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بِسم هللا الرحم ِن الرحي م الحمد هلل رب العالمين، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

meaning the followers of Hadhrat (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) The word Shia is derived from Shiatu as divinely appointed legitimate (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ)Shias regard Hadhrat Ali .(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Ali and disregard and often denounce the (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) successor of Prophet Mohammad (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہم اجمعين) (first three rightly guided Caliphs (Khulfa-e-Rashideen

The book is written with the intention to place before people facts in this context. We hope readers will benefit from this book.







There are hundreds of Shia Groups in the world. Prominent among them are as follows.

(1) Tafdheeliyah Shias, (2) Tabarraiyyah Shias, (3) Ghullat Shias, (4) Sabaaiyyah Shias, (5) Mufaddhaliyyah Shias, (6) Sarrghiyyah Shias or Sareefiyyah Shias (7) Bazeeghiyyah Shias (8) Kaamiliyyah Shias, (9) Mughiriyyah Shias, (10) Janaahiyyah Shias, (11) Bayaaniyyah Shias, (12) Mansuriyyah Shias, (13) Ghamaamiyyah Shias, (14) Imaamiyyah Shias, (15) Tafweedhiyyah Shias, (16) Khattabiyyah Shias, (17) Ma'mariyyah Shias, (18) Gharaabiyyah Shias, (19) Thababiyyah Shias, (20) Thammiyyah Shias, (21) Ithnaiyyah Shias, (22) Khamsiyyah Shias, (23) Naseeriyyah Shias, (24) Ishaaqiyyah Shias, (25) Ghalbaaniyyah Shias, (26) Razaamiyyah Shias, (27) Muqnaiyyah Shias, (28) Kisaaniyyah Shias, (29) Kuraibiyyah Shias, (30) Ishaaqiyyah Shias, (31) Harbiyyah Shias, (32) Abbaasiyyah Shias, (33) Tayyaariyyah Shias (34) Mukhtariyyah Shias, (35) Shias, (36) Jaardawiyyah Shias, (37) Jareeriyyah Shias, (38) Al-Ghamiyyah Shias, (39) Daqniyyah Shias,


(40) Khashbiyyah Shias, (41) Ya'qubiyyah Shias, (42) Saalihiyyah Shias, (43) Husainiyyah Shias, (44) Nafsiyyah Shias, (45) Hukmiyyah Shias or Hishaamiyyah Shias, (46) Saalimiyyah Shias or Jawaaleeqqiyyah Shias, (47) Nu'maaniyyah Shias, (48) Zaraariyyah Shias, (49) Yunusiyyah Shias, (50) Badaaiyyah Shias, (51) Mufawwidha Shias, (52) Haadhariyyah Shias, (53) Naadosiyyah Shias, (54) Amaariyyah Shias, (55) Mubaarakiyyah Shias, (56) Baatiniyyah Shias, (57) Qarmatiyyah Shias, (58) Shameetiyyah Shias, (59) Maiminiyyah Shias, (60) Khalfiyyah Shias, (61) Barqiyyah Shias, (62) Janaabiyyah Shias, (63) Sab'eeyyah Shias, (64) Mahdawiyyah Shias, (65) Musta'liyyah Shias, (66) Nazaariyyah Shias, (67) Aftahiyyah Shias, (68) Ishaaqiyyah Shias, (69) Qat'iyyah Shias, (70) Musawiyyah Shias, (71) Mutwariyyah Shias, (72) Rajiyyah Shias, (73) Ithna Ashriyyah Shias (74) Ja'fariyyah Shias, (75) Nizariyyah Shias, (76) Ismailliyah Shias, (77) Agh Khaniyyah Shias, (78) Dawoodi Bohra Shias, (79) Kaysaniyyah Shias, (80) Khoja Shias, (81) Kamiliyyah Shias, (82) Ulayniyyah Shias, (83) Mughapriyyah Shias, (84) Mansuriyyah Shias, (85) Hatabiyyah Shias


