ENGLISH [Reader and Supplementary Reader]

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ENGLISH [Reader and Supplementary Reader] www.kalvisolai.com ENGLISH [Reader and Supplementary Reader] Standard X A Publication under Government of Tamilnadu Distribution of Free Textbook Programme (NOT FOR SALE) Untouchability is a sin Untouchability is a crime Untouchability is inhuman TAMILNADU TEXTBOOK CORPORATION College Road, Chennai - 600 006 i www.kalvisolai.com © Government of Tamilnadu First Edition-2004 Reprint - 2006 Chairperson Thiru R. S ANKARA SUBRAMANIAN SG Lecturer in English, Govt. Arts College, Nandanam, Chennai - 600 035 Overall Reviewer Thiru S.GOMATHINATHAN, Special Officer, ELT/Reader, D.T.E.R.T. (Retired), W - 5 (Old 302), 19th Street, Annanagar Western Extension, Chennai-600 101 Reviewers Thiru R. Venkata Krishnan Thiru R. Sundaravadivelu Principal PG Assistant T.I. School Govt. Higher Secondary School Ambattur, Chennai - 600 053 MGRNagar, Chennai - 600 078 Authors Tmt.K. LeenaAnil Thiru V. Unni Krishnan Research Scholar Junior Lecturer Dept. of English Govt. Teacher Training Institute University of Madras, Coimbatore. Chennai-600 005 Thiru Samuel Moses Chelliah Tmt. Meera Ravishankar Head Master 16, Karpagam Flats, W.P.A. Soundara Pandia Nadar Thiruvengadam Street, H.S. School, Chennai - 600 023. R.A. Puram, Chennai - 600 028 Ms. Priscilla Josephine Sarah S. Consultant (ELT) c/o. S. Gomathinathan Chennai. This book has been prepared by the Directorate of School Education on behalf of the Govt. of Tamilnadu. This book has been printed on 60 G.S.M. paper. Printed by web offset at: Manivasagar offset Printers, Chennai - 600 081. ii www.kalvisolai.com THE NATIONAL ANTHEM FULL VERSION Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he Bharata-bhagya-vidhata. Punjaba-Sindhu-Gujarata-Maratha- Dravida-Utkala-Banga Vindhya-Himachala-Yamuna-Ganga Uchchhala-jaladhi-taranga Tava Subha name jage, Tava Subha asisa mage, Gahe tava jaya-gatha. Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he Bharata-bhagya-vidhata. Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he Jaya jaya, jaya, jaya he. SHORT VERSION Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he Bharata-bhagya-vidhata. Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he Jaya jaya, jaya, jaya he. AUTHENTIC ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, Thou dispenser of India’s destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, of Dravid, Orissa and Bengal. It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of the Yamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for Thy blessings and sing Thy praise The saving of all people waits in Thy hand, Thou dispenser of India’s destiny. Victory, Victory, Victory to Thee. iii www.kalvisolai.com THE NATIONAL INTEGRATION PLEDGE “I solemnly pledge to work with dedication to preserve and strengthen the freedom and integrity of the nation.” “I further affirm that I shall never resort to violence and that all differences and disputes relating to religion, language, region or other political or economic grievances should be settled by peaceful and constitutional means. “ INVOCATION TO GODDESS TAMIL Bharat is like the face beauteous of Earth clad in wavy seas; Deccan is her brow crescent-like on which the fragrant ‘Tilak’ is the blessed Dravidian land. Like the fragrance of that ‘Tilak’ plunging the world in joy supreme reigns Goddess Tamil with renown spread far and wide. Praise unto ‘You, Goddess Tamil, whose majestic youthfulness, inspires awe and ecstasy. iv www.kalvisolai.com FOREWORD Language is a dynamic social interactive phenomenon. The importance of communication in the modem world cannot be under- estimated. The ability to read and interpret the language correctly and express effectively, and articulating both in person and on paper is becoming more important. So the overriding purpose of this book is to make the children feel comfortable in all the four major skills and the subskills of the language. We have given a great deal of original thought to ensure that we have the best selection of pieces and the most interesting communicative tasks. The book offers special treatment to those who are suffering from language handicap, for want of exposure and throws a challenge or two for those with some exposure. This will be an agreeable companion both to the children and the teachers. v www.kalvisolai.com NOTE TO THE TEACHER This book has been prepared in accordance with the revised syllabus which has specified the various competencies to be acquired in the tenth standard, through the seven pieces. The list of competencies handled in each unit has been elaborately enunciated at the beginning of the unit. The prose piece in each unit helps learners to acquire the competencies in diverse ways. The poem, with questions on understanding the figures of speech will help