Environmental Report for the Site Development Plan 2019 for the German Baltic Sea - unofficial translation -

Hamburg, June 28th, 2019

© Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie Hamburg und Rostock 2019

BSH-No. 7608

All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the BSH.

Photos: BSH, Miriam Müller Content I

Content 1 Introduction 15 1.1 Legal basis and tasks of the environmental assessment 15 1.2 Brief description of the content and most important objectives of the Site Development Plan 16 1.3 Tiered planning procedures – relationship to other relevant plans, programmes and projects (environmental assessment at the appropriate planning level) 18 1.3.1 Introduction 18 1.3.2 Maritime spatial planning (EEZ) 22 1.3.3 Land development plan 23 1.3.4 Site investigation 25 1.3.5 Approval procedure (planning approval and planning permission procedure) for offshore wind turbines 26 1.3.6 Approval procedure for grid connections (converter platforms and submarine cable systems) 27 1.3.7 Interconnectors 28 1.3.8 Summary overviews of environmental assessments 29 1.4 Presentation and consideration of environmental protection objectives 36 1.4.1 International conventions on the protection of the marine environment 36 1.4.2 Environmental and nature conservation requirements at EU level 39 1.4.3 Environmental and nature conservation requirements at national level 42 1.4.4 The Federal Government's energy and climate conservation aims 44 1.5 Strategic Environmental Assessment methodology 46 1.5.1 Introduction 46 1.5.2 Area of investigation 47 1.5.3 Carrying out the environmental assessment 48 1.5.4 Criteria for status description and assessment 51 1.5.5 Specific assumptions for assessment of likely significant environmental effects 56 1.5.6 Fundamentals of the assessment of alternatives 61 II Content

1.6 Data sources and indications of difficulties in compiling the documents 62 1.6.1 Overview of data source 63 1.6.2 Indications of difficulties in compiling the documents 63 2 Description and assessment of state of the environment 66 2.1 Introduction 66 2.2 Soil/Area 66 2.2.1 Protected asset Land 66 2.2.2 Data availability 66 2.2.3 Geomorphology 66 2.2.4 Sediment distribution on the seabed 67 2.2.5 Geological structure of the near-surface subsoil 67 2.2.6 Distribution of pollutants in the sediment 70 2.2.7 Status estimation 71 2.3 Water 74 2.3.1 Currents 74 2.3.2 Swell and water level fluctuations 76 2.3.3 Surface temperature and temperature stratification 76 2.3.4 Surface salinity and salinity stratification 77 2.3.5 Ice conditions 79 2.3.6 Suspended matter and turbidity 80 2.3.7 Status assessment with regard to nutrient and pollutant distribution 81 2.4 85 2.4.1 Data availability and monitoring programmes 85 2.4.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability of phytoplankton 86 2.4.3 Spatial distribution and temporal variability of zooplankton 88 2.4.4 Status assessment of plankton 91 2.5 Biotopes 96 2.5.1 Data availability 96 2.5.2 Biotopes in the German Baltic Sea 97 2.5.3 Legally protected marine biotopes according to section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and FFH habitat types 98 Content III

2.5.4 Status estimation 101 2.6 Benthos 102 2.6.1 Data availability 103 2.6.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability 103 2.6.3 Status assessment of the factor Benthos 115 2.7 Fish 120 2.7.1 Data availability 122 2.7.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability 122 2.7.3 Status assessment of the factor Fish 126 2.8 Marine mammals 135 2.8.1 Data availability 135 2.8.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability 136 2.8.3 Status assessment of the factor Marine mammals 142 2.9 Seabirds and resting birds 147 2.9.1 Data availability 148 2.9.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability 148 2.9.3 Status assessment of seabirds and resting birds 156 2.10 Migratory birds 160 2.10.1 Data availability 160 2.10.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability of migratory birds 161 2.10.3 Status assessment of the factor Migratory birds 177 2.11 Bats and bat migration 186 2.11.1 Data availability 187 2.11.2 Migration and migratory movements of bats over the Baltic Sea 187 2.11.3 Conservation status of potentially migratory bat species in countries adjacent to the Baltic Sea 190 2.11.4 Hazards to bats 192 2.12 Biodiversity 192 2.13 Air 193 2.14 Climate 193 2.15 Scenery 194 2.16 Cultural heritage and other material assets 194 IV Content

2.17 Human beings, including human health 194 2.18 Interrelationships between the factors 195 3 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 197 3.1 Soil/Area 198 3.2 Water 199 3.3 Plankton 199 3.4 Biotopes 200 3.5 Benthos 200 3.6 Fish 201 3.7 Marine mammals 202 3.8 Seabirds and resting birds 202 3.9 Migratory birds 202 3.10 Bats and bat migration 203 3.11 Biodiversity 203 3.12 Air 204 3.13 Climate 204 3.14 Scenery 204 3.15 Cultural heritage and other material assets 205 3.16 Human beings, including human health 206 3.17 Interrelationships between the factors 206 4 Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site Development Plan on the marine environment 207 4.1 Soil/Area 207 4.1.1 Areas, sites and platforms 207 4.1.2 Submarine cabling systems 209 4.2 Benthos 212 4.2.1 Areas and sites 212 4.2.2 Platforms 213 4.2.3 Submarine cabling systems 214 4.3 Biotopes 217 4.3.1 Areas and sites 217 Content V

4.3.2 Platforms 217 4.3.3 Submarine cabling systems 218 4.4 Fish 218 4.4.1 Areas and sites 218 4.4.2 Platforms 219 4.4.3 Submarine cabling systems 221 4.5 Marine mammals 222 4.5.1 Areas, sites and platforms 222 4.5.2 Submarine cabling systems 227 4.6 Seabirds and resting birds 228 4.6.1 Areas and sites 228 4.6.2 Platforms 230 4.6.3 Submarine cabling systems 230 4.7 Migratory birds 231 4.7.1 Areas and sites 232 4.7.2 Platforms 235 4.7.3 Submarine cabling systems 235 4.8 Bats and bat migration 236 4.8.1 Areas and sites 236 4.8.2 Platforms 236 4.8.3 Submarine cabling systems 236 4.9 Climate 236 4.10 Scenery 237 4.10.1 Areas and sites 237 4.10.2 Platforms 237 4.11 Interdependency 237 4.12 Cumulative effects 239 4.12.1 Soil/Area, benthos and biotopes 239 4.12.2 Fish 241 4.12.3 Marine mammals 241 4.12.4 Seabirds and resting birds 242 4.12.5 Migratory birds 243 VI Content

4.13 Transboundary impacts 247 5 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 248 5.1 Marine mammals 248 5.1.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of injury and killing) 248 5.1.2 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of disturbance) 250 5.2 Avifauna (seabirds, resting birds and migratory birds) 255 5.2.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of injury and killing) 256 5.2.2 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of disturbance) 257 5.3 Bats 259 5.3.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 and no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act 259 6 Assessment of the implications 260 6.1 Legal basis 260 6.2 Impact assessment of the Site Development Plan with respect to the habitat types 262 6.2.1 Assessment of implications with the conservation objective of the nature conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" 262 6.2.2 Impact assessment of planned cable routes on the conservation objective of the nature conservation area "Fehmarn Belt" 263 6.3 Impact assessment of the Site Development Plan for protected species 263 6.3.1 Impact assessment of areas, sites and submarine cable systems on the conservation objective of the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature conservation area 263 6.3.2 Impact assessment of areas, sites, platforms and submarine cable systems on the conservation objective of the "Fehmarn Belt" nature conservation area 266 6.3.3 Impact assessment of areas, sites, platforms and submarine cable systems on the conservation objective of the "Kadetrinne" nature conservation area 267 6.4 Natura 2000 areas outside the German EEZs 268 6.5 Results of the assessment of the implications 270 Content VII

7 Overall plan evaluation 271 8 Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development Plan on the marine environment 272 8.1 Introduction 272 8.2 Areas and sites for offshore wind turbines 273 8.3 Platforms 274 8.4 Submarine cabling systems 276 9 Investigated alternatives 277 9.1 Zero alternative 277 9.2 Strategic alternatives 278 9.3 Spatial alternatives 278 9.3.1 Examination of alternatives for areas 279 9.3.2 Comparison of the sites with one another 280 9.4 Technical alternatives 285 10 Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts 287 10.1 Monitoring of potential effects of areas and sites for offshore wind turbines 289 10.2 Monitoring of potential effects of platforms 290 10.3 Monitoring of the potential effects of submarine cables 290 11 Non-technical summary 292 12 References 309

VIII Content

List of figures

Abbildung 1: Übersicht zum gestuften Planungs- und Zulassungsprozess im zentralen Modell. ... 20 Abbildung 2: Übersicht zu den Schutzgütern in den Umweltprüfungen ...... 22 Abbildung 3: Umweltprüfungen im gestuften Planungs- und Zulassungsprozess mit dem Fokus der jeweiligen Prüfung...... 29 Abbildung 4: Gegenstand der Planungs- und Zulassungsverfahren mit Schwerpunkten in der Umweltprüfung...... 30 Abbildung 5: Übersicht zu Schwerpunkten in den Umweltprüfungen im Planungs- und Zulassungsverfahren...... 34 Abbildung 6: Übersicht zu den Normebenen der einschlägigen Rechtsakte für die SUP ...... 46 Abbildung 7: Darstellung des Untersuchungsraums der SUP für die Ostsee zum Flächenentwicklungsplan...... 48 Abbildung 8: Allgemeine Methodik der Bewertung der voraussichtlichen erheblichen Umweltauswirkungen...... 51 Abbildung 9: Verteilung der Oberflächensedimente im Bereich der clusterübergreifenden Anbindungen. Die Klassifizierung erfolgte nach TAUBER (2012) ...... 69 Abbildung 10: Klimatologische Monatsmittel der Oberflächentemperatur (1900 – 1996) nach JANSSEN et al. (1999)...... 77 Abbildung 11: Klimatologische Monatsmittel des Oberflächensalzgehalts (1900 – 1996) nach JANSSEN et al. (1999)...... 78

Abbildung 12: Salzgehaltsschichtung in der westlichen Ostsee nach JANSSEN et al. (1999)...... 79 Abbildung 13: Häufigkeit des Eisauftretens in der Ostsee südlich von 56° N im 50-jährigen Zeitraum 1961-2010 (BSH, 2012)...... 80 Abbildung 14: Monatsmittel des oberflächennahen Gesamt-Schwebstoffgehaltes aus den MERIS- Daten des ENVISAT-Satelliten für 2004...... 81 Abbildung 15: Verlauf der Abundanzmaxima von a) fünf holoplanktischen Taxa (Rotatoria, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, Calanoida und Copelata) und drei meroplanktischen Taxa (Polychaeta, Bivalvia, Gastropoda) und b) sieben calanoiden Copepoden von 1995 – 2015 (WASMUND et al., 2016a)...... 93 Abbildung 16: Karte der auf Grundlage vorhandener Daten abgrenzbaren Biotoptypen der deutschen Ostsee (nach SCHUCHARDT et al., 2010)...... 97

Abbildung 17: Biotopkarte der deutschen Ostsee nach SCHIELE et al. (2015). HELCOM HUB Codes erläutert in HELCOM (2013b)...... 98

Abbildung 18: Naturräumliche Gliederung der deutschen AWZ der Ostsee (nach BFN, 2006). ... 106 Abbildung 19: Anzahl Arten makrozoobenthischer Arten an 8 Monitoring-Stationen im November 2016 (grüne Balken). Schwarze Punkte und Fehlerbalken zeigen mediane, minimale und maximale Artenzahlen zwischen 1991 und 2016 (verändert nach WASMUND et al. 2017)...... 107 Content IX

Abbildung 20: Entwicklung der Artenzahl, Abundanz und Biomasse des Makrozoobenthos an der Station am Fehmarnbelt von 1991 bis 2011. Die Pfeile markieren sommerliche Sauerstoffmangelereignisse im bodennahen Wasserkörper (aus WASMUND et al., 2012)...... 108 Abbildung 21: Gesamtartenliste Fische Deutsche AWZ Ostsee und Artnachweise in Cluster 1, 2 und 3 (UVS-Daten ab 2014 und Daten von 2017/2018 aus der DATRAS-Datenbank des ICES , s. 2.8.1)...... 131 Abbildung 22: Zusammenfassung des Status der Fischbestände in der Ostsee 2017. Links: Die Fischereiintensität gibt die Anzahl der Bestände (oben) und den Biomasseanteil am Fang (unten; in 1000 Tonnen) an, der unterhalb (grün) oder (oberhalb) des Referenzwertes (fischereiliche Intensität für den nachhaltigen Dauerertrag, FMSY) liegt. Rechts: Die Reproduktionskapazität gibt die Anzahl der Bestände (oben) und den Biomasseanteil am Fang (unten) an, der oberhalb (grün) oder unterhalb (rot) des Referenzwertes (Laicherbiomasse, MSY Btrigger) liegt. Grau gibt die Anzahl bzw. den Biomasseanteil am Fang von Beständen an, für die keine Referenzpunkte definiert sind und für die folglich keine Bestandseinschätzung möglich ist. Insgesamt wurden 17 Bestände betrachtet, die zusammen 687.000 Tonnen Fang lieferten. Verändert nach ICES (2017a)...... 133 Abbildung 23: Prozentualer Anteil der Schweinswalpositiven Tage an der Gesamtzahl aller Aufnahmetage für die Untersuchungsgebiete Fehmarn (3 Stationen), Mecklenburger Bucht (1 Station), Kadetrinne (3 Stationen), Adlergrund (2 Stationen) und Oderbank (3 Stationen). Fehmarn, Kadetrinne und Mecklenburger Bucht wurden mit Cet All automatisch ausgewertet, während Oderbank und Adlergrund visuell verifiziert wurden. Die Werte für 2010 auf dem Adlergrund sind nur als Trend zu sehen, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur von einer Station nutzbare Daten geliefert wurden und im März nur 6 Tage observiert wurde (Quelle: GALLUS et al., 2010)...... 137 Abbildung 24: Saisonale Verbreitungsmuster von Schweinswalen in der südwestlichen Ostsee (2002-2006). Die Rasterkarten sind aufwandsbereinigt. Dargestellt ist die mittlere Dichte der Schweinswale pro Rasterzelle (10x10km) im a) Frühling (März-Mai), b) Sommer (Juni-August), c) Herbst (September-November) und d) Winter (Dezember-Februar, Quelle: GILLES et al., 2007, S.126f.)...... 139 Abbildung 26: Verteilung von Seetauchern (Gavia stellata/G. arctica) in der gesamten deutschen Ostsee im Januar/Februar 2009 (flugzeugbasierte Erfassung; MARKONES & GARTHE 2009)...... 151 Abbildung 27: Vorkommen von Seetauchern (Gavia stellata/ G. arctica) in der deutschen Ostsee während einer schiffsgestützten Erfassung vom 13.- 20. Januar 2011 (MARKONES & GARTHE 2011)...... 152 Abbildung 28: Mittleres Wintervorkommen von Eisenten (Clangula hyemalis) in der deutschen Ostsee in den Jahren 2010 – 2012 (Flug- und schiffsbasierte Erfassungen, MARKONES et al. 2015)...... 153 Abbildung 29: Mittleres Wintervorkommen von Trauerenten (Melanitta nigra) in der deutschen Ostsee in den Jahren 2010 – 2012 (Flug- und schiffsbasierte Erfassungen, MARKONES et al. 2015)...... 153

Abbildung 30: Verbreitung der Trottellumme in der deutschen Ostsee (Winter 2000-2005; SONNTAG et al. 2006)...... 154 X Content

Abbildung 31: Verbreitung der Gryllteiste in der westlichen Ostsee im Herbst (links) und im Winter 2000 bis 2005 (rechts) aus SONNTAG et al. 2006...... 154 Abbildung 32: Verteilung von Rothalstauchern (Podiceps grisegena) in der Pommerschen Bucht, Ostsee, im Januar 2013 (MARKONES et al. 2014)...... 161 Abbildung 33: Vogelzugbeobachtungsstationen und Punkte der Radarerfassung des Vogelzuges des IfAÖ in der westlichen Ostsee (Falsterbo: keine eigenen Beobachtungen; aus BELLEBAUM et al., 2008)...... 165 Abbildung 34: Schematische Darstellung der wichtigsten Zugwege im Ostseeraum für den Herbstzug (BELLEBAUM et al., 2008)...... 168 Abbildung 35: Schema ausgewählter Zugwege von Wasservögeln in der westlichen Ostsee (Zusammenstellung IfAÖ nach Literaturquellen und eigenen Beobachtungen in der Arkonasee; aus BSH, 2009)...... 170 Abbildung 36: Schema der Kranichzugwege in der westlichen Ostsee (rot=Heimzug, grün=Wegzug; Zusammenstellung IfAÖ nach Beobachtungsdaten von Falsterbo, Bornholm und eigenen Beobachtungen in der Arkonasee; aus: BSH, 2009)...... 170 Abbildung 37: Flughöhen von Kranichtrupps über See während des Herbst- und Frühjahrszugs (grüne Linie: mittl. Flughöhe über gesamte Saison; rote Linie: max. Höhe Windräder; BELLEBAUM et al. 2008)...... 175 Abbildung 38: Artenzusammensetzung des nächtlichen Vogelzugs auf Rügen im Herbst 2005 (n= 26.612 Echos; aus BELLEBAUM et al., 2008)...... 175 Abbildung 39: Häufigkeit von Zugrichtungen des nächtlichen Vogelzuges (links Flugrichtung, rechts Eigenrichtung/ Heading) auf Basis von Messungen mit dem Zielfolgeradar „Superfledermaus“ im Herbst 2005 auf Rügen (aus BELLEBAUM et al., 2008)...... 176 Abbildung 40: Mittlere Zugraten (MTR = mean traffic rate = Vögel pro Kilometer und Stunde) an verschiedenen Messstandorten im Frühjahr und im Herbst (aus BELLEBAUM et al., 2008)...... 205 Abbildung 41: Visualisierung der Wahrnehmbarkeit von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen im besonderen Eignungsgebiet nach SeeAnlV "Westlich Adlergrund" links am Aussichtspunkt Königsstuhl auf Rügen; Nabenhöhe der WEA 100m; Entfernung des Betrachters ca. 33 km; Augenhöhe ca. 120m über NN; rechts am Strand am Fuß des Königsstuhls auf Rügen; Augenhöhe ca. 2 m über NN (ARCADIS 2005, zitiert in BSH, 2009)...... 184

Content XI

List of tables

Tabelle 1: Vorhabenbezogene Auswirkungen bei Umsetzung des FEP...... 56 Tabelle 2: Parameter für die Betrachtung der Gebiete und Flächen ...... 59 Tabelle 3: Parameter für die Betrachtung der Netzanschlüsse und Plattformen ...... 60 Tabelle 4: Parameter für die Betrachtung der Seekabelsysteme ...... 60 Tabelle 5: Zustandseinschätzung des Schutzgutes „Boden“ im Hinblick auf Sedimentologie und Geomorphologie im betrachteten Gebiet...... 73 Tabelle 6: Charakteristische Strömungsparameter für ausgesuchte Positionen in der westlichen Ostsee...... 75

Tabelle 7: Naturräumliche Gliederung der deutschen AWZ der Ostsee (nach BFN 2006)...... 105 Tabelle 8: Gefährdete benthische wirbellose Arten der AWZ der deutschen Ostsee und Nachweis (X) in den Gebieten O-1 bis O-3 und der Fläche O-1.3. (RACHOR et al. 2013: 1=vom Aussterben bedroht, 2=stark gefährdet, 3=gefährdet, G= Gefährdung unbekannten Ausmaßes HELCOM, 2013b: VU=vulnerable, NT=near threat)...... 113 Tabelle 9: Relative Anteile der Rote-Liste-Kategorien an den Fischarten, die in Gebiet 1, 2 und 3 nachgewiesen wurden. Ausgestorben oder verschollen (0), vom Aussterben bedroht (1), stark gefährdet (2), gefährdet (3), Gefährdung unbekannten Ausmaßes (G), extrem selten (R), Vorwarnliste (V), Daten unzureichend (D) oder ungefährdet (*) (THIEL et al. 2013). (UVS-Daten Gebiet 1, 2, und 3 und Daten von 2017/2018 aus der DATRAS-Datenbank des ICES, s. 2.8.1). Zum Vergleich sind die relativen Anteile der Bewertungskategorien der Rote Liste Ostsee (THIEL et al. (2013) dargestellt...... 128 Tabelle 10: Mitwinterbestände der wichtigsten Rastvogelarten in der deutschen Ostsee und der AWZ nach MENDEL et al. (2008)...... 149 Tabelle 11: Zuordnung der wichtigsten Rastvogelarten der deutschen AWZ in der Ostsee in die Gefährdungskategorien der europäischen Rote Liste und nach HELCOM. Definition nach IUCN (gilt auch für HELCOM): LC = Least Concern, nicht gefährdet; NT = Near Threatened, Potentiell gefährdet; VU = Vulnerable, Gefährdet; EN = Endangered, Stark gefährdet; CR = Critically Endangered, vom Aussterben bedroht)...... 158 Tabelle 12: Bestandsschätzungen für Zugvögel verschiedenen Flugtyps im südlichen Ostseeraum (Angaben gelten nur für die Herbstsaison; Quelle: BELLEBAUM et al. 2008; errechnet nach HEATH et al. 2000 und SKOV et al. 1998)...... 164 Tabelle 13: Vergleich des Greifvogel-Herbstzuges in Falsterbo 2002 und 2003 mit dem Frühjahrszug 2003 am Darßer Ort (M-V) bzw. Herbstzug in Falsterbo 2007 mit dem Frühjahrszug in Rügen 2007 und 2008 (Anzahlen beobachteter Individuen; Quelle: BELLEBAUM et al. 2008)...... 172 Tabelle 14: Sichtbarer Anteil des herbstlichen Zugvolumens häufiger skandinavischer Tagzieher: Zugraten an verschiedenen Orten und Brutbestände schwedischer Populationen sowie die Abschätzung des Anteils visuell nicht erfassbaren Vogelzugs am Tag (aus BELLEBAUM et al. 2008)...... 173 XII Content

Tabelle 15: Populationsgrößen (Anzahl der Brutpaare; Stand 2000) für die häufigsten nachts ziehenden Singvogelarten in Schweden (T = teilweise Tagzieher; nach BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2004a)...... 174

Tabelle 16: Thermische Eigenschaften wassergesättigter Böden (nach SMOLCZYK 2001) ...... 210 Tabelle 17: Einschätzung der Auswirkungen von Windenergieanlagen und Umspannplattformen auf Schweinswale in Bezug auf die Funktion und Bedeutung der einzelnen Gebiete...... 226 Tabelle 18. Flächenvergleich unter Anwendung naturschutzfachlicher Kriterien...... 281

Content XIII

List of abbreviations

AC Alternating current AIS Automatic Identification System (for ships) Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North ASCOBANS Seas AWI Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research BBergG Federal Mining Act BfN Federal Agency for Nature Conservation BFO Spatial Offshore Grid Plan BFO-N Spatial Offshore Grid Plan North Sea BFO-O Spatial Offshore Grid Plan Baltic Sea BGBI Federal Law Gazette BIAS Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and BMUB Nuclear Safety Act concerning nature conservation and landscape management (Federal BNatSchG Nature Conservation Act) Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and BNetzA Railway BSH Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency CMS Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild CTD Conductivity, Temperature, Depth Sensor DC Direct current DEPONS Disturbance Effects on the Harbour Porpoise Population in the North Sea DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EIA Environmental impact assessment EIS Environmental impact study Recording of marine mammals and seabirds in the German North Sea and EMSON Baltic Sea EEZs ERASNO Recording of resting birds in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea EEZs EnWG Act concerning electricity and gas supply (German Energy Act) EUROBATS Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats FEP Site Development Plan FFH Flora Fauna Habitat Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural FFH-RL habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive) Compatibility testing according to Art. 6 subsection 3 of the Habitats Directive or FFH-VP section 34 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act FPN North Sea Research Platform HELCOM Helsinki Convention HCB Hexachlorobenzene IBA Important bird area ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea XIV Content

IfAÖ Institute for Applied Ecosystem Research IHC NMS Noise mitigation System from IHC IOW Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IWC International Whaling Commission K Kelvin CI Confidence interval kn Knots LRT Habitat type according to the Habitats Directive Automated monitoring network of stations in the German Bight and western MARNET Baltic Sea MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Marine warm-blooded animals in the North and Baltic Seas: Foundations for MINOS assessment of offshore wind farms Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and the Council dated 17 MSRL June 2008 for the establishment of a Framework for Community Action in the field of Marine Environment (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) NAO North Atlantic Oscillation n.m. Nautical mile NN Sea level O-NDP Offshore network development plan OSPAR Oslo-Paris Agreement OWP Offshore wind farm PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl POD Porpoise Click Detector PSU Practical Salinity Units R&D Research and Development RL Red List SAMBAH Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise SCANS Small Cetacean Abundance in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters Ordinance concerning offshore installations for defining German coastal waters SeeAnlV (Offshore Installations Ordinance) SEL Sound event level SPA Special Protected Area Species of European Conservation Concern (important species for bird SPEC conservation in Europe) SPLp-p Peak emission sound pressure level (peak-peak) StUK4 Standard "Investigation into the impacts of offshore wind turbines" "Accompanying ecological research at the alpha ventus offshore test area StUKplus project" SEA Strategic environmental assessment

Introduction 15

1 Introduction 1.1 Legal basis and tasks of the environmental assessment According to section 4ff. of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetz, WindSeeG1), the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, BSH) is compiling a Site Development Plan (SDP) in agreement with the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur, BNetzA) and in coordination with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz, BfN), Generaldirektion Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrt (GDWS, the Directorate-General for Waterways and Shipping) and the coastal states. The Site Development Plan will be established for the first time and must be announced by 30 June 2019 in accordance with section 6, subsection 8 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. An environmental assessment was carried out during the preparation of the Site Development Plan in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungsgesetz, UVPG)2. This is known as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The implementation of an SEA with the preparation of an environmental assessment is governed by section 35 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act in conjunction with no. 1.17 of Annex 5, as site development plans are subject to the SEA obligation according to section 5 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. According to Art. 1 of the SEA Directive 2001/42/EC, the objective of the SEA is to ensure a high level of environmental protection in order to promote sustainable development, and thereby to contribute to ensuring that environmental considerations are taken into account in an appropriate manner well in advance of concrete project planning when plans are compiled and adopted. The SEA has the task of identifying, describing and evaluating the likely significant environmental effects of the implementation of the plan. It serves as an effective environmental precaution in accordance with the applicable laws and is implemented according to consistent principles, and with public participation. All factors in accordance with section 2 subsection 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act must be considered: • Human beings, in particular human health, • Fauna, flora and biodiversity, • Area, soil, water, air, climate and landscape, • Cultural heritage and other material assets, and • Interrelationships between the above-mentioned factors. The main content document of the SEA is this environmental report. This identifies, describes and assesses the likely significant environmental impact of the implementation of the Site Development Plan, as well as possible planning alternatives, taking into account the essential purposes of the plan.

1 Offshore Wind Energy Act of 13 October 2016 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2258, 2310), as last amended by Article 21 of the Act of 13 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 706). 2 Environmental Impact Assessment Act in the version published on 24 February 2010 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 94), as last amended by Article 22 of the Act of 13 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 706). 16 Introduction

1.2 Brief description of the content and most important objectives of the Site Development Plan According to section 4 subsection 1 WindSeeG, it is the purpose of the Site Development Plan (FEP) to draw up planning rules for the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Section 4 subsection 2 WindSeeG stipulates that, for the expansion of offshore wind turbines and the offshore connecting cables required for this, the Site Development Plan draws up rules with the aim of • achieving the expansion target according to section 4 no. 2b of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)3. • expanding the power generation from offshore wind turbines in a spatially ordered and compact fashion, and • ensuring an ordered and efficient utilisation and loading of the offshore connecting cables, and planning, installation, commissioning and use of offshore connecting cables in parallel with the expansion of power generation from offshore wind turbines. According to the statutory mandate of section 5 subsection 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act, the Site Development Plan contains provisions for the period from 2026 to at least 2030 for the German EEZ and in accordance with the following provisions for coastal waters:

1. areas; in the coastal waters, areas may only be defined if the country responsible has concluded an administrative agreement with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency pursuant to section 4 subsection 1 p. 3 WindSeeG and the areas have been designated as possible subjects of the Site Development Plan, 2. sites in areas specified according to point 1, 3. the chronological order in which the specified sites are put out to tender according to part 3 section 2 of WindSeeG, including the specification of respective calendar years, 4. the calendar years in which the allocated offshore wind turbines and the corresponding offshore connecting cables are to be commissioned in each of the specified sites,

3 "Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) of 21 July 2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1066), last amended by Article 5 of the Act of 13 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 706). Introduction 17

5. the expected generation capacity of the offshore wind turbines to be installed in each of the specified areas and sites, 6. locations of converter platforms, collector platforms and, as far as possible, transformer platforms, 7. routes or route corridors for offshore connecting cables, 8. places at which the offshore connecting cables cross the border between the EEZ and coastal waters, 9. routes or route corridors for border- crossing power cables, 10. routes or route corridors for possible interconnections of the plants, routes or route corridors listed in points 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9, and 11. standardised technical and planning principles.

In the period starting from 2021, the Site Development Plan can identify available grid connection capacities in existing, or in the following years yet to be completed, offshore connecting cables in areas inside the German EEZ and in coastal waters, which may be assigned to pilot offshore wind turbines in accordance with section 70 subsection 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. The Site Development Plan may provide spatial specifications for the installation of pilot offshore wind turbines in certain areas, and designate the technical conditions of the offshore connecting cable and the resulting technical prerequisites for the grid connection of pilot offshore wind turbines. 18 Introduction

1.3 Tiered planning procedures – relationship to other relevant plans, programmes and projects (environmental assessment at the appropriate planning level)

1.3.1 Introduction Within the framework of the central model, the Site Development Plan is the control instrument for orderly expansion of offshore wind energy in a staged planning process. The SEA for the Site Development Plan is related to upstream and downstream environmental assessments. In the overall view of the central model, the planning process for the EEZ is divided into several stages: The maritime spatial planning instrument is at the highest and primary level. The Spatial Plan is the forward-looking planning instrument that coordinates the various usage interests in the fields of economy, science and research, as well as protection claims. An SEA is to be carried out when the Spatial Plan is compiled. The next level is the Site Development Plan. The Site Development Plan takes the form of a sectoral planning procedure. As an important control instrument, the sectoral plan is designed to plan the use of offshore wind energy in a targeted and optimal manner under the given framework conditions – in particular the requirements of spatial planning – by defining areas and sites as well as locations, route corridors and routes for grid connections and interconnectors. An SEA is carried out in parallel with the establishment of the Site Development Plan. Introduction 19

In the next step, the sites defined in the Site Development Plan for offshore wind turbines undergo preliminary investigation. The preliminary investigation will be followed by determination of the suitability of the area for the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines if the requirements of section 12 subsection 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act are met. An SEA is also carried out together with the site investigation. If a site is deemed suitable for the use of offshore wind energy, the site is put up for tender and the winning bidder can apply for approval (planning permission or planning approval) for the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines on the site. As part of the planning approval procedure, an environmental impact assessment is carried out if the conditions are met. While the sites defined in the Site Development Plan for the use of offshore wind energy undergo preliminary investigation and are put out for tender, this is not the case for established sites, route corridors and routes for grid connections or interconnectors. On application, a planning approval procedure and an environmental assessment are usually carried out for the construction and operation of grid connecting lines. The same applies to interconnector. According to section 1 subsection 4 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act also applies insofar as federal or state regulations do not specify the environmental impact assessment in more detail or do not observe the essential requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act. 20 Introduction

Figure 1: Overview of the staged planning and approval process in the central model. For further details, please refer to chapter 2 of technical requirements and the content and the Site Development Plan. subject matter of the plan are to be taken into In the case of multi-stage planning and approval account in this regard. processes, it follows from the respective In the case of subsequent plans and subsequent technical legislation (e.g. the Federal Spatial approvals of projects for which the plan provides Planning Act, the Offshore Wind Energy Act and a framework, the environmental assessment the Federal Mining Act) or, more generally, from pursuant to section 39 subsection 3 sentence 3 section 39 subsection 3 of the Environmental of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act will Impact Assessment Act that, in the case of be limited to additional or other significant plans, the stages of the process at which environmental impacts, as well as to necessary particular environmental impacts are primarily to updates and further details. be assessed should be determined when the Within the framework of the staged planning and investigation framework is established. The aim approval process, all tests have in common the of this is to prevent duplication of checks. The fact that environmental impacts on the protected nature and scope of the environmental effects, assets listed in section 2 subsection 1 of the Introduction 21

Environmental Impact Assessment Act, According to the definition found in section 2 including their interactions, are considered. subsection 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, environmental impacts in the sense of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act are direct and indirect effects of a project or the implementation of a plan or programme on the protected assets. According to section 3 UVPG, environmental assessments comprise the identification, description and assessment of the significant effects of a project or a plan or programme on the factors. They serve as an effective environmental precaution in accordance with the applicable laws and are implemented according to consistent principles, and with public participation. 22 Introduction

In the offshore sector, the following components • Avifauna: resting birds and migratory birds of the ecosystem have been established as • Bats. subcategories of the legally protected assets Within the scope of the environmental animals, plants and biodiversity: assessment, the ecosystem components • Plankton referred to here are considered in detail so as to • Benthos take into account the special characteristics and • Biotopes protection requirements of the respective • Fish elements with the necessary degree of detail. • Marine mammals

Overview of factors

Figure 2: Overview of the protected assets in the environmental assessments. In detail, the staged planning process is as sustainable spatial planning in the EEZ, the follows: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, by order of the competent federal ministry prepares 1.3.2 Maritime spatial planning (EEZ) Spatial Plans that come into force in form of The Maritime Spatial Planning instrument is at ordinances. The Ordinance of (what was then) the highest and primary level. To achieve the Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning, Building Introduction 23

and Urban Development (BMVBS) on the so as to create an environmentally appropriate Maritime Spatial Plan for the German Exclusive framework for all uses. Economic Zone in the North Sea (AWZ Nordsee- In the case of spatial planning, the depth of ROV) of 21 September 2009, Federal Law investigation is generally characterised by Gazette I p. 3107, came into force on 26 a wider scope of investigation, i.e. a generally September 2009, and the Ordinance for the larger number of alternatives, and a lower depth Spatial Offshore Grid Plan for the German of investigation in the sense of detailed analyses. Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea The main impacts taken into account are local, (AWZ Ostsee-ROV) of 10 December 2009, national and global impacts as well as Federal Law Gazette I p. 3861, came into force secondary, cumulative and synergetic effects. on 19 December 2009. The focus of the SEA is therefore on possible Taking into account any interactions between cumulative effects, strategic and large-scale land and sea and safety aspects, the spatial alternatives and possible transboundary impacts. development plans should define specifications 1.3.3 Land development plan • for ensuring the safety and ease of The next level is the Site Development Plan. movement of shipping traffic The provisions to be made by the Site • for further economic uses, Development Plan and reviewed in the context • for scientific uses and of the SEA are derived from section 5 subsection • for the protection and improvement of 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. The plan the marine environment. mainly specifies areas and sites for wind turbines, as well as the expected generation Within the framework of spatial planning, capacity on the sites. The Site Development specifications are mainly defined in terms of Plan also defines routes, route corridors and priority and restricted areas, as well as locations. Planning and technical principles are objectives and principles. According to section 8 also established. Although these also serve to subsection 1 of the Federal Spatial Planning reduce environmental impacts, among other Act4, when compiling spatial development plans, things, they may also lead to impacts. So, a the body responsible for the spatial development review within the framework of the SEA is plan shall conduct an SEA to identify, describe necessary. and assess the likely significant impacts of the spatial development plan in question on the Moreover, the Site Development Plan defines protected assets, including their interactions, are specifications in terms of time, such as by to be identified, described and assessed. determining the chronological order in which the sites for offshore wind energy are to be put out The objective of the spatial planning instrument to tender and the calendar years for is to optimise overall planning solutions. A wider commissioning. These are not a focal point of the range of uses is considered. Strategic assessment as they have no further fundamental issues must be clarified at the start environmental impacts in respect of the spatial of a planning process. Thus, the instrument specifications. functions primarily as a controlling planning instrument for the planning administrative bodies

4 Federal Regional Planning Act of 22 December 2008 2 subsection 15 of the Act of 20 July 2017 (Federal Law (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2986), as last amended by Article Gazette I p. 2808). 24 Introduction

The Site Development Plan content that must be the protected assets in accordance with the defined is described in greater detail in chapters principles of the environmental assessment. The 1.4 and 4.8 of the Site Development Plan. standards of the legislation and the Environmental Impact Assessment Act are The Site Development Plan specifications must essentially the same, as the environmental be permissible in accordance with the impacts in the environmental assessments are requirements of section 5 of the Offshore Wind evaluated in accordance with the applicable Energy Act. According to section 5 subsection 3 laws. sentence 2 no. 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy As the Site Development Plan is continuing the Act, specifications are inadmissible in particular task of Federal Offshore Planning pursuant to if they conflict with overriding public or private section 17a of the Energy Industry Act, the SEA interests. In the context of the SEA, this means builds on the assessments already implemented that the specifications to be assessed are for the preparation and updating of the Spatial Offshore Grid Plans. Reference is therefore inadmissible, in particular, if they made to the environmental reports, in particular • endanger the marine environment or, the latest Spatial Offshore Grid Plan 2016/2017 for the Baltic Sea EEZ6. • pursuant to section 5 subsection 3 sentence 2 no. 5 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act, With regard to the objectives of the Site Development Plan, the Site Development Plan in the case of the designation of an or a site, deals with the basic issues for the use of offshore are located within a conservation area wind energy and grid connections based on the designated pursuant to section 57 of the legal requirements, mainly according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, or need, the purpose, the technology and the identification of locations and routes or route • are located outside clusters 1 to 8 in the corridors. Thus, the primary function of the plan North Sea and clusters 1 to 3 in the Baltic is to serve as a controlling planning instrument in Sea as defined by the Spatial Offshore Grid order to create an environmentally sound Plan pursuant to section 17a of the Energy framework for the implementation of individual Industry Act5. projects, i.e. the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines, their grid connections, Something different only applies if sufficient Interconnectors and interconnections. areas and sites are specified in these clusters in order to achieve the expansion target according to section 4 no. 2b of the Renewable Energy Sources Act. According to section 40 subsection 1 sentence 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the environmental report must identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant environmental impacts due to implementation of the plan, as well as reasonable alternatives. According to section 40 subsection 3 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the competent authority provisionally assesses in its environmental report the environmental impacts of the plan on

5 Energy Industry Act from 7 July 2005 (Federal Law 6 Gazette I p. 1970, 3621), as last amended by Article 1 of https://www.bsh.de/DE/THEMEN/Offshore/Meeresfachpla the Act of 13 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 706). nung/Bundesfachplaene_Offshore/bundesfachplaene- offshore_node.html. Introduction 25

The depth of the assessment of likely With regard to environmental concerns, section significant environmental impacts is 10 subsection 1 sentence 1 no. 1 of the Offshore characterised by a wider scope of investigation, Wind Energy Act stipulates that the i.e. a larger number of alternatives and, in investigations of the marine environment principle, a lower depth of investigation. At the required for an environmental impact sectoral planning level, no detailed analyses are assessment (EIA) in the planning permission being carried out as yet. The main impacts taken procedure following the invitation to tender into account are local, national and global pursuant to section 45 of the Offshore Wind impacts as well as secondary, cumulative and Energy Act for the construction of offshore wind synergetic effects in the sense of an overall turbines in this site are to be carried out and assessment. documented, and can be carried out irrespective of the later design of the project. The objective of As with the maritime spatial planning instrument, the preliminary studies is, in particular, to the assessment focuses on possible cumulative describe and evaluate the environment and its effects and possible transboundary impacts. components by means of Moreover, the Site Development Plan focuses on strategic, technical and spatial alternatives, • stock characterisation particularly for wind energy and power line • the description of existing pollution, and applications. • stock assessment.

1.3.4 Site investigation Furthermore, according to section 10 subsection 1 sentence 1 nos. 2 and 3 of the Offshore Wind The next step in the staged planning process is Energy Act, a preliminary geotechnical survey is to perform a preliminary investigation of sites for being carried out and documented, and reports offshore wind turbines. The Federal Maritime are being prepared on the wind and and Hydrographic Agency is working on behalf oceanographic conditions for the site to be of the Federal Network Agency in accordance investigated. with the administrative agreement of March 2017 and investigating sites which the Site According to section 10 subsection 1 sentence 2 Development Plan is defining in the area of the of the Offshore Wind Energy Act, the EEZ. investigations referred to in sentence 1 are to be performed in accordance with the state of the art The preliminary investigation of the sites defined in science and technology. According to section in the Site Development Plan is taking place with 10 subsection 1 sentence 3 of the Offshore Wind the objective of providing bidders with the Energy Act, this is presumed to be the case if the information necessary for competitive investigation of the marine environment has determination of the market premium pursuant to been carried out in compliance with the section 22 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act applicable standard "Untersuchung der for Federal Network Agency tenders pursuant to Auswirkungen von Offshore- sections 16 ff. of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. Windenergieanlagen auf die Meeresumwelt" The suitability of the site is being determined and (StUK, Standard investigation of the effects of individual objects of investigation are being offshore wind turbines on the marine assessed in advance so as to accelerate the environment) or the preliminary geotechnical subsequent planning permission procedure in survey has been carried out in compliance with these sites. Moreover, the capacity to be the applicable standard "Geotechnical survey – installed is being determined on the site in Minimum requirements for geotechnical surveys question. 26 Introduction

and investigations into offshore wind energy investigation. In principle, the alternatives being structures, offshore stations and power cables". seriously considered are smaller in terms of both When determining suitability, there will be space and number. The two primary alternatives examination pursuant to section 10 subsection 2 are the determination of the suitability of a site of the Offshore Wind Energy Act to ensure that and the determination of its unsuitability (see the criteria for the inadmissibility of the section 12 subsection 6 of the Offshore Wind determination of a site in the spatial development Energy Act). However, the suitability plan pursuant to section 5 subsection 3 of the assessment may also include specifications for Offshore Wind Energy Act or, insofar as they can the later project, in particular regarding the type be assessed independently of the later design of and extent of development of the site and its the project, the interests relevant for the planning location, if the construction and operation of approval pursuant to section 48 subsection 4 offshore wind turbines would otherwise lead to sentence 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act do impairments of the criteria pursuant to section 10 not conflict with the construction and operation subsection 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. of offshore wind turbines on the site. The focus of the environmental assessment is Both the criteria of section 5 subsection 3 of the thus on the consideration of local impacts in Offshore Wind Energy Act and the requirements relation to the site and its location. of section 48 subsection 4 sentence 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act require assessment of 1.3.5 Approval procedure (planning whether the marine environment is endangered. approval and planning permission With regard to the latter, it is necessary in procedure) for offshore wind turbines particular to verify that pollution of the marine The next stage after the preliminary assessment environment as defined in Article 1 subsection 1 is the approval procedure for the construction no. 4 of the United Nations7 Convention on the and operation of offshore wind turbines. After the Law of the Sea is not a concern and that bird Federal Network Agency has invited tenders for migration is not endangered. the site considered during the preliminary investigation, the winning bidder may – with the The preliminary investigation is thus the awarding of the contract by the Federal Network instrument between the Site Development Plan Agency pursuant to section 46 subsection 1 of and the individual approval procedure for the Offshore Wind Energy Act – submit an offshore wind turbines. It refers to a specific site application for planning permission or, if the designated in the Site Development Plan and is conditions for planning permission are met, for therefore much more fragmented than the Site the construction and operation of offshore wind Development Plan. In contrast to the individual turbines, including the necessary ancillary approval procedure, on the other hand, it is installations, on the site considered during the delimited by the fact that an assessment preliminary investigation. approach must be applied regardless of system type and layout. In addition to the statutory specifications of Compared to the Site Development Plan, the section 73 subsection 1 sentence 2 of the SEA's depth of assessment for the suitability assessment is thus characterised by a smaller assessment area and a greater depth of

7 Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, Sea of 2 September 1994, Federal Law Gazette 1994 II p. promulgated by the treaty law Convention on the Law of the 1798. Introduction 27

Administrative Procedure Act 8 , the plan must occurrence of significant adverse include the information contained in section 47 environmental impacts of the project, subsection 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. • a description of the measures planned for The plan may be adopted only under certain eliminating, reducing or compensating for conditions as listed in section 48 subsection 4 of the occurrence of significant adverse the Offshore Wind Energy Act, and only if the environmental impacts of the project, and a marine environment is not endangered, in description of any substitution measures particular if pollution of the marine environment planned, within the meaning of Article 1 subsection 1 no. 4 of the Convention on the Law of the Sea is not a • a description of the expected significant concern and bird migration is not endangered. environmental impacts of the project, The responsible authority draws up a summary • a description of the reasonable alternatives in accordance with section 24 UVPG that are relevant to the project and its (Environmental Impact Assessment Act) specific characteristics and have been assessed by the project developer, and an • of the environmental impacts of the project, indication of the main reasons for the choice • the characteristics of the project and site, made, taking into account their the effect of which is to exclude, mitigate or environmental impacts, and offset significant adverse environmental impacts, • a generally comprehensible, non-technical • the measures with which significant summary of the EIA report. adverse environmental impacts are to be Pilot offshore wind turbines are processed excluded, reduced or offset, as well as exclusively within the framework of the • substitution measures for interventions in environmental assessment in the approval nature and the landscape. procedure, and not at upstream stages. According to section 16 subsection 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the 1.3.6 Approval procedure for grid project developer must submit a report to the connections (converter platforms competent authority on the likely environmental and submarine cable systems) impacts of the project (EIA report) which includes In the staged planning process, the construction the following information as a minimum: and operation of grid connections for offshore • a description of the project, with details on wind turbines (converter platform and submarine the location, type, extent and design, size cable systems, where applicable) are assessed and other essential characteristics of the at the approval procedure stage (planning project, permission and planning approval procedure) at the request of the relevant project developer, i.e. • a description of the environment and its the responsible TSO (Transmission System components within the scope of the project, Operator), in implementation of the Maritime • a description of the features of the project Spatial Planning specifications and the Site and the site, with a view to eliminating, Development Plan specifications. reducing or compensating for the

8 Administrative Procedure Act as amended by the p. 102), as last amended by Article 7 of the Act of 18 announcement of 23 January 2003 (Federal Law Gazette I December 2018 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2639). 28 Introduction

According to section 44 subsection 1 in withheld if there is a threat to the life or health of conjunction with section 45 subsection 1 of the persons or property, or impairment of overriding Offshore Wind Energy Act, the construction and public interests that cannot be prevented or operation of facilities for the transmission of offset by a time limit, conditions or requirements. electricity would require planning approval. In In particular, impairment of overriding public addition to the statutory specifications of section interests exists in the cases referred to in section 73 subsection 1 sentence 2 of the Administrative 132 subsection 2 no. 3 of the Federal Mining Act. Procedure Act, the plan must include the According to section 132 subsection 2 no. 3 b) information contained in section 47 subsection 1 and d) of the Federal Mining Act, there is in of the Offshore Wind Energy Act. The plan may particular impairment of overriding public only be adopted under certain conditions as interests with regard to the marine environment listed in section 48 subsection 4 of the Offshore if the flora and fauna are impaired in an Wind Energy Act, and only if the marine unacceptable manner or if pollution of the sea is environment is not endangered, in particular if a concern. pollution of the marine environment within the According to section 1 subsection 4 of the meaning of Article 1 subsection 1 no. 4 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Convention on the Law of the Sea is not a essential requirements of the Environmental concern and bird migration is not endangered. Impact Assessment Act must be observed for the Furthermore, according to section 1 subsection 4 construction and operation of transboundary of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the submarine cable systems. requirements for the environmental impact assessment for offshore wind turbines, including ancillary installations, apply accordingly to the performance of the environmental assessment.

1.3.7 Interconnectors According to section 133 subsection 1 in conjunction with subsection 4 of the Federal Mining Act9, the construction and operation of a submarine cable in or on the continental shelf is subject to approval • in respect of mining (by the competent State Mining Agency) and • with regard to the arrangement of use and occupation of the waters above the continental shelf and the airspace above such waters (by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency). Under section 133 subsection 2 of the Federal Mining Act, the above permits may only be

9 Federal Mining Act of 13 August 1980 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1310), last amended by Article 2 section 4 of the Act of 20 July 2017 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2808). Introduction 29

1.3.8 Summary overviews of environmental assessments

Figure 3: Environmental assessments in the staged planning and approval process, with emphasis on the assessment in question. 30 Introduction

Figure 4: Object of the planning and approval procedures, with emphasis on environmental assessment. Introduction 31

32 Introduction

Introduction 33

34 Introduction

Figure 5: Overview of the priorities of environmental assessments in the planning and approval Introduction 35

process. 36 Introduction

1.4 Presentation and consideration dumping of waste and other material from ships, of environmental protection aircraft and offshore platforms. While the London Convention of 1972 only provides for bans on the objectives import of certain substances (black list), the The establishment of the Site Development Plan 199611 Protocol provides for a general ban on and implementation of the SEA take into account imports. Exemptions from this ban are only the environmental protection objectives. These permitted for certain categories of waste such as provide information on what state of the dredged material and inert, inorganic geological environment is being sought in the future substances. These specifications are (environmental quality targets). The incorporated at the level of the Site Development environmental protection objectives can be seen Plan within the framework of the planning in synopsis from the international, common and principles and presented in further detail. national conventions and regulations that deal with protection of the marine environment and on • International Convention for the Prevention the basis of which the Federal Republic of of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by Germany has committed itself to certain the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) principles and objectives. The 1973 Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 12 , developed under the 1.4.1 International conventions on the auspices of the International Maritime protection of the marine environment Organization, provides the legal basis for The Federal Republic of Germany is a party to environmental protection in maritime shipping. It all relevant international conventions on is aimed at shipowners in particular so as to protection of the marine environment. prevent operational discharges into the sea. The regulations on the discharge of sewage and Conventions in force throughout garbage from ships (Annexes IV and V) are the world that serve to protect the particularly relevant. Annex VI provides for the marine environment in whole or possibility of designating sulphur emission - in part control areas. According to Art. 2 subsection 4 of • Convention on the Prevention of Marine MARPOL, the Convention also applies to Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other offshore platforms. The planning principles Matter from 29 December 1972 (London include this requirement and provide details on Convention) and Protocol, 1996 (London emission reduction, including with regard to Protocol) waste. The Convention on the Prevention of Marine • United Nations Convention on the Law of Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other the Sea dated 1982 Matter of 29 December 1972 10 includes the

10 Notice concerning the entry into force of the Convention 12 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of from Ships, 1973, promulgated by the Act relating to the Wastes and Other Matter, of 21 December 1977, Federal International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution Law Gazette II 1977, p. 1492. from Ships, 1973 and the Protocol of 1978 to that Convention of 23 December 1981, Federal Law Gazette 11 Notice concerning the entry into force of the 1996 1982 II, p. 2. Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, of 9 December 2010, Federal Law Gazette II No. 35. Introduction 37

Art. 208 of the United Nations Convention on the (art. 3 subsection 3 Helsinki Convention). Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (UNCLOS) However, the Convention is not limited to must be taken into account for the construction regulating pollution, it also requires contracting of installations for the offshore extraction and parties to protect ecosystems and habitats. The production of energy. This obliges coastal states implications of the rules outlined in the Site to adopt and enforce legislation to prevent and Development Plan are examined with regard to reduce pollution caused by activities on the the nature conservation areas. The standardised seabed or by artificial islands, installations and technology and planning principles define structures. Otherwise, the Contracting States requirements for the reduction of emissions from are generally obliged to protect the marine the operation of wind farms, platforms and environment according to their capabilities (see cables. Art. 194 subsection 1 of UNCLOS). Other states • UNECE Convention on Environmental and their environment must not be harmed by Impact Assessment (EIA) in a pollution. For the use of technologies, it is Transboundary Context (Espoo 14 stipulated that all necessary measures must be Convention) implemented in order to prevent and reduce resulting marine pollution (Art. 196 of UNCLOS). The United Nations Economic Commission for The purpose of the SEA is to identify, describe Europe (UNECE) Convention requires the and assess the likely significant environmental contracting parties to carry out an EIA and notify impacts. Specifications are examined with interested parties of planned projects that may regard to endangerment of the marine have significant adverse environmental effects. environment and conflicts of use. Measures for The notification includes information on the the prevention and reduction of impacts are planned project, including information on its prepared, and standardised technical and transboundary environmental impacts, and planning principles are defined which also serve indicates the nature of the possible decision. The to protect against pollution. party within whose jurisdiction a project is planned ensures that EIA documentation is Regional conventions on prepared as part of the EIA process and submits the protection of the marine it to the party concerned. The EIA documentation environment forms the basis for consultations with the party • Convention on the Protection of the Marine concerned on, among other things, the possible Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992 transboundary environmental impacts of the (Helsinki Convention) project and how to mitigate and avoid them. The contracting parties ensure that the public The Convention on the Protection of the Marine affected in the country concerned is informed Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki about the project and given the opportunity to Convention)13 covers all anthropogenic sources submit comments. The neighbouring countries of pollution. This requires the use of the best were informed within the framework of Site environmental practice and available technology

13 Law on the Convention on the Protection of the Marine the Espoo Contracts Act of 7 6. 2002, BGBI. 2002 II, Environment of the Baltic Sea Area from 9 April 1992, p. 1406 ff. and the Second Espoo Contracts Act of Federal Law Gazette II 1994 p. 1397. 17 3. 2006, BGBI. 2006 II, p. 224 ff.

14 Convention of 25 2. 1991 on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, implemented by 38 Introduction

Development Plan establishment and given the • Convention on the Conservation of opportunity to comment. Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1979 (Bonn Convention) • UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA Protocol) The 1979 Convention on the Conservation of The SEA Protocol is an additional protocol to the Migratory Species of Wild Animals 16 requires Espoo Convention (see above). The Protocol on Contracting States to take measures to protect Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA wild migratory species that cross boundaries and Protocol) of the UNECE requires the parties to ensure their sustainable use. What are known as take full account of environmental concerns the range states, in which the threatened species when drafting plans and programmes. are widespread, must preserve their habitats if they are important in order to protect the species The objectives of the Protocol include integration from the risk of extinction (Art. 3 subsection 4 a) of environmental aspects (including health of the Bonn Convention). Where practicable, aspects) into the preparation of plans and they must also prevent or reduce adverse programmes, voluntary integration of impacts of activities or obstacles which seriously environmental aspects (including health impede, eliminate, compensate for or minimise aspects) into policies and legislation, creation of the migration of the species (Art. 3 subsection 4 a clear framework for an SEA procedure, and b) of the Bonn Convention) and influences which ensuring public participation in SEA procedures. endanger the species. The prerequisites are assessed through wildlife conservation and Agreements specific to factors territorial protection law. • Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Within the framework of the Bonn Convention, 1979 (Bern Convention) regional agreements for the conservation of the species listed in Annex II were concluded in The Convention on the Conservation of accordance with Art. 4 no. 3 of the Bonn European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention: Convention)15 of 1979 regulates the protection of species by means of restrictions on removal and • Agreement on the Conservation of African- use and the obligation to protect their habitats. Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds, 1995 Annex II on strictly protected fauna species also (AEWA) protects porpoises, divers and little gulls, for example. The contents also find their way into The 1995 Agreement on the Conservation of the environmental impact assessment through African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds 17 is species protection law. particularly important in view of the importance of the Baltic Sea for migratory birds listed in the

15 Law relating to the Convention of 19 September 1979 on last amended by Article 417 of the Ordinance of 31 August the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474). of 17 July 1984, Federal Law Gazette II 1984 p. 618, last 17 Act on the Agreement of 16 June 1995 on the amended by Article 416 of the Ordinance of 31 August 2015 Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds of (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474). 18 September 1998 (Federal Law Gazette 1998 II p. 2498), 16 Act on the Agreement of 23 June 1979 on the last amended by Article 29 of the Ordinance of 31 August conservation of migratory species of wild animals of 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474). 29 June 1984 (Federal Law Gazette 1984 II p. 569), Introduction 39

Agreement. Migratory birds must be kept in a species by means of appropriate measures. The favourable conservation status or restored to a agreement is open not only to European states, favourable conservation status on their migratory but also to all range states that are part of the routes. The environmental report examines the distribution range of at least one European bat impact of the Site Development Plan population. As the most important instruments, specifications on migratory bird movements in the the agreement provides for regulations on the EEZ (see chapters 4.7 and 5.2). removal of animals, the designation of important conservation areas and the promotion of • Agreement on the Conservation of Small research, monitoring and public relations work. Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas, Moreover, bats are a specially and strictly 1991 (ASCOBANS) protected species according to section 7 The 1991 Agreement on the Conservation of subsection 2 no. 13 and 14 of the Federal Nature Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas18 Conservation Act. They are a subject of the provides for the protection of toothed whales species conservation assessment and are also other than sperm whales, specifically in the protected under the Habitats Directive. Please North Sea and Baltic Sea. In particular, a see chapters 5 and 6. conservation plan was drafted in order to reduce • Convention on Biological Diversity, 1993 the bycatch rate. The environmental report examines the effects of the specifications on The Convention on Biological Diversity20 aims to mammals, and the standardised technical conserve biodiversity and to ensure fair and principles prescribe noise reduction and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the prevention measures, coordination of pile driving utilisation of genetic resources. Moreover, work, etc. for the protection of small cetaceans sustainable use of natural resources is also (see chapters 4.5 and 5.1). The actual supported as an objective for future generations. implementation of these measures must be According to Art. 4b, the Convention also applies assessed in greater detail and regulated by the to procedures and activities outside coastal approval or planning approval authority based waters in the EEZ. Biodiversity is a protected on the project-specific requirements, taking into asset within the framework of the SEA, which is account the special features of the relevant why significant environmental impacts will be specific project area at approval level. assessed in relation to this protected asset as well. • Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats, 1991 1.4.2 Environmental and nature (EUROBATS) conservation requirements at EU level The 1991 Agreement on the Conservation of The material scope of application of the TFEU21 19 Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS) and thus in principle also that of secondary law aims to ensure the protection of all European bat

18 Act on the Convention of 31 March 1992 on the 20 Act on the Convention of 5 June 1992 on Biological Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Diversity, of 30 August 1993, Federal Law Gazette II no. 72, Seas of 21 July 1993 (Federal Law Gazette 1993 II p. p. 1741. 1113), last amended by Article 419 of the Ordinance of 31 21 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, OJ EC August 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1474). no. C 115 of 9 May 2008, p. 47. 19 Act on the Agreement of 4 December 1991 on the conservation of bats in Europe, Federal Law Gazette II 1993 p. 1106. 40 Introduction

is extended if the Member States experience an In designated FFH areas, an FFH impact increase in rights in an area outside their territory assessment in accordance with Art. 6 subsection which they have transferred to the EU (ECJ, 3 of the Habitats Directive is required if Commission/United Kingdom, 2005). In the field installations are to be constructed. If there are of protection of the marine environment, nature compelling reasons in respect of public interest, conservation or water protection, the construction may be justified even in the case of applicability of the legal EU requirements is also incompatibility. The FFH areas in the Baltic Sea valid for the EEZ. have now been designated as conservation areas according to the national conservation The relevant EU legislation is to be taken into area categories. The impact assessment is thus account: dependent on the protective purposes in the • Council Directive 337/85/EEC of 27 June conservation areas. 1985 on the assessment of the effects of • Directive 2000/60/EC of the European certain public and private projects on the Parliament and of the Council of 23 October environment (Environmental Impact 2000 establishing a framework for Assessment Directive, EIA Directive). community action in the field of water policy Council Directive 337/85/EEC of 27 June 1985 (Water Framework Directive, WFD). on the assessment of the effects of certain public Directive 2000/60/EC of the European and private projects on the environment 22 Parliament and of the Council of 23 October (codified by Directive 2011/92/EU of the 2000 establishing a framework for community European Parliament and of the Council of action in the field of water policy 25 (Water 13 December 2011 on the assessment of the Framework Directive, WFD) aims to achieve effects of certain public and private projects on good ecological status for surface waters. the environment) 23 has been transposed into Monitoring, evaluation, objectives and national law by the Environmental Impact - implementation of the measures are linked as Assessment Act. As the SEA – which is also steps in this regard. It also applies to transitional regulated in this Act – refers in many regulations and coastal waters, but not to the EEZ. to the standards for environmental impact Accordingly, the provisions of the Marine assessment, the EIA Directive also has an Strategy Framework Directive are primarily indirect effect on the preparation of plans subject relevant for the preparation of the environmental to SEA. report. • Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May • Directive 2001/42/EC of the European 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats Parliament and of the Council of 27 June and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats 2001 on the assessment of the effects of Directive)24 certain plans and programmes on the

22 Council Directive of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of 24 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the effects of certain public and private projects on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and the environment, OJ 175 p. 40. flora, OJ L 206, of 22 July 1992. 23 Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of 25 Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on the assessment of the the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework effects of certain public and private projects on for community action in the field of water policy, OJ L 327, the environment, of 28 November 2011, OJ 26/11. of 22 December 2000. Introduction 41

environment (Strategic Environmental that are clean, healthy and productive (see Assessment Directive, SEA Directive) recital 3 to the MSFD). As a result, a balance should be achieved between anthropogenic Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament uses and ecological equilibrium. and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and The environmental objectives of the MSFD have programmes on the environment 26 (Strategic been developed using an ecosystem approach Environmental Assessment Directive, SEA to human governance and the precautionary and Directive) was transposed into national law in the "polluter pays" principles: Environmental Impact Assessment Act. In • Seas unaffected by anthropogenic particular, it contains provisions on the eutrophication applicability to plans and programmes, on the • procedural steps in the assessment of Seas unpolluted by harmful substances environmental impacts on plans and • Seas without adverse impacts on marine programmes, and on the national and species and habitats due to the effects of transboundary participation of public authorities human activities and the public. Its requirements are taken into • Seas with sustainably and carefully used account in the preparation of the SEA for the Site resources Development Plan and the preparation of the • Seas unpolluted by waste environmental report. The environmental report • Seas unaffected by anthropogenic energy contains the information required pursuant to inputs Article 5 in conjunction with Annex I. • Seas with natural hydromorphological • Directive 2008/56/EC of the European characteristics (see BMU 2012). Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for The purpose of the environmental report is to community action in the field of marine systematically identify, describe and assess the environmental policy (Marine Strategy impacts of the specifications on the marine Framework Directive, MSFD) environment. In particular, the impacts on marine species and habitats are assessed and Directive 2008/56/EC of the European standardised technical and planning principles Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 are established in order to reduce environmental establishing a framework for community action in impacts, including requirements for waste the field of marine environmental policy 27 management and use of resources, and with (Marine Strategy Framework Directive, MSFD) regard to pollutants. as an environmental pillar of an integrated European maritime policy aims "to achieve or • Directive 2009/147/EC of the European maintain good environmental status in the Parliament and of the Council on the marine environment by the year 2020 at the conservation of wild birds (Wild Birds latest" (Art. 1 subsection 1 MSFD). The focus is Directive) on preserving biodiversity and maintaining or creating diverse and dynamic oceans and seas

26 Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of 27 Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for the effects of certain plans and programmes on community action in the field of marine environmental the environment, OJ L 197, of 21 July 2001. policy, OJ L 164, of 25 June 2008. 42 Introduction

Council Directive 2009/147/EC on the The Water Resources Management Act conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive) 28 (WHG) 29 transposes the Marine Strategy aims to ensure the long-term conservation of all Framework Directive (MSFD) into national law in naturally occurring bird species, including sections 45a to 45l. Section 45a WHG migratory bird species, in EU territories and to implements the objective of ensuring good regulate not only the protection but also the status of marine waters by 2020. Deterioration of management and use of birds. All European bird the condition should be prevented, and human species within the meaning of Article 1 of inputs should be avoided or reduced. However, Directive 2009/147/EC are protected under regulations on uses such as authorisation rights section 7 subsection 2 no. 13 b) bb) of the Act on are not linked to this. Section 45a ff. WHG Nature Conservation and Landscape implements the requirements of the MSFD. The Management. The requirements of the Directive purpose of the environmental report is to are examined within the framework of the systematically identify, describe and assess the assessment under species protection law. impacts of the specifications on the marine environment. This should also ensure that there • Rules for sustainable fishing under the is no deterioration of conditions as a result of Common Fisheries Policy specifications. The EU has exclusive competence in the field of • Act concerning nature conservation and fisheries policy (see Article 3 subsection 1d of landscape management (Federal Nature the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Conservation Act - BNatSchG) Union). The regulations include, for example, catch quotas based on maximum sustainable According to section 56 30subsection 1 of the Act yield, multi-annual management plans, a landing concerning nature conservation and landscape obligation for bycatches, and support for management (Federal Nature Conservation Act, aquaculture facilities. The use of the EEZ for BNatSchG), the Federal Nature Conservation fishing purposes should be assessed as a matter Act is also applicable in the EEZ with the of importance in the specifications of the Site exception of landscape planning requirements. Development Plan. According to section 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, the objectives of the Federal 1.4.3 Environmental and nature Nature Conservation Act include biodiversity, the conservation requirements at efficiency and functionality of the ecosystem and national level the diversity, uniqueness, beauty and There are various legal provisions at a national recreational value of nature and the landscape. level, too, and their specifications must be taken Sections 56 ff. of the Federal Nature into account in the environmental report. Conservation Act contain requirements for marine nature conservation. With regard to the • Act for regulating water resources (WHG) environmental report as part of the preparation

28 Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and 30 Act concerning nature conservation and landscape of the Council on the conservation of wild birds management of 29 July 2009 (Federal Law Gazette I (Birds Directive) of 30 November 2009, OJ 20/7 of p. 2542), as last amended by Article 8 of the Act of 26 January 2020. 13 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 706). 29 Water Resources Act of 31 July 2009 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2585), as last amended by Article 2 of the Act of 4 December 2018, Federal Law Gazette I p. 2254). Introduction 43

of the Site Development Plan, it contains areas and sites in the former Cluster 5 of the requirements on the conservation of species and Spatial Offshore Grid Plan for the North Sea natural habitats as well as the intervention were initially assessed or not included. The regulation, which requires certain assessments planning principles include the exclusionary to be reflected in the environmental report. This effect of areas and sites in conservation areas, concerns the protection of legally protected as well as requirements concerning minimum biotopes pursuant to section 30 of the Federal distances to conservation areas and the Nature Conservation Act, the destruction or dismantling of installations, noise reduction, other significant impairment of which is emission reduction, bundling of submarine cable prohibited. Furthermore, an impact assessment systems, careful cable laying procedures, etc. in accordance with section 34 subsection 2 of the • Act concerning the environmental impact Federal Nature Conservation Act must be assessment (UVPG) carried out for plans in conservation areas or for effects on the protective purpose of conservation The Environmental Impact Assessment Act areas. With regard to species protection, section (UVPG) provides for the implementation of an 44 subsection 1 of the Federal Nature SEA for certain plans or programmes. Annex 5.1 Conservation Act prohibits the injuring or killing of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act of wild animals of specially protected species or lists the Site Development Plan, so section 35 significant disturbance of wild animals of strictly subsection 1 no. 1 of the Environmental Impact protected species and of European bird species Assessment Act generally requires an SEA to be during reproduction, rearing, moulting, wintering performed. Section 37 of the Environmental and migration periods. Impact Assessment Act provides for exemptions from the SEA requirement where plans pursuant Within the framework of the specifications, the to section 35 subsection 1 of the Environmental sites of the conservation areas are avoided as Impact Assessment Act are amended only far as possible when selecting the routes. slightly or provide for the use of small areas at a In cases where this is not possible, an impact local level. An SEA is only performed if a assessment is carried out as part of the preliminary assessment of the case in question environmental assessment (see chapter 6) in within the meaning of section 35 subsection 4 of order to verify whether these areas can be the Environmental Impact Assessment Act significantly affected in the elements relevant for shows that the plan is likely to have significant their protective purposes. Reference is made to environmental impacts. The requirements of the the protective purposes of the ordinances in the third and fifth parts of the Environmental Impact impact assessment according to section 34 Assessment Act will be taken into account subsection 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation accordingly. Within this framework, this Act. Nature reserves are excluded with regard to environmental report will be prepared and the specification of areas and sites in these national and transboundary public participation areas for wind energy utilisation. A species will take place. protection assessment was performed for specially and strictly protected species, and • Act concerning the development and significant impairments of legally protected promotion of offshore wind energy (Offshore biotopes were also investigated. The Wind Energy Act - WindSeeG) specifications were then reviewed to determine The Offshore Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG), whether there was any danger to the marine sections 4 ff., contains the legal basis for environment or whether conflicts of use were compiling and updating the site development used as a criterion for the selection. As a result, 44 Introduction

plan. Section 5 subsection 3 sentence 1 of the conservation areas. This does not give rise to Offshore Wind Energy Act stipulates that any differences in terms of spatial dimensions. specifications are inadmissible if they conflict On isolated occasions, some species (the great with overriding public or private interests. In the skua (Stercorarius skua) and the pomarine skua following list of inadmissible specifications, the (Stercorarius pomarinus)) were placed under hazard to the marine environment is listed as a protection for the first time. presumptive example (see section 5 subsection Within the framework of the specifications, the 3 sentence 1 no. 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy sites of the conservation areas are avoided as Act). The individual specifications of the Site far as possible when selecting the routes. In Development Plan must then be assessed with cases where this is not possible, an impact regard to endangerment of the marine assessment is carried out as part of the environment. Moreover, section 5 subsection 4 environmental assessment (see chapter 6) in sentence 2 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act order to verify whether these areas can be contains criteria for specifying the sites and the significantly affected in the elements relevant for chronological order of their invitations to tender. their protective purposes. Reference is made to The legally defined criteria also include conflicts the protective purposes of the ordinances in the of use for a site which, like the other criteria, are impact assessment according to section 34 relevant to the issue of whether, where and when subsection 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation sites are specified and tenders are invited. Act. Nature reserves are excluded with regard to • EEZ protected area ordinances the specification of areas and sites in these areas for wind energy utilisation. The In accordance with section 57 of the Federal specifications were then reviewed to determine Nature Conservation Act, the existing nature whether there was any danger to the marine conservation and FFH areas in the German EEZ environment or whether conflicts of use were were included in the national territory categories used as a criterion for the selection. The and declared nature conservation areas in planning principles include the exclusion impact accordance with the ordinances of areas and sites in conservation areas, as well of 22 September 2017. They were as requirements concerning minimum distances partially regrouped in this context. The to conservation areas and the dismantling of Ordinance on the Establishment of the Nature installations, noise reduction, emission Conservation Area "Pomeranian Bight – reduction, bundling of submarine cable systems, Rönnebank" (NSGPBRV)31, the Ordinance on careful cable laying procedures, etc. Reference the Establishment of the Nature Conservation is also made to Chapter 4.4 of the Site Area "Fehmarn Belt" (NSGFmbV) 32 and the Development Plan. Ordinance on the Establishment of the Nature Conservation Area "Kadetrinne" (NSGKdrV) 33 1.4.4 The Federal Government's energy created the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank", and climate conservation aims "Fehmarn Belt" and "Kadetrinne" nature

31 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area 33 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" of 22 September 2017, "Kadetrinne" of 22 September 2017, Federal Law Gazette I Federal Law Gazette I p. 3415. p. 3410. 32 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area "Fehmarn Belt" of 22 September 2017, Federal Law Gazette I p. 3405. Introduction 45

According to the strategy of the Federal This objective is also intended to increase the Government for the expansion of offshore wind proportion of renewable energy of the entire energy utilisation prepared in 2002, offshore gross final consumption of energy to at least wind energy was already of special significance. 18% by 2020. The aim is to provide a steady, The proportion of wind energy provided in total cost-efficient and grid-compatible expansion. power consumption is set to grow to at least 25% In section 4 No. 2 of the Renewable Energy within the next three decades. According to the Sources Act, the expansion trajectory for energy concept of the Federal Government offshore wind energy is regulated by increasing dated 28 September 2010, the proportion of the installed offshore wind turbine capacity to renewable energy of the total power 6,500 MW by 2020 and 15,000 MW by 2030. consumption is set to increase to 35% by 2020 and to 80% by 2050. With the Federal Government's Integrated Energy and Climate Programme, the climate The transition to the age of renewable energies protection targets were adopted in 2007 and has gained additional significance in the wake of confirmed in the coalition agreement of 2013. the energy transition decided upon in 2011. On The Federal Government's Climate Protection 6 June 2011, the Federal Government decided Plan 2050 takes up the objectives and sets them on an energy package that supplemented the out with targets and measures in individual measures of the energy concept and had the aim sectors. The aim is to reduce emissions to at of accelerating its implementation. Since 2002, least 40% below 1990 levels by 2020, at least the aim has been to install a capacity of a total of 55% by 2030 and 80 to 95% by 2050. By 2050, 25 GW in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea by Germany should achieve a high level of 2030. greenhouse gas neutrality, i.e. a balance In the wake of the latest reform of the Renewable between greenhouse gases emitted and the Energy Sources Act in 2016, section 1 binding of these gases by means of sinks. subsection 2 of the Renewable Energy Sources The Federal Government's climate policy Act 2017 states that the objective is to increase objective of achieving an installed capacity of the proportion of electricity generated from 15,000 MW by 2030 by means of offshore wind renewable energies in gross electricity energy forms the planning horizon for consumption to specification of the plan. As an increase of the • 40 to 45% by 2025, expansion targets seems possible, further scenarios are presented in the annex to the Site • 55 to 60% by 2035, and Development Plan on an informational basis. • at least 80% by 2050. The scenarios are not presented separately in the environmental report. 46 Introduction

Figure 6: Overview of the standards of the relevant legal acts for the SEA.

The methodology is based primarily on the rules 1.5 Strategic Environmental of the plan that are to be assessed. Within the Assessment methodology framework of this SEA, whether the rules are likely to have significant effects on the factors in 1.5.1 Introduction question is identified, described and evaluated When carrying out the SEA, various approaches for the individual rules. In accordance with to the planning status can be considered within section 40 subsection 3 of the Environmental the framework of the methodology. This Impact Assessment Act, in the environmental environmental report builds on the methodology report the competent authority provisionally of the SEA of the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan, assesses the environmental effects of the rules which has already been used as a basis, and with regard to effective environmental develops it further with a view to the additional precautions in accordance with applicable laws. rules defined in the Site Development Plan that According to the special legal standard of section go beyond the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan. 5 subsection 3 WindSeeG, the rules must not endanger the marine environment. Introduction 47

The subject matter of the environmental report is 1.5.2 Area of investigation compliant with the provisions of the Site This description and assessment of the state of Development Plan as set out in section 5 the environment relates primarily to the Baltic subsection 1 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act Sea EEZ, for which the Site Development Plan (see 1.2). However, it is not so much the actual essentially defines rules. The SEA area of time specifications that are significant here as investigation covers the German EEZ of the the time sequence of the invitation to tender or Baltic Sea. As no provisions are made in the the calendar years for commissioning, as this Site Development Plan for the western part of has no further environmental impacts with the Baltic Sea EEZ up to the "Fehmarn Belt" regard to the spatial specifications. Although nature conservation area, this part of the EEZ is some planning and technical principles serve to not considered in detail in the SEA (see Figure mitigate environmental effects, they can also 7). lead to effects, making a review necessary. In the adjacent coastal waters, areas and a test The following specifications are each examined field will be designated via an administrative with regard to their anticipated significant agreement with the State of Mecklenburg- environmental effects relating to protected Western Pomerania. These rules are also part of assets: the area of investigation and are being checked against the rules in the EEZ for their cumulative • Areas and sites for offshore wind energy, effects. The adjacent areas of the neighbouring including rule of the expected generation states are not directly covered by this plan, but capacity they will be considered in the cross-border and • Routes and corridors, including gates cumulative perspective of this SEA (see sections 4.12 and 4.13). • Locations for platforms (converter and collector platforms and transformer platforms) • Relevant planning and technical principles 48 Introduction

Figure 7: Representation of the investigation area of the SEA for the Baltic Sea for the site development plan.

of the preparation of the Mecklenburg-Western 1.5.3 Carrying out the environmental Pomerania regional development programme for assessment 2016.34 This description and assessment of the state of The assessment of the likely significant the environment relates to part of the Baltic Sea environmental effects of the implementation of EEZ, for which the Site Development Plan the Site Development Plan includes secondary, essentially defines rules. An administrative cumulative, synergistic, short-, medium- and agreement with the State of Mecklenburg- long-term, permanent and temporary, positive Western Pomerania also covers the areas of the and negative effects related to the factors. coastal waters with regard to the cumulative effects of rules on the factors. Otherwise, for Secondary or indirect effects are those that are coastal waters, reference is made to the not immediate and therefore may only become assessment of the environmental effects and effective after some time and/or at other presentations in the environmental report as part locations (WOLFGANG & APPOLD 2007,

34 Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Regional Pomerania regional development programme for 2016, July Development Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 2016. Environmental Report on the Mecklenburg-Western Introduction 49

SCHOMERUS et al. 2006). Occasionally, there is • the degree to which the plan or programme also reference to consequences or influences other plans and programmes interrelationships (see chapter 4.11). including those in a hierarchy; Possible effects of the implementation of the • the relevance of the plan or programme for the integration of environmental plan are described and evaluated in relation to considerations in particular with a view to the protected asset. There is no common promoting sustainable development; definition of "significance" as this involves • "individually identified significance" that cannot environmental problems relevant to the plan or programme; be considered independently of the "specific characteristics of plans or programmes" • the relevance of the plan or programme for (SOMMER 2005, 25 ff.). In general, significant the implementation of Community legislation on the environment (e.g. plans and effects can be defined as effects that are serious programmes linked to waste-management or and significant in the context being considered. water protection)" (Annex II to the Strategic According to the criteria in Annex 6 of the Environmental Assessment Directive). Environmental Impact Assessment Act that Specialist law provides further specifications as are significant to the assessment of the likely to when an effect reaches the significance significant environmental effects, the threshold. Threshold values were also compiled significance is determined by sub-legally so as to be able to make a distinction. • the probability, duration, frequency and The potential environmental effects are reversibility of the effects; described and assessed in relation to the factors • the cumulative nature of the effects; separately for areas and sites, platforms and submarine cable systems, taking into account • the transboundary nature of the effects; the status assessment (chapter 2). Furthermore, • the risks to human health or the environment where necessary, a differentiation is made (e.g. due to accidents); according to different technical designs. The • the magnitude and spatial extent of the description and assessment of the likely effects (geographical area and size of the significant effects of the implementation of the population likely to be affected); Site Development Plan on the marine • the value and vulnerability of the area likely to environment also refer to the factors described. be affected due to special natural All plan contents that may potentially have characteristics or cultural heritage, exceeded significant environmental effects are examined. environmental quality standards or limit values, as well as intensive land-use; The effects of construction and dismantling, as well as system-related and operational factors, • the effects on areas or landscapes which are taken into account. Moreover, effects that have a recognised national, Community or international protection status". may arise in the course of maintenance and repair work are taken into account. This is The characteristics of plans and programmes, followed by a description of possible having regard, in particular, to interrelationships and consideration of possible • the degree to which the plan or programme cumulative effects and potential transboundary sets a framework for projects and other impacts. activities, either with regard to the location, nature, size and operating conditions or by The following factors are considered with regard allocating resources; to assessment of the state of the environment: 50 Introduction

In general, the following methodological • Area approaches are used in the environmental • Ground assessment: • Water • Qualitative descriptions and evaluations • Plankton • Quantitative descriptions and evaluations • Biotopes • Evaluation of studies and technical literature • Benthos • Visualisations • Fish • Worst-case assumptions • Marine mammals • Trend estimates (e.g. on the state of the art of systems) • Avifauna • Assessments by experts / the specialist • Bats community. • Biodiversity The effects of the Site Development Plan rules • Air are assessed on the basis of the description and • Climate assessment of the condition and the function and • Scenery significance of the individual areas, sites and routes for the individual factors on the one hand, • Cultural heritage and other material assets and the effects originating from these rules and • Human beings, in particular human health the resulting potential effects on the other. A • Interrelationships between factors forecast of the project-related effects in the case of implementation of the Site Development Plan is compiled as a function of the criteria of intensity, scope and duration of the effects (see Figure 8).

Introduction 51

Figure 8: General methodology for assessing the likely significant environmental effects.

Please see chapter 1.4 with regard to the resting birds, and Migratory birds are based on consideration of environmental protection the aspects for the assessment of the condition objectives in the assessment of the likely of the factors Surface/ Soil, Benthos and Fish. significant environmental effects of the As these are highly mobile species, it is not implementation of the Site Development Plan. expedient to adopt a similar approach to these factors. The criteria of protection status, 1.5.4 Criteria for status description and assessment of the occurrence, assessment of assessment territorial units and initial loads, are therefore The status assessment of the individual factors applied for seabirds, resting birds and marine in chapter 2 is based on various criteria. For the mammals. The aspects of assessment of the factors area/soil, benthos and fish, the occurrence and large-scale significance of the assessment is based on the aspects of rarity and area for bird migration are considered as well as vulnerability, diversity and singularity, as well as rarity, vulnerability and naturalness. naturalness. The description and assessment of The criteria that were used for assessing the the factors Marine mammals, Seabirds and condition of the protected asset in question are 52 Introduction

listed below. This overview deals with the protected assets in focus in the environmental assessment.

Introduction 53


Aspect: Rareness and vulnerability

Criterion: The portion of the sediments on the seabed and distribution of the morphological form inventory.

Aspect: Diversity and uniqueness

Criterion: Heterogeneity of the sediments on the seabed and development of the morphological form inventory.

Aspect: Naturalness

Criterion: Extent of initial anthropogenic contamination of sediments on the seabed and of the morphological form inventory.


Aspect: Rareness and vulnerability

Criterion: Number of rare or endangered species based on the Red List species identified (Red List by RACHOR et al. 2013).

Aspect: Diversity and uniqueness

Criterion: Number of species and composition of communities of species. The extent to which species or biocoenoses characteristic of the habitat occur and how regularly they occur is assessed.

Aspect: Naturalness

For this criterion, the intensity of fishing activities – which is the most effective disturbance variable – will be used as a benchmark for assessment. The appropriate measurement and detection methods for other disturbance variables, such as eutrophication, shipping or pollutants, are currently unavailable for inclusion in the assessment.


Aspect: Rareness and vulnerability

Criterion: National protection status and threat to biotopes according to the Red List of Threatened Habitat Types in Germany (FINCK et al. 2017).

Aspect: Naturalness

Criterion: Threat from anthropogenic influences.

54 Introduction


Aspect: Rareness and vulnerability

Criterion: Proportion of species that are considered endangered according to the current Red List of marine fish (THIEL et al. 2013) and for which diadromous species are on the Red List of freshwater fish (FREYHOF 2009) and have been assigned to Red List categories.

Aspect: Diversity and uniqueness

Criterion: The diversity of a fish community can be described by the number of species (α-diversity, 'species richness'). The species composition can be used to assess the uniqueness of a fish community, i.e. how regularly species typical to the habitat occur. Diversity and uniqueness are compared and evaluated between the entire Baltic Sea and the German EEZ, as well as between the EEZ and the individual territories.

Aspect: Naturalness

Criterion: The naturalness of a fish community is defined as the absence of anthropogenic influences. The removal of target species and bycatch, as well as the degradation of the seabed in the case of ground-breaking fishing methods, make fisheries the most effective disturbance of the fish community. It is therefore used as a measure of the naturalness of the fish communities in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The stocks are not assessed on a smaller spatial scale such as the German Bight.

Marine mammals

Aspect: Protection status

Criterion: Status according to Annex II and Annex IV of the Habitats Directive and the following international protection agreements: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention, CMS), ASCOBANS (Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas), Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)

Aspect: Assessment of the occurrence

Criteria: Stock, stock changes/trends based on large-scale surveys, distribution patterns and density distributions

Aspect: Assessment of spatial units

Criteria: Function and significance of the German EEZ and the territories for marine mammals as migration areas, feeding grounds or breeding grounds as defined in the Site Development Plan

Aspect: Initial contamination

Criterion: Hazards due to anthropogenic influences and climate change.

Introduction 55

Seabirds and resting birds

Aspect: Protection status

Criterion: Status according to Annex I of the Birds Directive, European Red List by BirdLife International

Aspect: Assessment of the occurrence

Criteria: German Baltic Sea stock and German EEZ stock, large-scale distribution patterns, abundances, variability

Aspect: Assessment of spatial units

Criteria: Function of the territories for relevant breeding birds, migratory birds, as resting areas as defined in the Site Development Plan, location of protected areas

Aspect: Initial contamination

Criterion: Hazards due to anthropogenic influences and climate change.

Migratory birds

Aspect: large-scale significance of the area for bird migration

Criterion: Guidelines and concentration ranges

Aspect: Assessment of the occurrence

Criterion: Migration movements and their intensity

Aspect: Rareness and vulnerability

Criterion: Number of species and endangered status of the species involved according to Annex I of the Birds Directive, Bern Convention of 1979 on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, Bonn Convention of 1979 on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, AEWA (African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement) and SPEC (Species of European Conservation Concern).

Aspect: Naturalness

Criterion: Initial contamination/hazards due to anthropogenic influences and climate change.

56 Introduction

separately for areas and sites, platforms and 1.5.5 Specific assumptions for assessment submarine cable systems. The table below lists of likely significant environmental the potential environmental impacts, based on effects the main drivers, which form the basis for the The likely significant effects of the assessment of the expected significant implementation of the Site Development Plan on environmental impacts. The impacts are the marine environment are described and differentiated according to whether they are due assessed in relation to factors, based on the to construction, demolition or operation or are status assessment as described above, caused by the turbine itself.

