FRroAY, JULY 29, 1960 The Wdiflier PAGE f o u r t e e n AT6rag6 D6ll7 Net Frees Rmi at af V . 8. inanrlf^Bt^r lEoi^ttins l|m U i F ar tha Weak Eadad 1 1 Jtaaalia. 1660 •UrnlnaU the need fpr eeeaonal Sunset OouncU, No. 45, Degree of Officials File help, Cervinl maid. L T. WOOD 80. Itar etewkMf kOe About Town Pocahontas, will hold one mMting 07A% - 13,125 lyw B ^, eaolar taalgkl,^ a month during August and Sm - He added that almost 87% mU ICI rlANT Mambar a( tka Aodli to 68. Sunday fialr. mUd, timber. The meeting will be hnd Hon In town revenue passed Ksv. and Mra. Kenneth Ia on the third Monday of the month. Work Reports 81 B1B8BLL 8T. Banau af Gbealatten Moitefceefer— CUy of Village Charm OuaUfaon will be aaalaUng on the through hie office during the year ending last June 30. Cube*'Cru*hed‘Bloek$ young people’s cam{) staff at Members of the Eighth District /The town. counsel’s workload, caiarlton. Mass., for the next two Fire Department who wish to par­ He said 97.8 per cent of last (ClMstfled AdvartMxg m i Fags 61 ' PRICE FTnri year’s taxes have been collected. MANCEESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY SP, 1960 weeks. He will be at Calvary ticipate In the parade In Farming- the tax collector’s need for busi­ VOL. LXI^IX, NO. 256 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTTION) As to the remainder, 74 real estate Cbutel for the Sunday morning ton \vlll meet at the Are house to­ ness machines, and activities of Sunday echool and worship seiw- morrow evening at 6 p.m. In uni­ liens have been filed and about the. registrars of voters over the 870,000 of the amount is tied up lees. The evening service Sunday form. past year, were subjects of an­ and the Wednesday prayer serv­ In court appeals, he,'said. NOTICE Developing Farm Program nual reports submitted yesterday ■ Cervinl collects not only taxes State News ices will be conducted by the Rev. Congo Asks New Yorker Calls to General Manager Richard Mar­ but also sewer and water bills, as­ THE OFFICE OF John Zanella tin. sessments, cemetery bills, and all Atty. Philip Bayer, town coun­ other towm revenue. Reservations for the annual DR. SAMUEL STONE R ou n d u p Brenda’s Winds Hnrl For Square Dance sel, said his office filed 51 legal Registrars of Voters Donald 0 UN Act Fast Nixon Aims to Build chicken barbecue to, be held to­ 'opinions last year, checked town Hemingway and Edward Moriarty morrow at 5:30 and 7 p.m. at the Dick Jone.<5 of Great Neck, h . I. documents, drafted ordinances and DENTIST Buckingham Congregational reported they made 648 new voters wUl he guest caller at, the Man­ helped draft the new subdivision last year, held two party enroll­ Church in Glastonbury arc still chester Square Dance Club tomor­ regulations, and worked on over ment sessions attended seminars, 378 MAIN ST. On Katanga Woman KUIed available. Anyone wishing to at­ Support in Midwest row night at 8 o’clock at the West 125 claims and ca.ves against the and prepareds the bieiuilal canvass tend may gyt in touch with Mrs. town. In Auto Crash Side tennis courts. Of town voters. WILL BE CLOSED Leopoldville, The Congo, Alvah Russell on Mountain Rd. in He is a physical education In­ Most claims stemmed from side­ The town, overhauled six of Its ^tlal'nominee, has said he will lay

H.S "A

IIA N ^STE R EVfiNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 80, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCmSTER, ,(X)NN:r5ATDRDATr^in[iY SO/ IWO ■m J : '■y erty of an old friend, Bal Swan Area Scouts li-.IJ • at Cape Cod and Bhsenhower caught six trout Brenda’s Winds Hurl 4 Ik e P la ys la 26 miautso o f flsUng. • Congo A sks on It was the first fishing the Pres­ ident bad done in Colorado since Bretik Camp his heart attack here nearly five UN Act Fast Heavy Rain on State Sjets ion 0nnedy Mapping Dan Cupid years ago. His doctors have in­ p r e p a r e g r o u n d * West dealer ^ At Jamboree dicated they prefer ha n f n t n f o r y o u r g u e s s Nortli^kmth vohwwWs from too much physical exertion 1 ^ Alfred ShciBWOld NOKIH (Ceuttansd from Page One) in this altitude. Denver is a mile ; A K Q 7 3 Manchester Boy Scouts have (Couttaiued O n Katanga Your s-hUlty to guess at bridge Zolumhia For Bride high and Pine more than '8,000 r s 2 Sfid sdmewhat cool. High In the broken C4unp at tha I960 National Legislative Action depends pertly on your experi­ 10 this by etraiig feet. upper 70s. Northeast to east winds Jamboree at Colorado Springt, COontimied trisio Pag• Om ) ence. A beginner guesses right magnetic field. , (OenOmw^ from Page Om ) White House press secretary Q Trustees Rename t - James C. Hagerty said Elsenhow about half the time; w WEST EAST with some gusts to 60 m.p.h. shift­ Colo., and are now on their way In one second's tlnM, UWh COMrtkBMd frani F a (« Om ) called a meeting of his H ouse er had no plans to fish when he close collaboration with the United player, shout two-thirds of the A 4 ing to northwest 10 to 20 m.p.h. home. Marita Merrick of protons has .circled tlw Agriculture committee for Aug. They decided on a 24-hour delay Nations Secretary General to exe­ Ume; an expert, close to nine Umes U Q 9 8 f V A 10 7 The 10 scouts and their leader 300,000 times, and*. ec<4 last night after the 'President’s left Denver yesterday' morning, this afternoon. cooridwed in the C aa gn u t aeaeion 12 to appraise prospects for emer­ cute integrally the two resolutions out of ten. You can see one of tne 4 A 8 5 - ♦ 9 7 6 3 Joined 71 other area scouts'to make weighs 30 times more pilot. Col. William O. Draper, re­ but couldn’t resist when he saw Southern Connecticut — Rain opentniT A u(. 8. Kennedy te break­ gency farm legislation. Cooley another old fMenA Aksel Nielsen, of the U.N. Security CouncH; par­ ressons In this hand. A A 10 7 2 ♦ J S 5 4 3 up Troop 63, Region 1,- Section 28, Mrs. Marita Merrick of Jonathan siarted. . ported the unfavorable weather SOUTH diminiahing and not so warm this at the Jamboree. ^ Trumbull Highway, Democratic TTien the bunches o f ing eamj> here to fly back to said it might not be feasible to hauling in trout. ticularly concerning the problem West leads a trump against tM afternoon. High near 70. A. few forecast for Newport arid the of the Katanga.” the communique A A I 10 9 8 2 Richard J. McNally, scribr. In a town chairman and state central are directed out to smash Watfilngtoa dn Aug. 7. tackle farm . al(^ with so . little Someone slipped away to the contract o f four spades. South showers during tonight and mild. New England East Coast general- said. notices that the contract will de­ 4 3 second letter, describes sdVne of the commltteewoman. waa reelected atomic targets, and ersStS^' t ^ ^ Infomtiante e^d the two were working tlmoMWt. The House general store, bought the Presi­ K 1 2 Low 60 to 65. Sunday pestly sun­ atudytng m ptt»CT^un which might doesn’t reconvene until Aug. 16, a ly- dent. a 6-day license for $3.60, and Kashamura told the newsmen pend on losing only one heart trick. actiWties in which the scouts en­ secretary of the Board of Trustee-s curious n u c le i debris. Special e week later than the Senate. a f w minutes later he was trying V how khoufd. South wess ^ West Nbclli: M 8e


71 HoOMMi Sslfi' f 2 B oossstto Staiis 72 BomneM Service* Offered IS THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALY and SHORTEN GfirdfiB— Ffirm—4)fill7 Wantod—IB Bftf 6S Houaw far Sale 71 UooBfio tor Soli Products 60 6 8 VERNON — Mratouck Park, off NOW. BEFORE the rush starts, Is. WB BUT, BELL or -trad# aatlqu* MANCiBDBBHBR room S NORMAN aXRBBTMbnall S 1-BOI/ION^Thls ia a beaut! $14,4W ranch near Bolton Crater Lake . Street Qvend^ Cape,', Recorder Fans Not Whistling, the time to have that gun put in and used (umltim, ohlas, c l ^ WAPPHVQ—WtiRivfia Avs.t -5 mam home, lu g e fsinUy size Mtohm. room home, ideal for a retired shape ton the coming seaa MI Robert J. Bwtta, toe., MS Mato ADVERTISING Flowers—Nursery Stock 50-B Talcottvllle, (toon., T e l lO S-T44R^ apartment, ' all utUitiee, < adults, S t, M l *4141. Woods, MI 9-7702, Johanna Evans, New York. UP> — The-big boom TAMKIR t r e e removal, land MMMoMOSTPfLICtOUS pjttMng. at 2T8 Itoto Bt, Ml;9-5658. EAST MIDDLE TPKB.-6 room in music nowadays is a whistle- cleared, firewood cut, Insured. CHOPfIDUVERtMR GLADIOLI—Fresh cut and beau­ WANTED TO BUY-Old and r*ro! w a r n niD B-4 room OofOnlai Gar- colonial, clean. Priced fOr quick It’s the recorder—not the tape 4 CAROL DRIVE - ItoekVlUs, tlB.- sale. J. D. Realty. Ml 84(129. CLASSIFIED ADVBRTISMENT DEPT. HOURS Call Paul A. ElUson, IQ S-8743. m : M X M Q O o o tiful, 11.00 dozen. 564 Bush Hill colna, (Tonn. Coin and Stamp, 9dS. 5% ROOM APARTMENT, heat and 850. B room tfinoh, Isige liitog rison with extra large row H-MANCHESTBR — NegT/ new recorder, but the ancient instru­ AtlNEWAlDOVt' Main St., Manchester Conn. Days hot water included, being redeco­ extra lafge kitchen, two fuU.bal Junior Hl|to School, immaculate 6 ment that’s cousin’ to flageolet, 8 ;1 S AM. to.4;80 PJd. Road. M i 3-5994.______room, cabinet* kttetNQ. S b ^ NINE ROOM house, recently re­ OOSMA APPLIANCE SBOtVICE. AND THIS PIE IS OUT MI 8-6498, Eve. TR 6-5208. rated. Ready for occupancy July rooms, i% % mortnga can be Completely redecorated and re- room Salt BOX with breezeway and penny whistle, and flute, with Repairs all make refrigerators, S6. Centrally located, $100 wired, two-ear gmage, 4%% ‘ attached garage, near bus line ag(l decorated. Large revenue from Bouaehold Goods 5i assumed. Marlon B. Koberteon, five rooms. $48 weekly. MI 9-3081. eight atop holes for finger tips, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. treesers, washing machines, .y- t month. Call MI 9-6781 or MI 9-( Broker. Ml 8-BM8. mortgage can be aeaumed, $16A.IfliO. shopping. Owner movlngw-aelltng and one at the rad to blow in MONDAT Thra nUDAT lt d * A A L -«A fl7S D A X t AJL em, ^M^ e s. rtl Rooms Without Board 59 J . D . Realty, MI 8-5139. for $14,900. Call the R. F. Dimock They range from-soprano to bass, 21" TORO ROTARY mower (dis­ TWO ROOMS furnished, one block MANCHESTER—Large two-family continued model) Reg. $139.95, now LARGE—6 room ranch, 1% batbs, Co., MI 9-0345, Bubara Woods; MI S'6. Tra acres of land. Large front- or from' something you could tuck ROOMS AND qablns, all conven­ ■ from Main, all utilities* paid. MI SOUTH WINDSOR—$2,000 assumes 9-7702, or Johanna Evans, Ml PLEASJ^READ YOUR AD. $99.96. Marlow’s, Main Street, huge kitchen, 100’ frontage, email age. Must sell. Tongren, brdker, in your pocket, like a pencil, to ALL TYPES screeds repaired with iences, free parking. Scranton’s 8- 3884 between 6-9 p.m. cash aseumea 4H % mortgage, 6)4% mortgage. 6% room ranch, 9-0608. Alcoa screenings. New screens Manchester, MI 9-6221.' 1% /baths, carport, only $14,900. MI 8-6821. something the slse of a walking Motel, 1$0 Tolland 'i^ke. MI 9-0826 $15,390. CuHon W. Hutchina, M - stick. flMilWr* or "Waat Ads" an tafcwi* over tte pkoM tm m eom- made up. 447 Main Street or call MOVING—Hotpolnt electric stove between 6-7. 9-5182. Hurry! Mangiafico and Brooka, m —BOLTON. On beautiful Riga nnlMMe. A * adfartlaer alioaM read Us ad tk* FIBST OAX IT MI 8-4633 for free pick-up. , t h r e e ROOM apartment, gas 'JA 0-8980. Lane. 4 bedroom custom built La Nque Davenport, a jazz play­ $80; Frigidaire refrigerator $80; s^ve, heat. Adults only. M l 8-8058. Lota tor Sale 73 APPBABS and BEPOBI CBBUB8 la Ume far ths next laasr- Nome waaher $80; all excellent A’TTRACnvALY furnished rooms, MANCHESTER—'Dutch ' Colonial, ranch, center entrance hallway, ing Texan yrho swltohed from Utm. Th» BeraM Is nspoasible tor only ONB tooarrset or oosltted M A M RUBBISH REMOVAL Serv- complete light housekeeping fa­ *■ ^ j • BIGRT ROOM home—Good condi two full tile baths, fireplace to THREE B ZONE loU With city trumpet to recorder and is now ice—residential, commercial. In­ conmtlon, MI 8-6314. 6 rooms, one-eu garage, large Inssrtinn for aay adrerttsemeet and Um«i only to tlM oxtent of a cilities available. Central. CihUdren living room with fireplace, family tlon with S-car g u a g e that needs! family room, two'^ar garage one water. Union S t Manchester, president the American Re­ dustrial. Attics, cellars, yards. In­ accepted, limited. 