If we take a moment and think back to when we were growing up, most of us would probably remember someone being there for us – in our corner. Someone who was always ready to give us advice, support, encouragement, and all the other things we needed to help us become who we are today.

Unfortunately, when thousands of kids living in New York today look over their shoulder, there’s no one standing in their corner.

That’s why we believe having a Big in their life is so important. Through one-to-one mentorship, our Bigs fill that empty corner in a Little’s life with friendship, caring, understanding, and guidance. They share life experiences and new experiences. But mostly, they help them see that the world they’re living in now doesn’t have to be their world tomorrow.

When Littles know they have someone standing in their corner, it can really change their lives. For some, that means going from barely passing grades to being accepted to college. For others, it’s being exposed to career options their parents never had. Or it’s having a friend to help them understand a new language and explore a new life in America.

We wouldn’t be able to put a single Big in a Little’s corner if it weren’t for all of the volunteers, community partners, and donors we have in our corner. Because of their willingness to help, we’re able to change the world for thousands of kids every year.

And when you help change their world, you help change the world.





When Sharon was just nine years old, her mother decided Of all the things they’ve done together, one of their favorite to enroll her in Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC. Not because experiences was speaking at the Accountants and Bankers she needed help in school, but because Sharon was an reception and presenting Michael Stanley with an award. only child and her mother was worried that she was Sharon even memorized her entire speech. feeling isolated. “My Big Sister isn’t just fun,” Sharon adds, “She’s also really Of course, Sharon thinks her mother may have had a smart and I learn a lot from her.” different reason for signing her up. “Sometimes I could be a little annoying,” Sharon admits sheepishly. When asked if she thought this program would be good for other kids, Sharon said, “I think it would be good for kids like When Sharon first met her Big, Carol, she was a little nervous me who don’t have any siblings and don’t have anyone to because Carol was so much older. But that nervousness play with. And just like me, they could have a Big who would quickly disappeared when Sharon realized that Carol teach them good things like how to get good grades in was more like a little kid. Carol adds, “We found a lot of school. And get a good job when they grow up.” similarities. A lot of activities that she enjoyed doing, I also enjoyed.” And according to Sharon, that included making

“snow angels”. MY PARENTS ARE PROUD OF

Sharon was so excited to finally have a Big Sister that even ME BECAUSE I HAVE SUCH A before they met, she had prepared a list of activities that GOOD ROLE MODEL BY MY “ she wanted to do. Carol adds with a laugh, “Sharon crosses “ , out the things on the list that we’ve done, but the list never SIDE AND THEY RE HOPING seems to get any smaller.” THAT I GO TO COLLEGE WHEN I GET OLDER. _ SHARON



Doc had a lot of mentors when he was growing up. “They One of the opportunities Manny took advantage of was a really helped me see that there were a lot of options out chance to intern at Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC while he there,” Doc acknowledged. Now that he was older, he decided was still in high school. “I learned a lot there.” Manny adds, to become a Big Brother so he could pass those insights onto “I learned how to do a résumé. How to dress for success.” someone else. Manny returned to Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC and interned a second time after starting college. This time, he And according to Manny, it seems like Doc succeeded. “I had had a chance to be a mentor himself to four high school never been mentored before. So at first, I wasn’t comfortable students. According to Manny, “It was a great experience. It with a stranger outside my family giving me advice.” Manny reassured me that education was something I would like to admits, “But the mentors I was blessed with are the reason do in the future.” I am where I am today.” And how did this experience as a Big affect Doc’s life? So where is Manny today? Well, after applying to forty “I didn’t expect to get as close to Manny as I did,” Doc says colleges, and being accepted to thirty of them, Manny is thinking back,“I thought I’d be more of an authority type attending State University of New York Plattsburgh on a full figure. But it turned out to be a really great friendship at the scholarship and plans on a future in education. end of the day.”

Pretty impressive considering that before joining Big , Brothers Big Sisters of NYC, he didn’t even have an interest I’M A FOUNDING CHARTER in attending college. “I really didn’t think college was for MEMBER OF A NATIONAL me,” Manny explains, “But the motivational, personal, and “ ORGANIZATION THAT emotional support I received encouraged me to do better. To take advantage of opportunities. And step outside my CONNECTS LATINO STUDENTS comfort zone.” WITH ALUMNI AND OTHER “ CHAPTERS AROUND THE NATION FOR INTERNSHIPS AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. _ MANNY 9


After hearing her older brother talk about how much fun One of those adventures was to see the boat Ana worked on he was having with his Big, Vili and her mother thought it as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard. “She goes on the boat. might be a good idea if she had a Big, too. In addition to the She checks to see if everything is okay,” Vili explains. “Now companionship, her mother thought it would be an excellent that I see her doing her job, I feel like I want to be what she is. opportunity to help Vili overcome her shyness, improve her I want to be a U.S. Coast Guard.” Ana adds, “It lights up my life English skills, and build up her confidence and self-esteem. to spend time with her.”

Fast forward a little more than two years and you’d be surprised at what this once shy little girl has accomplished so far. “Ana taught me tricks to help me swim better. She taught ANA MOTIVATES ME. LAST me how to ice skate,” Vili proudly exclaims. “Last year, I skated YEAR WAS MY FIRST TIME “ twenty laps around the Bryant Park rink without holding onto TAKING THE STATE TEST the wall, or Ana’s hand, or anything.” “ AND I WAS NERVOUS. SHE Even though Vili has her mother, brother, and older sister HELPED ME GET THROUGH IT. living here with her, Ana believes it was good for Vili to have someone who only paid attention to her. “Our time _ VILI together was just for the two of us,” Ana adds. “We experience adventures in the city that she never would have experienced on her own.”



Peter came up with this idea when he and Jack were first But Jack isn’t the only one who’s benefited from this matched over two years ago. “Jack wasn’t doing as well as relationship. As Peter explains it, “Jack and I are from different he should in school,” Peter explained, “So we started setting backgrounds. He gives me a different perspective that I never weekly goals to get him on a better track.” got before. Not at work. Not from my friends. Being with Jack gives me a whole new view of the world.” One of the goals was for Jack to talk to the teachers if he was having trouble in their classes. Jack wasn’t too thrilled with Jack has come a long way since his first days with Peter. the idea at first. “I didn’t want to do it,” Jack admits, “because Two years ago, he wasn’t even interested in going to college. I didn’t like the teachers that much. But I decided to do what Today, he’s a sophomore at the Union Square Academy for Peter told me and it actually helped me improve my grades.” Health Sciences, studying pharmacy with the goal of one day joining the Navy. Another reason Jack’s mom enrolled him in Big Brothers Big

Sisters of NYC was so he would spend less time playing video games. Having Peter as his Big helped with that, too. “He PETER HELPED ME BECOME makes me read books,” Jack says with a laugh, “We each get a book, read it, and share our ideas of what we thought the MORE SOCIAL WITH “ book was about. Then we switch books. That’s really helped “DIFFERENT PEOPLE. me a lot.” I KNOW HOW TO TALK

Now if you think Peter’s mentoring is all about learning, think TO PEOPLE NOW. HOW TO again. Peter and Jack also share a love of sports. They play START A CONVERSATION. football together. Watch it on TV. Peter also took Jack on his _ first trip to Yankee Stadium to see his favorite baseball team. JACK 13


