Joe Miles to Pass out the Bill of Rights on Base
INTl RNA.TlONA.L. SOCIALIST REVIEW Vol. 30 No. 4- Whole No. 193 Published bimonthly by the International Socialist Review Publishing Association, 873 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 10003. Second Closs postage paid at New York, N. Y. Editor, Tom Kerry Managing Editor, Dick Roberts Associate Editor, George Novack Business f-.Aanager, Beverly Scott Contents Antiwar Gis Speak Interviews with Fort Jackson Gis United Against the War by Fred Halstead Th e Worldwide Youth Radicalization and the Tasks of the Fourth International 48 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Communist Party by Milton Alvin 70 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, 1 year 6 issues \2.50; 2 years 12 issues $4.75. Adti 50 cents per year for Canada, latin America and overseas; a sinQle copy 50 tents, bundles 35 cents a copy for five or more domestic or foreign . .:.IiiIIii:.. ~ .. ____ ,------o!Ii JULY-AUGUST 1969 1 Fred Halstead 'ANTIWAR Gis SPEAK Interviews with Fort Jackson Gis United Against the War When charges were dropped against the last three of the Fort Jackson Eight, I happened to be at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, doing a story on the attempt by Private Joe Miles to pass out the Bill of Rights on base. I drove the hundred or so miles to Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and got there in time to greet Privates Andrew Pulley, Jose Rudder and Joe Cole on their first evening off base after sixty-one days in the stockade. I got an interview with them that night, May 22, and the following night I interviewed Tommie Woodfin, an other of the Fort Jackson Eight.
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