- - : : : : f , ' ■ - ll Jun-0Z-67i , 0 5 -U 6 Mbrarlwi'^ % Idaho H l»t»iPWW l p a l 33«i« o l » t y ^ I'f''*' ' B o l « . _ , Weather ■' ☆ Final * ; ^ ^ _____ Mostly Clear — Edition— — ------^— ^Wednesday— ; ------TbQ‘Maglc Valley Newspaperiwspaper DiD edicated to Servlogg ahd.froiiibungahd. l'ror the Growthth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Countiesountles ^ 1 ______^------VOL. 63, NO. 275 ^ 5 5 " t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO,0, TUESDAY,.JANUARY TUESDA 17,7 , 19G7 T E N C E N T S Mao Notes I ", y ,. I p i i n g rS t t o r j f f i — ^

Struggle I ^ 1 S w e e p s M i di w w i e s t ^ ' By JOHN RODERICK TOKYO (AP)—Mao Tse- ^ ■ ■ ...... > ' V tung and his faction ap- ^ pear to have gained the jjl upper hand in Communist p l i M o v e!S s I1 n t o GCe a n a d a China’s.power struggle and By The Associated Press!SS there are signs thc threat & A paralyzing blizzardrd that .sw.swept across norlhern:rn seClionssoClion* of the M idwest m oved ' of violence in Peking and jS -I :,;-., into Canada loday as the cokiesLcokie.s w eather of the year .spread.sprer eastward and south- other major cities is dis- K ;;ard frorh the Great't' Plains. With\ huge drifts of)f ^now blockingbio streets nnd high- sipating, the Peking cor* B w'ays, tlie blizzard closcdised schoolsschnob and curtailed motor and'airand'a travel. The m ercury respondent, of the Tokyo B H H | plungedp iu r to lower thanan 30 degreesdcgt below zero across the norili .central border _____ newspaper-Yom iuri report- -fe r e g ions. The Weather.l a U i c n ------• e d ^ to d a v .______3% jir~Bureau issued cold wave -jn The Japanese correspondent M ^tB . for a vast area t~* said the chaotic-nituation on the K from the Canadian borderjE Pioneer SmSavings, mainland appears lo have ^ . , southward to Kentucky, western .y "passed its peak and the tetise ^ W m S M Tennessee. Oklahoma and # situation prevailing over Pe- H ■ king, Shanghai, Nanking and B V-- 1*^ iznorlliwcstern Texas nnd cast- # a ng and ware H Loan Firm y^i,- >.. w ard a cro ss tho M idwe«t to Irm Closed other major cities appearsla rs lo H V ■e«t to , - i western New York, r ■ be subsiding following Mao’s M , , . BOISE (AP)—The Pioneerioneor SavingsSavin and Loan Association . ■ ‘. '< H 4 MiMinneapolis and St, Paul had of persqnai leadership off ^ Tthe h e -M| lul had or Boise was closcd Monday-londay by the Stale Department of______. ' , wind-chill reading today of fi2 Fir \ a riusuicd JsstJUi.111011 tU dluse-m Idalio “ .t y » du^iLL.^ Uuluw /Cl'O. Ih e W eatfT ',vii ______‘’ ■Wflll nc w s p n ^ r ^ ' In RPittin rhlng. g M . ‘ cr Bureau's wind-chill indcli index ■ last week reported Mao had re- H - takes imo considerationn ' both ' closed ant t ththe e end olof thc hanking day Monday turned to Ihe capital, quoting ■ elocity *‘’t*''' sh a re .accounis:counis of alaboul S75.fHi(l and assets ot P rc m jc r CViou, E n -lal and oOtbCT th e r ■ temperature ai\d wind velocUy. The area had a' temperatureic ra tu rc $200,000 a cc o rd inng g to TomTont D. McEldowney, acling high Communist party officials.officials. BH |H B ^^^^B H H ^^B rea d in g of -20 and a w indid velo- commissionercoi of finance,e. ' ' “There is no doubt Mao’s ap- B .J city of 17 miles an hour from pearancc played a decisive role * ir from Idaho Savings andI Loan'Loan- Assoclallon-wllhAsso ’OTCHrdc* live role thc northwest. ______. . , tfi turn the tide of the crisis,” ------_—positors:^nd^ccounts-lotBllng-ts-totBllng-$20-mimote=tlascd=dfl3t • ~ ----- JkETEll-EIV&INCHES-ot-liew-ilES-of-new-Bnow=on-top-of-the-l»S-inehes— Inches— hour-whlpped-the^now-agalnsHhe^h< ~*gaInst-the^hre,-and-plow5rcl^lng~— ^ T 1 ------the-“ Yorfilurl^rcM rt~sald~bui “ enrlng:_^hp-im M (.-packing.-wmg.-wind d ------rjuly"aird^lUris“ln* thoG procc.ss of liquidation. Rcprcscnla* —already-OB-the-groundj-thcse-cars-,-thcsecars-In-a-St-Paul-motel^paridng p a rk in g ------(he~lot,-added(h (0 thelr”load.“” lond.“ TTcinp< c in p c ra lu rc s droppcd to) —21. gustsgu.sl up to 70 miles un hour, ( ------added-thaHhe-7J-year<)ld-party , I Are preparing a reopening plan, lot are nearly burled.,. WindsW inds bbet e tw ee n SO a n d <0 m ileslies petp e t (AP(/! wirephoto)______swept frnm the norlhernr PlainsPlaints ^ shareholders Are prepar chairman has not made any _ ------, into Minncsoia. Wisconsinsin and McEldowne^1 said thce suspensioisuspension was the result of ‘*ccr-"" public appearances. - ...... MicMichigan, Blizzard warningsk’arnings lainlai factors, some of which were unauthorized transmittal Hc rep o rte d th a t 30,000 anti- ; were posted for riorlheastcrnlieastern of funds out of the State,le of Idaho, irregularities in the man- Mao workers left their jobs in I ------Iowa,------— --- . -..ae-agPnient-of-PJQneer^avmgai2nn(U ------S h a n g h a i-a n d -s e t'o u t-fo r Peking : DeadUne- -i- ivingsi^and-lvonn-flnd-latk of praoF-pf------. ' ^ M U r ^ oovidina m a Taxax-Relief E A pproxim ately 3 3.DR0- DRO- ^ ■iO 60 nm,p,h. i,p,h. cocorporate .owncrshin." ____ but_wer£_lnterccpted--and-porin d -p o r------—— ;------suadcd to return. ^ ______^in-Fall9-€ounty-resi—_fgsj„_iwliippcd-the-finow-thnmsh-thc-»etnhc-—------ES imination ofthe firm showed,showec he fiaid,-the-associatlon ------"Hunareds ol tnousands o^ f - dents have until Wednes-cdnes- “Jf' I'ahing. snow-clearingIg oper- ^may have violated 19C6C6 DeparimiDeparimeni of Financc rules, and 1 ations on highways in Minncso- workers had potired into Pe- On V. PreseriscriptionDruQWug^Viei^f.day midnight to put 19D7 v?s"ibilT ■■'n^nagement ppractices ra c tic e s mmust be corrected." ^ license plates on their • ; „ , reported visibili- . king, creating tension0 n la st times to Pioneer Savings andmd Loan wHlw reopen, McEldowney week,” thc dispatch continued,intinued, By MARK BROWNVH ■- • j|i | -1 vehicles. Long lines of mo- ■'^ Mondayj dropped at times to _;Said, "as soon as'.thchc factors rneccssUating the suspen- . "but disappeared from>m ththc c I TheI RepublicanRepublici chairm an of the Idaho L -Reve- r- iorists were -reporled ~ . BOISE (AP)— the Idaho Legislature’s Hotise-Reve- r^ t three storm-relatedi-rclated tlon ore remedied?”’ Hc said tthc -Institution’s Jlnanclal streets after Mao’s support to i\ue and Taxation Committee said today his committee is considering a billbiil to V' Tuesday in the courthouse. ;' dea fovtdi^Bdequate-sa{fcty-for-tavct6*i------.ari-urgenl'appcal from Shanghai ' • deaths''were reported. Twowo men condition should "provldi^Bdeq :lief cn prescription drugs "and other areas." Rep. Joe, pPres- f i g . ;-.fi-1 Clifford; Thompson, ..idled ,• in Minnesota.'while-.shovol-^ h o v o l - —----- when-it-l-TTWpotipHT'Z;—------revolutionary pro-M'ao rebelsrebds Providef sales tax relief cn pn ______tun* r/>pi1rtpH IQI )ading—to-a—chaU cftgo-Mnday-^m onday-^m —Rep.- Edward-WilHamsr nn.ipn 111^1 j,jiuw a ild a w om an inm S outh —------1------^ persons operating a :.j ^Dakota was crushed to death Daily Thursday." - • D-:D-Lewiston, assistantnt minoritym lnorit leader, to anyr RepublicaR epublican m em b er of the.. hhou!se-:J. o u s e . v\ e hide after ‘midnight ■ jwlu Earlier. Mao's factionon had to co-sponsor a bill. liftingl i f t i n g ------:— i------3 ” ’------______: Wednesday without 1907. ■‘ tmi hinted at-dlvlsinn-t in ils rnnlta .ji.. ' the-sales-tux fium pie- -T ^ plates may expect a* cita- } .jl i Aa s Ihe _s_tgjm __ coarcd-IntQ H with a call on all pro-Mao or^ ^ E M o i t E E:vansWill a n iS -iw Bcription—dr-ugST—^aidr-he j ------f-tiou' fiuin'-suitercqqncytuy or~rr Oi-^TT fj[ic -M ichigan's U p p er P e n in su la _ —'— ■Eairt2atlon5-KTTallr'flfffuna''OTf ^ U n S B fe a m o — preferred a bill thata t wwas a s ^ ii city officers. ' Li-I MoiMonday night, wlnUs of 50 T l ■ Red Chinese army. pr •;j According to figures of m,p I ^ not "drawn in haste and with 1 res of m,p,h. whipped, the snow, halt- 1^ rv rv % '•]-licensed .vehicles frommlasL-i-> lasL-u ing-lraveling- on many highwavsrg H e a d U e SBt-Trustees— M ~ r ______political., motives.!^______^------L W xl H licenseicenso Fou Four inches oPsnow fell m a six- _ £g -“I can assure you,” ^Asfced-3?0::S-Preston^ Tft Step Downli n Falls, was'unanimously elected TT;,..-. ^ plates has been consider-islder- j]iJ bouhour period tlurlng the nlshrrtnight at Eldon^ Evans, Twin Falls, w Menghini Is sa id , “ th a t m e m b e rs of th e _rev- iS m E JAKARTA, Indonesianesia (AP) — Indonesian. Foreign.!"oreign 1 “ ^^“wer this year.r.. . ’ ■ w MaiMarquette, making a total of chairmcha an of the.C ollegeIlege of Southern'IdahoS' board of 1 kfl enue and taxation committee ...... ‘‘‘ four fept on th/»_gfniiqii-i»PAr t-ry, f l are, studying these and,nd..other other MM inister-A dam _RlalikfiIik_disclosed-today-he .disclos -has-asked-n sk o d S id-jnear trustees-during^h5^«Jup’s“group s ^ reorganizational meeting Manager Of a” ...... -Lake Superior. ' vtq, ------— © ------aarcM rt of lax relief. , pjPresident Strfcarrib to step downdow "in the interest of the ^ , ' Monday night at the: college office.0 Mr. Evans, a cer- [ .' ■ ■ 1 l ' w There were ot least five jjr;, .Williams said his bill was “not ne In wes^ public accountantant with IRiddle, Roth and Evans, | . , e was “not nation." M alik toldd newsmen after meeting Sukarno O4 I utlook O111 n . school buses stranded In west- T. F. Office ______telhastily drawn." He sald..die bill,a£ ^ Ills pnlace odvisecl.advised, (hp.thp.' pra-siriftnt. tri.jnakfi-thi.s —- ern.,nnd ,touthnmJ4innogotar-S<»iotar5 (» haa.b£en a.roetnber-of-tho-boatot.tlia ,h oard-6inco*it>-wafl-appoint6d— ...... r men ropmg together two ■Rudolph Menghini, a 12-year- ' st^f •- before he wasas brought down In dishonor. Testi- "W together two y ea rs ago by thele SState tate B Board of Education, and ll'n,?T\L la d v e^ i^ irs drafting staff — H o t inarched abreast on a road for v/U5 veteran of the Social Security reason trlpls has tended to connect “ road for w as recently elected lo a fotir-fotir-year term on llie board. the agency -which is ’drawing drawing various treason trip! Watei- IsN^^ |'•T/j m iles 10 lead a bulldozer-jlld07.er- . p „ program, assumed duties Mon* J"* , Rev. John (Jnck) Gar- T oMhe legislature.datiirc. ^Sukarno with -the attem pted Communist' coup Oct. 1, -^7 piow to a bus w ith 301 school '■ ' ' ^ day as district manager of thc ' rabrandt, Jerom e, elected Twin Falls Social SecurityurIty ol-of- .1 Two bills were Introduceduced this ~ ^ T 191965. But in a statementitem ent Yet X Certain . p'|children,-near Choklo,'Minn.lin n . ™l , (Icc. , memorning In tho H ouso. One T week to Congress, Five.passengers suffered cuts tb a two-year term duriiig - .. Vi.«„ would provide thnt public build" JLD eep W ater ie^*^had JEROME - Neither■ an am- nml brglses when a Greyhounde yhound , D q The local otfice lin3_ bceij ii'b d id ' Sukarnos , denied he .had k Docember’s district trustee Ing Include facilities to . mmake a k e _ i- , Af P'c water supply nor a short hus hoonti from Minneapolisipolis to . - ' elc( without a manager .since the anything to do with It. Af- JL-, W ■ eleclion, is the new vico chalr- easier acccss to thc building (or T ■ “ • water year was predicted.cd at tUethe Chi ChicttRo riverturncd near^nr To- ' ’{ B rnn death last fall of Wc-iley Wat- B man. Rev, Garrabrandt's posl- O il ter the coup, the army cracked annual meeting of thclie North mamah. Wis. All commercial buses son. Ivan Squires, fieldd reprepre- re- P**y-^'cally* h a n d ica p p ed “So'n” persons. Designation J . «:• al buses '-^ K L .-JiflieA tion tioi on thc hoard marks tho down on the Indonesianan Com- ^fdc Cnnnl Co. Mondayly In the weiwere called off Minne.soinitii high-high­ ■ ^ H R S k i j n ^ . firs sehtative here, has been■n actingnciInB 'The Other one Introducediced car*ear* rirw^ ’ -w—. • first official voting voice Je-' I munisls nnd graduallylly took firm's office. wa;ways Monilny afternoon nnd as manager since Mr. Watson's making changes In thel I on nnd - JTBiriM tfiirTW rome ror Counly hns had in collego'' 3(1 away Sukarno’s powers. Since „ , ninnag- "'‘•'‘e t'^’t to resume travelvel until ^ burl nnd .lolin1 KoslmRohIiiiII ll «’<■HK'iit of bnnk fiimi.s. t - , iimn of operniion. hnvo sp e n t all th n ir liven In icr In ft irltlcnl aren. i o r T riislees tllscu.'istHl. pro p o sed '7 '^" ro Covor, Dnrrell 11, nnllrcr nnd lisure ihe Pro^f^nt situationlion wllh-wllh- |>r( proHcnled the lognl Teport■eiiorl fofor r M^ r. R eed hnd nm ienrcfl he. V Motilann, ho mikt ihey lind nn *''0 c lo su re, thc «.'.'.i I...- For Meeting' Jleglslniion n'gnniing eilucnilon, L !l!!l 'I?, f'hanni Wolfo receivedI onu-gnl-ont-gni- ,,JJ J, f3,.,)ii)R|cnl .Survey■vrv hounnboRnn "J " '’d fircntllCHSRrentneHs P«rry, Hohertson muilui Daly, forfore.lI,.S, Commlssloiicr■r Harry '• . . . tD ’ rcservnllons about movinR to j , V parllciilnrly relating to junior :o serious 'I'wln l''nlls, legni counselid for llio Iho B.B, T u rn e r In Tw in ImiHsion on Her, H er, U UNlTF.n NATIONS, N.Y, .’ , ' Twin Falls hccnuno "everylhlnn , no nn.InvestlRntlon of groundluiml wnlor w n ie r 1 " ' ; ’;''^ " '/i)'! n illen i's In Ih.t Mnto, T hey ii« wifn i, Rny I.Im'oln, lepresenlnllvo nnd (InuRlitor, boih In Juniorinior high C oIIcro of Southern Idnho,>ho, olnht Dimension at tho meeting will 1 | - “Happy birthday, dear I (If Iwo other men ou prohntlonniton for T Tlinnt Ulgenlly rrque.iied•lied the the i.vi'tMnlivc Uhtrlvt 'n. K • old lx)y, Cluh, bIx plW n; Ty- ni nolionl, nml a four-yonr old l>oy, I"' i>lWs; ly - n^^i, in d u d o locntlon a n d unilnint ) Ben . . . happy birlhdnyrllirlny |i |) M IV o tio n s FIenilie/Alemenl o r ™ of hnnk( 'fundN fundN. . two twii governmeni.s .Sinulay" la y lo I" „ a I.I ll... II..UJ0 I'jlu ra - TI117 also hnvo two’ m mnrrkid n rrk 'd poRI’.'’ raphlcal Union, fouru r plniH;plniHi (,[(,| ^vntcr rig h ts nnd posslhlll. | to you . . Konnid K ellh Y ront w nss i»lnccdi*lncef tho‘Till-« tho orltl- lienjnmln Franklin j T I oil tw o y e a r prohntlon (j»r.fi>r. Ulll-Uilt- dllluim dill "..lu.ajncL -iliig ofif ' .the E1,h- t : ______Idnhn Pnwcr Co., Ounlltylity Roof, Uo«f- cicui arco. M son, 23,______^ Id [, m ig h t Im ve Hiiffni'ed a n iD | J-* ism issal In1 1 1 ;™ing SHIl-l In bank fuiulrtiiilrt a n d rae rae l . .Syria M ixed .Aknuislleir riuisllci- i-k -|-k • ------ors nml Prfshytcrlnn Church,C hurch, ' ' ------^ , H —T ■ I, olectrlo shock If JiQ hnww J G le n n -A IIrn .Scott w im-g -glven iv en an ConiiniitNlon ( ‘iii a fle r - h r - - r e r e i v e li I - XI. cnch (hrcn pInlH. ,. P a y H a i s e — ------Qnf^Q M his—ndmlrnrs wtnifil hu I • - 'I threo-yenr prohntlon for' the nn-ein- reports rep of n mnjor mllitiiry * - 'j’raffic DeathsItn S Twln'Tiilli! KIwanIir~Cliib,15~Clith, P lane C rashes j| ' T rial D eniedIC (1 heuleutetil «( JlWl, lluthtl\ Trent builduphui un lnuU slden «( th« ■- llnpllfit Church, Nninroneinronn MIDLAND, Tox,. (AP)-Tho>AnV on. nfi """R and Scolt were eoiployrfloyrfi by border bor which he snid Ihreniened I I d a h o J'l a on hlrlhdny. Church, Hoiary Club, liplscopnl liplnconni • 'flxni Department of PPublic u b He n H But IhnfR Ihe plannn for t... ’ '■ ' WASHINGTON (AP)> -— h'cd-I'cd- IheIho Bank of Idaho In llohe,llolMe, to to loiichI off large-ncalo ‘5l£ fighting. I^^ Demanded sch l o d n y ------— ------1 9 G 7 ...... 6 ‘-'I Church nnd Western Miinicliinic Co,, .Safety.Si said to«tny thntint rt mill-m ill- U U tm lny, w hcn n cnkon w w h ith : i -'‘"‘H*' Oliver (inscli lodny — r; Iwii plnlH u n c h ; AllniHn Chib, tn : denied . iipnrse aiullencn,5, com- Tho1 doriimenl Ii mit Intemled fmf,ir some '15(1,1)011 workers In thn ... .. chnruui,.|nehidlng. hu-oniii;-onui tnxn u pi'ised pi'i targiily of. a h andfulindfiil of of nn nn n crlticlum of tho eKlnilngeKlslIng nnnnilon'.! tnn'idng Industry. - flvaRlimjiml ronverlliigIg loin'hls ' h h cily cli; offlelnis, w itnessedsed Iho Iho bonboiirtl, he mlikd. , • . , , ■]Tho wnge IiIIm's a sk ed by thn NewMcCoriCormick Placc 11 own uite 01)11 liileiiiledI'd a^ a s sell-sen- Tw Tw in l'(il|!i C d y . C nm minhHldn'H hH ldn'fi I I'nou Kroll, ctiiumlnstoi^o'Vtlluvlr- \;hivlr- -y^ 'I'rn m sin rs hi t>]ieuhin w 'gutln- 'lace To Risese FlFrom Ashes Inloclnl. enuipiilun I'oiitilbullnnti.ItlhulloiiB. Momlny M' .iilglit. aiiprowui-of«i-of n n nm man,-^tnird Hint tlie jnli was n,, Jol) was ||,,|,H wllh repreHentnllvert MerchandlsoM Mnrt nntl other dlsplnydl spnco. 'Defense * ntlorney ' I-liiwnillI-:(iwni1l resofiitlon I’ef .ciillliig fnr nnnn In- In- h HiniplyIii too big fnr threei> menaieii lo jrj:i,iiiii) U'ui'king firm s n m o u n t in chilN liKlny pnimlHt^il thntmt a nnw otlsnlniirrm Itohort I, Quinnulnil nnld, frfnollltleN, n d w n n r J , l.oc, Mt'C’ocC orm rm lelek k '1’°' ' ‘" ''“ ’■I WIlllniuH, In miiovlii|{ ovlnn for(or crenHK, e u In Ihti Kirn o fllhhn n hlnhlnho h o baibandle. nbnbout 7 per cent H yenr on lop McCormick I'lnrn Will rlsuriflo from "A"/ ll ihn w ntitr In I j Ucu Mlchlgnn Mlchlj{nn Diimngo eslimntus« ranrnnRed g e d PlncoP Ronnrnl m nnnRjor or, snMil idd v'*'ill” H''PPf'‘s^lon of rerinliirinlii evi'i!Vi< llonrd of Mlidiwny dlrectorndlrectorn I In other huMiness, thehe com- of llm ciirrenl bnso rato of $.1.52 llio o ld nno'n nslios. ,, wi wouldn't hnvo hoijwd much,'*uiich. frfront Iho nfflclnl one — 110)10 mmil- il- llio111 biilldlng w a i w orth\ jioMO m nill- il- dlsinisHnl Ilff «'hni-|ies,I'hiii'ges, from fro threo In fivo nnd aa corre- c o rre - mii mifi«l(niers niiproved Huv10' ronlng pi-ipi-r /lour, IJui opixinciila of'thnn contro* 'Ono m nn w nn killed, l<'lreit)nn l<'lreif)on llt'emeiitleiit wllh |,ninaiiih for an add)tlonnl Yt c c n t (Ills'C ipiKirtiniltyi'’ ConviHitli'HH wci'o hchiRcing cnn- T hn ,$lfiO m illion fiRuro' wasw as “Wo will hnvo nnolher?r MMcCor- cCor- h'orI oye thliif;, li'n noledloleil Hint wi'wanled m the ninte h-gliilnturit■glitlnture llie llie l)e|iartiiieiil of I'n rk(s s on tlUillUi |ki|Kir m llo for tfiick M rlvorn w ho ' Mnmns dtmlniyni HmB Ifl'rtrre,Ifl.nrre, citlcdm and I’lnwnntloiu'itnironi wero derived <|< from oxhlhllornorn atnt tho mickin Plnco," Mnyor Rlchnrdllchnrd .1',,1', ihi'the giiveriiiiieiil e(julji])it'de(jid|iinfd In Iho Impe tlmt a ''nim'aiiiu'a fnir fnir de\ devi'loi'iuent' of tho projioiieiljiroiioiied iim nilleiiKo rnltis. Tho'currcnt Ihroe-liivol ninictiiro ns1 flromflrctmoii uii MiuikInKmi . irniiHpfirlnlloiiI oul of National N Housownru Mnniifactu- Maniifactu- pnhyp lold a newH conforoiuut,)nforoiu;e, Wnyno\Vn 1., •llioim-lv withwllh noan mi'mid nninl lepre-ienlnilonm ofof thethe HaHayes Park, mlmileage rnle Is n. llllln morn workcll (loNpornliily tis-i'ounlrycn Inick dilvern who. hnvfl qunnchrd thn hinznInzn liinlllinl diNplaydl npnro nt Nnvy I’ler, tho the iixhlhltn11: hnd jnmmeded nimost foesfi: worn qiiostlonlng Iho ihe wis*wls* nKa a k o r nt the llnverly/ WllNhli'eWllHhIre lorney, lot who jiruparcd IhoIho rein)- reiiii- Ho Houlevard 'nnd nranndnIn DrlvrtDrlvri gcgel the inlleiigu rnlo cnni or, ' ro n rc d Uii'Oiiflh thft, |lO-iiilllioi)10-iulllion liiloriuilllunlIn AmplillhoAtro.3Atro. ttiDtho u(ivory a v a lla b lo a iju aroiro foulfo u l Dfof Soa Si McCORMICK, i'g .J,J, Col. I llutulllu in,tA>t Aiigtdiis, hithitlim.-’ •■ fi« ItlOHWAY, rnKO 2, Col.CpI. 7 mmt orn por hour. / I

ll' -(1 rI ■ ... • ■ II , . 1 ■I' , ■- ' . V' ■' ' Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1967 - 2 Iwlri Falls-Times-News Weather,r, TemperaturesTei res Ex-GoodingI Ig [fein 3 j^iils^ils tjef LLong 0 n essss Seenj Today I ...... M AGIC V X L L E Y -Pardy a rd y cloudy wJUi few snow flurries over .[I fY jp ~TTieZT»ln.T:flIIsIHi^_School^■3diool __:studeBtS«^fesa?:lJI«lay-ni f t f l PTSA senior tea willI be held thcth( Twin Falls Music Club FestI- X r o f Icy ^ticle L 'magazine . . . I - - — and ncar the mounlalns'lodny,s'l6dny7MosUy Moi clear fonlghl and Wedne.s- Man Dies Of S m.Jn..the vol must .have_ihcly dueslues paid _ ■ ■■ ^U ulsej W etocj. rdiving’ Into Sta School- .—...... day.-Hlgh;; ln^0«ij9W-15-tol}-to-2S,-except »,-ex« Camas-Prtlrle hlgh-lromhigh from f -r - - - V- t i I—— ------w l ,0 0 high school'cafeteria. Parents of liy.by Friday. Contact Mrs. '‘John I j parking 'lot in hew auio ... upper 20s to low 30s, lowlow zerolero to •—10. Temperatures at 8 a.m.: J[ q /o h n S ,^Ilon^m ne^|'SS all high school seniorslors anda n d Blrroirm a t^ 3^M a^ ____ ^------L.Filer Man^------^------_Glifford-Thompson^ooklng-at-*— ‘o r 28/nt Jerome, 29 at T. F. Weatl Weather Bureau with 77 per cent _ Planned For « — ~ — T" leachers will oe guests.IS. ■ . : J len Doud long of motorists . . Jack ------hMmldltyrSt^t-Tr-FT-EnnmnnsiyEntomology Laboratory witu 73rpeTTent per cent GOQDING-Robert D. . oianK, Blank, . . FiLER—Raymond Glen Doud, ■?' , .— r-—— U-wM-lneorfectly-reported'lnpor^ed-ln 84rdiea“Mondayoj- at MIffirV a^c Val- al- Carson pccringithrcAigh vcnetlan-" “ .^ f .- , tiiimidlty, 28 at Rupert,t, 20 at Fairfield,Fair 8 at Hallcy. J9,at-B9.al-Bubl. ubl. 32,—form32, er- Gooding-restdentr “ s restdentr “ Seamon Apprcn. ■MUchael lchaeTi: E. Mtmday’sMt Times-News that J. F. following i3lln(Ljii_lame.j¥Qmflii-8ctting^— r- n i » : 2« at Castlcrdrdr28 011 Gooding Gobdlng; at.« noon, 36 at T. F.'. Weather di Twin Falls Probalejurt Court. am and two grandchildrenI and oncone st style . . . Bob Gillespie in new • each- Thursday and Friday, fnr ^ mpared to Gooding and Tau Kappa EpSIton Progi’am u,ith iKft great-granddaughter. Two■wo broth- c(cowboy boots . . . Jack Seau nday. for where highs vesterday werewero mostly in the upper 30s compared to ^ He was charged with lhe p ' the general public as well/ell as thc (he(i, low and middle Sfis on .Sunda preceded laying linoleum . . . And over- ris on .Sunday. High'; were mostly•ly *n in the thc ‘.^J fraternity. p r e . . ^ U ...... theft of approximatelyS o t , ™ $500 from fp If college students,- Clauded e JoJones, n es, jq , e a ste rn Valley.': andind In the 40s'in40. th e w est. ‘ N o v ^ -13, y n L l9 _ d .ia th ;...... ___...... '...... h hi e a rd : " r m ’'g lad we liye In a -'“'■AtWe.ndell _ the- Rogerson-Hoi£l-Nov^ 13, Ml owner, reports. Most places were a few degreesdegree; coldcr.last night and early •rty walv- Funeral services willI be con- 'b'banana bell'.’^ and early Surviving,-besides-his-wldow 1:=■'WENPELI, - An exchange Ski conditions remainlin excel- morningm readings were! in the 20s ;tft m o st sta tio n s. S om e c o ld er o* ISlSr exchange ij I96S. Originally Doughertyand walv- was dueled I at 2 p.m. Thursdayirsd a y aat t ------me colder of Pocatello, are two daughters. program; under the dlrecllon of fd lent with about two inchesics of new reportsrc were .S above al Hailey.Hailey, 12i; nt Fairfield. 17 al Rexburg. R' ireclion of ed preliminary hearingict and court was White Mortuary Chapel. Final 1 Rexburg. Rebecca Elizabeth Blank and Mrs. K , Edwin Davis'of the'the Tuttle boundbo over to district court Wl powder on a ski and machine j3];] at Malad. 18 at Pre.stonislon and II at Bear Lake. • I attorney riles will be at Sunsel MMemorial e m S ’ i | Jeannie Marie Blank, both Po- Grange was presented“d at the wherewl hc requested an attorney nt' Hazelton Paii- packed base. No precipitation wass reportedreporicd ati valley stations except for ca probate Park. The family suggestsg ests mme- e- •xcept for catello; his parents, Mr. and p.]priUay^vcning meetinging ot Or- andar was returned' lo probate Pa ______traces tr at Mountain Home,me. Soda Sj Springs and Preston and .01 of M ■ morlals to the First Baptist -i and .01 of Mrs. Fred Blank, Gooding;ling, two chard Valley Grange. cocourt for a hearing. ■ Jtk anai inch at Bear Lake. br If. -I... Church. Friends may call Wed- } brothers. Clifford Blankink and -j^he program opened wUh a 1 c£‘S Wins Masters__ Soil temperatures att tthe he four-inchfour- dep th ro.-ie w ell a h a v a ^ ed wilh a Paul John Blornson; Im'e!!! taken H^ e fllUmObh and until noon 'ClL-ahaVfi. R ich a rd R lank, hoth Rnl Qiuita. for thc drawingwing Is Allmny, N, y . " s5 ' l.cl.OS Anfteics ...... seX. ^nn. SO Pep. tions to the University of Utah I sad an ar- fitted further under thc y 0 u I h Mi 75 pints, re p o rts M rs. E lm e r ai 25 Loulsvlllo ...... 3R no M irch De- concerning candle lighting re ; lhat he nated to the city by the Boise eiton,ei were awarded the troph- El"'" g25 !:,■Mumnhls ...... 45 2Bno Medical nf Center Research De- lie lighting rehabilitation act and lhat he na P a rr o tt. a . and lighted a cantlle. The pro- sh 'criminal Cascade Corp. for thehe park.park, jes.je Olher winners are Mrs. Ashcvllla ...... 17 M 2s partment. . The pro- should be held for 'criminal Ca At:Atlnnta ...... HS 2» M e Terry Sram was closed with group ch landed to John Flatt, commissioner,m e r, not- e ^ . h . Adkins and Mrs. 1. 'A. nilllnKJ ...... 3S J! I .08 M S'f] Pallbearers will be Terry g" /ith group charges. He was remanded to Jo ------_ . ~______-L . nil mty sher- ed. Title to the land iss nol yet Hanel,h sccond; Mr. and Mrs. •- -. • ui.GirininBhnm ...... SO 24 M 53 - ..* 5 .07 «Melton, Duatie Clemons. Darath ®*'] lhe custody of the county sher- ed , nismnrck ...... 13 -22-2 2 .05 .05 New Ni Or cans ...... M 31 “ k °ones Hill, Grange master, m lomplaint. secured, but will be a available v a ila b le r ; g . Sass, third: Mrs. T. Ran­ Ball, 'Bill White, Jack Jones, • e master, iff pending a formal complaint, sei 28 . New York ...... 37 2S E Rill E welcomed the visitors from Wen- ■ -r- _tat a laierdate. sc i m C M SB ■ Northn 1 Pintle ...... <0 29 S u, Edward McGhee and Billoni Max-max Tuttle. He announced ,• som and Mrs. M. Hartruft, Death Claims pDuf/alo ...... ni 24 .01 01 •Ick, city fourth; Dr. and Mrs. H. E..Bur- that Orchard Valley will lake an I r^ e H. L. (Herb) Derrick, city fa _ nurllngton, Vt...... 21 =5-2' -y. T. O.S i S S r * . ™ . : ; ; : : ; J!i ■ J J= . ■ fh, the com- gess, fifth; Mrs. J. C. McMillin S Phllndelphli ...... 37 22 — exchange program taS the Good- Death T ake^Jk C o manager, reported to the com- g< iicli s PI - 22 ------1 in exi g G ra n g e J a n . 27. -w _ mission on results by a survey atand Mrs. Artell Kelly, sixth.. Aiithony Rich | ^2 I t ls-regard» —it" was ahrtfiUhMd lhat llie ^ « ■ £^?'■ *>“«• N. c ...... 44 2 , P, I 34 rti • ' ______-Mrs-Melvin-GibRon-gave-the I J ^ I . report of the yccent ctedU un- _ .nd dispo- unit -wlU' hold regular n\asler-______<;ino?nnotl-..',-.UriT^.-a8— n — ^ Dr^Lrerothers i I— ——Skatingce----- skat* ^ banquet served at thc L Croth- saflacllftlcs. The .survey.fey.-spon- spon- 'point p. play -alrS -p.m. Thursday • Cleveland ...... 33 ~ 2 2 .61.Oi ^n, p i ( f Jn ^3 d a t th e j e r OME — D e lb e n L. Croth- Columbus,'Ohio...... 35 31 Reno R> ...... 53! 20^ FAIRFIELD-An Ice skat- Tuesday sored In part by the Slateate Board nint the Elka-building;------nslracl- Grang« Hull. “ ers, c, 82, died early Tuesday A nothony J . R ich, 67, 1407 HO? M a- d DenverS . : ...... 52 fi fi Richmondri ...... 44I 2320 Ing pond Is being construct- id’s Hos- of Health, found Twin Falls to — S .05 St. Louis ...... 47 IS across first and sccondnd degreesdegrees morningm at St. Bencdicl’s Hos- °f pie St., died at7 a.m. Tuesday g'fro'il"'.".".::::::;::ge il \ i'5 ed on vacant, lots across be one of the cleanest cities in 24 T. SI. Prba.-Tflmpa . . . . 7n S2 Rnnppp will be put on by thele Orchard Orchard pHalnj of a long Illness. be at his home of a suddenn illness.illness, Duluthd i ...... 18 -2■-2S S .as.35 siSuit Lnke City ...... 40I 522.T from the Fairfield Ranger Valiev and West Point Granges —1885Hn- lhc-siatOr-with-4e6&-thaiv47-per- - H e w as b o rn Ja n . I., 1900, in ^ S ' ...... i i______41 Sc Snn A ntonio ...... BSI__ Jrja g ______sta tio n . ‘______nt Grangca -Ho-was-bom -Jan^r-lSSM'cam o n- tn cent of the residential ^ buildines j ^ G e r m ic k ----- — ^2S------San -niBRO ...... R i J ^ J r A n i ■ ..... »«...... - PPrinceton. Minn., and came to ce ------OmaharNcbjrTnciyingrlirlMSitgIirl9053ff FtFort_W orm _.....^M _4C l^ f , 5 ^ Volunteer w«kers_fro_m be~bclow '^(Continued.JtroratPaBe: One)ir- — ■ u n n o u n red -Id ah o 'in 1900 w ith h iss'pa'renls 'p a r e n l s cxcxaminod“.stated~t(rrbe--bclow II ____ SimL^iy^wa^-W CS-h©-W C S-h© ...... — ^,0------n ‘ ^he couiity. vlHggefHtgT5cal~'P that , the Grange supply dinner fr nl sr;"”"" " ply dinner from Liberal, Kan. Theyey settled sUstandard in refuse containers:ohtainers domdi of rebuilding lhe hall. Leon moved to Twin Falls, Holo ^ wwas a s a ind'lQnn'poii'»‘j},' 'l!.” !.'” as Ifi i’n .02 Shreveportsi ...... 69r- 1 *2 sf - Men's Club and the Mi-iForest I- will be serveU at Tuttle Feb. fii e he mar- and storage. • dDespres, an independent alder- , member of the Americanm Legion Jnekson.J« Miss...... 52 2R st ultle Feb. first in Shoshone where he mar- an I Service have been aidingI-e*!.!!! In 15.,e‘ Hc also stressed theLhe imimport- p o rt- rieri d Susie T hom ason in 1907. 1M any o f th e sutK S landardidard rrat- a t- rrman aligned with conserva- ■ and a veteran of WorldI War W a r II, i S . T c l l ! ...... ' l l i5f 5 K S ’..:;:::;::;::;?’, i I no the construction. Construe-JS l^en electing a neww director,director, shesi died in the flu epidemiclidemic in ingsInj were given becauseise of im- tIonisLs,H called the situation "a "^having serveU In the» uU. . S. lt ii! ! Kw r ”"..;:;-.;:;:; 55> ] l - tion of the pond has been proper containers or lack of n:marvelous opportunity to re- A rm y . liLittle Rock ...... S3 25 2A W.w Yellowstone— . .. 28 8 It y e a rs ------t . 1918.\ p r Reddis Monday high 80 Presidio,sidio, Tex. Tueseday' low —32 at, Interna- j,' attempted In (he past years He married Olive Leachcach Oct. lidlids dn the containers,, he said, bibuild it somewhere else.’* He married Maxine Reddis, , at Interna- but the water wouldjd seep - D onors 21 . adding that lids may be ob- ha. Kans. ^ o M lj’alls^Mlnn. : -______^ e m lca ls • S 21. 1323, In Je ro m e . ad y tg °l>- J o h n L. W aner. M a y o r D al- S c p t.ie . 1941, in H ia w a th a . K ans. out. This year chemicals ps-moved- tallied al the city dump ur fruiir ^ ______Sucviving,-besides-his-wldowr ~ ttom -lif-' -{Continued From rage-Ona c e - o n r c)- t ------Tn - lf)?n -M iv ;C fo th era-m o v ed - ^ IJ Ul fluiii ey’s Republican' opponent in farming the Sanitation Departmentnent free u]upcoming city elections, de­ ------are-one s>uii, Jim Rich,eh.' TWiffTwiff — ------a l a s k AA, 7 HHAWa w aAII i i A N D. CANa d a " (he wa- and Salvation Army, each onc' lo'thc Jerome aren. farming thi an attempt to hold (he wa- an eac h one [,ere until rc tin n g in 1962 w hen of c h arg e. n"manded a "sweeping invesliga- Falls: a brother, Mike Rich, ondand . Highest temperature2 yesterday, lowest lemperaiure last 12 re last 12 ter. pitpin t. h( e: He at- “The garbage clean-upi-up cam- tL tion’^.-olLtiie fire. Groups oppos- two sisters, M rs..Uulsese Pages hours, precipitation forr 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PST. . . The attending physician. , was hetg moved inlo Jerome: He at- ' ’ST. ' ■ , siclan was tended the First Baptistst Church paignpa in Twin Falls wasas appar- U Jng a plan for a 515-million addi- and Mrs. Ullian Pappas, all c« Dr. Morion Cutler. a, ppas, all calgnry ...... ” “2* - ^ I Jerome ently not in vain,” he said. tition on the West Side of the long ______Rcpistgred nursps a t th. e q and belonged to the Jerome nn ;S at-.the,Granfle, ■ —' • —ftnii^r-th^ -fgpommendatlon&lendationa bbuilding^urged ■ a.' raappraiKal------services will hp rLn. ^ ------drawing^Avere-M^^ L b Z c L 7"— -TO j I'Folrbank* ...... 2 —aS” ' - irley^lam- ~Sii'Wiyors "Include hiss widow: mimade by the survey was that beforebi any decision lo rebuilH. r 5 ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday,'lesday,'In In Regina< — i -—37 3 7 ‘ JJuncQU i ...... 281=5^ 33 .28 Ta$^Ponp= mond,; Mrs. Luther' Thompson, or jlma-Mul- the-city-begin'preparations-for - Reynolds Funeral Chapellapel Iby , ------1 33 .28 1 — ml Mrs-Mary-BoltonT-Mr.irLucyThompson, pne_daughtet.lMtsJrheimaJVlul- liJ th, ations-for -Se^eranocal“ cIvlc, profcs- Mr.^. Lucy- [jns, E l D orado Springs,IRS, M o.; a new la n d fill s ite a s1 soon asa s sional,si religious, civil rights and ------Rev.—Emest-Hasselblod—Firsti d - F l r s t “------^ A H\ h O o - ’t T e E r R p P" Ie r a t u r e s r J a l l Houghton, Mrs. Benjamin Rob- th amin Rob- three_sons, Raymond (irolh££S.Crolh££s. popossible. The present site will communityci groups opposed con- Baptist Church. Final ,1,C rites , „will U , st ...... « . . . .M,;..Min, P Pa>. „ . S, SutloB M«».------Favor^Plair Mtn. Pep. Serts, MrsTL.’A. Phillips, Mrs. jj Jerom e ...... 39t. Mtn. 6 r tp - i erl llijK, I^rs. JcromcLKenn.elh_Crolhefs..Sho--tiers.-Shth- b©be-filled-ln-littl^more-than-One -than-One struction-of-the-bullding.-nffhlchst ------be-in Onav/a, Iowa.______22 ------r William Clarlr^nd“M rsrDuane fii —n -.01 Kimberly ...... -36------2B------I Irs. Duane ^one. ^and Crolhers.C ro lh e rs. ye year,^------w--- a s ^ a m e d —f o r r th e " l a te - C o l:------2fl______Lewiston ...... 48 2______II-, ------. ------Schrank^------— tc ucr, Mrs. y/ater rates were anotherother top- RobertR R. McCormick, editor 'ri Of Pre;ston7ZI sJMrs. William Baker, Mrs. Ti ?S Mountnln'Hom©’ !!!!! 41 r n 7 s J ker, Mrs. Thomas J. (Pearl) ^rnes,rnes, Jer- t- jg during the meeting. Mr. Der- and a: publisher of the Chicago ' 25 Pormn ...... 41 2 .P) —The Annie McFarland, Mrs. Eve- or — Mngic^Uey^lUeyifciiEinr-? [ I GOODING, Idaho (AP) —The Ar Mrs. Eve- ome; 13 grandchildren'n' and 14 -i,rjcj{ said lhat the city has taken Tribune.T Many criticized the J Em m ett ...... 44 2S28 Pocatelto Pi ...... 40 3 H' lity Asso- lyn Gloystein and Mrs. Esther gt I Fnlrfletd ...... 31 1212 ,P; .Prcsion ...... 32 ) R 3 ci new Idaho Tax Equality Asso- lyi Irs. Esther great-grandchildren, ,, . a verbal beating from the public costo of thc structure and its en< pports the Robbins were the licensed prac- [ " ciation said today it supports the rj insed prac- Funeral services will[1-1 be ru nn* . regarding“ increased waterator rates croachmentci on shoreline along — Funerals | I ! 35 S . p Joe Pres- tical nurses nt the drawing. n( . Ornngevlll> ...... 39 2» .01|Si.OllSalmon ...... 37, 8n '. t/poshipn of State Rep. Joe Pres- »|c Irawlng. nounccd by Hove Funeraliral Chap- k.,? f, th«t tho. Pxi.stlna wa- \\ -probwDis TMrs i3inrit‘'Gniette~aflir'w r5~ n ------SPRTNGDALE - F u i i u i J l ' &i»r- y'.- tp n—JtrPcc]Q...|On->ay-prQbtemfr —1 ranrw rs: tt— - ler charges correspondid nearly SiSouih 2373 Sreet. a •fflort dis- iT^uTK tLLs':::'.:::^ t ^ •••. R ic h a rd C lark were nur.ses‘ vices for. Mrs. Connie Scholer 2 b efo re th e L e g isla tu re .., ' j^j •e nur.ses‘ ------to the letter with jyhat; the com- tance ti from tho downtown dis- — ofl the- aides. w m b e h eld .a t 11 a .m . W ednes­ Preston, chnirman ofi the aii IV P mission had predicted.. InIncreas- c re a s- tricti t. . W^ncs- n o rth ern IDAHO-ConsidcroJ-Considerablt cloudiness with .scattered P Taxation The reccplionisl wns Mrs. day in the Springdale Ward. - 1 .scattered House Revenue and Taxation w as M rs. cd consumption, due partly to The lire apparently started In ■? snow flniilM in mtunlalrantttlns throughthrou, Wednesday. High 35 lo 45, C ested cer/- cralg Rousseau. Mrs. Tom Wil- Legislative bj LDS Chruch: with Bishop Hor- t, h 35 lo 45, Commitiee, has suggested cer/- ct . T o m W il- . t ? . Cdhigher pressure and partly (o a display booth along the west ^ ^ Hams took care of thc Inbeling. aco Coltrin officiating. Condud- Conclud- l°" - I" ______lain tax reductions. |{^ ie Inbeling. T Jthe dry season, nnd thele increas- wallv. on lhe lop floor. Fire offi- Don D, Mrs. Howard Mills and .Mr.s. • Ing rites will be held at Gem Former State Sen.- Don D. I and Mr.s. •• •■-'Ott J ed water rates, have comhlncd combined cialsc said flames apparently ; Ing. nsso-Julia pender handled the-,'- Memorial Garden, .B urley. . 1 Fredericksen, D Goodlng. nsso- j, B to produce higher water,ater, bills b began with np electrical spark. Friends may call at tho Payne r o l e ciation chairman said a resolu- canteen nnd Iho^-typists“"'Jl''' were '';^'-l«,rod»ced in sS.le + fo ' S M agic Valle-i^alley Hospitals ? rung Pres- Leslie Jones, •JA Mrs. Max SB9 (Education) - Elimlnnl- fo for the_public. Officlnls said that thc fire np^ Mortuary Tuesday afternoon .,T -.ir (/M A O tion \ims passed supporting Pres- school dis- "We told the peopleI thntthot this pnrentlyp stnrted by accident,, and until . time ot services ir I T nnl ingtrcquircmcnt that school dis- se rv ic e s Minidoka Memorialnorial Mi agic Valley M em orial * lodged In. “"f w.V. J. Luni- „(ricis'm usl purchase Insurance wiwould happen and I wnnl to Ihntll there wcrc no fire cotie vio- • Wednesday. Icm orial "There are acknowledged In- P' -Admitted ' c irough the assure the people thatIt wc did latlonsli In thc building nnd lhat A dm itted * equities in the sales lax“ resoS which Wllll»m Hoop.,n,,. mnln-” property through, the as s, RuDCrt. Mrs. John W a r h e r g, Anna ^ ops mum- slnte commissioner of insurance, notno lie to thcm-on thisI matter,” it was thc cqptents—nol‘ the FILER—Funeral servicesrvlces for Gnylon Phillips, Rupert, . erg. Anna corrected.’* the resolu- mined the Juice tnble, Mrs, Lyle ;iey ^ ■ Marie Eastman, Mrs, flrucc ‘ , Mrs. Lyle sniO-(Stale-Affnirs) -— Esinb-Estab- heho said. ■’fire p ro o f;’; buildlng.i.|hnt Mrs. Pearl'M anly willII bebe' con- ® Loulso Jones, Burley. JJ nf ncr«nn. Sclmiikcr and Mrs, C. M. Ij»nl- ii ^ Mecham, Ricky Meyer.•8 flrucc Mrs. soft*- c - M. I^nl- lishlng Wnce Officers’ standards ' jn olher business, the com- hburned, The flames ale through ducted nt 10:30 a.m. Wednesdny oyer. Mrs "-''so thc phaseout of person- p /cdnesday Dismissed jJacob DeWnld, E. G. (Ernest) “ iventories, ‘"B handled registration.Uion. .Slfllf.Slflff „ and irnining commission.i”'’- mmissioners approved thcthc op- ap- U Uie roof and bucklcd supporting ot Whlti Mortuary Chapcl, by 1 (ErnesO properly taxes on inventories, hapcl, by Teresa Hymas. Mrs.I. Vincent Commons,C all Twin Fnlls; Har^ P and live^ wero Mrs. IxoI Campcnu, snn (i/ical Governmentrimcnt Af- poimments1 of Williamn Grange stanchions ns they consumed Rev. T. J. Spaur. Filer United \ Fnlls- Har- proyucllon machinery and live- J* er United Vergara and son, IJndaIda Fl.sherFi.sher veyv Grintlstnff nnd Florence s le healthy Mrs, Elson Dasom, Mrs. Dale fj f^irs) — Extending from 5, to L ,i,e Housing AuthoriiyjComj^riiyjComj^ ^b .Ih nfter b o o th . ______...... Misslonary-Ghtirch. Final rltes „ 1 Florence essentini to theiBhO'ccon- healthy M Kunkol and Mrs. Glonn-NelHon,'7 Rupert. Harmon,' hoth Hiimi V rs.' Ro- “ inn-NelHon, 7 p.mrthe-tlmo-forclosinRMing polls mlssionf " Frnvd (Ted) Owens to ' r: i will bo In the Filer lOOFO p Ceme-Cdm V • ‘ ’Mrs 'Ro-' dovclopment of-our ldaho-ccon* Ki Jny-C-Ettcs and the Typo- h innd IBenn and Mrs. M. Thomas ° lhe Typo- |n n cemetery mnintenaiicenai^ce dis- tt,^.i, (jq . Fitter’s Examiningixnmining CONDITION NOTED ( tery. Friends mny callI Tuesday . Births [! M. T hom as _ grnplilciil Auxilinry—furrtlshed ti I Mr nnd Burley; Vernon Boul- •-furrtlshed tricl election, , ,, Hoard, nnd L. JnmesJ KoutnlkKoulnik ,.SPRlNGDALE-Gcor8C_I!an-_._ and Wednesday until lOla.m.lOift.m. alnl A son wan born to Mr. nnd ' !rnon Boul------Juice.. milk-«nd.f;)nklcs. Mrs. i Ruoftci Frnnces Joncs, both •> ikies, Mrs. _SH12_iLocal_Couornmonl-Af-mionl-Af- ■ts-ijnnrrlW H'Rcncwnl.1 Agcncy.Agcncy, ddall K reported In ft scrUm _____ . the Whlto Mortunra. ______^Mj!«._Vlivccnt_Ycrgara,_Rup{‘ci, *' l.eo Ca m pon u lurnishcd llio ff nrn t S ' Han?rcn; PaiirMo.ieley'flnd'Mrs. rnishcd the fairs) — Increasing from one- ordinnnco permittinglilting thcIhc condiiion-Inc LDS llosplinl S n lf ------a n d n d a u g h te r w as horn lo M r: [ IC IS cheese for tho crackers «nd h II services and Mrs. Gaylon Phillips,llllns Ru’Ru- [ • Hamm, hoth Jerome; ickcrs «nd hnlf to one mlil iho properlyopcriy Inxlax commission chairman to be cnll- Lnke.L Clly, nfler undergoing RUPERT -Tp^neral services a imps, KU RnymnndDoud, Filer:ri;SBuhlHomeir| Mrs. Roi- 1 — James L. Koulnik donated tho 1< for Mrs. Dora StapelmanIm nn willw ill pF e rt. ,, I lonnted the levy for county fairs, ' pied eithQr chairman or mayor timnjor surgery. His wife and 1a Jackson, Rupert; Ivin Starr, I |i« American Legion Hnll.11. llnrvnrdllarvnrd Introduced In House be cohducted nt 2 p.m.I. Wednes­ W edne.s- ______( _ Pro 'wn" placed on first rending.idlng. The ffnmlly nre with lilm. Glenns Ferry; I-ouis G. I^wls, Skeldsvoll. Ken Ekiund,und, Jerry 111)21 (.Slate Affairs) — Pro- day In tho First Methodist ^ , r Destroyed In ni.v,i,'ni « ordinance would nnt providerovide lhe ^ t. Routh nml Bob Ekiund,und, mcm- v vidliig facilities for physically J Church by Rev. A, M.. TTliomns, iiom as, ff^new chairman wilh tho ndmiiilstra.dmiiilKtrn- Goodinff Memorml fCltat'orT."\ 1 Bromley; ] 11*G ^ ^Moliiy,ny, .helped helped h hnndicnpped persons In newly- Concluding rites will he *»:ldheld aat t A.»-.IM«,I Hcl-lip-equipment, c il i» 'f •!«*". I nnd Jnck firo nt 12:20 p.m. Mondny.niiny. 'Ilie 1 c o,<;iriegel hns been conferred the / [P i-T ridlei, wit«'•.'i K Im bdrly; M rs. W'nllnce j Iho rites. Si'vernl Twin Fnlls Couniyui .Jj of- nf '‘*0 Wendell Grnnge Hail be- irK, niim - firow n n n d 's o n , H nW'nllnce n srn ; M rs. Jlm ,■ W llsnn_o£.an unknown „c , ussisted l.y John Lem- i\ 72“ I,;! ...... rtny In Reynolds Funeralnl Chnpel. mett.n i: srs of the ,„(,n Clifford ConnorJiiliii mid Lem- lid- [iclnls. e Including llio bonrd of ’ | Kennelh Tvertly ftml nsen;«oti, CuRtlC' Mrs. { several members of thc Rev. ErncBt llnssdWtid,Iftd, MMrst rst ------' ? lUlhllng nl wnrd Strlegel, (Irnnd rView, and (iiih- li(l- coinuilsslonerH, f nre uiiendinR n {!dinner will ho servedJ.rr, ni nooii B&B LOAMS " ford; Mrs, Cnrrin Reedy,«o(i. Cum I'/ilis e- ifnmUy were in tho hulhling nl wi View, (alh- t\v(, . ,iny conference In Boise !!, Baptist Church, wlll officiate. . I' uut all cs- cr of thn Inlllale, Rev. W. D, in«M w ith thu huslne)is miceting eeting inIn .tiA ju o N i jn t r n leedy, I nir* the llmo of tho fire, hut all cs- ci Xev. W. n, known nl the Clenn Water Insll- ); Final rites wlll bo inn cOnawa, n n w a , i l e r o m e A tw ow i, i1 A dm itted lli o blazo WOI rep o rte d by nn hi siiiieu. rs, alsrt ns- soclallmi nf County-Commission" _ Fir.F.R — Funeral services Hnrrii nnd ChrU:hru Con- GnRfiin M cniorlnl, , unidentified' nulglihor.1 firem en si ------• ers nnti Clerks. lOrinl By the lime Buhl firemen for Raymond (»icn Doiid wlllw in ” .Shiishonp: U nrlm ra tiio flro it MF.M'I' SL A T I'D— ' „ Topics lo ho discussed Include .l!l!'[li::n Admllted reni-hed thu scene of tiio flrn it , bo crtnductcd nt 2 p.m. Tliurn- D ietrich: Sheldon itrol. Chief .SM0.SH0Nfi>-1lie annuniI'-l) busl- wnler « (|iiallly inanugemeiit, tho , VI !i« J'®*' M r"- Y vonne ' umuni busl- fum,, action program for cIcnn ■ dny nl Whlto Mortuary7 Chnpol,Ciinpol, Thnynr, • llaKermnni Mrs,(.irs, Vloln [ both H urley; Irs. M rs. Yvonne Rob- ' was biirnlnK out of control.■nvy Chief wind nt'ss meetiiiK for the Assembly v i^rs. Rob- Wlhon stnled. A liinivy wind nt ] AHsembly water and health aiid lax.logls- J'inal rites will ho nt .Sunsel.Sunset i:Darling nml Mrs, Minaim Deahl, j .Smith, Rupert; Mrs, Aubrey » roi ImpoH- of (iiKi C hurch will bo held nt H li Irs. Aubrey >nndo Iniintdiute control Impim- of ifl held nt H lnti<,v), T he InHlllutO continues jATHOOBHTKipEHBERi Momorlnl Pnrk. iTlends:nds mny hIwlli Jonmie, , iPatrick, Mrs, Everett Savnge, * ...... ' p ,m ;'W e d n e s d n y nt Iho c h u rc h i || nil .Savnge, "H'le, hn nddrd,'...... ' p, Iho church; ihroiigh Tuesday.’ i call Wednesday nfternoonnoon nnd Dhmlnsed lGeorge G, niakc, oil Mnyhurn; ned com - — ------...... II Heyhurn; 'I'lio structure burned com- - until noon TliurHdny nl WliiloWhilo Mrs. Arrliio Snllors'flndors nnd J,J Nowell Dayloy. Ouklcy, f nnd (lum- )aklcy, pietely to the ground nnd dam' Mnriunry. Tho fnmiiy' susgostsBtigROMs d n u g h to r nn25,000. I David Uiwry, Mrs. Virginia C im rc h .------. — _ “ -— m ___ Graff<■ nml Fred Alien,•s. all V irginia Uur------^------I " A i k liot whntI voury ii h countrycom can do for you, but ■ lPy;~Mrsr-(Jnrl-Uoia._llcybiirn; s a k whnt you cann do for youry country." The worda .f 1 00 T ak ene n ;Mrc. violfli Plckelt, Declol,.rtrs, aro alraady IlnKod In hlatory hUtory to our aaaaaainatad Praal- . . -^URE_S1GNS . Allu-rt Mctt\tosh, OciMey;fcSU^ewsjQL nnd I - —d*nt-Kannedy._L6l!&._parnpAl!&._parBpl'ir&fto hla thounht. L«V» ' A pnroxlm ntely JlflOI In cnshc ash Mrs.P Rohm Jamison,iciUley; Rupert, nnd ■ t w -* i iak« out tha wordd 'country'country’ nnd raplaca It with the > wns Inkcn ln n mirRlnry-Mumlay , word 'paopla' . , . *'Whnt canca I do for people, Inatend OF WINTER ...... n lr lh a »n, f■ v^lnitr-v^|nl»r- !■ l-'alls c ity poiico roporlrd, „ n lrlc k , «H(i C lo tk '» .o m t« W htnaver cataatropha■ophe atrlhea,atrlN w hen-flooda.. famlno 8ji1ed hy ^ ^ E B 1 E B 2 ^ ^ S i :__ - • rsloKH llimi «r«und-y«ur-ti»ui»-. r a dniiKhler wns liorn lo.M r. nnil , o r daatruotion^OGour,our, wawe urunhealtatinaly atap forward '«ur-Uui*- r-Qfijcjjyg sftid ■ snmcotui priCd ^ lo.Mr. iinil Qnll olulm deed iv,n«-llr.'. M td. esor- l.y ' ;; wltl^ nn •niy-tfl'p|nc.-Tlm.».Ntw; „ lOtU) priCd M rs.-Knrl Jrnieii, oil lloybiirn, > -^-to.K >va aubatantlAl\l halp.h«1p. However,Ho thia aort of help la im»».Ntwi d ranHiirk- rnnNfirk' • - II lloybiirn, • Mr,> nnd Mrs. llvniin f,. Mcsor*H yriim I ■ .. .W ont Ad Ilf'* i)iH...... p __n vy to Mr, mid Mrs, Hyriim I glvan moatty whann publicizedpiibllclza diaafttar ocoiiri. If moro .... - - ed Iho offlcc iiren of thn station, 1 of ua tnko a look at tha unpubllahodun| tragedy (n moat ' ------Ih nddltinn lo tho money, n J „ . ■ Uilcil Me.icrvy. . . flRAND NtW 1967 Snow Mochint, !, B ro ad castcrS ' — ' vere flt'^d of tha w o rld . It wouldluld Riva ua a |oU. |‘ ' Mochint, p |„ ,„ | f,)|KirtP(l m lis- 1 r s ------W flrrnmy; d c c d s _ w c r cK osn IlLed To , M iMi MWW >8 ho»i»pow»r.:!mi' Vl p»lt« IB ll ’’V Mr. nnd Mrs, II. A,Konk Uosn| Mr.- fo Many paopla hallavalalleva In thetl legend that Ood halpa ' Kill* .U ni., >.130. riion.'»„• 324- " "I Elect Burley IVMan iari' MI rrnnrt-M rsi'tilen- Hns«i. Mr. .J him who halpa himaalf.ilmaalf. Thi Thlt la'tru a — In cnaea. In 27ft9, jBioiin,______. InvoNllgatlon Is coiithiulng.llmilng. nOISK (APJk- llnherl Saxvlk, ‘ It. llrlHKS h e n .Saxvik, M r«. K a n iiii R, llrlKKi* Jp th o r caaaa It la not true. trua, WhatN paraon can honaatly ------^------. ~ ~ T ------—- 'miinnHcr of Rnillo .Slalion J iirold Wll- .S allon (» Mr. ond Mrs. Harold H Wll-ildn ' ^ a y r f o f cxnmpla,, th at QB^QB%-of-oiip- people -own ..TV__...... ' 'flilt Him ron Init w««ki'an d M rs. on 111! flnt Hny. ' ' 1 of lhe Ida- Haux, n Vlr; Mr. ami Mrs. S, Thara ara othar reaaona. raaaona. WaV Intend to explore th» num .-W O Donaldd Thoiniv hoi Slate nroadcastors Assocla- ‘ M rs. I *J raaaona in lalar ooiumna,ilumna, WaWatch for them. | TIMES-NEWS»S nnon, non of Mrs. Jcni| 'llKimpsonllKimnsnn t irs Assocla- tion. A.I Shinn lo Mr..nnfl Mrs. Fred B re r, I . W A N T A DS , npdn Selmer niomiwiiin,i|in, nllulil, u h l, .SiiKvlk w ns n n m rd ot thti as- from Tom I Ot thti as- Prohiile snlo deed from Tom ‘ TWIN rA tll MORTUARr,r, ItCONBItCONO AVINUIA AT TKIRD ITHHT NOKIjl, lo-ai ‘ I’'”* nssigited In Can Thn,Tho, niidatliiiiM 1 a\inunl winter meet- I PHONE 733 0931 /Inlcr meel- Riilingur ndininlslriilor in os- ■ TWIN fA tti, WIlllAMM BOYD ANQAND DAll rATTINiOH, OIMCTORt. . .South V letniiin, w ith tliQ tlia U,S, I Ing to Huccrrd J, Alien Jensnn I or Anny Helicopter Co. unit,mil. c of KID AM-TV, tlleitIdaho Jensnn I'alla. Into1 of Rolwrt Rldlngor lo Nor* 10 I'alla, than Rldlnger. n*« hr ■•N — hul h r th« O ildtn HuU" ' ------"Itrvli* m taiui*4 n*t h|r i»l4 .1 ...... ' ■ - ■ ; . r. ' ' . ■ ' . / <■...... -

