and means, a resolution to repeal a Joint MOV EM EXT* OF OIR WABIHIP9. resolution affecting Importation alonK the MAY HASTEN OPERATIONS AT THE WHITE HOUSE DEWEY DAY AT NEW YORK IN CONGRESS TODAY The northern border cf Mexico. The effect of ol monitor L«ehtfth. on Its ways from RECRUITING GOES ON the resolution, Mr. Grosvenor said, would n Philadelphia. was towed into Vineyard tend to reduce smuggling. Effect ofthe Disordered State of Affairs in Maryland Appointments Deterjnined on Oottan Celebrates Her Own Greatness Haven. Mhks.. yesterday because of threat¬ Constitutional Amendments Mr. I^anham (Tex.) raised « point of or¬ by ening weather in Vineyard sound. Proposed der against the hill, claiming that It did Spain. ¥jie President. With the Commodore's. The Mcrblehead arrived at Key West last Battery "A," N. G. P., Nearly Dp not raise revenue. night with the in the Senate. ."MI Spanish ship Argonauta. a Tne Speaker overruled the point of order, The Maple came out of dry dock at the to War Eagliih Vice Admiral .Par* « Footing. and in doing so construed "raising reve¬ Cause of Delay In Embarkation of Snatw anil Jadne Mc- High Norfolk navy yard yesterday, her place nue" os rules as WrUlngl^a contemplated ii) the being tor a Tribute to Oar Great being taken by the Suwanee. to The Troops.Waiting Dispatch fonH Call.Prfuarr f»r Arasy The cruiser COmiCE OKFORTIFICATIONS BILL equivalent "affecting revenue." ni Columbia arrived at Bar Har¬ House went into committee of the whole Front Dewey. Appointment*. Naval Officer. bor, Me., yesterday afternoon and sailed GOVERNOR BUDD MAKES A PLEA to c* nsider the resolution. for the east this morning. The repealing resolution passed after dls- M kl - The Vicksburg arrived at West yes¬ :i o Key Report Agreed to Both < ussiea by Messrs. Grosvenor (Ohio), Slay- The report that the dispatch boat Mc- NEW YORK. Mny 4,-Thls is Dewey day terday from Norfolk. by The Maryland offices which have retfiain- and Charter The celebra¬ Anxious That California Shall Fur¬ den (Texas), Cooper (Texas) for, and Mr. CuHoch has been sighted approaching Mlrs ed unfilled day. municipal The torpedo boat Cushlng has left Key foriso many months were at¬ tion of the formation of greater New York West to Houses. Stephens (Texas) against it. bay. near Hong Kong, from Manila en¬ tended to at the join the blockading fleet, her ma¬ nish More White Houae today. Sen¬ has been overshadowed by the events of in fine Troops. Cunfrrrnre on Formications Bill. courages the expectation at the Navy de¬ ator and- chinery being trim again. The Wellington Senator-elect McCo- world-wide import during the past few Winslow also has returned Mr. Hemenway (Ind.) presented the con¬ partment that word will soon- be received mas had an extended.conference with Pres¬ from Key West ference from Commodore It is liable to be weeks, culminating in the victory won by to her station. SILVER IX THE TREASURY report upon the fortifications ap¬ Dewey. ident McKinleXi resulting In an agreement propriation bill. several hours, however, according to cal¬ Commodore George Dewey over the Span¬ The Gussie and the Whitney, the Morgan OT1IEK STATE MILITIA that the following nominations were or¬ ish fleet in the harbor of Manila. The conference report was culations of the department, before a long dered line st?amcrs recently sold to the United adopted. by the President: William F. Stone, The is with the stars dispatch can be got through. The fact collector at city resplendent States government, sailed from New Or¬ W hen the Senate convened the care: that Baltimore; William Alrey, and stripes and the lone star of Cuba. leans for where today of arms. Commodore Dewey was able to spare United States John C. yesterday Tampa, they will PHILADELPHIA. !.«.. May 4 -A re¬ chaplain delivered an invocation a boat marshal; Rose, There was a general approval of the act be used in soldiers to <*uba. relating dispatch and could get her away is United States district John B. transporting cruiting rtstkn was opened her* today in to the war. "We praise he Older Issued to the General as attorney: of the municipal legislature in The cruiser New Thee," prayed, Army by accepted satisfactory evidence that he Hanna, of yesterday Orleans sailed from the oflloe of the Kvenlrs Telegraph for the "for Thy unspeakable gift.our Mile*. is master of surveyor the port at Baltimore; setting this day apart in celebration of the R. this for country; the situation. Norman B. R- Newport, L, morning Hampton purpose of recruiting Mattery A. X G P. and for tiie enthusiastic devotion to it Gen. Miles has issued a general order to Scott, naval officer; Henry victory of Commodore as well as Roads to Commodore by May Husten Operation*. , Dewey Jcln Schley's Hying up to a war fiotlr.g. The battery Is com¬ men of all classes from all parts of the to army giving detailed instructions to gov¬ appraiser. The nomination of Mr. In commemoration of the of the squadron, to which she has been Information as to the disordered Torbert Is a adoption attached, manded by Barclay H Warburton. pro¬ l&nd. north, south, east and west; for th<* ern the arming and equipping of volunteer terribly concession to Mayor Malster. charter that welded three cities into one. in place of the Columbia. The New Orleans state of affairs in Spain, the fall of the It was requested by the President and prietor of the Kver.lng Telegraph. sympathy and encouragement of women. troops called into service under the Pres¬ It is a state holiday by legislative enact¬ has been receiving an outfit at It Is W e dynasty being threatened, is calculated to agreed to by the senators. The Newport. learned on good authority