A regular meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on this day remotely by video conference. Commissioners present: President Brad Lindner, Vice President Jim Goetz, Commissioner Susan Castellini, Commissioner Kevin Flynn, and Commissioner Linda Lee Thomas. President Lindner called the meeting to order at 9:05 A.M. Attendance was confirmed by roll call.

Acknowledgement of Public Comments

President Linder acknowledged public comments received and announced they will be posted on the Cincinnati Parks website with the minutes of this meeting.

Approval of November 19, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes

Vice President Goetz motioned to approve the November 19, 2020 Special meeting minutes. Commissioner Castellini seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of December 2, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes

Commissioner Castellini motioned to approve the December 2, 2020 Special meeting minutes. Commissioner Thomas seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

At the request of Director Kish, President Lindner added an agenda item to Old Business pertaining to the ODNR Boating and Infrastructure Grant.


Director Kish announced retirements occurring January 1, 2021. Mary Unterreiner named the retirees: Jim Burkhardt, Ronald Dailey, Lynn Hudson, Paula Miller, Lawrence Parker, John “Jeff” Schoenfeld, Victoria Schumacher, and Fred Whitfield. Larry Parker, Jim Burkhardt, Lynn Hudson, Andy Schuermann, Ken Casey, and Director Kish recognized each retiree with a presentation of career highlights, accolades, and personal experiences.

President Lindner wished the retirees luck in their next chapter.


Director Kish introduced Jennifer Spieser to provide an annual update for the Cincinnati Parks Foundation. Ms. Spieser greeted the Board and presented a short video highlighting the Foundation’s 2020 mission moments. Ms. Spieser presented the Foundation’s successes, including the distribution of $979K in grant funding to the parks, activation and programming in and Inwood Park, revitalization of Park Square, partnership with the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital on the Be.Well Program, and fundraising for the Ezzard statue and Smale Expansion project. She announced the Parks Foundation Board will expand

1 from 37 members to 41 next year. Ms. Spieser expressed gratitude for Parks Foundation staff. She announced upcoming dedications of the Inwood Park Playground through PNC Bank, Tom Jones Commons in through donor Tom Jones, and the Ezzard Charles statue project, and mentioned the continued partnership with Children’s Hospital on the Be.Well Program, and a new partnership with Luke5Adventures to provide guided hikes in Mt. Airy Forest with an accessible hiking chair through the generosity of Commissioner Flynn. She expressed her gratitude to the Park Board and staff.

President Lindner expressed appreciation for the Foundation’s hard work and dedication to the Parks system.


Camping and Education Foundation Presentation

Director Kish provided background on the Camping & Education Foundation’s (CEF) partnership with the Park Board and the updated proposal from CEF. She expressed her support for CEF to present the proposal, commenting it would allow the Board to engage in an open dialogue, consider the proposal, and provide a clear directive to staff. She thanked Vice President Goetz for his participation in championing the project.

Vice President Goetz referenced the Cincinnati Urban Wilderness Center (UWC) Project timeline provided to the Board, which outlines the Parks/CEF partnership from 2014 to present. Mr. Goetz highlighted events on the timeline and commented on Board support, public engagement, consultant engagement, and actions related to the UWC project. He described the Park Board’s discussion regarding the UWC in March 2020 and CEF’s continued work on the proposal and on addressing the issues expressed in March. Vice President Goetz introduced Hugh Haller to present the CEF proposal.

Mr. Haller thanked the Park Board for the opportunity to present. He acknowledged and responded to public comments regarding the proposal. Mr. Haller explained the UWC vision for Burnet Woods was to increase youth access to nature through the park. He described CEF’s successes and the preparation that has gone into the UWC project proposal over the last three years including community and consultant engagement, planning sessions, and working closely with Parks staff and Board. He remarked on the differences in opinion over the best use for Burnet Woods. Mr. Haller announced CEF was respectfully withdrawing the proposal from consideration. He thanked former Parks staff Ruthann Spears and Erin Morris, as well as Vice President Goetz.

President Lindner responded to the announcement, expressing agreement with Mr. Haller’s comments on the positive benefits of access to nature and expressed disappointment in the outcome. He commended CEF for their efforts and expressed hope for future partnership.

Commissioner Castellini commented the decision to withdrawal was tragic and felt the few had spoken for many.


Commissioner Flynn echoed the comments of Commissioners Lindner and Castellini. He complimented CEF as an organization and expressed hope that vocal opposition would not impact potential for future partnership. He commented there would likely be support for this type of programming in Mt. Airy Forest.

Director Kish commented on the withdrawal of the UWC proposal. She expressed the vision, goals and the creativity of CEF and UC’s DAAP students will be embedded in the future of Parks’ nature programming and serve as a useful tool. She emphasized the importance of having the community as an ally and expressed she will continue to work to activate and champion partnerships and positive community relationships.

Commissioner Thomas expressed her initial excitement for the prospect of the CEF program. She clarified the December 2018 vote to proceed with CEF’s proposal to establish the UWC in Burnet Woods was not unanimous; she explained her vote in opposition was not against the concept, but because she felt the depth of detail in the 2018 proposal was not sufficient to make a decision. She expressed concern regarding her personal unawareness of changes to the proposal and the negative public comments. She expressed gratitude for the work but felt a miss had occurred during the process that lead to the current situation.

Vice President Goetz thanked CEF for their continued work on the UWC project proposal. Mr. Goetz commented on lessons he hoped were learned during this process regarding partnerships, transparency in communications between the Parks Director and Board, staff accountability in executing the directives of the Board, and the underlying issue of a substantive difference in opinion on the vision for Burnet Woods. He suggested the Board address this issue by setting a vision for Burnet Woods. Mr. Goetz expressed gratitude for the Park Board and apologized to CEF for negativity and criticism they have experienced.

President Lindner echoed sentiments expressed by Vice President Goetz regarding the hope to move forward with lessons learned.

Commissioner Thomas thanked Vice President Goetz and emphasized the importance of being reflective on lessons learned as well as acknowledging Board accountability. She commented the Board may not have clearly articulated the value of the project. Ms. Thomas expressed her support for a single Commissioner championing a project, but with full Board support, in working toward a clear desired outcome.

Vice President Goetz agreed with Commissioner Thomas’s sentiments and emphasized the need for staff accountability to engage and produce a plan for the project and carry out the vision of the Board, which he felt was clearly stated in regards to the UWC project.

Director Kish commented the purpose of the CEF presentation on this meeting agenda was to introduce the modified UWC proposal and present to the Board for consideration. She expressed her opinion of a distinct difference between the current UWC proposal and that which had been presented previously, motivating the decision to present it to the Board. She commented on Parks’ commitment to public engagement, the value of public comments, and the importance of partnerships. Ms. Kish acknowledged the public comments received in opposition of the 3 proposal, including a petition sponsored by Preserve Burnet Woods, and felt feedback indicated Parks is not aligned with the community on this project. She listed partners and local groups that expressed opposition to elements of the proposal. Director Kish commented she felt her conversations with community members have been in accordance with her role as Director and have not been misrepresentative the will of the Board. She commented on the reciprocal relationship of staff and Board and the commitment of staff to offer expertise as well as carry out the vision of the Board. She expressed enthusiasm for continuing to work with the Board.

Vice President Goetz responded to Director Kish’s comments, expressing he did not feel she acknowledged lessons learned from this process, specifically regarding partnerships with accusatory groups, conversations and interactions with community members, and the need to voice any opposing professional opinions to the Board first.

President Lindner acknowledged the need for reflection on the process and lessons learned.

FY2022-23 Capital Budget

Director Kish presented adjustments made after discussion of the FY 2022-23 Capital Budget at the December 2 Special meeting and Commissioner comments. She explained all changes have been presented in the board report. She presented major changes including highlighting items associated with the Infrastructure Study in Poor and Fair condition, incorporating Owl’s Nest Shelter demolition in the FY20 budget instead of the FY23 budget, modification of recommended funding for the Sawyer Point parking lot, immediate use funding for concept designs for the operations center relocation, and listing roadway restoration as an Exception.

Director Kish highlighted items recommended by staff despite Commissioner comments, including design plans for the Mt. Airy Arboretum and Kennedy Heights. She commented on the role of the budget to contribute to both items identified in the infrastructure study as well as opportunities for developing current assets.

Ms. Kish introduced Steve Schuckman to present new attachments which answer Commissioner questions regarding recent spending of Capital dollars. He presented the Capital dollars spent since 2013 and all available Capital funding.

Director Kish explained any comments or feedback would be included in the budget submission on December 17th or 18th.

President Lindner commented cost is not necessarily indicative of amount of work expended on a project.

Craig Sherman confirmed the balance of the PNC account at the request of Commissioner Castellini.

Commissioner Thomas asked what percentage of Poor rated items from the Infrastructure Study are addressed in the proposed budget and Cindy France and Steve Schuckman estimated about


40%. Ms. Thomas asked for an assessment of future rate of Capital spending based on the established pattern since 2013.

Mr. Schuckman highlighted the next steps in the Capital budget discussion as Parks learns what will actually be distributed.

Commissioner Flynn expressed his appreciation for staff’s work to address Commissioner comments and commented on the need to increase compliance with ADA requirements. Vice President Goetz echoed sentiments of appreciation for staff’s consideration and use of Commissioner feedback on the Capital budget.

Commissioner Flynn motioned to approve the recommended FY 2022 and FY 2023 Capital Budgets. Vice President Goetz seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

ODNR Boating and Infrastructure Grant

Director Kish announced the City Solicitor’s office will be actively working with Queen City Riverboats (QCR) representation to progress the public marina project. She explained a decision will need to be made on how to proceed with the previous request to extend the $1.5 million ODNR grant. Director Kish asked for the Board’s permission to contact ODNR to thank them for assistance, inform them Parks will no longer be seeking the extension, and request a waiver of the $211,000 previously distributed since a public marina will still be constructed.

Commissioner Flynn expressed his support for Director Kish’s recommendation, offered suggestion for the waiver request, and emphasized the cost savings with the new approach.

Existing City funding and additional funding sources from the Fire Department were discussed.

Commissioners Lindner and Goetz thanked Commissioner Flynn for his work in championing this project. The timeline was discussed.

Commissioenr Castellini asked if staff approved of the proposed location of the marina. Director Kish expressed satisfaction that a solution had been found which addressed the Board’s concerns, and staff are familiar with the site and will help bring the proposal along with the City.

Commissioner Castellini asked if public engagement was needed for the marina proposal. Director Kish explained the necessity of an RFQ/RFP is being determined and explained the boat dock is within the Master Plan for Smale Riverfront Park. Mr. Schuckman commented past discussions regarding the transient boat dock’s location have been done in a public setting.

Available funding for the public marina was discussed.

Vice President Goetz reiterated Commissioner Castellini’s question and asked about the need for feedback regarding the location. Director Kish explained staff have not engaged the public specifically for the location since it was the preferred location of the vendor chosen for this public-private partnership. 5

B&B Riverboat’s opposition to the proposed location was discussed as well as the reason for choosing the Public Landing location. Commissioner Flynn explained the QCR proposal can only be fulfilled by this single vendor because of what they offer to the project. Commissioner Castellini expressed support but emphasized the need to clearly communicate this to the public and allow comment.

Director Kish stated she will receive direction from the City Solicitor’s office on how to navigate the process.

Commissioner Flynn motioned to support the withdrawal of the ODNR grant extension request. Commissioner Castellini seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Division of Natural Resources Update

Director Kish introduced Crystal Courtney and the update on the Division of Natural Resources.

Ms. Courtney provided updates on each section within the Division of Natural Resources. She described changes to staff and structure within Urban Forestry, including the promotion of Robin Hunt to Supervisor of Urban Forestry, as well as provided an update on the Urban Tree Canopy Assessment. She provided an update on Conservation and Land Management including the invasive species removal contract in Burnet Woods. She explained programming adaptations within Explore Nature! in light of COVID-19. Ms. Courtney described the success of the Greenspace team after returning from furlough.

The Business Improvement Program and flowerpot program were discussed.

Commissioner Flynn suggested adding Natural Resources updates and data to the website.


Urban Forestry 2022 Street Tree Assessment

Crystal Courtney presented the proposed Urban Forestry Street Tree Program Assessment budget for 2022. She commented this would be the second year Parks is realizing the benefit of having a GIS Analyst on staff. Ms. Courtney explained the assessment rate will continue at $.21 per linear foot. She highlighted changes to the budget including staff changes and half of the salaries of the Natural Resources Division Manager and GIS Analyst being funding from the Urban Forestry Fund 792. Plans for capital equipment replacement and additions as well as catching up on preventative maintenance was discussed. Ms. Courtney announced the increase of street trees planted by 25% and remarked on contracts that will need to be rebid this year.

Commissioners Castellini and Goetz expressed their gratitude for the Urban Forestry team’s work.


Director Kish stated the staff recommendation requesting the Board to recommend to the City Council a funding level for the 2022 assessment, at $0.21 per front foot, for a budget of $2.4 million.

Vice President Goetz motioned to approve the staff recommendation. Commissioner Thomas seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Grant Application/Acceptance: Cincinnati Parks Foundation Grant

Craig Sherman presented the staff recommendation to approve the application and acceptance of Parks Foundation grants in the amount up to $58,032.17 for Mt. Airy invasives species removal ($9,500), annual planting of Liberty Gardens ($5,482.17), Explore Nature! program support ($25,000), nature program scholarships ($3,500), and O'Bryonville/Hyde Park/Mt. Lookout planters ($14,550).

Commissioner Castellini motioned to approve the staff recommendation. Commissioner Flynn seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Donation Acceptance: Private Donation for

Craig Sherman provided background on the private donation for Krohn Conservatory, describing the life of the late Albert Frederick (Rick) Gahr, Jr., the donor. Mr. Sherman presented the Staff recommendation to respectfully request the Board approve the acceptance of the donation of $5,000 from Mr. Gahr for Krohn Conservatory.

Vice President motioned to accept, with gratitude, the donation. Commissioner Castellini seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Rocky Merz presented staff updates. He informed the Board of necessary repairs to the Roebling Bridge, owned by Kentucky, but which will impact portions of Smale from January-November 2021, including mobile bathrooms at the base of the bridge. He also announced Everybody’s Treehouse in Mt. Airy is closed for three months for structural repairs and updates will continue to be shared with the public.

Mr. Merz announced the Marian Spencer Memorial Statue at Smale and Kyle Plush Pavilion in Stanbery park are both nearing completion and Parks staff are coordinating recognition and publicity surrounding both projects.

Mr. Merz reminded the audience Krohn is currently closed due to the pandemic, but is still being celebrated. He explained the annual Tree Lighting was accomplished virtually this year with a video release and patrons will have an opportunity to take the Holiday Show home with them this year with the poinsettia sale.


Commissioner Thomas asked about the foot piano at Smale being out of commission while the Roehling is under construction. Mr. Merz explained the area will be closed off due to the construction and the piano temporarily disassembled.


Vice President Goetz asked for the concept proposal for the Dunore Park dog park be followed up on by staff.


President Lindner announced the plan to move into Executive Session. He explained the public livestream would be discontinued for the session and will continue when the public meeting reconvenes for the sole purpose of adjourning the meeting.

President Lindner motioned to enter into Executive Session pursuant to ORC Section 121.22(0) to consider the employment, compensation, and discipline of public employees. Vice President Goetz seconded. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 12:02 P.M.


The Board entered back into public session at 12:24 P.M.

Commissioner Flynn motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Castellini seconded. The meeting adjourned at 12:24 P.M.


8 [External Email] **IMPORTANT**UC Students oppose building in Burnet Woods

Dibiasio, Emilia Sun 12/6/2020 6:26 PM To:

Parks, Cincy ; ® ® 1 attachments (52 KB) UCSBW oppose development in the park.pdf;

External Email Communication

Please see the aached statement regarding UC Students and our voice in the building proposal in Burnet Woods. Thanks!

Emilia DiBiasio Biology & Environmental Studies Student McMicken College of Arts & Sciences University of Cincinna

December 6, 2020

Emilia DiBiasio

Cincinnati, OH 45219

To whom it may concern,

I am writing on behalf of the ’s Students for Burnet Woods (UCSBW). We are a student organized group of individuals who stand for the University’s protection and promotion of our backyard park, Burnet Woods. We were founded out of a building proposal by Cincinnati Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) back in 2018. Students of the University came together to oppose construction in Burnet Woods. From this point on, we decided that our voice should be heard in future discussions of any type of building proposal to the park. Therefore, I’d like to say some words on behalf of UCSBW about a new proposal by the Camping and Education foundation (CEF). I had the opportunity to watch the presentation, Urban ​ Explorers in Burnet Woods, along with Park board staff and commissioners. The university’s students at ​ DAAP put together a wonderful catalogue of ideas for the park space that was nothing short of fantastic work. That does not mean they are the only voice at UC, when my student group (UCSBW), and many others associated with the university, oppose private development in the park. In uptown’s last remaining intact greenspace, we are focused on leaving the park untouched in terms of construction. With this being said, building in the park will drive away all that makes Burnet Woods unique to the Clifton and UC students. The intrinsic value of the park to its community and UCSBW is much greater than a building proposal by CEF. The city of Cincinnati should take the opportunity to promote, celebrate, and most importantly, preserve this historical and special green oasis that is Burnet Woods. If any questions arise please feel free to contact me. I hope our voice will be taken into great consideration. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Emilia DiBiasio UCSBW President & co founder

[External Email] PRO Burnett Woods Center

Zak Lempert Mon 12/7/2020 1:22 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioners,

I am writing you to express my support for the proposed and needed updates to Burnett Woods. Despite the opposition of a small group of passionate individuals, the Clifton, University, and greater Cincinnati community deserve a park that meets the civic and environmental educational needs of our community.

The "Preserve Burnett Woods" has a long and troubling history of misrepresenting community interests and priorities. They use unfounded accusations of racism, transphobia, and homophobia to forward their cause. Their portrayal of the Clifton Cultural Arts Center as transphobic and the Educational Center as racist misappropriate minority identities to forward their cause.

As a former Clifton Community Council attendee over several years, their leadership is out of touch with the constituents they claim to serve. Their track record of exclusion and disruption to the public good is damaging to the Park Board's mission. I hope that you will discard the misleading and fraudulent claims of the "Preserve Burnett Woods" coalition and vote to make the park better for our community.

To be clear. I am not associated with any party, just a concerned citizen tired of seeing this special interest group clog the gears of our city's work.


Zak Lempert

[External Email] Burnett Woods plans

Jheri Neri Mon 12/7/2020 1:46 PM To: Parks, Cincy ;

External Email Communication

We have received no further communication nor invitation from The Camping and Education Foundation for consultation from the local Native American Community. We are aware of the problematic nature of their programs in Minnesota and have been in touch with reservations and tribal members from communities where these camps are located. Because of this, we feel that we cannot support any proposal currently by CAT without holding this new proposal to the same thorough standard of community engagement, and feedback that was required of prior development proposals in the past. Any representation of Native cultures must be done with the guidance of local Native American Organizations, Community Leaders, and The endorsement of the Shawnee of Oklahoma. We do not support any movement forward without these steps.


-- Jheri Neri Executive Director Greater Cincinnati Native American Coalition P.O. Box 14932, Cincinnati, OH 45250 Office: 513.996.4007 | Visit our website | gcnativeamericancoalition.com [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Johnson, Randy Mon 12/7/2020 3:25 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Commissioners:

The MOU between the Camping and Educaon Foundaon (CEF) and Cincinna Parks states as item F in the recitals, “…, the Cincinna Park Board desires to design and construct and addion to and renovaon of Trailside, …”. If the Camping and Educaonal Foundaon had followed through on this recital, it would have been a win- win on for both Parks and the Foundaon. They would have space near the Burnet Woods lake for their instrucon and Parks would have had Trailside renovated and ADA accessible which it sorely needs. The integrity of Burnet Woods would be intact. It would be expensive, there is no queson about that, but that is what CEF was taking on by signing this memorandum.

In the latest version of the CEF proposal, the Trailside objecve is not addressed at all. Instead they are proposing a new construcon across the pathway from Trailside. This leaves Parks with the responsibility of renovang Trailside. In addion, it takes up space in the park and benefits only a very small poron of the Cincinna populaon (and not the general public as is the tradional audience for park improvements). A similar (though a lot larger) project was turned down when CAC’s building project was rejected. Like that project, these buildings cut down on the open green space which the park is known for and just adds to the cluer. Like the CAC’s building, this too should be rejected.

I had not heard of previous presentaons of this new proposal before tonight’s Clion town meeng. Are presentaons going to be made to the other town councils that are in the neighborhood of the park (the park is actually in Corryville and not Clion, as you know). How about a board meeng that allowed for extensive community and city input (it is aer all a city park) about the final plans for design and usage of the CEF buildings? I would urge you to hold such meeng before a final approval vote is taken on the proposal. I think you will be surprised at the amount of opposion there is against it.


Randy Johnson [External Email] Clifton Town Meeting Resolution re: Burnet Woods/CEF Proposal

Joe Brunner Tue 12/8/2020 1:09 PM To: Parks, Cincy

Cc: #COUNCIL <#[email protected]> ® ® 1 attachments (493 KB) Ltr. to Park Board re CEF Proposal.pdf;

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioners,

Please see the attached letter.

Joseph M. Brunner CTM President 2020

Clifton Town Meeting P.O. Box 20042 Cincinnati, OH 45220

Board of Trustees December 8, 2020 Joseph Brunner President Board of Park Commissioners Brad Lindner, President Robert Hamberg James Goetz, Vice President Vice President Susan F. Castellini Linda Lee Thomas Miller Goose Vice President Kevin Flynn 950 Eden Park Drive Gerald Checco Cincinnati, OH 45202 Treasurer [email protected]

Jan Brown-Checco Re: Burnet Woods CEF Proposal Secretary

Peter Block Dear Commissioners,

Patrick Borders At Clifton Town Meeting’s December 7, 2020 monthly meeting, the Trustees approved the following Brian Duffy resolution:

Chris Harding Due to the complete lack of transparency Teresa Hoelle surrounding the planning process, the damage to the irreplaceable green space, as well as the Park Mark Jeffreys Board’s dis-interest in community feedback, the Board of Clifton Town Meeting does not support Rama Kasturi the continuation of the proposed CEF project in Burnet Woods. Jennifer Krivickas

Malcolm Montgomery Sincerely,

Ioanna Paraskevopoulos Joseph M. Brunner President, Clifton Town Meeting

[External Email] No new buildings in Burnet Woods

Allison Mastalerz Tue 12/8/2020 3:20 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern, I find the latest round of proposals to build a new building for CEF in Burnet Woods clearly, and shockingly, against community interest. The last several years have made it very clear that the community does not want a new building in what is left of Burnet woods. What on earth is the Park board doing??!! Stop trying to remove more natural spaces. Community support was for renovating the nature center. Do that. Allison Mastalerz [External Email] Latest CEF building proposal for Burnet Woods

kw carr < > Tue 12/8/2020 3:34 PM To:

arks, Cincy ; Kish, Kara ® ® 1attachments (17 KB) Board of Park Commissioners and Parks Director.docx 2020.docx;

External Email Communication

Please see attachment. Board of Park Commissioners and Parks Director: December 8, 2020

I have lived in Clifton, and been an almost daily user of Burnet Woods, for almost 50 years. I attended (virtually) last night’s Clifton Town Meeting, which included presentations by Kara Kish and Jim Goetz regarding the latest proposal to allow a third party to build its own building in Burnet Woods. While there have been past attempts to allow private development in Burnett Woods over the decades (e.g., library, restaurants, CCAC), this will be the third attempt of the Camping and Education (CEF”), your Board, and Parks Administration to allow CEF to build its own private building Burnet Woods (although the form and details shift and drift).

Many of the virtual attendees were shocked that this latest plan is so far along and will be voted on by the Board in its December meeting without actual community consideration or transparent disclosure. Perhaps some information was shared with some CPACS or BPACS or individuals, but they are not the community. It is this type of furtive, nontransparent dealing that has given rise to a lack of faith and trust in Parks and the Board. If you look back at the earlier CEF and CCAC sequences, this criticism is made repeatedly; yet the behavior continues. Comments of Parks/Board indicate that the latest project is considered not to be subject to any engagement or review with the Burnet Woods communities. Yet these communities and all members of the public are those you ethically are bound to consider in your stewardship of their parks.

Going back the attempted library in BW, the proposed restaurants and other developer proposals, the CCAC proposal, and the first two (to my knowledge) CEF proposals, you have ample data showing that the Burnet Woods communities vehemently assert and reassert longstanding opposition to allowing third parties to build in BW; so I will not repeat the many, many well-reasoned objections voiced in the past.

The current proposal merits most if not all of those objections. More egregiously, this proposal would actually cut into a wooded hillside to home CEF. Mr. Goetz says the current proposed development is so small that he is surprised anyone is even commenting—well BW is not that big and the body of water is more pond than lake; so the impact of CEF’s improvements is not small. And given the longstanding objections to private building in BW, the matter is huge. It also has been suggested that this latest proposal won’t interfere with the lake/pond view--another misleading statement as the building will enter into the sight line and the three strange circular things right in front of the “lake” are apparently tall enough to intrude upon this valued view.

Mr. Goetz is adamant that the Board will partner with CEF. Public opposition is not to CEF, nor to its programming, nor to a partnership; the opposition is to the building. We constantly hear CEF Haller’s “it is all about the kids” statements. We want to support kids--underserved, served and all kids. Most or all of us welcome the addition of more programming for kids and analysis of what prevents that from happening and how can we remove those obstacles for kids generally. We take issue, however, with your belief that programming requires a third party building (also one that is private). CEF programming does not require building in BW. If proximity to BW and its pond is so essential to CEF programs, why not look into property along that of Bishop—there appear to be lots of sufficient size to house CEF.

CEF programming in BW would be a good addition to Parks programming, but I don’t agree that CEF’s programs are the only way of serving the nature needs, and developmental needs, of underserved kids. So I don’t see CEF or its programs as so essential and unique as to justify jettisoning the longstanding community belief that third party buildings do not fit in BW (for many reasons: the attributes that make BW unlike other parks, its size and the many other reasons cited over and over in the past).

It is not clear what BW gets in return for making this major change in its history of refusing to provide homes for third parties in its acreage. Mr. Goetz cites only the partnership with CEF and the savings of some $70.000 alleged maintenance costs for the concession stand (but no proof was offered that Parks has budgeted for that expense or otherwise done anything to make the CEF buildings or partnership result in any actual financial gain.

After last night’s comments by your representatives, I fear the door is closed to the public in your dealings. But I hope you will review fully and sincerely the concerns of the public raised over the past decades in opposition to allowing third party homebuilding in BW.

Kathleen W. Carr [External Email] Burnet woods development proposal

Tue 12/8/2020 9:19 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Good evening,

I am writing you as a citizen of Cincinnati and an avid user of Hamilton county’s parks system. I live in the Liberty Hill area but make frequent use of Burnet Woods for hiking, running, and wildlife photography.

It has come to my attention that there is a new development proposal that aims to build additional facilities on the property. I would like to make it known that I wholeheartedly reject this proposal and any further development on the existing space. Burnet Woods is a valuable natural habitat and migration space for wildlife, not to mention one of our city’s treasured green spaces that citizens rely on for recreation. Encroaching on that space with further development would only degrade it. Furthermore, this represents an intrusion into a public natural habitat by a public foundation.

I urge you to reconsider and reject this proposal. The people of this city deserve a voice as to how their public green spaces are used, and this proposal is a major misstep for the parks department.

A concerned citizen, -Steve Heglin [External Email] NO to CEF

Matter, Stephen Wed 12/9/2020 1:12 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Park Board,

I disapprove of the revised plan to allow the Camping and Educaon Foundaon (CEF) to build a new building in Burne Woods.


Stephen F. Maer Clion [External Email] Please say no to Burnett Woods development

Cathy Wagner Wed 12/9/2020 9:36 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Seelbach, Chris ; Kearney, Jan- Michele ; Mann, David ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Young, Wendell

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) My name is Cathy Wagner and I am a resident of Cincinnati and a member/supporter of the Metro Cincinnati Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) branch. I am writing to you to express concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping Education Foundation (CEF), to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of the DSA were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. As a DSA member, I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the Clifton community’s concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018 must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Cathy [External Email] Development proposal from Burnet Woods

Liza Newman Wed 12/9/2020 9:46 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners,

My name is Liza Newman and I live in Columbia-Tusculum. I am also a huge nature person, birder, and hiker. I use Burnet Woods often, among so many other of our City's parks.

I understand that on December 17, the Board will consider a proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF)--a private organization--to create a standalone building within Burnet Woods, a public park.

I write to oppose this new private construction in Burnet Woods as a detriment to the important ecological habitat of the park and as an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace. To be clear, I have no opposition to expanded programming in Burnet Woods--only for the loss of natural habitat, and to the private annexation of public space in Cincinnati. It is also concerning that the community seems unanimously against this proposal, yet they have not been kept fully informed, nor have they been consulted. Ostensibly the park and its resources are for the community, so this seems like a big misstep..

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Tearing down habitat to construct buildings does not advance that mission. Please vote against this proposed development . Thank you for your consideration.

Liza Newman [External Email] #PreserveBurnetWoods

Chelsea Ker Thu 12/10/2020 9:26 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Hello Board of Park Comissioners,

My name is Chelsea Ker, I am a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati studying chemical engineering.

It had a been brought to my attention that on December 17th you will be voting on a proposal to develop Burnet Woods.

As a citizen of the Clifton Heights area I would strongly urge you to vote no on this proposal.

Burnet Woods is a gem. With plenty of walking trails, playgrounds, Frisbee Golf, the pond, and the nature shelter. How many other places in Cincinnati can you walk down the street, then only 5 minutes later you’re completely surrounded by woods with not another person in site. Burnet Woods is a beautiful urban park.

It’s been a refuge to me during COVID-19 to be able to get out into nature, play frisbee golf, and hike. It would be a shame if the integrity of this park were comprised as well as all the beautiful plants and animals in it.

I’ve attached a picture of me and boyfriend after a game of Frisbee Golf and our friend and his dog enjoying the park. Just to show you how much this park means to the people who live here.

Thank you for your time,

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Troy D. Thu 12/10/2020 9:42 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

To Whom it May Concern,

Preserve Burnet Woods and spare it from development. Nature preservation has a value too. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Russ Farlow Thu 12/10/2020 9:43 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Brooke Crowley Thu 12/10/2020 9:46 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern,

I strongly oppose the proposal of the Camping and Education Foundation to construct a new building in our neighborhood park. I live one block from this park and spend time in it every week. It is a gem of the city and has already been reduced in size considerably by annexes to the University of Cincinnati and the construction of Martin Luther King Drive. In addition to serving as a critical outdoor space for Clifton's human residents, this park is also recognized as an important bird area by the Audubon Society (https://www.audubon.org/important-bird-areas/burnet-woods). This is not an appropriate place for a new, private construction.


Brooke Crowley

-- ______Brooke E. Crowley

Department of Geology Department of Anthropology University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221 www.agoraphotia.com [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Christopher Sluder Thu 12/10/2020 9:47 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please stop the development. Thanks Chris Sluder [External Email] No development in Burnet Woods

Noah Stone Thu 12/10/2020 9:50 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Good Morning Cincy Parks Team,

It has once again to come to my aenon, and the aenon to those in the Clion/Gaslight community that there is yet another push to develop in Burne Woods. While this is disappoinng, it is by no means surprising as where there is money to be made, you'll typically find an effort by a few people to make decisions that would negavely impact the larger community.

It is difficult to find words that haven't already been said about the importance or Burne Woods in regard to the health of our community here is Clion, but I also want the mental health of patrons and students to be considered. Through the pandemic Burne Woods has served as a place for people to get away, spend me safely with family and friends, and be reminded of the importance of community and nature. Only talking about us humans would also be a miss as you know Burne also provides a home for a large poron of wildlife.

It's simple – Let's stop aacking things that are sacred to our communies for the benefit of the few. Burne Woods makes our city unique, it makes our community healthier, and it provides refuge for nature in the bound of our city.

Noah [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jennifer Kroell Thu 12/10/2020 9:53 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please keep our parks public and protected! The people of Cincinnati do not support this.-- Jennifer Kroell (she/her) Intervention Specialist Diamond Oaks [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Kathy Hedeen Thu 12/10/2020 9:57 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please, do not replace the WPA concession building in Burnet Woods, built of locally-quarried limestone. Schools that build can bring them to the park lake for use, just as I bring my bicycle to the park.

—Stan [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Alex Folz Thu 12/10/2020 9:59 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners

From: Alex Folz

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.


Alex Folz [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 10:01 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Cincinnati Park Board,

Please do not approve the current proposal to allow private construction in the Burnet Woods Park.

Thomas Dietrich

Cincinnati, OH 45211 [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Guy Miracle Thu 12/10/2020 10:12 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

NO! [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Samantha Al-Bayer Thu 12/10/2020 10:12 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication


I do not want any private development happening in Burnet woods. Burnet woods is a sanctuary for birds. There is a perfectly good building there that is never** used and also located by the lake. They can collaborate with the park on using that building. Thank you.

Samantha [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jenny O'Donnell Thu 12/10/2020 10:16 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

It is appalling to me that after all the public meetings, all the efforts the community went to be an integral partner with the park board and Burnet Woods, that this new proposal would be allowed to slide through, upending all the master plan work, and be even considered seriously, let alone considered as a highly possible contender.

I am a tax-paying citizen who uses, supports, and believes in Cincinnati Parks and the park employees. But I am very disappointed in and frankly quite cynical of those who are making the decisions. In the current political climate, and with the corruption we are seeing every day in the headlines, I am encouraging all of my contacts to speak out, and look for a change in the process and potentially the decision-makers.

Jenny O'Donnell

Cincinnati, OH [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Rob Florez Thu 12/10/2020 10:17 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To Whom it May Concern:

Please do not allow further development of Brunet Woods. Once green spaces are developed they rarely, if ever, are returned to their natural state. We are lucky to have such a large park in such a central location in the city and we should focus on preserving it's natural beauty and optimizing it's current resources. The Trailside Nature Center has been under-utilized for years. Why not focus on the building that already exists in the park instead of allowing a private, outside group to permanently convert natural space? If given the opportunity to develop this park land, an outside group won't necessarily have the citizens' best interests in mind when making decisions. Please use your power to protect Burnet Woods' natural land and to focus on the many resources Burnet Woods already has to enhance it's recreational and education benefits.


Rob Florez [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jennifer Higgins Wagner Thu 12/10/2020 10:20 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern:

I am absolutely opposed to private development of Burnet Woods in any way because it is a not only a shameful waste of a valuable urban green space but also a violation of the commitments that were made in 2018. How can we trust any government's officials if they go back on their word? We DO NOT WANT development is Burnet Woods and please stop allowing businesses to make bids on a protected space.


Jennifer Higgins Wagner [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 10:21 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please vote no on this proposed development. Burnet Woods is an important natural area and it should be preserved. Thank you. Teri Gilligan

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Eric Ramsey Thu 12/10/2020 10:21 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

This is in violation of stated commitments and against the wishes of your constituents.

I disapprove and will vote and campaign against any one who votes in favor.

Concerned citizen, Eric Ramsey

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Dan Rapp Thu 12/10/2020 10:26 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I’d like to keep Burnet Woods quiet and as untouched as possible. It’s one of the only parks in this urban area. There are several parts that have been built upon, like the gazebo and play ground, but we deserve areas that remain as nature created it.

Please help keep the remaining parts of Burnet Woods untouched for the residents, the wildlife, and plants that live in and around the area.

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Amber Howe Thu 12/10/2020 10:28 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication


STOP the Camping and Education Foundation from building their workshop in our private park! [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Elizabeth Thu 12/10/2020 10:29 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

No building in burnet woods

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

DeBorah Reed Thu 12/10/2020 10:29 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

No Private Development in Burney Woods . I am a Northside Resident but this will take away any natural beauty by adding any Development. We use this as it is the closest to us. DeBorah Reed

Cin. 25223

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Re: Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Unterreiner, Mary Thu 12/10/2020 11:28 AM To: Maxime Lafond >; Parks, Cincy Hello Maxime,

Thank you so much for your comments. Your feedback will be shared with the Board of Park Commissioners prior to the December 17, 2020 Park Board Meeng and entered into the public record.

We appreciate you taking the me to voice your opinion!

Mary Unterreiner | Executive Assistant

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive | Cincinnati, OH | 513.352.4079 www.cincinnatiparks.com


Better Lives Better Communities Come Join Us! #CincyParks

From: Maxime Lafond < Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:33 AM To: Parks, Cincy Subject: [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

External Email Communication

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a member of the Clifton/UC community, I'd like to express my disagreement on a new, private construction in Burnet Woods. The Camping and Education Foundation is a private entity, whose interests are opposite to the community needs of urban greenspace, and contradicts previous commitments. I believe there are ZERO benefits of such a project to the community. On the contrary, Burnet Woods is the only access to nature that numerous non-driver students can access around UC. It is a fact that diminishing their access to nature by spoiling BW with a new construction will directly impact their wellbeing and reduce their ways to cope in those trying and stressful times.

Best Regards, Maxime Lafond, Ph.D.

-- Maxime Lafond, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow University of Cincinnati Department of Internal Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Health & Disease 231 Albert Sabin Way Cardiovascular Center 3942 Cincinnati, OH 45267-0586 [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

David Gressley Thu 12/10/2020 10:38 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I urge Cincinna Parks Board to reject the Camping Educaon Foundaon proposal to remove 1800 acres of undisturbed forest. Allowing a private enty to claim public land sets a dangerous precedent for the demise of Cincinna's City Parks. Funds for this project would be beer invested in community programs and restoraon of exisng buildings to make them more user friendly.

Dave Gressley Director of Horticulture Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum 4521 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45232 www.springgrove.org 513-853-4954 (direct line) 513.853.6803 (fax)

Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum A National Historic Landmark Spring Grove Funeral Homes Oak Hill Cemetery Spring Grove Heritage Foundation

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmied with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or enty to whom they are addressed and may contain confidenal and privileged informaon protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, disseminaon, distribuon, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please nofy the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Donna Hartmann Thu 12/10/2020 10:38 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

How can you even consider this? Selling our public park space is forbidden! Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

Thank you. Donna Hartmann [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

LGrub Thu 12/10/2020 10:39 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please preserve this remaining natural area and do not put any other development in the park! It is a unique birding area, provides a place for respite for neighbors and students. Playing fields, stands, any change to the park is unacceptable. thank you Lee Gruber [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

David Gressley Thu 12/10/2020 10:39 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I urge Cincinna Parks Board to reject the Camping Educaon Foundaon proposal to remove 1800 acres of undisturbed forest. Allowing a private enty to claim public land sets a dangerous precedent for the demise of Cincinna's City Parks. Funds for this project would be beer invested in community programs and restoraon of exisng buildings to make them more user friendly.

Dave Gressley Director of Horticulture Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum 4521 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45232 www.springgrove.org 513-853-4954 (direct line) 513.853.6803 (fax)

Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum A National Historic Landmark Spring Grove Funeral Homes Oak Hill Cemetery Spring Grove Heritage Foundation

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmied with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or enty to whom they are addressed and may contain confidenal and privileged informaon protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, disseminaon, distribuon, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please nofy the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Kathleen Kinsey Thu 12/10/2020 10:58 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I am extremely concerned about this last minute proposal. This park is for the enjoyment of the public - - I object strongly to a private enty construct a training facility or whatever purpose they want. This belongs to the people -- and the people have been taking care of it. Our green spaces in this city are disappearing fast -- don't take away any of the green spaces that are le. They provide a vital resource to this community.

Kathleen Kinsey [External Email] Burnet Woods important to migrating birds. Rethink CEF building!

Ann Hubbard Thu 12/10/2020 10:59 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Park Board,

Careful studies have proved the importance of Burnet Woods as an urban stopover for migratory birds. The Audubon Society has named it a special category IBA (important bird area) because of its contribution to migratory ecology. Both its location and its blend of resources (mature trees, scrub areas, pond) make it a critical area where migratory birds restore themselves for their long flights. Compromising this valued resource could have long-term negative consequences for both migratory and native species.

Burnet Woods' neighbors know and value the park's ecological importance. They have an ongoing volunteer invasives removal project, eradicating honeysuckle and other invasive plants that crowd out the native plants that sustain wildlife. I hope the Park Board will value their efforts as well as the ecological importance of Burnet Woods as you consider a major construction project there. There is vacant land on Bishop Road, which runs alongside the park. Maybe one of those sites would be better for the CEF. Or other Park-owned land with less ecological significance for native and migratory birds. Or take another look at upgrading the existing nature education center.

The Clifton Cultural Arts Center found a satisfactory home near to, but not within, Burnet Woods. Surely the CEF can do the same. I am concerned that public participation in this project has been hindered by a lack of detailed information about the scope and design of the project, the extent and availability of environmental remediation efforts, and the careful consideration of existing buildings or alternative locations for the CEF.

Please listen to the neighborhood groups who oppose this development.

Sincerely, Ann Hubbard

-- Ann Hubbard

Cincinnati, OH 45220

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Kate Sorrels Thu 12/10/2020 11:03 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Parks,

I write to urge your board to vote against the proposal from the Camping and Education Foundation to develop part of Burnet Woods. This is a public park and a vitally important habitat for birds and other wildlife. I’m shocked that this proposal is even being considered.

Best wishes,

Kate Sorrels Associate Professor of History University of Cincinnati [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

John Reeves Thu 12/10/2020 11:05 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication


Please vote NO on new building construction in Burnet Woods.

I would be interested in improvements to existing programming such as trails and playscapes but no new building construction please.

Thanks for your support.

John Reeves Clifton Resident

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Melissa Ditty Thu 12/10/2020 11:11 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please no private development in Burnet Woods

Thank you, Melissa Ditty [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Claudia Neff Thu 12/10/2020 11:11 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication


My name is Claudia Neff. I am a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, and I have lived across from Burnet Woods for two years. This park has become one of the only places where my friends and I can gather at a safe distance during the pandemic. It is also one of Clifton’s only remaining green spaces that is accessible for UC students who don’t have cars. Parents use this park to enrich their children’s young lives. The community relies on this park for relaxation (away from the bustle of our busy neighborhood) and recreation. To develop Burnet Woods would be a major disservice to Clifton’s current and future residents.

Sincerely, Claudia Neff University of Cincinnati c/o 2020 [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods tiettmeyer64 Thu 12/10/2020 11:17 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Sent from my Galaxy [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Clare Johnson Thu 12/10/2020 11:25 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

It’s in your power to keep development out of the green heart of Cincinnati. Burnet Woods is our park, not to be sold off piece by piece.

Clare Johnson

Sent from my iPad [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Barb Scholtz Thu 12/10/2020 11:26 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I am a Clifton resident and walk/hike through Burnet Woods several times a week, all year round.

I am strongly against development of any kind within the park borders.

Barb Scholtz

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Susan J Mueller < Thu 12/10/2020 11:29 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please say NO and preserve Burnet Woods!

JIm and Susan Mueller [External Email] CEF and Burnet Woods

Grace Fening Thu 12/10/2020 11:31 AM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Seelbach, Chris ; Kearney, Jan- Michele ; Mann, David ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Young, Wendell

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) My name is Grace Fening and I am a resident of Cincinnati and a member/supporter of the Metro Cincinnati Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) branch. I am writing to you to express concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping Education Foundation (CEF), to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of the DSA were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. As a DSA member, I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the Clifton community’s concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018 must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Grace Fening [External Email] Proposed Building in Burnet Woods

Mary Rita Dominic Thu 12/10/2020 11:44 AM

To: Parks, Cincy ® ® 1 attachments (19 KB) Letter to Park Board.docx;

External Email Communication

Cincinnati, OH 45220 December 10, 2020 To whom it may concern: In September 2019, the Cincinnati Park Board signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF), with the stated purpose “…to design and construct an addition to and renovation of Trailside while improving and increasing programming and operations on the Property.” Since then, three meetings were held in January, March & April of 2020 in which, as I understand, the renovation of Trailside to add space for CEF was still the matter under discussion. Then, on October 30, 2020, UC DAAP students present “their work from the spring, summer and fall sessions in their Urban Explorers in Burnet Woods presentation to Park Staff, CEF, the Park Board members and community members. This contingent expressed disbelief and disagreement with this vastly changed proposal. On approximately December 4, PBW became aware that a member of the Cincinnati Parks Board planned to present the revised proposal to Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) at their usual monthly meeting on Dec. 7. Per the CTM website, there were 5 minutes allotted for the Park Board presentation. Somewhere around Dec 3, 4 or 5, a Park Board member requested a 30 minute slot to present new plans for a CEF building in Burnet Woods, and 3 or 4 Park Board documents were shared to CTM committee members. These were not widely available to the public except via a Nextdoor thread that contained links provided by PBW. On Dec. 7, over 60 citizens attended the CTM meeting virtually. When the Park Board time slot was opened, there was no presentation of these plans, but it was obvious that most folks on the call had seen or heard about them. The Park Board member was asked to comment on the major change of “proposed” plans, lack of any work to upgrade the Trailside Nature Center, impact on the essence and environmental quality of Burnet Woods, availability of community access to the proposed facility, why the cooperative project with CEF was of such value to Burnet Woods, why a student designed proposal appeared to be the plan selected by the Park Board, and so on. A 30 minute extension to the “presentation time” was allowed when the usual end time of the meeting approached. At the end of the meeting, members of CTM voted unanimously (with one abstention) to Not Support this proposal for Burnet Woods. In the hundreds of spoken and written comments of attendees, there was not a single positive statement with respect to this proposal. The Park Board member repeatedly stated that the Park Board will vote on this plan on December 17, presumably without further public presentation or comments. The statements of the Park Board member indicated that the vote would be affirmative, and that the opinions of the community were not of consequence in the decision. The building concept has not been released by Cincinnati Parks or CEF for public view or feedback, nor have any of the public stakeholders been engaged for feedback. Surrounding community organizations have not been engaged for feedback on this proposal. Attendance and comments at the December 7 Clifton Town Meeting did not include a presentation of the plans, although it was clear that most on the call had some knowledge of the proposed site of the stand-alone CEF structure. I also challenge the legality of proceeding when the existing MOU states vastly different plans. There is no longer the benefit of improvements to the existing community facility. I am not opposed to new programs in Cincinnati Parks, especially those with the purpose of furthering the youth appreciation and understanding of nature and environmental issues. I don’t understand why this private enterprise, while having a noble mission, is being given carte blanche to build a structure that will not benefit current users of Burnet Woods. I’ll grant that it will invite urban youth of diverse cultures to explore nature, which is a positive benefit to Cincinnati as a whole. However, it does not seem to be intended to make Burnet Woods a more inviting space for the nearby communities. Furthermore, the proposed design is not in keeping with the architectural Parks (see https://www.modernnati.com/single-post/2018/05/17/parkitect-carl-freund-and-organic- modernism-in-cincinnati-s-public-landscape). At a minimum, the design of such a visible structure should align more closely to that of the Trailside Nature Center. This is not the first time publicly supported opinions about changes and maintenance in Burnet Woods have been ignored. In fact, one major skirmish with the Park Board resulted in a wave of volunteerism and fund-raising for Burnet Woods improvements. I know some of the principles of two of the resulting organizations. I have heard that many minor proposed improvements to under-maintained areas of the park have been disapproved and have been rejected even with the offer of being self-funded. Nevertheless, many valuable improvements, programs and regular cleanup activities have occurred. These demonstrate the communities’ interest and dedication to safe and pleasant experiences in this park. All of these factors lead me to believe the Cincinnati Park Board and/or the Mayor himself has unstated intentions for the future of Burnet Woods. At this point, there is barely a pretension of gathering public support for this major project. So I ask “Who does the Park Board serve?” Is it the community of Cincinnati Park users and supporters? It does not appear to be the case. At a minimum, I ask that the Cincinnati Park Board step back from its aggressive timeline for approval and actually listen to the users and public advocates for Burnet Woods. Sincerely, Mary Rita Dominic

Cincinnati, OH 45220 December 10, 2020

To whom it may concern:

In September 2019, the Cincinnati Park Board signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF), with the stated purpose “…to design and construct an addition to and renovation of Trailside while improving and increasing programming and operations on the Property.”

Since then, three meetings were held in January, March & April of 2020 in which, as I understand, the renovation of Trailside to add space for CEF was still the matter under discussion. Then, on October 30, 2020, UC DAAP students present “their work from the spring, summer and fall sessions in their Urban Explorers in Burnet Woods presentation to Park Staff, CEF, the Park Board members and community members. This contingent expressed disbelief and disagreement with this vastly changed proposal.

On approximately December 4, PBW became aware that a member of the Cincinnati Parks Board planned to present the revised proposal to Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) at their usual monthly meeting on Dec. 7. Per the CTM website, there were 5 minutes allotted for the Park Board presentation. Somewhere around Dec 3, 4 or 5, a Park Board member requested a 30 minute slot to present new plans for a CEF building in Burnet Woods, and 3 or 4 Park Board documents were shared to CTM committee members. These were not widely available to the public except via a Nextdoor thread that contained links provided by PBW.

On Dec. 7, over 60 citizens attended the CTM meeting virtually. When the Park Board time slot was opened, there was no presentation of these plans, but it was obvious that most folks on the call had seen or heard about them. The Park Board member was asked to comment on the major change of “proposed” plans, lack of any work to upgrade the Trailside Nature Center, impact on the essence and environmental quality of Burnet Woods, availability of community access to the proposed facility, why the cooperative project with CEF was of such value to Burnet Woods, why a student designed proposal appeared to be the plan selected by the Park Board, and so on. A 30 minute extension to the “presentation time” was allowed when the usual end time of the meeting approached. At the end of the meeting, members of CTM voted unanimously (with one abstention) to Not Support this proposal for Burnet Woods. In the hundreds of spoken and written comments of attendees, there was not a single positive statement with respect to this proposal.

The Park Board member repeatedly stated that the Park Board will vote on this plan on December 17, presumably without further public presentation or comments. The statements of the Park Board member indicated that the vote would be affirmative, and that the opinions of the community were not of consequence in the decision.

The building concept has not been released by Cincinnati Parks or CEF for public view or feedback, nor have any of the public stakeholders been engaged for feedback. Surrounding community organizations have not been engaged for feedback on this proposal. Attendance and comments at the December 7 Clifton Town Meeting did not include a presentation of the plans, although it was clear that most on the call had some knowledge of the proposed site of the stand-alone CEF structure. I also challenge the legality of proceeding when the existing MOU states vastly different plans. There is no longer the benefit of improvements to the existing community facility.

I am not opposed to new programs in Cincinnati Parks, especially those with the purpose of furthering the youth appreciation and understanding of nature and environmental issues. I don’t understand why this private enterprise, while having a noble mission, is being given carte blanche to build a structure that will not benefit current users of Burnet Woods. I’ll grant that it will invite urban youth of diverse cultures to explore nature, which is a positive benefit to Cincinnati as a whole. However, it does not seem to be intended to make Burnet Woods a more inviting space for the nearby communities. Furthermore, the proposed design is not in keeping with the architectural history of Cincinnati Parks (see https://www.modernnati.com/single-post/2018/05/17/parkitect-carl-freund-and- organic-modernism-in-cincinnati-s-public-landscape). At a minimum, the design of such a visible structure should align more closely to that of the Trailside Nature Center.

This is not the first time publicly supported opinions about changes and maintenance in Burnet Woods have been ignored. In fact, one major skirmish with the Park Board resulted in a wave of volunteerism and fund-raising for Burnet Woods improvements. I know some of the principles of two of the resulting organizations. I have heard that many minor proposed improvements to under-maintained areas of the park have been disapproved and have been rejected even with the offer of being self-funded. Nevertheless, many valuable improvements, programs and regular cleanup activities have occurred. These demonstrate the communities’ interest and dedication to safe and pleasant experiences in this park.

All of these factors lead me to believe the Cincinnati Park Board and/or the Mayor himself has unstated intentions for the future of Burnet Woods. At this point, there is barely a pretension of gathering public support for this major project. So I ask “Who does the Park Board serve?” Is it the community of Cincinnati Park users and supporters? It does not appear to be the case.

At a minimum, I ask that the Cincinnati Park Board step back from its aggressive timeline for approval and actually listen to the users and public advocates for Burnet Woods.

Sincerely, Mary Rita Dominic [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Karolyn Schalk Thu 12/10/2020 11:46 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

We don't need private development in Burnet Wood, we just need it to be a green space with paths to walk on. Leave it alone.

Karolyn Schalk

[External Email] Proposed Building in Burnet Woods

Mary Rita Dominic Thu 12/10/2020 11:50 AM To:

Cc: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Cincinnati, OH 45220 December 10, 2020 To whom it may concern: In September 2019, the Cincinnati Park Board signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF), with the stated purpose “…to design and construct an addition to and renovation of Trailside while improving and increasing programming and operations on the Property.” Since then, three meetings were held in January, March & April of 2020 in which, as I understand, the renovation of Trailside to add space for CEF was still the matter under discussion. Then, on October 30, 2020, UC DAAP students present “their work from the spring, summer and fall sessions in their Urban Explorers in Burnet Woods presentation to Park Staff, CEF, the Park Board members and community members. This contingent expressed disbelief and disagreement with this vastly changed proposal. On approximately December 4, PBW became aware that a member of the Cincinnati Parks Board planned to present the revised proposal to Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) at their usual monthly meeting on Dec. 7. Per the CTM website, there were 5 minutes allotted for the Park Board presentation. Somewhere around Dec 3, 4 or 5, a Park Board member requested a 30 minute slot to present new plans for a CEF building in Burnet Woods, and 3 or 4 Park Board documents were shared to CTM committee members. These were not widely available to the public except via a Nextdoor thread that contained links provided by PBW. On Dec. 7, over 60 citizens attended the CTM meeting virtually. When the Park Board time slot was opened, there was no presentation of these plans, but it was obvious that most folks on the call had seen or heard about them. The Park Board member was asked to comment on the major change of “proposed” plans, lack of any work to upgrade the Trailside Nature Center, impact on the essence and environmental quality of Burnet Woods, availability of community access to the proposed facility, why the cooperative project with CEF was of such value to Burnet Woods, why a student designed proposal appeared to be the plan selected by the Park Board, and so on. A 30 minute extension to the “presentation time” was allowed when the usual end time of the meeting approached. At the end of the meeting, members of CTM voted unanimously (with one abstention) to Not Support this proposal for Burnet Woods. In the hundreds of spoken and written comments of attendees, there was not a single positive statement with respect to this proposal. The Park Board member repeatedly stated that the Park Board will vote on this plan on December 17, presumably without further public presentation or comments. The statements of the Park Board member indicated that the vote would be affirmative, and that the opinions of the community were not of consequence in the decision. The building concept has not been released by Cincinnati Parks or CEF for public view or feedback, nor have any of the public stakeholders been engaged for feedback. Surrounding community organizations have not been engaged for feedback on this proposal. Attendance and comments at the December 7 Clifton Town Meeting did not include a presentation of the plans, although it was clear that most on the call had some knowledge of the proposed site of the stand-alone CEF structure. I also challenge the legality of proceeding when the existing MOU states vastly different plans. There is no longer the benefit of improvements to the existing community facility. I am not opposed to new programs in Cincinnati Parks, especially those with the purpose of furthering the youth appreciation and understanding of nature and environmental issues. I don’t understand why this private enterprise, while having a noble mission, is being given carte blanche to build a structure that will not benefit current users of Burnet Woods. I’ll grant that it will invite urban youth of diverse cultures to explore nature, which is a positive benefit to Cincinnati as a whole. However, it does not seem to be intended to make Burnet Woods a more inviting space for the nearby communities. Furthermore, the proposed design is not in keeping with the architectural history of Cincinnati Parks (see https://www.modernnati.com/single-post/2018/05/17/parkitect-carl-freund-and-organic-modernism-in-cincinnati-s-public-landscape). At a minimum, the design of such a visible structure should align more closely to that of the Trailside Nature Center. This is not the first time publicly supported opinions about changes and maintenance in Burnet Woods have been ignored. In fact, one major skirmish with the Park Board resulted in a wave of volunteerism and fund-raising for Burnet Woods improvements. I know some of the principles of two of the resulting organizations. I have heard that many minor proposed improvements to under-maintained areas of the park have been disapproved and have been rejected even with the offer of being self-funded. Nevertheless, many valuable improvements, programs and regular cleanup activities have occurred. These demonstrate the communities’ interest and dedication to safe and pleasant experiences in this park. All of these factors lead me to believe the Cincinnati Park Board and/or the Mayor himself has unstated intentions for the future of Burnet Woods. At this point, there is barely a pretension of gathering public support for this major project. So I ask “Who does the Park Board serve?” Is it the community of Cincinnati Park users and supporters? It does not appear to be the case. At a minimum, I ask that the Cincinnati Park Board step back from its aggressive timeline for approval and actually listen to the users and public advocates for Burnet Woods. Sincerely, Mary Rita Dominic [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Sandor, David (sandordl) Thu 12/10/2020 11:51 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please, stop trying to put new structures and private development in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods needs to be preserved as green space and urban habitat. We have been through this with the public library and the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, and now this new outfit. Enough already!

David Sandor [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Melinda Welch Thu 12/10/2020 11:54 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

PLEASE don't let this vital green space be developed. There are many reasons not to: this is a key spot for bird migration. Thank you for reading.


Stay Creative,

Melinda E. Welch, MA Art


Director, Visual Arts



[email protected]

Funded in part by ArtsWave.

Our mission is to foster appreciation and skills in the arts

for children and adults of all ages, and to provide opportunities

for teaching of persons interested in the arts. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Buchholz, Daniel (buchhodr) Thu 12/10/2020 11:54 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

I do not support development of any kind in Burnet Woods, leave alone the few natural spaces we have left. Will builders not be satisfied until every square inch of forest is gone. There are plenty of buildings, let's have some forest too.

Daniel R. Buchholz, PhD Undergraduate Research Director Department of Biological Sciences University of Cincinnati 711A Rieveschl Hall 312 Clifton Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45221

"I" before "E" except after "C" has been disproven by scientists. [External Email] Burnett Woods development

Sara Keebler Thu 12/10/2020 12:08 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Young, Wendell ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Mann, David ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Seelbach, Chris ; Cranley, Mayor

External Email Communication

Dear members of the Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn):

My name is Sara Keebler and I am a resident of Cincinnati and a member of the Cincinnati DSA chapter. I am writing to you to express concern over the proposed plan to allow a private organization, The Camping Education Foundation (CEF), to develop in Burnett Woods.

Members of the DSA were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about our opposition to private development at that time. As a DSA member I share Preserve Burnett Woods and Clifton community's concerns over the environmental impact of the proposed development. I am deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening that the overwhelming community feedback given in 2018 must be reiterated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this development proposal and save what's left of our green spaces to be enjoyed by all.

Thank you, Sara Keebler Cincinnati resident [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Sally Goddard Thu 12/10/2020 12:20 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Burnet Woods is a much-needed open space for the use and enjoyment of the public. Do not allow a private enterprise to establish here. It will destroy this historic and beloved treasure.

Sincerely, Sally J. Goddard [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Annabel Straub < > Thu 12/10/2020 12:51 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Do not let Burnet Woods be developed for camping training purposes!

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Flower White Thu 12/10/2020 1:10 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please stop disrupting the nature in Burnet Woods. It does not need buildings.

Flower White [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Sophia McAllister Thu 12/10/2020 1:22 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Burnet Woods is a public park that is used to the fullest by the residents of Cincinnati. It is cared for by many volunteers giving their time, energy, and money to enable this use. It is unacceptable for an organization from another state to use up valuable space that is used by our community. This is a small park in a highly populated area with little green space. We don’t need more bricks and mortar.

Thank you for considering this plea.

Sophia McAllister [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Margie Matthews Thu 12/10/2020 1:29 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please do not permit additional development in Burnet Woods. Improvement of what exists is important but private interests such as the Camping and Education Foundation have no place in this small important urban park. Please vote "no" on their proposal.

Margaret Matthews Clifton resident [External Email] No private development in Burnet Woods

Philip R Thu 12/10/2020 1:44 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

No private development in Burnet Woods...there is too much stuff there already [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 2:05 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please reconsider your thoughts on allowing a Private entity (or any other for that matter) to build a structure within Burnet Woods which would detract from it's green space and cause a loss of habitat. That small space is extremely important to the area that surrounds it and beyond. Losing any of it would be a great loss. I have many fond memories of spending time there as a child with my family, as I'm sure others do also. It also serves as a sanctuary of peace for those in need of a little solitude to escape their everyday grind at school, from nearby hospitals and local neighborhoods. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Mary Heil [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Debbie Lutkenhoff < Thu 12/10/2020 2:09 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please do not develop this natural resource to the city of Cincinnati. Too many plants and animals will be disrupted as a result. Thank you for your consideration. Debbie Lutkenhoff, Bridgetown resident Fw: [External Email] Burnett Woods

Piller, Kelly Thu 12/10/2020 2:37 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary Hi Mary,

Find the below feedback regarding building new structures in Burnet Woods. I have already responded to the customer.

Thank you for your effort, Kelly

From: smatlow Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 2:07 PM To: Piller, Kelly Subject: [External Email] Burne Woods

External Email Communication

We do not want, approve, or need any development of addional facilies, like a workshop by the Camping and Educaon Foundaon, to be built in Burne Woods. This project has been hidden from public review and is all too familiar a maneuver of City government. STOP [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods katie kinzeler Thu 12/10/2020 2:56 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Cincinnati already has a terrific parks division with a base in Burnet Woods. We do not need another one, especially a private one! Please spend money and give your support to public programs that are not subject to the whims, opinions, and agendas of private individuals or companies! Additionally, for multiple social, emotional, and environmental reasons we NEED GREENSPACE, not more buildings and concrete.

Sincerely, Katie Kinzeler [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 2:59 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please leave our park as it is, a lovely urban oasis for all to enjoy. Keep the park as a public place of enjoyment. Barb Schrandt-Braun [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Janice Craig Thu 12/10/2020 3:05 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

No to developement! I have enjoyed this area since at school Uc in the 70's. Please don't destroy it! [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Craig Lloyd Thu 12/10/2020 3:07 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please don’t build this obtrusive structure on what is a small square of natural environment in one of the most populated areas of the city. Existing low profile structures are of natural materials and are capable of renovation and minimal expansion to do the job of what may be a passing trend promoted by an outside entity. No communication with the communities that use this park was part of the planning. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Raja Bharat Thu 12/10/2020 3:11 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern,

We don't want any new, private Construction in the Burnet Woods.

Thanks, Raja Bharat [External Email] Urban Wilderness Centerin Burnett Woods

Jordann Sadler Thu 12/10/2020 3:33 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Seelbach, Chris ; Kearney, Jan- Michele ; Mann, David ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Young, Wendell

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners, My name is Jordann and I am a resident of Cincinnati and a member/supporter of the Metro Cincinnati Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) branch. I am writing to you to express concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping Education Foundation (CEF), to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of the DSA were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. As a DSA member, I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the Clifton community’s concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018 must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Jordann S. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Eileen Crowe Thu 12/10/2020 4:04 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Every 2 years, someone comes in wanting to destroy Burnet Woods in the name of making money and we cannot allow this to even continue! Our parks should not be used for this purpose ever. I won't lie, but I literally never see Trailside Nature Center get used...ever. Private development in our PARKS should be illegal whether that park be big or small. I am enraged that Burnet Woods is valued so little by people that we are always choosing to destroy its beauty in the name of the city making a buck. We don't need asphault in our parks instead of trees! Frankly, we need to take asphault OUT and remove all roads and parking opportunities! [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Ginnell Schiller Thu 12/10/2020 4:33 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Parks,

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.


Ginnell M. Schiller

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

The Arundells Thu 12/10/2020 5:20 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

I read through the CEF website today and can see no justification for their building request in Burnet Woods. Frankly the website gives no accountable person or persons, no detailed plan of action, no documents indicating robustness of organization. It appears to me to be a "one man show" with perhaps good intentions but no consideration for the urban people who actually live right next to their proposed building/activity site. The Park Boards willingness to even consider approving this project is more than disappointing. It is short sighted and disrespectful of the people of Cincinnati. BW "lake" - really a pond - is no match for several canoes and the ugliness this building would bring to a currently pleasant, peaceful location should not be given consideration.

I am opposed to the request and deeply disappointed in the Park Board moving it forward.

Sincerely, Mary Lou Arundell [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods harris abramson Thu 12/10/2020 5:52 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To Whom It May Concern:

The false economics of environmental degradation continues to drive ill-advised policy. Bird life in our country and our hemisphere is today disappearng at an alarming rate. We need to step up our game rather than turn a blind eye. Besides being inherently beautiful and fascinating birds are indicators of ecosystem health. Burnet Woods is an Audubon designated Important Birding Area and should be left alone. Many members of our community enjoy this park as-is, for what it is, an unadulterated ecological gem.


Harris Abramson Cincinnati, OH

Get Outlook for Android [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Adam Darwiche Thu 12/10/2020 6:06 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To Whom It May Concern:

My fiancee and I are Cincinnati natives living in Corryville, and we love the tranquility of Burnet Woods! We are very appreciative of the good work the Park Board does in order to keep it in good order and also appreciate the board looking at changes to improve the park. However, we are concerned about giving up public space for use by a private entity, and strongly urge that the upcoming proposal to allow the Camping and Education Foundation to develop in Burnet Woods not be approved.

Thank you for all the work you do, and we wish you a safe and happy upcoming holiday season!


Adam Darwiche and Hillary Purcell [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods paula stenger Thu 12/10/2020 6:35 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear agent, I am FIRMLY opposed to the proposed Camping workshop you are considering for development in our beloved Burnet Woods. Please go elsewhere! No development should be considered for the city's mini . P. K. Stenger [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods todd@ Thu 12/10/2020 7:53 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please stop trying to develop Burnett Woods. It’s a park, not a place for businesses. I’m getting very tired of these attempts. 

Sent using the free mail.com iPhone App [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 9:55 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board Members, I am a life-long resident of Clifton and a life-long friend and user of Burnet Woods. Please leave Burnet Woods as it is. I am opposed to any development in Burnet Woods. Leave the natural beauty of Burnet Woods alone. Stephen Druffel [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Thu 12/10/2020 10:15 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Park Board members, I am a life-long resident of Clifton. I have been a life-long friend and user of Burnet Wood Park. I rode the wonderful W.P.A. slide in Burnet Woods over 60 years ago. My sons and I used to hike the trails in Burnet Woods over 20 years ago. I am currently working as a volunteer in the honey-suckle removal efforts in Burnet Woods. I am opposed to any development in Burnet Woods. I urge you to oppose any development in Burnet Woods. Stephen Druffel [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Paula Webster Thu 12/10/2020 11:05 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Stop taking our parks [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Meredith Trombly Fri 12/11/2020 7:07 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public comment 12/17 maureen ryan Fri 12/11/2020 7:34 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Leave Burnet Woods alone. We told you this in 2018. It is our park! Stop! [External Email] Stop Private Development in Burnet Woods

Elise Romines Fri 12/11/2020 12:30 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Seelbach, Chris ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Mann, David ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Young, Wendell

External Email Communication

Dear Members of Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn)

I am a resident of Cincinnati, an employee at the University of Cincinnati, and a regular volunteer for Preserve Burnet Woods. I am writing to express my deep concerns about the proposed plan of collaboration with the private organization, Camping & Education Foundation (CEF), to develop within Burnet Woods.

1. My first concern is with the Camping & Education Foundation’s mission. I am troubled by the CEF’s cultural appropriation of indigedeous culture in their branding and plan to initiative an urban outreach program with no evidence of community consultation, representation, or leadership. 2. Even if the CEF was a perfect organization and demonstrated that they would bring undeniable good to the community, I would still have serious concerns about the precedence set by allowing private organizations to build on a public resource. Our public land and resources should be protected for all citizens of Cincinnati. When we allow private organizations to utilize our resources, even if they are generously offering to fund the development, they become private stakeholders in a system that should only be beholden to the public interests. Even a nonprofit organization, like CEF, has a primary responsibility to its mission and donors, and is not answerable to community needs and concerns. 3. Finally, and this is the concern I hope every member of the board holds close to their hearts, I am concerned about the negative environmental impact of these plans. We are in a time of ecological crisis. We have overdeveloped. If this pandemic has illustrated anything, we can connect and learn in so many ways outside of gathering in a building. Nature is irreplaceable, and we need to stop “nickel and diming” our most precious resources. Smarter people than myself can speak more to how concerning the CEF development plan is from an ecological perspective. I ask that you please listen to them.

When I first moved to Cincinnati 5 years ago, I got to know the city through our beautiful parks. I love our parks so much, I know you all must feel the same or else you wouldn’t be reading this. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations.

With hope, Elise

-- Elise Romines, PhD

NOTE: E-mail is not a wholly secure and confidenal means of communicaon. This electronic transmission is personal, confidenal, and privileged. If you believe you have received this transmission in error, please delete this message and nofy the sender through an e-mail message that does not include this message. If you are not the intended recipient, any disseminaon or use of this informaon is a violaon of federal law. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Keane, Brian Fri 12/11/2020 2:17 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

My name is Brian Keane and I am a resident of Cincinna. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Brian Keane [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Kate Westrich Fri 12/11/2020 2:57 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please don't destroy one of my most favorite parts of living in Clifton. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Marian Mcswigan Fri 12/11/2020 3:00 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

NO development in Burnet Woods!!!

Sent from my iPad [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods cat Fri 12/11/2020 3:22 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Cincinnati Parks,

Oh please, not THIS again. We have been down this road already and have made it perfectly clear we DO NOT WANT DEVELOPMENT IN BURNETT WOODS!

NO. PRIVATE. DEVELOPMENT. Which of these 3 words do you not understand?

This is a lovely green space that needs NO IMPROVEMENT. Nature is doing a fine job there. Please do what is right and what is best and leave Burnett Woods alone!

Best Regards,

Cynthia A Thompson [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No to private development in Burnet Woods - preserve this old growth forest!

Pillai, Mohan Fri 12/11/2020 3:26 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Cincy Parks,

I’m proud to be an immigrant to Cincinna, and I’ve especially rejoiced in the lush solace of Burnet Woods. I needn’t remind you who know our parks best that this is one of our last remaining old-growth forest, and a hotspot for migrang birds. Despite being ny in comparison to other parks like Mt Airy, Burnet Woods harbours more avian life than any other place within the city of Cincinna, to say nothing of other fauna and flora.

Please preserve this small lung of the city. An old-growth forest like this is a precious relic in a growing city like ours. The amount of construcon and acvity that happens right now at Burnet Woods, and all the surrounding construcon, is already taking a toll on its wildlife. Please do not allow any further private development at Burnet Woods.

I’m a big fan of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s saying: we did not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children. Let’s preserve our precious green and wild life.


Mohan Pillai [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: PLEASE no private development in Burnet Woods

Fri 12/11/2020 4:17 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Hi, please don't put another building inside the Park. Once the land is lost, it usually isn't replaced with adjacent greenspace. Find something close to the park and build there.

Leslie Waits

Cincinnati OH 45220

Clifton resident for over 40 years. Enjoy Burnet Woods almost everyday. Re: [External Email] Camping and Development in Burnet Woods

Unterreiner, Mary Thu 12/10/2020 12:56 PM To: Cc: Parks, Cincy Hi Ms. Cummerow,

Thank you so much for your comments. Your feedback will be shared with the Board of Park Commissioners prior to the December 17, 2020 Park Board Meeng and entered into the public record.

We appreciate you taking the me to voice your opinion!

Mary Unterreiner | Executive Assistant

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive | Cincinnati, OH | 513.352.4079 www.cincinnatiparks.com

CI tl111iill&T I


11 W

Better Lives Better Communities Come Join Us! #CincyParks

From: Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 12:42 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary Subject: [External Email] Camping and Development in Burnet Woods

External Email Communication

I just learned that there will be a vote to allow the Camping and Education Foundation to develop a workshop in Burnet Woods. I am writing to say that I am not in favor of it. I grew up near Burnet Woods and was in it all year round. Now that we are retired, my husband and I take walks through Burnet Woods. There seems to be a will to whittle this small urban park away bit by bit. I don't think any private entity should be allowed to develop in parks that are supported by the public. They should be there for the people of Cincinnati, not some special, private group. Thank you fro your attention.

Sandra Cummerow [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Cheyenne Spiering Fri 12/11/2020 4:56 PM To: ClerkOfCouncilEmail ; Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear City Council Members,

I am writing to beg you to leave our park alone. There is already a building on the premises of Burnet Woods that is terribly underutilized. There is no need for private construction in this area. The lake at Burnet Woods is far too small for any activity, and it would take away from the experience that so many enjoy regularly. Another building in the park would not serve the people of the community and their needs. Please consider funding other projects like those to provide aid to those experiencing homelessness, projects that would actually benefit the community.

Thank you,

C. Spiering [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Leek, Olivia (leekoa) Fri 12/11/2020 4:58 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To Whom it may concern:

Burnett woods is vital to Cincinnati in many ways. It provides green space that is vital for reducing urban heat island effect and providing the community a place to connect with nature. DO NOT develop this is a place to admire nature not build workshops!

Olivia Leek Biological Sciences, 2021 Fwd: [External Email] Fwd: Copy of my letter sent to Park Board

Merz, Rocky Sun 12/13/2020 9:02 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary For the CPB...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rama Kasturi Date: December 13, 2020 at 8:59:33 PM EST To: "Merz, Rocky" Cc: Dawn Subject: [External Email] Fwd: Copy of my letter sent to Park Board

External Email Communication

Rocky, A friend of mine was not sure if her letter to the Park board was sent to the correct address.

I offered to send you her letter to ensure that she gets her letter into the right hands.

Thanks for your help with this matter.

Sincerely, Rama Kasturi

------Forwarded message ------From: Dawn Date: Sun, Dec 13, 2020, 17:25 Subject: Copy of my letter I sent To:


Cincinnati, OH 45239


It was brought to my attention that the park is planning on moving forward in removing the WPA Concession Stand with plans to replace it with a building for the CEF, Camping and Education Foundation.

I welcome the idea of the CEF building in the park. I even love the plans for the building they want to build. I am just very disappointed where they want to place it. Someday Trailside can be updated and the Concession Stand put back in use for what it should be. Make it a bait/snack shop, rent poles and make it profitable to fix up. A smaller scale version of the bait shop at Lake Isabella or Winton Woods.

I would encourage the CEF to build at the bottom of the steps coming down off of Nixon. They could carve out the hillside and put a deck for a roof so people could sit on top and look down on the boaters. I lived on Bishop long enough to know that the area at the end of Nixon on Bishop is just wasted space that the park mowes. I was disappointed when the horse swings were removed and no play equipment was put in its place. If the CEF needs parking it could also be put there on the upper level. I do know the sewer line goes through there, but there is plenty of space for the size of building they want to build.

Once a building is gone, it can never be replaced. Start by building the CEF building in an alternative location and when the park is vibrant, turn the concession stand into a useful building and store the park equipment elsewhere. I went today and took a friend to show her the plaza, Concession Stand and Trailside before taking a hike. I lived at . for 29 years. I moved 4 years ago but continue to visit my favorite park. I may not live with Burnet Woods as my backyard anymore, but in my heart it will live forever.

Dawn Fosnaugh [External Email] Re: Scheduling a BPAC Zoom meeting for Sunday, December 13 at 4:30pm

Cynthia Duval > Sun 12/13/2020 9:09 AM To: Julie Horne Cc: Seth Maney Hugh Haller J,D,S,& N Fran Larkin ; Jack Martin ; Rama Kasturi e ; Unterreiner, Mary ; Jennifer Spieser Merz, Rocky ; Schuckman, Steven ; Parker, Larry

External Email Communication

Good morning -

Please consider this a written objection to this meeting and an objection to any vote which may be taken by the BPAC in consideration of this proposal at this meeting. That BPAC would need to scramble two emergency meetings in 3-days to accommodate a botched engagement process on this matter is an abuse of BPAC representation, during a pandemic, during the holidays. It will check a box inadequately for CEF to say before the Park Board that they have completed substantive engagement when they have not. Cincinnati Parks and CEF have both had the technology to facilitate electronic meetings prior to the pandemic and during the pandemic to present what is being purported as a Parks plan. An authentic engagement of the BPAC in this matter would allow adequate time to calendar a meeting, take information back to organizations, make a recommendation to their organization regarding further process and for requested engagement to take place in the community forum. Of specific concern -

• A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of Corryville Community Council. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of CUF Neighborhood Association. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of Clifton Town Meeting. The December 6th meeting of CTM did not include presentation by CEF, nor the ability to ask questions of CEF, and was at best a bare minimum 4-page paper concept viewing. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive engagement of other community partners which are members of BPAC and have been identified as stakeholders in Burnet Woods by Cincinnati Parks (UC-CCE, CCAC, Stewards of Burnet Woods, Cincinnati Parks Foundation, et al.) • Dismissive statements about BPAC organizations and community comment have been made by a Park Board Commissioner at the CTM Parks Committee meeting on 12/6 and CTM Community Council meeting on 12/7. Scrambling an 11th-hour meeting which may compromise the ability of some organizations to have representation serves the purpose of allowing BPAC to be dismissed by the Park Board Commissioners as an ineffective organization in 2020. • The CTM Parks Committee representative at the 12/11 meeting advocated a position in favor of the CEF building inconsistent with the CTM Resolution passed 12/7 and CTM Parks meeting discussion on 12/6. The CTM Parks Committee needs to be informed of this and given opportunity to choose a different BPAC representative. • The BPAC President is a CEF Employee who failed to identify a conflict of interest at our meeting 12/11 until well into the meeting when specifically asked. Communications from BPAC since March have been bare minimum under CEF leadership for unclear reasons. That there has been a technology barrier suddenly figured out in the last 2 days is not acceptable. Meetings of the BPAC were scheduled for May 5, Aug 4 and a TBD in November, and summarily cancelled without consultation or request for facilitation help from BPAC mamber organizations. The BPAC, as a standalone organization, has effectively abandoned Burnet Woods during the pandemic under CEF leadership.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that we have so far regarded this new bulding proposal as a 1800 sq ft structure. On further review, it appears to be two structures totalling ~ 2100 sq ft.

I have copied the Cincinnati Parks Public Comment email address, as well as additional community stakeholders, and would like this entered into the public comment record for the 12/17 Park Board Meeting.

Cynthia Duval BPAC member Interim President, Preserve Burnet Woods

On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:55 PM Julie Horne > wrote: Dear BPAC Members and Burnet Woods supporters,

BPAC will have a Zoom meeng on Sunday, December 13 at 4:30 pm to preview and discuss the Urban Wilderness Center Update presentaon by CEF scheduled to be discussed by the Park Board at their December meeng next week. Please see the aached Park Board agenda, a copy of the CEF Presentaon, and instrucons on how to provide comments to the Park Board and how to watch the virtual meeng on Thursday, December 17.

The agenda for our Sunday aernoon BPAC meeng is to receive a preview of the presentaon from CEF, and provide an opportunity to ask CEF quesons about the Urban Wilderness program and the updated proposal to locate a stand-alone makerspace building beside Burnet Woods Lake instead of building an addion to Trailside Nature Center.

I will be sending the zoom invite to this same address list, in a separate email.

Julie Horne, Chair Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council

From: Merz, Rocky <------Rocky.Merz@cincinna-oh.gov> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:29 PM To: Merz, Rocky <------Rocky.Merz@cincinna-oh.gov> Subject: 12/17 Cincinna Park Board Meeng - Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item

Burnet Woods Stakeholder,

You are receiving this message because an item related to Burnet Woods is on the agenda for the upcoming meeng on December 17th at 9 AM. For your convenience, a copy of the agenda and the related items are aached.

In accordance with best pracces in light of COVID, the meeng is virtual. Public comments are welcome. Details about how to view the meeng and provide public comment to the Park Board may be found here: Park Board Public Meengs - Cincinna Parks . Please note, public comments for this Park Board meeng are accepted unl 5 PM on Wednesday December 16th.

We appreciate your interest in Cincinna Parks and Burnet Woods.

Thank you,

Rocky Merz | Business Services Division Manager

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive| Cincinnati, OH | 513.357.2619 www.cincinnatiparks.com


Better Lives Better Community Come Join Us! #CincyParks

[External Email] Re: Scheduling a BPAC Zoom meeting for Sunday, December 13 at 4:30pm

Rama Kasturi < Sun 12/13/2020 10:04 AM To: Cynthia Duval Cc: Julie Horne Seth Maney ; >; Hugh Haller ; J,D,S,& N Fran Larkin Jack Martin Piller, Kelly ; Unterreiner, Mary ; leslie.mooney Jennifer Spieser >; Merz, Rocky ; Schuckman, Steven ; Parker, Larry

External Email Communication

Cynthia, Slandering and misrepresenting all those people who don't agree with your viewpoints is a bad road to go down.

A couple of corrections so the larger audience understands what is not accurate about your email.

1. CEF does NOT conduct the community engagement session. Parks does.

2. All stakeholders in the CCAC and CEF conversations of 2018 were party to the new BPAC formed in 2019.

3. If CUF, Corryville and any other organization chose not to become involved in BPAC, it is on them to become involved.

4. I am a member of the CTM Parks Committee and I have the same stated position on that Committee and now, which is that the 1800 sq ft building being proposed for an Urban Wilderness Center is a small footprint and if done well, can be a good compliment, in my opinion which I am allowed to have despite your opinion, to enhance Nature programming in BW.

I had no objection to CCAC being in BW if they had a small footprint and a discreet presence. I am on record with CTM as having this position. The 30,000 sq ft building and all the parking and other aspects that were being proposed was unacceptable to me and I stated my opposition to their plan. I never attacked CCAC for their position. I simply chose to appeal directly to the Park board to consider not approving their plan.

5. I did not get a chance to speak at the Monday CTM meeting because of serious technical issues related to capacity of Google Meet to handle all the people who attended the meeting virtually. I was personally horrified by the disrespect shown to Kara and Jim Goetz at that meeting and very upset to be a silent witness to the conversations which were being driven, in part, by my knowledge of the fact that the CCAC project was voted down by the Park Board and, therefore, there was some bloodletting on full display. It is astounding to see that people who thought that a 30,000 sq ft building in BW was fine are now arguing that every bit of green space is important and that n 1800 sq ft building is unacceptable. The shed will needs to be updated is the second building.

6. I am a private citizen and a CTM Trustee and I do not need to have you try to say I misspoke or misrepresented myself. This attempt to malign me and "remove me as Chair of Parks Committee, censure me for my opinion etc" for my opinions has been tried and has failed for the same reasons as you have tried and failed with me today. I will speak to that at the BPAC meeting today. You do not decide who can and cannot be a member of BPAC.

Please consider your own conduct as you represent an organization that I helped create. That I am no longer a board member by choice should be considered by all as a sign of my dissatisfaction with your leadership.

Finally, I would like the Park Board and Director of Parks and her staff to know that I greatly appreciate their efforts to help make BW the best it can be and I see CEF as a respectable partner to Parks and I trust that the Park Board and the Director have the integrity to make good decisions for our parks, with respectful and constructive community feedback .

Please don't slander me ever again.

Sincerely, Rama Kasturi On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, 09:09 Cynthia Duval < > wrote: Good morning -

Please consider this a written objection to this meeting and an objection to any vote which may be taken by the BPAC in consideration of this proposal at this meeting. That BPAC would need to scramble two emergency meetings in 3-days to accommodate a botched engagement process on this matter is an abuse of BPAC representation, during a pandemic, during the holidays. It will check a box inadequately for CEF to say before the Park Board that they have completed substantive engagement when they have not. Cincinnati Parks and CEF have both had the technology to facilitate electronic meetings prior to the pandemic and during the pandemic to present what is being purported as a Parks plan. An authentic engagement of the BPAC in this matter would allow adequate time to calendar a meeting, take information back to organizations, make a recommendation to their organization regarding further process and for requested engagement to take place in the community forum. Of specific concern -

• A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of Corryville Community Council. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of CUF Neighborhood Association. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive community engagement of Clifton Town Meeting. The December 6th meeting of CTM did not include presentation by CEF, nor the ability to ask questions of CEF, and was at best a bare minimum 4-page paper concept viewing. • A Zoom meeting of BPAC is NOT conclusive engagement of other community partners which are members of BPAC and have been identified as stakeholders in Burnet Woods by Cincinnati Parks (UC-CCE, CCAC, Stewards of Burnet Woods, Cincinnati Parks Foundation, et al.) • Dismissive statements about BPAC organizations and community comment have been made by a Park Board Commissioner at the CTM Parks Committee meeting on 12/6 and CTM Community Council meeting on 12/7. Scrambling an 11th-hour meeting which may compromise the ability of some organizations to have representation serves the purpose of allowing BPAC to be dismissed by the Park Board Commissioners as an ineffective organization in 2020. • The CTM Parks Committee representative at the 12/11 meeting advocated a position in favor of the CEF building inconsistent with the CTM Resolution passed 12/7 and CTM Parks meeting discussion on 12/6. The CTM Parks Committee needs to be informed of this and given opportunity to choose a different BPAC representative. • The BPAC President is a CEF Employee who failed to identify a conflict of interest at our meeting 12/11 until well into the meeting when specifically asked. Communications from BPAC since March have been bare minimum under CEF leadership for unclear reasons. That there has been a technology barrier suddenly figured out in the last 2 days is not acceptable. Meetings of the BPAC were scheduled for May 5, Aug 4 and a TBD in November, and summarily cancelled without consultation or request for facilitation help from BPAC mamber organizations. The BPAC, as a standalone organization, has effectively abandoned Burnet Woods during the pandemic under CEF leadership.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that we have so far regarded this new bulding proposal as a 1800 sq ft structure. On further review, it appears to be two structures totalling ~ 2100 sq ft.

I have copied the Cincinnati Parks Public Comment email address, as well as additional community stakeholders, and would like this entered into the public comment record for the 12/17 Park Board Meeting.

Cynthia Duval BPAC member Interim President, Preserve Burnet Woods

On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:55 PM Julie Horne > wrote: Dear BPAC Members and Burnet Woods supporters,

BPAC will have a Zoom meeng on Sunday, December 13 at 4:30 pm to preview and discuss the Urban Wilderness Center Update presentaon by CEF scheduled to be discussed by the Park Board at their December meeng next week. Please see the aached Park Board agenda, a copy of the CEF Presentaon, and instrucons on how to provide comments to the Park Board and how to watch the virtual meeng on Thursday, December 17.

The agenda for our Sunday aernoon BPAC meeng is to receive a preview of the presentaon from CEF, and provide an opportunity to ask CEF quesons about the Urban Wilderness program and the updated proposal to locate a stand-alone makerspace building beside Burnet Woods Lake instead of building an addion to Trailside Nature Center.

I will be sending the zoom invite to this same address list, in a separate email.

Julie Horne, Chair Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council

From: Merz, Rocky <--Rocky.Merz@cincinna-oh.gov------> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:29 PM To: Merz, Rocky Subject: 12/17 Cincinna Park Board Meeng - Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item

Burnet Woods Stakeholder,

You are receiving this message because an item related to Burnet Woods is on the agenda for the upcoming meeng on December 17th at 9 AM. For your convenience, a copy of the agenda and the related items are aached.

In accordance with best pracces in light of COVID, the meeng is virtual. Public comments are welcome. Details about how to view the meeng and provide public comment to the Park Board may be found here: Park Board Public Meengs - Cincinna Parks . Please note, public comments for this Park Board meeng are accepted unl 5 PM on Wednesday December 16th.

We appreciate your interest in Cincinna Parks and Burnet Woods.

Thank you,

Rocky Merz | Business Services Division Manager

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive| Cincinnati, OH | 513.357.2619 www.cincinnatiparks.com

Better Lives Better Community Come Join Us! #CincyParks [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Phil Weintraub Fri 12/11/2020 5:29 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I urge you to refrain from removing more trees in our shrinking green spaces. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. One look at how the Museum and Playhouse are destroying our small pockets of nature shows that the Board is more interested in development than preservation. Leave Burnett Woods alone before it’s one big UC parking lot.

Phil Weintraub Amberley Village

Sent from my iPad Please excuse autocorrect. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Margot Stoehr Fri 12/11/2020 5:29 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please don’t let this happen! I use our parks all the time! Margot Stoehr

Sent from my iPad [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Fri 12/11/2020 6:11 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication


Please do not allow private development in Burnet Woods.


Ken Jordan

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Charleen Lyon Fri 12/11/2020 6:53 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Park Commissioners,

I am opposed to the CEF development in Burnet Woods. This is an inappropriate use of public lands. Please vote no on this proposal.

Thank you.

Charleen Ca Lyon

yondes;gn.com I ~:~,~~~~~ ~~~~~;220 ~ ,,tJ Voice 513.221.3500 ~ CATT LYON DESIGN • WAVF I NOING [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Nancy Sunnenberg Fri 12/11/2020 7:09 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Of course not! Private development in a City of Cincinnati Park is not a good idea on its face. Lack of transparency in the proposal details does not convince me otherwise. Nancy Sunnenberg [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Lora Sweeney Fri 12/11/2020 8:04 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Ladies & Gentlemen,

We have consistently stated that there should be NO private development in Burnet Woods. We, mostly Clifton residents, enjoy our park as it is.

We DO NOT want development in our park. There is plenty of land available outside the parks system. Send them there! You have once again looked at dollars instead of citizen wishes.


Thank you for your assistance in curtailing greed of those who covet our Park.

Respectfully Lora Sweeney. Clifton resident since 1960. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Ben Kaufman Fri 12/11/2020 8:12 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Good morning, I oppose private development in Burnet Woods, a delightful oasis where my wife and I walk daily and we have enjoyed since moving to Clifton in 1967. There is nothing in proposed CEF activities that cannot be done elsewhere or in the Trailside museum. And I don’t object to what I know of the CEF’s programs. I grew up from age 8 spending summers in Northern Minnesota. The north woods are in my blood, as is canoeing. That’s why our family bought a fishing cabin in Northern Ontario 40 years ago. But I don’t need fire rings or camp sites in public parks. This isn’t to deny “urban” neighbors similar pleasures. I wish more were available to them. But Burnet Woods is the wrong place for CEF private development. By the way, what do your risk managers say to health hazards of falling out of a canoe or in to the Burnet Woods pond? Runoff and sewage make it hazardous in case of a dunking. And believe me, people fall out of canoes and get in and getting out and while . Life jackets save lives . . . if pathogens are not swallowed. Help CEF find another place or house their programs inside Trailside. A canoe can be built anywhere . . . the door is wide enough to get it out. I’ve seen their handmade canoe. It was lovely. I wish I had one. It does not need Burnet Woods to build it or it. Thank you. Ben L. Kaufman

[External Email] proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods

Tim Mara Fri 12/11/2020 8:26 PM To:

Cc: Kish, Kara ; Parks, Cincy

1 attachments- (1 MB) BW ltr to Park Bd re CEF.docx;

External Email Communication

Honorable members of the Park Board:

Attached is my letter to you explaining why, in my opinion, you should not approve the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF) building proposed for Burnet Woods.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my letter in advance of your Dec 17 board meeting.

Tim Mara


December 11, 2020

To the Members of the Cincinnati Park Board

The purpose of this letter is to explain my opposition to the proposed new buildings in Burnet Woods for the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF), and to urge you to not approve those buildings. I do so after perusing the plans submitted by CEF and listening to the presentation made by the Parks Director Kara Kish, the questions answered by Park Board Member Jim Goetz, and the opinions expressed by others at the December 7 Clifton Town Meeting.

It is my understanding that the proposed CEF project would consist of two new buildings – an 1800 square foot building which would house a boat maker space, wood shop, and restroom, and a smaller structure measuring approximately 14’ x 25’ for equipment storage and open air boat storage. The new buildings would be located at the north end of the Burnet Woods Lake. There would also be a boat dock and substantial reconfiguration of the plaza.

1. The proposed project would have a substantial negative impact on the environment. Construction of the proposed buildings would of necessity involve the removal of a significant number of trees, including at least two very large trees – a oak tree and a beech tree. Because clearing is not limited to the footprint of the buildings in order to provide an area for excavation equipment to maneuver, the area to be cleared would likely be much larger. In addition, the steep hillside behind the building site would likely require an even larger cleared area. Close supervision by park personnel would be needed to assure that construction workers understand the importance of minimizing the cleared area and that they work accordingly. The site of the proposed buildings is also important to birds and other animals. For example, the vicinity is inhabited by turtles. The photo on the next page is of a turtle crossing Burnet Woods Drive near the lake. I took the photo on June 11, 2016.

At the very least, an inventory of flora and fauna at and near the site should be conducted so the Park Board can know what is at risk in making its decision about this proposal.

2. The proposed buildings would displace an existing stone structure built as a concession stand and now used by the park staff for storage of maintenance equipment. The existing structure (see photo below) appears to be one of many structures throughout the Cincinnati park system built by the WPA and/or Civilian Conservation Corps during the 1930s, although that should be verified through park department records. If so, the structure is historic and should not be destroyed.

Even if built a bit later than the 1930s, the structure is architecturally compatible with the unquestionably historic Trailside Nature Center which is located directly across Brookline Avenue from this smaller structure. This structure is made of similar stone materials placed in a similar manner. Because of the proximity of the two structures, the smaller building could be viewed as auxiliary to and complimentary to the Nature Center. From the renderings submitted by CEF, the proposed buildings, on the other hand, would have a mostly wood rather than stone exterior, would be painted decidedly brighter colors, and would have a steep gabled roof in contrast to the low profile, nearly flat roof of the Nature Center. By appearance, the proposed structure looks like something one would find in the northern woods of Minnesota rather than in the woods of Southwest Ohio. Rather than be compatible with and auxiliary to the larger Trailside Nature Center, I believe the proposed buildings would stand out as different from and competing with the Trailside Nature Center as the focus of that part of Burnet Woods.

3. The proposed CEF program could negatively impact or even displace those who now fish at Burnet Woods Lake. The proposed CEF project would include a boat dock from which CEF participants could launch their canoes into the Burnet Woods Lake. This presents at least three potential problems. First, the lake is very popular with fishermen who cast their lines from the walkway which runs along the east shore of the lake and from the east bank of the lake. The lines typically go as far as 25 feet from the edge of the water. The lake is relatively narrow – no more than about 150 feet at its widest point, and even narrower near the most popular fishing spots. It will be difficult for canoes to maneuver around the lake without disturbing the lines or scaring away the fish. Fishermen will likely become discouraged, use the park less often, and seek another fishing spot. Ironically, many of the fishermen are African American who live in nearby city neighborhoods, and alternate fishing locations are likely to be some distance away for them. Second, it is unclear whether use of the proposed dock would be limited to participants in the CEF programs or open to the public at large. It seems just not right to limit use of the dock to CEF, but on the other hand allowing its use by everyone would only make conflict with fishermen even more likely. Third, the lake is important to not just fish but also to turtles who can be seen in the lake and to birds which frequent the trees located along the edge of the lake. The birds seem to be especially drawn to the tree limbs which hang over the lake. These creatures are likely to be scared off by canoes on the lake.