m i . * 1 1 1 J Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1967 Furid-Raismg JEightin^R ed— I Twin*Foilsr. Tim es-N ew s - - - - 3 — f ==i Started By government some 350 miles I Insurgentt MMoi o v e m e n t s»away. , ------_ p l—Xhcro-arft-no-confldent-«5tl^^^------^ By~FRED~H0FFM7tN f .1 -— ^R epublicans^ - I -lhe Bangkok RovernmcnLiniC.OL.li.matcfl-of-the-Communlsrarmea k_m« ------r n s T TBANGKOKTITiimamllSPr^hry;“ ( S T ! r ^ n ''y i p f n ^ r T c a i ^ this, with witi» the "J;strength In the northeast, ~ WASmMCTON-MPV^CoiV-‘)'*=-Coni =— .. After years of - temporizing.iporizing, |h»-“l help n( about Si!l millionin a year \ top U.S. m ilitary . offlccr grcssional Republicansis arc o(( T h ailan d ^ is finally comom ing inj*'^tni in U.S. cciim iinic aid, I 5;,.said his guess would be about 1,- an(l knning in funU-raising for grips with the growing threat of|ofi About/ 85 per cent ot the U,S;U.S; 00(oofl "give or take 25 per cent." the 1963 campaign bul'Dcrno-u t'D e r n o - Communist terrorism in itsils economiccci and irchnicalII aid is ThisTh officer has access b lhe crats are; wiling to sec see wwhat h at . northeast. U,S. nfficiuiss believe, pointedpoi toward ciuintoririRurBcn-inRurgen-most mt complete intelligence In- . , trends Congress • takescs before A majority of Atnerican•lean offi- cy. So is much of the SfiO10 millionmilllnn foiformation available, but he con- ' - starting their drive. • S l H H clcials here agree that thelhe gucr- in m ilita ry aid. wliich was w as in-;ccdcs:in-'CC' "Our intelligence net has -'-Sen.-dcorgc-M urphy-of-Call--y - o f- C a 1 l------' rtrtlla movement'; backcdd by Rod creased-thi?-ycnr-arthcnirglng-gricnirglng;Brcnt-pi]5r’------_fDmla. -riewly_elcctcdj.chairman..:.chairman \ ’ - .y M T y S p — c.China_nny..NorUi._\^einam,.can : tiani,.can oL oLAmbnssndot-Graliam.Marlin.J ;i.Marlin.i-_Thc_csUmalo-of-about—__ 1,000------nf the Republican Senatorial 'Vr' .Afl .i be contained without n major Atlempls/ by Pekingnu[y foiuiaitjnj fomiaitJniurficnts puts -Communist ,reb- Campaign Committee, .said s a i dhe 'h cis i s ------■ ' ...... V . " ' / ' 6 flO @ commitment of U.S.' (or9Cs.ir^Cs und a C1 om m unist tak i'iw cr of Thai-iThai-^ el strength iri Thailand well be- beginn[ng.to deploy GOPOP “fresh ^ ^ JSKM KStfiC.V2ili>* 'jC r* r' withoutw 0 minor insurgencygency de- land.golar hack lo early 1950 whcn'lo' whcn'low whnl It was In Soulh Vfel- j g 3 i § » ~ vcippingJnjQ -g-W ldi^ n pgii_«:triig.Deu-suug-. fl^'Tcec-niai-M ovxinoniU-w.iBluauniU -w.iBluam^ln -Deccnibcc—IflSO, when______] what he hopes will bcc an unin- ^ gle'like that in Vietnam.1. set up in China, using. tilsgrun-dlsgruii- ll>' Ihc National Liberation Front ~ lemipicd appeal for votes'Otes up to ^ § • 1 * 1 But Thai and U.S. officials HC' 'I'hai expalriato,?. w:was founded, ' clecliort day next year.r. * — ...... alike add that chances; for sue- T1 hings took a ‘icrieni.';s turn in >0 statistics collccl- But Sen.^Wnrren G, MngnusonM agnuson ' • cess here hinge in a largerge mmoas- eas- NNc ovem lier, lflfi4. a lie'II n Radio Saigon, there were about of Washmfeton, chairmanlirm an of , ure on n satisfactory conclusion-•onclusion HanoiHa announced formationItion of (if a n , Cnng members in Deniocratlc senatorialial cam- • , to tlie w a r in V ietnam . “"ThailanU T Independence:e Move-Move-^*''*'’ doubled within a paigncr.s, took tiie positionsition jnin a ' The mnin soft spot off Commu- ment." 'nt M' separate interview thatlat it’sit’s' tbO’tbO’- ■ ------\ M ' ■■ UiLL I'I n iil- M \ ni pressure lies in six prov- A/ clandestine radio) calling CARTOONIST DIES early to get excited aboutab o u t aan n A i ; inccs.of ir the northeast,1, a huge itself its "the Voice of lhe Thai PARIS (AP) —. French car- electinn so far away. bulge that embraces 155 of TThai- hai- pet))>le"pei raised the intensity;ensily ofltoonisiof to Jean Bcllus, 55, who Under'the party custom,itom , MMag. ag. ) 1 land’s 71-provinccs. its propaganda onslaught.Ight. Tlie’CrTlie'Created lhe up-to-date teen-ager • nu5on must be rcplncedplaced osas ' ' . I ■V' ^ P ^ ilip h fu The six m o st .■sensitive:lve prov- broadcastshn originated oulsidejCicmentine, outside Cl died Monday after chairman because hisJ own scat seat k. * ' | Mf- Inces arc Sakol Nakorn,n, Nakorn ThThailand pmbablv in China.'hina. la a long illness, is a t s ta k e in 1963, Blut u t hc said » ' • • ^ w r Phanom, f Udorn, Ubol,I. Nongh- , 1In 1965. Red China told thothe I Democrats decided to0 postpone || .iJ kahl and Loey. The worst□rst areas wor|d the "Thai Patriotic any decision on a su successor c ce sso r S b ■ X V m are in Sakol Nakorn andid Nakorn Tront" was in business. The . T O R G IN O L “until things shake down.’’ I R U u i P h a n o m , w ide open to> Comnui- C om nui- 1^' ronl later absorbed the year-year-1 __Staml««i . R«illl«nl yloorino— ______Reports to the clerk;rk of the ttie Ha • W |T |tl» l nist infiltration acros.s tlie_slup-- ok mCnt. I ___ fticldonlial Commiiclal ______r^-*^i.vh'i'^ Tlie first clash belween^Thal House show Uiat Magnuson's•lagnTison's ^ . gish Mekong Rivcrx - which ^1®®' probl«m»T Tiy Torglnoll committee spent littlettie more . / lilflill ' formsf< Thailand’s border-rder- wilhwith securityso patrols and an armed | F., C hl'.,., Kluk..;, than half what its counterpartco u n terp art • • • < " ------■■ I I L aos fo r abo u t 500 m iles.Ics. ComnumistCc .band il\ Thailand GOP group spent in the 1966 This is a wild and remote•emote re-rc- "’as"" recor'ded in the fall11 i'l of 1D65, S65 • ' c am p a ig n “ D em o crats SV SSSe.'lS?,' isS -PRELIMINARY BLOODBLOOD TE TEST Is taken from Mrs.Irs. Harold Drive Center Mondayloy ot the / Amcrlcan Legion Hall.iall. ThoTtio „gjo„ peopled by rice farmers, ' Ihis was followed by more^more ff** E»iln«o**»l R e p u b lic an s $639,640. . ’ Mcnscr, Twin Foils,n, a twoIwo gal gallon blood donor, left,ft, by Mrs. blood test is requireded before ananyone may donate blood. ItU woodcutters,® and hunters.r*rs. ___ — than'h; 100 skirmishes in thethe ensu- ensu-! *’>' Imlnid ovport* Murphy said congressionalnEressiomI Frank BougMoii, R.I. N.,.Twln N„ Twin Falls, at the Twin Falls"alls Blood determbics Iron contcnt■tent In the blood.I (Times-News‘ photo) Tjie northeast in general;neral has >"R"’i Most were quiteiit_e small, I BETTER BUILT COACHES R e p u b lic an s a r c sta g ining g 0a $500- \ • ppoor" soil, is short of'.schools,schools, huhut a couplc of bigger firefights E ' ^ d k l • twin faiu.-idaho a-plate March dinner m Wash­ 0 crank-type telephonene with two healthh facilities and goodood roroads. ad s. la_st_ w in te r jo lted the Bangkok ington to honor the parly’s new IS S tate P olice R ep S dry cell batteries nnd eirc-e irc - ji j{ ha.^ be en le ft o u t o f' theth e prn.s- p members of the House anU Sen­ Aransas Sta e Report Tells trodcs. j The investigatorsgators said perityp enjoyed by mnnym y of the. ate. Magnuson said Democratic they were told inmalesnates were 323 million Thais. | dinners are only in the prelimi* n B eatings A nd E: strapped to a table and given The peasants nnd villagers ofi nary planning stage. K 'O f Prison Bei Lnd Extortion Icharges of electricityty for pun- the tl northeast havc hadiKisSlj slight 1 51,000,000.000.00 D,DAY SPECIALS Most of the GOP dinnerinner fnon- . i By ROBERT L. SHAW ever, said -in—thee" ' Arkansas hadn’t read the report.'t. He said, ishment or to extractict informa-informa-contact c with, the Thaili govern-!govern-j ey will be spent nationally.noliy. Mur- Mur­ U lf LE ROCK, Ark.•k. (AP) — House that he questionedestioned the however, that he believedGved condi- rmcnt, cxccpt for an occasional' occ.:isional| Rifle and Pistolstol 12 Transistor phy said the five hew! GOP sen-sen­ Gov. Winthrop Rockefellerlefeller has source of information'-rion'-T “Cori­“Con- tions had improved .sinccincc helie be- Investigators said they seized rpoliceman or tax collector. Of- ators elcctcd last Novemberm u and released o state policece report in victs planning a prisonirison break came superintendent. fifrom the m ain prison?on building len t the policeman was a preda- PRIMERSS RADIO the 11 whose seats will be at wliich inmates tell of torture, certainly cannot-bo-consideredB-considered He said hc wasn’t aware of torture devices, whiskyisky bottles, ttor rather lhan a protector.otcctor. ' I ^ ^ ______sUk&-nexUyeaF-will-bMskod-lo3a -a sk o d -to b e a tings a n d e:^tor tion - a t -T u c k* ■ prisoners key.! lu ujjeii Lell duoii,rmrrphiytng iiljyliie -—^hc" Cuiiiiiiuulsw have basl- - TCe a llegations th a t p riso n e rs ^ ;T vSl; "piFTooTTToO60c- C "" 34:95^ — fill speaking engagementsements at er State Prison Farm,irm, where o. E. Biishop, who#ho bccame were tortured. . — . . -• cardsc and ]oc(dcd dicc,:c, narcotics cally c been exploiting a vacu------ifund-ralfiing-dinners^cross-the Jcros^O ve onc-said-^almost-anythingTnjuid^thingTHJuid supcrrnrenae^ri)r” lir^prTson jP p —^ -and-recordmg-cquipmcnt:m c n t...... -U-lum;'*-a-U:S7-diplomat-says;-say s;------j- — ^TiY-«Ti • iniTrFTi--s-rnniV T«-n country. ~ ...... - ...... tire prTsoii Former Supt. Dan D. Stc- :______be hod!?-ir the prisonerm rhad had the tho syslom rjan. 1, - igssr‘declined)6Gj_ decnncd phens, who resigned a year ago — m oney. comment because he said'said he nftcr a controversy overver the use j : CUP THIS COUPON : Rockefeller callcd the 67-page ------Ht :------of a leather strap to punishpunish pris-p ris -______. ■ '■ J « m m ____!!C apM _Singers!!,lfe.C U _ report-ahoeking-and-nirged-tbef -u r g e d - tb e 7 =— - t r r ^ ------I I Saluidoy, Jonuo'y( 2Ut.21>>. You rnay ba lh« lucky wlnnar ■ fi<.ril-'CL legislature tn creatc a commis^ t F ilm • Rockefeller said 'I'e' he ‘ didn’t I N J ^ N ______Qomihmttst Film _ j ■ ef g . . . ______To-AppearjMFd&LII .X • J...* sion-to. studyr-conditions-inrrthc ------know=how much of thethe-alloged alleged • l i i i i i F ^ M em 'bcrs of St.. Edward's prison syslem and rccommend )llP V conditions still existed. Catholic Church will spon.sor a improvements, “ '"'"d Set For Hailey "fh report offered n1 look from I i VacatioirforHor TwoT in Hawaii i local appeardricc of thehe St. Mar-Mar­ h c ' said he hoped the report HAILEY — “Anarchy,”rchy,” a film the. prisoners' viewpointlint into one tin’s College "Capitalll Singers,Singers," would "shock the legislature outlining step by stepep procedure of two Arkansas prison•ison farmsfarm s ^ 1 j • OR ANOTHERNOTHER V; VALUABLE PRIZE ------\ ------a malo chorus fromn Olympia, and the people of thisis state into of how the Communistsmists take a that Rockefeller has said penoi- Wash., at 8 p.m., Jan. 30, aat t a ctio n .” country, will bc shown at 8 ogists have described os the ^e^’-aft . SalesSalesmen • NAME ...... , j the Twin Falls Americanlean Legion The report releaseded Monday p.m. Jan. 25 ot the Grange hall, worst in the nation..n.. Convicts - ‘ — was based on an inquiryquiry made made sjvDral caso historiesories wHi'bcwill be ifaffic-in liquorc r raridnaK- n m n i F - - — ------^------: — ; ADDRESS ...... Tickets may' be purchased at jrchased at by the criminal investigationnv e stig a tio n shnw n; - u s in g - a c tu aal-newsrecls l - ne w sre els cotics; sex and-filthy-living-con--living-con------.------r------'Sterling Jewelry, downtown,cu"’ and“J" division of the state police last as source material.I cUtions. We_are looKingig for two ) young nfien who want'a n t to ■ ...... PHONE ...... J , Krengels, .Lynwbod Shopping Shopping August, when prisoners were « .t...,,. The investigators quoted un- •. , , • jp [g ! ■ No purchojo nocenoryitary lo lo w w in.. in...ell winntn will bo notifitd. \ Center, or at the dooroor on the rc[»rtcd on the verge“r s of a 'r riot i o t fn nomed prisoners aboulbout being im prove tbem selveselves . . . who w like to meet people. evening of the concert, ress Communism has made in ert, because of conditions. Former ondi? Sver ''™"S W "»> ■■T»k'rfucker tele-lele- ______T h e C a p ita l S in g ers will offer s.will offer Gov. Oral E. Faubus"us orderedm S I "iiOVimeiil.'P — ^ devicft de.scrihedl&scrlbed-fls as . __ :------ibluUl untor-- th ^ e^ v esT lE a tlO n r b u i wttfifie ff - G o o d j :______;^^ i n r n » r t r a d i I ^ g ^ ______tflm m en^,.show -tunes fromfrom-Brig. -B rig- the report:------^ W a lte r-S tew art,-wi^o-m h o -raa adc-arj^- d c-a rf ndoon and Mame, andnd a selcc-selec- - The report, was accompaniedccompanled rangemenw for lhe showingshow ing her^h e re Enjo/ Your Featheredd friend«friend. I hospital p la n , pojoid id vacations, vacation salary ancJ commission.-lis sio n . , tion of folk songs. 1. c t by .pictures of tortureure devices the film is takeniken through 'with-- ' I ____ 1967 tou r of th e St. M a­ 'apons and southern Idaho, said Mark An- the St. Ma- ana... confiscated weapons and nt ^ ? U k e ' GLOBE’S WILD BIRDRD SEED |I - tin's Chorus'Is extensive. Con- ,f.on honipn dcrson. a prominent Salt Lake ns,ivej_Cpn- pdsoneES-wJio.. had. been.beaten. 35j— — I ------—C o n ttaet^ORM-TART-ER-^ a c t - i - N O R ------c e r ts w ilF b e held irT Salcm,Sa le m , Mil- Mll- Rocltefcller, a Republican City attorney, will giveg l ^ T the h e pro- 5 pound, (or a n I waukie, Marylhtn-st College In e Jan 10, gramrwhich. will last apprOxi- '^ I 'e g e In w ho assu m e d officc J a n . 10, l l o S S ; globe SEED S FEEDEED CO.COk I ‘ Avohue/^vohue WesWest, Twin Falls, Idaho 1 Oregon, Boise, Twirt1 Falls and said ho did not doubt)t ils valldl- niately 1 hour and 20 minutes. be charged. T,v,k.lon. I»lnTwin Fdl.FoDi ||[1 ' Cottonwood In Idoho,, and Walla ty. State Rep.’ Bill Wells, how- No admis.sion will bc charged. _ . Walla and-Yaklhia inin Washing­ W ashing- ton. ~ 13 Sentencfedicfed ------r - F W — TERRIFIC SA\ MADRID; Spain (AP)\P) —- The T he - . \ * P A R K I N G national court of publicublic order I _ Mondny sentenced 13 workers loto M • F R E E B E D R O O ^ SETS^ prison terms rangingg from six M J M M months to year.si for illegal.illegal: ^ DELIVERY Shop s our big selectlon.ijfectlon.ijf bedroom groupings association and propaganda.)ropaganda. K for every decor. H ere is oone exam ple that is a They were arrested in AprilA pril m M \ ^ • B I G f ‘ while di.strihuting handbillsndbllls cnili ■ ^ big value. ing for Spanish workers;ers to crip­crip- SAVINGS ple production in variousrlous fncto-fncio- ^ SIX-DRAWER DRESSER,ESSER, PANIPANEL BED AND MIRROR rics and join the outlawed Com­ munist pnrly.______Lustrous oiled WWalnut, alnut, simplicitysii of design, -■ — I big BU\BUYS ON DINETTE DINE SETSTS 1 ||i Discontinueilscontlnued Samples novcr-marer-mar pkispkistic tops.

______^^XOMPl^Tfi_Z^V- ______U V 4 V « '-____-______I 1 THROVilOVyLRUGS I L._ ...... yOHSURnNCElNCE I f ilm ' J- ^ ^C O yERAGR ONLY ___ i L t o Y ^ “"F am ous Lees'i>'Cari53eB®'C5?i55l^'7®^27"xl8" I /jHI ^ Many colors,ors, patterpatterns# m s iz e S | | | l l 27"x36'' ...... ; ____...... _...... _ 1.971 .9 7 II I i n M 27"x54’* ...... 3,97 4.6x6’ ...... 14,55 5 “ 1 / n l l u i l L : Many,Vany, monymon] moro to choot* from IllUrSIl In1 aall ll price rangoi. , ■ B A ClEARiEARANCE! ^ - . - ' f l i i-' FAMOUSS BRAND MISMATCHED Nature.playsays . " lul. H m?' '■ W J . - — ODDSO D D S 'N 'tvj ENDS I 9.PIECEi RRANCl A N C H y , no jfavorites,Icb, HOUSE3 E SET S E T ^ ■*1 I - ___ MATTRESStSIts ant and BOX SPRINGSINGS 5 .PIECE now! Extonds to 04" ' with with twotwo loaVbs, ' fjirn|ers know! BREAKFAST SETiT V aluot 1 0 Q D « . E x tra la rg o 4 ?? " ''xx 6 6 0 0 " " tcil tcibln ejt* Farm , livestock, T a b le a n d A clinlri,i, kliKilklocil to $ 3 0 ...... I 7 o 0 0 oq. I ' extonsion. Elfjht(J h t c o m ! lo r tn b lo for apartinonl, smallill famfam- - i produce are at the . turo's chair*. R«o; $199.9599.95 H |95 lly. Rog, J39;95 Valuoi' QO QO m ercy of N ature's i f GROUPINGS 7 7 7 to $4-1.95 . . Z / . O O oa. ( quirks. Insurancer-ance I ON Y ...... f ONLY . $ 4 7 .7 7 Fiom (I ilnuU couch at oicinlaiiiiliciiiloiKil (liilitdiiilt lo <1 lit* (oorrtlnnlfil looml protection Is a ...... Valuoi 00 OQ i lull bI fill* (uKilluit, iIig|I Tiito'iTiitt'i III Tw.Twin Fnlli luiU Jiiom*. Man li an m ust] Ask aboutibout I BERKLINE,(LINE, KING OF COIWF(COIWFORT CHAIRS^ lo $59.95 .. O/oOO «a. ' ^ oncimjil* of liBw you tiivolil our policies, - 1 — ------1 HURRY IN! MAKE BIG SAVINGSS^NOW NOWI I ' TWO PIECECE LIVINILIVING ROOM SET, A' BERKUNE QUEEN SIZE 60x1 DAVENO'ENG ANIAND CHAIR ROCK-A-LOUNGLOUNGER ZE 6 0 x 8 0 ^ , Choico of colors nnd polttpottorna B In nil-nylon covora ' BOX JPRINOS SIT . . . . ; ...... R.D>J139#0 StT, p I ll roclii, ll (otllnii. (•tllnii. In iiponiUiitxpc Ron. $109,95 V m P P IH W ffi vinyl., Clitic*(• .«(•( I«l.lol. ffoo n QO " I I ...... N O ^ ...... " *139“ p i ' r s i S y t f l l •((, Rib . I09.BB,09.BB, only J O / . O O FOOTRESTr*TRAiour STRAIOIir ...... row WECUNINfl 1 othnr llvlns room aota CUP' THIS COUPON \; f r o m ...... - I . Berl(lineline RedillRediner, , ,L-y‘ * l>n(io»il III irinliildflplill nl nl |(it« |(il« liniil liitiilliM* III Iwln Ililll, lielotaa .1,00 ■ f®...... - ^ V--<\ . — p Siiltinliiy, .Jouuuiyouuuiy 3lil.-YSltl.^Y uu. muy 'U - I 1.0 lucky w t n n t i . • I. Clioifi ol

' ' ' Tuesdoy, Jan, 17,1967' NATIONAL ■' ^ , M A R Q U I S C:Hil'DS H i HD: WRITES GIM :■ 4 , T-win fjlls Tlme»-New» . , ^ GettineJg NetNear The Innermer SSanctumj — IINGTON .B y A N D n E W T U liL T ; ...... ' / . < J , =^aKrVUl^«n«Blr:Ci;a&dlr«:teitrpa; tabl«=that=rttBt=iaike=«4glant===tsbli - — =:WAWNGTO^P==TOMlbJFOy»^o*t=f8sdnat^ iny ftUt_nf hh swimming piv>1, ' ' A'«^IM«Uon et r«b. I. 1«U. et Oi* Utbo.be XTtnlatKTfiiia* ing Ing a( s p e c t o f th e n a tio n al political scene—mne—m oreo re J Barefoot >servants with pant- la 1«D| »nd thi Twla raiu F«1U NiwiN«w» thanth a n a year before tho Republican .convention—ivcntion— -n-w— . l y S # . J ■ By DON MACLEAN^ . legsIcea rolled high splashed in and ...... w«t. - ris that New York’s Gov.Jov. Nol- PabIUh«<9 dtlljr koi SuBdar •» » 0 W«»t. friend Twin Ftllf. Id«luv *>>01 >>7 .tbi Tlm«^N«w« Pubiubiaa PublUblaa Rockefeller almostt certain- .1 . " i n — INFtfflONJ N , J WASHINGTON - My friend will bo a candidate3 for thc ■ \ ^ ^ ^ otri fellow reporter Jackck An- TIThe foreign aid chapter men- j ’/CBED HOW JACK MULtOWNEY•OWNEY W , GOP nomination for President,President. ^ ------derson has written a book, tlon: tions th a t we b u ilt a $500,000 P«»l(JeiH Publliher I ■ ' ^ 1 ders* r r a ET'o Despite his “Irrevocable"a b le " de- d c - ____ called . "Washington . Expose.”xpose.” sawmillsaw In Iran when- the only . nething lumber available was teak, too- “■fei.sr.’ & K ”",- „.v.i.fSEdiior or clslon to stay out of- theth e race, - > ____ - IDOMtrTQO s o , C w!'u Writtlng a book Is something lum AL WESTEnOREN • WILEY DODDSODDS fl.UF t? ? t . ? Rockefollcr has told hitlmatesh itlm ates . many newspapermen threatenhreaten hart hard to bo cut by the mill. In ------; D ulIn< ininniB «r------“ AdvartUlOB ManofWrfanofW R * y he will be ''’avflllablr-lftllfible~lf itrdorbut'only a few of us ever CanCambodia we astonlshcdjiatlvcs . ______DALE •nm^^ON M°n?^erJpLEY 8^a g ^ M megdadi^ln-lOSS^o-Republlcane p u b iiu u i j ___ V^NI^FtlRDIER — ic w m p J U h ------^_____ blLIby giving them 150.000-tabcv Of * ^ ^ ^ r!K I* u '‘ll!2'on” *e'lJi*m»n r a w e r‘a ^II B? 1118. etat ■H | kj | 'l^ K H tc c h n ic la n s hereabouts, this lan< i^ / • Mostlypthtrbook-is-vcry-scr^•ryscr^ toottoothpastCT—Unforlunaiely,—they ^ ^In^ Twin n iU . Idtbo MIOl. nndtr>dir Ibeibi'aet eet .mcons Rockefeller'defi-Her' defl- ..' ,. ious and filled wllh those! events had no toothbrushes, ^ ■IJV /.'flB nlteTy will challenge fo for r ththc c , —MiK whicii have Illuminated and — I like thc comparisons at tho All notlcM nqotred br U«r or b r eH«r of eourt ef ______p o m ija tia n ^ M o re o v c r ...'.M: ^ l c lchU h U _ | icdTJur Bnd-oMhirboDkrNASA7*'lfreyc— ; s s r a ' ii?'tS*Thand»^'iMU»*of tbia papct punuant punuanl tolo Aadriw Aa ToHr gan's Gov. Gcorgo RomncyTiney has ^ vsTSS kVrivx -Gapltol on-thfr-unexplored," lo- looated------Sm. eo.101 Idaho Codi. been bccn told by two of hls closest political;ical pals ^ r •iXVv • Hill scandals, credibilityy gans,gaps, diredirectly across from HEW, "Us auBscsimoN r a t e s th a t that thc Rock will be In the (ight andond that /y - ft Vietnam revelations, etc..-tc. - But eye on the unemployed." And Br CarritT—One monll). 11.501 tbrae mosUu.n.iueiib lU D I lb Uq .should write off anything more thanan tarly, early, (I BsenlU ll-M i eui »taT. 111,00. “ there are also bits of huniorinior in AgrAgriculture Secretary Orville L. „ token support from the New York governor, t; Br UatV-Parabli la idrian.-w ttlitB I^abe and Elko 10^^’ li^ .> some of these things and,, acting FrciFreeman Is pictured struggling Countr, Nirada—ent mrnlh. llJO i tbn« oonlbi.inibi. I4.2SII4.2S| OnO ne of th e se friends Is L eonard H all,rss fo rm c r fi ■>Wcii jril ^ \ as a reviewer, I’ve raided to r rcduce farm surpluses while, >U moathi. »«.00! eoi r»ir. *««-®0- GOP national chairman. Thc other Is Cliff Foi- i1 ; '• ~ \ - - J a c k ’s-boo5c-for-them . , ------a____ at t . . tho same tim e,-he- spends- Br «all-P»T»b!i In adtahee. outildi Idabo-eoe^ o e monlh.month, ggr,„ gr fo rm e r finance c h airm a n f o r 'R ic hlartf a r d NNix- ix-' L For instance, he sayss radio millmillions , researching ways. to~ I1.7JI th m moallu. 11.09: •!* monlbi. ID.tOiII on*OD* r«ar,r«arp » , a m o n g the m ore re a lls ilcc behind- jc"/ • 111.00. ' news carrfe? about as muchluch In- maimake farmlands more produc- r OHlclal C(lr and Coaatr N ew iyperrr UICtSthe-sci?ncs politicians. Mi ____Utmber e< Andll BurMO of CIreulatloo. AiaoeUtM ;UtMPr«a Pr«a „ ...... I.,.. . • I ■ ______- f r y g R formation os. you mightL getg e t if live ...... ' ...... — — you drove slowly- past-a-welt-—,-a - w elt------— RE REAGAN “Gbu)WATCR-WITH MAKEUP”A K E U P ” ^ ^ \ lighted newsstand. In anotlieranoUier TRITEMS I f ' —It is Rockcrcllcr's private opinion thattt George fr • V. place he tells how Rep. William 1* Romney won't do, thal Romtiey’s lack. ot vigor \ 1 J- _ MM'fJTr sa y th e p la n n e d 1.000- Proud, Indeed! I £!»and talent for t]ie muddled phrase will alienate .? (iJ Ir! m m.p.h., V folding-wlng airliner I a lie n a te I * .‘i V - on ad asking for campaign do- |’^ f the oc- and split the Republican progressives and lead . < j W LI'' i M p t ^ 1.? .c t w ill hold 277 p a ssen g b fs, Ac* People hereabouts are proud of the oc- and nations and received only Wl. to a dog-and-cat fight which could resultuit in the JW g L ^ n V ‘\ i ^ compHshments of Terri Thornock. ^ Sen. Alien Ellender (D.,1 U.)l l \ 'j ' U^ijj, nomination of another conservative. Therhe Rock _ JA rHiri» *»\ ^'rvlwiii pie, because they’ll never get ------—In-the-spaiH>r-48-years-thl9-Twin-Fallfr ^ ■is-ii6aluted^og-h«-:'gnndwill L is reported to haxe.procJalmed that he wiu not g : which M&Tnrit ; , High School senior has brought onene honor s|ts\t byh Idly and watch the Republicansns noml- ^sK» SS^w Jn ■ “ tour" of Africa, during which afte r another to her com m unity, her h er par- nate California’s Gov. Ronald Reagan,n , ' w whom hom J l ' Ik - I Ellender got. himself banned 1 1 ^ I from several countries by ob- ’1’'''° *' iielped four woitfen . ents and herself. And now she tops>ps it off he ddescribes as "Goldwater with makeup." 3 Bverace escape from a Phoenix home for M ■ hlMM seserv rv in g that "the average esci by winning the Idaho Junior Miss rnntPQtcontest. If politics were played under drawingroomvlngroom « i (KUM leader- wayward girls. Heyl Only one tuuiwi. be an-obstacle ina ROcke-. ROcke- . * I African is Incapable -of leader- wa> ;■ i .y - a m s L f Moyers is quoted ns saying h e casi hpnvpni! practical, and Javlts Is no longer 0 practicalp ra c tic a l ■ keeps his words soft andd sweet he's howling because tho polls the plane, rain from the overcast ncuvcuaheavens favorite son. In public utterances, he haslas seem-seem­ - m-. because hc never knowss whcn havehav him by Ihe ears. ond tears of joy. • < ed t — =• ------^Anderson~“ descrlbcs"“'Lyndon L'yndon canorProbably“the“reason”thfcy“can ‘7 IwTvIlsis title ih’M obile, A la., in M arcn.arch. contentcont( with merely attackmg "big iGovem- Joiinson. when.he was..s-Vice* Vice* dondon’t do that is-becauso-they— ------And~the’ T im e5iN ew srw lthout“t“ heslta=‘ •mcnrf‘-Hc-dld'snet’r’anh(rGrcat'SocTeti^forltsincni ~ J !T“P^(^Man’stlan-’s - . -President, as eating from a can'tcan find a volcano. tion, climbs out on the limb to tellII TTerri’s p rri’Q ‘‘multiplication of Inadequately financed domes- tin F«rt>»rpl p rn p r.im s/» hiif .h/. .w ont ftn^ tr^ rfo. ,______„ -/hounu/. , ------parentsr M r.' and -M ni-Laveai-T hornockriiuuiycR, gjjjjgg ggj JJ bigger slice: o oof I Mfed- - ' I that she will probably bring backC trwthe na- eralgrnl spending. ______------Kon a l-title:------— ------'■''In the fashion'’bf^the's'erlbus candidate,randidate"; = = - - - B y HAI t BOYLE ------B O pinions Of ^ She’s Just that kind of gal/ - . “■- Rockefeller even coined a new phrase,irasc, thc ' "Just Society." This, he said," would b be e a so-so­ f O . ! ciety-clety under which there would be federaliral shar-shar­ with nW’j I j NEW Nl YORK (AP) - A glance oveiover-^lng your shoelaces when ' SPACESHIP EARTH ing 'of income tax revenue with the statesta te s aand n d ______I ( ata t the tl calendar reminds! me that thcjihey now sell -shoes’Uiat don't ' C onservativii^ative |3 || . O' coordinated approach to local programs, in- next month' I’ll be 56 yearsears old. neeineed shbelaces. The space age has made us conscious•onscjous H,,Hieluding.the resources of Washington. Again un- 1-Jh.^ectato' r.^ 3 What other blows-can-jnon- e of the fact -that we are iall astronauts, juyi. —E v e ry U im e -jfflit^ w e a r^-towl a - bow^ • - BARRY GOLDWATEI tLOnajits, .[ihe Rcimney.-Rnckefdliir rild-nnt,-say-the:pro- _ — klnrf_tflke.nnff ho dls-production.dis-prod Almost half of them .tracing a regular orbit about me the sun, ^j^jy ‘‘^y produce grave disappointments." . .Is s th e s o lf . . -A-maJority-of-the-hu--the-hu- tha{thafeWllllanv-McKinley-imd-eal* shuu —------a ^ lim ite d -m n o u n t uf l u o i ii ,'a“ ' llm lim ltedited' ihoscihoseiof'^OttrCenturyTwllilclan'whtrrealli^srreallilS' hau3ted.-She^-iust-too-tired-4o victt ifld-Gal* 5houia“spcnd“gome^nTB"Kere;n"Kere; Iirworld"ewnomic Iirv ImpacfT <=•«=. thafvbu can’t^turn-otr the Wa'shlncton,n mnnevmoney get suppcr, tOQ tired to sew ott tnannian beings who have teemed vlnvin Coolldge have never-?r- been Ju5LJLJe.w.-nUlfis_away^are_Uvejust -are_Uvc -StoeraLtM S< ngajnaktuthe Hon*- :------Lamount ot air, w ater.-lan d -an d other es. illSl be 56., TiSHllynniyTappreciated. test spigot but only try to more efficiently■ manaeemanage Ihit bulton. or .hem "thattt skirt.s k ir t, .the <^arth ite v cf ilVM tO Bfe' 56. ." TSHI test and research facilitieslilles of dada. story typical of capitalist sentials'folife. ~ the flowof money. I"'In fact, she’s just pooped?d after OrOnce you go beyond: 55 you YouYt abandon any Ideadea of one of-the world's greatt manu- suosuccess as opposed to those One of the most challenging problemstroblems ThiThe Rock is in good shape to make, tbe thc run ' course (In thethe hothot are are ,getting into winter territory.;erritory. 8™'growing ai beard becauseise ypu facturing.facti concerns. UrejUreary adventures into produo- • — — that-w ill-be encountered-ln -long-voyagesvoyages for-the-BIgfor t One. He stunned his criticscs and-a sunsun_or .the_CQld_wind,_as_the_as_the You.You-have-an.instinctive-reallza- i.reallza-know kno\ Jt:would come out. all And It- was 9tarted.-just-19-just-19 tlon-by-soclalists. The Honda en*— m m an-m ade spaceships i^how to> coconvert n v ert lorof-pDlitical'wisEacres-by-his'succcssfal-CDme-•oi-rnhTO- cas6-m ight-b6)-or-from -rolling tlon-that-thoreis-frost-aheadr-Ittlon- whll 1ft fnrm back Campaign for a third term, in which he ball- f°ffor hits you somewhere insidesid e likeiTke W hen you se e a fellow, SOgo 'ip up l^schoqi h o at 16, worked as1 a me- dldn'Fexi^dldi previously. It-crc- waste products back into usable form. Hh ham- the, stairs two at a tlme you ^rar drew unprecedented . support from Newew York hours. the blow o f'a mammoth ham- the [ne_you dranlc.-Btaitcd-buslness-on-as-on-a ated-newJtet jobs and the demand The identical problem is beginningg tocon-to con- ci[y_ He probably won’t have lo- raiseise taxes Isn’t that silly? If-sheI f - s h e mer. m e r...... — r—...... -' rea liz e-th c ’w o rld w ill n ever v er run shoestring amid the rubble-ibble of new technology,--new sup- front earthbound man as his shipm p gets again,agaii and thar will please the upstaters.Iters He It homehomo Yc You havo to face up-• to... , ,1..thc ut of ' fools. ' , wfl.' war'd ei^a ahd today, a at t 6161, PPi|e iiers a n d new d istrib u tio n out-, .more crowded. . , kIs th the undisputed Republican boss o( h his is stastate, te . '■'=■'1s*'® W " “ '•“ " 'I „ . la ct vou are matter of quiet2t pride ^orliworks side-by-side with h his is on-en- leiets ts. - ' ‘ Of gutsy • ... Edgy HuS^ndStand defiia g v trZ g T y isS■Xjg bas S "’»> married to a worn- gineera to - build ntvpndv TTypically of capltalht enter- , ThB tmiihln l^ W B-hnva-^ii-.w-h^f.n.^rnt. honn And llks Dick Nlxon. ,ho Is the kind of gutsv ___ a>S Milton Luros, 55, I-os Angeles, was a publisher -1. elty defl- ^t 50 you lose any fcnr you surf ind been a low-cosl, family airplane. i extent, notes Dr. Athelston Spilhaus, di> M pumisner pjensed as punch over, my bar- nitcnilo idea what's wrong wllh you. eve hood In power communications t ocnfn Tn of ft sort far different from thc others pledged L i n .. ever had of sccond childhood. In “sed ilcnt ons This Is the klntl of invasion Inl rector of the Universily of Minnesota In- {*' " Ml gain, and you know pretty welleil whatwhat's s yn„r realize c^ul 1! V* to upholding n responsible frco press. Mis pub- ‘‘‘V 1 realize equipment. Ho hand-fitteded ththem em ^yblch^bl c a p ltn lh m denis. I t rc* -~TJtitute of Technology. Iron ore dust is jjgni I n While putting tho ribbonbbon on wro wrong wilh him. You enjoy ex- y„u „rc still In your firsfsl' child- Intointo blcyclc frames, nnd Tokyo jpci 1 dust is licailons included sucli titles as "Lesbiansomn amSin tj,e,1,. typewriter. I also was pleas- chai jects tl^o invnsipns of mllltar. ___ being ^cycled bnck Into steel mills; some Sgpi ns pleas- changing symptoms. . ,t I f,oo that nobody ever,r renliy really resli rcsldcnls, cam for_nnyly tomfpnalHm, Und-Jnpan-somc'dccadcs ' 50I1E."-::i.csW«nAllty,::j'IW!LWomcnJnJn .Miye._Lovo,:: o P e rh a p s Uml Is the g re a t ics* llzes tho ^ i.iiros was fined J25.000 nnd each of fo^r of ilunter to get short-winded "liS bending n g ^ Hy Tho A.soclnled Pre.ij BJ'' Immorality nnd ignornnco of n not o t rrc- e - his|ih nnbllshhiR houses from $12,000 to (25,000. In — « -co m p an y wim.souKso cn- son nf cnpltnlhm, Ihe sort tif "'I'lio bombing ban hurttrt them ,irofim re.searcli. (luvelnpmeiiilent and iesnonles; vou learn whon ynu sco cycling,” Spllhnus told n symposiumDSlum on iuutiaddlllnn, nnd moro Hicnlficnntly, Luros: willwilt havehnvc c n n (Iho North Viotnameno) to a dc- « held nt ^*vo yeiir.i in a fedcrnl prison to contcmpliiloiiplaio his Jl ” producllon program Hondanda niill entcrprlHcsenti such nn Honda's. “Preserving tho Environment" held nt ffiU greo. But It is questlonnhloI itinnhlo runnrun- - turned mit 1..17' uillilonnilllion CnnllnlismCat h tho builder, It Is rtcA n A«i m isndvcntiiros, whelbcr thc goals sought In tho ^^ot tho annual mcotlng of the Amcricnnr ic n n aAs- s "’3^.' denlcrs" had conven- m " ’r '® m otorcycle,1. w orth }2(ir. million, iiiillion, onlyo n i govenimcnt thnt can be a l^ ifl bombing wcro ,nchiovetr’—Sen* roui ...... Bdclfttlon for the Advancement ofI aciencoScience i„ntije^tly ncglected to remcntber Ihnl withS n -s free Interpreting-eting I wm"‘ roughly one-lhlrd of Iho world's donlroyor,don In W ashington, D. C. j,r„ SIM nto DemocMlIc Lender;r Mlko prc.ss coipes rcspnslblllty to tho best Interests I n a Mnnsficld,, tscs-'r?»-.,'W i5i'm:r-*irrr^r,trc2ra.r7 c o n s p lc - of tlio pu b lic whi^cli' it acrvcH.,Thu two c nnnot bo “Tho automobile ia the most consplc- of tl SWW - ‘ "Tho people of tills couniry country ^111 uous example. It should be designedilcned nt separated‘'cpa cvni by tho nioit persunslvoS legal T h e N e w s tf/W doservo Iho opportunity lo elect the fitort with Us eventual reclnmntlonlinm ntlon counsel.—Mnnknto (Minn.) Frco Vress.s. thoir nrcsldciit and vlcu: ‘” pre.si-p S T h e In m ind.” B y JA1V1E.S MARLOW ' dant thu Kamo w ny tliuyc y oltictolt;(;t Tho Idea is nnt conservation. TheroTborn lois nFPORTONTHEJDRArr . M l tliolr governor,-). HCiintorn, m ny. i n e r o i s r^t ^ 1,0 d r a f t, like lift*, is unfnir. b u l pfierlm e rh a p ps s It ors, city counclliiien, county no present dnnger of our running out of f,ec( "3 Doctor Says ig out of need ncit bo ho Inenuiliiblo ns nt present.^cnt. With WA.SIIINGTON ^ -(AP) — - nil.im -i Much^ nf world opinionm IIhh crlll- eommlHHionors, jicluml boaiil ' C o . '' raw moterinis or of tho nl)ility to devise liintHint thought in mmd, a 20-mRmlier National Natlonnl Is Is thnt iMcullnr Umo in1 hlntoryhlnlory mlnil of tlia United .Staless now fnrfor n'embcrs,j'’'^ nnd cvtiry othor.hor. pub- I Bubstltutes for them. ComCommission on Selective Service, appointedm inted bby y w wh hen thu glnnt.H a rc umbnr- um biir- boingboii In thn war nt all.. Jl would officer" — Sen. IJIrch-il JJayii,IJayh, By WAYNE O. BRANDSTADT,NDSTADT, IU. D. Tiio iden Is ^o sav-lod.; of h is prono.sal fo r dl- source thnt wo cannot re-lnvent nnrnnnce wowe *0 formulnlu proposnls to improve tho draftdnift sy.s-sys* Tho shining oxainplo of this 1.1I.i triedtrie full bombing nnd Invanloii Invaslun. reel, ptipulnr pre.-ildonllalI l'”"' olcc- _ ll Q, I a m n IO-year-rwolgbt, Couldlid rlit;ti-rlioii- TliiT han i;o bu ck lo tim labin for • ' virorim ent.” jl,,,,Ilnn hns boon advniiccd n mnnlh. Tho) commis-conimis- .Slaio .Sli nnd Whoso |K)puiationiation tifof namnnn off thn mnp if it wanteil to petpeniilly — In Iho form nfof crlll- P’"'I’’"*''’ liL'icana wlilt;|iwlilt;h 1I auc imconuH, Tho Immedlnto dnnger may bo moro siw.i will nifct for perlmps tho Insi time10 on Fri- nbout ab 10,2 mlilltin Is fllightlyihlly io^isloss uuu iiucluar iHuitbs, tlioho wworld orld d'l:cl'tm which hurl# him InI « nnuin* u m . rn H nmmako ko (.Q-I nm n 10-ycarold girl. psychologlcnl than It is nhyHlcnl.. "Filtliy"Flithy times tin larger nnd tins a1 popula- bonbombs. JolJohnson would hnve mndaIda trlpi linh llllln. In Hcviiro cancn It It miglit miglit A-Allhougli.^ some fain ipay Inst long If It tolerntcd n dirty siilp,lillp, The 'I'ho nlly has been ronslderud tlefcnsllilo onlylly (inon tho linn |lo of nround 201) million.m. .So,St the Unllcd Staleslies fculi nbi nbrtind lo halo Amorlcancan for- ‘’voi ovon cnuNo a gain In wulghtiljlht tiuutiuu I'lUtnivnio "III iiciio, Ihcy tlo mil flomo thing, wo nre hoglnning toI ronliznrealize, Krouml'iKn" thnt It Is iifconsary, Ihnl ll iH.iinlvtimal.iinlvtirsal Tho '1 two nuclear giants,in ts, tim rarcsl slrlc tc d to fighting aIII n aliiioNlaliiioHl tiiiitiiiiii jw llcy. I-'or Insiniicn,m ice. It lo lo \w atorliigglng. eiiumi eim ll. No one nhould nviild Ihnno^jbln application'nnd tlmt It provides the) mon thothc United Un States and thon .Sovltrl.Sovlot old-fashionedold- war mid, In111 makomake ml|might liuvu Imuii wortli:li whllo Y Y ou Nhoiild havo a ircjxiim x iim lna- ln a - all all falN. M n rgnrlne am i buttor npplles to tho hum an rnce mul fihaccHlilpiP»ccHhlp nnd \mrc-Up curn.. nnd \mrc- UnltAi, ntn ho Htriwn tlwyitw could cnntd tho atory ovon moro Kruosomu,iruonoma, for the Wu.Hlern nlllon If JtilmiitmJtilinsoii Hon to rula iml nny othorir cnuso,c nuso, ana ru oiiBlly dlgontcd n n d , tnkon In fi)rmln|5 support nf tho draft by CongresHDSN during cllmlnnlo ell onch othar. 'llio'Inn lantlast tliln country doonn't Itnowmow how cotcould liiivo vlullcd J'rnnco-nnco lo hiicyl>y .So- d dei e n i w ith cncfi o th a r. AmAmurlcans hnvo tiled Inn Iho tho wnr hh hli dlHrngnrfl fnr tho1) NortfiNorth Uni Underwolght nomonn oflanflan fail recommoiitlodr«c In Iho pnicodlng venturous lOt or tlforo nro simplyy n lot of .Scrvico nirecKir./.owls II. Horshoy, Nnrlh I .Vietnam, tim exactixact o|>> and Uiii-country'M.nnnedHid fnrrasforces AllAtlnntli! 'iroHiy Orgnnknilnn.:nilnn. to to gain wnlgfit Whon thoy tlit'y III- in-am aiinwer ent ono tuiblc ipch nr them Jirounri. At nny rn le, of-theIbn morem n ri« wolild bo |]ii> falrtrsi jxisfllblo d riift Kyntomyntom be- poslte, poi Is primlllvo compnretlompnretl havahav olxiut fllH),0(H) menen hi lliu /And then tlinni'n . llio0 SovietSovlot ereicream tho amount of tiugnrlignr and nmnuira of cliceno (Amorlcan, long* thnn 400 sclontlBts and engineers wlio:np* »I,L, 'V"'*''' ‘"'VOI to servose rv o with wll Amarlctin mlftht. Y Yet et ththis li aare re n . SInco tiiora Is no10 omIomi In Un(hiloii, rfith whom Iho1 United utarchutai thoy out, nuch hmIN brondbrom l ImrnIku or brlt;k) every day. I I t . * for a timo in tlio armed florviccs, Tho troublu Is country. cm In wnr with Northtrill Via|. Vlet. ilglilglit, Ihu flnnl casuallyly flgiirosfigures StatenSin would llkn donorlor roln- nnd «nd jam, candy and cake, Tlionc wo piled for astronnut training in tho latent thnt :e, Tlionc would not ndvlse any tlrugs tn ,hO Intent thnt tho inilllary needs tmly nbout 000,000,000 of ththe e n nai a m . Isn’t d a rin g to uho0 itsiln full cancan't uvon l>o guonned, tioilions, 'I'liure ban b rem n nomo ftmiftmdn quickly Natlnfy tim appotllo helphel you gnin wolghl, recnjltmont drive, about ono In four wwas as 1,Hl.H imlllton men who rench drnfl ngo onchmch yoar, strength sir or even half of ll.ll, I) Dut Ihe A m urlcnn Iroiiblcs,-oiiblcs, a progroniprti In thnt directiontlon but of of i unilorw clght parnti-.m, Q ( — Ifl Ihoro nny dlscafin ihat n m edical BClcnilBt, re p o rts th e NnllonalN t\llo rtt\l KvcK vcn If i\W llwR« vtniW u a lni«tl, e d , lliiorelUorfi If 1 inlfl tovinlry lTl^^d to) ti)iltlld thn proprmhict nl this war, contlmifdnttmifd lo Moscow,Mn sllll leader nt tho Com- T n.n.duy, i:ua.,,bQ_ufuglit-hyLj]ttUng. raw.^„ Academy of Sciences., w'ljw ould lm nrilbing ftir Ihcm lo tlo, war wii fastcK by^boinblnH-uvory-g-uvory- mu multiply—«t—hom e-nnrf—else*inrf—else* mum unht-wnrldrcan'rnffnrrt toTiat «ml hull eggrt lluil uro only 'parlUliy ■ , nio proNp(;ct. thon, Is tlmt presCjiLdraft-rtoi*.draft'finl* thln|rlrrAiKh(thi In North Vietnam,v ie tn n m , wh(w horo. , imiIwi coiy wllli a nallini making eroi Otlior fields represented woro engl- iHcj making c-roarn Ihruu i|r four tlmontlmcn a eoieookoiri’ iro engl- iqjea \YilUtnii*ln-mibiilnnliini7n«Tluiy nro, wllhwlili aili^ ail' Invndlng It, Ited1 Chinn TThis country, twijoylnglying till]tlii] wnrwn on Nnrlh Vlolnnmuuujso Com- tlaytlay. You may hnvo lo ftirtoftirco /A — Anido from nn ftilargy to noors, ono In oVery glyo.nppllcQnUi;-«ndm U ;-«nd 111110 mtino minor roforms. I'or oxnmplo, llioD commis- might ml feel ttimpollcd to cnlitr lonilongest inirlod of pronporltyiporlly hi niunhti,, nm youyournalf to tral thin niiiclim uch nl eg( eggn In a n y form , fom l j>ol»u|ilng ------^ptiyflrcl8rb7~ono"nifllx. Llfo Hclcntistsflc l c n ti s ts «innsion ii cxi^H'tiii'd to pnm osii s'<'0 iiiut Hlntlont tuilormentn are nol unetliinetl neighbor ne: — Just an ItI didtlld inill ItsIln inonov nnd rnsoiirconiiircon lo thn lin lto d S ta le s c a n hoi>oijNi for h ytiiiyou nlmiiltl gnin, miimoiiitlln m a y rtiriult fro m anting in ovory 0 of tho wouldbo afllronnuls;Ir^nniihi- ■" '"btai^) do fiuito (Imft oHuinpllona., Nulloiial Nutloiial North Nn Koroa, nuenuedod pi’oiiram n n l hhome. o m e . If il\nHint South Vlcliinin. oncoICO freed ll.mll ny Imlp to Iln downInwn for cm cggH Unit havn lb o o ii c ra ck e d In i r tin n u t s . „ ,„ ,„ i„ rd s lo b'o followed hy tho tio u nIry lry 'n 's iOOO H1 ut W ar w ith R ed Chinanil Is tm(me e Ihoitlm re wan no war'. Andid th a ox^ (rm(ro n d ire c t nllacU b y thoiho Com- 10 tot 19 minutos Wlmn ynu think h a chomlflU, otio In’ 111; nnd c»rth scientists incn /nil Ihink h a n d 11 ii «. Tliorouglily rooh* BClOntlStB local tiraft bonr.lh mny uIm) bo formulBlod.ulBtod. —- of Ihe innt things ihis couniry penpeiisoof the wnr Is climbing.nblng. munisls,mu can nomohow manngoiuanngo you bavo ontnii nil youI cnn hr- mlcd (hiirilliollcd) eggn would b« ' (goologialflp iftc.), o n o 'in H . . idalId ah o 2>lat« J u u rn o i. w wa n n ts. JlJulmson il paying • LLltler ltler toUi sJJrvlVQi on itj ow n. caucause your ■lomuch willill eempty m p ty «nfo,mf ,

