October 1982
The American Physiological Society was founded in 1887 for the purpose of promoting the increase of physiological knowledge and its utiliza- tion. The APS Constitution and Bylaws appears in the FASEB Membership Directory. Officers: President, Walter C. Randall, Loyola Univer- sity, Maywood, IL; President-Elect, Alfred P. Fishman, University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Past President, Francis J. Haddy, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD ; Council, Walter C. Randall, Alfred P. Fishman, Francis J. Had- dy, Leon E. Farhi, Franklyn G. Knox, Jack L. Kostyo, John B. West; Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Orr E. Reynolds, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. A Publication of the American Physiological Society Volume 25, Number 5 October, 1982 Historical Articles The Meteoric Rise and Fall of William Townsend Porter, One of Carl J. Wiggers’“OldGuard.“A. C. Barger . , . , . ,407 Histories of Departments of Physiology Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. F. J. Haddy . .414 Medical College of Ohio. A. V. McGrady . , . ,414 Temple University. M. F. Tansy . .416 Public Affairs Animal Welfare Bill Hidden Costs Could be $100,000 for Each Institution. W. Samuels . .419 Announcements .......................................................................... 420 Society News Correction to Author Index ...................................................................... .406 APS Centennial Collection of Physiological Instruments and Equipment. M. C. Shelesnyak ............... .421 APS Sections
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