Journalist Biographie Archibald, John
Report Title - p. 1 of 303 Report Title Amadé, Emilio Sarzi (Curtatone 1925-1989 Mailand) : Journalist Biographie 1957-1961 Emilio Sarzi Amadé ist Korrespondent für Italien in China. [Wik] Archibald, John (Huntley, Aberdeenshire 1853-nach 1922) : Protestantischer Missionar, Journalist Biographie 1876-1913 John Archibald arbeitet für die National Bible Society of Scotland in Hankou. Er resit in Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Anhui und Jiangxi. [Who2] 1913 John Archibald wird Herausgeber der Central China post. [Who2] Bibliographie : Autor 1910 Archibald, John. The National Bible Society of Scotland. In : The China mission year book ; Shanghai (1910). [Int] Balf, Todd (um 2000) : Amerikanischer Journalist, Senior Editor Outside Magazine, Mitherausgeber Men's journal Bibliographie : Autor 2000 Balf, Todd. The last river : the tragic race for Shangi-la. (New York, N.Y. : Crown, 2000). [Erstbefahrung 1998 für die National Geographic Society durch wilde Schluchten des Brahmaputra (Tsangpo) in Tibet, die wegen Strömungen und Tod von Douglas Gordon (1956-1998) scheitert]. [WC,Cla] Balfour, Frederic Henry (1846-1909) : Kaufmann, Journalist in China Bibliographie : Autor 1876 Balfour, Frederic Henry. Waifs and strays from the Far East ; being a series of disconnected essays on matters relating to China. (London : Trübner, 1876). 1881 Chuang Tsze. The divine classsic of Nan-hua : being the works of Chuang Tsze, taoist philosopher. With an excursus, and copious annotations in English and Chinese by Frederic Henry Balfour. (Shanhgai ; Hongkong : Kelly & Walsh, 1881). [Zhuangzi. Nan hua jing]. 1883 Balfour, Frederic Henry. Idiomatic dialogues in the Peking colloquial for the use of students. (Shanghai : Printed at the North-China Herald Office, 1883).
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