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P.B.B. ÖSTERREICHISCHE POST AG PZ 08Z037896 P AUSGABE 1 | 2020 ILLUSTRIERTE NEUE WELT JUDENGASSE 1A/25, 1010 WIEN EINZELPREIS € 4,50 Unser Titelbild stammt von der mulitidisziplinären Künstlerin Petra Paul: UNTITLED I, 2018, Mixed Media. „Wir verwenden Stacheldraht, um unsere Lan- desgrenzen sicherer zu machen, anstatt Grenzen aufzuheben. Wir verwenden Stacheldraht, um unseren Besitz zu schützen, anstatt zu teilen. In der heutigen Krisenzeit ist Solidarität wichti- ger denn je.” Infos unter: https://petrapaul.beep.de AUS DEM INHALT INTERVIEW Hannah Liko, österreichische Botschafterin in Israel SEITE 4 ANTISEMITISMUS Interview mit dem Historiker Georges Benoussan SEITE 6 JUSTIZ Eichmann- Prozess in Jerusalem SEITE 8 ZEITGESCHICHTE Ein Shampoo, das keines war SEITE 12 LITERATUR Neuer Roman von Abraham B. Yehoshua SEITE23 WHEN ILLNESS ISRAEL Philippinos für die Papas SEITE FRANZ C. BAUER 24 PROMOTES SANITY JÖH Neues aus hat will remain of the “Corona-era”? the precise term for what happened in Jerusalem, The formation of a government under Benya- der Jüdischen wonder many people, still in the middle but at least a consensus was reached about the for- min Netanyahu is considered a political sensation, Hochschüler- of the crisis. Yes, there will be a “time mation of a stable government (for now). Thus, only possible thanks to his adversary’s Benny Gantz schaft SEITE25 Wafter”. Futurologists prophesize incisive changes in a well-known phenomenon was confirmed once approval. The latter had promised, in his election our behavior, even a “better world”. Whether such again: in times of danger the country unites. Ano- campaign, to oust Netanyahu – this is now post- vague hopes will indeed manifest is rather questi- ther phenomenon was confirmed as well: It would poned. The agreement is thus being criticized by onable; there is, nonetheless, something concrete not be Israel would all of this occur without di- the Blue and White party. ts spokesman, Yair Lapid, www.neuewelt.at transpiring as a result of this crisis, and it concerns scussions. The “anti-Netanyahu opposition” dis- found harsh words about his former partner. Gantz Israel: the country has – finally – a government. solved with strident dissonances. And there was “betrayed the voters”. “Benny Gantz surrendered wi- www.neuewelt.atBesuchen Sie unsere Three elections did not suffice, weeklong ne- strong resistance against many measures taken in thout fighting and crawled into Netanyahu’s gover- Hompage mit aktuellen gations were not enough, the public pressure re- the context of the Corona crisis. Finally, there was nment”, so the deputy. The pact provides that that TerminenBesuchen und Sie unsereinteressanten mained without result for a year and a half – but the first rocket attack from the Gaza strip since end both partners appoint an equal number of govern- Artikeln,neu gestaltete wobei Hompage einige von mit a virus made it possible: the opposing parties of February. The last days of March were full of ment members. After a year and a half Gantz is sup- aktuellenDr. Daniela Terminen Nittenberg und ins Englische übersetzt sind. achieved an agreement. “Agreement” is maybe not turbulence. posed to become prime minister. Isra- A Seite 2 interessanten Artikeln 2 AUSGABE 1 | 2020 POLITICS F Seite 1 eli media comment the development The government explicitly requested to avoid tary decision. The supreme court decided on a differently: The newspaper Israel Hayom, usually gatherings. Bad luck: Discipline is not exactly Is- deadline, but meanwhile authorizes the secret in favor of Netanyahu, praises Gantz’ “spine” and raelis’ forte. Second bad luck: there were several service Shin Bet, under the Knesset’s supervision, defines his step as “personal independence day”. beautiful days, used by many families and friends to track those infected with the Corona virus. Whether and how the government transition will to celebrate at the sea. Result: Beaches were clo- All of this happened at a delicate moment: occur in one and a half years is however not com- sed, and military surveillance reinforced – this Yuli Edelstein, speaker of the Knesset, resigned pletely clear. In case Netanyahu refuses, he would time not against external enemies, but in case of from his post – not least to preempt being re- be viewed as someone who breaks his word and “attacks from within”. voked by the supreme court. Not yielding to the as a liar – depending on the agreement’s exact Another indirect result of the government’s supreme court’s request, Edelstein had refused to wording, which is, at this edition’s press date, not Corona measures: Israel’s probably largest de- open the Knesset’s parliamentary session to allow known. monstrations ever. Over 500.000 “participants” the Knesset to vote for Benny Gantz. If there is a change, Gantz could at least win joined an “Internet demonstration” against Neta- Problems of a different kind transpire on ano- back part of his disappointed electorate, as the nyahu’s government. The latter had started a sys- ther level: If traveling is practically impossible, primary goal, Netanyahu’s