14 Arch Street. TO RENT—4 room heated apart*, some repair on a nice lot to nice corder Sbclety, says more record­ ‘make good” Insertioa. Errors frUeb do not lessen the value of Three Rooms of Furniture ment. Tel. M l 8-5117, size tile kitchen, oU steam heat, acre Wooded lot with tennis court. $2,600 each. Ml 9-840S. tke advertleemeet will net bo oorreeted by "m ake good” insertion. cinerator-cardboard drums. Lawn Mrs. Dorsey. section, $14,900. Excellent financ­ $38,600. The R. F. Dlmock C o., MI ers are sold than any other music mowing. Light trucking. MI 9-9767. large lot, 80x260, $17,900: PhO- FROM MODEL HOME ~ — r*------brick Agency, MI 9-8464. ing. J. D. R ^ t y , 470 Mein St., MI 0-5346, Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702, ANDOVER LAKE—Two adjoining Instrument — In his own family ROOM FOR rent near Center, Hlg|)' 8-0139. lota for sale. Marlon B. Robertson, SUPERIOR PAVINO CO.~Ameaite NEWLY DE(X)RATED 4 room Johanna Evans, MI 0-tf$88. he must have at least four for School and shopping. Kitchen ST. JAMES PARISH—New 6 mom broker,' MI 8-5953. himself, wife and their two sons. driveways constructed, resur­ Cost Over $700 . privileges and parking. MI 9-7361. apartment. Main Street. TR 6-7171, MANCHBSTEIWtbeentee owner IV— MANCHES’TER—Autumn S t BE appreciated ^ Dial Ml 3-2711 faced,, sealed. Reasonably priced. colonial. Eaeily financed. Inupe* Davenport the Society have dlate occupancy. J. D. Realty, aays, " s e ll" ! Big < room Cape i^th Immaculate 6 room colonial, com' TWO LOTS with city water and MI 3-8616. NEVER BEEN USED NEAR MAIN STREET for gen­ .FIVE R(X)M apartment second full shed dormer! Fireplace, IH other astonishing figures ajbmt the floor, adults; no pets, oil steam MI 8-5129. pletely redecorated, 13x34 living sewer. Central location. Madeline Sale Price $888 tleman, private entrance, park­ baths, attached garage. Favorable room, choice location,, amesite Smith, Realtor, M l 9-1642. recorder’s phenomenal rise to pop­ Lost and Found Aotomobiles for Sale 4 BRICK AND stone mason and ce­ ing. t2 3 Pearl St, MI 3-7236, heat, continuems hot water. Apply mortgage aseumption possible. Do- ularity: ment work. MI 9-6491 after 8:80. .... a t‘21 Elro Street. $12,600—SIX)room Household ScrricM kitchen, large stove«and refrigera­ estimated 75,000 to 100,000 ama­ decoratOT furniture’ from model dis­ tor, tiled bath and shower. Park­ MI 94(668. O ffered ^ I S - A play home. We will give you free MOTHER AND two chUdren want MANCHES’TER—Tee, -there Is one WanteO—Itoal Bstate 77 teurs. a woman to share my home, ga­ ing. $90. Call MI 3-6396. $10,600 S ROOM ranch, aluminum delivery and free storage up to one storme. ameelte drive, 300’ treat- for sale! Green Manor ranch with V - ^MANCHESTER—Keeney S t 6% New Yorkers in this season LOST—Brand new ing h< 1951 CHEVROLET T R U C K - HAROLD A SONS, RubUsh remov­ Moving— Trucking— Help WRntad— Blalt 86 Articles For Sals 46 rage, 'Vicinity of the hospital. Box SELLING—BUTtNO-TradlngT Wo year. <:R(X3KVILLE — 14 Laurel Street. age, view. C ulton H. Butchlna, full cellar. Nicely situated on Can room modified Cape with breeze- alone could«>have heard perhaps at midget race track. m 0-815L One ton stake body. MI 9-0339. al, cellars and attics cleaned. Storago 20 M, Herald. stance Drive. Three bedrooms, offer you free confidential ip' Ashes, papers all rubbiah. Harold i i EXPERIENCED HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or '______I h ' Well furitiahed 8 room apartment M 9-5182. ______. way and attached garage, built-in 100 concerts, and there were others NORMAN’S plaetorad walls, oak floors. Real range and oven, large well land­ spectiona and arrange all Hnano- In Austin, Tex., Chickgo, Coopers- REWARD TO person locating side Hoar. MI 9-4054. MANCHESTER Moving and Tmek- frozen, 80c doe. 246 Avery Street, TR 6-98M. from start ,to finish. Mitten to hospital bed. Ix)st from trailer. 1968 4-DOOR GRAY and blue Ply Wapping. Ml 4-0604. 443 Hartford Road BOLTON—Custom S room rsnob, value at $16,600. BeUiore Agency, scaped lot. The condition of this town, N. Y., Kansas City, Milwau­ •ing Company. Local and long 4U» IN GAUGE GRINDING Apartments— Flats— artistic stonework, huge porch, MI 8-6121., work hand and glove with Route of Stephen, Nye, Middle mouth sedan, 8126. MI 9-8409, WEAVING of Bums, moth holes tanca moving, packing and stor­ Before you buy furniture any­ -'TH REE ROOM apartment, rest- home Is like new. Priced $17,400. kee, Philadelphia, W asl^gton, D. Tenements 63 .dential section, heat, light, hot breezeway, tw o-cu garage, land­ you. Member M ultiple--Ustiag Turnpike. Summit, and Hollister and tom clothing hosiery runs, age. Regular servlcs throughow Pleasant woriting conditians, T(X)L AND equipment rentals. where—shop at Norman’s. C!an the R. F. Dimock Co., MI C;, Wl'dSltorKah., Baltimoro, Sah La Noue Davenport and his family play ’’recorders”— the new water, refrigerator, range, and scaped, reasonably M ced. Culton 60L*r0N—First Lake. 6 rwm Service. Call the Ellsworth Mitten Diego and Santa Barbara, arty where friends met frienda, RIDE WANTED from Vlrjinla Rd. fering classroom and behind Edward R. Price. MI 9-1003. expanding printing firm in . the shape. MI 9-1868. WRINGER WASHING Mjachine, 9-7737 from 8-7 p.m. . extra large lot, $15,000. R. P, 9-0320, for the amateur is that he doesn’t American Recorder.. Founded in and resembled rather • a college- excellent' condition. Call MI nlngs AD 3-4798. STONE ST.—Older 6 room house, Glastonbury—Close to Mlmu' to vicinity of Chapel St. Hartford. wheel instru.:tlon for teenagers. . Building-Contracting 14 Hartford area. Pleaaant workmg Dimock Cio„ MI 9-5245, Harbara need to train up a particulu set 1939 by Suzanne Bloch.'daughter of town audience than the groupa us­ Hours 8:19-4:80. Call MI 9-2Tf8 be­ Ml 9-6076. EXTERIOR PAINTING, Free esti­ conditions, excellent wages and DESK, knee-hole, professional size, 9-0830 after 5 p.m. n e a r MAIN ST. 8 furnished nice lot, overslsed garage with chaug Country Club, delightful IP YOU HAVE property to sell, •30x50 file drawer blond oeUc. PI CENTER S’TREET—3 rooms fur-, room for 4 cars. $11,600.. J. D. extra large Cape Cod on spacioua Woods, MI 9-T703, Johanna Evans, of muscles— a filute playier, for In­ composer Ernest Bloch, It has 16 ually seen In Carnegie Recital HaU. tween 8 and 6. BIDWELL HOME improvement mates. Very reasopabla rates. Call benefita are available to the young rooms and bath, heat and hot MI 9-5663, . may I serve as your agent? I will But as an indication that recorders PREPARE FOR driver’s t^ : MI 8-0494. 2-7985. CHROME KITCHEN SET, maple nlahed on bus line, h'eat, hot water, Realty, ^ 8-6129. lot. Living room and basement fire- stance, must begin with only five chapters and 7,500 members, some Co. Alterations, additions ga­ man who can meet our qualifica- water. No children. MI 9-4256. garage. Phone' Newington MO give you courteous, efficient serv­ mliiutes of practice at a time. A t in foreign countries, and there arc may be more fun to play than to Ages 18 to 60. Driving and class tions. For appointment please con­ dresser and chest, Drexel cherry 'places, breezeway and garage. DC—BOL’TON—New 6 room . cape, ice that will merit your confi­ room. Three Instructors, No wait­ rages. Roofing an'* siding experts. QUAR.’TER MIDGET—new last Mr,, fuid Mrs. dresser, sawbuck 6';9Be8. MANCHESTER—6 ' rooin Clape, his first try, too, the recorder comparable societies In England, listen to, another group attracted Antomobilfs for S^lc 4 Aluminum clapboards a specialty. tact the Gazette-News Press. 1128 AVAILABLE NOW! — New 3% Priced right for quick sale. Inquire 1% baths, wiUkout basement, one dence. Please call Catherine V. ing. Manchester Dri'vlng Acade­ Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 81 year. Only raced novice. Excellent table, chairs, tables, lamps, etc. room apartments on Reed and generous sized rooms, fireplace, about this gem. Eve. Bill Boles, MI amateur can play music that satls- New Zealand,. Australia and else­ the smallest audience this concert- Unexcelled workmanship. Easy Main St., East Hartford, Conn. JA condition. Sacrifice $298. Tel. PI EX(XiUSIVE—New 3% room apart­ plastered bNito; one car garage, acre lot, aipe'stte drive, choice lo­ O'Leary, Real Estate, MI 8-6630. flss him. The instrument Is Inex­ where. goer ever saw In a Town HaU pro­ WANTED — Clean used cars. We my. I . 2-7249. 8-2194. PI 2-7985. Lewis Streets In Rockville. Stove^ 9-9858. cation, coniplete for $16,800. R. P. budget terms. MI 9-6499 or ’TR MORTGAGES—Ws are in a poel- 2-7189 evenings, ment, heat, hot water, stove, re­ patio, maple ■ and white birch pensive, from $10 to maybe $35 Arnold Dolmetsch, in Haslemere, gram In May, buy, trade down or trade any­ 6-9109. refrigerator, heat, and parking. frigerator, parking. Extras. Adults Dlmock Co., MI 9-5245, Barbara 1 M thing. Douglas Motors. 883 Main. MORTLOCK’S Manchester’s lead- tion to finance second mortgages ROPER GAS STOVE, 40”, good Adults only. MI 9-4824, ’TR 6-1168. shade trees on good slsed lot Ex­ Manchester—Outstanding 8 room call Joseph A.. Ba]arth. Broker, MI ing dri'vlng school. ’Three skilled PE3T DUCKS, horse, baby clothes, condition. Make an offer. Call only. MI 9-6760. cellent neighborhood. Few stepz split level in one of Manchester’s Woods, MI 9-7702, Jahanna Evans, ALL ’TYPES of carpentry work In any amounts. Terms to suit EXPERIENCBU) painter wanted. MI 9-6663. 94)820. Holmes Jr. wounded In the Civil NEED A CAR and bad your credit courteous instructors. Class room your needs. J. D. Realty, 470 suits, shirts and dresses. MI MI 3-1053 between 5 and 0. FOUR ROOM—Apartment, heat, to bus line. $14,900. Philbrlck fine neighborhoods. Four large bed­ falfa longer than any other plant done. Alterations, dormers, roof­ Call after 6, MI 8-1420. 9-5459. THREE ROOM furnished apart­ used solely for fodder. W ar? turned down? Short on down pay­ Instructions for 16, i7 year olds. ings. porches, finish upstairs, base­ Main St, MI 8-8129. hot water, refrigerator and stove. Agency: MT 9-8464. rooms, spacious dining room, large X-'VBRNON — New 6 room ranch ment? Bankrupt? Repoesession? Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director DOUBLE SET-'TUBS In good con­ Call MI 9-1919 between 6-7 p.m. ment avallalde Aug. l. Suitable for recreation room, fireplace, 2% A—Yes. In the battles of Ball’s of Driver Education. MI 9-7898. ments and garages, etc. Call Ml dition, reasonable. Call r a 8-7610 newly weds or working couple. ROCKLEDGE —6% ‘room cape/ 3 with attached garage, built-in and . / I Bluff. Antletam, and Frederlcks- Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ 9-8081. ABRACADABRA IS A magic Help Wanted— baths, 3-car garage. Priced .proper Q—'Were any battles of the word! Consolidation la another. Building Bfatertals 47 after 6 p.m. Tel. ML 9-0641 or ACademy 8-3798. full baths,' built-in oven and stove and oven, one acre wooded las, get the lowdown on the low­ Male or Female ' 37 ly In low 30s. Eve. MI 4-1139, MI lot, 2 fireplaces, near new Vernon Ruth Millett Revolutionary War fought on burg:- est down and smallest payments W. F. DION CJonstruction Company. Lower your monthly paymenta by range, enclosed porch, one-^car ga­ 9-9888, hn 3-5711. USED BUILDING material for 1962 PHILCO TV console. Inquire THREE ROOMS, sto've. refrigera­ rage. There are many extras go­ Elementary School. SeUing for Delaware soil ? anywhere. Not a small loan or Garage— Service—Storage 10 Alterations, additions, garages, lumping your debts Into a single REAL ESTA’TE sal^lunan full ot Town Q—'Who was the first U.S. pres­ sale, 2x3s and up, sheathing, stor­ at 166 Wells St. after 6. A-1 condi tor, hot water. MI 8-8872 after ing with this house that makes $17,900. R. F. Dlmock Co..' M l Q—^What historical event took A-^Gnly one — .the battle of finance company plan. Douglas formica counters, roofing siding, second mortgage. A penny a part-time. Rock'ville Realty, TR tlon. p.m. Bead and Heed Theee Tlpe to ident against whom Impeabhmeiit month for each dollar you borrow. age bins, shelving, work benches, for comfortable living. $23,900. WARREN E. HOWLAND 9-8245, Barbara Woods. MI 9-7702, place on Prospect Hill In Somer­ Gooch’s Bridge. Motors. 888 Main St. painting. Plans drawn. Mi 8-0805. 