1 • A sample of documents of the history of from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, Gozo 1989. 2 • A sample of documents of the history of Gozo from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, Gozo 1994. 3 • The Region of Gozo – Ir-Reġjonalità ta' G]awdex, Gozo 2004. 4 • Gozo, a historical glimpse, Gozo 2005. 5 • Saverio Cassar (1805–2005), Gozo 2005. 6 • Religious aspects of life in Gozo, Gozo 2006. 7 • The Citadel – the crown of Gozo, Gozo 2007. 8 • The coastal defences of Gozo, Gozo 2008. 9 • Herbs, health, and hospitals of Gozo past, Gozo 2009. 10 • Gozo domestic architecture – a dwindling heritage, Gozo 2010. 11 • Fiftieth anniversary from the foundation of the Gozo Civic Council, Gozo 2011. 12 Città Victoria – one hundred twenty five years a city, Gozo 2012. 12

• DR JOSEPH BEZZINA, Assistant National Archivist, wishes to thank Charles J. Farrugia, the National Archivist; to Joseph Amodio, Assistant Archivist; to MaryAnn Curmi and Francesco-Pio , Archives Assistants at the National Archives (Gozo); to John Cremona, Ministry for Gozo, and to Dr Samuel Azzopardi, Mayor of Victoria; Odette Camilleri, Victoria Local Council, for their dedication and help.

• Thanks are also due to Ms Patricia Attard, Principal, and to all the staff at the Public Library, Gozo – with which the National Archives shares the premises – for their collaboration throughout the whole year.

• A word of appreciation is due above all to Mr Paul Curmi, Area Manager, HSBC • Gozo, whose support and sponsorship made possible the publication of this catalogue. JOSEPH BEZZINA CITTÀ VICTORIA ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY FROM THE DEPOSITS AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ▪▪▪ IL-BELT VICTORIA MIJA U }AMSA U G}OXRIN SENA BELT MID-DEPOŻITI FL-ARKIVJU NAZZJONALI


NAG • The National Archives (Gozo section) The NAG – the National Archives (Gozo Section) – serves as the deposit for the records produced or received by Government entities in Gozo in the transaction of their affairs. It is housed in a purposely built hall adjacent to the Public Library of Gozo. The ball was set rolling on 1 August 1989, when the Ministry for Gozo engaged Joseph Bezzina, an archivist by profession, to set up the archives. The first documents to be moved in were the registers of the former Universitas Gaudisii – a regional government founded around 1350 to manage the island and defend local interests. Only 260 registers, dating from 1560 to its suppression in 1818, are still preserved. The NAG was officially inaugurated on 24 November 1989 – twenty three years ago – by Dr Ugo Mifsud-Bonnici, then Minister of Education, and Anton Tabone, then Minister for Gozo. This was over two months before the Parliament, on 30 January 1990, enacted the Act to regulate the National Archives. The NAG was conceived as the public record office for the documentation produced and received by past and present Government departments and establishments in the islands of Gozo and Comino. In 1991, the Staff Development Organisation of the Office of the Prime Minister clearly laid down that “Records originated by the Ministry for Gozo, Gozo sections of government departments, and by public bodies established for Gozo should be deposited at the Gozo Section of the National Archives which has been set up adjoining the Gozo Public Library” (Circular OPM/E/82/83 [July 1991]).

The NAG has twenty-seven different FONDS, deposits coming from an equal number of entities. Each fond is divided into as many SECTIONS as is deemed necessary to reflect the various responsibilities or activities of the entity. It is possible that a particular single office produced records related to ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY various activities. In that case each activity is considered a separate section and numbered accordingly to avoid the splitting of sections into sub-sections. Every single ITEM in each section is given a consecutive number. The fonds in the alphabetical order of the cataloguing code with the period covered are the following:

AG National Archives (Gozo Section) 1989+ CA Civil Abattoir 1891–1986 CC Civic Council 1959–1973 CG Curia Gubernatorali (Courts of Law) 1609+ CI Charitable Institutions 1859–1947 CP Circulars and Posters 1814+ DF Documentaries and Films 1988+ GB Malta Government Savings Bank 1853–1978 GG Gozo General 1987+ GL Gurdan Lighthouse 1877–1981 GM Ġuljana Masini 1554 – 1930 HI Hospitals and other Institutions 1841+ IR Inland Revenue 1903+ LC Local Councils 1993+ MG Ministry for Gozo 1987+ MH Medical and Health Department 1875–1970 MP Monte di Pietà 1817–1979 PA Photographs. Albums 1945+ PD Police Departments 1889+ PM Plans and maps 1860+ PO Passport Office 1988+ PW Public Works 1840+ SG Secretariat to the Government 1803+ SN Street naming 1987+ SS State Schools 1845+ ST Statistics 1667+ UG Universitas Gaudisii 1560–1819 ZM Miscellanea 1575+ Records are catalogued in a four-level system – a system that most clearly reflects the workings of each entity. Level 1 is the depository (NAG); level 2, the fond or entity (UG); level 3, the section (section 1 in this fond or entity, being Acta et Negotia); and level 4, the single item (for example, volume 1). CITTÀ VICTORIA


