Kenna Record, 07-15-1921 Mr
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Kenna Record, 1910-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-15-1921 Kenna Record, 07-15-1921 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White. "Kenna Record, 07-15-1921." (1921). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenna Record, 1910-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I 1 1 J I F7 if?1 3 MM (P (M) H) v- P tLJs Lj U 3 iu - M iJ) VOL. 16 KENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921 NOi 17 ffleBaflESE P83.e07.000 KATHERINE BUTTERFIELD MARKET REPORT Tires and Tubes Accessories L. Boots and Patching and Supplies GOLD INCREASE Grnln. Wlifiat unil coin prices declined during the week. The only advance wan on tltu Phone 42 kUtli in:luMiced by good export business CONTRACTION OF CURREN-C- and reports of drouth In Kurope and Argentine. At the close wheat crop CAUSES REDUCTION Indicate damage. Export demand alow. Country offerlnRS liberal. First P. & R. GARAGE OF LOANS AND car new wheat on Chicago market July BILLS 1st sold at Sl.il3 4, graded No. 2 mixed, test weight (W. Corn crop reports gen- erally favorable; total crop estimated at El Ida, New Mexico 8.01)0,000 bushels. Corn curling reiwrted FED. RESERVE REPORT In Nebraska; hot weather doing damage In South Dakota. In Chicago cssh mar- Acetylene Welding LUCAS ket No. 2 red winter wheat ll.Utt; No. 2 W. C The Foreign Trade Is Off. The Banks hard 1.31; No. 3 mixed corn BOc; No. Expert yellow corn t)Oc; No. 3 white oats 35c. Mechanics PROPRIETOR Abroad Fail to Make Showing of For the week Chicago July wheat down 8 l-- at $l.i!2 July corn unchang- U. 8. in the Cut of Paper ed at OJc; Minneapolis July wheat down Money 8 at S1.24. Chicago September wheat down 1 at $1.22; September corn down at ttlic. Minneapolis September c. Washington, t '' l . wheat down 2 at 1.27 Federal reserve bank N Kunsas City September wheut down I ' , J 3c 2. operations during the past year have .. i 5.1 at $l.J3 May. ED. J. NEER, resulted In 'an itfcreaee of its gold Extremely litfht movement and limited Undertaker and Embalm holdings by 1433,607,000, a decrease in demand causing prices to be only nomi- tr r-Vv- V nal in many markets. Dry weather af- LICENSED its notes in circulation of 1480,000,000 fecting pastures in several sections, but BY STATE BOARD and an increase la its total reserves l buyers still discounting damuge. Trices 1 C& answered daj or night Office 1519,000,000, according state- practically unchanged. No. timothy, phone 67 two rfg. of to a quoted New York t'29..")0; Minneapolis, Residence, 67 ring--. govern- three Arent (or RoeweU and AnriIlo ment issued by the board of I8; Memphis S2fl; Atlanta !'. No. 1 trfswinoaset, New ors. The contraction of the currency alfalfa Memphis L'0, Atlanta 2fl; No. 1 PorUlea, Mexico. prauie, Mimicupolis $10. indicated the board said, the degree to Feed Complete Line of Caskets and Robe which the country had entered a per- Market quiet. Further declines In , bran and middlings. Oilier feeds gener- iod of deflation. Miss Katherlne Butter-field- ally (taBier. Memphis cottonseed meal "Characteristics of this period cn high school girl of market a shade firmer but prices in the banking side have been reduction oUier markets mostly nominal because of Welser, Idaho, who won the Firestone absence of demand. Supplies and offer- of loans and bills held, retirement of scholarship for the best essay In the ings good. Dried brewers' grains In note circulation, gain in gold and national contest In which 250,000 good supply at tltl f. o. b. eastern ship- DRUGS, ping points. lieet pulp and alfalfa meal DRUG SUPPLIES liquidation of investments,' the state- high school students In ah parts of dull. Corn feeds weak, especially homi- ment said "while on the business side the country participated. The schol- - ny feed. Quoted: liran. $13.25 ; mid- SICK ROOM SUPPLIES dlings $13 Minneapolis; 3(1 p. c. cotton- lowering production rship Is a four-yea- r there has been of university seed meal $2i).7r Memphis, $.10 Atlanta; growth of unemployment, faWng off course valued at $9,000. white hominy feed $23 Chicago; $211.2.1 of foreign and reaction of prices. Philadelphia; linseed meal $28 Minneap- Your Mail Orders are Solicited. trade olis, $31.30 