
1300’s 1321-- Dante’s Inferno 1374-- Petrarch dies 1400’s 1415-- Jan Huss burned 1450-- Johannes Guttenburg Printing Press 1453-- falls 1469-- Ferdinand and Isabella marry 1474-1539-- Isabella D’ Este 1482-- invades Granada 1485-- Botticelli’s Primavera 1486-- Spenger and Kramer’s Witches Hammer 1492-- Columbus sails west 1492-- arrives in Spain 1494-- Medicis flee 1494 1497-- Vasco De Gama sails around Africa 1498-- Da Vinci paints Last Supper 1500’s 1504-- sculpts the David 1506-- Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel 1506-- St. Peters’ Basilica built 1507-- Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa 1509-- Henry VIII becomes king 1509-- Erasmus writes In Praise of Folly 1509-1511-- paints School of Athens 1516-- Thomas More prints Utopia October 31, 1517-- ’s 95 thesis 1517-- endorses indulgences 1519-- Da Vinci dies 1519-- Charles V becomes HRE emperor 1519-1522-- Magellan’s voyage around the world 1520-- Father Bartolome De Las Casas writes Charles V 1521-- vs. Spain/HRE in the 1521-- Diet of Worms 1521-- Cortes conquers Aztecs 1525-- Peasants Revolt 1527-- Phillip II becomes king of Spain 1529-- Marbourg Colloquy 1532-- Machiavelli publishes the Prince 1533-- Pizarro conquers Incas 1534-- Jan Van Eyck paints Wedding of Arnolfini 1535-- Thomas More executed 1536-- prints Institutes of the Christian Religion 1540-- founds the Jesuits 1541-- El Greco born 1543-- Copernicus dies 1545-- 1546-- Martin Luther dies 1547-- Henry VIII dies 1555-- Peace of Augsburg 1558-- Elizabeth becomes queen 1562-- begin 1563-- Peter Brughal paints Wedding Feast 1564-- Vesalius dies 1564-- William Shakespeare born 1564-- John Calvin dies 1567-- Duke of Alba arrives in the Netherlands 1572-- Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1572-- Henry IV of France becomes king 1584-- Ivan the Terrible dies 1588-- 1589-- Henry of becomes king 1589-- of 1598-- Phillip II of Spain dies 1598-- 1600’s 1603-- Elizabeth dies 1605-- Cervantes Don Quixote 1609-1648-- The Golden Age of the Dutch 1609-19-- Johanness Kepler’s 3 Laws of Pl. Motion 1611-- King James Bible printed 1618-1648--30 Years War begins 1621-- Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector 1626-- Frances Bacon dies 1627-- Richelieu at 1628-- becomes First Minister 1632-- King Gustavus Adolphus killed 1633-- Galileo on trial 1637-- Descartes Discourse on Method 1642-1651-- English 1642-- English Civil War begins 1642-- Rembrant paints Night Watch 1642-- becomes First Minister 1642-- Galileo dies 1648-- 1648-- Rump Parliament 1649-- Charles I executed 1649-1652-- War 1650-- Descartes dies 1651-- Navigation Acts passed 1655-- Oliver Cromwell dies 1657-- William Harvey dies 1661-- Death of Mazarin 1662-- King moves to the 1665-- Jean Baptist Colbert hired 1668-- Jan Vermeer paints the Astronomer 1673-- Margaret Cavendish dies 1682-- Peter the Great rule begins 1787-- Isaac Newton’s theory on universal gravitation 1688-- begins 1688-- Glorious Revolution 1689-- War with the League of Augsburg begins 1700’s 1700-- Northern Wars begins 1701-- War of Spanish Succession begins 1702-- Construction of St. Petersburg begins 1707-- Act of Union 1709-1869-- Enclosure Acts 1713-1714-- Peace of Utrect 1721-- Northern Wars ends 1725-- Peter the Great dies 1727-- Isaac Newton dies 1727-- The Hanover’s becomes kings of England 1733-- John Kay’s flying shuttle 1740-- The War of Austrian Succession begins 1740-- Maria Theresa’s rule begins 1740-- Fredrick the Great’s rule begins 1748-- ’s Spirit of Laws 1751-1765-- Diderot’s Encyclopedia 1756-- The Seven Years War begins 1757-- William Pitt becomes Prime Minister 1759-- ’s Candide 1759-- George Handel dies 1762-- Rousseau’s Emile 1762-- Catherine the Great begins her rule 1763-- Treaty of 1763 1764-- Cesare Bonesona write on Crime and Punishment 1764-- James Hargreaves spinning jenny 1765-- Joseph II’s rule begins 1769-- Bonaparte born 1769-- Richard Arkwright’s water frame 1769-- James Watt’s improved steam engine 1772-- 1st Partition of Poland 1773-1775-- Pugachev’s Rebellion 1774-- of Louis XIV begins 1776--The American Revolution 1776-- Adam Smith writes the Wealth of Nations 1784-- Henry Cort’s puddling furnace 1785-- Edmund Cartwright’s power loom 1785- George Stephenson’s Rocket 1787-1799-- The 1789-- John Lock’s 2nd Treatise of Government 1789-- 1789-- Sieyes What is the Third Estate? 1789-- raided 1789-- Jean Jacques David paints the The Wilkes Affair 1791-- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies 1791-- 1792-- The Civil Constitution of the Clergy 1793-- 2nd Partition of Poland 1793-- King Louis XVI executed 1793-- executed 1793-- The Committee of Public Safety established 1794-- Robespierre executed 1795-- 3rd Partition of Poland 1795-- The Directory 1798-- Essay on the Principle of Population…Thomas Malthus’ book 1800’s

