tb treaa, flsrtU Tll-rlk- locauae it raontb'i EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. uiMtlng various character to day. pruvts Ho, Bblretb and on, Via- - Btaille Laagus, HibUy to give bltfl wney. ol ocwpying departure Ur. Restore. Health dfACTOfl- V- SAN rrlANCWCO-CAUroffNI- A. urn L,BUMB- - THK'nlTII MlHTKNN, reporter as they follow- - J II, Conway, THD CITY OP SOCORRO. FRIGHTFULLY BEATEN. The apeareM'e of Mrs Mll Wright Patrick Conroy ami T F Ihinn, They (Eton Yinaga in a divorce roiirt In tiaknta re- said it a credit to bet ng to tbe I' H, WtMjt Valley-Sorrou- County! The Gem City of Ibe ndeJ predei-reeo- navy now and that they will Socorro calls the exierienre of her At Russian, and French rl Ben darker Carried Home un a Stretcher In dUVcti of New V rk Jianee by UnturpasKJ Nttoral Hewurcei. the .n the bioker grel honor are te ml ere, I to the elars and for bead. Ai.nugUKRguK. july ao. intr. and moneyel arletirat Tbe ri ret Mi. S'rtes. NEW MEXICO. Fourteen years ago, after several smimI !n Ylliaga wae Mies Mary Virginia Hinlth.l mouth the mountains on slthsr ssle of lbs Khi (I ramie valley and after the deeeerelallt of a t AMEMIUAN TACTOnV FIOUMC!) AN LMI'lltl: IN liXTLNT. county. The nllhial .i Horro county B1CK0RT "Tun Woman Who Did" I a little na. brillialll bll' lo psmg through tbe valley from Han ITICII very H family. are ('apt M. I 'none), collector II I). "Trllliy," so lliem I un iluulil wealthy mtbertl The Martial In Habinal, tbe writer of this ar- tier than Is the liiilinn territory only in r ci 1) Hinith eietere were for Wllh Rcwurcct lu fluke Doicn I'rincl-rslltl- Ilutmnn, sberlll, with A llaca and ticle asserted that no place In New Mex- remarkable tbeir miiii, i in'fiL'i'il fnt'f It will bars a rrrcl mn. un lu niKiiti uriiu' Klfego ico was urn nind cd by and could make Ken llatker, a peaceful and m X Iteality aiiil Kcrouiplinhuietite, and traded u:i'j. In I'opuUtlun anJ Wealth, llinnplile) llamllloii ilfpiltleej cltll'll .HF Utxiiias, senior nllUir of Th tliolr itiiiiu.ii iiiiiimt f.'tt Iributsry to it a mom pnlucllve or richer olil-tlin- in Albuipirnpie, haa Taos. am Hornrro t the largest County of New llaia, probate clerk i Mie Annie llraliam seclnl on llielr gol and their talenle lo Vim, Im. a i Mu loitnU in in been lying - Da l lit for W.r ism section gmatei exlenlthan thai around almost at death' il(u- for eev Citiikji, lUllltlf "Slsrkled "de-lr- aiel Hetllllo, Neator tl ma' e a e" Mar II. ar- - lu i niitoufii.'t i til i Inn. Htnl Mexico, extending from the Arumia line Alltoniii deputies I'. the lown of Hocorro. Nothing in lb eral la Cham unir'ai.'ee riii tils hist days ami leceiving unwl allelilive lieautl" in lb rivrr Freeh trout I ii-- ; .( Kstoii, HatuUel ried Ft i n hili. Viiaga, nw iiicome ran ui r .'.T i it, .s .i ii ppi ot. to the reiiler of the territory, a nrldlh of aeresMiri Meek, deputy lory of the events of those years baa imaimeut Imiu nr. J 1, hasUr, Un lOi In few i exjircted a day, Im'Um i and I,, llrowne, H K, Covllllo, caused him to retract that night last week Mr. liarXer was lit lo a million a year. Hbe wae a rein ' i'nr ir.iH,rtiiin h i'iiutul itnd 1H mile and weal ami north i Ireaeiirert assertion. taken et I 1 Iiii Thai tie blight of lb lirevalling finan- home for ilrail improviseil Coirix county, New Mexico, U the laii-- u..lo'l vti iiillly diiiiiiiishi il mi south, II gteateet length being lilliet)-tiv- e eclliall SUrlllleHleUl I C J. Drown, of u,siu au paratlvely short time In illacoverlli' that davelnti-meu- g ft o r i cial depression has checked Ibe t simlcher ami hi mind lias bveu wamler-lu- county lu Ibe big soulliwert. i ni i'iil diiuii t,, Tl r mile l h of tiearl) H Alioelaclo Trujillo, of Habinal, nrr grasing ehe had choeeii ami a divorce all area or Ita ce aatlalac-lor- y uiiwterl) lolit resources aad depreciated the Uisuch au that a Htieeji hlieil tlism lu large iiuiuImt followed went in eearcll of a 1I.IKHI milt, or nearly 'J.IHXMM' and Clem Hlglitower, ot Frisco, are thfl val le of that tbe great melt- acvounl ol til atfair not ut "Mllnl" fm uf country iualt proterly, hoirible call Im ft--1 'I'm ikiIcii lorn this Mow ing plant located Hocorro ha be ARE THE from California to grunt and add found It Ml the ol Ita acre. The Km liraiide through board of county rommlioner at drawn Its gleaned from him. Al apienlly 5E5T title peieoll rim iniH-t- Iih'oIiiI in N, Vnk, Now urf - lire ami la now silent aa tbe grave, that lucid luomaul he talk of having been iNHH liotaloe CAT) In raised Willi SIIC- - Foliletilllialil, a Flelii llinali, who tin- coiiuly from north to eouth, a illelalice The headquarters of the illnlrict court ie KiU'liiml IViiik) huiiin and Nov Internal dissensions ami olher causes bwiteu up by three men, and his lata then CIGARETTE ' ol miles, following He f Ibe Fifth Judicial dlslilcl, comprising SMOKERS cvm and lg profit anywhere in tlm Kio to be iilieiiilurahle alnl If. 'Ill .lorvv nearly uinet) which need not be referred In here have Wander lid lo iiiuk subject, rtel limveialit who to pay a little lliau (Iranile valley, say Col.T. K. Moorr, of whom she III Muni linx u fl'.nt The valley of thi grand river the counties of Hocorro, Lincoln, Chave made it a town is noth- Them la uo rate nunc tier cut so Wae due lime eepalaleti, im only in count. "dull" trus, but doubt that be waa beaset, aud of - ordinary trade cigarette will fin J u, llernallllo, and W. A, llrowtii, of Ala- Aha married William K Viliilerblll, pliifl in fiii'tniirv tbi'M- oitnbltili through thl county I very wide and the ami Kddy are at Hocorro Hon II. 11, ing can take away its matchless sur- bailly beateu al that. HI btaly ami limb I rounding ami vim, vigor, push and en- present the appearance of having in eda. alid her ee iitlll fieeh III the itii iiU turiiiiig out a prmliict xaluol at laud veiy rich and For HauiltliiU, aoclate justice of the supreme beu PET etperieln ale Mr; terprise will yet bring It to a realisa- belabored aluioat to CIGARETTES If. il of year been tilled and court of New Mexico, being the death wllb alout Ik Ibe government authorities can lirlng public mllnl There might have lieeli liiiudn it ha district tion of the hopes and predictions of tbe clubs In strong hands, Mi I un I mis t tin t the iiiiinufacturoH Wil- SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS on such a sjwll of weather by lbs pimple more doiseetic llifeltcitlen, but hee the furnished loot for a Urge population, ami judge) lion. Ueorge Curr), clerk liot-- t sanguine Tua CiTiiaa reporter visited Mr. Darker if the I tut,. I oviccil tlnmo of M.ilis It still pri'lurer like virgin oll In olhei liam deputy Justiiiiano llaca, The basis of enduring ami ermanent this moiulDg hla room tlm Haucurx Made flow the lilhrit cmt (Jold 1 process of appointing a new weather eilpl I) of Hinith eieters gave out i ui lricoll, al lu in llritiiin in the proMirtioii nf proiertieinany community I agriculture building, Houth grown in Virginia, anil ate If states. On ellhrr sule adjacent liieaa interpreter, 11. M, lugherty is district Hecond street, below Ibe clerk, it look a the Irrigation problem ii'ii tn four -- in- At .N f, I " tilling the soil and Its attendant Allautlc Pacific railroad oltlces, ami H,h HIT are being rrclaiined "d tuaile prialllctlve attornay fur Hocorro county . wu solved. tln iiiniitif.tcltirlo The evit-lutio- ii The Kltiguiali, Arimiia, .Mineral Wealth Ii of Alnbainn dustries. writer witnessed the tried to get at the bottom of the atfair lu a ABSOI UTELY pmre I t w tliiough the dlvernloii nf water from the Tbe great and varied resources and of y l.nU) here aro iuplm nl ,i:i.v. ImniU hu Calllornla from a prtalucer of talk with himself, his wife and another Tim Cituk prints extra follow John-so- coutallie the llig llelii "Jack t tl r ti nut niiiiu.'illv IM li:t rxi. channel. Upon the higher meea vaat Nieslbilllies ol Hocorm county will gold ouly, In one of Ibe leading states In Mexican womau, He le rfsctly hslpleas, copies for geueral distribution south of worth uf river Al the Hirst J W. lierrltt and Keali HI. Charles t - the proluction of wheal ami uot Be. pnliii In a thou Ih- In il fruits, and appamntly so weak as to be able metroitolis, county la and foothill, the canon, Uhiii giveu attention writing up tbe Mrs. H. A. Collins arrived from Kan the Hocorm given - now amounting snuually to many limes move bis head ou the pillow. The I . a baVe been appointed b) tbe AllilnpieiUe Hi,- pn-lu- cl lo left m .. Ii lNi of hill and upon the of a hun- towns mining - and frieis and alows ami districts lu this Ho- ueof her gold prulucl jam! watched arm is swulleu out of imaginable iiy laai nigni in aiienu tue sick oe4 principal space the resources fair committee ae exhibitor for Alohnve nulls un mined at IJ17.0ihi.ikki. all slse, u, dred mountallis Cattle, horse, sheep ami ami succeeding articles, (he development of Colorado, which wound aud prmciwl swelling be- uer uusnaiMi ai in a. n r, uoapiiaL of tbatooiiuty are lereel) said In eeveial ti n M It hail umm :t.'is, tb count) at the fair ll etalnle Mohave ars Inter lucre tu gouts tind pasture the whole year uas tus le Its mineral pnalucl secondary ing, tbe elbow, wutcii looka INNI INHI annuel al a columns. county lii band to be at that (air with an o its agricultural proluction, if II bad received powerful blow it in mii a.ceiriit hi m iritivut train without aheller. Away upon the west A II. a - Tim riMrU of from tbe United I'm slute of Inua is mi far from W i'Mn'a Orehartt. Proterity will return to communities from some deadly ,' in,- niiMimu is nwii aar. lu coier exhibit of her lieet ore anil frtllte. The - instrument. One . l - i ...... r . . lj . . . i." . - ward border the valley of the Tiilerosa Perhaps nothing in the (tin (Iratcle val- Male during June amuuuUsl to .1,44,1 ilitf linll ngrn iilliiral tlinl it Ihih V.- iu New Mexico ouly when them Is pro uf the legs is in worse condition still, while lirigalloli ciligreee will meet during fair uoiei, ITl h.i ,ii, ,.iL,iik., iii its fiii tiirics, snd Francisco rivers are cultivated ami ley, and, for that matter, lu tbe territory, lucisl from the soil the food products oon-mim- lbs body, chiefly the back, Is striped like ton, against 4.IUJ toua tbe same motitli and a great ol will time number opte u lo- -e iiiimnil "input is f pj.'i nr. i. I'M produce iMiiiuteou crops ol grain ami is more, deserving of mention than tbe by man aud liexat, now brought a leopard's sklu with horrible wells. A laat year, The export during Julie till from over Colorado, The HamUn Klectrlc bae ball rlul be lu attendance all the union VlliolM is I . mi ilik as a Hocorro Is a moi italnou county, cbard of A. Coin, aUiut three. fourth hy rail from California and few coulusums and black marks on the year are the for month since ltiiirlntit l. Kansss, when - IVuver, couihmi or lb IhsxI amain large! all) Mohave t I v the money for such pro- forehead and hsad point to All exhibit etich a county can tint tin f ii r iik.' stulc. in ti k Mi 1VI and like all tnouutallinue suctions, great of a mile ol postoltlcn in Hocorm, whsm a WA, south tbe lucls l paid out to our own lieople among might hi:ve aimed when he August, make worth thoiiaaiiil u( dollar iiiitiiiifiictiirinir hiilids. lin inahe a western was AiiiniiiiRniiiM im ,M , ma) wealth Is concealed In tbe rocks of Ibe and within tbe city limit Upon a fly us. Theie sre Indication that lu tbe Hlo k nicked senseless. naiiisi.u Tun French and Kugllah are not will prilli t Mlllll'll III fss ,UVI S'. ,1,. ,.u ....I ti acctis to the ci'illil) If the iiiiner colleil earth, while tbe mountain slos--s am cov- act of land Mr Coon baa nearly H.U.X) (iranile valley alsmt H x'orni Ibis will first Otiicer Ulovsr, who is ipjietly working .ft.,,. fashion In totsed to the ankee of paying their ore and rend them in, the commit spring-ti.- g es, done iu New Mexico. Kverywbere in up tbe case, came into room OF THE ORDINARY. ered with wiAl and HiiiIkt, ami fl il il trees, 4,0011 of which are apple Ir-- the aa lbs Mill-iat- OUT valley and are the bmail from Habinal to Han was questioning Mr. U -- , . wbat our think criticising tee will see that the) are exhlhltnl atnl from Ibe base of the highest peaks I, .MM of them bei.lg lieu llaVis" Marker. u . u I... I.. j apple, Antonio nelda o? wheat am now lieing The wounded man had said that on ll. Kuatla H'Verely for bia ilaiu talk eafely to tbe Tu t lout uiiini-- by Just 1 . returned owner." 'untied ruer rs are hnmke ami rivulets of never falling and 1,'JuOof one In- ami from all oniMinet thl this variety are lu group; harvested, ami tbe yield this year is Ibe uigbt of the 10th Instant man . I idea of a diplomat la a man who can the Ihilcli Versi-bi- "frosli " three i.. i i.. l Their nnr riter water. l,fiMI plum trees, oOO iUiuces, I HI pear crease,! fully Nl per ceut over I hat of laat Jumped on him in a saloon and beat blm HI r .mix iiai.tH. (Ji li il w u iurod ii will ni mn serir from in successfully ci nceal tbe truth. j in i.'lns. UK) year The second cutting i f alfalfa is over the iiser The Chicago ,V Alton Railroad Hold, silver, ropter, Uail, Iron, and coal trees, apricots, 110 cherry trees ami bead, body and limbs with heavy compali) ii. il till ii t.i (he lirliu. us i fiiruis uciiii really for tbe mower The broad gmen hickory sticks mad from tbe pins used ...... l'li-nl- l, all been mined for years within the IftO ieach 0 7 NI..V ..I ,i Tua Atlon, Walelle was ha leelleil the following m x I li- have trees. These trees ale nml ('..... l...l. oldel surfioo titnl is higher in lie leaves ol waving corn give proeilaa of an on freight cars. He thought ha recollect- ,1. . .. I . , . I . t- - !.. i aold at mortgage sals I tie otner ila) to of ter t lut it itt Ho- - I. run IhiUIkIs ot tbe county, ami mom tbau years old and lu full bearing. They are abundant crop of tbe uew agricultural aald eiiii ior lue 111 esr cairn ai "'I'll lle IlitoilCatllig lepiore anil ed two of the men and that tbe third mturrieii to the et laal nlglil, and II, 0,7fU. ami of ami A i fifty mining districts bave been nrgatiiied of the tiliest varieties alid not a king. Tree fruits of all kind, ripe and was a Mexican. Al point he II. Logan, aluiHint, Tbe plaut drink, freipieullng gambling sni Mm .if 1'iiiimiitliiu' suicide eelectl this drifted lie content, in the lulum, to remain ben I growing, am abundant ami the graw-vine- s off waa purvhainsl lor W '1'. Smith, who held other place: ot low remiit, ha proven a imis iitti'iiiptotl l n crn. Mi'ifrn in 'iiri I lu Hocorro county witblu the tat fifteen willing among tbein. The tree have Into an Inoohersnt talk connecting with tlioel frilllflil etilllte of trouble to railway , Inn K'v Ho lult'hcil a am Ixirn to the ground by the Ibe assault some on he bod trouble with tbe mortgage, lu of tbe mules t.ul y ears. Magnesia, aluminum, fire clay and eu grown without Irrigation! lly thor- heavy ot cobfUnc aa well a Individual. KecngliUllig till .Hid fust I.. It clusters growing gratie. The about tbe keeping of accounts when be ate, the Phoenix lleVlew Ufwllillt, ciiiiu' until the ninuial salt have also Iteeu pnalueed lu the ough cultlvallun of the soil ami tmingonly with his fine fat bogs and fact, tlna lompaiiy will exerciee the moet liiul iiliimst Uii'kcil linn In ili'itth small farmer cattle, ran tbe saloon some lime ago. will Im-- colitltilied iimler rignl ei'rullti) in reference to the habit county and are known to exist in exten- l) to tl feel above water level, they have ami the not to be displaed ben baa in- Tbe wlfs ami the Mexican neighbor til llatetle the A i eN-ct- . lorn bite' mi xliililtliui in vaded the valley and finds a for wont new luabsgeluelit of employes III till The lie-- of sive deposits thrived as no other trees In the valley mtkt pre aay that Mr. Darker was brought owl other Intoxicating lupnir by an Fr.iin'o U'ciiue ill mill died All ail all