Selected Bibliography

Allen, Charles. A Mountain in Tibet: The Search/or Mount Kailas and the Sources o/the Great Rivers 0/ Asia. London: Futura, 1983.

Anderson, Walt. Open Secrets: A Western Guide to Tibetan Buddhism. New York: Viking, 1979.

Aris, Michael, and Aung San Suu Kyi, eds. Tibetan Studies in Honour 0/ Hugh Richardson. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities, 1981.

Avedon, John F.ln Exile From The Land o/Snows. London: Michael Joseph, 1984.

Batchelor, Stephen. The Tibet Guide. London: Wisdom, 1987.

Bell, Charles. The People o/Tibet. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928.

Bonavia, David, and Magnus Bartlett. Tibet. New York: The Vendome Press, 1981.

Booz, Elizabeth B. Tibet: A Guide to Being There. Hong Kong: Shangri-La Press, 1986.

Brinkley, Michael, and Robert Strauss. Tibet: A Travel Survival Kit. Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet, 1986

Burman, Bina Roy. Religion and Politics in Tibet. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1979.

Butterfield, Fox. : Alive in the Bitter Sea. New York: Bantam Books, 1983.

Byron, Robert. First Russia, Then Tibet. London: Macmillan, 1933; reprint ed., Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1985.

Central Intelligence Agency. People's Republic o/China Atlas. Washington: United States Goverument Printing Office, 1971.

Choedon, Dhondub. Life in the Red Flag People's Commune. Dharamsala. India: Information Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1978.

Corr, Gerard H. The Chinese Red Army. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.

217 Road News From Tibet

Dalai Lama, the Fourteenth. My Land and My People. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.

Dalai Lama, the Fourteenth. A Human Approach to World Peace. London: Wisdom Publications, 1984.

Dalai Lama, the Fourteenth. Kindness, Clarity and Insight. Edited by Jeffrey Hopkins and Elizabeth Napper. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1984.

David-Neel, Alexandra. My Journey to Lhasa. London: Wm. Heinemann, 1927; reprint ed., London: Virago, 1983.

David-Nee1, Alexandra. Magic and Mystery in Tibet. Paris: PIon, 1929; reprint ed., London: Sphere Books, 1977.

Delattre, Pierre. Tales of a Dalai Lama. Berkeley, California: Creative Arts, 1971.

Dreyer, June Teufel. China's Forty Millions: Minority Nationalities and National Integration in the People's Republic of China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976.

Eberhard, Wolfram. China's Minorities: Yesterday and Today. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1982.

Ekvall, Robert B. Tibetan Skylines. New York: Travel Book Club, 1952.

Ekvall, Robert. Fields on the Hoof: Nexus of Tibetan Nomadic Pastoralism. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

Ekvall, Robert. The Lama Knows: A Tibetan Legend is Born. Novato, California: Chandler and Sharp, 1981.

Epstein, Israel. Tibet Transformed. : New World Press, 1983.

Ford, Robert. Captured in Tibet. London: George G. Harrap, 1957.

Fraser, John. The Chinese: Portrait of a People. New York: Summit Books, 1980.

Gelder, Stuart, and Roma Gelder. The Timely Rain: Travels in New Tibet. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1964.

Ginsburgs, George, and Michael Mathos. Communist China and Tibet: The First Dozen Years. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964.

Gold, Peter. Tibetan Reflections: Life in a Tibetan Refugee Community. London: Wisdom, 1984.

Govinda, Lama Anagarika. The Way of the White Clouds. London: Rider, 1966; reprint ed., London: Rider Pocket Editions, 1984.

Guibaut, Andre. Tibetan Venture: In the Country of the Ngolo-Setas; Second Guibaut-Liotard Expedition. Translated by Lord Sudley. London: John Murray, 1947.

Han, Suyin. Lhasa, the Open City: A Journey to Tibet. St. Albans, England: Triad-Panther, 1979.

218 Bibliography

Harrer, Heinrich. Seven Years in Tibet. Translated by Richard Graves. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953.