4. The proposed buildings may not be the best way to introduce greenspace- deprived youth to nature. As I understand CEF’s programming, CEF endeavors to introduce urban youth to the great outdoors by teaching them to build and use canoes. Other CEF-led activities include instruction in the identification of flora and fauna and related outdoor experiences such as hiking. It is great that CEF seeks to use Burnet Woods for its activities, given the park’s relative convenience to young people who live in the inner city, but it is unclear to me why CEF is so focused on having its own building in the park. From the plan as submitted by CEF, the proposed buildings appear to be solely devoted to a wood shop and related boat maker space as well as the storage of equipment and canoes. It seems likely to me that to be successful in introducing greenspace-deprived youth to the great outdoors, the young people served by the CEF program are better served by spending most of their time in the outdoors itself, not inside a building. That means that the building will be used for a limited number of weeks each Spring to build canoes to be used for CEF’s Summer programs. If so, then the need for a wood shop and canoe maker space could just as easily be met by a mobile facility parked at the lake for a few weeks each Spring, perhaps used in conjunction with an off-site boat making building. This would avoid destruction of trees and habitat, which are at the core of what CEF hopes those served by its programs will come to value.

5. There has been inadequate opportunity given to the public to review and comment on the proposed CEF buildings. This new CEF plan was made known even to the Clifton Town Meeting until about a week ago, and was discussed at CTM’s monthly virtual meeting on December 7. Even then, no CEF representative participated in the meeting to answer questions by those in attend ance. The only information available then, and even now, was the floor plan of the buildings and two renderings of the buildings. No information was available about other CEF plans for the park, which I am told would include camping facilities. As I mentioned earlier in this letter, it does not appear that CEF or the park staff have identified the flora and fauna which would be impacted by this project, so the public has been given little information from which to make informed, comprehensive comments. More importantly, the public at large has not been informed about this project even as of this date, and has thus been deprived of reasonable notice and opportunity to comment. For the Park Board to proceed to give its final approval to these CEF buildings and other related changes to Burnet Woods would be completely premature. A more robust public participation effort leading to a decision at some date in January would be prudent and fair. Sincerely,

/s/______Timothy G. Mara, JD, AICP

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jesse Gilner Fri 12/11/2020 10:58 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

No, we do not want new, private construction in Burnet Woods. [External Email] Burnet Woods

Stradling, David (stradlds) Fri 12/11/2020 11:32 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Members of the Park Board, I write to express my deep opposion to proposal to construct a workshop for the exclusive use of CEF on the lake in Burnet Woods. I expressed my opposion at the Clion Town Meeng earlier this week but given the misrepresentaon of past community engagement conveyed by parks representaves at that meeng, I do not trust them to give a full and accurate accounng of what happened at CTM. Not a single person on the CTM board or in the community expressed support for the building. No one. The current plan is nothing like previous plans. It does not entail upgrading Trailside nor increasing use of the exisng facilies. Like others in Clion, I see no benefit to the community or to the park in providing a building to a private enty on prime real estate inside a busy park. When asked why CEF needed a building, parks representaves had no answer. I honestly believe that if the park board supports this building, the public will ask serious quesons about corrupon at parks and on the board, parcularly given the rush to approval and the absence of honest community engagement. (CEF couldn't even be troubled to have a representave at CTM.) Obviously, the public has lost faith in city officials recently, precisely because of sweetheart deals like this. I hope that the board recognizes the importance of gaining community support for such dramac changes in a beloved park and allows the me for a full discussion of the pros and cons of the current plan. Thank you for your consideraon. David Stradling Zane L. Miller Professor of History College of Arts and Sciences University of Cincinnati

Series Co-Editor, Urban Life, Landscape, and Policy Temple University Press

Co-Editor Ohio Valley History [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Chris Sat 12/12/2020 6:39 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

I do not support development in Burnet Woods. As a UC student 30 years ago, this park was a nice place to unwind and hang out with friends.


Chris McLaren

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Susan Emerson Ansel Sat 12/12/2020 9:06 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

To whom it may concern:

I am opposed to the development in Burnet Woods by CEF and thought this had already been settled. As a nearby resident, I use the park regularly and treasure its green space in our urban center. I would prefer you stay with the original plan to renovate the Trailside Nature Center.

Thank you for your consideration, Susan Ansel

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Sarah Lucas Sat 12/12/2020 11:28 AM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) - My name is Sarah Lucas and I am a resident of Cincinna. I was married in Burnet Woods, and have lived within a half mile of the park for 7 of the last 9 years. The park is an essenal natural resource and has been a space for countless gatherings with friends, family, and community members over the years. As someone who cannot afford private property, I share this park as part of my home with my community, a collecve space that I treasure. Especially this year, the park has provided a crical outlet for myself and countless others to breathe some fresh air and take a brief respite from the oppressive but necessary quaranne measures that we must also abide by to keep our community safe. How many of you own green space on your private property? Can you imagine what this year would have been like without it? I am wring to you to express my outrage over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. It makes absolutely no sense that a so-called outdoor educaon foundaon needs to destroy public green space to develop new indoor space. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources, and your apparent recent entertainment of proposals for such without transparency. I am disgusted that you wouldn’t hold yourselves to a higher level of ethics. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. We are your constuents, and it is your job to listen and respond to all members of the community. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. Do not be corrupted by whatever financial or other incenves are available for you to destroy this beloved park. Do beer, be beer. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Sarah Lucas [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Patricia Schomaeker Sat 12/12/2020 12:41 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Cranley, Mayor

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners,

My name is Patricia Schomaeker. I am a resident of Clifton and am very grateful that there is so much green and forest space near us in Burnet Woods. I do not think Burnet woods should be developed any further, and I urge you to vote against the proposed development by the Camping and Education Foundation.

Thank you, Patricia Schomaeker [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Silverfox Photography Sat 12/12/2020 2:07 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Sundermann, Betsy ; Seelbach, Chris ; Mann, David ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Cranley, Mayor

External Email Communication

Subject: Public Comment: 12/17

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Jamar Silvers and I am a resident of Cincinna. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you,

Jamar Silvers [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods susan.reinhardt Sat 12/12/2020 2:15 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please leave this park alone. We don't want it developed in any way

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android [External Email] Burnet Woods public comment 12/17

Anna Barchick-Suter Sat 12/12/2020 3:03 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners,

My name is Anna, and I'm a Northside resident, former UC student, and a frequent user of Burnet Woods. I'm reaching out to express my concerns over the Camping and Education Foundation's proposal for Burnet Woods and to encourage you to vote against the project.

As you know, Burnet Woods plays a critical role in our city. From a resident standpoint, the park provides access to nature, recreation, and exercise in an otherwise heavily developed area. Many of the surrounding residents live in apartment buildings without personal greenspace. Parks are important to all, but especially for these residents. Unique from other greenspaces, Burnet Woods, as its name implies, offers true woods and trails. This is a huge asset for residents and wildlife, which can live there away from surrounding development. It's importance in bird migration is well-known and loved.

I'm a strong proponent of enhancing our parks; however, I do not believe CEF's proposal is the right approach. Developing Burnet Woods will reduce the public greenspace and work against the benefits stated above; it will go against the park board's mission to conserve Cincinnati's parks; and it will set a troubling precedent that Cincinnati supports privatization of public spaces.

In addition to my own personal objections, the community has made its position clear since the original proposal in 2018. I believe this consistent and clear opposition should be enough to halt CEF's plan, especially considering the organization's comments that they would only proceed if they had community support.

I urge you to vote against this project, so that you can continue to carry out the park board's mission to protect and conserve our public natural resources for current and future residents.

Sincerely, Anna Barchick-Suter [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Reiley Cowart Sat 12/12/2020 3:55 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: [email protected] ; Seelbach, Chris ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Mann, David ; Landsman, Greg ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Cranley, Mayor ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Reiley Cowart, and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you,

Reiley Cowart [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Beth Koch Sat 12/12/2020 4:07 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

No, no & no. We said this to the CCAC plan. Again NO to this new building. Quit trying to take away green space. Use the existing building that isn't being utilized. [External Email] [email protected]; christopher.smitherman@cincinnati- oh.gov; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]...

Tess Renusch Sat 12/12/2020 4:37 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) –

My name is Tess and I am a resident of Cincinna. I grew up in our forests and took many classes in Burnet Woods, all of which led me to my current career.

I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me.

As an environmental educator and former UC student who developed my love of nature through UC’s botany classes that ulized Burnet woods, I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening and angering to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. I hope that more UC students like myself can become conservaonists by having access to this wonderful forest. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Tess Renusch [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods photosbykaufman Sat 12/12/2020 4:57 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear City Parks Folks,

I walk daily in Burnet Woods. I walk to the southern end of the pond near Martin Luther King Drive.

The construction of a 30' x 60’ building plus the increased traffic in the area would degrade the area dramatically.

Please reject this proposal!

Thank you- Clifton resident, Harriet Kaufman [External Email] Burnet Woods plans

Alice Palmer Sat 12/12/2020 6:35 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) - My name is Alice Palmer and I am a resident of Clifton. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Alice Palmer [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Martha Wendel Sat 12/12/2020 8:31 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Seelbach, Chris ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Sittenfeld, P.G.

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn),

My name is Martha Wendel. I am a resident of Cincinnati in the Northside neighborhood. I am writing to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping and Education Foundation, to develop in Burnet Woods.

I attended UC and spent many afternoons in Burnet Woods exploring the trails, having picnics in the park, and looking at the nature. I took a Biology course where we walked the park and looked for native plants learning about their various uses. We are so fortunate to have a park with such plant and animal diversity. Myself and many of my friends have memories in Burnet Woods. It is so wonderful to have a park close to UC. We need green spaces in Cincinnati to give life to the city.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community's concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Please protect this park for future generations!

Thank you, Martha Wendel [External Email] CEF building in Burnet Woods

John Martin Sat 12/12/2020 9:03 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners From: JohnMartin

I am a citizen of Cincinnati and urge you to reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

Sent from my iPad [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jake Sullivan Sun 12/13/2020 11:50 AM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Jacob Sullivan and I am a resident of Cincinna. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Jacob Sullivan [External Email] Please say NO to CEF's new building proposal in Burnet Woods

KristanLH Sun 12/13/2020 3:27 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Parks Board, and whom it may concern,

When CCAC and CEF both made their initial presentations a couple years ago, I was on the fence. I had friends on both sides and listened to their reasons. I went through the official presentation materials myself. I walked with my dog and my daughter through Burnet Woods many times, and thought about what it was, what it could be, what it should be.

Ultimately I agreed with those who were arguing against new private buildings in the park, and I still agree with them now.

There is no reason CEF cannot make use of the existing Trailside Nature Center for their main operations, as they stated they would do. Furthermore, this hurried, bait-and-switch move weakens my trust in their organization to be friends of the Burnet Woods community and stewards of the park.

I urge you to say no to their new proposal. Instead they should abide by the original compromise, to update and renovate the Trailside building. If there are smaller improvements (such as a small canoe storage shed, or nature-based art) that can be incorporated into Burnet Woods -- following genuine community engagement and approval, and without compromising the integrity of this special urban forest -- then those can and should be considered separately.

Thank you, Kristan Hoffman Gaslight Clifton homeowner ) since 2015 [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Susan Strick Sun 12/13/2020 4:10 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board Members:

As I long time resident of Clifton, I have spent countless hours in our local parks. I love our parks and have made financial contributions to both Mt. Storm and Burnet Woods to help maintain and preserve them for everyone.

I strongly oppose additional buildings in Burnet Woods. Especially in this time of pandemic, when more and more people need time outside in nature to preserve physical and mental wellness, we need to preserve our local green spaces for the common good.

Please reject private development in Burnet Woods.

Sincerely, Dr. Susan R. Strick [External Email] Burnet Woods WPA building

Dawn Fosnaugh Sun 12/13/2020 5:24 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication


Cincinnati, OH 45239


It was brought to my attention that the park is planning on moving forward in removing the WPA Concession Stand with plans to replace it with a building for the CEF, Camping and Education Foundation.

I welcome the idea of the CEF building in the park. I even love the plans for the building they want to build. I am just very disappointed where they want to place it. Someday Trailside can be updated and the Concession Stand put back in use for what it should be. Make it a bait/snack shop, rent poles and make it profitable to fix up. A smaller scale version of the bait shop at Lake Isabella or Winton Woods.

I would encourage the CEF to build at the bottom of the steps coming down off of Nixon. They could carve out the hillside and put a deck for a roof so people could sit on top and look down on the boaters. I lived on Bishop long enough to know that the area at the end of Nixon on Bishop is just wasted space that the park mowes. I was disappointed when the horse swings were removed and no play equipment was put in its place. If the CEF needs parking it could also be put there on the upper level. I do know the sewer line goes through there, but there is plenty of space for the size of building they want to build.

Once a building is gone, it can never be replaced. Start by building the CEF building in an alternative location and when the park is vibrant, turn the concession stand into a useful building and store the park equipment elsewhere. I went today and took a friend to show her the plaza, Concession Stand and Trailside before taking a hike. I lived at Bishop St. for 29 years. I moved 4 years ago but continue to visit my favorite park. I may not live with Burnet Woods as my backyard anymore, but in my heart it will live forever.

Dawn Fosnaugh [External Email] Public Comment, No development in Burnet Woods

Anna Davidson Sun 12/13/2020 6:28 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Burnet Woods has always been a sanctuary for those living in a densely populated area. Green space and exercise is essential for health. If Burnet Woods is developed it will take away from the sanctuary it provides. More importantly more development would put health at risk for those living in the area or those who rely on the park. During Covid-19 lock downs Burnet Woods was one of the only places for many to get vitamin d or have space to exercise. Many inhabitants of Clifton area do not have access to cars so Burnet offers a space to exercise and get essential green time within walking distance. Altering the small bit of sanctuary the Burnet offers would destroy the hard work of many organizations who have put great amounts of energy into restoring the environment and protecting native species. This park doesn’t belong to developers. It belongs to the people who have worked hard to preserve it and the people who use the park to keep their physical and mental health high functioning.

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Ben Skove Mon 12/14/2020 3:28 AM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Ben Skove and I am a resident of Clifton in Cincinnati. I use and walk through Burnet Woods on a near-daily basis and am very grateful for this oasis of nature in the center of the city. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Once implemented, there is no undoing this decision.

Thank you, Ben Skove [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Joe Bodner Mon 12/14/2020 9:35 AM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Joe Bodner and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

Unfortunately we continue to see the Park Board allow private interests to drive policy and direction on our public lands, and do so while trying to avoid public input. This is exactly what is going on in Mt Airy Forest with the CORA organization.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Joe Bodner [External Email] Support for CEF project at Burnet Woods ruth spears Mon 12/14/2020 12:11 PM To: Parks, Cincy ; Kish, Kara ; Merz, Rocky

External Email Communication

Cincinnati Park Board Commissioners

Cincinnati Parks

950 Eden Park Dr.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Dear Cincinnati Parks Commissioners,

I am writing to express my strong support for the Cincinnati Education and Camping Foundations’ proposal to partner with Cincinnati Parks on a Burnet Woods Urban Wilderness Center.

As the manager of Cincinnati Parks Explore Nature from 2010 to 2018, I had the opportunity to work with this organization and consider them one of the best partners in reaching young adults to promote environmental education and to develop a stewardship of nature.

By developing an 1,800 square foot “makerspace” Explore Education and CEF can engage many young adults that might not be reachable with traditional nature programing while serving the Burnet Woods community and the city at large. The boat building program is fascinating and engaging to most people and encourages self – confidence, team building and an enduring love and interest of nature.

The Park Board would be remiss to not partner with CEF as Parks traditionally has not been able to provide programming that actively engages the 12 – 17 age group and college students. Most of Explore Nature’s programming has been geared to younger children and families. I understand that the Park Board is revamping the Explore Nature program and this is an amazing opportunity to expand that programming with a dedicated and reliable partner that has a proven track record in Cincinnati and across the country.

While working for Parks, I was a part of a team that looked at many locations, but none offered the easy access and public transportation that Burnet Woods does. Burnet Woods is also a walkable distance for several schools in the area. With UC being a neighbor, UC students can walk to the makerspace to work as volunteers. A win – win for everyone.

Boat building can teach many things, but the look of success on a student’s face as they paddled in a boat they helped build is priceless. I have attached a few pictures from one of the many joint programs that Explore Nature has presented with CEF. Please be as forward thinking as the first Cincinnati Parks Commissioners were and move forward with this project. This will be a gift to future generations just like the Park system was to Cincinnati over 100 years ago.


Ruthann Spears

Pictures of joint programming Explore Nature and CEF from Ruth Spears

Pictures of joint programming Explore Nature and CEF from Ruth Spears

Pictures of joint programming Explore Nature and CEF from Ruth Spears

Pictures of joint programming Explore Nature and CEF from Ruth Spears

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Claire Dell Mon 12/14/2020 12:32 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please do not take away more of Clifton's local park. Perhaps this development could be placed in , since it seems to be a Hyde Park project? Or how about near the park headquarters in Eden Park? We in Clifton host a large number of public-serving institutions - hospitals, the University - we need our green space!!

Claire Dell, long-time Clifton resident [External Email] Say no to development at Burnet Woods

Samantha Shattuck Mon 12/14/2020 1:58 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Good afternoon, In light of the upcoming meeting and vote on development in Burnet Woods, I wanted to throw in my two cents. Please resoundly reject any private development in our beloved park. We have a responsibility to preserve our greenspaces for future generations, not sell out parcels for short term uses. Consider the existing structure in the park - it's perfectly usable, and yet they want another building built. What would stop the next group from rejecting this second structure in favor of a third on park grounds? And so on and so forth.

Greenspace in urban areas act as a great equalizer - those without their own yards or space to play or entertain can rely on a public park for daily recreation and space for entertaining. Many in our city may never own a home nor a private piece of greenspace - yet they have a right to the health benefits that greenspace provides. This includes the physical activity and the mental health benefits of interaction with nature and the socialization the space provides.

Burnet woods specifically provides several unique opportunities to engage with nature. A fishing hole attracts many different types of Cincinnatans, including but not limited to those who rely on it for subsistence and families look for low-cost or no-cost activities. The trails in the park provide the opportunity to lose sight and sound of the typical urban noise of traffic. These opportunities may exist in the greater Cincinnati area, but for those reliant on the public transportation system, Burnet Woods graciously provides. This all in addition to the ecological and educational benefits that this park provides, as bird sanctuary and otherwise.

As an environmental justice and public health advocate, I endorse the mission of the Camping and Educational Foundation, but I reject their demand to take a large slice out of our public park for their own use. If the city wants to support their mission, I encourage their development of an offsite location, and would even advocate along its leaders for funding to pay for a different site.

This letter was submitted to the Cincinnati Enquirer as a letter to the editor as well.

Thank you, Samantha


Samantha Shattuck, MS Public Health Specialist | Pegasus Technical Services [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Cary Brodie Mon 12/14/2020 2:04 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Brodie and I am a resident of Madison Place, but am a user and lover of our areas park spaces. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods.

As we have learned over the last four years with , there are people in power who are willing to chuck understood agreements out the window in pursuit of their own agenda. When you allow one little seemingly harmless norm go, it gets harder and harder to quell the flood of demands based on that newly formed precedent. Why would anyone who lives near any piece of Park owned property, big or small, EVER believe you wouldn't sell off their "slice of heaven" to whomever you see fit? These are the days to embrace your roll as Guardians of Green Space. As the country watches the current president send extremely valuable (environmentally) land off to the auction block, we are showing the world how little we care about the bigger picture. If something can't be monetized, it apparently has no value. Do not let this development opportunity sway you from your duty. You will not be able to stuff the genie back in the bottle if you break this seal.

As you all know, getting generations to care about the big picture starts with public parks. Please continue to use what you have, get creative about how you bring parks to people, and get people to embrace ownership in "their parks." The PWB group has made a HUGE dent in the invasive plant species battle. This is a BIG DEAL. The more you invest in those types of efforts, you will teach more and more Cincinnati neighbors what to look for and how to handle it in their own yards, then that will make a bigger dent in the national effort. That is taking our parks to the personal level and teaching them how to start with what they have and grow from there. The momentum is palpable.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. I'm stunned this is even being discussed as I believed you all when you did not allow the previous development to go through. Who told the CEF to go on and try to get this approved? Why waste their time? What changed?

I have done as much as I can to rebuild a smidgen of support for Parks from people who are jaded by the Park Board's years of neglect of small neighborhood parks. I've been standing up for you all, explaining that the budget keeps getting cut, or that once the bigger park areas get dealt with hopefully, you will get back to the smaller neglected areas. People will continue to NOT SUPPORT tax levies if you continue to ignore what they express. Please don't pimp out the parks for business opportunity. Show neighbors you care about what has been neglected. Don't neglect what they have told you time and time again.

I'm not sure you will even read even read this, but I truly believe you are at crossroads of building upon what you said you cared about in 2018 and/or breaking the dam of development. Your support would break the dam and you will loose trust of the neighbors of all Park's properties.

Thank you,

Cary Maish Brodie Fw: [External Email] BPAC Motions Re: 12/17 Cincinnati Park Board Meeting - Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item

Merz, Rocky Mon 12/14/2020 2:24 PM To: Parks, Cincy

From: Julie Horne Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 1:55 PM To: Merz, Rocky ; Board, Park Cc: cynthia@ ; Hugh Haller ; Julie Horne markbambach agallelli ; Unterreiner, Mary ; leslie.mooney Jennifer Spieser Merz, Rocky ; Schuckman, Steven ; Parker, Larry ; Harten, Jennifer ; Mark Jeffreys George, Michael ; Lisa Hagland ; Kish, Kara ; Pete and Sally Jim Goetz blindner ; ILove Burnet csbgibbs ; jmason dgressley cufna ; ctmpresident ; corryvillecc ; Russell, Francis Bob Bergstein Greg Torres Heather Farrington Robert Park Marie Kokcoshis Marilyn Wall MalcomCTM bob

Subject: [External Email] BPAC Moons Re: 12/17 Cincinna Park Board Meeng - Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item

External Email Communication

Hello Rocky,

The Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) held a zoom meeng on Sunday, December 13, 2020 to discuss the Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item that we received on Friday. Over the course of the zoom meeng, there were 18 parcipants, including long standing BPAC members, Park staff and interested persons. The long standing BPAC members voted to send the Park Board 2 moons to provide public comment from BPAC about the Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item.

Moons from the December 13, 2020 BPAC Zoom meeng

MOTION 1 - BPAC demands the Park Bord not vote on the Urban Wilderness Center building proposal on December 17 due to lack of community engagement since March of 2020. This includes a lack of communicaon with BPAC, community councils and all other groups who are involved in Burnet Woods. If this proposal comes to the Board again, or another proposal, the Park Board must hold public meengs and gather feedback from stakeholders. Presentaons and community engagement meengs should include both CEF and Parks. Vote by 7 BPAC members present: 3 yes, 4 abstain

MOTION 2 - Aendees at the BPAC zoom meeng on December 13, 2020 are to be polled as to who is for or opposed to the Camping and Educaon Foundaon proposal to build in Burnet Woods. BPAC advises the Park Board that of the 14 aendees present at the me of the poll, 11 opposed the CEF building proposal and 3 abstained.

Respecully submied, Julie Horne, BPAC Chair

From: Merz, Rocky Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:29 PM To: Merz, Rocky Subject: 12/17 Cincinna Park Board Meeng - Burnet Woods CEF Agenda Item

Burnet Woods Stakeholder,

You are receiving this message because an item related to Burnet Woods is on the agenda for the upcoming meeng on December 17th at 9 AM. For your convenience, a copy of the agenda and the related items are aached.

In accordance with best pracces in light of COVID, the meeng is virtual. Public comments are welcome. Details about how to view the meeng and provide public comment to the Park Board may be found here: Park Board Public Meengs - Cincinna Parks . Please note, public comments for this Park Board meeng are accepted unl 5 PM on Wednesday December 16th.

We appreciate your interest in Cincinna Parks and Burnet Woods.

Thank you,

Rocky Merz | Business Services Division Manager

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive| Cincinnati, OH | 513.357.2619 www.cincinnatiparks.com

Better Lives Better Community Come Join Us! #CincyParks [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Samantha Shattuck Mon 12/14/2020 2:35 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Good afternoon, In light of the upcoming meeting and vote on development in Burnet Woods, I wanted to throw in my two cents. Please resoundly reject any private development in our beloved park. We have a responsibility to preserve our greenspaces for future generations, not sell out parcels for short term uses. Consider the existing structure in the park - it's perfectly usable, and yet they want another building built. What would stop the next group from rejecting this second structure in favor of a third on park grounds? And so on and so forth.

Greenspace in urban areas act as a great equalizer - those without their own yards or space to play or entertain can rely on a public park for daily recreation and space for entertaining. Many in our city may never own a home nor a private piece of greenspace - yet they have a right to the health benefits that greenspace provides. This includes the physical activity and the mental health benefits of interaction with nature and the socialization the space provides.

Burnet woods specifically provides several unique opportunities to engage with nature. A fishing hole attracts many different types of Cincinnatans, including but not limited to those who rely on it for subsistence and families look for low- cost or no-cost activities. The trails in the park provide the opportunity to lose sight and sound of the typical urban noise of traffic. These opportunities may exist in the greater Cincinnati area, but for those reliant on the public transportation system, Burnet Woods graciously provides. This all in addition to the ecological and educational benefits that this park provides, as bird sanctuary and otherwise.

As an environmental justice and public health advocate, I endorse the mission of the Camping and Educational Foundation, but I reject their demand to take a large slice out of our public park for their own use. If the city wants to support their mission, I encourage their development of an offsite location, and would even advocate along its leaders for funding to pay for a different site.

This letter was submitted to the Cincinnati Enquirer as a letter to the editor as well.

Thank you, Samantha


Samantha Shattuck, MS Public Health Specialist | Pegasus Technical Services c/o US EPA ORD NERL she/her/hers [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jackie Falk Mon 12/14/2020 3:15 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board,

I am writing to encourage you to keep Burnet Woods green and not let our park land be used for any construction. I am a birder and want to protect the habitat for animals and humans. I am a walker also and appreciate the park's cooling trees in the hot summer. Burnet Woods provides a green oasis in an urban area, helping with cleaning and cooling the atmosphere. Please preserve Burnet Woods.

Thank you.


Jackie Falk [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Fabien Acher Mon 12/14/2020 5:08 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Fabien Acher and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I want to remind you that you work for the people and resources of Cincinnati. You answer to the people of this city. Our labor is what enables Cincinnati Parks to exist. I urge you to keep this in mind when making decisions that affect the very people and resources that you represent.

I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Fabien Acher [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17/20 Cincinnati Board of Park Commissioners Meeting (Burnet Woods and Proposed CEF Development) cagutjahr Mon 12/14/2020 5:56 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners Lindner, Goetz, Castellini, Flynn, and Thomas:

I am wring to express my strong opposion to the proposal to allow a private organizaon, the Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF), to develop in Burnet Woods. I previously expressed concern regarding private development in Burnet Woods when the Clion Cultural Arts Center and CEF were proposing projects in 2018. The proposed development of a freestanding building, the demolion of a stone WPA-era building, and other changes to the park to facilitate CEF programming are parcularly concerning because they will negavely impact both the environment of this unique urban forest and the history of the park. In addion, the proposed changes appear to idenfy CEF and its parcipants as the populaon that is priorized to use the park.

As a Cincinna resident who appreciates the value our urban parks bring to quality of life as well as habitat for wildlife, I urge you vote against this proposed development. Maintaining and protecng our public natural resources for future generaons, not facilitang private development on publicly owned park lands, should be the focus of the Park Board.

Thank you,

Carolyn Gutjahr Northside [External Email] CUFNA letter re: CEF

Charles Kussmaul Mon 12/14/2020 8:00 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Sundermann, Betsy ; Seelbach, Chris ; Kearney, Jan-Michele

1 attachments (930 KB) 2020-12-10 signed ltr re CEF proposal.docx;

External Email Communication

Please find attached the CUFNA letter regarding Cincinnati Parks consideration of CEF building in Burnet Woods.

Thank you. Chip Kussmaul pres. CUFNA

December10, 2020

Park Board Commissioners City Council

Re: Cincinnati Urban Wilderness Center Project

Dear Park Commissioners and City Councilmembers:

The CUF Neighborhood Association has just become aware of the Park Board’s intent to vote at its December meeting to finalize a joint proposal by the Cincinnati Park Board and the Camping & Education Foundation (CEF) for a building project in Burnet Woods. According to drawings presented by Park Commissioner Jim Goetz at the December 7, 2020 Clifton Town Meeting, the Urban Wilderness Center would be a dramatic departure from original plans of 2018.

To date, there has been no engagement with CUF by the Park Board or CEF around this proposal, and, apparently, none is planned. Commissioner Goetz indicated the decision has already been made. CUF stakeholders have traditionally been heavily involved in all matters concerning our neighborhood parks. This project represents a significant addition to the built environment of the park.

Given that there has been no contact from CEF or the Park Board, CUF cannot support this proposal. Transparency in public projects is paramount; there has been none in this instance.


Chip Kussmaul, President CUF Neighborhood Association

2364 West McMicken Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45214

[External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Hannah Higgins Mon 12/14/2020 9:11 PM To: Smitherman, Christopher ; Parks, Cincy ; Landsman, Greg ; Cranley, Mayor

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Hannah Higgins and I am a resident of Cincinna. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I strongly urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks, to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what lile we have le for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development within our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Hannah Higgins [External Email] Preserve Burnet Woods

Steve Rodenberg Mon 12/14/2020 11:46 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) - My name is Jean Swartley and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you,

Jean Swartley [External Email] Public Comment 12/17 Burnet Woods & CEF

Mary Rita Dominic Tue 12/15/2020 8:43 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern:

The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF), an organization headquartered in International Falls, Minnesota (plus a Winter Headquarters in Hyde Park, Cincinnati), has proposed to build an 1800 Sq ft building wood shop plus a 310 sq ft canoe storage facility in Burnet Woods. The goal of CEF is to provide camping, canoeing, and woodcraft skills to inner city children, which is a noble goal that I wholly support. The question in many folks' minds is why this necessitates destroying ~90 linear feet of natural woodland along the entrance & plaza leading to the Lakeside Trail in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods is historically significant with the original park area purchased by the city in 1872 and 1881. It is 90 acres, approximately 50% of its original size. The southern half was acquired by the University of Cincinnati and developed. The most recent loss of parkland occurred in 1950 when the University obtained 18 additional acres. The proposed structures would stand almost directly across from Trailside Nature Center, a historically significant building designed & built by Carl Freund in 1939.

Modernnati, a publication devoted to modern architecture in Cincinnati, in 2018 published a beautiful piece about Carl Freund’s vision and elegance shown in nearly every Cincinnati Park building, including the Administration Building in Eden Park (https://www.modernnati.com/single-post/2018/05/17/parkitect-carl-freund-and-organic-modernism-in- cincinnati-s-public-landscape). In it, the following statements were made:

"Cincinnati Architect R. Carl Freund (1902-59) worked for the Cincinnati Park Board for three decades, from the 1930s -1950s, and furnished the city’s parks with a delightful array of small buildings designed in Freund’s creative interpretation of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Modernism. ...Freund ultimately designed over three dozen park structures, ranging from shelter pavilions, to comfort stations, to lodges, and including the Park Board administration building in Eden Park. ..Freund’s park buildings tend to be small and programmatically simple but, like landscape pavilions from the 18th- century onward, his park buildings are sensitively sited to function both as objects within the landscape and as "viewing cameras” for heightening visitors' experiences of the natural landscape."

The proposal is almost certain to be approved by the Park Board, amid the near unanimous protests of the Clifton & CUF communities, and a wide handful of stakeholder organizations, including Preserve Burnet Woods (https://preserveburnetwoods.org), the Stewards of Burnet Woods (https://www.cincinnatiparksfoundation.org/projects/burnet-woods/), the Cincinnati Wildflower Society (http://www.cincywildflower.org/) and others. Besides the destruction of precious natural landscape, and the troubling precedent of allowing a private enterprise to occupy land in our parks, the design proposal is inconsistent with the architectural history of the Cincinnati Parks.

In this presentation, an 1800 sq ft "log cabin-like" structure is proposed, plus a 310 sq ft canoe storage area. Amongst the many concerns about allowing a private enterprise to build in Cincinnati Park's oldest park, the architecture that is proposed is not consistent with the vision of Carl Freund nor the 36 buildings and shelters that have represented our parks for more than 80 years.

I have sent a copy of this letter to Modernnati.com.

Sincerely, Mary Rita Dominic

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Matt Weirauch Tue 12/15/2020 9:04 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please do not allow any further development of Burnet Woods. Development is the exact opposite of conservation. We need to preserve what little green space we have left in our community. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Jennifer Jill Araya Tue 12/15/2020 10:56 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

To whom it may concern:

My name is Jennifer Araya, and I am a resident and homeowner in Clifton. I am writing to express my vehement opposition of the CEF proposal for private construction in Burnet Woods, and to urge the Park Board to reject this proposal.

I am a near-daily user of the beautiful green space in Burnet Woods, regularly walking, biking, and running through the park for fitness, often picnicking in the park as a way to enjoy the outdoors, and exploring the forest space by hiking the trails. While I have used and appreciated Burnet Woods for my entire time living in Clifton (over 15 years), it has been especially treasured during the past year. Free and unfettered access to Burnet Woods has been invaluable to my and my family's mental health as we weathered the pandemic restrictions. The ability to get outdoors and explore Burnet Woods has been beneficial beyond measure. I truly cannot express how much we value and appreciate the green space and outdoor recreation provided by Burnet Woods.

I am appalled that the Cincinnati Park Board is entertaining a proposal from CEF to add new, private construction to this public treasure. The CEF proposal does not invest in community use of the park and effectively cuts off community access to the portions of the park included in this proposed new development. The consideration of this proposal is a violation of the public trust the Clifton community has with the Park Board. This proposal is entirely contrary to the Park Board's responsibility to manage and maintain Burnet Woods, a resource that is a vital part of the Clifton community, for public use. A new private building in the park is not needed or wanted. The people who live, work, and play in and around the park -- the Clifton community -- do not want this development to happen. Passage of this proposal would be a gross violation of community trust.

Rather than accepting this proposal, I implore you to invest in improving existing park services and infrastructure. Much can be done to improve upon and expand the existing park amenities. Proposals that do so would be welcomed and cheered by those, like me, who regularly use the park. I beg you to work in cooperation with the local community, not in defiance of it.

I urge you, in the strongest terms, to flatly reject the CEF proposal for Burnet Woods.

Sincerely, Jennifer Araya

-- Jennifer Jill Araya [External Email] Burnet Woods and CEF development

Suzanne Sifri Tue 12/15/2020 12:16 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Hello, I would like to start by thanking you for being stewards and advocates for our Cincinnati park system. I've noticed the improvements of the trails at Burnet Woods and ongoing maintenance at Ault Park, Alms Park and Eden Park as well as others. During this time of a pandemic having access to our parks and nature is of vital importance for everyone. I am not in favor of any additional structures being built in Burnet Woods as it has such a small footprint already for the community that it serves. I also feel that building any private entities within our public parks is unfair and also financially dangerous. CEF first seemed to approach the community with the plan of renovating and adding on to the existing Trailside Museum which when I grew up in Clifton in the 70s had numerous nature classes and amenities. I thought this might be a good fit if they could increase community programming at the Nature Center. I checked the CEF website for more information regarding their plans and saw the mock up drawings for a cabin like structure as well as Canoes in the water???? Was CEF going to take responsibility for cleaning the "lake" too? The last issue regarding CCAC which you voted against was for an entity that is open to everyone at no cost- CEF is not. I would implore you to not vote to approve an additional CEF structure in Burnet Woods and destruction of the outbuilding. Surely there are better areas and resources within our city and county that would fit their goals. Burnet Woods is not it. Frankly, I'm surprised they have zeroed in on Burnet Woods and cannot understand why. Thanks for your consideration Suzanne Sifri

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse typos. [External Email] True story

Marcia McLaughlin Tue 12/15/2020 12:26 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Re the CEF proposal that sounds like a done deal, I would like to express my objection based on the process alone.

At the CTM meeting of March, 2018 I watched a CEF representative give a very brief PowerPoint. He preceded the CCAC rep and there was very little discussion. That was the last I’ve seen or heard of CEF. At the time, I did my best to research the organization, with little success. Their web site contains lovely photos but no substantive information. I emailed them to ask who was on their board and how they were funded and never received a response.

Now it looks like it’s all over but the shouting. I heard about this last week, along with the rest of Cincinnati taxpayers. Again I researched them online and discovered that they are a very well-funded outfit with highly paid staff. I emailed them again to see who was on their board, with no response.

The citizens of the City have no access to this facility, only their clients. I have so many questions about this project I don’t know where to begin. The terms of the lease are apparently secret. Why?

I urge the Board and Director Kish to at least defer the vote until the citizenry can get some answers.

Thank you so much, Marcia McLaughlin

Sent from my iPhone [External Email] Burnet Woods Park

Haglund, Lisa (haglunla) Tue 12/15/2020 12:43 PM To: ; < Cc: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

15 December 2020

To the Park Board of Commissioners:

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education Foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods Park. I agree with Clifton Town Meeting and with the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Committee that there has not been sufficient public engagement about the new proposal, which appears to be focused on supporting the Camping and Education Foundation’s programming, without recognition of the surrounding community’s priority of reopening Trailside Nature Center in support of a wider range of programming.

I attended the March Park Board of Commissioners meeting, and according to my notes, CEF was successfully starting their programming, in “no hurry,” and that a resilient and sustainable addition to Trailside was CEF’s goal. Since then, I have been expecting community engagement around modifications of the original plans to see if it was feasible to accomplish synergies with an updated plan. I was very disappointed that the new proposal summarily rejects the possibility of this course.

We are very fortunate to have a rich, mature woodland that supports both nature educational programming and also nature. Every summer day that I walk through Burnet Woods Park, I hear a Red-Eyed Vireo. This is not a typical urban bird, and I regard it as a keystone species, indicative of the health of the woods, supporting migratory birds and deep-woods residents. I am committed to help with efforts to remove invasive plant species in an attempt to preserve the health of the woods for future generations to enjoy nature programming, as well as for the critters.

To accept the new proposal from Camping and Education Foundation to construct a standalone building in Burnet Woods Park would set an extremely bad precedent. Please reject this new proposal at your meeting on 17 December 2020 and initiate community engagement over the next steps for the health of Burnet Woods Park.

Thank you for considering my request.


Lisa Haglund MD Re: [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Charleen Lyon Tue 12/15/2020 1:03 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary Cc: Parks, Cincy Mary, Thanks you for your acknowledgement.

One other thing I failed to add, but is perhaps the most important of all, is that the bird wildlife in Burnet Woods is an asset for the enre region. Even the most authoritave organizaon in the country regarding birds, the Audubon Society, has acknowledged Burnet Woods as a bird refuge.

I urge the Commissioners to not endanger this precious resource.

Thank you, Charleen Ca Lyon

From: "Unterreiner, Mary" Date: Monday, December 14, 2020 at 11:28 AM To: Charleen Lyon Cc: "Parks, Cincy" Subject: Re: [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Hi Ms. Lyon,

Thank you so much for your comments. Your feedback will be shared with the Board of Park Commissioners prior to the December 17, 2020 Park Board Meeng and entered into the public record.

We appreciate you taking the me to voice your opinion!

Mary Unterreiner | Executive Assistant

Cincinnati Park Board | 950 Eden Park Drive | Cincinnati, OH | 513.352.4079 www.cincinnatiparks.com

Better Lives Better Communities Come Join Us! #CincyParks

From: Charleen Lyon Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:52 PM To: Parks, Cincy Subject: [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

External Email Communication

Dear Park Commissioners,

I am opposed to the CEF development in Burnet Woods. This is an inappropriate use of public lands. Please vote no on this proposal.

Thank you.

Charleen Ca Lyon

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Richard Boydston Tue 12/15/2020 1:50 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

I oppose private development in Burnet Woods.

-- Richard Boydston

[External Email] Public comment:12/17

Ray, Ann Tue 12/15/2020 3:34 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board members,

I am writing today in opposition to the proposal by CEF to build a private, standalone building on our public park land in Burnet Woods. CEF’s current proposal is substantially different than what was originally presented to stakeholders, and would cause irreparable damage to Burnet Woods and it’s historic structures. Please protect our urban green space.

I ask you to reject the CEF proposal and to cease any discussion of new, private construction or development in Burnet Woods once and for all.


Ann M. Ray, PhD (she, hers) Associate professor Advising coordinator [External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Tue 12/15/2020 4:44 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board Members:

I am a Northside Resident who has made use of Burnet Woods since childhood and have participated in honeysuckle removal events there so I know the place well and love it immensely. I am disturbed to hear that there is a proposal to mar the park by the construction of a building in the park for private benefit no less. I am completely opposed to this. It is not the sort of thing that inclines me to actively support Cincinnati Parks.

Stephen Albert [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Tue 12/15/2020 5:00 PM To: Parks, Cincy

1 attachments (2 MB) Burnet Woods resolution.docx;

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board,

As a society in support of native plants and involving the public in nature, we would like to comment and oppose the CEF current proposal.

Sincerely, Angela Carter Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society

Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society

Burnet Woods Resolution 12/14/2020 10:00 pm

Whereas: Burnet Woods is a beautiful urban public greenspace in Cincinnati; and

Whereas: All of the park and its facilities should be made available to all members of the Cincinnati community -- not to a single private enterprise that services a small number of the city’s residents (even though we agree strongly with the vision of the Camping and Educational Foundation (CEF)); and

Whereas: The two buildings proposed by the CEF would obstruct and clutter the scenic entrance to the park, cutting into a pristine hillside and obstructing or eliminating the old growth trees and other native plants important to birds and other wildlife;

Be it therefore resolved: That the Board of the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society, which represents its over 200 members, strongly recommends that the Cincinnati Park Board turn down the current proposal by the CEF (presented at the recent Clifton Town Meeting and scheduled to be presented at your upcoming meeting) to construct the two buildings across the street from the Trailside Center.

Resolution passed by Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society Board by a vote of 8-0 with one abstention.

Southwestern Ohio Chapter of Ohio Native Plant Society - Founded in 1917

Plant drawing by Margaret Warriner Buck, from M.E. Parsons, Wildflowers of , 1897. [External Email] The proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation

Stephen Kramrech Tue 12/15/2020 5:31 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Kish, Kara External Email Communication

This is to let the Board of Cincinnati Parks know that I am TOTALLY OPPOSED to the proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation, that is scheduled for a Board meeting and vote on 17-December-2020.

This park is too small for the kinds of proposals, including this one, that are being put forward. There is little enough "green space" in that part of Cincinnati to start with, and this would just make things worse.

In addition, I am extremely upset that there seems to be a move to rush through the process and thereby bypass the input of the general public. To my knowledge, until about 10 days ago there effort to engage the public and relevant groups, e.g. Clifton Town Meeting, Preserve Burnet Woods, etc. THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR MUST STOP!

Stephen M. Kramrech

-- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/? url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.avast.com%2Fantivirus&data=04%7C01%7Ccincy.parks%40cincinnati- oh.gov%7Cd52d35bc202d46fcabdf08d8a149280e%7C6f55bfd1366941fda0e3c98d56adb39f%7C1%7C0% 7C637436682860021297%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJ BTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=L9Y75Y4WzUbbqcrsRJ5ypgBwvIvnO1ZzDLod9vy UFbg%3D&reserved=0 [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Paisley Stone Tue 12/15/2020 5:32 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Paisley Stone and I am a resident of Clfiton, Cincinna. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Like many individuals, I have rediscovered my love for the outdoors throughout the pandemic. Burnet Woods has been my favorite spot to hike, birdwatch, and meet friends for socially-distant get togethers. I think Burnet Woods should remain completely public, and that there is no room for private interests in the park.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposion to private development in the park at that me. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negave environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implicaons of a private organizaon building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinna Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you,

Paisley [External Email] Public Comment about Burnet Woods: 12/17

Jena Ward Tue 12/15/2020 6:06 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Sundermann, Betsy External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) ,

My name is Jena and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods.

Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Jena Ward

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한국어 (Korean): 주의: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다. 1-877-320-1235 (TTY: 711) 번으로 전화해 주십시오. [External Email] Public Comment 12-17; Preserve Burnett Woods

Walt Benn Tue 12/15/2020 6:19 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Walt Benn and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated. I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

I'd very much like to believe our city officials can be trusted to stay true to your mission and civil duties pertaining to public trust and representation. I like Cincinnati Parks and I hope they'll be here and remain free for public use and enjoyment. It's not cool to be proposing things such as this without complete transparency, as well as consent of the general public and any other key components pertinent to the continued successful operation and use of the parks, and other public land, as intended.

I, for one, wasn't too keen on learning that our "public" landing was no longer public (years ago), and am appalled to learn that someone there was smug enough to even propose such an asinine plan without proper consideration of the general outrage and opposition when this first came up. I'm asking you all to very carefully consider my opposition now. I've donated some to help with the voluntary cleanup and general preservation of Burnett woods and think it best to allow it to remain a good free park, without any potentially detrimental and adverse impact that is certain by allowing private interests to develop, and build. I'd be for anything "public", that would benefit the public, without any known or potential adverse environmental impact, however, unless this private interest can convince me and others in opposition that this proposal is in the best interest of the users of the park and/or the general (mostly tax-paying) public, then I'm here to say it shouldn't be approved. Please work to preserve Burnett woods as is. No private interest should be allowed to infringe on public property. We need all the green "natural" space we can get. You'd be very foolish to allow some private interest to destroy any of it.


Walter J. Benn Jr. [External Email] Burnet Woods

Mikey Frank Tue 12/15/2020 7:34 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board, As a lifelong Cincinnati resident, I place tremendous value in our park system. Burnet Woods is a jewel in the crown of the Queen City. It is vital to preserve the wildlife habitats that it provides. It is important that it remain fully accessible to the citizens, and not open to private development. Please vote no on the new CEF building proposal. Thank you, Michelle F. Parrett Clifton Heights [External Email] PUBLIC COMMENTS: 12/17

Simon Lyon Tue 12/15/2020 8:51 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board Commissioners:

I am writing to urge you to vote against CEF's development, currently proposed for Burnet Woods.

For decades, organizations have petitioned the Park Board to locate their operations within Burnet Woods, under the faulty presumption that their mission would justify their use of public land. Each time this has happened, the Park Board has wisely turned down their petitions.

Time has shown us that the Park Board's decisions in this regard have been correct.

For example: after the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County petitioned the Board to locate its Clifton branch within Burnet Woods, at the corner of Clifton and Ludlow Avenues, and after its petition was denied, the Public Library found an alternative location at the corner of Ludlow and Brookline Avenues (near the Park) and has been very successful, there.

More recently, the Clifton Cultural Arts Center petitioned the Commissioners to use Park land and was denied, as well. It will now locate closer to the Clifton Business District on Clifton Avenue. A much more appropriate location.

If CEF wants to use Burnet Woods, as a resource, it should find a site near it, not in it. This is public land and should remain, as such.

I urge the Park Commissioners to adhere to their historic practice of protecting our precious public resource, Burnet Woods, from threats of development of unknown value to the Clifton community and our City.


Simon Lyon

[External Email] Public Comment 12/17

Ed Gutfreund Tue 12/15/2020 9:21 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

To Park Board members: Please add my response to those thousands of Cincinnati residents who oppose the proposed building in Burnet Woods Park. I attended the 2018 meeting and heard CEF say they would not build if the community did not want it. It seems crystal clear the community does not want it. This strategy of short notice process on their part and the Park board is offensive to citizens who have contributed untold hours to preserve the park and make collaborative decisions. Please honor the principles which have bee published and agree upon concerning community engagement and respect for community opinion. Thank you. Ed Gutfreund

[External Email] New CEF proposal

SGS Tue 12/15/2020 9:28 PM To: Cc: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear Commissioners

First I would like to thank you for supporting our invasive removal work in the parks. Our volunteers are increasing and their skill sets are getting quite good. Every volunteer we teach becomes a more knowledgable future steward. This is real nature education with positive results. Concerning the new CEF proposal I respectfully urge you to not support the proposed location change to the hillside by the lake. - The hillside is steep and could present stability issues. There are large mature trees that would need to be removed. - The proposed location will further fragment the forest. That hillside is a critical breeding habitat for Box Turtles. Box Turtle populations never expand in landlocked situations, they only decline. - The original proposal to revamp Trailside Nature Center seems more practical in my opinion. Its current condition although picturesque does not function as well as it could. With proper community engagement and fund raising with CEF as a partner let's expand it. The land between the historic concrete slide and Trailside would be the most suitable area for the CEF wood shop. ("Urban Wilderness Center” is extremely over stated) That area has no trees, is closer to utilities, less obtrusive, not far from the lake, and I believe more acceptable. - I have attended 3 meetings in the last week and the proposed location has been extremely unpopular. Virtually no support. I’ve never witnessed the CTM so united. - The wood shop would be of limited use to the general population, CEF could develop a portable wood shop with a temporary footprint and be able to work with kids regionally.

Please be patient with this situation and consider your legacy as commissioners and protect Burnet Woods from this development location. (The CCAC found a new home that has been embraced by all)


Steve Slack

P.S. I apologize for the use of the word “demand” in our Burnet Woods CPAC resolution. We had a rigorous Sunday meeting to figure out our process with original members and those who joined for the first time. It was a frustrating discussion. [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Melvin Stampe Wed 12/16/2020 12:38 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Dear members of the Cincinnati City Park Board:

My wife and I are residents of Clifton, I for more than 25 years, she for almost 35. We are both opposed to the proposed plan to construct a building in Burnet Woods near the lake in partnership with Camping and Education Foundation. We concur with the arguments laid out by the Preserve Burnet Woods organization as to why this is a bad idea. While we have no doubt that the Foundation does very valuable work, we do not think that it justifies using the Park for this purpose. Surely there are other feasible locations elsewhere in the city or county.

Please reject this proposal.

Thank you, Mel Stampe & Maria Blake

[External Email] ***Oppose*** CEF (Camping Education Foundation) to build in Burnet Woods

David Tornheim Wed 12/16/2020 8:08 AM To: Parks, Cincy ; Brad Lindner (President, Parks Commission) ; Jim Goetz (VP, Parks Commission) Susan Castellini (Park Commisioner) >; Linda Thomas (Park Commissioner) >; Kish, Kara ; Mobley, Jenny ; Schuckman, Steven

External Email Communication

To the Park Board:

I am a long-term Cincinnati resident.

I strongly disapprove of the plan by Camping Education Foundation ("CEF") to build in Burnet Woods. It is my understanding they have done a bait -and- switch. First they planned to renovate Trailside Nature Center, which might have been acceptable. This apparently put them in good stead. Now they are planning to do what the community has been clear we do not want: build more structures in the park.

My reasoning for opposing this plan is the same as I gave for opposing Clifton Cultural Arts Center's ("CCAC") to build in Burnet Woods:

I oppose any plans for new buildings in the Burnet Woods. There is no need for new structures to be added in the one major green space we have.

Burnet Woods is designated an IBA ("Important Bird Area") for migratory birds. https://www.audubon.org/important-bird-areas/burnet-woods

Burnet Woods has already seen encroachment by the University of Cincinnati. We do not need any more encroachment of development.

-David Tornheim

[External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: Burnet Woods

Bob Hyland Wed 12/16/2020 8:47 AM To: Jim Goetz Brad Lindner Parks, Cincy ; #COUNCIL <#[email protected]>; Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners, Mr. Mayor, and Members of Council:

Those of you who know me know that I am here to request that you summarily reject the Camping and Education Foundation's (CEF) proposal to build in Burnet Woods, that you nullify the MOU between Parks and CEF, and that you put an end to discussions of new development in Burnet Woods once and for all. My request is grounded in both the empirical and qualitative realities that the ecology of Burnet Woods, and its health, reflects the health of the communities surrounding the park. In my view, the ecological health of the park should be our shared, top priority, and new development will result in irreversible damage to that ecology.

I realize, however, that some of you may feel there are other priorities in competition with the one stated above. So, please allow me to make the case for why, even on other priorities parks articulates in public-facing communications, the proposal to develop in Burnet Woods should be summarily rejected at tomorrow's meeting:

Priority Logical posion and vote Substanaon Fiscal responsibility Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU To add a depreciang asset to a system that is already grappling with $70mil+ deferred maintenance is dubious at best Leader among parks systems Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify the The facts are in: climate change is real and we MOU need to adapt how we do cies. Cincinna Parks should be a naonal leader in protecng and expanding (not diminishing) greenspaces which will be essenal for migang urban heat island effect in a warming climate. Selfless, value-adding partners Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU Parks needs partners, to be sure, but it needs partners that are not looking for quid pro quo. Partners that will bend over backwards to do no harm to flora and fauna in parks, expand/restore the greenspace under management, honor shared space, and respect parks as a public instuon. In my view, that CEF would note “challenges of sharing physical space” is in itself enough to categorically reject the kind of partnership currently unfolding with them. Public parks are inherently shared physical and natural spaces. Conservaon Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU In a heavily-built environment like Uptown, consumpon of natural resources for the sake of another building is a violaon of principles of conservaon. Parks as infrastructure for social equity Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU There is no geng around that CEF appropriates cultures in its branding, markeng, and programming. Their project name, which includes the term “urban wilderness,” is oxymoronic and misleading. They haven’t even figured out how to remove bias from the language they use when referring to the populaon they say they will serve, using the phrase “urban youth.” Even the slightest effort teaches one how to remove bias from language, it's evident that they have not made that effort. These kinds of callous oversights deflate confidence in the idea that CEF understands the work that’s needed to make parks a space for progress toward social equity. Public engagement and process Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU Public engagement doesn’t mean take feedback from a small, select part of the public and then go design stuff privately for a year and claim to be presenng a publicly- involved concept. Best pracces in public engagement mean consistently and robustly engaging the public in all aspects, phases, and decisions in the process. It’s insulng and contemptuous for anyone to say this has been a publicly-engaged process. The community clearly opposes the building, and the overall project has no buy-in from the public because of botched engagement. Common sense Summarily reject CEF proposal and nullify MOU The community has repeatedly, for decades, made unequivocally clear that it does not want new development in Burnet Woods. No library, no restaurant, no arts center, no U- store for CEF. Common sense tells us to summarily reject the CEF proposal, nullify the MOU, and put to rest discussions of new construcon in the park.

Respectfully and with gratitude to all of you for your service to our city,


Bob Hyland [External Email] Public comment 12/17 Re: Preserve Burnet Woods

Eileen Frechette Wed 12/16/2020 9:21 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

To the Board Members of the Park Board,

I was shocked to hear of the proposal from CEF to build what would be a privately owned building in Burnet Woods. It is almost 2 years to the day that CEF stood before the assembled supporters of Preserve Burnet Woods and declared they would not do something that the public did not want. For the record I join the many others who have worked to keep our treasured Burnet Woods a public space for the whole city to enjoy as well as to protect and preserve its extraordinary biodiversity for many creatures.

Do not vote to accept this proposal.

Also, I know as a citizen I always have to keep track of what is going on in the halls of administration of our public spaces. But my mixture of disappointment and outrage about the lack of public input until the very last minute is so tiring. Really, it is hard to believe you would conduct a vote like this during the pandemic when we cannot physically demonstrate our position, during the holiday season, in the face of 2 very full years of volunteer activity to improve the park and with so little involvement of the public, the stakeholders. Remember the message you got 2 years ago-this is a public space and the public has stated how they want it preserved as such.

Please listen to and consider my comments. . Eileen Frechette

December 16, 2020

To the Cincinnati Parks Board of Commissioners,

As a resident of Clifton who frequents Burnet Woods, and an ecology professor at the University of Cincinnati, I am disappointed that the timeline for approval of the private boathouse project was rushed through so quickly. I oppose the project primarily on the grounds that a publicly inaccessible facility is not appropriate for the prime access area adjacent to the public pond in Burnet Woods. The boatbuilding house project could be placed anywhere within driving distance of Hyde Park because the boatbuilding clientele can readily drive to get there. It does not belong in Burnet Woods, unless there is more information available that the public could use to assess the nature of this endeavor.

The project has little connection with UC and it is unclear how any UC students would be served by such a facility, despite the claims made in the proposal. Conversely, the natural areas of the park are a true gem, and one of the most valuable urban woodland parks in the country. The park is valuable for several of our courses, including the one I teach, Ecology and Evolution (2084C), which serves 150+ students. All students in this class visit Burnet Woods to collect ecological data on several occasions every year. Development of Burnet Woods only harms its utility as an ecological resource for the community.

The boatbuilding project has little visible connection with the underprivileged youth in the surrounding neighborhoods. There are no prior connections evident that this group has made with the neighborhoods around Burnet Woods. I would think a project like this would necessitate a demonstrated value to the community, in the form of a history of public engagement in the areas served by the park.

I would enjoy talking with the Park leadership about raising funds for joint initiatives in Burnet Woods that would serve the broader community. I am interim director of the UC Field Center, which is arguably UC’s focal point for such environmental collaborations. Indeed I have been working on several other projects with Cincinnati Parks and Hamilton County Parks. In my role, I could also help to facilitate public outreach so that the Park has the greatest chance of success in its mission to steward Cincinnati Parks on behalf of the people of Cincinnati.


Ken Petren

Kenneth Petren, Ph.D. Director, UC Center for Field Studies (Interim) Professor, Department of Biological Sciences University of Cincinnati

[External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 - Culley_UCBiology

Culley, Theresa ( Wed 12/16/2020 10:30 AM To: Parks, Cincy

1 attachments (83 KB) UCBiology_Statement.pdf;

External Email Communication

Dear Board of Park Commissioners,

Please find attached a written statement to be submitted as part of the public comment period regarding the proposed Camping & Education Foundation’s Urban Wilderness Center to be constructed at Burnet Woods. As you will see, I and other members of our Department of Biological Sciences at UC are opposed to this project for several reasons but would be interested in participating to find a different, more viable solution to better engage local residents and especially children in the outdoors.

Sincerely, Dr. Theresa Culley

Theresa M. Culley, Ph.D. Professor and Head, Department of Biological Sciences University of Cincinnati


Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society

Burnet Woods Resolution 12/14/2020 10:00 pm

Whereas: Burnet Woods is a beautiful urban public greenspace in Cincinnati; and

Whereas: All of the park and its facilities should be made available to all members of the Cincinnati community -- not to a single private enterprise that services a small number of the city’s residents (even though we agree strongly with the vision of the Camping and Educational Foundation (CEF)); and

Whereas: The two buildings proposed by the CEF would obstruct and clutter the scenic entrance to the park, cutting into a pristine hillside and obstructing or eliminating the old growth trees and other native plants important to birds and other wildlife;

Be it therefore resolved: That the Board of the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society, which represents its over 200 members, strongly recommends that the Cincinnati Park Board turn down the current proposal by the CEF (presented at the recent Clifton Town Meeting and scheduled to be presented at your upcoming meeting) to construct the two buildings across the street from the Trailside Center.

Resolution passed by Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society Board by a vote of 8-0 with one abstention.

Southwestern Ohio Chapter of Ohio Native Plant Society - Founded in 1917

Plant drawing by Margaret Warriner Buck, from M.E. Parsons, Wildflowers of California, 1897. [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 Crisis of Culture in Outdoor Education

Laura Murphy Wed 12/16/2020 10:42 AM To: Parks, Cincy ;

Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) - My name is Laura Murphy and I am a parent who is looking for nature-based programs in schools and public lands that prepare my child to help defend human existence from the imminent threat of climate change. CEF is the wrong choice for partnership with Cincinna Parks and the University of Cincinna for the following reasons:

· Poor record of serving “urban youth”. Urban youth have never been given access to CEF’s private, very costly camp in MN. Why has CEF failed to engage their target demographic for feedback or work with students at Hughes High School down the street from Burnet? · Appropriaon of Nave American cra and culture. From CEF’s website, their woodcra is “Rooted in Nave American tradions and dislled from the curriculum developed by naturalist and author Ernest Thompson Seton”. In addion to woodworking handbooks, Seton wrote books like “Two Lile Savages” and the “The Gospel of the Red Man: An Indian Bible”. This author has le a legacy of harm through ushering in 100 years of white youth “playing Indian” in scoung groups across the country. · Crisis of culture. CEF says they want to aract more people to the Parks, and more diversity. They are already failing by showing their bias with exploive use of language like “urban youth” and “Nave American values”. What they’ve goen away with, with 99% white staff and camp goers on a remote island will not work in a diverse, urban community. I grew up on Bishop Street, right next to Burnet Woods. Trailside Nature Center is a true gem, for the enre city. It has been locked the majority of my life. Why? How can the Parks rebuild trust with the People? Not by selling public land to the highest bidder. Engage community, bring in arsts and teachers, listen to the next generaon of social jusce fighters and Earth defenders. Let the People guide the use of public lands and decide what the outdoor and nature-based educaon of the future should be made of. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests. Thank you, Laura Murphy [External Email] Public comment:12/17

Mary Uhlenbrock < Wed 12/16/2020 10:43 AM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board Commissioners,

I am opposed to the proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation to construct a building in Burnet Woods. Urban greenspace is a precious resource that provides habitat, improves air quality and increases property values. Birds and pollinators are declining due to habitat loss and climate change. It is important to preserve the trees that we have. I volunteer in Burnet Woods to cut honeysuckle because I want quality habitat for birds and native plants.

Please vote against this proposal to build in Burnet Woods.

Sincerely, Mary Uhlenbrock [External Email] The proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation

Susan Cogan Wed 12/16/2020 11:20 AM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

This is to let the Board of Cincinnati Parks know that I am TOTALLY > OPPOSED to the proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation, that is > scheduled for a Board meeting and vote on 17-December-2020. > > This park is too small for the kinds of proposals, including this one, > that are being put forward. There is little enough "green space" in > that part of Cincinnati to start with, and this would just make things > worse. > > In addition, I am extremely upset that there seems to be a move to > rush through the process and thereby bypass the input of the general > public. To my knowledge, until about 10 days ago there effort to engage > the public and relevant groups, e.g. Clifton Town Meeting, Preserve > Burnet Woods, etc. THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR MUST STOP!

Susan K. Cogan

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Megan Elicker Wed 12/16/2020 12:47 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinnati Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn) -

My name is Megan Elicker and I am a resident of Cincinnati. I am writing to you to express my deep concern over the proposed plans to allow a private organization, The Camping & Education Foundation (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. Members of Preserve Burnet Woods were aware of the original plans in 2018, and were vocal about their opposition to private development in the park at that time. I share Preserve Burnet Woods and the surrounding community’s concerns about the negative environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also deeply troubled by the implications of a private organization building on public resources. It is disheartening to realize that the overwhelming community feedback that was provided in 2018, must be restated.

Since March of this year, my daughter and I have walked through Burnet Woods 5 days a week for some respite from the pandemic. Burnet Woods has been a wonderful oasis where we can get lost in nature and forget that we live in a busy urban area. My 3 year old daughter has learned so much about nature from these visits. Burnet Woods is special because it is such a natural place - best left undisturbed by development. And I would be very upset to see a WPA era concession building demolished for an even larger structure encroaching on the lake and natural forest.

I urge you to stay true to the mission of Cincinnati Parks to conserve and maintain our public natural resources and protect what we have for future generations. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forests.

Thank you, Megan Elicker [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Emily Imhoff Wed 12/16/2020 1:02 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

External Email Communication

Dear Cincinna Board of Parks Commissioners (Brad Lindner, James Goetz, Linda Castellini, Linda Lee Thomas, and Kevin Flynn), My name is Emily Imhoff and I am a resident of Cincinna and frequent user of Cincinna Parks. I am wring to you to express my concern over the proposed plans to allow the private organizaon, The Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF,) to develop in Burnet Woods. At a meeng with the Park Commissioners in 2018 I stood up to voice my opposion to such construcon in the park, and my posion has not changed. I know many individuals and organizaons in the surrounding community share my concerns about the negave environmental impact of development in the park. The park has already been eaten away so much from its original size. Where does the development stop? Personally, I feel it should stop now, with any new structures going adjacent to the park or in currently-paved areas, rather than building on soil. We should be saving as many urban trees and greenspaces as we can - and Burnet Woods even has a dedicated cizen group working relessly to care for the natural habitat in the park, which shows how valued it is. Further, I have concerns about the CEF organizaon itself being affiliated with Cincinna Parks. When I first heard about CEF during 2018, I was under the impression that it was a Nave American organizaon. But others have expressed to me since then that it is not, but is simply using aspects of Nave cultures to promote itself. This is deeply troubling to me, if true, and I feel strongly against supporng groups using this strategy. Note that I do NOT oppose the use of the park by groups of children for the purposes of learning about nature! I do support other local groups doing this sort of acvity with kids who otherwise might not get to enjoy nature. It is the development of a structure on the property and possibly CEF itself that I oppose. I urge you to protect the forest we have for future generaons. Please vote against this proposed development against our unique urban forest. Thank you for your consideraon, Emily Imhoff Fwd: [External Email] Please vote NO to proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods

Kish, Kara Wed 12/16/2020 2:15 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary

Get Outlook for Android

From: Jill Holsapple Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 2:14:16 PM To: Kish, Kara Subject: [External Email] Please vote NO to proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods

External Email Communication

Dear Ms. Kish,

I am a Clifton resident and I, my husband and our three daughters oppose the CEF building in Burnet Woods. Please do not allow another building to be built in our beautiful PUBLIC park.

Thank you,

Jill Holsapple Matacia and family

You may contact me at for additional comments. Thank you [External Email] Public Comment 12/17: Vote NO to CEF Building in Burnet Woods

Jill Holsapple Wed 12/16/2020 2:22 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Park Board,

I am a resident of Clifton and my family and I do NOT want any buildings to be build in beautiful, public Burnet Woods.

Please vote NO to the CEF building.

Jill Holsapple Matacia and family [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Morgan Mitchell Wed 12/16/2020 2:36 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication


My name is Morgan Mitchell. I live in Clifton and I know everyone in our area would be devastated if you sold parts of burnet woods to private construction. We take our dogs there, our kids, we love the MUCH NEEDED spot of nature in the middle of a city to relax and breathe in fresh air. Please do not take that away from us. Plus the negative environmental impact should persuade you enough to not allow this.

Please listen to the thousands of people who have signed petitions and are adamantly against this. Please choose people over profits.

Thank you, Morgan Mitchell [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 - OPPOSE CEF IN BURNET WOODS

Malcolm Montgomery Wed 12/16/2020 2:40 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Honorable Commissioners:

I oppose CEF in Burnet Woods and urge you to terminate plans to allow it.

I am active in community affairs and serve as a Trustee on the Board of Clifton Town Meeting, which is on record opposing CEF building in Burnet Woods. I own a home and business a block from the park and belong to the Clifton Business Association.

Outside of those offices, I have lived in Clifton for over sixty years.

I personally am an ardent supporter of Cincinnati Parks and applaud the good work of the Parks Commission, whose fruits I have enjoyed over the last seven decades. However, I do not support CEF building in Burnet Woods.

A CEF building in Burnet Woods is simply a bad idea because

It destroys green space and an historic structure and to no purpose Building canoes is not nature education. It’s woodcraft. You don’t need a lake to build canoes, only to test them City parks are the property of the public, and this deprives it of its use Pursuit of such an obviously bad idea with its pronounced public opposition will damage the Parks Commission's reputation, undermine its support by the public, and reflect poorly on Mayor Cranley’s judgement. No community group supports it If not the community, whom is the Parks Commission serving?

Please, for the welfare of Burnet Woods and the credibility of the Parks Commission, prohibit building new private structures now!


Malcolm Montgomery Trustee, Clifton Town Meeting

Committees: Business Transportation & Public Safety Housing & Zoning (chair) Governance Committee (chair) Support CCAC in Clifton (chair)

Member: Clifton Business Association


Disclaimer: Statements and opinions above are those of the writer and not necessarily the organization unless identified as such. [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

LUCY CRANE Wed 12/16/2020 2:40 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Please vote “no” to proposal to develop Burnet Woods.

Sent from my iPad [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Cynthia Duval Wed 12/16/2020 2:56 PM To: Parks, Cincy ; Kish, Kara Cc: Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy External Email Communication

To the Cincinna Park Board of Commissioners – I am speaking for myself personally, and not in my role as President of Preserve Burnet Woods (PBW). I am opposed to the construcon of a standalone new workshop for the Camping & Educaon Foundaon (CEF) for the reasons contained in the peon put forth by Preserve Burnet Woods, and for all reasons previously stated in the opposion of PBW to the standalone building proposal for the Clion Cultural Arts Center. Further, I am opposed to new construcon in Burnet Woods for any private enty. In this specific regard, the workaround that the CEF building may be owned by Cincinna Parks upon compleon is circus play. Its purpose and design is for sole benefit of CEF and it would be a Parks building only in tle, not in effecve public use. Parks have a dedicated purpose for the public enjoyment of greenspace as crucial to quality of life. Sufficient structures already exist in the limited acreage of Burnet Woods to facilitate community celebraon and gathering for public purposes. It is simultaneously difficult to believe that we are in this same space again that we were in the Art Museum two years ago, and completely expected having watched the wheels turn since that day. I do not relish this conflict with CEF. I do not enjoy being put in the posion of conflict with the Park Board. I loathe being in direct confrontaon with Commissioner Goetz, with whom I had developed good rapport as the Board’s representave in many discussions and meengs. I enjoy even less the awkward posion it puts all of Parks staff in to navigate the middle path trying to do their jobs. These are all fine people that appear to be caught in a me loop on this topic of new private buildings in the park. Transcending all of that, and most importantly, is that this conflict does not serve Burnet Woods and the communies surrounding the Park. However, being told privately that Burnet Woods will not get Park Board budget dollars or Foundaon fundraising dollars if CEF does not get this building, hearing community stakeholders dismissed in a meeng, and hearing public comment discouraged in a community council meeng is unacceptable. It undermines the community interest in public space and the faith in the Park Board as a board of public trust. I cannot be silent. Presentaon of a new CEF proposal which misstates the Board’s own vote as unanimously in support of CEF’s proposal in December 2018 (It was not. Commissioner Thomas voted against connuance of the CEF discussions.), ignores condions of the MOU, manipulates community feedback items as sugar sprinkles to coat a conflict point, and disregards the most major facet of community feedback is unacceptable. I cannot be silent. We are here again in conflict directly because of CEF. Community feedback for a new private building for CCAC may have been divided, but it is unanimous against CEF – this building in Burnet Woods is not wanted. It will not have community support. It will undermine the network of volunteers supporng the Park that has been growing connuously over the last two years. It will undermine any fundraising aempts for addional Park enhancements and invasive work as people will not want to donate to CEF’s Park, which is what Burnet Woods will become. And frankly, it will be a daily gut-punch to walk past a building in the Park for an organizaon that so clearly does not care about the Park itself or the communies around it. If they did, we would not be at this crossroad. If they did, they would have engaged this community in the last two years with exemplary public programming in Burnet Woods. They have not. That they are pursuing this course aer stang themselves that they do not need this building and that they would not build it if the community did not want it is the deepest hypocrisy. Speaking to the other items in the proposal aside from the building:

Playscapes and trail enhancements – these are not offerings from CEF to Cincinna Parks. Under the MOU, Cincinna Parks would be responsible for these enhancements as ‘public improvement’. These are desired community feedback items being co-opted and characterized to fit the CEF aesthec in the name of a sales pitch. Parks can design these in its own style and the community can work with the Foundaon to fund these in a way that will grow community spirit around the Park. CEF is unnecessary for these enhancements. The updated CEF plan is being purported as a Parks plan. I requested documentaon on it twice and Parks staff did not have a copy of it unl this last 2-3 weeks. This is not a Parks plan. Nor is a Parks Master Plan usually developed by a small, siloed student group funded by a private foundaon with a specific objecve to include a private building in a park. This is a private takeover in substance, if not in tle, of a public space, and a manipulaon of the relaonship with the U.C. student community and Parks to accomplish it. CEF is as unnecessary as they choose to be in collaborave programming going forward without their own separate building. They have stated that their programming with Cincinna Parks does not depend on this building. If that is not true, there are other partnerships available which provide similar programming that are not requesng separate accommodaon on public land. This may even be an opportunity to expand accessible programming into adapve with be.well or V.A. Veterans programs as different partners. While CEF may want installed campsites and campfire rings for a few days of usage per year, maintenance of these sites will fall on Parks staff daily. That CEF fails to consider the ramificaon of these installaons in an urban park is clear. Parks staff has had to have police remove 2 homeless camps from the park in the last two weeks. Graffi & lier migaon are constants that require volunteer support regularly. Can parks commit to monitoring a campsite for lier, graffi, unauthorized use, and ‘le hot’ campfires on a daily basis in Burnet Woods through all seasons? I am horrified that had it not been for two accidents in conversaon, no one in the community would have known about this updated proposal reaching the Park Board unl this past Monday – and only then because of the ridiculous level of vigilance I have applied personally to staying informed about this Park. That is not transparency – a word used as a goal in Park Board meengs consistently. That Park Board documents are not available for public feedback greater than 72 hours before a Park Board meeng has been a connuing conflict point in the last two years.

Over the last two years, I have worked personally with many members of the execuve team and Parks staff. I have watched Parks staff undertake new volunteer iniaves, apply new tools and social media taccs, begin discussion of Explore Nature revision and reorganize to maximize resources. You have AMAZING PEOPLE! These are excing discussions that show incredible vision and ability to collaborate with volunteers from the staff put in place over the last 2-3 years. The prospect of a transparent project submission process is excing! Invest the energy being put into CEF into building Parks own staff iniaves and vision. Please give them me to work their vision without this interference of conflict. Over the last two years, I have helped further a strong community love for the habitat in this park and unprecedented volunteer commitment to its well-being. I have helped PBW innovate training programs for invasive species removal, start new collaboraons with UC students to provide programming for underserved students at Rockdale Academy, organize community events, normalize lier pick-up, and take ownership for outreach to bring the different communies around the park together to make this an amazing park. Please let us connue this rally of community for support without the distracon of this conflict. Let our community have some peace by releasing CEF from their idea of this building in Burnet Woods that is not of public benefit, is not wanted, and which they themselves say they do not need for their mission. It is not on Cincinna Parks to solve what amounts to an operaonal convenience issue for a private non-profit at the expense of public greenspace. Regards, Cynthia Duval [External Email] Re: Public Comment: 12/17, Burnet Woods

Cynthia Duval Wed 12/16/2020 3:28 PM To: Parks, Cincy ; Kish, Kara Cc: #COUNCIL <#[email protected]>; Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

1 attachments (1 MB) tell-the-cincinnati-park-board-to-vote-no-on-the-new-cef-building-proposal_signatures_202012160801.pdf;

External Email Communication

Good afternoon -

Attached please find an updated copy of the signature log for the Preserve Burnet Woods petition against the proposal of a standalone structure being constructed in Burnet Woods for the Camping and Education Foundation. This document -

adds approximately 188 signatures to the prior log adds 14 pages to the prior log adds 80 unique comments to the prior log

Please add this to the public comment record under the same requests as the prior petition and signature log was submitted. Should anyone wish an updated log count prior to the public meeting on 12/17, the petition is accessible here. This petition is approximately 7 days old. As a point of reference, the 2018 petition against CCAC and CEF accrued just over 3,250 signatures in six months. This is how hard Preserve Burnet Woods has worked to surround this Park with love and hope from our community through authentic relationship building in the last two years.


Cynthia Duval Interim President, Preserve Burnet Woods

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 3:20 PM Cynthia Duval > wrote: To the Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners -

Preserve Burnet Woods is opposed to the construction of a new standalone workshop for the Camping and Education Foundation in Burnet Woods. It is our position that this construction would pose significant environmental damage to Burnet Woods, negatively impact the historic aesthetic of the Park and recharacterize the Park to fit the mission of a private foundation with little to no public benefit for the surrounding community or the Park itself. The changes to the CEF plan are a break with the understanding set forth to the community and memorialized by the Memorandum of Understanding with the Park Board that CEF would utilize Trailside Nature Center, with renovations to accommodate that purpose, as well as make Trailside Nature Center more universally accessible. Changes to the CEF plan for a standalone structure were done without transparency and without community engagement.

Preserve Burnet Woods has gathered a petition to stop the development of a standalone workshop for the Camping and Education Foundation in Burnet Woods. Additional reasons for our objection to the updated CEF proposal are contained therein. Attached is a copy of that petition and the accompanying signature log. This petition is new and is NOT the same petition presented to you in 2018. While we are continuing to gather signatures on this petition, of note is that -

the attached signature log contains 3,218 signatures as of this date/time the attached signature log is 185 pages in length the attached signature log contains 871 unique comments

We enter this petition as a whole into the Public Comment log for the Park Board of Commissioners meeting on 12/17, on which this topic is on agenda, and for any subsequent public comment date should this meeting date be changed or the topic continued to a later meeting.

Additionally, we enter each of the 871 unique comments as their own Public Comments for the Park Board of Commissioners meeting on 12/17, on which this topic is on agenda, and for any subsequent public comment date should this meeting date be changed or the topic continued to a later meeting.

We reserve the right to append this petition to add new signatures and comments within the public comment period. We ask that the Commissioners acknowledge receipt of this petition and that they have read its contents at the Park Board meeting on 12/17.

Cynthia Duval Interim President, Preserve Burnet Woods

Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners,

3407 people have signed a petition on Action Network telling you to Tell the Cincinnati Park Board to vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods.

Here is the petition they signed:

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

You can view each petition signer and the comments they left you below.

Thank you,

Preserve Burnet Woods

1. Eric Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

2. Lauren Cox (ZIP code: 45245)

3. olivia rohling (ZIP code: 45140)

4. daisy cowgill (ZIP code: 45238)

5. Natasha Naik (ZIP code: 45219)

6. charlie k (ZIP code: 45219) As a citizen and lifetime resident of Cincinnati and as someone who spends every day in the Clifton area, I wholeheartedly oppose any moves to privatize or develop Burnet Woods.

7. Cecelia Favorito (ZIP code: 14209)

8. Colin Crank (ZIP code: 45013)

9. Natalie Koch (ZIP code: 44116)

10. Abigail McGuire (ZIP code: 45217)

11. Jason Torrible (ZIP code: 45249)

12. Monica Lam (ZIP code: 45230) 13. Victoria Rogers (ZIP code: 45220-2511)

14. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45252)

15. Anne Glenn (ZIP code: 45223) PLEASE DO NOT build in the park...IT IS A PARK, for heaven's sake!

16. Rita BARNETT (ZIP code: 45220)

17. olivia leanza (ZIP code: 45233)

18. Wellesley Henderson (ZIP code: 45211)

19. samantha jackson (ZIP code: 45214)

20. Anna Heran (ZIP code: 45232) Leave Burnet Woods alone. It's perfect just the way it is.

21. Anna Braverman (ZIP code: 45243) No. Just. No.

22. alexa grassman (ZIP code: 45220)

23. Alex Herrmann (ZIP code: 11238)

24. Annelise Holmi (ZIP code: 01752)

25. Carter Sturgeon (ZIP code: 4071 )

26. Alicia Jimmar (ZIP code: 45069)

27. Antoinette Asimus (ZIP code: 45224) Reject the Camping and Education Proposal, nullify the MOU , and end the discussion of new private construction in Burnet Woods. Keep our park beautiful and protect the ecological habitat of the park.

28. Alina Acevedo (ZIP code: 45229) Burner is a park that I have so many memories in. I would be so sad to see it go.

29. Anita Buck (ZIP code: 45224) It seems pretty clear that the community does not favor new construction, let alone new construction by a private entity, in Burnet Woods.

30. Amanda Anderson (ZIP code: 45050) 31. Aaron Zorn (ZIP code: 45220) I use Burnet woods on a daily basis for walks and bird watching. It is a rare source of peace and mental health in the city. I appose commercial development

Aaron Zorn

32. Aaron Eskerden (ZIP code: 45248)

33. Aaron King (ZIP code: 45212)

34. Aaron Slovin (ZIP code: 45208)

35. Aarti Raghavachari (ZIP code: 45220)

36. Kinohi Abafo (ZIP code: 45229) Why year down such a historically rich park? One of the most beautiful parts of Clifton

37. Anna Barchick-Suter (ZIP code: 45223)

38. Abbas Raziuddin (ZIP code: 45040) This is a historical area that students utilize to relax, do not commercialize this area. It will only ruin the nature of the park and long term yield no benefits to anyone.

39. Abbey Vorhees (ZIP code: 44053)

40. Abbey Ketterer (ZIP code: 45219)

41. Abbie Howell (ZIP code: 45150)

42. Abigail Pratt (ZIP code: 45212)

43. Abby Person (ZIP code: 45220)

44. Jacob Pratt (ZIP code: 45209)

45. Abby Gilster (ZIP code: 60657)

46. Abby Whayne (ZIP code: 45219)

47. Abby Schymanski (ZIP code: 45213)

48. Abby Wissman (ZIP code: 43082) 49. alison eastlake (ZIP code: 98506)

50. Tracey Johnson (ZIP code: 45219)

51. Allen Bernard (ZIP code: 45202)

52. Abraham Underhill (ZIP code: 45219) My family has enjoyed Burnett Woods for the past fifteen years and hope to see it maintained as a nature preserve in this dense, urban neighborhood.

53. Abigail Foltz Hottle (ZIP code: 45243)

54. Abigail Magoffin (ZIP code: 45219)

55. Abbey Gustafson (ZIP code: 45040) STOP ?

56. Sarah Klaine (ZIP code: 45247)

57. Adri Calamita (ZIP code: 45220) Keep our parks OUR parks!

58. Anna Bunke (ZIP code: 45030)

59. Amanda Changet (ZIP code: 41075)

60. Amy Conroy (ZIP code: 45202)

61. Christine Dye (ZIP code: 45236) I was born and raised in Clifton and Burnet Woods played a huge role in my upbringing. Every Saturday in the summer my Father and I would walk in the park and I’d go down the giant stone slide. Then we’d get a hotdog at the concession stand building. Occasionally we’d rent a paddle boat and go out on the lake. This is a special, special place for past and future Cliftonites and their families.

62. Adam Rosing (ZIP code: 45238)

63. Adam Elzarka (ZIP code: 45040)

64. Adam Darwiche (ZIP code: 45219)

65. Adam Browning (ZIP code: 45202) I love Burnet Woods!!

66. Clayton Adams (ZIP code: 45238) 67. Adams-Lasse (ZIP code: 45219) Please save burnet! I have loved this park since I was a child. I still return for comforting and nostalgic walks.

68. addyson taft (ZIP code: 43026)

69. adele enns (ZIP code: 45220)

70. Kevin Hunt (ZIP code: 45209)

71. Aditi Rajgopal (ZIP code: 45040)

72. Adriana Sneed (ZIP code: 45216) ?

73. Adriana Noritz (ZIP code: 45220)

74. Adrienne Eastlake (ZIP code: 45244)

75. Alexandra Leurck (ZIP code: 45208)

76. Amanda Sauls (ZIP code: 45371)

77. Alissa Gilley (ZIP code: 45220)

78. Andrew Hamm (ZIP code: 45227) Save this beautiful park. Tell UC and the city to stop grabbing at our few remaining natural parks with their grubby, greedy hands

79. Ahmad Lockhart (ZIP code: 45231)

80. Mashal Ahmed (ZIP code: 43016)

81. Anne Montague (ZIP code: 45220) Please don't allow any new construction in this valuable natural habitat.

82. Andrew Howsmon (ZIP code: 45227)

83. Allison Cooney (ZIP code: 45224)

84. Alyssa Traughber (ZIP code: 45230)

85. Jen Robertson (ZIP code: 45224) Don’t do it! Vote no

86. Laurie KNobbe (ZIP code: 45152)

87. Amy Forrester (ZIP code: 45039) Grew up in Clifton - spent many memorable hours picnicking, visiting the Nature Center, whooshing down the concrete slide, looking for spring wildflowers along the trails. Greenspace in urban areas is a precious and irreplaceable resource and Cincinnati is a community blessed to have a place like Burnet Woods to provide such a beautiful and rich habitat to its residents. Don't compromise that asset that everyone can enjoy, by infringing on it with development for private commercial interests. I am categorically opposed to this proposal to build a new CEF Urban Wilderness Center building in Burnet Woods.

88. Sonja Thams (ZIP code: 45219) Keep the nature safe and protected it benefits more people than you may believe.

89. Chloe Kouns (ZIP code: 45220)

90. Akira Messer (ZIP code: 45150)

91. Adam Kirk (ZIP code: 45244)

92. Aaron LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

93. Audrey Lanier (ZIP code: 45069)

94. Alanna Turner-Palmer (ZIP code: 45211) Please do not allow privately funded projects ins Burnett Woods. My son and I frequent there as our favorite "safe" place for "special walks" during the pandemic. Further activity would disturb the peace and ecosystem. Thank you.

95. Alanna Maloney (ZIP code: 45219)

96. Gowtham A (ZIP code: 45220)

97. Alden Kinney (ZIP code: 45224)

98. Erin Aleshire (ZIP code: 45202)

99. Alex Marquardt (ZIP code: 45040)

100. Alexander Lay (ZIP code: 45239)

101. Alexandra Mendlein (ZIP code: 45247) 102. Alexa Marines (ZIP code: 45056)

103. Alexander Skove (ZIP code: 45220)

104. Alexandra Batsch (ZIP code: 45241)

105. Alex Easterday (ZIP code: 45220)

106. alex fischer (ZIP code: 41075)

107. Alexis Wafer (ZIP code: 43220)

108. Macy Mattingly (ZIP code: 45219)

109. Alexander Stanton (ZIP code: 45213)

110. alex taskermoore (ZIP code: 45213)

111. Alexzandra Roy (ZIP code: 45157)

112. Alex Folz (ZIP code: 45236)

113. Alice Roeding (ZIP code: 41075)

114. Alicia Little (ZIP code: 45223)

115. Alison Ramundo (ZIP code: 45232)

116. Henry Lindeman (ZIP code: 45213)

117. Aliese Hewitt (ZIP code: 45219)

118. Aliesha Caldwell (ZIP code: 45219)

119. Allison Payne (ZIP code: 45040-3693)

120. Alison Pennington (ZIP code: 45056)

121. ALISON RAMPA (ZIP code: 45231)

122. Alivia Frye (ZIP code: 43228) 123. Aliya Siddiqi (ZIP code: 45220) My favorite place to explore when I was a kid don’t give in to for profit bullies

124. Robert Allen (ZIP code: 40475)

125. Allen Daniels (ZIP code: 45220) Invest this money into the park and its routine maintenance and improvements! If you are going to propose building - be transparent and include all neighboring community organizations.

126. Allison Bush (ZIP code: 45419-2340)

127. Alli Westbrook (ZIP code: 45701)

128. John Whitling (ZIP code: 45223)

129. Allison Carter (ZIP code: 45219)

130. Allie Costello (ZIP code: 43068)

131. Allison Shears (ZIP code: 53226)

132. Allison Albrecht (ZIP code: 45220) Clifton has already become overridden with construction projects and new builds, please preserve the large recreational green space of Burnet Woods

133. Alli robertson (ZIP code: 45224)

134. Allison Heise (ZIP code: 44087)

135. Allison Purdy (ZIP code: 45236)

136. Allison Reynolds-Berry (ZIP code: 45204)

137. Ebba Ribbing (ZIP code: 45219) Pls <3

138. Ally Pruiett (ZIP code: 45218)

139. Alicia Clasgens (ZIP code: 45223)

140. Eric Ransbottom (ZIP code: 45246)

141. Anneliese Lorsbach (ZIP code: 45220) 142. Bettie Kern (ZIP code: 45244)

143. Alison Smock (ZIP code: 45069)

144. Orion Alvarez (ZIP code: 45069)

145. Ali Moore (ZIP code: 45223) DONT

146. alyse beekhuizen (ZIP code: 45430)

147. Alyssa McClanahan (ZIP code: 45214)

148. A Tatum (ZIP code: 45229)

149. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

150. Amanda Whalen (ZIP code: 45248)

151. Amanda Frazier (ZIP code: 45219-2828)

152. AmariYah Israel (ZIP code: 43207)

153. Amber Eusebio (ZIP code: 90808)

154. Anthony Casey (ZIP code: 44143) Burnet Woods was an important consistent space for me to decompress and enjoy the nature when I lived in Clifton. It is necessary for humans and wildlife alike.

155. Angela Carter (ZIP code: 45239)

156. Amy McMahon (ZIP code: 45232) No!!! Green space like Burnet Woods is what makes Clifton a great neighborhood.

157. Amber Howe (ZIP code: 45223)

158. Amiah Cain (ZIP code: 43140)

159. Roxana Roxana Imam (ZIP code: 45223)

160. Amna Rustom (ZIP code: 45140)

161. Adrienne Sedgwick (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no

162. Amy Arnett (ZIP code: 45217)

163. Amy Colvin (ZIP code: 45373) Burnett Woods, like the other beautiful parks my family misses from our Cincinnati days, is already developed. It was developed as a much needed and desired green space for all the people in the Cincinnati area, and should remain that way.

164. Amy Webb (ZIP code: 45229)

165. Ana Clevenger (ZIP code: 45220)

166. Analise Lajeunesse (ZIP code: 43066)

167. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45227)

168. Andrea Gutmann Fuentes (ZIP code: 45220)

169. Brooke Anderson (ZIP code: 45244)

170. Amy (ZIP code: 45122) I lived in the Gaslight District for ten years until this last January. I’m VERY grateful for my time in Burnet Woods. I learned to get healthy hiking, enjoyed the scenery to help me through depression, learned about botany and loved that so much of the park was still NATURAL and wasn’t invaded by new development. It was a great luxury to live across from a very public park that still felt private. I frequently discovered new areas hiking because of the size of the park.

Please let the city enjoy this space as the gem it is. It is not perfect, but it is a space for the people of the city. It shouldn’t be for sale in any way. It’s one of the last great green spaces in that area. Plus, there’s already buildings that are severely underutilized in Burnet Woods. I have NEVER been inside the current building there because it was never open. Don’t waste more space and money to create something the people who frequent the park don’t want.

171. Andie Luman (ZIP code: 45214) It is vital that we preserve our green spaces in Cincinnati

172. Andrea Flora (ZIP code: 45244)

173. Andrea Rojas (ZIP code: 45039)

174. Andrea Thompson (ZIP code: 45230)

175. Andrea Poling (ZIP code: 45220) 176. Andrea Dobrozsi (ZIP code: 45212)

177. Andrea Tulipana (ZIP code: 45219)

178. Andrew Eliot (ZIP code: 45220)

179. andrew eschenbach (ZIP code: 45223) Leave the forest be!

180. Andrew Manning (ZIP code: 45211)

181. Andrew Moss (ZIP code: 45220)

182. Andrew Emery (ZIP code: 45203) Save the woods!

183. Andrew Lentz (ZIP code: 45219)

184. Andrew Michel (ZIP code: 45211) This park means so much to me, please do not change it. Go sit in it for one evening and I’m sure you’ll feel the same.

185. Andreya Stiehl (ZIP code: 45239)

186. Anders Flem (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve Burnet Woods, home to tons of native wildlife within the city!!

187. Elenore (ZIP code: 45242)

188. Angela Albiez (ZIP code: 45236) I have quite a few friends that live in the Clifton area and I too have enjoyed the Burnett woods park. It's a beautiful area in the city to be able to get out and enjoy the outdoors. These parks are essential for the health of citizens, especially during a pandemic. Please vote no on the CEF building proposal.

189. Angie Cole (ZIP code: 45238) Clifton needs more green spaces not more buildings! "Convenience" is no excuse to remove green space PERIOD.

190. Angel Gibbs (ZIP code: 45212) No tree should be cut down especially at a time like this. #SavetheEarth

191. Angelina Stilphen (ZIP code: 45140)

192. Anidya Soni (ZIP code: 45040) PRESERVE BURNET WOODS.

193. Anita Mannur (ZIP code: 45223)

194. Ann Laser (ZIP code: 45223)

195. Anna Deutsch (ZIP code: 53219)

196. Anna Donnell (ZIP code: 45223) We need to preserve what little public greenspace we have.

197. Annabel Straub (ZIP code: 45231)

198. ANna Davidson (ZIP code: 45223)

199. Anna Valerius (ZIP code: 45242) This is an oasis and if the parks need more money we need to distribute more money to the parks instead of selling land that cannot be returned to what to was once.

200. Anna Hattemer (ZIP code: 45203)

201. Annah Hayes (ZIP code: 80231)

202. Anna Hutchins (ZIP code: 40220)

203. Annie Jowaisas (ZIP code: 41015)

204. Annalee Duganier (ZIP code: 45243) Burnet Woods is one of the few open spaces in the area. Please keep it all as open green space to the public

205. Annaleigh Babcock (ZIP code: 50219)

206. Anne Becker (ZIP code: 45223)

207. ANNE CLAYTON (ZIP code: 45220)

208. Anne Dudley (ZIP code: 45220)

209. Anne Golden (ZIP code: 45226) Thank you for caring about this.

210. Anne Trapp (ZIP code: 45229) Please keep the park as it is. There are other spaces that could be used.

211. Annette Rowe (ZIP code: 45220)

212. Anney Grish (ZIP code: 60647)

213. Ann Geise (ZIP code: 45103)

214. Annie Huelefeld (ZIP code: 45226)

215. Ann Ray (ZIP code: 45229)

216. Ann Coates (ZIP code: 45213) Please do not build in the parks.

217. Annie Melzer (ZIP code: 45220)

218. Annaliese Daniels (ZIP code: 45223)

219. Ann Ivancic (ZIP code: 45216)

220. Andrew Norris (ZIP code: 45215)

221. Anthony Gustely (ZIP code: 45039)

222. Anya Rao (ZIP code: 45236)

223. Jen Schmitz (ZIP code: 45209) We should continue to preserve public lands for public use.

224. Alex Kapp (ZIP code: 45220)

225. Apolonio Garcia (ZIP code: 45211)

226. April Foster (ZIP code: 45223)

227. Andy Smith (ZIP code: 37211)

228. Anissa Pulcheon (ZIP code: 45206) Burnet Woods is an integral part of the Clifton/CUF neighborhood, a natural respite from urban life for both humans and countless species of animals and plants. Let’s keep it that way :)

229. Annika Jencks (ZIP code: 45223) 230. arden druley (ZIP code: 45229)

231. Olivia Ardo (ZIP code: 45219) Please allow Cincinnati to stay beautiful!

232. Arielle Lavigne (ZIP code: 45242)

233. Aria Haven (ZIP code: 45212)

234. Arianne Benick (ZIP code: 45220)

235. Ariel Spiegel (ZIP code: 45243)

236. Arisa Reuben Yaaqob (ZIP code: 43201) Preserve Burnett Woods

237. Andy Knolle (ZIP code: 45206)

238. Annie Hamilton (ZIP code: 45220)

239. Bradley Faur (ZIP code: 45219)

240. Anne Ryckbost (ZIP code: 45209)

241. Arynn Blazer (ZIP code: 45239)

242. Abby Schwartz (ZIP code: 45220)

243. Drew Dielman (ZIP code: 45219)

244. abigail ashcraft (ZIP code: 45236)

245. Ashleigh Dye (ZIP code: 60651) Why are you so damn greedy?

246. Ashley-Devon Williamston (ZIP code: 45205) Save Burnett Woods!!

247. Ashley Hite (ZIP code: 23462) Keep the trees

248. Ashley Durner (ZIP code: 45223) 249. Ashley Holland (ZIP code: 45013)

250. Ashley Conway (ZIP code: 45202)

251. Adam Short (ZIP code: 45005)

252. ashley rickens (ZIP code: 45221)

253. Kelly Ashton-Hand (ZIP code: 45206)

254. Allison Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

255. Anne Skove (ZIP code: 45220)

256. Diana Culp (ZIP code: 80829)

257. Agnes Suranyi (ZIP code: 45220) I’m not sure how development is an Improvement in a park that is clearly meant to be a natural setting, not a manicured playground. If you want that, go to Ault Park or even Mt. Storm. That’s why it’s called Burnet Woods, not Burnet Park!

