HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII Bishop Larry Silva says Sisters of St. Joseph of Diocesan adult faith Survivors say they felt hurt that Catholic schools need Carondelet helped shape formation coordinator to by fellow Catholics’ lack of foundations ‘built on Christ’ the church in Hawaii join the Carondelets compassion Page 3 Page 8 Page 9 Page 19 HVOLUME 81,awaii NUMBER 17 CatholicFRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2018 Herald$1 Built of ‘living stones’ 175th anniversary Mass unveils a major step in the cathedral basilica’s extensive renovation effort, pages 12-13 Saint Louis School student Kala‘i Carreira helps carry the cathedra, or bishop’s chair, to its place in the newly renovat- ed sanctuary of the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace during its 175th anniversary Mass, Aug. 16. HCH photo | Dann Ebina 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • AUGUST 24, 2018 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 Bishop’s page
[email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317
[email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anna Weaver (808) 585-3320
[email protected] Bishop ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz Larry Silva (808) 585-3328 WITNESS TO JESUS | TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME
[email protected] CIRCULATION Donna Aquino (808) 585-3321 What Jesus doing?
[email protected] is HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage Here is the text of the Bishop Larry give it, saying “This is my Body;” and flowing through our veins. So we do paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- Silva’s homily for the Twentieth Sunday wine, saying “This is my Blood.” He was not only speak of Jesus teaching about ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the of Ordinary Time, delivered Aug.