6-1851. Advertisement Johanna Evans, MI 9-8653. Succeed on First Job resolutions were introduced? LARGE BUIIJ3ING. Could be used Connecticut Mortgage Exchange, two complete bauroom sets, two PhUbrick Agency, ML 9-8464. Realtor ^ 3-1108 ville, Mass? A>—John Tyler. The resoluttoB' for storage or workshop. MI 8-4685. SACRIFICE — Beautiful Duncan FOUR RTHE HERALD” time 1-6:30, all day Saturday; the receipt of bids, will be publicly MI 8-5129. anteed service on all other '* 17 year old daughter, 12 year son, lent condition. tioh room. $5,000 cash required to a -young man or woman with a job makes. See our 'special do-lt-your- good atartlng salary. Call for ap­ opened and read aloud. Madiise CIm iw I Can Be Seen By Appointment— Call PI 2-6226 Drawing and specificationa may. and 6 year daughter. Call MI 56 PL.W0OD ROAD-Cdanial, large assume $11,500 mortgage at 4%%. to do. self department featuring dis­ pointment. MI 9-9996 9-12 a.m. or Septle Tanks, Dry Walla, Sewer d u p l e x o n e BLOCK from Cen­ 7-8 p.m. 8-1868 any time. living room, fireplace, formal din­ Immediate occupancy. Joseph Don't be such a clock watcher count prices. Open evenings and bf examined at the office of thd tinea Installed—bellar Water­ IS Architect, 852 Asylum Avenue, proofing Dona.. ing nonoL cabinet ^ kitchen with ter St; Owner’s side has new mod­ Barth, Broker. MI O-OwK). that you Are .ready to leave SENT TO YOU BY MAIL Saturdays, Satellite Electronic PART TIME WAITRESS wanted iREGIS’TERED NUttSE and family dishwasher, 8 bedroomq. 1% baths, em kitchen. An excellent opportun­ 'mthutes before closing time. H«lpi IcMp your Service, 169 School St. Manches­ Hartford, Connecticut,, and copies ity for a young or retired couple. BOWERS AREA—191 Hollister St weekends. Apply In person. John’s thereof obtained after July 27, desire three bedroom apartment in Iands(M4>ed lot 80x200. Marion E. ter. Call JA 8-1669 after 4:30. Bar and Restaurant, 144 W. Main S. J. PLOUFE - Manchester for Sept. 1. Call PI R obert^, Broker. Ml 8-5958. Call today for particulars. 3 bedroom Cape, two baths base­ burnor cloon, of It en p and fill out thia coupon. Mall to Circulation Department 1960. MdCINNEY BROS. Q—^How extensive la the. motion St„ Rockville, 3-7998. ment completely finished. 'Owner along with your check or money order. Bkich bidder must deposit with S«w«rcia« DispoMl BUILDER ...... REAL ESTATE MANCHESIER —Oambolati buUt RQLLINO PARK CAPE with transferred. Principals only. MI- picture Industry In Japan? hootc your homol MORTENBEN TV Specialized RCA his bid security in the amount of everything, 2 ceramic tile baths, 6 A—Japan is now running a close ' EXPERIENCED 180-182 Pearl St—m ~ 4 fetedroom Cajpe, full dormer, 9<25S7. RT-9S it the most completely televlilon, service. Ml 9-4041. ten per cent (10% ) o f hie Ud in : Bqsiness Property for Srie 7i i brick front, fireplace, plaatersd pisistered rooms, recently redeco­ second to Hollywood In the num­ I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD t SEWING MACHINE the form of a certified check or bid rated, garage and park-lika yard. BEAUnFUL elx Yoom ranch with ber of motion pictures it turns out. effective fuel oU additive in use CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, waUs, full bjM m rat, aluminum . 13 Blsaell St., Manchester, Conn. . bond from a surety company au­ ■ PAVE SEVERAL-Pleces of I'ex- today. This helps ydur oil Operators and Trainees storms. $900 down. Schwarts Itoal full basement. 3. large bedrooms, Please send "The Herald" to mo at the following available ah hours Satlefibtlon thorized to do bueineee In the State ; cellent Investment property. J. D. ADams T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor dining room and lovely living I vacs* I 5680 guaranteed. Call MI 9-1815 Estate, MLS Realtor, burner deliver more dean, de- . tlon address: >- of Connecticut. ' Realty, 470 Main St.. MI 8-5129. room with fireplace, Belflore pendsblt heat. You get pre­ The beauty of a basket of flow- Apply 6-1241 or MI $-6464. GONDER^B^^TV Service—Motorola No bid may be withdrawn Yor a ■ MI 8-1577- Agency,', MI 8-r-“1-6131. NEED mium lenrlee, too. AU designed 8W and pretty butterflies is etp- •jArlod of thirty days after the 4 Name and Phltco factory service, HI-FI, MANCHESTER MODES, Inc. to make home heating'eesy. ~ turad In this filet scarf that U opening of bids. Wes Smith, MI 9-8952 R(X3CVHXE—7 room house, 4 bed­ fascinsUng to crochet. 8102 phonos and auto radios. 214 Spruce Pine St,, Manchester 'j F O R S A L E SCREENS 10-70 St. Ml 9-1486. ’The Owner reaervee the right to ckWs rooms,! modem kitchen with built- Street Pattern No. 5680 has crochet di- lns, 1)4 baths, close to shoralng OB APPUCA’TIONS being accepted for re'Jeot any or all bids and to waive INVESTMENT PROPERTY bus, immediate occupancy. MI , SUMMER OR WINTER Co/r today for ( ^ 3 rectlons for scarf measuring sp- A handsome two part frock, any Informalities m -tha bidding If 9-4816. and Bcbools, fenced In yard. (5wn- permanent part-time cashiers and ^ Buolnesa zone.J2nd floor 4 room eradmatsly 15" x 84"; sUtch U- young in line and detail, to wear Millinery Dremmaking 19 sales clerks. Hours from 9 s.m. It be in the public tnteriut so to do. Enjoy this delightful 8 room er moving. Price reduced to COMBINATION City and State furnished apartment. Excellent MERROW—Route 82. L a m ranch at Bolton Lwe. 8 bedrooms, $10,300. Louis Goldfarb Realtor, instratleiu; filst diagram. around the calendar in appropriate Some nights. Apply in person to The successful bidder will be re­ M o b ilh e o t «m $ To erdsr, send 29c in coin to:— fabrica-with or without the bo­ DREHSMAKINCi and aiteratione. quired to fumiah • performance WE ARE HIRIN6! . condition. Priced to s e ll.' room ranch,' hardwoodod floofloors, stone fireplace, hot atr heat, 3 TR 6-7096. Manager, Fairway, Main 81. SCREEN DOORS? Anns Cabot, The Manchester Eve- lero. Call MI 9-0883 after 6:30, week­ bond In an amount not leas than fireplace, newly renovated, - gM EXTRA LOTS, the value la here, My home addresa la ROCKVILLB-,-10 West ItoaA— BftigHarald, 1160 AVE. OK No. 8102 with Patt-O-Raina U ends any hour. REUABLE WOMAN to carrf’ .fo r one himdred per cent (100%) of w Lathe Operators # Jig Bore Operators Phone MI 8-6278 heat. Sferagle and bond stone ex- don’t you miss it. CALL terior. Basement .garage. On bus Zoned commercial. Establlohed AMniOAB, NEW TOEK 8f, N. in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Bust two young children In my home,! the contract price, covering tl(e Frond se»*seses To 'Me days. Monday-Friday, 8-8, Call MI BRAE-BURN REAL'TY line. Assumable mortgage, $12,- TV store and two apartments of WE GIVE 81 to 40. Size .12, 82 bust, dress, MoTing->Tnicklng‘ faithful performance of the con­ T. J . CROCKETT, Realtor 4 and 8 roomi. L«t frontage UOx Fbr lst>class------msUiiig0|T add 10c 4^4 yards of 39-inch; bolero, 1% 3-4638 after 7. I tract and the payment of all per­ # Milling Machine Operators # Toolmakers 600. overland coQe^ R u s e o GREEN STAMPS □ ' 1 week 80o—O 8 weeka 60o—p 8 weeks 96a Mb p a ^ i sto ra g e 20 200. Detached garage. Other □ 1 month Sl-SO—(CJieck length o f time wsntod) for aeeh pe^ra. PrinLName, Ad yards; <4 yard contrast. sona performing labor under thia ENGLISHOoLdNlAL-Brlck and M I 8-1 67 7 business posslbUlties. Owner Four M eisli to Choose From. ___ i-wfth eob ) and Pattern Num- To order, send 85c In coins to: AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- contract and fumiahlng material In # All Around Machinists leavtng State. M ce $13,600, Be Mara >• B o y BeUsMUty. CHECK UR MONEY ORDER MUST Help Wantoa— (MiUe 36 Hoobm for Salo 72 frame censtmetira, 7 rooms 1%; a c c o m p a n y t h is o r d e r Sue Burnett, Manchester Evening moving, paoklng, storsfo. Low connectimi with the contract Sure­ baths. Gangs. A holna o t baauty Wes Smith, HI.9-8952 Louis Goldfarb, Realtor, TR i: Flowsr QuilU Q ldl; Herald, 1158 AVE. OF AMBRI- rate on long mstsneo moves to MBJCHANIC—Full Or part’ time. ty bond must be Issued by a surety 6 0 0 0 p a y . . . OVERTIME OPPORTUNITIES . . . FRINGE lENEFITS . 9 0 -n PORTER ST. EMqptlokially and oofnlbrt. MadaWns Smltlb 6-7098. R. a . K i m i MORIMTY '8 Fatebwork Q103; OAB, NEW TOBK ff, N.Y. tt suteS, m m i n . Apply In person. Carlson’e Bx> company Uceasod to do buetness la U' - lo m two-fsaUly, now vacant, Raattor,.10 MANCRBtTISR D gi|$ Ansaldl ; Teung Folk's Q104; For let-eleee nuUllng add 10c press, 44 Stock Place. th# StaU o f Ooanoetlout ____ . . .. - iniu honhG 5 n o n fun SOUTH WlNDSaR-4Ugbt «Q Man­ Mlf.044S MANCHBS’^ Pe^kago Delivery. cen *^ coafidraoo. PrfMd rigm ^ Q106; Bible Favor- for each petUm. Frtnt Name, Ad- By: Mr. Rlehard Martin, QsMral - quick sale. Ml $4ttB, $-$. 59 HOLL S^EET—Large 10 room basement ‘ tirralaoc, plaatarad chester line! Enjoy towsr taxes BROTHERS and directions draea with Zone, Style No. end Light trucking sod package dellv- GREEN M ANOR-Two expesionoed Maaager MAL TOOL & ENGINEERING CO. singls hom^ 6 badrooma,' ' aconomi- ' walls, fuU inaUli^on, hot water oU with city convenience. Newly ery. Refrigerstors, washers and brush men Iholde sod out, Call Town ot Maaehestov I ll ADAMS STREBT g r e e n m an or—6 room ranch, cal heat, » « a r 'g a n g s , oonveo- beat, eombtaatloa windowa and painted three bedromn ranch on Pkeduete Ce. •lie. s ^ e moving apeUalW. FUdti« M l 3 - 5 l3 $ BMie FeelSea biegitlne 85a. OlaetoabOiF MBdtord M M t after _ OOWMotleut cooveoient locatica. ^ eed for lontly located. $S,M0 down. Osn ,ba dooH, lange, amaalte drive, city Deautifuny situated lot with fruit ''Bash Avs., chain tor nat. Ml f^ n . «p .m . Dstsd: JUUrJT. XNO ^ Oslo. J. D. RMtty, MI- ■aan^^ealU^||^^Q|nrfird Aganey, oi01tts ^ |i$,$00. Cbariaa L a^ar- «nd shade trees. BeUiore Ageney, ■ “ * - u n le i- iii e w t e St. I Q t fiTi r

' i - - iATURDAY, JULY Sa, 1960 T m IKattcljifjateir Sw ningJI|w aU >

all company salesmen In the na-' OiBter. He said Hie huge Coty sign turn, acootding ' to Arnold Berg, ■od other adrertlsing stgns pro­ LT. About Town agency idee praaldent. Heard Along Main Street vided Just the right atmosphere ia r Holmes is a member c t the creativity. ICE P U W U ' Untermqyer Interrupted with, M rt S. ItodfMun, district Business Bodies John Richters Agency in H art­ And on Some o/ Mdnehe»tet^» Sido" Stro^, Too 81 BI8 8 E I I . O C ford. V "Horace had hla Maecenas,' and rnammot at RoU ir Chib wiu mak« \ fit, cfndal visit to ths Msnchsster Ooliun has his Rockefellers. 1 sup­ CubetA^riuKed-Bloeka Record AdvertMag Overeettmatedf ^ectorp ipdlcated they would like pose you stop at the Charco-Nut Rotsiry Ciab Ttiaedsy st d:80 to see it moved, so that now "the AH oominittoe chairmen will be at For the first time in its history, In the continuing battle of tbe Food Bar on your way home." budgets, between General Manager foundation must* be all the way And.Colum admitted he did. the Msadiester Oonntry Club st S Bears, Roebuck and Co. invested down to sea level.” o’clock to make reporis to the dis­ ore than 950,000,000 in newspa­ Richard MarUn and the Board of A N ot. Education, Martin scored with* a trict gownior. pers^Advertising space In 1950, OUve OpHoiial JameeDeRocco, local Sears store light Jab the other night. Manchester WATES will meet manager, announced today. Meeting with Town Directors, A t the W riters bonference In THE OFFICE OF Tuesday evening ftt the ItsUan The company’s record high 1959 Martin recalled for them how the SulBeld two d ayf ago, n ^ e ra to r- Trooper H w t American Club on Eldridge St. jretail store newspaper advertising Board of Education insisted a year author WllUam Jay Smith revealed DR JEAN-LOUIS Weighing-in will begin at 7 o’clock, expenditure was 952,620,000, an ago it couldn't squeeze several a hitherto unknown Invention of and a short board meeting will fol­ Increase o f morb than 93,000,(K>0 hundred dollars out of the school Pulitzer prize winning hovellet Chasing Car . HEBERT low. Rules and regulations booklets over the 1958 total o f 949,500.000, budget to build steps at the Bow­ Richard Wilbur, will be given and explained by M n . DeRocco said. ers School. ’The Directors should This was the “Fennel Martini." A Statt Police inspector, work­ I Meacham, president. pay out of other monies, the Board Wilbur’s Invention called for It represented the fourteenth ing'but of the. Fire Marshal’s of­ consecutive year Sears has Invest­ o f Education said. The Directors rubbing the Inside of the martini WILL BE CLOSED Bpeclalist 4, Richard R. Hsxelton! ed a record-breaking number of did. glass with chopped fennel leaves, fice, was injured and taken to son of Richard Haselton of 44S dollars in newspaper advertising Weil, the end of the year has said Smith. .The martini liquids Manchester MemorisJ Hospital FROM MON., AUG. 1 Woodland S t, recently was pre­ ■pace, he added. n o w , rolled around and it turns were, then poured into the glass in around midnight near the Rt. 8 sented the Arm y Commendation More than 925 daily and weekly but that the school budget has any proportions^ preferired. The TO TUES., AUG. 9 Medal at F t Bragg. N.C., for his 9 1 final touch was the addition of cutoff In Manchester. outstanding performance of duties newspapers' throughout the United S .QOO left over, MaYtih pointed States shared In the 1959 expendi­ morq bits o f shredded :fennel Frank Whalen, 56, of Rocky as post artist at the fo r t He la a out. ture, which was 76.5 per cent of leaves. Hill, is listed in good condition. 