bis prolucla surpassing that of any home fur dead Thursday night, and leer The population ol Hocorro county in have. Perfection In tr-- e growth comes tual TlIK ipieatliro wbrtlirr the I tilled employe of tin company while on ilul tnps ri'M'illeil Hie fuel lliltt for mouths esrt of New Mexico, aa ar as tby can learn be was asaaultetl it :t I II IH'.H) 11,'IUO, vfclley being In Ibis Hlatea "la" or will Hot be Keltled IS elrictl) pinhlbltetl, a lid Ho empo)e the hint lieeli ii siilTcrcr frmii was but outside of Ibe nearer rea,.ed Hocorro or With all this Hocorro is tbe entry port by a "Uantlnero" and hi brother, but "J" XM'II Vl 111 ill l.lpi ll IMSO nf llrlgllt's illseilse by the atern rulea of grammar or old will be allowed to have urh liipior or that tbe third man "was uot a Mexican, aleiut any etatiou, elmp 01 or othrr l.nMi-oiii- ii iii but an American." They compared tbe aimechea of Clay and Webater, but by )ati, lire till premises of this company, at any lime or nil? iiImiiiI ii lu ' ivliite Mliale'' uhleh painful welts on the prisoner's back lo and uaage now teuda to tbe alngu any Any conduc- I - Ibe v linage, under circumalance. bus I" en seen riii-in- i- nit In- onisI in stripes of a " Ivors" or rattlesnake. ewllch-luau- , hail wholly lar verb. Away with tbe dead oratory of tor, Iraluuiau, engineer, hieman, Hint ri,'iiill httt-l- It Is sjinl to lie Mr. Darker abetalned from or employe, who i known to lutoxlcatlpg drink of auy for couple the The Lliltnl Mate ia the great- other about fnil i feet loiigHiid (if a grayish kind a tsull use Inpiora, or freipieuling ol yearn or July intoxicating hlio U cnliir ' until lue vourtu celebra est country on the earth' gambling or other place of low reeorl, tion tn Hanla Fe, ami since then had been oil In-- I iiiikk liinlbers. Victor, Peter nu-- l TwaTI-n- i k carat gold is all gold j -J either while ouor duty, will prompt- drinking somewhat, it is said, in an order I rrinl, K.H'h. uero umrrieil nl the sjiine ly I ly and permalif ntly dlechareil Irolu the and tieaceful mood. As he has no en carat gold hae parte of gnld, wrt of 1 -- '1 eervice of ttn company " II If lllol plllee till MltV V I 70 I'llfl emles to sittak ot, lbs cause of his terrible silver and I of cop-r- ( H carat gold liu itlnl their Miles ri nth celelinileil condition cannot be conjectured, His age IN and Mcdiliiig goea juuto of iiurn gohl three parte Tuk iliillVldllal who place a Very high tin ir tweiitx llflb auiiivcrHsri against a ipeedy rally from so severe eouil-oel-lio- I'k a bruising. each of allver and copjwr III lie Value on hlnmelf and a very meagre value in Sermittin. I Tata Citixju hiss beard some names VI carat gold la half gold, the re. A IllltIS household III Sllllk'US. Me . ou hi iieighlmi le alluply the victim of mentyinsd In connection with rffalr, cnlltillileil III it si. lie of oxeiti'llli'llt froti, tbe tualudvr being uaila u, of A arta ol ail but deem It beet to await the action of all oVeHoeeol eellishlieee Huch pvuplc liaV lilitru till .leu y eve lletuceti the ver aud parte of cnpiwr. gelierall) place higher Value ou tbe officer aud an investigation in tbe e then hniiis of dim ii mid ibirk the ineinl'ors imllee court. Tui Han Juan Index le accountable lor service, their enaioii Hint their sta- - were hepl busy uilh :i lire, a birth, a Officer Glover Interviewed every body '.' lent Ii :i li i ii r i tbla: "A mouuUiu trout weighing Hull III life Ihall I acaonled lllrlo by their! mid nu'i be could on tbe matter, ami tinds no aui- - For sitle bv nil Drngirmtfl. imunde and iiieaauring 'Jti iticbea lu Uelghlil. TlIK only in present at the foiierttl mils for an aseault, as Darker is univer if Miss llerthlt loi-- e. Illlel.V III ally well liked. He thinks It length waa caught lu I'uie river Hunday i o mean and vindictive to- nlmilied polhl Letter t. Tua optic tli ...... I leriinuit. I'lu tvits the driter of the at lb wounds could be produced by i him- i , by a lluraugu luau." The eeuiur ed- . rt ot' minim iisi ,,i iruris ri inniillliff. .. laal ward Alliiiiueipi that when that paper - one or mora serious Whether tbe .1 ...Ill to V l . hciirse She to II club nil fall. I.I ... Tmk who le now in tbe Han Al-- b .....I .!.. li itor ol Citihs, chroiucles a uieiili.ui of some 1. . result uf an assault or of iernial is. .if u.iiiii-ii- mid uisisteii that onlx ''iKKKKKnKK&fr&c ! is up. Ill llllci'ii Uv Kiev wl will to tlie IV. Juau country, leexpled to return a let. opueripieati, It lia the Individual resid- it. mien klmulil tiike purl in her obse Darker badly done I.t llrr iilllic. jIHMKIoll. II I. ter record, and be will do It. ing some other town. However, Ariiulo. Mi Klacll. Jaino 11 in iUlts. li.- - k.i r ,V "SAT BY THE WlrtDOW." N A. i tr I will w Tunt bare a way of enforcing the thriving, ami always A iiiowii. HAik ini'iii t i SMATTERINQ OF SCIENCE. liiilcUru. Jom' l'rfsi.t Jo-,- -, lnjuur law in rjoutb Carollua that le like be the leat town lu the territory. I HinlcUru. Am.iilo Uclil. C'unir 1 lit III ss the U(.'i'llt of till' I'ltlestlnc A Lorc-SIc- k Albuquerquean Who Writes Clark, Cathelllie Kiicti. John a liercusalon cap it goea every lime. Tim of Albii'iuenpie I ,M remarkable climate plnriilioii liiuil. diseiiveri'il l liori y urriiTU Koll. I I has Poetry. Manuel. iaeuea au injunction at the lire i liecj'iiiitirf ii J. Tbe court fast known throughout the I K Ki. ruined tniMi oust uf the tend wa A love-sic- k young man sends a lot of Ilally, W. .sweel II, A. otlenae, aud It II l the culprit eople to IiiIImiii. W h Nillcni. II related eat, and mauy are preparing I lit I,i:i.ik I'llll l ii'n, it scientist lJ',''-r,"M- ll aaaHeflaaHHaHByaGflLRtfaaU T poetry to Tk Citixkm for publication, but, I'i'illii, la tined Imprisoned lor violatiug tbe t Sertami Klllo, and spend the coming wiuter within our walls. VMirus woini'ti n train si tseuriiig their M '' lllilsc. KijiiL Ncwart licorut-rvjiiior- as tbe writer failed to send his right name 1 injunction, and there la no jury inal or Albuipienpie, thlaeoiiiing fall aud wiuter, hair short, lie says men liecuine bubl in k, I ico It JmoIhi the literary editor was given Instructions l'ntltt. Kuiil, Miuth Minnie K ( auy other or uncertain litiga- will ll tlui of lirMllh-seeker- s because tbey cut their til lr Ijhic. John i'Ji .V St eienive see tbe largeet to pick out the of the effusion, 1 v the illscuvery of lii'lliiin on our best verses l.iinlo. Kcytiuiililo Smith. John II tion. lu the history of the town. M.H.rc. C, A Vn tor Kay llall-ir- v an-lef- t publish without correction, and consign Tua Ifenver Field and Firm aya: The U'l iiulv tttn MTMiiilienl lilies Mr, llnrt. ll Witklum. Wiu. Jo. K husMllii, eililor of the Hilvcr III the to the waste Hem MiCormick, lien K I the hriiiuospheie hM'etrillll of remainder basket. best (teaches seen on tbe Ntuver market calling - City Knterprise, was nulled iu mairiage the sun w i do tit it iirresMiuil to am some of the liestt IVtsoni for the above wl.S were, two carliawla that ar- ilvcitlci. tbii aeaaon K sH-ctr- M to Mlsa llth Allen, on Walnut creek, lines iiblmiii'd lu terrestrial I aat by the window anil I hKNrUST A. IIKCNSFKI.D. I' rived but wixak truui La Crucee, New (Irani county, the other aftermii. l.liltil ni tn tlinl whether nrgiili Wonilrtrd ami wnmlcicil otci i:l Ami over mialu If he luted Uexicu. They were of tbe Crawford and i nn be from nlitnllieil ve'etalile nr mil rVaaaaBflBaaBaaa Me a I uv her iaw hy, Mountain Hum vanetiee, tbe latter being KNIblirS IKfll'I.AR. mill tissue have resulted lleglitlvcU particularly tine. Tbe Ulberlaa ami Ar- the tii:i lit It V of the lieu 'us ulitulueil As I sat hy the window with A A heart, I ankrd CUP to ar- III this iMiy lint being uppreclnlilc Mlilttliig kansas Traveler will lt tbe net! A New CommanJcry UriranlJcd at Kos- - The qiictintu over ami over atf'iu or rive. 1 1 Is believed Unit the It'phaiil, the Can I will her. will he U-- wcll. rlmiiH'eros. the benr. the hyena, ami ooonno ooujxivx1 oo'emi" :c3"cran. my wife. I ut hy the window (Hindering until lic paucil TlIK of Wale will not come to i Thu 1'riuce A uew commaudery of Knights Tem other ullil nil mill h. were Kl iini' liluc Out of light. of tbe Kio llraude and Ibe mom ipu-Inu- a ebsnl than In any other place the writer and tbe national metropolis of one of the America, after all. Klltiuelte will not I'oiuiniiti in Kuglmnl. Tin Ihiiich of plar we organlxeil at Koewell on last mining districts many Inhabitant a ha ever seen, and be has visited tome nf richest mineral sections of tbe southwest. rutt, although be la Ires to travel to those iiulinnls bave been found in Kent s and working of tbe Haturday, with ten charter members. It the population tbe finest orchards In California. The The development it ts evident from tbe next two verses tbe contiuenle of Kurojw. Well, if tbe cavern, nleuit it mile from Tonuay were not euuruerated, and mines lo Water canon alone, descri!ed will le known as Hlo Hondo Commau nf tbe aa that the young man, who "sat by the At ( oiiinsii tu I'ruf Hariiard. thiirc Is of the county now is probably about trunks and limbs trees appear elsewhere In this article, ought to build a mounUlo will nut come to Mohammed, a die-- window," at dery No. l, and Its ollluer under lbs un grouiiil for the KiipHisilioii Unit the I3.UK). if varnished. The tree am symmetrical, city at Hocorro second to none in the tar- - discovered tbe last aocaent good many American Mubammedaua will H. be lee are W. I'rager, emluenl rings of un 'losing in the UOO.CWK) And Is off all are of tbe that had been spending cream and NIGHT 41K) inatiou .uttirn uiin Ol tbe acre ol rich alluvial and not a leaf colon run to tbe mountain. Tbe and other - to one or most comuiRnder; Jas. F. Illnkle, gn- plnni't, iik bis observations hIiow that Ho Hocorro in imortant sola water money on tbe wrong girl and along the Kio (Irand in rich dark green which indicates plant To-tie- mesa lands on the line of the Atchison, ka MOVES THE BOWELS IN apeclmena of eaaUirn ariatocracy mual ay Wlllard II Clark, captain no cbmiges bnve tnl en plnce since tbe stations that her wedding day waa fast approach eralisslmoi corm county them am not mom than life and health. Tbe plum trees am h Hanta Fe railroad, south of Albu- - THE MORNINQ. Uielr anuual worabip to "our prince." W. II, (I rat systematic measures were made. iug. He continues: general! Jason W.James, prelate 7n,tXXI acrre under ditch, and not mom than loaded with fruit like cluster of grspes) being eighty-si- miles distant Frick Pullman, tbe three ?;ueriu8, 178 exiles Kl What were my feeling I hjr Cauxkuii, and Coegrove, reconleri Henry Hau.berg, jitler-lla- r Wilis, :IS,(I00 acme under cultivation When apples, early and late, weight down the city, and north of Fer Male Br. Tkaa, (a. Mars U What were my Ihoiightil SB leMU oapecUl ob- d Paso. From Hooorro thsre a branch to uiagnatea who have tbe tmaauer: John W. Poe, senior wanleii) Iii these c"itiiry-t'ii- days, when considered tbe agricultural possi- limbs nf the trees with all tbey can bear When the afterwards lolil this Ii Magdalena, a distance of twenty-seve- n Mi- - that the had no heart ject of tiradeo of fcjfllaUire aa K 11 Ma to lie wholly d tbe labor H. Caboue, junior wardeniJ. I'verylxely seeius of Hocorro county Itscome appar after many have been picked to relieve A line, For It had already i carried away uulghlMir bilities miles. short but an important I. I. BURLING AMI'S stand-ar- d in maUliitf tits or her bard taakmaalere, bave all voluutarily thews, eworil bearer) Huillh lia, to everyone. The sutwrlor adapta thnin. Cherries and apricots have been feeder to the business of the main line. live up to hlchi r ideals, It veins fitting ent 1991V ICrtft CHEMICAL tbe wagea of tbeir employe in beareri A 1'ruit, warden. Ten pell soil advautage of picked, and many early peaches have Hocorro is an Incorporated city of tbe What here my fecllnnil to call ntti'iitloii to some matter bilities of the and were my Ihoughtal NUUNI irriUL 1 LAlOHATOHf montba, la no iiuea-tlo- tbe first class laid off in wards the popula- Wbat the three There lions for the orders were received and luior-Irtnc- e will been iackml for market. Mr. Coon I XjiablUkKl Colorado, ISM, tntlM lat which, though they luck the lbs Hiuable climate for fruit raising sent exceeding 8,000 Kite-va- n When heard her icak thoc la BtmtlM sr notwlth-standin- tion inhabitants. itprcH will proeipt calauittyilea to the contrary order were conferred on eight candidates In from the UOib of Mlnglug my wedding will relr as4 ear! alUuaS of eiunl sulTrugi' or cycling as a cause the valley ol tbe Hlo (Irande has ieachrs ripening Use is mayor of the city ) Abram lie two wrrka Irnin businen of nation who acted - mm that tbe tbe by Col. Max Frost, of Hants Fe, liriiiier reorentlon fur tvoiiieu, are niv- Hooorro county to rival tbe moet favored June until October. He has already mar A boy tlx, clerk Severn A. llaca, treasurer ) mum V;?,' sAsftsx, 17N 1 1TM tseiesM Mm Bsxvst. ia on the up grade once mure and a iving aa special proxy on thai occasion for erthvlrxa disturbing factors lu the iu California In the uear keted over (1,000 pounds at from i cents Hilan Alexander, city attorney) Francisco DRAGGED TO DEATH. hk fruit districts Ilia, city marshal. Tbe following alonj taadlly. llrandmaster Hugh McCurdy, of the problem of the xTfccted life. For to 0) per ound. He estimate his Pad future. cents gentlemen ar member of tbe city coun- I), V. Cahh, our apeclal enrretpondent grand encampment of Knights Templar crop of (teaches) at 60,000 ounils C. Tbe Horrible Fate of a Cow toy Near Why will men carry half-smoke- It must Im) remembered that at the entire cil: J.J Lseeon, Juan Pino, T.llrown, who has been "doing" Hocorro county, of Tinted Hlates. The charter mem 160 crop is ex- K. Torres, 0. C. Cor-tint- s, Minnehaha. the burning cigars into "I," trains and ca World's Fair wheat from the Kio (Iraude from the trees ills apple James Hill, Jose arrived from the south on the delayed of the coiumandery are W, H. vleld this year, ami tbe Kulallo OunxaJes and J. J. Jara-uilll- Kliaa Hlmpson, a cow boy In tbe Hum ber ble cars, and why don't conductors valley in New Mexico took the first pected to $'J,600 train at 'J o'clock this after- - I'rager, James J. Illnkle, Millard II will not be lee than burg district, died a horrible death laat iMkiscnger slop it? premium, and In Hocorro county the yield of his orchard Tbrm is located at Socorro tbe New noon. Wrlle-ujH- i for Kelly, Magdalena Harry H. John Hbaw, Why will women ahvny ash the ele- ltrllS. bia fruit has Haturday, says the Phoenix Kepubllean. Clark. Church. eipjal of that premium wheat ia grown $6,000 for Wherever Mexico Hchool of Mines, and one of the and Ban Marciol, and the continuation of Henry Hamberg, Jell. N. Miller, It. C. vator boy to wiilt nnd then rcuu'inlicr been sampled Ita superior flavor Is reeog-nixe- finest public buildings in the territory baa He was thrown from bis bona aad tht'V don't want to use it at all? every year. the writo-u- p for tbe town of Hocorro will Htewart, Jason W. James and A. Prultt. that and a demand haa been created fur lieen erected tor Its use. il is constructed dragged by the frightened animal until Whv will a burt' hl friends According tn the assessor's returns for trachyte, quarried near appear lu a special edition of Tim CiTlixa Among those present, aiding In the uew uian him any effort to secure a of native grey ha was mangled beyond recognition. It with stories of his wife and babies In tbe year IHiU lb value of tbe land re- it which saves the town, awl trimmed with Arixona red next Haturday. Un account of the waab coiumandery work, were Judge A. A. market for any kind of trull which he building was only eupMed that tbe accident oc atcad of going homo to them? turned for taxation waa Mn,KM, and of seasons sandstone. The cost nf tbe tbe consequent