Table 1: Project-related effects of implementation of the Site Development Plan. Factor Effect Potential effect

Construction/ dismantling System Operation Areas/sites and platform locations

Ground Introduction of hard substrate Change of habitats X (foundations)

Permanent area use Change of habitats X

Scouring/sediment shift Change of habitats X

Benthos Formation of turbidity plumes Impairment of benthic species X

Re-suspension of sediment Impairment of or damage to X and sedimentation benthic species or communities

Introduction of hard substrate Habitat changes, habitat loss X

Fish Sediment turbulence and Physiological effects and deterrence X turbidity plumes

Noise emissions during pile Aversive conditioning X driving

Area use Local habitat loss X

Introduction of hard substrate Attraction, increase in biodiversity X

Introduction 57

Factor Effect Potential effect

System Operation dismantling Construction/ Seabirds Visual disturbances due to Local deterrence and barrier effects X and construction work resting  birds Obstacles in airspace Deterrence Habitat loss, bird strike X Light emissions Attraction X X

Migratory Obstacles in airspace Bird strike X birds Barrier effect Light emissions Attraction  Bird strike X X

Marine Noise emissions during pile Hazard if no prevention and X mammals driving mitigation measures are implemented Routes for submarine cable systems

Ground Introduction of hard substrate Change of habitats X (rockfill)

Benthos Heat emissions Impairment/displacement of species X that thrive in cold water Magnetic fields Impairment of benthic species X

Turbidity plumes Impairment of benthic species X

Introduction of hard substrate Habitat change, local habitat loss X (rockfills) Fish Turbidity plumes Physiological effects and deterrence X

Magnetic fields Impairment of the orientation X behaviour of individual migratory species

Cumulative effects and interrelationships Interdependency between factors are also assessed in addition to In general, effects on a factor lead to various the effects on the individual factors. consequences and interrelationships between the factors. The essential interdependence of the biotic factors results from the food chains. Interrelationships can only be described very 58 Introduction

inaccurately due to the variability of the habitat are assigned to two categories on the basis of and the complexity of the food web and material criteria such as area geometry, wind conditions, cycles. state of the art of offshore wind turbines and grid connection capacity within the framework of the Cumulative assessment legal requirements. Based on these parameters According to Art. 5 subsection 1 of the SEA and assumptions, the power density to be Directive, the environmental report also covers applied is determined in megawatts/km² per site. assessment of cumulative effects. Cumulative For details, reference is made to chapter 4.7 of effects arise from the interaction of various the Site Development Plan (determination of the independent individual effects that either add up expected generation capacity). through their interaction (cumulative effects) or To support the plausibility check of the reinforce each other and hence generate more methodology for determining the expected than the sum of their individual effects generation capacity on the respective sites, (synergistic effects) (e.g. SCHOMERUS et al. model-based wind farm planning will be 2006). Cumulative and synergistic effects can be simulated with – among other things – wind caused by both temporal and spatial coincidence turbines that may be available in the future. of impacts (cf. chapter 4.12). The effects of the Although one or more layouts for offshore wind construction phase are mainly of a short-term farm plans are not used as a basis for and transient nature, while installation-related determining the expected generation capacity to and operational effects may be permanent. be installed, certain parameters such as number To assess the cumulative effects, it is necessary of turbines, hub height [m], height of the lower to assess the extent to which a significant rotor tip [m], rotor diameter [m], swept area of the adverse effect can be attributed to the combined rotor [m²], total height [m] of the turbines, rules of the plan. Assessment of the sites is diameter of foundation types [m], site of a carried out at the level of this sectoral plan based foundation [m²] and diameter of the scour on the current state of knowledge in accordance protection [m] are assumed for consideration in with Art. 5 subsection 2 SEA Directive. this SEA with regard to the factors. To illustrate In detail, the following procedure was carried out the range of possible developments, the for the analysis and assessment of the assessment is essentially based on two respective rules: scenarios. Many small turbines are assumed in the first scenario, and in the second a small Areas and sites, including the expected number of large turbines are assumed. Because generation capacity: of the resulting range covered, a description and Regarding the areas, a total of 13 areas is evaluation of the current state of planning that assumed in a worst-case scenario, regardless of are as comprehensive as possible in relation to the concrete rule in the plan and the probability the factors become possible. of implementation. According to section 5 The SEA takes particular account of the subsection 1 no. 5 of the Offshore Wind Energy following: Act, the expected generation capacity of offshore wind turbines must be specified in the - Turbines that are already in operation Site Development Plan for the areas or (as reference and initial load) specifically for the sites. Chapter 4.7 of the Site - Transfer of the average parameters of the Development Plan describes how the expected systems already in operation to the sites to generation capacity per site is determined and be planned in the central model specified. Essentially, the sites within the areas Introduction 59

- Assumption that existing projects will be The following tables provide an overview of the implemented within the scope of parameters used. It should be noted here that the transitional phase on the basis of an some of these are merely estimated effective approval (worst-case scenario) assumptions, as project-specific parameters are not or cannot be assessed at SEA level. - Forecast of certain technical developments. With regard to the information on hub height, it should be noted that point no. 3.5.1 (8) in the Baltic Sea spatial development plan provides for a 125 m height limit for wind turbines within sight of the coast and islands. Accordingly, this requirement was applied in scenario 1. As sections 19, 6 of the Federal Regional Planning Act basically provide for the possibility of a target deviation procedure for deviation from spatial development targets and the height limit is of no relevance to non-visible installations, a hub height of 175 m was used for scenario 2.

Table 2: Parameters for the consideration of areas and sites

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Capacity per turbine [MW] 9 15 Hub height [m] Approx. 125 Approx. 175 Height of the lower rotor tip [m] Approx. 26 Approx. 50 Rotor diameter [m] Approx. 200 Approx. 250 Swept area of the rotor [m2] Approx. 30.800 Approx. 49.100 Total height [m] Approx. 225 Approx. 300 Diameter of foundation [m]* Approx. 8.5 Approx. 12 Site foundation excl. Scour protection [m²] Approx. 57 Approx. 113 Diameter of scour protection [m] Approx. 43 Approx. 60 Site foundation incl. Scour protection [m²] Approx. 1.420 Approx. 2.830 * Calculation of area use is based on the assumption of a monopile foundation. However, it is assumed that monopiles and jackets together use approximately the same area on the seabed. 60 Introduction

Locations for platforms the diameter of one or more foundations [m] and the site for foundations (including scour A similar approach is followed when assessing protection) [m²] are used as a basis. the locations for platforms. Here, too, certain parameters such as the number of platforms, the length of the farm's internal cabling [km],

Table 3: Parameters for the consideration of grid connections and platforms

Grid connection Transformer/residential platforms* Anticipated capacity in a site [MW] Approx. 300 Length of farm's internal cabling [km] Approx. 36 Number of transformer platforms 1 Number of residential platforms 0 Diameter of foundation [m]** Approx. 10 Site foundation excl. Scour protection [m2] Approx. 80 Diameter of scour protection [m] Approx. 50 Site foundation incl. scour protection [m] Approx. 2000 * The data for transformer platforms refers to the number of transformer platforms per area (for completions from 2026 only). Only the length of the farm's internal cabling depends on the expected generation capacity to be installed for the site in question and was determined on the basis of existing plans. ** For the diameter of the foundation, the type of foundation is not decisive in this case. It is assumed that monopiles and jackets together use approximately the same area on the seabed. Routes and route corridors for submarine cable converter/transformer platforms) is based on systems certain cable trench widths [m] and the number and site of intersections [m2] and converter The rule of routes and route corridors for platforms [m2]. The environmental effects of submarine cable systems (connecting pipelines, construction, operation and repair are interconnectors and cross-connections between considered in particular.

Table 4: Parameters for the consideration of submarine cable systems

Submarine cabling systems Cable trench width [m] Approx. 1 Number of intersections Approx. 24 Site of intersections [m2] Approx. 900 Number of converter platforms 0 Site of converter platforms [m2] 0

Introduction 61

Relevant planning and technical principles possible was taken into consideration, and will be examined under the protected assets The required space requirements can be Soil/area and Avifauna. minimised and the potential environmental impact can be reduced by regulating planning With regard to the technical principles for and technical principles in the Site Development connecting offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea Plan. The vast majority of the planning principles to the grid for the EEZ area, a connection serve to avoid or reduce environmental impacts concept based on three-phase current and are unlikely to lead to significant impacts. technology with a transmission voltage of This applies, for example, to the overall time +/- 220 kV is used in the same way as the coordination of construction and cable laying previous grid connections when the transformer work, noise reduction, minimisation of scour platform is used by the transmission grid protection measures, consideration of official operator. This was already determined in the standards, specifications and concepts, context of the Baltic Sea Spatial Offshore Grid emission reduction, observance and Plan (BFO) and, accordingly, was also the consideration of conservation areas and legally subject of the assessments in the environmental protected biotopes, careful cable laying reports for the Baltic Sea BFO. procedures, covering, reduction of sediment warming and economical area use. 1.5.6 Fundamentals of the assessment of alternatives The Site Development Plan also includes some According to Art. 5 subsection 1 sentence 1 of planning principles that are not related to the the SEA Directive in conjunction with the criteria mitigation of environmental effects. As these are in Annex I of the SEA Directive and section 40 based on spatial planning objectives, they are subsection 2 no. 8 of the Environmental Impact binding and must be observed. This concerns Assessment Act, the environmental report impairment of the safety and ease of traffic, contains a brief description of the reasons for implementing the objective of spatial planning choosing the reasonable alternatives assessed. 3.5.1 (2). This states that the construction and Conceptual/strategic design, spatial and operation of power generation systems in priority technical alternatives play a part at the planning areas for wind energy must not effect traffic level. The prerequisite is always that these are safety. The planning principle of shipping reasonable or can be seriously considered. crossing priority and reserved areas by the shortest possible route also implements a spatial Assessment of alternatives does not explicitly planning objective for the Site Development Plan require the development and assessment of (see spatial development plan 3.3.1 (2), particularly eco-friendly alternatives. Rather, the according to which the priority areas defined for "reasonable" alternatives in the above sense shipping are to be crossed by submarine cables should be presented in a comparative manner by the shortest possible route in order to derive with regard to their environmental effects so that the energy generated in the EEZ). The remaining consideration of environmental concerns planning principles relating to distance and area becomes transparent when deciding on the requirements are used for the stability of the alternative to be pursued (BALLA 2009). At the systems, the safety of the laying, a sufficient safe same time, the effort required to identify and distance in the event of repairs and exclusion of assess the alternatives under consideration mutual thermal influence of the submarine cable must be reasonable. This means that the greater systems. When selecting the specific distances the expected environmental effects and hence or site requirements, as little use of the site as the need for planning conflict resolution, the 62 Introduction

more likely it is that comprehensive or detailed from other procedures or activities may be investigations will be required. included in the environmental report if it is suitable for the intended purpose and sufficiently In principle, it should be noted that preliminary up-to-date. examination of possible and conceivable alternatives is already inherent in all rules in the This environmental report is based on the form of standardised technical and planning environmental assessments performed within principles. As can be seen from the justification the framework of the preparation and update of of the individual planning principles, in particular the Spatial Offshore Grid Plans for the North Sea those relating to the environment – such as, for and Baltic Sea EEZs. This environmental report example, routing that is as bundled as possible is intended as an updated overall document. and implementation that is as free from This environmental report describes and crossings as possible – the principle in question assesses the current state of the environment is already based on consideration of possible and presents the likely development if the plan is public concerns and legal positions, so that a not implemented. The likely significant "preliminary assessment" of possible environmental effects resulting from the alternatives has already been carried out. In implementation of the plan are also forecast and detail, this environmental report examines assessed. The assessment of possible impacts spatial and technical alternatives in addition to is based on a detailed description and the zero alternative. assessment of the environmental status (chap.2). 1.6 Data sources and indications of difficulties in compiling The current state of the environment and the expected development if the plan is not the documents implemented (chap.3) have been described and A description and assessment of the state of the assessed with regard to the following factors: environment in the investigation area form the basis for the SEA. All factors must be included. • Area/ Soil The data source forms the basis for the • Water assessment of the likely significant environmental effects, assessment of natural • Plankton habitat and wildlife conservation regulations and • Biotopes the alternative assessment. • Benthos According to section 39 subsection 2 sentence 2 • Fish of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the environmental report contains the • Marine mammals information that can be obtained with reasonable • Avifauna effort, taking into account the current state of • Bats knowledge and public statements known to the authority, generally accepted assessment • Biodiversity methods, content and level of detail of the plan • Air and its position in the decision-making process. • Climate According to section 40 subsection 4 of the • Scenery Environmental Impact Assessment Act, information available to the competent authority • Cultural heritage and other material assets Introduction 63

• Long-term effects from the operation of • Human beings, in particular human health offshore wind farms and associated • Interrelationships between factors systems, such as converter platforms • Data for assessment of the state of the 1.6.1 Overview of data source environment of the various factors in the area of the outer EEZ. The data and knowledge situations have improved considerably in recent years, in Soil/Area and biotopes particular due to extensive data surveys in the • context of environmental impact studies, and There has been no extensive, detailed construction and operation monitoring for mapping to date of sediment distribution in offshore wind farm projects and accompanying the EEZ outside the nature conservation ecological research. areas: the description and evaluation of environmental effects with regard to the soil In general, the following data sources were used as a factor are based primarily on the for the environmental report: evaluation of selective data collection. In • Data from the operation of offshore wind particular, there is no comprehensive farms sediment description for the detailed distribution of coarse sand/fine gravel sites • Data from approval procedures for offshore and residual sediments in the form of gravel, wind farms stones and rocks. • Studies Detailed and extensive mapping of marine • Findings and results from research projects biotopes in the EEZ is currently being and accompanying ecological research developed as part of R&D projects ongoing at the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, • Comments from the competent authorities with spatial emphasis on nature conservation • Comments from the (specialist) community areas. There is no detailed mapping to date of the biotopes, including the legally protected • Literature biotopes according to section 30 of the As the data source may vary depending on the Federal Nature Conservation Act, in the EEZ factor, the data foundation is dealt with at the outside the nature conservation areas. beginning of chapter 2 in each case. • Please see planning principle for assessment of compliance with measures 1.6.2 Indications of difficulties in compiling regarding temperature increases in the the documents sediment. According to section 40 subsection 2 no. 7 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, Benthos indications of difficulties arising when compiling • It is not possible to predict reliably the the data, such as technical gaps or lack of anticipated effects of the introduction of hard knowledge, are to be presented. The description substrate on the development of benthic and evaluation of the individual factors (chapter communities. 4) make it clear that there are still gaps in knowledge in places. Information gaps exist in particular with regard to the following points: 64 Introduction Fish • The species-specific risk of migratory birds • There is a lack of more detailed information colliding with offshore wind turbines is on pelagic fish. largely unknown. • Information on the reaction of fish to noise • Possible barrier impacts of offshore wind emissions is available only to a very limited turbines on species-specific sea migration extent. routes are largely unexplored. • The likely effects of habitat change on the • Whether the intensity of broad front development of fish fauna due to the migration of songbirds decreases according introduction of hard substrate are still largely to the distance from the coast is not clear for unknown. the bulk of songbirds that migrate at night. Seabirds and resting birds Marine mammals • The species-specific risk of seabirds The data availability can currently be described colliding with offshore wind turbines can only as very good: the data is systematically quality- be partially predicted and is currently being assured and used for studies, so the current recorded with the investigations according state of knowledge on the occurrence of marine to StUK4 in the operating phase, but also in mammals in German waters can also be ongoing research projects. In particular, classified as good. suitable technology for recording effects is The most comprehensive data source is being developed. provided by data from environmental impact • Behavioural changes and Habituation studies and the monitoring of offshore wind effects among disturbance-sensitive farms. Data is collected regularly as part of the species in the German EEZ have only been monitoring of nature conservation areas on investigated since the commissioning of the behalf of the Federal Agency for Nature first large, commercial wind farms, including Conservation. Finally, research projects provide the converter platforms. Operational data on specific issues. SCANS observations monitoring is still ongoing. are providing information for the entire distribution area of harbour porpoise so as to • There is still insufficient knowledge of the allow the abundance of the entire population of effects of disturbances or habitat loss at harbour porpoise to be assessed. species population level, and these will only be investigated on the basis of the data Bats currently being collected. • There is a lack of knowledge about the quality and quantity of migratory bat Migratory birds populations across the Baltic Sea. • There is currently a lack of sufficient • knowledge of the effects of offshore There is currently a lack of sufficient construction in some areas. Knowledge knowledge of the effects of offshore from coastal waters and on land is only construction. Knowledge from coastal transferable to a very limited extent due to waters and on land is only transferable to a the different conditions. very limited extent due to the different conditions. Introduction 65

• The species-specific risk of bats colliding allow cumulative effects to be considered in both with offshore wind turbines is largely temporal and spatial terms. unknown. Various R&D studies on assessment approaches, including for underwater noise, are Summary currently being developed on behalf of the In principle, forecasts on the development of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. living marine environment after implementation These projects are being used for continuous of the Site Development Plan are subject to refinement of a consistent, quality-assured basis specific uncertainties. Long-term data series or of information on the marine environment for analytical methods are often lacking, e.g. for assessment of possible effects of offshore intersection of extensive information on biotic installations. and abiotic factors so as to provide a better understanding of complex interrelationships in Overall, the following recommendations can be the marine ecosystem. made for the development of criteria for assessment of effects and the status of In particular, there is a lack of extensive, detailed protected biological assets: sediment and biotope mapping outside the nature conservation areas of the EEZ. As a • Consolidation of results and evaluation of all result, there is no scientific basis to permit existing data relating to factors, assessment of the effects of the possible use of • Intersection of biological data with strictly protected biotope structures. Research information from marine physics, marine and university institutions, and an environmental chemistry, marine geology and marine consultancy, are currently carrying out sediment meteorology, and biotope mapping with spatial emphasis in the nature conservation areas on behalf of the • Review of methods, in particular with regard Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and in to possible cumulative or transboundary cooperation with the Federal Maritime and impacts, for developing assessment criteria Hydrographic Agency. with regard to the condition of the living marine environment, Furthermore, there are no scientific assessment criteria for some factors, both with regard to the • Evaluation of effect monitoring so as to be assessment of their status and with regard to the able to record possible effects on factors. effects of anthropogenic activities on the development of the living marine environment, to 66 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2 Description and determining the expected generation capacity (chapter 4.7 of the Site Development Plan). assessment of state of The protected assets Land and Soil are the environment considered jointly below. The protected asset Land is dealt with in more detail where it makes 2.1 Introduction sense or is necessary to do so. According to § 40 subsection 2 no. 3 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the 2.2.2 Data availability environmental report includes a description of The description of the surface sediments in the the characteristics of the environment and the Baltic Sea is based not only on the data and current state of the environment in the SEA reports of the subsoil investigations from the investigation area. The description of the current Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency's state of the environment is necessary in order to methods and own investigations but also on the predict its change when the plan or programme map of sediment distribution in the western Baltic is implemented. The protected assets listed in § Sea (FEDERAL MARITIME AND HYDROGRAPHIC 2 subsection 1 sentence 2 nos. 1 to 4 and their AGENCY/LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR BALTIC SEA interactions are the subject of the stock survey. RESEARCH, 2012). To date, however, the Baltic The information is presented in a problem- Sea does not have any extensive sediment and oriented fashion. Priority will therefore be given biotope mapping of the EEZ. The description to potential initial loads, environmental elements and assessment of the environmental impacts that are particularly worthy of protection, and the with regard to the factor Soil are based primarily factors on which the implementation of the plan on the evaluation of selective data surveys (e.g. will have a greater impact. In spatial terms, the the map of sediment distribution in the western description of the environment is based on the Baltic Sea, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic relevant environmental effects of the plan. Agency/Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Depending on the type of impact and the factor (2012). in question, these will have differing extents and The descriptions of the structure of the near- may go beyond the limits of the plan (LANDMANN surface subsoil are essentially based on the & ROHMER 2018). geophysical and geotechnical data and reports of the subsoil investigations from the literature. 2.2 Soil/Area The data and information used to describe the 2.2.1 Protected asset Land distribution of pollutants in the sediment, One objective of the specifications defined in the suspended matter and turbidity, as well as Site Development Plan is the spatially ordered nutrient and pollutant distribution, are collected and space-saving expansion of offshore wind during the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic turbines and the offshore connecting cables Agency's annual monitoring cruises. required for this purpose. Therefore, one aspect 2.2.3 Geomorphology of this objective is the arrangement of the wind turbines within a site in a way that saves as much The three areas O-1, O-2 and O-3 designated in space as possible (see chapter 4.4.2 of the Site the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea are located in Development Plan). As no specific locations are the area of the Arkona Sea. The Arkona Sea of planned for installations within the framework of the German EEZ comprises the Arkona Basin, the Site Development Plan, this is done by the south-eastern extensions of the Kriegers Flak shoal, the Adlergrund as the south-western Description and assessment of state of the environment 67

extension of the Rønnebank and parts of the surface sediments. In the higher areas of the Pomeranian Bight and the Oder Bank. In the Kriegers Flak shoal, the seabed surface consists west of the Arkona Sea, the 40 m depth line mainly of residual sediments, boulder clay, forms the boundary to the Falster-Rügen Plate gravel and medium to coarse sands. Especially to the west of the Arkona Basin. in the northern part of the Kriegers Flak shoal (area O-3), many stones and boulders can also The Arkona Basin has a very balanced be found, some of which form wall-like morphology and reaches water depths of up to structures. In the direction of the Arkona Basin, 50 m in the German EEZ. In the north-west of the the coarse sands change into medium and fine Arkona Basin, the extensions of the Kriegers sands and with increasing depth into silt and Flak shoal extend into the area of the German clays. EEZ. Here the water depths range from 21 m in the shoal area to 40 m in the direction of the The area of the Adlergrund to the southeast of Arkona Basin. the Arkona Basin (area O-2) also exhibits a very heterogeneous sediment distribution. The The Arkona Basin is bordered in the south-east surface sediments consist mainly of residual by the Adlergrund. The Adlergrund is the south- sediments and differently sorted gravel and western extension of the Rønnebank, which runs sands. Here, too, extensive stone and boulder from the Danish island of Bornholm in a south- fields as well as till and residual sediments can westerly direction. The water depths in the area be found. In the direction of the Arkona Basin, of the Adlergrund range between 6 m in the the sediments change into fine sands, silt and upper reaches of the shoal and 30 m in the clays. Stones can also be found in the deeper direction of the Arkona Basin. areas in the direction of the Arkona Basin. The Pomeranian Bight with the Oder Bank forms South of the Arkona Basin or the Adlergrund, the the southern boundary of the Arkona Basin and sands of the Pomeranian Bight or the Oder Bank the Adlergrund. The water depths in this area join the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea. They range between 6 m in the upper parts of the Oder consist almost exclusively of well-sorted fine Bank and 30 m in the area of the northern sands. Pomeranian Bight. According to KRAMARSKA (1998), the actual Oder Bank is demarcated by 2.2.5 Geological structure of the near- the 10 m-depth line. surface subsoil 2.2.4 Sediment distribution on the seabed The near-surface subsoil of the Arkona Basin consists of 2 to 4 m thick, very soft to mushy The surface sediments in the area of the EEZ of marine silt, which can be sandier towards the the Arkona Basin consist almost exclusively of edge of the basin (LEMKE 1998). Depending on fine silt with different classifications. In the the formation of the relief of the underlying transition to the shoals of Kriegers Flak and sediments, this mushy silt can reach a thickness Adlergrund and to the Pomeranian Bight, the of more than 10 m locally. The thickest layers surface sediments increasingly change into fine occur in the centre of the southern Arkona Basin and medium sands. Area O-2 is located in the between area O-3 in the north-west and areas south-east Arkona Basin. O-2 and O-4 in the south-east (Figure 9). In contrast to the Arkona Basin, the shoals of In the southern Arkona Basin, the marine silt is Kriegers Flak and Adlergrund have a strongly deposited by a succession of post-glacial, silty structured morphology and a very clays and silt up to 5 m thick, some with a firm heterogeneous lithological composition of the consistency. They may contain fine sands in 68 Description and assessment of state of the environment

isolated cases. At the edges of this succession, Adlergrund. But also in the other areas, it is humic parts such as gyttjenlagen or peat lenses frequently broken through by the underlying till. may occur. Late-glacial clays, silt and sporadic Under the sand bed is the till with a very fine sands of varying consistency follow in the heterogeneous lithological composition layers of post-glacial clays and silt. The largest consisting of clays, silt, sands and scattered thicknesses of up to 15 m are reached in the gravel. The till usually has a stiff consistency and south-eastern Arkona Basin. can reach thicknesses of 20 m and more. Hydroacoustic recordings in the course of In the transition area to the Adlergrund (area O-1) subsoil investigations also indicated numerous there is a layer a few meters thick consisting of stones in the till. clay-silt fine and medium sands of varying thickness. In the near-surface subsoil, the sands The near-surface subsoil of Kriegers Flak is are mainly followed by till with an comprised of solid till, in some places more than inhomogeneous lithological composition of 25 m thick, also with a very inhomogeneous clays, silt and sands of varying consistency. lithological composition. The till is characterised Rock deposits of varying density and size are to by many stones and boulders, which are found be expected in the area of the till. both on the surface and in the subsoil, and which form a wall in the north of area O-3. In the The Adlergrund itself has a rather thin layer of direction of the Arkona Basin, the surface of the sand on the seabed surface, the thickness of till is submerged and covered by soft clays and which decreases from north-west to south-east silt up to 4 m thick as well as sands. and east. This sand layer is missing in large parts, particularly in the higher areas of the

Description and assessment of state of the environment 69

Figure 9: Distribution of surface sediments in the area of cross-cluster connections. The classification was based on TAUBER (2012) 70 Description and assessment of state of the environment

contents of the sediments, while the 2.2.6 Distribution of pollutants concentration is always very low at stations with in the sediment a low fine grain content and low TOC values (sandy sediments). Compared to the North Sea Metals (German Bight), concentrations in the EEZ of the In the western Baltic Sea (Mecklenburg Bight to Baltic Sea are on average significantly higher; the Arkona Basin), no trend in the metal content this is most likely due to the higher TOC and silt of surface sediments has been identified to date contents of the Baltic Sea sediments. No longer- due to the limited period of the available term data is yet available for EEZ sediments, so measurement series. The main concentrations that no conclusions can be drawn about of pollutants are located in the Lübeck Bight and temporal trends. the western Arkona Basin. The quality of the sediment in this area is expected to normalise in Radioactive substances the long term as the contaminated site in Lübeck (radionuclides) Bight is covered and the contaminated material Compared to other marine areas, the surface is prevented from resuspension (being whirled sediments in the Baltic Sea show significantly up again). Elevated levels of mercury and lead higher specific activities than e.g. those in the have been measured in the western Arkona North Sea. In most cases, this statement also Basin for many years. The causes of this applies to natural radionuclides. On the one anomaly are not known to date. An increase of hand, this effect can be attributed to the fact that the element content in the surface sediment is the grain size of the more silty and thus fine- usually observed in the direction of the coast. grained sediments of the Baltic Sea is smaller, This applies in particular to mercury and on the other hand, this is also due to the fact that cadmium, but also to zinc and copper. The lead the lower turbulence in the water of the Baltic content measured in the EEZ, on the other hand, Sea leads to sedimentation of the finer particles. is fairly comparable with the values observed The radioactive contamination of the Baltic Sea near the coast, and in some cases even higher. is caused by the fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The larger area deposition of Organic substances the Chernobyl contaminants discharged into the It is extremely difficult to provide a area of the western Baltic Sea compared to the comprehensive overview of the sediment North Sea is also reflected in the higher level of contamination because, first, data related to the activities. The development shows that the open sea is quite incomplete and, secondly, data inventory in the sediments increased steadily in from coastal areas is highly heterogeneous. A the first few years after the Chernobyl accident. regional analysis is made more difficult by the For about 10 years now, stagnation has been fact that the published data usually does not evident, which can be explained by a quasi- relate to the TOC content (TOC = total organic equilibrium between radioactive decay (half-life carbon) or to grain size standardisation. The of Cs-137: 30 years) and further deposition. concentrations in the EEZ are consistently lower Although the radioactive contamination of the than in the coastal areas, where local Baltic Sea by man-made radionuclides is higher concentrations of pollutants often occur. Further than in the North Sea, it does not pose a threat regional assessments need to take into account to humans and nature according to the current sediment parameters (TOC, grain size state of knowledge. distribution). The distribution in the EEZ is relatively homogeneous with comparable TOC Description and assessment of state of the environment 71 Inherited waste are essentially controlled by the weather in the Possible inherited waste in the EEZ of the Baltic North Atlantic. Sea are old munitions dumpsites. A federal-state working group published a basic report on Anthropogenic factors ammunition pollution in German marine waters Eutrophication: as a result of the anthropogenic in 2011, and this is updated annually. According inflow of nitrogen and phosphorus via rivers, the to official estimates, 1.6 million tonnes of old atmosphere and diffuse sources, increased ammunition and a wide variety of explosive primary production leads to increased ordnances are deposited on the beds of the sedimentation of organic matter in the Baltic Sea North Sea and Baltic Sea. A significant basins. Microbial degradation usually results in proportion of these remnants of munitions date oxygen deficiency situations, which lead to the back to the Second World War. Even after the formation of gyttja, which has a much softer end of the war, large quantities of ammunition consistency than silt deposits. were dumped in the North Sea and Baltic Sea for Fishing: Since the end of World War I, the purposes of disarming Germany. According commercial fishing in the Baltic Sea has almost to current knowledge, explosive ordnance exclusively involved the use of bottom trawls with contamination in the German Baltic Sea is trawl boards. Beam trawling is not carried out in estimated at levels of up to 0.3 million tonnes. this marine area (RUMOHR 2003). Only sporadic Overall, there is insufficient data to refer to, so it observations of fishing activities are available for is necessary to assume that explosive the area under review. LEMKE (1998) describes ordnances are also to be expected in the area of many fishing activities in the silty area of the the German EEZ (e.g. remnants of mine Arkona Basin. Traces of trawl boards are limited barrages and combat operations). The locations to an area south-west of the Oder Bank in the of the known munitions dumping areas can be area of the Pomeranian Bight (SCHULZ-OHLBERG found in the official nautical charts and the report et al. 2002). The penetration depths in silt can from 2011 (with additional information on areas reach up to 23 cm (WERNER et al. 1990), in silty suspected of being contaminated fine sands up to 15 cm (ARNTZ & WEBER 1970) with munitions). The reports by the federal-state and in sands up to 5 cm (KROST et al. 1990). working group are available from www.munition- Much smaller traces are left behind by the roller im-meer.de. and ball gear, which can be 2 to 5 cm deep according to diver observations (KROST et al. 2.2.7 Status estimation 1990). Natural factors Submarine cables (telecommunications, energy Climate change and sea level rise: the Baltic Sea transmission): in the course of natural sediment region has experienced a dramatic change in dynamics, submarine cables laid on sandy climate over the last 11,800 years, linked to a seabeds are buried by themselves in less than profound change in land-sea distribution due to one year, with no visible traces of installation the global sea level rise of 130 metres. For (ANDRULEWICZ et al. 2003). No information is around 2,000 years, the sea level of the Baltic currently available on the depth of this self-burial Sea has adjusted to today's level and is subject process. However, it can be assumed that it to short-term meteorological changes. Storms ranges between 10 and 30 cm. Which laying cause the biggest changes to the seabed. All methods are chosen depends essentially on the sediment dynamic processes can be traced back composition of the subsoil. If sediments are to meteorological and climatic processes, which present that can be "pre-trenched", the sediment 72 Description and assessment of state of the environment

is resuspended (whirled up) during the pre- Anthropogenic factors impact on the seabed in trenching process and settles again mainly in the the form of erosion, mixing, resuspension, immediate vicinity. The sediment dynamic material sorting, displacement and compression processes generally lead to complete levelling of (compaction). The natural sediment dynamics the traces left behind after laying, especially after (sedimentation/erosion/redeposition) and the periods of bad weather. In areas with soft to mass transfer between sediment and seabed mushy silt, submarine cables can sink into the water are influenced in this way. seabed due to their specific dead weight, where Status estimation the formation of turbidity plumes is minimal. In areas with compact, non-pre-trenchable The assessment of the state of the seabed with sediments (e.g. till), cable trenches must be regard to sedimentology and geomorphology is ploughed where the cables can be laid. In the limited to the territories, and submarine cable case of extremely compact sediments or dense routes in the area of the EEZ. rock occurrences, cables are generally laid on the seabed and protected by rock fill.

Description and assessment of state of the environment 73

Table 5: Assessment of the state of the protected asset "Soil" with regard to sedimentology and geomorphology in the area considered.

Aspect: Rareness/vulnerability Criterion Category Estimation

The portion of the Sediment types and soil forms occur High sediments on the seabed exclusively in the EEZ. and distribution of Sediment types and soil forms are the morphological form Medium MEDIUM – LOW distributed in the south-western Baltic Sea. inventory. Sediment types and soil forms can be Low found throughout the Baltic Sea.

Aspect: Diversity/uniqueness Criterion Category Estimation

Heterogeneity of the Heterogeneous sediment distribution and High sediments on the seabed pronounced morphological conditions. and development of Heterogeneous sediment distribution and the morphological form no pronounced soil forms or homogeneous inventory. Medium MEDIUM sediment distribution and pronounced soil forms.

Homogeneous sediment distribution and Low unstructured seabed.

Aspect: Naturalness Criterion Category Estimation

Extent of initial Almost no change due to anthropogenic High anthropogenic activities contamination of Change due to anthropogenic activities sediments on the seabed Medium MEDIUM with no loss of ecological function and of the morphological form inventory. Change due to anthropogenic activities Low with loss of ecological function

74 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2.3 Water transport large quantities of salt water into the Baltic Sea over a period of at least five days. The Baltic Sea is an intracontinental sea. The Large parts of the Arkona Basin are filled with Baltic Sea is connected to the Kattegat via the salt water in the process. The second process is Little Belt, the Great Belt and the Øresund, which medium-intensity inflow events that occur about creates a connection to the North Sea and thus 3 to 5 times per winter. Here the bottom water to the Atlantic via the Skagerrak. Due to the flows into the Arkona Basin as a dense bottom shallow water depths of the straits, there is not current after overflowing the Darss Sill and the much water exchanged with the North Sea. In Drogden Sill. The denser water flowing into the total, the Baltic Sea covers an area of 415,000 Arkona Basin over the Drogden Sill flows as a km² with an average depth of 52 m (JENSEN & relatively narrow band counterclockwise along MÜLLER-NAVARRA 2008). Due to its low salinity, the edge of the Arkona Basin. It flows around the the Baltic Sea is considered a sea with brackish Kriegers Flak and continues towards the Darss water. Water circulation in the Baltic Sea is Sill, where the salt water flowing in over the characterised by freshwater inflows via rivers Darss Sill covers this band. From there the band and the exchange of water volumes with the continues east along the southern edge of the North Sea. Due to the morphological conditions Arkona Basin in the direction of Bornholm Gatt, in the Baltic Sea a vertical stratification of salinity where it flows into the Bornholm Basin and temperature may develop, some of which is (BURCHARD & LASS 2004, LASS 2003). very pronounced. This stratification cannot be broken up by the water currents driven primarily Model investigations (BURCHARD et al. 2005) by wind and the minimal tide (< 10 cm) (JENSEN with a simplified numerical model modify this & MÜLLER-NAVARRA 2008, FENNEL & SEIFERT picture: according to these investigations, most 2008). of the water flowing in over the Drogden Sill flows clockwise around Kriegers Flak and affects the 2.3.1 Currents sector in the German EEZ less than the The circulation of the Baltic Sea is characterised observations and model results published to by an exchange of water volumes with the North date indicate. Measurements carried out with an Sea through the Belts and the Sound. In the acoustic Doppler profile current meter positioned near-surface area, brackish Baltic Sea water on the ground east of Kriegers Flak could flows into the North Sea, while at the bottom, support these model results. Since the new heavier North Sea water with higher salinity from model investigations are limited solely to the the Kattegat pushes into the Baltic Sea. This inflow from the Øresund, there are no new inflow of salt water is hindered by the Drogden findings regarding the inflow from the Belt Sea Sill (sill depth 9 m) at the southern exit of the (Darss Sill). It can be assumed that this inflow sound and the Darss Sill (sill depth 19 m) east of essentially spreads to the east at the southern the Belt Sea. Due to specific weather conditions, edge of the Arkona Basin and thus also affects salt water inflow occurs sporadically, with water the deeper areas of the Adlergrund. rich in salt and oxygen partly penetrating into the Currents in the Baltic Sea are primarily caused deeper eastern basins of the Baltic Sea. by the presence of wind (drift current). If a These inflow events of salt water from the current hits a coast, gradient currents also occur Kattegat into the Baltic Sea, which contribute as a result of the accumulation. A third factor is significantly to the "aeration" of the deeper Baltic the freshwater outflow of the rivers at about 480 Sea basins, are divided into two processes: first, km³/year. If precipitation and evaporation are there are the large salt water inflows, which taken into account, there is a freshwater surplus Description and assessment of state of the environment 75

of 540 km³/year, which corresponds to about cm/s on the surface and 16 cm/s on the ground. 2.5% of the water volume of the Baltic Sea. Tidal In the large basins east of the Belts, the near- currents are insignificant in the Baltic Sea. In the surface speeds are 10-18 cm/s and 7-13 cm/s Fehmarn Belt, a net outflow of 8 cm/s is near the ground. Table 6 shows characteristic observed on the surface on an annual average current parameters for the Fehmarn Belt, and a net inflow of 7 cm/s on the ground (LANGE the Mecklenburg Bight and the Arkona Basin. et al. 1991). Average speeds here are about 30

Table 6: Characteristic current parameters for selected positions in the western Baltic Sea. Fehmarn Belt Mecklenburg Arkona Basin Bight Water depth [m] 28 26 31


Average amount [cm/s] 28.7 17.7 9.6

Maximum amount [cm/s] 117.6 74.8 78.0

Residual current [cm/s] 7.6 1.4 2.3

Direction [°] 347 332 184

Near to the ground:

Average amount [cm/s] 16.4 12.9 6.0

Maximum amount [cm/s] 92.7 90.7 30.0

Residual current [cm/s] 6.6 2.3 0.4

Direction [°] 114 175 230

Source LANGE et al. (1991) Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency measurement (2005) 76 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2.3.2 Swell and water level fluctuations Extreme high or low water levels are primarily In heavy seas, a distinction is made between the caused by the wind. Water levels of more than waves generated by the local wind, known as 100 cm above or below mean sea level are wind sea, and swell. Swells are waves that have called storm surge or low tide. In the long-term left their area of origin. Due to the small size and average, these extreme water levels lie about the extensive fragmentation of the Baltic Sea, a 110 to 128 cm above, or 115 to 130 cm below fully developed swell rarely occurs. The swell in mean sea level. Individual events can be well the Arkona Sea is only about 4%. The swell has above these values. In addition to storm surges a longer wavelength and a longer period than the and low tides, natural variations of the Baltic Sea wind-sea. basins (Seiches) cause water level oscillations of up to one metre. The height of the wind sea is dependent on the For the 20th century, the annual maximum water wind speed and the time over which the wind levels of the Baltic Sea and the annual variability acts on the surface of the water (duration), and show a statistically significant positive trend with also on the fetch, i.e. the distance over which the a significant increase in the 1960s and 1970s. wind acts. The significant or characteristic wave Sea level oscillations with periods greater than height (Hs), i.e. the mean wave height within the one year are also correlated with the oscillations upper third of the wave height distribution, of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO). defines the size of the waves. Long-term factors influencing the mean sea level In the climatological annual cycle (1961-1990), of the Baltic Sea are the isostatic land rise in the the highest wind speeds occur in the Arkona Sea area of the Gulf of Bothnia (9 mm/a) and the with about 19 knots in December and then drop eustatic sea level rise of 1-2 mm/a (MEIER et al. continuously to 13 knots until June. The wind 2004). Estimates for global sea-level rise are speed then rises again steadily until the end of between 0.09 and 0.88 m by 2100, provided that November (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic the West Antarctic ice mass remains stable. If it Agency 1996). The annual average wind speed melts, the global sea level will rise by as much is 16.2 knots. This annual cycle can be applied as 6 m. to the average wave height of the sea cycle. It is just under 1.4 m in December, falls to 2.3.3 Surface temperature and temperature approx. 1.15 m by the end of January and stratification maintains this value until mid-March. The value Figure 10 provides, based on the data of then drops steadily to 0.7 m by the end of May. JANSSEN et al. (1999), an area-wide distribution Starting in June, the wave height increases of the monthly average surface temperatures. continuously until December. The lowest temperatures occur in February on climatological average. The data set of JANSSEN Water level fluctuations caused by tides are et al. (1999) includes all available temperature minimal in the Baltic Sea. The spring tidal range measurements from the years 1900 to 1996. The of the half-day tide lies under 10 cm in the area summer warming starts in April and reaches its of the German EEZ. Due to its small size, the maximum in August. The cooling phase begins Baltic Sea reacts very quickly to meteorological in September. conditions (BAERENS & HUPFER 1999). Description and assessment of state of the environment 77

Between May and June strong thermal quickly diminishes, and in October, the western stratification builds up, reaching its maximum in Baltic Sea is largely homothermal in a vertical August with temperature differences of up to direction. Depending on the meteorological 12 °C between surface and ground. Over the constraints, significant deviations from the long- course of September, the thermal stratification term average may occur in individual years.

Figure 10: Climatological monthly average of the surface temperature (1900 – 1996) according to JANSSEN et al. (1999). water with its low salinity and the water with 2.3.4 Surface salinity and salinity higher salinity, which flows through the Belts and stratification the Sound from the west from the Kattegat into The salinity in the western Baltic Sea generally the western Baltic Sea. Due to the higher density decreases from west to east, with the horizontal of the water with the higher salinity, gradients being particularly pronounced in the this inflow takes place primarily at the bottom Belts and Sound. Figure 11 shows the average and is layered under the lighter surface water. annual cycle of the salinity of the surface layer The 10-isohaline reaches its most westerly according to JANSSEN et al. (1999). On a long- position in the summer months and its most term average, the near-surface salinity in the easterly position in December, when strong Belt Sea can vary between 10 and 20 over the winter storms from the west push water from the course of the year, while values between 6 and Skagerrak and Kattegat into the western Baltic 8 have been observed in the eastern Arkona Sea. Sea. The 10 isohaline is highlighted to illustrate the boundary between the brackish Baltic Sea 78 Description and assessment of state of the environment

For the salinity, the stratification is represented the Pomeranian Bight are vertically homohaline by the difference between soil and surface year-round or have only a very weak salinity in Figure 12. Large parts of the Belt Sea stratification. The haline stratification in the Belt and the deep basins are haline-stratified Sea and the deep basins intensifies in spring and year-round (water stratification caused by in summer reaches differences between surface different salinities), while flat areas such as and bottom salinity of more than 10.

Figure 11: Climatological monthly average of the surface salinity (1900 – 1996) according to JANSSEN et al. (1999). Description and assessment of state of the environment 79

Figure 12: Salinity stratification in the western Baltic Sea according to JANSSEN et al. (1999).

pass through four characteristic stages of 2.3.5 Ice conditions development, determined by the severity of Ice does not form regularly in the Baltic Sea winter, regional oceanographic conditions, south of 56° N in winter. The type and stability of coastal morphology and sea depth. They are the general weather conditions prevailing over reflected in Figure 13 by the frequency Europe are responsible for the large spatial and distribution of ice occurrence. temporal fluctuations in ice cover. The ice can 80 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Figure 13: Frequency of ice occurrence in the Baltic Sea south of 56° N over a 50-year period 1961-2010 (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency 2012). In winters with moderate ice, only the shallow of the water due to its great depth, so that a bays freeze completely, which have no closed ice cover can also form there. This very significant water exchange with the warmer open rare ice condition was reached in the last century sea due to their relatively closed position in the winters 1939/40, 1941/42 and 1946/47. towards the sea. To a lesser extent, ice also In the 50-year period 1961-2010 ice occurred in forms on the outer coasts, especially off the east the Baltic Sea south of 56° N with a frequency of coast of Rügen and off Usedom. 80 to 100% in shallow and sheltered bays, 20 to In winters with lots of ice, the surface layers of 50% on the outer coasts and 5 to 30% in the the Kiel and Mecklenburg Bights and the marine area. Fehmarn Belt are cooled to such an extent that ice forms on the open sea. It grows into grey ice 2.3.6 Suspended matter and turbidity (ice thickness 10-15 cm). The degree of The term "suspended matter" refers to all coverage is usually less than 6/10 of the water particles with a diameter >0.4 µm that are surface over a large area. East of the Darss Sill, suspended in seawater. Suspended matter ice occurs only in a narrow strip outside the consists of mineral and/or organic material. The Baltic Sea coasts, whose coverage organic portion is heavily dependent on the predominantly amounts to less than 6/10. season, the highest values occur during the plankton blooms in early summer. In stormy In winters with very large amounts of ice, the weather conditions resulting in high waves, the Baltic Sea west of Bornholm freezes completely, suspended matter content in the entire water and off the Baltic and Swedish coasts, a wide column rises sharply due to the whirling-up of strip of dense to very dense drift ice (more than silty-sandy bottom sediments. The greatest 7/10 coverage) occurs. It consists mainly of effect here is exerted by the wind-sea and, in white ice with a thickness of 30-70 cm. deeper water, swell in particular. In the shallow In the very rare winters with extreme ice, the water areas of the Baltic Sea, the sandy marine area between Bornholm and the Baltic sediment is often covered by a layer of flocculent coast also uses up the considerable heat reserve material (fluff), which can be resuspended very Description and assessment of state of the environment 81

easily and has a high portion of organic material amounts of fresh water runoff (snow melt) (EMEIS et al. 2000). increasingly introduce suspended matter into the Pomeranian Bight. Since eastern winds The available data for in-situ measurements is dominate in spring, the suspended matter is very inhomogeneous for the German EEZ of the mainly transported along the coast into the Baltic Sea and insufficient for reaching Arkona Sea (SIEGEL et al. 1999). The statistically sound conclusions. For an initial sedimentation rate in the Arkona Basin was estimate of the near-surface distribution of estimated by EMEIS et al. (2000) to approx. 600 suspended matter, the monthly means of the g pro m2 per year. Between the southern tip of near-surface Suspended Particulate Matter Falster, the Gedser Odde, and the south-eastern (SPM) from the MERIS35 data of the ENVISAT coast of Lolland, an increased concentration of satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) suspended matter is visible above the Röd-Sand for 2004 are presented in Figure 14. all year round. It is mainly formed as a result of The highest concentrations are recorded in the cliff erosion caused by currents. Oderhaff and the Bodden. In spring, large

Figure 14: Monthly means of the near-surface total suspended particulate matter from the MERIS data of the ENVISAT satellite for 2004. Overall, the Baltic Sea area is a sensitive 2.3.7 Status assessment with regard to ecosystem because nutrients and pollutants nutrient and pollutant distribution remain in this area for long periods of time due

35 Remote sensing method "Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer" 82 Description and assessment of state of the environment

to the limited amount of water exchanged outer coast in the offshore open sea; although through the Belt Sea. Key problems continue to these differences are more pronounced for result from excessive nutrients and the resulting nitrate concentrations than for phosphate eutrophication phenomena. The levels of concentrations. Particularly in the shallow areas nutrients and pollutants are naturally higher at of the Baltic Sea, varying stratifications of the estuaries and coasts and decrease towards temperature and salinity lead to highly variable the open sea. nutrient distributions. Furthermore, exchange processes between water and sediment – Nutrients especially the re-dissolution of phosphorus – Nutrient salts such as phosphate and inorganic play an important role for the concentrations in nitrogen compounds (nitrate, nitrite, the water column in these shallower areas. ammonium), as well as silicate, are of The occurrence of areas with oxygen deficiency fundamental importance for marine life. These in the Baltic Sea is a natural phenomenon due to substances are vital to the formation of the low water exchange with the North Sea and phytoplankton (microscopic unicellular the permanent stratification of the water body. that float in the sea): the entire marine food chain However, eutrophication and the associated is based on the biomass production of increased degradation of organic material phytoplankton. These trace substances promote increase the frequency, intensity and spatial growth, so they are referred to as nutrients. An extent of areas of oxygen deficiency. Since the excess of these nutrients – which did actually re-dissolution of phosphorus from the sediment occur in the 1970s and 1980s due to extremely occurs in particular when oxygen is deficient, high nutrient inputs from industry, transport and eutrophication is further intensified. agriculture – leads to strong accumulation of nutrients in seawater and results in Even though the levels of phosphorus and overfertilisation (eutrophication). This continues nitrogen compounds in German tributaries to the in the coastal regions even today. As a result, Baltic Sea have been declining since the 1990s, there may be an increased occurrence of algal the eutrophication problems in the Baltic Sea are blooms (particularly cynobacteria blooms in the only declining very slowly due to this internal Baltic Sea), reduced visibility depths, shifts in the fertilisation. The subsequent assessment species range and oxygen deficiency situations pursuant to the EU MSFD therefore concludes near the ground. that 100% of the German Baltic Sea is still eutrophic (Federal Ministry for the Environment, To monitor the nutrients and oxygen content, the Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research carries Safety 2018). The assessment is based on the out several monitoring trips per year on behalf of HELCOM Eutrophication Assessment Tool the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. HEAT 3.0, which classifies the entire Baltic Sea In the Baltic Sea, a typical annual cycle of as eutrophicated – with the exception of smaller nutrients can be observed similar to that in the areas in the northern Baltic Sea and the Kattegat North Sea, with high nutrient concentrations in (HELCOM 2017). winter followed by a sharp decrease in concentrations in spring with the onset of Oxygen biological activity. The deeper areas of the western Baltic Sea are From a spatial point of view, the nutrient characterised by oxygen deficiency in summer. concentrations in the inner coastal waters are The intensity of oxygen depletion depends on generally two to three times higher than on the meteorological (temperature, wind) and Description and assessment of state of the environment 83

hydrographic (stratification) factors as well as on EEZ whose median is above the reference value the level of nutrient inputs from the catchment and in the eastern part close to or below the area. The year 2002 was an extreme situation reference value. The cadmium concentrations in with extreme oxygen depletion, especially off the water are very low overall. In the western part of Danish and Schleswig-Holstein coasts. the EEZ, for example, their median is close to the Hydrogen sulphide had a widespread reference value, and well below it in the eastern occurrence with its negative consequences for part. According to the current state of the soil fauna. In the deep basins of the central knowledge, the metal concentrations in Baltic Sea, the frequency and intensity of salt seawater mentioned above do not pose an water inflow from the North Sea, which is immediate threat to the marine ecosystem. necessary for water renewal and oxygen supply, has been significantly reduced since the mid- Organic pollutants 1970s. In the last 30 years, significant inflow The more polar compounds such as the HCH events were recorded only in 1983, 1993 and isomers and the modern pesticides (triazines, 2003. Between the events, there were long phenylureas and phenoxyacetic acids) are periods of stagnation with considerable present in water in significantly higher concentrations of hydrogen sulphide in the deep concentrations than the more lipophilic, water. "traditional" pollutants such as HCB, DDT, PCB Due to the limited water exchange with the North and PAH. The lipophilic chlorinated Sea, the soil morphology and the permanent hydrocarbons (HCB, DDT and PCB) are found in haline stratification, stagnation periods occur water only in very low concentrations (mostly < 10 pg/L). The pollution is generally higher in regularly in the deep waters of the central Baltic Sea. Salinity and oxygen concentrations are in coastal areas than in the open Baltic Sea. decline and considerable amounts of hydrogen Temporal trends cannot be seen due to the high sulphide develop. The deep water can only be variability and limited data availability. renewed by salt water inflows that transport The level of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Baltic water with high salt and oxygen contents into the Sea water is low. The identification of the deep basins. individual components shows that the aliphatic hydrocarbons originate mainly from biogenic Metals sources. The concentrations of PAHs are also The metals cadmium, mercury, lead and zinc relatively low and do not exhibit any particular show a typical spatial distribution with a spatial distribution. The concentrations of more decreasing gradient from west to east in the highly condensed PAHs (4-6 ring aromatics) surface water of the EEZ (see FEDERAL MINISTRY increase near the coast, which is largely due to FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, NATURE CONSERVATION, a higher content of suspended particulate CONSTRUCTION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY, 2012b). matter. Due to the high variability, no temporal Copper, by contrast, shows no clear trends can be seen for any of the different concentration gradient. The medians of zinc hydrocarbon classes, whereas there are concentrations (1999 to 2004) are clearly above seasonal differences with highest values the background reference value and those of observed in winter (PAH). The exposure to toxic copper concentrations are slightly above the relevant PAHs is two to three orders of background reference value at all stations of the magnitude lower than the concentrations at EEZ far from the coast (FEDERAL ENVIRONMENT which the first signs of carcinogenic effects were AGENCY 2004). The elements lead and cadmium observed in experiments (VARANASI show concentrations in the western part of the 1989). 84 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Most pollutant concentrations in Baltic Sea water increase slightly to the east – in the direction of are in areas similar to those in the German Bight. the main concentration of the Chernobyl fallout. Slightly higher concentrations have been found Concentrations of Cs-137 are still higher than in the Baltic Sea in the DDT group. The values before the Chernobyl accident in April 1986. This for γ-HCH are also slightly higher. The nuclide makes the largest contribution of man- concentrations of α-HCH are about three times made radionuclides for a possible dose from the as high as in the North Sea, while those of β- exposure pathway "seafood consumption". HCH are at least ten times as high. In contrast to However, there is no reason to fear a significant the southern North Sea, the spatial distribution in dose from this source or when spending time on the western and central Baltic Sea is the sea or beach. characterised by a lack of larger input sources. Only small gradients or no gradients are found for this reason. Long-term trends have only been found for HCH isomers. Both in the short term and in the long term, very significant decreases in concentrations can be seen here. The quite low concentrations of pollutants currently observed in the sea mean that great attention must be paid in all activities to prevent new inputs into the sea, as this would inevitably lead to a deterioration of the environment. This also needs to be seen in the context of the strategies of the Marine Conventions, which stipulate that concentrations of hazardous anthropogenic pollutants are to be reduced to almost zero by 2020. Radioactive substances (radionuclides) The Chernobyl accident and the subsequent fallout have significantly changed the inventory of man-made radionuclides, in particular Cs-134 and Cs-137, with large deposits recorded in the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. In the following years, these high levels of contamination with surface water also penetrated the western Baltic Sea. The contamination of the Baltic Sea by radioactive substances has decreased in recent years. Due to the very low average water exchange of the Baltic Sea with the North Sea through the Danish straits over many years, the contaminants discharged by Chernobyl remains in the water of the Baltic Sea over a longer period of time. Concentrations of Cs-137 continue to Description and assessment of state of the environment 85

2.4 Plankton All organisms that float in water are termed 'plankton'. These mostly very tiny organisms are a fundamental component of the marine ecosystem. Plankton include plant organisms (phytoplankton), tiny animals and developmental stages of the life cycle of marine animals, such as eggs and larvae of fish and benthic organisms (zooplankton), as well as bacteria (bacterioplankton) and fungi.

2.4.1 Data availability and monitoring programmes Phyto- and zooplankton have been regularly studied in the Baltic Sea under the Helsinki Convention (HELCOM) since 1979. Under the scope of the COMBINE Monitoring Programme of HELCOM, the countries bordering the Baltic Sea carried out investigations of both phyto- and zooplankton in a large-scale station network in the Baltic Sea. This data is now freely available via ICES. In addition, coastal waters are tested for plankton as part of the national marine monitoring for the Baltic Sea. In the western Baltic Sea, the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research is investigating plankton samples from stations in coastal waters and in the German EEZ as part of its national monitoring programme. Since 1979, the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea has been covered by a total of 5 stations: one in the Mecklenburg Bight, one on the Darss Sill, two in the Arkona Sea and one on the Oder Bank. The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research takes two samples (outward and return voyages) per station each year on a total of five ship trips. In addition, the number of samples per station is adapted to the prevailing water stratifications (thermocline and halocline) so that conclusions can be drawn about the vertical distribution of the plankton. Vertical samples are particularly relevant for recording zooplankton, as it occurs in different communities in the vertical distribution of the water column. 86 Description and assessment of state of the environment

A total of 65 samples were taken in 2015. • Microalgae or microflagellates of different The monitoring trips took place in February, taxonomic groups, and March, April/May, July and October/November. • Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). These However, there are no continuous samples of dominate freshwater and brackish water the plankton. Due to the lack of continuous areas. This group can become very sampling, the picture of the occurrence abundant in waters with low salinity, such as of plankton communities is incomplete. the Baltic Sea. In particular, long-term changes in the plankton and their causes cannot be accurately tracked. Phytoplankton serve as a food source for organisms that specialise in filtering water for 2.4.2 Spatial distribution and temporal their food. The most important primary variability of phytoplankton consumers of phytoplankton are zooplanktonic Phytoplankton are the lowest living component organisms such as copepods (Copepoda) and in marine food chains, and include tiny water fleas (Cladocera). organisms usually up to 200 µm in size and The special nature of the Baltic Sea as a semi- taxonomically classified as belonging to the plant enclosed secondary sea also results in special kingdom. These are microalgae, usually ecological properties and shapes the occurrence consisting of a single cell or capable of forming of biological communities. Overall, the Baltic Sea chains or colonies from several cells. is characterised by limited biodiversity. The Phytoplankton organisms mainly feed brackish water of the Baltic Sea has decreasing autotrophically, i.e. photosynthesis allows them salinity from 20 PSU in the west to 1 PSU in the to use the inorganic nutrients dissolved in the east. The water masses of the Baltic Sea also water for the synthesis of organic molecules for exhibit very strong stratification. The species growth. Phytoplankton also include range consists of marine species as well as microorganisms that can feed heterotrophically, freshwater species. The special conditions of the i.e. on other microorganisms. There are also Baltic Sea also make the marine food chains of mixotrophic organisms that can feed the Baltic Sea very sensitive to changes. autotrophically or heterotrophically, depending on the situation. Many microalgae, for example, The occurrence of phytoplankton depends are capable of changing their diet over the primarily on the physical processes in the water course of their life cycle. Bacteria and fungi also column. Hydrographic conditions – in particular form separate phylogenetic (evolutionary) temperature, salinity, light, current, wind, groups. When considering phytoplankton, turbidity, topography and exchange processes – bacteria, fungi and organisms that are closer to influence the occurrence and biodiversity of the animal kingdom due to their physiological phytoplankton. The direct dependence of properties are also taken into account. The term phytoplankton on light for photosynthesis limits 'phytoplankton' is used in this extended sense in its occurrence in the euphotic zone of the this report. pelagic. The depth of the euphotic zone depends on the clarity or the turbidity of the water body. Around 800 different phytoplankton species The turbidity of the Baltic Sea varies occur in the Baltic Sea (WASMUND 2012). The considerably between the different regions. Over following important taxonomic groups belong to the past 25 years, turbidity has increased the phytoplankton of the western Baltic Sea: drastically in many regions of the Baltic Sea. The • Diatoms (Bacillariophyta), increase in turbidity has promoted the growth of blue-green algae and often leads to excessive • Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), Description and assessment of state of the environment 87

blue-green algae blooms in summer. However, dictyochophyceae and prymnesiophyceae were in 2015 the blue-green algae bloom in the entire more dominant. However, the Mecklenburg Baltic Sea remained below the level observed in Bight is a very diverse system, meaning that recent years. This is due to the lower Sea these shifts could also be due to inaccurate Surface Temperature (SST) in the summer measurements. Bloom development in the months compared to the previous year. Arkona Sea started with Mesodinium rubrum. In mid-March the bloom was dominated by diatoms In addition to the physical processes, the (WASMUND et al. 2016a). The boundary between concentration of nutrients suspended in the different bloom formations usually lies between water determines the abundance and biomass the western and central Baltic Sea at the Darss development of the phytoplankton. Various Sill. In 2015 this boundary ran along the eastern natural and anthropogenic factors also influence Mecklenburg Bight. The spring bloom grew until the distribution and abundance of plankton. In mid-March 2015 and last disappeared in mid- the North and Baltic Seas, for example, the April, where nitrate was the limiting nutrient Northeast Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is crucial for factor this year (WASMUND et al. 2016a). the natural succession of plankton. River inputs also affect plankton development - both through From year to year, different diatom species such freshwater outflows and nutrient and pollutant as Thalassiosira levanderi, Skeletonema concentrations. Some plankton species and costatum, Thalassiosira baltica, Dictyocha developmental or resting stages also use the speculum and Chaetoceros sp. are responsible sediment as a habitat. However, the actual for the spring algae bloom. Diatomic blossoms habitat of the plankton is formed by the water usually end abruptly in May. Dinoflagellates masses. A spatial delimitation of habitat types is increase at the same time. In particular, therefore only possible to a very limited extent dinoflagellates are also found in high for plankton, unlike e.g. for benthos. The concentrations in deeper areas (15 m). hydrographic properties of water masses are Flagellates probably use nutrients from deeper more important for the associations of plankton water layers or low concentrations of species. regenerated nutrients. Gymnodinium sp. and Peridiniella sp. belong to the most frequently Seasonal phytoplankton growth in the Baltic Sea occurring taxa of dinoflagellates (WASMUND et al. displays fixed patterns. Salinity, water depth and 2005). In the summer months of July and water retention time determine the occurrence August, blue-green algae occur in high and development of phytoplankton (THAMM et al. concentrations and often cause extensive 2004). Shallow coastal waters warm up more blooms. Blue-green algae blooms are quickly in spring and encourage the growth of encouraged by salinity values between 3.8 and phytoplankton. Nutrient inputs via the rivers also 11.5 PSU, temperatures around 16°C, radiation promote growth. of more than 120 W/m2 (daily mean values) and Spring blooms are usually dominated by diatom wind speeds of less than 6 m/s. The species. Spring algae blooms are triggered by development of blue-green algae blooms ends the accumulation of nutrients in the previous with deterioration of the weather conditions (low winter months, the increase in light intensity and solar radiation or strong winds) (WASMUND the associated warming of the water. 1997). In autumn diatom blooms grow again, but The spring bloom in the Mecklenburg Bight in they are very weak compared to spring blooms 2015 was not dominated by diatom species as (WASMUND et al. 2005). In the last 30 years, the was usually the case. Dinoflagellates, group of diatoms has experienced a continuous change in species composition in summer and 88 Description and assessment of state of the environment

autumn blooms. For example, the species of the mammals and seabirds. The zooplankton also diatom genera Skeletonema and Chaetoceros has a special significance as a primary are gradually replaced by Ceratulina pelagica, consumer (grazer) of phytoplankton. Grazing Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, Proboscia alata, can stop the algal bloom and regulate the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (WASMUND et al. 2016a). degradation processes of the microbial cycle by consuming the cells. Eutrophication poses a major threat to the marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. The In the Baltic Sea, the sequence of zooplankton concentration of chlorophylla in water, as a occurs in a distinct seasonal pattern. Maximum metric for the biomass of phytoplankton, abundances generally occur during the summer provides information on the degree of months. The succession of zooplankton is of eutrophication. In the Arkona Sea the critical significance to secondary consumers in concentration of chlorophylla in the water is much marine food chains. Predator-prey ratios or lower than in the Finnish Bight or in the northern trophic relationships between groups or species Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2004). In the period 1993 regulate the balance of the marine ecosystem. to 1997 the average primary production in the Temporal or spatial offset of the occurrence of Arkona Sea varied between 37 mg C*m-2 per day succession and abundance of species leads to in January to February and 941 mg C*m-2 per interruption of food chains. Temporal offset in day in the months June to September (WASMUND particular – or trophic mismatch, as it is also et al. 2000). known – results in food shortages at various stages of organism development and impacts on Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research series the population level. of measurements from 1979 to approx. 1995 show a significant increase in chlorophylla The zooplankton is divided into two large groups concentration during this period. Since then, based on the life strategies of the organisms: measured values have been recorded at an • Holozooplankton: the entire life cycle of almost constantly high level or slightly organisms takes place exclusively in the decreasing values (WASMUND et al. 2016a). The water column. The most well-known high nutrient concentrations (mainly nitrate, holoplanktonic groups important for the phosphate) that were introduced in the 1970s Baltic Sea are crustaceans such as had a particular effect on the increase of the Copepoda (copepods) and Cladocera (water spring blooms, with the summer and autumn fleas). blooms achieving largely the same characteristics. The Mecklenburg Bight is an • Merozooplankton: only certain stages of the exception where spring blooms have been organisms' life cycle, mostly early stages continuously decreasing since the start of such as eggs and larvae, are planktonic. The measurements in 1979 (WASMUND et al. 2016b). adult individuals then switch to benthic habitats or join the nekton. These include 2.4.3 Spatial distribution and temporal early life stages of bristle worms, mussels, variability of zooplankton snails, and fish. Pelagic fish eggs and The zooplankton contains all marine animals fish larvae are abundant in meroplankton floating or migrating in the water column. In the during the reproduction period. marine ecosystem, zooplankton plays a central Merozooplankton was particularly abundant in role as the lowest secondary producer within the the Kiel Bight in 2015, but fell to below-average marine food chain as a food source for abundances in the Arkona Basin and the carnivorous zooplankton species, fish, marine Mecklenburg Bight. Larvae of and Description and assessment of state of the environment 89

mussels were among the main representatives species, range from adjustment of the (WASMUND et al. 2016a). reproduction time, depth and area to vertical movements of the larvae and active crossing of The genera belonging to the holozooplankton boundary layers. The larval competence or Acartia and Oithona were the main maintaining the ability to induce metamorphosis representatives among the copepods in 2015 until beneficial conditions emerge regulates the with Acartia bifilosa being the most common colonisation success of individuals of all species species (WASMUND et al. 2016a). in the species-specific habitat (GRAHAM & As already mentioned above, marine SEBENS 1996). invertebrates have various developmental It is difficult to characterise habitat types due to stages that occur in plankton (e.g. larvae). The the occurrence of zooplankton. As already distribution of larvae largely determines the explained for phytoplankton, water masses occurrence and population development of both actually form the habitat of zooplankton. nectonic and benthic species. The transport, A characterisation of water masses and the distribution and successful colonisation of larvae related zooplankton associations is therefore are of particular importance for the spatial useful for this purpose. To differentiate between distribution of species and the development of water masses, it is not the species range of the their populations. The distribution of larvae is zooplankton populations that is important, but determined by both the movements of the water rather the proportion of the respective species, masses themselves and the endogenous or in particular the key species, in the composition species-specific characteristics of the of the associations. zooplankton. Environmental factors that can influence the distribution, metamorphosis and A shift in vertical distribution occurs in Baltic Sea colonisation of larvae include sediment type and biocoenoses due to variability in salinity. This structure, meteorological conditions (especially phenomenon was called submergence by wind), light, temperature and salinity. REMANE (1955). Animals of the marine eulittoral and the supralittoral can withstand greater Two transport mechanisms influence the fluctuations in salinity than animals of the distribution of the larvae and their colonisation in sublittoral or sea depth. They can therefore the final habitat: horizontal advection of the penetrate further into brackish water than marine larvae with the prevailing current direction and depths. Only very few species can penetrate into diffusion through small and mesoscale the depths, namely those that can eat turbulence, i.e. mixing processes in the water carnivorous food. However, the phenomenon of body. Field investigations have shown that brackish water submergence is not a special larvae can form colonies in both local and far feature of the Baltic Sea, but is typical for away areas. The distribution of larvae from brackish waters (REMMERT 1968). For example, coastal waters is usually regulated by frontal the species Oithona similis occurs in the Kiel zones between coastal waters and the open sea. Bight in concentrations of several thousand However, the larvae have a limited ability to individuals per m3 in the near-surface area. In migrate vertically within the water column to contrast, this species lives east of the faunistic areas that allow the boundary layer to be border of the Darss Sill in salty deep water. The crossed, for example areas with increased samples taken from the station in the Arkona turbulence. The organisms develop species- Sea in 2003 after the salt water inflow showed specific strategies for the distribution of larvae that with increasing water depth the abundance and successful colonisation. These strategies, of this species increased from 2,400 females per which ultimately ensure the survival of the 90 Description and assessment of state of the environment

m3 in the upper 5 m to 31,500 females per m3 In 2015, significantly more zooplankton taxa between 18 and 22 m water depth (WASMUND et were detected at 9 stations of the Leibniz al. 2004). Institute for Baltic Sea Research from the western Baltic Sea to the western Gotland Basin An average of 22 zooplankton taxa per year than in previous years. For example, 61 taxa occur in the Baltic Sea (WASMUND et al. 2005). were registered in 2015, 45 taxa in 2014 and 52 However, only 12 taxa were found year-round taxa in 2013. This increase in species can be between 1999 and 2002 (POSTEL 2005). attributed to a large inflow of salt water from the In general, species range, abundance and North Sea in the previous year (WASMUND et al. dominance conditions depend on the prevailing 2016). A comparably large salt water inflow prior hydrographic and meteorological conditions and to that last took place in 1880 (Mohrholz et al., the development of phytoplankton: salt water 2015, Nausch et al., 2016). Among the most inflows from the North Sea supply the ecosystem numerous new species to occur were the Acartia of the Baltic Sea with marine species such as the clausi, Calanus spp., Centropages typicus, Paracalanus parvus and Euphysa aurata. The Corycaeus spp., Longipedia spp., Oithona Sagitta elegans occurs after the autumn and atlantica and Oncaea spp. (WASMUND et al. winter storms. 2016a). During long periods of stagnation, however, the High abundances of Cladocera (water fleas) are brackish water copepod species Limnocalanus usually found in the waters of Mecklenburg Bight macrurus frequently occurs in the southern and the Arkona Basin. In 2015, no occurrence of Baltic Sea (POSTEL 2005). Mild winters, but also Cladocera was found, contrary to its usual warm summers also affect the occurrence and distribution (WASMUND et al. 2016a). abundance. Heat-loving species such as the Zooplankton development in the Mecklenburg copepods Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis Bight and the Arkona Basin in 2015 was occur more frequently in particularly warm characterised by early growth compared to summer months. The occurrence of previous years. This led to an early peak of the merozooplankton is determined by the oxygen population in spring (March), which is usually conditions on the seabed and the reproduction only reached in summer/autumn. Overall, cycles of benthic organisms. zooplankton abundances have been declining in comparison since 2000. This trend continued in 2015. With 130 x 103 individuals per m3, the total zooplankton abundance was at its lowest level since 1995 (WASMUND et al. 2016a). Description and assessment of state of the environment 91

2.4.4 Status assessment of plankton There are, however, pronounced seasonal On the basis of the findings presented, it effects of nutrient concentrations and becomes clear that only very limited conclusions subsequent reactions of phytoplankton on can be drawn about the state of the plankton and nutrient supply. Especially in the summer the resulting effects on the marine food chains. months, the supply of nutrients is much more Firstly, there is a lack of consistently important for phytoplankton growth than the implemented monitoring programmes and long- accumulation of nutrients in winter, which can term series to identify and differentiate natural only stimulate spring growth. The spatial processes and anthropogenic changes in the variability in the intake and use of nutrients development of plankton. Secondly, the between the phytoplankton in coastal waters and influence of physical processes and the phytoplankton in the offshore area hydrodynamics on plankton is very distinct: for additionally complicates, e.g. the evaluation of example, it is only possible to a limited extent to eutrophication effects on plankton development distinguish between the effects of eutrophication (PAINTING et al. 2005). Findings from large-scale and natural processes on the basis of investigations and research projects (HELCOM, phytoplankton data (ICES 2004). Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research) have documented the high variability of phytoplankton The entire ecosystem of the Baltic Sea has occurrences in the Baltic Sea. experienced changes in recent years. Anthropogenic influences and climate change, in Phytoplankton growth also developed parallel to addition to natural variability, govern these the increase in nutrient inputs: from the changes. Since the beginning of the 1980s, slow beginning of chlorophyll measurements (1979) changes have been observed in the entire until the mid-1990s, the concentration of ecosystem of the Baltic Sea, and sudden chlorophylla increased significantly, i.e. the mass changes in 1987/1988. The changes in the of microalgae gradually increased per year. plankton are also related to these observations. Since then the values have stagnated or even decreased. Overall, however, phytoplankton Phytoplankton abundance in the Baltic Sea is still at a very high The analysis of the phytoplankton data shows level. An excessive supply of nutrients, however, changes in the species range, abundance or causes changes in the structure and functionality biomass. An increase in phytoplankton biomass of the ecosystem. can be seen. For many years, the Leibniz The following direct effects are described for Institute for Baltic Sea Research has observed a phytoplankton with regard to eutrophication decrease in diatoms in the spring bloom in favour (HELCOM 2006): increase in primary production of dinoflagellates (WASMUND et al. 2000). In and biomass, change in species range, increase recent years, an increased occurrence of algal in the occurrence of algal blooms, increase in blooms, an aperiodic and unpredictable turbidity and reduction of light penetration depth occurrence of toxic algal blooms and the in the water and increase in sedimentation of introduction of non-native species have also organic matter. been observed. However, it remains unclear to what extent eutrophication, climate change or The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research simply natural variability contribute to the annually compiles extensive lists of diatoms and changes in phytoplankton (EDWARDS & dinoflagellates for the Baltic Sea. For many RICHARDSON 2004). The variability of years, it has been observed how the number of the hydrographic parameters regulates and, diatoms in the spring blooms decreases in favour if necessary, limits the biological events. of dinoflagellates (WASMUND et al. 2000). ALHEIT 92 Description and assessment of state of the environment

et al. (2005) analysed the existing long-term data Avoidance responses to toxic algal blooms in of the Helgoland roadstead and the Baltic Sea coastal waters have been documented in station "K2 Bornholm" for changes. It was found seabirds (KVITEK & BRETZ 2005). Similar that the ecosystems of the North Sea and the avoidance responses are less common in fish- Baltic Sea have experienced simultaneous eating, deep-sea birds, so that they often fall changes with different consequences for the victim to algal toxins that have accumulated in marine food chains since 1987. This is all the fish (SHUMWAY et al. 2003). more important when the completely different Zooplankton hydrographic conditions of the North Sea and the Zooplankton is also affected by natural and Baltic Sea are taken into account. These anthropogenic changes. For the zooplankton in changes affect all levels of the food chains, from the western Baltic Sea, a gradual change has phytoplankton to upper secondary consumers. been observed in recent years. The species For both ecosystems, the changes correlated composition and dominance conditions within with the change in the NAO. the zooplankton groups, for example, have Under certain conditions, phytoplankton can changed. The number of non-native species has pose a threat to the marine environment. In increased. Many non-native species have particular, toxic algal blooms (e.g. blue-green already become established. Many species algal blooms) pose a major threat to secondary typical of the area have declined, including those consumers in the marine ecosystem and to that are part of the natural food resources of the humans. Toxic and potentially toxic species marine ecosystem. Evaluations of data from have been regularly found in the Baltic Sea in monitoring trips conducted by the Leibniz recent years, sometimes in high abundance. The Institute for Baltic Sea Research have shown extreme proliferation and algal bloom of the toxic that the abundance of some zooplankton taxa species Chrysochromulina polylepis from May to has decreased in recent years, e.g. the June 1988 led to the mass death of fish and maximum abundance of Pseudocalanus spp., bottom-dwelling species along the Norwegian an important food resource for herring coast in the Skagerrak (GJOSAETER et al. 2000). in the Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2004). Clear shifts in In 2015, the cyanobacteria bloom was smaller the species range are also evident (POSTEL compared to the previous years in terms of its 2005). distribution and density (ÖBERG 2016). Description and assessment of state of the environment 93

Figure 15: Development in the maximal abundance of a) five holoplanktonic taxa (Rotatoria, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, Calanoida, and Copelata) and three meroplanktonic taxa (Polychaeta, Bivalvia, Gastropoda) and b) of seven calanoid copepod species in the years 1995 to 2015 (WASMUND et al. 2016a). 94 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Results of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea The possibility of changes in species Research status report show a general decrease composition and possible shifts in species due to in the overall abundance of holozooplankton the spread of non-native plankton species from 1995 to 2015 (Figure 15a). With the cannot be ruled out. Indirect impacts of non- exception of the years 2002 and 1995 with native species on the marine food chain cannot relatively high concentrations, the sum of the be excluded either. Overall, it can be assumed maxima of all taxa analysed shrank between that the natural processes in plankton are 1995 and 2015 from 850 x 103 to 130 x 103 endangered by the introduction of non-native ind. per m³. In 2011, however, the sum of the species. Many non-native zooplankton species respective maximum concentrations doubled have already become established. The compared to the previous year due to a crustacean species Acartia tonsa, Ameira significant increase in larvae and a divagans and Cercopagis pengoi were moderate increase in rotatoria. The unusually introduced into the Baltic Sea by ballast water high concentration of polychaete larvae is due to from ships. The introduction of the large warty the synchronous release of the larvae, which comb jelly Mnemiopsis leydei has recently been must have coincided with the sampling date in a cause for concern. If the large warty comb jelly March. The low abundances in 2015 can be were to establish itself in the Baltic Sea and attributed to a sharp decrease in Cladocera and reproduce excessively due to warming, this Calanoida compared to the previous years would pose a threat to fish stocks. The large (Figure 15a). If individual calanoid copepods are warty comb jelly feeds on larger zooplankton and analysed, the occurrence of the species especially also on fish larvae. However, there Pseudocalanus spp., Temora longicornis and was no indication of this in 2011 (WASMUND et al. Centropages hamatus tends to decrease. No 2012). Larger numbers of large warty comb clear trend can be identified for Acartia spp. jellies have not been found recently (WASMUND (Figure 15b). et al. 2016a). Changes were also observed in the zooplankton Since phytoplankton is transported and of the North Sea. These changes are also distributed by currents, phytoplankton species relevant for the Baltic Sea due to the exchange from the Atlantic also flow into the Baltic Sea with between the ecosystems of the North Sea and the water masses and affect natural succession the Baltic Sea. The abundance of (REID et al. 1990). Among the phytoplankton, the scyphomedusae (jellyfish) decreased as water Prorocentrum minimum was identified as the temperatures increased (LYNAM et al. 2004). most important migratory species, which Jellyfish feed primarily on fish larvae and may probably entered the Baltic Sea naturally, spread contribute to the decimation of fish stocks. extensively from the west since 1981 and formed strong blooms especially in the 1990s. In the The authors therefore discuss the positive meantime Prorocentrum minimum (today called effects of climate change on the recovery of fish Prorocentrum cordatum) has become stocks – in this case through a decrease in established in the Baltic Sea and occasionally predator species. Nevertheless, the possibility of develops dominant stocks (WASMUND et al. the simultaneous impact of other factors, such as 2016a). eutrophication and fishing activity, cannot be excluded. Impacts of climate change Increasingly, non-local species are also affecting Climate change and its consequences for the succession. These are mainly introduced by marine ecosystem have been of increasing shipping (ballast water) and mussel aquaculture. concern to scientists in recent years. Description and assessment of state of the environment 95

BEAUGRAND (2004) analysed and summarised different with regard to association or group and previous findings on phenology, causes, seasonality. mechanisms and consequences of changes in BEAUGRAND & REID (2003) analysed long-term the marine ecosystems of the north-east Atlantic changes in three different trophic levels of the and the North Sea. Taking into account the data marine food chains (phytoplankton, zooplankton from the period 1960 to 1999, the statistical and fish) associated with climate change. It was analyses have shown a clear change or increase shown that changes occurred at different times in the phytoplankton biomass after 1985. The in all three pelagic levels. A decrease of increase in phytoplankton biomass was euphasiaceae (krill) was first observed in 1982. particularly pronounced in 1988. In terms of time, An increase in the abundance of the small the increase in biomass correlates with the copepods followed in 1984. In 1986 there was an strongly pronounced climatic and hydrographic increase in the phytoplankton biomass and a changes between 1987 and 1988. decrease in the large copepod Calanus BEAUGRAND (2004) assumes that changes in the finmarchicus. A drop in salmon stocks followed marine ecosystem caused by changes in in 1988. These changes ushered in a new phase hydrographic and meteorological conditions, of the structure of the marine ecosystem in the especially after 1987, strongly correlated with north-east Atlantic and adjacent seas in 1986 NAO development and a shift in biogeographical that continues to this day. The increase in boundaries since the early 1980s could occur as temperature appears to play a major role in this a result of reorganisation of the biological change. structure of the ecosystem in the north-east Atlantic. Studies by SOMMER et al. (2007) also show that climate change can affect several trophic levels. According to HAYS et al. (2005), climate change In this case, with temperature increases of 2 - has in particular affected the range limits of 6°C, higher mortality rates of Nauplius larvae, a species and groups in the marine ecosystem. developmental stage of copepods, were Zooplankton associations of warmwater species observed. Naupilus larvae are an important in the North-East Atlantic, for example, have organism in the trophic network as they are the shifted their distribution almost 1,000 km to the main food source of many fish larvae. north. In contrast, the areas of coldwater associations have decreased in size. Moreover, According to HELCOM, surface water climate change has an impact on the seasonal temperatures can be expected to rise by 2°C in occurrence of abundance maxima of different the southern Baltic Sea and by 4°C in the groups. Delayed population development can northern Baltic Sea by the end of the next impact on the entire marine food chain. century (HELCOM 2013a). In addition, a drastic EDWARDS and RICHARDSON (2004) even suspect decline in ice cover is expected in winter. The a particular threat to temperate marine already increased amounts of precipitation can ecosystems through change or temporal offset in increase more sharply on average and partially the development of different groups. The threat reduce the salinity. The expected temperature arises from the direct dependence of the increase could lead to changes in the species reproductive success of secondary consumers composition of zooplankton (HELCOM 2013a). on plankton (fish, marine mammals, sea birds). Another consequence of the rise in temperature Evaluations of long-term data for the period 1958 could be a change in the scale of phytoplankton to 2002 for 66 marine taxa have confirmed that distribution. SOMMER et al. (2007), for example, marine planktonic associations react to climate already found lower abundances of larger change. However, the reactions are very 96 Description and assessment of state of the environment

phytoplankton organisms at a temperature transport, etc.) and impairments (pollutants, increase of 2°C. eutrophication, leisure use, etc.). Changes in the seasonal progression of The current biotope classification of the Baltic phytoplankton growth can also lead to trophic Sea has been published by the Federal Agency mismatch (delayed occurrence of groups that for Nature Conservation (BfN) in the Red List of are interdependent in their food resources) Threatened Habitat Types in Germany (FINCK et within marine food chains: delayed diatom al. 2017). growth can affect the growth of primary consumers. Small copepods can suffer from a 2.5.1 Data availability lack of food due to the absence of diatoms during Under the Federal Agency for Nature the growth phase. Copepods are in turn an Conservation's R&D project "Marine important component as a food source for fish Landschaftstypen der Nord- und Ostsee" larvae. Fish larvae would starve to death as a (Marine landscape types of the North Sea and result of lower growth of copepods. Trophic Baltic Sea), a spatial distribution pattern of the mismatch has often been observed in different ecologically most important sediment classes areas in recent years. and partly also of higher biotope type classes was created (see Figure 16, SCHUCHARDT et al. Plankton organisms respond to adverse situations with species-specific protection and 2010). However, areas of marine biotopes that defence mechanisms. Diapause and spore cannot be sufficiently scientifically defined can formation are among the most well-known of be represented on this basis. A modelled area- wide distribution of marine biotopes of the these survival mechanisms (PANOV et al. 2004). German Baltic Sea according to the HELCOM Diatoms and dinoflagellates are able to develop "Underwater Biotopes and Habitat Classification resting cysts, which then spend the winter in the System" (HELCOM HUB) was developed by sediment or wait for favourable growth SCHIELE conditions. et al. (2015). To this end, modelled distributions of less mobile macrozoobenthos 2.5 Biotopes species were mixed with abiotic data (e.g. grain size, salinity, temperature, water depth, etc.). According to VON NORDHEIM & MERCK (1995), a The occurrences of reefs and sandbanks marine biotope is a characteristic, typified reported by the Federal Agency for Nature marine habitat. With its ecological conditions, a Conservation can also be used. Other important marine biotope type offers largely consistent findings are the findings on biotope occurrences, conditions for marine communities that are which were determined as part of approval different from those of other types. Typing procedures for grid connections and wind farms. includes abiotic (e.g. moisture, nutrient content) With regard to the designated site O-1.3, the and biotic characteristics (occurrence of certain results of the biotope protection assessment vegetation types and structures, plant carried out as part of the two-year baseline communities, animal species). studies from 2011-2013 can be used (INSTITUTE The majority of Central European types are also FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH 2015, characterised in their specific form by the INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH prevailing anthropogenic uses (agriculture, 2016). Description and assessment of state of the environment 97

Figure 16: Map of the biotopes of the German Baltic Sea that can be delimited on the basis of existing data (according to SCHUCHARDT et al. 2010).