258. Alan Weiner (ZIP code: 45233) The public hearing should be a first step in the process of neglecting the WPA era building and allowing new construction in Burnet Woods. I think this hearing would better suit the City and open the discussion to the actual stakeholders, residents of Cinti and Hamilton County, as well as all communities reprec sented by the U.C. student population.

259. Albert Brown (ZIP code: 45220)

260. Edward Atkinson (ZIP code: 45223)

261. Rebecca Hennessey (ZIP code: 45223)

262. Aubrey Warpool (ZIP code: 45220)

263. Aubrey Culp (ZIP code: 45223)

264. Aubrey Ford (ZIP code: 43257)

265. Aubrey Theobald (ZIP code: 37216) SAVE BURNETT

266. Audrey Eyman (ZIP code: 45220) 267. Alison Ulanski (ZIP code: 45219)

268. Laura Wood (ZIP code: 45208)

269. Barbara Schrandt-Braun (ZIP code: 45150) Public Comment: 12/17 Leave the park as a natural urban oasis.

270. Sue Meyer (ZIP code: 45220)

271. Autumn Lowder (ZIP code: 48103)

272. Ava Johnson (ZIP code: 45215)

273. Averi Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245)

274. Avril Thurman (ZIP code: 45220)

275. Anne Wanamaker (ZIP code: 45053)

276. Daniel Ayers (ZIP code: 46112)

277. Ayla Halbeisen (ZIP code: 45224)

278. Jeff Maler (ZIP code: 45219) Preserve Burnet Woods

279. Brian Mitchell (ZIP code: 45231)

280. Sunny Le (ZIP code: 45424)

281. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

282. Brian Baldwin (ZIP code: 45701) Leave Burnett Woods alone.

283. Bailey Ullah (ZIP code: 45219)

284. Bailey (ZIP code: 45223)

285. Bailey Lininger (ZIP code: 45885)

286. Stacie Baldwin (ZIP code: 45206) The rate at which Cincinnati is demolishing any natural setting in lieu of cheap, characterless construction is appalling. The city is legitimately losing residents in favor of places such as North Carolina or Colorado that favors the environment. For a city with such a respectable design program, I’m not seeing any progress that reflects it. Protect and RESPECT our urban green spaces!!

287. Brendon Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

288. Barbara Boylan (ZIP code: 45223) Um, you all need to show us the documentation for the new CEF Urban Wilderness Center building concept. There are public stakeholders - this is not your private development playground.

289. Rebecca Baringhaus (ZIP code: 45242)

290. Jose Barreiro (ZIP code: 45220)

291. Greg Barth (ZIP code: 45232) Keep Cincinnati as green as can be. Stop corporate greed.

292. Kris Barton (ZIP code: 41075) Please leave this valuable old growth area as is. We've developed enough. This gem is a very important ecosystem in the middle of a bustling city.

293. Jonna Jaroska (ZIP code: 45219)

294. Michael Baumgartner (ZIP code: 45223)

295. Bavi Rivera (ZIP code: 45223)

296. Buffy Beshears (ZIP code: 45223)

297. Barb Matheus (ZIP code: 45040)

298. Elizabeth Brichler (ZIP code: 45220) I have lived in Clifton since 1978 and value the green space that is so lacking in the neighborhood. With the university and hospitals, we have more than enough traffic and do not need to create a magnet for additional traffic and parking issues. I walk thru the park frequently and enjoy the safety for pedestrians, especially with the addition of the blocked street access. The parks were created by our city planners long ago to preserve green space - once it's gone it won't ever return.

299. Brian Cain (ZIP code: 45220)

300. Clayton Balzer (ZIP code: 45238)

301. Ben Crotte (ZIP code: 45226) 302. Charles Davis (ZIP code: 45220) I do not like the idea of building anything else in the park I walk in in my neighborhood.

303. Robert Driehaus (ZIP code: 45220)

304. Brian Wulker (ZIP code: 45211) Keep buildings out of our limited public greenspace, especially those for private use.

What happened to CEF saying that a building was not needed for their mission?

305. Basil Jafri (ZIP code: 45219)

306. Jeremy Flis (ZIP code: 41015) We need the parks

307. Rebecca Moskowitz (ZIP code: 45219)

308. Rebecca Pratel (ZIP code: 45065)

309. Neil Beckmann (ZIP code: 45243)

310. Lillian Bedell (ZIP code: 4323”)

311. Ashley Bedel (ZIP code: 45202-0927) Please vote no! This does not serve the public.

312. Ryan Beeler (ZIP code: 45220)

313. Rebekah Cohen (ZIP code: 45244) No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods!

314. Teresa Boykin (ZIP code: 45223) Save ALL these woods. Value nature over growth & profit on SMALL green spaces in Cincinnati.

315. Bella Osburg (ZIP code: 41075)

316. Belle DiFranco (ZIP code: 44022)

317. Reshawna Bell (ZIP code: 41048) Leave our park alone! We deserve this park!

318. Bengy Mitchell (ZIP code: 45220) 319. Ben Osborne (ZIP code: 45223)

320. Ben Kaufman (ZIP code: 45220) I oppose construction of new buildings in Burnet Woods. That includes the CEF proposal. I objected to the proposal to put the library in the park and a restaurant in the park. As for camping and canoeing in the park, I object again. As a lifelong paddler, I cannot imagine putting any canoe in the pond/lake with its unavoidable pollution. Don't build a new permanent structure for any known reason.

321. Benny Wallace (ZIP code: 45217) Burnet Woods doesn't need to be developed. It's perfect as is! I have so many memories of times spent in this park. As a child it was a respite for my Mom, brother and myself from worry after my father walked out on us. As a boy, my grandfather would take me to the park. I've had birthdays and and dates as I became older. It's also a favorite place of myself and my partner now that I am grown. Burnet Woods is such a beautiful place and it would be a horrible loss to the city of anything happened to it.

322. Anna Bentley (ZIP code: 45223)

323. BENTLEY DAVIS (ZIP code: 45225) I love Burnet Woods and have since I was a child. I oppose this new construction proposal and I vehemently object to any destruction of the WPA era structures in the park

324. Robert Bergstein (ZIP code: 45220) Date Dec 15, 2020 From Robert D Bergstein to the Members of the Park Board, Introduction - I strongly oppose the construction of the proposed building near Burnet Lake. In fact, after speaking recently to the head of the Camping and Education Foundation, Hugh Haller, I am opposed to this group building in any of our City Parks. He wants a private building in prime location for his own group’s private use. I have no animosity towards anyone involved in this Proposal, who I think are fine and well- intentioned, but feel the whole project is misguided and not beneficial to Cincinnati Parks. An Aside -While I was at the Friday December 11 meeting described below, a citizen known and liked by literally all in Cincy , jogged by. I stopped him and spoke to him. He said he knew the Camping and Education was fine, and that he knew them personally, but they shouldn’t build in Burnet Woods. He said they can buy any nearby house and build their canoe in the garage. An Aside- I spoke to another scientist at a well-known museum who said they shouldn’t build a private building in a public park. Not very complicated.

History On Sunday Dec 6, I first heard about the renewed proposal for a lakeside building, as I was hiking in Burnet Woods. A member of Preserve Burnet Woods handed me a half sheet with info about the building, and describing the proposed final Park Board vote on Dec 17! On Monday Dec 7, I attended the Clifton Town Meeting by Zoom on Monday Dec 7. There was a partial plan presented by Park Board Member Jim Goetz and Director Kara Kish. I would say this was not well received, due to the late notice to the citizens and the proposal was similar to one that had been vehemently opposed in 2018 by many, many people, and many community groups including CTM (which passed a motion against it) Then as now, most people thought “Private buildings do not belong in public parks.” I believe Kara Kish and Jim Goetz were not involved with Cincinnati Parks at this time, so probably did not know this. On Friday Dec 11, I attended a live in-person meeting (hastily arranged by the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC), I believe). The location was the proposed building site. There were about 45 people there, including Director of the Camping and Education Foundation Hugh Haller, Park Director Kara Kish, Park Board Member Jim Goetz, Steve Schuckman, many park employees, as well as some citizens and members of community groups. There was no real presentation of the building plan, no blueprint, no marking of where the building would be, no real statement by any park person as to the benefit to the park-going public of this building to be located in the park, no explanation of why they were in favor of this building, no statement that it would benefit park goers, no statement about any financial benefit to the Park System about this project. No statement that this project will be a significant impact on the nature education of children. No statement that the Camping and Education Foundation do a better job teaching actual canoeing that the park staff, or the Sierra Club, or REI, who I believe could (and would) do this … General Statements to the Group with Mr. Goetz and others Mr. Goetz stated that several years ago, the parks had decided on a policy of partnering with outside groups. (I somewhat agree, but this project is not one.) (Partnering with any outside group that wants to build a private building, requires a MUCH higher standard. Eg. a one-day course on fossils taught by UC geology is a good partnership, building a permanent UC building in Burnet Woods, closed most of the time, and with no public access is a bad partnership. See below for my idea of successful partnerships) On the complaint of quick timeline from notification to final Park Board Vote, I believe Mr. Goetz informed the group that they were not rushing this project. Mr. Goetz stated that the Cincinnati Parks have been working privately with the Camping and Education Foundation for four years. To me, this makes it worse. The parks have been working for four years on an idea, that they know many citizens oppose, and they try to push this through without informing the public. An Aside: There were many Park employees at the live meeting. As every employee certainly understands, employees in a meeting with their bosses present, will not freely state their true feelings about the merit of a proposal. I know personally that there was more than one employee present at this meeting who was NOT in favor of this project. They said nothing. My Conversation with Mr. Haller I spoke with Mr. Hugh Haller, (the director of the Camping and Education Foundation, who proposes to build the new building) privately for five minutes towards the end of the meeting. I tried to understand the use of the building. He confirmed half is a workshop, half for (indoor!) canoe storage. This is a single use building, for the exclusive use of the Camping and Education Building. My understanding from him was that the building would not be staffed full time, and not sure if it would be staffed at all, except when they were working on building a canoe. For people walking in the park, the building would typically not be open, the restroom in the building (which would be a great benefit to everyone) not public, there are no displays or anything to see if you do enter the building. No benefit unless you are one of 10(?) working on building a Canoe. And who has signed these people up, Cincy Parks or CEF? Who are fees paid to? I asked about the winter hours. He said they might have 10 kids come over after school to work. So open 2 hours a day, and these hours, are not for the public. Apparently, the hours may be set by CEF alone. Not sure of the weekend hours, not specified in writing. I think it takes several weeks for a group to build a canoe. So we talking about a very small number of students, or citizens being impacted by the experience. IMPORTANT- Mr. Haller stated to me that it was the most important aspect of a group building a canoe together was the bonding! While true, this does not really require either Canoe Building or a separate single use building within the park. Bonding can occur by bird watching, hiking, camping, crafts, actually most regular events where one can make friends. As far as the use of the canoes stored in the building, I doubt they would be used on a winter day, so no reason to have them stored inside and onsite. I believe Burnet Woods Park itself would not have access to the Canoes for their own programs. (Are there agreements from CEF that the building will be open noon- 7pm every day to rent canoes to the public?. Cost? Who keeps the money? Could Cincy Parks do this themselves, Hamilton County does) Mr. Haller said presently that CEM are building canoes in local schools, (which is fine, but is this a reason that their private building should be in a public park with a minimal benefit to the general public.) I also asked him if his group wouldn’t instead rather contribute financially to help build the nice lakeside plaza/playground which would benefit all visitors, (he was not interested in this at all. He wanted their CEM own building.) I tried to find if there was a benefit to our local kids to this project for local kids, considering that the main work of the CEM is a multi-week camp in Northern Minnesota. The cost for a four-week session is $5200 plus transportation. I am sure the camp is great if you can afford it. Hugh said they do have some free scholarships that would be available to a small number of Cincinnati kids, which is very nice, but these scholarships do not depend on a building in Burnet. My mistake- I may have offended him by suggesting that CEM could contribute to a nice plaza by the lake, with CEF name. I was hoping that his group would help finance a nice plaza by the lake which would be strongly supported by local citizens. Correctly Naming rights didn’t persuade him. My mistake- I suggested that this project was not supported by the local Clifton community. He correctly noted that this is a city park for the benefit of all of Cincinnati citizens, not just those in Clifton, which is true. I do feel that this building would not be a significant improvement to the park for any visitor, since it would have not have public access during most hours, no restrooms, no displays, and thus of little benefit to any visitor to the park. And my guess is that 50% of the visitors to Burnet live within one mile, so this project is, in fact, more important to people who live nearby. My conversation with Jim Goetz- When I later asked Park Board member Jim Goetz about hours and access, I believe he said these details (?) haven’t been discussed with CEM . It should be expected that the Park Board would know ALL of the details about the whole project, before voting on construction. Including the hours, the staffing, the services to be provided to public, financial benefit to the park, financial costs to the parks, improved services to park goers. Utility cost, increased Insurance Costs for boating Etc and that these “details” would be fully agreed for 10 or 20 years term. These details should all be discussed publicly and presented for public discussion, before the Park Board decides to build a new building. (eg. What will the Cincy Parks do with a single use building, if they are unhappy with the services provided, or CEM shortens hours, or no one goes canoeing?) Current Successful Partnerships with Outside Groups- Earlier I mentioned I am in favor of some partnerships between Cincinnati Parks and outside groups. These must be beneficial to both Cincinnati Parks and the outside group 1. By far, the best example of a successful Partnership between Cincinnati Parks and an outside group is between Cincinnati Parks and “Preserve Burnet Woods.” In 2018, Preserve Burnet Woods was formed mainly to oppose the two new buildings planned within Burnet Woods. These buildings were thought not appropriate for a public park since they would have had a negative impact on the Park’s natural areas. As an accidental consequence of the Preserve Burnet Woods formation, there was a reenergization of a plan by concerned citizens and nature organizations to restore the natural areas of Burnet Woods and other Cincinnati Parks. This is an immense project due to the long-term (25 years) neglect of the natural areas of our Cincinnati Parks, which I believe is acknowledged by all. The benefit of the partnership to Cincinnati Parks is the restoration natural landscape of the plants, trees and wildlife of Burnet Woods. The benefit of the partnership to “Preserve Burnet Woods” is exactly the same. The restoration of our natural landscape. With volunteers actually working to maintain our Parks. (Preserve Burnet Woods (with support of other Nature groups) are volunteering every month, clearing invasive plants from Burnet Woods. In 2020, Preserve Burnet Woods has done about $30,000 worth of volunteer restoration in Burnet Woods! Within 2 years, the landscape should be much more natural, open woodlands, and native plants returning.) (disclaimer) I am a member of PBW and a volunteer, not a board member. This is a successful collaboration! 2. In Sept 2020, while we were working removing invasive plants, there was a group of volunteers from a charitable group, helping severely handicapped people along the roads and trails at Burnet, so they could enjoy the natural beauty of the park. I wish I remembered the name of their group, as they were/are an inspiration to me in the kindness and care they showed. This is a successful collaboration! 3. While hiking on a Sunday afternoon in Oct 2020, we encountered an outside charitable group picking up litter within the park. This is a successful collaboration! 4. Free Sunday Morning Bird hikes and Free Sunday afternoon Plant hikes by Preserve Burnet Woods This is a successful collaboration!

5. A private building in a prime location by the lake for their own programs This is a not a successful collaboration! Sincerely, Robert D. Bergstein , 513-477-4438 [email protected] End of comment

325. sabrina bernardo (ZIP code: 45013)

326. John Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220)

327. Grayson Draper (ZIP code: 41015)

328. Elizabeth Koch (ZIP code: 45220) No to the new building plan in Burnet Woods!

329. Bethany Caspersz (ZIP code: 41051)

330. Beth Staggenborg (ZIP code: 45230) Why not keep the canoes in Minnesota?

331. Betsy Derrick (ZIP code: 45202)

332. Elizabeth Lehman (ZIP code: 45218)

333. Bette Evanshine (ZIP code: 45209) 334. Betty Merriman (ZIP code: 45241-2752) I formerly worked at the EPA just up the hill from Burnet Woods and almost daily on my lunch hour walked down the steps and around the lake for a chance to be out in nature. I building at the north end of the Lake would be an intrusion in that natural area.

335. Emily Beuerlein (ZIP code: 45246)

336. Ben Goetzman (ZIP code: 45211) No new construction in the park.

337. Bhavik Joshi (ZIP code: 45223)

338. Brandon Hickle (ZIP code: 45227)

339. Bekky Baker (ZIP code: 45212) I firmly stand against something the community has not sanctioned. The park board should not be able to go through with a project if the plans have not been clear or made available to the public.

I support green space and ecologically sound investment and growth. Not progress for progress sake.

340. Liesl Bittner (ZIP code: 35120-5429) I spend time visiting family in Cinci and love this place. Please protect its natural space and ensure its protection from development so it remains a naturalist's destination. Thank you.

341. Bill Randolph (ZIP code: 45232) I am appalled that this is an issue again. Cincinnati Parks should not be waisting the public’s money and time on a project that was already turned down.

342. Fritz Knapp (ZIP code: 45150)

343. Jodi Stephens (ZIP code: 45223)

344. Austin Vaughan (ZIP code: 45244)

345. Bonnie Tyler (ZIP code: 45224)

346. Breanne Grogan (ZIP code: 45140)

347. Pabloe Escobar (ZIP code: 45005)

348. BONNIE PENCE (ZIP code: 45220)

349. betsy Kretten (ZIP code: 45212) 350. Blair Bowman (ZIP code: 45202)

351. drew dubs (ZIP code: 45238)

352. Evan Stapleton (ZIP code: 45220)

353. Vanden Hogenbirk (ZIP code: 45249)

354. Ben Lewton (ZIP code: 45220) Oh my GOD leave this poor park alone - keep private interests out of public greenspace!

355. Angie Denov (ZIP code: 45224) We can never replace the woods!

356. Hailey Carlisle (ZIP code: 45223) Do not build in our woods

357. THERESA TUDOR (ZIP code: 45225)

358. Lexi Blouin (ZIP code: 45066)

359. Bridgett Pincus (ZIP code: 45220) My adult daughter drove to Cincinnati in August from North Carolina to visit my husband and I since we had not seen each other since Christmas 2019. Her first request was to take a long walk through Burnet Woods. She longed to bring back memories of her days at Summer Camp in Burnet woods. During the walk, she talked about her activities during summer day camp and retraced those memories to me. This is what Burnet Woods means to Clifton. Our wish is for Burnet Woods to remain a place for memories of green grass, tall trees and being at peace with Nature and each other, and not new buildings.

360. Brooke Sturgell (ZIP code: 85281) I lived next to Burnet for quite some time. It is a great little escape for Clifton. Please do NOT build anything there.

361. Tom Moosbrugger (ZIP code: 45229) Please keep public green spaces both green and public. Do not privatize public goods.

362. Tom Blumena (ZIP code: 41011)

363. Marguerite Blythe Katchen (ZIP code: 45239) Once you build on a park, it will never return to being a park. Burnet Woods does not need development!

364. Brittney Graham (ZIP code: 45236) 365. Elizabeth Havens (ZIP code: 45227)

366. Kristin Donithan Mogg (ZIP code: 45213) No building in our public parks.

367. Bob Hyland (ZIP code: 45220) No private development in public parks!

368. Robert Masters (ZIP code: 45230)

369. Robert Kessler (ZIP code: 45220)

370. Maria Bobrowski-Artola (ZIP code: 44130)

371. Glenn Scott (ZIP code: 45219)

372. Robert Helm (ZIP code: 17068) As a former resident of Clifton, I urge you not to construct this building. Burnet Woods was a special place when I was a child, and it is still a special place when I return to Cincinnati. I want to see it preserved.

373. Bob Staggenborg (ZIP code: 45230)

374. Robert Zavon (ZIP code: 45229) Burnett Woods is not for development

375. Bethany Yeager (ZIP code: 45014)

376. Kelly Brunarski (ZIP code: 45140)

377. Caroline Bowater (ZIP code: 60521)

378. Kelsey Boyd (ZIP code: 11216)

379. Brendan Reedy (ZIP code: 45069)

380. Barry Rowen (ZIP code: 41071)

381. Peter Connell (ZIP code: 45140) Please leave Burnett Woods free of buildings.

382. Brian Raaker (ZIP code: 45231) 383. Bradley Gabbard (ZIP code: 45211)

384. Bradley Buchman (ZIP code: 45227 )

385. Barry Randall (ZIP code: 45140)

386. Hannah Love (ZIP code: 45214)

387. Brandi Warren (ZIP code: 45154)

388. Brandi King (ZIP code: 43232)

389. Brandon Hall (ZIP code: 45064)

390. Brandon Rice (ZIP code: 45219) There is so much wildlife in burnet, deer, snapping turtles, hawks, and a family of owls nest there every year! You can't sell any of it!

391. brandon feyh (ZIP code: 45219)

392. Brandt Schurenberg (ZIP code: 45216) No more new buildings in green space! Such irreplaceable areas are crucial to the mental and physical well-being of residents. Use existing space within the park or headquarter in one of the many vacant buildings near the park.

393. Brandon Williams (ZIP code: 45229)

394. Braxton Ward (ZIP code: 40351)

395. Breanna B (ZIP code: 94117)

396. Betty Robertson (ZIP code: 45241) Due process requires transparency and input from the Public. The vote should be postponed until the Public has had a chance to respond to the 12/17 meeting.

397. Angela Izzi (ZIP code: 45150)

398. Brenda Walters (ZIP code: 45150) This park is one of the dying parks in Cincinnati. This project will be it's death. Entire ecosystems have died out, from blacktop. We can keep this park alive by nurturing.

399. Brendan Kirsh (ZIP code: 44001)

400. Brenna Sheldon (ZIP code: 45227) 401. Brennan Dodds (ZIP code: 45140)

402. Brian Brentley (ZIP code: 45014 )

403. brianna covert (ZIP code: 44646)

404. Brian Smith (ZIP code: 45069)

405. Brian Quinn (ZIP code: 45223) It's a park. Parks need trees NOT buildings.

406. Brianna Jones (ZIP code: 45219)

407. Brian Ryan (ZIP code: 45229)

408. cabria banks (ZIP code: 45238)

409. Bridget Dames (ZIP code: 45230)

410. Bridget Davis (ZIP code: 45219 )

411. Bridget Shen (ZIP code: 41075)

412. Bridget Shoe (ZIP code: 45220) No, please do not build in Burnet Woods. We need all the trees and grass. We don't have room in the park for another building.

413. Bridget Taylor (ZIP code: 45206) No buildings in Burnet Woods!!

414. Brian Scalfano (ZIP code: 44212) Save the parks!!

415. Sara Brink (ZIP code: 45220)

416. Brittany Tucker (ZIP code: 45218)

417. Brittany Kovacs (ZIP code: 45140) Please preserve our natural spaces.

418. Brittany Rice (ZIP code: 45247)

419. Samuel Brockman (ZIP code: 45220) The continued corporate intrusion on Cincinnati green space is hampering the vitality of the community.

420. Robert Brodbeck (ZIP code: 45208) Please honor your commitments and vote NO on the privatization of OUR PUBLIC PARKS with the new Camping and Education Foundation building in Burnet Woods.

421. Broderick Kenny (ZIP code: 45220)

422. Sara Brogan (ZIP code: 45233)

423. Brooke Crowley (ZIP code: 45220)

424. Brooks Taylor (ZIP code: 45217) Save Burnett Woods!

425. sarah (ZIP code: 46112)

426. Bethany Heeg (ZIP code: 45236)

427. Brian Selander (ZIP code: 45220) I was present at the CTM presentation. It does not see like the community has been involved with this process and they should be.

428. Britt Burger (ZIP code: 45150)

429. Clarissa Brucato (ZIP code: 45240)

430. Bruce Bernard (ZIP code: 45220) Use the existing structure.

431. bryn hastings (ZIP code: 45219) we love burnet !!!!!!!!!

432. Brynn Mcneice (ZIP code: 45220)

433. Benjamin Sandlin (ZIP code: 45103) I am a science enthusiast and I know that taking things away from the earth is very harmful to the environment. The loss of a natural habitat for this park is the last thing that the city needs and it could cause a lot of disruption! The trees in this area are known to help keep the city air clean, and reduce the amount of pollution for the city. Please do not take anything away from this park! This would be a BIG risk for the park and for the city of Cincinnati.

434. Benjamin Skove (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton and feel that this proposal would disrupt the park setting and is contrary to previous decisions to limit development.

435. Brian McCabe (ZIP code: 45224)

436. Dan Buchholz (ZIP code: 45244) Leave natural spaces alone, don't use up every last natural space. This project in particular, a private entity, seems unworthy of it.

437. Tracy Hofmann (ZIP code: 45220)

438. Miller Goose (ZIP code: 45220)

439. Jack Buehler (ZIP code: 45237)

440. Michelle Garrett-Tackett (ZIP code: 43204)

441. Sophia Burch (ZIP code: 45220)

442. Annie Burger (ZIP code: 45052)

443. Jacob Burrell (ZIP code: 45224) Public greenspace doesn't need development to be valuable! Keep Cincinnati parks wild and wonderful!

444. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 41011)

445. Olivia Busche (ZIP code: 45205)

446. Dennis Meyers (ZIP code: 45244)

447. bill berger (ZIP code: 45237) Parks should not be selling of parklands to private interests. Rental of Trailside would be appropriate.

448. Betty Berwanger (ZIP code: 34667) Please don’t approve this. Our family is 6 six generations into enjoy Cincinnati and her parks.

449. Bette Zwayer (ZIP code: 45224)

450. Christina Henderson (ZIP code: 45239)

451. Caitlin McWethy (ZIP code: 45219)

452. Amanda Cabezas (ZIP code: 45255) 453. Cassandra Katenkamp (ZIP code: 45251)

454. Kathleen Caffrey (ZIP code: 45431)

455. Gutjahr (ZIP code: 45223) I oppose the construction of new buildings for private use such as the proposed CEF project in Burnet Woods. I also oppose the demolition of the historic WPA-era buildings in the park. It is important to maintain both the unique environment and the history of the park. Public process and input is critical for any proposed changes of this nature in Cincinnati parks.

456. Christina Hazen (ZIP code: 45220)

457. Cai Ratliff (ZIP code: 45219) Do not destroy the park hoe

458. Caitlyn McCandless (ZIP code: 45219)

459. Caitlin Bonem (ZIP code: 45241)

460. Caitlin Pastor (ZIP code: 45219)

461. Caitlyn Short (ZIP code: 45206)

462. Calcagno Cullen (ZIP code: 45225)

463. Caleb Sund (ZIP code: 45202) Vibes

464. Calvin Batista-Malat (ZIP code: 45223) It is a staple of the community and of my childhood. It needs to be protected!

465. Camellia Aftahi (ZIP code: 92065)

466. Cameron Poindexter (ZIP code: 47025)

467. Camille Burt (ZIP code: 60622)

468. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45215)

469. Campbell Hogue (ZIP code: 45223)

470. Dina Campolito (ZIP code: 45223) 471. camryn miller (ZIP code: 41017)

472. Candace Winterbauer (ZIP code: 45212) No to the new CEF building proposal

473. Cane Denny (ZIP code: 45239)

474. Cara Van Doren (ZIP code: 45219)

475. Grace Hill (ZIP code: 11377) As a University of Cincinnati graduate, it’s important to me to preserve the integrity of Burnet Woods and it would be a shame for there to be a private building in a public park

476. Emma Cardosi (ZIP code: 41011) Keep buildings out of burnet woods!

477. Carele Laborie (ZIP code: 45069)

478. Roger Johnson (ZIP code: 45226)

479. Carli Flaspohler (ZIP code: 45229)

480. (ZIP code: 45140)

481. Carmen Byg (ZIP code: 43016) I do not live in Cincinnati anymore but I visit this park regularly with my children when visiting my parents

482. Caroline Schultz (ZIP code: 41016) Save the park !!

483. Carol Potterton (ZIP code: 45213)

484. Carol Pogoni (ZIP code: 45030)

485. Carol B. Mundy (ZIP code: 45240) We do not need another building in this high value urban greenspace! Especially one geared for private use! Do not allow the Camping and Education Fund to construct a building in Burnet Woods!!!!

486. Carol DeGreg (ZIP code: 45220)

487. Ebner (ZIP code: 45220)

488. Caroline Heyd (ZIP code: 45219) 489. Caroline Meyer (ZIP code: 45224)

490. caroline anthony (ZIP code: 45219)

491. caroline bussick (ZIP code: 45219)

492. Carolyn Young (ZIP code: 45214)

493. Carolyn McGuire (ZIP code: 45251)

494. Carolyn Smith (ZIP code: 45069)

495. Cornelia McCluskey (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not further develop Burnett Woods. It is a more valuable resource providing untouched biodiversity in an urban setting.

496. Joseph (ZIP code: 45219)

497. Michael Carraher (ZIP code: 45239)

498. Carrie (ZIP code: 45255)

499. Carrie Baldwin (ZIP code: 45238-3733)

500. Carrie Driehaus (ZIP code: 45220) Please, please vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

501. Carrie Todd (ZIP code: 45223) Leave Burnet Woods alone!! Let people enjoy their park. Like jeez, what is WITH people.

502. Brandon Carroll (ZIP code: 45219)

503. Carmen Saldana (ZIP code: 45236)

504. Carson Strecker (ZIP code: 45241)

505. Brenton Carter (ZIP code: 45224) I hunt mushrooms here. It's fucking stupid to give this land to a capitalist who will ruin it forever. The Cincy Park Board can go fuck themselves.

506. Cheryl Carwile (ZIP code: 45230) This is an unnecessary project. No public land should be used for this private project. 507. Cary Brodie (ZIP code: 45227) You do not want to open this can of worms. Please.

508. Casey Harloe (ZIP code: 45011)

509. Casey Starcher (ZIP code: 45701)

510. Cassandra Cassandra Floyd (ZIP code: 45238) Please preserve this park!

511. Cassidy Charneski (ZIP code: 45039)

512. Cassie Robbins (ZIP code: 45229)

513. Catherine Paquette (ZIP code: 45106) Vote no!!!

514. Chris Athanasiadis (ZIP code: 90405)

515. Catherine Adams (ZIP code: 43082)

516. Catherine Hamilton Hicks (ZIP code: 45220) I appreciate the dedication of the members of the Park board in serving out community but unfortunately they seem deaf to the repeated drumbeat of no private development in Burnet Woods. How are we here again a year later having basically this same discussion?

517. Catherine Ward (ZIP code: 45219)

518. catherine patton (ZIP code: 43017) good luck ?

519. Cathleen Gross (ZIP code: 75248) To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners From: Cathleen Gross Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

520. Cathy Wagner (ZIP code: 45223)

521. Cathy Springfield (ZIP code: 45220) No CEf building or another stand alone building in Burnett Woods. Cefdoesn't need the building to complete and pursue its' mission. The Trailside building already there is sorely UNDER utilized. Cathy Springfield 522. Cathy Rafales (ZIP code: 45219)

523. Catie Flamme (ZIP code: 45226)

524. Cynthia Thompson (ZIP code: 49053)

525. Cara Alpern (ZIP code: 45208)

526. Charlotte Better (ZIP code: 45231)

527. Charles Yellig (ZIP code: 45241)

528. Arturo Araya (ZIP code: 45220) While I understand the desire to share in the blessing that is Burnet Wood, allowing private development to take place, even if it appears in the ostensibly benign form of a "workshop", the fact remains that now is not the time to allow our public lands to continue be farmed out to private enterprise. We need to keep our commitments to preserve Burnet Woods and all Cincinnati Parks as nature preserves, without fear of annexation by private enterprise by fiat.

529. Claire Darley (ZIP code: 45223)

530. Clairy Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224)

531. Corey Sterling (ZIP code: 41051)

532. Thomas Cecere (ZIP code: 45223) Please keep Burnet woods free from structures.

533. Chris DeRhodes (ZIP code: 45241)

534. Cecelia Hemmerle (ZIP code: 45014)

535. Derek Cedillo (ZIP code: 45243)

536. Celestine Kamau (ZIP code: 45212)

537. Christina Cozmanoff (ZIP code: 46123) Lovely, natural area. Should be left and appreciated as is.

538. Cecelia Disque (ZIP code: 45223)

539. Cynthia Fischer (ZIP code: 45065) Please don't allow private interests to build in Cincinnati's public parks. Programming for all ages and backgrounds can be carried out without the need for new structures that disrupt the ecosystems and historical setting of the park.

540. Rachel Smith (ZIP code: 45231) We love Burnet Woods and it would be devastating if it were developed out

541. Chad Sweet (ZIP code: 45205)

542. Souvik Chakraborty (ZIP code: 45220)

543. Billy Chambers (ZIP code: 44111)

544. Theo Underhill (ZIP code: 45219) Leave the forest alone it's the closest to nature I can get in this city

545. Chance Sparks (ZIP code: 45220)

546. Chanda Monroe-Williams (ZIP code: 45239) Why would you endanger our nature preserves

547. Chandler Meador (ZIP code: 45206) Keep public land public!

548. Charles Parker (ZIP code: 95828) These woods must be protected. The birds deserve it. Please.

549. Charles de Luzan (ZIP code: 45223)

550. Charlie Pritz (ZIP code: 45206)

551. Charlotte Patterson (ZIP code: 45208)

552. Charli maxwell (ZIP code: 45223)

553. Charlisa Kennedy (ZIP code: 45220)

554. Charlotte Green (ZIP code: 41011)

555. Chas Wiederhold (ZIP code: 45223) I am not opposed to improving Burnet Woods, but I am very opposed to the lack of transparency around this project.

556. Shivane Chawla (ZIP code: 44903) 557. cris cheek (ZIP code: 45223)

558. Zachary Gibson (ZIP code: 45202)

559. JP Marrero (ZIP code: 45229)

560. Maggie Lawson (ZIP code: 45223)

561. Christina Sandusky (ZIP code: 45236)

562. Chellie Baran-Davidson (ZIP code: 45219)

563. Chelsea Ker (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is an absolute gem of the Univeristy heights and Clifton area. It should be protected and preserved at all costs. It’s a beautiful environment where you can be walking down the street and the in 5 minutes you’re completely immersed in woods without another person around. It is precious and not worth developing.

564. Chelsea Sorrell (ZIP code: 80210) I used to live in cincinnati , please don't destroy anymore green space , clifton is awful enough already

565. Chelsea Wullenweber (ZIP code: 45002)

566. Cheryl Rush (ZIP code: 45213) We need our green space! Use an empty building somewhere else!

567. Cheyenne Spiering (ZIP code: 45220) Leave Burnet Woods the way it is! It is partially responsible for my moving to Clifton.

568. Cheyenne Ohmer (ZIP code: 59937)

569. Cheylon Ginyard (ZIP code: 45238)

570. Chico Converse (ZIP code: 45208)

571. Shawn Bowling (ZIP code: 45040)

572. Christopher Jeckering (ZIP code: 45403)

573. Chloe Perichon (ZIP code: 41051)

574. Chloe Bell (ZIP code: 45219) Protect our natural spaces! 575. Chloe Cornett (ZIP code: 45066)

576. Chloe Byrne (ZIP code: 45219)

577. Chris Carr (ZIP code: 45220)

578. Chris Hackman (ZIP code: 45211)

579. Chris LaRue (ZIP code: 45220)

580. Christopher Mascuch (ZIP code: 07644)

581. Christina Cahalane (ZIP code: 45223) I’m disappointed to hear that this development is even being considered. Please preserve Burnet woods.

582. Christina Bilz (ZIP code: 45205)

583. Christine Hadley (ZIP code: 45054) No. Please no. Burnet Woods needs to stay without additional building(s). A new building for CEF, a private entity, is not in the best interest of Burnet Woods. No to any additional buildings for any entity. CEF can accomplish its mission on a property elsewhere in the area.

584. Christine Hicks (ZIP code: 33406)

585. Chris Luessen (ZIP code: 45227) Please protect and preserve this beautiful green space!

586. Christy Hardwick (ZIP code: 45247)

587. Chrys Cook (ZIP code: 47001) We need to keep more nature in this world.

588. Christina Setser (ZIP code: 45224)

589. Christina Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

590. Ciara Featherston (ZIP code: 45208)

591. Caeleigh Graven (ZIP code: 37918)

592. Julz Brown (ZIP code: 45219) 593. Ricq Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

594. Andrea Benton (ZIP code: 45220)

595. Christine McCullough (ZIP code: 45069) Public Comment 12/17

NO on new CEF building proposal in Burnett Woods! You can't preserve greenspace by developing it...

596. Mason Berger (ZIP code: 45206)

597. Cindy Zhang (ZIP code: 45014)

598. Cynthia Starr (ZIP code: 45208)

599. Marlana Kemphues (ZIP code: 45229) Clifton has very little green space. I'm sure that CEF can find somewhere else to build their facility. If they are private group, they should have private funding, and build on private land.

600. Rosalind Manifold (ZIP code: 45219)

601. Christopher Jantzen (ZIP code: 45220)

602. Clayton Bickel (ZIP code: 45237)

603. Crystal Dandridge (ZIP code: 45069)

604. Cj Havens (ZIP code: 45255)

605. Christen Ketchum (ZIP code: 14513)

606. Carol Leibtag (ZIP code: 45219)

607. Jordan-Keller (ZIP code: 45224)

608. Christian Keen (ZIP code: 45069)

609. Christy Andrew Knueven (ZIP code: 45211)

610. Chris LaCoe (ZIP code: 4522”)

611. Claire Patterson (ZIP code: 28806) 612. Claire Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

613. Claire Greweling (ZIP code: 45213)

614. Claire Kennedt (ZIP code: 76201) I lived on Ludlow for a year, and three years in Clifton before that, and Burnet Woods ways always a relaxing and lovely place to visit. Whether I was with friends, by myself, walking, running, etc. I was always able to breath easy in that space. I know how much the Clifton community values this park, so please protect it at all costs.

615. Claire Tinkler (ZIP code: 41075)

616. Claire Aarnio-Peterson (ZIP code: 45223)

617. Clara Berger (ZIP code: 45230)

618. Clare Fazackerley (ZIP code: 45213) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY!

619. Clare Guckenberger (ZIP code: 45103)

620. Clare Graff (ZIP code: 45220)

621. Clare Johnson (ZIP code: 45247) Protect Burnet Woods from this unnecessary development in the green heart of Cincinnati.

622. Clark Horning (ZIP code: 45238)

623. Megan Clark (ZIP code: 43023)

624. Claudia Neff (ZIP code: 45220) I live across from Burnet Woods and use it regularly. It has become one of my pandemic havens for gathering safely with friends. Burnet Woods is one of the only green spaces Clifton has left, and the community relies on it.

625. Charlie Lefkovitz (ZIP code: 45244)

626. Jessica Cushing (ZIP code: 45248)

627. Caitlin Clements (ZIP code: 45202)

628. Cleo Bell (ZIP code: 45202) 629. claire lillard (ZIP code: 45220)

630. Charlie Lindsey (ZIP code: 45230) Keep the woods

631. Courtney Littlefield (ZIP code: 74136) Courtney

632. Clive Moloney (ZIP code: 45220)

633. Craig Lloyd (ZIP code: 45219-1008) Burnet Woods is one of the city's smaller parks that sits amid some of the highest population density in the city. As such it is a natural oasis where buildings need to be secondary to the environment. The existing structures were built low and used materials that were harmonious and unobtrusive. They could be renovated using similar materials. Trailside can be updated again to make use of its ample space. Bigger structures to house what is probably a trend coming from an outside entity are not appropriate to this fragile piece of property in a university neighborhood.

634. Chloe Roach (ZIP code: 44654)

635. Connie Sheets (ZIP code: 45209)

636. Charleen Lyon (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to the CEF development being in Burnet Woods. We need to preserve public park land for trees and birds. I am a lifelong Clifton resident. CEF traffic will be very destructive to this fragile oasis.

637. Caitlin Boyle (ZIP code: 41074)

638. Cynthia Allen (ZIP code: 45224) The green space of Burnett woods is very important to this over developed area of Cincinnati. It provides relief for both humans and animals.

639. Claire Hare (ZIP code: 45238)

640. christian powell (ZIP code: 45220)

641. Cindy McCauley (ZIP code: 44691) Please vote no on the new CEF building proposal. Green space of Burnet Woods is such an integral part of protecting Cincinnati's vibrancy Please refer to the capstone project conducted by environmental science majors at the U of C in 2019 which indicates a wide variety of birds that use Burnet Woods as either temporary protection while migrating or as a permanent nesting area. Vote no and consider alternative sites. 642. Catherine Frost (ZIP code: 45213)

643. Chance Tudor (ZIP code: 45227)

644. Carol McCoy (ZIP code: 45231)

645. Christian Ryan (ZIP code: 45219)

646. Carson Neff (ZIP code: 45206)

647. Catherine O'Brien (ZIP code: 45236) Please preserve Burnet Woods! A rare Oasis for wildlife in Cincinnati!

648. Corona Pardue (ZIP code: 45245)

649. Codi Peacock (ZIP code: 45415)

650. Anna Colby (ZIP code: 45219-1727) Anna

651. Julie Cole (ZIP code: 45220)

652. Cole McMordie (ZIP code: 12831)

653. Rebecca Cole (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is crucial to the UC community as well as the greater Clifton population.

654. Teresa Daley (ZIP code: 45229-1345) It's small enough as it is and needs fewer structures and roads not more. Use what's already there. Can we just let the entire subject drop once and for all?

655. Collin Fleischer (ZIP code: 45219) Pls

656. Colman Mathis (ZIP code: 40245)

657. Angela Colvin (ZIP code: 45212) Keep private buildings out of Burnet Woods.

658. Stephen Colvin (ZIP code: 45236) 659. Tim Combes (ZIP code: 45244) Don't

660. Maria Congelli (ZIP code: 45219)

661. Logan Conner (ZIP code: 45223)

662. Conner Viox (ZIP code: 41076)

663. Conner Bryson (ZIP code: 45214)

664. Connor Napier (ZIP code: 45220)

665. Connor Albers (ZIP code: 45223) I spent many weekends in Burnet Woods as a child and teenager. I believe in public spaces for the public, and not for private interests. I am opposed to this development.

666. Connor Dhonau (ZIP code: 41048) Building here would be an attack straight to the people who use the parks.

667. Connor Conde (ZIP code: 14405)

668. Connor Flick (ZIP code: 41048)

669. Connor Inskeep (ZIP code: 46033)

670. Connor Jordan (ZIP code: 41011)

671. Connor Bryant (ZIP code: 45177)

672. denis conover (ZIP code: 45217)

673. PATRICIA CONRAD (ZIP code: 45211)

674. Ryan (ZIP code: 28401) I love this urban green space and I think it should not be build upon until the end of time. Keep it as is and keep it public !

675. Constance Lee Menefee (ZIP code: 45224)

676. Ryan Cook (ZIP code: 45219) Let the park be. 677. Caleb Cornelius (ZIP code: 45223)

678. Corbin Hopkins (ZIP code: 78613)

679. Brandon Cordes (ZIP code: 45246)

680. Cornelia Dettmer (ZIP code: 45220)

681. Corey Weis (ZIP code: 45212)

682. Cassie Cobb (ZIP code: 60657)

683. Cortney Lollar (ZIP code: 40502)

684. Eric Finger (ZIP code: 45150)

685. Mason Snyder (ZIP code: 45230)

686. Courtnee Madaris-Grier (ZIP code: 45227)

687. Courtney Roberts (ZIP code: 41042)

688. Courtney Klebau (ZIP code: 45220)

689. Courtney Goldsmith (ZIP code: 43023)

690. Christopher Smith (ZIP code: 45202)

691. Emily B (ZIP code: 41071)

692. Victoria Rieman (ZIP code: 45238)

693. Cora Phalen (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is a rare piece of urban greenspace, and its park qualities add to the community. Construction of a new building would detract from its natural beauty.

694. Rachel Cranmer (ZIP code: 45220)

695. Maya Creighton (ZIP code: 45387)

696. Craig Buckley (ZIP code: 41011) 697. cristina jaimes (ZIP code: 10803)

698. Jack Crofts (ZIP code: 45208)

699. Oscar Cronin (ZIP code: 46032) As a UC student, I go to Burnet Woods nearly every single day. This pandemic has given me very few options as to what I can do and where I can go. I run through here, meet friends, hike, and observe the decent biodiversity at hand for a park in the middle of the city. Save Burnet Woods!

700. Amy C Crouse (ZIP code: 45244) Please preserve our green spaces.

701. Delaney Crowley (ZIP code: 44095)

702. Tyler Crusham (ZIP code: 45248) DONT

703. Melissa Matz (ZIP code: 45220)

704. Caroline Sobral (ZIP code: 45102) I will say the laingue in all this is a Tad vague, but after reading I've gathered that signing will keep nature nature, and oppose messing up a park to build something. That I support. DONT CUT DOWN TREES is kinda important _

705. Chris Sluder (ZIP code: 45255)

706. Chris McLaren (ZIP code: 45231)

707. Caity Torres (ZIP code: 45140)

708. Sandra Cummerow (ZIP code: 45208) Why are we letting a private company set up shop in a public park? ? And why try to sneak it past the citizens of Cincinnati? I just checked my property tax and I am paying to support this park. Cincinnati "development" has become Cincinnati destruction. Stop this!!

709. Elizabeth Mitchell (ZIP code: 45039)

710. Sarah Cunningham (ZIP code: 45212)

711. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45140)

712. Curt Thiessen (ZIP code: 45217-1421)

713. Cheniece Wilson (ZIP code: 45215) 714. Cal Tommasone (ZIP code: 44060)

715. Andrew Yauch (ZIP code: 45211-3315)

716. Cynthia Azbill (ZIP code: 45230)

717. Cynthia Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

718. CYNTHIA Harry (ZIP code: 46278)

719. Cynthia Beischel (ZIP code: 45246)

720. Caroline Zackerman (ZIP code: 45215)

721. Caroline Zobeck (ZIP code: 45223)

722. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 43017)

723. Dylan Bauer (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote to keep our greenspaces intact.

724. David Guzman (ZIP code: 45220)

725. David Friend (ZIP code: 45220)

726. Jodi S (ZIP code: 45247)

727. David Hoopes (ZIP code: 45223)

728. Daisy Quarm (ZIP code: 45220)

729. Daisy Hernández (ZIP code: 45224-1911) I love Burnet Woods and don't see the need for another building in the park.

730. Dale Pontz (ZIP code: 45225) come on y'all

731. Dalton Lilly (ZIP code: 45040)

732. Danny Bauer (ZIP code: 45206)

733. Dana Mehl (ZIP code: 45220) 734. Alexandra Caudill (ZIP code: 45206)

735. David Herron (ZIP code: 45221) Since I first arrived in Cincinnati in fall 1985, I have enjoyed many wonderful hikes through the marvelous Burnet Woods forest. The spring wild flowers are spectacular, the cool shade makes summer bearable, the autumn colors are not to be missed, and the frozen winter pond is striking. Please do not disturb this almost wild space any more. We all need more green space, not less; leave the trees alone!

736. Daniel Gross (ZIP code: 75248) To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners From: Daniel Gross

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

737. Danielle Neggie (ZIP code: 45236)

738. Daniel Pflum (ZIP code: 45211)

739. Dan Gregorich (ZIP code: 45220)

740. Leah Wolff (ZIP code: 45219)

741. Daniel Graham (ZIP code: 45044)

742. Daniel Johnson (ZIP code: 45220)

743. Danielle G (ZIP code: 60647) This area is CRUCIAL for those living in Clifton and surrounding — providing a space to escape city noise and to appreciate nature, trees, animals. As a former Clifton resident, I urge you to preserve Burnet Woods for the wellbeing of those that currently live there and those who will in the future.

744. John Behnen (ZIP code: 45206)

745. Darby Bush (ZIP code: 45220)

746. Emily Hill (ZIP code: 45223) We need to leave wild and natural spaces alone. Our world is over developed and Burnet Woods is an institution.

747. Lauren Darpel (ZIP code: 41017)

748. Darlene Bradway (ZIP code: 19352) 749. David Tornheim (ZIP code: 45220) I do not want new buildings in the park. The purpose of the park is green space not industrialization or commercial expansion. A huge park like Mt. Airy would be far more appropriate for what the people who want this building are doing. Also, originally they proposed using an existing building. That might be acceptable. A new building is not.

750. Leo Jenkins (ZIP code: 45211) Ecosystems shouldn’t be destroyed for financial gain.

751. Daulton King (ZIP code: 45205)

752. David Jarred (ZIP code: 45223)

753. Dave Sweeney (ZIP code: 45220)

754. David Albert (ZIP code: 45230) Don’t do it!

755. David Barnett (ZIP code: 45220) Protect the wilderness buffer we have

756. David Kirley (ZIP code: 45224)

757. David Sandor (ZIP code: 45211) Please, stop trying to put new structures and private development in Burnet Woods. This park needs to be maintained as green space and urban habitat.

758. David Stradling (ZIP code: 45220)

759. David Brockhoff (ZIP code: 45219)

760. David Gutmann (ZIP code: 45220) We do not want any buildings in Burnett Woods, other than the current Nature Center currently there!!! - Longtime Clifton Residents David, LuzEliana, Andrea, & Amy Gutmann Fuentes

761. David pannier (ZIP code: 43035)

762. David Rineair (ZIP code: 45224) I oppose building or any destruction to Burnet Woods. The parks offer so much value to our community.

763. Hunter Davidson (ZIP code: 45039) 764. David Tsevat (ZIP code: 45229)

765. David Renouil (ZIP code: 41091)

766. Karen Davies (ZIP code: 45213)

767. Davina Noiman (ZIP code: 45220) Pls don’t

768. Russell Davis (ZIP code: 45220)

769. Kimberly Davis (ZIP code: 38866)

770. Lori Davis (ZIP code: 45242) No!!!!!!! We will not support losing Burnet Woods!!! Stop this!

771. David Wrede (ZIP code: 40509)

772. David Henning (ZIP code: 45208)

773. Danielle Brockmann (ZIP code: 03820) Grew up in cincinnati. Often spent time at this park. Very dear to my family. Our family friend has a memorial bench there.

774. Dianne Frick (ZIP code: 45209)

775. David Colantonio (ZIP code: 45219)

776. Dawn Paugh (ZIP code: 45236) The woods isn’t that large. Keep all the natural habitat. No buildings

777. Michael Neal (ZIP code: 41075) This park is a large reason for me to travel into the city of Cincinnati. Major changes like this would decrease my desire and willingness to spend time in this area, decreasing the money I would spend within city limits.

778. David Doepke (ZIP code: 45206) No to private development in Burnet Woods

779. Deanna Aguilar (ZIP code: 45223)

780. Teá (ZIP code: 45011)

781. Hope Raleigh (ZIP code: 45224) 782. Deborah Quilligan (ZIP code: 45056)

783. Debbie Clark (ZIP code: 45215)

784. Debbi Kluesener (ZIP code: 45241)

785. DEBORAH WYGHT (ZIP code: 45208)

786. Debi Kaur (ZIP code: 45044)

787. Deborah Wolterman (ZIP code: 45036) We owe our children and grand children the opportunity to explore nature in an urban setting. Burnet Woods was my gateway to nature as a child and set me on a path to explore science as a career.

788. Deborah Jordan (ZIP code: 45205)

789. Debra Downing (ZIP code: 45224) We value Burnett Woods and the Greenspace it offers and do not want this changed.

790. Debra Winberg (ZIP code: 20874)

791. Delaney Rice (ZIP code: 45220)

792. Delaney Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

793. Brittney Delev (ZIP code: 45202)

794. Sadie Buck (ZIP code: 45221)

795. Claire Dell (ZIP code: 45220) We need every bit of our green space, surrounded as we are by so many large institutions which serve the entire Cincinnati area.

796. denise evans (ZIP code: 45227) Keep Burnet Woods as it is. Keep it public with no private interests.

797. Derek Scacchetti (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are at the center of resilient and equitable cities. Parks encourage active lifestyles, increase community engagement, reduce crime, provide environmental benefits, and add natural beauty to urban neighborhoods.

This construction will negatively impact urban forest habitat and environmental quality for years to come.

This construction will result in the demolition of a historic WPA-era fieldstone structure. Designed by Carl Freund, the building is an interpretation of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Modernism. Freund’s work corresponded with the influx of public funding and labor from Depression-Era New Deal programs that resulted in extensive works in Cincinnati’s public parks.

Cincinnati’s park system is revered as one of the best in the . Please, let’s continue this legacy!

798. Derek Eltzroth (ZIP code: 45159)

799. Cole DeRose (ZIP code: 45213)

800. Natalie Detwiler (ZIP code: 45219)

801. Dani whaley (ZIP code: 45215)

802. Nadezhda Niemann (ZIP code: 45217)

803. Dorothy Byers (ZIP code: 49635) 45-year resident of Clifton and frequent park visitor. The City said NO to UC years ago. They should stick to their their guns.

804. David Gilner (ZIP code: 45208) No building in Burnet Woods!

805. Dana Gregoire (ZIP code: 40391)

806. David Gressley (ZIP code: 45236) Listen to the people who use the park and work with them

807. Deborah Hall (ZIP code: 45208) Burnet Woods would be irreparably harmed by this construction.

808. Deborah Hyden (ZIP code: 41051)

809. Diana Bolton (ZIP code: 45220)

810. Diana Tisue (ZIP code: 45202)

811. Diane Fishbein (ZIP code: 45220) Shocked you would do this but not consider clifton arts center. Vote no.

812. Diane OBrian (ZIP code: 45212-1328)

813. Diana Bisbing (ZIP code: 45255) 814. Josh Nelson (ZIP code: 45213)

815. Diane Jassmann (ZIP code: 08088)

816. Nikki Warren (ZIP code: 16214)

817. Susan VonderHaar (ZIP code: 45211) It is unclear what this CEF construction specifically consists of, or why it is even necessary, or what the long term benefits can be. We know full well the benefit of Burnett Woods.

818. Tammy Dishon (ZIP code: 45215)

819. diya joshi (ZIP code: 45040)

820. Dan Hall (ZIP code: 45231)

821. Danny Keating (ZIP code: 45208)

822. Doreen Shay (ZIP code: 45014) Don't ruin and good thing.

823. Denise Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245)

824. DeBorah Reed (ZIP code: 45223) No Building of any Commercial Type Buildings, in BURNET WOODS.

825. Debbie Lutkenhoff (ZIP code: 40211)

826. Delaney Young (ZIP code: 40059)

827. Devin Knott (ZIP code: 45238)

828. Dan Montgomery (ZIP code: 45223)

829. Dean Morgan (ZIP code: 45220) NO!!

830. Diane Stemper (ZIP code: 45223) I believe that rare intact ecosystems should be preserved, that private interests and profits should NOT determine the use of an urban publicly held green space. additionally - WPA era buildings are historic and beautiful and represent a public works period in our history that has not been replicated since. preserve Burnet Woods!

831. Don Crouse (ZIP code: 45244) Urban green spaces are an important and valuable resource for humans and wildlife alike. From migratory birds, to a habitat for countless species, a way to clean the air, a respite from concrete, steel and asphalt. Please reconsider your choice to eliminate one of the larger urban green spaces, especially as it’s such a benefit to UC students and recruitment.

832. David Noster (ZIP code: 61701) I lived in Clifton for almost 5 years and the general area for 10, I enjoyed this park thoroughly

833. Jeff Docena (ZIP code: 45212)

834. Beth White (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave Burnet Woods as it is. It is precious green space.

835. Caimen Domer (ZIP code: 45220)

836. Dominic Eramo (ZIP code: 43017)

837. Don Ralston (ZIP code: 45150) Many, many times I have traversed Burnet Woods during my college years (('61 - '66) from my Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house on Brookline to the UC campus. Do not disturb this precious habitat.

838. Molly Donahue (ZIP code: 41011)

839. Don Bogen (ZIP code: 45220)

840. Ally Bachman (ZIP code: 45220)

841. Donita Parrish (ZIP code: 45213)

842. Jenniffer McNeal (ZIP code: 45239)

843. Pan Dosker (ZIP code: 45211) Leave Burnet Woods alone!

844. David Osterbrock (ZIP code: 45208)

845. Pam Sattler (ZIP code: 45225)

846. Douglas Stegman (ZIP code: 45217) Please do not allow private building in Burnet Woods. Vote the 12/17 proposal down.

847. Carly Dovale (ZIP code: 45209)

848. Riggs (ZIP code: 45220) Please don’t commercialize Burnet Woods

849. Corey Downing (ZIP code: 80238) Please preserve Burnet Woods as an urban greenspace! This park was absolutely key to my time attending the University of Cincinnati as an escape from the concrete and bricks and I think future generations deserve to have it kept as-is.

850. Lily Brown (ZIP code: 45230)

851. Diana Piep (ZIP code: 45202)

852. Allie Graff (ZIP code: 45214)

853. Dan Rapp (ZIP code: 45220) I’d like to keep Burnet Woods quiet and as untouched as possible. It’s one of the only parks in this urban area. There are several parts that have been built upon, like the gazebo and play ground, and we deserve areas that remain as nature created it.

854. Jeffrey Baker (ZIP code: 45069) I would hope that open space is expanded, not diminished, at burnet woods and in Cincinnati, and that so much vacant construction is used for projects in order to allow open space to be increased thank you

855. Andrea Jagello (ZIP code: 45243)

856. Andrea Rosado (ZIP code: 45206)

857. Lee Ellen Drechsler (ZIP code: 45220)

858. Drew Asimus (ZIP code: 45224)

859. Andrew Bak (ZIP code: 45213) Keep Burnet Woods free of private development.

860. Drew Morgan (ZIP code: 45219)

861. Drew Steinmetz (ZIP code: 45220)

862. Doug Rouster (ZIP code: 41016)

863. David Rudemiller (ZIP code: 45211) Burnet Woods is a unique urban island park. We need more unmharmed natural space not less. Please, don't harm Burnet Woods. 864. David Bohm (ZIP code: 45219)

865. Daniel Biehl (ZIP code: 45220)

866. David Sean Callahan (ZIP code: 45230)

867. Dina Secic (ZIP code: 45040)

868. Donna Sweigart (ZIP code: 45011) I lived in the area for many years. This an awesome park and vital green space for the area. Please preserve it!

869. David Regnold (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are for free public use and Cannot be sold to the highest or lowest bidder. City government needs to be smarter on financing and care of the parks

870. Maddie Dulle (ZIP code: 45206)

871. Josh Schwartz (ZIP code: 45220)

872. Hana Duncan (ZIP code: 45220)

873. Kacey Durliat (ZIP code: 45840)

874. Eric Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

875. David Westerbeck (ZIP code: 45247)

876. Ian Dwight (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett woods has been so helpful throughout my college career; as a place to learn, a place to garner inspiration, and as a place to just get away from city life. One of my first DAAP classes used to go and draw in Burnet Woods and those are some of my favorite memories from freshman year. I’d hate for generations to come to not be able to enjoy those same experiences.

877. Lise Wilkinson (ZIP code: 45252)

878. Dorothy Xuan (ZIP code: 45223)

879. Dyah Miller (ZIP code: 45212)

880. Dylan Neu (ZIP code: 45204) Please preserve the public green spaces we have in this city that are serve as a great asset to the citizens and visitors. 881. Elizabeth Tong (ZIP code: 40205)

882. Elizabeth Herzner (ZIP code: 45069) Save the woods!!!

883. Eamonn Bell (ZIP code: 45216)

884. Maya Earl (ZIP code: 45220)

885. Evan Rouse (ZIP code: 45014) Keep Burnet Woods! We need some nature in Clifton!

886. William Cahalan (ZIP code: 45205) Please vote against the proposal for a new building in Burnet Woods by the Camping and Education Foundation. Wasn't something like this denied maybe 2 years ago? There hasn't been hardly any chance for public disclosure and discussion. But we know enough to know that this goes against the goal of preserving and enjoying (unobtrusively!) this vital, public wooded habitat in the middle of our city.

Thankyou, William Cahalan, Ph.D. East Price Hill Cincinnati Ohio

887. Elise Baughman (ZIP code: 44262)

888. Eleanor Behling (ZIP code: 45140)

889. Lani Eberlein (ZIP code: 45213) We need our parks to be places of peacefullness for us and animals. They are protected spaces, and are not to be places of business. Leave them alone.

890. Elizabeth Dubinin (ZIP code: 45225)

891. Elle (ZIP code: 45208)

892. Elizabeth Brennan (ZIP code: 45211)

893. Kristen Eby (ZIP code: 43201)

894. Emilie King (ZIP code: 45249)

895. Elisabeth Contadino (ZIP code: 45224)

896. Eileen Crowe (ZIP code: 45224) Our PARKS should never be developed!! It enrages me that this even gets considered every 2 years! Our parks shouldn't be shrunk because someone wants to destroy our land in the name of making money!!

897. Ed Gutfreund (ZIP code: 45232) Please add my response to those thousands of cincinnati residents who oppose the proposed building in Burnet Woods Park. I attended the meeting and heard CEF say they would not build if the community did not want it. It seems crystal clear the community does not want. This strategy of short notice process on their part and the Park board is offensive to citizens who have contributed untold hours to preserve the part and make collaborative decisions. Please honor the principles which have bee published and agree upon concerning community engagement and respect for community opinion. Thank you. Ed Gutfreund

898. Mary Edwards (ZIP code: 45458)

899. Elizabeth Lewis (ZIP code: 45224)

900. Edward Elmore (ZIP code: 45214) Please do not let these money hungry devils, cracker-fy some of the only green spaces in uptown. I’m so tired of seeing cookie cutter buildings and “boutique” take that crap to Milford or Blue ash.

901. Elizabeth Fisher-Smith (ZIP code: 45202)

902. Emily Frame (ZIP code: 45220)

903. Eileen Frechette (ZIP code: 45232)

904. Lizzy DuQuette (ZIP code: 45205)

905. Birgit Ehmer (ZIP code: 45223) Often when I visit the area various people appear to enjoy fishing in the lake. The lake is too small for canoeing anyway. It does not appear the project would contribute to better usage of the park.

906. Eileen Kabitsch (ZIP code: 45247)

907. Eileen Ostrowski (ZIP code: 45219)

908. Eileen Koch (ZIP code: 44116)

909. Emily Imhoff (ZIP code: 45211)

910. Eira Tansey (ZIP code: 45224)

911. Marcia McLaughlin (ZIP code: 45220) 912. Erin Neefus (ZIP code: 45224)

913. Elena Jordan-Keller (ZIP code: 45224)

914. Eric Ramsey (ZIP code: 45220)

915. Elizabeth Knodle (ZIP code: 45225) Burnet Wooods is a vital green space in the city for not only the community but the birds and animals as well. Communities need a balance of nature, culture and developement.

916. Eileen Krauss (ZIP code: 45212) Do not mess with nature ! We do not want or need any new buildings in Burnet Woods.

917. Surya Elangovan (ZIP code: 75166)

918. Elena Pfarr (ZIP code: 45140)

919. Elena Albarran (ZIP code: 45056) Please reconsider this--green spaces are rare and shrinking, and we need every inch of them. Humans have occupied enough habitat!

920. Brooke Huerkamp (ZIP code: 45223)

921. Liz Virgo (ZIP code: 45232) Our city needs to stop pushing through development projects when residents of the neighborhoods they are designed for do not approve, as is the case with this project. This is not wanted by citizens, hear our voices.

922. Elizabeth Gaul (ZIP code: 45223)

923. Elias Halabi (ZIP code: 45219)

924. Elijah Catalan (ZIP code: 45202) There is plenty of underused real estate within the city so construction inside the park is unnecessary. We should be expanding natural space in parks not cutting it down.

925. Elina Yu (ZIP code: 45066)

926. Elisabeth Carter (ZIP code: 45220)

927. Elise Romines (ZIP code: 45206)

928. Lillian Arredondo (ZIP code: 45219) 929. Elise Hanson (ZIP code: 45208)

930. Eliza Fisher (ZIP code: 45219)

931. Elizabeth Scheper (ZIP code: 45223)

932. Elizabeth VanWassenhove (ZIP code: 45213)

933. Elizabeth Burnett (ZIP code: 45220)

934. Elizabeth Woodruff (ZIP code: 45220)

935. Elizabeth List (ZIP code: 45202) Preserve Burnet Woods!

936. Elizabeth Tiffany (ZIP code: 45202)

937. Elizabeth Wagers (ZIP code: 45215)

938. Ella Hartmann (ZIP code: 45243)

939. Ella Anderson (ZIP code: 46230)

940. Ella Kurutz (ZIP code: 45220) I like to walk through Burnet after leaving campus on my way to Ludlow, and I spend half that walk on the roads, constantly passing the buildings and park structures. I want to actually walk through the woods!! We don’t need any more structures in Burnet, there are already too many.

941. Eleanor Sparks (ZIP code: 45220)

942. Ellen Bush (ZIP code: 40517) I no longer live in Cincinnati, but Burnet Woods is one of my favorite parts of the city and should be preserved from construction.

943. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45255)

944. Ellie M (ZIP code: 45224)

945. elfriede sloan (ZIP code: 45236) No

946. Michelle Elliott (ZIP code: 45227) Please don’t take away green space. We need it now more than ever. 947. Russell Elliott (ZIP code: 45202) Only public development in Burnet Woods or any other public park - please preserve our parks.

948. John Ellmore (ZIP code: 45219) keep as is

949. Erin Mathews (ZIP code: 45220) Our greenspaces are few and far between, and once we develop on them, there's no getting them back. Why not respect the land and communal space for what it is, instead of harming it for reasons motivated by money and greed?

950. Alexander Kimberly (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is a wonderful place for so many people. Please leave it how it is!

951. Emily Cleary (ZIP code: 45231)

952. Steven Albert (ZIP code: 45236)

953. Emily Johnson (ZIP code: 45238)

954. Elizabeth Mandeng (ZIP code: 41048)

955. Ellen Maxwell (ZIP code: 45215)

956. Emily Gill (ZIP code: 45219)

957. Emely Casasola (ZIP code: 45219) This park does to much for the community for college students, for animals and for living. Our world is losing so much precious nature life, and we are just going to help gobal warming! The impact of this extends, further and deeper. So shame on you for trying to get rid of a public space that is already becoming limited in our day for money. And may the lord be in your heart to show you how mean, and selfish and heartless your actions are for trying to over run a popular place. This park is amongst one of the most popular parks for UC students. I hope your days get better, your life has more love, and your mind becomes more connected. Until you learn to love you will never be happy and chasing money will never be enough to keep you happy forever.

958. Emma Duhamel (ZIP code: 45219)

959. Susan Ansel (ZIP code: 45220)

960. Ellen Meurer (ZIP code: 45040)

961. Emma Fox (ZIP code: 45233)

962. Emilee Poehner (ZIP code: 45219) 963. Emilia DiBiasio (ZIP code: 45219)

964. Emily Albacarys (ZIP code: 45223) Urban forest preservation is key for wildlife preservation and species conservation. Our local agricultural needs require species diversity, and other areas of the economy will suffer if we don't preserve Burnet Woods and their species diversity.

965. Emily Ambrus (ZIP code: 43402)

966. Emily Barcelona (ZIP code: 45208)

967. Emily Jaquet (ZIP code: 45248)

968. Emily Kaufman (ZIP code: 45225-1368) This urban green space is crucial to the health and well-being of many local residents, particularly those who don't have cars and can't easily access other parks. I bike my toddler here several times a week and we walk around the lake and enjoy nature. We've heard wealthy folks say, "just drive to another park" but we and many others can't do that, and would be devastated to lose any of this beloved park.

969. Emily Lilley (ZIP code: 45220)

970. Emily Zigmond (ZIP code: 45011)

971. Emily Fette (ZIP code: 45217)

972. Emily Hensler (ZIP code: 45208)

973. Emily Hoskins (ZIP code: 45244) I vehemently oppose private construction in Burnet Woods.

974. Emily Russo (ZIP code: 45223)

975. Emily Evers (ZIP code: 45219)

976. Emily Herrmann (ZIP code: 45220)

977. Emily Isaac (ZIP code: 45212) Protect the environment!

978. Emily Ash (ZIP code: 45206)

979. Emily Schuck (ZIP code: 77062) 980. Emily Segers (ZIP code: 45220)

981. Emily Shuppert (ZIP code: 45040)

982. Emily Livingston (ZIP code: 45208) Please vote No on new CEF building in Burnet Woods.

983. Emily Tepe (ZIP code: 45209)

984. Emily Dobbs (ZIP code: 45223)

985. Emma Mares (ZIP code: 60657)

986. Emma Nager (ZIP code: 45205)

987. Emma Durham (ZIP code: 45220)

988. Emma Reed (ZIP code: 45223)

989. Emma Cesar (ZIP code: 45208) Preserve Burnet Woods

990. Emma Hess (ZIP code: 45014)

991. Emmarie Brewer (ZIP code: 41075) <3

992. Emma Thum (ZIP code: 43055)

993. Emmy Edmondson (ZIP code: 45220)

994. ella morriss (ZIP code: 45220) PRESERVE BURNET

995. Emma Reger (ZIP code: 60093)

996. Emma Sulfsted (ZIP code: 45219)

997. Emma Taylor (ZIP code: 45224)

998. Enisa Hayes (ZIP code: 45208)

999. Erin Seccia (ZIP code: 45220) 1000. J Hodges (ZIP code: 45242)

1001. Erica Pandrea (ZIP code: 45223)

1002. Erin Patrizio (ZIP code: 45342)

1003. Eli Mock (ZIP code: 45202)

1004. Eren Frederiksen (ZIP code: 45246)

1005. Eric Eversole (ZIP code: 45227)

1006. Eric Tepe (ZIP code: 45206) Cincinnati has a wonderful network of parks. I urge Cincinnati Parks to avoid anything that will put these green spaces in Jeopardy.

1007. Erica Colburn (ZIP code: 45056)

1008. Erica Heintz (ZIP code: 45223)

1009. Erich Baumgardner (ZIP code: 45251) Use the current building. Enjoy nature’s Green over green paper.

1010. Ericson Frick (ZIP code: 80301)

1011. Erika Frondorf (ZIP code: 45233)

1012. Erika Pettigrew (ZIP code: 45220) I go to Burnet Woods with my children several times a week. We do not want this. As part of this community, I fervently hope our voices are listened to.

1013. Erin Duffy (ZIP code: 45211)

1014. Erin Koch (ZIP code: 45240)

1015. Erin LeFever (ZIP code: 45206)

1016. Erin Tedtman (ZIP code: 45211)

1017. Erin Wells (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is such a huge part of the UC and Clifton community and it would be a tragedy to turn it into anything other than the safe and beautiful space that it is. It’s a park, not a business opportunity 1018. Emma Roberts (ZIP code: 45232)

1019. Anna Moore (ZIP code: 45220)

1020. Eileen Cooper (ZIP code: 45205) Must preserve this special ecosystem

1021. Eshan Oberoi (ZIP code: 46077)

1022. Elizabeth Singhoffer (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are NOT for sale. Parks are needed more than ever for environmental purposes, relaxation, exercise, mental health, wildlife preservation. Enough with builders and contractors wanting to destroy cherished green spaces just for a few to make an almighty dollar. Better and smarter government management of money for the park systems is much needed.

1023. Catherine Donahue (ZIP code: 45220)

1024. Ethan Nichols (ZIP code: 45229)

1025. Elizabeth Ball (ZIP code: 45140)

1026. Ethan Starcher (ZIP code: 44656) Not everything in this city needs to be development space. Burnet Woods is for everyone and is one of the few places our community has to truly share. Taking part of that away to develop a building is very troubling and i doubt anyone who actually lives in the community wants this.

1027. Ellie Mays (ZIP code: 45224)

1028. Eric Urbas (ZIP code: 45220)

1029. Evan Carson (ZIP code: 45219)

1030. Evan Casteel (ZIP code: 45229)

1031. Evan Day (ZIP code: 45247)

1032. Evan Dulaney (ZIP code: 45220)

1033. Evan Hafley (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave burnet alone

1034. Evan Wise (ZIP code: 45219)

1035. Eva Schomaeker (ZIP code: 45220) 1036. Eric Hoffman (ZIP code: 45220) Not what the park needs.

1037. Evaleen Pennington (ZIP code: 45220)

1038. Evelyn Westrich (ZIP code: 45230)

1039. Bill Smith (ZIP code: 45211)

1040. Ryan Welt (ZIP code: 45243)

1041. Clay Keffer (ZIP code: .45224) We value Burnett Woods and the Greenspace it offers .

1042. Fabien Acher (ZIP code: 45223) There are many people who have put thousands of hours of work into this park. We will not stand by and let it be developed. I can assure you that if development plans proceed without any transparency, there will be massive pushback, causing a whole bunch of trouble for a whole bunch of people.

1043. Fallon Venable (ZIP code: 45223-2037)

1044. Fallon Massie (ZIP code: 40026)

1045. Kathryn Mertens (ZIP code: 43560)

1046. Becca Fay (ZIP code: 45214) This is one of the few natural refuges in the city it would be a shame to lose it in any capacity. The wildlife that lives there would also be harmed :(

1047. Sarah Fay (ZIP code: 45220)

1048. Allen Costa (ZIP code: 43112)

1049. Feay Coleman (ZIP code: 45220 ) We don't want another building in Burnet Woods. Let's keep the park a park.

1050. Emily Feist (ZIP code: 45243)

1051. Koda Emerson (ZIP code: 45219)

1052. Emma Friedhoff (ZIP code: 45069)

1053. Daniel Sutter (ZIP code: 45220) 1054. Mary Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

1055. Cameron Ferguson (ZIP code: 45220)

1056. Sophia Ferries-Rowe (ZIP code: 46202)

1057. Olufeyisayo Oyediran (ZIP code: 45220)

1058. Kylee Finkes (ZIP code: 45011)

1059. Stacey Finnessy (ZIP code: 45036)

1060. Finnegan Murphy (ZIP code: 41075) Save the Trees!!

1061. Kathleen Hamrick (ZIP code: 45220) Why can’t we have nice green space? No, absolutely NO, for a building in this gorgeous space!

1062. Michael Fiore (ZIP code: 45218)

1063. Kevin Atkins (ZIP code: 45220) The park should not have private interest involved. They are profit motivated and not concerned with the preservation of nature.

1064. delene bligh (ZIP code: 45220)

1065. Christopher Firor (ZIP code: 45242) Us humans love to entertain this illusion that we are separate from nature and not part of it. Let's set an example for the rest of the country and world.

1066. Mary Fisher (ZIP code: 45140)

1067. Alice Flanders (ZIP code: 45223)

1068. Susan Smith (ZIP code: 44028)

1069. Felix Rodriguez (ZIP code: 45220)

1070. Jennifer Spring (ZIP code: 45223)

1071. Grace Florez (ZIP code: 45220)

1072. Amanda Nielsen (ZIP code: 45217) 1073. Katie Flugel (ZIP code: 45140) Burnet Woods is important to people and animals. We should be working to preserve it, not tear more of it down.

1074. bethany dickman (ZIP code: 45056)

1075. Kevin Kroger (ZIP code: 18934)

1076. Jacob Fogle (ZIP code: 45219) As a frequent visitor of the woods, I would be sad to see this proposal go through

1077. Sarah Foster (ZIP code: 45226)

1078. Julianne Fox (ZIP code: 45220)

1079. Timothy Fox (ZIP code: 41101)

1080. Mark Fraley (ZIP code: 37215)

1081. Shirley Fraley (ZIP code: 45230)

1082. Maureen France (ZIP code: 45214) I did not support the CCAC project in Burnet Woods and I do not support the CEF Building project. Is there no other suitable property in the City for this?

Burnet Woods is a treasure to be protected, not developed. Why are these proposals even considered?

1083. Catherine O'Hara (ZIP code: 45223)

1084. Fred Orth (ZIP code: 45206-2506) Nature alone please

1085. Amy Watson (ZIP code: 45226)

1086. Daniel Freeman (ZIP code: 45224)

1087. Audre Frigge (ZIP code: 45247)

1088. Vicki Frisch (ZIP code: 45224)

1089. Charles Casey-Leininger (ZIP code: 45224)

1090. Jonathan Frodge (ZIP code: 45243) Find a better place. The park is sacred and all the built environment in the world can not replace the serenity and benefits this park brings to Clifton.

1091. Jordanne Hazenfield (ZIP code: 45122)

1092. Frankie Marine (ZIP code: 45208)

1093. Sara Thomas (ZIP code: 45248) This is not acceptable. Do not allow park grounds to be given to private sector.

1094. guy cameron (ZIP code: 45157)

1095. Gareth Speight (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave Burnet Woods alone. It should be a public space accessible to all without private development. We need to preserve our green spaces. There are not enough green spaces in this area.

1096. Gabrielle Phillips (ZIP code: 45230)

1097. Gerilyn Ahlers (ZIP code: 45231)

1098. Gabrielle Barta (ZIP code: 45223)

1099. Gabrielle Ackemyer (ZIP code: 45219)

1100. Gabrielle Cook (ZIP code: 45255)

1101. Gabriella Godwin (ZIP code: 45238-2416)

1102. Gage Metz (ZIP code: 45011)

1103. Simone Sears (ZIP code: 45208)

1104. Gabrielle Nelson (ZIP code: 45217)

1105. Ganeva Gannaway (ZIP code: 45213)

1106. Rachael Ganslein (ZIP code: 45223)

1107. Mark Jensen (ZIP code: 45211)

1108. Julia Gardiner (ZIP code: 45229) 1109. Greg Carstens (ZIP code: 41017)

1110. Gary Dangel (ZIP code: 45206)

1111. Gary Skitt (ZIP code: 45223)

1112. Evan Gates (ZIP code: 41048)

1113. Grace Dietsch (ZIP code: 45426)

1114. Grace Widmeyer (ZIP code: 45243) Go Burnett!!

1115. gabby burns (ZIP code: 45206)

1116. jenna geier (ZIP code: 45219)

1117. Alexis Gemelas (ZIP code: 45219)

1118. Cara Schneider (ZIP code: 45219) WE LOVE OUR PARK!!!!!

1119. Emily Marlow (ZIP code: 45040)

1120. Laura Wulker (ZIP code: 45211)

1121. Gaby Gerken (ZIP code: 45220)

1122. Glenda Bernstein (ZIP code: 45202) No construction or development in Burnet Woods. We need undisturbed green space. No development.

1123. Geoff Glaab (ZIP code: 47130)

1124. gwendolyn peerless (ZIP code: 45224) there are plenty of vacant buildings to develope businesses - leave our fresh air alone

1125. Gail Harmeling (ZIP code: 45238) Please do not destroy our park!

1126. Martin Gibbons (ZIP code: 45204) Burnet Woods was set aside as a green space for all of the public. Commercial intrusion will not be tolerated by the people of Cincinnati. 1127. Gideon Smiley (ZIP code: 45230)

1128. Alexander Giehl (ZIP code: 45202) Burner woods is a special place.

1129. Gigi Twachtman (ZIP code: 45220)

1130. Gigi Twachtman (ZIP code: 45220)

1131. Luke Gilday (ZIP code: 45255)

1132. Gillian Dunn (ZIP code: 46201)

1133. Debbie Rutledge (ZIP code: 45255) It's an oasis for UC students, please preserve this for them.

1134. Gina Beraha (ZIP code: 45220)

1135. Ginger Allgood (ZIP code: 45230)

1136. Lois Gish (ZIP code: 45224) I am opposed to this private building construction in Burnet Woods. This green space needs to continue to be a community supported forested habitat.

1137. Sally Laird (ZIP code: 45239) Please engage with the community with transparency. This project is not necessary for the purpose of Burnet Woods and will harm this important piece of nature in a very built-up area.

1138. Julia Glenn (ZIP code: 45219)

1139. Gloria Esenwein (ZIP code: 45220)

1140. Katie Glover (ZIP code: 45202)

1141. Gabby Lowry (ZIP code: 45220)

1142. Gwen Marshall (ZIP code: 45223) No new building that could later become one more building that the Park Board would have to maintain should ever be built in a City Park. Also, the lake is not suitable for a canoe program due to water quality issues.

1143. Grace Nordwick (ZIP code: 45014)

1144. Susan Goebel (ZIP code: 53711) Grew up in 45220

1145. Gold Bristow (ZIP code: 45069) I don't know what kind of high city council gets out of selling public land meant for the people of cincinnati, but this needs to stop.

1146. Zahava Jaffe (ZIP code: 45220) I love Burnet Woods. The park has given me so much joy and peace and has already been so damaged by the Ash Beetles. We do not need any more destruction of the beautiful ecology there! Our community is beautiful and we need to preserve this integral part of it.

1147. Dagan Goldfuss-ponder (ZIP code: 45403)

1148. Michael Goldman (ZIP code: 45208) I gladly sign the petition below because I am adamantly opposed to this building project in Burnet Woods.

Michael Goldman, resident of the City of Cincinnati

1149. Gloria Olson (ZIP code: 45202)

1150. Debra Maloney (ZIP code: 45229)

1151. Daniel Gonzalez (ZIP code: 45220)

1152. Maria Gonzalez (ZIP code: 45056)

1153. Jayson Taylor (ZIP code: 43081) Do the programming out of the nature center. Get better public input, but it will not be favorable. Protect Burnet Woods

1154. Travis Brunton (ZIP code: 45215)

1155. brianna brown (ZIP code: 45220) please stop trying to tear down the woods please, why we all like it there

1156. William Gordon (ZIP code: 45220) 1. The role of public parks is for public use, and this facility will not be regularly open for public use. 2. The actual impact of this project on Burnet Woods will be greater than just the building, because of the planned camping space and camping rings, which will further reduce the amount of space in Burnet Woods for public use. 3. CEF has said that it would not pursue a project without community support. The Clifton community is OPPOSED to this project.

1157. grace huggins (ZIP code: 60150) 1158. grace henry (ZIP code: 45244)

1159. Grace Eckerle (ZIP code: 41075)

1160. grace whitesell (ZIP code: 41014) dude there’s enough fucking building in cinci, keep the park.

1161. Grace Fening (ZIP code: 45206)

1162. Grace Garber (ZIP code: 45219)

1163. Grace Nemeckay (ZIP code: 44060)

1164. Grace Wergers (ZIP code: 45219)

1165. Grace Butler (ZIP code: 45219)

1166. Madison Grady (ZIP code: 90048)

1167. Megan Grafe (ZIP code: 45247) PLEASE! Burnet is such an important part of the Clifton neighborhood and it is a beautiful reprieve from UC.

1168. Grant Story (ZIP code: 45220)

1169. Brooke (ZIP code: 45219)

1170. Jon Grayson (ZIP code: 45211)

1171. Gerald Checco (ZIP code: 45220-1616) 1- Unlike CCAC who had lots of support from members of our neighborhoods (plural), CEF seems to have none. 2- During the contentious debate about CCAC, CEF said that they did not want to be in a park that had a tumultuous engagement with the community. 3- CEF said several times that they did not need a building but could use part of the unused Trailside, 4- The work of MSD is probably not going to happen in the next 10 or 20 years (too many other projects are more urgent) and when this work happens, it will minimally impact Trailside and its potential CEF addition. 5- In a fragile environmental state, the activities proposed by CEF are far worse than any of the activities that have been denied recently, based on environmental reasons. Plenty of literature about negative impact of these activities on the environment, particularly fragile environments. 6- CEF is a seasonal activity that could be easily happen across the street on UC's campus that has plenty of Arts workshop spaces, or with a mobile unit (idea presented at the CTM meeting by others), This mobile unit would also have added benefits of being able to reach kids into the neighborhoods they live in. 7- The previous Community Engagement for CEF had very different parameters. 8- The proposed building design is simply atrocious which is a proof that Parks staff is not supporting the concept but that it is imposed on them. 9- The "green washing" of the proposed building is lamentable. for example, removing perfectly good concrete (that has already produced its carbon footprint) with a wooden deck, only adds carbon footprint 10- It is never a good idea to create neighborhood wars instead of finding win-win outcome, especially when so much needs to be done to support this and other parks.

1172. Laila Aladimi (ZIP code: 45220-1917)

1173. Emma Greavu (ZIP code: 45219)

1174. Will Reblando (ZIP code: 45202)

1175. Nick Ludwig (ZIP code: 47025)

1176. Alexander Smith (ZIP code: 45227) As an avid park user and supporter with a BA in Landscape Architecture. I strongly agree that NO new building should be built in Burnet Woods. Refit the existing building to suit the needs for CEF

1177. Gregory Fasig (ZIP code: 45223) I strongly oppose these actions and am disappointed that they are trying to be “slipped in”.

Cincinnati needs more green spaces not less. We have more than enough land devoted to development!

1178. Greg Martin (ZIP code: 45223) Keep burnet woods a wooded park. Don’t add any structures to the urban oasis

1179. Gregory Miller (ZIP code: 45247)

1180. Greta Tebbe (ZIP code: 45226)

1181. Julie Gribbell (ZIP code: 45238-6009)

1182. Anna Griffin (ZIP code: 45209)

1183. Jeff Griffiths (ZIP code: 45157) Former UC student and proud Cincinnatian. I have enjoyed many hours running, birding, and spending time in Burnet Woods. This building proposal is unnecessary and harmful. It should be rejected.

1184. Gary Gross (ZIP code: 45252) Our park land and nature is a precious resource and cannot be reclaimed once they are lost. Please do not destroy the balance of nature.

1185. gayle (ZIP code: 45231)

1186. Danielle Wurzelbacher (ZIP code: 45220)

1187. Ginnell Schiller (ZIP code: 45206) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. It is too important as a greenspace to be ruined.

1188. Glenn Storrs (ZIP code: 45203)

1189. gary thomas (ZIP code: 45044)

1190. Guy Miracle (ZIP code: 90046)

1191. Gwen Schumann (ZIP code: 45238)

1192. Gabrielle Woehler (ZIP code: 45219) this is a sanctuary space for so many

1193. Gus Wulsin (ZIP code: 43201)

1194. Hanna Katt (ZIP code: 45244)

1195. Henry Brown (ZIP code: 45223) At the very least, the surrounding communities should be involved in the planning process.

1196. Helen Derringer (ZIP code: 45208) Are you folks crazy? No to the CEF building proposal!!!

1197. Mona Hajjar (ZIP code: 45242)

1198. Hala Karim (ZIP code: 45237)

1199. Haleigh Holtman (ZIP code: 45231)

1200. Haley Fickenscher (ZIP code: 41075)

1201. Haley Hauser (ZIP code: 94305)

1202. Halle Dieterich (ZIP code: 45219) 1203. Peg Halpin (ZIP code: 45214) Please don't allow private construction in Burnet Woods. It is an important green space for the U.C. students and the community. It has historic value as a WPA project. Don't even think about destroying the concrete slide!

1204. Emily Hampton (ZIP code: 45209)

1205. Hannah West (ZIP code: 45242)

1206. Kris Patton (ZIP code: 45224)

1207. Hannah Guth (ZIP code: 45220) burnet woods has been an important part of my life for 5 years now. a beautiful little nature oasis in the middle of a lively part of our city. burnet woods is one of the biggest draws to living in clifton and the ludlow area

1208. Hanna Windhorn (ZIP code: 41011)

1209. Hanna Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220)

1210. Hanna Firestone (ZIP code: 45208)

1211. Hannah Durman (ZIP code: 45069)

1212. Hannah Brown (ZIP code: 45241)

1213. Hannah Jin (ZIP code: 45069)

1214. Hannah Beals (ZIP code: 45219)

1215. Hannah Mourer (ZIP code: 45219) Save our trees and our safe space.

1216. Hannah Smith (ZIP code: 97206)

1217. Hannah Coursey (ZIP code: 45150)

1218. Hannah Leeper (ZIP code: 45208)

1219. Hannah Williamson (ZIP code: 45223)

1220. Hannah Libby (ZIP code: 45219) 1221. Hannah Neely (ZIP code: 45202)

1222. Hannah Hoffman (ZIP code: 45224)

1223. Hannah Sellers (ZIP code: 60647)

1224. Hannah Soudrette (ZIP code: 41011) get off!

1225. Hanna Said (ZIP code: 44136)

1226. Keegan Hanrahan (ZIP code: 45223)

1227. Grace Hansen (ZIP code: 43065)

1228. sydney hansen (ZIP code: 45220)

1229. Henry Stephens (ZIP code: 45224) That is not right!!!

1230. Harley Hamilton (ZIP code: 43026)

1231. Harman Hayer (ZIP code: 45011)

1232. Erin Harper (ZIP code: 45227)

1233. Peter Harrington (ZIP code: 44622)

1234. Harris Abramson (ZIP code: 45215) The false economics of environmental degradation continues to drive ill-advised policy. Bird life in our country and our hemisphere is today disappearing at an alarming rate. We need to step up our game rather than turn a blind eye. Besides being inherently beautiful and fascinating birds are indicators of ecosystem health. Burnet Woods is an Audubon designated Important Birding Area and should remain intact.

1235. Lewis Hallos (ZIP code: 40509)

1236. Joshua Rubiano (ZIP code: 33543) yeet

1237. Ismael Hassan (ZIP code: 45220)

1238. Collin Hater (ZIP code: 45248) 1239. Joe Hathaway (ZIP code: 44333)

1240. Ali Hausfeld (ZIP code: 45011)

1241. Elijah Hawk (ZIP code: 45223)

1242. Hayley Tolson (ZIP code: 45042)

1243. Devin Hayes (ZIP code: 45208)

1244. Hayley Hughes (ZIP code: 91304)

1245. Hannah Badenhop (ZIP code: 43202)

1246. Helen (ZIP code: 45220)

1247. Herta Bedunah (ZIP code: 47060)

1248. Heather Hopster (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a gem of a greenspace in an area of pavement. Please do not allow disruption of this amazing area, perfect the way it is.

1249. Holly Brians Ragusa (ZIP code: 45202)

1250. Caroline Hakel (ZIP code: 45244)

1251. heather daskevics (ZIP code: 45211)

1252. Heather Fuston (ZIP code: 45739) PRESERVE BURNETT WOODS!

1253. Heather Burcham (ZIP code: 45236)

1254. Julia Cumming (ZIP code: 45223) This development would destroy the park and the historic Gaslight area for generations of Cincinnatians. Visitors to our beautiful city would not be able to experience the park as it was designed to be enjoyed as well. It would be an eyesore for the Gaslight area of Clifton as well. Vote No!

1255. Heaven Sorrells (ZIP code: 43201)

1256. Duane Bristow (ZIP code: 45069) Keep public land PUBLIC. 1257. Stanley Hedeen (ZIP code: 45208)

1258. Christopher Heffron (ZIP code: 45238)

1259. Heidi Marchese (ZIP code: 45206) Vote no!

1260. Heidi Becker (ZIP code: 45238)

1261. Maureen Ryan (ZIP code: 45219)

1262. Constance Heintz (ZIP code: 45233) Please vote NO on new proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods

1263. Helen Madsen (ZIP code: 45215)

1264. Julia Helling (ZIP code: 45219)

1265. Christopher Williams (ZIP code: 45205)

1266. Elaine Hennessy (ZIP code: 45223) Those woods make the city special.

1267. Marina Hernandez (ZIP code: 45247)

1268. Emily Herr (ZIP code: 45055)

1269. Lauren Herrmann (ZIP code: 41011)

1270. Helga Silven (ZIP code: 41073)

1271. Hannah Snelling (ZIP code: 45219)

1272. Maureen Herbe (ZIP code: Al10 9ww)

1273. Megan Harmeyer (ZIP code: 45202)

1274. Michael Heyn (ZIP code: 45241)

1275. Hannah Higgins (ZIP code: 45242) Stop killing our planet!!

1276. Jon Flannery (ZIP code: 45225) Hell no.

1277. Hannah Higgins (ZIP code: 45103) This is not only ecologically damaging to our wildlife but to ourselves. Our planet is dying and so will we if we continue to destroy our natural resources such as this plan will do.

1278. Anita Smith (ZIP code: 45224)

1279. Tim Sisson (ZIP code: 45238)

1280. Amy Hildebrand (ZIP code: 45220)

1281. Hillary Purcell (ZIP code: 45219)

1282. Hillary Marshall (ZIP code: 45219)

1283. Chelsea Hintz (ZIP code: 45243)

1284. Hannah Hitchings (ZIP code: 45219)

1285. Haley Knoffer (ZIP code: 45237)

1286. Helen Lohre (ZIP code: 45220)

1287. Heather DeBoard (ZIP code: 46102) NO! On the new CEF building proposal in Burnet Woods!

1288. Hannah Carter (ZIP code: 45140)

1289. Dale Hodges (ZIP code: 45220)

1290. Annamarie Hoffecker (ZIP code: 45220)

1291. Holly Mercado (ZIP code: 45247)

1292. Holly Rinehart (ZIP code: 41016)

1293. Holly Short (ZIP code: 45150)

1294. Adam Goetzman (ZIP code: 45220) Maintaining the character of the park is more important than short term “returns” associated with allowing new development within its boundaries. I have no objection to repurposing existing structures, as long as there is no expansion of building footprints. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

1295. Holly Markwell (ZIP code: 45039)

1296. Emalee Woodruff (ZIP code: 43055)

1297. Eleanor Anderson (ZIP code: 45102)

1298. John Calhoun (ZIP code: 45237)

1299. Liza Hoopes (ZIP code: 45220) Save the green space

1300. Hope Johnston-Holm (ZIP code: 45219)

1301. Hope Cowdrey (ZIP code: 45103)

1302. Hope Miller (ZIP code: 45223)

1303. Hope Kim (ZIP code: 45219)

1304. Hope Wang (ZIP code: 45249)

1305. Esperanza Gallon (ZIP code: 45224)

1306. Marie Hopkins (ZIP code: 45220)

1307. Nancy Saunders (ZIP code: 45218)

1308. Spencer Braswell (ZIP code: 84605)

1309. christopher houp (ZIP code: 45223) save it!!!

