NORTH WEST REGIONAL AGGREGATES WORKING PARTY Cheshire • Cumbria • Greater Manchester Halton • Lancashire • Merseyside • Warrington ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT 2009 [Incorporating 2008 statistics] CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL Richard Evans Chairman NWRAWP Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team Cumbria County Council Anne Mosquera Secretary NWRAWP Minerals and Waste Policy Unit Cheshire West and Chester Council For further information please contact: Natalie Durney-Knight NWRAWP Technician Minerals and Waste Policy Unit Cheshire West and Chester Council Backford Hall CHESTER CH1 6PZ Tel: 01244 973117 E-mail:
[email protected] December 2009 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT 2009 i. The North West Regional Aggregates Working Party (NWRAWP) is one of nine similar working parties throughout England and Wales esta̼ΜΊν·͇͋ ΊΣ χ·͋ 1970͛ν χ·͋ ̽Ϊι͋ functions of which are set out in the Terms of Reference detailed in Appendix A. ii. The Annual Monitoring Report 2009 represents the seventeenth annual report and uses data collected for sales and reserves during the period 1st January to 31st December 2008. Information regarding planning applications, progress of development plans, construction activity and the use of recycled and secondary aggregate is also included for the same period. iii. Total primary aggregate sales fell during 2008 by approximately 14% from 13.08mt in 2007 to 11.17mt. Sales of both crushed rock and land-won sand and gravel fell during the same period by 15% and 14% respectively. Sales of marine dredged aggregate fell significantly by 33% from 0.66mt in 2007 to 0.44mt. iv. Total permitted primary aggregate reserves fell by approximately 1.6% from 384.8mt in 2007 to 378.63mt.