(86) Hashimiyyah Shias, (87) Numaniyyah Shias, or Sataniyyah Shias (88) Kanahiyyah Shias, (89) Zarramiyyah Shias, (90) Mufavizzah Shias, (91) Badaniyyah Shias, (92) Banaiyyah Shias, (93) Salahiyyah Shias, (94) Sulaymaniyyah Shias, (95) Garrudiyyah Shias, (96) Bayaiyyah Shias, (97) Sulaimani Bohra Shias, (98) Alvi Bohra Shias, (99) Atba-e-Malak Shias, (100) Insa Asali Khoja Shias, (101) Druziyyah Shias, (102) Alevi Shias, (103) Asaib al-Haq Shias, (104) Hazara Shias, (105) Hezb-e-Wahdat Shias, (106) Harkat-e- Shias, (107) Qaramita Shias, (108) Musta'ali Shias, (109) Tayyibi Shias, (110) Jaffan Bohra Shias, (111) Habitahs Bohra Shias, (112) Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Shias, (113) Shias, (114) Shias, (115) Shaykhi Shias, (116) Alawi Shias, (117) Ghaliya Shias, (118) Hizbullah Shias, etc.



(i) Shias have altered Islamic 'Shahadah' (Kalima Tayyiba) and have included the name of and (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) as the successor of Prophet Mohammad (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Hadhrat Ali first Caliph.


رضئ هللا ) is the Apostle of ; Ali (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) There is no god but Allah, Mohammad and (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) is the Friend of Allah; the successor of the Apostle of Allah (تعالی عنہ his first Caliph.

was the (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) The above Shahadah implies that one has to believe that Hadhrat Ali .and the first rightful Caliph of Islam (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) successor of Prophet Mohammad This way one has to deny the Caliphate of three rightful Caliphs of Islam as wrong. The Shia were wrong doers (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہم اجمعين) Shahadah also implies that the three rightful Caliphs (Nauzubillahi).

The famous Shia Khomeini, in his book 'Kashful Asrar' (pages 119-20) has written the following.

QUOTE - 'From the examples, I (Khomeini) have given, it shows that the had acted against the . For (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہم) Shaikhs and Umar these people to behave in such a manner among Muslims was not surprising. The Muslims (Sahaba) were also in such a state that they were either part of the same or they had similar intentions of (رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم - group (Abu Bakr and Umar becoming the government in power.

رضئ ہللا تعالی - If they (the Muslims) did not side with them (Abu Bakr and Umar then it was certain that they did not have the courage to speak out against (عنہم and his (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) those who behaved badly towards Rasulullah .(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا - beloved daughter (Fathima

In short, even if mention was made in the Quran in clear words on this matter (the as Caliph), they would not have - رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ - succession of Hadhrat Ali they would ( َع َّز َو َج َّل ) changed their intentions, and even at the Command of Allah not have given up the seat (of Government).UNQUOTE.

Ask any Ahle Sunnah Mufti about the above beliefs, he will say that whoever and other Sahabah were (رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم) believes that Khulfa-e-Rashideen


wrong doers and denounces them in such a derogatory language, he will be treated as out of Islam.

(2) Shias claim that since the word "Shia" is mentioned in Quran, therefore they are the rightful Muslims. We have described this issue briefly below in the light of Quran and Ahadith.

Verily among those who followed his Way] َوإِ َّن ِمن ِشيعَتِ ِه َ َِل ْب َرا ِهي َم - i) It is in Quran) (As-Saaffat - 83) [.(عليه السالم) was Abraham (عليه السالم - Noah)

In the above verse, the word 'Shiatihi' has been used in the meaning of 'follower'.

