Source: Adrian Tabraue 2016 Greater Downtown Miami Tourism Report Research & GIS Miami Downtown Development Authority 200 S. Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2929 Miami, FL 33131 Telephone: 305.579.6675 Published: April 2017 Email:
[email protected] 1 | P a g e Executive Summary Downtown Miami is a vibrant place for tourists, residents, workers, and students a l ik e . It’s an international region that i s full of diversity and thrilling attractions . Downtown Miami has entry points for tourists via water, land, air, a n d r a i l . Num e r ous attractions are available d ow nt ow n f or a ll ages and preferences . Th e r e is always something to do in Downtown Miami. This report pro vides a brief summary of t h e ma in d r i v e r s of t our i sm within Greater Downtown Miami ; i n cl ud ing analysis on: ports of entry, hotel occupancy r a t e s, t yp e s of attractions , and tourism characteristic comparisons between Gr e a t e r Downtown Miami, City of Miami, a n d M ia m i - Dade County . Air Transportation, as of December 2016 : o 1 0 ,9 3 4 ,9 9 8 international passengers arrived at M IA o 1 1 ,6 8 5 ,7 5 6 domestic passengers arrived at MIA Port Transportation, as of December 2 01 6 o 5 .1 million cruise passengers Rail Transportation : o All Aboard Florid’s Brightline express train to start non – stop services between Miami and West Palm Beach by end of 2017 .