» ■« I I . •

' , ' - . I :-

______' > .

'«8 million ounces bnckc paper . ..' Tuesday. Jon. 17, >967 ■^fSilver Is A tr(i^o(ia^ossroads s L i1 ' Im money—;ihe on outstanding silver ^ . ' 4 » U | Certificates issued after Junelung 30, Twin Falls Times-News .5 ... , ' '-Tfc -1 " [ V 1 J 1929. T h is le av e s abo u l 153 mll-mil- Its Fnsf D im inisl L m im sh iu g ^ R o le — Slion-nunces-'fot"oth5rTKes~“es. ^ Of^llweWor Industrial use.—— — ------^ lificatcs Another step to free moce sil- iI ■■ - :___5 ? JOSEPH R. COYNEYNE ,batteries.,batt Industrial and artistic of the silver certificates ‘ ■ ■ w;WSSHING'l'ON (AP) ^^ilverjusc.— Silvef|ti5c: iin!i^ear"ioiiilEU-BbouT-i30-JOUT-130- «nd o u b U ^ly — have— b enn c n _ .d fio. c - '^SLver could bc to place a deadline' lip sink, on redemption ol sllV6i‘ Ceritnr— r — Is at the crossroads in itsits histot^ unili millinn oundcs comparedEd with stroycd by fire, (lood. ship sink- Oy dc. cates. After tho Ueadline, a per* ic but fast diminishing role a.is s a 110 m illion ounces in 1952.2 '"68ings and other disasters. By de- daring some of them lost or would be-unable to obtain ' \ stostorehouse r ot U.S. monctarylmonetaryj ofqi the total Treasury stock of jgYi ' ' ''i: valuvalue. I stock or destroyed, the Treasuryy could silver for them bul would re- But Treasury officialsials arcarci”^°“^ _ million ounces,s, aboutifree po.ssibly millions of oouncesl*^'^'''® u iiccsl^ c u rre n c y o r coins. ITv ^ V ■ . F , | con\convinced enouRli. silver is —^^= jjjj||j= j= = ^= ^= = j| . - . m •' available - to c.nrrv thc nation i-'f* (1*^* SjjaKSal \ ■ i ^ il'rothroijgh. lo late li)C8, cx p cc tcd -- cud of thc Uansillon. pcriodicriod foe .. ----- ...... thc thc new cnppor-nickcl coins.:oins. '■ '/ J “ ■ And Al officials hnVc somejine nccs * M ■- fr ^ ______■.. ■ •■ In ln_^ the- hole to m ake sure•e th e sil-s i i - ______P u t z t er r ’s - — J ■■ Vcr supply will r>c sulticienl,cienT I’ulure government policy on ^ ^ - • silver is in the hnnUy-of a 2i- man commission on tpe coinage ■ * set up by Congress in/l965i when f — H OUSE U SI Of CARI il took all silver oui| of dimesdim es .'ti.•tf and and quarters and reduced.uced ' the ______j _ _ O J silver •■'I''"' content of halff dollarsd o lla rs « W P ^ P®*" ent, thus •t. " '' ’ '^ S K " “verting avci a silver cHsls. I N O W . .____ ' Tl ' That commission —- all. Its ~' i^^iw rTi^rO T “ ...... ~ ~ i^ /Q K a M m er members have not yet^ct beenbe en V — IfljH named I'a n — will look into' thc time B i ' r ' and circumstahccs when/hen thcth c i - 0 P E N ! - — Treasury should stop maintain- •• ' W " ^ ing ing thc pricc of silver, future JUST ONE BLOCK i; policy and other silver matters, r , Thc mining industry foresees FROM HOLIDAY INN - a n in c re ase In pricc — now — ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ H b b ^ 9 ^ 3 I e s b 9 y. ■ maintained by the Treasuryla su ry ata t J-...- - ^ $1,29 an ounce — _as inevitable.ivilable. 1 2 ^ 4 0 BLUE * The nation Is using morem ore sii- sn - k’f S t i ver, ' ’'^i'' cspocinliy for Industrial LAKES BLVD. tMO. purposes, than it producesluces and SaiHBi^MBHWBp^W aaar imports. The Treasury, fills thcth c gap by selling iis stocksks tolo pri- prl- vntcvatl indu.stry. H H . Booming Industrial uses.rangesc s.rn n g c SELECT FROMFROM OVER ------^from rockcts to photographyg rap h y to ^ n 0 0 CARPETJPET SAMPLESsy ROBERT BLASTOCK.K, Filer, IcfJcft, and George Ottens,I, Twin FFlier. Tbe permit wass one of two Issuedi during the past year . Falls County zoning admlnlstratadministrator, discuss building plans rrequiring rczonlng hearings.larings. A totaltotj of 50 permits have been \ ome, select the carpet you've alwaysalways wantedwon from our huge (or thc new Acme Machineichlne Co. tbuilding to be erectedd near Issued.If (Times-News photo) ____ ‘L" News Of Record!cord '^^sS Visplay. tu-i You’ll bo am azed at the3 quality,qualify, andai equally pleased ------^— Twin Falls Countynty ot hov/ little thotlio cost to carpet anyfhing-fromom foyer fot tho entire home. . I Police Blotterr QUICK, OVERNIGHTNIGHT DELI^ DELIVERY Servico on anyly carpet notn< in stocki ■ Noted Physical'3,1 ^,c Cars driven by Johnn E,E . Mc- M c- T w in F allsIs CCoi ounty Z oningling m ResidentsRi ,)BOSTON (AP) - Dr. Roberl nuc nue and Third Slreet NorthN orth ata t I------J.._ y n n jie_ G raa ff. 65. in v■ventor e n to r of of ^2:55 p.m. Saturday. McCluskyM cClusky ------By-BONNIE-BAIRD-JONES-JONES - - ' “W e-expect-somc-opposition,'‘x)sition,^‘ mministered;— ^including—5—inspcc- inspcc- thithe- Van-de-Graaff-high‘voitage;h‘voitage was-citcd-by-Twih-wa Falls-policc ...... :. . Tlmes-Ncws Staff WriterI'rlter _ MiM r-Ottens-sald, VbuLthe-build.:hc.buiid- lions.tii wilhouL.adding-per&onnel-personnel patllcle_flcceleratot_uscd-Jn_nu--cdJn_nu-- foefoiiJallure-to_ylelU_the-right-ot le-right-of ----- Prom t_Dp eli\ t „ D e l l v e r y . C ounty zoning, w h ic hr'c caused a u s e d ingin? code will provide .the pro- to linistration clear physics research and cam waway. .the pro- to the zoning administration ^li o _ a major furorin'thc Twinvin Falls tecliontec many county zoningning SUD-sud- ststaff and al no additionaltlonnl cost ^er therapy, died Monday3nday ata t ------— ------1- And tnstallainstallation SServicemaster e r v l area before a zoning ordinance po charged Massachusetts General Hospi- rdinance porters were seeking when/hen they to taxpayers. Fees charged M .COMPLETE ^ waT~MtiptciJ a ycar-agoT-nowigOT-now -vovotcd-for-zonihg— he-addcd.—added.----- im Jii llder.s-.would cover -expenses. expenses. ^ ______- ______D J ^ ------.CC \R.^_ .★ -Easy ud^ei ------seems-to-be^peraling-with-with al- ol- • -This addilionarprotectionction has "“ County Commissioner-Morrisler- Morris ——For-2(i^'ears-untlt--tits-retire-L^:_ jmuscular^_ ------most- no-notice-from-localical rcsl- g. a-price-tag-attached ...... ______jW _ W . , J ^ a i ^ o n J o ld thhe e zoning zoning m m e n t in 1960, D r. V an d e G ra a ff — H0USF(;l:EANIN(F=~ — de n is. IMr. Ottens said fees must be Rrdup'R' in ih’elr Januaryry meeiing w.was associated professors of sphy- aches-PAINSIINS I e r m s* i ...... - ...... FURNnFURNITURE.AND_CARPIT$;._, _ _ _ George Ottens, zoningling ad-ad' chargedch on'a basis-of' building thattV action- is expcctedted on thc sicssr at MassacWsetts Institute Tninistrator, said that sincesince the valuesva to cover the cost3st of In-in- buildingbi code proposalsal within of Technology. "Toica PfiUVO tablet* when you w antl I PHONE 733-5238 ordinance became effective:tive last spspections and to keep the pro- a month. H e w a s c o fo u n d e r Inn 1946 of tentemperory relief from mlnbri t r = ocho* ; e x p e r tniLE^W tile^ v O R K February, 50 building permits gramgr self supporting. The 12 members off tbethe plan- theth High Voltage Corp.>. oof f BBur- u r- ondom poin often aiioiiafedi svlthsilth Arlh-Afih- have been issued. Theyy repre- 'Costs, - he estiffiated,i, would pingpi and zoning commission;ommission lii lington, Mass., a leadingd ing pro- fitij,fiti Rheumotijm, Bunilli,I, Lumbago, ------sent^ia^QU l_,}fi»in.flnfl _ln In npw-nrw.- xurun about $39' on a'' home iiilii serves( -without ..renumeration,umeration. diducer of the particle a accelera- c c e le ra - BacVocheBa. and Painfol Muieular Achei. ie o lin o d -to to r.^ ------MRelinve theia diieomterli of youf building values in the county, whichwl structural valuescs wouiawbilid -tfoah-Oliveiv-who—deolinod-to"ti to [_THE HOUSElOUSE OF CARPET{ P E T A> N D T I L E _ There have .been two0 public re a c h $12,000. A m o re, elaboratee la b o ra te acceptai reappointment. last la s t week w e e k — ------— ------rroney me back. On tale dt requests home of $25,000 wouldJ require h;has served as chairmanirman the Aldrich,a Buhl; Orcn Boone, hearings on rezoning requests ho c .I«Hnger’$ Pharmacy■maey 1240 BLUE LAILAKE&BLVD. NO.—.—•^TOIN.FAtLS *“^TV and both requests haveive been permitpe fees of $63, he said.;aid. pastP^ six years. TTwin Fals, and Lyle Schnitker,S<^>^"'^kcr, ^ ,44 s. Main _ g ra n te d ______^------______Four inspections wouldvould bc bc -Other members arei» James JlQlllslcr. w ______ding pro^- B ren n an ,^ J a m e s R om u mlniR iR ^-S S nnd d ______t t ■ ______These Include the changeharice of ™' during^the -building pro- "B d—be at Stuart Swan,-all-Twin.#in. Falls;Faljs; ------— zone~for the Gateway, Trailer cess.—The -first--would—be at Si oundatlon Thomas Crain,, Kimberly,crly, Clar* ■ Court,-? on F a lls A ve. E aast s t from of inuring'foundation T e n ; J a m e s ■ agricultural, to residentialitial and o'*or feltings, and theJ second enceei Hollifield, Hansen; James ; was in LaGrone, . Castlefoi'd,1, RobertR o b e rt the change on Acme Machine w'when .the frame work was in L CoT prbperly~near“ Filer“ler-fJom from plQce.-OthePr.lnspectlon8-wouldP* ns-would -N Nail,— Hansen,_and__WendeUL _W endeU ______:______:______r fire rc- Garnor, Buhl. ------^Bgrlcultural-to -light. Industrial,ndustrial Inlerior work for fire re- G -and-the —Mr.-Swan was. named.chair-med.chair- I Some residents protestedsted the s'lsiStant“ waU-TnaterioI-«nd-thfr — fore the man for the coming year. Four - I I £ trailer court rezbning butbut there [J' examination before the n- members will be appointed,>pointed, to r , ' wero no objections to theth* Filer building is occupied. n e expiring I ^ V proposal.. Mr. Ottens said he believes tlthe board to fill the expiring . the building code cann be ad- t(term of Mr. Oliver,r, William ^ ^ ^ n e e . But the time has comem e .wwhen hen C______a r i n s i N o w ! Q n'' V V s u r a n c county residents will soon soon' re- ______ceive the same protectionlon frofrom m .^ ______■

desirable nature and In public Learn to0 KniKnit l^’asllions ~ ; buildings outside of cllyJim:iy_lim ita ita ns do urban area property own­ ^ y oi u i r e a nr p a j r fo r m o n t t f a j y e rs. A uniform building code, one Like This at Sears of Iho recommendations of the Commission for Intergovern­ersoytrn- Free 10 W[^^eck cclc K nitting Course^ s c mental Rclatinns, a national board of which formerle r Gov. N ationw ide m ade it easy Robert n, Smylie wnn a mmem­ em - L o o k how N ation it easy fo r these folksoiks ber, will soon be required of nil counties. Mr. Ottens ex- ex­ ^ 1 . ' ^ p lained. In view nf this, nml bemuse ____ . of.a-nccd for^to.ntrol overjunl-iver ^ M S e a r s^ I ______iiy nnd types of struclurcs.urcsoul- oul- ^ siilo of mctropolitnn nrcns, plnnnlng anil zoning commission members arc now In final sliiRCs of prdpnring n huildlng code for npproval of thc coun- coun­ . ( ■■ ty commissioners. Mr, (iiiySchmiinmnnn ' Mr. ItobenHi Kemper M ii. WllliimWlIMim Wtnnilrom^Wd year of con ro o n is w ould bn lrn|))>cd. |I V . "Onlv ihrnujili cdoperiitlonrriitlon nf jQnHH UA . iuul liiihililylily piplcclitptplcclion al no cxirn cost.-• I Dpy»ft perpar week dil work Ity *iliilii lloclllyII.)clllyl4iry- Iciltiry- | ' 'i Ool.i.imti ni-rnsil Hut lIvlUK room , IlIt hnd lo • )IO,mill rni'li'inU ])frii'ii,]>fiii«i, 12(1,0(H) r*ih iKi'iirifnif, I'loi'fiiy ilmii- ■ llQwmnnynny mnUmnUclrl»o» drlvod iindai 237 ...... I - 1)11 rnhiforccd nl cnrisltlnrnlilo iiu.Dom for Y onr Fnnlilon Mfn.•fl. •H*- >VO(lllKill rn.'tirni'ti .H-fiii(M-diiiriue. tllK) ilollitllhie rolllilim iiiit ' I nmt to meet nnfoty ntniidnrdN. to c.Hi.pt«l.«nilvo|«tfif»f-inilve iil ri fiH 'M C|i««n>lel. I of nnnudl inliei ihoy drivoi % Ittn cndo ■' In lOnliortWM^s'youloajiM^k'you loam 'n lH iu t y n n w . 1 low to I % ol nnnudl iiillei . . Only with- II liulhlltm code n» , — —}—niid—'perl'wllo-lnii|»ctlmia_cft»iima-cftii _ • knit, nrlccl, liitprclinnKouttprclmnKo mni coinbhin tliom. Ynu , wnjT lo a i^^llll(>n“ itnllnr-bonttqiin=— -— -• ' such ninltors ho rorrccted.•ctrd, tlii^ " nro DU y m ir w ny li) ...... I.ui.ililv ~'CoilliionIllon AXnrnp.-iiXnmp...... ' 1 iKlmiiilstralnr explnlncd.(I, lo o k , n t y o u r ImkIroI bndR ol prico]' pric r T ' ", I Ara hnlh tofictir> owned hy inmoI pidon ot hmltonci TW T J Tlio |)ro|H iscd buiidinRlinR c.odoc.oilo - Twin FflllsAlls ), * 2 .0 5 nio, ....f4» 4 .4 0 m Oo, . j nn.l wH.llvInoIving Inin in.na10.11. liouiahold?Ill ... . Q l w nuld Rivn Ilm r.iiuiilyy InNpcc-Inspcc- ■ ,V(it/i/nrJ{im OuarmUted;iinrnn<*«<( of'-Vm o ir fl/oncy I Gilt (nw riilai(ilBinra n r. linte.l Iinte.l on lolacting ihe'corelul Nationwide | ' tiM'ii control oviir'lv|x^s of .build- 1------■ ' ' ' . I hlOjll' l»H\l •>,,"Sj ■ I lirlvar iinderngalar nga 70| wWK t connol ylay on'niharo componyi 2. Hnd • Niilijiwide \ * Nailiihwide Miiiiial liiiiirincaC.>iii|)an7 I niiivi'il lllllo niljfiiiiiiiK propnrty ^ I- ■■ < ft 11.111, . - »h III,,I'l-. NatloiiwliliNatioiiwlile Is cmloi scil liy ...... 9i:i0 n.m, tn V p.m. T I l«o or motioro occlilenlioctlilenli or< nmvlna vlnlatloiiii 3, lliime flume onicei Cotiimliiii, Oliio . ' _ for lino nV Inw com iiu'inrm Inlior Iiliilioalio .State linjployccnlim Asnocln'tloiiIt I lliiddilT tr’illcer'l He»nii'iuipbnd«d iiii’iuipk or rovokid, Nniihwtii NmihwtM ll«idi|iuiic(ii II roftlaiid, Qiegoa I liniDiliiKi stom iiQ u r otliur pur- ll»r |»lr- I ' 403 Main Avu. W.f, Fr« Fr.'. PofMnHP. . Phon# '' ...... iri.a J . jKisua. * _ _ - r i - . !...... I ...... — ' • •


1 • ■ ■ 1 " — LTue>day,Jan.JZ,-lSA7 ______, ' I ’ _ and a n d J list l s U those h chafactcxbtlcsjnh ilmOLli-houLl^vJn^^ilmejvlihj .Md— -*1 V sc a rs. 0 Twin Falls Times-News - F i l e r n Thiff Is a gulde.;to your life In ~ tTHE h e ” TSr.'TnH " " ? a y W S °S ; ‘w il, I — Idaho N . Uie man you wan. to mtrry./. theU« future.(u.uro May you meet your BOY SHOT, KILLED - rlSfmm...... CONDITIONCO: ;^OTED MM C einJjersliip I ] : jl Then memorlie them, and givee Ideal and live happy-ever after. — —BOISE-(AP)-—-Pollce-rcportaLa -BOISF.--(AE)—BOISE ------Idaho:*_two „ ------' ' JUNIOR:JNIOR:':...... - ai5tlnct"lmage n ^W ^ s rite-to -Twin-Falls-Time ...... -H iffh-S€hool— -BoisI ie N«}W8,-Bookl8t-Dent^-Box-308,------^------7-yenw)li— 7-yeaw)ld-boy wa*. accidentallylly state-universltles-nre-ln-l'marrstate-un K p n . . 1 REALM in Tem ple-Clty,-Callf.5-for-your ------siiot-and killed lato Monday. ginal" ginal” conditionc bccause- of in- Reaches 80 = = 2 w lU °di?® W te^r^7e?In Jemple_C 1 l o c c IS t A 7 siiot-nnd )t Challenges ______RRonda] on d a lL M o rrison w as de ad on adadequate eq u ate financing, the IdahoiahO FITpir PRf r - PnM..,p Kr. l ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ , . t p { ( h K U a T H A L n i meiilnllw _ • _ ~ ' aarrival rr iv a l *at a Boise hospital nndnH Resource Resourci Development Council ships of — H!l° ?l/ ”v!!S S ’ S !n ^ ships of the Jurflof-Senlor Highg^ 0.n. My dad( owns a laundromatmat If hehe-Is Is' as nlc^an'd decent as ... fZ ^ I Ada County Coroner E. D. Parisris was told Monday. School ?! one for you. Keep In clrcula- — School • Parent-Teacher-Studentmt andana I relievere -him in th? eve-:ve- you havo thought him to be. he bets Keumon^ said death .was from a dee; rifle'1® Dr. ErnestEr Hartung, president Assoclati tion. Win the respect of every7 CEI^RCEN PLANNED . dent Association have rcached 80,oO. .hin^.,njnw Twice Tw a week a very niceUce could ha\have done this to you with- vnn < ut, bullet. . • of the U r boy you date by tho modesty:y PRAGUEPRAGU (AP) - Ciechoslo- T h e 1947 T w in F oil? H leh of the University of Idaho, said reported Mrs. Kenneth Rork,■■K' boy has becn'> coming hi withvith out first telling you that he Is nf vour m '7,'J Paris said tho boy’s brother>°r that becauseboa of that he doubted memlxn “ of your manner and the sincer-r- vak healthhealt authorities plan to School gratfuQtlnB class will t,.,. bted membership chairman, at thene his familyfamlh and we have become)me mmarried? arried? Dig it .occur to you you, I- open a rehabilitation center for’' had accldenUlly fired tho rifle‘‘O tho the wisdomwis( of attempting to grpup in ity of your conversation and at- open a re hold a reunion Aug. 5. cd-cKair- S rih c ^ ; to grpup in the high school audl- well acquainted,acau too woll, in fact, that- ho ^ II young people' In danger of be- as the victim was standing hi establish a mcdicai school at torium. tW errf you do this, word will young pet men Mr.' nnd Mrs. Dick Irwin, jj, 1 at torium. . ' I have b become desperately■t in Sroir^cteSy'SShis own-] M e - r, ; M com ing alcoholics. T he “ te n t e r ...... line of the muzzle. No Inquest °Jor [{,[3this lime. This s Twin Falls,, announced Tues- aulonsv ’ This surpasses the member-cr- love with him. One night, afterfter thought oft the probability lhatat get aroumaround, and many bqys will will3 applya® ]! family therapy, treat- autopsy was planned, Paris suld; A billj,jn establishing such a ship of day.------Thc-bo 1 a ship of all'recent'years, sheW goingEoina airall the way with' hlm~inrin he ha3~problcms~afhome;has~p and,d. sejik-yoiirse>k-yoiir company, boys- wbo jpging chfldren-togetherchfldr wlth-thelr- — 'Thc boy-Was a son of-Mn-and schoorin'Bois6“nHd'making'itTrschooFlr addodr: ItTT addod;rz Ih'^acinthTTjack room, I learned thatfhe he instead oof facing themT b6 used are honorhonorable, trustworthy andid alcoholic ' parents, the news -Committee...mcmbcn ' n rcre. Mr^4_GeiMr^*_Gcrald..Morrison, ______- bbranch ran c h .. - of- tho—university- has _A_possiblo—mergcr—wlth—the_A_p6sj is-m arrle seeking adtjressc^ of 39 class* ______± ^ Is-marrledrjjI-am-not-pregnantrantr you-to get-lhemge out-of-his-mind?-J; III agency CTx-sald. , —— ^ ------= ------:=------—b been-introducfld—in-tlK!—Idaho e e n - in l laho PTAa.RTAa-,^1 of- -Victogy-and-Ccntcil buH-am - »m Poes it now occurto-you-that-he — legislature. Dr. Hartung said Scliools was discussed and all overovcr losinglosli my maidenly bear-:ar- was just taking unfair advan- jf= s = Anyono having Informationi„„ Filer‘Lodges1.^ llC .V he was not advised In advancemce members were urged tQ_:.attendnd higjng yet thetl thought of life with-'1th- tage of 'you? i about the following people are _ T . 11 A » T of the p:proposal. • the Feb, Feb. 9 meeting when the outo.V.t him is almost unbear&ble.ble. Now, honestly. Mary Jane, j'" ____ ------subject ■ will-b o moro-fuHy-«x- W hat can L ivingston, 73.1-4R64. o r MJT rs. luS n i S lallt A ides plored. A majority • of voting pnnpHsi -----could 'you lov^-such^ft mlih; ft TUmON RULED ON plored. "8 Panelists: Betty Carden; highligh man who.who had you become preg- ' Leah Jone.s, 733-2M9. A . / BOISE (AP) - Judge MerlinEtlln membsrjmember- 5hould_be_ptescIi. lo school, f,New Mexico; Jean Op- nant.nant, couldcoi n.ot havc stood by They are: Wayne LaMoInc A f l SAtCereingiiy_..f.j|S. Young ruled In ’Hiird Dis- vote up ■ pelt. high..school. Connecticut::ut; you? Is-theroIs-l love-in-thcse'&it'u- - . B t f A nderson, H elen C, Baird,' - trlct Court Tuesday that regentsS £ Rork S r \sal S “ H ig h f Michael Day. high school. New'lew ations? r ,I B a n lL M i Bonnio Lou Barnes, Dorothy '• jJj l e R as of the University of Idaho haveiave The groupgr voted to donate $20 Mebrafka FILER—Tom Lancaster was of the U Nebraska; Allen Tate, college, mqw fo Afrncs Barrington. Rose Arlene installed he authority to fix non-resident\uY tui- to tho the CityC RecreatloH Commit- g e S ® . 2gc. Now forget him and'be thank- m Installed noble grond -of the authorltj P e n n s y l v a n i a ...... ful th a tful that you can pick up-the .. pU| Barfy. Everett-Cecil.-Thomas pjier ic rs. tlon"charges and are not -re- re- tee for the summer recreation SDAY & FRIDAY! ^ Filer ' lOOF Lodge "and Mrs. tfon-'cha you^ -pieees-and-febuild^ouf-lifer^u!; — Every WEDNESDAY g -€uggr-l^^^y— Paly.— Richard Langastfi )lff tpiircd—to—m akg~~ThosB' char£6S fund^— ------There aro-w veraM hings-yo^ -pieees-ar 'r® L a n c a s t 6 r ^ a s “ IfT5rattffd“ H 0 tte tp ii r e a - t >ss can do, but first, let's take an of cours lur - . Marvin Davis, Beth F/iy Ded* „-nnH of oe equal actual costs. , A detailed report on progress f®” do* ' an ot course cannot restore your grand of Miriam Rebekah Lodge equal ac Inventory and see how much you chastity per sc. but you can get ^ man, Victor Floyd, Merideth loj-, ies Voung ruled in a suit broughtuaht^fftbe ‘new elementary school [nvcntory ;*■' nt Joint .installation ceremonies Yo^ung ^ really love him, or do you just back mi Glenn, Ila Hale, "Richard Hill, the lo by State-Rep. Lyle R..Cobbs.ibfs W s flvgiven by Thomas Turner, really lov Just back much of your maidenly 1. at the lodge hall. by S^< r ( feel despondent? Answer these bearing Laurence Norman Hui ott, ^ , RrBolse..Cobbs asked the courtourt sirtxirTntendent,suwrlntc and Robert ‘®el d e sp lese bearing if you are willing Uj _ ■ Also installed were Joe Tay- ird questions honestly to yourself, work at 1 3 b i g d r aRAWINGS! v « to compel the university toI re- Moldenhauer,Moldenh; school board /hen self, work a t It. ‘‘ ^ Charles HiiSted. E-sther Kawa- u , ,?iA V lor. vice grand; Vincent Herd, qulro non-resident students to chalrmai and then meditate on your an- RemRemen em ber thot since this ex- ko, and Ronald McCoy. recording r/;„rrfim secretary; . Homer nt. swer.s and we believe that you perlence has hoppened to you. Others aro Geraldine Me- '"i ifj pay the full cost of their-educa-uc2 Mr. • anda Mrs. William Pat- s«!?rs an Crawford, financial secretary; f|"' “p- a will find that It was an adveivk-eiv it should never recur if you will Donald. Marion McNett. Anno y? tion. Falling to do so._ Cobbs□bbs ion.ton. Buhl,Bul showed slides of a ‘‘nd ,jj. Rex Lancaster, treasurer; Grant gaj^said, nrramounts to spending Ida- tour takentak by the Twin Fallsills "?t you ^rof^b^yprofit by your actions. Whot hos ■BMle .Mlller. M orrisJEarl Neil* ir_a happened-hn^ hnppmed—If-ymiI ______• l O Q . O,0 O 0 BANKS■ _ son, Robert, Milton Odpers, Ruby, warden: Richard Ed- HtnaxKinax rmoney for ino bcnefirofiro f HistoricaHistorical—Society:— The—flext tnithfiilly film showing of the group will;jl| mmarried arr ed 1man who would be ^un- ponderp o n d ^ over it. your life will Alice Ann Parrett. Don Pen- wards, conductor.) • non-reslcnon-residents. film sho rie Glen Hostetler, right supporti r t ------taketake pla. place at 8 p.m. Jan. 24 in tnjetrue to hhis wife? remain miserable. You mayay (NO PUf^CHASE NECESSARYNECESSARY TO WIN) nock. Keith Price, Velma Marie Glen i of, Do you really love a man who never be nis to the noblo grand; Ted Sierer.:r, rrri p T thethe Robi Robert Stuart Junior High . who never be able to forget it, butlUt Roberts, Frank Sato, Louis to the nc would rob you of your maidenlymly yyou-can o u -c a n m ake it an inactive th. loft support to the noble grand;d; X1 .• "JCJb'. G ra n g e» school,;School, Twin Falls. would rot gelber. ' Richard- Payl ^m itb, loft supp by bearing, as you put It. knowing/ing memory, one that is ouLot-yourS i f REGISTERER ALL VWEEK Beverlev Stangor, Ncll Dewane,ne Walter Walter Schenkel, £ right supportjrt _ .0 ■■ RefRefreshments res were served by Rf"'?®- ' ,1 Mrs. Daniel Kauffman. Mfg rs.‘"“t that "ehe ccould do nothing about)Out mind mom ost of the time. Stlegmeir, James RJchard UJ-JJ. toto tho th e vice vj grand; WJlJiam Da- I > |„ , ■RS P O S T E D J l Ralph Eaton and Mrs. Johnhn ‘tIt lorfor yo you? Do you think thatihat Now sisit down with a Bcncll:j[ 7^- WINNERS PCS' rich, Kenneth Stanley Waite,te, vis, vis, left left support to the viceCO AP lanx a .1 s A nnual & Ethel Viola Wateon.-Charlesles grand; grand; Robert I Blass, .chaplain.in. _ . , Storrs. 1^"*"” Sinclair Weaver, Shirley Jeanan Clarence Clareni Peterson, 'insidei/^rancake ^ a j l Jbete0 ^ ^ • incarheatef=IHIEATERS« ' Whitteklena, M ary Wohllaib andnd guardian; guardian Jess Jones—outslde Barbara Jean Young. guardian; guardian Homer Bean, right|h t TTwhi w in F a lls G ra n g e N o. 216 C ake R u i n e d I c t — — scene sisupporter, and Warrenen will, hold hol its seventh annualnual SALEM, SALl Ore. (AP) - A Stroud, left sccne supporter. , sourdoughsourtjouj pancake sup^r fromrom state state representative said - T L f Fortune Legislative ' Mlrlarh Lodge members, In; 5 to -8 p.m. Saturday at the Monday Monda that her Democrat-: * * MOTO40T0R-VU stalled were Mrs. Homer Bean.m. Grange Hall. ic lc colleaguescoll nearly-ruinedI ...... \ T vice graigrand; Mrs. Warren Stroud,id, GrangeGrongi members are planningnlng her her birthdaybli cake with Jier • . EVERY FEWw M MIhi n u t e s )la for approximately ^00 guests. - - Initials I j OS' recorecording rd in j secretary; Mrs. Lola for appr ts. - Initials on it when they saw : kjmJeMCKWOODlto — Han:hrflnnncial-secrctarv:vMr57IE --The-iirocegJ«-oM“-The-T): he-pancake ~IK— -■ H om er- Crawfoid.— trcasurer;■r; dinner wwill be glveirto the IdaTio3aho ~ Her Her nome ls~Grace o.- - i ~ .. fffill!IlllENASH¥lllE«” :- Introduced ta Senate " =^W irFO^tolo $1$100.00 == , Mrs. Ted Sierer, warden; Mrs.rs. Ranch ffor Youth. Rupert. The . .Peck, Peck, and the baker in- r Jill siploiha sloq of a M j- SBlO (State Affairs) - Estab- Gene Kovar, conductress. boys wiwill bo Invited down for stalM stalled a paper elephant. ||^H l l o llshing Mace officers' standards , MinervMinerva Lorain, right supportjrt the supisupper. _ and training.commisslon. *hp nn ’tL (^ange rnembers wil] make ■ SBlI-(Lo£al -qovemment7Af-.. g,g-*jg to.thG_nobIe-Brand:.Mrs._Robcii ,..^?"g' ^ Blass, left support to the noble ti'i,tKc ^ncak^s arid'serve.'Thirty ^ gr"and; Mrs. Paul Bandy, right ^^t^^uielme'for*doXg^polls ^ IU support to the vice grand; Mrs. b “““Cr, a tte r , 3003 p o unds, o f* h o m e m d e b f i n g e r ______m Harley-W ininmsrlcfrsupporfto country .sausaget-doieas-of-cggs ------DINE andid DANCE Di ir ic t J f S y \ the vice grand; Mrs. William and gallons 01 coffee and milk SB12 (Local Government Af-M. vice S T E A K S ^ David, inside guardian; .Mrs. will bo used at the dinner. fa irs) — In c re a sin g fro m on&- ^ ,h ' Each dollar donated at the t ,. o ;ax Walter Schenkel. outside guard- 11 :30 a .m .'til 2,R.m . , B TO-THE MUSICM U SIC O F _ half to one mill the property tax Walter S dinner will be matched by.Steele levy for county fairs.- Reese Foundation, Grange offi- Mrs. Charles Hart, musician; ^ °™‘ Ort Week Introduced In )loo»e Mfs. C I"; cials said. ® Qf) '( 3 HB13 (Merrill) — Approprlat-at- Mrs. TeTempa Ellenwood. color ny_i“' 9 0 c O n l y ^ Ing tase^OOO for the .currentfflt bcaFoiyj Jnff Iiir. chap^'1^ - - - - B’chooryear'fo sup^efnerirfundsids ® n n n. n . j-gH f-oi - , . Ized from tho/pancake suppersPers chicChicken and Taters, i I ^Miistiejfij^raun— available for distribution to Paul I Kennedy, Buhl, district for the ' [ct for the Youth Ranch. , pinge?Finger Steak and Taters _ deputy grand master, and Mrs. ______•■floor” gchool d istric ts. d e p u ty r — —V—:------^ to -G o .------— HBU_(Trftn_sporUtlon and De«)e- Beim}^ ParksI BuHir dlstria _. _ — ~ ~ ^ ■ ■ AT-THE-0RG>^ G R G A N K - ^ ------— fensc)-^ Transfernhg-ffom the deputy pi he deputy president, were'In charge'■g^ ■_ T l 1 ------^ - ' ‘ i r a Department of-Publlc Works to of tfiethe in;installation. ‘I- Closing Time j LYnIi ^ the Department of Highwaysys 'They \were assisted by Mrs.' B , a c k s P i g : . c control over raliroat! gradede Wilfred Benedict, Twin Falls;Is- ‘' BOMBAY,“P*" India (AP) -— - D a i l y Railways Minister S. K. ' . . I finiEatWgmi crossings. and Fred Kambrlch, Buhl, depu- " “'j*? * Your Favorite 1 HB15 (Economic Affalrs)-In- ty grand Patll has announced that he ^ In- ty grand marshals; A. Miller, ■’ Cocktails A creasing maximum disabilityIty Twin Falls,Fal and M rs. Mae Chat- supports reccnt agitation for ' C lu b 9>3 3 (C a fe benefits under Workmen's Com- tcrtqn,_'terton. Twin Falls, deputjt a ® Iffln-on cow slaughter In : iC o l d e s t B e e r pensatlon Law fFonr532“BT4IJ[^2 ggrand’ ra n d ’ ^w a rd e n s ; E ldon F ite, W olo- '«8------— I n T o W h ------^ ------JAGKPOTrV NEVNEVADA— — for single worker and J37 to.$45 7^vin Fi also should bo protected 545 Twin Falls-,-and Mrs'. Ellen- ® I ^j.SHE for married worker. woodwood, dedeputy grand secretaries. Patll said that. Moslems -u .- j| MuSHERIDAN'rwZNILES'M^innnH HRlfi (Trans^rtfltlftTl Pe. „ ! L t h e ' ' - Also nsaisting-yere-Mr3.-Wii> i^arfl-oppospd rntlhg pnrV TH E ==------— ------,“y Ham Couberly, Twiri Fills, dep-.p. , so If both cow ...andi, pig Jer slaughter were banned no wr uty grand treasurer; ' Homer ■ CLOSED FrarFrankie Avalon If. one could complain that the _ --rvOVE I Bean, deputy grand treasurer; A n n e tte Isly West Addison Yt ‘If David Cooper, and Mrs. Rubyihv Rovemment?®vert hnd acted solely V\ Jratcrnal. benefiL societies_aub-. - Tues. and Wed. Haynes,-Buhl,-deputy- grond for the benefit ot Hindus, Ject tolhfc Idaho Insurance pre- fS, who regard cows as sdcred. . j V j l chaplains; Ted Sierer and Mrs. W"® f '*■ A d u ll mium Tax. itnrt fi<» ^ Adult* 1.25 - Child Frae« “SKI $ K I PARTY” HB18 (Insurance) — Requlr-t. Hart, deputy grand guprdlons.s. ------H H H /W r "The Fun•un SSpot p o t" ___ __ SStudent tudo 1.05 — Jr. 80c S u n Ing free choice of optometrists „ Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster pre- ' . '« Sun Valley Fun. f M i ‘i- sented pa.st noble grand pins to for beneficiaries of disability in- P Fairfield Firm J OPEN-7;00 Laughs suronce policies. Clark Beon.. outgoing noble Uj. grond nf the Odd Fellows, and K iiV i S o uth o f H51S (Insurance) - Including " 1;^ Buys Building / M optometrists In provisions of ‘'^rs-Mrs. Glcnol Hostetler, outgoing laws relating lo liealtli carc noble grand gr of the Rebekohs, FAIRFIELD-Tdm'Coic, FAIRl pro-.G S H P - i services. ------:------pprletor rle io r -of the Fairfield Lumber t h e BB o o r r d d e e r , HB20 (Insurance) — Exempt- [U pQ j and Hnrdwnre, announce "5t; that 1450 KC n n i n Ing annuity contract's from Itla-fi Masterpoint Is he SS^a"” hos purchased tho Prairiealrle on on your radio dial h o 3 . insurance.prcmlum.tax.___- P I q v ' Power Co. building thatM.* Is - _W 1 EEKDAys_ J ______Introduced In House -P JTlclj lay e d -B y Glub ncr6.^s a s .the street'from“hls'pfcs* 5.00 ' om SIGN ON HB13 (Merrill) — Approprlnt-nt- MondoyMondo Afternoon Duplicotojto ent location. loca 6.00 *‘00 om HOllY HOUFOURO . • " ^ 7 Ing J150.000 for Iho currcntn t Bridge B rid g e Group ( met In' tho Epis-)|s- He P'®plans to movo his business:ness b, e.osos om jo h n keuy 'VMatlnooa iatir 2:00 - EvonlngaInga 8:00 NoN Soata Roaorvod school yenr to supplementont copal CiliurchCl with nino tables]es Into tnotho building soon and willw ill 9,00 9,00 om SWAP AND SHOP ■ evoryTlchotH oicJ«rau»rflnto'id«rUu»ranteaa a oont funds flvnilahlo for dl-strihutionion filled forfoi masterpoint play. handle paint] nnd,plumbing.. He 9,05 V.os om THE JOE PYNE SHOW to "floor” school districts. Norlh and south winners wcroiro has been closing _out. his hard-lard* 9i30 ’j30 O'" EO prater nth s 10i25 nm SOCIAL CIUD______~ HBM (Transportation nnd De- Mr^ Mrg. M,M. a Bloom and Mrs,rs wnrovvf^o stockstr tho past fow monihs. . 10i25 fcnae) — trnnsrcrrin^' frotn the Roy Hill nii , T h e ■ P ra ir ie P o w e r Co. rc- ■ 12 ' ^ noo.» "o. HOllY HOUFOURO Roy Hlli, first; Mm, K. E. Kail , The ’ ] M|‘ o 1,05 pm JOHN KEUY "Devil- ^7'^,k i ; -Department of Public Works tn j^^j-s id- cently moved out of Iho building "I- and Mrs. M. J. Husled. .second; ^Pntly n ‘•'00 pin LARRY nARWICK._, m n y -c n ro ' ' fl the Department of Highways'V'* Mrs. JnhnjA Hahn ond Mrs. E, j'.J. Into'flo a new" office building locat- ^'”5 m - 6.00 pm JUNEAU SHINN REPORTSRTS diorblnKl’' ------(or m»rrlc,l worker. wllhwith Mr!Mrs. E, J. Meeks nnd Mrs,rs, H roi AU bcCAsioNJi l'~ci c . J«R«Y BAITZIR'SKEEP RADIO FEATURES' B M ’ HDIO (Transportnlinn nnd De- I.. U. D unkon. M rs. W. C. I,v Thomas and Mrs. L. R. Ling- , ncfc . For lh* lofeiT nnd] tip to dot* loclril H f l H In The GalaG ala RooR o o m fense) - Increasing charces l.y ''/}•■ OEM STATE TROPHIESnnrl club tidwl, tiinn In wflikdny p R H H fn' nnw wero third; Mrs. A, W. p Public UtillllcH Commission fnr w- Phon. 733.6305inornlnot nt I0i25 for KCCPl So- .Schrank nnd Mrs. Thomns Miir- 3 coplcs of rccords, .Sclirnnk (tr- 371 So. Locu«t clnl djUljj, Hawr. I1R17 (In siirn n cc ) — iniikingl„pj z occa. ft fourih,____ ' ROY CIACLARK frn to rn n l lK-Ul>- bgMB m g_^^|^= ^= jj|j= ||= |jj|= |= = Ject to Iho Hinho Insnrnnco Pro- Stnf ol Jolinny Cnrioo,indOf), JncVl*JcicVla Clioion m iu m T nx, ^ »aaiirurr nntt "S'lvltiflln Counli/''Cnunliy" IV iliQwl linifl (Insurance) — retjuirlngl»R ___ ““'SGEOlPmiO-KM free cholcn of opininetrlsts fur jviuiviCHUtKaii'UmDiiiitixt STARTINGJG FRIDAY FRID> lienfflclnrjos nf (llsnbillty Insur- JE B y[i[ir.sr.=siiiisiTi— iwfliniuwsi— KlomiflMiinii*' '------anco pollclps, I ^ ^ tmiiMtAgitoiMACJiiiu i.wi,hCunDniit»ii 111)11) (Itmirance) — inrluiiinn ■ nplomctrlBIs In provisions nf ^ P O R T COiC O A TS I B IG , N E W - lnw« rrlnllng tn health cnre3 Starts BOrvlonn. ' V/od., Jon. IB 1IH20 M nsurnnro)) ~ rx en ip l- DRY CLEANEDiANED - w.d!' PRICES: I tM O N E Y G . liiR (innully ronirnt^tn from liln- Nlolitl/N ig l at r GAME Im'fl InMuriincn p rem iu m lux. J i r i ' o i U.sn TlMIiS.NEWfi WANT ADSps THE PREFERFREFERRED SANITONEONE WWAY ■■ ' 4 ' ! I WEDNESDAY)AY NNl IG H T F O R l-A.S'J’-SK I.f.IN fi Rl-SlM .TS * { WWad., e d . , !Sat!,' Sun. ' Al all parf. CALL FOR BIDS WITI-I YCpUR TROY .. N A\T T IOi 6 Nn AAL L REUSABLE I ' CACIUI:tus ROBERT B. JA C K S O N O PE N . , 6 ) 3 0 A(tmlnli(tnlo^ onU # r»lola of'1 \ V a l u e FLORENCE E. JACKSON COUPONCOUI : CHILD . . 35p Wlir tail nl I’jlvata flola • PETI’Sri’s On n rn ilo f jnminry 3oili, 1767 . . ; , Froo Fr Mnmborahlp Drnwlngarnwlnga Es Every Tuoaday TO 1IIE IllOlltSI IIIDPER > O N S ? fOH CAfiH — • LOST)ST YOURY< COUPONS? Tlia Rani r»0|n>i(y IwnHfl nt ■' M ovocI to thotlio aronaro n recently and don't3ii'thn\^o hov^o thorn?tl ' , ‘ lijo jirr.iRsoN sTRitr ia it KtMtHRLr, IDAHO COME IN AAND t GET THEM^EM NCNOW ! BlIRTLANCASn'LAHCASTER > nicli . luUriilllarl fnr tlift |ilopatlyy ^ ^ CHICKEN DINr llxill In iiccniiiji(iii|g».-amou(il -bia >ut..ii.cli...... ■ — Smllhorn-Frlod- pro;ieily nnrl lli« l>(iliinc« ilinll - -RAtPH BELtAHy lia (inld In coili upon th t ii < SAVE UP TOT0“$61 $ ^ T 7 ^ ^W a B n a t (onfltmntlon ol a n / inIa tiiad*. ' I ALL YOU CAN 'EEAr- A r- $ 1 T l>v tli* ptolmia couit o| WITH TROY^NATIONAL'S NATIOI L— ThcPROFEtiSiOlFEjisiONJllS-^^ V > Mfnidolin Counly, lilnt.m, HMhRICHARDDROOKd ' l

,0 . 1'. I ' ' I . ' ' ■ I ‘ ..... > ' ' ' ...... ' ‘ '.i'''"' ^ r ......

■ i . . . ■ N ( ------fourth-rac»,-Bud Roneberry-ovef-over —7-T01 -7-ToBsdayr-Janr-17r^96T— — ResuIts'Given— S tr M inidoka GSonntyJurj^tT onnti sl Re\ Johnson; fifth rnce, Haroldarold I’wln Falls Times-News 7 ‘ Peterson over Don Clark: sixth ------:------. .. y - ZTelMisionon ScheduleS ^ Long Way Poi For W ood .River-I race,r^ r Hachworth nnd Schvane-vane- COUPLE WEDS Tuesday,ay, JanuBJanuary 17 For O 1967 § Ann(Announced pcPORTLAND, Ore. (AP)— veldt over Waldon" Henderson;rson; DEIDETROIT (AP) - Eleknor- I '. — r • WIici . .When Thomas -Craft found'"Jj ,1.11! Chariot.Races ,™tl ...... B E S T b e t ’ IN M(M OVIES ' V , 01)1 RUPERT — Tlie Minidokainidoka ell _L, L French, John A. Fennell.nncll. ... hhls-i is - s p a r t m e n t- o n (Ire 'a t - 2 ...... -sevcnth-xace,- Dob A,-Robisonblson Clay-fClay-Fora,-20,-granddaUEhtcn)f ------.8:00n3;m T 7^Slm nd-(8=5^3jhcdion'fr(Elicdion'fr(Engliaht-19G2)-Elcven-yenrT- if o v e r B ruce Sorenson; eigighth h th the latelai Edsel Ford, and Avery Couniy^rsTncrCoUl'rTeiCascdeiCascd GcorfGcorg?~W^HoWlor,-Bud-M.-jFuc* -JIuc- --iJnh.^lboday-hc-.|umpcd.ouL_-ijnhV iL ouL_ -lEI^.lEROME-Tlie touills ol lire , Alma Bourke Jr.. hnve been marrleci. olll Tina llv« with Jjcr stcp-fntlicrjp-father in Africa but her real father 0,^tho 1967|g ju ry list th is w eek,:k, annd n d niss. Dale 'I'isk, Chuck rrei- I'rei- * of thc tl scdond-story window.idow. TO 10 ch; c h a n m r a c ts Held n 'n il?i^-^ar4icc,_Ei-jua_Si£vcns_avcr_Alma “ J c " k icc,.J Bourki J. ‘jjy Morrison; ninth race. Morris ' m b decldcs to take Tina awayay (romfrom AfAfrica bccausc Tina’s best pamc'names of jurors for the Januaryanuiiry burgeburger, Sumiko'Fujiki. ] ThThen he went to the front rniiierniiie^ County ^ FairBround,|; by lorris — friend ftappens ttj-be-a-lion:------term, with their altcrautes,JS, also NTr;M rs.' Llitrl lio o u e . u . w , J.ihr-Gar- “ door ot thc building and Itie w -Nit-iifnir-nvcv—roin-webh. and - jJ g tj 11 ■ay” (English; 1957) Gangsters try to 10:15 p.m.. 4—"Breakaway” (Englis ’’y were drawn. rctt. Zula Gregory. Ruby: yil-^ii- ningriing the doorbell to reporteport tion v woro re|>or(cd l>y Boh Wai- tenth racer Kenny Daniel over Biffl obtain a sccret formula foror a chemicnlchemit which helps overcome , lmi,.JiT.imr. ' l,„p <; 'Servingo c r’ for thc Januaryy term more,more. David I. Ciariier. Dickick 1'. theIhe fire. i tnn.. J llnp Gates. i m i fatigue in supersonic flfsht. from Jan. 1 to July 1 arere Mel- {jroo(Jroesbcck. Keith O. Cleave,le av e . WinW inner (if th e firM rac e w o s N ext •• youfnifM tna addrcii^ A PR O MUSING IS IN G SPE: R U P E R T — "H ow to DDevelop evelop I 1.1 ,n Fisher. Lenn Foreman,'D.n LindI ind “““8H odges. C laren ce H ayden. Rol)^ RUI I [< < mTiM iTiI 4 KCPX-TV Salt U ke ______fi-.M8:30 n —PglllL-ont Ju n c tion____ TT^vitr U' Hahtittun,.James.T-.:,}lttm-;Citizci■Jltttui.jCitizemihip—in— Dur— Childnlildrtiili: ii^l! ------5 K1;L-TV S a if Lake------^ ------'G a r h e r, UaVid M. f.l'c c r , WIF 3—P e ttico a t Ju n c tio n I iloi.,s ‘“r, H. J. Haskin, John P.', Hm-Hiii-‘wa'j wim thet topic of a lalk by Pro- 78 KTVD-TV Boise liam L. Harding, Harold Meins, *■ 4-Peyion Placc I'a'ii mV, ,7 tun. Ellen C, Hall. Raymondmd I-', bate .Judge LeRoy Blacker,er. giv- k fT T Clifford A. Hieb. James llruza. 8 KIFI-TV Idaho Falls 9-009:00 2D—P evton P lac e Ciiffc Hammond,—Gerald Hurst, Au- en hehefiire the l.incnln-Memorial 1 I I I - I r^l I n l 11 KMVT-TV Twin Palis‘ 3—Fugitive c Ro:Ross Hunsaker, Mrs;■ David gust Hieb, Boyd D. Hershberger.icrger. PTA meeting. Thursday.------(c) Telccast-in-color 4—Fugitive c KKraus; rau Mrs. George *et, M rs,s. Neal aid F, -Hes‘-, I.aura F. Hayes, teach teaching and help develop the 7B—News, Sports, Weather __ - 4_News, Spts,, Wthr.ir. Nyblad.Nybi Henry Marlin O’Don- O'Don- JamiJames W. Householder. Marvinvlarvin child'schild' character. S—Mc.iroes c ______5—News. Spts., Wthr.f• c ncllncll, Arland Jay Olson.n. Mrs. j.J. Hi Heinrich, Bonnie Hieb.., Thur- jujlgg reviewed somem e case c ase 11—Daktari c _,7B—New s, S p ts., W th r. £ v a :nr. Eva Potter. Donald G. Praegit- man C. Hess, Otto D. Hough,*1® V h's'orieshisioi to. point up how)w good 6:00 2SI^News, Spts., Wthr. /thr. 8—Peyton Place c . .• ,nrzer, Mrs. C. W. Schell.II. Mrs. E. E, Isaak, Harry Isaak,Isaak, characterc^ara trails are Influencedfluenced 2B-GilliBan’s Island«c c -11—News, spts,. WthK'/• .George Sullivan, Dell Thomi>- FloyFloyd Idle. G. F. Irwin, Dorisoris B. through adult behavior. ------4-N ciw s______4003- 40;15-4-.Movie,-llB^kaxva.vIi- ; ~ - elviiT“J r HcCTibicc , AfnH n-A,--l lK r-lvai>-tn- — rr ■son.--Dcan~Valentincr-MelviTT—J- Heen Mr. and Mrsr Delbertr t Ras-"R as- 5 - R if le m a n 10:30 2B—N ew s. Spts'.v W th r. ' ' ind Ed- Johnson. Olga A, Jarolimek, ' I”''- West: LaVaur Wilcox and Ed- John W nn- mussen directed a skit on traf- 7B—Voyage 2S^-Tonight Show' c' - gar-Wolff. ” 'l . • .. Ross Ross Jensen. Earl T. Johnson.- 6:30 2SL—Girl From UNCLECLE c 3-CBS Reports *’ 1„ t' i, ■ fic safety, with Mrs. Vernrn King, K ing, 'J m M S R . Alternates include Tracyracy K. RussRussell Jacobsen. Dor^ ?3. John- PTA p~: pVesident, as the narrator.la rra to r. 2B— R ed Skelton c 5-CBS Reports , Aastrom. Wales E. Aldridge,ddridgc. son. Robert L. Jensen. Thomas w . 7B—T onight Show c ' IV*, Members of the cast wereere Wil- 3—R ed S kelton c Mrs. Sheldoti Beckstead,id, Wil- JohrJohnson. Ruth C. Jones, Rich- 6-News, Spts.. Wthr. liam Dick, Vern King, Mr.M r. and 4—C om bat . lia m E . Brower. Mrs. Beatrice ard a rd Jack. Mrs 5—Red Skelton c H-CBS Reports ^ , Mrs. Judson Van Every,7 . Mrs,M rs. p .j Chugg. Ivan Christensen,n, Mrs. RoRonald C. Klebe. V I c 10 r 8 - G i r l F ro m U N C LEE c 10:55 10:55 2B— " T e rro r of th e Red Tnni Clyde Parkin. Mrs. Lynnnn But- Pete Doris. Willis. L.-.Draper,Draper, KnojKnopp. Lucille F. Keeley, Jane 1—R ed Skelton c M ask” ° ■ tars, Mrs. Noel England. Gene Melvin Durrant, Harolda Fred- KlebKlebe. Donald L. Kcstcr,f Wai- T o! Snapp and John Senecal. 7 B -M o v ie . " T h e L ion"jn ” 11:00 11:00 8-T o n iE h t Show c M ','* , Rulon ren King, Rex Kofoed, La- " ■nj rick. L. A. Gillette Jr., Rulon ren 'kino* Mrs. Parkin, s e r o nn d \Ic6\ I c e - 7:30 2SL—“Occasional Wife"ife" 11:30 11:30 5-Movie, "It Happens lenburg, Mont Keister, Mildred King, Mr. 2D—Petticoat Junctiononc c Every Spring” Griffin, Carl R. Guckenburg, Mon . Tnv« president, conducted, present-prese n t- irles E. Adoloh Kock, Carl Knopp, Jate f™ '" 3 - In v a d e r s 11:45 4 -R o u to 66 ' M Mrs. rs. Russell Huff, Charles E. Adol 'Rnp. ^ng a past president’s pinn lo VanV an Fariss Krause, Emanuel Kerbs, Rue- t 4 - In v a d e rs 12:00 2SL-Movie, "Enchantedmtcd HultiHulton, Rolland Joncs, Fariss Krai ’ E v e ry . itelstedt, ben E. Ketterling. gt„ 5 -P e ttlc o at J u n c tio n .------, ■ Isla n d ” MMay, oy Mrs. Harry Mittelstedt, ben Elected to - the’ noifiltiatinginitiating ------;— Kellh Kelli G. Parker, Floyd Phillips, . U. U. Locander, Marvin•VitiR* Loos- committee were Snapp, VanV an Ev- E v . . John R'emsberg III, L, T.T . .G.g ! He,Hc , lone Loveland, Herschelirt iTiT JL E n g la n d . T heic room room p c Schultz, Woodrow Shearer.er. Mrs. LamLaney, Elmore S. Loveland, U e E ile rs ’ u d ito r D iscusses ra,i count was won by Mrs, Eilers’ Minidoka Audito — Henry—Uhl—and-M rs.—George-George .Urson.-Metvin_V. Lari L m g ,_ ^ first-grade-and-M r.-Senecal'ssc n ec al’s r M f-LlndhFJorryiL^yons;--Iuna ^ ii m m e r m a m - ^ ^ ------1 . - I ■ -fs?: sixth-gradKr ------^ T - i r - r include LangforB Deloy E. Lemmon. 3iam ber M eeting■JOr 3 O th e rs d ra w n fo r 1967 in clu d c Lan, Mrs. George Thomas gave a Budgei At Chanil ' O Russell G. Adams, Robertobert S. St;Stanley Miner. George E. magazhie promotion demonstra- RUPERT — August Bethke,lethke, posespose: from Raft River to Salm- AdaiAdams Jr., Adam Aipperspach,-ersnach MacDonald.Mac Kenneth V. McBeth.irnni!!; tion.j, ^ The prayer was presented f A lS Raymond H. May, MargaretpSaret Jjy England^ and cickH was YoiTTeainiaa right Minidoka Counly auditor • re- on _^ails. CeleCeleste Albrecht, Renee Alder, R^y ___ Wider range of>f prices lhanIh tever—all the wav from cordef," discussed” the county '~Hbllihger,''“ Ho ’reiMrtc’d~that tfie GlerGlcn~Allen,"D6inrOr'AndCrs0ti7 MQJ ^rS, the hostess. - - M jLaj_fLOt»L$2,410_to $4,8691______— budget-which-rtfcelved-approvaliproval taTr-bogrd’sfajr- —W ednesday■■■“TriglTt ■ nigtrt ^>eV. i> e W a y n e-A n d erso n ;-W illia m -B r ...... (And-21-Oldsmmoblles^re-actuaUy-priced-beIow-42r obiles-ati 4>elow -42,920l)------of the county, commissioners meet ■ Sharkey. Marjorie Stapelman, iioners meeting considered a moveDve byiiy ArmArnold. Glen E. Arthur, Glen D. Mme? Jr., Eslher’ Mont- I'i" apelman. g y/ider range of features-includingfeatures a fullnil roster of standard safety _ • ___ Jast .wcck._bcfore_the_luncheon tho- icheon tho—county--commissionersers to AndiAnderson. Don Dallantyne.BacoS Her- !:omcry, Fred McCordrOtha'5tha E,E PetePeter-W. Schell...... meeting of the Chamber'Cr ot drop -horse racing fromm the schc schol Barnes, Jimmy A. Bacon, r»irrPii Leonard Joe Thompson,son, Joe ' 7 items on everyOldsmoBl/ Otdsm oSlIe! ------:’c Baf- McGill, Wayne Meireis, Darrdl p^e Commerce Thursday'. coiincounty fair. Pau:P a u l B . B a le m a n , J o h n C . B a r- McC . O D Torix. Leo E. Tracy. John K. i Wider range of models! 2 nd John A. Miller, William Moore. O D. ' f m odels! 3 6 Toronado«Inspiredred RocketRoclcel Action Oldsmoblles 7 In or> low, Velda Barras and John ^ mI., 'i l’ Tracy. Ruo Thomas, Miriam J. The clerk mentioned a num- HoliingerHo spoke strongly In op^ Jow, Murphy. Connie K. .Mar^^in, Al- n l ‘ V ' mtln'i Bastcrrechea. M”' C Mnr.' Thompson. Harold H. Uehling,Uehling; -jMhoosefroml | ber of ■ departments withth in-in-posit position to such a move, noting ^ A fred D. Maxson, Walter E. Mar- •I h** I * lE eJ w d fcb « * ■! h * *«li Iw w te ^ creased budRets, many off them the Increase: In trade during AtArthur L. Babbitt, George A. J™ James Vajgrt. , . I W m M M t tinez, Ernie F. Maricle, Jf James In UVerne Williams', UrryL arry L, ' ' , ‘ ' c to cover-salary Increases.;s. In-hor In- h 0 r s e‘"racing dales. SeveralJeveral BagBagnall. Norman Bailey, H Ernie rS H. Moore, Virgil Mittelstedt. La- JJ eluded in these were the! sher-sher* memmembers felt that many’ other D-D. Baker, Lbis Barendregt,cndregt, ^ Mnnrbor, H^nrv MartmMnrHn Winn, Theron R. Wilkins. James rvQ ula OLDS dPEALER»S e a i I— n - _____ llt 's olflce, cierJc oi th e ccourt, o u rt, TSaHi Idaho cities would be mo-it.It eag- Vau Vaughn D. Bair, Jake E. Berg, j " 4_V^}gh(-vWem-AValter9r4^ ■ — Jr. V/endell McLean, lictty ^ion Warner, Henry West, Ward assessor, treasurer and probateirobate er totc take over Rupert’s prime Leo Bermingham, F. F. Bellem, ^ w ” Nels M. Moller, c o u rt. Also- Included In" th ce sher- sh e r- racingrac ir dates of Juiy 4 weekek and a n d WWilliam- ii Bennett, -Margaret U S n ’ WoolfoitL-Irene Ash Weston, E. McGan, • DeWayne' 5 ^ yjirlin . .Wcy£Eman._,Velmg._E. . _ — 4ff'HjudgeHs-allowance-for-twoor^wo 'tabor-Day-tabo weekend. ■ ------Bcckwithr'-eieve-'Bcanr^Donald -Bccl Maier, Leonard W ^cCosh: ~ ^ :s ”MM MSMmmQNCJJn s r ------new-patroUcars------,------He tn^lhe -Blayney._Verl-Blacker,-,Clyde cilfford-NielsenrGlen-Nugent,' nt Wren.Wre' Berniece Weslenaorf;_Ed-.tlorf;_Ed-.______^ _____ 1 -^ ______^______------rHe-reported—that—from -the gar Wolff, .Wendell K. Y Young, oung. *— ' “ ■ ,rs rc- Bolt, Harold W.-Bolte,■ Donald uarcy W. Nelson. W. C. Nichols, ear Increases were noted for'or the comicommissioners one favors rc- Bolt in d P a u l one is J? Bohon. Zola M. Browning, rnfj ^ wit Mrs. George Zeimetz and Paul prosecuting attorney for increas-icreas- tention tentli of the racing, one is J? ) rowning, cnfford Nutting, John D. Nel- J.M Zimmerman. • ______^______ed rent and'needed law,books:books: oppoopposed and BM is undecided.ecided. BeaiBeatrice Bryan, Len R.• Brady, y,gr| j>gnnis K. Norman. _ ^ -L J l the county agent for salaryary In fh'Ttie Invocation was byV Don yj^s Brower, Robert Briggs,Br'egs, Stephen R. Orchard, OtisO tis L. ^______■ crease to the stenographerer and fjellsNellson, and Claude Bowmanowman Mrs Mrs. George Brisbin, Victor'Ictor R. Orton,ortc Bert Osbdm, Normanm an C. j ^ ' ' '' a raise In rent for theirir new was in charge of arrangementsements Braegger, Woodrow W. Bryars, oiscoison. Margaret B. O sgo.od,good, office location. • '• for Ithe program. MMary ® Jane Bromenschenkel,jchenkel, HomerHon K. Price, Georgian•glan costs tor th'e Ju^Ic ~court—c o u r t ------'■■ . = ------^—<3ar; <3ary“I:rBurgcssrKT-erBucI,--AT-BucI,--At PruPniessr^Bjnia-Peabodyr-Eve ------were reduced 5395 becauseuse of ^/S • - E. (Caldwell. lyn Pool, Cash Peterman,lli, Lee John Cameron, Archieie Carot- R. IPeterson, Jacquelyn J-.Phl'J*•. Phlll- • _ a decrease in salary. Other de- L a m p a i g n ------4a,—Robert—K_CatmuHi—MH^fytnr. ab 4psr Ellv_b.EllV-S. -. ^------P------tlon for .building and grounds A • garet. A. Cameron, Ted Carotta, Paul,Pau Danell Peck.. „ ' R e x R . I becau-se of improvementsr add- i A gainst CarI* KDorothy Cavener, Perrellrrell D, CharlesCl J. Roseverry, Rex R- ed to thc court room lastt year; Oc CattCatmull, L. W. Carter,•, Victor Rasmussen,Ras Jane Roberts,•ts, W-Wl- ‘ I a $9,000-reduction-ln-general r p i .-X vl Carlson, Forest-E.-Carson,son, Ro- mor-.C.-.Rosecrans,_Milton-H. mer i to n '- H ;. ______...... V____ :_____ .'j, 'r e d C. — ■ \ »• due to costs of thc generalirrT dec- JL heftP J lannetlSIcU L berta H. Christensen. BryceJrvce M. Reese,Rcc Earl H. Rose. Fred C. c d y . G. tion In 1966. . ' ' w „ Chugg,' Harold M. Clark,k. ,Clyda Clyde Ropers,Rop Mrs. Phyllis Reedy. G. WASHINGTON (AP) - The M ilton New to the budget this year ^ — Tnc N. Coatls, G. W. Cowell,eili Donbon J- TRausch, Roy Ramsey, Milton . niln, government Is planning a na- Is a hospital malntcMance allot- H ^ Cox, Violet Commons, MVlarcaret argaret Reeves.Rce Elvera L. Rlchan. - - - Hewalk “0"“* campaign against car Ray L. Sanford, Paul Schafer,>chafer, ment of '$7,500 for a sidewalk iL oh Comstock. R' ir e t H. S e n t hrougn, Loyjjj cole, Dan W.- CowellCowell, DaleDal; C. Stollcr,' Margaret H. lo the hospital from the present ‘ U Sher- city sidewalk, and for needed Of l'Slsl»tion - 10 EE. M. Craig, Ronald ‘cravSt^’ Craven, Smith,Smi Vera L. Sigmon, Sher- ' „ have automobile manufacturers y ' . . c,?ni Znda Craven, Rodney1/ rrnfCroft, mnnJ?'',' Soylor. Archie Sorensen, roof repairs on the building.’"S- mnke Iheir cars harder to steal. r ru m a n / ^ • Gcorgo Crofts, WendellI cCutler, S r ’ Roland S c h e 111 e r, Truman Weed cnntrol budgetingf wnsw "* A nno u n cin g . tlil.s to d a y . A sst. n„ruv Schuldt, George B. .‘Juchan,in. Wai: W ai: . • reduced $8,ifl0 beciiusc tne de- Atty.^({y Gen. Fred M. Vinson.'on Jr.Jr *•. George Darley,n icr C. Sehoen, Robert D. Sen- ' pariment plans lo c o n f i n c InLis- Virgil Dayidson, William R. I 'l "C snid steering wheel, iransmis- n«.,.V qulst. Edward Stevens. A. J. sprnying lo county lands and do „n«1 more Davidson, Charles G. D avid, Schell, Guy W. Shllllnglon. I ...... - .....no'commcrcinl-:'spraying.------T T T ”-h secure'(.cq iRnlilnn-systems- nnr^lr^irir^lr^ Goorge-DeLonKi-Merrlll-Denn,-n® r ’ Kenneth ^A” S(eWori«VilliiuiVW illiiuiV ------' ~ Anotlier new itojji is $7,500,500 for yicg.yiccs w liich would h e lp rereverse v e rse Dcwald, liene Dean," p, A. Shafer <.u' Jr., Donna Schrock, Vio-Vic^ nmbiilnncc servicc. nethkeHe snid (i,c,1,^ rising trend of automobileimobilc DixtDixon,- 'Donald Dickson,1, Albert f . schenk, Frank E, Snyder, thnt on advice of thc ntlorneytiorney ,hefts. . DocDockler, Louise Docktcr,cr, Har- pmynep-„ a. Shou.se, Cliffordford F. cencrnl ihe qounly will'I'l . • no yi,viasnn snid lh«l Justiceee De- old D oper- „n,| effective devices at thoho car^ear^ ArvlsA; L. Edmonson, Mrs. nto a counly nmbulnncoJ serv- practicahle dnte, CImClinrlo.H E n g rn f, Jn k o E ile rs , ^ Ico in tho n e a r fu tu re. "V"Wo nro following with1 li)ler-lT)ler- JamJan es V, lininy, Jciui P. Etche- u ' ^ The clcrk snid the commis-ommis- c.it Ihe • automobile Industry'slusl^y's vorry,ven Kcnnelh Ennls, Doniild *• T 0 ! ! S I L sioners'anticipnto a smnllmil In-In-acti\ activity In ihls regard nndmd wo Knnfa,.Knn Paul Q, Elliott,i . E. r . A. “ A creaso on thn tnx levy loT cover nronre considering ionislation,Ion, If tintjnf; g e rt, “ these nnd othor Items In thc |,ccciiccessnry, to reouirt! Inslnlln-nslnlln- m „ x Pncer, Nelda Fredrick- iColor and Black & Whiis^hU o ■ budget. Unnlion of nntltheft ilcvices nt tho‘I'O son, J. W. I'razier, Mrs. Dnn F. : e ^ In other business nt Ihe1* meet-meel- po|„ of ninnnfnciure nr nspem-ns?cm- jr^iijryil .ir., Dwight II, I'elt,; ; Donald S I i SALES .n d SERVICE Ing, Hit^hiird Bolile rond na com- |)iy/illy," he snid In Irstimonyitimony j: | i.-„r,.,.oti. Floyd ' m mlniquu from thc Hiislern11 IihiiuiIihilio prepnrcd prep for Ihn Seiinlc sub- J. )" i I'nill, Paul I'rles, Cnrl J. . D U T C H 'S 1 ^ Ciiamher of Coiniiierco, request-cquest- com m ltlee on Ju v e n ilo Delin- '|,-j.„ i;eim- |,-t;i,|on,- Richard S r l-'isiier, i-lHlier, Furnllura & Apptlanca* Ing an opinion of c h n in h er mmem- cm - fjudi:nuency. ic a * „ _ K eith n . l'’n rris , i^ d ie r• F’en1-enlon, lo n , 2Bl2B nuin Avc. E.. 733-40IK1 hors on fnur'questlons tho10 onst- o ast- .Se.Sen, T hom ns J , D odtt. D- . , U -40M I H p h e r, I.0W- ern group Is studying. • ComConn',, Ihe fluheommllteo chaK chair- . Wnl'lo I'leicher, l-"w^_L- Tlicsfi Incliido consldorntlon»tlnn of mnnmnn, said Ills group also Is con- raising thn ngo for ohinlnlnRitnlnlng nideisldering legisliillon which would marritige licenses wlih pareniniinrenini reqiirequire antitheft er cent of Iho sales, inxX lo10 go nUNDY nONOKEO NICIANSNS to cities; nnd n proposnlml thatth a l WWASlMNDTON (A P ) — Mr- tvlc- STEREO phon# 733-1B04, 18 733.1604, Twin Falll Jdot clop nbonrd ao NNorthwoat flkihtlto thn IcRlslnlure npproprlnle[e S7fiO,. S7fiO,- Gfluo eorge Elutidy, p resid en t nf Ihe ...... * . aon/od froni IhoIB cnrt,cnrt. 000 lo supjxirl Uolso Colleiio, I-or(i^ord Foundntioii nml , funnerfo rm er —■ ■I I IIII I Uio laltincln, ...... 1 . J;-ihQt-n'llQt—n froofro o boooh bno for nnd n inovcmenl for Kunbllnh-itnblldh- ijwfiinl»|w^ adviser l« J’ri'.ildniih.Midctils “ . , ' - ■ ■ ' T I u u ' h wtinro(linro ihoIho fun linnlnn. V llllW iil ment nf a mcdicnl cbllegnlege In .iohi.lohn-F; Kennedy nnd Jnhnsfin.nhnson. , . On bonrdd otir umootlomooth, (|iilu( riin-JoiB, Doforo you know It, > Unlse,' ■ 'Vlllwill recelvo ihe 1900 a wvard a rd nfllf I" ,------1 pj— ' ■: 1 1 know It, you'rt) touchino T'horo was somo discussionssion orof lli^Ihn Cosmos Cluh. It’n "RoynlI Alohn" snr'finrvicu—nil llio wny. down in Honolulu.>lulu. thoNO Itoms, hut action wns do- i — ZENITH_ (jURTiS-MATHES) - To otnrt wllh, wo oloffor lilntibnlla nnd ' ' Thfii’a whoro0 tho aimsun b boglno. forrol to llie lionrd of lilrco- m * ____ j oooklnlla (comptlmonKcomptlnioninry on Unit clnuu), Sound Qodd?J? Xhori,Thori, wwl hy not Join Tho inrs. who will moot nt fl P.m. ■ ...... Jiiot elt bnoknok hndhnd nip.oip-nnd tnlk nbout tho fun Sui Mondny nl tho chnmhor orrico, f " COLOR TV ' T 10 fun Sun Sot-on n NortliwostA'OBt fll(]htlllfjtit to llnwnll. Juot ! ..... T\/ « S te reo system s l o c o m o . Tim Mondny mnPllnK IHfiVEFUN wlll Ijc J,i lioiidh o i for Poftlmid.Thonn tnko n NorthwooiNoi Fnn-Jn^ fnr old and now diroclorH, nc. _ W h o n .y'oti’rn o ti’m rood/,r o o d /, wo'll briii(i ofi n fonni,- fonot,--noi 'nnii'Utop to Honoliilu—nnyu~nny mornlnn nio nl lOilD. cordiiiR to Prosldont nolmur A Brollod ntunk,unk, crispcrlap uutiliid, fronh folh-iillill thoIh o CoC o o t? J u D t M 1 0 p lu s tntnx x from f ro m Portland.pl lloltlngor, who conduclud the U SERVICE ttlm m ln n U ' forf roQorvntlono,' cnll3nlt your ttrnvol nQont or ineeling, J , A rojwrt by noI> .TonesI on the AT HOMEIE And (popl)jpl) chnmpnichnmpnnno for oVoryonol NoNorlhwoel Orlonl Alrllnoo.linos. Soulh Idnlio Chnniher of Coiu- CENTER . Aflnr thntHit comuacornua '(loQaurt—dollGlouf) puolry \ Wo'll snvo you n sont.nt, ^ ______nierco showed tlio group on rtu-- i ord iinniilninusty-as-favnring-cs- — - tahlishinont