1967 graduate of Syracuse (N.Y.) He has multiple bruises on his en­ Unlvenrtty School of Art. the company’s retail advertising 10-9-8-7------"Delicious!” agreed everyone budget. A Woman, whom we won’t who tried it. tire body, especially the hands and Identify, sent in a tlmelv sugges- knees. . Wtrtfgsng Behl, sculptor from Total retail m ^ ia expense of "But the Invention was given 969,629,600 In 1959 also set a new 'tlon this week on how Rockville up after three months,” said According to the Hartford Hartford, will speak on "Youth and Vernon officiels might solve and Sculpture” Tuesday a t the high. Increasing 95,218,500 over Smith, “because o f its unwhole­ Troop, Whalen was Involved In a 1958 expenditures o f 984,311.000 their sanitation problems. VafiatioR Notice noon meeting o f the,Klwanis Club. some similarity to aquarium.” high speed chase at the time of Advertising through radio, tele­ T h e, Rockville City dump was the accident. closed earlier this month because WE WILL BE vision and circulars accounted for Boft SeU A t 80 miles an hour,-he had Just 917,009,500 o f the total media ex­ it constituted a health hazard, and CLOSED JULY 29Hi officials in Rockville and Vernon Two little boys were having a pulled his unmarked, pastel-color­ pense. hard time this week selling greet­ ed- Cruiser alpngside the car he was THRU In 1959, Sears retail and mall have been plagued with the prob­ NOTICE lem of finding another dump since ing cards on Olcott St. Nobody after to signal it to pull over, AUGUST 15th order divisions had net sales of wanted t(!i greet gnybody. when it suddenly veered left, forc­ 14,036,153,139, largest in the firm’s then. Her suggestion was in the form One o f the little boys returned to' ing Whalen o ff the road. THE OFFICE OF 'T3-year history. During, the year, L & M. EQUIPMENT of a'cartoon. It shows sanitation a house where he had tried un­ the company opened eight new His cruiser first hit the bridge trucks backing up to a huge miss­ successfully to sell cards. COMPANY DR IRWIN RESNICK stores In areas not previously abutment to his left, then it ile, while in the bac’:ground an­ "Would you like to take a caromed to the right and glanced . Bamforth Road, Vernon served by Sears to bring the total other missile blasts off for outer DENTIST number o f stores in this country chance on a surprise package?” he off the other abutment. * space. I asked thcTwoman o f the house. to 734 as o f Jan. 31, 1960, the Whalen was tossed out onto the She looked at the "surprise 935 MAIN ST. close of the fiscal year. pavement, while, the cruiser con­ Strong Foundation package” which was done up in a tinued for another 300 feet, going WILL b e ' c l o s e d Briefs "Just get it out of there.” bit o f tissue paper hardly' larger than a button. up and down the embankment, Connecticut policyholders and Smiling when he said them, knocking down a light pole that AUG. 1 thru AUG. 18 beneficiaries of the Prudential In these were the words o f Mayor Eu­ "Yes, I ’ll take a chance,” ' she was in its path. ■urance Co. were paid 912,930,000 gene T. Kelly last week to Gen­ said, handtog him a nickel. The motorist who was being during the first six months of 1960, eral Manager Richard Martin, re­ The package was a surprise, al­ chased escaped. the company eaya. garding the Park Department right. It was a penny. Mrs. Helen O, Hastings, assistant shack which still takes up space chief operator at the Manchester on the site o f the new North End Atmosphere division of the Southern New Eng­ Junior high school. Several Manchester persons had ELECTRONICS WILROSE land Telephone Co., retires today The problem seems to be; Where the delight of hearing an ex- ANNE CAMPBELL’S after 27 jwars’ service with the to put'it? ch^ge of gentle jokes between -LABORATORIES DRESS SHOP company. M a^in, defending the shack, poet and novelist Padraic Colum suggested using it in connection and author-critic Louts . Unter BEAUTY SALON 601 Main St. Comer Pearl Celebrating service anniversaries Ansaldi makes a final check of plans to his enlarged and mod­ this month with SNET are Alton A. with a new Higtiway garage whiph meyer at the Suffield Writers Con­ 848 MAIN STREET 277 BROAD ernized offices bn Bldwell St. The scene shows the generai offices Hall plant, 85 years; Thomas W. he would like t(T see the Directors ference, Reopening and service area at the front o f the buiiding. Across the street D u n fa^ plant, 20 years; and Ray- get interested in building. A t the session Thursday, the W IU BE CLOSED through the window, are a payioader and conveyor conducting mondu. Nesta, 6 years. Black mail ? writers told how they worked. sand and gravel operations. (Herald Photo by Oflara). Well, at any rate. Director Fran­ Colum said he used to begin by Mendoy, A 119. 1 Through CLOSED Tues., Aug% 2 ______—------..... — ...... Three Manchester residents em­ ployed by Sun Oil Co. were honored cis Mahoney had two smiling sug­ writing his ideas on the backs of Ansaldi I|enovatea gestions; ( 1) hide the shack'in the W IT H A L L room for blueprints and private of­ this week for a combined total of old pieces o f papers, using Central Wod., Aug. 1G ALL IffiXT WEEK A handsome glass facade now re­ fices for Ansaldi, president; and his 45 years’ service.- Honored at a Center Springs Park woods, or (2) Paric at his workroom. When he flects bright rows of flowers at the aon, Andrew Ansaldi Jr., vice Boston luncheon and then a Red make a hot dog stand out of it on typed the written notes he rewrote Ro-OpMilng REOPENING NEWFAU. entrance to the newly renovated president of the firm. SoK-White Sox baseball game were its present site, and make money. and edited them as h^ went along. Bldwell St. offices of Andrew An­ AU the rooms are finished in Russfll NetUeton, truck driver, 379. K elly said the shack started out His w ife disapproved of the mess Thttis., Aug. 11 MONDAY, MERCHANDISE saldi, building contractor. wood panelings of rift oak, cherry, Bldwell St., 20 years; Francis J- long a ^ as a 3-sided structure caused by all the papers around The firm, one of Manchester’s and suntan samara, and have tile SpUecki, motor products salesman, •with a dirt floor. But, over the their apartment, he said. AUGUST 8 largest residential and tndustriai floors and acoustical tile and plas­ 94 Brent Rd.. 10 years; and Walter years, he said, it seemed the Park So, more recently he has been WILROSE ter ceilings. The exterior Is of Lawrence, truck driver, 26 Edison Department kept making it more going to another, ideal place for contractors, also sells sand and ,\ii \ ii\i(i gravel, crushed stone, ready-mix brick. St., 15 years. permanent every time Town Dl- thinking and writing—Rockefeller Read Herald Advs. DRESS SHOP concrete, and mason’s supplies. Plans for the alterations ware 001 Main M.. Comer Peart The building now contains about drawn by youiw Ansaldi and Arnold 1200 square feet of office space, al­ •Lawrence, architect. most double its former size. The renovation marks the be­ The expansion was necessary, ginning of AnsaMl's 34th year in Ansaldi said, to better serve cus­ the building trade. He has been at the present location since 1937. r — i V O t r — ------FOR tomers and provide more working and office space. When he purchased the site it was SCREEN PORCH The general offices and service "nothing but wooda and swamp,” area at the front of the building he said. OR have been enlarged and modern­ Between 70 and 75 trucks and ized. At the back are a storage pieces of heavy equipment are JALOUSIE housed at the site. The firm pres­ ently employs about 85 persons. lEARN WHILE YOU ENCLOSURES Ansaldi estimate he has built about 250 houses "from the ground Your Best Buy Is up,’’ and has worked on more BeUabUlv and ExpoleBee WESTOWN than 1,000. (Currently, he is devel­ GET WELL PAID ON-THEJOB TRAINING Can oping the tract known as Dart­ ■ ■ PHARMACY mouth Heights in the southeast R. G. KITTLE UB Hartford ’Rd— Ml 6-9946 section of town near Highland Park. Plans there call for 42 MI9-04M To maintain oar continuity houses in the 530,000 class. Leeal Agaai For of medical service we are RUSCO Oompletee Program And Norman Baldwin of the. Bantiy at the Open All Day Oil Co., 331 Main St.,‘ has com­ PLAN YOUR FUTURE Barttstt-Bralnard Prodoots Co. pleted the testing program for oil o n New Park Ave.. burner servicemen and has been West Hartford—AD SA470 SUNDAY awnrded a certificate. The testing program, held at the WITH THE INDUSTRY Hartford Regional Technical High School, was held to Inform service­ men of the latest -technical de­ AIRCRAFT velopments in the Industry. ’The THE ARMY AND NAVY educational program is sponsored OF THE FUTURE by the Connecticut -Petroleum Assn. • TOP WAGE RATES Refill Station M K I AND YOUNG MEN — You'll want to look iri'to this unu9uaf In keeping with 16 years of aervlcing and eelllng of sports and opportunity! .Many, many intaresting job openings are now BINGO athletic equipment, Nasaiff Arms • COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE BENEFITS AND Oo. has announced a new and life available to man who want to; take advantage of^a concen­ unique service: DANCINO EVERY SATURDAY NICHT The aport o f Scuba (Self Con­ Total DUaMlity trated training program, Uading into wall*|>aid;, permanent tained Underwater Breathing SiekEieee and Aeeldent i O'CLOCK Apparatus) diving, growing in I positions at the Air'craft. \ leaps and boiuide, has created a Surgical \ problem: Replacing the pure, filtered .and washed air for the X-Ray ‘ ' diving tanka. Naasiff Arms announces that HoepItallsatleB they are now classified as an O f­ A KEY TOrO YQUR FUTURE — This could be your long-awaited ficial Aqua-Lung Refill Station. Special Hospital Feeb 'They are equipped to handle sales Major Medical ^chance to gat ^a^cal jr and service on every type of regu­ tical training by competent instructors;— lator, including, U.S. Divers, Maternity Scuba, Volf, Dacor and Seacraft, right on the job, using mctdarn machines and equipment and MONDAY and also carry a complete stock -- - t o f accessories for skin and Scuba earn while you learn. .„ ONE DAY ONLY! diving. • EXCEPTIONAL RETIREMENT PLAN The Connecticut Council of D iv­ ing Clubs is considtred one o f the .hit ...... "* ENTIRE STOCK Jargett and most active In the EIGHT PAID HOUDAYS I # country, and has cooperittsd with the authorities many times, volun­ DONT DELAY— Coma in and sea one of our interviewers. He'jl teering their services In rescue, salvage and repair operattons. • LIBERAL PAID VACATIONS be glad to review your qualifications for one 6f these interest­ JEWELRY Leading Saleaman ing jobs. Prafaranca will bb given to high school or trade school Jamfs B. Holmes of 63 Cam­ • LARGEST CREDIT UNION NOTHING HELD BACK! bridge St. was Indianapolis Life graduates. Just coma in for a visit any weekday, including Insurance Company’s leading salesman in Connecticut in June. Sohirday, from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. -A ,/c PINS Your He alto ranked seventh amoilg • ORGANOID RECREATION * % BARRINGS Choice ■ • SIX CAPEriRIAS NECKLACES Notice Tlw bnploynMnt Officn it nmy fo find on SETS WE HAVI DAILY • COMVBNIENT LOCATION Main Stmnt in Eotl Hartford, Connoetieut. BRACaETS OEUVERY TO THE MEN'S JE%VELRY Price BOLTON AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES ON COMPANY PROPERTY ARE AVAILARLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AREA ON SU E MONDAirONLY!