2.5.2 Biotopes in the German Baltic Sea • Photic/aphotic silty sediment with dominant colonisation by the ocean quahog Arctica A current representation of the distribution of islandica (9.6%, code AA/AB.H3L3) marine biotopes in the German Baltic Sea according to the HELCOM "Underwater Biotope • Photic/aphotic sand with dominant and Habitat Classification System" (HELCOM colonisation by the ocean quahog Arctica HUB) is presented in Figure 17. The analysis islandica (6.3%, code AA/AB.J3L3) showed a total of 68 identified HELCOM HUB In the aphotic zone of deep Baltic Sea waters, biotopes for the German Baltic Sea region. only a few salt water inflows in recent decades According to SCHIELE et al. (2015), almost 60% have resulted in prolonged periods of oxygen of the German Baltic Sea area is covered by the deficiency near the seabed. This has had a following predominant HUB biotopes: negative impact on the stocks of ocean quahogs • Photic/aphotic sand with dominant in the deep Baltic Sea basins. For this reason, colonisation by the bivalve species the two HUB biotopes characterised by Cerastoderma glaucum, Macoma balthica colonisation with the ocean quahog in their and Mya arenaria (31.2%, code aphotic variants are listed as endangered AA/AB.J3L9) biotopes in the HELCOM Red List (HELCOM 2013c). • Aphotic silty sediment with dominant colonisation by the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (12.1%, code AB.H3L1)

98 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Figure 17: Biotope map of the German Baltic Sea according to SCHIELE et al. (2015). HELCOM HUB codes explained in HELCOM (2013b).

gravel, coarse sand and shell layers in the 2.5.3 Legally protected marine biotopes marine and coastal areas" in the Baltic Sea EEZ according to section 30 of the Federal area enjoy legal protection status pursuant to Nature Conservation Act and FFH section 30 subsection 2 sentence 1 no. 6 of the habitat types Federal Nature Conservation Act. The biotope A number of marine biotopes are subject to type "Silty bottoms with burrowing megafauna", direct federal protection pursuant to section 30 which is also protected, does not occur in the of the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Section German Baltic Sea. 30 subsection 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act essentially prohibits acts that Reefs may cause destruction or other significant Habitat type 1170 (reefs) according to the impairment of the listed biotopes. Habitats Directive and at the same time No designation of protected areas is required for according to section 30 of the Federal Nature this purpose. This protection was extended to Conservation Act protected biotope type is the EEZ with the 2010 amendment of the defined as follows: "Reefs can be either biogenic Federal Nature Conservation Act. In addition to concretions or of geogenic origin. They are hard the marine habitat types listed in Annex I of the compact substrata on solid and soft bottoms, Habitats Directive, reefs and sandbanks, the two which arise from the sea floor in the sublittoral biotopes "seagrass meadows and other marine and littoral zone. Reefs may support a zonation macrophyte populations" and "species-rich of benthic communities of algae and animal Description and assessment of state of the environment 99

species as well as concretions and corallogenic used to record the biotope "reefs" in the German concretions" (DOC.HAB. 06-09/03). The "hard EEZ (FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE substrate" comprises rocks (including soft rocks CONSERVATION 2018). such as chalk cliffs), boulders and cobbles. "BfN- Kartieranleitung für "Riffe" in der deutschen Sandbanks ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ)" [The Habitat type 1110 according to the Habitats Federal Agency for Nature Conservation's Directive, refers to "Sandbanks which are slightly Mapping Guide for "Reefs" in the German covered by sea water all the time" (DOC.HAB. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)] was published 06-09/03) and is defined as follows: "Sandbanks on 9 July 2018 and has not yet been used in the are elevated, elongated, rounded or irregular projects. topographic features, permanently submerged In the EEZ of the Baltic Sea, reefs and reef-like and predominantly surrounded by deeper water. They consist mainly of sandy sediments, but structures occur predominantly as boulder fields on moraine ridges. They were mainly found in larger grain sizes, including boulders and the area of the Adlergrund, the Rönnebank, the cobbles, or smaller grain sizes including silt may Kadetrinne and the Fehmarn Belt. Here there are also be present on a sandbank. Banks where sandy sediments occur in a layer over hard distinct blue mussel beds with their accompanying species, which have substrata are classed as sandbanks if the comparatively high species numbers for the associated biota are dependent on the sand Baltic Sea. Also of great importance here is the rather than on the underlying hard substrata". vegetation with large algae, especially laminaria Sandbanks are also protected biotopes pursuant to section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation (brown algae), red algae or sea lace. According to the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Act. reefs with an area of approx. 460 km2 were Several sandbanks of high conservation value identified in the German Baltic Sea EEZ. A large were identified in the German Baltic Sea EEZ. part of these areas (270 km2) were now placed "Sandbanks" in the definition of FFH habitat under protection as a nature conservation area types occur in the German EEZ east of the Darss by the ordinance of 22 September 2017 on the Sill at the edge of the Arkona Basin and in the designation of the nature conservation area Pomeranian Bight. They are covered with "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank", the ordinance residual sediments (boulders, debris, coarse of 22 September 2017 on the designation of the sand, medium sand) and are colonised nature conservation area "Kadetrinne" and the accordingly by sandy soil communities or ordinance of 22 September 2017 on the covered with large algae on hard substrata in the designation of the nature conservation area euphotic area. The total area is approx. 570 km2, "Fehmarn Belt". With these legal ordinances, the where the Oder Bank is a particularly large existing nature conservation and FFH areas sandbank. were declared nature conservation areas and For these reasons, the sandbanks identified partially regrouped within this framework. As part were protected by the FFH area notifications of the approval procedure for the "cables 1 to "Fehmarn Belt" (DE 1332-301), "Adlergrund" 6/cross-connection" grid connection, further reef (DE 1251-301) and "Pomeranian Bight with Oder suspected sites in area O-1 (1.5.2) were Bank" (DE 1652-301) in the EEZ of the Baltic identified in addition to the reef occurrences Sea. reported by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. The Federal Agency for Nature The epifauna on the sandy soils has few species Conservation's mapping instructions are to be and consists mainly of blue mussels, which are 100 Description and assessment of state of the environment

covered with growth species and are home to biotopes characterised by marine macrophyte substrate species such as small crustaceans. populations are included in the OSPAR and Most of the species are found in the sand HELCOM lists of declining and/or endangered (infauna). Molluscs and polychaetes dominate. biotopes (FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE The number of species on the Adlergrund and CONSERVATION 2012a). There are currently no Kriegers Flak is about 110, while only 21 species mapping instructions for the biotope "seagrass have been recorded on the Oder Bank. The meadows and other marine macrophyte decline in species compared to the Belt Sea is populations". According to the current state of due to the low salinity. knowledge, no concrete areas can be identified for this biotope. The low number of species on the Oder Bank is a result of the homogeneity of the habitat, which Species-rich gravel, coarse sand consists of flat substrata with little structure and and shell layers in marine and fine sand cover. Under the extreme living coastal areas conditions (exposed sandy soils, low salinity), adapted sandy soil species such as Pygospio This legally protected biotope includes species- elegans, the crustaceans Bathyporeia pilosa and rich sublittoral pure or mixed occurrences of gravel, coarse sand or shell sediments from the Crangon crangon and the bivalves Mya arenaria, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma lamarcki seabed which are colonised by a specific dominate. They often reach very high individual endofauna (including interstitial fauna) and densities and are distributed quite macrozoobenthos community. homogeneously throughout the entire area. The biotope in the North Sea and Baltic Sea may Three species, Bathyporeia pilosa, Mya arenaria be associated with the occurrence of rocks or and Hydrobia ulvae, together represent over mixed substrates and the occurrence of mussel 70% of the total number of individuals. beds, or may occur in spatial proximity to No mapping instructions currently exist for the "sandbank" and "reef" habitat types. Reefs and biotope "sandbanks which are slightly covered species-rich gravel, coarse sand and shell layers occur regularly together. In the sublittoral of the by sea water all the time". Baltic Sea, the biotope is characterised by the polychaetes Ophelia spp. and Travisia forbesii. Branchiostoma lanceolatum also occurs in shell layers in the western Baltic Sea. The richness of species and the high proportion of specialised species in these sediment types results from the Seagrass beds and other marine occurrence of relatively stable spaces between macrophyte stocks the sediment particles with high pore water The biotope "seagrass meadows and other content and relatively high oxygen content. marine macrophyte populations" describes a The colonisation of species-rich gravel, coarse habitat characterised by submerged flowering sand and shell layers is spatially very plants and/or large algae exposed to light. heterogeneous. Gravel and coarse sand According to the current state of knowledge, it biotopes occur in the outer coastal waters of the only occurs in association with reefs in the area Baltic Sea, predominantly at a depth of 5-15 m, of the EEZ of the Baltic Sea. In the coastal area, including in submarine sills and together with however, extensive "marine macrophyte reefs. The Adlergrund is one example. Its populations" also occur beyond reefs. Different sediment also contains coarse sand and gravel Description and assessment of state of the environment 101

in some areas. Pure shell biotopes are generally mussel beds that extend from Adlergrund into rare. the area. Mainly blue mussel beds, gravel and stone beds and till were identified. The stone Based on the comprehensive mapping of cover in the south-eastern area is >10% In the HELCOM HUB biotopes in the German Baltic south-western part of area O-1 the stone cover Sea compiled by SCHIELE et al. (2015), it is is <10% lower. The Federal Agency for Nature possible to draw certain conclusions about Conservation estimates that this section of reef possible occurrences of "species-rich gravel, area No 33 designated by the Federal Agency coarse sand and shell layers". Since the for Nature Conservation takes up 26% of the distributions of the respective character species reef. Ophelia spp. and Travisia forbesii on which the study is based are, however, based on In the vicinity of the designated site O-1.3, most presence/absence modelling, the mapping of the site is characterised by the biotope "Baltic instructions "species-rich gravel, coarse sand Sea sublittoral silt seabed with Baltic clams and shell layers in marine and coastal areas" (Macoma balthica) (code" (FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, (INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH 2012b) must also be used to record this biotope. 2015). According to the Red List (FINCK et al. 2017), there is currently no evidence of any risk 2.5.4 Status estimation for this biotope type. In the eastern part of site O- The population assessment of the biotopes 1.3, two areas with a slightly higher portion of occurring in the German sea area is published medium sands were identified. The biotope based on the national protection status and the "sublittoral mixed substrate of the Baltic Sea with vulnerability of these biotopes according to the sporadic epibenthos, grazers or without Red List of Threatened Habitat Types in epibenthic macroflora or fauna (code Germany (FINCK et al. 2017). The", which occurs in these areas, is aforementioned legally protected biotopes are also currently not endangered according to the fundamentally of great importance in this regard. Red List. In the north-eastern part of site O-1.3, In the Baltic Sea, these biotopes are primarily a residual sedimentary area with coarser endangered by current or past nutrient and sediments and occurrence of covered stones pollutant inputs (e.g. sewage discharges, oil was found. The area occurring here is a pollution, dumping, waste and debris deposits), suspected area of the legally protected biotope due to bottom contact fishing methods and, type "reefs". Verification of this suspected site by where applicable, due to the effects of means of mapping instructions of the Federal construction activities. As bottom contact fishing Agency for Nature Conservation is still pending. methods are largely excluded at wind farms, a Area O-2 certain degree of recovery of the biotopes occurring there can be expected in the area of Area O-2 has a low overall structural diversity. the territories. According to the Red List (FINCK et al. 2017), the biotope "Baltic Sea sublittoral silt seabed" (code Importance of areas and sites 05.02.11), which occurs in the entire area O-2, is for biotopes currently not at risk. Occurrence of legally Area O-1 protected biotopes is not to be expected in this area. Occurrences of the "reef" biotope are known in area O-1. Particularly in the south-east of the Area O-3 area, there are rock fields with extensive blue 102 Description and assessment of state of the environment

In area O-3, there are stone and debris fields With what are known as holobenthic species, all beds with extensive blue mussel beds in the life phases take place within this ground-level northern shallow area. The wall-like boulders community. However, the majority of animals are found there are to be classified as the biotope merobenthic, i.e. only certain phases of their life "reef". Verification by means of mapping cycles are linked to this ecosystem (TARDENT instructions of the Federal Agency for Nature 1993). Conservation is still pending. These usually spread via planktonic larvae. In older stages, however, they are less capable of 2.6 Benthos changing their location. Overall, most Benthos are all communities at the bottom of representatives of the benthos are characterised water bodies that are bound to substrate by a lack of or limited mobility compared to surfaces or live in soft substrates. Benthic plankton and nekton. As a result, seabed fauna organisms are an important component in the are generally hardly capable of avoiding natural Baltic Sea ecosystem. They are the main food and anthropogenic changes and pollution due to source for many fish species and play a crucial their relative local stability, and so in many cases role in the conversion and remineralisation of these are an indicator of changed environmental sedimented organic matter (KRÖNCKE 1995). conditions (RACHOR 1990). According to RACHOR (1990), the benthos The German part of the Baltic Sea is includes microorganisms such as bacteria and characterised by a relief-like seabed and a very fungi, protozoa and plants as well as multicellular heterogeneous surface structure. The bottom of organisms, large algae, living organisms and the Baltic Sea has coarse sand, debris and even demersal fish. Zoobenthos are defined as stones in parts, but consists of large areas of those animals that are predominantly in or on the sandy or silty sediments, so that the animals can ground. These organisms largely limit their also penetrate into the soil. Besides the epifauna activities to the boundary area between the free living on the surface of the seabed, typical water and the uppermost soil layer (which is infauna living in the seabed (syn. endofauna) usually only a few decimetres vertically). have also developed. Small animals less than 1 mm in size (microfauna and meiofauna) make up the majority of these inhabitants of the seabed. Better known, however, are the larger animals, macrofauna, and above all the more stationary forms such as annelids, molluscs and snails, echinoderms and various crustaceans (RACHOR 1990). Therefore, for practical reasons, the macrozoobenthos (animals > 1 mm) are examined internationally as representatives of the entire zoobenthos (ARMONIES & ASMUS 2002). Description and assessment of state of the environment 103

2.6.1 Data availability 1999, 2000). Among the anthropogenic impacts, The flora and fauna living at the bottom of the besides nutrient and pollutant discharges, Baltic Sea already sparked the interest of nature disturbance of the surface of the seabed by researchers in the middle of the 19th century, fishing is of particular importance (RACHOR et al. when they started to collect and catalogue them 1998). (MÖBIUS, 1873). In the 20th century, the Salinity is the determining factor for the macrozoobenthos of the Kiel and Mecklenburg occurrence and distribution of benthic species in Bights were investigated in detail (HAGMEIER the Baltic Sea. Aperiodic salt water inflows 1930; KÜHLMORGEN-HILLE 1963, 1965, SCHULZ temporarily increase the salinity in deeper areas 1968, 1969a, 1969b, ARNTZ 1970, 1971, 1978, (> 40 m) to over 15 PSU, while surface water ARNTZ et al. 1976; GOSSELCK & GEORGI 1984, rarely exceeds salinity of 10 PSU. The WEIGELT 1985, ARNTZ & RUMOHR 1986, zoobenthos of the Baltic Sea comprise a GOSSELCK et al. 1987, BREY 1984, RUMOHR multitude of systematic groups and demonstrate 1995, GOSSELCK 1992, ZETTLER et al. 2000). a wide variety of behaviours. All in all, this fauna More current data is provided in particular by the has been studied fairly extensively and therefore long-standing biological monitoring conducted permits comparisons with conditions a few by the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research decades ago. and benthic investigations, which have been carried out since 2002 as part of approval Natural spatial classification of the German procedures for offshore wind farm projects. Baltic Sea EEZ: Benthos Research projects such as the benthological The following proposal for a natural spatial work on the ecological assessment of areas classification of the German Baltic Sea EEZ in suitable for wind energy of ZETTLER et al. (2003) respect of benthological aspects differs from the or BeoFINO as well as the monitoring of benthic classification according to sedimentological communities in nature conservation areas also criteria. The main structuring factor for the provide important information. With regard to the composition of macrozoobenthos is the salinity. designated site O-1.3, the results of the two-year The occurrence of macrozoobenthos species in baseline studies from 2011-2013 can be used the Baltic Sea also depends on hydrographic (INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH conditions and water depth. The natural spatial 2013, INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM classification is based on the Federal Agency for RESEARCH 2016). Nature Conservation's nature conservation planning contribution to spatial planning 2.6.2 Spatial distribution and temporal (FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE CONSERVATION variability 2006). Accordingly, five natural spatial units can The spatial and temporal variability of be differentiated from west to east: the Kiel Bight zoobenthos is largely controlled by (A) and the Mecklenburg Bight (B), which still oceanographic and climatic factors, as well as have a more marine character, the transition anthropogenic influences. Winter temperatures area of the Darss Sill (C), followed by the Arkona are an important climatic factor that cause high Basin (D) and the Pomeranian Bight (E) (Table mortality in some species (BEUKEMA 1992, 7; Figure 18). ARMONIES et al. 2001) as well as wind-induced currents. Currents are responsible for the distribution of planktonic larvae and redistribution of demersal stages due to current- induced sediment rearrangements (ARMONIES 104 Description and assessment of state of the environment

The German part of the Baltic Sea lies in the transitional area between the Belt Sea, which mainly has a marine character, and the central Baltic Sea, which is dominated by brackish water. The Darss Sill forms a distinctive ecological boundary between the two different water bodies.

Description and assessment of state of the environment 105

Table 7: Natural spatial structure of the German Baltic Sea EEZ (according to the FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE CONSERVATION 2006). Designation Abbrevia- Hydrography Water depth Sediment Benthos tion Figure 18

Belt Sea EEZ A Thermohaline from 15 m Fine sand, Marine species and Kiel stratification with to 30 m occasionally also dominate, partly Bight ∅ salinity > 20, silt and clay, species-rich frequent oxygen stones, residual endofauna deficiency in water sediment, communities as well layers near the heterogeneous as very species-rich bottom; ice formation sediment phytal communities rare distribution Mecklenburg B Relatively low flow from 20 m Silt, clay in the Marine species Bight EEZ velocities; to 30 m central area, dominate, partly thermohaline residual sediment species-rich stratification with surfaces in the endofauna regular oxygen peripheral areas communities as well deficiency, ∅ salinity as very species-rich > 7 < 20; occasional phytal communities ice formation Darss Sill C Water exchange from 18 m Medium and Transition area, between central and to 25 m; sill coarse sand, decrease in marine western Baltic Sea between the Belt gravel, residual species (Macoma through the Sea/Mecklenburg sediment areas balthica; at lower Kadetrinne Bight and the and boulder depths from -20 m Arkona Basin; fields (reef) also Abra alba, the Kadetrinne, Arctica islandica - which is up to 25 populations and m deep, is phytal communities embedded in the Kadetrinne) Arkona Basin D Relatively low from 20 m to Silt, clay Species-poor EEZ current velocities; 47 m brackish water thermohaline community of the stratification with central Baltic Sea with frequent oxygen stenothermic cold deficiency; ice water relicts in a formation possible in unique combination winter, salinity > 7 with freshwater species Pomeranian E Relatively low shallow bottom Medium and Species-poor Bight (with current velocities; ice from 6 m to 30 m coarse sand, brackish water Adlergrund formation possible in gravel, debris, communities in and Oder winter: (Adlergrund: large-area unique combination Bank) rarely freezes over; homogeneous with freshwater Oder Bank: sands in the species (Macoma frequently freezes central areas balthica; Mya over in winter), arenaria, Theodoxus salinity > 7 fluviatilis)

106 Description and assessment of state of the environment

The Kadetrinne serves as a link between them. into the Baltic Sea are rare. The salinity is More than 70% of the water exchange of the subject to strong horizontal and vertical entire Baltic Sea takes place via the Fehmarn fluctuations. The stratification in the Belt Sea is Belt and through the Kadetrinne. unstable (stagnation phases), while there is a stable stratified water body in the central Baltic The bottom water in the Belt Sea is exchanged Sea. several times a year, while "salt water inflows"

Figure 18: Natural spatial structure of the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea (according to the FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE CONSERVATION 2006).

freshwater species, the number of species is The macro-zoobenthos decreasing. of the German Baltic Sea The decline in the number of species as a result Overall, the Baltic Sea is poor in species of the decreasing salinity from west to east is compared to the North Sea. The demersal illustrated by the data analysis of the long-term invertebrates of the Baltic Sea consist primarily monitoring at 8 monitoring stations in the of migratory marine species from the North Sea, western Baltic Sea shown in Figure 19 brackish water species and ice age relicts (WASMUND et al. 2017). As a result both 2016 (GOSSELCK et al. 1996). Marine-euryhaline and the long-term trend show a clear decrease species make up the majority of the species in the number of species from the Kiel Bight which, depending on their tolerance to (83 species) to the central Mecklenburg Bight decreasing salinity, penetrate the Baltic Sea to (12-16 species). In the area of the Fehmarn Belt, varying degrees. Many marine species do not the number of species recorded in 2016 was enter the areas east of the Darss Sill, or only significantly lower than the long-term trend. An after extreme events. The marine species thus increased species diversity of up to 62 species decrease from the Belt Sea in the direction of the can be seen in the area of the southern central and eastern Baltic Sea in favour of Mecklenburg Bight and the Darss Sill. East of the brackish water and limnic species and reach Darss Sill to the Pomeranian Bight smaller their eastern distribution limit in the area of the numbers of species (18-28) and the lowest Arkona Basin. Since marine-euryhaline species numbers of species in the long-term trend are are not replaced to the same extent by again recorded (WASMUND et al. 2017). Description and assessment of state of the environment 107

Figure 19: Number of species of macrozoobenthic species at 8 monitoring stations in November 2016 (green bars). Black dots and error bars show median, minimum and maximum species numbers between 1991 and 2016 (changed according to WASMUND et al. 2017).

There is a close correlation between the species The polychaetes have shown the highest numbers of macrozoobenthos and the salt numbers of species over the years. This is due concentration on the one hand and the sediment to their high adaptability to changing conditions on the other (REMANE 1934; ZETTLER environmental conditions (e.g. lower salt et al. 2014). Both higher mean salinity and hard concentrations or low oxygen concentrations). substrate or fine substrate habitats (including Abundance fluctuations of other species can be silty areas) have been found to be particularly explained by the considerable annual abundant in macrozoobenthos species. fluctuations of the salt water inflow from the When considering the detailed results for the North Sea. A strong salt water influx can lead to Fehmarn Belt station, it becomes evident that the a significant increase in the number of benthic communities are subject to strong individuals among the macrozoobenthos fluctuations from year to year both with regard to species within a few weeks. Frequent oxygen their individual densities and their species deficiency events have reduced species composition (Figure 20). The relatively species- diversity and population density in recent poor molluscs are found in the highest decades. However, following a salt water inflow abundances, most commonly Macoma baltica in 2014, euhaline species such as the bivalves (Baltic clam) and Mytilus edulis (blue mussel). Abra alba and Corbula gibba, the polychaetes Crustaceans and polychaetes are less stable in Nephtys ciliata and Nephtys hombergii and the their densities. brittle star Ophiura albida were found in 108 Description and assessment of state of the environment

the central Arkona Basin in the year following a long absence or for the first time (WASMUND et al. 2016a).

Figure 20: Development of species numbers, abundance and biomass of macrozoobenthos at the Fehmarn Belt station from 1991 to 2011. The arrows indicate summer oxygen deficiency events in water bodies near the bottom (from WASMUND et al. 2012).

A total of 383 benthic species are listed for the than 240 species of macrozoobenthos in the German marine and coastal area of the Baltic Mecklenburg Bight. The dominant systematic Sea of GOSSELCK et al. (1996). In comparison, a main groups were the polychaeta (71 taxa), total of 2,035 macrozoobenthos species can be crustacea (57 taxa) and mollusca (50 taxa). This found in the entire Baltic Sea, distributed among high level of species diversity can be attributed 1,423 marine species and 612 freshwater and to the fact that all benthic habitats were included, brackish water species (ZETTLER et al. 2014). A as well as to the fact that a large number of total of 51 of these species are classified as migratory marine species were found in the neozoa. Benthal of the Mecklenburg Bight at the time of the study in 1999 due to the favourable WASMUND et al. (2017) report that between 1991 hydrographic conditions. and 2016 a total of 260 taxa were detected at eight stations in the Baltic Sea (Kiel Bight to the According to literature research as part of an Pomeranian Bight). Of these, however, around a R&D project (ZETTLER et al. 2003), 126 taxa third appears only occasionally. In the 1980s, were found in the Arkona Sea. It should be noted 150 regularly occurring macrozoobenthos that in the case of more than 80 species, they species were recorded in the Kiel Bight (BREY are rare or individual specimens. Dominant 1984; WEIGELT 1985). In the course of the long- species are the bivalves Macoma balthica and term monitoring of the outer coasts of Mytilus edulis and the polychaetes Pygospio Mecklenburg Western Pomerania (INSTITUTE elegans and Scoloplos armiger. FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH 2005b), about 140 taxa were identified in the Mecklenburg Bight. The high percentage of marine "guest species" that are introduced into the Mecklenburg Bight during salt water inflows is noteworthy. ZETTLER et al. (2000) found more Description and assessment of state of the environment 109

The occurrence of macrozoobenthos in the Benthic communities Baltic Sea depends not only on the salinity but According to RUMOHR (1996), the zoobenthos also on the hydrographic conditions and water community in the shallow waters of the western depth. Deeper areas (40 m) with muddy Baltic Sea is mainly dominated by the Macoma substrata below the halocline are considered to balthica (Baltic clam) community. While be very species-poor. For example, ZETTLER et the lower distribution limit of the community in al. (2000) found the greatest species diversity in the North Sea is 10 to 15 m deep, it is mainly in the Mecklenburg Bight with 140 taxa at water the central part of the Baltic Sea, which is low in depths of between 10 and 20 m. The lowest salt, that it extends to the range between 75 and species diversity of about 70 taxa was found in 100 m due to the higher salt concentrations at the depth zone of 25 - 30 m, which represented this depth (TISCHLER 1993). In the western Baltic the deepest part of the study area. Sea, the species of the Macoma balthica The stratified waters have a special status. The community can also be found in shallower areas increased salinity in the water body near the of coastal waters. The "real" deep water bottom and the temporary oxygen deficiency communities of the western Baltic Sea are result in different colonisation patterns of dominated by the Abra alba or Arctica islandica the benthos. With the salt water from the communities. A clear distinction between North Sea/Kattegat area, larvae of marine shallow and deep-water benthic communities is invertebrates enter the Baltic Sea, so that marine also demonstrated by GLOCKZIN & ZETTLER faunal elements colonise the mixohaline waters (2008). at least temporarily. On the other hand, the According to KOCK (2001), the fauna of the oxygen deficiency that occurs can cause the deeper Fehmarn Belt (19-28 m) can be benthic communities to collapse (KÖLMEL 1979, considered as a depleted Abra alba community WEIGELT 1987, GOSSELCK et al. 1987). as defined by PETERSEN (1918) and THORSON A special characteristic of this region is the (1957). This community occurs on mixed to silty brackish water submergence of some species. bottoms with organic matter at depths of 5 to Water rich in salt is deposited in the basins and 30 m. The expected character species are the depressions and provides a habitat for species bivalves Abra alba, Phaxas pellucidus, Aloides that can also be found in shallower water depths gibba and Nucula sp., the polychaetes in the completely marine area. In the process, Pectinaria koreni and Nephtys sp. and the sea they may also in some circumstances shift to urchin Echinocardium sp. substrata that do not correspond to their In the Mecklenburg Bight, the delimitation of preferred habitat in the completely marine area. communities according to ZETTLER et al. (2000) Submergence areas can change as a result of is directly linked to depth zoning (salt, the constant exchange processes between the temperature, sediments). Three are three North Sea and the Baltic Sea, meaning that this distinct main communities: the first group can be area is not fixed. Among the species of described as Mya-arenaria-Pygospio-elegans macrozoobenthos that, according to TISCHLER coenosis of shallow sandy areas at water depths (1993), can serve as examples of "brackish below 15 m. Here, in addition to the soft-shell water submergence" in the Baltic Sea are clams and the spionidae Pygospio elegans, Mytilus edulis (blue mussel), Macoma baltica there are also a lot of Hydrobia ulvae, Mytilus (Baltic clam), Hydrobia ulvae (Laver spire shell) edulis, Macoma balthica and Scoloplos armiger. and the worms Pygospio elegans and Scoloplos The second group is the community of the sandy armiger. muds and muds at water depths over 15 m. The 110 Description and assessment of state of the environment

main species are Arctica islandica and Abra An up-to-date and comprehensive description of alba. Other important taxa include Diastylis benthic communities for the entire Baltic Sea is rathkei, Euchone papillosa and Terebellides provided by GOGINA et al. (2016). This study stroemi. This Abra-alba-Arctica-islandica identified 10 benthic communities based on coenosis is found in Mecklenburg Bight at depths abundances and 17 communities based on between 15 and 29.6 m. After extended oxygen biomass. In the area of the Mecklenburg Bight depression, this coenosis can be reduced to A. and shallow sandy sediments, there is a islandica and Halicryptus spinulosus (PRENA et community characterised by high abundances of al. 1997). The third group are species of silty gastropods of the Hydrobiidae genus, the sand at water depths between 12 and 22 m. This polychaete Pygospio elegans and the lagoon transition area from sands to muds has also cockle Cerastoderma glaucum. In addition, in created a distinct community. This community deeper areas of the Mecklenburg Bight, there is can be called a Mysella-bidentata-Astarte- a community characterised by the occurrence of borealis coenosis. This area is dominated the Cumacea crustacean Diastylis rathkei, the primarily by five bivalve species. In addition to bivalves Corbula gibba, Arctica islandica, Abra Mysella bidentata and Astarte borealis, there are alba and the polychaetes Dipolydora regular occurrences of Corbula gibba, quadrilobata and Aricidea suecica. The Parvicardium ovale and A. elliptica. This zone is amphipod Pontoporeia femorata and the also the main area of occurrence of Asterias polychaete Bylgides sarsi are frequently found in rubens. the area of the Arkona Basin. This community is closely linked to the oxygen conditions in the The exposed crests with their moving coarser deep basins. When oxygen concentrations sands are a special habitat. Various specialists increase after longer periods of oxygen such as bristle worm species or the amphipod deficiency, the Bylgides sarsi often recolonises Bathyporeia sarsi live here. Low-silt fine sands the sediments as one of the first species GOGINA dominate, which are colonised by a typical, et al. (2016). species-poor community with a high degree of stability. Dominant species in these areas are the Baltic clam, soft-shell clam, lagoon cockle, blue mussel and the Laver spire shell in the group of the molluscs and the ragworm, Pygospio elegans, Marenzelleria neglecta and Heterochaeta costata from the group of the ringed worms (polychaeta and oligochaeta). Special communities can also be found on the boulder and debris layers. The epifauna community that lives in hard substrata is dominated by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and bay barnacles (B. improvisus). This community as well as the phytal coenosis is accompanied above all by sessile colony builders (bryozoans, cnidarians) and vagile isopods and amphipods (SORDYL et al. 2010). Description and assessment of state of the environment 111

Area O-1 species consist mainly of species that regenerate quickly after disturbances. Three communities (A, B and C) were identified in area O-1. Community A is mainly distributed Area O-3 above the halocline, also locally in the area of Two communities can be identified in area O-3 hard substrata below the halocline. The in the Arkona Sea. The first community community is dominated by the blue mussel and populates shallow areas (up to 30 m water elements of its typical accompanying fauna (e.g. depth). Typical representatives of the community Gammarus spp., Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, here are the polychaete Travisia forbesii, the Jaera albifrons), but also by Saduria entomon. bivalve Mya arenaria, the snail Hydrobia ulvae Community B is limited in distribution to the and the amphipod Bathyporeia pilosa. Due to sandy areas above the halocline. It is dominated their feeding habits, all four are typical for light to by oligochaeta, Pygospio elegans and Hydrobia medium exposed areas of coastal waters and ulvae, also locally by Marenzelleria neglecta and are rarely found below a water depth of 20 m. Travisia forbesii. Community C is the community The areas in the central and northern parts of of the muddy soft layers below the halocline. area O-3 can be assigned to this community. Characteristic species include Scoloplos The second community inhabits deeper areas armiger, Halicryptus spinulosus, Pontoporeia (30 to 40 m) and includes cold-water species femorata, Diastylis rathkei, Ampharete spp. and such as the bivalve Astarte borealis, the glacial Terebellides stroemi. relict amphipods Monoporeia affinis and Site O-1.3 Pontoporeia femorata, the relict isopod Saduria entomon and the polychaete Terebellides In site O-1.3, the epifauna species Mytilus edulis stroemi. (blue mussel) and Crangon crangon (brown ) were found in the baseline survey 2011- Red List species 2012. The infauna was represented by a total of According to the current state of knowledge, 40 species and 13 supra-specific taxa. The a possible occurrence of at least 30 Red List polychaeta were the most species-rich large species is to be expected in the area of the group followed by the mollusca and crustacea. German EEZ according to RACHOR The Baltic clam Macoma balthica and the ringed et al. (2013) worm Scoloplos armiger dominated the and HELCOM (2013b) (see Table 8). community in terms of total abundance. Other The main threats are caused by the destruction dominant species were the crustacean Diastylis of habitats by direct anthropogenic influences rathkei and the amphipod Pontoporeia femorata. and the effects of eutrophication such as In terms of biomass, Macoma balthica mainly oxygen deficiency and increasing siltation dominated. of sandy soils. For coldstenothermic species, climate-induced warming of the Baltic Sea Area O-2 will be a major threat in the future (SORDYL The Macoma balthica community, which is et al. 2010). widespread in large parts of the Baltic Sea, is present throughout area O-2. The three main The macrozoobenthos surveys carried out as species measured in terms of total individual part of HELCOM monitoring at eight stations in the western Baltic Sea (WASMUND et al. 2017) in number are the Baltic clam, the ringed worm Scoloplos armiger and the Cumacea crustacean November 2016 identified a total of 23 species Diastylis rathkei. The predominant benthic on the Red List for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (RACHOR et al. 2013). Two of these species 112 Description and assessment of state of the environment

are listed as threatened with extinction (category EEZ are on the Early Warning List (category NT), 1), among them the chalky mollusc (Macoma including the blunt soft-shell clam (Mya truncata) calcarea), which, as in previous years, was and the Iceland moonsnail (Amauropsis found in low abundance in the Kiel Bight area. islandica) and the bobtail trophon (Boreotrophon The anthozoe Halcampa duodecimcirrata, also truncatus). classified as threatened with extinction, was A further 6 species on the Red List were found in small numbers in the southern identified in the investigations of the wind farm Mecklenburg Bight, but outside the German projects "Viking", "Viking South", "Viking North", EEZ. Among the species classified as critically "Arkona Basin South East", "Baltic Eagle" and endangered (category 2) according to RACHOR "EnBW Baltic 2" as well as the "cables 1 to et al. (2013), the common whelk (Buccinum 6/cross-connection" grid connection. These undatum) occurred in the area of the Kiel Bight. include the endangered bryozoan species The polychaete Euchone papillosa, also Alcyonidium gelatinosum and the amphipod categorised as critically endangered, was found Monoporeia affinis. Another four species are in the Mecklenburg Bight. In the case of the subject to an indeterminate threat. Previous species classified as endangered (category 3), investigations in area O-1 have identified the Astarte bivalve (Astarte montagui) was only 10 endangered species, seven of them within found in the area of the Kiel Bight, while the site O-1.3 (Table 8). ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) was found at several stations in the western Baltic Sea and in The ocean quahog Arctica islandica occurs in the Arkona Basin. the Baltic Sea from the Kiel Bight via Mecklenburg Bight to the northern Arkona Basin. In the HELCOM Red List for the entire Baltic Sea It colonises silt and silty sand and requires a high (HELCOM 2013b), which was developed level of salinity of at least 14 PSU and low according to global criteria established by the temperatures. Since 1960, a decline in the Baltic International Union for Conservation of Nature Sea population has been described, caused by (IUCN), according to RACHOR et al. (2013) fewer prolonged oxygen deficiency in deep water species are listed as endangered due to different (SCHULZ 1968). In the depth zones of 20 to 15 m, assessment criteria compared to the national which are rarely affected by oxygen deficiency, Red List (Table 8). the ocean quahog continues to occur in the Due to the different assessment standards of the Mecklenburg Bight, and also once again in high two Red Lists, the endangered classifications densities (ZETTLER et al. 2001). It has high also differ. potential for recolonisation and, due to oxygen deficiency, is almost always one of the first Most of the species listed as critically colonisers of the deserted soils in the deep endangered (category EN) or endangered zones of the Lübeck and Mecklenburg Bight (category VU) on the HELCOM list occur outside (GOSSELCK et al. 1987). Older individuals are the German EEZ in the Kattegat, or are restricted tolerant of temporary oxygen deficiency. The to shallow coastal waters or beaches. The three occurrences in the Baltic Sea are the only bivalve species Macoma calcarea, Modiolus currently known reproductive populations of this modiolus and Nucula nucleus are listed as species, which is generally widespread endangered (category VU) in HELCOM (2013b) throughout the German marine area. of the species potentially occurring in the German EEZ. Three species occurring in the Description and assessment of state of the environment 113

Table 8: Endangered benthic invertebrate species of the EEZ of the German Baltic Sea and identification (X) in areas O-1 to O-3 and site O-1.3. (RACHOR et al. 2013: 1=threatened with extinction, 2=critically endangered, 3=endangered, G=indeterminate HELCOM, 2013b: VU=vulnerable, NT=near threatened). Species Status according Status Area O-1 Site O- Area O-2 Area O-3 to Rachor et al., according to 1.3 2013 HELCOM, 2013

Anthozoa (sea anemones)

Halcampa duodecimcirrata 1 -


Arctica islandica 3 - X X X X

Astarte borealis G - X X X

Astarte elliptica G - X X X

Astarte montagui 3 - X

Macoma calcarea 1 VU

Modiolus modiolus 2 VU

Musculus discors G -

Musculus niger G -

Musculus subpictus G -

Mya truncata 2 NT X X


Amauropsis islandica 2 NT

Aporrhais pespelicani G -

Boreotrophon truncatus 2 NT

Buccinum undatum 2 -

Nassarius reticulatus G -

Neptunea antiqua G -


Monoporeia affinis 3 - X X

Saduria entomon G - X X X


Clitellio arenarius G - X

Tubificoides pseudogaster G - X


Euchone papillosa 2 -

Fabriciola baltica G - X X

Nereimyra punctata G -

Scalibregma inflatum G - 114 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Species Status according Status Area O-1 Site O- Area O-2 Area O-3 to Rachor et al., according to 1.3 2013 HELCOM, 2013

Travisia forbesii G - X X


Echinocyamus pusillus G -


Sertularia cupressina G -

Halitholus yoldiaearcticae 3 - X X


Alcyonidium gelatinosum 3 - X X

The Astarte species are represented in the EEZ of this species is currently limited to the western by three species. The Astarte borealis and part of the German EEZ (HELCOM 2013b). Astarte elliptica were documented in area O-1. The marine gastropods Amauropsis islandica As marine species, they colonise the sublittoral and Boreotrophon truncatus are marine species sandy-silty to silty-sandy zone between a water that need cold water and high levels of salinity. depth of approximately 12 to 20 m. Astarte Their occurrence is currently limited to the montagui was never found with any frequency. It western part of the German EEZ and their is one of the marine species that temporarily populations are mainly threatened by bottom populates the area of the Belt Sea after salt fishing and eutrophication (HELCOM 2013b). water inflows. The amphipod Monoporeia affinis lives in the The supposedly always small populations of cold water zone of the actual Baltic Sea. It is one Mya truncata were further decimated by oxygen of the dominant species under favourable deficiency. Another influence on the occurrence hydrographic conditions (ANDERSIN et al. 1978). of M. truncata is eutrophication as well as bottom The species inhabits sandy and silty soils and is fishing, as the species does not burrow deep into dependent on cold water temperatures. the sediment (HELCOM 2013b). Since 1994, It resides in the upper 5 cm of the sediment and more frequently since 1997, M. truncata has is an active bioturbator that influences sediment been found again at the deep stations (15 to 20 structure, nutrient flows and oxygen availability m) of the M-V coastal monitoring programme. in the sediment. Deposited phytoplankton and The species has so far been found in small organic matter of the detritus are considered to numbers in the area of the Kiel Bight as well as be the main food source. M. affiniswas found in part of the investigations of site O-1.3. the vicinity of area 3 in the area of the Macoma calcarea, the large relative of the Baltic German EEZ. clam, occurred until the 1970s along the salt water zone between a water depth of 15 and 20 Benthic algae m in the Belt Sea, in the northern Arkona Basin The biotopes of the Baltic Sea EEZ are primarily and in the Bornholm Basin. Oxygen deficiency populated by benthic invertebrates. The led to a decline in the Baltic Sea and submerged vegetation is represented by large Mecklenburg Bight populations. The occurrence algae (red and brown algae) on hard substrata (debris, boulders) in the area of the crests Description and assessment of state of the environment 115

(Adlergrund, Kriegers Flak) and trench A total of 383 benthic species are listed for the (Kadetrinne). Seagrass observations (Zostera German marine and coastal area of the Baltic marina) are not available for the area of the EEZ, Sea of GOSSELCK et al. (1996). WASMUND et al. although it may occur at this water depth. (2016) report that between 1991 and 2015 a total of 251 macrobenthos taxa were detected at eight Macrophyte populations have not yet been stations in the Baltic Sea (Kiel Bight and detected in area O-1 and site O-1.3. Mecklenburg Bight, Arkona Sea). The 29 Red 2.6.3 Status assessment of the factor List species detected in the area of the German Benthos EEZ thus correspond to approx. 8-12% of the total population. This does not include species The benthos of the Baltic Sea EEZ is subject to on the Early Warning List or species with changes due to both natural and anthropogenic deficient data. influences. Besides natural and weather-related variability (severe winters), demersal fishing, Criterion: Diversity and uniqueness sand and gravel extraction, introduction of alien This criterion refers to the species number and species and eutrophication of the water body, as the composition of the species communities. The well as climate change, are major influencing extent to which species or biocoenoses factors. characteristic of the habitat occur and how Importance of areas and sites for regularly they occur is assessed. benthic communities The species inventory of the Baltic Sea EEZ is to The criteria used to assess the benthic be considered average, with about 200 species communities are those that have already proven of macro-zoobenthos. The benthic communities their worth in the environmental impact also do not exhibit any special features for the assessments of the offshore wind farm projects most part. For higher salinity levels, such as in the EEZ. those found in the lower horizons (from approx. 20 m) in the German Belt Sea, the conditions for Criterion: Rareness and vulnerability a relatively species-rich Abra-alba coenosis The criterion "Rareness and vulnerability" of the exist. The white furrow shell (Abra alba), from population takes into account the number of rare which the coenosis takes its name, is or endangered species. This can be estimated accompanied by the basket shell (Corbula on the basis of the documented Red List gibba), the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica), the species. trumpet worm (Lagis koreni), the bristle worm Nephtys spec., the crustacean Diastylis rathkei According to the currently available studies, the or the brittle star (Ophiura albida). There is also macrozoobenthos of the Baltic Sea EEZ is also a number of other marine euryhaline bristle considered average due to the identified number worms, crustaceans and bivalves. In the actual of Red List species. A species list for the entire Baltic Sea, the Macoma balthica coenosis EEZ is not currently available. However, the dominates in the shallower areas with a salinity- investigations conducted by KOCK (2001), in the related decrease in species. course of which more than 110 different macrozoobenthos species were found in the Criterion: Naturalness deep water area of the Fehmarn Belt, provide evidence of species diversity. More than 126 For the Naturalness criterion, the intensity of species have been identified so far in the Arkona fishing activities – which is the most significant disturbance variable – will be used as a Sea according to ZETTLER et al. (2003). benchmark for assessment. The appropriate 116 Description and assessment of state of the environment

measurement and detection methods for other In addition to the above assessment criteria, the disturbance variables are currently unavailable Baltic Sea succession model of RUMOHR (1996) for inclusion in the assessment. can be used to describe the situation of benthic communities in the Baltic Sea. The application of The benthos of the Baltic Sea has already been this model shows that the benthological state of affected by various anthropogenic disturbance the Baltic Sea deteriorated by at least one level factors and diverges from its original state. between 1932 and 1989. The special Therefore, neither the species composition nor hydrographic and morphological characteristics the biomass of zoobenthos today corresponds to of the Baltic Sea as well as natural events (salt the state that would be anticipated without water inflows, oxygen deficiency) and human utilisation. Particularly noteworthy is the anthropogenic influences (eutrophication, disturbance of the seabed surface by intensive pollutant inputs) suggest a succession of typical fishing activities, which poses a high risk benthic states. RUMOHR (1996) distinguishes a potential for the epibenthos and causes a shift sequence of typical states and defines a total of from long-lived species (bivalves) to short-lived, five different stages which begin with a stable rapidly reproducing species. Eutrophication and (climax) community dominated by long-lived shipping are other important drivers. The most bivalves or echinoderms (stage 1, hardly found important effects of eutrophication on the today) and change with increasing ecosystem of the Baltic Sea were the increase in eutrophication into a community dominated by primary production of plankton, the increase in bivalves and long-lived polychaetes and benthic biomass (CEDERWALL and ELMGREN, subjected to strong fluctuations with increased 1980) and the increase in oxygen deficiency biomass (stage 2). Further deterioration of the events. Increasing oxygen consumption due to conditions leads to a short-lived, low-biomass eutrophication processes and lower water small polychaete community with strong exchange due to climate fluctuations or changes fluctuations in population parameters and are seen as causes of frequent and extreme occasional extinction due to oxygen deficiency oxygen deficiency situations in the Baltic Sea (stage 3). If oxygen levels drop even further, the (HELCOM 2009). Threats to the benthos can entire fauna living in the soil (infauna) dies and also originate from the warfare agents dumped only an occasional mobile epifauna can be in the Baltic Sea. found. Stage 5 features sediment that is animal- free (azoic) over the long term with laminated fine stratification.

Since the end of the 1980s, the western Arkona Basin, like the eastern basins, has been one of the areas of the Baltic Sea at acute risk from temporary oxygen deficiency situations, as a comparison of the state of the marine environment between data from HAGMEIER from 1932 (stage 1-2) and 1989 (stage 3-4) shows (RUMOHR, 1996). After previous oxygen deficiency situations, however, it was also shown that the benthos has an enormous potential for regeneration (see WASMUND et al. 2012). The current state of the benthos, Description and assessment of state of the environment 117

as shown by data from environmental impact The investigations of benthos in area 1 carried studies (EIS) and R&D projects, can be out as part of the baseline survey (MARILIM classified as stage 2-3 of the Baltic Sea 2016) only partially confirmed the findings of succession model according to RUMOHR (1996). ZETTLER et al. (2003). The identified species However, the individual steps in this succession were assigned to the Macoma balthica model can also be reversed if conditions change community which is widely distributed in the as a result of environmental improvements. western and central Baltic Sea. In area O-1, the species Macoma balthica, Scoloplos armiger Area O-1 and Pygospio elegans were most common, with A total of 69 macrozoobenthos species were biomass dominated by the Baltic clam (Macoma identified in preparatory investigations balthica). By contrast, the three main species conducted by ZETTLER et al. (2003) for the Mytilus edulis, Pygospio elegans and Macoma designation of the special "Western Adlergrund" balthica were most common in the southern part area (area O-1). Total densities between 750 of area O-1. The biomass in this area was and 31,250 individuals/m² were recorded, constantly dominated by bivalves (Mytilus edulis whereby the abundances were significantly and Macoma balthica). influenced by the occurrence of the blue mussel The benthos community in area O-1 is (Mytilus edulis). Accordingly, the biomass mainly considered to be of high value due to the correlates with their occurrence. In total, abundance of species, the rare relict species and ZETTLER et al. (2003) found six species, which the Red List species. This means that the area are considered glacial relicts (Halitholus has a relatively high proportion of endangered yoldiaearcticae, Astarte borealis, A. elliptica, species. From a macrozoobenthic perspective, Monoporeia affinis, Pontoporeia femorata and particularly valuable are the rock fields with their Saduria entomon). These species, like Arctica extensive blue mussel beds, which, with their islandica, depend on cold and relatively salty very high numbers of benthic species for the water and are therefore largely restricted to the region, extend from Adlergrund into area O-1 in deeper parts of the area. From a the southeast. Primarily blue mussel beds, macrozoobenthic perspective, the areas with gravel and stone beds as well as till were Astarte borealis are particularly valuable for the identified. region. Strong aperiodic salt water inflows can wash marine species as far as the eastern Arkona Basin and thus contribute to species diversity. Bivalve cenoses of Mytilus edulis and Macoma baltica were detected in the southern half. 118 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Site O-1.3 community, which is widespread in large parts of the Baltic Sea, is present throughout the area. In Also the benthos in site O-1.3 can be assigned addition to the Baltic clam, which gives the to the Macoma balthica community, also with a community its name, various other bivalves, pronounced dominance of the species Macoma polychaetes, crustaceans and gastropods balthica and Scoloplos armiger. In the dominate the benthic community. The three investigations in area O-1, a total of main species measured in terms of total 10 endangered Red List species according to individual number are the Baltic clam, the ringed RACHOR et al. (2013) have been identified to worm Scoloplos armiger and the Cumacea date, seven of which occurred within site O-1.3 crustacean Diastylis rathkei. Apart from the (see Table 8). bivalves, they are mainly fast-growing, short- Of the endangered species, the occurrence of lived "opportunists", known for their rapid sexual the ocean quahog Arctica islandica ranged from maturity, high numbers of offspring and short life frequent to widespread in site O-1.3. The bivalve cycles. These are key characteristics to Astarte borealis was widespread in spring 2012. withstand the highly variable environmental Within site O-1.3, the benthos has medium factors of the habitat. importance overall with regard to the criteria of A total of 42 macrozoobenthos species were rareness and vulnerability as a result of the in identified in the "Baltic Eagle" and part continuous detection of Red List species. "Ostseeschatz" project areas. The average The residual sediment area in the eastern part individual density in the "Ostseeschatz" project with scattered stones overgrown with area was 643 ind./m². Individual species often macrozoobenthos is to be considered as a reef dominate. The epifauna is dominated by species suspected area of higher value. that can live as scavengers or predators on silty The 47 species and 16 other supra-specific taxa substrata, such as the polychaetes Nephtys found in site O-1.3 are characteristic of the ciliata and Bylgides sarsi. According to the Red Macoma balthica coenosis widespread in the List (Rachor et al., 2013), only the ocean quahog Baltic Sea, which is characterised by a decrease (Arctica islandica) is classified as endangered in species due to salinity. Due to the community (see Table 8). typical for this habitat, the benthos is of medium Overall, area O-2 has a low structural diversity. importance in terms of diversity and uniqueness. The predominant benthic species consist mainly No high contamination of the benthic community of species that regenerate quickly. The could be detected in the area of site O-1.3. pronounced ability to recover quickly after Overall, the naturalness of the benthic disturbances is characteristic of the benthic community in this area can therefore be fauna (RUMOHR 1995). The area is therefore of classified as medium. minor importance for both the infauna and the epifauna. According to the current state of knowledge, the overall assessment of the benthic community in site O-1.3 is of medium importance overall. Area O-2 The results of the environmental assessments of the offshore wind farms "Baltic Eagle" and "Ostseeschatz" will be used to assess the benthos in area O-2. The Macoma balthica Description and assessment of state of the environment 119

Area O-3 showed a total of 60 species and 20 supra- specific taxa. The most common species were The description of area O-3 is based on the the Baltic clam (Macoma balthica) and the blue results of the preparatory investigations for the mussel, the Laver spire shell (Hydrobia ulvae), designation of the special "Kriegers Flak" area the polychaetes Pygospio elegans and and the results of the benthic investigations Scoloplos armiger and the Cumacea species under the scope of the environmental impact Diastylis rathkei. study and the monitoring during construction for the wind farm "EnBW Baltic 2". A total of 10 endangered Red List species according to RACHOR et al. (2013) were detected A total of 77 macrozoobenthos species were in area O-3 between 2002 and 2014 (see Table found as part of the investigations conducted by 8). ZETTLER et al. (2003). Total densities between 386 and 8875 ind./m² were recorded, whereby The benthic community in area O-3 is the abundances were significantly influenced by considered to be of high value due to the the presence or absence of the Baltic clam abundance of species, the rare relict species and (Macoma balthica) and the polychaete Pygospio the number of Red List species. This follows on elegans. The biomass was mainly dependent on the one hand from the fact that a total of 83 the larger bivalve species (Macoma balthica, species were found in the study area of the Mya arenaria and Mytilus edulis). The "EnBW Baltic 2" wind farm, 10 of which were on polychaete Terebellides stroemi was regularly the Red List. The southern and to some extent recorded in relatively high abundances at the north-eastern parts of the area are of particular mud stations at water depths above 35 m. Of the importance, as they are home to cold water species identified, seven are to be regarded as species that are rare in the Baltic Sea (e.g. what are known as glacial relicts (including Astarte borealis, Monoporeia affinis). From a Astarte borealis, Monoporeia affinis and macrozoobenthic perspective, according to Pontoporeia femorata). These species and the ZETTLER et al. (2003), the rock and debris layers Arctica islandica depend on cold and relatively in the northern shallow area with the extensive salty water and are therefore mostly restricted to blue mussel beds are particularly valuable. the deeper parts of the area. From a Connecting route of areas O-1 and O-2 macrozoobenthic perspective, these areas are particularly valuable for the Kriegers Flak region. In the course of the benthic investigations for the grid connection of the offshore wind farm With the exception of a few findings of rare "Arkona Basin Southeast", a total of species, the results of the investigations under 36 macrozoobenthos species were detected by the scope of the environmental impact study on means of grab sampling. The most species-rich the current population of the benthic groups were the polychaetes and crustaceans. communities are consistent with the results of The individual density was on average 3,396 ind. the investigations under the scope of the R&D per m². A total of 61 species were identified project commissioned by the Federal Agency for during the route investigations carried out in Nature Conservation (ZETTLER et al. 2003). A 2012 for the planned grid connections for area total of 83 macrozoobenthos taxa were detected O-1. in the study area of the "EnBW Baltic 2" wind farm as part of the environmental impact study. The investigations carried out as part of the monitoring during construction (INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH 2015a) also 120 Description and assessment of state of the environment

The soft substrate coenosis found along the 2.7 Fish route outside area O-1 is relatively species-poor. As the most species-rich of all vertebrate groups The individual densities and total biomass found alive today, fish are equally important as both are also relatively low. Soft substrata-dwelling predators and prey in marine ecosystems. species dominate such as Halicryptus Demersal fish feed predominantly on spinulosus, Macoma balthica, Terrebellides invertebrates living in and on the seabed, while stroemi, Diastylis rathkei and Pontoporeia pelagic fish species almost exclusively eat femorata. Particularly in summer, aperiodic zooplankton or other fish. In this way, biomass oxygen deficiency events can occur in the produced in and on the seabed as well as in muddy sediments and lead to large-scale open water, and the energy bound up in it is also extinction of the benthic fauna. Overall, the available to seabirds and marine mammals. importance of the route for the macrozoobenthos can be classified as low to medium. The transect Fishing and climate change are the most investigations inside area O-1 show a clearly important influences on fish populations species-richer benthic coenosis with higher (HOLLOWED et al. 2013, HEESSEN et al. 2015). individual densities. The blue mussel dominates These factors interact and can hardly be the hard substrata coenosis here. distinguished in terms of their relative effect on the population dynamics of fish (DAAN et al. More recent investigations of the benthic 1990, VAN BEUSEKOM et al. 2018). Hydrographic communities were carried out as part of the conditions and the influences of various human approval procedure "cables 1 to 6/cross- activities also have a part to play. Thus the connection" grid connection in areas 1 and 2 (50 dominance conditions within a fish species HERTZ 2014), the routes of which largely community can follow long-term, periodic climate coincide with the routes of the connections. fluctuations (PERRY et al. 2005, BEAUGRAND A total of 42 taxa were found along the planned 2009, GRÖGER et al. 2010, HISLOP et al. 2015). cable routes, with polychaetes (14 species), However, these cannot be explained without crustaceans (12 species) and molluscs taking fishing into account (FAUCHALD 2010). (5 species) being the most species-rich taxonomic groups. Two of the species found are Weakening of the synchronicity between classified with an indeterminate threat (RL temperature-controlled zooplankton category G) in the Red List according to RACHOR development and day length-controlled et al. (2013) due to their population situation or phytoplankton development is another development. These are the bivalve Astarte mechanism by which increased temperatures borealis and the isopod crustacean Saduria due to climatic changes can influence the entomon. At least locally, the endangered, long- population dynamics of fish. This "mismatch" lived bivalve Arctica islandica (RL category 3) (CUSHING 1990, BEAUGRAND et al. 2003) may may also occur, even if it was not detected in the reduce the density of zooplankton found by fish above investigations. The occurrence of typical larvae if they are dependent on external nutrition reef species or reef communities can be after consuming their yolk sacs. The survival expected within the rock fields occurring in the rates of early life stages have a disproportionate area. The benthic community is therefore to be effect on population dynamics across species classified as "regionally important", especially in (HOUDE 1987, 2008). This variability can the area O-1. propagate to the predators at the top of the food chain (DURANT et al. 2007, DÄNHARDT & BECKER 2011), which also includes fishing. Climate change could indirectly impact marine fish Description and assessment of state of the environment 121

communities, as humans react to climate gravelly seabed or sticks them to suitable change by installing offshore wind farms (EEA substrates such as algae or rocks (DICKEY- 2015). On the one hand, this would create large COLLAS et al. 2015), all flatfishes have pelagic areas where fishing is excluded and, on the other larvae, which metamorphose into the hand, artificial hard substrates would be characteristic body shape for life on the seabed introduced on a large scale, creating habitats for (VELASCO et al. 2015), and benthopelagic fish species that would not otherwise occur in the such as cod produce pelagic eggs and larvae areas in question (EHRICH ET AL. 2007). These (HISLOP et al. 2015). mechanisms are generally also effective in the Fish can be assigned to functional guilds based Baltic Sea, whose hydrographic dependence on on diet, reproduction or habitat use. Unlike wind-driven influx of salty and oxygen-rich North taxonomic classification, these make it easier to Sea water is the decisive factor for fish describe the functions of fish in the ecosystem populations (MÖLLMANN ET AL. 2009). Oxygen (ELLIOTT et al. 2007). This concept is described deficiency thus occurs repeatedly in the deep extensively for estuarine fish species (ELLIOTT et basins. A stable stratification of the water body al. 2007, FRANCO et al. 2008, POTTER et al. with oxygen depletion below the thermocline can 2015), but it has not been used widely for marine severely impair the reproductive success of fish fish to date. whose eggs are suspended in these layers (e.g. Baltic cod; NISSLING ET AL. 1994). That said, More than 5,300 fishing vessels from nine climate change and fishing are not the only nations operate in the Baltic Sea with an annual factors that can control fish populations. catch of almost 700,000 tonnes spanning all ÖSTERBLOM ET AL. (2007) explain the species and populations (ICES 2017a). A total of development of fish populations in the Baltic Sea 4,100 small coastal fishing vessels stand in between 1900 and 1980 largely by the decline in contrast to only 1,200 units fishing in the open the seal population and the strong Baltic Sea. However, there are significant eutrophication. differences between the nations involved. While 95% of the Swedish fleet operates offshore, The way the adult animals live in the water body smaller coastal fishing vessels account for 80% can be used for an initial classification of the fish of the German Baltic Sea fleet (ICES 2017a). fauna. The bottom-dwelling species (demersal) The main target species Atlantic cod Gadus can be distinguished from those that live in open morhua, herring and European sprat Sprattus water (pelagic). Mixed forms of both – sprattus account for about 95% of the total catch. benthopelagic species – are also widespread. Other fish species with less economic However, this separation is not strict: demersal importance are the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, fish ascend into the water column, while pelagic European plaice Pleuronectes platessa, fish occasionally stay near the seabed. At 53%, common dab Limanda limanda, turbot and brill demersal fish account for the largest share Scophthalmus rhombus and S. maximus, ahead of benthopelagic (27%) and pelagic European flounder Platichthys flesus, zander (17%) species. Only approximately 3% cannot Sander lucioperca, northern pike Esox lucius, be assigned to any of the three types due to common perch Perca fluviatilis, maraene close habitat affinity (WWW.FISHBASE.ORG). The Coregonus maraena, various whitefish, eel individual life stages of species often differ more Anguilla anguilla and brown trout Salmo trutta. widely from one another in terms of form and Pelagic fishing for herring and sprat is the most behaviour than the same stages of different widespread form of fishing in the Baltic Sea and species: the pelagic Atlantic herring Clupea has by far the largest number of landings. harengus lays its eggs in thick mats on sandy- 122 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Demersal fishing targets Atlantic cod and flatfish variability and is concentrated in the south and west. The The spatial and temporal distribution of fish is role of recreational fishermen in the Baltic Sea, determined first and foremost by their life cycles who land more than half of the annual fish and the migration associated with the various biomass removed in Germany, has also long stages of development (HARDEN-JONES 1968, been underestimated (HYDER et al. 2017). WOOTTON 2012, KING 2013). The framework for this is defined by many different factors that are 2.7.1 Data availability effective on a variety of spatial and temporal As data is almost only available from demersal scales. Hydrographic and general climatic fishing, but not from sampling in the pelagic factors such as swell and, above all, wind- zone, the following assessment can only take induced currents that control the inflow of cold, place for demersal fish. No reliable estimates are oxygen-rich salt water from the North Sea, which possible for pelagic fish. The basis for the has a major impact on the living conditions of fish assessment of the state of the factor (demersal) in the Baltic Sea. Water temperature and other fish are hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters, • the findings from environmental impact as well as food availability, intraspecies and studies and cluster studies to compile interspecies competition and predation – of current species lists (Area 1: cluster west of which fishing forms a part – operate on a the Adlergrund spring 2014, Area 2: Baltic medium (regional) to small (local) space-time Eagle autumn 2012, Area 3: EnBW Baltic 2 scale. Another decisive factor for the distribution autumn 2014). of fish in time and space is habitat, which in a broader sense means not only physical • the International Council for the Exploration structures but also hydrographic phenomena of the Sea (ICES) Database of Trawl such as fronts (MUNK et al. 2009) and upwelling Surveys (DATRAS) (accessed on 12 marts regions (GUTIERREZ et al. 2007), where prey 2018). Only the standard areas and grid aggregates and can thus set whole trophic squares covering the German Baltic Sea cascades in motion and maintain them. Diverse EEZ were considered. These are the human activities and influences are other factors standard roundfish areas 22 and 24, with that structure the distribution of fish. These range wind farm areas O-1, O-2 and O-3 all from nutrient and pollutant discharges to the located in standard roundfish area 24. The obstruction of migration routes for migratory catch data from the fourth quarter of 2017 species and fishing, to marine structures that fish and the first quarter of 2018 was merged. use as spawning substrates (sheet piling for EHRICH et al. (2006) and KLOPPMANN et al. herring spawn) or food sources (fouling on (2003) were consulted for a historical reference. artificial structures), or even as retreats where HEESSEN et al. (2015) was used for classification fishing is excluded to date (offshore wind farms) in the context covering the Baltic Sea as a whole. (EEA 2015). The online portal "Fischbestände online" [Fish populations online] (BARZ & ZIMMERMANN 2018) Fish fauna in the German EEZ was used for the current assessment The special hydrography and the decreasing (2017/2018) of the fished populations. This salinity from west to east are also reflected in the summarises ICES' scientific population fish fauna of the Baltic Sea. Where marine assessment. species predominate in the North Sea, freshwater fish make up a large part of the fish 2.7.2 Spatial distribution and temporal species community. As of November 2015, the Description and assessment of state of the environment 123

fish database Fishbase (WWW.FISHBASE.ORG) list freshwater and mature in estuaries or the 160 species that have been detected in the sea. entire Baltic Sea to date. THIEL et al. (1996) • semi-anadromous species such as the estimate the number of Baltic fish species at 144, vimba bream Vimba vimba, ziege Pelecus consisting of 97 marine fish species, 7 migratory cultratus, maraene Coregonus maraena or and 40 freshwater fish species. In their European smelt Osmerus eperlanus that comprehensive overview, WINKLER & SCHRÖDER spawn in the upper estuary/low salinity (2003) list 151 species for the entire German brackish water or freshwater, and Baltic Sea coast. The reference area includes the Baltic Sea coasts of Schleswig-Holstein and • catadromous species such as eel or Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, bordered on flounder, which spawn in the sea and the outside by the middle line defined with the mature in brackish or freshwater. neighbouring countries (according to the While guest species usually occur regularly in definition of FRICKE et al. 1996). The the area during their food migrations, accidental documentation contains all species for which migrants seem almost impossible to predict and scientifically verified proof is available from the are mostly due to unusual hydrographic and German Baltic Sea region. If all individual meteorological phenomena. In the Baltic Sea, findings ever recorded in the Baltic Sea are almost half of all species in the area are included, the list of Baltic Sea fish consists of 176 stationary fish, 18% can be classified as regular species (WINKLER et al. 2000). According to guests, 29% are accidental migrants and 8% Möbius, MÖBIUS & HEINCKE (1883) the species have been introduced into the Baltic Sea, mostly are divided into four categories according to the temporarily through intentional or unintentional type of use of the area as habitat: restocking measures. • Marine stationary fish that migrate, but are The total number of species has almost doubled always found in the area and reproduce compared to the 16th century, mainly due to the there, occurrence of marine species, with the ratio • Marine migratory and accidental migrants between marine and diadromous and freshwater that migrate regularly, sporadically or species still at 2:1: According to WINKLER & extremely rarely from the North Sea, but do SCHRÖDER (2003), 2/3 of the fish community are not reproduce in the Baltic Sea, marine species, 12% diadromous migrants and 21% freshwater fish. Of the 151 species • Diadromic migratory fish that reproduce in occurring in the Baltic Sea, 44 are considered to freshwater and mature in the sea or vice be very rare, 36 rare, 33 regular, 24 frequent, versa, and 13 occur very frequent in the German Baltic • Freshwater fish with stationary occurrences Sea. About 46% of the fish species (70 of 151) or migratory fish that reproduce in brackish occur regularly to very frequently and about 54% or pure freshwater. rarely to very rarely in the German Baltic Sea (WINKLER & SCHRÖDER 2003). According to MOYLE & CECH (2000) , diadromic migratory species can be divided into The current Red List (THIEL et al. 2013) limits its risk assessment to the established species, as • anadromous species such as salmon, twait many marine fish species and lampreys carry out shad Alosa fallax and European river extensive migrations between feeding, spawning lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis that spawn in and nursery areas, which are sometimes far apart, in the course of their development. A 124 Description and assessment of state of the environment

species is therefore considered established not population of the latter species appears to have only if it reproduces regularly in the assessment increased significantly in recent years as a result area, but also if at least one of its developmental of extensive support measures. stages (juvenile, subadult, adult) regularly visits The sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and river a partial habitat in the area or if it only occurs lamprey, both anadromous migrants, are found here as a regular migratory guest (THIEL et al. rarely to regularly in the German Baltic Sea 2013). A total of 90 species established areas. The very rare fish species include all according to these criteria can be found in the sharks and rays, which are without exception Baltic Sea assessment area. Of these, 47 accidental migrants, and are found only at the species (52.8%) are rare to extremely rare, 40 transition between Kattegatt and the Belt and species (45%) are moderately common to very Sund Sea. The anadromous migratory fish, common. Very common fish include the marine relatives of the herring, the twait and allis shad fish species herring, sprat, Atlantic cod, lesser (Alosa alosa), both called salmon in Annex II of sand eel Ammodytes marinus and great sand eel the Habitats Directive, are rarely or very rarely lanceolatus, sand and common observed in the Baltic Sea. Since 1990, only two goby Pomatoschistus minutus and P. microps, individual specimens of the allis shad have been the flat fish common dab and flounder and the recorded in German Baltic Sea waters (THIEL & three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus WINKLER 2007), and also historical specimens of aculeatus that occurs in the marine habitat and the allis shad are extremely rare, spatially and in freshwater. Baltic herring is classified as a temporally very variable and not always subspecies (Clupea harengus membras) and unambiguous (WINKLER et al. 2002). The twait, Baltic cod is also classified taxonomically as a closely related to the allis shad, however, is still subspecies (Gadus morhua calaris). The established in the southern Baltic Sea (THIEL & environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea, WINKLER 2007). After hardly any evidence was which differ from those in the North Sea, are found between 1960 and 1989 (WINKLER 1991), manifested, among other things, in changed observations in the southern Baltic Sea have growth characteristics and body proportions of increased again since the mid-1990s, mainly in the local forms. In the eastern Baltic Sea, the the areas north-east of Rügen, from the herring stays, e.g. much smaller and becomes Pomeranian Bight and from the Oder estuary. sexually mature with a smaller body size. The This development corresponds to development very common species also include smelt, perch in Poland (REPEČKA 2003), Lithuania (SKÓRA and zander. It is common to find salmon and sea 2003) and Russia (MAKSIMOV 2004). Causes for trout, the freshwater fish ide Leuciscus idus, the decline in twait populations in the southern common bream Abramis brama and white bream Baltic Sea are considered to be increasing water Blicca bjoerkna and the marine species whiting pollution in coastal waters, the construction of Merlangius merlangus, garfish Belone belone, barriers to migration (e.g. REPEČKA 1999) and lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus and plaice. The possibly climate factors (e.g. THIEL et al. 2007). occurrence of the many carp-like species (Cyprinidae) is limited to the peripheral waters of Fish communities typical for the habitat the Baltic Sea such as the Oder estuary. Salmon The fish communities typical of the Baltic Sea listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive as an habitat are represented by pelagic, benthic animal species of Community interest for which (demersal) and littoral species (NELLEN & THIEL special protected areas are to be established for 1995). The boundaries are fluid and there are their conservation, sea trout and maraene are exchanges, e.g. when pelagic fish such as supported by fisheries support measures. The herring visit their spawning grounds on the coast. Description and assessment of state of the environment 125

In addition to spawning grounds, there are also specific abundance decrease, which can be feeding grounds for many fish species on the largely explained by the fact that marine fish coast. The pelagic fish community is dominated avoid areas with low salinity. For example, by herring, which occurs throughout the Baltic marine fish are mainly found in the Kattegat and Sea. Sprat, salmon and sea trout are other in the western Baltic Sea (NELLEN & THIEL 1995), characteristic representatives. The most while freshwater fish are represented with the important representatives of the benthic fish most species in the coastal waters of the central community in economic terms are cod, flounder Baltic Sea. REMANE (1958) reports 120 species and plaice. In addition to the commercial species of marine fish in the North Sea, only 70 in the mentioned above, various small fish species Kiel and Mecklenburg Bight, 40 to 50 in the (e.g. gobies) are important links within the fish southern and central Baltic Sea and only 20 in communities of the Baltic Sea. This includes the the Aland Sea, the Gulf of Finland and the round goby Neogobius melanostomus, one of Bothnian Sea. In addition to salinity, water the most common invasive fish species in the temperature also seems to be a factor that world. Round goby originating from the Black affects the structure of the fish community. The Sea have spread in the Baltic Sea since 1990 fish fauna of the North Sea consists of species from Gdansk Bight to the west (SAPOTA & SKORA whose main distribution is either in the north 2005) and into Estonian and Latvian coastal (Norway, Iceland) or in the south (English waters (OJAVEER et al. 2006). It was first Channel, Bay of Biscay). In the western Baltic detected in Germany in 1998 (WINKLER 2006). In Sea, with few exceptions, all common marine the meantime, the up to 20-cm-long goby has fish are mainly adapted to cold water, e.g. cod, become established in the food web up to the whiting, plaice and dab. In contrast, fish species level of birds (KARLSON et al. 2007, ALMQVIST et with more southern distribution are rare guests al. 2010). The littoral fish community consists in the western Baltic Sea, including the Atlantic almost exclusively of juvenile individuals of mackerel Scomber scombrus, Atlantic horse pelagic species. The littoral of the Baltic Sea, the mackerel Trachurus trachurus, haddock Bodden and lagoon, is characterised by dense Melanogrammus aeglefinus, tub gurnard vegetation with algae and seaweed as well as an Chelidonichthys lucernus, European anchovy abundance of food, which explains its function as Engraulis encrasicolus and thicklip grey mullet a nursery area for economically important Chelon labrosus. Some representatives of the species and as a habitat for small fish. "southern type" (NELLEN & THIEL 1995) can be found among the stationary fish of the western Typical regional communities Baltic Sea with turbot, garfish, sprat, black goby The distribution of Baltic Sea fish is largely Gobius niger. The occurrence of freshwater fish determined by their tolerance or preference for in the Baltic Sea is limited to river estuaries, abiotic factors such as salinity, temperature and Bodden and lagoon waters (THIEL et al. 1996). oxygen content. The more sensitive development stages in particular play a crucial The salinity plays a decisive role in the species role here. Freshwater fish in the brackish Baltic composition of the fish fauna. The EEZ can Sea reach their physiological limits just as much therefore be divided into a western and eastern as marine fish from the North Sea, and the unit of natural space, the boundary of which is distribution of fish species reflects the salinity represented by the Darss Sill. While little is gradient, which decreases from east to north known about the fish stocks of the whole EEZ (RHEINHEIMER 1996). Along the same gradient, except for the main commercial fish species, the both the number of species and the species- data availability for the eastern EEZ is more extensive. In addition to the investigations 126 Description and assessment of state of the environment

conducted by EHRICH et al. (2006) and and lampreys established in the Baltic Sea are KLOPPMANN et al. (2003), other investigations classified as extinct or endangered according to carried out by THIEL & WINKLER (2007) from the the Red List status. Taking into account the former FFH areas and current environmental extremely rare species, the proportion of Red impact studies (EIS) for the wind farms planned List species increases to 16.9% (15 species). A in the EEZ are available. A total of 43 fish total of 4 species with Red List status in the Baltic species were found in these investigations for Sea were detected in the eastern EEZ (FREYHOF the offshore wind farm projects "EnBW Baltic 2", 2009; THIEL ET AL. 2013). The river lamprey is "Arkona Basin Southeast", "Viking" "Baltic threatened with extinction (1) (FREYHOF 2009). Eagle" and "Ostseeschatz", most of them in the The European eel is critically endangered in the area of Kriegers Flak. EHRICH et al. (2006) and Baltic Sea (2), twait and salmon are endangered KLOPPMANN et al. (2003) found a total of 42 fish (3) (THIEL et al. 2013). species in the Arkona Sea between 1990 and Three of the Red List species are listed in Annex 2001, including 12 species that were not caught II of the Habitats Directive, namely the twait, the during the EIS. In addition to the species river lamprey and the salmon, which only has detected in the EIS, the following were also FFH status in freshwater. The sturgeon found: common whitefish Coregonus lavaretus, Acipenser oxyrhinchus is classified as extinct in European bullhead Cottus gobio, grey gurnard the Baltic Sea (FREYHOF 2009). According to Eutrigla gurnardus, river lamprey, European genetic and morphometric studies, the "Baltic" or hake Merluccius merluccius, rainbow trout "Baltic Sea sturgeon" is not, as previously Oncorhynuchus mykiss, perch, pollock, common assumed, the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio, roach Rutilus rutilus, salmon, sea trout and the but a descendant of the A. oxyrhinchus (LUDWIG sea stickleback Spinachia spinachia (EHRICH et et al. 2002). A. sturio was last caught in 1952 off al. 2006, KLOPPMANN et al. 2003). In addition, Rügen. In the context of the project to THIEL & WINKLER (2007) reported in the context reintroduce the Baltic Sea sturgeon Acipenser of the R & D project "Recording of FFH Annex II oxyrinchus, since 2007/2008, several thousand fish species in the German EEZ of the North Sea juvenile fish, some with transmitters, have been and Baltic Sea (ANFIOS) finding the maraene released into the Oder. No natural reproduction Coregonus maraena, longspined bullhead has taken place so far and all reported sturgeon Taurulus bubalis, goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus catches can be traced back to these stocking ruperstris, Eurasian ruffe Gymnocephalus measures (GESSNER et al. 2000). cernuus, burbot Lota lota, round goy, common goby and ninespine stickleback Pungitius 2.7.3 Status assessment of the factor Fish pungitius. MIESKE (2003, 2006) reports catching The assessment of the state of the demersal fish greater sand eel Hyperoplus immaculatus, community of the German Baltic Sea EEZ is indicating 64 species in the Baltic Sea in the based on i) the rareness and vulnerability, ii) the recent past. diversity and uniqueness and iii) the naturalness. These three criteria are defined below and are Red List species in the German EEZ applied separately for areas 1, 2 and 3. The threat to the 89 fish and lamprey species Rareness and vulnerability established in the Baltic Sea was assessed within the scope of the Red List based on the The rarity and vulnerability of the fish community current population situation and long-term and is assessed based on the proportion of species short-term population trend (THIEL et al. 2013). that are considered endangered according to the Accordingly, 9% (8 species) of the marine fish current Red List of Marine Fishes (THIEL et al. Description and assessment of state of the environment 127

2013) and for the diadromous species of the Red sole Solea solea are on the Early Warning List List of Freshwater Fishes (FREYHOF 2009) and (V; 3 species, 6.7%). For lesser sand eels have been assigned to one of the following Red Ammodytes tobianus, Hyperoplus immaculatus List categories: extinct or disappeared (0), and H. lanceolatus as well as for hake and the threatened with extinction (1), critically longspined bullhead (5 species, 11.1%), the endangered (2), endangered (3), indeterminate available data is considered deficient (D). The (G), extremely rare (R), Early Warning List (V), vast majority of species (31, 68.9%) is classified data deficient (D) or of least concern (*) (THIEL et as of least concern (*). al. 2013). Particular attention must be paid to the In the sea areas where area 1 is located, a total threat to species listed in Annex II of the Habitats of 38 species were identified during the Directive. Europe-wide protection efforts are environmental impact assessments and within being focused on these, and they require special the scope of fish monitoring for population protection measures, e.g. their habitats. assessment purposes. According to FREYHOF In the Baltic Sea territories in which areas 1, 2 (2009) and THIEL et al. (2013), none of these and 3 are located, a total of 45 fish species were species is considered to be extinct or identified during the environmental impact disappeared (0), threatened with extinction or assessments in the above period (2.8.1) and considered to be endangered to an within the framework of fish monitoring for indeterminate extent (G). Three critically population assessment. According to THIEL et al. endangered species (2), eel, haddock and sea (2013) and FREYHOF (2009), no species is stickleback, were identified (7.9%), the greater considered extinct or disappeared (0) or weever is endangered (3, 1 species, 2.6%). The threatened with extinction (1). Three critically pollock is extremely rare (R, 1 species, 2.6%), endangered species (2) - eel, haddock and sea turbot, mackerel and sole are on the Early stickleback - were identified (6.7%). The greater Warning List (V; 3 species, 7.9%). For the great weever Trachinus draco and the poor cod sand eel and the greater sand eel, the available Trisopterus minutus are considered endangered data does not allow an assessment (D, (3) (2 species, 4.4%). Indeterminate threats (G) 3 species, 7.9%). The remaining 27 species were not found for any of the species occurring. (71.1%) are considered to be of least concern The pollock is regarded as extremely rare (R, 1 (*) (. species, 2.2%), turbot, mackerel and common Table 9). 128 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Table 9: Relative percentages of Red List categories among fish species detected in areas 1, 2 and 3. Extinct or disappeared (0), threatened with extinction (1), critically endangered (2), endangered (3), indeterminate (G), extremely rare (R), Early Warning List (V), data deficient (D) or least concern (*) (THIEL et al. 2013). (EIS data for areas 1, 2 and 3 and data from 2017/2018 from the ICES DATRAS database, see 2.8.1). The relative percentages of the assessment categories in the Baltic Sea Red List (THIEL et al. 2013) are shown by way of comparison. Red List category AREA 0 1 2 3 G R V D * 1 0.0 0.0 7.9 2.6 0.0 2.6 7.9 7.9 71.1 2 0.0 0.0 7.1 2.4 0.0 2.4 7.1 9.5 71.4 3 0.0 0.0 7.5 5.0 0.0 2.5 7.5 5.0 72.5 Red List 1.1 2.1 1.1 3.2 1.1 7.4 1.1 19.1 63.8

In the sea areas where area 2 is located, a total In the sea areas where area 3 is located, a total of 42 species were identified during the of 40 species were identified during the environmental impact assessments and within environmental impact assessments and within the scope of fish monitoring for population the scope of fish monitoring for population assessment purposes. According to FREYHOF assessment purposes. According to FREYHOF (2009) and THIEL et al. (2013), none of these (2009) and THIEL et al. (2013), none of these species is considered to be extinct or species is considered to be extinct or disappeared (0), threatened with extinction or disappeared (0), threatened with extinction or considered to be endangered to an considered to be endangered to an indeterminate extent (G). Three critically indeterminate extent (G). endangered species (2), eel, haddock and sea Three critically endangered species (2) were stickleback, were identified (7.1%), the greater identified: eel, haddock and sea bream (7.5). weever is endangered (3, 1 species, 2.4%). The The greater weever and the poor cod are pollock is extremely rare (R, 1 species, 2.4%), considered endangered (3) (2 species, 5.0%). turbot, mackerel and sole are on the Early The pollock is considered extremely rare (R, 1 Warning List (V; 3 species, 7.1%). For the sand species, 2.5%), turbot, mackerel and sole are on eels and for the hake, the available data does not the Early Warning List (V; 3 species, 7.5%). allow an assessment (D, 4 species, 9.5%). The remaining 30 species (71.4%) are considered to For the great sand eel and the greater sand eel, be of least concern (*) (Table 9). the available data does not allow an assessment (D, 2 species 5.0%). The remaining 29 species (72.5%) are considered to be of least concern (*) (Table 9). In the Red Lists of Marine Fish for the Baltic Sea (THIEL et al. 2013) and Freshwater Fishes (FREYHOF 2009), a total of 16.0% of the species assessed were assigned to a threat category (0, 1, 2, 3, G or R), 1.1% were on the Early Warning List, and 19.1% could not be assessed due to a lack of data. A total of 63.8% of species are considered to be of least concern (FREYHOF Description and assessment of state of the environment 129

2009, THIEL et al. 2013) (Table 9). By way of Diversity and uniqueness comparison, significantly fewer species with a The diversity of a fish community can be threat status were found in three Baltic Sea described by the number of species (α-diversity, areas (1: 13.1%, 2: 11.9%, 3: 15.0%), while 'species richness'). The species composition can considerably more species deemed to be of least be used to assess the uniqueness of a fish concern were always found than were named in community, i.e. how regularly species typical to the Red Lists (1: 71.1%, 2: 71.4%, 3: 72.5%). the habitat occur. Diversity and uniqueness are Extinct or disappeared species (category 0) compared below and evaluated between the were not identified in any of the areas, as entire Baltic Sea and the German EEZ, as well expected. The significance of the areas is below as between the EEZ and the individual average for endangered species (1), while territories. critically endangered species (2) were relatively If all documented species are included, there are more frequent in all areas than in the Red Lists. 176 species in the Baltic Sea (WINKLER et al. This also applied to endangered species (3) in 2000). According to the fish database Fishbase area 3. The areas are of above-average (WWW.FISHBASE.ORG), as of November 2015, importance for these species. Endangered 160 fish species have been identified in the species accounted for a smaller percentage in entire Baltic Sea, and WINKLER & SCHRÖDER areas 1 and 2 (Table 9). Species in category G (2003) list 151 species for the entire German (indeterminate) and extremely rare species were Baltic Sea coast species for which scientifically found in all three areas in lower proportions than verified proof is available from the German Baltic on the Red Lists, while the proportion of species Sea region. THIEL ET AL. (1996) estimate the on the Early Warning List was higher. The number of Baltic fish species at 144, including 97 proportion of species that could not be evaluated marine fish species, 7 migratory and 40 due to deficient data (D) was half (area 2) to freshwater fish species. Most of them by far are almost three quarters (area 3) below the rare individual specimens, and only just over half proportion on the Red Lists. Relatively more of them reproduce regularly in the German species of least concern (*) were found in all Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or are found as areas, which are therefore of above-average larvae, juveniles or adult specimens. According importance for species in this category (Table 9). to these criteria, only 89 species are considered FFH species were not identified either during the established in the Baltic Sea (THIEL et al. 2013). environmental impact studies or in the fishing The Baltic International Trawl Surveys (BITS) management surveys. Against this background, identified 69 fish species in the entire North Sea the overall assessment of the Spatial Offshore between 2014 and 2018. In the German EEZ, Grid Plan 2016/2017 (Federal Maritime and represented here by the cluster-related fish data Hydrographic Agency 2017) is that the fish fauna from environmental impact studies (see 2.8.1) of the areas under consideration is to be and the DATRAS database of ICES (BITS data regarded as average in terms of the criteria of 2017 & 2018), a total of 45 species were rarity and vulnerability. identified (Figure 21). The number of species in the individual areas was very close together between 38 and 42 (see "Rareness and vulnerability"). Most species were caught in the fishing management surveys, but species not included in the BITS survey were found in the environmental impact studies. These were the 130 Description and assessment of state of the environment

, anchovy, three-spined zander and coastal species such as flounder and stickleback, common seasnail liparis, smelt were present in all three areas, while hake, sand goby, longspined bullhead and marine species such as anchovy and hake were whiting-pout. Most species were found in area 2, caught in only one area (Figure 21). It is possible followed by areas 3 and 1 (Figure 21). that the environmental gradients in the area in question are not sufficiently pronounced to All demersal flatfish and roundfish species provide a measurable structure for the typical for the Baltic Sea have been found in all occurrence of species. The composition of fish areas. All flatfish species (American plaice species only differs between areas in terms of Hippoglossoides platessoides, dab, flounder, individual, rare species, while there are great plaice, turbot, brill and sole) were present in all similarities in the case of the more characteristic, areas analysed (Figure 21). more abundant species (Figure 21). Although the bottom trawls used are unsuitable Between 1977 and 2005, EHRICH et al. (2006) for pelagic fish, the species typical of the pelagic found 58 fish species in the Baltic Sea. part of the fish community were found in all Compared with these reports and the data from clusters with the lesser sand eel, herring, great the Baltic Sea as a whole, the diversity in all and greater sand eel, smelt, mackerel, sprat and areas can be regarded as average in line with Atlantic horse mackerel (Figure 21). the assessment of the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan Of the 45 species detected in the German EEZ 2016/2017 (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic during the period under analysis, 37 species Agency 2017). The typical and characteristic were found in all areas, one species (sand goby) species of both the pelagic and demersal was found in two areas, and 7 species were components of the fish communities considered detected in one area each (Figure 21). A spatial were also present in all areas (see above). The structure of the occurrence of different species characteristics of the fish communities found are e.g. according to their preferred habitat or salinity thus also deemed to be average. was not found: freshwater fish such as perch and

Description and assessment of state of the environment 131

Artname Deutscher Trivialname OS1 OS2 OS3 Agonus cataphractus Steinpicker Ammodytes tobianus Tobiasfisch Anguilla anguilla Europäischer Aal Aphia minuta Glasgrundel Clupea harengus Hering Cyclopterus lumpus Seehase Enchelyopus cimbrius Vierbärtelige Seequappe Engraulis encrasicolus Sardelle Eutrigla gurnardus Grauer Knurrhahn Gadus morhua Kabeljau Gasterosteus aculeatus Dreistachliger Stichling Gobius niger Schwarzgrundel Hippoglossoides platessoides Doggerscharbe Hyperoplus immaculatus Ungefleckter großer Sandaal Hyperoplus lanceolatus Gefleckter großer Sandaal Limanda limanda Kliesche Liparis liparis Großer Scheibenbauch Melanogrammus aeglefinus Schellfisch Merlangius merlangus Wittling Merluccius merluccius Seehecht Mullus surmuletus Streifenbarbe Myoxocephalus scorpius Seeskorpion Neogobius melanostomus Schwarzmundgrundel Osmerus eperlanus Stint Perca fluviatilis Flussbarsch Platichthys flesus Flunder Pleuronectes platessa Scholle Pollachius pollachius Pollack Pollachius virens Seelachs Pomatoschistus minutus Sandgrundel Sander lucioperca Zander Scomber scombrus Makrele Scophthalmus maximus Steinbutt Scophthalmus rhombus Glattbutt Solea solea Seezunge Spinachia spinachia Seestichling Sprattus sprattus Sprotte Syngnathus rostellatus Kleine Seenadel Syngnathus typhle Grasnadel Taurulus bubalis Seebull Trachinus draco Großes Petermännchen Trachurus trachurus Holzmakrele (=Stöcker) Trisopterus esmarkii Stintdorsch Trisopterus minutus Franzosendorsch Zoarces viviparus Aalmutter Anzahl Arten 38 42 40 Figure 21: Total species list for fish in the German Baltic Sea EEZ and species identified in clusters 1, 2 and 3 (EIS data from 2014 onwards, and data from 2017/2018 from the ICES DATRAS database, see 2.8.1).