Is-sena 1887 tibqa' mfakkra g]al dejjem fl-istorja glorjuża tal- Imperu Ingliż. It-Tlieta 21 ta' Ġunju ta' dik is-sena ]abat g]eluq il- ]amsin sena minn meta r-Reġina Victoria telg]et fuq it-tron tar- Renju Unit u tal-Imperu Ingliż, dik il-]abta l-ikbar wie]ed u l-iktar mifrux fuq wiċċ din l-art. Dan il-fatt deher ċar matul il-festi kbar li saru Londra biex ifakkru dan il-Ġublew tad-Deheb. }adu sehem fihom il-Kapijiet tad-Dominji Ingliżi li kienu bdew imexxu g]al rashom u l- Gvernaturi tal-Kolonji; ir-Rajajiet Indjani, il-Mandarini ta' Burma, il-Kapijiet taż-Żulu, u l-Irjus tat-Tribujiet Afrikani. Kienu kważi kważi rappreżentati n-nies ta' kull ġens u ta' kull kulur li jg]ammru f'din id-dinja. Minn Malta marru l-Gvernatur, il- Ġeneral Sir Lintorn Arabin-Simmons, u persuni distinti o]ra. Il-festi tal-Ġublew f'Malta saru nhar l-24 ta' Mejju, jum g]eluq snin ir-Reġina Victoria. F'G]awdax saru l-}add ta' wara, nhar id- 29 ta' Mejju. Il-President tas-sotto-kumitat tal-festi f'G]awdex kien is-Sur Pawl Trapani. Iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet ]adu l-jum kollu. Filg]odu, fil-Knisja Katidrali, l-Eċċellenza Tieg]u Monsinjur Pietru Pace, Isqof ta' G]awdex, intona Te Deum solenni u talab lis- Sinjur Alla ]alli jag]ti l-g]ajnuna speċjali tieg]u lill-Maestà Tag]ha u lill-Familja Rjali. Attendew g]al din iċ-ċerimonja l- Gvernatur, l-awtoritajiet ċivili u militari tal-gżira, u g]add kbir ta' nies. Waranofsinhar folol o]ra ta' nies inġabru fi Triq it-Tiġrija, ir- Rabat, biex jaraw it-tiġrijiet tal-]mir u ż-żwiemel. Kien hemm numru kbir ta' koros g]ax il-paljijiet u l-flus offruti kienu ]afna. Iktar tard filg]axija, iż-żewġ baned ta' G]awdex, Il Leone u La Stella Vincitrice, g]amlu marċi brijużi u programm ta' mużika klassika fi Pjazza Rjali, it-Tokk. Il-bini pubbliku u l-knejjes kienu inċanati bit-tazzi taż-żejt ipetptu. Il-festi tal-Ġublew ġew fit- tmiem b'ġigġifogu l-ġmiel tieg]u. Il-Kumitat tal-Festi f'Malta kien ]aseb li b'tifkira tal-Ġublew jag]mlu monument lir-Reġina Victoria fi Pjazza l-Belt. B]alma dejjem jiġri, il-kumitat ma ]aseb xejn fil-gżira ta' G]awdex. Iżda ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY dik il-]abta, G]awdex kellu tnejn min-nies li qatt ma kienu jehdew g]al mument wie]ed biss ja]dmu biex iġibuh dejjem iktar 'il quddiem. Kien bil-]idma ta' Dun Pietru Pace u ta' Sir Adrian Dingli li nhar is-16 ta' Settembru 1864, il-Papa Piju IX, permezz tal-Bolla Singulari Amore, qata' lil G]awdex djoċesi g]alih. Fl-1887, tal-ewwel kien l-Isqof ta' G]awdex, it-tieni kien il- Prim Im]allef u l-President tal-Qorti tal-Appell. Wara li tkellmu bejniethom, qatg]uha li anki f'G]awdax kellha ssir tifkira dejjiema tal-Ġublew. Fis g]alhekk kitbu petizzjoni ]alli ċ- Ċittadella mar-Rabat jiġu dikjarati Belt, u l-isem tar-Rabat isir “Il- Belt Victoria”. Il-petizzjoni ġiet imdawra fost l-og]la nies tal- gżira g]all-approvazzjoni tag]hom, u nhar id-19 ta' Marzu 1887, l-Isqof bag]atha lill-Gvernatur bi tmienja u sittin firma mehmuża. F'ittra o]ra, l-Isqof semma erba' raġunijiet l-g]ala t-talba kellha tkun milqug]a. Dan kellu jsir l-ewwel nett b'tifkira dejjiema tal-Ġublew; it-tieni, biex tissa]]a] l-im]abba u l-istima tal-G]awdxin lejn ir-Reġina; it-tielet, g]ax kienet drawwa qadima li reġjun bil-Katidral tieg]u, jiġifieri Sede Veskovili, jing]ata dan il-ġie]; u fl-a]]ar, g]ax is-subborg tar-Rabat kien jixraqlu dan it- titlu. Ir-Rabat ta' G]awdex aktarx twaqqaf wara li l-g]olja taċ- Ċittadella kienet mg]ammra minn tribù fi Żmien il-Bronż, sewwa sew fil-fażi msej]a Borġ in- (1500–725qk). Baqg]et mg]ammra fi żmien il-Feniċi u l-Kartaġiniżi (700–218qk). Fi żmien ir-Rumani (218qk–476wk) il-post sar dejjem iktar importanti. Fiż-żminijiet ta' wara jidher li naqsu n-nies, u fi żmien l-G]arab (870–1127) aktarx li kien abbandunat g]alkollox jew kważi. Iżda fiż-żminijiet Medjevali, mal-miġja tan-Normanni fis- sena 1127, reġa' ]a r-ru] u f'qasir żmien issejja] Rabat, kelma mill-G]arbi li tfisser subborg. Fis-sena 1530, meta waslu l- Kavallieri ta' San Ġwann, ir-Rabat kellu popolazzjoni ta' diversi eluf. Wara l-assedju ta' G]awdex tas-sena 1551, kien mill-ġdid popolat u baqa' dejjem jikber. Lejn is-sena 1887, kienu joqog]du fih 5,820 ru], kważi 33% jew terz tal-popolazzjoni G]awdxija. Meta t-talba tal-G]awdxin waslet Malta, il-Gvernatur kien bil-vaganzi. U kien biss nhar is-27 ta' April 1887 li bag]at il- petizzjoni tag]hom Londra biex tiġi ppreżentata lir-Reġina. Nhar 8 CITTÀ VICTORIA ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 9 id-19 ta' Mejju, Sir Henry Holland, is-Segretarju tal-Istat g]all- Kolonji, kiteb lill-Gvernatur biex jinformah li l-Maestà Tag]ha r- Reġina g]oġobha bi pjaċir u mill-qalb taċċetta t-talba tal- G]awdxin. Ir-risposta minn Londra ma la]qitx waslet G]awdex g]all-festi tad-29 ta' Mejju. Fil-fatt kien biss nhar l-4 ta' Ġunju li l- Gvernatur g]arraf lill-Isqof ta' G]awdex li t-talba tieg]u kienet ġiet mismug]a. T]abbret uffiċjalment fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern tal- 10 ta' Ġunju. Dakinhar ir-Rabat kien iddikjarat BELT b'mod uffiċjali u l-isem tieg]u mibdul g]al dak ta' VICTORIA. Iktar tard, b'tifkira ta' dawn il-ġrajjiet, fil-Pjazza tal-Katidral fiċ-Ċittadella kienet inawgurata funtana: delfin itajjar l-ilma minn ]alqu g]al ġo ]awt nofs tond li meta jimtela kien iċarċar g]al ġo ]awt ie]or ta]tu. In-na]a ta' fuq tal-funtana twa]]let skrizzjoni b'tifkira ta' din il-ġrajja u ta' ġrajjiet o]ra. Din il-kitba g]adha tidher sal-lum, iżda l-funtana ġiet maqlug]a f'Jannar 1956 u g]abet! Fl-istess okkażjoni, l-arma qadima tar-Rabat saritilha żieda: tqieg]du n-na]a ta' fuq l-ittri VR, jiġifieri Victoria Regina. L-isem Victoria dlonk beda jiġi użat fid-dokumenti uffiċjali u ekkleżjastiċi. Da]al ukoll fil-mapep stampati Malta u barra. Madankollu, l-G]awdxin qajla użawh; iżda 'l barra mill-gżira, il- Belt ta' G]awdex hi mag]rufa bl-isem Victoria.

