Carlito's Way

Tony Taglialucci All the money, the guys, the guns, all is ready. It's just pressing a button from the inside.

Carlito Brigante Favor gonna kill you faster than a bullet. There ain't no organized crime no more. Just a bunch of cowboys, stealing from each other.

Die Hard

John McClane

• Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.

• [to himself] Why the fuck didn't you stop them, John? Because then you'd be dead, too, asshole!

• [Stealing dead terrorist's shoes] Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister.

McLane: Mayday, Mayday, Emergency anyone copy, Channel Nine, terrorists have seized the Nakatomi Building, Century City, I repeat, unknown number of terrorists, six or more... LAPD Operator: (To other operator) I'll take this. (Over Radio) This freqency is reserved for emergency communications... McLane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza!?

Joseph: You want money? What kind of terrorists are you? Hans: ['laughs] Who said we were terrorists?

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Scarface is a 1983 film about a Cuban political refugee, Tony Montana, who in the early 1980's entered America to live the ulimate American Dream. (The orginal Scarface was directed by Howard Hawks in 1932)

Directed by Brian De Palma. Written by Oliver Stone He loved the American Dream. With a Vengeance taglines

[edit] Tony Montana

• You can send me here, there, this, that, it don't matter. There's nothing you can do to me that Castro has not already done.

• I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card, I gonna carve him up real nice.

• I'm Tony Montana, a political refugee from Cuba, and I want my fuckin' human right, now. Just like the President, Jimmy Carter, says.

• Orders? You giving me orders? Amigo, the only thing in this world that gives orders is balls. You got that? Balls. [to Frank]

• This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town like a great big pussy just waitin' to get fucked.

• Chichi, get the Yayo.

• No, I won't shoot you. Manolo... shoot that piece of shit. [About Frank]

• [Watching Flamingos on T.V.] Hey Manny, look at the pelican fly. Come on pelican!

• In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.

• I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.

• I never fucked anybody over in my life that didn't have it coming to 'em. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break 'em for no one. You understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I never trusted him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed. But that's history. I'm here, he's not. You wanna go on with me, you say it. You don't, then you make a move.

• You know what capitalism is? Gettin' fucked!

• That prick... fucking wasp whore.

• I know that, but you know why, Vic? 'Cause you got your head up your culo (refer to ass in Spanish). That's why. That fuckin' guy. He never tells the truth. That motherfucker.

• Who put this thing together? Me, that's who! Who do I trust? Me!

• Fuck Gaspar Gomez, and fuck the fuckin' Diaz Brothers! Fuck 'em all! I bury those cockaroaches!

• You think I kill two kids and a woman? Fuck that! I don't need that shit in my life! [sees that Alberto is about to detonate the car bomb] You die, motherfucker! [shoots Alberto in the face, killing him] What you think I am? What you think, I a fuckin' worm, like you? I told you, man! I told you, don't fuck with me! I told you, no fuckin' kids! No, but you wouldn't listen! Well, you stupid fuck! Look at you now.

• Is this it? Is this what it's all about, Manny? Eating, drinking, fucking, sucking, snorting? Then what? Tell me, then what? You're fifty. You got a bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra; they got hair on 'em. You got a liver, it's got spots on it, and you're eatin' this fucking shit; and looking like these rich fucking mummies in here. Is this what it's all about? Is this what I work for? Look at that, a junkie. I got a fucking junkie for a wife. Don't eat nothin', sleeps all day wit them black chades on. Wakes up with a quaalude(refer to Sedative drug). And who won't fuck me, cause she's in a coma. I can't even have a kid wit'er, Manny. Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a fucking little baby wit'er!

• Let her go. Another quaalude, she's gonna love me again.

• [to the guests at the Restaurant] What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way! • I'm Tony Montana! You fuck with me, you fuckin' with the best! • You wanna go to war! Ill give you a fuckin war! • You wanna fuck with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!

• Hey, how'd you like that? Huh? You fuckin' maricón! Hey!

• Somebody fucked up. • I fuckin hate Columbians!

• (When stabbing Rebenga) Rebenga! From a friend you fucked! [edit] Others

• Elvira:: Don't toot your horn honey, you're not that good.

• Elvira: Nothing exceeds like excess. You should know that, Tony.

• Elvira: Can't you stop saying fuck all the time? Can't you stop talking about money?

• M.C. at Babylon Club: Another great night here at the Babylon, right? Okay. All right! Do another gram, you'll all be babblin' on!

• Bernstein: Every day above ground is a good day.

• Sosa: Don't fuck me, Tony. Don't you ever try to fuck me.

• Manny:: Ohh, look at her in the pink. Ohh, look at those titties, she's begging for it man! Coño!!

• Frank:: Rule number two: Don't get high on your own supply. [edit] Dialogue

Immigration Officer #1: O.K., so what do you call yourself? ¿Como se llama? Tony Montana: Antonio Montana. And you, what you call yourself? Immigration Officer #1: Where'd you learn to speak the English, Tony? Tony Montana: Uh, in a school. And my father, he was, uh, from the . Just like you, ya know? He was a Yankee. Uh, he used to take me a lot to the movies. I learn. I watch the guys like Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney. They, they teach me to talk. I like those guys. I always know one day I'm comin' here, United States. Immigration Officer: Where'd you get the beauty scar, tough guy, eatin' pussy? Tony Montana: How'm I gonna get a scar like that eating pussy? That was when I was a kid, you know? You should see the other kid! You can't recognise him anymore. Immigration Officer #1: What about homosexuality, Tony? You like men, huh? You like to dress up like a woman? Tony Montana: What the fuck is wrong with this guy, man, are you kidding me or what? Immigration Officer #2: Just answer the questions, Tony! Tony Montana: Okay, no. Okay? Fuck no. Frank Lopez: You know what a chazzer is? Tony Montana: No, Frank, you tell me. What is a chazzer? Frank Lopez: It's a Yiddish word for "pig." See, the guy, he wants more than what he needs. He don't fly straight no more. Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me. Manny: Oh, well what's coming to you? Tony Montana: The world, Chico, and everything in it. Bernstein: He fucked up. Tony Montana: You too Mel. You fucked up. Bernstein: Don't go too far, Tony. Tony Montana: I'm not, Mel. You are. Bernstein: [after being shot in the gut] You can't shoot a cop! Tony Montana: Whoever said you was one? Bernstein: Wait a minute! If you let me go, I'll fix this up. Tony Montana: Sure, Mel. Maybe you can handle yourself one of them first class tickets to the resurrection. Bernstein: Fucking punk. Son of a bitch! Tony Montana: So long Mel. Have a good trip. Bernstein: Fuck you! [Tony shoots him in the chest.] [edit] Taglines

• He loved the American Dream. With a Vengeance.

• In the spring of 1980 the port at Mariel Harbor was opened, and thousands set sail for the United States. They came in search of the American Dream. One of them found it on the sun washed avenues of ... wealth, power, and passion beyond his wildest dreams. He was Tony Montana but the world will remember him by another name... Scarface.

• The World Is Yours. [edit] Cast

- Tony Montana • Steven Bauer - Manny Ray • Michelle Pfeiffer - Elvira • Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio - Gina • Harris Yulin - Bernstein • Robert Loggia - Frank Lopez • Miriam Colon - Mama Montana • F. Murray Abraham - Omar


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Se7en (Seven) is a 1995 film about two cops, one new and one about to retire, who are chasing a serial killer using the seven deadly sins as his MO. Directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die. Taglines Contents


• 1 David Mills • 2 William Somerset • 3 John Doe • 4 Others • 5 Dialogue • 6 Taglines • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] David Mills

• Fuckin' Dante … poetry-writing faggot! Piece of shit, motherfucker!

• C'mon, he's insane. Look. Right now he's probably dancing around in his grandma's panties, yeah, rubbing himself in peanut butter.

• I don't think you're quitting because you believe these things you say. I don't. I think you want to believe them, because you're quitting. And you want me to agree with you, and you want me to say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. It's all fucked up. It's a fucking mess. We should all go live in a fucking log cabin." But I won't. I don't agree with you. I do not. I can't.

• (To John Doe) You're no messiah. You're a movie of the week. You're a fucking T-shirt, at best.

• He's fuckin' with us! [bends over a desk] See this? This is us.

• (To John Doe) I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading Guns and Ammo, masturbating in your own feces. Do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah, do you guys do that?

• What's in the box? [edit] William Somerset

• (In mock appreciation) It's impressive to see a man feeding off his emotions. • This isn't going to have a happy ending.

• (Last lines) Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

• If we catch John Doe and he turns out to be the devil, I mean if he's Satan himself that might live up to our expectations but he's not the devil. He's just a man.

• (At the library) Gentlemen, gentlemen. I'll never understand. All these books. A world of knowledge at your fingertips. And what do you do? Play poker all night.

• If John Doe's head splits open and a UFO should fly out, I want you to have expected it.

• (Realizing what's inside the package) California, tell your people to stay away. Stay away now, don't – don't come in here. Whatever you hear, stay away! John Doe has the upper hand! John Doe has the upper hand!

• But you got to be a … a hero. You want to be a champion. Well, let me tell you, people don't want a champion. They want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television. [edit] John Doe

• (From one of John Doe's journals) On the subway today, a man came up to me to start a conversation. He made small talk, a lonely man talking about the weather and other things. I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head hurt from his banality. I almost didn't notice it had happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. He was not pleased, and I couldn't stop laughing.

• What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and fucking / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended.

• (To Mills) Detective … detective … detective! You're looking for me.

• Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.

• It seems that envy is my sin.

• Become vengeance, David. Become wrath.

• (On killing) I've gone … and done it again. [edit] Others

• Dr. Beardsley: He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take, and he still has Hell to look forward to.

• California: Somebody call somebody.

• Mark Swarr: My client says there are two more bodies … two more victims, hidden away. He will take Detectives Mills and Somerset to these bodies, but only Detectives Mills and Somerset. Only at six o'clock today.

• Police Captain (answering phone that interrupted his conversation): This is not even my desk! [hangs up] [edit] Dialogue

John Doe: It's more comfortable for you to label me as insane. David Mills: It's very comfortable. David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people. John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man … a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets! David Mills: Murderers? John Doe: A woman … David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself? John Doe (interrupts): A woman … so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed … forever. David Mills: Do you like what you do for a living? These things you see? Man in Massage Parlour Booth: No, I don't. But that's life. William Somerset (to Tracy): Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable. Just ask your husband. David Mills: Very true. Very, very true. David Mills: Yeah, a landlord's dream: a paralyzed tenant with no tongue. William Somerset: Who pays the rent on time. William Somerset: I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was virtue. David Mills: You're no different. You're no better. William Somerset: I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: It takes effort and work. John Doe: Realize, detective, the only reason that I'm here right now is that I wanted to be. David Mills: No, no, we would have got you eventually. John Doe: Oh, really? So, what were you doing? Biding your time? Toying with me? Allowing five innocent people to die until you felt like springing your trap? Tell me, what was the indisputable evidence you were going to use on me right before I walked up to you and put my hands in the air? David Mills: I seem to remember us knocking on your door. John Doe: Oh, that's right. And I seem to remember breaking your face. William Somerset: This guy's methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient. David Mills: He's a nut-bag! Just because the fucker's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda! (William Somerset looks at an object in the road) David Mills: What do you got? William Somerset: Dead dog. John Doe: I didn't do that. John Doe: Don't ask me to pity those people. I don't mourn them any more than I do the thousands that died at Sodom and Gomorrah. William Somerset: Is that to say, John, that what you were doing was God's good work? John Doe: The Lord works in mysterious ways. Police Captain (to Mills): What do you think? David Mills: I'm in. Mark Swarr: It has to be both of you. William Somerset: If he were to claim insanity, this conversation is admissable. The fact that he's blackmailing us with his plea … Mark Swarr: And my client reminds you, two more are dead. The press would have a field day if they found out the police didn't seem too concerned about finding them … giving them a proper burial. William Somerset: If there really are two more dead. David Mills: Why us? Mark Swarr: He says he admires you. David Mills: How is it working for a scumbug like this? You proud of yourself? Police Captain: Ease back, Mills. Mark Swarr: I'm required by law to serve my clients to the best of my ability, and to serve their best interests. William Somerset: We'll just talk to him. David Mills: Uh huh. Yeah. Excuse me, sir. Are you, by any chance, a serial killer? Okay. William Somerset: You do the talking. Put that silver tongue of yours to work. David Mills: Have you been talking to my wife? David Mills (picks up the phone): Hello? John Doe: I admire you. I don't know how you found me, but imagine my surprise. I respect you law enforcement agents more everyday. David Mills: Well, I appreciate that … John. I tell you … John Doe: No, no, you listen, all right? I'll be readjusting my schedule in light of today's little … setback. I just had to call and express my admiration. Sorry I had to hurt … one of you, but I really didn't have a choice, did I? David Mills: Hm. John Doe: You will accept my apology, won't you? I feel like saying more, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. [hangs up] David Mills (greeting his wife after coming home from work): Hey, loser. Tracy Mills: Hi, idiot. [edit] Taglines

• Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die.

• Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light.

• Gluttony · Greed · Sloth · Envy · Wrath · Pride · Lust

• Let he who is without sin try to survive

• Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part. [edit] Cast

• Brad Pitt – Detective David Mills • Morgan Freeman – Detective Lt. William Somerset • Gwyneth Paltrow – Tracy Mills • Kevin Spacey – John Doe • R. Lee Ermey – Police Captain • John C. McGinley – California • Richard Portnow – Dr. Beardsley • Richard Schiff – Mark Swarr (John Doe's Lawyer)

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The Godfather is a 1972 film about a Mafia crime family and the outbreak of a New York City gang war in the late 1940's.

Directed by . Written by Francis Ford Coppola and , based on Puzo's novel.



• 1 Don Vito • 2 • 3 Santino "Sonny" Corleone • 4 • 5 Clemenza • 6 Others • 7 Dialogue • 8 Cast • 9 See also

• 10 External links [edit] Don

• [to ] I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow...Go to the Tattaglias and make them think that you're not too happy with our family. And find out what you can.

• Each man has his own destiny.

• [after Sonny is killed] I want no inquiries made. I want no acts of vengeance. I want you to arrange a meeting, with the heads of the . This war stops now.

• [to Bonasera] I want you to use all your powers and all your skills. I don't want his mother to see him this way. Look how they massacred my boy

• Tattaglia's a pimp. He never could've out-fought Santino. But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.

• [In the hospital after Sollozzo tries to kill him] There's a lot of trouble with this Sollozzo buisness. Its very unfortunate. I know the Tattaglia's are a little misfortunate...down on their heads. Well...that's life. Everyone's got their own circle of sorrow.

• I never thought you were a bad consigliere, Tom. I thought Santino was a bad don, rest in peace.

• [to Michael] Barzini will move against you first. He'll set up a meeting with someone that you absolutely trust, guaranteeing your safety. And at that meeting, you'll be assassinated...It's an old habit. I spend my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, but not men...It could be anyone...I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life, I don't apologize; to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those bigshots. I don't apologize; that's my life, but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time...Now listen, whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting, he's the traitor. Don't forget that.

• Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.

• Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people. [edit] Michael Corleone

• Just lie here, Pop. I'll take care of you now. I'm with you now. I'm with you.

• [to Vitelli, about Apollonia] I apologize if I offended you. I am a stranger in this country. And I meant no disrespect to you, or your daughter. I am an American, hiding in Sicily. My name is Michael Corleone. There are people who'd pay a lot of money for that information. But then your daughter would lose a father instead of gaining a husband. I want to meet your daughter with your permission and under the supervision of your family with all respect.

• The is thinking of giving up all its interests in the olive oil business and settling out here. Now will sell us his share of the casino and the hotel so it could be completely owned by the Family...I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.

• Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgement.

• Don't ask me about my business, Kay.

• Being kind to a fellow man is profitable, in every sense. Both personally and bottom line.

• I'd burn in hell, to make sure that my children are safe. [edit] Santino "Sonny" Corleone

• Hey, get outta here, it's a private party, go on! What is it? Hey, it's my sister's wedding. Goddamn FBI, don't respect nothin.'

• [to Clemenza, about Paulie] Take care of that sonofabitch right away. Paulie sold out the old man, that stronz. I don't want to see him again. Make that first thing on your list, understand?

• We don't discuss business at the table.

• You break your father's heart!

• Hey, listen, I want somebody good - and I mean very good - to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, alright?

• You touch my sister again... I'll kill you.

• [On the phone to his sister] That sonofabitch...No, STAY THERE. • No; no; no! No more! Not this time, Consiglieri. No more meetin's, no more discussions, no more Sollozzo tricks. You give'em one message: I want Sollozzo -- if not, it's all-out war -- we go to the mattresses... [edit] Tom Hagen

• No Sicillian can refuse anything on his daughter's wedding day.

• If we lose the old man, we lose our political contacts and half our strength. The other New York families might wind up supporting Sollozzo just to avoid a long, destructive war. This is almost 1946. Nobody wants bloodshed anymore. If your father dies, you make the deal, Sonny.

• I'm as much a son to him as you or Mike.

• I found out about this Captain McCluskey who broke Mike's jaw...Now he's definitely on Sollozzo's payroll, and for big money. McCluskey has agreed to be the Turk's bodyguard. What you have to understand, Sonny, is that while Sollozzo is being guarded like this, he is invulnerable. Now nobody has ever gunned down a New York police captain -- never. It would be disastrous. All the Five Families would come after you, Sonny. The Corleone Family would be outcasts! Even the old man's political protection would run for cover! So do me a favor -- take this into consideration. [edit] Clemenza

• Leave the gun, take the cannolis.

• Mikey, why don't you tell that nice girl you love her? I love you with all-a my heart, if I don't see-a you again soon, I'm-a gonna die...

• Well think about it while you're drivin'...I wanna hit New York sometime this month. And watch the kids when you're backin' out. [edit] Others

• Bonasera: I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family. She found a boyfriend; not an Italian. She went to the movies with him; she stayed out late. I didn't protest. Two months ago, he took her for a drive, with another boyfriend. They made her drink whiskey. And then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. So they beat her, like an animal. When I went to the hospital, her nose was a'broken. Her jaw was a'shattered, held together by wire. She couldn't even weep because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again. I went to the police, like a good American. These two boys were brought to trial. The judge sentenced them to three years in prison - suspended sentence. Suspended sentence! They went free that very day! I stood in the courtroom like a fool. And those two bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to my wife, for justice, we must go to Don Corleone.

• Luca Brasi: Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding... on the day of your daughter's wedding. And I hope that their first child will be a masculine child. I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.

• Don Zaluchi: I, too, don't believe in drugs. For years I paid my people extra to stay away from that sort of stuff, but someone comes along saying, I've got powders where if you put up a three to four thousand dollar investment, you can make fifty thousand distributing, then there is no way to resist it. I want to keep it respectable. I don't want it near schools. I don't want it sold to children! In my city, we'd keep the traffic in the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.

• Virgil "the Turk" Solozzo: Sonny was hot for my deal, wasn't he? And you knew it was the right thing to gotta talk some sense into him. The Tattaglia family is behind me with all their people. The other New York families will go along with anything that will prevent a full-scale war. Let's face it, Tom, and all due respect. The Don, rest in peace, was slippin'. Ten years ago could I have gotten to him? Well, now he's dead. He's dead, Tom, and nothing can bring him back. So you gotta talk to Sonny, you gotta talk to the 'capo' regimes, that Tessio and Fat Clemenza. It's good business, Tom. Let me worry about Luca. I don't like violence, Tom. I'm a business man. Blood is a big expense.

• Calo: In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.

• Genco: Godfather... Stay... Stay, so that death will flee from me... In fear of you...

• Kay Adams: Say you love me, Michael.

• Carlo: [to Connie] Yeah, yeah, come on now, kill me. Be a murderer like your father. Come on, all you Corleones are murderers anyway. [edit] Dialogue

Don Corleone: Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first? Bonasera: What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do. Don Corleone: What is that? [Bonasera whispers his request in the Don's ear] That I cannot do. Bonasera: I will give you anything you ask. Don Corleone: We've known each other many years, but this is the first time you ever came to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last time that you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And uh, you were afraid to be in my debt. Bonasera: I didn't want to get into trouble. Don Corleone: I understand. You found paradise in America, you had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. And you didn't need a friend like me. But uh, now you come to me and you say - 'Don Corleone, give me justice.' But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you, uh, ask me to do murder for money. Bonasera: I ask you for justice. Don Corleone: That is not justice. Your daughter is still alive. Bonasera: Let them suffer then, as she suffers. How much shall I pay you? Don Corleone: Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. Bonasera: Be my friend - - Godfather. [The Don shrugs. Bonasera bows toward the Don and kisses the Don's hand] Don Corleone: Good. Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But uh, until that day - accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day. Bonasera: Grazie, Godfather. Don Corleone: Prego. Kay: Michael, you never told me your family knew Johnny Fontane! Michael: Oh sure, you want to meet him? Kay: Yeah! Michael: You know, my father helped Johnny in his career. Kay: Really? How? Michael: ...Let's listen to this song. Kay: [after listening to Johnny for a while] Please, Michael. Tell me. Michael: Well when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to this contract with a big-band leader. And as his career got better and better he wanted to get out of it. Now, Johnny is my father's godson. My father went to see the bandleader, with a contract for $10,000 to let Johnny go, but the bandleader said no. So the next day, my father went to see the bandleader again, only this time with Luca Brasi. Within an hour, the bandleader signed the release, with a certified check of $1000. Kay: How did he do that? Michael: My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Kay: What was it? Michael: Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured the bandleader, that either his signature or his brains would be on the contract. [Kay stares at Michael] Michael: That's a true story. ...That's my family Kay, it's not me. Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. Kay: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed. Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay? Johnny Fontane: A month ago, he bought the movie rights to this book. A best seller - and the main character, it's a guy just like me, I, uh, I wouldn't even have to act, just be myself. Oh, Godfather, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Don Corleone: [shouts] You can act like a man! [Don Corleone slaps Johnny] Don Corleone: What's the matter with you? Is this how you turned out? A Hollywood finocchio that cries like a woman. [Don Corleone imitates him sobbing] Don Corleone: What can I do? What can I do? What is that nonsense. Ridiculous. You spend time with your family? Johnny Fontane: Sure I do. Don Corleone: Good. 'Cause a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. Come here...You look terrible. I want you to eat. I want you to rest a while. And in a month from now, this Hollywood bigshot's gonna give you what you want. Johnny Fontane: It's too late, they start shooting in a week. Don Corleone: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. Now, you just go outside and enjoy yourself, and uh, forget about all this nonsense. I want you, I want you to leave it all to me. [to Tom Hagen] I want you to talk to this movie bigshot, and settle this business for Johnny. Tom Hagen: Uh, I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane's - his friend is my client, who'd give his undying friendship to Mr. Woltz, if Mr. Woltz would grant us a small favor. Jack Woltz: Woltz is listening. Tom Hagen: Give Johnny the part in that new war film you're starting next week. Jack Woltz: [after laughing] And, uh, what favor would, uh, your friend, uh, grant Mr. Woltz? Tom Hagen: You're gonna have some union problems, my client could make them disappear. Also, one of your top stars has just moved from, uh, marijuana to heroin... Jack Woltz: Are you trying to muscle me? Tom Hagen: Absolutely not. Jack Woltz: Now listen to me, you smooth-talking SOB! Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie. I don't care how many dago, wop, guinea, greaseball goombas come out of the woodwork. Tom Hagen: I'm German-Irish. Jack Woltz: Well, let me tell you something, my kraut-mick friend. I'm gonna make so much trouble for you you won't know what hit you! Tom Hagen: Mr. Woltz, I'm a lawyer. I have not threatened you. Jack Woltz: I know almost every big lawyer in New York. Who the hell are you? Tom Hagen: I have a special practice. I handle one client. Now, you have my number. I'll await your call. By the way, I admire your pictures very much. Jack Woltz: Why didn't you say you worked for Corleone, Tom? I thought you were just some cheap, two-bit hustler Johnny was running in trying to bluff me? Tom Hagen: I don't like to use his name unless it's really necessary. Jack Woltz: Just tell him he should ask me anything else. But this is one favor I can't give him. Tom Hagen: He never asks a second favor when he's been refused the first, understood? Jack Woltz: You don't understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him. It'll make him a big star. And I'm gonna run him out of the business, and let me tell you why...And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, and it's not all dollars and cents. She was beautiful, she was young, she was innocent. She was the greatest piece of ass I ever had, and I had 'em all over the world. And then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive-oil voice and guinea charm. And she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous. And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous! Now you get the hell outta here! And if that gumbah tries any rough stuff, you tell him I ain't no band leader! Yeah, I heard that story. Tom Hagen: If you'll excuse me. Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately Tom Hagen: [to Don Corleone] Sollozzo is known as 'The Turk.' He's supposed to be very good with a knife, but only in matters of business or some sort of reasonable complaint. Uh, his business is narcotics. He has fields in Turkey where they grow the poppy. And in Sicily, he has the plants to process them into heroin. Now, he needs cash and he needs protection from the police, for which he gives a piece of the action. I couldn't find out how much. The Tattaglia family is behind him here in New York. Sonny: There's a lot of money in that white powder. Tom Hagen: Well, I say yes. There's more money potential in narcotics than anything else we're looking at. Now if we don't get into it, somebody else will. Maybe one of the Five Families, maybe all of them. Now, with the money they earn, they can buy more police and political power - then they come after us. Now we have the unions, we have the gambling, and they're the best things to have. But narcotics is a thing of the future. And if we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything we have - I mean not now, but, uh, ten years from now. Don Corleone: [to Sollozzo] I must say no to you, and I'll give you my reasons. It's true. I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be friendly very long if they knew my business was drugs instead of gambling, which they rule that as a - a harmless vice. But drugs is a dirty business...It makes, it doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, understand. But your business, is uh, a little dangerous. Sonny: Aw, you're telling me that the Tattaglias guarantee our investment? Don Corleone: I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen. [Sollozzo leaves after the Don wishes him luck] Don Corleone: [to Sonny] Whatsa matter with you? I think your brain's goin' soft ...Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. [Sonny opens a package to find a fish wrapped in Luca's bulletproof vest.] Sonny: What the hell is this? Sal Tessio: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes. Sonny: How's Paulie? Pete Clemenza: Oh, Paulie... won't see him no more. Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up, what the hell are you doing here? Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father? Capt. McCluskey:Why you little punk! What the hell are you doing telling me my business? I pulled them guys off of here, eh! -- now you get outta here -- and stay away from this hospital! Michael: I'm not moving until you put some guards around my father's room. Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in! Cop: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been busted for the rackets... Capt. McCluskey: God Damn it, I said take him in! Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain? Capt. McCluskey: [to Cop] Take a hold of him, stand him up, stand him up straight. [McCluskey punches Michael and breaks his jaw] Clemenza: He wants us to send Michael to hear the proposition. And the promise is that the deal is so good that we can't refuse. Sonny: No more meetin's, no more discussions, no more Sollozzo tricks. Michael: We can't wait. I don't care what Sollozzo says about a deal, he's gonna kill Pop, that's it. That's the key for him. Gotta get Sollozzo. They wanna have a meeting with me, right? It will be me - McCluskey - and Sollozzo. Let's set the meeting. Get our informers to find out where it's gonna be held. Now, we insist it's a public place, a bar, a restaurant, some place where there's people so I feel safe. They're gonna search me when I first meet them, right? So I can't have a weapon on me then. But if Clemenza can figure a way, to have a weapon planted there for me, then I'll kill 'em both. Sonny: Hey, whataya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing. you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere... [kisses Michael's head] Michael: Sonny... Sonny: You're taking this very personal. Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very personal. Michael: Where does it say that you can't kill a cop?...I'm talking about a cop that's mixed up in drugs. I'm talking about a dishonest cop and a crooked cop who got mixed up in the rackets and got what was coming to him...It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business. [Michael is being drilled for a "hit" on Sollozzo and Capt. McCluskey] Pete Clemenza: All right, you just shot 'em both. Now what do you do? Michael Corleone: Sit down and finish my dinner. Michael: [while eating dinner with Sollozzo and McCluskey] What I want - what's most important to me - is that I have a guarantee: No more attempts on my father's life. Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I am the hunted one! I missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid - I'm not that clever. All I want, is a truce. Sonny: I want you to find out where that ol' pimp Tattaglia is hiding - I want his ass now, right now. Tom Hagen: Things are starting to loosen up a bit. If you go after Tattaglia, all hell's gonna break... Sonny: Oh, Tom. Tom Hagen: ...loose. Let, let the smoke clear. Pop can negotiate. Sonny: No, Pop can't do nothin' till he's better. I'm going to decide what's going to be done. Tom Hagen: All right, but your war is costing us a lot of money, nothing's coming in...We can't do business... Sonny: Well, neither can they! Don't worry about it. Tom Hagen: They don't have our overhead...We can't afford a stalemate. Sonny: Well, then, there ain't no more stalemate - I'm gonna end it by killin' that ol' bastard! I'm gonna...kill... Tom Hagen: Yeah, well, you're getting a great reputation. I hope you're enjoying it. Sonny: Well, you just do what I tell you to do. Goddamn it. If I had a wartime consigliere, a Sicilian, I wouldn't be in this shape! Connie: [about Carlo] It was my fault!...Sonny, please it was my fault, Sonny it was my fault. I hit him. I a fight with him. Please let me be. I hit him so he hit me...Sonny, please don't do anything. Please don't do anything. Sonny: OK. What's the matter with you? What am I gonna do? I'm gonna make that baby an orphan before he's born or what? Huh? Hmmm? All right? Don Corleone: [to the Heads of the Five Families] How did things ever get so far? I don't know. It was so unfortunate, so unnecessary. Tattaglia lost a son and I lost a son. We're quits. And if Tattaglia agrees, then I'm willing to let things go on the way they were before. Don Barzini: We're all grateful to Don Corleone for calling this meeting. We all know him as a man of his word. A modest man who will always listen to reason. Tattaglia: Yes, Barzini, he is too modest. He had all the judges and politicians in his pocket and refused to share them. Don Corleone: When, when did I ever refuse an accommodation? All of you know me here. When did I ever refuse, except one time? And why? Because I believe this drug business is gonna destroy us in the years to come. I mean, it's not like gambling or liquor, even women, which is something that most people want nowadays and it's forbidden to the church. Even the police departments have helped us in the past with gambling and other things. They're gonna refuse to help us when it comes to narcotics. And I believe that then - and I believe that now. Don Barzini: Times have changed. It's not like the old days when we could do anything we want. A refusal is not the act of a friend. Don Corleone had all the judges and the politicians in New York and he must share them...He must let us draw the water from the well. Certainly, he can present a bill for such services. After all, we are not Communists... Don Corleone: I hoped that we would come here and reason together. And as a reasonable man, I'm willing to do whatever's necessary to find a peaceful solution to these problems. Don Barzini: Then we are agreed. The traffic in drugs will be permitted, but controlled, and Don Corleone will give up protection in the East - and there will be the peace. Tattaglia: But I must have strict assurance from Corleone. As time goes by and his position becomes stronger, will he attempt any individual vendetta? Don Barzini: Look, we are all reasonable men here. We don't have to give assurances as if we were lawyers. Don Corleone: You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance gonna bring your son back to you and my boy to me? I forgot all the vengeance in my son. But I have selfish reasons. [after saying that Michael is returning to the U.S.] I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall him, if he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell, or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning, then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that, I do not forgive. But that aside, let me say that I swear on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made here today. Michael: I'm working for my father now. He's been sick, very sick. Kay: But you're not like him, Michael. I thought you weren't going to become a man like your father. That's what you told me. Michael: My father's no different than any other powerful man, [Kay laughs] any man who's responsible for other people. Like a senator or a president. Kay: You know how naive you sound? Michael: Why? Kay: Senators and presidents don't have men killed. Michael: Oh, who's being naive, Kay? Kay, my father's way of doing things is over, it's finished. Even he knows that. I mean in five years, the Corleone Family is going to be completely legitimate. Trust me. That's all I can tell you about my business. Tom Hagen: Michael, why am I out? Michael: You're not a wartime consigliere, Tom. Things may get rough with the move we're trying. Michael: My credit good enough to buy you out? Moe Greene: Buy me out? [Fredo laughs nervously] Michael: The casino, the hotel. The Corleone Family wants to buy you out. Moe Greene: The Corleone Family wants to buy me out? No, I buy you out, you don't buy me out. Michael: Your casino loses money, maybe we can do better. Moe Greene: You think I'm skimmin' off the top, Mike? Michael: You're unlucky. Moe Greene: You goddamn guineas really make me laugh. I do you a favor and take Freddie in when you're having a bad time, and then you try to push me out! Michael: Wait a minute, you took Freddie in because the Corleone Family bankrolled your casino, because the Molinari Family on the Coast guaranteed his safety. Now we're talking business, let's talk business. Moe Greene: Yeah, let's talk business, Mike. First of all, you're all done. The Corleone Family don't even have that kind of muscle anymore. The Godfather's sick, right? You're getting chased out of New York by Barzini and the other Families. What do you think is going on here? You think you can come to my hotel and take over? I talked to Barzini, I can make a deal with him, and still keep my hotel! Michael: Is that why you slapped my brother around in public? Fredo: Aw now that, that was nothin', Mike. Now, Now uh Moe didn't mean nothin' by that. Sure he flies off the handle once in a while, but Moe and me, we're good friends, right Moe? Huh? Moe Greene: I gotta business to run. I gotta kick asses sometimes to make it run right. We had a little argument, Freddy and I, so I had to straighten him out. Michael: You straightened my brother out? Moe Greene: He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time! Players couldn't get a drink at the table! What's wrong with you? Michael: I leave for New York tomorrow, think about a price. Moe Greene: Sonofabitch, Do you know who I am? I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders! Fredo: Wait a minute, Moe, Moe, I got an idea. Tom, you're the Consiglieri and you can talk to the Don, you can explain... Tom Hagen: Just a minute now, the Don is semi-retired and Mike is in charge of the Family business now. If you have anything to say, say it to Michael. [Moe Greene leaves] Fredo: Mike! You don't come to Las Vegas and talk to a man like Moe Greene like that! Michael: Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever. Tessio: Barzini wants to arrange a meeting, straighten any of our problems out. ... Tom Hagen: Tessio. I always thought it would be Clemenza. Michael Corleone: It's the smart move. Tessio was always smarter. Tom Hagen: You know how they're going to come at you? Michael: They want to arrange a meeting between me and Barzini. On Tessio's ground. Where I'll be safe. Tessio: Can you get me off the hook, Tom? You know, for old times' sake? Tom Hagen: Can't do it, Sally. Tessio: Tell Michael I always liked him. This was strictly business. Tom Hagen: He knows that. Michael: You have to answer for Santino, Carlo...You fingered Sonny for the Barzini people. Ahh, that little farce you played with my sister. You think that could fool a Corleone? Come on. Don't be afraid, Carlo. Come on, you think I'd make my sister a widow? I'm Godfather to your son, Carlo...You're out of the Family business, that's your punishment. You're finished. I'm putting you on a plane to Vegas...I want you to stay there, understand? Only don't tell me you're innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry. Now, who approached you? Tattaglia or Barzini? Carlo: It was Barzini. Michael: Good. Kay: [asking about Carlo's murder] Michael, is it true? Michael: Don't ask me about my business, Kay. Kay: Is it true? Michael: Don't ask me about my business... Kay: No. Michael: [slamming his hand on the desk] Enough! All right. This one time, this one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs. Kay: Is it true? Is it? Michael: No. Kay: [sighing relief] I guess we both need a drink, huh? [edit] Cast

Marlon Brando - Don Vito Corleone Al Pacino - Michael Corleone - Santino "Sonny" Corleone Robert Duvall - Tom Hagen - Kay Adams Abe Vigoda - Sal Tessio Sterling Hayden - Captain McCluskey - Connie Corleone Rizzi Gianni Russo - Carlo Rizzi - Fredo Corleone Richard Castellano - Pete Clemenza Jack Marley - Jack Woltz The Godfather: Part II

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The Godfather: Part II is a 1974 film that portrays the early life & career of Vito Corleone, while his son Michael expands and tightens his grip on his crime syndicate in the 1950's.

Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo.



• 1 Michael Corleone • 2 • 3 Others • 4 Dialogue • 5 Cast • 6 See also

• 7 External links [edit] Michael Corleone

• I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies.

• I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!

• There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

• I'll change; I'll change. I've learned that I have the strength to change.

• If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.

• Fredo, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want to see you at the hotels, I don't want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand? • My offer is this: nothing. Not even the $20,000 for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.

• He was stupid. I was lucky. I will visit him soon.

• [referring to Fredo] I don't want anything to happen to him while our mother is still alive.

• [Kay is threatening to take the children away] Don't you know that I would use all of my power to prevent something like that from happening?

• Hyman Roth has been dying from the same heart attack for the last twenty years.

• The true enemy not shown his face yet [edit] Hyman Roth

• There was this kid I grew up with - he was younger than me. Sorta looked up to me - you know. We did our first work together - worked our way out of the street. Things were good, we made the most of it. During Prohibition - we ran molasses into Canada - made a fortune - you father, too. As much as anyone, I loved him - and trusted him. Later on he had an idea - to build a city out of a desert stop-over for GI's on the way to the West Coast. That kid's name was Moe Green - and the city he invented was Las Vegas. This was a great man - a man of vision and guts. And there isn't even a plaque - or a signpost - or a statue of him in that town! Someone put a bullet through his eye. No one knows who gave the order - when I heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe - I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. So when he turned up dead - I let it go. And I said to myself, this is the business we've chosen - I didn't ask who gave the order - because it had nothing to do with business!

• If I could only live to see it, to be there with you. What I wouldn't give for twenty more years! Here we are, protected, free to make our profits without Kefauver, the goddamn Justice Department and the F.B.I. ninety miles away, in partnership with a friendly government. Ninety miles! It's nothing! Just one small step, looking for a man who wants to be President of the United States, and having the cash to make it possible. Michael, we're bigger than U.S. Steel.

• What I am saying is, we have now what we have always nee The Godfather: Part III

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The Godfather: Part III is a 1990 film about aging mafia don Michael Corleone, who in the midst of trying to legitimize his business dealings, seeks to attone for his sins while taking a young protege under his wing.

Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Written by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo. All the power on earth can't change destiny. Taglines



• 1 Michael Corleone • 2 Others • 3 Dialogue • 4 Taglines • 5 Cast • 6 See also

• 7 External links [edit] Michael Corleone

• [voiceover] My dear children: It is now better than several years since I moved to New York, and I haven't seen you as much as I would like to. I hope you will come to the ceremony of papal honors given for my charitable work. The only wealth in this world is children; more than all the money, power on earth, you are my treasure.

• [kneeling at Don Tommasino's coffin] Goodbye my old friend. You could have lived a little longer, I could be closer to my dream. You were so loved, Don Tommasino. Why was I so feared, and you so loved? What was it? I was no less honorable. I wanted to do good. What betrayed me? My mind? My heart? Why do I condemn myself so? I swear, on the lives of my children: Give me a chance to redeem myself, and I will sin, no more.

• Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in. • Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgement

• Never let anyone know what you are thinking.

• When they come, they'll come at what you love.

• Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.

• The higher I go, the crookeder it becomes.

• [about Cardinal Lamberto] He should be careful. It's dangerous to be an honest man.

• Kay, I had a very different destiny planned for us.

• [to Mary] I would burn in hell to keep you safe.

• Nephew, from this moment on, call yourself Vincent Corleone.

• Father, I have sinned... I killed my brother... I killed my brother...

• FREDO!!!!!!!!!! [edit] Others

• Joey Zasa: [during a meeting in Atlantic City] I say to all of you, I have been treated this day, with no respect. I've earned you all money. I've made you rich, and I asked for little. Good. You will not give, I'll take! As for Don, Corleone, well he makes it, very clear to me today, that he is my enemy. You must choose between us.

• Archbishop Gilday: It seems in today's world the power to absolve debt is greater than, the power of forgiveness.

• Dominic Abbandando: [briefing the reporters] The Pope - the Holy Father himself - has this very day blessed Michael Corleone; and you think you know better than the Pope?

• Anthony Vito Corleone: I will always be your son, but I will never have anything to do with your business.

• Mosca: Tell me what to do. Then I will tell you my price.

: We should wet our beaks a little. • Al Neri: Look! I'd love to smack Joey Zasa and then whack the bag, Okay? But it's impossible. He's always mingling with people. In front of TV cameras, in his own neighborhood, it's impossible.

• Calo: [delivering a message from Michael Corleone to Don Lucchesi] Power wears out those who do not have it. [stabs him]

• Kay: You know, Michael; now that you're so respectable, I think you're more dangerous than ever. I liked you better when you were just a common Mafia hood.

• Cardinal Lamberto: [to Michael] Your sins are terrible. It is just that you suffer. Your life could be redeemed, but I know you don't believe that. You will not change.

• Don Altobello: The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends.

• Don Altobello: I've lost the lust for women, and now my mind is clear.

• Vincent Mancini: Uncle Michael, listen - I know you're into banks and Wall Street, but everyone knows you're the final word, you're like the Supreme Court. All I want to do is protect you from these guys and your lawyers can't do that.

: [realizing she has been shot] Dad? [edit] Dialogue

Vincenzo: Hey Joe!

• bang bang*

Vincenzo: Zasa!