132 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Naturalness Fishing impacts on the ecosystem in two primary ways: disturbance or destruction of benthic The naturalness of a fish community is defined habitats by bottom contact nets, and removal of as the absence of anthropogenic influences, of target species and bycatch species. The latter which fishing has the greatest impact. Certainly, often includes protected, endangered or fish are also subject to other direct or indirect threatened species, including reptiles, birds and human influences, such as eutrophication, mammals in addition to fish (ICES 2017b). More shipping, pollutants and sand and gravel than 5,300 fishing vessels from nine nations extraction. However, these effects cannot be operate in the Baltic Sea with an annual catch of measured reliably as yet. In principle, the relative almost 700,000 tonnes spanning all species and effects of the individual anthropogenic factors on populations (ICES 2017a). A total of 4,100 small the fish community and their interactions with coastal fishing vessels stand in contrast to only natural biotic (predators, prey, competitors, 1,200 units fishing in the open Baltic Sea. reproduction) and abiotic (hydrography, However, there are significant differences meteorology, sediment dynamics) influencing between the nations involved. variables of the German EEZ cannot be separated clearly. However, the removal of The intensity of bottom trawling is concentrated target species and bycatch, as well as the in the southern Baltic Sea, but outside coastal degradation of the seabed in the case of ground- waters the fleet mainly uses pelagic trawls. In breaking fishing methods, make fisheries the coastal fishing, bottom-set gillnets (ICES 2017a) most effective disturbance of the fish community. predominate. It is therefore used as a measure of the The German fleet comprises more than 700 naturalness of the fish communities in the Baltic fishing vessels, of which only 60 operate in areas Sea. The stocks are not assessed on a smaller remote from the coast. 650 smaller units are spatial scale such as of the German EEZ is not engaged exclusively in bottom-set gillnet fishing carried out as part of fishing management, so in the coastal waters. The number of people that the following evaluation of this criterion fishing on the German Baltic coast alone is cannot be carried out at cluster level either, but estimated at 161,000, who catch cod, herring, only for the entire Baltic Sea. Of the 89 species sea trout, whiting and flatfish either from the considered established in the Baltic Sea (THIEL shore or from boats within 5 nautical miles. et al. 2013, 17 stocks of 9 species are commercially fished (ICES 2017a). The Commercial fishing and the size of spawning assessment of naturalness is based on stocks are assessed against the Maximum "Fisheries overview – Baltic Sea Ecoregion" of Sustainable Yield (MSY), taking into account the the International Council for the Exploration of precautionary approach. A total of 17 the Sea (ICES 2017a). populations were taken into consideration in terms of fishing intensity, of which 14 were scientifically assessed and only 3 were not. Description and assessment of state of the environment 133

Of the 17 populations evaluated, 7 are managed sustainably or overused (Figure 2.8.5; ICES 2017a). Ten of the 17 populations were assessed for their reproductive capacity (spawning stock biomass). Six of these have full reproductive capacity (Figure 22; ICES 2017a). The share of biomass in the total catch of the Baltic Sea (687,000 t in 2017) of populations managed with excessive fishing intensity outweighs by far the share of sustainably caught and unevaluated populations (>90%,Figure 22). Still, fish from populations account for the predominant biomass share of the catch (>90%), whose reproductive capacity is above the defined reference values. The biomass from evaluated populations and those with a reproductive potential below the reference level Figure 22: Summary of the status of fish populations is less than 10% overall (Figure 22). in the Baltic Sea, 2017. Left: The fishing intensity indicates the number of populations (above) and the Overall, catch yields were at their peak in the biomass percentage of the catch (below; in 1000 mid-1970s and 1990s, which can be explained tonnes) below (green) or above the reference value by corresponding population sizes of Atlantic (FMSY, fishing mortality consistent with achieving cod Gadus morhua and Atlantic herring Clupea maximum sustainable yield). Right: Reproductive harengus. Half of the fish populations in the capacity is the number of populations (above) and the Baltic Sea monitored by reference values are biomass percentage of the catch (below) above managed with an intensity at or below (green) or below (red) the reference value (spawning stock biomass, MSY Btrigger). Grey indicates the sustainable long-term yield (FMSY), while the number or biomass percentage of the catch among other half are overfished. This is also reflected in populations for which no reference points are defined the fact that the vast majority of biomass in the and for which it is therefore not possible to estimate catch comes from these populations (Figure 22). the population. A total of 17 populations were taken While pelagic trawls and passive fishing devices into consideration, which jointly provided 687,000 are the predominant fishing methods in the Baltic tonnes of catch. Amended according to ICES Sea, bottom trawling is concentrated in the (2017a). southern Baltic Sea and thus also disrupts the In the overview of key fishing figures (ICES seabed. In bottom-set gillnet fishing, high by- 2017a) and the ecosystem effects of bottom catch rates of diving seabirds (auks and sea contact fishing (WATLING & NORSE 1998, ducks) and, to a lesser extent, harbour porpoises HIDDINK et al. 2006) and bottom-set gillnet can sometimes occur. fishing, the naturalness of the fish fauna is classified as average as in the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan 2016/2017 (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency 2017). 134 Description and assessment of state of the environment Importance of areas and sites for fish

The primary criterion for the importance of the areas and sites for fish is the relationship to the life cycle, within which various stations are linked with stage-specific habitat requirements via more or less extensive migrations in the interim. Information on the reproductive status was not collected in any of the datasets used, so the significance of the areas and sites for fish can only be described in general terms. Moreover, the fact that the catch data used was collected using methods that do not allow habitat references to be derived impedes precise assessment of the area. The overview of the species records by area did not show any particular significance of a specific area for the constant, frequent character species. There is no apparent trend that species with special ways of life may prefer certain areas (Figure 21), but this may be due to the fact that the area in question is too small and too homogeneous to reflect environmental gradients in species composition. The fish also cross the wind farm areas on the regular migrations between the spawning grounds and nursery areas near the coast and the deeper areas which characterise the life cycle of most species. They are therefore important as transit areas, at least for marine species. Freshwater species are concentrated on the coast and near the estuaries, which is due to the absence of many freshwater species that are typical and characteristic of the Baltic Sea (THIEL et al. 2013) in the data evaluated here. The importance of wind farm areas for these species is low. However, the relatively higher proportion of critically endangered fish species in all three areas indicates a higher importance of these areas for these species (eel, haddock and sea stickleback). Description and assessment of state of the environment 135

2.8 Marine mammals mammals in the EEZ and in the coastal waters. Data is available at different spatial levels: Three marine mammal species are found regularly in the German Baltic Sea EEZ: the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the harbour • for the entire area of northern European seal (Phoca vitulina). All three types are waters by observations under SCANS I, II characterised by high levels of mobility. and III 36 in 1994, 2005 and 2016 as well as Migration, especially for the purpose of the so-called Mini-SCANS of 2012 (SCANS, searching for food, is not limited to the EEZ, but however, only covers the western Baltic Sea also includes coastal waters and large up to the German part of the Pomeranian transboundary areas of the Baltic Sea. Resting Bight), and breeding grounds for the two seal species • Research projects in the German EEZ and are found on islands and sandbanks in the area in the coastal waters, such as MINOS37 and around coastal waters. They undertake MINOSplus surveys in the years 2002 to extensive migrations in the open sea from their 2006, resting grounds in order to hunt for food. Due to their high mobility and the use of very extensive • Investigations under the scope of approval areas, it is necessary to consider their and planning permission procedures for occurrence not only in the German EEZ, but in offshore wind farms as well as planning the whole area of the western Baltic Sea. permission procedures for pipelines, Marine mammals are among the top consumers • Monitoring of the Natura2000 sites / in the marine food chain. They are therefore acoustic monitoring by the German dependent on the lower components of the Oceanographic Museum, marine food chain: their direct food organisms • The EU research project SAMBAH38. (fish and zooplankton) on the one hand, and – indirectly – phytoplankton on the other. As SAMBAH (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the consumers at the top of the marine food chain, Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise)is an international marine mammals simultaneously influence the monitoring project which aims to promote occurrence of food organisms as well. conservation of the Baltic Sea harbour porpoise with scientific data. Between May 2011 and May 2.8.1 Data availability 2013, 300 click detectors were deployed in the central Baltic Sea to determine the density, Due to a large number of study programmes, frequency and distribution of the harbour particularly in German waters, data availability porpoise population. has improved significantly in recent years compared to previous years and can now be rated as good. However, there is no continuous study or monitoring programme for marine

36 Small Cetacean Abundance in the North Sea and (project funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Adjacent Waters Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety) 37 Marine warm-blooded animals in the North and Baltic 38 Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Seas: Foundations for assessment of offshore wind farms Porpoise 136 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2.8.2 Spatial distribution and temporal SAMBAH research project (e.g. GALATIUS variability et al. 2012). The high mobility of marine mammals, Harbour porpoises migrate in search of depending on particular conditions in the marine abundant food sources and temporarily environment, leads to high spatial and temporal concentrate in areas of qualitatively and/or variability in the occurrence of marine mammals. quantitatively high food availability (REIJNDERS Both the distribution and the abundance of the 1992, EVANS 1990). Fish, mainly herring and animals vary throughout the seasons. A good cod-related species, are the preferred food of the data basis is necessary in order to draw harbour porpoise. Harbour porpoises mainly conclusions about seasonal distribution patterns hunt schools of fish (READ 1999). Pelagic and and the use of different subareas. To be able to semipelagic fish species dominate the food recognise effects of intra- and interannual spectrum. Rearing areas are mainly coastal variability, large-scale long-term studies are areas with water depths below 20 m, e.g. in the necessary in particular. Belt Sea and on the coasts of Mecklenburg- Harbour porpoises occur all year round in the Western Pomerania (KINZE 1990, SCHULZE German Baltic Sea EEZ, but concentrations in 1996). their occurrence and spatial distribution are Occurrence of harbour porpoise in the apparent depending on the season (GILLES et al. German Baltic Sea 2008, 2009). However, seasonal distribution patterns are weaker than in the North Sea. For the entire Kattegat, Belt Sea, the Sound and western Baltic Sea area, there was a significant Harbour porpoise decline in stock numbers between 1994 and The harbour porpoise is a common species of 2005. While 27,800 animals (95% confidence whale in the temperate waters of the North interval = 11,946-64,549) were recorded in this Atlantic and North Pacific, as well as in some area under SCANS I in 1994, only 10,900 intracontinental seas such as the Baltic Sea. Due animals (CI = 5,840-20,214) were detected in the to its hunting and diving behaviour, the area in 2005 (TEILMANN et al. 2011). However, distribution of the harbour porpoise is limited to the difference is not significant due to the large continental shelf seas (READ 1999). The harbour range of 95% confidence intervals (ASCOBANS porpoise is the only regular species of porpoise 2012). The area east of the Darss Sill is not in the Baltic Sea. covered by the SCANS survey. Studies indicate that three separate harbour SCHEIDAT et al. (2008) showed that the porpoise populations are found in the waters population density in the southwestern Baltic between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea: a) the Sea is subject to both seasonal and spatial North Sea and Skagerrak populations, b) the fluctuations. The highest densities occur in the Belt Sea population (Kattegat, Belt Sea, the area of the Kiel Bight. The abundance of harbour Sound and western Baltic Sea), and c) the porpoises recorded varied between 457 separate population of the central Baltic Sea individuals in March 2003 (CI: 0-1,632) and the (TEILMANN et al. 2011). The existence of a highest estimates in May 2005 with 4,610 separate population in the eastern Baltic Sea animals (CI: 2,259-9,098). The most recent with a population of a few hundred individuals is population estimates for the Kiel Bight (including indicated by the results of morphometric and Danish waters to the island of Funen) in 2010 genetic investigations and the results of the Description and assessment of state of the environment 137

and 2011 show low densities of less than 0.4 echolocation activity of harbour porpoises individuals per km² (GILLES et al. 2011). (GILLESPIE et al. 2003, VERFUSS et al. 2004). Through the use of stationary click detectors For the area east of the Darss and Limhamn Sill (PODs), porpoises were detected in Fehmarn to Øland and the outer Gdansk Bight, only 599 almost every day. In the investigation period animals were recorded in 1995 (HIBY & LOVELL 2008 to 2010, 90 to 100% porpoise-positive days 1995). These values reflect a clear decrease in (PPD) were recorded around Fehmarn and in the population density along a gradient from the Mecklenburg Bight. The results from the Kattegat to Polish waters (KOSCHINSKI 2002). Adlergrund and Oder Bank showed significantly An analysis of data from aerial surveys, random lower overall harbour porpoise numbers than in sightings and strandings has shown that the the western study areas with a maximum of 21% density of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea porpoise-positive days in February 2010 (see decreases from west to east (SIEBERT et al. Fig.14; GALLUS et al. 2010). 2006). This is confirmed by a gradient in the

Figure 23: Percentage of porpoise-positive days in the total number of all recording days for the study areas Fehmarn (3 stations), the Mecklenburg Bight (1 station), Kadetrinne (3 stations), Adlergrund (2 stations) and Oder Bank (3 stations). Fehmarn, Kadetrinne and Mecklenburg Bight were evaluated with Cet All automatically, while the Oder Bank and Adlergrund were verified visually. The values for 2010 on the Adlergrund are only to be seen as a trend, because at this time only one station provided usable data and only 6 days were observed in March (source: GALLUS et al. 2010).

138 Description and assessment of state of the environment

For the large-scale investigations in the MINOS In the winter months from December to and MINOSplus projects, the German EEZ of the February, weather conditions restricted mapping Baltic Sea was divided into three sub-areas work, so that no calculations can be made. Most (SCHEIDAT et al. 2004, GILLES et al. 2007, GILLES of the harbour porpoises were seen around the et al. 2008). Area E (Kiel Bight) covers the island of Fehmarn and on the Oder Bank in western part of the EEZ and the coastal waters, spring. The highest densities were found in the area F (Mecklenburg Bight) the area up to the Kiel Bight in summer. Although an unexpectedly Darss Sill and area G (Rügen) the eastern part high number of harbour porpoises were sighted of the German EEZ and the coastal waters. on the Oder Bank in July 2002 (84), none were Mapping covered a total of 24,360 km over the found in the subsequent years. The possibility entire investigation period. However, only a total can therefore not be ruled out that this was a of 335 harbour porpoises were sighted. In the temporary migration of animals from the western investigation period 2002 to 2006, the density of Baltic Sea in search of food. Many harbour harbour porpoises in the areas ranged from 0.06 porpoises were sighted in the western area in ind./km² in spring 2005, over 0.08 ind./km² in autumn, albeit fewer than in summer. With the June 2003, to 0.13 ind./km² in June 2005. The exception of a single sighting on the Adlergrund, population was estimated at 1,300 (200 to 3,800) no harbour porpoises were sighted east of the harbour porpoises in spring, 1,700 (700 to 3,700) Darss peninsula. The density gradient running in summer and 2,800 (1,200 to 5,900) in autumn. from west to east remained over the entire period and was particularly pronounced in autumn (GILLES et al. 2007).

Description and assessment of state of the environment 139

Figure 24: Seasonal distribution pattern of harbour porpoises in the south-western Baltic Sea (2002-2006). The raster maps have been adjusted for complexity. Shown is the mean density of harbour porpoises per grid cell (10x10km) in a) spring (March-May), b) summer (June-August), c) autumn (September-November) and d) winter (December-February, source: GILLES et al. 2007, p.126f.).

Occurrence in conservation areas An abundance calculation for Pomeranian Bight can only be made with a very large margin of Based on the results of the MINOS and error. Due to the methodology, it will produce EMSON 39 studies, five areas of particular excessive values. The observation of 84 harbour importance for harbour porpoises were defined porpoises on the Oder Bank in July 2002 has in the German Baltic Sea EEZ. These are the remained a one-off. Despite considerable FFH areas Fehmarn Belt, Kadetrinne, mapping efforts, no harbour porpoises were Adlergrund, Western Rönnebank and sighted here in the subsequent years. Pomeranian Bight with Oder Bank. In systematic Echolocation sounds were regularly recorded aerial surveys, harbour porpoises were only around the island of Fehmarn and in the sighted on the Adlergrund and Pomeranian Bight Kadetrinne (VERFUSS et al. 2004). The in May 2002 (GILLES et al. 2004). The Kadetrinne is regularly frequented by harbour abundance for the Adlergrund estimated from porpoises, especially on migrations. The the sightings is 33 harbour porpoises. importance of the area for the harbour porpoise is also still unclear. Between 1996 and 2002, 36% of the harbour porpoises stranded in the Kiel Bight to Fehmarn were calves. This is a indication that the area is very important for reproduction (SCHEIDAT et al. 2004). The winter recordings of high echolocation frequencies at some stations near Fehmarn (VERFUSS et al. 2004) suggest that the area is also used as wintering grounds. Overall, the data analysed suggest a strongly seasonal occurrence with maximum abundance in summer. The 2017 ordinances conferred the status of nature conservation areas on FFH areas in the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea: - Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area "Fehmarn Belt" (NSGFmbV), Federal Law Gazette I, I p. 3405 of 22 September 2017,

39 Recording of marine mammals and seabirds in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea EEZs 140 Description and assessment of state of the environment

- Ordinance on the establishment of the Occurrences in areas O-1 and O-2 conservation area "Kadetrinne" (NSGKdrV), Areas O-1 and O-2 are assigned to the harbour Federal Law Gazette I, I p. 3410 of 22 porpoise habitat based on sightings in an indirect September 2017, environment during the MINOS and EIS - Ordinance on the establishment of the investigations, monitoring of the offshore conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – projects "Vikings" and "Arkona Basin Southeast" Oderbank" (NSGPBRV), Federal Law and on the results of the acoustic recording of Gazette I, I p. 3415 of 22 September 2017. harbour porpoise activity from the area of the Adlergrund. All previous results from investigations in the two areas as well as from the indirect environment can be summarised as follows: • The areas are used irregularly by harbour porpoises as a transit area, as a stopover and as a feeding ground. • The occurrence of harbour porpoises in these areas is low compared with that east of the Darss Sill and in particular around the island of Fehmarn, the Kiel Bight, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat. • Temporary use, as seen in July 2002, is possible for areas such as the Oder Bank - possibly due to an increase in food supply. • It has not been clearly proven that the areas are used as rearing grounds. • These areas are of medium to high seasonal importance for harbour porpoises. • The high significance of the areas results from the possible use by individuals of the separate and highly endangered Baltic Sea population of the harbour porpoise in the winter months. • These areas are of little to medium importance for grey seals and harbour seals. Description and assessment of state of the environment 141

Threats to harbour porpoises in the sites of areas Seals and grey seals O-1 and O-2 may be caused by the construction The harbour seal is the most common seal of wind turbines and transformers, in particular species in the North Atlantic and is found noise immissions during the installation of throughout the North Sea and Kattegat. In the foundations, if no avoidance or minimisation Baltic Sea, the regular distribution area is limited measures are taken. to the Øresund and areas around the Danish Occurrence in area O-3 islands of Falster, Lolland and Møn. The south- eastern distribution boundary is reached in Area O-3 is assigned to the porpoise habitat Scania (Sweden) (HARDER 1996, TEILMANN & based on sightings in an indirect environment HEIDE-JØRGENSEN 2001, SCHWARZ et al. 2003). during the MINOS and EIS investigations, There are currently no harbour seal colonies on monitoring of the offshore project "EnBW Baltic the German coasts (HELCOM 2005). Every year 2" and on the results of the acoustic recording of about 5 to 10 harbour seals are detected in harbour porpoise activity in the context of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The findings research projects and monitoring of Federal are distributed over the entire coastal region, Agency for Nature Conservation. concentrated on the western Rügen Bodden and All previous results from investigations in area O- Wismar Bight (HARDER & SCHULZE 2001). Young 3 as well as from the indirect environment can be harbour seals are rarely born here. summarised as follows: Suitable undisturbed resting grounds are of • The area is used irregularly by harbour crucial importance for the occurrence of harbour porpoises as a transit area. seals. Due to the significantly lower diving depth observed in telemetric surveys - in comparison • The occurrence of harbour porpoises in this to grey seals - and the significantly shorter area is low compared with that east of the distances covered (DIETZ et al. 2003), harbour Darss Sill and in particular around the island seals in the southern Baltic Sea probably use of Fehmarn, the Kiel Bight, the Belt Sea and shallow water areas close to the coast as hunting the Kattegat. grounds. Potential feeding habitats can therefore • It has not been proven that the area is be found in German waters along the Bodden currently used as a rearing ground. coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, especially within a radius of up to 60 km around • This area is of medium importance for the resting places. Telemetric surveys show that harbour porpoises. adult harbour seals in particular rarely move • This area is of little importance to grey seals more than 50 km away from their traditional and harbour seals. resting grounds (TOLLIT et al. 1998). Threats to harbour porpoises in area O-3 may be On the basis of regular aerial surveys in 2002 caused by the construction of transformers, in and 2003 at the resting places off the Danish and particular noise immissions during the Swedish coasts closest to the German EEZ, the installation of foundations, if no avoidance or authors calculate a total population of 655 minimisation measures are taken. harbour seals in the southern Baltic Sea for 2003, taking into account a correction factor for harbour seals in the water (TEILMANN et al. 2004). Also for the occurrence of grey seals, suitable, undisturbed breeding and resting sites are of 142 Description and assessment of state of the environment

crucial importance. Potential resting sites in which a seal can be sighted at any time with a include sandbanks and unused sections of probability of 95%. For four of the six seals, the beach (e.g. in the core zone of the Western "Kernel Home Range" includes parts of the Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park). There German EEZ. are currently no colonies of grey seals on the Neither harbour seals nor grey seals were German coast of the Baltic Sea. The resting sighted on the Baltic Sea harbour porpoise aerial grounds closest to the German EEZ are at surveys (GILLES et al. 2004), meaning that it is Rødsand off the Danish island of Falster, in impossible to draw any conclusions about how Øresund and Måkläppen near Falsterbo in the areas are used. The telemetric surveys from southern Sweden (TEILMANN & HEIDE- the southern Baltic Sea (DIETZ et al. 2003) and JØRGENSEN 2001, SCHWARZ et al. 2003). In the observations in the area of Wismar Bight German EEZ, habitats east of the Darss are (HARDER & SCHULZE 1997) suggest an mainly used to search for food, while areas occasional use of the Fehmarn Belt as a feeding further west probably play only a minor role habitat for harbour seals. The telemetric study (SCHWARZ et al. 2003). from the southern Baltic Sea (DIETZ et al. 2003) Grey seal surveys in the Baltic Sea between May and individual observations as well as finds of and June 2004 during the moulting season dead seals (HARDER et al. 1995) suggest the use yielded a total of 17,640 seals (KARLSSON & of the Kadetrinne, the Adlergrund or the Oder HELANDER 2005). A total population of approx. Bank as a migration corridor or feeding habitat 21,000 seals is inferred on this basis. for grey seals. According to a current population survey conducted by the Federal Agency for The distribution of Baltic grey seals probably Nature Conservation, around 50 to 60 grey seals depends on ice cover in addition to other factors. live in the waters around Rügen – 30 of them in The hunting grounds for grey seals are both the Greifswald Bodden alone. coastal and remote shallow water areas as well as undersea slopes and reefs (SCHWARZ et al. 2.8.3 Status assessment of the factor 2003). Potential hunting grounds can therefore Marine mammals be found in the EEZ, for example in the area of The number of harbour porpoises in the Baltic the Kadetrinne, the Adlergrund or the Oder Sea has declined over the last few centuries. Bank. However, according to the current state of The situation of the harbour porpoise in the Baltic knowledge, no prediction can be made about the Sea has deteriorated due to the commercial use of these possible habitats, as both the food fishing of seals in the past, but also due to composition and the preferences for the extreme winters with extreme ice formation, and selection of feeding habitats can vary greatly has ultimately been exacerbated by by-catch, over the course of one year and over several pollution, noise and limited food supply years (SCHWARZ et al. 2003). (ASCOBANS 2003). The separate population of In addition to relatively small-scale movements the eastern Baltic Sea is also particularly of less than 10 km, which led back to the same threatened by the small number of individuals, resting place, migrations to feeding grounds, the geographical restriction and the lack of gene some of which are more than 100 km away, and exchange and is therefore considered to be migrations to other colonies which can be quite threatened with extinction (ASCOBANS 2010). far have been described. DIETZ et al. (2003) identified the "95% Kernel Home Range" from the positions of the grey seals transmittered at Rødsand. This representation indicates the area Description and assessment of state of the environment 143 Importance of areas and sites for The Baltic Sea population was classified as marine mammals critically endangered by IUCN and HELCOM Reliable estimates of the occurrence of harbour due to the very small number of individuals and porpoises in the German waters of the North and the spatially limited genetic exchange (HELCOM Baltic Seas were made on the basis of large- - Red List Species, 2013). scale aerial surveys and acoustic recordings Importance of areas O-1 and O-2 with click detectors, in particular in the context of Areas O-1 and O-2, like the entire western Baltic research projects such as MINOS and Sea, are part of the harbour porpoise habitat. MINOSplus as well as in the context of the monitoring of the Natura2000 sites by the The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency German Oceanographic Museum on behalf of has a solid data basis available to assess the the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. A importance of the areas in the German EEZ. density gradient from west to east was Areas O-1 and O-2 are mainly assigned to the determined in the Baltic Sea in the process. This habitat of harbour porpoises of the critically gradient is already present in summer and endangered Baltic Sea population according to increases in autumn. According to the current the current state of knowledge. However, the state of knowledge, the western area is most area is used irregularly by harbour porpoises as frequently used by harbour porpoises. The a transit area, as a stopover and as a feeding eastern part of the German Baltic Sea is not ground. The occurrence of harbour porpoises in used as much by harbour porpoises. The one-off these areas is low compared with that west of the sighting of a larger group of seals on the Oder Darss Sill and in particular around the island of Bank indicates temporary migration rather than Fehmarn, the Kiel Bight, the Belt Sea and the regular use of the area (BENKE et al. 2014). Kattegat. Temporary use, as seen in July 2002, However, it is conceivable that the stock could is possible for areas such as the Oder Bank - increase through appropriate measures possibly due to an increase in food supply. It has (ASCOBANS 2003/ 2010) and that the eastern not been clearly proven that the areas are used area could then also be used more by harbour as a rearing ground. For harbour porpoises, porpoises. Overall, the data analysed suggest a these areas have a medium to seasonal strongly seasonal occurrence with maximum importance in the winter months. The abundance in summer. significance of areas O-1 and O-2 results from Current findings of the research project the possible use by individuals of the separate SAMBAH involving the Baltic Sea riparian states and highly endangered Baltic Sea population of have shown that three populations of harbour the harbour porpoise. Research results have porpoises occur in the Baltic Sea: a) the North shown that especially during the winter months Sea population in Skagerrak, b) the Belt Sea individuals of the critically endangered harbour population in the western Baltic Sea - Kattegat, porpoise population of the central Baltic Sea Belt Sea, Sound - up to the area north of Rügen migrate to German waters and also use the and c) the Baltic Sea population from the area planning area. These areas are of little north of Rügen and in the central Baltic Sea. The importance to grey seals and harbour seals. abundance of the Baltic Sea population was Harbour seals and grey seals cross the areas estimated on the basis of acoustic data at 447 sporadically during their migrations. individuals (95% confidence interval, 90 - 997) Since 2003, data for the surroundings of areas (SAMBAH 2014 and 2016). O-1 and O-2 has been collected in the context of various research projects, such as MINOS and 144 Description and assessment of state of the environment

from the acoustic monitoring of the harbour The visual survey by means of observers or porpoise in the German Baltic Sea by the digital technology is not a suitable detection German Oceanographic Museum on behalf of method in this area of the western Baltic Sea due the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. to the relatively low occurrence. No marine The data from the long-term monitoring of the mammals were observed during the ship-based German Oceanographic Museum shows that survey for the "Nord Stream" pipeline between mainly harbour porpoises of the Belt Sea June 2010 and the end of 2013. A harbour population occur in the German waters of the porpoise was sighted from a ship in the period Baltic Sea. The occurrence rates of the harbour 2015 to 2016. No marine mammals have been porpoise west of the Darss Sill are much higher detected in a total of four digital aerial surveys. than east of it (Gallus A., K. Krügel und H. The ongoing monitoring of the "Western Benke, 2015. Acoustic monitoring of harbour Adlergrund" cluster for the offshore wind farms porpoises in the Baltic Sea, Part B in Monitoring "Viking" and "Arkona Basin Southeast" provides of marine mammals 2014 in the German North more current information on the occurrence of Sea and Baltic Sea on behalf of the Federal marine mammals in areas O-1 and O-2. Agency for Nature Conservation). Ten video-assisted aerial surveys were The boundary of the population of the harbour conducted from March 2015 up to and including porpoise in the central Baltic Sea classified as February 2016, with a total of 8 harbour endangered is 13°30' East, taking into account porpoises, two harbour seals and an unidentified the results of acoustic, morphological, genetic seal sighted in the 2,620 km2 study area. A single and satellite-based surveys carried out at Rügen grey seal was sighted in 12 ship-based surveys level (SVEEGARD et al. 2015). carried out during the same period, one per The findings of the multi-year project SAMBAH month. To determine the continuous use of the have also shown that in the winter months up to area by harbour porpoises, data from the April the seals in the population of the central acoustic recording using C-PODs were Baltic Sea are widely distributed and occur close evaluated at two measuring stations further to the coast. In summer, on the other hand, there north of the planned pipeline. is a clearly defined boundary east of Bornholm The data from the acoustic recording using (SAMBAH 2015). C-PODs shows that the area of the German EEZ Current findings for areas O-1 and O-2 are also north of the planned pipeline is used by harbour provided by the investigations as part of porpoises to a limited extent in the period from monitoring for the existing pipeline "Nord June to October. At the nearest measuring Stream". The occurrence of marine mammals station approx. 18 km away in area I of the was investigated from June 2010 until the end of "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature 2013. As part of the environmental impact study conservation area, a total of 17.8% detection- for the "Nord Stream 2" pipeline, further positive days were recorded, i.e. harbour investigations were carried out between porpoises were present in the area on 65 out of September 2015 and August 2016 (Nord Stream 365 days (MIELKE L., A. SCHUBERT, C. HÖSCHLE 2, 2017. Environmental impact study (EIS) for AND M. BRANDT, 2017. Environmental monitoring the area from the maritime border of the German in the "Western Austerngrund" cluster, expert Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to the landing. opinion on marine mammals, 2nd investigation Here, too, the focus of the investigations was on year, March 2015 to February 2016). the acoustic recording of the harbour porpoise using C-PODs. Description and assessment of state of the environment 145

The use of the area by harbour porpoises is low • It has not been proven that the area is used compared to the use west of the Darss Sill. For as a rearing ground according to the current this reason, the percentage of days on which state of knowledge. harbour porpoise clicks were recorded within a • For harbour porpoises, these areas are of month (PPT/month) is used to assess habitat little to medium importance. use. • These areas are of little importance to grey The use of the area by harbour porpoises shows seals and harbour seals. a high degree of interannual variability. In 2013, the highest occurrence was recorded with an Existing pressures on harbour porpoises in the occurrence rate of 40% of the days of a month surrounding area include by-catch in bottom-set (PPT/month). In 2011, however, the use of the gillnets, fishing and reduction of food supply, area by harbour porpoises was lower with a pollution, eutrophication and climate change. maximum occurrence of up to 25% of the days The laying work for the pipeline in the German in a month (PPT/month). EEZ of the Baltic Sea and the operation of the There are also distinct seasonal patterns in the pipeline are not expected to have any effects on use of the area to the east of Sassnitz and the marine mammals. Oder Bank by harbour porpoises. According to the current state of knowledge, the The occurrence rates of harbour porpoises begin three areas are used by harbour porpoises as to rise slowly from June onwards. The highest transit areas. There is currently no evidence that occurrence rates were always observed in late these areas have special functions as feeding summer and autumn. The area is used only grounds or rearing areas for harbour porpoises. sporadically by harbour porpoises in the winter Harbour seals and grey seals use the areas only months and spring. sporadically as transit areas. The findings from the monitoring of the Natura 2000 sites and The highest occurrence rates have always been research results currently indicate a medium to observed in the northern part of the area along high seasonal importance of areas O-1 and O-2 the slopes of the Arkona Basin. for harbour porpoises. The seasonally high Very low occurrence rates were observed in the importance of the area arises from the possible southern part of the area in shallower areas of use by individuals of the separate and critically the Pomeranian Bight. A seasonal pattern was endangered Baltic Sea population of harbour not discernible in this area. porpoise in the winter months. For harbour seals Based on all previous findings, the area around and grey seals, the areas have a low to at most the cable route can be assigned to the habitat of medium importance. harbour porpoises. • Areas O-1 and O-2 are regularly used by harbour porpoises but to a very limited extent. • The presence of the harbour porpoise in the vicinity of areas O-1 and O-2 is low compared with that west of the Darss Sill. 146 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Importance of area O-3 The harbour porpoise is also listed in Annex II to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Area O-3 is of medium importance for marine Species of Wild Animals (the Bonn Convention, mammals. The use of the area by harbour CMS). The Agreement on the Conservation of porpoises varies depending on the season. The Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas occurrence of harbour porpoises in this area is (ASCOBANS) was also concluded under the average to very low compared to that in the Kiel auspices of CMS. In 2002, ASCOBANS adopted Bight, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat. The area a special conservation plan for Baltic porpoises, has no particular function as a rearing ground for known as the Jastarnia Plan, after it was harbour porpoises. For grey seals and harbour established that porpoise populations in the seals, it is of little importance due to the distance Baltic Sea were independent and particularly to the nearest resting grounds. threatened. The aim of the Jastarnia Plan, Current data from the investigations for the wind revised in 2009, is to restore a population size to farm project "EnBW Baltic 2" is available 80% of the biotope capacity of the Baltic Sea (BioConsultSH, 2018. expert opinion 2nd year of ecosystem (ASCOBANS 2010). operational monitoring). There is also the Convention on the • The area is used irregularly and to a very Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural limited extent by harbour porpoises. Habitats (the Bern Convention), and the harbour • The occurrence of harbour porpoise in area porpoise is also listed in Annex II to this. O-3 is low compared with that in the In the IUCN list of threatened species, the Kadetrinne. harbour porpoise population of the central Baltic Sea is considered critically endangered • It has not been proven that the area is used (Cetacean update of the 2008 IUCN Red List of as a rearing ground according to the current Threatened Species). In Germany the harbour state of knowledge. porpoise is also included in the Red List of • This area is of low importance for harbour Threatened Animals (HAUPT et al. 2009). They porpoises. are classified as belonging to threat category 2 • For grey seals and harbour seals, this area (critically endangered). lies on the edge of the distribution area of the The grey seal and harbour seal are also listed in respective species and is of minor Annex II of the Habitats Directive. The Red List importance. also classified the grey seal in threat category 2, while the harbour seal was classified as of least Protection status concern. Harbour porpoises are protected pursuant to several international conservation agreements. Hazards Harbour porpoises fall under the protection The harbour porpoise population in the Baltic mandate of the European Habitats Directive, Sea is threatened by a variety of anthropogenic under which special areas are designated for the activities, changes to the marine ecosystem and protection of the species. Harbour porpoises are climate change. Prior impacts on marine listed in both Annex II and Annex IV of the mammals result from fishing, underwater noise Habitats Directive. As an Annex IV species, immissions and pollution. The greatest threat to harbour porpoises enjoy general strict wildlife harbour porpoise populations in the Baltic Sea conservation status in accordance with Arts. 12 comes from unwanted by-catch in bottom-set and 16 of the Habitats Directive. gillnets (ASCOBANS 2010). By-catch in the Description and assessment of state of the environment 147

Baltic Sea is much higher than in the North Sea. due to noise emissions during the installation of In particular, the separate Baltic Sea population foundations if no measures are taken to reduce is severely threatened even when by-catch rates noise. There is currently a lack of experience on are low. possible effects of water stratification under certain hydrographic conditions on the The International Whaling Commission (IWC) dispersion of pile-driving noise in the Baltic Sea has agreed that the rate of by-catch mortality and related effects on marine mammals. In should not exceed 1% of the estimated stock general, noise propagation in the Baltic Sea is (IWC, 2000). In the case of higher by-catch considered to be particularly difficult to describe rates, the protection target is at risk, i.e. a and thus to predict (THIELE 2005). recovery of the populations to 80% of the carrying capacity of the habitat (ASCOBANS Besides pollution caused by the discharge of 2010). organic and inorganic contaminants, the population is also at risk from diseases (of From individual reports on by-catches in the bacterial or viral origin), eutrophication and Baltic Sea (KASCHNER 2001), it can be assumed climate change (impact on the marine food that by-catch is mainly caused by bottom-set chains). It is likely that at present, due to climate gillnet fishing for turbot, cod, plaice and lumpfish change, harbour porpoises will migrate to the and driftnet fishing for salmon. However, by- southern North Sea (CAMPHUYSEN 2005, ABT catch rates cannot be determined as information 2005). The extent to which this has an indirect for the Baltic Sea is limited (KASCHNER 2001, impact on the harbour porpoise population in the 2003). In Poland, about 5 by-catches per year Baltic Sea is still unknown. are reported, in Sweden in the early 1990s also 5 (SGFEN 2001). A questionnaire-based estimate assumes 57 by-catches per year (21 in 2.9 Seabirds and resting birds recreational fishing, 36 in commercial fishing) for According to "Qualitätsstandards für den German fishing in the western Baltic Sea Gebrauch vogelkundlicher Daten in (RUBSCH & KOCK 2004). raumbedeutsamen Planungen" [Quality standards for the use of ornithological data in 25 by-catches (1 in recreational fishing, 24 in spatially significant planning operations] commercial fishing) are indicated for the area (Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft 1995), east of the Darss Sill. This is much higher than resting birds are "birds that usually remain in an the official figures reported by fishermen and area outside the breeding territory for a longer exceeds the by-catch rates tolerated by IWC and period of time, e.g. for moulting, feeding, resting, ASCOBANS (IWC 2000). overwintering". Visiting species are defined as Underwater noise from anthropogenic sources birds "that regularly seek food in the area studied can in extreme cases lead to physical damage, and do not breed there, but that breed or may but can also disrupt communication or lead to breed in the wider region". changes in behaviour - e.g. disrupt social and Seabirds are bird species that are mainly bound predatory behaviour or trigger flight responses. to the sea with their way of life and only come Current anthropogenic applications in the EEZ onto land for brief periods when brooding their resulting in high noise pollution include seismic eggs. These include northern , gannets surveys, sand and gravel extraction and military and auks (guillemots, razorbills), for example. uses, as well as shipping. Marine mammals may The distribution of and seagulls, on the be endangered during the construction of wind other hand, is more coastal than for seabirds in turbines and transformer platforms, in particular general. 148 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2.9.1 Data availability recent years contributes other essential A good data basis is necessary in order to draw information on resting populations and conclusions about seasonal distribution patterns overwintering of certain species in the Baltic Sea and the use of different subareas. In particular, (MARKONES & GARTHE 2011, MARKONES et al. large-scale long-term studies are required for 2013, MARKONES et al. 2014, MARKONES et al. this in order to identify correlations in distribution 2015). patterns and effects of intraannual and interannual variability. 2.9.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability The findings on the spatial and temporal Seabirds have the highest mobility among the variability of the occurrence of seabirds in the higher consumers of marine food chains. They western Baltic Sea are based on a number of are therefore able to search large areas during research and monitoring activities. However, their hunt for food, or to track species-specific most of the data describes the occurrence of prey organisms such as fish over long distances. water birds, in particular sea ducks, in coastal The high level of mobility – depending on specific areas and in the Pomeranian Bight. conditions in the marine environment – leads to For the area of the EEZ, the information basis a high spatial and temporal variability of the has improved in recent years, in particular occurrence of seabirds. The distribution and through data from environmental impact studies abundance of birds vary throughout the (EIS) for planning permission procedures for seasons, as well as interannually. offshore wind farms and the subsequent The distribution of seabirds in the Baltic Sea is mandatory investigations during the construction determined in particular by the availability of and operation phases. In addition, findings from food, hydrographic conditions, water depth and various research projects contribute to a better sediment conditions. The occurrence is also understanding of seabird abundance. In the influenced by severe natural events (e.g. icy period 2001-2004, ERASNO and EMSON R&D winters) and anthropogenic factors such as projects carried out investigations to designate nutrient and pollutant inputs, shipping and bird sanctuaries in the EEZ. In the context of the fishing. In general, open, largely shallow areas MINOS and MINOSplus projects, ship-based with water depths of up to 20 m and an abundant and aerial surveys were carried out throughout food supply offer ideal conditions for seabirds to the German Baltic Sea between 2002 and 2006 rest and spend the winter. In addition, the (DIEDERICHS et al. 2002, GARTHE et al. 2004). In importance of resting areas increases when a study based on the results of various research stocks continue to shift westwards in winter due projects and literature sources, GARTHE et al. to ice formation or ice cover in the eastern Baltic (2003) summarise the findings on the Sea (VAITKUS 1999). occurrence in winter, threat level and protection of sea and water birds in the German Baltic Sea. Several million birds spend the winter on the SONNTAG et al. (2006) analysed for the first time Baltic Sea every year. It is one of the most the distribution and frequency of sea and water important areas for sea and water birds in the birds over the course of a year and mainly for the Palearctic. A number of studies also show the offshore area on the basis of systematically great importance of the German Baltic Sea for conducted ship-based surveys in the period sea and water birds – not only nationally, but 2000-2005. In addition, the seabird monitoring of also internationally (DURINCK et al. 1994, the Natura 2000 sites commissioned by the GARTHE et al. 2003, SONNTAG et al. 2006, SKOV Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in et al. 2011). In particular, the "Pomeranian Bight Description and assessment of state of the environment 149

– Rönnebank" nature conservation area, which Abundance of seabirds and resting has been part of the Natura2000 European birds in German waters in the network of protected areas since 2007 and was Baltic Sea established by ordinance of 22 September 2017, The western Baltic Sea is very important for should be mentioned here with its important many sea and water birds as a resting and resting and feeding grounds Adlergrund and wintering habitat. 38 seabird and resting bird Oder Bank. species occur regularly in the German Baltic Sea (SONNTAG et al. 2006). The following Table 10 include population estimates for the main seabird species in the EEZ and throughout the German Baltic Sea in winter.

Table 10: Winter populations of the most important resting bird species in the German Baltic Sea and the EEZ according to MENDEL et al. (2008). Population Population English name German Exclusive German Baltic Sea (scientific name) economic zone

Long-tailed duck 315.000 150.000 (Clangula hyemalis)

Common scoter 230.000 57.000 (Melanitta nigra)

Velvet scoter 38.000 37.000 (Melanitta fusca)

Common eider 190.000 9.000 (Somateria mollisima)

Red-breasted merganser 10.500 0 (Mergus serrator)

Great crested grebe 8.500 < 50 (Podiceps cristatus)

Red-necked grebe 750 210 (Podiceps grisegena)

Horned grebe (thin-billed) 1.000 700 (Podiceps auritus)

Red-throated diver 3.200 550 (Gavia stellata)

Black-throated diver 2.400 550 (Gavia arctica)

Cormorant 10.500 < 50 (Phalacrocorax carbo) 150 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Population Population English name German Exclusive German Baltic Sea (scientific name) economic zone

Razorbill 3.600 310 (Alca torda)

Guillemot 1.500 950 (Uria aalge)

Black guillemot 700 310 (Cepphus grylle)

Little gull 220 90 (Hydrocoloeus minutus)

Black-headed gull 15.000 0 (Larus ridibundus)

Common gull 11.500 1.100 (Larus canus)

Great black-backed gull 7.000 800 (Larus marinus)

European herring gull 70.000 4.200 (Larus argentatus) Common species and species of (podicipediformes), by contrast, prefer shallows special importance for the nature further away from the coast. Common guillemots conservation area "Pomeranian and razorbills stay predominantly in deeper Bight – Rönnebank" offshore waters. Terns are found only Long-term observations and systematic counts occasionally in the offshore area during provide information on recurring seasonal migration periods. The latter almost exclusively distribution patterns of the most common use lagoons and inland lakes to search for food species in German Baltic Sea waters. Overall, (SONNTAG et al. 2006, MENDEL et al. 2008) the analyses by MENDEL et al. (2008) and Red-throated diver (Gavia stellata) and black- SONNTAG et al. (2006) confirmed and clarified throated diver (Gavia arctica) the high species-specific spatial and temporal Divers are found in the Baltic Sea as winter variability of the incidence of seabirds and visitors or passage migrants (MENDEL et al. resting birds in German waters of the Baltic Sea. 2008). Red-throated divers use the coastal Numerous current investigations can be drawn waters and the German EEZ in the spring and on to underline the topicality of these winter, whilst black-throated divers are seen in descriptions. greater numbers in the autumn and winter, only Sea ducks prefer coastal areas with low water in small numbers in the spring and sporadically depths and offshore shallows such as also in the summer. Both species prefer an area Adlergrund and Oder Bank. Great Crested east of the island of Rügen and the Pomeranian Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers keep Bight as far as the Oder Bank (see almost exclusively to coastal waters; grebes Figure 25 and Description and assessment of state of the environment 151

Figure 26) (SONNTAG et al. 2006). German Baltic Sea. In the winter, they are widespread throughout the Pomeranian Bight. Red-throated divers roost predominantly in Here, the highest densities can generally be waters of the Baltic Sea which are less than 20 m recorded in the coastal region of Rügen and in deep (DURINCK et al. 1994). The main resting the Adlergrund and Oder Bank areas (MENDEL et populations are in the sea area around Rügen, al. 2008). Towards spring, prevalence shifts in the area of the Oder Bank and in the predominantly to the areas of the Pomeranian Mecklenburg Bight. In the spring, distribution is Bight further away from the coast. Later studies concentrated in the Pomeranian Bight, carried out as part of the BfN seabird monitoring- especially the coastal waters off Rügen. programme in the German Baltic Sea confirm Distribution of black-throated divers is this distribution pattern (MARKONES et al. 2014). concentrated in the eastern section of the

Figure 25: Distribution of divers (Gavia stellata/G. arctica) throughout the German Baltic Sea in January/February 2009 (aerial-based survey; MARKONES & GARTHE 2009).

Figure 26: Incidence of divers (Gavia stellata/ G. arctica) in the German Baltic Sea in the course of a ship-based survey conducted between the 13th and 20th January 2011 (MARKONES & GARTHE 2011). Horned grebe (Podiceps auritus) 152 Description and assessment of state of the environment

In the German Baltic Sea, horned grebes resting habitats for the winter and spring located predominantly occur in the Pomeranian Bight. to the east of Rügen and to the north of Usedom This is the most important overwintering area in (see Figure 27) (GARTHE et al. 2003, Garthe et NW European waters (DURINCK et al. 1994). The al. 2004). Intense migration to the German Baltic focal distribution point of the approx. 1,000 Sea areas takes place from the end of October. horned grebes (German winter population) is By contrast, only a few long-tailed ducks can be around Oder Bank. In particular, waters less than seen in the German Baltic Sea in the summer 10 m deep are used. Horned grebes migrate to months. In all seasons, the species is noticeably the shallow waters in the autumn and spend the absent from the offshore EEZ area to the north winter there (SONNTAG et al. 2006). Horned and northeast of Rügen. As with other duck grebes are concentrated in the Oder Bank area species in the Baltic Sea, the long-tailed duck in the spring too, though they also stay in the prefers shallow coastal waters or offshore coastal area off Usedom. Investigations of wind shallows with sea depths of less than 20 m farm projects in the EEZ revealed only very (SONNTAG et al. 2006, MARKONES & GARTHE isolated sightings of horned grebes 2009). More recent investigations confirm (BIOCONSULT SH GmbH & Co.KG 2016, OECOS widespread incidence of long-tailed ducks in the GMBH 2015). winter, with focal points at the Adlergrund and Oder Bank, among others (MARKONES et al. Little gull (Larus minutus) 2014, BIOCONSULT SH & Co.KG 2016). In the spring and summer, little gulls only occur in very small numbers in offshore areas. They predominantly occur in inshore coastal waters. Little gulls mainly migrate along the coastline. During autumn migration, they occur in large numbers in the Pomeranian Bight. Little gulls then prefer to use coastal areas for foraging and roosting (SONNTAG et al. 2006). Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) The long-tailed duck is the most common Figure 27: Mean winter incidence of long-tailed ducks species of duck in the Baltic Sea. However (Clangula hyemalis) in the German Baltic Sea for the according to a study by SKOV et al. (2011) its period 2010 to 2012 (aerial and ship-based surveys, winter resting population decreased by 65.3% MARKONES et al. 2015). between 1992 and 2009. One of the most Velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca) important winter resting areas is the Pomeranian The velvet scoter overwinters in the northern Bight in the southern Baltic Sea. As with the Kattegat, the Gulf of Riga and most notably the Baltic Sea overall, here too an 82% decrease in Pomeranian Bight. In the Pomeranian Bight, the the incidence of long-tailed ducks was recorded focal distribution point for velvet scoters in winter in the period up to 2010 (BELLEBAUM et al. 2014). and spring is the area between Oder Bank and An analysis of other resting habitats suggests a Adlergrund (GARTHE et al. 2003, GARTHE et al. shift further north (SKOV et al. 2011). 2004). In ice-free winter months, the velvet Nevertheless, it is generally assumed that the scoter uses primarily the central Oder Bank Pomeranian Bight can continue to accommodate areas; when there is ice cover, its incidence sizable occurrences (BELLEBAUM et al. 2014). appears to be confined to immediately adjacent The long-tailed duck has further extensive main Description and assessment of state of the environment 153

ice-free areas in the northern Oder Bank area DURINCK et al. (1994) estimate the winter resting (MARKONES et al. 2013, MARKONES et al. 2014). population of common guillemot in the Baltic Sea to be approx. 85,000 individuals. They only occur Common scoter (Melanitta nigra) occasionally in the spring, summer and winter. The Oder Bank in the Pomeranian Bight is one The highest numbers of common guillemot occur of the most important resting areas for the in the winter. It is believed that common common scoter in the whole of the Baltic Sea guillemots are less sensitive to severe winter (DURINCK et al. 1994, GARTHE et al. 2003). Other conditions. resting areas include the shallows of the Kiel Common guillemots spend the winter in the Bight and the area north of the Darß-Zingst Baltic Sea, close to their breeding colonies. Their peninsula (see Figure 28). According to GARTHE focal distribution points are the offshore areas of et al. (2003, 2004) and SONNTAG et al. (2006), the Pomeranian Bight, in particular in the deep common scoters occur all year round in the waters between Oder Bank and Adlergrund and German Baltic Sea. The Pomeranian Bight plays to the northwest of Adlergrund (see Figure 29) a key role as a resting and moulting habitat for (MENDEL et al. 2006). According to GARTHE et al. the common scoter. On just one single survey (2003, 2004), common guillemot occur in low to day in the summer of 2012, around 2000 medium densities in the area northeast of common scoters were spotted in the process of Rügen. moulting in the northwest area of Oder Bank (MARKONES et al. 2013).

Figure 29: Distribution of common guillemot in the German Baltic Sea (winter 2000-2005; SONNTAG et al. 2006). Figure 28: Mean winter incidence of the common scoter (Melanitta nigra) in the German Baltic Sea for Razorbill (Alca torda) the period 2010 to 2012 (aerial and ship-based surveys, MARKONES et al. 2015). The winter resting area of razorbills is located in the deeper waters of the central Baltic Sea. In Common eider (Somateria mollissima) the winter months, razorbills occur The common eider occurs very frequently in the predominantly in the German Baltic Sea. They winter season and in high densities in areas west occur in low and medium densities in large parts of the Darss Sill. The common eider is only found of the coastal and offshore areas of the occasionally in the area to the east of the Darss Pomeranian Bight (MENDEL et al. 2008). Sill. Only in winter do they occur in small Black guillemot (Cepphus grylle) numbers in the Bay of Greifswald and in the DURINCK et al. (1994) estimate the winter resting coastal waters off the Pomeranian Bight. In the population of black guillemot in the Baltic Sea to summer, only a few common eiders remain in be approx. 28,560 individuals. The preferred the western Baltic Sea (SONNTAG et al. 2006). winter resting areas of the black guillemot Guillemot (Uria aalge) 154 Description and assessment of state of the environment

include shallower areas and reefs. Between this incidence should be categorised as autumn and spring, black guillemots stay internationally significant, despite the relatively predominantly around the Adlergrund (see low densities (MENDEL et al. 2008). Figure 30). According to GARTHE et al. (2003)

Figure 30: Distribution of black guillemots in the western Baltic Sea in autumn (left) and winter (right) for the period 2000 to 2005 from SONNTAG et al. 2006.

Red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegna) and use the western Baltic Sea as a winter resting ground. Incidence in winter is low and Red-necked grebes predominantly occur in the confined to the areas of the Pomeranian Bight German Baltic Sea in the area of the further away from the coast (BELLEBAUM et al. Pomeranian Bight (see Figure 31). As with 2010). divers, these are mainly winter visitors or passage migrants. The resting populations Common gull (Larus canus) reach their peak here in winter and decrease The common gull occurs in much lower densities again in the spring (MENDEL et al. 2008). in the Baltic Sea than in the North Sea. This is

also related to the fact that during the entire breeding season, their food is terrestrial in origin (KUBETZKI et al. 1999). In the summer, therefore, common gulls only appear sporadically in the German Baltic Sea. The populations reach their peak in the winter and spring. During this period, the common gull is mainly seen in the coastal and offshore areas of the Pomeranian Bight (SONNTAG et al. 2006).

Figure 31: Distribution of red-necked grebes (Podiceps grisegena) in the Pomeranian Bight, Baltic Sea in January 2013 (MARKONES et al. 2014).

Yellow-billed diver (Gavia adamsii)

Yellow-billed divers occur in the Baltic Sea as passage migrants during the migration periods Description and assessment of state of the environment 155

Other gulls of the Larus genus only extend as far as the southern and southeastern part of area O-1. According to The most frequently occurring species of gull in GARTHE et al. (2003), for the seabird species the Baltic Sea is the European herring gull (Larus listed in Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive as argentatus), which can be seen all year round. In requiring special conservation measures, the the winter and spring, European herring gulls sub-region is not considered to be one of their occur in high concentrations in both coastal important resting habitats or one of their waters and in the EEZ. In particular, they can be preferred long-stay habitats in the Baltic Sea. found in the Kiel and Mecklenburg Bights, Current surveys in area O-1 show only a low around Fehmarn and to the northwest of Rügen. incidence of divers south of area O-1 Particularly high concentrations occur where (BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG 2017a). Horned there are fishing activities (SONNTAG et al. 2006). grebes have so far only been sighted on very The European herring gull is not thought to be a rare occasions in this area. Little gulls occur naturally occurring breeding bird of the western sporadically in spring as passage migrants Baltic Sea. (BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG 2016). It was the establishment of motorised trawl Even during the winter of 2010, when there was fishing back in the 1930s that led to the influx and significant ice formation in coastal waters and an increase in the population (VAUK & PRÜTER the Oder Bank area, neither seabirds nor resting 1987). birds used the ice-free part of area O-1 as a Great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) stay in refuge (SONNTAG et al. 2010). Similar the western Baltic Sea all-year round. However, observations were also made in the winter of during the breeding season from April to July, 2011 when the Pomeranian Bight was covered their numbers are low. The winter population is in ice (MARKONES et al. 2013). This is due to the possibly dependent on the ice conditions in the area's particular location in the transitional area Baltic Sea. However, the great black-backed gull between the deeper waters of the Arkona Basin is seen in greater numbers during the autumnal and the shallower areas of the Pomeranian Bight migration period and in the winter months. Like and the Adlergrund. As a result, diving sea ducks the European herring gull, this species is often only occur in area O-1 in average numbers. In concentrated near to fishing vessels (SONNTAG current surveys, Long-tailed Ducks have been et al. 2006). sighted in high and very high densities to the The lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) east and south of area O-1, whilst only a few occurs only sporadically in the Baltic Sea during individuals have been seen in the area itself. the summer, and occasionally also in connection Velvet scoters and common scoters were with fishing activities (MENDEL et al. 2008). predominantly observed to the south of area O- 1 during migration periods (BIOCONSULT SH & Occurrence of seabirds and CO.KG 2016, BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG 2017a). resting birds in the areas Though common guillemots and razorbills occur Area O-1 extensively in area O-1, their focal point is in the Surveys carried out so far on wind farm projects south. For the two species of auk, this sub-region in area O-1 have revealed average incidence of belongs to the southern peripheral area of their seabirds. main winter resting area in the Baltic Sea. Black guillemots are only seen sporadically to the east The extensive resting habitats of the of this area. During migration periods, European Pomeranian Bight and Adlergrund (and their herring gulls are one of the most common northern and northwestern peripheral areas) 156 Description and assessment of state of the environment

species observed around area O-1 and are also extends to the "Kriegers Flak" shallows in the widespread in winter. By contrast, great black- northwest of area O-3 (IFAÖ 2016, IFAÖ 2017a). backed gulls and common gulls occur only in low European herring gulls and great black-backed densities during these periods although in part gulls are amongst the most common species over a wide area (BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG found in area O-3 and its surrounding area. 2016, BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG 2017a). Common gulls occur in deeper waters during the Area O-2 winter. In current surveys, razorbills have been observed in the area around area O-3 in greater The seabird population in area O-2 consists numbers than common guillemots. For both primarily of ocean-going species such as species, however, this area has no special common guillemot as passage migrants and significance as a resting habitat. Black gulls. In the German Baltic Sea, divers are guillemots are sighted only very occasionally concentrated in a location far to the south of area (IFAÖ 2016, IFAÖ 2017a). O-2, southeast of Rügen. All findings so far indicate that for the seabird and resting bird 2.9.3 Status assessment of seabirds and species occurring all around area O-2, this area resting birds of the German Baltic Sea functions as a transit The great deal of work that has gone into area rather than as a resting or feeding area mapping over the last few years and the latest (OECOS GMBH 2015, BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG information available permit good assessment of 2016, BIOCONSULT SH & CO.KG 2017a). the importance and condition of the areas Area O-3 considered here as habitats for seabirds. A comparison of data for area O-3 with data from the Pomeranian Bight reveals a below-average Importance of areas and sites for seabirds and resting birds incidence of seabirds in this area (GARTHE et al. 2003). In area O-3, the seabird population Area O-1 generally consists of species using the area as a All findings so far indicate that area O-1 is of transit area. medium significance for seabirds. It only abuts According to GARTHE et al. 2003, for the divers the edges of the extensive resting habitats of the listed in Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive as Pomeranian Bight and the Adlergrund to the requiring special conservation measures south and southeast. On the whole, the area has (namely the red-throated diver and black- an average incidence of seabirds and similarly throated diver) and for the horned grebe, area O- only an average incidence of endangered 3 is not one of the preferred long-stay habitats in species and species requiring special the Baltic Sea. The same applies to little gulls. conservation measures. It is not one of the main Furthermore, more recent surveys have resting, feeding or overwintering habitats of revealed only isolated sightings of these species species listed in Annex I of the Wild Birds in this area (IFAÖ 2016). Directive or of species of the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature conservation area that Sea ducks which dive for food, such as long- require special conservation measures. tailed ducks, velvet scoters and common scoters, occur in this area of the EEZ mainly as Area O-1 has medium significance as a feeding passage migrants in the spring but also to a and resting habitat for ocean-going birds and lesser extent as resting birds in the winter. ship followers. It is not significant for breeding However, their distribution area during this time birds, due to its distance from the coast. Because of the depth of the water (more than 20 Description and assessment of state of the environment 157

m) and the nature of the seabed, it is not an require special conservation measures. The important feeding ground for diving sea ducks. incidence of these species is very low. The area The latter use the area in spring and autumn as is insignificant for breeding birds, due to its a transit area. European herring gulls occur distance from the coast. Due to the depth of the frequently in the area, whilst great black-backed water and the nature of the seabed, the area is and common gulls occur in comparatively not significant as a feeding ground for diving sea smaller densities. Divers use the sub-region ducks. As a minimum, the effects of the existing exclusively as a transit area. Area O-1 abuts the burdens of fishing and shipping on seabirds are extreme outer edges of the winter resting of average intensity. habitats of razorbills and common guillemots. Black guillemots are very seldomly spotted. As a Protection status minimum, the effects of the existing burdens of The German EEZ of the Baltic Sea is host to fishing and shipping on seabirds are of average significant populations of long-tailed duck, intensity. common scoter, velvet scoter and black guillemot. Red-throated and black-throated Area O-2 divers, horned grebes and little gulls are subject All findings so far indicate that area O-2 is of low to special protection. The remaining species are significance for seabirds. The area has a low migratory birds whose protection is also to be incidence of endangered species and species ensured under Article 4 (2) of the Wild Birds requiring special conservation measures. It is Directive. not one of the main resting, feeding or Within the EEZ, the nature conservation area overwintering habitats of species listed in Annex "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" was I of the Wild Birds Directive, or of species of the established by the ordinance of 22 September "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" conservation 2017, its area IV having already been under area that require special conservation protection as the "Pomeranian Bight Special measures. As a minimum, the effects of the Protection Area" since 2005. The conservation existing burdens of fishing and shipping on area is host to significant populations of seabirds are of average intensity. important species of resting birds, most Area O-3 especially sea ducks (long-tailed duck, common According to current knowledge, area O-3 is of scoter, velvet scoter). low significance as a feeding and resting habitat The following Table 11 lists the species and their for seabirds. On the whole, the area has a low currently allocated threat categories in the incidence of seabirds. It is not one of the main European Red List (Europe and EU27) and the resting, feeding or overwintering habitats of HELCOM Red List. Differences in the species listed in Annex I of the Wild Birds classifications are due to the fact that different Directive or of species of the "Pomeranian Bight geographical frames of reference were used. – Rönnebank" nature conservation area that 158 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Table 11: List of the most important species of resting birds in the German EEZ in the Baltic Sea and their threat categories as currently allocated in the European Red List and by HELCOM. Categories defined by IUCN (also applies to HELCOM): LC = Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically Endangered).

Annex I of the IUCN Red List, IUCN Red List, HELCOM winter resting Birds Europea) EU 27 a) population b) Directive

Red-throated X LC LC CR diver Black-throated X LC LC CR diver Horned grebe X NT VU NT Red-necked LC LC EN grebe Great crested LC LC LC grebe Little gull X NT LC NT European NT VU herring gull Great black- LC LC backed gull Common gull LC LC Long-tailed VU VU EN duck Velvet scoter VU VU EN Common LC LC EN scoter

Common eider VU EN EN Black guillemot LC VU NT Guillemot NT LC Razorbill NT LC

a BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL (2015) European Red List of Birds b HELCOM (2013c)

According to the European Red List, long-tailed of long-tailed ducks in the Baltic Sea (SKOV et al. ducks, velvet scoters and common eiders are 2011) is also clearly reflected in the HELCOM classified as "Vulnerable" due to the negative Red List. Here, the long-tailed duck, along with population trends over the last few years. The other species of sea duck, is classified as drastic reduction in the winter resting population "Endangered". The winter resting populations of Description and assessment of state of the environment 159

red-throated and black-throated divers in the some species of seabird (CAMPHUYSEN & Baltic Sea are classified as "Critically GARTHE 2000). In particular, many ocean- Endangered", even though their populations in going bird species such as the European Europe as a whole are classified as being of herring gull and great black-backed gull "Least Concern". The populations of little gulls benefit from discards. and horned grebe are classified both in Europe • Shipping: Shipping traffic has a significant as a whole and in the Baltic Sea (winter resting scare effect on species which are sensitive population) as "Near Threatened". Great black- to disturbance, e. g. divers. Shipping also backed gulls and common gulls are generally brings a risk of oil contamination. The rapid held to be of "Least Concern". European herring development of commercial shipping has gulls, common guillemots and razorbills are led to water birds increasingly avoiding the listed as "Near Threatened" on the Red List for main traffic routes in the western Baltic Sea the whole of Europe, whilst their winter resting (BELLEBAUM et al. 2006). With regard to the populations in the Baltic Sea have not been German EEZ in the Baltic Sea, this means assigned any threat status. The opposite is the that the EEZ area west of the DW 17 deep- case for populations of black guillemot. water route is used very little by seabirds. In Hazards the area of the Fehmarn Belt, evidence of The seabird community in the EEZ of the Baltic avoidance behaviour by seabirds due to Sea is not to be regarded as naturally occurring. shipping has also been observed (SKOV et It is significantly influenced by anthropogenic al. 1998). activities, especially fishing and shipping. • Technical structures (e.g. offshore wind Alongside anthropogenic activities, climate turbines): Technical structures can have change and natural variability also influence the similar effects to shipping on species seabird community of the southern Baltic Sea. susceptible to disturbance. This also Seabirds are exposed to various hazards. includes an increase in the volume of shipping traffic due to maintenance • Fishing: Fishing can be expected to have a significant impact on the composition of the journeys, for instance. There is also a risk of seabird community in the EEZ. Fishing can collision with such structures. lead to a reduction in the supply of food and • Hunting: Virtually all migrating ducks in the may even lead to limits on food. Selective Baltic Sea region are affected by hunting. catching of fish species or fish sizes can Between 1996 and 2001, 122,500 eider lead to changes in the food supply for ducks were shot each year in Scandinavia, seabirds. Gillnet fishing causes high losses 92,820 of them in Denmark alone (ASFERG of seabirds in the Baltic Sea all-year round, 2002). This equates to 16% of the winter due to the birds being caught in the nets and population of 760,000 individuals (DESHOLM subsequently drowning (ERDMANN et al. et al. 2002). 2005). Divers, grebes (podicipediformes) • Climate change: Changes in water and diving ducks in particular fall victim to temperature are accompanied amongst the gillnets (SCHIRMEISTER 2003, DAGYS & other things by changes in water circulation, ZYDELIS 2002). According to ZYDELIS et al. the distribution of plankton and the (2009), the annual bycatch is around 73,000 composition of fish fauna which form the for the whole of the Baltic Sea and 20,000 basis of the seabirds' diet. birds for the southern Baltic Sea. Fishing The eco-system of the North Sea and Baltic Sea discards provide additional food sources for has changed radically, particularly since the end 160 Description and assessment of state of the environment

of the 1980s (ALHEIT et al. 2005). However, it is southern tip of the island of Öland has been home hardly possible to predict the effects on seabirds to the Ottenby ringing station since 1948. Another and resting birds due to uncertainty with regard ringing station is located on the Danish island of to the effects of climate change on individual Christiansø near to Bornholm (LAUSTEN & LYNGS, ecosystem components. Since the 1990s, global 2004). On the island of Greifswalder Oie, east of warming has been affecting the winter resting Rügen, the Verein Jordsand has been running a activities of seabirds and resting birds in the trapping scheme for registering migrating western Baltic Sea: the main populations are songbirds since 1995 (VON RÖNN 2001). moving eastwards and regular seasonal oxygen The many years of research have resulted in deficiency is causing a localised permanent more than 1,000 publications about bird decrease in the mussel population (e.g. the old migration in the western Baltic Sea. The ringing Oder bed in the western Pomeranian Bight). stations provide long-term data, some extremely Additional risks posed to seabirds and resting detailed, which allow population trends to be birds include eutrophication, the accumulation of assessed. Most of this data relates to songbird pollutants in the marine food chains and rubbish and raptor migration, but there are also visual floating in the water, e. g. from fishing nets and observations of water birds and waders. These plastic parts. Epidemics of viral or bacterial origin figures describe migration in areas close to the also pose a threat to resting bird and seabird coast. populations. There is hardly any long-term data on migration activities over open sea. One exception are the 2.10 Migratory birds records from the Fehmarn Belt lightship, from The term "bird migration" is usually defined as where over-sea bird migration was periodic migrations between the breeding systematically observed between 1955 and ground and a separate staging area outside the 1957. Since the 1970s, the over-sea migration breeding period, which normally includes behaviour of a number of species has been wintering grounds in the case of birds of higher studied using military radar (Lund University, latitudes. In addition to a destination for resting, Sweden). Since 2002, the Institute for Applied birds often call at one or more stopover Ecosystem Research (IfAÖ) has been studying destinations, e. g. to moult or to visit rich feeding visible bird migration in the German sector of the grounds. It is possible to tell long-distance and Baltic Sea at various locations along the western short-distance migrators apart by the distance Baltic Sea coast and at offshore locations (see covered and according to physiological criteria. Figure 32), the studies being part of the approval process for offshore wind farms and research 2.10.1 Data availability projects for the Federal Ministry for the Systematic studies of bird migration have a long Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear tradition in the Baltic Sea region, commencing Safety (BMU). At the same time, bird migration back in 1901 at the former Rossitten Bird up to an altitude of 1,000 m is being quantified Observatory on the Curonian Spit. Bird migration using vertical radar. Further studies have been has been monitored at Falsterbo on the southern or are being carried out by other planning tip of Sweden since 1972; the ringing of migrating agencies (e.g. OECOS 2015, BIOCONSULT SH birds is also carried out here. Numerous 2017) as part of offshore wind farm projects. experiments have also been carried out here and have provided detailed findings on various aspects of migration behaviour (e.g. the selection of migratory direction). Staying in Sweden, the Description and assessment of state of the environment 161

along migratory routes. It is known that most migratory bird species fly over at least large parts of their migration areas on a broad front. According to prior information provided by KNUST et al. (2003), this also applies to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. In particular, species that migrate at night – which cannot be guided by geographical structures due to the darkness – migrate across the sea on a broad front. Nevertheless, many species are known to migrate along narrow corridors or flight paths with no obvious leading lines. This applies, e. g. to cranes. From their vast distribution area Figure 32: Bird migration observation stations covering almost the whole of northern Eurasia, and radar recording points of the Institute for cranes migrate along a relatively small number Applied Ecosystem Research in the western of traditional narrow migration routes to just ten Baltic Sea (Falsterbo did not carry out its own fixed wintering grounds extending from Spain observations; from BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). across to North and East Africa and all the way Alongside data from the ringing stations, various to China. This is what's known as narrow-front other sources also need to be used for migration. estimating migratory bird populations (national breeding bird monitoring programmes in It is known from diurnal migrants in particular that Scandinavia, BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2004a). geographical barriers or leading lines, such as For migrating songbirds and raptors, the estuaries and large expanses of water, influence breeding populations in Sweden and Finland are migration routes. According to PFEIFER (1974), pertinent. For divers and sea ducks, however, it the western Baltic Sea has three main migration is the populations that migrate across the Baltic routes: Sea from their western Siberian breeding • Southern Sweden – Danish Islands grounds to their western European overwintering (Seeland, Møn, Falster, Lolland) – Fehmarn areas that are of interest. Estimates of wading (known as the "Vogelfluglinie" (flyway)). This bird populations in resting places along the "East route is especially preferred by diurnal Atlantic Flyway" can be used to estimate the migrating songbirds and thermal soarers extent of migration of this group of birds in the such as raptors. They then only need to fly Baltic Sea region. Despite many years of short distances over expanses of water. observations, there is still insufficient knowledge of specific issues in the German EEZ region of the Baltic Sea.

2.10.2 Spatial distribution and temporal variability of migratory birds According to prior information, migratory bird activity can be roughly divided into two phenomena: broad-front migration and migration 162 Description and assessment of state of the environment

• Southern Sweden – Rügen. In addition to Bird migration over the western cranes and raptors, this route is especially Baltic Sea used in spring by songbirds heading north Bird migration over the western Baltic Sea is across the Baltic Sea from Darss and Rügen. documented all year round by means of various • From the Baltic States/Finland/Siberia in a methods (radar and visual observations, southwesterly/westerly direction, along the acoustic recordings, analysis of ring recoveries), narrowing funnel of the western Baltic Sea. with strong seasonal fluctuations occurring and Here a distinction is made between two main concentrations in spring and autumn. The Baltic coastal routes 1) along the Mecklenburg Sea is located on the migratory route of coast and 2) along the southern coast of numerous bird species. Every autumn, around Sweden and the Danish islands to Fehmarn. 500 million birds (see Seasonal migration intensity is closely linked to species-specific or population-specific life cycles (e.g. BERTHOLD 2000). Besides these largely endogenously controlled annual rhythms in migration activity, the specific course of migration activity is determined primarily by weather conditions. Weather factors also influence the altitude and speed at which animals move. In general, birds wait for favourable weather conditions (e.g. good visibility, tailwind, no precipitation) before migration in order to optimise their efforts in terms of energy. This means that bird migration is concentrated on individual days or nights in autumn or spring. According to the results of an R&D project (KNUST et al. 2003), half of all birds migrate on just 5 to 10% of all days. Furthermore, the intensity of migration is also subject to daily fluctuations. About two-thirds of all bird species migrate predominantly or exclusively at night (HÜPPOP et al. 2009). Description and assessment of state of the environment 163

Table 12) migrate over the western Baltic Sea population into migration types. Here, a from their breeding grounds in the north to their distinction must be made between water birds wintering grounds further south (BERTHOLD and land birds and between diurnal and 2000). In the spring, numbers are significantly nocturnal migration, due to the different lower (200-300 million). The reason for this is the migration conditions. Amongst the diurnal high mortality rates of young birds in their first migratory land birds are some optional users of winter. More than 95% of these birds are small, thermals (cranes, larger raptors) who use the land-dwelling birds. thermals over land to gain height, but migrate over water using active flapping flight To analyse migration rates and migration routes, (BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). it is useful to break down the migratory bird

164 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Table 12: Population estimates for migratory birds with different types of flight in the southern Baltic Sea region (data valid only for the autumn season; source: BELLEBAUM et al. 2008; calculated in accordance with HEATH et al. 2000 and SKOV et al. 1998). Migration Autumn Species groups type population Divers, grebes (podicipediformes), pelecaniformes, ducks, geese, Water birds 10-20 million mergansers, waders, gulls, terns, auks

Land birds: Raptors < 0.5 million optional thermal Cranes 60.000 soarers

Land birds: Nocturnal migrants 200-250 million Flapping wing flyers Diurnal/nocturnal migrants, solely diurnal migrants 150-200 million

Each year, around 200 species of birds are Cranes migrate over the Baltic Sea involved in migration activities in the western predominantly in a north-south direction Baltic Sea. In addition, there are a further 100 between the Rügen-Bock region in the "Western rare species and accidental migrants. Figure 33 Pomerania Lagoon Area" national park and the is a schematic representation of the general southern coast of Sweden (ALERSTAM 1990). migration systems of the western Baltic Sea, the For songbirds that migrate during the day, in arrows representing the migration routes, the particular short and medium-distance migrants exact course of which should not be interpreted such as finches and wagtails (BERTHOLD 2000), too narrowly. The largest migration populations the "flyway" is important, since for this species of water birds (sea ducks, divers, geese and group, leading lines play a key role in migration, swans) originate predominantly from Siberia, at the very least assisting low-flying migrants meaning that their migration path is generally with orientation. However, a large proportion of west to east. Sea ducks and divers fly low over the migration takes place in tailwind conditions the water, usually at heights below 10 m, and at high altitude, albeit also over the open Baltic frequently close to the coast (e.g. KRÜGER & Sea and following a north-south direction GARTHE 2001). Waders which, in the spring at (ALERSTAM & ULFSTRAND 1972). Due to the least, fly at higher altitudes (on average 2,000 m, limited number of visual cues to assist with GREEN 2005) are relatively infrequently orientation, small nocturnal migratory birds, observed in the Baltic Sea. Raptors fly both especially medium-distance migrants such as above the "flyway" and over the open waters of thrushes and robins or long-distance migrants the Baltic Sea. Flight behaviour varies by such as reed warblers, adopt broadfront species and by season. Active flapping wing migration (BERTHOLD 2000, ZEHNDER et al. 2001, flyers tend to fly more/also over the sea, whilst BRUDERER & LIECHTI 2005). KNUST et al. (2003) thermal soarers such as common buzzards were able to determine that the main migratory generally use the "flyway". direction for the autumnal migration at Fehmarn and Rügen in the German Baltic Sea was SW to SSW. Description and assessment of state of the environment 165

Figure 33: Schematic diagram of the main migration routes in the Baltic Sea region for autumn migration (BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). Over open water, migration altitude seems to Species composition rise in general (BEZZEL & PRINZINGER 1990). Ultimately, flight altitudes during migration Water birds (flapping wing flyers, diurnal/ nocturnal migrants) depend on various factors (e.g. season, time of day and wind and weather conditions). Nocturnal The exact migration routes of only a third of the migrants generally fly at higher altitudes than 70 or so species of water bird that regularly diurnal migrants. Wind conditions also have a migrate through the western Baltic Sea, are major influence on migration altitude. KRÜGER & known (only diurnal migrants with flying altitudes GARTHE (2001) were able to establish that divers < 200 m, divers, geese, sea ducks, terns). Many and sea ducks (eider ducks, common scoters) species migrate at night and/or at high altitudes frequently flew low over the water (at heights (diving ducks, waders, e.g. GREEN 2005). The less than 1.5 m) when there was a headwind, but flight paths of most species/populations cross that flight altitudes rose when there was a the area in an east-west direction, as the birds tailwind. This is probably related to the fact that (e.g. geese, sea ducks, stints, divers; see Figure wind strength usually increases with increasing 33 and Figure 34) move from their Arctic altitude. By adapting flying altitude to the wind breeding grounds in Western Siberia to their conditions, flight speed can be significantly wintering grounds in Western Europe. These increased and energy consumption substantially birds often navigate along the coastlines. Other reduced (LIECHTI et al. 2000, LIECHTI & species/populations which breed in the BRUDERER 1998). Scandinavian wetlands and use freshwater biotopes as habitats (field geese, dabbling 166 Description and assessment of state of the environment

ducks, mergansers, wading birds of the tringa higher speeds in spring than in autumn and also genus) migrate in a north-south direction. These migrate in larger groups and at higher altitudes species follow old traditional population-specific (average in spring: 341 m, autumn 215 m). migration routes. Species that migrate at night It is presumed that other species of geese possibly also migrate on a broad front (e.g. migrate predominantly at higher altitudes over snipe). the Baltic Sea and preferably follow the coast. A With regard to diurnal migrants, there are three 25-year study conducted on the Danish island of known principal routes through the western Christiansø observed only greater white-fronted Baltic Sea for water birds: geese (Anser albifrons) in significant numbers • Along the Swedish coast (main route of (LAUSTEN & LYNGS 2004). And in the migration most eider ducks, barnacle geese and brent route studies conducted so far by the Institute for geese), Applied Ecosystem Research, it is • Along the German coast (main route of predominantly greater white-fronted geese that most common scoter and many divers and have been observed crossing the Baltic Sea. In terns), and May 2003, a conspicuous low-altitude (< 100 m) moult migration of greylag geese (Anser anser) • In a north-south direction (swans, field (as well as mute swans (Cygnus olor)) from the geese, dabbling ducks, mergansers). Darsser Ort to the Danish Islands was recorded Geese (IFAÖ 2005). During autumn migration, the Russian and Baltic Sea ducks populations of barnacle geese (Branta For sea ducks, the southern and western Baltic leucopsis) and brent geese (Branta bernicla) Sea represents an important transit area en cross the Baltic Sea to reach their wintering route to their wintering areas in the North Sea grounds along the coasts of Western Europe. In and the northern Kattegat. Though migration the western Baltic Sea, most of these geese occurs predominantly close to the coast (many migrate along the southern coast of Sweden. sea ducks maintain visual contact with land Only a few thousand birds cross the Arkona Sea features as they fly), some sea duck migration to follow the German coast. also occurs over the open sea (IfAÖ 2005). In the course of the spring migration in the During the spring, eider ducks migrate home western Baltic Sea, differences between the two along the southern coast of Sweden in a species gradually emerge. Barnacle geese fly to relatively narrow corridor very close to the coast. a greater extent over the open see or over the As they migrate, they make constant use of southernmost tip of southern Sweden, whilst topographical features (coastline) as reference brent geese tend to fly further inland (GREEN & points: initially, they migrate eastwards from the ALERSTAM 2000). The mean migratory direction Kattegat and the Belt Sea area (partly overland), of the barnacle goose is northeast, whilst brent then head northeast, keeping close to the geese tend to fly eastwards. In the spring, coastline in very concentrated groups barnacle geese usually migrate in April, whilst (ALERSTAM 1990). In the autumn, they migrate the majority of brent geese pass through at the along roughly the same route. Although eider end of May. The main migration days therefore ducks migrate both by day and by night, most coincide with periods of tailwinds which are migration activity takes place during the day. selectively preferred. Both species fly over the Radar studies of eider duck migration off the German EEZ, predominantly in the Kiel coast of southern Sweden have shown that less Bight/Fehmarn Belt region. Brent geese fly at than 10% of the entire migration process takes Description and assessment of state of the environment 167

place under cover of darkness (ALERSTAM et al. Whilst common scoters occur in very 1974). Particularly if there is good weather, the concentrated groups to the north of Cape Arkona bulk of the eider duck migration process can be on the island of Rügen at moulting and autumn completed in just a few days (ELLESTRÖM 2002). migration time (between 50,000 and 100,000 in July/August alone, NEHLS & ZÖLLICK 1990), the The spring migration of the common scoter overall numbers at Darsser Ort at this time of takes place predominantly along the German year are low (Wendeln & Kube, 2005). It appears coast. On their vernal migration, most of the that the autumn migration in the area between common scoters which have been overwintering Darsser Ort and Falsterbo does not take place in the North Sea appear to fly south as far as the close to the coast. The birds presumably head Western Beach of the Darss, then fly around the out from Cape Arkona towards the Danish island Darsser Ort and Cape Arkona, keeping relatively of Møn. In the Fehmarn Belt, hardly any common close in. In the spring of 2003, around 9% of the scoter were observed along the German coast in biogeographical population (1.6 million the spring and autumn of 2005 (IfAÖ 2005). individuals, Wetlands International, 2006) was Either the migration occurs in concentrated found at Darsser Ort alone (WENDELN & KUBE numbers along the Danish coast or the birds fly 2005). However, observations conducted at high altitudes on both their inbound and synchronously (with the observations at Darsser outbound migrations in order to fly over Ort itself) out at sea, 20 km north of Darsser Ort, Schleswig-Holstein (see Berndt and Busche, recorded numbers equating to a 35% share 1991). (24% in the autumn), meaning that larger numbers of common scoter are to be found Hardly any migration of velvet scoter is offshore. An unknown percentage of the birds observed in the German Baltic Sea (GARTHE et migrate at night. al. 2003, WENDELN & KUBE 2005). It appears that there is hardly any movement between the main wintering areas in the Northern Kattegat and the Pomeranian Bight. The same applies to long- tailed ducks. Only a few thousand individuals of this species overwinter west of the Darss Sill. However, there is very intensive exchange between the main overwintering areas to the west and east of Rügen.

168 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Figure 34: Schematic diagram of selected migration routes of water birds in the western Baltic Sea (IfAÖ compilation based on literature sources and own observations in the Arkona Sea; from Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, 2009). Field geese, swans, dabbling ducks and Waders from the Siberian Arctic mergansers Adult waders from their Arctic breeding grounds According to IfAÖ observations, limnetic species (stints and plovers, etc.) mostly migrate over the of water bird that breed in Scandinavia (swans, Baltic Sea at high altitude to the Wadden Sea, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, mergansers) often crossing southern Sweden as well. The migrate in a north-south direction over the juvenile birds, by contrast, migrate in small Arkona Sea and are assumed to head stages along the coasts, resting frequently in predominantly for the Oder estuary (incl. the Bay mudflats (KUBE & STRUWE 1994). In the spring, of Greifswald). Birds that meet the north coast of almost all wading birds migrate from the Wadden Rügen then turn westwards and follow the Sea to Western Siberia at high altitude. Their coastline. Observations carried out in southern average flying altitude is around 2,000 m (GREEN Sweden suggest that the birds initially migrated 2005). Wading birds always prefer tailwinds along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast (FLYCKT et when migrating (GREEN 2005). When there is a al. 2003, 2004). At present, however, there is strong headwind or precipitation, they will insufficient data to describe the existing north- occasionally use the western Baltic Sea as an south migration in detail. It is noticeable that for emergency roost or will migrate low over the sea many of these species, only a few individuals are along the Swedish (SW wind in autumn) or generally seen each season (the exceptions German (NW wind in autumn) coasts. By being meurasian wigeon and red-breasted contrast, wading birds are recorded only very Merganser, see also LAUSTEN & LYNGS 2004). seldomly on open sea. Any calls heard are This suggests that many species of duck are predominantly during the night (IFAÖ 2005). most likely migrating at night and at high altitudes. Description and assessment of state of the environment 169

Cranes/raptors (thermal soarers/flapping opposite direction, with the birds heading in a wing flyers/diurnal migrants) northerly direction (ALERSTAM 1990, Figure 35).

Cranes Cranes cross the Baltic Sea in an almost direct The common cranes (Grus grus) of Northern north-south direction. The flight directions of the Europe use various migration routes. Whilst cranes studied by the IfAÖ deviated from the eastern populations (Finland, Baltic States) direct north-south heading by a good 10°, both migrate in a south-southeast direction (to Israel on the outward and return migration journey. and northwest and east Africa), birds of the sub- This could be related to wind drift over the sea population following the west European which was only partially compensated for. By migration route from Norway, Sweden, Poland contrast, wind drift is fully compensated for over and Germany to their wintering grounds in land (ALERSTAM 1975). Neither autumn or spring France, Spain and northwest Africa, head migrations were evenly spread, but instead were southwest. This population is currently estimated characterised by mass migrations occurring over at around 150,000 individuals (G. NOWALD pers. a relatively small number of days. The cranes comm.). deliberately used tailwind phases to cross the Baltic Sea. The wind also had a decisive The Scandinavian birds migrating across the influence on the cranes' flying altitude. The flying Baltic Sea are of particular interest for the altitude was much lower in headwinds than in western Baltic Sea. For these cranes, the tailwinds or "neutral" winds (BELLEBAUM et al. Rügen-Bock region is the most important resting 2008). area on the southern Baltic Sea coast (hosting up to 40,000 resting cranes at any one time). Due to having a large wing area relative to their weight, cranes belong to the group of birds Scandinavian cranes reach their resting areas in known as thermal soarers. They alternate the lagoons of Western Pomerania via two between periods of spiralling upwards to higher migration routes: from Finland, by flying partly altitudes in thermal columns with gliding phases. along the southern Baltic Sea coast and from This behaviour enables them to conserve a lot of Sweden, by flying non-stop for 1 to 2 hours over energy while flying. Using gliding flight to cross the Arkona Basin. An estimated 50,000 to the entire 80 km stretch of the Baltic Sea, 60,000 individuals take this latter route. The however, is not possible. From a starting altitude vernal migration from the resting places in of 1,000 m, cranes can glide for a maximum Western Pomerania to Sweden is done in the distance of 16 km (ALERSTAM 1990).

170 Description and assessment of state of the environment






Figure 35: Schematic diagram of crane migration routes in the western Baltic Sea (red = vernal migration, green = autumnal migration; IfAÖ compilation based on observation data from Falsterbo, Bornholm and own observations in the Arkona Sea; from: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, 2009).

As no updraughts occur over sea areas, they ALERSTAM 1974). The flocks of cranes observed have to cover a large part of the distance using by the Institute for Applied Ecosystem Research active flapping flight (possibly alternating with used spiralling flight movements to gain height, gliding phases initially). Consequently, they especially over land. Cranes could also be normally wait for weather conditions with regularly observed using spirally flight (and tailwinds (ALERSTAM & BAUER 1973). Flight gaining significant height as a result) over water, speed is also heavily dependent on the wind and albeit close to land, up to 15 km away from the is on average around 70 km/h (ALERSTAM 1975). coast (Wendeln et al., 2008). Based on existing In the spring, flying altitudes of 200-700 m were data, the proportion of nocturnal migration was measured over the southern tip of Sweden, after estimated to be around 10% (BELLEBAUM et al. the Baltic Sea had been crossed (KARLSSON & 2008).

Figure 36: Flight altitudes of flocks of cranes over the sea during autumn and spring migration (green line: mean flight altitude over the entire season; red line: max. wind turbine height, BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). Description and assessment of state of the environment 171

The results of surveys using target-tracking sea between the southern coast of Sweden and radar along the coast of Rügen show that flight the Mecklenburg coast migrate in a more altitude over the sea can vary greatly. Around a southerly direction. third of the cranes recorded (32% in autumn Every autumn, up to 50,000 Scandinavian 2005, 33% in spring 2006) migrated at heights raptors migrate south via Falsterbo. These birds below 200 m (Figure 36). Consequently a then cross the Fehmarn Belt. Depending on the significant proportion of crane migration takes prevailing wind direction, the birds cross this sea place within the same height range as wind area on a slightly broader front (KOOP 2005). The turbines. migration altitude of the raptors is predominantly above 50 m (IFAÖ 2005). Raptors Raptors are frequent thermal soarers. Thermal In the spring migration period, the Fehmarn Belt soaring raptors spiral up to altitudes of several is less significant for migrating raptors. During this hundred metres over land before commencing season, it is thought that many birds migrate over their migration. But there are also species which Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish islands, migrate using flapping flight (e.g. sparrowhawks, passing north of the Fehmarn Belt. However, a ospreys, falcons). Whilst the majority of diurnal not insignificant number also follow the southern migratory raptors from Swedish populations Baltic Sea coast and cross the western Baltic Sea follow the "flyway" via Falsterbo during the from Darsser Ort and Rügen. The population autumn migration, a number of them cross the shares of some species at Darsser Ort are Baltic Sea in a north-south direction (to some considerable (Table 13). In the spring, Darsser degree this is species-specific, e.g. rough- Ort became a significant concentration area. The legged buzzard). Thus the migratory patterns of proportion of observed individuals relative to sparrowhawks ringed in Falsterbo and Otterby, autumn migration in Falsterbo exceeded the 10% for example, reveal that the breeding grounds mark for almost all species (red kite: approx. 30%, and overwintering areas of these birds are osprey/common buzzard: approx. 20%). Raptor parallel and offset: birds breeding further east migration was also observed in Rügen during the may possibly also migrate along a route further spring. However, the proportions relative to to the east and therefore have to fly over larger autumn migration at Falsterbo rarely exceed expanses of water to cross the Baltic Sea. 10%, and consequently are well below the figures Raptors that primarily follow the "flyway" in calculated at Darsser Ort (BELLEBAUM et al., autumn migrate in a south-southwesterly 2008). direction. Raptors that primarily cross the open 172 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Table 13: Comparison of raptor autumn migration in Falsterbo in 2002 and 2003 with spring migration in 2003 at Darsser Ort (M-V) and autumn migration in Falsterbo 2007 with spring migration in Rügen 2007 and 2008 (numbers of observed individuals; source: BELLEBAUM et al. 2008).