1310. Nathaniel Houser (ZIP code: 41048)

1311. Crista Eberhart (ZIP code: 45211)

1312. Ann Hubbard (ZIP code: 45220) Dear Park Board,

Please do not rush forward with the CEF building in Burnet Woods. It is a gem of a park that provides crucial habitat in our urban area. The public knows too little about it, and major community organizations are opposed to it.

If nothing else, table the vote until - the public has more information and more input - the benefits of this project, fully disclosed and evaluated, can be weighed against its environmental costs and the parks' other capital and maintenance needs and - alternate locations -- perhaps in larger parks or with less habitat value-- can be evaluated.

Thank you. Ann Hubbard, 230 Lafayette Circle

1313. Hugh Moscoe (ZIP code: 45230)

1314. Benjamin Hurford (ZIP code: 45243)

1315. Robert Hust (ZIP code: 45220) Here we go again. Always with the buildings! Can't they leave it be. If every proposal got approved in the last two years, BW would be a mall by now!!!

1316. Sara Hutchinson (ZIP code: 45220)

1317. Peter Huttinger (ZIP code: 45232)

1318. Katherine Walker (ZIP code: 45248)

1319. Adam Hyland (ZIP code: 45243) No more buildings needed in the park.

1320. Isabel Hofmann (ZIP code: 45211)

1321. iamiya may (ZIP code: 45227)

1322. Ian Becker (ZIP code: 45220)

1323. Ian Roark (ZIP code: 45219)

1324. Mohammad Chaudhry (ZIP code: 45208) Need to preserve our green spaces

1325. Ibrahim Munir (ZIP code: 45236)

1326. Ivan Carabajal (ZIP code: 45204) Can ANYONE in this city just not bend over backwards for developers at every single opportunity? Y'all are ruining Cincinnati. 1327. Abby Friend (ZIP code: 45223)

1328. Ian Leamy (ZIP code: 45212)

1329. Ilene Gibler (ZIP code: 47025)

1330. Will Bennett (ZIP code: 45212)

1331. Victor Williams (ZIP code: 45220)

1332. bella mccallister (ZIP code: 45219)

1333. Elizabeth Badinghaus (ZIP code: 452136)

1334. Madison McLean (ZIP code: 45220)

1335. Kathleen Carroll (ZIP code: 45209) I am a big fan of the park board--you do amazing work. But allowing private organizations to gain a foothold in Burnet Woods seems like a mistake we'll regret for generations. Let CEF build or buy on property adjacent to the park and use the public area for programming as appropriate. Everyone can win, but let's keep those precious few trees undisturbed.

1336. India Caramelli (ZIP code: 78731)

1337. Andrew Schallwig (ZIP code: 46032)

1338. Ed Kluska (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave Burnet Woods as it is!

1339. Isabelle Henson (ZIP code: 45238)

1340. James Innis (ZIP code: 45030) Cincinnati has few places like Burnet Woods. Generations have enjoyed its natural environment and the peaceful lake. Don't spoil it with a building which will take away that sense of nature!

1341. Jeremy Hicks (ZIP code: 45220) Enough already!!!

1342. Ian Lewkowich (ZIP code: 45220)

1343. Irene Moore (ZIP code: 45220) PLEASE: upkeep the buildings we have. review current literature on the social nature of forest by Suzanne Simard in NYT's thank YOU 1344. Maria Irwin (ZIP code: 45219)

1345. Isaac Ludke (ZIP code: 45238)

1346. Isaac Chunn (ZIP code: 45140)

1347. Isabel Coyle (ZIP code: 45215)

1348. Isabella Guinigundo (ZIP code: 45011)

1349. Bella Gordo (ZIP code: 45213)

1350. Isabella Walker (ZIP code: 44244)

1351. Isa Walker (ZIP code: 45030)

1352. Megan Isovitsch (ZIP code: 43065)

1353. Lucy English (ZIP code: 45241)

1354. Spencer Bach (ZIP code: 45219)

1355. Ivana Rosich (ZIP code: 60601)

1356. Ivy Thompson (ZIP code: 45226) Parks are for public use.

1357. Austin Fanger (ZIP code: 46835)

1358. Isabella Cacaro (ZIP code: 45243)

1359. Isabella Leisgang (ZIP code: 45248)

1360. Jean Deckenbach (ZIP code: 45220) It's a constant public fight to preserve the world we live in. Please leave our community park as it is. Funding should be used to update existing structures and for programming. It's fine to visit, but no need to move into the park. Thank you.

1361. joanne abitabilo (ZIP code: 45220)

1362. Julia Cardis (ZIP code: 97219) This is my favorite place to go when I visit family in Cincinnati. 1363. Jack Cunningham (ZIP code: 45214) Do NOT develop in Burnet Woods. We already developed a lot on Burnet woods previously.

1364. Helen Roberts (ZIP code: 45220)

1365. Jack munoz (ZIP code: 45249)

1366. Jackie Gabbard (ZIP code: 45211) Please vote no on the new proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods. This proposal is being pushed through during a pandemic, at a time when many people are unaware of what is happening in their local parks. Another building is not necessary in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods is an urban oasis in what is otherwise a very urban area. It is important, for both wildlife and the enjoyment of people, for this Urban area to remain as natural as possible. CEF is welcome to have programs in Burnet woods, but they should come up with programs that can be offered without adding another building to the park.

1367. Jacqueline Lemmink (ZIP code: 45251)

1368. Jackie Falk (ZIP code: 45208)

1369. Jackson Prus (ZIP code: 45208)

1370. Jack Stenger (ZIP code: 45232) Please do not develop this wonderful park. Any new building would degrade a unique habitat and community resource.

1371. Jacob Gardner (ZIP code: 45220)

1372. Jacob Johnston (ZIP code: 45219)

1373. Jacob Turner (ZIP code: 45219) Please preserve Burnet Woods.

1374. John Dickert (ZIP code: 45219) This constant encroachment on a public park I imagine the original charter for what is left of Burnet Woods Public Park is either in perpetuity or a number of years. Which is it I wonder? All the memories, picnics in summer when Muff had his boat for riding and picnic fun, a moment of being in a moment of a Monet masterpiece and I could go on. Not to mention what the park meant to the gay community. All that means absolutely nothing. It mow comes down to money and the University land barony and the LAW. So the word is out to those in the legal community to finally put an end to this constant land grab. Jump in ladies and gentlemen of the Bar. These people can only be stopped in a court. For what it is worth....SHAME ON YOU.

1375. Jada Keaton (ZIP code: 45065) 1376. Jade Eiler (ZIP code: 45208)

1377. Jade Ausdenmoore (ZIP code: 45219)

1378. Jane Dietrich (ZIP code: 45247) Please vote NO to the building proposal in Burnett Woods. Thank you.

1379. JOSHUA Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

1380. Jacob Faulkner (ZIP code: 45176)

1381. jaishna sivakumar (ZIP code: 46074)

1382. Jake Surprenant (ZIP code: 41048) Leave the woods the way they are.

1383. Jake Witt (ZIP code: 45220) No private development please. Burnet Woods should be a public resource for all. I want to continue to walk the trails with my young daughters without disruption to the natural areas and without corporate/private interests impeding on public lands. Future development needs to be in concert with transparent community input and consideration. This project has not adequately considered the surrounding community’s best interests. Thank you.

1384. James DaMico (ZIP code: 45223)

1385. James Mullins (ZIP code: 45042)

1386. Alex James (ZIP code: 45219)

1387. James Billiter (ZIP code: 45227)

1388. James Pratt (ZIP code: 45208)

1389. Jamie Coates-Donohue (ZIP code: 45224) Vote No

1390. Jamilah McDowell (ZIP code: 45230)

1391. Jamila Lovelace (ZIP code: 45220)

1392. Jan Checco (ZIP code: 45220) The Parks Commissioners need to improve their ability to dialogue meaningfully with communities that, in fact, own these green spaces. Appointed by the Mayor, they don’t represent the public as a vetted, elected candidate for the seat would. These are no longer “independent commissions.” Time to start over with a method of better selection for commissioners who are experts in the sectors they serve.

1393. Jana Gomon (ZIP code: 45236)

1394. Jane Howard (ZIP code: 45236)

1395. Jane Sheldon (ZIP code: 45140) Preserve Burnet Woods! Keep private construction out!

1396. Jan Johnson (ZIP code: 46206)

1397. Jan Hermans (ZIP code: 45230) Our park should not be developed. It should remain as much as possible in its natural state. To let a private organization no matter what it’s intentions are build on the property is not in the best interest of the park and our community. There is already a nature center there that can be used or rented. Keep the park ours. Jan Hermans

1398. Jen Paolucci (ZIP code: 41075-1305)

1399. Jared Dennis (ZIP code: 45044)

1400. Joseph Schaljo (ZIP code: 45216) Enough of Burnet Woods has already become a UC parking lot under the auspices of urban revitilization :/

1401. Jasmine Rich (ZIP code: 45211)

1402. Jasmine Robinson (ZIP code: 45219)

1403. Jason Franz (ZIP code: 45206) Keep green space green. Keep public green space public.

1404. Jason Heil (ZIP code: 45220)

1405. Jason Heist (ZIP code: 41015)

1406. Jason Long (ZIP code: 45227) The preserved land of Burnet Woods is quintessential to the makeup of the city of Cincinnati. The land serves many people who live in the urban core and don’t have a close by nature park. It gives workers and students in CUF and Clifton a place to unwind for lunch, and even offers parking. It provides citizens with countless activities, and holds treasures like the planetarium at the nature center. It is an important spot for migratory birds and our local ecosystems. The history of Burnet Woods is a focal point to the development of parks in Cincinnati and the rest of Ohio. Because of the detrimental effect that further development of the land would have on our environment, our city, and our parks system, I hereby am signing this petition, and begging the Commissioners to really consider how little need there is to use any area of the park for the proposed building.

1407. Jason Cornelius (ZIP code: 45213)

1408. Jay Smith (ZIP code: 44646)

1409. Jay Twomey (ZIP code: 45220) We love Burnet Woods, and take advantage of park events once in a while. My young son and I often hike the trails and we enjoy walking around the pond. I traverse the park on my way to and from work. It's an oasis, a local treasure. But it's also a parking lot for UC students and others. What's more, the proximity of a busy business corridor and student housing means that it can be noisy and more polluted than one would hope. All of which is to say that Burnet Woods is already at risk. Don't contribute to its further diminishment. I urge you to reject any new development within or on the margins of the park.

1410. Nuthara Jayasinghe (ZIP code: 45224)

1411. Jazmin Ellerbusch (ZIP code: 45202)

1412. Jonathan Bregger (ZIP code: 45227) Save the disc golf course don’t build on it!!

1413. Jeffrey Ballou (ZIP code: 45223)

1414. Jeff Barnett (ZIP code: 45230)

1415. John Brockhsus (ZIP code: 45225)

1416. Judith Bruns (ZIP code: 45176)

1417. Jason Munzel (ZIP code: 45230)

1418. Jeff Clark (ZIP code: 45230)

1419. Claire Scott (ZIP code: 99801)

1420. Jeff Dunn (ZIP code: 45244) Yeah at least have a public hearing. It's winter, it's a pandemic, what is your rush?

1421. Jamie Demasi (ZIP code: 45248) 1422. Jo Klingshirn (ZIP code: 44240)

1423. Jeremy Meadows (ZIP code: 45220)

1424. Jeremy Myint (ZIP code: 45220) lmao absolutely not. Burnet Woods is one of the few green spaces in this area. We aren't going to let you do this.

1425. Jocelyn Connolly (ZIP code: 41011) As a young grad student alone in a strange city, riding my bike to school every morning through Burnet Woods was a highlight of my day. The trees, birds, ponds, and beautiful buildings never failed to give me a thrill. I truly hope that this precious urban sanctuary is not developed in this way.

1426. Julianna Cooke (ZIP code: 45238)

1427. Clayton P (ZIP code: 45220)

1428. Julie Rahe (ZIP code: 45212) Do not allow private buildings in MY city parks. This should not be happening.

1429. Janice Craig (ZIP code: 46212)

1430. Jeremiah Crownover (ZIP code: 45212)

1431. Jacob Wilhelm (ZIP code: 45205)

1432. Julie Decker (ZIP code: 45212)

1433. Jim Dressler (ZIP code: 45230)

1434. Jean Gaines (ZIP code: 45213) Please leave the park alone

1435. jean durbin (ZIP code: 45243)

1436. Jeanne Daly (ZIP code: 45220)

1437. jeanne speier (ZIP code: 45207) Urban development is booming and the need for this park space to remain as is ...... a place for trees and birds and for nature to grow undisturbed is important to me and the world.

1438. Isaac Lutz (ZIP code: 43230)

1439. Jeff Napier (ZIP code: 45036) Say no!

1440. Jeff Kobberdahl (ZIP code: 45014)

1441. Alayna Jeffries (ZIP code: 45152)

1442. Jessica Williams (ZIP code: 45140) You cannot get back fragile ecosystems. Too much is being developed and for what? Do NOT develop this land!

1443. Emma Jackson (ZIP code: 45220)

1444. Jen Hensley (ZIP code: 45206)

1445. Jennifer Kawanari (ZIP code: 45206)

1446. Jennifer O'Brien (ZIP code: 45238)

1447. Jenna Fazzari (ZIP code: 45220)

1448. Jenna Dahman (ZIP code: 45212)

1449. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45241)

1450. Jenna Reel (ZIP code: 45219)

1451. J. Geiger (ZIP code: 45211) I find it difficult to understand why the Park Board is even considering this.

1452. Jennifer Goff (ZIP code: 45223)

1453. Jennifer Painter (ZIP code: 45243)

1454. Jennifer Dalton (ZIP code: 45419) We need green spaces! Crime goes down when we have green spaces. Please do not develop this area, keep it green!

1455. Jennifer Linck (ZIP code: 45429)

1456. Jennifer Wagner (ZIP code: 41073) To develop Burnet Woods in any way is a not only a shameful waste if a valuable urban green space but also a violation of previous commitments. How can we trust any city government's officials if they go back on their word? We DO NOT WANT development is Burnet Woods and please stop allowing businesses to make bids on a protected space. 1457. Jennifer Araya (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods does NOT need additional development, particularly private development that has not been subjected to rigorous community discussion and engagement. As a daily user of Burnet Woods and a resident of Clifton, I STRONGLY oppose this proposal.

1458. Jennifer Lake (ZIP code: 45140)

1459. Jennifer Cissell (ZIP code: 45238)

1460. Jenny Dandenault (ZIP code: 45219)

1461. Jenny O'Donnell (ZIP code: 45220) I am appalled that after the last few years anyone would jeopardize the wonderfully documented fragile ecosystem that Burnett Woods is. It's irresponsible to take this preserve for your own, when there is so much underutilized developed space available.

1462. Jennifer Smith (ZIP code: 45236)

1463. Joseph Reluzco (ZIP code: 45219)

1464. Jeremy Barkley (ZIP code: 45236)

1465. Jerry Broughton (ZIP code: 45202) Do not cut that tree down for progress in order to preserve the life of a tree there should be a fine line between nature and humans to cut it down for a what ever entity that want to cut it down I say let it be Jerry

1466. Jessica Bansil (ZIP code: 33602)

1467. Jessica Marunowski (ZIP code: 03264)

1468. Jessica Carr (ZIP code: 45211)

1469. Jessica Smith (ZIP code: 45220)

1470. Jessa Grossman (ZIP code: 45458)

1471. Jessa Perrin (ZIP code: 45236)

1472. Jessica Connor (ZIP code: 45227)

1473. Jesse Gilner (ZIP code: 45208) No, we do not want new, private construction in Burnet Woods. 1474. Jesse LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

1475. Jesse Ly (ZIP code: 45220)

1476. Jessica Gaitan (ZIP code: 45205) I work near Burnet Woods and love using the park and bringing my son there when we have appointments nearby. It’s a beautiful park and should not have parts of it cut off to the public or allow private companies to build on it especially without community input. We have so little public space, please don’t give more of it away.

1477. Jessica Detchon (ZIP code: 45002)

1478. Jessica Warner (ZIP code: 45239)

1479. Jessica Samblanet (ZIP code: 45040)

1480. Jessica Hudgens (ZIP code: 45224)

1481. Jessie P (ZIP code: 16803)

1482. Jess Carr (ZIP code: 45229)

1483. Jessica Towery (ZIP code: 07002)

1484. Jessyka Prather (ZIP code: 45039)

1485. susan & james farber (ZIP code: 45209) Renovation of the Trailside Nature Center could suffice to meet the needs of this non-profit. The park is lovely and deserves proper guardianship. Often less is more. Conversation and seeking ideas from the community reinforces the power of local government and secures public support (financial and devoted stewardship).

1486. Julia Johanan (ZIP code: 45223) Will organizations stop looking at the parks as open developmental property?! Do we need a law to say that parks are perpetually off the books for this kind of thing? I thought that what the definition of a park. Please reject the CEFs proposal to build in Burnet Woods! This did not go over well when the CCAC tried. It will not go well This time either! Thank you!

1487. Joanne Greenway (ZIP code: 45204-1443)

1488. Julie Grippa (ZIP code: 45224) Grew up in this beautiful greenspace. Needs to be maintained but undeveloped.

1489. Joy Gunza (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve the Burnet Woods greenspace and Audubon important bird areas!

CEF can expand programming without new construction in the park.

Thank you!

1490. joanie hammond (ZIP code: 45230)

1491. Henry Benson (ZIP code: 45220)

1492. Jeremiah Hurley (ZIP code: 45238) Keep Burnet Woods green !

1493. Jill Holsapple (ZIP code: 45220) I live in CUF and I do not want any new buildings built in Burnet Woods.

1494. Jill Isenhour (ZIP code: 40515) Please preserve this vital greenspace as is!

1495. Jill Cleary (ZIP code: 45223)

1496. Jillian Teeters (ZIP code: 45227)

1497. James Rice (ZIP code: 41011) Don't privitize public land!

1498. Jamar Silvers (ZIP code: 45229) Burnet woods is a absolutely lovely place to just disconnect with the regular hustle of the city and reconnect with nature and its a great place to meet people and also do Photography and some people you meet you became great friends with and perhaps lifelong friends with so please keep burnet woods it's one of my favorite places to go when I'm stressed and depressed please don't get rid of it please Preserve burnet woods!!!!

1499. Jennifer Wendeln (ZIP code: 45230)

1500. Joseph Bedree (ZIP code: 45220) I grew up in Clifton and would hate to see this park altered in anyway! Preserve the park the way it is!

1501. Janet Keller (ZIP code: 45220)

1502. Joseph Kinskey (ZIP code: 45223)

1503. Jake Knapke (ZIP code: 45219)

1504. Jackie Kuykendall (ZIP code: 45211) 1505. Jess Lang (ZIP code: 30303)

1506. John Lewis (ZIP code: 45220)

1507. Jonathan Kastin (ZIP code: 02740)

1508. Judy Davis (ZIP code: 45220)

1509. John Marunowski (ZIP code: 03264)

1510. Jessica Back (ZIP code: 45223)

1511. John McKenzie (ZIP code: 45220) community nature education efforts are to be commended, but if they are to take up permanent space in a city park it needs to be a park board managed project, run solely with public funds.

1512. Joost Meijer (ZIP code: 45213)

1513. Joseph Memory (ZIP code: 45202)

1514. Jessica Metzcar (ZIP code: 45219) Save burnet woods. I was just there today it’s a wonderful place and lots of different people enjoy it there

1515. Jason Hale (ZIP code: 45342)

1516. Joyce Miller (ZIP code: 45202-1517) I oppose this project. Citizen groups have formed and have voiced their opinion, why not work with the citizens who have been collaborating to keep the park a park?

1517. Jennifer Leonard (ZIP code: 45069)

1518. James Mundy (ZIP code: 45240) Vote no on Camping and Education Foundation.

1519. Jenna Adkins (ZIP code: 45140) Save this urban greenspace for wildlife and the sanity of the local community. It’s so important to have a greenspace to escape too

1520. Jennifer Whitacre (ZIP code: 45244)

1521. John Pantel (ZIP code: 45220)

1522. Joan Lichtman (ZIP code: 45223) 1523. Joanne Johnson (ZIP code: 46211)

1524. JoAnne Allen (ZIP code: 45249) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you.

1525. jo ann ropp (ZIP code: 45242) I vote no on any commercial buildings in Burnet Woods. It is a natural community haven and should remain so. Respectfully, Jo Ann Ropp

1526. Cathi Lowry (ZIP code: 45229) Adamantly opposed to a new building.

1527. Jocelyn Gibson (ZIP code: 45225)

1528. Jocelynne Jason (ZIP code: 45208) This CEF proposal is an attempt to crack open the door that will lead to private development of Burnet Woods. It was tried a few years ago and got crushed but Cranley and his ilk have not given up. Vote no on this proposal.

1529. Joe Bodner (ZIP code: 45140)

1530. Jordyn Franz (ZIP code: 45216)

1531. Joseph Poffinbarger (ZIP code: 45220) Stop trying to ruin what little green space Clifton has left. The fact that this is still being proposed is absolutely BS. Leave the park alone!

1532. joe ragg (ZIP code: 45220) This project should not take place on city property. It's a loss of public space for private interest.

1533. Mary JoAnn Buck (ZIP code: 45208) What are you thinking? NO NO NO

1534. Johann Gebauer (ZIP code: 45243)

1535. Johanna Rose (ZIP code: 45211)

1536. John Klein (ZIP code: 45233)

1537. John Kornbluh (ZIP code: 45202) I have searched both the CPB website and the CEF website for information about this building and its intended use and programming, but found nothing. This lack of publicly available information poses difficulties in evaluating this project. For this reason, and for the reasons mentioned in this petition, I urge CPB to more fully engage with Burnet Woods stakeholders before making any decisions about this project.

1538. John Schneider (ZIP code: 45202) Leave it alone. Put this facility in an area which is already more developed.

1539. John Blatchford (ZIP code: 45214)

1540. John Burns (ZIP code: 45238)

1541. John Arora (ZIP code: 45226)

1542. John Harper (ZIP code: 45215)

1543. John Lasley (ZIP code: 45069) Please preserve the natural beauty and ecology of Burnet Woods!

1544. John Reeves (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote NO on the CEF BUILDING in Burnett Woods.

1545. Marisa Johnson (ZIP code: 41015)

1546. Peirce Johnston (ZIP code: 45220-1802) There should be no construction without a full community disclosure and discussion.

1547. John Conboy (ZIP code: 45229)

1548. Joanen Moore (ZIP code: 45230)

1549. Jon Neal (ZIP code: 45220)

1550. Jonada McNeal (ZIP code: 45219)

1551. Jonah Harry (ZIP code: 46278)

1552. Ann Smith (ZIP code: 45036)

1553. Jonathan Goolsby (ZIP code: 45219) No new construction in Burnet Woods. Leave wildlife alone; enjoy it for what it is and where it is.

1554. Lily Jones (ZIP code: 45206)

1555. Jonathan Stein (ZIP code: 41073) Vote no on the new cef building in burnet woods 1556. Jonathan Bernard (ZIP code: 45039)

1557. Jordan Gerda (ZIP code: 44212)

1558. Jordan Pater (ZIP code: 45011)

1559. Jordan Wheeler (ZIP code: 40242)

1560. Jordyn Francisco (ZIP code: 45219)

1561. Jos M (ZIP code: 45226)

1562. Joseph Glandorf (ZIP code: 45213)

1563. Joe Blocker (ZIP code: 45223)

1564. Josh Lerma (ZIP code: 45223)

1565. Josh Lea (ZIP code: 45220-2408) I am against new private developments in Burnet Woods. I visit the park multiple times a week and it is fine just the way it is. There is no room or need for more construction.

1566. Joshua Eastlake (ZIP code: 45244) Didn’t we just go through this? Burnet Woods is a place for nature, not more buildings.

1567. Joshua Carson (ZIP code: 45220)

1568. Joshua Maile (ZIP code: 45039)

1569. Joshua Mrvelj (ZIP code: 45214)

1570. Joshua Wiehoff (ZIP code: 41007)

1571. Josie Herbert (ZIP code: 45220)

1572. Josie Mays (ZIP code: 45224)

1573. Joe Moliterno (ZIP code: 45230)

1574. Josty Sieverding (ZIP code: 41075)

1575. Jeremy Ostrow (ZIP code: 45220) 1576. Joyce Cantor (ZIP code: 4521)

1577. Joy Schaulin (ZIP code: 45140)

1578. John McGuan (ZIP code: 60048) As a student of UC, Burnet woods is one of the best parts of campus. Not only do you get the city life, but you can also return to nature every now and again.

1579. Jennifer Ballard (ZIP code: 45229)

1580. Jazmine Applegate (ZIP code: 45246) Burnet woods is extremely significant to the students of the University of Cincinnati. Where else is there a WALKING distance park filled with hiking trails, resting areas, a pond, and a large area of wildlife? It is an oasis in a busy college town. University students need this park, not another building.

1581. Judy Ashton (ZIP code: 45220) No! This city park green space should not be disturbed for building additional structures. I live in the neighborhood and am vehemently opposed!

1582. John Oberst (ZIP code: 45230)

1583. Jackie Chiakas (ZIP code: 60016)

1584. Jordan Burger (ZIP code: 45150) Keep Burnett Woods Great

1585. Julie Doepke (ZIP code: 45206)

1586. Julia McAllister (ZIP code: 45227)

1587. Ms. Jacquie Wells (ZIP code: 45211)

1588. Julie Yellig (ZIP code: 45241)

1589. Jake Samad (ZIP code: 45224)

1590. Jaqui Brumm (ZIP code: 45208) I strongly oppose the construction of any additional facilities of any kind at Burnet Woods. That Greenspace needs to be left alone for the plants and animals that currently use it as it is. I’m including humans in the word animals. The volunteer groups that are helping to remove the invasives and to teach about the trees and birds that are there are doing tremendous work. Please support them with your votes instead by voting against any further construction ideas at Burnet Woods. I took a walk there last week and it was a delightful break from the COVID and the politics that are currently clogging our emotional and physical systems. We need more natural, native green areas to help us survive, not less. Please vote no and reject the Camping and Education proposal. You voted down the Clifton Arts Center and this is no different. Thank you, Jaqui Brumm

1591. June Schlipf (ZIP code: 45220) Destruction of habitat for construction and use will NOT improve the park.

1592. Jennifer Conboy (ZIP code: 45229)

1593. Sarah Leon (ZIP code: 45241) It is time to stop the encroachment on this park. Please turn down the proposal to allow the CEF to build in this park. The park needs to be saved as it is. It has been under attack for years! It is time to stop this!

1594. Jenna Shaifer (ZIP code: 45209)

1595. Jason Pippenger (ZIP code: 45220)

1596. Justin Clarke (ZIP code: 45429)

1597. Jim Terlinden (ZIP code: 45241)

1598. Jenna Timmons (ZIP code: 45219)

1599. Janet Tobler (ZIP code: 41011)

1600. Jenny Trier (ZIP code: 45229) I reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

1601. Jacob Sullivan (ZIP code: 45229)

1602. Jubilee OConnor (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is special to me and many people in our community.

1603. Juliana Privitera (ZIP code: 45040)

1604. Judith Neubacher (ZIP code: 45213) Please do not scar the lake at Burnet Woods with another building. We need to leave this park in the natural state it is in. It is too valuable.

1605. Judy Curtis (ZIP code: 45042)

1606. Julian Gregory (ZIP code: 45220) Please keep burnett the way it is. I owe it all especially during the pandemic

1607. Julia Sweet (ZIP code: 46033)

1608. Julia Mace (ZIP code: 45220)

1609. Alex Julian (ZIP code: 45220)

1610. Juliana Surprenant (ZIP code: 41048) ?No ? building ? in ? parks ?

1611. Julia Parrey (ZIP code: 17033)

1612. Julia Lindenschmidt (ZIP code: 45238)

1613. Julie Niesen (ZIP code: 45202)

1614. Julie Baughman (ZIP code: 45226) Please, do not clutter up a beautiful park with an unnecessary building.

1615. Julie Christensen (ZIP code: 48190)

1616. Julie Mercer (ZIP code: 45002)

1617. Julie Origlio (ZIP code: 44281)

1618. Juliette Wean (ZIP code: 45220)

1619. Juliette Bacula (ZIP code: 60304)

1620. Julie Murray (ZIP code: 45219) Please do not destroy the treasure of our urban parks to be used for the interests of a few. We need this space left as it is, and cared for as it is.

1621. Julia Miller (ZIP code: 45243)

1622. Julie Barnickle (ZIP code: 43204)

1623. Lauren Donnelly (ZIP code: 45337) Why is this being allowed when it’s not for public use???

1624. Elise Monsson (ZIP code: 45230) 1625. Justin Basset (ZIP code: 45219)

1626. Justin Klei (ZIP code: 41017)

1627. Justin Jeffre (ZIP code: 45219)

1628. Justin Van Wagenen (ZIP code: 45249)

1629. Jane Hamilton (ZIP code: 45224)

1630. James Williams (ZIP code: 45251)

1631. Janice Yates (ZIP code: 45229)

1632. Jordan Yonkofski (ZIP code: 45140)

1633. Kate Schwendenmann (ZIP code: 45202)

1634. Kelly Overbay (ZIP code: 45211)

1635. Katrina Rawls (ZIP code: 43227)

1636. Kevin Wimmer (ZIP code: 45102)

1637. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45213)

1638. Katie Waite (ZIP code: 44136)

1639. Kaemen West (ZIP code: 45212)

1640. Katherine Feldmann (ZIP code: 45243) Burnet Woods is a treasure in the heart of one of our busiest communities in the city. Countless people of all walks of life - families, professionals, students and others - visit this park. Please do not allow privately-owned construction in Burnet Woods!

1641. Anneliese Kafoure clare (ZIP code: 45227) Do not build

1642. Alexander Kagan (ZIP code: 45220) why would anyone want to build a new building in the park. please please please do not allow anyone to harm the magic of burnett woods

1643. kelly gorth (ZIP code: 45236) 1644. Kaitlin Iacobucci (ZIP code: 45030)

1645. Kaitlin Staggs (ZIP code: 45220) There is already such a limited amount of green space in the city! So many people utilize this space and deserve to have a patch of nature to explore!

1646. Kaitlin Vonderhaar (ZIP code: 45223) Save Burnet Woods, please.

1647. Kaitlym Eleniak (ZIP code: 45223)

1648. Kaitlyn Palermo (ZIP code: 45215)

1649. joyce smith (ZIP code: 45225) this has been a public park for over 75 years ,NO NO PRIVATE ENTERPRISE IS NEEDED.

1650. Kaleb Lewis (ZIP code: 45042)

1651. Kalee Taquino (ZIP code: 45206)

1652. Kelly Ambrosius (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods does not need any more buildings. Please preserve the natural environment of what’s left of the park. Thank you

1653. Kaylee McCarthy (ZIP code: 60517)

1654. Kelli Ames (ZIP code: 45202)

1655. Carol Crawford (ZIP code: 45220)

1656. Samuel Kane (ZIP code: 45219)

1657. Katie Olson (ZIP code: 45140)

1658. Sumedha Kappagantula (ZIP code: 45069) Burnet Woods is a beautiful, peaceful place for families, friends, students, professors, and Cincinnatians to gather and enjoy nature. Please don’t take this away from them.

1659. Kara Maynard (ZIP code: 45371)

1660. Kara Barbee (ZIP code: 45229)

1661. Karen Egan (ZIP code: 45232) 1662. Karen Clumpner (ZIP code: 45241) Cincinnati should maintain Burnet Woods as a city park and public green space . Please do not allow development.

1663. Karen Andrew (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is a small urban park and it has one very small lake. It does not need any more buildings -it already has a nature center. There is no good reason to build any more buildings especially to house canoes. The lake is too small to canoe, kayak, and boat in, even too small for canoe classes. The building will be an eyesore. Nearby residents, employees of nearby businesses and university students appreciate the natural beauty of this park and use it for walking and running around the lake and on the trails, picnicking, and nature classes. We don't need any construction there except to repair the road and facilities. We don't need any other buildings built in there. This park is a nature refuge in the middle of the city for Cincinnati citizens and visitors. It's also a positive feature for nearby the neighborhood homes and buildings. Please don't ruin it with a building that will not benefit the real users of this park.

1664. Karen Arnett (ZIP code: 45223)

1665. Karen Blocher (ZIP code: 45224)

1666. Mackenzie Karg (ZIP code: 45140)

1667. Kari Morehouse (ZIP code: 45220)

1668. Karianne Brown (ZIP code: 45238)

1669. Karin Brooks (ZIP code: 45238)

1670. Lujan (ZIP code: 91911)

1671. Wogenstahl (ZIP code: 45011)

1672. Turner (ZIP code: 45229)

1673. Karolyn Schalk (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods offers something rare and wonderful in an urban area - lightly developed green space. If treated thoughtfully it could be as great a destination as Glen Helen in Yellow Springs. don't mess it up by tearing it down green space for buildings we don't need.

1674. Pukstas (ZIP code: 45220)

1675. Karthik Raturi (ZIP code: 45242)

1676. simhya karthikeyan (ZIP code: 45040) 1677. Kate Hilton (ZIP code: 45213)

1678. Katie Habib (ZIP code: 45223)

1679. Katherine Sorrels (ZIP code: 45219)

1680. Kathleen Fine (ZIP code: 45202)

1681. Kate Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220)

1682. Kate Gallion (ZIP code: 45223) We told you NO on Cranley's attempt to privatize the park. Nothing has changed. That habitat is essential to the life of the surrounding communities. NO.

1683. Katelyn Stetler (ZIP code: 45040)

1684. Katherine Marikis (ZIP code: 45207)

1685. Kateri Gries (ZIP code: 45231)

1686. Kate Westrich (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is a treasure and so is the building you want to tear down. Don’t destroy a true gem of my community.

1687. Kate Zaidan (ZIP code: 45202) Burnett woods is such a special treasure! Any development would hurt this lively ecosystem. I love birdwatching there and no doubt an influx of construction and people would destroy the environment there.

1688. Katerina Getgey (ZIP code: 45215)

1689. Kate Blocher (ZIP code: 45208)

1690. Katherine Yutzey (ZIP code: 45220)

1691. Kathryn Gutzwiller (ZIP code: 45220) I strongly object to the use of Burnet Woods to construct a building for the use of the CEF. Burnet Woods is a unique treasure in our Clifton community, and the will of the community should decide on its uses. This park should remain undeveloped and a unique habitat for plants and animals in an urban environment.

1692. Kathy Johnson (ZIP code: 45233-1602)

1693. Katie Brown (ZIP code: 45230) 1694. Katie Chase (ZIP code: 45223)

1695. katie flanagan (ZIP code: 45220)

1696. Katie Paul (ZIP code: 45205)

1697. Katherine Baxter-Habib (ZIP code: 45219)

1698. Kathryn Neack (ZIP code: 41018)

1699. Kathryn Buhrmann (ZIP code: 49855) This beautiful space deserves to thrive on its own, not be overrun by an unethical business of money- driven corporate types.

1700. kate sampson (ZIP code: 45208)

1701. Katie Russell (ZIP code: 43082)

1702. Katie Ullrich (ZIP code: 45202-9000)

1703. Katie Van Gulick (ZIP code: 78750)

1704. Kat Moore (ZIP code: 45044)

1705. Kathy Wilson (ZIP code: 45230)

1706. Kay Atkins (ZIP code: 45224) Preserve the park for the public with no for profit enterprise within the public preserve

1707. Katlyn Weber (ZIP code: 45230) Please do not allow a private use structure to be built on public park grounds!

1708. Katherine Slattery (ZIP code: 45233) Please keep Burnet Woods a public space. Burnet Woods has a very special place in my heart and I would hate to see it go.

1709. Katherine Closson (ZIP code: 45040)

1710. Katy Jobe (ZIP code: 43201)

1711. Kerry White (ZIP code: 45220)

1712. Kayleigh Domhoff (ZIP code: 41073) 1713. Kaye Crawford (ZIP code: 40515)

1714. Kayla Parr (ZIP code: 45219)

1715. Kayla Parks (ZIP code: 45219)

1716. Kayla Walker (ZIP code: 45240)

1717. kaylee sherrill (ZIP code: 45152)

1718. Kaylen McCullough (ZIP code: 45219)

1719. Kathryn Boniface (ZIP code: 45229)

1720. Casey Murphy (ZIP code: 45202)

1721. Katie Coburn (ZIP code: 41011) Burnet Woods was a nice little nature getaway during my time at UC. I enjoyed walking and running through the park during stressful weeks and was thankful it was within walking distance from campus and my apartment. Please preserve it for current and future Clifton residents!

1722. Kate Comer (ZIP code: 45202)

1723. Kathryn Zielinski (ZIP code: 45220)

1724. Kelly Hennessy (ZIP code: 45223)

1725. kenneth emerson (ZIP code: 45220) No!

1726. Katherine Anderson (ZIP code: 45220)

1727. Brian Keane (ZIP code: 45220)

1728. Kathy Shafer (ZIP code: 45429)

1729. Catherine Carson (ZIP code: 45219)

1730. Keena Stricker (ZIP code: 45240)

1731. Sam Keen (ZIP code: 43147)

1732. Donna Druffel (ZIP code: 45220) I would like to see Burnett Woods continue to thrive and I agree that construction of a building by CEF would be harmful to the habitat. It is my hope that the proposal will be rejected.

1733. Kara Flaspohler (ZIP code: 45229)

1734. Keith Enrico (ZIP code: 45069)

1735. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

1736. Kelley Reis (ZIP code: 45220)

1737. Kelly Smith (ZIP code: 45229)

1738. Kelly Lumbert (ZIP code: 45220)

1739. Kelly Walker (ZIP code: 45220) I use this park as an urban oasis. There is no need to take more green space away from both humans and animals alike. This park is a crucial habitat for many species of flora and fauna, especially birds that use this as a stop on their migration!

1740. Kelly Windholtz (ZIP code: 45220) No buildings in Burnett Woods!

1741. Kelsey Kauflin (ZIP code: 45431)

1742. Kelsey Linder (ZIP code: 45219) STOP OUTSOURCING AND BETRAYING CINCY NATIVES!!! Too much of our gorgeous city is being sold to people who don't even live here, let alone contribute to our city's vibrant and highly nuanced culture. It'd be another heartbreaking betrayal to the devoted citizens and natives of Cincinnati & debilitating to our own sovereign authenticity to outsource our own growth & preservation!!

1743. Kelsey Mooney (ZIP code: 45220)

1744. Kelly Markle (ZIP code: 45212)

1745. Donna Emerson (ZIP code: 45220-2416) Emphatically, No!

1746. Helen Kemper (ZIP code: 45220) As a Clifton resident, Burnet Woods is basically in my backyard. It is a wonderful greenspace that attracts people from all over, as a place of respite and recreation. To compromise this space for private programming is unjust and unfair. There is no reason why the already existing Nature Center in Burnet cannot be utilized for additional programming. Adding a new structure to the park would just eradicate precious land and habitat that has been preserved for decades. The surrounding community has consistently opposed new construction in the park and we stand by our mission. It's unfair to a beloved public space for private interests, and this proposal would absolutely not benefit the community at large. I hope the park board votes no to this proposal and sets a precedent for the preservation of our park for years to come.

1747. Kenneth Petren (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not approve the boatbuilding house plan. The public needs to have questions answered and time to evaluate the new plan.

1748. Kendall Morgenstein (ZIP code: 45219)

1749. kendall constable (ZIP code: 45039)

1750. Kendra Broadwater (ZIP code: 45213)

1751. nancy maxwell (ZIP code: 45233) Leave Burnet Woods alone! We need our green spaces!

1752. Jin Jin Kennedy (ZIP code: 46835)

1753. Maggie Slone (ZIP code: 41015)

1754. Mak Vail (ZIP code: 45223)

1755. Kelly Peterson (ZIP code: 45255)

1756. Lois Hollingsworth (ZIP code: 47025) Please keep Burnet Woods as natural as possible and do not build in there please.

1757. Jac Kern (ZIP code: 45211)

1758. Amy Kessen (ZIP code: 45247) No

1759. iris kessler (ZIP code: 45219) don’t build it

1760. Katie Stewart (ZIP code: 45220) I am a resident of Clifton and an outdoor professional. As such, I am a proponent of helping to make/keep the outdoors accessible to all and understand the immense value of outdoor learning experiences and I admire the mission of the Camping and Education Foundation. However, I do not support the demolition of the current historic structures at Burnet Woods, nor the construction of new buildings within the park.

Our city often fast-tracks development without enough thoughtful consideration as to the effects on the community and the environment. Burnet Woods truly is an urban forest oasis for wildlife and humans alike. While it may seem “scrubby” and “underutilized” it functions as a patch of genuine, relatively untouched forest ecosystem. So many people (myself included) and animals use this park as an escape from the surrounding city and its function as a refuge and haven cannot be understated. I am afraid hasty development at Burnet Woods sets a precedent that our parks are to be valued more for their acreage and location rather than what they contain, sustain, and provide.

While I believe Burnet Woods would benefit from thoughtful, considered improvements, I am confident there is a solution that maintains the ecological and historical integrity of Burnet Woods while still allowing for meaningful recreation and use. The current plan as it stands is not acceptable. Thank you.

1761. Kevin Malburg (ZIP code: 45218) Knowing that there is plenty of available commercial space and university space not being used and may take years to gain occupancy there is no merit to building in park space.

1762. Kevin Duritsch (ZIP code: 45042)

1763. Kevin Jefferson (ZIP code: 45215)

1764. Kevin Curtis (ZIP code: 45223)

1765. Kevin Vance (ZIP code: 45211)

1766. Kevin Welch (ZIP code: 45225)

1767. Kyle Fugate (ZIP code: 45011) Please don’t take this away from us!

1768. Katy Goyette (ZIP code: 45220)

1769. Klayton Schaefer (ZIP code: 10023)

1770. Kristina Hoeffer (ZIP code: 45223)

1771. Kristin Hurst (ZIP code: 45065)

1772. Kiana Basset (ZIP code: 45219)

1773. Helen Smith (ZIP code: 45223) Stop fucking with our parks

1774. Kiley Pippenger (ZIP code: 45014) Preserve our parks!!!!!

1775. Reid Flessa (ZIP code: 45213) 1776. Kimberly Lamb (ZIP code: 45238)

1777. Kimberly Swiecki (ZIP code: 45237)

1778. kimberly bryan (ZIP code: 45223)

1779. Kim Caniff (ZIP code: 45230)

1780. Michael King (ZIP code: 45209)

1781. Malcolm King (ZIP code: 45069)

1782. Will Ross (ZIP code: 45220)

1783. Katie Kinzeler (ZIP code: 41011) Cincinnati already has a terrific parks division with a base in Burnet Woods. We do not need another one, especially a private one! Please spend money and give your support to public programs that are not subject to the whims, opinions, and agendas of private individuals or companies! Additionally, for multiple social, emotional, and environmental reasons we NEED GREENSPACE, not more buildings and concrete.

1784. John Kirr (ZIP code: 45219)

1785. Kirsten Silven (ZIP code: 45223) Please - no more development in Burnet Woods! It is one of our only woodlands left and serves as a natural habitat for countless species of wildlife. We own a historic home on Howell Avenue and enjoy the park and it’s wildness!

1786. Kit Anderson (ZIP code: 45226) I STRONGLY oppose locating the proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods Park!!!! This is yet another encroachment by private interests onto park land -- land which belongs to all of us. CEF does not need this building and the University of Cincinnati is just trying to expand into the park. DO NOT BUILD THIS IN BURNET WOODS.

1787. Katelyn Murphy (ZIP code: 41048)

1788. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 41071)

1789. Kim Kurak (ZIP code: 05753)

1790. Kaia LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

1791. Kyle Lamb (ZIP code: 45205) 1792. Klara Apro (ZIP code: 45224) Leave park alone!

1793. Kelly Klein (ZIP code: 41011)

1794. Jennifer Kleinrichert (ZIP code: 43315)

1795. Erin Klenke (ZIP code: 45219)

1796. Kelly Sheehy (ZIP code: 45202)

1797. Anna Klunk (ZIP code: 45208)

1798. Kyle Mace (ZIP code: 45214)

1799. Karen Mansfield (ZIP code: 45236) We love this park and my kids benefited from the programming offered there. We don't believe that private enterprises belong inside the park. Surely there is space within the surrounding community that will suit the private venture's needs?

1800. Kara Mate (ZIP code: 45013)

1801. Katherine McNulty (ZIP code: 45220)

1802. Kathryn Daniher (ZIP code: 45226) I love our parks. Please don’t take them away

1803. Kate LaBare (ZIP code: 45213)

1804. Kathleen M Donahoe (ZIP code: 45206)

1805. Kathleen Meyer (ZIP code: 45219)

1806. Katie Nolan (ZIP code: 45244)

1807. Kevin O'Dell (ZIP code: 45211) Please, no private development in our Cincinnati Parks. Encourage them to do private development

1808. Barbara Moran (ZIP code: 4520o) I am writing to request the Cincinnati Park Board vote No on the new CEF Building Propodsal in Burnet Woods given it is a public park. The proposed construction would be to the detriment to the habitat and an unnecessary intrusion into our neeed urban greenspaces. 1809. Louis Knolle (ZIP code: 45230)

1810. Kyle Schneider (ZIP code: 45219)

1811. Katelyn Scott (ZIP code: 45219)

1812. Kobe Thomas (ZIP code: 45220)

1813. Eric Koenig (ZIP code: 45202)

1814. Cayle Komara (ZIP code: 44060)

1815. Keith Kombrinck (ZIP code: 45218) City Parks should not be sold to private interests. Up with good government and down with anti- government right wing privatization.

1816. Judy Komorowski (ZIP code: 41001)

1817. Korinne Bailey (ZIP code: 45219)

1818. Peter Koury (ZIP code: 45219)

1819. Kinsey Kovar (ZIP code: 45230)

1820. Kyle Cannon (ZIP code: 45223)

1821. Katie Pilcher (ZIP code: 45040)

1822. Kirana Rao (ZIP code: 45220) Public comment 12/17/2020. Please do not use Burnet woods, a public property of immense value in the neighborhood for development of private property or any other private venture. We live in the neighborhood and use the green space all the time and do nit want to see a development in the park. Thank you

1823. Brittney Kreimer (ZIP code: 45237)

1824. Aubrey Krekeler (ZIP code: 45255)

1825. Stephen Kridel (ZIP code: 45219)

1826. Krishna Nelson (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve burnet woods! 1827. Krishna Patel (ZIP code: 45458)

1828. Krista Mitchell (ZIP code: 45239)

1829. Kristan Hoffman (ZIP code: 45220) When CCAC and CEF both made their initial presentations a couple years ago, I was on the fence. I had friends on both sides and listened to their reasons. I went through the official presentation materials myself. I walked with my dog and my daughter through Burnet Woods, and thought about what it was, what it could be, what it should be. Ultimately I agreed with those who were arguing against new private buildings in the park, and I still agree with them now. There is no reason CEF cannot make use of the existing Trailside Nature Center, as they stated they would do. Furthermore, this hurried, bait-and-switch move weakens my trust in their organization to be friends of the Burnet Woods community and stewards of the park.

1830. Kristina Klimov (ZIP code: 45230)

1831. Kristin Naber (ZIP code: 45238)

1832. Kristi O'Donnell (ZIP code: 98253) Dear Cincinnati Park Board: Burnett Woods is a vital nature reserve in the heart of the city and in my hometown neighborhood of Clifton. I agree with everything written in this posting. The stand alone for private interest CEF building is not needed and not appropriate. Please vote NO.

It would be a travesty to see the historic WPA building torn down and removed from public service.

Keep Burnett Woods alive for the natural habitat and nature programs, for kids of all ages.

I encourage you to fix up the park. When we visited in Dec. 2019 things looked really nice.

I fondly remember skating there, feeding the ducks, concerts in the park with the Cinti Pops and Marion Spellman, birthday parties in the picnic area, sliding down that slide! Snow sledding. Theatre in the rock sculpture. Nature study every summer! Collecting acorns and autumn leaves.

I was a volunteer crew leader for the original Green Up Day and for several years there after.

In 1976/77, when I was a horticulture student at Cinti State, I spoke to the City of Cincinnati Council in support of Park Funding in their budget, specifically to preserve the new trees Cinti Parks had just planted in Burnett Woods. That's where I met Park Board Volunteer Founder and Park Commissioner, Marlene Holwadel: a champion for Cincinnati Parks! She would be signing this letter today!

In addition to growing up in Cincinnati Parks, I was also an employee there from 1985-1993, at Krohn Conservatory and then as Assistant Supervisor of Horticulture.

Keep Clifton green and historically vital.

Thank you, Kristi O'Donnell

1833. Kritton shay-winkler (ZIP code: 45231)

1834. Jennifer Kroell (ZIP code: 45211) Keep our parks public and protected!

1835. Mandi Kromalic (ZIP code: 45219)

1836. Emma Kronenberg (ZIP code: 40059) I am a student at UC and Burnet Woods is a beloved natural haven from all the urban environment surrounding the school. Building on the park’s property is irresponsible to both the landscape and the ecosystem

1837. Kendall Resseguie (ZIP code: 45434)

1838. Jason Krupar (ZIP code: 45209-1632) I am once again amazed and stunned at this last minute effort by the Park Board to impose an unwanted major transformation on Burnet Woods. The lack of input from surrounding citizen's and community organizations I find appalling and frankly undemocratic. It makes one wonder what the Board is attempting to hide from the tax-payers of the city and county. The lack of transparency and continual effort by the Board to overturn the vocal resistance of the neighborhood makes me think that the Board positions need to be made more responsive to the communities it allegedly serves. Perhaps it is time the Board be elected by the citizens of the city.

1839. Karnpal Cheema (ZIP code: 54923)

1840. Katie Steele (ZIP code: 45216)

1841. Katherine Buckley (ZIP code: 41011)

1842. katarina morris (ZIP code: 45220)

1843. Kevin Schmitt (ZIP code: 45036) Please keep this space as a natural ecological habitat

1844. Mohan K (ZIP code: 45219)

1845. Kurt Prostor (ZIP code: 85257)

1846. Kwame Stewart (ZIP code: 44124) We’ve already destroyed nature enough and took homes from animals, just leave the park to be. This is a place where people create memories and admire the beauty of Mother Nature.

1847. Kay Wolfley (ZIP code: 45224) There are so many other ways to enrich our park without having a separate entity involved. Make the park friendly again. Why can’t there be ice skating again?

1848. Kyara King (ZIP code: 45246)

1849. Michael Strucke (ZIP code: 41005)

1850. Kyle Kathman (ZIP code: 41011)

1851. Kyle Costa (ZIP code: 45238)

1852. Kylie Schell (ZIP code: 45223) The city already has enough buildings.

1853. Kymberly Chappell (ZIP code: 44)

1854. Kyra Back (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve the park as is. The mature trees provide natural cooling of the area in the center of an ever warming city, carbon sequestration and sanctuary for birds.

1855. Kyra Van Nimwegen (ZIP code: 45011)

1856. Lauren Dupps (ZIP code: 45219) Especially in a world de-valuing the environment we must preserve natural spaces for the benefit of ourselves (we’re also recognizing our need to spend time outside) and the species with which we share the planet.

1857. Lily Adams (ZIP code: 45220)

1858. Robert Lacy (ZIP code: 45255) Save our parks.

1859. Lacy Shapiro (ZIP code: 45248) Don't do it!!!

1860. Abigail MacLean (ZIP code: 45227)

1861. Elaine Suess (ZIP code: 45220) I'm quite concerned that the park board seems to be ready to make a decision about allowing a private company to build in Burnet Woods without having gathered feedback from the public who use the park! "Public Comment: 12/17"

1862. Audrey Laiveling (ZIP code: 45233) 1863. Linda May (ZIP code: 45103)

1864. Benjamin Lambert (ZIP code: 45220)

1865. Lila Wilmes (ZIP code: 45223)

1866. Edward Lammie (ZIP code: 43560)

1867. lamya bowie (ZIP code: 45237)

1868. William Landeck (ZIP code: 45219) NO!

1869. John Landon (ZIP code: 45150)

1870. Tammy York (ZIP code: 45102) No new buildings. Keep Burnet Woods as is.

1871. Eric Lame (ZIP code: 45208)

1872. laney sebastian (ZIP code: 41015)

1873. Alainna Sanregret (ZIP code: 45233)

1874. Lanie Calcara (ZIP code: 45230)

1875. Leslie Hacker (ZIP code: 45223)

1876. Lara Rumizen (ZIP code: 45223)

1877. larissa Howell (ZIP code: 45246) Save the woods! We need the bugs and birds and bees and green things!

1878. Connie Springer (ZIP code: 45208)

1879. Alex Larrison (ZIP code: 45219)

1880. Laura Clevenger (ZIP code: 45241)

1881. Laura Murphy (ZIP code: 45223) Native American themed wilderness camps created by white people are not acceptable in our schools and parks. Not in 2020 in Cincinnati. Not 100 years ago in MN. Not any time, any where. 1882. Laura Vinciguerra (ZIP code: 45248)

1883. Laura Stolk (ZIP code: 75248) So, much history in Burnet Woods. Pictures of my grandparents there, spent my college days there, hiking with my dogs. Please preserve this wonderful space and don't allow building by those who have no heart for it.

1884. Laura Hobson (ZIP code: 49507)

1885. Laura Jones (ZIP code: 45220) I would not mind some kind of upgrade that would include hikers of the park being able to partake, such as a café or small restaurant. It would need to be tactfully designed within the existing building and work with the community.

1886. Laura Tinker (ZIP code: 41075) This park is small enough and needs to remain a green space already in a jungle of buildings. When I nannied I would take the kids of clifton to this park to visit the pond, hike and experience wildlife. Now I take my children to visit the pond, hike the trails and watch butterflies in the meadow.

1887. Laura Cabrera (ZIP code: 43204)

1888. Laura Skaggs (ZIP code: 45211)

1889. Lauren Livingston (ZIP code: 45202)

1890. Lauren Jones (ZIP code: 45140)

1891. fern fournier (ZIP code: 45040)

1892. Lauren Mongonia (ZIP code: 45220) Clifton needs Burnet Woods to remain intact. This space is important not only for the human residents who live nearby, but for all of the animal ones as well. Getting rid of Burnet Woods would get rid of a significant portion of the beauty that makes Clifton so unique. Having this green space in the heart of the city is part of what makes this area so special. Taking it away would decrease city value, community wellbeing and engagement, and would harm the environment and all of the animal species that call Burnet Woods home.

1893. Lauren Reis (ZIP code: 45202)

1894. Lauren Rentz (ZIP code: 45205)

1895. Lauren Schmidtgesling (ZIP code: 45231)

1896. Lauren Smallwood (ZIP code: 45212) 1897. Lauren Thomas (ZIP code: 45066)

1898. lauren tilley (ZIP code: 45220)

1899. Laurie Heldman (ZIP code: 45215)

1900. Lawson Wulsin (ZIP code: 45220)

1901. layla miller (ZIP code: 45219) This new construction is completely unnecessary and will be extremely detrimental to the natural ecosystem in the park. Please vote no.

1902. Layne Cross (ZIP code: 45520)

1903. Kristina Nading (ZIP code: 43228) Nature is most important and true beauty

1904. Loraine Bregger (ZIP code: 45249)

1905. lisa cassiere (ZIP code: 45248)

1906. Linda Hall (ZIP code: 45220)

1907. Luke Chops (ZIP code: 45219)

1908. lauren clepper (ZIP code: 45220)

1909. Lindsey Cohen (ZIP code: 45220) I use this park daily. I’ve been using it since I moved to Cincinnati in 2016. It is one of my favorite places to walk, sketch, and relax. A lot of my friends love and use it, too. It’s a gem hidden in Clifton and to build on it would be shameful!

1910. Lois Shadix (ZIP code: 45244-3819)

1911. luke gorris (ZIP code: 44646)

1912. Liliana Dillingham (ZIP code: 84115)

1913. Taylor Le (ZIP code: 45069)

1914. Leah Darpel (ZIP code: 45220 )

1915. Leah Reynolds (ZIP code: 45217) 1916. Leah Heckaman (ZIP code: 45220)

1917. Leah Riben (ZIP code: 45219)

1918. Leah Wagner (ZIP code: 45219)

1919. Lea Nayak (ZIP code: 45220)

1920. Leann Kane (ZIP code: 45102)

1921. Leanne Lawton (ZIP code: 45202)

1922. Mollie Garrett (ZIP code: 43125)

1923. Lee Rafales (ZIP code: 45219) Burnett woods is a treasured natural space in the city and should remain so. I encourage the park board to vote no for any new buildings in this area.

1924. LeeAnn McNabb (ZIP code: 45230)

1925. Leeann Mosley (ZIP code: 45015) DO NOT

1926. Lee Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245)

1927. Lee Hamzy (ZIP code: 45211) This park has been dwindled in size far to much over the years. I feel like if the pandemic has taught us anything, we need more green space. Find another space for this building, or better yet, use one that is sitting empty.

1928. Olivia Leek (ZIP code: 43947)

1929. Lee Sullivan (ZIP code: 45219)

1930. Hannah Lehigh (ZIP code: 45219)

1931. Maureen Leigh (ZIP code: 45248) Please vote NO for additional buildings on the lake at Burnet Woods. There are better areas for buildings, and the lake is too small for canoeing. It would also have any extremely negative effect on the natural habitats and wildlife. Thank you.

1932. Maggie Lekan (ZIP code: 44140) 1933. Quinn Lemarr (ZIP code: 45219)

1934. Laura Lenarduzzi (ZIP code: 45220)

1935. Bailey Leo (ZIP code: 45206)

1936. Leonard Chowdry (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a huge part of the community. Preserving its natural sanctity is of the utmost importance. As a student at UC and as a resident near Burnet, beginning the process of destroying the preservation further feels unjust and morally wrong. Especially during these trying times, Burnet Woods gave those quarantining and socially distancing a way to forget and grow from the turmoil. I hope you can see the value of preserving it as much as we can.

1937. leona stanton (ZIP code: 45220)

1938. Hannah Lesko (ZIP code: 45248)

1939. Leslie Whitford (ZIP code: 45211)

1940. Leslie Jump (ZIP code: 41011)

1941. Alessandra Trindle (ZIP code: 45208)

1942. Ben Levin (ZIP code: 45230)

1943. Lew Ebstein (ZIP code: 45242)

1944. lexi adams (ZIP code: 45230)

1945. Alexis DeWitt (ZIP code: 45219)

1946. Leyla Shokoohe (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

1947. Leslie Gimbert (ZIP code: 45208)

1948. Logan Bailey (ZIP code: 45220) Happy to help!

1949. Ligia Gomez (ZIP code: 45220) We don’t want any invasive construction at Burnet Woods! We don’t need more buildings, we need maintenance!!!!! 1950. Lily Greiser (ZIP code: 45150)

1951. Linda Harig (ZIP code: 45224-1913)

1952. Lilly Hinckley (ZIP code: 45243)

1953. Lianna Branham (ZIP code: 46123)

1954. Liam Garrett (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not construct any new buildings in Burnet woods. The last construction project involved paving a path and we were not able to use that section of the park for a month and the grass where vehicles and construction equipment were brought through is still destroyed. I use the park every day and any construction projects will diminish my use of the park and will be a disruption of the natural environment.

1955. Liam O'Shaughnessy (ZIP code: 45215)

1956. Liam Vollbracht (ZIP code: 45213)

1957. Libby DeFoor (ZIP code: 45208)

1958. Liela Crosset (ZIP code: 45209) I grew up going to burnet woods with my family, and I know it’s a special place for so many families now. It’s important to have this beautiful patch of nature for students on campus and residents of the surrounding area.

1959. anna whetstone (ZIP code: 45230)

1960. Dylan Pyron (ZIP code: 45044)

1961. Nancy Johanson (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote "NO" on the proposed building in Burnet Woods. We need all the "unimproved public green space in our city neighborhoods that we can still protect in its entirety and enjoy as citizens in this ever increasingly crowded, noisy, speed crazed, addicted society.

1962. Lila Baumann (ZIP code: 45219)

1963. Lily Malone (ZIP code: 45244) Don’t frigging do this

1964. Nshimirimana Liliane (ZIP code: 45211)

1965. Lilli Sher (ZIP code: 43209) 1966. Lillian Arthur (ZIP code: 45214)

1967. Lillian Mills (ZIP code: 45213) Keep our trees please!!!

1968. lilly cooper (ZIP code: 45236)

1969. lilly degarmo (ZIP code: 43076)

1970. Lily McEwan (ZIP code: 46206)

1971. Lily Zucker (ZIP code: 45219)

1972. Lillian Beane (ZIP code: 45219)

1973. Lily Norton (ZIP code: 45220) Please save burnet woods for the animals, and so we people can enjoy, all the green space we can!! I've lived in Clifton all 60 years of my life!

1974. Lily Bobrick (ZIP code: 45220)

1975. Linda Conley (ZIP code: 45229) I grew up in Clifton and remember visiting the lake with my grandmother. I visit now with my own grandchildren. There are woods and a tennis court above Coy Field. Why not build something new there?

1976. Linda Rhyne (ZIP code: 45220)

1977. Linda Tong (ZIP code: 45220) The City of Cincinnati and the University of Cincinnati have chipped away at Burnet Woods over the years. There have been several proposals to develop/build within Burnet Woods which have been defeated by those of us who want this space to remain green and open and accessible. This proposal should be defeated as well. We must maintain Burnet Woods in one of the City's areas most densely populated residentially, commercially and instituionally.

1978. Linda Linker (ZIP code: 45215)

1979. Rolf Linder (ZIP code: 45230) Let’s keep the “Woods” in Burnet Woods!

1980. Michael Lind (ZIP code: 45233)

1981. Lindsay Searing (ZIP code: 41042) Keep this historic and beautiful urban park fully intact. Not every strip of greenspace needs to be developed! Burnet Woods is the peace within the chaos of everything around it, and I imagine it is a welcome respite to the healthcare and university professionals that surround it daily.

1982. Lindsay Behrman (ZIP code: 45213)

1983. Lindsay Nehls (ZIP code: 45223)

1984. Lindsey Cencula (ZIP code: 45223)

1985. Lindsey Learned (ZIP code: 45040)

1986. Lindsey Snider (ZIP code: 41017)

1987. Nicholas Norton (ZIP code: 45232)

1988. Lisa Raney (ZIP code: 45223)

1989. Lisa Cobb (ZIP code: 41048)

1990. Lisa Haglund (ZIP code: 45220) nothing says “I love you” to a box turtle like a retaining wall

1991. Lisa Holt (ZIP code: 45154) This is a beautiful historic green space across from UC. It is an important part of Clifton and Cincinnati heritage.

1992. Lisa Crespo (ZIP code: 45212)

1993. Lisa Flanagan (ZIP code: 45242) Please vote NO On the new CEF building proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you!

1994. Kate W (ZIP code: 45342)

1995. olivia stapleton (ZIP code: 45237)

1996. Olivia Haines (ZIP code: 45224)

1997. Olivia Schafer (ZIP code: 45238)

1998. Olivia Hayes (ZIP code: 45219)

1999. Liz Gottmer (ZIP code: 45205)

2000. Elizabeth Allen (ZIP code: 45211) 2001. Liza Newman (ZIP code: 45226)

2002. Liz Browning (ZIP code: 45239)

2003. Eric Fleischmann (ZIP code: 45150)

2004. Liz Schmidt (ZIP code: 41071) We love coming to the park with friends and family. It’s a special and peaceful space that has provided so many wonderful memories. My young nieces and nephews love to play here and provides a space for them to explore, gather, and be in nature.

2005. Elizabeth Clark (ZIP code: 45601) Please vote NO on the new CEF building site at the Burnett Park.

2006. Liz Peter (ZIP code: 45238) The communities near this park, (that lies next door to the U.C. the campus), should be involved in voting for or against and future building permits within it's grounds. My husband and I attended various events as well as Planetarium shows and hiking thebtrails

2007. Elizabeth Alford (ZIP code: 45202)

2008. Laura Witherow (ZIP code: 45220)

2009. Laurie Gilbert (ZIP code: 45220)

2010. Elizabeth Kigar (ZIP code: 90014) I have happy memories of burnet woods and oppose new construction. Renovate existing buildings and keep private business deals out of this public amenity.

2011. Jennifer Sung (ZIP code: 45220)

2012. Lauren Lumpkins (ZIP code: 45039)

2013. Lili Lustig DO (ZIP code: 44122) I echo the concern of the community and agree that the building should not be built.

2014. L Boehner (ZIP code: 45069)

2015. Laurie Trout (ZIP code: 45243)

2016. Lawrence Mulcahy (ZIP code: 20111)

2017. lola oakes (ZIP code: 45459) 2018. Regina Loayza (ZIP code: 43054)

2019. John Holmes (ZIP code: 46077) Keep and protect the natural habitat as it is now...it feeds the soul and not just the pocketbook!!

2020. Logan Shanks (ZIP code: 45219)

2021. Logan Davis (ZIP code: 45248)

2022. Logan Benson (ZIP code: 45342)

2023. Alex Lohmann (ZIP code: 45223)

2024. Mark Stewart (ZIP code: 45249)

2025. Aloni Welker (ZIP code: 45219) Burnett Woods was my only oasis while at UC. Giving more of that land away, than has already been given, is a disservice to the public.

2026. Crista Lawson (ZIP code: 45206) Please let it be.

2027. Lora Jost (ZIP code: 45202)

2028. Lorraine Becker (ZIP code: 45202)

2029. E Saxton (ZIP code: 45224) I work in Clifton and enjoy walking in Burnet Woods.

2030. Lori Stansell (ZIP code: 45241)

2031. Elizabeth Grover (ZIP code: 45208)

2032. Liat Ungar (ZIP code: 41076)

2033. Laura Providenti (ZIP code: 45211)

2034. Lauren Garrison (ZIP code: 45220)

2035. Lindsey Tomko (ZIP code: 45220)

2036. Laura Vedder (ZIP code: 45213) 2037. Elaine Schwaner (ZIP code: 45219)

2038. Levon Siler (ZIP code: 45223) Public parks are for the *public*, not private groups.

2039. Laura Sink (ZIP code: 28723)

2040. Lucy Crane (ZIP code: 45223)

2041. Luis Gutierrez (ZIP code: 45236) Lui

2042. Luke Herrmann (ZIP code: 45202) expand existing programs

2043. Luke Chapman (ZIP code: 45040)

2044. Luke Early (ZIP code: 45216)

2045. Luke Hart (ZIP code: 41048)

2046. Laurel Emerson (ZIP code: 41001)

2047. Guadalupe Rodriguez (ZIP code: 45219)

2048. Louis Martin (ZIP code: 45219) This plan should not go forward. I find the use of public land objectionable and the exclusion of stakeholders intolerable.

2049. Lydia Cowan (ZIP code: 45209)

2050. Lydia Grant (ZIP code: 45255)

2051. Lydia Krage (ZIP code: 45150)

2052. Brooke Lyman (ZIP code: 45219)

2053. Lynae Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

2054. Hazel Lynch (ZIP code: 45223)

2055. Lyndsay Downey (ZIP code: 45236) 2056. Lyndsay Coleman (ZIP code: 45203)

2057. Lynn Hartsougb (ZIP code: 45069)

2058. Lynne Goodridge (ZIP code: 41048)

2059. Lynn Thomas (ZIP code: 45042)

2060. Lincoln Beckner (ZIP code: 45211)

2061. Karen Beckner (ZIP code: 45211) Burnet woods has so much history and it’s a fabulous piece of nature in our city. It’s intended to be used by students and children and neighbors and wildlife. There are so many other spaces and other buildings that could be used which are not the treasure of Burnet Woods. Please don’t sell out to development.

2062. Lyric Morris-Latchaw (ZIP code: 45212)

2063. Jeremy Lysaght (ZIP code: 45223)

2064. Michele Beuerlein (ZIP code: 45244) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. Thank you for your consideration.

2065. Michelle Martinez (ZIP code: 45220) Do not build anything in Burnet Woods!

2066. Mason Williams (ZIP code: 45229)

2067. Madg Weighner (ZIP code: 45206)

2068. M Beischel (ZIP code: 45246)

2069. Mackenly Herron (ZIP code: 45056)

2070. Mackenzie Brown (ZIP code: 45230)

2071. Samantha Bruce (ZIP code: 45238)

2072. Mackenzie Matthews (ZIP code: 40422)

2073. Macy McGillivray (ZIP code: 45503) 2074. Madalyn Thomas (ZIP code: 45219)

2075. Maddie Kevelson (ZIP code: 45219)

2076. Madalyn Wells (ZIP code: 45152)

2077. Maddy Kelly (ZIP code: 45202)

2078. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 44001)

2079. Madeline Bernard (ZIP code: 45224)

2080. Mads RingswaldEgan (ZIP code: 45255)

2081. Mason DeLuca (ZIP code: 45219)

2082. maddie bruening (ZIP code: 45220)

2083. Madelyn Detloff (ZIP code: 45223) Rehab some of the buildings in OTR. Don’t build in the woods.

2084. Madge Maril (ZIP code: 45223)

2085. Madison Winter (ZIP code: 45106)

2086. Madison Neumann (ZIP code: 45206)

2087. Madyson (ZIP code: 45219)

2088. Maggie Gossard (ZIP code: 45213)

2089. Maggie Piker (ZIP code: 45208) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2090. Mahathi Venkatesh (ZIP code: 44136)

2091. Maiana Wells (ZIP code: 45220)

2092. Diane Christian-Budd (ZIP code: 45230)

2093. Leila Khan (ZIP code: 45242) 2094. Angela Meyer (ZIP code: 45223) Save this important green space!

2095. JohnMark Thomas (ZIP code: 45150) I have lived in Cincinnati off and on since I was 6 years ol I am now 20. Everytime I came home. I came a visited this park.

I remember being in highschool and on Friday's we would all go to the park and figure out plans for the day. Please save my childhood park

2096. Makena Devlin (ZIP code: 40299)

2097. Makul Sharma (ZIP code: 45206)

2098. Malcolm Montgomery (ZIP code: 45220) Mayor Cranley appoints Park Commissioners, thus dance to his tune. They are not elected, but he is. Please let him know of your opposition to the CEF plan.

2099. Mallory Condron (ZIP code: 60625) Former Cincinnati resident weighing in against this action. Preserve Burnet Woods.

2100. (ZIP code: 45220)

2101. Malia McKenzie (ZIP code: 45219)

2102. Ivan Mallett (ZIP code: 45066) #forsarah

2103. Mallin Blaxall (ZIP code: 45211) Disappointed that the foundation that previously committed both to preserving and improving the park's current state has flipped the script. Further disappointed that they have at best failed, at worst purposefully evaded, to engage with the neighboring communities and provide transparent documentation of plans.

2104. Dylan M (ZIP code: 45238)

2105. Mary Inkrot-Schroder (ZIP code: 45069) Do not break down this park!

2106. William Hull (ZIP code: 45220) It is rare to have a "wild" space in the middle of an urban area. The benefits of such a space to the overall community can not be measured. No new buildings should be built. Any private organization that wants to use the park should make use of a physical structure outside of the park or be allowed to use the existing physical building. Any new buildings will greatly diminish the irreplaceable space that the community has with Burnet Woods. 2107. Jack Davidson (ZIP code: 45220) I love Burnet Woods and neither I nor the city of Cincinnati will ever forgive you if you take it away

2108. Sarah Mansfield (ZIP code: 45236) Burnett Woods is beautiful as it is, please vote no on this.

2109. Mantha Norton (ZIP code: 45220)

2110. Narek Manukyan (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve and steward Burnet Woods.

2111. Mara Jones (ZIP code: 45230)

2112. Sidath Marapane (ZIP code: 45069)

2113. Marc Governanti (ZIP code: 45223)

2114. Marcella Wess (ZIP code: 43026)

2115. Marcelo Roman (ZIP code: 45220) beautiful memories

2116. Margaux Patel (ZIP code: 45208)

2117. Margaret Gibbons (ZIP code: 45246) These people are like snakes. They slide around, hoping to catch us unaware. This man agreed not to do this!

2118. Margaret Cullen (ZIP code: 45213) We need to preserve greenspace in Cincinnati and Hamilton County. It's egregious to learn that the Park Board is rushing this through without public disclosure or input. Please deny the request to build a new building in Burnet Woods. At a minimum postpone the vote to spring.

2119. Maria Boehl (ZIP code: 45231)

2120. Maria Kreimer (ZIP code: 45211) Public comments: 12-17

2121. Maria Lucking (ZIP code: 45226)

2122. Mariana Leal (ZIP code: 45209)

2123. Mariel Lustig (ZIP code: 44122) 2124. Marilyn Ormsbee (ZIP code: 45202)

2125. Marin Billionis (ZIP code: 45219)

2126. Marin Emanuel (ZIP code: 45237)

2127. Ann Bernard (ZIP code: 45226) Having spent many hours in the idyllic Burnet Woods while a student at UC, this urban oasis is needed by the community... now more than ever. The addition of a facility and amenities unrelated to the purpose of the park setting is unnecessary. The lack of support from the community says it all.

2128. Marisa Seremet (ZIP code: 45223)

2129. Marissa Kerbel (ZIP code: 45205)

2130. Marjie Becus (ZIP code: 45140) Please preserve Burnet Woods as a park and woods for the enjoyment of all and not to chop out areas for buildings which will decrease the natural area.

2131. Mark McEwan (ZIP code: 45206)

2132. Mark Abboushi (ZIP code: 45220)

2133. Mark Mendoza (ZIP code: 45253)

2134. Mark Gilsdorf (ZIP code: 45223) No private development in Burnett Woods!!! Quit trying to sneak this through!

2135. Mark Mussman (ZIP code: 45202) I am very concerned about the anti-Native American "education" as well as privatization of our Park. I regularly spend time hiking the trails at Burnet Woods - and I have for the past 20 years. Keep the park public. Do not allow this Native American appropriation to happen in our park either. It's a step back.

2136. Sean Markovic (ZIP code: 45220)

2137. Mark Quertinmont (ZIP code: 45202)

2138. Maria Marotta (ZIP code: 45220) Ridiculous, please do not sell one of the few city parks for development!!

2139. Marta Galante de la Puente (ZIP code: 45236)

2140. Ben Marthey (ZIP code: 45219) 2141. Martin Bergschneider (ZIP code: 24016) Save save save!

2142. Martha Harrington (ZIP code: 45224) Please leave Burnet Woods as there Urban oasis it is!

2143. Mary Gaertner (ZIP code: 45230)

2144. Mary Singler (ZIP code: 45219) As a regular user of the park, a volunteer for honeysuckle removal events and a member of CUF I strongly oppose development in Burnet Woods that has not gone through reviews and input from the community.

2145. MaryAlice Clevenger (ZIP code: 45220)

2146. Mary Anne Drew (ZIP code: 45157)

2147. Mary Welch (ZIP code: 40245)

2148. Mary Turner (ZIP code: 45230)

2149. Mary Kessler (ZIP code: 45220) I wholeheartedly do not want CEF or any other group to build in Burnet Woods Park!

2150. mary kroner (ZIP code: 45223)

2151. Mary Maune (ZIP code: 45224)

2152. Mary Rits Dominic (ZIP code: 45220) As a frequent walker/hiker in Burnet Woods, I see no benefit to the community this building serves. I am not deadly opposed to infrastructure improvements, but this building serves ONLY the interest of a private corporation. It does not fit with the mission of Cincinnati Parks. It is a private corporation invasion of my neighborhood park. The building design is not in keeping with the architectural designs of other Cincinnati Parks buildings.

2153. Mason Doyle (ZIP code: 45219) Hey man I wouldn't build here anyway you're gonna have homeless people and disc golfers and hippies/junkies all over the place

2154. camryn mason (ZIP code: 45219)

2155. Miranda Mason (ZIP code: 45229)

2156. Courtney Mason (ZIP code: 45212) 2157. Michael Matacia (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote no. As a result of poor management private entities are able to negotiate deals on public parks? What's next? Can I get in on a deal? I would like to build a house to rent.

2158. David Matia (ZIP code: 44106)

2159. Stephen Matter (ZIP code: 45220)

2160. Matrhew Lundberh (ZIP code: 41075)

2161. Matthew Weisfelder (ZIP code: 45111)

2162. Matthew Wallenhorst (ZIP code: 45219)

2163. Matthew Bauman (ZIP code: 45220) No new development in Burnet Woods!

2164. Esther Moher (ZIP code: 41001)

2165. Matthew Browne (ZIP code: 45220) I walk through Burnet woods nearly every day. It is a vital natural oasis in my neighborhood, and I am fully opposed to any building structure proposed within the park.

2166. Matthew Monterosso (ZIP code: 45220)

2167. Matthew Weirauch (ZIP code: 45220) I strongly oppose the proposal of the Camping and Education Foundation to construct a new building in our park. In addition to serving as a critical outdoor space for Clifton's residents, this park is also listed as an important bird area by the Audubon Society. This is not an appropriate place for a new, private construction.

2168. Maura (ZIP code: 43035)

2169. Maxime Lafond (ZIP code: 45220) As a member of the Clifton/UC community, I'd like to express my disagreement on a new, private construction in Burnet Woods. The Camping and Education Foundation is a private entity, whose interests are opposite to the community needs of urban greenspace, and contradicts previous commitments. I believe there are ZERO benefits of such a project to the community. On the contrary, Burnet Woods is the only access to nature that numerous non-driver students can access around UC. It is a fact that diminishing their access to nature by spoiling Burnet Woods with a new construction will directly impact their wellbeing and reduce their ways to cope in those trying and stressful times.

Maxime Lafond, Ph.D. 2170. Max Wills (ZIP code: 45219)

2171. Maya Busche (ZIP code: 45205)

2172. Maya Guevara (ZIP code: 45219)

2173. Maya Hehemann (ZIP code: 45219)

2174. Maya McGuire (ZIP code: 45220)

2175. Maya Stockman (ZIP code: 45207) Burnet woods not only is one of the few green spaces left in clifton, but it’s been a safe haven for people during the pandemic. For long term residents of the area, and for students who live in the area for school - this park must stay open.

2176. maya sinden (ZIP code: 45224)

2177. Ethan Maycon (ZIP code: 44646)

2178. Michael Barkett (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett Woods is a clifton staple. A spot for college students to retreat to when needing a slight glimpse of nature within the city. Many students do not have cars and are thus unable to travel to the great surrounding parks; making Burnett Woods their only option. On top of the students, the pond is a local gathering spot for many individuals to fish and congregate around, building the sense of community that Cincinnati thrives off of. Burnett Woods already lost all the land from MLK to Calhoun to developers. Do not make this mistake again and destroy the little slice of nature that still thrives in Clifton.

2179. megan bennett (ZIP code: 45011)

2180. Madison Benson (ZIP code: 45342)

2181. Matt Bierwagen (ZIP code: 91203)

2182. Mary Beth King King (ZIP code: 45206)

2183. Margaret Matthews (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not build additional structures in Burnet Woods. It is not appropriate nor appreciated by the community!

2184. Martha Boemker (ZIP code: 41016)

2185. Michelle Young (ZIP code: 45206) 2186. Martha Calligan (ZIP code: 45220)

2187. Michelle Browning (ZIP code: 45224) As a UC alum and life long Cincinnatian, Burnet Woods has been a crucial natural oasis in the metropolitan area. Burnet Woods should not be sacrificed for new construction when it is so valuable to the community surrounding it.

2188. Tara Isfort (ZIP code: 45238)

2189. Margaret McCluskey (ZIP code: 45219)

2190. Bridget McComas (ZIP code: 45229-1318)

2191. Patrick McDevitt (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2192. John Mcevoy (ZIP code: 45220)

2193. Jenna McGillivary (ZIP code: 45066)

2194. Grace McGinnis (ZIP code: 45229)

2195. Megan Cheers (ZIP code: 45036)

2196. Michael Christian-Budd (ZIP code: 45230)

2197. M Doxsey (ZIP code: 45106)

2198. Sean McIntyre (ZIP code: 41076)

2199. Megan Kussman (ZIP code: 45219)

2200. McKinley Addington (ZIP code: 45219)

2201. Hannah Finchum (ZIP code: 45226) Please don’t destroy our park!

2202. McKenzie Hill (ZIP code: 45231) Preserve Burnet Woods!

2203. Maria Kiley (ZIP code: 45242) Burnet woods is a beautiful stretch of 89 acres of untouched woods and it should stay that way! 2204. Aaron McKone (ZIP code: 45220)

2205. Mary Cloutier (ZIP code: 45385)

2206. Ryan McMath (ZIP code: 41001) Keep the park.

2207. Maria Munoz (ZIP code: 45219)

2208. Melissa Ditty (ZIP code: 45225-1341) Please no development in Burnett Woods

2209. Diane Morand (ZIP code: 49721) As you can tell from the zipcode I no longer live in Cincinnati although I did for seventy years - five of them in Clifton. I love Burnet Woods. As a child I made pixies with the Stevenson Sisters and attended planetarium shows in the Trailside museum. With my husband I attended concerts in the park. As I mother my daughters and I fed the ducks by the lake. There is no need for this building. I am also a canoe/kayaker and feel they are not needed on the lake - there are a lot of more appropriate places for this activity in the area.

2210. Michael Paris (ZIP code: 45140)

2211. Taran Ghuman (ZIP code: 45219)

2212. Jillian Hocker (ZIP code: 45206)

2213. Meagan Atkinson (ZIP code: 01720)

2214. Diana Boyd (ZIP code: 45214) Burnet Woods Park is vital to the community the way it is. It would be detrimental to have a new building interfering with the greens-pace!

2215. Megan Denham (ZIP code: 45220)

2216. Megan Elicker (ZIP code: 45220)

2217. Megan Lamkin (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no!

2218. Megan Wolfer (ZIP code: 45255)

2219. Megan Brown (ZIP code: 45223)

2220. Megan Hamilton (ZIP code: 44313) 2221. Megan Kreaps (ZIP code: 45224)

2222. Megan Robison (ZIP code: 41073)

2223. Megan Schroer (ZIP code: 45223)

2224. Megan Taylor (ZIP code: 45219)

2225. Meghan Howell (ZIP code: 45140)

2226. Meghan Hudepohl (ZIP code: 45219)

2227. Meghan Anderson (ZIP code: 45232)

2228. Meg Hanrahan (ZIP code: 45243)

2229. Leah (ZIP code: 45239)

2230. Mel Stampe (ZIP code: 45220-1430) While I agree that outdoor ed is invaluable, I don't see how a building in Burnet Woods, especially when it will be a workshop for canoe construction, is the best way to support it. Please do not approve the proposal.

Thank you.

2231. Melanie Newstate (ZIP code: 45232) Burnet Woods is a very small urban park; there is not enough space to allow construction of TWO buildings there. It needs to continue to be a refuge for birds & animals in the city!

2232. Melanie Nipper (ZIP code: 45219) I love walking through Burnet Woods, and my dog does too!! Please leave this oasis intact for both the community and the planet!

2233. Melinda Welch (ZIP code: 45225) We love this beautiful park that is vital to bird migrations and our city as a whole. Please don't take this vital green space away.

2234. Melodie Fickenscher (ZIP code: 45224) I work at UC and having a natural space to enjoy on my lunch break is something that brings joy to me and many of my coworkers.

2235. Melissa Hutzelman (ZIP code: 45069)

2236. Melissa Sliney (ZIP code: 45227) 2237. melissa lieb (ZIP code: 45229) My family recently moved (back) to Cincinnati and we hike the Burnett woods trails at least twice a week. it's such a wonderful immersing nature experience so conveniently located to so many neighborhoods. Losing this would break out hearts!

2238. Melissa Baer (ZIP code: 41075)

2239. Melissa Fields (ZIP code: 41016)

2240. Marilyn Bossmann (ZIP code: 45220)

2241. Dr Mel Nizny (ZIP code: 45229) NO to any Construction in Burnet Woods

2242. hamlet contreras (ZIP code: 45255)

2243. Mary Molloy (ZIP code: 45248) Green space is really important-- especially in Clifton!

2244. Hayley Meno (ZIP code: 45202) Absolutely no need for a building in this beautiful park!!!!

2245. Nolen Wright (ZIP code: 45219)

2246. Constantine Regas (ZIP code: 45226)

2247. Meredith MacLean (ZIP code: 40207)

2248. Meredith Zengel (ZIP code: 45220)

2249. Meredith Ficks (ZIP code: 45226)

2250. Arlyn Hester (ZIP code: 45215)

2251. Mary Elizabeth Merrick (ZIP code: 45220)

2252. Ben Merritt (ZIP code: 45236)

2253. Max Merritt (ZIP code: 45211)

2254. Abby Merz (ZIP code: 45220) UC was founded on the promise that natural parks would be preserved! 2255. Ronald Pinkerton (ZIP code: 45223) Please leave Burnet Woods alone. It’s just fine as it is.

2256. Amy Metz (ZIP code: 45211)

2257. Jeff Metz (ZIP code: 45211)

2258. Emily Meurer (ZIP code: 45209)

2259. Margaret Wagner Piedel (ZIP code: 41017)

2260. Mary Wheeler (ZIP code: 45226) No to CEF proposal.

2261. Charlene Meyer (ZIP code: 45239)

2262. Brooke Meyer (ZIP code: 45214)

2263. Stephanie Meyers (ZIP code: 45122)

2264. Michaela Ferguson (ZIP code: 45042)

2265. Molly Finnigan (ZIP code: 45219)

2266. Meri Fleisch (ZIP code: 45227)

2267. Madi Fulton (ZIP code: 45701)

2268. Mary Gerson (ZIP code: 45215) Please save every inch of existing parks.

2269. Madelyn Lewis (ZIP code: 44001)

2270. Maxell MacVeigh (ZIP code: 45212)

2271. Michael Moreland (ZIP code: 45220)

2272. Michael Booth (ZIP code: 45220)

2273. Michael Sherenian (ZIP code: 45202)

2274. Michael Giannuzzi (ZIP code: 44053) Stop destroying nature! 2275. Michael Humler (ZIP code: 45220)

2276. Michael Pitt (ZIP code: 41011) Cincinnati is so beautiful because of its diversity.

2277. Michelle Holley (ZIP code: 41011)

2278. Michelle Neale (ZIP code: 45239)

2279. Michelle Stitzlein (ZIP code: 43105)

2280. Ercel Adams (ZIP code: 45225)

2281. Mikaela Mohr (ZIP code: 43081) Burnet Woods was where I did my environmental studies capstone project on bird biodiversity at UC. This is an extremely important urban forest in a highly urbanized city and is very important for migratory birds. Removing any area of it would be detrimental to local ecology and the rare migratory species that stopover on their trip north or south. Birding is also becoming a popular activity in the park. It is one of the only inner city areas that is easily accessible to local inner city residents. The Board needs to vote no one this issue. Protect urban canopy and species.

2282. Michael Oliva (ZIP code: 45202)

2283. Gilbert Herrmann (ZIP code: 45248)

2284. Michelle Parrett (ZIP code: 45219)

2285. Jennifer Samson (ZIP code: 80917)

2286. M Milbrandt (ZIP code: 45219)

2287. Miles Jena (ZIP code: 45042)

2288. Mitchell Miller (ZIP code: 45227)

2289. Jake Miller (ZIP code: 45219)

2290. Grace Miller (ZIP code: 45219)

2291. Lucia Montefiore (ZIP code: 45211)

2292. mimi koontz (ZIP code: 45223) 2293. Linda Day (ZIP code: 45152) Preserve the woods. Find an abandoned mall and build there. Preserve our trees and woodlands.

2294. Mindy Gelhausen (ZIP code: 45215) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

2295. Noah Bruce (ZIP code: 45219)

2296. mary moser (ZIP code: 45216) NO! No building in the park.

2297. Michelle Callirgos (ZIP code: 45219)

2298. Miranda Paine (ZIP code: 45220)

2299. Miriam Hill (ZIP code: 45224) Burnet Woods does not need any development with private companies building in the park. It is a precious place for walking and maintenance of the habitat requires NO ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS!!! We used Burnet Woods for 30 years when we lived in Clifton and raised our children there. My husband walked through the park daily going to teach at UC. PLEASE DON’T ALLOW THIS BUILDING IN BURNET WOODS!!

2300. A B (ZIP code: 45214)

2301. Julianna H (ZIP code: 45236)

2302. Melissa Strothers (ZIP code: 45224) This is a historic park and should be preserved as such. Permanent camping sites in a city park are not needed.

2303. Jackson Todd (ZIP code: 45244)

2304. Marian Scruggs (ZIP code: 45220)

2305. Morgan Mitchell (ZIP code: 45219) Please don’t destroy the nice spot of green we have in Clifton. We don’t need more homes or complexes, we need a park to take our dogs and our kids and breath in fresh air and enjoy nature. Don’t destroy that for us.

2306. Mitch Klein (ZIP code: 41071)

2307. Ben Middendorf (ZIP code: 41071)

2308. Michael Janensch (ZIP code: 45202) 2309. Melinda Tarter (ZIP code: 45223)

2310. MICHELLA KARAPONDO (ZIP code: 45223)

2311. Kathy Allen (ZIP code: 45241)

2312. Mary Kaye Bosse (ZIP code: 45248)

2313. Meghan Kaskoun (ZIP code: 45223) Increase programming do not destroy natural habitat which is needed environmentally in the middle of the city

2314. M Kathy McDonald (ZIP code: 45233)

2315. Max Kroeger (ZIP code: 45069)

2316. Melissa Kurzhals (ZIP code: 45219) Dear Cincinnati Park Board,

Burnet Woods should not be developed. It is a rare human respite in the heart of a gritty urban area. It is an important migratory stop for birds.

I implore you, DO NOT permit the “Camping and Education Foundation “ or any other organization to convert any portion of this valuable snd irreplaceable public natural space to its own private purposes.

Sincerely Melissa Kurzhals - Daily park visitor

2317. Mike Lacinak (ZIP code: 45230)

2318. Margaret Lawlace (ZIP code: 45213)

2319. Megan Baudendistel (ZIP code: 45202) Can Trailside Nature Center and it's surrounding assets be updated and modified via renovation.

2320. Michelle Le (ZIP code: 45212-3229)

2321. Mary Lieneck (ZIP code: 45224) I am opposed to this proposal.

2322. Maddox Linneman (ZIP code: 45219)

2323. Montana Luken (ZIP code: 45220) 2324. Morgan Ruebusch (ZIP code: 45248) Parks are a vital part of life.

2325. Maria Maples (ZIP code: 45102)

2326. Megan Barker (ZIP code: 45255)

2327. Mary Darner (ZIP code: 45224) Cincinnati Park Board: Vote NO on the new CEF building proposal in Burnet Woods. Mary Darner

2328. Mary Elizabeth Metzger (ZIP code: 45237)

2329. Mollie Wilke (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2330. Mariah Kennedy-English (ZIP code: 45211) Do not develop this beautiful public land!! It has been a beloved public park to many Cincinnatians for decades now, please do not change that.

2331. Michael Miller (ZIP code: 45211) As the smallest Important Birding Area in the US and completely surrounded by an urban grid, this preserve of green mature growth trees and much understory is critical habitat, not to be wasted on parking lots and more flat-toppeb buildings. No to development where alternatives exist in the area.

2332. Mary Sandomenico (ZIP code: 45014) Burnet woods is a cincinnati treasure which should not be diminished for the profit of developers.

2333. Mary Riestenberg (ZIP code: 45238) Keep Burnet Woods natural. It is a haven for birds, especially important during migration seasons. Buildings will reduce the already sparce areas for wildlife. Our parks are important!

2334. Mary Cronin (ZIP code: 45213)

2335. Margo Warminski (ZIP code: 41073) I am opposed to new, private construction in Burnet Woods, which will be detrimental to natural habitat and an unnecessary invasion of private interest on urban greenspace.

2336. molly flanagan (ZIP code: 02122)

2337. Margaret Moses (ZIP code: 45220) No new buildings in Burnet Woods 2338. Maureen Curran (ZIP code: 41014)

2339. Martha Moesker (ZIP code: 45140)

2340. Mollie Gladden (ZIP code: 45219)

2341. molly towell (ZIP code: 45230) please do not add new buildings for private use in burnet woods!

2342. Molly McTighe (ZIP code: 45230)

2343. Molly Ragland (ZIP code: 45208)

2344. Monica Windholtz (ZIP code: 45220)

2345. monica alexander (ZIP code: 45202)

2346. Sarah Miller (ZIP code: 45223)

2347. Bethany Moore (ZIP code: 45219)

2348. Hannah Peacock (ZIP code: 45239)

2349. Morgan Dirr (ZIP code: 47025)

2350. Morgan Naegele (ZIP code: 45044)

2351. Morgan Mcilwain (ZIP code: 43230)

2352. Morgan Peterman (ZIP code: 45230)

2353. Joanne Morgan (ZIP code: 45152) We need more green space not less.

2354. morgan woodruff (ZIP code: 43055)

2355. Spencer Morgan (ZIP code: 45219)

2356. Samantha Moriarty (ZIP code: 45244)

2357. Kaitlyn Morris (ZIP code: 45219) 2358. Morrison Wilson (ZIP code: 45217)

2359. Daniel Boone (ZIP code: 45247)

2360. Maureen Weincouff (ZIP code: 45241)

2361. Sydney Love (ZIP code: 45242)

2362. Morgan Owen (ZIP code: 44023)

2363. maria pfirrman (ZIP code: 45214)

2364. Marian Pitcairn (ZIP code: 45229) Please do not allow private buildings on public space. We need to preserve Burnett Woods’ forest habit.

2365. Maria Ramos (ZIP code: 45219)

2366. Alexander Ernsell (ZIP code: 45229)

2367. Leo Haenni (ZIP code: 45227)

2368. Morgan Schwartz (ZIP code: 45219)

2369. Glenetta Krause (ZIP code: 45220) There is no need to ruin the green space here.

2370. Andrea Bellen (ZIP code: 45206) Nature is therapy. Let's keep our damn trees!

2371. Millie Schafer (ZIP code: 45213) It is essential our parks, which belong to all of us residents, remain as green space without the invasion of developers, etc., who want to use the green space for their purposes. Nothing in the drawing does anything for enhancing the wildlife habitat that is associated with Burnet Woods. Surely, you must be aware of the massive loss of birds, including common sparrows? Let's see those plans!!

