Fall 2017 Volume Twenty-Six Number Three lifton hronicle CA Publication of Clifton Town MeetingC You Do It You Write It We Print It The Clifton Community Fund Helps Create a Historic Mural at Clifton Market Entrance Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-0067 Box 20067 P.O. Meeting Town Clifton Te mural depicting the 1930 Ludlow Avenue was painted by Tammy Stephens. Te next time you’re at the Clifton Mar- simultaneously. Te ket you can step back in time and see Ludlow artist was Tammy Stephens. Kip Eagan was Avenue circa 1930. On the wall opposite the responsible for the mural concept and project market’s door the Clifton Community Fund management. (CCF) unveiled its latest addition to Clifton Te mural has been added to the project culture, historic preservation and fun. It is a completion list by the CCF with help from mural depicting Ludlow Avenue in 1930. If Clifton Town Meeting, Clifton Cultural Arts you stand in the right place on the sidewalk Center, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful and the you can see Ludlow 2017 and Ludlow 1930 Clifton Market. CliftonFest 2017 Is Coming! Clifton Business District Playing Host NON-PROFIT NON-PROFIT CINCINNATI, OH CINCINNATI, 'SJEBZ 0DUPCFS QN4BUVSEBZ 0DUPCFStBNQN Permit No. 301 U.S. Postage PAID "SUBOE.VTJD7FOVFTt'PPEBOE3FGSFTINFOUTPO-VEMPX"WFOVFt,3BDF /BUJPOBMMZ,OPXO%"SUJTUT5SVNBO"EBNTBOE%BWJE;JOO+PJO-PDBM ORG. $IBML"SUJTUTBU4USFFU-FWFMt7JTJUIUUQDMJGUPOGFTUDPN http://www.cliftoncommunity.org/clifton-chronicle/ Clifton Chronicle Fall 2017 1 $5.8BOUT:PV Clifton Chronicle Interested in becoming a more P.O. Box 20067, 45220 active Clifton resident? CTM Trustees Send all images, ads and stories to organize many neighborhood events,
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