Harrer, Heinrich. Return to Tibet. Translated by Ewald Osers. London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1984.

Hedin, Sven. Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet. WestpOrt, Connecticut: Greenwood, 1968.

Hoffmann, Helmut. Tibet: A Handbook. Research Centre for the Language Sciences. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1975.

Hopkirk, Peter. Trespassers on the Roof of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.

Hue, Evariste-Regis, and Joseph Gabet. Souvenirs d'une Voyage dans la Tartarie.le Thibet et la Chine pendant les annees 1844,1845, et 1848. Sd ed. Paris: n.p., 1853. New edition: Travels in Tartary, Thibet. and China, 1844-1846. New York: Dover, 1987.

International Commission of Jurists. The Question of Tibet and the Rule of Law. Geneva: n.p., 1959.

Jackson, William A. D. Russo-Chinese Borderlands: Zone of Peaceful Contact or Potential Conflict? Sd ed. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1968.

Karan, Pradyumna P. The Changing Face of Tibet: The Impact of Chinese Communist Ideology on the Landscape. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1976.

Landon, Perceval. ALhassa,la ville Interdite: Description du Tibet central et des coutumes de ses habitants. Relation de la marche de la mission envoye par Ie gouvernement anglais 1903-1904. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1906.

Le Veness, Frank Paul. Tibet: The Sinicization of an Unwilling People. Council on International Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1977.

Li, Tieh-Tseng. The Historical Status of Tibet. N.p.: 1954. Revised edition: Tibet: Today and Yesterday. New York:: Bookman, 1960.

Matthiessen, Peter. The Snow Leopard. New York: Viking, 1978.

Migot, Andre. Caravane vers Bouddha. N.p.: 1954. New edition: Tibetan Marches. Translated by Peter Fleming. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1957.

Miller, Luree. On Top of the World: Five Women Explorers in Tibet. London: Paddington Press, 1976.

Norbu, Thubten Jigme, and Heinrich Harrer. Tibet Is My Country. New York:: E.P. Dutton, 1961.

Norbu, Thubten Jigme, and Colin M. Turnbull. Tibet. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968.

Pallis, Marco. Peaks and Lamas. London: Cassel and Co., 1939.

Peissel, Michel. Cavaliers of Kham: The Secret War in Tibet. London: Heinemann, 1972.

219 Road News From Tibet

Pilarski, Laura. Tibet: Heart 0/ Asia. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974.

Rayfield, Donald. The Dream 0/ Lhasa: The life 0/ Nikolay Przhevalsky. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1976.

Rowell, Galen. Mountains 0/ the Middle Kingdom: Exploring the High Peaks 0/ China and Tibet. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1983.

Sakya, Kama. Dolpo: The World Behind the Himalayas. Kathmandu: Sharda Pakashan Griha, 1978.

Salisbury, Charlotte. Tibetan Diary: Travels Along The Ancient Silk Route. New York: Walker and Co., 1981.

Schaller, George B. Stones 0/ Silence: Journeys in the Himalaya. New York: Viking, 1980.

Senanayake, Ratne Deshapriya. Inside Story o/Tibet. Colombo: Afro-Asian Writer's Bureau, 1967.

Seth, Vikram. From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet. London: Chatto and Windus, 1983.

Shen, Tsung-lien. Tibet and the Tibetans. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1953.

Snellgrove, David, and Hugh Richardson. A Cultural History o/Tibet. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968.

Taring, Rinchen Dolma. Daughter o/Tibet. London: John Murray, 1970.

Terzani, Tiziano. The Forbidden Door. Kowloon: Asia 2000, 1985.

Thomas, Lowell, Jf. Out o/This World: Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet. New York: Greystone Press, 1950.

Tibet: 1950-1967. Hong Kong: Union Research Institute, 1968.

Tibet: The Sacred Realm-Photographs 1880-1950. New York: Aperture/Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1983.

Tibet Today. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1974.

