Bistorical Society Quarterly DIRECTOR JOHN TOWNLEY
NEVADA Bistorical Society Quarterly DIRECTOR JOHN TOWNLEY BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Nevada Historical Society was founded in 1904 for the purpose of investigating topics JOHN WRIGHT pertaining to the early history of Nevada and Chairman of collecting relics for a museum at its Reno facility where historical materials of many EDNA PATTERSON kinds are on display to the public and are av- Vice Chairman ailable to students and scholars. ELBERT EDWARDS Membership dues are: annual, S7.50; student, S3; sustaining, $25; life, $100; and patron, RUSSELL ELLIOTT $250. Membership applications and dues should be sent to the director. RUS-SELL McDONALD MARY ELLEN SADOVICH The Nevada Historical Society Quarterly pub- lishes articles, interpretive essays , and docu- WILBU R SHIPPERSON ments which deal with the history of Nevada . and of the Great Basin area. Particularly wef- come are manuscripts which examne the polit- ical, economic, cultural, and constitutional aspects of the history of this region. Material submitted for publication should be sent to the N. H .5. Quarterly, 4582 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Footnotes should be placed at the end of the manuscript, \vhich should be typed double spaced. The evalua- tion process will take approximately six to ten weeks. lassaere - Lakes "',,' , /\...y' ////f/, : //T;V; :.r// " . /, , . , f''''" . " ''///: ':/ /' / ,: / / , /" ,/,/ //'/ . ' -' . " . /r,///, '//. /// /", This portrayal of the 1850 Massacre was drawn by Paul Nyland as one of a series of historically oriented newspaper advertisements for Harold's Club of Reno, Massacre! What Massacre? An Inquiry into the Massacre of 1850 by Thomas N. Layton MASSACRE LAKE (Washoe County, Nevada) Some small lakes, or dry sinks, also called Massacre Lakes, east of Vya in the northern portion of the county...
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