'l.i I ' . , ■ ' ■ I ■ ' I ,/ I , ^ ■ ’ , , ' ‘ ,, , I , ■'.... A" : ' ''

ll spoke met In iW . church parlor, with - Mrs. Gay Hasselblad, Mrfl.-JackIr?.- Jack lo' bring her favorite or senll- of Christmas,” was presentedlented by Mr;Mrs. Minnie Kuykendall spoke me . g Twin Falls Tlmeg»Nawstg.Naws ■ Tuesdoy, Jon. 17, 1967 • p ni-rnard Mrs. Bess Brown presenting iho 1 ! ^ P r o g r a m I s ______A 51; sh er. M rs. G crv als e KKenncdyj ennedy^ mmcnuLpicce c ol jewelry. Mi Kennedy onlJiCftragua..and.Mrs^Burnard Mv •y. ___Mrs._Cad_Snow..,Mrs,, Kennedy on. ~rnnv^iv program— The—devotional-^err'------'— Norma Davis, Del^ne Ahdcrsorr~rffide-rsorf Gerald~«! -owdcn. instructoriructor ofoflani and Mrs. Jack Asher. Slideslides and MartynMa reported on thc conven* P " Presented For S ram wa^ vice, “Our Treasure, pie Bible ^ Jl, and^Mrs. Bernard. Martyn.riyn. En,English and history att the Coi- Col- mimusic were used for the pro- tion.tior The love gift program, was r,a.y^ Refreshments consisted:ed of a leg lege of Southern Idaho,ho, wlll w 111 gngrant. propresented by Mrs. Holloway., Baplist W ornm _ »t a s 11 n g party.’’ withith .cach each 5Rcnk.jonL.one.o(-thc-jcwcls-of spt .jcwcls-of -Mrs.-Hasselblad was in-chargein-charge --B Burma-Circle memb6r«-^n*^ « -a ;n.w»:W «rrr ------■ t member brlnguig her - favorite his Mrs, Carl Snow .was In chargc .favorite history^Ihcre will beH! a loVelove of the love gift and Mrs!j ' RobertR o b e rt venedve at thc home of Mrs, — hi Coff:e was serv- gifi 5 p ray e r ------II------ofof thc program for tho baptist vas serv- gift program. Membersrs of the HeHolloway was co-hostess.IS. GeorgeGet Culler. Opening prayer ^ he „Hong Susanno Circle flre hoste.sses 1 In Amer- was given by Mrs. Carl Benson. , ^ ______■ m w^ acj?k ^ l5 slon Sodct^. nt,_a. larrM ap ^<^n^terajjLlh^at[a_Anjet ------and-mcmbers-Df-ihe-Mary-Mar: ^ ‘jhimy nf olfcd-trsehg-cnrarip — i B a j g ' . ______rwcntr& meeting at- thc church _ j _ l.niufonM —It—w ttS' an nounced th thaV a ^ lu thc^ r tha-eiass-wiu-birhpnorctt:------Mrs. Anna Holloway. Opening spccialspe Interest missionaries. B Progri-im ^participantsts Inciudc nc next meelirfg I’s a brunchunch sel Prayer was given by Mrs. pr prayer was given by MrS.rS. Edith NMrs, Mabel Hansonn readrend ’M i5P H Mrs.Ml I.arry Christopherson,rson, Mrs, fofor 9:30- a.m. Fridnv’ In thc R°Robert Smilh. BtBush. Members voted to give a ChiChristmas scripture nndnd gnve ^ k : JohnJn Chalian anU Robinbln Snow, ch church parlor. "PrCciousJU S Jew- 1The Ivan Hcnci.se Circle'ircle met donationdo lo lhe church in mem- the devotional servicc, "Every-"E v crv - The devotional program.,m., “ Light els"cl! is the ihcmc for theJ brunch, al Ihc home of Mrs. Has^btbmd:ias^btbiad: oryor of Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, wh'where, Everywhere Christmas,”■Sstmas,” <14 Woln N,-. Twin folU 731-0616 T3ca/c-Ahb^^ of Ihc World,” was given by ar and everyone attending is asked the program, “The IivAs-Muchn,-As-Much DelvineI Anderson wass soloist.soloisl. FHong Kong Circlc membersiiember.'i = i

U - — jlm —TWIN-FWIN-FALLS^" ______L-Jty-APlGAlll-VAN-BURENlURENLimarticd^hc_waa_a_-SttUE I mi ling DEAR ABBY: Last summerummer I mcdicalm< student who worked af- fell in love with'n swell guy. He tertei school for a distihguishcdIhguishcd ' wax on leave (I thought)ht) from radiologist.rai For our wedding ------tim sLTvke , b u t he se e m ed to -gH bc staying around for anm awful- Usus an elegant .sterling^ slivsilver e r j i m g u i ly long lime. Tl\cn ll turned;rncd oul angelan food cakc sUccr and serv- a i l » | i f 4 BJ a p - FIRST QUALITY “ io B -P eB “fo'S \ALW AYS f i r s t g he.was A.W.O.U Hold him if.heIf.he cr..Bclng.unaccustomed_lo_suchcr, didn’t* go right back we were luxuriouslu: items, neither• my m y hu.s- ‘ ' ' through. He went backick •- and bandba nor I could figure out what w h at faccd the ordeal whichh wt^sn'twifsn’t thi.sthi utcn-sil was supposed;ed to bcbe ^ ______, t

being A.W.O.L. for 58 days.,Jays., I wrote to thank'them1 for theth e .() " LL , “lovely meat tenderizingng totool." o l.” To.make a long slory ^hort, “*! M K -m Many months later, to my five days after he squared him- . ' 0 I w horror and humiliation,' I saw a ALL OF PENNEY'J:NNEY'S ^ self for his first A.W.O.L., he anrf'nnw similar "meat tenderizinging tool”to o l” went A.W.O.L again and,now Vnrt being used to serve cakeake ata t a j SSIIIV' he is in the stockade at Fort ^ ^ L tftii Christmas party. Thes lovelylo v e ly Bragg, N.C.i-Undcrstand ho will •ll* I'^dy never mentioned my fauxfauxi I ' 11'* i r -v-'v-'^r"'. be there for '’VJllc a while. FAMOUS QUALITYlUALITY “ ■ pas. and 1 hopefully loldId myself: m y se lft | ' y We planned on gettinf;ng mar*mar- jhqLdie-P-tfihflhlyJhQughLJLgoL!ihj g h L JU o L ______H ried as soon as hc gets;s out of mym: gift cards mixed upp when II11 [I / servicc, Abby. My problemiblem Js, wrotewr my thank-you notes,Jtcs, .1 ' • J should I go thru withIh those FULLERTON•R T O N / ^ , SHEETS DEDUCEDEDUCED ^ p lan s? H e is really a iwelliveii guy. ‘ GOING TO PIECESlECES CONFIDENTIAL( TO "PSYCH"P S Y C H „ MAJOR” AT N.Y.U.: Myl y defini-defini* ,DEAR GOING: W alt until thuliits tion ^ “good parent”.” is one iWML s“sweir guy” gets out of (hethe who gradually works himselfhim self FOR LIMITEDID TIME stockade, out ot servict,i aod outgui of a job by makingI himself . Into civilian life again and tlwQ progressivelypr, unnecessary,iory. • take a good, hard look a at t himhim. . ■Yai have plenty o! ilraele belote before •Troubled? Write lo Abby,b b y . Box B o x Dialcliig a decision. ea:89700, Los Angles, Cal.ll. . 90009. «S . ■ . ForFo a personal reply, encloseBnclose a DEAR ABBY: On Thanksgivitanksgivi 8el^addrcssed enve- Ing day you pubiished-yow-fa-• y o ^ la - lope.loj , vorite blessing to be saidid before ■' ______r. 1 , meals. It was the mostit mmean* ean* -— ^ 'Ingful "grh>B” 'T~hflfI~pvpr reaiI7 P lE® \A /LIITC Long-wearingIg cotton muslins. 13 3 'count*. ------'so l'cllpped it and said It before ^ “ nation-wide®’B m ““ n i I C Three-generations'ations famfamous for firm balanced our Thanksgiving dinner. Ali of Tl Por SPECIAL BUY! TlTHERMAL BEDSPREi!DSPREAD - W weave, O i smooth finish, long woar.wear. Shop now ond save.ivo. Twin 772"xl08” 1 5 ] our guests agreed that it was Theme I ' Used For FlatF la or Elasta-fit Sanforizedforized bottbottom ...... wonderful, and they asked for a \ a ______copy.-A -qucstion-arose—how*“f-fcW -V- om en^-Mj eet-- e t - -THAT BECQMES:QM ES A BLANKET/T> TOCTOO! “ ■ ■ ■FuU 81''xl0a'''’Flat"."Flat or Elasta-flt Sanforizedp r i z e d bob o tto m ...... 1 . 7 1 ______ever, alwut which there was a __ ------: ______Pillow-uases 4 2 ” x 3 6 “ ...... _____ difference of opinion. InIn the the ^ ^^N D ^^^™ "New Years ...... 2 f o r 8 3 c ~ theme^of Everybody Is madad -for thermthem al bedspreads and this Is the Uhe, '.'May.these remembrancesnbrances Resolutions" was the theme of this Is the prettiest we've seeri.leri^J______.•Bleached,*JJ and.Finishedle d : ...... - ...... STILL us to servlce.” -Abbyrfthtiv byhv the-m eetlng-of the-Hlllandaie )**R«Mns! Smart by day, a blanket alat night. Just toss on1 a light co'cover and It keeps you p g fU lT p Our combed cotton percales 1 “stiil us” did yoii meann to ■'in*"in* Jv' « ‘he Civic Club R oom s, percales 186 count*. Prized for riu menn ^rS. Ralph Rcqua, vice presl- p e n c a l e ® wr h m i it C e r silky-smoothness.; wovenoven of selectedse long-staple cot* still in .us"? Or did you mean landsomely fringed. All cotton, it machini firT«r, dent, presided in the absencebsen«^of of warm, fiandsomely , it machine washes (lukewarmirm tonton. Always a famousi buy, not 1to be missed now. Twin 72”xl08- 72” ^ “steel," to make hard or reso- ?, Chester Rice, president; Flat or Elasta-flt Sanforizedorized bottcbottom...... lute? Thank ypu. esident. v/ater) beautifully.lly. White, W hite, a antique gold, baby pink,pink, leaf g.green. BOSTONsf Ff Aa nN 'Room and table decorationsicorations ; cacarrie^ out the' themee of theth e Full 8 1 -xlOS”” Flat or Elasta-fit Sanforized) r i z e d botb o tto m s-.2.05 ------^— D E A R BOSTON; N ailthfir lth » fr ' -Tt lt ® meBtlng with one sceng-Qf_New ^ — ------P i l l o w - G a s e 9 -4 ^2 4 ^2 ^x x 3 3 8 8 ' ' ^ ...... '------. 2 t o r 1 . 0 5 “ . ^ twin or full was a typogra[*fcal error.xor The Year's J* hats, nplse, pipkerskers and . t ------i^Bleached-end-Finishede d ------^ ------linriKouM Tiave 'read,! “ •«Mao May nut cups fot"individuai~appolnt*["appoint- — ' • these remembrances STIR-usm R -us J"' The. officers' tablea b le fea- f e a - — — tir^em eBTfliarffirgiftrious m ay bo used for others. Amen.” withta miniature-3 n ow m a n, nanted with pink tapejs In riH wHte; fioTders and angelSH climb- DEAR ABBY: You will never ers. Other decorations were ar* know what marvelous relief and „ euer ana rangements of flowers and an* ^ fond memories were r revived e v iv r f y, , ^ 7 7 - r V when I read about the bride who ^ received a silver candlep sLYfprsnuffer Hostesses were Mrs. Raymond L X t r Ruby. Mrs. James Lee and Mrs, ______------forr",tho^arHng little^^a'^e ^ S ^ Charlerxuskr:— — ------: d ip p e r /’ Mrs. Larry Blackbtim was-a L .... ------When mv husband andid I 1 wcrc w ere 8^ ' ------i'lans were made lor the'an* , • nTial m e n ’s p o ilu c k d in n e r a n d Marian Martini r t i n S party, scheduled for 7 p.m, Feb. ______.lLaUhjU;)v!e_Cllllj_RQliras, A c ' I STAMPED PILLOW■LOW ____-._. ■ ------P attern-----1 i rangcment for the event wlll be directeddl by the club officers. CASES AND 1 0 0 % COTTON fi| Mrs. Louise Houfburg,. flower chairman, reported Carole Aim- TUBING BUY TERRY KITCHEN S berg Is in a hospitalII ht San \ Francisco; C. H. BrevickVick Is in TOWEL BUY ' V ■ v t - " n X A tho hospital and Darlenem e Peter- P e te r- / \ son ill. 1 I 1 i\ W l) vin^l ' “ The program wa.i arrangedrag g e d by ^ y > Mrs. Ralph Newberry, Mrs. D. Newest designs on>n sturdystu rd y 3 , . ' l I J r ly, ^ KR. Modlin and Mr.i, Blackburn. EachEi one read an arliclonlclo and cotton . . . stamped lor ' Mrs. Newberry played ththe e piano pia n o CHOOSE LUSH -BcauUfuLprint-.coltonI ter* 3ppF*^BBA r >/ • ------for-groiip-singingi------^ ^ — embroidering.-Hemstitched-m s t tc h e d ...... — ...... ;e_ lu...... sh _ s o l id s Mrs. Raymond Eversirectlved received ~'sPECIAL ON ry will enhance any kllch-k llch- " r ...... a prize for the circle game con­ OR RAINBOWINlBbW STRIPES 'I J ■ CCCOZY COTTON V^'N, » CLASSIC TUFTED tubing (or crocheling. ,« n deCor. ducted by tha committee. FLANNEL. SLEEP- j \ I Hostesses for the Feb.b. 1 meet-mtcl- BEDSPREADS3 S I - I \ Ing aro Mrs. Houfburg, Mrs. PRINT SPECIAL irg, Mrs. f r = = = - -\ ...... John-Jackson-and-M ra—Lucia„ ^ L u c l, — - - 2 $C f»f 1 bolh III* : \ ____j^ m u s s e n .^ I, «r full A r«r, ; * V 5 FLOUR SQUARES Gingliam Checks . 4 . , * i ■ 3 0 0 0 MhlU, unhtmmtd . f Tufted oil over for a plush ioo% r . . " Ut ■ bond lawdi ^ for “ 1 waiihilolhi ll Unveiling Of ' ...... s:..'"’:;'.'K ''Jn*d, v .'n lloro'i ., the jluff lhal sleep- look In slurdy, long-woar- ...... « >•’ • ' ‘ black, yillaw, o'*'n> pink.I"!'’ wW e d o r 's m cido ofl C u te \ Hqir FashionsIS Ing. collo'fi' bdged3o d with ■ .1 Whoro bul Ponney's^'5 cdn you find such terrific vciluolluo pnp n 36 Inthot wid*. prlnls, Maclitno wa&hablo. J„ IliIck bullion • frinae.rinae. Ma- a - a wMt. 0 t l or qunlily coiion terryry towelil Dflgliti bursts of color for i_ ,A tonlllc.buy, so scoop up I Set In Nevada chine'W ash In’' lukoworirilukoworm' ‘ »•' SI lor fo r . Q U r ' ^ ’ y d ...... 'iOC • ■ |o,j lots at ihis pricol Dreamy • II your bcith ... Porfoctoct al so low a pricel _ I ¥he new hair fashions»lo» tor for ■■■ = = = = = ::= =-^^1 lj icivingiliciv 36 inches wido, ^ unveiledd Inin Las IS y l vegas, Nev., Snturdnyr throughth ro u g h ■ T I Monday at tho Rivieratra HHotel otel tA I l>eforo several thousandm d hnir* ■ jL I dressers from all sintcacs of thetho _*»*: v ■ ■ U , nation. ' - J W M g The new hair fashionsIS wwill ill bo b e ^ I wI M pre.sented^ hy the Officialclal Ilnir kW ' D fV i'ashlon Committee of- the Na>N a . \ SIn r fllnnnl Halrdresser.s nndd Cosmc- Z ‘>jBciB!^?2]r‘* SIZES ^ ■ 1U 1 i I tolnglsts. Association, tho hairh a ir ~ m 1 0 - i a l | H■ i . lanhlon authority of iheie Iwauty •# profession, ------1. Afior Ihc nntlonnl premierecmlere In | / ■ **o ^ ______I U s Vpgn.*i, Ilio new stylylcs les w w ill lll ■ S & l■sry^l ' 1,^ l)o:prfsi!nH‘d lu cllics ihrinij{houtirinijjhoul * •,'f ■J. tho Unllcd .Stnlos in nhficrvancojficrvanco > 1 ^.^■181^’'■ S S'* , of the I7lh nnnivcr.snryy of Nn-N«- , ' 111)lliinnl D uniK y'Snton Wcck, eek, l-'oh,l->b, N: ' 12 Ihrnngti IK, whlcli isI dcdli-nl- dcdli-nt- \ VIBRANT VnUTICAI. JJ /.I. boniitiful w om)nion, on, ^ rrom thu moment it cnme It cnme iirojjcmailoiw willI cmplm- 5^ nff our tlcslfinor’t. drawingrawlng h|/I« tho iniportHTico-nf closo’co.c lo s o c o . ------hnnrd, tiiis sirnk, vcrllciilvertlcnl or,nrdinnlion heiwcni nowlow coif-col^ fthnjM ,wuii rn v o rovlow^3l al MnkeM nko fuifurcs and new fn.shlons inIn cloth* . it your (iwn in hrnvo, nrlllln hrllllnnt n t i„({,|n| a cc o rd in g to (}ftlnc,sie,s-ProR P ro s. . croi>o, w ool, liiendH. n]csley, Mnrlctta, Gn., president5sidcnt of • P rin te d P a tte r n OOifl: MlnneVMlSBfiJi’ '’nllui’"! priifoHsionnlunj. nnathnnijt>...... BIGi VALUEVALU ON SIZM H). 1 2. H . 10, l a , c,,. 14,i elation,f; f Particular om|)lin»ls omphnsis tnkca 2»i y.td, 30-ln. • “ will Ixi plnccd upon th the e All-A ll- _ PILLLOWLLLOW PAIRS: American looki. nnd thele adapt,a d a p t. ______;...... ^ MAnRESSfTRESS PADS - Mfty cam,! In 'coins for 'eaoli eaoli «bablllly of the new hnir fanhlons imttorn — ndd 18 ccnt^ for each fur Individual laBten nnd rc(|ulro- ■ SOFT, MEDIlIhMEDIUM OR FIRM pnttorn for flrfli-cloiiA tnoiliiiKtnolliiiK ' FITTED DACRONl^ POLYEEPOLYESTER FILLED i- n n nnd spccinl handlinH. Send Kit(i - 'nm fashion presentatloni wlll big values'ALUES ON BATTS flanforl«*di?{i. Full aka•I m ... , ., ,.i i O.ZV M n rln n M n rlin , 'llmiiH-NDwii,iih-Ndws, l>Qbe >'...... 0 ,2 0 .103. P n tlo rn D cp t.. a.l?.1? Wont I'nI'ompunii Bcnch, I'ln.. chnlrmiinch«lr.,i«ii C E L A C U O U P>? ® P A T T JX 0 0 % Calocloud'^ I, inlldow, mothproof. Non-nlloraan.r w n ------lHth-St7;-Now Y nrkrN rYYTlOOll, nooll, nl* of tho nfflclnl lialr fftshlon cimi- Ic. Pnttornnd-ooUor».>ltori. covoracovera, __t f O - ir a i; fIbor, for fill df q^lta n I'rint name, oddrenn withvith zip, ><>lnjittno, nnd Grnio Doran, Pnlnj of quilts nnd -i •y y y y . 2 0 - X 2 0 " fin ln h oid d BizMa l z d ...... A f o r “i s FITTBD — SniiR-flt’It mnttroBstTinttroBB pad nnd cover, 100% • • _____ .Springs, Calif., siylen director,"rs'ctof, oiof com fortorn. 72x90,’2x90, whlwhlto ...... I .// , ” cotton covarinR, doublodoublo .ho),hox otltohlna. moaticlzod •IzQ and fllylo iuiinl>or, •‘>1’ ■ S20 “"Ift edge, ' this fashion group. 2 POUND' sSIZE i z e o ...... f o r '9 2 0 '' nveryihlng now — HliI most- IPrcflentlnR ilte new Iinir styles f u l l ...... 4.89 3.89 ^ WRntcd /tinlilonn. fnlirlcs,Ics, ac- willwll 1)0 a ciihi of moreS'^llS'" ihiin a OACRON'bATT,TT DncroiDncron PolyoBtor — . . PLUMP FOAM LATEX. Diinlproof,Di nonnllorRonlc,[Of)lo, PLAT —•'A 1)Ik vnliifll Don coHBorij'fl In nuw .SpriiiK-Sum-Ing-Sum- huihundred of Ihn ino^t fiimnusr»n»m » " '’"'I””*; fill fofor r q> q u ilts, c o m - . n * 7 0 i/ftliiel Double hoK alltoh quilted, 7''° 7 0 Iftftto for v«nr». hniiforli'erl*Sniiforl^orlAi cotlon lIcKlnfl zipnin Vjffoff Colton cover,' blortuhnd coti mer I'nttorn.Culnlng, AliII nlzoslfllzosl myMiyllsts In thn naliiiit, fromI'om Nnw Now fortora oraprondB,ondB, 72x90,72x£ wlilto ... . Z ./VV 7 for IftundorlnH, irtuhftd cotton fill. Anchor bands Clip coupon In CiitaloK—choiirio Yn $ 8 jO|hold aecuraly in ijincn. -olioorto York lo Ilnllywwd, undnd frum 1 1 POUNDvSIZEvSIZE ia-'K2»'‘x(5i//’ flnlahadflnlnhad alzo, alz 2 for $8 , one p * |itc ra froo. f>pnd 60c50c now . ficffiCBttla to M iam i. 3.89 2.89 ,

... . - r ■ - ■

s ' • I' - I ' ■ ■ ' L ' I

■r-_.■ s Stir tir In unlll blended two table- 1. Mrs. Omcr Shook Is chairmanIrman Club ata a meeting at the home Tue .npoons'noUr. Add'SlOWtynnrcup tiO l ome Tuesday, Jan. 17 , 19677 Twin FiFalls Tlmes-Naw8 9 SnSlip Gorrfec-ence-Set—* “ forHiC'Fcbruary-meeting.—;—;------of-MM,-Wu f-M rs ayne-Mcirei».-^_-___ boiling Wfller and iwo • tab le- n Magic Valleyalley FavoritesS spoons ® sugar. If butter is!uSSu-By unsdU- Dy A uxiliary cci-vGet-well card s w ere serjtnt to OfficersOffici who assumed duties ______C LAUDIAjPlA REYNREYNOLDS ______oc|od a M(h Boise, when they m et nt Ihc |$ P - Bajtc in an 8 by,.8 by M Mnch n rh cricnn An,», Legion, Hall. K rcascd pan a t ' 3 5 0 'd e g reiCS es lofo r (or 1Mule V»Jle» Fivutlu*. • K tuu Jccker home of Mrs. Erickson. H b » * -« rtTnrlti r»clPfc-liut mall li «»., RUPERT - Mrj. Leo Bcckcr ' ? • '’r-ttfif' iinnnrcd applespplcs ■'* to Ui» Uk IM D tpinm ni. Wi>mm'» R'^l^ert Haddock actedted ns gave Ithe lesson, "when Is a 1 cup sifte d flo u r Hot Duller Snuce PPiKti m •djlor. Tb« choirchairm an of the meeiing and Bargal l i l erofrtftT ©I th» Tln«-Ntw« . J and Bargain a Bargain?" for!■ the FOR FASTF SELLING RESULTSiL T s 4 # . . ^ 1 tcuspoon cinrtainon McMctt four lablciipoons .bultcr.«|^'caDM»Cr.,i,(t tinniit b« Mlunitd.l______w as Ihostess. ______57’s 57’s Desert—DoicnI Extensionen sio n UUSE S E TIMT ES-NEW S V/A*NT ADS l A j l j * ‘ 9 '

-■— - • r — etIP-THIS-GOiis^cQUPm^^^ I H ' Depoi'il In container al Ptnnay't,Pinnay't, Twin Falli,I bafoi* 5>00‘p.m. ” | | | ® n K r r ^ ' m Saiurdof. January S iit,i>. Yoi/You mai'may U1 tht luCky winner • _ J B J K PH E b E : Vacation foror Two in Hawaii Ir ¥ ^ ^ ■ pR ANOTHERHER VALUAB VALUABLE PRIZE • W I h h ~ . ; NAM? ...... : f ~ m ------r ; AppBtss ...... ALWAYS FIRSTI R S r WC A U T Y ■ W ~ ~ I . r ; ...... pHoPHONE ...... I ^ ^ t purchait nic«Mar)r (•lo w in ...o...all il wl wlnn#r» will b* nolHI»d. \ A TTWIN W I N FFALLS ;:

V ’ ' W M

MR. AND MRS.. JOJOHN H N PAI PA U L JO H NSO N (Dudleyudley photo) I Social-Events; joouble Ring ^------1—I RiteRites Unite -V; Countryside Flower Club will \ / 'i meet at:2 p.m/Thursday at thc Valley V a i Couple homo of Mr37"KeIth Fullmer, _ Kimberly, Members are askeded to RUPRUPERT — At home at 801 — b r4 n g id l6 h -e a fd e n 8 . ------j(i ♦ » • ^ Mrs. M rs. ■.Jolm Pnul Johnson, fol- - FILER—Hillside H el^rs Club. IgwingjQwing their, rccent wedding nt will meet Wednesday at, the the lhe ChChurch of Die Nazarcne, Fii- home of Mrs. Lylo Miller. er. ' ilECiA LSi^O A A EN ’SS JACKETSS---- ^WQMEN’S=C0;Sr£SM Sd8ED0£EDf — - ~The~ coupTe-was’^rrfetT ara^— BIG SPECIAI *— —FILER' — bucky-Twelve-Glub 3doublo ^ ^ rin g M rcm o n y p o rro m ied " ------w ill n will meet Wednesday at, theIf'® K byv thf>th e Rev. J a c k G. W clle r.b e- TH1CK & THININ F U N -F U R ' BOLD ____ homc.of_M rs..B_C^uffman. fore-j iM^Ih ^o>’e-n-background-5ettJng-of ------■ CO RD URO Yr ~ "PEA"JACKETT PLAID GROUP I GROUP I! ( GROUP III------SMrs. 'o Glen Hostetler is assistantisiani three-piece brass candelabra, co-hoslesB.co-hosi , p|„|; pink candies-and.beauty baskets —■ * * ^ ■ ■ . of pinkpi pdmpori’ chrysanthe- 17.88 ^ A 8 8 FFILER IL I - St. Anne's StudyMuoy munis mums and pink satin bows. 2 1 .8 8 2 1 .8 8 3 U Club Mwill meet at 8 p.m. Thurs- /qrifiT.-$25 O rig . $ 2 5 O ri g . $ 2 1 2 0 «« : '2 5 ® r ______------day-at-the-home-of-ItSrs.-Jerry d a y -a t TptX ”^0 bride,' the former'Delores M a rle-B o iish rw a s-g iv en -in -m ar------is cot- Bold plaid jacket is woo!-______—— Orig. t o $ 4 5 ______B eau.e au . ______Thick-grTd-thin cottonn co.fd- Fun-furF peg jacket is cot- B( ■ w o o !-______Orig. to $30 ---_------______Orlgrto-$'35^ — ------tiaci&_bv-hor—fathsr-r^auP-W ;------___ o rov—with-bulky-cotton'knit—ton^knit— tl ton---backocl-Dcry|lc-Tnod-• mod- Fe reprocessed woo") with ^ Bolish, Filer. The bridegroom Is c o lla r BoucIb fabrics In gay new Rich Rich solid colors or plaidiaidi • warm wools,*' social cai 8 Tuesday MUST’ thp'coi "bib" and . sleeve! trtrim. im ...... ’O’acpylic pile warmly lined d« demi-belt, pointed collar °®‘ ^nu.u 0^ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ;. with fur or self trim. rnlliunmilium lined, half or miss**■ .- jjnioUnion Pacific Booster £lub jq ] ig with with quilted acetate.te. inIn di detail. Acetate taffetaIta lin- collars. with M.,Johnson. Rupert. J Double buttpn styling with v ce s ssiz( iz e s .' _ wwill ill mimeet nt 8 p.m. Thursday al ____,_-g}gmT-belt.-8 -1 8 . ■ . s sizes 8-18. InIng.'8-18., , . ■ , •, , ththe e hoi home of Mrs..Wallie Holm-Win- woro a floor-len^ : ^ g r■ e• n greH-,“ , “: n 3 “ ffih -‘5 f.-H fS r-M o T n s whieh-she-designe«^nd made. BBlackburn lackb will give lhe‘thought ® • The gown featured a rounded ' ^ ftor o r t hU.. e day., “ — ncckline. lily point sleeves and "I ^ ^ gathengathered skirt with detachable ,' \ train . . Her clbow-tength veil-of bouf- 1 Dr. Harvey Is ‘X fe “i n AUeeyour ____ ^ I______------fant-bcidaUlluslon^'as-held-byfant-bi ------Speaker Af ^ a cmvcrown of le.1vos wiiii a pearl E U - .Charge teardrop. She wore a gold pen- B H Account Women s Meet - dnnl ^ heart necklace,'.centered Todayt--^— -jj ■_■■■, w ith Tt susncnded poqrl. a gift ^ "At~the January meetingig of from -i the bridegroom, ahd car-, United Presbyterian Churchirch ried 0a-bouquei of pink roses' iSMWWMk i Women, Dr. Robert Harveyirvey centericenterey with a white orchid on spoke on the new study book, 0a whitwhite Bible. - , , “Joy for an Anxious Age,”\ge,” I^nl^n RoystCLplayed- the wed- ,' ' H r w - . based on Paul’s letter to) the ding music and accompanied, . Philliplans. Mrs.M rs. iAlfrCjd Boli.sh, sisler-ln* He noted the contemporaryorary law of the bride, soloisi. ■ need foe unity and joy In1 the Mrs. Alfred Reyes, Filer, was iVrKV I, world and In tho church andd the matromatron of honor, ’ nnd brides- value of actual use ahd studydy of maids were Mrs. Gerald Bunn, n ^ the new book to cnch circle} and BurleyBurloy, nnd Mrs. Roger Kalb- . every member. fleiachfleiacfi. F iler. Mrs. Frank Brown read1 the TamTamera Jean Johnsonr daugh- devotional servicc stressingrr the ‘Cf*cr ®‘of lhe bridbgroom, was the Now Yenr. Mrs. R. D. Ceebout,bout, fWwer girJ, cnrrylng a basket of ' M ■ J leader of Circle No. 1, conduct-iclucl- rmo jpe tals. T he b rid eg ro o m 's cd-th0.bu,slness meeiing. Circle'ircle Donny Paul Johnson nnd ^ meetings were annoimced.------B------illy -Jo o J o h n so n , w ero ring*' \ .»,« hearers, carrying the rings on Circle No. 1 will meet at tho JJ,,}" Lm henrtrshnped pillows. homhome e (of Mrs. Luclen Voorhees, . 5 104 LirLincoln S t.; C irc le No. 2 at a t pAiit Glorfieni, Rupert, was i ^ W i l l the home of Mrs. Jnmes Hnll,Hnll ? Ushers were 'lliomns Men’s Pennprost® 1240*41 i Carl Johnson, Rupert, brother of AMAZING BUY!JY! - . MEN'S ■ I, 1240 4ih A ve. N .: C irc le No. 3 W l PLAID FLANNEL A . Uie bridegroom, nnd Darre! Bol- MEN'S WORK SUITSU IT i n s u l a t e d p a c s DRESS JEANS at itW' the home of Mrs. Bruce Gor- ,,1° ‘il > » SPORTSHIRTS . m I’ Ifh, ^^vIn F a lls , a n d A lfred Bo'.- ' \\ (h J i r s ddon. o n . 101 10 Fillmore St.; Circle No. " • K Ish, Hansen, brolhors of the ^ 4 4 AA ».1 In th.the church lounge nt 0 o.m. u-i,’,- 4 8 8 1 'nmrsdayi Circle No. 6 In theth a ^ ‘ SAVE ONA MEN’SMEN’ JACKETS. " church tllning room al 0:30 p.m._ Mrs, Warren Majors, Rupert, S Iza 3 6 . t o 4 6 RR ™ 2 . ^ 3 JJan. a n . 2127, and Circle No. 7 inn t)>Athe registered tho guosls nt n recep* PILE LINED> PILE LINED „ , r,%h lion w hich follow ed tho w edding 'OOr sturdy work suit can |- J Fireside Room at 8 p.m. Feb. .ult can Hurry in for d tremendousin d o u s W OOL PLAIDD c o r d u r o y H Jf’" ow ’s this for valuo?uo? For thath campus crowd. at Iho inOF Hnll. Gifu were ' take all tlio hard woorv o o r ho j a c k e t JACKET W a r rti cotton f la n n e l, . displayed hy Donna Rnihbun nnd con givo Itl It's of durablo » savlntjs on these warm good-looking pkilds. Pull Full TowncTowncrafr* slim dross„ Jf"Tea ’wnn served at n decoratedrated vickIvickV' KIrkmnn, . I . tatable b le with a cenlrnl nrrnnge. fishor stripo cotion denim. . Orig. $19.88 Orl«. »16.»0 Tho hrido's tnble wns covered ocllon froo cut, long shirt leans. Pennprest® meansIS mcnl rof Rold nnd yellow daisies Stock up now] SaveI ataU*Ns this 7 to , length for real comfort. wllh n White crocheted lable- O D ' nnnd n d nnnnrcWuij, fJnnkwl by yellow'CJiow clothdofti 1 jtiflflQ hy fter grandmother, low, low price. 111. 1 2 .8 8 .0 0 ' SonicSanlorlzod® for lasting fit. nevernover Iron. cnndlcicnndlcs. S e rv in g on th e te n coni- com - (},oIho |nInto Mrs, Carrie Sybrant. mmilteo iltee were Mrs. Jam es Kinney,"ooy* Theti,o Inblo wns Centered wllh a MMr.r r.r EEdwin Barker Mrs. Glennjlenn four-tlercUfour-tl while wedding cake ' n T rn il. Trnil. Mrs. R. I.. -BooUieI aJidatid decornteddecon with pink nnd green MMrs. rs. ,Albert Victor, all. frcfmfrom (lowers(lower nnd whllo hells, topped CircW No. 8. Mrs. I’mnk Rro'^nIro'^n with bIwlls nnd pink flowers. Bell- nnd Mrs. R. D. Beebout presid*resld* slinpci.slinped lirldo nml brl<|egroom , cd al lhe ten tnblo, cakoiicakos (ipcnratcd In pink nnd ' ------— L'_v — ♦ — ------green------green finnked the-cnke;— ------~ The hrldc'fl sliler-in-lBW ,,Mri.' Beta Sigma PhiI ,. Diirrot “.rr” Bnlhli, Twin Fnlls, cut '•■II * . . nnd fli’rved thn cnko, Mrs, Sinn Moore, Twin l-'nlh. cousin of the Holds M eeting hrido, sorvoll the pimch, nnd Mrs, Tom llnwnrlh Jr.,,Burley, In H e y b u rn presided nl tho roffcn Bcrvice, k ' nURl.UY-Xi Omega CImplorinplor Pro-nui)lliil Pro- nhowcrs were rIv- FL Boia Slgmn Phi met nt the hnmo en f-n fnr foi lliu brldo hy Mrs, Mick J® of Mrs, Joo Adnms, Uoyliurn.'hum, WooknWook^ In Ruporl nnd by Mrs. djn with Mrs, Jay Perry,lo, Declo, ns Ka'h^lf’lsch ns and ' Mrs. Qernld . " E S I co-lio,vio»«.Jl nuim nuim 111 I'lirr, ______H i -.JluahHwiiiiootlnR wns con- . ■ duclcniy^fitrClM-ChBney,icney” *''’*> classen nt Hurley K prcsiilonl. Reports wore givenolvoii •I'lnlnr“"'j!"’ Hlnh, nml tho OpporUml* • On Ilm fltnin-a-lhanAChrhtmasitm as ty v School. prnjecl, co-nponsorcrledw ried Hurley ttiirin’ resid en t, to niiHlfit in n il ’ ' th n l IIn CliIrHtm'ils tr e e w n sI «n to nllond th e Silent ‘ BOXER STY L e ' INFANTS' ^ ^ GGIRLS' WOOU . ormPd nt the nurloy -Nurfllnfiirfling Olympics Olyjni tUidn’B FAUniary ln , ...... PA N T S FOR , W OM EN’S Hiiino for Illd senior cltirons« and Gormiiiiy.' Gornu ...... f*g, I PLAY SUIT . ‘SEAMLESS a caNf! of o rn iircn w a s d e liv ere d i ,.„ LITTLE BOYS BOYS' FLANNEL ' BLEND SKIRTS ProK rnm Ic.-inoii "G ro u p A»so« ! . BUOUSES...... -HOSIERY lo tl)Q.)u>mn ChrlNtniun ove. sportshirts Mrn, Gono Mort * 3 • J # rop^niilroplaiilng M rs. R o b e rt W«ilfo who hnn moved In Mounlninminis ‘‘'V ’’y Mrs. Clumoy. "• CREWNECK ' , J 1 .0 0 „ I , Wlilto olophnnt wan presented POLO SHIRTS ^FOR O R ’1 c q; 1 1 0 n c o rdd u r o y , - ‘ ni(]Bln lolocHgn of prlnls nncl , , . IJoriullful pIcikJs cind solidId U>''"0.U o W , '.Will [tnnifliliil ahner snninintiiln t i r'liiKr'liiidi from tho roreiit fnnh«fnnh> I') I” Mi's. M' S h e rm ll W nrner, LITTLE BOYS ilppor * ,front' short ilenvp.l«0V(. Htimhoim lont) in "nu" colon, Roll • ilnnvo colors. Stiulch wcilit. 7-1/1 loii |nn nln nlmw npiiimiirmi hy Iho chnp- TlinTim Jnn, 30 meeiing will Iw ft .^vjjjorl ilihh In wonn cot- .too Iiootllo, 15 dlinloc. ( r r woro rciNirlal tUmnUd Ihl» Uihoio hih'Iu) tWih.ilmo nml place to 2 5 1 ..0 0 0 ppitiysiillil SUos Vl lo0 4. ^ tonto lUfnnol. Drol^on tll^os, t!l^os, (Idcfondoi cind cotlon. SlzoSlio fl'/i-ll avorcige. ' 2.»n. 2.BB. Ilifchnndicnpped olilldren (if Cnnnln^nnnln |(e |(e niuinuiiccdaiu tho social com* I ^ ^ ' ' — - - J Couniy, t^uunij two cliiaHUN ul. .MillerMlllei'liilUeo. iiiltiec . j ' — — —-J— p

r ? I ( I r.