Darsser Falsterbo Rügen Rügen Falsterbo Falsterbo Ort autumn spring 2007 spring 2008 autumn autumn spring 2007 2002 2003 2003 European honey 3.232 3.076 574 2.745 0 30 Red kite 1.148 1.441 390 2.381 308 255 Western marsh 801 969 142 569 44 90 Sparrowhawk 13.478 24.648 1.446 27.193 1.258 1.462 Common 8.607 14.203 1.820 18.872 743 970 Rough-legged 374 153 442 1.165 95 372 Osprey 234 303 57 232 19 33 Common kestrel 385 943 41 725 0 0 Merlin 182 405 17 367 12 25 Eurasian hobby 47 61 24 39 6 12

Sighting observations revealed only a few Land birds (flapping wing flyers) migrating raptors over the Arkona Sea (IFAÖ, Land birds (diurnal migrants) own obs.). It is possible that in spring, raptors migrate predominantly at altitudes higher than Many species of land bird migrate during the the visual range limit of 200 m. Thermal soaring day. In addition to the raptors already described, raptors predominantly fly over other marine these include doves and songbirds (Table 14). areas at higher altitudes, e.g. rarely below 400 m Included most notably among the diurnal when crossing Gibraltar (MEYER et al. 2000). By migratory songbird species are short-distance contrast in the autumn, when there are frequent migrants (in particular finches and buntings; but headwinds, the migration altitudes near the also pipits, wagtails, tits and crows). Of the long- "flyway" are often lower distance migrants, swallows are an exception, (Falsterbo/Fehmarnbelt). being solely diurnal migratory birds. Diurnal migratory land birds are among the most commonly occurring species of breeding bird in Scandinavia. For the western Baltic Sea, Swedish and, in part, also Finnish breeding birds are of particular relevance (see ring recoveries in LAUSTEN & LYNGS 2004).

Description and assessment of state of the environment 173

Table 14: Visible percentage of the autumn migration volume of common Scandinavian diurnal migrants: migration rates at various locations and breeding numbers of Swedish populations and estimate of the percentage of diurnal bird migration that cannot be recorded visually (from BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). Common Common chaffinch Eurasian Meadow Barn house and skylark pipit swallow martin brambling Mean migration rate [ind. per h] Falsterbo 1,002.0 4.7 16.5 25.3 12.9 Kriegers Flak 1.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.05 Adlergrund 3.8 0.5 1.9 1.6 0.2 Darsser Ort 22.3 4.0 4.1 5.4 0.6 Total number of visible birds Falsterbo (mean 1973-2001)1 760.758 1.571 8.324 23.279 5.283 Offshore2 664.160 136.320 292.800 618.240 29.280 Breeding population in Sweden/migration volume Breeding pairs3 12.500.000 750.000 750.000 225.000 150.000 Total individuals (autumn)4 50.000.000 3.000.000 3.000.000 900.000 600.000 Visible percentage (%) Falsterbo 1.52 0.05 0.28 2.59 0.88 Offshore (Møn to Bornholm) 1.29 4.54 9.76 68.69 4.88 Visible percentage, total (%) 2.81 4.60 10.04 71.28 5.76 Non-visible percentage (%) Migration over the Danish islands/ migration at high altitude/nocturnal 97.19 95.40 89.96 28.72 94.24 migration/overwintering in Scandinavia 1 http://www.skov.se/fbo/index_e.html 2 Assumed: broadfront migration of Swedish breeding birds, migration rates at Kriegers Flak used as basis for sea area betw. Møn and Borholm (150 km), max. recording distance on ship 3 Number of breeding pairs acc. to HEATH et al. (2001) 4 Conservative estimate of reproduction rate (= 2 fledged juveniles per pair): Migration volume in autumn = (2 adults + 2 juveniles)*Number of breeding pairs

In the western Baltic Sea, the migration of • Diurnal migrants avoid crossing the Arkona diurnal migratory land birds follows two basic Sea by day at low altitudes (below 100 m). rules: They either migrate at very high altitudes • Many diurnal migrants prefer to cross the (e.g. common chaffinch > 1,000 m, IfAÖ Baltic Sea around the Danish islands. Some own observations) or partly also at night of them fly within visible range (below (e.g. Eurasian skylark, common starling, 50-100 m). Common wood pigeons migrate, brambling). for example, over inland Sweden in a broadfront migration pattern; however near In view of the methodological difficulties in to the southern tip of Sweden, around recording diurnal migratory land birds over the Falsterbo, significant migration sea (only possible with target-tracking radar), concentrations arise. Common wood little is known about the migratory behaviour of pigeons are observed in large numbers at these species. All that is known is that a few Falsterbo and on Fehmarn (KOOP 2005). species cross the Baltic Sea in a broadfront formation (e.g. swallows, wagtails and pipits). Land birds (nocturnal migrants) 174 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Nocturnal migrants make up more than half of all A number of bird species which migrate during migratory birds in the western Baltic Sea (long the day (ducks, geese, swans, waders and gulls) and short-distance migrants). Among the can also be observed migrating at night. Often expressly nocturnal migrants are most notably for these species, however, migration the small insectivorous birds such as typical predominantly takes place during the day. Radar (sylviid) warblers, leaf warblers, Old World studies of eider duck migration off the coast of flycatchers, northern wheatears (Oenanthe southern Sweden have shown, for example, that oenanthe) and European robins (Erithacus no more than 10-20% of the entire migration rubecula), as well as thrushes (Table 15). process takes place under cover of darkness (Alerstam et al., 1974).

Table 15: Population sizes (number of breeding pairs; status in 2000) for the most common nocturnal migratory songbirds in Sweden (T = partly diurnal migrants; acc. to BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2004a)

Number of breeding Species Number of breeding Species pairs pairs Cuckoo 30,000 – 70,000 Lesser whitethroat 150,000 – 400,000 Winter wren 100,000 – 500,000 Common whitethroat 500,000 – 1.000,000 European robin 2.500,000 – 5.000,000 Garden warbler (T) 1.000,000 – 3.000,000 Thrush 20,000 – 50,000 Blackcap (T) 400,000 – 1.000,000 nightingale Common redstart 100,000 – 300,000 Wood warbler 200,000 – 250,000 Northern 100,000 – 500,000 Common chiffchaff 100,000 – 400,000 wheatear Whinchat 200,000 – 400,000 Willow warbler 10.000,000 – 16.000,000 Song thrush 1.500,000 – 3.000,000 Goldcrest 2.000,000 – 4.000,000 Redwing (T) 750,000 – 1.500,000 Spotted flycatcher (T) 500,000 – 1.200,000 Sedge warbler 50,000 – 200,000 Pied flycatcher 1.000,000 – 2.000,000 Marsh warbler 15,000 – 20,000 Red-backed shrike 26,000 – 34,000 Icterine warbler 40,000 – 100,000

Most nocturnal bird migration over the Baltic Sea numbers of goldcrests were trapped at each occurs on a broad front. The birds of individual station every year for more than 20 years. sub-populations fly in their (mainly Unusual events, such as when goldcrest endogenously) defined migratory direction in migration failed almost completely in 2002, is parallel adjacent sectors, creating migration also reflected at both trapping stations. This can patterns which spread over a wide area (e.g. only be explained by the fact that nocturnal BERTHOLD 2000). Evidence of broadfront migratory birds are migrating southwards on a migration is provided, for example, by the broad front (GRENMYR 2003). comparisons of trapping figures from the Studies into species composition during the Falsterbo and Ottenby ringing stations located autumn migration of 2005 on Rügen using approx. 240 km apart. Virtually identical Description and assessment of state of the environment 175

vertical radar revealed that songbirds were the most numerous, making up around 90% of the total nocturnal migrant population; waders, by contrast, accounted for just 5%. Large songbirds, such as thrushes, were more numerous than small songbirds (see Figure 37). However, the proportion of small songbirds (e.g. European robin, leaf warblers) relative to large songbirds increased with altitude. Figure 38: Frequency of migratory directions in nocturnal bird migration (left: direction of flight; right: innate direction/heading) based on measurements using the "Superfledermaus" target- tracking radar conducted on Rügen in autumn 2005 (from BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). Land birds cross the Baltic Sea throughout the year. However, there are seasonal differences, with high migration intensities from March to May (vernal migration) and in September/October Figure 37: Species composition of nocturnal (autumnal migration). Within the main migration migration populations on Rügen in autumn 2005 periods, migration intensity varies greatly from (n=26,612 echoes; from BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). day to day. These variations are caused by differences in weather conditions, with wind Many species of nocturnal migrants have the conditions often playing a crucial role (see same main migratory direction. In autumn it is LIECHTI & BRUDERER 1998; ERNI et al. 2002). approximately south-southwest and in spring Where nocturnal migrating songbirds are north-northwest (see Figure 38). In the autumn concerned, there are fundamental differences in of 2005, a study of the migratory directions of the seasonal migration phenologies of long and nocturnal migrants on Rügen using target- short/medium distance migrants. Short and tracking radar (mean over 9 nights; n = 712 medium-distance migrants (e.g. goldcrests, measurements) produced a median of 213°; the winter wren, thrushes, European robins) migrate innate direction was aligned slightly further to the to their breeding grounds earlier (often as early south (median: 207°). In addition, there are as March/April) and leave them later (between species whose wintering grounds lie in a September and November), whilst the breeding southeasterly direction (e.g. barred warblers, season of long-distance migrants (e.g. typical marsh warblers, lesser whitethroats, red-backed warblers, reed warblers, Old World flycatchers, shrikes, etc.). Even with nocturnal migrants icterine warblers (hippolais icterina)) is much whose main migratory direction is southwest, shorter, i.e. they often do not arrive until substantial movements in a southeasterly May/June and leave the breeding grounds as direction are observed regularly, particularly in early as the end of July/beginning of August (e.g. combination with northwesterly winds. The KARLSSON 1992). active selection of a migratory direction depending on wind direction is also referred to as "pseudodrift". 176 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Between 2002 and 2006, the migration rates echoes/(h*km)). The maximum nocturnal were calculated at various coastal locations and migration rates peaked in the spring on from ships on the Baltic Sea using vertical radar, Fehmarn, with 5,228 echoes per hour and km in the objective being to get an impression of the one night (max. hourly figure: 15,278 echoes/ spatial distribution of night-time migration (h*km)). activities. A comparison of the different locations and The highest nocturnal migration intensities were survey years shows pronounced fluctuations in recorded at the land-based locations Darsser the nocturnal migration rates at land-based Ort and Fehmarn (approx. 1,000 echoes/ locations where continuous measurements (h*km) on average in the spring and approx. could be carried out (see Figure 39). However, it 500-600 in autumn). The rates recorded on can be concluded from the data that higher Rügen were about half of these figures; this migration rates also occur along the "flyway" at location did not experience the migration rates night and that these decrease towards the east. of Fehmarn and Darsser Ort on any night. The low migration rates at sea are possibly Markedly low migration rates were measured at related to the fact that records were incomplete the offshore locations. Higher migration rates and the measurement conditions could not be were recorded on a few nights, however (e.g. kept sufficiently consistent (BELLEBAUM et al. Kriegers Flak on the 7.10.2003: mean migration 2008). rate 1,802/max. hourly figure: 3,513

Figure 39: Mean migration rates (MTR = mean traffic rate = birds per kilometre and hour) at various measuring locations in the spring and autumn (from BELLEBAUM et al. 2008). Description and assessment of state of the environment 177

2.10.3 Status assessment of the factor with Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive and the Migratory birds bird species which are subject to special The following evaluation criteria were applied to protection under Art. 4 (2) of the Wild Birds the migratory birds: Directive are also reviewed individually. • Leading lines and concentration areas: due Water birds to the lack of features, the definition of For sea ducks and geese which breed in concentration areas and leading lines for Northern Europe and Russia (as far as Western bird migration in offshore areas should not Siberia), the western Baltic Sea is an important be interpreted from a small-scale transit area to their overwintering areas in the perspective, but rather an assessment of North Sea and the Northern Kattegat. As sea this criterion must take into account the ducks are predominantly diurnal migrants that large-scale progression of bird migration in preferably navigate using landmarks, a large the western Baltic Sea. proportion of the migration takes place near to • Migration movements and their intensity. the coast. Common scoters, for example, usually • Number of species and threat status of the maintain visual contact with land-based features species in question. as they fly. Radar measurements carried out According to current knowledge, several million around Cape Arkona and Hiddensee as part of birds migrate over the western Baltic Sea each an R&D project (KNUST et al. 2003) established year. Most notably, the nocturnal migration of that migration predominantly occurred parallel to land birds between Central Europe and the coast. In addition, a broadfront migration Scandinavia occurs on a broad front. Due to the occurs over open waters in the western Baltic broadfront migration of these birds, there is no Sea (RAUTENBERG 1956; KNUST et al. 2003). land-sea gradient. In the western Baltic Sea, According to observations conducted by the land-sea gradients are confined to the IfAÖ, gulls and auks migrate over open sea immediate coastal areas where, due to the without keeping to any particular routes. leading line effect of the shoreline, localised Divers concentration of migration activity occurs, even Coming under the category of divers are the red- at night (in southern Sweden in autumn, in throated diver and black-throated diver, both of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in spring). whom are subject to protection under Annex I of Concentration areas and leading lines are the Wild Birds Directive. The main migration present for diurnal bird migration in the western route for most divers is along the German coast. Baltic Sea. Thermal soarers and other diurnal Results from the EIS monitoring reports indicate migratory land birds, such as common wood that the EEZ has low significance for diver pigeon preferably migrate along the "flyway" migration (more details can be found in chapter (islands of Fehmarn, Falster, Møn and Seeland, Falsterbo). East of this main route, these birds Sea ducks migrate in much lower density (e.g. FRANSSON & PETTERSSON 2001). Eider ducks, long-tailed ducks, common scoters and velvet scoters are among the commonly Below is the status assessment broken down occurring species of migratory bird not listed in into the main groups of water birds, cranes and Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive for which raptors and land birds. The species requiring special protection measures need to be taken special conservation measures in accordance pursuant to Art. 4 (2) of the Wild Birds Directive. 178 Description and assessment of state of the environment

According to BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL (2004b), has only medium importance for eider duck the populations of sea ducks (with the exception migration. of the velvet scoter) are showing a By contrast common scoter migration occurs predominantly positive trend. However, predominantly on the German coast. It was according to more recent estimates by established that around 9% of the WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL (2012), this only biogeographical population could be found at applies to the eider duck, the current Darsser Ort in the spring (WENDELN & KUBE biogeographical population of which was said to 2005), however with a not insignificant be 976,000 individuals. The biogeographical proportion being sighted at sea, 20 km north of populations of the other three duck species have Darsser Ort, it was concluded that considerable fallen by more than 50 percent in recent years. A numbers of common scoters also migrate in the figure of 1.6 million is given for the long-tailed EEZ. In area O-1, around 0.33% of the duck, 550,000 for the common scoter and biogeographical population were sighted in 2014 450,000 for the velvet scoter (WETLANDS (BIOCONSULT 2016) and in area O-3 around INTERNATIONAL 2012). 0.5% (2014) and 0.12% (2015) (IfAÖ 2016a and As primarily diurnal migrants, the four species of b). Hardly any migration of velvet scoter is duck make constant use of topographical observed in the German Baltic Sea (GARTHE et features as reference points and consequently al. 2003, WENDELN & KUBE 2005). This is also migrate increasingly along the coastline. The confirmed by the latest observations in the two investigations as part of an R&D project (KNUST priority areas. In the priority area "Kriegers Flak" et al. 2003) have revealed, however, that the only 105 velvet scoters and in the priority area ducks also migrate on a broad front over the "Western Adlergrund" 217 velvet scoters were Baltic Sea. sighted. The same applies to the long-tailed duck in area O-3. Although 6,728 long-tailed ducks According to current knowledge, eider duck (0.4% of the biogeographic population) were migration occurs predominantly on the coast of sighted in the O-1 area in 2014, the EEZ is only Sweden. The latest daytime observations slightly significant for the migration of the two conducted between autumn 2013 and autumn species of duck. 2015 in area O-3 have revealed substantial fluctuations in eider duck sighting rates. The Overall, the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea has highest number of eider duck sightings (10,832 average to above-average significance for individuals) occurred in autumn 2013, the lowest migrating water birds. This is derived from the (1,823 individuals) in spring 2015 (IFAÖ 2016a fact that there are two main routes along the and b). In area O-1 in 2014, the total number of Swedish and German coasts in the western eider ducks sighted was 457 (BIOCONSULT Baltic for the diurnal migratory water birds and 2016). This meant that in one migration period, the German EEZ can at the very least be said to up to 1.1% of the biogeographical population lie on the border of the coastal focus of the was sighted in a small area of the EEZ. Despite migration along the Mecklenburg coast (KNUST this high sighting rate, eider duck migration on et al. 2003). Moreover, there are concentration the Swedish coast is around 40 times higher areas in the north-south direction over the known than in area O-3. On the basis of these results migration routes of the open Baltic Sea (e.g. and the observations, that eider ducks make "flyway", southern Sweden - Rügen). In addition, constant use of topographical features the western Baltic Sea is crossed, sometimes in (coastline) as reference points, the German EEZ high intensities, by several species that require Description and assessment of state of the environment 179

special protection (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper generally lies outside the EEZ. A high swan, eider duck, common and velvet scoter). significance exists in sections, as for example in the Krigers Flak area, where the barnacle geese Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) pass through with a significant intensity (> 1% of The Russian-Baltic breeding population of the the biogeographic population). barnacle goose is decisive for the western Baltic Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) Sea because this breeding population crosses the Baltic Sea on the way to its main wintering According to BAUER & BERTHOLD (1997) grounds (the German and Dutch coasts amongst whooper swan numbers have been steadily others). The biogeographic population of the increasing in all European countries with a barnacle goose is estimated at 770,000 breeding population for a number of decades. (WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL 2012). Over recent The biogeographic population whose migration decades, the population has experienced a very route crosses the Baltic Sea is estimated at strong increase in the number of birds. 59,000 birds (WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL 2012). According to the literature, the main migration is In the priority area "Western Adlergrund" (area along the Swedish coast in the western Baltic O-1) approximately 0.3% of the biogeographic Sea. However, in the spring, migration is population was recorded in one year and in the increasingly over the open sea (GREEN & priority area "Kriegers Flak" (area O-3) ALERSTAM 2000). approximately 0.03% of the biogeographic population was recorded. In area O-2, the The EEZ is primarily overflown in the area Kiel sighting rate is about 0.01%. Therefore, the three Bight/Fehmarn Belt. However, in the O-3 area areas are of only limited significance where the (priority area "Kriegers Flak"), 8,190 migrating migration of whooper swans is concerned. barnacle geese were identified in 2014 and Overall, the significance of the EEZ for whooper 2,622 in 2015 within the framework of monitoring swan migration can at most be estimated as of the OWP project "EnBW Baltic 2" (IfAÖ, 2016a average, because it cannot be ruled out that the and b). These represent about 1.06% and 0.34% whooper swans, which are primarily diurnal of the biogeographic population. Consequently, migrants, may possibly use the known migratory the area around Kriegers Flak is highly important routes ("flyway") with increased intensity. for the barnacle goose migration. On the other hand, the area O-1 ("Western Adlergrund" area) Cranes is of only minor significance because only up to As a bird species of Appendix I of the Wild Birds 42 migrating barnacle geese (BioConsult, 2016), Directive, the crane has special protection that is about 0.01% of the biogeographic status. While the European population recorded population, were detected. In the area O-2, a a significant drop between 1970 and 1990, it has total of 3,340 barnacle geese were recorded in now been recording significantly increasing the period from 2008 to 2012 as part of the bird numbers for many years (Birdlife International, migration observations for the "Baltic Eagle" 2004; Prange, 2005). According to WETLANDS offshore wind farm (OECOS 2015). On average, INTERNATIONAL (2012) the biogeographic this corresponds to an annual sighting rate of population is 90,000 birds. The cranes from the about 850 individuals (= 0.11% of the various North European breeding grounds use biogeographic population). Overall, based on the different migration routes to their wintering current state of knowledge, the EEZ is of grounds. The Scandinavian birds migrating average to high significance for the migration of across the Baltic Sea are of particular interest for barnacle geese. The average significance can the western Baltic Sea. be justified in that the main focus of the migration 180 Description and assessment of state of the environment

If the western Baltic Sea and with it the entire (and Baltic) populations are also highly likely to German EEZ is considered, it is of above- crop up in the Adlergrund area. Thus, for average importance for the crane migration example, on Christiansö and Bornholm on because inevitably the majority of the 12/10/2003 migratory movements of 5,490 and biogeographic population flying south must 6,300 cranes respectively (flight direction W to cross the Baltic Sea. However, because the SW) were recorded, so that it is possible to crane is a narrow-front migrant, the migration conclude that at times large numbers of cranes route crosses the EEZ bundled into individual may also occur in the Adlergrund area. concentration areas. It is assumed that some Based on this migration behaviour, a 50,000 to 60,000 cranes migrate from southern differentiated consideration is required. Thus, Sweden over the Arkona Basin. Thus, about the known main migration routes are without 55% alone of the biogeographic population uses doubt of above-average importance. The this migration route. Nevertheless, it can also adjoining areas of these main migratory routes occur that as a result of increased winds, more are of average to above-average importance, of the crane migration is observed in adjoining presumably dependent on the wind-strength and areas. direction. Away from these areas, the Thus, in autumn 2014 and autumn 2015, very importance is probably low. Based on the high numbers of 5,028 and 3,517 cranes each determined flying altitudes and flight directions, were recorded in the area O-3 ("Kriegers Flak") it is to be assumed that some of the cranes (IFAÖ 2016a and b). Thus, approximately 5.6% migrating over the Baltic Sea will encounter the and 3.9% respectively of the biogeographic planned wind farms. Since cranes generally population flew over area O-3. Presumably the migrate in favourable weather conditions with a cause for this was stronger east winds, so that tailwind and good visibility, it can be assumed the cranes drifted into the "EnBW Baltic 2" OWP that they will take evasive action as with land project area. This is supported by the sites. However, there are still no corresponding circumstance that in autumn 2015 cranes were open sea investigations. Lastly, it is necessary to only detected at "EnBW Baltic 2" when north- carry out investigations of the crane migration for easterly or easterly winds of force 2 - 5 on the individual projects at the project level in order to Beaufort scale were detected. In area O-2, the carry out an assessment of the migration route annual sighting rates were between 500 and 700 under consideration. individuals, with 550 cranes sighted on two days Raptors alone in autumn 2008 when there were westerly breezes of force 4 to 5 on the Beaufort scale ( Diurnally migrating raptors of the Swedish OECOS 2015). In the priority area "Western populations primarily use the "flyway" originating Adlergrund" (area O-1) a total of 546 migrating from Falsterbro and crossing over Fehmarn. cranes were recorded in the 2014 autumn However, a part of the population also crosses migration (BIOCONSULT SH, 2016), which the Baltic Sea in autumn in the North-South corresponds to about 1.4% of the Western direction. In total, up to 50,000 Scandinavian Pomeranian resting population (resting raptors migrate south via Falsterbo. This numbers: over 40,000 individuals includes some Appendix I species (Wild Birds simultaneously) or 0.6% of the biogeographic Directive), which migrate across the Baltic Sea is population. Here as well, most of these birds significant numbers. Under consideration here probably drifted here from a flight route South are the European honey buzzard (Pernis Sweden-Rügen to the southeast by north- apivorus), red kite (Milvus milvus), western westerly winds. Moreover, cranes from Finnish marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), osprey Description and assessment of state of the environment 181

(Pandion haliaetus) and merlin (Falco Most nocturnal bird migration over the Baltic Sea columbarius). occurs on a broad front. Due to the very high expected number of birds and the significant Overall, the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea is of proportion of endangered species, the EEZ is of above-average importance for raptors, above-average importance for the nocturnal especially the Scandinavian populations. migrants. However, due to their migratory behaviour, they also exhibit significant local differences, so that Anthropogenic influences on bird a differentiated view is required. Thus, the known migration main migration routes are without doubt of Migratory birds are subject to a large number of above-average importance. The adjoining areas anthropogenic stresses. Anthropogenic factors of these main migratory routes are of average to contribute to the mortality of migratory birds in above-average importance, presumably many ways and can impact on population size dependent on the wind-strength and direction. and determine relevant migration activity in a Away from these areas, the importance is complex interaction. On the one hand, this probably low. Lastly, it is necessary to carry out relates to losses of breeding, resting and investigations of the raptor migration for wintering grounds due to a wide range of human individual projects at the project level to enable activities as well as long term climate changes. an assessment of the area under consideration. In addition, a large number of birds are killed Land birds annually by human influences. In Scandinavia Where land birds are concerned, a differentiation and the Baltic Sea region more than 100 million must be made between diurnal and nocturnal birds die every year due to deliberate hunting, migrants. collisions with anthropogenically created Diurnal migrants structures, fishing, or oil and chemical pollution. The various factors have a cumulative effect so The diurnal migrants include most of all pigeons, that the isolated significance of one particular doves and songbirds. Here, leading lines play an factor is generally difficult to determine. important role. Thus, when crossing the Baltic Sea, they primarily use the Danish islands. A Analyses of recovered rings of birds ringed in further migration grouping takes place over the Helgoland show that over the course of the last "flyway". Therefore these areas have above- century anthropogenic causes of death have average importance. Outside these main increased in all species groups, especially migration routes, the migration intensities of building and vehicle bird strikes ("passive cause diurnal migrants in high-sea areas are of death", 14% of all birds found dead in the last comparatively low and therefore are of only low two decades, 49% amongst raptors and owls; to average importance. HÜPPOP & HÜPPOP 2002). However, it should be borne in mind here that Numerous Scandinavian migratory bird species hardly anything is known about migration over are listed in Appendix II/1 or II/2 of the Wild Birds the open sea areas of the Baltic. As is known, Directive and are subject to hunting in at least a only a few species (e.g. swallows, wagtails, part of their annual habitat. Nearly all migrating pipits) fly across the Baltic Sea over a wide front. Anatidae (ducks, swans, geese) are affected by hunting in the Baltic Sea region. Between 1996 Nocturnal migrants and 2001, 122,500 eider ducks were shot each Nocturnal migrants represent more than half of year in Scandinavia, 92,820 of them in Denmark all migratory birds in the western Baltic Sea. alone (ASFERG 2002). This equates to 16% of 182 Description and assessment of state of the environment

the winter population of 760,000 individuals Similar findings are available for the "FINO1" (DESHOLM et al. 2002), to which shootings in the research platform (HÜPPOP et al. 2009) and the successor states of the Soviet Union must be "North Sea Research Platform" (MÜLLER 1981). added, but for which no data is available. The species in question are characterised by Especially in the western Mediterranean, a night migration and relatively large populations. significant wintering ground for Scandinavian It is noticeable that almost 50% of the collisions medium distance migratory birds, there is still a recorded at "FINO1" took place over just two statistically inadequately recorded proportion of nights. On both nights, there were southeasterly the hunting (HÜPPOP & HÜPPOP 2002). winds which could have promoted migration over the sea, along with poor visibility, which could In the Western Baltic Sea itself, apart from have led to a reduction in flight altitude and hunting, there are currently only a few stress- increased the attraction of the illuminated factors impacting Scandinavian migratory birds. platform (HÜPPOP et al. 2009). Illuminated Generally these include a risk of collision with bridges over large expanses of water can also ships, bridges, offshore wind turbines and represent a danger for nocturnal migrants. lighthouses for nocturnal migrants. Following the completion of the Øresund Bridge The results of investigations on lightships and in Autumn 2000, the highly illuminated bridge platforms suggest that the risk of collision of with limited visibility caused mass collisions, nocturnally migrating land birds with offshore resulting in several thousand victims in just a few wind turbines can be considered to be high. The days. Investigations initiated in the following year risk of collision with lighthouses in the Western as a consequence of this event resulted, with Baltic Sea has been investigated several times significantly reduced lighting, in 295 dead birds, (e.g. HANSEN 1954, BANZHAF 1936). HANSEN with robins, song thrushes and goldcrests (1954) analysed the bird strikes reported at 50 dominating (BENGTSSON mdl. Mitt.). The lighthouses in Denmark over a period of 54 years investigations also illustrate the danger for (1887-1939), a total of 96,500 birds. songbirds migrating at night over the sea. Approximately 50% of all reported bird strike Quantitative information on the risk of collision of dead birds originated from the 12 Danish birds with offshore wind turbines is not currently lightships, where it should be noted that available (DESHOLM et al. 2005). In the offshore presumably only a fraction of the collision victims wind farms "Tunø Knob" (Denmark, fell on board and a much greater fraction fell in GUILLEMETTE et al. 1999), "Utgrunden" (Sweden, the sea. Obviously therefore, the collision risk for PETTERSSON 2005) and "Nysted" (Denmark, birds over the sea was generally greater than on DESHOLM & KAHLERT 2005), investigations have land. Considering lightships alone, the annual so far only looked at the risk of collision for eider collision rate was at least 100-200 birds. The risk ducks and geese. The infrared-camera based of collision varies widely between species. investigations in the "Nysted" OWP (DESHOLM According to the investigations of HANSEN 2005) do not permit any conclusions to be drawn (1954), five species accounted for approximately about the collision risk of small birds due to the 75% of all victims, namely skylark, song thrush, method used. redwing, starling and robin. The bird strike dead birds were almost all night migrants. Only in Climatic changes exceptional cases were diurnal migrants accident victims and in the case of soaring birds Global warming and climate changes also have effectively never (three birds). measurable effects on bird migration. For example, changes in phenology or changes in migration arrival and departure times, which are Description and assessment of state of the environment 183

species-specific and regionally different (see sighted in area O-1. Also the sighting rates of the BAIRLEIN & HÜPPOP 2004; CRICK, 2004, BAIRLEIN common scoter, velvet scoter and long-tailed & WINKEL 2001). duck were below 0.5% of the respective biogeographic population in both years (2014 Also, clear relationships between large-scale and 2015) (common scoter 0.33%, velvet scoter climate cycles such as the North Atlantic 0.05% and long-tailed duck 0.4%). The sighting Oscillation (NAO) and the vernal migration of 42 migratory barnacle geese (BIOCONSULT condition of captured songbirds, for example, 2016) corresponds to approximately 0.01% of could be demonstrated (HÜPPOP & HÜPPOP the biogeographic population. Where the 2003). Climate change can also affect the whooper swan is concerned, it can also be conditions in breeding, resting and wintering stated that the area is not of great importance for areas and what these partial habitats have to migration because only about 0.3% of the offer. biogeographic population was recorded in one Importance of areas and sites for year. migratory birds Cranes The evaluation criteria listed in Chapter 2.11.3 In area O-1 the 2014 autumn migration totalled are used for the assessment of the importance 546 and the 2015 autumn migration 110 of areas and sites for migratory birds, taking into recorded migrating cranes (BIOCONSULT SH account the main groups water birds, cranes, 2016, 2017). The 546 cranes correspond to raptors and land birds. The species requiring about 1.4% of the Western Pomeranian resting special conservation measures in accordance population (resting numbers: over 40,000 birds with Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive and the at one time) or 0.6% of the biogeographic bird species which are subject to special population. Most of these birds probably drifted protection under Art. 4 (2) of the Wild Birds here from a flight route South Sweden-Rügen to Directive are also reviewed individually. the southeast by north-westerly winds. Area O-1 Moreover, cranes from Finnish (and Baltic) populations are also highly likely to crop up in the Water birds Adlergrund area. Thus, for example, on Overall, area O-1 is of average importance for Christiansö and Bornholm on 12/10/2003 migrating water birds. This follows from the fact migratory movements of 5,490 and 6,300 cranes that the area is overflown by several species that respectively (flight direction W to SW) were are subject to special protection (e.g. barnacle recorded, so that it is possible to conclude that goose, whooper swan, eider duck, common and at times large numbers of cranes may also occur velvet scoter), but lies outside the main route in the Adlergrund area. along the German coast. However, the results of Based on this migration behaviour, a the environmental monitoring in the area O-1 differentiated consideration is required. Thus, "Western Adlergrund" indicate that the migration the known main migration routes are without of protected waterbird species is of minor doubt of above-average importance. The importance (BIOCONSULT SH 2016, 2017). Thus, adjoining areas of these main migratory routes considering Gaviiformes (divers), only 26 birds are of average to above-average importance, were sighted in 2014 and only 105 in 2015. The presumably dependent on the wind-strength and number of eider duck sightings in 2014 totalled direction. This also applies to the sites of area O- 457 while in 2015 it was 2786. Thus, in 2015 1. about 0.3% of the biogeographic population was 184 Description and assessment of state of the environment

Raptors outside the main route along the German coast. However, the results from the baseline survey for Based on the latest investigation results, the the planned offshore wind farm "Baltic Eagle" area O-1 is only of low importance for raptor indicate that the migration of some protected migration, because only very low numbers of waterbird species is of minor importance (OECOS individual birds were recorded. Thus, of the 2012a). Thus, considering Gaviiformes (divers), Appendix I species (Wild Birds Directive) 2 only 347 birds were sighted in 2011. The number honey buzzards were sighted, 4 western marsh of eider duck sightings in 2011 totalled 140. harriers and 1 merlin. Thus, in 2011 about 0.01% of the biogeographic Land birds population was recorded in the area O-2. Where land birds are concerned, a differentiation Similarly, the sighting rates for velvet scoters and must be made between diurnal and nocturnal long-tailed ducks in 2011 were, at 0.04% and migrants. 0.06% of the biogeographic populations respectively, very low. In contrast, large numbers Diurnal migrants of the common scoter were identified. Thus in The diurnal migrants include most of all pigeons, 2011, 8174 birds were counted. Therefore, doves and songbirds. Here, leading lines play an approximately 1.5% of the biogeographic important role. Thus, when crossing the Baltic population migrated through area O-2. Sea, they primarily use the Danish islands. A Consequently, the area is of above-average further migration grouping takes place over the importance for migration of the common scoter. "flyway". Therefore these areas have above- The sighting of 2619 migrating barnacle geese average importance. Outside these main (OECOS 2012a) corresponds to a fraction of migration routes, the migration intensities of 0.34% of the biogeographic population and thus diurnal migrants in high-sea areas are the area is of average importance. Where the comparatively low and therefore are of only low whooper swan is concerned, it can be stated that to average importance. the area is not of great importance for migration because only about 30 birds were recorded in Nocturnal migrants one year. Nocturnal migrants represent more than half of Cranes all migratory birds in the western Baltic Sea. Most nocturnal bird migration over the Baltic Sea In area O-2 the 2008 autumn migration totalled occurs on a broad front. Due to the very high 1231 recorded migrating cranes (BIOCONSULT expected number of birds and the significant SH 2012a). The 1231 cranes correspond to proportion of endangered species, the sites of about 3.1% of the Western Pomeranian resting area O-1 are of average to above-average population (resting numbers: over 40,000 birds importance for the nocturnal migrants. at one time) or 1.37% of the biogeographic population. Most of these birds probably drifted Area O-2 here from a flight route South Sweden-Rügen to Water birds the southeast by north-westerly winds. Overall, area O-2 is of average to above-average Moreover, cranes from Finnish (and Baltic) importance for migrating water birds. This populations are also highly likely to crop up in the follows from the fact that the area is overflown by Adlergrund area. Thus, for example, on several species that are subject to special Christiansö and Bornholm on 12/10/2003 protection (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper swan, migratory movements of 5,490 and 6,300 cranes eider duck, common and velvet scoter), but lies respectively (flight direction W to SW) were Description and assessment of state of the environment 185

recorded, so that it is possible to conclude that occurs on a broad front. Due to the very high at times large numbers of cranes may also occur expected number of birds and the significant in the O-2 area. proportion of endangered species, the sites of area O-2 are of average to above-average Based on this migration behaviour, a importance for the nocturnal migrants. differentiated consideration is required. Thus, the known main migration routes are without Area O-3 doubt of above-average importance. The Water birds adjoining areas of these main migratory routes are of average to above-average importance, Overall, the area O-3 is of average to above- presumably dependent on the wind-strength and average importance for migrating water birds. direction. This also applies to the sites of area O- This follows from the fact that the area is 2. overflown by several species that are subject to special protection (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper Raptors swan, eider duck, common and velvet scoter), Based on the latest investigation results, the but lies outside the main route along the German area O-2 is only of low importance for raptor coast. However, the results from the construction migration, because only very low numbers of monitoring for the offshore wind farm "Baltic individual birds were recorded. Thus, of the Eagle 2" indicate that the migration of some Appendix I species (Wild Birds Directive) 1 protected waterbird species is of minor honey buzzard was sighted, 4 western marsh importance (IFAÖ 2016b). Thus, considering harriers, 2 ospreys and 4 merlins (OECOS Gaviiformes (divers), only 91 birds were sighted 2012a). in 2014 and just 18 in 2015. Where the common scoter is concerned, in area O-3 approximately Land birds 0.5% (2014) or 0.12% (2015) (IFAÖ 2016b) of Where land birds are concerned, a differentiation the biogeographic population were sighted. The must be made between diurnal and nocturnal sighting rate for velvet scoters was 105 birds and migrants. this was the same for long-tailed ducks. The Diurnal migrants daytime observations conducted between autumn 2013 and autumn 2015 in area O-3 have The diurnal migrants include most of all pigeons, revealed substantial fluctuations in eider duck doves and songbirds. Here, leading lines play an sighting rates. The highest number of eider duck important role. Thus, when crossing the Baltic sightings (10,832 individuals) occurred in Sea, they primarily use the Danish islands. A autumn 2013, the lowest (1,823 individuals) in further migration grouping takes place over the spring 2015 (IFAÖ 2016b). Thus in one migration "flyway". Therefore these areas have above- period, a maximum of 1.1% of the biogeographic average importance. Outside these main population was sighted in a small area of the migration routes, the migration intensities of EEZ and thus the area O-3 has an above- diurnal migrants in high-sea areas are average importance for eider duck migration. comparatively low and therefore are of only low The area O-3 is of comparable importance for to average importance. barnacle goose migration. Thus within the Nocturnal migrants framework of the monitoring for the OWP project "EnBW Baltic 2", in 2014 8,190 and in 2015 Nocturnal migrants represent more than half of 2,622 migrating barnacle geese were identified all migratory birds in the western Baltic Sea. (IfAÖ 2016a and b). These represent about Most nocturnal bird migration over the Baltic Sea 1.06% and 0.34% of the biogeographic 186 Description and assessment of state of the environment

population. Where the whooper swan is further migration grouping takes place over the concerned, it can be stated that the area is not "flyway". Therefore these areas have above- of great importance for migration because only average importance. Outside these main about 0.03% of the biogeographic population migration routes, the migration intensities of was recorded in one year. diurnal migrants in high-sea areas are comparatively low and therefore are of only low Cranes to average importance. In the area O-3, in autumn 2014 and autumn Nocturnal migrants 2015, very high numbers of 5,028 and 3,517 cranes respectively were recorded (IfAÖ 2016a Nocturnal migrants represent more than half of and b). Thus, approximately 5.6% and 3.9% all migratory birds in the western Baltic Sea. respectively of the biogeographic population flew Most nocturnal bird migration over the Baltic Sea over area O-3. Presumably the cause for this occurs on a broad front. Due to the very high was stronger east winds, so that the cranes expected number of birds and the significant drifted into the "EnBW Baltic 2" OWP project proportion of endangered species, the sites of area. This is supported by the circumstance that area O-3 are of average to above-average in autumn 2015 cranes were only detected at importance for the nocturnal migrants. "EnBW Baltic 2" when north-easterly or easterly winds of force 2 - 5 on the Beaufort scale were 2.11 Bats and bat migration detected. Based on the migration behaviour, a Bats are characterised by very high levels of differentiated consideration is required. Thus, mobility. While bats can cover up to 60 km a day the known main migration routes are without in search of food, nesting or summer resting doubt of above-average importance. The places and wintering areas are several hundred adjoining areas of these main migratory routes kilometres apart. Migratory movements of bats in are of average to above-average importance, search of abundant food sources and suitable presumably dependent on the wind-strength and resting places are very frequently observed on direction. This also applies to the sites of area O- land, but mainly aperiodically. 3. In contrast to irregular migratory movements Raptors migratory movements take place periodically or Based on the latest investigation results, the seasonally. The migratory behaviour of bats is area O-3 is only of low importance for raptor very variable, depending on species and sex. migration, because only very low numbers of Differences in the migration and territorial individual birds were recorded. behaviour also occur within a population of a species. Based on their migratory behaviour, bats are divided into short-distance, medium- Land birds distance and long-distance migratory species. Where land birds are concerned, a differentiation Bats migrate over short and medium distances must be made between diurnal and nocturnal on their search for places to nest, feed and rest. migrants. Corridors along flowing waters and around lakes Diurnal migrants and shallow coastal waters are known for The diurnal migrants include most of all pigeons, medium distances (BACH & MEYER-CORDS doves and songbirds. Here, leading lines play an 2005). Long-distance migrations are still largely important role. Thus, when crossing the Baltic unexplored, however. In contrast to bird Sea, they primarily use the Danish islands. A migration, which has been proven by means of Description and assessment of state of the environment 187

extensive studies, very little is known of the undertake long-distance migration, possibly migration of bats at present due to the lack of crossing the sea. suitable methods or large-scale special The northern bat (Eptesicus nilssoni) is a Nordic monitoring programmes. species with its main range north of 60°N and its The long-distance migratory species include the southernmost range limit in Germany. common noctule (Nyctalus noctula), the Collections of northern bats have been observed Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii), the in the coastal regions of southern Sweden parti-coloured bat (Verspertilio murinus) and the (AHLEN 1997). The existing observations lesser noctule Abendsegler (Nyctalus leisleri). indicate that the northern bat possibly Migrations over a distance of 1,500 to 2,000 km undertakes long-distance migrations across the are recorded regularly for these four species sea. (TRESS et al. 2004, HUTTERER et al. 2005). Long- distance migratory movements are also 2.11.1 Data availability suspected in the soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus Migratory movements of bats across the Baltic pygmaeus) and common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus Sea are documented based on ringing finds. pipistrellus) species (BACH & MEYER-CORDS Nevertheless, the migration directions, migration 2005). Some long-distance migratory species times and, in particular, possible migration can be found in Germany and in countries corridors of bats over the Baltic Sea remain bordering the Baltic Sea and have occasionally largely unknown even today. The data set is been found on ships in coastal regions in the therefore insufficient to provide a detailed Baltic Sea. description of the occurrence and intensity of bat migrations in the offshore area and areas and Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula): in coastal sites included in the Site Development Plan for regions of southern Sweden, bats have been wind energy. Therefore in the following, observed to fly from the land towards the sea reference is made to the general literature and during the normal bird migration season. Winter publications about bats and bat migration across finds of animals ringed in Sweden were also the Baltic Sea in order to reproduce the current recorded in Germany (AHLEN 1997, AHLEN et al. state of knowledge. 2009). Nathusius's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii): 2.11.2 Migration and migratory movements migrating bats are frequently observed in spring of bats over the Baltic Sea and autumn. There is increasing evidence that Until now there has been little research into the Nathusius's pipistrelle also hibernates in migratory movements of bats across the Baltic northern Germany. In coastal regions of Sea. This is mainly due to the lack of suitable southern Sweden, as with the great noctule, bats measurement methods that would be capable of have been observed flying in the direction of the providing reliable data on bat migration in the sea. Also there have been winter finds in sea area. Visual observations, such as from the Germany of Nathusius's pipistrelle bats ringed in coast or ships, while they do indeed provide Sweden (AHLEN 1997, AHLEN et al. 2009). information, are scarcely suitable for fully The common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) recording the migratory behaviour of nocturnal is, according to BOYE et al. (1999), the most and night-migrating bats over the sea. Due to the frequently spotted bat species in Germany. It altitude of the flight movements (e.g. 1,200 m for occurs all year round and is very widespread. the great noctule) visual observations for There is some evidence that these species also determining the migratory behaviour are only slightly suitable or severely limited. WALTER et al. 188 Description and assessment of state of the environment

(2005) summarised all existing sightings of bats take place preferentially at altitudes of more than from ships and also from platforms. 500 m, in order to avoid hunting by raptors. A series of observations suggest that bats However, ringing finds serve only as evidence of regularly cross the Baltic Sea during seasonal stopping points of the marked bats, not, migrations. The few systematic scientific studies however, the intervening migration routes. Thus on bat migrations over the Baltic Sea were far, no suitable methods exist for the precise carried out in Scandinavia. Based on determination of flyways of individual bats over observations of bat concentrations at various long distances (HOLLAND & WIKELSKI 2009). coastal towns in southern Sweden (e.g. Therefore, conclusions about the number of Falsterbo, Ottenby) by AHLEN (1997) and AHLEN regularly migrating bats are also not possible. et al. (2009) at least four of the 18 bat species Detection by ultrasonic detectors, so-called bat present in Sweden migrate southwards. detectors, delivers good results on the Observations of individual bats which have left occurrence of bats on land (SKIBA 2003). the land flying towards the sea are available for However, their use offshore is associated with the Nathusius's pipistrelle, common noctule and difficulties. Nevertheless, given the low parti-coloured bat. However, winter finds in acquisition range of the system, recordings do Germany for bats ringed in Sweden only exist for indeed provide evidence of the presence of bats the Nathusius's pipistrelle and the common offshore. These methods are, however, impeded noctule. by the presence of high winds, as are frequently Further findings based on ringing finds are present at sea, because they contribute to provided by studies on the migratory behaviour background noise which makes reliable of the Nathusius's pipistrelle bat from Latvia measurement of bat signals difficult. There is a (PETERSONS 2004). It was found that the bats need for further research in this area. stopping over in Latvia during the summer A good summary of the current state of months search for wintering roosts in western, knowledge is provided by the expert report central and southern Europe. The ringed bats "Fledermauszug im Bereich der deutschen were recorded at a distance away of up to 1,905 Ostseeküste (Bat Migration in the Area of the km. The average distance away of all finds was German Baltic Coast - in German)" (SEEBENS et 1,365.5 km for males and 1,216.5 for females. al. 2013). It summarises and discusses the Here, the calculated average migration speed of results of various bat surveys performed off the the Nathusius's pipistrelle was 47.8 km per night. coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The Amongst other locations, ringed bats were found surveys included amongst others surveys on the in resting habitats in north and north-east Greifswalder Oie, with recordings made from the Germany. Ring finds were also reported from the platform "Riff Rosenort" and from a ferry. A total Netherlands and France, with probable of 23 Nathusius's pipistrelle bats and 7 noctules migration routes over Germany. Little is known were recorded using real-time/time-stretch of the flight and migration altitudes of bats. When detectors on the work platform "Riff Rosenort", searching for food (insects) the common noctule about 2 km off the coast, from the middle of May mainly flies at 500 m altitude. Based on to the middle of June 2012. The evidence observations from Falsterbo, the common suggests cross-migration activities. However, noctule flies at altitudes up to 1,200 m (AHLEN due to the proximity of the site to the coast, 1997). The common noctule is also known as a hunting flights of both species over the Baltic diurnally migrating species (EKÖLF 2003). It is Sea cannot be excluded (SEEBENS et al. 2013). assumed that migratory movements in daylight Description and assessment of state of the environment 189

In 2011 and 2012 studies on the occurrence of Sea. This applies accordingly to the types of bats were carried out on the island of migrating species, migration corridors, migration Greifswalder Oie, which is located about 12 km altitude, migration direction and concentration north of Usedom and 10 km east of Rügen, using areas. Existing findings merely suggest that automatic detectors, net traps and by checking bats, especially long-distance migratory species, buildings suitable as roosts. Nine bat species migrate across the Baltic Sea. could be identified in the surveys, partially in On the basis of the results of the above- notable numbers, including common noctule, mentioned expert report, the recording of the bat lesser noctule, common pipistrelle, and migration phenomenon was included in the Nathusius's pipistrelle. High activity was latest standard investigation concept (StUK4) in identified especially in May, and this on just a few order to obtain more concrete indications of the days. The evaluation of the automatically importance of the Baltic Sea EEZ as a cross- recorded bat calls reveals for 2012 a total of migration area for bats. The investigations will be 4,788 contacts of the Nathusius's pipistrelle carried out in parallel with the nocturnal call (2011: 3,644 contacts), 2,178 for the common recording of migratory birds using bat detectors pipistrelle (2011: 1,750 contacts) and 817 to record call activity. Within the context of this contacts for the common noctule (2011: 1,056 mandatory bat monitoring of wind farm projects contacts). On 6/5/2011 at wind strengths of force in area O-1, in spring 2014 (May) only four bats 2-3 on the Beaufort scale, 48 Nathusius's (including two Nathusius's pipistrelles) were pipistrelle and one common noctule were detected in nine nights of observation. In Autumn recorded by netting (SEEBENS et al. 2013). The (August - October) of the same year, three authors conclude from the high activity of the Nathusius's pipistrelles were recorded in 20 species Nathusius's pipistrelle and common nights. Based on the available data, it has not noctule during a few days in the spring that there been possible to deduce any special significance is clear evidence of migrations in the area of the of area O-1 from the available data (BIOCONSULT Greifswald Oie. SH 2015). Findings relating to the occurrence of offshore In the course of the basic surveys for offshore bats were obtained using a bioacoustic detection wind farm projects in the German EEZ of the system installed on a ferry. The ferry travels Baltic Sea, individual sightings of bats were between Rostock and Trelleborg in Sweden. In recorded as part of the nocturnal bird migration May 2012, 11 echo-locating calls from bats were survey. In the investigations of the offshore wind recorded offshore during recording in 180 out of farm project "Arkona Basin Southeast", one bat a total of 540 migration-relevant night-time was spotted from the ship in both autumn 2003 hours. Of these, seven contacts were within 20 and 2004. A further bat was spotted in the km distance of the coast of Mecklenburg- autumn of 2003 during the surveys relating to the Western Pomerania, two more within 20 km "Viking" offshore wind farm project. During other distance of the Swedish or Danish coast and two ship journeys, two individual bats were sighted in contacts at a distance of more than 20 km from the area O-1. In area O-2, three bat calls were the nearest coast. The recorded calls could be recorded on 21/5/2012 using bioacoustic hand- assigned to the common noctule and the held devices. In the spring of 2011, two Nathusius's pipistrelle bat (SEEBENS et al. 2013). Nathusius's pipistrelles were also spotted on Despite this evidence, there is currently a lack of board the ship used for bird surveys. In area O- concrete findings that would permit 3, one bat of an unidentified species was quantification of bat migration over the Baltic observed during the basic surveys in both July 190 Description and assessment of state of the environment

and September 2003. Some of the sightings reporting states on the respective regional even occurred during the day. occurrence, population development and status of bats. Data from the reports to EUROBATS of In summary, it can be stated for the bat a few countries bordering the Baltic Sea, e.g. populations of species relevant to the Baltic Sea Baltic countries and Scandinavia, provide that the populations and range of migratory information about the range of species and species are not fully recorded, primarily due to occurrence and about possible migration the high dynamics of the migration. There is a movements over the Baltic Sea. lack of adequate methods and monitoring programmes to be able to record and quantify In Denmark, 17 species of bats have been population trends, migrations and migratory identified; 14 of them roost in Denmark. Although movements across the open sea. the populations of the three long-distance migratory species Nathusius's pipistrelle, On the basis of the existing findings it can be common noctule and parti-coloured bat are not stated for bat migration across the Baltic Sea: quantified, there are numerous roosting records. observations and ringing finds indicate that Also, the assumed to be long-distance migratory some species such as common noctule, bats, the common pipistrelle and northern bat Nathusius's pipistrelle, parti-coloured bat, are amongst the species roosting in Denmark. common pipistrelle and northern bat migrate The five species mentioned previously are across the Baltic Sea. considered "not endangered" in Denmark (THE It is assumed that a wide-front migration takes DANISH NATURE AGENCY 2015). place along prominent landscape features such The distribution of bats in Sweden was last as shorelines. However, migration directions, described in a national report from 2006 within altitudes, times and first and foremost possible the framework of EUROBATS (SWEDISH migration corridors in the Baltic Sea remain ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2006). largely unknown. There are 18 bat species in Sweden. In recent decades, the populations of five species, including the Nathusius's pipistrelle and northern bat have increased. A population decrease is 2.11.3 Conservation status of potentially assumed for three other species, including the migratory bat species in countries migratory parti-coloured bat. Amongst the adjacent to the Baltic Sea migratory species in Sweden only Nathusius's Some species, such as the Nathusius' pipistrelle pipistrelle is included on the Red List as being and the common noctule, are listed in Appendix potentially endangered. The common noctule II of the 1979 Convention on the Conservation of was removed from the Red List as long ago as Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS, the 2000. Overall, Swedish surveys have shown that Bonn Convention). Within the framework of the Nathusius's pipistrelle populations have CMS convention, the adoption of the Agreement increased over the last two decades and also on the Conservation of Populations of European that their geographic range has increased up to Bats (EUROBATS) in 1991 and its ratification in 60°N. By contrast, the common noctule is only 1994 created the framework for a conservation relatively common in southern Sweden and and management plan for the conservation of coastal areas. In contrast to the above bats in Europe. mentioned species, the parti-coloured bat has a As part of the reporting obligations for very uneven distribution. This species is EUROBATS, reports are prepared by all the Description and assessment of state of the environment 191

occasionally observed during migration periods By contrast, the parti-coloured bat is classified as on the south coast. low concern.

There are 13 bat species in Finland (MINISTRY OF A total of 25 species of bat are native to THE ENVIRONMENT FINLAND, 2014). The most Germany. In the current Red List of Mammals common is the northern bat. The three migratory (MEINIG et al. 2008), two species were assigned species Nathusius's pipistrelle, common noctule to the category "indeterminate", four species to and parti-coloured bat occur only in the summer the category "critically endangered", and three months in southern Finland. Moreover, their species to the category "threatened with populations and population trends are largely extinction". The common bent-wing bat unknown. The Nathusius's pipistrelle is classified (Miniopterus schreibersii) is considered "extinct as "endangered". or disappeared". Of the species that have been observed more frequently in the sea and coastal There are 15 bat species in Latvia (MINISTRY OF areas in Germany to date, the common noctule ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND REGIONAL is on the Early Warning List, the common DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA pipistrelle and the Nathusius' pipistrelle are 2014). A comparison of the occurrence of bats in considered to be "of least concern". The data Latvia with the occurrence in Estonia and north- situation is deficient for assessment of the threat western Russia has revealed that at least four status of the lesser noctule. species reach the limit of their range in Latvia. Nathusius's pipistrelle, common noctule and parti-coloured bat occur widely during the summer months. Two other species, the common pipistrelle and the lesser noctule are classified as migratory in Latvia based on ring finds. Thus there are five migratory species in Latvia. Nathusius's pipistrelle and common noctule are not assigned any threat status in Latvia. Parti-coloured bat, common pipistrelle and lesser noctule are merely classified as rare. 15 species of bats have been recorded in Lithuania, including the long-distance migratory species Nathusius's pipistrelle, common and lesser noctules, common pipistrelle and parti- coloured bat. The population trend is largely unknown and most are classified as not endangered (THE PROTECTED AREAS AND LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA 2014). In total, there are 21 bat species in Poland (MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT POLAND 2014). Amongst the migratory species in Poland, the common pipistrelle is classified as endangered. 192 Description and assessment of state of the environment

2.11.4 Hazards to bats 2.12 Biodiversity Anthropogenic hazards to migratory bats are Biological diversity (or biodiversity for short) caused in particular by the loss of summer roosts comprises the diversity of habitats and through the cutting down of old trees, the loss of communities, the diversity of species and winter roosts caused by the renovation of old genetic diversity within species (Art. 2 of the buildings, and the use of wood preservatives, the Convention on Biological Diversity 1992). intensification of agriculture and the use of Biodiversity is the focus of public attention. pesticides. According to a report by the BTO Biodiversity is the result of over 3.5 billion years (British Trust for Ornithology) on the effects of of evolution, a dynamic process of extinction and climate change on migratory species, some of species development. Of the approximately 1.7 the effects of climate change can be predicted million species described by scientists to date, based on recent findings on the abundance, some 250,000 occur in the sea, and although range and habitat preferences of bats. Loss of considerably more species have been described resting places along migratory routes, on land to date, the sea is more comprehensive decimation of breeding habitats and changes in and phylogenetically more developed than the the food supply are examples of issues to be land in terms of its phylogenetic biodiversity. Of expected (ROBINSON ET AL. 2005). All species the 33 known animal phyla 32 are found in the will be indirectly affected by possible effects of sea, of which 15 are exclusively marine (VON climate change on their food organisms, in this WESTERNHAGEN & DETHLEFSEN 2003). Recent case insects. The observed insect mortality will projections from MORA et al. (2011) indicate that have an increased adverse impact on bats. In there are approximately 8.7 million species particular, a time-mismatch between the worldwide, of which 2.2 million are marine development of the bat brood and the availability species. of its food can have consequences for the Marine diversity is beyond direct observation breeding success of the bats. In addition, high and is therefore difficult to assess. Instruments structures such as buildings, bridges or wind such as nets, traps, grabs, traps or visual turbines can pose a risk to bats due to a barrier recording methods always have to be used to effect and possible collisions (e.g. AHLEN 2002). assess these. However, the use of such devices can only ever provide a fraction of the actual species composition, exactly the species specific to the trap in question. From this it can be deduced that in regions that are inaccessible with the available equipment (e.g. the deep sea), there must still be a large number of species that are still completely unknown. The situation in the Baltic Sea is different because as a relatively shallow inland sea, it is more easily accessible so that even as long ago as the middle of the 19th century, intensive marine research had taken place, which had led to an increase in knowledge about its flora and fauna. Description and assessment of state of the environment 193

Within the framework of HELCOM monitoring, 2.13 Air more than 800 phytoplankton taxa have been Shipping generates emissions of nitrogen recorded in the Baltic Sea (WASMUND et al. oxides, sulphur dioxides, carbon dioxide and 2016a). Some 61 Zooplankton taxa have been soot particles. These can have an adverse recorded (WASMUND et al. 2016a). More than impact on air quality and be discharged to a 700 species of macrozoobenthos (GERLACH great extent into the sea in the form of 2000) are known in Kiel Bight alone. According atmospheric deposition. As, since 2006, the to WINKLER et al. (2000), the fish fauna of the Baltic Sea has been one of the emission Baltic Sea currently comprises 176 fish and monitoring areas according to Annex VI of the lamprey species. Only four species of marine MARPOL Convention, the so-called "Sulphur mammals are known. There are 38 species of Emission Control Area" (SECA) applies and regularly occurring seabirds and resting birds in stricter regulations for emissions from shipping the German Baltic Sea. apply to it. Since 01 January 2015, ships With regard to the current state of biodiversity in navigating in it may only use fuel oil with a the Baltic Sea, there is a wealth of evidence of maximum sulphur content of 0.10%. According changes in biodiversity and species patterns in to HELCOM this has led to an 88% reduction in all systematic and trophic levels of the Baltic sulphur emissions compared to 2014. Sea. Changes in biodiversity are due mainly to Worldwide, the limit is currently 3.50%. human activities, such as fishing and marine According to a decision of the International pollution, or to climate change. Maritime Organisation (IMO) taken in 2016, this limit is to be reduced to 0.50% worldwide from In this regard, Red Lists of endangered animal 2020 onwards. and plant species have an important control and warning function as they indicate the state of Emissions of nitrogen oxides are of particularly populations of species and biotopes in a region. relevance to the Baltic Sea as an additional According to the Red Lists, more than 17% of the nutrient load. Shipping is one of the largest macrozoobenthos species (GOSSELCK et al., sources of nitrogen oxide inputs from the air 1996) and about 16.9% of the cyclostomata and (HELCOM). Accordingly, the IMO decided in seafish found permanently in the Baltic Sea 2017 that the Baltic Sea would be declared a (THIEL et al. 2013) are endangered. The marine "Nitrogen Emission Control Area" (NECA) from mammals form a species group of which 2021 onwards. The reduction of nitrogen oxide currently all species are endangered (VON input into the Baltic Sea region through the North NORDHEIM et al. 2003). Of the 38 regularly Sea and Baltic Sea ECA measure is estimated occurring seabirds and resting birds, four to stand at 22,000 t (European Monitoring and species are listed in Annex I of the Birds Evaluation Programme (EMEP, 2016)). Directive. In general, all wild native bird species are to be preserved and thus protected in 2.14 Climate accordance with the Birds Directive. The German Baltic Sea is located in the temperate climate zone. As an inland sea, it is disconnected from the influence of the Gulf Stream. It does not develop its own maritime climate because it is quite small and the salinity of the Baltic Sea water is relatively low. Therefore, it ices up in parts every winter, sometimes even completely. There is broad 194 Description and assessment of state of the environment

consensus among climate scientists that the a distance of at least 30 km from the coastline, global climate system is being noticeably there is low impact on the landscape as influenced by the increasing release of perceived from land. The platforms and wind greenhouse gases and pollutants, and the first farms will scarcely be visible at such a distance, signs of this are already apparent. According to even when visibility is good. This also applies to reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on navigation lights for safety purposes at night. Climate Change (IPCC 2001, 2007), the increase in the surface temperature of the sea 2.16 Cultural heritage and other and average global sea level are to be expected material assets as large-scale impacts of climate change on the There are indications of possible material assets oceans. Many marine ecosystems are sensitive or cultural heritage insofar as the spatial location to climate change. Global warming is also of a large number of wrecks is known on the expected to have a significant impact on the basis of the evaluation of existing hydroacoustic Baltic Sea. recordings and the BSH wreck database, and recorded in BSH navigation charts. No further 2.15 Scenery information is available on archaeological The marine landscape is characterised by a monuments in the EEZ, such as remains of wide-area open space structure and largely settlements. unaffected by interruptions. Until now, there have only been a few high structures in the 2.17 Human beings, including human German EEZ of the Baltic Sea. These include health the "Baltic 2" offshore wind farm located 33 km All in all, the area for which the Site Development northwest of Rügen and the "Viking" wind farm, Plan defines specifications is of minor the latter being located about 34 km northeast of importance to the community as a protected Rügen. Other high structures are two measuring asset. In a broader sense, maritime space masts for measurement and research purposes, represents the working environment for people the first being measuring mast Arkona Basin, who work on ships. Precise numbers of people about 35 km northeast of Rügen and the second, who are regularly to be found in the area are not the research platform "FINO2" in the Kriegers available. The importance as a working Flak area, about 39 km northwest of Rügen. environment can be regarded as low. Direct use However, due to the large distances, these are for recreation and leisure purposes by leisure not visible from land. The construction of more boats and tourist watercraft is occasional. The wind farms will in the future further change the initial impact can be designated as low. It is not overall appearance of the landscape. The possible to deduce the special significance of the necessary navigation and warning lights will also planning area for human health and well-being. encroach upon the landscape. The extent to which the landscape is impaired by vertical structures is greatly dependent on visibility. The space in which a building becomes visible in the landscape is known as the visual space. This is defined by the visual link between a building and its surroundings, the intensity of an effect decreasing further away (GASSNER et al. 2005). Where measuring masts, platforms and offshore wind farms are concerned, which are planned at Description and assessment of state of the environment 195

2.18 Interrelationships between the critical importance. For example, the growth of factors fish larvae is directly dependent on the available plankton biomass. The breeding success of The components of the marine ecosystem, from seabirds is also directly related to the availability bacteria and plankton to marine mammals and of suitable food, mostly fish (species, length, birds, influence one another via complex biomass, energetic value). The occurrence of processes. The biological protected assets succession, offset temporally or spatially, and plankton, benthos, fish, marine mammals and abundance of species at various trophic levels birds, as described individually in chapter 2, are leads to interruption of food chains. Temporal dependent upon one another within the marine offset, known as the trophic "mismatch", causes food chains. early developmental stages of organisms in Phytoplankton serve as a food source for particular to be undernourished, or even to organisms that specialise in filtering water for starve to death. Interruptions in marine food their food. The most important primary chains can affect not just individuals, but consumers of phytoplankton are zooplanktonic populations as well. Predator-prey ratios or organisms such as copepods and water fleas. trophic relationships between size or age groups Zooplankton play a key role in the marine of a species or between species also regulate ecosystem as a primary consumer of the balance of the marine ecosystem. Thus for phytoplankton on the one hand, and as the example, the decline in cod stocks in the Baltic lowest secondary producer within the marine Sea has had a positive effect on the increase in food chains on the other. Zooplankton serve as sprat stocks. However, the exceptional increase food for secondary consumers in marine food in sprat stocks was limited by the available food chains, from carnivorous zooplankton species to resources (zooplankton). Consequently, the benthos, fish, marine mammals and seabirds. abundant sprats were ultimately undernourished What are known as predators are among the top and therefore had a low energy content. The components of the marine food chains. Water poor nutritional status of the sprats was reflected birds, seabirds and marine mammals are some in the nutritional state of their consumers, the of the upper predators within the marine food guillemot juveniles. The growth and the chance chains. Producers and consumers are of survival of the young guillemots was interdependent in the food chains and influence decreased at times due to the reduced food one another in many ways. In general, food quality (ÖSTERBLOM et al., 2008). availability regulates the growth and spread of Trophic relationships and interactions between species. Exhaustion of the producer results in plankton, benthos, fish, marine mammals and the downfall of the consumer. In turn, consumers seabirds are controlled by various control control the growth of producers by eating them. mechanisms. Such mechanisms work from the A limited food supply acts at the individual level lower part of the food chains, starting with the by negatively impacting the condition of availability of nutrients, oxygen or light and individual creatures. At population level, food working up to the upper predators. A "bottom-up" limitation leads to changes in the abundance and control mechanism of this kind can work by distribution of species. Food competition within a increasing or decreasing primary production. species or between different species has similar Effects from upper predators downwards, via effects. what are known as "top-down" mechanisms, can The temporally adjusted succession or also control food availability. sequence of growth between the various components of the marine food chains is of 196 Description and assessment of state of the environment

The interactions within the components of the entire marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea, as marine food chains are influenced by abiotic and shown by the example of trophic interactions biotic factors. For example, dynamic between guillemot, cod, sprat and zooplankton. hydrographic structures, water stratification and Based on the factor-related changes already current play a crucial role in food availability described in chapter 2, the marine ecosystem of (increase in primary production) and use by the Baltic Sea can be summarised as follows: upper predators. Exceptional events such as • There are slow changes to the biotic marine storms and ice winters also affect trophic environment. relationships within marine food chains. Biotic • Rapid changes in the living marine factors such as toxic algal blooms, parasite environment have been observed since infestation and epidemics also affect the entire 1987/88. food chain. The following aspects or Changes can affect the Anthropogenic activities also have a decisive interactions between the various components of influence on interactions within the components the biotic marine environment: changes in of the marine ecosystem. Mankind affects the species composition (phytoplankton and marine food chain both directly by catching zooplankton, benthos, fish), introduction and marine animals, and indirectly through activities partial establishment of non-native species that may affect components of the food chains. (phytoplankton and zooplankton, benthos, fish), Overfishing of fish populations, for example, change in species abundance and dominance confronts upper predators, seabirds and marine ratios (phytoplankton and zooplankton), change mammals with food limitations or forces them to in available biomass (phytoplankton), decline in develop new food resources. Overfishing can many species typical of the area (plankton, also cause changes at the bottom of the food benthos, fish), decline in food resources for chains. This can lead extreme jellyfish upper predators (seabirds).

dispersion when their fish predators are removed by fishing. Moreover, shipping and mariculture are an additional factor that may lead to positive or negative changes in marine food chains through the introduction of non-native species. Discharges of nutrients and pollutants via rivers and the atmosphere also have an impact on marine organisms and may lead to changes in trophic conditions. Natural or anthropogenic effects on one of the components of the marine food chains, e.g. the species composition or plankton biomass, can affect the entire food chain and shift and possibly endanger the balance of the marine ecosystem. Examples of the very complex interactions and control mechanisms within the marine food chains were presented in detail in the description of the individual protected assets. The complex interactions between the various components resulted ultimately in changes to Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 197

3 Likely evolution without According to section 17d (1) sentence 1 of the Energy Industry Act, the responsible TSO must implementation of the plan ensure the reliable grid connection of offshore Expansion of offshore wind energy plays a key wind farms or according to the specifications of role in meeting the German government's the confirmed by the BNetzA O-NEP climate protection and energy policy objectives. respectively from 01 January 2019, construct and operate them in accordance with the grid Section 6 WindSeeG gives the Federal Maritime development plan and the Site Development and Hydrographic Agency the task of compiling Plan pursuant to section 5 of the Offshore Wind and updating a Site Development Plan for the Energy Act. EEZ under the conditions set out in section 4 ff. WindSeeG and, if an administrative agreement It is absolutely necessary to lay the current- is concluded, also for coastal waters. The task of carrying submarine cable systems up to the grid the plan, therefore, is to spatially define the connection points on land to allow the electricity areas and sites for wind turbines, the expected generated at the offshore wind farms in the Baltic generation capacity there and the necessary Sea EEZ to be fed into the onshore high voltage routes and locations for the entire required grid grid. The need to connect offshore wind farms to infrastructure or grid topology in the Baltic Sea the grid would exist even if the plan were not EEZ. Furthermore, the plan also develops the implemented. This means that even if the plan temporal component of the expansion by were not implemented, these uses would still be determining the temporal sequence of the calls exercised in accordance with the applicable for tender for the sites for offshore wind turbines legal bases. and the calendar years of the commissioning of The TSO, which is obliged to connect the connecting lines. offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea to the grid, It is necessary to install offshore wind turbines in has so far pursued a connection concept based order to meet the expansion targets laid down in on three-phase current technology. When using section 4 no. 2b of the Renewable Energy the three-phase current technology, offshore Sources Act. Even if the Site Development Plan wind farms are connected to the grid by were not to be implemented, further wind farms combining the electricity generated by the would still be built and commissioned in individual wind turbines from one or more wind accordance with the applicable legal bases. The farms at a transformer platform, and from here it sectoral plan is used for spatially and temporally is routed directly ashore via AC Subsea Cable ordered, space-saving and efficient expansion of and on to the grid connection point. In contrast offshore wind energy in order to implement to the HVDC concept, this means that no fragmentation by further application outside the separate converter platform is required for the areas, and hence to control land usage and grid connection itself. However, for discharging a thereby ensure minimal conflict in the given output, a higher number of cable systems development of this technology. Therefore, the is required when using three-phase technology environmental effects of the Site Development due to the lower transmission capacity of AC Plan's rules do not go beyond the effects of the Subsea Cable. Due to the expected low wind zero alternative (non-implementation of the farm capacity in the German EEZ of the Baltic plan), but in fact can be reduced by the Site Sea for commissioning activities from 2026 Development Plan on account of its steering compared to the capacity of an HVDC system, a effect. connection by means of a direct current system would probably lead to permanent vacancies. As 198 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan

already explained, these sites are used for Development Plan were not implemented than if submarine cable systems and converter the plan were implemented. platforms independently of the implementation of The grid connection of the individual sites the Site Development Plan in the EEZ. provided for in the plan, staggered in terms of Therefore, the environmental effects of the Site time, has the potential to minimise disturbances Development Plan's rules do not go beyond the to protected species in particular. Failure to effects of the zero alternative (non- implement the plan would probably increase implementation of the plan), but in fact can be area use and the associated burden on the reduced by the Site Development Plan by way of marine environment. Inadequate spatial steering. coordination in the event of non-implementation The design for a voltage level of 220 kV enables of the plan could, for example, lead to the highest possible transmission capacity per significantly more fragmented wind farm areas cable system – for three-phase connection – to and cable crossings with corresponding effects – be achieved and allows transmission to take caused by intersections becoming necessary – place with as few cable systems as possible. The on the factors in question. sites for the cabling within the wind farm will be Although it is not possible to quantify in concrete used independently of the implementation of the terms the number of additional land uses or Site Development Plan in the EEZ. The crossings and the associated additional land environmental impacts of the rules of the Site requirements it is clear from the rules in the Site Development Plan do not therefore exceed the Development Plan - in particular the areas for effects of non-implementation of the plan. wind turbines, routing and the gates - that the Rather, the Site Development Plan may serve to planning of the TSO has already progressed to mitigate them with its steering effect. such an extent due to the earlier system The aim of the Site Development Plan is to characterised by individual approvals and specify the expansion of offshore wind turbines connections, that complete overall coordination and the grid topology, in particular with regard to is no longer possible due to existing constraints. grid connection of offshore wind farms in the Taking these constraints into account, a EEZ, coordinated in spatial terms in the sense of considerable number of crossings could no predictive and coordinated overall planning. If longer be prevented at this planning stage. For the Site Development Plan were not future projects, the aim is to coordinate these implemented, the previously practised system of and to plan ahead in accordance with the project-specific individual planning and planning principles (see details in chapter 5 of connection would remain in place; in other the Site Development Plan). words, wind farms and their grid connections would be planned and implemented without 3.1 Soil/Area systematic inclusion of the entire area. The Whether or not the plan were to be implemented, required space requirements can be minimised soil or area to be protected, would, in parts be and the potential environmental impact can be subject to heavy exploitation, both if the plan reduced by regulating planning and technical were to be put into effect or not put into effect, principles in the Site Development Plan. As the e.g. by fishing. Anthropogenic factors acting on plan makes numerous rules relating to the most the seabed include erosion, mixing, compatible possible design of the uses, it would resuspension of sediment, material sorting, probably be more difficult to ensure the displacement and compaction. The natural protection of the individual factors if the Site sediment dynamics (sedimentation/ erosion) and Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 199

the mass transfer between sediment and seabed laying of submarine cable systems due to the water are influenced in this way. Global warming resuspension of sediment, pollutant inputs and is also leading to changes in hydrographic the formation of turbidity plumes. On a local conditions. Overall, however, this development is level, an increase in turbidity in the course of independent of implementation or non- scouring cannot be ruled out around the implementation of the plan. foundations, for operational reasons. The potential effects of the planned platforms and During the construction phase of wind turbines, submarine cable systems on water as a platforms and submarine cable systems, effects protected asset are limited locally and are on the soil may result from direct disturbance of independent of the implementation of the plan. near-surface sediments, sediment resuspension, Failure to implement the plan would be likely to pollutant inputs and sediment rearrangements. result in less coordinated laying in spatial terms The seabed is tightly sealed when the foundation and, where applicable, a larger number of elements are installed. In the case of submarine submarine cables or longer submarine cable cable systems, energy losses in the form of heat systems. This could lead to greater land use by dissipation to the surrounding sediment may the submarine cable systems, and thus to occur during operation. Potential effects on the reinforcement of the possible effects on water as factors soil/area are locally limited and arise a protected asset, compared to implementation independently of the implementation of the plan. of the plan. Failure to implement the plan would be likely to result in less coordinated laying in spatial terms 3.3 Plankton and, where applicable, a larger number of Even if the plan were not implemented, submarine cables or longer submarine cable phytoplankton and zooplankton as a protected systems. This could lead to greater land use by asset would still be affected to an extent by the the submarine cable, and thus to reinforcement effects of various uses, such as fishing and of the possible effects on soil as a protected shipping. Moreover, the effects of climate asset, compared to implementation of the Site change on phytoplankton and zooplankton are Development Plan. An increased number of now clearly noticeable (BEAUGRAND et al., 2003; cable crossings would also be expected if the WILTSHIRE and MANLY, 2004). Phytoplankton plan is not implemented. As a result, an and zooplankton species will be increasingly increased insertion of rockfill would be affected by possible effects of climate change in necessary. future, particularly to changes to temperature, salinity and current. Overall, however, this 3.2 Water development is independent of implementation Water as a protected asset would be affected to or non-implementation of the plan. an extent in the case of both implementation and The uses designated in the Site Development non-implementation of the plan due to various Plan for the North Sea according to available uses, such as shipping. Moreover, it is to be information do not have a significant impact on expected that the warming of the water already plankton; so if the plan is not implemented, triggered by climate change will continue in the plankton will develop in the same way as if the future. Overall, however, this development is plan were implemented. There may be effects on independent of implementation or non- phytoplankton and zooplankton due to the implementation of the plan. formation of sediment turbidity plumes during the Effects on the water body can occur during the construction of wind turbines and platforms and construction phase of the platforms and the 200 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan

the laying of submarine cable systems. minimising the use of the seabed, even outside However, as these effects are small-scale and these areas, the non-implementation of the plan temporary, significant effects from the would presumably make it more difficult to implementation of the Site Development Plan on protect marine biotopes than if the plan were phytoplankton and zooplankton can fairly safely implemented. be ruled out. Effects on plankton can be excluded with the necessary certainty even 3.5 Benthos during normal operation. Even if the plan were not implemented, benthos as a protected asset would still be affected to an 3.4 Biotopes extent by the effects of various uses, such as Even if the plan were not implemented, biotopes fishing. Moreover, it is to be expected that the as a protected asset would still be affected to an warming of the water already triggered by extent by the effects of various uses, such as climate change will continue in the future. This fishing. Failure to implement the Site will also have an impact on the benthos. This Development Plan would be likely to result in may lead to settlement of new species, or a shift less coordinated spatial planning of the wind in the species composition as a whole. However, farm and submarine cable systems. Failure to this development is independent of implement the plan could lead to greater land implementation or non-implementation of the use and thus reinforcement of possible effects plan. on protected biotopes, compared to Failure to implement the Site Development Plan implementation of the plan. Possible effects on would be likely to result in less coordinated biotopes result from the insertion of the wind spatial planning of the wind farm and laying of turbine and platform foundations as well as submarine cable systems. Failure to implement routing of the cables. During the construction the plan could lead to comparatively greater land phase, direct disturbance of near-surface use and thus reinforcement of possible effects sediments, pollutant inputs, resuspension of on the benthos, compared to implementation of sediment, formation of turbidity plumes and an the Site Development Plan. Possible effects on increase in sedimentation could all impact on the benthos would result from installation of the sensitive biotope structures. The Site foundations of the installations and platforms Development Plan formulates corresponding and the laying of cable systems. During the planning principles for the special protection of construction phase, direct disturbance of near- biotopes and habitat types listed in section 30 of surface sediments, pollutant inputs, the Federal Nature Conservation Act. resuspension of sediment, formation of turbidity The artificial hard substrate inserted with the plumes and an increase in sedimentation could foundations or the rockfill required cable laying all impact on benthos communities. will cause local changes in habitat, which could lead to a change in the species composition of the benthos communities. An increased number of cable crossings would be expected if the plan is not implemented. As no areas and sites are planned inside conservation areas under the Site Development Plan, and the rules of the Site Development Plan, by reducing submarine cable systems and minimising crossings, are aimed at Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 201

Changes in the existing species composition in 3.6 Fish the vicinity of the foundations of the installations Fish as a protected asset would be affected to and platforms may occur in the artificial hard an extent by the effects of fishing in the case of substrate introduced as a result of the both implementation and non-implementation of installations. Failure to implement the plan would the plan. Moreover, regardless of the result in an increased number of cable crossings implementation or non-implementation of the or intersections that would also require the plan, it is to be expected that the warming of the introduction of hard substrate. Here, too, there water already triggered by climate change will would be small-scale changes to the habitat continue in the future. This will also have an structures which could in turn lead to a shift or impact on fish as a protected asset. This may change in the species composition of the lead to the immigration of new fish species; benthos. which may not necessarily result in competition As the rules of the Site Development Plan are with native fish species, but this cannot be ruled aimed at minimising the use of the seabed by out. During the construction phase of the wind reducing submarine cable systems and farms and converter platforms and the laying of minimising crossing structures, and additionally submarine cables on the planned routes, fish fully avoiding the use of conservation areas with fauna – e.g. e.g. for visually hunting species and their protected habitat types by the transmission by sticking together of the gill lamellae, if the fish cable routes of the Site Development Plan, the do not avoid it. Furthermore, fish may also be non-implementation of the plan would temporarily scared away by noise and vibrations presumably make it more difficult to protect the during the construction phase. Further effects on benthos than if the plan were implemented. fish fauna may be due to the additional hard substrates introduced owing to a possible change in the benthos. Failure to implement the plan would be likely to result in less coordinated laying of the submarine cable systems in spatial terms. This could lead to comparatively greater land use and a longer construction period, and thus to reinforcement of the potential effects on fish fauna compared to laying coordinated by the Site Development Plan. Therefore, without implementation of the Site Development Plan, protection of fish fauna would probably be more difficult to ensure than with its implementation. 202 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan

3.7 Marine mammals 3.8 Seabirds and resting birds Even if the plan were not implemented, marine Even if the plan were not implemented, seabirds mammals as a protected asset would still be and resting birds as a protected asset would still affected to an extent by the effects of various be affected to an extent, as shown, by the effects uses, such as shipping and fishing. of various uses such as fishing and shipping. The effects of climate change on the affected Marine mammals, particularly the sound- species are complex and difficult to predict. All sensitive harbour porpoises, could be affected species will be indirectly affected by possible by the use of deep foundations by pile-driven effects of climate change on their food sound when inserting the platform and turbine organisms, particularly fish. Overall, however, foundations. The plan includes a whole series of this development is independent of planning principles relating to the most implementation or non-implementation of the compatible design of uses possible, in particular plan. a noise reduction principle and the exclusion of wind turbines and platforms in Natura 2000 Failure to implement the Site Development Plan areas. These principles will reduce adverse would result in less spatially coordinated impacts on marine mammals. Overall, however, planning of wind farm projects, platforms and the effects of the plan specifications on marine submarine cable systems. This would probably mammals will be comparable with the effects of increase land use, which in turn could impact on the zero alternative, since project-specific and species susceptible to disturbance. site-specific noise abatement measures are Furthermore, the Site Development Plan is essentially arranged in the specific individual based on planning principles which, in addition procedure, regardless of the implementation of to spatial planning, also provide for temporal the plan. The staggered grid connection of the coordination of construction projects so as to be individual sites provided for in the plan has the able to largely reduce factors affecting seabirds potential to minimise disturbances to marine and resting birds, such as additional shipping mammals. Similarly, disturbances to marine traffic due to construction. mammals are reduced by avoiding the use of Even if similar factors would have an impact on conservation areas. seabirds in principle regardless of whether or not The effects of climate change on marine the Site Development Plan is implemented, it mammals are complex and difficult to forecast. would be more difficult to ensure the protection All species will be indirectly affected by possible of seabirds and resting birds if it were not effects of climate change on their food implemented due to a lack of planning principles organisms, fish. Overall, however, this and their coordinating requirements. development is independent of the implementation of the plan. 3.9 Migratory birds The factor Migratory birds would also be affected by various other uses in the event of non- implementation of the plan, e.g. shipping and fishing. The effects of climate change on the affected species are complex and difficult to predict. All species will be indirectly affected by possible effects of climate change on their food organisms, particularly fish. Overall, however, this development is independent of Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 203

implementation or non-implementation of the be expected that any negative effects on bats plan. can be prevented by using the same prevention and mitigation measures devised to protect bird If the Site Development Plan were not migration. implemented, it would above all result in an increased area use of the seabed due to uncoordinated individual connections of offshore 3.11 Biodiversity wind farms. This would not be an additional or Large-scale consequences of climate change altered negative impact on the avifauna. can also be expected in the oceans. Many Moreover, the increase in shipping traffic due to marine ecosystems are sensitive to climate construction/cable laying and maintenance change, so this will impact on biodiversity. There would not exceed the level of shipping traffic may be a shift in the species composition. A generated during the implementation of the Site major influence on the population density and Development Plan. Additional construction and dynamics of fish would be conceivable, for operational effects on avifauna are not to be example, which in turn would have significant expected. If the plan is not implemented, effects consequences for the food chains. Overall, on migratory birds as a protected asset are likely however, this development is independent of the to develop in the same way as if the plan were implementation of the plan. implemented. Temporary or permanent acoustic and visual stresses can lead to impairments of individual 3.10 Bats and bat migration species in respect of the factors Fish, birds and Migration movements of bats across the Baltic marine mammals. However, effects on Sea are indeed documented to varying extents, biodiversity are currently unimaginable, as no but to date no specific information is available on loss of species is to be expected. Effects of migratory species, migration corridors, migration turbidity plumes, sedimentation and sediment heights and migration concentrations. The only warming or magnetic fields on biodiversity are information to date confirms that bats, especially also unlikely, as these are usually local adverse species that migrate long distances, fly over the impacts. It is also to be expected that the Baltic Sea. However, some effects of climate avoidance and mitigation measures planned for change can be predicted on the basis of previous the individual protected assets will also reduce findings on factors such as the distribution and the possible adverse impacts on biodiversity. habitat preferences of bats. Loss of resting The exclusion of uses in Natura 2000 sites places along migratory routes, decimation of further reduces the potential impact on breeding habitats and changes in the food biodiversity. Local effects on the diversity of supply are examples of issues to be expected. habitats and biodiversity cannot be The delayed occurrence of food in particular may fundamentally ruled out, e. g. when inserting have consequences for the reproductive hard substrate it is even to be expected. Overall, success of bats (AHLEN 2002, RICHARDSON however, the benthic species settling here and 2004). The observed insect mortality will have an any fish species that may be attracted as a result increased adverse impact on bats. will be recruited from the immediate vicinity, so Dangers to individuals due to collisions with wind ultimately no large-scale changes in biodiversity farms or platforms cannot be ruled out. If the plan are to be expected within the study area. As the is not implemented, effects on bats as a specifications of the Site Development Plan aim protected asset are likely to develop in the same to reduce the use of the seabed as far as way as if the plan were implemented. It can also possible by reducing the number of cable routes 204 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan

and minimising the number of intersections, and savings associated with the expansion of as a number of principles serve to ensure that offshore wind energy are expected to have a the design of the specifications is as positive impact on the climate in the long term. environmentally friendly as possible, the effects This may make an important contribution to on biodiversity can probably be reduced achieving the Federal Government's climate compared with the zero alternative. protection targets.