The exhibition attempts to revive this story in two sections. The first consists of documents related to the granting of the title of City. The second compliments the written sources by a selection of photos of the protagonists and other.

A souvenir postcard (No 6) – available at The NAG – National Archives Gozo Section is commemorating the occasion with the issue of a Souvenir Postcard (No 6) – which card is available at the NAG. CITTÀ VICTORIA

Il-Belt Victoria • Ir-Rabat A magna maxima Minn kbira g]all-akbar From great supreme ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY


01 2012 BISHOP PIETRO PACE AND SIR ADRIAN DINGLI CITTÀ VICTORIA LOCAL COUNCIL His Lordship Pietro Pace (1831-1914), Bishop of Gozo (1877- 1889), and Sir Adrian Dingli (1817-1900), Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal (1880-1894), both true sons of Victoria-Gozo, did their best to promote the spiritual and material well-being of their island home. On many occasions, throughout their lifetime, they joined forces to achieve their aims. Early in 1887, they concurred to commemorate Queen's Victoria Golden Jubilee in Gozo by formulating a petition soliciting Her Majesty The Queen to declare Ir-Rabat a City and to change its name to Victoria. This painting conveys the fact that they were the pillars of Gozo. It was commissioned by the Council to Paolo Camilleri- Cauchi (2012) and was unveiled at this exhibition.

02 2012 125TH ANNIVERSARY LOGO NAG, PM, 01/32 The logo of the commemorative celebrations of the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the granting of the title of City to Ir-Rabat. Its colours are extracted from that of the coat-of-arms. This logo was commissioned by the Council to Paul A. Stellini (2012). 12 CITTÀ VICTORIA

03 1887 COAT-OF-ARMS CITY OF VICTORIA NAG, PA, 01, 29, no 1724 The coat-of-arms of Victoria originated in 1876 and was adapted from the centuries-old emblem of Gozo. In 1887, the letters VR, Victoria Regina, were inserted on a chief. The motto originated after 1887 and was inspired by its elevation to the status of a City. This early rendering of the coat-of-arms is from an original painting by Joseph Sagona (1981) [private collection; copy at the NAG].

04 1887 COAT-OF-ARMS CITY OF VICTORIA NAG, PA, 01, 29, no 1744 The coat-of-arms of Victoria is Azure three hills Or, one and two, upon a chief of the second, the letters VR Gules; in other words, three hills in gold on a blue shield, the centre hill higher than the other two, with a golden band with the letters VR (= Victoria Regina) in red at the top of the shield. Above the shield is a mural coronet with four échauguettes, and a sally port Or. The motto of Victoria is: • A magna maxima • From great supreme • Minn kbira, l-ikbar.

05 1887 THE OFFICIAL COAT-OF-ARMS OF THE BRITISH MONARCH NAG, PM, 01/32 The shield of the official coat-of-arms of the British Monarch is quartered, depicting in the first and fourth quarters the three passant guardant lions of England; in the second, the rampant ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 13 lion and double tressure flory-counterflory of Scotland; and in the third, a harp for Northern Ireland. The crest is a statant guardant lion wearing the imperial crown, himself on another representation of that crown. The dexter supporter is a likewise crowned English lion; the sinister, a Scottish unicorn, chained as it was considered a dangerous beast. The coat-of-arms features both the motto of English monarchs, Dieu et mon droit (God and my right), and the motto of the Order of the Garter, Honi soit qui mal y pense (Shamed be he who thinks ill of it) on a representation of the Garter behind the shield.

