CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1789 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1789 HON September 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1789 hit by a rocket propelled grenade. He was black person to be a high school principal in and was formally installed as 14th Ordinary of killed, and another soldier stationed nearby the City of Newark and as a result she raised the nation’s oldest See on May 23, 1989 in was injured in the blast. During his time in the the bar for all students to realize that they ceremonies at the Cathedral of Mary Our military, Cody had been awarded the Bronze could be anything they set their minds to be- Queen. An influential participant in a wide Star, Purple Heart, National Defense Service coming. range of national and international issues, Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Personally, I knew Dr. Allen for over forty Keeler was elected President of the National Terrorism Medal, Army Service Ribbon and years and was glad to have her as a resident Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the Combat Action Badge. in the 10th Congressional District. Not only did the United States Catholic, Conference in No- Growing up in Hernando County, Cody had she believe education was important for her- vember, 1992. attended Springstead High School, where he self, having achieved advanced degrees but Cardinal Keeler was appointed to the Col- had many friends and enjoyed working with she encouraged her students, nieces, neph- lege of Cardinals by Pope John Paul II on No- cars and all things mechanical. An avid mili- ews and other relatives to strive for academic vember 28, 1994. The Consistory Ceremony tary buff as a child, Cody read military themed excellence. From what I know of many stu- took place in the Pope Paul VI Audience Hall books and played with toys that dealt with the dents touched by her, she was successful in in the Vatican City State. As part of his work military. Prior to his enlistment in the Army, her efforts. with the NCCB, Cardinal Keeler developed a Cody was an active part of the Spring Hill Madam Speaker, it is my sincere hope that reputation for effectively building interfaith Community, working with local elected officials all those who knew and loved Dr. Jeannette A. bonds. He is particularly noted for his work in to gain support for the construction of a Allen Williams will be able to draw comfort fostering an effective Catholic-Jewish dialogue skateboard park for area youth. from the memories they have of her. I know and is the Episcopal Moderator, Catholic-Jew- Joining the Army in April, 2006, Cody was she will continue to live in their hearts. As a ish Relations of the National Conference of assigned to the 407th Brigade Support Bat- Christian woman, I feel confident in saying Catholic Bishops. talion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team. He then that ‘‘it is well with her soul.’’ Madam Speaker, I ask that you join with me completed Motor Transport Operator Ad- f today to honor William Cardinal Keeler, Four- vanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard teenth Archbishop of Baltimore. His lifetime Wood, Missouri and was re-assigned as a ve- PERSONAL EXPLANATION devotion to his faith, the Catholic Church and hicle driver with the 82nd Airborne Division. its mission are unsurpassed. It is with great Halfway through his fourteen month tour in HON. BARBARA LEE pride that I congratulate Cardinal Keeler on his Iraq, Cody had planned to re-enlist so that he OF CALIFORNIA stellar and exemplary career in the Roman could work with Blackhawk helicopters. His IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Catholic Church. stepfather said that Cody loved the military Tuesday, September 4, 2007 f and that ‘‘It was his goal to make the Army his career, which he loved. He was proud of serv- Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, on rollcall vote RECOGNIZING THE 138TH SESSION ing his country.’’ A firm believer in the mission No. 821, the vote on final passage of H.R. OF THE FLORIDA ANNUAL CON- he was fighting in Iraq, Cody was disappointed 3356, I had intended to vote ‘‘nay,’’ but mis- FERENCE FOR THE AFRICAN that people back home in the United States takenly voted ‘‘yea.’’ METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION did not see the positive results of the military’s f CHURCH efforts there. HONORING HIS EMINENCE Madam Speaker, it is soldiers like Pfc. Cody WILLIAM CARDINAL KEELER HON. JEFF MILLER Grater who have volunteered to protect the OF FLORIDA freedoms that all Americans hold dear. While IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brave men and women like Cody have per- HON. C. A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER Tuesday, September 4, 2007 ished in the name of freedom and liberty, his OF MARYLAND family, friends and loved ones should know IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, it that this Congress will never forget his sac- Tuesday, September 4, 2007 is an honor for me to rise today to recognize rifice and commitment. the 138th Session of the Florida Annual Con- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I f ference for the African Methodist Episcopal rise before you today to honor Cardinal Wil- Zion Church. TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF DR. liam Henry Keeler, Fourteenth Archbishop of Every year, leaders of the AME Zion JEANNETTE A. ALLEN WILLIAMS Baltimore. Churches throughout the State convene to dis- William Henry Keeler was born March 4, cuss the Church’s past and present, as well HON. DONALD M. PAYNE 1931 in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Thom- as establish a direction for its future. This OF NEW JERSEY as L. Keeler and Margaret T. (Conway) year’s conference will take place at Talbot IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Keeler. He was raised in Lebanon, Pennsyl- Chapel AME Zion Church in my district in vania, where he attended St. Mary School and Northwest Florida, and I welcome the mem- Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Lebanon Catholic High School. He received a bers of the conference to this beautiful area of Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, it is with RA. from St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, the Gulf Coast. heartfelt sympathy that I ask my colleagues Philadelphia, in 1952 and a Licentiate in Sa- As these leaders gather to set a course for here in the House of Representatives to join cred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian the AME Zion Churches in their respective me as I rise to offer a tribute to the memory University in Rome in 1956. communities throughout the State of Florida, I of Dr. Jeannette A. Allen Williams. Dr. Wil- Ordained a priest on July 17, 1955 in the wish them God’s grace in their decision mak- liams was a remarkable educator and an out- Church of the Holy Apostles in Rome, Italy by ing. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United standing role model. With her passing on Archbishop Luigi Traglia, the young cleric be- States Congress, I send my sincere blessings Wednesday, August 22, 2007, our greater came assistant pastor at Our Lady of Good for the success of the 138th Session of the community has lost one of its more valiant Counsel Church in Marysville, Pennsylvania Florida Annual Conference for the African leaders. Fortunately, she leaves a legacy that and secretary of the Diocesan Tribunal. In Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. her family, friends and colleagues can recall 1965, he was appointed to serve as Vice f with a great deal of pride. Chancellor of the Harrisburg Diocese and Truly, the cities of Newark, Jersey City and Chancellor in 1969. He held the position of IN HONOR OF JILL MARINO Plainfield were blessed to have Dr. Williams in Vicar General when he was named Auxiliary their midst as an educator extraordinaire and Bishop of Harrisburg and Titular Bishop of HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE as an administrator who always had the best Ulcinium by Pope John Paul II on July 24, OF COLORADO interest of children at the heart of all her initia- 1979. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tives. She was thoughtful, gracious and a con- Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of summate professional. As a young teacher at Harrisburg on November 10, 1983, and he Tuesday, September 4, 2007 West Side High School in Newark, Dr. Wil- was installed as Bishop on January 4, 1984, Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Madam Speaker, I rise liams would serve as an inspiration to many of by His Eminence John Cardinal Krol, Arch- today to honor Jill Marino as she retires fol- her young charges. When she became prin- bishop of Philadelphia. He was appointed lowing twenty-eight years of dedicated service cipal at West Side, she would be the first Archbishop of Baltimore by Pope John Paul II as an educator. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:42 Nov 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~1\2007NE~2\E04SE7.REC E04SE7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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