delay of of Washington commaudery raises. Frosts ami early and late end apparatu-co- at curred on Haturday, but the body waa outs and traina Freeman, Whv will it woman always wait until improvements $4lfi,tH'J, wak- to affect bis less than tbe $4i!.000. The furnishing bouses aud aesei orchard lo aa perfect and complete not none of the promised write u appear lu No. I K. T., Washington, l. C, anil K she s'eU Just ill front of a ticket win of his irrigating neighbors. That fJO.OOU. It fouud until Monday, not far from the ing a total of t'Jft.WO Horse to tbe trees a of kind a can be found in the 1,. Hall, of Hanta Fe couiiuandery No I, low iH'fore she Idea to tlinl her pocket growing industry in tb future plant the loll road, about thirty. five miles frees this issue. uf 6,107, valued at IH),(I wsre the fruit it This Institution baa bsen closed ik number In this weil. la great panacea for Hanla Fe. Kio Hondo commaiiilery Is tbe to be one of Ibe tnoat important board of re- Phoenix. He bail been mltslnr from bta lkuiuATUis tbe Why a minutes returned I XII mules, of the value ot IhmI for the past year, but tb will luau take fifteen valley no one can deny, and that tbe W, 11. Beaaxan, borne since tbe Thursday before drouth. Nebraaka and Kansas bave paid ouly new coinmamlery granted a dlseii bead of Valued at gent! bave engaged Prof. the dis to tell Mu it 'story and then admit IKM4I cattle. trees and best trult will tie grown without 1 IH'.i'J, sixth whose record Indicates that he specially covery of the tiody, Hlmpson waa Intend to be sallou since and makes tbe ' I and by thorough cultivation, a young dearly for experience, but that he can tell it'' $4H4,1'17, aud 7tl,lWfl bead of tbeep of tbe Irrigation fitted fur the placs as pmsldsnt of the couimandery in the territory, It starts VMi 1 to be demonstrated by Mr, Coon. man and uu married, He waa lh c4 benefitted by the knowledge galued. In vtill womi'ii try to and JO'J.U-J- wem returneil to appear school sob value of ami on Heptember 16th the well-knaw- w to any a n to Inlluence tbe rain- out under the most favorable auspices then iK'iiru iiuv niuu ho acta as they machin- tie does noi attempt raise aiiaiia, will lie prior to that cattleman of that district. stead of endeavoring tbe assessor, Tb value of mslons, beans or chili in bis or- Just J?ig and a do? N lleeoriliT curs, of tbe A very close friend, cow boy fall the tanners of those states, and lu ami bids fair to be a tn iroier-ou- i county exceeded that the tb than Prut. Heaman will make a tour another ery In Hocorro chard, but leaves all strength of to let know the ad- ciuiinaiidery . territory tb people naaaed Morgan, waa among those who other drouth ridden sections promise to A I oiitlilitfKle Man. of any other county in the terrl- - oil to produce suerlor fruit. the vantage of such an education and discovered the mangled body. He waa ArayoatJii8iVM03MLiypBFJJ use windmills. .They will save their A club inaiitilni was the victim being i'J'J.BCO. Kallroad property recommendations of the Institution ULATOR, UM "KIHO OT UVBsS Teal Mill. ' t,iry, ...... fewal) special not wind-mi- strong a . faille Breads. prostrated only by grief at the death use It as wanted, Tb ll of miII tax, drink visited wealthy gentle was at Bocorro. lie will probably be givsn cmaaT" Tbat it what oar read water and Henry Falser, the collector Ibe county assessed al 7tW,JJ frl-ii- iu The following is the number of brands of hi d, but by the In live euil III a court tills mnu ho showed tutu over his exten- two assistants and a preparatory depart- terrible condition want, and nothing but U t will banish all fear of famines tbe Instituted justice and the total valilatiuu uf ill prorty recorded In the various counties of tbe that It morning recover ll lax from five citi-xen- s sive rnuinls tinning to a Wautlful ment established. Tbm is every reason of tb body, aams old t& future, and change every farm into a lo aggregated U.DS&.UtH. old Mend to which the who have ivluseil lo y. They are spring of water the host adld. "The territory i Ban Miguel, l.fCOj Grant, why this institution should become ma of pinned faith never blooming garden, ol tbe youth In Hocorro useful In the Tbe their and wera owner and the suits will prole of my park Is this Imautlful Tbe educatkiu 1,'J57 Uernallllo, ttK)) Guadalupe, 163 1 the most territory. Hew He4 ilea oarrrc all properly liar-woo- appointed. Bat tuiothwr good reof authority lo Kprlug You will find made strldss since lb board of regents am t llev. Thomas d, At the meeting last Tua Oret issue of "The llland Weekly settle all disputes about the iiulural not such county has giant Ban Jnan, 177 1 Uma Ana, 7&0Cbavr, evnlng of Navalo mendatlon for It la, that It ia Brrr Ite-fre- Albuquerque G. collecl poll lax. If appeals m taken Ih cool, clear water anywhere else. of the school law of 1HUI, president, Jss, Trlbs, No, 8, nf the Improved Order of eras) Herald," published at liland, tbe pros, enactment 1,474 1 Lincoln, 0 Hocorro, Taos, tmam PrLML nsnrea srrlnssL nervnr will until the dis- n de- 1604 Fitch, secretary and treasurer Booorroi Men, me loiiowing new dis- outcome le uncertain yourself with i'Isss of this forty school district in Kid otfteers ware peroua town in the Cochltl mining " There am 'ulne 04(1 liddy, 46 1 Kio Arriba, DM (Union, J P, McGrorty, Denting Juan J. iUca elected for me ensuing ens, bat works In taoh M sS trict court meets. licious uf nature of Ibeae termi tvf received at this otttce. county, ami iu forlytfour 1,(137 1 700 1 K. K. Nold, Hocorro. natural way, joat like natare Itoel. trict, has lesen l lub Man Thank you, hut please ex- the 4(rJ) Colfax, Hierra, Valeucla, and Prophet John V. Pearce, tPJ last averaging six Till rt'SLIO IUH00U lr. relief comas quick sure, and cafl Tbe Herald is hv columns, four pages, Jell) Tare cuse me. I don't waul to rob you. there was school year, y00 Mora, 1,00V UaoU F, 460, Accord- Hacbsm-- D. F. Davis. and I young who of Hocorro are among those of tbe highest foela new all over. never and is devoted to giving Ui the public tbe Three handsome marines Texas Hlfllnifa months in the ) ear. The total enumera- ing law, tbe clerk of each county Is Henlor Hsgamom C. A, Hawks. It China-Japa- n lo the in territory, and two Targe did tbe war on hoard the I.7VJ, standard the Hagassom H. 11. Hlausell. Hverrbod needs isSts & liver resewfl wonderful mineral resources of the Co- K. Fox, tion was tutu. The enrollment to adupllcat of all brands Junior Philadelphia and Concord slop)! over Miss Lola Fox. daughter of H. required make well constructed buildings Uave been Chief of Records M. M. Cruise. everyone only i morn- average dally attendance 1,'JIH. to accommodate tbe schools. and aboold take chltl dlslrlu. The editors aud publish in Ibis city last night between trains ou was a northbound passeugrr this and the ou fi'e and send ras to J, A. hallue, sec- erected (Vdlrttor of Wampum W. H. Lowh. mona Rewnlator. county laat Those bii I Id I n are among the tiros! liver era are J, T. Uugbart anil Antonio OrtU, tbeir way from Mares Island to New ing The school fund of Hocorro retary of the sanitary board, Us Vegas, K em per of Wampuxa W. W. MeClslian. TttA Hoi. Ullm, Ciibero luerchsnt, 1 vis- nent landmarksof tb city ami are proudly He cure you get it. The 1 who promise to York where they will receive discbarge the year amounted'Ui $30,7fti, being exceeded 1. All the clerks waa also elseUl aa repre- two young gentlemen iting the city, and U! Tus a not later than July bave out to tbe viillor. Prof. U, Dr. Pearce l on wrapper, J.IX,ZeUlBs in a few days, lu ueglige navy shirt and Cituss only by that of Uernallllo and Colfax IHilnte.l to tbs Grand, Lodge, which the make the Herald one of the best weekly neckerchiefs they looked rool and school dons so with the exception of tbe clerks Duff bos been aa the sentative Co., silk counties, borne of the best public DiaeU in lbs at rrovidsnce, K, I, llldlBlila, publications lu tbe territory. Tus Citi-(I- S to the sight seera ou the depot W. J CiKllngton relurnwl lo llland, Hocorro Of Hau Miguel, Bisrra and Don Aua, principal lor uvs next year. all morning. bulldlnirs lu New Mexico ar in wUhee ail a successful future. platform. They gave tbeir to the Cochltl mining district, this do development work IntoreaU In DISTINGUISHED WEDDING. probably astonish Men who spend from SHE ARRIVES I A. Glassfonl, U. H, A., will present a to a year with a paper for adver paper on ' Th Climatology of tbe Arid claims, ami Iba prosector who la inilBt. till $40 Region " I awl seem to think they are Wfttyg tmn Water Canon! tl for at least sis month IstIo Sandoval and Attrella naca at the lining space Thn toplca In Im discuss! are all of To C. T. llrown, of Hucorro, who Is HjmcnCAl Altar. Illral advertisers and that the llgurea niu Londonderry, Ihe hlcvcle hnthuM practical Interest to the people of tb. heavily interested In In Water Last evening, at thn shrine of Han Pe are really high mountain region whr Irrigation I nee. MotuUr's SOCOKHO COUNTY. rotry ait, In Town. from Dill. .. . II. I.. il. ..I.I - sary for the successful raising of crops, I,Ml jiri-grr- I W.l II.. l,.,.,lli Hliuut kihi Wlium.l rauiu....!.!.ui in iijtt tin iirr. ill m" hmi.i A riuerlntemlnl J, K. Hurley' iii, Odd fella Following the Congress will Im Iwo ex sctsl QALOKE. tow an I a "" la tbn ernlll clue, thn but tmprresive ceremiiiiy ol itoiy Motuer Thursday laat Ihe newly elect one. Rio and up froui tbe south laat night. GOLD. Al Ut. north sml of lbs bell In Copper evrtilni ciirsionr, through tbn 0ramie car cun writer is MeMed for the opiiortunity to church untied In the bond of matrimony and aiioitited ollicers of Harmony Pern valleys, and on to Phoenix and tbe canon, a branch of Water canon, la located HALL TO BE GIVE". Judge W li. Whiteman haa IwD cull-i- A lilge, No 17, I. II. O. P., this city, were nave Tbe visit ami lnspe.:t the mltiea lu that great Flavin Hatidoval ami Alirella liaca. nail river valley. The excursions Cripple Creek ol the Terrltorr of tmh iiaotr, . , . I I II K. lo Pueblo ami lleiiver on professional i. i the i ami Installed ', new been previously noticed at length In tbea. 1 'J . large number of relatives lmm. II V New Mexico. Using No, ami No. ol that nam. On H"gere, P I A t!'rlnr li i 'iliiinn business. In Water with a bond late frieiida of l.olhdUtliigulshed families, y K For nearly fourteen year tbn linwpec No. 1 there are three ojujulngs on Operating caimn, jij (j ( ftt llnnlry, see retar) i Ml Annie Umdomlerry, who on a All of Nnw Mexico Is taking an active Hi" augmented by a concourse of Invited i I K II Mlsgif, Hon. Pedro Perra came down .- k on some of best properties in tbe Pratt, treasurer irtislee interest in the Albuouernun Ut .., ...i,.- u .h. uioun a vsln In which there Is a pay-strea- ager of fJO.OOO to illl.OnO i going rouirrn', , , camp, "Uncle John" Kly, Ihe of guests from tbe new town aud Iroui va Tbe apolnlel nltWre are T A Finical, cially so, and tbn clllsens of the terrl- - night rrom ueriiaitiiti, tun garden k oi ..,..,, Mmfftjl for lead and of 'J to 6 Inches of very high grade is father around the world on a wheel, arrived here j tory will extend a bospllabl greeting to tbn lllo Grande. Pmcbe, Neviula, one of the owneiaof the nous p.rts of the lerntor), ruipliasU-- d I',J.riKKN f,( "u orM .,..1 i.m.,,l,tl.Ml tiassed bv ore, some of which prospect tbouaanda h. on tbe dela)ed tram a) afternoon ihe delegate and unite In making tnstr of Tlt 40-fo- worl.l.famed Raymoud it Kly mine ol tb solemnisation lh marital contract y Towtuwndi Charles Zelgrr end children look lasl everything which did ool show galena, of dollar er ton. A lunnel on f (1., Frank wanlen) from tbe coil til and le lopplng at the aoji urn a pleteanl one in an extant oever tilaoe. "Uucle John" waa a friend b) their pr. eence. Rev. A M. I if utile, H, before In lb history of con night's Calllornla limited for a pleaeatd r.qqier stains or horn silver. About on No, 'J snows about three fset of ore which that if. .Sail Fi lip lioli'l. TlIK ClTUK urpae lbs I W lepnrler Colo- of the writer nearly twenty-liv- e year J ,rlticiatel,alid wilhtbe cuvtoinary bleaa merer, outside guard H Krlckenn, gre, It need hardly added tbat Visit to the coast, year ago dlecoverlra wer Bade Id tbe average. $10 to fl'J r ton In gold. This H. H wa lo Ibe young lady this boim the happy groom and maid guanll F. R Co, R Wm ltitntlire. rado should b represented by a strong Wella-Fsrgo- airn. ami all unite with him in the lliga declaml I U . I U 11 H. Young, 's "Ml w.byry of Iba high mountain ore Is free milling. This vein Is found u II. ..1 ....!.,.. of Ibe delegation, II. Imal man. lrll -- i ...... ". " morning and seated lu tile rotunda Ibal the "old Kentucky geulleiuaii" may i.,.. ...i.i. n,. organ eger, we a I'ullioau passenger for tlia range, al (be heads ol Ihn different under a heavy dyks ol while porphyry "s " Kaville. l. vlst urami Vaim hotel she spoke inteieelillgl) of her dar- Tbe l.v is from lbs Denver News, makn another lortuun in Water canon. panloua for life. 1 be choir dil"tird a waa installinir olllieV Ice cream and aouth tbla morning, branches of Water cuion, that "panned" Ths course of tbe vein Is uortb and south. ing trip around tb earth' circumference anil i a subject which should Intareat lb. high order of uiuaic, and a.lde.1 on ol the rake, .onatil by Ihe new otlii em, were Careful proepectlng end develop TUB rirTOSI Hhe I a charming, Viv loll talker, near- - of thi section of the country W. W. Tultla. Ihn H.olif. Una aloek SI til" ARIZONA. I..,...... m I... .J I,.., l.v i,,i). I 'erveil lopln Uti ment work showed that tbe gold bell waa running ami southwest, croasea 1 year of age, wit h regular fealime eipull) a 11 as those of other moon agent cauia upon freight from Iba aouth northeast aolemti Intonation of the llregorlau cbanl. UNRIDDL-- GUkSIh. I' extensive, tha veins apparently rina-uen- t, thn Hunrls No. 3 at tbe south ami. On ll eomewliat tauiietl Ii) the sun ami Wlnde tain region True, there are a number yealerday afternoon. Condensed News of tbe Neighboring Following came a seriuou of cheering rarrying gold everywhere ami In are located tha claim which glvra It lla f the Orient. Tbe rlln of Jallht) of irrigating aystems In tha country Conductor Dan Tiffany ami wife, of Han Territory. words awl solemn admonition tu tb- - Huw Thcr iorced Themselves Into the lihd many placea yery rich. name, lb Radellfle, Pikslou and Dukn Pies.