• ’ .....~ ~ \ ------' ...Tuesday, Jan. ^ 7, 1967 ______-j Collision Of Tw< J O Twin Falls Tlmos-f'^ewsj f ™ )f^TwoU.ajets n ^ ^ I^R ecaH ^IrFSpHm Spanish-Tdwn =GT»v*=WaHace-ee- =1 iPj By EMILIO MOYAA TheThi people are worriedi about abo u t ' mm 'I f I 3 , • PALOMARES. Spnin (AP)— radiationradio hazards ?‘for themem antianU * ■■■ ' Buckles Downw u I One yenr ago today two U.S. Air their offspring.” : she added, Force jels collided over this vii- "and repeatedly asked for offi------lage.nn ihe-SQulhcflsl^cpjisi:jy s l ofi o f clal ic lal c e rtTTicate s g iving themlh e m _ a ii------_____ ------' A f - ~ T o “Her-Taslc—d c — I Spain>palr sh o w erin g th e a re«a a 'wTlH wrilT clean c lear CTrofTicalih. So fara r theyIhey /1 , M ' B fc flamingfla m l wreckage and four H- have reqeived nothing3 like ‘ ' ' MONTGOMERY. Ala. (AP) I bombs. thnl.'th n l." — Gov. Lurlecn Wallace, the | Kv- The bombs were recovered".:overed; Pnlomarc.<5-Mayoi‘'76se"'Man-Pn r W a n . ^ I •. first woman to govern a atate In - - B K: the area cleansed of oiomlc}mlc ra- uel Gonzalez( said he wass sasatis- tis- ^( . ‘ three decades, buckles down lo R dialion and the peoplee reinv fied with lhe indemnities paid the task loday. - - -1 bursed for -Uamage to0 Iheir by the-Unitedtl States...... " She will have Htlle time,'■ khow- " " - f - lands nnd Iheir business.‘S S. Bul "Before"B the collision,’’ he j i i n L ever, to ponder lhe uncommon* f ^'-:i locfy_Ji\micri_and—fisherman?herman wld,M ldr^lhete—were-only .- three t — 5 ------ne«9-or-her-role'.-Her-fIrfit-workt-w ork------IF T are still complaining aboutpout thelhe care registered in Palomareso m a re s ^ Ing day as Alabama’s chieflief ex- ' / ______way the United-States treated and.no^and.' thete are 25. pluslus five |T = — — ccutive-Jra-fuU -one:^------p ------new—rtractors:— I—dcm‘t~— know k n o w------\ 2 | — ■' t ' At midmoming. she holdsIds hher e r ' , j About 40 farmers plannedihhed to to wher where the money came from.’’ firstly q blny^. meeting. ^ A Hfter cr ^ ^ , .1 - go-to Madrld-4oday-^tc^reaent- —Uri "In M iP leg lsia------■ 1 the U.S. Embassy with 1 the the 70 70 driddria say 475 claims tol'allng ” _L turo. ' P . ] p e r c e n t c o m p ea ca tio n ddem e m an ands d s $55.1 $55,104.71 • h a v e 'been settled. There was no announcementcem en t fc - I the-Americans fell short: ofof pay-pay- and that one set of claimsim s for fo r m ■■ I f I, __ I prior to the Cabinet meetingiieeling •' h^ ' ...V . ^ R k i;) In g ." T h e deleg a tio n snicisaid it it $39.1 $39,144 a n d 14 o th e r individualdividual ______! . thnt there would be any changes ^ would go lo Generalissimo'alissim o demi d e m an d s to ta lin g $348,000000 re- U frtm the cabinet of Mrs. Wal- I ! ■ Francisco Franco If the embas-embas- mairmain to bo settled. “■ lace's husband, predecessorsor^nd nnd iiVH '. ■ ■ 'Ty sy refused to meet Kclr their ' de- de- — ^ :------. — "No. 1 adviser,” George c.wai-C. Wal- aafl B - -lace. ------^ ■ ■ A-lmemorial' servicc for the X------.. I ' i In her first address to thelhe leg*leg- , U ■- ' t - —~ seven American fliers killedM^— - .. ... islature. which winds,up its 1^IIV I ...... A. . • the collision Was to have been T71 day organizational sessionIon to-lo- | I ^ V heiy today In lhe Palomaresilom ares J.Flee J After ! day, Mrs. Wallace mayly an- I •church, but it was reportedlyportedly nounce that she will call the leg- I A '-* \ callcd off because the villagers A T. Islators back, perhaps laterte r this I \ warned no one would attend, - -1-*Negotiations ' IS month, to act on what could3uld bbe e I £ -, i. The organizer of the mission 8 rccord road bond issue.. Along IIIIIHI IIIgllB I^^ c. 4'. to Madrid is the former DuchessD uchess „M M iACAO (A P ) — Somm e ^250 250 ^ a -ls a b e - ■P*P*ugu6se -^ o m e n -a n d -c h iid r e n — (B ______w ith th e a n ticip ate d re q ute e st f o rt ______------— bomof-Modlna-SldoniaT-tuisa-lsabe- b ■: SlSo million or more to reiiirtfie ■ la A lv arez d e T o led o ,''30.10. a So.Set .fled lo Ho-.ig Kong today after ■JilfjlS GOVERNOR-ELECT. LurleenUitleen V Wallace Is Honked by her dau| WacacTs "W® /nmerf you inn churchc/>iirch laslast '^ekend on '5i;per highway department's depleted ~ : and ciaiist arid a frequent sponsorKjnsor of negonegotiations between Macao's sits in the reviewing stand In front of th« coffers, may come a proposal J». 21. m Shu «I1S In the i jplto! various causes. She said thelhe trip PortPortugueso.gpvernment and theth e Sunday'l"S u n d o fT lents of her Inaugural parade pass by. Mrs for lttc?eased highway revenue.S S c •n In to Madrid-^has no politicalical con- Chinese Cbm Communists dead ------jjjj (jjg Monday afternoon to succcMiucccM hher e r husband. George C. Wallace. (i xonomic locked ovcr wording of an apol- Alabmnij’s.-first — and the landsnections—Vlt's just an economic locki fettle for ogy for suopresslon of the Com- ,..naHon’s thjrd -= woman gover- localmatter that wc plan lo settle for ogy nor;was sworn in Monday. [l/| the benefit of these honestaest and munist mun riots in Macao last ^ a re : m onlh. . In h e r speech Mrs. W^ a alface lla c e .'.TJMarine Is First'First Tq^peak-^ w humble a y folks;’’ mon strongly Indicated that her hus- _ _ = The T h Portuguese. refugees re- band expects to run again for fused to talk lo newsmen, bul l C HAIR COLORIN(ILORING SPECIAL president next year, as S he 'i did Normally-I-’ ’ WithoiJ'^ithout Voice Box Salmon Man ToJLU Snearly 400 Macao Chmese also 1 three yeara ago. Wallace, in g, r r jx fled, and several said thee situa-silua- s-v- ‘fo'JS BOSTON (AP) - A-MarineMarine Into lh 'volved Doctors at Massachusetts■tts EEye y e ththe e v o ic e a good volum e .and a t tb e s a m e jo b fo? 34 y ears. - PI u s;------— ^ ------j - 2 — — his stand-in successor revolved ^ nDowo? —M acao-Chtne5g~bcRan~g~TMT - ™ ITT^ f ------—PL-US------heavjIy:^aiound=broadThint3=thfltHs=thflt lP,d=EarJn(imary^sM ^ PUc ^gou-womlectiorraocDowo? 7 ^ ‘itr a M opfiSssirtwlfr” " ■■■ = " 'ifssTssor «n;^oncy^hafigtjfs'and-baTiksi- b a n k s r - r r j------’------^ ------he intended lo run again forfor thethe tube tube and .valve from the skin of ilmea arTcmhrCounly ass"ess6r , Lance Cpl. Waiter Lopaia?aia to TheT operation was done In two ™ and was installed In «3fflce-Jan-crice -Jan - .*0 c o n v e rt th e ir locz^l c u rren c y presidency. • Lan' o-elecled If'to Hong Kong dollars. Tho X e r a Kurl u r i CorConditioner f Mrs. Wallace told the cheer- replireplace a shattered larynx'nx and step.<.sfej " F lrsr^an' opening was u a ry of 1933. H e w a s re-elected m to ns with- Hong Kong currency was ex- or gov- restore his voice. made at the top of the throat for 17 consecutive terms with- Hon] Ing throng that sho ran for gov- rcsli c h u n hausted in an hour and thet^he Ma- Contains Proteins atand' Vitamins _____ cmor to enable her husband>Md to __^ The second of two ‘operationstrnllons '™m the pe- p out serious opposition. . _ tIonl-8-nock tissue.- — Ji Hh-rFred gao-doIlar^FOpped-four-poinlS;—winlsr— • ^4s: -Meking-Hcofth; rights) to lhe final court of ap- paiapaia, 25. greeted reporterse k S Sat-m ^ second stage, a tube _ Randolph, S a^m on, willvill take EiEight persons were killedled aand n d ^ ^ , ’ was made of tissue to comicct np '^ T h peal — the people of the United urdaurday with "Hello, how are )t°- - _____o v e r_ a s n ew ly -e!ected _ assessoissessor. r. m on m ore-than_100_wounded-ln-the - -,p- p«“iM the-opening-at-the-sito-where “J r Salmon riots Dec.- 3-4. Communist jr.' ------S tate s;” ------’------: youiyou?'*'They were his first spo- 1 . Igou was bom in Salmon riots ^ the larynx was removed to the and his Chinese negotiators demanded {(^. ------ken words since he was M arch 31. 1899. and he and h is Chin top of the throat where the C l ail their lhat the - island's Portuguese p . pounded by Viet Cong shrapnel by her daughters, .l^cc,-5, left, and dan-wife, Loella. have lived ail their that =i|p4r.JuSiV'an'sXollegel .htapnel valves ,vcre boill. ■ 5J Ilreet. ' government brand . the _ riot. ' '.'r | » e O ct. 11. - % front of the-Alaham a^Sta^ .Capltol varlcmarried life on Front Street. ' gove -O r. Montgomery-said a criti- isn’t ahy deaths as "murders’’ and the ; 10.000 More The two-stage operation was ji| pass by. Mrsr-Wallacerrwas sworn In. , to A M t 67. Igou sa y s h e h a s n ’t a h y d e al tirement police and troop commanders developed by Dr. ■ William™ "w W. 5““I , '““f I" Wallace. "(AP wirephoto) n sKin nectl special plans for his retirement polic »i valves at the top of the throat, tost rk need- who quelled the riots'as "assas- ^ J Montgomery of .^the ^infirmary i.*!'exceptm a tt there's some work need- who s y irflirPair Design GIsWiUGo I Moi! He said it is essential thnt ihev Blai ------lEldflSi. ing4o4»-don©-*«)und-the-hou9e7 th e 1 itms: ciose-pertectlyr-otherwise-fluid ~It ^ ^ —Al'ihough— Mffcao— fluthariites •; ^ ^ ' said was the first such attempt ^ i l l - f i r s t ------. ' - 7 ------^Ali P and -f£od coulci run down into and ig writ* TOURISTS NOTED;d capitulatedcapii to most of the“ Com- ■ ’ff-M 577 Lynwoodvood 733-7777 .1 To Vietnam urisLi in munist demands, they balked : ■ i“ - Dr. Montgomery said eeneral general “■= ’ ten Dies A t 142parents — MADRID (AP) — i;ourisLs in mun .. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ten use of the proce'dure Is "still In ^ K n Y ■ BHOPAL, India (AP)-person- — Spain G o last year numberedred 17.2 MonMonday night at IncludingIg those ‘K^ t - - India, whereTIfe expectancy increase words in nn a|»logy for mmakmg a k n g ..... -M-M thousand more GIs will go [0 to the tj,e future.'^ ' I cooks, million, a 21. per cent Increase wore ~:T^South;^~-Vietnam— thl3=^inonlhr ^c=3"ati-art-«tlmaied=6KiOl}- -**1 . to^ay, • can(cancer. He said perhans»|'3 70 per Return From ..m h e te s t These officials predicted that cent of-these eventually might ri, :k up the .village in Madhya Pradesh sA by the end'of the year the Unit- , IV eivine Dal Bhllaln, a localn w ith b re a 10 Unit- candidates for the new sur- ^ th e ed States will’ be supportingrting a „cry. i' ™'"Si ^State Contest'ume and 'fi- chieftain, died In December at th • ~ ______f)QU dth-D e> ______fotce -of-475.000-In4hc S olutheast u th ea st -Trpatienr^viiironrrvotFc-TjiSx-»tFc“l>(5x' —j,• Members oT the ritualistic par 2 bo no A slan c o u n try . .OKP««« • mu< mu-st tr y lo le arn csrtphageaiiphageai toaiteam of the Twin' Falls Elks cha A t_ p rc se n t th e re a re 395,000c - .u speechjjpe'i in which air iss .swal*.swal- LocLodge TCturned to Twinme in Falls two ^ 142. . a n d ■ Amcrlcan servicemen in1 aoutnSouth lowed Jnto the stomachch .and and MondayMo from the state.El>^ : Tuber- . * 4* around 30,000 meii, mostly Air ,, Cheney headed a large Twin , ■ fe ?.o'-^r.'Tufcerculin----“Slaho.' ~*^r Force, based in neighboring;hborlng V Twin Falls delegation altending cd to the •: BtudenU Man ^ Thailand. ' ihe conventio'n in Nampa. The steadily expandingB’ tubuild- iiii- ' c a s t l e f o r d - ' worford hnslas.-' -First plnpe team honors .went Sldn Tests r,; tip was signaled - Mondayday by been bee received here of the 8C-ac- to the Lewiston lodge nnd third _ K ' ' ' Gen. 'Earle Gi'Wheeler,. chair- cldenlaldd, death of Willlnmm Icon-Uon- totj) Prestrm, In individuals Is",hehonors, I HAILEY. j - Tuberculin skin ^ " m an of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,- ard (Bill) Cooke. 38. sonn of Mr,Mr. WilllnmWi Vickers plncedle flrstthroat, for testing will be conducted1 in all gxce who told a Pentagon newsws con- andnnc! Mrs. Mcl Nihnrt, Castlefordastleford chaplains.chi Other membersthnt ofIhev ihc Blaine # ; County, schools Friday, tngj ference there has beenM n nna a andanc fo rm e r resid en t. »p"team included Mr. Cheney,vise-fluid Tom ~It-w ill-be-given-to-all-first ------change In President Johnson’sJhnson’s Hev lived in Coulton. Cnllf., Wilkens.Wl Roy Russell.iown Don into Me- and ^ eighth graders having1 .writ* 0 . ' policy stated In 19&S. . . ancand w as'em 'p lo y e d by thhe e Santa Klnster.Kjj Lloyd Reed and Grant ten B. consent from their nparents Clubi H M/ S r • % t rf J „ That policy, he snid. is thntIhtit Popo rallrond ns a swllchmanhman In Gillette. Gil — or alo guardian. All-school-per«3n-|Spaiilistened ^ •J Geji. William C. WcstmorclanU,orelanU, snn Bernnrdlno. Calif. IMr. Cheney nnd John Ixlncn nel. •? includlng^teachers,.icky-Lo* cooks, mini •* j commander of U.S. forccs in ^ d ness in ^ irccs in c o o k o w ns b o m Sepl, 5, rc{received appointive offices• ;• dur- , bns'drivftra^ custodians,.alsa gygr South Vietnam, wjll bc supplied 1028.joj; in T w in F a lls , nnd1 nltcnd- ingInf conventlmi ses.slons. Other 'y n 's h t ^ wiil have the test. has 5 1 the men nnd .maicrlnisinl3 hhe c cd C aR lloford schools nnd n d sorv*Kcrv- lodgeloc officers ntlending included • n w d s . ed several ycnrs in lhele Navy. DomerDn Dertsch nnd Weldon'nTYI Hns- Mrs, ' Everett Twombly,1 talk pub- m ___ |K |p . t 3 Published reports haveVJ said Houn married I.elha Humanimnn In kins,kir lie "C health nurse, said the test ■ ' that tho Joint Chiefs of Slaff ^ Pal], anrt they movedloved to lo . ------^ . is Do done in cooperation"W with heels H disagree with whnt wnsyns do-dc- coullon co, 14 yoars-ago. O l6 S i Qlolne County schools and the ■ (icrlbed as nn ndmlnislriitlon-sctnUon-sct •- jjqr jg survived by hiss widow 3 t> M inutemen n evening celling of 400,000 to 480,000DOO men m en and thrco children. Gregg, Kcr- ritualistic pariment and there willal bo ovalu- n o lH in VIelnom. ,irl , and Danny: his parenls. Mr. Vl ails Elks charge. m d Dor- 1 ^ Wheeler said Gen, Wcslmore- “ .M'r! Get Sentences ” istmore- Mrs, Mel Nlhnri: fourfo u r sis- jjc a NSAS CITY, Mo,™ (AP) ‘’■'1,'? - Anyone slibwinB a positiveim n rlar nt . H land docs nnt differ with Wash- h Wash- (p„, Mrs, Raymond RuflinR. Ruffing, ro Robert H. DePugh. lendery ^ ^of y the m io n ivHl be given a chest J W || Inglon offlclnlB over whnt force at forco Mr.v Ed Ruffing. Mrs.I. Ul.nrry rry rinllonnl Minutemen orgniiizn^ iV r ADS is needed In Soulh Vlelnnm, ti»: team tro. Io. by TD -«e,l-^rrM »“wk nnd Mrs. Pelo Al)l>ell, Ablwll, ,|n(Inn. n n d Iwo of his liculennnts 12' ESULTS Wheeler, a four-star RCneraK n^, .1 P ocoleH o: ih reo b ro lh c rs. Rol>- dndrew prison sentences todny for s e nald he would "slick his neck ‘ , I "Burl" Mr^ James Fenwick Is Blaine H rn « cft Cooke, Venice, Cnllf.;r.; Jnck- vltviolating lhe l-’clieral Fironrms mil” by saying flatly lhe Com- u . rPA Tiuin County chairman of the Tuber- .B | lo Coolte. Thailand, nnd: Jimmie AcAct. mimlsli hnvo lost nny chnnce Ij.. nHpnrtfnt. culosls Association of Idaho.ibers K Counsel for thn defense an- ,, they onco mny have hndId forOT n Nihnrt, < A high percentage of studenU B 1)0 held n o unced nn npptMil would he mlHlary viclory In .Southlh ViolViol- , Funeral' services will Iw held no ' ' . took the test last year. H 'nors .w ent B nn m . in Cullfornin. , mim nde. Does this mean the Unl(ct) _ 'llio , three defundnntsnnd third were ' , H rele iin e d on bonii.i of J.^000 Staten Is bound to win. Wheeler n wteier Jerom e B ridge e » ac h , = was nnkcd. *1 S'firTi"; Toastm asters ■ "I Ihlnk.sn." ho replied, de- 1> dining lo pick n data whona the Results ListedA ' Sy°Tom...... Club Has Meet B Don Me- Nineteen members of ihe.O. H moment of victory wilt como. JEROME — Tlie Jerome ------Dupllcnte Du Bridge Club met Snt- nnd Grant B. Perrine Toagtmnsteri Club; H along wllh three-p'lesls. listened H Lost anotlnnother ini|iort((lortant receipt uriliiy a t lh e ltll!<"' T om K elley nnd Der- H f p a id bills, izach costs o h s,** ' nta t I p.m . , (AP) — '^“'^'1 Barker was grammnrlan. H . just a, fowf cenls j:por check; ThrifUchocIriftichock is for folks w ho w Vi rito a lim ited “nrVnliiin! USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS | | iiculennnts FAST-SELLING RESULTS | I number ofF checks. R egular, for thoso w f ho w rite m oro.3. Use eitherol ono, and ^ THIS I WEEItodny for ' ~ ...... H A n ElENTION N I M e m b e rs ■ ■forgot lost roceipt.':.rocoipt.':, ^ m S 'l "l?e ' " ' “ ' " ' • ‘I I POTATOO GROWERS!Gl a n d L ■ mts were ProloclAd Molorltit" H /or)ou ill the liiiuk O Trmt; . r | i | B nf $.^000 414 Main No. 733-06:)A ■ ittrikti for ) 0U a t thi -'N ow ...booklng‘..frc>!?t.f.rp|?t frofroo cortlfiod R u-t ssot . I OP ■'^ 3 and NorgoldSeeded f56tot‘c fDototoba; ...... ^ • Chcclihta Accfliiiininili • Thriflkhech /iccomiliiiitj ^ " ...... SncKadorli>cKad o r In Buii< ...... Sitfh/’t./lteoiiiUf.^, .# . Vfiniijiiid Ii,inch Loansam Alao Frpat Frooo First yoory out. RalaodI on oh ' On Paneling now dosort land. Commcrclifl l.Oiiiit'hint' • iVrI'ersoii.il l.o.uit • A ulo Fixtures •JT Doors MISS OUR o n 7.04/1/ • ‘.c,il'JUt.ilo [.r>. {.r).iiir'-» - Person,ll m l f Cuttlng'on'dTroot:in'dTrootlrig'AvflliQbio • Entire Stocl< Corl'orah Tm trf t • ^ lUc,lU i-fO W r- • ■ -CQllfciiont -INVENTORY----- . Corrcjl'otiileiit Ihinl:!ii}{Iltiikhi}! •m Sillfi Dfifioill lioxet I S i f M M i l ' BOB WEAVERiVEIl PIPRODUCE C a “ ARANCE OF Drh’f‘ht JiiiiiUnp,{Inp, • '' S-1-IJni/r l)el>oiiiory,.o r y .. DECLO ...... 65<1-4031 DAYS BI-LO BUItDiN ’ Tr.if'cli'rt c k dt 'i r A /•«//•,'VuH'Stn'hf Httnk ...... H P BURLEV . ; ...... 678-9306 NIGHTS■ITS I 425 2nd AVE. SO., ., M.in OllitV ■ I ni1wtPit«ii'i«T—-|-iiw u k ...... ■ W tM O C R rtD CRAESAL L Di;i>OSIDEPOSIT INSURANCE CORI’.K r. mZl ■h*ilvii.ttt..4A,iU I |||||||. , , ing Supplies • I lllllll.iA.tl

1 5 0 % neling • l.igiitlng ~ ii Doors ai ~lnsiilati6n re Stock R educedI BUItDlKG CENTER AVE, SO., TWIN FALLS t

" 7 r v ^ ' ■ '

Tuesdoy. Jan. 17. 1967 Twin F-heavy-irad..------— ^------n e w ------4 i »-P.M.-SUMMAR¥— NEW. YORK (AP) - A huge CHICAGO (AP) - Grain,n.fu- fu­ OGDEN but vc very gradual expansionS of' “"InT estoi^ NEW YORK. (AP)-The slock il]|^ton-Q ulct. m a rk e t w idened . Ils g a inIS s in ouiitouktrw in 1.30 I 4iu <|L 41^ + c h i c tures prices were mixed lu rath-ralh- OGDENOGDI (AP) (USDA) --Cul-j1rade Cut- Irnde between the East Eurp-iuro- or slow dealing on the Chicago tie and heavy trading late this' aflc^ Dl,a“"Li icago tie and calvcs 1,400; slaughterighier pean and Amcricnn nationstions ]By WILLIAM A. DOYLE «l'cr-K"i,‘,S ii'iil’i i\ i Wheat—Higher;Wh, good demand.emand. BoardBMrt of TraQe today. steers part load mostly upperu p per seseems em s to b e in Ihe iiiiikinR, bnr^b a r ' noon. DynamCDynamCp .40 91 13 1 u ij Uii + t ■ Cor ii 4 ^ Corn-^FIrm; fair support.>rl. SSovl oybeans show ed stre n g th In h a lf chc o ice 1242 lbs 25,50: rin.'’rlnr, uiic.xocclcd1 chiinKC-': in Volutfle for the day was esti- ,, ! Oats—Mixed; light trade. some m a te d a t 11.4 m illion .iharcs E.ionvi jc . some ' deferred delivertes, buibul slaughterslaught helferd part loadd aand n d wworld orld poliUc.s, Q-Q. BaBanks are promoting loanslansi.should 1.should . remember th at many ' • h S H ' i i! 4- 1 _.Soybcani.=^ixcd:_som- ! i “ meJIq- eJIq- tho-noarby~Janilary-was-lowerrtho-m lot-cho c o m p ared w ith ' 10,29 ” m illion ccsg ower- lot-choice-890.925 lbs-24.20-24;40r ~—if ir pTSscntp] -leliclchclcs towardrvard “"T,*'*'0"-*^*'*ch a depositor.can pul people 1endup belter off In tho Trading in thc January contracr slauahl ------'""™ iKd.;”,:n ’! ii! iiili Nw"ti ^racr slaughter _,co.ws._mu3t__iililiiy..ullllly. Iiciscni; c is c n in g - o f —b a r r ie r s - beiwivcon con ^P-,yP- *?*’’- s^y.'ngs.-nrcounl-na-sc-_sc- lolong.^ui n g .x u n -b y -,u sin g -th e-p assb o olc.~ ■ — |4|^SSr.h.g,^s..ay,o«5;il1rto !5 wm bo W rnIfiareTT^ia5)r»Sl' a n d H 14.5Q-I6.50; .stie sla u g h te r b u lls indl- Com m i curity and thCn pay interest on loan m(mcthodrTHcy pny-Off their G ains ra n to 3 o r m o r e polnK Xmcr i: ; 4 t; cents lower; top J21.00. tradei > hidi- Communist and capitalist nn- ® among Ihc highcr-prlccd or traders are liquidating- these viduolvidual utilily and commercialicrcial tions continue1 it would niennnenn he ioar percent nr morC.ore. loans, loans. But, if they took tho Slaughter steers—Steady:ly; top hholdlr o ld in g s r a th e r lhan c over. 20,25-22 m o re v o la tile Issues. B lue chips n'lhyit^ ‘r. 20,25-22.50; feetier ste e rs choicc some cnmo succes,^ for Presidentijgnt Isn’t ‘ "■ it silly 10 pay that muchlUch mmoney oney o u l of th e ir account*, m o Q .:______^______:— _ w h ( — g a l n e d 'f r o i n - t r a c t l o n n o T 'o n 7 »«n'r( ------—W heat— w a s — lightly ..traa d ec d . 300*525300-525— lb - c a l v « s — 30,0 0 ^ .5 0 f -.lohnson's—:,ohn';n desire— tn— trattn hiiorost iilor the}—mighr-ncvci—rcplncQ-lt. — pnlnls-gcttemlly,------___ ^___Cora advanced a lillle. QalsJia ls leeder feeder heifers choice 300-.VIO Ih 4>rkl64,rWer e .n of ■com m ciirc to - h i ^ r c '*''" ’^ F u rth e r evidence of e:asler a sie r KHriiiiiiili'ifm ioJ. ilhl2 Holiri 'ii| Cp .19 H :< JiW I6U«i' 4 u 4 were largely mixed, bul • rye calvcs 23.00-25.00; other classesilasses peace, Macc his sa\ savings account and lose I }) 1 jt RoyCCola .71 I 24 I3P JlUjiU - -iyw U WBS as firm. 'Doth were lightlyightly small'lsmall lot good thin-fleshed stock , money accompanied the mar- * ,• RoyDul I.7»« lit 31 34 . 1 4 « - t trad ci iT to percent interest? A]so.k|so, Q, In D ecem ber w e com pleted ■ "iw- EsK i; i t* ii? ?«« 7 U tra d e d . cow s, / c a lv e s by side 170.00M^Mr p e r . Ideological barriers appear to k e i’s renew ed ra lly a fle r ll peiiDstr be dropping, hntiercd hy poiiti-loliti- 'vnuidn’t hnvc to worry ahnuthnut mir pa’payments of JIOO a month stalled Monday. ' S T '” 16^ . . . . “ EstimateU »> carlot receipts^ e lp ts ppair. a lr . ^ .. J ' 1™ ; paying off thc loan und wlicn.’licn for. 10 vcnrs\ inlo a mutual fund.- JJ„ tf t were w hkt ,7,.-corn 56. oatsIts 7. SheeiSheep 300; slaughter lambs iambs oconomic conditions. Pjy‘"R IBM reco u p ed 5 poInU of Fir/iin* ■ he gets some cxiru cash he Tiuu T h at wwi ns a totnl of $12,000, plus 358- li fye none, barl6y 10 and soy- small lots1 choice few primeTie 90- .'Tnc f'’'‘-‘t th a t two nam es long ^ . .MonWay's 12-poInt drop. -Itek, Fimchi I, X il SlReiP.1.40b 139 31 n({ 31 - U ,‘J® ” ‘"' p;could put il in.thc account and thc divdividends nnd capital gains u 49 J b e a n s 3.. 128 1lb s m ostly 21.50-22.00:SloO: Identified dentifi with capitalist ' Telcdyne. - Fairchild- 'Camera ! ! S ! X i V ' . ; i ! - ! i '>5?'-’ ,1 '|sian earning five pcrco'nt im- which 'we left with the fund lo ^ slaughter ewes ful cull andid util- Hons. 'on-'*. Eatnn and Rockcfdier, “ i:.,,. and Ling-Temco-Vought. rose hi Hla* pli PLt t.64 13 jew 7SH 7* * SJf/i" s! t y ' ■ „ slaughi in t-1 nicdiaiely. be reir 7 -^KANSAS CITY Itv 3 0( small have been united in a nlan t.'> ____be reinvested in more shares. ___ aboiir 4 .rnrh. r omrng-glass ___ Uy 3.Q0-3.75. fgcd e r lam b s sm a li ■ g f t KANSAS-CITV. (AP) WSTieat hlit lots-choice-77^8-lbs ^oiso-yi.so;*promoW1.50 'promote,tr.i(le"wiih the.'.Comliili.ninii; . ''r A. WhetherV Ifs silly or n nol o ' As of0 Ja n . 3. w e w ere in - g a in ed 7.-...... ForrtMoi 9,40 JH ,4«>l-4l!l..43!i -fl <,,h / 44 I S 68 cars; down-1 to up->^.-No-2-N o-2 ------nist mnations symbolizes this, depend:depends, mostly, on thc typee of formed .by the fund that our • Ampex. up about 2. looked Seib AL MO -il 44« 43« 44 _ U 68 Ca {• t ‘;< seariGD f.3o ’91 4i< 40 40H - -fi H hhard a rd and dark hard-1.76-^.78'4.1.78'4, PO R TLA N D TTrade rad between thc Easi Euro- savings accourit he has and Ihc investmentinvestit ’was worth J15.546.- llk« th e v olum e le ad e r. M cDon- pJJ'flcc iiii iiiii:'iii fll; t a No 3 1.75, No 2 red w heat; 1.71- PORPO R TLA N D (A P ) (USDA))A) — pean Communist nations "and and '"Cihod through which interesi!rcsi as.gg. Doesn’tDn that seem rather ncll Co., up about 2, and Doug-Doug- ctmsiucam Sko 1.30 11 141J ll«i• J4 - l i ’ii tiS jiSi iii: s no™ , -li Sm," ii '!! '!8 '5!i:aW. 4 « 1.76^N, No 3 1.69-1.75'^N. Catlle ivciy P^'d on thc account. smnl las Aircraft, up about also Catlle and calves 450; slaughlcrughter the UnitedU; States is, rclaiiveiy P“'d sm nll and n comparatively Ml/ i'li Corn 67 cars, unch. to down steers, w ere heavll>' traded..,R . R . Don- *'n ct* s^; i “;ro,fV. ii m - 4 ii« down steers, b a re ly steady; not small now. In 19C6. thc Unitednited Some bnnks pay interest; on small profit? Would you siig- ■ £ iri» :^ -'“ ii ill! iill d i l l loM 4 if 2!4V No 3 w h ite 1.49-1.55N, N o 3 enough nelly Was unchanged but high No 3 enough heifers for trade! test; Sales probably exported loss .savings accounis from the dny gest 't that wc redeem our 87 4 ;tl 1.-39-1.54N, N o 2 yellow & mmixed ixed cowcows s 1weak to 50 lower; feeder than SIOS million of goods to0 the you (leposit(lc the money rightrlghl shares'shares? What would the cost among the volume leaders be- o " f j 1 .4 ^; s; \\r> li., iiiUilj 137.11.37-l.3S'^, N, 3 i i ___ steers smiTL. steady; other clns.sesiCs_iiQt not SovicL 5 a vie t-U iila n- a nd -lm por tc d-o» ly- u p -4 o -t — cam e of a Btngle-bloek-of-424r.T E <3n « w h ile 77'/«-82S/*N. No 3 76'/*3'4 to high goodC' to m o stly choice 1.135 q u , Aerospace shares werecpubsv.e r e cpubsvc .isi ei jj4 i«J s% + li e 1.135 B m po te n tia l for Im prove-rove- rcct.rcc t. YouY would pay more mon-non- bulbut tolo take all our dividends in to 1,315 lb 25.00-25,90; sla u g h te r n ic n t i strong. Boeing rpse-a and Unll- j!_V‘’r^ 3 3 « - P , 81N?4. to 1.31 ughter nient of this trade is enormous,nous, cy in tlic hifiher interest ratern le cashcash? ? O-Td m'lVl’ l” io? i '3 * Li M ilo m aize 2.09-2.12 heifers good to mostly choice, and se ^d Aircraft more than 2. mn tii choice, and seems increasingly to inler- on youryoui passbook loan Utan you A,a , YYes. it's a mighty small 0 «n Tire .10 14 JlU « 3»i + ’ j ii.;i*! iiiiih7 l i 4 H t .^1 R ye 1.10-1.12WN 850-911 lb 23.30-23.60; sla u g h te r c s l bO' ' Airlines also showed strong o« p*cIi ft ossa's J est both East and West. receivercceive in interest on your'ac- gain - io3 4 a Barley 1,21-1.25N ■ cows . ac- gain — if any at all. Counting , g ro u p a ctio n . E a s te r n rose cJ[,y □, iSSilii S U i S cows commerelal and standard r\.„i Com- count. the rc ft - M S oy b e a n s 2.76y«-2.84N hhig ig h y yield in g 18,50-19.50; *feedor feeder P“*‘ Com- count. the reinvested dividends and a b o u t 3. U nited 2 a n d A m e ric an niii(u« -.i.iil!ii“ !ii^\ i - 7 4 iiri ^dB«?d •!!« 19 i l i ll ^ 34 -M fO> J tft munist nations have demonstra- Bul . r S K ' V i V ,» * ^ Sid Kolli .SO 207 13 23U 31W31W4.U 4. >4 SaCSacked b ra n 58.50-59.25 s ste ie e rs choice 75M 70 lb 24,50 to ^ 4 " ', istra- Bul all banks and other’ In- caoitnl gains you could have a b o u t • . . . J!!",;!',!Cltn-Ald .70 3 18U 10»' 10'{ ... . 2 1,J^ slu “ I- Sacked s h o rts 58.50-59.25 25.20. - ' - ted a growing mterest in1 theIhe stitutlonsslitutioi don't pay interesi that taken in cash but, Instead, rc> Du Pont advanced about 2^. (r'SSiyr ijV iSSiS" iifl’ iis s iir s«‘ p rac tlc alifiM of trad e a n d a le.s- w ay. P ■f i sioiiNj 1.10ft J » 85H 8iU es2....!!es2.“ !! WhWheat.futures closed from Nol !i Je.s- way. People .do keep-confu-singising Inve.slcInve.slcd In more shares, you Ahead a polnt-or better were 3m % No hogs or sheep. sening S 'ssar.! ■! ^ffi «r-ii'i SldOIIOh 9.40 U 8314 84W 84fi84H 4IH 4IW lowerlow ei to up % of a'cerit. sening of rigid, anli-West moodsloods banks with savings nnd loan may aaclunlly now have a loss . For«, Phelps Dodge, .Union Car- ,)•••;; St paekaiint 21 loft lOW lOK ... based in Communist ideology, associa ------D E N V E R f e * * 'l°Ky. associations and such, on yoiyour total investment. On bide, Texaco and New YorkYo”k oiaaps ; s r , , i i iii- iitj iis .t.” ;® ,_rni They want Western technology gome «!?- CASH GRAIN ' d EN Some poy interest-from-lhe-Ihe the recrecord, to dale, that'mutual Central. No; DEriVER.(AP) (USDA)-Cal- , S! E'.,"#™ m iiS il ii.': 1'^ ™ 'S loS l' I CHICAGO (AP) - Wheatat No tie 1,!1,500; ^talves 3,000; ' largela rg e Siis* “science. ~ - - dday a y of deposit up the end of a fund hhas a miserable perform- P ric e s ro se In h e av y trad in g oiwsu* ‘s .a d iiS i' , c h : adlns o!wS S; “ <;!!’• *t ’-ili StudebakS S ,1J» 1119 47^ 4SM 48«48i| 43 43 2 2 h h a ai rd 1.6a%-69?^n; N o 22 redre d share sh a re of receipts compriseds(.ii of . PfO'ii o litic a l c onsiderations nre n re certain c ertain period — every three,iree, ance. on the American Stock Ex- .. r w i h S d ' i f l is ij. i? i*?i,, +'» SunS'? OlMh 4 SIU 8I« IlH 4 4 1 fi82l{ /ellow feeders for special sale mlerer ihijthis inlwmintermingled, Thc Soviet Union,Inion, six or 12 monlhs. Others -pay —Agali ch an g e. - f * ,i -Sunray 1.40* 301 jsii 98W 28HjiC 4 t i\ t l-68%-C9JSn. ,n7> Corn No 2 yellow feeden •pay —Again, based on the record, rrumAIre Ih 470 61W 91 80lJ 41^ lUghler JTilghr. be: In-tnieresl In- Interest only on money left on yoii w CutlMO ' ) 1 ‘J; .swiii/co 1 . II IH 47i} 47847(4 ;.. /.. 1.30'/^0%n. 1.30V1 Oats No 2 heavy week; hardly-enough slaughter •< t on yoil would probably do much . ., £ QuK K on ,-s fl!Si“ ii|(S'*-:ffa>-t I Tajnnii El ,« M r low loMOM -- white w hite 79'An. Soybeans No 1\ yel- classesclasse: offered for a test. Slaugh-ilaunh- yuencfluenced by trouble on its bor- deposit for the full period. better by redeeming your, shares , - nuitsiai 1,050- der with Red China. And it - nuitsiaui .10 lU.iT 96^ ^ - v >r»iiriS ‘!i' ia jij'ijl'!JH 4 « 1™, 2.91/gn. te r sK s ie e rs , choice sie e rs, 1,050- d e r v J_for If you're not geitlng interesteresl and pupulling your mon'ey'to work •- i j w i ------At-lhe-elose-wheat-was-^M■ ^ o o t;220-lh220-lb-24:6m257-cholcc-hcifre~heif- mightmight—want—mer«—«ullet.‘t—for rrom ^ day of deposit to day7 ^ of somewsomewhere else —"almost'ahv-~ 7 J TexETrn*'l*OJ '?l~^9 L i'l l IU slauRh- some of-the.discontinued-trade ~^)ow^jT)tresrlTm; .Tei.Q-Su!=;40;^4M-UftKJieH.l sUr+lK — ligner, ors-around-975-lb 24.S0;-BlauRh- _ . .wllhdrMvflL.ahd.ybu_takc-mon--mon-; .whMiL.w h M tJ ls c ,______:______"utinly with'Chlnn: ^ , 30 In d a strla ls J4 1 .5 9 u p 8.35-5.35- HcriinVHcrilnc I'.’o'e iS J S w .J ’w J s 2 4 (,ii Tfiailnir-.«0?5“p'l 367 1 7 114 118H 41 M&TC ras”% ier cows, mgh culter and utinly w ith't ey oul of thc account beforeefore TherThero should be no cost to 20 R aU roada 223.03 u p 2,21J2l l«l* 1-50 M 4IVi 4lii <11/4-1 -rirJ; H i t’i « higher,''Milreh'si.39«jiT 15.75-17.60; 'sjM c u tte r 14.50- TTho ho United Stales. In turn. the.L interest payment date, you you, if you redeem your .shares, ,,Q lewPnck 8T JGH 9SW 5CW 411 15 U lllllics 138.71 u p 0.29 {^tM^ i7« 7!. Oiits were unchanged to i low- HogsHogi 500; at auction —- Bar- would ralher dqal with a peace-“ “i** get no Interest for that period,iriod. becausebecaus — with mutual funds— iiJ‘ 1,H S=isTdewat Oil .ii 6 18 718 7lfl71M 4 w eer, r, MarchP 74% cents; ryee was rows anU1 gilts steady to up 25; ful thlhan a wnriike Eastern Eu- f, yJ;" 65 Stocks 301.65 up 2.63 ‘'.rtV : If you do this late in the‘interestcrest you aiare required to pay com- 5 g g ♦» T‘|, TmBD 1.80a 157 IM 7(4 18W 4 l(i JM / lower !«. to i c^'.it higher,-MarchMaxdi jio-sovii!t-otfen!d;-1.2-barrow£-&jio-SOi xop»_ TrmuWAIr-l-----l3#-«l}-81------ff -ir payment period, you mayp B be e -nnssm T7Ti!^iimr*Dniy-wireir7i5irT5iiy ------^------3jj| 4 »! *1.22 and-soybeans were 4: ccents en ts ggilts ilts 190-2401 lb 20.70-21.00: mmixed ixed tratrade d e could neut'ralire some po- _____ lofleynl-I^lfl___SS.-71%_7ol.36%.—.i; Iljill!! ki(iking-away_morc-moncy-thnaJhna gharcs-‘Shares. No commission when ______look Ch 1.40 6« ISH 31', lOH 4 »i T |"^ 'IJlf lower to~rcchl"hlgheY,“Januai7i i w i-3i:3”19l 'i9 o -2 4 rib ~ 2 o ;25:2o:7o: 1 ------— lin^r-airferent-fe— and -kcep . \3 .p .in ._ Q U 0 W T I 0 N ------^ y o u -w o u ld -h o v e -to -p a y -lnn-ln- -in ' you r4 ------one clclass offered to test prices; In pursuing closer commer- 1 !! i!, !58 i!j;}• J'il + Un Carbide , 2 209 5 4f| ?«|1 4 lf| stick with a fund which has Exchanf* itJectcd Itlx.prlCMi lIunlFd* lIunlFdi ,JOb 7 H i J4« 14^ 4 >,i m„ /!I I ’• 1'!; GRAIN FUTURES slauglslaughter lambs, mostly choice cial ties wfth these- nations,Itions, VP security for a loan. stick S*I«t NU Ncl llupp ))ups Cp C -17f 78 4» 4!i 4!'.(? ...... + Un I-lec I.IO 37 7 - ' CH 37 * {{ mula performed so poorly and start (bell.) IllEh Low UKIt Chl.Cb|. IdahoPw IdihoPv 1.40 4 34> 34 14U ...... • j k 4 ii CHICAGO (A P )— • 97-114 lb 21.00; sla u g h te r: ewewes. es, PPresident re sli Johnson last Ocloberctober I can’tca: give you. any tormula P®.’’.^®*' Abbolt Ub I « VV, '4 + I fi 4 Ideal IrttM Cem C I 91 17? 111'. I7a: 4 >i “ i'y ■*• JJ Prey, cull andai ulllity 5.70; feeder!r lamb lowerlowered export restrictionsns on on thisthit — because Interest rates '“‘'■"8 the dividends In cash Is AUC Con .10 IS?'. 10^ + (! niCtnln. ; ? - y UnllAlrLIn 1 419- n 7014 ' 67W t i SD»iMS i i~3>‘ .f3> i H ig h Low Clo-ie close choice 79-93 lb fleshy 21.00-22.65;0-22.65; 400 pproducts. Previously these and methodsn of payment varyvarv yo^*' choice. You don’t mention Abcx Cp 1.60 II 3IM 30H 11 i - ii Imp Cp e-lnp tho fund. Nor ^o you tell the- ACF Ind 3.3» O .IIH ! i .1-H f S In.erRa , k U " l 'i ! !.‘.' i”a* iii Jilt -i !"[^0^ [ (he ment aiirts — which should be ' Admiral .SO K 4» }K 30'* .31^ +1 * lnur°ks! m y Ul^l h69<2 i !7 0 ^ 1.61.6954 9 ^ ------' spspecial ecit permits. ' down wilh a loan officer al the * 7 ^ ^ 43 Inlerlksi 'J.is 91 3lP ■tfi! 31 * 31 S • ....I a jljia jp tll . Air Reduc-3 ' 3) gU'CSH » • - !• IntHusM n i ’ us Borax It 94 271} 3114 27 +1H 'Ju X l------1:67%-I:83y~l:66^1:65y-l:65‘4 ------OMAHA------ry------T “ T h hc-’n c d m ln is tra tio n -a ls oi-per- -p e r- instiliiiinstilulion-where-you-have-the AleanAlum I ' 141 Ifi 31 3IH H Int llin ' (ell with your Investment, ' Allet Cp .»« }| t «{ ...... ! IniI." " Nlcl ‘5 S:'.! i i i.™ U?i S’* ’- 71: i USGypim s f s la BI 61U 60^ 82H t4314 i n SScp ep 1.69% 1.68 1.69 1.68 OM/OMAHA (AP) (USDA)-Hogs—Hogs milledmittee the Export-Import Bank accouraccount. Hft’^, be able to tell 3 AlItgLud l-JO 3$ S351 9 55 i-.41-.+ l4 4 Inll Inll Packers fa 16 Oli S »' + ’.IU u l Lln«"3l.n! '11 lll>' \\V, 1 + I; J; D D ec ec 1.74% l .ll Y i 1.7414 1 .7 3 ^ 11,000; b a rro w s a n d g ills 190-230 to g iu a ra n te e c re d lt^ Io a n19—b s —b y you — ln .e x ac t dollars a n d c enents ts , DoyiiDoyla wilt ■'naw«i «nlr Allej Pw 1.30 ' 32 36U 6 38 - — 1fi Ini Ini Pap Pap 1,33 137 38 J7W 5S lb25-50 higher; heavier weightsfveights prlvatprivate American companies to — whi Allied C 1 JOb US U’i 6V| IS 4 + «< InlInt T6TTfil I.SO «5 m i 79!ji •; 7C-14 u 4 fp li iS d i!i ii-ii.i «ii :St it Ccoi o rn Ib25-5C Ies to — w h e th e r iVs td y o u r a dvan-Ivan* «»« i*i■•Han ot ftniral Iniarnl ta hii AllicdSIr 1.3} 31 3I>: <>! 34>i lov^aPS^ t > U.^ Rub 1.30 43 4t«;- 411? 4n; 4i>i 4 iJ« M a r 1.40W 1.3834 1.39'^ l-39'4 1-391/* steady,ste ad y some 25 higher:: sows Poland.Polan Hungary, Bulgariai and tage tto get the loan or-make^ “ k e . AIIK Chil 1 » ; :/5 1.381-38 lb 19.50-20.2519.5 ; 330-650 lb sows;ows aat t aniiouannounced in October, hicluding^ding terest co st consideration, we ■ ■ I w ll'ij D ec 1 .3 2 ^ 1.3114 1.32 1.31141.31'4 15.25- a llbeliberalization of travel rulesr u l e s ------— ^------’■------r ^ AmDdcil 1.60 6] til tt +1 Joy' Mfi liliiii-'S?> Vanad p I.46a In J!? 35 1 W - U DeC Am O n J.:0 » a ity «H « «•i +4 IJli KoHerKalier ,Al i 80 4Si; 44' . 44«— j vlilfn” 3i« 4 « Oats. ■ CattC a ttle 9,500; calve.<; 25; siesteers e rs fofor r AiAmeri(:ans going to Commu- ^ AmCrySu* I ;■ < 16 15J1 liV, - ^ KiyjerB l i ~ i v;ndo’’co^“ sO 0®* i !r JJuTlvrEi^,il T if VaEIPw 1,31 98 47 4«;» Mar M a r .751/4 .74« ;74%- .74^.74% steady;steady heifers steady to 25 nist anations. Now ll aopearsa So- ijyeiLtiie I IV ( Counter _ |^-p-r» WiniPlr-:3Pa ■ . bt iP i 'i?*—IB— MaV" M"t75w ay------iiighcW glw r rcows^ieffdjriinsiowirtTlow tT vlcrfilrlliwvicra rsooirw linravet-ta ^ 7 , ---- S j p ^■4^ KemCUKcmCI.d 1.60 IJ 81 S3i? ^ «lJi'4 WarflUmb H 1 81 4d/, 391 <0 - « i„ i Qoautloaa frcm KASD at approxl- AEska UOa. 103 33 iS 1 +1S Kerr M -73^4• *74 .74^ .7 4 ^ highh ig h choicec and prime i;i2?;i2? lb New 'York and American linliners e rs iq , ah bida a n murdealu . AtDFiy.;l'.Ift i; 19 IK ... . KImbCIi WaihWaj ■!.«• 23 94W. 21M 1354 - W i “ ‘ i *1^ !clmWlatk*'V 47 51 • bII S) 4 ‘« SjSl?'Weiln AlrL 1 84 47’{ 47 47«. in'Inltrdtalir Quoiatloni do not Ib- i7 7 + WnUnTM i ^ 1.40 95 4JW w ^S £ “ h 1 ^r '’ \M li 2“^ 55!) j ?5s j « “ - ili* i w®*"M a r 1.22U I .2IV4 1,22 ' 1.21 25.00; 1.025-1.0B5 ib ' 24.75-24.85:1-24.65; be en .i e n tire ly positive, b u t ^ th e e r re e AAlberU lbertson’s . 10:50 10.87'4 FURNITURE? May—-hMi^ chacr-^iH chSw ffteff-S jtiHtr n iml h ta r-b AmNCai l « . - U ■ 3 «• <6'^ + ti Lehmo"n 5 ??: E5tniy-Dir ------m t y ' ie.faii • — : .'AOplIt lJ3 h ;,.JB :sy J i i ' « tilS •— H LOFfili iJ i; iiiii ii' ii^j t I :a E ~ 3 s!h i1 l1Boa ttt i ' l l JSr JO l 1.28»4 1,28 1.28»4 1.27(41.2 7 ^ ccom o m m m i e rc ia l cow s 15.25-16,50.;,50. tions to- Johnson’s proposals lu ^ e 1^5^ •fOR THE VERY FINEST 1> + 3 WInnDiic 1.44 11 1MJ..341 H M - t i <^n F irs t Sec. Corp. 29,75 30.50 YOU CAN BUY i - rt Woohrorlh 1 ,105 31U JH » n il a 7 4 i H J S S e l - p ; 1.31 1.3 0 ^ 1.30« 1.31 SheepShoe 2,000; slaughter lambs might be lowering. ^ pir«tF irs t < Sec. in v . - 4 ,0 0 -- 4,37W S m eirn •* n +1- i UM*t?4 l i i i ; i m b i S S Am. Sid I . 9 10 I»({ - LUlonln > - ||> Wonhlnj .1,30 45 37lt 17 ,,B 17« +4l3 ,3 DDeO ee ' 1 .3 5 ^ 1.35^4 1.35^5 I.35'4 1.35'4 mostlym ostly steady; some-weaknessakness Tho President, now hopesm l to i G a rre tt's 21.25 ' 22,00 on wooied lambs; ewes steady;Heady; lower tariffs on East-West Am T4T :.3» 43 J5K ‘ 5S«S + .iTlnRit. 'iSSi-iiS|.-il|:-!^■jjh * ’J; „ — " ' ' on wo ■'irf,! Id a P o w 4% Pfd- 70,00 74.00 j.4 .oekhdA-3.10- -7« 81? lljl 8 4 .8 y X t ; some trade, but-this -could run into-r-,- — i t i a choice wooled-lambs 22,50; some trade, Lr«.» TnfeTmln Gas ..... - 11.87I4 I2.25 ^ ;r.r ; « S!S!!l'.-'^74r A ^ S liii P 0 J ll3 S choicc ' e with enti -prime shornlorn at politic political opposition In Congress. lii . AMP Inc .60 M eiK I » T Lone.^CiLr.^?2l'V 7r?;!^i| aiiii Potatoes, Onions .M p ri M orrlson-K nudsn 20.12*^ 26.62‘4 ^ AmpeS-Cor[W JBIO » I 17Si 4-4-> l LoncsnaLoncSCte I.II 89 10^ 90U IOV, - li IDAHO FALLS (AP) - Sales 23,00; cull utility nnd goodI shorn Many Americans still object ' • - l i AMEBJCAN STOCK EXCIIANQP. , •M rn R o g e rs Co. 17.75 18,75 ^ Amphenel-rn' 10> » lU i Lonalil. \ NEW YORK (AP) — Americanran Sioeks'lock f.O.b.f.o ,b . sh ip p in g point a n d deliv*deliv-ewes ew es 5.00-6.50.I •; ■ - strongstrongly to American corpora- . Anaconda It 104 10^ UU 89 iU4- t Urlllarcu?iliard 15# M i m « a 25 i *•»: S s S ilver S ta r Q ueen .13 if" .16 M J Anken^Chem 91 U >}{ UK + Lucky Sl I + 9 Exch^n,. p r lc : eered re d sales f.o,b. shipping point —— . tions aiding Communist nations | y " S u re ty Llfe^ 4,87>4 5,25 ^ I U ktni Sll I 88 33/ 34U 31 4 u I Chl. b a sis: CHICAGO or eaiearning money through trad- I'?5|, Fornllur# Compony Armour' 1,40 II 33 SU 33H{ 7 4 MacVTr MackTr l.9n 231 39 3SK 3S< 4 x ,„ ,„ W est C o a st A lrl 14.50 14,87'4 ArmiCk I.lOl 94 jU '94 ... MicyRtl MacyRH ',.60 18 41 41 { 411/ - 2f™l5 « +i!4 Potnlnes In Upper Vnlley,'alley, CHUCHICAGO (AP) - (USDA)DA) - — Ing wlwith them. '■ >.S7'4 [IKI BUIIDINO AthlandOII I lie 31 K 3>/, - MadMadFd Fd l.tli 16 34 Jl<[ 91f ■ 4 g J «^ p., :l!; -J -ii'-i Jl -i^'irw 4 » ™ Palls and Burley dlslrictstiric ts t HopsH ogs 5,500; butchers steadyndy to Thc Eaton-Rockefeler plan _ TWIN FAttl And DO 1.40 9) 11 91 - MagmaC MagmaC 3.c5 II 80 OSK 98 - o?t“tS USE Tlf^ES-NEWS WANT ADS ______Alchlion l.tt II] IOV \i 3H4 4-4 Mainatn M ainam .» I ll '40U » 40U 49AtkLOai-l,J» ? » 4oK 3li 40 I!.!; offeringsoffcrl raodcrnle, demandid fair fa ir 25 lolow w e r; m ost 1-2 200-220 Iblb 21.- wwould ould bo a cooperative effort to * 7 Aumara 011 1IJ9-il3).t 1 „nrl iween FOR FAST-SELLING RESULTSJLTS iI B — I — — — AllCLlna Ja IJ T4 U 73H-i-I Mirilhn J + AHdOII A n 41 JH JK J / . •••■; . fin d m a rk e t 10 b a led , U.S.J.S. 2 00-21.50;00-21.5 m ixed 1-3 190-230J30 lbs deveicdevelop more trade between FOR T All Rich 2.IA m OM K U - I Mar MarVtld Mid foo 33 31 J l|| " I i*!. a tions j - ; ' . ' Ji ... Miiquar .»« 13 14 hIJ u \ ...... i...: AllLCorp Sl'Vf.' wt 10 l( T |iii ...... firm firm , , o th e rs obout stenU y;.;. ru sr 20,25-21.00;20,25-2 2-3 240-250 Ihs1 19.25- E uropu ro p ea n O im m u n ist natio n s j — 7 +1) se ts w a sh e d 2 ,In. o r 4 oz. m ini- 19.75;19-75; m ix e d 1^3 350-400 lbb sowsows s aand n d Itho United States,' I-JiliniJ ilin # f S \ s:.w , .!!!«■! i!«;'l - I '■f tiir,..E 'ii-i il in’:! s; 'J * I m um 100 II). sa ck s TA '(,'50-4,75:'0-4,75;' 10.2500.75.10.250 . AAmcricn m eri and Canada, Avon Pd 1.30 i>3 IIH 7IU - Mayiii t J DflU Pol .9Sa 10 9 9 I + DabcokW 1.11 }8^i }on McnonCo ( .40 1659 35t 31^ IS 4 1 / V 7i h l : u S.W>-5.25: 2 2.25-2.50, few h ic h e r: slaugli — fl«elmnn-.30- -M -H Ii II »lK MtKauMtKau 1.10 11 «ft -41 -90 4l rr#.l. Is— nfechAr .lOh xM 33; 30 13 -fl MfadCn 34 4 i; lOlirnvoMrsKks'bal^'pnr ^l, ch^ce -—Mutual ] y Funds- - AnEMIE M I I O N L ^ - R"« «f7-o A 4,85-5.05. • • -••—• - choicecholcr-24,50-25,2.S;-high choice AffiliaAffiliated Fund 8.34 0.02 -K IV '" ir! ■ ■! 1 Mm y :'!.-’!!!! !! ii i'i f £ »4 « Ilycon “i' M(i It IIU 14)i 11 * U |nrDC nrumwlck «3 I l ( iji.-f I (4 I « Mohatcc MDhaico I 40 17 17^ 17 4 ({ i;j + }) Inr«cr 4.00; occnslnniil hifihnr:ifihnr: ly wooiedwo slniiRhler Inmbsf’s n.f'l nnd Keystonek p v s Ii K-l " 0.00 0,82 . • ; n Moni.n l.lOh ao< 44 4IH 44 4 l 1 nucvEr l.«a 103 J7 36 I 17« 4 S ^11 E li'S '’■ i'ii *•’{> “ 2-3 In. 3.00-3,25, mostly 3,10-3,25;0-3,25; woolnw m ilpd sla iiijh te r ew es; wooied K eyslono S-2 fi-20 J 0,82 i CERTIFIEDD RUSSETr u s: SEED H«dd Co ,«■ 9) 14 14 f Hit * .Mon'S'J if Ki«l(cr Ind . 90S llil ill + u wlilld Pullard 1 H II II I lit — Mnnirn\ lli 4 is w hlto globus lfl^-3 in. 3.00-3.25;,.1.25;,. .ilnuRhier.iIhurIi liimhs fnlrly sleally; lo K eystone S-2 10,08 11,00 I7 «1:SJMnnlWatd 1 110 ililv'ii» t 11 31S. 4 III V ii •' •''•'B®'’• 3,00- 2S low er; w nnied Rlmmhler ew es Keystonev . ', . , . S-3 .0.14 0.08 SS'!.rt,. ,ili! il Si1 Ki?,- i4*1 v 4 ; ( 3,25;—l’""' steady; sioiid> fow Ints chnlco nnd T, s ;:;., ■.!!,-.! ii ,!»Ti in i i X K eyslone S-4 5,RR il fl.42 With a comple:ompletely clean ’«*• +i!l ------p rim e 90-110 lb w nnicd slaiiRlil. S 7 £ ,' 'iS’i .! 7 ,|J Nnwl-ark Mn 8 5 l ’ j ‘ i“X K eystone In l. I'u n d 11.00 12.01 r.lU I’ark I »9 3?l 31 { 3JH ri S* !i;;va':ii 5 iiii ii iuJ T .! 'n I'ancnaitiS P«» 4 I9'18 IS IA I.M6IVI, ...... CHICAGO o r laiila m b s 23,50.24,00; cholco ^ 7 ' ’V CalumH I,in 43 H* 17 } M * + t ‘ I 2 N.l " " ni.r 'y l.tn 31 41 47 4 ; i( I.lfo lm in v e s t 7.15 '?:S1 7,81 readingng - CContact , .: , NM-Cnli .sot. 10 111 13 { IS 4 ( 1' ...... C H IC A nO (A P ) (U .S D A )-rn - IIO lb ( ampin. ,4Sa 13 in’ IMI Irii ;■ 1 .i K , ; " = , ,1 ,!ij ,ii! ,j; 7ii ,„s MO ll„ 22.7,^^ - Mm 1 a n 'h , altn n 0.02 0,85 fanip Kiiup I ii 37! J7‘{ J7! ~1 ( I Na N«ll'a.li a.li 1.3(1 ini 17 74 77' -lH Cf, jJS •; Ji taioes arrivals fil; on Irack 223; . CATI'LE FUTURESi Mnss M nss In v e st n fn w lh 11,00 12,02 : 1 !!:i"ffi IS i!i ii ' ii 1 ii'; ai..r,«K"'l' i 'i: iiii ii. 37‘ in ...... liHiil U..S, shipm ents .183; sup- ,,,, ' i!S yii!! :J i»:». Nall'iifl l,M 11 10 » li jnH , I ■ ’ fn|L Tlio fnllnwliiR quotntlnnHH werow ere MMnss ass In v e st T ru s t 15,77 17.24 M 'S /'ln ':! M li'' 3'i'i -U"J IIII J pilesP"°'‘ moderate; demand fair; l i a v ! ' . i !5 ; s 5!" !i cf + i V Nal llani .JO 70 III' II ll({ + 2'*';"/ 5,'^ 1,1 tn id ln g lim ite d Iiy low tem,irl/.rV pera-, providedProvid hy E, W, Mcllolwrlfllol>cr(fl NnlioiN nlionnl Cirnw lh 10,27 11.22 Co., Inc. :l«i!V ,ri.!/ Uiil ii. iiv '.r ! I 1^3 ii'hi:ii|i 1 t Klures rcstrlclliiR Insppcllnii:,! the nnd Co,. ^ Twin I'nlls, NntiniN ntlnnnl S t o c k . 8,06 I 0,48 E .S . HARPIAiRPER I mo Jt SI 74 31'^ 31‘ -M i*r‘..'iM '”- - '"'l M 7 IM IM 1» U ------snipssales: Mlniiesota nissots A 4,15; IS. •'‘’h.I'ol), ' 20.0(1 25,R5 25.00 25,00 TeieviflionTciovi E loc 0,27- '10,10 M Silt »*' + ' nJX'iIV ____ _ MlnneM.ui Nnrth Diikotii Redl>e,i April A pril 27.22 27,10 27,20 V ahioalue l,iiio Incom e 5,07 c 0,54!54 P h o n o 7 3 3 - 3 7 19 . . . E v v e n in g s 7 3 3 - 7 0 6 0 ,'J:} i‘j« 4? 1"} ill 3 j k - 'i i J J i ) l « \l JJl 4M \v : I ' I Butter »nd Ei?a:s l^ Rii” lv e r V nlley round red,n 3,85.B5. .Itino ;!«.07 27;0,’i i 28,05 V nhie I.lno Spcr .Sit' 5,37 5,89 5,89 'i! u; s » Hri ’i! 15i ill , -4 ciiiCAno CM (AP) - nII m I u I o r r **■' — All|!,Alll!, 2K,50 28.55 W cstocstorii Indus .Sh 7,40 8.08 ------...... 2H,R.r- -23,72 ...... ••-28',R528,85 — r ------r ~ g = - ^ K a ' W ' j M - ' S I ‘K - 'SJ \! 't i * ’ \ siendyrwimli'siilo8i«n;i I»i>ltiR[ prllprlrPH PH------T . F U T U R E S 't NniNria* 1.40 11 49U 4>li 4ft i ‘» i{ iiiicliiuiced: IIIICllI 03 fiiioro AA\ (iS^4;(15^^; T I he" ' follow lnR ciuotntlons’w■woro orn IX-c, 211,00 28.02 20.0029.00 T j N - iI chocks rhOCh 311/^, N»v, ;]'<{() W nrid titifjar No, R rlo,';ed0,'icd 3 n.lirtl'ap M 43 3014 l»‘l M l ... N nv. 2,52 2,-lH 2,50 Wnrl -iiff ii Ei'iiS7 I'ndll'l 1.10 ni 35 34« 1 t IS ______Inwor linvor (n 1 lilKhcr. SiiIun 62020 con- ______------Lucky_ Laoor Bock BoorBock Boor. It'a d arker In ('.'I tial I.M aSI flU Ml 36 ■' I |’ I'M ""V I.I* , I.B# nin m u 3) ; 3 u - I.J r.il I'irt ,nf 40 «({ X 34 .... V ' t •SIMM' M I'TAI-S lni(;t,i, M ur 1.34-3.5i M ay 1,37-38, . _ _ color...dIatlnotlvQllnctlvQ In flavor. Il's I'nmlCra l.l» ',31 ((' IM 3S* -t j " J ; ;; | Wool ^ NEW YORK (AP)-.Spntt min-niin- ‘"‘''V y ' ^ P 1'1't la'S,.,.,. ,!! llj !!! ill:Ir n — * :iii-ihi hji,!I nkNICW YO RK (A P ) - 'W/n o n l fll- fu- forrinm forrui iiiutnl prIaiH today:, NN'*'' ov 1-l.OOU, M a r l , ’/t» , M ay 1,77. . , f PMr iH i t ]y y « ) browed by/ UDud oon nly ly nnt ihls timo of ♦ liiix's closed .2 Id ,(l o( iia cciilrcnl CnrCnppor 38 cchIh u pniiiul,,' Cnn- '*•***»•»'■» ______■li«ia"i',i ii li lil !!' iS s « '!! iiii ii rii H1 shlAlior. ; M nr 122,8-122,7,, May M ay nmitlciit nm ;i i Vnlley. " 1 po yoar. And ao0 thoro'athoro'Q n limltod supply + 1 1‘rm.DI.I. .80 11 Ij’* II IJ I2J,KI LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSNT's ______air,a 'si : i!' isiiii ;? ...' I2S,KU, Jly 122,0H, 0 .i( I2;i,7», |2;i,7», y l- lo o n d 14 (U'litJi n pnunii. N o w ------^ ' T / now Qt your fovorllo'Qvorllo tov tQvorn or atoro. , 17,11}::.% '% ;llj S!Miir Si I24.2h, ■ Yi'rk ' NOTKlii o r '/^ n r T I M IIt l~ ■ . , ii :* iiii i;’‘T,'‘ S' j; , [{ rorllfimtcil wont mini ni.ON. Zliv , API'OINTIlll l'4Ml\J>llO\)lN(» 1VII.I, (A) •!!; !i i!'!,'.. ii", III.IIN. 'ziii'e MW com, « |,„m,l., I'.diil mIN 'rai HIK riio iiA tu c o tJ itr o i' W nnl lops fu tu res cinsiidII {jiilot, ,Si,.51. I, l i l i l I'ALi-'i, iSa^: ■iaSi!.!!i;SI .! I®;;?,,';; niii i! i! :i„Nij Nn n\ fiiiliia, xTil, in 1 6|( nililKilil ■ H M K !WW ! iJ; ii.y.I ' I'lillMiiir 1.411. 18 11 11 llVi < < ^ — ....-----1 t:iniil, liiniln mi tho lllli llnill(in (If ,l.ihn RS <1, Mr- mmKBfS | Jm iiHa iiii ii 151v'i i;;.’H i rcr -li iijHli k .V 'f coin ' (l{Ll'«r.peiU moialiiid) .'."lli.'ji , , . | b 4 '' I'OTATOHB Miirrny , - 5} It.leliA .4611 1010 17I? i r in - l l (Two Iw (U aitii immail) II,H, I „ „ i’l!.'!;!!' fe,!i;.a ‘,r r '’.a,i''''',,iii ' '•> ' llrptihHII 110 nn ti\\ 4l|i 43 I .< | I'l •' " '■7 IKvlon 116 IM » ; 91 ni £ -t K S ; ::iv : a ,i:;i,":.'i i l i a : " ' ' UHiS'.a HI«H »i JH 111 u u 13 +, 4 'u ' « » » « ‘^'(Vw flNlail .iBiitini'VII, 10117, IH-mA'Ii ".,10 31 H li:;:‘'MrKnii' i' mi ' Z \ \ \ w lim Mf*-" n AA ...... •••• ’Ji. . ..UUANri ...... - ...... __ livolvu M. lllllll* ...... lln l,' i ’.T K n ; ‘ I " ''' .!« |] iS' J1‘[ in^' V , .'j | lllhrrmM Iin M 17 ,J(IU lH’k I 't.Mon.ll ...... ; ...... jilJu ' ,7^ ocNenAinRBwiKaconi’..BANiiiANuiiico.IAN HIANUIIICO. CAlironNIA • VANCOUVDn,m, waoiiiHqtcqtoH ,♦ bait u k « oity, utam -