that the b'ess Thee that our country justifies ident's proclamation and providing for the Maryland ment. The are closed, as The cruiser arrived st New¬ the hasten operations on the part of the United choice of the public buildings Minneapolis Battery A will he attached to the sentiment of the people that it is a proper accountability of arms and equip¬ Maryland delegation for this are all the and many of the port, R. I., at 8 a.m. and anchored In the Depart¬ States. While the administration will not place was J. H. exchanges ment of the Kast. and will probably bo thing to die for, at need. We pray Thee ments supplied to these troops. When a Ching. state banks. The schools are also harbor. irost be led to take any step which has not been It was some time public sent to Washington or New York. earnestly to bless Thy servants the regiment has been mus'ered into the I'nited ago agreed that Post¬ closed and from the roof of each school The revenue cutter arrived at carefully considered, it is recognized to be master Wartleld at be Woodbury Corporal John Malrd. Princeton s famous President and Vice President, the members States service the commanding officer will Baltimore should house floats the stars Charleston, S. C., on desirable that we should have and stripes. yesterday her way full back, w> nt to Princeton He of th»> cabinet, tiie Senate and the House detail a lieutenant to perform the duties possession of reappointed. from Norfolk to West. today. Cuba and I"orto Rico before a after An EnirllMli Sailor's Tribute. Key has instructions from to of Representatives and guide them by Thy of acting ordnance officer. The governor of collapse Shortly the visit of the Maryland The ram Katahdin C«pi. Warburt'.i comes in Spain Should senators LONDON, May 4..Vice Admiral Philip went to Boston yes¬ open a nation counsel in this sharp, stern juncture of our the state in which su-h regiment or other there be an over¬ General Fell* Agnus of Baltimore terday to coal. reriuilln* Corporal I*ltd throw of the Spanish and saw the Howard Colomb, retired, the inventor of will Often Ms station in the Princeton Inn. "bfc-tory. May our course be maintained organization has be.-n mustered will in¬ dynasty a new President, but his visit was purely EASTPORT. Me., May 4..The cruiser Co¬ as the voice to the government of any sort should sue social. Improved systems for signaling at sea an 1 liiiflil cause of justice, equity and human¬ ordnance officer or the com¬ at once lumbia was sighted at the head of the har¬ Gov. ¦>|en.m.. bound in. SAN FHAXi'ISi-O. May 4 -Th.- following the war to ordnance stores which are peace might not be as provide a an Interview on the subject of the splendid a speedy and triumphant close, furnished the organization the state. satisfactory if our good place for Mr. Ching. rtitsRRg.- has l»-*-n telegraphed to Senator* so by military operations were victory of the United States fleet at Manila PHIZES that we may honor God. help the op¬ The acting ordnance officer on receipt of still in the air EiIircliiiK News From Dcwejr. AWARDED. White and Hot-kins at Washington bv Gov¬ and the invoice will then and Cuba and Porto Rico still In is quoted as saying: pressed deliver them from their bond¬ nake requisition to the pos¬ Secretaries Long and Alger were both at ernor Budd: and return the chief of ordnance for the session of Spain. The "I doubt if there ever was such an ex¬ Decision of the Judges an to Trotters age. to our own accustomed necessary intervention of the the White House after noon the "California has seventeen additional com¬ labor.-, and ordnance and ordnance stores to complete foreign powers would not today, traordinary illustration of the Influence of -Tonight'* I'roftrniu. trains of thought and of light." the armament and be recognized former taking a stroil the panies of th» National tluar.l In omditloti. On equipment of the regi¬ by this government through White sea A has attacked and In the standard horse class the presenting an amendment to the war ment or organization. This will ami war would have to House grounds power. superior trotters which can be assembled at Snti Kranclsc*> requisition be with the President. Sec¬ a batter¬ were and the revenue measure providin : for the issuance state the number of men, the total of ord¬ continued until there had been a sur¬ beaten Spanish fleet supported by examined, decision of the on twenty-four hours' notice. They con>lst render. retary Long said that no news from Dewey was as of tieasury notes instead of bonds, Mr. nance and ordnance stores required, the But at the same time it would be had been ies, and, it now api>ears. it passed those judges follows: Westmoreland, first of two regiments, one of eieht companies, ordnance and ordnance stores ii received up to the time he left John Stewart ids as for in the bill were difference, ernment, in order to position off Manila. The boldness of the McD., third. Blue Cap, driven Dick (t i-tiince the 1'nlled Stales as volun¬ provided stores to be furnished by the chief of ord¬ accomplish what it House. "We are at by by a favorite investment of the nance. has set out to expecting something American commander is beyond question. Wailach of this city, was fourth. teers. These had ' capitalist, ordnance and ordnance accomplish, to make war any minute." The Secretary is If th» nat tuial will refurnish while the treasury notes for stores are to he turned over to each com¬ u|>on a nation without becomlwc "Henceforth he must be placed in the The Program Toniitht. goverrmcn; provided by any responsible as anxious as elsi for the National Guard mill uniforms and his amendment were the favorite method