No. 710, April 2, 1999

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No. 710, April 2, 1999 soC!: No. 710 ....U23 2 April 1999 Delend Serbia Against U.SJNATOAHack! Deleat U.S. Imperialism Through Workers Revolution! The following is a Spartacist League! pant racist cop terror. Any military Defeat U.S. imperialism through work­ U.S. statement issued on March 25. blows against U.S. imperialism are in ers revolution! The barrage of cruise missiles and the direct and immediate interest of The "humanitarian" face of Ameri­ bombs launched against Serbia yester­ working people and minorities in can imperialism in the Balkans is day by the U.S. and its NATO allies this country and around the world. U.S. ambassador William Walker, who brings us all a step closer to a new world As proletarian revolutionaries fight­ helped orchestrate the CIA-sponsored war. This is a bloody statement by ing to build a party to lead the work­ death squad regimes in Central America America's imperialist rulers that they ing class to power against the capitalist which slaughtered hundreds of thou­ will stop at nothing in their ruthless exploiters and oppressors, the Sparta­ sands of workers, peasants and indige­ drive for profits and world domina­ cist League, U.S. section of the Interna­ nous peoples in the 1980s. Clinton's tion. Democrat Clinton and the capital­ tional Communist League, declares cynical lies to the contrary, NATO's ist class he represents also suck the life­ forthrightly: Defend Serbia against U.S.! war against Serbia has nothing to do blood out of workers in the U.S. through NATO attack! Down with the United with "human rights" or defense of the Young Spartacus ever more grinding exploitation and Nations economic sanctions! All U.S.! Albanian population of Kosovo against Spartacus Youth Club speakout at brutal oppression enforced through ram- UN INATO troops out of the Balkans! continued on page 2 New York University, March 23. AP photos Flames engulf section of Pristina, capital of Kosovo, after NATO missile strike. War against Serbia is ominous escalation in U.S. imperialist aggression, bringing closer the threat of a new world war. MARCH 29-Into the sixth day of the As the International Communist 92, America's rulers declared themselves warfare in the Near East and Balkans are terror war against the Serbian people, the League has proclaimed in statements to be unchallenged masters of a "New in a broader sense also directed against U.S. and its NATO partners continue to issued by its national sections around the World Order." When Saddam Hussein's its main imperialist rivals: Germany crash bombs and cruise missiles into world (see article, page 3), the working Iraq and Slobodan Milosevic's Serbia and Japan. It is not only the rulers in Serbia and the predominantly Albanian class and oppressed peoples everywhere refused to bow to Washington's dictates, Baghdad and Belgrade who are to be province of Kosovo. While Washington have a vital interest in defending the Serbs they were branded as "rogue states" to taught that the U.S. is now "the world's has kept a tight lid on news reports from against the American-led NATO attack! be punished and whipped into line. only superpower," but also the rulers in the war front, it is clear that the target­ Opponents of the U.S.INATO imperial­ In 1991, the Pentagon war machine Tokyo, Berlin, Paris et al. In savaging ing of "military installations" in urban ists can only welcome the downing of launched a devastating attack against Iraq, American imperialism is demon­ areas-including the headquarters of Slo­ one of the U.S. Air Forc'e's small num­ Iraq, formerly a Moscow client state. The strating its determination to maintain con­ bod an Milosevic, president of the Serb­ ber of F-117 "stealth" fighters as a blow ongoing starvation blockade imposed in trol over the Persian Gulf oil fields and to dominated rump Yugoslav republic-is against the racist capitalist U.S. rulers. 1990 by the U.S. under United Nations gain control over the oil and gas fields aimed not least at sowing terror among Rapacious U.S. imperialism must be cover-resulting in the death of well over of the former Soviet Caucasus. U.S. inter­ the besieged population. Sections of the brought down through the mobilization of a million Iraqis-has been punctuated by vention in the nationalist/communalist capital of Belgrade have gone up in the multiracial proletariat in socialist rev­ periodic terror bombing, which continues wars precipitated by the German-initiated flames, the first time this city has come olution. The Spartacist League fights to to this day. In 1995, NATO warplanes and breakup of Yugoslavia is aimed above all under bombardment since Hitler's Luft­ forge the Leninist vanguard party needed missiles were launched against the Bos­ at maintaining American military domi­ waffe attacked it in 1941. to bring this understanding to the working nian Serbs as a prelude to the U.S.