V ' • . I ' f - . . . .

t _____ 1 2 TuBiday, Januory^l^r■V ir, 1 9 6 7 ,-L _____ S t a n d i n g s — ------rs A re Busyisy-Takingf- ics5= Ellis4ik«s^E] - - Packers i „ ...... w'lPel., - f Bl Bullets Will M ontana 3- I .750 G ortzaca ' . 2 1- .667 ' AQ ------Idaho------:— l— CG7.,-.;:,- .-.,.. Aftei^Superper Bowl; I - O vei-H aw ^i8— i' Bows Aft W eber S tale ' 1 1 .500 • • - Balli- Montana I 3 -ZSO ] W ^ t r ^ - cd n St, S tate . 0 2 .000 _^AH^A, Fla, (AP) - Balli- Mo Retiremeim e n t R u mmors o ] Rife ^ niofe’^Leroy Ellis blockcdavc a lied Si, Western Allilelic — — Louis shot that would have3u r sec-lied B righamy Young 2 0 1.000 f By JACK HAND ■0.98 Vic- WyomiMg 1 0 l-JOO LOS-ANGELES (A(AP)—Jhe D -Jhe Green Bay Packers,;ers, each with $23,500 extra1 money I *- « he score in thc last four sec- Bri ^ S jJ to ry h e ir N a- ^ ta h .J ...... t o t i d e - t h c m - f i i r o u g;h h th the e Ion; long, cold winter, wereite busylakingbusylc bows M onday.aftera y . a f t c r .’I )nds a n d pre.icrved a 100.98, vie- , Wy Arizona 1 - I I ^tion; — ^-~squcltfhinjr^hc—ATncri_cnn~F(icricnn“ Fpptba|l-Lcague-in-the-first- -the-first J Super Bowl—Eight-Pack*-f t- P a c k * : H ;ory,for the Buliots in theirjociaiion Na- Arljrona-Stnte “to - - 1-2 -.m ------N ew ” Mc>cico •• ------O’ 1 ;.000- ers will piny in Sunday’siday’s Pro Bowl but llie otherslers were, scattering. Thereirc was'was‘ j Bs| Jonal— BaRkotball— Associaiiun j lis went ' ------ure of vels like Fuzzy Thurston,rston. MaMax McGee, Jim T Taylor, a y l o r , 1 sam e...... ' - N c doubt about thc future of vel ime nio- - Pacific - 8 ___ ^_A.,.nAA______, ... ------Paul—Hocnung—and—Jerxy.d—J c r h y .-Uj — The 6-foot-ll. Inch Ellis went — -Kfomer—but—m any-a pro' — up in the air al ihe -sami S nem c o--r m T a n io ra : •' j -ii!'' " Tiunt lhat lhc~Htn^'s*~Joc Cald^ UC jected retirement ends ^ I T he la n d s o f O regon State • 3 J -750 . A'ell lofted a siiot from a c o rn c r, 5taWa.sliiiigion Stale 2 2 . m D a w so nI H iiints Chiefs Iwhen the next footballball sea- ^ The ball went inla the baudsn .uui-i of OrtCalifornia 2 2 .."iOO son rolls around. I Tl a Bullet defense man. I I S I S Wa W ashington . | 3 .WO fcT*Q "As far as 1 know, nobody Is HI M I The'TJlay" climaxed a whirl- the Dm O-0&. Som hern California 1 3 .250 A s G oodd AsAi Packers/A O T; retiring,.” said”' Coach:h vfnce Vince I t£& wind final two minuies in which Lombardi.Lo "I road where;rc McGceMcGee j JM' '.91 rcod the ° •* By> FRANK FR A N K 0O'REILliV — sai the Hawks pulled up from a-0&- Sot — saiU hc was .quitting andind /./.also also I ^s& ^BK IiQ Bn|Si^^^B 91 deficit and almost forced the ______T n.q ANGELES TAP^AP^ — LcLen Dawson, veteran1 .CHiar-,cinar- readrei whort* ho hp'd nrnh. I game inlo overtime. ^-suiieiiT ■ -B illB B iB B ------Icrback of tha. Americanlerican FootballFo League, championam'pion abably play, if L a^tcd hhim. im .''. . .7 . Zl — w e r g u a rd , —Higli-point-^n'en-for-the-BullelsI - ’I think McGee, used only sp sparingly a rin g ly 6-6 K ansas Ciiy Chiefs', spoke :iffiaffirmalively: ’*1 don’t think f ■ i J * withwere Don Dhl,. 6-fooi-4 guard, - llinn nf during the regular seasonison when H aw k s' our performance in the seconsecond half is an indication of B m v ’' ' ^ with 24,'and (3us .Iohn.son. 6-G ^ourr ppasses. a sses, T »JE |i,S30R Sje|X l* Calc wilh ft W -B K league. I’m not convinced they're renter, with 23. The Hawks' _U ie-strength of our league. I' they re nabbed seven Sundayy in ththe c •' I j p r i :bred 26 w F * W Caldwell, a G-S forward wilh > a better football teamt e a m “ PaP a c k e rs ’ 35-10 vic to ry o v e r lhe springs in his legs, scorcd 26 ; than we arcr I think we 'I Kansas City Chiefs, AFL points. n in lhe '1 compare favorablyy"\vilh with T.F. Matmen,^11 champs.S Then he'announced he NBA. is ______w a s _ re lirin g ------Baltimore, collar team in lhe ; ------them." Illii Cliiufs wurrr t — now -seaiioii:“ Thurston, the veteran guard | Eastern Division of the NBA, is - beaten harshly, 35-10, Sun- ^ [ th c ' ^ B L i ' ^u-whip'Past who has been an important fac- j f ; B p M m W da.v by tho Green Bay Packcr.s,P ackcr.s, ___ 1 milor in keeping pass rushers off and St. Louis, sccond in thc 1 litlisl.s of the Nnilonal Fonlball T the back of quarterback Bart W estern D ivision, is now 19-25. ; I-CQEUC, in the SupCr Down—s r Buhl J- 37-9 Starr, has restaurant holdingsloldings in ^ N T ADS the first competiij^n__betw een m a y ESULTS £ i " “ " Tivin Fnl\s tncODnlOTil uiittv liulo J,' Green Bay area and may " ^ 0 1 the rival, professional leagues. “ decide to devote all hislis time lo .. USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS | But Kansns City, a two-louch-3 ouci,. •'"‘'.I'l' Tuesdi.y niEjl 0 .s_Ika ^ 1^ J lh ' a t job. I FOR FAST-SELLING RESULTS i its N FL Bruin.s w hipped to n ^7-9 wre.st- | dowi underdog, fought its NFL •J wrest- j^ramgr, Fuzzy’s partnerr tn e r as a I counterpart on. cucn- K terms rm s Inin “ !>S viclory over BuW. , ^ ppulling „ guard ft\ the Packer of- I tho first half, yielding onlyinly when The Indians managed:d deci- fensivefei Tine, has business in inter- te r- Green Bay's Willie Wood)od inler-inter- sions sit in only Ihree matches esiests in Louisiana. ~ . c c p te d a r a s s to .set upI a touch- whilewl Twin Falls was busyjsy scor- Tnylor’ played out h his is option down early in the third1 quarter, ingini fivo pins and four decisions,lecisioris. wilhwi lhe Packcrs thU year nnd 'K Tho score put lhe Packers The results of the match,ch. Twin neverpe diU sign a contract. He - P7~JL-. a h e a d 21-10, and Ihey:y rolled palls listed first, aro 03 os fol- 's due to huddle with LombardiL o m b a rd i I ' M ''' WiilS'-'' p K i ] frn m there. L . . . In,low s: 1°'soon in Green Bay to discussdiscuss his ■ Kan.sas City Coach. Hank i cd Stats- ^ulure There;have beenen reports ! U - y PACKAGE Stram said, "Al halftime,im ™ “ 1 I wrfprlirh that the driving fullbackack would I ; ...... ^'■iU: 115 pounds.Js MMni- at- J”welcome-a 'move.“ wTlhivnh NNew ew ~] ------and win-it. We-ployed well in -huprwK siibKiLZpXn:ae;di:Eck£ritJ:jnvrV- 'm OrleansOr due to operatette as-the ~ i r ------SKI ------ih(rflr.‘;rhatfrbunft(rftnet'c'ep^ pounds,^ Uuder was declsioned^tJTiinPri lStr-N i? FITTranchi» -i hlliirnfalE i r n r ^ E ~ tion seemed lo change thc per- I r S However, nothing has b been e e n dc-de- ___E a c k a g a ------O nce w e 130 pounds, Ruporl JJ SN O W BASIN sonality of the .game, Once we ’nnML.; tcrmined as ycl on Taylor’s lu- fu- Ineludes OGDEN, UTAH ■got behind, wo had loJ devliliedeviate decisioned Futreli: 136 pounds,^ ture status. ______Buckendorf was decisjoned by _ j .9”^° —Hornung-never-goHn-ihe-ballIn-the-ball - | Dawson, a 10-year velecan of ,, game Sunday. The former Gold- .2 Days Lift Pass . ^ m e t Gold- BALL'BOUNCES AWAY.WAY as BilBill Bridges (32) of St.t. Louis takes a jumping look at It and' pro football, wished he-fe'^^id had '’a a . cn_Bjy_fr5HL_Notre_Dame_has -ttftm m ato-Zeimp-Bcattv=(Sl>nMalty^(3l)nBnd-Leroy=EniK^(44poirth6:rBol 2 Nights Lodging secdnd '“ chonce.' ’ ‘’•I ■ shoufdn't ^ n n as been“ bolhered” by—a—pinched “ j poI=the^mnmof5=BM ei9-prepare-fo- == I^lorence decisionwl E l ^ : 15'7 ITEas re Bulletsllcts won th( thc game ;00-98. (AP wirephoto) it a n d I ___rt c ii-B I . J I have thrown it.” he saidi^°of*^e of the kins: 157 nerve in his neck that has re- - are-to— — iztulL tiioafctost,— . Intercepted pass. "Theirlelr blitz Pounds,P? Carr was declsionedloned by gugulled in a w eaknesslirhir■nrhlTleft left „ ■■■ ^ m-m « ° o c c ^ ^ bothered me. and I didn’tdn’l have Turner;Ti 168 pounds. Kellyly QuailsQualls ararm. Paul is getting married H ______; ■ 2 ' C o m p le te a n y zing_on th e b a ll. 1 shouldn't siio u ld n 'l Pj'pinned Walker: 183 pounds.nds. Lit- Wednesday. w< ' Top J Collegiattjgiate Hoop Scorei D in n e rs ill 801-394-4503 have thrown il." tie declsioned Schriver,er, and '"i-m going to waitt aanH n « seese e - ® Scorer Nearly Insisting his team mayay be os heheavyweight, Hazen pinnedned Wat- whatwl happens to the arm ," said |l Call 801-39 ______gnori n«!_nn»i»n. .R ny,..- Dnnuttnn a 'wjjon sculSQ ^ ------:------H<------Hornung:-iiW l-wait-ott-the-doc^ conceded lhal the Packers:k e rs area re ------toitor. I should know something Missedr.CliaH€( . hance At WinstoHftsten-Saleffl------something yiNCTON-SALEM. N.C. (AP) ma ___ - bettor than'any-AFL-club-lho-club-tho ^ ------— _ ___ akalong .abQut.March,’’ .C. (AP) made 56 per cent. This year I’m er er try. He now Is looking to l a d d I n i f disannolnf. —Five years ago Earl Monroe 14 i . Chiefs have faced. _ » ^ ifk C Lombardi gave'the disappoirit- Monroe 14 points better, but I’m71 making graduationgre in June and ihejike-l •AST OF W ASH. BLVD.) Stram was likewise ‘ compli-com pli I I U S ingi„ | crowd of 63.036 a previeworeviw ofnnoiher-Jiigh-schoolof ll- schooi 70 per cent of my.sbois.'l.s. iihood iihi oT a pro fes.si6 n ar'b ask et- R t r n im l Kimberly JNips )GPEN, UTAH-— — - Tnentary as .he spoke softlyiftiy from rw^ i x • *■ t. ihi the_future in the finalil minutes SrId'Jate8.'' working as a shipping "I.' think I'm scoring more be- balbail career. the like.l 1 _ 24th ST. fEAST OF a comer of the crowded locker- I ■•B.C Of th e g a m e a fte r his. PackerqP a c k e rs Clerk m a Philadelphia factory;,factory; cancause I'm learning to use ppicks i c k s —------I basket^j ~-- - - pgpfflTl room.. "I was very impressed ^ had swarmed over Lon_Dawsnn;iuDawson; ^— Cday h_y s .,colleje_to5jiei; andand_screensJ3etter^o-< ontin- ^ mDrcfS A-I'- Juniors s' -- . - . ------r — ' with'-'thfi—t'ackers.^'^eh e said:s a id : - r ------lo rc in g h ln r - |n io a -k CkCy“ y “ I In h W l^ w ii's—most—proficient jscprer;"scorer; uedued. ------“They’re great offensively and I no** ceptlon by Willie Wood,'ood that averaging 44,3 points a gome as COn some plays Monroe has as • defensively. Everybodyr'LS;^ knows in Wrestling“ ^5 wrapped- up the ball gamegame. ®?, Wmslon .• Salem ma many as.three screens to choose r It figures. this. You don’t give them any- , and Jim froifrom; and his quick shotshot from , • m KIMBERLY - Kimberlypriv out-out. Dbnny Anderson and Jim thing .the easy way. We did, and onus rook- Monroe leads the Nationalional As- behbehind the screcn quickly up- _ jres. . . J jM n i pinned-Twia-EalU-Iunior-V-ar>C - g! Grabowski, the two bonus rook- “sfc®_____ a-ton-of ------Itiosrforusr^— ------p,. « fh^ Terwho cost lhe Packers~to'r s close losg ^ociation'of-lntcrcolleglaieTnfPlaiFTklfP 'sclsets me ottTcr team's sw switching itch in g Ll .1. Monday nlghl as the , ' aeo were ^^^ics in scoring and Winston- ma man-to-man defense. In describing Uie Patkers,.k e rs. ththe e BuUdoga took a 37-15 wwresUins resU ing 1° ,, ® year ago. were g ------w res^nng tu m c d loosg j ,, (},ge runnineru n n in g Ih^mall-collegeJllege or- COther-opponents have/e triedtrie d a , . B A Chiefs consistently resortedsorted to 0 victory. Z the word "great," but rookie backs. Gale Gillingham,m, an ex-eiS 8'>niiation in field goal shooiing zonezor press or triple teaming ‘ . SB M halfback Mlko Garrelf wasw^s^aN at- .. P’"s in a, row Justust after p« pensive rookie guard from Min- V second in\ scoring hin him. ready rebounding withifh opti-onti. ^ halfway]polnt of thele'jTiatch jnatch nc nesota, moved into Tliurston'sThurston's \ >“! P'r E?"''). 1His lowest game scoring3ring toUl V - Monroe a scoring avcrago'P.rayo Is t«; thi fhla y o n r lung 01 pf.i|f|tg __ • m ism-betittingT^iiar-^-yooAra -y S S r ^clinched-.thc., viclnry. tor , Kim , pl Said Garrett: , «lierly. Althougii change.-! In future ^far above the .31 pointslints per hig highest 68. ______• m a lc h , ‘^'■afl p ro ced u re p robobly b ab ly wwill ill 8*8®mc with which Providence'sividence's 1That Monroe found hislls waywoy to' "Bdleve me, they’re• nol su- The results of the malch, B C ^ JC Q i nore than Walker r leads major col- Wi: per humans.'They^re-aa really T'Twin Falls-listed -first,• are-as hurt_lhe Packers more_ than j** aJor col- Winston-Saicm Statfe'dsIs surpris- ' 1 m a k e it *®Bcs...... |nIng’enough j co anyone-whowho knew ' \ ...... - - ...... equals a ton fine team, bul they makelake mis- follows: 98 pound.s, bothIh teams ^ clubs and will make it )mbardi to Possibly moro noteworthyiteworthy him hir a few years ago. _ Ie more, forfeit; IM pounds, Emmonnmnn de-ri«- P| difficult for Lombardi to , takes. W e-just made more. lew talenl his scoring average is his .\ r. We got cisioned Murphey; 115 pounds,™ !nds build^ a siockpilo of new talonl, ‘J ge is his .When he finished Johnohn Bart- V: We'll be back next year. We got ci ! are sure shooting percentage. He has ramrai High School In P Philadet- h ilad et- of warmth! / a little taslo of it today,d a y , anda n d M cK aln won by fo rfeit;»«)*• Tji123 .. NFL observers are sure *' . Vincent wlll find1 a way. ^ 207 of 306. field goat at- ph phia he was in the lower.half of w e ’ll ba b a c k .” ' Py .silvers; IRfl pounds.unds, Ar- settles( for aboul two-thirds-thirds ca- ^®t, Monroe scored 51 points thrthnn $(iO a w5lk, I Top Seeds5 ?!ringlon was pinned byly Roun- pi paclty, . \nsi Saturday night in1 leading Wln.ston-Salom^ SlatoI still wwas ns I P"” ndSi_ l,y llc_iQ .pp in in n n ed c d __ _ L'My-pcrsonaLsentim#nt-U-form#nt-ln-for .WJnslQn-Salunt to aJR-0.|M victoryviclory inlinlcreslcd. nnd Monroeoc finally I ,1 . ------ADELAIDE, Aus'n7ntn“lla (AP) Farley'aridF lieavywelght,U, Dorah na warm weother site10 for ihlsIhls over Jiilinson C. Smilh of Char-Chnr- dccideddc( lo give the books anoth; ~ — A rlh u r Ashe nf Rlichmnnd, ichm ond, pinnedpi Elhridgo. Wgame," said Commissioneriloncr PeteI>C10 '"H". aniUhi.Mireclomlnanllylantly Ne- N e ------— ------______Va.,. any-Nflncy-Rlchoy-of-Dal-y -o f-D a l- —------_------. RRnr.ulle, ''P e r h a p s - it would w ould boh« 8'era >ci»“i. -T— r I nps some ^f coursc tiioro are skoplics I las, Tex., were naihi-dI MondayM onday LI.»)H AnRelc.n, p e rh a p s som e , o ^ K U t a h ' S W ...... lo h e a d iho fo re ig n seededcd cd lisl,sllsl.s °i*‘m did nut uso u fasl break, Cliff Richey, Naiu-y'.i1 ynimRcrvoiinner , miiikii» tnn ii»ff«if,n ntunrt111 laikt 31, 3 i, lo sell llckris nnd makenake other “* llni'-'." Monroe fl ^ 'Wfilnl ll*.iry'i Srr.l ,,, • .• .snys. "1 took a lixik nl Oscar JU hrothcr. wns sct'dod .s .second, n o n o , Jj iI, Hny,I l.ouiije Nil, I dftfnlnl lilntin5"'’ arransemcnis," • '. i “ = By 103-91. .Ilm M cM um is of B erkeley,erkelev, i.■'■"•n'< i";-i' «« tn.n ii.n.hii.,,ii?/‘in.. im. .ir.iir. T he firs t S uper Bowlivl silo aand n d ^ l^^hertson nnd SamJ o n e Jones;s ; •' Ciilif,, fifth, Jim Osliornc of Suit \e, if.Nrw. iif. d u le 'd id not becom c ddefinite e fin ite un- they’re pretty cool. Theyliey don't don't I.OGAN, I Ulah (AP) -Threo Lake Clly, seventh, nndtn d DaveD avo il tlitl> dflrmfil "u*•fll Jfinfii l»>il>er lliemhem nnd a n d Ulnh Uli Slate Universityy players \ ^ Power, moornlnglon,I, Ind,, J*'!*'"}, * '"^"5“* ^ I Inlffn'ouii.iniffmouiv .si.slo o v o r tho televisionion righlsrig h ls. j*' *' hU Sft,l-iKihil gnm u a^ v frn e rn g g e e nf nf „„ |„ „ ^ow, a fte r n 12:100 ' iswater-wtur junior 'CPA' Is right.we For unburnsble, AB Iriillan list. Slmlli* lf>|ii> ■' Mi>m» Mmlifl llnr il'lrnlfil4ifd itnv»illnv»l "W e w ill piny a world chain-c h am - , I'l^l yenr, win fiver Crclghion Satiirdny.n l.ird n y . WaSte, jt'l Defunding elmniplon Rov Km- i* iiper Howl, ■ I’"' fl'oiiling a lot more , : water-washed to rernove' economy unbi coai. lM.^’’Mi'.»m« P '‘>'’*I'IP KiiiiH'. o r S uper Iluwl, ' M .m roS l''"iw'>ri |i ~ ~ 3.irSliatDr'l!ntlmnn~Rrnroit-ao;------Tlin cxporfi' licllovoVO ’'Ashf A shf [;■ “m jU .H U h-m .1(1. II l l , I 0 7 0 . Tlml emitil ehango the for- ^ Mnlliln Strong scoredS 2H 'points l i r " " " Droubie-free u s F u f e automatic storageburning, and a ' .. ” ' ro iild ’ hn Um m a jo r th re a t in .yr^'ieiay^Tcfrcll-^'i th re a t ll. nmu'i.a>iiii. r.i.'.” : um a i'o f .several of o uir r |»ul-scn.p-1'>• lr«n« •Tlfi, M.«ii:‘|Iii-VI l.nml. I "Ull. Nl i.|"i‘Y "u-i. nun j-iinu’s ." | , I W orkm an wiio dum ped In 20,j',"'" clean>us^fea"for hom ciean storage _(Jiicoiinlandur who will orntinrk I om liark 'J,';.;," I'jj*"'' ’ ■ ' ’ Ito/fllo wns nskedI lo10 ccom- o m . HaveJ liricl lhe sro ro /-» .■ on w h at could Iin th e liifti liifii nl- ‘ ' auiiMi i.«>ni« n '*■ 'i'liu'Chieftains tied the sroro lean hom e, ment im (he .dlfforonrc.s he- 43.all al half llmo and ll looked tt'iiip t Id w in tho Krand .-'liiin of I ll looked Call yo u r i ler today, He'li 'j I* .iw e e n tiio I’iU'iicr* nnd Chluf* In S llko lhe USU leam wns In n Iciini.s. T h is c o m p rises II." Iho A.,^. Atirv- 1:” 'ir; n irpi’ ,i(ii.f, llin. first lest nf n ircnS^Scnfflc g ih hc' hind. ffi' Hut Hui A rkIds hadJ a sa tsurge i r g ^ :aii yo u r ABC Coai D ealer today triillan, Wimbledon, l-n'iirhreiK’h nnd ‘ Kimiit iici>«iid ...... iian. ' bring the ! best to youi ...... *""■ iweoii tlic Iwo leagiiOH. Canslus In . Ih" Inst nine mliiuteniliiten and Aniericnn (-hamplonships.ps. •. **' ...... "Knnsns Clly hnd ^nn,- somo fineflnn ^ HOUSTON (AP) - Casslus In 1 >l)

  • H|>< iii.n ‘Iioi.h 1.. 11. i.iMt,ma, .. (I...... knewhi thoy had some highi X h quali- niia^l "'"■‘“ f ' ''"R n-,1. !“mil I11.111 h>iiillit|i itain lama, Klinka ■, n» variety Munday n.i they jiicl.for 1) Uncd a n d refin ed b y In d e p e n d e n t C o a l & I '«m l^a'i'l'rV 'y bccausc they w oro ,,! ^ training P u e rto R ica n s r^iss Richey Is Iho favoritnavnritn Inin <'i "f."'".!’ jT u,' injIi ,»m M.n.l Ki'OiKodk< by N F I, (nnminm ii s, Km).iim ‘’'0 , f ’’"* " ‘"I'’ * Iho women's eompt-tltlontlt>n now Their T flrsl four forced Vir.^-M Clrren "in’ , fo r- lh c ir l-'eb. fi chum pitm - 1.1 .M l "lilll Hiii'wdown matchi:" 'lll'’Ti5;in the H o n o r C l e m e n t e thnt Austrnlia's Miifuarntre t Hii.ltliSnilth " " ""I*"'. “ »«y » 1(1 run outside andami Ihrowinrow J Kl . e lite , hns nbanrtonrd blft limnnn lennls.lonnls, him u n i ;i ' lhe ll hall. , , SAN .niAN, P,R, (AP) ~ __ Wound.r l.asiul in nay wan Ibn two clnlmanln of of tho tho Roherlo R< Clomenle, Iho Nallonnl .A ll J>1 i, I'at.i>a, , R a y w as I* BLUE BLAZE ,, ...... ,11'ilir • lailiiI ,1*l«i )J l, l, . " near thu cnlrnncoIrnnco lo wc lo wan , iioiiorod Monday by the I ABERDEEN * BL Qualifiers Noted ji thu trnin- Puerto Itlco Houso of ftepre- _ ... oted^ pr;Kr;rKi:;i::,:;i;ri.c:i:s KIM. lli„J.,(r, T l.ijdla'a '.M'lVi ",»iit Kansas Clly hIs aA ‘ioo(i i<«id III*) > druAshik rooms nt thu trnin- Pc n hnll nd- nentallvei, GATE COALS I I n f i l l ■'•"•'"I " '" 'I' liiiwliniimi JJ-l. l fluCl l),'- , lling nllo in an oxlilhlllon hall ad- nei Branded for For Cfosby Open'- 'I 'V . * * ,,Mllll|,lMll(»IJUItl ' Kllllt. til.uu juinMi.JUIHMI. Unrt Sinrr wns siippo,sfiiillppo.sftd to J' J iic n l'lo Iho doino<| nindliini,ndliun, SpeakerI of, Iho HouseISO Arrtlin ' I , ; , CASTtEGATE ‘,-l'm In Alvarinlo prosniled Clfmenlo n Pl-riin.K llF.ACIl, CnIK. ( a 1') 1! ||"‘- hn Ihe difforenre, Iln„ wns, The "Hry, I'm hr shnp^-l'm In Al iifm enio n your ^rotQctlon'or — Rocky Thompson ofif WichitaW ichita i’I’"'"!.*, tlil llllh Iia.hli.ai. irZ'iVm'.* ir.rii |.m a, PackornP worn siipixisedised InI'n Imim ""hn|w,“ Clay lold iho10 World congraliilalory co scroll, and Rep...... J!'Hlia,..TcJc.:...W rlKhl UiirrilM. of i|i ir*iii >■ in u rd u r if you mn«lo n mlslnko,m lsinko, ll«Ki»K Association rliainplon,tmplon, l.uin l.u Mngln Vvliir(|ii'<*! r'l'i'lyr I'"'' rendy," im tin ylng homaKo to ihn JMtls- Idaho Bean & Elev 733-1012-CASTLE GATE ‘.''•ll'I'l''* '"•'■■"''I >Mifi iiu.i.M ).i n I win by al Terrell guihlied ( layy by by Ihn Ihn burgh bu PIrntn nutflelder. Croshy Nnilnnal Pro -• aamateur m a te u r ri i*i.a.i.mhki d«rraie>i jimi lilH l'ii * 1. n,:jxi •' «»iPPO!'C(t to w in by al Elevator-Plione Holf loiirnament opcnhijiHR TThurs- h u rs- *'“• >icr»»H'ii im uiyi j i, icnsl.iwo k touchdowns. TheyTliev won "! Arms, and Iho two1 hoxorn hoxorn ZL n & 733-101! lll|l> ...... «a»ia, ()|«,iiIll li.mi.unt,ii.iiii>unt. h'by 33 ix)Inls. ' cl ctlnchnd. .Several nf llielr follow- T = = l McCoy Coal & Trati me 733-0801 -ABERDEEN • JOO, JO Kill) Caiila'Miar.all, li iiiiiiJmli |i>d|.mill. ------" ■ — ei ers piillml them aparl wllhoul Pncalollo, lilnhn, prn>rn IhllioHalio viVKIU4I Kllr., Ilmi llliTlii., (It, anil (.*1. Transfer C o.-Phone I*’,' . . COACH n a mrtl'^D i -:d a any pinichos havlriK been COAL . I & 733- Ilhkoy wns not nmonR iholl'O fill'll-nual' I '! ., 'liMp.l » * ' PIN F.V ILLR, Lfl. (AAP) P ) -— mmil il tl thrown, *AL I Warberg Bros. f371 - BLUE BLAZE i y * - ~ o t IfylnK field. However, iiuIU nndniKl six l.i|lii.i ^tiidlrn'ii' ' * i n ' ' | a i iIII ! a llli. | ' ° ;u*i < | Pninrscii,p 35-year-oidI nssistnnlnnnlnlnnl About 200 fntin liatl iron nrnn Clay C lay f ' ” '’ Quomll A ly ../.— «t .o lh o rs w lio c n rd e it 7fls wWill ill nlliyn la y (n.I"*'' 'I"..... ‘“ in **'lfi. la|A .|.oii|.. rg Bros.-:Phone - B ' Kllgorn, Trx„rx .. Junior J u n io r tn tnkn n tiKlit afirrn o o n W iirkotil, 733-7371 , 'off 'I'ucflday ntornliiK fftr niter- 5.5 L- W. Moore Warei^ 423;B261-.CASTLE GATE f^ r n iler'. !“?*. i r ...... ' C Cnllegn, w as n am ed nnw hehead ad ii' iiiil only nhoul jfl peoplee "wern :;r i'n in WARBERG'S n n i o ' iHinlilon . \% tn i im<» (oollulU coa,c.U t i ililana. Col-Col-the tV traiiiinx nvct\ nt tho ihn llmo ilmo ,733-7,37J ■e W a r e h b i i s e - P h o n e 423-526' ■ tjtinllfylng epol, If ll optns,^ n s , N>" .ti,, IfIr^Q Monday, *' ■ ^ T Torrell arrived, L HANSEN, IDAHO

    It I • ' ' / './ ruesday, January I7,rI967 1 3 Format^'oFor A-1, >*•tf/£ riMes"f/ewslV£VI/S . oaeh-Has^o^Jo Easy Joh in Coaching'ing Track StarS ta r R y u n A"2 Baskeis k i t h a l L ^ “ ' liy RON RAPOPORT "sir” "slr^lnl Into nearly cvcrytgentcncc•ncc minutesminutea flafaiTd h a d 'b e e n un*-- Kr (/ V bBOSTON o s t (AP)—Pity poor Bob ho utters,'uttci did-his best to cx- beatenbentcn from 600 meters to two Sr •<» • s. Timmoi Timmons, or maybe you werei-erc plain, bbul ho failed to mollifyllify miles this y e a r I t w as his t ______. f____ ' thinking th ln k ln j It is some kind of snap;nap thothe Eai Eastern track buffs ondand ArncrlcanArneric debut, Tournameiinents S et— ...... to coacn coac Kansas' gift to the su- writers wlia' considered It a per- But 1 Benson, after making a ■IB pcrstars of track nnd field, mit- mil- sonal affronta that Ryun will brief, b bid for the lead h alfw ay , ' Admlnistrators of schoolsools ltiin theth e A -1 ‘ and A -2 basket- t, crc r Jim J im Ryun. make nc no Indoor appearancess inIn through the race, faltered and. ball jcla£isificatidns gavee their faifans a sccond year of n H > II Is no easy job, let Timmons10ns die area this winter. _ _ finished seVcndi. NCAA champU ... bonuses-Monday-wheh theythey-voted voted to combine the finalin a l ^ « f l •' hastenh a s te n W say. For one thingning "We're"Wc'r geUing'hearfrorn allail bn IJave Patrick 0! VUlanova, __w.eekend_of_the_lwo_tournaments-irnaments-with-at_Ieast_a-palr. , « 2^ _- people arc always getting mad side9,-''-he-sides,"- said.. ."Everybodi'sdy*5 " ’ho hns I’o gone 4:02,lrwas-stcond^^------I. — at-him. . uccusiitj accusiitg-uft-of-hoycoUing .tills-l^ChlllUiIjIs. behind Lcps and Dave Bailey of ____ of-doubleheaders-m the-Twin-Twin FallsFaHj High School gymna-liia - — S iBhlrWW i" ~ at-him. J ' TTimmons im n showed up nt (jiCL the meetn’^et or that one. but the plain>laln TorontoTorontc was third, m a t ■ ______^ slum; Following tho format 0 BostonB oston Knights of Columbusibus ‘ruth‘ruih is Jim and I worked out The highlight ^ of.the meet was /•adopted last year, the-A-1A-1 ______v f ll | M | M i L f —_ Indindoor-track-moot-horo-Satur- o o r- uur- thedie best-schedulc-wc-coulU.best .. g!Lgajnc5^5.2_clKkjn^ D.l!l^-G^ ------d u y Iiig h r to k i - n r tom n r r MTiraT?Tmr "Jim's not just anv athlete," and M inico the first week-g=HMteet^— ^ | ^ M | B 9 9 H B b ^ | K h - was si supposed to be a pretty■etty TimmonsTlmmor suid. "The public"' m ex- hich-school„|T. ^ Junior from MulHca ertd while the A-2 clubs will , Stockholders^ ° of the Magic H good crop of mllers! — peelspeels, a0 great performance out Hill. ' N.J.. lied Frank Budd's play two games at Jerome. 7 All Valley Bnseball Club will;i.i M . ■ FFrom rom that standpoint, the trip of him every time he-r«ns,, so meet f „ ' record and was one-tenth action will come ot Twin FnllsPnll- meet nl 7:30 p.m. Jan. 30 in ^ was a dud—Ergas l^ps of To- we decidcddeci to keep his outside ”L» ^ the.second weekend. the ‘ Idnho Power Co. audi- ■ “ ro ronto n to \won the mile in 4:08.4.,4. a ccompctl o m p etitio n to a -m in lm u m ." ‘ However, chances of the (or- torium. “ according to Morris ■ . ' ■ mmark a rk that har'diy figures' tolo As of now thoseuiutsldc ap- mat continuing may be dimmed._„H Roth, club president. ththreaten rc a tc Ryun unless the 19-10- pearanccspearanc include meets in Vood snid that all stock- yenr-old Kansan brenks a leg Portland.Portlani Ore., on Jan. 28—"Hc Scores :k- ' * ■ ' ycar-ol • .?= CM tit -^iyer-H igh-Sehool-m akea ita —boldi _ ___ mmidway idw n through a racp snmo.nmc-.ha.-i Iias somesor frienil.s nut-thcm.".—’.C-, ~ —T*nrtWi«g-6g,-Florid»-aS------_^„rte L \% timtime, e, and Lo! •day. - Gcurgltt 43. Ksntucky 40 appeflrance as-an A-2 team.eam . .. i______l i ______and Los Angeles next Salurday. - Ocur* " V • . BBut ut Timmons’ slay here ,wns Most nf February is oul because eom* The problem will .be division)n of ausc ESM*cnrIllnn lo' Cuidefw* ” . leless ss ththan pleasant from ilnother Big Eig dividends. - • - )ther Big Eight Conference rules pro- Vnnut angle, too. People kPnt~nskingiking hibit competitlot^c during' the It wasn’t all . sweet for fins o l S - f in s Stan- Gets him what ho was doing thereh e re ththree re e ..weeks..v before the confer- conn'e as the group, following a p pat*. a t - . • InsteacInstead o( Ryun, who is.. of encecnee m e e t, sot fo r M a rc h -3 a n d F.l'''®! tern established by the state, ' course,coursc. the answer lo a meet 4 in KansasKc City. In crea sed a d u lt‘p ric e s lo $1.50.S: December’s . S , . . . - . ' ■ ddirector's irec to prayer. •— AmonAmong those whom Timmons wc» This will apply to all eames. , ------1T im r Timmonsr-u-shortrlnordlnaTg^nar?F liad comc Ifrnrav to sec was Australian Student prices were kept ot 50 yV Tl ^A llilete Award—Fd------ly polite fellow who insertssorts Tony Benson,Bi who iiad gone'fOur|~naIllnmro four Daltir 10Q,'^S^ Louli .Ba._ v- Pairings and ’sites for . the NEWjqgv YORK (AP) - BartB a rt . 1 first weekend of the A-1 tour- Starr, the quartiyback of' d die i e ...... ■; I nament will have Twin Fallsrails chnm’cchampion Green Bay Packers.k e rs. ... I’-C . Chet the goatt J_Looklnetbci nn-ls-hec-slsin_l5_heE-sl3ter-Catlynoo-Whllworth.-(AP-wlcrth-(AP-wlrcpholo> . - - - — iastryear- ...... -----— DeD ^ o Ifits 1^ Wrestling Early,Ea Trims, ^Kathy WhitVhitworth Is[s F(Female i Mountain Hom e^ill be at Jerome for a wrestling k_____^ -5?-^ ------m a tc h- Tucflda y ^ l n rte a d —of— Castleford V « l -----AAthlete Of iYear^ecomicond-Xime— - Wednesday ns reported ih -p*c ■■ CASTLEFORD — Declo won • I^onciny's sports page. ' won By BEN CLAN.-___ JoJones n e s of Britain In a pivotallivotal nisnis p player by the U.S.^ Lawn^Lawn the first__eight classes Monday N E W Y O R K (A P ) - KKathy ath y >hatclrtiatch. i------_ Tcnni!Tennis -Association. She shared W ch c y OENERAL BnEWlNO COtlP.. SANSANFHANCISCO.CAUFORNtA'* FHANCISCO. VANCOUVER,ER,WASH1NQT0H«"8ALT WASHINQTI UKE Cmr. UTAH , ------n ig h l- to - ta k e - a ^Lia.utcfistU nff ^Whitworth. 1,; the 27-year-old/ear-old ^Lat 1-ater. Mrs. King was rankedank'ed top rankingra wilh Nancy Richey vvictory ic to r over Castleford. Squeen ; of professional golf,ilf. was the nnadon’s No. 1 woman'ss teten- n - Daila;D allas in 1065.-______‘L ___ _ ^ Dccio scored its points on f.t the outstanding^ female athletea th le te . — Bobcats^e—t?— thret-pinsrone-4orfeit-and-four-.h S “ ' jgjrQ ior me secoiid cbnwculfvei'e yearvear ' —. _ ------= - = ------ddeciai e c ia io n s-w h ile C astleford ^ a c - jjj-jgi in“1966rs«rinB“a“runav/ay vl'c------counted for one pin, one decisioncision tory{ory ]Monday In the annual Asso­ Favored In r/fand two forfeits. cjateiciated Press poll. The resu lts of the match, . The small-town girl from^al, ' M e r c uir f y y n C o ug a a i r w i n■S s ^ ^ Castleford listed /irst. a're as C ^ l e [9. .N^.r-drew-185-firsUplaco-votos — ^ J . and 729 points in the balloting • I By The Associated Pressss forfci'forfeited to S^igel;'l06 pounds,'mnds, jjy sports writers and radio I It will be an upset if Monlnnamlnna Ripa wns pinned by Schiewe;liewe, and televfslon 1 broadcasters. J S tate d o e sn 't fa tte n Its lendmd in 115 poup n d s, G raybeal w as pin- r n -i m m T t h e l f e a f f ^ King of: -LongLong m f ’a w a r d . the Big Sky Conference basket-asket- nod b y A nthon; 123 pouI n n d S s, _ ■rfTo Beach. Calif., Uie Wimbledonnbledon ■ ( Mis- Burkhaltcr was decisioncd by ball raco-when-it. goes-to Mis- Burkl singles tennis champion, wasw a s a ■ M lOula Snturdm ' fftf w confcr*’n^4>inmco BailoyT-UO-pounds>Wheoloc>uuu. Cailo* game with Monlinn. ' decisjdecisioncd by Clark; 13G pbunds, J . and 88 first-place votes. Brazil’s I —Tho Montana State Bobcatsjbcats RelnholtRelnh was dccisioned by°y T. Mario Buenos, the U.S. national la vaulted from thi;tl to firstrst In Kidd. , mSS tennis titlcholdcr, placcdd thirdth ird || ^ — confcrence ,stnndinBs_Saturday h i [ ® f p urday 141 pounds, Potucek was_pinrS-P>"* with 293 points-and-38-voles for - ■ ^ B I h - w h en th e y b e n t W eber S thteite 79-7^- n'cd Iby R .'.'K idd: 148 p olunds, unds, ii,g »},_ *,top position ■ 63. This left Montana State2 withwldi .SchaferSchaf was decisioncd by G, p.i points were awarded bn a ba- - I a 3-1 co n fc re n ce rcco rd . OOstcfhaul; stef 157 pounds, McAr- . sis of three for a first-place I Montana, mennwhile scram-cram- t^ur decisioned J. 0.storhaut; I”’ nauv, (or sccond and one for.. • B ^ bled to an 8^75 victory over 168 jpo pounds,p, Frey pinned Saxton; f e '» Idaho -State, which gavec ‘t"tho 1B3 pounds. Parkston won;rSv by I ..C iJulcA th ird p la ce , 1-3. Idaho forfcKrnrr«l and heavyweight, Lar-, _7 Miss Whitworth won nineIno offi- | M b e n t G onzagn 64-61, le av in g 'rt; c ia l to u m jm o n ts in IB66.66. one ■ Z'Z ra8»n'w.n by thoso clubs tied for sccond ut ° more thnn in 1305 when sheihe nlso ■ P p _ wna named the.Fcmale-AthleteAUiIctc . ..fl 4 - The Monlnna Stale • Montnnn IV fi a of tho Yenr. Among' ' ■ • land Stntc, and Wcbcr Stntetnte is rum o. , nloncsional Golf Assoclntlon nftcr ' jK siPS * !™ i l i K P D( T e x a s W este rn , j dJcromo won only two of the successfullysued defending hopo r mon* * , t _ 12 classes und.gained a drawraw in In cy.-wlnnlnR cy>-w crown by cnrningirning a * I ' ■ ! ■•. : ------nnother. reco;rc c o rd $33,511,50. > ',.,v r i I ^ Tliree NBA The results of the match,I. Min- m MlI hh Whitworth, the daughterla u g h ter S ■______. ' •. ■ "•• Ico listed first, nru as follows;lows; of n11 hardware storo owner,ior. also P A'■ —-' I a 08 pounds, .Stewart drewV with wnswas fliicccswful in defending theth e r Teams Trade mif,H llb ! lOfl poiiiuls, D ana JeJen n sen i,i>Ql p OA' s Varo Trophy forfnr thetho !>•|l nhmed Qiilntiinn; 115 pounds,ounds. lowestlowc scoring nvenigo nil nn the barwln Jensen decisioncd ijirry iJirry pro tour. Sho competed1 In 101 Players ' £Jon.scn; 123 pcHiiub, Jo ncs e s dc-do- offlclnl offlc: rounds witli n scoring (/■■■■I B A LTIM O R E (A P ) -- TTIjo lie cislimcd cl«ji>' Pr(!scott; 130 pounds,ounds, nnver v c rn g o of 72,81 slro lics na . iBBSBfll lilgEj^ mh naltiinore Diillets nnniiuncediiunced WWlicc ilcox UcclHloned K eys;;; 130 round.roun Mondny thoy lind olitnhied•d RRny ny I^\«p 3»ihnHi>n pinned llcIcMler. s \le r. jrpKnthy never scored- ovoro v e r fiORO ' ,Scott fnim tlm Detroit Pistonstons In 1^1 pouiids, .Schnnk w on on w uh |,| ti„i flos on 13 orcn- n thrco-coriierrd trade which (llsquollflcutlon; HH p o u n d s, fllotifi. She e stab lish ed nnn l.PCiA ...... nino Involved th e U is. AnBOlo.iinROlos ilo«loP> p w o rth pinncd R oseliorry;ry: l“»157 rccordrcco by shooting rounds nf Hfl- poundH, Coffin pinncd Church:h iirch ; 71.flft.05 fo r 273 In th e M ilw aukeo i\ lAkom . I’” '"), ilwaukuo M c rc n ry C o u g a r h nIS s just j u s t taketaken the "Oscar” of' the car buibusiness— ’ Mercurycury thanksthank these experts forir" theirth e ir la)lav ish p r’nise, T h e o n ly \ In Iho d(in!, Mcl Countsmts nrl«»rof 1(18 pminda, UodgorH wns pinned ,o„ntourney. _ ;______' _[ by-Da:kcr;"lH3'pound.ir Uiiddlcs - [7.lne’fl C n ro fth e Yenr mednl1‘for for 1967;“ expert opinion'we “ ■■■nriltlmnre w uN 'iiunl lO "llio'IJlk: hnnvv Tho Frnttirnnl Order “^fITn- of Kn- “"TM > otor rrcnri;M nga7.lne’fl C nn opinion-we vnhic‘m0rc-i870iir.'jrSirirSo-gcrrCougnr0'g c t outonthe ------■ •(•elvrd cli^cl.-'l'incd Sclim ldt, and h eavy- , ‘ crs and the Pistons rccelvrd , I'J glcfl will present , tlw awardward Inlo C o u g n r lias " I’OlMM ZZ(X)M (X )M ! ! HD,'\7.Zl,l',!" say the magazine'sm ngazinc’s editors, rond. Seeice if you Spar- Mrs,Mi King brought the worn- , tho Cfliint«-((ir-l.nUiisHO sw ap « tin’H Wlmliliuion crown bnckback to ‘■Styling? ‘'Oistinciivc/c aiuland cxcitexciting, iiiporty, yes, but sporty luxury.”1 dealer's.s. All loadedloadi with liettcr iilcas. in iiS B : ,n," foV iaii.1 h o st m nckfoot, ■ nnd then mnde,. tlio deni for Americn nfter four yearscars by llu fc n lln g M iss llu c n o 6-3-3- 3-fl,3 0, tf.({• - . ’ b iilllm o ro , w llh n 0-38 record r i l 1 ' ^s;T.F.'GunClub >3r In tho final mtvlcU. T Thn hn 21- in Iho Nnllotinl Ilnskothnll Asho- 1.«J yearohl Californian alson helped clalloit, had been looking for \ , tlifl United Statos.wln IholO Wiulil-Wiuhl- ) relHjund BlrotiKlh. Scdtt, flI'L,'.; fuot-0, Aggregate iV J. Meet man Cup by dofealingng AnnA nn ' ran k e d Hcaim l nn tho PlHtnnH i t r ; with 404 rohoiinds. an nvoraitcivomiiu Winners VYJ Named L — a ■ . . . r . — ■ of nine por ganio. IIIn Bcorlng WliinorH .cf tho Twin FnllsF n lls Temiessee IC Trims n^orngfl v* *^'{* C m iforonco. losers. i..„ y''.tjwrt, Jiecond nxport wllh 770, • I ' H ondrlx h ll Ifl ih iIiiIs ., W hidliyhidlty r-r ., Of-li YCUn M u n c u n v DI-ALtin DI-ALtin ANDANt DniVl: A nETTER ID1:A.pt-A. ______J im CJrlRRs ncorcH 13 pointsX and Mnrtln.O-Donnnll, Ruporl, lo pnco Sliloldn lu n 4C-4)T w in , ,,,,<1 J u s tu s ,10 oacti -- jnostlyjnostiy o v e r PlrHt C h ristian C hurch do* ‘ , , foni (iiilsiilo. sp lto S cott P ricor:fl Itl polnlH.niniH I*'! I'O shnrpsliootor nwnwnrd n rd (jaryrj, Kollor, wIUiJl_pahiUL p o h iU ._____ : ------:------lElSEN ACTORS,iS, INC.IN ..„.'._]n_tlJQ-fliittl-BnniOr-Wtoloiill «iioott w™t l<> llll|»rl‘i.-l“*rP'>- nm rd d -D n V Id 'M llIn r Wltli 12 worn MAIN AVENUG bast .... THEIC iiASIiiSTiiAS|i:ST PlACnt IN THE WOfilDil.D TO DUYDU^ CAR TWVIN IN FALLS,'FALLS, IDAHO Oil, pacrd by Ron Daviii’vill' 12 cate^ato lio , w llh 70^ \h o ' only G ntorn In ‘ d(S; dDiibio • 701 MAIN AVEN A p' figiiros. I 1 III. Coonia .lia d alx p o indl' li' for fOr ll.SKll-Sl^ TlMlM-NRWS WANTT ADS T

    ^ , 1 \ ' ' ' • ■ , ■' i t 'I ’ ' ' I ' / ■ 7 '■

    1 ^ 1!. ,- ■ Tuesday, Jan. 17, 19 9 6 6 /~/ ~ _ \ Bide Glance* " ______L I»>l' ~A bner______’ ' - = 1 ______ANV PORE K W SHW - Vj }0!SENSE.W\E A^l Zm:^;L!?PA5ANE^/:^ rS H E K E T C H E 5-)-W W -H A L F -A -L 0A F ------I KETCHIM'iETCHIN'VO'IN v o ' I, i REASON FO'US> 'U S <( BUIBU T-5°a-N 0W ) ( S O U L S H E KETCH > TH'SADIE. ■ REM ARRVIN'Wsj'WAS AS N H HE EG O TA / > INTM'RACELL.RACE'LL. Missing Words ^ / lAVMlNS'D/?/' rTO'GlVE;HONEST)NES^M / ( -iAMM, M V-y' T be MISIIS PAPPY.'PAPPV//y"^^N O N E ./^ ACR083 8S HUibtnd of W* | | M RACE NOW.'.* J • > ABE A ' r ^ S S ^ f K ^ n I ______US L'~LC---- MAMWy ichoolhouit, :g 5 S y ;l,,(, r * . - l ^ g r ^mi^ E g n« ' 41 Assessment rASKeiraBCT^gnsmyCTf^ tentmiker- SEpoclul„ ' ■ ' ' 23 Me ------^ A HERBS BUnANYTHIM» 7)WT M O P H E R E TO NEW -Ially 24 Verbal 43 Military unit MBewlldtred 3 DcncJlcl»Hy 24 Vt ■ 1 PON’T KMOW WHO HEHBW WA51 ASW 7mI< M W HTHElPtJS ^ T H B RBRB B wWS i5 Aa lA'IATEAF^-,— ^ 1 MB HBWAY-pET WAY'BET AW/V/- BUT HE POEgt f T .^ Q , d .i i a 25 Flat'topped hill 44 Den . ' S7MoUwr(coll.> 4B niihid,M « 25 Fli LOCAie HIM . ^ n N o o o on M PLpi-AMet ^ w MR-WcKEg» - 30Goeiig»lnit noor 2nTretnuluu» 20 Tr 40Sllk«.orm •ulhorliy BKeap 27 27 Korcknowerjto 47 Woilliii; bird 32 "At the — of eMusicilI dramas 20 IlcIlclatcd by 40"----- ior Mio twelve" • 7Det»etlveIve blood bit Insl kIiow" ™ e «4 Recumbent (altngl SPArhorgalhnmf 2PAt 50 Cushion ■ 4 f e . r a QO 1 2 3 ♦5675 16 17 19 110 111 J b Wm 5IK01L mu M d ; ^ H CA9UALLV<

    —— — ^ f ' ; ^ m H K fS ------\ T ^ ~ ~— ~ ;— t r — ------____ 1-17

    ^ <» IW W w. U..TM WVX >■«. W- - * 1 LI-I"-P ‘ 21 2c "Trv not to rattle thoho dishes whilevv Debbie's boy friendr r l e n d , BujeM HSAUulHHu _ 2 g T ------i5Tt5FsrW rw50tan'rwaRriiian'rwaRriiinrto“gerfunnylrfera^-— ; *“ Rex Morgan, M.D. • ____ ‘ • about-marriiibout-tnarriager* _ ■ ^ 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ * TT we WEH0P£S0...BUr111o p e s o ! I WHAT 0 0 YOU)} ^ ONEFONE FOOT WAS F B O Z ^ S ) fJACK, j i ^ CANC A N YOU ^ TELL W Y E S . i X H w i '^ l 55 31 C a r n iv a l *—^=—I WERENOTSUREWERE N o ra J MEAN? 1 I C RAOtv/wi:BADLY/WE CANT TELL THE J . WE teIKW w I CANC GET 1 .THEIR PHONE ■ IS_I IS VERONICA 1 >WECANSAVE'^ >W ECANSW t^^iaR V i^E■ ■ LJaE EXTENT N ' OF TISSUE IN TOUCH Wl' ' ALL R ie n t t - n ^her R ONEo n e Lu E G .^ _ — ----- :------0AMA6E .^PARENTS? CR./WDW5AN7- 3 ^ ■■39 ^ S l n i l V . A B H S i > s T X v ^ ■ ■ E :± E I . ''TGbSC [fS^^L' I ' 40 I rto^'|E»^ M SIPSr J

    ♦TpTBT “ j U w 4T r « t7 148 ■ H i l i i i 7 ^ _ ^ - / ^^ | ' ( m P m u f

    _ — - — - s r — ’ j m S l - r f l l [f H

    _____ ©a«ollna_Alley______T lz z y g o a t s a r e T id if 'f it’s'*’5 BaBariudonitll^^ / Clovia.tClovia.this is ^lim.ijour^cl'^ L •*' Barry was \ W better better ooff on tVie fam .k tagiy on there all night.'palpal and chumc who-has pulled \ B coming over v jtC to v Ia.'“A n5w erttiE~jri’m'«i

    y - the floats, iTiiB /^A <* c.'i ' T W v V ^ f f l ^ M o m J y f l “ t e l 0 " riiiT^ J I vv-rfsS'’ L T/M /fetJ ■ 8 ------Si8&f ^^B ra3_jB c

    '’ ' ' ' ' ' " ' " **' Jm ^ w ~ fi

    g i fi£ £ A 5 C j >1 # 7 ^ j * " " 1 mmMtmil/---iil r\ ' i i 'W I T S ■ C HO*^ HU. itT tf Ul ~ The porrT* Loser ^' 'retTHf fAiw ffe«o‘m m « r - 3 “Maybe one of yourvour 'slop smoklngft pills would V ^ I w ( ^ oi/f ijp p l “ W v o u w m J m MrflND ? 17|/TOme;5TKAIMSilF Tl V | ~ % ; help, Pet!Petl” 'I^ f on THE WMU JR- ^ ____J O , Q > Major Hoopio ; Q • ------S j— I _ - ^' /'WYWORO/DAIME^Te-SEEMSTD /' MV W< :—Si— --- —A-eer>V0e TWWW1N6OS TD66TH W/t----- ■o W VOirRE A WALL ST .IlSr.iisET^S tPU S rrfT 0( ed happens i v,r-* cs RtTIRE TO MV $U1TB, BUTBUTTM6 TM6 /{ ^ 2 - coNvemiofJS ha v e c:r r o w d e o f — 'y ~ ^ . T EVERV HOTEL.'I'M tXJOKlNS» K 1 N S yJ / .,- . - ' ------. *- - FOR'AtAElAPT/KOOM//-^2_ sA Mm m g sim jim m jim y; ” **t m utt hftvo lostrt somaomothlngf—1 elhti can close m y r"W~^ . Short Ribs ' pooketboolpooketbookl'* I ^ ' t WANTA I I MFrHEkVTbV T b I ]-/ m fAKB ^ARE of" \ I T BRIDGE BY JACOBY/ MEtfA6£ ^EHTl'^£0TH£g1?ilBE5.0IH£R1R|B£5. .HELP W KEEPWitp m ij ( 1TRI6HTAV/AV, CHIEF. ) ------Powf^ AIR I HAND FAVORS spndcn spi nlihouRh a couplc,lc ,g got o t all ■ i o ^ . CANAPE BID the t>i{ wny to six. - The bidding system used'byised'by In 1 all instances East madem ade his Benito Garrozzo nnd Omar normnl no opening lead of the ______S h s r iL J 3 _ th e ^ N e * p o lltoin-Club-qucca-oLhcarts-and-lho.dflfonBO- n -C lu b - q u plus certain varlalioai devoloi>-ievelop- gathered 8« In the first two'a tricks. trick s. ed by Garrozzo, iOmnr Shnrif opened withw ith tho ______Like mony. European syatcmssystems cnnapecm bid of ono spnde.c. Rcnito n c n ito It usea what Is known as cannpa Juni[KdJu> lo Ihreo spades.S. OmnrO m nr '|\ ‘bidding. Ono bids the shorter■orter ofor showed his real .suit byr bidding ffl*-] I M n h M ^- ■ I I fourfoi dinmonds. Benito'ss bid of Allay Oop ^ ^ flvo clubs wns n slnm Irytry nnd V ‘ NORTH 17 oJ Omnr’s fivo dinmond call cnll wns I ... ^ I C B B ,N iattD lt>N T 1\ OH, o h , I'V E E I .;.BUT RIGHT / W»I«T9l«T 9 TH'TH' I / NO BOOM AT ALLi IN FACn A K Q 1 0 8 4 n n imild ncceplnnce. WllhI ththc c aco KNOW VOU TAUW H T S S / ^ f WE'RB Q O N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V 8 7 of IN RHYMH.TOO, //FEW f e w LVRIC9. LVRIC9, CONCERNCpl 'BOUTOUT MY MY V RJOMT FOR T>t» GROUP..,GROUP... , / &B MOOV1AN3, WE of henrts Omnr would hn hnve v e hiilbi . EA.8T ' o{{oU nt Ilvo spmlcs, ;47a ' «J0 1 Benito ncc . fiOimi (D) trick trl wllh (hnnmy’H nco of chibsc h ib s j / , f i i f HUH?/ f H ¥ I V \ UMBRELLA/ 1 CCtlLP HEAR< \< n t t r Mm/V CSni^^M J 4 A 0 S 3 flivnnd d rew triiinivi. Tlien1 hQ.«lis*hQ.«iis- f i i /M lTriTTp I j i i i KK WH WHAT3HE’5.5M0UT/M0 V K 2 cn;cnrded dumniy s hcnrlss on hishlH i I I : l*y V llCHAHr?)'.M n f( ? /three blcck&Awavim' Im Cyflft ♦ K Q J f l e long lot dlnmomh nnd conceded:n n ced ed \ f m a j t e .fC l-U V ASTEELM1LL,WiTM 4 > 7 fi onu mv club irlck. A real lopop scoro , /flltBilFTwHUTn;JH irr?l-y^ ABRASIiRAWD EM t-W ct votnenibioable ■ becniiso fonr spiides bidI nnd six j / i I ' y Wert HwUl Cut nonUHonth Would havo beenI Just ni / f 1I A4k *'* iiinich points. Pasa 3 4 Pasfl . >1 4 Stovo Ropar * ♦ (Answer Next Issue) rasa B i|^ Fann R f m i thS A ' ------pAaa..„0 4 — Tail Toss C *LAIL' 'AHU IJJUtU IIQ F fww BBLU/«MPTHB l.U /«M i C//ff MiJMHVir^ I 7 ^ rnss Q—Tim ItI.ldln/f bns bccni ------IHI > ccnl------{ vK W 1 I P ' 0 > ^ ^ P«M y/t ------— -lOOIt-MiMB/'-POPi-TORMSTIJRNS IM A TM T POOjeR-FINOS-OUr - -MORe-IMPORTAtfrTO'rtHJTHAN- J ^ e - I M P « Writ North t:a«l H Houth oulh I n 3 * ELBWN a&LLS ANDj L^ E e E eP p S s I h b ’l l 5 a c k m 0 I a r a t b w Openlnslead—41C 1 4 ♦ I'UHS PlIKS 1 A LIKE A ROCK/-M EET ME AT A ______I l'«r r«K» , 2 4. l>nim 7 THB BACK DOOR OP THB l • m 1 tnnunr You, .South, bold: TRAILER AT two suits flrat and the loiiKor 1 'rHlRTV-AWOWB \ 4AQ70& ¥«3 ♦IC832 ^.7 0 ono Inter on. r,| • CAN «tlU 5KATB---L-llllR We cannot sco any real•eal nd- ’ ‘'f* " ^ F O R AM v a n ta g o to th is nlylo of hl