pany or troop commander and properly re¬ head and torn by anybody official Valhalla of great naval commanders. Noth¬ The program for this session is ceipted for. The internal strife. news from across the Pacific. evening's equipment* udvan.vii by this stale or pay of th<* people in meeting emergency obli¬ company or troop com¬ The explanation of ing can detract from the dash and vigor of as follows: for same promptly we can and manders arc held accountable for the given tha situation Secretary Alger si>id that he had tome reorganise gations. thus with respect to the of the American exploit or dim the glory h p.m., parade of all barkings. reelotho our entile guard within thirty property turned over to them, and sending troops from details of military affairs to talk with the p.m.. claKS 24. of T at to Mr. Stewart's amendment was a substi¬ will make the usual returns to Tampa to Cuba is which Dewey has shed upon the American pair nigh step|ien«, un¬ days. ry lea^t have them accept the chief that there lias been no President der 15 hands 2 inches, ail-rouiid action to Tour tute f«r tne of ordnance. The of definite abcut. It oulj> in? companies n>ore. so ns to allow us to loan and bond sections of ihe chief ordnance Is re¬ postponement of the navy. may be bad for the world, for considctid, lo be shown to a four-wheeled itrria^o furnish three full quired to keep the exact amount of all of the embarkation F«»r Cnpt. Ilart'* I'ardon. excluded*: First r.-siments of infantry revenue bill and provided for the issuance troops and that assuredly the American navy will never prize, ?75; *<*coiid j>riz . of tw-,«NMUNjo of which making provis¬ from hour to hour or probable that within a few days accept a subordinate after this ex¬ The years old; treasury notes, ion for fut jre settlement with the various day to day as the place Dandy, cb.(.. 15.2, h ycare . >l«i; Hugh S. Lc- I*A\S.\S CITV. Mo.; May 4 .Col. G. irge would be ample probably for the conduct states concerned. preparations drag or President McKinley will pardon Captain hibition of what It can do." gare, Washington. D. C. 2. I(« ckiiu:huni. n.g.. 15.3, 1*. Gross of th :M Missouri Kigiment. has something additional John D. aged; Harkaway. b.g., 15.3, t> year* old: Oliver 11. of the existing war. The amendment was develops that must be done or Halt, convicted in Philadelphia 1*. lid received instructions from Adjt. din Bell information lest mom. Now lurk. 3. Sir Walter. 15.2; to referred to the finance committee, PASSED BY THE SEVATE. received before the year and sentenced to a term in prison EPISCOPAL DIOCESE. Sir b.g.; F. < have his regiment in readiness to m..\e linal departure. The Uiliserr, Stevem, Washington. 1». on i*h<- for the 4, , Thutsilay men are ready to go st ('oiifcrence Ucport on FortIIleal ionn. delay is not consequent violating neutrality laws of this IU'I. eli.g 15.3; ltegeut, rti.g.; !.*. t'. Mctcus, Important W«r .Measure* On Through upon any change country in The Third Annual" Convention Xow Washington, D. 5, Gretna, h.m.. 15.o. 7 ;i moment's notion. Mr. Perkins (Oal.) presented the con¬ of plan. It may be. organizing a filibustering ex¬ old; 5 The is also Without Debute. however, that seme of pedition to the Cubans. In Section. tadut, b.g.. 15.0, jchm <»id; Wallace T. Regiment practically ference report on the fortifications ap¬ Oiir vessels will be sent to meet the Foote, Jr., Wa«bingu>u, D. . <\ Alert, parts. Mr. Chandler and Mr. Gorn an 'Hie Wnr today urge pardon. seal br.g., 15.3U|. 6 years seal antagon¬ and. notwithstanding their Revenue 11111. Church, on G street, this morn¬ 15.3*^. V old; Action, br.g.. ized the action of the Senate conferees in importance, It has delegation consisted of Representatives Epiphany years old; 11. S. Crawford, llarerstowu. HARRISBI'RG, Pa.. May 4,-Adlutant neither elicited the slightest debati. one been found that a great , and McAleer of Philadel¬ ing at 10 o'clock. Morning prayer was said Md. Oenoral Stewart went to Washington this abandoning an amendment offeree! by Mr. many Bingham 8:30 p.m.. cla^s 38. saddle was tne emergency war deficiency bill, amendments, many of them agreed to phia and and McClellan of New by the rector, who also preached the open¬ to thoroughbred horses up morning to see Secretary' of War Alijer Chandler respectirg the payment by the both by Cummings carrying 15o pounds; tirst prize. $5o; second about th- carrying $35,720,!M5. democrats and republicans, will Yc rk. ing sermon. prize. ^25. 1. Pink, sorrel m.. 15.o. s years mustering Pennsylvania National government for the use to have Senator Quay was also a visitor, Samuel old: Into of inventions of Mr. Hawley, chairman of the be made to the war revenue bill The Rt. Rev. Y. Satterlee. Rosenthal. Ilaitimore. Md. 2, Zuri-1. Ouard the I'ni.ed Slates ser\"1ce. It is und military by the and spoke to the l'resident on the same bishop, Henry sorrel m.. 15.1, 5 yeare old; 11. not yet known huw the division will I.. en¬ army navy officers. The report was affairs committee, secured the of Stnale in order to perfec: but D. D., read his annual address, which took D. C. St««tic. Wash¬ however. passage it, it is al¬ subject. ington, ."i. Iilaek Base., ]5.3C|, Gged; listed. agreed to. a bill providing for the enlistment of a ready assured that none of the up the greater part of the morning ses¬ Dr. K. K. Goldst*.rough, Washington, D. <\ 4. The Vermont Militia. A Holfp bill visionary The President has the papers under con¬ liagganetto. b.g., 15.1. 5 authorizing the Supreme volunteer brigade of engineers and of amendments suggested mere sion. Some business of a routine nature years old; Julian It. men in by opposition sideration. Huff. Washington, D. «\ 5. Tomocle, ch.g.. 15.2. MONTPEUIER. Vt.. May 4.