َودَ َخ َل ا ْل َم ِدينَ َة َع َل ٰى ِحي ِن َغ ْف َل ٍة ِِّم ْن أَ ْه ِل َها َف َو َجدَ فِي َها َر ُج َل ْي ِن يَ ْقتَتِ َال ِن َه ٰـذَا ِمن ِشيعَتِ ِه - ii) It is in Quran) And he ] ۖ َو َه ٰـذَا ِم ْن َعدُ ِِّو ِه ۖ َفا ْستَغَاثَهُ ا َّل ِذي ِمن ِشي َعتِ ِه َع َلى ا َّل ِذي ِم ْن َعدُ ِِّو ِه َف َو َك َزهُ ُمو َس ٰى َف َق َض ٰى َع َل ْي ِه : entered the city at a time when its people were not watching (عليه السالم - Musa) and the ( ِشيعَتِ ِه ) ,and he found there, two men fighting - one of his own religion appealed to him against ( ِشي َعتِ ِه ) other, of his foes. Now the man of his own religion .struck him with his fist and made an end of him (عليه السالم) his foe, and Musa (Al-Qasas - 15)

In the above verse, the word 'Shiatihi' has been used in the meaning of 'follower'.

إِ َّن ا َّل ِذي َن َف َّرقُوا ِدينَ ُه ْم َو َكا ُنوا ِشيَعًا َّل ْس َت ِم ْن ُه ْم فِي َش ْي ٍء ۖإِ َّن َما أ َ ْم ُر ُه ْم إِ َلى ََّّللاِ ثُ َّم - iii) It is in Quran) Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into ] يُنَ ِِّبئُ ُهم بِ َما َكانُوا يَ ْفعَلُو َن have no concern with them in (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم - you (O' Prophet ,( ِش َيعًا) sects Who then will tell them what they ,( َع َّز َو َج َّل ) the least. Their affair is with Allah used to do.] (An-Aam - 159)

In the above verse, the word 'Shia-an' has been used in the meaning of 'Sect, Group'.

Thus, the word 'Shia' in Quran refers to ' Group of followers' or 'a sect'. We do not know of any Quranic verse in which the word 'Shia' has been used for Muslim Ummah.

رضئ هللا ) said to Ali (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) It is in - Prophet Mohammad Glad tiding O' Ali! Verily you and your companions and your" :(تعالی عنہ followers (shiatu) will be in Paradise."

The above Hadith is mentioned in (1) Fadha'il as-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, V2, p-655, (2) Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, V-4, p-329, (3) Tarikh, by al- Khateeb al-Baghdadi, V-12, P-289, (4) Al-Awsat, by Tabarani, (5) Majma' al- Zawa'id, by Haythami, V-10, pages 21-22 (6) Darqunti, said that this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities. (7) Al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247 .


رضئ ہللا ) and other 3 Khulfa-e-Rashideen (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Indeed, the followers of Hadhrat Ali ,are the people who can expect to get salvation in Hereafter. This is the reason (اجمعين تعالی عنہم صلى هللا ) this group is known as Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a; the followers of Prophet Mohammad and His Jama'at of Khulfa-e-Rashideen, ie., Abu Bakr, Umar, Othaman and (عليه و آله وسلم .(اجمعين رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم) Ali

صلى هللا عليه و ) The problem with Shia groups is that they claim that after Prophet Mohammad (3) رضئ هللا ) left this world; only 4 Sahabah were steadfast in Islam. (i) Hadhrat Salman Farsi (آله وسلم iii) Hadhrat Miqdad bin) ,(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) ii)Hadhrat Abu Dhar Ghaffari) ,(تعالی عنہ This is a .(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) and (iv) Hadhrat Ammar bin Yaasir ,(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Aswad disrespectful belief as it questions the integrity and Islamic character of other Sahabah and .(اجمعين رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم) Khulfa-e-Rashideen

The above shia belief is similar in nature with Salafi beliefs who claim that after the first generation of Sahabah, the entire Muslim community till the birth of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab were apostates. They call all Sahabah to be innovators as they prayed 20 Raka Traweeh prayers in congregation. The majority of Salafi groups believe that whoever follows of Fiqh is a wrongdoer. In the Book of Judgments from Al-Insaaf, Ibn Taymiyyah wrote - "He who makes it compulsory to follow an Imam, then his repentance is sought and if he does not repent then he is killed." In other words Ibn Taymiyyah has given the fatwa that all Muslims who follow Imams of Fiqh should be asked to repent and if they don't, then they should be killed.