06 1887 QUEEN VICTORIA NAG, PM, 01/32 Queen Victoria was the daughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, the fourth son of King George III. Both the Duke of Kent and the King died in 1820, and Victoria was raised under close supervision by her German-born mother Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. She inherited the throne at the age of 18, after her father's three elder brothers had all died without surviving legitimate issue. The United Kingdom was already an established constitutional monarchy, in which the Sovereign held relatively few direct political powers. Her reign of 63 years and 7 months, which is longer than that of any other British monarch and the longest of any female monarch in history, is known as the Victorian era. It was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire. 14 CITTÀ VICTORIA

07 1887 QUEEN VICTORIA NAG, PM, 01/32 Queen Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. They had nine children. After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. Her Golden and Diamond Jubilees were times of public celebration. In a family photo at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, Queen Victoria (centre) is seen with (standing from left) Princess Victoria; Prince Henry of Battenberg; unidentified; Princess Beatrice, the Queen's ninth offspring; George, Duke of York, the future King George V; (front, from left) unidentified; Princess Mary, Duchess of York, sitting next to the Queen with Prince Edward of York, later King Edward VIII, on her lap; and two unidentified grandchildren of Queen Victoria or sons of the Palace household.

08 1896 QUEEN VICTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY GOZO This plaster bust of the young Queen Victoria by an unknown artist was displayed at the Public Library of Gozo during her reign. Similar busts were displayed in prominent places in Government Schools and Offices throughout Gozo and Malta. Queen Victoria (born 24 May 1819) was monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of Empress of India. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 15

09 1896 THE OFFICIAL COAT-OF-ARMS OF THE BRITISH MONARCH PUBLIC LIBRARY GOZO An oil-on-wood painting of the official coat-of-arms of Queen Victoria displayed at the Public Library of Gozo after its official opening on 9 March 1896.

10 19 MAR 1887 THE LETER FOR THE GRANTING OF THE TITLE OF CITY NAM, CSG, 70 (1887) no 10444 The original letter sent by His Lordship Pietro Pace, Bishop of Gozo, to General Sir John Arabin Lintorn-Simmons, the Governor of Malta and Gozo, appending a petition soliciting Her Majesty The Queen to declare Ir-Rabat a City and to change its name to Victoria. The Bishop explained to the Governor that the request should be granted, first, as a lasting record of the Jubilee; secondly, to strengthen the bonds of fidelity and affection of the Gozitans to the Crown; thirdly, as it was customary to confer the title of city wherever a Cathedral and an Episcopal See were erected; and, finally, as Ir-Rabat deserved that honour.

11 19 MAR 1887 THE PETITION OF THE PEOPLE OF GOZO NAM, CSG, 70 (1887) no 10444 Gli abitanti di Gozo – the petition signed by the cream of Gozitan society begging Her Majesty Queen Victoria to grant the title of City to Ir-Rabat. It carries sixty eight signatures. By 1887, Ir-Rabat had in fact grown to a relatively big town. According to the 1881 census, 5820 persons of the 17,683 inhabitants of Gozo lived in the town and on its outskirts. This 16 CITTÀ VICTORIA means that one third of the population of the island, more precisely 32.9%, were then Rabtin.

12 1887 HIS LORDSHIP PIETRO PACE NAG, PM, 01/31, no 1868. His Lordship Pietro Pace (1831-1914) served as the third Bishop of Gozo between 1877 and 1889. He forwarded the letter and petition seeking the official title of City for Ir-Rabat.

13 1887 SIR ADRIAN DINGLI NAG, PM, 01/32 Sir Adrian Dingli (1817-1900) fully backed the letter and petition of Bishop Pace though he could not sign it himself due to his official position as Chief Justice (1880-1894).

14 1887 GENERAL SIR JOHN LINTORN ARABIN-SIMMONS NAG, PM, 01/32 General Sir John Lintorn Arabin-Simmons (1821-1903), Governor of Malta and Gozo (1884-1888), endorsed the petition of the Gozitans.

15 27 APR 1887 LETTER TO SIR HENRY HOLLAND NAM, GOV, 1/3/21 (1887) no 98 On 23 March, Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson, the Lieutenant Governor, assured the Bishop that the petition would be ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 17 brought to the attention of the Governor on his return to Malta. General Sir John Lintorn Arabin-Simmons took the matter in his hands soon after his return. In a letter to Sir Henry Holland, Secretary of State for the Colonies, he solicited the Secretary to persuade Her Majesty The Queen to accede to the wishes of the inhabitants of Gozo by declaring Ir-Rabat a City and by changing its name to Victoria.