-The state Lodge of the Knights of Pythias to erect the south who are immune to will carry, and the was disposed of. 4 years old; H. 11. fever, these retention of the bond Prrmnire for will be two sessions and Nalle. agent. Leeshurg. Va. military has b»en ordered to mobilise at and maintain a sanitarium on the yellow enlistments to be in provision is Army Appointment*. There dally the 6. ltose Heimdal. br.m.. 15.3. 4 years old; ii«Ms- govern¬ addition to those also assured. The unanswer¬ will be devoted to sermons on the Fort Ethan Allan. ment provided for in the Presi¬ The army to be made evenings horough & Kslier. Washington. D. 7. ltoont< ti. Wednesday. Thursday. reservation at Hot Springs, Ark., was dent's call for 125.000 volunteers. The men able argument again!-: out appointments by various branches of the church work. Ev¬ ch.g.. 16.0, 6 years old: James K. striking the bond the President are Maddux. War- Friday and Saturday of this week. The passed. will enlist "for the war." provision is that no Inducing a multitude of ery in the diocese is rent on. Va. s, Filz (late t'nele Jim), l».g.. aietter how abundant parish represented. 7 years old: W. ltt.O'v. Burlington and St. Alban's companies only Further conference was ordered on the might be the callers at the White House. The number of George Kyder. Washington. D. «\ source of revenue provided, it !>. Anne Willing, ch.m.. 15.o~*. 4 years «ld: 11. «lll go into camp today. bill the homestead laws to CiOVER\ME\T KIVAXCES. would visitors has reached a i>oint almost equal The Paris Holder extending Alas¬ be impossible to raise large sums of Exposition. Dulany, Washington. D. <\ lo. Anloiictle. ka. at to the days when the search for political T:> the Editor of The Star: b.m.. 15.3, 4 years old; Dr. James Kerr, Wash¬ SEATTLE. Wash., May 4..A *|*eciai statement of Receipts and rnor.ey once through any system of rev¬ Evening ington, I>. C. left last nigiit over the Northern Pa- .% Proponed ComikiiMwion. Expendi¬ enue. The offices dally filled the White House with 9 Hallway tures for April. exigencies of the case lequlVe The recent report that Congress would p.m.. class 37. tandems, the wheel* r not to i-itic carrying the tovernnrnt pack train Mr. job-seekers and occupied all the time at the exceed 15 hands; the wheeler to have «-ontorma * G?ar (Iowa), chairman of the Pa¬ The thjt the government should have an not vote for an appropriation for an ex¬ which returned here from Alaska a f. comparative statement of the gov¬ abund¬ of the President. tion. substance, (quality aud action; ihe leader to ago. The train consists cific railroads committee, called up and ob¬ ance of money, not six disposal Republicans and hibit at the Paris exposition of WOO be¬ l»e a r-howy. well-bred, days pack of \c ernment receipts and expenditures just is¬ months or a year all-round actor, with good mules, s horses and men under the com¬ tained consideration for a Mil authorizing from now, but democrats, official and unofficial, are hard cause of the attitude of manners; first prize. $60; second prize. *25. 1. sued shows that during April the immediately. Therefore, the alleged unfriendly Little br.m.. 14.;;. 5 mand of I.ieut. Ryan, nth Cavalrv. They a commission of the receipts authorization of at work in the Interest of friends. The the French nation in connection with the Kg\pt. years old. and Fanny, consisting Secretary from all sources aggregated $33,012,943. the issuance of bonds is br.m.. 14.3. 5 Man "iu: H. B. Nalle. r. will go through to St. Ixiuis via 'illllliiK« of the Treasury, the of the In¬ necessary and will President considers this natural and proper, war with Spain is creating much discussion Leeslmrg. Va. 2. Sweet William, b.g.. 5 on pas-i nger train Hint-. From St. Secretary and the expenditures $44,314,062. This be supported by men years old. and 14.2^ Louis terior and the General to eff»et who. on and does not grumble, but many visitors the land. The denial Beatrice, ch.ui.. 14.3. 3 years old; they will probably be hurried to Chicka- Attorney deficit of over $11.000,000 was caused by in¬ general principles, are extremely throughout emphatic Courtland H. Smith. Th«ol »gical S»»nii»arv. v«. an between States give him unnecessary (trouble. in 3. Lord Brilliant, 7 mauga. adjustment ike United creased on account war antagonistic to bond issues. The yesterday's Ftar, however, by Mr. Gal¬ ch.g.. 14.3%, years old. and expenditures of proposi¬ Among the more prominent visitors to Lieutenant Wilkes, b.g., 14.3^2, 7 years old, Geo. and the Sioux City and Pacific Railway of tion to provide for tne Issuance of lia (who may be termed the advance agent li. New York. preparations. Independent this the re¬ green¬ confer with the President were Sen¬ Hulme. Haahlagton Stock K&changr. Company in relation to certain bonds Is¬ backs instead of bonds is as today of th-j exposition) that the French govern¬ 0:15 p.m.. class 42. ladies* saddle horses. not ceipts and expenditures, it Is said, would strongly an¬ ators under fourteen Sal.s-r-cu ar e.ll.'2 o'el <-k m Tr..e- sued by the United States in aid of th» con¬ tagonized a Turple and Fairbanks of Indiana, ment is unfriendly to the United hand* thiee Inches, three years Id Cipl.l have been about The from by few of the silver States, or over, to be tidden ' *" '8 Wa-hlngt.,1, s, .t equal. receipts tar-seeing Senator Quay, Dalzell and and that is due l»y ladies; lust prise, $5o of- J.;:"' I" HI struction of the railroad. An amendment rniii as it is by Representatives this impression to yellow fere «: -fj-. customs during fell off about republicans, realizing as Sons. Baltimore. Md . to the bill offered April $10,- Adams of Pennsylvania, Senator Foraker Journalism, is worthy of the highest con¬ I. Pink, sorr-'l in.. 15.0. H | Meig. hi il. r I inotype. m 143 llmiiiinlt. n by Mr. Harris (Kan ) pro¬ they do that a large issue of iiat years old: Samuel lti«- < «ril»c... l«l ||i. loo .t c«Uls lt«. it 000,000, said to have been due to fear of money and ative sideration. enlhal. Baltimore. Md. 2, Suzette, wh. m | ,«.