Tibetan National Uprising Day. Dharamsala, India: Information Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1979.

Tobias, Michael C, and Harold Drasdo. The Mountain Spirit. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook, 1979.

Tomasevic, Nebojsa, ed. Tibet. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981.

Topping, Audrey. The Splendors a/Tibet. New York: SINO Publishing Co., 1980.

"Transformation of Tibet." People's Daily (Beijing), September II 1975.

220 Bibliography

Trungpa, Chogyam. Born in Tibet. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Ltd., 1968.

Trungpa, Chogyam. Shambala: The Sacred Path o/the Warrior. Boston: Shambhala, 1984.

Tucci, Giuseppe. To Lhasa and Beyond. Rome: Instituto Poligrafico Dello Stato, 1956.

Tucci, Giuseppe. Tibet, Land o/Snows. New York: Stein and Day, 1967.

Tucci, Giuseppe. The Religions o/Tibet. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.

Tung, Rosemary Jones. A Portrait 0/ Lost Tibet. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.

Van Geem, Isabelle. Crier Avant de Mourir. Paris: Editions Robert Lafont, 1977. von Furher-Haimendorf, Christoph. The Sherpas 0/ Nepal: Buddhist Highlanders. London: John Murray, 1964; reprint ed., New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1979.

Wan, Shengnan. Princess Wencheng. Translated by W. Tailing [sic]. Beijing: China Travel and Tourism Press, 1985.

Wang, Furen and Suo Wenqing. Highlights o/Tibetan History. Beijing: New World Press, 1984.

We are the heirs 0/ Norman Bethune. Toronto: Norman Bethune Institute, 1975.

Woodman, Dorothy. Himalayan Frontiers: A Political Review 0/ British. Chinese, Indian and Russian Rivalries. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969.

Yang, Darong, Long Yongchen, Shen Farong, Yang Yaoxiong, YuRunqing, Luzi Chunsheng, Sinaduji, and Sinajiding. "Research on the ecology of Yunnan hepialids: I. Regional and ecogeographical distribution." Zoological Research 8, no.1 (1987): 1-11.

221 Index

Adamson, Ian, 9 Britain, 21, 27,116, 118, 153 Aksai Chin, 67 See also England Amdo, 67, 118 British Columbia, Canada, 31 Antarctic, 11 0 British Legation iIi Lhasa, 118 Arctic Poppy, 109 Buddha,74, 136,172 Asia, 11, 15,67,102,112,130, Buddhism, 17, 18,20,22,29,36, 176,184,206 47,52,56,57,61,67,70,72, Austen, Jane, 84 77,80,81,98,120,121,127, Austtalia,9,77,84,I07 130,135,206,215 Austria, 22 Burdsall, Richard, 22, 23 Avedon, John, 86 Bunna (Myanmar), 137, 188

Bacot, Jacques, 21 Canada, 1, 11,21,29,33,35,40, Bailey, P.M., 22 41,49,62,65,85,142,163, Baiy(i,48 174,181,199,201,205 Ba Mei, 29, 30 Captured in Tibet; book, 27,118 Baqen, 168, 175, 182, 187, 192, Caravane vers Bouddha; book, 12 194-200 See also Migot, Andre Baqen District Party Headquarters, Catholicism, 21, 32 198 Central Asia, 32, 60, 67, 144, 162, Batang,22 202,210,215 Bay of Bengal, 188 Central Intelligence Agency, 67 B.B.C. World SeIVice, 107, 128 Chambhala, 31 Beijing,7,8, 85, 106, 107, 132, Chamdo,26,27,60,61,83, 86,91, 142 93,97,100, 105, 107, 110- Bergman, Ingmar, 182 127,137,198,199,203,204 Berlin, Geonany, 27 Chang'an, 122 Bethune, Noonan, 1,2,11,35,39, Changsha, 99 49,91,96, Ill, 175, 191, 199, Changthang, plateau, 203 201 Chengdu, 1-11, 15,23,44,47,48, Boeing-707,113 54,59,60,77,79,91,98,120, Boeing-747,35 121, 123, 137, 139, 144, 150, Bonvallot, Gabriel, 21, 205 152,199,207,208,215 Bowles, Gordon, 22 Chernobyl, Ukraine, 35, 49,107 Bridge Over Troubled Water; Chiang Kai-shek, 7 song, 14 Chief of Nagchu, 205