16 10 MAY 1887 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOZO CELEBRATIONS NAG, PM, 01/32 The announcement in The Malta Government Gazette (10 May 1887) that the official Jubilee Celebrations will be held in Gozo on 29 May 1887.

17 14 MAY 1887 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GOZO CELEBRATIONS NAG, PM, 01/32 The official announcement on the Jubilee Celebrations in Gozo as reported in The Malta Times and United Services Gazette (14 May 1887).

18 15 MAY 1887 BISHOP'S PASTORAL LETTER ON THE OCCASION OF THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE NAG, CP, 02/03 Il faustissimo avvenimento – The very auspicious occasion Pastoral Letter of His Lordship Pietro Pace, Bishop of Gozo, announcing the commemorative celebrations to be held at the Cathedral and the Diocese of Gozo on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria to the throne. 18 CITTÀ VICTORIA

19 19 MAY 1887 LETTER OF CONSENT FROM SIR HENRY HOLLAND NAM, SS, 01/93 On 19 May 1887, Sir Henry Holland, Secretary of State for the Colonies, known later as Lord Knutsford, informed the Governor that “Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to consent to the suburb of Ir-Rabat in the island of Gozo being officially declared a City and its name changed into that of Victoria”. The despatch from London did not reach in time for the celebrations in Gozo held on Sunday 29 May. The granting of the request was communicated to the Bishop of Gozo on 4 June and it was made public on 10 June.

20 04 JUN 1887 REPORT ON THE GOZO CELEBRATIONS NAG, PM, 01/32 A report on the official Jubilee Celebrations held in Gozo on 29 May 1887 in The Malta Times and United Services Gazette (04 Jun 1887). The Jubilee Celebrations in Gozo were held on Sunday 29 May 1887. In the morning, the religious and civil authorities and a very large congregation assembled inside the Cathedral Church. Monsignor Pietro Pace, the Bishop of Gozo, sang a solemn Te Deum and offered prayers to Almighty God for the preservation of Her Majesty and for His special protection to Her Majesty and the Royal Family. In the afternoon, the ever popular donkey, mare, and horse races were held along Triq it- Tiġrija. In the evening, Il Leone and La Stella Vincitrice, the two bands of Ir-Rabat alternated in the playing of popular operatic pieces at It-Tokk that was lit up for the occasion by thousands of candles and Bengal lights. The event was concluded by an exceptional fireworks display. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 19

21 10 JUN 1887 OFFICIAL DECLARATION MGG (10 Jun 1887) 189 + NAG, PM, 01/32 Government Notice No 75 of 10 June 1887, issued by command of Sir John Lintorn Arabin-Simmons, Governor of Malta, declaring Ir-Rabat as a City: “His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that Her Majesty The Queen, in compliance with a prayer of a petition signed by the Lord Bishop of Gozo, the members of the Chapter, and of the principal inhabitants of Gozo, has been graciously pleased to consent to the town of Rabat in that island being on the occasion of Her Majesty's Jubilee officially declared a CITY and its name changed into that of VICTORIA”. 20 CITTÀ VICTORIA

22 11 JUN 1887 NEWS ON THE GRANTING OF TITLE OF CITY NAG, PM, 01/32 The news of the official declaration of Ir-Rabat as City on the front page of the leading English newspaper of Malta, The Malta Times and United Services Gazette (11 Jun 1887).

23 11 JUN 1887 NEWS ON THE GRANTING OF TITLE OF CITY NAG, PM, 01/32 The news of the official declaration of Ir-Rabat as City on the front-page of the leading Italian newspaper of Malta, the Malta – Corriere Mercantile Maltese (11 Jun 1887). 24 15 JUN 1887 A LETTER OF GRATITUDE FROM THE BISHOP OF GOZO NAM, CSG, 76 (1887) no 11305 On 15 June, His Lordship Pietro Pace, Bishop of Gozo, wrote to thank the Governor: “Questo tratto di Sovrana munificenza rimarrà imperituro nei fasti della stroria patria – This act of royal munificence will be written in imperishable characters in the annals of our country; and the remembrance of it will always be coupled with the name of Your Excellency, it having taken place under your provident administration”.