1801-- The Concordat 1804-- The Code of Napoleon 1806-- Confederation of the organized 1806-07-- The Continental System 1812-- Grand Army invades Russia 1812-- Tolstoy prints War and Peace 1814-- Napoleon exiled to Elba 1815-- David Ricardo’s iron law of wages 1815-- The 100 Days begin 1815--The Congress of Vienna 1815-- The Battle of Waterloo 1815-- Napoleon exiled to St. Helena 1837-- Pushkin dies 1839-42-- Opium Wars 1856-- Sigmund Freud born 1857-- Sepoy Mutiny in India 1861-- Russian Serfs Freed 1865-1909-- Lepold II in Belgium 1866-- Dostoyevsky prints Crime and Punishment 1869—Gandhi born 1870—Lenin born November 30, 1874—Winston Churchill born 1878-- Berlin Conference 1879-- Albert Einstein born 1881-99-- Mahdist War 1882-- Britain gains the Suez Canal 1883—Stahlin born 1886-- Nietzsche writes Beyond Good and Evil 1889-- Adolph Hitler born 1889-- Vincent Van Gogh paints Starry Night 1898-- Battle of Omdurman 1898-- Fashoda Crisis 1899-1902-- Boer War

1900’s 1905-- Russo-Japanese War 1905-- Russia - Bloody Sunday 1905-- Max Weber prints….Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1908-- 1st Balkan Crisis 1912-- Balkan Wars Begins 1912-- Woodrow Wilson elected 1913-- Raymond Poincare elected president June 28, 1914-- *Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated August 1914-- Battle of Tannenburg September 1914-- Battle of the Marne February to December 1916 -- Battle of (WWI) April 1916-- Easter Rising July 1916-- Battle of the Somme 1916-- David Lloyd George becomes PM 1917-- Russian Civil War 1917-- Kerensky becomes leader of provisional government 1917-- Czar Nicholas abdicates April 1917-- The United States enters WWI November 1918-- Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates 1918-- Oswald Spengler writes Decline of the West 1918-- Romanov Royal family executed 1918-- Treaty of Brest Litovsk 1919-- John Maynard Keynes prints The Economic Consequences of the Peace June 1919-- The Treaty of Versailles 1922-- David Lloyd George loses PM 1922-- Benito Mussolini becomes PM 1922—Black shirt March on 1922-- James Joyce writes Ulysses 1923-- 1923-- France occupies the Ruhr Valley 1924—Lenin dies 1924-- Woodrow Wilson elected 1924-- Dawes Plan 1925-- Lorcano Agreements 1925-- Paul Von Hindenburg becomes President 1926-- Hitler writes Mein Kampf 1927-- Werner Heisneberg – Uncertainty Principle 1927-- Trotsky expelled from Russia 1928-- Stalin’s 1st Five Year Plan begins 1928-- Alexander Fleming develops Penicillin 1928-- Kellogg-Briand Pact 1929-- Lateran Pact October 29, 1929-- USA Stock Market collapses – Great Depression begins 1929-- Virginia Wolf writes a Room of One’s Own 1931-- Statute of Westminster 1931-- Boris Yeltsin becomes president of Russia 1932—Roosevelt elected 1933-- Dachau opens 1933-- Stalin’s 2nd Five Year Plan begins June 1934-- Night of the Long Knives 1935-- invades Ethiopia August 1935-- Nuremburg Laws October 3, 1935-- Italy invades Ethiopia 1936-- Spanish Civil War begins 1937-- Picasso paints Guernica 1937-- Neville Chamberlain becomes PM February 1938-- Anschluss November 1938—Kristallnacht September 1938-- Munich Conference – Appeasement 1939-- Sigmund Freud dies August 1939-- German/Soviet NonAggression Pact September 1939-- Phony War September 1, 1939-- Germany invades Poland 1940-- Charlie Chaplin appears in The Great Dictator May 10, 1940—Winston Churchill PM June 1940-- France surrenders July 1940-- Battle for Britain June 22, 1941-- Operation Barbarossa December 7, 1941—Pearl Harbor January 20, 1942-- Wannessee Conference June 1942-- Battle of Midway July 1942-- Battle of Stalingrad January 1943-- Casablanca Conference November-December 1943-- Tehran Conference June 1944-- D-Day at August 1944-- Paris Liberated 1945—Roosevelt died 1945-- Benito Mussolini dies 1945-- Adolph Hitler dies January 1945-- Red Army enters Berlin February 1945-- Yalta Conference May 7, 1945-- Germany surrenders July-August 1945-- Potsdam Conference August 6, 1945-- A-Bombs in Japan September 2, 1945-- Japan surrenders November 1945-- Nuremburg Trials 1948—Gandhi dies

1948-- Berlin Airlift 1948-- Marshall Plan 1949-- NATO founded 1949-- Soviets get the A-Bomb 1950-- Schuman-Monnet Plan 1955-- Albert Einstein dies 1955-- Warsaw Pact founded 1957-- Common Market established or EEC 1960-1989-- Sino-Soviet split 1960-- U-2 Spy Plane Incident 1962-- Cuban Missile Crisis January 24, 1965—Winston Churchill dies 1968-- Brezhnev Doctrine 1969-- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 1974-- The Book of Numbers by Herbert Spencer 1975—Stahlin dies 1985-- Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union 1989-- Berlin Wall is torn down 1992-- Maastricht Treaty 1993-- Wittgenstein 1998-- EURO distributed throughout Europe 1999-- EURO accepted throughout Europe 1999-- “ethnic cleansing” of the Balkans