3.12 Air 3.14 Scenery Shipping traffic in the Baltic Sea will also Implementation of offshore wind farms will have increase as the intensity of use increases, which an impact on the landscape as it will be altered may have an adverse impact on air quality. by the construction of vertical structures. For However, this development is largely safety reasons, the installations will also have to independent of implementation or non- be illuminated at night or in poor visibility. This implementation of the plan. The construction and may also lead to visual impairments of the operation of the platforms and the laying of landscape. Section 3.5.1 (8) of the Spatial submarine cable systems as part of the Development Plan for the North Sea stipulates a implementation of the Site Development Plan height limit of 125 m for wind turbines within sight will have no measurable impact on air quality. If of the coast and islands. the plan is implemented, therefore, air as a The construction of platforms may also lead to protected asset will develop in the same way as visual changes in the landscape. The extent to if the plan were not implemented. which the landscape is affected by offshore installations depends largely on the prevailing 3.13 Climate visibility conditions, but also on subjective According to reports by the Intergovernmental perceptions and the fundamental attitudes of Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2001, 2007), an observers towards offshore wind energy. The increase in sea surface temperature and vertical structures, which are atypical for the average global sea levels are expected to be the familiar image of a seascape, may be perceived large-scale consequences of climate change on as disruptive, but some people will find them the oceans. Many marine ecosystems are technically interesting. In any case, they will sensitive to climate change. Overall, however, bring about a change in the landscape and this development is independent of modify the character of the area. Due to the implementation or non-implementation of the distance of more than 25 km between the plan. planned platforms and the surrounding wind Adverse impacts on the climate from platforms farms to the coast, the installations will mainly be are not expected, as there are no measurable visible to a very limited extent from land, and only emissions relevant to climate during construction when visibility is good. Evidence of this is or operation. Rather, the coordinated expansion provided by visualisations available from 2005 of the grid infrastructure in the offshore region (Figure 40). will create greater planning security for the expansion of offshore wind energy. The CO2

Likely evolution without implementation of the plan 205

Figure 40: Visualisation of the perceptibility of offshore wind turbines in the special suitability area according to the Offshore Installations Ordinance "Western Adlergrund" on the left of the viewpoint Königsstuhl on Rügen; hub height of the wind turbine 100m; distance away of the observer approximately 33 km; eye height approximately 120m above sea level; right on the beach at the foot of the Königsstuhl on Rügen; eye height approximately 2 m above sea level (ARCADIS 2005, cited in BSH 2009).

In this respect, significant impairment of the 3.15 Cultural heritage and other landscape, as it is perceived from land, can be excluded. The fact that a glare-free, low- material assets reflection coating is required as standard for the There are indications of possible material assets approval of individual projects also helps to or cultural heritage insofar as the spatial location minimise visibility. of a large number of wrecks is known and recorded in the BSH's nautical charts. More It is also necessary to take into account the fact detailed information about bottom monuments that platforms are always planned in spatial and also about the remains of settlements, is not connection with offshore wind farms, so the available in the EEZ. Based on available change in the landscape will be increased only hydroacoustic surveys and evaluation of the slightly by individual structures in immediate underwater obstacle database, there are no physical proximity to the offshore wind farms. In findings relating to material assets or cultural addition, the exclusion effect in the conservation heritage in the region of the planned platforms. areas (approximately 55% of the area of the There is evidence of underwater obstacles along German EEZ of the Baltic Sea) contributes to the the planned submarine cable routes. Particular fact that large parts of the EEZ remain free of emphasis must be placed on these when taking turbines. The development of the landscape if them into account in the specific plan the Site Development Plan is not implemented specification procedure. will probably not differ significantly from its development if the Site Development Plan is If any culturally significant finds or material implemented. assets are discovered during the prescribed site survey in the approval procedures for the For the submarine cable systems, adverse territories and areas, the construction of impacts on the landscape during the operating platforms and the laying of submarine cable phase can be ruled out as they will be laid as systems, appropriate measures must be taken to underwater cables. preserve them. The Site Development Plan provides a corresponding specification so as to 206 Likely evolution without implementation of the plan

ensure that this protected asset cannot be affected adversely (see, for example, Planning principle Site Development Plan). Subject to this condition, no significant impact on the factor "cultural heritage and other material assets" is expected as a result of the implementation of the Site Development Plan.

3.16 Human beings, including human health Overall, the area for which the Site Development Plan is providing specifications is of little significance to human health and well-being. People are not directly affected by the rules of the plan, rather indirectly by their perception of the landscape factor (see Chapter 3.14) and possible influences on the recreational function of the landscape for water sports participants and tourists. These effects are considered insignificant due to the considerable distance of at least 25 km from the coast. These effects do not go beyond the effects of the zero alternative.

3.17 Interrelationships between the factors It is assumed that the interactions between the protected assets will develop in the same way regardless of whether or not the Site Development Plan is implemented. Therefore,

reference is made at this point to chapter 2.18. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 207 Development Plan on the marine environment

4 Description and Overall, the protected assets listed in section 2 subsection 1 of the Environmental Impact assessment of the likely Assessment Act will be examined before the significant effects of wildlife conservation and legal territorial protection examinations are presented. the implementation of Statements on the general protection of nature the Site Development Plan and landscape in accordance with section 13 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act are on the marine environment covered in the assessment of the individual The following description and assessment of the factors. environmental effects concentrate on factors for which significant effects cannot be excluded 4.1 Soil/Area from the outset by implementation of the Site Development Plan. 4.1.1 Areas, sites and platforms The transformer or collector platform has, in According to section 40 subsection 1 of the terms of the soil factor, a local narrowly limited Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the likely environmental impact. The sediment is significant environmental effects of the permanently affected only in the immediate implementation of the plan are to be assessed. vicinity by the introduction of the foundation Furthermore, according to section 40 subsection elements and the resulting area use. 3 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the environmental effects of the plan are being Due to construction: Sediments are briefly assessed provisionally with a view to taking agitated and turbidity plumes are formed during effective environmental precautions. According foundation work for wind turbines and platforms. to section 3 sentence 2 of the Environmental The extent of resuspension is essentially Impact Assessment Act, the environmental dependent on the fine grain content in the soil. In assessment serves to ensure effective areas with a lower fine fraction, most of the environmental precautions in accordance with released sediment will settle relatively quickly in the applicable laws. Within the framework of the the area of the insertion or in its immediate Site Development Plan and the provisions of vicinity. The suspension content rapidly sections 4 et seq. WindSeeG, section 5, decreases again to the natural background subsection 3 WindSeeG endangerment of the values due to dilution effects and sedimentation marine environment is to be excluded based on of the whirled-up sediment particles. the rules contained in the plan. The marine Nevertheless, the to be expected impairments in environment includes the protected assets and areas with a greater fine fraction and the their habitats described in this environmental associated increased turbidity remain limited report, including possible interactions. due to the low flow close to the seabed. The factors for which significant impairment In the areas with soft sediments and a could already be excluded in the previous correspondingly high fine fraction (area O-2), the chapter 2 are not taken into account. This released sediment will settle much more slowly. concerns the protected assets Plankton, Water, However, since in the area O-2 the currents Air, Cultural heritage and other material assets close to the seabed have a mean value of about and Human beings, including human health. 0.06 m/s (near the surface: 0.1 m/s, see Chapter Possible effects on biodiversity as a factor are 2.1) which is low, it can be assumed that here discussed for the individual biological factors. too the turbidity plumes that occur also have a Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 208 Development Plan on the marine environment

more local occurrence and that the sediment will phase, are estimated to be low due to their small settle relatively close to the construction site. A size. simulation on the effects of the offshore wind Dependent on the installation, the seabed is farm "Beta Baltic" in the Mecklenburg Bight, permanently locally sealed by the introduction of which has similar sediment ratios to the area O- foundation elements. The areas affected 2, showed that at current velocities of 0.3 m/s the essentially comprise the diameter of the maximum sediment spread was approximately 2 foundation piles of the wind turbines or platforms to 3 km (MEYERLE & WINTER 2002). In this case, and possibly required scour protection. The area the released material remains long enough in the use by sealing (incl. scour protection measures) water column to spread over a wide area, so that corresponds in order of magnitude to that due to the relatively small volumes barely specified for the North Sea. detectable thicknesses of the deposited material are to be expected. No more than 12 hours after Due to operation, there may be interaction release, the concentration drops to less than between the foundation and hydrodynamics in 0.001 kg/m³. the immediate vicinity of the installation, and permanent agitation and rearrangement of As part of the environmental impact assessment sediments may occur. According to existing for the "Nord Stream Pipeline", the monitoring experience in the North Sea, permanent results during the construction phase showed sediment shifts caused by currents are only to be only minor to medium-scale, temporary effects expected in the immediate environment of the due to sediment drifts (turbidity plumes) and platforms. No such experience is currently confirmed the forecasts of the environmental available for the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, due to expert (IFAÖ 2009), who overall classified the the low current velocities close to the seabed in effects as minor structural and functional the area of the platforms, here too only a local impairments. Based on these results, it can be scour hole is to be expected. No significant assumed that turbidity plumes, which are substrate changes are to be expected due to the released when the platform foundations are forecast locally limited scour coverage. created in soft sediment areas, can extend for distances up to 500 m with the level of On the basis of the above statements and taking suspended matter above the natural suspended into account the condition assessment, the matter maxima. Strategic Environmental Assessment concludes that the specification of the location of the In the short term, pollutants and nutrients may be platforms does not have any significant impact released from the sediment into the bottom on the soil factor. water. There may be a significant release of pollutants from the sediment into the bottom water in areas with silty and clay-like seabeds. These pollutants usually adhere to sinking particles which, due to the low currents in the Baltic Sea basins, scarcely drift over long distances and remain in their usual environment. In the medium term, this remobilised material will be redeposited in the silty basins. Effects in the form of mechanical stress on the soil due to displacement, compaction and vibrations, which are to be expected during the construction Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 209 Development Plan on the marine environment

4.1.2 Submarine cabling systems release, the concentration drops to less than As a result of construction resuspension of 0.001 kg/m³. sediment increases the turbidity of the water In the context of the environmental assessments column during cable laying work. The extent of for the Nord Stream pipeline, only minor to resuspension is essentially dependent on the medium-term, temporary effects from sediment laying procedure and the fine grain content in the drifting are expected (IFAÖ, 2009). Therefore, soil. In areas with a lower fine fraction, most of overall these are classified as minor structural the released sediment will settle relatively and functional impairments. In the near range up quickly on the construction site or in its to 50 m medium intensities of suspended matter immediate vicinity. For the "Arkona Basin are predicted, further away, up to 500 m, low to Southeast" wind farm in area O-1 LEDER (2003) very low intensities of suspended matter are estimates that significant sediment drift during predicted (IFAÖ, 2009). Based on these results, construction is at most only to be expected in a it can be assumed that turbidity plumes, which small-scale radius of 500 m - even assuming are released during the laying of submarine extreme current conditions (saltwater inflow). cable systems in soft sediment areas, can Here, the suspension content decreases back to extend for distances up to 500 m with the level the natural background values due to dilution of suspended matter above the natural effects and sedimentation of the stirred up suspended matter maxima. These are up to 3.9 sediment particles. The expected adverse mg/l in the Pomeranian Bight (IFAÖ, 2009), impacts due to increased turbidity remain limited which is significantly exceeded in estuaries or locally to small areas. highly silty coastal areas. Investigations by In the areas with soft sediments and a ANDRULEWICZ et al. (2003) also show that the correspondingly high fine fraction, the released Baltic seabed is re-levelled due to the natural sediment will settle much more slowly. However, sediment dynamics along the affected cable since in these areas the currents close to the routes. Various model calculations and seabed have a mean value of about 0.06 m/s experience gained from the processes show that (near the surface: 0.1 m/s, see Chapter4.1) the re-levelling is more of a long-term press. which is relatively low, it can be assumed that In the short term, pollutants and nutrients may be here too the turbidity plumes that occur also released from the sediment into the bottom have a more local occurrence and that the water. The possible release of pollutants from sediment will settle out again in the immediate the sandy sediment is negligible due to the surroundings. A substantial change in sediment relatively low fine grain content (silt and clay) and composition is not expected. A simulation on the the low heavy metal concentrations. There may effects of the offshore wind farm "Beta Baltic" in be a significant release of pollutants from the the Mecklenburg Bight, which has similar sediment into the bottom water in the vicinity of sediment ratios to area O-2, shows that at silty and clay-like seabeds. These pollutants current velocities of 0.3 m/s the maximum usually adhere to sinking particles which, due to sediment spread was approximately 2 to 3 km the low currents in the Baltic Sea basins, (MEYERLE & WINTER 2002). In this case, the scarcely drift over long distances and remain in released material remains long enough in the their usual environment. In the medium term, this water column to spread over a wide area, so that remobilised material will be redeposited in the due to the relatively small volumes barely silty basins. detectable thicknesses of the deposited material Effects in the form of mechanical stress on the are to be expected. No more than 12 hours after soil due to displacement, compaction and Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 210 Development Plan on the marine environment

vibrations, which are to be expected during the submarine cable systems (OSPAR construction phase, are estimated to be low due COMMISSION 2010). to their small size. • Ambient temperature in the vicinity of the During operation, heating of the sediment cable systems: depending on water depth surrounding the cable systems occurs in a radial and season, variation in the natural direction. Heat will be released due to thermal sediment temperature can be assumed, losses in the cable system during energy which has an influence on heat dissipation. transmission. • Thermal resistance of the sediment: These thermal losses depend on a number of different types of soil with different thermal factors (Table 16). The following output properties occur in the survey area. parameters are significant: According to this, more efficient heat • Cable type: in principle, more heat release dissipation can be assumed for coarser due to energy losses is to be assumed for sands than for finer-grained sediments. The AC submarine cable systems with the same thermal resistance is highest in densely transmission efficiency than for DC deposited clays.

Table 16: Thermal properties of water-saturated soils (according to SMOLCZYK 2001) Soil type Thermal Thermal Specific Specific conductivity, conductivity, thermal thermal minimum maximum resistance, resistance, maximum minimum W / (K*m) W / (K*m) K*m / W K*m / W Gravel 2.00 3.30 0.50 0.30 Sand 1.50 2.50 0.67 0.40 Clay 0.90 1.80 1.11 0.56 Till 2.60 3.10 0.38 0.32 Silt / mud 1.40 2.00 0.71 0.50

Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 211 Development Plan on the marine environment

Temperature development in the near-surface To comply with the "2 K criterion"40, that is to sediment layer is also dependent on the depth at ensure a maximum temperature increase of which the cable systems are laid. According to 2 degrees at 20 cm below the seabed surface, a available information, no significant effects from corresponding principle for sediment warming cable-induced sediment warming are to be was included in the Site Development Plan (see expected if a sufficient laying depth is maintained planning principle This principle and if cable configurations according to the state specifies compliance with the 2 K criterion in of the art are used. Temperature measurements order to minimise potential adverse impacts on for an internal AC current cable system at the the marine environment due to cable-induced Danish "Nysted" offshore wind farm in the Baltic sediment warming. If there is compliance with Sea showed sediment warming of max. 1.4 K the 2 K criterion in accordance with the planning directly above the cable system (transmission principle, it can be assumed at present that no capacity 166 MW) 20 cm below the seabed significant effects, such as structural and (MEISSNER et al. 2007). Water movement close functional changes, are to be expected from to the seabed also contributes to a rapid removal cable-induced sediment warming of soil as a of local heat. protected asset. However, due to the heterogeneous geological On the basis of the above statements, it should conditions along the cable routes and the be noted in the findings of the Strategic available laying methods, the laying depth in the Environmental Assessment that, according to Baltic Sea EEZ is fundamentally limited. the current state of knowledge taking into Therefore, the definition of a uniformly applicable account damage-reducing measures, no value for the covering to be created for all significant effects are to be expected from the planned submarine cable routes does not laying and operation of submarine cable appear to be advantageous here (see e.g. systems on the soil factor. The extent to which planning principle BFO-O). adherence to the 2K criterion can be ensured in Nevertheless, in accordance with the planning all cable route sections, taking into account the principle for covering, a secure depth of the local subsoil conditions, must be examined in the cable systems must be permanently established. context of the individual approval procedure Therefore, definition of the coverage to be when the detailed project-specific framework established is based on an individual approval conditions become known. procedure based on a comprehensive study to be submitted by the project developer. Here the needs of marine environmental protection must also be explicitly considered.

40 "What is known as the 2 K criterion represents a prevented" precautionary value which, in the BfN's estimation, (http://www.stromeffizienz.de/page/fileadmin/offshore/do ensures with reasonable certainty, on the basis of cuments/StAOWind_Workshops/Kabel_in_Schutzgebiet available information, that considerable adverse impacts en/Kabel_in_Schutzgebieten_Vortrag_Merck.pdf) of cable heating on nature or the benthic community are Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 212 Development Plan on the marine environment

4.2 Benthos particles is largely dependent on the fine particle levels and the hydrographic situation The construction of platforms and wind turbines, (particularly waves and current) (HERRMANN & as well as the installations themselves, may KRAUSE 2000). Due to the prevailing low currents impact on the macrozoobenthos. The species near to the seabed, even in areas with soft inventory of the Baltic Sea EEZ is to be sediments turbidity plumes will only occur up to considered average, with about 260 species of a distance of about 500 m, where the level of macro-zoobenthos. The benthic communities suspended matter in the plumes is significantly are also typical of the Baltic Sea EEZ and for the higher than the natural suspended matter most part have no special features. According to maxima. Simulations show that the sediment the currently available studies, the released will have resettled after a maximum of macrozoobenthos of the Baltic Sea EEZ is also 12 hours. According to available information, considered average due to the identified number therefore, the impairments during the of Red List species. On the basis of the - construction phase will remain small-scale and macrozoobenthos survey undertaken according generally short-term. Short-term occurrence of to the HELCOM provisions and the HELCOM elevated concentrations of suspended matter Red List, at least 30 Red List species occur in does not appear to be harmful to adult molluscs. the German EEZ according to RACHOR et al. (2013). This corresponds to about 12% of the However, eggs and larvae of a species generally total species inventory. Studies of react more sensitively than adult animals and macrozoobenthos within the framework of the could be damaged by turbidity plumes on a approval procedures for offshore wind farms short-term and small scale. Although the from 2002 to 2014 have confirmed this concentration of suspended particles can reach assessment. Also in the area of O-1 and the O- levels that are harmful to certain organisms, the 1.3 site, the present investigation results indicate effects on macrozoobenthos are relatively small, an average importance of the survey area for as such concentrations are limited both spatially benthic organisms. and temporally (HERMANN & KRAUSE 2000). In the event of a decline in population due to 4.2.1 Areas and sites natural or anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. cable Due to construction: The deep foundation work laying), there remains sufficient potential in the for wind turbines will result in disturbances of the overall system for organisms to repopulate seabed, sediment agitation and formation of (KNUST et al. 2003). Moreover, benthic turbidity plumes. This may result in impairment organisms may be affected on a short-term, of or damage to benthic organisms or small-scale basis by the release of nutrients and communities in the immediate vicinity of the pollutants associated with the resuspension of installations while construction activities are in sediment particles. The possible release of progress. pollutants from sandy sediment is negligible due The resuspension of sediment in particular will to the relatively low fine grain content (silt and lead to direct impairments of the benthic clay) and the low heavy metal concentrations. community during construction of the There may be a significant release of pollutants installations. Turbidity plumes are to be from the sediment into the bottom water in areas expected during the foundation work for the with silty and clay-like seabeds. These pollutants installations. However, the concentration of the usually adhere to sinking particles which, due to suspended material normally decreases very the low currents in the Baltic Sea basins, rapidly further away. The dispersion of sediment scarcely drift over long distances and remain in Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 213 Development Plan on the marine environment

their usual environment. In the medium term, this Given the above statements and remobilised material will be redeposited in the representations, the result of the SEA is that silty basins. according to available information, no significant effects on benthos as a protected asset are to be Many soft soil types are relatively insensitive to expected from the specification of the territories covering and can survive several centimetres of and areas in the Site Development Plan. Overall, additional sediment deposition (BIJKERK 1988). the effects on benthos as a protected asset are The construction-related effects of the turbidity deemed to be short-term and small-scale. Only plumes and the sedimentation are to be small-scale areas outside conservation areas classified as short-term and small-scale. will be used, and rapid repopulation is very likely Dependent on the installation changes in the because the populations of benthic organisms benthic community may occur as a result of local with short generation cycles and their surface sealing, the insertion of hard substrate widespread distribution in the German Baltic See and changes in the current conditions around the are usually capable of rapid regeneration. installations. In addition to local habitat losses or The impact forecasts described in chapter 4.2.3 habitat changes, new hard substrate habitats apply correspondingly with regard to the that differ from the existing location habitat are construction, installation-related and operational created. Thus influencing of the soft bottom effects of cabling within the wind farms. fauna in the immediate environment may occur. According to KNUST et al. (2003), the introduction 4.2.2 Platforms of artificial hard substrate in sandy soils leads to the settlement of additional species. The Due to construction: The deep foundation work for platforms will result in disturbances of the recruitment of these species will most likely take place from the natural hard substrate habitats, seabed, sediment agitation and formation of such as superficial till and rocks. Thus there is turbidity plumes. This may result in impairment little risk of atypical species having a negative of or damage to benthic organisms or influence on the soft-bottom benthic community. communities in the immediate vicinity of the platforms to be erected while construction However, the colonisation of artificial hard activities are in progress. substrates is associated with an accumulation of organic material, because organic components The effects of seabed disturbance, formation of trickle down from the fauna that resides on the turbidity plumes and sedimentation as described in chapter 4.2.1apply similarly to the construction installations (e.g. earth, faeces, dead animals, of platforms. Overall, construction-related effects etc.) (WOLFSON et al. 1979; DAVIS et al. 1982) can be classified as short-term and small-scale. and settle on the sediment at the foot of the installations. Here they are biodegraded, which Due to the installation, the sealing of local can eventually lead to increased carbon and surfaces, the introduction of hard substrate and nitrogen levels and thus local oxygen deficiency changes in the current conditions around the in this area. These changing environmental platforms may lead to changes in the benthic conditions in the vicinity of the installations can community. Besides habitat losses and habitat over the course of time lead to small-scale changes, new non-native hard substrate habitats influencing on the benthic community sited here. will emerge. This will allow the soft soil fauna in the immediate vicinity to be influenced. The According to available information, operational installation-related effects described in chapter effects of the wind turbines on the macrozoobenthos are not to be expected. 4.2.1 also apply similarly to the platforms. Although the effects are long-term, they are Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 214 Development Plan on the marine environment

limited to the immediate vicinity of the platforms Due to construction: Possible effects on the on a small scale. benthos are dependent on the laying methods used. Only small-scale, short-term and thus Due to operation, the removal of cooling water minor disturbances of the benthos in the vicinity and the introduction of heated water may result of the cable route are to be expected with the in damage to the eggs and larval stages of comparatively careful laying using the induction macrozoobenthos. If seawater is extracted for method. Local sediment rearrangement and cooling purposes, the eggs and larval stages of turbidity plumes are to be expected during the various macrozoobenthos species are also laying of the submarine cable systems. This may sucked up and damaged or killed by the result in small-scale and short-term habitat loss subsequent passage and heating. However, the for benthic species or impairment of or damage amount of water removed is very small in relation to benthic organisms or communities in the to the size of the water body in which the eggs vicinity of the cable systems while construction and larvae are distributed, so relevant effects on activities are in progress. the population level are not to be expected at present. In more cohesive substrates, the cable systems are laid in trenches or laid using a heavy plough. The sea water required to cool the units is These procedures are also associated with released back into the environment at a disturbance of the sediment and benthic fauna, maximum temperature of 35 °C. This leads to as well as sediment turbulence. The dispersion local warming. In principle, increases in water of sediment particles is largely dependent on the temperature will lead to changes in the faunal fine particle levels and the hydrographic situation communities, or to lethal damage to eggs and (particularly waves and current) (HERRMANN & larvae at very high temperatures. KRAUSE 2000). Due to the prevailing low currents However, the amount of cooling water returned near to the seabed, even in areas with soft is very small in relation to the size of the water sediments turbidity plumes will only occur up to body in which the eggs and larvae are a distance of about 500 m, where the level of distributed, so there is no need to fear relevant suspended matter in the plumes is significantly effects on the eggs and larvae of higher than the natural suspended matter macrozoobenthos. maxima. Simulations show that the sediment Given the above statements and released will have resettled after a maximum of representations, the result of the SEA is that 12 hours. according to available information, no significant According to available information, therefore, the effects on benthos as a protected asset are to be impairments during the construction phase will expected from the specification of the platform remain small-scale and generally short-term. locations in the Site Development Plan. Overall, Short-term occurrence of elevated the effects on benthos as a protected asset are concentrations of suspended matter does not deemed to be short-term and small-scale. Only appear to be harmful to adult molluscs. Growth very small-scale areas outside conservation of filter-feeding molluscs may even be promoted. areas will be used, and rapid repopulation is very However, eggs and larvae generally react more likely because the populations of benthic sensitively than adult animals and could be organisms with short generation cycles and their damaged by turbidity plumes on a short-term widespread distribution in the German Baltic See and small scale. Although the concentration of are usually capable of rapid regeneration. suspended particles can reach levels that are harmful to certain organisms, the effects on 4.2.3 Submarine cabling systems Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 215 Development Plan on the marine environment

macrozoobenthos are relatively small, as such sediment is negligible due to the relatively low concentrations are limited both spatially and fine grain content (silt and clay) and the low temporally (HERMANN & KRAUSE 2000). heavy metal concentrations. There may be a significant release of pollutants from the In the event of a decline in population due to sediment into the bottom water in the vicinity of natural or anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. cable silty and clay-like seabeds. These pollutants laying), there remains sufficient potential in the usually adhere to sinking particles which, due to overall system for organisms to repopulate the low currents in the Baltic Sea basins, (KNUST et al. 2003). According to BOSSELMANN scarcely drift over long distances and remain in (1989), dispersion occurs not only through the their usual environment. In the medium term, this larval stages, but also through the dispersion of remobilised material will be redeposited in the postlarval and adult forms. Furthermore, silty basins. accompanying surveys of the benthos and fish and decapod fauna (crabs) in the case of the Potential effects that may result from repair work Europipe pipeline laid in the North Sea in 1994 that may become necessary are comparable to showed that just two years after completion of the possible effects due to construction. As the the construction work, the communities were damaged cable section can be located quite already showing a clear return to the condition precisely as described, the effects are likely to they were in prior to the construction work. It was be limited directly to the cable section in assumed there that it would no longer be question. possible to identify the effects of the construction If, due to geological conditions, it becomes work two to three years after the construction necessary in local areas to lay individual cable activities (KNUST et al. 2003). The linear nature sections directly on the seabed, benthic of the submarine cable systems favours communities are directly overbuilt in the area of repopulation from the undisturbed peripheral the cable route. This also applies to rockfill in the areas. In the monitoring of the Nord Stream area of cable crossings. The resulting loss of pipeline (2011-2013) repopulating of the affected habitat is permanent, but very small in scale. areas in the Bay of Greifswald and Pomeranian Bight by all native species was recorded. After Dependent on the installation: The locally two years, the community structure of the necessary rockfill represents a permanent non- benthic organisms and abundance in the local hard substrate. This will offer a new habitat affected areas did not differ significantly from for the benthos, making it possible for species that of the reference areas. The total biomass of and communities to settle even in areas where the benthic communities in the area of the filled they were not found previously, allowing them to trench after 2 years was still 50% lower extend their distribution ranges (SCHOMERUS et compared to the reference areas because of the al. 2006). relatively slow growth of the long-lived mussel Operational heating of the top sediment layer of Mya arenaria (NORD STREAM 2014). the seabed may occur directly above the cable Moreover, benthic organisms may be affected system, causing a reduction in winter mortality of on a short-term, small-scale basis by the release the infauna which can lead to a change in of nutrients and pollutants associated with the species communities in the area of submarine resuspension of sediment particles. The oxygen cable routes. In this case, cold-water-loving content may decrease if organic substances are species (e.g. Arctica islandica) which occur dissolved (HERRMANN & KRAUSE 2000). The regionally particularly in deeper areas can be possible release of pollutants from the sandy displaced from the area of the cable routes. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 216 Development Plan on the marine environment

According to available information, no significant Cable Systems by use of suitable insulation or effects from cable-induced sediment warming by appropriate cable configuration, so that are to be expected if a sufficient laying depth is significantly measurable electric fields do not maintained and if cable configurations according occur. Avoidance behaviour of benthic to the state of the art are used. organisms above cable systems is not known of (KNUST et al., 2003). Investigations into some Due to the heterogeneous geological conditions cancers and mussels did not provide any along the cable routes and the available laying evidence of harm to the animals due to low- methods, the laying depth in the Baltic Sea EEZ frequency static magnetic fields in the μT range is fundamentally limited. Therefore, the definition (BOCHERT & ZETTLER 2004). of a uniformly applicable value for the covering to be created for all planned submarine cable Individual cable magnetic fields arising during routes does not appear to be advantageous operation largely cancel each other out in the here. Accordingly, the planning principle planned three-wire AC Subsea Cable Systems only requires a covering for the Baltic Sea and are significantly below the amplitude of the without specification of a uniform value. earth's natural magnetic field. Modelling for DC Nevertheless, in accordance with the planning submarine cable systems resulted in values from principle for covering, a secure depth of the 11 to max. 15 μT at the surface of the seabed cable systems must be permanently established. (PGU 2012a & b). In comparison, the Earth's Therefore, definition of the coverage to be natural magnetic field is 30 to 60 μT, depending established is based on an individual approval on its location. Due to the lower load current and procedure based on a comprehensive study to the three-wire technology, a weaker magnetic be submitted by the project developer. Here the field can be assumed for AC Subsea Cable needs of marine environmental protection must Systems than for a DC Subsea Cable System. also be explicitly considered. Values of the order of less than 10 μT are to be expected for AC Subsea Cable Systems. The To comply with the 2K criterion, a corresponding strongest magnetic fields occur directly above principle for sediment warming was included in the cable. Further away, the strength of the fields the Site Development Plan (see planning decreases relatively quickly. principle This principle establishes compliance with the 2K criterion in order to On the basis of the above statements, it should reduce as much as possible the potential harm be noted in the findings of the Strategic to the marine environment from cable-induced Environmental Assessment that, according to the sediment warming. If the 2K criterion is adhered current state of knowledge taking into account to in accordance with the planning principle and damage-reducing measures, no significant taking into account the fact that the effects are effects are to be expected from the laying and small-scale, that is occur only a few meters on operation of submarine cable systems on the each side of the cable, it can be assumed that no factor Benthos. The extent to which adherence to significant effects on the benthic communities the 2K criterion can be ensured in all cable route are to be expected as a result of cable-induced sections, taking into account the local subsoil sediment warming. conditions, must be examined in the context of the individual approval procedure when the detailed The same assumptions apply to electric or project-specific framework conditions become electromagnetic fields. Likewise, these are not known. These route-related findings must be expected to have any significant effects on considered accordingly in determining the macrozoobenthos. Electric fields outside the cable systems can be avoided with AC Subsea Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 217 Development Plan on the marine environment

required covering (see e.g. planning principle are to be expected due to the comparatively small volumes. Simulations show that the sediment released will have resettled after a 4.3 Biotopes maximum of 12 hours. Thus, according to According to statements of the Federal Agency available information, the impairments will for Nature Conservation, unlike the FFH generally remain small-scale and temporary. assessment of the implications in section 34 of Due to the installation, permanent habitat the Federal Nature Conservation Act according changes will occur; although these will be limited to section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation to the immediate vicinity of the installations. The Act, the assessment of the presumably artificial hard substrate will provide benthic significant environmental impacts by rules of the organisms with a new habitat and may lead to a Site Development Plan with regard to biotopes, change in species composition (SCHOMERUS et as in the case of the BFO, is not required to al. 2006). Significant effects on biotopes as a accumulate any impairment due to various acts. protected asset are not to be expected on Accordingly, no cumulative consideration of account of these small-scale areas. In addition, individual rules is made. the recruitment of species will most likely take place from the natural hard substrate habitats, 4.3.1 Areas and sites such as superficial till and rocks. Thus there is Possible effects of territories and areas on little risk of atypical species having a negative biotopes as a protected asset may result from influence on the soft-bottom benthic community. direct use of protected biotopes due to the According to available information, operational foundations of the wind turbines, possible effects of the wind turbines on biotopes are not covering by sedimentation of material released to be expected. during construction and potential habitat changes. The impact forecasts described in chapter 4.3.3 apply correspondingly with regard to the Considerable use of protected biotopes by the construction and installation-related effects of installations due to construction is not to be cabling within the wind farms. expected, as protected biotopes according to section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation 4.3.2 Platforms Act are to be avoided as far as possible within Possible effects of platforms on biotopes as a the framework of the specific approval protected asset may result from direct use of procedure. Given the predominant sediment protected biotopes due to the foundations of the composition in areas in which protected biotopes platforms, possible covering by sedimentation of can be expected to occur, impairments due to material released during construction and sedimentation are likely to be small-scale as the potential habitat changes. released sediment will settle quickly. Given the predominant low currents close to the seabed, The construction-related and installation-related turbidity plumes can only be expected in areas effects on biotopes through direct use, with soft sediments up to a distance of approx. sedimentation and habitat change as described 500 m which clearly exceed natural suspended in chapter 4.3.1 also apply similarly to the matter maxima. The released material remains construction of platforms. Overall, construction- in the water column for long enough to be related and installation-related effects can be distributed over a large area, so barely classified as short-term and small-scale. detectable thicknesses of the deposited material According to available information, operational Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 218 Development Plan on the marine environment

effects on biotopes due to the platforms are not substrate. This will provide benthic organisms to be expected. with a new habitat and may lead to a change in species composition (SCHOMERUS et al. 2006). 4.3.3 Submarine cabling systems Significant effects on the factor Biotopes due to Potential construction-related effects of these small-scale regions are not to be submarine cable systems on biotopes as a expected. In addition, the recruitment of species protected asset may result from direct use of will most likely take place from the natural hard protected biotopes, possible covering by substrate habitats, such as superficial till and sedimentation of released material and potential rocks. Thus there is little risk of atypical species habitat changes. Direct use of protected having a negative influence on the soft-bottom biotopes will be avoided as far as possible benthic community. through the planning of submarine cable systems. Furthermore, protected biotope 4.4 Fish structures according to section 30 of the Federal The species composition for fish fauna in the Nature Conservation Act are to be treated as area is typical. In all areas, the fish community is being of special importance within the framework dominated by cod, herring, sprat and flatfish, of the specific approval procedure and avoided which is typical of the Baltic Sea. as far as possible within the framework of fine routing (see planning principle 4.4.1 Areas and sites Given the predominant sediment composition in According to current knowledge, the planned areas in which protected biotopes can be locations are not a preferred habitat for any of expected to occur, impairments due to covering the protected fish species. Consequently, the are likely to be small-scale as the released fish population in the planning area is of no sediment will settle quickly. Given the prominent ecological importance. predominant low currents close to the seabed, The construction and operational effects of the turbidity plumes can only be expected in areas wind farms on fish fauna will be limited spatially with soft sediments up to a distance of approx. and temporally. Construction activities will lead 500 m which clearly exceed natural suspended to sediment agitation and turbidity plumes, which matter maxima. The released material remains – although limited in terms of time and specific to in the water column for long enough to be species – may cause physiological impairments distributed over a large area, so barely and deterrence. Carnivorous predators such as detectable thicknesses of the deposited material mackerel and horse mackerel avoid high- are to be expected due to the comparatively sediment areas and thus avoid the risk of gluing small volumes. Simulations show that the up of the gill apparatus (EHRICH & STRANSKY sediment released will have resettled after a 1999). Due to their high mobility these species maximum of 12 hours. Thus, according to do not appear to be threatened as a result of the available information, the impairments will resuspension of sediment. Also adverse effects generally remain small-scale and temporary. on bottom-dwelling fish are not to be expected as a result of their good swimming abilities and Installation-related, permanent habitat associated alternatives. Amongst plaice and alterations are confined to the immediate rockfill sole, increased food foraging activity was area, which is required for cable crossing or in detected after storm-induced resuspension of the event that it is necessary to lay local cable sediment (EHRICH et al., 1998). Essentially, fish sections on the seabed. These rockfills will can avoid disturbances due to their pronounced permanently provide a hard, non-native sensory abilities (lateral line) and their high Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 219 Development Plan on the marine environment

mobility, so that adverse effects are unlikely for surveys at the first German wind farm "alpha adult fish. Eggs and larvae in which receipt, ventus" showed a reduced fish density during processing and then acting upon sensory stimuli the construction phase, probably due to pile is not or only slightly pronounced are generally driving and other construction activities. Neither more sensitive than their adult conspecifics. deterrence nor attraction could be proven during However, the spawning areas of most fish subsequent operation (KRÄGEFSKY 2014). This species are located either outside the finding was confirmed for the "BARD Offshore 1" developing wind farm areas in the German EEZ and "Global Tech 1" wind farms for Atlantic either near to the coast (spring spawning Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) and European sprat herring, OEBERST et al., 2009) or in the deep (Sprattus sprattus) (FLOETER et al. 2017). An basin (Baltic cod, KÖSTER et al., 2005). After increased density of individuals near the turbine fertilisation, fish eggs form the dermis, which foundations (SCHRÖDER et al. 2013, KRÄGEFSKY strengthens them against mechanical action, 2014) suggests a trophic relationship between e.g. against whirled up sediment. The early pelagic fish and vegetation, but hard substrate- stages of life may also be adapted to turbulence, associated organisms for Atlantic mackerel as it regularly reoccurs as a result of natural (Scomber scombrus) and Atlantic horse phenomena such as storms or currents. It is mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) are only likely that during the construction phase there insignificant food components (KRÄGEFSKY will be short, intense sound events, especially 2014). The filter-feeding species that make up during construction of the foundations that will most of the vegetation at the foundations could deter fish. The sound intensity and frequency influence plankton density, which is also crucial spectrum generated during pile driving can be for plankton-eating fish. However, this could not perceived by almost all fish (KNUST et al., 2003). be measured by means of the abundance of However, the range of perception and possible pelagic fish. Instead, significantly increased species-specific behavioural reactions have meroplankton densities were observed in water scarcely been studied thus far. The sound bodies that had previously flowed through a wind pressure generated during pile driving was farm (FLOETER et al. 2017). As fishing at the wind sufficient to cause internal bleeding and farms will largely be excluded, the installation of barotrauma of the swim bladder in cod (Gadus wind farms will create retreat areas from which morhua). This effect was detected at a distance the surrounding areas could also receive fish. of 1400 m or closer to a ram sound source (DE BACKER et al., 2017). However, here too an 4.4.2 Platforms escape response of the fish is to be assumed; a The species composition for fish fauna in the return after the end of the disturbance is likely. vicinity of the planned converter platforms is also Building activity in the "alpha ventus" test field in typical. In all areas, the fish community is the southern North Sea resulted in a sharply dominated by cod, herring, sprat and flatfish, reduced deep-sea fish population relative to the which is typical of the Baltic Sea. According to surrounding area (KRÄGEFSKY 2014), and also in available information, the planned converter the "BARD Offshore 1" project area there was sites are not a preferred habitat for any of the clear evidence during the three-year protected fish species. As a result, the fish construction phase of temporary repelling population in the vicinity of the planned converter effects, probably caused by pile driving and platforms is of no prominent ecological increased shipping traffic. The fish returned importance. The construction, installation- quickly to the areas avoided previously after related and operational effects of the converter completion of pile driving. Hydroacoustic Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 220 Development Plan on the marine environment

platforms on fish fauna will be limited spatially resuspension of sediment particles, which are and temporally. quickly reduced again by dilution and distribution effects (ICES 1992, 1998). The building activities Due to construction: construction activities result in noise emissions, which can exert a cause resuspension of sediment and turbidity deterrence effect on fish. It is likely that during plumes, which can cause temporary and the construction phase short, intense sound species-specific physiological adverse effects as events, especially during construction of the well as deterrence effects. Open water-hunting foundations will have a repelling effect. predators such as mackerel and horse mackerel However, it is to be expected that the fish will avoid areas with high sediment loads and thus return to the area after the noise source is avoid the risk of gluing up of the gill apparatus eliminated. At sufficiently high intensity, with an associated respiratory harm (EHRICH & physiological damage to the hearing apparatus STRANSKY 1999). Threatening of these species or other organs with lethal consequences is as a result of resuspension of sediment therefore conceivable. This applies in particular to noise seems unlikely due to evasive behaviour. emissions during pile driving (WOODS et al. Adverse effects on bottom-dwelling fish are not 2001). KNUST et al. (2003) assume that the to be expected. For example, amongst plaice sound emissions during pile driving can be and sole, increased food foraging activity was detected by almost all fish species due to the detected after storm-induced resuspension of high sound intensity and the generated sound sediment (EHRICH et al. 1998). Overall, spectrum. However, the range of detection and therefore, minor adverse effects are to be possible species-specific behavioural responses expected for adult fish. Due to the dominant have not been sufficiently investigated. The sediment characteristics, the released sediment study of the construction-related effects of wind will settle quickly. Thus, the adverse effects are turbines on fish in the test field "alpha ventus" likely to remain small-scale and temporary. A (KRÄGEFSKY 2014) demonstrated a deterrence short-term increase in sediment concentration in effect of the construction measures, based on water does not seem to be harmful to adult fish, the greatly reduced population of deep-sea fish as fish avoid such areas (IFAF 2004). However, in the alpha ventus area during construction eggs and larvae are more sensitive than the relative to the surrounding area. Also in the adult animals, so that as a result of the turbidity project area "BARD Offshore 1" during the three- plumes short-term and small-scale damage to year construction phase, there were clear fish eggs and fish larvae is possible. For most of indications of temporary repelling effects which the fish species occurring in the EEZ, spawning presumably were primarily noise-induced. The damage is not to be expected since the possible small-area findings indicate a repelling effect adverse effects acting on fish spawn depend on and thus an adverse effect on the fish fauna for the reproduction strategy. The eggs of deep-sea the areas affected by noise emissions in the spawning fish have a protective layer that construction area (intensification of shipping protects them from mechanical effects, e.g. traffic) and during pile driving. However, the swirled up sediment. Although the concentration results also confirm that after completion of pile of suspended particles may reach values that driving the respective areas are quickly re- are harmful to certain organisms, the effects on populated by the fish fauna. Five months after the fish are considered to be relatively low, since pile driving, no significant effects could be found such concentrations are limited in time and in the fish communities (PGU 2013). During space (HERMANN & KRAUSE 2000). This also construction of the converter platforms, noise applies to possible increases in the emissions will result from the use of ships, concentration of nutrients and pollutants due to Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 221 Development Plan on the marine environment

cranes and construction platforms as well as the and short-term in nature. Noise emissions from installation of platform foundations. The risk to the construction phase are to be reduced by the fish from the sound input from pile driving is means of suitable measures. The specific design expected to be reduced by mandated measures of these measures is to be dealt with by the to reduce noise. Partial aspects of the individual approval procedure. No significant deterrence measures for marine mammals are effects are to be expected with regard to possible also likely to be applicable to fish. In accordance operational effects of the converter platforms, with the planning principle for noise reduction either. during pile driving, the noise protection value must comply with a sound exposure level of less 4.4.3 Submarine cabling systems than 160 dB re 1μPa²s outside a circle with a The species composition for fish fauna on the radius of 750 m around the piling or insertion intended submarine cable routes is also typical. point. In all areas, the fish community is dominated by cod, herring, sprat and flatfish, which is typical of Due to the installation: The construction of the the Baltic Sea. According to current knowledge, foundations of the converter platforms and the the planned submarine cable routes are not a scour protection will build over local habitats. preferred habitat for any of the protected fish Demersal fish will lose habitats permanently as species. As a result, the fish population in the a result, but on a very small scale. An increase vicinity of the planned submarine cable routes is in the local biomass is predicted in all known of no prominent ecological importance. The studies to date due to the assumed colonisation construction, installation-related and operational of the foundation surfaces by benthic and algae effects of the laying of submarine cables on fish species, which may lead to expansion of the food fauna will be limited spatially and temporally. spectrum and food availability for individual species, as well as an increase in species Due to construction: When laying the cable diversity. While individual studies show systems, turbidity plumes may occur temporarily attraction for demersal fish, these have not yet and local sediment agitation may occur. This been demonstrated for the highly mobile pelagic may result in impairment of or damage to fish in species. the vicinity of the cable systems while construction activities are in progress. The Due to operation: The converter platforms do not released sediment will settle quickly due to the pose any significant risk to fish during operation. predominant sediment composition. Thus, the The removal of cooling water and the discharge adverse effects remain temporary and small- of heated water may lead to impairment of fish scale. Fish may also be deterred temporarily, larvae, but relevant effects on the resulting in small-scale and short-term habitat ichthyoplankton or the fish community are not to loss due to construction-related noise and be expected as the amount of water removed vibrations. A short-term increase in the and heated is very small in relation to the size of concentration of sediment particles does not the water body in which it is distributed. appear to be harmful for adult fish, as it is known In summary, it can be stated that given available that fish avoid areas with high levels of information and taking into account the anthropogenic sediment agitation (IFAF 2004). assessment of the situation, it is unlikely that the These include predators that hunt in open planned converter sites will significantly impair waters, such as Atlantic mackerel and Atlantic fish as a protected asset. The effects of horse mackerel, which avoid areas with high construction on fish fauna are not considered to sediment loads, thereby avoiding the risk of the be significant overall, as they are small-scale gills sticking together and restricting their Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 222 Development Plan on the marine environment

respiration (EHRICH & STRANSKY 1999). comparison, the Earth's natural magnetic field is However, eggs and larvae of a species are more 30 to 60 μT, depending on its location. Due to sensitive than adult animals, so turbidity plumes the lower load current and the three-wire may cause short-term and small-scale damage technology, a weaker magnetic field can be to fish eggs and larvae. For most fish species assumed for AC Subsea Cable Systems than for occurring in the EEZ, however, spawn damage DC Subsea Cable Systems. Values of less than is not to be expected as the potential impairment 10 µT are to be expected for AC Subsea Cable of fish spawn is dependent on the reproduction Systems. The strongest magnetic fields occur strategy. The eggs of pelagic spawning fish directly above the cable system. Further away usually have a protective layer that protects them from the cable system, the strength of the fields from mechanical effects caused by agitated decreases relatively quickly. Orientation to the sediments. Although the concentration of Earth's magnetic field is documented for a suspended particles may reach values that are number of fish species, in particular migratory harmful to certain organisms, the effects on fish species such as Atlantic salmon and European are to be regarded as relatively small since such eel. These species can perceive electric fields, concentrations occur only spatially and which in some cases may lead to behavioural temporally and are rapidly degraded again by changes (MARHOLD & KULLINK 2000, ÖHMANN dilution and distribution effects (HERRMANN & 2007). According to KULLINK & MARHOLD (1999), KRAUSE 2000). This also applies to potential potential impairment of the orientation behaviour increases in the concentration of nutrients and of adult individuals of species that use electric or pollutants due to the resuspension of sediment magnetic fields for orientation (such as eels, particles (ICES 1992, 1998). The primary risk sharks and salmon) is at most short-term, as during sedimentation of the released substrate is experiments on the Baltic Sea eels have shown. that fish spawn deposited on the seabed may be Fish rely on different environmental parameters covered. This may result in an insufficient supply which are responsible for orientation in of oxygen to the eggs and potentially leading to interaction. damage to or even death of the spawn, In summary, it can be stated that according to depending on efficiency and duration. For most available information, no significant impairment fish species occurring in the EEZ, spawn of fish as a protected asset is to be expected damage is not to be expected as they either have from the laying and operation of submarine pelagic eggs and/or their spawning sites are in cables. The overall impact of construction on fish shallow waters outside the EEZ. Moreover, the fauna is not considered to be significant. As far fish fauna is adapted to the natural sediment as possible operational effects of the submarine agitation that is typical here, caused by storms. cable systems are concerned, such as magnetic Due to operation: Generation of magnetic fields fields and the temperature increase of the cannot be ruled out when submarine cables are sediment, no significant effects are to be operated. However, electric fields cannot be expected either. measured in either DC or AC submarine cable systems. The magnetic fields of the individual 4.5 Marine mammals cable systems will be largely eliminated in the planned bipolar (outbound and return 4.5.1 Areas, sites and platforms conductors) or three-wire cable configurations. The three areas O-1, O-2 and O-3, like the entire Modelling for DC submarine cable systems western Baltic Sea, are part of the harbour resulted in values from 11 to max. 15 μT at the porpoise habitat. According to the current state surface of the seabed (PGU 2012a & b). In of knowledge, the three areas are used by Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 223 Development Plan on the marine environment

harbour porpoises as transit areas. There is exposure limit. The exposure limit decreases as currently no evidence that these three sites have the duration of the signal increases, i.e. special functions as feeding grounds or rearing permanent exposure may result in damage to areas for harbour porpoises. Harbour seals and animals' hearing even at lower volumes. On the grey seals use areas O-1 and O-2 only basis of these latest findings, it is clear that sporadically as transit areas. On the basis of the harbour porpoises are subject to a threshold shift findings from the monitoring of the Natura 2000 above 200 decibels (dB) at most, which may also sites and investigations for offshore wind farms, result in damage to vital sensory organs. The a low to medium significance of the three sites scientific evidence that has led to the for harbour porpoises can currently be inferred. recommendation or establishment of noise These sites have no special significance for control limits is based mainly on observations in harbour seals and grey seals. other cetacean species (SOUTHALL et al. 2007), or on experiments on harbour porpoises in Due to construction: dangers may be caused for captivity using what are known as airguns or air harbour porpoises, grey seals and harbour seals pulsers (LUCKE et al. 2009). resulting from noise emissions during the installation of the foundations of wind turbines Without the use of noise reduction measures, and transformer platforms where these are considerable impairments of marine mammals constructed as pile-driven foundations, if no could not be excluded during installation in mitigation and prevention measures are individual subareas. Therefore, insertion of the implemented. piles of wind turbines and transformer platforms will only be permitted in the specific approval In order to estimate the possible effects and procedure provided effective noise reduction potential risks for marine mammals, knowledge measures are implemented. For this purpose, of the hearing of marine mammals is required, as the plan includes a specification regarding the well as knowledge of the intensity of sound noise reduction principle. This states that pile emissions during pile-driving. To date, there driving of the foundations should only be exists only incomplete knowledge about the performed in compliance with strict noise hearing of marine mammals, about the potential reduction measures. In the specific approval hazards of various activities and about hearing procedure, extensive noise reduction and thresholds or changes in hearing thresholds monitoring measures are mandated so that the (RICHARDSON 2002). applicable noise protection values are met. A The first results on the acoustic resilience of maximum sound exposure level (SEL) of 160 dB harbour porpoises were obtained within the re 1μPa²s and a peak sound pressure level of framework of the MINOSplus project. Following 190 dB re 1μPa are specified at a distance of 750 exposure to noise with a maximum receiving m from the pile driving or insertion location. level of 200 pk-pk dB re 1 µPa and an energy Appropriate measures must be implemented so flux density of 164 dB re 1 µPa2/Hz, a temporary as to ensure that no marine mammals are threshold shift (known as a TTS) was detected present in the vicinity of the pile driving site. for the first time at 4 kHz in an animal in captivity. During pile driving in particular, direct It also showed that the threshold shift lasted disturbances of marine mammals at individual more than 24 hours. Behavioural changes were level are to be expected for a limited time. registered in the animal from a receiving level of Currently, the duration of pile driving for 174 pk-pk dB re 1 µPa (LUCKE et al. 2009). transformer platform installation is estimated at Besides the absolute volume, the duration of the no more than one week; here the effective pile signal also determines the effects on the driving time, including deterrence, is about three Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 224 Development Plan on the marine environment

hours. A loss of habitat around the construction technical noise reduction measures. In 2012 and site is to be expected during installation of the 2013, the noise protection values could not foundations. The effective pile driving time always be reliably complied with. The lack of (including deterrence) to be adhered to in each continuous compliance with noise protection case is specified in the approval procedure for values was linked to the lack of practical specific sites and installations. Within the experience in the development and application framework of the enforcement procedure, the of noise reduction measures. However, with the coordination of noise-intensive work with other support of offshore operators and federal construction projects is also reserved so as to research projects, highly effective technical prevent or reduce cumulative effects. developments have been progressed. The development of technical noise protection in The noise control limit recommended by the offshore construction sites has meant that since Federal Environment Agency has already been 2014 noise protection values have been reliably devised by means of preparatory work in various complied with and even undershot. Since 2014, projects (UNIVERSITY OF HANOVER, ITAP, events where the noise protection values have Research and Technology Centre 2003). For been exceeded have been rare, and have been precautionary reasons, "margins of safety" were associated with unforeseeable technical defects taken into account, e.g. for the previously in the noise reduction systems. documented interindividual distribution of hearing sensitivity, and above all because of the In 2016, the "Viking" project was constructed in problem of repeated exposure to loud noise area O-1. The formation of the foundations on impulses as will occur during pile driving of jacket structures was performed by pile driving. foundations (ELMER et al., 2007). At present, In 2017, the foundations were installed on only very limited reliable data is available for the monopiles for the project "Arkona Basin purposes of evaluating the duration of exposure Southeast". Despite the difficult ground to noise from pile driving. However, pile driving conditions, the use of combined noise protection that may take several hours has much higher measures consisting of an advanced bubble potential for harm than the driving of a single pile. curtain system and a pile-near system ensured Currently, it is not clear what reduction should be dependable compliance with the noise applied to value the above limit for a sequence protection values and even undershooting of the of individual events. A margin of 3 dB to 5 dB for sound exposure level SEL05 at 750 m distance each tenfold increase in the number of pile by up to 6 dB re 1µPas2 were achieved. Equally driving pulses is being discussed in expert good results were achieved during the circles. installation of monopiles in the North Sea EEZ. The noise control limit used in approval practice The results from existing applications of noise is below the limit proposed by SOUTHALL et al. reduction systems confirm that, using suitable (2007), due to the uncertainties shown here in measures, it is possible to reduce the single the evaluation of the exposure time. event level (SEL) of the piling at a distance of Nevertheless, on the basis of the new scientific 750 m to less than 160 dB re 1μPa. work, it can be assumed that the noise protection The extent of the obligations required at values must be complied with to be able to licensing level is determined by the assessment prevent injuries to harbour porpoises with the of the individual project at site and project level required degree of certainty. on the basis of wildlife conservation and Since 2011, all construction projects in the territorial protection requirements. In general, German North and Baltic Sea EEZs have used the above considerations for harbour porpoises Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 225 Development Plan on the marine environment

relating to noise emissions arising from developments in the field of underwater noise transformer platform construction activities also reduction show that the use of suitable measures apply to grey seals and harbour seals. To assess can significantly reduce or even eliminate the the effects of stratification of the water under risk of the effects of noise pollution on marine certain hydrographic conditions on the mammals. propagation of sound input from pile driving On the basis of the functional importance of the operations in the Baltic Sea and, if necessary, to areas for harbour porpoises and the regulations be able to implement additional measures, implemented in the site development plan for the special monitoring measures are mandated as reduction of sound inputs, the effects of wind part of the execution of individual projects. turbines and transformer platforms on harbour In summary, it can be assumed, based on the porpoises are evaluated in Table 17. The latest scientific findings, that the noise from pile exclusion of the construction of wind turbines driving, without the use of deterrence and and transformer platforms in Natura 2000 sites reduction measures, will have significant effects helps to reduce the risk to harbour porpoises in on marine mammals. However, current technical important nature conservation areas. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 226 Development Plan on the marine environment

Table 17: Assessment of the impact of wind turbines and transformer platforms on harbour porpoises in relation to the function and significance of the individual areas.

Effects Area Function Importance Estimation1

Migration area medium negligible

O-1 Feeding ground medium negligible

Rearing ground low negligible Construction phase (time limited, local, Migration area medium negligible medium impact at O-2 Feeding ground low negligible most) Rearing ground none negligible

Migration area low negligible

O-3 Feeding ground low negligible

Rearing ground none negligible

Migration area medium negligible

O-1 Feeding ground medium negligible

Rearing ground low negligible Operating phase (local, permanent low Migration area medium negligible impact arising from O-2 Feeding ground low negligible attraction effects) Rearing ground none negligible

Migration area low negligible

O-3 Feeding ground low negligible

Rearing ground none negligible

1 Assuming strict compliance with noise reduction measures according to the planning principle.

Operational and installation-related: Based on noise levels can be expected at most from the current state of knowledge, substantial transformer platform operation. However, in effects caused by the transformer platforms on accordance with the established approval marine mammals during the operating phase practices, it is also stipulated for the transformer can be excluded. Thus, investigations into the platforms that only state-of-the-art technology is operating noise of wind turbines in the "alpha to be used that ensures the lowest possible ventus" test field have shown that the operating noise emissions in the water body. noise levels scarcely differ from background A study conducted on the Dutch offshore wind noise levels at distances of a few hundred farm "Egmond aan Zee" provides new findings meters (BETKE et al. 2012). The results support on the habitat use of offshore wind farms during the assumption that at a distance of 1000 m from operation. With the aid of acoustic recording, the the wind turbine the noise level is 12 to 15 dB use of the site of the wind farm or of two below the hearing level of the porpoise. Based reference sites by harbour porpoises was on the current state of knowledge, comparable investigated before the turbines were Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 227 Development Plan on the marine environment

constructed (baseline survey) and in two 4.5.2 Submarine cabling systems consecutive years of the operating phase. The Due to construction: During the installation results of the study confirm a pronounced and phase, which is limited temporally and spatially, statistically significant increase in acoustic short-term deterrence for marine mammals may activity in the inner area of the wind farm during occur due to construction-related shipping traffic. the operating phase compared to activity or use However, these effects will not go beyond the during the baseline survey (SCHEIDAT et al. disruptions generally associated with slow ship 2011). The increase in harbour porpoise activity movements. As the Baltic Sea is intensively used within the wind farm during operation for shipping, no significant additional disruption significantly exceeded the increase in activity in of marine mammals is to be expected due to the both reference areas. The increase in use of the increased shipping traffic arising during the wind farm area was clearly independent of construction phase or subsequently for repair seasonality and interannual variability. The and maintenance purposes. Possible changes in authors of the study see a direct correlation the sedimentary structure and associated between the presence of the turbines and the temporary benthos changes have no effect on increased use by harbour porpoises. They marine mammals because marine mammals suspect the causes lie in factors such as the hunt their prey in extensive areas in the water increase in the food supply by what is known as column. the "reef effect" or the calm waters in the site due to the absence of fishing and shipping, or Operational sediment warming has no direct possibly a positive combination of these factors. effect on highly mobile animals such as marine mammals. The influence of electromagnetic Also, results from "Horns Rev I" indicate an increased presence of harbour porpoises inside fields from submarine cables on the migration the wind farm during the operating phase in behaviour of marine mammals is largely unknown (GILL et al. 2005). However, since the comparison with the baseline survey (BLEW et al. 2006). magnetic fields occurring are significantly below the Earth's natural magnetic field, no significant On the basis of the above statements, it should effects on marine mammals are to be expected. be noted in the conclusion to the Strategic Environmental Assessment that during the pile As a result of the Strategic Environmental driving significant negative impacts on marine Assessment, it should be noted that based on the current state of knowledge no significant mammals in partial areas cannot be excluded. Therefore, the plan includes a noise reduction effects on the factor Marine mammals are to be principle for the construction of transformer expected due to the laying and operation of platforms. Assuming compliance with existing submarine cable systems. noise protection values after implementation of the noise reduction measures mandated in the individual approval procedure in accordance with the planning principle and because of the high mobility of the animals, no significant adverse effects on marine mammals are currently expected. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 228 Development Plan on the marine environment

4.6 Seabirds and resting birds To summarise, due to the generally high mobility of birds and the measures to be taken to avoid All existing findings point to a medium and reduce intensive disruptions, significant importance for area O-1, and low importance for effects on all species during the construction areas O-2 and O-3 for seabirds and resting birds. phase can be excluded with the necessary On the whole, area O-1 has an average certainty. incidence of seabirds and similarly only an average incidence of endangered species and Due to operation and the installation: Erected species requiring special conservation wind turbines may present an obstacle in the air measures. Areas O-2 and O-3 have a low and may also cause collisions of seabirds and incidence of endangered species and species resting birds with the vertical structures (GARTHE that are particularly worthy of protection. All three 2000). It is difficult to estimate the extent of such sites are not amongst the main resting, feeding incidents to date, as it is assumed that the and wintering habitats of species listed in Annex majority of birds that collide with solid structures I of the Wild Birds Directive or protected species are not seen (HÜPPOP et al. 2006). However, for of the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature species susceptible to disruption, such as divers conservation area. The areas are unimportant and black-throated divers, the collision risk is for breeding birds because of their distance from very low as they do not fly directly to or near wind the coasts. Due to the depth of the water, they farms due to their avoidance behaviour. are also not amongst the important feeding Furthermore, factors such as manoeuvrability, grounds for diving sea ducks. altitude and proportion of time spent flying determine the collision risk of a species (GARTHE 4.6.1 Areas and sites & HÜPPOP 2004). The risk of collision for Due to construction: Effects on seabirds and seabirds and resting birds must therefore be resting birds are to be expected during the assessed differently for each species. construction of offshore wind turbines, although As part of StUKplus, the "TESTBIRD" project their nature and extent will be limited temporally determined the range of flight altitudes of, and spatially. amongst others, the three large seagull species Avoidance of the construction site is to be herring, lesser black-backed and greater black- expected in the case of species susceptible to backed gulls, as well as the smaller species of disturbance. In this context, construction-related common gull and little gull, using rangefinders. shipping traffic will not exceed the extent of the In the majority of recorded flights, the large gulls impact that regular shipping already has on flew at heights of 30 - 150 m, common and little seabirds in some areas of the German Baltic gulls were mainly observed at lower altitudes up Sea. Moreover, the planning principles on which to 30 m (MENDEL et al. 2015). A recent study at the Site Development Plan is based provide for the British Thanet Offshore Wind Farm temporal and spatial coordination of construction investigated the flight altitude distribution of the projects and a reduction in the volume of three large seagull species European herring shipping traffic. Turbidity plumes will also occur gulls, great black-backed gulls and lesser black- only locally, and for a limited time. Attraction due backed gulls, for example, also using the to site lighting and site vehicles cannot be ruled Rangefinder (SKOV et al. 2018). The flight out. Corresponding ancillary provisions for altitude measurements for the large seagulls minimising emissions are included in the showed heights comparable to those identified individual approval procedures, however, in by Mendel et al. (2015). order to reduce these to a necessary minimum. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 229 Development Plan on the marine environment

To estimate the potential risk of seabirds and flight altitudes are in the vicinity of the rotating resting birds colliding with wind turbines at sea, rotor blades. Furthermore, the exclusion of wind the corresponding height parameters of the farm projects in Natura 2000 areas minimises turbines are an important indicator. In the risk of collisions in important feeding grounds accordance with current technical developments and resting grounds in the EEZ. with regard to the dimensions of future wind A species-specific avoidance of wind farm sites turbines, scenarios were included in the Site can be assumed for disturbance-sensitive Development Plan which take the altitude species during the operating phase of wind parameters into consideration (see chapter 1.5.5 farms. of the environmental report). Wind turbines with Red-throated divers and black-throated divers a hub height of 125 m and a rotor diameter of (collectively referred to as divers in the following) 198 m would be used in scenario 1, thereby are considered to be particularly sensitive to reaching a total height of 224 m. In scenario 2, wind farms and also moving ships. A 'scarecrow' the wind turbines would have a hub height of 175 reaction occurs in the latter case with the birds m, a rotor diameter of 250 m and a total height flying up at a distance of 2 km from the ship of 300 m. This means that the lower, rotor-free (GARTHE et al. 2002, SCHWEMMER et al. 2011). area from the surface of the water to the lower tip of the rotor blade would be 26 m in scenario In the meantime, on-going investigations as part 1 and 50 m in scenario 2. of the operational monitoring of wind farm projects in the North Sea have revealed area- In general, large and small seagulls are highly dependent significant avoidance distances of up manoeuvrable and can react to wind turbines to 15 km. It should be noted that these distances with corresponding evasive manoeuvres are not cases of total avoidance, rather partial (GARTHE & HÜPPOP 2004). This was also shown avoidance with increasing diver densities up to by the study by SKOV et al. (2018), in which not the corresponding distances (BIOCONSULT SH & only the flight altitude but also the immediate, Co.KG 2017b, BIOCONSULT SH & Co.KG 2018, small-scale and large-scale evasive behaviour of IFAÖ et al. 2017b, IFAÖ 2018b, IBL the species in question were investigated. UMWELTPLANUNG GMBH et al. 2017, IBL Furthermore, the surveys by means of radar and UMWELTPLANUNG GMBH et al. 2018). a thermal imaging camera showed low nocturnal activity. The risk of collision at night due to Such wide-area avoidance reactions by the attraction as a result of illumination of the wind divers have not been observed in the Baltic Sea turbines can therefore also be deemed to be low. (IfAÖ 2018a). This may be due to the fact that the areas planned in the Site Development Plan Although Garthe & Hüppop (2004) confirmed and Baltic Sea EEZ in general have no special that diving sea ducks as well as great crested importance for this species group and divers are grebes and red-necked grebes lack only occasionally encountered - as passage manoeuvrability, these species generally fly at migrants and in the winter. The same applies to altitudes of no more than 5-10 m and are thus other species, such as guillemots, razorbills and outside the area of the rotor. little gulls, for which so far small-scale avoidance Overall, the implementation of the wind turbines behaviour has been observed (IFAÖ et al. at the sites as specified in scenarios 1 and 2 in 2017b, IBL UMWELTPLANUNG GMBH et al. 2017, the Site Development Plan will thus not involve IBL UMWELTPLANUNG GMBH et al. 2018). an increased risk of collision for seabird and Significant effects in the form of habitat loss can resting bird species. According to available therefore be safely ruled out. information, this also applies to species whose Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 230 Development Plan on the marine environment

The Site Development Plan will also define expected to have a significant impact on specifications regarding the consideration of seabirds and resting birds during the operating best environmental practice and the relevant phase. The platforms will be constructed in the state of the art. In this context, regulations on the immediate vicinity of the wind farms. Thus any prevention and reduction of adverse impacts on effects from the platforms will not go beyond the seabirds and resting birds due to the extent of the possible effects of the directly construction and operation of wind turbines, in adjacent wind farms. particular in the form of measures to minimise Should the benthic species composition change pollutant and light immissions, are to be adopted in the vicinity of the platforms and wind farms, at approval level. This corresponds to the current this change could attract fish and predators such approval practice. as seabirds. However, the effects of sediment Furthermore, it is not possible to rule out the changes and benthos changes in the immediate recovery of fish populations during the operating vicinity of the platforms would remain phase as a result of a fishing ban within the wind insignificant for seabirds, as they predominantly farm, which will be accompanied by a ban on search for their prey organisms in very extensive ships. Besides the introduction of hard substrate, areas in the water column. Deterrence due to the species composition of the fish present could shipping and helicopter traffic during thus increase and provide an attractive food maintenance and repair work may occur for a supply for seabirds searching for food. limited period of time during the operation of the Significant impairment cannot be predicted for platforms. this aspect. Offshore platforms have often been found to be used as resting places by many bird species. 4.6.2 Platforms Therefore, it is not possible to exclude attraction Due to construction: Direct disruptions to to the platforms for many seagull species. seabirds due to deterrence are to be expected during the construction phase, at most locally The Site Development Plan will also define and limited in terms of time. Due to the high specifications regarding the consideration of mobility of birds and the measures to be taken – best environmental practice and the relevant in the respective individual approval procedures state of the art. In this context, regulations on the – to avoid and reduce intensive disturbances, prevention and reduction of adverse impacts on considerable effects can be excluded with a high seabirds due to the construction and operation degree of certainty. The construction of of platforms, in particular in the form of measures platforms is limited spatially, so any effects such to minimise pollutant and light immissions, are to as avoidance behaviour or attraction from be adopted at approval level. This corresponds construction ships can only occur locally. to the current approval practice. However, given the existing prior impact from Therefore, installation and operating-induced shipping traffic, the effects of traffic due to impacts of platforms on seabirds and resting construction will not lead to a significant increase birds can be safely ruled out. in disturbances and barrier effects. In summary, therefore, it can be stated that the impairments 4.6.3 Submarine cabling systems to seabirds that may be associated with According to available information, the laying construction operations are not significant. and operation of submarine cable systems is not expected to have any significant effects on Due to operation and the installation: According seabirds and resting birds. Short-term to available information, platforms are not Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 231 Development Plan on the marine environment

deterrence may occur due to construction- along the "flyway" (Islands of Fehmarn, Falster, related shipping traffic, but only during the Møn and Seeland, and on to Falsterbo). East of installation phase, which is limited temporally this main route, these birds migrate in much and spatially. However, these effects will not go lower density (e.g. FRANSSON & PETTERSSON beyond the disruptions generally associated with 2001). slow ship movements. Significant effects on For land bird migration, the Baltic Sea is of resting birds due to construction-related turbidity above-average importance due to the very high plumes or due to sediment changes and benthos number of birds. The Baltic Sea is of above- changes in the vicinity of the crossing structures average importance for crane migration, are not to be expected either, as these birds because the majority of the biogeographic seek their prey in very extensive areas in the population on its way south must inevitably cross water column. the Baltic Sea. In total, up to 50,000 Installation-related and operational effects of the Scandinavian raptors migrate south from planned submarine cable systems on seabirds Falsterbo across the Baltic Sea. The German and resting birds can be excluded with the Baltic Sea EEZ also has an average to above- necessary certainty. A possible collision risk due average importance for migrating water birds. to construction vehicles can be classified as very This is derived from the fact that there are two low due to the short-term nature of the main routes along the Swedish and German construction phase. coasts in the western Baltic for the diurnal migratory water birds and the German EEZ can In summary, it can be stated that considerable at the very least be said to lie on the border of effects on seabirds and resting birds as a the coastal focus of the migration along the protected asset due to the laying and operation Mecklenburg coast (KNUST et al. 2003). of submarine cable systems are not to be expected. Due to construction: In the first instance, disturbances during the construction phase will 4.7 Migratory birds be caused by noise and light emissions and The Baltic Sea EEZ is of average to above- visual upheaval. These may cause varying average importance for bird migration. Every degrees of deterrence and barrier effects on year, up to a billion birds migrate over the Baltic migratory birds, depending on the species. Sea. For sea ducks and geese from Northern However, the lights from construction equipment Europe and Russia, the Baltic Sea is an may also attract migratory birds and increase the important transit area, with a large part of the risk of collision. migration occurring in the autumn in the east- Due to the installation and operation: The west direction close to the coast. The western planned offshore wind turbines, transformer Baltic Sea is flown over, sometimes in high platforms and offshore transformer platforms intensities, by several species that require may present a barrier to migratory birds or a risk special protection (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper of collision during the operating phase. In the swan, eider duck, common and velvet scoter). clear weather conditions preferred by the birds Nighttime migration occurs on a wide front for migration, the probability of a collision with without discernible gradients in the migration vertical structures is very low because the flight intensities. Concentration areas and leading altitude of most birds will be far above the turbine lines are present for diurnal bird migration in the height and also the rotor height of the western Baltic Sea. Thermal soarers (and other surrounding wind turbines and the turbines are diurnal migratory land birds) prefer to travel Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 232 Development Plan on the marine environment

clearly visible. Bad weather conditions increase bird migration with the exception of crane the risk. migration, this does not give rise to any divergent risk in the development of offshore wind farms. As a general rule, bird migration will not be Previous findings of monitoring studies endangered if there is an abstract risk that single (INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH individuals will come to harm as they migrate 2016a, BIOCONSULT SH 2017) have not provided through an offshore wind farm. A risk to bird any evidence of significant adverse impacts on migration will only be present if sufficient bird migration. information justifies the prediction that the number of birds that may potentially be affected It must be noted here that the previous wind is such that significant impairment of one or more turbines did not exceed the total height of 200 m, different populations could be assumed with which is the basis for the previous impact sufficient probability, taking into account their forecasts. The future plans according to the Site respective population sizes. The Development Plan, on the other hand, envisage biogeographical population of the migratory bird two scenarios in order to account for current species in question provides the reference value technical developments. Scenario 1 assumes a for quantitative observation. hub height of 125 m, a rotor diameter of 198 m and a total height of 224 m, with the height of the There is agreement that, under existing lower rotor tip at 26 m. In scenario 2, the legislation, individual losses must be accepted corresponding values are 175 m, 250 m, 300 m during bird migration. In particular, it must be and 50 m. Due to these larger dimensions, the borne in mind that bird migration in itself already swept area of the rotor also increases. However, entails many dangers and that populations are this influence is reduced as the number of subjected to harsh selection. The mortality rate turbines decreases. The higher turbines, for small birds can be about 60 to 80%, while the however, can increase the risk of collision. natural mortality rate is lower for larger species. The individual species also have different Altitude profiles obtained based on migration reproduction rates, which means that the loss of observations carried out by a visual spotter in the individuals for each species can have different areas O-1, O-2 and O-3 (OECOS 2015, IFAÖ implications. 2016A AND BIOCONSULT SH 2017) indicate a high concentration at altitudes up to 20 m. Thus, A generally valid acceptance limit has not yet about 90% of the migration movements in the O- been determined due to the absence of 3 area occurred at altitudes of up to 20 m conclusive findings. However, the threshold (BIOCONSULT SH 2017). value of one percent, which is often used by experts in avifaunistic studies, can be used at Previous investigations of bird migration using least as a guideline. vertical radar in the EEZ in the Baltic Sea showed that the altitude distribution was The potential danger for the respective dependent on the time of day. In area O-3, bird biogeographical population lies firstly in the loss migration predominantly took place at altitudes due to bird strikes and secondly in other adverse below 500 meters. The preference for low effects that may result from forced changes in altitudes also results in a high proportion of flight flight routes. movements in the potential risk area of the 4.7.1 Areas and sites rotors. During the day, between 65.2% (spring) and 66.7% (autumn) of flight movements were Since the marine areas O-1, O-2 and O-3 do not recorded in the altitude range up to 200m, while differ significantly in terms of their importance for the corresponding figures at night were 28.8% Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 233 Development Plan on the marine environment

(spring) and 26.8% (autumn). Furthermore, it If we consider the low flight altitudes of the birds was found that the migration altitude depended migrating during the day, most of which fly below on the migration intensity. Thus, especially at 20 m and thus also below the lower rotor tip night, bird sightings in periods of low migration according to above scenarios 1 and 2, no were more often at lower altitudes. This could significant impacts can be expected for birds that reflect poorer migration conditions (weather) migrate during the day as a result of planning in which reduces the number of migrating birds and the Site Development Plan. An exception could causes them to migrate at lower heights to avoid be the crane. Where the crane is concerned 91% the worse weather. of the visible migration was detected at altitudes During the long-term study of bird migration in between 20 and 200 meters (BIOCONSULT SH the North Sea EEZ in the "Northern Borkum" 2017). Intensive radar surveys of migrating area, a bimodal distribution pattern of the cranes on Rügen between 2005 and 2008 recorded bird movements was recorded in the revealed a high variability in flight altitudes (20 m dark in the spring of 2016. At night, both the - 1,300 m) for migration between the northern tip lowest altitude ranges up to 100 m (35,018 of Rügen and the south coast of Sweden (IFAÖ flights; 13.2%) as well as the highest ranges 2010). On average, groups of cranes flew at between 900 and 1,000 m (30,295 flights; about 300 meters. Here, two different flight 11.4%) were the most frequented. About one behaviours were recorded: the 'simple' straight third of the echoes were each recorded at flight without loss of altitude and straight flight altitudes up to 300 m, above 300 m to 700 m and interrupted by regular circles. Altitude was above 700 m to 1,000 m (AVITEC RESEARCH gained during circling, while the straight flight 2017). Corresponding to the conditions in spring, travel was associated with a loss of altitude. The however, bird migration with altitude profiles circling flight movements were mainly observed different from the basic pattern were also close to land and probably exploited updrafts in recorded at night in autumn. In the busy bird such areas. A study with 3-D GPS devices on migration night of 25/26 October 2016, the eight cranes crossing the Baltic Sea between the altitude range above 900 m to 1,000 m was the south coast of Sweden and the German Baltic most frequented, suggesting that bird migration Sea coast displayed similar flight behaviour that night was underestimated, and a high (but (SKOV et al. 2015). Four cranes migrated the unknown) percentage of migrating birds flew entire distance over the open sea at a constant above the radar measurement range. By height of less than 200 m. By contrast, two birds comparison, bird migration also shifted heavily to ascended to altitudes of about 1,000 m before the higher altitudes during the very busy bird reaching the Swedish coast, continuously lost migration night 9/10 November. altitude during the crossing and reached land at an altitude of about 200 m. Avitec Research therefore assumes that its vertical radar system, with its data basis of up to Extensive measurements with a "laser an altitude of 1,000 m, records an average of at rangefinder" from the platform FINO2 in the least 2/3 of all bird migration. In individual cases, vicinity of the "Baltic 2" OWP also showed a clear the percentage of bird migration may be preponderance of altitudes below 200 m in significantly higher, depending on the vertical spring and autumn as well as a dependence of wind profile. Conversely, on nights with an altitude distribution on wind conditions (SKOV et altitude distribution that decreases only slowly or al. 2015). In contrast to radar surveys, visual even increases, more than half of all migratory observations, even with the help of rangefinders, birds are missed. However, this is usually only suffer from methodological constraints which the case for a small number of nights. reduce the probability of detecting higher flying Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 234 Development Plan on the marine environment

birds. This probably leads to a systematic bad weather. Consequently, even the larger underestimation of the proportion of cranes in turbines in scenarios 1 and 2 are not expected to the altitude range greater than 200 m (see IFAÖ have any significant effects according to the 2010). current state of knowledge. However, the risk of In summary, it can be concluded from the collision may vary depending on existing aforementioned studies and the results of the offshore wind farms in the marine areas. This visual observations in 2014 and 2015 applies to areas O-1 and O-3. These areas (BIOCONSULT SH 2017) that a section of the already have constructed wind turbines which migrating cranes use the altitude range up to 200 are about 50 m lower in area O-3 and about 80 m, and thus are potentially flying at the heights m lower based on scenario 1. In scenario 2, the at which the rotors are located. However, the values are 120 m (O-3) and 160 m (O-1). observed high concentration of flying altitudes The individual areas are considered below in within the rotor height range can at least partially respect of their effects on bird migration. In the be traced back to the detection methodology. following consideration of the collision risk, the Taking into account the migratory patterns, there main migration directions are North (spring) and is a particular risk of collision for small birds South (autumn) as well as East-West and vice migrating at night as a result of migration in the versa. dark, high migratory volume and the strong Overall, area O-1 is of average to above- attraction of artificial light sources. average importance for bird migration. The area As already described, migrating birds tend to fly already has constructed wind turbines in the higher in good weather than in bad weather. It is northern part with heights of 165 to 179 m. If site also an undisputed fact that most birds usually O-1.3 was developed according to scenarios 1 start their migration in good weather and are able and 2, there would be a stepped structure in the to choose their departure conditions in such a north-south direction. In the spring, when the way that they are reasonably likely to reach their birds migrate north, they first encounter the destination in the best possible weather (Federal existing turbines with heights of 165 m to 179 m. Maritime and Hydrographic Agency 2009). In the If they then encounter the turbines planned clear weather conditions preferred by the birds according to scenario 1 with a total height of 224 for migration, the probability of a collision with a m and a hub height of 125 m, there could be wind turbine is therefore low because the flight limited visibility, since only the rotors of these altitude of most birds will be above the range of turbines would protrude above the existing the rotor blades and the turbines are clearly turbines. This could lead to a higher collision risk. visible. A potentially dangerous situation, on the In scenario 2 with a hub height of 175 m, the other hand, is posed by unexpected fog and rain, massive gondola will in general also be visible, which lead to poor visibility and low flight so visibility is increased and an increase in the altitudes. collision risk is unlikely. However, here the total A particular problem is when bad weather height of 300 m comes into consideration, conditions coincide with what are known as because here the proportion of migrating birds mass migration events. According to information within the area of the rotor would presumably from various environmental impact studies, increase. This is especially true for crane mass migration events in which birds of various migration. Although for the crane 91% of the species fly across the North Sea at the same visible migration was detected at altitudes time occur approx. 5 to 10 times a year. On between 20 and 200 meters (BIOCONSULT SH average, two to three of them take place during 2017), collision events could not be recorded Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 235 Development Plan on the marine environment

within the scope of the environmental monitoring However, any increased risk of collision due to for the "Western Adlergrund" cluster. the higher turbines should be taken into account Furthermore, it must be borne in mind that when planning the individual projects. This is migrating cranes exhibit a high variability in flight especially true for crane migration. altitudes (20 m - 1,300 m) during migration between the northern tip of Rügen and the south 4.7.2 Platforms coast of Sweden (IFAÖ 2010). Moreover, it can Since the transformer and collector platforms are be assumed that the cranes identify the wind individual structures, which are also routinely turbines promptly and avoid them. planned in the immediate vicinity of offshore Overall, area O-2 is of above-average wind farms, no significant impairment of bird importance for bird migration. The area currently migration is to be expected. It can also be has no constructed wind turbines. However, an assumed that any negative effects can be offshore wind farm is at the planning stage. More reduced by lighting that is as compatible as precise information on the wind turbine type and possible during operation of the transformer or its dimensions is not currently available. collector platforms can be reduced to the Ultimately, it is probable that there will not be any greatest extent possible to decrease attraction significant effects on bird migration here. effects. This includes for example an on-demand Nevertheless, the high occurrence of migrating switching on and off of the obstruction lights, the cranes (1.3 percent of the biogeographic choice of suitable light intensities and light population) must be taken into account in the spectra or lighting intervals. individual procedure. Due to the not to be Based on the above statements, it can be excluded considerable effects on the migration asserted for the SEA that, based on the current of birds when considered as a whole, the site O- state of knowledge, the planned transformer and 2.2 in the northern region of area O-2 was placed collector platforms are unlikely to have any under investigation. More detailed explanations significant effects on resting and migratory birds. about this can be found in chapter 4.12.5. Deterrence effects are likely to be temporary and Overall, area O-3 has an above-average in any event locally limited. A threat to the bird importance for bird migration. The very high migration by the planned transformer and importance of crane migration must be collector platforms is also not expected. highlighted here. Approximately 3.9% of the Potential cumulative effects of the transformer biogeographic population crosses the area. The and collector platforms in combination with the area already has constructed wind turbines in offshore wind farms are discussed in chapter the northern part with a height of 138 m. Since 4.12. there are no further developments included in the current Site Development Plan, a further 4.7.3 Submarine cabling systems consideration of the endangerment of bird According to available information, the laying migration is not necessary. and operation of submarine cable systems is not Despite the possible increased risk of collision expected to have any significant effects on due to the step-by-step expansion, based on the migratory birds as a protected asset. Short-term above statements, it can be asserted for the deterrence may occur due to construction- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) that, related shipping traffic, but only during the according to the current state of knowledge, the installation phase, which is limited temporally planned offshore wind farm projects are unlikely and spatially. However, these effects will not go to have any significant effects on migratory birds. beyond the disruptions generally associated with slow ship movements. As the Baltic Sea is used Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 236 Development Plan on the marine environment

intensively for shipping traffic, no significant observations, it is assumed that bats tend to additional disturbance of sensitive species is to migrate across the sea in concentrations be expected due to the increase in shipping (swarms), probably at considerable altitudes and traffic during the construction phase or for repair on migration routes that are regularly used and maintenance purposes. (AHLEN et al. 2005). Installation-related and operational effects of the Currently, there are insufficient observations and planned submarine cable systems on migratory findings in respect of bat migration and the birds can be excluded with the necessary potential effects of offshore structures on bats. certainty. A possible collision risk due to Therefore, the cumulative collision risk with construction vehicles can be classified as very existing and future wind farms cannot be low due to the short-term nature of the conclusively assessed. Therefore, an construction phase. assessment of the possible hazard potential is ultimately not currently possible. However, it can 4.8 Bats and bat migration be expected that any negative effects on bats Migration movements of bats across the Baltic can be prevented by using the same prevention Sea are documented to varying extents, but to and mitigation measures devised to protect bird date no specific information is available on migration. migratory species, migration corridors, migration heights and migration concentrations. The only 4.8.2 Platforms information to date confirms that bats, especially Dangers to individuals due to collisions with species that migrate long distances, fly over the platforms cannot be ruled out. However, as the Baltic Sea. platforms are individual structures also situated in the immediate vicinity of offshore wind farms, 4.8.1 Areas and sites the possibility that flying or possibly migrating The possibility of collisions of individuals with the bats will be significantly impaired can be ruled turbines of offshore wind farms cannot be ruled out based on the current state of knowledge. It out. The sensitivity of bats to onshore high can also be expected that any negative effects buildings and the associated risk of collisions is on bats can be prevented by using the same well known, as is the risk of collisions with wind prevention and mitigation measures devised to turbines. Furthermore, possible barrier effects as protect bird migration. well as habituation or attraction effects are 4.8.3 Submarine cabling systems known on land (JOHNSON 2004). However, apart from a pilot study from Sweden and first The possibility that bats will be significantly observations from the Kalmar Strait, so far the affected by laying and operating submarine impacts of offshore structures remain largely cable systems can be excluded with the unknown (AHLEN 2002, AHLEN et al. 2005). The necessary certainty. pilot study (AHLEN 2002) found that both migratory and non-migratory species are 4.9 Climate occasionally the victims of collisions. However, Adverse impacts on the climate due to the the causes of the collisions remain largely construction and operation of converter unexplained. Overall, the study demonstrated platforms are not expected, as there are no that there are very large information gaps measurable emissions relevant to climate during concerning the migration behaviour and the construction or operation. Rather, the migration routes of bats. On the basis of previous coordinated expansion of offshore wind energy Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 237 Development Plan on the marine environment

and grid connections will increase planning recreation and leisure by recreational and reliability for the expansion of offshore wind tourism boats is only sporadic in the planned energy. areas and wind farms. These are mainly located in areas used by shipping and the offshore The CO2 savings associated with the expansion industry, which means that the impact on the of offshore wind energy are expected to have a recreational use of water sports enthusiasts is positive impact on the climate in the long term. considered low. This may make an important contribution to achieving the Federal Government's climate As a result, the impact on the landscape of the protection targets. planned wind turbines along the coast can be classified as low. 4.10 Scenery For the submarine cable systems, adverse impacts on the landscape can be ruled out as 4.10.1 Areas and sites they will be laid as underwater cables. As outlined in chapter 3.14, the creation of offshore wind farms in the areas defined by the 4.10.2 Platforms Site Development Plan will have an impact on As previously described for the wind farm areas the landscape as a factor as it will be altered by and sites, the construction of platforms can also the construction of vertical structures and safety bring about visual changes to the landscape. As lighting. The scope of these visual impairments these platforms are always planned in close to the landscape caused by the planned offshore proximity to or physically connected to the wind turbines will depend to a large extent on the energy areas, the change in the landscape respective visibility conditions. Due to the caused by these individual structures is only distance of more than 25 km between the marginally increased. In addition, the platforms planned sites and the Baltic Sea coast, the are more than 25 km from the coast and will only installations will only be visible to a very limited be visible from land to a very limited extent (as extent from land (HASLØV & KJÆRSGAARD 2000), will their safety lighting). and only when visibility is good. This also applies to navigation lights for safety purposes at night. 4.11 Interdependency Due to subjective sensitivities and the fundamental attitude of the viewer towards In general, effects on a factor lead to various offshore wind energy, the vertical structures – consequences and interrelationships between which are atypical for a marine and coastal the factors. Impacts on the soil or water body thus usually also affect the biotic factors in these landscape – can be perceived as both disturbing and technically interesting. In any case, they will habitats. For example, emissions of pollutants bring about a change in the landscape and can reduce water and/or sediment quality and be modify the character of the area. absorbed by benthic and pelagic organisms from the surrounding medium. The essential Beyond the coast, the visual impairment of the interdependence of the biotic factors results from landscape changes with greater spatial proximity the food chains. These correlations between the to the offshore areas. The type of use is the key different factors and possible impacts on factor here. The value of the landscape plays a biodiversity are described in detail for the secondary role in industry and transport. The respective factors. landscape, however, is very important for recreational use, as in the case of water sports Possible interactions during the construction enthusiasts and tourists. However, direct use for phase will result from sediment shifts and turbidity plumes, as well as noise emissions. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 238 Development Plan on the marine environment