|its; vides that the commission may not would have one Represent Grrsvenor of Ohio, 15.0V». 30 ¦" "" ems. -After .all \merl< mi accept capture and confiscation by Spanish ves¬ of two effects, either to The absence of any official action on the aged; Mrs. Hugh S. l^egare. Washington. D.«\ A. l"? less in settlement of the Senator Mills and -Representative Sayers of Miss And* I sou. K " *' 15'4' l"' s' Kl l- ri'i. 1 government's sels. satisfy the cravings for inflation or to so part of France should put such erroneous b.m.. 15.2, years old; Mrs. atr*«« claim than th? of The Texas, Senators Faulkner-of West Virginia, ideas to rest. But even In such an Henry M. Karle. Washington. 1M'. 4. Victory. *»r. the bond* issued " principal monthly statement of the public discredit flat as to Injure the ciuse improb¬ g. 5 s "*..! n-d. It..- debt which IJndsay of Cullom of able event as for 10.0, years old; Dr. C. S. barter, Warrerton nrlLT'SS1' 1«»M. Baked."l""!" I S. 4*. 1S*»7. in aid of the construction of the railroad. issued shows that at the close th- silver men Kentucky, Illinois open sympathy Spain, Va. 5. Anne ch. ,. coupon. I«i7i^ of have most at heart. It is it would be both Willing, m.. 15.»T4 4 years old; tild. lOH ask'-d. I". S. 4* r Klult re.I l'O lilt I.I.I Mr. Morgan (Ala.) delivered an extended business April 30, 1898. the debt, less and Lodge of Mussai hutetts. only natural, from their II. Rosier Dulany. Washington. D.C. 0. Antoin¬ cash in the true that as yet but few of tne silver men geographical and sentimental ette. ". 4«. on their associates, and some of over, to l»e shown liefore a the cash cn hand, and the decrease In the them ing has yet arrived. For this great government to remain brougham: horses to ediiPRs. \ 11. bid. M CiM|H'litiin itailroad iyi'1 Jtl- Sliver Id Ihe Treasury, arc receiving lett;rs and aloof "from ct-iuit 50 per cent. brougham and general apfioliit- iatr»of Indebtedoesa. I*. l««7 Oilamh!* It* II cash is due to war expenditures. The debt dlspatc.ies frcm A number of G. A. R. men such an international trades rrnnts 5o |»er cent; entries confined to mad 117 the conclusion is their constituents at 'lomo who today request¬ show would be well nigh exhibitors 0*. l»ld. Belt lUilivad r»s. 4,*i l>i«l 01 At of Mr. Morgan's speech recapitulated as follows: Interest-bearing agree with ed the President to appoint Gen. A. committing com¬ icslding in the District of <\>lumt ia or Maryland: " Ualboa.l «. !.l 1,1,1. t\aahbiK- debt, $817,307,010; debt on which interest them in C. mercial suicide, so far as our foreign busi¬ first prize, |5o: reserve ribbon to «*. '"rte. A. |p, 1,1,1. Mr. Coekrell secured the passage of the politics, warning them that popular Hawley of Illinois a second; prize V" Washing. has ceased since maturity. $1,280,080; debt sentiment will not brigadier general. The ness is concerned. Nothing would please offered by Messrs. Harris & Nixon.- 1, Lady Pa- . '¦** «H. ».r|.a Is lit i.ij. f 5 following resolution: "That the Secretary sustain the opposition to President milla, s»'al br. iu.. 7 Th ^ompaiiyc i« no will consider the England and others of our 15.3, years On, BM . d«»l»entinv lmi».. mil, t»f«t 7 bearing interest. $:!85,595,584; total. $1,- the request, which Germany, busi¬ . of the Treasury is heteby directed to make This authorization of bonds or an attempt is made ness rivals better than American Dandy, ch. g., 15.2. 8 years old; Hugh S. I/egare Hot 1,1a Tel. ph.,,w 234,243.274. amount, however, does to by Corporal Tanner, Major Butts, non-rep¬ Washington. D.C. 2, Trilby, i»er first l-armera ai.d Methaiilea'. 18i Ml. «id u* July 14, 1H70, and of seig¬ occurred Diplomat, Soldier a cent; prize, standing demand liabilities to in the itntl Legislator. affords golden opportunity. May It $5o: see<»nd priee, $25. -1 Leap Year, ch.g.. ltf.o, ' 1,1,1 r«l'"«''ia 1S2 I,Id. Cxi, niorage and the amount of treasury notes amounting boiler and gas section of the bulld- not, Itali^l l^i12? TVaWd. West«' Knit,^ ltat hM $815,307,240. leaving the net cash balance The news has been therefore, be within the bounds of reason eight years old; Chichester *r Carter. I^ecshurg, ins aak.d r«i. temeu ir. such dollars and retired." in the irg. The damage to the works was $75,000. received in this city to assert that these frantic efforts Va. 2. Waterford. ch.g.. 16.1, aged: Invln N. b"1' M(' "k"' Lin*'. In. ll« Md! treasury $215,810,<522. Edward Ccrsir, a boiler of the death in to de¬ Megargee, Philadelphia. Pa. 3, Klsle. b.m.. Jul^akfd Mr. Harris, continuing the debate upon tender, was kill¬ today Pendleton, S. C., of feat an appropriation for representation 15.3, ¦Safe and ed. Wm. Sherlock and Emil fire¬ Mr. W. H. are the eight years old; Courtland H. Smith, Theological Ue|Kt«it Triiat r.mpan|.a. Nn^.mal the pencing railroad >ill, urged the adop¬ men, and Derries, Trescott. He was well known In work of our foreign commenclal en¬ Seminary, Va. 4. The Khedive, b.g.. 16.2. five Safe I.e,nail and Trnat. 112S l.i.l, J|# aeked Pasquule Marco, a laborer, were this emies? We must be W. W ashing!on I>oai» awl i»-> l.ltl tion of hi* amendment as the least A. M. SOTKLDO DEAD. city, where, during recent years, lie represented at thi years old; C. Smith, Warrenton. Va. 5. Se|w«y, Trnat. 