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Neolithic for Print.Indd Creolization processes in the later south Scandinavian Neolithic An approach to cultural heterogeneity Iversen, Rune Published in: Neolithic Diversities Publication date: 2015 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA): Iversen, R. (2015). Creolization processes in the later south Scandinavian Neolithic: An approach to cultural heterogeneity. In Neolithic Diversities: Perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden (Vol. 65, pp. 58-65). Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Series in 8 Vol. 65 Download date: 24. sep.. 2021 NEOLITHIC DIVERSITIES In the study of the distant human past, certain events and periods have come to represent decisive passages from one human state to another. From a global perspective, NEOLITHIC the characteristic feature of the last ten thousand years is that people in diff erent parts of the world, and DIVERSITIES at diff erent points in time, started to grow plants and domesticate Perspectives from animals. The rise and dissemina- a conference in tion of agriculture were crucial fac- Lund, Sweden tors for the continued existence of humankind on earth. Edited by Kristian Brink Susan Hydén Kristina Jennbert Lars Larsson Deborah Olausson ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA LUNDENSIA Lund University e members of the conference “What’s New in the Neolithic”, May . Photo by Kristina Jennbert. ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA LUNDENSIA SERIES IN °, No. Neolithic Diversities Perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden Editors: Kristian Brink, Susan Hydén, Kristina Jennbert, Lars Larsson & Deborah Olausson Published with grants from e Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities and Stiftelsen Elisabeth Rausings minnesfond. Cover photo: e dolmen at Hofterup, western Scania. Photo by Kristina Jennbert © Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, and the authors Layout: Stilbildarna i Mölle/Frederic Täckström Printed by: Elanders Fälth & Hässler, Värnamo Distribution: HT-skriftserier, Email: [email protected] ISBN ---- ISSN - Contents Preface . , Paleodemography of maritime hunter-gatherers and the quest for forager baseline demography Torbjörn Ahlström Neolithic depositional practices at Dösemarken – a discussion of categorization Åsa Berggren New insights into early farming practice and diet from stable isotope analysis of crop assemblages Amy Bogaard Growth and decline? Population dynamics of Funnel Beaker societies in the th millennium BC Martin Hinz e cultural encounters of neolithization processes A discussion of dierent ways to understand plurality Anders Högberg Creolization processes in the later south Scandinavian Neolithic An approach to cultural heterogeneity Rune Iversen Cultural identity? e Middle Neolithic Pitted Ware complex in southern Scandinavia Kristina Jennbert Agency, creolization and the transformation of tradition in the constitution of the earliest Neolithic in southern Scandinavia Mats Larsson Animal husbandry and social identities during the Neolithic in southern Sweden Ola Magnell e Neolithic house as a procurement, production and consumption unit e case of the Late Neolithic at Çatalhöyük Arkadiusz Marciniak Burial in the Swedish-Norwegian Battle Axe Culture: questioning the myth of homogeneity Deborah Olausson A tale of the tall A short report on stature in Late Neolithic–Early Bronze Age southern Scandinavia Anna Tornberg . Frydenlund – Early Neolithic settlement and “barkaer” structures in the Sarup area Niels H. Andersen Megaliths and timber structures in northeast Scania, Sweden Anders Edring e Hamremoen enclosure in southeastern Norway An exotic glimpse into the process of Neolithization Håkon Glørstad and Steinar Solheim Occupy time! e construction of design and monuments in Tiefstich central Europe Johannes Müller Transforming place and architecture through cremation Cremation traditions at the third millennium BC monument complex at Forteviot, central Scotland Gordon Noble and Kenneth Brophy e proper way of dwelling at the Early Neolithic gathering site of Almhov in Scania, Sweden Elisabeth Rudebeck and Stella Macheridis e diversity of settings Ritual and social aspects of tradition and innovation in megalithic landscapes Almut Schülke News from Frälsegården Aspects of Neolithic burial practices Karl-Göran Sjögren . An ABC of lithic arrowheads A case study from southeastern France Kevan Edinborough, Enrico R. Crema, Tim Kerig and Stephen Shennan e scent of sandstone – exploring a TRB material Susan Hydén Fragmentation during the Neolithic Transformation and enchainment from a south Swedish perspective Lars Larsson Michelsberg and Oxie in contact next to the Baltic