2372. Maggie Schneider (ZIP code: 45220) I emphatically disagree with any development in Burnet Woods at this time without 100% neighborhood and community engagement. This is quite a surprise and continues the current distrust of the Cincinnati Park Board as it relates to Burnet Woods.

2373. Matthew Schrager (ZIP code: 32720) 2374. Michelle Schwenkner (ZIP code: 45220)

2375. Chantel Wright (ZIP code: 45219)

2376. Max Smolens (ZIP code: 45220)

2377. molly spinney (ZIP code: 43004)

2378. Margaret Sprigg-dudley (ZIP code: 45140)

2379. Molly Szabo (ZIP code: 45230)

2380. michael (ZIP code: 45171) Green space ... NOT Buildings. Simple idea ... simple solution. No more buidlings in Green Spaces.

2381. Jody Pol (ZIP code: 45230)

2382. Mary Tenoever (ZIP code: 45222) Please preserve this special place in Cincinnati. Do not disturb this bird habitat. Mary

2383. Marilyn Korte (ZIP code: 45052) This park is one of the most beautiful places in Cincinnati. We don't need to "improve " anything in it. Some changes are not welcome.

2384. Meredith Trombly (ZIP code: 45220)

2385. pj mulford (ZIP code: 45140)

2386. Munazza Aijaz (ZIP code: 45242)

2387. Madison Urig (ZIP code: 44089)

2388. cody clark (ZIP code: 44511)

2389. Laura Sabo (ZIP code: 45206)

2390. Muskaan Kaur (ZIP code: 45220)

2391. Mary Westrich (ZIP code: 45220)

2392. Mya Jake (ZIP code: 43056) Stop this

2393. Mya Wells (ZIP code: 45229)

2394. Marcia Wood (ZIP code: 45140)

2395. Ruthie Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

2396. Sophia Palermo (ZIP code: 45040)

2397. Naomi Admasu (ZIP code: 45322)

2398. Fern Linziger (ZIP code: 45220)

2399. Nicole Gunderman (ZIP code: 45220) Let's keep private development out of our Cincinnati Parks

2400. Naga Pokala (ZIP code: 43065)

2401. Katiushca Moya (ZIP code: 45216 )

2402. Brian Tyree (ZIP code: 45220)

2403. Remington Winkler (ZIP code: 45013)

2404. Susan Namei (ZIP code: 45220) Winton Woods is a bigger park for an urban wilderness organization. Essential to protect Burnet Woods-- Important for migratory birds; important for physical and mental health of humans; and provides a cooling effect in the urban area.

2405. Nancy Diemler (ZIP code: 45219)

2406. Nanny Paraskevopoulos (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve the woods!!

2407. Nancy Morris (ZIP code: 45243)

2408. Nancy Lyman (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton . Burnet Woods is the "default" park in my now retired life . Please No more buildings need to be built in the woods/park ! Thanks Nancy M Lyman

2409. Nancy Sunnenberg (ZIP code: 45237) Process thus far has not been sufficiently transparent. This fact alone does not sway me to consider favorably any construction development in Burnet Woods. 2410. Nancy Crossen (ZIP code: 45223) NO Development!!!

2411. Naomi Humphreys (ZIP code: 45036)

2412. Naomi Bronzie (ZIP code: 45230)

2413. Naomi Purdie (ZIP code: 45040)

2414. Natalia Eckerson (ZIP code: 45227) Preserve Burner Wood s green!

2415. Natasha Burrowes (ZIP code: 45220)

2416. Nate Pegram (ZIP code: 45140) Leave the park alone!

2417. Nathan Walker (ZIP code: 45405)

2418. Nathan Kueterman (ZIP code: 45223) Don't build here!

2419. Nathan Schroeder (ZIP code: 43082)

2420. Natasha Fetkovich (ZIP code: 11901)

2421. Nancy Woods (ZIP code: 45241) We need to protect nature and oppose measures that are not necessary. There are ways to use buildings we have more efficiently without destroying more of our natural environment. Nature is necessary to our health and well being. We can’t continue to take it away!

2422. Nayana Shah (ZIP code: 45220)

2423. Naomi Heilman (ZIP code: 45211)

2424. Natalie Zimmerman (ZIP code: 15044)

2425. Nate Bissinger (ZIP code: 45230)

2426. Nick Carns (ZIP code: 45219)

2427. Nicholas DeFilippo (ZIP code: 45208) 2428. Renee Visconti (ZIP code: 45229)

2429. Natalie Foy (ZIP code: 45211)

2430. Neil Regberg (ZIP code: 45220)

2431. Cornelia Relyea (ZIP code: 45224)

2432. Ellen Haney (ZIP code: 45219)

2433. Ella Cope (ZIP code: 45056) Please preserve this important piece of nature for the Cincinnatians of the future!

2434. Victoria Neubauer (ZIP code: 45150)

2435. Nancy Watrous (ZIP code: 45215)

2436. Christine Newman (ZIP code: 45209)

2437. Maya Newman (ZIP code: 45208)

2438. Maura Robson (ZIP code: 45208)

2439. Neyshmi Mora (ZIP code: 45238)

2440. Noah Fleischmann (ZIP code: 02633) While I am no longer a resident of Ohio, my family has resided in Cincinnati and supported the Cincinnati Parks for more than 100 years. Please vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you. Noah Fleischmann

2441. nathan gay (ZIP code: 45042)

2442. Nicholas Giesman (ZIP code: 45255) No to the CEF building proposal in Burnett Woods

2443. Nancy Grow (ZIP code: 45211) I grew up close to Burnet Woods. (I am 73) it is important to keep that green space for children and adults. It was very important to my family and I and still is. I am sure another space can be found for the building. Please do not take anymore of the park away.

2444. Nicole Holtkamp (ZIP code: 45255) PLEASE STOP DESTROYING NATURAL HABITATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2445. Noah Storts (ZIP code: 45219) 2446. Nancy Helm (ZIP code: 45211)

2447. nancy hill (ZIP code: 45220) My vote is No, do not change Burnet Woods.

2448. Carol George -Rucker (ZIP code: 45224) I stand with my friends in Clifton. Leave the park alone.

2449. Nicholas Behrendt (ZIP code: 45218)

2450. Nicholas Abraham (ZIP code: 45238)

2451. Nicholas SirLouis (ZIP code: 45220)

2452. logan nichols (ZIP code: 45214) burnet woods rules

2453. Nicholas Hoppe (ZIP code: 45247)

2454. Nick Ruma (ZIP code: 45220)

2455. Nicholas Ciul (ZIP code: 45208)

2456. John Nicholas Fix (ZIP code: 45219)

2457. Nicole Johnson (ZIP code: 45246)

2458. Emi Bullard (ZIP code: 43055) Save brunet woods

2459. Nicole Curley (ZIP code: 45220)

2460. Nicole Beighle (ZIP code: 45224)

2461. Nicole Browning (ZIP code: 45223)

2462. Nicole Wilkins (ZIP code: 45227)

2463. Nicole Newsome (ZIP code: 45056)

2464. Nicole Shanks (ZIP code: 43202)

2465. Nicole Gunder (ZIP code: 45419) 2466. Catherine (ZIP code: 45220)

2467. Nina Dillahunt (ZIP code: 43221)

2468. Nina Roberto (ZIP code: 45230)

2469. Fink (ZIP code: 45220) Park Board- Please refrain from all new capital projects until the deferred maintenance on all your neighborhood and pocket parks has been completed. The CEF project in Burnet Woods is absolutely unnecessary,. There are much better alternatives like Mount Airy which is desperate for activation and already has existing pavilion spaces that could be perfect for boat building. The quality of life of your urban neighbors depends on you to provide them safe, well-maintained, activated parks.

2470. Charles Cornish (ZIP code: 45011) Don’t do it. This is a City gem, especially for my daughter who is a student at UC.

Thank you

2471. nick jankowski (ZIP code: 45249)

2472. Nathan Overmann (ZIP code: 45220)

2473. Nick Reynolds (ZIP code: 45204)

2474. Noah Tom (ZIP code: 45431) Don’t do it!!

2475. Nathan Lawera (ZIP code: 45220)

2476. Natalie Cox (ZIP code: 45245)

2477. Abraham A (ZIP code: 45220) This park is especially helpful for my mental well being and I feel any reduction in area would limit spaces in the park that are fully secluded and allow for an escape albeit transient

2478. Nathan Morehouse (ZIP code: 45221-0006)

2479. Ann Varley (ZIP code: 45244)

2480. Eli Mathews (ZIP code: 45150)

2481. Noah (ZIP code: 45237) 2482. Noah Fetters (ZIP code: 45225) y’all suck ass

2483. Noah Simionides (ZIP code: 45224)

2484. Noah Olberding (ZIP code: 45212)

2485. Noelle Pool (ZIP code: 45220)

2486. Noel Maghathe (ZIP code: 45211)

2487. Nolan Brown (ZIP code: 45223) Please further engage the community and listen to what they want; building also sounds unnecessary. Let the nature stand uninterrupted.

2488. Natalie Olrich (ZIP code: 45219)

2489. Philip Raines (ZIP code: 45150) I grew up as a little boy in Clifton. The city needs Burnett Woods to be left alone! Clifton is the best thing in Cincinnati!!!

2490. Diane Lee Ross (ZIP code: 45252)

2491. Noor Essakalli (ZIP code: 45202)

2492. Kate Orange (ZIP code: 45226)

2493. Nora Conroy (ZIP code: 45419)

2494. Kathleen Carr (ZIP code: 45220)

2495. Laura Pike (ZIP code: 45229) This building is not needed. Let's preserve the natural part of Burnet Woods!

2496. Andrew Norton (ZIP code: 45223)

2497. Chris Werner (ZIP code: 45223)

2498. Deborah Weston (ZIP code: 45807)

2499. Nova Bella (ZIP code: 45243)

2500. Nathan Peppers (ZIP code: 45219) I love this park!!!

2501. Nolan Monigold (ZIP code: 45219)

2502. Nicholas Savage (ZIP code: 45244) Private equity developers can get bent, unless this construction is to develop free public housing, we do not want it

2503. Noah Stone (ZIP code: 45220)

2504. NANCY JOHNSON (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to building a new building in Burnet Woods for CEF, as opposed to adding on to Trailside Nature Center and making it more used and more accessible. We have already lost too much of Burnet Woods. Thank you.

Nancy Johnson 3442 Manor Hill Dr. Cincinnati OH 45220

2505. Nathan Squillante (ZIP code: 43230)

2506. Chayatorn Akathapon (ZIP code: 45220) No more new buildings in the Burnet Wood!

2507. Katherine O'Donnell (ZIP code: 13820)

2508. Joseph Morlote (ZIP code: 40330)

2509. Olivia Gollmar (ZIP code: 45219)

2510. avery grady (ZIP code: 45251)

2511. Erica Perl (ZIP code: 45219)

2512. DEANNA BROOKS-LONG (ZIP code: 45014) Please do NOT let anyone develop in this beautiful green space that is important to migrating birds.

2513. SaraLynne Thoresen (ZIP code: 45223) No private buildings in Our Public park! We use the park, trails, enjoy the naturescape. We want to keep the whole park as a park.

2514. Olivia Feldman (ZIP code: 45011)

2515. Olivia Lorenx (ZIP code: 45069)

2516. Olivia Miller (ZIP code: 45220) 2517. Olivia Barnaclo (ZIP code: 45208)

2518. Olivia Schardein (ZIP code: 45040) Dont need more construction, get off of public property, thanks

2519. Olivia Bauer-Nilsen (ZIP code: 45214)

2520. Olivia Kelleher (ZIP code: 45040) I love walking my dog through this park. It’s very relaxing and serene. Please don’t get rid of it.

2521. Olivia Wenger (ZIP code: 45219) Keep parks all natural!

2522. Olivia Tyson (ZIP code: 45219)

2523. Jamie Escudero (ZIP code: 45212) This park is such an amazing little greenspace in the center of the city it would be a shame to get rid of any pieces of it for some more cookie cutter apartments and condos and apartments.

2524. David Taylor (ZIP code: 45323) David R Taylor

2525. Kristen Mason (ZIP code: 45030) I am opposed to any private use facilities. This is a public park. All facilities available and build with in its parameters should be public buildings. If the Cincinnati park district wants to build a facility that is rented out to private individuals/organizations - that's OK, but privately owned buildings should not be on public lands.

2526. Olivia Lee (ZIP code: 53713)

2527. Owen Stelmarski (ZIP code: 45219) This is the best park close to UC, please do not take it away

2528. Mark Ostoich (ZIP code: 45244) NO construction in Burnett Woods!

2529. Maggie Otten (ZIP code: 45238)

2530. Mary Lou Arundell (ZIP code: 45220) I read the CEF website and all I conclude is this is a vanity project for someone who moved here from Minnesota and had connections with the program there. The structure proposed would seriously erode the nature of Burnet Woods opposite the Trailside Museum and next to the pond. The surreptitious manner in which this second proposal is being handled is demeaning and disrespectful to Cincinnati residents no matter where they live. I happen to live in Clifton but would oppose this on principle. The Park Board in considering this project is making an error in judgement with lasting ramifications.

2531. Olivia Venishel (ZIP code: 45226)

2532. Sam Overkamp (ZIP code: 45220)

2533. Lexi Owen (ZIP code: 45206)

2534. Avery Ozimek (ZIP code: 45202) I lived across from this park for several years and still take strolls with my dog through the relaxing park regularly. Developing this space would do a disservice to not only the community, but also be a travesty to the incredible animal populations of the park. I implore you to PLEASE vote NO!

2535. Patrick Schreiber (ZIP code: 45220) I DO NOT support the action to build the Camping & Education Foundation structure in Burnet Woods. As a lifelong Clifton Gaslight resident, the park is part of my community and open to everyone. Public land should not be used for private gain.

Knowing that there is a connection to UC, it will be like all of the other university funded projects and there will not be a long-term commitment to funding. The Camping & Education Foundation is a 'private' group based out of Hyde Park that runs outdoor camps in Minnesota, why aren't they looking at Ault Park as it is significantly larger and offers more space and parking? Moreso, I ask once again why are public funds being used to support a private organization?

This should never have even been considered.

2536. Phil Fedor (ZIP code: 45202)

2537. Peter Aaron (ZIP code: 12402) As a proud Cincinnati native, I know that Burnet Woods is a jewel that enhances the areas around it. Please do not diminish its integrity by altering it.

2538. John Reed (ZIP code: 45220)

2539. Paige Chambers-Klein (ZIP code: 45052)

2540. Paige Kranbuhl (ZIP code: 45206)

2541. katherine watson (ZIP code: 45066)

2542. Pam Diebold (ZIP code: 45203)

2543. Pamlia Grafe (ZIP code: 45243)

2544. Gillean Dublow (ZIP code: 45220) We love walking through here! Please leave this neighborhood natural treasure alone!

2545. Sudarshan Pandey (ZIP code: 45220) Don't need no private interests in our public land

2546. Alyssa Pankey (ZIP code: 60707)

2547. Danielle Kline (ZIP code: 45223)

2548. Ian Pascoe (ZIP code: 45211)

2549. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45236)

2550. Patrick Coyle (ZIP code: 45202) Please protect the remaining acres of natural habitat in Burnet Woods for people that work and live in Cincinnati!

2551. Pat Brown (ZIP code: 45220) There is no sound reason to distrupt Burnet Woods with this construction.

2552. Pat Coyle (ZIP code: 45202) Please reject the recent proposal by the Camping Education Foundation to install a permanent structure in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods is one of the few remaining stands of undeveloped nature near UC and downtown. It has been entrusted to the Cincinnati Park Board for protection against exactly this kind of private development, as a legacy for future generations. The proposed construction would permanently reduce and further fragment the woods needed by local wildlife as habitat and by the people of Cincinnati as a greenspace refuge. Please do not allow this development!

2553. Patrick Oakes (ZIP code: 45244) We NEED to keep burnet as wooded as we possibly can.

2554. Patrick Reilly (ZIP code: 41073)

2555. Quinn Patton (ZIP code: 4411)

2556. P RUEBENSAAL (ZIP code: 43537-1038) Please Preserve Burnet Woods!

2557. Patty Raube Keller (ZIP code: 45247)

2558. Patricia Schneider (ZIP code: 45202) Burnet woods regularly comes under attack from various schemes to “develop “ it. Leave it be already! 2559. Paul Gibby (ZIP code: 45174) Keep the park as a park, please.

2560. Paula Stenger (ZIP code: 45231) No to CEF bldg!!

2561. Paula Webster (ZIP code: 45211)

2562. Paul Knoop (ZIP code: 43135) I am 100% against building a CEF structure in Burnet Woods. Park natural areas should be inviolate. Even worse is having a private company invade a public park. It all has to do with money. Don’t allow it!

Paul e. Knoop, Jr.

2563. Paul Wieland (ZIP code: 61109)

2564. Paul Grilli (ZIP code: 45225)

2565. Nina Payiatis (ZIP code: 45227)

2566. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 10022)

2567. Patricia Beresford (ZIP code: 45220)

2568. Susan Bernard (ZIP code: 45051) PLEASE, do not compromise BRUNET WOODS to ANY building...including the CEF Building Proposal!!! For the HEALTH of CINCINNATI'S PEOPLE++ PARKS, GREEN SPACE, WALKING SPACE IS needed. PLEASE, NO new building in BRUNET WOODS!!!

2569. Peggy Parry (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet woods backs up to where I live—did you not learn anything from the Clifton cultural arts center proposal? Please find another place.

2570. Grace S (ZIP code: 99801)

2571. Margaret Maxwell (ZIP code: 45140) Our parks need to be left as parks to be enjoyed in their natural state. This building doesn't seem to serve any purpose as put forward. Leave our parks to help us enjoy nature--naturally.

2572. Peggy Spohr (ZIP code: 45220) As usual, an original ask becomes more. This has always been my greatest fear in any further development of Burnet Woods - it would likely expand into more and more. Stop the spread now, please. 2573. Heather Sheehan (ZIP code: 45233)

2574. Samuel Peplin (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett is critically important to the UC community. I'm in favor of thoughtful renovation & carefully planned improvements, but this lack of transparency is seriously alarming. Please delay voting on new additions to the park until the public has greater opportunity to weigh in.

2575. Per Bloland (ZIP code: 45223)

2576. Paisley Stone (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a natural oasis in the middle of its urban surroundings. Please leave it that way!

2577. Peter Middleton (ZIP code: 45216)

2578. Peter J Grady (ZIP code: 45227) Keep Burnett Woods natural! We dont want or need any more buildings in the park!

2579. Megan Peters (ZIP code: 45226)

2580. Peter Crescimanno (ZIP code: 45220)

2581. Pettit Sean (ZIP code: 45219) SAVE PUBLIC PARKS

2582. Peyton York (ZIP code: 45247) OG park in Clifton. Always busy with people fishing, walking the path, skateboarding, and just enjoying everything the park has to offer. A perfect break from the bustling town of Clifton.

2583. Peyton Feldman (ZIP code: 45217)

2584. Philip Ficks (ZIP code: 45202)

2585. Elizabeth Gilley (ZIP code: 19146)

2586. Peggy St. Clair (ZIP code: 45224)

2587. Pat Agnew (ZIP code: 45223)

2588. Andrew Baughman (ZIP code: 45140)

2589. Ryan Hanna (ZIP code: 45208)

2590. Philip Van Milligan (ZIP code: 45215) 2591. Philip Tiderman (ZIP code: 45239) Cincinnati Park Board members please keep Burnet Woods as it is, natural and undeveloped.

Kind regards, P. Tiderman

2592. Philip Valois (ZIP code: 45232) Please do not develop and ruin what precious little pockets of green space we have within our urban areas.

2593. Angel Phillips (ZIP code: 45212)

2594. Elizabeth Phillips (ZIP code: 45229)

2595. Kenneth Jordan (ZIP code: 45219) Restore the already existing nature center in Burnet.

2596. Phoebe Shown (ZIP code: 40208)

2597. Sandra Schnur (ZIP code: 45205) Please - we have lost enough of Burnet Woods - do not cut another piece out of it

2598. Harriet Kaufman (ZIP code: 45220-2052) Thank you for organizing opposition to this terrible proposal!

2599. Michael Cavanaugh (ZIP code: 45220) Don't mess with my fishing hole or its surroundings!

2600. Nathan Long (ZIP code: 45216)

2601. Becky Mason (ZIP code: 45030)

2602. Piper stone (ZIP code: 45230)

2603. Autumn Pitney (ZIP code: 41051)

2604. Pamela Jean Shaffer (ZIP code: 45229)

2605. Pamela Rosfeld (ZIP code: 45220)

2606. Patricia Schomaeker (ZIP code: 45220)

2607. Kathleen Garness (ZIP code: 60130) Pristine natural remnants such as this offer an incomparable opportunity of rest, refreshment, and ongoing education about nature, upon which we all depend. Destruction of even a few square feet of the little that remains to us will make us all the spiritually poorer.

2608. Nathaniel Braun (ZIP code: 45230)

2609. phil rotte (ZIP code: 45219)

2610. Aubrey Pluta (ZIP code: 44053)

2611. Michele Martin hisnay (ZIP code: 45102)

2612. Patricia Sheerin (ZIP code: 45211)

2613. Elizabeth Hodge (ZIP code: 45220-1709) Burnet Woods holds great memories for me. I enjoy the park to this day. Please do not destroy the park.

2614. Lisa Frentzel (ZIP code: 45213) The parks system in Cincinnati is one of our city's true gems and I don't think we should allow private companies access to build without community agreement.

2615. Sarah Polter (ZIP code: 68847) 10% of Cincinnati is its gorgeous parks. Don't vote to bulldoze that.

2616. Erika Boyle (ZIP code: 45248) Burnet Woods is not the place for any new buildings. Put them elsewhere.

2617. Diana Porter (ZIP code: 45224) I appreciate having a place to walk in the woods away from traffic but close to the library, businesses and doctor's office, to see people fishing, to watch young people still slide down that concrete slide! preserve Burnet Woods!!!

2618. Marsha Porter (ZIP code: 45014) Private businesses have NO business in public parks! Please vote NO.

2619. Patrick Patton (ZIP code: 45224) Stop trying to develop Burnet Woods! Once it starts it is a slippery slope and it will become harder and harder to deny building requests. This is a public park that should remain natural to support animal habitat in an otherwise non-hospitable environment for wildlife.

2620. Peter Kelly (ZIP code: 45220)

2621. Harper Price (ZIP code: 45219)

2622. Ellena Privitera (ZIP code: 45220) Ive walk my dog at this park every morning for years. It is my favorite thing to do every day and brings me and him a lot of joy. The yard at Burnet is also the only safe location within walking distance for me to play fetch with him - I don't have a yard, and the large green space allows us to safely distance from other folks throughout the pandemic. I would be devastated if any part of this park was sold or the greenery removed. Please vote no!! My walks at burnet are helping me maintain my mental health through this pandemic.

2623. Sophia Privitera (ZIP code: 45220) This park is the nearest green space to me, and it is where I walk my dog, he is so much healthier bc of this space. Not to mention the city kids nearby are so much better off having this oasis of nature to explore

2624. Ruth Kramer (ZIP code: 45220)

2625. Petra shriewi (ZIP code: 45209)

2626. Jeffrey Weaver (ZIP code: 45223-1207) And they want to tear down the the Trailside museum that has been there for 90 years, hell no!!!

2627. Sarah Simon (ZIP code: 45219)

2628. patti guethlein (ZIP code: 45220)

2629. Penelope Warm (ZIP code: 45208)

2630. Phil Weintraub (ZIP code: 45236) Keep what remains of our green spaces. Stop the unending construction and removal of trees such as we’re seeing with the Playhouse and Art Museum in Eden Park.

2631. Phoebe Wright (ZIP code: 45329)

2632. Paige Yorkman (ZIP code: 45069)

2633. Quinn Springer (ZIP code: 45220)

2634. Quincy D’Alessio (ZIP code: 27514) I grew up playing in Burnet Woods and have always come back when I visit the city I consider my home. Don’t take away my chance to show it to my kids one day.

2635. Elizabeth Smallwood (ZIP code: 45238) Do not put more concrete in our green space.

2636. Nern Ostendorf (ZIP code: 45216) I do not support the selling off of public assets to private companies for private use. Burnet Woods needs to be preserved and its wonders kept accessible to everyone. Do not allow this sale to occur 2637. Quincy Collins (ZIP code: 45220)

2638. Quinn Maynard (ZIP code: 40503)

2639. Margaret Quinn (ZIP code: 45208) Please keep Burnet Woods the beautiful, nourishing natural space it is. Why would you put a building and campfire rings there!

2640. Quinn Marker (ZIP code: 45202)

2641. quinn mills (ZIP code: 45220)

2642. Raeya Gordon (ZIP code: 45232)

2643. Raja Annam (ZIP code: 45220)

2644. Rachael Herrle (ZIP code: 45223)

2645. Rachael Walker (ZIP code: 45631)

2646. Rachel Taylor (ZIP code: 45231)

2647. Rachel High (ZIP code: 45220)

2648. Rachel DiBiasio (ZIP code: 44060)

2649. Rachel Mutters (ZIP code: 45223)

2650. Rachel Baer (ZIP code: 45226)

2651. Rachel Becker Herbst (ZIP code: 45204)

2652. Rachael Shurte (ZIP code: 45434)

2653. Rafaela Schomburgk (ZIP code: 45223)

2654. RAFFI Tomassian (ZIP code: 45220)

2655. Rachel Finch (ZIP code: 97214)

2656. Robert Florez (ZIP code: 45220) 2657. Elizabeth Cirillo (ZIP code: 45219)

2658. Jayashree Vaidyanathan (ZIP code: 45241) Public comment/ 12/17: Please do not allow any private development in this lovely natural space !

2659. Venezia Ramirez (ZIP code: 90650)

2660. Samara Ramudit (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods is host to many endemic species and habitats which will be disrupted or destroyed if building is permitted. It is one of the few preserved ecosystems in the area and should remain as such.

2661. Randy Johnson (ZIP code: 45206)

2662. Rashel Flores (ZIP code: 45238)

2663. Natalie DeLuca (ZIP code: 45209-2325)

2664. Ravenna Rutledge (ZIP code: 45255) Please preserve this beautiful natural space!!!

2665. John Sheline (ZIP code: 45232) There’s no good reason to lose one more square meter of public green space and disturb existing use patterns. Leave the park alone.

2666. Barbara Grothaus (ZIP code: 45224)

2667. Richard Binstadt (ZIP code: 45242) Against any building construction. Where do these stupid ideas come from? If u wantvto canoe go to East Fork Lake

2668. R Brandt (ZIP code: 45234)

2669. Robert Summe (ZIP code: 40509)

2670. Richard Coffin (ZIP code: 45242) This Park adds to the overall value of the Clifton area as well as the University of Cincinnati!

2671. Reiley Cowart (ZIP code: 45219)

2672. Rachel Culley (ZIP code: 45243)

2673. Rachel Dina (ZIP code: 45219 ) 2674. Reagan Warvel (ZIP code: 45103)

2675. Rebecca Moore (ZIP code: 45220)

2676. Rebekah Littlepage (ZIP code: 45014)

2677. Amanda La Guardia (ZIP code: 45223) Build something for people to enjoy in the park, not something that hasn’t even been reviewed by important stakeholders. If CEF thinks this is an important step then they’ll do the work to engage the community first before coming to the board.

2678. Teresa Vandergraff (ZIP code: 41018) Don't let another beautiful space become a haven for making money. Us tax payers pay for enough corporate greed around here don't do it to our parks.

2679. Patrick Reilly (ZIP code: 45220)

2680. Reilly Ackermann (ZIP code: 45244)

2681. Reina Dickey (ZIP code: 45220)

2682. Kyle Chambers (ZIP code: 45230) There’s enough concrete in this world, and there’s plenty of other places for it, but you can’t make more nature. Leave what little we have left for the future generations.

2683. Remi Colwill (ZIP code: 45221) Burnet woods should be accessible to anyone. It’s a place for the community not for a privately owned purposes.

2684. Renae Koch (ZIP code: 45240)

2685. Renee Harris (ZIP code: 45202)

2686. Joshua Frederick (ZIP code: 45231) Let's not commodity the wilderness please

2687. Loretta Rubin (ZIP code: 45223)

2688. Lora Sweeney (ZIP code: 45220) Please, how many times do we need to express this type plan is unacceptable at any time.

2689. Rachel Gideon (ZIP code: 45247)

2690. Rhiannon Scharnhorst (ZIP code: 45220) 2691. Roman Suttor (ZIP code: 45219) As a tax paying citizen of Cincinnati I beg the Parks Board of Commissioners to refuse to allow any development in Burnet woods. There is ample space im lots close to Burnet woods that could be developed for the Camping Education Foundation. If the CEF cuts down even one tree in Burnet woods as a citizen in Clifton I will do all I can to expose the hypocrisy of the CEF, and will not rest till every one who voted for such a crime against nature, be thrown out of office.

2692. Rhyannon Baxter (ZIP code: 45220)

2693. Michael Rice (ZIP code: 45220)

2694. Michelle Rice (ZIP code: 45219)

2695. Richard Muskopf (ZIP code: 45039) Please, no more buildings at this park. The park is beautiful; do not alter it.

2696. Rich Bitting (ZIP code: 45224)

2697. Richard Gass (ZIP code: 45211)

2698. joyce richter (ZIP code: 45238) NO!

2699. Rick Helmchen (ZIP code: 47025) The Camping and Education Proposal should be rejected, the MOU nullified, and the discussion of new private construction in Burnet Woods should end now.


2701. Katie Rieth (ZIP code: 45220)

2702. Riki renae Richards (ZIP code: 45243)

2703. Casey Riley (ZIP code: 43560)

2704. Riley Crowe (ZIP code: 43230)

2705. Donna Hartmann (ZIP code: 45140) How could you even consider this?? Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2706. Ash B (ZIP code: 45431) 2707. Iris Andrews (ZIP code: 45213)

2708. Rishi Satsangi (ZIP code: 45225)

2709. Divya Vinod (ZIP code: 45040)

2710. Emily Rives (ZIP code: 45219)

2711. Randi Greathouse (ZIP code: 45227)

2712. Robert Gruber (ZIP code: 45224)

2713. Robert Pickford (ZIP code: 45224) It's not appropriate for private facilities to be constructed in any park, and this one makes no sense given the size of the lake. Please do not approve this project!

2714. Robert Lorsbach (ZIP code: 45220) As a resident of Clifton, I want to emphatically express my opposition to the proposed CEF construction. Burnet Woods is a treasure for residents of Clifton and has already lost much of its area over the years due to appropriation by other organizations. Maintenance of the current natural space is vital to ensuring that Burnet Woods continues to serve as a greenspace in our urban neighborhood...for both humans and wildlife alike.

2715. Rose Goodbread (ZIP code: 32003)

2716. Rachel McDulin (ZIP code: 45208)

2717. Robyn Crofts (ZIP code: 45208)

2718. Robert Myers (ZIP code: 45223) Please keep Cincinnati Parks public and not privatized.

2719. Richard Payne (ZIP code: 45230) Absolutely NO to development!

2720. Robert Gray (ZIP code: 45220)

2721. Robbe Bluestein (ZIP code: 45225) You owe it to future generations to not allow this very special park to be commercialized. The Park Board needs to stop trying to steal non replaceable grounds for the almighty dollar. Thank you for voting NO.

2722. Jason Robbins (ZIP code: 45251) 2723. Robert Hamberg (ZIP code: 45220)

2724. Rob Gabbard (ZIP code: 45245)

2725. Robert Gioielli (ZIP code: 45213) This is not only an inappropriate use for a public park, the Park Board has gone through this process in the most undemocratic process possible.

2726. Robert J. Ramundo (ZIP code: 45220) I'm a Clifton Property owner since 1976. Save our parks from developers.

2727. Robin Guiler (ZIP code: 45069)

2728. April Boyle (ZIP code: 45030) Please vote "no" on the proposed building at Burnett Woods, as this is not a good use of public park land. I cannot see where it would be of much benefit, and it would certainly alter the whole area around the lake in a negative way.

2729. Andoni Rodriguez Eraso (ZIP code: 94704)

2730. Natalie Rogers (ZIP code: 45150)

2731. Nicole Rogge (ZIP code: 45219)

2732. Allen Rolph (ZIP code: 43081)

2733. Ava Romerill (ZIP code: 45255) Preserve burnet woods!!!!!

2734. Ronald Canterbury (ZIP code: 45221-0006)

2735. Ronan Cole (ZIP code: 45220)

2736. Rachel Zent (ZIP code: 45227)

2737. Rory Hefner-Templar (ZIP code: 45219)

2738. Rosa Baker (ZIP code: 41071)

2739. Rosie Polter (ZIP code: 45211)

2740. Rosie Bentley (ZIP code: 45244) 2741. Jessica Jackson (ZIP code: 45209) Please do not let CEF build in Burnett Woods. Preserve the nature and historic stone structures. Public parks should not have private buildings.

2742. Barbars Roth (ZIP code: 45209) I used to live by Burnet Woods and still hike there. It is a treasure to have such a park in the city and it is important to preserve such green spaces for all to enjoy. I am strongly opposed to the CEF building being constructed within the park!!

2743. Daniel Rowe (ZIP code: 45220)

2744. Roxanna Baker (ZIP code: 45220) I live next to Burnet. I go there for emotional relief. I go for quiet, enjoyment, or whatever else I need; the woods are there for the public. Burnet is a sanctuary in the heart of our city that is often bloodthirsty. The people can not have this exploited. To further disrupt the natural state of the park would be a great disservice to Cincinnati.

2745. Rachel Perlstein (ZIP code: 45219)

2746. Ronald Rasnick (ZIP code: 45207) Remember the line in the song-They paved paradise and put up a parking lot? Keep paradise.

2747. Sophia Necco (ZIP code: 45202)

2748. Rian Keller (ZIP code: 45223) Lake is toooo small for canoeing, too small for paddle boating. Keep it as is, perhaps cleaning. The people who use the park DO NOT WANT this proposed new building!

2749. Ruby Hyland-Brown (ZIP code: 45231)

2750. Jack RUEBENSAAL (ZIP code: 43537) Preserve Burnet Woods

2751. Veronica Ruiz Petraitis (ZIP code: 45219)

2752. Russell Hahn (ZIP code: 45209 )

2753. Russ Klein (ZIP code: 45219)

2754. Russ Farlow (ZIP code: 45140) No

2755. Teresa Rust (ZIP code: 45211)

2756. Ruth Horstman (ZIP code: 45219) I do not feel that a private group should build inside our public park.

2757. Ryan Herman (ZIP code: 45202) The park system brings so much to Cincinnati and in my opinion makes the city unique compared to other cities of so I ilar size

2758. David A Klingshirn (ZIP code: 45206) Those trees were there before you were born and will still be there after you die. You have a moral obligation to protect and not to destroy

2759. Ryan Smith (ZIP code: 45214)

2760. Ryan Tillery (ZIP code: 45227)

2761. Ryan Rammacher (ZIP code: 45242)

2762. Ryan Durner (ZIP code: 45223)

2763. Ryan Wells (ZIP code: 45212) Please align with community wants and needs and not with private interests acting on behalf of UC and vote NO on this proposal.

2764. Ryan Wuest (ZIP code: 45220) This is a horrible idea. I hope that common sense and the events of 2020 are a clear enough reminder that public outdoor space is too important to be destroyed and altered in a negative way that detracts from the experience of being in nature.

2765. Rylie Higgins (ZIP code: 45103)

2766. Sarah Kent (ZIP code: 45232)

2767. Serenity Zaebst (ZIP code: 45233)

2768. Benjamin Johnson (ZIP code: 45223)

2769. Stacey Lane (ZIP code: 45230-1151) Please add my name in support of this petition for Burnet Woods!!

2770. Chris Schwartz (ZIP code: 45227) Please don't mess with Burnet Woods. It's sad that we even have to have this petition created. Keep something that is currently nice, nice. It's very simple.

2771. Sue Barrett (ZIP code: 45203) 2772. Jordann Sadler (ZIP code: 45237)

2773. Sheradyn Sagle (ZIP code: 45219)

2774. Kaya Praeter (ZIP code: 45327)

2775. saidah lewis (ZIP code: 45237)

2776. Elizabeth Chumtong (ZIP code: 45236)

2777. Josephine Masset (ZIP code: 45242)

2778. Samantha Al-Bayer (ZIP code: 45211) Here's the thing.. you don't go to Yellowstone NP and say hm I want to build my business right here. You just don't do that.. why do people think it's ok to do this at a local park?

2779. Stephen Albert (ZIP code: 45223) I am strong opposed to putting unnecessary buildings in parks.

2780. Sal Hargis (ZIP code: 44256)

2781. Sally Dickman (ZIP code: 45002)

2782. Sally Dull (ZIP code: 45208)

2783. Sally Larson (ZIP code: 45224) Burnet Woods should remain just that. I am opposed to this kind of development that further endangers this beautiful urban space.

2784. Sally Goddard (ZIP code: 49006-1370) Public Comment 12/17

The much-needed open space of Burnet Woods must be preserved for the enjoyment of everyone. Do not allow private enterprise to establish here and ruin a natural treasure.

2785. Abigail Salmon (ZIP code: 45205)

2786. Salvador Mendoza (ZIP code: 45220) Keep burnet wood public.

2787. Sam Kuhn (ZIP code: 46038)

2788. Samantha Searls (ZIP code: 45224) 2789. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45202)

2790. Samantha Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

2791. Samantha Branham (ZIP code: 46123)

2792. sam bedree (ZIP code: 45220)

2793. Sam Frank (ZIP code: 45229)

2794. Sami Vearil (ZIP code: 45220)

2795. Samantha Kelly (ZIP code: 22207-3236)

2796. Laura Dyer (ZIP code: 45103)

2797. Sammi Hayes (ZIP code: 45206)

2798. Samantha Rosen (ZIP code: 45237)

2799. Sam Marshall (ZIP code: 45209) I am opposed to this project. Stop taking away legacy green space. It is a habitat for other species, and over-development shrinks living environments for them, increases congestion in an already congested area, and degrades quality of life for residents as well. As a lifelong Cincinnati resident, I have many memories of enjoyable times in Burnett Woods. Previously, I was both a student and employee at UC, and the proximity of the park gave me an easily accessible escape for lunches, hikes, and meet-ups with friends. The park deserves to be preserved, not for it's own sake but for all Cincinnatians. Please do the right thing and prevent this project from going forward.

2800. Gregory Sanders (ZIP code: 45223)

2801. Sandra Keller (ZIP code: 45209)

2802. Alessandra Spira (ZIP code: 15217)

2803. Sandra Slusarczyk (ZIP code: 45230) Please do not destroy Burnet Woods with this unnecessary development. The beauty of this area for wildlife and birds is because it is a natural, undeveloped property. Please build elsewhere. Also, there are already many canoeing sites in Cincinnati... that are more appropriate. Leave Burnet Woods unspoiled... development kills plants, trees, animals, and birds along with the spirit and beauty of nature.

2804. Sandy Feist (ZIP code: 45243-2413) Vote NO PLease 2805. taylor sansone (ZIP code: 40205)

2806. Dom Santoleri (ZIP code: 45040) Vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

2807. Sara Elliott (ZIP code: 45227)

2808. Sara Smith (ZIP code: 45212)

2809. Sara Foltz (ZIP code: 41048)

2810. Sarah Corathers (ZIP code: 45227) Burnet Woods is a beautiful asset to the city parks. Any development in the park should be limited, and thoroughly vetted to maintain the existing natural spaces that are increasingly rare and valuable.

2811. Sarah Reynolds (ZIP code: 45204)

2812. Sarah Towsley (ZIP code: 45212)

2813. Sarah Kleiner (ZIP code: 45208)

2814. Sarah Morgan (ZIP code: 45220)

2815. Sarah Mueller (ZIP code: 45202)

2816. Sarah Segriff (ZIP code: 44221)

2817. Sarah Lee (ZIP code: 45236)

2818. Sarah Lucas (ZIP code: 45220) I was married at the bandstand in Burnet Woods and have lived within a half mile of the park for 7 of the last 9 years, it holds a dear place in my heart and is the heart of our neighborhood. This proposal is repulsive to me on so many levels. The corruption evident in obscuring conversations between CEF and the Park Board, CEF’s proposal to develop this land... And CEF’s facade of support for outdoor education- how the fuck can you claim that and be campaigning for destruction of green space??? It is really telling that you’re not trying to pull this stunt over in Hyde Park where you’re headquartered- no one wants to shit where they sleep. Cincinnati Park Board- do better!! CEF- you can fuck right off.

2819. Sarah Evans (ZIP code: 45214)

2820. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45207)

2821. Sarah Davenport (ZIP code: 45232) 2822. Sarah Everingham (ZIP code: 45224)

2823. Sarah Cousino (ZIP code: 45140) Save Burnet Woods! We need more parks, NOT more buildings!

2824. Sarah Lynch (ZIP code: 45206)

2825. Sarah Schonauer (ZIP code: 45219)

2826. Sarah Cushing (ZIP code: 45248) I am a UC student and Burnet Woods has always been a sort of haven for us, especially as students of DAAP, which is right across the street. It’s a beautiful park that’s been a great place to stage art projects, get some fresh air and a taste of nature, or simply hang out off campus, and though those may not seem like a big deal to everyone, those little things have been really important at the end of the day. We don’t need part of it getting destroyed for more unnecessary land development.

2827. Sarah Newman (ZIP code: 45223)

2828. Sarah Walker (ZIP code: 45040)

2829. Sara Terhaar (ZIP code: 45217)

2830. Justine Samuel (ZIP code: 45220)

2831. Savannah Mason (ZIP code: 41001)

2832. Savannah Moton (ZIP code: 45227)

2833. Sarah Close (ZIP code: 45111)

2834. Sabrina Calhoun (ZIP code: 45223)

2835. Stephen Beraha (ZIP code: 45220)

2836. Stephanie Brown (ZIP code: 45220) A new building was not in the agreement and will nibble more of the park.

2837. Ellen Reinhart (ZIP code: 45230)

2838. Olivia Schadler (ZIP code: 45223)

2839. Simon Schadler (ZIP code: 45220) 2840. Schelby Gabel (ZIP code: 44833)

2841. Allison Schermer (ZIP code: 45259)

2842. Nathalie Schickendantz (ZIP code: 45219)

2843. Christine Engels (ZIP code: 45239)

2844. David Schmitt (ZIP code: 41030)

2845. Morgan Schneider (ZIP code: 45219) putting a building in Burnet is the dumbest idea ive heard in months whoever proposed that is an idiot lol

2846. Greta Schneider (ZIP code: 45219)

2847. Max Schoenung (ZIP code: 45203)

2848. Barb Scholtz (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton and walk/hike through Burnet Woods several days a week. I do not approve of development within Burnet Woods!

2849. Anne Schuster (ZIP code: 45213)

2850. samuel schweigert (ZIP code: 45225) Don't build this damn building!!

2851. Susan Conner (ZIP code: 45229) Burnett Woods is a public park, not a development zone.

2852. Scott Licardi (ZIP code: 45223)

2853. Scott Knox (ZIP code: 45219)

2854. Sue Plummet (ZIP code: 45206) Preserve our parks - the land, the ecosystems, and their historic and architecturally significant structures. Yours should have preservation at the core of its mission.

2855. Susan Dahoda (ZIP code: 45220) I have lived on in Oregon for the past eleven years and returned to live in Clifton in October after a 35 year absence. I have already participated in clearing honeysuckle to encourage native plants and healthier bird habitat. Preserving Burnet Woods as a park that supports wildlife and a place within a city environment to walk and quietly contemplate is extremely important to me. I do not agree with this infrastructure change to the park. It also disturbs me that CEF has not sought public feedback on their proposal. Please reject this proposal. Sincerely, Susan 2856. Stephen Druffel (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to any development in Burnet Woods or any other city park. Please leave our Burnet Woods as it is.

2857. Seara Mayanja (ZIP code: 45231)

2858. Sebastian Botzow (ZIP code: 45223)

2859. emma segrest (ZIP code: 45220)

2860. Julie Sellers (ZIP code: 45220) No development in Burnet Woods.

2861. Amber Williams (ZIP code: 45225) There is absolutely zero reason to be doing any new construction at all during a pandemic. Leave the woods ALONE.

2862. Zachary Semones (ZIP code: 45241)

2863. Senyo Whyte (ZIP code: 45220)

2864. Serra Yilmaz (ZIP code: 45069)

2865. Seth Coppens (ZIP code: 45202)

2866. Seth Hershey (ZIP code: 45223) Preserve natural community greenspace, parks, and trees. Rebuild existing blighted properties elsewhere!

2867. Sam Settlemyre (ZIP code: 45202)

2868. Susan Hughes (ZIP code: 45223)

2869. Sean Lucas (ZIP code: 45220)

2870. Sarah (ZIP code: 45140)

2871. Sarah Fenske (ZIP code: 45230)

2872. Samantha Gossett (ZIP code: 47223)

2873. Steve Slack (ZIP code: 45220) That hillside is a significant breeding ground and habitat for Box Turtles! 2874. Steve Heglin (ZIP code: 45202) The new development proposal for Burnet Woods should be rejected. It is an incursion by a private organization into a natural space designated for the people of Cincinnati and the wildlife that reside there.

2875. Sam Hunter (ZIP code: 45215)

2876. Shailah Maynard (ZIP code: 45223)

2877. Justine Meyers (ZIP code: 45216)

2878. Shanda Gentry (ZIP code: 45140)

2879. Brooke Shanesy (ZIP code: 45220)

2880. Nageswari Shanmugalingam (ZIP code: 45220)

2881. shannon clark (ZIP code: 45230)

2882. Shannon Lock (ZIP code: 45220)

2883. Savage Savage (ZIP code: 45039)

2884. Shari Einsel (ZIP code: 41071)

2885. Aishwarya Kulkarni (ZIP code: 45223)

2886. Sharmini Shanker (ZIP code: 45242)

2887. Sharon Buckner (ZIP code: 45219) As a 37 year resident of the CUF neighborhood, I am strongly in opposition to this proposal. No transparency means a no vote here.

2888. Susan Hart (ZIP code: 40351) This is a wonderful woods , park . Have spent many hours there relaxing, enjoying heaven in the city !!

2889. Elizabeth Shaughness (ZIP code: 45220) I live very near the woods. the houses behind me face the woods. Where else can you experience seeing a Cooper's hawk swooping down on a garter snake for lunch? What about the owl's who keep the mouse population under control? My son learned about the transition of eggs to tadpole to frog at the water's edge--an experience he would not receive in a populated, fully developed Burnet Woods. We need the greenery for our health, to filter the pollution from nearby industry! I want to be able to breathe! 2890. Shawn Sweeney (ZIP code: 45215)

2891. Michelle Dunne (ZIP code: 45242) I join my friends. Please protect the woods/trails.

2892. Shelby Lambright (ZIP code: 43202)

2893. Shelli Welch (ZIP code: 43021)

2894. Shema Yaakov (ZIP code: 45050) Save the park

2895. Sheri Beer (ZIP code: 45014)

2896. Sheri Besso (ZIP code: 45211)

2897. Brianna Parton (ZIP code: 45212)

2898. Tamara Barr (ZIP code: 45223)

2899. Leah Shields (ZIP code: 60626) Greenery, trees, grass, birds, squirrels, are IMPORTANT.

2900. Eric Bakie (ZIP code: 45209)

2901. Shivank Singh (ZIP code: 45040)

2902. Shawn Marsh (ZIP code: 45238)

2903. Allyson Shown (ZIP code: 45219)

2904. Shubhra Mishra (ZIP code: 45230)

2905. Kaitlin Shupert (ZIP code: 45040)

2906. Amanda Sickles (ZIP code: 45219)

2907. Douglas Siegel (ZIP code: 45220) Have played there since I was a kid. Moved away (VT/CO/CA/OR) for many years and have moved back to Clifton. Still walk there all the time.

2908. Justin Sikkema (ZIP code: 45140) 2909. olivia simon (ZIP code: 45066)

2910. Joseph Simpson (ZIP code: 45373)

2911. Nathan Unger (ZIP code: 45177)

2912. sara nichols (ZIP code: 45065)

2913. James Funk (ZIP code: 41071)

2914. Robert Stambaugh (ZIP code: 45223)

2915. Sierra Preston (ZIP code: 47025)

2916. Natalie Sisler (ZIP code: 44125)

2917. Elizabeth Stearns (ZIP code: 45208) This is utterly ridiculous. Keep Burnet Woods the pristine place that is is. We don't need a building on that small pond!!

2918. Emily Fisher (ZIP code: 45140)

2919. Stephen Davis (ZIP code: 45220) There should be absolutely no building program in Burnet Woods.

2920. Sandr (ZIP code: 45036)

2921. Seth Jenkins (ZIP code: 27513)

2922. Samantha Lakes (ZIP code: 45013)

2923. Scott Martin (ZIP code: 45219)

2924. Jean Swartley (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no on the new building proposed for Burnet Woods. This would be a disruption for nature there.

2925. sandra sommer (ZIP code: 45202) Keep the park for public use, no private construction at all

2926. Sara Keebler (ZIP code: 45236)

2927. Geoffrey Cullen (ZIP code: 45225) 2928. Sarah Knox (ZIP code: 45229)

2929. Stephanie Suen (ZIP code: 45224) Urban green space is important to the community and to wildlife.

2930. Sarah Kuhl (ZIP code: 45223)

2931. John Holmes (ZIP code: 46278)

2932. Stacey Kutish (ZIP code: 45220) I do not support a private group’s takeover of land and resources in our city parks. Additionally, the secretive process by which this has developed is unacceptable.

2933. Adrienne Ritter (ZIP code: 45213)

2934. Skylar Patterson (ZIP code: 43212)

2935. Sharon Bennett (ZIP code: 45220) I do not believe this will serve the best interests of the people. We should be preserving as much of the park(s) as possible.

2936. Sydney Dye (ZIP code: 45150)

2937. Sharon Hamersley (ZIP code: 43221)

2938. Kay Sloan (ZIP code: 45208)

2939. Shelby Stevlingson (ZIP code: 45255)

2940. simon Lyon (ZIP code: 45220)

2941. Shiv Malhotra (ZIP code: 45236) Burner Woods is an absolute gem to the city of Cincinnati. Tearing it down for a building will remove a spot for

2942. Adam Vibbert (ZIP code: 45065)

2943. Sandra Matlow (ZIP code: 45211) We see that you are trying to sneak in a contract for development of some kind of workshop in Burnet Woods. PLease stop copying the unethical and illegal behavior of City Council. We have been clear - no development wanted or needed in Burnett Woods

2944. Kirby Kuhl (ZIP code: 45213) 2945. Simon Glaser (ZIP code: 45208)

2946. Sarah Grote (ZIP code: 45230) Please preserve all of burnet woods for future generations. Urban habitat is incredibly important for biodiversity and to fight climate change. Other locations are available for development please listen to you’re city’s residents that this is not a wanted development project.

2947. Raegen Elwer (ZIP code: 45220)

2948. Madison Smith (ZIP code: 45220)

2949. Rebecca Smith (ZIP code: 45230) Park Board Members, I thank you for your volunteer service to the preservation of our City’s open spaces and and natural areas. As representatives of the Community, I implore you not to sacrifice a square foot of our park lands for a bldg. Open, natural spaces within large urban areas, are getting more and more difficult to hang onto, yet the need is greater each year, for people to have places to go for quiet contemplation and renewal...as well as for children to have a place to play, learn and discover the natural world. Please do not give up even a square foot of our Community’s land...once gone, we will never get it back! Thank you in advance for preserving our limited green spaces.

2950. Harriet Smith (ZIP code: 45223-)

2951. Madison Smith (ZIP code: 45223)

2952. Joan Smith (ZIP code: 45211)

2953. Bob Schmitz (ZIP code: 45211)

2954. Stephen Kramrech (ZIP code: 45224) I am TOTALLY OPPOSED to the proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation, that is scheduled for a Board meeting and vote on 17-December-2020.

2955. sarah morand (ZIP code: 45039)

2956. Sarah Beach (ZIP code: 45211)

2957. Susan Moesker (ZIP code: 11215)

2958. Matilda Smolij (ZIP code: 45219)

2959. Diana Harris (ZIP code: 45233) Please do not add commercial buildings to the park.

2960. Sofia Goodman Arbona (ZIP code: 45208) 2961. Sandra O (ZIP code: 45206)

2962. Sommer Hembree (ZIP code: 45122)

2963. Sonja Mazzeo (ZIP code: 45223) Please provide a detailed plan and seek community approval.

2964. Sophia McAllister (ZIP code: 45220) This is a public park in Cincinnati and not for the public in another state!!

2965. Sophia Montello (ZIP code: 41011)

2966. Sophia Sperry (ZIP code: 45140)

2967. Sophie Dannin (ZIP code: 45214)

2968. Sophia Kiley (ZIP code: 44219)

2969. Sophia Jacobs (ZIP code: 45208)

2970. Suzanne Ostyn (ZIP code: 87010)

2971. Robert Dyrenforth (ZIP code: 45220)

2972. Sadie Yost (ZIP code: 43040)

2973. Gregg Lustig (ZIP code: 44114) Don’t want to have to go to a museum to see trees

2974. Bonnie Speeg (ZIP code: 45220)

2975. Janet Speier (ZIP code: 45224)

2976. Stevee Pelikan (ZIP code: 45224)

2977. Spencer Borger (ZIP code: 45044)

2978. Spencer Hallgarth (ZIP code: 45204)

2979. Spencer Hersh (ZIP code: 45213)

2980. Erin Speno (ZIP code: 45242) 2981. Spencer Peppet (ZIP code: 45174)

2982. Sarah Portman (ZIP code: 45429)

2983. Maggie Spring (ZIP code: 45214)

2984. Sean Reynolds (ZIP code: 45217) Save this gem for future generations!!!!

2985. Rohan Srivastava (ZIP code: 44212) Don’t sell burner woods!

2986. Samantha Rowlett (ZIP code: 45211)

2987. Susan Thompson (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject CEF's new proposal to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. Thank you.

2988. Samantha Tanen (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve Burnett woods!

2989. Stephanie Russo (ZIP code: 45002) Please keep Burnet Park as an urban free space. In this hurried world we need a respite close at hand. Thank you.

2990. Sarah Schaen (ZIP code: 45219)

2991. Susan Schapiro (ZIP code: 45242)

2992. Suellyn Shupe (ZIP code: 45205) Please don't do this. Just care for the existing infrastructure properly.

2993. Sarah Smith (ZIP code: 45223)

2994. Sam Steele (ZIP code: 45202)

2995. Susan Strick (ZIP code: 45220) Please do no add any buildings to Burnet Woods.

2996. Stacey Walsh (ZIP code: 45213)

2997. Stacey Naylor-Cookman (ZIP code: 45213) 2998. Aissa Guerra (ZIP code: 45242)

2999. Stacy Holbrook (ZIP code: 45224)

3000. John C Liechty (ZIP code: 45202) I grew up down the street from Burnett woods and have fond memories of the slide, pond and swings. Please keep this wonderful green space.

3001. Margaret Kammerer (ZIP code: 45211)

3002. Stephanie Copelin (ZIP code: 45220)

3003. Suzanne Crable (ZIP code: 45209) I look at Burnet Woods every day from Good Samaritan and walk there on nice days. To disrupt this critical green space would be devastating to the area and the city.

3004. Steffnie Donovan (ZIP code: 45220)

3005. Stef Murawsky (ZIP code: 45223)

3006. Stefanie Zidarescu (ZIP code: 45215)

3007. Annie Stegeman (ZIP code: 45230)

3008. Anne Steinert (ZIP code: 45217)

3009. Stella Bardetti (ZIP code: 45231) Please leave Burnet Woods ALONE!!!!

3010. Stella Kelley (ZIP code: 45219)

3011. Adam Flem (ZIP code: 45215)

3012. Christine Stemp (ZIP code: 45217)

3013. Stephanie Mee (ZIP code: 45342) Burnet Woods is where I used to go when I needed a break from the busy campus. It would be a shame to see it go.

3014. Stephanie Heim (ZIP code: 45224)

3015. Stephen Cosco (ZIP code: 45220) 3016. Stephanie Norman (ZIP code: 45223)

3017. Steven Rogstad (ZIP code: 45223) We need LESS disruption of the fragmented greenspace in Burnet Woods. Please work to maintain more greenspace and less construction-fragmentation. Thank you Steve Rogstad

3018. Sarah Thomas (ZIP code: 45223)

3019. Stojanovic (ZIP code: 45220)

3020. Samuel Stover (ZIP code: 45231)

3021. Michael Stocks (ZIP code: 45246)

3022. Kelsey Stratman (ZIP code: 45236)

3023. James Stringer (ZIP code: 44520)

3024. Linda Stern (ZIP code: 45242) Burnett Woods is not a park that should have canoes. Do not allow this organization to have a business there.

3025. Stuart Bick (ZIP code: 45248)

3026. Sam Stamler (ZIP code: 45223)

3027. Heather Sturgill (ZIP code: 45223-1749) People - citizens - voters - residents next to it and in the region have been FIGHTING development attempts of this park for years! What will it take to PERMANENTLY PRESERVE this park the way it is NOW. NO more development! Just STOP!!!!

3028. Susan Bausch (ZIP code: 45247) Vote NO!

3029. Sue Lowery (ZIP code: 45211)

3030. Sue Kozin (ZIP code: 97217) Parks are needed.

3031. Senja Toivonen (ZIP code: 45220)

3032. Joseph Suetholz (ZIP code: 45220) I think efforts to renew the existing structures and keeping Burnet woods a non commercial public park would be more beneficial for the Clifton area. There is already a surplus of vacant retail spaces surrounding the park that should be used instead of building another shitty strip mall in a park

3033. Jason Ellis (ZIP code: 45211)

3034. Susan Gray (ZIP code: 41011)

3035. Sumir Baird (ZIP code: 45220)

3036. Cassidy Gibson (ZIP code: 41011)

3037. Summer Lippert (ZIP code: 45044)

3038. Summi Ahuja (ZIP code: 45002) I am so grateful for the green space we have in our city. The last thing we need is to remove more of it and placing a structure in it's place.

3039. Sunny Dighe (ZIP code: 45208)

3040. Susan Hoover (ZIP code: 45212)

3041. Sue Tassone (ZIP code: 15090)

3042. Susan Reinhardt (ZIP code: 45220) Leave the park alone.

3043. Susan J Mueller (ZIP code: 45231)

3044. Susan Mitchell (ZIP code: 45212)

3045. Samuel Sussman (ZIP code: 45005) This park is one of the few green spots in Clifton, destroying this park is destroying one of the last open spaces in Cincinnati.

3046. Suzanne Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

3047. Suzanne Jacobson (ZIP code: 45224) No to building canoe storage structure at Burnet Woods.

3048. Suzanne Barker (ZIP code: 45232)

3049. Jane Elizabeth (ZIP code: 45294)

3050. Lisa Kallman (ZIP code: 45211) Do not downgrade Clifton

3051. Michelle Chadwick (ZIP code: 45255)

3052. Shelby Grassman (ZIP code: 45206)

3053. Sydney Alsobrook (ZIP code: 33403) As a Cincinnati native the preservation of green space and the city's historic parks are very important to me.

3054. Syd Kennedy-Meguire (ZIP code: 45223)

3055. Sydney Cree (ZIP code: 45140)

3056. Sydney Cresap (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not do this. The wildlife in the area primarily lives in mt. Storm and burnet woods. I also as a member of the community that lives literally a block away, I chose this area to live in because of it being quiet and has ample areas to hike and be outside in. What a horrible idea getting rid of burnet woods. Shame.

3057. Sydney Klemm (ZIP code: 45030)

3058. Sydney Pachta (ZIP code: 45219)

3059. Sydney Chaney (ZIP code: 45212) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

3060. Sydney Rice (ZIP code: 41017)

3061. Sydney Stewart (ZIP code: 45242)

3062. Sydney Sebastian (ZIP code: 45220)

3063. Sylvana Ross (ZIP code: 41073)

3064. Steve Yost (ZIP code: 45040)

3065. Tyler Stemmer (ZIP code: 45223)

3066. Sarah Fortin (ZIP code: 45241)

3067. Tabitha Oyediran (ZIP code: 45220) Don't do it

3068. Tabitha Robinson (ZIP code: 40205)

3069. Trenton Bushle (ZIP code: 45209)

3070. Dontae Brown (ZIP code: 45239) Please Don't destroy the park ....

3071. Talia Ahlers (ZIP code: 45231)

3072. Brenda Terhaar (ZIP code: 41071)

3073. Tamala Van Dierendonck (ZIP code: 45040) Please vote no on the CEF building planned for Burnet Woods

3074. Tamara Tilburgs (ZIP code: 45220) Please protect Burnett woods. Do NOT build this building and destroy woods and trees. Its a completely unnecessary building for the community. Plenty of space around elsewhere to build something or renovate an existing building. Thank you.

3075. Terrie Minniti (ZIP code: 45230)

3076. Tammy Brown (ZIP code: 45224)

3077. tanasia behanan (ZIP code: 45238)

3078. Tamara Parker (ZIP code: 45239)

3079. Tara Lay (ZIP code: 45255)

3080. Taran Galinsky-Batte (ZIP code: 45209) Don’t ruin Burnett

3081. Tasha Schaffner (ZIP code: 45244)

3082. Anastasios Manganaris (ZIP code: 45255)

3083. Tatem Lewis (ZIP code: 45211) No way no how!

3084. Tatyana Gilliam (ZIP code: 46033) 3085. Taylor Fox (ZIP code: 45220)

3086. Taylor Epperson (ZIP code: 45255)

3087. Taylor Schwenke (ZIP code: 45066)

3088. Taylor Feltner (ZIP code: 45242)

3089. Theresa Baker (ZIP code: 45140)

3090. Tim Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224)

3091. Terence Martin (ZIP code: 45220)

3092. brit simpson (ZIP code: 45036)

3093. Kevan Teasdale (ZIP code: 45206) Preserve Burnet!

3094. Durham (ZIP code: 47040) Preserve Burnet Woods, development can happen elsewhere. Preservation of nature has value too.

3095. Teddy Weng (ZIP code: 45249)

3096. Teisha Murray (ZIP code: 45220)

3097. Brayden Templeton (ZIP code: 41075)

3098. Teresa McMullen (ZIP code: 45242)

3099. Teresa Perrotta (ZIP code: 45220)

3100. Teri Jacobs (ZIP code: 45015) Our UC students conducted a bird diversity study, and Burnet Woods serves as an important migratory stopover, breeding, and feeding ground. Vote no to protect our beautiful green space and biodiversity.

3101. Terra Martin (ZIP code: 45230)

3102. Teryn Yazdani (ZIP code: 97214)

3103. Theresa Sansbury (ZIP code: 45206) 3104. tessa woodrey (ZIP code: 45013)

3105. Tess Renusch (ZIP code: 45208)

3106. Tevis Clark (ZIP code: 45219)

3107. Tyra Garcia (ZIP code: 45255) Signing bc leave nature alone!

3108. Jennifer Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

3109. thea barakat (ZIP code: 45206)

3110. Adam Green (ZIP code: 45238)

3111. Willow Dearwester (ZIP code: 45230)

3112. Emily Howard (ZIP code: 41018)

3113. Timothy Heidegger (ZIP code: 45219)

3114. Jennie Waits (ZIP code: 45224) I would be appalled if they did any development at Burnet.

3115. Celeste Celosia (ZIP code: 45205)

3116. Christopher Stothfang (ZIP code: 45239)

3117. Nathan koch (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett is one of the few green areas easily accessible to a huge number of citizens in the city. Destroying any of it would be hurting our quality of life

3118. Theresa Culley (ZIP code: 45069) Burnet Woods is the ideal outdoor classroom for our students at UC. Building a structure at this location will harm the ecological integrity of this natural site and harm its flora and fauna.

3119. Theresa Kulbaga (ZIP code: 45224)

3120. Nolan Long (ZIP code: 45140)

3121. Luke Thies (ZIP code: 45230) Burnet Woods is a fantastic oasis if green amongst the gray backdrop of Cincinnati and must be preserved! 3122. Danielle Clark (ZIP code: 45220)

3123. Angela Flammer (ZIP code: 45247)

3124. Marisa Thoman (ZIP code: 45219)

3125. Thomas Wagster (ZIP code: 45204)

3126. Thomas nelson (ZIP code: 45213)

3127. Tyler Thompson (ZIP code: 45220)

3128. Rikkie Shumard (ZIP code: 45219)

3129. Maya Threat (ZIP code: 45219)

3130. Paige Mickol (ZIP code: 45213)

3131. Lydia Karlo (ZIP code: 45219) Just leave the damn park alone

3132. Philip Tiettmeyer (ZIP code: 45219)

3133. Tiffany Shiver (ZIP code: 45206)

3134. Tim Burns (ZIP code: 45223)

3135. Tim Young (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is a place of relaxation and peace for all UC students!! It’s beautiful and natural and is a beautiful border to our beautiful modern campus. Please keep it and keep the nuance and diversity that makes Clifton so special!

3136. Tina Baxa (ZIP code: 60185)

3137. Artemis Falk (ZIP code: 45230)

3138. Robert Bernard (ZIP code: 45202)

3139. Tj Ashcraft (ZIP code: 45211)

3140. Tim Lanham (ZIP code: 45246) Please don't do this. 3141. Timothy Mara (ZIP code: 45011)

3142. Tess Balsley (ZIP code: 45219)

3143. Teresa Gilligan (ZIP code: 45238) No, no 1000 times no!

3144. Toni Judnitch (ZIP code: 45220)

3145. Tobin Kashdan-Combs (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet woods is an essential part of Clifton and it needs to be protected and preserved.

3146. Nathan Gittleman (ZIP code: 45220)

3147. Todd Brennan (ZIP code: 45219) Please stop trying to develop the park. It’s a park, not a place for business.

3148. Todd Desborough (ZIP code: 45250) I walk the trails in Burnet frequently??we must prevent them from this plan of theirs!

3149. George Bible (ZIP code: 45224) No development in Burnet Woods. As is, the park is too small to protect the rich ecosystems trying to live there. Any building process will destroy the environment far beyond the footprint of the building itself. Burnet Woods is unsuited to camping and is a poor choice for a camping program or education center. I speak as a 56 year Eagle Scout, a 20 year Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 161, the nearest troop to Burnet Woods and a Clifton institution for close to 90 years, and as a Clifton homeowner for 29 years who walked through Burnet Woods everyday for those 29 years to and from my work as a professor of Architecture at DAAP. Any additional building will be an irrevocable mistake.

3150. Tom Brinkman (ZIP code: 45208)

3151. Tom Strothers (ZIP code: 45224) The true sign of a city's quality of life is protection and preservation of its park lands. While we should welcome support of private enterprise, we should no allow private enterprise -- even non-profits -- to modify or develop those lands for their personal use.

3152. Spencer Caudill (ZIP code: 45219)

3153. Thomas Dietrich (ZIP code: 45211) Please do not approve private construction in Burnet Woods.

3154. Mick P. Cozmanoff (ZIP code: 46123) Please preserve and invest in what you already have. 3155. Tommy Kowalsky (ZIP code: 44212)

3156. Tom Uhlman (ZIP code: 45223)

3157. Tonya Neal (ZIP code: 45246)

3158. Tony Guethlein (ZIP code: 45220)

3159. Anthony Thon (ZIP code: 45220) Get your grubby mitts out if Burnet Woods Forest Reserve you dirty hogs. There's plenty of concrete ground elsewhere--figure it out you pylons!

3160. Marissa Town (ZIP code: 45423)

3161. Eliza Stewart (ZIP code: 45219)

3162. thomas plummer (ZIP code: 45219)

3163. Tracy Redding (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods is a wonderful park. My children have attended many camps for years there and we visit it as a family. Please do not allow the destruction of buildings or natural habitat. Reject the proposal of Camping and Education foundation for a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods.

3164. Ellen Dryer (ZIP code: 45140)

3165. TRENT LOBDELL (ZIP code: 45206) Keep public space public. Ohio is ranked 44th at 4.2% of land owned by the public. Expand it, don't take it from us. Burnet Woods is an immensely important ecological habit within the city -- protect it.

3166. Trenton Bradford (ZIP code: 45202)

3167. Trevin Morgan (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett woods is perfect the way it is, we do not need another building !!

3168. Trey Davis (ZIP code: 45213)

3169. Tricia Bath (ZIP code: 45223) Preserve the park for the people!

3170. Tricia Dreyer (ZIP code: 45219)

3171. Trinity Shaya (ZIP code: 45140)

3172. Tristan Wood (ZIP code: 45220) 3173. Todd McHenry (ZIP code: 45220)

3174. kenzie troehler (ZIP code: 45140)

3175. June Nguyen (ZIP code: 45069)

3176. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45220)

3177. Tricia Spaite (ZIP code: 45209)

3178. Paloma Correa (ZIP code: 45223)

3179. Hannah Tucker (ZIP code: 45202)

3180. Will Tuttle (ZIP code: 45068)

3181. fredrick veith (ZIP code: 45220) woo!

3182. Nick Lecher (ZIP code: 45244)

3183. Myles Twitty (ZIP code: 45231)

3184. Tyler Ficker (ZIP code: 45245)

3185. Tylar Duncan (ZIP code: 45220)

3186. Tyler Layne (ZIP code: 45223)

3187. Tyler Weber (ZIP code: 45211) Let's not wreck this park.

3188. Olivia Tyre (ZIP code: 45219)

3189. Tyler Tischler (ZIP code: 45036)

3190. Mary Uhlenbrock (ZIP code: 45231) Burnet Woods is important to migrating birds. Bird populations are in decline. I have volunteered cutting honeysuckle in Cincinnati Parks because I think improving habitat is important. We should not build any more buildings in Burnet Woods.

3191. Maria Ulatowski (ZIP code: 44139) 3192. Natalia Ungashick (ZIP code: 45220)

3193. cindy uruma (ZIP code: 45056)

3194. sriram shankaran (ZIP code: 45220)

3195. Velda Smiley (ZIP code: 45206)

3196. valerie holmes (ZIP code: 46278)

3197. Valerie Baxter (ZIP code: 45242)

3198. Katherine Valin (ZIP code: 45202) I have lived around Burnet Woods for most of 50 years. I love this park and it's hint of wildness. Please do not plan and build more buildings/projects that infringe on the park's special beauty. Once it's gone it won't come back.

3199. Patrick Carroll (ZIP code: 90020)

3200. Matthew Van Doren (ZIP code: 45219)

3201. Vatthana Long (ZIP code: 45238)

3202. Vivian Wagner (ZIP code: 45232) Please vote NO on any more requests from non-CPB organizations to build in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods used to be mature woodland extending up to Calhoun Street - the remnant that's left is still a valuable mature forest that's important to migrating birds and other wildlife. How much more can we keep chipping away at it ? Where else could someone in the Clifton / University area go to find the serenity that Burnet's trails offer? The Board bravely acted to protect this park when the Arts Community wanted to develop part of it. Please continue to protect and preserve this natural treasure!

3203. Virginia Waters (ZIP code: 45220)

3204. Julietta Toedtman (ZIP code: 45206)

3205. Verlaine R (ZIP code: 99801)

3206. Verena Manolis (ZIP code: 45208)

3207. Sebastian Verne (ZIP code: 45231)

3208. Veronica Phelan (ZIP code: 45220)

3209. Veronica Maxwell (ZIP code: 45220) 3210. Victoria Wilhelmy (ZIP code: 45208)

3211. Victoria Bower (ZIP code: 45223)

3212. Victoria Bell (ZIP code: 45220)

3213. Victoria Ireland (ZIP code: 46236) No on the CEF building proposal

3214. Vincent Wilson (ZIP code: 45231) Wouldn't want to lose any more natural land, or any of those WPA structures!

3215. Virag Vasko (ZIP code: 43082)

3216. Anita Eigher (ZIP code: 45150)

3217. Vivian Tong (ZIP code: 45220)

3218. Vivian Smith (ZIP code: 78257)

3219. Vivien Dell (ZIP code: 45255)

3220. Valerie Kulhavik (ZIP code: 45213)

3221. Veronica Merkle (ZIP code: 45220)

3222. Lisa Vogt (ZIP code: 45211)

3223. Victoria Pop (ZIP code: 44124)

3224. Cynthia Voss (ZIP code: 45255)

3225. Chris Moran (ZIP code: 45211) Burnet Woods is a vital public green space in an urban setting. No building should be placed within it.

3226. Vanessa Wong (ZIP code: 45229) I am shocked this is even being considered!

3227. Victoria Wulsin (ZIP code: 45220)

3228. walter mcbeath (ZIP code: 45002) Burnet Woods is a iconic gem for Cincinnati , the beauty and green space are irreplaceable, it is critical to preserve it. Thank you

3229. Rolf Kuhn (ZIP code: 45220) Not environmentally sound project, I oppose.

3230. Leslie Waits (ZIP code: 45220) Once you give up park land to buildings you never get it back. Please don't build inside the park. Find a parcel of land near Burnet Woods and build there please.

3231. sarah walker (ZIP code: 46220)

3232. Walker Coleman (ZIP code: 45211)

3233. Bridget Waller (ZIP code: 45220) I love walking around burnet woods and playing frisbee golf. Please reconsider the building. Many UC students will miss burnet woods.

3234. Owen Waller (ZIP code: 45248)

3235. Walter Benn (ZIP code: 45211) Burnett woods ought to be preserved.

3236. walt Diller (ZIP code: 45243) Don't take away from the park. Go tear down some old building or renovate something. This is a special thing to have so close to the university.

3237. elaine rysiewicz (ZIP code: 45223) Jacob Burnett and his son in law William Groesbeck gave Burnett Woods to the people of Cincinnati back in the mid 1800's. You need to continue to honor their bequest. Leave Burnett Woods alone.

3238. Adam Vorobok (ZIP code: 45220)

3239. Rachel Warm (ZIP code: 45219)

3240. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45202)

3241. Zoe Watson (ZIP code: 45220)

3242. Andrew Waugh (ZIP code: 45236)

3243. William Culbertson (ZIP code: 45208) Throw the developers in the lake

3244. mark thomas elstu (ZIP code: 45214) sacred public held greenspaces MUST BE PROTECTED , development holds no place in our place to commune with the Natural world

3245. Rachel Weithman (ZIP code: 43214)

3246. Martha Wendel (ZIP code: 45223)

3247. Sarah Maximiuk (ZIP code: 45229)

3248. Martin Werner (ZIP code: 45221)

3249. Luke Westawker (ZIP code: 45219)

3250. Jordan West (ZIP code: 45231)

3251. Grant Jackson (ZIP code: 43081)

3252. Rose Whalen (ZIP code: 43202)

3253. Chloe Whaley (ZIP code: 45206)

3254. Hanann Marawi (ZIP code: 45044)

3255. Jacob White (ZIP code: 45230)

3256. Daniel Whitford (ZIP code: 46211) If we lose public land, we never get it back. We should engage the entire community, not just through petitions, to ensure that this land remains undeveloped, beautiful and public.

3257. Will Anderson (ZIP code: 80526)

3258. William Zinck (ZIP code: 41075) Leave the park alone...no more buildings. Next will be a parking lot....no more blacktop or cars. Since I was a student at DAAP in the sixties, I have always loved Burnet Woods. Even though I live in Ft. Thomas, I still come to the Clifton Gaslight district to enjoy Ludlow Avenue and Burnet Woods...they both need to stay as they are.

3259. William Russ (ZIP code: 45209)

3260. William Shaw (ZIP code: 45220)

3261. Will Hammond (ZIP code: 45202) 3262. Laurel Williams (ZIP code: 46032)

3263. William Slone (ZIP code: 45202) No new construction in Burnet Woods.

3264. William Truax (ZIP code: 45040)

3265. Muriel Williams (ZIP code: 45220) No Bldg in burnet woods

3266. Liz Wilmers (ZIP code: 45208)

3267. Mark Windholtz (ZIP code: 45220)

3268. mary heil (ZIP code: 45248) We don't need more buildings, we need to save our green spaces. I have many fond memories of visits to Burnet Woods as a child. Once you replace the green space with a structure, you forever lose the benefits it creates for all living creatures around it. Please vote down this idea and any similar suggestions in the future.

3269. Flower White (ZIP code: 45206) Leave the nature of burnet woods alone.

3270. W. Kevin Pape (ZIP code: 45212) Greenspace. Not buildings.

3271. Walter Kreilinger (ZIP code: 45220)

3272. Jacqueline Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224)

3273. David Rosenberg (ZIP code: 45232)

3274. Rebecca Wright (ZIP code: 43082)

3275. Christina Yearout (ZIP code: 45211)

3276. William Scannella (ZIP code: 45220) Camping and education should take place in the woods outside the city

3277. Bill Zimmerman (ZIP code: 45205) I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that we are doing this again, yet I am. There is so much good will and community trust at stake, especially at a time when developers and our cities stewards are so greatly eroding that trust. We need good examples more than ever. 3278. Nora Junod (ZIP code: 45236)

3279. Jennifer Wulffen (ZIP code: 45223) Since plans have not been released for public view and feedback, then I, as a member of the public, am opposed.

3280. Xanthe Olt (ZIP code: 45219) There are plenty of vacant buildings and spaces that can be renovated for this purpose. There is no need to wipe out such a beautiful park that enriches the Clifton community. It’s used every day by all types of people, and is the home of various wildlife.

3281. Estee Harris (ZIP code: 45237)

3282. Christina James-Zorn (ZIP code: 45220)

3283. LAURA HARRELL (ZIP code: 45223)

3284. Yasmim Machado (ZIP code: 28401)

3285. Cecelia Yauch (ZIP code: 45219)

3286. Geoff Simmons (ZIP code: 45208)

3287. Ruth Ann Bumiller (ZIP code: 45220)

3288. kathleen kinsey (ZIP code: 45209) No -- don't take our part away from us - this is for the public to enjoy -- not for a training camp

3289. Yolande Maarsen (ZIP code: 41911) Protect Burnet Woods!

3290. Susannah Yosef (ZIP code: 45230)

3291. Allison Young (ZIP code: 45227)

3292. Lisa Young (ZIP code: 45219)

3293. Nicholas Young (ZIP code: 45219) Please preserve Burnet Woods! It is a beautiful oasis in the heart of clifton and so good for the community. It's awesome that there's a park to meet friends in, hike in, etc in the area. Please reconsider selling off part of it.

3294. Tess Young (ZIP code: 45215) 3295. yousuf Munir (ZIP code: 45236 )

3296. Megan Kelley (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no and don’t allow the construction of a private use building in an already too small public park that also includes demolition of an historic WPA stone structure. I am all for outdoor education but these folks sound like they need more education in order to help build a better world for all.

3297. Zach Johnson (ZIP code: 45255)

3298. Zachary Gerberick (ZIP code: 45220)

3299. Zachary Reinstatler (ZIP code: 45219)

3300. Zach Larabee (ZIP code: 45223)

3301. Zachary Bird (ZIP code: 70806) Stop ruining our future for the sake of a dime. We need every bit of environmental protection we can get. STOP DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN NATURE.

3302. Zac Worth (ZIP code: 46077)

3303. Alexander Gunn (ZIP code: 45238)

3304. Andy Chambers (ZIP code: 45220) NO MORE DESTRUCTION FOR PROFIT

3305. logan crouch (ZIP code: 45219) don’t do it i walk there every day

3306. Theo Zapletal (ZIP code: 98340) Don't let them be so selfish

3307. Amadea Zapotosky (ZIP code: 45219)

3308. Zvi Biener (ZIP code: 45219)

3309. Jodie Zultowsky (ZIP code: 45220) I don’t think private buildings should be built in public parks, especially without clear benefit to the community at large and when other buildings sit underutilized and unmaintained.

3310. Ezekiel Pierson (ZIP code: 41071) Yeah as a UC student, I say this is a no no! Green space is already rare in this area as it is, we don’t need more taken away from us! 3311. Zack Sigler (ZIP code: 45223)

3312. Ziaire Sherman (ZIP code: 45224)

3313. Linda Ziegler (ZIP code: 45219) Allowing this private organization to occupy public space in Burnet Woods should not be allowed. This development is being put forward with NO public input.

3314. Jocelyn Welch (ZIP code: 45206)

3315. Zoe Laub (ZIP code: 45405) Not only should this remain in tact as public land, it should also be preserved in respect of the native peoples that once lived there.

3316. Zoe Buckendahl (ZIP code: 60558)

3317. Zoe Budzar (ZIP code: 45219)

3318. Zoe Burns (ZIP code: 45209)

3319. Zoe Harvey (ZIP code: 45219)

3320. Zoey Dodson (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is important to the surrounding community. We need to preserve it.

3321. Gianna DiCarlo (ZIP code: 45214)

3322. michael terrell (ZIP code: 45213)

3323. Zoe Vanasse (ZIP code: 45206)

3324. Zoe Codd (ZIP code: 45206) We are supposed to be one of the best cities in the country based upon our green spaces and parks. Do not take away from that. There is ecological value within Burnet Woods.

3325. Howard Zuefle (ZIP code: 45205) Burnet Woods needs to stay a natural space. It is vital for the peace and health of University of Cincinnati students and staff. Multiple studies have found natural landscapes restore working memory significantly faster than a city/urban environment. As an alumni I know I would not have fniished my degrees without the peace of Burnet Woods as it is today. Also, it is an incredible ecological community that we as a people need just as much as the park needs us [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 - OPPOSE CEF IN BURNET WOODS

Amanda Montgomery Wed 12/16/2020 3:40 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioners:

I am against the proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods. I grew up a block from Burnet Woods, own a home only 10 minutes away from Burnet Woods now, and still frequently visit the park. Building in Burnet Woods undermines the purpose of the park, which is to be able to interact with nature. The building will irreversibly destroy green space in a park that is surrounded by urbanization. If anything, we should be looking for ways to preserve this important space, not destroy it. The pandemic has only highlighted the importance of our outdoor public spaces. Furthermore, the organization that will build and occupy the building will not be doing anything to enhance use of the park. A canoe-building workshop is part of the manufacturing industry and does not belong in a park. A decision in favor of the building will reflect poorly on the motives of the Parks Commission and of Mayor John Cranley.

I urge you to vote against the CEF building in Burnet Woods.


Amanda Montgomery

-- Amanda Montgomery [External Email] Public Comment 12/17- Opposition to Proposed Building in Burnet Woods bob bergstein Wed 12/16/2020 4:14 PM To: Parks, Cincy Cc: Kish, Kara

External Email Communication

Public Comment 12/17- Opposition to Proposed Building in Burnet Woods From Robert D Bergstein to the Members of the Park Board Introduction - I strongly oppose the construction of the proposed building near Burnet Lake. In fact, after speaking recently to the head of the Camping and Education Foundation, Hugh Haller, I am opposed to this group building in any of our City Parks. He wants a private building in prime location for his own group’s private use. I have no animosity towards anyone involved in this Proposal, who I think are fine and well-intentioned, but feel the whole project is misguided and not beneficial to Cincinnati Parks. I apologize if I have misquoted Mr. Goetz, as this is my memory of conversations. An Aside -While I was at the Friday December 11 meeting described below, a well-known Cincinnatian jogged by. I spoke to him about the proposed building. He said he knew the Camping and Education was fine, and that he knew them personally, but they shouldn’t build in Burnet Woods. He said they can buy any nearby house and build their canoe in the garage. An Aside- I spoke to another person, a scientist from at a well-known museum. He said they shouldn’t build a private building in a public park. Not very complicated.

History On Sunday Dec 6, I first heard about the renewed proposal for a lakeside building, as I was hiking in Burnet Woods. A member of Preserve Burnet Woods handed me a half sheet with info about the building, and describing the proposed final Park Board vote on Dec 17! On Monday Dec 7, I attended the Clifton Town Meeting by Zoom on Monday Dec 7. There was a partial plan presented by Park Board Member Jim Goetz and Director Kara Kish. I would say this was not well received, due to the late notice to the citizens and the proposal was similar to one that had been vehemently opposed in 2018 by many, many people, and many community groups including CTM (which passed a motion against it) Then as now, most people thought “Private buildings do not belong in public parks.” I believe Kara Kish and Jim Goetz were not involved with Cincinnati Parks at this time, so probably did not know this. On Friday Dec 11, I attended a live in-person meeting (hastily arranged by the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC), I believe). The location was the proposed building site. There were about 45 people there, including Director of the Camping and Education Foundation Hugh Haller, Park Director Kara Kish, Park Board Member Jim Goetz, Steve Schuckman, many park employees, as well as some citizens and members of community groups. There was no real presentation of the building plan, no blueprint, no marking of where the building would be, no real statement by any park person as to the benefit to the park-going public of this building to be located in the park, no explanation of why they were in favor of this building, no statement that it would benefit park goers, no statement about any financial benefit to the Park System about this project. No statement that this project will be a significant impact on the nature education of children. No statement that the Camping and Education Foundation would do a better job teaching actual canoeing that the park staff, or the Sierra Club, or REI, who I believe could (and would) do this … General Statements to the Group with Mr. Goetz and others Mr. Goetz stated that several years ago, the parks had decided on a policy of partnering with outside groups. (I somewhat agree, but this project is not one.) (Partnering with any outside group that wants to build a private building, requires a MUCH higher standard. Eg. a one-day course on fossils taught by UC geology is a good partnership. Building a permanent UC building in Burnet Woods, closed most of the time, and with no public access would be a bad partnership. See below for my idea of a successful partnership) On the complaint of the quick timeline from notification to final Park Board Vote, I believe Mr. Goetz informed the group that they were not rushing this project. Mr. Goetz stated that the Cincinnati Parks have been working privately with the Camping and Education Foundation for four years. To me, this makes it worse. The parks have been working for four years on an idea that they know many citizens oppose, and they try to push this through without informing the public. An Aside: There were many Park employees at the live meeting. As every employee certainly understands, employees in a meeting with their bosses present, will not freely state their true feelings about the merit of a proposal. My Conversation with Mr. Haller I spoke with Mr. Hugh Haller, (the director of the Camping and Education Foundation, who proposes to build the new building) privately for five minutes towards the end of the meeting. I tried to understand the use of the building. He confirmed half is a workshop, half for (indoor!) canoe storage. This is a single use building, for the exclusive use of the Camping and Education Building. My understanding from him was that the building would not be staffed full time, and not sure if it would be staffed at all, except when they were working on building a canoe. For people walking in the park, the building would typically not be open, the restroom in the building (which would be a great benefit to everyone) not public, there are no displays or anything to see if you do enter the building. No benefit unless you are one of 10(?) working on building a Canoe. And who has signed these people up, Cincy Parks or CEF? Who are fees paid to? I asked about the winter hours. He said they might have 10 kids come over after school to work. So open 2 hours a day, and these hours are not for the public. Apparently, the hours may be set by CEF alone. Not sure of the weekend hours, not specified in writing. I think it takes several weeks for a group to build a canoe. So we are talking about a very small number of students, or citizens being impacted by the experience. IMPORTANT- Mr. Haller stated to me that the most important aspect of a group building a canoe was the bonding, that comes by working together! While true, this does not really require either Canoe Building or a separate single use building within the park. Bonding can occur by bird watching, hiking, camping, crafts, actually most regular events where one can make friends. As far as the use of the canoes stored in the building, I doubt they would be used on a winter day, so no reason to have them stored inside and onsite. I believe Burnet Woods Park itself would not have access to the Canoes for their own programs. (Are there agreements from CEF that the building will be open noon- 7pm every day to rent canoes to the public?. Cost? Who keeps the money? Could Cincy Parks do this themselves, Hamilton County does) Mr. Haller said presently that CEF are building canoes in local schools, (which is fine, but is this a reason that their private building should be in a public park with a minimal benefit to the general public.) I also asked him if his group wouldn’t instead rather contribute financially to help build the nice lakeside plaza/playground which would benefit all visitors, (he was not interested in this at all. He wanted their CEF own building.) I tried to find if there was a benefit to our local kids considering that the main work of the CEM is a multi- week camp in Northern Minnesota. The cost for a four-week session is $5200 plus transportation. I am sure the camp is great if you can afford it. Hugh said they do have some free scholarships that would be available to a small number of Cincinnati kids, which is very nice, but these scholarships do not depend on a building in Burnet. My mistake- I may have offended him by suggesting that CEF could contribute to a nice plaza by the lake, with CEF name. I was hoping that his group would help finance a nice plaza by the lake which would be strongly supported by local citizens. Correctly Naming rights didn’t persuade him. My mistake- I suggested that this project was not supported by the local Clifton community. He correctly noted that this is a city park for the benefit of all of Cincinnati citizens, not just those in Clifton, which is true. I do feel that this building would not be a significant improvement to the park for any visitor, since it would have not have public access during most hours, no restrooms, no displays, and thus of little benefit to any visitor to the park. And my guess is that 50% of the visitors to Burnet live within a couple miles, so this project is, in fact, more important to people who live nearby. My conversation with Jim Goetz- When I later asked Park Board member Jim Goetz about hours and access, I believe he said these details (?) haven’t been discussed with CEM . It should be expected that the Park Board would know ALL of the details about the whole project, before voting on construction. Including the hours, the staffing, the services to be provided to public, financial benefit to the park, financial costs to the parks, improved services to park goers. Utility cost, increased Insurance Costs for boating Etc and that these “details” would be fully agreed for 10 or 20 years term. These details should all be discussed publicly and presented for public discussion, before the Park Board decides to build a new building. (eg. What will the Cincy Parks do with a single use building, if they are unhappy with the services provided, or CEM shortens hours, or no one goes canoeing?) Current Successful Partnerships with Outside Groups- Earlier I mentioned I am in favor of some partnerships between Cincinnati Parks and outside groups. These must be beneficial to both Cincinnati Parks and the outside group By far, the best example of a successful Partnership between Cincinnati Parks and an outside group is between Cincinnati Parks and “Preserve Burnet Woods” who are working together to restore the natural areas of Burnet Woods and four other city parks. In 2018, Preserve Burnet Woods was formed mainly to oppose the two new buildings planned within Burnet Woods. These buildings were thought not appropriate for a public park since they would have had a negative impact on the Park’s natural areas. As an accidental consequence of the Preserve Burnet Woods formation, there was a re-energization of a plan by concerned citizens and nature organizations to restore the natural areas of Burnet Woods and other Cincinnati Parks. This is an immense project due to the long-term (25 years) neglect of the natural areas of our Cincinnati Parks, which I believe is acknowledged by all. The benefit of the partnership to Cincinnati Parks is the restoration of our natural landscape. The benefit of the partnership to “Preserve Burnet Woods” is exactly the same. The restoration of our natural landscape. With volunteers doing much of the work. The Parks are doing a lot also, funding an outside company for tree removal, foliar spray, etc which are not jobs for volunteers. (Preserve Burnet Woods (with support of other Nature groups) are volunteering every month, clearing invasive plants from Burnet Woods. In 2020, Preserve Burnet Woods has done about $30,000 worth of volunteer restoration in Burnet Woods! Within 2 years, the landscape should be much more natural, open woodlands, and native plants returning.) (disclaimer) I am a member of PBW and a volunteer, not a board member. This is a a successful collaboration! Sincerely, Robert D. Bergstein ,

End of message [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jeanne Nightingale Wed 12/16/2020 4:33 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear James Goetz, Vice President of the Board of Park Commissioners:

Here is a statement from Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group re: the proposed Urban Wilderness Center in Burnet Woods.

The Camping and Education Foundation and the Parks’ Explore Nature Program have proposed building an “Urban Wilderness Center” near the lake in Burnet Woods. CEF has worked with UC DAAP Co-Op students to develop visioning for the Master Plan. However, other concerned community stakeholders have not seen a presentation of the new plan nor had time for community discussion. Our concern: The plan does not protect the natural integrity of the forest ecosystem. Indeed, the project entails further loss of habitat in an urban park already reduced in size some years back. It will cause major disruption and stress to habitat vis-à-vis the creation of two separate construction sites including the upcoming sewer overhaul behind Trailside Nature Center. For these reasons, the Sierra Club Miami Group opposes this proposal by Parks/ CEF and requests that going forward that there will be true and significant community dialogue and engagement for major plans in the park. Respectfully, Members of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jeanne Nightingale Wed 12/16/2020 4:35 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Susan F. Castellini, Member of the Board of Park Commissioners:

Here is a statement from Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group re: the proposed Urban Wilderness Center in Burnet Woods.

The Camping and Education Foundation and the Parks’ Explore Nature Program have proposed building an “Urban Wilderness Center” near the lake in Burnet Woods. CEF has worked with UC DAAP Co-Op students to develop visioning for the Master Plan. However, other concerned community stakeholders have not seen a presentation of the new plan nor had time for community discussion. Our concern: The plan does not protect the natural integrity of the forest ecosystem. Indeed, the project entails further loss of habitat in an urban park already reduced in size some years back. It will cause major disruption and stress to habitat vis-à-vis the creation of two separate construction sites including the upcoming sewer overhaul behind Trailside Nature Center. For these reasons, the Sierra Club Miami Group opposes this proposal by Parks/ CEF and requests that going forward that there will be true and significant community dialogue and engagement for major plans in the park.

Respectfully, Members of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jeanne Nightingale Wed 12/16/2020 4:37 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Linda Lee Thomas, Member of the Board of Park Commissioners:

Here is a statement from Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group re: the proposed Urban Wilderness Center in Burnet Woods.

The Camping and Education Foundation and the Parks’ Explore Nature Program have proposed building an “Urban Wilderness Center” near the lake in Burnet Woods. CEF has worked with UC DAAP Co-Op students to develop visioning for the Master Plan. However, other concerned community stakeholders have not seen a presentation of the new plan nor had time for community discussion. Our concern: The plan does not protect the natural integrity of the forest ecosystem. Indeed, the project entails further loss of habitat in an urban park already reduced in size some years back. It will cause major disruption and stress to habitat vis-à-vis the creation of two separate construction sites including the upcoming sewer overhaul behind Trailside Nature Center. For these reasons, the Sierra Club Miami Group opposes this proposal by Parks/ CEF and requests that going forward that there will be true and significant community dialogue and engagement for major plans in the park.

Respectfully, Members of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group [External Email] Burnet Woods: please, no development by CEF ann oliver Wed 12/16/2020 4:38 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Cincinnati Park Board Commissioners: will you please listen to the public? How many times must the people say "NO development in Burnet Woods"?

Here we are again, the third time in a few years that development has been proposed and the public has responded with “No”.

People voted NO to a restaurant in the park. Plenty of restaurants in Clifton.