Vincent Mancini: Don Lucchesi, you are a man of finance and politics. These things I don't understand. Don Lucchesi: You understand guns? Vincent Mancini: Yes. Don Lucchesi: Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger. Vincent Mancini: [in the helicopter] I'd like to take Joey Zasa up in one of these and drop him. Michael Corleone: Joey Zasa is nothing. He's a small-time enforcer. He bluffs, threats, but nothing. You can see him coming a mile away. Vincent Mancini: We should kill him before he kills ... Michael Corleone: No! Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. B.J. Harrison: The Pope's doing exactly what you said he'd do, he's cleaning house. Michael Corleone: He should be careful. It's dangerous to be an honest man. Don Altobello: [regarding Vincent] This is the hero who put Joey Zasa in his grave. If we'd known of his existence, we would never have backed Joey. Don Lucchesi: No one wants another Joe. Don Altobello: You are my 'ace in the hole,' as we say in America. I have a stone in my shoe. You can remove it. Mosca: Only one stone? Don Altobello: [regarding Michael] It's dangerous. A famous man. You will have to take precautions. Vincent Mancini: You like to gamble? Why don't we go to Atlantic City? My town. I'll show you how to gamble. Grace Hamilton: Yeah, but I like to win. How will I know what numbers to pick? Vincent Mancini: Do I look okay like a guy who's gonna lose? Archbishop Gilday: The Pope, is gravely ill. Until he recovers, I am powerless. B.J. Harrison: What if he dies? Frederick Keinszig: Then, as you Americans say, all bets are off. Michael Corleone: [Vincent has told Michael what Joey has been saying behind his back] If there is some guy running around this city saying, "Fuck Michael Corleone," what do we do with a piece of shit like that? He's a fucking dog. Joey Zasa: [nervously] Yes it's true. If anyone would say such a thing, they would not be a friend. They would be a dog. Don Altobello: Treachery is everywhere. Michael Corleone: You still have your fingers on the strings, even now. Michael Corleone: Do you still fear me Kay? Kay: I don't fear you Michael, I just dread you. Don Lucchesi: It's not personal. It's business. Michael Corleone: Very well. You want to do business with me. I will do business with you. Connie: Now they'll fear you. Michael. Michael Corleone: Maybe they should fear YOU! Johnny Fontaine: It's your favorite song, Michael, where you going? Michael Corleone: I'm just gonna go into the kitchen and listen to some Tony Bennett records. Vincent Mancini: Well you tell him from me, that he can live, or he can die. Michael Corleone: Vincent, will you SHUT UP! Vincent Mancini: I am your son. Command me in all things. Michael Corleone: Give up my daughter. That is the price you pay for the life you choose. Mary Corleone: I'll always love you. Vincent Mancini: Love somebody else. Kay: The sicker you get, the wiser you get, huh? Michael Corleone: When I'm dead I'm gonna be really smart. [edit] Taglines

• All the power on earth can't change destiny.

• Real power can't be given. It must be taken. [edit] Cast

• Al Pacino - Don Michael Corleone • Diane Keaton - Kay Adams Mitchelson • Talia Shire - Connie Corleone-Rizzi • Andy Garcia - Don Vincent 'Vinnie' Mancini-Corleone • Eli Wallach - Don Altobello • Joe Mantegna - Joey Zasa • George Hamilton - B.J. Harrison • Bridget Fonda - Grace Hamilton • - Mary Corleone • Raf Vallone - Cardinal Lamberto • Franc D'Ambrosio - Anthony Vito Corleone • Donal Donnelly - Archbishop Gilday • Richard Bright - Al Neri • Helmut Berger - Frederick Keinszig • Don Novello - Dominic Abbandando • John Savage - Father Andrew Hagen • Franco Citti - Calo • Mario Donatone - Mosca • Vittorio Duse - Don Tommasino • Enzo Robutti - Don Licio Lucchesi

A Few Good Men

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A Few Good Men is a 1993 film about the trial of two U.S. Marines accused of murder while serving at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Directed by . Written by Aaron Sorkin Contents

[hide] • 1 Lt. Daniel Kaffee • 2 Col. Nathan R. Jessep • 3 Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway • 4 Lt. Sam Weinberg • 5 Capt. Jack • 6 Lt. Col. Matthew Markinson • 7 Others • 8 Dialogue • 9 Cast

• 10 External links [edit] Lt. Daniel Kaffee

• This is a sales pitch. It's not going to be won by the law, it's going to be won by the lawyers.

• Whatever happened to saluting an officer when he leaves the room? [Dawson stands up and shoves his hands in his pockets]

• Oh, now I see what you're saying! It had to be Professor Plum, in the library, with the candlestick!

• We have softball games and marching bands. They work at a place where you have to wear camouflage or you might get shot!

• Oh, spare me the psychobabble father bullshit.

• That's a relief! I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to use the 'liar, liar, pants-on- fire' defense.

• Maybe if we work at it we can get Dawson charged with the Kennedy assassination.

• Why does a Lieutenant junior grade with a track record for plea bargains get handed a murder case? Could it be so it never sees the inside of a courtroom?

• The only thing I have to eat is Yoohoo and Cocoa Puffs, so if you want anything else bring it with you.

• I'm sorry, I keep forgetting. You were sick the day they taught law at law school!

• You're a lousy fucking softball player Jack. • [Imitating Jessep] He eats breakfast three hundred yards away from four thousand Cubans who are trained to kill him [in his own voice] and no one's going to tell him how to run his unit, least of all the Harvard mouth in his faggoty white uniform.

• And the hits just keep on comin'.

• He's arguing. He's making an argument.

• Is the Colonel's underwear a matter of national security?

• You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.

• So this is what a courtroom looks like.

• Now, is that 0600 in the morning, sir?

• She has no point. She often has no point. It's part of her charm.

• I'm pacing myself. [edit] Col. Nathan R. Jessep

• Walk softly and carry an armored tank division, I always say.

• Who the fuck is PFC William T. Santiago?

• I run my unit how I run my unit. You want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. I eat breakfast three hundred yards away from four thousand Cubans who are trained to kill me. So don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous.

• There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, because this is true - if you haven't gotten a blow-job from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by. 'Course, my problem is, I'm a colonel, so I guess I'll just have to keep taking cold showers until one of you gals is elected president.

• Take caution in your tone, Commander. I'm a fair guy, but this fucking heat is making me absolutely crazy. [edit] Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway • [Rehearsing her request to represent the Marines] I'd like to request that it be I am who assigned . . . that it be I who am assigned? That's great. That's confidence-inspiring. Good grammar there.

• In short, Captain, I'd like to suggest that I be the one who that... that it be me who is assigned to represent them... myself.

• Are you going to do any actual investigating, or are you just going to take the guided tour?

• One thing, though. When you ask the judge for new counsel, Danny... be sure and ask nicely.

• Don't look now, Danny, but you're making an argument.

• You know nothing about the law. You're a used-car salesman, Daniel. You're an ambulance chaser with a rank. You're nothing. Live with that.

• I'm sorry I lost you your set of steak knives. [edit] Lt. Sam Weinberg

• "I strenuously object?" Is that how it's done? Hm? "Objection, your Honor." "Overruled" "No, no. I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. You strenuously object. Then I'll take some time and reconsider."

• Look at this! Last night he's swimming in Jack Daniels, and now he can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

• He does think better with that bat.

• I have no responsibilities here whatsoever. [edit] Capt. Jack Ross

• I don't think your clients belong in jail, but I don't get to make that decision! I represent the government of the United States without passion or prejudice, and my client has a case.

• [Making his opening statement] Lt. Kaffee is gonna try to put on a little magic act here. He's gonna try a little misdirection. He'll astound you with stories of rituals and dazzle you with official-sounding terms like Code Red. He might even try to cut into a few officers for you. He'll have no evidence, mind you, none . . . but it will be entertaining. • Your boys are going down, Danny. I can't stop it anymore. [edit] Lt. Col. Matthew Markinson

• I don't want a deal, and I don't want immunity. I want you to know that I'm proud neither of what I have done or of what I am doing.

• Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's company commander. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name. In a matter of time, the trial of the two men charged with your son's death will be concluded, and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why William is dead. For my part, I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light. And the truth is this: Your son is dead for only one reason. I wasn't strong enough to stop it. Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson, United States Marine Corps. (After writing letter, Markinson pulls a pistol from his uniform, places the barrel into his mouth and fires) [edit] Others

• Lt. Jonathan Kendrick: I have two books at my bedside, Lieutenant: the Marine Corps Code of Conduct and the King James Bible. The only proper authorities I am aware of are my commanding officer, Colonel Nathan R. Jessep, and the Lord our God. [edit] Dialogue

Kaffee: What do you want from me? Galloway: I want you to let them be judged. I want you to stand up and make an argument. Weinberg: An argument that didn't work for Calley at My Lai. An argument that didn't work for the Nazis at . Kaffee: Oh for Christ's sake, Sam. Do you really think that's the same as two teenage Marines executing a routine order they never believed would result in harm? These guys aren't the Nazi's! Galloway: Don't look now Danny, but you're making an argument. Spradling: We were supposed to meet in your office 15 minutes ago to discuss the McDermott case. You're stalling on this thing! Now, either we get it done, and I mean now, or no kidding, Kaffee, I'm going to hang your boy from a fucking yardarm! Kaffee: Yardarm? (to guy playing 2nd base) Sherby, does the Navy still hang people from yardarms? Sherby: I don't think so. Kaffee: Dave, Sherby doesn't think the Navy hangs people from yardarms anymore. Spradling: I'm going to charge him with possession and being under the influence while on duty. You plead guilty, I'll recommend thirty days in the brig with loss of rank and pay. Kaffee: It was oregano, Dave. It was ten dollars' worth of oregano. Spradling: Yeah, well, your client thought it was marijuana. Kaffee: My client's a moron. That's not against the law. Spradling: Kaffee, I've got people to answer to, just like you. I'm gonna charge him. Kaffee: With what? Possession of a condiment? Spradling: Kaffee. Kaffee: Dave, i tried to help you out of this but if you ask for jail time I'm going to file a motion to dismiss. Spradling: you won't get it. Kaffee: I will get it (hits ball) and if the MTD is denied I'm gonna file a motion in limine seeking to obtain an evidentiary ruling in advance, and after that i'm going to file against pre-trial confinement, you're gonna spend the next six weeks going blind on paperwork because a signalman second class bought and smoked a dime bag of oregano. Spradling: B Misdemeanor: 20 days in the brig Kaffee: C Misdemeanor 15 days restrictive duty Spradling: I don't know why i'm agreeing to this. Kaffee: you have wisdom beyond your years. Capt. West: Commander Galloway, why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee? Galloway: Thank you, sir, I'm fine. Capt. West: Commander, I'd like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back. Galloway: Certainly, sir. C.O.: It seems important to Division that this one be handled by the book, so I'm assigning co-counsel. Any volunteers? [Stares at Weinberg] Weinberg: No! Sir, I've got a pile of papers on my desk about a mile high! C.O.: Work with Kaffee on this. Weinberg: Doing what? Kaffee will have this done in about four days. C.O.: Doing various administrative... things. Backup. Whatever. Weinberg: In other words, I have no responsibilities here whatsoever. C.O.: Right. Weinberg: My kind of case. Kaffee: Hi, I'm Daniel Kaffee. I was told to meet with... ah... Lieutenant Commander Galloway about a briefing? Galloway: You're the attorney Division assigned? Kaffee: I'm lead counsel. This is Sam Weinberg. Weinberg: I have no responsibilities here whatsoever. Galloway: Lieutenant, how long have you been in the Navy? Kaffee: Going on nine months now. Galloway: And how long have you been out of law school? Kaffee: A little over a year. Galloway: I see. Kaffee: Have I done something wrong? Galloway: No, it's just that when I petitioned Division to have counsel assigned, I was hoping to be taken seriously. Kaffee: No offense taken, in case you were wondering. Weinberg: Commander, Lieutenant Kaffee is generally considered the best litigator in our office. He's successfully plea-bargained forty-four cases in nine months. Kaffee: One more and I get a set of steak knives. Kaffee: Am I correct to assume that these letters don't paint a flattering picture of Marine Corps life at Guantanamo Bay? Galloway: Yes, among — Kaffee: And am I also right in assuming that an investigation of this incident might cause some embarrassment to the Security Council guy? Galloway: Colonel Jessep — Kaffee: Twelve years. Galloway: I'm sorry? Kaffee: I'll get them to drop the Conspiracy and Conduct Unbecoming. Twelve years. Galloway: You haven't talked to a witness or looked at a piece of paper. Kaffee: Pretty impressive, huh? Kaffee: Commander, do you have some sort of jurisdiction here that I should know about? Galloway: My job is to make sure you do your job. I'm special counsel for Internal Affairs, so my jurisdiction's pretty much in your face. Galloway: [crisply, after Kaffee's risen prematurely to leave] You're dismissed. Kaffee: [pause] I always forget that part. Kaffee: I've done something wrong again, haven't I? Galloway: I'm just wondering why two guys have been in a jail cell since this morning while their lawyer is outside hitting a ball. Kaffee: We need the practice. Galloway: That wasn't funny. Kaffee: It was a little funny. Galloway: Lieutenant, would you feel very insulted if I recommended to your supervisor that he assign different counsel? Kaffee: Why? Galloway: I don't think you're fit to handle this defense. Kaffee: You don't even know me. Ordinarily it takes someone hours to discover I'm not fit to handle a defense. (long pause) Oh, come on! That was damn funny. Galloway: It's my feeling that if this case is handled in the same fast-food slick- ass Persian bazaar manner with which you seem to handle everything else, then something's gonna get missed. And I wouldn't be doing my job if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than is absolutely necessary because their attorney has predetermined the path of least resistance! Kaffee: Wow! I'm sexually aroused, Commander. Galloway: Listen, I came to make peace. We got off on the wrong foot. What do you say, friends? Kaffee: I, uh... Galloway: By the way, I brought Downey some comic books he was asking for. The kid, Kaffee, I swear he doesn't know where he is. He doesn't even know why he's been arrested! Kaffee: Commander — Galloway: You can call me Joanne. Kaffee: Joanne. Galloway: Or Jo. Kaffee: Jo? Galloway: Yes. Kafee: Jo, if you ever speak to a client of mine again without my permission, I'll have you disbarred. Friends? ... Kaffee: You got authorization from Aunt Ginny. Galloway: Perfectly within my province. Kaffee: Does Aunt Ginny have a barn? We could hold the trial there. I could sew the costumes... maybe his Uncle Goober could be the judge. Dawson Do you think we were right? Kaffee I think you would lose. Dawson: [to Kaffee] You're such a coward. I can't believe they let you wear a uniform. Kaffee: If you want to act that way, fine. I get paid whether you go to jail or not. Dawson: [contemptuously] Yes sir, I know you do, sir. Kaffee: FUCK YOU, HAROLD! Kaffee: You and Dawson, you both live in the same dreamworld. It doesn't matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove! So please, don't tell me what I know, or don't know; I know the LAW. Galloway: You know nothing about the law. You're a used-car salesman, Daniel. You're an ambulance chaser with a rank. You're nothing. Live with that. Weinberg: You're my witness. The baby spoke. My daughter said a word. Kaffee: Your daughter made a sound, Sam. I'm not sure it was a word. Weinberg: Come on now, it was definitely a word. Kaffee: Okay. Weinberg: You heard her. The girl sat here, pointed, and said, "Pa". She did! She said, "Pa". Kaffee: Sam,she was pointing at a mailbox. Weinberg: That's right. Pointing as if to say, "Pa, look — a mailbox!" Kaffee: You don't believe their story, do you? You think they ought to go to jail for the rest of their lives. Weinberg: I believe every word of their story. And I think they ought to go to jail for the rest of their lives. Kaffee: Is this your signature? Dawson: YES, SIR! Kaffee: You don't have to call me "sir". [to Downey] Is this your signature? Downey: SIR, YES, SIR! Kaffee: And you certainly don't need to do it twice in one sentence. Kaffee: All right, what's the code? Dawson: Unit, Corps, God, country. Kaffee: Come again? Dawson: Unit, Corps, God, country. ...Sir. Kaffee: The United States of America wants to charge the two of you with murder & you want me to go before the judge with "Unit, Corps, God, country"? Galloway: Tell your friend not to get cute down there, the Marines at Gitmo are fanatical. Weinberg: Fanatical about what? Galloway: About being Marines. Weinberg: Don't forget to wear the whites. It's very hot down there. Kaffee: I don't like the whites. Weinberg: Nobody likes the whites, but we're going to Cuba. You got Dramamine? Kaffee: Dramamine keeps you cool? Weinberg: No, Dramamine keeps you from throwing up. You get sick when you fly. Kaffee: I get sick when I fly 'cause I'm afraid of crashing into a large mountain. I don't think Dramamine will help. Weinberg: I got some oregano. I hear that works pretty good. Barnes: I've got some camouflage jackets in the Jeep, sirs, I suggest you both put them on. Kaffee: Camouflage jackets? Barnes: Yes sir, we'll be riding pretty close to the fence line. The Cubans see an officer wearing white, they think it might be someone they'd wanna take a shot at. Kaffee: Good call, Sam. Kaffee: Hold on a sec, we got to take a boat? Barnes: Yes sir, just to get to the other side of the bay. Kaffee: Nobody said anything about a boat. Barnes: Is there a problem, sir? Kaffee: No, no problem, I'm just not that crazy about boats, that's all. Galloway: Jesus Christ, Kaffee, you're in the Navy for crying out loud! Kaffee: Nobody likes her very much. Barnes: Yes, Sir. Galloway: Are you planning on doing any investigating, or are you just gonna take the guided tour? Kaffee: I'm pacing myself. Kaffee: Lieutenant Kendrick, may I call you John? Kendrick: No. You may not. Kaffee: Have I done something to offend you? Kendrick: No, I like all you Navy boys. Every time we gotta go someplace to fight, you fellas give us a ride. Galloway: Lieutenant Kendrick, do you think Private Santiago was murdered? Kendrick: Commander, I believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ, and because I do, I can say this. Private Santiago is dead, and that is a tragedy. But he is dead because he had no code. He is dead because he had no honor. And God was watching. Weinberg: How do you feel about that theory? Kaffee: Sounds good. Let's move on. Jessep: So how is your dad, Danny? Kaffee: He passed away seven years ago, sir. Jessep: Don't I feel like the fucking asshole? Kaffee: Not at all sir. Galloway: I'm just wondering if you've ever heard the term "Code Red". Jessep: I've heard the term, yes. Galloway: This past February you received a cautionary memeo from the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet, warning that the practice of enlisted men disciplining their own wasn't to be condoned by officers. Jessep: Well, I submit to you that whoever wrote that memo has never faced the working end of a Soviet-made Cuban AK-47 assault rifle. However, the directive having come from the commander, I gave it its due attention. What is your point, Jo? Kaffee: She has no point. She often has no point, sir. It's part of her charm. Galloway: My point is that I think Code Reds still go on down here. ... Jessep: You believe that, don't you, Danny? That I'm here to help you in any way I can? Kaffee: Of course. Jessep: The Corporal will take you by Personnel on your way back to the flight line, and you can have all the transfer orders you want. Kaffee: (to Weinberg & Galloway) Let's go. Jessep: But you have to ask me nicely. Kaffee: I beg your pardon? Jessep: You have to ask me nicely. You see, Danny, I can deal with the bullets and the bombs and the blood. I don't want money and I don't want medals.What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggotty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy! You gotta ask me nicely. Kaffee: Colonel Jessep, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like a copy of the transfer order — sir. Jessep: No problem. Kaffee: Joanne, you're coming dangerously close to the textbook definition of interfering with a government investigation. Galloway: I'm Louden Downey's attorney. Aunt Ginny — she said she feels like she's known me for years, so I suggested that she might feel more comfortable if I was directly involved with the case. She had Louden sign the papers about an hour ago. Kaffee: I suppose it's way too much to hope that you're making this up just to bother me. Jessep: Transfer Santiago off the base. Yes, I'm sure that's the thing to do. Wait, I have a better idea. Why don't we just transfer the whole squad off the base? As a matter of fact, why don't we just transfer the whole Windward Division off the base? John, go on out there and tell those boys to come down off , they're packing their bags. Tom! Tom: Yes, sir! Jessep: Get me the President on the phone. We're surrendering our position in Cuba! Tom: Yes, sir. Jessep: Wait a minute, Tom, don't call the President just yet. Perhaps we should consider this for a moment. Dismissed, Tom. You know, maybe we have an obligation to young William. Maybe we as officers have a responsibility to our country to see to it that the men assigned to protect it are properly trained... yes, I'm certain I've read that somewhere and while your suggestion, Lt. Col. Markinson, of transferring William off the base, while expeditious and certainly painless, might not be, in a matter of speaking, the American way. Santiago stays where he is. We're gonna train the lad! Maybe - and I'm just spitballing here - maybe we have a responsibility as officers to train Santiago. Maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this country to see that the men and women charged with its security are trained professionals. Yes, I'm certain that I read that somewhere once. John, you're in charge. Santiago doesn't make 4-6-4-6 on his next proficiency and conduct report and I'm going to blame you. And then I'm going to kill you. Jessep: What do you think of Kendrick? Markinson: Nathan, I don't believe my opinion of Kendrick is... Jessep: I think he's pretty much of a weasel myself, but he's an awfully good officer. And we see eye to eye on a lot of things, including how to run a Marine Corps unit. And, I believe that taking a Marine who isn't quite up to the job and shipping him off to another assignment puts lives in danger! [Markinson, disgusted, gets up to leave] Sit down, Matthew! We go back a while. We went to the Academy together, we were commissioned together, we did our tours in Vietnam together. But I've been promoted up the chain with greater speed and success than you have. Now, if that's a source of tension or embarrassment for you... I don't give a shit. We're in the business of saving lives, Lieutenant Colonel Markinson. Don't ever question my orders in the presence of another officer. You're dismissed. Kaffee: Why did Markinson go U.A.? Ross: We'll never know. Kaffee: You don't think I can subpoena Markinson? Ross: You can try, but you won't find him. You know what Markinson did the first seventeen of his twenty-six years in the Corps? Counterintelligence. Markinson's gone. There is no Markinson. ... Ross: Look, Danny, Jessep's star is on the rise. Division will give me a lot of room on this one to spare Jessep and the Corps any embarrassment. Kaffee: How much room? Ross: I'll knock it down to Involuntary Manslaughter - two years. They're home in six months. Joanne Galloway: No deal. We're going to court. Ross: No, you're not. Galloway: Why not? Ross: Because Danny knows that even though he's got me by the balls out here, in a courtroom... he loses this case. Kaffee: All right, here's the story. The government is offering Involuntary Manslaughter. Two years. You'll be out in six months. (Dawson and Downey react with stony silence) Wow, Kaffee, you're the greatest lawyer in the world! Ooh, how can we ever thank you? Fellas, you hear what I just said? You're going home in six months. Dawson: I'm afraid we can't do that, sir. Kaffee: Do what? Dawson: Make a deal, sir. Kaffee: What are you talking about? Dawson: We did nothing wrong, sir. We did our job, and if that has consequences I'll accept them. But I won't say I'm guilty, sir. Kaffee: (to Jo Galloway) Did you — (turns to Dawson) did she put you up to this? Galloway: No. Dawson: We have a code, sir. Kaffee: Oh, well, zip-a-dee-doo-dah! You and your code plead not guilty, you'll be in jail for the rest of your life. Do what I'm telling you, you'll be home in six months. Do it, Harold. Six months. It's nothing. It's a hockey season. Dawson: Permission to — Kaffee: Speak! Jesus! Dawson: What do we do then, sir? Kaffee: When? Dawson: After six months we'll be dishonorably discharged. Right, sir? Kaffee: Probably. Dawson: Well, what do we do then, sir? We joined the Marines because we wanted to live our lives by a certain code, and we found it in the Corps. Now you're asking us to sign a piece of paper that says we have no honor. You're asking us to say that we're not Marines. If a court decides that what we did was wrong, then I'll accept whatever punishment they give. But I belive I was right, I believe I did my job. But I WILL NOT dishonor myself, my unit, or the Corps so that I can go home in six months! Sir. Kaffee: Were you able to speak to your friend in the N.I.S.? Weinberg: Yeah. She said if Markinson doesn't want to be found, we're not gonna find him. She said I could be Markinson and you wouldn't know it. Kaffee (eyeing Sam suspiciously): Are you Markinson? Weinberg: No. Kaffee: I'm not Markinson. That's two down. Kaffee: Maybe if we work at it we can get Dawson charged with the Kennedy assassination. Galloway: Are you drunk? Kaffee: Pretty much...yeeaahh. Galloway: I'll put on a pot of coffee. We've got a long night's work ahead. Kaffee: She's gonna make coffee... that's nice. Kaffee: Downey wasn't in his room, wasn't even there. That was an important piece of infromation, don't you think? Galloway: Danny, it was a set back, and I'm sorry, but we fix it and move on to Markinson. Kaffee: Markinson's dead. You really gotta hand it to those Federal Marshals... boy, it's not like he hanged himself by his shoelaces or slashed his wrists with a concealed butter knife. This guy got into full dress uniform, stood in the middle of that room, drew a nickel-plated pistol from his holster, and fired a bullet into his mouth. Anyway, since we seem to be out of witnesses, I thought I'd drink a little. Galloway: I still think we can win. Kaffee: Then maybe you should drink a little. Galloway: We'll go to Randolph in the morning and ask for a continuance - 24 hours. Kaffee: Why? Galloway: To subponea Colonel Jessup. Kaffee: No Galloway: Just listen for a second... (no) Just hear me out... Kaffee: No, I won't listen and I won't hear you out. Your passion is compelling, Jo; it's also useless. Lowden Downey needed a trial lawyer today. Galloway: You're chickenshit... You're gonna use what happened today as an excuse to give up. Kaffee: It's over. What possible good would come from putting Jessup on the stand? Galloway: He ordered the Code red on Santiago. Kaffee: He DID? That's great, and of course you have proof of this, right? Oh, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting you were sick the day they taught law at law school. Galloway: You put him on the stand and you get it from him. Kaffee: Oh, we get it from him, yes! Colenel Jessup, isn't it true that you ordered the Code red on Santiago? Sam: Look, we're all a little- Kaffee: Oh, I'm sorry, your time's run out. What do we have for the losers, judge? Well, for our defendants it's a lifetime at exotic Fort Levenworth, and for Defense Council Kaffee, it's a court marshall, yes... After falsly accusing a highly- decorated Marine officer of conspiracy and perjury, Lt. Kaffee will have a long and prosperous career teaching TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE at the rocko club and school for women. Thank you for playing "Now Should We or Should We Not Follow the Advice of the Galactically Stupid". AHH! Galloway: (hurt) I'm sorry I lost your set of steak knives. Kaffee: (To Sam) Stop cleaning up... Sam, stop cleaning up... you wanna drink? Sam: Yeah. Kaffee: Is your father proud of you? Sam: Don't do this to yourself. Kaffee: I'll bet he is, I bet he bores the shit out of neighbors and relatives, Sam's made law review, got a real big case he's making. Arguing, he's making an argument... I think my father would've liked to see me gradutate from law school, I think he would've enjoyed that an awful lot. Sam: Did I ever tell you I wrote a paper about your dad in college? Kaffee: Yeah. Sam: One of the best trial lawyers ever. Kaffee: Yes, he was. Sam: And if I were Dawson and Downey and I were given a choice between you or your father to represent me in this case, I'd pick you every day of the week and twice on Sunday. You should've seen yourself thunder away at Kendrick. Kaffee: Would you put Jessup on the stand? Sam: No. Kaffee: You think my father would've? Sam: With the evidence we got, not in a million years. But here's the thing, and there's really no way of getting around this. Neither Lionel Kaffee nor Sam Weinberg is lead defense in the matter of the U.S. vs. Dawson and Downey, so there's really only one question. What would you do? Kaffee: And don't wear that perfume in court. It wrecks my concentration. Galloway: Really? Kaffee: I was talking to Sam. ... Galloway: Danny, I... Kaffee: I know what you're gonna say. You don't have to. We've had our differences, I said some things I didn't mean, you said some things you didn't mean, but you're glad I stuck with the case. And if you've gained a certain respect for me over the last three weeks, well, of course I'm happy about that, but we don't have to make a whole big deal out of it. If you like me... I won't make you say it. Galloway: I was just going to tell you to wear matching socks tomorrow. Kaffee: Okay. Good tip. Kaffee: Have you ever received a Code Red? Barnes: Yes sir. We were doing seven-man assault drills, and my weapon slipped. It was only because it was a hundred degrees and my palms were sweaty, and I'd forgotten to use the resin, like we were taught. Kaffee: What happened? Corporal Barnes: That night, the guys in my squad threw a blanket over me and took turns punching me in the arm for five minutes. Then they poured glue on my hands. And it worked too, cause I ain't never dropped my weapon since! Galloway: Why do you hate them so much? Weinberg: They picked on a weakling. That's all they did, all right? The rest of this is just smoke-filled coffeehouse crap. They tortured and tormented a weaker kid. They didn't like him — so they killed him. And why? Because he couldn't run very fast! Weinberg: Why do you like them so much? Galloway: Because they stand on a wall. And they say, "Nothing's gonna hurt you tonight, not on my watch." Galloway: I'm sorry, I should have called first. Kaffee: No, I was just watching a ball game. Come on in. Galloway: I was just wondering if you'd mind me taking you to dinner tonight. Kaffee: Are you asking me out on a date? Galloway: No. Kaffee: Sounded like you were asking me out on a date. Galloway: No, I was just... Kaffee: I've been asked on dates before, and that's what it sounded like. Galloway: Do you like seafood? I know a good seafood place. Kaffee: Okay. Kaffee: [just seconds before the trial starts] Last chance. I'll flip you for it. Bailiff: All rise. Ross: Too late. Ross: I have here the Marine Corps Outline for Recruit Training. I'd like you to turn to the chapter on "code reds". Barnes: Well, you see, sir, "code red" is a term we use, just down in Gitmo... Ross: Oh, then, we're in luck. Marching Orders/Standard Operating Procedure, Rifle Security Company, Guatanamo Bay, Cuba. I'm sure we'll find it in there. Barnes: You won't find it in there, either, sir. Ross: Cpl. Barnes, I'm a Marine. You mean to tell me there's no manual, no set of instructions that tells me, as a Marine, one of my duties is to perform "code reds?" Barnes: No, sir. No book, sir. Ross: No further questions. [As Ross returns to his seat, Kaffee gets up and snatches the Rifle Company SOP out of his hand] Kaffee: Cpl. Barnes, turn to the page in this book that tells me how to get to the mess hall. Barnes: Lt. Kaffee, that's not in the book, sir. Kaffee: You mean the whole time you've been at Gitmo, you've never had a meal? Barnes: No, sir. Three squares a day, sir. Kaffee: Then how did you find the mess hall if it wasn't in this book? Barnes: Well, sir, like everybody else, I just followed the crowd at chow time, sir. Kaffee: No further questions. Kaffee: Lieutenant Kendrick, in your opinion was Private Santiago a good Marine? Kendrick: I'd say he was about average. Kaffee: Lieutenant Kendrick, you signed three proficiency and conduct reports on Santiago, and on all three you indicated a rating of "Below Average". Kendrick: Yes, Private Santiago was below average. I did not see the need to trample on a man's grave. Kaffee: Lieutenant, do you recall an incident involving a PFC Curtis Bell, who'd been found stealing liquor from the officers' club? Kendrick: Yes, I do. Kaffee: Did you report Private Bell to the proper authorities? Kendrick: I have two books at my bedside, Lieutenant: the Marine Corps Code of Conduct and the King James Bible. The only proper authorities I'm aware of are my commanding officer, Colonel Nathan R. Jessep, and the Lord our God. Kaffee: At your request, Lieutenant Kendrick, I can have the record reflect your lack of acknowledgement of this court as a proper authority.

Judge: Lt. Kaffee, call your witness. Kaffee: [hesitates] The defense call Colonel Nathan Jessup. Jessup: [enters court room] Ross: Colonel Jessup, would you raise your right hand please, sir? [Jessup raises his hand] Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give in this general court martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God? Jessup: Yes, I do. Ross: Would you have a seat please, sir? [Jessup Sits] Would you please state your name, rank, and current billet for the record please, sir? Jessup: Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, Commanding Officer, Marine Ground Forces, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Ross: Thank you, Sir. Kaffee: [looks hesitant] Colonel, when you learned of Santiago's letter to the NIS, you had a meeting with your senior officers, is that right? Jessup: Yes. Kaffee: The Platoon Commander Lt. Jonathan Kendrick, and the executive officer, Lt. Colonel Matthew Markinson Jessup: Yes. Kaffee: And, at present, Colonel Markinson is dead, is that right? Ross: Object! I would like to know exactly what the defense council is implying. Kaffee: I'm implying simply that, at present, Colonel Markinson is not alive. Ross: Surely, Colonel Jessup doesn't need to appear in court to confirm that information. Kaffee: I just wasn’t sure if the witness was aware that 2 nights ago Colonel Markinson took his own life with a .45-caliber pistol. Judge: The witness is aware, the court is aware, and now the court members are aware. We thank you for bringing this to our attention. Move on, Lt. Kaffee: Yes, Sir. Colonel, at the time of this meeting, you gave Lt. Kendrick an order, is that right? Jessup: I told Kendrick to tell his men, that Santiago wasn't to be touched. Kaffee: And did you give an order to Colonel Markinson as well? Jessup: I ordered Markinson to have Santiago transferred off the base immediately. Kaffee: Why? Jessup: I felt his life might be in danger once word of the letter got out. Kaffee: Grave danger? Jessup: Is there another kind? Kaffee: Colonel, we have the transfer order that you and Colonel Markinson cosigned ordering that be on a flight at 6 AM the next morning. Was that the first flight off the base? Jessup: The 0600 was the first flight off the base. Kaffee: Colonel, you flew up to Washington this morning, is that right? Jessup: Yes. Kaffee: I notice you’re wearing your class A dress uniform for your appearance in court today. Jessup: As are you, Lt. Kaffee: Did you wear that uniform on the plane? Ross: Please the court, is this dialogue relevant to anything? Kaffee: Defense hasn't had an opportunity to dispose this witness, I ask the court for a little lattitude. Judge: A very little lattitude. Kaffee: Colonel? Jessup: I wore utilities on the plane. Kaffee: You brought your dress uniform with you. Jessup: Yes. Kaffee: Toothbrush, Shaving Kit, change of underwear? Ross: Your honor?! Kaffee: Is the Colonel's underwear a matter of national security? Judge: Gentlemen! You better get somewhere fast with this Lt. Kaffee: Yes, Sir. Colonel? Jessup: I brought a change of clothes and some personal items. Kaffee: Thank You. After Dawson and Downey's arrest on the night of the 6th, Santiago's barracks room was sealed off and it’s contents inventoried. Four pairs camouflage pants, three long sleeve khaki shirts, 3 pairs of boots, four pairs green socks, 3 OD Green T-shirts-- Ross: Please the court, is there a question anywhere in our future? Judge: Lt. Kaffee, I have to ask you to state your question. Kaffee: I'm wondering why Santiago wasn't packed. I tell you what; we'll get back to that. This is a record of all the telephone phone calls made from your Base in the last 24 hours, After being subpoenaed to Washington, you made 3 calls, I’ve hi-lited those calls in yellow. Do you recognize those numbers, Sir? Jessup: I called Colonel Fitzhughes in Quantico, VA; I wanted to let him know I'd be in town. The second was to arrange a meeting with Congressman Richmond of the house of armed services. The third call was to my sister, Elizabeth. Kaffee: Why'd you make that call, sir? Jessup: I thought she might like to have dinner tonight. Ross: Your honor? Judge: I’m gonna put a stop to this! Kaffee: These are phone records from Gitmo for September the 6th, and these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote, in 9 months, requesting, in fact begging, for a transfer. Upon hearing the news that he was FINALLY getting his transfer, Santiago was so excited that do you know how many people he called? Zero. Nobody. Not one call to his parents saying he was coming home. Not one call to a friend saying "Can you pick me up at the airport?". He was asleep in his bed at midnight, and according to you, he was getting on a plane in 6 hours. Yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet, and folded neatly in his footlocker. You were leaving for one day, you packed a bag and made three phone calls. Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life, and he hadn't called a soul, and he hadn't packed a thing. Can you explain that? The fact is there was no transfer order, Santiago wasn't going anywhere, isn't that right Colonel? Ross: Object! Your honor, it is obvious that Lt. Kaffee's intentions this afternoon are to smear a high ranking Marine officer with the hopes that the mere appearance of impropriety will win him points with the court members. Now, it is my recommendation that Lt. Kaffee be reprimanded for his conduct and that this witness be excused with this court's deepest apologies. Judge Randolph: Overruled. Ross: Your honor... Judge Randolph: Your objection is noted. Kaffee: Colonel? [Jessup chuckles] Is this funny, sir? Jessep: No, it's not. It's tragic. Kaffee: Do you have an answer? Jessep: Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me you have something more, Lieutenant. These two marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me that their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill. [Kaffee hesitates, dumbfounded] Do you have any other questions for me, Counselor? Judge Randolph: Lt. Kaffee? … Lt! Do you have anything further for this witness? [Jessep defiantly gets up to leave the courtroom] Jessep: Thanks, Danny. I love Washington. Kaffee: Excuse Me! I didn’t dismiss you. Jessep: I beg your pardon? Kaffee: I’m not finished my examination. Sit down. Jessup: Colonel. Kaffee: What’s that? Jessep: I'd appreciate it if he would address me as "Colonel" or "Sir"... I believe I've earned it. Judge Randolph: Defense Counsel will refer to the witness as "Colonel" or "Sir." Jessep: I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here. Judge Randolph: And you will refer to this court as "Your Honor" or "Judge"... and I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel. Jessup:: What do you want to discuss now? My favorite color? Kaffee: Colonel, the 6 AM flight was the first one off the base? Jessup: Yes. Kaffee: There wasn't a flight that left seven hours earlier and landed at Andrew's Airforce BAse at 2 AM? Judge: Lt., I think we've covered this, haven't we? Kaffee: Your honor, these are the tower chief's logs from both Guantanamo Bay, and Andrew's Airforce Base. The Guantanamo Log lists no flight that left at 11 PM, the Andrew's log lists no flight that landed at 2 AM, I'd like to admit them as defense exhibits Alpha and Bravo. Judge: I don't understand, your admitting evidence of a flight that never existed. Kaffee: Oh, but we believe it did, sir. Defense will be calling Airman Cecil O'Malley, and Airman Anthony Rodriguez, they working the groundcrew at 2 AM on the 7th. Ross: Your Honor, these men are not on the list! Joanne: Rebuttal witnesses, your honor. Called specifically to refute testimony offered under direct examination. Judge: I'll allow the witnesses. Jessup: This is ridiculous. Kaffee: Colonel, a moment ago-- Jessup: Check the tower logs, for Christ's sake! Kaffee: Oh, we'll get to the Airmen in just a minute, Sir. Colonel, a moment ago you said that you told Lt. Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched. Jessup: That’s right. Kaffee: And Lt. Kendrick was clear on what you wanted? Jessup: Crystal. Kaffee: Any chance Lt. Kendrick ignored the order? Jessup: Ignored the order? Kaffee: Any chance he...forgot about it? Jessup: No. Kaffee: Any chance Lt. Kendrick left your office and said, “The old man is wrong!” Jessup: No. Kaffee: When Lt. Kendrick spoke to the platoon, and ordered them not to touch Santiago, any chance they ignored him? Jessup: You ever served in an infantry unit, Son? Kaffee: No, Sir. Jessup: Ever served in a forward area? Kaffee: No, Sir. Jessup: Ever put your life in another man's hands? And asked him to put his life in yours? Kaffee: No, Sir. Jessup: We follow orders, son. We follow orders, or people die. It’s that simple. Are we clear? Kaffee: Yes, Sir. Jessup: Are we clear? Kaffee: Crystal. Colonel, I have just one more question before I call Airman O'Malley and Airman Rodriguez. If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would Santiago be in danger? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base? Jessup: Santiago was a substandard Marine. He was being transferred because-- Kaffee: That is not what you said, you said he was being transferred because he was in grave danger. Jessup: That’s correct. Kaffee: You said he was in danger, I said "grave danger?" You said "is there another kind?"-- Jessup: I recall what I said-- Kaffee: I can have the court reporter read back to you-- Jessup: I know what I said. I don't have to have it read back to me like I'm-- Kaffee: Then why the two orders? Colonel? Jessup: Sometimes men take matters into their own hands. Kaffee: No, Sir. You made it clear a moment ago that your men never take matters in to their own hands. Your men follow orders or people die. So Santiago shouldn't have been in any danger at all, should he have, Colonel? Jessup: You snotty little bastard. Ross: Your Honor, I'd like to ask for a recess! Kaffee: I'd like an answer to the question, Judge. Judge: The court will wait for an answer. Kaffee: If Lt. Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? Colonel? Lt. Kendrick ordered the Code Red, didn't he, because that's what you told Lt. Kendrick to do! Ross: Object! Kaffee: And when it went bad, you cut these guys loose!-- Judge: Lt. Kaffee! Kaffee: You got Markinson to sign a phony transfer order! You doctored the log books! Ross: Dammit, Kaffee! Kaffee: You coerced the doctor! Judge: Consider yourself in contempt! Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, did you order the code red?! Judge: You don't have to answer that question! Jessep: I'll answer the question. You want answers? Kaffee: I think I'm entitled. Jessep: You want answers?! Kaffee: I want the truth! Jessep: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?! You, Lieutenant Weinberg?! I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall! You need me on that wall! We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said, "Thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to! Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red? Jessep: I did the job I was sent to do-- Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red?! Jessep: YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I DID!!! [stunned silence] Kaffee: Please the court, I suggest the members be dismissed, so that we can move to an immediate article 39A session. The witness has rights. Judge: Captain Ross? Kaffee: Jack? Ross: [nods head] Judge: The court members will retire to an anteroom until further instructed. MP: All rise! Jessep: What is this? I did my job, I'd do it again. I'm gonna get in a plane and go back to my base. Judge: You're not going anywhere, Colonel. MP's, guard the Colonel. MP: Yes, sir! Judge: Captain Ross. Ross: Colonel Jessep, you have the right to remain silent-- Jessep: What is this? I'm being charged with a crime? Is that what this is? I'm being charged with a crime? This is funny. That's what this is. This is-- [leaps towards Kaffee, MP's restrain him] I'm gonna rip the eyes out of your head and piss into your dead skull! You fucked with the wrong Marine! Ross: Colonel Jessep, do you understand these rights as I have just read them to you? Jessep: You fuckin' people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son. Kaffee: Don't call me son. I'm a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy. And you're under arrest, you son of a bitch. The witness is excused. Judge Randolph: All Rise! Have the court members reached a verdict? Member: We have, Sir. Judge: [reading the verdict] Lance Corporal Dawson, Private First Class Downey: On the charge of murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conspiracy to commit murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conduct unbecoming a United States Marine, the members find the accused guilty as charged. The accused are hereby sentenced to time already served, and you are ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps. This court martial is adjourned. Bailiff: All rise. Downey: What does that mean? Hal, what does that mean? I don’t understand. Colonel Jessup said he ordered the code red. Joanne: I know. Downey: Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red. What did we do wrong? Joanne: It's not that simple. Downey: What did we do wrong? We did nothing wrong! Hal: Yeah we did. We were supposed to fight for people who couldn't fight for themselves. We were supposed to fight for Willy. MP: Lt. Kaffee, I have to take these men over to personnel for some paperwork. [Hal and Downey walk away] Kaffee: Harold? Hal: Sir? Kaffee: You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor. Hal: Ten-hut! There's an officer on deck! [Hal walks off] Ross: Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez, what exactly were these guys going to testify to? Kaffee: Unless I’m mistaken, they were going to testify under oath that they had absolutely no recollection of anything. Ross: Strong witnesses. Kaffee: And handsome too, dontcha think? Ross: I'll see you around campus. I gotta go arrest Kendrick. Kaffee: Tell him I say hi. Ross: Will do. [edit] Cast

• Tom Cruise - Lt. Daniel Kaffee • Demi Moore - Lt. Com. Joanne Galloway • Jack Nicholson - Col. Nathan R. Jessep • Kevin Bacon - Capt. Jack Ross • Kiefer Sutherland - Lt. Jonathan Kendrick • J.T. Walsh - Lt. Col. Matthew Markinson • Kevin Pollak - Lt. Sam Weinberg • James Marshall - Pfc. Louden Downey • Matt Craven - Lt. Dave Spradling • Wolfgang Bodison - Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson • J.A. Preston - Judge Julius Alexander Randolph • Noah Wyle - Cpl. Jeffrey Barnes • Cuba Gooding Jr. - Cpl. Carl Hammaker • Xander Berkeley - Capt. Whitaker

The Silence of the Lambs

From Wikiquote Jump to: navigation, search The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 film about a young FBI trainee who is hunting a serial-murderer who skins and butchers his victims. To better understand the motives of the killer, she attempts to get inside his mind with the help of an imprisoned psychopath, with whom she plays a deadly psychological game of cat-and-mouse.