WE GIVE PINE LENOX WORLD GREEN PHARMACY PRATT & WHITNEY W AIIW flY STAMPS m E. CENTER ST. 9 i f * U U Dividan af United Aircraft Garpomtion ; t I.A*'- 'rt- TILMMSM lAHl lOailPpM jiANI ONitMltt i; , be$4J,ru»hed‘Bioek»


ILL BE CLOSED VIDBO BVIJRY WBBK—ALL UOHTS BB8EBVBD, B. X. DICKINSON A OO^ Zone" commerclAls? It Is bailee OM MON., AUG. 1 T V Reruns appropriate,’* she Ihugtwd. music, but X can not identify IL Filmed commercials, which can — May G. D TUES., AUG. 9 havs retakes as weU as reruns^ are A .— The music is the “Bse- easy for say, charmlns Jeanne. chanal” from “Faust" by UounoO. Private Gold Mine It’s the bis Uys shows which are nightmares.. Q: Why doesn’t Pete show kta “There was the one,” she recall­ Q: I xeod recently that Darin rtfe, Gladys, on “Decembae ed, "I did for a bis automobile com­ McQavin of "Rlverboat" wa#> bad­ Bride?” rd like to get a look nt For This‘Pitch GaF pany when I slammed the door of ly Injured. Can you tell me what her.—Jim O. thd car and a fellow announcer happened?—Julie S. A: Perhape the script wrltsf leation Notiee nr nuM U N v j o b n s o n who was working with me forgot A. Darin McQhvih was In an wants to add novelty to the show to take his hand out of the way. automobile accident a few months by making Gladys “conspicuous bjr Bollywood borreepondea* ago and hod to miis two episodes WE WILL BE NMrnpoper XKtorprlao Aaoe. His fliigers were blue an<' blue and her absence." A new show called so were some of his lines. He didn’t of the show, He Is OJft. now. "Pete and Gladys” is scheduled for OSED JULY 29Hi Hollywood — (NBA) — It’o say'“ Ouch." He said, ------that time of the TV year for a ln | :- Q: Will Ifflckey Rooney ma%e next season, so you may got a chance to see her after all. , THftU inff the rerun blue* (worse than That _ instant pudding which any more appearance on “ Wagon AUGUST .15th ever this summer becaHise ot the wasn't still gives Jeanne the in­ Train?”—Pete F. writers' strike) but we have with stant shudders. A ; Mickey will not only appear Q — I haven’t seen Betty Ann us today a youns: lady who is Just In, but wfll direct two ’’Wagon Grove on TV recently. Can y»u V M. EQUIPMENT wild about reruns. *T wss suppossd to mix powder and mUk,’*.she laug^ied. “Well, they Train" episodes next season. tell me what she Is presently do­ COMPANY They pay her, you see, about ing? — Clarice M. 917,000 c year. gave me too much milk and too imfortA Road, Vernon little powder. Q: Will .David Nelson appear in A—Betty. Ann Grove is appear­ Whet’s more, Jeanne Baird isn’t “Ossie and Harriet" next season? “When I was supposed to hold ing in Guy liombardo's production •von asked, like'aU of us, to ait —Tina F. i of "Hit .The Deck’ ’ at the Jonen and watch the reidiowlnge- m the cup upside down to show con­ sistency, body and texture, proving A: Yes, David It Currently tour­ Beach Marine Theatre in New that the pudding hardened.almost ing fairs and circuses in a trapese York this Slimmer. She plans instantly, it gushed out all over act, but will return to Hollywood return to TV ih the fnU. me and the rest of the set.” at the end of the summer to film “Ossie and Harriet." But accidents will happen and for saving the show with her quick Q: What are the . namea of the thinking Jeanne has what the TV actors who portray the captain on trade coUs “good recovery." ’’Rlverboat’’ and the detective on ()■(/■-(/■) III I I III <1 s Here’s one TV will never forget “Mike Hammer." They look alike. about the Meodville, Pa., girl who —Tom Q. ELECTRONICS ELECTRO.NICS became interested In acting while A: Darren McGavin plays both FLOWER attending the University of Coll Capt. Grey Holden in “ Rlverboat" ^LABORATORIES LABORATORIES Jeanne Baird fomia at Los Angeles and then od and the title role in “ Mike Ham­ libbed auto commercials on an L.A. mer.” FASHIONS home screens. TV simply flashes station. i • 277 BROAD pretty Jeanne’s film all over the Jeanne was doing a beautiful Q: la Don Durant of "Johnny dial while Jeanne Just opens en­ hair-do commercial, acted out of Ringo’’ married? Is It really he who milikowski velopes and takes' out her checks. the sound of beautiful background sings the show’s theme song? — She’s one ot the most |u>tlve, music, and with soft lights, gleam­ Dolores S. M'-. '! in ' I CLOSED For Sununor Fun as well os prettiest, commercial ing teeth, smd a handsome mole A : The answer to both your ques­ spieler In ’TV and that 117,000 dancing partner. tions is ‘‘yes." [LL m X f WEEK Start Witir certainly makes her “Mias Rerun The camera moved in for a of 1080." ch>ae-up ot Jeanne’s pretty face Q : What happened to first violin­ STANEK'S She’s also a Miss Good Recov­ and well-groomed hair when the ist, Dick Kestner, of the Lawrence REOPENING ery, ndilch I’ll tell you about In a ridiculous happened. Waiting' in Welk show?—Margaret S. Portable Radios, TV minute after you hear how the wings to appear in the show’s A; He has resigned from .the MONDAY, dramatic offering, a monkey eluded Welk orchestra in order to go out Royal Transistor Radies, Tape Jeanne gejs paid for doing noth­ AUGUST 8 ing white at the-same time being ita trainer, scampered across . the on his own.* Recerdera, Ante Radloc. the busiest gal in TV. floor of the TV studio and Jumped ICE CREAM CO. on top of Jeanne’s head. Q: Why hM Jeff York been For several yearn she has been Without losing a beat, Jeanne III' » ^ \ I I - ^ featured in Aimed TV commercials missing from so many of "T | ie MANUFACTTEBS looked into, the camera, smiled and Alaskans" program?—Portia W. urging you to buy everything ad libbed: from dog food to lavender hair “Don’t let' an inferior product A: Jeff York’s contract with O rfite lIV s rinse. Bosk; pay is gaCO a day. But make you look like a monkey.' Warner Brothers has been ter­ repeat, uee of the flbns brings She won an extra check for that minated by Mutual agreement. He JU tlS REALTY CO. Jeanne more checks. quick thinking—and a miniature will not return to the show. BANQUET REALTORS—INSCTRORS She’s appeared in so many com­ Emmy from a boy friend. The in­ mercials, she finds herself busy scription read: "Unsting Heroine Q: Will Johnny^fathU moke Reeidcntlal—^Industrial opening envelopee with checks ber any television guest appearances Commercial, of the TV Season." SPUMONI fom dashing off to appear in more Let it not be sold that Jeanne this summer?—Jo T. Oiistom Service For commercials which will bring her isn’t an actress. She Is. One of A : Johnny will be busy this Over 90 Years more checks.. her jobs w m being interidewed, summer with a night club and It’sc a real nioe money-go- cross - examined and questioned concert tour. His imme^ate plans MS E , Oerter S t—ML »=41W- round. a l ^ t a recent movie. For w ^ks do hot include television..... JOHN L JENNEY *But K isn’t all a bed of roses, she raved about the picture “ un­ says Jeanne. til I even talked myself into seeing Q — Would you please identify C. LEROY NORRIS ‘Bed of neuroses would be more it." the music played during “Twilight ASSOCIATE ONE HOUR ‘‘MARTIMZINO” Insurance of All Kinds ..J S A T U R D A Y Television PROGRAM Bonds 1 Hour Dry Cleaning "The Magnificent Adah." . with Mevie At Ntae u U:ee Sky Kiss Ruth Roman as guest star. A "Strange Affection". Terence 944 NO. MAIN STREET Tree Sletv ' famous stage performer seems to Morgan. At 20 E. Center St.. Manchester PepMe Theater threaten the stability ot family • :M Have Obb. Will Travel PHONE M l S-C8M Ohnreh Comers, East Bartford ta s d e y la BewHret life on the Fonderosa when Ben’s Starring :R(chatd .B(mn.e./In an at­ lt:N Afrieoa Pstrel son misinterpreta her intentions tempt to reconcile two feudlnr 7BI MAIN STREET Deteetive’e Dlayy n . M towards their father'. (Repeat). brothers. Paladin finds himsel PHONE Ml 9-9929 Rimam Dick Clark M ew I, U marked for death. (R). 2 Hour Shirt Sorvieo !;•# I Search Fer ASvoatare Guests: Jimmy Clanton. Johnny World Wide M 3Z^ I . Mr. W hor« and the Hurricanes. Jerry Wal- Presents "Jamboree.’*i:wtth j(erb At 2M Middle Tumpike. West ... Bawkeye.. —-- — —lace. (Chubby Checker. — ----- — ■ Shrlner as host and harratbr. to Manchester ...... --— • Naval Beeerve Beer >:## Joha Ganther’s BIgh Bead S, U —— mark the 60th anniversary of the FOt 15 YEARS . I Sky Bias "Pakistan" (R) A visit to one of Boy .Scouts. The program will All Worit Done On Premises 1:M Carteea Coroivol Asia's vital new republics, as seen be tailed at (he Boy Scouts Jubilee Weeleni Morehal through the eyes of a teenaged Jamboree St Colorado Springs. nioi youth, on his camel caravan Jour­ , Colorado. July 32-3S. NASSIFF ARMS 60. leeMe Syerte ney from his home in the foothills 1#:M Guasraoke Texas Boasere of the Himalayas to the Univer­ Starring James Arness and fea­ HAS BEEN THE RlOiR 1:4# Tre Geoie Shew sity of Lahore. John Gunther, nar­ turing Dennis Weaver. Marshal FREE.... 1:W Oa Deck Ctrde rator. Matt Dillon plays a tense waiting PLACE TO CIO FOR 1 :» noeeholl I:M Waated'—Dead Or Alive S game before. , tangling with a with each oil chango a Hfotbuo 'rankeen ve Koneoa City Starring Steve McQueen. A notorious hired ossasam In order EVEBYTHINO YOU WAOT >:## Boeaboll erased Army officer tries to in­ to learn the Identity of the persoa raesed at ^Mrvles performed en Red Sox ve Detroit cite an Indian • war and execute who has bought the would-be IN BoeekoU W. M bounty hunter Josh Randall. :il Baeekdl M. M —believed lost of sea six years taken Identity’’. A charred- body “HOUSE o r SPORTS" if^a concen- V w W i V i9 STATION Cincinnati vs Saa Fraoctaea ago —is fsund deep In the Amason found tn an auto wreck In France 4:M CarttMa Play* ease Jungle. (Repeat), la reported as that of Frederick 4:M Past OOlaie Shaw i-m vo It Te Beaver B. 4B. M Benson, an Bngllsh businessman. l^ermanent m a n c m e s t b r g r e e n 4:M Oar MleS Breehe Co-stars Barbara Billingsley and V.g. Marshal n PaaSya ThSOjer Hugh Beaumont with Jerry Math­ Markham 4$ m pPAd Wrooker and Baoe a( Waafep ers and Toajr Dow ia "W ally's dahilee id SPRINO GOATI d**wwVI Read Sendee. Brooklyn Handicap Test" (R). When Wally's friends ld;4C Pheoe Ike Pastor tB W S|wrts Oa Parade are caught cheating during a high 1I:BB Naws, Weather • Bpsrto I, IS (;## Beyalsac Coaeidy acbool exam, they try to shift the News. Weather B, SB I.eea Hrrel Cemedlee Maim* to Wally. Bstordsy Night News IB 3 0 % ® " Adveatare Serial eg# Mr. laioky • WrestHag 4B "The InrlaiMe Monoter" Starring John Vlvy#a. Mr. laicity ItiM t'PrtakrTIme «ti (;M Bacia# Preai Memaeath uses the drinkera’ code of "hair Dr. Bhrlich’s Magtc BuHet". Hd- Advealara of the deit' to overcome terror ward G. Robiiumi ■AYNINO suns ong-awalfeit} "Kentucky*' WaMor Breaat „ methods M as underworld char- llitd Peatare Film I • :M Bey Bodora f actor seeking to claim latcky’s “ The Human Comedy". Mtokoy Tea Weotara oMp. Rootiey, Duana Reed SUMMIR WEAR nstructors-— Taltm ef the Woot . 