A huge swathe of the public said NO to the park board selling out to a Clifton arts group that could build (and is now going to build!) elsewhere on private land instead of inside the limited public green space of Burnet Woods. Plenty of land outside of a city park for an arts center.

And now, again, we're saying NO NO NO to a new stand alone building for Camping and Education Foundation (CEF). Based on their Hyde Park profile, they must have plenty of money so they too can take their building elsewhere. Maybe to a location along of a national scenic river like the Little Miami?

It's totally unacceptable (and inconceivable that it's even being considered!) for a private, elite enterprise to BUY their way into a part of this valued green space in the heart of Clifton. Develop elsewhere CEF, NOT in Burnet Woods.

On their website, CEF calls Burnet Woods the "sylvan heart" of Cincinnati. REALLY? Are you kidding me? How is putting up a building in a National Audubon Society “Important Bird Area” (IBA) a way to honor a "sylvan heart"? Plus, it’s the only IBA entirely in Hamilton County!

Side note: in addition to CEF going elsewhere, CEF should consider dropping their 1950's style Native American cultural appropriation. Even the folks in Cleveland (formerly the "Indians") are ahead us in that regard.

From their website (Urban Wilderness Program — Camping & Education Foundation): "The Camping & Education Foundation’s Urban Wilderness Center is the realization of a dream many years in the making—a nexus of experiential learning and leadership development in the sylvan heart of Cincinnati. The center will be constructed in accordance with the Living Building Challenge, the world’s most rigorous green certification program."

It's disappointing to see the CEF website displaying the Cincinnati Park Board LOGO on one of their pages with a schematic of the proposed building and dock (located in one of the most popular spots for fishermen to set up). Selling this as green development is shameful.

But if the park board is truly so very financially strapped and money hungry, how about allowing CEF to put a building in Eden Park near the reflecting pond? Mirror Lake isn’t much smaller than the water feature in Burnet Woods. If kids fell out of a canoe on Mirror Lake at least their feet would hit concrete and there'd be no risk of drowning.

There’s also a concrete bottomed reflecting pond at Rapid Run: this location already has a boat ramp and a history by of canoeing programs hosted by parks. Of course, there would actually have to “be” water restored into Rapid Run since it’s mysteriously been without water for about six months.

Hugh Haller of CEF said publicly in the summer of 2018 at a meeting held by Wade W. at Corryville Recreation Center that CEF would not pursue building in Burnet Woods if the public objected. It's time for him to stay true to that statement.

KEEP Burnet Woods AN OASIS OF GREEN AND do NOT DESTROY ANY PART OF IT by selling-out to misguided development under the guise of park budget/financial pressures.

Respectfully, Ann Oliver [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jeanne Nightingale Wed 12/16/2020 4:39 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Kevin Flynn, Member of the Board of Park Commissioners:

Here is a statement from Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group opposing the proposed Urban Wilderness Center in Burnet Woods.

The Camping and Education Foundation and the Parks’ Explore Nature Program have proposed building an “Urban Wilderness Center” near the lake in Burnet Woods. CEF has worked with UC DAAP Co-Op students to develop visioning for the Master Plan. However, other concerned community stakeholders have not seen a presentation of the new plan nor had time for community discussion. Our concern: The plan does not protect the natural integrity of the forest ecosystem. Indeed, the project entails further loss of habitat in an urban park already reduced in size some years back. It will cause major disruption and stress to habitat vis-à-vis the creation of two separate construction sites including the upcoming sewer overhaul behind Trailside Nature Center. For these reasons, the Sierra Club Miami Group opposes this proposal by Parks/ CEF and requests that going forward that there will be true and significant community dialogue and engagement for major plans in the park.

Respectfully, Members of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17

Jeanne Nightingale Wed 12/16/2020 4:40 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Brad Lindner, President of the Board of Park Commissioners:

Here is a statement from Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group opposing the proposed Urban Wilderness Center in Burnet Woods:

The Camping and Education Foundation and the Parks’ Explore Nature Program have proposed building an “Urban Wilderness Center” near the lake in Burnet Woods. CEF has worked with UC DAAP Co-Op students to develop visioning for the Master Plan. However, other concerned community stakeholders have not seen a presentation of the new plan nor had time for community discussion. Our concern: The plan does not protect the natural integrity of the forest ecosystem. Indeed, the project entails further loss of habitat in an urban park already reduced in size some years back. It will cause major disruption and stress to habitat vis-à-vis the creation of two separate construction sites including the upcoming sewer overhaul behind Trailside Nature Center. For these reasons, the Sierra Club Miami Group opposes this proposal by Parks/ CEF and requests that going forward that there will be true and significant community dialogue and engagement for major plans in the park.

Respectfully, Members of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Miami Group [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 sally dannemiller Wed 12/16/2020 4:43 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioner Lindner,

As a member of the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) since its inception, I was quite surprised to find that there was visioning and modeling happening in conjunction with DAAP for a new concept of CEF's proposed Urban Wilderness Center. As a member of the group, I was not made aware of the UC students working on it, that the addition and rehab of Trailside was off the table or that a new siting for the project had been considered.

No meetings were called by our Chairperson, Julie Horne. No communications came from Rocky Mertz with Parks, nor were we advised by any other City department, community group or community council that a pivot was underway.

I would like to be open-minded and consider, as a BPAC, all proposals that are put forth. But, that has to be in partnership with the Parks, rather than as an 11th hour notice of something that has been in the works since March 2020.

Personally, I believe the hillside behind the concession stand should not be disrupted. I feel that the WPA era structure should be saved and put to good use- in the future, when there are funds to bring it back around. And I strongly encourage Parks & CEF to reach out to BPAC and other stakeholders in honest discussion, engagement.

A place in the Park could be found for the CEF. A grassy area- near MLK, a place that is unused up on Bishop that is not wooded. Something that is not in the very heart of the Park. The lake has other shorelines besides the one near Trailside.

Lastly, the perfect location should also be looked at in coordination with the on-going issue of run-off into the park and the sewer problems. Let's look at the whole picture. Let's look at it together.

Sally Dannemiller BPAC member Corryville Community Council member [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 sally dannemiller Wed 12/16/2020 4:44 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioner Goetz,

As a member of the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) since its inception, I was quite surprised to find that there was visioning and modeling happening in conjunction with DAAP for a new concept of CEF's proposed Urban Wilderness Center. As a member of the group, I was not made aware of the UC students working on it, that the addition and rehab of Trailside was off the table or that a new siting for the project had been considered.

No meetings were called by our Chairperson, Julie Horne. No communications came from Rocky Mertz with Parks, nor were we advised by any other City department, community group or community council that a pivot was underway.

I would like to be open-minded and consider, as a BPAC, all proposals that are put forth. But, that has to be in partnership with the Parks, rather than as an 11th hour notice of something that has been in the works since March 2020.

Personally, I believe the hillside behind the concession stand should not be disrupted. I feel that the WPA era structure should be saved and put to good use- in the future, when there are funds to bring it back around. And I strongly encourage Parks & CEF to reach out to BPAC and other stakeholders in honest discussion, engagement.

A place in the Park could be found for the CEF. A grassy area- near MLK, a place that is unused up on Bishop that is not wooded. Something that is not in the very heart of the Park. The lake has other shorelines besides the one near Trailside.

Lastly, the perfect location should also be looked at in coordination with the on-going issue of run-off into the park and the sewer problems. Let's look at the whole picture. Let's look at it together.

Sally Dannemiller BPAC member Corryville Community Council representative [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 sally dannemiller Wed 12/16/2020 4:46 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioner Castellini,

As a member of the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) since its inception, I was quite surprised to find that there was visioning and modeling happening in conjunction with DAAP for a new concept of CEF's proposed Urban Wilderness Center. As a member of the group, I was not made aware of the UC students working on it, that the addition and rehab of Trailside was off the table or that a new siting for the project had been considered.

No meetings were called by our Chairperson, Julie Horne. No communications came from Rocky Mertz with Parks, nor were we advised by any other City department, community group or community council that a pivot was underway.

I would like to be open-minded and consider, as a BPAC, all proposals that are put forth. But, that has to be in partnership with the Parks, rather than as an 11th hour notice of something that has been in the works since March 2020.

Personally, I believe the hillside behind the concession stand should not be disrupted. I feel that the WPA era structure should be saved and put to good use- in the future, when there are funds to bring it back around. And I strongly encourage Parks & CEF to reach out to BPAC and other stakeholders in honest discussion, engagement.

A place in the Park could be found for the CEF. A grassy area- near MLK, a place that is unused up on Bishop that is not wooded. Something that is not in the very heart of the Park. The lake has other shorelines besides the one near Trailside.

Lastly, the perfect location should also be looked at in coordination with the on-going issue of run-off into the park and the sewer problems. Let's look at the whole picture. Let's look at it together.

Sally Dannemiller BPAC member Corryville Community Council representative [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17 sally dannemiller Wed 12/16/2020 4:47 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioner Thomas,

As a member of the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) since its inception, I was quite surprised to find that there was visioning and modeling happening in conjunction with DAAP for a new concept of CEF's proposed Urban Wilderness Center. As a member of the group, I was not made aware of the UC students working on it, that the addition and rehab of Trailside was off the table or that a new siting for the project had been considered.

No meetings were called by our Chairperson, Julie Horne. No communications came from Rocky Mertz with Parks, nor were we advised by any other City department, community group or community council that a pivot was underway.

I would like to be open-minded and consider, as a BPAC, all proposals that are put forth. But, that has to be in partnership with the Parks, rather than as an 11th hour notice of something that has been in the works since March 2020.

Personally, I believe the hillside behind the concession stand should not be disrupted. I feel that the WPA era structure should be saved and put to good use- in the future, when there are funds to bring it back around. And I strongly encourage Parks & CEF to reach out to BPAC and other stakeholders in honest discussion, engagement.

A place in the Park could be found for the CEF. A grassy area- near MLK, a place that is unused up on Bishop that is not wooded. Something that is not in the very heart of the Park. The lake has other shorelines besides the one near Trailside.

Lastly, the perfect location should also be looked at in coordination with the on-going issue of run-off into the park and the sewer problems. Let's look at the whole picture. Let's look at it together.

Sally Dannemiller BPAC member Corryville Community Council representative Fwd: [External Email] Burnet Woods: please, NO development in Burnet Woods by CEF

Kish, Kara Wed 12/16/2020 5:15 PM To: Unterreiner, Mary

Get Outlook for Android

From: ann oliver Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 4:40:19 PM To: Kish, Kara Subject: [External Email] Burnet Woods: please, NO development in Burnet Woods by CEF

External Email Communication

Dear Ms. Kish and Cincinnati Park Board Commissioners: will you please listen to the public? How many times must the people say "NO development in Burnet Woods"?

Here we are again, the third time in a few years that development has been proposed and the public has responded with “No”.

People voted NO to a restaurant in the park. Plenty of restaurants in Clifton.

A huge swathe of the public said NO to the park board selling out to a Clifton arts group that could build (and is now going to build!) elsewhere on private land instead of inside the limited public green space of Burnet Woods. Plenty of land outside of a city park for an arts center.

And now, again, we're saying NO NO NO to a new stand alone building for Camping and Education Foundation (CEF). Based on their Hyde Park profile, they must have plenty of money so they too can take their building elsewhere. Maybe to a location along the banks of a national scenic river like the Little Miami?

It's totally unacceptable (and inconceivable that it's even being considered!) for a private, elite enterprise to BUY their way into a part of this valued green space in the heart of Clifton. Develop elsewhere CEF, NOT in Burnet Woods.

On their website, CEF calls Burnet Woods the "sylvan heart" of Cincinnati. REALLY? Are you kidding me? How is putting up a building in a National Audubon Society “Important Bird Area” (IBA) a way to honor a "sylvan heart"? Plus, it’s the only IBA entirely in Hamilton County!

Side note: in addition to CEF going elsewhere, CEF should consider dropping their 1950's style Native American cultural appropriation. Even the folks in Cleveland (formerly the "Indians") are ahead us in that regard.

From their website (https://www.campingedu.org/urbanwilderness): "The Camping & Education Foundation’s Urban Wilderness Center is the realization of a dream many years in the making—a nexus of experiential learning and leadership development in the sylvan heart of Cincinnati. The center will be constructed in accordance with the Living Building Challenge, the world’s most rigorous green certification program."

It's disappointing to see the CEF website displaying the Cincinnati Park Board LOGO on one of their pages with a schematic of the proposed building and dock (located in one of the most popular spots for fishermen to set up). Selling this as green development is shameful.

But if the park board is truly so very financially strapped and money hungry, how about allowing CEF to put a building in Eden Park near the reflecting pond? Mirror Lake isn’t much smaller than the water feature in Burnet Woods. If kids fell out of a canoe on Mirror Lake at least their feet would hit concrete and there'd be no risk of drowning.

There’s also a concrete bottomed reflecting pond at Rapid Run: this location already has a boat ramp and a history by of canoeing programs hosted by parks. Of course, there would actually have to “be” water restored into Rapid Run since it’s mysteriously been without water for about six months.

Hugh Haller of CEF said publicly in the summer of 2018 at a meeting held by Wade W. at Corryville Recreation Center that CEF would not pursue building in Burnet Woods if the public objected. It's time for him to stay true to that statement.

KEEP Burnet Woods AN OASIS OF GREEN AND do NOT DESTROY ANY PART OF IT by selling-out to misguided development under the guise of park budget/financial pressures.

Respectfully, Ann Oliver [External Email] Public Comment 12/17 sally dannemiller Wed 12/16/2020 4:48 PM To: Parks, Cincy

External Email Communication

Dear Commissioner Flynn,

As a member of the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Council (BPAC) since its inception, I was quite surprised to find that there was visioning and modeling happening in conjunction with DAAP for a new concept of CEF's proposed Urban Wilderness Center. As a member of the group, I was not made aware of the UC students working on it, that the addition and rehab of Trailside was off the table or that a new siting for the project had been considered.

No meetings were called by our Chairperson, Julie Horne. No communications came from Rocky Mertz with Parks, nor were we advised by any other City department, community group or community council that a pivot was underway.

I would like to be open-minded and consider, as a BPAC, all proposals that are put forth. But, that has to be in partnership with the Parks, rather than as an 11th hour notice of something that has been in the works since March 2020.

Personally, I believe the hillside behind the concession stand should not be disrupted. I feel that the WPA era structure should be saved and put to good use- in the future, when there are funds to bring it back around. And I strongly encourage Parks & CEF to reach out to BPAC and other stakeholders in honest discussion, engagement.

A place in the Park could be found for the CEF. A grassy area- near MLK, a place that is unused up on Bishop that is not wooded. Something that is not in the very heart of the Park. The lake has other shorelines besides the one near Trailside.

Lastly, the perfect location should also be looked at in coordination with the on-going issue of run-off into the park and the sewer problems. Let's look at the whole picture. Let's look at it together.

Sally Dannemiller BPAC member Corryville Community Council representative [External Email] Public Comment: 12/17, Burnet Woods

Cynthia Duval Tue 12/15/2020 3:21 PM To:

Cc: #COUNCIL <#[email protected]>; Cranley, Mayor ; Smitherman, Christopher ; Landsman, Greg ; Mann, David ; Seelbach, Chris ; Sittenfeld, P.G. ; Young, Wendell ; Kearney, Jan-Michele ; Sundermann, Betsy

2 attachments (1 MB) Petition 2020_12.pdf; Petition Signature Log 2020_12_15.pdf;

External Email Communication

To the Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners -

Preserve Burnet Woods is opposed to the construction of a new standalone workshop for the Camping and Education Foundation in Burnet Woods. It is our position that this construction would pose significant environmental damage to Burnet Woods, negatively impact the historic aesthetic of the Park and recharacterize the Park to fit the mission of a private foundation with little to no public benefit for the surrounding community or the Park itself. The changes to the CEF plan are a break with the understanding set forth to the community and memorialized by the Memorandum of Understanding with the Park Board that CEF would utilize Trailside Nature Center, with renovations to accommodate that purpose, as well as make Trailside Nature Center more universally accessible. Changes to the CEF plan for a standalone structure were done without transparency and without community engagement.

Preserve Burnet Woods has gathered a petition to stop the development of a standalone workshop for the Camping and Education Foundation in Burnet Woods. Additional reasons for our objection to the updated CEF proposal are contained therein. Attached is a copy of that petition and the accompanying signature log. This petition is new and is NOT the same petition presented to you in 2018. While we are continuing to gather signatures on this petition, of note is that -

the attached signature log contains 3,218 signatures as of this date/time the attached signature log is 185 pages in length the attached signature log contains 871 unique comments

We enter this petition as a whole into the Public Comment log for the Park Board of Commissioners meeting on 12/17, on which this topic is on agenda, and for any subsequent public comment date should this meeting date be changed or the topic continued to a later meeting.

Additionally, we enter each of the 871 unique comments as their own Public Comments for the Park Board of Commissioners meeting on 12/17, on which this topic is on agenda, and for any subsequent public comment date should this meeting date be changed or the topic continued to a later meeting.

We reserve the right to append this petition to add new signatures and comments within the public comment period. We ask that the Commissioners acknowledge receipt of this petition and that they have read its contents at the Park Board meeting on 12/17.

Cynthia Duval Interim President, Preserve Burnet Woods Tell the Cincinnati Park Board to vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods TO: The Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners

On December 17th, 2020, the Cincinnati Park Board will again consider a proposal by the Camping and Education Foundation (CEF), to create a standalone building within Burnet Woods, a public park. Preserve Burnet Woods is opposed to this new private construction in Burnet Woods as a detriment to the important ecological habitat of the park and an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace. There is no opposition to expanded programming in Burnet Woods, only for the loss of natural habitat. We ask for your support by signing this petition to communicate to the Cincinnati Park Board that the Camping and Education Proposal should be summarily rejected, the MOU nullified, and the discussion of new private construction in Burnet Woods should end for the following reasons:

· Documentation for the new CEF Urban Wilderness Center building concept has not been released by Cincinnati Parks or by CEF for public view or feedback, nor have any of the public stakeholders been engaged for feedback.

· Surrounding community stakeholders, namely Clifton Town Meeting, CUF Neighborhood Association, Corryville Community Council, and the Burnet Woods Park Advisory Committee have not been engaged for feedback on the new proposal. Clifton Town Meeting’s attempt to convene the stakeholders was not attended by any CEF representative and there was no official presentation by the Park Board Commissioner in attendance (Commissioner Goetz). Participants were given only a four (4) page selective picture of the building concept to view, yet were unanimous in discussion that a new building in the park was not wanted. This is not an acceptable community engagement model by Cincinnati Parks, nor adequate information to review.

· This matter is going to vote before the Park Board with substantial community resistance and without substantial community engagement, with the Park Board’s full knowledge that development in Burnet Woods is a contentious community topic and any significant change to park infrastructure without engagement will cause further community disruption and division.

· CEF has provided no evidence that its proposed facility would be accessible to the “urban communities” and “urban youth” it claims it will serve. Building in Burnet Woods is solely for the convenience of CEF to support a program it offers at the University of Cincinnati. It is conceivable that this is another of many annexations by the University of Burnet Woods, this time via a private interest.

· CEF has stated publicly that they do not need this building for their mission.

· CEF stated publicly that it would not pursue this project if the community did not want it. Beginning with the 2018 daylighting discussion, the community has been consistent in messaging that it does not want any new buildings for private use in Burnet Woods. CEF has continued to pursue its new construct in the park in spite of public opposition.

· In addition to the new building, construction of camping space and camping rings would further fragment and negatively impact Burnet Woods’s forest habitat.

· The existing historic WPA-era structures that support Cincinnati Parks programs and public needs should retain the focus for the Park Board above the asserted wants of a private organization. The Cincinnati Parks system is currently experiencing a $70 million dollar deferred maintenance crisis that includes structures in Burnet Woods. The CEF’s new building will require demolition of a historic WPA-era stone structure that is used by Parks and which could be used for public benefit.

· Parks has an existing nature program via Explore Nature and should focus attention on expansion of that program in its own facilities rather than adding cumbersome facilities for private interests.

· This private construction will not be for public benefit. There is no indication that the boat dock revision included in the plan will allow personal kayak or rental canoes. The plan does not indicate that camping space and campfire rings will be available for public use.

· Burnet Woods is going to experience massive construction disruption from a required combined sewer separation as soon as that MSD project is funded. This is cited as a reason that the Trailside Nature Center renovation concept was abandoned by CEF. Their response to that concern was to disrupt the park with additional construction in a nearby area on a different timeline. The environmental consequences of repeated construction projects of this magnitude on a small urban park will take decades to repair and it may never fully recover.

· Since 2018, Preserve Burnet Woods and the Stewards of Burnet Woods have rallied the community around the park to invest significant volunteer hours and capital fundraising dollars into park restoration, as well as provide dedicated programming initiatives on a consistent basis. This programming includes collaborations with U.C. student groups, Rockdale Elementary, and HEART Montessori. These community collaboratives, combined with Cincinnati Parks own in- house Explore Nature programs, and regular programs from other community partners, have rendered the need for CEF to construct a permanent physical site in the park to complete its programming obsolete.

The mission of Preserve Burnet Woods is to protect, promote, celebrate and sustain Burnet Woods as an urban oasis and community-supported greenspace. We are a 100% volunteer organization and 501(c)(3) non-profit. PBW supports its mission through invasive species removal, litter pick-up, and small-batch nature education hikes in Burnet Woods. Since 2018, we have donated more than 1400 volunteer hours to support the habitat and community in this park. Additional information on our organization, the history of this proposal and the significance of Burnet Woods Park can be found at www.preserveburnetwoods.org. Please help us in preserving this vital space in our community!

Please sign below for this message to be delivered to the Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners on your behalf:

Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners,

3218 people have signed a petition on Action Network telling you to Tell the Cincinnati Park Board to vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods.

Here is the petition they signed:

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

You can view each petition signer and the comments they left you below.

Thank you,

Preserve Burnet Woods

1. Eric Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

2. Lauren Cox (ZIP code: 45245)

3. olivia rohling (ZIP code: 45140)

4. daisy cowgill (ZIP code: 45238)

5. Natasha Naik (ZIP code: 45219)

6. charlie k (ZIP code: 45219) As a citizen and lifetime resident of Cincinnati and as someone who spends every day in the Clifton area, I wholeheartedly oppose any moves to privatize or develop Burnet Woods.

7. Cecelia Favorito (ZIP code: 14209)

8. Colin Crank (ZIP code: 45013)

9. Natalie Koch (ZIP code: 44116)

10. Abigail McGuire (ZIP code: 45217)

11. Jason Torrible (ZIP code: 45249)

12. Monica Lam (ZIP code: 45230) 13. Victoria Rogers (ZIP code: 45220-2511)

14. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45252)

15. Anne Glenn (ZIP code: 45223) PLEASE DO NOT build in the park...IT IS A PARK, for heaven's sake!

16. Rita BARNETT (ZIP code: 45220)

17. olivia leanza (ZIP code: 45233)

18. Wellesley Henderson (ZIP code: 45211)

19. samantha jackson (ZIP code: 45214)

20. Anna Heran (ZIP code: 45232) Leave Burnet Woods alone. It's perfect just the way it is.

21. Anna Braverman (ZIP code: 45243) No. Just. No.

22. alexa grassman (ZIP code: 45220)

23. Alex Herrmann (ZIP code: 11238)

24. Annelise Holmi (ZIP code: 01752)

25. Carter Sturgeon (ZIP code: 4071 )

26. Alicia Jimmar (ZIP code: 45069)

27. Antoinette Asimus (ZIP code: 45224) Reject the Camping and Education Proposal, nullify the MOU , and end the discussion of new private construction in Burnet Woods. Keep our park beautiful and protect the ecological habitat of the park.

28. Alina Acevedo (ZIP code: 45229) Burner is a park that I have so many memories in. I would be so sad to see it go.

29. Anita Buck (ZIP code: 45224) It seems pretty clear that the community does not favor new construction, let alone new construction by a private entity, in Burnet Woods.

30. Amanda Anderson (ZIP code: 45050) 31. Aaron Zorn (ZIP code: 45220) I use Burnet woods on a daily basis for walks and bird watching. It is a rare source of peace and mental health in the city. I appose commercial development

Aaron Zorn

32. Aaron Eskerden (ZIP code: 45248)

33. Aaron King (ZIP code: 45212)

34. Aaron Slovin (ZIP code: 45208)

35. Aarti Raghavachari (ZIP code: 45220)

36. Kinohi Abafo (ZIP code: 45229) Why year down such a historically rich park? One of the most beautiful parts of Clifton

37. Anna Barchick-Suter (ZIP code: 45223)

38. Abbas Raziuddin (ZIP code: 45040) This is a historical area that students utilize to relax, do not commercialize this area. It will only ruin the nature of the park and long term yield no benefits to anyone.

39. Abbey Vorhees (ZIP code: 44053)

40. Abbey Ketterer (ZIP code: 45219)

41. Abbie Howell (ZIP code: 45150)

42. Abby Person (ZIP code: 45220)

43. Abby Gilster (ZIP code: 60657)

44. Abby Whayne (ZIP code: 45219)

45. Abby Schymanski (ZIP code: 45213)

46. Abby Wissman (ZIP code: 43082)

47. alison eastlake (ZIP code: 98506)

48. Tracey Johnson (ZIP code: 45219) 49. Abraham Underhill (ZIP code: 45219) My family has enjoyed Burnett Woods for the past fifteen years and hope to see it maintained as a nature preserve in this dense, urban neighborhood.

50. Abigail Foltz Hottle (ZIP code: 45243)

51. Abigail Magoffin (ZIP code: 45219)

52. Abbey Gustafson (ZIP code: 45040) STOP ?

53. Sarah Klaine (ZIP code: 45247)

54. Adri Calamita (ZIP code: 45220) Keep our parks OUR parks!

55. Anna Bunke (ZIP code: 45030)

56. Amanda Changet (ZIP code: 41075)

57. Amy Conroy (ZIP code: 45202)

58. Christine Dye (ZIP code: 45236) I was born and raised in Clifton and Burnet Woods played a huge role in my upbringing. Every Saturday in the summer my Father and I would walk in the park and I’d go down the giant stone slide. Then we’d get a hotdog at the concession stand building. Occasionally we’d rent a paddle boat and go out on the lake. This is a special, special place for past and future Cliftonites and their families.

59. Adam Rosing (ZIP code: 45238)

60. Adam Elzarka (ZIP code: 45040)

61. Adam Darwiche (ZIP code: 45219)

62. Adam Browning (ZIP code: 45202) I love Burnet Woods!!

63. Clayton Adams (ZIP code: 45238)

64. Sydney Adams-Lasse (ZIP code: 45219) Please save burnet! I have loved this park since I was a child. I still return for comforting and nostalgic walks.

65. addyson taft (ZIP code: 43026) 66. adele enns (ZIP code: 45220)

67. Kevin Hunt (ZIP code: 45209)

68. Aditi Rajgopal (ZIP code: 45040)

69. Adriana Sneed (ZIP code: 45216) ?

70. Adriana Noritz (ZIP code: 45220)

71. Adrienne Eastlake (ZIP code: 45244)

72. Alexandra Leurck (ZIP code: 45208)

73. Amanda Sauls (ZIP code: 45371)

74. Alissa Gilley (ZIP code: 45220)

75. Andrew Hamm (ZIP code: 45227) Save this beautiful park. Tell UC and the city to stop grabbing at our few remaining natural parks with their grubby, greedy hands

76. Mashal Ahmed (ZIP code: 43016)

77. Anne Montague (ZIP code: 45220) Please don't allow any new construction in this valuable natural habitat.

78. Andrew Howsmon (ZIP code: 45227)

79. Allison Cooney (ZIP code: 45224)

80. Alyssa Traughber (ZIP code: 45230)

81. Jen Robertson (ZIP code: 45224) Don’t do it! Vote no

82. Laurie KNobbe (ZIP code: 45152)

83. Amy Forrester (ZIP code: 45039) Grew up in Clifton - spent many memorable hours picnicking, visiting the Nature Center, whooshing down the concrete slide, looking for spring wildflowers along the trails. Greenspace in urban areas is a precious and irreplaceable resource and Cincinnati is a community blessed to have a place like Burnet Woods to provide such a beautiful and rich habitat to its residents. Don't compromise that asset that everyone can enjoy, by infringing on it with development for private commercial interests. I am categorically opposed to this proposal to build a new CEF Urban Wilderness Center building in Burnet Woods.

84. Sonja Thams (ZIP code: 45219) Keep the nature safe and protected it benefits more people than you may believe.

85. Chloe Kouns (ZIP code: 45220)

86. Akira Messer (ZIP code: 45150)

87. Adam Kirk (ZIP code: 45244)

88. Aaron LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

89. Audrey Lanier (ZIP code: 45069)

90. Alanna Turner-Palmer (ZIP code: 45211) Please do not allow privately funded projects ins Burnett Woods. My son and I frequent there as our favorite "safe" place for "special walks" during the pandemic. Further activity would disturb the peace and ecosystem. Thank you.

91. Alanna Maloney (ZIP code: 45219)

92. Gowtham A (ZIP code: 45220)

93. Alden Kinney (ZIP code: 45224)

94. Erin Aleshire (ZIP code: 45202)

95. Alex Marquardt (ZIP code: 45040)

96. Alexander Lay (ZIP code: 45239)

97. Alexandra Mendlein (ZIP code: 45247)

98. Alexa Marines (ZIP code: 45056)

99. Alexander Skove (ZIP code: 45220)

100. Alexandra Batsch (ZIP code: 45241)

101. Alex Easterday (ZIP code: 45220) 102. alex fischer (ZIP code: 41075)

103. Alexis Wafer (ZIP code: 43220)

104. Macy Mattingly (ZIP code: 45219)

105. Alexander Stanton (ZIP code: 45213)

106. alex taskermoore (ZIP code: 45213)

107. Alexzandra Roy (ZIP code: 45157)

108. Alex Folz (ZIP code: 45236)

109. Alice Roeding (ZIP code: 41075)

110. Alicia Little (ZIP code: 45223)

111. Alison Ramundo (ZIP code: 45232)

112. Henry Lindeman (ZIP code: 45213)

113. Aliese Hewitt (ZIP code: 45219)

114. Aliesha Caldwell (ZIP code: 45219)

115. Allison Payne (ZIP code: 45040-3693)

116. Alison Pennington (ZIP code: 45056)

117. ALISON RAMPA (ZIP code: 45231)

118. Alivia Frye (ZIP code: 43228)

119. Aliya Siddiqi (ZIP code: 45220) My favorite place to explore when I was a kid don’t give in to for profit bullies

120. Robert Allen (ZIP code: 40475)

121. Allen Daniels (ZIP code: 45220) Invest this money into the park and its routine maintenance and improvements! If you are going to propose building - be transparent and include all neighboring community organizations. 122. Allison Bush (ZIP code: 45419-2340)

123. Alli Westbrook (ZIP code: 45701)

124. John Whitling (ZIP code: 45223)

125. Allison Carter (ZIP code: 45219)

126. Allie Costello (ZIP code: 43068)

127. Allison Shears (ZIP code: 53226)

128. Allison Albrecht (ZIP code: 45220) Clifton has already become overridden with construction projects and new builds, please preserve the large recreational green space of Burnet Woods

129. Alli robertson (ZIP code: 45224)

130. Allison Heise (ZIP code: 44087)

131. Allison Purdy (ZIP code: 45236)

132. Allison Reynolds-Berry (ZIP code: 45204)

133. Ebba Ribbing (ZIP code: 45219) Pls <3

134. Ally Pruiett (ZIP code: 45218)

135. Alicia Clasgens (ZIP code: 45223)

136. Eric Ransbottom (ZIP code: 45246)

137. Anneliese Lorsbach (ZIP code: 45220)

138. Bettie Kern (ZIP code: 45244)

139. Alison Smock (ZIP code: 45069)

140. Orion Alvarez (ZIP code: 45069)

141. Ali Moore (ZIP code: 45223) DONT 142. alyse beekhuizen (ZIP code: 45430)

143. Alyssa McClanahan (ZIP code: 45214)

144. A Tatum (ZIP code: 45229)

145. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

146. Amanda Whalen (ZIP code: 45248)

147. Amanda Frazier (ZIP code: 45219-2828)

148. AmariYah Israel (ZIP code: 43207)

149. Amber Eusebio (ZIP code: 90808)

150. Anthony Casey (ZIP code: 44143) Burnet Woods was an important consistent space for me to decompress and enjoy the nature when I lived in Clifton. It is necessary for humans and wildlife alike.

151. Angela Carter (ZIP code: 45239)

152. Amy McMahon (ZIP code: 45232) No!!! Green space like Burnet Woods is what makes Clifton a great neighborhood.

153. Amber Howe (ZIP code: 45223)

154. Amiah Cain (ZIP code: 43140)

155. Roxana Roxana Imam (ZIP code: 45223)

156. Amna Rustom (ZIP code: 45140)

157. Adrienne Sedgwick (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no

158. Amy Arnett (ZIP code: 45217)

159. Amy Colvin (ZIP code: 45373) Burnett Woods, like the other beautiful parks my family misses from our Cincinnati days, is already developed. It was developed as a much needed and desired green space for all the people in the Cincinnati area, and should remain that way. 160. Amy Webb (ZIP code: 45229)

161. Ana Clevenger (ZIP code: 45220)

162. Analise Lajeunesse (ZIP code: 43066)

163. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45227)

164. Andrea Gutmann Fuentes (ZIP code: 45220)

165. Brooke Anderson (ZIP code: 45244)

166. Amy (ZIP code: 45122) I lived in the Gaslight District for ten years until this last January. I’m VERY grateful for my time in Burnet Woods. I learned to get healthy hiking, enjoyed the scenery to help me through depression, learned about botany and loved that so much of the park was still NATURAL and wasn’t invaded by new development. It was a great luxury to live across from a very public park that still felt private. I frequently discovered new areas hiking because of the size of the park.

Please let the city enjoy this space as the gem it is. It is not perfect, but it is a space for the people of the city. It shouldn’t be for sale in any way. It’s one of the last great green spaces in that area. Plus, there’s already buildings that are severely underutilized in Burnet Woods. I have NEVER been inside the current building there because it was never open. Don’t waste more space and money to create something the people who frequent the park don’t want.

167. Andie Luman (ZIP code: 45214) It is vital that we preserve our green spaces in Cincinnati

168. Andrea Flora (ZIP code: 45244)

169. Andrea Rojas (ZIP code: 45039)

170. Andrea Thompson (ZIP code: 45230)

171. Andrea Poling (ZIP code: 45220)

172. Andrea Dobrozsi (ZIP code: 45212)

173. Andrea Tulipana (ZIP code: 45219)

174. Andrew Eliot (ZIP code: 45220)

175. andrew eschenbach (ZIP code: 45223) Leave the forest be! 176. Andrew Manning (ZIP code: 45211)

177. Andrew Moss (ZIP code: 45220)

178. Andrew Emery (ZIP code: 45203) Save the woods!

179. Andrew Lentz (ZIP code: 45219)

180. Andrew Michel (ZIP code: 45211) This park means so much to me, please do not change it. Go sit in it for one evening and I’m sure you’ll feel the same.

181. Andreya Stiehl (ZIP code: 45239)

182. Anders Flem (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve Burnet Woods, home to tons of native wildlife within the city!!

183. Elenore (ZIP code: 45242)

184. Angela Albiez (ZIP code: 45236) I have quite a few friends that live in the Clifton area and I too have enjoyed the Burnett woods park. It's a beautiful area in the city to be able to get out and enjoy the outdoors. These parks are essential for the health of citizens, especially during a pandemic. Please vote no on the CEF building proposal.

185. Angie Cole (ZIP code: 45238) Clifton needs more green spaces not more buildings! "Convenience" is no excuse to remove green space PERIOD.

186. Angel Gibbs (ZIP code: 45212) No tree should be cut down especially at a time like this. #SavetheEarth

187. Angelina Stilphen (ZIP code: 45140)

188. Anidya Soni (ZIP code: 45040) PRESERVE BURNET WOODS.

189. Anita Mannur (ZIP code: 45223)

190. Ann Laser (ZIP code: 45223)

191. Anna Deutsch (ZIP code: 53219)

192. Anna Donnell (ZIP code: 45223) We need to preserve what little public greenspace we have.

193. Annabel Straub (ZIP code: 45231)

194. ANna Davidson (ZIP code: 45223)

195. Anna Valerius (ZIP code: 45242) This is an oasis and if the parks need more money we need to distribute more money to the parks instead of selling land that cannot be returned to what to was once.

196. Anna Hattemer (ZIP code: 45203)

197. Annah Hayes (ZIP code: 80231)

198. Anna Hutchins (ZIP code: 40220)

199. Annie Jowaisas (ZIP code: 41015)

200. Annalee Duganier (ZIP code: 45243) Burnet Woods is one of the few open spaces in the area. Please keep it all as open green space to the public

201. Annaleigh Babcock (ZIP code: 50219)

202. Anne Becker (ZIP code: 45223)

203. ANNE CLAYTON (ZIP code: 45220)

204. Anne Golden (ZIP code: 45226) Thank you for caring about this.

205. Anne Trapp (ZIP code: 45229) Please keep the park as it is. There are other spaces that could be used.

206. Annette Rowe (ZIP code: 45220)

207. Anney Grish (ZIP code: 60647)

208. Ann Geise (ZIP code: 45103)

209. Annie Huelefeld (ZIP code: 45226)

210. Ann Ray (ZIP code: 45229) 211. Ann Coates (ZIP code: 45213) Please do not build in the parks.

212. Annie Melzer (ZIP code: 45220)

213. Annaliese Daniels (ZIP code: 45223)

214. Ann Ivancic (ZIP code: 45216)

215. Andrew Norris (ZIP code: 45215)

216. Anthony Gustely (ZIP code: 45039)

217. Anya Rao (ZIP code: 45236)

218. Jen Schmitz (ZIP code: 45209) We should continue to preserve public lands for public use.

219. Alex Kapp (ZIP code: 45220)

220. Apolonio Garcia (ZIP code: 45211)

221. April Foster (ZIP code: 45223)

222. Andy Smith (ZIP code: 37211)

223. Anissa Pulcheon (ZIP code: 45206) Burnet Woods is an integral part of the Clifton/CUF neighborhood, a natural respite from urban life for both humans and countless species of animals and plants. Let’s keep it that way :)

224. Annika Jencks (ZIP code: 45223)

225. arden druley (ZIP code: 45229)

226. Olivia Ardo (ZIP code: 45219) Please allow Cincinnati to stay beautiful!

227. Arielle Lavigne (ZIP code: 45242)

228. Aria Haven (ZIP code: 45212)

229. Arianne Benick (ZIP code: 45220) 230. Ariel Spiegel (ZIP code: 45243)

231. Arisa Reuben Yaaqob (ZIP code: 43201) Preserve Burnett Woods

232. Andy Knolle (ZIP code: 45206)

233. Annie Hamilton (ZIP code: 45220)

234. Bradley Faur (ZIP code: 45219)

235. Anne Ryckbost (ZIP code: 45209)

236. Arynn Blazer (ZIP code: 45239)

237. Abby Schwartz (ZIP code: 45220)

238. Drew Dielman (ZIP code: 45219)

239. abigail ashcraft (ZIP code: 45236)

240. Ashleigh Dye (ZIP code: 60651) Why are you so damn greedy?

241. Ashley-Devon Williamston (ZIP code: 45205) Save Burnett Woods!!

242. Ashley Hite (ZIP code: 23462) Keep the trees

243. Ashley Holland (ZIP code: 45013)

244. Ashley Conway (ZIP code: 45202)

245. Adam Short (ZIP code: 45005)

246. ashley rickens (ZIP code: 45221)

247. Kelly Ashton-Hand (ZIP code: 45206)

248. Allison Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

249. Anne Skove (ZIP code: 45220) 250. Agnes Suranyi (ZIP code: 45220) I’m not sure how development is an Improvement in a park that is clearly meant to be a natural setting, not a manicured playground. If you want that, go to Ault Park or even Mt. Storm. That’s why it’s called Burnet Woods, not Burnet Park!

251. Alan Weiner (ZIP code: 45233) The public hearing should be a first step in the process of neglecting the WPA era building and allowing new construction in Burnet Woods. I think this hearing would better suit the City and open the discussion to the actual stakeholders, residents of Cinti and Hamilton County, as well as all communities reprec sented by the U.C. student population.

252. Albert Brown (ZIP code: 45220)

253. Edward Atkinson (ZIP code: 45223)

254. Rebecca Hennessey (ZIP code: 45223)

255. Aubrey Warpool (ZIP code: 45220)

256. Aubrey Culp (ZIP code: 45223)

257. Aubrey Ford (ZIP code: 43257)

258. Aubrey Theobald (ZIP code: 37216) SAVE BURNETT

259. Audrey Eyman (ZIP code: 45220)

260. Alison Ulanski (ZIP code: 45219)

261. Laura Wood (ZIP code: 45208)

262. Barbara Schrandt-Braun (ZIP code: 45150) Public Comment: 12/17 Leave the park as a natural urban oasis.

263. Sue Meyer (ZIP code: 45220)

264. Autumn Lowder (ZIP code: 48103)

265. Ava Johnson (ZIP code: 45215)

266. Averi Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245) 267. Avril Thurman (ZIP code: 45220)

268. Anne Wanamaker (ZIP code: 45053)

269. Daniel Ayers (ZIP code: 46112)

270. Ayla Halbeisen (ZIP code: 45224)

271. Jeff Maler (ZIP code: 45219) Preserve Burnet Woods

272. Brian Mitchell (ZIP code: 45231)

273. Sunny Le (ZIP code: 45424)

274. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

275. Brian Baldwin (ZIP code: 45701) Leave Burnett Woods alone.

276. Bailey Ullah (ZIP code: 45219)

277. Bailey (ZIP code: 45223)

278. Bailey Lininger (ZIP code: 45885)

279. Stacie Baldwin (ZIP code: 45206) The rate at which Cincinnati is demolishing any natural setting in lieu of cheap, characterless construction is appalling. The city is legitimately losing residents in favor of places such as North Carolina or Colorado that favors the environment. For a city with such a respectable design program, I’m not seeing any progress that reflects it. Protect and RESPECT our urban green spaces!!

280. Brendon Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

281. Barbara Boylan (ZIP code: 45223) Um, you all need to show us the documentation for the new CEF Urban Wilderness Center building concept. There are public stakeholders - this is not your private development playground.

282. Rebecca Baringhaus (ZIP code: 45242)

283. Jose Barreiro (ZIP code: 45220)

284. Greg Barth (ZIP code: 45232) Keep Cincinnati as green as can be. Stop corporate greed. 285. Kris Barton (ZIP code: 41075) Please leave this valuable old growth area as is. We've developed enough. This gem is a very important ecosystem in the middle of a bustling city.

286. Jonna Jaroska (ZIP code: 45219)

287. Michael Baumgartner (ZIP code: 45223)

288. Bavi Rivera (ZIP code: 45223)

289. Barb Matheus (ZIP code: 45040)

290. Elizabeth Brichler (ZIP code: 45220) I have lived in Clifton since 1978 and value the green space that is so lacking in the neighborhood. With the university and hospitals, we have more than enough traffic and do not need to create a magnet for additional traffic and parking issues. I walk thru the park frequently and enjoy the safety for pedestrians, especially with the addition of the blocked street access. The parks were created by our city planners long ago to preserve green space - once it's gone it won't ever return.

291. Clayton Balzer (ZIP code: 45238)

292. Ben Crotte (ZIP code: 45226)

293. Charles Davis (ZIP code: 45220) I do not like the idea of building anything else in the park I walk in in my neighborhood.

294. Robert Driehaus (ZIP code: 45220)

295. Brian Wulker (ZIP code: 45211) Keep buildings out of our limited public greenspace, especially those for private use.

What happened to CEF saying that a building was not needed for their mission?

296. Basil Jafri (ZIP code: 45219)

297. Jeremy Flis (ZIP code: 41015) We need the parks

298. Rebecca Moskowitz (ZIP code: 45219)

299. Rebecca Pratel (ZIP code: 45065)

300. Neil Beckmann (ZIP code: 45243) 301. Lillian Bedell (ZIP code: 4323”)

302. Ashley Bedel (ZIP code: 45202-0927) Please vote no! This does not serve the public.

303. Ryan Beeler (ZIP code: 45220)

304. Rebekah Cohen (ZIP code: 45244) No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods!

305. Teresa Boykin (ZIP code: 45223) Save ALL these woods. Value nature over growth & profit on SMALL green spaces in Cincinnati.

306. Bella Osburg (ZIP code: 41075)

307. Belle DiFranco (ZIP code: 44022)

308. Reshawna Bell (ZIP code: 41048) Leave our park alone! We deserve this park!

309. Bengy Mitchell (ZIP code: 45220)

310. Ben Osborne (ZIP code: 45223)

311. Ben Kaufman (ZIP code: 45220) I oppose construction of new buildings in Burnet Woods. That includes the CEF proposal. I objected to the proposal to put the library in the park and a restaurant in the park. As for camping and canoeing in the park, I object again. As a lifelong paddler, I cannot imagine putting any canoe in the pond/lake with its unavoidable pollution. Don't build a new permanent structure for any known reason.

312. Anna Bentley (ZIP code: 45223)

313. BENTLEY DAVIS (ZIP code: 45225) I love Burnet Woods and have since I was a child. I oppose this new construction proposal and I vehemently object to any destruction of the WPA era structures in the park

314. sabrina bernardo (ZIP code: 45013)

315. John Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220)

316. Elizabeth Koch (ZIP code: 45220) No to the new building plan in Burnet Woods! 317. Bethany Caspersz (ZIP code: 41051)

318. Beth Staggenborg (ZIP code: 45230) Why not keep the canoes in Minnesota?

319. Betsy Derrick (ZIP code: 45202)

320. Elizabeth Lehman (ZIP code: 45218)

321. Bette Evanshine (ZIP code: 45209)

322. Betty Merriman (ZIP code: 45241-2752) I formerly worked at the EPA just up the hill from Burnet Woods and almost daily on my lunch hour walked down the steps and around the lake for a chance to be out in nature. I building at the north end of the Lake would be an intrusion in that natural area.

323. Emily Beuerlein (ZIP code: 45246)

324. Bhavik Joshi (ZIP code: 45223)

325. Brandon Hickle (ZIP code: 45227)

326. Bekky Baker (ZIP code: 45212) I firmly stand against something the community has not sanctioned. The park board should not be able to go through with a project if the plans have not been clear or made available to the public.

I support green space and ecologically sound investment and growth. Not progress for progress sake.

327. Liesl Bittner (ZIP code: 35120-5429) I spend time visiting family in Cinci and love this place. Please protect its natural space and ensure its protection from development so it remains a naturalist's destination. Thank you.

328. Bill Randolph (ZIP code: 45232) I am appalled that this is an issue again. Cincinnati Parks should not be waisting the public’s money and time on a project that was already turned down.

329. Fritz Knapp (ZIP code: 45150)

330. Jodi Stephens (ZIP code: 45223)

331. Austin Vaughan (ZIP code: 45244)

332. Bonnie Tyler (ZIP code: 45224) 333. Breanne Grogan (ZIP code: 45140)

334. Pabloe Escobar (ZIP code: 45005)

335. BONNIE PENCE (ZIP code: 45220)

336. betsy Kretten (ZIP code: 45212)

337. Blair Bowman (ZIP code: 45202)

338. drew dubs (ZIP code: 45238)

339. Evan Stapleton (ZIP code: 45220)

340. Vanden Hogenbirk (ZIP code: 45249)

341. Ben Lewton (ZIP code: 45220) Oh my GOD leave this poor park alone - keep private interests out of public greenspace!

342. Angie Denov (ZIP code: 45224) We can never replace the woods!

343. THERESA TUDOR (ZIP code: 45225)

344. Lexi Blouin (ZIP code: 45066)

345. Bridgett Pincus (ZIP code: 45220) My adult daughter drove to Cincinnati in August from North Carolina to visit my husband and I since we had not seen each other since Christmas 2019. Her first request was to take a long walk through Burnet Woods. She longed to bring back memories of her days at Summer Camp in Burnet woods. During the walk, she talked about her activities during summer day camp and retraced those memories to me. This is what Burnet Woods means to Clifton. Our wish is for Burnet Woods to remain a place for memories of green grass, tall trees and being at peace with Nature and each other, and not new buildings.

346. Brooke Sturgell (ZIP code: 85281) I lived next to Burnet for quite some time. It is a great little escape for Clifton. Please do NOT build anything there.

347. Tom Moosbrugger (ZIP code: 45229) Please keep public green spaces both green and public. Do not privatize public goods.

348. Tom Blumena (ZIP code: 41011) 349. Marguerite Blythe Katchen (ZIP code: 45239) Once you build on a park, it will never return to being a park. Burnet Woods does not need development!

350. Brittney Graham (ZIP code: 45236)

351. Kristin Donithan Mogg (ZIP code: 45213) No building in our public parks.

352. Bob Hyland (ZIP code: 45220) No private development in public parks!

353. Robert Masters (ZIP code: 45230)

354. Robert Kessler (ZIP code: 45220)

355. Maria Bobrowski-Artola (ZIP code: 44130)

356. Robert Helm (ZIP code: 17068) As a former resident of Clifton, I urge you not to construct this building. Burnet Woods was a special place when I was a child, and it is still a special place when I return to Cincinnati. I want to see it preserved.

357. Bob Staggenborg (ZIP code: 45230)

358. Robert Zavon (ZIP code: 45229) Burnett Woods is not for development

359. Bethany Yeager (ZIP code: 45014)

360. Kelly Brunarski (ZIP code: 45140)

361. Caroline Bowater (ZIP code: 60521)

362. Kelsey Boyd (ZIP code: 11216)

363. Brendan Reedy (ZIP code: 45069)

364. Barry Rowen (ZIP code: 41071)

365. Peter Connell (ZIP code: 45140) Please leave Burnett Woods free of buildings.

366. Brian Raaker (ZIP code: 45231) 367. Bradley Gabbard (ZIP code: 45211)

368. Bradley Buchman (ZIP code: 45227 )

369. Hannah Love (ZIP code: 45214)

370. Brandi Warren (ZIP code: 45154)

371. Brandi King (ZIP code: 43232)

372. Brandon Hall (ZIP code: 45064)

373. Brandon Rice (ZIP code: 45219) There is so much wildlife in burnet, deer, snapping turtles, hawks, and a family of owls nest there every year! You can't sell any of it!

374. brandon feyh (ZIP code: 45219)

375. Brandt Schurenberg (ZIP code: 45216) No more new buildings in green space! Such irreplaceable areas are crucial to the mental and physical well-being of residents. Use existing space within the park or headquarter in one of the many vacant buildings near the park.

376. Brandon Williams (ZIP code: 45229)

377. Braxton Ward (ZIP code: 40351)

378. Breanna B (ZIP code: 94117)

379. Angela Izzi (ZIP code: 45150)

380. Brenda Walters (ZIP code: 45150) This park is one of the dying parks in Cincinnati. This project will be it's death. Entire ecosystems have died out, from blacktop. We can keep this park alive by nurturing.

381. Brendan Kirsh (ZIP code: 44001)

382. Brenna Sheldon (ZIP code: 45227)

383. Brennan Dodds (ZIP code: 45140)

384. Brian Brentley (ZIP code: 45014 ) 385. brianna covert (ZIP code: 44646)

386. Brian Smith (ZIP code: 45069)

387. Brian Quinn (ZIP code: 45223) It's a park. Parks need trees NOT buildings.

388. Brianna Jones (ZIP code: 45219)

389. Brian Ryan (ZIP code: 45229)

390. cabria banks (ZIP code: 45238)

391. Bridget Dames (ZIP code: 45230)

392. Bridget Davis (ZIP code: 45219 )

393. Bridget Shen (ZIP code: 41075)

394. Bridget Shoe (ZIP code: 45220) No, please do not build in Burnet Woods. We need all the trees and grass. We don't have room in the park for another building.

395. Bridget Taylor (ZIP code: 45206) No buildings in Burnet Woods!!

396. Brian Scalfano (ZIP code: 44212) Save the parks!!

397. Sara Brink (ZIP code: 45220)

398. Brittany Tucker (ZIP code: 45218)

399. Brittany Kovacs (ZIP code: 45140) Please preserve our natural spaces.

400. Brittany Rice (ZIP code: 45247)

401. Robert Brodbeck (ZIP code: 45208) Please honor your commitments and vote NO on the privatization of OUR PUBLIC PARKS with the new Camping and Education Foundation building in Burnet Woods.

402. Broderick Kenny (ZIP code: 45220) 403. Sara Brogan (ZIP code: 45233)

404. Brooke Crowley (ZIP code: 45220)

405. Brooks Taylor (ZIP code: 45217) Save Burnett Woods!

406. sarah (ZIP code: 46112)

407. Bethany Heeg (ZIP code: 45236)

408. Brian Selander (ZIP code: 45220) I was present at the CTM presentation. It does not see like the community has been involved with this process and they should be.

409. Britt Burger (ZIP code: 45150)

410. Clarissa Brucato (ZIP code: 45240)

411. Bruce Bernard (ZIP code: 45220) Use the existing structure.

412. bryn hastings (ZIP code: 45219) we love burnet !!!!!!!!!

413. Brynn Mcneice (ZIP code: 45220)

414. Benjamin Sandlin (ZIP code: 45103) I am a science enthusiast and I know that taking things away from the earth is very harmful to the environment. The loss of a natural habitat for this park is the last thing that the city needs and it could cause a lot of disruption! The trees in this area are known to help keep the city air clean, and reduce the amount of pollution for the city. Please do not take anything away from this park! This would be a BIG risk for the park and for the city of Cincinnati.

415. Benjamin Skove (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton and feel that this proposal would disrupt the park setting and is contrary to previous decisions to limit development.

416. Brian McCabe (ZIP code: 45224)

417. Dan Buchholz (ZIP code: 45244) Leave natural spaces alone, don't use up every last natural space. This project in particular, a private entity, seems unworthy of it.

418. Tracy Hofmann (ZIP code: 45220) 419. Miller Goose (ZIP code: 45220)

420. Jack Buehler (ZIP code: 45237)

421. Michelle Garrett-Tackett (ZIP code: 43204)

422. Sophia Burch (ZIP code: 45220)

423. Annie Burger (ZIP code: 45052)

424. Jacob Burrell (ZIP code: 45224) Public greenspace doesn't need development to be valuable! Keep Cincinnati parks wild and wonderful!

425. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 41011)

426. Olivia Busche (ZIP code: 45205)

427. Dennis Meyers (ZIP code: 45244)

428. bill berger (ZIP code: 45237) Parks should not be selling of parklands to private interests. Rental of Trailside would be appropriate.

429. Betty Berwanger (ZIP code: 34667) Please don’t approve this. Our family is 6 six generations into enjoy Cincinnati and her parks.

430. Bette Zwayer (ZIP code: 45224)

431. Christina Henderson (ZIP code: 45239)

432. Caitlin McWethy (ZIP code: 45219)

433. Amanda Cabezas (ZIP code: 45255)

434. Cassandra Katenkamp (ZIP code: 45251)

435. Kathleen Caffrey (ZIP code: 45431)

436. Carolyn Gutjahr (ZIP code: 45223) I oppose the construction of new buildings for private use such as the proposed CEF project in Burnet Woods. I also oppose the demolition of the historic WPA-era buildings in the park. It is important to maintain both the unique environment and the history of the park. Public process and input is critical for any proposed changes of this nature in Cincinnati parks. 437. Christina Hazen (ZIP code: 45220)

438. Cai Ratliff (ZIP code: 45219) Do not destroy the park hoe

439. Caitlyn McCandless (ZIP code: 45219)

440. Caitlin Pastor (ZIP code: 45219)

441. Caitlyn Short (ZIP code: 45206)

442. Calcagno Cullen (ZIP code: 45225)

443. Caleb Sund (ZIP code: 45202) Vibes

444. Calvin Batista-Malat (ZIP code: 45223) It is a staple of the community and of my childhood. It needs to be protected!

445. Camellia Aftahi (ZIP code: 92065)

446. Cameron Poindexter (ZIP code: 47025)

447. Camille Burt (ZIP code: 60622)

448. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45215)

449. Campbell Hogue (ZIP code: 45223)

450. Dina Campolito (ZIP code: 45223)

451. camryn miller (ZIP code: 41017)

452. Candace Winterbauer (ZIP code: 45212) No to the new CEF building proposal

453. Cane Denny (ZIP code: 45239)

454. Cara Van Doren (ZIP code: 45219)

455. Grace Hill (ZIP code: 11377) As a University of Cincinnati graduate, it’s important to me to preserve the integrity of Burnet Woods and it would be a shame for there to be a private building in a public park 456. Emma Cardosi (ZIP code: 41011) Keep buildings out of burnet woods!

457. Carele Laborie (ZIP code: 45069)

458. Roger Johnson (ZIP code: 45226)

459. Carli Flaspohler (ZIP code: 45229)

460. Carly (ZIP code: 45140)

461. Carmen Byg (ZIP code: 43016) I do not live in Cincinnati anymore but I visit this park regularly with my children when visiting my parents

462. Caroline Schultz (ZIP code: 41016) Save the park !!

463. Carol Potterton (ZIP code: 45213)

464. Carol Pogoni (ZIP code: 45030)

465. Carol B. Mundy (ZIP code: 45240) We do not need another building in this high value urban greenspace! Especially one geared for private use! Do not allow the Camping and Education Fund to construct a building in Burnet Woods!!!!

466. Carol DeGreg (ZIP code: 45220)

467. Carole Ebner (ZIP code: 45220)

468. Caroline Heyd (ZIP code: 45219)

469. Caroline Meyer (ZIP code: 45224)

470. caroline anthony (ZIP code: 45219)

471. caroline bussick (ZIP code: 45219)

472. Carolyn Young (ZIP code: 45214)

473. Carolyn McGuire (ZIP code: 45251)

474. Carolyn Smith (ZIP code: 45069) 475. Cornelia McCluskey (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not further develop Burnett Woods. It is a more valuable resource providing untouched biodiversity in an urban setting.

476. Joseph (ZIP code: 45219)

477. Michael Carraher (ZIP code: 45239)

478. Carrie (ZIP code: 45255)

479. Carrie Baldwin (ZIP code: 45238-3733)

480. Carrie Driehaus (ZIP code: 45220) Please, please vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

481. Carrie Todd (ZIP code: 45223) Leave Burnet Woods alone!! Let people enjoy their park. Like jeez, what is WITH people.

482. Brandon Carroll (ZIP code: 45219)

483. Carmen Saldana (ZIP code: 45236)

484. Carson Strecker (ZIP code: 45241)

485. Brenton Carter (ZIP code: 45224) I hunt mushrooms here. It's fucking stupid to give this land to a capitalist who will ruin it forever. The Cincy Park Board can go fuck themselves.

486. Cheryl Carwile (ZIP code: 45230) This is an unnecessary project. No public land should be used for this private project.

487. Cary Brodie (ZIP code: 45227) You do not want to open this can of worms. Please.

488. Casey Harloe (ZIP code: 45011)

489. Casey Starcher (ZIP code: 45701)

490. Cassandra Cassandra Floyd (ZIP code: 45238) Please preserve this park!

491. Cassidy Charneski (ZIP code: 45039)

492. Cassie Robbins (ZIP code: 45229) 493. Catherine Paquette (ZIP code: 45106) Vote no!!!

494. Chris Athanasiadis (ZIP code: 90405)

495. Catherine Adams (ZIP code: 43082)

496. Catherine Hamilton Hicks (ZIP code: 45220) I appreciate the dedication of the members of the Park board in serving out community but unfortunately they seem deaf to the repeated drumbeat of no private development in Burnet Woods. How are we here again a year later having basically this same discussion?

497. Catherine Ward (ZIP code: 45219)

498. catherine patton (ZIP code: 43017) good luck ?

499. Cathleen Gross (ZIP code: 75248) To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners From: Cathleen Gross Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

500. Cathy Wagner (ZIP code: 45223)

501. Cathy Springfield (ZIP code: 45220) No CEf building or another stand alone building in Burnett Woods. Cefdoesn't need the building to complete and pursue its' mission. The Trailside building already there is sorely UNDER utilized. Cathy Springfield

502. Cathy Rafales (ZIP code: 45219)

503. Catie Flamme (ZIP code: 45226)

504. Cynthia Thompson (ZIP code: 49053)

505. Charlotte Better (ZIP code: 45231)

506. Charles Yellig (ZIP code: 45241)

507. Arturo Araya (ZIP code: 45220) While I understand the desire to share in the blessing that is Burnet Wood, allowing private development to take place, even if it appears in the ostensibly benign form of a "workshop", the fact remains that now is not the time to allow our public lands to continue be farmed out to private enterprise. We need to keep our commitments to preserve Burnet Woods and all Cincinnati Parks as nature preserves, without fear of annexation by private enterprise by fiat.

508. Claire Darley (ZIP code: 45223)

509. Clairy Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224)

510. Corey Sterling (ZIP code: 41051)

511. Thomas Cecere (ZIP code: 45223) Please keep Burnet woods free from structures.

512. Chris DeRhodes (ZIP code: 45241)

513. Cecelia Hemmerle (ZIP code: 45014)

514. Derek Cedillo (ZIP code: 45243)

515. Celestine Kamau (ZIP code: 45212)

516. Christina Cozmanoff (ZIP code: 46123) Lovely, natural area. Should be left and appreciated as is.

517. Cecelia Disque (ZIP code: 45223)

518. Cynthia Fischer (ZIP code: 45065) Please don't allow private interests to build in Cincinnati's public parks. Programming for all ages and backgrounds can be carried out without the need for new structures that disrupt the ecosystems and historical setting of the park.

519. Rachel Smith (ZIP code: 45231) We love Burnet Woods and it would be devastating if it were developed out

520. Chad Sweet (ZIP code: 45205)

521. Souvik Chakraborty (ZIP code: 45220)

522. Billy Chambers (ZIP code: 44111)

523. Theo Underhill (ZIP code: 45219) Leave the forest alone it's the closest to nature I can get in this city

524. Chance Sparks (ZIP code: 45220) 525. Chanda Monroe-Williams (ZIP code: 45239) Why would you endanger our nature preserves

526. Chandler Meador (ZIP code: 45206) Keep public land public!

527. Charles Parker (ZIP code: 95828) These woods must be protected. The birds deserve it. Please.

528. Charles de Luzan (ZIP code: 45223)

529. Charlie Pritz (ZIP code: 45206)

530. Charlotte Patterson (ZIP code: 45208)

531. Charli maxwell (ZIP code: 45223)

532. Charlisa Kennedy (ZIP code: 45220)

533. Charlotte Green (ZIP code: 41011)

534. Chas Wiederhold (ZIP code: 45223) I am not opposed to improving Burnet Woods, but I am very opposed to the lack of transparency around this project.

535. Shivane Chawla (ZIP code: 44903)

536. cris cheek (ZIP code: 45223)

537. Zachary Gibson (ZIP code: 45202)

538. JP Marrero (ZIP code: 45229)

539. Maggie Lawson (ZIP code: 45223)

540. Christina Sandusky (ZIP code: 45236)

541. Chellie Baran-Davidson (ZIP code: 45219)

542. Chelsea Ker (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is an absolute gem of the Univeristy heights and Clifton area. It should be protected and preserved at all costs. It’s a beautiful environment where you can be walking down the street and the in 5 minutes you’re completely immersed in woods without another person around. It is precious and not worth developing. 543. Chelsea Sorrell (ZIP code: 80210) I used to live in cincinnati , please don't destroy anymore green space , clifton is awful enough already

544. Chelsea Wullenweber (ZIP code: 45002)

545. Cheryl Rush (ZIP code: 45213) We need our green space! Use an empty building somewhere else!

546. Cheyenne Spiering (ZIP code: 45220) Leave Burnet Woods the way it is! It is partially responsible for my moving to Clifton.

547. Cheyenne Ohmer (ZIP code: 59937)

548. Cheylon Ginyard (ZIP code: 45238)

549. Chico Converse (ZIP code: 45208)

550. Shawn Bowling (ZIP code: 45040)

551. Christopher Jeckering (ZIP code: 45403)

552. Chloe Perichon (ZIP code: 41051)

553. Chloe Bell (ZIP code: 45219) Protect our natural spaces!

554. Chloe Cornett (ZIP code: 45066)

555. Chloe Byrne (ZIP code: 45219)

556. Chris Carr (ZIP code: 45220)

557. Chris Hackman (ZIP code: 45211)

558. Chris LaRue (ZIP code: 45220)

559. Christopher Mascuch (ZIP code: 07644)

560. Christina Cahalane (ZIP code: 45223) I’m disappointed to hear that this development is even being considered. Please preserve Burnet woods. 561. Christina Bilz (ZIP code: 45205)

562. Christine Hadley (ZIP code: 45054) No. Please no. Burnet Woods needs to stay without additional building(s). A new building for CEF, a private entity, is not in the best interest of Burnet Woods. No to any additional buildings for any entity. CEF can accomplish its mission on a property elsewhere in the area.

563. Christine Hicks (ZIP code: 33406)

564. Chris Luessen (ZIP code: 45227) Please protect and preserve this beautiful green space!

565. Christy Hardwick (ZIP code: 45247)

566. Christina Setser (ZIP code: 45224)

567. Christina Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

568. Ciara Featherston (ZIP code: 45208)

569. Caeleigh Graven (ZIP code: 37918)

570. Julz Brown (ZIP code: 45219)

571. Ricq Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

572. Andrea Benton (ZIP code: 45220)

573. Christine McCullough (ZIP code: 45069) Public Comment 12/17

NO on new CEF building proposal in Burnett Woods! You can't preserve greenspace by developing it...

574. Mason Berger (ZIP code: 45206)

575. Cindy Zhang (ZIP code: 45014)

576. Cynthia Starr (ZIP code: 45208)

577. Marlana Kemphues (ZIP code: 45229) Clifton has very little green space. I'm sure that CEF can find somewhere else to build their facility. If they are private group, they should have private funding, and build on private land. 578. Rosalind Manifold (ZIP code: 45219)

579. Christopher Jantzen (ZIP code: 45220)

580. Clayton Bickel (ZIP code: 45237)

581. Crystal Dandridge (ZIP code: 45069)

582. Christen Ketchum (ZIP code: 14513)

583. Carol Leibtag (ZIP code: 45219)

584. Carlos Jordan-Keller (ZIP code: 45224)

585. Christian Keen (ZIP code: 45069)

586. Christy Andrew Knueven (ZIP code: 45211)

587. Chris LaCoe (ZIP code: 4522”)

588. Claire Patterson (ZIP code: 28806)

589. Claire Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

590. Claire Greweling (ZIP code: 45213)

591. Claire Kennedt (ZIP code: 76201) I lived on Ludlow for a year, and three years in Clifton before that, and Burnet Woods ways always a relaxing and lovely place to visit. Whether I was with friends, by myself, walking, running, etc. I was always able to breath easy in that space. I know how much the Clifton community values this park, so please protect it at all costs.

592. Claire Tinkler (ZIP code: 41075)

593. Claire Aarnio-Peterson (ZIP code: 45223)

594. Clara Berger (ZIP code: 45230)

595. Clare Fazackerley (ZIP code: 45213) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY! 596. Clare Guckenberger (ZIP code: 45103)

597. Clare Graff (ZIP code: 45220)

598. Clare Johnson (ZIP code: 45247) Protect Burnet Woods from this unnecessary development in the green heart of Cincinnati.

599. Clark Horning (ZIP code: 45238)

600. Megan Clark (ZIP code: 43023)

601. Claudia Neff (ZIP code: 45220) I live across from Burnet Woods and use it regularly. It has become one of my pandemic havens for gathering safely with friends. Burnet Woods is one of the only green spaces Clifton has left, and the community relies on it.

602. Charlie Lefkovitz (ZIP code: 45244)

603. Jessica Cushing (ZIP code: 45248)

604. Caitlin Clements (ZIP code: 45202)

605. Cleo Bell (ZIP code: 45202)

606. claire lillard (ZIP code: 45220)

607. Charlie Lindsey (ZIP code: 45230) Keep the woods

608. Courtney Littlefield (ZIP code: 74136) Courtney

609. Clive Moloney (ZIP code: 45220)

610. Craig Lloyd (ZIP code: 45219-1008) Burnet Woods is one of the city's smaller parks that sits amid some of the highest population density in the city. As such it is a natural oasis where buildings need to be secondary to the environment. The existing structures were built low and used materials that were harmonious and unobtrusive. They could be renovated using similar materials. Trailside can be updated again to make use of its ample space. Bigger structures to house what is probably a trend coming from an outside entity are not appropriate to this fragile piece of property in a university neighborhood.

611. Chloe Roach (ZIP code: 44654) 612. Connie Sheets (ZIP code: 45209)

613. Charleen Lyon (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to the CEF development being in Burnet Woods. We need to preserve public park land for trees and birds. I am a lifelong Clifton resident. CEF traffic will be very destructive to this fragile oasis.

614. Caitlin Boyle (ZIP code: 41074)

615. Cynthia Allen (ZIP code: 45224) The green space of Burnett woods is very important to this over developed area of Cincinnati. It provides relief for both humans and animals.

616. Claire Hare (ZIP code: 45238)

617. christian powell (ZIP code: 45220)

618. Cindy McCauley (ZIP code: 44691) Please vote no on the new CEF building proposal. Green space of Burnet Woods is such an integral part of protecting Cincinnati's vibrancy Please refer to the capstone project conducted by environmental science majors at the U of C in 2019 which indicates a wide variety of birds that use Burnet Woods as either temporary protection while migrating or as a permanent nesting area. Vote no and consider alternative sites.

619. Catherine Frost (ZIP code: 45213)

620. Chance Tudor (ZIP code: 45227)

621. Carol McCoy (ZIP code: 45231)

622. Christian Ryan (ZIP code: 45219)

623. Carson Neff (ZIP code: 45206)

624. Catherine O'Brien (ZIP code: 45236) Please preserve Burnet Woods! A rare Oasis for wildlife in Cincinnati!

625. Corona Pardue (ZIP code: 45245)

626. Codi Peacock (ZIP code: 45415) 627. Anna Colby (ZIP code: 45219-1727) Anna

628. Julie Cole (ZIP code: 45220)

629. Cole McMordie (ZIP code: 12831)

630. Rebecca Cole (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is crucial to the UC community as well as the greater Clifton population.

631. Teresa Daley (ZIP code: 45229-1345) It's small enough as it is and needs fewer structures and roads not more. Use what's already there. Can we just let the entire subject drop once and for all?

632. Collin Fleischer (ZIP code: 45219) Pls

633. Colman Mathis (ZIP code: 40245)

634. Angela Colvin (ZIP code: 45212) Keep private buildings out of Burnet Woods.

635. Stephen Colvin (ZIP code: 45236)

636. Tim Combes (ZIP code: 45244) Don't

637. Maria Congelli (ZIP code: 45219)

638. Logan Conner (ZIP code: 45223)

639. Conner Viox (ZIP code: 41076)

640. Conner Bryson (ZIP code: 45214)

641. Connor Napier (ZIP code: 45220)

642. Connor Albers (ZIP code: 45223) I spent many weekends in Burnet Woods as a child and teenager. I believe in public spaces for the public, and not for private interests. I am opposed to this development.

643. Connor Dhonau (ZIP code: 41048) Building here would be an attack straight to the people who use the parks. 644. Connor Conde (ZIP code: 14405)

645. Connor Flick (ZIP code: 41048)

646. Connor Inskeep (ZIP code: 46033)

647. Connor Jordan (ZIP code: 41011)

648. Connor Bryant (ZIP code: 45177)

649. denis conover (ZIP code: 45217)

650. PATRICIA CONRAD (ZIP code: 45211)

651. Ryan (ZIP code: 28401) I love this urban green space and I think it should not be build upon until the end of time. Keep it as is and keep it public !

652. Constance Lee Menefee (ZIP code: 45224)

653. Ryan Cook (ZIP code: 45219) Let the park be.

654. Caleb Cornelius (ZIP code: 45223)

655. Corbin Hopkins (ZIP code: 78613)

656. Brandon Cordes (ZIP code: 45246)

657. Corey Weis (ZIP code: 45212)

658. Cassie Cobb (ZIP code: 60657)

659. Eric Finger (ZIP code: 45150)

660. Mason Snyder (ZIP code: 45230)

661. Courtnee Madaris-Grier (ZIP code: 45227)

662. Courtney Roberts (ZIP code: 41042)

663. Courtney Klebau (ZIP code: 45220) 664. Courtney Goldsmith (ZIP code: 43023)

665. Christopher Smith (ZIP code: 45202)

666. Emily B (ZIP code: 41071)

667. Victoria Rieman (ZIP code: 45238)

668. Cora Phalen (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is a rare piece of urban greenspace, and its park qualities add to the community. Construction of a new building would detract from its natural beauty.

669. Rachel Cranmer (ZIP code: 45220)

670. Maya Creighton (ZIP code: 45387)

671. Craig Buckley (ZIP code: 41011)

672. cristina jaimes (ZIP code: 10803)

673. Jack Crofts (ZIP code: 45208)

674. Oscar Cronin (ZIP code: 46032) As a UC student, I go to Burnet Woods nearly every single day. This pandemic has given me very few options as to what I can do and where I can go. I run through here, meet friends, hike, and observe the decent biodiversity at hand for a park in the middle of the city. Save Burnet Woods!

675. Amy C Crouse (ZIP code: 45244) Please preserve our green spaces.

676. Delaney Crowley (ZIP code: 44095)

677. Tyler Crusham (ZIP code: 45248) DONT

678. Melissa Matz (ZIP code: 45220)

679. Caroline Sobral (ZIP code: 45102) I will say the laingue in all this is a Tad vague, but after reading I've gathered that signing will keep nature nature, and oppose messing up a park to build something. That I support. DONT CUT DOWN TREES is kinda important _

680. Chris Sluder (ZIP code: 45255) 681. Chris McLaren (ZIP code: 45231)

682. Caity Torres (ZIP code: 45140)

683. Sandra Cummerow (ZIP code: 45208) Why are we letting a private company set up shop in a public park? ? And why try to sneak it past the citizens of Cincinnati? I just checked my property tax and I am paying to support this park. Cincinnati "development" has become Cincinnati destruction. Stop this!!

684. Elizabeth Mitchell (ZIP code: 45039)

685. Sarah Cunningham (ZIP code: 45212)

686. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45140)

687. Curt Thiessen (ZIP code: 45217-1421)

688. Cheniece Wilson (ZIP code: 45215)

689. Cal Tommasone (ZIP code: 44060)

690. Andrew Yauch (ZIP code: 45211-3315)

691. Cynthia Azbill (ZIP code: 45230)

692. Cynthia Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

693. CYNTHIA Harry (ZIP code: 46278)

694. Caroline Zackerman (ZIP code: 45215)

695. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 43017)

696. Dylan Bauer (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote to keep our greenspaces intact.

697. David Guzman (ZIP code: 45220)

698. David Friend (ZIP code: 45220)

699. Jodi S (ZIP code: 45247)

700. David Hoopes (ZIP code: 45223) 701. Daisy Quarm (ZIP code: 45220)

702. Daisy Hernández (ZIP code: 45224-1911) I love Burnet Woods and don't see the need for another building in the park.

703. Dale Pontz (ZIP code: 45225) come on y'all

704. Dalton Lilly (ZIP code: 45040)

705. Danny Bauer (ZIP code: 45206)

706. Dana Mehl (ZIP code: 45220)

707. Alexandra Caudill (ZIP code: 45206)

708. David Herron (ZIP code: 45221) Since I first arrived in Cincinnati in fall 1985, I have enjoyed many wonderful hikes through the marvelous Burnet Woods forest. The spring wild flowers are spectacular, the cool shade makes summer bearable, the autumn colors are not to be missed, and the frozen winter pond is striking. Please do not disturb this almost wild space any more. We all need more green space, not less; leave the trees alone!

709. Daniel Gross (ZIP code: 75248) To: Cincinnati Park Board of Commissioners From: Daniel Gross

Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

710. Danielle Neggie (ZIP code: 45236)

711. Daniel Pflum (ZIP code: 45211)

712. Dan Gregorich (ZIP code: 45220)

713. Leah Wolff (ZIP code: 45219)

714. Daniel Graham (ZIP code: 45044)

715. Daniel Johnson (ZIP code: 45220)

716. Danielle G (ZIP code: 60647) This area is CRUCIAL for those living in Clifton and surrounding — providing a space to escape city noise and to appreciate nature, trees, animals. As a former Clifton resident, I urge you to preserve Burnet Woods for the wellbeing of those that currently live there and those who will in the future.

717. John Behnen (ZIP code: 45206)

718. Darby Bush (ZIP code: 45220)

719. Emily Hill (ZIP code: 45223) We need to leave wild and natural spaces alone. Our world is over developed and Burnet Woods is an institution.

720. Lauren Darpel (ZIP code: 41017)

721. Darlene Bradway (ZIP code: 19352)

722. David Tornheim (ZIP code: 45220) I do not want new buildings in the park. The purpose of the park is green space not industrialization or commercial expansion. A huge park like Mt. Airy would be far more appropriate for what the people who want this building are doing. Also, originally they proposed using an existing building. That might be acceptable. A new building is not.

723. Leo Jenkins (ZIP code: 45211) Ecosystems shouldn’t be destroyed for financial gain.

724. Daulton King (ZIP code: 45205)

725. David Jarred (ZIP code: 45223)

726. Dave Sweeney (ZIP code: 45220)

727. David Barnett (ZIP code: 45220) Protect the wilderness buffer we have

728. David Kirley (ZIP code: 45224)

729. David Sandor (ZIP code: 45211) Please, stop trying to put new structures and private development in Burnet Woods. This park needs to be maintained as green space and urban habitat.

730. David Stradling (ZIP code: 45220)

731. David Brockhoff (ZIP code: 45219)

732. David Gutmann (ZIP code: 45220) We do not want any buildings in Burnett Woods, other than the current Nature Center currently there!!! - Longtime Clifton Residents David, LuzEliana, Andrea, & Amy Gutmann Fuentes

733. David pannier (ZIP code: 43035)

734. David Rineair (ZIP code: 45224) I oppose building or any destruction to Burnet Woods. The parks offer so much value to our community.

735. Hunter Davidson (ZIP code: 45039)

736. David Tsevat (ZIP code: 45229)

737. David Renouil (ZIP code: 41091)

738. Karen Davies (ZIP code: 45213)

739. Davina Noiman (ZIP code: 45220) Pls don’t

740. Russell Davis (ZIP code: 45220)

741. Lori Davis (ZIP code: 45242) No!!!!!!! We will not support losing Burnet Woods!!! Stop this!

742. David Wrede (ZIP code: 40509)

743. David Henning (ZIP code: 45208)

744. Danielle Brockmann (ZIP code: 03820) Grew up in cincinnati. Often spent time at this park. Very dear to my family. Our family friend has a memorial bench there.

745. Dianne Frick (ZIP code: 45209)

746. David Colantonio (ZIP code: 45219)

747. Michael Neal (ZIP code: 41075) This park is a large reason for me to travel into the city of Cincinnati. Major changes like this would decrease my desire and willingness to spend time in this area, decreasing the money I would spend within city limits. 748. David Doepke (ZIP code: 45206) No to private development in Burnet Woods

749. Deanna Aguilar (ZIP code: 45223)

750. Teá (ZIP code: 45011)

751. Hope Raleigh (ZIP code: 45224)

752. Deborah Quilligan (ZIP code: 45056)

753. Debbie Clark (ZIP code: 45215)

754. DEBORAH WYGHT (ZIP code: 45208)

755. Debi Kaur (ZIP code: 45044)

756. Deborah Jordan (ZIP code: 45205)

757. Debra Downing (ZIP code: 45224) We value Burnett Woods and the Greenspace it offers and do not want this changed.

758. Delaney Rice (ZIP code: 45220)

759. Delaney Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

760. Brittney Delev (ZIP code: 45202)

761. Sadie Buck (ZIP code: 45221)

762. Claire Dell (ZIP code: 45220) We need every bit of our green space, surrounded as we are by so many large institutions which serve the entire Cincinnati area.

763. denise evans (ZIP code: 45227) Keep Burnet Woods as it is. Keep it public with no private interests.

764. Derek Scacchetti (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are at the center of resilient and equitable cities. Parks encourage active lifestyles, increase community engagement, reduce crime, provide environmental benefits, and add natural beauty to urban neighborhoods.

This construction will negatively impact urban forest habitat and environmental quality for years to come. This construction will result in the demolition of a historic WPA-era fieldstone structure. Designed by Carl Freund, the building is an interpretation of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Modernism. Freund’s work corresponded with the influx of public funding and labor from Depression-Era New Deal programs that resulted in extensive works in Cincinnati’s public parks.

Cincinnati’s park system is revered as one of the best in the United States. Please, let’s continue this legacy!

765. Derek Eltzroth (ZIP code: 45159)

766. Cole DeRose (ZIP code: 45213)

767. Natalie Detwiler (ZIP code: 45219)

768. Dani whaley (ZIP code: 45215)

769. Nadezhda Niemann (ZIP code: 45217)

770. Dorothy Byers (ZIP code: 49635) 45-year resident of Clifton and frequent park visitor. The City said NO to UC years ago. They should stick to their their guns.

771. David Gilner (ZIP code: 45208) No building in Burnet Woods!

772. Dana Gregoire (ZIP code: 40391)

773. David Gressley (ZIP code: 45236) Listen to the people who use the park and work with them

774. Deborah Hall (ZIP code: 45208) Burnet Woods would be irreparably harmed by this construction.

775. Deborah Hyden (ZIP code: 41051)

776. Diana Bolton (ZIP code: 45220)

777. Diana Tisue (ZIP code: 45202)

778. Diane Fishbein (ZIP code: 45220) Shocked you would do this but not consider clifton arts center. Vote no.

779. Diane OBrian (ZIP code: 45212-1328) 780. Diana Bisbing (ZIP code: 45255)

781. Susan VonderHaar (ZIP code: 45211) It is unclear what this CEF construction specifically consists of, or why it is even necessary, or what the long term benefits can be. We know full well the benefit of Burnett Woods.

782. Tammy Dishon (ZIP code: 45215)

783. diya joshi (ZIP code: 45040)

784. Danny Keating (ZIP code: 45208)

785. Doreen Shay (ZIP code: 45014) Don't ruin and good thing.

786. Denise Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245)

787. DeBorah Reed (ZIP code: 45223) No Building of any Commercial Type Buildings, in BURNET WOODS.

788. Debbie Lutkenhoff (ZIP code: 40211)

789. Delaney Young (ZIP code: 40059)

790. Devin Knott (ZIP code: 45238)

791. Dan Montgomery (ZIP code: 45223)

792. Dean Morgan (ZIP code: 45220) NO!!

793. Diane Stemper (ZIP code: 45223) I believe that rare intact ecosystems should be preserved, that private interests and profits should NOT determine the use of an urban publicly held green space. additionally - WPA era buildings are historic and beautiful and represent a public works period in our history that has not been replicated since. preserve Burnet Woods!

794. Don Crouse (ZIP code: 45244) Urban green spaces are an important and valuable resource for humans and wildlife alike. From migratory birds, to a habitat for countless species, a way to clean the air, a respite from concrete, steel and asphalt. Please reconsider your choice to eliminate one of the larger urban green spaces, especially as it’s such a benefit to UC students and recruitment.

795. David Noster (ZIP code: 61701) I lived in Clifton for almost 5 years and the general area for 10, I enjoyed this park thoroughly 796. Jeff Docena (ZIP code: 45212)

797. Beth White (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave Burnet Woods as it is. It is precious green space.

798. Caimen Domer (ZIP code: 45220)

799. Dominic Eramo (ZIP code: 43017)

800. Don Ralston (ZIP code: 45150) Many, many times I have traversed Burnet Woods during my college years (('61 - '66) from my Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house on Brookline to the UC campus. Do not disturb this precious habitat.

801. Molly Donahue (ZIP code: 41011)

802. Don Bogen (ZIP code: 45220)

803. Ally Bachman (ZIP code: 45220)

804. Donita Parrish (ZIP code: 45213)

805. Jenniffer McNeal (ZIP code: 45239)

806. Pan Dosker (ZIP code: 45211) Leave Burnet Woods alone!

807. David Osterbrock (ZIP code: 45208)

808. Pam Sattler (ZIP code: 45225)

809. Douglas Stegman (ZIP code: 45217) Please do not allow private building in Burnet Woods. Vote the 12/17 proposal down.

810. Carly Dovale (ZIP code: 45209)

811. Carla Riggs (ZIP code: 45220) Please don’t commercialize Burnet Woods

812. Corey Downing (ZIP code: 80238) Please preserve Burnet Woods as an urban greenspace! This park was absolutely key to my time attending the University of Cincinnati as an escape from the concrete and bricks and I think future generations deserve to have it kept as-is.

813. Lily Brown (ZIP code: 45230) 814. Diana Piep (ZIP code: 45202)

815. Allie Graff (ZIP code: 45214)

816. Dan Rapp (ZIP code: 45220) I’d like to keep Burnet Woods quiet and as untouched as possible. It’s one of the only parks in this urban area. There are several parts that have been built upon, like the gazebo and play ground, and we deserve areas that remain as nature created it.

817. Jeffrey Baker (ZIP code: 45069) I would hope that open space is expanded, not diminished, at burnet woods and in Cincinnati, and that so much vacant construction is used for projects in order to allow open space to be increased thank you

818. Andrea Jagello (ZIP code: 45243)

819. Andrea Rosado (ZIP code: 45206)

820. Lee Ellen Drechsler (ZIP code: 45220)

821. Drew Asimus (ZIP code: 45224)

822. Andrew Bak (ZIP code: 45213) Keep Burnet Woods free of private development.

823. Drew Morgan (ZIP code: 45219)

824. Drew Steinmetz (ZIP code: 45220)

825. Doug Rouster (ZIP code: 41016)

826. David Rudemiller (ZIP code: 45211) Burnet Woods is a unique urban island park. We need more unmharmed natural space not less. Please, don't harm Burnet Woods.

827. David Bohm (ZIP code: 45219)

828. Daniel Biehl (ZIP code: 45220)

829. David Sean Callahan (ZIP code: 45230)

830. Dina Secic (ZIP code: 45040)

831. Donna Sweigart (ZIP code: 45011) I lived in the area for many years. This an awesome park and vital green space for the area. Please preserve it!

832. David Regnold (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are for free public use and Cannot be sold to the highest or lowest bidder. City government needs to be smarter on financing and care of the parks

833. Maddie Dulle (ZIP code: 45206)

834. Josh Schwartz (ZIP code: 45220)

835. Hana Duncan (ZIP code: 45220)

836. Kacey Durliat (ZIP code: 45840)

837. Eric Duval (ZIP code: 45220)

838. David Westerbeck (ZIP code: 45247)

839. Ian Dwight (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett woods has been so helpful throughout my college career; as a place to learn, a place to garner inspiration, and as a place to just get away from city life. One of my first DAAP classes used to go and draw in Burnet Woods and those are some of my favorite memories from freshman year. I’d hate for generations to come to not be able to enjoy those same experiences.

840. Lise Wilkinson (ZIP code: 45252)

841. Dorothy Xuan (ZIP code: 45223)

842. Dyah Miller (ZIP code: 45212)

843. Dylan Neu (ZIP code: 45204) Please preserve the public green spaces we have in this city that are serve as a great asset to the citizens and visitors.

844. Elizabeth Tong (ZIP code: 40205)

845. Elizabeth Herzner (ZIP code: 45069) Save the woods!!!

846. Eamonn Bell (ZIP code: 45216)

847. Maya Earl (ZIP code: 45220) 848. Evan Rouse (ZIP code: 45014) Keep Burnet Woods! We need some nature in Clifton!

849. William Cahalan (ZIP code: 45205) Please vote against the proposal for a new building in Burnet Woods by the Camping and Education Foundation. Wasn't something like this denied maybe 2 years ago? There hasn't been hardly any chance for public disclosure and discussion. But we know enough to know that this goes against the goal of preserving and enjoying (unobtrusively!) this vital, public wooded habitat in the middle of our city.

Thankyou, William Cahalan, Ph.D. East Price Hill Cincinnati Ohio

850. Elise Baughman (ZIP code: 44262)

851. Eleanor Behling (ZIP code: 45140)

852. Lani Eberlein (ZIP code: 45213) We need our parks to be places of peacefullness for us and animals. They are protected spaces, and are not to be places of business. Leave them alone.

853. Elizabeth Dubinin (ZIP code: 45225)

854. Elle (ZIP code: 45208)

855. Elizabeth Brennan (ZIP code: 45211)

856. Emilie King (ZIP code: 45249)

857. Elisabeth Contadino (ZIP code: 45224)

858. Eileen Crowe (ZIP code: 45224) Our PARKS should never be developed!! It enrages me that this even gets considered every 2 years! Our parks shouldn't be shrunk because someone wants to destroy our land in the name of making money!!

859. Mary Edwards (ZIP code: 45458)

860. Elizabeth Lewis (ZIP code: 45224)

861. Edward Elmore (ZIP code: 45214) Please do not let these money hungry devils, cracker-fy some of the only green spaces in uptown. I’m so tired of seeing cookie cutter buildings and “boutique” take that crap to Milford or Blue ash. 862. Elizabeth Fisher-Smith (ZIP code: 45202)

863. Emily Frame (ZIP code: 45220)

864. Lizzy DuQuette (ZIP code: 45205)

865. Birgit Ehmer (ZIP code: 45223) Often when I visit the area various people appear to enjoy fishing in the lake. The lake is too small for canoeing anyway. It does not appear the project would contribute to better usage of the park.

866. Eileen Kabitsch (ZIP code: 45247)

867. Eileen Ostrowski (ZIP code: 45219)

868. Eileen Koch (ZIP code: 44116)

869. Emily Imhoff (ZIP code: 45211)

870. Eira Tansey (ZIP code: 45224)

871. Marcia McLaughlin (ZIP code: 45220)

872. Erin Neefus (ZIP code: 45224)

873. Elena Jordan-Keller (ZIP code: 45224)

874. Eric Ramsey (ZIP code: 45220)

875. Elizabeth Knodle (ZIP code: 45225) Burnet Wooods is a vital green space in the city for not only the community but the birds and animals as well. Communities need a balance of nature, culture and developement.

876. Eileen Krauss (ZIP code: 45212) Do not mess with nature ! We do not want or need any new buildings in Burnet Woods.

877. Surya Elangovan (ZIP code: 75166)

878. Elena Pfarr (ZIP code: 45140)

879. Elena Albarran (ZIP code: 45056) Please reconsider this--green spaces are rare and shrinking, and we need every inch of them. Humans have occupied enough habitat! 880. Brooke Huerkamp (ZIP code: 45223)

881. Liz Virgo (ZIP code: 45232) Our city needs to stop pushing through development projects when residents of the neighborhoods they are designed for do not approve, as is the case with this project. This is not wanted by citizens, hear our voices.

882. Elizabeth Gaul (ZIP code: 45223)

883. Elias Halabi (ZIP code: 45219)

884. Elijah Catalan (ZIP code: 45202) There is plenty of underused real estate within the city so construction inside the park is unnecessary. We should be expanding natural space in parks not cutting it down.

885. Elina Yu (ZIP code: 45066)

886. Elisabeth Carter (ZIP code: 45220)

887. Elise Romines (ZIP code: 45206)

888. Lillian Arredondo (ZIP code: 45219)

889. Elise Hanson (ZIP code: 45208)

890. Eliza Fisher (ZIP code: 45219)

891. Elizabeth Scheper (ZIP code: 45223)

892. Elizabeth VanWassenhove (ZIP code: 45213)

893. Elizabeth Burnett (ZIP code: 45220)

894. Elizabeth Woodruff (ZIP code: 45220)

895. Elizabeth List (ZIP code: 45202) Preserve Burnet Woods!

896. Elizabeth Tiffany (ZIP code: 45202)

897. Elizabeth Wagers (ZIP code: 45215)

898. Ella Hartmann (ZIP code: 45243) 899. Ella Anderson (ZIP code: 46230)

900. Ella Kurutz (ZIP code: 45220) I like to walk through Burnet after leaving campus on my way to Ludlow, and I spend half that walk on the roads, constantly passing the buildings and park structures. I want to actually walk through the woods!! We don’t need any more structures in Burnet, there are already too many.

901. Eleanor Sparks (ZIP code: 45220)

902. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45255)

903. Ellie M (ZIP code: 45224)

904. elfriede sloan (ZIP code: 45236) No

905. Michelle Elliott (ZIP code: 45227) Please don’t take away green space. We need it now more than ever.

906. Russell Elliott (ZIP code: 45202) Only public development in Burnet Woods or any other public park - please preserve our parks.

907. John Ellmore (ZIP code: 45219) keep as is

908. Erin Mathews (ZIP code: 45220) Our greenspaces are few and far between, and once we develop on them, there's no getting them back. Why not respect the land and communal space for what it is, instead of harming it for reasons motivated by money and greed?

909. Alexander Kimberly (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is a wonderful place for so many people. Please leave it how it is!

910. Emily Cleary (ZIP code: 45231)

911. Steven Albert (ZIP code: 45236)

912. Emily Johnson (ZIP code: 45238)

913. Elizabeth Mandeng (ZIP code: 41048)

914. Ellen Maxwell (ZIP code: 45215)

915. Emily Gill (ZIP code: 45219) 916. Emely Casasola (ZIP code: 45219) This park does to much for the community for college students, for animals and for living. Our world is losing so much precious nature life, and we are just going to help gobal warming! The impact of this extends, further and deeper. So shame on you for trying to get rid of a public space that is already becoming limited in our day for money. And may the lord be in your heart to show you how mean, and selfish and heartless your actions are for trying to over run a popular place. This park is amongst one of the most popular parks for UC students. I hope your days get better, your life has more love, and your mind becomes more connected. Until you learn to love you will never be happy and chasing money will never be enough to keep you happy forever.

917. Emma Duhamel (ZIP code: 45219)

918. Susan Ansel (ZIP code: 45220)

919. Ellen Meurer (ZIP code: 45040)

920. Emma Fox (ZIP code: 45233)

921. Emilee Poehner (ZIP code: 45219)

922. Emilia DiBiasio (ZIP code: 45219)

923. Emily Albacarys (ZIP code: 45223) Urban forest preservation is key for wildlife preservation and species conservation. Our local agricultural needs require species diversity, and other areas of the economy will suffer if we don't preserve Burnet Woods and their species diversity.