12* naked' very fatally injured. Paris 16.0, fire years N. Alu. rieiic Security an I Trust.¦.ini»p;15l. l>iU Waalillic- was engaged in thel practice of exposition. Being aan international blk.g., old; Barclay Bevau, ton Saf»* that Congress could Jo in protecting the law, and trades fair, it would do us Warrenton. Va. Hep-wit. Jild. For Many Years the Diplomatic Rep¬ Course was the agent of his incalculable tO:05 class 49. hnnters. to all Hreewaa. H; Md. Interests of the country. resentative Thrown Open to Women. native state. South damage even as a nation politic to absent p.m.. open City road was a link so important to the trustees of the University of cent, performance over obstacles. 50 j»er cent: first National t'nl .n, M h',1 years the diplomatic representative of Ven¬ Pennsylvania He was born Our present war makes us the and prize. $5o; second prlzt-. $25.-1. Thunder, br.g.. relnmha. Ill h!d. 1.1 aske.1 R|EL-« northwe.-tern system that if the govern- has decided to offfr undergraduate courses nearly seventy-six year» nation people 16.1. five years C. Adrian Grant. 1.1.1 8 asked. Pe-jTtle s. 5% bid. 6 aake.1 I/n.t.ln ezuela in the I'nited States, died at his in of the hour. It therefore behooves old; Wlddleburg. 0 hid. < 11 enrt should insist the of for women in ago, Charleston, S. C., and after us Va. 2. Flying Dutchman, blk.g.. 17.0. eight years "intuercial. 4 hid. upon payment 1 133 eve.-y way equal to those now gradu¬ to demonstrate in a substantial manner P. F. New S-t c'.a. R il residence. Q street, yesterday after¬ ating from the of old; (Jollier. York. 3. Greenfield, blk.g.. 1 '"1>"'au<''' Esiat» THH m the prineipal claim in full.about S1.6UO.OOO open to men, and which are to lead to the College Charleston in what we are capable of besides warfare. 17.1%, five years old; P. F. New York. Wd. tk> aaked. r,.lnml.iii TitI.. 4"v bid. r.k i..k,-.l noon. after a long illness, in the Collier. » seventy- same 1840, he studied law. He This can only be 4. "" W<1 I.latrlet T; tie .the Northwestern would pay It. He de¬ degrees new given to the stu¬ became accomplished through a Perfection, blk.g.. 17.o. six years old: 1". D. u o hid sixth year of his age. latter of the secretary superb Benner. Warrenton. Va. 5. "-1 Trastlon 71 bl.l 7311 clared rliat the Northwestern efflcials had dents. United States legation In London in representaton. Then, again, ad¬ Foxey, b.g.. 16.1. aged; asked...I t""1.. '"K" r,1I':t*l He was a remarkable man in re¬ mitting that the war be N. Megargee. Philadelphia, Fa. 6. Tornado,, 117 h d. c\.b.nibl,. 7S Wd tor years many To assist In carrying out the action 18T>2, and assistant of may prolonged a gr.g.. 17.o. six Belt. 1 asked. F.-lrirrt, n N falsified the returns from the and of secretary state in trifle, we may. indeed, require much years old: Courtland H. Smith. ,* bid Sioux spects. took a leading part In the re¬ the board, Col. Joseph M. Bennett has pre¬ 1800, resigning the latter position and adver¬ Theological Seminary. Va. 7. Victoria, br.m.. 15.3. tne Llght Sioeks W.ishlngtt.n City road, with the plan in view of cent sented to the upon the tising booming to regain our lost pres¬ six years old: W. Stewart l Mf' « Wd history of Venezuela. He came to university four houses, the secession of his state. tige as Diffenderfer. Baltimore. Kl- securing the road at a nominal price. He value of which, including the is commercials, which will to a large Md. 8. Shamrock, br.m.. aged; Georfff J. Gould. 'rl.? this country In 1882, and resided here al¬ ground, He served In the state was extent have devolved upon the New York, ft. Jack Frost, b.g.. 16.2, four years t\>, "" « ¦aid he proposed to offer an amendment to said to be *S0,0U0. on the legislature, other coun¬ W. most continuously ever since, representing staff of CJen. R. S. Ripley, and was tries now making such a tremendous old; S. Sowers, Warrenton, Va. in. Koh-i-Noor, the amendment providing that not less than a member of the state for our light ch.g.. 16.2. five years old; John I>. Hooe, Warren¬ Mergentli-iler Mn,.type. the Venezuelan government in various ca¬ executive council. prizes. ton. Va. 1 «eil** wVl*'w'o*Wd. a>kS,.:^k.d rI^niston r. be At the 11, The Welehtuan. b.g.. 16.1 five . I4.iv, M...... 1,pt> 1 hid $j|.t«»n.ot«> should accepted by the com¬ War Correspondent*' Pa**e*. close of the war he came to this Mighty as we «re as a nation, onr K. years Amerl.-aii pacities, diplomatic and otherwise. He as the traffic old; James Maddux. Warrenton, Va. 12, t.raphupt-oie. 14% bid. ir.i, aaketl mission in settlement of the government s One hundred and city representative of the state in with the foreigner is iwt Tommy Atkins, br.g.. 16.2. eight years old; E. II. n''' Pr* fe-rtd. *1C 1,1^ i/t was the father of Mr. A. M. thirty-five passes giv¬ ctrtain under Last our record-breaking. a,lr>hPliMiinatle claim. Soteldo, jr., ing for questions the reconstruction year exports all told were some Droop, Washington, D. C. ""kM! hid .Hi who lost his life in 1881 as the result of an permission correspondents of news¬ act. $*..00,000, immense w4- f »uaf Itntlnnnl Amendments. papers to In the when sum, Indeed. But altercation with Mr. Clarence M. Barton accompany the army have so far year 1877 he was appointed counsel It is considered that of this amount IXJrXCTIOS ASKED "5TiisbMfSpi:^,krt-,o been issued for the United States in the fully was FOR. At - <>'i !