Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-20-1895 T
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-20-1895 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-20-1895 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-20-1895." (1895). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 5. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY JULY 20, 1095. NUMBER 35. alructml at a coat of aeveral tbouaaud CI acting chairman, The inane . 'PIIIA i a dlavued SWINDLED STOKOS. Ifleel. h. iile dally out of Ihe twenty-four- TIU- - RAILROADS. ter Irvm, Ailolph Hrllwsg ami two On tbny were aelied Mi. dollar. landing by m waa the advlaablllty of aeparate political Ihfh-'p- Meirlll, Joyrr, tiallalieu and the children, and Mlsssea ikira and Molli a cowmltte and, Imitating to tht latter action llrllweg. Two large log neit yar, but no definite action mtfd Chaplain C. C McCaU will be the Is cabin and a What ftclnc Iwiic un all the Western It-Il- tho 3.VI I big l have been up fur re- nierieiice of tbe original arrlvata waa taken. It eipeclwl another meet- Hcavls Also Cauchl Ulhcr Astute Mew principal preachers during the firet week. fitted thtlr agn, Lines. ception and a wagon loail uf turnltun, year wele conducted to a place of ing will b held Among thote Yorkers, while Hev Ur Hiker, of Wheellii, W. Hum-Iwr- n, - l"thlng and irovlsion preceled them to They are Meeting in Large s Oih-IwI- Trainmaster It.ibbu (rom tlal- entertainment where they were feasted Indians of Wyoming Holding preteut to day were! J, R. of Va , wlM have charge of the camp children's hip this yesterday, on Rtrawherrie ami eitjam and nothing Memphl! Charle CotHn, moriiitig Id Baltimore, Dance. of Arkauaaai department The lent for the American elae, Utiv. Oreentialge ami their Annual vis or LAno tame. A Hew time table ot B 'e, UN A LARK. tulle arrived J. 0. Halphtuydar, of Weat Virginia! mi crart services seats 4.00AI, while the separate t. l're Cott A l ,1. ahortly liefore noon, and after reviewing rtecretary Ackler, of Naabville) Oenoral tente for the Hwetlisb ami Norwegian l'boentl well! il.'Ct oil Jul) li;, Two Women Their Companions Have the proceaalim, took part In the pilbllo A. J, Warner, of Ohio) A. W. Kucker, of will Twent) five tloubie e ked tor anJ tlie Ni ,,ik . rtci , acconimiUte some sit thou car, Manchcster-by-thc-S- ea rfom a oui-b- tta In eiercltee ami feativitlet, Cattle Thieves Captured Coh e Mi'ht Harris Arrested. Revclllne and Jailed ratio, and II. W. Miller, of Ktlwartl b. htoke admitted yesterday sand more sheei eblpitirlit, went et .i Oallup lat Old-Ti- Ktta Harris ami Lea, two soiled dove Ifttft Celebration. In Nebraska. Colorailu. that tbe from Chicago that James night. eietrea tllevrlaaU. reirl alletl A m a , having room nu North 'I'hinl street, and (Irlllln. IH -- A I'rralta-Heavl- A. 11 Heading, th.- (la., July free ailver Hanaait I'll) etluek Market. Addison uf colossal land Little lieorgie Uellls, only a II month- - kn wn court two companions of the masculine gender, democratic coiiveutlotl it being held here, Kama City, July Is. - Cattle market grant lame, who came to In New stetiogiApher, I lloldltk- - a dt'ek at were out on a "lark" latt nigbl, ami grief old cherilti, was called away b) Ihe all !!! lenty Firemen Injured at Hrc by Uvday. Henator Little Hope for Entombed Miners In ateaity. Tela tteere, 'J the freight every glass of beer drank, or every I Morgau made a apeer.h, Mexico the other day, had swindled him I deml. gels from papa and mallillia at Jtl )ee-teni- tlilmblelul of old John llarleycuru gtllpenl M Falling Walls In Inc. T-- Je Cincinnati. Clavelaml Mlchlfan CllWt, (l.f0ujU.'Jfi beef A I, J acorlug and Carllale, which ler ami other New Vorkere wae iUlle true. afleruill The hrnVe little fellow el''k train, lomleil u ,i . Ktte, passe.) wmild intensify their hilarity and th gnat euthiltlaam, he ;s.V,j& I0j native cow, $1 I avenue and tree l lleaatd rame t wouldn't," eaid he, "rare to slate gave hopes to the loving ones around III through the cit) entl) tn.e inorniiig from reverberated with i and feeilere, bUsplieuiy and yells. Policeman to the convention an a democrat to advo- t"fl etouker f'J.Uooj.4Ut bow much moiie) t put into that Magdaleha , ell rmile ! hnlieas pastures, Harris OTHII TILICRArniC GEMS. ABIZ5TKD AT CLirTOX, A. T gil t'olich of wlthhtahdltig a severe attack of started alter the tpiartetle, all mora or cate democratic principle, old and aouml. bulla, tl.lajHj'J W. Hheep eteaily. beautiful schema. I could, give h"ever, braid feter, but the spirit t'o,iiiered and Hr M.J NlCtlnlsoh ll leCelVed the lees full, and al 1 .10 p in, headed tbsbl - I a a great national parly. you the name of one or two net lit.