Directed by Jonathan Demme. Written by Thomas Harris and Ted Tally. To enter the mind of a killer she must challenge the mind of a madman. taglines Contents


• 1 Dr. Hannibal Lecter • 2 Clarice Starling • 3 Dr. Frederick Chilton • 4 Other • 5 Dialogue • 6 Taglines • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] Dr. Hannibal Lecter

• Good evening, Clarice.

• A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. [hisses]

• There are three major centers for transsexual surgery - Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota, and Columbus Medical Center.

• I've been in this room for eight years now Clarice. I know they will never, ever let me out while I'm alive. What I want is a view. I want a window where I can see a tree, or even water. I want to be in a federal institution, far away from Dr. Chilton.

• And don't lie Clarice, or I'll know.

• Advancement, of course. Listen carefully. Look deep within yourself, Clarice Starling. Go seek out Miss Mofet, an old patient of mine. M-o-f-e-t. Go now, I don't think Miggs could manage again quite so soon, even though he is crazy. [shouting] Go now!

• Ready when you are, Sergeant Pembry.

• People will say we're in love. • All good things to those who wait.

• Tell me, Clarice — have the lambs stopped screaming?

• You know what you look like with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube.

• You fly back to school now, little Starling. Fly, fly, fly. Fly, fly, fly.

• look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Billy wasn't born a killer, Clarice. Oh no, he was made one through years of systematic abuse. Our Billy hates his own identity you see, he always has and he thinks that makes him a transsexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying. He wants to be reborn you see. Our Billy wants to be reborn, Clarice. And he will be reborn. [edit] Clarice Starling

• Your anagrams are showing, Doctor. Louis Friend? Iron sulfide, also known as fool's gold?

• Hester Mofet. It's an anagram, isn't it, Doctor? Hester Mofet, "The rest of me". "Miss the rest of me," meaning that you rented that garage? [edit] Dr. Frederick Chilton

• Oh my, does he hate us. Thinks I'm his nemesis.

• You still think you're going to walk on some beach and see the birdies? I don't think so. I called Senator Ruth Martin. She never heard of any deal with you. They scammed you, Hannibal.

• [To Clarice] You know, we get a lot of detectives here, but I must say I can't ever remember one as attractive.

• We've tried to study him, of course, but he's much too sophisticated for the standard tests.

• Do not touch the glass. Do not approach the glass. You pass him nothing but soft paper — no pencils, no pens. No paper clips or staples in his paper. Use the sliding food carrier only, no exceptions. If he attempts to pass you anything, do not accept it. Do you understand? [edit] Other Miggs: I can smell your cunt. Miggs: I bit my wrists so I can diiiiie! Jack Crawford: Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head. Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb: [to a mirror] Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. Jame: [shouting] You don't know what pain is! Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb: Was she a great big fat person? [edit] Dialogue

Dr. Lecter: First principles, Clarice. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek? Clarice: He kills women... Dr. Lecter: No! That is incidental. What is the first and principal thing he does, what need does he serve by killing? Clarice: Anger, social resentment, sexual frustration... Dr. Lecter: No, he covets. That's his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer now. Clarice: No. We just... Dr. Lecter: No. We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want? Murray: Is it true what they're sayin', he's some kinda vampire? Clarice: They don't have a name for what he is. Dr. Lecter: Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say? Clarice: "He said, 'I can smell your cunt'." Dr. Lecter: I see. I myself cannot. You use Evyan skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps, but not today. Dr. Lecter: Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center. Sounds charming. Clarice: That's only part of the island. There's a very, very nice beach. Terns nest there. There's beautiful— Dr. Lecter: Terns? If I help you, Clarice, it will be "turns" for us too. Quid pro quo---I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no? [pause] Dr. Lecter: Yes or no, Clarice? Poor little Catherine is waiting. Clarice: Go, doctor. Ardelia: Is this Lecter's handwriting? "Clarice, doesn't this random scattering of sites seem desperately random — like the elaborations of a bad liar? Ta, Hannibal Lecter." Clarice: "Desperately random." What does he mean? Ardelia: Not random at all, maybe. Like there's some pattern here...? Clarice: But there is no pattern or the computers would've nailed it. They're even found in random order. Ardelia: Random because of the one girl. The one he weighted down. Clarice: Oh, Fredrica Bimmel, from... Belvedere, . First girl taken, third body found. Why? Ardelia: 'Cause she didn't drift. He weighted her down. Clarice: What did Lecter say about..."First principles"? Ardelia: Simplicity... Clarice: What does this guy do, he "covets". How do we first start to covet? Ardelia: "We covet what we see—" Clarice: "—every day." Ardelia: Hot damn, Clarice. Clarice: He knew her. Jame: It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told. Catherine: Mister... my family will pay cash. Whatever ransom you're askin' for, they pay it. Jame: It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. [to his dog, Precious] Jame: Yes, it will, Precious, won't it? It will get the hose! Catherine: Okay... okay... okay. Mister, if you let me go, I won't — I won't press charges I promise. See, my mom is a real important woman... I guess you already know that. Jame: Now it places the lotion in the basket. Catherine: Please! Please, I wanna go home! I wanna go home, please! Jame: It places the lotion in the basket. Catherine: I wanna see my mommy! Please, I wanna see my— Jame: Put the fucking lotion in the basket! reporter: Buffalo Bill's real name? Dr. Chilton: That is now a matter of record with the proper authorities. My name is Dr. Frederick Chilton. C-H-I-L-T-O-N... Clarice: Your name is? Jame: Oh, uh Jack Gordon. Clarice: Mr. Gordon, good, uh... well Frederica used to work for Mrs. Lippman. Did you know her? Jame: No, nuh-uh. Oh wait... was she a great big fat person? Clarice: Yeah she was a big girl, sir. Jame: Yeah, I may've... no I read about her in the newspaper. Um, Mrs. Lippman had a son though, maybe he could help you. I got his card in here someplace. Do you wanna come in while I look for it? Jame: Are you close to catching somebody you think? Clarice: Yes. We may be. Did you... take over this place after Mrs. Lippman died, is that right? Jame: Yeah I — I bought this house... two years ago. Clarice: [looking around] Did she leave any records? Any business records, tax forms, lists of employees? Jame: No, nothin' like that at all. Say, does the FBI learn somethin? The police around here don't seem to have the first clue. [Clarice notices a moth] Jame: ... I mean have you got like a description, fingerprints, anything like that? Clarice: No. No I don't. [Clarice unbuttons her gun holster] Jame: Oh, here's that number! Clarice: Very good, Mr. Gordon. May I use your phone please? Jame: [starts laughing] Sure you can use me phone. Clarice: [draws her gun] Freeze! Put your hands over your head and turn around! Spread your legs! Spread your legs! Put your hands in the back... thumbs up — FREEZE! [Jame runs off] Clarice: If you didn't kill him, then who did, sir? Dr. Lecter: Who can say. Best thing for him, really. His therapy was going nowhere. Dr. Lecter: You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition has given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed? Pure West Virginia. What's your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamp? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the FBI. Clarice: You see a lot doctor. But can you point that high-powered perception at yourself. What about it? Why don't you-- why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see... Or maybe you're afraid to. Dr. Lecter: Jack Crawford is helping your career isn't he? Apparently he likes you and you like him too. Clarice: I never thought about it. Dr. Lecter: Do you think that Jack Crawford wants you sexually? True, he is much older but do you think he visualizes scenarios, exchanges, fucking you? Clarice: That doesn't interest me Doctor and frankly, it's... it's the sort of thing that Miggs would say. Dr. Lecter: Not anymore. Dr. Lecter: Tell me, Senator: did you nurse Catherine yourself? Senator Ruth Martin: What? Dr. Lecter: Did you breast-feed her? Krendler: Now wait a minute... Sen. Martin: Yes, I did. Dr. Lecter: Toughened your nipples, didn't it? Krendler: You son of a bitch! Dr. Lecter: Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, ma'am, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you? Sen. Martin: Take this... thing back to ! Dr. Lecter: Five foot ten, strongly built, about a hundred and eighty pounds; hair blonde, eyes pale blue. He'd be about thirty-five now. He said he lived in , but may have lied. That's all I can remember Mom, but if I think of any more, I will let you know. Oh, and Senator, just one more thing: love your suit! Dr. Chilton: What you are doing, Miss Starling is coming into my hospital to conduct an interview, and refusing to share information with me, for the third time. Clarice: Sir, I told you, this is just a routine follow-up on the Raspail case. Dr. Chilton: He is my patient. I have rights. Clarice: I understand that, Sir. Dr. Chilton: Look, I am not just some turn-key, Miss Starling. Clarice: This is the number for the US attorney's office. Please, either you discuss this with him or you let me do my job, understand? Dr. Chilton: I am going to show you why we insist on such precautions. On the evening of July 8th, 1981, he complained of chest pains and was taken to the dispensary. His mouthpiece and restraints were removed for an EKG. When the nurse leaned over him, he did this to her.

[pulls out photo]

Dr. Chilton: The doctors managed to reset her jaw more or less. Saved one of her eyes. His pulse never got above 85, even when he ate her tongue. Dr. Lecter: Why do you think he removes their skins, Agent Starling? Enthrall me with your acumen. Clarice: It excites him. Most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from their victims. Dr. Lecter: I didn't. Clarice: No. No, you ate yours. Murray: [assessing the mutilated "Sergeant Pembry"] He's alive. Sergeant Tate, he's alive ! Sgt. Tate: Get a hold of him more and feel his hand son, talk to him. Murray: What do I say? Sgt. Tate: It's Jim Pembry now talk to him dammit! Jack Crawford: I remember you from my seminar at UVA. You grilled me pretty hard, as I recall, on the bureau's civil rights record in the Hoover years. I gave you an A. Clarice: A-minus, Sir. Jack: Just do your job, but never forget what he is. Clarice: And what is that? [cut to Clarice's first trip to the psychiatric prison] Dr. Chilton: Oh, he's a monster. Pure psychopath. So rare to capture one alive. From a research point of view, Lecter is our most prized asset. Dr. Chilton: Crawford is very clever, isn't he, using you? Clarice: What do you mean, sir? Dr. Chilton: A pretty young woman to turn him on. I don't believe Lecter's even seen a woman in eight years. And oh, are you ever his taste. So to speak. Roden: Sphingid ceratonia, maybe. [cuts open cocoon] Agent Starling, meet Mr. Acherontia styx. Pilcher: Weird. Roden: Better known to his friends as the Death's-head moth. Clarice: He won't come after me. Ardelia: Oh really. How do you know? Clarice: He won't. I can't explain it... he — he would consider that rude. Clarice: Where are you, Dr. Lecter? Dr. Lecter: I've no plans to call on you, Clarice. The world is more interesting with you in it. Clarice: Did you do those drawings, Doctor? Dr. Lecter: Ah. That is the Duomo seen from the Belvedere. You know Florence? Clarice: All that detail just from memory? Dr. Lecter: Memory, Agent Starling, is what I have instead of a view. Dr. Lecter: [shouts] No! [normal voice] I will listen now. After your father's murder, you were orphaned. You were ten years old. You went to live with cousins on a sheep and horse ranch in Montana. And...? Clarice: [tears begin forming in her eyes] And one morning, I just ran away. Dr. Lecter: Not "just", Clarice. What set you off? You started at what time? Clarice: Early, still dark. Dr. Lecter: Then something woke you, didn't it? Was it a dream? What was it? Clarice: I heard a strange noise. Dr. Lecter: What was it? Clarice: It was... screaming. Some kind of screaming, like a child's voice. Dr. Lecter: What did you do? Clarice: I went downstairs, outside. I crept up into the barn. I was so scared to look inside, but I had to. Dr. Lecter: And what did you see, Clarice? What did you see? Clarice: Lambs. And they were screaming. Dr. Lecter: They were slaughtering the spring lambs? Clarice: And they were screaming. Dr. Lecter: And you ran away? Clarice: No. First I tried to free them. I... I opened the gate to their pen, but they wouldn't run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn't run. Dr. Lecter: But you could and you did, didn't you? Clarice: Yes. I took one lamb, and I ran away as fast as I could. Dr. Lecter: Where were you going, Clarice? Clarice: I don't know. I didn't have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought, I thought if I could save just one, but... he was so heavy. So heavy. I didn't get more than a few miles when the sheriff's car picked me up. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again. Dr. Lecter: What became of your lamb, Clarice? Clarice: They killed him. Dr. Lecter: You still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs. Clarice: Yes. Dr. Lecter: And you think if you save poor Catherine, you could make them stop, don't you? You think if Catherine lives, you won't wake up in the dark ever again to that awful screaming of the lambs. Clarice: I don't know. I don't know. Dr. Lecter: Thank you, Clarice. Thank you. Clarice: Tell me his name, Doctor. Dr. Lecter: ...... Dr. Chilton, I presume. I think you know each other. Dr. Chilton: Okay. Let's go. Clarice: It's your turn, Doctor. Dr. Chilton: Out! Clarice: Tell me his name! Boyle: I'm sorry, ma'am. We've got orders. We have to put you on a plane. Come on, now.

[Chilton and the guards start leading Clarice out]

Dr. Lecter: Brave Clarice. You will let me know when those lambs stop screaming, won't you? Clarice: Tell me his name, Doctor! Dr. Lecter: Clarice, your case file. Goodbye, Clarice. [Last lines] Dr. Lecter: [on telephone] Well Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming? Clarice: Dr. Lecter? Dr. Lecter: Don't bother with a trace, I won't be on long enough. Clarice: Where are you? Dr. Lecter: I have no plans to call on you, Clarice. The world's much more interesting with you in it. So you take care now to extend me the same courtesy. Clarice: You know I can't make that promise. Dr. Lecter: I do wish we could chat longer, but... [eyeing Dr. Chilton] I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye. Clarice: Dr. Lecter?... Dr. Lecter?... Dr. Lecter?... Dr. Lecter?... [edit] Taglines

• Prepare yourself for the most exciting, mesmerising and terrifying two hours of your life!

• May The Silence Be Broken!!

• Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Brilliant. Cunning. Psychotic. In his mind lies the clue to a ruthless killer. — Clarice Starling, FBI. Brilliant. Vulnerable. Alone. She must trust him to stop the killer. [edit] Cast

• Anthony Hopkins — Dr. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter • Jodie Foster — Clarice Starling • Anthony Heald — Dr. Frederick Chilton • Kasi Lemmons — Ardelia Mapp • Ted Levine — Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb • Scott Glenn — Jack Crawford • Diane Baker — Senator Ruth Martin

The Departed

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The Departed is a 2006 film that follows three men: a crooked cop, the Irish mafia boss he works for, and a straight cop that goes undercover to reveal them both. Based in , this film covers the lies the two cops tell and the struggles they have keeping themselves afloat.

Directed by Martin Scorsese. Written by William Monahan. Lies. Betrayal. Sacrifice. How far will you take it? #taglines



• 1 Billy Costigan • 2 Colin Sullivan • 3 Frank Costello • 4 Dignam • 5 Ellerby • 6 Others • 7 Dialogue • 8 Taglines • 9 Cast

• 10 External Links [edit] Billy Costigan • [about Costello] You want him to chop me up and feed me to the poor? Is that what you want?

• There's a leak from the inside! It's real! Smoke him out!

• [to Costello] You accuse me once, I put up with it. You accuse me twice... I quit. You pressure me to fear for my life and I will put a fucking bullet in your head as if you were anybody else. Okay?

• "Get to da Choppah! Auughh!" [edit] Colin Sullivan

• I can't wait to see you explain this one to a fucking Suffolk County jury you fucking cocksucker. This is gonna be fucking fun!

• [to Madolyn] If we're not gonna make it, it's gotta be you that gets out, cause I'm not capable. I'm fucking Irish, I'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life.

• You got a nice suit at home or do you like coming to work everyday dressed like you're goin' to invade Poland?

• Fuck you, fuckin' queers. Fucking firemen gettin' pussy for the first time in the history of fire or pussy. Go save a cat from a tree, you fucking homos. [edit] Frank Costello

• I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. Years ago we had the church. That was only a way of saying - we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city. Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in peace. That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's this - no one gives it to you. You have to take it.

• When you decide to be something, you can be it. That's what they don't tell you in the church. When I was your age they would say we can become cops, or criminals. Today, what I'm saying to you is this: when you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?

• No one gives it to you. You have to take it.

• No ticky, no laundry. • Heavy lies the crown.

• In this country you don't add inches to your dick; you'll get a life sentence for it.

• One of us had to die. With me, it tends to be the other guy.

• You get your period yet, Carmen?

• You want some coke? There it is. Don't move till you're numb.

• In this archdiocese, God don't run the bingo.

• Don't laugh! This ain't reality TV! [edit] Dignam

• If a person like you knew what we did, we would be nothing. We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts?

• My theory on feds is that they're like mushrooms. Feed 'em shit and keep 'em in the dark.

• [after Costigan has quoted Nathaniel Hawthorne] Pfft! What's the matter, smartass, you don't know any fuckin' Shakespeare?

• What's a lace curtain motherfucker like you doing in the Staties?

• I can't wait to wipe that fucking smirk right off of your face.

• I'm the guy that does his job. You must be the other guy. [edit] Ellerby

• [to Costigan] This unit is new, and you are the newest members of it. You have been selected from the basis of intelligence and aptitude. This is an elite unit. Our job is to smash, or marginally disrupt, organized crime in the city by enhanced cooperation of the FBI, represented here today by Frank Lazio. And we will do it. By organized crime in the city, you know who we mean - that's Jackie Costigan, that's an old picture. Jackie met his demise. Last known photograph. Costello uses three key guys: that's Fitzy - off-the-boat psycho who lives with his mother, who's straight out of . Delahunt - muscle. French - the number one. But of course the rock star - you know who. We've done a briefing. Books, so read up. I want any and all ideas so I can pass them off as my own. Work hard, you'll rise fast. You're in the best possible position in the department. Let's go to work. • You have an immaculate record. Some guys don't trust an immaculate record. I do. I have an immaculate record.

• I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, do ya, right? What are ya, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself.

• We're not here to solve the case of the missing scumbag, we're here to nail Costello. [edit] Others

• Madolyn: And I thought that I was the liar in this relationship!

• Kneecapped Bankrobber: [after being shot in the knee] I thought you were supposed to go into shock! I'm not in shock! It fuckin' hurts!

• Mr. French: There's guys you can hit and guys you can't hit. Now he's not a guy you can't hit, but he's pretty close to a guy you can't hit.

• Pakistani Proprietor: What's wrong with this fucking country? Everybody hates everybody! [edit] Dialogue

Costello: You do well in school? Young Colin: Yeah Costello: Good. So did I. That's what you call a paradox. Costello: Church wants you on your place. Kneel, stand, kneel, stand. If you go for that sort of thing, I don't know what to do for you. A man makes his own way. No one gives it to you. You have to take it. "Non serviam." Young Colin: James Joyce. Costello: Smart, Colin. Guineas from the north and down Providence try to tell me what to do. And, uh, something maybe happen to them. Maybe, uh, like that. Uncle Ed: What's this I hear from Stephanie about you becoming a policeman? Costigan: You mean Stephanie, who was the only one who came to my father's funeral? That Stephanie? Uncle Ed: Yeah, that Stepanie. Costigan: Nothing much to it, Uncle Edward. Uncle Ed: Are you trying to prove something to the family? Costigan: When you say "the family," who do mean exactly? You? Uncle Ed: You always have to question everything, don't you? Costigan: Maybe it would have done you some good to have some questions from time to time, you know? "Am I an asshole? Are my kids a mess? Is my wife a money-grubbing whore?" I mean, those are questions, right? "Have I ever been good to my dying sister or am I just now pretending to be?" Uncle Ed: Do you need some money for the funeral? Costigan: When my mother dies, we don't have any more connection. Costello: Good day, father. Older Priest: Good day, Francis. Costello: You recall our chat? Little boys. Sucking on their peckers, etc... and so forth. I am as God made me. Is that your rationale? May I remind you - in this archdiocese, God don't run the bingo. Young Priest: May I remind you - that pride comes before the fall. Costello: How's Sister Mary Teresa doing? Had a tasty relationship before she took her vows. [Costello hands the priests a nude drawing of the nun] Costello: Enjoy your clams, cocksuckers. Ellerby: Go fuck yourself. Dignam: I'm tired from fucking your wife. Ellerby: How is your mother? Dignam: Good, she's tired from fucking my father. Ellerby: [on getting married] Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you're not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think, "At least somebody can stand the son of a bitch." Ladies see the ring, they know immediately that you must have some cash, and your cock must work. Sullivan: Yeah, it's workin'. Overtime! Queenan: You work hard. You rise fast. Dignam: Yeah, like a twelve year-old's dick. Technician: Who the fuck are you? Dignam: I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy. [Brown is telling Billy why he signed up for the police] Brown: So after I finish this course, I'll get a blowjob again! Costigan: That's great. Your mom sounds like a really great person. Brown: Fuck you. Queenan: Congratulations on passing the detectives' exam, and welcome to the Special Investigation Unit. Dignam: Whoop-de-fucken-do. Queenan: Do you have any idea what we do in our department? Costigan: As a matter of fact, I do. I... Dignam: Let's say you have no idea, zero, none. If you had an idea about we do we wouldn't be good at what we do now would we? We would be cunts, you callin' us cunts? Costigan: Listen, listen. I got like, like thirty thousand bucks, right? Insurance money. You know, after my mother passed and everything? Cousin Sean: Yeah, yeah. Costigan: In your line of work, if I gave you like what, ten thousand, what could I get back? Cousin Sean: You know... you know what you usually say at these moments? Costigan: What? What? 'Cousin Sean: C'mon, man. Costigan: Aw, come on, you fucking moron. Come on. What, you want me to say it? Huh? I'm not a cop, alright? I'm your fucking cousin. Cousin Sean: Yeah, you're bad! You corrupt fuck, man! You must be my cousin. Costigan: Hey, you fellas come from Providence? Providence Gangster #2: Isn't any of your business where we come from, is it, now? Costigan: Fuckin' delivering cannolis or something? Costello: [about Costigan] Do you trust him? Mr. French: Well these days, who's reliable? Costello: His uncle Jackie was. Yeah, you can't trust a guy acts like he's got nothing to lose. Mr. French: I'm reliable. Costello: Arnold, you're one in a million. Mr. French: Ten. Ten million. Costello: What about your wife, Arnold? Mr. French: Well, I thought she was. Costello: [laughing] She wasn't! Mr. French: Well, she got reliable. [flashback showing French strangling his wife] Costello: I'm going to have my associate search you. Costigan: No, no one's fucking searching me. Searching me for what? Costello: Contra-fucking-band. Take your shoes off. [French slams Costigan into a chair] Mr. French: Shoes. Costello: [to Costigan] I knew your father. Costigan: Yeah? You know he's dead? Costello: Oh, sorry. How'd he go? Costigan: He didn't complain. Costello: Yeah, that was his problem. Costigan: Who said he had a problem? Costello: I just said he had a fucking problem. There's a man who could have been anything. Costigan: Are you trying to say he was nothing? [French slams Costigan onto a pool table and continues his search] Costello: I'm saying he worked at the airport. Costello: Arm. [French directs Costigan to a pool table, making him hold out his casted arm] Mr. French: Show me your arm. Flip it. mmhmmm, mmhmmm... [French slams Costigan's arm on the table until the cast breaks, while Costigan screams in pain] Costello: It makes me curious to see you in this neighborhood. And if I can slander my own environment, it makes me sad. This, uh, regression. Plus, I don't know if it's beyond some fucking cop prick like Queenan to pull you out of the Staties and send you gift-wrapped to me. I just can't know. I wonder what they do in that particular department, anyway. [Costello slams on Costigan's broken arm with Costigan's boot] Costello: [yelling] Are you still a cop? Costigan: [in severe pain] No! [Costello whacks his arm again] Costello: [yelling] Swear on your mother's grave you're still not a cop? Costigan: I'm not a fucking cop! [Costello whacks his arm again, this time re-breaking it] Costello: [yelling] Are you going to stop doing coke deals with your jerk-off fucking cousin? Costigan: Yes, yes, yes! Costello: Alright, alright. You're okay, you'll be alright. Get your hand taken care of. [Costello throws down some money] Costello: I'm sorry, but it was necessary. As for our problem with Providence - let's not cry over some spilled guineas. Costello: Have a seat, Bill. [Costigan sits down at Costello's dinner table] Costello: [while eating crab] Do you know John Lennon? Costigan: Yeah, sure, he was the president before Lincoln. Costello: Lennon said, "I'm an artist. You give me a fucking tuba, I'll get you something out of it." Costigan: Well, I tell you Mr. Costello, I'd like to squeeze some fucking money out of it. Costello: Smart mouth. Too bad. If you'll indulge me...... Costello: The point I'm making with John Lennon is - a man could look at anything, and make something out of it. For instance, I look at you and I think "what could I use you for?" Costello: How's your mother? Man in Bar: She's on her way out. Costello: We all are, act accordingly. Costello: You know, if your father were alive, and saw you here sitting with me, let's say he would have a word with me about this. In fact, he'd kill seven guys just to cut my throat, and he could do it. That's maybe something you don't know about William Costigan, Sr. Costigan: So he never? I mean, never? Costello: No. He kept his own counsel. He never wanted money. You can't do anything with a man like that. Your Uncle Jackie - he also would kill my entire fucking family if he saw me here with you. And I think about this. Costigan: [confused] So what the fuck are we talking about here? Costello: Did you ever think about going back to school? Costigan: School? [laughs] All due respect Mr. Costello, school is out. Costello: Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up. Costello: [slaps cockroach] You know what I like about restaurants? Costigan: The fucking food. I don't know, what? Costello: You can learn a lot, watching things eat. [licks cockroach off palm] Madolyn: Here, this is my card. Sullivan: Nah, I don't need that. I'm a detective. I'll find you. [elevator door begins to close; Colin reaches out] 'Sullivan: No, I'm just kidding, I need the card. Lazio: Do you have anyone in with Costello presently? Dignam: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself. Sullivan: [Dignam won't let Sullivan past] Problem? Dignam: Yeah, I got a problem. I run rat fucks like you, okay? I don't like 'em. Sullivan: The day you wouldn't take a promotion, let me know. And if you'd taken care of this, I wouldn't even be here. Dignam: Fuck yourself, you piece of shit. Sullivan: And I need the identities of your undercovers. Dignam: Blow me. Not literally, though, unfortunately there's no promotion involved. Sullivan: [Fighting] What the fuck? Dignam: You motherfucker! Cocksucker! Sullivan: What the fuck did you say you cocksucker? What the fuck did you fucking say? Dignam: Your mother's cunt! Your mother's cunt! Queenan: All cell phone signals are under surveillance, due to the courtesy of our Federal friends over there. Ellerby: Patriot Act, Patriot Act! I love it, I love it, I love it! Madolyn: What do you expect coming in here? Costigan: I have to come here. Madolyn: I know you have to come here, but now that you're here, what do you want? Costigan: You want the truth? Valium. Madolyn: You know if you lied, you would have an easier time getting what you wanted. Costigan: What does that say about what you do for a living? Madolyn: I just think we should have a few more meetings before we even talk about prescriptions. Costigan: Look... look, I'm having panic attacks, alright? The other night I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. I puked in a trash barrel on the way over here. I haven't slept for fucking weeks. Madolyn: Is that true? Costigan: Yeah, that's true. Alright? I said it was fucking true. I want some fucking pills and you're gonna what? You're gonna close my file? Is that what you're going to do? Madolyn: No, I didn't close your file. I... Costigan: I thought I was supposed to tell the truth here, if only fucking here! Madolyn: You are! You are! Costigan: Christ. I mean, a guy comes in here against every, every instinct of privacy and self-reliance he has and what do you do? What do you do, huh? You send him off on the street to score smack, is that what you do? You're fucking ridiculous! [Madolyn hands Costigan some Valium] Costigan: [picking up the pills] Two pills? Great. Why don't you just give me a bottle of scotch and a handgun to blow my fucking head off! Are we done here with this psychiatry bullshit? Madolyn: You know what? You can leave! Costigan: What the fuck did I just put myself through? I'm fucking out of here. And what if that was a legitimate threat? Think about it, fucking hotshot! Costello: [about Madolyn] Do you like little miss Freud sucking on your cock? Sullivan: Yes... yes, I do. [Upon learning the Police have found Delahunt's body and that he was a cop] Fitzy: I don't believe it. Mr. French: What can't you believe? Fitzy: I spent all fucking night dragging the poor bastard in there. Tell me how they find him so fast? Somebody walking a fucking dog ? What fucking size a dog is that? Has to be a big fucking dog, man. I spent all night doing it man. [pause, Frank stares at him] Fitzy: I'm embarrassed. I still don't believe he was a cop, I don't believe it. Costello: The COPS... are saying he's a cop... so I won't look for the cop. Are you soft, Fitz? When I tell you... to dump a body in the marsh, you dump him IN the marsh. Not where some guy from John Hancock goes every Thursday, TO GET A FUCKING BLOWJOB! [Fitzy laughs, Frank hits him] Costello: Don't laugh! This ain't Reality TV! Costello: Jeez. She fell funny. [chuckles at the dead bodies] Mr. French: Francis, you really should see somebody. [Costello meets with Sullivan in a porn theater, surprising him with a dildo] Sullivan: Frank? What the fuck is wrong with you? Costello: [laughing] See anything you like, Colin? Sullivan: I almost fucking shot you! Costello: You're not indulging in self-abuse, are you? I hope you're not turning into one of them sob sisters who wants to get caught. You're not cracking up, are you? Sullivan: I don't crack up. Costello: Picking a place like this, where any cop can see you. Jesus. Sullivan: If it was such a fucking bad idea, why'd you show up? Costello: [turning to face Sullivan] I own the place. Sullivan: Look, I gotta tell you... Costello: You're getting re-assigned. I know. Sullivan: How the fuck do you know that? Costello: Where'd they put you? Sullivan: Hey Frank, I gotta find myself. Costello: You're telling me, sonny boy. Sullivan: I gotta find the guy you got in the department. Costello: With everybody looking up their own ass, and you looking for yourself, I'd put my money on nobody finds nothing. Sullivan: I know, but Frank - look, for me, you gotta lay low. Right now. Costello: Colin, laying low is not what I do. Sullivan: Okay, fucking big daddy Frank. Fucking perfect. But what good am I to you if you don't listen to me? Sullivan: Alright, Frank... I need you to get me names, social security numbers and all that... Costello: Give you? Give you? Who the fuck do you think you are working for? Sullivan: I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Costello: I'm just fucking with you. But, you better get organized. Sullivan: I can get the rat. You just gotta let me do it my way, Frank. Costello: Okay. [hands Sullivan "Citizens Trust" envelope] Costello: But Colin - I hope I don't have to remind you that if you don't find that cheese-eating rat bastard in your department, most likely it won't be me who suffers for it. Sullivan: Now why would you have to remind me of that? Would I be any good at what I do if I didn't fucking already know that? Frank, you gotta trust me. Alright, just trust me Frank. Hey, it fucking involves lying and I'm pretty fucking good at that. Right? Costello: Maybe because it's always been so easy for me to get cunt, that I never understood jacking off in a theater. Costigan: Don't you fucking threaten me! Dignam: You may play a tough guy for your gangster friends, but you don't get nothing past me, you lace-curtain Irish fucking pussy! Costigan: [Punches Dignam] You motherfucker! '[Colin confronts Billy on the rooftop] Costigan: FREEZE! [points gun at Colin] Sullivan: Hey! Hey! Hey! Costigan: Put your fucking hands up! Sullivan: Put the fucking gun down! Put the gun... put the gun down, alright? I came here to talk some sense into you! Costigan: Hands! Sullivan: Alright! Just act professional. I can get you your money! Costigan: What'd you say? Sullivan: I can get you your MONEY! [Billy pistol whips Colin, knocking him to the ground] Costigan: You didn't come here to talk, alright. You came here to get arrested! Sullivan: You got fucking tapes... of what? Costello was 'my' informant. I was a rat? FUCK YOU! Prove it! He was working for me, he was 'my' informant. Costigan: Shut your fucking mouth. Come on, GET UP! Sullivan: Whoa, what is this? A citizens arrest? Blow me! Alright. Only one of us is a cop here Bill! You understand that Bill! No one knows who you fucking are! Costigan: WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! Sullivan: I'm a Sergeant in the Massachusetts State Police! Who the fuck are you? I erased you! [Billy slams Colin onto the building] Costigan: You erased me, huh? [Points his gun to Colin's head] Sullivan: Yeah! Go ahead. Shoot a cop, Einstein. Watch what happens! Costigan: WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IS THIS BULLET WOULD RIGHT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD! Sullivan: Watch what happens! Costigan: What, so you can get the parade, huh? The bagpipes and bullshit. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I'M FUCKING ARRESTING YOU! Sullivan: That is the stupidest thing you could do! [Billy punches him three times] Costigan: SHUT THE FUCK UP! [Sullivan falls to the ground] Costigan: I could give a fuck if the charges don't stick... I'm still fucking arresting you. Sullivan: [Dazed] Shit. Sullivan: You're an FBI informant? Are you fucking kidding me? Costello: Grow up! [laughing] Of course I talked to the FBI. Sullivan: Do they know who I am? Costello: I... I never gave up anybody... who wasn't going down anyway. Nobody knows nothin'. Sullivan: Frank... Frank. Do they know about me? Costello: I know about you, Colin. You know I'd never give you up. You're like a... Sullivan: What, like a son? To you? Is that what this is about? All that murderin'... and fuckin'... and no sons? [They shoot at each other] [edit] Taglines

• Lies. Betrayal. Sacrifice. How far will you take it? • Underhanded • Undercover • Unrestrained • Cops or Criminals. When you're facing a loaded gun what's the difference? [edit] Cast

• Leonardo DiCaprio - Billy Costigan • Matt Damon - Colin Sullivan • Jack Nicholson - Frank Costello • Mark Wahlberg - Dignam • Martin Sheen - Oliver Queenan • Ray Winstone - Mr. French • Vera Farmiga - Madolyn • Anthony Anderson - Brown • Alec Baldwin - Ellerby • Kevin Corrigan - Cousin Sean


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Braveheart is a 1995 film that was loosely based on the life of William Wallace, a 14th century Scottish hero. The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1995.

Directed by Mel Gibson and written by Randall Wallace. Every man dies, not every man really lives. taglines



• 1 William Wallace • 2 Stephen • 3 Edward Longshanks • 4 Robert the Bruce • 5 Argyle Wallace • 6 Others • 7 Dialogue • 8 Taglines • 9 Cast

• 10 External links [edit] William Wallace

Actual non-fictional quotations are available at William Wallace

• Oh, it's perfect Scottish weather, madam. The rain is fallin' straight down, well slightly to the side like.

• Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.

• I'm so afraid. Lord, give me the strength to die well.

• [ending narration] In the year of our Lord, 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom. [edit] Stephen

• [after killing a would-be assassin] Sure didn't the Almighty send me to watch your back? I didn't like him anyway. He wasn't right in the head.

• The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people.

• The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.

• In order to speak to his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God. [edit] Edward Longshanks

• Scotland, my land. The French will grovel to anyone with strength, but how will they believe our strength when we can not rule the whole of our own island?

• [to Prince Edward] In the morning, I depart for France to press our rights there, and I leave you here to quell this little rebellion, understood? Is it? One day you will be a king. At least try to act like one. • I heard word in France where I was fighting to expand your future kingdom. The word, my son, is that our entire Northern Army is completely annihilated.

• Who is this person that speaks to me as though I needed his advice?

• I shall offer a truce and buy him off. But who will go to him? Not I, huh, if I fell under the sword of that murderer that might be my head in a basket. And not my gentle son. The mere sight of him would only encourage the enemy to take over the whole country. So who do I send? Whom do I send?

• Not the archers. My scouts tell me their archers are miles away and no threat to us. Arrows cost money. Use up the Irish. Their dead cost nothing.

• Bring me Wallace. Alive if possible, dead... just as good. [edit] Robert the Bruce

• [voiceover] I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say that I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes. The King of Scotland had died without a son, and the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, claimed the throne for himself. Scotland’s nobles fought him, and fought each other, over the crown. So Longshanks invited them to talks of truce. No weapons, one page only. Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, a commoner, with his own lands. He had two sons: John and William.

• [voiceover] Many years later, Edward the Longshanks, King of England, supervised the wedding of his eldest son, who would succeed him to the thrown. As bride for his son, Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival, the King of France. It was widely whispered that for the princess to conceive, Longshanks would have to do the honors himself. That may have been what he had in mind all along.

• [voiceover] After the beheading, William Wallace's body was torn to pieces. His head was set on London bridge. His arms and legs, sent to the four corners of Britain as warning. It did not have the effect that Longshanks planned. And I, Robert the Bruce, rode out to pay homage to the armies of the English King, and accept his endorsement of my crown.

• You have bled with Wallace, now bleed with me. [edit] Argyle Wallace

• They are saying goodbye in their own way. Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes. It was the same for me and your daddy, when our father was killed. • First, learn to you this [Points at his head]'. Then I will teach you to use this [holds up a sword]. [edit] Others

• Uncle Argyle: William, I am your uncle, Argyle. You have the look of your mother.

• Malcolm Wallace: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.

• Hamish: I should have remembered the rocks.

• Campbell: [after his wound is cauterized] That'll wake you up in the mornin' boy!

• Campbell: [to Hamish] I've lived long enough to live free; proud to see you become the man you are. I'm a happy man.

• Nicolette: [to Isabelle, in French] I hope your husband goes to Scotland and meets Wallace and then you'll be a widow.

• Soldier: I can't hear, but it doesn't look good. The nobles will negotiate. If they do a deal, then we go home. And if not, we charge.

• Robert Bruce, Sr.: I know it is hard. Being a leader is. Now son, son, look at me. I can not be king. You, and you alone can rule Scotland. What I tell you, you must do. Not for me, not for yourself, but for your country.

• Craig: An oath to a liar is no oath at all.

• Princess Isabelle: The king will be dead in a month and his son is a weakling. Who do you think is going to rule this kingdom?