223 Road News From Tibet

China Airlines. 35 Edgar, 1. Huston, 22 Chong cao, 26. 109, 158. 159. 174, Edmonton. Canada. 40 176, ~ons,AJthu~22 See also Dong Chong Xia Cao Engelmann Spruce. 126 Chongqing, 7.118,155,199 England,4, Chungking. See Chongqing See also Britain Cold War. 187 Europe. 79. 144 Conununlirnn. 1. 118. 128. 135 Communists, 21. 22.35.67,82.86, Farr. Michael, 84-210 passim 88. 106. 116, 134. 174. 177, Ford, Robert, 27. 118 181. 198 Fox, Reginald. 118 Cordyceps sinensis, 159 France. 12, 15, 16,21,22.23,31, See also Chong cao 66,79,180 Cox, Diane, 84-210 passim Frost, Robert, 27 Cultural Revolution, 5. 45, 52. 53, 59.67.76,79,92.147 Gabel. Joseph. 16.21 Gage. Bernadette, 163-210 passim Dajianlu,21 Gamtog,86 See also Kangding Garze, 25, 39, 44, 45-48, 53, 89. Da Jin Shi, 54 118,205 Dalai Lama, 42, 56, 81, 82, 87,106, Gelugpa; branch of Tibetan 115, 118. 171,213 Buddhism, 81, 82 Dardo, 6. 21 Germany. 4. 27 See also Kangding Giant Panda, 59 Dark Ages, 73 Golmud,I44.204,208 Dar-rtse-mdo, 21 Goloks (Ngolos), 66, 67. 68,97, See also Kangding 118 Dartsendo,21 Gong An Ju (Public Security See also Kangding Bureau),80, 140, 199 Dar-Tsen-Do.21 Gonga Shan; film, 20 See also Kangding Grace. Robert. 9 David-Neel. Alexandra, 15.21.22, Great Game, 187, 202 70,130,189 Great Wall, 190 Dawu, 25. 31,32,39 Greenpeace, 105 Daylight Saving Time. 8. 72 Greenwich Mean Time, 8 De Rhins. Dutreuil. 66, 205 Grenard. Fernand. 67, 205 Dege. 26. 27,502,52,60. 61,68, Guangdong, 2, 35 72,73,75.76-85,94.97.105. Guangzhou, 2, 7 118,126.205.209 Guibaut, Andre, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32. Democratic Reforms, 86 67, 167 Dengqen, 139, 140, 145. 147-154. GulfofMartaban. 137, 188 170,172.205 Guomindang. 7. 21. 22,116 Deng Ping. 5. 7, 99,120. 174, Gyangze,29 190 Gyantsen Er Wang. King, 76 Dixon, Lauri, 163 Dolan, Brooke, 22 Hadrian's Wall, 45 Dong Chong Xia Cao, 159 Hal Zi Hu; lake. 62. 65 See also Chong cao Harbin,33 Dongfang;truck.200 Harrer. Heinrich, 151 D'Orl~ans, Prince Henri, 21 Hedin. Sven, 203, 205