Sea Doris Mischka, Georg Roth and Katrin Struckmeyer Preface In the study of the distant human past, cer- tional conference in Lund in May entitled tain events and periods have come to repre- “What’s New in the Neolithic”. Invitations to sent decisive passages from one human state this conference were sent to two dozen prom- to another. From a global perspective, the inent Neolithic scholars from northern and characteristic feature of the last ten thousand central Europe. years is that people in dierent parts of the e conference was a great success, with world, and at dierent points in time, started presentations and discussions of dierent to grow plants and domesticate animals. e aspects of innovative research on the Neo- rise and dissemination of agriculture were lithic. e members of the Neolithic group crucial factors for the continued existence of took an active part in the discussions following humankind on earth. e incipient agricul- the presentations. ture is often regarded as the very beginning It was decided before the conference that the of human culture, as it has traditionally been papers would be published. e members of perceived in western historiography, that is, the Neolithic group also had the opportunity to as control over nature and the “cultivation” contribute current research to this publication. of intellectual abilities. After the conference an editorial group As a result of the increasing national and was set up, consisting of Dr Kristian Brink, international interest in the northern Europe- PhD student Susan Hydén, Professor Kristina an Neolithic (– BC), combined with Jenn bert, Professor Lars Larsson and Professor large-scale archaeological excavations which Deborah Olausson. helped to nuance and modify the picture of A grant was received from Riksbankens Jubi- the period, senior researchers and research stu- leumsfond for the meetings and excursions of dents formed a Neolithic group in . e the Neolithic group –. We would Department of Archaeology and Ancient His- like to thank e Royal Swedish Academy tory at Lund University served as the base, but of Letters, History and Antiquities and Berit the group also included collaborators from Wallenbergs Stiftelse for grants which enabled Linnaeus University and Södertörn University, us to hold the conference “What’s New in the and from the Southern Contract Archaeolo- Neolithic”. Grants from e Royal Swedish gy Division of the National Heritage Board Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, in Lund and Sydsvensk Arkeologi in Malmö and Stiftelsen Elisabeth Rausings Minnesfond and Kristianstad. nanced the layout and printing of this pub- Meetings and excursions in the following lication. two years resulted in the holding of an interna- . , Creolization processes in the later south Scandinavian Neolithic An approach to cultural heterogeneity Rune Iversen Abstract is paper approaches the cultural heterogeneity of the later South Scandinavian Neolithic. South Scan- dinavia experienced a very uneven development in the course of the rd millennium BC, with a variety of archaeologically dened cultures. is situation has resulted in the application of a “culture-centred” approach by which individual “cultures” have been thoroughly analysed but without the achievement of a coherent understanding of the cultural heterogeneity of the period. is paper questions the application of dogmatic cultural labelling and proposes the use of creolization theory to explain the blurred cultural situation that followed the Funnel Beaker era in eastern Denmark and lasted until the onset of the Late Neolithic when a new period of incipient cultural homogeneity began. Department of Archaeology, University of Copenhagen, SAXO Institute, Karen Blixens Vej , DK- Copenhagen S, Denmark. [email protected] Introduction Peninsula consisting of low burial mounds with the beginning of stratied single graves holding stone battle-ax- the Neolithic is dened by the presence of es and cord-decorated beakers (Müller ; domesticated crops and the occurrence of ). Some years later, Carl Johan Becker the Funnel Beaker culture around BC, analysed the contemporary and multifaceted which remained the sole archaeological culture assemblage of nds recovered from eastern Den- throughout the th millennium BC in the mark and introduced the term “the Single Grave region. From around BC we see signi- culture of the Danish Islands” (Becker ). cant changes in the material culture, including e abundance of archaeological cultures new types of pottery, battle-axes, arrowheads, dened within the later part of the south Scan- changed settlement patterns, subsistence eco- dinavian Neolithic has to a wide extent resulted nomic practices and burial
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