- e - 4.ld Uetas; Id Karepe. lletlawa). Mr and Mr L. K llelli g.t appollittneiit ol .Southern p, ih- surgeon, oil ou .North Third street near Coptwr IH I 1 tUlttcoirr, Mil., July On the lire Lander, Wyu , July IH. There much men who got lu fur ae much ae I inlio-io- n III avenue. They were warned not lo "dis- MrrMf lajarrd. New Vork, July 18 Tb tteaintblp on a sorrowful to tlehkufth, Wis , lefillot) being flout tl Sllnoll to con- but 1 My turb Ihe .eac" any further, or they of the great gathering of Christian uneaalneta felt In thla city over the Normaniiie, apirre, won't going into ) III ii- Cincinnati, July 18. The twenty fire- which eaiiml limk out The) delight Albmpielipie Ihagiaiii .'iiminil, An would find off Ki-- themselves sleeping their Him tun, Col-gat- the thing came al and almost before dition of affair In Jacknoli'a Hole. The JMU.IKHJ gold e about through Will men injured hy tailing walla at the burn- blppel by Newlage, lilliale and return ehortl). It I rep.ite Hint line stupi r in the city haetlla. This repri- Iheir ieau of praise have ceased to echo Indian, It la re'torted, have ent Conkllug, but not through any fault ot mand did Set lsiior-r-Ultii-- d ing of a warvbouee, at Walnut and Water acroiw ii Co, taliill) , lormetl) ot t, Marcial, not well on tbe hie, 1 v A I. Mile of through the Uml cottira tl assembling hi lie-da- the range to the bead of llreeii river for lutri'lureil Ilea If to Henator l.riti stomach Kit Harris, and she etreelt laal night are doing well will up lerldi'tl tl Kl I 4'tilra Ntaru ItnrKet H, M tbe h He rou-erle- d take then aeo aliilei-- 1 , III this cil)' of tbe hosts of the llapliat ra.lnforce.meul. There la a ronalilerable Conkllug myself. It was a few months l'halulnrs, artiet, the tlicer the luosl Insulting Theimee now coneldered aeriouely injured Chh ago, July 1.1 Cattle active ami ehortl) tin ha been I hen- kicking Conkllug hii old woolen haeli leiwl Into a maiitiei, and tigbting him like a I ting People's t'lilon nl America. It Ik are Michael McNally ami Kdwanl New- body of Indiana holding a eun dance at liefore died. Theeeuator tieiit forerl maddened hyena, strong Tetaa eteere ;(.7..i4 Imlk pretty piece of art It represent the Week further warned tiflli point. le three weeka in the t i the international convention of Ihe man will Mc- that The Indiana, it umlertnd, U 'Mi 3 "fi goingover I'eralta keep her tongue ipilel led hi more The latter recover, but in Hbeep elea.1) hi elrong. Will w tin- - t claim tome- - Hulling old mill in it prieline da) of i" h lUim .leikat alniee, finally nrgauitaltnn, ami tit ir,lKH) delegate Nally may The corrected lint threatened to deatroy Ihe proerty of the piere. Then be said 'Htiikee, until the nlhfer yanked die. ahnwi: freight depot, Ml Mtn . tl have dar- Market. If the deed ami documents thai tide lleefllllie, when the i ottonwiail were the ice Kle) Ktta out of U,e vehicle ami escorted her win brought with thru nearly a Total loee, llK),()00t lueuranie, 11i(l,llOU. eettler and teach them a leaaon for 1i..e man New Money on not a 'I I a now, and I a little gem if on a vai atnili. and John Miniiiion I the the cil) jtil, where she remained until many of their kindred, come from avery ing to Interfere with their favorite e lurk, July lh rail holds ore genuine he baa one of the uioet l lll C ,1 I I tin morning, the )oiiug gentlemen fall, ArTra) vaey I per caul. I'rtm mercantile r, I hatii.tnilelled relief lalldt'aie, a new del k, hlle .nine tak ug l.i section of every state In the Union, a ehMllM nf huntitig. Judge Jay L, Torray, perfect chains of evidence to a title that mg In secure bond III to prevent l.-- onler I.oa Angelea, Cal., July i Alonin 1 - feature ill painting.