Dedicated to Kansas the Little Parish That Could
WWW.THELEAVEN.COM | NEWSPAPER OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF KANSAS CITY IN KANSAS | VOL. 30, NO. 14 NOVEMBER 7, 2008 MMeeeett PPaauull:: IInn tthhee eenndd,, nnootthhiinngg ccoouulldd sshhuutt hhiimm uupp ANSAS CITY, Kan. — One time he was nearly beaten K to death. On several other K occasions, he was merely beaten bloody. He endured riots, assas - sination conspiracies, shipwreck, First in bandits, impris - a series onment, aban - by donment, and be - JOE trayal by friends. BOLLIG His opponents harassed him relentlessly, sometimes following him from town to town. He was often cold, hungry, tired, and anxious. Some- times he was sick, and physi - cal disability became his ever- present companion later in life. Road Warrior for God. Iron Man for the Risen Christ. Man of Letters and Man of Action. Apostle to Jews and Gentiles alike. St. Paul was all of these . and more. In the end, nothing could shut him up — except the sword. Turn to PAUL on page 16 PPhhoottoobbyySStteeffaannooSSppaazziiaannii 2 ARCHBISHOP THE LEAVEN • NOVEMBER 7, 2008 THE LEAVEN • NOVEMBER 7, 2008 SECOND FRONT PAGE 3 LIFE WILL BE VICTORIOUS ‘Shepherds’ program schools priests in management Not enough hours in the day? unday, Oct. 26, was have the ultimate responsibility with This will necessitate some accommo - S management of large financial bud - dations with the usual parish Mass designated this year gets, as well as the proper mainte - schedule, as well as require from Education program for priests builds good leaders, good shepherds as Priesthood Sunday by nance of large parish plants. parishioners some flexibility in the Good Leaders, Good Shepherds is a scheduling of meetings, events and Worldwide Marriage program uniquely designed to help even funerals.
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