It was this chance encounter with a Little participating in Thanks to Lucy’s mentoring, Dolma is now studying nursing. McKinsey & Company’s Workplace Mentoring Program that But her dream doesn’t end there. Dolma explains, “I was made Lucy realize that she absolutely had to get involved thinking I could go back to my country someday and open with Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC. As Lucy explains, “This my own small clinic or hospital and help people who need it. young girl was astonished to learn that I was a lawyer at my That’s my bigger dream.” firm. That immediately got me thinking that we needed more role models for kids. And that was the beginning.” Dolma isn’t Lucy’s only mentoring success. Andrea, Lucy’s first Little had only been in the US about three years when Dolma, Lucy’s third Little in the Workplace Mentoring she met Lucy. According to Andrea, “When I found out that Program (Lucy is already busy mentoring number four), Lucy was born in the Dominican Republic and had also came to the United States from Tibet. She spoke very little moved to the US as a young girl, it kind of gave me the English and knew even less about the American way of assurance that things were going to be okay.” Today, Andrea life. By participating in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC is applying to graduate schools for Public Diplomacy. Workplace Mentoring Program, Dolma hoped she would be able to expand her English speaking skills and her view of Lucy also helped her second Little, Cristina, discover an the world outside her neighborhood. exciting career path. “I didn’t know much about careers.” Cristina explains, “There are a lot of kids like me who don’t And according to Dolma, her view of what the world had know about these opportunities, especially if their parents to offer changed the minute she walked into Lucy’s office. didn’t go to college.” Today, Cristina is attending City Dolma explains, “It became clear to me that they’re the same University of New York and plans on attending law school, as us. They are just regular people and the things that they just like Lucy. Cristina adds with a laugh, “I thought lawyers have done, we can do, too.” only defended criminals, and then I met Lucy. I said, you’re a lawyer and you’re working in a big corporation. I didn’t even

As her Big, that’s exactly the kind of thinking Lucy know that existed.” encouraged in Dolma. “Before I came to the program, I was thinking I would just finish high school and find some kind of regular job.” Dolma adds, “It was Lucy who influenced me to I REALLY WANT TO THANK “ go to college and to have a bigger dream.” THE PROGRAM AND LUCY “FOR EVERYTHING. JUST BY COMING INTO MY LIFE, THEY CHANGED MY LIFE. 15 _ DOLMA


When Justen first came to Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC, Since being matched, Dan has been able to build up he wasn’t doing well in school. He was constantly getting Justen’s confidence and help him claim a better way in into fights. And he was associating with the wrong crowd in school and in his community. “Dan has pushed me to be school and his neighborhood. better.” Justen explains, “He’s very influential. He taught me to think wiser. To make smarter decisions for everything.” Realizing things had to change, his parents signed him up for a Big Brother. “I didn’t have a choice. My parents pushed According to Dan, challenging Justen both in a competitive me into it.” Justen then smiles and says, “But all in all, it game and in how he looks at life has had an impact. “Justen turned out to be good. I don’t regret it at all.” has had a lot of uncertainty and changes in his life over the last couple of years.” Dan adds, “I feel he’s benefited from Justen always wanted to have a career in sports so having having someone to stretch his mind and competitive desire Dan as his Big was the perfect match. After all, Dan’s career and show him how to use those skills in a good way.” included working for the NY Knicks and Madison Square Garden. Dan also wanted to give back by working with an underserved child and helping him improve his quality of life.

“Justen and I share a passion for watching and playing sports.” Dan continues, “It’s been fun to show him my work

and that there are many different avenues in life and in the



Like most of the Littles that participate in the Big Brothers Big So how did Erin do as a Big Sister? Lai says, “I could always ask Sisters of NYC Mentoring Program, Lai’s parents didn’t work Erin for advice. She had a different view of the world than my in an office. In fact for many Littles, the first time they see the parents or people in my neighborhood. She gave me a broader inside of an office is the first day they meet their workplace Big. view of what the world is like.”

According to Lai that moment had quite an impact, “It was Even though some time has passed and Erin continued to really different than what I thought it would be. I thought it mentor other Littles after Lai graduated, Lai and Erin still find would be intimidating but it wasn’t… it was like, okay this is time to get together on a regular basis. something that I can definitely do… and it made me think a lot more about my future.”

Lai thinks it was fate that brought her and Erin together twenty years ago. “I wasn’t even supposed to be in the program. The school picked who would go to the seminar and I wasn’t chosen.” Lai continues, “But my friends were there, so I cut in and sat in on it and that’s how I got to go.”

Erin was also excited about the prospect of participating in the Mentoring Program at her office. “I was the youngest of five children, so I was never able to be a big sister. So I thought if I could be a Big Sister to someone that would be terrific.” Erin adds, “What a great opportunity it was to be a mentor and

to share some of what I’ve learned over the years from other



Loryn was living in the Bronx with his mother and four younger with a laugh, “So I said well you can go to Syracuse but you siblings when he was first matched with Darryl over four years won’t be playing any ball. They’ll have a broom there waiting ago. Although he did well in middle school, Loryn fell behind for you.” in high school due to issues with authority and peer pressure. Now while that may seem a bit harsh, Darryl called it a Having had similar experiences when he was growing up, necessary dose of reality. “I would always encourage and Darryl was able to relate to what Loryn was going through. support him. But sometimes I had to show him that I wasn’t “When you have a Little, you have to be open and tell them going to go for it,” Darryl explains. “For some kids, the light stuff that you did as a kid that might have been stupid,” bulb goes on sooner than others. You have to treat every Little Darryl explains, “You have to show them that you aren’t differently depending on how they come to you.” perfect, either.” It seems Darryl’s approach worked. Today, Loryn is studying But even with all of Darryl’s guidance and support, the Liberal Arts at a two-year college in upstate New York. And summer before Loryn’s senior year, it was still unclear if he how does Loryn feel about spending time away from home? would graduate on time. “I remember him telling me that he “I’m excited to get out of my neighborhood for a while,” Loryn

wanted to go to Syracuse to play ball and I asked him how his admits. “But I’m going to miss Darryl. I’ll probably call him

grades were. He told me they weren’t so good,” Darryl adds every week.” I GOT A CHANCE TO SORT OF MENTOR SOME “ YOUNGER KIDS WHO WERE AT RISK. THANKS TO DARRYL, I SAW IT FROM A DIFFERENT LIGHT NOW. “ _ LORYN



For all the thousands of kids who join our program every year, there are many more who can’t. There just aren’t enough Bigs to go around. And since many parents request that their child be matched with someone of the same background or ethnicity, the demand for diversity in our volunteers is constantly growing. Here are a few of the groups that are working to help us raise awareness:

AFFINITY GROUPS Affinity Groups consist of former Bigs, current Bigs, and people who just believe in the cause. They hold monthly meetings, host community events, and help create strategies to diversify our volunteers.

BIGS EDUCATION COUNCIL To boost the Education Initiative’s efforts, in the winter of 2014, the Bigs Education Council was created. Composed of a diverse group of current and alumni volunteer Bigs, this affinity group supports the Education Initiative and other agency education-related efforts through various activities, including recruiting Littles and Bigs for education programming, developing education-related partnerships, supporting with Education Initiative programming and fundraising for scholarships for our Littles.

LATINO BIGS Committed to serving children from Latino communities in NYC, Latino Bigs has developed a targeted outreach campaign to serve more children in the historically Hispanic neighborhood of East Harlem. The group also hosts an annual softball tournament fundraiser, “Step Up To The Plate”.