-ot- t while atraw hat tlliniin--l Willi black rib around about the Hills, but it benefit Marcial, vara paaaauger aat laat night L. II Orr, of Pboenli, la in the young couple Just lauuebed on tbe sea of Sandoval-Dac- a Reception. Water canon la situated on the eaat City claims. Tbla Is a very large ledge, I mil belli and shook Itei-l- f III to are not sufficiently well known to urge on 1 1 rlall relatives and frianda. jail for utterlug wurthleaa checka. life, Tbe chunih services were aa elab As the roiiw aUmt tbe lablee up re ad reemie slo of Iba Magdalana mountains, about crosscut showing It to lie from lUlo'JS lier animated iiiovetneiite of the head in Ihn planning and constructing uf more, II. Irury( of Moor Druryi ctm I'n erctors are d'ggiug holes In the oralri aa the aimplioil) of tbe Roman rit- - with the wedding feast waa comparatively J. elghlren mllea weal of Socorro and five feet in width, ami samples from to $10 Tb riL'lit leg was thrown for there is yt nuin lu our country for tractor, constructing the Wioslow round back yards In Tombstone, lu vacant Iota, I ual will periol. and Ibe public ajiprecia. amall, it was aiinouucnd that twenty .elk milea from Water canon atatlon on the per Ion In gold throughout tha length of over lb left, tbe hands croeei at the ditch lo cover tb entire agricultural houaa and shop, la In tha city. etc , everywhere in the town searching tlon of thn happy union baa not been couplea only could lie arcom mutated at Magdalana branch ot the A., T. h H. V. tbn claims named. It also carries from t) knee and from under tbe bottom of a area, and such movements a the abnr fur a vein ol ore that It Is said must In all equalled in Ihe territory since JsuiIhi k ri- - lime. Tbe guests were requenled lo have C. K. Uoyaa, tha lit merchant of Will. II. R, from Hocoi ro. Tbla canon, with ita lo l'J ounces In silver to the ton. plalu, black skirt a fnot was greatly assist In this. I ad wood, (North le-- the t eliwl) A. wa to town of reaeotiableuees run under that burg eotue aarrl l llarbarita i'erea beneath patience ami all would luviteil to tbe lam, T., a paseenger on varioua branches, dralna a large area About one-ha- lf mile south of the Bun Tbn athlete stands fi Dakota) Times. where. golden-leafe- hymeneal buwer at llerna dining room laat night's express from tbe weal. tbn mountain, ami what la known by that sblne group is located thn Woodpecker feet 'J Inches and weigh I Mil Hiuud The Prescotl rlty eouucll held a special lill". The plan as annoiinr.l by Mr. Hntigo ATTEMPTED STAGE ItURREItY, Rnv. A. M. Mandalart. H. J., haa re- - name la an extenelve !elt covering mauy group of claims, which show ths same When she begatl her tour she weighed meeting which the Huoset Telephone Uommensiirale wllu llie luipoalng re- - lilac anil Mr. Weill II Field waa to luvlt I irned from Hanta Fe, where ha gave an mountain rltlgee, bllla, gulches and general characteristic as the claims al t Uf. J.iunds, aud the Kl Pao race the company waa instructed to place a tele- - Hgioua service waa the reception aud ball half for each table from the Hpaiiieb lr Three hold Men Attempt kohbery Near eight days' retreat l the bisters of Char- canona. It la appropriately named, as north. Then coma the Hwspstakes, Cor trained down from IIU t.iuiid to her In ou tne aRitig ami nail irom the Miguel llolbrook. ity. water la found In the main canon, run Donald phone In the city's pump bouse ami also the mreel luuroaii auditorium onado. Anaconda and McKay preeellt Wlgbt. , ., , m r.liief eoiriueer ol fair irroiiuds. 1 Ue llioe honor .t calbe eiieaklng guenta. Mr. Uaca almi an I,. I h - nlng upon tbe anrface the bed tl.. H.i,l.nM ..f th. J, (.Hollander, the popular commer- wherever claims, all undeveloped prospects, but all J.', Mi Lomlouderr) tarl-- llolhri-ik- . A I. dral liell sounded sweeter, Captain Rim' nouuceil that he would select the Hpanlsl June h.i. T July Hi. - Fifteen rock reacbea tbe aurlace, or near lo tbe Prescolt fire department. t cial traveler, tame In from tbe north laat it. showing quarts carrying free gold. The out from llnetiiii under ciutrai-- In mile north of her an attempt was mails l',.-..l- caiiuoo louder and now the great Urchea speaking for the tirst tal.le, ami ' gu'cbea from tue high moun ri,.,- m. .ie , ..v. The . ulght ami will visit with wife awl family writer spent several hour on tbn latter . i i ...... iu i. --,..i... ii .i it i.i , pump her way around tie world htteeii laet ulght to bold tip the United (State ...1,1 ahat-- mon ",r lu" i. r. oui. wo.i.i., on tu tbla city for a few daya. taina, entanog tbe canon tbe increasing claim breaking and crushing ipiar x aud .Ii.elff l.n a of Krle Callle com. lrl .""u" K""" tnoiiths. The route wa out ami marcD. rvngusu siieaaing gueais. mapeil mall and express stage, en route lo Port play ol cryatal clear water over minis. washing with a gold pan, aud waa much any stock to satisfy a judgment of the rontract her to reginter at Marry Crawford, a worthy young rail Mure than five hundrtnlof Ibe best o-- Notwithstanding that announcement, a require Apache Tbr men sprang from the lure falls snd ablly riffle Is plraaing surprised at the result In no Instance $M1. W)ln favor of Martin CosteJIo and atated placea. wager grew nut of a road man and aon of the jioet acout, now pin of the county and territory took part, I crowd gat beril around the dining room 'Ihe roadside slid siend tbe bore, which and refreshing to tbe visitor after cros waa there a failure to gel ''colors" of K 11. Parker. Tbe former bid lu clul. holitadown a freight train iMtwren Han aud most of them In regulation door struggling fo. ailmisKlou. At Mr. llM'lllnn between prominent men frightened and dashed away, ing arid plalua ami dry mi uulaln rangea. gold. Tbe Thanksgiving rnd another tbe eharre for the above amount. aparrd Marcial ami Albuquerque. evening dress, Thn sggregaliou of pretty Hara's requvet Mr. LUirrtulaile tiotitlel a to tbe mwer of endurance and pluck throwing out the driver but safely carry The jieruianency ol water in the bell will claim Intervene, and then is reached thn A Im- - ItuiX'iuMlili' Knnla ami wife were mad route has been established -- the crowd tbe dining of women. It was mg tbe mall aud ei press out of reach of Carlaton J. ja Important in lla future tin aud baudeomely oetuuie-l women and that room ili.T be an factor already famous twe-- n ami Cellar, and Fred. for a woman lo make Ibe ilhatlend A aangera on Atlantic Hackbrrry would uot be oM-ue- l trip the robbers, who were not mounted. laat ntgbt'a express velopnient. proud men surpaaaed any prevloua at until llie may was raiuuau-ii- young of l Ml Londonderrj , on their way to Washington to viait with Camiw, Ibe geullenianly farmer tempt in a long period. Thn music, brass .'lexr for tbe bridal party and the and alone tbe detachment of I'liited Hlale arti Tbare are two dUtlnct mineral lielta In mine, at the bead of thn Houth canon, on Mr. and Mra. W. W. II ita. tbe lllg Handy, baa received tbe contrai l b(U, CArvfuly At crowd plucky young oiirualit if the llnetmi m pursuit uf the parlies. tbe tlret U. a ltcl ,.Uy inv,tl ,feet la. the tbe Water canon district, at' eaat slope of wvak, thn high tin-fea- tbe Timber for carrying Ibe mall. Mr. Carn.w will put TUolirw),l by lh way and a formed Herald wa selerle fur If he Harry K. Iloamar ami wife, and Dick being tbe Uro Kino con- - vir, afflm,i K.Ve procession The Arm) tract attention est point in tbe Magdalen range, within on a atage to run twice a weik between ntlCCceda the J.KlXA) shall Ih- - II) eleraaa inm and tbe waits, polka aud quadrille of thn bridal parly and Ibe irueata e her. IeUlc llie, Iti -- llonmeyer, lertltiU morning for a monttra one-ha- mllea from . . i i K) ,Jilly Healldlig thn Uct, ,b,ul one and U.UUO fast in dtatance and COO feel in altl 'inw. the term of the contract she leit Ikwloii outing In Jemei. George Kruae will offi which measurre were uuerrinif. daily Invited to sit at tbe tirst table. The fact thai little more than ail weeka from lue eutrinw tu tuo c00n, upon tudn of the summit of that mountain, ami penniless and It require that b should William and John luius, of Hacklierry, Handsome effect was given to the bride and grootu had. however, but just will lie-f- elate as night yardmaater during Mr. f WB mines, Ibe city hav urrudred ,hrM arr a numlM,r mwo over tf.OOO feet above tbe lavil of tbe sea, receive no III llie way of s ave purchased tte cattle and busineea of ,lnclng tloor by evergreens and trl-c- Unmaed inUi tbe dining nmiu when tl, aitailf lumie) tb invading ten of of the lloamer-- absence. ,,, uf wbleu n4VB XM)vn worked Utr L. L. K. thousands Tbla property belonga to J, and I or food she did nut actually work le Mohave Land and Laltln company . crowd, comi-we- il almoat of Kng that who haa ,)rr, tiuutiiig. Ou the raised platform, wholly Iratid Army, tb various committees ap-utit- Mlsa Bbuckbart, len com years, but mainly for their silver pro Terry, who discovered and located it. Hhe Hi ll I for sawed and pllt This gives them a one-ba- interest In tbe tbe lish eeakltig eople, preeenl has wil of Ml of late, waa joined epratlug teraichorean revelers their to arratig tb numberleas details plaining health duct and the copper ami lead associated Tbe first discovery on thn claim was return for f - 1 and ha gone hungr eat market at Needlea and about thi ee from ihe feast of the evening, were many into tbe dining room and broke up tbe man) for th reception ami nlrlaiomeut of here by bar mother ami last night they with it, but only recently attracting at made in July, on which them la a b any- tbousaud hea.1 of cattle on the range at wedding It wan tbe a day when rniild tint get tbat or I, '1 Ful- - ubles liuleu with lieautiful geraueume pni esaiou. with tb boy iu lu ar putting on their look the No. train for an outiug at tantlon aa gold producers shaft 80 feet deep on a 6. toot Vwlo, with a thing els to do. have re- Walnut crrek. .D(l other IxHted tlowers. greatest dllticillly that tbe crowd waa "I abilutely working clothe and getting down to bus- ton, on tbe breaks of tbe I'ecoa. Tbe visited and made a careful & 6 Incbea, wblcb writer pay streak of to yields I ceived no inaiilt throughout th whole Tbs Preecctt Courier says: II In staled To describe tbe weddiug feast would forred back so as to allow tbe parents of men iu giMl earneet. Ho far the finance Mra. C. C. Wray, wlfaof tbe well. known aiatnlnatlou of tbn In sn araalra about one ounce of gold to trip," said Ml Londondsrry, nd 1 have tbat four members of Prescolt's boee run sound like mockery. No other than a tb bridal couple to enter Ibe dining room, committee, which haa al work all uispatcuer oi tna Aicuiaon, oao tbe ton. In January of this year they been treated with lb h.gbest uouaidera-tlo- n bn train TOieaa riNo mib nlng team ware married on tbn (Mb of tbla participant could appreciate It. Hunting, A very large number of specially Invited milliliter ha failed to meet with the sue. & Hanta Ve railroad, passed through here discovered another vein about 100 feet of us, all n, fund It aa iierfect a oouUct vein aa one of tnatn fiowere, evergreens ami ferns made the gueste were thus crowded out, aud their exrept rbai when four had been month and tbat another the , re tbat anticipated, little on tha California limited lasl (1M aeen in twenty five years of further east on tbs same claim, which American, wer packed like ear-line- eiprrns utl rsrT III lie married In a few days. It seems festal chamber a fairy grotto tit for die- - place taken by those who lorce.1 them- - more than half tbe sum regarded as nec nlgbt for a aojimrn at the coast. lulning The fiMit wall of Ota give, entry Indication of making a great into a narrow and vile dungeon in eirlence. aa If the boys are making proper speed In embodied spirits to fee-- 1 Ihn noul and sip eelves unbidden to the bridal feast, eeeary having beu aubnerihed. No W. 11. la of dlorlte mine. On this vein the shaft is sunk to a I China " Major 11. Llewellyn came up vein a aclee porjihyry the matrimonial race, even If they did loo nectar lo the guda. Karthly Ingredients Mauy of tboee who thus defied tb law doubt i biiwever, regarding 36 while tbe overbanging strata la limestone, depth of M feet, from which a drift is Hercoura lay by wa) of , KVypI, eiprd, fr.itu tbe south on freight yealerday af. the wet last prixn by a slight "biMible " that freighted tbn generous tables com- - of hospitality are numbered among tb tb certainty of tb committee finally get 3'J a few Mali meet H. Ash- - tbn of the general rule In mineral driven north feet, and another 1 llldla.Clillia, , Corea, Siberia and tsrnHn, ami aspecled lo M. reverse twenty-tw- o small pigs, twenty tor- - ten of Albuquerque society. bey Hug all Ibe money it wanla and to span Is l)il In Jerome. Julv . 18!6. K.I. prisl enfetter, through laat night for contact. Tbe enure of the vein, or ex lent south of tbe shaft, The lead unl Is l 1. 1 t t I. I II ..! I... . la I tl la Francisco, and roui her he will procee.1 passing sick some nun.imi cuicaens, iwo I...iiiimimi wouiu ieei uue iiiauimi u wa. .uK III gi..l seaaon, It prenent lieriencj he 4 llicka. aired He had lieen I blsuew borne in Colorado Hpruigs. of thn contact, in tha Oro Finn is form in width of about fnet, and pros- a a 1 tt t s I ll.. i ai I ll to lleuver, and then home to lloatoti Hhe our with Ivtmbld malaria. Ilia father ".pouuds 01 (Vaneaa vny oeei, nail a iioien mai .uey wem uni laitiea aim Krn ing only a ritilliiti of that of other pect in gold throughout. Following n. I to rid ftm mile by rail on Mra. M llano, wife of the manager umtbrast and eoutbwrst, while the dip of liasbams, breada, aud creams, ami a tlemen. They are counted among permitted cute have bail tb good to J. telegraphed to at Lo Angeles when salads that fortune vein, about thirty degres from the down tbe foot wall from tbe surface to wa the entire trip ol "The Oak" b.rlwr abop, acc.uipauied lha man baeanin worae and wa Wealth of fniila contributed from tbe who lead the fashions and set the styles entertain prevlou national encampment. mine Is the bottom of the abaft, Is a pay streak of vnonir Hb left Kl Paso H.ind.y lasl ami bail I., h.-- I. ill. .I..,l,i-- r Ml,. IL.ih. vertical, la lo the weal. lue golden orchard of tbe Occident to feaat of social llie. A uiimber were boys aud i.el,.,..,!., h.v. ...-- n-l met at the junction by a special train ...... I. I .. opened by a shaft 130 feet deep, from Inmi 0 to 13 Inches, which is very rich In v et;f-.-l III IVMU .... VI liter , j I.. tbla morning for Han Marcial, where they out bv the management of tha Hie selected SIX uumired. j uere was an gme wuo euouut uave oeeu a. iium l. by the preen committee, and au elaborate klnrilvMBt I , ., whioh at tlrty feet iu depth a lead or drift free gold. The writer climbed down the . . . . , i i. i . i ,i 1..1 It was Ih worst rirlence of th whole will visit relatives ami friends for a fev U V AP railway but when thn arrief-- eiuualiameui oi eiaraung cuampague... aieii iui- -i in uraiumic uieir uvrvnue program intended lo afford tbe vlaltlng has Iteen driven to the aouthweat tlfty baft on tbe ladder and Inspect.! the trip, luitead of reaching l.a I'rtice a - Weeka. stricken father arrived at tbe bedside of bat would daxc tbn liumorui Heine and lorcea uy sucu uiasipaiions, ami in uieir workiiia- uewspar men facilities for per fret and another from tbe bottom of tbn vein in all parts of the workings, taking expected, she was out ali nlgbt without Manager Ciiinlitf bwl bia baml, tb In. latter waa delirioua. ami al other necessary concimlUnts for the cases tbelr youlb and Inexperience may forming their duties as well a to secure Ihe 100 feet. At samples from tbe lodge and afterwarde ih. r. shelter lu a blinding rain, ami her clothe tbe sbalt. iu aetue direction, biggest and most superb feast ever serv pleadeil in palliation or meir groea aim aome little en;. lyment during the week It first regiment, out laat night, and malned so until bn died. r la seven feet thick pulverising tbe quarts and panning out wer dripping water when she got lbi-- eaiveral the surface tbe vein d In tbe domaiu of Moiiteiuma. of hospitality. Hut whal cau be aad for already outlined. One of tb bujirat boya serenaded privet fiuilir. d and increaeea rapidly In alnklng upon it. the gold. Home of the result were very ENDED HIS TROUBLES. Her tire was puncturi-- ami be This Is a fad of tbe captain's, "aud fiu The padrinoa of the bride and groom their mothers and the oilier grown Jier I that which haa relation to e exciting The ore la a Una grained, and taksn together were poc -- obliged to await a repair outfit from l.l lly aerenailes" will oe iu order III tbe are Melltuu Cbavrx and wife, thn latter ons who preeseil forwanl and forced the women's end of th encampment lor j, Itlve proof that the Philadelphia I a very Paso. Tbe Journey over tbe Jomado del future. ipia-t- boney'coiobel and streaked, car Gall A. Swan Sends a Bullet Crashing eubstltuted by Miss Haniloyal, sister of themselves where they wero uuhlddeu no lee than live national organisations oxide of Iron and some manganese rich gold mine. No more perfect vein Through Brain. Muerto waa made without incident and 11. Mauliy, tbe buyer, rying Ills the groom, Holomon Luna anil wife, Neill gueetsl of widow, daughters, sisters, ixiuslns J. Trinidad cattle So-nrn- i places where tbe vein breaks was ever formed. Tbe wall are bard was horrified this tbn remainder of Ihe journey lo - came dowu Iro'u borne ou No. 3 laat night in Mime This community U. Field and Mbta Mairirie Lee and No ll should be stated, also, that no Hpan and aunt of dereaae- and living veter- through the overbangiug lluiestonn cop and smooth aa a marble slab. The talc City Councilman -- waa difficult on account of heavy rain aud alter a abort stay lu the city will go morning to learn that ej a(M wfM H, eaklng guest bad tbe bait manners an will bn in aioti here during Ibe and "slickers" which tbe experienced I anil washouts At Hocorr i yesterday, she per preitominale In the ore At the end tail A. Hwan had committed suicide at a Th uresents were oelly ami pretty, to Join that crowd of notera. Thny re tiret week of HeptemlxT. This is presided to western ArUona on a cattle buying rs looks to Indicate of the on tbe lower Inval a arose cut miner for psnaaneney night, although bl more boarded the train fur Albuquerque. "1 H ied.tiou. It lsMiesible be may buy some drift late hour last l0 following being amoug tbe moat val maiue.1 quietly in their seals until bidilen over b) .Mr. II Tyler, wife uf Mayor tweuty-fiv- e In a vein, are present, and the vein Is have gone huugry fur day ami slept out aurep also. hows a vein fact thick. intimate friends were not surpnswi, a ue oj,!,. ui the ferst Tyler, and the euormoua proportlone that were taken from various places nearly vertical, having only a alight dip to ao in graveyards, but tbat wa nothing com-pale- d 11. risinplrs bail mail tbe threat repeatedly do Mr. and Mrt. Mellton Cbavei, brass A similar nxblbitiou of bail brlitig ia her dally mail haa leached, indicates that Mra. H. Bodev and children ami I I I. i - . I ,1- .