Chicago; No. 1 alfalfa mwl Rcovery $18.50 Kansas City. It Prepared APPROVES THE ROAD PROJECT "The spring 1921 would Fruits and Vegetables months of Irish cobbler potatoes from Eastern seem In the light of information now ern consuming markets the past weHi Available, to be a period of approach shore of Virginia advanced BOc In east-closin- g STATE HIGHWAY C0MMIS-SI0E- R $3.00 to $3.25 New York; $3 to Mm tHte&ejaupftoN qaJd STOac to equilibrium in certain lines of busi- $4 in other cities. Mississippi tomatoes Jiz)' ness and of preparation for recovery RETURNS in carriers slightly weaker in depressed most eastern markets, ranging generally from conditions that had $1.15 to $1.40. Baltimore steady at ROSWEUU N. ML developed." Says the U. 8. Government Approves $1.50 to ft. SO. Texas stock down seven- Total resources of the reserve sys- ty cents Chicago, closing 00c to $1. Cal- The $6,320,000 Road .Projects l ifornia salmon tint cantaloupes, stand- tem, amounting to $5,242,000,000 on ard 45 nhowud a slightly broader rang June 29, 1921, were decreased 13.7 Oklahoma at shipping points, closing $1.40 to $1.85 sSSsQCRbbssB f. o. b. cash track. Prices in consuming percent from the total on June 25, markets up $1 at $4 to $3 per crate. 1920, or $6,074,000,000. The capital Oklahoma City. With an agree- Ueorsla Tom Watson watermelons, m oo $150 $225 ship, to In- dium sizes, declined to at of federal reserve banks, however, ment with government officials, B. E. ping points, ranging $7n to $300 per car creased from $94,500,000 to $102,194,-00- 0 Clark, state highway commissioner re- r. o. b cash truck to growers. Prices for Florida and Georgia melons declined during the same period due to turned to Oklahoma City from Wash- $800 In New York, closing 350 to $550. the fact that the "system has steadily ington recently with plans com- Oeorgla Klberta peaches In KEMP LUMBER CO. increased in membership plete and official by which $6,230,000 carriers $2.00 to $2.25 t. o. b. cash track. and $2.7B to $3.00 In Cincinnati. Oeorgla ELIDA. N. U. strength" during the year. This, the will be paid on Oklahoma road pro- Hlleys and Belles down BOc New York at board remarked, was in striking con- jects by the government for five $$.2 to $3.50. Belles $1.50 to $1.60 f. o. the b. ,oash In producing sections. re- year 20. track For Wire, Posts, Cement, trast with the decline in total period which ended June JLlvestoek and Meats Lumber and Building sources." For the first tlm In the history of Chicago livestock prices show net ad- Material. Still Poors and llajdirar Government obligations continued vances of 25c to 00c over prices of a the highway department government week ago. Cattle prices are almost In to work out of the banking system of state specifications on bridges tally to variably lower. Beef steers down 10 to the country, and into hands of pri- 25c, butcher cows and heifers steady to the dot, due to an agreement reached 25c lower. Fat lambs declined 75c to vate or corporate investors, it was by Clark and federal highway author- $1.25; yearlings 50c to 75c per KM) lbs. a C BRIDGES, Manager. said, because reserve loans on treas- Fat ewes weak to 25c lower. July 1 ities and the state, highway head be- Chicago prices: hogs, top (one load) ury bonds and certificates of indebt- lieves that all bridges In the state $0.30; bulk of sales $8.60 to $0.2O; medi- edness dropped from $1,300,000 in now under way will participate in fed- um and good beef steers $7 to $8.50; 1920 to $648,000 June of butcher cows and heifers $3.75 to $8; June in eral aid appropriation. feeder steers $5.75 to $7.50; light ana this year. The total of reserve notes medium weight veal calves $7.50 to $0.50; Fifty-fou- r projects which will share was $2,634,-000,00- 0 fat lambs $8.25 to $10.60; feeding lambs in circulation last month In are complete, yearlings same federal aid Clark said $5.75 to $8.75; $5.50 to $8; fat while in the month of recently. Seven are complete. Among ewes 2.25 to $: Stocker and feeder 1920, it was $3,117,000,000. shipments from 10 Important markets the fifty-fou- r are a dozen bridge pro- 24 gold movements, during the week ending June were: Discussing the the jects. cattle and calvea 20,010; hogs 2.506; KENNA BANK TRUST board pointed out that the metal sheep 0,475.