224 Index

Heilongjiang, 33 LANDSAT,131 Heim, Arnold, 22 LANDSAT IV; satellite, 127 Hepialids, 159 Lanzhou, 67 See also Chong cao Laos, 7 Holland,84 Las Vegas, 210 Hong Kong, 35, 79, 118, 150, 152, Lazarists; missionaries, 16 153,159,171,212,214, Lebanon, 107 Hu Yaobang, 7, 106, 156 Lhalu Shape, 117 Hue, Evariste-Regis, 16,21 Lhasa,3,6, 15, 16,22,23,26,27, Hui, 206. See also Moslems 29,32,41,42,45,54,57,61, , 99 67,71,74,75,79,79,84,89, Hungary, 22 97, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,117,118,121,123,126, India, 20, 24, 42, 53, 56, 65, 67, 133, 134, 138, 139, 142, 150, 75,81,82,88,115,116,118, 154, 159, 168, 169, 172, 174, 120,137,176,187,206,207 187,194-198,201,202,204 In Exile From the Land o/Snows; Liotard, Louis, 21, 30, 31, 32, 67 book,86 Litang, 26, 27 Liu Shaoqi, 120 Japan,22,62,80, 89,99, 120, 141, London, England, 27 208, Longstaff, Tom, 22 Jerusalem, 204 Lop Nor; lake, 202, Jesuits; missionaries, 6 Luding, 17, 18 Jiardia; illness, 176 Luhuo,25 Jiefang; truck, 26, 27, 169, 192, Lung ta (Wind Horse), 17, 167 194 Jokhang; temple, 215 Madonna; singer, 121 Jomda, 86, 89, 91, 93, 94,110 Magic and Mystery in Tibet; Jyekundo,66 book, 189 Manasarovar, Lake, 22 Kampuchea, 36 Manigango, 60, 61, 63 Kangding, 6, 9, 10-25, 30, 34,42, Markham, 155, 174 51,61,68,71,118,145,205 Mao Zedong, 67, 88, 116, 118, 120, Kanjur; text, 80 190,201 Karmapa; branch of Tibetan Masoliver, Cristina, 162 Buddhism, 82 Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 97, 204 Kashgar,84 Meconopsis integrijolia, 109 Kathmandu, Nepal, 102, 187 Middle East, 49 Kazakhs, 177 Migot, Andre, 12, 16, 18,25,205 Kendall, Elizabeth, 22 Milky Way, 53, 106 Kham, 23, 32, 36, 50, 61,102, Mongolia, 7 213 Moon, 128 Khampa; people ofKham, 23, Moore, Terris, 22, 23 36,39,51,66,79,86,97, Moslems, 32,116,177,206 109,117,118,167-170, Mountains 193,194,195,213 Alps,73 Kodari,187 Andes, 26 Kokonor; lake, 67 Bayen Har Range, 67 Kuomintang. See Guomindang Celestial Mountains, 7 See also Tian Shan

225 Road News From Tibet

Cho Er Shan, 61 Potala; building, 106,207,208,209, Cho La; pass, 61, 68, 70-73, 210 85, 185 Przhevalsky, Nikolay, 205 Chomo1ongma, 26 Punjab, India, 107 See also Everest Everest, 23, 26, 159 Qinghai, 61, 67, 96,112,164,179, Gonga Shan, 20 194 See also Gonga Shan; Qin Shi Huang Di, Emperor, 190 MinyaKonka Qu'nyido, 93, 95 Gurla Mandhata, 22 Himalaya, 14,26,187,203 Radio Beijing, 78, 79 Khan Tengri, 22 Rangoon, Burma, 137 Minya Konka, 20-25 Rawu, 26, 27,120 See also Gonga Shan Red Guards, 26, 79 Namjagbarwa Feng, 20 Rivers Nyainqentanglha Ranges, 203 Dadu (yangtze), 17, 18 Rockies, 62, 73,89,109,126 Dar (Yangtze), 21 Tanggula Shan, 112, 178, 203 Dza (Mekong), 124 Tian Shan, 7, 22 Dze (Mekong), 124, 125 Trans-Himalaya, 203 Lancang(Mekong),112 Ya'ngamdo, 178 Mekong, 93, 109,112,115, Zheduo Shankou; pass, 18 124. See also Dza; Dze; Myanmar. See Burma Lancang Min (Yangtze), 10 Nagchu, 22, 194, 195, 199,201- Nu (Salween), 188 207,215 Salween, 137, 188 SeealsoNu National Geographic Society, 27, Tongtian (Yangtze), 85 115,181 Tsen (yangtze), 21 Nepal, 14,29,102,122,187,206 Yangtze, 7,10,17,44,61,85, New York, 110 86,93,117 New Zealand, 120 See also Dadu; Dar; Min; Ngapo Ngawang Jigmei, 117, 118 Tongtian; Tsen Ngolos. See Goloks Riwoqe, 125, 129, 131-134, 150, Nicaragua, 107 153,158,205 North America, 18,48, 176 Rock, Joseph, 22 North Road, 26, 27, 60 Rongbu, 172, 177, 179, 187 Norway, 77 Rongbuk,26 Nowhere, 163 Roosevelt, Kermit, 22 Nussbaum, Pierre, 30 Roosevelt, Theodore, 22 Russia, 65, 86, 93, 116,202,205, Paris, France, 180 208. See also Soviet Union Peking. See Beijing People's Liberation Army, 36, 157, Sakyapa; branch of Tibetan 177. See also P.L.A. Buddhism, 82 Philadelphia; U.S.A., 56 Sendo, 156, 158, 159, 160, 172, P.L.A., 36, 47,86,94,118,151, Sergsa, 155, 156 153,208,209. See also Seven Years in Tibet; book, 151 People's Liberation Army Serxil,60 Pogrebezky, M., 22 Shanghai, 7, 86

