THE Difference
Cincinnati Parks... Continuing to Make THE Difference CINCINNATI PARK BOARD 2013-2014 ANNUAL REPORT CINCINNATI PARK BOARD 2013-2014 ANNUAL REPORT Cincinnati Parks... Continuing to Make THE Difference 950 Eden Park Drive • Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 • (513) 352.4080 • Cincinnati Parks... 34 10 18 48 26 Continuing 36 to Make 29 13 09 37 38 25 THE 04 21 41 47 53 38 40 27 Difference 31 22 17 57 08 07 03 42 12 20 51 52 05 02 15 23 24 01 45 19 33 28 14 06 54 44 50 30 55 43 49 35 56 32 39 11 PARKS MAINTENANCE CITY FUNDS PRIVATE FUNDS VOLUNTEER TOTAL % TOTAL 49 Smale Riverfront $836,050 $2,558 $838,608 4.91% 50 Stanbery $42,608 $3,226 $45,834 0.27% 51 Torrence $41,483 $2,565 $44,048 0.26% 52 Valley $14,907 $14,907 0.09% 53 Victory Parkway $85,412 $1,106 $86,518 0.51% 54 Washington $555,030 $555,030 3.25% 55 Waterfront $1,917,070 $26,959 $1,944,029 11.37% 56 Wilson $21,338 $5,760 $27,098 0.16% 57 Wulsin $16,149 $2,995 $19,144 0.11% Misc. Parks/Facilities $3,318,922 $250,845 $208,288 $3,778,055 22.11% CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER LEFT: Explore Nature! summer camper; Smale Riverfront Park; Cincinnati Reds-themed Scotts Floral Urban Forestry $1,800,000 $1,800,000 10.53% carpet at Fountain Square, volunteers from Duke Energy at the 8th Annual Mayor’s Corporate Greenspace $422,150 $9,000 $87,316 $518,466 3.03% Challenge work at the Smale Anniversary Gardens off of Butler and 5th Streets Totals $14,841,550 $907,500 $1,342,125 $17,091,175 2 Cincinnati Parks › Continuing to Make THE Difference Cincinnati Parks › Continuing to Make THE Difference 31 PARKS MAINTENANCE COST CENTERS PARKS MAINTENANCE CITY FUNDS PRIVATE FUNDS VOLUNTEER TOTAL % TOTAL 1 Alms $160,827 $4,516 $165,343 0.97% 2 Annwood $22,898 $22,898 0.13% 3 Ault $595,691 $5,700 $19,355 $620,746 3.63% 4 Avon Woods $44,593 $24,378 $68,971 0.40% 5 Bellevue $49,107 $49,107 0.29% 30 6 Berry, Intern.
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