1$ Tho Depoty It. . . N WerM's Beat Mavtoa S Bl* Mae Shaw . , _ 9# Haary Foada aod Allea Cass oa- “ Invastaa af the B o ^ Snatcheni’’ • :M News, Weather • Speeds et«r la "Bock To Glory" Fry. Mo- K e^ McCarthy: "giiMa af IlM ment — and Brekea Arraw Oord aod RetIt l.amaoa M at a f t t’'.JMIcllBel Kedgrave. Tales o4 the VNUocs Wller aod Ma two partaera whs te Shew 4B lateraaHsaal SM Sdwap are holding a beautiful young “ Prisoner of ahafti M art", War­ Mari Mad*s AoMirlraos At Wsili 3 w smaa hoatage. (Repost). ner Baxter. W e S d l d!4C Racers Lawraooo Welk’a Baaciaj fl;BB News dl «91 MaiE SC.-4II ItC# Baw Ta Marry A lltM Mevto • Oaoiyy’a Ceraee '.Popular mueioal, hour (eirewlag "Beath Tafces A HeUdoy." Fred­ BARRE GUILD MaiHr at t , . , liswraane W«M and his eric Mardi. Bvelya TeaalBa. , “ Junide Bm ’’ Sohii ' pogoo Mui^ Makers la tidd News • Weather • MONUMENTS Man rreM latirpel daBcdag asM iaatrumentol SkB-Baws- . • PETS! ewers. He'|l FHehl Naw Bsrieaas f i Ig g Ogrg MuRGGiGR^ UmR liM Perry Masea ■ _ * . Exclusive TRIPlt REPINED ese interest- Starring R aymoad Burr ta Si ^GGf GH^ gIniNIigU Caw M the T e r r r ‘ • TMOPIOAL I Perry Mason is coni______TLANTIC HEATING OILS trade school lIG d unusnal caoe when na UYYLE A ly, including L T. WOOD CO U' RUktOOWPANT : M f. }v^iTc ■ 1 9 tA N < Patp-i


Television 188 W. UDDUB ltm & SUNDAY PROGRAM FLETCHER , MHehea 8.1^78 Television ' Dixay Diahea. ” If iachlevoua U l- TUESDAY PROGRAM , Delage, illusionist and t Bla- •:ap TIm Bit ptetan tle. Audrey baa a wild adventurk sarro Brothers, bell-ringer idUi as First Chaw Ig Starring Mlk4 Connors. Aa^uader. , when ahe fallt aaleep and dreama Masie Ob lea fZ. M pw P A R K IN Q GLASSB i eOMTAHY 8:18 -rhls Oar PaMh ''Mask ot Dlmltrida”. Baehary covsr polioe ageat trisa to says •iW Tk« c;iwl*toplMrr of battling alrange vlaitors from Color-Singer Johnny Desmond la •:M Agrlealtara Oa Parade Boott. Pays Bmersoa TU» I. TkoYi* outer apace. (R ) Other'atoriea. 8i88 Taday the rspulatlon oa well aa the life t;M Frsy»r host. "Upbeat, U.S.A," Guest list SB Dgaea Tima 88 of a police officer forced to iday llevto 88 includes singer June Valll. figure ^.^-suuuiH-MnHIlUIIIII . ^ •* the AM . The Adadral aad Bwabby Chaw 88 a koy role in a dariiv train rob- f ;MI TIm Nacbuur kir« "The Wife Taken A Flyer” . Joan Skater Shirley Dinde Steve Gibeon TOT ENCLOSURES _ GLASS rURNTTURB XOPS t-J8 Pmyot . The Cbrittoohcra ■ 8:88 Rarty Shaw. a .bery.(R). ^tanek ELECTRONICS Bennett. Franchot Tone and hla Redcaps with singer Joan 7:U Town Ottov ' I "The IjHAj .Waata Mlak”. MVa R leU td Diamsad, Psivata De- ■•Oortor 0 « rora4a M Baaeball’a Mala Street Prodor. Arden. •:U CbrMUa (tcloMa W - TV Reaker’a Dlgeat M liS8 SMding Owl Laud toettva ZZ. 84 ELLCTRONICS LABORATORIES •:M P«rMoM«a -1 De'cember BrMa -• 8t Oartaea Flayhemia IS Starring to "Coat . „ Maa WllhMt A Oan 8:M Lawmaa 8.'88. SI Breahtast llasa TwUtgbt Theater 88 ot Arms.” Diamond traooa a key CferiattiM S clu M i Starring aM Peter TUa la Tba U fa M 8:88' Faea Ifca Nattoa M?® R*«*a»da Becky aiki RIe FZttads W taken from a dead man's body LABORAIOHIFS M:W Laana Cato My r a «« • Newa Interview program; ' Brown In "The Hardcase” . (R). 8:88 Claudi fA ig a 8 277 BROAD Stuart Novlna, moderator. Marshal Troop asks an alcoholic 8:88 Pbatere Plbai Brare Stalfiea 88 Tka *5Bl2aMm pesapert ganj^ RHInnus anriaa. with Dr.Gahrtt! to keep hla daughter home; while MANCHESTER "JDanlel Boone”. Oeorg* O’l Crotnrrn. “ Hacloniia to the Rar- The Laae Rtuiger ” Starring Chwk Connors In “Danger Ahead". A cup of coffee a niggiMi crew of cowhands are in Heather AngeL 277 BROAD lckara." Guaat: Rather Aloyaiua - - ^ p g a r ^ s 's Daughter” irith GHoria De S. Hiller B.J. givea the Done Ranger a clue to town. F'i Weai&er. WM ^OwwOTvas Hews IMm^FM aaddRi^a epeuts M A Havan, guest star. Par a reason the Identity of an outlaw who Soepe U Bompor Baaaa Mark Sabw unknown to her, two robbers fol­ Thto la The kaswav ■ t:tt TV Theator . - t. MOTOR SALES Wartera Theater *Ckaa«a Of aofralk nhot down Sheriff Roberta. Clay­ I Afaasaae, Bpsrtaesg e low Lit Halstead to North Pork Pop—d«bl* $«nric« ton Moore atara . With Ronald Reajmn, program 'n r o t m o u m s m o b o j k d e a u b e ” 'Rodeo King aad Ihr Btno taa FalMha , . and threaten her lUe, Tka Chrlau aliari supervisor. "Hot Fottage,” oo- Rex Allen. E A S Y T O TMa la Tba Ufa Rveryanaa'a Faaally 18 Mystory Theator Ig —liMtlay Y«t Maehlakc Bridge Dairy St starring Richard Greene and 512 WEST CENTER STRSET AlataBao 8:88 O a m ^ . Spat A 41 M;M Laab Co Aak Uea *. - Robesf Strauss. TVe drama con­ 4:88 Looaor Taaa#- Vhw Uviag Head PARKHOIE RellirtouB nerlea. "n»e Ooapel n im A8 I Nawa U WiUi Art Gilmore as host. " I cerns rival television news M l 6^1811 •iJJ pagtafa Raagarua Was A Blood-hound*'. Starring I lM f * ’* mm dmmht ubmmt It. SoBf''.Sobs' A apecial program of 8:88 W I 8 M cameramen in Acapulco to film 8:18 I Married Jaaa apMlual. aeleoUoaa______aUrrinc Ma- ' Public affairs aerlea spolUghiing Camera Bmle Kovaos. D ie drama con­ lWen^g ■ever''e m m H sM W han jroa Im jt T V o r Mm- the arrival of survivors from a 8 : « Marjarla MWa cerns a private eye with an un- halla JaokaoB. Special gueaT;srt: The a wide range of topical Iaauea and torpedoed freighter. (R ), M:88 Daaembar g i ^ Mm yma wM t OopwiJoMr Rer. Alvin KerahAw. rector. 'AP recurring proMema. Interpreting I Death Valley Days umially keen sense of smell. (R). Pm M m i n8 8TANEE*8. TV Mystory Aw SZ. 88 Oawb Ba Ml . 88 78 Phil Wlvera ZRaw i 8 Paace Party M. 88 ■orrleo to koek It o | »— Salnta paiiab Petereborough. their aignificanee for the aver­ Color. Walter Sleaak la ,boat. "Sofety-Tesfeef N « BMtagg 8itlMF. Oem H. PreaeBted In cooperation arlth age viewer. Douglaa Kdwarda. ■tarto At Serca 18 Color. Kathryn and Arthur Murray I *k« ktaO yo« got kero. "Enough Rope.” After murdering 88:88 VM & VIHago .A '"Violent Stranger”' baehary Beott star. Guests; - Betty Comden, the Nallonal Coondl of ClMircbea host. "Parto Comment: BJIecttona hla wife a Star Pertormaaai tiMwedtay sviBlBgi ■aW of Cbiiat. (R). U.8.A.” A discussion of American psychiatrist boards an WeatlMir. Leeal Newa 88 Adolph .Green, Ann Sheridan and airliner wlwith his ^ rt friend who David Niven P»t ^rroll. (Repeat). The Uviag Waep political conventlona: carnpaigna poses as bis wife. Used Cars" Play Vaar Raaek 88. 88 Rewa A Weather 88. 48 Odeaaey and electloBs by three' French Tba Rebel 8 88 . „ Tea Aefcad Par M Daaglas Palrbaahs Vbsatsg 88 .48^ I. U, I 'III') ' \ I I A I I \ n I M :U Tbraagb Tbc Petabato political leaders. iDaaglaa Bdtrards. Mewa 48 Wayde Preston stars in “ Alias Starring Nick Adams in “The 'Un­ lli88 I Lave Lacy Mr. Howard.” (R ). A tense incl- 11:M Oat laak Meat The Praes 88 wanted.” (R). Refusing to be­ The Price Is BlghT .FUm . 88 Paltii Par Takay TnDUaa ToM • lieve that an old man Is a ghoul, imer. Plarhaaaa "Dorban Diarytt dent in tbe Itfc it bandit Jesse Aaierieaaa At wath fktrtoaa Playheasa 18 Hairs .88 James. . Johnny Yuma la rewarded with U:88 The O . ear Ratlasa I Fear Jaat Maa . '8 lh a Peadalam IS s v M u n c Rig Pletora TV Reakea'a Digeat the enmity of an entire town. Oeaneatineatrattoa Saerek Rm H Uuramto. -88 84 M:44 Diagaasis Cakaesm 8 1:88 ^ Tweatleth Ceataay - - - -8. ..Ma«to-A8 8'-...... M Starring aad . Robert o v ll:M U vlar Weak "The Addicted: Profile of a Young "Hurricane At Pilgrim Hill.” ■ Starring Patrick O'Neal and Ches­ Pllaa T H E N E W POai Crawford Jr., in "Rope of Stool.’ ter Morris. Hails ' Stoddard, CANADA Addict.” ITie firat oif a two-pan Hewaeiey 88 RESTAURANT A robbery witness keepo tho atol- AIR MITTRESS II ;W Camera Three I. kt report on the widespread Illegal U:88 lave Of Ufa - Paula Stewart and special gueat Kxnrrlmenlal nerlea; Jamec Mae- 8:M Alfred BlIcbMek Pressuto, - 8 Truth ar Osastaaeaa el money for himself smon rictim Jack Carter star in "Main Course andrew. boat. ■ H!* narcotica in this country. "Madame Mystery,” co-starring ■ O W E 8 BBd 44-.BN The R eatlaaa Qua ' and suspect are hilled. IRepeat). —Murder.” A millionaire hoala The program focuaes on an actual Joby Baker and Audrey Tottar. Bagartoat ' A 48. 88 UFE Tbia Oar Pailh • victim of drug addiction as he 88:88 Searob Par Tsmerre on unusual, gourmet dinner at Ms The Mak Heaae M Story of an , over-ambiltoua pCesa V n O aM Ba Poa 1^1 Hutchins stars In "The fcor- Mexican estate. Reir. 64.25. $ 2 ^ 0 D tS V R A N O E sirugglea to rid himaeir of the agent who doesn’t balk at murder stoan'*. (R ). By trying to make Highway ■elMayt ^ M habu In an effort to return to a L a v a ^ to t Rab A « . M Saaod Z8. 84 U ;H Rewa •, 4t when his scheme for success la Fihest In Food 18:48 Tba OaldFar Ugb* peace between two feuding broth­ L e e lfa rv in stars la "Let Tliere normal way of life. Waller Cron-. threatened. (R). ers, Jeopardlaes bis own IZ;M Aaieriraa Legeak I kite narrates. (R>. 