However, these interdependencies will occur follow in the food pyramid. However, none of the only very briefly and be limited to a few days or areas and sites included in the Site Development weeks. Plan represent special feeding grounds for top predators such as seabirds, resting birds and Sediment shifts and turbidity plumes marine mammals. A significant impairment of Sediment shifts and turbidity plumes occur food availability can be safely excluded. during the construction phase of wind farms and Introduction of artificial hard substrate platforms or when submarine cables are laid. Fish are temporarily deterred. The The introduction of artificial or non-local hard macrozoobenthos is covered locally. substrate (foundations, required rockfill in cable Consequently, the feeding conditions for crossing structures or local cable laying on the benthos-eating fish and for fish-eating seabirds seabed) leads locally to a change in soil and harbour porpoises also change temporarily conditions and sediment conditions. The and locally (decrease in the supply of available composition of the macrozoobenthos may food). However, due to the mobility of the change as a result. According to KNUST et al. species and the temporal and spatial limitation of (2003), the introduction of artificial hard sediment shifts and turbidity plumes, the substrates into soft soils leads to colonisation by possibility of considerable impairments to the additional species. The recruitment of these biotic factors and thus to the existing species will most likely take place from the interdependencies between them can be natural hard substrate habitats, such as eliminated with the necessary certainty. superficial till and rocks. Thus there is little risk of atypical species having a negative influence Noise emissions on the soft-bottom benthic communities. The installation of the foundations of the wind However, settlement areas of the soft bottom turbines and platforms can lead to temporary fauna are lost at these points. By changing the flight responses and temporary avoidance of the species composition of the macrozoobenthos area by marine mammals, some fish species and population, the food resources for the fish seabird species. Nevertheless, the use of noise- biocoenoses at the site can be influenced minimising measures during the pile driving of (bottom-up regulation). the foundations of platforms and wind turbines is However, as a result, certain fish species could mandatory. As a result, significant effects on the be attracted, which in turn increasingly prey on interaction with the factors can be safely the benthos and thus shape the dominance excluded. relationships by selecting certain species (top- Mutual interdependencies in the operating down regulation). Furthermore, plant covering phase are to be expected on a permanent basis, on the hard substrate could act as a new food but generally limited to the respective area or source for the benthic-feeding sea ducks. site. Possible impacts on the interdependencies Prohibition of use and navigation for platforms and submarine cable systems can only be expected locally. Fishing is prohibited within and around wind farms and platforms. The resulting loss of fishing Area use can lead to an increase in the stock of both When foundations are introduced, benthic fishery target species and unexploited species. biocoenoses are locally depopulated, which can A shift in the length spectrum of these fish result in a potential deterioration of the food base species is conceivable. If fish populations grow, for the fish, birds and marine mammals that the food supply for harbour porpoises can be Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 239 Development Plan on the marine environment

expected to increase. A macrozoobenthos implementation of the construction projects. community undisturbed by fishing activity is also Possible cumulative effects on the seabed, expected to develop. This could mean that the which could also have a direct impact on the diversity of the species community will increase factor Benthos and specially protected biotopes, as sensitive and long-living species of the result from permanent direct area use due to the current epi- and infauna have better chances of foundations of the wind turbines and platforms, survival and stable populations develop. as well as from the installed cable systems. The individual effects are essentially small-scale and Interrelationships can only be described very local. imprecisely due to the variability of the habitat. It can generally be said that the implementation of In order to estimate the direct area use, a rough the Site Development Plan does not currently calculation is made on the basis of the have any discernible effects on existing areas/sites, platforms and submarine cable interdependencies that could endanger the systems planned in the Site Development Plan marine environment. The SEA therefore in conjunction with existing installations and concludes that the definition of sites and areas planning within the framework of the transitional for offshore wind turbines and platforms and the system. The calculated area use is based on definition of submarine cable routes in the Site ecological aspects; in other words, the Development Plan are not expected to have any calculation is based on the direct ecological loss significant impacts on the living marine of function or the possible structural change of environment as a result of interdependencies the site due to the installation of foundations and according to the current state of knowledge, but cable systems. In the area of the cable trench, rather that adverse impacts can be prevented however, the impairment of the sediment and when compared to non-implementation of the benthic organisms will essentially be temporary. plan. Permanent impairment could be assumed when crossing particularly sensitive biotopes such as 4.12 Cumulative effects reefs. The review of cumulative effects is currently According to a model assumption, there will be a concerned with the EEZ and those areas in mostly temporary loss of function over a site of which transboundary impacts are to be around 42 ha due to existing cables, cables in expected. Based on the administrative the transitional system and the submarine cable agreement with Mecklenburg-Western systems provided for in the Site Development Pomerania, statements are also made on the Plan. The calculation is based on the assumption cumulative effects of the rules in the coastal of a cable trench 1 m wide. The rockfill waters and the EEZ. necessary for intersections also have to be taken into account here. Based on a surface area per 4.12.1 Soil/Area, benthos and biotopes crossing construction of approximately 900 m², A significant proportion of environmental effects the direct area use by rockfill for a predicted on soil, benthos and biotopes due to the areas number of 24 crossing structures is equal to and sites, platforms and submarine cable about 2.2 ha. Assuming that cable laying on the systems will occur solely during the construction seabed is required only in small-scale sections, period (formation of turbidity plumes, sediment e.g., in the southern part of area 1, an additional shifts, etc.) and over a limited area. Cumulative surface sealing of around 10 ha is assumed for environmental effects due to construction are the associated rockfill and for sections of the grid unlikely, particularly due to the step-by-step connection systems. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 240 Development Plan on the marine environment

For the Site Development Plan rules in the foundations and intersections will lead to an areas, the parameters of scenario 2 of the model additional supply of hard substrate. This allows wind farm were used as a basis for a non-local species with a preference for hard conservative estimate (number of installations substrates to colonise and change the species calculated in accordance with the stated composition. This effect can lead to cumulative capacity, diameter of the foundation and effects through the construction of several diameter of any scour protection required, offshore structures such as platform and wind number of platforms). In contrast, the model wind turbine foundations or rockfill. The benthic fauna farm parameters of scenario 1 were used to adapted to soft substrates will also lose habitat calculate area use within the framework of the on account of the hard substrate. However, as transitional system, assuming that no the area use for both the grid connection installations in the dimension of scenario 2 will systems and the wind farms will be in the ‰ (per- be implemented in the transitional system. The mille) range, according to current knowledge no functional loss due to the cabling within the wind significant impairments are to be expected in the farm was calculated in accordance with the cumulation that would endanger the marine capacity shown, assuming a cable trench 1 m environment with regard to the seabed and the wide. On the basis of this conservative estimate, benthos. approx. 35 ha of land will be used for the areas and sites by means of the Site Development Plan rules, planning within the framework of the transitional system and the existing systems, or temporarily impaired in the case of the farm's internal cabling. In total, therefore, a surface area of about 90 ha is required or in the case of submarine cables, temporarily compromised. This corresponds to well below 0.2‰ of the total EEZ site. In comparison, about 55% of the Baltic Sea EEZs are protected. Since the construction of wind turbines and platforms in nature conservation areas is generally not permitted (see objective of Spatial Planning 3.5.1 (3) and for example planning principle Site Development Plan), the spatial use of the conservation area is limited to submarine cable routes. No statement can be made on the use of specially protected biotopes according to section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act due to the current absence of a sound scientific basis. Area-wide sediment and biotope mapping of the EEZ currently being carried out will lead to more reliable information in the future. Besides the direct use of the seabed and hence the habitat of the organisms living there, the Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 241 Development Plan on the marine environment

4.12.2 Fish with an affinity for hard substrates including the Understanding the interactions between the goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus rupestris, installation of wind farms in the Baltic Sea and viviparous eelpout Zoarces viviparous and the ecology of the fish makes it possible to lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus near the wind predict the cumulative effects of this new turbine foundations were much more frequent development. As a result of the operation of than on the surrounding sand surfaces offshore wind farms, the area where fishing is not (LEONHARD et al. 2011). No effects of the wind permitted will increase. These non-fishing zones farm could be demonstrated for sand eels, one could have a positive impact on the Baltic Sea of the most important fishing resources. The fish biocoenoses by eliminating negative fishing cumulative effects of an extensive expansion of impacts such as disturbance or destruction of the offshore wind energy could include seabed and catch and by-catch of many species. • further establishment and distribution of These areas could develop into places that fish species adapted to reef structures attract fish, although it has not yet been • the recolonisation of areas and sites conclusively clarified whether wind farms attract previously subject to intensive fishing, fish and, if so, why. In addition to the absence of including sand eels fishing, improved food resources for fish species • better living conditions for territorial species with different feeding habits would also be such as fish similar to cod conceivable. The growth of sessile invertebrates on the wind turbine foundations could encourage The natural mechanism for limiting populations, benthos-eating species or cause a change in the besides predation, is intra- and interspecies food composition of species that have previously competition, also known as density limitation. eaten otherwise. The wind farms could have an The possibility cannot be ruled out that local additive effect beyond their immediate location density limits may occur within individual wind by distributing the mass and measurable farms before the favourable effects of the wind production of planktonic distribution stages of farms spread geographically, e.g. through the the benthic organisms growing on the migration of "surplus" individuals. In this case, foundations by currents and thus influencing the the effects would be local and not cumulative. qualitative and quantitative composition of the The impacts that changes in fish fauna may have zooplankton (FLOETER et al. 2017). This, in turn, on other elements of the food web, both below could have an impact on planktivore fish, and above their trophic level, cannot be including pelagic schooling fish such as herring predicted based on the current state of and sprat, which are targets of one of the largest knowledge. fisheries in the Baltic Sea. The species composition could also change directly, as 4.12.3 Marine mammals species with different habitat preferences than Cumulative impacts on marine mammals, the established species, e.g. reef dwellers, find harbour porpoises in particular, can occur mainly more favourable living conditions and become due to noise emissions during installation of the more prevalent. So far, there are no signs of this foundations. These factors could be significantly in either the pelagic or the demersal component affected by the fact that – if pile-driving takes of the fish community. (LEONHARD et al. 2011). place simultaneously at different locations within However, in the Danish wind farm Horns Rev, a the EEZ – there is not enough room available to horizontal gradient was found between the escape and retreat. Since thus far usually only surrounding sandy areas and near the turbine one offshore construction site has been active at foundations 7 years after construction: species the same time, there is a lack of experience Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 242 Development Plan on the marine environment

regarding overlaps in time and space of the structures, as confirmed by the latest results propagation of pile driving noise. Initial findings from the monitoring of construction and are expected from the projects currently under operation according to StUK. In view of the construction. In addition, research projects are cumulative consideration of the hazard risk for running in parallel that calculate and model multi- divers, the effects of shipping traffic (and for the source sound propagation. Similarly, there is no operation and maintenance of cablesystems and scientific basis for evaluating possible platforms as well) must be included in addition to cumulative effects on marine mammals. the structures themselves. Therefore, the licensing authority reserves the Possible effects must be assessed on a species- right to coordinate the timings and spatial specific basis in order to assess the significance locations for the pile-driving work of individual of cumulative effects in seabirds. In particular, projects to minimise overall noise output times. Annex I species of the Wild Birds Directive, It is also clear from the sequencing of the grid species of the "Pomeranian Bight" bird connection of the individual sites scheduled in sanctuary, and species for which an avoidance the Site Development Plan that the grid response to structures has already been connection systems and the individual offshore identified (such as divers) must be considered wind farms will be built gradually, that is with respect to cumulative effects. This raises sequentially over the coming years and not all at the question of biological limit values in terms of the same time. population and the relevant reference for a limit value of this kind. In the literature, it is proposed 4.12.4 Seabirds and resting birds for resting birds that an intervention be Vertical structures such as platforms or offshore considered inadmissible if 1% of the wind turbines may have different effects on biogeographical population is affected by habitat resting birds, such as habitat loss, an increased loss. Reference is made to criteria of the 1971 risk of collision or deterrence and barrier effects. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International For resting birds, habitat loss due to the Importance, according to which a resting area is construction of several structures may be of international importance if it is home to at least particularly significant. 1% of the biogeographical population of a waterbird species at least once a year A cross-area assessment of the cumulative (DIERSCHKE et al. 2003). effects of offshore wind farms and platforms on seabirds and resting birds may be carried out on This 1% criterion can also be found in the the basis of previous results and observations classification of Important Bird Areas (IBA). An from offshore wind farm projects that have area is designated an IBA by Birdlife already been implemented, e.g. in the German International if it is home to more than 1% of the North Sea EEZ. Here, not only is the natural local biogeographical population (HEATH & EVANS, incidence of seabird species, as dictated by the 2000). However, this 1% Ramsar Convention hydrographic conditions to be considered, but threshold cannot currently be transferred in also the species-specific behaviour. In particular, terms of population biology for the assessment endangered and disturbance-sensitive seabird of the significance of work encroachments or species such as divers are to be taken into disturbances (DIERSCHKE et al. 2003). account in respect of cumulative effects due to the implementation of offshore wind farms and grid connection projects. GARTHE & HÜPPOP (2004) certify that divers are very sensitive to Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 243 Development Plan on the marine environment

Since the Ramsar Convention uses the 1% can also be excluded by avoiding the use of criterion to assess the significance of wetlands, Natura 2000 sites. the very different intentions mean that it does not The conclusion of the Strategic Environmental appear technically and scientifically justifiable to Assessment is that cumulative effects resulting apply this criterion to the assessment of a work from the construction/laying, and the subsequent encroachment. Nevertheless, for the want of operation of wind farms, platforms and other reliable criteria, the 1% criterion does at submarine cable systems acting on the factor least appear suitable for the quantification of a Seabirds and resting birds in the EEZ of the work encroachment. Baltic Sea can be safely excluded. The reference quantity or the relevant reference population is defined in a species-specific 4.12.5 Migratory birds manner in cumulative considerations of effects. With respect to the cumulative effects on bird Thus, for example, for divers, the reference migration, it will be investigated whether the value of the relevant winter resting population of planned wind turbines, transformer and collector north-western Europe is 110,000 animals (SKOV platforms will increase the risk of migratory birds et al. 1995). This figure was used as the basis being endangered in conjunction with adjacent for the first decisions of the licensing authority in wind farms or wind farms on the flight path. Thus the evaluation of the possible cumulative effects far no serious licensing obstacles have been of the operation of offshore wind farms. identified, however, this can only be checked in detail on a project and location-specific basis. All existing findings indicate a low importance for species of Annex I of the Wild Birds Directive for A potential danger for migratory birds results the areas and sites included in the Site firstly from the collision risk with the transformer Development Plan for wind turbines and and collector platform and the individual offshore platforms. Therefore, according to the current wind turbines and secondly from adverse effects state of knowledge, there are no impediments on the energy resources of the birds due to that oppose the execution of the plan. The forced changes in the flight route. Under normal platforms are all planned in the immediate migratory conditions preferred by migratory bird vicinity of offshore wind farms, so that no species, there is so far no evidence for any cumulative additional habitat loss for species that the birds typically migrate in the disturbance-sensitive species is to be expected. danger zone of the turbine and/or do not Due to the distance of the areas to the nature recognise and avoid these obstacles. In the clear conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – weather conditions preferred by the birds for Rönnebank" a disturbance of the overwintering migration, the probability of a collision with birds in the conservation area can be ruled out. transformer or collector platforms or wind This also applies to any disruption caused by the turbines is very low. shipping related to the operation and A potentially dangerous situation is posed by maintenance of wind turbines, platforms and unexpected fog and rain, which lead to poor submarine cable systems. As the Baltic Sea is visibility and low flight altitudes. A particular used extensively for shipping, no additional problem is when bad weather conditions disruption of sensitive species is to be expected coincide with what are known as mass migration from shipping traffic during construction or for events. This forecast is qualified by more recent repair and maintenance. Significant research results obtained on the "FINO1" disturbances within the nature conservation area research platform in the North Sea. It was found that birds migrate at higher altitudes in very poor Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 244 Development Plan on the marine environment

visibility (less than 2 km) than in medium visibility range between 100 and 400 m, no significant risk (3 to 10 km) or good visibility. (> 10 km; HÜPPOP of collision can be derived per se from this et al. 2005). However, these results are based condition, because, based on generally on only three nights of measurement. For the accepted knowledge, the cranes avoid the Baltic Sea, it should also be borne in mind that obstacles by either vertical or horizontal migration routes over water bodies are, with a deviations. maximum extent of about 100 km, short when To verify this state of knowledge, additional compared to the greater than 400 km distances monitoring of diurnally migrating land birds was over the North Sea. Based on the air speed of commissioned focusing on cranes, raptors and the thrush species (between 35 and 50 km/h, geese using Rangefinders as part of the site depending on the species), which are preliminary investigation of site O-1.3 particularly numerous participants in night implemented in accordance with StUK 4. For this migrations (BRUDERER & BOLDT 2001), reason, and due to the high rate of sighting of corresponding migration times of about two to cranes in area O-4 (up to 20% of the three hours result. Due to these short migration biogeographic population) site O-2.2 was placed times, the probability of the coincidence of bad under investigation in order to await the weather conditions with mass migration events aforementioned investigation results. By is small. contrast, there is no heightened risk of collision The collision risk for sea and waterbirds for the north-south migratory land birds, even migrating during the day is generally estimated cumulatively. to be low. They orient themselves visually and To minimise the risk, the installations must be are usually able to land on water. Studies on constructed in such a way that light emissions lightships in Denmark (HANSEN, 1954) have are avoided as far as possible during shown that light sources are rarely approached construction and operation, provided that these by sea and water birds, but more by small bird are not required and are unavoidable due to the species such as song thrushes, starlings and safety requirements of ship and air traffic, and skylarks The risk of bird strikes could therefore health and safety. Lighting that is as compatible be more likely to occur in large songbird as possible during the operation of the populations that migrate at night. Also for diurnal transformer or collector platforms to reduce migratory land birds (e.g. cranes and raptors) a attraction effects as far as possible such as an low risk of collision is currently envisaged on-demand switching on and off of the because these also position themselves visually obstruction lights, the choice of suitable light and avoid the wind turbines. However, intensities and light spectra or lighting intervals. cumulative effects on some sites could increase the risk of collision. Barrier effect/migration lengthening due to cumulative effects This applies in particular to the site O-2.2 and primarily concerns crane migration. In the spring, Cumulative effects of the wind turbines planned the cranes migrating towards Bornholm must in the Site Development Plan and in the coastal first pass the approved Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the in coastal waters and then will encounter the transformer and collector platforms and the planned wind farm of site O-1.3. In the autumn adjacent wind farms could also result in a this applies analogously - only in the reverse lengthening of the migration route for the sequence. Although a large proportion of the migrating birds. If migratory birds fly within the cranes migrate over the Baltic Sea in the altitude range of influence of wind farms (up to a height Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 245 Development Plan on the marine environment

of approx. 300 m), they are forced to fly around Area O-1 extends about 20 km in a north-south or over the turbines through evasive direction, area O-2 about 16 km. Area O-3 has a movements. They are thus diverted to a greater north-south extent of about 9 km, so that a or lesser extent from their migration route. barrier of about 30 km could result for the east- west migration. The planned site O-1.3 It is a known fact that wind farms are avoided by increases the barrier by about 6.5 km. birds, i.e. they fly around or over them. This Consequently, a maximum detour of about 73 behaviour has been seen not only on land but km might result for the migratory birds that would also offshore (e.g. KAHLERT et al. 2004). Lateral have to fly around all three areas. avoidance reactions appear to be the most common reaction (HORCH & KELLER 2004). However, this would affect only those species, which, coming from the east then fly north The transformer platforms form part of the around O-1 and O-2 and then maintain their individual wind farms, also the possibly planned migration direction. If the same species fly south collector platform will be erected in the around areas O-1 and O-2, they encounter immediate vicinity of the wind farms. In this another barrier in the coastal waters, Arcadis Ost context, the flying around of the platforms is 1 (area O-4) which extends 4.5 km north-south. negligible because they do not create their own For these species, the result is a detour of about barrier effect due their immediate proximity to a 30 km. If any of these species are migratory birds wind farm and nor do they reinforce the wind that have a strong coastal orientation such as farm barrier effect. However, the planned project common scoters (see Fig. 34), there are more on site O-1.3, leads to an extension of the obstacles on their westwards migration route in already existing barrier by 6.5 km in an east-west the form of areas O-5 and O-6, which direction. respectively have north-south extents of 3.2 or Even if the proportion of affected birds is higher, 9.8 km. The result is another migration route if an accumulation with other installations occurs lengthening of about 10 km. Adjacent wind farms on the migration route, the energy expenditure of the same area form a single barrier, so that a for the individual bird is only slightly increased. single evading movement suffices. The effects will be somewhat greater for Considering the north-south migration direction, individuals who have to avoid a number of the potential barrier effect is of a similar structures. magnitude. Area O-1 extends about 11 km in a The potential impairment to bird migration as a east-west direction, area O-3 about 18 km. Area barrier depends on many factors, in particular O-2 has an extent of about 10 km in the east- the orientation of the wind farms to the main west direction. The same applies to areas O-4, migration directions. Based on the current state O-5 and O-6 in the coastal waters. Here the of knowledge, birds that migrate at night migrate extents in the east-west direction are 11.9, 9.5 mainly from north to south across the Baltic Sea and 18.3 km. The spatial separation between in a broad front. Many diurnally migrating these areas is so large that there is enough species use migration corridors such as the space for flying around obstacles. The distance flyway from Falsterbo arriving at Fehmarn. between the individual areas O-1 to O-6 is Amongst the water birds, however, a coastal between 4.2 and 10.3 km. east-west migration and vice-versa is also Including the approved "Arcadis Ost 1" wind farm widespread. Based on this assumption, it is (area O-4) in the coastal waters, whose site conceivable that the species migrating from east adjoins area 2 to the south-west, there is a to west could encounter the wind farm areas. maximum barrier effect in the east-west direction Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 246 Development Plan on the marine environment

of 25 km extent. This would correspond to a Diversion-flying around of the priority areas is not maximum detour of some 50 km. Taking into currently expected to cause a significant account the fact that the non-stop flying ranges negative effect on the continued development of of the majority of migratory bird species, populations. including small bird species, are of the order of It must be borne in mind that, based on the more than 1000 km (BERTHOLD 2000), a current state of science and technology, this significant impact on the energy budget of the forecast is based on premises that are not yet migratory birds can be excluded. Thus, a detour suitable to adequately secure the basis for the caused by the barrier effect of the wind farm area factor. Insufficient knowledge exists particularly of no more than 60 km in relation to the migration about species-specific migration patterns. This distances should not endanger bird migration applies, in particular, to bad weather conditions because weather-related deviations can also (rain, fog). occur. These gaps in the knowledge could not be filled This is also confirmed by the results of a F&E despite extensive research activities carried out project to develop suitable analysis and in the North and Baltic Sea EEZs as part of the evaluation methods of cumulative impacts of ecological accompanying research, such as the offshore wind turbines on bird migration test field research on bird migration at the "alpha (HÜPPOP et al. 2005a). On the basis of thirteen ventus" offshore pilot farm, assessment of the mainly nocturnally migrating songbird species, data continuously collected on "FINO1" (2008- including short-, medium- and long-distance 2011), detection of bird collisions using the migratory species, HÜPPOP et al. investigated VARS system and detection of evading the conditional conditions under which they movements of migratory birds using pencil beam cross the German Bight. radar. The results show that short- to medium-distance Due to the mentioned knowledge gaps, a migratory species have on average lower body cumulative final consideration of all the offshore reserves and are therefore probably more wind farms that are to be taken into account affected by potential barriers than species that including projects in areas in which there are not migrate over long distances. The authors yet any final approvals or planning approval calculated a loss of body reserves for a migration decisions resulting from the implementation of route over sea extended by approx. 110 km due an EIA, is not possible at this stage. to barriers (with no wind), which could result in a lower reproductive performance in the absence This concerns the projects in area 2 and the of compensation (additional rest of 1 to 2 days). projects in area 1 outside the priority area, as There is no discussion of an increase in the well as other offshore wind farms outside the mortality rate of migrating birds themselves. German EEZ. Indeed, the environmental impact studies available for the projects in area 2 do not Consideration of existing knowledge on the indicate any particular importance of these areas migration patterns of the various bird species, in respect of bird migration, for example a the usual flight altitudes and the daytime migration corridor of prominent importance in distribution of bird migration suggests that relation to the surroundings. However, potential extensive effects on bird migration investigations carried out for example within the caused by the implementation of the already framework of the basic investigations for the approved projects in the priority areas are, projects in area 2 have observed a temporary according to the current state of knowledge and increase in crane migration sightings. Experts even allowing for cumulative effects, not likely. Description and assessment of the likely significant effects of the implementation of the Site 247 Development Plan on the marine environment

attributed this to a drifting of the birds due to substantial transboundary impacts can also be unfavourable changing winds during crossing of ruled out. The installation of the foundations of the Baltic Sea. Based on these observations, wind turbines and converter platforms, for especially against the background that it is example, is only permitted in the specific assumed that there is a concentration of the bird approval procedure if effective noise mitigation migration, primarily for narrow-front migratory measures are taken (see e. g. planning principle birds such as cranes in the sea area between Site Development Plan). Against the Rügen and Scania (see FEDERAL AGENCY FOR background of the particular endangerment of NATURE CONSERVATION 2006), significant the separate Baltic Sea harbour porpoise cumulative effects cannot currently be ruled out. population, intensive monitoring measures must be performed as part of the project and, if 4.13 Transboundary impacts necessary, the noise reduction measures be This SEA comes to the conclusion that as things adapted or the construction work coordinated in stand at present, the specifications in the Site order to exclude any cumulative effects. Development Plan have no significant effects on For migratory birds, the wind turbines and the areas of neighbouring states bordering on platforms erected in Site Development Plan sites the German EEZ in the Baltic Sea. may constitute a barrier or present a risk of Substantial transboundary impacts can collision. The risk of collision must be minimised generally be excluded for the factors Landscape, by taking appropriate measures to prevent Cultural heritage and Other material assets and attraction by the lighting. As regards the barrier Human beings including Human health. Possible effect, a final cumulative consideration is not substantial transboundary impacts could only possible given the current state of knowledge. arise if considered cumulatively in the area of the Nor is a cumulative assessment of the hazard German Baltic Sea, for the highly mobile risk for bat migration possible at this time, as biological factors Fish, Marine mammals, there is still insufficient information on migration Seabirds and resting birds, as well as Migratory routes, migration heights and migration birds and Bats. intensities. It can generally be assumed that any The SEA comes to the conclusion that, significant transboundary impacts resulting from according to the current state of knowledge, the the Site Development Plan rules will be implementation of the Site Development Plan is prevented by appropriate prevention or not expected to have any substantial minimisation measures as they are to be applied transboundary impacts on the factor Fish, since for bird migration.

on the one hand the areas for which the Site . Development Plan defines rules have no prominent function for fish fauna, and on the other the discernible and predictable effects are small-scale and temporary in nature. This also applies to the factors Marine mammals and Seabirds and resting birds. These use the areas predominantly as transit areas. There will be no significant habitat loss for strictly protected seabird and resting bird species. According to current knowledge and taking into account measures to minimise impact and limit damage, 248 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

5 Assessment of wildlife section 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act for specially protected species. It will conservation regulations examine in particular whether the plan violates According to section 37 of the Federal Nature prohibitions under wildlife conservation Conservation Act, general wildlife conservation regulations. This assessment of wildlife generally includes conservation regulations takes place at the primary level of the sectoral plan. A detailed • protection of wild species of fauna and flora assessment of wildlife conservation regulations and their communities from human for the individual sites and projects must be interference, and safeguarding of their carried out as part of the assessment of the other living conditions, suitability of specific sites or the individual • protection of habitats and biotopes of wild approval procedure in question. animal and plant species, and • reintroduction of fauna and flora of 5.1 Marine mammals displaced wild species in suitable biotopes The harbour porpoise, harbour seal and grey within their natural distribution area. seal, which are species listed in Annex II (animal Special provisions with prohibitions are and plant species of Community interest whose applicable to fauna of specially or strictly conservation requires designation of special protected species. Wild animals of specially areas of conservation) and Annex IV (animal and protected species may not be injured or killed plant species of Community interest in need of according to section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the strict protection) of the Habitats Directive and are Federal Nature Conservation Act. Pursuant to to be protected in accordance with Art. 12 of the section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Habitats Directive, occur in the investigation Nature Conservation Act, wild animals of strictly area. The sites of the three areas form part of the protected species and of European bird species harbour porpoise habitat, as does the whole of may not be significantly disturbed during their the western Baltic Sea. According to the current breeding, rearing, moulting, hibernation and state of knowledge, the three areas are used by migration periods. Significant disturbance occurs harbour porpoises as transit areas. There is when the conservation status of the local currently no evidence that these three sites have population of a species deteriorates as a result special functions as feeding or rearing areas for of the disturbance. Furthermore, according to harbour porpoises. Harbour seals and grey seals section 44 subsection 1 no. 3 of the Federal use the three areas only sporadically as transit Nature Conservation Act, reproduction or resting areas. places of wild fauna of specially protected species must not be removed from the 5.1.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the environment, damaged or destroyed. Federal Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of injury and killing) It does not matter whether a relevant injury or Pursuant to section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the disturbance is due to reasonable grounds; nor do Federal Nature Conservation Act, which is to be reasons, motives or subjective tendencies play interpreted in light of Art. 12 (1a) of the Habitats any part in respect of compliance with the Directive, the killing or injury of wild animals of prohibitions (Landmann/Rohmer, 2018). specially protected species, i.e. animals listed in This species conservation assessment Annex IV of the Habitats Directive, is prohibited. investigates whether the Site Development Plan fulfils the species conservation requirements of Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 249 Areas and sites for offshore wind of the prohibition being violated or to reduce the turbines intensity of any impairments (known as conflict Pursuant to section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the avoidance or mitigation measures), see inter alia Federal Nature Conservation Act, which is to be Lau in: Frenz/ Müggenborg, Federal Nature interpreted in light of Art. 12 (1a) of the Habitats Conservation Act, comment, Berlin 2011, Directive, the killing or injury of wild animals of section 44 marg. no. 3. The measures are strictly specially protected species, i.e. animals listed in monitored in order to ensure with the necessary Annex IV of the Habitats Directive, is prohibited. certainty that the prohibition of killing and injury The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation as defined in section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the regularly assumes in its comments that, Federal Nature Conservation Act is not violated. according to the current state of knowledge, In order to ensure with the necessary certainty porpoises suffer injuries in the form of temporary that the prohibition of killing and injury as defined hearing loss when exposed to a single event in section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal sound pressure level (SEL) of 164 dB re 1 Nature Conservation Act is not violated, the 2 µPa Hz or a peak level of 200 dB re 1 µPa. Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency According to the Federal Agency for Nature prescribes suitable deterrent measures and a Conservation, based on the current state of slow increase in pile-driving energy, known as knowledge, it can be assured with sufficient "soft starts", under the scope of individual certainty that if the specified limit values of 160 planning approval decisions as well as under the dB for the sound event level (SEL05) and 190 dB scope of implementation. The prescribed for the peak level at a distance of 750 m from the deterrence measures and "soft starts" ensure emission site are complied with, the prohibition that no harbour porpoises or other marine of killing and injury as defined in section 44 mammals are present in an adequate area subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature around the pile/driving site, but at least up to 750 Conservation Act is not violated for the harbour m from the construction site. Until 2017, a porpoise. combination of pingers was used as a pre- warning system followed by the use of the so- The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation called seal scarers for the purpose of deterrence. takes into account the currently common use of However, deterrence using seal scarers is monopiles with diameters of up to 8.2 m for wind associated with a large habitat loss caused by turbines and jacket piles with diameters of up to the flight responses of the animals and therefore 4 m for transformers. The Federal Agency for represents a disturbance (BRANDT et al. 2012). Nature Conservation assumes that suitable The development of new systems, such as the means such as deterrence, soft-start procedure FaunaGuard system, creates the possibility of etc. are used to ensure that no harbour adapting deterrence of harbour porpoises and porpoises are present within the 750 m radius seals in such a way that the possibility that the around the pile-driving location. prohibition of killing and injury as defined in The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal agrees with this assessment. Nature Conservation Act being violated can be ruled out with certainty without simultaneously In addition, the Federal Maritime and violating the prohibition of disturbance as Hydrographic Agency imposes a series of noise defined in section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the protection measures under the scope of the Federal Nature Conservation Act. planning approval and implementation. These measures are designed to rule out the possibility 250 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

Since 2017, the FaunaGuard system has been the construction of platforms with driven-in piles, used as a deterrence measure in all construction all measures apply, as explained under "Areas projects in the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea. and sites for wind energy". The use of the FaunaGuard system is The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency accompanied by strict monitoring measures with assumes that if the specified noise protection good results. Within the scope of a research values for the sound event level of 160 dB re project, the effects of the FaunaGuard system 1µPa²s and 190 dB re 1µPA for the maximum are to be systematically analysed and, if peak level at a distance of 750 m from the sound necessary, the application of the system for source from the sound source are complied with future construction projects optimised. and deterrence measures and what are known In addition, the required degree of noise as "soft starts" are used, according to the current mitigation is such that it can be assumed that no state of knowledge, it can be guaranteed with deadly or long-term adverse effects will occur sufficient certainty that the prohibition of killing outside the area where no harbour porpoises and injury in relation to harbour porpoises and can be expected due to the deterrent measures seals is not violated as defined section 44 to be implemented. subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act. This applies to all areas The measures prescribed by the Federal analysed. Maritime and Hydrographic Agency will prevent with sufficient certainty any violation of the Submarine cabling systems prohibition under species conservation law as Based on the current state of knowledge, the defined in section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the laying and operation of submarine cable Federal Nature Conservation Act. systems will not have any significant negative Platforms impacts on marine mammals that violate the prohibition of killing and injury as defined in The platforms are currently being installed with section 44 subsection 1 no.1 of the Federal pile-driven deep foundations on a regular basis. Nature Conservation Act. Creating foundations using alternative methods, such as gravity foundations, is currently the 5.1.2 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the exception. With regard to the possible effects of Federal Nature Conservation Act pile-driving on marine mammals, the information (prohibition of disturbance) provided under "Areas and sites for wind energy" According to section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the for the construction of wind turbines applies. Federal Nature Conservation Act it is also Without the use of effective noise-minimising prohibited to significantly disturb wild animals of and damage-limiting measures, the possibility of strictly protected species during their breeding, marine mammals being impaired during the rearing, moulting, hibernation and migration installation of the foundations cannot be ruled periods, whereby a disturbance shall be deemed out. The planning principle for noise mitigation in significant if it causes the conservation status of the Site Development Plan therefore also the local population of a species to worsen. applies to platforms without restriction. The harbour porpoise is a strictly protected For this reason, the environmental impact species in accordance with Annex IV of the assessment is carried out on the condition that Habitats Directive and thus within the meaning noise mitigation measures are used to comply of section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal with the applicable noise protection values. For Nature Conservation Act, so that a species Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 251

conservation assessment must also be breeding, rearing, hibernation and migration conducted in this respect. periods. The species conservation assessment pursuant According to the legal definition found in section to section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal 44 subsection 1 no. 2, 2nd clause of the Federal Nature Conservation Act refers to population- Nature Conservation Act, a disturbance shall be relevant disturbances of local stocks, the deemed significant if it causes the conservation occurrence of which varies in the areas covered status of the local population of a species to by the plan. The results of the species worsen. According to the guidelines on the strict conservation assessment are therefore protection system for species of Community subsequently represented for individual areas or interest under the Habitats Directive (marg. no. groups of areas with comparable occurrences. 39) a disturbance as defined in Art. 12 of the Habitats Directive is deemed to exist if the action Areas and sites for offshore wind in question reduces the chances of survival, energy reproductive success or reproductive capacity of The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation a protected species or if this action leads to a assesses in its comments whether a disturbance reduction in its distribution range On the other as defined in section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the hand, occasional disturbances without Federal Nature Conservation Act exists under foreseeable negative impacts on the species in the scope of planning approval and question are not to be regarded as disturbances implementation procedures. It concludes that the within the meaning of Art. 12 of the Habitats occurrence of a significant disturbance caused Directive. by underwater noise due to construction can be Possible impacts of pile-driving work during the avoided for the factor Harbour porpoise provided construction phase of offshore wind farms on that the sound event level of 160 dB or the peak harbour porpoises: level of 190 dB is not exceeded at a distance of 750 m from the emission point and sufficient The existence of a disturbance as defined in Art. alternative areas are available in the German 12 (1b) of the Habitats Directive in conjunction Baltic Sea The latter could be achieved in with section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal accordance with the BfN's request, by Nature Conservation Act for the harbour coordinating the timing of the sound-intensive porpoises cannot be assumed during the activities of the various project developers. temporary pile-driving work. The species conservation assessment is based Based on the current state of knowledge, it on the following considerations: cannot be assumed that disturbances potentially resulting from noise-intensive construction According to Art. 12 (1b) Habitats Directive in measures would worsen the conservation status conjunction with section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of of the "local population". the Federal Nature Conservation Act any intentional disturbance of these species, Effective noise protection management, in particularly during their breeding, rearing, particular if suitable noise mitigation systems are hibernation and migration periods, is prohibited. used as stipulated in the Federal Maritime and According to section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Hydrographic Agency's planning approval Federal Nature Conservation Act it is prohibited decisions and the requirements of the Federal to disturb wild animals of strictly protected Agency for Nature Conservation are taken into species, i.e. animals listed in Annex IV of the account, means that negative impacts of the pile- Habitats Directive, among others, during 252 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

driving work on harbour porpoises are not to be • Turbine designed to minimise operational expected. noise in line with the current state of The planning approval decisions of the Federal technology Maritime and Hydrographic Agency therefore Deterrent measures and a "soft start" are to be contain provisions which ensure effective noise used to ensure that animals present in the protection management by means of suitable vicinity of the pile-driving work have the measures. opportunity to leave the area or move away in In accordance with the precautionary principle, due time Since 2017, a new system, the measures to prevent and reduce the impacts of FaunaGuard system, has been used in noise during construction must be defined in construction projects in the German EEZ of the accordance with the latest scientific and Baltic Sea to deter animals from the hazardous technical knowledge. The measures required in zone of construction sites. The newly optimised the planning approval decisions to guarantee the FaunaGuard deterrence system has the requirements of species protection will be advantage over the seal scarers system used up coordinated with the Federal Maritime and to and including 2017 of effectively driving the Hydrographic Agency over the course of animals out of the hazardous zone without implementation. Noise reduction and causing a disturbance through large-scale environmental protection measures include: displacement of the animals out of the habitat. The selection of noise mitigation measures must • Creation of a concrete noise report taking be based on state-of-the-art science and into account the site- and turbine-specific technology and on experience already gained in properties (basic design) before the start of other offshore projects. Practical knowledge on construction the application of technical noise-minimising • Selection of a construction method that is as measures as well as from experience with quiet as possible in line with state-of-the-art control of the pile driving process in connection technology with the characteristics of the impact hammers • Creation of a concrete noise protection were in particular obtained from the foundation concept, adapted to the selected foundation work in the projects "EnBW Baltic 2", "Viking", structures and construction processes, to and "Arkona Basin Southeast" and from carry out the pile-driving work taking construction projects in the German North Sea EEZ. • Into account noise reduction support In addition, monitoring measures and noise measures in line with the current state of measurements are stipulated in the planning science and technology approval decisions in order to record any • Taking into account the properties of the potential on-site dangers and, if necessary, to hammer and the options for managing the initiate damage-limiting measures. Overall, to pile-driving process the best of our knowledge, the impact of the pile- • Concept for deterring animals from the driving operations on the harbour porpoise hazardous zone (a radius of at least 750 m population in the North Sea can be ruled out with around the pile-driving location) sufficient certainty. • Concept to assess the efficiency of the New findings confirm that the reduction of noise deterrence and noise reduction measures emissions through the use of technical noise mitigation systems clearly reduces disturbances Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 253

for harbour porpoises. Minimising effects operating noises, depending on the type of involves the spatial as well as the temporal turbine or intensity of the operating noises and scope of disturbances. (BRANDT et al. 2016). only in the immediate vicinity of the respective turbine. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency concludes that if strict noise protection and noise A study conducted on the Dutch offshore wind mitigation measures are implemented in farm "Egmont aan Zee" provides findings on the accordance with the planning approval decisions habitat use of offshore wind farms by harbour and the noise limit of 160 dB SEL5 is observed at porpoises during operation. With the aid of a distance of 750 m, considerable disturbances acoustic recording, the use of the site of the wind as defined in section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the farm or of two reference sites by harbour Federal Nature Conservation Act are not to be porpoises was investigated before the expected. Furthermore, the Federal Agency for construction of the turbines (baseline survey) Nature Conservation's requirement to coordinate and in two consecutive years of the operating the timing of noise-intensive construction phases phase. The results of the study confirm a of various project developers in the German pronounced and statistically significant increase North Sea EEZ remains. in acoustic activity in the inner area of the wind farm during the operating phase compared to Possible impacts of operation of the offshore activity or use during the baseline survey wind farm on harbour porpoises: (SCHEIDAT et al. 2011). The increase in harbour The existence of a disturbance as defined in Art. porpoise activity within the wind farm during 12 (1b) of the Habitats Directive in conjunction operation significantly exceeded the increase in with section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal activity in both reference areas. The increase in Nature Conservation Act caused by operation of use of the area of the wind farm was clearly offshore wind turbines can also not be assumed. independent of seasonality and interannual Based on the current state of knowledge, no variability. The authors of the study see a direct negative long-term effects are to be expected correlation between the presence of the turbines from the noise immissions of the turbines for and the increased use by harbour porpoises. harbour porpoises, even in the design of the They suspect the causes to lie in factors such as turbines. Any impacts are limited to the the increase in the food supply by what is known immediate vicinity of the turbine and depend on as the "reef effect" or the calm waters in the area the noise distribution in the specific area and not due to the absence of fishing and shipping, or least on the presence of other noise sources and possibly a positive combination of these factors. background noise, such as shipping traffic The results from the investigations in the (MADSEN et al. 2006). There are also recent operating phase of the "alpha ventus" project findings available from experimental work on the also suggest a return to distribution patterns and detection of low-frequency acoustic signals by abundances of the harbour porpoise, which are harbour porpoises with the aid of simulated comparable – and in some cases higher – to operating noises from offshore wind turbines those in the baseline survey of 2008. In addition, (LUCKE et al. 2007b). Masking effects were further results from offshore wind farms with a recorded for simulated operating noises of 128 large number of wind turbines must be obtained dB re 1 µPa at frequencies of 0.7, 1.0 and 2.0 in order to arrive at a final assessment of the kHz. In contrast, no significant masking effects possible effects of operation. were observed for operating noises of 115 dB re 1 µPa. The initial results thus indicate that only In order to ensure with sufficient certainty that masking effects are to be expected from the prohibition of disturbance as defined in 254 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal detected by harbour seals at a distance of 5 to Nature Conservation Act is not violated, a turbine 10 km (LUCKE et al. 2006). design that uses state-of-the-art technology to minimise operating noise must be guaranteed Platforms against this background in accordance with the Subject to the use of effective noise mitigation provision in section 4.1. measures in the concrete project to comply with Suitable monitoring is obligatory in the operating specified noise mitigation values in accordance with the planning principle for noise mitigation phase of the individual project in order to be able to record and assess any site- and project- and applying the requirements outlined in the specific impacts). noise protection concept of the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and As a result, the prescribed mitigation measures Nuclear Safety, there is no reason to worry that are sufficient to ensure that, in relation to harbour the installation of the platform foundations will porpoises, the operation of the wind farm does cause disturbance of harbour porpoises in terms not violate the prohibition as defined in section of species protection law as defined in section 44 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Conservation Act. The conservation status of the Other marine mammals local harbour porpoise populations is not expected to worsen. The detailed considerations for harbour porpoises regarding noise emissions caused by In addition to the results of the species construction and operation activities of offshore conservation assessment for offshore wind wind turbines generally apply to all marine farms, the following considerations apply to mammals otherwise present in the planning platforms: area. However, the hearing levels, sensitivity The installation of the transformer platforms is a and behavioural reactions among marine time-limited work process. The effective pile- mammals vary considerably depending on the driving time to be observed (including species. The differences in detection and deterrence) is specified in the approval evaluation of sound events among marine procedure in a site-specific and installation- mammals are based on two components: first, specific manner. As part of the enforcement the sensory systems are morphoanatomically procedure, coordination of sound-intensive work and functionally different depending on the with other construction projects is also required species. As a result, marine mammal species to ensure that sufficient avoidance areas are hear and react differently to noise. Second, both available for the harbour porpoise populations in detection and reaction behaviour depend on the the German EEZ. According to the current state respective habitat (KETTEN 2004). of knowledge, it can be assumed that the Seals are generally considered to be tolerant of insertion of the piles for pile-driven platforms, noise, especially when food is abundant. taking into account strict noise reduction However, telemetric investigations have found measures and accompanied by intensive flight responses during seismic activities monitoring measures, will not cause any (RICHARDSON 2004). According to all previous disturbance relevant to species protection findings, seals can still hear pile-driving noises at regulations in accordance with section 44 a distance of more than 100 km. Operating noise subsection 1 No. 2 of the Federal Nature from 1.5 - 2 MW wind turbines can still be Conservation Act. Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 255 Submarine cabling systems that are particularly worthy of protection. They Based on the current state of knowledge, the are not amongst the main resting, feeding and laying and operation of submarine cable wintering habitats of Annex I species of the Wild systems will not involve any disturbances of Birds Directive. marine mammals relevant to species In addition, the EEZ is of average to above- conservation law as defined in section 44 average importance for bird migration. Annually, subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature up to a billion birds migrate over the Baltic Sea. Conservation Act. For sea ducks and geese from Northern Europe and Russia (as far as West Siberia), the Baltic 5.2 Avifauna (seabirds, resting birds Sea is an important transit area, with a large part and migratory birds) of the migration occurring in the autumn in the The plan must be evaluated on the basis of east-west direction close to the coast. Thermal species conservation regulations in accordance soarers (and other diurnal migratory land birds, with section 44 of the Federal Nature such as common wood pigeon) preferably Conservation Act in conjunction with Art. 5 of the migrate along the "flyway" (islands of Fehmarn, Wild Birds Directive for avifauna (resting and Falster, Møn and Seeland, Falsterbo). East of migratory birds). this main route, these birds migrate in much lower densities. The western Baltic Sea is of Protected bird species listed in Annex I of the above-average importance for crane migration, Wild Birds Directive occur in varying densities in because the majority of the biogeographic the vicinity of the planned areas for offshore wind population on its way south must inevitably cross farms and platforms as well as along the planned the Baltic Sea. In addition, the western Baltic submarine cable routes. Against this Sea is flown over, sometimes in high intensities, background, the compatibility of the plans with by several species that require special protection section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper swan, eider duck, Nature Conservation Act (prohibition of killing common and velvet scoter). and injury) and section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (disturbance of strictly protected species and European bird species) must be assessed and ensured. The individual areas for offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea EEZ are of differing significance for seabirds and resting birds. Overall, area O-1 is expected to be of medium importance for seabirds. The area boundaries on the extensive resting habitats of the Pomeranian Bight and the Adlergrund to the south and south-east. Overall, the area has a medium seabird population and a medium incidence of endangered species and species that are particularly worthy of protection. According to current knowledge, areas O-2 and O-3 are of low importance as feeding and resting habitats for seabirds. Both areas have a low incidence of endangered species and species 256 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

5.2.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the turbines) are not covered by the prohibition as Federal Nature Conservation Act socially adequate risks (Bundestag Printed (prohibition of injury and killing) Paper 16/5100, p. 11 and 16/12274, p. 70 f.). The species conservation assessment pursuant They are only attributed if the risk of success for to section 44 subsection 1 No. 1 of the Federal the project increases significantly due to special Nature Conservation Act refers to the killing and circumstances, such as the construction of the injury of individual birds and animals and turbines, the topographical conditions or the therefore applies uniformly to all plan areas from biology of the species. Risk avoidance and O-1 up to and including O-3. It should be noted mitigation measures are to be included in the at this point that the species protection review of assessment; see LÜTKES/EWER 2011, BVERWG, the plan in the sense of section 44 subsection 1 12 MARCH 2008; BVERWG 09 July 2008; No. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act FRENZ/MÜGGENBORG, 2011. can only be implemented at a higher level. Any The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation impacts of the structural design of the regularly states in its comments that, due to installations and their spatial configuration changes in the technical size parameters of the requires a detailed review at the approval level wind turbines in current projects, the vertical of the individual projects. obstacles in the airspace are generally increased compared to farms constructed from Areas and sites for offshore wind 2011 to 2014. However, based on the current turbines state of knowledge, an increased risk of bird Pursuant to section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the strikes cannot be quantified by simultaneously Federal Nature Conservation Act, it is prohibited reducing the number of turbines. Although to hunt, catch, injure or kill wild animals of collision-related individual losses due to the specially protected species. This applies to all construction of a stationary system in previously development forms of the affected species. unobstructed spaces cannot be completely ruled Pursuant to section 7 subsection 2 no. 12 and out, The prescribed measures, such as no. 13 b) bb) of the Federal Nature Conservation minimising light emissions, ensure that collisions Act, species that are naturally native to Europe with offshore wind turbines are avoided as far as in the sense of Article 1 Annex I of the Wild Birds possible or at least that this risk is minimised. In Directive also form part of the specially protected addition, monitoring is carried out during the species. operating phase to improve the nature Accordingly, any injury or killing of resting birds conservation assessment of the actual risk of as a result of collisions with wind turbines is bird strikes posed by the turbines. The right to prohibited. The risk of collision depends on the prescribe additional measures is also explicitly behaviour of the individual birds and is directly reserved. related to the species in question and the Based on the current state of knowledge, there environmental conditions. For example, divers is no evidence of a significantly increased risk of are unlikely to collide due to their pronounced a site-related collision of individual species of avoidance behaviour towards vertical obstacles. seabirds and resting birds in areas O-1 to O-3 of When planning and approving public the plan. infrastructure and private construction projects, Therefore, it cannot be assumed that the it must be assumed that unavoidable killings or prohibition of injury and killing will be realised in injuries of individuals for operational reasons accordance with section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of (e.g. through collision of bats or birds with wind Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 257

the Federal Nature Conservation Act for sea and minimisation measures should be laid down in resting birds is thus not to be assumed. the specific approval procedure. Against this background, the Federal Maritime Submarine cabling systems and Hydrographic Agency does not expect any According to the current state of knowledge, the significant increase in the risk of killing or injuring operation of submarine cable systems will not migratory birds. Any increased risk of collision have any significant negative impacts on due to the structural design of the installations seabirds and migratory birds that violate the must be taken into account when planning the prohibition of killing and injury pursuant to individual projects. This is especially true for section 44 subsection 1 no.1 of the Federal crane migration. Consequently, the plan does Nature Conservation Act. When laying the not violate the prohibition on killing and injuring submarine cable systems, the tall cable-laying in accordance with section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 ships can attract migratory birds with their of the Federal Nature Conservation Act. intense lighting. Due to the short duration of the Platforms laying phase, the risk of a violation of species conservation prohibitions can be excluded Collisions with platforms may result in the death according to the current state of knowledge. or injury of birds. It can be assumed that the Suitable measures must also be taken on the species affected will mainly be songbirds construction ships to minimise attraction from migrating at night and only a few species of lighting, taking into account occupational safety seabirds and resting birds. Based on current aspects. case law, the BfN points out that the killing or injuring of individual birds does not always 5.2.2 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of constitute fulfilment of the prohibitory provision the Federal Nature Conservation Act of section 44 (1) No. 1 of the Federal Nature (prohibition of disturbance) Conservation Act, rather it is only fulfilled if a As described above, the planning area has significant increase in the risk of collision- occurrences of the red-throated diver, the black- induced losses of individual birds occurs. In view throated diver, the little gull, the horned grebe, of the fact that a transformer or collector platform the common gull, the long-tailed duck and the is a single building in close spatial association common guillemot, various native European wild with an offshore wind farm, it can be assumed, bird species listed in Art. 1 of the Wild Birds as far as the platform is concerned, that there is Directive and Annex I species of the Wild Birds no significantly increased risk of collision. Directive. Against this background, the Whether the risk of a violation of the prohibitions compatibility of the plan with section 44 under species protection law can also be ruled subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature out for the case of cumulative consideration Conservation Act in conjunction with Article 5 of taking into account the wind farms to be the Wild Birds Directive must be ensured. connected, cannot be clarified with the required According to section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the certainty within the framework of the present Federal Nature Conservation Act it is prohibited Strategic Environmental Assessment. A final to significantly disturb wild animals of strictly cumulative assessment will only be possible at protected species during their breeding, rearing, the concrete project level after carrying out a moulting, hibernation and migration periods, detailed assessment of wildlife conservation whereby a disturbance shall be deemed regulations. To minimise the risk of collision of significant if it causes the conservation status of birds with the installations, appropriate the local population of a species to worsen. 258 Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations

The species conservation assessment pursuant account the available knowledge on the to section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal migratory behaviour and the migration intensity Nature Conservation Act refers to population- of individual species and the crane in particular, relevant disturbances of local populations, the the wind energy areas planned in the Site occurrence of which, however, varies only Development Plan, taking into account the slightly in the areas covered by the plan. The respective area-related planning of further species conservation assessment pursuant to projects, can be assumed not to cause a serious section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal disturbance to bird migration. A cumulative Nature Conservation Act is therefore applied consideration taking into consideration existing uniformly for all areas of the plan. pre-stresses and future developments cannot currently be concluded due to existing Areas and sites for offshore wind knowledge gaps. These gaps in bird migration turbines knowledge still require attentive and intensive All available evidence shows a low to at most observation and monitoring in the planning and medium importance for Annex I species of the implementation of individual projects. For this Wild Birds Directive for the areas intended to be purpose, it makes sense to add additional used for offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea detection methods to the investigation methods EEZ. Red-throated divers and black-throated in accordance with StUK 4, such as the divers only visit the planning area sporadically as rangefinder for determining flight altitudes, so winter stopover or passage migrant birds. The that specific questions can be considered occurrence of Slavonian grebes and little gulls is separately. similarly low. The areas are unimportant for diving sea ducks as feeding grounds because of Platforms their depth. For auks, such as guillemots and All transformer or collector platforms are planned razorbills, area O-1 belongs only to the southern in direct physical proximity to offshore wind fringes of their main winter resting area in the farms and thus in their immediate vicinity. It can Baltic Sea. Black guillemots are only seen therefore be assumed that the adjacent wind sporadically to the east of this area. farms' deterrence of seabirds sensitive to disturbance and the associated loss of habitat by In summary, in view of the low incidence of the transformer and or transformer platforms will protected species listed in Annex I of the Wild only increase marginally. The same applies to Birds Directive and other wild native bird the deterrence and barrier effect on migratory species, significant disturbance caused by birds. Based on the current state of knowledge, implementation of the plan can be safely ruled it therefore cannot be assumed that there will be out for seabirds and resting birds. Therefore, it a disturbance of seabirds, resting birds and cannot be assumed that the conditions which migratory birds as defined in section 44 would mean that the offence had occurred will be subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature fulfilled in accordance with section 44 subsection Conservation Act relevant to species 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act conservation law. can therefore not be assumed. The Baltic Sea EEZ is of average to above- Submarine cabling systems average importance for bird migration. Worthy of Deterrence of migratory birds, seabirds and note here is the importance of the Baltic Sea for resting birds is limited to the small-scale laying the migration of the crane, another Annex I bird of submarine cables, which is very temporary. species of the Wild Birds Directive. Taking into These disturbances will not go beyond the Assessment of wildlife conservation regulations 259

disruptions generally associated with slow Experience and results from research projects shipping traffic. Therefore, no species-protection and wind farms already in operation will also be relevant disturbance in accordance with section sufficiently accounted for in other assessments. 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature According to the current plans, violation of Conservation Act is to be expected from the neither the prohibition of killing and injury planned submarine cable systems. pursuant to section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act nor the 5.3 Bats prohibition of a significant disturbance pursuant Migration movements of bats across the Baltic to 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Sea are documented to varying extents, but to Conservation Act is the be expected. date no specific information is available on Based on the current state of knowledge, the migratory species, migration corridors, migration laying and operation of submarine cable heights and migration concentrations. The only systems will not have any relevant effects on information to date confirms that bats, especially

bats under species conservation law. species that travel long distances, fly over the Baltic Sea. On the basis of previous observations, it is assumed that bats tend to migrate across the sea in concentrations (swarms), probably at considerable altitudes and on migratory routes that are used regularly.

5.3.1 Section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 and no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act In its statements, the BfN regularly indicates that, according to the current state of knowledge, the killing or injury (section 44 subsection 1 no. 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act) of other specially protected species, such as bats, can be excluded where offshore wind farms, platforms and submarine cable systems are concerned. According to the BfN, based on the current state of knowledge, the implementation of a prohibitory provision relating to a significant disturbance according to species protection law (section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act) for other strictly protected species is not to be expected either. The BSH agrees with the BfN and is of the opinion that any temporary threats to bats may be avoided by the same prevention and mitigation measures used for the protection of migratory birds. 260 Assessment of the implications

6 Assessment of the parts of the nature conservation area that are relevant to the conservation objectives or fulfil implications the requirements of section 34 subsections 3 to Within the framework of this SEA, the areas, 5 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (see sites, platforms and submarine cable routes in section 9 subsection NSGPBRV, section 4 5 the Site Development Plan will be subject to a subsection 2 NSGFmbV, section 5 subsection 2 separate assessment as to their implications for NSGKdrV. The implications according to the the conservation objectives of the nature Federal Nature Conservation Act are to be conservation areas. assessed in accordance with the assessment previously carried out for the Fauna-Flora- 6.1 Legal basis Habitat areas (FFH areas). By a decision made by the EU Commission dated 12.11.2007, the The German Baltic Sea EEZ includes the nature nature conservation areas in the EEZ were conservation areas "Pomeranian Bight – previously included under European law as FFH Rönnebank", "Fehmarn Belt" and "Kadetrinne", areas in the first updated list of areas of which were established by decree on Community importance in the Atlantic 22.09.2017. biogeographical region under Art. 4 subsection 2 Essentially, construction of artificial installations of the Habitats Directive (Official Journal of the and buildings in nature conservation areas is EU, 15.01.2008, L 12/1), so an FFH assessment prohibited. However, this does not apply to of the implications has already been carried out certain projects and plans, subject to an within the framework of the Spatial Offshore Grid admissibility assessment being performed (see Plan. sections 8 subsection 1, 9 subsection 6 sections 34 and 36 of the Federal Nature Ordinance on the establishment of the Conservation Act stipulate that plans or projects conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – which, individually or in conjunction with other Rönnebank" (NSGPBRV) 41 ; sections 4 plans or projects, may significantly affect an FFH subsection 1, 5 subsection 6 Ordinance on the and EU bird sanctuary and which do not directly Establishment of the Nature Conservation Area serve the administration of the area must be "Fehmarn Belt" (NSGFmbV) 42 ; section 4 assessed for their implications for the subsection 1, 5 subsection 6 Ordinance on the conservation objectives and protective aims of a Establishment of the Nature Conservation Area Natura 2000 site. This is also applicable to "Kadetrinne"(NSGKdrV) 43). These projects and projects outside the site which, individually or in plans must be assessed for their implications for combination with other projects or plans, are the conservation objectives of the respective likely to significantly undermine the conservation ordinance. In doing so, they are permissible if objectives of the sites. With the designation of they, in accordance with section 34 subsection 2 the nature conservation areas, this assessment of the Federal Nature Conservation Act cannot now refers to the conservation objective of these lead to significant damage to the constituent

41 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area 43 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" of 22 September 2017 "Kadetrinne" of 22 September 2017 (Federal Law Gazette I (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3415) p. 3410) 42 Ordinance on the establishment of the conservation area "Fehmarn Belt" of 22 September 2017 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3405) Assessment of the implications 261

nature conservation areas. The assessment of subsection 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation the implications under the Habitats Directive has Act, since the habitats of some target species a narrower scope than the SEA as it is limited to (e.g. avifauna, marine mammals) may extend reviewing the impact using the protective aims over several conservation areas due to their established for the protected area. Other large range. There are also FFH areas and bird environmental effects do not need to be sanctuaries outside the German EEZ that are assessed. taken into account. A re-examination of the areas and testing grounds in the coastal waters The total site of the three nature conservation is not taking place because this has already areas amounts to 2,472 km²; the nature occurred with the establishment of the conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional Rönnebank" covers an area of 2,092 km², the spatial development programme. nature conservation area "Fehmarn Belt" covers an area of 280 km2, and the nature conservation Apart from the effects within the EEZ, this area "Kadetrinne" covers 100 km2. assessment of the implications explicitly examines only possible remote effects of the The factors are the habitat types "reefs" and areas and sites, converter platforms and "sandbanks" according to Annex I of the Habitats submarine cable routes that are planned in the Directive, certain fish species and marine EEZ in protected sites in adjacent sites. mammals according to Annex II of the Habitats However, this consideration is not made with Directive (sturgeon, twaite shad, harbour regard to routes in coastal waters, which are porpoise, grey seal), as well as various bird connected to the gates provided for in the Site species according to Annex I of the Wild Birds Development Plan. This assessment is the Directive (red-throated diver, black-throated subject of the coastal states' environmental diver, Slavonian grebe, red-necked grebe, white- reports on Spatial Plans or secondary billed diver, long-tailed duck, common scoter, procedures. velvet scoter, common gull, guillemot, razorbill, black guillemot). Species listed in Annex IV of An assessment of the implications pursuant to the Habitats Directive, e.g. the harbour porpoise, section 34 subsection 2 to 5 of the Federal must be strictly protected everywhere, including Nature Conservation Act must be carried out if a outside the defined protected areas. preliminary assessment pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Within the framework of the Site Development Act concludes that significant impairment of a Plan, individual rules are planned near the protected area is a serious concern. nature conservation areas "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" and "Fehmarn Belt". Thus, the Pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the assessment of implications in the EEZ area is Federal Nature Conservation Act, projects and limited to these protected areas. In addition, the plans must be reviewed for their implications for assessment of the implications also takes into the protective aims of a protected area prior to account the remote effects of the rules defined their implementation if, individually or in within the EEZ on the conservation areas in the conjunction with other projects or plans, they are adjacent 12 nautical milezone and the adjacent likely to have a significant impact on the Natura waters of the neighbouring states. This also 2000 site and do not directly serve the concerns assessment and consideration of administration of the area. functional relationships between the individual For this reason, a possible negative impact on conservation areas and the coherence of the the conservation objectives, as set out in the network of conservation areas under section 56 262 Assessment of the implications

conservation objective of the Conservation Area No significant effects are expected for "reef" and Ordinance of 22 September 2017, should be "sandbar" habitats with their characteristic and checked for. endangered communities and species due to the construction and operation of sites and platforms The BSH is responsible for the assessment of in the area O-2 (site O-2.2 under investigation) the implications according to section 34 of the because of the small scale of, in particular, reef- Federal Nature Conservation Act. related effects, such as sediment drift and 6.2 Impact assessment of the Site sediment overlaying with the material released during the construction phase, and because of Development Plan with respect the location of the area outside nature to the habitat types conservation areas. Significant damage to the nature conservation areas due to sediment drift 6.2.1 Assessment of implications with the during the construction phase can be excluded conservation objective of the nature based on current knowledge. The closest nature conservation area "Pomeranian Bight conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – – Rönnebank" Rönnebank" is located at a distance of at least 9.2 km and thus outside of the drift distances Impact assessment of the Site discussed in the scientific literature. In this Development Plan for sites and respect, no release of nutrient and pollutant platforms in area O-1 with regard concentrations that could affect the nature to habitat types conservation area is to be expected. No significant effects are expected for "reef" and "sandbar" habitats with their characteristic and Impact assessment of the Site endangered communities and species due to the Development Plan for cable routes construction and operation of sites and platforms for connection of the O-1 and O-2 in the area O-1 because of the small scale of, in areas and parallel cross-border particular, reef-related effects, such as sediment submarine cable systems drift and sediment overlaying with the material in respect of habitat types released during the construction phase, and Significant impairments to the conservation because of the location of the area outside areas due to sediment drifting during the nature conservation areas. Significant damage construction phase are excluded based on to the nature conservation areas due to sediment current knowledge. The nature conservation drift during the construction phase can be area "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" is located excluded based on current knowledge. The at a distance of at least 900 m to the cable routes closest nature conservation area "Pomeranian and thus outside the drifting distances discussed Bight – Rönnebank" is located at a distance of at in the literature. The soft sediments that occur least 5.8 km and thus outside of the drift along the course of the cable route do indeed distances discussed in the scientific literature. In settle more slowly than coarser sediment. this respect, no release of nutrient and pollutant However, given the predominant low currents concentrations that could affect the nature close to the seabed, turbidity plumes can only be conservation area is to be expected. expected in areas with soft sediments up to a distance of approx. 500 m which clearly exceed Impact assessment of the Site natural suspended matter maxima. Moreover, Development Plan for sites and the released material remains in the water platforms in area O-2 with regard column for long enough to be distributed over a to habitat types Assessment of the implications 263

large area, so barely detectable thicknesses of routes on the conservation objective the deposited material are to be expected due to of the nature conservation area the comparatively small volumes. Simulations "Fehmarn Belt" show that the sediment released will have resettled after a maximum of 12 hours. Impact assessment of the Site Development Plan for a cross- Thus, according to available information, the border submarine cable system impairments will generally remain small-scale between the gates O-V and O-VI and temporary. In this respect, no release of One cross-border submarine cable system is nutrient and pollutant concentrations that could planned in the area of the Fehmarn Belt crossing affect the nature conservation area is to be (O-V to O-VI) and crosses the Fehmarn Belt expected. nature conservation area over a distance of 4.3 Impact assessment of the Site km. The possibility of co-using the existing Development Plan for a cross- infrastructure of the future Fehmarn Belt tunnel border submarine cable system for a cross-border submarine cable system is between the gates O-XIII and O-XII being considered, so no further negative effects in respect of habitat types due to an interconnector, beyond the effects of the construction of the tunnel, are to be Eight routes for interconnectors are specified in expected. the Baltic Sea EEZ. A cross-border submarine cable system is planned to run parallel to the Nord Stream gas line or between "Nord Stream" 6.3 Impact assessment of the Site and "Nord Stream 2", connecting gates O-XII Development Plan for protected and O-XIII. It crosses the nature conservation species area "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" over a distance of 32.3 km. No crossings with other 6.3.1 Impact assessment of areas, sites cables are necessary within the protected area. and submarine cable systems on the conservation objective of the Within the German EEZ, the biotope "Sublittoral, "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" flat sandy Baltic seabed with brackish water nature conservation area mussel community (Cerastoderma glaucum, Macoma baltica, Mya arenaria)" (Code Impact assessment of the Site, FINCK et al., 2017) can be found Development Plan for protected in the area of the Nord Stream routes. According bird species to current knowledge, there are no other The areas O-1 and O-2 are located near the biotopes and habitat types along the route. The nature conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – shortest distance of the route from the habitat Rönnebank" (Federal Law Gazette I, I S, 3415), type "sandbank" is approx. 9.6 km, while the which was established by the Ordinance of distance from the habitat type "reef" is at least 22/09/2017. approx. 10.7 km. Thus, no significant effects on the habitat types "reef" and "sandbank" within Pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the the nature conservation area with their Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 9 characteristic and endangered communities and subsection 1, no. 3 NSGPBRV, the impairment species, are to be expected. of the conservation objectives of subdivision IV of the nature conservation area caused by the 6.2.2 Impact assessment of planned cable implementation of the plan is to be assessed. 264 Assessment of the implications

The impact assessment of the Site Development natural population dynamics and population Plan is based on the conservation objective of development of their biogeographic subdivision IV according to section 7 of the population, NSGPBRV. - according to no. 2, of the essential food According to section 7 NSGPBRV, the sources of bird species, in particular conservation objective of subdivision IV is as population densities, age-group distributions follows: and distribution patterns of the organisms serving as a food source for the bird species, According to section 7 subsection 1 NSGPBRV, the conservation objectives of subdivision IV - according to no. 3, of the characteristic include the conservation or, where necessary, features of the area, in particular in respect the restoration of a favourable conservation of the salinity, the freedom from ice even in state severe winters and the geo- and hydromorphological properties with their - according to no. 1, of the species occurring species-specific ecological functions and in this subdivision listed in Annex I to effects, as well as Directive 2009/147/EC, red-throated diver (Gavia stellata), black-throated diver (Gavia - no.4: of the natural quality of habitats with arctica), Slavonian grebe (Podiceps their species-specific ecological functions, auritus), their integrity and spatial interdependence, and unhindered access to adjacent and - according to no. 2, of the regularly occurring neighbouring marine areas. migratory bird species in this area, red- necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena), The areas O-1 and O-2 and the sites and yellow-billed diver (Gavia adamsii), long- platforms contained within them are, as already tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis), common shown, outside the known resting areas of scoter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter protected bird species. According to the current (Melanitta fusca), common gull (Larus state of knowledge, a disturbance to resting and canus), guillemot (Uria algae), razorbill migratory birds caused by the construction and (Alca torda) and black guillemot (Cepphus operation of offshore wind turbines is not grylle) as well as expected. The monitoring of the offshore wind farms "Viking" and "Arkona Basin Southeast" - according to no. 3 of the function of this area has confirmed that a population-relevant as a feeding, overwintering, moulting, transit disturbance of bird species to be protected and and resting area for the species mentioned. an impairment of the conservation objectives of Pursuant to section 7 subsection 2 NSGPBRV, the conservation area can be excluded. in order to protect the habitats and to ensure the The laying and operation of submarine survival and reproduction of the bird species cable systems for the connection of areas O-1 listed in subsection 1 and to protect the area in and O-2 and parallel Interconnectors are not its functions referred to in subsection 1, of expected to have significant effects on bird particular importance are the conservation or, if species. necessary, restoration According to the current state of knowledge, it is - according to no. 1, of the qualitative and thus possible to safely exclude significant quantitative populations of bird species with adverse effects on the conservation objectives of the aim of achieving a favourable the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature conservation state, taking into account the conservation area in respect of protected bird Assessment of the implications 265

species, whether considering the plan on its own 2 NSGPbrV of the Annex II to the Habitats or based on its interaction with other projects. Directive and the preservation and restoration of their habitats. The area O-3 is located at a distance of more than 50 km from the nature conservation area Pursuant to section 6 subsection 1, No. 2 "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank". In addition, NSGPbrV comprise the conservation of or, where the results from the monitoring of the offshore necessary, the restoration of a favourable wind farm "EnBW Baltic2" have confirmed that conservation state for the conservation objectives no significant effects on protected bird species aimed at in subdivision III of the nature are to be expected. conservation area for the species porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) according to Annex II of Impact assessment of the Site Directive 92/43/EEC. Development Plan with regard Pursuant to section 6 subsection 3 NSGPbrV are to marine mammals for the protection of the species referred to in Pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the subsection 1 No. 2 NSGPbrV the conservation or, Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 9 where necessary, the restoration: subsection 1, no. 3 NSGPbrV, the impairment of • the conservation objectives of subdivisions II of the natural population densities of these and III of the nature conservation area caused by species with the aim of achieving a the execution of the plan, is to be assessed. favourable conservation status, their natural spatial and temporal distribution, health and The assessment of the plan's implications is reproductive fitness, taking into account based on the conservation objective of the natural population dynamics, the natural "Pomeranian Bight - Rönnebank" nature genetic diversity within the population and conservation area. According to section 3, genetic exchanges with populations outside subsection 1 NSGPbrV the implementation of of the area, the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 • of the area as a largely disturbance-free and sites through permanent protection of the maritime zone, the diversity of its habitats, pollution-free habitat for the harbour porpoise, communities and species relevant for these areas and the particular character of this part of • undivided habitats and the possibility of the Baltic Sea characterised by the Oder Bank, migration of the species referred to in Adlergrund, Rönnebank and the Arkona Basin. subsection 1 No. 2 NSGPbrV within the According to section 3 subsection 2, No. 3 central Baltic Sea, western Baltic Sea and NSGPbrV comprises the conservation and, if Belt Sea necessary, the restoration of the specific • of the essential organisms serving as food ecological values and functions of the area, in resources for the harbour porpoise, in particular the populations of harbour porpoises, particular the natural population densities, grey seals and seabird species as well as their age-group distributions and distribution habitats and natural population dynamics. patterns. Finally, under section 5 subsection 1 to According to the current state of knowledge and subsection 3 NSGPbrV as well as under section based on the findings from the monitoring of the 6 subsection 1 to subsection 3 NSGPbrV to construction and operation of the offshore wind ensure the survival and reproduction of the farms "Viking" and "Arkona Basin Southeast" marine mammal species of harbour porpoise impairment of the conservation objectives of and harbour seals listed in section 3 subsection 266 Assessment of the implications

subdivision III of the nature conservation area objectives of the Natura 2000 site through "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" can be safely permanent protection of the maritime zone, the excluded. Any adverse effects from the diversity of its habitats, communities and species implementation of the plan on the conservation relevant for this area and the particular character objectives of subdivision II "Adlergrund" of the of the sandbank in the form of 'megaripples'. nature conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – The protection comprises Rönnebank" in respect of marine mammals can • the conservation or, where necessary, the also be safely excluded. restoration of the specific ecological values The area O-3 is located at a distance of more and functions of the area, in particular its than 50 km from the nature conservation area characteristic morphodynamics and the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank". In addition, hydrodynamics resulting from the water the results from the monitoring of the offshore exchange between the North and Baltic wind farm "EnBW Baltic2" have confirmed that Seas, natural or near-natural characteristics no significant effects on protected marine of the marine macrophyte stocks and the mammal species are to be expected. An species-rich gravel, coarse sand and shell impairment of the conservation objectives of the layers, the populations of harbour porpoises "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature and harbour seals including their habitats conservation area in respect of marine mammals and natural population dynamics, as well as can be safely ruled out. its connecting and stepping stone function for the ecosystems of the western and central 6.3.2 Impact assessment of areas, sites, Baltic Sea; platforms and submarine cable • systems on the conservation the conservation or, where necessary, the objective of the "Fehmarn Belt" restoration of a favourable conservation nature conservation area status of the habitat types characteristic of the area, in accordance with Annex I of Pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the Directive 92/43/EEC - sandbanks which are Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 5 slightly covered by sea water all the time subsection 6 of the NSGFmbV, the plan in (EU code 1110) and reefs (EU code 1170) question must take into account the provisions and the species listed in Annex II of pursuant to section 5 subsection 4 NSGFmbV in Directive 92/43/EEC - harbour porpoise the official decision. Projects and plans must be (Phocoena phocoena, EU code 1351) assessed for their implications for the protective and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina, EU aims of a protected area before being approved code 1365); or implemented if, individually or in combination with other projects or plans, they are likely to • the conservation or, where necessary, the have a significant impact on the nature restoration of the ecological quality of conservation area. habitat structures and their areal extent, the natural quality of these habitats with largely The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency natural distribution, population density and is responsible for the assessment of the dynamics of the populations of the implications according to section 34 of the characteristic species and the natural Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 5 characteristics of their communities, the subsection 7 NSGFmbV. unfragmented nature of the habitats and According to section 3 subsection 1 NSGFmbV their function as a regeneration space, the implementation of the conservation especially for the benthic fauna, as well as Assessment of the implications 267

the function as a starting point and connection systems are located at very large distribution corridor for the repopulation of distances from the "Fehmarn Belt" nature surrounding areas by the benthic species conservation area. A planned cross-border and communities; submarine cable system crosses the conservation area over a length of 4.3 km. The • for the protection of harbour porpoises and possibility of co-using the existing infrastructure grey seals the conservation of or, if of the future Fehmarn Belt tunnel for a cross- necessary, the restoration border submarine cable system is being o of the natural population densities considered, so no further negative effects due to of these species with the aim of an interconnector, beyond the effects of the achieving a favourable conservation construction of the tunnel, are to be expected. status, their natural spatial and An impairment of the conservation objectives of temporal distribution, health and the "Fehmarn Belt" nature conservation area in reproductive fitness, taking into account respect of marine mammals can be safely ruled natural population dynamics, the out. natural genetic diversity within the population and genetic exchanges with 6.3.3 Impact assessment of areas, sites, populations outside of the area, platforms and submarine cable o of the area so that it is as systems on the conservation undisturbed as possible and as a objective of the "Kadetrinne" nature largely unpolluted feeding and conservation area migration habitat of the harbour Pursuant to section 34 subsection 1 of the porpoise and harbour seal and as a Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 5 reproductive and rearing habitat for subsection 6 of the NSGKdrV, the plan in harbour porpoises, question must take into account the provisions pursuant to section 5 subsection 4 NSGKdrV in o undivided habitats and the possibility of migration of harbour the official decision. Projects and plans must be porpoises and harbour seals within the assessed for their implications for the protective Baltic Sea, in particular in the adjacent aims of a protected area before being approved and neighbouring nature conservation or implemented if, individually or in combination areas of Schleswig-Holstein and with other projects or plans, they are likely to have Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and a significant impact on the nature conservation to seal lying places along the Danish area. (especially Rødsand) and German The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency coast as well as is responsible for the assessment of the implications according to section 34 of the the basic food resources of o Federal Nature Conservation Act and section 5 harbour porpoises and harbour seals, in subsection 7 NSGKdrV. particular the natural population densities, age-group distributions and According to section 3 subsection 1 the distribution patterns of the organisms implementation of the conservation objectives of serving as a food source for the - the Natura 2000 site through permanent porpoises and seals. protection of the maritime zone, the diversity of its habitats, communities and species relevant for The areas O-1, O2 and O3 and the associated this area and the particular importance of the sites and platforms as well as the associated grid 268 Assessment of the implications

channels system existing here for water • To protect the harbour porpoises the exchange between the North and Baltic Seas. following are of particular importance for The protection comprises conservation or, if necessary, restoration • the conservation or, where necessary, the o of the natural population densities restoration of the specific ecological values of the species with the aim of achieving and functions of the area, in particular its a favourable conservation status, their characteristic morphodynamics and the natural spatial and temporal distribution, hydrodynamics resulting from the water health and reproductive fitness, taking exchange between the North and Baltic into account natural population Seas, the harbour porpoise populations, dynamics, the natural genetic diversity including their habitat and natural population within the population and genetic dynamics, and its connection and stepping exchanges with populations outside of stone function for the ecosystems of the the area, western and central Baltic Sea. o of the area so that it is as • The aimed for conservation objectives undisturbed as possible and so that it include the conservation of or, where remains as a largely unpolluted feeding, necessary, the restoration of a favourable migration, reproductive and rearing conservation state of the characteristic reef habitat for harbour porpoises, habitat type (EU code 1170) in accordance o of unfragmented habitats and the with Annex I of Directive 92/43/EEC, and of possibility of migration of marine the harbour porpoise species (Phocoena mammals within the central Baltic Sea phocoena, EU code 1351) in accordance and into the western Baltic Sea as well with Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC. as • To protect the referred to habitat type, o of the essential organisms serving including its characteristic species, of as food resources for harbour porpoises, particular importance is the conservation or, in particular the natural population where necessary, the restoration densities, age-group distributions and o of the ecological quality of the habitat distribution patterns. structures and their areal extent, The areas O-1, O-2 and O-3 and the associated o of the natural quality of the habitats sites, platforms and submarine cable systems with largely natural distribution, are located at very large distances from the population density and dynamics of the "Kadetrinne" nature conservation area. In populations of the characteristic species addition, the results of the monitoring of the and the natural characteristics of their offshore wind farm "EnBW Baltic2" have communities, confirmed that no significant impact on the protected marine mammals or protected bird o of the unfragmented nature of the habitats and their function as a species is to be expected. regeneration space, especially for the An impairment of the conservation objectives of benthic fauna, as well as the "Kadetrinne" nature conservation area in o of the function as a starting point respect of marine mammals can thus be safely and distribution corridor for the ruled out. repopulation of surrounding areas by the benthic species and communities; 6.4 Natura 2000 areas outside the Assessment of the implications 269

German EEZs • FFH and bird sanctuary "Plantagenetgrund" (coastal waters In addition, the assessment of the implications Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, DE also takes into account the remote effects of the 1343 301/ DE 1343 401): FFH area rules defined in the Site Development Plan on • FFH area "Darss Sill" (coastal waters the protected areas in the adjacent 12 nautical Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, mile zone and the adjacent waters of the DE 1540 302) neighbouring states. This also affects the • Bird sanctuary "Vorpommersche assessment and consideration of functional Boddenlandschaft und nördlicher relationships between the individual protected Strelasund" (coastal waters areas and the coherence of the network of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, protected areas pursuant to section 56 DE 1542 401) subsection 2 of the Federal Nature Conservation • FFH area "Greifswalder Act since the habitat of some target species (e.g. Boddenrandschwelle und Teile der avifauna, marine mammals) can extend over Pommerschen Bucht" (coastal waters several protected areas due to their large radius Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, of activity. DE 1749-302) • Danish FFH area "Adler Grund og In particular, the bird sanctuary "Westliche Rønne Banke" (DK 00VA 261) Pommersche Bucht", the FFH and bird • Danish FFH area "Klinteskov kalkgrund" sanctuary "Plantagenetgrund", the FFH area (DK 00VA 306): EUNIS Factsheet "Darss Sill", the bird sanctuary "Vorpommersche • Swedish FFH area "Sydvästskånes Boddenlandschaft und nördlicher Strelasund" utsjövatte" (SE 0430187) and the FFH area "Greifswalder • Polish bird sanctuary "Zatoka Boddenrandschwelle und Teile der Pomorska" (PLB 990003) Pommerschen Bucht" in the coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania are taken Polish FFH area "Ostoja na Zatoce Pomorskiej" into consideration. In adjacent areas of the (PLH 990002): In addition, under Art. 12 of the neighbouring countries, the FFH areas "Adler Habitats Directive, for species listed in Annex IV Grund og Rønne Banke" and "Klinteskov to the Habitats Directive, the EU Member States kalkgrund" in Danish waters, the Swedish FFH shall take the necessary measures in and area "Sydvästskånes utsjövatte", the Polish bird outside of protected areas to establish a strict sanctuary "Zatoka Pomorska" and the Polish system of protection for these species in their FFH area "Ostoja na Zatoce Pomorskiej" were natural distribution range. These include all taken into consideration. whale species according to the Habitats Directive. Parts of the feeding habitat are to be The conservation objectives and protective aims preserved by the FFH areas. for the Natura 2000 sites outside the EEZ have been taken from the following documents:

• Bird sanctuary "Westliche Pommersche Bucht" (coastal waters Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, DE1649 401): EUNIS factsheet 270 Assessment of the implications

Apart from the effects of the plan within the EEZ, 6.5 Results of the assessment of this assessment of the implications explicitly the implications examines only possible remote effects of the As a result, a significant impairment of the areas, sites, platforms and submarine cable conservation objectives of the assessed nature routes that are planned in the EEZ in protected conservation areas caused by the areas in adjacent areas. The planned areas, implementation of the plan and taking into sites, platforms and submarine cable routes are consideration prevention and mitigation located sufficiently far away from the protected measures can be safely ruled out. This applies areas in coastal waters, so no significant effects both to the assessed nature conservation areas on these protected areas can be assumed in this within the German EEZ and to Natura 2000 sites respect. However, this consideration is not made outside the German EEZ. A re-assessment of with regard to routes in coastal waters, which are the implications for the areas and testing connected to the gates provided for in the Site grounds in the coastal waters is not being Development Plan. This assessment is the implemented because it was already carried out subject of the coastal states' environmental when the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reports on the respective Spatial Plans or regional spatial development programme was secondary procedures. Moreover, no re- established. assessment of the implications for the areas and testing grounds in the coastal waters is taking The possibility of significant impairment of the place because this has already occurred in FFH habitat types "reefs" and "sandbanks which respect of the areas and testing grounds in the are slightly covered by sea water all the time" coastal waters with the establishment of the can be excluded according to the current state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional knowledge, even with cumulative assessment of spatial development programme. the plan and already existing projects for the assessed nature conservation areas. The results of the impact assessment of the Site

Development Plan in respect of protected marine mammals and protected bird species with the conservation objectives of the "Pomeranian Bight – Rönnebank" nature conservation area apply to the nearest nature conservation area "Greifswalder Boddenrandschwelle und Teile der Pommerschen Bucht" in German coastal waters and to the FFH "Adler Grund og Rønne Banke" in the Danish EEZ and the FFH area "Ostoja na Zatoce Pomorskiej" in the Polish EEZ. As a result, it was found that the present plan, individually or in conjunction with other plans and projects, did not compromise the conservation and restoration objectives of the above mentioned nature conservation areas. Overall plan evaluation 271

7 Overall plan evaluation A large part of the areas and sites are within the wind energy priority areas of the Spatial Plan for In summary, with regard to the planned areas the Baltic Sea EEZ. Sufficient knowledge is and sites, platforms and submarine cable routes, available for these regions. To date, sufficient the effects on the marine environment will be scientific knowledge and consistent evaluation minimised as far as possible by means of methods are lacking for cumulative assessment orderly, coordinated overall planning of the Site of the effects on individual factors such as bird Development Plan. By adhering strictly to migration and bat migration. Therefore, these prevention and mitigation measures, in particular effects cannot be assessed conclusively within for noise mitigation during the construction the framework of the present SEA or are subject phase, considerable effects can be prevented by to uncertainties and need to be assessed more implementing the planned sites, areas and closely within the framework of subsequent platforms. planning stages. The laying of submarine cable systems can be made as eco-friendly as possible by preventing protected areas and biotopes and by choosing a laying method that is as unobtrusive as possible. The planning principle for sediment warming should ensure that significant negative effects of cable heating on benthic communities are prevented. Preventing crossings between submarine cable systems as far as possible also serves to prevent negative effects on the marine environment, in particular on the factors Soil, Benthos and Biotopes. Given the above descriptions and assessments, the SEA concludes that, with regard to possible interrelationships, no significant effects on the marine environment within the investigation area are to be expected from the planned rules based on current knowledge and the comparatively abstract level of technical planning. The potential effects are frequently small-scale and mostly short-term, as they are limited to the construction phase. Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development 272 Plan on the marine environment