• English Commander: I hope you washed your ass this morning, it's about to be kissed by a king. [edit] Dialogue

MacClannough: Every nobleman who had the will to fight was at that meeting. We can not beat an army. Malcolm: We do not have to defeat them. Just fight them. Now who's with me? Malcolm: Where do you think you're going? Young William: I'm going with you. Malcolm: Oh, you're going with, hey? And what are you going to do? Young William: I'm gonna help. Malcolm: Hey, and a good help you'd be, too. But I need you to stay here and look after the place for me while I'm away. Young William: I can fight! Malcolm: I know you can fight, but it's our wits that make us men. I'll see you tomorrow. Argyle: We'll stay here tonight. Tomorrow you'll come home with me. Young William: I don't want to leave. Argyle: You didn't want your father to die either, did ya? But it happened. Did the priest give a poetic benediction? "The Lord bless thee and keep thee..." Young William: It was in Latin. Argyle: You don't speak Latin? Eh, then that is something we shall have to remedy, isn't it? Longshanks: Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. Grant our nobles lands in the north. Give their nobles estates here in England, and make them too greedy to oppose us. Advisor: But sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. New lands mean new taxes, and they are already taxed for the war in France. Longshanks: Are they? Are they? The trouble with Scotland is that it's full of Scots. Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. If we can't get them out, we breed them out. That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, taxes or no taxes. Advisor: A most excellent idea, sire. Longshanks: Is it? William: You dropped your rock. Hamish: Test of manhood. William: You win. Hamish: Call it a test of soldiery, then. The English won't let us train with weapons, so we train with stones. William: Well, a test of a soldier is not in his arm, it's here [points to his head]. Hamish: No, it's here [points to his fist, then punches William] William: Are you in the habit of riding off in the rain with strangers? Murron: It was the best way to make you leave. William: Well, if I can ever work up the courage to ask you again, I'll send you a written warning first. Murron: 'O it wouldn't do you much good. I can't read. William: Can you not? Murron: No. William: Well that's something we shall have to remedy, isn't it? Murron: You're going to teach me to read, then? William: Aye, if you like. Murron: Aye. William: In what language? Murron: Are you showing off now? William: That's right. Are you impressed yet? Murron: No. Why, should I be? William: [in French] Yes. Because every single day I thought about you. Murron: Do that standing on your head and I'll be impressed. William: My kilt may fly up but I'll try. Murron: You certainly didn't learn any manners on your travels. William: I'm afraid the Romans have far worse manners than I. Murron: You've been to Rome? William: Aye, my uncle took me on a pilgrimage. Murron: What was it like? William: [in French] Not nearly as beautiful as you. Murron: What does that mean? William: Beautiful. But I belong here. William: Sir, I know it was strange of me to invite Murron to ride last night, but I assure you I-- Campbell: MacClannough's daughter is another matter. I've come to fetch you to a meeting. William: What kind of meeting? Campbell: The secret kind. MacClannough: Your meetings are a waste of time, Campbell. Campbell: Your father was a fighter, and a patriot. William: I know who my father was. I came back home to raise crops, and God willing a family. If I can live in peace, I will. MacClannough: You say you want to stay out of the troubles? William: Aye. MacClannough: If you can prove it, you may court my daughter. Until you prove it, my answer is no. William: No? MacClannough: No Wallace, no. William: Didn't I just prove it? MacClannough: No. William: Of course, running a farm is a lot of work, but that will all change when my sons arrive. Murron: So, you've got children? William: No, but I was hoping you could help me with that. Murron: So, you want me to marry you then? William: Well, that's a bit sudden but alright. Murron : Is that what you call a proposal? William: I love you, always have. I want to marry you. [she kisses him] William: Is that a yes? Murron: Aye, that's a yes. [Murron is tied to a post about to be executed] Magistrate: All of you know full well, the great pains I have always taken never to be too strict, too rigid with the application of our laws, and as a consequence, have we not learned to live together in relative peace and harmony, huh? And this day's lawlessness is how you repay my leniency. Well you leave me with little choice. An assault on the king's soldiers is the same as an assault on the king himself. [He slits Murron's throat] Magistrate: Now, let this scrapper come to me. Robert the Bruce: A rebellion has begun. Robert Bruce, Sr.: Under whom? Robert the Bruce: A commoner named William Wallace. Robert Bruce Sr.: We will embrace this rebellion. You will support it from our lands in the north. I will gain English favor by condemning it, and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south. Sit down. Stay a while. Robert the Bruce: This Wallace, he doesn't even have a knighthood, but he fights with passion and he inspires. Robert Bruce, Sr.: And you wish to charge off and fight as he did. So would I. Robert the Bruce: Well, maybe it's time. Robert Bruce, Sr.: It is time to survive. You're the 17th Robert Bruce. The 16 before you passed you land and title because they didn't charge in. Call a meeting of the nobles. Robert the Bruce: But they do nothing but talk. Robert Bruce, Sr.: Rightly so. They're as rich in English titles and lands as they are in Scottish, just as we are. Admire this man, this William Wallace. Uncompromising men are easy to admire. He has courage, so does a dog. But it is exactly the ability to compromise that makes a man noble. And understand this: Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit in the thrown of England. And none of us, and nothing of Scotland will remain, unless we are as ruthless. Give in to our nobles. Knowing their minds is the key to the throne. Nicolette: Scotland is in chaos. Your husband is secretly sending an army north. Isabelle: How do you know this? Nicolette: Last night I slept with a member of the War Council. Isabelle: He shouldn't be telling secrets in bed. Nicolette: Ah, yes. Englishmen don't know what a tongue is for. Isabella: Ah. This Scottish rebel, Wallace. He fights to avenge a woman? Nicolette: I nearly forgot. A magistrate wished to capture him, and found he had a secret lover. So he cut the girl's throat to tempt Wallace to fight, and fight he did. Knowing his passion for his lost love, they next plotted to take him by desecrating the graves of his father and brother, and setting an ambush at the grave of his love. He fought his way through the trap and carried her body to a secret place. Now that's love, no? Isabella: Love? I wouldn't know. Longshanks: Scottish rebels have routed one of my garrisons and murdered the noble lord. Prince Edward: I heard. This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more. Longshanks: And how would you deal with this 'brigand?' Prince Edward: Like any common thief. Have the local magistrate arrest him and punish him accordingly. Longshanks: [to the others] Leave us. [strikes the Prince] Wallace has already killed the magistrate, and taken control of the town! William: We'll make spears. Hundreds of them, long spears. Twice as long as a man. Hamish: That long? William: Aye. Hamish: Some men are longer than others. Campbell: Your mother been telling you stories about me again, eh? Stephen: [laughs, speaking heavenward] Him? That can't be William Wallace. I'm prettier than this man. All right Father, I'll ask him. [To William] If I risk my neck for you, will I get a chance to kill Englishmen? Hamish: Is your father a ghost, or do you converse with the Almighty? Stephen: In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God. [Heavenward] Yes, Father. [To William and Hamish] The Almighty says don't change the subject, just answer the fucking question. Hamish: Mind your tongue. Campbell: Insane Irish. [Stephen pulls a sharpened stick and holds it to the throat of Campbell] Stephen: Smart enough to get a dagger past your guards, old man. William: That's my friend, Irishman. And the answer your question is yes - if you fight for me, you get to kill the English. Stephen: Excellent! Stephen is my name. I'm the most wanted man on my island. Except I'm not on my island of course. More's the pity. Hamish: Your island? You mean Ireland. Stephen: Yeah. It's mine. Hamish: You're a madman. Stephen: [laughs] I've come to the right place then. Lochlan: Where is thy salute? William: For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks. Lochlan: This is our army. To join it you give homage. William: I give homage to Scotland. And if this is your army, why does it go? Soldier 1: We didn't come here to fight for them. Soldier 2: Home! The English are too many! William: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace. Soldier 2: William Wallace is seven feet tall! William: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse. [Scottish army laughs] William: I AM William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my country men, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? Soldier 1: Against that? No, we'll run, and we'll live. William: Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! Hamish: Where are you going? William Wallace: I'm going to pick a fight. Hamish: Well, we didn't get dressed up for nothing. William: I said I have an offer for you. Lochlan: You disrespect a banner of truce? William: From his king? Absolutely. Here are Scotland's terms. Lower your flags, and march straight back to England, stopping at every home to beg forgiveness for 100 years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today. Cheltham: You are outmatched. You have no heavy cavalry. In two centuries no army has won without--. William: I'm not finished. Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse. [Cheltham rides off] Mornay: I'd say that was rather less cordial that he was used to. Craig: Sir William, where are you going? William: We have beaten the English, but they'll come back because you won't stand together. Craig: Well what will you do? William: I will invade England and defeat the English on their own ground. Craig: Invade? That's impossible. William: Why? Why is that impossible? You're so concerned with squabbling for the scraps from Longshank's table that you've missed your God given right to something better. There is a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with possession. I think your possession exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it. Robert the Bruce: Wait! I respect what you said, but remember that these men have lands and castles. It's much to risk. William: And the common man who bleeds on the battlefield, does he risk less? Robert the Bruce: No, but from top to bottom this country has no sense of itself. Its nobles share allegiance with England. Its clans war with each other. If you make enemies on both sides of the border, you'll end up dead. William: We all end up dead; it's just a question of how and why. Robert the Bruce: I'm not a coward. I want what you want, but we need the nobles. William: We need them? Robert the Bruce: Aye. William: Now tell me, what does that mean to be noble? Your title gives you claim to the thrown of our country, but men don't follow titles, they follow courage. Now our people know you. Noble, and common, they respect you. And if you would just lead them to freedom, they'd follow you. And so would I. Isabelle: I understand you have recently been given the rank of knight. William: I have been given nothing. God makes men what they are. Isabelle: Did God make you the sacker of peaceful cities, the executioner of the king's nephew, my husband's own cousin? William: York was the staging point for every invasion of my country. And that royal cousin hanged innocent Scots, even women and children, from the city walls. Oh, Longshanks did far worse the last time he took a Scottish city. Hamilton: [to Isabelle] Sanguinarius homo indomitus est, et se me dite cum mendacia. (He is a bloodthirsty savage, and he is telling lies.) William: Ego nunquam pronunciari mendacium! Sed ego sum homo indomitus. (I never lie! But I am a savage.) [to Princess] Ou en français, si vous préférez? (Or in French, if you prefer?) [in English] You ask your king to his face, ask him, and see if his eyes can convince you of the truth. Isabelle: Let us talk plainly. You invade England, but you can not complete the conquest so far from your shelter and supply. The king desires peace. William: Longshanks desires peace? Isabelle: He declares it to me, I swear it. He proposes that you withdraw your attack. In return he grants you title, estates, and this chest of gold which I am to pay to you personally. William: A lordship and titles. Gold. That I should become Judas? Isabelle: Peace is made in such ways. William: Slaves are made in such ways. The last time Longshanks spoke of peace I was a boy. And many Scottish nobles, who would not be slaves, were lured by him under a flag of truce to a barn, where he had them hanged. I was very young, but I remember Longshank's notion of peace. Isabelle: I understand you have suffered. I know... about your woman. William: [pauses, then sighs] She was my wife. We married in secret because I would not share her with an English lord. They killed her to get to me. I've never spoken of it, I don't know why I tell you now, except... I see her strength in you. One day, you will be a queen. And you must open your eyes. You tell your king that William Wallace will NOT be ruled... and nor will any Scot while I live. Prince Edward: You brought back the money, of course. Isabelle: No, I gave it to ease the suffering of the children of this war. Longshanks: Ha! That's what happens when you send a woman. Isabelle: Forgive me, sire. I thought that generosity might demonstrate your greatness to those you mean to rule. Longshanks: My greatness will be better demonstrated when Wallace returns to Scotland and finds his country in ashes. Hamish: William, there's riders approaching. Personal escort of the princess. You must have made an impression. William: Aye. Hamish: I didn't think you were in the tent that long. Craig: With such a force of raid against us, it is time to discuss other options. William: Other options? Don't you wish at least to lead your men onto the field and barter a better deal with Longshanks before you tuck tail and run? Robert the Bruce: Sir William. Craig: We can not defeat this army. William: We can. Robert: Sir William. William: And we will. We won at Stirling, and still you quibble. We won at York and you would not support us. If you will not stand up with us now then I say you're a coward. And if you are Scotsmen, I am ashamed to call myself one. Robert: Now you've achieved more than anyone ever dreamed, but fighting these odds it looks like rage, not courage. William: It's well beyond rage. Help me. In the name of Christ help yourselves. Now is our chance, now. If we join, we can win. If we win, well then we'll have what none of us have ever had before: a country of our own. You are the rightful leader, and there is strength in you. I see it. Unite us. Unite us. Unite the clans. Longshanks: Archers. General: I beg your pardon, sire. Won't we hit our own troops? Longshanks: Yes, but we'll hit theirs as well. We have reserves. Attack. Robert Bruce, Sr.: I'm the one who's rotting but I think your face looks graver than mine. Son, we must have alliance with England to prevail here. You achieved that. You saved your family, increased your land. In time, you will have all the power in Scotland. Robert the Bruce: Lands, titles, men, power... nothing. Robert Bruce, Sr.: Nothing? Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William Wallace. He fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart. Robert Bruce, Sr.: All men betray. All lose heart. Robert the Bruce: I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HEART!!!. I want to believe as he does. I will never be on the wrong side again. Longshanks: His legend grows. It will be worse than before. Hamilton: He rallies new volunteers in every Scottish town. And when he replenishes his numbers, -- Longshanks: They're sheep, mere sheep. Easily dispersed if we strike the shepherd. Very well. Take a flock of your finest assassins and set a meeting. Hamilton: My lord, Wallace is renowned for his ability to smell an ambush. Longshanks: If what Lord Hamilton tells me is correct, he warmed to our future queen and would trust her. So we'll dispatch her with the notion that she comes in peace. Hamilton: My Lord, the princess might be taken hostage, or her life be put in jeopardy. Longshanks: My son would be most distressed by that. But if she were to be killed, we would soon find the King of France a useful ally against the Scots. [to Prince Edward] You see, as king, you must find the good in any situation. William Wallace: Why do you help me? Princess Isabelle: Because of the way you are looking at me now. Hamish: '[about the nobles] The scheming bastards couldn't agree on the color of shit. It's a trap, are you blind? William: We've got to try. We can't do this alone. Joining the nobles is the only hope for our people. You know what happens if we don't take that chance? Hamish: What? William: Nothing. Hamish: I don't want to be a martyr. William: Nor I. I want to live. I want a home, and children, and peace. Hamish: Do you? William: Aye, I do. I've asked God for these things. It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom. Hamish: That's all a dream, William. William: A dream? Just a dream? What we've been doing all this time; we've lived that dream. Hamish: You dream isn't about freedom. It's about Murron. You're doing this to be a hero because you think she sees you. William: I don't think she sees me. I know she does. And your father sees you, too. Robert the Bruce: [after William is betrayed] Father! You fucking bastard. Why? Why? Robert Bruce, Sr.: Longshanks required Wallace. So did our nobles. That was the prize of your crown. Robert the Bruce: Die! I want you to die. Robert Bruce, Sr.: Soon enough I'll be dead. And you'll be king. Robert the Bruce: I don't want anything from you. You're not a man, and you're not my father. Robert Bruce, Sr.: You are my son, and you have always known my mind. Robert the Bruce: You deceived me. Robert Bruce, Sr.: You let yourself be deceived. In your heart, you always knew what had to happen here. , you know what it means to hate. Now you're ready to be a king. Robert the Bruce: My hate will die ... with you. Isabelle: Sir, I've come to beg you to confess all and swear allegiance to the king, that he might show you mercy. William: Will he show mercy to my country? Isabelle: Mercy is to die quickly, perhaps even live in a tower. In time, who knows what could happen. William: If I swear to him, then all that I am is dead already. Isabelle: You will die. It will be awful. William: Every man dies, not every man really lives. Isabelle: Drink this. It will dull your pain. William: No. It will numb my wits, and I must have them all. For if I'm senseless or if I wail, then Longshanks will have broken me. Isabelle: I have come to beg for the life of William Wallace. Prince Edward: You're quite taken with him, aren't you. Isabelle: I respect him. At worst he was a worthy enemy. Show mercy, O great king, and win the respect of your own people. Even now you are incapable of mercy. And you. To you that word is as unfamiliar as love. Prince Edward: Before he lost his powers of speech he told me his one comfort was he would live to know Wallace was dead. Isabelle: [whispered in Longshank's ear] You see, death comes to us all. But before it comes to you, know this. Your plot dies with you. A child who is not of your line grows in my belly. Your son will not sit long on the throne, I swear it. Royal Magistrate: It can all end, right now. Peace. Bliss. Just say it. Cry out mercy. Crowd: Mercy...mercy! Royal Magistrate: Cry out. Just say it. Mercy. Hamish: Mercy lad, mercy. Stephen: Jesus, mercy. Royal Magistrate: The prisoner wishes to say a word. William: FREEEEE-DOMMMMMM!!!!! [edit] Taglines

• Every man dies, not every man really lives.

• What kind of man would defy a king?

• His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.

• He who fought, fought for freedom. [edit] Cast

• Mel Gibson - William Wallace • Patrick McGoohan - Longshanks, King Edward I • Sophie Marceau - Princess Isabelle • Catherine McCormack - Murron MacClannough • Angus Macfadyen - Robert the Bruce

The Matrix

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The Matrix (1999)

Written and directed by Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski.

Contents [hide]

• 1 Neo • 2 Trinity • 3 Morpheus • 4 Cypher • 5 Agent Smith • 6 Other • 7 Dialogue • 8 Major cast • 9 See also

• 10 External links [edit] Neo

• This is insane. I can't do this!

• Am I dead?

• You can't scare me with this gestapo crap! I know my rights!

• Well, that sounds like a pretty good deal. But I think I may have a better one. How about I give you the finger … and you give me my phone call?

• I know kung fu.

• I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world.. without you. A world without rules or controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.

• Deja vu.

• My name … is Neo!

• Mr. Wizard! Get me the hell out of here!

• I'm not the One, Trinity.

• Guns. Lots of guns. [edit] Trinity

• The Matrix has you.

• Knock, knock, Neo.

• Follow the white rabbit.

• Wake up, Neo.

• I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing … why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know, because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

• You have been down there, Neo. You know that road. You know exactly where it ends. And I know that's not where you want to be.

• Dodge this.

• The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

• Neo, I'm not afraid anymore. The Oracle told me I would fall in love and that that man, the man that I loved, would be the One. So you see, you can't be dead. You can't be, because I love you. You hear me? I love you. [edit] Morpheus

• There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

• Don't think you are, know you are.

• What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you mean what we can taste, smell, hear and feel then what's "real" is nothing more than electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

• It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

• He's beginning to believe.

• Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? You think that's air you're breathing now? • I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole, hmm.

• You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth.

• Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

• Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

• I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.

• You take the blue pill, the story ends here, you wake up and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in wonderland and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

• You've got to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, disbelief . . . free your mind.

• Welcome to the real world.

• Are you listening to me, Neo, or are you looking at the woman in the red dress? Look again.

• I won't lie to you Neo. Every man that has fought an agent, every man that has stood his ground has died. I have seen Agents punch through concrete walls, men have emptied entire clips and have hit nothing but air, but their strength and their speed are both based on a world which is built on rules and because of that, they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.

• The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of people we're trying to save, but until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. . . . Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? [edit] Cypher

• If you'd told us the truth, we would've told you to shove that red pill right up your ass! • Just between you and me, you don't believe it, do you? You don't believe this guy is The One?

• It means buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye.

• Good shit, huh? Dozer makes it. It's good for two things: degreasing engines and killing brain cells.

• I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here. Why, oh why didn't I take the blue pill?

• I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

• All I do is what he tells me to do.

• ...there's way too much information to decode the Matrix. You get used to it, though. Your brain does the translating. I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, and redhead. [edit] Agent Smith

• Surprised to see me, Mr Anderson?

• As you can see we've had our eye on you for some time now Mr. Anderson.

• One of these lives has a future, and one of them... does not.

• Tell me, Mr. Anderson . . . what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak?

• I believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering.

• As soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization.

• I'd like to share a revelation I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realized that you're not actually mammals. You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we, are the cure. • I'm going to be honest with you. I... hate... this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.

• Find them and destroy them.

• I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson.

• You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.

• Never send a human to do a machine's job. [edit] Other

• Boy: There is no spoon.

• Mouse: She doesn't talk very much, but if you'd like to meet her, I can arrange a much more personalized meeting.

• Dozer: It's a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins and minerals. Everything the body needs.

• Switch: Digital pimp, hard at work.

• Mouse: Pay no attention to these hypocrites Neo, after all, to deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.

• Mouse: Maybe the machines didn't know what chicken tasted like, so thats why chicken tastes like everything.

• Agent Jones: Only human.

• Tank: Everyone, please observe. The "fasten your seatbelt" and "no smoking" signs have been turned on. Sit back and enjoy your flight.

• Tank: Now, we're supposed to start with these operations programs first. That's major boring shit. Let's do something a little more fun. How about..combat training?

• Business man: What the shit, that's my phone, hey, that guy took my phone!

• Security Guard: Can you please remove any metalic items on your person, keys. loose change. ... [Neo opens his trenchcoat, revealing a very large number of guns]...HOLY SHIT! [edit] Dialogue

Trinity: How did you do that? Neo: Do what? Trinity: You moved like they do. I've never seen anyone move that fast. Neo: Wasn't fast enough. Neo: What is the Matrix? Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to. Neo: All these memories I have, these places I went. . . None of it ever happened. What does that mean? Trinity: That the Matrix cannot tell you who you are. Trinity: Neo, no one has ever done anything like this. Neo: That's why it's going to work. Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets? Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. Lieutenant: I think we can handle one little girl. I sent two units, they're bringing her down now. Agent Smith: No, Lieutenant, your men are already dead. Cypher: No. No, I don't believe it. Tank: Believe it or not, you piece of shit, you're still gonna burn! Neo: So is this the same oracle who made the prophecy? Morpheus: Yes, she is very old. She has been with us from the beginning. Neo: Beginning? Morpheus: Of the resistance. Neo: And she knows what? Everything? Morpheus: She will say she knows enough. Neo: And she's never been wrong? Morpheus: [sighs] Try not to think in terms of right or wrong. She is a guide, Neo. She can help you to find the path. Neo: She helped you? Morpheus: Yes. Neo: What did she tell you? Morpheus: That I will find the one. Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase. Neo: What vase? [Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers.] Oracle: That vase. Neo: I'm sorry. Oracle: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it. Neo: How did you know? Oracle: Ohhh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything? Oracle: You're cuter than I thought. I can see why she likes you. Neo: Who? Oracle: Not too bright, though. Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Boy: Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. Tank: So what do you need? Besides a miracle. Neo: Guns. Lots of guns. Oracle: Sorry kid... You've got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something. Morpheus: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed I am Morpheus. Neo: It's an honor to meet you. Morpheus: No, the honor is mine. Please, come. Sit. I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole? Hmm? Neo: You could say that. Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he's expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo? Neo: No. Morpheus: Why not? Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world, you don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? Neo: The Matrix? Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? Neo: (nods) Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. (opens hand unveiling blue pill) You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. (opens other hand unveiling red pill) You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Neo: (reaches for red pill) Morpheus: Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. Neo: (takes red pill from Morpheus and swallows it) Morpheus: Follow me. [edit] Major cast

• Neo (Thomas A. Anderson): Keanu Reeves

• Morpheus: Laurence Fishburne

Saving Private Ryan

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Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 film that follows the efforts of a World War II Normandy invasion commander and his special squad to locate a soldier whose brothers have been killed in action, in order to return him to his thrice-bereaved family.

Directed by and written by Robert Rodat. The mission is a man. taglines

Spoiler warning: Plot, ending, or solution details follow.



• 1 Captain Miller • 2 Gen. George C. Marshall • 3 Private Jackson • 4 Sergeant Horvath • 5 Corporal Upham • 6 Private James Francis Ryan • 7 Dialogue • 8 Taglines • 9 Cast

• 10 External links [edit] Captain Miller • Port side stick, starboard side stick. Move fast and clear those murder holes.

• Keep the sand out of your weapons... keep those actions clear... I'll see you on the beach.

• It's like finding a needle in a stack of needles.

• He better be worth it. He better go home and cure a disease, or invent a longer- lasting light bulb.

• Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much, my wife is even gonna recognize me whenever it is I get back to her, and how I'll ever be able to, tell about days like today. Ahh, Ryan. I don't know anything about Ryan, I don't care. The man means nothing to me; he's just a name. But if, you know, if going to Rem"al, and finding him so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, well then, then that's my mission.

• Things have taken a turn for the surreal.

• I just know that every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel.

• [Dying words, to Private Ryan] James . . . earn this. Earn it.

• Maybe you should shut up! [edit] Gen. George C. Marshall

• I have here a very old letter, written to a Mrs. Bixby in Boston. "Dear Madam: I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant- General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, Abraham Lincoln."

• That boy is alive. We are gonna send somebody to find him. And we are gonna get him the Hell... outta there.

• My dear Mrs Ryan: It's with the most profound sense of joy that I write to inform you your son, Private James Ryan, is well and, at this very moment, on his way home from European battlefields. Reports from the front indicate James did his duty in combat with great courage and steadfast dedication, even after he was informed of the tragic loss your family has suffered in this great campaign to rid the world of tyranny and oppresion. I take great pleasure in joining the Secretary of War, the men and women of the U.S. Army, and the citizens of a grateful nation in wishing you good health and many years of happiness with James at your side. Nothing, not even the safe return of a beloved son, can compensate you, or the thousands of other American families, who have suffered great loss in this tragic war. I might share with you some words which have sustained me through long, dark nights of peril, loss, and heartache. And I quote: "I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom." -Abraham Lincoln. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, George C. Marshall, General, Chief of Staff. [edit] Private Jackson

• [Lining up a rifle shot] Be not that far from me, for trouble is near; haste Thee to help me.

• [Lining up a rifle shot] Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

• [Lining up a rifle shot] My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

• [Lining up a rifle shot] O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.

• Seems to me, Cap'n, this mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources.

• Well, sir, seems to me, God gave me a special gift, fashioned in me a fine instrument of warfare.

• What I mean, sir, is if you was to put me with this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile from Adolf Hitler... with a clean line of sight... well, pack your bags, boys. War's over.

• Hey, Upham, careful you don't step in the bullshit! [edit] Sergeant Horvath

• I don't know. Part of me thinks the kid's right. He asks what he's done to deserve this. He wants to stay here, fine. Let's leave him and go home. But then another part of me thinks, what if by some miracle we stay, then actually make it out of here. Someday we might look back on this and decide that saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole godawful, shitty mess. Like you said, Captain, maybe we do that, we all earn the right to go home.

• You don't know when to shut up; you don't know HOW to shut up!

• We're in business, defilade! ( defilade- a dead zone, usually a depression in the earth, which minimizes or prevents line of sight/direct fire from enemy fire. )

• This time the mission is the man. [edit] Corporal Upham

• Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die.

• [Talking to Pvt. Reiben] It's against the Goddamn rules! [edit] Private James Francis Ryan

• [Older James Ryan at Captain Miller's grave] My family is with me today. They wanted to come with me. To be honest with you, I wasn't sure how I'd feel coming back here. Every day I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge. And I've tried to live my life the best I could. I hope that was enough. I hope that at least in your eyes, I've earned what all of you have done for me. [edit] Dialogue

Soldier: Where's the rally point?! Capt. Miller: Anywhere but here! Capt. Miller: I don’t gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that. Pvt. Reiben: Sorry, sir, but let's say you weren't a Captain, or maybe I was a Major. What would you say then? Capt. Miller: In that case, I’d say this is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir. Worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover, I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down the lives of me and my men—especially you, Reiben—to ease her suffering. Capt. Miller: Caparzo, get that kid back up there! Pvt. Caparzo: Captain, the decent thing to do would be take her over to the next town. Capt. Miller: We’re not here to do the decent thing, we're here to follow fucking orders! Pvt. Reiben: You want to explain the math of this to me? I mean, where’s the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy? Capt. Miller: Anyone wanna answer that? Medic Wade: Hey, think about the poor bastard’s mother. Pvt. Reiben: Hey, Wade, I got a mother, you got a mother, the sarge has got a mother. Shit, I’ll bet that even the Captain’s got a mother. Well, maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us have got mothers. Capt. Miller: James... I’m here to tell you your brothers were killed in combat. They're dead. Pvt. Ryan: Which one, sir? Capt. Miller: All of them. Sgt. Horvath: Stars. Lt. DeWindt: Yeah, Brigadier General Amend, deputy commander, 101st. Some fucking genius had the great idea of welding a couple of steel plates onto our deck to keep the general safe from ground fire. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell me about it until we were just getting airborne. Well, that’s like trying to fly a freight train. OK? Gross overload. Trim characteristics all shot to hell. I nearly broke both my arms trying to keep her level. And when- and when we released, you know I cut as hard as I could, tried to gain some altitude and still keep her from stalling. We came down like a fucking meteor. And that is how we ended up. And the others, they stopped easy enough OK, though, you know? We were just-we were just too damn heavy, you know? The grass was wet, downward slope and all. 22 guys dead. Capt. Miller: All that for a general? Lt. DeWindt: One man. Pvt. Reiben: Lot of that going around. Pvt. Reiben: I got a bad feeling about this one. Capt. Miller: When was the last time you felt good about anything? Capt. Miller: Well when I think of home, I... I think of something specific. I think of my, my hammock in the backyard or my wife pruning the rosebushes in a pair of my old work gloves. Pvt. Ryan: This, this one night, two of my brothers came and woke me up in the middle of the night. And they said they had a surprise for me. So they took me to the barn up in the loft and there was my oldest brother, Dan, with Alice, Alice Jardine. I mean, picture a girl who just took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down. And... and Dan’s got his shirt off and he's working on this bra and he's tryin to get it off and all of a sudden, Sean just screams out, “Danny, you’re a young man! Don’t do it!” And so Alice Jardine hears this and she screams and she jumps up and she tries to get running out of the barn but she’s still got this shirt over her head. She goes running right into the wall and knocks herself out. So now Dan’s just so mad at us. He, he starts coming after us, but... but at the same time Alice is over there unconscious. He’s gotta wa... , wake her up. So he grabs her by a leg and he's drag, dragging her. At the same time he picks up a shovel. And he’s going after Sean, and Sean’s saying, “What are you trying to hit me for? I just did you a favor!” And so this makes Dan more angry. He tries to swing this thing, he looses the shovel, goes outta his grasp and hits a kerosene lantern. The thing explodes, the whole barn almost goes up because of this thing. That was it. That was the last, that was, Dan went off to basic the next day. That was the last night the four of us were together. That was two years ago. Tell me about your wife and those rosebushes? Capt. Miller: No, no that one I save just for me. Capt. Miller: You see, when... when you end up killing one of your men, you see, you tell yourself it happened so you could save the lives of two or three or ten others. Maybe a hundred others. Do you know how many men I've lost under my command? Sgt. Horvath: How many? Capt. Miller: Ninety-four. But that means I’ve saved the lives of ten times that many, doesn’t it? Maybe even 20, right? Twenty times as many? And that’s how simple it is. That’s how you... that’s how you rationalize making the choice between the mission and the man. Pvt. Ryan: Hell, these guys deserve to go home as much as I do. They’ve fought just as hard. Capt. Miller: Is that what I’m supposed to tell your mother when they send her another folded American flag? Pvt. Ryan: You can tell her that when you found me, I was with the only brothers I had left. And that there was no way I was deserting them. I think she’d understand that. Capt. Miller: [Explaining how to disable tanks] You take a standard G.I. sock, cram it with as much Composition B as it can hold, rig up a simple fuse, then coat the whole thing with axle grease. Now when you throw it, it should stick. It’s a bomb that sticks, it’s a “sticky bomb.” Think of a better way to knock out the tracks, I’m all ears. Pvt. Reiben: This is great. Now we have to surrender our socks. Pvt. Mellish: [Arguing about taking a machine gun nest] I’m just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir. Capt. Miller: Our objective is to win the war. Capt. Miller: [After the fight to take the radio nest has left Medic Wade dead] Get your gear. Let’s go. [Reiben doesn’t move] Sgt. Horvath: You heard him, gear up. Your captain just gave you an order. Pvt. Reiben: Yeah, like the one he gave to take this machine gun. That was a real doozie, wasn't it? Sgt. Horvath: Soldier, you are way out of line! Pvt. Reiben: Yes, sir, that was one hell of a call, coming to take this nest, but hell, we only lost one of our guys going for it. That’s right, I hope Mama Ryan’s real fuckin’ happy knowing that Little Jimmy’s life is a little bit more important than two of our guys! But then again, we haven’t found him yet, have we? Have we? Lt. Dewindt: FUBAR. Pvt. Reiben: FUBAR. Sgt. Horvath: FUBAR. Capt. Miller: FUBAR. Pvt. Jackson: Y’all got that right. Corp. Upham: Hey, I looked up “fubar” in the German dictionary. There’s no “fubar” in there. Pvt. Mellish: Fucked up beyond all recognition. Corp. Upham: FUBAR! Pvt. Reiben: You know what that song reminds me of? It reminds me of Mrs. Rachel Troubowitz and what she said to me the day I left for basic. Pvt. Mellish: What, “don’t touch me”? Pvt. Reiben: No, Mrs. Rachel Troubowitz was our super’s wife. She comes into my mom’s shop to try on a few things, all right? And she’s easily like a uh, a 44EE. These things are massive. And I’ve got her convinced that she’s like a 42D, all right. So we’re in the dressing room, she’s trying to squeeze into this side-cut, silk- ribbonned, triple panel girdle with the uh, shelf-lift brassiere and it’s beautiful because she’s just pouring outta this thing, you know? It’s beautiful. And she sees me and she can tell I got a hard on the size of the Statue of Liberty, all right? And she says to me, “Richard, calm down.” And she says, “Now when you’re over there, if you see anything that upsets you, if you’re ever scared, I want you to close your eyes and think of these. You understand?” So I said, “Yes, ma’am.” Sgt. Horvath: Maybe I should go up the middle, sir. Capt. Miller: The way you run? I don’t think so. Sgt. Horvath: [insistently] Maybe I should go left, sir. Capt. Miller: [angrily] Maybe you should shut up! Sgt. Horvath: Good luck Reiben. Pvt. Reiben: I don’t need any luck, Sarge! I was born lucky! Medic Wade: Actually, the trick to falling asleep is trying to stay awake. Pvt. Mellish: How’s that, Wade? Medic Wade: Well, when my mother was an intern, she used to work late through the night... sleep through the day. So the only time we’d ever get to talk about anything is when she’d get home. So what I... I used to do, I used to lie in my bed and try to stay awake as long as I could, but it never worked, ’cause... ’cause the harder I’d try, the faster I’d fall asleep. Pvt. Reiben: Yeah, well, that wouldn't have mattered none in my house. My ma, she would've come home, shook me awake, chatted me up ’til dawn. I swear, that woman was never too tired to talk. Pvt. Mellish: That was probably the only time she could get a word in. Corp. Upham: “War educates the senses, calls into action the will, perfects the physical constitution, brings men into such swift and close collision in critical moments that man measures man.” Capt. Miller: I guess that’s Emerson’s way of finding the bright side. Corp. Upham: It's against the Goddamn rules! Pvt. Reiben: Well, the "Goddamn rules" just walked off with your new friend! Capt. Miller: Mike are you alright!? Sgt. Horvath[After having recieved several shots to the back] I'm fine, I just got the wind knocked out of me. Captain Miller: Private, I'm afraid I have some bad news for ya. Well, there isn't any real easy way to say this, so, uh, so I'll just say it. Your brothers are dead. We have, uh, orders to come get you, 'cause you're going home. Pvt. James Frederick Ryan: Oh, my God, my brothers are dead. I was gonna take 'em fishing when we got home. H-How did they die? Captain Miller: They were killed in action. Pvt. James Frederick Ryan: No, that can't be. They're both-That...That can't be. My brothers are still in grammar school. Captain Miller: ..You're James Ryan? Pvt. James Frederick Ryan: Yeah. Captain Miller: James Francis Ryan from Iowa? Pvt. James Frederick Ryan: James Frederick Ryan, Minnesota. [edit] Taglines

• The mission is a man.

• In the Last Great Invasion of the Last Great War, The Greatest Challenge for Eight Men was Saving... One.

• There was only one man left in the family, and the mission was to save him. [edit] Cast

• Tom Hanks - Captain Miller • Tom Sizemore - Sergeant Horvath • Edward Burns - Private Reiben • Barry Pepper - Private Jackson • Adam Goldberg - Private Mellish • Vin Diesel - Private Caparzo • Giovanni Ribisi - Medic Wade • Jeremy Davies - Corporal Upham • Matt Damon - Private Ryan

Kingdom of Heaven

From Wikiquote Jump to: navigation, search Kingdom of Heaven is a 2005 film about Balian of Ibelin who travels to Jerusalem during the crusades of the 12th century, and there finds himself as the defender of the city and its people.

Directed by and written by William Monahan.



• 1 Godfrey of Ibelin • 2 Balian of Ibelin • 3 Hospitaller • 4 King Baldwin IV • 5 Others • 6 Dialogue • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] Godfrey of Ibelin

• You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be.

• I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle.

• A new world. A better world. A kingdom of conscience...a kingdom of heaven.

• Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath. [Slaps Balian] And that is so you remember it. Rise a knight... rise a knight! [edit] Balian of Ibelin

• What man is a man who does not make the world better? (From the Latin Inscription: Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem)

• A queen never walks. And yet you are walking.

• How can you be in hell, when you are in my heart? • If we do not burn these bodies, we will all be dead of disease in three days. God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn't, then he is not God and we need not worry.

• [a single horseman is seen in the distance standing on top of a hill] They are here. [edit] Hospitaller

• If the ribs are broken, the marrow will enter the blood and you will develop fever and die or a cyst will form and you will live.

• Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves.

• [to Balian] You sail now for Jerusalem as your father wished. If God has purpose for you there, he'll keep you safe in his hands. [pauses] If not, God bless.

• [to Balian] I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is here (points to Balian's head) and here (points to Balian's heart) and what you decide to do every day will make you a good man...or not. [edit] King Baldwin IV

• Come forward. I am glad to meet Godfrey's son. He was one of my greatest teachers. He was there when, playing with the other boys, my arm was cut. It was he, not my father's physicians who noticed that I felt no pain. He wept when he gave my father the news, that I am a leper. The Saracens say that this disease is God's vengence against the vanity of our kingdom. As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. If that's true, I call it unfair. Come. Sit. When I was sixteen I won a great victory. I felt in that moment that I should live to be one hundred, now I know I shall not see thirty. You see, none of us chose our end really. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son. But remember that, even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convinient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that. [edit] Others

• Reynald: [after raiding a peaceful caravan] I am what I am. Someone has to be.

• Reynald: [to Guy] If the war's to be now or later, I would have it now. • Tiberias: [to Balian] You're your father's son. He was my friend. I'm yours.

• Tiberias: [to Balian] May God be with you, he's no longer with me.

• Sybilla: There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good. [edit] Dialogue

Balian of Ibelin: What could a king ask of a man like me? Godfrey of Ibelin: A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience. A kingdom of heaven. Guy de Lusignan: If I had fought you when you were still capable of making bastards... Godfrey of Ibelin: I knew your mother when she was making hers. Fortunately you're too old to be one of mine. Tiberias: That I would rather live among men than kill them is certainly why you are still alive. Guy de Lusignan: [Chuckles] That sort of Christianity has its uses, I suppose... Hospitaller: Are you sorry for your sins? Godfrey of Ibelin: [Looking at Balian, his illegitimate son] All but one. Hospitaller: So how find you Jerusalem? Balian of Ibelin: God does not speak to me. Not even on the hill where Christ died. I am outside God's grace. Hospitaller: I have not heard that. Balian of Ibelin: At any rate, it seems I have lost my religion. Hospitaller: I put no stock in Religion. By the word of religion, I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the "Will of God". Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. And goodness - what God desires - [pointing at his head then heart] is here and here. By what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man [smiles] or not. Sybilla: [walking] Do you fear being with me? Balian of Ibelin: No. [stops] And yes. Sybilla: [laughs] A woman in my place has two faces, one for the world and one which she wears in private. With you I'll be only Sybilla. [hears a noise and turns her head. A servant hides behind a wall] Tiberias thinks me unpredictable. I am unpredictable. Sybilla: Why do you think I'm here? Balian of Ibelin: I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana. Sybilla: What else do you know, my lord? Balian of Ibelin: I know you are a princess. And I am no lord. Sybilla: Your a knight. Balian of Ibelin: Neither earned nor proved. Guy de Lusignan: Give me a war. Reynald: That is what I do. Balian of Ibelin: What is Jerusalem worth? : Nothing. [walks away] Everything! Balian of Ibelin: You go to certain death. Hospitaller: All death is certain. I will tell your father what I have seen you become. Bishop, Patriarch of Jerusalem: Who are you? Do you think you can change the World? Does making a man a knight make him a better fighter? Balian of Ibelin: [pause, turn slowly to face Bishop] Yes. Sybilla: What becomes of us? Balian of Ibelin: The world will decide. The world always decides. Bishop, Patriarch of Jerusalem: Convert to Islam, repent later. Balian of Ibelin: You have taught me a lot about religion, Your Eminence. Balian of Ibelin: This army will be destroyed, and the city left defenseless. Guy de Lusignan: When I wish a blacksmith to advise me in war, I will tell him. Balian of Ibelin: Saladin wants you to come out. He is waiting for you to make that mistake. Balian of Ibelin: [a single horsemen is seen in the distance standing on top of a hill] They are here. Almaric: It is only one man. Balian of Ibelin: No, they are here. [The whole Saracen army is now visible behind the hill] Balian of Ibelin: [To the people of Jerusalem] It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem, and we have made our preparations as well as they can be made. None of us took this city from Muslims. No Muslim of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. We fight over an offence we did not give, against those who were not alive to be offended. What is Jerusalem? Your holy palaces lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. The Muslim places of worship lie over yours. Which is more holy? [pause] Balian of Ibelin: The wall? The Mosque? The Sepulchre? Who has claim? No- one has claim. [raises his voice] Balian of Ibelin: All have claim! Bishop, Patriarch of Jerusalem: Blasphemy! Almaric: [to the Patriarch] Be quiet. Balian of Ibelin: We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls. Richard Coeur de Lion: We come by this road to find Balian, who was defender of Jerusalem. Balian of Ibelin: I am the blacksmith. Richard Coeur de Lion: And I am the King of England. Balian of Ibelin: [pauses] I am the blacksmith. Saladin:: Will you yield the city? Balian of Ibelin:: Before I lose it, I will burn it to the ground. Your holy places - ours. Every last thing in Jerusalem that drives men mad. Saladin:: I wonder if it would not be better if you did. [edit] Cast

• Orlando Bloom - Balian of Ibelin • Liam Neeson - Godfrey of Ibelin • David Thewlis - Hospitaler • Marton Csokas - Guy de Lusignan • Eva Green - Sibylla • Brendan Gleeson - Reynald • Jeremy Irons - Tiberias • Jon Finch - Bishop, Patriarch of Jerusalem • Edward Norton - King Baldwin IV • Ghassan Massoud - Saladin • Iain Glen - Richard Coeur de Lion

The Last Samurai

From Wikiquote Jump to: navigation, search This film article needs cleanup. Please review Wikiquote:Templates, especially the standard format of film articles, to determine how to edit this article to conform to a higher standard of article quality.

The Last Samurai is a 2003 film directed by Edward Zwick. Contents


• 1 Katsumoto • 2 Nathan Algren • 3 Emperor Meiji • 4 Katsumoto and Algren • 5 Others

• 6 External links [edit] Katsumoto

• "Many of our customs seem strange to you. And the same is true of yours. For example, not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude, even among enemies."

• "I have introduced myself. You have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation."

• "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life."

• [staring at the cherry blossoms while dying] "Perfect. they... are all... perfect..." [edit] Nathan Algren

• "There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future." • "My thanks, on behalf of those who died in the name of better mechanical amusements and commercial opportunities."

• [to the Silent Samurai] "I know why you don't talk. Because you're angry. You're angry because they make you wear a dress."

• [speaking with the Silent Samurai, after being beaten to the ground by Uijo] "I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for protecting me yesterday. That is your job right? Protecting me. Well done 'Bob.' You don't mind if I call you Bob, do you? I knew a Bob once; God, he was ugly as a mule. Are you a ladies man, Bob?"

• [kneeling in front of Emperor] "If you believe me to be your enemy, command me, and I will gladly take my life."

• Algren: "You want me to kill Jappos, I'll kill Jappos." Colonel Bagley: "I'm not asking you to kill anybody." Algren: "You want me to kill THE ENEMIES of Jappos, I'll kill THE ENEMIES of Jappos... Rebs, or Sioux, or Cheyenne... For 500 bucks a month I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind: I'd happily kill you for free." • Algren: "Sergeant Gant, did you hear my order?" Zebulon Gant: "I did indeed, sir." Algren: "Then you will obey it. Now!" Zebulon Gant: "No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass."

• The Silent Samurai: "Algren-san!" [he rushes in front of Algren to protect him from being shot and takes the bullet] Algren: "Bob!"

• Emperor Meiji: "Tell me how he died." Algren: "I will tell you how he lived." [edit] Emperor Meiji

• "My ancestors have ruled Japan for 2,000 years. And for all that time we have slept. During my sleep I have dreamed. I dreamed of a unified Japan. Of a country strong and independent and modern... And now we are awake. We have railroads and cannon and Western clothing. But we cannot forget who we are. Or where we come from."

• Emperor Meiji: "Ambassador Swanbeck, I have concluded that your treaty is NOT in the best interests of my people." Ambassador Swanbeck: "Sir, if I may..." Emperor Meiji: "So sorry, but you may not." [edit] Katsumoto and Algren

• Algren: "What do you want?" Katsumoto: "To know my enemy." Algren: "I've seen what you do to your enemies." Katsumoto: "The warriors in your country do not kill?" Algren: "They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men." Katsumoto: "General Hasegawa asked me to help him end his life. A samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head."

