Te Awamutu Courier, Thursday, October 28, 2004 NOVEMBER RURAL ROUNDUP Petrol Head Heaven the November Rural Roundup Will Be Published on from Page 2

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Te Awamutu Courier, Thursday, October 28, 2004 NOVEMBER RURAL ROUNDUP Petrol Head Heaven the November Rural Roundup Will Be Published on from Page 2 ISSN 1170-1099 120TC049/04 Published Tuesday and Thursday THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2004 Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 35c. BRIEFLY Spruce up time Family has hope for Tilly If you didn’t get a chance to get out in the garden over By Dean Taylor Labour weekend, this coming Three-and-a-half years ago Fio- weekend would be a good time na and Paul Beckett’s world was to have a spruce up around shattered when they discovered home. daughter Tilly was autistic. Judging for the Keep Te Now for the fi rst time they have Awamutu Beautiful Best Gar- hope they can be a ‘normal’ family, dens and Best Street Awards but it requires hard work and a takes place early next week, fi nancial commitment that they with out-of-town judges cover- cannot manage alone. ing the urban area. The Beckett’s sharemilk at Later in the week KTAB com- Wharepapa South, having emi- munity awards will be decided grated here from England fi ve-and- (these include best kept busi- a-half years ago to start a new life. nesses, schools etc). With daughter Sophie and baby Tilly in tow, the couple settled fi rst into a management job in Time of roses Pukeatua, and are now into their Te Awamutu Rose Society’s third season sharemilking 175 annual spring show is cows as they work towards their being staged on No- farm ownership goal. vember 5 and 6 in St Not unusually Tilly’s autism Patrick’s Hall. manifested itself when she was a Schedules are now toddler. available from the It is sometimes known as the in- Information Centre. visible handicap, because there are Help will be available no physical signs of any disorder. on the night before the show It can result in challenges in lan- (November 4) from 7pm for fi rst guage, communication, emotion, time and novice exhibitors. cognition, behaviour, motor skills Entries must be phoned in by and social interaction. midday on November 4. People with autism may engage Enquiries to Barbara Dench at in repetitive activities, stereotypes 871 8388. movements, resistance to changes in the environment or daily rou- THE BECKETT family on their Wharepapa South sharemilking property (from left) Fiona, Tilly (6), Sophie Lodge weekend tines and have diffi culty with so- (9) and Paul. 302041AD A huge weekend is being cial or verbal interaction. planned for November 20/21 The Becketts found with Tilly Mr Beckett says members often intensive fi nal course. to help administer the programme at Pirongia Forest Park Lodge she engaged in a lot of repetitive communicated, and these Ameri- The couple know they will not be with Tilly. by Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu actions, and was not able to com- cans knew he had an autistic able to administer the programme They have been told they would Restoration Society as part municate any emotions or feeling. daughter and when they heard of themselves, nor can they afford the not be able to keep up the intensity of Waipa Networks Rose and She could not even tell or show the programme decided to help. travel. of the programme without help, so Cultural Festival. her parents when she was feeling At fi rst the Becketts were scepti- They also require a special room are hoping to hear from anyone It’s a weekend of living and unwell or had hurt herself. cal, but decided to try some of the to run the intensive one-on-one who could volunteer as little as an learning that grandparents and Tilly attends Patricia Avenue self help techniques. programme, as it needs to be ad- hour every week to help them. parents can share with chil- School in Hamilton, making the “The programme described itself ministered in a special place, free Mrs Beckett would train any dren. There are three competi- one hour each way journey by taxi. as going over a bridge into ‘the of other distractions and where the volunteers in the correct proce- tions on offer – photographic, Traditionally the family had world of autism’ and slowly bring- adult can control the situation. dure, and because the family live artistic and story writing. been told to distract her, or force ing the autistic person back,” says The Becketts have looked at the at Wharepapa South, Mr Beckett Registrations for the bush her to stop those actions. Mr Beckett. possibility of a large playhouse or says they would be in a position to ‘walk and talk’ gurus are They were not seeing any im- “We tried doing that with Tilly, outside room which