The C-Floor and Zones
The C-Floor and zones Table of Contents ` ❖ The ocean zones ❖ Sunlight zone and twilight zone ❖ Midnight and Abyssal zone ❖ The hadal zone ❖ The c-floor ❖ The c-floor definitions ❖ The c-floor definitions pt.2 ❖ Cites ❖ The end The ocean zones 200 meters deep 1,000 Meters deep 4,000 Meters deep 6,000 Meters deep 10,944 meters deep Sunlight zone Twilight zone ❖ The sunlight zone is 200 meters from the ocean's ❖ The twilight zone is about 1,000 meters surface deep from the ❖ Animals that live here ocean's surface sharks, sea turtles, ❖ Animals that live jellyfish and seals here are gray ❖ Photosynthesis normally whales, greenland occurs in this part of the Shark and clams ocean ❖ The twilight get only a faint amount of sunlight DID YOU KNOW Did you know That no plants live That the sunlight zone in the twilight zone could be called as the because of the euphotic and means well lit amount of sunlight in greek Midnight zone Abyssal zone ❖ The midnight zone is ❖ The abyssal zone is 4,000 meters from 6,000 meters from the the ocean's surface ocean’s surface ❖ Animals that live in ❖ Animals that live in the the midnight zone Abyssal zone are fangtooth fish, pacific are, vampire squid, viperfish and giant snipe eel and spider crabs anglerfish ❖ Supports only ❖ Animals eat only the DID YOU KNOW invertebrates and DID YOU KNOW leftovers that come That only 1 percent of light fishes That most all the way from the travels through animals are sunlight zone to the the midnight zone either small or midnight zone bioluminescent The Hadal Zone (Trench ● The Hadal Zone is 10,944 meters under the ocean ● Snails, worms, and sea cucumbers live in the hadal zone ● It is pitch black in the Hadal Zone The C-Floor The C-Floor Definitions ❖ The Continental Shelf - The flat part where people can walk.
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