BIGS UNITED Focused on ensuring our black youth have access to positive role models, Bigs United has put together a series of community panels bringing together local influencers to discuss topics pertinent to the African American community while highlighting the need for more mentors. Annual events include an MLK Day of Service project and Black History Month Artist Showcase. ASIAN MENTORING COMMITTEE Working to support the agency’s New American Program, supporting children who come from immigrant families, the AMC helps establish relationships that serve as pipelines of mentors for these youth. Through their annual signature Night Market loft party event, the group seeks to create enough sustainable funding to support an additional 50 matches from NYC’s Asian communities.


CANTOR FITZGERALD CHARITY DAY MACRO RISK ADVISORS (MRA) Every year, Cantor Fitzgerald honors their 658 employees who On October 14, 2014, Macro Risk Advisors (MRA), a leading perished in the World Trade Center attacks by donating 100 provider of global market risk analysis and execution services percent of their revenue to over 150 charities worldwide during for institutional investors, hosted its third annual charitable their annual Charity Day event on September 11th. trading day. All of the net commissions earned from option, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City was invited for the stock, and ETF trades, were donated to four diverse organizations second time to receive a portion of this revenue in 2014. Our selected by MRA and Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC was one of celebrity ambassador Ron Darling joined other celebrities on the those beneficiaries. trading room floor as brokers helped guide their conversations and the trades with their clients. His presence on the phone and CREDIT SUISSE on the trading floor was impactful; as a former Big Brother, he BBBS of NYC was pleased to have been one of 43 charities to was a fantastic advocate for our agency. benefit from the 2014 Credit Suisse Charity Holiday Initiative. This annual employee giving campaign for Credit Suisse in the Americas has delivered over $14.2 million since its inception.

CREATIVE EDGE PARTIES AND COUNTESS LUANN DE LESSEPS HOST OUR WORKPLACE LITTLES Creative Edge CEO Carla Ruben hosted a group of eleven eleventh grade Littles and their mentors from our American Express Workplace Mentoring Program for a hands-on cooking class and lunch in Creative Edge Parties’ West Village kitchen and tasting room. Special guest Countess Luann de Lesseps of Bravo’s “Real Housewives of New York City” and author of Class with the Countess was also on-hand to help. It was an eye-opening experience for our kids and their mentors. Every detail was thought through from start to finish. Before the matches started their cooking class they were treated to a VIP dining etiquette lesson from Countess Luann. Then the kids had an opportunity to see the behind-the-scenes workings of a large catering operation and see themselves as part of it. Those possibilities are priceless for them; it changes their world-view. BROOKLYN NETS PARTNERS WITH BBBS OF NYC FOR NATIONAL MENTORING MONTH The Brooklyn Nets welcomed BBBS of NYC to the Barclays Center as part of our year-long campaign to highlight the impact of mentoring and raise awareness of the urgent need for volunteers. The Nets recognized BBBS of NYC for its efforts to provide volunteer mentors to young people across the five boroughs. More than 200 Big and Little Brothers and Sisters attended the event, and 15 Littles helped kick off the game by joining the Brooklyn Nets on the court for the National Anthem. Recruitment volunteers also distributed information demonstrating the positive outcomes mentoring produces as well as how to become a mentor. 27 CASINO JAZZ NIGHT Honoring select members of New York City’s real estate industry for their philanthropic contributions, this summer event attracts the “movers and shakers” in commercial real estate and finance. Guests partake in casino games and the fabulous fare of Cipriani 42nd Street. HELPING KIDS SEE THAT THERE IS SOMEONE IN THEIR CORNER HAS ITS FUN MOMENTS.

To help put the “fun” in our fundraising, a number of special events are held every year. In addition to networking and socializing, these events give attendees an opportunity to hear about the positive changes they’re helping us accomplish — not just in the lives of our Littles and Bigs, but in their families, schools, and local communities. Without our individual, corporate and foundation funders, and event attendees, our dream of helping New York City’s kids would not be possible.

SIDEWALKS OF NY ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER Held at New York City’s Waldorf Astoria in April, this is our signature gala event. Matches come to share wonderful stories and present awards to honorees. Over the years, honorees have included members of the media, corporate, and sports worlds.

Sports Honoree Carmelo Anthony with his presenting match.

RACE FOR THE KIDS - PART OF ,’ NICKELODEON S WORLDWIDE DAY OF PLAY Held in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, this 5K Run/Walk celebrates the power of mentoring with over 3,500 participants. Joined by their families and other caring New Yorkers, matches enjoy a fun-filled day that also encourages healthy living.

Race participants at the Worldwide Day of Play activities.

29 INVITATIONAL GOLF OUTING A round of golf at an exclusive club brings out members of the domestic and international hedge fund community. This annual event includes a cocktail reception, dinner, and a live auction.

Participants from Macro Risk Advisors.

BIG NIGHT OUT This annual black tie fundraiser held by our Young Professionals Committee includes dancing, casino games, a poker tournament, and a silent auction. Held at Pier 60, it attracts over nine hundred young professionals.

ACCOUNTANTS & BANKERS RECEPTION This annual event honors one accountant and one banker who have served their community with distinction. Executives from a variety of industries join us at the Harmonie Club to network and show their support for these accounting and banking heroes.

Accountants Honoree Charles Weinstein, CEO of EisnerAmper, with his presenting match. GRIDIRON GAMES Held every year at the MetLife Stadium, it’s the day when Littles and Bigs can play football on a professional field, tour the locker room, and even meet retired NFL players. That afternoon, top NYC law firm members competed in a touch football tournament.

Winning team Fried Frank.

TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS PONG Held annually, ToC Pong takes place at Grand Central Station’s Vanderbilt Hall and hosts thirty-two teams from within the financial community. An all-glass court allows spectators to see all the action.

Winning team Harvest Management LLC.

NATIONAL MENTORING MONTH On January 22nd, in honor of National Mentoring Month and our ToC Pong fundraiser, our PwC workplace mentoring matches, several board members, and staff joined our Executive Director to ring the closing bell at the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square. Our logo and PSA were also broadcast to help raise awareness of the need for mentors in NYC.


BBBS OF NYC ANNOUNCES VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION RESULTS OF RESEARCH STUDY CEREMONY New data released proves that one-to-one mentoring causes BBBS of NYC hosted its Volunteer Recognition Ceremony at the a significant decline in risk factors such as violent behavior Hard Rock Café in Times Square, where Bigs were honored for and drug and alcohol use in young people. According to a their remarkable dedication to serving as positive role models study conducted by Philliber Research Associates (PRA), risk and making a difference in the lives of young people across factors declined 21% among mentored youth after a period New York City. Awards presented throughout the evening of 15 months but increased 13% among non-mentored youth included: Little Moments Big Steps, Going the Extra Mile, Big over the same period. The study includes data collected from Champion, Rookie of the Year, Hall of Fame, WMC Corporate 224 young people, including 97 who were enrolled in the Big of the Year, and Most Valuable Mentor as our name and BBBS of NYC community-based mentoring program and a logo flashed brightly in Times Square from the Hard Rock control group. marquee. District 5 Councilmember Ben Kallos was on hand to present a proclamation and congratulate the volunteers. Other key findings from the study include: mentoring has a greater impact among middle school students than on those in high school; mentoring is equally effective for both sexes, with risk factors declining 26% among mentored boys and 29% among mentored girls; and the positive effects of mentoring were reported at 6 months, with continued positive change reported after 15 months.