924. Emily Ambrus (ZIP code: 43402)

925. Emily Barcelona (ZIP code: 45208)

926. Emily Jaquet (ZIP code: 45248)

927. Emily Kaufman (ZIP code: 45225-1368) This urban green space is crucial to the health and well-being of many local residents, particularly those who don't have cars and can't easily access other parks. I bike my toddler here several times a week and we walk around the lake and enjoy nature. We've heard wealthy folks say, "just drive to another park" but we and many others can't do that, and would be devastated to lose any of this beloved park.

928. Emily Lilley (ZIP code: 45220)

929. Emily Zigmond (ZIP code: 45011)

930. Emily Fette (ZIP code: 45217) 931. Emily Hensler (ZIP code: 45208)

932. Emily Hoskins (ZIP code: 45244) I vehemently oppose private construction in Burnet Woods.

933. Emily Russo (ZIP code: 45223)

934. Emily Evers (ZIP code: 45219)

935. Emily Herrmann (ZIP code: 45220)

936. Emily Isaac (ZIP code: 45212) Protect the environment!

937. Emily Ash (ZIP code: 45206)

938. Emily Schuck (ZIP code: 77062)

939. Emily Segers (ZIP code: 45220)

940. Emily Shuppert (ZIP code: 45040)

941. Emily Livingston (ZIP code: 45208) Please vote No on new CEF building in Burnet Woods.

942. Emily Tepe (ZIP code: 45209)

943. Emily Dobbs (ZIP code: 45223)

944. Emma Mares (ZIP code: 60657)

945. Emma Nager (ZIP code: 45205)

946. Emma Durham (ZIP code: 45220)

947. Emma Reed (ZIP code: 45223)

948. Emma Cesar (ZIP code: 45208) Preserve Burnet Woods

949. Emma Hess (ZIP code: 45014)

950. Emmarie Brewer (ZIP code: 41075) <3

951. Emma Thum (ZIP code: 43055)

952. Emmy Edmondson (ZIP code: 45220)

953. ella morriss (ZIP code: 45220) PRESERVE BURNET

954. Emma Reger (ZIP code: 60093)

955. Emma Sulfsted (ZIP code: 45219)

956. Emma Taylor (ZIP code: 45224)

957. Enisa Hayes (ZIP code: 45208)

958. Erin Seccia (ZIP code: 45220)

959. J Hodges (ZIP code: 45242)

960. Erica Pandrea (ZIP code: 45223)

961. Erin Patrizio (ZIP code: 45342)

962. Eli Mock (ZIP code: 45202)

963. Eren Frederiksen (ZIP code: 45246)

964. Eric Eversole (ZIP code: 45227)

965. Eric Tepe (ZIP code: 45206) Cincinnati has a wonderful network of parks. I urge Cincinnati Parks to avoid anything that will put these green spaces in Jeopardy.

966. Erica Colburn (ZIP code: 45056)

967. Erica Heintz (ZIP code: 45223)

968. Ericson Frick (ZIP code: 80301)

969. Erika Frondorf (ZIP code: 45233) 970. Erika Pettigrew (ZIP code: 45220) I go to Burnet Woods with my children several times a week. We do not want this. As part of this community, I fervently hope our voices are listened to.

971. Erin Duffy (ZIP code: 45211)

972. Erin Koch (ZIP code: 45240)

973. Erin LeFever (ZIP code: 45206)

974. Erin Wells (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is such a huge part of the UC and Clifton community and it would be a tragedy to turn it into anything other than the safe and beautiful space that it is. It’s a park, not a business opportunity

975. Emma Roberts (ZIP code: 45232)

976. Anna Moore (ZIP code: 45220)

977. Eshan Oberoi (ZIP code: 46077)

978. Elizabeth Singhoffer (ZIP code: 45223) Parks are NOT for sale. Parks are needed more than ever for environmental purposes, relaxation, exercise, mental health, wildlife preservation. Enough with builders and contractors wanting to destroy cherished green spaces just for a few to make an almighty dollar. Better and smarter government management of money for the park systems is much needed.

979. Catherine Donahue (ZIP code: 45220)

980. Ethan Nichols (ZIP code: 45229)

981. Elizabeth Ball (ZIP code: 45140)

982. Ellie Mays (ZIP code: 45224)

983. Eric Urbas (ZIP code: 45220)

984. Evan Carson (ZIP code: 45219)

985. Evan Casteel (ZIP code: 45229)

986. Evan Day (ZIP code: 45247)

987. Evan Dulaney (ZIP code: 45220) 988. Evan Hafley (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave burnet alone

989. Evan Wise (ZIP code: 45219)

990. Eva Schomaeker (ZIP code: 45220)

991. Eric Hoffman (ZIP code: 45220) Not what the park needs.

992. Evaleen Pennington (ZIP code: 45220)

993. Evelyn Westrich (ZIP code: 45230)

994. Bill Smith (ZIP code: 45211)

995. Ryan Welt (ZIP code: 45243)

996. Clay Keffer (ZIP code: .45224) We value Burnett Woods and the Greenspace it offers .

997. Fabien Acher (ZIP code: 45223) There are many people who have put thousands of hours of work into this park. We will not stand by and let it be developed. I can assure you that if development plans proceed without any transparency, there will be massive pushback, causing a whole bunch of trouble for a whole bunch of people.

998. Fallon Venable (ZIP code: 45223-2037)

999. Fallon Massie (ZIP code: 40026)

1000. Kathryn Mertens (ZIP code: 43560)

1001. Becca Fay (ZIP code: 45214) This is one of the few natural refuges in the city it would be a shame to lose it in any capacity. The wildlife that lives there would also be harmed :(

1002. Sarah Fay (ZIP code: 45220)

1003. Allen Costa (ZIP code: 43112)

1004. Feay Coleman (ZIP code: 45220 ) We don't want another building in Burnet Woods. Let's keep the park a park.

1005. Emily Feist (ZIP code: 45243) 1006. Koda Emerson (ZIP code: 45219)

1007. Emma Friedhoff (ZIP code: 45069)

1008. Daniel Sutter (ZIP code: 45220)

1009. Mary Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

1010. Cameron Ferguson (ZIP code: 45220)

1011. Sophia Ferries-Rowe (ZIP code: 46202)

1012. Olufeyisayo Oyediran (ZIP code: 45220)

1013. Kylee Finkes (ZIP code: 45011)

1014. Stacey Finnessy (ZIP code: 45036)

1015. Finnegan Murphy (ZIP code: 41075) Save the Trees!!

1016. Kathleen Hamrick (ZIP code: 45220) Why can’t we have nice green space? No, absolutely NO, for a building in this gorgeous space!

1017. Michael Fiore (ZIP code: 45218)

1018. Kevin Atkins (ZIP code: 45220) The park should not have private interest involved. They are profit motivated and not concerned with the preservation of nature.

1019. delene bligh (ZIP code: 45220)

1020. Christopher Firor (ZIP code: 45242) Us humans love to entertain this illusion that we are separate from nature and not part of it. Let's set an example for the rest of the country and world.

1021. Mary Fisher (ZIP code: 45140)

1022. Alice Flanders (ZIP code: 45223)

1023. Susan Smith (ZIP code: 44028)

1024. Felix Rodriguez (ZIP code: 45220) 1025. Jennifer Spring (ZIP code: 45223)

1026. Grace Florez (ZIP code: 45220)

1027. Amanda Nielsen (ZIP code: 45217)

1028. Katie Flugel (ZIP code: 45140) Burnet Woods is important to people and animals. We should be working to preserve it, not tear more of it down.

1029. bethany dickman (ZIP code: 45056)

1030. Jacob Fogle (ZIP code: 45219) As a frequent visitor of the woods, I would be sad to see this proposal go through

1031. Sarah Foster (ZIP code: 45226)

1032. Julianne Fox (ZIP code: 45220)

1033. Timothy Fox (ZIP code: 41101)

1034. Mark Fraley (ZIP code: 37215)

1035. Shirley Fraley (ZIP code: 45230)

1036. Maureen France (ZIP code: 45214) I did not support the CCAC project in Burnet Woods and I do not support the CEF Building project. Is there no other suitable property in the City for this?

Burnet Woods is a treasure to be protected, not developed. Why are these proposals even considered?

1037. Catherine O'Hara (ZIP code: 45223)

1038. Fred Orth (ZIP code: 45206-2506) Nature alone please

1039. Amy Watson (ZIP code: 45226)

1040. Daniel Freeman (ZIP code: 45224)

1041. Audre Frigge (ZIP code: 45247)

1042. Vicki Frisch (ZIP code: 45224) 1043. Charles Casey-Leininger (ZIP code: 45224)

1044. Jonathan Frodge (ZIP code: 45243) Find a better place. The park is sacred and all the built environment in the world can not replace the serenity and benefits this park brings to Clifton.

1045. Jordanne Hazenfield (ZIP code: 45122)

1046. Frankie Marine (ZIP code: 45208)

1047. Sara Thomas (ZIP code: 45248) This is not acceptable. Do not allow park grounds to be given to private sector.

1048. guy cameron (ZIP code: 45157)

1049. Gareth Speight (ZIP code: 45220) Please leave Burnet Woods alone. It should be a public space accessible to all without private development. We need to preserve our green spaces. There are not enough green spaces in this area.

1050. Gabrielle Phillips (ZIP code: 45230)

1051. Gerilyn Ahlers (ZIP code: 45231)

1052. Gabrielle Barta (ZIP code: 45223)

1053. Gabrielle Ackemyer (ZIP code: 45219)

1054. Gabrielle Cook (ZIP code: 45255)

1055. Gabriella Godwin (ZIP code: 45238-2416)

1056. Gage Metz (ZIP code: 45011)

1057. Simone Sears (ZIP code: 45208)

1058. Gabrielle Nelson (ZIP code: 45217)

1059. Ganeva Gannaway (ZIP code: 45213)

1060. Rachael Ganslein (ZIP code: 45223)

1061. Mark Jensen (ZIP code: 45211) 1062. Julia Gardiner (ZIP code: 45229)

1063. Greg Carstens (ZIP code: 41017)

1064. Gary Dangel (ZIP code: 45206)

1065. Gary Skitt (ZIP code: 45223)

1066. Evan Gates (ZIP code: 41048)

1067. Grace Dietsch (ZIP code: 45426)

1068. Grace Widmeyer (ZIP code: 45243) Go Burnett!!

1069. gabby burns (ZIP code: 45206)

1070. jenna geier (ZIP code: 45219)

1071. Alexis Gemelas (ZIP code: 45219)

1072. Emily Marlow (ZIP code: 45040)

1073. Laura Wulker (ZIP code: 45211)

1074. Gaby Gerken (ZIP code: 45220)

1075. Glenda Bernstein (ZIP code: 45202) No construction or development in Burnet Woods. We need undisturbed green space. No development.

1076. Geoff Glaab (ZIP code: 47130)

1077. gwendolyn peerless (ZIP code: 45224) there are plenty of vacant buildings to develope businesses - leave our fresh air alone

1078. Gail Harmeling (ZIP code: 45238) Please do not destroy our park!

1079. Martin Gibbons (ZIP code: 45204) Burnet Woods was set aside as a green space for all of the public. Commercial intrusion will not be tolerated by the people of Cincinnati. 1080. Gideon Smiley (ZIP code: 45230)

1081. Alexander Giehl (ZIP code: 45202) Burner woods is a special place.

1082. Gigi Twachtman (ZIP code: 45220)

1083. Gigi Twachtman (ZIP code: 45220)

1084. Luke Gilday (ZIP code: 45255)

1085. Gillian Dunn (ZIP code: 46201)

1086. Ginger Allgood (ZIP code: 45230)

1087. Sally Laird (ZIP code: 45239) Please engage with the community with transparency. This project is not necessary for the purpose of Burnet Woods and will harm this important piece of nature in a very built-up area.

1088. Julia Glenn (ZIP code: 45219)

1089. Gloria Esenwein (ZIP code: 45220)

1090. Katie Glover (ZIP code: 45202)

1091. Gabby Lowry (ZIP code: 45220)

1092. Gwen Marshall (ZIP code: 45223) No new building that could later become one more building that the Park Board would have to maintain should ever be built in a City Park. Also, the lake is not suitable for a canoe program due to water quality issues.

1093. Grace Nordwick (ZIP code: 45014)

1094. Susan Goebel (ZIP code: 53711) Grew up in 45220

1095. Gold Bristow (ZIP code: 45069) I don't know what kind of high city council gets out of selling public land meant for the people of cincinnati, but this needs to stop.

1096. Zahava Jaffe (ZIP code: 45220) I love Burnet Woods. The park has given me so much joy and peace and has already been so damaged by the Ash Beetles. We do not need any more destruction of the beautiful ecology there! Our community is beautiful and we need to preserve this integral part of it.

1097. Dagan Goldfuss-ponder (ZIP code: 45403)

1098. Gloria Olson (ZIP code: 45202)

1099. Debra Maloney (ZIP code: 45229)

1100. Daniel Gonzalez (ZIP code: 45220)

1101. Maria Gonzalez (ZIP code: 45056)

1102. Jayson Taylor (ZIP code: 43081) Do the programming out of the nature center. Get better public input, but it will not be favorable. Protect Burnet Woods

1103. brianna brown (ZIP code: 45220) please stop trying to tear down the woods please, why we all like it there

1104. William Gordon (ZIP code: 45220) 1. The role of public parks is for public use, and this facility will not be regularly open for public use. 2. The actual impact of this project on Burnet Woods will be greater than just the building, because of the planned camping space and camping rings, which will further reduce the amount of space in Burnet Woods for public use. 3. CEF has said that it would not pursue a project without community support. The Clifton community is OPPOSED to this project.

1105. grace huggins (ZIP code: 60150)

1106. grace henry (ZIP code: 45244)

1107. Grace Eckerle (ZIP code: 41075)

1108. grace whitesell (ZIP code: 41014) dude there’s enough fucking building in cinci, keep the park.

1109. Grace Fening (ZIP code: 45206)

1110. Grace Garber (ZIP code: 45219)

1111. Grace Nemeckay (ZIP code: 44060)

1112. Grace Wergers (ZIP code: 45219) 1113. Grace Butler (ZIP code: 45219)

1114. Megan Grafe (ZIP code: 45247) PLEASE! Burnet is such an important part of the Clifton neighborhood and it is a beautiful reprieve from UC.

1115. Grant Story (ZIP code: 45220)

1116. Brooke (ZIP code: 45219)

1117. Jon Grayson (ZIP code: 45211)

1118. Gerald Checco (ZIP code: 45220-1616) 1- Unlike CCAC who had lots of support from members of our neighborhoods (plural), CEF seems to have none. 2- During the contentious debate about CCAC, CEF said that they did not want to be in a park that had a tumultuous engagement with the community. 3- CEF said several times that they did not need a building but could use part of the unused Trailside, 4- The work of MSD is probably not going to happen in the next 10 or 20 years (too many other projects are more urgent) and when this work happens, it will minimally impact Trailside and its potential CEF addition. 5- In a fragile environmental state, the activities proposed by CEF are far worse than any of the activities that have been denied recently, based on environmental reasons. Plenty of literature about negative impact of these activities on the environment, particularly fragile environments. 6- CEF is a seasonal activity that could be easily happen across the street on UC's campus that has plenty of Arts workshop spaces, or with a mobile unit (idea presented at the CTM meeting by others), This mobile unit would also have added benefits of being able to reach kids into the neighborhoods they live in. 7- The previous Community Engagement for CEF had very different parameters. 8- The proposed building design is simply atrocious which is a proof that Parks staff is not supporting the concept but that it is imposed on them. 9- The "green washing" of the proposed building is lamentable. for example, removing perfectly good concrete (that has already produced its carbon footprint) with a wooden deck, only adds carbon footprint 10- It is never a good idea to create neighborhood wars instead of finding win-win outcome, especially when so much needs to be done to support this and other parks.

1119. Laila Aladimi (ZIP code: 45220-1917)

1120. Emma Greavu (ZIP code: 45219)

1121. Will Reblando (ZIP code: 45202)

1122. Nick Ludwig (ZIP code: 47025)

1123. Alexander Smith (ZIP code: 45227) As an avid park user and supporter with a BA in Landscape Architecture. I strongly agree that NO new building should be built in Burnet Woods. Refit the existing building to suit the needs for CEF

1124. Gregory Fasig (ZIP code: 45223) I strongly oppose these actions and am disappointed that they are trying to be “slipped in”.

Cincinnati needs more green spaces not less. We have more than enough land devoted to development!

1125. Greg Martin (ZIP code: 45223) Keep burnet woods a wooded park. Don’t add any structures to the urban oasis

1126. Gregory Miller (ZIP code: 45247)

1127. Greta Tebbe (ZIP code: 45226)

1128. Julie Gribbell (ZIP code: 45238-6009)

1129. Anna Griffin (ZIP code: 45209)

1130. Jeff Griffiths (ZIP code: 45157) Former UC student and proud Cincinnatian. I have enjoyed many hours running, birding, and spending time in Burnet Woods. This building proposal is unnecessary and harmful. It should be rejected.

1131. Gary Gross (ZIP code: 45252) Our park land and nature is a precious resource and cannot be reclaimed once they are lost. Please do not destroy the balance of nature.

1132. gayle ruff (ZIP code: 45231)

1133. Danielle Wurzelbacher (ZIP code: 45220)

1134. Ginnell Schiller (ZIP code: 45206) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. It is too important as a greenspace to be ruined.

1135. Glenn Storrs (ZIP code: 45203)

1136. gary thomas (ZIP code: 45044)

1137. Guy Miracle (ZIP code: 90046)

1138. Gwen Schumann (ZIP code: 45238) 1139. Gabrielle Woehler (ZIP code: 45219) this is a sanctuary space for so many

1140. Gus Wulsin (ZIP code: 43201)

1141. Hanna Katt (ZIP code: 45244)

1142. Henry Brown (ZIP code: 45223) At the very least, the surrounding communities should be involved in the planning process.

1143. Helen Derringer (ZIP code: 45208) Are you folks crazy? No to the CEF building proposal!!!

1144. Mona Hajjar (ZIP code: 45242)

1145. Hala Karim (ZIP code: 45237)

1146. Haleigh Holtman (ZIP code: 45231)

1147. Haley Fickenscher (ZIP code: 41075)

1148. Haley Hauser (ZIP code: 94305)

1149. Halle Dieterich (ZIP code: 45219)

1150. Peg Halpin (ZIP code: 45214) Please don't allow private construction in Burnet Woods. It is an important green space for the U.C. students and the community. It has historic value as a WPA project. Don't even think about destroying the concrete slide!

1151. Emily Hampton (ZIP code: 45209)

1152. Hannah West (ZIP code: 45242)

1153. Kris Patton (ZIP code: 45224)

1154. Hannah Guth (ZIP code: 45220) burnet woods has been an important part of my life for 5 years now. a beautiful little nature oasis in the middle of a lively part of our city. burnet woods is one of the biggest draws to living in clifton and the ludlow area

1155. Hanna Windhorn (ZIP code: 41011)

1156. Hanna Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220) 1157. Hanna Firestone (ZIP code: 45208)

1158. Hannah Durman (ZIP code: 45069)

1159. Hannah Brown (ZIP code: 45241)

1160. Hannah Jin (ZIP code: 45069)

1161. Hannah Beals (ZIP code: 45219)

1162. Hannah Mourer (ZIP code: 45219) Save our trees and our safe space.

1163. Hannah Smith (ZIP code: 97206)

1164. Hannah Coursey (ZIP code: 45150)

1165. Hannah Leeper (ZIP code: 45208)

1166. Hannah Williamson (ZIP code: 45223)

1167. Hannah Libby (ZIP code: 45219)

1168. Hannah Neely (ZIP code: 45202)

1169. Hannah Hoffman (ZIP code: 45224)

1170. Hannah Sellers (ZIP code: 60647)

1171. Hannah Soudrette (ZIP code: 41011) get off!

1172. Hanna Said (ZIP code: 44136)

1173. Keegan Hanrahan (ZIP code: 45223)

1174. Grace Hansen (ZIP code: 43065)

1175. sydney hansen (ZIP code: 45220)

1176. Henry Stephens (ZIP code: 45224) That is not right!!! 1177. Harley Hamilton (ZIP code: 43026)

1178. Harman Hayer (ZIP code: 45011)

1179. Erin Harper (ZIP code: 45227)

1180. Peter Harrington (ZIP code: 44622)

1181. Harris Abramson (ZIP code: 45215) The false economics of environmental degradation continues to drive ill-advised policy. Bird life in our country and our hemisphere is today disappearing at an alarming rate. We need to step up our game rather than turn a blind eye. Besides being inherently beautiful and fascinating birds are indicators of ecosystem health. Burnet Woods is an Audubon designated Important Birding Area and should remain intact.

1182. Lewis Hallos (ZIP code: 40509)

1183. Joshua Rubiano (ZIP code: 33543) yeet

1184. Ismael Hassan (ZIP code: 45220)

1185. Collin Hater (ZIP code: 45248)

1186. Joe Hathaway (ZIP code: 44333)

1187. Ali Hausfeld (ZIP code: 45011)

1188. Elijah Hawk (ZIP code: 45223)

1189. Hayley Tolson (ZIP code: 45042)

1190. Devin Hayes (ZIP code: 45208)

1191. Hayley Hughes (ZIP code: 91304)

1192. Hannah Badenhop (ZIP code: 43202)

1193. Helen (ZIP code: 45220)

1194. Herta Bedunah (ZIP code: 47060)

1195. Heather Hopster (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a gem of a greenspace in an area of pavement. Please do not allow disruption of this amazing area, perfect the way it is.

1196. Holly Brians Ragusa (ZIP code: 45202)

1197. Caroline Hakel (ZIP code: 45244)

1198. heather daskevics (ZIP code: 45211)

1199. Heather Fuston (ZIP code: 45739) PRESERVE BURNETT WOODS!

1200. Heather Burcham (ZIP code: 45236)

1201. Heaven Sorrells (ZIP code: 43201)

1202. Duane Bristow (ZIP code: 45069) Keep public land PUBLIC.

1203. Stanley Hedeen (ZIP code: 45208)

1204. Christopher Heffron (ZIP code: 45238)

1205. Heidi Marchese (ZIP code: 45206) Vote no!

1206. Heidi Becker (ZIP code: 45238)

1207. Maureen Ryan (ZIP code: 45219)

1208. Julia Helling (ZIP code: 45219)

1209. Christopher Williams (ZIP code: 45205)

1210. Elaine Hennessy (ZIP code: 45223) Those woods make the city special.

1211. Marina Hernandez (ZIP code: 45247)

1212. Emily Herr (ZIP code: 45055)

1213. Lauren Herrmann (ZIP code: 41011) 1214. Hannah Snelling (ZIP code: 45219)

1215. Maureen Herbe (ZIP code: Al10 9ww)

1216. Megan Harmeyer (ZIP code: 45202)

1217. Michael Heyn (ZIP code: 45241)

1218. Hannah Higgins (ZIP code: 45242) Stop killing our planet!!

1219. Jon Flannery (ZIP code: 45225) Hell no.

1220. Hannah Higgins (ZIP code: 45103) This is not only ecologically damaging to our wildlife but to ourselves. Our planet is dying and so will we if we continue to destroy our natural resources such as this plan will do.

1221. Anita Smith (ZIP code: 45224)

1222. Tim Sisson (ZIP code: 45238)

1223. Amy Hildebrand (ZIP code: 45220)

1224. Hillary Purcell (ZIP code: 45219)

1225. Hillary Marshall (ZIP code: 45219)

1226. Chelsea Hintz (ZIP code: 45243)

1227. Hannah Hitchings (ZIP code: 45219)

1228. Haley Knoffer (ZIP code: 45237)

1229. Helen Lohre (ZIP code: 45220)

1230. Heather DeBoard (ZIP code: 46102) NO! On the new CEF building proposal in Burnet Woods!

1231. Hannah Carter (ZIP code: 45140)

1232. Dale Hodges (ZIP code: 45220) 1233. Annamarie Hoffecker (ZIP code: 45220)

1234. Holly Mercado (ZIP code: 45247)

1235. Holly Rinehart (ZIP code: 41016)

1236. Holly Short (ZIP code: 45150)

1237. Holly Markwell (ZIP code: 45039)

1238. Emalee Woodruff (ZIP code: 43055)

1239. Eleanor Anderson (ZIP code: 45102)

1240. Liza Hoopes (ZIP code: 45220) Save the green space

1241. Hope Johnston-Holm (ZIP code: 45219)

1242. Hope Cowdrey (ZIP code: 45103)

1243. Hope Kim (ZIP code: 45219)

1244. Hope Wang (ZIP code: 45249)

1245. Esperanza Gallon (ZIP code: 45224)

1246. Marie Hopkins (ZIP code: 45220)

1247. Nancy Saunders (ZIP code: 45218)

1248. Spencer Braswell (ZIP code: 84605)

1249. christopher houp (ZIP code: 45223) save it!!!

1250. Nathaniel Houser (ZIP code: 41048)

1251. Crista Eberhart (ZIP code: 45211)

1252. Ann Hubbard (ZIP code: 45220) Dear Park Board, Please do not rush forward with the CEF building in Burnet Woods. It is a gem of a park that provides crucial habitat in our urban area. The public knows too little about it, and major community organizations are opposed to it.

If nothing else, table the vote until - the public has more information and more input - the benefits of this project, fully disclosed and evaluated, can be weighed against its environmental costs and the parks' other capital and maintenance needs and - alternate locations -- perhaps in larger parks or with less habitat value-- can be evaluated.

Thank you. Ann Hubbard, 230 Lafayette Circle

1253. Hugh Moscoe (ZIP code: 45230)

1254. Robert Hust (ZIP code: 45220) Here we go again. Always with the buildings! Can't they leave it be. If every proposal got approved in the last two years, BW would be a mall by now!!!

1255. Sara Hutchinson (ZIP code: 45220)

1256. Peter Huttinger (ZIP code: 45232)

1257. Katherine Walker (ZIP code: 45248)

1258. Isabel Hofmann (ZIP code: 45211)

1259. iamiya may (ZIP code: 45227)

1260. Ian Becker (ZIP code: 45220)

1261. Ian Roark (ZIP code: 45219)

1262. Mohammad Chaudhry (ZIP code: 45208) Need to preserve our green spaces

1263. Ibrahim Munir (ZIP code: 45236)

1264. Ivan Carabajal (ZIP code: 45204) Can ANYONE in this city just not bend over backwards for developers at every single opportunity? Y'all are ruining Cincinnati.

1265. Abby Friend (ZIP code: 45223)

1266. Ian Leamy (ZIP code: 45212) 1267. Ilene Gibler (ZIP code: 47025)

1268. Will Bennett (ZIP code: 45212)

1269. Victor Williams (ZIP code: 45220)

1270. bella mccallister (ZIP code: 45219)

1271. Elizabeth Badinghaus (ZIP code: 452136)

1272. Madison McLean (ZIP code: 45220)

1273. Kathleen Carroll (ZIP code: 45209) I am a big fan of the park board--you do amazing work. But allowing private organizations to gain a foothold in Burnet Woods seems like a mistake we'll regret for generations. Let CEF build or buy on property adjacent to the park and use the public area for programming as appropriate. Everyone can win, but let's keep those precious few trees undisturbed.

1274. India Caramelli (ZIP code: 78731)

1275. Andrew Schallwig (ZIP code: 46032)

1276. Isabelle Henson (ZIP code: 45238)

1277. James Innis (ZIP code: 45030) Cincinnati has few places like Burnet Woods. Generations have enjoyed its natural environment and the peaceful lake. Don't spoil it with a building which will take away that sense of nature!

1278. Jeremy Hicks (ZIP code: 45220) Enough already!!!

1279. Ian Lewkowich (ZIP code: 45220)

1280. Irene Moore (ZIP code: 45220) PLEASE: upkeep the buildings we have. review current literature on the social nature of forest by Suzanne Simard in NYT's thank YOU

1281. Maria Irwin (ZIP code: 45219)

1282. Isaac Ludke (ZIP code: 45238)

1283. Isaac Chunn (ZIP code: 45140)

1284. Isabel Coyle (ZIP code: 45215) 1285. Isabella Guinigundo (ZIP code: 45011)

1286. Bella Gordo (ZIP code: 45213)

1287. Isabella Walker (ZIP code: 44244)

1288. Isa Walker (ZIP code: 45030)

1289. Megan Isovitsch (ZIP code: 43065)

1290. Lucy English (ZIP code: 45241)

1291. Spencer Bach (ZIP code: 45219)

1292. Ivana Rosich (ZIP code: 60601)

1293. Austin Fanger (ZIP code: 46835)

1294. Isabella Cacaro (ZIP code: 45243)

1295. Isabella Leisgang (ZIP code: 45248)

1296. Jean Deckenbach (ZIP code: 45220) It's a constant public fight to preserve the world we live in. Please leave our community park as it is. Funding should be used to update existing structures and for programming. It's fine to visit, but no need to move into the park. Thank you.

1297. Julia Cardis (ZIP code: 97219) This is my favorite place to go when I visit family in Cincinnati.

1298. Jack Cunningham (ZIP code: 45214) Do NOT develop in Burnet Woods. We already developed a lot on Burnet woods previously.

1299. Helen Roberts (ZIP code: 45220)

1300. Jack munoz (ZIP code: 45249)

1301. Jackie Gabbard (ZIP code: 45211) Please vote no on the new proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods. This proposal is being pushed through during a pandemic, at a time when many people are unaware of what is happening in their local parks. Another building is not necessary in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods is an urban oasis in what is otherwise a very urban area. It is important, for both wildlife and the enjoyment of people, for this Urban area to remain as natural as possible. CEF is welcome to have programs in Burnet woods, but they should come up with programs that can be offered without adding another building to the park.

1302. Jacqueline Lemmink (ZIP code: 45251)

1303. Jackie Falk (ZIP code: 45208)

1304. Jackson Prus (ZIP code: 45208)

1305. Jack Stenger (ZIP code: 45232) Please do not develop this wonderful park. Any new building would degrade a unique habitat and community resource.

1306. Jacob Gardner (ZIP code: 45220)

1307. Jacob Johnston (ZIP code: 45219)

1308. Jacob Turner (ZIP code: 45219) Please preserve Burnet Woods.

1309. John Dickert (ZIP code: 45219) This constant encroachment on a public park I imagine the original charter for what is left of Burnet Woods Public Park is either in perpetuity or a number of years. Which is it I wonder? All the memories, picnics in summer when Muff had his boat for riding and picnic fun, a moment of being in a moment of a Monet masterpiece and I could go on. Not to mention what the park meant to the gay community. All that means absolutely nothing. It mow comes down to money and the University land barony and the LAW. So the word is out to those in the legal community to finally put an end to this constant land grab. Jump in ladies and gentlemen of the Bar. These people can only be stopped in a court. For what it is worth....SHAME ON YOU.

1310. Jada Keaton (ZIP code: 45065)

1311. Jade Eiler (ZIP code: 45208)

1312. Jade Ausdenmoore (ZIP code: 45219)

1313. Jane Dietrich (ZIP code: 45247) Please vote NO to the building proposal in Burnett Woods. Thank you.

1314. JOSHUA Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

1315. Jacob Faulkner (ZIP code: 45176)

1316. jaishna sivakumar (ZIP code: 46074) 1317. Jake Surprenant (ZIP code: 41048) Leave the woods the way they are.

1318. Jake Witt (ZIP code: 45220) No private development please. Burnet Woods should be a public resource for all. I want to continue to walk the trails with my young daughters without disruption to the natural areas and without corporate/private interests impeding on public lands. Future development needs to be in concert with transparent community input and consideration. This project has not adequately considered the surrounding community’s best interests. Thank you.

1319. James DaMico (ZIP code: 45223)

1320. James Mullins (ZIP code: 45042)

1321. Alex James (ZIP code: 45219)

1322. James Billiter (ZIP code: 45227)

1323. James Pratt (ZIP code: 45208)

1324. Jamie Coates-Donohue (ZIP code: 45224) Vote No

1325. Jamilah McDowell (ZIP code: 45230)

1326. Jamila Lovelace (ZIP code: 45220)

1327. Jan Checco (ZIP code: 45220) The Parks Commissioners need to improve their ability to dialogue meaningfully with communities that, in fact, own these green spaces. Appointed by the Mayor, they don’t represent the public as a vetted, elected candidate for the seat would. These are no longer “independent commissions.” Time to start over with a method of better selection for commissioners who are experts in the sectors they serve.

1328. Jana Gomon (ZIP code: 45236)

1329. Jane Howard (ZIP code: 45236)

1330. Jane Sheldon (ZIP code: 45140) Preserve Burnet Woods! Keep private construction out!

1331. Jan Johnson (ZIP code: 46206)

1332. Jen Paolucci (ZIP code: 41075-1305) 1333. Jared Dennis (ZIP code: 45044)

1334. Joseph Schaljo (ZIP code: 45216) Enough of Burnet Woods has already become a UC parking lot under the auspices of urban revitilization :/

1335. Jasmine Rich (ZIP code: 45211)

1336. Jasmine Robinson (ZIP code: 45219)

1337. Jason Franz (ZIP code: 45206) Keep green space green. Keep public green space public.

1338. Jason Heil (ZIP code: 45220)

1339. Jason Heist (ZIP code: 41015)

1340. Jason Long (ZIP code: 45227) The preserved land of Burnet Woods is quintessential to the makeup of the city of Cincinnati. The land serves many people who live in the urban core and don’t have a close by nature park. It gives workers and students in CUF and Clifton a place to unwind for lunch, and even offers parking. It provides citizens with countless activities, and holds treasures like the planetarium at the nature center. It is an important spot for migratory birds and our local ecosystems. The history of Burnet Woods is a focal point to the development of parks in Cincinnati and the rest of Ohio. Because of the detrimental effect that further development of the land would have on our environment, our city, and our parks system, I hereby am signing this petition, and begging the Commissioners to really consider how little need there is to use any area of the park for the proposed building.

1341. Jason Cornelius (ZIP code: 45213)

1342. Jay Smith (ZIP code: 44646)

1343. Jay Twomey (ZIP code: 45220) We love Burnet Woods, and take advantage of park events once in a while. My young son and I often hike the trails and we enjoy walking around the pond. I traverse the park on my way to and from work. It's an oasis, a local treasure. But it's also a parking lot for UC students and others. What's more, the proximity of a busy business corridor and student housing means that it can be noisy and more polluted than one would hope. All of which is to say that Burnet Woods is already at risk. Don't contribute to its further diminishment. I urge you to reject any new development within or on the margins of the park.

1344. Nuthara Jayasinghe (ZIP code: 45224) 1345. Jazmin Ellerbusch (ZIP code: 45202)

1346. Jonathan Bregger (ZIP code: 45227) Save the disc golf course don’t build on it!!

1347. Jeffrey Ballou (ZIP code: 45223)

1348. Jeff Barnett (ZIP code: 45230)

1349. Judith Bruns (ZIP code: 45176)

1350. Jason Munzel (ZIP code: 45230)

1351. Jeff Clark (ZIP code: 45230)

1352. Claire Scott (ZIP code: 99801)

1353. Jeff Dunn (ZIP code: 45244) Yeah at least have a public hearing. It's winter, it's a pandemic, what is your rush?

1354. Jamie Demasi (ZIP code: 45248)

1355. Jo Klingshirn (ZIP code: 44240)

1356. Jeremy Meadows (ZIP code: 45220)

1357. Jeremy Myint (ZIP code: 45220) lmao absolutely not. Burnet Woods is one of the few green spaces in this area. We aren't going to let you do this.

1358. Jocelyn Connolly (ZIP code: 41011) As a young grad student alone in a strange city, riding my bike to school every morning through Burnet Woods was a highlight of my day. The trees, birds, ponds, and beautiful buildings never failed to give me a thrill. I truly hope that this precious urban sanctuary is not developed in this way.

1359. Julianna Cooke (ZIP code: 45238)

1360. Clayton P (ZIP code: 45220)

1361. Julie Rahe (ZIP code: 45212) Do not allow private buildings in MY city parks. This should not be happening.

1362. Janice Craig (ZIP code: 46212) 1363. Jeremiah Crownover (ZIP code: 45212)

1364. Jacob Wilhelm (ZIP code: 45205)

1365. Julie Decker (ZIP code: 45212)

1366. Jim Dressler (ZIP code: 45230)

1367. Jean Gaines (ZIP code: 45213) Please leave the park alone

1368. jean durbin (ZIP code: 45243)

1369. Jeanne Daly (ZIP code: 45220)

1370. jeanne speier (ZIP code: 45207) Urban development is booming and the need for this park space to remain as is ...... a place for trees and birds and for nature to grow undisturbed is important to me and the world.

1371. Isaac Lutz (ZIP code: 43230)

1372. Jeff Napier (ZIP code: 45036) Say no!

1373. Jeff Kobberdahl (ZIP code: 45014)

1374. Alayna Jeffries (ZIP code: 45152)

1375. Jessica Williams (ZIP code: 45140) You cannot get back fragile ecosystems. Too much is being developed and for what? Do NOT develop this land!

1376. Emma Jackson (ZIP code: 45220)

1377. Jen Hensley (ZIP code: 45206)

1378. Jennifer Kawanari (ZIP code: 45206)

1379. Jennifer O'Brien (ZIP code: 45238)

1380. Jenna Fazzari (ZIP code: 45220)

1381. Jenna Dahman (ZIP code: 45212) 1382. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45241)

1383. Jenna Reel (ZIP code: 45219)

1384. J. Geiger (ZIP code: 45211) I find it difficult to understand why the Park Board is even considering this.

1385. Jennifer Goff (ZIP code: 45223)

1386. Jennifer Painter (ZIP code: 45243)

1387. Jennifer Linck (ZIP code: 45429)

1388. Jennifer Wagner (ZIP code: 41073) To develop Burnet Woods in any way is a not only a shameful waste if a valuable urban green space but also a violation of previous commitments. How can we trust any city government's officials if they go back on their word? We DO NOT WANT development is Burnet Woods and please stop allowing businesses to make bids on a protected space.

1389. Jennifer Araya (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods does NOT need additional development, particularly private development that has not been subjected to rigorous community discussion and engagement. As a daily user of Burnet Woods and a resident of Clifton, I STRONGLY oppose this proposal.

1390. Jennifer Lake (ZIP code: 45140)

1391. Jennifer Cissell (ZIP code: 45238)

1392. Jenny Dandenault (ZIP code: 45219)

1393. Jenny O'Donnell (ZIP code: 45220) I am appalled that after the last few years anyone would jeopardize the wonderfully documented fragile ecosystem that Burnett Woods is. It's irresponsible to take this preserve for your own, when there is so much underutilized developed space available.

1394. Jennifer Smith (ZIP code: 45236)

1395. Joseph Reluzco (ZIP code: 45219)

1396. Jeremy Barkley (ZIP code: 45236)

1397. Jerry Broughton (ZIP code: 45202) Do not cut that tree down for progress in order to preserve the life of a tree there should be a fine line between nature and humans to cut it down for a what ever entity that want to cut it down I say let it be Jerry 1398. Jessica Bansil (ZIP code: 33602)

1399. Jessica Marunowski (ZIP code: 03264)

1400. Jessica Carr (ZIP code: 45211)

1401. Jessica Smith (ZIP code: 45220)

1402. Jessa Grossman (ZIP code: 45458)

1403. Jessa Perrin (ZIP code: 45236)

1404. Jessica Connor (ZIP code: 45227)

1405. Jesse Gilner (ZIP code: 45208) No, we do not want new, private construction in Burnet Woods.

1406. Jesse LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

1407. Jesse Ly (ZIP code: 45220)

1408. Jessica Gaitan (ZIP code: 45205) I work near Burnet Woods and love using the park and bringing my son there when we have appointments nearby. It’s a beautiful park and should not have parts of it cut off to the public or allow private companies to build on it especially without community input. We have so little public space, please don’t give more of it away.

1409. Jessica Detchon (ZIP code: 45002)

1410. Jessica Warner (ZIP code: 45239)

1411. Jessica Samblanet (ZIP code: 45040)

1412. Jessica Hudgens (ZIP code: 45224)

1413. Jessie P (ZIP code: 16803)

1414. Jess Carr (ZIP code: 45229)

1415. Jessica Towery (ZIP code: 07002)

1416. Jessyka Prather (ZIP code: 45039) 1417. Julia Johanan (ZIP code: 45223) Will organizations stop looking at the parks as open developmental property?! Do we need a law to say that parks are perpetually off the books for this kind of thing? I thought that what the definition of a park. Please reject the CEFs proposal to build in Burnet Woods! This did not go over well when the CCAC tried. It will not go well This time either! Thank you!

1418. Joanne Greenway (ZIP code: 45204-1443)

1419. Julie Grippa (ZIP code: 45224) Grew up in this beautiful greenspace. Needs to be maintained but undeveloped.

1420. Joy Gunza (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve the Burnet Woods greenspace and Audubon important bird areas!

CEF can expand programming without new construction in the park.

Thank you!

1421. joanie hammond (ZIP code: 45230)

1422. Henry Benson (ZIP code: 45220)

1423. Jill Holsapple (ZIP code: 45220) I live in CUF and I do not want any new buildings built in Burnet Woods.

1424. Jill Isenhour (ZIP code: 40515) Please preserve this vital greenspace as is!

1425. Jill Cleary (ZIP code: 45223)

1426. Jillian Teeters (ZIP code: 45227)

1427. James Rice (ZIP code: 41011) Don't privitize public land!

1428. Jamar Silvers (ZIP code: 45229) Burnet woods is a absolutely lovely place to just disconnect with the regular hustle of the city and reconnect with nature and its a great place to meet people and also do Photography and some people you meet you became great friends with and perhaps lifelong friends with so please keep burnet woods it's one of my favorite places to go when I'm stressed and depressed please don't get rid of it please Preserve burnet woods!!!!

1429. Jennifer Wendeln (ZIP code: 45230) 1430. Joseph Bedree (ZIP code: 45220) I grew up in Clifton and would hate to see this park altered in anyway! Preserve the park the way it is!

1431. Janet Keller (ZIP code: 45220)

1432. Joseph Kinskey (ZIP code: 45223)

1433. Jake Knapke (ZIP code: 45219)

1434. Jackie Kuykendall (ZIP code: 45211)

1435. Jess Lang (ZIP code: 30303)

1436. John Lewis (ZIP code: 45220)

1437. Jonathan Kastin (ZIP code: 02740)

1438. Judy Davis (ZIP code: 45220)

1439. John Marunowski (ZIP code: 03264)

1440. Jessica Back (ZIP code: 45223)

1441. John McKenzie (ZIP code: 45220) community nature education efforts are to be commended, but if they are to take up permanent space in a city park it needs to be a park board managed project, run solely with public funds.

1442. Joost Meijer (ZIP code: 45213)

1443. Joseph Memory (ZIP code: 45202)

1444. Jessica Metzcar (ZIP code: 45219) Save burnet woods. I was just there today it’s a wonderful place and lots of different people enjoy it there

1445. Jason Hale (ZIP code: 45342)

1446. Joyce Miller (ZIP code: 45202-1517) I oppose this project. Citizen groups have formed and have voiced their opinion, why not work with the citizens who have been collaborating to keep the park a park?

1447. Jennifer Leonard (ZIP code: 45069) 1448. James Mundy (ZIP code: 45240) Vote no on Camping and Education Foundation.

1449. Jenna Adkins (ZIP code: 45140) Save this urban greenspace for wildlife and the sanity of the local community. It’s so important to have a greenspace to escape too

1450. Jennifer Whitacre (ZIP code: 45244)

1451. John Pantel (ZIP code: 45220)

1452. Joan Lichtman (ZIP code: 45223)

1453. Joanne Johnson (ZIP code: 46211)

1454. JoAnne Allen (ZIP code: 45249) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you.

1455. jo ann ropp (ZIP code: 45242) I vote no on any commercial buildings in Burnet Woods. It is a natural community haven and should remain so. Respectfully, Jo Ann Ropp

1456. Jocelyn Gibson (ZIP code: 45225)

1457. Jocelynne Jason (ZIP code: 45208) This CEF proposal is an attempt to crack open the door that will lead to private development of Burnet Woods. It was tried a few years ago and got crushed but Cranley and his ilk have not given up. Vote no on this proposal.

1458. Joe Bodner (ZIP code: 45140)

1459. Jordyn Franz (ZIP code: 45216)

1460. joe ragg (ZIP code: 45220) This project should not take place on city property. It's a loss of public space for private interest.

1461. Mary JoAnn Buck (ZIP code: 45208) What are you thinking? NO NO NO

1462. Johann Gebauer (ZIP code: 45243)

1463. Johanna Rose (ZIP code: 45211) 1464. John Klein (ZIP code: 45233)

1465. John Kornbluh (ZIP code: 45202) I have searched both the CPB website and the CEF website for information about this building and its intended use and programming, but found nothing. This lack of publicly available information poses difficulties in evaluating this project. For this reason, and for the reasons mentioned in this petition, I urge CPB to more fully engage with Burnet Woods stakeholders before making any decisions about this project.

1466. John Schneider (ZIP code: 45202) Leave it alone. Put this facility in an area which is already more developed.

1467. John Blatchford (ZIP code: 45214)

1468. John Burns (ZIP code: 45238)

1469. John Arora (ZIP code: 45226)

1470. John Harper (ZIP code: 45215)

1471. John Reeves (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote NO on the CEF BUILDING in Burnett Woods.

1472. Marisa Johnson (ZIP code: 41015)

1473. Peirce Johnston (ZIP code: 45220-1802) There should be no construction without a full community disclosure and discussion.

1474. John Conboy (ZIP code: 45229)

1475. Joanen Moore (ZIP code: 45230)

1476. Jonada McNeal (ZIP code: 45219)

1477. Jonah Harry (ZIP code: 46278)

1478. Ann Smith (ZIP code: 45036)

1479. Jonathan Goolsby (ZIP code: 45219) No new construction in Burnet Woods. Leave wildlife alone; enjoy it for what it is and where it is.

1480. Lily Jones (ZIP code: 45206)

1481. Jonathan Stein (ZIP code: 41073) Vote no on the new cef building in burnet woods

1482. Jonathan Bernard (ZIP code: 45039)

1483. Jordan Gerda (ZIP code: 44212)

1484. Jordan Pater (ZIP code: 45011)

1485. Jordan Wheeler (ZIP code: 40242)

1486. Jordyn Francisco (ZIP code: 45219)

1487. Jos M (ZIP code: 45226)

1488. Joseph Glandorf (ZIP code: 45213)

1489. Joe Blocker (ZIP code: 45223)

1490. Josh Lerma (ZIP code: 45223)

1491. Josh Lea (ZIP code: 45220-2408) I am against new private developments in Burnet Woods. I visit the park multiple times a week and it is fine just the way it is. There is no room or need for more construction.

1492. Joshua Eastlake (ZIP code: 45244) Didn’t we just go through this? Burnet Woods is a place for nature, not more buildings.

1493. Joshua Carson (ZIP code: 45220)

1494. Joshua Maile (ZIP code: 45039)

1495. Joshua Mrvelj (ZIP code: 45214)

1496. Joshua Wiehoff (ZIP code: 41007)

1497. Josie Herbert (ZIP code: 45220)

1498. Josie Mays (ZIP code: 45224)

1499. Joe Moliterno (ZIP code: 45230)

1500. Josty Sieverding (ZIP code: 41075) 1501. Jeremy Ostrow (ZIP code: 45220)

1502. Joyce Cantor (ZIP code: 4521)

1503. Joy Schaulin (ZIP code: 45140)

1504. John McGuan (ZIP code: 60048) As a student of UC, Burnet woods is one of the best parts of campus. Not only do you get the city life, but you can also return to nature every now and again.

1505. Jennifer Ballard (ZIP code: 45229)

1506. Jazmine Applegate (ZIP code: 45246) Burnet woods is extremely significant to the students of the University of Cincinnati. Where else is there a WALKING distance park filled with hiking trails, resting areas, a pond, and a large area of wildlife? It is an oasis in a busy college town. University students need this park, not another building.

1507. Judy Ashton (ZIP code: 45220) No! This city park green space should not be disturbed for building additional structures. I live in the neighborhood and am vehemently opposed!

1508. John Oberst (ZIP code: 45230)

1509. Jackie Chiakas (ZIP code: 60016)

1510. Jordan Burger (ZIP code: 45150) Keep Burnett Woods Great

1511. Julie Doepke (ZIP code: 45206)

1512. Julia McAllister (ZIP code: 45227)

1513. Ms. Jacquie Wells (ZIP code: 45211)

1514. Julie Yellig (ZIP code: 45241)

1515. Jaqui Brumm (ZIP code: 45208) I strongly oppose the construction of any additional facilities of any kind at Burnet Woods. That Greenspace needs to be left alone for the plants and animals that currently use it as it is. I’m including humans in the word animals. The volunteer groups that are helping to remove the invasives and to teach about the trees and birds that are there are doing tremendous work. Please support them with your votes instead by voting against any further construction ideas at Burnet Woods. I took a walk there last week and it was a delightful break from the COVID and the politics that are currently clogging our emotional and physical systems. We need more natural, native green areas to help us survive, not less. Please vote no and reject the Camping and Education proposal. You voted down the Clifton Arts Center and this is no different. Thank you, Jaqui Brumm

1516. June Schlipf (ZIP code: 45220) Destruction of habitat for construction and use will NOT improve the park.

1517. Jennifer Conboy (ZIP code: 45229)

1518. Sarah Leon (ZIP code: 45241) It is time to stop the encroachment on this park. Please turn down the proposal to allow the CEF to build in this park. The park needs to be saved as it is. It has been under attack for years! It is time to stop this!

1519. Jason Pippenger (ZIP code: 45220)

1520. Justin Clarke (ZIP code: 45429)

1521. Jim Terlinden (ZIP code: 45241)

1522. Jenna Timmons (ZIP code: 45219)

1523. Jacob Sullivan (ZIP code: 45229)

1524. Jubilee OConnor (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet woods is special to me and many people in our community.

1525. Juliana Privitera (ZIP code: 45040)

1526. Judith Neubacher (ZIP code: 45213) Please do not scar the lake at Burnet Woods with another building. We need to leave this park in the natural state it is in. It is too valuable.

1527. Judy Curtis (ZIP code: 45042)

1528. Julian Gregory (ZIP code: 45220) Please keep burnett the way it is. I owe it all especially during the pandemic

1529. Julia Sweet (ZIP code: 46033)

1530. Julia Mace (ZIP code: 45220)

1531. Alex Julian (ZIP code: 45220)

1532. Juliana Surprenant (ZIP code: 41048) ?No ? building ? in ? parks ?

1533. Julia Parrey (ZIP code: 17033)

1534. Julia Lindenschmidt (ZIP code: 45238)

1535. Julie Niesen (ZIP code: 45202)

1536. Julie Baughman (ZIP code: 45226) Please, do not clutter up a beautiful park with an unnecessary building.

1537. Julie Christensen (ZIP code: 48190)

1538. Julie Mercer (ZIP code: 45002)

1539. Julie Origlio (ZIP code: 44281)

1540. Juliette Wean (ZIP code: 45220)

1541. Juliette Bacula (ZIP code: 60304)

1542. Julie Murray (ZIP code: 45219) Please do not destroy the treasure of our urban parks to be used for the interests of a few. We need this space left as it is, and cared for as it is.

1543. Julia Miller (ZIP code: 45243)

1544. Julie Barnickle (ZIP code: 43204)

1545. Lauren Donnelly (ZIP code: 45337) Why is this being allowed when it’s not for public use???

1546. Elise Monsson (ZIP code: 45230)

1547. Justin Basset (ZIP code: 45219)

1548. Justin Klei (ZIP code: 41017)

1549. Justin Jeffre (ZIP code: 45219)

1550. Justin Van Wagenen (ZIP code: 45249)

1551. Jane Hamilton (ZIP code: 45224) 1552. James Williams (ZIP code: 45251)

1553. Jordan Yonkofski (ZIP code: 45140)

1554. Kate Schwendenmann (ZIP code: 45202)

1555. Kelly Overbay (ZIP code: 45211)

1556. Katrina Rawls (ZIP code: 43227)

1557. Kevin Wimmer (ZIP code: 45102)

1558. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45213)

1559. Katie Waite (ZIP code: 44136)

1560. Kaemen West (ZIP code: 45212)

1561. Katherine Feldmann (ZIP code: 45243) Burnet Woods is a treasure in the heart of one of our busiest communities in the city. Countless people of all walks of life - families, professionals, students and others - visit this park. Please do not allow privately-owned construction in Burnet Woods!

1562. Anneliese Kafoure clare (ZIP code: 45227) Do not build

1563. Alexander Kagan (ZIP code: 45220) why would anyone want to build a new building in the park. please please please do not allow anyone to harm the magic of burnett woods

1564. kelly gorth (ZIP code: 45236)

1565. Kaitlin Iacobucci (ZIP code: 45030)

1566. Kaitlin Staggs (ZIP code: 45220) There is already such a limited amount of green space in the city! So many people utilize this space and deserve to have a patch of nature to explore!

1567. Kaitlin Vonderhaar (ZIP code: 45223) Save Burnet Woods, please.

1568. Kaitlym Eleniak (ZIP code: 45223)

1569. Kaitlyn Palermo (ZIP code: 45215) 1570. joyce smith (ZIP code: 45225) this has been a public park for over 75 years ,NO NO PRIVATE ENTERPRISE IS NEEDED.

1571. Kaleb Lewis (ZIP code: 45042)

1572. Kalee Taquino (ZIP code: 45206)

1573. Kelly Ambrosius (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods does not need any more buildings. Please preserve the natural environment of what’s left of the park. Thank you

1574. Kaylee McCarthy (ZIP code: 60517)

1575. Kelli Ames (ZIP code: 45202)

1576. Samuel Kane (ZIP code: 45219)

1577. Katie Olson (ZIP code: 45140)

1578. Sumedha Kappagantula (ZIP code: 45069) Burnet Woods is a beautiful, peaceful place for families, friends, students, professors, and Cincinnatians to gather and enjoy nature. Please don’t take this away from them.

1579. Kara Maynard (ZIP code: 45371)

1580. Kara Barbee (ZIP code: 45229)

1581. Karen Egan (ZIP code: 45232)

1582. Karen Clumpner (ZIP code: 45241) Cincinnati should maintain Burnet Woods as a city park and public green space . Please do not allow development.

1583. Karen Andrew (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is a small urban park and it has one very small lake. It does not need any more buildings -it already has a nature center. There is no good reason to build any more buildings especially to house canoes. The lake is too small to canoe, kayak, and boat in, even too small for canoe classes. The building will be an eyesore. Nearby residents, employees of nearby businesses and university students appreciate the natural beauty of this park and use it for walking and running around the lake and on the trails, picnicking, and nature classes. We don't need any construction there except to repair the road and facilities. We don't need any other buildings built in there. This park is a nature refuge in the middle of the city for Cincinnati citizens and visitors. It's also a positive feature for nearby the neighborhood homes and buildings. Please don't ruin it with a building that will not benefit the real users of this park. 1584. Karen Arnett (ZIP code: 45223)

1585. Karen Blocher (ZIP code: 45224)

1586. Mackenzie Karg (ZIP code: 45140)

1587. Kari Morehouse (ZIP code: 45220)

1588. Karianne Brown (ZIP code: 45238)

1589. Karin Brooks (ZIP code: 45238)

1590. Karlie Lujan (ZIP code: 91911)

1591. Karly Wogenstahl (ZIP code: 45011)

1592. Karoline Turner (ZIP code: 45229)

1593. Karolyn Schalk (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods offers something rare and wonderful in an urban area - lightly developed green space. If treated thoughtfully it could be as great a destination as Glen Helen in Yellow Springs. don't mess it up by tearing it down green space for buildings we don't need.

1594. Karrie Pukstas (ZIP code: 45220)

1595. Karthik Raturi (ZIP code: 45242)

1596. simhya karthikeyan (ZIP code: 45040)

1597. Kate Hilton (ZIP code: 45213)

1598. Katie Habib (ZIP code: 45223)

1599. Katherine Sorrels (ZIP code: 45219)

1600. Kathleen Fine (ZIP code: 45202)

1601. Kate Berwanger (ZIP code: 45220)

1602. Kate Gallion (ZIP code: 45223) We told you NO on Cranley's attempt to privatize the park. Nothing has changed. That habitat is essential to the life of the surrounding communities. NO. 1603. Katelyn Stetler (ZIP code: 45040)

1604. Katherine Marikis (ZIP code: 45207)

1605. Kateri Gries (ZIP code: 45231)

1606. Kate Westrich (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is a treasure and so is the building you want to tear down. Don’t destroy a true gem of my community.

1607. Kate Zaidan (ZIP code: 45202) Burnett woods is such a special treasure! Any development would hurt this lively ecosystem. I love birdwatching there and no doubt an influx of construction and people would destroy the environment there.

1608. Katerina Getgey (ZIP code: 45215)

1609. Kate Blocher (ZIP code: 45208)

1610. Katherine Yutzey (ZIP code: 45220)

1611. Kathryn Gutzwiller (ZIP code: 45220) I strongly object to the use of Burnet Woods to construct a building for the use of the CEF. Burnet Woods is a unique treasure in our Clifton community, and the will of the community should decide on its uses. This park should remain undeveloped and a unique habitat for plants and animals in an urban environment.

1612. Kathy Johnson (ZIP code: 45233-1602)

1613. Katie Brown (ZIP code: 45230)

1614. Katie Chase (ZIP code: 45223)

1615. katie flanagan (ZIP code: 45220)

1616. Katie Paul (ZIP code: 45205)

1617. Katherine Baxter-Habib (ZIP code: 45219)

1618. Kathryn Neack (ZIP code: 41018)

1619. Kathryn Buhrmann (ZIP code: 49855) This beautiful space deserves to thrive on its own, not be overrun by an unethical business of money- driven corporate types. 1620. kate sampson (ZIP code: 45208)

1621. Katie Russell (ZIP code: 43082)

1622. Katie Ullrich (ZIP code: 45202-9000)

1623. Katie Van Gulick (ZIP code: 78750)

1624. Kat Moore (ZIP code: 45044)

1625. Kathy Wilson (ZIP code: 45230)

1626. Katlyn Weber (ZIP code: 45230) Please do not allow a private use structure to be built on public park grounds!

1627. Katherine Slattery (ZIP code: 45233) Please keep Burnet Woods a public space. Burnet Woods has a very special place in my heart and I would hate to see it go.

1628. Katherine Closson (ZIP code: 45040)

1629. Katy Jobe (ZIP code: 43201)

1630. Kerry White (ZIP code: 45220)

1631. Kayleigh Domhoff (ZIP code: 41073)

1632. Kaye Crawford (ZIP code: 40515)

1633. Kayla Parr (ZIP code: 45219)

1634. Kayla Parks (ZIP code: 45219)

1635. Kayla Walker (ZIP code: 45240)

1636. kaylee sherrill (ZIP code: 45152)

1637. Kaylen McCullough (ZIP code: 45219)

1638. Casey Murphy (ZIP code: 45202)

1639. Katie Coburn (ZIP code: 41011) Burnet Woods was a nice little nature getaway during my time at UC. I enjoyed walking and running through the park during stressful weeks and was thankful it was within walking distance from campus and my apartment. Please preserve it for current and future Clifton residents!

1640. Kate Comer (ZIP code: 45202)

1641. Kathryn Zielinski (ZIP code: 45220)

1642. kenneth emerson (ZIP code: 45220) No!

1643. Katherine Anderson (ZIP code: 45220)

1644. Brian Keane (ZIP code: 45220)

1645. Catherine Carson (ZIP code: 45219)

1646. Keena Stricker (ZIP code: 45240)

1647. Sam Keen (ZIP code: 43147)

1648. Donna Druffel (ZIP code: 45220) I would like to see Burnett Woods continue to thrive and I agree that construction of a building by CEF would be harmful to the habitat. It is my hope that the proposal will be rejected.

1649. Kara Flaspohler (ZIP code: 45229)

1650. Keith Enrico (ZIP code: 45069)

1651. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45219)

1652. Kelley Reis (ZIP code: 45220)

1653. Kelly Smith (ZIP code: 45229)

1654. Kelly Walker (ZIP code: 45220) I use this park as an urban oasis. There is no need to take more green space away from both humans and animals alike. This park is a crucial habitat for many species of flora and fauna, especially birds that use this as a stop on their migration!

1655. Kelsey Kauflin (ZIP code: 45431)

1656. Kelsey Linder (ZIP code: 45219) STOP OUTSOURCING AND BETRAYING CINCY NATIVES!!! Too much of our gorgeous city is being sold to people who don't even live here, let alone contribute to our city's vibrant and highly nuanced culture. It'd be another heartbreaking betrayal to the devoted citizens and natives of Cincinnati & debilitating to our own sovereign authenticity to outsource our own growth & preservation!!

1657. Kelsey Mooney (ZIP code: 45220)

1658. Kelly Markle (ZIP code: 45212)

1659. Donna Emerson (ZIP code: 45220-2416) Emphatically, No!

1660. Helen Kemper (ZIP code: 45220) As a Clifton resident, Burnet Woods is basically in my backyard. It is a wonderful greenspace that attracts people from all over, as a place of respite and recreation. To compromise this space for private programming is unjust and unfair. There is no reason why the already existing Nature Center in Burnet cannot be utilized for additional programming. Adding a new structure to the park would just eradicate precious land and habitat that has been preserved for decades. The surrounding community has consistently opposed new construction in the park and we stand by our mission. It's unfair to sacrifice a beloved public space for private interests, and this proposal would absolutely not benefit the community at large. I hope the park board votes no to this proposal and sets a precedent for the preservation of our park for years to come.

1661. Kendall Morgenstein (ZIP code: 45219)

1662. kendall constable (ZIP code: 45039)

1663. Kendra Broadwater (ZIP code: 45213)

1664. nancy maxwell (ZIP code: 45233) Leave Burnet Woods alone! We need our green spaces!

1665. Jin Jin Kennedy (ZIP code: 46835)

1666. Maggie Slone (ZIP code: 41015)

1667. Mak Vail (ZIP code: 45223)

1668. Kelly Peterson (ZIP code: 45255)

1669. Lois Hollingsworth (ZIP code: 47025) Please keep Burnet Woods as natural as possible and do not build in there please.

1670. Jac Kern (ZIP code: 45211)

1671. Amy Kessen (ZIP code: 45247) No 1672. iris kessler (ZIP code: 45219) don’t build it

1673. Katie Stewart (ZIP code: 45220) I am a resident of Clifton and an outdoor professional. As such, I am a proponent of helping to make/keep the outdoors accessible to all and understand the immense value of outdoor learning experiences and I admire the mission of the Camping and Education Foundation. However, I do not support the demolition of the current historic structures at Burnet Woods, nor the construction of new buildings within the park.

Our city often fast-tracks development without enough thoughtful consideration as to the effects on the community and the environment. Burnet Woods truly is an urban forest oasis for wildlife and humans alike. While it may seem “scrubby” and “underutilized” it functions as a patch of genuine, relatively untouched forest ecosystem. So many people (myself included) and animals use this park as an escape from the surrounding city and its function as a refuge and haven cannot be understated. I am afraid hasty development at Burnet Woods sets a precedent that our parks are to be valued more for their acreage and location rather than what they contain, sustain, and provide.

While I believe Burnet Woods would benefit from thoughtful, considered improvements, I am confident there is a solution that maintains the ecological and historical integrity of Burnet Woods while still allowing for meaningful recreation and use. The current plan as it stands is not acceptable. Thank you.

1674. Kevin Duritsch (ZIP code: 45042)

1675. Kevin Jefferson (ZIP code: 45215)

1676. Kevin Curtis (ZIP code: 45223)

1677. Kevin Vance (ZIP code: 45211)

1678. Kevin Welch (ZIP code: 45225)

1679. Kyle Fugate (ZIP code: 45011) Please don’t take this away from us!

1680. Katy Goyette (ZIP code: 45220)

1681. Klayton Schaefer (ZIP code: 10023)

1682. Kristina Hoeffer (ZIP code: 45223)

1683. Kristin Hurst (ZIP code: 45065)

1684. Kiana Basset (ZIP code: 45219) 1685. Kiley Pippenger (ZIP code: 45014) Preserve our parks!!!!!

1686. Reid Flessa (ZIP code: 45213)

1687. Kimberly Lamb (ZIP code: 45238)

1688. Kimberly Swiecki (ZIP code: 45237)

1689. kimberly bryan (ZIP code: 45223)

1690. Kim Caniff (ZIP code: 45230)

1691. Michael King (ZIP code: 45209)

1692. Malcolm King (ZIP code: 45069)

1693. Will Ross (ZIP code: 45220)

1694. Katie Kinzeler (ZIP code: 41011) Cincinnati already has a terrific parks division with a base in Burnet Woods. We do not need another one, especially a private one! Please spend money and give your support to public programs that are not subject to the whims, opinions, and agendas of private individuals or companies! Additionally, for multiple social, emotional, and environmental reasons we NEED GREENSPACE, not more buildings and concrete.

1695. John Kirr (ZIP code: 45219)

1696. Kirsten Silven (ZIP code: 45223) Please - no more development in Burnet Woods! It is one of our only woodlands left and serves as a natural habitat for countless species of wildlife. We own a historic home on Howell Avenue and enjoy the park and it’s wildness!

1697. Kit Anderson (ZIP code: 45226) I STRONGLY oppose locating the proposed CEF building in Burnet Woods Park!!!! This is yet another encroachment by private interests onto park land -- land which belongs to all of us. CEF does not need this building and the University of Cincinnati is just trying to expand into the park. DO NOT BUILD THIS IN BURNET WOODS.

1698. Katelyn Murphy (ZIP code: 41048)

1699. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 41071)

1700. Kim Kurak (ZIP code: 05753) 1701. Kaia LePage (ZIP code: 45230)

1702. Kyle Lamb (ZIP code: 45205)

1703. Klara Apro (ZIP code: 45224) Leave park alone!

1704. Kelly Klein (ZIP code: 41011)

1705. Jennifer Kleinrichert (ZIP code: 43315)

1706. Erin Klenke (ZIP code: 45219)

1707. Kelly Sheehy (ZIP code: 45202)

1708. Anna Klunk (ZIP code: 45208)

1709. Kyle Mace (ZIP code: 45214)

1710. Karen Mansfield (ZIP code: 45236) We love this park and my kids benefited from the programming offered there. We don't believe that private enterprises belong inside the park. Surely there is space within the surrounding community that will suit the private venture's needs?

1711. Kara Mate (ZIP code: 45013)

1712. Katherine McNulty (ZIP code: 45220)

1713. Kathryn Daniher (ZIP code: 45226) I love our parks. Please don’t take them away

1714. Kate LaBare (ZIP code: 45213)

1715. Kathleen M Donahoe (ZIP code: 45206)

1716. Kathleen Meyer (ZIP code: 45219)

1717. Katie Nolan (ZIP code: 45244)

1718. Kevin O'Dell (ZIP code: 45211) Please, no private development in our Cincinnati Parks. Encourage them to do private development 1719. Barbara Moran (ZIP code: 4520o) I am writing to request the Cincinnati Park Board vote No on the new CEF Building Propodsal in Burnet Woods given it is a public park. The proposed construction would be to the detriment to the habitat and an unnecessary intrusion into our neeed urban greenspaces.

1720. Louis Knolle (ZIP code: 45230)

1721. Kyle Schneider (ZIP code: 45219)

1722. Katelyn Scott (ZIP code: 45219)

1723. Kobe Thomas (ZIP code: 45220)

1724. Cayle Komara (ZIP code: 44060)

1725. Judy Komorowski (ZIP code: 41001)

1726. Korinne Bailey (ZIP code: 45219)

1727. Peter Koury (ZIP code: 45219)

1728. Kinsey Kovar (ZIP code: 45230)

1729. Kyle Cannon (ZIP code: 45223)

1730. Katie Pilcher (ZIP code: 45040)

1731. Kirana Rao (ZIP code: 45220) Public comment 12/17/2020. Please do not use Burnet woods, a public property of immense value in the neighborhood for development of private property or any other private venture. We live in the neighborhood and use the green space all the time and do nit want to see a development in the park. Thank you

1732. Brittney Kreimer (ZIP code: 45237)

1733. Aubrey Krekeler (ZIP code: 45255)

1734. Stephen Kridel (ZIP code: 45219)

1735. Krishna Nelson (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve burnet woods!

1736. Krishna Patel (ZIP code: 45458) 1737. Krista Mitchell (ZIP code: 45239)

1738. Kristan Hoffman (ZIP code: 45220) When CCAC and CEF both made their initial presentations a couple years ago, I was on the fence. I had friends on both sides and listened to their reasons. I went through the official presentation materials myself. I walked with my dog and my daughter through Burnet Woods, and thought about what it was, what it could be, what it should be. Ultimately I agreed with those who were arguing against new private buildings in the park, and I still agree with them now. There is no reason CEF cannot make use of the existing Trailside Nature Center, as they stated they would do. Furthermore, this hurried, bait-and-switch move weakens my trust in their organization to be friends of the Burnet Woods community and stewards of the park.

1739. Kristina Klimov (ZIP code: 45230)

1740. Kristin Naber (ZIP code: 45238)

1741. Kristi O'Donnell (ZIP code: 98253) Dear Cincinnati Park Board: Burnett Woods is a vital nature reserve in the heart of the city and in my hometown neighborhood of Clifton. I agree with everything written in this posting. The stand alone for private interest CEF building is not needed and not appropriate. Please vote NO.

It would be a travesty to see the historic WPA building torn down and removed from public service.

Keep Burnett Woods alive for the natural habitat and nature programs, for kids of all ages.

I encourage you to fix up the park. When we visited in Dec. 2019 things looked really nice.

I fondly remember skating there, feeding the ducks, concerts in the park with the Cinti Pops and Marion Spellman, birthday parties in the picnic area, sliding down that slide! Snow sledding. Theatre in the rock sculpture. Nature study every summer! Collecting acorns and autumn leaves.

I was a volunteer crew leader for the original Green Up Day and for several years there after.

In 1976/77, when I was a horticulture student at Cinti State, I spoke to the City of Cincinnati Council in support of Park Funding in their budget, specifically to preserve the new trees Cinti Parks had just planted in Burnett Woods. That's where I met Park Board Volunteer Founder and Park Commissioner, Marlene Holwadel: a champion for Cincinnati Parks! She would be signing this letter today!

In addition to growing up in Cincinnati Parks, I was also an employee there from 1985-1993, at Krohn Conservatory and then as Assistant Supervisor of Horticulture.

Keep Clifton green and historically vital.

Thank you,

Kristi O'Donnell 1742. Kritton shay-winkler (ZIP code: 45231)

1743. Jennifer Kroell (ZIP code: 45211) Keep our parks public and protected!

1744. Mandi Kromalic (ZIP code: 45219)

1745. Emma Kronenberg (ZIP code: 40059) I am a student at UC and Burnet Woods is a beloved natural haven from all the urban environment surrounding the school. Building on the park’s property is irresponsible to both the landscape and the ecosystem

1746. Kendall Resseguie (ZIP code: 45434)

1747. Jason Krupar (ZIP code: 45209-1632) I am once again amazed and stunned at this last minute effort by the Park Board to impose an unwanted major transformation on Burnet Woods. The lack of input from surrounding citizen's and community organizations I find appalling and frankly undemocratic. It makes one wonder what the Board is attempting to hide from the tax-payers of the city and county. The lack of transparency and continual effort by the Board to overturn the vocal resistance of the neighborhood makes me think that the Board positions need to be made more responsive to the communities it allegedly serves. Perhaps it is time the Board be elected by the citizens of the city.

1748. Karnpal Cheema (ZIP code: 54923)

1749. Katie Steele (ZIP code: 45216)

1750. Katherine Buckley (ZIP code: 41011)

1751. katarina morris (ZIP code: 45220)

1752. Kevin Schmitt (ZIP code: 45036) Please keep this space as a natural ecological habitat

1753. Mohan K (ZIP code: 45219)

1754. Kurt Prostor (ZIP code: 85257)

1755. Kwame Stewart (ZIP code: 44124) We’ve already destroyed nature enough and took homes from animals, just leave the park to be. This is a place where people create memories and admire the beauty of Mother Nature.

1756. Kay Wolfley (ZIP code: 45224) There are so many other ways to enrich our park without having a separate entity involved. Make the park friendly again. Why can’t there be ice skating again?

1757. Kyara King (ZIP code: 45246)

1758. Michael Strucke (ZIP code: 41005)

1759. Kyle Kathman (ZIP code: 41011)

1760. Kyle Costa (ZIP code: 45238)

1761. Kylie Schell (ZIP code: 45223) The city already has enough buildings.

1762. Kymberly Chappell (ZIP code: 44)

1763. Kyra Back (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve the park as is. The mature trees provide natural cooling of the area in the center of an ever warming city, carbon sequestration and sanctuary for birds.

1764. Kyra Van Nimwegen (ZIP code: 45011)

1765. Lauren Dupps (ZIP code: 45219) Especially in a world de-valuing the environment we must preserve natural spaces for the benefit of ourselves (we’re also recognizing our need to spend time outside) and the species with which we share the planet.

1766. Lily Adams (ZIP code: 45220)

1767. Lacy Shapiro (ZIP code: 45248) Don't do it!!!

1768. Abigail MacLean (ZIP code: 45227)

1769. Elaine Suess (ZIP code: 45220) I'm quite concerned that the park board seems to be ready to make a decision about allowing a private company to build in Burnet Woods without having gathered feedback from the public who use the park! "Public Comment: 12/17"

1770. Audrey Laiveling (ZIP code: 45233)

1771. Linda May (ZIP code: 45103)

1772. Benjamin Lambert (ZIP code: 45220) 1773. Lila Wilmes (ZIP code: 45223)

1774. Edward Lammie (ZIP code: 43560)

1775. lamya bowie (ZIP code: 45237)

1776. William Landeck (ZIP code: 45219) NO!

1777. John Landon (ZIP code: 45150)

1778. Tammy York (ZIP code: 45102) No new buildings. Keep Burnet Woods as is.

1779. Eric Lame (ZIP code: 45208)

1780. laney sebastian (ZIP code: 41015)

1781. Alainna Sanregret (ZIP code: 45233)

1782. Lanie Calcara (ZIP code: 45230)

1783. Leslie Hacker (ZIP code: 45223)

1784. Lara Rumizen (ZIP code: 45223)

1785. larissa Howell (ZIP code: 45246) Save the woods! We need the bugs and birds and bees and green things!

1786. Connie Springer (ZIP code: 45208)

1787. Alex Larrison (ZIP code: 45219)

1788. Laura Clevenger (ZIP code: 45241)

1789. Laura Murphy (ZIP code: 45223) Native American themed wilderness camps created by white people are not acceptable in our schools and parks. Not in 2020 in Cincinnati. Not 100 years ago in MN. Not any time, any where.

1790. Laura Vinciguerra (ZIP code: 45248)

1791. Laura Stolk (ZIP code: 75248) So, much history in Burnet Woods. Pictures of my grandparents there, spent my college days there, hiking with my dogs. Please preserve this wonderful space and don't allow building by those who have no heart for it.

1792. Laura Hobson (ZIP code: 49507)

1793. Laura Jones (ZIP code: 45220) I would not mind some kind of upgrade that would include hikers of the park being able to partake, such as a café or small restaurant. It would need to be tactfully designed within the existing building and work with the community.

1794. Laura Tinker (ZIP code: 41075) This park is small enough and needs to remain a green space already in a jungle of buildings. When I nannied I would take the kids of clifton to this park to visit the pond, hike and experience wildlife. Now I take my children to visit the pond, hike the trails and watch butterflies in the meadow.

1795. Laura Cabrera (ZIP code: 43204)

1796. Laura Skaggs (ZIP code: 45211)

1797. Lauren Livingston (ZIP code: 45202)

1798. Lauren Jones (ZIP code: 45140)

1799. fern fournier (ZIP code: 45040)

1800. Lauren Mongonia (ZIP code: 45220) Clifton needs Burnet Woods to remain intact. This space is important not only for the human residents who live nearby, but for all of the animal ones as well. Getting rid of Burnet Woods would get rid of a significant portion of the beauty that makes Clifton so unique. Having this green space in the heart of the city is part of what makes this area so special. Taking it away would decrease city value, community wellbeing and engagement, and would harm the environment and all of the animal species that call Burnet Woods home.

1801. Lauren Reis (ZIP code: 45202)

1802. Lauren Rentz (ZIP code: 45205)

1803. Lauren Schmidtgesling (ZIP code: 45231)

1804. Lauren Smallwood (ZIP code: 45212)

1805. Lauren Thomas (ZIP code: 45066)

1806. lauren tilley (ZIP code: 45220) 1807. Laurie Heldman (ZIP code: 45215)

1808. layla miller (ZIP code: 45219) This new construction is completely unnecessary and will be extremely detrimental to the natural ecosystem in the park. Please vote no.

1809. Layne Cross (ZIP code: 45520)

1810. Kristina Nading (ZIP code: 43228) Nature is most important and true beauty

1811. Loraine Bregger (ZIP code: 45249)

1812. lisa cassiere (ZIP code: 45248)

1813. Linda Hall (ZIP code: 45220)

1814. Luke Chops (ZIP code: 45219)

1815. lauren clepper (ZIP code: 45220)

1816. Lindsey Cohen (ZIP code: 45220) I use this park daily. I’ve been using it since I moved to Cincinnati in 2016. It is one of my favorite places to walk, sketch, and relax. A lot of my friends love and use it, too. It’s a gem hidden in Clifton and to build on it would be shameful!

1817. Lois Shadix (ZIP code: 45244-3819)

1818. luke gorris (ZIP code: 44646)

1819. Liliana Dillingham (ZIP code: 84115)

1820. Taylor Le (ZIP code: 45069)

1821. Leah Darpel (ZIP code: 45220 )

1822. Leah Reynolds (ZIP code: 45217)

1823. Leah Heckaman (ZIP code: 45220)

1824. Leah Riben (ZIP code: 45219)

1825. Leah Wagner (ZIP code: 45219) 1826. Lea Nayak (ZIP code: 45220)

1827. Leann Kane (ZIP code: 45102)

1828. Leanne Lawton (ZIP code: 45202)

1829. Mollie Garrett (ZIP code: 43125)

1830. Lee Rafales (ZIP code: 45219) Burnett woods is a treasured natural space in the city and should remain so. I encourage the park board to vote no for any new buildings in this area.

1831. Leeann Mosley (ZIP code: 45015) DO NOT

1832. Lee Hammonds (ZIP code: 45245)

1833. Lee Hamzy (ZIP code: 45211) This park has been dwindled in size far to much over the years. I feel like if the pandemic has taught us anything, we need more green space. Find another space for this building, or better yet, use one that is sitting empty.

1834. Olivia Leek (ZIP code: 43947)

1835. Lee Sullivan (ZIP code: 45219)

1836. Hannah Lehigh (ZIP code: 45219)

1837. Maureen Leigh (ZIP code: 45248) Please vote NO for additional buildings on the lake at Burnet Woods. There are better areas for buildings, and the lake is too small for canoeing. It would also have any extremely negative effect on the natural habitats and wildlife. Thank you.

1838. Maggie Lekan (ZIP code: 44140)

1839. Quinn Lemarr (ZIP code: 45219)

1840. Laura Lenarduzzi (ZIP code: 45220)

1841. Bailey Leo (ZIP code: 45206)

1842. Leonard Chowdry (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a huge part of the community. Preserving its natural sanctity is of the utmost importance. As a student at UC and as a resident near Burnet, beginning the process of destroying the preservation further feels unjust and morally wrong. Especially during these trying times, Burnet Woods gave those quarantining and socially distancing a way to forget and grow from the turmoil. I hope you can see the value of preserving it as much as we can.

1843. leona stanton (ZIP code: 45220)

1844. Hannah Lesko (ZIP code: 45248)

1845. Leslie Jump (ZIP code: 41011)

1846. Alessandra Trindle (ZIP code: 45208)

1847. Ben Levin (ZIP code: 45230)

1848. Lew Ebstein (ZIP code: 45242)

1849. lexi adams (ZIP code: 45230)

1850. Alexis DeWitt (ZIP code: 45219)

1851. Leyla Shokoohe (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

1852. Leslie Gimbert (ZIP code: 45208)

1853. Logan Bailey (ZIP code: 45220) Happy to help!

1854. Ligia Gomez (ZIP code: 45220) We don’t want any invasive construction at Burnet Woods! We don’t need more buildings, we need maintenance!!!!!

1855. Lily Greiser (ZIP code: 45150)

1856. Linda Harig (ZIP code: 45224-1913)

1857. Lilly Hinckley (ZIP code: 45243)

1858. Lianna Branham (ZIP code: 46123)

1859. Liam Garrett (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not construct any new buildings in Burnet woods. The last construction project involved paving a path and we were not able to use that section of the park for a month and the grass where vehicles and construction equipment were brought through is still destroyed. I use the park every day and any construction projects will diminish my use of the park and will be a disruption of the natural environment.

1860. Liam O'Shaughnessy (ZIP code: 45215)

1861. Liam Vollbracht (ZIP code: 45213)

1862. Libby DeFoor (ZIP code: 45208)

1863. Liela Crosset (ZIP code: 45209) I grew up going to burnet woods with my family, and I know it’s a special place for so many families now. It’s important to have this beautiful patch of nature for students on campus and residents of the surrounding area.

1864. anna whetstone (ZIP code: 45230)

1865. Dylan Pyron (ZIP code: 45044)

1866. Nancy Johanson (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote "NO" on the proposed building in Burnet Woods. We need all the "unimproved public green space in our city neighborhoods that we can still protect in its entirety and enjoy as citizens in this ever increasingly crowded, noisy, speed crazed, screen addicted society.

1867. Lila Baumann (ZIP code: 45219)

1868. Lily Malone (ZIP code: 45244) Don’t frigging do this

1869. Nshimirimana Liliane (ZIP code: 45211)

1870. Lilli Sher (ZIP code: 43209)

1871. Lillian Arthur (ZIP code: 45214)

1872. Lillian Mills (ZIP code: 45213) Keep our trees please!!!

1873. lilly cooper (ZIP code: 45236)

1874. lilly degarmo (ZIP code: 43076) 1875. Lily McEwan (ZIP code: 46206)

1876. Lily Zucker (ZIP code: 45219)

1877. Lillian Beane (ZIP code: 45219)

1878. Lily Norton (ZIP code: 45220) Please save burnet woods for the animals, and so we people can enjoy, all the green space we can!! I've lived in Clifton all 60 years of my life!

1879. Lily Bobrick (ZIP code: 45220)

1880. Linda Conley (ZIP code: 45229) I grew up in Clifton and remember visiting the lake with my grandmother. I visit now with my own grandchildren. There are woods and a tennis court above Coy Field. Why not build something new there?

1881. Linda Rhyne (ZIP code: 45220)

1882. Linda Tong (ZIP code: 45220) The City of Cincinnati and the University of Cincinnati have chipped away at Burnet Woods over the years. There have been several proposals to develop/build within Burnet Woods which have been defeated by those of us who want this space to remain green and open and accessible. This proposal should be defeated as well. We must maintain Burnet Woods in one of the City's areas most densely populated residentially, commercially and instituionally.

1883. Linda Linker (ZIP code: 45215)

1884. Rolf Linder (ZIP code: 45230) Let’s keep the “Woods” in Burnet Woods!

1885. Michael Lind (ZIP code: 45233)

1886. Lindsay Searing (ZIP code: 41042) Keep this historic and beautiful urban park fully intact. Not every strip of greenspace needs to be developed! Burnet Woods is the peace within the chaos of everything around it, and I imagine it is a welcome respite to the healthcare and university professionals that surround it daily.

1887. Lindsay Behrman (ZIP code: 45213)

1888. Lindsay Nehls (ZIP code: 45223)

1889. Lindsey Cencula (ZIP code: 45223)

1890. Lindsey Learned (ZIP code: 45040) 1891. Lindsey Snider (ZIP code: 41017)

1892. Nicholas Norton (ZIP code: 45232)

1893. Lisa Raney (ZIP code: 45223)

1894. Lisa Cobb (ZIP code: 41048)

1895. Lisa Haglund (ZIP code: 45220) nothing says “I love you” to a box turtle like a retaining wall

1896. Lisa Flanagan (ZIP code: 45242) Please vote NO On the new CEF building proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you!

1897. Kate W (ZIP code: 45342)

1898. olivia stapleton (ZIP code: 45237)

1899. Olivia Haines (ZIP code: 45224)

1900. Olivia Schafer (ZIP code: 45238)

1901. Olivia Hayes (ZIP code: 45219)

1902. Liz Gottmer (ZIP code: 45205)

1903. Elizabeth Allen (ZIP code: 45211)

1904. Liza Newman (ZIP code: 45226)

1905. Liz Browning (ZIP code: 45239)

1906. Eric Fleischmann (ZIP code: 45150)

1907. Liz Schmidt (ZIP code: 41071) We love coming to the park with friends and family. It’s a special and peaceful space that has provided so many wonderful memories. My young nieces and nephews love to play here and provides a space for them to explore, gather, and be in nature.

1908. Elizabeth Clark (ZIP code: 45601) Please vote NO on the new CEF building site at the Burnett Park.

1909. Elizabeth Alford (ZIP code: 45202) 1910. Laura Witherow (ZIP code: 45220)

1911. Laurie Gilbert (ZIP code: 45220)

1912. Elizabeth Kigar (ZIP code: 90014) I have happy memories of burnet woods and oppose new construction. Renovate existing buildings and keep private business deals out of this public amenity.

1913. Jennifer Sung (ZIP code: 45220)

1914. Lauren Lumpkins (ZIP code: 45039)

1915. Lili Lustig DO (ZIP code: 44122) I echo the concern of the community and agree that the building should not be built.

1916. L Boehner (ZIP code: 45069)

1917. Laurie Trout (ZIP code: 45243)

1918. lola oakes (ZIP code: 45459)

1919. Regina Loayza (ZIP code: 43054)

1920. John Holmes (ZIP code: 46077) Keep and protect the natural habitat as it is now...it feeds the soul and not just the pocketbook!!

1921. Logan Shanks (ZIP code: 45219)

1922. Logan Davis (ZIP code: 45248)

1923. Logan Benson (ZIP code: 45342)

1924. Alex Lohmann (ZIP code: 45223)

1925. Mark Stewart (ZIP code: 45249)

1926. Aloni Welker (ZIP code: 45219) Burnett Woods was my only oasis while at UC. Giving more of that land away, than has already been given, is a disservice to the public.

1927. Crista Lawson (ZIP code: 45206) Please let it be. 1928. Lora Jost (ZIP code: 45202)

1929. Lorraine Becker (ZIP code: 45202)

1930. E Saxton (ZIP code: 45224) I work in Clifton and enjoy walking in Burnet Woods.

1931. Lori Stansell (ZIP code: 45241)

1932. Liat Ungar (ZIP code: 41076)

1933. Laura Providenti (ZIP code: 45211)

1934. Lauren Garrison (ZIP code: 45220)

1935. Lindsey Tomko (ZIP code: 45220)

1936. Laura Vedder (ZIP code: 45213)

1937. Elaine Schwaner (ZIP code: 45219)

1938. Levon Siler (ZIP code: 45223) Public parks are for the *public*, not private groups.

1939. Laura Sink (ZIP code: 28723)

1940. Luis Gutierrez (ZIP code: 45236) Lui

1941. Luke Chapman (ZIP code: 45040)

1942. Luke Early (ZIP code: 45216)

1943. Luke Hart (ZIP code: 41048)

1944. Laurel Emerson (ZIP code: 41001)

1945. Guadalupe Rodriguez (ZIP code: 45219)

1946. Louis Martin (ZIP code: 45219) This plan should not go forward. I find the use of public land objectionable and the exclusion of stakeholders intolerable. 1947. Lydia Cowan (ZIP code: 45209)

1948. Lydia Grant (ZIP code: 45255)

1949. Lydia Krage (ZIP code: 45150)

1950. Brooke Lyman (ZIP code: 45219)

1951. Lynae Smith (ZIP code: 45219)

1952. Hazel Lynch (ZIP code: 45223)

1953. Lyndsay Downey (ZIP code: 45236)

1954. Lyndsay Coleman (ZIP code: 45203)

1955. Lynn Hartsougb (ZIP code: 45069)

1956. Lynne Goodridge (ZIP code: 41048)

1957. Lynn Thomas (ZIP code: 45042)

1958. Lyric Morris-Latchaw (ZIP code: 45212)

1959. Jeremy Lysaght (ZIP code: 45223)

1960. Michele Beuerlein (ZIP code: 45244) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. Thank you for your consideration.

1961. Michelle Martinez (ZIP code: 45220) Do not build anything in Burnet Woods!

1962. Mason Williams (ZIP code: 45229)

1963. Madg Weighner (ZIP code: 45206)

1964. Mackenly Herron (ZIP code: 45056)

1965. Mackenzie Brown (ZIP code: 45230)

1966. Samantha Bruce (ZIP code: 45238) 1967. Mackenzie Matthews (ZIP code: 40422)

1968. Macy McGillivray (ZIP code: 45503)

1969. Madalyn Thomas (ZIP code: 45219)

1970. Maddie Kevelson (ZIP code: 45219)

1971. Madalyn Wells (ZIP code: 45152)

1972. Maddy Kelly (ZIP code: 45202)

1973. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 44001)

1974. Madeline Bernard (ZIP code: 45224)

1975. Mads RingswaldEgan (ZIP code: 45255)

1976. Mason DeLuca (ZIP code: 45219)

1977. maddie bruening (ZIP code: 45220)

1978. Madelyn Detloff (ZIP code: 45223) Rehab some of the buildings in OTR. Don’t build in the woods.

1979. Madge Maril (ZIP code: 45223)

1980. Madison Winter (ZIP code: 45106)

1981. Madison Neumann (ZIP code: 45206)

1982. Madyson Wiley (ZIP code: 45219)

1983. Maggie Gossard (ZIP code: 45213)

1984. Maggie Piker (ZIP code: 45208) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

1985. Mahathi Venkatesh (ZIP code: 44136)

1986. Maiana Wells (ZIP code: 45220) 1987. Diane Christian-Budd (ZIP code: 45230)

1988. Leila Khan (ZIP code: 45242)

1989. Angela Meyer (ZIP code: 45223) Save this important green space!

1990. JohnMark Thomas (ZIP code: 45150) I have lived in Cincinnati off and on since I was 6 years ol I am now 20. Everytime I came home. I came a visited this park.

I remember being in highschool and on Friday's we would all go to the park and figure out plans for the day. Please save my childhood park

1991. Makena Devlin (ZIP code: 40299)

1992. Makul Sharma (ZIP code: 45206)

1993. Malcolm Montgomery (ZIP code: 45220) Mayor Cranley appoints Park Commissioners, thus dance to his tune. They are not elected, but he is. Please let him know of your opposition to the CEF plan.

1994. Mallory Condron (ZIP code: 60625) Former Cincinnati resident weighing in against this action. Preserve Burnet Woods.

1995. Malia (ZIP code: 45220)

1996. Malia McKenzie (ZIP code: 45219)

1997. Ivan Mallett (ZIP code: 45066) #forsarah

1998. Mallin Blaxall (ZIP code: 45211) Disappointed that the foundation that previously committed both to preserving and improving the park's current state has flipped the script. Further disappointed that they have at best failed, at worst purposefully evaded, to engage with the neighboring communities and provide transparent documentation of plans.

1999. Dylan M (ZIP code: 45238)

2000. William Hull (ZIP code: 45220) It is rare to have a "wild" space in the middle of an urban area. The benefits of such a space to the overall community can not be measured. No new buildings should be built. Any private organization that wants to use the park should make use of a physical structure outside of the park or be allowed to use the existing physical building. Any new buildings will greatly diminish the irreplaceable space that the community has with Burnet Woods.

2001. Jack Davidson (ZIP code: 45220) I love Burnet Woods and neither I nor the city of Cincinnati will ever forgive you if you take it away

2002. Sarah Mansfield (ZIP code: 45236) Burnett Woods is beautiful as it is, please vote no on this.

2003. Mantha Norton (ZIP code: 45220)

2004. Narek Manukyan (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve and steward Burnet Woods.

2005. Mara Jones (ZIP code: 45230)

2006. Sidath Marapane (ZIP code: 45069)

2007. Marc Governanti (ZIP code: 45223)

2008. Marcella Wess (ZIP code: 43026)

2009. Marcelo Roman (ZIP code: 45220) beautiful memories

2010. Margaux Patel (ZIP code: 45208)

2011. Margaret Gibbons (ZIP code: 45246) These people are like snakes. They slide around, hoping to catch us unaware. This man agreed not to do this!

2012. Maria Boehl (ZIP code: 45231)

2013. Maria Kreimer (ZIP code: 45211) Public comments: 12-17

2014. Maria Lucking (ZIP code: 45226)

2015. Mariana Leal (ZIP code: 45209)

2016. Mariel Lustig (ZIP code: 44122)

2017. Marilyn Ormsbee (ZIP code: 45202) 2018. Marin Billionis (ZIP code: 45219)

2019. Marin Emanuel (ZIP code: 45237)

2020. Ann Bernard (ZIP code: 45226) Having spent many hours in the idyllic Burnet Woods while a student at UC, this urban oasis is needed by the community... now more than ever. The addition of a facility and amenities unrelated to the purpose of the park setting is unnecessary. The lack of support from the community says it all.

2021. Marisa Seremet (ZIP code: 45223)

2022. Marissa Kerbel (ZIP code: 45205)

2023. Marjie Becus (ZIP code: 45140) Please preserve Burnet Woods as a park and woods for the enjoyment of all and not to chop out areas for buildings which will decrease the natural area.

2024. Mark McEwan (ZIP code: 45206)

2025. Mark Mendoza (ZIP code: 45253)

2026. Mark Gilsdorf (ZIP code: 45223) No private development in Burnett Woods!!! Quit trying to sneak this through!

2027. Mark Mussman (ZIP code: 45202) I am very concerned about the anti-Native American "education" as well as privatization of our Park. I regularly spend time hiking the trails at Burnet Woods - and I have for the past 20 years. Keep the park public. Do not allow this Native American appropriation to happen in our park either. It's a step back.

2028. Sean Markovic (ZIP code: 45220)

2029. Mark Quertinmont (ZIP code: 45202)

2030. Maria Marotta (ZIP code: 45220) Ridiculous, please do not sell one of the few city parks for development!!

2031. Marta Galante de la Puente (ZIP code: 45236)

2032. Ben Marthey (ZIP code: 45219)

2033. Martin Bergschneider (ZIP code: 24016) Save save save! 2034. Martha Harrington (ZIP code: 45224) Please leave Burnet Woods as there Urban oasis it is!

2035. Mary Gaertner (ZIP code: 45230)

2036. Mary Singler (ZIP code: 45219) As a regular user of the park, a volunteer for honeysuckle removal events and a member of CUF I strongly oppose development in Burnet Woods that has not gone through reviews and input from the community.