226 Index

Shangrila, 191 Tinidazole; drug, 176 Shelton, Alben L., 22 Toba, 93, 101, 105, 106 Sheng Kang, 50 Tongbudmo, 66 Shu Han kingdom (221- Torgersen, Anneli, 77 263 A.D.), 7. See also Trans-Siberian Railway, 27 Three Kingdoms Period Sichuan, 7,10,11,12,20,21,22, Ukraine, 22, 34 27,28,34,36,39,46,56,60, United States of America, 22, 23, 62,67,71,72,81,85,94,118, 56,67,121,123,127,141, 145,155,165,172,206 151 Sikang, 21, 23 University Sikhs, 107 Beijing University, 133 Silk Road, 60 Sichuan University, 4 Societe des Missions Etrangeres, 21, Sun Yat Sen University, 22 22,30 Songtsen Gampo, King, 122 Vatican, 204 South Africa, 49, 107 Venus, 128 South America, 26 Vietnam, 35, 36, 49 South China Sea, 112 South Road, 26, 27 Wang Jimei, General, 86 Soviet Union, 35, 86,116 Wencheng, Princess, 122 Spain, 162 Wuhan, 199 Sweden, 203 Switzerland, 22, 23, 102, 120, 150, Xian, 122 151,208 Xiao Ke Cha, 34 Szechenyi, Bela, 22 Xigatsl!,29 Xindu,26 Ta-chien-Iu, 21 Xining, 194 Tadzhiks, 177 Xinjiang, 67, 84,16,177 See also Kangding Xizang, 85 Taiwan; island, 3, 4,35,48, 116, Xizang Autonomous Region, 85, lSI 119,179 Tang Taizong, Emperor, 122 Xog Xian, 174, 192,201 Tatsienlou, 21 See also Kangding Ya'an, 11, 145 Tatsienlu, 6, 21 Yadong, 118 Seealso Kangding Yangbajing, 208 Taylor, Annie, 22, 205 Yang, Father, 31 Tea Road, 60 Yenan, 1, 175 Tenjur; text, 80 Yongden, Lama, 15,21,189 Thailand, 188 See also David-Neel, The Seventh Seal; film, 182 Alexandra Thompson, Teen, 77 Young, Jack, 22 Three Kingdoms Period (220- Yunnan, 150 280 A.D.), 7 Yushu,6O Tibetan Chinese, 33, 155 , 7 Tibetan Education Ministry, 150 Zhongdian, 150 Tibetan Marches. See Caravane vers , 79-.80, 190 Bouddha Zoological Research; journal, 159 Tibetan Traditional Medicine Clinic, 76