, WE VE MOVED! After over 50 years, the agency and its board of directors made the decision to move to a new location better suited to serve the children of NYC and to properly accommodate all staff together. Our new location at 40 Rector St. includes state-of-the art amenities for our Littles to grow and learn including a dedicated Education Room for the children in our programs. Our Executive Director is particularly proud of our new Homework Lobby and playroom furnished by Nickelodeon for children visiting to enroll in our program. The new, bright, cheery space has been described as “walking into a rainbow”. Please stop by to see for yourself! 110TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION On December 3rd, 1904, Ernest Coulter spoke to members of a local men’s club on behalf of a young boy he encountered in his capacity as a clerk in the New York City children’s court. In response to Mr. Coulter’s call for a volunteer to intervene in the boy’s life. Nearly 40 men spoke up, starting what is known today as Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City.

On December 3rd, 2014 BBBS of NYC celebrated 110 years of changing the lives of young people across the five boroughs. In addition to a reception at the new BBBS of NYC 40 Rector St. office, two iconic NYC buildings – 4 Times Square and the Bank of America building at 1 Bryant Park – were lit up in our green and blue colors. Special thanks to Jody Durst and the entire Durst Organization for facilitating this special tribute to our organization.

33 WORKPLACE MENTORING PROGRAM What better way to expose students to all the possibilities that are out in the workplace than to actually have them experience life in the workplace? That’s the idea behind our Workplace Mentoring Program. Every other week, students from area schools are brought into the workplace where they will enjoy on-site, one-to-one mentoring from employees at a participating company. There are over forty companies that participate in this program and they include every vocation from finance to fashion. In addition to having a positive impact on students, this program also has a positive impact on the employees who participate. Companies report that they are more dedicated and loyal, and their involvement helps boost employee morale. HOW WE CHANGE THEIR WORLD SO THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.

COMMUNITY MENTORING PROGRAM EDUCATION INITIATIVE For 110 years this program has been matching boys and Our Education Initiative provides the resources and support our girls between the ages of seven and eighteen with a caring Littles need to achieve academic success. In partnership with adult role model twenty-one years or older. Supported by a the City University of New York’s College Now program, Signet social worker, these matches get together city-wide at least Tutoring, and Graph It Forward, we offer academic enrichment twice a month to bond, have fun, and learn from each other’s programs to all of our Littles that include comprehensive experiences. By offering children a positive adult role model, college-readiness workshops for high school Littles. We also this program has helped many Littles improve in school, go have computer tutoring stations for Littles to work on school on to college, and lead productive lives. Within this part of the projects, study various academic subjects, and prepare for the agency, our New American Program helps young immigrants SAT and ACT. For our Littles who are struggling academically, we overcome obstacles they may face when trying to adjust to a create thoughtful action-oriented academic intervention plans. new culture, language, and customs. To help make the transition easier, we do our best to match our Littles with an adult mentor who has a similar ethnic background and language understanding. This program also gives parents the added support system of having another adult ready to offer guidance, support, and direction to their child.

CENTER FOR TRAINING For the past 23 years our Center for Training and Professional Development has provided core initiatives to meet the needs of youth serving organizations that want to positively impact youth through their Mentoring Supervisor Certificate Program, Professional Development Workshops, and through Technical Assistance. All programs provide capacity building, organizational development, mentoring enhancements and overall professional development. Since its inception, the Training Center has served over 1,500 organizations reaching many thousands of children and families.