- w I u b aAW I the Upon of Kl - -- uu ham to east tbe discovery this before, and bad also made one attempt when au pueblo vis- - with my experlsuc from Paao Mrs. K. W. Dobsun and children left last llUD " iMidatead ( Crlstolial Armilo, silver water often seen Indian is the fair sei from far aud near will bn out ami panned and not one MM vein, twenty p. unds of ore taken from n say arutona, her," b said. night lor - Uellgbtful season in tkmlhen. I'verl.l bl life, tbe l'reeou, .ncher ana two tumblers; Mr and Mm. itd. Many who ar usually accounted in greater fore than wer bfore. gold In the while., nw were tbe outcrop yielded thirty penuywelgbta Ue been a dn-- i Hhe rule iu bloomer eiwtiimn ami her r California. Mr. Dobeou accompanied t" .how ivan. ournal'Mlner. has in jM01k Yrlaarrl, allvsr coffee and lea sell ladlre ami gentleino-- will then accept thn "When tbe pro-ie- time com re tbn presi- high grade prospects. Tbe present owner of gold, ground upon a rock ami washed months on baggage conalpt of a skirt (which ans- them and will return when they are pondaot mood for several yr. and Mrs. 8. Ltiua, silver set, six hospitality of the Indians ami abuse It by dent will make biuisrll mighty clear on oue-to- n in a gold pan. Two and ooe-ba- lf ton of wers tbe double purpose of meeting the uleasantlv located. ot tbe mine have taken several account of brooding over financial ..u--a. , ur. Mra. Noa llfeld. braas the irroeseat iraiwrtinences. They will tlie subject of tbe presidency. Ha wll bad them reduced, with a ore washed In an arastra as a aampl hi conventional requirement of city life and .. ., ,. , ... ,. aamplna and trouble, and It waa apparent to mim- -. . (uble uleee) I Allierl Falwr. tiue oi.enly pry Into all part of th house, in uot b before the conyention, nor would t of fnim 10 to 30 tier ton in gold. yielded (107 In gold bullion. Tha ore Is bis mind was unbalanced. and of a blanket when forced to sleep oul, a railroad company, returned Hun- - ivsu friends that k..ur i,irher and if laser I Misses Llx stiect and criticise house ornaments he run if uouiiualnd, Hilvsr will not li I'aotic a quarts, carrying no baa" but Iron, In - change of iinilen'tothe ami a canteen n , , , . i . i i. One ear oad of ore taken fna the face of Although be discussed tbe water que- aDj Armijo. allver cake bolder furniture, ami even bamlle garment have any formidable support in tbe next in level yielded at brown or black oxide no lead, no ooj- - Jof water, altogether weighing live Miuhds JLu fishing the lower lb. tlon yealerday wllb varlou parties, and UMM,.,wald llr.N. , silver cake basket) Mr. worn by their hosts. lemocratic national convention. Tbe Joyed Ibre. of and bathing rl An aaray Hhe Uer ,- -r t..n. Assay of a aam per, and but little silver. at tbe meeting of carnea a pistol on hV holy, and the i with bis family, whom be baa local.! ss tyifi urged tbelr attendance amj jjrg j(lUU Uorradalle, ailver butter It may bn that these artlticial ladle crae dying out. William R. Morrison au-- ii trow the bottom of the abaft showed $7& -- the quick, ieiielratltig daali of Iter large there for tbe aeaaon. pie iroiu lue ooiioai oi iua iuw failed ui ,.(.. j4Pi RD,j j, H Oleni, silver and gentlemeu do not consider it necea ill b silpiairted by tbn Illinois dslega 73 l in sold and 10 ounce silver per too. Tbe meeting himself. He appatred except those dark eye ahows that she would not hesi tlon for tbe presidency," W. for Raton Ibl. vflu" "1 ih' attend tbe cajt jr Mr, prfecto Armijo, aary to act courteoualy with lion. 0. lladley led prospects made by tbe writer of this ar .B, ..j tate a moment to urn It if Hhe deathly pale during the evening, and whom they may consider tbelr equate. necary. a ci,ina chamlmr aet j Mr. awl Mrs, Hauti iaalH-rllit- Ihe I.lue. vrhlcb recently ticla from sample taken from tbe mine Ui tbn cause mceived a painful wouml lu thn shoulder .w. - i f this "dry" . until seemed be greatly worried, ii... .diamond riniri Master Hantla A true man or woman acta civilly anil HlM-ci- coach No. Ultl. belonging to ".r."- him, would indicate ranging In thn VUUtlHlflf ,. by value of his worry being a threat on tbe part of 1Ucm) , due lo th feelings of others from a stray bullet Jpanl'blna General HiiiierinlemtentCba. Dyer of tbe down pour during bis abaence. Mr. WM ll.t.W )ul)1 dion,! u, jj,, an, Mrs. lib resect from $40 lo a many ouoce of gold to tbe -. war. Hhu was tbn Held of bolll Atchison, Toiieka A Hanta re railroad, aampte of dirt taken anywhere from tbla one of tbn Uiwn urolbers to uave uim u t, . iu- . ,lhua,,nd rinir. at all limes ami uuder all circumstances. croltig lladley la awaiting clear weatbs. for an A claim ou tbe weal, called on her at the time wa attached to laat uigbt'a train froe dump will not fall to show gold In tbe ton. parallel y on account ot an order Don is greatly to Ira regretted that such iqieratiolia Journey outing In bis arrested Tlli j, lUa daughter of Hsu it tb From hern Mr. Dyer goes "Hiplorer." Keystone, belonging to tbe same own - ilft Hh. recounta a narrow from eal. livan. About U00 feet from tbe shaft of the 'l given by blm yeetenlay. He talked ex- .(a.,, Uaca, and tbe groom is the son of a display of ill hrediug waa made at the ecam south for an Inejtectlon trip. During th. Judge Wm. C. Wrigley ami Hon. A. C era, I richer than the Philadelphia, drowning in croeslng Ihe Panton river, Oro Xino la tbe discovery abaft on tbe even ciledly of tbla, aud W. W. Vanderbllt, ,,, ijlrri0Hamloval, a wealthy stock Handoval-Uac- a weildlng rcitlon last iirevuius big washouts or l and ao, wr. Vorbeet, of Katon, feel so much at boms but tbe vein and pay etreak are smaller. frozen at the time. Tbe "bike" eaved llyer waa In peraooal cbrge. No one MixiTau corres mimk, who was a lartlcularly warm fnend of ,, f yancla county ami principal nlgbt. If It were lo go unremarked and In AltituiuaroUM that tbev concluded lo Free gold show plentifully In Ihe rock uurehuked, it might Im suppose-)- , from her from golag under. The "bike" la a knows lb reduiminentaof tberoail bettor worked bis, tried Ui calm bim down ami gel him cUlmanl of the Cebolleta laml gwt. aim. over another dav ami return home prior location, ami which waa blocks, twslve tbn prominence of tbe actors, that auch man' make, Thn thro this thorough railroad man. from both claim. Great to his room. He fcVe the latter a letter Hlerliug, They f soms time prior to tbe dlaaovery of conduct waa an exhibition of the highest to nurht or mornlog. Inches square, showing free gold im every to bla wife, and requnaled him A HALL OF FOUR ACRES. lady claim a record of !t lil and of a The Hamleo Klectrie base liail club tbe Oro Pino. Tbe vein In this mine la addressed type of American civility. are very pleasant gentlemen. Ida, were oo the dump of the Pbiladel i ..rut It til her. annouucirur that he mils In 'J.'Jtl, and from the manner in which will eroes bats with lb Albuqusr. , seven feet In wkltb, one foot . about wtb have i- I at TO SANTA tue urnwns next Hatunlay, Bumuy and u pbla mine. Tbe Terry "boys" ....i.i i.. .i.-- .i -r.. m .i ii,. in wnicn ine rruc uaitas win TAKEN FE. which ah ran away from Albuquerque's B'no,l,D' a. Monday, tbn lieal club lu aouth ' , , V "f U cop,- -r or. carrying 30 to 80 per , ,, ... ii-i- are tbs i built at. arastra lo work their ore, near a i,. u l nf faat pumpers laat nlgbt, there ran be no i u;r v.., .... w , aame lime nourisuing a jj.canore nmiio Ynunc Rlea'x Bemalns Taken Home for weat They hays plavnd with Milwaukee, ,.acaiuf; )f BeU, Mj jR j,0 gM which in houor of moat beautiful mountain swing, & Ao effort waa mail A diagram ot toe greai voriie.fri.s doubt of it. Tbn spurt waa UlnneaHiits,nioux Uly, uanaa City, To buying abeej. In tbia country. ca down , j, Weason revolver. I Inlermcnl. Bi, wylTV) u we,. of I t .ii . I .. 1 a I ail --a I 1I Blw of about 500 pound a dally .ii! . and she freely look lb lead Graml Rapids, Imliabatxill aud De i . , ha a capacity U. get the pistol awsy fmm hl.n. ' mornloif the remains of Habino her arrival Mo, from tne nortu aceompamiw i.y a. vA )lf u nlri!,y th- - ami won tbn western alco an ideal miner' cabin, and have be done, he ehows an ocWgoti structure covering uo wb injuries under tb aud belli it. The local vbeelmeii badly troit, ennant UuoJt.tneLa. vegas stieep man. iney 111. but before it could ,rll against lbs above named clubo. Alhu ,uiM,one aDi u MArij v.nleaJ. In work tbslr property in ths feet of grouml, or nearly four acres. Tbn wheels below Atlantic A Pacific Junction, bunched on Kailro-.- aud general are stopping at tbe Ban fellpe hotel. , , , started walkail Ui th edite of the iiierdue's score lunik of I he Uniwn shows o h,ft i-- d,.)ln wblcb resulted in bis death yesterday, moat systematic and thorogub manner, walk. ami tilacinif the rouxxln following aw IU divisions! Uureaerveil confua ou and tumbling wa tbn renult. thirty six victories, aitbuut losiuif Oahriel, the well known Chris- - f of thn were to Hanta for Interment airams. llrotber Tlil, mn, a art tbe prvjxrty tbe south end of bell, so far ua I!0,H6fl reserved seats, 17,6fctlseala taken r beat lime Uimloiiderry claim and it they are beaten by the Denver club At tbe heed, remarked; "1 woo - swat, gnel-slrieke- u The Ms - I to hi. Roman Ulna, the father, and tlan educator, uame down lrok Uerna Mining Atlheaoutb It Iw Ural In 0m Pino cooiany. prospected, about one-mi- le south of the off lu balcony, seau tor me press, uncle, bail to have made on tin trip la I'.'O mllea froui will lb time three year. Our .l.r if this thlnir will iro this limn I" a.tit Juan rleua y lllea, an .barge boy daily and llllo laat night Tbe Christian Brothers Wnat atM( ( (ie Oro Kino claim la an Is Col lu are practicing ar deter Philadelphia mine, the ri,. i..iimof thn remark evideutlv abow- - KtYJ) total OJ.nlu, of the remains Han Francisco lo mar ton, t'ala., V r In 11 mined to win. of Bernalillo will go to Hanta otnar contact of lima and hrpbyry, Uernanllmi Uaca. a friend of lb I l 1.1 mind, time, There never was sucu a meaier iium in "J:i hours, ami alao miles from Hanta OOUI it is. il,.i Ii. hail hla at th. a tbe same He lt M to enter upon their annual retreat wblch there la a velo of trom four to sit family, went up on train. I1 W. Rood i. .e wh.n h. thn ola- - th Unlled Htalea, run dsmocreiic wig ln.,.BM.I Tny III.. .1 lt n I, HI.. llarliara to Loe Angel,' lu hour HMBllaa Affair. Is belonging hi George and Prank .ti.mnt .nan..! . .,, . . - for close meditation on spiritual maltara. )nches ol silver ore, upon which there ' I..., uu.wuIUHI auu There was a clumsy attempt at coup Andrews, who bays a four-fo- vein of lot, but It happeiie.1 U be not loailed . ai nicao nail ...ltu. on hiu, Hunday Ui see If he could A faMiila WlltKL. V X. Nelson, favorably known bare in a shaft forty feel deep ami which runs a no more paea to KlagalatT, where bi ling on this morning's Mexico express to Philadelphia, Tl.. 111 .nUml tbe left ski. of the head hall at the World lair aecura him a wblcb ha Unversed about X) ore similar lbs mub I "'" The "bike" postal 310 ton in silver -- Im. find He Was aCCom dlaaatrously to tb connection with tbe building of tbe from to ter ...... Tl,. ...I,. ln-- In- .lu, ranter, will elliected bl work. that lesulbil awkward Tbsy driving ....lodgwi near rtgut sys. ami me - ' 'J7,(MMI tb I shown In located bowing free gold. ar. ami tbs .. -l bv two y.uinir cnupanlons. RI mile over earth Kino contact are . w. . a . aud has fund of telegraph from La Junta to Mojave, came Upon tbe Oro . t ... a )!.. inriv flaaawa ail unrsi. iiiur imi7. irtiua tui i . . - amateur, furnished a on vtdu at the baa. of tb young man unipiwu ueaii in ' ' . . ,. Valencia and Andulaclo Uamlelarla of I). J Abel. It baa no to west with Conductor Roberta the Wall Htreet, O (1. Vest. Zeldla, U. n tassel the unfortunate canlo thn window merriment for tbe bawl from tbe lower th gnaind. Enormou aa tbn eiaclty is ll rUrM ,w yu,1(. mrn ,hft, uisa an I mountain ridge, much than hla tracka. cim break It look a little wore for tbs this morning, aooompanUl by b4s wife, Grant, Columbus, Oettysburg, IW Is expectKl Ibal every seal win im laaen. was In the act ot ensuing the ui me around th depot. Depot Master Hunt Philadelphia workings, and tbslr .level iraca waar. hut ia atlll in lb ring. Like th on thsir way to Cblcasro. Mr. Nelson Is ventwater mines, all of which have been I mmIipv UI,mI., wa liuav tbla morn. Ml on w bleb lby were When be allptieil would not recognise any employe of Ihe opmenl will prove the permanency of tu S..tMHH ny rider. It la thoroughly American ll l now located in Houtbern California, where eitenslvsly worked and froes soma ofi ri.. mi. Tru.t eomiianv ol I, i. .i.. i v... ami fell and waa run over ibe tral Hanta Fe who could not ami Would not vein. Ths lunnsl Is now In about 60 fret iiiii i. longed III a previous part of Ibis article to If Ihe amateur on the he is operating a succeMful oil wsll. tbso-- humlreds of tons of ore have been Nnw York, trustee. Umler tb first mort ilmtance - Dalla. Teiaa. a.iivli. . .rrlll.u do teller. rail of the Atlantic it Pacific Rallroa - I I i,..J.,t. From a irsutlsirian nbo came down fnm refer bi Ihn eeveral hold ups of wbih waa uot discharged it was no fault of bis. shipped, but the gold now known to ex tux whit roirnTT but, irars" a . I . UOA a.. I i(.r.,l. I ...... a II. lUaeh. of Itoehaatav. N. Y.i 0. V. company, Ualeil JUiyt..t. incar, u aecur. . TUB LITUSS Rol (Is Id. Pre i, Oeriillos laat nlglll learns Miss Uimlomlerry ws tbe victim. Mnr-rtbaar- Ut In the ore baa nevor bean conaldered Is Water canon, h a virgin My i. lllrdl.bouh. of CorUand. N. Y . and W . tlfl.OOO.OOO oro peroonl, gotd lximis,uiis lrarl rr that Mr Cook, who repreaenU the atnelter bery ou every auch la at- - mountain slopes, (leap canona, - was the motive Her cheeks are like lbs roars, a nri)ln.. 111., three vounir van. In computing IU value. It bow dultous July 1, 1V10, Ibe InUreet thereon being Jn ihn darkness of Ihe night there yrvlloat. waa there