>tck the Pacific railroad bill was in the office of the National Republican. by Secretary Alger. One of fishery com¬ $000,000,000 for breacistuffs, cot¬ The these was mission at Halifax, and was one ton, cattle.and other Hahlmore Harkrhi. displaced by a special order, which was a only surviving relatives are his soil, to Mrs. K. B. Watklns. repre¬ of the agricultural products ProceedingM Instituted Chi.rles A. who in plenipotentiaries to China In 1880 to the Concerning: BALTIMORE. May 4..Vl«»nr firm, unchanged . resolution Soteldo. resides New senting a Toronto and revise manufacturing prospects do not shine so Sale of in n 4..Vt.< Joint proposing an amendment to the widow of A. M. newspaper, Is the the treaties, and also conducted brightly. There is a wide Property Suburb. rocelpfs, harr«-l*: ex|HMti«. Buiar: h1<*. 1.2»** the York; Soteldo, Jr.. who only one Issued to a representative of the negotia¬ field for our harr.'l* Wheat r.iisttihd *pi»t mid iu*aith. IIKa Constitution of the United States pro¬ resides in Cincinnati, and her gentler sex. tions in regard to' the rights of the United manufactured goods abroad. A bill In equity for an has daughter, Many other applications on injunction 118",4: July. l02Vj iicM: Fiwmi-r N«». 2 rfil. viding for the succession in case of the Mrs. Grace C. Whitacre, also of Cincin¬ been filed with have States the Isthmus of Panama. He was With all our Inventive genius to perfect been filed 114^-rpwfpjd, >.^27 hnctiiitli. 38,>nr8l4. Juup, S7;,v«3SU; July. 3N W4; judiciary com¬ Funeral services will be held at St. Paul's Cuban authorities here expect to re¬ .treajty Mexico. He was the author of lower, A case In point: Edmonston, Leon Tofcriner, Henry J. ateamt-r tuixtd. .TT1 mittee- several works on watches. Toys, r»H*oipt«. r!24.!t"6 hu*>h- Catholic Church tomorrow morning at 10 ceive early information direct from the diplomatic matters. Jewelry, books, etc., of which we Gregor, J. Bernard. T. and John W. Rup- vla; export*. 132.7.V7 !mui1i«1«; «t »*k. 71*2.!\H0 lamh- Mr Mills (T< at the conclusion of which the now export less than $1,000,000 should ela; sal **. 2imnmi hunhela c«»uth«*rti whit** <*orw. 4«»* x.) offered tiie following o'clock, ccmp of General Gomez, be trebled. each, pert and Macey Schaeffer. The complain- 4<»*^: do. 4 a4't. amendment In the remains will be taken to New York for brought by Brlg- A While the Krupps, Armstrongs yelli'W. Oitg flim No. 2 white. form of a new section: udier General Nunc*, who left here SlUUESTIOK. and others have an ants sue In their own right as holders of 8&a3SVfc. Kb. 2 tulx«»d. r4V*^»- rMvi|«tp 21.1W1 interment In the Woodlawn cemetery. about International reputa¬ IniMbela; iM»iie; "Seftion Direct taxes shall not be ten days ago and in tion, our steel interests in the real estate and as ex|x-rt*. *t«»ck. 4:H».!d«» l*n*h' N. ap¬ succeeded landing with Comniluloacn Think foundries, fully capable of Involved, Hye firmer No. 2 nearby. 04l.a04^4; No. 2 w*®t- portioned among the a and Some Official supplying the are t several slates which party making his way to Gomez's world, Just beginning to trustees. Edmonston and Tobriner are rn. 6S'i- 90.M8 hu«»h« la: « xp«rt*. may be included within Mnll for PpcH'ri In Cuba. Sbonld Investigate Titles. secure a foothold on foreign soil. *t«M-k. H»2.<\">4 h-abrla. Hay flim -cboUe this union accord¬ camp. The party was a small one and sued as trustees under a deed of trust and #i:*.i*» timothy. ing to th.-ir An order was today issued by tl»e Post¬ In a report to Chairman Babcock of There is no earthly reason why our ex¬ hid. Grain freight* Inclined to he eaay. respective numbers, but Con¬ tcok along some supplies, but its main the the other defendants as parties secured demand not »o artlr»- steam to gress shall have master General to establish postal service was House District committee on ports should liot reach $1,000,000,000 and hesbd. IJverp57. authorizing the aale of .the title of the home 4*. the Soldiers' Home grounds, per ha*ket. VN bl*ky in ch ing d. Nunez Is likely to come out to May 2, IS>8. and Was known as of was offered in order that the points raised ganize the work. Army mall 'for troops one of the American might be wp*r. Hlffh. kw. him in getting i-onsidtration for him his arrival with mail at yesterday, so there is now no States in such the same charter passed at the last session of the property Clow. his Income izing upon place left manner c had been advertised to be sold bulk. Wheat-M».y 121 l9n U1U 1*> lax In Cuba as flrst be on the Asiatic mattersjn held in ^ amendment. such port may occupied coast open to the free use that an individual woujfd look after ills own legislature, In Garrjtt Park Mon¬ This proceeding, the complainants say. July ye*Z 9H% wl UH* Mr. l.y the i'nited States to rent temporarily of the war vessels day. the officers Oom-May S9% :«s, Mill.* instated rpon his amendment, of either Spain or the properly interest*. i r > following were elected: would mean a great less to them. Jnly and suitable room for handling the mall, pro- United States. Mayor, Eugene D. F. Brady; Jo- Oals. * Mr. Hoar then, moved to it on the rooms cannot be This is rather remarkable The title to thrfrlot fin question was first council. May 29*,SO* lay v'ded the furnished free in that it slab C. Stoddard, James B. Austin, Byram July 25% »l 26% 26 table. of expense by the military authorities. marks the first action of this vested in the Voided States, then going to C. Tiffany and Paleman H. Decrees of Divorce Granted, PROVISIONS. kind on the part of others, and finally was Dorsfltt. l'P"n this the ayes ar.d noes were de- China, which has never the^ property yum Judge Cox, in Court No. this »f- Ojeo. High. Low. Close. manded. before issued a chased at a' ta'i' &ale' bj* Emma L. to Equity 1, Pork-Msy Il.