• Katsumoto: "And who was your general?" Algren: "Don't you have a rebellion to lead?" Katsumoto: "People in your country do not like conversation?" Algren: "He was a lieutenant colonel. His name was Custer." Katsumoto: "I know this name. He killed many warriors." Algren: "Oh, yes. Many warriors." Katsumoto: "So he was a good general." Algren: "No. No, he wasn't a good general. He was arrogant and foolhardy. And he got massacred because he took a single battalion against two thousand angry Indians." Katsumoto: "Two thousand Indians? How many men for Custer?" Algren: "Two hundred and eleven." Katsumoto: "I like this General Custer." Algren: "He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it." Katsumoto: "I think this is a very good death." Algren: "Well, maybe you can have one just like it someday."

• Katsumoto: "You have nightmares?" Algren: "Every soldier has nightmares." Katsumoto: "Only one who is ashamed of what he has done." Algren: "You have no idea the things I’ve done." Katsumoto: "You have seen many things." Algren: "Yes I have." Katsumoto: "Yet you do not fear death, although sometimes you wish for it." Algren: "Yes!" Katsumoto: "I also. It happens to men who have seen what we have seen."

• Algren: "Who sent those men to kill you? Was it the Emperor? Omura?" Katsumoto: "If The Emperor wishes my death, he has but to ask." Algren: "So it was Omura."

• Katsumoto: "You believe a man can change his destiny?" Algren: "I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed to him."

• Katsumoto: "What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?" Algren: [smiling] "Dead to the last man."

• Katsumoto: "The Emperor could not hear my words. His army will come. For nine hundred years, my ancestors have protected our people. Now... I have failed them." Algren: "So you will take your own life? In shame? Shame for a life of service? Discipline? Compassion?" Katsumoto: "The way of the Samurai is not necessary anymore." Algren: "Necessary? What could be more necessary?" Katsumoto: "I will die by the sword. My own, or my enemy's." Algren: "Then let it be your enemy's." The Adventures of Robin Hood (film)

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The Adventures of Robin Hood is a 1938 film about Prince John and the Norman Lords who begin oppressing the Saxon masses in King Richard's absence, and a Saxon lord who fights back as the outlaw leader of a rebel guerrilla army.

Directed by Michael Curtiz and William Keighley. Written by Norman Reilly Raine and Seton I. Miller. Only the rainbow can duplicate its brilliance! taglines Contents


• 1 Sir Robin of Locksley • 2 Prince John • 3 Sir Guy of Gisbourne • 4 Title cards • 5 Others • 6 Dialogue • 7 Taglines • 8 Cast

• 9 External links [edit] Sir Robin of Locksley

• [to Prince John, about Marian] What a pity her manners don't match her looks, Your Highness.

• [to Little John, after losing a quarterstaff battle with him] I wanted to see what you were made of...and I did.

• I've called you here as freeborn Englishmen, loyal to our king. While he reigned over us, we lived in peace. But since Prince John has seized the regency, Guy of Gisbourne and the rest of his traitors have murdered and pillaged. You've all suffered from their cruelty - the ear loppings, the beatings, the blindings with hot irons, the burning of our farms and homes, the mistreatment of our women. It's time to put an end to this! [Cheers] Now, this forest is wide. It can shelter and clothe and feed a band of good, determined men - good swordsmen, good archers, good fighters. Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you! Are you with me?

• [swearing in his Merry Men] That you, the freemen of this forest, swear to despoil the rich only to give to the poor, to shelter the old and the helpless, to protect all women rich or poor, Norman or Saxon. Swear to fight for a free England. To protect her loyally until the return of our King and sovereign Richard the Lion Heart. And swear to fight to the death against our oppressors!

• [about Marian] Hanging would be a small price to pay for the company of such a charming lady.

• His task was here at home defending his own people instead of deserting them to fight in foreign lands...I'll condemn anything that leaves the task of holding England for Richard to outlaws like me.

• Richard must be found. He must be found and brought here to safety...Don't rest, day or night, any of you, until he's found. [edit] Prince John • Well, this is what we Normans like - good food, good company, and a beautiful woman to flatter me.

• [about Robin] He's a reckless rogue who goes around the shires stirring up the Saxons against authority, and he has the insolence to set himself up as the protector of the people.

• Let him approach...By my faith, but you're a bold rascal. Robin. I like you. [edit] Sir Guy of Gisbourne

• [about Robin] I'll have him dangling in a week.

• You're very charming, Lady Marian, but not exactly clever. [edit] Title cards

• In the year of Our Lord 1191, when Richard, the Lion-Heart, set forth to drive the infidels from the Holy Land, he gave the Regency of his Kingdom to his trusted friend, Longchamp, instead of to his treacherous brother, Prince John. Bitterly resentful, John hoped for some disaster to befall Richard so that he, with the help of the Norman barons, might seize the throne for himself.

• But Prince John's reign became even more murderous. Terror spread among the helpless Saxons who knew that resistance meant death. Soon death became preferable to oppression and the defiant oath became more than a thing of words. [edit] Others

• Much-the-Miller's-Son: From this day on, I'll follow only you. Why there isn't a poor Saxon in all of Nottinghamshire that doesn't know and bless Sir Robin of Locksley. Take me as your servant. Why in all the forest, there isn't a hunter as good as me. I ask no pay, just to follow you.

• Will Scarlett: [about Friar Tuck] One of us? He looks like three of us.

• Lady Marian Fitzwalter: What can a Saxon hedge robber know of charm - or ladies?

• King Richard: And I further banish from my realm all injustices and oppressions which have burdened my people. And I pray that under my rule, Normans and Saxons alike will share the rights of Englishmen. [edit] Dialogue Sir Guy: Don't you know that it's death to kill the King's deer? Much: Yes, and death from hunger if I don't, thanks to you and the rest of you Norman cutthroats at Nottingham Castle...You can beat and starve our Saxons now, but when King Richard escapes, he'll take you by the scruff of the neck and fling you into the sea. Prince John: Was it worthwhile, coming with me from London to see what stout fellows our Nottingham friends are? Take Sir Guy. He's from London, one of our most renowned defenders of the realm. Marian: Must I take him, your Highness? Prince John: Why, you like him, don't you? Marian: Well, he's a Norman, of course. Prince John: Is that the only reason for liking him? Marian: Isn't that reason enough for a royal ward...? Prince John: Nay, I'll not force you, my lady. But he's our most powerful friend in these shires. And he's already in love with you. If I could promise him marriage to a royal ward, it might help my plans. Marian: Perhaps when I know him better. Prince John: Of course. You're a very wise young woman. Prince John: Any more objections to the new tax from our Saxon friends? Noble: Objections your Highness? With a Saxon dangling from every gallows tree...? Prince John: Well said...but not too many mind, else we'll have nobody left to till our land or pay the tax. Prince John: Bring Sir Robin food! At once do you hear. Such impudence must support a mighty appetite. Robin: True enough, your Highness. We Saxons have little to fatten on by the time your tax gatherers are through. Prince John: Do you feel you are overtaxed? Robin: Overtaxed, overworked and paid off with a knife, a club or a rope. Marian: Why, you speak treason! Robin: Fluently. Bishop of the Black Canons: I'd advise you to curb that wagging tongue of yours! Robin: It's a habit I haven't yet formed, your grace. Robin: [calling Prince John a traitor] What else do you call a man who takes advantage of the King's misfortune to seize his power? Now, with the help of a sweet band of cutthroats, you'll try to grind a ransom for him out of every helpless Saxon, a ransom that will be used not to release Richard but to buy your way to the throne. Sir Guy: Let me ram those words down his throat, your Highness! Prince John: Oh no. Later. Let him spout for a moment. [To Robin] And what do you propose to do? Robin: I'll organize a revolt, exact a death for a death, and I'll never rest until every Saxon in this shire can stand up free men, and strike a blow for Richard and England. Prince John: Have you finished? Robin: I'm only just beginning. From this night on, I'll use every means in my power to fight you! Little John: He's well named Friar Tuck. It would take half the deer in Sherwood Forest to fill that cabin. Tuck: And twice that to fill your empty head! Robin: To them, this is heaven. Silks for rags. Kindness instead of riches. Limitless food instead of hunger. Why, they're actually happy! Marian: Are they? Robin: Aren't you even a little pleased to see them enjoying themselves? Marian: I think it's revolting. Robin: Ha. Your life's been very sheltered, hasn't it, Marian? Too sheltered perhaps. But if you could know these people as I know them, their infinite patience, loyalty, goodness... Merry Man: To the tables, everybody, and stuff yourselves! Marian: I'm afraid the company has spoiled my appetite. Robin: Are you really interested in learning why I turned outlaw? Or are you afraid of the truth, or of me perhaps? Marian: I am afraid of nothing, least of all you. Marian: But you've taken Norman lives. Robin: Yes, those that deserved it, cruel and unjust. Marian: You're a strange man. Robin: Strange? Because I can feel for beaten, helpless people? Marian: No. You're strange because you want to do something about it. You're willing to defy Sir Guy, even Prince John himself, to risk your own life. And one of those men was a Norman! Robin: Norman or Saxon, what's that matter? It's injustice I hate, not the Normans. Marian: But it's lost you your rank, your lands. It's made you a hunted outlaw when you might have lived in comfort and security. What's your reward for all this? Robin: Reward? Just don't understand do you? Marian: I'm sorry. I do begin to see...a Robin: You do? Then that's reward enough. [He kisses her hand gently] Marian: He is different from anyone I've ever known. He's, well he's brave and he's reckless, and yet he's...gentle and kind. He's not brutal like...tell me, when you are in love, is it, well, is it hard to think of anybody but, but one person? Bess: Yes, indeed my lady, and sometimes it's a bit of trouble sleeping. Marian: I know, but it's a nice kind of not sleeping. Bess: And it affects your appetite too. Not that I've noticed it's done that to you, except when he was in the dungeon waiting to be hanged. Marian: And does it make you want to be with him all the time? Bess: Yes, and when he's with you, your legs are as weak as water. Tell me, my lady. When he looks at you, do you feel a kind of prickly feeling like goosy pimples running all up and down your spine?...Then there's not a doubt of it. Marian: Doubt of what? Robin: [entering through the window] That you're in love. Robin: I couldn't help overhearing about that 'prickly feeling.' I'm very glad I did come. Marian: That, that was a game. Now you've got to go at once. Robin: Game, eh? Well, couldn't I join in? Of course, I probably wouldn't be as good at it as, uh, [he playfully pinches Bess' chin] this pretty young girl. I could do my best. Marian: Bess, will you leave us? Please. Robin: Now let's see, where does this game begin? Oh, I know. It's simple. We'll start where you are in love with me. You are, aren't you? Because I am with you. Terribly. That's why I came. I had to see you. Marian: You must go at once and I don't love you. Robin: Oh! You sure? Marian: Yes. Robin: Very well then, I'll go. This is rather unfriendly of you, exposing me to my enemies like this....Goodbye my lady. Marian: Robin! Robin: Yes? Marian: Please. Robin: Then you do love me, don't you? Don't you? Marian: You know I do. Robin: Well, that's different. [they kiss] Marian: You know you're very impudent. Robin: Me? Marian: You are. And when my real guardian King Richard finds out about your being in love with me... Robin: I know, he'll make me court jester. Marian: He won't. He'll stick your funny head on London's Gate. Robin: A very fine decoration it will be, my bold Norman beauty. Marian: I'm not bold. Robin: But you're a Norman...And you are a beauty. You are the most beautiful... Marian: And you're leaving here at once. Please darling! Every minute you're here, you're in danger. Robin: I know...Marian, will you come with me? Marian: To Sherwood? [He nods] Robin: I've nothing to offer you but a life of hardship and danger. But we'd be together. Marian: A problem dear. Robin: I know. It's asking a lot. But who knows how long it will be before Richard returns. Friar Tuck would marry us. Will you? Marian: Because I love you Robin, I'd come. Even the danger would mean nothing if you were with me. Robin: Then you will. Marian: No...I could help much more by watching for treachery here and leaving you free to protect Richard's people until he returns. Now do you see why you have to go back to your men alone? [He nods] Go now quickly, dearest. Sir Guy: Not only has she consorted with this Saxon rebel, found guilty of outlawry, theft, murder, abduction, and high treason, but she has betrayed her own Norman people. Are you not ashamed my Lady Marian? Marian: Yes, I am, bitterly, but it's the shame that I'm a Norman, after seeing the things my fellow countrymen have done to England. At first, I wouldn't believe. Because I was a Norman, I wouldn't let myself believe that the horrors you inflicted on the Saxons were just and right. I know now why you tried so hard to kill this outlaw whom you despise. It's because he was the one man in England who protected the helpless against a lot of beasts who were drunk on human blood. And now you intend to murder your own brother. Prince John: You'll be sorry you interfered. Marian: Sorry? I'd do it again if you killed me for it. Prince John: A prophetic speech, my lady, for that is exactly what is going to happen to you. Marian: You wouldn't dare. I'm the royal ward of King Richard and no one but the King himself has the right to condemn me to death. Prince John: You are quite right, my dear. And it shall be a King. I will order your execution for high treason exactly forty-eight hours from now. Take her away. Robin: Did I upset your plans? Sir Guy: You've come to Nottingham once too often. Robin: When this is over my friend, there'll be no need for me to come again. King Richard: And what about you Robin? Robin: My sword is yours, Sire, now and always. King Richard: Is there nothing England's King can grant the outlaw who showed him his duty to his country? Robin: Yes, your majesty. A pardon for the men of Sherwood. King Richard: Granted with all my heart. [Cheers] But is there nothing for yourself? Robin: [looking at Marian] There's but one thing else, Sire. King Richard: [to Marian] And do you too wish...? Marian: More than anything in the world, Sire. King Richard: Kneel Robin Hood. [Robin kneels] Arise Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham, and Lord of all the lands and manors appertaining thereto. [Robin rises] My first command to you, my Lord Earl, is to take in marriage the hand of the Lady Marian. What say you to that, Baron of Locksley? Robin: May I obey all your commands with equal pleasure, Sire! [edit] Taglines

• Only the rainbow can duplicate its brilliance!

• this classic adventure story sweeps across the screen! [edit] Cast

• Errol Flynn - Sir Robin of Locksley (Robin Hood) • Olivia de Havilland - Lady Marian Fitzwalter (Maid Marian) • Basil Rathbone - Sir Guy of Gisbourne • - Prince John • Patric Knowles - Will Scarlett • Eugene Pallette - Friar Tuck • Alan Hale - Little John • Melville Cooper - High Sheriff of Nottingham • Ian Hunter - King Richard the Lion Heart • Una O'Connor - Bess • Herbert Mundin - Much-the-Miller's-Son • Montagu Love - Bishop of the Black Canons

The Three Musketeers (1993 film)

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The Three Musketeers is a 1993 film about three Musketeers - Athos, Porthos, and Aramis - who, after the Musketeers are disbanded, join a young would-be-Musketeer, D'Artagnan, to stop Richelieu's evil plot: kill King Louis and form an alliance with England by way of the mysterious Milady DeWinter.

Directed by Stephen Herek. Written by David Loughery, based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. All for one and one for all! taglines Contents


• 1 D'Artagnan • 2 Athos • 3 Porthos • 4 Aramis • 5 Cardinal Richelieu • 6 Rochefort • 7 Milady DeWinter (Sabine) • 8 Giard • 9 Dialogue • 10 Taglines • 11 Cast

• 12 External Links [edit] D'Artagnan

• [After meeting, and somehow offending, each of the Three Musketeers] Three duels in one day...

• I may not wear the tunic, but I believe I have the heart of a Musketeer.

• [to Porthos] It's about time! [edit] Athos

• [to Rochefort] You go back and you tell the Cardinal, that we will continue to perform our sworn duty which is to protect the king. And we will use every means within our power to fight him.

• The Count was crushed. The woman he loved, his bride, had betrayed him. She'd lied to him. When she came to, she swore that she'd been falsely accused of these crimes, but he didn't believe her; he rejected her for her lies and for her past. Then he banished her from his province. When the guards came to take her away to be executed, she... she was still professing her undying love. Soon after, the Count realized how much she had meant to him, but it was too late. His betrayal was far greater than hers could ever have been. He gave up his title, his land, everything he believed in, never to be seen or heard from again, all because of love. [edit] Porthos

• This sash was a gift to me from the Queen of America.

• This axe was a gift to me from the Czarina of Tokyo.

• whoo! God, I love my work!

• You, boy, are arrogant, hot-tempered, and entirely too bold. I like that. Reminds me of me.

• [to Rochefort] Rochefort... isn't that a smelly kind of a cheese?

• Aha! The Cardinal's sacred snack chamber!

• For a chase, the Cardinal recommends his excellent '24 Cabnernet. [To D'Artagnan] You can't have any, you're too young.

• Ooh, a lively tune... I'm inspired to dance!

• Come, D'Artagnan, we're saving the king! [edit] Aramis

• You're married?!

• [after falling on D'Artagnan] Ah, thank you. You broke my fall perfectly. I do apologize for the inconvenience.

• Fear not, my son, I am with you, always... all for one... and one for all.

• [about the Cardinal] Is he a man of God or a man of gold?

• D'Artagnan! Would you be so kind as to redistribute this wealth! [D'Artagnan looks at him, confused]) Throw the coins, lad, people are hungry! [D'Artagnan throws the coins out of the carriage on to the street, where people rush to pick them up] Well done!

• [to Cardinal Richeleiu] You will never harm another soul ever again. My promise to God. [edit] Cardinal Richelieu

• All for one... and more for me.

• Remember, Kings come and Kings go but one thing remains the same. And that is me.

• I trust, Captain Rochefort, that you are doing everything in your power to rid us of these rebels. Don't let having only one eye impair your vision. The loss of the other could be most... inconvenient.

• One thousand gold pieces on each of their heads, dead or alive! [pause] I prefer dead. [edit] Rochefort

• By joint edict of His Majesty King Louis XIII and His Eminence Cardinal Richelieu, the Musketeers are officially disbanded.

• All for one... and one for all.

• [to Athos] Bold words. I look forward to ramming them down your throat.

• [to D'Artagnan] One thing is certain, you are no Musketeer! [D'Artagnan strikes Rochefort a lethal blow with his sword] ...I might ...have been mistaken. [edit] Milady DeWinter (Sabine)

• I've learned the value of lies, they've kept me alive.

• [to Athos] I have become the monster you once thought me to be.

• [to Athos] There was a time I would have given my life for a kind word from you. [edit] Giard

• [As D'Artagnan is about to be beheaded] D'Artagnan! Don't lose your head! [edit] Dialogue

Girard: My brothers will avenge me... D'Artagnan: [as Gerard's three brothers arrive on horseback] Already? Aramis: You're married?!? Woman: Yes, I'm married. Aramis: We must pray for our sins. [husband bursts in and shoots at Aramis] On second thought, God is often busy. Aramis: [to Porthos] Only the wrong words are a complete waste of time. The right words can leave a more lasting impression than a thousand of Porthos' kisses. Barmaid: Not likely. Aramis: Shall I demonstrate? [to barmaid] As morning hues of sunswept fire caress your passioned face, alone with thee a pure desire to worship untold grace. My soul would cry in silent prayer to an hour swept apart. Your essence warms the evening air as I dance into your heart. [kisses Barmaid's hand] D'Artagnan: Shakespeare. Aramis: Aramis. Porthos: Cheating. Barmaid: It was beautiful. Aramis: Oh, thank you. [Barmaid gets up and kisses Aramis] Cardinal Richelieu: A word of warning, Milady, a snap of my fingers, and you could be back on the block where I found you! Milady: And with a flick of my wrist, I could change your religion. Porthos: Five of them, three of us, hardly seems fair. Aramis: Maybe we should give them a chance to surrender. Athos: Only a fool would try and arrest us twice in one day. Guard: You're under arrest. Aramis & Porthos: A fool. Guard: Are you coming peacefully, or do you intend to resist? Porthos: Oh, don't be so stupid, of course we intend to resist! Just give us a moment, alright? D'Artagnan: I'll be there. Aramis: As will I. Porthos: Athos, you cannot fight this boy. Athos: Why not? Porthos: I'm fighting him. D'Artagnan: Not until one o'clock. Aramis: I have a duel with him, too. D'Artagnan: Not until two o'clock. Porthos:[Appears from a hole in the roof of the carriage with a glass bottle] Champange? Athos:We're in the middle of a chase, Porthos! Porthos:You're right! Something red! [Porthos ducks back into the carriage and Athos laughs. A moment later Porthos reappears with a different bottle] For a chase, the Cardinal recommends his excellent '24 Cabnernet. [To D'Artagnan] You can't have any, you're too young. D'Artagnan: WAIT! Cardinal Richelieu: You object to losing your head? D'Artagnan: Yes, I like it where it is! Cardinal Richelieu: Then tell me what I want to know, and maybe you will keep it a while longer. D'Artagnan: I don't know where they are. Cardinal Richelieu: And if you did? D'Artagnan: I wouldn't tell you... Cardinal Richelieu: I admire your courage, D'Artagnan. You might have made a great musketeer. But now we'll never know - will we? Sailors:[As Porthos jumps on the boat] Porthos the Pirate?! Aaah! [Jump into the ocean] D'Artagnan:Pirate? Porthos:I told you I was famous. Cardinal Richelieu: You of all people should know that the Cardinal does not answer to the laws of men. Aramis: Then you'll answer to God. Cardinal Richelieu: [shoots Aramis] You first. Rochefort: How pathetic, killed by the same man that killed his father. D'Artagnan: You killed my father?!? Rochefort: Oh, yes. As I will you. D'Artagnan: So what do we do now? What's next? Porthos: Well, we protect the King. Aramis: Protect the Queen. Porthos: In the name of God. And France, correct? Aramis: France indeed. King Louis: Your Eminence, I demand an answer. Cardinal Richilieu: Perhaps if I knew the question... King Louis: I've just learned that you've disbanded my Musketeers. Cardinal Richilieu: You... approved the decision. King Louis: But not the timing. I intended to address the men myself and explain the situation. These men are not just my personal guards, they are my friends. Cardinal Richilieu: [smiling] A thousand apologies, your majesty. Cardinal Richilieu: The Duke of Buckingham plans to invade La Rochelle within the month. I thought it best... to act quickly. King Louis: I will be the judge of what is best! For me, and for France! [edit] Taglines

• They're Scoundrels, Playboys, Outlaws . . . The Greatest Heroes Who Ever Lived.

• All for one and one for all!

• A Place Of Betrayal. The Fate Of The King. A Time For Heroes. [edit] Cast

• Chris O'Donnell - D'Artagnan • Keifer Sutherland - Athos • Oliver Platt - Porthos • Charlie Sheen - Aramis • Tim Curry - Cardinal Richelieu • Michael Wincott - Rochefort • Rebecca DeMornay - Milady Sabine DeWinter Lawrence of Arabia (film)

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Lawrence of Arabia is a 1962 film loosely based on the life of T.E. Lawrence, a flamboyant and controversial British military figure, and his conflicted loyalties during wartime service. The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Directed by . Written by Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson. A mighty spectacle of action and adventure!



• 1 T.E. Lawrence • 2 Sherif Ali • 3 Prince Feisal • 4 Col. Harry Brighton • 5 Other • 6 Dialogue • 7 Cast

• 8 External Links [edit] T.E. Lawrence

• [to Dryden] Of course I'm the man for the job. What is the job, by the way?

• [to Sherif Ali, who has just shot Tafas, his guide] My name is for my friends. None of my friends is a murderer.

• Sherif Ali! So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people; a silly people; greedy, barbarous and cruel! As you are!

• Not hurt at all. Didn't you know? They can only kill me with a golden bullet.

• No prisoners! No prisoners! [edit] Sherif Ali • This is the sun's anvil.

• He for whom nothing is written may write himself a clan.

• [about Lawrence] Be patient with him, God. [edit] Prince Feisal

• You understand, Lieutenant Lawrence, my people are unused to explosives and machines. First the guns and now this.

• And I, I long for the vanished gardens of Cordoba. But before the gardens must come the fighting. [edit] Col. Harry Brighton

• [about Lawrence] He was the most extraordinary man I ever knew.

• [about the Arabs] They simply will not understand what modern weapons do. [edit] Other

• Jackson Bentley: Just let me know if the man's in trouble. I've got an interest in that man. I've got a claim...You've read my stuff. I've made that boy a hero. When the war's over, that boy can be anything he wants. [edit] Dialogue

Allenby: What! More words! The revolt in the desert played a decisive part in the Middle Eastern campaign. Reporter: Yes, sir, but about Colonel Lawrence himself? Allenby: No, no I didn't know him well, you know. Reporter: Mr. Bentley. You must know as much about Colonel Lawrence as anybody does. Bentley: Yes. It was my privilege to know him and to make him known to the world. He was a poet, a scholar, and a mighty warrior. [the reporter leaves] He was also the most shameless exhibitionist since Barnum and Bailey. Lawrence: Michael George Hartley; this is a nasty, dark little room. Hartley: That's right. Lawrence: We are not happy in it. Hartley: I am. It's better than a nasty dark little trench. Lawrence: Then you're an ignoble fellow. Hartley: That's right. Potter: [trying to copy Lawrence's snuffing a match with his fingers] Oh, it damn well hurts. Lawrence: Certainly it hurts. Potter: Well, what's the trick, then? Lawrence: The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts. Murray: If you're insubordinate with me, Lawrence, I shall have you put under arrest. Lawrence: It's my manner, sir. Murray: Your what? Lawrence: My manner, sir; it looks insubordinate but it isn't, really. Murray: You know, I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered or just half-witted. Lawrence: I have the same problem, sir. Murray: Shut up. Lawrence: Yes, sir. Murray: ...You're the kind of creature I can't stand, Lawrence. But I suppose I could be wrong. All right, Dryden. You can have him for six weeks. Who knows? Might even make a man of him. Dryden: Find out what kind of man he is [Prince Feisal]. And find out what his intentions are. I don't mean his immediate intentions. That's Colonel Brighton's business, not yours. I mean, his intentions in Arabia all together... Lawrence: Where are they now? Dryden: Anywhere within three hundred miles of Medina. They are Hashimite Bedouins. They can cross sixty miles of desert in a day. Lawrence: Oh thanks, Dryden. This is going to be fun. Dryden: Lawrence. Only two kinds of creatures get fun in the desert. Bedouins and gods, and you are neither. Take it from me. For ordinary men, it's a burning, fiery furnace. Lawrence: No, Dryden. It's going to be fun. Dryden: It is recognized that you have a funny sense of fun. Tafas: Truly, you are a British officer? Lawrence: Yes. Tafas: From Cairo? Lawrence: Yes. Tafas: You did not ride from Cairo. Lawrence: No. Thank heaven. It's 900 miles. I came by boat. Tafas: And before? From Britain? Lawrence: Yes. Tafas: Truly? Lawrence: From Oxfordshire. Tafas: Is that a desert country? Lawrence: No. Fat country. Fat people. Tafas: You are not fat. Lawrence: No. I'm different. Ali: [about Tafas] He is dead. Lawrence: Yes. WHY? Ali: This is my well. Lawrence: I have drunk from it. Ali: You are welcome. Lawrence: He was my friend. Ali: That! Lawrence: Yes. That. Ali: ...You are angry, English. He was nothing. The well is everything. The Hasimi may not drink at our wells. He knew that. Sa'lam. Lawrence: Sherif Ali, so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are. Ali: Come, I will take you to Feisal. Lawrence: I do not want your company, Sherif. Ali: Wadi Safra is another day from here. You will not find it. And not finding it, you will die. Lawrence: I will find it, with this. Ali: Good Army compass. How if I take it? Lawrence: Then you would be a thief. Ali: Have you no fear, English? Lawrence: My fear is my concern. Ali: Truly. God be with you, English. Lawrence: I have been seconded to the Arab Bureau. Brighton: Oh. What are you to do for the Arab Bureau? Lawrence: It's rather vague sir. I'm to 'appreciate' the situation. Brighton: Well, that won't be difficult. The situation's bloody awful. The morale, if anybody had any, which I doubt, the Turks knocked out of them in front of Medina with howitzers. They're fading away by dozens every night. What I want to say to you is this, that whatever you are, and whoever you're with, you're a British-serving officer and here's an order. When we get into that camp, you're to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand what I'm saying? Brighton: I want a decision, sir. Feisal: You want me to fall back on the Yenbo. Brighton: Well, you're not doing much good here, sir. I'm sorry to rub it in, sir, but we can't supply you here. Feisal: You could supply us through Aqaba. Brighton: Aqaba? [laughs] Well, if you can get a hold of Aqaba sir, of course we can supply you. But you can't. Feisal: You could. Brighton: You mean the Navy? The Turks have 12 inch guns at Aqaba, sir. Can you imagine what that means? Feisal: Yes, I can imagine. Brighton: Put that out of your mind, sir. The Navy's got other things to do. Feisal: Oh yes. Protecting the Suez Canal. Brighton: The one essential sector of this front is and must be the Canal. You can see that, sir, surely. Feisal: I see that the Canal is an essential British interest. It is of little consequence to us. Brighton: I must ask you not to speak like that, sir. British and Arab interests are one and the same. Feisal: Possibly. Ali: Ha! Ha! Lawrence: I think your book is right. The desert is an ocean in which no oar is dipped. And on this ocean, the Bedouin go where they please and strike where they please. This is the way the Bedouin has always fought. You are famed throughout the world for fighting in this way and this is the way you should fight now. Brighton: I don't know. Lawrence: I'm sorry sir, but you're wrong. Fall back on Yenbo, sir, and the Arab uprising becomes one poor unit in the British army. Feisal: Colonel Brighton means to put my men under European officers, does he not? Lawrence: In effect my lord, yes. Feisal: And I must do it because the Turks have European guns. But I fear to do it. Upon my soul I do. The English have a great hunger for desolate places. I fear they hunger for Arabia. Lawrence: Then you must deny it to them. Feisal: You are an Englishman. Are you not loyal to England? Lawrence: To England, and to other things. Feisal: To England and Arabia both? And is that possible? I think you are another of these desert-loving English: Doughty, Stanhope, Gordon of Khartoum. No Arab loves the desert. We love water and green trees, there is nothing in the desert. No man needs nothing. Or is it that you think we are something you can play with because we are a little people? A silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel? What do you know, Lieutenant. In the Arab city of Cordova, there were two miles of public lighting in the streets when London was a village... Lawrence: Yes, you were great. Feisal: ..nine centuries ago... Lawrence: Time to be great again, my Lord. Feisal: ...which is why my father made this war upon the Turks. My father, Mr. Lawrence, not the English. Now my father is old. And I, I long for the vanished gardens of Cordova. However, before the gardens must come fighting. To be great again, it seems that we need the English or... Lawrence: ...or?... Feisal: ...what no man can provide, Mr. Lawrence. We need a miracle! Ali: You are mad. To come to Aqaba by land, you should have to cross the Nefud Desert. Lawrence: That's right. Ali: The Nefud cannot be crossed. Lawrence: I'll cross it if you will. Ali: You! It takes more than a compass Englishman. The Nefud is the worst place God created. Lawrence: I can't answer for the place, only for myself. Fifty men? Ali: Fifty? Against Aqaba? Lawrence: If fifty men came out of the Nefud, there would be fifty men other men might join. The Howeitat are there I hear. Ali: The Howeitat are brigands. They will sell themselves to anyone. Lawrence: Good fighters, though. Ali: Good...yes. There are guns at Aqaba. Lawrence: They face the sea, Sherif Ali, and cannot be turned round. From the landward side, there are no guns at Aqaba. Ali: With good reason. It cannot be approached from the landward side. Lawrence: Certainly the Turks don't dream of it. [He points in the direction of Aqaba] Aqaba is over there. It's only a matter of going. Ali: You are mad. Ali: From here until the other side, no water but what we carry. For the camels, no water at all. If the camels die, we die. And in twenty days they will start to die. Lawrence: There's no time to waste then, is there? Ali: [about Gasim's riderless camel] In God's name understand, we cannot go back. Lawrence: I can... Ali: If you go back, you'll kill us all. Gasim you have killed already. Lawrence: Get out of my way. Arab: Gasim's time is come, Lawrence. It is written! Lawrence: Nothing is written. Ali: Go back, then. What did you bring us here for with your blasphemous conceit? Eh, English blasphemer? Aqaba? What is Aqaba? You will not be at Aqaba, English. Go back, blasphemer! But you will not be at Aqaba! Lawrence: I shall be at Aqaba. That is written [He points at his head] here! Ali: English! English! ... Lawrence: [after rescuing Gasim] Nothing is written. Ali: El Aurens. Truly for some men, nothing is written unless they write it. Lawrence: Not El Aurens. Just Lawrence. Ali: El Aurens is better. Lawrence: True. ... [Lawrence reveals his illegitimacy] Ali: I see. Lawrence: I'm sorry. Ali: It seems to me that you are free to choose your own name then. Lawrence: Yes. I suppose I am. Ali: El Aurens is best. Lawrence: All right. I'll settle for El Aurens. Lawrence: Auda! We are 50. You are 2. How if we shot you down? Auda: Why then you have a blood feud with the Howeitat. You desire it? Lawrence: Not the generals in Cairo nor the Sultan himself desire that. Call off your men. Auda: Go now, boy. This honors the unworthy. I've only just begun to teach him. Lawrence: And what are you teaching him today? Howeitat hospitality? Auda: Be not clever with me, English! [To Sherif Ali] Who is he? Lawrence: A friend of Prince Feisal's. Auda: Oh. So you desire my hospitality. Lawrence: Yes. Auda: [Pointing at Lawrence but speaking to Ali] Is this your tongue? Lawrence: We do not work this thing for Feisal. Auda: No! For the English then? Lawrence: For the Arabs. Auda: The Arabs?...What tribe is that? Lawrence: They are a tribe of slaves. They serve the Turks. Auda: Well, they are nothing to me. My tribe is the Howeitat. Sherif: Work only for profit. Auda: Work at Auda's pleasure. Lawrence: And Auda's pleasure is to serve the Turks. Auda: Serve! I serve? Lawrence: It is the servant who takes money. Auda: I am Auda Abu Tayi. [Asking his men] Does Auda Abu Tayi serve? All: No!.. Auda: I carry twenty-three great wounds, all got in battle. Seventy-five men have I killed with my own hands in battle. I scatter, I burn my enemy's tents. I take away the flocks and herds. The Turks pay me a golden treasure yet I am poor, because I am a river to my people. [His men cheer] Is that service? Lawrence: No. Auda: The Turks pay me 100 golden guineas each month as service. Lawrence: A 100, a 150, what matters? It's a trifle. A trifle which they take from a great box they have. Ali: In Aqaba. Auda: In Aqaba? Lawrence: Where else? Auda: You trouble me like women. Lawrence: [Laughing] Friends, we have been foolish. Auda will not come to Aqaba. Auda: No. Lawrence: For money... Auda: No. Lawrence: For Feisal... Auda: No. Lawrence: Nor to drive away the Turks...He will come, because it is his pleasure. Auda: Your mother mated with a scorpion. [Lawrence has executed a Gasim, for murder] Auda: What ails the Englishman? Ali: That that he killed was the man he brought out of the Nefud. Auda: Ah, it was written then. Better to have left him. Ali: [to Lawrence] It was execution, Lawrence. No shame in that. Besides, it was necessary. You gave life and you took it. The writing is still yours. Ali: The miracle is accomplished. Garlands for the conqueror. Tribute for the prince. Flowers for the man. Lawrence: I'm none of those things, Ali. Ali: What then? Lawrence: Don't know. Thanks. My God, I love this country. Lawrence: I'm going to tell the generals - in Cairo. Yes, cross Sinai. Come on. Ali: Sinai? Lawrence: Yes. Ali: [gesturing to his two servant boys] With these? Lawrence: They will be all right with me. Look Ali, if any of your Bedouin arrived in Cairo and said, 'We've taken Aqaba,' the generals would laugh. Ali: I see. In Cairo, you will put off these funny clothes. You will wear trousers and tell stories of our quaintness and barbarity. And then they will believe you. Lawrence: You're an ignorant man. Lawrence: Did Auda come to Aqaba for gold? Auda: For my pleasure as you said. But gold is honorable. And Aurens promised gold. Aurens lied. Lawrence: See, Auda. [reading as he writes] The Crown of England promises to pay 5,000 golden guineas to Auda Abu Tayi. Signed in his Majesty's absence by me. [hands the voucher to Auda] In ten days, I'll be back with the gold - with gold, with guns, with everything. Auda: In ten days. You will cross Sinai? Lawrence: Why not? Moses did. Auda: And you will take the children? Lawrence: Moses did. Auda: Moses was a prophet and beloved of God... [To Ali] He said there was gold here. He lied. He is not perfect. Lawrence: We've taken Aqaba. Brighton: Taken Aqaba? Who has? Lawrence: We have. Our side in this war has. The wogs have. We have... Brighton: You mean the Turks have gone? Lawrence: No, they're still there but they've no boots. Prisoners, sir. We took them prisoners, the entire garrison. No that's not true. We killed some, too many really. I'll manage it better next time. There's been a lot of killing, one way or another. Cross my heart and hope to die, it's all perfectly true. Brighton: It isn't possible. Lawrence: Yes it is. I did it. Allenby: Undisciplined, unpunctual, untidy. Several languages. Knowledge of Music, Literature, knowledge of, knowledge of ...You're an interesting man. There's no doubt about it. Who told you to take Aqaba? Lawrence: Nobody. Allenby: Sir. Lawrence: Sir. Allenby: Then why did you? Lawrence: Aqaba's important. Allenby: Why is it important? Lawrence: It's the Turkish route to the canal. Allenby: Not any more. They're coming through Beersheba. Lawrence: I know. But we've gone forward to Gaza. Allenby: So? Lawrence: So that left Aqaba behind your right. Allenby: True. Lawrence: And it will be further behind your right when you go for Jerusalem. Allenby: Am I going for Jerusalem? Lawrence: Yes. Allenby: I want you to go back and carry on the good work. Lawrence: No thank you, sir. Allenby: Why not? Lawrence: Well, I, it's, uh, let me see, I killed two people, I mean two Arabs. One was a boy. That was yesterday. I led him into a quicksand. The other was a man. That was before Aqaba anyway. I had to execute him with my pistol. There was something about it I didn't like. Allenby: Well, naturally. Lawrence: No, something else. Allenby: I see. Well that's all right. Let it be a warning. Lawrence: No, something else. Allenby: What then? Lawrence: I enjoyed it. Allenby: Rubbish...What do you mean by coming here dressed like that? Amateur theatricals? Lawrence: Oh yes, entirely. Allenby: Let me see that, uh, that hat thing or whatever it is. Fascinating gear that they wear. How do you think I would look in this, Harry? Brighton: Downright ridiculous, sir. Allenby: [to Lawrence] Here, you keep it. Lawrence: What I'm trying to say is I don't think I'm fit for it. Allenby: Really! What do you think, Dryden? Dryden: Before he did it, sir, I'd have said it couldn't be done. Allenby: Brighton? Lawrence: I know what he thinks. Brighton: I think you should recommend a decoration, sir. I don't think it matters what his motives were. It was a brilliant bit of soldiering. Lawrence: A thousand Arabs means a thousand knives, delivered anywhere day or night. It means a thousand camels. That means a thousand packs of high explosives and a thousand crack rifles. We can cross Arabia while jolly Turkey is still turning round, and smash his railways. And while he's mending them, I'll smash them somewhere else. In thirteen weeks, I can have Arabia in chaos. Allenby: You are going back then? Lawrence: [smiling] Yes. Of course I'm going back. Lawrence: Arabia is for the Arabs now. That's what I've told them anyway. That's what they think. That's why they're fighting. Allenby: Oh surely. Lawrence: They've only one suspicion. We let them drive the Turks out and then move in ourselves. I've told them that that's false, that we've no ambitions in Arabia. Have we? Allenby: I'm not a politician, thank God. Have we any ambition in Arabia, Dryden? Dryden: Difficult question sir. Lawrence: I want to know sir, if I can tell them, in your name, that we've no ambitions in Arabia. Allenby: Certainly. Lawrence: Two thousand small arms, not enough. I need five. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Money. It'll have to be sovereigns. They don't like paper. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Instructors for the Lewis guns. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: More money. Allenby: How much more? Lawrence: Twenty-five thousand now. A lot more later. Allenby: Dryden? Dryden: It can be done, sir. Lawrence: A couple of armored cars. Allenby: Right. Lawrence: Field artillery. Allenby: Right. I know to give you every blessed thing I can, Major Lawrence, because I know you'll use it. Congratulations and thank you. Dryden: You give them artillery and you've made them independent. Allenby: Then I can't give them artillery, can I? Dryden: For you to say, sir. Allenby: No, it's not. I've got orders to obey, thank God. Not like that poor devil. He's riding the whirlwind. Dryden: Let's hope we're not. Bentley: Watch out for Allenby. He's a slim customer. Feisal: Excuse me? Bentley: A clever man. Feisal: 'Slim customer.' It's very good. I will certainly watch out for him. You are being very sympathetic, Mr. Bentley. Bentley: Your Highness. We Americans were once a colonial people, and we naturally feel sympathetic to any people anywhere who are struggling for their freedom. Feisal: Very gratifying. Bentley: Also, my interests are the same as yours. You want your story told. I badly want a story to tell. Bentley: Major Lawrence is in charge of all this, is he? Feisal: My army is made up of tribes. The tribes are led by the tribal leaders. Bentley: Well, your people do think very highly of Major Lawrence though? Feisal: Oh yes...In this country, the man who gives victory in battle is prized beyond every other man. One figure I can give you from my head because it never leaves my head. Since starting this campaign four months ago, we have lost 37 wounded, 156 dead. Do you remark at this proportion between our dead and wounded? Bentley: Yeah. Four times as many. Feisal: That's because those too badly wounded to bring away we ourselves kill. We leave no wounded for the Turks. Bentley: You mean... Feisal: I mean we leave no wounded for the Turks. In their eyes, we are not soldiers, but rebels. And rebels wounded or whole, are not protected by the Geneva Code and are treated harshly. Bentley: How harshly? Feisal: More harshly than I hope you can imagine. Bentley: I see. Feisal: Our own prisoners, Mr. Bentley, are taken care of, 'til the British can relieve us of them, according to the Code. I should like you to notice that. Bentley: Yes, sir. Is that the influence of Major Lawrence? Feisal: Why should you suppose so? Bentley: Well, it's just that I heard in Cairo that Major Lawrence has a horror of bloodshed. Feisal: That is exactly so. With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me, it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the more reliable. Bentley: It's very simple sir. I'm looking for a hero...certain influential men back home believe that the time has come for America to lend her weight to the patriotic struggle against Germany, uh and Turkey. Now I've been sent to find material which will show our people that this war is, uh... Feisal: Enjoyable? Bentley: Oh hardly that, sir. But to show them its more adventurous aspects. Feisal: And you are looking for a figure who will draw your country towards war. Bentley: All right. Yes. Feisal: Lawrence is your man. Bentley: Never seen a man killed with a sword before. Lawrence: Why don't you take a picture? Bentley: Wish I had. Auda: How is it with thee, Lawrence? Ho! [Seizing Bentley's camera] Am I in this? Bentley: Huh? Lawrence: Did you take his picture? Bentley: Yeah. [Auda smashes the camera to pieces] Auda: [to Lawrence] You are using up your nine lives very quickly. Bentley: Charming company you keep. Lawrence: Auda? He's a bit old-fashioned. He thinks these things will steal his virtue. He thinks you're a kind of thief. Bentley: What, in your opinion, do these people hope to gain from this war? Lawrence: They hope to gain their freedom. Freedom. Bentley: They hope to gain their freedom. There's one born every minute. Lawrence: They're gonna get it, Mr. Bentley. I'm going to give it to them. Second question? Bentley: Oh! Well, I was gonna ask, um, what is it Major Lawrence, that attracts you personally to the desert? Lawrence: It's clean. Bentley: Well now, that's a very illuminating answer. Auda: When Aurens has got what he wants, he will go home. When you have got what you want, you will go home. Brighton: Oh no I shan't, Auda. Auda: Then you are a fool. Brighton: Maybe. I am not a deserter. Auda: Give thanks to God, Brighton, that when he made you a fool, he gave you a fool's face. Brighton: You are an impudent rascal. Auda: [to Lawrence] I must go Aurens, before I soil myself with a fool's blood. Brighton: Talking to a brick wall. [To Lawrence] So, what will you do now? What can you do? Lawrence: I'll go north. That's what Allenby wants. Brighton: Allenby wanted the Arab army behind Deraa. Lawrence: Tell Allenby to hurry up. Or we'll be in Deraa before he's in Jerusalem. Brighton: Well, he hasn't one-tenth so many men, sir. Allenby: He's lied, in fact. Brighton:Yes and no. He doesn't claim to have done anything he hasn't done. Allenby: So there is an Arab North Army. Brighton: Well, no, sir, he has lied about that. Allenby: Any idea why? Brighton: It's his army, I suppose. Allenby: It's Prince Feisal's army. Do you think he's gone native, Harry? Brighton: No. [pause] He would if he could, I think. Not my line of country, this, sir. Allenby: Oh, it doesn't matter, I was just curious. What matters is I believed it. The Turks believe it. They're offering twenty thousand pounds for him. Brighton: Good heavens. Allenby: I shouldn't say he's long to live, would you? Brighton: Well, whatever else, sir, he's a brave man-- Allenby: Oh, surely, surely. If he's going north with twenty men, he doesn't lack guts. I wonder if they'd offer that much for me. What about next year? Will they still come back? Brighton: I wouldn't be surprised. They think he's [Lawrence] a kind of prophet. Allenby: They do or he does? Ali: Aurens, one more failure, and you will find yourself alone. I do not include myself. Lawrence: I do not include the others. Ali: So say they love you. The more reason to be thrifty with them. Give them something to do that can be done. But you? No! No! They must move mountains for you. They must walk on water. Lawrence: That's right! That's right! Who are you to know what can be done? If we'd done what you thought could be done, we'd be back at Yembo now and nowhere. Whatever I ask them to do can be done. That's all. They know that if you don't. Do you think I'm just anybody Ali? Do you? [To the men] My friends, who will walk on water with me? Who will come with me into Deraa? One of the men: Deraa is garrisoned. Will you take twenty against two thousand? Lawrence: I'll go by myself if I have to...Because I told the English generals, the will be in Deraa when they would be in Jerusalem. One of the men: Or perhaps you are here for the English generals? Lawrence: Who says this? Ali: Rumor. [Lawrence spits in disgust to the ground] One of the men: That is not an argument. Lawrence: Oh, an argument. This afternoon, I will take the Arab Revolt into Deraa while the Arabs argue. One of the men: Aurens? Can you pass for an Arab in an Arab town? Lawrence: Yes, if one of you would lend me some dirty clothes. Lawrence: I'm going, Ali. Ali: Why? Lawrence: Why? Heavens. Ali: Why? Lawrence: I've come to the end of myself, I suppose. Ali: And the end of the Arab Revolt? Lawrence: I'm not the Arab Revolt, Ali. I'm not even Arab. Ali: A man can be whatever he wants, you said. Lawrence: I'm sorry. I thought it was true. Ali: You proved it. Lawrence: Look, Ali, look. [He pinches the white, fair skin of his chest] That's me. What color is it? That's me, and there's nothing I can do about it. Ali: A man can do whatever he wants, you said. Lawrence: He can, but he can't want what he wants. This is the stuff that decides what he wants. You may as well know. I would have told them anything. I would have told them who I am, I would have told them where you were. I tried to. Ali: So would any man. Lawrence: Well, 'any man' is what I am. I'm going back to Allenby to ask him for a job that 'any man' can do. Ali: Allenby's in Jerusalem. Lawrence: I'll make easy stages. Ali: You? Lawrence: Oh yes. Easy stages. Look Ali, I think I see a way of being just ordinarily happy... Ali: And these? [gesturing to the men] Having led them here, have you no care for them? Lawrence: You lead them. They're yours. Trust your own people, and let me go back to mine. Dryden: Mr. Sykes and Mr. Picot met, and they agreed that after the war, France and England would share the Turkish Empire, including Arabia. They signed an agreement, not a treaty sir. An agreement to that effect. Lawrence:There may be honour among thieves, but there is none in politicians. Dryden: Let's have no displays of indignation. When we told lies you told half- lies. And a man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it. Lawrence: The truth is, I'm an ordinary man. You might have told me that, Dryden. [To Allenby] And I want an ordinary job, sir. That's my reason for resigning. It's personal. Allenby: Personal? Lawrence: Yes sir. Allenby: Personal? You're a serving officer in the field. And as it happens, a damned important one. Personal? Are you mad? Lawrence: No. And if you don't mind, I'd rather not go mad. That's my reason too. Allenby: Look, Lawrence, I'm making my big push on Damascus the 16th of next month and you are part of it. Can you understand that? You're an important part of the big push! Lawrence: [pounding on the table] I don't want to be part of your big push! Allenby: What about your Arab friends? What about them? Lawrence: I have no Arab friends. I don't want Arab friends. Allenby: What in hell do you want, Lawrence? Lawrence: I told you. I just want my ration of common humanity. Allenby: I believe your name will be a household word when you have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I ever met. Lawrence: Leave me alone...Leave me alone. Allenby: Well, that's a feeble thing to say. Lawrence: I know. I'm not ordinary. Allenby: That's not what I'm saying. Lawrence: All right. I'm extraordinary. What of it? Allenby: Not many people have a destiny, Lawrence. It's a terrible thing for a man to flunk it if he has. Lawrence: Are you speaking from experience? Allenby: No. Lawrence: You're guessing then. Suppose you're wrong. Allenby: Why suppose that? We both know I'm right. Lawrence: Yes... Allenby: After all... Lawrence: I said 'Yes.' The 16th? Allenby: Can you do it? I'll give you a lot of money. Lawrence: Artillery? Allenby: I can't. Lawrence: They won't be coming for money. Not the best of them. They'll be coming for Damascus, which I'm going to give them. Allenby: That's all I want. Lawrence: All you want is someone holding down the Turkish right. But I'm going to give them Damascus. We'll get there before you do. And when we've got it, we'll keep it. You can tell the politicians to burn their bit of paper now. Allenby: Fair enough. Lawrence: Fair? What's fair got to do with it? It's going to happen. I shall want quite a lot of money. Allenby: All there is. Lawrence: Not that much. The best of them won't come for money. They'll come for me! Ali: [after the massacre at Tafas] Does it surprise you, Mr. Bentley? Surely, you know the Arabs are a barbarous people. Barbarous and cruel. Who but they? Who but they? Bentley: [to Lawrence] Oh, you rotten man. Here, let me take your rotten, bloody picture, for the rotten bloody newspapers. Brighton: [as Damascus falls and burns] Look, sir, we can't just do nothing. Allenby: Why not? It's usually best. Auda: What is it? Is it this? I tell you, this is nothing. Is it the blood? The desert has dried up more blood than you could think of. Lawrence: I pray that I may never see the desert again. Hear me God. Auda: You will come. There is only the desert for you. Ali: I had no thought of it when I met you. You tried very hard to give us Damascus. Lawrence: It's what I came for. And then - it would be something. Ali: Yes. Much. [Ali leaves the room and is confronted by Auda] Auda: He is your friend. Ali: Get your hand away from me. Auda: You love him. Ali: No, I fear him. Auda: Why do you weep? Ali: If I fear him and love him, how must he fear himself who hates himself? [Ali draws his dagger] Take your hand away, Howeitat! Auda: Oh, so you are not yet entirely politician. Ali: Not yet. Auda: Well, these are new tricks and I am an old dog. An Arab, be thanked. I'll tell thee what though. Being an Arab will be thornier than you suppose, Harith! Feisal: [about Lawrence] He longs for the greenness of his native land. He pines for the Gothic cottages of the Surrey, is it not? Already, in his imagination, he catches trouts and all the activities of the English gentleman. Allenby: That's me you're describing sir, not Colonel Lawrence. [To Lawrence] You're promoted, Colonel. Lawrence: Yes. What for? Feisal: Take the honor, Colonel. Be a little kind. Allenby: As a Colonel, you'll have a cabin to yourself on the boat home. Lawrence: Then, thank you. Allenby: Well then, Godspeed. Feisal: There's nothing further here, for a warrior. We drive bargains, old men's work. Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men - courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men - mistrust and caution. It must be so. [Lawrence leaves the room] What I owe you is beyond evaluation. Feisal: The world is delighted at the picture of Damascus liberated by the Arab army. Allenby: Led, may I remind you, sir, by a British-serving officer. Feisal: Ah yes. But then Aurens is a sword with two edges. We are equally glad to be rid of him, are we not? Allenby: I thought I was a hard man, sir. Feisal: You are merely a general. I must be a king... Allenby: Well... Dryden: Well, it seems we're to have a British Water Works with an Arab flag on it. Do you think it was worth it? Allenby: Not my business. Thank god I'm a soldier. Dryden: Yes, sir. So you keep saying. Feisal: [to Dryden] You, I suspect, are chief architect of this compromise... [edit] Cast