Salafi scholar Al-Bani (1914-1999) declared Imam Bukhari as 'Mushrik' (Nauzubillahi) for ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء َها ِل ٌك إِ ََّّل translating 'Wajhu' as 'dominion and sovereignty (mulk) in verse Everything will perish save His countenance.] (Al-Qasas - 88) in the 'Book of Tafsir in] ۖ َو ْج َهه ُ Sahih Bukhari.

Al-Bani wrote : "No true believer would say such a thing" and "We should consider Bukhari innocent of that statement". (Look how intelligently he is branding Imam Bukhari as Mushrik (Astghfiruallah).(Reference - Introduction to al-San'ani's Raf al-Astar - page 24-25).

Al-Bani declared Imam Abu Hanifa as Kafir and compared Fiqh as Gospel (teachings of Christianity). Read his commentary on al-Mundhiri's Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim, 3rd ed. (Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islami, 1977, p. 548). This phrase was later removed in subsequent editions of this book by Salafis out of fear of Muslim backlash.

Similar sentiments have been echoed by a famous Shia Cleric Mullah Baqir Majilisi in his book 'Haqqul Yaqeen', 2 - 519. He wrote "When Imam Mahdi appears, he will deal with the Sunnis and their Ulema first before dealing with the Kuffar and he will kill and annihilate all of them."


In his book "Kashful Asrar", Khomeini has praised this book (Haqqul Yaqeen by Mullah Majilisi) and encouraged all Shias to read it.

Mulla Baqir Majlisi wrote in Haqqul Yaqeen - "Regarding the doctrine of Tabarri, we believe we رضئ ہللا تعالی ) should disassociate from the four Idols, Abu Bakr , Umar , and Muawiya ,Also from four women, Ummul Momineen , Ummul Momineen Hafsa, Hind .(اجمعين عنہم along with their associates and followers. They are the (اجمعين رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم) Ummul Hakam صلى ) ,( َع َّز َو َج َّل ) it is not possible to believe in Allah ,( َع َّز َو َج َّل ) worst creation of Allah ,and Imams without disassociating oneself from their enemies" (Haqqul yaqeen 2 (هللا عليه و آله وسلم 519).

will be (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) Mulla Baqir Majlisi also wrote "When Mahdi arrives, Aisha رضئ هللا ) resurrected so that she may be given prescribed punishment and that Fatima .(may be vindicated" (Haqqul yaqeen 347 (تعالی عنہا

,(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) Shia accuse Ummul Momineen Aisha and Imam Abu (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Abu Huraira as extreme wrong doers. Read (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Hanifah Shia Fatwa on the left. (Astaghfiruallah).

رضئ ہللا ) Shia also accuse the first three Khulafa-e-Rashideen; Abu Bark, Umar and Othaman .(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) as the people who tortured Ahle Baith, particularly Fatimah (اجمعين تعالی عنہم

(4) MUTA - Mut'a is temporary consensual sexual relationship for pleasure which is widespread among Shia community. Mut'a is forbidden in Islam. Read the following Ahadith.

صلى هللا عليه ) Allah's Apostle :(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) i) It is in Hadith - "Narrated 'Ali) ,forbade the temporary marriage in the year of khaibar." (Muslim (و آله وسلم Bukhari)

At the battle of Khaibar, the :(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) ii) It is in Hadith - "Narrated 'Ali) ,forbade the temporary marriage (Mu'ta) of women (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Prophet


and the eating of the flesh of domestic asses." (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Nasa'i, Termidhi and Ibn Majah)

on the Authority (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) iii) It is in Hadith - "Narrated Rabi bin Sabra) said : "I had permitted you the (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) of his father: 'Allah's Apostle temporary marriage of women, but Allah has prohibited you from that till the day of Resurrection. So if anyone has a woman by temporary marriage he should let her go; and do not take back any of your gifts from them." (Muslim, Abu Dawud, An-Nasai, Ibn Majah)

Aytullah Khomaini stated in his book "Tahir-u-Wasila, Vol 2, Page 292" that (Mu'ta) can be done for one day, one night, and even for a few hours. He further states on the same page that "Mu'ta is allowed with a (known) adulterous woman and Mu'ta with a prostitute is undesirable (but not Haram)".

