Single Turbine, 46M to Tip and Considered in Isolation, the Proposed Turbine Fits Easily Within the Identified Capacity of the Landscape
Allerdale Borough Council Planning Application Reference No: 2/2012/0345 Received: 08 May 2012 Proposed Siting of one 36.4m hub height wind turbine and associated Development: infrastructure. Location: Tarns Farm Silloth Wigton Applicant: Mr John Wise Drawing Numbers: SL1 - Site Location Plan SL2 - Site Location Plan DR1 - Proposed Turbine DR2 - Wind Turbine Details DR3 - Proposed Turbine Photomontages DR4 - Proposed Wind Turbine Details DR5 - Noise Details EWP50_F_001 - Foundation and Bolt Arrangement Constraints: Policies: National Planning Policy Framework North West Regional spatial Strategy Policy DP7 - Promote environmental quality Policy EM17 - Renewable Energy Cumbria and Lake District Joint Structure Plan Policy E38 - Historic environment Policy R44 - Renewable energy outside the Lake District National Park and AONBs Allerdale Local Plan Policy CO13 - The setting of a Conservation Area, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy CO18 - Setting of a Listed building, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy CO21 - Proposals affecting archaeological sites, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy CO22 - Protection of archaeological remains, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy CO24 - Protection of setting of Hadrians Wall, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy EN10 - Restoration, after uses cease, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy EN19 - Landscape Protection, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy EN25 - Protecting the open countryside, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy EN32 - Protecting wildlife protected by law, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) Policy EN6 - Location of potentially polluting development, Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved). Relevant Planning A screening opinion was issued by the Local Planning Authority in History: June 2012. This opinion stated that the proposal did constitute EIA development.
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