-led, nance in Europe through NATO. class and to lead it in seizing state power. occupation of Bosnia. Throughout this In the current war against Serbia can 14 Under the cynical pretext of defending period, Serbia has been subjected to be seen the spectre of a wider Balkan the Kosovo Albanians, the U.S. ruling Western economic sanctions which have war or series of wars such as took place class is seeking to reassert its authority doubtless contributed to the deaths of early this century. These wars, resulting as the policeman of the world. Amid the many Serbs, especially children, the poor from the intersection 'of regional national collapse of the Soviet Union, destroyed and the elderly. conflicts with rivalries among the major II by capitalist counterrevolution in 1991- U.S. military actions and economic continued on page 5 7"·'25274J 81030 7 and destruction around the world. It will cessful workers revolution in history, nationalist UCK provide an ideological Defeat U.S. also strengthen their hand in breaking the October Revolution of 1917_ Under­ cover for the predatory aims of U.S, strikes, busting unions and flooding the mined by decades of Stalinist misrule, imperialism in the region. ghettos and barrios of America with even the Soviet Union was destroyed through What unites all of these reformist Imperialism ... more cops. On the other hand, every blow capitalist counterrevolution in 1991-92. "socialists," from the slavishly pro­ (continued from page 1) against U.S. imperialism in the Balkans Now the U.S. imperialists-who butch­ Milosevic Workers World to the ISO, is "ethnic cleansing." In fact, the all-sided will help to weaken the class enemy, pro­ ered over two million people in their los­ their belief that the imperialist rulers can nationalist bloodbath in the Balkans was viding an opening for the working class ing counterrevolutionary war against the be pressured into more "peaceful" and directly instigated by the imperialists in and oppressed here to fight against the Indochinese workers and peasants in the "humane" policies. Thus, an Interna­ their drive to destroy the former Yugosla­ torrent of attacks being leveled by Wall 1960s and '70s-act as if nothing stands tional Action Center leaflet pleads, "Stop via through capitalist counterrevolution. Street and its political agents, the Demo­ in the way of imposing their power the Bombing of Yugoslavia! Money For Social counterrevolution has once again cratic and Republican parties. We fight to everywhere, In recent years, the U.S. has Jobs & Education, Not War!" The lie that made the Balkans the flash point of build the multiracial revolutionary work­ invaded, bombed or tried to starve into America'S capitalist rulers can be made ancient nationalist hatreds and interimpe­ ers party, forged in the crucible of class submission one country after another, to change their priorities to b~nefit work­ rialist rivalries. Marxists oppose the poi­ struggle, which is the necessary instru­ from Somalia to Haiti and Iraq. U.S. ing people and' minorities serves to son of nationalism and fight for the class ment to lead the working class to the hands off Iraq! Down with the UN star­ shackle workers to the racist, capitalist unity of the workers of Serbia, Cro­ overthrow of this entire system based on vationblockade! Democratic Party. It is an obstacle to atia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Kosovo in racism, exploitation and war through a Beneath the current unity of the NATO mobilizing the working class and the overthrowing all the bloody national­ socialist revolution which rips industry "allies" over the bombing of Serbia lie oppressed in class struggle against U.S, ist regimes of the region, from Serbian and power away from a small handful of fundamental and escalating interimperial­ imperialism. Imperialism is not a policy strongman Slobodan Milosevic to the filthy rich and creates an egalitarian ist rivalries expressed in the growing which can be "reformed" but a system of U.S.-backed fascistic Tudjman in Croatia. socialist economy. trade war between the U.S. and Europe, as exploitation and war. Imperialist war is For a socialist federation of the Balkans! NATO was set up by the U.S. 50 years well as Japan. It was imperialist machina­ the concentrated expression of the "nor­ If America's capitalist rulers get away ago as a military alliance aimed at the tions stoking nationalist hatreds in the mal" brutal workings of the capitalist with imposing their diktat in Kosovo, it destruction of the Soviet Union, which Balkans which led directly to World War profit system, which daily condemns will give them a freer hand to sow terror was created as a result of the only suc- I in 1914. Today, NATO bombing is a trip countless numbers of working people wire for a broader and even bloodier around the world to death_ international .
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