2037. MaryAlice Clevenger (ZIP code: 45220)

2038. Mary Anne Drew (ZIP code: 45157)

2039. Mary Welch (ZIP code: 40245)

2040. Mary Turner (ZIP code: 45230)

2041. Mary Kessler (ZIP code: 45220) I wholeheartedly do not want CEF or any other group to build in Burnet Woods Park!

2042. Mary Maune (ZIP code: 45224)

2043. Mary Rits Dominic (ZIP code: 45220) As a frequent walker/hiker in Burnet Woods, I see no benefit to the community this building serves. I am not deadly opposed to infrastructure improvements, but this building serves ONLY the interest of a private corporation. It does not fit with the mission of Cincinnati Parks. It is a private corporation invasion of my neighborhood park. The building design is not in keeping with the architectural designs of other Cincinnati Parks buildings.

2044. Mason Doyle (ZIP code: 45219) Hey man I wouldn't build here anyway you're gonna have homeless people and disc golfers and hippies/junkies all over the place

2045. camryn mason (ZIP code: 45219)

2046. Miranda Mason (ZIP code: 45229)

2047. Michael Matacia (ZIP code: 45220) Please vote no. As a result of poor management private entities are able to negotiate deals on public parks? What's next? Can I get in on a deal? I would like to build a house to rent.

2048. David Matia (ZIP code: 44106)

2049. Stephen Matter (ZIP code: 45220) 2050. Matrhew Lundberh (ZIP code: 41075)

2051. Matthew Weisfelder (ZIP code: 45111)

2052. Matthew Wallenhorst (ZIP code: 45219)

2053. Matthew Bauman (ZIP code: 45220) No new development in Burnet Woods!

2054. Esther Moher (ZIP code: 41001)

2055. Matthew Browne (ZIP code: 45220) I walk through Burnet woods nearly every day. It is a vital natural oasis in my neighborhood, and I am fully opposed to any building structure proposed within the park.

2056. Matthew Monterosso (ZIP code: 45220)

2057. Matthew Weirauch (ZIP code: 45220) I strongly oppose the proposal of the Camping and Education Foundation to construct a new building in our park. In addition to serving as a critical outdoor space for Clifton's residents, this park is also listed as an important bird area by the Audubon Society. This is not an appropriate place for a new, private construction.

2058. Maura (ZIP code: 43035)

2059. Maxime Lafond (ZIP code: 45220) As a member of the Clifton/UC community, I'd like to express my disagreement on a new, private construction in Burnet Woods. The Camping and Education Foundation is a private entity, whose interests are opposite to the community needs of urban greenspace, and contradicts previous commitments. I believe there are ZERO benefits of such a project to the community. On the contrary, Burnet Woods is the only access to nature that numerous non-driver students can access around UC. It is a fact that diminishing their access to nature by spoiling Burnet Woods with a new construction will directly impact their wellbeing and reduce their ways to cope in those trying and stressful times.

Maxime Lafond, Ph.D.

2060. Max Wills (ZIP code: 45219)

2061. Maya Busche (ZIP code: 45205)

2062. Maya Guevara (ZIP code: 45219)

2063. Maya Hehemann (ZIP code: 45219) 2064. Maya McGuire (ZIP code: 45220)

2065. Maya Stockman (ZIP code: 45207) Burnet woods not only is one of the few green spaces left in clifton, but it’s been a safe haven for people during the pandemic. For long term residents of the area, and for students who live in the area for school - this park must stay open.

2066. maya sinden (ZIP code: 45224)

2067. Ethan Maycon (ZIP code: 44646)

2068. Michael Barkett (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett Woods is a clifton staple. A spot for college students to retreat to when needing a slight glimpse of nature within the city. Many students do not have cars and are thus unable to travel to the great surrounding parks; making Burnett Woods their only option. On top of the students, the pond is a local gathering spot for many individuals to fish and congregate around, building the sense of community that Cincinnati thrives off of. Burnett Woods already lost all the land from MLK to Calhoun to developers. Do not make this mistake again and destroy the little slice of nature that still thrives in Clifton.

2069. megan bennett (ZIP code: 45011)

2070. Madison Benson (ZIP code: 45342)

2071. Matt Bierwagen (ZIP code: 91203)

2072. Mary Beth King King (ZIP code: 45206)

2073. Margaret Matthews (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not build additional structures in Burnet Woods. It is not appropriate nor appreciated by the community!

2074. Martha Boemker (ZIP code: 41016)

2075. Michelle Young (ZIP code: 45206)

2076. Martha Calligan (ZIP code: 45220)

2077. Michelle Browning (ZIP code: 45224) As a UC alum and life long Cincinnatian, Burnet Woods has been a crucial natural oasis in the metropolitan area. Burnet Woods should not be sacrificed for new construction when it is so valuable to the community surrounding it.

2078. Tara Isfort (ZIP code: 45238) 2079. Margaret McCluskey (ZIP code: 45219)

2080. Bridget McComas (ZIP code: 45229-1318)

2081. Patrick McDevitt (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2082. John Mcevoy (ZIP code: 45220)

2083. Jenna McGillivary (ZIP code: 45066)

2084. Grace McGinnis (ZIP code: 45229)

2085. Megan Cheers (ZIP code: 45036)

2086. Michael Christian-Budd (ZIP code: 45230)

2087. M Doxsey (ZIP code: 45106)

2088. Sean McIntyre (ZIP code: 41076)

2089. Megan Kussman (ZIP code: 45219)

2090. McKinley Addington (ZIP code: 45219)

2091. Hannah Finchum (ZIP code: 45226) Please don’t destroy our park!

2092. McKenzie Hill (ZIP code: 45231) Preserve Burnet Woods!

2093. Maria Kiley (ZIP code: 45242) Burnet woods is a beautiful stretch of 89 acres of untouched woods and it should stay that way!

2094. Aaron McKone (ZIP code: 45220)

2095. Mary Cloutier (ZIP code: 45385)

2096. Ryan McMath (ZIP code: 41001) Keep the park. 2097. Maria Munoz (ZIP code: 45219)

2098. Melissa Ditty (ZIP code: 45225-1341) Please no development in Burnett Woods

2099. Diane Morand (ZIP code: 49721) As you can tell from the zipcode I no longer live in Cincinnati although I did for seventy years - five of them in Clifton. I love Burnet Woods. As a child I made pixies with the Stevenson Sisters and attended planetarium shows in the Trailside museum. With my husband I attended concerts in the park. As I mother my daughters and I fed the ducks by the lake. There is no need for this building. I am also a canoe/kayaker and feel they are not needed on the lake - there are a lot of more appropriate places for this activity in the area.

2100. Michael Paris (ZIP code: 45140)

2101. Taran Ghuman (ZIP code: 45219)

2102. Jillian Hocker (ZIP code: 45206)

2103. Meagan Atkinson (ZIP code: 01720)

2104. Diana Boyd (ZIP code: 45214) Burnet Woods Park is vital to the community the way it is. It would be detrimental to have a new building interfering with the greens-pace!

2105. Megan Denham (ZIP code: 45220)

2106. Megan Elicker (ZIP code: 45220)

2107. Megan Lamkin (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no!

2108. Megan Wolfer (ZIP code: 45255)

2109. Megan Brown (ZIP code: 45223)

2110. Megan Hamilton (ZIP code: 44313)

2111. Megan Kreaps (ZIP code: 45224)

2112. Megan Robison (ZIP code: 41073)

2113. Megan Schroer (ZIP code: 45223) 2114. Megan Taylor (ZIP code: 45219)

2115. Meghan Howell (ZIP code: 45140)

2116. Meghan Hudepohl (ZIP code: 45219)

2117. Meg Hanrahan (ZIP code: 45243)

2118. Leah (ZIP code: 45239)

2119. Melanie Newstate (ZIP code: 45232) Burnet Woods is a very small urban park; there is not enough space to allow construction of TWO buildings there. It needs to continue to be a refuge for birds & animals in the city!

2120. Melanie Nipper (ZIP code: 45219) I love walking through Burnet Woods, and my dog does too!! Please leave this oasis intact for both the community and the planet!

2121. Melinda Welch (ZIP code: 45225) We love this beautiful park that is vital to bird migrations and our city as a whole. Please don't take this vital green space away.

2122. Melodie Fickenscher (ZIP code: 45224) I work at UC and having a natural space to enjoy on my lunch break is something that brings joy to me and many of my coworkers.

2123. Melissa Hutzelman (ZIP code: 45069)

2124. Melissa Sliney (ZIP code: 45227)

2125. melissa lieb (ZIP code: 45229) My family recently moved (back) to Cincinnati and we hike the Burnett woods trails at least twice a week. it's such a wonderful immersing nature experience so conveniently located to so many neighborhoods. Losing this would break out hearts!

2126. Melissa Baer (ZIP code: 41075)

2127. Melissa Fields (ZIP code: 41016)

2128. Marilyn Bossmann (ZIP code: 45220)

2129. Dr Mel Nizny (ZIP code: 45229) NO to any Construction in Burnet Woods 2130. hamlet contreras (ZIP code: 45255)

2131. Mary Molloy (ZIP code: 45248) Green space is really important-- especially in Clifton!

2132. Hayley Meno (ZIP code: 45202) Absolutely no need for a building in this beautiful park!!!!

2133. Nolen Wright (ZIP code: 45219)

2134. Meredith MacLean (ZIP code: 40207)

2135. Meredith Zengel (ZIP code: 45220)

2136. Meredith Ficks (ZIP code: 45226)

2137. Arlyn Hester (ZIP code: 45215)

2138. Mary Elizabeth Merrick (ZIP code: 45220)

2139. Ben Merritt (ZIP code: 45236)

2140. Max Merritt (ZIP code: 45211)

2141. Abby Merz (ZIP code: 45220) UC was founded on the promise that natural parks would be preserved!

2142. Ronald Pinkerton (ZIP code: 45223) Please leave Burnet Woods alone. It’s just fine as it is.

2143. Amy Metz (ZIP code: 45211)

2144. Jeff Metz (ZIP code: 45211)

2145. Emily Meurer (ZIP code: 45209)

2146. Mary Wheeler (ZIP code: 45226) No to CEF proposal.

2147. Brooke Meyer (ZIP code: 45214)

2148. Stephanie Meyers (ZIP code: 45122) 2149. Michaela Ferguson (ZIP code: 45042)

2150. Molly Finnigan (ZIP code: 45219)

2151. Meri Fleisch (ZIP code: 45227)

2152. Madi Fulton (ZIP code: 45701)

2153. Mary Gerson (ZIP code: 45215) Please save every inch of existing parks.

2154. Madelyn Lewis (ZIP code: 44001)

2155. Maxell MacVeigh (ZIP code: 45212)

2156. Michael Moreland (ZIP code: 45220)

2157. Michael Booth (ZIP code: 45220)

2158. Michael Sherenian (ZIP code: 45202)

2159. Michael Giannuzzi (ZIP code: 44053) Stop destroying nature!

2160. Michael Humler (ZIP code: 45220)

2161. Michael Pitt (ZIP code: 41011) Cincinnati is so beautiful because of its diversity.

2162. Michelle Holley (ZIP code: 41011)

2163. Michelle Neale (ZIP code: 45239)

2164. Michelle Stitzlein (ZIP code: 43105)

2165. Ercel Adams (ZIP code: 45225)

2166. Mikaela Mohr (ZIP code: 43081) Burnet Woods was where I did my environmental studies capstone project on bird biodiversity at UC. This is an extremely important urban forest in a highly urbanized city and is very important for migratory birds. Removing any area of it would be detrimental to local ecology and the rare migratory species that stopover on their trip north or south. Birding is also becoming a popular activity in the park. It is one of the only inner city areas that is easily accessible to local inner city residents. The Board needs to vote no one this issue. Protect urban canopy and species. 2167. Michael Oliva (ZIP code: 45202)

2168. Gilbert Herrmann (ZIP code: 45248)

2169. Jennifer Samson (ZIP code: 80917)

2170. M Milbrandt (ZIP code: 45219)

2171. Miles Jena (ZIP code: 45042)

2172. Mitchell Miller (ZIP code: 45227)

2173. Jake Miller (ZIP code: 45219)

2174. Grace Miller (ZIP code: 45219)

2175. Lucia Montefiore (ZIP code: 45211)

2176. mimi koontz (ZIP code: 45223)

2177. Linda Day (ZIP code: 45152) Preserve the woods. Find an abandoned mall and build there. Preserve our trees and woodlands.

2178. Mindy Gelhausen (ZIP code: 45215) Please vote NO on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

2179. Noah Bruce (ZIP code: 45219)

2180. mary moser (ZIP code: 45216) NO! No building in the park.

2181. Michelle Callirgos (ZIP code: 45219)

2182. Miranda Paine (ZIP code: 45220)

2183. Miriam Hill (ZIP code: 45224) Burnet Woods does not need any development with private companies building in the park. It is a precious place for walking and maintenance of the habitat requires NO ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS!!! We used Burnet Woods for 30 years when we lived in Clifton and raised our children there. My husband walked through the park daily going to teach at UC. PLEASE DON’T ALLOW THIS BUILDING IN BURNET WOODS!!

2184. A B (ZIP code: 45214) 2185. Julianna H (ZIP code: 45236)

2186. Melissa Strothers (ZIP code: 45224) This is a historic park and should be preserved as such. Permanent camping sites in a city park are not needed.

2187. Jackson Todd (ZIP code: 45244)

2188. Marian Scruggs (ZIP code: 45220)

2189. Mitch Klein (ZIP code: 41071)

2190. Ben Middendorf (ZIP code: 41071)

2191. Michael Janensch (ZIP code: 45202)

2192. Melinda Tarter (ZIP code: 45223)

2193. Mary Kaye Bosse (ZIP code: 45248)

2194. Meghan Kaskoun (ZIP code: 45223) Increase programming do not destroy natural habitat which is needed environmentally in the middle of the city

2195. M Kathy McDonald (ZIP code: 45233)

2196. Max Kroeger (ZIP code: 45069)

2197. Melissa Kurzhals (ZIP code: 45219) Dear Cincinnati Park Board,

Burnet Woods should not be developed. It is a rare human respite in the heart of a gritty urban area. It is an important migratory stop for birds.

I implore you, DO NOT permit the “Camping and Education Foundation “ or any other organization to convert any portion of this valuable snd irreplaceable public natural space to its own private purposes.

Sincerely Melissa Kurzhals - Daily park visitor

2198. Mike Lacinak (ZIP code: 45230)

2199. Margaret Lawlace (ZIP code: 45213) 2200. Megan Baudendistel (ZIP code: 45202) Can Trailside Nature Center and it's surrounding assets be updated and modified via renovation.

2201. Michelle Le (ZIP code: 45212-3229)

2202. Mary Lieneck (ZIP code: 45224) I am opposed to this proposal.

2203. Maddox Linneman (ZIP code: 45219)

2204. Montana Luken (ZIP code: 45220)

2205. Morgan Ruebusch (ZIP code: 45248) Parks are a vital part of life.

2206. Maria Maples (ZIP code: 45102)

2207. Mary Elizabeth Metzger (ZIP code: 45237)

2208. Mollie Wilke (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2209. Mariah Kennedy-English (ZIP code: 45211) Do not develop this beautiful public land!! It has been a beloved public park to many Cincinnatians for decades now, please do not change that.

2210. Michael Miller (ZIP code: 45211) As the smallest Important Birding Area in the US and completely surrounded by an urban grid, this preserve of green mature growth trees and much understory is critical habitat, not to be wasted on parking lots and more flat-toppeb buildings. No to development where alternatives exist in the area.

2211. Mary Sandomenico (ZIP code: 45014) Burnet woods is a cincinnati treasure which should not be diminished for the profit of developers.

2212. Mary Cronin (ZIP code: 45213)

2213. Margo Warminski (ZIP code: 41073) I am opposed to new, private construction in Burnet Woods, which will be detrimental to natural habitat and an unnecessary invasion of private interest on urban greenspace.

2214. molly flanagan (ZIP code: 02122)

2215. Margaret Moses (ZIP code: 45220) No new buildings in Burnet Woods

2216. Maureen Curran (ZIP code: 41014)

2217. Martha Moesker (ZIP code: 45140)

2218. Mollie Gladden (ZIP code: 45219)

2219. molly towell (ZIP code: 45230) please do not add new buildings for private use in burnet woods!

2220. Molly McTighe (ZIP code: 45230)

2221. Molly Ragland (ZIP code: 45208)

2222. monica alexander (ZIP code: 45202)

2223. Sarah Miller (ZIP code: 45223)

2224. Bethany Moore (ZIP code: 45219)

2225. Morgan Dirr (ZIP code: 47025)

2226. Morgan Naegele (ZIP code: 45044)

2227. Morgan Mcilwain (ZIP code: 43230)

2228. Morgan Peterman (ZIP code: 45230)

2229. Joanne Morgan (ZIP code: 45152) We need more green space not less.

2230. morgan woodruff (ZIP code: 43055)

2231. Spencer Morgan (ZIP code: 45219)

2232. Samantha Moriarty (ZIP code: 45244)

2233. Kaitlyn Morris (ZIP code: 45219)

2234. Morrison Wilson (ZIP code: 45217) 2235. Daniel Boone (ZIP code: 45247)

2236. Maureen Weincouff (ZIP code: 45241)

2237. Sydney Love (ZIP code: 45242)

2238. Morgan Owen (ZIP code: 44023)

2239. maria pfirrman (ZIP code: 45214)

2240. Marian Pitcairn (ZIP code: 45229) Please do not allow private buildings on public space. We need to preserve Burnett Woods’ forest habit.

2241. Maria Ramos (ZIP code: 45219)

2242. Alexander Ernsell (ZIP code: 45229)

2243. Leo Haenni (ZIP code: 45227)

2244. Morgan Schwartz (ZIP code: 45219)

2245. Glenetta Krause (ZIP code: 45220) There is no need to ruin the green space here.

2246. Andrea Bellen (ZIP code: 45206) Nature is therapy. Let's keep our damn trees!

2247. Maggie Schneider (ZIP code: 45220) I emphatically disagree with any development in Burnet Woods at this time without 100% neighborhood and community engagement. This is quite a surprise and continues the current distrust of the Cincinnati Park Board as it relates to Burnet Woods.

2248. Matthew Schrager (ZIP code: 32720)

2249. Michelle Schwenkner (ZIP code: 45220)

2250. Chantel Wright (ZIP code: 45219)

2251. Max Smolens (ZIP code: 45220)

2252. molly spinney (ZIP code: 43004) 2253. Margaret Sprigg-dudley (ZIP code: 45140)

2254. Molly Szabo (ZIP code: 45230)

2255. michael (ZIP code: 45171) Green space ... NOT Buildings. Simple idea ... simple solution. No more buidlings in Green Spaces.

2256. Jody Pol (ZIP code: 45230)

2257. Mary Tenoever (ZIP code: 45222) Please preserve this special place in Cincinnati. Do not disturb this bird habitat. Mary

2258. Marilyn Korte (ZIP code: 45052) This park is one of the most beautiful places in Cincinnati. We don't need to "improve " anything in it. Some changes are not welcome.

2259. Meredith Trombly (ZIP code: 45220)

2260. pj mulford (ZIP code: 45140)

2261. Munazza Aijaz (ZIP code: 45242)

2262. Madison Urig (ZIP code: 44089)

2263. cody clark (ZIP code: 44511)

2264. Muskaan Kaur (ZIP code: 45220)

2265. Mary Westrich (ZIP code: 45220)

2266. Mya Jake (ZIP code: 43056) Stop this

2267. Mya Wells (ZIP code: 45229)

2268. Marcia Wood (ZIP code: 45140)

2269. Ruthie Myers (ZIP code: 45219)

2270. Sophia Palermo (ZIP code: 45040) 2271. Naomi Admasu (ZIP code: 45322)

2272. Fern Linziger (ZIP code: 45220)

2273. Nicole Gunderman (ZIP code: 45220) Let's keep private development out of our Cincinnati Parks

2274. Naga Pokala (ZIP code: 43065)

2275. Katiushca Moya (ZIP code: 45216 )

2276. Brian Tyree (ZIP code: 45220)

2277. Remington Winkler (ZIP code: 45013)

2278. Susan Namei (ZIP code: 45220) Winton Woods is a bigger park for an urban wilderness organization. Essential to protect Burnet Woods-- Important for migratory birds; important for physical and mental health of humans; and provides a cooling effect in the urban area.

2279. Nancy Diemler (ZIP code: 45219)

2280. Nanny Paraskevopoulos (ZIP code: 45220) Preserve the woods!!

2281. Nancy Morris (ZIP code: 45243)

2282. Nancy Lyman (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton . Burnet Woods is the "default" park in my now retired life . Please No more buildings need to be built in the woods/park ! Thanks Nancy M Lyman

2283. Nancy Sunnenberg (ZIP code: 45237) Process thus far has not been sufficiently transparent. This fact alone does not sway me to consider favorably any construction development in Burnet Woods.

2284. Nancy Crossen (ZIP code: 45223) NO Development!!!

2285. Naomi Humphreys (ZIP code: 45036)

2286. Naomi Bronzie (ZIP code: 45230)

2287. Naomi Purdie (ZIP code: 45040) 2288. Natalia Eckerson (ZIP code: 45227) Preserve Burner Wood s green!

2289. Natasha Burrowes (ZIP code: 45220)

2290. Nate Pegram (ZIP code: 45140) Leave the park alone!

2291. Nathan Walker (ZIP code: 45405)

2292. Nathan Kueterman (ZIP code: 45223) Don't build here!

2293. Nathan Schroeder (ZIP code: 43082)

2294. Natasha Fetkovich (ZIP code: 11901)

2295. Naomi Heilman (ZIP code: 45211)

2296. Natalie Zimmerman (ZIP code: 15044)

2297. Nick Carns (ZIP code: 45219)

2298. Nicholas DeFilippo (ZIP code: 45208)

2299. Renee Visconti (ZIP code: 45229)

2300. Neil Regberg (ZIP code: 45220)

2301. Cornelia Relyea (ZIP code: 45224)

2302. Ellen Haney (ZIP code: 45219)

2303. Victoria Neubauer (ZIP code: 45150)

2304. Nancy Watrous (ZIP code: 45215)

2305. Christine Newman (ZIP code: 45209)

2306. Maya Newman (ZIP code: 45208)

2307. Maura Robson (ZIP code: 45208) 2308. Neyshmi Mora (ZIP code: 45238)

2309. Noah Fleischmann (ZIP code: 02633) While I am no longer a resident of Ohio, my family has resided in Cincinnati and supported the Cincinnati Parks for more than 100 years. Please vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods. Thank you. Noah Fleischmann

2310. nathan gay (ZIP code: 45042)

2311. Nicholas Giesman (ZIP code: 45255) No to the CEF building proposal in Burnett Woods

2312. Nancy Grow (ZIP code: 45211) I grew up close to Burnet Woods. (I am 73) it is important to keep that green space for children and adults. It was very important to my family and I and still is. I am sure another space can be found for the building. Please do not take anymore of the park away.

2313. Nicole Holtkamp (ZIP code: 45255) PLEASE STOP DESTROYING NATURAL HABITATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2314. Noah Storts (ZIP code: 45219)

2315. Nancy Helm (ZIP code: 45211)

2316. nancy hill (ZIP code: 45220) My vote is No, do not change Burnet Woods.

2317. Carol George -Rucker (ZIP code: 45224) I stand with my friends in Clifton. Leave the park alone.

2318. Nicholas Behrendt (ZIP code: 45218)

2319. Nicholas Abraham (ZIP code: 45238)

2320. Nicholas SirLouis (ZIP code: 45220)

2321. logan nichols (ZIP code: 45214) burnet woods rules

2322. Nicholas Hoppe (ZIP code: 45247)

2323. Nick Ruma (ZIP code: 45220)

2324. Nicholas Ciul (ZIP code: 45208) 2325. John Nicholas Fix (ZIP code: 45219)

2326. Nicole Johnson (ZIP code: 45246)

2327. Emi Bullard (ZIP code: 43055) Save brunet woods

2328. Nicole Curley (ZIP code: 45220)

2329. Nicole Beighle (ZIP code: 45224)

2330. Nicole Browning (ZIP code: 45223)

2331. Nicole Wilkins (ZIP code: 45227)

2332. Nicole Newsome (ZIP code: 45056)

2333. Nicole Shanks (ZIP code: 43202)

2334. Nicole Gunder (ZIP code: 45419)

2335. Catherine (ZIP code: 45220)

2336. Nina Dillahunt (ZIP code: 43221)

2337. Nina Roberto (ZIP code: 45230)

2338. Nora Fink (ZIP code: 45220) Park Board- Please refrain from all new capital projects until the deferred maintenance on all your neighborhood and pocket parks has been completed. The CEF project in Burnet Woods is absolutely unnecessary,. There are much better alternatives like Mount Airy which is desperate for activation and already has existing pavilion spaces that could be perfect for boat building. The quality of life of your urban neighbors depends on you to provide them safe, well-maintained, activated parks.

2339. Charles Cornish (ZIP code: 45011) Don’t do it. This is a City gem, especially for my daughter who is a student at UC.

Thank you

2340. nick jankowski (ZIP code: 45249)

2341. Nathan Overmann (ZIP code: 45220) 2342. Nick Reynolds (ZIP code: 45204)

2343. Noah Tom (ZIP code: 45431) Don’t do it!!

2344. Nathan Lawera (ZIP code: 45220)

2345. Natalie Cox (ZIP code: 45245)

2346. Abraham A (ZIP code: 45220) This park is especially helpful for my mental well being and I feel any reduction in area would limit spaces in the park that are fully secluded and allow for an escape albeit transient

2347. Nathan Morehouse (ZIP code: 45221-0006)

2348. Ann Varley (ZIP code: 45244)

2349. Eli Mathews (ZIP code: 45150)

2350. Noah (ZIP code: 45237)

2351. Noah Fetters (ZIP code: 45225) y’all suck ass

2352. Noah Simionides (ZIP code: 45224)

2353. Noah Olberding (ZIP code: 45212)

2354. Noelle Pool (ZIP code: 45220)

2355. Noel Maghathe (ZIP code: 45211)

2356. Nolan Brown (ZIP code: 45223) Please further engage the community and listen to what they want; building also sounds unnecessary. Let the nature stand uninterrupted.

2357. Natalie Olrich (ZIP code: 45219)

2358. Philip Raines (ZIP code: 45150) I grew up as a little boy in Clifton. The city needs Burnett Woods to be left alone! Clifton is the best thing in Cincinnati!!!

2359. Diane Lee Ross (ZIP code: 45252) 2360. Noor Essakalli (ZIP code: 45202)

2361. Kate Orange (ZIP code: 45226)

2362. Nora Conroy (ZIP code: 45419)

2363. Kathleen Carr (ZIP code: 45220)

2364. Laura Pike (ZIP code: 45229) This building is not needed. Let's preserve the natural part of Burnet Woods!

2365. Andrew Norton (ZIP code: 45223)

2366. Chris Werner (ZIP code: 45223)

2367. Deborah Weston (ZIP code: 45807)

2368. Nova Bella (ZIP code: 45243)

2369. Nathan Peppers (ZIP code: 45219) I love this park!!!

2370. Nolan Monigold (ZIP code: 45219)

2371. Nicholas Savage (ZIP code: 45244) Private equity developers can get bent, unless this construction is to develop free public housing, we do not want it

2372. Noah Stone (ZIP code: 45220)

2373. NANCY JOHNSON (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to building a new building in Burnet Woods for CEF, as opposed to adding on to Trailside Nature Center and making it more used and more accessible. We have already lost too much of Burnet Woods. Thank you.

Nancy Johnson 3442 Manor Hill Dr. Cincinnati OH 45220

2374. Nathan Squillante (ZIP code: 43230)

2375. Chayatorn Akathapon (ZIP code: 45220) No more new buildings in the Burnet Wood!

2376. Katherine O'Donnell (ZIP code: 13820) 2377. Joseph Morlote (ZIP code: 40330)

2378. Olivia Gollmar (ZIP code: 45219)

2379. avery grady (ZIP code: 45251)

2380. Erica Perl (ZIP code: 45219)

2381. DEANNA BROOKS-LONG (ZIP code: 45014) Please do NOT let anyone develop in this beautiful green space that is important to migrating birds.

2382. Olivia Feldman (ZIP code: 45011)

2383. Olivia Lorenx (ZIP code: 45069)

2384. Olivia Miller (ZIP code: 45220)

2385. Olivia Barnaclo (ZIP code: 45208)

2386. Olivia Schardein (ZIP code: 45040) Dont need more construction, get off of public property, thanks

2387. Olivia Bauer-Nilsen (ZIP code: 45214)

2388. Olivia Kelleher (ZIP code: 45040) I love walking my dog through this park. It’s very relaxing and serene. Please don’t get rid of it.

2389. Olivia Wenger (ZIP code: 45219) Keep parks all natural!

2390. Olivia Tyson (ZIP code: 45219)

2391. Jamie Escudero (ZIP code: 45212) This park is such an amazing little greenspace in the center of the city it would be a shame to get rid of any pieces of it for some more cookie cutter apartments and condos and apartments.

2392. Olivia Lee (ZIP code: 53713)

2393. Owen Stelmarski (ZIP code: 45219) This is the best park close to UC, please do not take it away

2394. Mark Ostoich (ZIP code: 45244) NO construction in Burnett Woods! 2395. Maggie Otten (ZIP code: 45238)

2396. Mary Lou Arundell (ZIP code: 45220) I read the CEF website and all I conclude is this is a vanity project for someone who moved here from Minnesota and had connections with the program there. The structure proposed would seriously erode the nature of Burnet Woods opposite the Trailside Museum and next to the pond. The surreptitious manner in which this second proposal is being handled is demeaning and disrespectful to Cincinnati residents no matter where they live. I happen to live in Clifton but would oppose this on principle. The Park Board in considering this project is making an error in judgement with lasting ramifications.

2397. Olivia Venishel (ZIP code: 45226)

2398. Sam Overkamp (ZIP code: 45220)

2399. Lexi Owen (ZIP code: 45206)

2400. Avery Ozimek (ZIP code: 45202) I lived across from this park for several years and still take strolls with my dog through the relaxing park regularly. Developing this space would do a disservice to not only the community, but also be a travesty to the incredible animal populations of the park. I implore you to PLEASE vote NO!

2401. Patrick Schreiber (ZIP code: 45220) I DO NOT support the action to build the Camping & Education Foundation structure in Burnet Woods. As a lifelong Clifton Gaslight resident, the park is part of my community and open to everyone. Public land should not be used for private gain.

Knowing that there is a connection to UC, it will be like all of the other university funded projects and there will not be a long-term commitment to funding. The Camping & Education Foundation is a 'private' group based out of Hyde Park that runs outdoor camps in Minnesota, why aren't they looking at Ault Park as it is significantly larger and offers more space and parking? Moreso, I ask once again why are public funds being used to support a private organization?

This should never have even been considered.

2402. Phil Fedor (ZIP code: 45202)

2403. John Reed (ZIP code: 45220)

2404. Paige Chambers-Klein (ZIP code: 45052)

2405. Paige Kranbuhl (ZIP code: 45206)

2406. katherine watson (ZIP code: 45066)

2407. Pamlia Grafe (ZIP code: 45243) 2408. Gillean Dublow (ZIP code: 45220) We love walking through here! Please leave this neighborhood natural treasure alone!

2409. Sudarshan Pandey (ZIP code: 45220) Don't need no private interests in our public land

2410. Alyssa Pankey (ZIP code: 60707)

2411. Danielle Kline (ZIP code: 45223)

2412. Ian Pascoe (ZIP code: 45211)

2413. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45236)

2414. Patrick Coyle (ZIP code: 45202) Please protect the remaining acres of natural habitat in Burnet Woods for people that work and live in Cincinnati!

2415. Pat Brown (ZIP code: 45220) There is no sound reason to distrupt Burnet Woods with this construction.

2416. Patrick Oakes (ZIP code: 45244) We NEED to keep burnet as wooded as we possibly can.

2417. Patrick Reilly (ZIP code: 41073)

2418. Quinn Patton (ZIP code: 4411)

2419. P RUEBENSAAL (ZIP code: 43537-1038) Please Preserve Burnet Woods!

2420. Patty Raube Keller (ZIP code: 45247)

2421. Patricia Schneider (ZIP code: 45202) Burnet woods regularly comes under attack from various schemes to “develop “ it. Leave it be already!

2422. Paul Gibby (ZIP code: 45174) Keep the park as a park, please.

2423. Paula Stenger (ZIP code: 45231) No to CEF bldg!!

2424. Paula Webster (ZIP code: 45211) 2425. Paul Wieland (ZIP code: 61109)

2426. Paul Grilli (ZIP code: 45225)

2427. Nina Payiatis (ZIP code: 45227)

2428. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 10022)

2429. Patricia Beresford (ZIP code: 45220)

2430. Peggy Parry (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet woods backs up to where I live—did you not learn anything from the Clifton cultural arts center proposal? Please find another place.

2431. Grace S (ZIP code: 99801)

2432. Margaret Maxwell (ZIP code: 45140) Our parks need to be left as parks to be enjoyed in their natural state. This building doesn't seem to serve any purpose as put forward. Leave our parks to help us enjoy nature--naturally.

2433. Heather Sheehan (ZIP code: 45233)

2434. Samuel Peplin (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett is critically important to the UC community. I'm in favor of thoughtful renovation & carefully planned improvements, but this lack of transparency is seriously alarming. Please delay voting on new additions to the park until the public has greater opportunity to weigh in.

2435. Per Bloland (ZIP code: 45223)

2436. Paisley Stone (ZIP code: 45220) Burnet Woods is a natural oasis in the middle of its urban surroundings. Please leave it that way!

2437. Peter Middleton (ZIP code: 45216)

2438. Megan Peters (ZIP code: 45226)

2439. Peter Crescimanno (ZIP code: 45220)

2440. Pettit Sean (ZIP code: 45219) SAVE PUBLIC PARKS

2441. Peyton York (ZIP code: 45247) OG park in Clifton. Always busy with people fishing, walking the path, skateboarding, and just enjoying everything the park has to offer. A perfect break from the bustling town of Clifton. 2442. Peyton Feldman (ZIP code: 45217)

2443. Philip Ficks (ZIP code: 45202)

2444. Elizabeth Gilley (ZIP code: 19146)

2445. Peggy St. Clair (ZIP code: 45224)

2446. Pat Agnew (ZIP code: 45223)

2447. Andrew Baughman (ZIP code: 45140)

2448. Ryan Hanna (ZIP code: 45208)

2449. Philip Van Milligan (ZIP code: 45215)

2450. Philip Tiderman (ZIP code: 45239) Cincinnati Park Board members please keep Burnet Woods as it is, natural and undeveloped.

Kind regards, P. Tiderman

2451. Philip Valois (ZIP code: 45232) Please do not develop and ruin what precious little pockets of green space we have within our urban areas.

2452. Elizabeth Phillips (ZIP code: 45229)

2453. Kenneth Jordan (ZIP code: 45219) Restore the already existing nature center in Burnet.

2454. Phoebe Shown (ZIP code: 40208)

2455. Sandra Schnur (ZIP code: 45205) Please - we have lost enough of Burnet Woods - do not cut another piece out of it

2456. Harriet Kaufman (ZIP code: 45220-2052) Thank you for organizing opposition to this terrible proposal!

2457. Nathan Long (ZIP code: 45216)

2458. Becky Mason (ZIP code: 45030)

2459. Piper stone (ZIP code: 45230) 2460. Autumn Pitney (ZIP code: 41051)

2461. Pamela Jean Shaffer (ZIP code: 45229)

2462. Pamela Rosfeld (ZIP code: 45220)

2463. Patricia Schomaeker (ZIP code: 45220)

2464. Kathleen Garness (ZIP code: 60130) Pristine natural remnants such as this offer an incomparable opportunity of rest, refreshment, and ongoing education about nature, upon which we all depend. Destruction of even a few square feet of the little that remains to us will make us all the spiritually poorer.

2465. Nathaniel Braun (ZIP code: 45230)

2466. phil rotte (ZIP code: 45219)

2467. Aubrey Pluta (ZIP code: 44053)

2468. Michele Martin hisnay (ZIP code: 45102)

2469. Patricia Sheerin (ZIP code: 45211)

2470. Lisa Frentzel (ZIP code: 45213) The parks system in Cincinnati is one of our city's true gems and I don't think we should allow private companies access to build without community agreement.

2471. Sarah Polter (ZIP code: 68847) 10% of Cincinnati is its gorgeous parks. Don't vote to bulldoze that.

2472. Erika Boyle (ZIP code: 45248) Burnet Woods is not the place for any new buildings. Put them elsewhere.

2473. Diana Porter (ZIP code: 45224) I appreciate having a place to walk in the woods away from traffic but close to the library, businesses and doctor's office, to see people fishing, to watch young people still slide down that concrete slide! preserve Burnet Woods!!!

2474. Marsha Porter (ZIP code: 45014) Private businesses have NO business in public parks! Please vote NO.

2475. Patrick Patton (ZIP code: 45224) Stop trying to develop Burnet Woods! Once it starts it is a slippery slope and it will become harder and harder to deny building requests. This is a public park that should remain natural to support animal habitat in an otherwise non-hospitable environment for wildlife. 2476. Peter Kelly (ZIP code: 45220)

2477. Harper Price (ZIP code: 45219)

2478. Ellena Privitera (ZIP code: 45220) Ive walk my dog at this park every morning for years. It is my favorite thing to do every day and brings me and him a lot of joy. The yard at Burnet is also the only safe location within walking distance for me to play fetch with him - I don't have a yard, and the large green space allows us to safely distance from other folks throughout the pandemic. I would be devastated if any part of this park was sold or the greenery removed. Please vote no!! My walks at burnet are helping me maintain my mental health through this pandemic.

2479. Sophia Privitera (ZIP code: 45220) This park is the nearest green space to me, and it is where I walk my dog, he is so much healthier bc of this space. Not to mention the city kids nearby are so much better off having this oasis of nature to explore

2480. Ruth Kramer (ZIP code: 45220)

2481. Petra shriewi (ZIP code: 45209)

2482. Jeffrey Weaver (ZIP code: 45223-1207) And they want to tear down the the Trailside museum that has been there for 90 years, hell no!!!

2483. patti guethlein (ZIP code: 45220)

2484. Penelope Warm (ZIP code: 45208)

2485. Phil Weintraub (ZIP code: 45236) Keep what remains of our green spaces. Stop the unending construction and removal of trees such as we’re seeing with the Playhouse and Art Museum in Eden Park.

2486. Phoebe Wright (ZIP code: 45329)

2487. Paige Yorkman (ZIP code: 45069)

2488. Quinn Springer (ZIP code: 45220)

2489. Quincy D’Alessio (ZIP code: 27514) I grew up playing in Burnet Woods and have always come back when I visit the city I consider my home. Don’t take away my chance to show it to my kids one day.

2490. Elizabeth Smallwood (ZIP code: 45238) Do not put more concrete in our green space. 2491. Nern Ostendorf (ZIP code: 45216) I do not support the selling off of public assets to private companies for private use. Burnet Woods needs to be preserved and its wonders kept accessible to everyone. Do not allow this sale to occur

2492. Quincy Collins (ZIP code: 45220)

2493. Quinn Maynard (ZIP code: 40503)

2494. Margaret Quinn (ZIP code: 45208) Please keep Burnet Woods the beautiful, nourishing natural space it is. Why would you put a building and campfire rings there!

2495. Quinn Marker (ZIP code: 45202)

2496. quinn mills (ZIP code: 45220)

2497. Raeya Gordon (ZIP code: 45232)

2498. Raja Annam (ZIP code: 45220)

2499. Rachael Herrle (ZIP code: 45223)

2500. Rachael Walker (ZIP code: 45631)

2501. Rachel Taylor (ZIP code: 45231)

2502. Rachel High (ZIP code: 45220)

2503. Rachel DiBiasio (ZIP code: 44060)

2504. Rachel Mutters (ZIP code: 45223)

2505. Rachel Baer (ZIP code: 45226)

2506. Rachel Becker Herbst (ZIP code: 45204)

2507. Rachael Shurte (ZIP code: 45434)

2508. Rafaela Schomburgk (ZIP code: 45223)

2509. RAFFI Tomassian (ZIP code: 45220) 2510. Rachel Finch (ZIP code: 97214)

2511. Robert Florez (ZIP code: 45220)

2512. Elizabeth Cirillo (ZIP code: 45219)

2513. Jayashree Vaidyanathan (ZIP code: 45241) Public comment/ 12/17: Please do not allow any private development in this lovely natural space !

2514. Venezia Ramirez (ZIP code: 90650)

2515. Samara Ramudit (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods is host to many endemic species and habitats which will be disrupted or destroyed if building is permitted. It is one of the few preserved ecosystems in the area and should remain as such.

2516. Randy Johnson (ZIP code: 45206)

2517. Rashel Flores (ZIP code: 45238)

2518. Natalie DeLuca (ZIP code: 45209-2325)

2519. Ravenna Rutledge (ZIP code: 45255) Please preserve this beautiful natural space!!!

2520. John Sheline (ZIP code: 45232) There’s no good reason to lose one more square meter of public green space and disturb existing use patterns. Leave the park alone.

2521. Barbara Grothaus (ZIP code: 45224)

2522. Richard Binstadt (ZIP code: 45242) Against any building construction. Where do these stupid ideas come from? If u wantvto canoe go to East Fork Lake

2523. R Brandt (ZIP code: 45234)

2524. Robert Summe (ZIP code: 40509)

2525. Reiley Cowart (ZIP code: 45219)

2526. Rachel Culley (ZIP code: 45243)

2527. Rachel Dina (ZIP code: 45219 ) 2528. Reagan Warvel (ZIP code: 45103)

2529. Rebecca Moore (ZIP code: 45220)

2530. Rebekah Littlepage (ZIP code: 45014)

2531. Amanda La Guardia (ZIP code: 45223) Build something for people to enjoy in the park, not something that hasn’t even been reviewed by important stakeholders. If CEF thinks this is an important step then they’ll do the work to engage the community first before coming to the board.

2532. Teresa Vandergraff (ZIP code: 41018) Don't let another beautiful space become a haven for making money. Us tax payers pay for enough corporate greed around here don't do it to our parks.

2533. Patrick Reilly (ZIP code: 45220)

2534. Reilly Ackermann (ZIP code: 45244)

2535. Reina Dickey (ZIP code: 45220)

2536. Kyle Chambers (ZIP code: 45230) There’s enough concrete in this world, and there’s plenty of other places for it, but you can’t make more nature. Leave what little we have left for the future generations.

2537. Remi Colwill (ZIP code: 45221) Burnet woods should be accessible to anyone. It’s a place for the community not for a privately owned purposes.

2538. Renae Koch (ZIP code: 45240)

2539. Renee Harris (ZIP code: 45202)

2540. Joshua Frederick (ZIP code: 45231) Let's not commodity the wilderness please

2541. Loretta Rubin (ZIP code: 45223)

2542. Lora Sweeney (ZIP code: 45220) Please, how many times do we need to express this type plan is unacceptable at any time.

2543. Rachel Gideon (ZIP code: 45247)

2544. Rhiannon Scharnhorst (ZIP code: 45220) 2545. Rhyannon Baxter (ZIP code: 45220)

2546. Michael Rice (ZIP code: 45220)

2547. Michelle Rice (ZIP code: 45219)

2548. Richard Muskopf (ZIP code: 45039) Please, no more buildings at this park. The park is beautiful; do not alter it.

2549. Rich Bitting (ZIP code: 45224)

2550. Richard Gass (ZIP code: 45211)

2551. joyce richter (ZIP code: 45238) NO!

2552. Rick Helmchen (ZIP code: 47025) The Camping and Education Proposal should be rejected, the MOU nullified, and the discussion of new private construction in Burnet Woods should end now.


2554. Katie Rieth (ZIP code: 45220)

2555. Riki renae Richards (ZIP code: 45243)

2556. Casey Riley (ZIP code: 43560)

2557. Riley Crowe (ZIP code: 43230)

2558. Donna Hartmann (ZIP code: 45140) How could you even consider this?? Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2559. Ash B (ZIP code: 45431)

2560. Iris Andrews (ZIP code: 45213)

2561. Rishi Satsangi (ZIP code: 45225)

2562. Divya Vinod (ZIP code: 45040) 2563. Emily Rives (ZIP code: 45219)

2564. Randi Greathouse (ZIP code: 45227)

2565. Robert Gruber (ZIP code: 45224)

2566. Robert Pickford (ZIP code: 45224) It's not appropriate for private facilities to be constructed in any park, and this one makes no sense given the size of the lake. Please do not approve this project!

2567. Robert Lorsbach (ZIP code: 45220) As a resident of Clifton, I want to emphatically express my opposition to the proposed CEF construction. Burnet Woods is a treasure for residents of Clifton and has already lost much of its area over the years due to appropriation by other organizations. Maintenance of the current natural space is vital to ensuring that Burnet Woods continues to serve as a greenspace in our urban neighborhood...for both humans and wildlife alike.

2568. Rose Goodbread (ZIP code: 32003)

2569. Rachel McDulin (ZIP code: 45208)

2570. Robyn Crofts (ZIP code: 45208)

2571. Robert Myers (ZIP code: 45223) Please keep Cincinnati Parks public and not privatized.

2572. Richard Payne (ZIP code: 45230) Absolutely NO to development!

2573. Robert Gray (ZIP code: 45220)

2574. Robbe Bluestein (ZIP code: 45225) You owe it to future generations to not allow this very special park to be commercialized. The Park Board needs to stop trying to steal non replaceable grounds for the almighty dollar. Thank you for voting NO.

2575. Jason Robbins (ZIP code: 45251)

2576. Robert Hamberg (ZIP code: 45220)

2577. Rob Gabbard (ZIP code: 45245)

2578. Robert Gioielli (ZIP code: 45213) This is not only an inappropriate use for a public park, the Park Board has gone through this process in the most undemocratic process possible. 2579. Robert J. Ramundo (ZIP code: 45220) I'm a Clifton Property owner since 1976. Save our parks from developers.

2580. Robin Guiler (ZIP code: 45069)

2581. April Boyle (ZIP code: 45030) Please vote "no" on the proposed building at Burnett Woods, as this is not a good use of public park land. I cannot see where it would be of much benefit, and it would certainly alter the whole area around the lake in a negative way.

2582. Andoni Rodriguez Eraso (ZIP code: 94704)

2583. Natalie Rogers (ZIP code: 45150)

2584. Nicole Rogge (ZIP code: 45219)

2585. Allen Rolph (ZIP code: 43081)

2586. Ava Romerill (ZIP code: 45255) Preserve burnet woods!!!!!

2587. Ronald Canterbury (ZIP code: 45221-0006)

2588. Ronan Cole (ZIP code: 45220)

2589. Rachel Zent (ZIP code: 45227)

2590. Rory Hefner-Templar (ZIP code: 45219)

2591. Rosa Baker (ZIP code: 41071)

2592. Rosie Polter (ZIP code: 45211)

2593. Rosie Bentley (ZIP code: 45244)

2594. Jessica Jackson (ZIP code: 45209) Please do not let CEF build in Burnett Woods. Preserve the nature and historic stone structures. Public parks should not have private buildings.

2595. Barbars Roth (ZIP code: 45209) I used to live by Burnet Woods and still hike there. It is a treasure to have such a park in the city and it is important to preserve such green spaces for all to enjoy. I am strongly opposed to the CEF building being constructed within the park!! 2596. Daniel Rowe (ZIP code: 45220)

2597. Roxanna Baker (ZIP code: 45220) I live next to Burnet. I go there for emotional relief. I go for quiet, enjoyment, or whatever else I need; the woods are there for the public. Burnet is a sanctuary in the heart of our city that is often bloodthirsty. The people can not have this exploited. To further disrupt the natural state of the park would be a great disservice to Cincinnati.

2598. Rachel Perlstein (ZIP code: 45219)

2599. Ronald Rasnick (ZIP code: 45207) Remember the line in the song-They paved paradise and put up a parking lot? Keep paradise.

2600. Sophia Necco (ZIP code: 45202)

2601. Rian Keller (ZIP code: 45223) Lake is toooo small for canoeing, too small for paddle boating. Keep it as is, perhaps cleaning. The people who use the park DO NOT WANT this proposed new building!

2602. Ruby Hyland-Brown (ZIP code: 45231)

2603. Jack RUEBENSAAL (ZIP code: 43537) Preserve Burnet Woods

2604. Veronica Ruiz Petraitis (ZIP code: 45219)

2605. Russell Hahn (ZIP code: 45209 )

2606. Russ Klein (ZIP code: 45219)

2607. Russ Farlow (ZIP code: 45140) No

2608. Teresa Rust (ZIP code: 45211)

2609. Ruth Horstman (ZIP code: 45219) I do not feel that a private group should build inside our public park.

2610. Ryan Herman (ZIP code: 45202) The park system brings so much to Cincinnati and in my opinion makes the city unique compared to other cities of so I ilar size

2611. David A Klingshirn (ZIP code: 45206) Those trees were there before you were born and will still be there after you die. You have a moral obligation to protect and not to destroy

2612. Ryan Smith (ZIP code: 45214)

2613. Ryan Tillery (ZIP code: 45227)

2614. Ryan Rammacher (ZIP code: 45242)

2615. Ryan Wells (ZIP code: 45212) Please align with community wants and needs and not with private interests acting on behalf of UC and vote NO on this proposal.

2616. Ryan Wuest (ZIP code: 45220) This is a horrible idea. I hope that common sense and the events of 2020 are a clear enough reminder that public outdoor space is too important to be destroyed and altered in a negative way that detracts from the experience of being in nature.

2617. Rylie Higgins (ZIP code: 45103)

2618. Sarah Kent (ZIP code: 45232)

2619. Serenity Zaebst (ZIP code: 45233)

2620. Stacey Lane (ZIP code: 45230-1151) Please add my name in support of this petition for Burnet Woods!!

2621. Sue Barrett (ZIP code: 45203)

2622. Jordann Sadler (ZIP code: 45237)

2623. Sheradyn Sagle (ZIP code: 45219)

2624. Kaya Praeter (ZIP code: 45327)

2625. saidah lewis (ZIP code: 45237)

2626. Elizabeth Chumtong (ZIP code: 45236)

2627. Josephine Masset (ZIP code: 45242)

2628. Samantha Al-Bayer (ZIP code: 45211) Here's the thing.. you don't go to Yellowstone NP and say hm I want to build my business right here. You just don't do that.. why do people think it's ok to do this at a local park? 2629. Sal Hargis (ZIP code: 44256)

2630. Sally Dickman (ZIP code: 45002)

2631. Sally Dull (ZIP code: 45208)

2632. Sally Larson (ZIP code: 45224) Burnet Woods should remain just that. I am opposed to this kind of development that further endangers this beautiful urban space.

2633. Sally Goddard (ZIP code: 49006-1370) Public Comment 12/17

The much-needed open space of Burnet Woods must be preserved for the enjoyment of everyone. Do not allow private enterprise to establish here and ruin a natural treasure.

2634. Abigail Salmon (ZIP code: 45205)

2635. Salvador Mendoza (ZIP code: 45220) Keep burnet wood public.

2636. Sam Kuhn (ZIP code: 46038)

2637. Samantha Searls (ZIP code: 45224)

2638. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45202)

2639. Samantha Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

2640. Samantha Branham (ZIP code: 46123)

2641. sam bedree (ZIP code: 45220)

2642. Sam Frank (ZIP code: 45229)

2643. Sami Vearil (ZIP code: 45220)

2644. Samantha Kelly (ZIP code: 22207-3236)

2645. Laura Dyer (ZIP code: 45103)

2646. Sammi Hayes (ZIP code: 45206) 2647. Samantha Rosen (ZIP code: 45237)

2648. Sam Marshall (ZIP code: 45209) I am opposed to this project. Stop taking away legacy green space. It is a habitat for other species, and over-development shrinks living environments for them, increases congestion in an already congested area, and degrades quality of life for residents as well. As a lifelong Cincinnati resident, I have many memories of enjoyable times in Burnett Woods. Previously, I was both a student and employee at UC, and the proximity of the park gave me an easily accessible escape for lunches, hikes, and meet-ups with friends. The park deserves to be preserved, not for it's own sake but for all Cincinnatians. Please do the right thing and prevent this project from going forward.

2649. Gregory Sanders (ZIP code: 45223)

2650. Sandra Keller (ZIP code: 45209)

2651. Alessandra Spira (ZIP code: 15217)

2652. Sandra Slusarczyk (ZIP code: 45230) Please do not destroy Burnet Woods with this unnecessary development. The beauty of this area for wildlife and birds is because it is a natural, undeveloped property. Please build elsewhere. Also, there are already many canoeing sites in Cincinnati... that are more appropriate. Leave Burnet Woods unspoiled... development kills plants, trees, animals, and birds along with the spirit and beauty of nature.

2653. Sandy Feist (ZIP code: 45243-2413) Vote NO PLease

2654. taylor sansone (ZIP code: 40205)

2655. Dom Santoleri (ZIP code: 45040) Vote No on the new CEF Building Proposal in Burnet Woods

2656. Sara Elliott (ZIP code: 45227)

2657. Sara Smith (ZIP code: 45212)

2658. Sara Foltz (ZIP code: 41048)

2659. Sarah Corathers (ZIP code: 45227) Burnet Woods is a beautiful asset to the city parks. Any development in the park should be limited, and thoroughly vetted to maintain the existing natural spaces that are increasingly rare and valuable.

2660. Sarah Reynolds (ZIP code: 45204)

2661. Sarah Towsley (ZIP code: 45212) 2662. Sarah Kleiner (ZIP code: 45208)

2663. Sarah Morgan (ZIP code: 45220)

2664. Sarah Mueller (ZIP code: 45202)

2665. Sarah Segriff (ZIP code: 44221)

2666. Sarah Lee (ZIP code: 45236)

2667. Sarah Lucas (ZIP code: 45220) I was married at the bandstand in Burnet Woods and have lived within a half mile of the park for 7 of the last 9 years, it holds a dear place in my heart and is the heart of our neighborhood. This proposal is repulsive to me on so many levels. The corruption evident in obscuring conversations between CEF and the Park Board, CEF’s proposal to develop this land... And CEF’s facade of support for outdoor education- how the fuck can you claim that and be campaigning for destruction of green space??? It is really telling that you’re not trying to pull this stunt over in Hyde Park where you’re headquartered- no one wants to shit where they sleep. Cincinnati Park Board- do better!! CEF- you can fuck right off.

2668. Sarah Evans (ZIP code: 45214)

2669. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45207)

2670. Sarah Davenport (ZIP code: 45232)

2671. Sarah Everingham (ZIP code: 45224)

2672. Sarah Cousino (ZIP code: 45140) Save Burnet Woods! We need more parks, NOT more buildings!

2673. Sarah Lynch (ZIP code: 45206)

2674. Sarah Schonauer (ZIP code: 45219)

2675. Sarah Cushing (ZIP code: 45248) I am a UC student and Burnet Woods has always been a sort of haven for us, especially as students of DAAP, which is right across the street. It’s a beautiful park that’s been a great place to stage art projects, get some fresh air and a taste of nature, or simply hang out off campus, and though those may not seem like a big deal to everyone, those little things have been really important at the end of the day. We don’t need part of it getting destroyed for more unnecessary land development.

2676. Sarah Newman (ZIP code: 45223)

2677. Sarah Walker (ZIP code: 45040) 2678. Justine Samuel (ZIP code: 45220)

2679. Savannah Mason (ZIP code: 41001)

2680. Savannah Moton (ZIP code: 45227)

2681. Sarah Close (ZIP code: 45111)

2682. Sabrina Calhoun (ZIP code: 45223)

2683. Stephanie Brown (ZIP code: 45220) A new building was not in the agreement and will nibble more of the park.

2684. Ellen Reinhart (ZIP code: 45230)

2685. Olivia Schadler (ZIP code: 45223)

2686. Simon Schadler (ZIP code: 45220)

2687. Schelby Gabel (ZIP code: 44833)

2688. Allison Schermer (ZIP code: 45259)

2689. Nathalie Schickendantz (ZIP code: 45219)

2690. Christine Engels (ZIP code: 45239)

2691. Morgan Schneider (ZIP code: 45219) putting a building in Burnet is the dumbest idea ive heard in months whoever proposed that is an idiot lol

2692. Greta Schneider (ZIP code: 45219)

2693. Max Schoenung (ZIP code: 45203)

2694. Barb Scholtz (ZIP code: 45220) I live in Clifton and walk/hike through Burnet Woods several days a week. I do not approve of development within Burnet Woods!

2695. Anne Schuster (ZIP code: 45213)

2696. samuel schweigert (ZIP code: 45225) Don't build this damn building!! 2697. Susan Conner (ZIP code: 45229) Burnett Woods is a public park, not a development zone.

2698. Scott Licardi (ZIP code: 45223)

2699. Scott Knox (ZIP code: 45219)

2700. Sue Plummet (ZIP code: 45206) Preserve our parks - the land, the ecosystems, and their historic and architecturally significant structures. Yours should have preservation at the core of its mission.

2701. Susan Dahoda (ZIP code: 45220) I have lived on in Oregon for the past eleven years and returned to live in Clifton in October after a 35 year absence. I have already participated in clearing honeysuckle to encourage native plants and healthier bird habitat. Preserving Burnet Woods as a park that supports wildlife and a place within a city environment to walk and quietly contemplate is extremely important to me. I do not agree with this infrastructure change to the park. It also disturbs me that CEF has not sought public feedback on their proposal. Please reject this proposal. Sincerely, Susan

2702. Stephen Druffel (ZIP code: 45220) I am opposed to any development in Burnet Woods or any other city park. Please leave our Burnet Woods as it is.

2703. Sebastian Botzow (ZIP code: 45223)

2704. emma segrest (ZIP code: 45220)

2705. Julie Sellers (ZIP code: 45220) No development in Burnet Woods.

2706. Amber Williams (ZIP code: 45225) There is absolutely zero reason to be doing any new construction at all during a pandemic. Leave the woods ALONE.

2707. Zachary Semones (ZIP code: 45241)

2708. Serra Yilmaz (ZIP code: 45069)

2709. Seth Coppens (ZIP code: 45202)

2710. Seth Hershey (ZIP code: 45223) Preserve natural community greenspace, parks, and trees. Rebuild existing blighted properties elsewhere!

2711. Sam Settlemyre (ZIP code: 45202) 2712. Susan Hughes (ZIP code: 45223)

2713. Sean Lucas (ZIP code: 45220)

2714. Sarah (ZIP code: 45140)

2715. Sarah Fenske (ZIP code: 45230)

2716. Samantha Gossett (ZIP code: 47223)

2717. Steve Slack (ZIP code: 45220) That hillside is a significant breeding ground and habitat for Box Turtles!

2718. Steve Heglin (ZIP code: 45202) The new development proposal for Burnet Woods should be rejected. It is an incursion by a private organization into a natural space designated for the people of Cincinnati and the wildlife that reside there.

2719. Sam Hunter (ZIP code: 45215)

2720. Shailah Maynard (ZIP code: 45223)

2721. Justine Meyers (ZIP code: 45216)

2722. Shanda Gentry (ZIP code: 45140)

2723. Brooke Shanesy (ZIP code: 45220)

2724. Nageswari Shanmugalingam (ZIP code: 45220)

2725. shannon clark (ZIP code: 45230)

2726. Shannon Lock (ZIP code: 45220)

2727. Savage Savage (ZIP code: 45039)

2728. Shari Einsel (ZIP code: 41071)

2729. Aishwarya Kulkarni (ZIP code: 45223)

2730. Sharmini Shanker (ZIP code: 45242)

2731. Sharon Buckner (ZIP code: 45219) As a 37 year resident of the CUF neighborhood, I am strongly in opposition to this proposal. No transparency means a no vote here.

2732. Susan Hart (ZIP code: 40351) This is a wonderful woods , park . Have spent many hours there relaxing, enjoying heaven in the city !!

2733. Elizabeth Shaughness (ZIP code: 45220) I live very near the woods. the houses behind me face the woods. Where else can you experience seeing a Cooper's hawk swooping down on a garter snake for lunch? What about the owl's who keep the mouse population under control? My son learned about the transition of eggs to tadpole to frog at the water's edge--an experience he would not receive in a populated, fully developed Burnet Woods. We need the greenery for our health, to filter the pollution from nearby industry! I want to be able to breathe!

2734. Shawn Sweeney (ZIP code: 45215)

2735. Michelle Dunne (ZIP code: 45242) I join my friends. Please protect the woods/trails.

2736. Shelby Lambright (ZIP code: 43202)

2737. Shelli Welch (ZIP code: 43021)

2738. Shema Yaakov (ZIP code: 45050) Save the park

2739. Sheri Beer (ZIP code: 45014)

2740. Sheri Besso (ZIP code: 45211)

2741. Brianna Parton (ZIP code: 45212)

2742. Tamara Barr (ZIP code: 45223)

2743. Leah Shields (ZIP code: 60626) Greenery, trees, grass, birds, squirrels, are IMPORTANT.

2744. Shivank Singh (ZIP code: 45040)

2745. Shawn Marsh (ZIP code: 45238)

2746. Allyson Shown (ZIP code: 45219) 2747. Shubhra Mishra (ZIP code: 45230)

2748. Kaitlin Shupert (ZIP code: 45040)

2749. Amanda Sickles (ZIP code: 45219)

2750. Justin Sikkema (ZIP code: 45140)

2751. olivia simon (ZIP code: 45066)

2752. Joseph Simpson (ZIP code: 45373)

2753. Nathan Unger (ZIP code: 45177)

2754. sara nichols (ZIP code: 45065)

2755. James Funk (ZIP code: 41071)

2756. Robert Stambaugh (ZIP code: 45223)

2757. Sierra Preston (ZIP code: 47025)

2758. Natalie Sisler (ZIP code: 44125)

2759. Elizabeth Stearns (ZIP code: 45208) This is utterly ridiculous. Keep Burnet Woods the pristine place that is is. We don't need a building on that small pond!!

2760. Emily Fisher (ZIP code: 45140)

2761. Stephen Davis (ZIP code: 45220) There should be absolutely no building program in Burnet Woods.

2762. Seth Jenkins (ZIP code: 27513)

2763. Samantha Lakes (ZIP code: 45013)

2764. Scott Martin (ZIP code: 45219)

2765. Jean Swartley (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no on the new building proposed for Burnet Woods. This would be a disruption for nature there. 2766. sandra sommer (ZIP code: 45202) Keep the park for public use, no private construction at all

2767. Sara Keebler (ZIP code: 45236)

2768. Geoffrey Cullen (ZIP code: 45225)

2769. Sarah Knox (ZIP code: 45229)

2770. Stephanie Suen (ZIP code: 45224) Urban green space is important to the community and to wildlife.

2771. Sarah Kuhl (ZIP code: 45223)

2772. John Holmes (ZIP code: 46278)

2773. Stacey Kutish (ZIP code: 45220) I do not support a private group’s takeover of land and resources in our city parks. Additionally, the secretive process by which this has developed is unacceptable.

2774. Adrienne Ritter (ZIP code: 45213)

2775. Skylar Patterson (ZIP code: 43212)

2776. Sharon Bennett (ZIP code: 45220) I do not believe this will serve the best interests of the people. We should be preserving as much of the park(s) as possible.

2777. Sydney Dye (ZIP code: 45150)

2778. Sharon Hamersley (ZIP code: 43221)

2779. Kay Sloan (ZIP code: 45208)

2780. Shelby Stevlingson (ZIP code: 45255)

2781. Shiv Malhotra (ZIP code: 45236) Burner Woods is an absolute gem to the city of Cincinnati. Tearing it down for a building will remove a spot for

2782. Adam Vibbert (ZIP code: 45065)

2783. Sandra Matlow (ZIP code: 45211) We see that you are trying to sneak in a contract for development of some kind of workshop in Burnet Woods. PLease stop copying the unethical and illegal behavior of City Council. We have been clear - no development wanted or needed in Burnett Woods

2784. Simon Glaser (ZIP code: 45208)

2785. Sarah Grote (ZIP code: 45230) Please preserve all of burnet woods for future generations. Urban habitat is incredibly important for biodiversity and to fight climate change. Other locations are available for development please listen to you’re city’s residents that this is not a wanted development project.

2786. Raegen Elwer (ZIP code: 45220)

2787. Madison Smith (ZIP code: 45220)

2788. Rebecca Smith (ZIP code: 45230) Park Board Members, I thank you for your volunteer service to the preservation of our City’s open spaces and and natural areas. As representatives of the Community, I implore you not to sacrifice a square foot of our park lands for a bldg. Open, natural spaces within large urban areas, are getting more and more difficult to hang onto, yet the need is greater each year, for people to have places to go for quiet contemplation and renewal...as well as for children to have a place to play, learn and discover the natural world. Please do not give up even a square foot of our Community’s land...once gone, we will never get it back! Thank you in advance for preserving our limited green spaces.

2789. Harriet Smith (ZIP code: 45223-)

2790. Madison Smith (ZIP code: 45223)

2791. Joan Smith (ZIP code: 45211)

2792. Bob Schmitz (ZIP code: 45211)

2793. sarah morand (ZIP code: 45039)

2794. Sarah Beach (ZIP code: 45211)

2795. Susan Moesker (ZIP code: 11215)

2796. Matilda Smolij (ZIP code: 45219)

2797. Diana Harris (ZIP code: 45233) Please do not add commercial buildings to the park.

2798. Sofia Goodman Arbona (ZIP code: 45208) 2799. Sandra O (ZIP code: 45206)

2800. Sommer Hembree (ZIP code: 45122)

2801. Sonja Mazzeo (ZIP code: 45223) Please provide a detailed plan and seek community approval.

2802. Sophia McAllister (ZIP code: 45220) This is a public park in Cincinnati and not for the public in another state!!

2803. Sophia Montello (ZIP code: 41011)

2804. Sophia Sperry (ZIP code: 45140)

2805. Sophie Dannin (ZIP code: 45214)

2806. Sophia Kiley (ZIP code: 44219)

2807. Sophia Jacobs (ZIP code: 45208)

2808. Suzanne Ostyn (ZIP code: 87010)

2809. Robert Dyrenforth (ZIP code: 45220)

2810. Sadie Yost (ZIP code: 43040)

2811. Gregg Lustig (ZIP code: 44114) Don’t want to have to go to a museum to see trees

2812. Bonnie Speeg (ZIP code: 45220)

2813. Janet Speier (ZIP code: 45224)

2814. Stevee Pelikan (ZIP code: 45224)

2815. Spencer Borger (ZIP code: 45044)

2816. Spencer Hallgarth (ZIP code: 45204)

2817. Spencer Hersh (ZIP code: 45213)

2818. Erin Speno (ZIP code: 45242) 2819. Spencer Peppet (ZIP code: 45174)

2820. Sarah Portman (ZIP code: 45429)

2821. Maggie Spring (ZIP code: 45214)

2822. Sean Reynolds (ZIP code: 45217) Save this gem for future generations!!!!

2823. Rohan Srivastava (ZIP code: 44212) Don’t sell burner woods!

2824. Samantha Rowlett (ZIP code: 45211)

2825. Susan Thompson (ZIP code: 45220) Please reject CEF's new proposal to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park. Thank you.

2826. Samantha Tanen (ZIP code: 45220) Please preserve Burnett woods!

2827. Stephanie Russo (ZIP code: 45002) Please keep Burnet Park as an urban free space. In this hurried world we need a respite close at hand. Thank you.

2828. Sarah Schaen (ZIP code: 45219)

2829. Susan Schapiro (ZIP code: 45242)

2830. Suellyn Shupe (ZIP code: 45205) Please don't do this. Just care for the existing infrastructure properly.

2831. Sarah Smith (ZIP code: 45223)

2832. Sam Steele (ZIP code: 45202)

2833. Susan Strick (ZIP code: 45220) Please do no add any buildings to Burnet Woods.

2834. Stacey Walsh (ZIP code: 45213)

2835. Stacey Naylor-Cookman (ZIP code: 45213) 2836. Aissa Guerra (ZIP code: 45242)

2837. Stacy Holbrook (ZIP code: 45224)

2838. John C Liechty (ZIP code: 45202) I grew up down the street from Burnett woods and have fond memories of the slide, pond and swings. Please keep this wonderful green space.

2839. Margaret Kammerer (ZIP code: 45211)

2840. Suzanne Crable (ZIP code: 45209) I look at Burnet Woods every day from Good Samaritan and walk there on nice days. To disrupt this critical green space would be devastating to the area and the city.

2841. Steffnie Donovan (ZIP code: 45220)

2842. Stef Murawsky (ZIP code: 45223)

2843. Stefanie Zidarescu (ZIP code: 45215)

2844. Annie Stegeman (ZIP code: 45230)

2845. Anne Steinert (ZIP code: 45217)

2846. Stella Bardetti (ZIP code: 45231) Please leave Burnet Woods ALONE!!!!

2847. Stella Kelley (ZIP code: 45219)

2848. Adam Flem (ZIP code: 45215)

2849. Christine Stemp (ZIP code: 45217)

2850. Stephanie Mee (ZIP code: 45342) Burnet Woods is where I used to go when I needed a break from the busy campus. It would be a shame to see it go.

2851. Stephanie Heim (ZIP code: 45224)

2852. Stephen Cosco (ZIP code: 45220)

2853. Stephanie Norman (ZIP code: 45223) 2854. Steven Rogstad (ZIP code: 45223) We need LESS disruption of the fragmented greenspace in Burnet Woods. Please work to maintain more greenspace and less construction-fragmentation. Thank you Steve Rogstad

2855. Sarah Thomas (ZIP code: 45223)

2856. Lepa Stojanovic (ZIP code: 45220)

2857. Samuel Stover (ZIP code: 45231)

2858. Kelsey Stratman (ZIP code: 45236)

2859. James Stringer (ZIP code: 44520)

2860. Linda Stern (ZIP code: 45242) Burnett Woods is not a park that should have canoes. Do not allow this organization to have a business there.

2861. Stuart Bick (ZIP code: 45248)

2862. Sam Stamler (ZIP code: 45223)

2863. Heather Sturgill (ZIP code: 45223-1749) People - citizens - voters - residents next to it and in the region have been FIGHTING development attempts of this park for years! What will it take to PERMANENTLY PRESERVE this park the way it is NOW. NO more development! Just STOP!!!!

2864. Susan Bausch (ZIP code: 45247) Vote NO!

2865. Sue Lowery (ZIP code: 45211)

2866. Sue Kozin (ZIP code: 97217) Parks are needed.

2867. Senja Toivonen (ZIP code: 45220)

2868. Joseph Suetholz (ZIP code: 45220) I think efforts to renew the existing structures and keeping Burnet woods a non commercial public park would be more beneficial for the Clifton area. There is already a surplus of vacant retail spaces surrounding the park that should be used instead of building another shitty strip mall in a park

2869. Jason Ellis (ZIP code: 45211) 2870. Susan Gray (ZIP code: 41011)

2871. Cassidy Gibson (ZIP code: 41011)

2872. Summer Lippert (ZIP code: 45044)

2873. Summi Ahuja (ZIP code: 45002) I am so grateful for the green space we have in our city. The last thing we need is to remove more of it and placing a structure in it's place.

2874. Sunny Dighe (ZIP code: 45208)

2875. Sue Tassone (ZIP code: 15090)

2876. Susan Reinhardt (ZIP code: 45220) Leave the park alone.

2877. Susan J Mueller (ZIP code: 45231)

2878. Susan Mitchell (ZIP code: 45212)

2879. Samuel Sussman (ZIP code: 45005) This park is one of the few green spots in Clifton, destroying this park is destroying one of the last open spaces in Cincinnati.

2880. Suzanne Sifri (ZIP code: 45220)

2881. Suzanne Jacobson (ZIP code: 45224) No to building canoe storage structure at Burnet Woods.

2882. Suzanne Barker (ZIP code: 45232)

2883. Lisa Kallman (ZIP code: 45211) Do not downgrade Clifton

2884. Michelle Chadwick (ZIP code: 45255)

2885. Shelby Grassman (ZIP code: 45206)

2886. Sydney Alsobrook (ZIP code: 33403) As a Cincinnati native the preservation of green space and the city's historic parks are very important to me.

2887. Syd Kennedy-Meguire (ZIP code: 45223) 2888. Sydney Cree (ZIP code: 45140)

2889. Sydney Cresap (ZIP code: 45220) Please do not do this. The wildlife in the area primarily lives in mt. Storm and burnet woods. I also as a member of the community that lives literally a block away, I chose this area to live in because of it being quiet and has ample areas to hike and be outside in. What a horrible idea getting rid of burnet woods. Shame.

2890. Sydney Klemm (ZIP code: 45030)

2891. Sydney Pachta (ZIP code: 45219)

2892. Sydney Chaney (ZIP code: 45212) Please reject the new proposal from the Camping and Education foundation to construct a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. This building is an unnecessary invasion of private interest on vital urban greenspace and a detriment to the ecological habitat of the park.

2893. Sydney Rice (ZIP code: 41017)

2894. Sydney Stewart (ZIP code: 45242)

2895. Sydney Sebastian (ZIP code: 45220)

2896. Sylvana Ross (ZIP code: 41073)

2897. Steve Yost (ZIP code: 45040)

2898. Tyler Stemmer (ZIP code: 45223)

2899. Tabitha Oyediran (ZIP code: 45220) Don't do it

2900. Tabitha Robinson (ZIP code: 40205)

2901. Trenton Bushle (ZIP code: 45209)

2902. Dontae Brown (ZIP code: 45239) Please Don't destroy the park ....

2903. Talia Ahlers (ZIP code: 45231)

2904. Tamala Van Dierendonck (ZIP code: 45040) Please vote no on the CEF building planned for Burnet Woods 2905. Tamara Tilburgs (ZIP code: 45220) Please protect Burnett woods. Do NOT build this building and destroy woods and trees. Its a completely unnecessary building for the community. Plenty of space around elsewhere to build something or renovate an existing building. Thank you.

2906. Terrie Minniti (ZIP code: 45230)

2907. Tammy Brown (ZIP code: 45224)

2908. tanasia behanan (ZIP code: 45238)

2909. Tamara Parker (ZIP code: 45239)

2910. Tara Lay (ZIP code: 45255)

2911. Taran Galinsky-Batte (ZIP code: 45209) Don’t ruin Burnett

2912. Tasha Schaffner (ZIP code: 45244)

2913. Anastasios Manganaris (ZIP code: 45255)

2914. Tatem Lewis (ZIP code: 45211) No way no how!

2915. Tatyana Gilliam (ZIP code: 46033)

2916. Taylor Fox (ZIP code: 45220)

2917. Taylor Epperson (ZIP code: 45255)

2918. Taylor Schwenke (ZIP code: 45066)

2919. Taylor Feltner (ZIP code: 45242)

2920. Theresa Baker (ZIP code: 45140)

2921. Tim Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224)

2922. Terence Martin (ZIP code: 45220)

2923. brit simpson (ZIP code: 45036) 2924. Kevan Teasdale (ZIP code: 45206) Preserve Burnet!

2925. Troy Durham (ZIP code: 47040) Preserve Burnet Woods, development can happen elsewhere. Preservation of nature has value too.

2926. Teisha Murray (ZIP code: 45220)

2927. Brayden Templeton (ZIP code: 41075)

2928. Teresa McMullen (ZIP code: 45242)

2929. Teresa Perrotta (ZIP code: 45220)

2930. Teri Jacobs (ZIP code: 45015) Our UC students conducted a bird diversity study, and Burnet Woods serves as an important migratory stopover, breeding, and feeding ground. Vote no to protect our beautiful green space and biodiversity.

2931. Terra Martin (ZIP code: 45230)

2932. Teryn Yazdani (ZIP code: 97214)

2933. Theresa Sansbury (ZIP code: 45206)

2934. tessa woodrey (ZIP code: 45013)

2935. Tess Renusch (ZIP code: 45208)

2936. Tevis Clark (ZIP code: 45219)

2937. Tyra Garcia (ZIP code: 45255) Signing bc leave nature alone!

2938. Jennifer Grant (ZIP code: 45220)

2939. thea barakat (ZIP code: 45206)

2940. Adam Green (ZIP code: 45238)

2941. Willow Dearwester (ZIP code: 45230)

2942. Emily Howard (ZIP code: 41018) 2943. Timothy Heidegger (ZIP code: 45219)

2944. Jennie Waits (ZIP code: 45224) I would be appalled if they did any development at Burnet.

2945. Celeste Celosia (ZIP code: 45205)

2946. Christopher Stothfang (ZIP code: 45239)

2947. Nathan koch (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett is one of the few green areas easily accessible to a huge number of citizens in the city. Destroying any of it would be hurting our quality of life

2948. Theresa Culley (ZIP code: 45069) Burnet Woods is the ideal outdoor classroom for our students at UC. Building a structure at this location will harm the ecological integrity of this natural site and harm its flora and fauna.

2949. Theresa Kulbaga (ZIP code: 45224)

2950. Nolan Long (ZIP code: 45140)

2951. Luke Thies (ZIP code: 45230) Burnet Woods is a fantastic oasis if green amongst the gray backdrop of Cincinnati and must be preserved!

2952. Danielle Clark (ZIP code: 45220)

2953. Angela Flammer (ZIP code: 45247)

2954. Marisa Thoman (ZIP code: 45219)

2955. Thomas Wagster (ZIP code: 45204)

2956. Thomas nelson (ZIP code: 45213)

2957. Tyler Thompson (ZIP code: 45220)

2958. Rikkie Shumard (ZIP code: 45219)

2959. Maya Threat (ZIP code: 45219)

2960. Paige Mickol (ZIP code: 45213) 2961. Lydia Karlo (ZIP code: 45219) Just leave the damn park alone

2962. Philip Tiettmeyer (ZIP code: 45219)

2963. Tiffany Shiver (ZIP code: 45206)

2964. Tim Burns (ZIP code: 45223)

2965. Tim Young (ZIP code: 45219) Burnet Woods is a place of relaxation and peace for all UC students!! It’s beautiful and natural and is a beautiful border to our beautiful modern campus. Please keep it and keep the nuance and diversity that makes Clifton so special!

2966. Tina Baxa (ZIP code: 60185)

2967. Artemis Falk (ZIP code: 45230)

2968. Robert Bernard (ZIP code: 45202)

2969. Tj Ashcraft (ZIP code: 45211)

2970. Timothy Mara (ZIP code: 45011)

2971. Tess Balsley (ZIP code: 45219)

2972. Teresa Gilligan (ZIP code: 45238) No, no 1000 times no!

2973. Toni Judnitch (ZIP code: 45220)

2974. Tobin Kashdan-Combs (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet woods is an essential part of Clifton and it needs to be protected and preserved.

2975. Nathan Gittleman (ZIP code: 45220)

2976. Todd Brennan (ZIP code: 45219) Please stop trying to develop the park. It’s a park, not a place for business.

2977. Todd Desborough (ZIP code: 45250) I walk the trails in Burnet frequently??we must prevent them from this plan of theirs!

2978. George Bible (ZIP code: 45224) No development in Burnet Woods. As is, the park is too small to protect the rich ecosystems trying to live there. Any building process will destroy the environment far beyond the footprint of the building itself. Burnet Woods is unsuited to camping and is a poor choice for a camping program or education center. I speak as a 56 year Eagle Scout, a 20 year Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 161, the nearest troop to Burnet Woods and a Clifton institution for close to 90 years, and as a Clifton homeowner for 29 years who walked through Burnet Woods everyday for those 29 years to and from my work as a professor of Architecture at DAAP. Any additional building will be an irrevocable mistake.

2979. Tom Brinkman (ZIP code: 45208)

2980. Tom Strothers (ZIP code: 45224) The true sign of a city's quality of life is protection and preservation of its park lands. While we should welcome support of private enterprise, we should no allow private enterprise -- even non-profits -- to modify or develop those lands for their personal use.

2981. Spencer Caudill (ZIP code: 45219)

2982. Thomas Dietrich (ZIP code: 45211) Please do not approve private construction in Burnet Woods.

2983. Mick P. Cozmanoff (ZIP code: 46123) Please preserve and invest in what you already have.

2984. Tommy Kowalsky (ZIP code: 44212)

2985. Tonya Neal (ZIP code: 45246)

2986. Tony Guethlein (ZIP code: 45220)

2987. Anthony Thon (ZIP code: 45220) Get your grubby mitts out if Burnet Woods Forest Reserve you dirty hogs. There's plenty of concrete ground elsewhere--figure it out you pylons!

2988. Marissa Town (ZIP code: 45423)

2989. Eliza Stewart (ZIP code: 45219)

2990. thomas plummer (ZIP code: 45219)

2991. Tracy Redding (ZIP code: 45213) Burnet Woods is a wonderful park. My children have attended many camps for years there and we visit it as a family. Please do not allow the destruction of buildings or natural habitat. Reject the proposal of Camping and Education foundation for a standalone workshop in Burnet Woods. 2992. Ellen Dryer (ZIP code: 45140)

2993. TRENT LOBDELL (ZIP code: 45206) Keep public space public. Ohio is ranked 44th at 4.2% of land owned by the public. Expand it, don't take it from us. Burnet Woods is an immensely important ecological habit within the city -- protect it.

2994. Trenton Bradford (ZIP code: 45202)

2995. Trevin Morgan (ZIP code: 45220) Burnett woods is perfect the way it is, we do not need another building !!

2996. Trey Davis (ZIP code: 45213)

2997. Tricia Bath (ZIP code: 45223) Preserve the park for the people!

2998. Tricia Dreyer (ZIP code: 45219)

2999. Trinity Shaya (ZIP code: 45140)

3000. Tristan Wood (ZIP code: 45220)

3001. Todd McHenry (ZIP code: 45220)

3002. kenzie troehler (ZIP code: 45140)

3003. June Nguyen (ZIP code: 45069)

3004. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45220)

3005. Tricia Spaite (ZIP code: 45209)

3006. Paloma Correa (ZIP code: 45223)

3007. Hannah Tucker (ZIP code: 45202)

3008. Will Tuttle (ZIP code: 45068)

3009. fredrick veith (ZIP code: 45220) woo!

3010. Nick Lecher (ZIP code: 45244) 3011. Myles Twitty (ZIP code: 45231)

3012. Tyler Ficker (ZIP code: 45245)

3013. Tylar Duncan (ZIP code: 45220)

3014. Tyler Layne (ZIP code: 45223)

3015. Tyler Weber (ZIP code: 45211) Let's not wreck this park.

3016. Olivia Tyre (ZIP code: 45219)

3017. Tyler Tischler (ZIP code: 45036)

3018. Mary Uhlenbrock (ZIP code: 45231) Burnet Woods is important to migrating birds. Bird populations are in decline. I have volunteered cutting honeysuckle in Cincinnati Parks because I think improving habitat is important. We should not build any more buildings in Burnet Woods.

3019. Maria Ulatowski (ZIP code: 44139)

3020. Natalia Ungashick (ZIP code: 45220)

3021. cindy uruma (ZIP code: 45056)

3022. sriram shankaran (ZIP code: 45220)

3023. Velda Smiley (ZIP code: 45206)

3024. valerie holmes (ZIP code: 46278)

3025. Valerie Baxter (ZIP code: 45242)

3026. Katherine Valin (ZIP code: 45202) I have lived around Burnet Woods for most of 50 years. I love this park and it's hint of wildness. Please do not plan and build more buildings/projects that infringe on the park's special beauty. Once it's gone it won't come back.

3027. Patrick Carroll (ZIP code: 90020)

3028. Matthew Van Doren (ZIP code: 45219) 3029. Vatthana Long (ZIP code: 45238)

3030. Vivian Wagner (ZIP code: 45232) Please vote NO on any more requests from non-CPB organizations to build in Burnet Woods. Burnet Woods used to be mature woodland extending up to Calhoun Street - the remnant that's left is still a valuable mature forest that's important to migrating birds and other wildlife. How much more can we keep chipping away at it ? Where else could someone in the Clifton / University area go to find the serenity that Burnet's trails offer? The Board bravely acted to protect this park when the Arts Community wanted to develop part of it. Please continue to protect and preserve this natural treasure!

3031. Virginia Waters (ZIP code: 45220)

3032. Julietta Toedtman (ZIP code: 45206)

3033. Verlaine R (ZIP code: 99801)

3034. Verena Manolis (ZIP code: 45208)

3035. Sebastian Verne (ZIP code: 45231)

3036. Veronica Phelan (ZIP code: 45220)

3037. Veronica Maxwell (ZIP code: 45220)

3038. Victoria Wilhelmy (ZIP code: 45208)

3039. Victoria Bower (ZIP code: 45223)

3040. Victoria Bell (ZIP code: 45220)

3041. Victoria Ireland (ZIP code: 46236) No on the CEF building proposal

3042. Vincent Wilson (ZIP code: 45231) Wouldn't want to lose any more natural land, or any of those WPA structures!

3043. Virag Vasko (ZIP code: 43082)

3044. Anita Eigher (ZIP code: 45150)

3045. Vivian Tong (ZIP code: 45220)

3046. Vivian Smith (ZIP code: 78257) 3047. Vivien Dell (ZIP code: 45255)

3048. Valerie Kulhavik (ZIP code: 45213)

3049. Veronica Merkle (ZIP code: 45220)

3050. Lisa Vogt (ZIP code: 45211)

3051. Victoria Pop (ZIP code: 44124)

3052. Cynthia Voss (ZIP code: 45255)

3053. Chris Moran (ZIP code: 45211) Burnet Woods is a vital public green space in an urban setting. No building should be placed within it.

3054. Vanessa Wong (ZIP code: 45229) I am shocked this is even being considered!

3055. walter mcbeath (ZIP code: 45002) Burnet Woods is a iconic gem for Cincinnati , the beauty and green space are irreplaceable, it is critical to preserve it. Thank you

3056. Rolf Kuhn (ZIP code: 45220) Not environmentally sound project, I oppose.

3057. Leslie Waits (ZIP code: 45220) Once you give up park land to buildings you never get it back. Please don't build inside the park. Find a parcel of land near Burnet Woods and build there please.

3058. sarah walker (ZIP code: 46220)

3059. Walker Coleman (ZIP code: 45211)

3060. Bridget Waller (ZIP code: 45220) I love walking around burnet woods and playing frisbee golf. Please reconsider the building. Many UC students will miss burnet woods.

3061. Owen Waller (ZIP code: 45248)

3062. Walter Benn (ZIP code: 45211) Burnett woods ought to be preserved.

3063. walt Diller (ZIP code: 45243) Don't take away from the park. Go tear down some old building or renovate something. This is a special thing to have so close to the university.

3064. elaine rysiewicz (ZIP code: 45223) Jacob Burnett and his son in law William Groesbeck gave Burnett Woods to the people of Cincinnati back in the mid 1800's. You need to continue to honor their bequest. Leave Burnett Woods alone.

3065. Adam Vorobok (ZIP code: 45220)

3066. Rachel Warm (ZIP code: 45219)

3067. An anonymous signer (ZIP code: 45202)

3068. Zoe Watson (ZIP code: 45220)

3069. Andrew Waugh (ZIP code: 45236)

3070. William Culbertson (ZIP code: 45208) Throw the developers in the lake

3071. mark thomas elstu (ZIP code: 45214) sacred public held greenspaces MUST BE PROTECTED , development holds no place in our place to commune with the Natural world

3072. Rachel Weithman (ZIP code: 43214)

3073. Martha Wendel (ZIP code: 45223)

3074. Sarah Maximiuk (ZIP code: 45229)

3075. Martin Werner (ZIP code: 45221)

3076. Luke Westawker (ZIP code: 45219)

3077. Jordan West (ZIP code: 45231)

3078. Grant Jackson (ZIP code: 43081)

3079. Rose Whalen (ZIP code: 43202)

3080. Chloe Whaley (ZIP code: 45206)

3081. Hanann Marawi (ZIP code: 45044) 3082. Jacob White (ZIP code: 45230)

3083. Daniel Whitford (ZIP code: 46211) If we lose public land, we never get it back. We should engage the entire community, not just through petitions, to ensure that this land remains undeveloped, beautiful and public.

3084. Will Anderson (ZIP code: 80526)

3085. William Zinck (ZIP code: 41075) Leave the park alone...no more buildings. Next will be a parking lot....no more blacktop or cars. Since I was a student at DAAP in the sixties, I have always loved Burnet Woods. Even though I live in Ft. Thomas, I still come to the Clifton Gaslight district to enjoy Ludlow Avenue and Burnet Woods...they both need to stay as they are.

3086. William Russ (ZIP code: 45209)

3087. William Shaw (ZIP code: 45220)

3088. Will Hammond (ZIP code: 45202)

3089. Laurel Williams (ZIP code: 46032)

3090. William Slone (ZIP code: 45202) No new construction in Burnet Woods.

3091. William Truax (ZIP code: 45040)

3092. Liz Wilmers (ZIP code: 45208)

3093. mary heil (ZIP code: 45248) We don't need more buildings, we need to save our green spaces. I have many fond memories of visits to Burnet Woods as a child. Once you replace the green space with a structure, you forever lose the benefits it creates for all living creatures around it. Please vote down this idea and any similar suggestions in the future.

3094. Flower White (ZIP code: 45206) Leave the nature of burnet woods alone.

3095. W. Kevin Pape (ZIP code: 45212) Greenspace. Not buildings.

3096. Walter Kreilinger (ZIP code: 45220)

3097. Jacqueline Daugherty (ZIP code: 45224) 3098. David Rosenberg (ZIP code: 45232)

3099. Rebecca Wright (ZIP code: 43082)

3100. Christina Yearout (ZIP code: 45211)

3101. Bill Zimmerman (ZIP code: 45205) I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that we are doing this again, yet I am. There is so much good will and community trust at stake, especially at a time when developers and our cities stewards are so greatly eroding that trust. We need good examples more than ever.

3102. Nora Junod (ZIP code: 45236)

3103. Jennifer Wulffen (ZIP code: 45223) Since plans have not been released for public view and feedback, then I, as a member of the public, am opposed.

3104. Xanthe Olt (ZIP code: 45219) There are plenty of vacant buildings and spaces that can be renovated for this purpose. There is no need to wipe out such a beautiful park that enriches the Clifton community. It’s used every day by all types of people, and is the home of various wildlife.

3105. Estee Harris (ZIP code: 45237)

3106. Christina James-Zorn (ZIP code: 45220)

3107. LAURA HARRELL (ZIP code: 45223)

3108. Yasmim Machado (ZIP code: 28401)

3109. Cecelia Yauch (ZIP code: 45219)

3110. Geoff Simmons (ZIP code: 45208)

3111. Ruth Ann Bumiller (ZIP code: 45220)

3112. kathleen kinsey (ZIP code: 45209) No -- don't take our part away from us - this is for the public to enjoy -- not for a training camp

3113. Yolande Maarsen (ZIP code: 41911) Protect Burnet Woods!

3114. Susannah Yosef (ZIP code: 45230) 3115. Allison Young (ZIP code: 45227)

3116. Lisa Young (ZIP code: 45219)

3117. Nicholas Young (ZIP code: 45219) Please preserve Burnet Woods! It is a beautiful oasis in the heart of clifton and so good for the community. It's awesome that there's a park to meet friends in, hike in, etc in the area. Please reconsider selling off part of it.

3118. Tess Young (ZIP code: 45215)

3119. yousuf Munir (ZIP code: 45236 )

3120. Megan Kelley (ZIP code: 45223) Please vote no and don’t allow the construction of a private use building in an already too small public park that also includes demolition of an historic WPA stone structure. I am all for outdoor education but these folks sound like they need more education in order to help build a better world for all.

3121. Zach Johnson (ZIP code: 45255)

3122. Zachary Gerberick (ZIP code: 45220)

3123. Zachary Reinstatler (ZIP code: 45219)

3124. Zach Larabee (ZIP code: 45223)

3125. Zachary Bird (ZIP code: 70806) Stop ruining our future for the sake of a dime. We need every bit of environmental protection we can get. STOP DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN NATURE.

3126. Zac Worth (ZIP code: 46077)

3127. Alexander Gunn (ZIP code: 45238)

3128. Andy Chambers (ZIP code: 45220) NO MORE DESTRUCTION FOR PROFIT

3129. logan crouch (ZIP code: 45219) don’t do it i walk there every day

3130. Theo Zapletal (ZIP code: 98340) Don't let them be so selfish

3131. Amadea Zapotosky (ZIP code: 45219) 3132. Zvi Biener (ZIP code: 45219)

3133. Jodie Zultowsky (ZIP code: 45220) I don’t think private buildings should be built in public parks, especially without clear benefit to the community at large and when other buildings sit underutilized and unmaintained.

3134. Ezekiel Pierson (ZIP code: 41071) Yeah as a UC student, I say this is a no no! Green space is already rare in this area as it is, we don’t need more taken away from us!

3135. Zack Sigler (ZIP code: 45223)

3136. Ziaire Sherman (ZIP code: 45224)

3137. Linda Ziegler (ZIP code: 45219) Allowing this private organization to occupy public space in Burnet Woods should not be allowed. This development is being put forward with NO public input.

3138. Jocelyn Welch (ZIP code: 45206)

3139. Zoe Laub (ZIP code: 45405) Not only should this remain in tact as public land, it should also be preserved in respect of the native peoples that once lived there.

3140. Zoe Buckendahl (ZIP code: 60558)

3141. Zoe Budzar (ZIP code: 45219)

3142. Zoe Burns (ZIP code: 45209)

3143. Zoe Harvey (ZIP code: 45219)

3144. Zoey Dodson (ZIP code: 45223) Burnet Woods is important to the surrounding community. We need to preserve it.

3145. Gianna DiCarlo (ZIP code: 45214)

3146. michael terrell (ZIP code: 45213)

3147. Zoe Vanasse (ZIP code: 45206)

3148. Zoe Codd (ZIP code: 45206) We are supposed to be one of the best cities in the country based upon our green spaces and parks. Do not take away from that. There is ecological value within Burnet Woods. 3149. Howard Zuefle (ZIP code: 45205) Burnet Woods needs to stay a natural space. It is vital for the peace and health of University of Cincinnati students and staff. Multiple studies have found natural landscapes restore working memory significantly faster than a city/urban environment. As an alumni I know I would not have fniished my degrees without the peace of Burnet Woods as it is today. Also, it is an incredible ecological community that we as a people need just as much as the park needs us [External Email] Public Comment, 12/17: No private development in Burnet Woods

Ed Kluska Tue 12/15/2020 3:58 PM To: Parks, Cincy External Email Communication

Please, no!

Ed Kluska 545 Ludlow Ave Cincinnati, OH 45220 513-861-6100 [email protected] www.edkluska.com