Macroevolutionary convergence connects morphological form to ecological function in birds Authors: Alex L. Pigot1,2†*, Catherine Sheard3,2†, Eliot T. Miller4,5, Tom P. Bregman6,2, Benjamin G. Freeman7, Uri Roll8,2, Nathalie Seddon2, Christopher H. Trisos9,2, Brian C. Weeks10,11, Joseph A. Tobias12,2* Affiliations: 1Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK. 2Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK. 3School of Biology, University of St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9TJ, UK. 4Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850, USA. 5Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844, USA. 6Future-Fit Foundation, 1 Primrose Street, Spitalfields, London, EC2A 2EX, UK. 7Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada. 8Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, Jacob Balaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Midreshet Ben-Gurion 8499000, Israel. 9African Climate and Development Initiative, University of Cape Town, 13 Library Road, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa. 10School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. 11Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, 79th Street at Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, USA. 12Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Silwood Park, Buckhurst Road, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK. †Equal contribution *Correspondence to:
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[email protected] Word count: Abstract (154), Main text (3,132), Methods (3,654), Captions for 6 figures (581) References: Main text (52), Total (75) 1 Animals have diversified into a bewildering variety of morphological forms exploiting a complex configuration of trophic niches.