- - : : : : f , ' ■ - ll Jun-0Z-67i , 0 5 -U 6 Mbrarlwi'^ % Idaho H l»t»iPWW l p a l 33«i« o l » t y ^ I'f''*' ' B o l « . _ , Weather ■' ☆ Final * ; ^ ^ _____ Mostly Clear — Edition— — - --------^— ^Wednesday— ; ------- TbQ‘Maglc Valley Newspaperiwspaper DiD edicated to Servlogg ahd.froiiibungahd. l'ror the Growthth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Countiesountles ^ 1 ____________^-------------------- VOL. 63, NO. 275 ^ 5 5 " t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO,0, TUESDATUESDAY,.JANUARY 17,7 , 19G7 T E N C E N T S Mao Notes I ", y ,. I p i i n g rS t t o r j f f i — ^ Struggle I ^ 1 S w e e p s M i di w w i e s t ^ ' By JOHN RODERICK TOKYO (AP)—Mao Tse- ^ ■ ■ ..............> ' V tung and his faction ap- ^ pear to have gained the jjl upper hand in Communist p l i M o v e!S s I1 n t o GCe a n a d a China’s.power struggle and By The Associated Press!SS there are signs thc threat & A paralyzing blizzardrd that .swept.sw across norlhern:rn seClionssoClion* of the M idwest m oved ' of violence in Peking and jS -I :,;-., into Canada loday as the cokiesLcokie.s w eather of the year .spread.sprer eastward and south- other major cities is dis- K ;;ard frorh the Great't' Plains. With\ huge drifts of)f ^now blockingbio streets nnd high- sipating, the Peking cor* B w'ays, tlie blizzard closcdised schoolsschnob and curtailed motor and'airand'a travel. The m ercury respondent, of the Tokyo B H H | plungedp iu r to lower thanan 30 degreesdcgt below zero across the norili .central border _____ newspaper-Yom iuri report- -fe r e g ions. The Weather.l a U i c n ----- ----------------------- • e d ^ to d a v .___________ _____________ 3% jir~Bureau issued cold wave -jn The Japanese correspondent M ^tB . for a vast area t~* said the chaotic-nituation on the K from the Canadian borderjE Pioneer SmSavings, mainland appears lo have ^ . , southward to Kentucky, western .y "passed its peak and the tetise ^ W m S M Tennessee. Oklahoma and # situation prevailing over Pe- H ■ king, Shanghai, Nanking and B V-- 1*^ iznorlliwcstern Texas nnd cast- # a ng and ware H Loan Firm y^i,- >.. w ard a cro ss tho M idwe«t to Irm Closed other major cities appearsla rs lo H V ■e«t to , - i western New York, r ■ be subsiding following Mao’s M , , . BOISE (AP)—The Pioneerioneor SavingsSavin and Loan Association . ■ ‘. '<H 4 MiMinneapolis and St, Paul had of persqnai leadership off ^ Tthe h e -M| lul had or Boise was closcd Monday-londay by the Stale Department of____________ . ' , wind-chill reading today of fi2 Fir \ a riusuicd JsstJUi.111011 tU dluse-m Idalio “ .t y » du^iLL.^ Uuluw /Cl'O. Ih e W eatfT ',vii ______ ‘’ ■Wflll nc w s p n ^ r ^ ' In RPittin rhlng. g M . ‘ cr Bureau's wind-chill indcliindex ■ last week reported Mao had re- H - takes imo considerationn ' both ' closed ant t ththe e end olof thc hanking day Monday turned to Ihe capital, quoting ■ elocity *‘’t*''' sh a re .accounis:counis of alaboul S75.fHi(l and assets ot P rc m jc r CViou, E n -lal and OtbCTo th e r ■ temperature ai\d wind velocUy. The area had a' temperatureic ra