    B u g * B u n n y Terry and The PIratee3 |r « te e

    n-,rTHfT, rr HAFPewEP \ ^ noohkcoulc{\ FlWfn'.Ct)lONtl..ArEWMIHUTe5''^Sffl Fiwrfyj - 'M l'II' ^ CE 5 0 FA'.fy^ar. Hormn* ) w sttr , toh3H'T' t AOOa oo Ii HATEPi CXXKATOO.'.MCM I T I A K tr p n F^mlTiriy^ s ^ . ' ^ icooLPic)«R.;7^H)a»»cif! li® M ^ ' i ^ n

    jSterP It®

    '■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1 y

    ■ . ' ■ 1 "■ ■ */f ,■ -__^Jur-y_LisLls-Rel______-[£C utJY oujiQ vtfiJraxes- T a x e____ s ------— ^ ------— piAlrDIREHRECT to^Plg!hy-Er-Pratherf — itr-Plione P r a t h e t f ------BjTRAYT)E"CRANE ------faS l -NumbersiPRBB'oi- -.'JTT. KomerToTTile 30 by the Twin Falls CountyLy Com-Com« Ro'Route 3, and Leslie Ude. Rouie j WE (able t^-“t^l you tlie cxad ^ e, Rouie Enterprise:e Assn. anr amouht of real estate taxesxes they liAlltCUTTING. h a ir ««Yllng,Ina. Unt- scu'lng -d flrcproofed safes lo farm- “ ' missioMts. ‘ • . 2. Ins. Permanent* from JS.> AritstlcArhstic e f stores. Full, part-time.£1'™ Hom- : "MLS" The jurors, listed by commis-:om m is- T w in F a ils D istric t No No. 1616, Deductible^ taxes on y your o u r in- ppa aid fo r you ih 1966. } Beauty Snlon, 135 Mninin Wc*t,West, Ilton Sofei, Beloit 37. Wisconsin. of Charge jlpho n e ,733-1041. Evening appoint- ^ — NEW L I S T I N G S slon district and precinct,ct, are: DelDelbert E. Alge^ 428 Martin;Martin' eome tax return generallyerally in- ’’You may also dcduct Interest Borah’ real estate taxes,;cs, stale ch;chargcs paid on debts forJr wwhich hich ^ Farm Wffrk WlHiea 9.12 3 HiHEYBURN ST. If you are look- Twin Falls District No. 1,1. RoyR oy WaW ayne W. B a u er. 283 W. B o ra h ; Uvn PATRONS; Coll Kcmn P arrott.rroti (In------^------______lming for a home that Is In JUSI a - M. Blrroll, 327 6th Avc. E.: Lil- OwOwen Carior, 256 DuBois;is; PaulPaui ^ocai gasoline taxes,(es. state .yoi you were legally responsible.?onsiblc. NoI matter where youIU llvoiivo ., .*. J pf nema’* ncouty Snlon)Snlon) for H>'lillle better condlllon. here It 1*. n;'Lcon- ^od local sales taxes, state and HcHowever. If you made a mort- , 2 bedrooms, carpeted, elean and lian Baker. Sth Ave. E.; H. C.'C.’Ellcdge, 414 Bracken; Leon- ucan‘ sai-a;; 1131 ™7lh , i C U S T O M Severy comlorioble. WeU worth Uia I. Judy, 383 5th Ave. E.:E ; -Joe Joe a r d A. F ish e r, 342 W . Borah' B o ra h ; local income taxes andI personal gagega payment on your “eiS'. daugh- *" * ‘ ------MANURE HAULINGN O money a t SI0.2S0. Bols; Al- property^fls.- teite rs home, you could not deduct j rimes- Baby Sltleit-Chlld Care 16 ' P iynC E STREET. Very leldom C.,Boster, 352 4th Avc. E..E and C® Humphrey, 327 DuBols; Al- P^’J .t dcducl „„„ telephone thn B«l doe* a home *how up In . Uiit Marcella Hdder, 316 6th Ave,A v - E. E v ie B. K night. 560 W . H{eyburn; ey b u rn ; --Tho instructions-malieddied with thithe interest portion of thotho"pay- pay- DO • PEEP Child Care.. Ulvldeauividea T.eo’s area. 3 bedroom*, full ba*ement. - -M ' DarwIn-C„HuUer,-528-W,-Hoy-W,-Hoi^ .your_incomft.tax-blanks-by-In-yo k s - b y -I n - .mi m e n t.------:— —------...... News-free of fharge.rge.- • -cJ-cIa**e*,-nur*ery.-.pi’c.klndorBonen, --■■■ Custom Farming o.Owner-I* belng-tren^ferred-and- ■' -Twln-FallS’-District—No:“ 2r P^' ® klndergnrien. .Ico '7ih Avenue mum move now. Prlco, I13.SOO. ' 179 Filer ^ F lo re n ce B re ck e n rid g e , 137117 7lh7ih Harvey Kreps, 379 Filer I 1 NNorth. 733-5097. . F iler JEROME. j'i 3 bedroom frame K iram c r. . i I 11 : I. A------If-you-Uve-ln------___ Dlal_D la l_ R^iADiLli^DA^tlTltSM.— RKi Ctllli----- T------Av^,^N.f-Florflnce-G:-Bcnoitr-B c n o itr m ~ T netlng. A very eoratonabte homa q.v npyfiiirn; .Jonn-c....■ F ,.R k uns^ c s ______C 2 , ___ l i . L — =—Stfttg-AptoriofarBglsch. 313 ^ 1 ” ^ — ‘ [■ IP------BBnhl;- i Castleford ....54M648------fr ------loeaiad-fliv^laoler-Drlvai-Wlll------Ave. N.; Wililam-J. Boyd. 263 e „ rs . J r . 260 w is c m a n r am n d Jo h n I | 4 7J3-2C8I. • trnrtc tor homo In Twin Fnll* or O' Sw isher. 282 D uB ois. C U S T O M »cll "c ot J17,000. Immediate po*. 2nd Ave. N.; Donna Mauldin, W 1 ____ Wendotl. Goodlng. ______yA(:K" — -_Twin_FAUs.'DistricL_No_I7,1n o _ 1 7 , ______. 1 I _20j_,0.i; — m a n u RE-HAUtINGNG ------^ ------381--3rd'Aver-N:rand~l2Ctta-Mr - ■ ■ l ____ ^ Avenue Ee»l.'733-C(J47. ‘ .ctta M. John Ar-BirrelF37S Madison;iis o n ; C. X V K ^ ^ B I h Vernon Olander Buhl. S43-4572 McCoy, 259 4th Ave. N. r I - Hagerman, ' ' RELlAULE child core'. U r 7 e"’fc;;^ ;i LYNWOOD . J. Bingham, 427 Quincy;y ; SScott cott h four, day ------^------Twin Falls District - N o.'‘3, *' J e r o m e ...... ,536-2533536-2539 g? wcek'^TOycMa. » - c A. Flctcher, 397 Monroe;i; Bevcr- B evcr- if O l H H / & U I J[ REALTY W illiam B n iley , 153 9th A ve. E .; »v' \ye. E.; jy Huddleston. 309 VanI Buren: Buren; I ^ A :ed chUd ''C U S T O M Stanley A. Brown, 2« Jth Ave. u„ Helen M.‘ JCniep. 357 Jackson, Jackson. I " f 1 F ile r. H o llister , ' “^ c c. a re ^ in '^ n iy ■■ho*m"''nco50n'ob1yeo5onobiy M A N U R E H A U L IN G R : Lawrence E. Bird, 362 7th nnc .Rogerson ....326-5375.326-5375 ^ priced. Call 733-M7fl_.______Ql(gr 3 Member Mulllpio Listing 362 7th nnd Nancy, N. Ridgeway,v a y , 457 \ B A U y sim N G wnnted In your/our homohome _ Jimi i Llllltirldge - 733-B363 aller 3 ___ Ave. N.; Helen M. Bobier, 242 Qm'G uincv. 1 . . ■______^ ^ T7I _L______or mine. 733-<).V17. rtnvUmnIL Onr L r.ve. tV C ------^ ^ O M - ~ • — • ‘------^ — — m-AVt: E.'i frank W7-Slii3<7r S I ^ TJ w in F a lls D istric t .N No. o. 18. tetei rn a l R e v en u e in c lu d e ta b le^ s 1 len^liy I ^IsyTRtipertr'^ J nlna*.______833 Shoshone St. N.; Garya ry LLee ee MMr rs. R. C. A sh en b re n er, 448 (01 CHILD CARE In my "home.ie. Phonoi»hone M A N U R E H A U L I N G p T » _ ner, 448 for determining the sales tax ini \ ft home Declo. Paul, ^,733-8l3< or 32<-21CO. Jerom e. Jim ji Lllllbrldae -■ 733-83031 nfiernfter 5 Vj.l. S W att. 21& 7th Ave. E.. andd Frank BuBuchanan; Lewis L. Arrington,rrington. andar gasoline tax allowances, mi T hletten. 350 Sth A ve. E . 344 ■ovement Norland 678-2552 .....678-2552 w il l wnt e n d children in m my y home,home. c cUi u s t o m . WORK, ManureI hauling Prices Will Never E- 344 F i l l m o r e : M rs. B yron TlThe sales tax chart allowancede tables is loi Deductible interest generally • 439 2nd Avenue EoM;______andui ekcovutlng. Basement nnd m banks - • * _i ’*334, ISj' __ ^..^.Bc.Lowcr. .... ------Twin Falls District No.'• 4, Ted Wright.J42_Polk:_Glcn.EJ-raii.Wr E J ^ r a l i . bba a s c d - u p o n —in c o m e —a n d —th e an sales tax Includes interest paid onpurchase a home - * -jg:Kmploymant'AgeHclM 17 ~j( ' Pul Your Family t . A nderson. 435“ 6th A>ve. ve. ^ETT 886 F ile r A v e .;-D o u g la s SchowSchow, , numbernu in-your family. If you loi llowances. mortgage, home improvementirchases. * * , * _ * JOij Joi OPENINGS nt 'Pc-»o-nncrser.onnel ser- ~ In A Better Home Now W illiam C. A rm g a. 602 4Uh th Ave. A ve. 479'Pierce,479 and Lloyd Lambing,Lambing, canca prove you paid more sales lowance is loan, personal loans fromid onbanks the DIRECTORY Y vice v of 'M ofilc VaUey. 226 ,shi> Sho- T he B est W ay to Sell:nll * J, bedrooms. 2 baths, recreation ' ______E . ; _ H a r r y _ A ^ t a k e „ 2ilO.Blue 1 0 .B lu e 317 317_EIetce______r —r«u tax -th a n tho-CMrt-aUowahcei-and-the and pu credirunlonsrauto-purchaseip e rt y - d o —------' . _>hooe,lia».j33.-5M2. ___ ..i______^rpom . fenced, E^cellentJPQMlpn.______L a k e s; E th e l B. E g b e rt., 511 Sth 1T w in F a lls D is tric t N10. o. 19. L.L claimd i the higher figure. You no '',ol Anything is wllK ...... “ Jl Iy. If you loans and installment purchases,lie inler- ANNOUNCEMENTSvTTS Kelp Ke Wantod-Female 18 „ , i r Ave. E,: George H. Mitchell.Mitchell. JamesJai ^K6utnik. 137 Fremont;-remont; mmay additionally claimlore sales any es -So-called "points” paid on the :____ 1! X W ant Ad i,school, fenced. A perfect family 504 4th Ave. E.; George War- Ku dds this Classification .1 through 15 — 5C War- Kurt A; Moss, 563 Lynwood:rood: Ar- salessa tax pald_oa thelUowahce; purchase purchase ch or sale-of-property-dois o f his — YOUR "ROAD TO . home. $11,500. ulO down. Im- • fierg. 506 6th Ave. £ . ; Jo se p h lo n n 'B a s tia n . 1950 S a n L a R u e : of Ask for Classifieda n medlnto Possetiloo. Feel free lo . of an automobile. ure. You not he constitute dcductlbic inler- .SUCCESS” ______cnll-for Informallon. Er, Charles S. Looney, 615 Alturas T DO you have nn AVONI Repre- Repre. — ------^ H . B ingham . 403 6th Aivc. ve. E r. Chi I Aimras Real estate Uxes areaim dcducll- any est. se The purchaser adds this* C , EMPLOYMEm-*^ " c and Edna L. Smith, 451 6lh6th DnDrive; Karl C. Freeman, Falls bl, f len M er- ClassilicaUon 18 through 24 M REAL ESTATE SERVICE l i U r 1IU Tpurchase h is d o e s charge ' to-the cost basis of his 'OUgh 24 urty?'*ll-you'don'” pef^°n'ps^'^^o“ds"i“u WorkW t Wanted 2A R Ave. E . ______- AAve.-E.; v Mrs. Faren Faler, 504 ______733.HIB "Ot necessarily mean the total home. es The' seller, uses bases it as to- a dn 2 open territory which;h could —------Twin Falls Dist.ict No.No 5.5 J-VLynwood Blvd.; Otto J. Bolhne. o» offer you an cxccllcnt cnrnlnR •p. ®* of real estate taxes collectede dcducli- on sciling-expense ta item. ! on the ^ FINANCIAL opportunity. o No experiencencS'ncc'' ncc- E V E R G R E E NJ «g:;'L?,-sr ss ' Mary.A. Kimes. Colonial1 Apts.;Ants • ^18 Alturas Drive; M. E. Carr, vr B Curl’ monthly mortgageThis does pay- fii To-arrive at, the hidden Inter- ■niiffh W ejjary, P a n lime, Wrtle Mm. T R I M M I N G — ‘v f N - Alturas Drive; Robert B. Curl. ^ Ide by 12 Classi/icatlbn 30 throughOUgn 38dS £ Mclniurf. Roulo No. 2. p Jp. A. C argill. 561 4th A ve. N .; the totol est on Installment-purchases to- I No. 2. Fruit, tree prunnlng, tree top- n ,, A ve 1985 San L aR u e; M rs. L ynn W. un p a id Kimberly,h or call 733-7413. ping. pj Sheep mnnuiv lor-'VS lawn* NEW THREE ' Helen S. Coleman, 712 2nd Ave. savings)llected and loan on mtal the unpaid balance on the rth a u a R ose. 615 A ltu ra s D riv e ; .W eldon _ ANYONE CAN SELL 'lloovcr>over Uni- nnnni flower bed*. T N.; J. F. Depew, 401 7th Ave. g® inge pay- first e*ailowL^ r e a l E ST A T E forms. FuU or tpuno llmc. Un- n ENiNG BEDROOM HOM E H askm s. 644 M onte V istaJia" ; BBar a r- „ "mortgage firm put such pay- bj of each m onth, dividee aiiowa by 12 CciassKjcajjofl (hrough 62 }{ “o^portuS" ‘3R E E N L E A F G A RD EN IN G | N.: Paul R. Welch, 512 2nd ,1 ■. ^ ments into a reserve account to to bl get the average unpaid .„ „g h $2 - ou 203 Drcnkcr; 867 Walnut, N.. ^ - J — Ave. N.; W. R. Westcott. 203 J® I cnnirfl" guarantee payment whenand taxes loan monthly balance and r multiplydeduc- ' ' J Big m arket. No investment. Send ?,T Thisa &rrr.'ff,.rcn': la a new home with wnll to 4th Ave. N.: Karen L. Wheeler. “nd Vernon Hazeil. 1332 Spnica. ^ - rrr iM HREE Sole* Kit. HOOVER. - F u*. Gem v,a„ carpet In llvlng'room and Twin Falls District No.No S20.^ became due.- They shouldsuch pay- be t(tby 6 per .cent to get the allowa- - SCHOPLS-INSTRUCTION 'i 537 2nd Ave. N., and Orville J t l ” — De*k HW-I New Jiyde Park, N.Y. ______two of lhrc« bedroom*. - Thi* orvuie jjQjj Arrington. Routete 3; JoJoe e account to ble interest deduction. ------^Classification 40 through■ough 48 _i; im o . . ■ ______WA D In my homo ha* a good sited living , . H untley, 501 4th A ve. R 25 to 4S' home. Phono 733-7166. 154818 3rd Av- room,I r ipaclou* kitchen and dln- 'hen taxes (NEXT; lb® “other deduc- '■ c McCollum. Box 110; Arlie-E.A r l i e .E . . iour week- enue Enst.______liInic area, larse bath, aUAlas nn. Twin Falls District No. 6. Do- should be tions.") ____ » White. Route 2: Jean DeSpaIn,D eS paIn, R E N TA LS , 8°3o\o''?.'3?.'^1lVc*dny^*°orr*^^^^8 I off. Jl.25 imIRONING nt Jl per hour.-Shlri*-Shirt* or f*1° P**'° a"** carport. Good ___ nifit-W ,Jertsch,-202-Jefferson;.ifferson,. 735-t is Eastland Drive; Harvey M. ilshed.-Ap- . what have.you..Referencej-PJione —* -Harry E. Chapin. 145 Harrison; ^ — Classification-70 throughrough 88- -p 3:00 p.m.. - ? 733-IB47.______-s'xs.e'cffM « T .ss— a rris o n ; ^ 0 ^ ^ 2 ; B ill G ra n g e . 2176 ______Troy National incorporated. . ■ jgj D orothy E . P ro c h n o w ^ 95_MadLL n ii YOUR BIRTHD lj, laONlNG-BONE-la-juy-Jiome—Sl. —J 5_MadU Elizabethi-DonrGrandjeanr-1984eanr-1984 ------nd service per hour. 344 Van Buren. Phone _ son; Harold H. Stiles, 252ZJeffer- Jeffer- Elizabeth;Eli Mrs. Lavaun Fite. rill” AGRICULTURE^"■E--;, ^"^'iSr^ndL^eSor dL-343.555a J:—733.11678.__ —' — son: Delbert Thueson, 277TI Quin* Q um - 1928192 M aple; W illia m E ."" es E g bSS e rt. and HOROSCOPI ------ClasslficatioR-90-througli-96-rough 86 ^ ..or 344-1543, evening*. B01*e. CAN SAVE you 20% on remodelingemodeling cy. and Ralph C. Uhler, 259 Van 535 IRTHDAY^?^^ 259 Van 535 Eastland, and Wilmata RRoutt. o u tt. Help Wantfld-Mal> , 19 J> ,°.''.a"'X .aS’c.'S“S,i8S™’' B u re n . 473 E a s tla n d . fir LIVESTOCK . . !!: TRY THIS FOR SIZE Twin Falls District No. 7. Twini Falls District N No. o. 21. ascoPE ^ • c Classification 100 througho u g h 116 11*6 ^ 3 3 -8 ^ or “ "’'**'1 fit but you'll reallv . J a c o b . F . A rrington. 119 T y le r; Thi ...... ------see-at-339--Norih-W a*h1ngton; — - > Tyler; Thelma M._Grubb._482.-Addison--A ^on —TUESDAY.--Jan. 17-Bornlo------— ^ArcK T . C olner.108 T aylor-;lor-; T e r Avc.Avi W .; Id a . M c B rid e. 200 W. j . - L E A D S - TYPING In my home. Largo or • ®re one who will lean • 23 . Jan. - MISCELLANEOUS imnll jobs. Call 733-ClBl, anytime. ;* bnth home. Carpeted, bull|.in Cox,125 Buchanan; Arnoldnold F. AdiAddison: Frank J. Nielsen. 470 • c . anytime. „ n p 5, 2 fireplace*, full finished ^ W nrri O'^er b a ck w ard s lo d e m o n s tra te 20 ibout the Classification 120 throughrough 160 1R(IRONINGS tiT^o ln my home, 415 1 C ro ss, 204 T a y lo r; E u gjen® e n e WW. . FS\Filer Ave. W.; Ross G. Ward, . -.Lead* ore furnished freece every !Sth Avenua^cst or phone 733-949B. i ?ard MS l®y»hy. Jove, and—Born-to-- affec- fu Wednesday,” JanrUse 18” 'your - J J e n se n , 212 T ay lo r, a n d C h a rles 441 M a rtin ; B e tty J . W a rd . 205 Week; Our averngo m an hu* “ ------part. Of Kim- ) will lean • CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 • Jan. ^ars and Buslneit Opportunities7t ^ 30 i S. Looney. 261 L incoln. Ca:Carney, and William McLain McLain, others. You are not parti- tii stead, to AIRCRAFT AND BOATSBOATS > with u* over len year* and Bl ■monstrate 20) — Avoid worry aboutI present the Crin^^jfjpn^jnn throughI..«i, m ^ we'vo provided him lends every — ------T win F a lls - D tsr r icr --m NO. -s 8r r ?28«$~Fllcr- Ave. W:------M U ga-U J------week' We eat^-me-anothei^lead------and affec- future at this point. Use your 1 ihir^n^ ^^PA Rfr^IM E^eOMEIOME------G ■ — S f t ^ T A T E - R E A L T Y ------Harold Abegglen, 456 Maurice;.laurice;. _Iw- J in Falls District No.fjo 22, wiu'^recelve^in^.'^reW^^ pi worker who I* willing‘ to be Refillingj and collecting money < ! not parti- time and energy. Instead, to _ *hown how to earn over.ver « «00 » } from NEW TYPE high[ 5^all1vquality «“ ®>“«I-«>«*No.PJ>on«73J-CM| ...... — — Murifil-F^Dem6rr-J61-R-JunUM.-Juni- Mr M rs.-R.-M .-Kirkman.- 588 Wir- P®people mean more to,you Jhan ^ :F e b . J 9 ). — _ _ iiA U T O M O IIVE E------______1evory_week^Completo_tralnlng____ J n a n 882 ®"y m a te ria l a s s e ts ; a n d you - i -coln-operated-dlspenser»-ln-ihl»i-ln -lh l*------^ per; Douglas B. Egbert. 25 Hoi* Hoi- schsc h in g ; E . R . S p a rk m a n . 882 " ip 0 d af- aassification 180 throughrough 200 \ ?.?Mi ;»f=“- No selling. To qualify you Mildred rather be a rn!^Other financial faproblems. . ■ h“ve cnr, rerenence*.?e*?^ooo " M L S .’' ly Lane, Washington Courts; BlueBli Lakes N.; Mrs. Mildred ■a sh o u ld ______** ;way, working ihls nrcn of *taie. V i m >owd, 603 failure thnn a soda! ,you outcast, Jhan st ' AQUAT^IUS (Jan. 21-Feb. W). _ . . . lik.: ‘0 JI900 cash. Seven to iwelvo .Jftlm R. Gentry, 1417 Addison BaBarlow. Route 3; Ann Dowd, 603 ** 7 for personal Interview .1 see, tSJohn ,i2 f'ou”i weekly can net'excellente x » llin t S BEDROOMS, 3 bath*, 9 fir*, la Giese, You will have to takeand care. you —Keep Iti busy winding up old'af- r • Uoyd. Ro8cr*on Hotel.t Twin ■■" monthly income. Moreire full full 1 place*, f a ^ ly room, double la - A vV'E;; J o h n C. H an seen n , 1228 Je ffel rso n , a n d M ps. Ella Giese, ■ i T ' - ,^ , . ' j Falls. Friday. J n n - 20. between 2 however, in your desirefinancial to be fairs—but if a new idea should ceiw tcn lime, For personal Interview i N. Elm Circle; James R.R Min- 541 Pierce. - ho rc h 2 1 ) - .",rvs%;!arSund p t- ! P-m. and 9 p.m . _ _ _ _ _ «write PEN-IDA DISTRIBUTINGBUtVn g ; ------8hewrl81-Blu®-takes-N;r-Mary - T w i i ^ - F a l l s - D t e t r i c-N U o^J3,N o ^ , -accepted—by-lathers—that—you -ac outcast, Bt strike you as feasible andninoaH prof- l' rT^Blf^Olh-and-Ti-avlffrIT Ing u*grrfIt gfff — ‘ ------COOTXWY;— 2320;"' S.' " 'STATE " ' Freda L^roy Artington, Route; 3;3v Ella,EU& dodon’t fall Into the habU;ake ot care,com- ur itable. be sure to look „into p „ j it. v „ ,| __ •wmppeii: pl«eta conwct p a n y re- _ ■ STREET, ' s u it e 202, SALT < • EmmeM. 411 N. Elm;. Freda ^ neca.you. -celving-purie -M-.-U»«r«-wertt—3 —= =------fLAK&J-GITY—UTAH 84llS.-lft------1 S f b r ’^^ K m c n u V : wo'^ * - ’ m u e r , 173- M a u rice ; R o5BerrF" b e rt SrCrandalIr821'M ^ ountalnrViewalnrView prpromising-yourT)rinciple5:~Do !ire to be R PisCES (Feb. 20-Marchr-ex p21)-^ an d - lodge pin* and ch*ra# book In -clud6 phona number. Hiedeman. 1345 Heyburnrn E.;E • Drive; Eva Mae Parish.Ish, 2188 ththis and you will -that—you eventually Best-tD-kcGp-tD-routlnB~lO'dHj'in, iiDper pocket. Reward!' Mr». Ed n ■. FELDTMAN' REALTORS N Flm Falls Avfr. E.; Oliver Molyneux,lolyneux, reregret it, for friends can—and isms. v^Tie. 130 V«i Burea LSIStreet. 733- BODY MAN, N nb e e r b e e r b e e r S8 0O ,T .T ,. I875 F lier Ave. 73>-l»8l U r r y R . E v e rto n , 1203 N . E lm ™ , ? unless another should need>ril 20) vou — ______, 125 to 140 kegs per month,inth, re- re- Circle; Helen Moffit, 3111 Sunny^imnv 860 Sunrise: R. J. Schwcndiman,sndiman, sometimesso do—turn against:lp le you, ^ ^ in a crisis, ^oid over-expand- u “ “'^“ “” Mu*t be experienced.laranteed iJuaranteeil P®''‘* owner. P About $400 necnec pec. pec. —------• e is not Card of Thanks 3 I tv Pnld ffow same*. Newly!wly re- View Courts; Robert WV -lver- iw r . 706 Sunrise; R. A. Fender, bubut:your. high standardseventually of be- j^g i* and check enthusiasms. v| pay equal to your fiblllty. Paid ” w ho Is MR. AND MRS'i'lvan N lcl.o“elson. vVen-wen- Vacation*.< Paid holiday*.y* Sick- Sick- modeled.jj S«nu 135 people. Cov- BOn. 330. N. M a u rice ; Gr.i’en le n E. Route 3; Loyal E. Hinton.Uon, 825 hohavlor v^«Home* llllnoTs. Include phone number. home. Dining room, large llvlni closcr understanding ands in pre.s- finer ~ d eao lb sai'iity seuvice ------, room, glassed In porch, furnace, - T h lc tte n . 1311 8th Ave. Ei.; .; Har-H ar- DDrive, rl and Lcland-W. Brlzce Brlwie, ^'^y read the corresponding Sc \crew, willing In travel. Must be LABLn aarnge, |8,000. Kimberly. store for relationship. They’ll thank you. ~ well versed Tn layout workDrk“of of nil DnALERSIIIPS AVAILABLE o ld L am m ers, 1412 7thh AAvc., vc., 2142147 Addison Avc. E. ' P® paragraph. Let your birthday cn i No 25. star be your dally guide.four birth- yi CANCER (Juno 22-July 23)— typg, of homes. Cnpp-llomcs has i TAYLOR AGENCY and McWin A. Fullmer. 1350 7lh iTwin Falla. District No 25. lublar' Twin excellent rcpulnllon for°oi'2r'’'J5 over -.20 ' h u r r i c a n e •esponding Seek out tho weaknesses in pre.s- ed In thi* A utom atic C a r W'nsh ash Kimberly 423-838# A vc. E . W. R. Chase. Roula 1. FFiler; ile r; ------o \ h e w ro n g :eam baths, : year* and I* well received In thi* :: Evenln»i Route 3; 2. and Ruth McDonough.birthday Filer, entfo plans opd remove them. ""fhowori. e x erclie oQulpment. ' 0®* complelo detail* — Mc cor - Twin Falla District No.5. 10. C. MrMrs. Robert J. Coiner, Routa 3; 2. ' . Skier* . OoUer* . Sporlimen,ifme'n.^ln^ Inke -Wrl"e ' brief background resume. J Me cor - non Tnytor 423-5403 Thomas Charles E. Armstrong. Roul^RouUi 3:3; Flier Dislrlct No. ido. 3, Mrs. You'd bo tetter off Btarllng g-j Ci . Wyllle. 1M3 Poplar: Thomas chi 13)—T a k e h«ed. .hnpe.un. Men only. 733- I AniPn^'Snrilh ' - 733-M77______^ , c . B ucklin, 1647 Oth E .;; CClaire laire HaHarry Holmquist. Routee 3.3, and Cl;Clyde Smith, Route 1; Luclllc over than starting on the wrong i ..".IS..™' a;;;, j W, Cunningham, 900 Yaklm^Avo,;Bh. Filer, foot. ■ ' s Drexler. 173f Gicndalo; DonaldD onald DnDnrI.s Dc{»n. ^ l l 3_A Y e._W ,.,„_ Cu ras-your fanu lUouih 17. liriemly needed. J M cKinstcrri52r Kimes:s; Hrs'.Mrs'. ' ■ 1TwHi F a lls D Lstrict NNo o 128,.38, HcHelen flccih,'Yakima Avenue; L-EO (July 24-Aug. 23)-TakeA cc ep t »-Deportment ot Vubflc A*»HtanM>.A*slstanc«'. _ j ■ i - , — 7 y — — FOR SALE by owner, brick duplex,- • lth Avc. Armour A. Anderson. 530130 Cli^dy Mrs,M: Robert Graves, Filer, and ])oar4l and care pnyment niu* ------SERVICE STATIONION **' 'wo hedroom anorimentt. On*. J a m e s S. K inney. 1501 11th A vc. An r,:,- A?,: . advantage of the continuing for- ^ tan DRIVERS NEEDED , I volume aparlmenl not finished. Pull hose- vn, 1590 D riv e; U o A n d erso n , 822 E . JJa a ck ie W cstendorf, B o x SOI. E .; M rs. Lynn A. B row n. 1590 Drl ward-movement Insofar0 .,as 2your 3 ) - ?£ “A - m THIS AREA f »iiS irt 0"« bedroom apartment In flih .A vo. E.; Alma'M. Booth. MoM onto D riv e ; T ru m a n B lci.lci, 683 1K im berly D istric t N o. 1. G er- irortuct* howmeni finished. On Iwo lols. Filer flml ®“rccr Is concerned. •t ncslcct Accept iViniliL r VI,.Ir., .>.rcUI»ling .qui,.,equli^ INntlnnwhle mobile Imnro Irnns. v 733-o m Doublo carport, concrete drive, 1704 AddLson Ave. E .; D)avid avid L. MoMonte Vista; Robert B. Curl.Curl, al(aid W. Ridgeway, Louis Bulch- M S fini a d d e d re sp o n sib ility . J' 'rmncy’.'” ll7 ^'ruc*k* foMense nvnllnbfe.fo. Anoly A*pnly APPLIANCli^'oroa T woll'Tr^^iod ^iii • Clough, 1537 3rd Avo. E .;: V olcnc 1031035 Snn U R u e ; M rs. JI. . WWood- ood- eer, r Russell L. Elder, Floyd H. h & i n Jrive; J. Olacn, John Fcldhuacn,•0 1‘ner Emily VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept.'iim 23)- 7:S 'i r S S M ) . TRAIL- (mull communliy T rade for, good ~ II. C henney, 1515 E UU ra ab b ccth th ; son C reed, 550 C indy D riv o ; J . 01 uin Bulch. Take caro that you don’t neglect Wlj n Tyier nnper, lorm. nr Incomef'properf’y 'proplSriy, "i PRICR RCDUCEDi Imme- A dd h o n M . D nvis. 1035 G rn n n d n Drivo;D riv o ; BallartI,. Harold 0. Hove, C. enuin filreel, Twln Fnlls, Idaho or | L a rr y H. A rm ga, 1604 A ddison M. rtftuH M Important partnershipi”23)--ij affairs f rfnrT«nt «r *rlie : Depl. 40, P.O. non B1090. .} damson Donald A. Jensen. 6544 Cindy CarolCt Slaughter, I^alph W. Cox, Avo. E.; Robert C. Adamson, ^ In social eole. Klni|»l)uryi Pharmacy.irm ac" 117 _ Tulia. Oklahoma 741SI. me? 1‘ Drive; Dean K o n d r iick c k. . 671 TimJl Drown, Usllo Lowe,'n Emily H. P. ** yj '''•“‘Jom n 320 I.ocust: Mrs. Jamc.n 1‘. H’’ Hnve C should provo a great asset.I comblno P57. oi 733- 71J, Q p p ,( ,^ i . II W M onto V lsla; M rs. K eI n n e tt hh Spcnce,Sp Clarence R, Oliver and a' E {,v“ t y w r n r . ‘. r n »i'x'.i" c e ' ' ‘.ll: 5!s“.H!:S‘"S'T.re ' Mathla; 1815 9lh Ave. E.; H. W. M g h W Co» LIDRA (Sent. J<.Oct. 2J)-H "1 ■; Drive Moon, 698 Allurns. andid Lelha MMrs. Floyd H. Olsen, all Kim- tl> 1 or busl- iT|U vXt I{ IxuecilVei A »orney'*‘«er. o n .ey 'r* e r. CLERK - CARRIERE R gnsollne,4 Coniacl Frnncl* Tuckvr Z immerman, 1B3S Alturnn Drive. M*’ lo P lnco. berly, )we H p' nyou t niust take part In social «vlcei, Invetiliailon*. i’lcture* . re- • iTn*e* to nibn. Ilurlev, cys-sjfll. — o n d M ra. U s lia D ea n , 1640ifiift 3rdarrl McPhee. 1953 El Monlo Placo. be 'ov. 22)— confidential.llV n tl"' 733- 733: ' • ,f e ' J V t e ^ lerome. 4 UY OWNHRi comforinDle 3 bed- ' IMU jru Cnrl:nrl Hen- Kimberly District No.Dllver 2, Trvinand affairs Just now. try lo comblno g lown. Ill,- room home, I'ront room, dining A ve. K. ______Job .^pcurltv lihVck* ' fn>M» cenier"of lown? ill,^ N,, ,, drix. Routo 4; PegBy Gullck, Gullck. EiEilers. Ralph Gllletle,all Helen Kim- Tithem with professionaliroacl; or busi- 10 Wiim'.iri.Tlliri,','j;], n...i ond «.i,l~ corro- 'rr.. ■ Vncnilon wJlM Pay MX)\ lo lelllo esioin. Mnglc>glc Vnlloy ronm, nil spnclous rooms, I'ulT , l V i n F a lls D istric t No. 11. Insuranca Henlly. 733-S5tio or 324.}0<0,■2040, Jer- hiiwment. I-rlce IBOOO, Cull 733- w .j„.. ' Rouie 4; Oleen HugKctt;;t; Routo Slrndley,Sl Mrs. Milrlo C. Rees, aness obllgallons. , ga in . The vJIKmd wiih Isdy ,in heror 00’*. c.o I.OW Cost Bruco E. Caughuy, 200 Wuhmt; 'V’ 11, 2, Irvin SCOBPIO (Oct, 24-Nov.ic a rt 22) ru le - ; ______(IrouK Hosplinl-MeillcRl Ploni ' m WiV “I: Evelyn A-iscndnip, Route 4, BobBf Olln, Mrs. Dolbert Clam- Sc innnrKrod: Uenomu* Itellremoni Benefit'll.V ,X T TW O r t w l M ^ r u 'n..ni„eni bulUIh .ll.l, _ ” M rs. H arley M a ih crs. 231 W ai- ;■ te. Helen Tako the practical approach|.y to I'Ul.LliU^ flualliyrprod- l A n^i. . a n d B a rh n rn R n n g c n , Rbule R o u ie 4. plU,pll P.. A. Mossner, Kathie B. hi ,. «;«,/• accopied Inui. ! Will irnda for fnrm*.ms. PlionePhnne "MLS" 3 BUUKOOM.S. Mi baths, iiiit; H a rry C n a llo r a ii, 442 Bliio® Huhl DInlrict No. 2, WardW ard FF. . .Sh.Shlploy, D ean B ritt, S hC. lrlc Rees,e M. a now opportunity for gain.^2'3.Dcc, The ■ j 73!i-071(I or :i2n.44D.i evenings.nlngs. The I'Jie flreplnce, drapos nnA cnrnetlne, U k c s ; 1.0yd W ood, 437 UUcusi. c u s l ; w* J. Dofiald Dlelz, Cl ort Clam- Scorpio who lols hin heartInn u rule n lll CHlttOl-RACrlc;'-J n.rvo .|M~Glallti| ______Jluj’ur can nsiume low equity i) wllh old eilnbllshod firm. ?'■? HSI'AITT Very nlre I lOTootn l^ ln Foils will liny ISiJf, relurn os M cClollan, 1820 K im b e rlyy Road; R ood; jio|20 lltli N,; Mrs. Jolmiin nmy.n m y , Floydn P o iterso n . W illlnA lfre m d C. ------Ui -- ^ \Tr*7Treiil*. Must make esilm niei,ml and be'nhle be nlile f ,',l,!.’ lirn,"V.llv 'o(lore o ? on ,C L. l rental. Would he Iileul for couple, H a rry UoUon, 2200 Kfimbcrly im b e rly HoRoulo 2; Gerald JcDHon,n, Routo Barnard,Dc Shirleo IIuwcs Colnor no Ing Center, to mannge Ihe body *11110, I.eo RlrQ , ker. Floyd Harder. Roulo 2; Joseph Kuc- -i;<(l .,1 Mlllll NorlU, 733.3:144.i4;______I Motor Ch., Inc,, 173R .s'outliPo'util’ M'nl™ Moln, r ly Keiilty, . The Lnnd Ofllce Of Idaho. Kiind: M. B.'EQcker, Routotouto 2; 3. ond Rudolph Peterson,m. RouteR oute an ond M. L,' O olloy, a ll Hnor, an so nMrs. . • cers, Route 3; John'upda Bolton, B, AT.T:orK)i:fOS^mM^iTi.:J. I'nrllnr fur, J. (looillng, Idolio.' tl34-443H.______^ ______7.I3-07I0,______■ . M ra. T ed FJoronce, IndciMjjxjndent Jiiduiit 2.------2.- .. - . - ...... -- • . 1 MurtBUDh prRlrlol. illiom-MilolMlI C. Roulop, 3, nnd Nornmnn s, 'llionip- M or- tl»er Infnmiall'm, rMonas 7a3-«MQ.733-4Ck10. fTi fJxjA I. Compnny iniBrviewInK mini. 0 !“ ■ ■VliniiK bcdrDoins, I bnth, all newly M ciu Co.; Mi'll, l-'icd ■llilomu, 'llilo n m , nuhl1 District Nn. 4. ImoRono Imogono Mnrshull.Mi Carl I'oiernon.'c» Colnor F. B. non, cr Roulo 3, all Buhl.U C ,.ornlo j ------1~\----- \ *140 per week If you (junllfy. Cnl — teiloiw nu.l, tl«,WOi v- Bpn R lchnrd A. C a r rie r , P n lri- T-ienan^' FOR I’eiiiinnl non mulilple nno nf. illnii, Routu 1, KImburly; uon- Kr ion, F. n. cnco Ring, R,obott R,Irs. Cornlo Mnr- on tho l''lrst Dny ‘' , % 'L 'K ; aSI'l5S‘bi"Jl!E: •! s rJnuir. r«‘>l

    ...... "January 17*18, ■ 1967.-;:Farm;7:::: r.; Farm t for-SiiIb - .~r.:. j ___n~52i i.5 2 Apartm«nti-Unfumlihod„71A pai ad„71 Housotr-ilnhimtshedHou; —- - - j d Fym-lmplamenta Farm ______TWFarm O F arm ImpIemeniT 90 HaV7GraInHay7 and Feed -' 94 Pa» P«l*^nd Pol Supplia*------110 TWO b e d r o o m s ;' clean, redecora^ having* ' BOARDING GROOMING 16 Twin Falls Times-Nowsl^s •■MLS" ■■ ■•2 V e e k s f r e e r e n t ___ ; LIVES cd; hardwood floors^ plenty of T o S g Kr^o^: Clivered o S ' „ ’ All Breed* — _ — —Phon»-Cly3»-Bl»hop.-J33..2lfl4— _ a e i — 5 2 ------$5000T30W N------t 0 5 I ------h“ hoo o o k n p ^ c o n S n i% r^ la l^ i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ------form* for Sdla ^ 52 »loker; garago; fenced yard. *80; HAY- for sale by the bale only. Dan — •I Danlela, 131 Rose Slreet North, " « »'‘■•MAGlC'VALLEYtnd ' fd““ 5 L Y N W O O D M A N O R TOART :m733-2178. 733-2 "MLS” bedroom home — outbuildings.I'nai. Twin Falls Address OOf f 5= Avenue, ^ c---- IIAN-SU KENNELS “ aro-Ll N'COLfl: 3 U aroom .. nH Ital.h H e3 .J W/^NlWANTED to buy grain nnda0 23lT‘ hav. Soulh gou Bluo Lake* Blvd. 733-0312 480 XCRE , 160 A C R ES ■ Dlstifiction baJ ^ phono Merlin Askew, 536.2311, -----^ 'IT Northslde; full water. Oood LovelyLov 2 bedroom nil electric JSTuSSLw'TrSSu'cKlrfrTi gaa 1 1 ^ wndell. 1BEAGLES - BEAGLES HAGERMAN RANCH home K — oulbulidlnga. Excellent irpeied in ba*emcnt, could be 4th bed- \ 1 6 TOP QUALITY baled hay delivered.H v^ - BEAGLES - . 230 nerc* Irrlgntcd ond eu1tlv«.tivB- turrrfarm land. *40,000; term*. w'Jf; contact room. *120 monlh. Cnll C:i 375-3408 U sed Machi]lachinery Sale Asuew. ncglslered — all age* — pet and Mra. Walt Tliomna, 733-3669B69 for BoiBoise or 733-7329 and leave me*- ted. 2 modern homei. Domcjtic'‘•JS FINEST ^ ------*howf f i stock — Slud *ervice — well, bama and corrnli ond sood showing,______sagsago. atel^W Heard — 100-Grandvlew Drive. 8 Twin Fnlls area bn're 40. Fen- MODERN 2 bedroom home.r - U Gas » M963 MASSEY FERGUSON;USON 1-MASSEY 1-W FERGUSON "65""65’» "i!?.? srsstf ...... a : ,S HELPII . . d of -eedT full water; 2 mllos from furnace. Icssuhan-a year-old.)id. See “65"“I Diesel-With MulU-Miim- Die P o w e r. HAY.HAY; grain and lumber boughtght and SevSeveral very nice toy poodle*.- ■j-y ' Mnn^ other fIno farm*.,.and. and. vaei vacauon and.l didn't getjet all 5:30 5:31 p.m. or.conlnctJ. G..Nlchol..^i"chnu . Po.w cr. F sold. McKltrlck'a Trucking. Belle- Lov GEM STATE REALTY the*o fabulous apartm ent** roni-roni. *on,^No^^Bluo *on Lakes Trailerr court. Court, I-mASSEYJ.M FERGUSON " K " ' l.JV •■55'» vue. Idaho, .788-2281. ______• lenlhe“nr^b\“obS"iiJ!‘K ‘-73r-?jfi:. ed. oven ihough-they hnve a Spn ^ “35“ - l-MASSEY FERGUSON “65” 7 ^ - ^ . cvenlnBs nnd weekend* 733-1175. !w cur- a ROOM modern house. Prefertc~ ma- W^ odel 55, “G a s D eluxex e------_____ Model^ 59. G as, . . ______«RA}jGRXlS~rolllng, steam or dry. Me- _£Z£ _C^Loonex^Realtor_.t o r _S' "n” hnn^' ® ______Milllan'a..JernmB_-Phone_2l4-2G77-ii4-2G77- .WHE .WHEN. P U lt|jl^ < |S U ^ ^ ^ ^ p e l^ |iy , ------Lou-Thorson------733-2291------:u.l>on>— —couple— with—no—children;hltdnrn: —1;M-l^MASSEY FT:RGUS0N'"85'’' ' 7 'i^ IS'.win- Term Icusd or monihly rental.-li ,, I-MASSEY FERGUSON *‘65’'■■65" 5UUYINO ^ l.™ “ pood“cs" stud” ’ aervfce”. -E«rl nnrnci_^/ 423.5059 Jcr the - Interested wlll sell properly. Lo- M odel 59, D iesel. 733-5309. John Ingalls.______------~ = _ g ! « l 1-SC59 S H 3 ? ' .P T s n ------ModcL Sl. Plc.sel.------^ ______groomlaff-and beautiful nccesso. —:------ry Patterson, * 1-MASSEY FERGUSON "35" QjE liuS 'uiu-ntT 'business. Chef(~Mf]> 40 A CRES ^ ~^w n«?’S3.407L*“‘‘“" ; 9^ 9 5--- -Icr f f Kennels. Vt mile West Redcap o m ..- ilM c M nm 1-MASSEY FE R G U S O N •'35'* HARIIALLY-FUKNiaHKD-apaciou*r S c J o S ___ :-----JWodfil_63^Gas-with-MulU. .. -. ------^^''Slj'll p**'’"® 423-5104, Oood moriorn 2 bedroom homo.O'"®- ICO A CR ES wall carpeting, alr-condUlonlng.dltlonmg. **.?2”b ,2 bedrooms with 3rd In fuUI .nni*h- flnlsh- -' PPi o w e r. • • ‘ Model ^ 60, Gas Deluxe.'• ------T'------f u A rcnl buy at only SI8.000 with , . gas furnace heat, bullt-ln n rctrlg.r®'” *!’ «tl »,i basement. Fireplace, carpellng, , .. 154 culilvotcd, full wntcr right ernlor Jrni and range, w ater nndand sanl-san^ _j<>o ton per monlh. 733-2093 or'‘a aco co "« at 1-M1*M ASSEY F E R G U S O N *'35’' 1-MASSEY l- ^ FE R G U S O N •‘55" “ 35" n i o tm all down pnymcnt, . with ' nh eurly ^ « rc c i. *170, entire■"“ f® •, tatlon rurnlahtjd, available n o < '720 ’■'SFSTraFSrS? 80 A CRES '>0 .no": 720 ind Avenue North. ______ModelW 61, Diesel. - Model ^ 5G. Gas Deluxe.e. SALE ^Phone 733-0565. Near Jerortn. Extra modernrn 3 new new'furnace. *05,000?’29% down. S ‘!n JS ,.r.,S ”Sn,h1'?Snih EXCELLENT LOCATION a t 703 . TOY WHITE poodle *lud. *ervlce, bedroom bojne. Walk Ihroughf>''Bh 80 A CRES 1440 day*. 733-2081 evenings.nlh. 733. ShoShoshone Street North. 2“' 2 bVd. bed- MNTERNATIONAL Model MNTERNATIONAL mi Farmall $20. Excellent breedlnB line. JO’' dairy pnrlor.' lixccllent location. , ------rooms, plus enclosed sleepingiieeping ■■200”, Gas. Jerome area. 7« mllei from jwo" partment . porch. Coal stoker. *03 per monlh. , ... "SCO", D iesel. ’ ,Seed PotatoesIS J tall. i Cnll 733-0131. anytime. Price 19 rluht nnd termi art Twin i'V Fall*. Good heavy soil. |n r BOSTON SCREWTAIL puppic*.^ 1 ^ £00d. , _ Ex„EKtra nice 3 bedroom hnme; (ull buM •I orutor’ ™.4H0I. ______MMNTERNATIONAL N Farmallarmall ,1-alLIS CHALMERS “.CA".:cA ” . - I ™ . . i l . I-c a r garasc. *14;«H>------LK6IC Hoaa. '4U-303iritnm en. r HANDY REALTY Inrge storage area. c“nA'''7M.289l‘,‘ C“!l' days; 733.8400 evening* andnn^'^sui' Sun- furmsifcd. “no chMr'en.’ f« l " “nim Elm 1-ALLIS 1-Al CHALMERS^ '-'WD”,•■WD’’, l-Mm v A SSEY H A RRIS *■44" . FOR SALE: Two Boxer puppies, 401 Soulh Lincoln. Jerom a M A G IC V A L L E Y 3"^, anu aun street. Phone 733-8807, eveningsivenlngs G G as. £ ^ Frost free from new * foiFor informaUon phone 423-M33, 32<-2877 dny or night I— nnd wcek.cnda. _ Diesel. OverhaiJIcd. Kimberly.______’ ______REALTY DHUDELUXE APARTMENT, ClOsclnr - T z ^ gro u n d ^ ^ ,r “iS niT FOR RENT In Kimberly."-^TBFd: 3-bed- 22-JOHN 'J ( DEERE "A" " - 1-JOHNj.ji DEEI^ ‘'G” ' • - PE k Tn g e SE nnd PomoraHlan mix . 733 S5B0 IdcjIdeal for lady or bachelor. April- , pups for *alo. Phone 324-4183, Je- DAIRY OR STOCii< Eveningsr Jerome. 324.204949 anccs,one w<>ter. heat, *anliailon fur- l°° ------nUhed. Alr-eondltlonlng. No- pets. HvTom S.'K' ■ IDA PRIDE RANCH 733-4170. fed^jiarage. “ . i*80. Cai^ 423-5r84. Kim- REGISTERED Brlttnny nupples for 340 a crci mostly hay and pai>- sale, p;iono 733-6020 after joon. ' ‘9“ “ ,''.. T.,a F«n. BEAUTlFU'~ redecdraied. Inrgo _ -POTATO CO. ture. Plenty w ater, modern milk- Qu - apartment. One bedroom, all Ulil-uill- CLEANCLE/ LARGE two bedroomSS home. '■ TWIN;N FALLSR Haielton _ . .828-5448) - - in« parlor,-450-RttIlon-bullt-tank.lank______.WElOmpt0M(I..pr2dV.£J'«p.------Wi so non------lil®s-furnlahcd,.733-32G2.-oflcrnoon*.ficrnoon*. —Gaj_ G a » _ Ju a m c e._ iD t_ w a tet—hcatcr______concrete feeders, lot of loafing llveitock Wanted 114 go23 Bare Jo Soulh Jerom e . . . . ' »7500 S _E!!ii nnd evenings.______|______FlnFinished basement near school and »ticili. corraU. good fences, good Bar* CLEAN-4-roomsj ftround floor.)or 'Hpiit Hent n“rk- 575. 1440 .4th Avcnuo Enst. ------FOR PROMPT soil, modern home. 8 miles south.*ou°S FELDTMAN c l e a 25C DiJo Phono 733-2874. “S ' TRACTORR& &IM IMPLEMENT ^ of Wendclk In orchnrd Valley. nnd sanltnllon furnished. 25C Blue ‘ Animal Breeding IM100 REMOVAL Sco tritsTJhe first. *70.000. •"'y Pnul i ,,, REALTORS "SkLakes North; phono 423-5903, "“ • 0 “^ locntlon. Adull*. Bcck, '733-0531. * .“J- ‘'■o Avenuo North.______- And Delivery WENDELL REALTYI i"„Sb double gnroBc, covered patio, H - “’■bSmSs;- • VEAL .. ------536-2274 or 530-24388 ncrcncrc, Taxe o\-cr low intercit loan. ONE ONE BEDROOM. Stove, refrlaern-•efrlaern- wwni ater anc'l ganllntlon furnished'. ROON O" “» "'ajof tractor overhauli Appliances & HH Equip. 120 tor furnlihed. Adults only. Phono Phone 585.«85 733-1C87. ^ "g.g."*"i".54"r”-,»''SS prlv m room. S” jan'uary N m h M a t a ^ ■ — 800 H E A D COW O U T F'IT IT 3 3 bedrooms, be 2 bnths, living roomroom 733. 733.8053 days; 733-5648 after 8:00 BENDIX ELECTRIC clothes dryer. hay. wllh fireplace, large fomlly ’ kit* kit. p.m p.m.. 601 4th Street North.fi®'’ A UiCHOICE ot 353 3rd Avenue West j £ i Lockers “ViS you need not put up wlnler hay. wllh —— or C60 3rd Avenuo West. Both 2 VACA VACANCY AND care forr elderly SE'SEVERAL good used tractor*actor* FFor or fast service, cnll 733-4D82 da- *5 down, *5 per month. BO- <430 per cow unit. JOO miles from . Chen, chen playroom, doublo aaraao. MODERN 2 bedroom In brick du- bed I3-4D82 day warranty. M & Y Electric ‘ • Lot all fenced. Phon-...... ------THE-ONbY-quftllfled-buteher»Hn------P,® cuiUo ranch? Sco or cnll^ ui. “Sr5H?SEiu-3”i ■ FOR RENT, bedroom wllhI garage,gaVageT “ G E M — ...... - MurIc Valley. Quickest. Cleanest. J-J! “*• miles cast of Twin Fall* (I mile ATTR 441 Mnln Avenue East.______GENE LARSEN SALES LU.CO. Zrxi north. 2 miles cast Klmocriy)• l y r ’dnon ” ^frigS^i*tor.«'»■ A d°uT t s r ??o“No “ pets!pct5. t r i e™ ~ 733.B209. . , - ...... «- IJI - - Call Eackcr-fc Son. Phono 732-6008-934-5I71. Gooding)dlng fuiurolului highway 60 connecUngig’ withwlth PhoPhone 733-7742...... - - Fenccdper bnck yard; *75. Phone 733- EQUIPM ENT - nil H .' CLOSE.OUTI Regular {342.83 WIz- Chuck petterson 733-3638I •..inierslaie-..iniei freeway north of3? neWnew cOMl COMFORTABLE modern downtowntowntown 4083.408; ______Builneii—Office B uslf Rentali 80 1 boned, fast gaining nnlmub.*'Guar®., 'r.MBr automnllc washer nnd dryer ..-■-rt lansen bridge. Location will11 have havo apartment,apn one bedroom, gas 80 SALES, INC.J. anteed, 2 over 2 year* old, 10 long OOOD COW-Calf setup with .. fenced ‘“."juluro Investment nppreclnilon.cinilon. henheat, adults. 733-3973. .______"■ « ° * LARGE 3 bedroom home. *100 per ------ipr” yearlings. Herd sires — I son w ot - Twm * ” Fifis.*'"-’“- ■ BLM .for 01 cows. 540 acre*.L*!..>80 180 .Phone.'owner.. 733.4071.-. - ...... ______. month. Newly palntcd.-near school**?ho'ou CCOftU»l^-l^l.Y^ 0 ^ ‘ m o d c rn ^ -y u c ^ a t:^ U.7272^ -^Bnmoldby,^ion-of-Kcn.Mar;Bandoi•^Bandoi MMUS USr.SKl.l.\:Rjfrlgcrator^yw ’ ------cuuivaicd-wltn-fuU-water-rlght. nnd shopping center*. 198Ifl Blue .tl”t^®’, . 'canjcied,S s s f _. - FHer, son of Blnck Duke of Em end. S35 2 ^ ] : BY OWNER: Ono ucro with- 1 spacl. ^ - . ' t Lakes " I North.______Ing. Located on highway 03. 2 bed- BY 0' f f f S i w33-5260 » ' ' Some Scotch Blood cows. J{lmKlm*lda Ida tiff room homo bulU In 1864. Electriclectric °u» 3 bedroom homo In country.ouhtfy- TThe h, best way to sell d don't o n t m o o d d e r n 2 bedrooms with wosherr— nvallablof-^“ Janunry 1. Ideal for pro- Che An^us. Phone -423-4014, F r a n k 'Ju v t '^ 1 ; Beautiful view. Southwest loca- » « 222 tc»»l°nal occuponcy. .733-3410.3<10. ______Dm p r o n X MAYTAG washer and double lubs. heat and fu ll- b j * « m 6 n L This Bcai 731' ■ nnd dryer hook.up. Fireplace. 222 . ------Drake. 423.5655, Charles Klimes. j(oHotpoint .automailc. Mako olfer. rnnch priced under J7B,D00) wllh tion. Salt Lake brick, stone'’ living fire- needsj, Ts With'Want Ads."AaS. SouthSSS Bracken. *55. 733-7045. 733- OFFK All utl|. , , , , KimKimberly. _____;______gg, 29 per cent down. Drydon Agen-AbciJ. place.Pl»ci Den. 2 balh*, large living 4 5 .'733. OFFICE SPACE available. All util­ PetUt room, kitchen, and iiUlliy. Plenty 64S8. ______Itlcsities furnished. Plenty of parking. Have Your t o p ^ - P h o n o m - o m Gordon L..Crockett, Mugle Valley colycs;.-heifer* and bulls;HolMoin %ny '^ni^WANTED; Good used furnituro, ap- , ’ sof ° j birch cabinets, built-in applf- , LARGE HOUSE; 120 Oth~Avcnue S°!| I. V ,II., . t r a c t o r . iS S iJ nllanccs, nntlQues, baby ihlngs. ' once*, carpel, attached 2-car ga-s a - ______I______NotNorlh. Suitable for boarders Tsr ” 3-558l>- number. W estern Livestockck Cor- l-Chlck"l-c Hayes Furniture: 733.4o1o. >e. No . rage. Call fo3.4l4S. —— roomers. Phone 733-4403 or 733- OFFK or 733- OFFIcrSPACE-Rent or lease.ease. Air Overhauled , .______Bct 41^ refrigeraiors, freezers, ranges, Bock.’ Creek w ater plus. 'pump«pump* BY OWNER,O’ i ocre* In Buhl wllhwfth Hoiiiei—FurnUhad HoUl 73 ------— m t n m i — :ifuikinit, ------We Hepair Ali Makes!------M -W!w-ftnd^se*r-4ee-HaH-fl(-Wo“ ie|------over I" breaker. Been In^mfiyfamfly modernJJiodi 2 bedroom home. Ga* ONE las fur- ground floor, excellent location. ,,, ■pR v 886-i242?’^Sho"hone?'^ ' •' • (Camera Ccnter) beforo you buy. ------ifor-60-yeBr*.—Thls-l*-«-BOO^nl^.^ - fall bascmont. garden, newly . befo >wr fi.M awnther self-propelled. NOWg HoP s -Ilu g _ -Hrouod-utiUUct ln»nllnUaa_C-Cteea eeca a_BEDiiOQM Z—BE __ j.u a.t—rcdccorailid. — i— iii —lBnd-baler-Nor-7fl.-wlth-inoior:-ln» TWTh — Htt>aBSt8>- ______CLE?CLEAN, small 2 bedrooms. Couple acrencres, grain ground. PhonelOne 531- moimounting brackets for 4010'"^^,9?® or 4020 ^*bui?s^^Englls^ ^ull "reedingf Perform-Perform- and sink to match. All 1 child, • 4382. -Rupert, or 522-80SO.0, Idaho JoliJohn Doero tractor. Practically Phil lllrrel, 53B-2948: John W"®: W ert, ■ ‘e=(;enmBf.“ J,'' ° ' 2 BEQBOOM unfurnlsnca. Natural Natural preferred pre but will accept 1 child, • 4382. ance records. Larry Llckley,y phone working at time of removal from 536-2648; Harold Jenkins. 324-8281. 2—— gas heat. Call 733.8982 afterer 5 p.m, No pets. Phone 733-1620. FnllFnlls. ‘ nonnew. Must sell, Conlact; W. t . 524.324-50C4. Jerom e.______'• * ' owners bathroom. *43.00. Phono 2^-ACRES fenced Irrigated pas- ______o r d ; F. Sllmpson, Shoshone, 733-5848 for further Information. NPRTHSIDE. 700 . acre combinationinatlon turo.turo Close In. Ideal for horses. I-----I . ' ----- :----- FOR SALE: Qood baby and pns- ..-•lock and.row croo,farm, ijl^m»e^* mile* _piioi _PhOM--Uarold;i_AEcncy._733;3532 .. . . Holstein! WHITE SALEl While and Elna Sew. 733:3532 .. •. --Tk--TT-f^ T ^* ' J - bed hn^^ stacker,^ selt-propellcd.r s : .-whl i l 1J I = = with term*. Stockmen's *Realty.nlnW ACREAGE—Neat .trlni home. Full r " " ~ Twin *Faya^Trrcwr and“^^^^ "gfgg'ggggg-7- South Lincoln. Jerom e, 324-4845.!4.?mS’ basement,° “ S shade. *11,800; will lereford, Shonno. snve-On Shopping Center, ' ■*.. Aco Real- W E - R ^ i of reg- 733-bi42. ^ ■ ’ Evening*. Rodney Paul*, 82^S57<; m n r n -E -m i ’ ONruslD'Ssey-Fcrguson-"510'’ONE , Bob Pence. 733-3070.______. J l L . ______Combine. Coi 2 year*, old. Like^0 now,"OW. “I;akK“Ea,«.SFs,- ..> osons. it Jerome.______' ARNJ Good selection used hny swnthers, —^ * ARMSTRONG Vinyl Asbestos tllo. . . ‘y o u w a n t aputi .around? Seo this Butlr a. ■ Large aelectlon of eolors-tind pnl*' • « thi» Builneu Proparty ______565 6 U se th is h anidy d y directdirectory as a guide to fast, reliabler servicc.!...... ¥2'Twin Fnlls Tructor und Imple-Imnle- R^GI REGISTERED Hereford bulls. I to ..terns, Jl“ Bnnnor-Furniture, 127 2nd' one, 240 acres, 1()& acre* bay and ...... ment, 733-BCS7. ;.2;yj' 2 -years old. Some femnie*. Term* -JP' patturu, 140 acrci new around Commercial property ------" available. Dwayne Grime*, 837- Avenuo West. Phono 733-142i! ------with Iona run*. New brick homo, homo. A SPECIALTY CaU totoday for free estimstimates. ates. sSsm us tor your feeding1 needs.needs, 44734475. Hagerman. ______'*■ BUV bUY. SELL or Tl'tADE cnsh ou i'OR LEASE: 60x73' cinder block AUn 2-wheel trnllcr. Phonoono 643- 8M3 8a32. Jerom® e, ■ U-Siil) U.Sii DOinil.li hod for snlu. j:iO. incatlon. *72.000, Term*. Farmer*armer* hull building, suitable for shop™ or stor _ AAnswering n sw Servi(ierv ice _(i2CU,_.l!uhl. 1 ______,,(,,1 FOR HALUl Baby and pasture cal. ^,'j Reulty, B43-4650, Ralph Assendrup, qbo endrup, qko, healed with bln fed itnhcr W l .SHIIVICU nil make* oJof mn- ye*. ve*. Black whltefaco nnd“ white- fflsr.s r ’- broker: bollboiler. P.I.H ,. 303 6th 1lA-veSSS Avenue W l ' Rm -aufi, M.I.I l.l,l,ll„l„; ..li„ ione of Any 'Advorllsor in This Directory li fhlnury. Heed T ractor Co.,0,' Cutecuio fncifnce. Phone 343-.W34. Buhl.______• Vvu llAVt> n ik ti lt buyers, with West. 733-3H24.______If The Telephone of Any D ire c to ry It Nol Ansvtforod. d Soulh. RUOl.srERUD " ^ G U S FuilT-rr;----- rr ifl good}‘ii' nil wool cnrpnt; llollilnv Mn------«000 io-j0000 dow n;-w antinir«-toiir40-to BLUi BLUB vLAKliH- Moulevanl - N o r t h ------D i d 7 3 333-2386; - 2 3 8 6 ; T elTelephone Answering Service,-Day or N l g h l...... ______^sm r "ii?;mnnllii nml older. Sninn rnwinwa' and —ill . Hl.t Addlion \V »t. 73.3-4:»U, CO ..eres. Twin FnlissleromsIS areanrea fror IronlntN. 200 front feet; depth , ,p. - hrlfe^*.. 4i3-16H4. Klmherly.y PllACnCAI.LY n«W 2.plui:o hod- with fair homes, If yourr farm flexibleflex up to 2R0 feet. oSH Green Th.The Advori Advertiser Will Be Notlfiod to, C a ll Y< LF.'r u s help you get your equip- d tck C a ll Y o u . LF.'i'menl In ahajio for *prinR, Zlllau 4H HI ,. n',n „ ' rnom act fnr "nle;-nl«n •« Nnuulia------c)unll(les, le ff trv ||. Rocky Moun- Acr Acre* DeveloplnH Co„ 733-8030. 733 8030. s.’ Doyle h|il_c.q.l.cil. Phone 733-7.Tl)0. ■onlngs, 32B-4782, Pller, rwe. mr^Mni! ly lat ond 2nd cnif lielfors.' Doyle -T— For LiatlnB Informotlon•motion Inin tlthla Hondy BuslneasI ServiceSorvlco Quido.Ql Coll 733-0931 nnv “euter? Morris, 73.1-4443.______HUS RU.ST COI.OKEI) sofa In good con- - ______TULJiVlKION^SAl.tJS and^ servlcii, I ,,un|»y -dltlon. Phonn 733-7H32.______>-MLS- LIST your farm o r ranch c m monTy A TTrolnod ra il Ad-W riter Wlll HolpH o lp You.Y o u . ______with us. We are members. “Globe lobe ' maker.mai ^for°'iea*‘o' or°**'alo,^luliy ______Jimmin'in r,n H J J 'h'Bf«^rs,^H>nna‘» ! S 0 °^^Q.rw^ I-litlng .Service with over 100« West enuequlppeil. Wrllo Ho* 1M7,."'7 *‘c'o c-o ------— -— £Q1°1L-Muilcal lnstrumomi . 124 ' Sv^lne 1 0 3 WIT Const nml California offlcei:ea forInr Tim _J Tlme^Now*.____ Accountlng-lncomoim o ______Fuel Oil' ■ ■ TeleTclophono Answer Serviceso^ico ?J3 ° 5!^!! * 0 3 Wh h a v u Kimlmll conaulo. Whit- rotvrrni buyers. Hesults assured. .... „ . | ,r„r I ------neyno spinel nnd n Baldwin pinnn Twin I'alls Uenlly and Insurance.S?a” o V«MV a c a llo n P r o p e r ty 3 0 — i mil Oem Your Inlophone Is never alone. 24- Al.l.I 0 Ihnn imist tm lohl. Aiiy^of the.o ____ 35 FED. & STATE $5'0 up ■''S, % n\o’o’ll,"7!l3-S002?'^Our used, allnil *liessues RlllRliin, i i o|iun gilts, lit I'nll i)» ;i liedrtiorn iiiodern home. Ideally Ing via snow mnhllo. Jioninnnhly ow'llwfi * S e r v ic e iw riiu7ni(0„-^s-X p-fir.^^nnca.Day "JJ „nd mnhu*, all recondliinned.led. Alin l!onr».l»m I'or catnloKi wrilui Ver- - tsa « ss S s Z H ; Mc'iiied, 125.000 or t>«it offer,offer. priced;pric 100%-flnanclnfT Write 43(1 /?,' rum Hi.lO *omo a* U. Klllnil'a, Hurley,ley, 07(1- non l.nuou, f'ller, Idaho.______1 v er. -Twin |'| I'alU nma. Writ.i: Idnho >^ni’l i^ii’.,'' M a i'ir" ”' !'4:i-41HI). niiM,______733.0710, 733.1 ______1 Air Condltlonino.J n? CnM <'«ini>leto aorvlco fnr color, B A W trTTrr ...... I20 ACItlls, 160 (Unres water, good Pmil ' " . TV, nubile uddroia ayatema nml • p^wiirfiii « P'"*'I. '>'■or lie. w Wl'. k aiA TU 'rfjdl'.' YOII to apemi .1 hcdriiom hntna, *22,(MK), .Smnll Real Estato .Wanted 62 XIT ------I AM, I'M , ateroo, H;30 to ni;iO rail down or trnde for Inillor lim!?e. Mouse. DOUO YQliV havo n ■n.nll ncrei.ge? w S J"' (■ompnnj; In s u la tio n I 7.I.I.7I1I. n;30 to 0;.10 callI s 7.13.8013, . s ' s i }’" UnuM . Hiatt Agency, .Shnihtmo,oahpno, »rud»ru( country hnmoa, rnnchirs, nnd Hli ' ^'(immeVcliVl*oi!on^(h^ lone’im l Ihi Uli ,HAMV‘}nNI)‘’'U'ii?in.*‘'''n»lnK' HH1I.2II.I. ' • ■ whn whnt hnvo ynu. lUihler Renlly,itj; 7J3-7"j"j-' -H i! ------— j— !— 1 O IT “lV~Son crn-;(}UI 'hiliN-riro., llUhwnyiwny 27, 27. Mink, Mh l).14'ninil, DooiIIiik. ______hanila uml hmh font, Don’t ------CIM''THAT I'linl lllll-l-In«iila1oiit^n ynur " ^v|cli\‘‘20 vjcc y«ar/nf*c'loclronlc exwr* ______A lijm ln u m b e r vICQ lc o "','1'^, mt w".!' W eyerhatiier .H l v n i X so fsrnt Wl'.ANHIt "piKi ^oran1e.~ Phone 32»- i i ^ l O i' NotiF . m l.n n , riromn ______----- jr-iT—■ Wi>o , M>1(1 iuul nfltalliiii byI y 1 est.^ ——— Innco, lHrf7 Aildlinn Hn«l, 73:i.:iH:i3. ,i,„ 4im, Filer, Idaho.______= T » i».„s„r"'±; home. Dairy liiirni nili^ir (iiithulld- Apa'rtmer.fa-Furnl*hed 7 0 l'TlTnrnl~A r'r'n ' . ntilo ' rn,i,;|.‘ratirli inunt wllh cariion uml atornge 'lil. " F.rm Supplloi 91 Al;Alio buy, avll or Ornilo mulesnules or H IhimiI mum he aohl. Any nf iliriMi 0 will Tliren l.lorks from ,,'M Mlgli ‘ —ri> l.liONAUD'.S AIM-LIAN(MJ infTiTIr; ------wllh radii. ■Ilapnt.!li«d tni?:k*. . liorniis or nil kinds, lllcliardird Jlllli mi limy tin^iirchnand for lhe Imlumn i,i..\rV lloualra on wmlinr*.ftr«'*?iin^ ilfyor*. iani|. O rn a m o n tfll Iro n HTitwHTlKar Wrecker Horvlrir AllilTlim ,1||.:|!,-O0lfi.imi.l«...... cllon ofI mn.'l7-aH77, . Cnailelord, 111' titllllles furnlihed. J'nrkvlew Apnrl. ------7:i.i'4FlfiS, iiniosple, J'reapa emi.eull. ______7/ic, 7/1,: Farm A Clly l)l«lrlhuilng, 033 ------. ... Twin I'ull.,' Mnlui. liodfooni, full l.n«Bnirni hi>mB,in i'nnoItlM numla, Jerom e, 324.2iU8, oveninga,venPnga! B oordlfiQ & Tr o lnlin ln o ______^ Main Mil Knat. ___ L _ LIveilockLIvei Accoiiorlea 105705 fTi[w fT'lW Ynmiihn |>landiT '!»"<) pl«n, Mnmlrn Klnts Kcnl I!a- _««£! Trlmmlna, Topping nnd Ileniovlnga m o v in g ...... — Oenrgo'a Kenncli, ji()ardlnK""iill P a i n t i n g Adnihal alflirii iocor»l"» "‘'I* alrnw..irnw, Shoe Sheop 106 ...... - »:il,r[»o wlifi t,.rni., lvn.7Rn *«fvi.:e - — ...... - Wi'inloml rnni:li ewn7 IV ril A im :!i Ilf f>i.rfl Inilil l.Uii» our Imai. f f - j r tv. V,’.? nnti TV Soti 125 Hiuuly ^ iii’*i')ni)iiM "n|i„ri: ~ ~ ■ ~ Carpenters _____ ni.s>,n'i'i nm n ’ai.ioiiim. Many yonr* “ v.ilii ,>IT>tAKrcui|oiit irn ln rnllinu,; r non: a : Hnl lolleviin; S r a i l i V l,l|j]r»lw ny» (ln.l un. Hut »a, Inaui- m nlosies,es. tlna- Phone Pht|. ------■ I M l, 423.flHH0, Kimberly. w xjrrT ininv', imm imnii*,'iiaiiT ]p-.i;;|| finvn Omn ami fnitilnd neivoai Rooil mill, pinily n( wnlrr. Owner a lirr 4i(ni p.m . ______mutoa, 7:il.H40(l, ov\iulini«;_____ Tl». Ker. Iind liar- _733.7j_l)lJ f . nftey 4\nff p.m, Jj'' w|»lir« |r> rullir, *:in,0fKI,0ft,t, llrm(li'iii Twiiinlete aniviro nn nil '."J? [|<" I''"'' Ktynra* Conirruio Conaii nc:iKin. All j,'!,']...... 10 fit yiiiir tci|nluiinnnu iyp,< "rlnHi re. i ^ n i h n i n . i T T ;J; ^ niil* luildilniil "S X i HO/:inVs trri^;rn'.l>n.in« nnd I"'# lUrmim fy,,Bs, I'liitwiirk, fnmia, rurhs, ' ileilgrtlng, slAck, 'Mnke Md nn iOO mna nr 'I'wln I'nils. *in,(K>0 {lood "inrma inrnip l‘"rI'nrk. 444 LmiiM, 7.n-:iK7i ,.v W iimr.hlng, Old, fre e aiea. ••tlinaie*. 7-13: 7.U- • l|’'r« ,0." j.lum. I rill'tl'l!’'M Jc' " “ ‘iriVtm. "4*4/‘ Mn".* H.4H(tS; n ti)f5 M :i ■.'Ip'.iT nrcel'y ' uTTilVliTn;r r i to n ; kto m l , sW.^rm. v u T-c— niscoiiNis Ai.i.owi'.nI'D _K l;«ai^iiiiin Frlihiy 'ill 11. loTmiin ‘ ____l- ._ l'KI-:niUCKSON I-'ENClii cco, o . ’3:1- ...... W T for t'Bhniary Imlclins nf AuMrn- HTii'l tl...... flour. Iitlllllci exroiitI't d*!,"'■• e c r,,7,7iCnncfnto ^iiiitilng, lj«a<'<><. wnlnr nn Irnili h'inllli|, uml M l Wu. .11..illna, iMitiihivil Oniiiuin llhridinida, l)ii nriiliDr, 71.1-4MI, TJIHTTllin!l!-i;«i,iV ^li.ii.i.srntrra.T.T:,i-rsT,r S id nl«i. Iiilcrniin.m.iin ni, I'lii.l, 7:>:i-iifi2l,_____ i.ak Man's l((innnli. liliH 4lli Avimun i'li rAi\sY^~ATiirn^Rpnir}r=TinW tVii"f i"'!'' rjil,.;.v ------m n ™ KUnit, wiin.Uii. n:iii ';;ii7, "s'ssi Ufa iii pss •.'ihi.K. I'i'ona lllnye llenlfy, ^,11. s r ------Supilq tonk liinvico.. iii jni Kxcovotlon jjjjp O'HANllil (IU llvcV, Kf^nslni.iii liHi: Wf ...... ' i £ !i’-%j 7, Tlioro t. Ahvnyi laiiy .uiloi, llrnul ul, ion ihy, na- W .l. yffl . lu r.l \.o\..i8j