25 20 JUN 1887 GOVERNMENT RELAYS BISHOP'S GRATITUDE TO LONDON NAM, GOV, 1/3/21 (1887) no 149 On 19 June, the Governor informed Sir Henry Holland, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 21

Secretary of State for the Colonies, of “the gratification of the inhabitants of that island [Gozo] on learning that Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to consent to the suburb of Rabat being officially declared a city and its name changed to that of Victoria”.

26 20 JUN 1887 QUEEN VICTORIA THANKS THE BISHOP OF GOZO NAG, PM, 01/32 On 3 June, Sir Henry Holland, Secretary of State for the Colonies, sent a telegram to the Governor of Malta informing him that “I had the honour to lay before the Queen… conveying the loyal congratulations of the people of Malta and of the Bishop of Gozo on the event of Her Majesty's Jubilee, and I have to inform you that Her Majesty was pleased to receive the same very graciously”. The telegram was published in The Malta Government Gazette (20 Jun 1887). 27 1887 COMMEMORATIVE INSCRIPTION – CATHEDRAL SQUARE NAG, PM, 01/32 + In situ The Government commemorated the granting of the title of City by placing a marble inscription in the Gozo Cathedral Square. It was provided and put in place by Vincenzo Sarè, who received a compensation of £5.25 (€12.23). The inscription was later incorporated in a Dolphin fountain.

28 1904 DOLPHIN FOUNTAIN – CATHEDRAL SQUARE NAG, PM, 01/32 + In situ In 1904, a beautiful Dolphin fountain was erected in the 22 CITTÀ VICTORIA

Cathedral Square and the inscription incorporated into its upper part. The fountain consisted of a standing Mediterranean dolphin churning out water from its mouth into a basin. The fountain was surmounted by a marble inscription. The fountain has been destroyed but the inscription is still in situ. This inscription also commemorates the inauguration of the Mġarr–Grand Harbour steamship ferry service on 13 June 1885.

29 15 JAN 1887 QUEEN'S VICTORIA LETTERHEAD NAG, CG, 05/14 Vittoria per la Grazia di Dio, Regina del Regno Unito – The letterhead of Government Official correspondence carried the Royal coat-of-arms of the United Kingdom that is also the official coat-of-arms of the British Monarch. In this document from the Courts of Law, her name is translated Vittoria, as Italian was the official language of the Courts. The arms are used by the Queen in her official capacity as Monarch of the United Kingdom and by the British Government in connection with the administration of the Kingdom and its Colonies.

30 1897 TENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS NAG, PM, 01/32 On the tenth anniversary of the granting of the title of City, Id- Devot ta' Marija – Gozo's leading magazine – published a special number to commemorate the anniversary as well as the Diamond Jubilee of the accession of Queen Victoria to the throne. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 23

31 1887 VICTORIA QUÆ VINCIT MUNDUM FIDES NOSTRA NAG, SS, 05/14 The parish priest of the two parishes of Victoria adapted the coat-of-arms of his two parishes to the new City status. He also provided the parishes with an apt motto taken from the Bible, the First Letter of John: “Victoria quæ vincit mundum fides nostra – This is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith” (1 Jn 5:4). This document is a birth certificate signed by Archpriest Alfons-Maria Hili of Victoria (11 Jun 1937).

32 1887 VICTORIA QUÆ VINCIT MUNDUM FIDES NOSTRA NAG, PA, 01, 32 An enlarged version of the coat-of-arms of the two parishes of Victoria after its creation as City.

33 1887 CIVITATIS VICTORIÆ NAG, PA, 01, 32 The letterhead with the new coat-of-arms of the two parishes of Victoria also included the title Civitatis Victoriæ.

34 1887 VICTORIA HOSPITAL NAG, PA, 01, 32 The main hospital of Gozo upon Saint Francis Square designed by François de Mondion received the first patients in 1728. It was dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and Saint Anthony. 1n 24 CITTÀ VICTORIA

1887, soon after the granting of the title of City to Ir-Rabat, it was renamed Victoria Hospital.