On page 356 in volume 1 (Para 5) of 'Tafseer Minhaj us Sadiqeen' (widely read and referred by said : "One who does Mu'ta (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Shias) it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad one who does it twice, will ;(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) once in his life will attain the rank of Imam Husain one who does it thrice will attain the rank of ;(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) attain the rank of Imam Hasan and one who does it four times will attain my (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Ameeral Mo'mineen Hadhrat Ali .(rank." (Astaghfirullahal Azeem (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) - ie Prophet)

The same Tafseer, Volume 1 it is written that "the number of women that a person can be engaged in Mu'ta at a (one) time is unlimited".

Shias rules of Muta

رضئ هللا ) a) Mu'ta is a source of blessing, which was stopped by Hadhrat Umer) .(تعالی عنہ

(b) Mut'a can be done by married men and married women; and unmarried men and unmarried women. A married man can have Mut'a with different unmarried women and vice versa.

(c) Every Shia man and women should do Mut'a at least once in their life times. The more they do, the better it is for them.

(d) Shia women can do Mut'a with Sunni men to bring them into Shia fold.

(e) Syed women should do Mut'a with Syed men belonging to Shia/sunni community.


It is reported that Iranian Government has passed legislation which created legal whore-houses, brothels which are officially licensed under law as 'Chastity Houses'. The Iranian clerics argued that the only way to solve the problem of prostitution is to bring it under state control. These brothels are run under direct control of Shia clerics who ensure that the commercial sex is undertaken in these houses with protective measures to avoid aids. The Shia scholars argue that Government run institutionalized free sex will eradicate social corruption. To legitimize prostitution, the male customer and his sex client would register for a temporary Muta (for a few hours) under Iranian Shia Law.

A prominent cleric who backs these plans, Mohammed Mousavi Bojnurdi, told a Newspaper: "We face a real challenge with all these women on the street. Our society is in an emergency situation, so the formation of the Chastity House can be an immediate solution to the problem". He reiterated that the plan is both realistic and conforms to Shia Sharia (Shia Law). Women rights groups bitterly criticize these Houses. The Cultural Council for Women, a Women's rights group, argue that such houses are "deceitful and thinly disguised form of prostitution. There are hundreds of thousands of women in in Shia community who are forced into prostitution in the name of Mu'ta.


The Shia practice Mut'a is identical in nature with Salafi practice of 'Misyaar' and so many other types of legal sexual relationships between men and women allowed in Salafi Society. The terms and conditions of Misyaar and Mutah are same except that in Misyar, it is claimed that the partners do not fix a time for their sexual relationship and are free to leave each other anytime they wish. In line with Mut'a, Salafis need not live under one roof in Misyar. The woman can live at her place and the man will go to her and spend the night or a few hours with her and come back to his home. Alternatively, they can meet at a mutually agreed place for a few hours during night for sex and go back to their respective homes later. Salafis also undertake misyar with several women in one night.

All Salafi scholars in the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who are responsible for Issuing Islamic edicts (Fatawa), including Imams of Grand mosques of Makka and Madina, like Shaikh Adil al-Kalbani and other prominent scholars like Shaikh Abdulaziz Ibn Baaz (1910-1999), Ibn Uthaymeen an-Najdi - (1925-2001), etc., have allowed several kinds of fake marriages, (like Misyar, Urfa, Misyaf, Misfar, etc.). Shias are better in this respect as they did not go beyond Mutah.

All Salafi scholars have been issuing indiscriminate fatawas to legitimize prostitution and flesh trade in Salafi society in the name of fake marriages.

The statistics at Salafi dominated societies show that women are hooked in the name of Misyaar and other fake marriages, dozens of times for short periods, sometimes even for an hour, for which they bargain and get paid undisclosed amounts. In Yemen, Far East, Europe and other sex tourism countries, Misyaar is a flourishing business through middlemen where Salafis from


Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries visit during summer months and spend their time with plenty of women.

What about women who get pregnant in Misyaar? Either pregnancies are terminated or in case the woman decides to give birth to the child, she is responsible for his/her upbringing because she will never meet the person again in her life who is the biological father of her child.