• Peter O'Toole - T.E. Lawrence • Omar Sharif - Sherif Ali • - Prince Feisal • Anthony Quinn - Auda ibu Tayi • Claude Rains - Mr. Dryden • Jack Hawkins - General Lord Edmund Allenby • Arthur Kennedy - Jackson Bentley Malcolm X (film)

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Malcolm X is a 1992 biographical film about the life and times of the African American activist and Black nationalist Malcolm X.

Directed, produced and written by Spike Lee. Based on The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley.

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[edit] Dialogue

Malcolm X: We had the best organization a black man's ever had. Niggers ruined it. Baines: A man curses because he doesn't have the words to say what's on his mind. [Witnessing Malcolm's control over a mob] Captain Green: That's too much power for one man to have. Elijah : You will be on the public eye. Beware on them cameras. Oh, them cameras are bad as any narcotic. Malcolm X: The only thing I like intergrated is my coffee. Rudy: I'm half wop, I'm half nigger. I not afraid of nobody. Malcolm X: We didn't land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us! Eulogy Performer: Here - at this final hour, in this quiet place - Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of its brightest hopes - extinguished now, and gone from us forever. For Harlem is where he worked and and where he struggled and fought - his home of homes, where his heart is, and where his people are - and it is, therefore, most fitting that we meet once again - in Harlem - to share these last moments with him. For Harlem has ever been gracious to those who have loved her, have fought her, and have defended her honor ever to the death. Malcolm X: Cats that hung out together trying to find a solution found nothing. Cats that might have proved space or cured cancer, West Indian Archie might have been a mathematical genius... but we were all victims of the American social order. [edit] Major cast • Denzel Washington - Malcolm X • Angela Bassett - Betty Shabazz • Albert Hall - Baines • Al Freeman, Jr. - Elijah Muhammad • Delroy Lindo - West Indian Archie • Spike Lee - Shorty • Theresa Randle - Laura • Kate Vernon - Sophia • Lonette McKee - Louise Little • Tommy Hollis - Earl Little Patton (film)

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Patton is a 1970 film starring George C. Scott, Karl Malden and Michael Bates. It is a semi-historical account of the controversial hard-driving General George S. Patton's career during the Second World War.

Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner. Written by Francis Ford Coppola and Edmund H. North. Contents


• 1 George S. Patton o 1.1 Opening speech o 1.2 Other Patton quotes • 2 Reviews and awards • 3 Cast

• 4 External links [edit] George S. Patton

[edit] Opening speech I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war is a lot of horse dung. Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, big league ball player, the toughest boxer. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war, because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. Now, we have the finest food, equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world. You know, by God I, I actually pity those poor bastards we're going up against, by God, I do. We're not just going to shoot the bastards; we're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel. Now, some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do. Now there's another thing I want you to remember: I don't want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we're not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We're going to hold onto him by the nose and we're going to kick him in the ass. We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose. Now, there's one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home. And you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you: "What did you do in the great World War II?" You won't have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana." Alright, now you sons-of-bitches, you know how I feel. Oh... I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime, anywhere. That's all.

[edit] Other Patton quotes

• (watching an intense battle) "God help me, I do love it so." • You know what the poet said:

"Through the travail of ages, Midst the pomp and toils of war, Have I fought and strove and perished Countless times upon a star. As if through a glass, and darkly The age-old strife I see— Where I fought in many guises, many names— but always me." Do you know who the poet was? Me.

• (watching German troops get routed) "Such a waste of fine infantry."

• "Only a New Orleans pimp would carry a pearl-handled pistol. These are ivory."

• " magnificent bastard, I read your book!"

• "For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting."

• " An entire world at war and I'm left out of it? God will not permit this to happen! I will be allowed to fulfill my destiny!" [edit] Reviews and awards

• "The epic American war movie that Hollywood has always wanted to make but never had the guts to do before." -- Vincent Canby, .

• "There's a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top down is even more necessary and much less prevalent. One of the most frequently noted characteristics of great men who have remained great is loyalty to their subordinates." [edit] Cast

• George C. Scott as General George S. Patton • Karl Malden as General Omar N. Bradley • Ed Binns as Major General Walter Bedell Smith ("Beetle") • James Edwards as Sergeant William Meeks • Michael Bates as Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery • Richard Muench as Colonel-General Alfred Jodl • Karl Michael Vogler as Field Marshal Erwin Rommel • Siegfried Rauch as Captain Oskar Steiger American History X

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American History X is a 1998 film which tells the story of a white supremacist who learns that his beliefs are wrong while in prison, and tries to save his younger brother from following in his footsteps.

Directed by Tony Kaye and written by David McKenna. Some Legacies Must End.Taglines Contents


• 1 Derek Vinyard • 2 Daniel Vinyard • 3 Others • 4 Dialogue • 5 Other • 6 Taglines • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] Derek Vinyard

• Weed is for niggers! Come on, put that shit away, have a little self-respect.

• Every night, thousands of these parasites stream across the border like some fucking pinata exploded. [the skinheads laugh] Don't laugh! There's nothin' funny goin' on here! [the skinheads immediately quiet down] this is about your life and mine, it's about decent hard working Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft because their government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who arent even citizens of this country, On the Statue of Liberty it says "give me your tired your hungry, your poor..." well it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor, and I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! 'Cause we're losing, we're losing our right to pursue our destiny, we're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country, and this isn't something thats going on far away, this isn't something thats happening places we cant do anything about it, it's happening right here, right in our neighborhood, right in that building behind you • One in every three black males is in some phase of the correctional system. Is that a coincidence or do these people have, you know, like a racial commitment to crime?

• Oh it doesn't? You don't think I see what you're trying to do here? You think I'm gonna sit here and smile while some fuckin' kike tries to fuck my mother? It's never gonna happen Murray, fuckin' forget it, not on my watch, not while I'm still in this family. I will fuckin' cut your Shylock nose off and stick it up your ass before I let that happen. Coming here and poison my family's dinner with your Jewish, Nigger-lovin', hippie bullshit. Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, walk out, asshole, fuckin' Kabalah reading motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my house. [showing his tattoo of a swastika] DO YOU SEE THIS!? THIS MEANS NOT WELCOME!

• We're so hung up on this notion that we have some obligation to help the struggling black man, you know. Cut him some slack until he can overcome these historical injustices. It's crap. I mean, Christ, Lincoln freed the slaves, like, what? 130 years ago. How long does it take to get your act together?

• Nigger you just fucked with the wrong bull... COME HERE! you should have learned your place on the fuckin' basketball court, but you monkey's just never get the message! My father gave me that truck you mothafucker! do you ever shoot at fireman huh? I'll teach you a real lesson now mothafucker, now put your fucking mouth on the curb...PUT IT ON THE CURB (The carjacker puts his teeth on the curb and bites). Ok, now say goodnight! (jumps on the head of the carjacker) [edit] Daniel Vinyard

• I believe in death, destruction, chaos, filth, and greed.

• [Writing the beginning of the essay] People look at me and see my brother.

• So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. Derek says it's always good to end a paper with a quote. He says someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong. So I picked a guy I thought you'd like. 'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.' [quoting Abraham Lincoln] [edit] Others

• Doris Vinyard: I'm ashamed that you came out of my body. • Doris Vinyard: You think you're the only one doin' time, Derek? You think you're here all alone? You think I'm not in here with you?

• Murray: Derek, what are you trying to prove?

• Lamont: [in the prison laundry] I'm the most dangerous man in this prison. You know why? 'Cause I control the underwear.

• Lamont: Just remember, in here, you the nigger. Not me. - talking about prison

• Seth: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo We have washed ourselves in niggers' blood and all the mongrels too We're taking down the zog machine, Jew by Jew by Jew The white man marches on! ~ white supremacist lyrics for "Battle Hymn of the Republic."

• Bob Sweeney: [arguing with Danny Vinyard about his "Mein Kampf" paper] I think the street would kill you. Your rhetoric and your propaganda aren't gonna save you out there. • Black guy: Yeah, that's that motherfucker - referring to Danny after the bathroom confrontation [edit] Dialogue

Murray: I don't have a personal problem with him! (Danny) Bob Sweeney: Don't insult my intelligence, Murray! You hate this child, and I think I know why! Murray: (closes the door) So I went out with his mother a few times. That was three years was nothing. Bob Sweeney: Nothing. Really? Murray: That paper, Bob--it's a travesty. Arguing for Hitler as a civil rights hero? You've got to draw the line. Bob Sweeney: You know, Murray, you actually brought this upon yourself. You said the paper could be on any book that related to the struggle for human plain English. I am not disputing that the child is confused, and harbors some sick ideas, but I am not ready to give up on him yet. Murray: His brother probably put him up to it. Bob Sweeney: I guarantee you 100% his brother did not put him up to this. Murray: Whatever...I find that hard to believe. Reporter: Earlier today, L.A. County firefighter Dennis Vinyard was shot and killed battling a blaze at a suspected Compton drug den. We're at the Vinyard home now, and Lieutenant Vinyard's oldest son Derek has agreed to talk with us for a moment. Derek, if you could come down here, please, for a second. Look, I know this is tough, but how do you feel right now? Derek Vineyard: (younger, wearing a Venice Beach High Basketball jersey) How do you think I feel? I think it's typical. Reporter: Typical how? Derek Vinyard: Well, this country's becoming a haven for criminals, so what do you expect? Decent hard-working Americans like my dad are getting rubbed out by social parasites. Reporter: Parasites? Derek Vinyard: Blacks, browns, yellow, whatever. Reporter: I don't understand. You think maybe your father's murder was race- related? Derek Vinyard: Yeah, it's race-related! Every problem in this country is race- related! Not just's immigration, AIDS, welfare! Those are problems of the black community, the Hispanic community, the Asian community! They're not white problems! Reporter: Aren't those really issues that deal more with poverty? Derek Vinyard: No! They're not products of their environments! That's crap! Minorities don't give two shits about this country! They come here to exploit it, not to embrace it! Reporter: What does this have to do with the-- Derek Vinyard: Millions of white Europeans came here and flourished within a generation! What the fuck is the matter with these people? They have to go around...shooting at firemen! Reporter: What does this have to do with the murder of your father? Derek Vinyard: Because my father was murdered doing his job!! Putting out a fire in a fucking nigger neighborhood he shouldn't have given a shit about! He got shot by a fucking drug dealer who probably still collects a welfare check! Doris Vinyard: (approaching Derek) Honey, that's enough. Dennis Vinyard: So what is this "Native Son" ? Derek Vinyard: It's this book about this black guy. We're doing this whole black literature unit. Dennis Vinyard: What, is it Black History Month? Derek Vinyard: No, it's just this guy Sweeney, you know? It's part of the course now. Dennis Vinyard: Yeah...whatever. It's everywhere I look now. Derek Vinyard: What? Dennis Vinyard: This "affirmative blaction." Doris Vinyard: Honey, a few new books doesn't qualify as affirmative black action. Dennis Vinyard: Read the book, ace the guy's test...just don't swallow everything he feeds you whole. Just because you see it on the evening news... Derek Vinyard: I know, but what? Dennis Vinyard: All this stuff about making everything "equal..." it's not that simple. Now you've got this book "Native Son." What happened to the other books in the course? They're not good anymore because Mr. Two Ph.Ds says so? Now you got to trade great books for black books? Does that make sense? You gotta question these things, Der. You gotta look at the whole picture. We're talking about books...but we're also talking about my job. I've got two black guys on my squad now who got their job over a couple of white guys who actually scored higher on the test. Does that make sense? Everything's "equal" now, but I've got two guys watching my back...responsible for my life...who aren't as good. They only got the job because they were black, not because they were the best. Derek Vinyard: That sucks. Dennis Vinyard: Yeah, is that what America's about? No, America's about the best man for the job. You do your best, you get the job. This affirmative action crap--I don't know what that's about. There's like some hidden agenda or something going on. You see what I'm saying? Derek Vinyard: Yeah, I do. I didn't think about it like that...This Sweeney guy though, he just comes on so strong. It's hard not to listen to him. I guess some of what he says though, it's kind of-- Dennis Vinyard: It's bullshit. Derek Vinyard: Yeah...yeah, maybe. Dennis Vinyard: No. It's nigger bullshit. You see that, don't you? Derek Vinyard: Yeah. Dennis Vinyard: You got to watch out for that. Derek Vinyard: Yeah. No, I get what you're saying. I will. Dennis Vinyard: (pats Derek on the back) Good boy. I'm proud of you. Bob Sweeney: There was a this. when I used to blame everything and everyone... for all the pain and suffering and vile things that happened to me, that I saw happen to my people. Used to blame everybody. Blamed white people, blamed society, blamed God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions. You have to ask the right questions. Derek Vinyard: Like what? Bob Sweeney: Has anything you've done made your life better? Seth: Who do you hate, Danny? Danny Vinyard: I hate anyone that isn't white Protestant. Seth: Why? Danny Vinyard: They're a burden to the advancement of the white race. Some of them are all right, I guess... Seth: None of 'em are fucking all right, Danny, OK? Murray: What are you doing Derek? This is your family. Derek Vinyard: Right, my family, my family, so you know what? I don't give two shits about you or anybody else or what they think. You're not a part of it and you never will be. Murray: That has nothing to do with it! Derek Vinyard: Oh it doesn't? You don't think I see what you're trying to do here? You think I'm gonna sit here and smile while some fucking kike tries to fuck my mother? It's never gonna happen Murray, fucking forget it, not on my watch, not while I'm still in this family. I will fucking cut your Shylock nose off and stick it up your ass before I let that happen. Coming here and poison my family's dinner with your Jewish, Nigger-loving, hippie bullshit. Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, walk out, asshole, fucking Cabala reading motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my house.[flashes swastica tattoo] see this, this means not welcome. Derek Vinyard: Nigger, you just fucked with the wrong bull. You should've learned your lesson on the fuckin' basketball court. But you fuckin' monkey's never get the message. My father gave me that truck you motherfucker! You ever shoot at fireman? You come here and shoot at my family? I'm gonna teach you a real lesson now motherfucker. Put your fuckin' mouth on the curb. Lawrence: Come on man. Derek Vinyard: Put it on the curb right now! Danny Vinyard: Derek, no! Derek Vinyard: Now say good night. [Derek stomps Lawrence's head into the curb] Danny Vinyard: [arguing about his "Mein Kampf" paper] Look Sweeney, did you bring me here to talk about Derek? Because what happened to him has nothing to do with me. Bob Sweeney: Everything you do right now has something to do with Derek. Danny Vinyard: [referring to Dr. Sweeney] He's one of those proud to be nigger guys, I hate those guys. He hate niggers.. Cameron: Now wait a minute Danny, he's not proud, no he's a manipulative self- righteous Uncle Tom. He's trying to make you feel guilty about writing about Adolf Hitler. Some nigger, some spic writes about Malcolm X, or fuckin Caesar commie Chavez gets a pat on the head. Lamont: [as Derek is leaving prison] 'Sup, man? You getting outta here? Well, c'mon man! What the fuck you waiting on? Derek Vinyard: Yeah, you know, I got this funny feeling. Lamont: Oh yeah? What's that? Derek Vinyard: I'm thinking the only reason I'm getting outta here in one piece is you. Lamont: C'mon man! Get the fuck outta here, man! You think I'm gonna put my neck on the line for some crazy-ass peckerwood? Derek Vinyard: Yeah, right. Stupid. [a moment of silence passes and Lamont looks away] Derek Vinyard: That's what I thought. I owe you, man. Lamont: Man, you owe me shit, a'ight? Derek Vinyard: Yes, I do. [Derek offers his hand and Lamont takes it] Derek Vinyard: You'll be outta here in no time. Lamont: C'mon man, it's a piece of cake, a'ight? You just take it easy on the brothers, a'ight? The brothers! Danny Vinyard: [On Derek's change in prison] I'm sorry, Derek. I'm sorry that happened to you. Derek Vinyard: I'm not. I'm lucky. I feel lucky because it's wrong, Danny. It's wrong and it was eating me up, it was going to kill me. And I kept asking myself all the time, how did I buy into this shit? It was because I was pissed off, and nothing I ever did ever took that feeling away. I killed two guys, Danny, I killed them. And it didn't make me feel any different. It just got me more lost and I'm tired of being pissed off, Danny. I'm just tired of it. Cameron: You made the fat kid a little nervous. He thinks the joint messed with your mind. Derek Vinyard: It did. Cameron: Alright, This is stupid. I'm done. You go cool off, get laid, do something, get your head on straight. Then I'll talk to you. Derek Vinyard: Yeah, but it doesn't even really matter if I don't, does it? 'Cause you got the next crop already lined up and ready to go you fuckin' chicken hawk! Cameron: Excuse me? Derek Vinyard: You prey on people Cam. You use 'em. I lost three years of my life for your fuckin' phony cause, but I'm onto you now you fuckin' snake. Cameron: Hey, Derek, watch it, watch it. Be careful, remember where you are this is not some fuckin' country club where you can waltz in and outta here as you choose... Derek Vinyard: Shut up! Shut the fuck up, I came here, to tell you one thing, I am out,out, and Danny's out too and if you come near my family again, I'll fuckin' kill you. [edit] Other

• "We are not enemies but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained It must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature." ~ Abraham Lincoln.

Forrest Gump

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Forrest Gump is a 1994 film based on a novel about a mentally challenged man's epic journey through life, passing historical figures and incidents largely unaware of their significance. [1]

Directed by: Robert Zemeckis. Written by: Winston Groom (novel), Eric Roth (screenplay). Starring: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright Penn, and Gary Sinise. The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump Taglines Contents


• 1 Forrest Gump • 2 Jenny • 3 Lieutenant Dan • 4 Bubba • 5 Dialogue • 6 Unsorted • 7 Taglines • 8 Main cast

• 9 External links [edit] Forrest Gump

• "I wore lots of shoes. I remember my first pair of shoes; Momma said they'd take me anywhere! They were my magic shoes."

• "You know it's funny what a young man recollects. 'Cause I don't remember being born. I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world."

• "He was a very loving man. He was always kissing and feeling up her and her sisters."

• "I am not a smart man, but I know what love is"

• "That's my damn boat!"

• "Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away."

• "Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was going. I didn't know it would take me anywhere."

• "Mamma said you gotta' put the past behind you before you can move on."

• "Mamma always said dying was a part of life." • "Mamma said stupid is as stupid does!"

• "Aren't I going to be me."

• "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get"

• "I'm pretty tired, I think I'll go home now."

• "Sometimes I guess there just aren't enough rocks."

• "and right about that moment I think Lieutenant Dan made his peace with God"

• " Have you found God Forrest?(Lt)-I din't know i was s'pposed to be lookin' for him!"

• "...He's got a daddy called Forrest too!!!"

• "My legs are just fine, but my back is crooked as a question mark."

• "Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer."

• "And that's all I have to say about that."

• "You are stupid, when you act stupid."

• "God is mysterious."

• "That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go... you know... I went." [edit] Jenny

• "Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far. Far far away from here."

• "Run Forrest....Run!"

• "His name's Forrest...I named him after his daddy." • "That's what Forrest's mamma said." [edit] Lieutenant Dan

• "That's what all these cripples down at the VA talk about: Jesus this and Jesus that. They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said God is listening and if I found Jesus, I'd get to walk beside him in the kingdom of Heaven. Did you hear what I said? Walk beside him in the kingdom of Heaven! Well kiss my crippled ass. God is listening? What a crock of shit."

• "That's what she said!!" [edit] Bubba

• "My family knows ever'thing there is to know 'bout the shrimpin' bidness."

• "Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it." [edit] Dialogue

Forrest Gump: Hello. I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump. Recruit Officer: Nobody gives a hunky shit who you are, pus ball! You're not even a low-life, scum-sucking maggot! Get your faggoty ass on the bus, you're in the army now! Bubba: My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue, but people call me Bubba. Just like one of them ol' redneck boys. Can you believe that? Forrest Gump: My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump. Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army? Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant! Drill Sergeant: God damn it, Gump! You're a goddamned genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamned gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people... Forrest Gump: [narrating] Now for some reason I fit in the army like one of them round pegs. It's not really hard. You just make your bed real neat and remember to stand up straight and always answer every question with "Yes, drill sergeant." Drill Sergeant: ...Is that clear? Forrest Gump: Yes, drill sergeant! John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how does it feel to be an all american? Forrest Gump: I gotta pee. John F. Kennedy: [turning to camera] I believe he said he had to go pee. [laughs] Lyndon B. Johnson: [Putting medal on Forrest] America owes you a debt of gratitude, son. Now I understand you were wounded. Where were you hit? Forrest Gump: In the buttocks, Sir. Lyndon B. Johnson: Oh that must be a sight. [Whispering to Forrest] Lyndon B. Johnson: I'd like to see that. [Forrest shows him; Johnson walks away embarrassed] Lyndon B. Johnson: God damn, son. Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump? Forrest Gump: I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir. Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan, what are you doing here? Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: "I thought I'd try out my sea legs." Forrest Gump: But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Yes, I know that. Host: Yo, have a seat. Forrest Gump, John Lennon. John Lennon: Welcome home. Host: Can you tell us, uhm, what is China like? Forrest Gump: In the land of China, people hardly got nothing at all. John Lennon: No possesions? [Audience laughing] Forrest Gump: And in China, they never go to church. John Lennon: No religion too? Host: Hard to imagine. John Lennon: Well, it's easy if you try, Dick. Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: "Well, well, Captain Forest Gump. I had to see the for myself... and... I told you if you were ever a Shrimp-Boat Captain, I'd be your first mate. Well, here I am; I am a man of my word." Forrest Gump: "Okay!" Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: "Yea, but don't you be thinking that I'm going to be calling you 'sir'!" Forrest Gump: "No, sir" Forrest Gump: [narrating] If I'd have known this was going to be the last time me and Bubba was gonna talk, I'd of thought of something better to say. Forrest Gump: Hey Bubba. Bubba: Hey Forrest. Forrest, why did this happen? Forrest Gump: You got shot. [edit] Unsorted

• "Bein' an idiot is no box of chocolates." (novel) [edit] Taglines • The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump. • Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get. [edit] Main cast

• Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump • Robin Wright Penn - Jenny Curran (as Robin Wright) • Gary Sinise - Lt. Dan Taylor • Mykelti Williamson - Pvt. Benjamin Buford 'Bubba' Blue • Sally Field - Mrs. Gump

Full Metal Jacket

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Full Metal Jacket is a 1987 film that follows a group of recruits through a brutal Marine boot camp through their tour of duty in Vietnam.

Written and directed by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford. In Vietnam The Wind Doesn't Blow: It Sucks Taglines Contents


• 1 Gunnery Sergeant Hartman • 2 Private Joker • 3 Others • 4 Dialogue • 5 Marching Cadences • 6 Taglines • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

Note: Many of these were ad-libbed by actor and former US Marine drill instructor R. Lee Ermey.

• How tall are you private?.....5'9?, I didnt know they stacked shit that high! • Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you slimy fucking walrus- looking piece of shit. Get the fuck off of my obstacle. Get the fuck down off of my obstacle. Now. Move it. I'm going to rip your balls off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world. I will motivate you, Private Pyle, if it short- dicks every cannibal on the Congo.

• Today... is Christmas! There will be a magic show at zero-nine-thirty! Chaplain Charlie will tell you about how the free world will conquer Communism with the aid of God, and a few Marines! God has a hard-on for Marines, because we kill everything we see! He plays His games, we play ours! To show our appreciation for so much power, we keep Heaven packed with fresh souls! God was here before the Marine Corps! So you can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps! Do you ladies understand?

• Your ass looks like 150 pounds of chewed bubble gum Pyle did you know that?

• You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece.

• Today, you people are no longer maggots. Today you are Marines. You're part of a brotherhood.

• If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death, praying for war. But until that day, you are pukes! You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings! You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless! And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps! Do you maggots understand that?!

• Oh that's right, Private Pyle, don't make any fucking effort to get to the top of the fucking obstacle. If God would have wanted you up there He would have miracled your ass up there by now, wouldn't He?

• [Pyle is gingerly climbing a high obstacle] Whatever you do, Private Pyle, DON'T fall down! That would break my fucking heart!

• Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece a' shit Private Pyle, or did you have to work on it?

• I'll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.

• The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead Marines. And then you will be in a world of shit, because Marines are not allowed to die without permission! Do you maggots understand?

• Bullshit! It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress. I think you've been cheated.

• Get up here fat boy! Quickly! Move it on, Pyle, move it on! You climb obstacles like old people fuck!

• Did your parents have any children that lived? Well, I bet they regret that.

• Tonight, you men will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of finger- banging ol' Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her perty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece, this weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful.

• Holy dog shit. Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks? Are you a peter puffer?

• Bullshit, I bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose!

• Pick 'em up and set 'em down Pyle!

• Do you feel dizzy? Do you feel faint! Jesus H. Christ! I think you've got a hard- on!

• I bet if there was some pussy up there, you'd climb faster! [edit] Private Joker • [narrating] Paris Island, South Carolina. The Marine Corps Training Depot. An eight-week college for the phony tough and the crazy brave.

• Sir, the private believes that any answer he gives will be wrong! And his senior drill instructor will beat him harder if he reverses himself, sir!

• The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

• My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the Great Homecoming Fuck Fantasy. I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I'm in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid.

• I wanted to see exotic Vietnam... the crown jewel of Southeast Asia. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them. I wanted to be the first kid on to get a confirmed kill!

• Ya know, half of these gook whores are serving officers in the Viet Cong; the other half have got T.B. Be sure you only fuck the ones that cough.

• A day without blood is like a day without sunshine.

• Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

• [Lawrence has gun pointed at him]

Eaaaaaasy, Leonard!...[gulps] Go easy, man!... [edit] Others

• Crazy Earl: These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants, walking the Earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting.

• Private Cowboy: You know there's not a single horse in the entire country of Vietnam? There's definitely something wrong with that.

• Private Cowboy: I think what she's trying to say is that you black boys pack too much meat.

• Animal Mother: If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang.

• Animal Mother: Well, if you ask me, uh, we're shooting the wrong gooks.

• Animal Mother: Fuck you Cowboy, fuck all of you assholes! • Door Gunner: Anyone who runs is a V.C.! Anyone who stands still... is a well- disciplined V.C.!

• Da Nang Hooker: Hey, you got girlfriend Vietnam? Not just this minute! Me so horny. Me love you long time.

• Private Eightball: What we have here, little yellow sister, is a magnificent specimen of pure Alabama Blacksnake. But it ain't too goddamned beau coup.

• Private Eightball: Personally, I think, uh... they don't really want to be involved in this war. You know, I mean... they sort of took away our freedom and gave it to the, to the gookers, you know. But they don't want it. They'd rather be alive than free, I guess. Poor dumb bastards.

• Private Eightball: Believe it or not, but under fire, Animal Mother can be a wonderful human being. All he needs is somebody throwing grenades at him 'til the end of his life.

• Private Payback: Joker ain't never been in the shit. He thinks "The Bad Bush" is between old mama-san's legs.

• Animal Mother: [being interviewed] What do I think about the U.S. involvement in the war? We should win it.

• Private Cowboy: [after the recruits have administered a "sock party" beating on Private Pyle] Remember, this was all just a bad dream, fat boy!