    ■ f ■ ■ ]" Y o u Autonitonfiaticallylly !■Have qi WcW qnt Ad Ch

    MUcellaneout Fer Silft 140 TruTruck* -- 196Truc1 9 6 T ru c h i______^ l96Truel<196Truck» 196 ~ AAUTOS, U FOR SALE ______.^ ‘ 2 0^ 0______JanuarySa 17-lB, W67 , . TvtfinTwin FallsFi Timos-Ncvi/s 1 7 ■ ■ ’ W i< n sH ”ChSVr^iet -^*r6n*miiRuV------Hurry ({ockcit. mile cDit, Vt iduUi AUTOS,AUT FOR SALE______2 0 0 or Kimberly cn»t ildfl’ of road, Phone 4M-505B, ■______WINDOW SHADUS; JI.47 UI>. SUM 38" 10 H" Odd ilrei,eut /res.ree. All rVE^EfvTCr o u T “ PAYLESS-BU P/ 3-B U Y M O R E M. II. Kins Storcl ono Klng'Cing'C nl E YOUEOUR l.vnwooil Shopping Center.______'■We’re cxpori.sori.s aat t s-t-r-e-l-c-h-i-n-Rs-t-r-i feuCOnATlNG 1‘ro'nlemi? l.ei ^ L'Herlsson’s help you brlgliicn I Irnn.sporlainnnsporlaion SSJ'slU'. 1 problem room*. lTco eonjulinilon,Jltntlon,aSFr ■ Yes, Sir,r, That’sThat Orders From'rom ThThe Boss! V H crm on'1. Jerom e. 324-MCI. ^ '67 Ford cars and trucks ai O N E^ SSTOP l ALUMINUM storm iloors {»clf.«ior. t d trucks are bringing us the• greatest selectionac we’vc ever 1965 19( FORD ;■ ...... $1295 , in j). res- now — J20.59, Custom fordor sednn.sedan. Radio,Radio heater, siaiul- A. C. Hnuaton Lumber (formerlyormer?y liad OH uscd.cars.s. We’reWc’rc ( determined to move)ve these immediatelyin so that -H om e-tum bcD ,- 73.V22H: ...... ard traiwinission. JmJmps' irrlRnllon and domestic, ' _ m eans to you the0 bbuyer u y e r ...... ___ ' t r a n s p•ORTATiON o r i - —iteeifti'; —------^ ^ 1 _____ —-...- ■...... 1965-BlIICIC,„™v,„,„„'„ ...... )5 . _ ------phone 733-572S, . l.cSabre 4-door sednn. Rndin.Rndii henter. atiin-. . - 1--0R SALL; Lim« Liluni i i pound ■ * Big Ti:ade-In:ade-In Allowance. *. LoviLower Prices - _ malic, power steering,teering. powerpowc brakes, white ______C E:ntrr N I l ------yin h-"’'"-'- '''B ’•"r-i ____ forp.e with rhcostnt, Oath for S2U0. ------srairwiniff;------Phone 733-ll)00.______™ *' REALREALLY TOP A-1, VALUES VALUE ^ " 19, V- 1963 FORD ...... PILH Is soft and-luU y-, , . IJolort 1965 FORD ’...... !fl995 ...... $2295 rctnln brllllancc In cnrpcti cicancd ' Filirianc .'iOO Tudoror hardtop. ' Vfi eiiKine, 3- WITH Blue Lustre. Hem clccirlc J (inlaxie 500 fnrdorirdor sedan: Radio, heater, spc’i.'d willi (ivcrdnvc.rive. Radio ;and heaicr. siintnpoocr, ^1, Grwnawaln.“ • Trade Today,Today, aand Save Hundredsidreds OOi f D ollars ntiloniaiic. power'cr steering, p< po\Vcrsca(. white SKINNKB'S Sewing Shoppi; linve re-’re.’ side walls. modeled nnd havc a complete^Icte nl- I 1 ' 1963196 FALCON ...... lernllon.^^fabrk ^nnd drcasmnHlnit•maHlns O V e i* tthe h e Uusuaf S I higher prices.'ices in spring. s ^gi ...... $ 695 ■ 1963 BUICK ...... $1695j g ^____ - 3-door. S-cylinder.’. MnndtirdMnndsrd itransmission., , . __ DRAPliRIKSi Complete dTHplnitpinit de-de. ---- 1 . —ILitllu-aiid l ie a li^n^.Rcid .Rcid ccuiiccuiuLmtv’. ___ , '______------nnnmeiti. LarRi; scicciion.' m \\\. stnll, cnll us for free cstlmntcj, ’03 FORD Custom i ‘G2 MERCURY.4-door m a tic ./p y iiier ste e rin g . poW' Ciiln-1, 733-7111.______Thi!This Rleumlng while fordorTT Is 1961 FORD ^ Steering, power l)rakc,s. power ' i n ft _ V8 enalne nnd jtniidnrd trnni- windows, factory air conditi '1963 CHEVROLET.ET ...... $1295 STOCK - hny - utllltv trullerjIteri nil c<]Ulppcd wllfi VS tnRint °|.»J (ind Wnson- S,mission It a comblnailun lu as- ■ry air conditioning. - slics. for nil Jobs. New nnil111 used, automatic trunsmlsslon. HeiHere It a tip top unit. Uqulppedquipped ,ureup. economlcnl driving. , Inipala 4-''--Tinn lortj Ti.jL______matlc_and ro difi ______and heater. ------! = s a . - *56-IN-TRRN!-L— ^ ~~^WT«all«n90ui Winted t4T14 T ....^ ...... - -- Here 1* a 4-wh*cl drive! pickup - = ^ ^ 6 4 r ^ G M C '.:;:::::::.....:..^ ,j|.^ that-Is one of our top buys.. '0| ...... :..:...^:.;;.$i5g5“95“ n9 g 5 i 6 “BUICK "r.:r..'ZZ $ 95“ '— ' '6® FORD Thunderbird uy«. '65 FOR D P ickup Vi-ton pickup. Short whecltwheelbase, V6 enBine, TOV CASH FOI^CRAP iSHere Is one ol the sharpest '60 ' \ r This local one owner trade-in haa 4-door. Copper. D rasi, Aluminumlum r-b T-blrds you'll ever ckpect to find, |7 n heavy duly tires and wheels,a ; , “a V8 1- s p c o J ,2.to n5' f ppaint. a m t. Baiierlcs. Radiator*I 'U 19| landed with every possibleM ONLY $595 Kengine, long wheelbase, slyleslde;yleslde H- K O P P E L CO. Includlt^BBcc *icreo tape^^______tape^^______, ______box.^ 4-speed and Kfengel hitch. 1956 OLDSMOBILE3ILE ...... ^$_,95l____ • . — - Vs2-2na 'Avchu»Is<>uth— . ' ^ —^ i door;— ■ ------Wa n t e d I Furniture, nppllnnees. — - m m G e i E ^ nnylhing of value. Call 733-7754. Mitcellaneeut Service 142 TON MOTOTORS ■ SEARS HOME CHEVROLROLET, Inc. LEOR)RICE MODERNIZATION ELAN_LAN_ The Safestt Place in M agic Valley, to BuyB u y an A'T€5rA>T or Truck Is your way to remodel.I. Just let Scars hnndle everythlnc: es- . JEROMEj e r o m : ------New.Caf.£>epU.4*l&3nd-Aveiiuft£!nd-A venue£es»; 733-5110 U sed C:ar a r D ep t; 150 3rd3i A venue E a s t, 733.101919 20D200 S oulh Lincoln ___ Phone 324-4812______^ slallailon. nnd financlnjt. No .. _ . money down 6nd- up to 5 v ta rs .L iA nW ood ’.73J-1W3 73J-1W3 BiHBgastcvB . .^.^733-20\833-2018 RRalph a lp h G lll'e U e ":::. 423-5324 “ . p . ---CHEVY]m . A ] S f a ^ ------fo-pnyr-€aH-u»-todfiKi-T:No=CNX SUN.! 10 a.m, lo 0 p.m. ___ CAMERA Center, Inc.. joi ShoslinneShbshnne _12! 120 2nd Avenue West,______^ ------1957 FORD fordor sedans e d a n $125 Eve • Evenings phone • Street South: The most complete .. ' 543-463^ puotojraphle supply store Inm South-Sou®'* MOM otorcyclei ...... ^ iC O MILLER J§;19G4 C O M E T $995 ______YAMAHA TRAILMASTER -155^ 100 CC, . . - I r f 0 ),( 0 ) KK ^ AUTO-HONDA-SALES jg at SHE HAVI'.NKR'S riR.ST for thn On Ot display. N ew .^odcls coming. 1966 DODGE Chargerg e r $2895 $27651765 “ finestl Instnmntlc,, and su- nrlcktnn ni Motor. DIO Maini n Soutfi. ' S ' k r o p f - SCHULTJLT Allah new stock, Inte model Ford*J'ord* F ully equipped...... s movies, cnmpras. Atitomftt. Atitomftt- 733-4000, 73 ______in______houiM. _ FI.EETW O O D _- and *n chcvrnleis. 4.docirs. 'i.doon, ____ projectors arid special ic icWANT cns, n motnrcycle? Trnde„|e b RiinsjTHTs' GRCUN STAMPS givencn wllh pickups. .Wo undersell nil i‘com: com-, 19 I960 LINCOLN 2-dooroor HHnrdtop n rd to p — $995 $795 r i c n c n n , livestock nr nnythlnRI nfnr vnl’ val- }> ra n * “ "d Supplies. Tlie llesi Hest andand petition. P« Open 7 days a (Week. week, P y]| poy^cr. S n o w M a c h in o i 1 6 0 ueuo.-blue Lakes CycIo Shop,lOp, 1119 towvst nnancingsuranio.surani'o nnd Insurance. «OCK CRKIiK ROAD in H A R®AUGH B A l ■ —:------nluB Lnkes North. ______-T lT A b R —- ___Mag-ic J^alleyP V______PHONU 4M-fll7** I960 FORD Fnlcon Station Wa;Wagon $795 $645______Your Moiorfycio for a l«i H.P.H.p.~ 'Moblle~K6rnM M o 194 = = -19{Ti-MERCURY MSiTtclin?—roiTtclnlr J1995 $1795i ------MOTORS SNO MACHINE — )TORCO:— — — ~ ,c 1004 SHASTA, 20' comnleiely' >clf. ,, Mobile Homes Mnrniidcr 4-doorr hnrdtop. ni-ASIUS’MOTORS cimtalncd with etiunllier:r hlti-ll!hltdi, *- mites west lllw ^ 30 733.8141 i^oR 500 ifialn Avenue, Gooding,IB, Iditho Phone 1134.4112 ______4SI Ensl Mnln______I.ll.Ike new; »a4n.1. (I * o Manufnc. M n n u fi.c ______^______W O R K M A NN 196419 DODGE Polarala liardtop lia r d to p $1695 $1485 Of>EN; &-e everyday SUNDAY: Il-C rAHSr)N~SNO.M()llll,liS- 3i~mnihili" mniMir J ltorlnn, i Paul, lilnhn. 43B-4SSQ,- I — Star (.'rnd — ;;i 4-door. S h arp l I demnnatrator. HcduredII pricps.pricps! liy OWNER, 10x40 Rocket, Two bed- b r o t h e r s Two bed.. Now Muon ~ Kit 1902 MERCURY Monterey . Crtcksnn Motor. 820 MainIn Soulh, rdrooms, automntic washer.r. Space Kit CoinpiinUm 'Iriivel t lonterey $1185 $10951095 ------733.4000,______44______44, Orand-Vh Trailer Courl, and Vncntlon Trnllcrs;;; ^ PONTIAC-CAOILLACLAC 2-door hnrdtop. ------t Year* Survlng Mngic Valloy 585 Use These Phone N um bers ___ SA LES * SE R V IC■(.j;"""'' E “Rupert, Idaho 43fl.3(;i)10-3470 IS1905 C O M E T ‘1-d o nr $1695 $1585 1^0 . PARTS V SUPPLIF.S,ii: s ------1966IB CHEVROLET'Chevelle Chevelle $1995 $1895 . With Honeit P r lc c s -i'a lr l)«ullng» AD DEMEADLINES » f r o n k m o t o r CO. 191900 VOLKSWAGEN:N 2-door SSt ed n n $795 “ $645 FRE^FREE ■ B A K E R 'S Chrysler, Plymouth, OMC m MOBILE HOMESJS Denlor 1S60 MERCURY 4-doord o o r $395 $295 73l-.ia3(l ___67a.Q02l — Hurley - 978-B7M___ 412 Adillion West 733-.133H ___ ! lo n te r e y 4-door $895 $645 OF,CHAR.CHARGE FOFFO R ^------^------— LOULOUKtl Custom vs,tnilnn mmsS sienni k s 1062 MERCURY Mnnlcrcy 4-i NliWNl!' I.IILSUHI'. Homea, lleautlful clidenning at hnlf prlco, Dents If * i m !" MERCURY Purklaiio'u rk la iio 53495 $3205 , new l i wliles. Wollmyly prices, tinstm trnctora, retrluoriiiors.ri.'A Pnlni ii’ni I'-'ull pow er nnd nnir ir rnndltln;irnndltlo;ilnR. •- - - .Some older models In 10 wldes.wide*. VdlkswnHoniV( or l/.«lcon» — )3B, _ now telephone tho Tlmes-Nc’Times-News Frco of Chnrfic. Due iniiil lloll Travel Coach,ich, •|\irnis•IMrnis HionePI 4J:i..->fll4, lln n u n . ~ IE1904 MERCURY Montereylo n te re y BBrc i'co/.ew ay $1895 $1095 n GLASS]OSSIFIED ImriiiiKud, Ornndvluw Trailer Vl|. If you live in Buhl. CanllerordnMleford ...... 54.1-lfrlfi In, |)lionu 7;i3.»J34. rallor Vl|. , q ,,.^ sell — servlro.vice. .ISB-WB U1062 OLDSMODILEE Sliu-fireSlarfire $1595 $1395 Wc ermnn. Joromu ...... ; 630.2ri35 ------1_ dual 4.CBrhurolnrs, 4.|iioed poil- 1395 Wondoll, Gooding, llngermnn. Joro OWN Y«nt1«nomian - — Por p . Newfi, Wrnlhcr nndIld BefitBest Enlorlnlninont;Enle I.lulon Tn Tho ^ J^ .n o _ H :i7.47Jl, llnuormnii,, ______...... lUitrk, Now rnts. l.'iflO Overland ■ TUESDAY-^Y ■ " I) ’ . Awnue lUnii in ts , lOOlovofinnd I'n it I*' „„ Ki.IX( Hiidin Hittlin frnm front 6:30—7:30 every morninR. ^ (Adn miiHt lio rccalvcdcalvcd hy 0:000: p.m . Mf)niliiy) Y Mnln, .lluiloy, iiiriB. j o a t r - j M A U ic v a i .i .i ;y - J i INTKRNATIONAI,, Inc.],!(. 1>(INT1AC, IIMU, Itiins rentnl gixiil,...... I. Alan I wlmel ullllly Irnllnrllnr wllllwMli — HI Truck Hendfjiiarters — (n WEDNESDAY!DAY I'or Ihfl MiiKlii Vnlley . pp ^ W i l l s (Ad« must he recolvmlcelvod by B:B:00 p.m. Ttiosdnyi so304 41I1 Avonuo West _733.4JIH1_ Wills ,z r'i)‘i'“' ' ' I? ^ me TimCK.S-tirn «,t Illcad nldfiol il! Miilols, I ClIAItt.tK'M TlttlCIC ft (ll THURSDAYAY i;iit/ii'MiiNi’ rrh m m l l«j Tccclvctlcclvwllty Ity 5;'5;0a p.tu. ' ar ^•>1 crUHllOl.M UuilUeit, Uuclaui Vuuc am wrnt AVO, A,)o.,mie^«.OM_1 aji.i,iii4 iniiliiirliiKl H nm hler’ Tiohler fur • ‘iinsln nml Mill ut»ka £1 Counll"», .Win YOIYOU Over P O N T I AiC P ^ (I7li-Mlll, FR-IDAY IMIOME ‘':i>M'li'l’ |wH 4.ihuir, ,‘ilandiiriliril limit,iinnt. OMCTUUCKS-IN JEROMEL I U ^ mljilli.ii, n4:i-4!l]| ■ In'fdlfl flIIMl „r ...... (A

  • ,-Rirdlc>,*Ti«r- — 1)in-s not use nil. Will bnnncaC a n -. to *'■' 11 >'"'lilltli)ll, (loudm (lies,-i I ...... SALSALE ...... llii flliiJnm - fr'"""' l't'<>iin.v;i.v:i7;ii._ ' .. - SUND,;UNDAY . . . J n,______P m il) lllSi li'lfin I.lokup, ;« V« eVuliie. en«liie, , , . ,, ------lllAi l)HTiv‘lH)T,in' V'lnn\riinhrVH^iriinh, VH. ' Huv‘Aulo K.il..,, wi/ 4.ipend, fliit hnd vrlthtlde*,Idr*, New- MMnln. Wen), tjprn 7 days a w itIi, I>ow Pi'icos Duriiipr , 1-i ly tiiilnluU, i>xi;allMnt luuiliiinli'nlluu.iiiiaii'ni in.^ I'j.Y M o th ii ,iiiny; iiiiVidui?."''1; ntiii«; ,i. I-.OW Pi'ii ,CLASSI1.ASSIFIED Itnilillllim, tVIO, rliiinnI 4n(|,]|BH,4n(|,3IBH, ip iprnd lliiisl, new imlnt nil, |idi, Mnii Mini sip Hnniol t!hovri>1ut (Ni,, lliitioi»Ii_oil, tj____ »\i _yill, Ijftii, 7;n-lin:n.______:! Wiiii'U . TfttCtUfTttictuf lUl'.t* 1«M‘ 4-wihtir.i'iUivp \vn" , Aniwiul KvwiU ^ Ittiil 4(1' ixiiihln d(ii:k nluinliiiini gi This Aniwiul ...... ;...SECTIiECTION ______1 I’Kttln Vnn. ( nil Mrs. I,,, " lliirdnnr, i i : s s ; in ...... '"»■ ------"M iiriniiaii, 43a.WfiT Iiftcr-httu-p.m: KiT), Al) n ib lo np|H)iir«mr hiIn Iho 'ITImoH-Newi Kitndny ^ MiiH^-iiiti.i.-MimrVnrit'nnlit'iiir-ifm lllrkiili, 4. ^llllot iKiliHini, I'Ki'ollniii ...... I CliiHtiirinl .SiT.lloiilltm nuiitl nuiiil I bo it'colvotl bc[«rn linn, hna, Mni), Mnke Dlliir, I'limii) '"ll"“ 7;i:i-!ll:lil “^nO NR’TITTSSIT! ’TlTTI .... . ' "'rrvi2.,eTerms. 1‘honii 733-U70H, IH'JH tliii. rus, || Inn Dllva, f iBiH______Dill. r‘i!H.vvAir'fiicviiii;>T' ‘ iiMi>'4-.iiii.i' »ii‘. w ii;i ? /'tr n m n 'l M < 4.wimir”(hner ililvd hiYo I1H7'at!d‘'-Avnii?in'}!fiiHh'!'TlVm : ' ' 5:00 p.m.'p.ni; TRIDAYT ‘ , .«ii tow iriii^h wllh tioiim nnd wsnrli. w ;- ' I - flenK< V-l Dll C0( ;<:i7 41ti Avohub ------——. HOIllll,H ______., II''W ILLS USEU SE D CARS h“But you can’l tnltetftjce ,mo,ma home now, Alvin. IN j'ltii>JATl()’NA''l. I 'i i f / n T ^ » i>. —- , ^ Howly Miliiilll rnulne, I p i. In. ~ '\si3|| Yoiir niin'i’N ivtht'tit ...... , .^,,1,, Lot’i drlvo nrouiul1(1 unlll mym il)&re of Iho ga* ' I iiiiliii lillt HiitnniMi, HiiiiiliiJllLlil",!"'!!; lli>iisi>r, With a Wlllll AdI T ru ck I iiiin Wenl Offli-n Plmno, 7;n-7;ili5 ^ |- J [ ’ bitrh*.upl'n»rh». upl” , p h o nIE e I 733-0931 3 im’ilmls.inl.*' ■ • I ’HOfJI': 733-OII.il LOW l'ilJ, WILLSS ' KKNlli WILLS la. Ahk lt>r tllnmillWilII , I J rui'ollnnt\iini"l|l'im. Jto!)'.'*V.V.11»J4{'. ______1______, A ' • / ■ ■ ...... ■ ' ■ ~ 'J ■ 1 , , ' / i , I ......

    1 .( -J.

    Tuesday. Jan. 17,-1967 1 ______.Twin Falls TImes-Naws^ I ^ B illj KEauld o i CxealteatE^Eeace^Lce Officers’ers’ TraihiniirungJlQin,niumission J s " ------BOISE (A P)^A -poacc'icace'offf- om. - "nie— bipartisan ■appointees appointees 1 17 liqutiniccn5cs75TycvrllLSrl{frT(j^]xrllcfn^^ ^ u ld ”not *'''-'"M m ljers - of~th’e jointjoIFFTi- - Fi- thrthrough theii* o^n -afalHty-.andIHty-.and 'dltHd-not-odti of-detract from a ------Water— ...... Bills"...... •______• _ c(cers' standards .and: training wwould include.^ chicfs; of police, ese and 20 bartenders** pernvUspermits M>t M>fv-|>cM«l l^uor UwV enforce- nnnce-Appropriatlonsnn Commit- aflafter hearings,” Palmermer 1' de- neednc for stronger savings and • 1 r c6mmi.ssIon7 Would“ bff-crcatcdtr*crratcd slsheriffsr county-commissionors,imissionorsi <1during tho-pasi-tuuAxirs._____ me mcd-atuul ibo-wui-arrlvc-authoirr decision cla d a r e d , ------loiloan lowsr-*.------JIo-^GcLEaiiy-« a.M ondnyicity officials and inierestcdjrit-^W Mc^jL^ouio-SpM _ kor4i<-le^.r^v«U«ir.[ V ^ o ^ r > txuLkiblo-\4^ail4M))i-<>(-lav<'ntHiiHilawniHind — , ■ , ■ -i. ' n . ^ wafr-prfr —Lc*islntorsHn-the-9enatr-dc.------V by thc Senate Stale Affairsfairs Com- Izcns.fi fu that Sam-oar owners’rights. ^ . , paring a linfi-ltem budget^dget, but babated briefly over, thc medical _ Sponsors of the bill,111 said=nld It □ e rtV House minority leader-Darrell sc ~ ' Cen.irrus-t nnd Rep.'p. .lenkln ,lenkln ^ • - Darrell school proposed for consthiction ,1 w ould c o s t nbout $20,000J.OOO to op- y ^ ^ Animal, Propertyr . » I”' Manning, D-Pocatello,lo, said in Boise,- . .i. 'Consideration" P.ilmer. RM alad, said the leg- T] Ition "crate the commission Uuring the hpg ''perhaps this legislatureilure no Sen. Harold Lough, D-Moscow. M — The commission would set .standards 1 Ul.iuire \wuUl arrive al Hs own L ' W ASHINGTON (A P ) - T he ci . f “ ",fl“ ™*>19(n-<;9 b ie n n iu m .,,;... 'K S Damage-ListW‘'V'* ISlonger needs that linc-item sa said he thbuch^t Apprtpprlation ol ' peeled tolfor policc or sheriffs, officcrsj ' ..Letdow n I , vrW iou o f n 1%7-69' budget , new Congress Is expccicd toi'c -.Jin lL Rop- Usler Hartvigsen, D-.... KUAIJV LUMPUR (AP) -— bmbudget tho governor is reported $2' ^ to billsjnid contract officc training to' V (A P ) f n w Ihp grvMind u p ,” ra th e r r-j, re p o rte d $200,00? to ffnai^ ^- [Jh ip a riu q n sv . - 'p iv o e a rly copsideratim i lo bills!®: raining to »^nlnd, referred lo " .reccnt'ro- c S - S " BBU.ON, G o™ .ny , ( \ r i , ['I: P’,, FliKHlinh ovor northernern Ma-Ma-to to be preparing.” wiwns unWise 'because',•both'.'ftio nujnr wa-^cducational institutions. n 'h e av v '' l> ’n W. .Sam- j.,, llint wnultl autliori?^ nkjnr wa- *■ 1 ma rk s l>y Gov. Don W. SatJiucl.Samuel- —Thiews who stole o hca\-v' '''■ 1 W. .Sam- laysia insi week causeUd nn esti- 1The House Insurance Commit- UniversityUi af Idaho and IdaW’^ 'v - trr projects — nichidingVscvcralngVscvcral j j w ould Include Ihe: .slate al-'.-son,al-',.Si w ho c alle d loV c asinusing g up nl Irtick Monday night'It' wllh '"''son’s suRRCstiPns, ,n»aied $20-mlllion damag(^mag(^ to tee met after the SlateJ Depart-State Depart- St Universily needed'mdro i Ihnt werp shelved lastt ybar. tctorney general or his represen-;Rt)-c.-\llcd rcprescn-is Vgoon squad”ad” tactics _ beer advertisements painted >Palincr is_ chairman!an: nfof the livestockHv nnd property,y. Prime ntentnte of Finance announccdjunccd it fundsfu to. handle present Student • - Ihdudcd among Ihemt titative, tho .“iuptfrlnlondentindent nf bby liquor law cnforccmenl":cmeni'offi- offi- ' on ils side, are diiet [orfor '» » HHt! tiusc A p p 'ry p riH to n1 s' CoiiViiUt-MiCoirtmlt- Mlnfsicr Abdul Rahmanman an- hadhat closed the Pioneerr Savings loaUs.Io; ’ ' — T h e L o w er-C o io radado.River o .R iv er g,state--Policc.—iho-chairman^oLc airman^oLcinls.- — ------•------^—^— ------letdown,-polie«-r«porlcd-'to--rte d -'to -- ‘cc tcc^...... nn...... nounced to,dav;— ■ ------"- ontond toan~AssociaHoninI B Bolse.ToIsg.t------^en.-John F. EvahCD^Malad. . • D;fsin Pro3(;ct. one o f■'the 'th e m ost (j(he S la te 'P fo s c c u tin g Aliornevs; A liornevs; The eastern Idaho> legislator day. The truck containedintahed ' !Democr.TU had crilioizcapo—>w-flciCKapo—>w-;fldod— aw aR — R a h mlan— a n — told wnwaft—Just-an-ndministmltvc-prO'fm altvc-prO'nnedical— schtrol:— tcrmlnB— ths------consrd^rcd hy Congress. ' •' [jtive. tho district spccialcial UBCnt to K be a "softer approach"proach" to •- salt. . . .. cni cnuse it omiliwl- coueraliieral fundfimd-newsmen ne thc disaster was un-un-ccUure cct to curtail bad manage- manage-$2' $200,000 appropriation "qulle ex- l-'our OrcRon Pi^Jccl.s:Jccts: the ufor thc FBI and 12 members:mbcrs ap- liquorli law enforcement■nt — which . ______liivline item request.s (orI individualindivldualjpr^edenied pr In Malaysian■slan his- mement practices and to3 protecticessive”protect ice for' what ho callcd a ______lo r r ------■ ‘he-satd -resulted in suspensionis p eiision bfj b f | ' * ' — • Ulnp;nc>--npprnpi‘iuikw^. p itni Ilho public." ILS ciosure7herhe said,l"papcrsaid,l"i schMl.” ions of the Roruc Riveriver RasinBasin - - Projccf. (hc Olnlla DivisionJivisinn of 7------^ ^ ------the Umpqua Proiect nndand the Momimuth-Dallas DivisimisloM of the Wiliiamcite Rivrr Project. (\lso cxpecled to be consid- i J l U n rrcd I's the Southwest Idaho De­Do- ■ - - velopment...... ^ p s i pl o o i u r s o i n t hl e e c< o ni v v i e n i eg n n c e ! Eleven Western sennlorsintors nreare J ______B l _____ j cnsponsorins Icfiislationin to aulh- _ - - nrir// tlic appropriation of 520 niillibn fnr a weather modifica­ tion (rain making) program. Additionally; "a Senatem bill. ' No-de■deposit,no ,no-retUrhc nconvenlei inlence-thal that’s Pepsiipsl-Cola ’'S would create a "Wild Rivers" —' — • s>*siem and a H ouse m e asu re would nuthorize a '‘scenic riv- ______ccS-.syslcm^oUuivouldbH prcvonU-__in_Qne)ne-Way' bobottiesJ NQ-packiog-No iog-empties, les, no J«/aitiiaiting for (iam construction andid ccortiiin' o n n in ' i m ■ Ilther activities in rivers flowing through wilderness • type sccnic _ a re a s. refundjndg. Inside'ide? Thattfamous far I PePepsi tasteste-big,bo bolcl,de- . Family Cycle )us; Pick up Explained To licious up extra cartonscar of FPeps! dn I • ' theme of the state PTA'A-Conven-. conveis _ . >'Wl ______H iioaH elH U n—Idaho-Falls—In-Falls-ln - . . ' ^ ll ‘ ' N ovem ber. . f i _____ hnlf of the cycle fs .«_cy£leJs' ~ . comprised'o? seven staws,ages. Mrs. \ H,» Wf I jf\ i ^ Amende said, IncludingIdlng the' 1| '/I I' k ^ m newly-married pair, thehe expect- , , \ '' I ant pair, the couple with one If > ' J child,-the crowded years,,:ars,, famfam­ -. ilies with school-age children, ' ' ' ‘ t -' ------the family-with-adolescent-chil-sc e n t^ h il- - ^ ‘^ 4 |j ------^F«n-^nd-thfr-4auiichhTg-years “ V _ _ _ when the.chlldren.are mmarrying a rry in g t and leaving home. About one'fourth of'theO i e 'j l life f e . c y cle Js c a lk d -.’tKe “ em pty ------neatT^-gnef-the-Igrgest'-portltwst- p o n itm ~ f - J g ------of-Hfe-!s-the-aging-years,-mean'irs,-mean> - J ing for many people periodspcrlods of H widowhood or life as a: widower. . ' . Mrs. Amende recommended•m m ended mmS a U f ^ , parent cducaiion as an under­ taking for local PTA units. _ i______j\_gitt_sha-said_parcntB-could:ntfi-cou1d - give their children would b be e a )k'- ...... package containing God. ccharac­ h a ra c - ter. citizenship,- personality, a .. I A'..' good, attitude, education)n both aat t H ^ V ------— Trhhnlninrt;it:hgtnft»^enta|-«nd = ------physical heallh, and wrapvrap jtit allall w ith love. H ’ s^HnHIB^^BEv^ Edward TopWf, presidentesident ofo! the council, announcedd that the M H ' ' H I ...„■ IH . ' ■ gilH ' by-laws-'vrtU be re-written'tovritten 'to comply with changesI in state and national bj^laws, u under n d e r the direction ofihe chairiiian,la n , Doyle L ow der. ,\.H,^ I ® TopHff’remlnded PTA'workers'A 'w orkers ' of Founder's Day acilvltlesllvlties -for for '‘ J l ' E* f II February, nnd thc groupgroup dis-dis­ cussed the possibility of awaward­ ard- ing state or nalionol life meim-meiji- H berships. A It. was announccd that the . H w H council will host tho)o ddistrict istric t B S ------conference-AprlU59-*l_Mlnlco-at-M ln lco - « p lh L High School. — r . H U V: . ' I f> * Jl SMOKING MORE IRE IH v p 'H I ' H ' \ i ' ROME (AP) - Finnncennnco Min-Min­ H ister Lulgl Pretl of Italy naid ■Tr.T; H r^ H 'r Monday that Italians smokedsm o k ed ; 'W m ore cigarettes In 1Q6Q.______f I :

    ■■ eBHB . iPPiP' ■'•/ FARMVI H I ^ A u c t i o n ^ r-T'f CALENDAR)AR

    . - 1 ^ ^ ^ ' ' A ll M agic Valley'alley H

    Sales Listed Here Contact Ih* Tlm*i-N*wi farm SoUi <»T odiritllllnB iivtrng* •I *| y«ur fp(in (ol*, hand bllli, n*wipap*r ...... ------''|h <«v«ragi {ovir 70,000)0 C*Q.I.,. _ . , _ In M nslt Volltyl advonc* l>|l|. Ing. All fll an* iptiloj Uw tol*. ftiil Iv ft/ tal* lliltd In Ihh -farm Cnti Jnn, l A o n d i r ' AuiHoi»tiii W*rl, lll*ri. Wall _ ; _ flnd MfHiiimllhp- ■ t hl e e o t hl e i s c o l P e pp s s i ' ■ j ' ^ b ...... 1 CHAniii ciim noNroN ' , ...... \ ...... • • > - — ' , ' Aiiv»ihtim»n)i Jan. ir'cinii»cind 1? ' AuitlonMd) Wt{t,-llliii,.W(i|ll«i,.W (i|l ' ' * P p o uu i r s I t , , and m.

    Jan. 2fl' ' ...... LimMAN DROnilttSI l « ' ------Ad»*lllnminllJBniJ.landj l j n d JJ J J ___ Aucll*n**rii,W*il, lliirt, Wqlt----- and Ma(i*ri(nl|liIIK' , ■ " ------

    i o n , 2 7 MmON PITIRiONON s , Ady»ftl»*m»n(i Jnit, J Ji aniian

    I ' ' / - ’ . •' ' I ■ ■ ' 1 M Popilto,, INC., NCW YORK, N.Y. ■ ■ ..... - — ______......

    ' ■ ■ . • Tuosddy,'Jpn. 17t 1.967 ••'I S ^wln FalU TImM-Nawsp=BilLWoiiVould Crealreate^Eeaceice Qfficers’er s’ Traiiiihning Comm[rimissibn - CTTzrr: 'rBOISE-(AP)^=^A“peaco:offl-;peaco:offl-pTho' bipartisan—-appointees appointees iriffiuorllconsesrSTTjCiJfllcens^] iMfllcenS^ u------C e n arru sa a n d R ep; JeJen n k ln iAnimal, Property^ Manning,| D • Pocatello,lo, said in Boise. Consideratioh ■fjfB'-'-jc^ember bi-partisan ------* Palmer, R-Malad, said the leg- | I ctnnHards commission Uuring the rPfl "perhaps this legislatureituro no Sen. Harold Lough, D-Moscow, WASillNGTON (AP),P) _- xheThe commij^siSn would'set standards fl islature would arrive"ttoSDamage nt ils own 1 Listed ;;i; •s officers biennium. -LetdoTO I longer needs that lino-liem so said he thought appropriation oi new C ongress is exx ppected cc tcd to for IJpHcc f"’ s* 'c riffs ofliccrs tvigson, D- * * XVersion of a 1967-69 budget (AP) — budget the governor is reported S2 Lion to hills contrnct office training■ r..in ln in'to R^P- Hartvlgson, D- KUALA LUMPUR (AP) - bui reported S200.000 to finance preparations ...... ' ■ Rive e a rly co n sid era tio n lo h ilh training referred lo rcconircconi re­ro- . BRILON, Germanyly (AP) , '‘'frotn I lha ground up,” rather p icm- Ma-to bo preparing,!’. - •, / wos^w unwise because both tho major wa- educnli6nal Institutions. I ^P’„ , . F looding o v c r n o rth e rn -M a- to lhat would aulliorij'j’ major wa­ marks by Gov. Don W. Samuel-Samuel. —Tlileves who stole a heavy follow Gov. Don■n W. Sam- i^st week causcUU an esti- The1 House InsuranceL Commit- UniversityU of Idaho and Idaho ter projccis — includingli^several several would include tho10 state nt-.son,nt-‘ wlio'cnllcd for easing up of truek-M onday'-nlght-with-;hl-wilii uelson's-snggcstlons. ^moled $20-mlllion damageimage to tc(tee met after the Stalee Depart-Departs StaleSt Univcrsiiy needed moro llial wero rficlvfO T^'cnr.isTyciir. torney general or hiss rcprcscn--'reprcscn--\o-cnllc(l "goon .squad"lad" tactics beer advertisementsI painted - -Palmer is chairmanlan of the live.stockn and property,y, Prime nnment of Finance announcedounced .it it fundsfu lo handle present student ‘Included nmong them;ff”' tative. the superinlcndentIcndent of by liquor law enforcementcement offi- offl- on Its side are dueto for a HHouso AppropriationsIS- Commit- Ministery Abdul Rahmanman an- hadha closed'the Pioneerr Savings loa«s.lo - — ;i-_Tht-XowaiuColorado-RiYCEirado-Rlvcr Slate-Pblico,—tho-chalrmlairman an of.cials.—of. ------— ------lotdown,-polico-rcportod-(o*ortod-.to. r- lc r- ICC.------1_ ------:...... rnouncod-lo,dav.'- . n< ' ’ an and Loan Associalion-in-Doi.ic-^—n-Boi.%c.-^— Sen Jo h n -F r- E v a n S rD -M a la d , Dasln Prnicrt. one of)f tho moitmost the State Prosecuting; Attornevs; Tlic onstern Idffho0 legislalor day. The truck contahedontahed Democrat.^ had critlcized'Sam-;lci7.ed'Sam- Returning from a lourmr of the Benarrusa1 said tho• closure saidsa the,.state couldn’t afford a ______ccinlri|v c rs ial proposnis ___ ecvcf'Associatiau_Dt_his_rcpxcscDta-_ v e r jcptesenta--jaid.hc-dcplorcd-v^aiat-appfearcdat-appfearcd -nn-boar—Just-M(>-6ackfl-of~. sackfl-of~ utuelson's—budget~~mcssage rssage -be«^flooded—~be«-^fl areas— Rahman—nan— told wawas-“just-nn-administrati.ve-i>ro=^'n1 ative'pros^-nfedicnl—school;—^term tn^tho— . conjiidorcd l>y Concress.*css.' live, the district spccialccial agent to' bo a ’'softer approach”iproach;’ to salt. ctcnuso -It. o m itied g emoral n e r a r fund newsmen-the-disaster ni was' un- ceicedurc to' curtail' bad mahngt^m ahnge^ $200,000$2 a p p ro p rlty b n "q u ite ex- _ l'our_jTrcRi>n Projects:o jc cts: the fn r the F B I nnd 12 members e m b ers aii^'liquor ai^;- law cnrbrcementsnt — wwhrch hich litline item requests forr individual prccedontcd p in MalaysianI'sian his- m(mcnt practices and to0 protcctlcessivo’’protcct let for what .he callcd a «,jni o ours i uOl n i hi e e j < c o i ti i y 0 e n i ee i n i c e l ^ inatort—art ■------^ rusponsoring legislationinn to auth- _ - _ nrir^ Ihe appropriationIlon of S20 ' K J ^ million for a weailjer modifica­ tion (rain making) program. Additionally, a Senate bill No-de-deposit,; nono-return 'n conveniec inlenee-tfiatiiat’s Pepsiipsi-Cola would creatc a "Wirdifd Rivers” • • ■ « •• system n«d a Hou.se measure IW I ' I * *X* ■ , would authorize a "scenic riv------c r.<” i:ygtemT-Doll>-ua>ulrt-f)PCvont- in One)ne-Way bc t dam cuiislruction andmd ccrtain certain ^ ' , , iither agtivitics'in rivers flowing thriiugh wilderness - type scenic areas. 5 “ refunejnds. Insideilde?Tliatfai HamousPe > Pepsi tasteiste-big, boid,de-bo Family Cycle Explained To liciousDUS. Pick up extra carcartons of FPepsi Qn

    . give th e ir childW n w^oiild b e a package containing God,'Od, ccharac­ h a ra c - ter, citizenship, personality,son^lity, a go^^a^tit^e^du(5atttfn~bftth~at HU? bH^-- “ physical health, ahd wrap it ailall A piaM with love. Hi : Edward-Topliff,-presidentresident of the council, announceded that the by-laws will, be re-written•w ritte n to.to comply with changes'!s " IR 's"slate' la t e and national by-laws, u under n d e r tho direction of the chairman. DDoyle oyle Lew der. " I . ' ■ ® Topliff reminded PTATA ^vorkers .'of Founder's.Day activitiesc tlvltlcs fofor r '. ^ Ij ■ I ■ ■ February, and the group dis* dis- . M J cu.iscd tho po.islbllityV of award-award­ H n-m ing state or natlonnlI lifelife"mem- m em - bershlps. It was announcedd that the • B M council will host tho dislrict tho district MW' EB ^ , f t * confcrence A pril 29' at a t Minico M inico fi *' ' ...... H igh,Sc h o o l- • ------

    SMOKING MOREO R E H v I ROME (AP) Finance Min- ^Br H ------Ister l.u !g i--P re U -o[-Jia f-J ia ly ly -‘ ‘ »aidSBid —.rr^ "TT*r Monday that Italians< smoked s m 0 k 9 d ' H ■ m oro (?lgarettcs in 1900,I9fl0. ■ ' g S B m '; FARM r ^ K l f r - Kl A u c t i o n CALENDARDAII tv «/ £ i ' p iTif Mk .; f--fe ' . ' ' ' B All Magic Valley Sales listed Here CanlQ(lm*nl f»t ary i«la ttiu d In (hit foim Cnl«nil(ir far 10 dai'i balara .Ola Dt na cati. :?= t ai s s l t e t hh s a t b ee a a t s J a n . J8 .

    Adyarlhaminli i»n. 14 ond \T Aulllatiaiiii Wttl. llUri. Wall t hl e o t hl e e r s CO: o l d . . . | U P e p j • , J^i. 20I PS* .* ciiAiiui ciiHirroNrroN .... . 7.'Ad(arflianiinli Jan.. I I and 19 Auillonairii Wart, Ilian,llla.i, Wnll I f f l p o u i r s I t ni>il fAaiiartmllhmHh — ^^Jan. 2 6 J ______1 - ...... LIMMAN SROTIItllSl i i i n ...... Advirtliamtnh Jan, 34 and 31 l i o n i ’ Auctlanaarii WaM,'lllart,lllart. Wall and Maitirimlihnllh rsfm —

    1' J o n , 2 7 \ , . Mri|ON ririR190N io N AifVa'lltarninli Jan. 33 ond 36 AunlanMrii W «/|..IIIari;:ilari; WnllW«ll ... V ...... UOlUliD-UY PtPSI.COLAil.COLA flOTflOTTLING C0„ 255 3rd:i AVe.AVC, vy,,W,, TWINTAUS, IDAHO,10, UNDCR ,APPOINTMENT FROMM PopslCo,,PopilCo,, IKIC, 'NEW YORK, N,V.N ,Y . " ^ ' III ^ ^ .

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