could be insu- help with travel costs. required to ensure that group provement in Tilly’s behaviour and and she responded. lated, lined and made comfortable They say their ultimate goal if numbers remain small. These for the past two years had lost hope “That was all the encouragement and secure, but will also have to the programme proves successful close on November 5. for their youngest daughter. we needed.” fundraise for that. for Tilly, would be to bring it to Flyers with the registra- Then almost by accident, or fate, While there are no guarantees of Fundraising is underway thanks New Zealand. tion forms and competition a set of coincidences led them to success, there is hope. to friends in the farming commu- At present they do not think details are available from the the Son-Rise Programme which The Becketts booked a fl ight to nity. anyone else from here has tried the Information Centre or an email has restored hope for Paul, Fiona Los Angeles for Mrs Beckett to at- A dinner and auction is be- programme, but they believe fami- copy can be obtained from and eldest daughter Sophie (9) that tend the course in Massachusetts ing held at ‘Out in the Styx’ at lies offered hope as they have been [email protected] they can help six-year-old Tilly. in November. Pukeatua on Wednesday, Novem- would like the opportunity to try it Firstly Mrs Beckett’s sister in the Mr Beckett’s fan club friends ber 10. for themselves. UK saw a television interview with have donated all the internal Many local businesses have The Becketts know they have Protect passport an autistic man whose parents had American fl ights. donated fantastic items to be auc- two or three years of struggle Recent publicity surrounding decided to teach him how to bring Mrs Beckett will take part in tioned, plus friends have donated ahead of them, but believe that ul- forging of New Zealand pass- himself out of autism. the one week Start Up Programme such things as sporting memora- timately Tilly and they will have a ports has prompted the Depart- Those parents were founders then return home to put it into bilia, goods and services. better chance of normal, family life ment of Internal Affairs to re- of the American based Son-Rise practise. Bookings are being taken at the as a result. lease a brochure with tips about Programme. About six months later Mr restaurant (0800 461 559). To contact the Becketts with any caring for your passport. Copies Next members of the Bruce Beckett will attend the Maximum Donations to Tilly’s cause can offers of assistance please phone available at travel agents or by Springstein Fan Club, which Mr Impact Advanced Training. also be made to Tilly Son-Rise at 872 2499. See www.autismnz.org.nz freephone (0800 22 50 50). Beckett belongs to, sent him a bro- All going well the couple will re- any National Bank branch. and www.son-rise.org for further chure on the programme. turn a third time, with Tilly, for an The Becketts also need people information. Super Liquor Phone 871 4009 Jockey into position TE AWAMUTU for the Offer concludes close John’s OPEN 7 DAYS of trade 01/11/04 while John’s Super Deal is Cash and Carry Only – Payment of John’s Super Deal must be Melbourne Cup. stocks last PICK OF THE WEEK by cash, Eftpos or cheque, otherwise charge price applies. TRADE NOT SUPPLIED. ZZIILLZZIIEE Gordons RREEDDWWOOOODD Our undies are Buloke Range CCRREEAAMM winners & Brute Gin LLIIQQUUEEUURR reserve 1 Litre $$ 9999 $ 99 $$ 9999 15 ALEXANDRA STREET, TE AWAMUTU PHONE 871 6307 302TC019/04 300TC017/04 1111 25 1111 HOMESAFES Labour weekend proves HOME SAFE $ SENTRY 150 SAFE $295 Safe Wise 16.3 Litres $125.00 Safe Wise 26.8 Litres $150.00 Sentry 11.8 Litres $150.00 Sentry 15.1 Litres $295.00 Sentry Fire Safe $450.00 VERN WILSON LOCKSMITH 419 Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu Phone: 07 871 5530, Mobile: 0274 795 138 Fax: 07 870 4973 253TC039/04 KAWHIA’S Jervois Street resembled a scene from the late 1940’s with a line-up of beautiful 1930’s and 40’s Ford V8s visited on Sunday as part of the Silver Anniversary of the formation of the Northern Regional Group of the Early Ford V8 Club of America. 302042AD By Dean Taylor Cancer? It was petrol head heaven in the region over the week- we can help end, with both the Northern Regional Group of the Early Ford V8 Club of America The Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cancer Society offers and Dunlop Targa Rallies free services to people affected by cancer in the visiting. Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, King Country, Rotorua, On Sunday about 50 1932 Taupo, Thames and Waikato regions: to 1954 Ford V8s motored through Pirongia then gath- free practical & emotional ered at Kawhia for lunch.
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