• Marines: This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen. [edit] Dialogue

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: How tall are you, private? Private Cowboy: Sir, five-foot-nine, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Five-foot-nine?! I didn't know they stacked shit that high. You trying to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere, huh?! Private Cowboy: Sir, no, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit! It looks to me like the best part of you slid down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you've been cheated! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be sir. Do you maggots understand that? Recruits: [halfheartedly] Sir, yes sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair. Recruits: SIR, YES SIR! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Did your parents have any children that lived? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I'll bet they regret that. You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece! What's your name, fat-body? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, Leonard Lawrence, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Lawrence? Lawrence what? Of Arabia? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: That name sounds like royalty, are you royalty? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do you suck dicks? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, I'll bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose! Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I don't like the name Lawrence, only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence. From now on you're Gomer Pyle. Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do you think I'm cute, Private Pyle? Do you think I'm funny? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Then wipe that disgusting grin off your face. Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well any fucking time, sweetheart! Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I'm trying, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Pyle I'm gonna give you three seconds; exactly three fucking seconds; to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you! ONE! TWO! THREE! Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I can't help it, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit! Get on your knees, scumbag! Pvt. Pyle drops to his knees. Sgt. Hartman holds out his hand. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Now choke yourself. Pvt. Pyle puts his own hands around his neck. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Goddamn it, with my hand, numb nuts. Pvt. Pyle reaches towards Sgt. Hartman's hand. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Don't pull my fucking hand over there! I said choke yourself; now lean forward and choke yourself. Pvt. Pyle leans forward onto Sgt. Hartman's hand. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: (choking Pyle) Are you through grinning? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, I can't hear you. Private Gomer Pyle: (louder) Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, I still can't hear you. Sound off like you've got a pair. Private Gomer Pyle: SIR, YES, SIR! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: That's enough; get on your feet. Private Pyle you had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cufflinks or I will definitely fuck you up. Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: What's your name, scumbag? Private Snowball: Sir, Private Brown, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit! From now on your name is Private Snowball. Do you like that name? Private Snowball: Sir, yes, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well I'll tell you one thing you won't like, Private Snowball: they don't serve fried chicken and watermelon on a daily basis in my mess hall. Private Joker: Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!? Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it! Out-fucking-standing. I will PT you all until you fucking DIE! I'll PT you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk! Gunnery Sgt. Hartman grabs Pvt. Cowboy by the shirt. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Was it you, you scroungy little fuck, huh? Private Cowboy: Sir, no sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: You little piece of shit, you look like a fucking worm, I bet it was you. Private Cowboy: Sir, no sir! Private Joker: Sir, I said it, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well, no shit. What do we got here, a fucking comedian: Private Joker! I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister! Gunnery Sgt. Hartman punches Pvt. Joker in the stomach. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: You little scumbag! I got your name, I got your ass! You will not laugh, you will not cry, you will learn by the numbers, I will teach you! Now get up, get on your feet! You had best unfuck yourself before I unscrew your head and shit down your neck! Private Joker: Sir, yes sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Joker, why did you join my beloved Corps? Private Joker: Sir, to kill, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: So you're a killer! Private Joker: Sir, yes sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Let me see your war face! Private Joker: Sir? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: You got a war face? ARRRRRRRRRGH! That's a war face, let me see your war face! Private Joker: AHHHH! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, you didn't convince me, let me see your real war face! Private Joker: AHHHHHH! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: You don't scare me. Work on it! Private Joker: Sir, yes sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: When you two pukes are done here, I want you to clean the head. Joker and Cowboy: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I want that head so sanitary and squared-away that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to go in and take a dump. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Joker, do you believe in the Virgin Mary? Private Joker: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well Private Joker, I don't believe I heard you correctly. Private Joker: Sir, the private said "no, sir," sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Why you little maggot, you make me want to vomit. (slaps Joker) You Goddamn communist heathen, you had best sound off that you love the Virgin Mary, or I'm gonna stomp your guts out. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Did your parents have any children that lived? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I'll bet they regret that. You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do I make you nervous? Private Cowboy: Sir? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: "Sir" what? Were you about to call me an ASSHOLE? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: (referring to Lee Harvey Oswald and mass murderer Charles Whitman) Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot?... Private Joker. Private Joker: Sir. In the Marines, Sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: In the Marines. Outstanding. Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do. And before you ladies leave my Island, you will all be able to do the same thing. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: What's your excuse? Private Cowboy: Sir, excuse for what, sir? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I'm asking the fucking questions here private. Do you understand? Private Cowboy: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well thank you very much, can I be in charge for a while? Private Cowboy: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: (after discovering Private Pyle's unlocked footlocker) Jesus H Christ. Private Pyle, why is your footlocker unlocked? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I don't know, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Pyle, if there is one thing in this world that I hate, it is an unlocked footlocker! You know that don't you? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: If it wasn't for dickheads like you, there wouldn't be any thievery in this world, would there? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: GET DOWN! Pvt. Pyle steps down off of his footlocker. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well now, let's just see if there's anything missing. Sgt. Hartman starts emptying the contents of Pvt. Pyle's footlocker and picks a small object out of it. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Holy Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE PYLE? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, a jelly doughnut, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: A jelly doughnut? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: How did it get here? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I took it from the mess hall, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Is chow allowed in the barracks, Private Pyle? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Are you allowed to eat jelly doughnuts, Private Pyle? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: And why not, Private Pyle? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, because I'm too heavy, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Because you are a disgusting fat body, Private Pyle! Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Then why did you try to sneak a jelly doughnut in your foot locker, Private Pyle? Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, because I was hungry, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Because you were hungry... (to platoon) Private Pyle has dishonored himself and dishonored his platoon. I have tried to help Private Pyle. I have failed. I have failed because YOU have not given Private Pyle the proper motivation! So, from now on, whenever Private Pyle fucks up, I will not punish him! I will punish all of YOU! And the way I see it, ladies, you owe me for ONE JELLY DOUGHNUT! NOW, GET DOWN ON YOUR FACES! The other recruits get in front-leaning-rest position. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: (to Pyle) Open your mouth! Shoves jelly doughnut into Pyle's mouth. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: They're payin' for it; YOU eat it! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Pyle! Private Gomer Pyle: Private Pyle reporting as ordered, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Pyle, Private Joker is your new squad leader, and you WILL bunk with him! He'll teach you everything; he'll teach you how to pee! Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, aye aye, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Joker, he's silly and he's ignorant, but he's got guts and guts is enough. Now you two ladies carry on! Private Gomer Pyle, Private Joker: Sir, aye aye, sir! Hartman is calling off assignments to the newly christened Marines. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Joker! Private Joker: Sir, yes, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Forty-two twelve, basic military journalism. You gotta be shitting me! You think you're Mickey Spillane? You think you're some kind of fucking writer? Private Joker: Sir, I wrote for my high-school newspaper, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Jesus H. Christ, Joker! You're not a writer, you're a killer! Private Joker: A killer, yes sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Gomer Pyle! GOMER PYLE! Private Gomer Pyle: (stares blankly) SIR, YES SIR! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: You forget your fucking name? Oh-three-hundred, infantry! You made it! Private Joker: Are those... live rounds? Private Gomer Pyle: Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket. Private Joker: Leonard, if Hartman finds us here, we'll be in a world of shit. Private Gomer Pyle: I am... in a world... of shit. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: What is this Mickey Mouse shit? What are you two animals doing in my beloved head? Why is Private Pyle out of his bunk after lights out? Why is Private Pyle holding that weapon? Why are you not stomping Private Pyle's guts out? Private Joker: Sir, it is the private's duty to inform the senior drill instructor that Private Pyle has a full magazine that is locked and loaded, Sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Now you listen to me Private Pyle and you listen good. I want that weapon and I want it now. You will place that weapon on the deck at your feet and step back away from it. Private Pyle points the rifle at Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child? Private Pyle murders Gunnery Sergeant Hartman and turns the gun on himself. Private Cowboy: Don't shit me, man! Private Joker: I wouldn't shit you. You're my favorite turd! Pogue Colonel: Marine, what is that button on your body armor? Private Joker: A peace symbol, sir. Pogue Colonel: Where'd you get it? Private Joker: I don't remember, sir. Pogue Colonel: What is that you've got written on your helmet? Private Joker: "Born to Kill", sir. Pogue Colonel: You write "Born to Kill" on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke? Private Joker: No, sir. Pogue Colonel: You'd better get your head and your ass wired together, or I will take a giant shit on you. Private Joker: Yes, sir. Pogue Colonel: Now answer my question or you'll be standing tall before the man. Private Joker: I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir. Pogue Colonel: The what? Private Joker: The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir. Pogue Colonel: Whose side are you on, son? Private Joker: Our side, sir. Pogue Colonel: Don't you love your country? Private Joker: Yes, sir. Pogue Colonel: Then how about getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win? Private Joker: Yes, sir. Pogue Colonel: Son, all I've ever asked of my marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out. It's a hardball world, son. We've gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over. Private Joker: Aye-aye, sir. Animal Mother: You a photographer? Private Joker: I'm a combat correspondent. Animal Mother: Well you seen much combat? Private Joker: I've seen a little on TV. Animal Mother: You're a real comedian. Private Joker: Well they call me the Joker. Animal Mother: Well I got a joke for you. I'm gonna tear you a new asshole. Private Joker: Well pilgrim, only after you eat the peanuts out of my shit. Animal Mother: You talk the talk. Do you walk the walk? Private Joker: How can you shoot women and children? Door Gunner: Easy... you don't lead 'em so much. (laughs) Ain't war hell? Private Joker: I wanna slip my tube steak into your sister. What'll you take in trade? Private Cowboy: What do you got? Private Cowboy: (after Hand Job is killed) Tough break for Hand Job. He was all set to get shipped out on a medical. Private Joker: What was the matter with him? Private Cowboy: He was jerkin' off ten times a day. Private Eightball: No shit. At least ten times a day. Private Cowboy: Last week he was sent down to Da Nang to see the Navy head shrinker, and the crazy fucker starts jerking off in the waiting room. Instant Section Eight. He was just waiting for his papers to clear division. T.H.E. Rock: You're going home now. Crazy Earl: Semper fi. Donlon: We're mean marines, sir. Private Eightball: Go easy, bros. Animal Mother: Better you than me. Private Joker: Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me? Private Cowboy: Hey, start the cameras. This is "Vietnam: The Movie." Private Eightball: Yeah, Joker can be John Wayne. I'll be a horse. Donlon: T.H.E. Rock can be a rock. T.H.E. Rock: I'll be Ann-Margret. Doc Jay: Animal Mother can be a rabid buffalo. Crazy Earl: I'll be General Custer. Private Rafterman: Well, who'll be the Indians? Animal Mother: Hey, we'll let the gooks play the Indians. Door Gunner: You should do a story about me sometime. Private Joker: Why should we do a story about you? Door Gunner: Because I'm so fucking good! [edit] Marching Cadences

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I don't know but I been told... Marines: I don't know but I been told... Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Eskimo pussy is mighty cold. Marines: Eskimo pussy is mighty cold. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: MMM, good... Marines: MMM, good... Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Feels Good Marines: Feels Good Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Is Good Marines: Is Good Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Real Good Marines: Real good Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Tastes Good Marines: Tastes good Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Mighty Good Marines: Mighty good Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Good for you Marines: Good for you Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:Good for me Marines: Good for me Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Up in the morning to the rising sun. Marines: Up in the morning to the rising sun. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Gotta run all day till the running's done! Marines: Gotta run all day till the running's done! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Ho Chi Minh is a son-of-a-bitch! Marines: Ho Chi Minh is a son-of-a-bitch! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Got the blueballs, crabs and the seven-year-itch! Marines: Got the blueballs, crabs and the seven-year-itch! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Chanting] This is my rifle. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Grabbing their crotches] This is my gun. Marines: This is for fighting. Marines: [Grabbing their crotches] This is for fun. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Mama and Papa were lying in bed... Marines:Mama and Papa were lying in bed... Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:Mama rolled over and this is what she said. Marines: Mama rolled over and this is what she said. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: A gimme some... Marines: Gimme some... Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: PT! Marines: PT! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Good for you... Marines: Good for me. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I don't want no teenage queen Marines: I don't want no teenage queen Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I just want my M-14 Marines: I just want my M-14 [edit] Taglines

• In Vietnam The Wind Doesn't Blow It Sucks

• Vietnam can kill me, but it can't make me care

• Acclaimed by critics as the best war movie ever made

• Born to Kill [edit] Cast

• Matthew Modine - Private Joker/J.T. Davis • Vincent D'Onofrio - Private Gomer Pyle/Leonard Lawrence • R. Lee Ermey - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman • Adam Baldwin - Animal Mother • Dorian Harewood - Private Eightball • Arliss Howard - Private Cowboy

Good Will Hunting

From Wikiquote Jump to: navigation, search Good Will Hunting is a 1997 film about Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT, who has a gift for mathematics, and a psychiatrist who tries to help him with his gift and the rest of his life.

Directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Wildly charismatic. Impossibly brilliant. Totally rebellious. For the first 20 years of his life, Will Hunting has called the shots. Now he's about to meet his match.



• 1 Will Hunting • 2 Sean Maguire • 3 Gerald Lambeau • 4 Others • 5 Dialogue • 6 Cast

• 7 External links [edit] Will Hunting

• [on the phone to Skylar, while in jail] This is a...this is just a shot in the dark, but uh...there's no chance that you're uh...pre-law, is there?

• [to Sean] Yeah, let's do it, I'm pumped! Let's let the healing begin!

• Do you buy all these books retail, or do you send away for like, a shrink kit that comes with all these volumes included?

• [to Sean] So what's this? A Taster's Choice moment between guys? This is really nice.

• Why shouldn't I work for the N.S.A.... that's a tough one. But I'll take a shot. Say I'm working at N.S.A. and somebody puts a code on my desk, something nobody else can break. So I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I'm real happy with myself, 'cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East, and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hidin'- fifteen hundred people that I never met, never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicians are sayin', oh, "Send in the marines to secure the area" 'cause they don't give a shit. It won't be their kid over there, gettin' shot, just like it wasn't them when their number got called, 'cause they were pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some guy from Southie over there, takin' shrapnel in the ass; he comes home to find that the plant he used to work at got exported to the country he just got back from, and the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job, 'cause he'll work for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile he realizes the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price, and of course the oil companies use the little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices- a cute little ancillary benefit for them, but it ain't helping my buddy at two-fifty a gallon. They're takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, o' course, maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martinis an' fuckin' play slalom with the icebergs; it ain't too long 'til he hits one, spills the oil and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic. So now my buddy's outta work, he can't afford to drive, so he's got to walk to the fuckin' job interviews, which sucks 'cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids, and meanwhile he's starvin' 'cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special they're servin' is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State. So what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while I'm at it, why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a villiage, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and join the National fuckin'Guard? I could be elected President. [edit] Sean Maguire

• [to his class] See you Monday. We'll be talking about Freud and why he did enough cocaine to kill a small horse.

• know you'd be better off shoving that cigarette up your ass, it'd probably be healthier for you.

• And why does he hang out with those retarded gorillas, as you called them, because any one of them, if he asked them to, would take a fucking bat to your head, okay? It's called loyalty. [edit] Gerald Lambeau

• Is it just my imagination or has my class grown considerably? Well, by no stretch of my imagination do I believe you've all come here to hear me lecture. But rather to ascertain the identity of the mystery math magician. So, without further ado, come forward silent rogue and receive thy prize...Well, I'm sorry to disappoint my spectators, but it seems there will be no unmasking here today. However, colleagues and I have conferred, and there is a problem on the board right now that took us more than two years to prove. So, let this be said: the gauntlet has been thrown down, but the faculty have answered, and answered with vigor. • [to a co-ed] A difficult theorem can like a...symphony. It's very erotic. [edit] Others

• Chuckie: So this is a Harvard bar, huh? I thought there'd be equations and shit on the wall.

• Morgan: My boy's wicked smart.

• Morgan: I swallowed a bug.

• Morgan: If you were gonna fight them, why didn't you fight them back there? We got snacks now!

• Henry Lipkin, Psychologist: Will, the pressures, and I'm not judging them, I'm not uh..labelling them, but they are destroying your potential. Now no more shenanigans, no more tomfoolery, no more ballyhoo.

• Skylar: I can be in the NBA. I'm tall, I like to wear shorts. Hook! Hook! Dunk! Dunk! Baby, I'm all about three points.

• Tom: [to Will, about Lambeau] Most people never get to see how brilliant they can be. They don't find teachers that believe in them. They get convinced they're stupid. I hope you appreciate what he's doing. Because I've seen how much he enjoys working with you. Not against you.

• Billy: You're legally allowed to drink now so we figured the best thing for you was a car. [edit] Dialogue

Chuckie: I didn't get on Cathy last night. Will: No? Chuckie: Nah. Will: Why not? Chuckie: I don't know. [yells across room] Cathy! Cathy: What? Chuckie: Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie you usually throw at me? Cathy: Oh, fuck you and your Irish curse, Chuckie. Like I'd waste my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick? So go home and give it a tug yourself. Morgan: Tootsie Roll! Toot, toots! Chuckie: She's missing a tooth, Will. She's got skin problems. Plus, it's like five to two Morgan ends up marryin' her, you know what I mean? There's only so many times you can bang your friend's future wife. Chuckie: Morgan, we're not goin' to Kelly's just cus' you like the takeout girl. It's 15 minutes out of our way. Morgan: What the fuck are we gonna do, we can't spare 15 minutes? Morgan: [singing] Double Burger...double burger? Chuck, I had a double burger! Chuckie: Would you shut the fuck up? I know what you ordered, I was there. Morgan: So give me my fuckin' sandwich. Chuckie: What do you mean your sandwich? I bought it. Hey Morgan how much money you got on you? Morgan: I said I'd give you the change when we ordered the Sno-Cones when we pulled up, so why don't you give me my sandwich and stop being a prick. Chuckie: Well why don't you give me your fucking sixteen cents you got on you and we'll put your sandwich on layaway, [puts the burger on the dashboard] there you go, keep it right up here for you. We'll put you on a program. Every day you come in with your six cents, and at the end of the week you'll have your sandwich Morgan: Don't be an asshole. Chuckie: What am I? Your fuckin' sandwich welfare? I think you should establish a good line of credit. Like how you bought your couch. Payment plans. Remember? Your mother brought in ten dollars every day for a year..she finally got a couch Rent-a-Center style. Morgan: Can I have my food now please? Chuckie: [throws the burger at Morgan] Here's your fucking double burger! Morgan: Boy, I always thought how stupid you need to be to get fired from that job. I mean, how hard is it to push a mother-fuckin' broom aroundaroom. Chuckie: Bitch, you got fired from pushing a fuckin' broom. Morgan: I got fired because management was restructuring. Billy: Yeah, restructuring the amount of retards they had workin' for 'em. Morgan: Shut up. You get canned more than tuna, bitch. Chuckie: So, you ladies ah, go to school here? Lydia: Yes. Chuckie: Yeah, cause I think I had a class with you. Skylar: What class? Chuckie: Ah, history I think. Skylar: Oh... Chuckie: Yah, just cause I go here doesn't mean I'm a genuis...I am actually very smart...... Clark: What class did you say that was? Chuckie: History. Clark: History? Just history? It must have been a survey course then, huh? Chuckie: Yeah, it was, it was surveys. Clark: Right. Chukie: You should check it out, it's a good course. It's a, uh...good..good class. Clark: How'd you like that course? Chuckie: You know...Frankly, I found the class, you know, rather...uh...elementary. Clark: Elementary? Oh, I don't doubt that it was...I remember the class, it was just between recess and lunch. ... Chuckie: All right, are we gonna have a problem? Clark: There's no problem. I was just hoping you could give me some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the early colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War the economic modalities, especially of the southern colonies could most aptly be characterized as agrarian pre-capitalist and... Will: [interrupting] Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student. You just got finished some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison prob’ly, you’re gonna be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you’re gonna be talkin’ about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist back in 1740. That's gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin’ about you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization. Clark: [taken aback] Well, as a matter of fact, I won't, because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of-- Will: ..."Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth..." You got that from "Work in Essex County," Page 98, right? Yeah I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us- you have any thoughts of- of your own on this matter? Or do- is that your thing, you come into a bar, you read some obscure passage and then you pretend- you pawn it off as your own- your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend? [Clark is stunned] Will: See the sad thing about a guy like you, is in about 50 years you’re gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you’re gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One, don't do that. And two, you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin’ education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the Public Library. Clark: Yeah, but I will have a degree, and you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive-thru on our way to a skiing trip. Will: [smiles] Yeah, maybe. But at least I won't be unoriginal. Skylar: You're an idiot. I've been sitting over there for 45 minutes waiting for you to come and talk to me, but I'm tired now and I hafta' go home, and I..I couldn't sit there any more waiting for you. Will: Well..I'm Will. Skylar: Skylar. Will: Skylar. Skylar: Oh, and by the way, that guy over there...the Michael Bolton clone...he wasn't singing with us, so to speak. Will: Yeah, I know. I kinda' got that impression. Skylar: Good. Okay. Well, I've got to go. Gotta' get up early and waste some more money on my overpriced education. Will: No..I didn't mean you. I-- Skylar: Oh, that's all right. There's my number. Maybe we could go out for coffee sometime? Will: All right, yeah. May-maybe we could just get together and eat a bunch of caramels. Skylar: What? Will: When you think about it, it's just as arbitrary as drinking coffee. Skylar: [laughs] Okay, sounds good. Will: Do you like apples? Clark: Yeah. Will: Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples? Will: There is a lengthy legal precedent, your honor, going back to 1789, whereby a defendant can claim self-defense against an agent of the government, if that act is deemed a defense against tyranny, a defense of liberty. Prosecutor: Your Honor... Will: Henry Lloyd Beecher in Proverbs from the Plymouth Pulpit, 1887 says, and I quote-- Prosecutor: 1887? This is the 20th century, your honor. Will: Excuse me. Excuse me. Prosecutor: You're making a mockery of the court here! Will: I'm afforded the right to speak in my own defense, sir, by the Constitution of the United States. This is the same document that guarantees my liberty. Prosecutor: Hey, don't tell me about the Constitution of the United States. Will: Now, liberty, in case you've forgotten, is the soul's right to breath. And when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girdered too tight. Without liberty, man is a syncope. Prosecutor: Man is a what? Will: Ibid, your honor.. Will: [on the phone] Hey,'s Will. Skylar: Who? Will: It's Will. I'm, you know, the really funny, good-lookin' guy you met at the bar the other night. Skylar: I don't recall anyone who matched that description. I think I'd remember. Will: All right. Well, you got me. It's the ugly, obnoxious toothless loser who got hammered and wouldn't leave you alone all night. Slylar: Ohhhh, Wiill. I remember. Will: What the fuck do you want? Lambeau: I’m Gerald Lambeau. The professor you told to fuck himself. Will: Well what the fuck do you want? Will: Do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay? Henry Lipton: What're you...what're you talking about...? Wait. WHAAAAT? Will: Look, buddy, two seconds ago you were ready to give me a jump. Henry Lipton: A jump?...I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you, but... Will: Hey, I don't have a problem with it. I don't care if you putt from the rough. Henry Lipton: What are you..? Pu...Putting from the rough..? What in the heck are you talking about? Sean: Trust...very important in a relationship, it's also very important in a clinical situation. Why is trust the most important thing in making a breakthrough with a client? Maureen, stop the oral fixation for a moment and join us. Vinnie. Vinnie: Um...because is life. Sean: Wow. That's very deep. Thank you, Vinnie. Next time get the notes from your brother. Now, the patient is here to say nothing. If trusting won't go past this, then there's really no point in them being in therapy. I mean, hey, if they don't trust you, you know, you're never gonna get them to sleep with ya' and that should be the goal of any good therapist...nail them while they're vulnerable. That's my motto.....Oh, good, everyone's back. Welcome back everybody. Sean: If you ever disrespect my wife again, I will end you. I will fuckin' end you. Got that, chief? Will: Time's up. Skylar: I'm going there [Stanford] in June when I graduate. Will: Oh, all right, so you just wanted to--to use this sailor and then away, huh? Skylar: Well, I was gonna, you know, experiment on you for anatomy class first. Obviously. Skylar: You were hoping to get a goodnight kiss. Will: No, you know. I'll tell ya, I was hoping to get a goodnight lay... But I'll settle for like, a kiss, you know. Skylar: [Bursts out laughing] How very noble of you. Will: Thank you. But I was, you know, hoping for a good night kiss. Skylar: Well, let's just get it over with. Will: Right now? Skylar: Yup. Come on. [They have their first kiss, Skylar giggling the whole time] Skylar: [after a few seconds, Skylar bursts out laughing] I think I got some of your pickle! Sean: I thought about what you said to me the other day, about my painting. Will: Yeah? Sean: Stayed up half the night thinking about it. Something occurred to me...I fell into a deep peaceful sleep, and haven't thought about you since. Do you know what occurred to me? Will: No. Sean: You're just a kid, you don't have the faintest idea what you're talkin' about. Will: Why thank you. Sean: It's all right. You've never been out of Boston. Will: Nope. Sean: So if I asked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo, you know a lot about him. Life's work, political aspirations, him and the pope, sexual orientations, the whole works, right? But I'll bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You've never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling; seen that. If I ask you about women, you'd probably give me a syllabus about your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. You're a tough kid. And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right, "once more unto the breach dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap, watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help. I ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet. But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable— known someone that could level you with her eyes. Feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you. That could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn't know what it’s like to be her angel. To have that love for her, be there for forever. Through anything, through cancer. And you wouldn't know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand, because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term 'visiting hours' don't apply to you. You don’t know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. I look at you— I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared-shitless kid. But you're a genius Will, no one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me, because you saw a painting of mine, and you ripped my fuckin' life apart. You're an orphan right?" [Will nods] Sean: You think I know the first thing about how hard your life's been, how you feel, who you are, because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you? Personally... I don't give a shit about all that, because you know what, I can't learn anything from you, I can't read in some fuckin' book. Unless you want to talk about you, who you are. Then I'm fascinated. I'm in. But you don't want to do that do you sport? You're terrified of what you might say. Your move, chief. [Will calls Skylar, but hangs up] Chuckie: Who'd you call? Will: No one. I forgot the number. Morgan: You're fucking retarded. You went all the way out there in the rain and you didn't bring the number? Will: No, it was your mother's 900 number, I just ran outta' quarters. Morgan: Why don't we get off of mothers I just got off of yours. Lambeau: What do you mean you didn't talk? You were in there for an hour. Sean: He just sat there counting the seconds until the session was over. Pretty impressive, actually. Lambeau: Why would he do that? Sean: To prove to me he doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to. Lambeau: What is this, some kind of staring contest between two kids from the old neighborhood? Sean: Yeah, it is. And I can't talk first. Will: You know, I was on this plane once. And I'm sitting there and uh...the captain gets on, he does his whole, you know, we'll be cruisin' at 35,000 feet. But then he puts the mic down n forgets to turn it off. Sean: Mmm-hmm. Will: And so he turns to the co-pilot 'n' he's like, "You know, all I could use right now is a fuckin' blow job and a cup of coffee." So the stewardess fuckin' goes bombin' up from the back of the plane to tell him that the microphone's still on. And this guy in the back of the plane is like, "Hey, hon, don't forget the coffee!" Sean: [laughs] You ever been on a plane? Will: No, but it's a fuckin' joke. It works better if I tell it in the first person. Sean: Yeah, it does. Will: [about Skylar] Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doin'. Yeah, but this girl is like, you know, beautiful. She's smart. She's funny. She's different from most of the girls I've been with. Sean: So, call her up, Romeo. Will: Why? So I can realize she's not that smart, that she's fuckin' boring? Y'know? I mean...this girl is like fuckin' perfect right now, I don't wanna ruin that. Sean: Maybe you're perfect right now. Maybe you don't wanna ruin that. I think that's a super philosophy, Will, that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody...My wife used to fart when she was nervous. She had all sorts of wonderful idiosyncrasies. You know what? She used to fart in her sleep. [they laugh] Sorry I shared that with you. One night it was so loud it woke the dog up. She woke up and gone like "oh was that you?" I'd say yeah...I didn't have the heart to tell her...Oh God... Will: She woke herself up? Sean: Yes!.... Oh Christ....aahhh, but, Will, she's been dead two years and that's the shit I remember. Wonderful stuff, you know, little things like that. Ah, but, those are the things I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. That's what made her my wife. Oh and she had the goods on me, too, she knew all my little peccadillos. People call these things imperfections, but they're not, aw that's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds. You're not perfect, sport. And let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is: whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about. Now you can know everything in the world, sport, but the only way you're findin' out that one is by givin' it a shot. You certainly won't learn from an old fucker like me. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell a pissant like you. Will: Why not? You told me every other fuckin' thing. Jesus Christ. Fuckin' talk more than any shrink I ever seen in my life. Sean: I teach this shit, I didn't say I know how to do it. Will: Yeah...You ever think about gettin' remarried? Sean: My wife's dead. Will: Hence the word: remarried. Sean: She's dead. Will: Yeah...Well, I think that's a super philosophy, Sean. I mean that way you could actually go through the rest of your life without ever really knowing anybody. Sean: Time's up. Skylar: Do you have lots of brothers and sisters? Will: I'm Irish Catholic, what do you think? Skylar: But how many? Will: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Skylar: Why? Go on, what, 5? 7? 8? How many? Will: I have 12 big brothers. Skylar: You do not have 12 brothers. Will: I swear to God, I swear to God, I'm lucky 13 right here. Skylar: Do you know all their names? Will: Do I... yeah they're my brothers. Skylar: What are they called? Will: Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, and Brian. Skylar: Say it again. Will: Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, and Brian. Skylar: ...and Willy. Will: Willy? Will... Will: I read your book last night. Sean: So you're the one. Will: You ever wonder what your life would be like if you uh..if you never met your wife? Sean: What? Wonder if I'd be better off without her? Will: No, no, no, I'm not saying, like, better off. Sean: No. Will: I didn't mean it like that. Sean: It's all right. It's an important question. Because you'll have bad times, but that'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to. Will: And you don't regret meeting your wife? Sean: Why? Because of the pain I feel now? Well, I got regrets, Will, but I don't regret a single day I spent with her. Will: So, when did you know, like, that she was the one for you? Sean: October 21st, 1975. Will: Jesus Christ. You know the fuckin' date? Sean: Oh yeah. Cus' it was game six of the World Series. Biggest game in Red Sox history. Will: Yeah, sure. Sean: My friends and I had, you know, slept out on the sidewalk all night to get tickets. Will: You got tickets? Sean: Yep. Day of the game. I was sittin' in a bar, waitin' for the game to start, and in walks this girl... Oh it was an amazing game, though. You know, bottom of the 8th Carbo ties it up at a 6-6. It went to 12. Bottom of the 12th, in stepped Carlton Fisk. Old Pudge. Steps up to the plate, you know, and he's got that weird stance. Will: Yeah, yeah. Sean: And BAM! He clocks it. High fly ball down the left field line! Thirty-five thousand people, on their feet, yellin' at the ball, but that's not because of Fisk. He's wavin' at the ball like a madman. Will: Yeah, I've seen... Sean: He's going, "Get over! Get over! Get OVER!" And then it HITS the foul pole. OH, he goes , and 35,000 fans, you know, they charge the field, you know? Will: Yeah, and he's fuckin' bowlin' police out of the way! Sean: Goin', "God! Get out of the way! Get 'em away!" Banging people... Will: I can't fuckin' believe you had tickets to that fuckin' game! Sean: Yeah! Will: Did you rush the field? Sean: No, I didn't rush the fuckin' field, I wasn't there. Will: What? Sean: No - I was in a bar havin' a drink with my future wife. Will: You missed Pudge Fisk's homerun? Sean: Oh yeah. Will: To have a fuckin' drink with some lady you never met? Sean: Yeah, but you shoulda seen her. She was a stunner. Will: I don't care if Helen of Troy walks in the room, that's game six! Sean: Oh, Helen of Troy... Will: Oh my God, and who are these fuckin' friends of yours they let you get away with that? Sean: Oh... They had to. Will: W-w-w-what'd you say to them? Sean: I just slid my ticket across the table and I said, "Sorry guys, I gotta see about a girl." Will: I gotta go see about a girl? Sean: Yeah. Will: That's what you said? And they let you get away with that? Sean: Oh yeah. They saw in my eyes that I meant it. Will: You're kiddin' me. Sean: No, I'm not kiddin' you, Will. That's why I'm not talkin' right now about some girl I saw at a bar twenty years ago and how I always regretted not going over and talking to her. I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I don't regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick. And I don't regret the last years when she got really sick. And I sure as hell don't regret missin' the damn game. That's regret. [pause] Will: Wow... Woulda been nice to catch that game, though. Sean: [shrugs sheepishly] I didn't know Pudge was gonna hit a homer! Skylar: What if I said I would not sleep with you again until you let me meet your friends? Will: I'd say it's like 4:30 in the morning, they're probably up. Skylar: Oh my god. Men are shameless. If you're not thinking with your wiener, then you're acting directly on its behalf. Will: You bet. And on behalf of my wiener, can I get like an advanced payment? Morgan: Man, I can't believe you brought Skylar here when we're all fucking bombed and been drinking. What the fuck is she gonna think about us? Will: Yeah, Morgan, it's a real rarity that we'd be out drinking. Lambeau: [ordering drinks] Perrier. Sean: That's French for "club soda." ... Sean: Put it on my tab Tim: You ever plan on paying your tab? Sean: Yeah, chief. I've got the winning lottery ticket right here. Tim: What's the jackpot? Sean: Twelve million. Tim: I don't think that will cover it. Sean: Yeah, but it'll cover your sex change operation! Executive 1: Well, Will, I'm not exactly sure what you mean, we've already offered you a position.. Chuckie: Since this is obviously not my first time in such altercations, let me say this: [rubs thumb and fingers together, signifying cash] Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. [The executives are silent] Chuckie: At the current time I am looking at a number of different fields from which to disseminate which offer is most pursuant to my benefit. What do you want? What do I want? What does anybody want? Leniency. Executive 1: I'm not sure-- Chuckie: --These circumstances are mitigated. Right now. They're mitigated. [throws his hands up] Executive 1: Okay... Chuckie: [pointing to one of the executives] He knows what I'm talking about. A retainer. Nobody in this town works without a retainer. You think you can find someone who does, you have my blessin'. But I think we all know that person isn't going to represent you as well as I can. Executive 1: Will, our offer starts you at eighty- four thousand a year, plus benefits. Chuckie: Retainer... Executive: You want us to give you cash right now? Chuckie: Allegedly, what I am saying is your situation will be concurrently improved if I had two hundred bucks in my pocket right now. [The executives exchange looks and go for their wallets.] Executive 1: I don't think I...Larry? Executive 2: I have about seventy-three... Executive 1: Will you take a check? Chuckie: Come now...what do you think I am, a juvenile? You don't got any money on you right now. You think I'm gonna take a check? Executive 3: It's fine, John, I can cover the rest. Chuckie: That's right, you know. He knows. [Chuckie stands up and takes the money.] Chuckie: [to Executive 1] You're suspect. Yeah, you. I don't know what your reputation is in this town, but after the shit you tried to pull today, you can bet I'll be looking into you. Now the business we have here to for you can speak with my aforementioned attorney. Good day gentlemen and until that day comes, keep your ear to the grindstone. Skylar: I don't understand how your mind works. Will: Do you play the piano? Skylar: I wanna talk about this. Will: No, I'm tryin' to explain it to you. Do you play the piano? Skylar: Yeah, a bit. Will: Okay, when you look at a piano you see Mozart, right? Skylar: I see "Chopsticks." Will: Beethoven, okay. He looked at a piano, and it just made sense to him. He could just play. Skylar: So what are you saying? You play the piano? Will: No, not a lick. I mean, I look at a piano, I see a bunch of keys, three pedals, and a box of wood. But Beethoven, Mozart, they saw it, they could just play. I couldn't paint you a picture, I probably can't hit the ball out of Fenway, and I can't play the piano. Skylar: But you can do my o-chem paper in under an hour. Will: Right. Well, I mean when it came to stuff like that... I could always just play. Skylar: Well, what aren't you scared of? You live in this safe little world where no one challenges you and you're scared shitless to do anything else but defend yourself because that would mean you'd hafta' change. Will: Oh no. Don't, don't, don't tell me about my world. Don't tell me about my world! I mean you just wanna have you fling with like the guy from the other side of town. Then you're going to go off to Stanford, you're going to marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of and just sit around with the other trust fund babies and talk about how you went slumming too, once. Skylar: Why are you saying this? What is your obsession with this money? My father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money. You don't think that every day I wake up and wish I could give it back? That I would give it back in a second if I could have one more day with him? But I can't, and that's my life and I deal with it. So don't put your shit on me when you're the one that's afraid. Will: I'm afraid? What am I afraid of? What the fuck am I afraid of? Skylar: You're afraid of me! You're afraid that I won't love you back! Fuck it, I wanna give it a shot! At least I'm honest with you. Will: What do you want to know? What? That I don't have twelve brothers? Skylar: Yes. Will: That I'm a fuckin' orphan! Skylar: Yes. Will: No, you don't wanna hear that! Skylar: I didn't know that. Will: No, you don't wanna hear that. Skylar: I didn't know it. Will: You don't wanna hear that I had fuckin' cigarettes put out on me when I was a little kid. Skylar: Oh...I didn't know that... Will: That this isn't fuckin' surgery, that the motherfucker stabbed me. You don't wanna hear that shit, Skylar. Skylar: I do wanna hear it. Will: Don't tell me you want to hear that shit! Skylar: I want to hear it because I want to help you. Because I want to-- Will: Help me! What the fuck? What I got a fucking sign on my back? That says "save me?" Skylar: No. Will: Do I look like I need that? Skylar: No. God, I just want to be with you because I love you! Will: Don't bullshit me. Don't bullshit me. Don't you fuckin' bullshit me! Skylar: I love you. I wanna hear you say that you don't love me. Because if you say that, then I won't call you, and I won't be in your life... Will: I don't love you. Will: Look. Maybe I don't want to spend the rest of my fuckin' life sittin' around explaining shit to people. Lambeau: I think you could show me some appreciation. Will: A little appreciation? Do you know how easy this is for me? Do you have any fuckin' idea how easy this is? This is a fuckin' joke. And I'm sorry you can't do this. I really am because I wouldn't have to fuckin' sit here and watch you fumble around and fuck it up. Lambeau: Then you'd have more time to sit around and get drunk instead, wouldn't you? Will: You're right. This is probably a total waste of my time. Lambeau: You're right, Will. I can't do this proof. But you can, and when it comes to that it's only's just a handful of people in the world who can tell the difference between you and me. But I'm one of them. Will: Sorry. Lambeau: Yeah, so am I. Most days I wish I never met you. Because then I could sleep at night, and I wouldn't...and I wouldn't have to walk around with the knowledge that there's someone like you out there. And I didn't have to watch you throw it all away. Chuckie: Wait, Bill. Hold it. Did you hear that? [Man moans upstairs] Chuckie: Morgan! If you're watching pornos in my mom's room again, I'm gonna give you a fucking beating! [Morgan runs downstairs, holding a baseball glove] Morgan: What's up fellas? Billy: Morgan, why don't you jerk off in your own fucking house. Man, that's fucking filthy. Morgan: Well there's a VCR in my house. Chuckie: Aw, c'mon, not on my glove. Morgan: I didn't use the glove. Chuckie: That's my Little League glove. Morgan: What do you want me to do? Chuckie: I mean, what's wrong with you? You'll hump a baseball glove? Morgan: I wasn't... I didn't... I was just usin' it for the.. for clean-up. Chuckie: Stop jerking off in my mother's room, please! Morgan: Is there another VCR in the house? Chuckie: It's just sad bro. Sean: Do you have a soul mate? Will: Define that. Sean: Someone you can relate to, someone who opens things up for you. Will: Sure, I got plenty. Sean: Well, name them. Will: Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Frost, O'Conner, Kant, Pope, Locke... Sean: Well that's great. They're all dead. Will: Not to me, they're not. Sean: You can't have a lot of dialogue with them. Will: Not without a heater and some serious smelling salts. Sean: Yeah. Well, that's what I'm saying. You'll never have that kind of a relationship in a world where you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing ten miles down the road. Will: I didn't ask for this. Sean: No, you were born with it. So don't cop out behind "I didn't ask for this". Sean: My dad laid brick. Okay? Busted his ass so I could have an education. Will: Exactly. That's an honorable profession. What's wrong with..with fixing somebody's car. Someone can get to work the next day because of me. There's honor in that. Sean: There's honor, ya know, in taking that 40-minute so those college kids could come in the morning and their floors are clean and their wastebaskets are empty. That's real work. Will: That's right. Sean: Right, and that's honorable. Sure that's why you took that job. I mean for the 'honor' of it. I just have a little question here. You could be a janitor anywhere. Why did work at the most prestigious technical college in the whole fuckin' world? And why did you sneak around at night and finish other people's formulas that only one or two people in the world could do and then lie about it? 'Cause I don't see a lot of honor in that, Will. So what do you really want to do? Will: I wanna be a shepherd. Sean: Really. Will: I wanna move up to Nashua, get a nice little spread, get some sheep and tend to them. Sean: Maybe you should go do that. Will: What? Sean: You know, if you're going to jerk off, why don't you just do it at home with a moist towel? Chuckie: Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact. I'll fuckin' kill you. Will: What the fuck are you talkin' about? Chuckie: Look, you got somethin' that none of us- Will: Oh, come on! Why is it always this, I mean, I fuckin' owe it to myself to do this or that? What if I don't want to? Chuckie: No. No, no, no. No, fuck you. You don't owe it to yourself. You owe it to me. 'Cause tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be fifty. And I'll still be doing this shit. And that's all right, that's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winning lottery ticket and you're too much of a pussy to cash it in. And that's bullshit. `Cause I'd do anything to fuckin' have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in twenty years. Hanging around here is a fuckin' waste of your time. Will: You don't know that. Chuckie: I don't? Will: No. You don't know that. Chuckie: Oh, I don't know that. Let me tell you what I do know. Every day I come by to pick you up. And we go out we have a few drinks and a few laughs, and it's great. But you know what the best part of my day is? It's for about ten seconds from when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. Because I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye, no see you later, no nothin'. Just left. I don't know much, but I know that. Lambeau: You're angry at me for doing what you could have done but ask yourself, Sean. Ask yourself if you want Will to feel that way, if you want him to feel like a failure. Sean: Oh, you arrogant shit! That's why I don't come to the goddamned reunions 'cause I can't stand that look in your eye. Ya know, that condescending, embarrassed look. You think I'm a failure. I know who I am, and I'm proud of what I do. I was a conscientious choice, I didn't fuck up! And you and your cronies think I'm some sort of pity case. You and your kiss-ass chorus following you around going, "The Field's Medal! The Field's Medal!" Why are you still so fuckin' afraid of failure? ... Sean: You know what, Gerry? Shove the medal up your fuckin' ass, all right? Because I don't give a shit about your medal becauseI knew you long before you ever became a mathematical god, I knew you when you were pimple faced and homesick and didn't know what side of the bed to piss on! Lambeau: Yeah, you were smarter than me then, and you're smarter than me now. So, don't blame me for how your life turned out. Sean: I don't blame you! It's not about you, you mathematical dick! It's about the boy! He's a good kid! And I won't see you fuck him up like you're trying to fuck up me right now! I won't let you make him feel like a failure too! Will: [Sean is going through Will's profile. Inside we see are pictures of Will after brutal assaults by his foster parents] You ever have any, uh, experience with that? Sean: Twenty years of counseling, I've seen some pretty awful shit. Will: No. I mean, have you ever had any experience with that? Sean: Personally? Yeah. Yeah I have. [Sean looks away for a moment] Will: I'm sure it ain't good. Sean: My father was an alcoholic. Mean fuckin' drunk. Used to come home hammered, looking to whale on someone. So I had to provoke him, so he wouldn't go after my mother and little brother. Interesting nights were when he wore his rings... Will: He used to just put a belt, a stick, and a wrench on the kitchen table and say, "Choose." Sean: Well, I gotta go with the belt there. Will: I used to go with the wrench. Sean: Why? Will: Cause fuck him, that' why. Sean: Your foster father? Will: Yeah. [pause] Will: So what does it say? Will has an attachment disorder? Fear of abandonment? Is that why I broke up with Skylar? Sean: Didn't know you had. Wanna talk about it? [Will shakes his head, stares off] Sean: Will, you see this, all this shit? [Holds up the file, and drops it on his desk] Sean: It's not your fault. Will: [Softly, still staring off] I know... Sean: No you don't. It's not your fault. Will: [Serious] I know. Sean: No. Listen to me son. It's not your fault. Will: I know that. Sean: It's not your fault. [Will is silent, eyes closed] Sean: [steps closer] It's not your fault. Will: [Will's eyes open, misty already] Don't fuck with me Sean. Not you. Sean: [steps even closer] It's not your fault. [Will shoves Sean back, and then, hands trembling, buries his face in his hands. Will begins sobbing. Sean puts his hands on Will's shoulders, and Will grabs him and holds him close, crying] Will: Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Sean! [Will continues sobbing in Sean's arms] Will: [hugging Sean] Does this violate the doctor-patient relationship? Sean: Not unless you grab my ass. Will: [in a note] Sean, if the Professor calls about that job, just tell him, sorry, I have to go see about a girl. Sean: Son of a bitch... He stole my line. Memento

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Memento is a 2000 film about Leonard Shelby (Pearce) and his quest to avenge the brutal murder of his wife. Though Leonard is hampered with short-term memory loss, he uses notes, photos, and tattoos to record information that may lead him to a suspect.

Directed by Christopher Nolan. Written by Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan (story). Starring: Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Joe Pantoliano. Some memories are best forgotten. Contents


• 1 Leonard Shelby • 2 Natalie • 3 Teddy Gammell • 4 Conversations • 5 DVD extras • 6 Cast

• 7 External links [edit] Leonard Shelby

• [Running] Okay, so what am I doing? [Sees man also running] I'm chasing this guy. [Man shoots] Nope. He's chasing me.

• I always thought the joy of reading a book is not knowing what happens next.

• Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts.

• I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still there. Do I believe the world's still there? Is it still out there?... Yeah. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different... Now... where was I? • I was the only guy who disagreed with the cops - and I had brain damage.

• I don't even know how long she's been gone. It's like I've woken up in bed and she's not here... because she's gone to the bathroom or something. But somehow, I know she's never gonna come back to bed. If I could just... reach over and touch... her side of the bed, I would know that it was cold, but I can't. I know I can't have her back... but I don't want to wake up in the morning, thinking she's still here. I lie here not knowing... how long I've been alone. So how... how can I heal? How am I supposed to heal if I can't... feel time?

• Facts, not memories. That's how you investigate. I know, it's what I used to do.

• The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes. Does it?

• (Looking down at the liquor bottle in his hands) I don't feel drunk. [edit] Natalie

• You sad, sad freak. I can say whatever the fuck I want, and you won't remember. We'll still be best friends. Or maybe even lovers.

• Is that what your little note says? It must be hard living your life off a couple of scraps of paper. You mix your laundry list with your grocery list you'll end up eating your underwear for breakfast. [edit] Teddy Gammell

• So you lie to yourself to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that. We all do it.

• Someone has to pay, Lenny. Somebody always pays.

• It's beer o'clock, and I'm buying.

• You know, I've had more rewarding friendships than this one. Although I do get to keep telling the same jokes.

