CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1789 HON
September 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1789 hit by a rocket propelled grenade. He was black person to be a high school principal in and was formally installed as 14th Ordinary of killed, and another soldier stationed nearby the City of Newark and as a result she raised the nation’s oldest See on May 23, 1989 in was injured in the blast. During his time in the the bar for all students to realize that they ceremonies at the Cathedral of Mary Our military, Cody had been awarded the Bronze could be anything they set their minds to be- Queen. An influential participant in a wide Star, Purple Heart, National Defense Service coming. range of national and international issues, Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Personally, I knew Dr. Allen for over forty Keeler was elected President of the National Terrorism Medal, Army Service Ribbon and years and was glad to have her as a resident Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the Combat Action Badge. in the 10th Congressional District. Not only did the United States Catholic, Conference in No- Growing up in Hernando County, Cody had she believe education was important for her- vember, 1992. attended Springstead High School, where he self, having achieved advanced degrees but Cardinal Keeler was appointed to the Col- had many friends and enjoyed working with she encouraged her students, nieces, neph- lege of Cardinals by Pope John Paul II on No- cars and all things mechanical. An avid mili- ews and other relatives to strive for academic vember 28, 1994.
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