yesterday ami en- N.h. nruen A Un ball th coiir Her brow Is illy whit and it U probable that heavy timber and a thick grow in oi guarantestl by Ihe AUblson, Topeka a re- - nounod that tbe work of construction occasion. who were health seeker In thU traeUog atlentloo w,m,j have been a claab ami crash Ami I know Ihe tlemsn cbapparsl proa pa .Hog slow and HanU Fe Railroad company, ami tbe Bl , .. , . . . wi proceed at once. A million of brick agxoua sex of hiimsnity would not at well reason. l future lb. Oro Flno contact Baks Hh city, will morning, for sr Ban Fwnclco lUllway company, " I needed ami will let takra Parks' Tea each nlgbt. difficult work, and many of tbe locators Lout h -- . will conlracla U tempt what this brave little lloton l W throughout IU length for morning filed a loracJiaiure suit not."Iba common uorse sense oi jsas Thn city council has ad. Hhe's slrotig ami wall and bappy, too. tbe Las Vega-- hot springs, wbsre tisy mesne to d more tbla llnl..i...y woman haa accomplished tbe gold held In Its ores. of claim bav not tbe against tbn Atlantic & racmc Hallway ftVnted tb cataatMpba. "Jake Is tbeljuated sslisfaelorily everything ronnecteal Her face is clear and bright. will im Into rAEnri &bd remain several tbe located And laughingly sbs tolls tbe cause, w-t- wafd eanoos than bold their claims. Tbsl company, wowuu, ...... U lib the site, which Is across the river will P np tbs ... olrhstml Hixrw favorlle, which ill. liaUala. I months, after which thy return to mineral district the west of town ;xpreaaiea free take Parka' Tea each nlgbt." ami alots, lor. lbs um. dUcov arise bound tbe every Inch of Ihe ground with any lor tb National Irriga Hon. .it Tk. wisein ,t,.u. ik.,.,.1,m mounUlu - rls U. Is and The program Hold by Dr Too. II. Uurgeas & AlUVlUVIMUai twwj does not bellave. nor that the beat Z rranXoTiranV.and'tbe Hlnce the smeilsr au assured fart in country. mlt. the lusaatoo belt U eroaoed and writer eorporallooe also conunnug auimai, ol tion Conitres. wblcb u.ts Alliiiduer tbe to notion receiver of loess that they see the early approach an unuaally Maehlew' In wlds bslls in. mum have tieen brought by tbe Msreantlle Trust company & R Grande, of iu In HetiUmlier. imlicate Araira Naive. -- blua and grey porphyry against lb the o tun poii r it ii it.,, .ut. i,t. u... of ia-- and addresses. Tb salve In tb world for cuts, ti. the wb.U work o far done. ami lb Uoeton Hafa Deposit k Tnist Aavrrflalai rrlrea. Cerrilli hav. taken ou new life ami vim abl series Tbe tirst In Ve Utwsen the lime ami Uen of to Ibe deleifatea will sorea, ulnars, rbsum, tsr HantUgo, left for hU bone HanU people now In Water company, for foreclosure of the A single ige In one laaue of tb. Th club, which numbr about aildreas wrlciime bruises, salt ferer wwhyry In which tbs surprising dlscov There are but law pry"g Im maile by Gov lhortitoii. who will be sorea, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, .ki. ,t..t Tm Drat morlgair. auove meoiioneo, ana nr lury taken tor advertising coais aoovi eighteen membert, has built a ' ,u tb canon, but until capital takes bold of tb followed by Judge J. H Kmery, of Kan corns, ami all skin eruptions, and poeU a of property and franchises of 1M5 road around town. Thta la com aant lo bU sidmi, In lew days Mr. necessary sale tb in other mag. Amoug other speakers will be Hon lively cure Piles, or no pay . year. (Ireat dykes of quarlx porbyry, contact mlnss ami erect Ins the Atlaatlc A Pacific company to aatUfy , u,nr' . mandald enterprise roiaired. It yi vi...., .i, ...i-- I100 A va..itf j. K. Carr. minister to Denmark) la to give perfect satisfaction aUmll.ig high reduction works, aed tb. miners In tb the debt aecuretl Ibereby also for ths sti. n. 9m' Tbe foot bridge aero Ihe river waa Clark ei. guaraull -- , l V. In Ilk. wblle caalle walle, Governor L A Hbeldon, of Lo An money refunded. Price M osnta per -t .Ill tuu. porpbyry bell obtain aaalatanc to d polntment of n Indepemlent receiver lor venisemeo o. wmuuju iu im greatly weakened by ths recant flood i. r -- surrounuing u ... - gelrsiJohuK Frost, laml cnmmlasluner tux, For sals by Dr. Tbn. K, Uurge i,r.vaUoonvsywceaadwlll le e,H.ns..r. bove U. ,.r A Pacific, pending the fire- Chicago Tribune cost $38,fA0 for tbe ami toe Is danger of loalng 11 alto- - la for tb. Atlantic H.-- In north ami south ylop tbelr claim, Ihsr co reason of tbs Hanta Fs I K. It. Miaws, of druggist. t. baptism of Mr. Uaca'i youngest mountain rlrtttea a cloaur procesdlng. V. D. Jennlng ami joh.oOO Uw Ibe highest gstbsr. nd al lb rush to tbat eostlon. w . rat. Kanaaat Thus. Knight, of Musourli and In tbe vicinity of the dyke any KdwarU W. noswiio, oi new iora, mKu .. w ehm ion. Tb reported performance of tb court, well tbare so - u " a&u.(i Uummcrs Uurkbart, of the local bar, re- Prince Judge R. T. Kinney, of G, G Montgomery wsnt up to Uerna la of about nr. tbe Three cUaaa ot men can dn tb bill of eoexplalnl a counaai ami few week ago wa prvma. for a a lane tails, I hlghsal priced column. The, figure bom last nlgbt. Utah, and Col. R. J. Ulutou. Capt. W. llllo to visit bla slater tbla tavraln, ceremony a bay is vast leg capitalists, parti willing lo luiior. respectively, for lb compUlnant. lb. turned lure. old -- bearing vsias been found, mmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm imem 'V Mhr 4fadt Mtmikm bmm-c- unrs all mjusATBi IswBweJ W VHrVW W OTsbVVsJ- WVwH 9 wnsm riw jaxico. Leafa, wm Mef4 a UM lgWa trsJa I ftpoynot sry msei wtth serious of Ike 8ta P rrstass TbUk said te by Brother OabrM sVraaislBc, Magdalena dlswfs-olBlrnen- t. When tba projected be coeisHered tbo atost tWibie rewto, al Brkf Parscrajrbs CmHoo Proa tbe HI savsieaaaay oho dtoMjsjisbBd t mJHs havs been erected Uxtre wm be work It It Water Hew Mcxka needs and That though tba party will mak ether rar-- TerrHflrtal nm ueatorlo ttfnta-fV- , where bo wKI llkeer tor men, Badly. vsyn, wltb Bonsew SOCORRO 60UNTY. many mors tbo tsnatnas of thslr A sob was bora to Mrs. CVlumbtu presbls al the retreat of Ibe order, now b. ALBUfJUKKgUK, JULY 30, IWfc Ubors.-Tombst- on, m, sALoa a co, Arttoaa, Pmspeslor Mcm, of Las Vegas, Us will be aasssd prograeo. Are tba oldest established merchants bt-l- y in for his deceased, s WONDERFUL RESOURCES. lias hal one eontloaous of ore on PVT. father, recently Arehetshe-- t has-elle'- a Trvm Tkrl's Dsilj. Kelly and carry a heavy stnsk of general TKI lUlJICT rLAHlT ralliam. one of the veins for a distance of rllHI FA8HIONS FRILLS. A Bllver City lady mads tea for her Rnv. J, B. Fraaenlon, formerly a prise) Kbe AUes Brows, ifMrnllllo, Is vt. merchandise. Mrs, W II Mitchell keel feet. That Is simply marvelous in ex- I husband out id of flax of tbia and now a tUe-e- d Mas, stock-collar- s birdseed Instead dice, at HI; tbe city. The Tmrm of Magdalen, a ad Kelly and tbe Kelly hotel. Mexico TiiBRsara fewsr worn tent, as shown to tbe writer. Tha ultimata civilisation ol New of ribbon seed and Is now hunting for an antldots llou, Colorado, baa returned boose tro) OL A, Johnson, Duranjro, Col., lawyer, Tnclr Surroundings, Him Kxetsr rune a back dally from than heretofore. Those In working this mine for tba past will be built upon bar irrigation resour- with srs much bet to slop bis singing, Horns, bringing tb Palllam for bis grass, the Kelly to Magdalena ami return, connect sewed over flowers lain cltr. two yesrs care lias bad to lie taken to ces, It will be one that will be as endur tor lilted for warm weather. Arehblanop P L. Chapelts. Rsr. Frsa. tng wllb tbe train, J Ames Thorp runs a Blxty msu are shearing and fifteen men O. K. Hopkins, wife and fasally are in sele'l ore that wniiM tun t ut lee than ing as tbe mountains which anonla a A tiRKss of batiste has a shirring of colon will com to Bast Fa la a fcw d TBI IMroiTART MlHtt. boarding house Wheeler A PrUa, ars dipping sheep al llfeld's pens, six PrallvsJ. 30 per cent, meal never-tailin-g supply of la In nllVc name hw lead, aa bo lower grails than water. It of the color at the hem. The miles out from Lss Vsgas. Tbs work will fur the purpose of plsclsg tbo sacred vesv market 1 J II. McGee keeps tbe Miner' waist la plaited full, the sleeve are K. W. Parker, Ibe While Oake mlnlnj-me- that rould lie marketed at tbe prlca paid. the Irrigated sections of lb arid belt of continue all Ibis week. ment, which consists of whits wool Twenty-fwvr- n saloon. Tbe Kelly Hlore. company, Geo, In r. mllee northwrat from shirred around the arm and the belt -- U In the eiljr. In doing this an Immense maaaof ore run America where will accumulate the greet broldersd with mrple stops se, ia tbe pc A Hasty ha In Is bows loops on Ths tela to Jim Hocorni la tba preeent tarmlnua of a nlng tl to 1ft manager, Just put a stick est for Ilea finished with and (ram ssnl Plynn, at J. M. Hulllvnn, formerly in business In from ier cent, lead bad to wealth. Tbe .reason tbia la sees too ot biii gre. Alcblton, , of general merchandise. Mr. Albert cither aide of tbe front Uallup, challenging him to a finish fight branch of tbe To'wka A Hanla be hoisted to tbe rurfat-e- ami by lbs use J. ths I act that ths Irrigating farmsr nsver Usiluu, city friends y. Tb formal Investiture will take pits leTtlu; Vti rallrtMul to the weetward frota4hal Pitch la Interested In this business. J Parasols arc shown In almost end atLaa Vegas, with Legsy, for $100 a skis, of "griulles" ami ecrerin In the dumping lacks fir a crop. Hs always baa some leas variety, from elaborately cm at tbs Bsnta Fs Cathedral oa tb 17lh Julius Klsetaan U at tbe city. It U tbe (luttlltlig ami ablpplng W Hilton carries a fine line of wet goods the bs not sot been answered, rtfUlml chute, separated from the eaml rartton thing to sail, In years of plenteous rain lace-drape- d Ve-a- s liroldrml, bctmnmed aud Oc tolier. In ths press no of Cardinal 01V. stuntssuma hr ', Las but sjirlutfs. -- iiot for tbe uioet altenalve arva of atock ami cigars, ami has a billiard table ami "Larry" Broaaun, one ol ths wsll known aloe ami from galena ore by hand pick- fall In other sections his surplus can be models to the perfectly plain parasol lions, the spostollc dslsgat, Mtfr, Batoia, M. (tennis, larirely interested Id country lu New Metlco Hlm-- e the club room In connection with bis saloon. of Nsw J. tmie ing. The plant at the Graphic for tbia profitably eoneumed by thoroughbred nf thin silk. One can choose any style, northern Mexico, died several archbishops, and many bishoM realty, I tiers trust Wl'lUius, tirel of Jauuary of tbia year Ui tbe lUlb of Wm. Mitchell ksepa a meat market. I. 8 and yet be In fashion. very suddenly at Kllsabethtown purpiM la one of tbe moat ierfecl evr live stuck, lu years of drouth bis pro- on ths ami priests from sll psrla of lb Uclt4 Mug-dalen- Church la W. Hi ten July tbem bave been abtpped from a g tbedlalrlct asaayer. J. A HARitaoMK costume Is of navy bine 7th of this month, was 00 A.T. devlsHil, there uo shoveling or "cob duct ts at a premium. Bo whichever way ills age about Btatas. Archbishop Balolll will oolsbrsti r.'.iS car loada of cattle ami 4H la Justice of tbe peace and J. J. Brown silk, with a bodice ot velvstof years. Many old friends will Mr. aud Mrs. Hberd and family are rat btlng," nml four men doing tbe workwhlcb It may b whether wet or dry, the farmer bear with tbs pontifical high mass and tbe eardlatl loade of abe 'J4,W) beatl of cattle ami deputy sheriff and constable. Tbniopu the snme color, and very full sleeve of regret of hie suddsn death. I'ulltuan iaaeuH'erB from ber tti Peru, formerly mpiiml twenty In such countries aa New Mexico his the waist Is In a deep V will perform the ceremony of tb btTssb. Ift.lMKI abeep, Magdaleua la lallon of Kelly ia about 'JftO. the silk. The cut Iowa. alaoatnln. lu tbe year ended June I, iHHft, there batter part. front, filled In Ths Kddy bicycle club held a meetlnc lure, There will bo two VACB ur MABT MAIIUALBSA. back and and with lace discourses, 04 . lug ceuter, tbe imIucI of all the (duell- s. Ih-- Itonaldaou, lbs ihyslciau mlura waa shipiel to tba Philadelphia With wealth cornea leisure, education and embroidery, and Is not at all ami adopted a constitution ami In Kngllsh ami one In Spanish but tfcs coaiuy of Kelly ami vicinity beuiK from On tbe northeast slojxi of an Isolated at Madrid coal camjt, came to the city last lip ing company al Pueblo, Colorado, from and refinement, and the development of warm. Tba nam of lbs club wss changed, ami orators are not yet known. tbat atatlou. Tbe Kiuma Mining ami Mountain south of Magdalen and weat of nltfbt. tbe Graphic mine O.fiOO tone of ore aver- a higher clvlltliatlon. Kmluriug Iiobm A lines of spotted organdie has the tbs organisation now sails under lbs tills Tbs Banta Ps railroad baa tsndcrsd Ullltng of which lobn Cralgb. Kelly, In tha eruptive formation, there Is skirt made wltb shirring about aging 33 ier cent lral and carrying six lbs basis of a patriotic couutry, will here three of Cbspparal cycle club. C. A. Huberts Archbishop dispells tbs free use of Tbe Orchestrion concert, al lb old ton ia la a eoullr outline nf solid rock which Inches deep the The waist 1 uiauagar, erecting lu the valley ounces silver to the ton. Tbe preeent be founded, ami a people live lu Arcadian belt waa elected captain. palace car for tb accommodation ol tb town ball of the alreet railway, waa wall profile la Into belt about one and a half mllee eoulh of Mag forma a erfect of a woman's bead the and yoke, archbishops and bishops from Chicago U dally output of tbia claaa of ore la twenty luxury. Tbs glories of Baalbes Tadmor I I llgurcd edged Mrs. W. 11. Wltblngton, while working attended. and face Uvery feature of tbe face as which of laoe, with a Banta Fa. Hon II. C. Ksrsas, uter-c- o. dalena a concentrating mill, Cojwlaml tuns, while IV) to 75 tone ol tbe lower Palmyra, and other famous cities of an , rtrnt niching made of narrow laco In the garden, found a Ueruian coin thai At M, Usr-fere- tbe 1 Luha 111 perfect aa If limned by tbe hand of a mas tlnenlal railway commissioner, baa alas Kraut and proeeaa, of tbe capacity of tone 1 rib-lio- dally. gride concentrating ore la place-- upon tkiulty in tha Irrigated part of the orient ou both of a narrow n. la 160 is placed tar artist, llelng of heroic dimensions It years old. It quite well pra serv- bis special carat tbs disposal of sheen man, case uji Inmi Valencia's solid Tbe aucceaaful ruuiiing of this mill will tba dump for working. be In such place aa bis grace for occasion. . future In the will reproduced ed and represents lbs value of about ten the burg Uat nlg-bt- aild liumlr-x-li of lona to the output of ore can lie seen for miles, ami soma early dls-- mine many thousands of ton nf this class Tbe nf tbia favored A STYLISH hat Is made of tbe fancy cenla of U. B. money. Its great ags would roverer called it the face ol Mary Magda- 1 Mrs. Mellton Cbavri, who waa Min-l- y from Magdalena. It will be running in of ore, blocked out, are left standing bi be laud have no dark luture It la all glorl chip braid now so popular. It slight- lena Hence the name of the bo doubt, maka ll quite valuable as a FACES Injured by a fall 00 tbe 1Mb, la rajnirt. M daya. In tba paat year diacoverlea of broken ami bolstad wben means for Its mountains ous. Ullver may never be triumphant ly arched ovvr tbe front and bent VUOHm'S Msgdalen. down nt the sides over The relic. Optic. v V -l-ike flowers, tad ad doing; very nicely. gold ore bave bean luaila In tbe vicinity shall been even gold may be the car. concentration have provided. and Itself demuoettsed trimming Is of large loop of Dresden of ami wither withtlmt; of Magdalene ami are now being devel Tbs annual mealing the League of tha bl 10m of the rose Charlae Fuller and wife, of Toieka, Hlnce Captain Hitch took charge of the GOOD FOR GO Lt) I but the water will continue to flow down rtnd Eft rllilxm velvrt rlbUm alternating. theBacred Heart held recently