• You don't want the truth. You make up your own truth. [edit] Conversations

Leonard: Hi. Uh, Lincoln Street? Waiter: Oh, you just take the main road... Leonard: Hang on, let me write this down. Waiter: Oh, it's easy. You just... Leonard: Trust me, I need to write this down. Natalie: What's the last thing that you do remember? Leonard Shelby: My wife... Natalie: That's sweet. Leonard Shelby: ...dying Burt: Oh shit. This is the wrong room. You're in 304 now. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Leonard Shelby: This is not my room? Burt: No, come on, let's go. Leonard Shelby: Why is this my handwriting? Burt: ...This was your room, but now you're in 304. Leonard Shelby: When was I in here? Burt: Last week. But then I rented you another room on top of it. Leonard Shelby: Why? Burt: Business is slow. I mean, I told my boss about the - your condition and stuff, and he said try and rent him another room. Leonard Shelby: So how many rooms am I checked into in this shit-hole? Burt: Just two, so far. Leonard Shelby: Well, at least you're being honest about ripping me off. Burt: Well, you're not gonna remember anyway. Leonard Shelby: You don't have to be that honest, Burt. Burt: Leonard, always get a receipt. Leonard Shelby: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna write that down. Natalie: Get rid of Dodd for me. Kill him. I'll pay you. Leonard Shelby: Are you crazy? I'm not gonna kill someone for money. Natalie: What then? Love? What would you kill for? You'd kill for your wife, wouldn't you? Leonard Shelby: That's different! Natalie: Not to me, I wasn't fucking married to her! Natalie: Tell me about her again. Leonard Shelby: Why? Natalie: Because you like to remember her. Leonard Shelby: She was beautiful. To me, she was perfect. Natalie: No, don't just recite the words. Close your eyes... and remember her. Leonard Shelby: You can just feel the details. The bits and pieces you never bothered to put into words. And you can feel these extreme moments... even if you don't want to. You put these together, and you get the feel of a person. Enough to know how much you miss them... and how much you hate the person who took them away. Teddy: [checking Leonard's pulse] You're living. Leonard Shelby: Only for revenge. Leonard Shelby: I don't think they'd let someone like me carry a gun. Teddy: I fucking hope not. Teddy: You don't know who you are anymore. Leonard Shelby: Of course I do. I'm Leonard Shelby. I'm from San Francisco. Teddy: No, that's who you were. Maybe it's time you started investigating yourself. Leonard Shelby: There are things you know for sure. Natalie: Such as? Leonard Shelby: I know what that's going to sound like when I knock on it. I know that's what going to feel like when I pick it up. See? Certainties. It's the kind of memory that you take for granted. Teddy: Was he scared? Leonard Shelby: Yeah, I think it was your sinister moustache. Leonard Shelby: I have this condition. Teddy: [examining Jimmie Grantz] I hope it's not as serious as this guy because he's dead. [edit] DVD extras

• Your life is over. You're a dead man. The only thing the doctors are hoping to do is teach you to be less of a burden to the orderlies. And they'll probably never let you go home, wherever that would be. So the question is not "to be or not to be", because you aren't. The question is whether you want to do something about it. o from "Memento Mori", by Jonathan Nolan, as quoted on the DVD [edit] Cast

Guy Pearce - Leonard Shelby Carrie-Anne Moss - Natalie Joe Pantoliano - Teddy Gammell ... Christopher Nolan - Written and Directed by


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Gladiator is a 2000 film about a Roman general who became a slave, and then rose to challenge the emperor. Directed by Ridley Scott. Written by David Franzoni, and William Nicholson. What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity. taglines Contents


• 1 Maximus • 2 Commodus • 3 Marcus Aurelius • 4 Proximo • 5 Juba • 6 Other • 7 Dialogue • 8 Taglines • 9 Cast

• 10 External links [edit] Maximus

• Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?! Is it not why you are here? [Crowd chanting] Spanjard!!! Spanjard!!! Spanjard!!!

• Frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.

• Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together, we survive.

• Whisper to them that I live only to hold them again, for all else is dust and air.

• Why don't they know they're already dead?

• I am a slave! What possible difference can I make?

• My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

• Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome. This is not it. This is not it!

• Fratres! Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line. Stay with me. If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity.

• Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing.

• At my signal, unleash hell.

• My name is Gladiator.

• You're in danger of becoming a good man, Proximo.

• Ancestors I ask for your guidance! Blessed mother come to me with the gods' desires for my future. Blessed father watch over my wife and my son with a ready sword! Whisper to them that I only live to hold them again! Ancestors I honor you and I try to live with the dignity you taught me!

• I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back." [edit] Commodus

• What am I going to do with you? You simply won't…die.

• It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.

• He sleeps so well because he is loved.

• One kind word, one full hug while you pressed me to your chest and held me tight, would have been like the sun on my heart for a thousand years. What is it in me you hate so much? All I ever wanted was to live up to you, Caesar, Father. Father, I would butcher the whole world if you would only love me!

• Am I not merciful?!

• It's a dream, a frightful dream... life is.

• I would butcher the whole world if you would only love me.

• There are many forms of courage... [edit] Marcus Aurelius • When a man sees his end he wants to know there has been some purpose to his life.

• There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.

• Your faults as a son is my failure as a father. [edit] Proximo

• Some of you are thinking you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight, they all say that, until they're out there. [He picks up a sword.] Thrust this man into another man't chest, and the crowd will applaude and love you for it. In time, you may even begin to love them. Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose when, but…we can decide how we meet that end, so that we are remembered…as men.

• We mortals are but shadows and dust.

• Listen to me. Learn from me. I was not the best because I killed quickly. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Win the crowd and you will win your freedom.

• Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They just walk around eating, and not mating. You sold me queer giraffes!

• The silence before you strike…and the noise after…it rises…rises like a storm. As if you were the Thunder God himself.

• I am Proximo. I will be closer to you in these next few days, which will be the last days of your miserable lives than that bitch of a mother who first brought you screaming into this world. I did not pay good money for your company, I paid it so i could profit from your deaths. And just as your mother was there at your beginning, so I shall be there at your end. And when you die, and die you shall, your transition will be to the sound of [he claps his hands]. Gladiators, I salute you. [edit] Juba

• Life is a gift from our fathers to us. Who are you to give it up for lack of lifting a spoon?

• Better to die for a friend than to die for gold.

• You have a great name. He must kill your name before he kills you. • Now we are free. *pauses* I will see you again…but not yet...not yet. [edit] Other

Gracchus: The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate, it's the sand of the Colosseum. He'll bring them death and they will love him for it. Lucilla: Is Rome worth one good man's life? We believed it once, make us believe it again. He was a soldier of Rome. Honor him. Gracchus: He will bring them death, and they will love him for it. Gracchus: I don't pretend to be a man of the people. But I do try to be a man for the people. Lucilla: Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome. [edit] Dialogue

Quintus: Maximus? Maximus? Maximus: Quintus, free my men. Senator Gracchus is to be reinstated. There was a dream, that was Rome. It shall be realized. These are the wishes of Marcus Aurelius! Quintus: People should know when they are conquered. Maximus: Would you, Quintus? Would I? Maximus: Do you find it difficult to do your duty? Cicero: Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to. Lucilla: I want to help you. Maximus: Yes, you can help me. Forget you ever knew me, never come back here again. Marcus: You have proven your valor once again, Maximus. Let us hope for the last time. Maximus: There is no one left to fight, sire. Marcus: There is always someone left to fight. How can I reward Rome's greatest general? Maximus: Let me go home. Marcus: Ah, home. Gracchus: He enters Rome like a conquering hero. But what has he conquered? Falco: Give him time, Gracchus. He's young, he may do very well. Gracchus: For Rome, Falco? Or for you? Marcus: When was the last time you were home? Maximus: Two years, two hundred and sixty-four days and this morning. Maximus: What will you have me do, Caesar? Marcus: I want you to become the protector of Rome after I die. I will empower you, to one end alone, to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it. Won't you accept this great honor that I have offered you? Maximus: With all my heart, no. Marcus: Maximus, that is why it must be you. Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena? Maximus: You would fight me? Commodus: Why not? Do you think I am afraid? Maximus: I think you've been afraid all your life. Commodus: Unlike Maximus the invincible, who knows no fear? Maximus: I knew a man who once said: "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back." Commodus: I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death? Maximus: You must know. He was your father. Commodus: You loved my father, I know. But so did I. That makes us brothers, doesn't it? Smile for me now, brother! Maximus: You ask me what I want. I too want to stand up to the Emperor as you did. Proximo: Then listen to me. Learn from me. I wasn't the best because I killed quickly. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Win the crowd. You will win your freedom. Maximus: I will win the crowd. I will give them something they have never seen before. Proximo: What do you want? Hmm? Girl? Boy? Maximus: You sent for me? Proximo: Yes, I did. You're good, Spaniard, but not that good. You could be magnificent. Maximus: I'm required to kill, so I kill. That is enough. Proximo: That's enough for the provinces, but not for Rome. Commodus: They embrace me as one of their own. The people are my children and I am their father. Gracchus: Have you ever embraced some one dying of plague, sire? Gracchus: But the Senate IS the people, sire. Chosen from AMONG the people. To speak FOR the people. Commodus: I doubt if any of the people eat so well as you, Gracchus. Or have such splendid mistresses, Gaius. [edit] Taglines

• What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity. • A Hero Will Rise. • The Gladiator Who Defied An Empire. • The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. [edit] Cast

• Russell Crowe - Maximus • Joaquin Phoenix - Commodus • Connie Nielsen - Lucilla • Oliver Reed - Proximo • - Marcus Aurelius • Derek Jacobi - senator Gracchus • Djimon Hounsou - Juba


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Goodfellas is a 1990 film about Henry Hill and his friends as they work their way up through the mob hierarchy.

Directed by Martin Scorsese. Written by Nicholas Pileggi and Martin Scorsese, based on Pileggi's book, Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family. Three Decades of Life in the Mafia.taglines Contents


• 1 Henry Hill • 2 Tommy DeVito • 3 Jimmy Conway • 4 Karen Hill • 5 Paulie Cicero • 6 Others • 7 Dialogue • 8 Taglines • 9 Cast

• 10 External links [edit] Henry Hill

• As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States.

• Even before I first wandered into the cabstand for an after-school job, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood that was full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. I mean, they did whatever they wanted. They double-parked in front of a hydrant and nobody ever gave them a ticket. In the summer when they played cards all night, nobody ever called the cops.

• I was the luckiest kid in the world. I could go anywhere. I could do anything. I knew everybody and everybody knew me...I was part of something. And I belonged. I was treated like a grown-up. Every day, I was learning to score. A dollar here. A dollar there. I was living a fantasy.

• Hundreds of guys depended on Paulie and he got a piece of everything they made. And it was tribute, just like in the old country, except they were doing it here in America. And all they got from Paulie was protection from other guys looking to rip them off. And that's what it's all about. That's what the FBI could never understand. That what Paulie and the organization does is offer protection for people who can't go to the cops. That's it. That's all it is. They're like the police department for wiseguys.

• People looked at me differently and they knew I was with somebody...At thirteen, I was making more money than most of the grown-ups in the neighborhood. I mean, I had more money than I could spend. I had it all. One day the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. You know why? It was outta respect.

• What Jimmy really loved to do, what he really loved to do was steal. I mean he actually enjoyed it. Jimmy was the kind of guy who rooted for the bad guys in the movies.

• And when the cops, they assigned a whole army to stop Jimmy, what'd he do? He made 'em partners.

• Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody. • By the time I grew up, there was thirty billion a year in cargo moving through Idlewild Airport and believe me, we tried to steal every bit of it...It was an even bigger money-maker than numbers and Jimmy was in charge of it all. Whenever we needed money, we'd rob the airport. And to us, it was better than Citibank.

• For us to live any other way was nuts. Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. I mean they were suckers. They had no balls. If we wanted something we just took it. If anyone complained twice they got hit so bad, believe me, they never complained again.

• Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with a bill, he can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. But now the guy's got to come up with Paulie's money every week. No matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. The place got hit by lightning, huh? Fuck you, pay me. Also, Paulie could do anything. Especially run up bills on the joint's credit. And why not? Nobody's gonna pay for it anyway. And as soon as the deliveries are made in the front door, you move the stuff out the back and sell it at a discount. You take a two hundred dollar case of booze and you sell it for a hundred. It doesn't matter. It's all profit. And then finally, when there's nothing left, when you can't borrow another buck from the bank or buy another case of booze, you bust the joint out. You light a match.

• For most of the guys, killings got to be accepted. Murder was the only way that everybody stayed in line. You got out of line, you got whacked. Everybody knew the rules. But sometimes, even if people didn't get out of line, they got whacked. I mean, hits just became a habit for some of the guys. Guys would get into arguments over nothing and before you knew it, one of them was dead. And they were shooting each other all the time. Shooting people was a normal thing. It was no big deal. We had a, we had a serious problem with Billy Batts. This was really a touchy thing. Tommy'd killed a made guy. Batts was part of the Gambino crew and was considered untouchable. Before you could touch a made guy, you had to have a good reason. You had to have a sitdown, and you better get an okay, or you'd be the one who got whacked.

• Saturday night was for wives, but Friday night at the Copa was always for the girlfriends.

• It took the jury six hours to bring us in guilty. The judge gave Jimmy and me ten years like he was giving away candy.

• See, you know when you think of prison, you get pictures in your mind of all those old movies with rows and rows of guys behind bars...But it wasn't like that for wiseguys. It really wasn't that bad. Excepting that I missed Jimmy. He was doing his time in ...I mean, everybody else in the joint was doing real time, all mixed together, living like pigs. But we lived alone. And we owned the joint.

• It took me about a week of sneaking around before I could unload the stuff, but when I did, it was a real score. I started using Sandy's place to mix the stuff and even with Sandy snorting more than she mixed, I could see that this was a really good business. I made twelve thousand dollars in my second week. I had a down payment on my house and things were really rolling. All I had to do was every once in a while was tell Sandy that I loved her. But it was perfect, I'm telling ya. As long as I kept getting the stuff from Pittsburgh, I knew Paulie would never find out. Within a couple of weeks, it got to be so big I needed some help. So I got Jimmy and Tommy to come in with me.

• That's how it happens. That's how fast it takes for a guy to get whacked.

• It made him sick to have to turn money over to the guys who stole it. He'd rather whack 'em. Anyway, what did I care? I wasn't asking for anything and besides, Jimmy was making nice money with me through my Pittsburgh connections. But still, months after the robbery they were finding bodies all over. When they found Carbone in the meat truck, he was frozen so stiff it took them two days to thaw him out for the autopsy.

• You know, we always called each other good fellas. Like you said to, uh, somebody, 'You're gonna like this guy. He's all right. He's a good fella. He's one of us.' You understand? We were good fellas. Wiseguys. But Jimmy and I could never be made because we had Irish blood. It didn't even matter that my mother was Sicilian. To become a member of a crew you've got to be one hundred per cent Italian so they can trace all your relatives back to the old country. See, it's the highest honor they can give you. It means you belong to a family and crew. It means that nobody can fuck around with you. It also means you could fuck around with anybody just as long as they aren't also a member. It's like a license to steal. It's a license to do anything. As far as Jimmy was concerned with Tommy being made, it was like we were all being made. We would now have one of our own as a member.

• It was revenge for Billy Batts, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it. Batts was a made man and Tommy wasn't. And we had to sit still and take it. It was among the Italians. It was real greaseball shit. They even shot Tommy in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral.

• [after Karen points gun at him while he's sleeping] I got enough to worry about getting whacked on the street! I gotta come home for this! I should fucking kill you! • For a second, I thought I was dead, but when I heard all the noise I knew they were cops. Only cops talk that way. If they had been wiseguys, I wouldn't have heard a thing. I would've been dead.

• I knew Paulie was still pissed at me and he's such a hot head. And I was worried about Jimmy. See, Jimmy knew if Paulie found out he was in the drug deals with me, Paulie would have Jimmy whacked even before me. This is the bad time...So now my plan was to stay alive long enough to sell off the dope that the cops never found and then disappear for a while until I can get things straightened out.

• If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you. It doesn't happen that way. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. So your murderers come with smiles. They come as your friends, the people who have cared for you all of your life, and they always seem to come at a time when you're at your weakest and most in need of their help.

• So I met Jimmy in a crowded place we both knew. I got there fifteen minutes early, and I saw that Jimmy was already there. We took the booth near the window so we could see everyone that drove up to the restaurant. He wanted to make sure I wasn't tailed. He was jumpy. He hadn't touched a thing. On the surface, of course, everything was supposed to be fine. We were supposed to be discussing my case. But I had the feeling Jimmy was trying to sense whether I was gonna rat him out to save my neck.

• Jimmy had never asked me to whack somebody before - but now he's asking me to go down to Florida and do a hit with Anthony? That's when I knew I would never have come back from Florida alive.

• See, the hardest thing for me was leaving the life. I still love the life. And we were treated like movie stars with muscle. We had it all, just for the asking. Our wives, mothers, kids, everybody rode along. I had paper bags filled with jewelry stashed in the kitchen. I had a sugar bowl full of coke next to the bed...Anything I wanted was a phone call away. Free cars. The keys to a dozen hideout flats all over the city. I'd bet twenty, thirty grand over a weekend and then I'd either blow the winnings in a week or go to the sharks to pay back the bookies. Didn't matter. It didn't mean anything. When I was broke I would go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it's all over. And that's the hardest part. Today, everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook. [edit] Tommy DeVito • In this day and age, what the fuck is this world coming to? I can't believe this, prejudice against - a Jew broad - prejudice against Italians.

• Sure, mom, I settle down with a nice girl every night, then I'm free the next morning.

• Here's an arm...Hey, here's a leg. Here's a wing. Hey, what do you like, the leg or the wing, Henry? Or do you still go for the old hearts and lungs?

• What the fuck are you doing? You're hanging around my fuckin' neck like a vulture, like impending death.

• You know Spider, you're a fuckin' mumbling stuttering little prick. You know that?

• He said, "No, you're gonna tell me something today, tough guy." I said, "All right, I'll tell you something: 'Go fuck your mother.'" [edit] Jimmy Conway

• [to Henry] Everybody gets pinched. But you did it right. You told 'em nothing and they got nothing...I'm proud of you. You took your first pinch like a man and you learned the two greatest things in life...Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.

• Don't buy anything. Don't get anything. Nothing big. Didn't you hear what I said?'re going to get us all fuckin' pinched, that's why. What are you, stupid?

• [laughing] He shot him in the foot 'cause he told him to go fuck himself! [edit] Karen Hill

• I couldn't stand him. I thought he was really obnoxious. He kept fidgeting around. Before it was even time to go home he was pushing me into the car and then pulling me out. It was ridiculous. But Diane and Tommy made us promise to meet them again on Friday night. We agreed. Of course when Friday night came around, Henry stood me up. We were a trio instead of a double date that night.

• One night, Bobby Vinton sent us champagne. There was nothing like it. I didn't think there was anything strange in any of this. You know, a twenty-one-year-old kid with such connections. He was an exciting guy. He was really nice. He introduced me to everybody. Everybody wanted to be nice to him. And he knew how to handle it. • I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. But I didn't. I got to admit the truth. It turned me on.

• It was like he had two families. The first time I was introduced to all of them at once, it was crazy. Paulie and his brothers had lots of sons and nephews. And almost all of them were named Peter or Paul. It was unbelievable. There must have been two dozen Peters and Pauls at the wedding. Plus, they were all married to girls named Marie. And they named all their daughters Marie. By the time I finished meeting everybody, I thought I was drunk.

• Well, we weren't married to nine-to-five guys, but the first time I realized how different was when Mickey had a hostess party. They had bad skin and wore too much make-up. I mean, they didn't look very good. They looked beat-up. And the stuff they wore was thrown together and cheap. A lot of pant suits and double knits. And they talked about how rotten their kids were and about beating them with broom handles and leather belts. But that the kids still didn't pay any attention...After a while, it got to be all normal. None of it seemed like crimes. It was more like Henry was enterprising and that he and the guys were making a few bucks hustling, while the other guys were sitting on their asses waiting for hand-outs. Our husbands weren't brain surgeons. They were blue-collar guys. The only way they could make extra money, real extra money, was to go out and cut a few corners...We were all so very close. I mean, there were never any outsiders around. Absolutely never. And being together all the time made everything seem all the more normal.

• There was always a little harrassment. They always wanted to talk to Henry about this or that. They'd come in with their subpoenas and warrants and make me sign. But mostly they were just looking for a handout, a few bucks to keep things quiet, no matter what they found.

• We always did everything together and we always were in the same crowd. Anniversaries, christenings. We only went to each other's houses. The women played cards, and when the kids were born, Mickey and Jimmy were always the first at the hospital. And when we went to the Islands or Vegas to vacation, we always went together. No outsiders, ever. It got to be normal. It got to where I was even proud that I had the kind of husband who was willing to go out and risk his neck just to get us the little extras.

• Something's going on!...I look in your face and I know that you're lying...Get out of my life!...You're a lousy bastard...Go to your ready-made whores. That's all you're good for. Get out of my life. I can't stand you.

• [over the intercom] This is Karen Hill, I want to talk to you. Hello? Don't hang up on me. I want to talk to you. You keep away from my husband, you understand me? Hello? ANSWER ME. I'm going to tell everybody that walks in this building that in 2R, Rossi, you're nothing but a whore. [gets on phone] Is this the superintendent?... Yes, sir, I would like you to know that you have a whore living in 2R. Rossi, Janice Rossi... He's MY husband. Get your own goddamn man.

• But still I couldn't hurt him. How could I hurt him? I couldn't even bring myself to leave him. The truth was that no matter how bad I felt I was still very attracted to him. Why should I give him to someone else? Why should she win? [edit] Paulie Cicero

• [to Henry, after his first arrest] You broke your cherry!

• [to Sonny] You think you're the only one? I talk to them a million times. They don't listen...What could I do? If there was something I could do, don't you think I would do it?...Tommy's a bad kid. He's a bad seed. What am I supposed to do, shoot him?

• You gotta go back. I mean, it's the only way. You got to keep up appearances...Please, there's no other way. You're not gonna get a divorce. We're not animali. [edit] Others

• Karen's Mother: What kind of people are these?...He's not Jewish. Did you know how these people live?...You don't know where he is. You don't know who he's with...Normal people don't act like this!

• Sonny Nubz: But I'm worried, I mean, I'm hearin' all kinds a fuckin' bad things. I mean he's treating me like I'm a fuckin' half-a-fag or somethin'. I'm gonna wind up a lammist, I gotta go on the fuckin' lam in order to get away from this guy? This ain't right, Paulie.

• Morrie: What am I? A schmuck on wheels?

• FBI Agent: If it's gonna make him a happy witness, a better witness, I'd like you to be with him...They're not gonna be able to get to him. The only way they can get to him is by getting to you. Or getting to your kids...Karen, I've listened to those wiretaps. And I've heard you on the telephone. You're talkin' about cocaine. Conversation after conversation you're talking to Henry on the phone. You're facing a lengthy prison sentence.

• FBI Agent: We're basically your only salvation. We're gonna save your life, we're gonna save his life. I'm gonna keep you out of jail. [edit] Dialogue Henry: You're a pistol, you're really funny. You're really funny. Tommy: What do you mean I'm funny? Henry: It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy. [laughs] Tommy: what do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What? Henry: It's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything. Tommy: [it becomes quiet] Funny how? What's funny about it? Anthony: Tommy no, You got it all wrong. Tommy: Oh, oh, Anthony. He's a big boy, he knows what he said. What did ya say? Funny how? Henry: Jus... Tommy: What? Henry: Just... ya know... you're funny. Tommy: You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? Henry: Just... you know, how you tell the story, what? Tommy: No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I

Road to Perdition

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Road to Perdition is a 2002 film in which bonds of loyalty are put to the test when a hitman's son witnesses what his father does for a living.

Directed by Sam Mendes. Written by David Self, based on the graphic novel by Max Allan Collins. Pray for Michael Sullivan taglines Contents


• 1 Michael Sullivan, Jr. • 2 John Rooney • 3 Michael Sullivan • 4 Harlen Maguire • 5 Others • 6 Dialogue • 7 Taglines • 8 Cast

• 9 External links [edit] Michael Sullivan, Jr.

• There are many stories about Michael Sullivan. Some say he was a decent man. Others say there was no good in him at all. But I once spent 6 weeks on the road with him, in the winter of 1931. This is our story.

• I saw then that my father's only fear was that his son would follow the same road. And that was the last time I ever held a gun. People always thought I grew up on a farm. And I guess, in a way, I did. But I lived a lifetime before that, in those six weeks on the road in the winter of 1931. When people ask me if Michael Sullivan was a good man, or if there was just no good in him at all, I always give the same answer. I just tell them... he was my father. [edit] John Rooney

• Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.

• What men do after work is what made us rich. No need to screw them at work as well.

• A man of honor always pays his debts... and keeps his word.

• You would like to apologize? Try again.

• May you get to Heaven an hour before the Devil knows you're dead.

• I curse... the fucking... day... you were born. I curse it!

• [to Michael] I'm glad it's you. [edit] Michael Sullivan

• If I'm not back in half an hour, you go see Reverend Lynch at First Methodist and you tell him what's happened. Do NOT go to Father Callaway.

• Sarah? It's me Mike. We're here...

• I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry. [edit] Harlen Maguire • I shoot the dead. Dead bodies, that is. I don't kill them.

• Smile.

• I'm something of a rarity. [edit] Others

• Alexander Rance: This is Mr. Rance in the bridal suite and before you proffer your phony congratulations there is no Mrs. Rance residing with me and I'm all the better for it. Now, listen carefully because I am in no mood. I'm going to say this only once. I would like a boiled egg and I want it runny.

• Finn McGovern: [to John Rooney] You rule this town as God rules the Earth. [edit] Dialogue

Peter Sullivan: Why are you always smiling? Connor Rooney: 'Cause it's all so fuckin' hysterical. Michael Sullivan, Jr.: [after seeing his father kill someone] Does Mama know? Michael Sullivan: Your mother knows I love Mr. Rooney. When we had nothing, he gave us a home... a life... and we owe him. Connor Rooney: I can look after myself. Frank Nitti: No, you can't! This is the point. You're a big baby who doesn't know his thumb from his dick! Michael Sullivan: You gonna frisk me? Frank the Bouncer: Should I? Michael Sullivan: It's a good idea. Harlen Maguire: [after Maguire tells Sullivan about his profession] You ever seen one? Michael Sullivan: Yeah. Harlen Maguire: Sorry for you. Terrible thing... but it sure makes you feel alive, don't it? Michael Sullivan: I'll drink to that. [Maguire has pulled out a camera] Michael Sullivan: Is that, uh... your profession or... your pleasure? Harlen Maguire: Both, I guess. To be paid to do what you love... ain't that the dream? Mr. McDougal: Well this is a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting another deposit until the end of the month. Michael Sullivan: Actually, I'm making a withdrawal. [Pulls his gun] And I want dirty money only, everything you're holding for Capone that's off the books. Open the safe. Mr. McDougal: You're insane. You know they'll find out who you are. Michael Sullivan: The name's Sullivan. You want me to spell it? Michael Sullivan, Jr.: So when do I get my share of the money? Michael Sullivan: Well... how much do you want? Michael Sullivan, Jr.: Two hundred dollars. Michael Sullivan: Okay. Deal. [Michael Jr. stops eating and thinks for awhile] Could I have had more? Michael Sullivan: You'll never know. Betty the Waitress: So what brings you guys to the middle of nowhere? Michael Sullivan, Jr.: We're bank robbers. Michael Sullivan: I'd like to work for you. Frank Nitti: [Chuckles] Well... that's very interesting. Michael Sullivan: And in return, I'd like you to turn a blind eye to... what I have to do. Frank Nitti: And what is that? Michael Sullivan: Kill the man who murdered my family. Mr. McDougal: You really trust me not to say anything? Michael Sullivan: Always trust a bank manager. Michael Sullivan: [teaching his son to drive] Look out for the tractor, Mike. Michael... look out for the tractor. You're coming up now. Watch out for the tractor. Watch out for the tractor! Watch out for the tractor! [Sullivan, Jr. swerves to avoid the tractor in the nick of time] Michael Sullivan, Jr.: We made it! Michael Sullivan: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah, yeah. We made it. [Sullivan has a gun to Kelly's head] Jack Kelly: Think, Mike. Don't be stupid. I'm just the messenger. Michael Sullivan: [lowers his gun] Then give Mr. Rooney a message for me. Jack Kelly: What is it? [Sullivan shoots him] [a knock at the door] Alexander Rance: It's open. Top marks for speed, no marks for cookery. [holding plate with egg] Alexander Rance: What, may I ask, do you call this? Michael Sullivan: Put it down. Alexander Rance: Mr. Sullivan! Michael Sullivan: Mr. Rance. Alexander Rance: How did you find me? Michael Sullivan: This is the best hotel in the area and you are so very... particular. Alexander Rance: Yes, indeed, Mr. Sullivan. Alexander Rance: What do you think you're going to accomplish by interfering with our business, Mr. Sullivan? Michael Sullivan: This has nothing to do with your business. Alexander Rance: It's all business. That's what you fail to grasp. And in business, you must have something to trade. And you, Mr. Sullivan, have nothing to trade. Especially not for anyone as valuable as Connor Rooney. Michael Sullivan: He murdered Annie and Peter! John Rooney: There are only murderers in this room! Michael! Open your eyes! This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven. Michael Sullivan: Michael could. John Rooney: Then do everything that you can to see that that happens. Michael Sullivan, Jr.: Did you like Peter more than me? Michael Sullivan: No. I loved you both the same. Michael Sullivan, Jr.: You were always... different with me. Michael Sullivan: Was I? [Sullivan thinks for a while] Michael Sullivan: Well, I suppose it was because Peter was just... such a sweet little boy, you know? And you... you were more like me. And I... didn't want you to be. Michael Sullivan, Jr.: What are you going to do? Michael Sullivan: [assembling a gun] Just one last thing, and then it's done. Michael Sullivan, Jr.: I couldn't do it. Michael Sullivan: I know. [edit] Taglines

• Pray for Michael Sullivan

• Every father is a hero to his son.

• Every son holds the future for his father.

• The innocence of a son is surpassed only by the father's will to save it. [edit] Cast

• Tom Hanks - Michael Sullivan • Paul Newman - John Rooney • Tyler Hoechlin - Michael Sullivan Jr. • Stanley Tucci - Frank Nitti • Jude Law - Harlen Maguire • Liam Aiken - Peter Sullivan • Jennifer Jason Leigh - Annie Sullivan • David Darlow - Jack Kelly • Dylan Baker - Alexander Rance • Daniel Craig - Connor Rooney • Ciarán Hinds - Finn McGovern The Doors (film)

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The Doors is a 1991 film about the famous and influential 1960's rock band and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison.

Directed by Oliver Stone. Written by Randall Jahnson and Oliver Stone. The Ultimate Story of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'N' Roll taglines Contents


• 1 Jim Morrison • 2 Pamela Courson • 3 Robbie Krieger • 4 Others • 5 Dialogue • 6 Taglines • 7 Cast

• 8 External links [edit] Jim Morrison

• "The movie will begin in five moments," the mindless voice announced. All those unseated will await the next show. We filed slowly, languidly into the hall. The auditorium was fast and silent. As we seated and were darkened, the voice continued, "The program for this evening is not new. You've seen this entertainment through and through. You've seen your birth, your life and death. You might recall all the rest. Did you have a good world when you died? Enough to base a movie on?"

• Is everybody in?... Is Everybody in?... Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin...

• It was the first time I tasted fear. I musta been about four, like a child is just like a flower, his head is floating in the breeze. • The reaction I get now looking back is the soul of the ghosts of those dead Indians -- maybe one or two of them were just running around freaking out and just leaped into my soul -- and they're still there.

• We gotta take the planet back, reinvent the Gods, make new myths.

• [to John] What's a rock and roll band for man, if you can't party all night and do bad things?

• The music was new black polished chrome and came over the summer like liquid night.

• I like a man wears his soul on his face.

• Hey! I am the Lizard king. I can do Anything! Raise your hands if you understand! Alive, any of you alive -- let's take a poll -- how many of you know you're really alive?!

• When the serpent appears, his head is ten feet long and five feet wide. He has one red eye and one green eye. He's deadly and he's seven miles long. As he moves -- on his scales is written all the history of the world, all people, all actions, all of us our little pictures on the scales, God it's big! -- and it's eating as it moves all the time, devouring, digesting consciousness, power, a monster of energy! We must kiss the snake on the tongue, if it senses our fear, it will eat us instantly. But if we kiss it without fear, the snake will take us through the garden and out the gate. To our freedom -we must ride this snake. To the end of time.

• The biggest mistakes in my life have been haircuts.

• Where's your will to be weird man?

• Actually, I don't really remember being born. It musta happened during one of my blackouts.

• Y'all believe what you want to believe, you will anyway... but it does kinda show you what excites people? Fear, pity, horror -- all those good things that count. It's sorta I guess like being on the edge of an orgasm, y'know... that mystery just before you come. When? If? Should I? Will you die for me, eat me, this way, the end...

• Maybe I should always fuck my critics.

• Hate is a very underestimated emotion. • I drink so I can talk to assholes. This includes me. Let's just say I was testing the bounds of reality -- that's-all -- I was curious... I kinda always preferred to be hated.

• I go out on a stage and I howl for people. In me they see what they want to see -- some say the Lizard King, whatever that means, or some black-clad leather demon whatever that means... but really I think of myself as a sensitive, intelligent human being but with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most crucial moment... a fake hero... a joke the gods played on me... it's okay, I accept the joke... and smile. Death old friend, death and my cock, I can forgive my injuries in the name of wisdom, luxury, romance. Words got me the wound and will get me well. All join now in lament of my cock, a tongue of knowledge in the feathered night. Boys get crazy in the head and suffer. I sacrifice my cock on the alter of silence.

• [to Pam] I'm the poet and you're my muse.

• [to audience] You're all a buncha fucking slaves!

• Well uh, it's designed to wear you down y'know... when that rap sheet says the "United States of America versus You" it takes you down day by day, specially when no one really gives a shit about, y'know, the First Amendment that's on trial here... Nobody says anything about that, it's just uh did you take your pants off y'know, I mean that's not what it's about, it's about freedom, that's what it's about... but who cares, right? Freedom exists in a schoolbook.

• I can only open doors, M'am. I can't drag people thru 'em. I'm no savior. [edit] Pamela Courson

• Take your time, Jim... There's no hurry, I'm all you have to do tonight.

• You're a poet, not a rock star. [edit] Robbie Krieger

• I get scared thinking of all the choices inside. I could go. I could stay. I can live anywhere. I could die now if I wanted. It's limitless choice... and no one cares.

• [to Jim] You said you love pain man, but you run from it every chance you get. [edit] Others

• Ray Manzarek: [to Jim] Things are about to explode man. You can feel it in the air. Vietnam's right out there. Sides are being chosen. People wanna fight or fuck, love or kill, everything's gonna flame. The planet's screaming for change, Morrison. Make the myths man!

• Patricia Kennealy: [to Jim] Come on rock god, fuck me, fuck me good.

• Gloria Stavers: [to Jim] You control the audience, like dogs, manipulate them Jim, one picture can control a million people, be anything you want -- growl at them, be ugly, be frightened, be selfish. Be man, woman, whild, animal. Live, die, return again. Anything you want. Everything is permitted. Go on look at yourself, fall in love with yourself. You're your own audience now Jim. They want you. Worship and love and adore you...Jim Morrison, the god of Rock and Cock...

• Andy Warhol: [handing Jim a golden telephone] Edie gave this to me and said mmmmm, I could talk to God with this. But I don't really have anything to say. So... mmmm now you can talk to God.

• Tom Baker: [to Jim] You're bored, you're not free. You tested all the limits, fame, fucking, money, -- whatcha gonna do now Jimbo? When the music's over, when you're too fat and ugly to get on a stage, whatcha gonna do for act three -- puke on Heaven's door? [edit] Dialogue

Jim: [entering through the window] Hi. Pam: Wow! Hi...You have a problem with doors? Jim: Waste of time. I followed you... from the beach... Pam: Wow! You followed me? Why? Jim: 'Cause... you're the one. [He kisses her] Pam: Wow... neat. Trick: [to Jim, after Jim's film was panned] Hey man whatdya expect, an Oscar? Bones: You can't quit, you gotta voice. People can't dig cause they don't understand yet. Jack: If you're an individual, if you're too good, they wanna cut your dick off. Look what happened to Orson Wells. Trick: You quit now, they'll yank your deferment in no time and they'll get you for Vietnam man. Three more months you graduate. Bones: Be cool, you never learned fuckin patience Morrison, you want everything at once. Nick: They didn't get it. So make your films and fuck what they think. Jim: You know what I think? Bones: Yeah whadda you think? Jim: You really want to know what I think? Bones: Yeah yeah, whatddaya think? Jim: I think we gotta get really ripped! Jim: What turns you on? Pam: I don't know. Experience. Freedom. Love... Now. Peyote's like love. When it's given it's blessed. When it's sold it's damned. I like peyote. I like acid, it's easier to get. I like the spiritual voyage. The first time I did acid I saw God. I did. I had a friend who was Christ. And he was Judas too. I suddenly knew the secret of everything -- that we're all one, the universe is one. And that everything is beautiful. Jim: Is it? I don't know. I think you're alive by confronting death -- by experiencing pain. Pam: I think you're alive by recognizing beauty -- seeing truth because when you discover truth you discover what love is... we're all saying the same thing. It's "love me and I'll love you." Jim: It's only through death that you know life. Jesus, medicine men heal people by sacrificing their own life. Pam: Do you love Death? Jim: I think life hurts a lot more than death. When you die the pain is over. Jerry: What shit, "day destroys the night", "crawl back in your brain", "go insane". What do people wanna pay money to hear that shit? Jim: The greater the suffering, the more terrible the events, the greater the pleasure Jerry. They want it, it's catharsis. Like the ancient Greeks. Jerry: We're in , punk, how would you know? They like your pants, they're not listenin' to you, what the hell they see in you I... Jim: But they understand Jerry. All our real desires are unconscious and unseen. Jerry: You're the weirdest fuckin' guy I ever... Jim: You love us? Jerry: I love ya. You got two more shows to do. Ray: [after being propositioned by a record manager] We'll have a band meeting. The four of us do everything unanimously or we don't do it. Manager: The musketeers. I'm touched. But lemme tell you something -- loyalty don't pay the bills. Jim: Jesus Ray, every girl out there wanted to fuck me, I could feel it for the first time! Ray: Right on stud. But you better watch out for the guys. John: I think I'm fucked up. I'm not thinking right. Jim: You're fucked up John. Go with it, confusion is the sound of creation. John: You should see your eyes right now, you're death. Look at your eyes -- you're crazy man, you look crazy. You scare me. Jim: No no no John John. God is crazy too. God is part insane as well as sane. Not in control all the time. Dionysus was the God of the wine. He made ecstasy but he also made madness. Madness is all right. That's what you want, isn't it, isn't it? Ray: I'm in pain man. I want something from the peyote. I feel the universe functioning perfectly but I'm still perfectly locked inside myself. Instead of Oneness, I feel total Isolation. Aloneness. Fear... Pain...Jim, all I feel is pain. Jim: Pain makes me feel more alive Ray. Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain but they're wrong. John: I feel Lust. I want to fuck everything I can, and I know it will never be enough. Jim: Pam wants you. You're a good Catholic John, you want it so you can feel guilty about it... Fuck death away John. Robbie: I feel Fear... so bad I just numb out all my feelings. I'm afraid of my father, I'm afraid of Yahweh... I wish I could play my guitar. Jim: Maybe you should kill your father Robbie. He tried to kill you. Kill him! Robbie: I'm so fucking scared. Jim: But you're Alive! It's beautiful! Fear, pain, lust, we've got to know all our feelings before we can come out the other side free men. Don't feel ashamed of yourselves, don't let society destroy your reality. Our freedom's the only thing worth dying for, it's the only thing worth living for! Jim: I don't mind dying in a plane crash, a smile on my face. Pam: As compared to what? Jim: I just don't want to go out slow -- brain tumor, botulism. I want to feel what it's like, cause death is only going to happen to you once. Ed Sullivan: Look, you boys don't forget to smile now. Don't be so sullen out there... Jim: Uh well, we're kind of a sullen group, Ed. Pam: Aren't you doing this for you? Because you're a poet, not a rock star. Ed Sullivan's not a place for you. Jim: You really know what I am Pam? You know what poetry is? Where is the feast they promised us? Where is the wine -- the new wine -- dying on the vine? Pam: What are you saying? Jim: Y'see -- I lied to you. I really love Fame. Pam: Fuck you man I'm outta here. Jim: Get mad! Yeahhh! Love my girl! Yeah, go fuck the other guys. How many white guys have you fucked Pam? 10, 20? Black guys what? You like Chinese dicks? Mongolian penis? 30? Pam: How many dogs have you fucked? You don't say No to anybody! Drugs, dogs, uglies, you'd fuck a doorknob with butter on it! Journalist: What are your songs about Mr. Morrison? Jim: Uh, love death travel... revolt. We all write the songs, we're interested in anything about disorder, chaos, especially activity which seems to have no meaning... I think when you make peace with authority, you become authority. Journalist: Can you define that a little more? Jim: Yeah you can call us erotic politicians I guess. Pam: [about Anne] You actually put your dick in this woman Jim? Jim: Well I... sometimes yeah. Ray: [about Pam] I never knew what you saw in that nightmare chick man. Jim: Well she is kinda flakey -- like me. I mean she's just so vulnerable about everything. It makes me sad man. But she's always kinda believed in something about me y'know -- her little picture of me as the unsung poet -- and it's a fantasy I kinda dig y'know, 'stead of the one I live. Ray: I don't know man, I don't wanna sound like your old man but you're only 27, you're living like you gotta get it all in, you gotta slow down man, you did it, you broke through to the other side. Jim: We didn't break thru Ray, we just pushed things a little. When you really break through, there's nothing left. No music, no Doors, no God, nothing -- only a will to power. Ray: I don't believe that. You were an American prince, man -- with overbred genes -- [Jim laughs] No! What could've been Jim? You could've been President. [Jim laughs] No man! What could've been Jim? We stood here on this beach on the edge of the Pacific that crazy summer day in '65 -- and we knew, you and I, we knew we were at the edge of the mind. we were there, man. One planet, one globe, one mind. Consciousness, we raised it, we were there. [edit] Taglines

• The Ultimate Story of Sex, Drugs & Rock 'N' Roll

• "There are things known and things unknown and in between are The Doors." -- Jim Morrison

• The ceremony is about to begin. [edit] Cast

• Val Kilmer - Jim Morrison • Kyle MacLachlan - Ray Manzarek • Meg Ryan - Pamela Courson • Kevin Dillon - John Densmore • Frank Whaley - Robby Krieger • Kathleen Quinlan - Patricia Kennealy • Michael Wincott - Paul Rothchild • Michael Madsen - Tom Baker • Dennis Burkley - Dog • Billy Idol - Cat • Crispin Glover - Andy Warhol