Borough of Darlington
BOROUGH OF DARLINGTON PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Committee Date – 30 June 2004 SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Background Papers used in compiling this Schedule:- 1) Letters and memoranda in reply to consultations. 2) Letters of objection and representation from the public. Index of applications contained in this Schedule are as follows:- Page Address/Site Location Reference Number Policies Faverdale East Business Park 03/00340/RM1 E2, E7, E11, E13, E14, E16, E23, E24, E28, E29, E34, E45, E48, EP1, EP3, EP6, EP7,T2, T7, T12, T13, T36, T37, T40, R2, H15 Queen Street Shopping Arcade 04/00388/OUT E2, E10, E12, E14, E16, E27, E28, E29, E33, E35, E46, E47, E48, EP11.5, S1, S2, T12, T13, T19, T24, T37, T38 Eastbourne Service Station, Yarm Road 04/00231/FUL E16,E29, E46, E47, T2, T13, T24, T31, S10, S11, S18 Topoli Joe’s, 172-176 Northgate 04/00137/CU R25, S9, E35, T24 206 North Road 04/00578/FUL E29, E38, H15 5A The Spinney, Middleton St George 04/00481/OUT E2,E16, H3, H7, H11, T24 37 Middleham Road 04/00453/FUL H12 8 Heathrow Close, Middleton St George 04/00480/FUL H12 25 Church Lane, Middleton St George 04/00420/FUL H12, E35 Eastbourne Nursery School 04/00496/DC H15, EP13, T14 Dodmire School 04/00206/DC E46, H15, R1, R2, R11, R20 DARLINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE DATE: 30 June 2004 Page APPLICATION REF. NO: 03/00340/RM1 STATUTORY DECISION DATE: 17 June 2004 WARD/PARISH: FAVERDALE LOCATION: Faverdale East Business Park, Faverdale, Darlington, DESCRIPTION: Details of siting design & external appearance means of access & landscaping of new distribution centre associated offices & maintenance facilities pursuant to Outline Application 03/340/OUTE (19/11/03) amended by plans rec'd 11 & 18/05/04 APPLICANT: ARGOS LIMITED APPLICATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION Faverdale East Business Park is a 35.5 hectare site located to the north west of the town, to the east of High Faverdale Farm and to the north of the Faverdale Industrial Estate.
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