learners enhance their appreciation skills. The supplementary reader contains six pieces and each piece takes care of a few skills so that the skills acquired already with the help of the prose pieces could be refined and strengthened. For the ‘listening’ section of each unit, and the ‘study skills’ section in Unit-V, the teacher is to refer to the passages to be read aloud to the students that are appended to Part-I of the leader. Through the book we have conveyed that grammar is not a collection of hard and fast rules. It helps to choose the use of the forms of language best suited to each particular occasion. Hope you will find the book interesting and useful in many ways as a reliable, trusted linguistic guide for your teaching. A book is only as good as its users. After all, good teaching results from a passionate engagement with the language and results in caring for the children. vi www.kalvisolai.com NOTE TO THE PARENT This book is offered with warmth and confidence to your children. It will supply in full measure, that information on the language which is required at their level for comprehensive use of the language in their day to day life, both inside and outside the class room. It is qualitatively new in the sense that after going through the book your children will say, ‘When people tell me English is difficult, I show my dimple ,?? English is simple!’ bgnwh®fË ftd¤âF M§»y bkhÊÆ mo¥gil¤âwfisí« mij x£oa ãwâwfisí« KGikahf »u»¤J tF¥giwÆY« rKjha¤âY« ïj bkhÊia K>ikahf¥ gagL¤â gydilí« tifÆ ï¥ò¤jf¤ij c§f FHªiffS¡F fÅîlD« e«ã¡ifílD« mË¡»nwh«. M§»y« fgJ fodky, vd c§f FHªijf cz®th®f. vii www.kalvisolai.com CONTENTS PART I-READER Unit Title Page I PROSE - THE MASTER BLASTER 5 POEM - SIX AND OUT 25 II PROSE - THE BENEVOLENT BISHOP 31 POEM - NOBLENESS ENKINDLETHN OBLENESS 50 III PROSE - SAMBU IN LONDON 56 POEM - THE PROFESSOR 77 IV PROSE - TRAVELLING FAR 81 POEM - THE ROAD NOT TAKEN* 99 V PROSE - HIS FIRST TEST 105 POEM - HONEST THOUGHT AND SIMPLE TRUTH * 122 VI PROSE - TOMMY FINDS A BOOK 127 POEM - THE TABLES TURNED* 148 VII PROSE - MY DEAR PC 154 POEM - THIS EXCELLENT MACHINE 171 APPENDIX 174 * Memoriter Poems viii www.kalvisolai.com PART II – SUPLEMENTARY READER Unit Title Page 1 Mrs. INDIRA GANDHI 181 2 HELEN KELLER 188 3 SAROJINI NAIDU 194 4 AUNG SAN SUU KYI 200 5 DR. MUTHULAKSHMI REDDY 206 6 JOAN OF ARC 215 PHONETIC SYMBOLS 221 ix www.kalvisolai.com PART - I READER x www.kalvisolai.com UNIT I COMPETENCIES A LISTENING: Using correct tones in speech (Intonation) B SPEAKING: Participating in debates C READING: Identifying main and Supporting ideas Understanding discourse markers D VOCABULARY: Forming words using prefixes and suffixes Giving the expansion for abbreviations and acronyms Using compound words E STUDY SKILLS: Collecting information from the Internet F GRAMMAR: Using conditional clauses Using phrase prepositons and prepositional verbs G WRITING: Expanding and explaining proverbs H OCCUPATIONAL COMPETENCY: Interpreting advertisements I STRATEGIC COMPETENCY: Paraphrasing a given concept J CREATIVE COMPETENCY: Appreciating brave/unique deeds 1 www.kalvisolai.com A. Listening The teacher will read an except from a cricket commentary. As you listen, watch the fall and rise in the pitch of his/her voice. (The teacher reads) Look at the following sentence taken from the excerpt: 1. It’s a short ball. (ordinary statement) 2. What a shot!(exclamation) 3. Where’s the ball? (‘wh’ questions said in a neutral way) These sentence are said in the falling tone. In the falling tone there is a fall in the pitch of the voice from a high level to a low level. It is marked as [ ]. The falling tone is used commonly in: ¡ ordinary statements ¡ exclamations ¡ ‘wh’ questions said in a neutral way and in ¡ commands: Go and open the window. Look at the following sentence taken from the excerpt: 1. Will he score a century? (questions with yes/no answers) 2. The batsman take one, two, three......(enumeration) 3. When Ganguly took his guard earlier today....(incomplete statements) These sentence are said in the rising tone. In the rising tone there is a rise in the pitch of the voice from a low level to a high level. It is marked as [ ]. The rising tone is used commonly in: 2 www.kalvisolai.com ¡ questions with yes/no answers ¡ enumeration ¡ incomplete statements ¡ and in ¡ polite requests: Take it away. Task 1: The teacher will read the except again. Listen carefully and identify the fall and rise in the pitch of the voice. Task 2: The teacher will read the following sentences. Listen carefully, mark the intonation and practise it. 1. What a magnificent sight! 2. India is a cricket crazy country. 3. Go and open the innings. 4. Can you get me another pair of gloves? 5. Are you alright? 6. We have one day matches in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta ............
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