removal, would then, tem of cellphone localization able to recognize after Israel closed its borders and with physici- albeit with a delay, have been achieved. His reaso- crowding and, above all, movements of infected ans strongly advising against visiting relatives – ning is intelligible after all: “In this time of emer- people. Some European governments also inten- how should one celebrate Passover? How does a gency hundreds of thousands of citizens who just sely discussed this measure and its effectiveness. Seder table look like, completely without family? lost their livelihood are looking at us”, so Gantz The argument in favor: gatherings, with their hig- Pragmatic rabbis have tried to find a solution. in a widely noticed speech after the agreement’s her risks for infections, can rapidly be detected Should the use of cell phone or tablet be allo- conclusion. and the efficiency of government’s measures be wed, in order to connect with loved ones around The decision to form a “large coalition” is, in determined. The argument against it: it represents the globe? This was authorized by some, mostly any case, reasonable. Like other countries, Israel an unacceptable violation of privacy, despite pro- Israeli-Sephardic rabbis, which in turn provoked has to confront the unique challenges posed by mised anonymization of data. strong criticism from other rabbis. But maybe the virus. Israel’s population is however not ac- The measure was at first implemented per unorthodox times call for unorthodox solutions cepting the massive limitations without protests. “emergency decree” and without any parliamen- … n Erinnerung Seit nunmehr 123 Jahren existiert die ILLUSTRIERTE NEUE WELT, unterbrochen nur durch zwei Kriege und die Katastrophe des Holocaust. In dieser langen Zeit gab es Krisen und Zeiten blühender Wirtschaft – ein stetes Auf und Ab. Doch mit dem Corona-Virus ist das anders. Noch nie hat eine Pandemie praktisch die gesamte Weltwirtschaft lahmgelegt, Menschen so sehr in ihrer Bewegungsfreiheit eingeschränkt. Für die INW ist das Herausforderung und Chance zugleich. Menschen finden mehr Zeit, um zu lesen. Das Virus macht uns einmal mehr klar, dass wir letztlich alle im selben Boot sitzen – und dass nur Tole- ranz und Rücksichtnahme die Lösung sein können. Andererseits bedroht so eine Krise auch die Existenz zahlreicher Unternehmen, auch in der Medienbranche. Als unabhängige, keinem Konzern und keiner Organisation zugehörigen Zeitschrift ist die Illustrierte Neue Welt von dieser Krise besonders betroffen. Sichern auch Sie durch Ihr Abonnement den Bestand dieser traditionsreichsten, jüdischen Zeitung Österreichs. Bitte nutzen Sie den beigelegten Erlagschein! Mit bestem Dank die Redaktion Abonnementpreis: Inland: € 32,– / Ausland: € 44,– / Übersee: € 56,– Impressum Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger: Illustrierte Neue Welt, Dr. Joanna Nittenberg, Mag. F. C. Bauer Chefredakteurin: Dr. Joanna Nittenberg alle 1010 Wien, Judengasse 1A, Spenden willkommen! Tel. ++43 1 5356301 Konto Bank Austria: BIC BKAUATWW IBAN AT18 1200 0109 1007 3200 Druck: W & H Media Druck + Verlag GmbH AUSGABE 1 | 2020 3 ENTGELTLICHE EINSCHALTUNG ENTGELTLICHE Sie haben Fragen an das CONGRATULATIONS Bundeskanzleramt? ith mixed feelings we congratulate in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He was our longstanding collaborator Dr. also read in Canada and Singapore. He publis- [email protected] Gil Yaron to his entry into the di- hed several books, which have been reviewed Wplomatic service. In January 2020 he was ap- in the INW. 0800 222 666 pointed head of the North Rhine-Westpha- Gil Yaron’s new scope of duties is very va- Mo bis Fr: 8 –16 Uhr lia Office, working to promote its mission of ried and requires much engagement and com- (gebührenfrei aus ganz Österreich) deepening the relationship with Israel in all munication. It his goal to make North Rhi- areas. ne-Westphalia as popular in Israel as the Black +43 1 531 15 -204274 The INW loses thereby an excellent staff Forest. Not only tourism, also the cultural, eco- member, who always commented Israel’s poli- nomic and scientific exchange should be pro- tical, social and economic developments with moted. With his energy and talent success in Bundeskanzleramt outstanding competence. We are very proud his new role is assured. Congratulations!!! n Ballhausplatz 1 that he presented his journalistic talent first J. N. 1010 Wien in the INW. Already during his medical studies Gil Ya- ron was very interested in politics and journa- Publications of Gil Yaron: lism. After completing his medical studies, he Jerusalem. Ein historisch-politischer Reisefüh- Das Bürgerinnen- und Bürgerservice des Bundeskanzleramts freut sich auf Ihre Fragen und Anliegen! worked in medical research. His love howe- rer. Beck, München 2009, 3. Auflage. bundeskanzleramt.gv.at ver has always been for journalism and poli- Jekkes und Templer. Deutsche Spuren in einer tics. He was correspondent for the Salzburger israelischen Metropole, 2013. Nachrichten and, as of 2014, Middle East cor- Deutsche Botschaft Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv 2010.