at the is onl 1 known to ths took No. 4 lb la om1. Tbe llrlttenetlen group, north of mine the low grade ore has been taken from the bills sod afford moisture lor Is delated train alleruoou One largo bow placed over the front church of tha Imsaaculal Conception, In healthy woman1! lor a visit to Kant r"e. tbe town, proaNcl well In gold. About care of In a separata dump, clear of crviie aulllclent for all. The suu will mid loop and a twist fastened around thstl. The nerv. Ore Running 1213 a Ton Brought to Las Vegas, elected Miss Maggie Maseer-so- n, us strain caused three uillee eaet, on tbe line of tbe rati' waate, ami a conservative estimate placea continue to bles tbe springing plaul ami the crown. bj W. K. bymooa, tba Kalou dlvialuu in as-U- r Light. prwaidenti Miss Annls Oarr, vice the ailments snl road, the Hold Hug group of four claiina, pains peculiar fe mechanic, cams down Uat night la the amount of ore In that dump al 30,000 This morning W. 11. Bievens, tbe Iberti will alway be enough to eat ami RELIQIOU8 DENOMINATIONS. f tot and prealdenti Mla A. A. Benecsl, treasurer) te . sua belonging Ui Crelgbton, Ituaaell A Co., loo- -, It grade at 1'J to 15 cent, mure, soil will be renewed iae isbor doing tba city fur a day, and per and chemist, received a letter from Tbe ever Mis Dora O'Keefe, secretary. and worry of rearing abow velna from 1'J to 1H Incbea In width Tub Temple society has 310 members. lead. In tbe older low grade dumps 0. C. PiUgerald, lb Golden mill man, witb rich detrilue Irom tbe uplamla a firellv. caa oftes Tboa. Mcttlroy, a Vegas tireuian, ka 6 Old (Wlslca) Mcnuouites number At Bllver City, on lln-- s with atreake of 'i to incbra carry there are not lees than 20,000 tons thai As lougaa irrlgaliou ba beau practiced Till Ionday, Judge Bants be tractd by the in the woman's bet. city, ly stating that be ba struck ore In tbe mine Dull the sallow or wrinkled fee en in tba atuiliitf at the Aruiljo. Ha tng from 'i to ID ouncea In gol 1 to tue ton. Au. granted the temporary injunction prayed sre. . will run from 6 to 10 cent. In Is here her is still mom to be learned those feellnrs or bare thilf return nurtb tuia evenm-- jer he working which runs $tll'J per ton Tub Primitive Methodists have 4,7ft for witness" t'lxiu tbia property a abaft haa lieen sunk lead. In each of tbe three upper levela about it a an art. Tba development ol by the Ux payers in the railroad rise in tbs derangement and Irrejralsrltiei 11. McUulrv, tba tif. incmliers. bond ease, enjoining county commis- peculiar to women The funclfoasl d. 1. jirojirietor of tba to the depth ol fmt, ami at tbe bottom corre-apomle- OFF FOIl the of the mine not visited by your DENVER. greater water auppbee, the preservation Tub Mmnoulte Brethren in Christ rangements, poisfnl dlsordv'rs, snd ctsreeis Wiualow "HI. Kliuo," la lulu- tba city of tbe abaft the ahowlug ia to sioners frosa paying further Interest or weaknesses women, be eual tbat It la stated that there are te of storm wsler ami tbe economical use iiuinlivr 1,113. of csii cured witb and la reftaWred at tba Kurojwan. on the eurfaon. It la believed tbat the Londonderry H principal, until the matter comse up for Dr. Pierce's Fsvoiitt Presrriptisn. Porta of concentrating ore blocked out Hits treats Her Wheel for ami application of tbe fiutd are great Tint 'Ion Union Apostolic Methodist yosng girl u manhood, , Just entirini tsi Moutg-omery- r a final bearing on the first Monday In Miaa Anua Nuwliu, of velna are a continuation of tboee in tbe ami left standing aulllclent to run a con. tbe Hone Stretch. llama to be learned. It la tbe dtecuelon nuint-- 'J.'.Ufl. the nvothcr and tbos about to brroavii mothers, change Mo., ia vlailm ber Mies Kacuie, bite porphyry bell in Water canon, and one tons ca A crowd of enthusiastic wheelmen ami of such coming Tub Amlsli Mennonltcehavoa follow August. sad later in "the of We." sister. centrator of hundred dally questions al the Inle? tb " Prescription" Is Jo- -t whit they acta-I- t who Uaa been her several moutba. 111 probably prove a rich ami ellenel ve. pacity for a year. In view of tbia tbe others congregated In front of Mandell national Irrigation Congress that III)-- 111,11)1. Uol. Frederick, poatottice inspector, side nstare la preparing the system fat Mipulatiou of 1 Original ths ebsnge. It's a medicine prt scribed fat llu-hr- Tbe Magdalena about haa upon erec- - Bros. Co.'s store on Hirst street this body so much Tiik Freewill Baptist ara was in Hants P yesterday, and stated J. 1), affable business man. comany determined the gives that practical tklrty years, (a tb diseases of worses, by 'JUt), ami every body ap'ieara to be buay morning to see Miss Annie Londonderry 11, Mil In number. that tha resignation of , aa of tba New Mexican eom-en- y, llou of such a ttincentrallng mill aa soon importance. Its session will ba one of Cbss. Dr. ft. V. riirc, chUf consultiiignhysscUa Bfr and It bueineaa men energetic mount Tub llrt'thrrn or Dunkarda (Protfrre-sWf- ) to tbo Invalids' Hotel snd Surgical lu-d-ay aie and aa water can lie developed to insure Its her "bike" ami take Isavs of tba tbe greatest events for the postmaster at Cerrilloa, has finally been laed. la In tba city on business. material pni number i,Qtfi. SalWo. N. Y. Dr. PlercVs Fsvorlte pushing. successful working. now city. Upon advice abs deckled to cut New accepted. Merchant Marsh, wbo soma Mlsa Carria liakar, returning front Lm Tbs uanagsr la grata and prosperity of Mexico. Till. Old Catholic havs ttto PrcKriptloa will cure the chromic lallsmms Crelgbton Ai (iravea members Use are tbe dealera lu having sunk in the valley weat of tbe across tbe country to Cerrillns oyer tbe MMMetics. time since mails application for tbs place, tloa of lining membnuus which cause An lea to vtatt bar folks at Katon, aae-e- d FIRE PLUgTeCEUARY. in four sacb sting Arslsm npoa the systcsx. general mercbaudiae at Magdalena, car- - mine a well, which baa uow reached a old national road by way of Han Pedro. will probably receive the appointment aa esksa through hem ou laal rvenliij-'- e el Tur. ApoMollc Mennonltea claim a It turn stervoas prostration, sleeplessaess, r iug au immabse atock of giHila ami hav- depth of lift feet, ami be ex'iecla to reach Hhe left bars at 8 o'clock accompanied by following of aw. Mr. Lyon's successor. fsintnecs, eerrcms debility sad sll disorder jirraa. Tbe City Council Asked to Place a sreea ing a big trail. W. M. liorrowdale li water in ten le.)t more, wben cross cuts Tom Hcott, Tom Ins ley azxl Harry plug arisUf dtaagsat ef tbo famuli Tiik Independent Methodists claim a THE AFTERMATH. orgaas and fmaeUoaa. A vagrant duello waa suntf Into tbn ears la Railroad Yards. 1111 mbt-ndil- (xiatiuaater and dealer lu druga, medi will lie made (X) feet each way across tbe Welller. Mr. Welller caoortad tbs party of i,Mtf, Mrs. Wm i ef MeAas-- a, b, A few ago, of Poll; Judge Crawford tula Uiornlujf. cine, stationery, etc. Tbe Magdalena valley to afford storage of the water aa far aa lb mountain and returned. weeks or rather immediate- TlIK tlcncrnl Baptist claim a mem- tmsww, wruaa i is,k The WlUUtU Fire Afforded Opportunities wss sidi lor ever three 'Tau daya" waa tbn unrelenting re. Hotel ia kept by Mrs. M. J. Chiabolm. J. The other two wheelmen will accompany ly following the oil bouse fire In bership of 'J1.3UJ. yesrs with bttsd aUiiT psipMsllaa JKXiM, I tbe local railroad yards, W. H. bx socl-rtie- e, for Looters. sprtls. of M. Allan keeps a saloon and restaurant. The mill, nearly similar to the plan of tbe 'v aa far as Cerrilloa and probably Tub Artnenluu church haa lb heart, eala la the 3UA well-know- Mataun, agent, musi- with Tbs Williams, Arizona, News gives ths sad Nick Carjwr, tbn n barber, Krwl 1'ratt ia general blackamltb, In to 1. a Vega. sent a com memliera. beck Wit. sad frank that of Governor Thornton the Organ tlmsa wo-il- d mem-hcndil- p following items aa outcome si hen liar-b- ar MUw cal lou to the cblet of tba local fire Tub Plymouth Brethren havs a ths of the bow bolda dowu a cliair at Caaacll'a Murray la tbe village shoemaker, Her- mountains, will be erected neaJ the Kel-l- y Londonderry bad a narrow sack s wee tired iert of about Uo,471. Williams fire, which wss told In a special lag want I Bret get aboji, where ba would like to era bla bert Nevins sells tine wines, liuora ami switch of the railroad, about 7,000 leet esci from serious accident on Gold department euggestlng tbe advisability sp la the sscrslag. Tub United Baptists have 183 soci- dispatch at ths tuns In Txa CiTttxx: Btaoy friends. cigars, Frank Knnblocb keeps a livery from tbe Graphic entrance, from which a avenue shortly before (saving. Her of placing a tire plug in the yarda on Kail chek!' asrvees eties and a membership of B.sol. 11. Brown, W. fell wbeela road avenue midway between the pas W. a colored individual, waa sAraMsas asf-- Twelve carloads of sheep, about 'l.tWO and feed store, A. Wilson is tbe agent tramway will tie constructed to carry the bundle between tba and Tiik Evangelist Mldalonary Metho- walking .The aenger and bralgbt depot. Tbe eblel seen ths streets after ths fire srrea sa to whu my in number, arrived al lbs slock yards on fur tbe bant He railroad and for Wells, ore to the mill. sbs waa brought to terra flrma. dist have 051 communicants. Thursday, with a bat and a pair of shoes dlsfsss was. bat aose Kargo Oo.'a Tba only Injury waa a slight considered, for safety saks, that lbs fire to of liwat old dm sav a California train Tbey will tfo elprea. Tbe workings of the Graphic mine from Tub Orthodox Priends, or Quakers, oa belonging M. Allman, having evi- geed. As scoa es I " KKLLT. the two entrances are connected, making abrasion on tba arm. Mandell Bros, plug waa necesa try, and in placing tba havu a membership of 0,ft&5. dently stolen thesa during tbs excitement, id tshlngDr. to Dodfa City, ltauaaa. was arrnet ad and taken before Judge rterte's sseoillc pie- - Tbia mining camp, made famous by tbn tha communication of Mr. Matson before the lis -- wjs" perfect ventilation throughout, ami every- are agsnta for ths Uterllng Tub Congregational Methodist have ..IKWKV. A w 1. L. Guff end faaally Johnston wbo seateaeed blm to tea dsys co-u-wind m. -- arrlvd yeeliy enormoua output of the mine of that name wheel which shs ride ami before leaving, city council recommended that Ibe re 'JU societies and 8,705 members. art bUrr : "" eojuuru lu California. thing Is done to insure tbn comfort ami ia lbs eonaty Jail. wn slfltim, sad thatlpnsd, aervess Aeshstsod tba from a ileeant la be ootuplled Ortho-lu- x ray and of tbe Urapbic mine, situated four safely of the miners employed. Miaa Londonderry turned over to M. quest with. Tbe matter waa Tub Ituaalau church haa la Shortly after tbo ire Thursday a fight oc- ralB ln tac; aoon lA me. i esawamasver. Ua U tba fatbar of C. 1). Uotf, ol tba Wbil-sa-y el mUt wkhraal rrttlu-- r lirrd. a ia In to the United Stales 13.504 members. wsrw-hou- se liMkbisai-- mllea eoutb of Magdalena, and now the Wben present of prop- Mandell $16 In money ths balance sbs brought up a mealing and nierred curred joat east ef 0. B. Boyce's es rrssensueei saa iweor Uardwara the owners this VTUUaau oou;aiiy. scene of considerable mining activity. To had on hand excepting five cants. Hhe is ths Are committee. Thai committee baa oa avenue, bs which a erty took charge of It two years sgo ths FUNNY CLIPPINGS. Mexican was shot la lbs leg. Tbo timely elloosaers). Dr. a. G. Uimoe, tbe AtUntlc & 1'acltiu the visitor interested in mining the drat not to five failed to make any kind of a report, al srwesr. Bis t tbe main question was: Uava tbe or permitted take mors than cents arrival of Depaty BugsHl pre vented (Htiiigestrd on arcing Miss Londonderry on Iba wbo ia ileaaanl 1 I b Mrs. remarkable uriraoo at Needle, point of lutereat at Kelly the bodies wllb bar on leaving any town and must bong half a dosen or more meetings McHfArr "Isut it what might bare been a bloody affair, the "blke," been exhausted and tbe mine how many diMippearanoes to a man wben ba ia held stnoe firs. Becoming mysterious ed When the Urriy, blooming bloomers are on. esoufb make laub To-da- earn bar support on ths road by sawing havs bean the whitbiaall probability would havs murine minb, worked out? under tbn skillful arc?" Mr. McSpatt "O', I vrrsally Hie bU leg off, U in there dnona la tho death of mors than per-so- b. on go, attino tbe city. 1 wood or doing any other kind of menial Impatient and uneasy, yesterday Agent m Or group of in lies, covering an area of and coneervatlvs management of Captain Must of 'em are married." N. T. Weekl- Immediate How will the tailor prraa the cresses In tbem, I Maison ssnt lbs following letter to Ths souse of tbo trouble O eneral Huperintendnl Cuaa. Dyer ami 100 Tbia labor. Mr. Mandell gavo ber tbs firm's lbs y- ale-Na- about acre. property la situ A. 11. Hitch, a gentleman of wide expe was over a barrel of whisky. Perry il should like tu know? Divlaloo HuMsnnloKlent J. K. Hurley ar ated -'li of the town and adjolna on tbe rience and superior attainments, and one check for the $1& and It was forwarded to chief: A Livbly Timi. flhs "I was play-lu- g left tbe whisky In charge of a man When the bsby's bead Is nodding snd h wants M 10, to tske a lisp, rived (roam an inajwction trip eoutb tbia south tbe Kelly group of mines, in which of the few mining men In New Mexico the Herald. Prom Denver she Albuquerque, N. July whist also last nlghL 'It waa tbs wbo eomsaeated dishing It out to svsry W.T. McCrrlght, Chief of Fire Department. llrst meeting of our Young Ladies' body wbo same along. Tbe result was I low rati nu 11 lull the tailing, In s bifur cornlsc and will proceed paat from bare. tbe same velna are worked. Tbe owners whoee experience and judgment overbal will proceed east without delay. Aiuutueruue, n. ai. Whlht club.'' Ho "I wondered what all got full asd tbs fight resulted. In ad- rated rspf The ball night waa sue-rse- s, kne-dee- of tbe property the Graphic Carbonate laal a pleasing 1 How can Prldirrt "sbou" Die with no Leonard dkinoer tracaded p aits ance hope, exieotations and imagination. Dear Bu stoma tlms ago wrote you, made you mi hoarse." Harlem Life. dition to the gun on man used aa axs chickens thirty wuples participating. oould tbe ofBoera pre-Test- skirts to tloti snd (tins, to Mining company of Philadelphia and tbe mine shows more ore than It over did The asking if you not arrange to navo a says bnt fortunately arrival graas reach town from Uan AntonJto tire placed Maiuk "Mrs. Oaywun that she farther Wben the crrsturrs go s grubbing In tb gsr Terre Haute. Indians, and Caplalu A. 11 ami It been honored guest was introduced by (I. W. plug between our passenger bloodshed. O.K. Hordon, and bla bljf Cbilill aaw mill and U cotn- - baa a steady producer sines will outstrip you in the social wbo den In tlie spring 1 ' D. Hrvsn and gave interesting ana irstgnt uepots on itaiiroad avenue, the man weilded tbe axe, Chas. Aroe, Hitch is the resident manager be look an recital swim Mamma "Well, - alnrlin,; to-d- wllb Albixiuarqu of the shortly afUr charge of it. To Biaos writing you I bave beard Boibing this summer." tbo man wbo did tbs shooting and the Out the question most snnoymg tbst our spec- of ber adventure the wheel from gown I judge she frieada. mines. George A. Byron, the foreman, an all 00 around about lbs maiisr. will vou Madly ad her opera that two Msxieaaa, wore taken to Flagstaff ulstlons rstch tbs globe. Chas. MeDonald, Tom Bcoll to-da-y -- There are three vain or fissure in tbe round good miner, Captain Pitch gives viae ma what action, II ary, waa talwa by bus done so already. N. Y. World. and at their beari'g Uonion was Can she vie with men In action, when she goes MUd Klapeth L. VUher, tbe .rlncljl and Harry Welller worked bard tbs paat city council, aa 1 me Mart seat to la default of to strike s mslchl mine, lying parallel or nearly so, ooure tbe credit of having devised many of ths tbe understand Ihsy bad Krwir "They tell that Jail $1,500 bonds, Uacbarin tbe Qovammant Indbui acbool two days to mak tbs ball a suecssa. lbs matter uaaeraavisemeni. Tetiny has reformed and that he isn't and Arcs la default of $20,000. Tbs Albuquerque, July 10, 1 (tel. 