FRroAY, JULY 29, 1960 The Wdiflier PAGE f o u r t e e n AT6rag6 D6ll7 Net Frees Rmi at af V . 8. inanrlf^Bt^r lEoi^ttins l|m U i F ar tha Weak Eadad 1 1 Jtaaalia. 1660 •UrnlnaU the need fpr eeeaonal Sunset OouncU, No. 45, Degree of Officials File help, Cervinl maid. L T. WOOD 80. Itar etewkMf kOe About Town Pocahontas, will hold one mMting 07A% - 13,125 lyw B ^, eaolar taalgkl,^ a month during August and Sm - He added that almost 87% mU ICI rlANT Mambar a( tka Aodli to 68. Sunday fialr. mUd, timber. The meeting will be hnd Hon In town revenue passed Ksv. and Mra. Kenneth Ia on the third Monday of the month. Work Reports 81 B1B8BLL 8T. Banau af Gbealatten Moitefceefer— CUy of Village Charm OuaUfaon will be aaalaUng on the through hie office during the year ending last June 30. Cube*'Cru*hed‘Bloek$ young people’s cam{) staff at Members of the Eighth District /The town. counsel’s workload, caiarlton. Mass., for the next two Fire Department who wish to par­ He said 97.8 per cent of last (ClMstfled AdvartMxg m i Fags 61 ' PRICE FTnri year’s taxes have been collected. MANCEESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY SP, 1960 weeks. He will be at Calvary ticipate In the parade In Farming- the tax collector’s need for busi­ VOL. LXI^IX, NO. 256 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTTION) As to the remainder, 74 real estate Cbutel for the Sunday morning ton \vlll meet at the Are house to­ ness machines, and activities of Sunday echool and worship seiw- morrow evening at 6 p.m. In uni­ liens have been filed and about the. registrars of voters over the 870,000 of the amount is tied up lees. The evening service Sunday form. past year, were subjects of an­ and the Wednesday prayer serv­ In court appeals, he,'said. NOTICE Developing Farm Program nual reports submitted yesterday ■ Cervinl collects not only taxes State News ices will be conducted by the Rev. Congo Asks New Yorker Calls to General Manager Richard Mar­ but also sewer and water bills, as­ THE OFFICE OF John Zanella tin. sessments, cemetery bills, and all Atty. Philip Bayer, town coun­ other towm revenue. Reservations for the annual DR. SAMUEL STONE R ou n d u p Brenda’s Winds Hnrl For Square Dance sel, said his office filed 51 legal Registrars of Voters Donald 0 UN Act Fast Nixon Aims to Build chicken barbecue to, be held to­ 'opinions last year, checked town Hemingway and Edward Moriarty morrow at 5:30 and 7 p.m. at the Dick Jone.<5 of Great Neck, h . I. documents, drafted ordinances and DENTIST Buckingham Congregational reported they made 648 new voters wUl he guest caller at, the Man­ helped draft the new subdivision last year, held two party enroll­ Church in Glastonbury arc still chester Square Dance Club tomor­ regulations, and worked on over ment sessions attended seminars, 378 MAIN ST. On Katanga Woman KUIed available. Anyone wishing to at­ Support in Midwest row night at 8 o’clock at the West 125 claims and ca.ves against the and prepareds the bieiuilal canvass tend may gyt in touch with Mrs. town. In Auto Crash Side tennis courts. Of town voters. WILL BE CLOSED Leopoldville, The Congo, Alvah Russell on Mountain Rd. in He is a physical education In­ Most claims stemmed from side­ The town, overhauled six of Its ^tlal'nominee, has said he will lay <Ha«toabury. structor. and also a regular caller walk and highway accidents. Also, vettng machines, and bought four July 80 (flP)— Congolese lead­ By JACK BELL Heavy Rain on JULY 28 to Aug. 16 an over-ali farm bill before tbV , New Cafiaan, July 30 (/P)— at Bay Path Barn and Square there w ere. appeals from zoning new ones, to be used In the elec­ ers sto<^ adamant today Chicago, July 30 (JP)— ^Vied Tbmnas D. Murphy, son of Mr, Senate when it resumes lU sessions Two (»rs colli(led head-on on Dance Acres 1(1 Massachusetts. He and planning decisions, sewer as­ tions next fall, they said. for immediate U.N. ac^n President Richard M. Nixon and Mrs. John W. Murphy. 