Ball the Opening Championship Game in Clubs: Toledo Will Be Attended by All the the ADDITIONAL 1884 CONTRACTS
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SPORTINGCOPYKIUHT, 1894. BY THB SPOBTIN3 LIFE PUB. OO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTEB. L VOLUME 22, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 10, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. Association of Professional Base'Ball The opening championship game in Clubs: Toledo will be attended by all the THE ADDITIONAL 1884 CONTRACTS. ama- SPORTING LIFE. A NUTMEG tuer teams in the city, in uniform, and With Cleveland ,!. LEAGUE. PASSING AWAY. A SCANDAL A WEEKLY JOURNAL, K. Virtue, Wil all Northwestern Ohio will be repre WAVE. liam Kwiug, P. Tebeau, J. McGarr, sented, to see the initial bow of the Devoted to George Cuppy and John O'Connor. RIGHT ODTLOOK Toledo boys. President Ban Johnson, With Brooklyn D. W. FOR A COMECTI- TWO BASE BALL CELEBRITIES VIC ACK SNEED DESERTS HIS WIFE BASE BALL, BICYCLING Daub, Thomas of the Western League, will also be in AND P. Kinslow, Kdward F. Stein and CDT STATE attendance. GENERAL SPORTS AND George Treadway. LEAGDE. TIMS OF CONSUMPTION. ./n the last shoot of the Ottawa River FOR A YOUNG GIRL. PASTIMES. AVith Louisville Tim O'Rourke. Gun Club, Fred Smith, Toledo's former With Boston W. M. Nash. pitcher tied the celebrated Dr. Gates- With Chicago Adrian C. Anson and he Movement to Organize in Experi The Widow ol the Famous Silver man for first money in a splendid cou- Captain Tebean, of Published by W. S. Camp. test. Cleveland, Falls With New York L. S. German, W. enced and Able Hands An Flint, _ _^___ F. w. DYAB. THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. B. Fuller and J. Meekin. Excel and the Noted Lett-Handed Into the Hands of Philistines, and Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. With St. Louis Perry W. Werden. ANGRY ST. PAUL.. HEX-EASED. lent Circuit to be Made at a Meeting Pitcher, Micky Jones, on Their to Protect a Friend is Bled to By New York M. Baldwin and J. Barncs Charged With Throwing the FRANCIS C. RICHTER , Editors. Milligan. to be Held Soon. Death Beds. Saintly City Down. the Tnne ol $250. FRANK A. EGAN ' By Washington Jouett MeOkin. Anent Mr. Barnes' statement that ho had done all possible to get St. Paul It now looks as if a Connecticut State Chicago, 111., March 7. Ball lovers Columbus, O., March G. The wife of CONTENTS: SULLIVAN SPEAKS HIS PIECE. league will surely into the Western League, a reporter be organized within vcrywhore will regret to learn that Mrs. has made some few inquiries ack Sneed, the well-known base ball Base Ball New*......................... Pastes 1 to s le next few weeks. Charles Daniels, Dell Flint, widow of the which The Jovial Ted Thinks Atlanta great catcher, seem to show a very different state of (layer, who has been engaged in tho Bicycling News ......................... Pages 3 to 8 Has a IB veteran ex-umpire, who is an appli- Silver Flint, is about to follow her late icket-scalping business in this city siuco Billiards, Winner. affairs, and that the gentleman named Foot Hull, Trigger, aut for a position on the official staff Hisbaml to the grave. She is slowly has caving the diamond, is looking anxions- Athletic, Bluff, Kennel, Etc. Page 8 Atlanta, Ga., March f umpires of the proven himself unfriendly to the G. Manager Ted National League and lut surely dying of consumption. She city of his adoption. y for her husband, who has mysterious- Sullivan was seen yesterday and was merican Association, has been working ins been failing ever since Mr. Flint's y disappeared, taking STIBSCKJPXION Actuated by a spirit of hostility to St. with him her dia KATES: interviewed on the Atlanta team for the tie scheme up for some time by visiting death, and now all hope is gone. Her monds, valued at $2000, and a sum of One Tear................. ............................. 84.00 coming season, lie different Paul, and believing he could compel the what he thought of the newspaper offices througli- physician, Dr. Mercer, tells her that her lovers iiouey secured by selling some valuable Six Months....................... .................._. 