'JO - log north dagreea weat, magnetl- and methods which bave contributed to ths Tue-da- W Yours truly, W.H. Matso. Jb., drinking any more." Duddy Mexicans will have their trial on v bare, baa bees trancferred Uenoa, The Umeevery staved His Ufa, "lent Parks' Tea 1 great blood puriflsr dipping to the west wllb tbe atratlncatiun, successful working nf tbs mine. M. A Agent A. T. AH, F, drinking any more Of course not; next. a asd Neb., awl will probably leave Mr. G. Calllouetts, druggist, Beavern-vill- e. A being in stratified limestone. Between Krnest, also a fi rat-cla- miner, pulls tbs Tbs Attention of lbs city council Is sail how In time could he?" Boston Tran- cleanser. pleasant berb drink which aaoralflg, III., sayst "To Dr. King's New A UiMUts-sUsis- e Maeaior. tbe Ural or foolwall vein and tha second on ami take 1 to Matson, It Is script. move tbe bowels without pain, griping lever the bolster chargs of Discovery own my life. Was taken ed tbs letter of Mr. and a Brother Paulina, prvoklsat of ths faculty O. W. Jasaee atxi Ulmer 1111, IndUu !odo tbe distance is uniformly about fifty tbe mine in the abuenc of the captain with la grippe and tried all ths physi- matter that should be acted upon aa soon "Do voir really think that a bicycle or discomfort. Bold by Dr. T. H. Bar- 1 of tbe ChrisUrn Brothers' college, Bt. gees A Bon. thBOfrapbera, went out on tbe Atlantic feet, while tbe third ledge la nearly 300 ami foreman. Allierl J. Pitch, son of ths cians for miles about, but of no avail and as poasibls. Tbe council filled to meet worth tlm money?" "Worth the A Pacific tbia gnorninff in ma- was givsn up and told I could not live. money?" said the iulcktempcrtl man. question of feet from tbe second. Tbe mine ia opened captain. Is bis clerk and looks after the last Monday night oa account of no quo larial for tbeir work, return Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my "Why, mlno haa ald for Itself in less and will in a by two tunnel, known respectively aatbe hauling ami of 1 rum, will get OX' law daya. weighing, shipping tbs store sent for a bottle and began to use but try to together Priday tban three months In the beautiful ex- Greyhound and Graphic entraro. Tbe ore. It and from ths first dose began to get evening, wbsa it w hoped that ths msm planation it furnishes for a black eye." Mrs. John Dippua and baby re- better, ami after using three bottles waa J. ormer was not visited by tbe reprnssnta now on the pay-ro- ll of -- will take sons slaps toward Washington BUr. BIG S1111II There are the up ami about again. Is worth its Mrs giving PROFITS turned home on tba raoraing'a espreea Tmm It livistmiU. tlve of CmiB, but on Wedneaday mine ft3 man, about half of whom are weight In gold. We won't keep bouse tbs railroad properly proper protection frosa a pleanant vUlt to Kapida, Mlcb. or WOMEN BREAD WINNERS. Ulf Uat be bad tbe pleasure of viewing and American miners, paid 1.60 ier day, aud store without It." (1st a trial bottle at in ease of firs. Rrtnmlng prosperity .will make many rich, but nowhere csn they make so much within a ia naadleoa any I ia short time aa by successful Speculation In Ursln, Stock. It to bat patorfamillaa inspecting a portion of the mine, In corn the others Mexican laborers at Jl.CO par Dr. T. U. Burgess k Son's, druggist. Mas. Georob Iroalus of Oresn Bay Provisions snd tba bapplcel man tn ton. ny with Captain Flicb, through the day. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. la the first woman who learned to set AA FOR SAOH OOLt,A IHVIBTKD can bo maslo by sur Am ICBlaMUaai. type In Wisconsin. (in NotwitnaUndinf tba warm weatber, Graphic entrance. At the mouth ot tbia TUS KKLLV MISS, northern jIUiUU "Prom Urns lm memorial," says Tom Is reported, has taken SysfsmAtrC Plan of Speculation laat bt'a danoe al tba Coinraerclal club tunnel la the steam plant of mine, Adjoining ths Graphic, aa befors stated, A Human Feet Caught between the Katr Fibld, it nif tbe a Dye, ths Crispin motto has bean, 'Na to wearing knickerbockers aa she rides originated by us. All soccraaful peculators operate on a regular system. waa hlfhly enjoyed. About nlcetaan boiler. At baa for years been a famous producer ol lEapcr, It la s n (act tliat there sre thousands of men tn sll ports of tbe who. Kiwer a distance of sutor ultra crepldam' la other .words, tip and down the smooth streets of or systemstlc trailing through Urokrrs, every year, Is to Por a Urns last avsaiag a freight train Chicago make large amount ranging from eouplea took part. KafreabaBenta were 700 feet from tbe entrance a larg station lead and silver. It now leassd 1st not tbs shoemaker go beyond bla last. Washington. ? lew thousand dollar for the nun who Invests s hundred or two hundred dollars up Ui f&O.OOO Bishop A Connelly Bros., wbo are occupied lbs railroad crossing intersect to SI 00,000 or more. Iiv thowr who Inrest a few ihousand. served and all praaad a plaaaant evaninf. has been excavated and securely Umbered retln Perhaps that la why tbs Denver cobbler Miss C arris Lixbio, who has Just It Is slso a (set tbst thie who make the largest profits from comparatively small Investments horse power bering lbs main shaft, which was burned woo ing TIJsras avsnue. II wc too long a a surgeon on this plan are persons who live sway from Chicago snd Invest through brokers who thorough- W. M. Henderabott, wbo baa been and a engine, receiving is poctag as Ut Uemoerars 'Jssus' lieen appointed division of ly undrrttand Uadlng. goes largest be wall for Charles Slaap, so he vaulted Inve-K- nl Halt of ataam from the boiler by pipe laid In the out soma years ago, The work will be barefooted. Tbs last has the Northern Pacific railroad at Hope, yuJ !'J sn. " not risk the whole smount on sny trade, but covers both sUcs, so down ia tk river country Ariiona, 13. that whrUter tlie tunnel, two loaded completed within ten dsys. Development ts No. 11, and ba wears No. Let this onto a draw bead ami was asoul to re Idaho, Is the first woman physician to insrket hoes or fsils It beings s strsdy protlt that pile up enormously In a short ba taa employ of tbe C. V. Cattle com. run a holster drawing be bis last." lime. each from Incline will then be steadily prosecuted with a cajis successfully wbsa his foot slipped, be appointed In tbo railway service. OOMVINaiNQ SiROOFa, also our Manual on successful -- peculation peny, baa returned to tbe city, will car trip the following ,wfJf fPK cJmoney-inaklngVlntrrs- and Chapmar Cavt, who snd our Dally MaikrtKeport, fill .t ALt. B . Our Manual vIjw of making a larg output wben lbs Vin- and al tbat unrtauats saosseat lbs train Mil. Carrib riuuglii fully, Highest Sanding rsetUM work on bka placer eLai ma out in down tbe dip of the vein from this imint. Chambarlaln's is ths best of all. bo leader of tradlrs reference In rVgsrd to our sod succcas. cent of baa waa patio motion sad ths pedal member will probably the the Pur mnher Information adilresa tba 1111 canoa dUtrlct. The incline la sunk la a depth of 333 feel ore market revives. J. BarKi. Daoburr, Iowa, movement when Mis uscdCbauiberlaia's Cough Rasaady when-re- r woman's suffrage from which I TUB STOW SWILL, MINI, was badly squealed between lbs bumpers 11. Johnson, wbo haa eaUbliabud rep- the station, at the sixth In need medic cough Anthony retires, la a good lawyer. Hhe THOMAS &, OO. a Belonging Id of a ins for and A physician was summonsd and tbs Bankara and Brokr. level. Tbe writer was buay for four to Governor Utover, is con lias lived mostly In California and 241-24- utation aa a aucoeasful caterer in tbe con colds for tbs past firs years and says,: 2 Blalto BMgn CHICAGO, hours of eredouaof lbs most valuable in tbe dis helps anyone palisnt is doing as wsll aseould be ex Wnidilngton. The fun evolved from ILL doat of tba Vullon Market reeUurant, baa passing through tba myriad "It always bi out. If asks cross cuts, drifts, slopes and galleries on trict. It was reoutly leased to Williams ou what kind of cough madlelns I uss. 1 pected. It will be some lima though be Mm. tatt s name no longer annoys tier. leaaed and taken poaoeeaion of tbe Wind reply. Chamberlain's, tbat la tbs best of will fill Co-- county, Vs., has a woman fifth and sistb levels. On tbeae there are A Corbln, who are preparing to work It fore bs sgaln his place at tbs Dii'kknsor YOU LIVE asr bolal, and if any oca can run it In a allt 110 ana two bottles tor sale by Tbos. iBtiuua cats. nmllcarrler, who carries the mail on a CANT WITHOUT A LITER one-ha-lf as a shipping proposition. way to roniiiund po)ulai' favor, he can one and miles of car track in IL Bargees A Bon. route leading from CUntwood, dally. Captain Moors la working a few men U, Nelson, la (Utd Will. drifts and cross cuts. The mine has been W. wbo in tbs ill Eg bus Her name Is Baker and she la a widow How's Your Liver? Arc Your Kidneys all Right? Does Your opened with a view to economtral work on tbe Ida Hill mine, and Col. Katon has Tbs Item In tkt Dessocrsl, tbst G. M. iasss al KlrurvUle, Mo., has so much con of nesrly sixty! has roared a largo Back Ache? Are TJt Bsaibera of tba liro-wn-a are prao Sdsnee U Chain Iain's Ooltc, Cholera You Weak and Thin? Arc You Dull ing. Tbe different veins are intersected leased hi Luslla mlns to Huff A Dough Cundlff bad goasto Santa Ve to Interview family and 1 uow dependent npee bor tUtng every aa and Dhtrrbcsa Ketssdylr tbat be warraats and Bilious? Does Your Sleep Rest You? Mar- afUmoou, tbey realise frequent Intervals by cross cuts from arty, but your correspondent not having Gov, Thornton regarding allowing tbs own exertions for a livelihood. find al every bottle and offer to rsfuad tbs velous success has that tbey will tbe Handen Ulectric of to seen either of these gentlemen, did not Corbetl'tf(summons figbl to eoms eaT on wbo Is saUa attended tbs first tbe third vein and then drift lanasy to any caslomsr sot Water Rfelp's Craws. Denver wortby foaa on tbe diamond field, aliout New Mexican soil, is entire ly erroneous ftsd usiag It. Nelson for the use of each learn anything the propertie. alter Mr. tabes bo well-know- are driven ou vein to connect tbs A n engineer, M. Davis, of tba vUilinf team, Mr, Cundlff risk la doing this, because tbs reasedy is Austrian Muuftr cross this way ore TUB MiBT KIXB AMU COJCBBTBITOB, and doss Injustice. Tbs gsa Is discov- - cuts. In is blocked Pflster, announced as having OB. H, wrMaa tbat ba will bring- tbe Uaet afgre llamas' Uss is closely essupled at bla a ewrUia ears for tbs diseases for wUsb J. McLEAK'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. out ready to be broken, and close ealau M. Balue, wbo La engaged in mere ban It to (steaded, and bs knows It. Is ered a remarkable property ba the trunks of amateur playera In Denver. boms, wnsre nis wire is quit til. airs. It for (ataee Utlon can be made of tbe amount in sight. dlslng al Kelly, la working ten men on sals by Tbos. U. Burgess A Boa. of trees, namely, that of retaining the ALL WnO USE IT HAT IT 18 CuBduT Is reported much beUar this after-- sea In pebtiablnf tba name of tbe young levele tba Mary mine, well-know- n salt of water that lias filtered The Peerless In tbeae writer aaw channels of tbe a property, ras-AMerlc- Remedy for curing all of aa ceausreM. through the trunk In tho direction of ailments the Liver, Kidney tadiaa wbo recently received gold moduli carbonates lylug to velna tbs nrat-cls- s or In which yields 62 and sand uaxl ol Toronto, July 18, About 0,000 dsl the He has con- Bladder, Female Troubles, Rheumatism At hi. ViBMBt'a aaademy one ot tbe name Wht JB BMMkl fibers. consequently solid galena, great depoelta of low grade uuuocs silver and runs 40 per cent. lead. Pan-Ara- tr utll-Ix- e A good many tired svta and woman galea to tbe lean congress nf structed an spparatur-- designed to and Blight's Disease. waa omitted. Tba correct Hat of the for concentrating ore, and maaaes of almost There Is also a large body of conosstr In could gst rid of tbat tain In tbsir back If religion and education br ve arrived, and this property obtaining potable For Sal by all iunaU youngkuliaa la aa follows 1 Ulte pur Iron ore. lie saw tbe unbroken vein ting or 3 in tha mine, Mr. Balue, la eon water f U10 use of ships' crews. This flratlaM Prlo. SI .00 battle would Burs Curs for thousand mora are lbs way. This lalr. Ihsy Uy Parka' tbo ia ut Liula Powers, for application Mlaacs of or in the face of drift varying from nectlon with Col, Kslon and ulnars, is appe.i-at- consists of a pump, which THE DR. Os H. M gT, Liver and Kidneys. Ths trouble is usual aileraooa tba delegate auemblsd la lbs sea CO, LOUlf, MO. AsaiU Armijo, Mary I'owcra and Ida tl to SO feet In thickness, and b saw erecting a concentrating mill about one sucks up the water Into a reservoir lltisE ly tber sad Parka' rJur Curs raacbss horticultural pavilion, where addresses of and forces It Into the filter formed Wood for nualci Mlaae Vlntle Hall and where the stratification had closed up and half mile south of Kelly. Tbs machinery then and cures It. Bold by Dr. Tbos. II. Uur-ge- as wsleosa and suspenses ware mads. by the tree trunk. As soon aa the prro LUUe Oekrtsg for atUndanos. only of la all upon the ground and tbs .mill will left tbe seam tbe vciu without any A Bow. Mir reaches 1.6 to S.& atmospheres the Hoa. B. 8, Relay conUmplaU a trip ore whatever. He saw where drift had be pushed to completion aa rapidly as Aorta aa-f-t aaath servejra water is seen at the end nf from one REST aoaMAIM to tba coast wbara wife and liable are baen driven through sours of feel of bar possible. It will bars a dally capacity of A resent visitor to southern California Tbs survtying party of the North and to three minutes, according to the kind si a tames riwteh s Jafaa, 31 now seJonraJng as soon as be get bla ren ground and then penetrated ore lift ton. tall of having sssn an old eastern couple Boutb railroad, whlsta left Ploranea a of wood used to make Its exit from the desk rU eared of praaai&f lafral matter. bodies, extraction ol which hail left great There U more work being done now at "pullsd by a cop" because tbsy polled a snort time ago, to bow a iui Hock, oa other extremity of the trunk, at in many prospect ami ecuul of oranges from ths bush la of IbsBoutUern Pacta, about thirty mil first drops and then In fine streams, Mr. Rody U known to ba an esjert diver cavities in tbe earth, in place from Kelly upon what are con. being potable. SMiassaveBjBiS Uaptlngly overhanging aids west of Tucson. II la tbouirht (bet lb the water tltua filtered tad umimamr, aad U b does go there twenty to fifty teat wide, extending 'JOO to entered "small" mines than at any tlass tbssa tbs freed, In fact, from every particle forbidden selected psralls! of from isJa&d New Masso b can show the BOO feet In length on the vein and to a for two years paat, There la not an dls walk. Tbs fruit cost them a rout will bo with ths tbe ussal saline taste which Is such a viaHora to tbo soast a trisk or two In greater height than tbe light of the can- man in tbs samp, ami yet there U set tea dollar bill, which was dear saougk, Southern Pacific from Rod Rock eaat to drawback to water obtained lu the wHb in tba placid dle could peiistrat. work for more than are there at present. but not quite aa dear aa lbs experience of Thosob, on account of tbo tepograpby of ordinary iniMiimr. aralds Uva, Waves of tba OoekUnt. The present management ol the mine Ths miner or worklngman wbo rsaabis lbs first Adam and tbe country, and lbs no tbo rout eon PfaM Job pciatl&f at Trb Crvuuur cJtee

"it 5; 1 .