8 Measures to prevent, While individual prevention, mitigation and compensation measures may begin even at the mitigate and offset planning level, others only come into play at the significant negative effects specific implementation stage and are regulated there in the individual approval procedure of the Site Development according to the project and location. With Plan on the marine regard to planning prevention and mitigation measures, the Site Development Plan defines environment spatial and textual rules which, according to the environmental protection objectives set out in 8.1 Introduction chapter 1.1, serve to prevent or mitigate Pursuant to section 40 subsection 2 UVPG, the significant negative effects in the marine environmental report includes a description of environment due to implementation of the the planned measures to prevent, mitigate and, Site Development Plan. This mainly concerns as far as possible, compensate for significant • Consideration of nature conservation areas adverse environmental effects resulting from and legally protected biotopes implementation of the plan. In principle, the Site Development Plan will take marine environment • Exclusion effect of wind turbines in concerns into account more effectively when Natura 2000 areas, expanding power generation by means of • Exclusion effect of platforms in offshore wind turbines and the corresponding Natura2000 areas connecting lines. The rules of the Site Development Plan will prevent negative effects • the principle of laying submarine cable on the development of the state of the systems outside these areas as far as environment of the Baltic Sea EEZ. This is due possible, in particular to the fact that there is always a • as little land usage as possible, ensured by need to expand offshore wind energy and the the planning principles corresponding connecting lines and that the corresponding infrastructure (wind farms, • economic area use when arranging wind platforms and submarine cable systems) would turbines have to be created even without the Site • maximum possible bundling of Development Plan (see chap.3). If the plan were submarine cable routes in the sense of not implemented, the uses would, however, parallel routing, develop without the space-saving and resource- conserving steering and coordination effect of • prevention of cable and pipeline the Site Development Plan. crossings, Moreover, the rules of the Site Development • the planning principle for noise mitigation, Plan are subject to a continuous optimisation • the planning principle for sediment warming, process, as the knowledge obtained on a rolling basis within the framework of the SEA and the • Reduction of scour protection measures to consultation process is taken into account when a minimum so as to prevent having to the plan is compiled. introduce artificial hard substrate • rules for the dismantling of structural installations, and Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development 273 Plan on the marine environment

• consideration of best environmental practice • Noise mitigation measures: use of the in accordance with the OSPAR Convention relevant best available method according to and the state of the art. the state of the art in science and technology in order to reduce the level of underwater The measures listed below serve to prevent and noise so as to comply with applicable noise mitigate insignificant and significant negative protection specifications during the effects in the specific implementation of the Site installation of foundation piles, e.g. large Development Plan. These mitigation and bubble curtains, hydro silencers or prevention measures are specified and ordered sheathing. These noise protection by the competent licensing authority at project measures must be specified in detail in the level for the planning, construction and operation individual approval procedures for specific phases. locations and installations. 8.2 Areas and sites for offshore • Adaptation of the pile-driving process to wind turbines location- and project-specific conditions by control of the pile-driving energy and impact The following measures to prevent and mitigate frequency significant and insignificant negative environmental effects must be taken into • Noise prevention measures: use account in the specific planning and construction appropriate methods to prevent killing and of wind turbines: injuring fauna near the pile-driving site: • When installing foundations, suitable • Use of suitable deterrent devices such measures must be implemented to ensure as the FaunaGuard system or, in special that noise emissions (sound pressure cases, "pingers" and "seal scarers" SEL05) at a distance of 750 m does not • "Soft-start procedure": delaying the exceed 160 decibels (dB re 1 μPa²s) and the increase of pile-driving energy should peak sound pressure level does not exceed allow fauna in the vicinity of the pile- 190 decibels (dB re 1 μPa). driving site to move away from the • Adherence to pile-driving times, including construction site. aversive conditioning measures, of no more • Coordination of pile-driving work for various than 180 minutes during the insertion of projects in order to minimise overall noise monopiles and no more than 140 minutes output times per pile for jacket structures. • Consideration of the noise protection • Monitoring measures during the concept of the Federal Ministry for the construction phase, in particular by Environment, Nature Conservation and recording the underwater noise level when Nuclear Safety (2013) foundations are being installed. Monitoring • Assessment of alternative, low-noise of noise level and compliance with limits foundation forms, such as suction buckets must be carried out by an accredited facility. or gravity foundations. The environmental The suitability of the measuring equipment impact of alternative forms of foundation is to be demonstrated by accreditation in must always be assessed with regard to any accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 additional significant effects on the marine with regard to ISO 18406:2017 and DIN environment, in particular due to the SPEC 45653:2017. introduction of continuous noise. Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development 274 Plan on the marine environment

• Reduction of shipping traffic for construction seabed, corresponding protective measures and operation of installations and the must be taken. associated acoustic and visual impairments to a minimum, by optimum construction and 8.3 Platforms time planning The following measures to prevent and mitigate • Ensuring that no preventable emissions of significant and insignificant negative pollutants, noise or light occur during the environmental effects must be taken into construction or operation of the installation account in the specific planning and construction in accordance with the state of the art of platforms (converter platforms, collector platforms, transformer platforms and residential • Lighting that is as compatible as possible platforms): with nature during operation of the • installations in order to reduce attraction as When installing foundations, suitable far as possible, taking into account the measures must be implemented to ensure requirements of safe shipping and air traffic that noise emissions (sound pressure and occupational safety, e.g. switching SEL05) at a distance of 750 m does not obstruction lighting on and off as required, exceed 160 decibels (dB re 1 μPa²s) and the selection of suitable lighting intensities and peak sound pressure level does not exceed spectra or lighting intervals 190 decibels (dB re 1 μPa). • Restriction of the introduction of hard • Adherence to pile-driving times, including substrate to a minimum aversive conditioning measures, of no more than 180 minutes during the insertion of • Use of low-pollution paints monopiles and no more than 140 minutes • Use of traffic safety vehicles during the per pile for jacket structures. construction and commissioning phases in • Monitoring measures during the order to prevent collisions construction phase, in particular by • Correct disposal of oil residues from recording the underwater noise level when machinery, faeces, packaging, waste and foundations are being installed. Monitoring wastewater on land. Preparation of a "waste of noise level and compliance with limits concept" for construction and operation must be carried out by an accredited facility. The suitability of the measuring equipment • Compilation of emergency plans, including is to be demonstrated by accreditation in for accidents involving water-polluting accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 substances during the construction and with regard to ISO 18406:2017 and DIN operation phases SPEC 45653:2017. • Monitoring of possible effects on the marine • Noise mitigation measures: use of the environment due to the construction or relevant best available method according to operation of the installations by means of the state of the art in science and technology mandatory ecological monitoring during the in order to reduce the level of underwater construction and operation phase in noise so as to comply with applicable noise accordance with StUK 4 protection specifications during the • If, during planning or installation of plants, so installation of foundation piles, e.g. large far undiscovered ordnance is found on the bubble curtains, hydro silencers or sheathing. These noise protection Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development 275 Plan on the marine environment

measures must be specified in detail in the • Ensuring that no preventable emissions of individual approval procedures for specific pollutants, noise or light occur during the locations and installations. construction or operation of platforms in accordance with the state of the art • Adaptation of the pile-driving process to location- and project-specific conditions by • Lighting that is as compatible as possible control of the pile-driving energy and impact with nature during operation of the platforms frequency in order to reduce attraction as far as possible, taking into account the • Noise prevention measures: use requirements of safe shipping and air traffic appropriate methods to prevent killing and and occupational safety, e.g. switching injuring fauna near the pile-driving site: obstruction lighting on and off as required, • Use of suitable deterrent devices such selection of suitable lighting intensities and as the FaunaGuard system or, in special light spectra or lighting intervals cases, "pingers" and "seal scarers" • Restriction of the introduction of hard • "Soft-start procedure": delaying the substrate to a minimum increase of pile-driving energy should • Use of low-pollution paints allow fauna in the vicinity of the pile- driving site to move away from the • Use of traffic safety vehicles during the construction site. construction and commissioning phases in order to prevent collisions • Coordination of pile-driving work for various projects in order to minimise overall noise • Correct disposal of oil residues from output times machinery, faeces, packaging, waste and wastewater on land; preparation of a "waste • Consideration of the noise protection concept" for construction and operation concept of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and • Compilation of emergency plans, including Nuclear Safety (2013) for accidents involving water-polluting substances during the construction and • Assessment of alternative, low-noise operation phases foundation forms, such as suction buckets or gravity foundations. The environmental • If, during planning or installation of the impact of alternative forms of foundation platforms, so far undiscovered ordnance is must always be assessed with regard to any found on the seabed, corresponding additional significant effects on the marine protective measures must be taken. environment, in particular due to the introduction of continuous noise. • Reduction of shipping traffic for construction and operation of platforms, and the associated acoustic and visual impairments, to a minimum by optimal construction and time planning Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset significant negative effects of the Site Development 276 Plan on the marine environment

8.4 Submarine cabling systems • Use of inert, natural materials for filling and Measures for prevention and mitigation must be intersections that become necessary taken into account as early as the route planning • If, during planning or installation of and technical design stages. The magnetic field submarine cable systems, so far development of the cable systems is kept to a undiscovered ordnance is found on the minimum due to the cable configurations seabed, corresponding protective measures specified in the Site Development Plan in must be taken. accordance with the state of the art. The The aim is to implement the following measures planning principle for sediment warming should with a view to achieving the most eco-friendly ensure compliance with the "2K criterion", i.e. a design possible: maximum permissible temperature increase of 2 K at a sediment depth of 20 cm. • Investigation and description of the effects of platforms and submarine cable systems Moreover, the following measures that help to on the marine environment as part of a prevent and mitigate environmental effects are monitoring process, including monitoring of to be implemented in the specific implementation the cover during the operating phase of the of the individual projects: cables; • Selection of the shortest possible route • Evaluation of the monitoring results in • Optimisation of route selection within the respect of cumulative effects or framework of fine routing in order to prevent interrelationships of various uses; and not effect known occurrences of Consideration of the monitoring results within the particularly sensitive biotopes as far as framework of the update, i.e. experience from possible in accordance with section 30 of implementation of the projects is used to the Federal Nature Conservation Act continuously improve mitigation and prevention • Use of laying methods that protect the soil measures.

as much as possible for installation of the cable systems, depending on sediment conditions and water depths and taking into account the required minimum coverage • Use of cable types that develop electric and magnetic fields that are as low as possible • Use of materials in cable systems that are as eco-friendly as possible • Reduction of intersections to the required minimum Investigated alternatives 277

9 Investigated alternatives location and technical alternatives therefore play a part at the planning level. According to Art. 5 subsection 1 sentence 1 of In principle, it should be noted that preliminary the SEA Directive in conjunction with the criteria examination of possible and conceivable in Annex I of the SEA Directive and section 40 alternatives is already inherent in all rules in the subsection 2 no. 8 of the Environmental Impact form of standardised technical and planning Assessment Act, the environmental report principles. As can be seen from the justification contains a brief description of the reasons for of the individual planning principles, in particular choosing the reasonable alternatives assessed. those relating to the environment – such as, for The reasonable alternatives under consideration example, routing that is as bundled as possible are explained below. Essentially, different types and implementation that is as free from of alternatives can be considered for an crossings as possible – the principle in question assessment of alternatives; in particular is already based on consideration of possible strategic, spatial or technical alternatives. The public concerns and legal positions, so that a prerequisite is always that these are reasonable "preliminary assessment" of possible or can be seriously considered. alternatives has already been carried out. There Thus not all conceivable alternatives need to be are already a large number of different uses and assessed. However, it is no longer sufficient to legally protected concerns in the EEZ. There is identify, describe and evaluate only those also a "Regulation on Spatial Planning in the alternatives that "seriously offer" or "impose" German EEZ in the Baltic Sea" of 10 December themselves. The obligation to investigate thus 2009, which defines objectives and principles, to extends to all alternatives that "are not obviously regulate the usage interests within the Baltic Sea ... remote" LANDMANN & ROHMER 2018. EEZ. An overall assessment of the uses and Assessment of alternatives does not explicitly functions in the EEZ has already been carried require the development and assessment of out as part of the preparation of the Spatial Plan. particularly eco-friendly alternatives. Rather, the The objectives and principles of the Spatial Plan "reasonable" alternatives in the above sense have largely been adopted in the Spatial Plan should be presented in a comparative manner and are being reviewed and weighed against the with regard to their environmental effects so that specific regulatory issues of the concerns and consideration of environmental concerns rights presented in this procedure. becomes transparent when deciding on the Possible reasonable alternatives in detail: alternative to be pursued (BALLA 2009). At the same time, the effort required to identify 9.1 Zero alternative and assess the alternatives under consideration The zero alternative, i.e. not implementing the must be reasonable. This means that the greater Site Development Plan, is not a sensible the expected environmental effects and hence alternative since the lack of coordination would the need for planning conflict resolution, the probably lead to greater area use, more cable more likely it is that comprehensive or detailed intersections and thus additional environmental investigations will be required. impacts (see chapter 3). By way of example, Annex 4 no. 2 UVPG refers Although it is not possible to quantify the number to the assessment of alternatives with regard to of additional intersections that will be created the design, technology, location, size and scope and the additional space that will be required as of the project, but explicitly refers only to a result, it is clear from the defined rules that a projects. Conceptual/strategic design, the spatial considerable number of intersections can no 278 Investigated alternatives

longer be avoided at this planning stage due to expansion scenarios, some with a planning the existing system of individual connections. horizon extending beyond 2030, and their effects For future projects, the aim is to coordinate these on the rules in the Site Development Plan were and to plan ahead in accordance with the outlined in the Annex (see chap. 13 Site planning principles (see details in chapter 4 of Development Plan). the Site Development Plan). The purpose and objective of introducing a 9.3 Spatial alternatives technical plan with not only spatial rules , but As far as assessment of spatial alternatives is also longer time limits and standardised concerned, the Site Development Plan defines principles vis-à-vis the BFO is precisely the both spatial and textual rules in the form of precautionary management of the offshore planning principles and standardised technical expansion. This is intended to ensure at the principles for areas and sites, submarine cable planning level that the offshore expansion is systems and platforms in the German Baltic Sea carried out in a physically well-organised and EEZ. To a large extent, these requirements space-saving way in accordance with section 4 serve to ensure that uses are designed to be as subsection 2 no. 2 WindSeeG and that eco-friendly as possible and that the different environmental concerns are also assessed at concerns and legal positions are balanced in a the planning level. Thus, problems of the past manner that is in line with the various interests. such as wind farms in Natura 2000 (or current Taking into account the above-mentioned nature conservation) areas can already be existing uses and rights of use, only a few addressed at the planning level. feasible alternatives to these rules are apparent which, in an objectively plausible manner, can be 9.2 Strategic alternatives expected to have significantly lower environmental effects. The spatial rules of the A strategic alternative, e.g. with regard to the Spatial Plan fit in with the existing uses such as goals of the Federal Government on which the shipping traffic, military usage, marine research, planning is based, is currently not being etc. and the area designations defined for the considered for the Site Development Plan since Baltic Sea EEZ within the framework of the the expansion goals of the Federal Government Spatial Plan and the BFO-N. This means that the represent, as it were, the planning horizon for the planning of areas and sites, but also of platforms Site Development Plan. The expansion targets and routes, is limited from the outset. Areas, arise from legal requirements (in particular the sites and platforms are specified according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)). These planning principles, taking into account nature are also an essential basis for the requirements conservation sites and legally protected planning of onshore grid expansion. Since a biotopes, as well as economic area use and well-coordinated, synchronised approach to distance regulations. onshore and offshore grid and capacity expansion to reduce idle capacity or cut-offs The cable routes are planned to cover the would appear to make sense, the choice of an shortest possible route in accordance with the alternative expansion strategy is out of the planning principles, with a view to minimising question in this context. environmental impact, as long as there are no overriding concerns to the contrary. The Accordingly, it was assumed that the expansion cable systems are also predominantly planned in target of 15 GW of installed capacity of offshore parallel with infrastructures (pipelines, cables, wind turbines in 2030 would be achieved. For informational purposes, other possible future Investigated alternatives 279

wind farms) applied for/approved/constructed so the event of spatial bundling with existing as not to slice up any additional spaces. infrastructure, as provided for in the Site Development Plan, the environmental effects The spatial location of the gates results from the can therefore be assessed as lower, as things regional planning rules and other planning stand at present, than in the case of unbundled considerations in the coastal states adjoining the routing through the protected area. For the plans of the EEZ. In turn, the plans of the coastal specified route, the assessment of the states are based on the routing to suitable high- implications concludes that no significant effects voltage and ultra-high-voltage grid connection on the habitat types "reef" and "sandbank", as points on land. In Mecklenburg-Western well as legally protected biotopes within the Pomerania coastal waters, lines to gates O-I and nature conservation area with their characteristic O-III have been designated in the current LEP and endangered communities and species, are M-V44 reservation areas. A reservation area for to be expected (see chapter 6.5). lines along the "NordStream" pipeline was also specified. The reservation areas of the LEP M-V 9.3.1 Examination of alternatives for areas lines are buffers around routes that have already been specified in area planning or as part of the With regard to the examination of alternatives for areas, reference is made to the information in the planning approval. Site Development Plan on the definition of the No direct spatial alternative assessment is being individual areas (chap. 5.1). There are no carried out for the two routes for future serious alternatives to areas N-1 to N-13 due to interconnectors crossing nature conservation the rules of the applicable Spatial Plan for the areas. This is because the route in the area of EEZ of the North Sea or conflicts with other uses the Fehmarn Belt crossing (gate O-V to O-VI) such as nature conservation areas or military through the "Fehmarn Belt" nature conservation training areas. Areas to the north-west of the area is planned only with the proviso that the spatially defined shipping route 10 are not existing infrastructure of the future Fehmarn Belt seriously alternatives to the areas designated in tunnel can be co-used. Under this condition, as the Site Development Plan. The defined areas things stand at present, no environmental effects N-1 to N-13 (areas N-4 and N-5 will be assessed would be expected from a interconnector beyond for possible subsequent use) in the North Sea the effects of the tunnel construction work (see represent firstly a coherent planning area and chapter 6.5). secondly the areas north-west of shipping route A further interconnector is planned parallel to the 10 are significantly farther from the coast. This Nord Stream pipeline or between "Nord Stream" results in a significant extension of the necessary and "Nord Stream 2" and connects the gates O- connection systems and thus a major XII and O-XIII. As the entire eastern boundary of intervention in the seabed in every case. In the Baltic Sea EEZ is located in the nature addition, the available data and information conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – basis for the area north-west of shipping route 10 Rönnebank", a possible Interconnector heading is much worse than for the area designated in eastwards, e.g. an interconnector between the Site Development Plan due to the lack of Germany and Poland, would inevitably have to project-related monitoring data. pass through the nature conservation area. In

44 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional spatial development programme (LEP), June 2016 280 Investigated alternatives

Also in the EEZ of the Baltic Sea, no reasonable 9.3.2 Comparison of the sites with one alternatives to areas O-1 to O-3 are discernible another due to the rules of the applicable Spatial Plan for Within the scope of the Site Development Plan the EEZ of the Baltic Sea. In the coastal waters (chap. 5.2.2), the sites designated or assessed of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, areas O-4, in the Site Development Plan are compared with O-5 (area currently under review) and O-6 and a one another from the perspective of the criteria test field are designated by an administrative for the decision concerning the stipulation of the agreement. For these areas, reference is made areas, including conflicts with other uses. In to the evaluations of the SEA on the addition to the information provided in the Site Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional Development Plan, possible conflicts from a development programme. nature conservation perspective are examined in detail here. The following criteria are used to compare sites using nature conservation criteria: • distance to nearest protected area in km (broken down into FFH areas and bird sanctuaries) • location inside/outside the main concentration area of divers • location inside/outside of the main distribution area of the harbour porpoise • impact on biotopes protected under section 30/suspected areas on the site pursuant to section 30 • route of the connecting line through a nature conservation area (EEZ) in km • route of the connecting line through section 30 biotope/section 30 suspected areas (EEZ) in km • importance of the site to the individual factors (textual).

Investigated alternatives 281

Table 18. Comparison of sites using nature conservation criteria

Site Minimum distance Site inside Site inside the Impact on Connecting Connecting line (km) to the closest the main main section line through through section protected area concentration distribution 30 biotopes/ nature 30 biotype/ pursuant to area of divers area of suspected conservation suspected areas the Habitats the harbour areas on area (proportion of Directive | Wild porpoise the site (proportion route EEZ, km) Birds Directive EEZ, km) N-3.7 26 21 No No Unknown No No N-3.8 20 22 No No Unknown No No O-1.3 9 13 - - Suspected No No area N-7.2 28 58 No No Unknown No Yes, 2 km suspected area N-3.5 14 18 No No Unknown No No N-3.6 11 21 No No Unknown No No N-6.6 27 6 No No Unknown No Yes, approx. 10 km (chap. 9.3.4) N-6.7 40 33 No No Unknown No Yes, approx. 10 km (chap. 9.3.4) N-9.1 TF 48 30 No No Unknown No Yes, approx. 10 km (chap. 9.3.4) O-2.2 12 23 - - Unknown No No (under assessme nt) N-5.4 5 17 Yes Yes Yes Yes, approx. Yes, approx. 3 km (under 157 km sandbank + 13 km assessme (chap. 9.3.3) suspected area (chap. nt in the 9.3.3) drafts)

Specifically: seasonally in spring. For areas N-1 to N-3, monitoring results show a significantly higher North Sea occurrence in the "Borkum Reef Ground" nature The designated sites N-3.7, N-3.8, N-3.5 and N- conservation area with decreasing densities in 3.6 in area N-3 are more than 10 km from the an easterly direction (chap. North Sea nearest nature conservation area "Borkum Reef Environmental Report). No occurrence of Ground". The closest distance to the main protected biotopes is known in the designated concentration area of divers is about 40 km, sites N-3.5, N-3.6, N-3.7 and N-3.8. Due to the while the main distribution area of harbour small overlap of area N-3 with the "Borkum Reef porpoises is at least 34 km away from the Ground" sandbank and the otherwise individual sites. According to the current state of predominantly homogeneous, fine to medium knowledge, the sites areconsidered to be of sandy sediment conditions, area N-3 is medium importance for resting birds and birds considered to be of minor importance with regard searching for food (see chap. North Sea to the protected asset Biotopes in the Environmental Report). For harbour porpoises, southwestern subarea. the importance of the sites in area N-3 is currently assumed to be medium to high – 282 Investigated alternatives

The connecting lines for all four sites run in the concentration area of divers and the main EEZ outside nature reserves and outside known distribution area of harbour porpoises (each occurrences of legally protected biotopes. more than 55 km). The sites are assigned medium importance for harbour porpoises as According to the current state of knowledge, no well as for seabirds and resting birds. Due to the significant nature conservation conflicts can occurrence and ecological significance of the therefore be identified for the sites designated in burrowing soil megafauna, the benthic area N-3. biocoenosis is considered to be of average to Site N-7.2 is located at a considerable distance above-average importance in the area of the from nature conservation areas (min. 28 km). designated sites of area N-6 (chap. North The main concentration area of divers and the Sea Environmental Report). According to the main distribution area of harbour porpoises are current state of knowledge, the designated sites both more than 50 km away from N-7.2. N-6.6 and N-6.7 are not expected to contain According to the current state of knowledge, legally protected biotopes (chap. North area N-7 is assigned medium importance for Sea Environmental Report). The connecting harbour porpoises (see chapter North lines for both sites in area N-6 in the EEZ run Sea Environmental Report) and seabirds and completely outside of nature conservation areas; resting birds (Chap. North Sea the routes cross the protected sandbank biotope Environmental Report). This area is most type over a distance of around 10 km. Thus, frequently used by deep-sea bird species, which according to the current state of knowledge, occur widely throughout the North Sea. Species potential conflicts would be conceivable in terms such as divers that are susceptible to of the route of the connecting line, but less so in disturbance are only present in the areas for a terms of the sites themselves. Refer to the short period as they search for food, and during examination of alternatives of the cable routes to the main migration periods. The benthic bypass the sandbank in chap. 9.3.4. community in the location of the designated site Sub-sites N-9.1 is about 30 km away from the N-7.2 is assigned average to above-average nearest protected area. The distance to the main importance due to the occurrence of burrowing distribution area of harbour porpoises is 58 km, megafauna species (chapter North Sea while the distance to the main concentration area Environmental Report). According to the current of divers is as far as 63 km. The overall site is of state of knowledge, the occurrence of legally medium importance for the protected areas of protected biotopes in site N-7.2 is not to be marine mammals and sea birds and resting expected (chap. North Sea birds. For the factor Benthos, the siteis assigned Environmental Report). The connecting line for an average to above-average importance due to site N-7.2 in the EEZ runs outside nature the occurrence of species of the burrowing soil conservation areas, but the cable crosses megafauna in site N-9.1. The possibility of the suspected areas of "species-rich gravel, coarse occurrence of legally protected biotopes in the sand and shell layers" over a distance of around site can be excluded based on the current state 2 km. Based on the current state of knowledge, of knowledge. In spite of the occurrence of any potential small-scale conflicts can therefore sediments with partly high silt content and be identified with regard to the route of the species of the burrowing soil megafauna (chap. connecting line. North Sea Environmental Report), the Sites N-6.6 and N-6.7 are also located far away legally protected biotope type "silt bottom with from nature conservation areas (min. 25 km) and burrowing soil megafauna" can be excluded due at a considerable distance from the main to the lack of sea feathers. The connecting cable Investigated alternatives 283

for area N-9.1 runs for almost 10 km through the Research and monitoring results consistently protected biotope type "sandbank", but in the show that the avoidance behaviour of divers in EEZ completely outside of protected areas. relation to offshore wind farms and the Thus, according to the current state of associated habitat loss is much more knowledge, potential conflicts could arise with pronounced than originally assumed. Current regard to the route of the connecting cable (see results from the wind farm projects in area N-5 also the examination of alternatives to bypassing show significant average avoidance distances of the sandbank in chap. 9.3.4). approx. 15 km in the western part of the area (see chapter North Sea Environmental Site N-5.4, which is described in the (preliminary) Report). In accordance with the precautionary drafts of the Site Development Plan, is at a principle and in order to exclude the possibility of minimum distance of 5 km from the "Sylt Outer a threat to the marine environment as defined in Reef – Eastern German Bight" nature section 5 subsection 3 WindSeeG and a conservation area. The distance to the nearest significant disturbance as defined in bird sanctuary "Eastern German Bight" is about section 44 subsection 1 no. 2 of the Federal 17 km. The site lies both in the main Nature Conservation Act with the necessary concentration area of divers and in the main certainty, the Site Development Plan does not distribution area of harbour porpoises. Due to the designate site N-5.4 as described in the sometimes extensive occurrence of the biotopes (preliminary) drafts of the Site Development Plan "sublittoral sandbank", "reefs" and "species-rich (see chap 7.4 and 7.5 of the Site Development gravel, coarse sand and shell layers", site N-5.4, Plan). which is described in the preliminary drafts of the Site Development Plan, is of high importance The connecting line for site N-5.4, which is with regard to the factor Biotope types. In view of described in the (preliminary) drafts of the Site the relatively high diversity of species and the Development Plan, runs in the EEZ over a high structural heterogeneity, the benthic distance of 157 km, and thus almost completely, community can be regarded as above average through the "Sylt Outer Reef – Eastern German in terms of the overall site. According to the Bight" nature conservation area. The route current state of knowledge, the environment of crosses known occurrences of the FFH habitat site N-5.4, which is described in the (preliminary) type "sandbank" over a distance of about 3 km drafts of the Site Development Plan and is and suspected areas of the section 30 biotope currently under assessment, is of high "species-rich gravel, coarse sand and shell importance for harbour porpoises and layers" over a distance of about 13 km. The represents the core area of the identified main procedure for the parallel SylWin1 connection distribution area of harbour porpoises in the system showed that bypassing these German North Sea (Federal Ministry for the occurrences of gravel, coarse sand and shell Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear layers was problematic. From a nature Safety, 2013; see chapter North Sea conservation perspective, this gives rise to Environmental Report). For the factor Seabirds considerable conflicts with regard to site N-5.4, and resting birds, the very high importance of the which is the area under assessment in the surroundings of the entire area N-5 for the red- (preliminary) drafts of the Site Development throated and black-throated divers listed in Plan. Annex I of the V Directive must be emphasised For migratory birds, the individual marine areas (chap. North Sea Environmental Report). in sites N-1 to N-13 are of average to above- average importance. The current state of 284 Investigated alternatives

knowledge does not reveal any significant For seabirds, all previous findings differences between the individual areas and indicate an average importance of site area O- areas. Also it is not currently possible to draw a 1.3. Area O-1, in which the site is located, has an definitive conclusion on a possible decreasing average occurrence of seabirds overall and also migration intensity with increasing distance from only an average occurrence of endangered and the coast. This means that the factor Migratory species requiring strict protection (chap. birds is no longer taken into account in the With regard to the factor migratory comparison of the sites in the North Sea that birds, site O-1.3 is of average importance for have been designated and assessed. The same migrating water birds, and of average to above- applies to the factor Fish, for which the available average importance for birds that migrate at catch data and methods can only provide a night. A differentiated analysis is necessary for general description of the importance of sites the crane migration. Well-known main routes are and areas. The overview of the species records undoubtedly of above-average importance. The by area did not show any particular significance adjacent areas of these main migration routes, of a specific area for the constant, frequent e.g. site O-1.3, are likely to be of average to character species. above-average importance depending on wind force and direction. Cranes may drift from the The results show that site N-9.1 represents a main migration route to site O-1 in strong reasonable alternative to site N-5.4, which was westerly winds (chap. The route for the assessed in the (preliminary) drafts of the Site connection of site O-1.3 in the EEZ runs outside Development Plan, at least in terms of the nature of protected areas and outside of known conservation concerns examined here. occurrences of protected biotopes. There are Baltic Sea indications of possible conflicts with bird Site O-1.3 in the Baltic Sea is just 10 km away migration or biotope protection on site O-1.3. from the nearest protected area "Pomeranian These indications will be examined as part of the Bight – Rönnebank". According to the current subsequent preliminary investigation to close state of knowledge, the benthic biocoenosis in existing gaps in knowledge. The results of the site O-1.3 is of medium importance overall preliminary investigation will also be taken into (chap. In the north/eastern part of site account in the spatial development planning. O-1.3, a residual sediment area with coarser The site under assessment O-2.2 is at a distance sediments and occurrence of overgrown rocks of 12 km from the nearest nature conservation was found. The area occurring here is a area. The route for the connection of the site in suspected area of the legally protected biotope the EEZ also runs outside nature conservation type "reefs" (chap. This residual areas and outside of known occurrences of sediment area with scattered stones overgrown protected biotopes. Site O-2.2 shows low with macrozoobenthos is to be considered as a structural abundance overall. The occurrence of reef suspected area of higher value. For harbour legally protected biotopes is not to be expected porpoises, site O-1.3 is of medium to seasonal in this area (chap. The area has little importance in the winter months. The significance for the Benthos. The predominant significance results from the possible use by benthic species consist mainly of species that individuals of the separate and highly regenerate rapidly (chap. According to endangered Baltic Sea population of the harbour the current state of knowledge, the area is used porpoise. However, the area is used irregularly by harbour porpoises as a transit area. Based on by harbour porpoises as a transit area, as a the current knowledge, a medium to high stopover and as a feeding ground (chap. seasonal importance of site O-2 for harbour Investigated alternatives 285

porpoises can be inferred. The seasonally high The task of the Site Development Plan is to importance of the area results from the possible specify the necessary routes and locations for use by individuals of the separate and highly the entire grid topology in the German EEZ up to endangered Baltic Sea population of the harbour the boundary of the 12 n.m. zone within the porpoise in the winter months (chap. All scope of the existing framework conditions in previous findings indicate that site O-2 is of little spatial and temporal terms with regard to the importance for seabirds. The area has a low calendar years of commissioning. occurrence of endangered species and species The TSO, which is obliged to connect the requiring special protection (chap. offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea to the grid, Overall, the part of site O-2.2 under assessment has so far pursued a connection concept based for migratory water birds is of average to above- on three-phase current technology. When using average importance. In particular, the baseline the three-phase current technology, offshore survey of the area south of O-2.2 identified a wind farms are connected to the grid by high number of individual common scoters. In combining the electricity generated by the 2011, 8,174 birds were counted. Thus approx. individual wind turbines from one or more wind 1.5 % of the biogeographical population moved farms at a transformer platform, and from here it through site O-2. Thus the area has above- is routed directly ashore via AC Subsea Cable average importance for common scoter and on to the grid connection point. In contrast migration. The largest part of nocturnal bird to the standard concept in the North Sea migration takes place in a broad front over the (HVDC), this means that no separate converter Baltic Sea. Due to the very high numbers of platform is required for the grid connection itself, individuals to be expected and the significant thereby saving space. However, for discharging proportion of endangered species, site O-2.2 is a given output, a higher number of cable of average to above-average importance for the systems is required when using three-phase night migration. technology due to the lower transmission A differentiated analysis is necessary for crane capacity of AC Subsea Cable. migration. In the area of O-2, a total of 1,231 Due to the expected low wind farm capacity in migrating cranes were recorded during the 2008 the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea for autumn migration, which corresponds to about commissioning activities from 2026 compared to 3.1% of the Pomeranian resting population or the capacity of an HVDC system, a connection 1.37 % of the biogeographical population. Most by means of a direct current system would of these birds probably drifted here from a flight probably lead to permanent vacancies. route South Sweden-Rügen to the southeast by north-westerly winds. Site O-2.2 is located close The transmission system operator plans, builds to known main migration routes and is therefore and operates the transformer platform of the grid probably of average to above-average connection system. A separate offshore wind importance for bird migration, depending on the farm platform is unlikely to be required due to the wind force and direction (chap. Thus, proximity to the coast; in addition, the nature conservation conflicts are evident at site transformer platform may be used by agreement O-2.2 with regard to the factor Migratory birds, with the transmission system operator. This may especially from a cumulative point of view. prevent firstly the costs incurred by the grid user as a result of an additional platform, and also the 9.4 Technical alternatives additional space required and the environmental impact during construction, operation and dismantling. 286 Investigated alternatives

The offshore connection cables in the Baltic Sea allows transmission to take place with as few are therefore basically similar to the connection cable systems as possible. Using a lower concept known from the BFO-O based on three- transmission voltage would therefore lead to a phase current technology, with a shift of higher number of cable systems and thus be less responsibility in respect of planning, construction eco-friendly. and operation of the transformer platform to the A possible further increase in the voltage level is transmission system operator. not required for the connection systems in the Two of the grid connection systems already Baltic Sea EEZ due to the limited power to be implemented by the TSO in the Baltic Sea area transmitted. Moreover, an increase would not for the connection of offshore windenergy cause a reduction in the number of cable projects in area O-3 of the Site Development systems required. Plan and in coastal waters are based on a With regard to an alternative use of the areas transmission voltage of 150 kV. The and sites, generation of hydrogen by means of transmission voltage for the other three systems electrolysis was introduced within the framework currently being implemented for connection of of the consultation as an alternative to the grid- offshore wind farm projects in area O-1 was bound transport and use of the electricity increased to 220 kV. The design for a voltage generated. A more detailed analysis is planned level of 220 kV enables the highest possible within the framework of the Site Development transmission capacity per cable system – for Plan update. three-phase connection – to be achieved and

Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts 287

10 Measures envisaged phases of monitoring at the level of individual projects or clusters of projects developed in a for monitoring the spatial and temporal context. The assessment environmental impacts will also cover the unforeseen significant effects of the implementation of the plan, the marine The potential significant effects on the environment and the review of the forecasts in environment resulting from the implementation the environmental report. In this context, in of the plan are to be monitored in accordance accordance with section 45 subsection 3 UVPG, with section 45 UVPG. The aim is to identify the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency unforeseen adverse effects at an early stage and will ask the competent authorities for the take appropriate remedial action. monitoring results available there; these are Accordingly, in accordance with section 40 required for implementation of the monitoring subsection 2 no. 9 UVPG, the environmental activities. report is to specify the measures envisaged for Results from existing national and international monitoring the significant environmental effects monitoring programmes must also be taken into of implementation of the plan. Monitoring is the account, also with a view to preventing responsibility of the Federal Maritime and duplication of work. The monitoring of the Hydrographic Agency as it is the authority conservation status of certain species and responsible for the SEA (see habitats required pursuant to Art. 11 of the section 45 subsection 2 of UVPG). As intended Habitats Directive must also be included, as by Art. 10 subsection 2 of the SEA Directive and must the investigations to be carried out in the section 45 subsection 5 UVPG, existing context of the management plans for the nature monitoring mechanisms can be used to avoid conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – duplicating monitoring work. Pursuant to section Rönnebank". It will also provide links with the 45 subsection 4 UVPG, the results of monitoring measures provided in the Marine Strategy are to be taken into account in the update of the Framework Directive and the Water Framework spatial development plan. Directive. With regard to the planned monitoring activities, In summary, the planned measures for it should be noted that the actual monitoring of monitoring the potential effects of the plan can the potential effects on the marine environment be summarised as follows: can only begin when the Site Development Plan • The collection of data and information that is implemented, i.e. when the decisions made can be used to describe and assess the within the framework of the plan are status of areas, factors and potential effects implemented. Nevertheless, the natural of the development of individual projects, development of the marine environment, including climate change, should not be disregarded when assessing the results of monitoring activities. However, general research cannot be carried out within the framework of monitoring. Therefore, project-related monitoring of the effects of the uses regulated in the plan is of particular importance. The main function of plan monitoring is to bring together and evaluate the results of different 288 Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts

• Development of suitable procedures and • Data from Federal Maritime and criteria for evaluation of the results from Hydrographic Agency research projects. effect monitoring of individual projects, 2. Data and information from the areas of • Development of procedures and criteria for responsibility of other Federal and State evaluation of cumulative effects, authorities (on request): • Development of procedures and criteria for • Data from national monitoring of the forecasting possible effects of the plan in a North Sea and the Baltic Sea (formerly spatial and temporal context, BLMP), • Development of procedures and criteria for • Data from monitoring activities as part of evaluating the plan and adapting or, where the implementation of the Marine appropriate, optimising it as part of the Strategy Framework Directive, update, • Data from the monitoring of Natura 2000 • Evaluation of measures to prevent and sites, mitigate significant effects on the marine • Data provided by States from monitoring environment, activities in coastal waters, • Development of norms and standards. • Data from other authorities responsible The following data and information are required for the authorisation of uses at sea in order to assess the possible effects of the according to other legal bases, e.g. the plan: Federal Mining Act, maritime traffic monitoring (AIS), fisheries monitoring 1. Data and information available to the Federal (VMS) Maritime and Hydrographic Agency within the scope of its responsibility: 3. Data and information from Federal and State research projects, • Data resources from previous EISs and monitoring activities of offshore projects e.g.: that are available to the Federal Maritime • HELBIRD / DIVER, and Hydrographic Agency for review (according to the Offshore Installations • Sediment EEZ Ordinance), 4. Data and information from evaluations • Data resources from the right of carried out within the scope of international subrogation (according to WindSeeG), committees and conventions • Data resources from the site • HELCOM investigations (according to WindSeeG), • ASCOBANS • Data resources from the construction • AEWA and operation monitoring of offshore wind farms and other uses, • BirdLife International. • Data from national monitoring, collected by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency or by the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research on behalf of the Agency, Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts 289

For reasons of practicability and appropriate using POD measuring instruments. In addition, implementation of requirements from the SEA, additional monitoring measures are planned to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency detect the effects of the stratification of the water will pursue an approach focusing on the under certain hydrographic conditions on the interdisciplinary compilation of information on propagation of the pile-driving sound into the the marine environment that is as ecosystem- Baltic Sea and, if necessary, to take further oriented as possible when monitoring the actions. These measures can amongst others possible effects of the plan. To be able to assess include additional sound measurements coupled the causes of planned changes in parts or with CTD measurements at different water individual elements of an ecosystem, the depths to detect possible changes in sound anthropogenic variables from spatial observation propagation attenuation due to stratification of (e.g. technical information on shipping traffic the water body. from AIS data resources) must also be Investigations are required for all factors in considered and included in the assessment. accordance with the requirements of StUK4 for When combining and evaluating the results from the entire duration of the construction phase and monitoring at project level and from other for a period of between three and five years. No national and international monitoring special monitoring is required during the programmes, and from the accompanying operating phase. research, it will be necessary to review the gaps The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency in knowledge and uncertain forecasts presented implements a whole range of projects as part of in the environmental report. This applies in its accompanying research into the possible particular to forecasts concerning assessment of impacts of offshore wind turbines on the marine significant effects on the marine environment environment. from the uses regulated in the Site Development Plan. The cumulative effects of defined uses are The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic to be assessed regionally and supraregionally. Agency's research projects directly related to the possible effects on factors and the development 10.1 Monitoring of potential effects of of norms and standards include the following: areas and sites for offshore wind • Project ANKER "Approaches to cost turbines reduction in the surveying of monitoring data The investigation of the potential environmental for offshore wind farms", FKZ 0325921, with impacts of areas and sites for offshore wind funding from the Federal Ministry for energy must be carried out at project level in Economic Affairs and Energy/PtJ, accordance with the standard "Investigation into • R&D study BeMo "Evaluation approaches for the impacts of offshore wind turbines (StUK 4)" underwater noise monitoring in connection and in coordination with the Federal Maritime with offshore licensing procedures, spatial and Hydrographic Agency. The results from the planning and the Marine Strategy Framework investigations of the offshore wind farm projects Directive", with funding from the Federal are to be used as a basis for assessing the Ministry of Transport and Digital location in respect of the biological factors. Infrastructure/Federal Maritime and Monitoring during construction of foundations by Hydrographic Agency, means of pile-driving work involves measuring • R&D project "Sound mapping", with funding underwater noise and acoustic recordings of the from the Federal Ministry of Transport and effects of pile-driving noise on marine mammals 290 Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts

Digital Infrastructure/Federal Maritime and assessed in specific projects. For the first time, Hydrographic Agency, StUK4 also includes minimum requirements for investigation of submarine cable routes with • R&D cooperation, NavES "Eco-friendly regard to benthos, biotope structure and offshore developments", with funding from the biotopes during the baseline survey and the departmental research plan of the Federal operating phase of the submarine cable Ministry for the Environment, Nature systems. Thus, during the baseline survey, each Conservation and Nuclear Safety; several biotope structure identified by sediment surveys sub-projects belong to NavES: along the cable route must be documented with o MultiBird, investigation of the collision at least three transverse transects for the benthic risk of migratory birds, surveys. Additional transverse transects must also be defined at the start and end points of the o ProBird, forecast of migratory bird activity, route. In turn, each transverse transect consists of five stations. Identified suspected sites of o ERa, field report on pile-driving noise, biotopes that are protected in accordance with section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation o Noise I and II. development of technical information systems for underwater Act must also be examined in terms of spatial noise, delimitation in accordance with the current mapping instructions from the Federal Agency Noise I and II, evaluation of underwater o for Nature Conservation. noise measurements After the cable system has been laid, its position The measures implemented to date include must be indicated annually to the licensing development of measurement regulations for authority during the first five years of operation, measuring underwater noise (2011), in accordance with current licensing practice, by development of measurement regulations for implementing at least one survey of the depth of determining the effectiveness of noise mitigation the system. The number of surveys in systems (2013), and cooperation on the subsequent years is determined by the licensing development of ISO 18406:17 and DIN SPEC authority on a case-by-case basis. Investigations 45653. with regard to the marine environment are to be The results from ongoing Federal Maritime and carried out in coordination with the licensing Hydrographic Agency projects will be directly authority on a project-specific basis. The incorporated into the further development of investigation methods are to be presented, as far standards, such as the development of StUK5. as possible, as described in the "Standard – Investigation of the impacts of offshore wind - 10.2 Monitoring of potential effects of turbines on the marine environment (StUK4)". platforms Investigations of the benthic communities on the The same monitoring measures as stated in 10.1 same transects as in the baseline survey are to are to be applied to the platforms provided for in be carried out one year after commissioning of the Site Development Plan. the submarine cable systems in order to examine possible effects from the construction 10.3 Monitoring of the potential and operation phases. effects of submarine cables In addition, measures are planned to monitor The potential effects of submarine cable implementation of the plan, which will help to systems on the marine environment can only be verify and, if necessary, to evaluate forecasts of Measures envisaged for monitoring the environmental impacts 291

the significant impacts of offshore wind energy. With regard to the consolidation and archiving of Adapting use strategies and planned avoidance ecologically relevant data from project-related and mitigation measures or reviewing monitoring activities and accompanying assessment criteria, especially with regard to research, it is specifically provided that data cumulative impacts. collected within the scope of accompanying ecological research will also be consolidated at The SEA for the plan will use new findings from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency the environmental impact studies and from the and archived on a long-term basis. The Federal joint evaluation of research and EIA data (see Maritime and Hydrographic Agency is already chapter 2). Through a joint analysis of the collecting and archiving the data on biological research and EIA data, products will also be factors from the baseline surveys of offshore developed that provide a better overview of the wind energy projects and the monitoring of distribution of biological factors in the EEZ. construction and operating phases in the Consolidation of information is leading to an MARLIN (MarineLife Investigator), a specialist increasingly solid basis for impact forecasting. information network for environmental In general, the intention is to ensure that data assessments. from research, projects and monitoring is consistent and make this available for competent evaluation. In particular, attempts should be made to create common overview products in order to review the effects of the plan. The existing geodata infrastructure at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, which includes data from physics, chemistry, geology, biology and usage of the sea, will be used as a basis for consolidating and evaluating ecologically relevant data and will be further developed accordingly. 292 Non-technical summary

11 Non-technical summary • ensuring an ordered and efficient utilisation and loading of the offshore connecting Subject and reason cables, and planning, installation, According to sections 4ff. Offshore Wind Energy commissioning and use of offshore Act (WindSeeG), the Federal Maritime and connecting cables in parallel with the Hydrographic Agency is compiling a Site expansion of power generation from Development Plan in agreement with the offshore wind turbines. Federal Network Agency and in coordination Within the framework of the central model, the with the Federal Agency for Nature Site Development Plan is the control instrument Conservation, the Directorate-General for for orderly expansion of offshore wind energy in Waterways and Shipping (GDWS) and the a staged planning process. The Site coastal states. The Site Development Plan will Development Plan SEA is associated with be established for the first time and must be upstream and downstream environmental announced by 30 June 2019 in accordance with audits. The Site Development Plan is classified section 6 subsection 8 WindSeeG. When the as a technical plan according to the higher-level Site Development Plan was drawn up, spatial planning. In the next step, the sites anenvironmental assessment as defined by the defined in the Site Development Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG), offshore wind turbines undergo preliminary known as a Strategic Environmental investigation. If a site is deemed suitable for the Assessment (SEA), was carried out. The main use of offshore wind energy, the site is put up for content of the SEA is this environmental report. tender and the winning bidder can apply for This identifies, describes and assesses the likely approval (planning permission or planning significant environmental impact of the approval) for the construction and operation of implementation of the Site Development Plan, as offshore wind turbines on the site. No preliminary well as possible planning alternatives, taking into investigation will be carried out for the specified account the essential purposes of the plan. platform locations and cable routes. The Site Development Plan has the character of With regard to the character of the Site a technical plan. As an important control Development Plan as a steering planning instrument, the sectoral plan is designed to plan instrument, the depth of the assessment of likely the use of offshore wind energy in a targeted and significant environmental impacts is optimal manner by defining areas and sites as characterised by a greater scope of investigation well as locations, route corridors and routes for and generally a lower depth of investigation. As grid connections and interconnectors. with the marine spatial planning instrument, the The Site Development Plan contains rules for the focus of the assessment is on evaluating expansion of offshore wind turbines and the cumulative effects and examining alternatives. necessary offshore connection lines for the The establishment of the Site Development Plan period from 2026 to at least 2030 with the aim of and implementation of the SEA take into account • achieving the expansion target in section 4 the environmental protection objectives. These No. 2b of the Renewable Energy Act, provide information on what state of the • expanding the power generation from environment is being sought in the future offshore wind turbines in a spatially ordered (environmental quality targets). The and compact fashion, and environmental protection objectives can be seen in synopsis from the international, common and national conventions and regulations that deal Non-technical summary 293

with protection of the marine environment and on • Site the basis of which the Federal Republic of Germany has committed itself to certain • Ground principles and objectives. • Water Strategic Environmental Assessment • Plankton methodology • Biotopes This environmental report builds on the • Benthos methodology of the SEA of the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan, which has already been used as a • Fish basis, and develops it further with a view to the • Marine mammals additional rules defined in the Site Development • Avifauna Plan that go beyond the Spatial Offshore Grid Plan. • Bats The methodology is based primarily on the rules • Biodiversity of the plan that are to be assessed. Within the • Air framework of this SEA, whether the rules are • Climate likely to have significant effects on the factors in question is identified, described and evaluated • Scenery for the individual rules. The subject matter of the • Cultural heritage and other material assets environmental report is compliant with the • Human beings, in particular human health provisions of the Site Development Plan as set out in section 5 subsection 1 WindSeeG. • Interrelationships between factors However, it is not so much the actual time specifications that are significant here as the The description and evaluation of the expected time sequence of the invitation to tender or the significant environmental impacts is carried out calendar years for commissioning, as this has no separately for protected areas and sites, further environmental impacts with regard to the platforms and submarine cable systems. spatial specifications. Although some planning Furthermore, where necessary, a differentiation and technical principles serve to mitigate is made according to different technical designs. environmental effects, they can also lead to The description and assessment of the likely effects, making a review necessary. significant effects of the implementation of the Site Development Plan on the marine The assessment of the likely significant environment also refer to the factors described. environmental effects of the implementation of All plan contents that may potentially have the Site Development Plan includes secondary, significant environmental effects are examined. cumulative, synergistic, short-, medium- and long-term, permanent and temporary, positive The effects of construction and dismantling, as and negative effects related to the factors. well as system-related and operational factors, are taken into account. Moreover, effects that The assessment of possible impacts is based on may arise in the course of maintenance and a detailed description and assessment of the repair work are taken into account. This is environmental status. The SEA was carried out followed by a description of possible for the following factors: interrelationships and consideration of possible 294 Non-technical summary

cumulative effects and potential transboundary diameter of foundation types and scour impacts. protection are assumed for a factor-based analysis in this SEA. The effects of the Site Development Plan rules are assessed on the basis of the description and Certain parameters, such as the number of assessment of the condition and the function and platforms or the length of the farm's internal significance of the individual areas, sites and cabling, are also taken as a basis when routes for the individual factors on the one hand, assessing the locations for platforms. The and the effects originating from these rules and definition of routes and route corridors for the resulting potential effects on the other. A submarine cable systems is based on certain forecast of the project-related effects in the case widths of the cable trench and the number and of implementation of the Site Development Plan area of intersections and converter platforms. is compiled as a function of the criteria of Benthos intensity, scope and duration of the effects. The species inventory of the Baltic Sea EEZ is to In the context of the impact forecast, specific be considered average, with about 250 species framework parameters for areas and sites, for of macro-zoobenthos. The benthic communities platform locations and for cable routes are used are also typical of the Baltic Sea EEZ and for the as a basis for evaluation. Although no wind farm most part have no special features. According to layouts are defined in the Site Development Plan the currently available studies, the macro- to determine the projected output to be installed, zoobenthos of the Baltic Sea EEZ is also certain parameters are assumed in the SEA for considered average due to the proven number of the analysis of the factor. To illustrate the range Red List species. Studies of macro-zoobenthos of possible (realistic) developments, the within the framework of the approval procedures assessment is essentially based on two for offshore wind farms and grid connections scenarios. Scenario 1 assumes many small from 2002 to 2015 have confirmed this installations, while scenario 2 assumes a small assessment. The species inventory previously number of large installations. Because of the found and the number of Red List species resulting range covered, a description and indicate that the study area for benthic evaluation of the current state of planning that organisms is of average importance. are as comprehensive as possible in relation to the protected assets become possible. The deep foundation work for wind turbines and platforms will result in small-scale and short-term Regarding the areas, a total of 13 areas is disturbances of the seabed, sediment turbulence assumed in a worst-case scenario, regardless of and formation of turbidity plumes. The re- the concrete rule in the plan and the probability suspension of sediment and subsequent of implementation. According to section 5 sedimentation may lead to impairment or subsection 1 no. 5 of the Offshore Wind Energy damage to the benthos in the immediate vicinity Act, the expected generation capacity of of the foundations for the duration of the offshore wind turbines must be specified in the construction activities. However, these Site Development Plan for the areas or impairments are expected only to be small-scale specifically for the sites. To determine the and short-term. Local land sealing and the projected capacity to be installed, one or more introduction of hard substrates in the immediate layouts for offshore wind farm planning are not vicinity of the structure as a result of construction taken as a basis, but certain parameters such as work may lead to changes in the species number of turbines, hub height, height of the composition. As the colonisation of artificial hard lower rotor tip, rotor diameter, total height, Non-technical summary 295

substrates is associated with an accumulation of becomes necessary at a local level. The organic material, the biological degradation resulting loss of habitat is permanent, but small process may lead to local oxygen deficiency. in scale. This will result in a non-native hard substrate that may cause small-scale changes to Due to the laying of the submarine cable the species composition. systems, only small-scale disturbances of the benthos due to sediment turbulence and turbidity Warming of the upper sediment layer of the plumes are to be expected in the area of the seabed may occur directly above the cable cable route. Possible effects on the benthos are system due to operation, and this may lead to dependent on the installation methods used and impairments of benthic communities. With the the geological and hydrographic conditions. With planning principle for sediment warming, the Site comparatively unobtrusive laying using the Development Plan specifies that the 2K criterion injection method, only minor disturbances of the must be adhered to. According to the benthos in the vicinity of the cable route are to assessment by the Federal Agency for Nature be expected. Local sediment shifts and turbidity Conservation, this precautionary value ensures, plumes are to be expected while the submarine with sufficient probability, that significant cable systems are being laid. In more cohesive negative effects of cable warming on the marine substrates, the cable systems are laid in environment will be prevented. trenches or laid using a heavy plough. These As things stand present, the planned transformer procedures are also associated with disturbance and collector platforms and submarine cable of the sediment and benthic fauna, as well as routes are not expected to have any significant sediment turbulence. effects on the factor Benthos if the 2K criterion is In areas with a lower proportion of fine matter, met. Only very small areas outside protected most of the sediment released will settle areas will be used. Rapid re-population is very relatively quickly in the immediate vicinity of the likely due to the usually rapid regeneration cable route. In areas with soft sediments and capability of populations of benthic organisms correspondingly high proportions of fine matter, with short generation cycles and their currents close to the bed are relatively low, so widespread distribution in the German Baltic only temporary, local effects can be expected for Sea. these areas too. In the short term, pollutants and Biotopes nutrients may be released from the sediment into the bottom water. The possible release of Wind turbines, platforms and submarine cable pollutants from the sandy sediment is negligible. systems may possibly affect the factor Biotopes There may be a significant release of pollutants due to direct use of protected biotopes, possible from the sediment into the bottom water in the covering by sedimentation of material released vicinity of silty and clay-like seabeds. These during construction and potential habitat pollutants usually adhere to sinking particles changes. Direct use of nature conservation which, due to the low currents in the Baltic Sea areas is essentially not permitted for wind basins, scarcely drift over long distances and turbines and platforms. According to the remain in their usual environment. In the medium planning principles of the Site Development term, this remobilised material will be Plan, known occurrences of protected biotopes redeposited in the silty basins. are to be bypassed as far as possible in accordance with section 30 of the Federal Benthic habitats will be directly built over in the Nature Conservation Act or treated as vicinity of rockfills required for cable crossings, particularly important within the framework of the or if laying cable sections on the seabed 296 Non-technical summary

specific approval procedure. In addition, the trout, has been identified; as has the demersal planned routes bypass the currently known fish community, consisting of large fish species occurrence of reef sites and suspected such as cod, plaice, flounder and dab. The fish contaminated reef sites. fauna is of average importance with regard to its specific characteristics on account of the fish Given the predominant sediment composition in communities typical for the habitat. In the areas in which protected biotopes can be eastern part of the EEZ, a total of 45 fish species expected to occur, impairments due to coverage have been identified in various studies, including are likely to be small-scale as the released six Red List species. According to current sediment will settle quickly. Given the knowledge, the planned locations are not a predominant low currents close to the seabed, preferred habitat for any of the protected fish turbidity plumes can only be expected in areas species. Consequently, fish stocks in the with soft sediments up to a distance of approx. planning area are of no overriding ecological - 500 m which clearly exceed natural suspended importance compared to adjacent marine areas. matter maxima. The released material remains According to the current state of knowledge, the in the water column for long enough to be planned construction of wind farms and the distributed over a large area, so barely associated converter platforms and submarine detectable thicknesses of the deposited material cable routes is not expected to significantly affect are to be expected due to the comparatively the factor Fish. The effects of the construction of small volumes. Simulations show that the wind farms, converter platforms and submarine sediment released will have resettled after a cable systems on fish fauna are limited both maximum of 12 hours. Thus, according to spatially and temporally. Sediment turbulence available information, the impairments will and the formation of turbidity plumes during the generally remain small-scale and temporary. construction phase for the foundations and Permanent habitat changes are limited to the converter platforms and the laying of the immediate area of the foundations and rockfills submarine cable systems may lead to small- required for cable crossings and when laying scale and temporary impairments of fish fauna. cables on the seabed. These rockfills will The turbidity of the water is expected to permanently provide a hard, non-native decrease rapidly due to the prevailing sediment substrate. This will offer a new habitat for benthic and flow conditions. Thus, according to the organisms and may lead to a change in the current state of knowledge, the impairments will species composition. Significant effects on the remain small-scale and temporary. Overall, factor Biotopes due to these small-scale regions small-scale impairments can be assumed for are not to be expected. Moreover, the risk of adult fish. Moreover, the fish fauna is adapted to negative impact on the benthic sediment the natural sediment turbulence caused by community due to species atypical for the area is storms that are typical here. During the low, as recruitment of the species is very likely to construction phase, fish may also be temporarily take place from the natural hard substrate scared away by noise and vibrations. Noises habitats. from the construction phase are to be reduced Fish by means of suitable measures. Further local effects on fish fauna may be due to the additional According to previous knowledge, fish hard substrates introduced owing to a possible communities typical for the habitat occur in the change in the benthos. Likewise, sediment German EEZ. The pelagic fish community, warming and the magnetic fields that could represented by herring, sprat, salmon and sea emanate from submarine cables are not Non-technical summary 297

expected to have any permanent effects on the and monitoring measures are mandated to mobile fish fauna. ensure compliance with applicable noise protection values (sound exposure level (SEL) of Marine mammals 160 dB re 1μPa²s and peak level of 190 dB re The areas and sites defined in the Site 1μPa 750 m away from the pile-driving or Development Plan in the Baltic Sea EEZ form insertion point). Appropriate measures must be part of the habitat of the harbour porpoises, as taken to ensure that no marine mammals are indeed does the whole western Baltic Sea. present in the vicinity of the pile driving point. According to the current state of knowledge, Based on the current state of knowledge, these areas are used by harbour porpoises as significant effects on marine mammals arising transit areas. There is currently no evidence that from the operation of the transformer or collector the areas and sites have special functions as platforms can be excluded. feeding grounds or rearing areas for harbour The exclusion of the construction of transformer porpoises. Harbour seals and grey seals use the and collector platforms in Natura 2000 sites three areas O-1 to O-3 only sporadically as contributes to lowering the threat to harbour transit areas. The findings from the monitoring of porpoises in important feeding and rearing the Natura 2000 sites and investigations for areas. The construction and operation of the offshore wind farms currently indicate a medium planned transformer or collector platforms are to high seasonal importance of areas O-1 and O- not expected to have significant adverse effects 2 for harbour porpoises. The seasonal high on marine mammals after implementation of the significance of the area results from the possible reduction measures mandated in the individual use by individuals of the separate and highly approval procedures in accordance with the endangered Baltic Sea population of the harbour planning principle and appropriate compliance porpoise in the winter months. These areas are with applicable noise protection values. Also the of no particular importance for harbour seals and laying and operation of submarine cable grey seals. systems is not expected to have a significant Threats to marine mammals can be caused by impact on marine mammals. noise emissions during the installation of the Seabirds and resting birds foundations of transformer or collector platforms. Without the use of noise reduction measures, The individual areas for offshore wind energy in considerable impairments of marine mammals the Baltic Sea EEZ are of differing significance cannot be excluded during pile driving in for seabirds and resting birds. Overall, area O-1 individual subareas. The pile-driving of the is expected to be of medium importance for transformer or collectors platforms will therefore seabirds. The area boundaries on the extensive only be permitted in the specific approval resting habitats of the Pomeranian Bight and the procedure where the use of effective noise Adlergrund to the south and south-east. Overall, reduction measures is specified. For this the area has a medium seabird population and a purpose, the Site Development Plan includes a medium incidence of endangered species and specification regarding the noise reduction species that are particularly worthy of protection. principle. According to current knowledge, areas O-2 and O-3 are of low importance as feeding and resting This states that the installation of the foundations habitats for seabirds. Both areas have a low must be carried out only subject to strict noise incidence of endangered species and species reduction measures. In the specific approval that are particularly worthy of protection. These procedure, extensive noise reduction measures are not amongst the main resting, feeding and 298 Non-technical summary

wintering habitats of species included in Annex I resting birds, can be excluded with the of the Wild Birds Directive. All three areas are of necessary certainty. low importance as feeding grounds for diving sea Migratory birds ducks due to the depth of the water and the seabed composition. Just like divers, these birds The Baltic Sea EEZ is of average to above- predominantly use the areas for transit average importance for bird migration. Annually, purposes. The areas are of no particular up to a billion birds migrate over the Baltic Sea. importance as feeding grounds for breeding For sea ducks and geese from Northern Europe birds due to the distance from the breeding and Russia (as far as West Siberia), the Baltic colonies on the coast. Sea is an important transit area, with a large part of the migration occurring in the autumn in the In the first instance, disturbances for seabirds east-west direction close to the coast. The and resting birds during the construction phase western Baltic Sea is flown over, sometimes in will be caused by light emissions and visual high intensities, by several species that require upheaval. These may cause varying degrees of special protection (e.g. barnacle goose, whooper deterrence and barrier effects, depending on the swan, eider duck, common and velvet scoter). species. Direct disturbances during the Thermal soarers and other diurnal migratory construction phase are only to be expected land birds prefer to travel along the "flyway" locally and for a limited time. Significant effects (Islands of Fehmarn, Falster, Møn and Seeland, can be excluded with a high degree of certainty and on to Falsterbo). East of this main route, due to the high mobility of birds. During the these birds migrate in much lower densities. The temporary construction phase, neither the western Baltic Sea is of above-average construction of the planned wind turbines and importance for crane migration. platforms nor the laying of the planned submarine cable systems are expected to have Possible effects of the planned wind farms and any significant effects on seabirds and resting transformer or collector platforms for migratory birds, according to current knowledge. Any birds may comprise a barrier effect or a collision deterrence caused by construction will be local risk. In the clear weather conditions preferred by and not exceed the disturbances generally the birds for migration, the probability of a associated with slow ship movements. collision with a wind turbine, transformer or collector platform is low. Bad weather conditions For certain bird species, wind farms and increase the risk. It can be assumed that any platforms will cause permanent but – according negative effects can be reduced by lighting that to current knowledge, insignificant – is as compatible as possible during operation of disturbances and deterrence. A possible the wind turbines, transformer or collector collision risk for species at risk of collision can be platforms. Potential cumulative effects from the excluded with the required certainty by means of wind turbines, transformer and collection species-specific behaviour and possible system platforms in conjunction with other planned configurations. The exclusionary effect of wind offshore wind farms are covered in the chapter farms and platforms at Natura 2000 sites means "Cumulative effects". that habitat losses in important habitats are reduced. According to the current state of knowledge, during the temporary construction phase, neither As a result, substantial effects caused by the the construction of the planned wind turbines, construction or installation of platforms, wind transformer or collector platforms nor the laying turbines and submarine cable systems, and by of the planned submarine cable systems are their operation, on the factor Seabirds and Non-technical summary 299

expected to have a significant impact on With regard to the current state of biodiversity in migratory birds. Any deterrence caused by the Baltic Sea, there is a wealth of evidence of construction will be local and not exceed the changes in biodiversity and species patterns in disturbances generally associated with slow ship all systematic and trophic levels of the Baltic movements. Sea. These are mainly due to human activities, such as fishing and marine pollution, or to Bats climate change. In this regard, Red Lists of Migration movements of bats across the Baltic endangered animal and plant species have an Sea are documented to varying extents, but to important control and warning function as they date no specific information is available on indicate the state of populations of species and migratory species, migration corridors, migration biotopes in a region. Possible effects on heights and migration concentrations. The only biodiversity are discussed in connection with the information to date confirms that bats, especially individual factors in the environmental report. In species that travel long distances, fly over the summary, it can be stated that according to Baltic Sea. On the basis of previous current knowledge, the planned expansion of observations, it is assumed that bats tend to offshore wind energy and the accompanying grid migrate across the sea in concentrations expansion are not expected to have any (swarms), probably at considerable altitudes and significant effects on biodiversity. on migratory routes that are used regularly. Interdependency There may be hazards for bats during the In general, effects on a factor lead to various operating phase of wind turbines and platforms. consequences and interrelationships between The sensitivity of bats to onshore structures and the factors. The essential interdependence of the associated risk of collisions is well known, as the biotic factors results from the food chains. is the risk of collisions with wind turbines. Possible interactions during the construction Furthermore, possible barrier effects as well as phase will result from sediment shifts and habitat or attraction effects are known on land. turbidity plumes, as well as noise emissions. However, the effects of offshore structures are However, these interdependencies will occur largely unknown. only very briefly and be limited to a few days or A cumulative assessment of the hazard risk is weeks. currently not possible due to the lack of reliable Construction-related interrelationships, e.g. due data sources. to introduction of hard substrate, will indeed be Air quality permanent but are only to be expected locally. The construction and operation of the platforms This could lead to a small-scale change in the and the laying of submarine cable systems as food supply. Furthermore, the areas and sites part of the implementation of the Site included in the Site Development Plan are not Development Plan will have no measurable regarded as feeding grounds of particular impact on air quality. importance for factors of the higher food web stage. Biodiversity Interrelationships can only be described very Biodiversity involves the diversity of habitats and imprecisely due to the variability of the habitat. In communities, the diversity of species and the principle, it can be stated that according to the genetic diversity within species (Art. 2 of the current state of knowledge, no interrelationships Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992). Public attention is focused on biodiversity. 300 Non-technical summary

are discernible that could endanger the marine will be taken up or, in the case of submarine environment. cables, will be temporarily impaired. This corresponds to well below 0.2‰ of the total EEZ Cumulative effects site. In comparison, about 55% of the Baltic Sea Soil, benthos and biotopes EEZs are protected. As construction of wind A significant proportion of environmental effects turbines and platforms is generally not permitted on soil, benthos and biotopes due to the areas in nature conservation areas, use of the and sites, platforms and submarine cable protected areas is limited to submarine cable systems will occur solely during the construction routes. No statement can be made on the use of period (formation of turbidity plumes, sediment specially protected biotopes according to section shifts, etc.) and over a limited area. Cumulative 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act due environmental effects due to construction are to the current absence of a sound scientific unlikely, particularly due to the step-by-step basis. Area-wide sediment and biotope mapping implementation of the construction projects. of the EEZ currently being carried out will lead to more reliable information in the future. Possible cumulative effects on the seabed, which could also have a direct impact on the Besides the direct use of the seabed and hence factor Benthos and specially protected biotopes, the habitat of the organisms living there, the result from permanent direct area use due to the foundations and intersections will lead to an foundations of the wind turbines and platforms, additional supply of hard substrate. The benthic as well as from the installed cable systems. The fauna adapted to soft substrates will also lose individual effects are essentially small-scale and habitat on account of the hard substrate. local. However, as the area use for both the grid connection systems and the wind farms will be in In order to estimate the direct area use, a rough the ‰ (per-mille) range, according to current calculation is made on the basis of the knowledge no significant impairments are to be areas/sites, platforms and submarine cable expected in the cumulation that would endanger systems planned in the Site Development Plan the marine environment with regard to the in conjunction with existing installations and seabed and the benthos. planning within the framework of the transitional system. The calculated area use is based on Marine mammals ecological aspects; in other words, the Cumulative impacts on marine mammals, calculation is based on the direct ecological loss harbour porpoises in particular, can occur mainly of function or the possible structural change of due to noise emissions during pile-driving of the the site due to the installation of foundations and foundations. These factors could be significantly cable systems. In the area of the cable trench, affected by the fact that – if pile-driving takes however, the impairment of the sediment and place simultaneously at different locations within benthic organisms will essentially be temporary. the EEZ – there is not enough room available to Permanent impairment could be assumed when escape and retreat. To date, there has been a crossing particularly sensitive biotopes such as lack of sufficient experience regarding the reefs. temporal and spatial overlap in the spread of On the basis of a model assumption, the noise from pile-driving. planning of the Site Development Plan and the It is, however, clear from the descriptions of the transitional system, and the actual inventory of Site Development Plan that the individual wind turbines, submarine cables, rockfills and offshore wind farms and the grid connection platforms, mean that a total site of approx. 90 ha Non-technical summary 301

systems will be constructed gradually, i.e. in transformer platform and the individual offshore stages, in the coming years and not wind turbines, and on the other hand from simultaneously. adverse effects due to forced changes in the flight route. Seabirds Under normal migratory conditions preferred by Vertical structures such as platforms or offshore migratory bird species, there is so far no wind turbines may have different effects on evidence for any species that the birds typically resting birds, such as habitat loss, an increase in migrate in the danger zone of the turbine and/or the risk of collision, or deterrence and barrier do not recognise and avoid these obstacles. In effects. For resting birds, habitat loss due to the the clear weather conditions preferred by the construction of several structures may be birds for migration, the probability of a collision particularly significant. with a wind turbine or transformer or collector In particular, vulnerable and disturbance- platforms is very low. A potentially dangerous sensitive seabird species such as divers are to situation is posed by unexpected fog and rain, be taken into account with regard to cumulative which lead to poor visibility and low flight effects. For disturbance-sensitive species, the altitudes. A particular problem is when bad effects of shipping traffic (including maintenance weather conditions coincide with what are known and operation of cable systems and platforms) as mass migration events, but due to the low should be included in addition to offshore wind migrations distances or migration times across farms and platforms. the Baltic Sea these are rare. The collision risk As all previous findings for the areas and sites for sea and waterbirds migrating during the day included in the Site Development Plan indicate is generally estimated to be low. They orient low importance for species contained in Annex I themselves visually and are usually able to land of the Wild Birds Directive, there are no apparent on water. Also for diurnal migratory land birds obstacles to the enforceability of the plan (e.g. cranes and raptors) a low risk of collision is according to the current state of knowledge. Due currently envisaged because these also position to the distance of the areas to the nature themselves visually and avoid the wind turbines. conservation area "Pomeranian Bight – However, cumulative effects on some sites could Rönnebank" a disturbance of the overwintering increase the risk of collision. To verify this state birds in the conservation area can be ruled out. of knowledge, additional monitoring of diurnally This also applies to any disruption caused by migrating land birds was commissioned focusing shipping related to the operation and on cranes, raptors and geese using maintenance of the submarine cable systems, Rangefinders as part of the site preliminary platforms and wind turbines. As the Baltic Sea is investigation of site O-1.3 implemented in used extensively for shipping, no additional accordance with StUK 4. For this reason, and disruption of sensitive species is to be expected due to the high rate of sighting of cranes in area from increased shipping traffic during O-4 (up to 20% of the biogeographic population) construction or for repair and maintenance. site O-2.2 was placed under investigation in Significant disturbances within the nature order to await the aforementioned investigation conservation area can be excluded by avoiding results. By contrast, there is no heightened risk the use of Natura 2000 sites. of collision for the north-south migratory land birds, even cumulatively. The risk of bird strikes Migratory birds could therefore be more likely to occur in large A potential hazard for migratory birds arises on songbird populations that migrate at night. the one hand from the risk of collision with the 302 Non-technical summary

To prevent or minimise the risk, turbines must be that the non-stop flying ranges of the majority of designed so that light emissions are avoided as migratory bird species, including small bird far as possible during construction and species, are of the order of more than 1000 km operation, unless they are unavoidable and (BERTHOLD 2000), a significant impact on the required by safety requirements for ship and air energy budget of the migratory birds can be traffic and occupational safety requirements. excluded. Thus, a detour caused by the barrier effect of the wind farm area of no more than Cumulative effects of the wind turbines planned 70 km in relation to the migration distances in the Site Development Plan and in the coastal should not endanger bird migration because waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the weather-related deviations can also occur. transformer and collector platforms and the adjacent wind farms could also result in a Consideration of existing knowledge on the lengthening of the migration route for the migration patterns of the various bird species, migrating birds. If migratory birds fly within the the usual flight altitudes and the daytime range of influence of wind farms (up to a height distribution of bird migration suggests that of approx. 300 m), they are forced to fly around potential extensive effects on bird migration or over the turbines through evasive caused by the implementation of the already movements. They are thus diverted to a greater approved projects in the priority areas are, or lesser extent from their migration route. It is a according to the current state of knowledge and known fact that wind farms are avoided by birds, even allowing for cumulative effects, not likely. i.e. they fly around or over them. This behaviour At present, no significant negative effect on the has been seen not only on land but also offshore further development of the populations can be (e.g. KAHLERT et al. 2004). Lateral avoidance expected from possibly flying around the priority reactions appear to be the most common areas. reaction (HORCH & KELLER 2004). The It must be borne in mind that, based on the transformer or Collector platforms are part of the current state of science and technology, this individual wind farms or are directly spatially forecast is based on premises that are not yet connected. In this context, the flying around of suitable to adequately secure the basis for the the transformer or collector platforms is factor. Insufficient knowledge exists particularly negligible because they do not create their own about species-specific migration patterns. This barrier effect due their immediate proximity to a applies, in particular, to bad weather conditions wind farm and nor do they reinforce the wind (rain, fog). These gaps in the knowledge could farm barrier effect. not be filled despite extensive research activities For birds migrating in east-west direction, which carried out in the North and Baltic Sea EEZs as would have to fly around the areas O-1 to O-4, a part of the ecological accompanying research, maximum detour of about 70 km would be such as the test field research on bird migration conceivable. For birds that have a strong coastal at the "alpha ventus" offshore pilot farm, orientation (e.g. common scoter), the detour assessment of the data continuously collected could be extended because they must still fly on "FINO1" (2008-2011), detection of bird around areas O-5 and O-6. Considering the collisions using the VARS system and detection north-south migration direction, the potential of evading movements of migratory birds using barrier effect is of a similar magnitude. The pencil beam radar. spatial distance between the individual clusters Due to the mentioned knowledge gaps, a is so large that there is enough space for flying cumulative final consideration of all the offshore around obstacles. Taking into account the fact wind farms that are to be taken into account Non-technical summary 303

including projects in areas in which there are not The SEA comes to the conclusion that, yet any final approvals or planning approval according to the current state of knowledge, the decisions resulting from the implementation of implementation of the Site Development Plan is an EIA, is not possible at this stage. This not expected to have any substantial concerns the projects in area 2 and the projects transboundary impacts on the factor Fish, since in area 1 outside the priority area, as well as on the one hand the areas for which the Site other offshore wind farms outside the German Development Plan defines rules have no EEZ. Indeed, the environmental impact studies prominent function for fish fauna, and on the available for the projects in area 2 do not indicate other the discernible and predictable effects are any particular importance of these areas in small-scale and temporary in nature. respect of bird migration, for example a migration This also applies to the factors Marine mammals corridor of prominent importance in relation to and Seabirds and resting birds. These use the the surroundings. However, investigations areas predominantly as transit areas. There will carried out for example within the framework of be no significant habitat loss for strictly protected the basic investigations for the projects in area 2 seabird and resting bird species. According to have observed a temporary increase in crane current knowledge and taking into account migration sightings. Experts attributed this to a measures to minimise impact and limit damage, drifting of the birds due to unfavourable changing substantial transboundary impacts can also be winds during crossing of the Baltic Sea. Based ruled out. The installation of the foundations of on these observations, especially against the wind turbines and converter platforms, for background that it is assumed that there is a example, is only permitted in the specific concentration of the bird migration, primarily for approval procedure if effective noise mitigation narrow-front migratory birds such as cranes in measures are taken (see e. g. planning principle the sea area between Rügen and Scania (see Site Development Plan). Against the FEDERAL AGENCY FOR NATURE CONSERVATION background of the particular endangerment of 2006), significant cumulative effects cannot the separate Baltic Sea harbour porpoise currently be ruled out. population, intensive monitoring measures must Transboundary impacts be performed as part of the project and, if necessary, the noise reduction measures be This SEA comes to the conclusion that as things adapted or the construction work coordinated in stand at present, the specifications in the Site order to exclude any cumulative effects. Development Plan have no significant effects on the areas of neighbouring states bordering on For migratory birds, the wind turbines and the German EEZ in the Baltic Sea. platforms erected in Site Development Plan sites may constitute a barrier or present a risk of Substantial transboundary impacts can be collision. The risk of collision must be minimised excluded in principle for the factors Soil and by taking appropriate measures to prevent water, Plankton, Benthos, Biotopes, Landscape, attraction by the lighting. As regards the barrier Material assets and Human beings, including effect, a final cumulative consideration is not human health. Possible substantial possible given the current state of knowledge. transboundary impacts could only arise if considered cumulatively in the area of the Nor is a cumulative assessment of the hazard German Baltic Sea, for the highly mobile risk for bat migration possible at this time, as biological factors Fish, Marine mammals, there is still insufficient information on migration Seabirds and resting birds, as well as Migratory routes, migration heights and migration birds and Bats. intensities. It can generally be assumed that any 304 Non-technical summary

significant transboundary impacts resulting from serve the administration of the area must be the Site Development Plan rules will be assessed for their implications for the prevented by appropriate prevention or conservation objectives and protective aims of a minimisation measures as they are to be applied Natura 2000 site. This is also applicable to for bird migration. projects outside the site which, individually or in combination with other projects or plans, are Assessment of wildlife conservation likely to significantly undermine the conservation regulations objectives of the sites. In addition, the environmental report contains a The factors are the habitat types "reefs" and species conservation assessment pursuant to "sandbanks" according to Annex I of the Habitats section 44 subsection 1 of the Federal Nature Directive, certain fish species and marine Conservation Act. At the more abstract level of mammals according to Annex II of the Habitats technical planning, it concludes that, according Directive (sturgeon, twaite shad, harbour to the current state of knowledge and in strict porpoise, grey seal), as well as various bird compliance with avoidance and reduction species according to Annex I of the Wild Birds measures, the areas and sites, platform Directive (red-throated diver, black-throated locations and submarine cable routes defined in diver, Slavonian grebe, red-necked grebe, white- the Site Development Plan will not have any billed diver, long-tailed duck, common scoter, significant negative effects that would violate velvet scoter, common gull, guillemot, razorbill, species conservation law. A detailed black guillemot). Species listed in Annex IV of assessment of wildlife conservation regulations the Habitats Directive, e.g. the harbour porpoise, is the responsibility of the individual approval must be strictly protected everywhere, including procedure. outside the defined protected areas. Assessment of the implications Within the framework of the Site Development Within the framework of this SEA, the areas, Plan, individual rules are planned near the sites, platforms and submarine cable routes in nature conservation areas "Pomeranian Bight – the Site Development Plan will be subject to a Rönnebank" and "Kadetrinne". Thus, the separate assessment as to their implications for assessment of implications in the EEZ area is the conservation objectives of the nature limited to these protected areas. In addition, the conservation areas. assessment of the implications also takes into The German Baltic Sea EEZ includes the nature account the remote effects of the rules defined conservation areas "Pomeranian Bight – within the EEZ on the protected areas in the Rönnebank", "Fehmarn Belt" and "Kadetrinne", adjacent 12 nautical mile zone and the adjacent which were established by decree on waters of the neighbouring states. 22.09.2017. The implications according to the Impact assessment of areas and sites and Federal Nature Conservation Act are to be planned platforms assessed in accordance with the assessment According to the current state of knowledge, a previously carried out for the Fauna-Flora- disturbance to resting and migratory birds in the Habitat areas (FFH areas). nature conservation areas under consideration sections 34 and 36 of the Federal Nature caused by the construction and operation of Conservation Act stipulate that plans or projects offshore wind turbines and platforms in the areas which, individually or in conjunction with other specified in the Site Development Plan is not plans or projects, may significantly affect an FFH expected. and EU bird sanctuary and which do not directly Non-technical summary 305

According to the current state of knowledge and bird sanctuaries in their constituent parts based on the findings from the monitoring of the significant to the conservation objective from the construction and operation of the wind farms installation and operation of submarine cable "Viking" and "Arkona Basin Southeast" in area systems should also be excluded. Cable laying O-1, and taking into account strict effect- work only takes a few days and is only minimising and damage-limiting measures, associated with noise and scare impacts typical impairment of the conservation objectives of the for ships. Considerable impairments due to assessed nature conservation areas can be sediment drifting during the construction phase safely excluded. To this end, the Site are excluded on the basis of current knowledge. Development Plan defines textual rules, in Known occurrences of legally protected biotopes particular with regard to noise mitigation. and FFH habitat types in the protected areas lie outside the drift distances discussed in the It is to be expected that the construction and technical literature. The possibility of significant operation of wind turbines and platforms will impairment of the FFH habitat types "reefs" and have no significant impact due to the small-scale "sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea extent of especially reef-relevant effects such as water all the time" can thus be excluded sediment drift and sediment overlaying with the according to the current state of knowledge, material released during the construction phase, even with cumulative assessment of the plan and because of the location outside the nature and already existing projects for the assessed conservation areas on the "reef" and "sandbank" nature conservation areas. habitat types with their characteristic and endangered communities and species. Based on the current state of knowledge, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Assessment of implications of the planned cable expects that a significant impairment of the routes protective purposes of the nature conservation Possible effects of submarine cable systems are areas under consideration caused by the usually limited to the laying phase and are execution of the plan, considered on its own or therefore limited both temporally and spatially. even in conjunction with other projects, can be Effects on the nature conservation areas in their safely ruled out. A re-assessment of the component parts relevant to the conservation implications for the areas and testing grounds in objectives or protective purpose are only to be the coastal waters is not taking place because expected if the cable routes run through or in the this was already carried out with the immediate vicinity of protected areas; according establishment of the Mecklenburg-Western to the current state of knowledge, no remote Pomerania regional spatial development effects on legally protected biotopes or FFH programme. habitat types are assumed. Measures to prevent, mitigate and offset Considerable impairment of marine mammals significant negative effects of the Site can be ruled out, in particular because of the Development Plan on the marine small size of the area and the short duration of environment the installation work. With regard to possible The measures planned in order to prevent, operational effects, no significant effects are to mitigate and – as far as possible – offset be expected on the basis of the cable significant negative environmental effects configurations specified in the Site Development resulting from the implementation of the Site Plan and the planning principle for sediment Development Plan are presented in accordance cover. Possible significant adverse effects on with the requirements of the SEA Directive. 306 Non-technical summary

In principle, the provisions of the Site In specific terms, the Site Development Plan Development Plan prevent negative effects on defines spatial and textual rules which, the development of the state of the environment according to the environmental protection of the EEZ in the Baltic Sea. If the plan were not objectives set out in chapter 1.1 of the implemented, the uses would develop without environmental report, serve to prevent or the space-saving and resource-conserving mitigate significant negative effects in the marine steering and coordination effect of the Site environment due to implementation of the Site Development Plan. Development Plan. This essentially concerns textual rules in respect of space-saving planning, preventing the use of protected areas and structures in accordance with section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, noise mitigation, compliance with the 2K criterion, dismantling of structures and consideration of best environmental practice and the relevant state of the art. Mitigation and prevention measures are specified and ordered by the competent licensing authority at project level for the planning, construction and operation phases. With regard to the planned sites for wind turbines and platforms, this applies in particular to noise mitigation and noise prevention measures, as well as eco-friendly lighting during operation of the structures. Measures for prevention and mitigation of possible effects of submarine cable systems must be taken into account during the route planning and technical design stages. The Site Development Plan includes a planning principle relating to sediment warming so as to prevent considerable negative effects of cable warming on the benthos. Examination of alternatives According to Art. 5 subsection 1 sentence 1 of the SEA Directive in conjunction with the criteria in Annex I of the SEA Directive and section 40 subsection 2 no. 8 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the environmental report contains a brief description of the reasons for choosing the reasonable alternatives assessed. Conceptual/strategic design, spatial and technical alternatives play a part at the planning level. Non-technical summary 307

In principle, it should be noted that preliminary The investigation of the potential environmental examination of possible and conceivable impacts of areas and sites for offshore wind alternatives is already inherent in all rules in the energy or platforms must be carried out at form of standardised technical and planning project level in accordance with the standard principles. As can be seen from the justification "Investigation into the impacts of offshore wind of the individual planning principles, in particular turbines (StUK 4)" and in coordination with the those relating to the environment – such as, for Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. example, routing that is as bundled as possible Monitoring during construction of foundations by and implementation that is as free from means of pile-driving work involves measuring crossings as possible – the principle in question underwater noise and acoustic recordings of the is already based on consideration of possible effects of pile-driving noise on marine mammals public concerns and legal positions, so that a using POD measuring instruments. In addition, "preliminary assessment" of possible additional monitoring measures are planned to alternatives has already been carried out. assess the effects of the stratification of the water under certain hydrographic conditions on In detail, this environmental report examines the spread of noise from pile-driving in the Baltic spatial and technical alternatives in addition to Sea and, if necessary, to take further measures. the zero alternative. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Measures envisaged for monitoring the implements a whole range of projects as part of environmental impacts its accompanying research into the possible The potential significant effects on the impacts of offshore wind turbines on the marine environment resulting from the implementation environment. These include the ANKER project of the Site Development Plan are to be "Approaches to cost reduction in the surveying monitored in accordance with section 45 of monitoring data for offshore wind farms", R&D subsection 1 UVPG. The aim is to identify study BeMo "Evaluation approaches for unforeseen adverse effects at an early stage and underwater noise monitoring in connection with take appropriate remedial action. Monitoring offshore licensing procedures, spatial planning also serves to review the gaps in knowledge and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive" presented in the environmental report and the and various sub-projects within the R&D forecasts which contain uncertainties. Pursuant cooperation, NavES "Eco-friendly offshore to section 45 subsection 4 UVPG, the results of developments". The results from the current monitoring are to be taken into account in the projects of the Federal Maritime and update of the Site Development Plan. The actual Hydrographic Agency will be directly monitoring of potential impacts on the marine incorporated into the further development of environment can only start when the uses standards and norms, such as the development regulated under the plan are in place. Project- of the StUK5. related monitoring of the impacts of offshore wind farms, platforms and submarine cable systems is therefore of particular importance. The primary aim of monitoring is to compile and evaluate the findings from the various monitoring results at the project level. Existing national and international monitoring programmes must also be taken into account, also with a view to preventing duplication of work. 308 Non-technical summary

The StUK4 for the first time also contains monitoring requirements for the investigation of submarine cable routes with regard to benthos, biotope structure and biotope types during the baseline survey and the operational phase. Identified suspected sites of biotopes that are protected in accordance with section 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act must also be examined in terms of spatial delimitation in accordance with the current mapping instructions from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. After the cable system has been laid, its position must be checked by means of operational monitoring measures. Investigations of the benthic communities on the same transects as in the baseline survey are to be carried out one year after commissioning of the submarine cable systems. Consolidation of information creates an increasingly solid basis for impact forecasting. The research projects serve the continuous further development of a uniform, quality-assured basis of marine environmental information for the assessment of possible impacts of offshore installations and form an important basis for updating the Site Development Plan.

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