1M8 My UUto M a ^ Be JUlght.” Ballinger poeee as a OONSVLT Nawa Raaakao ■ The Alaskaas 8. 88, 81 Aasal Paeea life. delivery man to rescue a kid- Rkwia Newmaa ReparMag A 88. 8:44 OMm f Mo«slg ia MM k Rewa Review M Rea Baal g Stars Roger Moore In "Peril At Luncheon and Dinner Menus At Rame WHh HiMr Peck’s Bad Oirt 8 n*P«d eye surgeon and save a Raiay Tear (laakea 4t Caribou Croaging” B - ^ f n 8-8841 M I S-ZOtZ .... beneath Mr. Wilson's house. (R). News 88 Univerally. Waco. Texaa. in dra­ News aad Weather 8, SS. 88 MANCHESTER matic rendlnga from the Bible. Maveitrb 8. 8S 11:18 Movie 88 Pletore For’ A Saakay Aftemooa James Gamer stars In "Flock of WEDNESDAY refcrfoion PROGRAM "Naked. City” Barry Dtagerald, Om SFEiDY Sp— iolty At Trouble". IR). Brer Maverick -]:tk Red Barber Pre.Oaaae Shew ft Howard Duff. Japeye Theater 8 newly rich husband begins look- wins a herd of 3.000 she.ep In a U ;I8 Featwre Film 8 4:84 ThIa Oar PaHk {D nt Shaw Z8 ing for>r Ms own "fountain of 1:S6 Raoeball • poker game after the stagecoach 4:84 Agricaltare ea Parade TRULY DEUCIOUS Ynnkeea va. Kanaaa City In which he's riding breaks down. "The Secret Heart” . Claudette ^Million Dollar IBahy” . Ronald Colbert Walter PIdgeon 1:44 Teday Reagan. PrisMIla Lstne iS^'" YOUR YARN SHOP Z;M Baaeball ZZ. M Highway PairM 4t World's Beet Mevles IT DOES Mak* A Difference Where Yov Save! Daiversity af the A lt Paitoo Ttoie 88 Burns and Yvonne Lime 8 (Oat Blook Bast of Itata rieveland Indiana va. Baltimore 8:M Rd Rallivsa Shew 8 "Action In' Arabia", George 7:84 Prayer Admiral aad Swabhg H aw 48 star to "A Bachelor For Clara." CHICKEN 3;M Oral BobeHa U Guests! Gordon and Sheila Mac- Sanders. Virginia Bruce itrlow Tewa- Citea- 8 8:M Cartoaa P toyh sm 18 Happy, watches mother Sally and BatwoM Oak aad Btrek) 1:M krnvie IT Rae. music and comedy learn; Rporto Camera a O -A Newa . ■« i Barly Shaw 88 father Chris help Uiwle Cnarlle "Konga th<‘ Wild Stallion” Harry James and his orrheslra; lt;Z8 l.ate Show 8:88 Tka Nacleor Ago i Flitoting Osoot Oaard” compete with a mlllloiwlre for the **ltooot coUb ’ fJrick- 4;IS Thia Week la Rpovta 8 John Wpyne. and Frank Shuater, "International Settlement" „ Breoklaat Itasa 8 Brian Domevy hand of Clara Mason, «■’* rrttk hnoomiNirakle tentri. ftZ» Svd d a ff« Sliow ‘ ------8 comedy team; Jane Morgan, . Sanders 8 M Rap Blohards | . . My FMaad FUcha M jtawaitaa Eye « 4, M. M A H Neodtetrork BappHiig t :Sk The Faleoa 8 vocalist; Henry Youngman. come­ 17 :M News and Weather S A VI M G S 8:18 toptaia Kuyaree } 8iM Cialeh Carre a Starring Anlbony EUsIey aiid Bob rartooa flaraival » 8 3i% 8:44 Featare FUm 8 dian; Nlco Feldman. vocalist; ^ ^ W ll d BUI Bleheh 48 IZ:W Momeat at Meditattoa "Port Yuma” Pater Oiavea, Joan < ^ ra d with Connie Stevens in TAH|C'HOME SB r Y i CE 848 Malty’a Faakay Fanalea 8 the Goldlnls. balancing act; 1:M Newa iifu/ I v O A I V 8:88 Oeaat af Meato CrfMa 8 'The Koa Man” (H). Private In- Itoe laetrBetkBta O arrcB t Vohs ' Get Bet Oa 81 . vesiigator Tracy Steele is engaged A s s I ) < I ^ 1 I ( ) S Tepper 8 8:88 News. Weathar and Spsrts I hy a Itoe Angeles legal firm to A hhobI Bemper Beem SS Sea Haat 48 locate a missing girt. tMatfrr/frrfA VfMmg DIvUeBd Westons Theator 88 8iM Almaaae. Spertoeepe 8 Mystory Theater - 18 VYm P a rk iH f DEN’S DMVE-m "Arisona Manhunt” . Michael Oaptaia DavM Grtof U 8:M I’ve Got a Secret | Chapin « t t C E N T E R ST.— M l S 2060 MONDAY Television PROGRAM eANfRlJtMlf 4kA18T fiilANfiAk iNiviieTtf4 . Cnkhaase is With Garry Moore, host and em­ Atosaaae 44 PUm 88 cee; panelists BUI Cullen, Henry Adrealare Time . tZ. ^ ^ r i t y Talent Seeata 8 /OOtm44aim 8A8 Lssnay Tiusea 44 8:48 News A 8*. M Morgan. Betsy Palmer. Bess M OQTTAOB STe-M •-«»• 1 This Oar FaMh 8:88 Peatare Film 8:18 CMtala Kjuuraraa 44 1 Agricaltare Oa Parade With Bam Levenson aa host, and . News A Weather f Myerson and guests, "The Big Cat” Preston Poat< featuring Harry Sosnik as musical 8:84 IH aiT led Joan 8 4:M Sparta Camera M ' Tate a. 88 I Today 88 director. Oucstx; Phil Sllvera in­ W:M December Bride 44 FOR ECONOMICAL. llaiversity of tho Air Lon McCallister Dewb Be Ml IS. 84 '[ David McLean, stars In '"rfmo- I Prayer Pepeye Theater troduces comedian Mickey Pree- 7:44 dmr*Dtoner Mavie 8 1 ro.” Tate riding through a cattle First Show m u ;A B n ''S h erid a n introduces SS M ' ’ ' ' ' ,r a "M r, Smith Ooee To Washington” town with a killer in cluilns. is PROMPT, EXPERT I Tawa Crier Daace Time Tne MattlRon Trfq, dunce . vroup; 18:84 VMea ViHRga James Stewart, Jeon Artlrar . News Star Perfarmadea shot to tbe leg when the prison­ 7:1 I Perceatloa Admiral Swabby Bboyr and Audrey Meadows introduces Don WllpLIS Garage Shstgaa- ,-____ - 8 er’s safely,is Oircatened. M iW Mason, songatreaa. Charles Boyer Movie AI Bovea 18 SreanlaBl Time 8:S8 Early Show 88 SPEOAUSTB IN Ptay Tour Boardi The Pe^iam 18 n .0 0 OFF I Bap fUehards ITTbRipIco", Edward G. Boblneon tPremlere). ■The Right—,— Manr------_toa lAdd 18:88 ^reto Thcitter 8 .....Peter OUBB 88. 88 W Snm AUONMBNT bh8 Taa Asked Per H -Service I Captala 'Baagarwe Cartoon PtaybbaH 18 Ultf I Lsve Lacy 8. Weathar. L a ^ News ^ M " l ^ d in Beatnik VUIoge.” Menn- ON Captain Oaltaat 88 8:18 The Peadalam jg BRAKE 8BRV10B Newa aad Waathar 88, 48 hers of the Narcotics Squad of the I Peatare Film . n w Spike Joaee Show 8 The Prleejfs l ^ b t 8A 9W On AI MoIim of OENERAL AUTO REPAIR . TV MaU Order 88 New Toric Police Department don "Star For A Night”. 8:18 Jaagla Jim 88 A new musical comedy yevuc. Hammer Playkawsa 7il8 Danglas Bdwarda, Newa 48 berets, raise beards and learn to Trevor. Jane Dnrwell. Clateb Cargo 8 starring Spike Jones and aong- MIM mII *^8St-.18 MAIN 8T„ MANCHESTER U:M Cleat Barisaa JDhtt _ . • . 88 bongos ia the war against TV. Radio and Ph—os Tapper 8:88 Three Masbeteera 88 Btress Helen. Grayco. and featur­ OaaoeatratioB |i. J "Cruiatog D m Kayo” and dope pushers. (R ). STEREO LP,^ Romper Room Woody Woodpeeher 8 ing Minedlans Joyce Jameson, Highway Patrol ______Year U fa ZZ, |8 8 Westers Theater Meet The Preos 88 Len Weinrib and Bill Dana. A ^em y Playhaoaa iiga g Btalph Edwards is boot. Story of Plw— Ml 9 ^ 3 7 "Fort Dislge Stampede" 8:88 Woather News A 8aorta 8 Lane. (Prlemlere). Michael w nnie otan in "H ie Vol- Stephen Boyd's life. (Repeat). Callfomlsna 88 TV Theater 88-88 M iM Dava Of U fa A e m Seat” A trouble# R A F flier Weditooday Night BoxiBg 8. M Alauuuwi 8:88 Almaaae, Sportsaopa S I Laaacy ’Taaea takes command of a resentful Henry Hank vs Rudy BUis. 10-- 'Saperanaa ia 18:88 Piano Paps la SHERWIMIlLLiiUlS a American crew for 'w hamidouB round retui7i_ middleweight bouL I CantalB Maagaraa Ctabhaase Z8 Mow Caatedy SbaweaaO 8 -M:8I Ssi^ngrTiiMtttw ~ miasion. (R ). Pofferton's I I Married Jaaa Madera DIgeaf SS M OaoM Ba T a « 8A tanras aad AUeu . 18 I M OMitor it .—0 » r . d iurok St. I December Bride 'You re Only Young Twice” . Wagea *' M. -88 WaatodToead or Athrs 48. 8:88 Rewa '8.18.88 Starring OTOrge Murphy and C U i O I xMnouoR PENITS EXTERIOR Ward Bond and Robert Horton oo- 18:88 Peopio Ats Paaay MOSirSHOr Doavk Re Ml News and Weather s Martha Scott. romantic come­ fl^ le Tlu O fr / ' I PIOTURB PRAMBS—ARTIST MATERIAXS * ■ * star in "D ie Elixaheth M cwee>V Art L^letter is host______contest- ’ gitorto 88 dy Goncenis a set of grandparents Story” stantog Betto Davia as apt trios to dstermlne the antount 1013 Maia S t^ M I 6-2036 88:88 Video Village Sports Camera 88 vrho embiult on a second honey­ W AIXPAPBR, Bti, Star PerfarmhiMe ' tirnt Miss B to^ e 8 aa impretario shepherding a dea- o f money.. in anoUier person’s Ann Harding moon and encounter rtotoUs com-' liHMAlNSK. . HEL IH 8-8888 ghrl performers. westward to (Repeat). Ckarile Chaa a 'PUcbtioiia. !. VDeath Bainta Legacy” pauce. .Spsg ^ h t Plav Voar naarb Movie *< 7 18 Hollywood Stag. is 88 Tea Ashed Far It "Bitter Tea id General Yen” 18:88 Iss Hips I I Lave LAcy Star S p a llli^ weather Local Newa 88 JaaftjWymg 8 'etM Tatas The Frier to lUabt Nawa ol the Hoar and Weathar 88 T tM tr t a : « 8 p ^ SamMer Ptayheaaa Newo apd Weother It Ted IDtok And tbe OrIgiBal Ama-. IS mua Mui$e Spoou -ww i);88 N ^ , Wes .tour Haur 8. 88. W , „ sS Starring WltHam Lnadigan.. A 8. 18. 8. 48 I I'oneroiraileif Entertainment by talented ixuv >tW P a i Ottol# Clear Hariaaa 7:18 DoajrtoJ Edwards, had Pba NewB- emmmm '.Pat a Map grounded offtaer’s' report ot w ■Wows A. Wsathsr CHAMBERS OIL Highway' Palrwl formers urllh viewers acrow tba SUNGLASSES . p re ^ o ric fossil from another e®untary o ilin g their favoylt'M . 8p : • laJOttttt ■ MiM Rte^VlIm Academy Piavbowaa Bach Btaga • • ■ . if ^d^^malllhg m inelr wtrmtng ‘a. *“ .3*'**»®N •• rm- Film New* . 88 w n s ernouND ARi pouMnsD s n s r q d a u t t u b n s r s esivad trim' shffMieism in seme ■ ’J § 4 fty w ie r" Van Beffla LoVr OI U lc 7:88 Charles .Parrel! Nhaw 8 1 News. ' Weather . .aad ^aM a' Truth ar OoBseaaeaeaa ’ Rlretkeat 88. 88 «M m ) M. 88' Resiles. Oaa j u A l w r r i i i p i m m e 6 - - t h r r e s t i n wosidiANSHir riM The H IM iQsn: emcta ^ ^ • - Cheyenne 8. 88. 88 'ml' Search Per TaBaareett 8:88 The Texan ■ % Newa5^ "•’3 aid Wea(bor_ *■ & it CoaM 'Bh Vaa StstTlng Rory Chlhdun. Befriend­ Lave.. Tbai BobI ' 11 I Jack '.Paar Skwr - - - ’ . &- Itay t^ BlMbeirr Rnok’^ 17 OAK ST. ed by Bill Ijongiey. a hameleaa Tbatura Pllaa H w g ' n e GbMIw UpM 1 nomad disrsmsep his lore of tbe ldW Rockwell men Involved In a 8800.000 train As The l^ r ld Taras CO lURN It M tPDLeROOK. lEi. 'acardat Wba Da > e a TrasIT robbery iRepeat). Jack Paar Skaw - ' 8| ______TV W wld This to The Aaswer Itoarlsm Street Bewt 8, 88. 88 1 Newa aad 88. 4 SUEDE BAo SrV!* ddvealUTO 18 >.Nowa myESTMENlS 88 Fall Circle 8M8 vr«M.ev Theater 18 w ife yoMto ftofor' eonVlii3ea**A aaeea For a Day I Nowa im . cniOBCtt P .H «N 6 (»I ML, 1IMW«W WMhMIB HH om! Widdle > iia r woman^Utat sb4 8 # ■' i f ' Tnr NdrUs «tiU8d ''A t HeBM wtot Mew'd t h i s F o r .Day la f'/mrt. AND BEUPPIli TEANBAOnOira BANDtHD pears younger tfiiui her years, her :88 Hoase Party iuk W M t ” . . .Eafaliiia a r <( THuMto JACKETS Lamtta Yaaag Tboataa < m AuCi" ro is fJEMEED AND EJm ieiiKM ETnrOAl, iTOflM ' ^ ---- mNM- iN_- MNN------M M A v b Ioii Iwve be«B Signed to do Oale Utorm ffliaw • M r ilA O l A B a rg a in ? 88 1 ^ Nimeaalra '''-SBH aiD M m wiUlMn etinta in **ni8 thitoiieii* Yaaag Dr. Malaas FOR EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-UPS IHack -X— YoutPhiltoJSiealer r , . SMilty, M m * W01 8tAF All war Playkawaa HpCTBirjSi OirNAVIlSlON BTfitEM in A Tekqphco* Hour aaM mmmmcn *• The Verdict to Vaara IS m k m e t h o d fx >s :Btag €ro*bT< kMT dii^ied Oarol Pram These Raata B A D I0 6 , lANmnoo to gnM( :«n Us noRl MANeHESTER OaaaeetleBt WaiMataaA « ‘ A nntvcr JOB! Who Do Vea TruMT W» H. Eifdkind Lumber Co. flMdtaouter,; .DOl: M UM :88 Raage* Aady' 1- J’--' in*m Allen BtMMt le'AlriMf^ pr*- «MigM Sotviee DRY CLEANERS ^ ■ to d y Stttbauaa .■'.'■'AT .HR d U iB r _ , Amerieop^pomldael IM ifng a s ^ q fM H V s "Jkm Sfnr LITTLE JOE'S TEXACO ncopd a^ab '^Ueh haa 6 6 W r IIb 8t.-^M I 3.7254 w. Mmotje TT^ Ai^asoAti Mii.nM BmrnmMreiimm MMi a annadih aneodaa . . Perry iUlilMIESTBI T¥ ' will trade giM*t anpdMwuoM m CENTER 9.1646 B o b Btqpe b 8i R M M M A w. ■toaBswamanBammaaomSflBaa^iM-m. “ iiS VOI 4