«i0 , For n Floating Hospital. neutrality proclamation, whom the bill to Yoder, Receives ternoon a decree Nettie July 11.25 ll.tu 1117 and the naval officers are nropopes new Sell the Favorable Consideration. signed granting Iasrd IftJW Fendlag the votlrg. Mr. when duly grateful for title of the The a May r>.U5 6.0u Uuai Mills, Through the efforts of Assistant Secre¬ the consideration shown Unf|jed Sfiles. Commis¬ A favorable report was made Beach divorce from Howard O. Beach. Ribs.July 6 «2 5 62 5.55 pressed by Mr. Hoar for a reason by the Chinese sioners thai If she government today by r,.«2 for in¬ tary Meiklejohn and Surgeon General government in withholding the issue the thlnjt de-' the District Commissioners on In her petition,, filed July 8 last. Mrs. sisting upon his amendment at decree of sires to part wltll Its 8tl« it should be of¬ Senate bill this time Sternberg the War Department has chat¬ until informed that the Americans to establish a board Beach recited that her husband, since she .aid: had a base fered to. the-highest--£>idder. The better* 4148,- of charities lu tered the steel ship Vlgllancla, to be acquired in the Philippine Is- the District. married him in 1890, has, both when sober Kn tn the .1 want to tie It to the ujed lai.ds. course, however ihey jbplleve. would be for Mrxican Herald. pending resolu¬ for the purpose of a floating hospital to Hi:-' the .United tSetsto newove the cloud upon' ¦tv -'7 ? as well as when drunk, treated her with American leaf tobacco is tion so that it may reach the then, coming In here American company the army when It undertakes Miantonomoh the title and hold the property, Sq lekooaer Allan Gives Up. great cruelty and neglect, repeatedly called ir. Ian?# r quantities than ever, the amounts who are In favor of It." of Cuba. The Handled koughlj. many cases arise, the Coramlslonera ex¬ her vile names and to for the months ended with tjie occupation Vigllancla is- are TACOMA. Wash., Mar 4..No tidings subjected her other eight February 'Does the senator," inquired Mr. Hoar, comparatively a new vessel, having been Reports received at the Navy plain, wherein parties seeking to, ac- kev» been obtained of acts of and ill-treatment. She fur¬ being 1.38X.7H7 pounds against H0M.9H3 Depart¬ quire property 'MlWhgTftg to the gov#iunent the schooner Alton, cruelty in the similar "desire to endeavor to compel anybody to built at Chester. Pa., in 1800. and is of ment from the Miantonomoh show that the which, sailed frore here ther desertion on his since pounds period of the pre* She la now that they venture to-make the nearly two months charged part vious fiscal year, a gain of 60 vote for his amendment because he is in generous proi>ortlons. lyin^ at monitor was roughly handled by the Btorm referred to. suggestions, ago for Copper river. Aprils 1807. per cent, favor of the the Erie basin, N. Y.. where a complete while while the shipments of leaf tobacco to the pending resolution?" making her way south to West -.- . Augusta. K. Wilson, .by a decree also sign¬ hospital equipment will be installed aboard Key i Gen. Woodford Kn ed was United States fell off from pounds Aaieadmeut Laid iw the Table. from League Island. Her decks were No BtM«m Spanlafc Rente Heme. by Judge Cox. today granted a di¬ to aae.UBB, a loss of 34 her. and swept Spta. Stewart vorce from Posey 8. Wilson. The facts in per oeat. altbourn A vo*e was taken in the Senate at frequent delays were caused by the r Gen. L. Woodford, former Unit¬ the vaiue receiv#*! remained almost the 3:lo disarrangement of some of the SANTA CKUZ, Cal.?'May 4..There Is no this case are withheld from publication. P m.. when the amendment was Gen. \asb Retired. ship's struc¬ ed States minister at Madrid," Is a pas- same, being |lfl2,0UQ against OM.Oiki. cold.. laid on ture. Throughout it all, however, the pro¬ cvidenco^to Ipdtefte,lhat the recent explo¬ the table, by a vote of 32 to 2). Gen. William H. Nash, who was pelling worked sion in the mills I SSheer on board La Tourolne. which left recently machinery splendidly. powder herj ;u faUaed, Hfvre Saturday for New York. Presented fcy He. A lew ITinsasa HOI IE OK appointed commissary general of subsist¬ by SpanMr apMB. Output fa no#- 5,000 Mr. John W. Macartney has presented to HKI'HKSKNTATIVKS. ence of the has been OBrrr* to FYora tbe New York Herald. army, retired oc his Wear Their Uniform*. p&unds ol smokeless. a«ld 1,300 pounds, of. Robert Blackburn, colored, was totter the Washington stock exchange the desks In the House of own applicatlonand Col. C. P. the Washington will brown daily. .The only delay caus¬ Bent to foe ; Since International as well as damesuc Representatives today Eagan.i sogn b» gay with tint- powder Jail three- months by Judge Kim¬ Rrtfich ar* to be placed in the rooms of the ars often Mr. Grusvenor officer next In line of promotion ft rms m of ed by tba.dtaaater will be in the manufac¬ ball for JiaAi also col¬ complications the result of joal- (Ohio) called up. an a priv¬ to according % result an order reqtiring ture but assaulting «wry, mcharige for the- use of tfee members. ? ousy. It is sincerely to he hoped that the seniority will be appointed to succeed all officers of the of Infantry smokeless, there to ored, and for three months additional la portion of the tsooi has been railed who ileged report from the committee on ways army to wear the uni¬ enough of this now on hand to Mnll of a off, British physician has discovered that terms of their proper grades. sofply 90,-' liae of $50 lor carrying a con¬ md the nan outside of tfcs railing will be Jealousy Is a disease will ala 080 men for three montha. cealed weapon: jfren to tn public. *- * * " . 1*. ...» ;-.> i a. m -