Salafi and Shia groups, together is a sizeable population in the Muslim world. Their practices of Muta, Misyaar and other fake marriages have brought shame to Muslims throughout the world. There is no religion on earth which allows this kind of legal exploitation of women. It is indeed a mockery of the institution of Islamic marriage.

(5) Taqiyya is a mandatory Shia practice of concealing the truth for the purposes of misleading to have used (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) unsuspecting people into the Shia fold. They claim Hadhrat Ali Taqiyya in his speeches.

Similarly, Salafis conceal truthful Islamic teachings to baptize unsuspecting people into Salafism. Salafis openly change the books of Ahadith and other Islamic literature and misinterpret the meanings of Quranic verses or simply deny the existence of a Hadith or declare it Da'ef if it is not suitable for their self fabricated Aqeedah.

(6) Shias claim that the Quran, in its present form, is altered by Sahabah and say that the real and Imam-e-Ghaib, who will appear in (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) Quran as compiled by Hadhrat Ali future.

Khomeini in his book Kashful Asrar - Page 114 has written the following shocking statements.

" Tahreef (deliberate alteration of words to change the meaning of the holy books) is that fault which Muslims accuse Jews and Christians of indulging in, has proved to be found in the Sahabah. It was easy for the Sahabah to remove verses from the Holy Quran and deliberately add verses to it and in this way forever concealing from the people of the world the true Quran." (Kashful Asrar, page 114, written by Khomeini).

The above Shia belief is similar in nature with Salafis who claim that all Ahadith books, written by our great Imams like Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Maaja, Abdu Dawood, Ahmad, Malik and others do not contain truthful Ahadith. They claim that Al-Bani has removed falsehood from these books and they will act upon only those Ahadith that have been approved (read altered) by Al-Bani. Indeed, Al-Bani has showed Salafis an easy way out of Islam.


(7) Shias believe that the chain of Prophethood is not complete, but rather it is still in progress in the form of the appearance of Imams from time to time.

Khomeini, in his book, "Al-Hukumatul Islamia" has written "In our Sect, from the necessary and fundamental beliefs, one necessary principle of our faith is that our Imams have ranks that exceed those of close and the appointed Apostles." (AL-Hukumatul Islaamia - Page 52).

The above beliefs of Shias are similar in nature of the belief of Salafis who respect Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and other scholars like Uthaymin, Al-Bani, more than Sahabah and Imams. They trust and respect Al-Bani more than they believe the Imams of Ahadith like Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Maalik, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Maaja, Abu Dawood and others. Ahadith which have been approved (read altered) by Al-Bani are accepted as authentic in Saudi Arabia and the entire Salafi world.

It is reported that Al-Bani removed over 5000 Ahadith from the authentic books of Ahadith and have published two versions of Ahadith books, (i) Sahih, and (ii) Da'ef. This way he has branded all Imams of Ahadith as untrustworthy Muhadditheen. He removed 83 chapters from Imam Bukhari's Hadith book 'Adab al Mufrad' and has questioned his Islamic Aqeedah.

Salafis have gone far ahead of Shias in destroying Islam. They destroyed the pious graves of صلى هللا عليه و آله ) and family members of Prophet Mohammad (رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم اجمعين) Sahabah were dug and (رضئ ہللا تعالی عنہم اجمعين) It is estimated that over 60,000 graves of Sahaba .(وسلم their pious bodies removed and disposed off elsewhere. They even destroyed the house of Prophet.

.When I came to Medina :(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) It is in Hadith - Narrated Abu Burda He said, "Will you come to me so .(رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) I met Abdullah bin Salam that I may serve you with Sawiq (powdered barley) and dates, and let you enter a ,entered? (Bukhari (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) blessed) house in which the Prophet) Volume 5, Book 58, Number 159)

The above Hadith shows the sacredness and importance of a house which was visited by Prophet and how much Sahabah used to respect such things. Now look (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Mohammad in Makka (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) at these Salafis who destroyed the house of Prophet Mohammad where he lived 28 years. They destroyed it and built public toilet at that place.