THURSDAY iTeletHsion PROGRAM "Crillnj: Zero" James' Oasney) ireas sceka the mnrderer ol her Tliit Oar FaiUi Pat O’Brien atand-ln. Acriroltare Ua PariMa Daaca Time The Beal MbCeys 8.M liS I ' N Admiral and Swabbr Shaw Starring Waiter Brennan In “ The SM N .'M idD S t e -M I B-SZ8S Ualvarailjr at tka Air Karir Shaw Girls at Mom’s Place" (R). ?:tt Prarcr ‘‘Rio Grande" John Wajmt Grandpa makes an exception to a 7ifS Towa Griar Oartaan Flayhanse .Hfe-long rule of selling only for S P E C I A L 1 Naari Backv and HI Frieada cash whenwn he. extends credit to a El e c t r o n i c s 7:W Anierwaa t-eraaO .Glatch Garca wonoian and her daughter who Brcaktaal Tlaia White Huater operate a roadside caiOa Knotty PlBO PaDoaac Hap atcharda Hackleberrjr Heaad »:88 MjMystery Theater _ 18 IXi^e Board^oet LABORATORIES (?aptaia Kaaaaraa CTeco Kid Dick Foweirs Pe Zaae Grey TheatM Fealare Ftln Weather. Newe A SFerbi * "Flra Over Knaland” Maahaat With , host. ^ L ega^ Oottaco Orado, Boswd Edfe 277 BROAD Olivier. .Vivien uelah Almaaac of a Ijegend." starring Lee Tapper Daaaer la My Baalaeaa Cobb. A bewhlskered stranger is Klia Dried Weatora PIbo Bamper Eaaai Clabaeaae frustrated in attempt# to prove WldtlM—-Random Weetera Theater Film his identity. Til* Prir# laU ftlKht Michael Ansara Mtara in “ Blood Jason Evers plays a wandering HBntmer PlAyhAvaa Trails." BuckharL Is assigned to cowboy hired ■ by ranch-owner ELLINGTON BRANCH Glpar Horiaaii bring a member of his own tribe Susan Oliver to save her ranch (^oMHpntratUii to Juslire. (Repeat). from ruin. (Premiere). **Eplsode Went Roa^RoMtie 88 HiKliwaar r*lr«l Shetffaji Blade St At The Bar M.** Pitcairn' helps ~ To4«7*a WaiMM Bteve Caavea 4#. St ranch owner whose holdlnim are TeL T R YW lVAIrtM rilm Starring I^an Fredericks In “Op­ in Jeopardy because of dimonest bavff at U le eration Zero Launch.” A danger­ cattle dealers. Tratli mr ous experiment Tor Lt. Col. Stere B«anaaa Gan Canyon when he. ia assigned to The ITatASchahles 8« 48 t ' Sparrh Far Tamurraw aid his test pilot friend to blast Starring Robert Stack tn- *‘Tha it t'oald Be Yaa off by rocket hoo.sters an F-tOO Doreen Maney Story." Sir I,aarrlet M Myslerv Theater 18 t ;U Gaptala Haacaree > t'aaaankall I December Bride .. 8 actress Jackie Chan,'^ former Shreaa H Masquerade Party 38, 38 • ;M Pealarr Film Weatker. Mews aad Sparta I Color—Bert Parks is emcee. Pan- flance and favorite model of An- VENETIAN ‘ 'BoulhWrat Pa.wa«e". Rod Oam- Deeey II elisl.s . are Faye Emerson, Aud­ thetny Armstrong-Jones, has bssM aroii, Jeanne Dru While Hnater l l rey Meadows. Sam Levennon offered a running role in TV* Tapper • Almapac, Sp«rt«cepe I R..mper Haem ^ and Ijce Bowman. "Hong Kong” series. .Eve Arden BUILDS We.tera Tlieater t Glabbonae M The FendxlMm 18 ••Banitit Klnic of Teaae." Rocky Hcepe SI II ;• Twilight Zone f . «f read3)ing "Goodbye, Charlie," in I.ann Newe I. 91. U “ And When Tlie Sky. Was which ^ e is currently appearing and SUPPLIES Almaeac <* Newa.’ Weather . .1 • Opened " Starring Rod Taylor. An Hperta Camera II Air Force officer fears that he around the country, for a fall TV >:M I.oeaey Taaee M ^ a rU M spectacular. > ;li Gaptala Kaacarea , «• will vanish into nolhlnraess after 485 Middle Tpke, East Dial M l I ooiiipletliig 'a flight into oiitef • ;M I Married Jeaa I Leekap I s{»ace in an experimental space M I 3 -4 8 6 5 1f:M Ueeember Hride Mevir At Hevea II vehicle (R). •- UaaKh Be Ml n . M "The tinholy Four” Paulette God­ Haale dard Bobert Taylor la thq Detectives 1«:M Video Villace Weather. leK^ol News 29 8. U Hlar 1‘erfarauuieo News aad Weather M. M “ Blue Fire" (R) Lt. Otto'Lind- David Niven TV Playhaaea IB strom .nets off on a desperate mla- Play toar Haaeb 7:U Denflas F.dwarde. News M slon . to apprehend a topt nyrindler Yaa A.ked Far IH Film 99 he lias been trying to cratch for ll;N T h e Prire la RlKht "Boeton--City of Yesterday and ’ears. .before the veteran officer WIJW I latva f.aey Tomorrow" fs ffirced to retire. MIIMMIMM Hammer Playkaaoe News M Project 28 91. M “ The Jass Age" ^ - t i i m i i i ll:M tionnenlratlan T:l Rawhide I, M Clear Starrins Fric Flemiii|;. I..elf KrickT Authentic reconstruction of the Mlfhway Palral son. Vera Miles ami Clint East-1 1 9!^ with the late i*Yed Allen nar­ HARTFORD ROAD Ai'ademv Playkaaaa wood. ’ ’Incident’ at The Buffalo. rating The orchestral score is Film Smokehouse.”/ Searchlne for a by Robert Russell Bennett. Script lt:M Ia>ve Of Ufe shallow crossing in the river. Oil by Richard Hanser and the late ENTCRnilRiS, UK. Trath ar Gaaaeaaeaeoa Favor and.Rowdy Yates come Henry Salmon. Film footage waa Tke Heatlee* Oaa across the .vinokehouse of Jere­ drawn from government atid Autkorlnad Interaatioiwl II ;N Searrk Far Tamarraw miah and Helen Walsh. Outlaws private archives. (Repeat). Tmek Dealer It Caald Ba Yaa suddenly appear and hold the Paris Freoiad 18 Sales, SenHIoa and Parts I.ara ’Tkal Bab (roup aa hosiaces while Favor re­ 18:88 Star Hpotirghl 18 1I;4A Tha ftaldluu IJCMIJcM • turns to set I the money they de­ . Farsoa t« Fersoa . 8 X7B Hartfatd Road liM Mv Ultle Marfla . „ mand. (R). Charles Colllngwood is lioat. will Abaat Farea •. « . U Maaekeater. Oaan. Gimarren GIty W visit with Archbishm Martin J. Pkaae: MIteken S-X4W " >.. .^Tw i> At Home With BHty It O'Connor. Rector of The Pontifical TV Hr>ur of Slara —"Half«rno€i Starring Georfe Montgomery, North American College in Roroe Family” „ in ” A Rrspectable Girl.” IjMie and President of Pontifical Com* ^andierafted. Quality Mavla Matiaea W Temple falls in love with Nora Atkina, a 'beautiful stranger who mission for Motion Pictures; Radio Budget Terms— Sec "Inaiirance InveellHator" RtoHard and Television. This is oiM half EXPERT .— Denninf is'desperalely trying to start a hour broadcast from the Vaticaa liM %• rtie Warld Taras • M new life, (Repeat). (R),v BARLOW'S Wke De Yea Traetf WaH D iuey Preheats I. M Mach Saddle 8. 88. 88 MECHANICS Faltb Far Today ‘‘Geronlmo's Revenge” (R) « Starring and FOR FOR THE BEST IN TV ];M Fall CIrrIe «t tlie orders of Aphehe Peter Breck with Anna-Lisa In IM t TOLLAND TPKE. aeea Far A Day » Nalcliea. (Jeronimo raids **Blf>od Money’ * (R). Deputy Mar­ f (Bucklaad) Maaobeater »ay la Goart John Slajughler's ranch, stealing shal Olb Scoit must protect from COMPLETE TRUCK 7;M Hna.r Party norOes and scattering cattle, in n vengeful townsfolk the slayer «»f a fhone Ml S-iWM {.aretla Yapu Thaalef deadiv personal feud. Walt Dis­ reformed dt^sperado. now respoct- Dale Alarm Mmw ney. hoot. ed. b m I c a r r e p a i r s SiM The Nilliaaaira Hraad Jary 99 11:1 News. Weaihar A SpoHa Ldte-nlaht live shows are bein( Vaaai^^^. .Hal‘ Pbll Mlvers fMww 29 8a 8. 18. 48 JKM HAa* KaAIim ' ' S dtacussod by ABC-TV as .an audl- Beal The .OaPh Big News tt onNMeHis’nut All Htar Pwyaedaa An hour-long special featuring Nows aad Woalhar 88 anoa rival thia fall for NBC-TV'a 7;MI I'aanertleaf Itaadetaod • many of Ihe country’s outstanding IliU .Jack Faar Shaw 88' Jack Pair Show, , . Jackie Qte«' Tke VertM la Yeara t, M rodeo porformers, from Satlnoa realnre ritm 8 aon’a comedy -apecial on CBS-TV Frem rheee Beale SI. W Rodeo Field. Salinas. Calif. Mel “ Rasputin and the Rmpresa". Ownsrs* Aaaaetattan. Mmm. Wke De Yea TraatT (I Ijamberl. noted rodeo announcer, JohHa Barrymore. Mthel P arry neat aeaaon wilt be called ‘*I1ie ,«:M Baacer Aadp J will broadcast the event. more MUUon Dollar Incident." . . “Omni Gamedy Playbaosa H . m WtahHa Town IT II Werld's Best Mav4ys 8 bua" returns to NBC-TV In the fall Amerieaa Baadetead t. 4d. IB Starring Joel MoCrea and. Jody “ Nigtitmare Alley" Tyrone Power. Mavis m MeCrea InI. "Out*>rui. ofnr the*i.n Paat.o . . . Coleen. Gray. '^Assignment la 48-DAY PR€E MOC! with Alistair XTooke aa host, . "Furelcn Aaeat" Gale Starai Duahar and Matheoon Ihararl a Brittany". Jean Pierre Aumsnt. Danny Kaye will make hi* TV en­ «;iM The Bdra 01 N««H| J bounty hunters' attempt to ’Cap­ Jean Peters. tertainment debut on CBS-TV Oct. j Adveatare Ylam ' - M. M ture an escaped convict for a Fsahirs 48 IS Featare Film' ' ' ' ' B large reward/ IRepeal^. 11:88 Jaeh A a r Mhaw 8B Mi preamj^inc Kd Suntyan.' Eay^^^ ^ "Here I Am A Siraacer" RioHard Man frem Blashhawk I. II, « , U:M Nows and Weniher 8 pravkKta T V app earan ce waa a Greene Benda loyoa Starring Robert ftaRockwellin ■ - ktawi » Papeve Yheatar B "Death is Ihe Bast Policy'' :(R), Now* , ■ IfNICMF documentary. Pleat Hkaw H SlMCk Jlb88llMf8 AV M oriart^s RYmeAseivicEiMORLunrr.Ptoim