69 Ed- sessments. and tax levies. Aug. 18. Route 123 last, night, leaving calls for four clubs in the Long against secession of the Ka­ inoved today to forge new . m und'St, is serving a.a a hospital Island area. Bayer said he had no*^enumera- Nixon has bounded himself not to one dead and three injured. apprentice In the U.S. Na\'y at TTie Manchester Square Dance tlon, but many of “Ihe cases were tanga Province ddSpite .re­ strength, into what some of sponsor any legislation that may the Naval 8*.ation. Newport, R I. Police IdenUfled the dead woman Club of over 400 members is spon­ settled. ported pleas for moderation his strategrists regard as his be offered or plugged by Republi­ as Mrs. Ella Gllsou. about 50, Nar­ cans In that session. He said that, Center Due sored by the Recreation Depart­ The report from Collector qf by Secretary. General Dag weakest campaign link— the cissus Rd., Lake Llncqlndale, West­ The Rev. Law-rence F. Almond ment. Earl Johnston is the regular^ Revenue Paul Cervinl restated a if he did, "obviously everything of South Methodist Church will be Hammarskjold. agricultural Midwest. that I suggest would Immediately chester County, N.Y. Injured was club caller. Dances are held on the request oiler past years that, with her husbamd, Jerom eS. Gilson, 88, J heard over radio station W lNF U o u r^ ^ "Our poaltlon haa not changed. Congress members, ■ governors, come under discussion as ' being first and third Saturday of the town growth, the collector’s and GOP convention delegates and plain driver of their erfr. To Hit Area thla week In programs s^wnsored assessor's offices * need special Information Minister Anicet politically iriluenced.” ty the Manchester Ministerial month, and spectators are wel­ farmers were summoned to confer Police said Mrs. Gilson died of come. business machines to compile tax Kasbamura after Hammarskjold Nixon’s campaign managers Aaan. The broadcast will begin A Judge of Good Looks the GOP presidential a broken neck and a fractured In case of rain, the dance will be lists and bills. The machines could met with the cabinet. with Nixon, th» R* concede the Vice President is at Su<!^ at 6:30 p.m. and dally at Two-vear-old Lisa Pompel of 190 School St. wasn't a judge In the Doll Show at^ Charter Oak Park . •'‘MWluee, on the problems the Ke- skull. Her husband was admitted held at the West Bide Rec. a disadvantage in an attempt to to Norwalk Hospital with a pos­ After Noon 7:16 p.m. last night, but she still picked a winner. She apparently fell In love with that doll she Is touch­ Asked whether the publicans face In the Midland area General had made ^“ 7. which haa wandered away from its compete for use of the Senate aa sible fracture of the skull and legs. ing The doll, owned by Dawn Sher|7 Duquette, 6, of 310 Spruce St., was judged best baby doll a political sounding board with The Friday night dance for in the show. Doll shows were held on all 11 supervised playgrounds last night. (Herald Photo proposals to deal with the cnsis, traditional Republicanism. Police said the accident occur­ By THE ASSOCIATia) FBBM Cla88 In Nature Kennedy or his running mate. -Sen- red when a car driven by James A. children 12-years and imder will by Satemls i. ________________________________ ______________ _ Fd R R EN T , Kasbamura replied ,"It Although the approximately 60 ’ate Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Tropical gtorm Brenda cen­ be held at Robertson Park, 7:30 to 8 and 16 mm. 'Movie Projectors to him, but up to us to make pro p^nferees represented states from Green, 34, of 47 LqiWe St., South Johnson of Texas. Norwalk, , entered the, opposing tered over the Chesapeeka 8:80, followed by the Teenage Rec­ Ends at Museum will be ready for use In 1961, said —sound or silent, also 85 mm. posals.” Maine to California, Nixon was slide projectorsr -/n^e ct out! Hammarskjold was reports most concerned with compiling Kennedy and Johnson have In­ lane and struck the Gilson car. Bay today, as stfiong wkidK ord Hop until 10:30. These dances Town Tax Office Father Hussey. dicated they may moye in the Green.was charged with negli­ 'The 3-week nature study course School Plans trying to convince The Congo’s grass roots opinion on what to do and heavy rains lashed most are under the supervision of Mr. - It will seat 600 persons in per­ forthcoming sessiop to beef up gent homicide and held on 810,- and Mrs. Robert Nell, staff mem­ taught by Miss Barbara Neill at manent pews, and will have a WELDON DRUG CO. We Rent: Fibbr Sanders, Edgers, Hand Sanders, Wallpaper I leaders that any rash act at this toward reclaiming politically the of the East Coast. Open Tomorrow 001 Main St. , Tel. MI 8-8881 military appropriations. This 000 bond. He suffered minor in- Gale warnings were displayed bers o f the Recreation Depart­ L#utz Jr. Museum terminated yes­ regular sanctuary, he said. The Steamers, Wallpapering Equlpmenj^, Floor Polishers, Wet and | delicate stage would plunge the middle Uer of states, Ready Soon would be aimed to support the Juries.
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