tu rc $200,000 a cc o rd inng g to TomTont D. McEldowney, acling high Communist party officials.officials. BH |H B ^^^^B H H ^^B rea d in g of -20 and a w indid velo- coicommissioner of finance,e. ' ' “There is no doubt Mao’s ap- B .J city of 17 miles an hour from pearancc played a decisive role * ir from Idaho Savings andI Loan-Loan' Assoclallon-wllhAsso ’OTCHrdc* live role thc northwest. _______ . , tfi turn the tide of the crisis,” ------- _—positors:^nd^ccounts-lotBllng-ts-totBllng-$20-mimote=tlascd=dfl3t • ~ ----- JkETEll-EIV&INCHES-ot-liew-ilES-of-new-Bnow=on-top-of-the-l»S-inehes— Inches— h<hour-whlpped-the^now-agalnsHhe^~*gaInst-the^hre,-and-plow5rcl^lng~— ^ T 1 --------- the-“ Yorfilurl^rcM rt~sald~bui “ enrlng:_^hp-im M (.-packing.-wmg.-wind d ------rjuly"aird^lUris“ln* thoG procc.ss of liquidation. Rcprcscnla* —already-OB-the-groundj-thcse-cars-,-thcsecars-In-a-St-Paul-motel^paridng p a rk in g -----------(he~lot,-added(h (0 thelr”load.“” lond.“ Tcinp<T c in p c ra lu rc s droppcd to) —21. gustsgu.sl up to 70 miles un hour, ( --------- added-thaHhe-7J-year<)ld-party , I Are preparing a reopening plan, lot are nearly burled.,. WindsW inds betb e tw ee n SO a n d <0 m ileslies ppet e t (/!(AP wirephoto)________________ swept frnm the norlhernr PlainsPlaints ^ shareholders Are prepar chairman has not made any _ ------------- , into Minncsoia. Wisconsinsin and 1McEldowne^ said thce suspensionsuspensioi was the result of ‘*ccr-"" public appearances. - ...... MicMichigan, Blizzard warningsk’arnings lailain factors, some of which were unauthorized transmittal Hc rep o rte d th a t 30,000 anti- ; were posted for riorlheastcrnlieastern of funds out of the State,le of Idaho, irregularities in the man- Mao workers left their jobs in I -------Iowa,------------- -------------------- — --- . -..ae-agPnient-of-PJQneer^avmgai2nn(U --------S h a n g h a i-a n d -s e t'o u t-fo r Peking : DeadUne- -i- ivingsi^and-lvonn-flnd-latk of praoF-pf------ . ' ^ M U r ^ oovidina m a Taxax-Relief E A pproxim ately 33.DR0- DRO- ^ ■iO 60 nm,p,h. i,p,h. cocorporate .owncrshin." ____ but_wer£_lnterccpted--and-porin d -p o r-------------------------------------------------- —— ;---------- suadcd to return. ^ _______^in-Fall9-€ounty-resi—_fgsj„_iwliippcd-the-finow-thnmsh-thc-»etnhc-—------ ES imination ofthe firm showed,showec he fiaid,-the-associatlon ------------------ "Hunareds ol tnousands o^ f - dents have until Wednes-cdnes- “Jf' I'ahing. snow-clearingIg oper- ^may have violated 19C6C6 DeparimeniDeparimi of Financc rules, and 1 ations on highways in Minncso- workers had potired into Pe- OnV. PreseriscriptionDruQWug^Viei^f.day midnight to put 19D7 v?s"ibilT ■■'n^nagement ppractices ra c tic e s mmust be corrected." ^ license plates on their ;• „ , reported visibili- . king, creating tension0 n la st times to Pioneer Savings andmd Loan wHlw reopen, McEldowney week,” thc dispatch continued,intinued, By MARK BROWNVH ■- • j|i | -1vehicles. Long lines of mo- ^■' jMonday dropped at times to _;Said, "as soon as'.thchc factors neccssUatingr the suspen- . "but disappeared from>m ththc c I TheI RepubliciRepublican chairm an of the Idaho L -Reve- r- iorists were -reporled ~ . BOISE (AP)— the Idaho Legislature’s Hotise-Reve- r^ t three storm-relatedi-rclated tlon ore remedied?”’ Hc said tthc -Institution’s Jlnanclal streets after Mao’s support to i\ue and Taxation Committee said today his committee is considering a billbiil to V' Tuesday in the courthouse. ;' dea fovtdi^Bdequate-sa{fcty-for-tavct6*i------- -------------- .ari-urgenl'appcal from Shanghai ' • deaths''were reported. Twowo men condition should "provldi^Bdeq :lief cn prescription drugs "and other areas." Rep. Joe, Pres-p f i g . i-1;-.f Clifford; Thompson, ..idled,• in Minnesota.'while-.shovol-^ h o v o l - —----- when-it-l-TTWpotipHT'Z;—----------- revolutionary pro-M'ao rebelsrebds fProvide sales tax relief cn pn ______ tun* r/>pi1rtpH IQI )ading—to-a—chaU cftgo-Mnday-^m onday-^m —Rep.- Edward-WilHamsr nn.ipn 111^1 j,jiuw a ild a w om an min S outh —-------------------------------- 1-------------------------^ persons operating a :.j ^Dakota was crushed to death Daily Thursday." - • D-:D-Lewiston, assistantnt mminority lnorit leader, to anyr RRepublica epublican m em b er of the.. hhou!se-:J. o u s e . v\ e hide after ‘midnight ■ jwlu Earlier. Mao's factionon had to co-sponsor a bill. liftingl i f t i n g -------------- :— i-------3 ” ’----------------------- ________ : Wednesday without 1907. ■‘ tmi hinted at-dlvlsinn-t in ils rnnlta .ji.. ' the-sales-tux fium pie- -T ^ plates may expect a* cita- }.jl i Aa s Ihe _s_tgjm __ coarcd-IntQ H with a call on all pro-Mao or^ ^ E M o i t E E:vansWill a n iS -iw Bcription—dr-ugST—^aidr-he j -----------f-tiou' fiuin'-suitercqqncytuy or~rrOi-^TT fj[ic -M ichigan's U p p er P e n in su la _ —'— ■Eairt2atlon5-KTTallr'flfffuna''OTf ^ U n S B fe a m o — preferred a bill thata t wwas a s ^ ii city officers. ' Li-I MoiMonday night, wlnUs of 50 T l ■ Red Chinese army. pr •;j According to figures of m,p I ^ not "drawn in haste and with 1 res of m,p,h. whipped, the snow, halt- 1^ rv rv % '•]-licensed .vehicles frommlasL-i-> lasL-u ing-lraveling- on many highwavsrg H e a d U e SBt-Trustees— M ~ r ______ political., motives.!^__________ ^----------L W xl H licenseicenso FouFour inches oPsnow fell m a six- _ £g -“I can assure you,” ^Asfced-3?0::S-Preston^ Tft Step Downli n Falls, was'unanimously elected TT;,..-. ^ plates has been consider-islder- iJj] hourbou period tlurlng the nlshrrtnight at ^Eldon Evans, Twin Falls, w Menghini Is sa id , “ th a t m e m b e rs of th e _rev- iS m E JAKARTA, Indonesianesia (AP) — Indonesian. Foreign.!"oreign 1 “ ^^“wer this year.r.. ’■ w MaiMarquette, making a total of chairmcha an of the.C ollegeIlege of S'Southern'Idaho board of 1 kfl enue and taxation committee .............. ‘‘‘ four fept on th/»_gfniiqii-i»PAr t-ry, f l are, studying these and,nd..other other MM inister-A dam _RlalikfiIik_disclosed-today-he .disclos -has-asked-n sk o d S id-jnear trustees-during^h5^«Jup’s“group s ^reorganizational meeting Manager Of a” ......
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