2.25 prospects of the league and the .outlook ut the State and getting them interest- one chance is a complete of base ball in this city to pa change of tronize his games in Minneapolis and at jictures belonging to her. Miss Alice Three Months....................................... l.»6 for the season. In regard' to his team, d in the matter. Among the chief pro climate. This chance the unfortunate Shipley, a young girl whom Sneed has Single Copy........................................... 10c. ho began in this way: moters of the Connecticut woman is White Bear, John S. Barues has will State League unable to avail herself of, fully lad in his employ for some time, and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. "I never liked to be considered n re Thomas York, the ex-professional owing to her straitened circumstances. sold out St. Paul. In the star chamber meetings of his self-constituted vith whom he made a quiet trip to Foreign Postage, 81.04 Extra per Annum. blower, but I will say that I have a layer and manager, who was one of Mrs. Flint has may friends, who will xniUrille a year ago, causing a scandal, number of old, seasoned players, filled lie principal organizers be pained to learn of her committee held at Chicago and Indian of the New York serious ill apolis he las also disappeared, and Mrs. Sneed DISTRIBUTION: in with young men that have reputa ml Pennsylvania League, and who so ness and painful predicament, and these, shut out all attempts to get tions into the League. No uinks they have eloped. SPORTING LIFE to be the very best in their respec uccessfully managed the Albany Club as well as the Chicago Club, ought to one authorized is the only tive positions in the leagues they have his satellite Vanderbeck to represent De weekly paper (to our nd developed such noted players as make a practical demonstration of their Captain Tebeau Bled. knowledge) played in. They are unknown, of course, regard troit at these meetings, yet we find a requiring a perfecting press .Jeorge S. Davis, now of the Ne\y York for the widow of the greatest Cleveland, O., March 5. Manager and nine to the general base ball public, but it earn; W. F. Dahleu, of the Chicagos, catcher that ever wore a Chicago uni full list of players submitted by Barnes hours, at a speed of 10,000 per must be remembered every great player and named for that 'atsy Tebeau was made the victim of nd others; Jackson J. and Stephen A. form. city with Vander i blackmailing hour, to complete an edition. This in America was unknown at one time. beck in charge. Certainly uo one in De scheme here Friday night Jrady, J. O. Gorman, H. H. Lhirant and o the extent of $250. On Thursday af- is not a claim of 90,000 circulation, but 1 went to the expense and care of going thors. Messrs. York, Brady and Micky Jones Also Dying. troit knew anything of it. around tho country and' finding out the Du- ernooii a friend of Tebeau's went out it is a claim and demonstration that the ant will probably be the committee that Hamilton, Out., March (i. Mickey And Mr. A. Poupney, of St. Paul, ability of those men before I would sign was told by Barnes that he (Poupney) 'or a time, visited several abodes of tha circulation of THE SPORTING LIFE is them vill soon make a tour of the cities of Tones, the well-known south-paw pitcher, Jeini-ruonde, imbibed freely of wine, and on mere heareay. I will get them to 'onnecticut for need not be at the Indianapolis meetings, by far larger than any weekly published gether here in time to mould them into the purpose of forming lies at his home in this city a victim of jecame gloriously inebriated. Captain lubs and having them send delegates consumption, and his as there would he no trouble about St. and almost equals the largest monthly a team that will give the patrons of the physician says he Paul going in L'ebeau was informed that his friend o a meeting which will be called at an cannot survive this month. It is an old all right. The compara vas at on a monthly basis. The papers are game in Atlanta no cause for complaint tively insignificant town of Sioux City the notorious resort kept by a as far as hustling to win is concerned. arly date. It is now believed that the saying that troubles never come singly, voman named Nettie Strong, on Lake shipped by express as fast as printed and jircuit of the Connecticut State League and to add to Mickey's was admitted instead to make up the The players I have so far engaged are: misfortune his eight. The street, and was in a helpless condition, any and all news stands in the following vi'l be made up from the following cit infant son died last Friday morning and cities now forming this de uid Kissinger, Conovcr and Harry Keenan, lectable Barnes League are as follows: liable to be robbed. Pat at once cities or localities should have the paper pitchers; Cook, Jones and Gager, catch es: Hartford, New London, Norwich, his wife is very ill. Jones was most fav lastencd to the place. He found his on sale the day specified opposite ers; Kyan, New Haven, Bridgeport, New Britain, orably known here as an honest and Milwaukee, Detroit, Kansas City, Indi to each Burke, Lewe, Holohan, Ash- anapolis, Minneapolis, Sioux 'ricud there stretched upon a couch, the locality: crbeck and Blake.