35 1887 VICTORIA HOTEL NAG, PA, 01, 31, no 1921 The new name of the city of Victoria was soon reflected in other institutions. One of the principal hotels of Gozo overlooking It-Tokk – first opened by George Said (Ta' Ġwann) – was renamed Victoria Hotel. He entered the hotel business when, after the passing away of his wife Roża Demanueli at a very young age, he went to Malta and took over the British Hotel in Triq Sant'Orsla, Valletta. At the time of the renaming, the hotel was run by his daughters Orsla, the proprietor, and Karmena Said, her sister. Karmena (Ta' Ġwann) eventually married Toni Scicluna (Tal-Ingliża), who ran the family hotel with his wife until its closure. This information was supplied by Rose Saliba, daughter of Toni and Karmena.

36 1887 VICTORIA BAR NAG, PA, 01/32 The bar adjacent and part of the Victoria Hotel was later on also renamed Victoria Bar to reflect the new name of Ir-Rabat. 37 1887 VR – VICTORIA REGINA STONE PILLAR NAG, PM, 01/32 A stone pillar with the inscription VR (Victoria Regina) indicating Government Property at Tal-Ibraġ with the Gozo Citadel in the background [photo courtesy: JJP Zammit]. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 25

38 1950s THE FIVE SQUARES OF THE CITY OF VICTORIA NAG, PA, 01/23 no 1428 ▪ NAG, PA, 01/28 no 1696 ▪ NAG, PA, 01/31 no 1905 ▪ NAG, PA, 01/32 ▪ NAG, PA, 01/32 The node of civic life of Victoria and, in fact, of the whole of Gozo intersect within the City's five piazzas. Its main square and its physical centre is It-Tokk, Pjazza Indipendenza. The other four pictured, in photos taken in the mid-twentieth century, are Pjazza San Franġisk, Pjazza Savina, Pjazza tal- Katidral, and Pjazza San Ġorġ. The latter two are shown during the celebration of the two annual festas of Victoria – San Ġorġ (on the third Sunday of July) and Santa Marija (15 August).

39 2006 VICTORIA NAG, PM, 01/32 Oppido Ius Civitatis Attribuit Et Victoriæ Nomen Indidit – a painting with a number of landmarks of the city of Victoria; the work of John Grima (2004) at the Victoria Local Council premises.

40 2012 COMMEMORATIVE CARD NAG A card with a section of the painting Oppido Ius Civitatis Attribuit Et Victoriæ Nomen Indidit by John Grima (2004) issued by the National Archives Gozo in collaboration with the Victoria Local Council on the occasion of the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the granting of the title of City. 26 CITTÀ VICTORIA

41 2012 BANCA GIURATALE VICTORIA LOCAL COUNCIL An etching of the Banca Giuratale by Justin Muscat (Nadur) commissioned by the Victoria Local Council on the occasion of the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the granting of the title of City.

42 2012 VICTORIA – THE PORTRAIT OF A CITY VICTORIA LOCAL COUNCIL A lot has been written about the City of Gozo in newspapers, magazines, guide-books, and other. Yet this bountiful wealth of information was never encapsulated in a book. The Victoria Local Council decided that a book on the City would be the best way to commemorate the 125th anniversary of its granting of the status of a City. The book is written by historian Joseph Bezzina. The photographs are by Daniel Cilia and it is edited by Fr Charles Cini SDB – all three from Victoria. Together they have provided a treasure trove, a living tribute to the City's patrimony. This coffee-table book (22x31cm) runs to 240 pages, with more than 400 stunning photographs, 30,000 words, and almost 300 references. The story begins from its prehistoric phase and ends with the celebrations of the City's anniversary. This publication pays tribute to the City of Gozo, the island's crowning glory. It enhances the City and its ancient motto A Magna Maxima – From Great, Supreme. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE YEARS A CITY 27

This exhibition besides celebrating the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the granting of the title of City to Victoria also commemorates the twenty third anniversary of the inauguration of the National Archives and coincides with the annual Archives Awareness Week being held in Gozo for the eighth consecutive year between 8 and 15 June 2012.

The exhibition is housed within the premises of the National Archives, Gozo Section, in Triq Vajrinġa, Rabat- Gozo VCT 1313. It will run up to Saturday 23 June 2012. It is open from Monday to Saturday from 7.30 to 13.00. Entrance is free.

The NAG – National Archives Gozo Section is commemorating the occasion with the issue of a Souvenir Postcard (No 6) – which card is available at the NAG. Printed by J. de Bono Printing Press • 2155-2219