Visionary Leaders Amanda & John E. Waldron Mr. Christopher H. Belhumeur RK Arslanian & Event Chairs Staci & Glen J. Weiss Mr. Reiner Boehning Mr. Guy Baron $30,000+ Mr. William Brilliant Mr. Mitchell Basson Miracle Makers Mr. Frank Carroll, III Mr. Brad Berberian Anonymous $20,000-$29,999 Mr. Peter Chapman Mr. Ari Bergmann Randi Schatz & Joseph S. Allerhand Mr. Douglas Colandrea Mr. Matthew R. Bland Marianne & Philip F. Bleser Kenneth J. & Kathryn C. Chenault Mr. Michael Corsi Mr. Stuart Boesky Susan & Jonathan D. Bram Mr. Reid Mason Figel Mr. Joseph Dougherty Nathaniel & Betsy Bohrer Valerie A. & Joseph W. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David I. Foley Mr. Roger W. Ferguson Jr. Mr. Stephen B. Brodeur Christine & Craig Clay LouAnn & Robert Frome Mr. John Garcia Mr. Charles Cahn Mr. Michael John Conway Mr. Joseph P. Geraci & Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Goldberg Ms. Camy Phyllis Calve Saundra & W. Don Cornwell Ms. Marnela S. Mariano Mr. Marc Harris Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Cohn Jennifer & Reuben Daniels Dale F. & Kathleen Maycen Jonathan & Nita Hunter Mr. Kevin Coleman Diane D’Erasmo Dara & Tim O’Hara Mr. Ajit Khubani Mr. Richard Coles Lisa & Steven Durels James Rapp Mr. Kenneth Langone Mr. Jason Cook Michaelene & Jonathan (Jody) Durst Mr. Lari Stanton Mr. Darren Lowe Mr. Ryan Craft Michelle & David W. Florence Bruce MacLennan & Wan Li Mr. David Damato Sheila Wolf Freiman & Memory Makers Mr. & Mrs. Scott Malkin Mr. Todd DeGarmo Martin Freiman $10,000-$19,999 Mr. Mark Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeGiaimo Sandra & Dennis Friedrich Anonymous Barbara R. Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. DiFilippo Arlyn & Edward L. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. James R.T. Bartlett Mr. Michael Meyer Mrs. Vivian Donnelley Deborah & Paul N. Glickman Hector Batista, CEO, Mr. Salvatore Morale Mr. David Downie Jane Skinner Goodell & BBBS of NYC Mr. Dylan Murphy Ms. Heather A. Ehrenkranz Roger S. Goodell Mr. Mark Benhar Ms. Laura Niles Mr. & Mrs. Blair J. Fleming Anita & Ash Gupta Mr. Jeffrey Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Oplinger Mr. Thomas Fredericks Agnes & Gerald L. Hassell Mr. Michael T. Christatos Mr. Giuseppe Pagano Mr. Kenneth G. Friedrich Jared L. Landaw Mr. & Mrs. Cort Delany Mr. Clifford Perlman Mr. Michael Goldberg Andrew S. Lipman Mr. Craig J. Goldberg Mr. Sean Hale Peters Megan Gliebe & Adam Goldenberg Yvonne & Arthur Liu Jeffrey A. & Nancy Coles Goldstein Mr. Thomas Peters Bernard & Patricia Goldstein Lucy Lopez & Ray Garcia Thomas R. Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Greenspan Juliana & Jonathan P. May Joe Gunn Peter & Ann Pollack Mr. Robert Grubert Mr.& Mrs. William Milton Lewis, Jr. Carol Lynn & Peter J. Holzer Ms. Jennifer Powers Mr. Kurt Hallead Jacqueline & Daniel J. McSwiggan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lavine Mr. Jeffrey Resnick Mr. Christopher Hamel Mr. & Mrs. Prakash Melwani Mr. & Mrs. Mark Levitt Mr. John Rhinelander Miles & Megan Highsmith Steve M. Moore Katherine & Mark Linder Mr. Daniel Rosenbaum Mr. William Hoffmann Mr. & Mrs. Adebayo Ogunlesi Francesca & Edward McBride Mr. Salim G. Samaha Mr. Joseph A. Jabes Amanda & Anthony Orso Mr. Drew Melchionni Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schrank Mr. Ahmed Kachenoura Laura & Richard Parsons Mr. Eugene Mercy Mr. Mark Shinderman Mr. John Kempf Nancy & Charles G. Posternak Rodney M. Miller, Sr. Mr. Jeffrey Silverman Shauvik Kundagrami Marsha P. & Steven L. Roth Thomas J. Niedermeyer, Jr. Kelley & J. Michael Stanley Paul H. & Linda D. Lee Mr. Louis Pupello in memory Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Topper, Jr. Mr. K. Adam Leight of Marianne Pupello Mr. Randy S. Reiff Mr. Jeffrey Urban Mr. Kevin E. Lewis Edward B. & Caridad H. Ruggiero Mrs. Joan Sarnoff Mr. John O. Utendahl Mr. Christopher Lindsey Erin & Brendan Scanlon Mr. David L. Sokol Margaret Vaden & Steve Cheng Mr. Domenick Lorelli Victoria & Philip Seskin Mr. Richard Tavoso James A. & Priscilla Leviten Warner Mr. Matthew Maggio Jerome A. Siegel Mr. Ed VonSouer Lise & Jeffrey Wilks Mr. Evan Malik Marva A. Smalls Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ward, III Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Yaris Mr. & Mrs. Mario Marchi Rhonda & Marquett Smith Mr. George T. Wein Mr. Ahmad Masud Mr. & Mrs. Mark Standish Mr. & Mrs. Sri Priyal Wijegoonaratna Dream Makers Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Matthews Laurie & Sy Sternberg $2,000-$4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Meadows Jonelle Procope & Frederick O. Terrell Friendship Makers Mr. Andrew Moore Tawana M. Tibbs & Bruce S. Gordon Anonymous $5,000-$9,999 Mr. Padraig Murphy Loraine & John Tsavaris Mr. Richard H. Agee Mr. Christopher C. Neidow Marie & Adalbert von Gontard, Jr. Anonymous (2) Mr. Martin Akguc Mr. & Mrs. Jill & Ken Novak Mr. Ryan Atkinson Mr. James Apthorpe Mr. Christopher O’Neill Ji Pak Mr. Francis Carling & Joanne & Edward Froelich Mr. Charles Komar Mr. Howard Plotkin Ms. Susan Hinkson Mr. & Mrs. Gennaro J. Fulvio Mr. Rick Koppenhaver Mr. Daniel Ponder Elizabeth & David Carpenter Mr. Alan Gardner Mr. Jeremy R. Kramer Mr. Robert Raimo Mr. Glen Carter Leslie J. & Johanna Garfield Mr. Martin Kravet Mr. Glenn Riedman Mr. Michael Carter Mr. Jeffrey Gelles Bill & Rose Krivoshik Mr. Mordechai Rubin Mr. Michael Casey Mr. Joseph Giacobbe Mr. John F. Kuntz Mr. Zach Samton Ms. Constance Cassidy Mr. Matthew Giammarinaro Lis and Michael Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schmidtberger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Catell Mr. Daniel Gioia Ms. Dahlia Lahiji Mr. Andrew W. Schulman Mr. Charles W. Chigas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Gish Mr. & Mrs. Robert Todd Lang Mr. Brad Scott Mr. Frank Ciaravalli Mr. Gregg Gluberman Mr. Joseph Lau Dr. Zainab Shamma-Othman Mr. Vincent Cimino Mr. Bruce Goldfarb Mr. Richard Lawrence Mr. Vito A. Sperduto Mr. Patrick Clarke Mr. Mark Goldstein Mr. Marc D. Layne Mr. Daniel Tai Ms. Deborah Cogut Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Golub Mr. Justin LeBlanc Mr. Ian Taylor Mr. Lawrence Cohen Mr. William Gonser Matthew & Sabrina LeBlanc Nirav Thakker Mr. Scott M. Cohen Eugene & Emily Grant Mr. James Lee Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Victor Mr. Ben Colice Mr. Steven Greenwald Mr. Dan LePage Mr. Jon E. Voigtman Ms. Mary Jo Collins Mr. Robert Griffin Mr. Raymond Leung Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Weissman Mr. Edward J. Collora Mr. David Grimes Mr. and Mrs. David Levine Mr. James S. Wolfe Mr. Robert R. Colon Mr. Michael Grubert Mr. Michael Lexton Mr. Raymond J. Cosman Jeffrey Gural Mr. Michael V. Littlejohn Magic Makers Mr. Christopher Creed Mr. Seymour I. Gussack Mr. Clinton Lively $1,000-$2,499 Mr. Morgan Crooks Ms. Jennifer J Hadiaris Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lobel Mr. Jonathan Crystal Mr. Mark Hagan Mr. Thomas LoBue Anonymous (5) Mr. David Daniels Mr. Michael Halpern Mr. Gerald M. Lodge & Mr. Christopher Adams Mr. Matthew Darnall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Hatton Ms. Molly F. Ashby Mr. Eric Aldous Mr. Kevin Davies Mr. Ronnie Hawkins Ms. Lisa J. Lombardi Mr. Anthony Ambrosio Mr. Michael Byrne Davis Mr. Stratton R Heath, III Ms. Emily Lotsbom Anasta F. & Richard T. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. De Scherer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Heimowitz Mr. Paul Lynch Ms. Denise Augenblick Mr. Thomas Dean Mr. Keith Helwig Mr. David Lynn Ms. Karen Backus Mr. Joseph Decicco Mr. Paul T. Ho Mr. Benjamin Lyons Mr. Matthew Bagley Mr. Stephen Deering Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hochman Mr. Peter Ma Mr. John Barnes Mr. Brian Deevy Mr. & Mrs. George Horning Mr. Sharad Malhotra Ms. Giselle M. Barth Chancey Dewey Ms. Anny Huang Ms. Mary Beth Mandanas Mr. Santino Basile Mr. Nikola Dimitrov Mr. Jon Huerta Mr. Paul Manos Mr. & Mrs. Eric Batchelder Mr. & Mrs. James S. Dineen Mr. Karl Hummel Mr. Francis C. Marino Mr. Tim Bath Mr. & Mrs. Justin B. Doran Mr. Alexander Iler Mr. William Martini Beverly Benz & Antoine G. Treuille Mr. Jeff Doty Mr. Eric Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Peter May Mr. Marc J. Berman Mr. William Drewry Mr. Ian J. Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mazzei Shailesh Bhatt Ms. Nancy R. Druckman Mr. James P. Jenkins Mr. Kevin McCarthy Ms. Tamara Sue Bigalow Mr. Amery Dunn Mr. Henry Johnson Mr. Sean McCarthy Mr. Arturo Bignardi Mr. William Eisenbeis Mr. Robert Jones Ms. Sherilyn McCoy Mr. Robert Birch Mr. Steven Elghanayan Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jossen Chris McGlinn David & Ester Bistricer Mr. Jason Engelberg Ms. Kristin Joyce Mr. James C. McKenna Ms. Florian Bita Andriy Falenchuk Mr. Thomas Ernest Kanes Mr. Paul McNutt Mr. & Dr. Kevin C. Blauch Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Farrell Sara Kasirer Mr. Henry Michaels Mr. Matthew Blumenstein Mr. Guy Farrington Ms. Michal Katz Mr. Paul Milcetic Ms. Sarah Blumenstein Mr. Eugene Fattore Richard L. & Lynn R. Kay Mr. & Mrs. Scott Mills Mr. & Mrs. Scott G. Boilen Mr. John Fauver Mr. Robert Kay Lee J. Miner & Pamela Fields Miner Mr. Daniel Botoff Mr. Steve Feinstein Mr. Daniel L. Keating Mr. Justin Evan Mirro Rae G. Boylan Mr. Jeffrey Felmus Lesley Kelly Abhishek Mistry Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brady Mr. Matthew Finnigan Mr. Michael Kelly Ms. Shelly Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Bressler Mr. David Firestein Mr. Jimmy Kim Mr. Nik Modi Mr. Noel Brown Ms. Judith Fishlow MInter Mr. John King Shariar Mohajer Mr. Jonathan Byrne Mr. Marc Flamino Mr. Kevin Kish David & Lori Moore Mr. Richard Cammerer Mr. John Flock & Ms. Victoria Mills Mr. Ken Klassen Ted C. Morehouse & Claudia Rose Mr. James Capalino Mr. Robert J. Franco Katherine Klemmer Terry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Morford, III Mr. Dominic Capolongo Mr. Robert T. Friedsam Kenneth J. & Lorraine Knuckles Mr. Paul Morton 37 Mr. Wendell A. Mottley Mr. Patrick Shields Mr. Richard Yemm Lee M. Cohen Ms. Susan Moultrie Mr. Keith Shultis Mr. Paul Yi Mr. Noam Cohen Mr. Anthony Munoz Mr. Adam Silver Mr. Craig Zando Samantha & Drew Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Gregg M. Myers Mr. Howard Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Zingarini Mr. John Cokinos Mr. George Mykoniatis Mr. Simos Simeonidis Mr. Salvatore J. Zizza Mr. Daren Colaiacovo Mr. Paul Nagle Mr. Alfonse Simone Mr. Joseph Cole Mr. Young Namkung Mr. Scott Sinawi Match Makers Ms. Faith Colish, Esq. Ms. Shilpa Narang Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Skouras, Jr. $500-$999 Ms. Janet Collein Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Nash Mr. Robert Sluymer Mr. William H. Cooper Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Ira B. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Smith Ms. Kathleen A. Costine Mr. Peter Abitante Mr. Mark Nevins Mr. Kevin J. Smith Mr. Anthony Cowart Mr. Steven Adams Mr. Dang Nguyen Ms. Sharon Solomon Mr. Sean Cullen Ms. Maria Alataris Mr. Michael D. North Mr. John Sorice Mr. Devin W. Dangler Mr. Chuck Alini Mr. Glenn Novarro Mr. Jason T. Spacek Mr. Michael DeFazio Mr. Ramon Alvarez Mr. James O’Brien Mr. Bob Spangler Mr. Matthew DeMonte Ms. Callie Anderson Mr. Michael Ochsenhirt Mr. Paul Sperber Mr. Gregory DeRise Mr. David Archibald Mr. Adam Oessteich Mr. Anthony C. Spikes Mr. Joseph DiSalvo Jon and Melissa Arfstrom George D. & Abby M. O’Neill Mr. Peter Spinelli Mr. Edward Doherty Mr. Charles N. Atkins Mr. David Palmer Mr. Justin M. Spitzer Mr. Matthew Doran Mr. David Atkinson Ms. Madonna Park Mr. Denny D. Sreckovic Mr. Scott Dorf Mr. David A. Attanasio Mr. Franklin Parker Robert J. & Bonnie M. Stapleton Mr. Gerard Downey Mr. Matthew Atwood Mr. Stephen Pedone Mr. Michael J. Stein Mr. Paul Durnan Ms. Jill Babic Mr. Roger Pellegrini Mr. Robert Steininger Mr. Mark Dwelle Mr. Branko Balach Mr. Russell Pemberton Ms. Clara H. Steinlage Mr. Richard Ehrlich Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Balani Ms. Lesley Peng Mr. David S. Stolzar Mr. Robert Eisen Mr. Steven Balzofiore Mr. Arnold S. Penner Mr. Michael Steven Swell Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Emden Ms. Danielle Bartosik Mr. John K. Perkins Mr. Michael Swiader Mr. Alexander Fisher Mr. Jonathan S. Bayer Ms. Tricia Peyser Ms. Fadya Speero Tannous Lurie Mr. Kevin Foster Mr. George M. Bellinger Mr. Tebogo Phiri Mr. Michael Thomson Mr. John Frank Mr. Arthur D. Bellini Mr. William Price Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hans Tiedemann Mr. Joshua Freedman Mr. Wade Bendus Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pritchard Mr. Warren Tom Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Friedman Alan J. Benet & Laurel Grimacoff Mr. John Puig Mustafa Topiwalla Mr. Allen Fu Mr. Scot Berg Mr. Wesley Puryear Mr. Marcos Torres Mr. Nick Gardner Kumarjit Bhattacharyya Mr. Adil Rahmathulla Mr. Charlie Towers Mr. Jeff Gates Mr. Mark Bienstock Simon Rebbechi Mr. Jim Tricolli Mr. Anthony George Gero Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Blauner Ms. Lori Reinsberg Mr. Joseph Vaccaro Razzy Ghomeshi Mr. Roger A. Blissett Rhoten Family Fund Mr. George L. Van Amson Mr. Joseph Giammarella Mr. Michael Borenstein Mr. Scott Richardson Mr. & Mrs. John C. Van Buskirk, Jr. Mr. John Gifford Mr. Jean-Pierre Boudrias Mr. Andrew Rosenbaum Mr. John Villani Mr. Netanel Ginor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braun Mr. Joshua Rosenbaum Beatrice Busch & Ms. Ruth E. Gitlin Mr. Todd Breen Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rosenberg Adalbert von Gontard, III Mr. Brian Goldfogel Stuart R. & Sarise Breidbart Mr. Alon Rosin Mr. Brian Ward Mr. Brian Gross Mr. Stuart Brown Mr. Patrick Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner B. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Gerard R. Guterl Mr. William Caggiano Mr. John Rote Mr. & Mrs. Randall Wells Mr. Gregory Hackett Ms. Juana Caicedo-Selinger Mr. Daniel Rothschild Mr. Petter Wendel Mr. Michael Haddad Mr. David Capaldi Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Royce Ms. Lynne M. Wheat Mr. John C. Harkins Mr. Joseph Carey Mr. Beau Russo Mr. Jerry Wiant Ms. Kathrin Hays Mr. Robert Carley Barbara & John Samuelson Mr. Eric Wilson Mr. Wallace C. Henderson Mr. Thomas Carlson Ms. Meredith Sanandres Mr. Kevin P. Wilson Mr. Michael Patrick Henry Ms. Michelle Carroll Mr. Darren Schenkler Ms. Elizabeth Anne Wintrich Mr. Christopher Heron Mr. Jason Cavalier Mr. Michael Schilling Mr. David Wirdnam Michael J. & Devi Heyer Ms. Stephanie Chan Mr. Jason Schoenholtz Mr. Eric Wise Mr. Joseph Higgins Mr. Jean-Francois Chaput Mr. Andrew Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. William A. Woodburn Mr. Kevin Higgins Ms. Lesley M. Chin Ms. Michele Searingella Mr. Ian Woods Mr. Robert S. Higgins Mr. Stephen Choe Mr. Alan Sellitti Ms. Diane Wright Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hillman Mr. Michael Cloherty Mr. James Shannon Thomas G. & Anne Wyman Mr. Scott Hirsch Mr. John Cogan Mr. Jonathan Sherman Mr. Richard A. Yaffa Ms. Joan Hornig Mr. James Hurst Mr. Richard Moore Chirayu Shah Mr. David Wong Mr. Ross L. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. James Morris Mr. Kevin Shanahan Ms. Tina Woo Mr. Frank Jin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Morrison Sachin Sharma Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Wysocki Mr. Dimitar Karaivanov Mr. Kevin Mullen Mr. Pradip Shaw Mr. Michael H. Yanowitch Mr. Timothy Karman Mr. Kevin Mulligan Mr. Howard Shild Mr. Kenji Yoshikawa Mr. Jason Katz Mr. Clifford Mulry Ms. Erin Shippee Mr. Charles Zabriskie, Jr. Mr. William Kerr Mr. Matthew Munzar Mr. Steve Shirreffs Mr. Costias Ziozis Ms. Susan Kirtland Ennis Murphy Mr. Jake S. Sigmund Mr. Andrew J. Klemmer Mr. David Nadelman Jules & Nancy Silbert Chairman’s Circle Tim & Jane Klemmer Mr. Paul Neuhedel Jeffrey & Amy Silverman $100,000+ Mr. Eric Kochanowski Mr. Michael Neuman Mr. Robert Silverman Bloomberg Mr. Sanjay Kothari Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Nocco Ms. Jeanne Silvers BNY Mellon Mr. Harris A. Kretsge Mr. Michael Noonan Ms. Christy L. Silvester The Clark Foundation Anand & Arundhati Kulkarni Mr. Pierre Noriega Ms. Sonia Smalls Credit Suisse Mr. Richard Kunzer Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nussbaum Mr. Robert Smith Goldman Sachs & Co. Mr. Gerard Laffan Mr. James P. Oldershaw Ms. Stephanie Smith The Liu Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Craig Laraia Mr. Jay Olson Shannon Snead & Daniel Jones The Pinkerton Foundation Ms. Marta Jo Lawrence Mr. George Olvany Mr. Jeremy Sonnenburg Royal Bank of Canada Mr. Stephen Leavenworth Ms. Lida Orzeck Mr. John Spatz Charles R. and Winifred Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Leff Mr. & Mrs. William Overman Ms. Rachel Stack R. Weber Foundation Mr. Gerald Leo Mr. Ryan Parish Mr. Randall Stanicky Ms. Cathy Lerebours Jin Park Mr. Gregory Steele Champions Mr. Andrew Joshua Levander Hemal Parmar Mr. & Mrs. Brian Steinwurtzel $50,000-$99,999 & Ms. Carol Lowenson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Pash Mr. Timothy Stephens Mr. Jesus Linares Vimal Patel Mr. Daniel Stewart American Express Lonnie & Thomas Schwartz Mr. John Pearce Ms. Karen Stone Booth Ferris Foundation Charitable Foundation Mr. Travis Pearse Mr. Jeff Sula Cantor Fitzgerald Securities Mr. Francois Luiggi Ms. Melissa Hall Perdue Mr. Christopher Sym CBS Television Network Ms. Sherri Lydell Mr. Marshall Perrin Mr. Glenn Taitz Deloitte & Touche LLP Mr. David Lynch Mr. Charles J. Persico Mr. Michael Talamantes Deutsche Bank Mr. Gordon MacArthur Mr. Derek J. Pijut Mr. Leon Tatevossian The Durst Organization, Inc. Mr. Scott MacVicar Mr. Richard Poccia Mr. Bob Teitelbaum & Ms. Andrea Watt Equity Office Properties Trust Mr. & Mrs. Peter Malkin Janet & Bob Postma Mr. Charles Tepper Global Infrastructure Partners Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mallett Ms. Kim Prado Mr. Ravikumar Thiagarajan Morgan Stanley Mr. Andre Mancl Ms. Amy Promaine Mr. M. Grant Tolson National Football League Mr. Jason Mandel Mr. Jon Pundyk Mr. Thomas Tomeo New York Life Foundation Mr. Stephen Manning Mr. Eric Purcell Ms. Antoinette Torres Nike Ever Higher/ Charities Aid Mr. Neil Margolin Mr. Kevin Quan Ron Tramazzo Foundation of America Matt Marion Ms. Pamela Quinn Mr. Jonathan Tretler Viacom, Inc. Ms. Janine Marsini Ms. Stacy A. Quinn Ms. Madelyn Urbinelli MTV Networks Mr. Christopher Mauro Mr. Brad Richter Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Vaughan Nickelodeon Networks Mr. Salim Mawani Mr. Peter E. Ricker Mr. Rohit Verma William E. Simon Foundation Mr. Tom McCaffrey Mr. Miguel Roman Ms. Simone Vinocour McKeever SL Green Management LLC Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCartney Mr. Daniel Romanow Mr. Matthew Wade Ms. Pamela McCormack Mr. Kenneth Rosen Ms. Eileen Wallace Leaders Mr. Charlie Mcelligott Mr. Andrew Rosenburgh Mr. Matthew Wallace $20,000-$49,999 Mr. Steve McGarry Mr. Michael Rudd Mr. & Mrs. Bradford V. Weston Louis and Anne Abrons Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McGeehan Ms. Ivana Rupcic Ms. Julie Whitaker Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter McGovern Mr. Jonathan Russo Mr. Andrew White The Achelis and Bodman Foundations Mr. James McKenna Mr. Michael Ryan Mr. Thomas W. Widener Alliance Building Services Mr. Joseph Meisner Mr. Mahesh Sanganeria Mr. Peter Wiener & Lisa Beth Carroll AOL LLC Mr. Patrick M. Mellon Mr. Dean Sas Mr. George Wilkinson Bank of America Mr. Scott Merkle Ms. Michelle Scaringella Mr. Rob Williams Brookfield Property Group LLC Mr. Mitchell J. Meth Mr. Chet E. Schwartz Ellen & Steve Wilner Bryan Cave LLP Mr. John Micera Ms. Elvira Scotto Mr. Eric Withrow Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Mr. Daniel Milberg Mr. Jeffrey S. Seaman Mr. Joel S. Wojnilower CBRE Ms. Carol Mitchell Mr. Guy Seebohm Mr. Gary Wolf 39 Citi Pillars I. Chera & Sons Foundation Savills Studley, Inc. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. $10,000-$19,999 Investec Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP Debevoise & Plimpton LLP IDB Bank SEI Giving Fund Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP Anonymous The Jana Foundation Seyfarth Shaw LLP Empire State Realty Trust Fred Alger Management, Inc. Katten Muchin Rosenman Shawmut Design and Construction Fidelity National Title American Eagle Outfitters Foundation Foundation, Inc. SJP Properties Insurance Company Amherst Holdings LLC Charles S. Keene Foundation Societe Generale Americas First Quality Maintenance Alliance Anchin, Block & Anchin Marion E. Kenworthy- Sony Corporation of America Building Services Rose M. Badgeley Charitable Trust Sarah H. Swift Foundation Square Mile Capital Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver Bank Hapoalim Milo Kleinberg Design Associates, Inc. Management II LLC & Jacobson LLP The Barker Welfare Foundation Kowitz Family Foundation SRS Real Estate Partners Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Beacon Capital Partners, LLC KPF Foundation Stawski Partners FTI Consulting, Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Stellar Management The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Blank Rome LLP Kushner Properties Stern Tannenbaum & Bell LLP Greenberg Traurig, LLP Boca Group Lazard Freres & Co. Stonehenge Partners, Inc. Hagedorn Fund The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. The Litwin Foundation Strategic Consulting Services Indus Capital Partners, LLC Himan Brown Charitable Trust The Ludwig Family Foundation, Inc. Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP Infor (US), Inc. Build America Mutual Massey Knakal Realty Services, Inc. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP JLL Assurance Company Mayer Brown LLP Turner Construction Co. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Cassin & Cassin LLP MBIA Foundation UBS Kaye Scholer LLP Chicago Title Insurance Co. mcgarrybowen Unity Construction Group KPMG LLP CIBC World Markets Media Link Vornado Realty Trust Latham & Watkins LLP Cipriani USA Inc Memorial Sloan-Kettering Watermill Trading Lee & Associates NYC Citadel Group Foundation Cancer Center The Wendy’s Company Legg Mason & Co., LLC John Civetta & Sons, Inc. The Miami Foundation Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & George Lucas Family Foundation Coach Foundation Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy Dorr LLP Macro Risk Advisors Comcast Corporation Milberg Factors, Inc. Winston & Strawn LLP The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Dalio Family Foundation Inc. The Moinian Group Alexander Wolf & Son McKinsey & Company Dechert LLP Mulligan Security Corp. Younkins & Schecter LLP MDB Development Desmarais LLP National Basketball Association MetLife Foundation Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Inc. Partners MidAmerican Energy Foundation DTZ Normandy Real Estate Partners $5,000-$9,999 The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Duane Morris LLP Pacific Langham NY Management 85 Broad Propco LLC Navigant Consulting Duval & Stachenfeld, LLP Corp. (DBA Langham Place) The Harold Alfond Foundation New York Life Insurance Co. Eastdil Secured, LLC Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & American Chai Trust Newmark Grubb Knight Frank EisnerAmper LLP Garrison LLP Bank Leumi USA Pfizer Inc. EL AD US Holding, Inc. PBC USA BAPS Charities Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation, Inc. Eretz LLC Pfizer Foundation Matching Barclays (New York) Proskauer Rose LLP Ernst & Young, LLP Gift Program The Theodore H. Barth Foundation PwC First American Title Insurance Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Battea Class Action Services, LLC Raymond James Co. of New York Platinum Maintenance Services Corp. BDO Seidman, LLP RFR Holding LLC First Nationwide Title Agency, LLC Plaza Construction Corporation Bleckner P.C. Roosevelt & Cross Incorporated Forest City Ratner Companies The Port Authority of NY & NJ Bright Angle RR Donnelley Financial Services Freshfields Bruckhaus Providence Equity Partners LLC BTIG, LLC RXR Realty Deringer US LLP Prudential Insurance Company Capital One Scotia Capital Robert K. Futterman & Associates, LLC Quality Buidling Services Corp. Carey Asset Management Corp. Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP Geller & Company LLC. Razorfish CLSA Starwood Capital Group Mgt, LLC Greystone & Co., Inc. Reed Smith LLP Coles Family Foundation SunGard Data Systems Inc. The Guardian Life Insurance The Related Companies, LP Colgate Palmolive Company TD Bank Company of America Rialto Capital Advisors, LLC Corbin Capital Partners LP Tri-Star Construction Corp. Guggenheim Capital, LLC Ripplewood Holdings LLC The Corcoran Group Verizon Foundation Hahn & Hessen LLP Rockwood Capital, LLC CVS Corporation Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Haynes and Boone LLP Rosenberg & Estis, P.C. The Dammann Fund, Inc. Wharton Real Estate Heisman Trophy Trust Safway Atlantic LLC St. Vincent De Paul Foundation Hines Interests LP The Sapir Organization Donnelly Mechanical Corp. Hospital For Special Surgery Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust DTCC HSBC Sard Verbinnen & Co Eastern Advisors Capital Group, LLC John L. & Sue Ann Weinberg JRM Construction Management Friends Egon Zehnder International, Inc. Foundation Just Energy Foundation $500-$1,999 E-J Electric Installation Co. Wells Fargo Bank Kasirer Consulting Anonymous Emigrant Bank The Williams Capital Group, L.P. Kimelman & Baird, LLC A&E Networks Exec Comm Willis of New York, Inc. Esther Koven Fdn Inc Abco Peerless Sprinkler Corp. Fairview Capital Partners, Inc. The Zankel Fund L & L Holding Company, LLC American Express Foundation The Feil Family Foundation Loffredo Brooks Architects, PC Baird Foundation, Inc. Mentors Alfred & Harriet Feinman Foundation Lorelli Associates Ballon Stoll Bader & Nadler, P.C. $2,000-$4,999 The Billy Garfield Scholarship Fund LT Apparel Bank of America Harding Educational & Macquarie Holdings (USA) Inc. Adelhardt Construction Charitable Foundation Charitable Foundation Marcus & Pollack AECOM Technology Corporation BLM Sourcing Inc IBM Employee Services Center Marks Paneth LLP Aon Corporation Margaret S. & Philip D. Block, Jr. Johnson Controls, Inc MCJ Foundation AON Risk Services Family Foundation Jordache Enterprises MdeAS Architects Arbor Realty SR, Inc. Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Kasowitz Family Foundation, Inc. Meister Seelig & Fein, LLP Archetype Consultants, Inc. Schwartz & Nahins, P.C. Kirkland & Ellis LLP Meridian Capital Group, LLC Artisan Construction Partners Brooklyn Nets Loeb & Loeb LLP Mitofsky, Shapiro, Neville & ASM Mechanical Systems Canaccord Genuity Macy’s/Bloomingdale’s Hazen, LLP. Atlas Capital Group Capelli-GMA Accessories The Madison Square Garden Co. Murray, Devine & Co., Inc. Avon Foundation CastleOak Securities, L.P. Maybank Kim Eng Securities USA, Inc. NCI-Lending A Hand BCSP VI U.S. Investments, L.P. China Personified LLC McGladrey LLP Olmstead Properties, Inc. Bessemer Trust Commercial Roofing Solutions, Inc. Merchant Factors Corp. Paratus Group II, Inc. The Elmer & Mamdouha Corporate Fuel Partners LLC The Martha Mertz Foundation, Inc. Park Strategies LLC Bobst Foundation Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc. Metropolitan Commercial Bank People’s United Brean Capital, LLC Dynamic Worldwide Modern Office Systems, LLC Community Foundation Capital Business Credit, LLC Eliken Naftali Group PLM Foundation CBIZ, Inc. Empire Charter Service New York Building Congress, Inc. Polsinelli Centerview Partners LLC Ess & Vee Acoustical Contractors, Inc. Nomura Securities International, Inc. The Frederick W. The CIT Group, Inc. EvensonBest LLC Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP Richmond Foundation Clifford Group Inc Fabric Traditions The O’Neal Foundation Inc. Rivkin Radler LLP CMGRP, Inc. Family Management Corporation Paramount Group, Inc. Schindler Elevator Corporation Cyruli Shanks LLP First Manhattan Co. Patina Restaurant Group Scopia Capital Management LLC CoMetrics Partners LLC Alexander Fischbein Foundation Phillips Lytle LLP Shearman & Sterling, LLP Davidson Kempner Capital S. Forest Company, Inc. Point72 Asset Management, L.P. The Sloman Foundation Management LLC Freeman & Co., LLC QuisLex Spin Design Edwards and Zuck, P.C. Gainor Staffing Rainbow Media Holdings Stewart Title Insurance Company Environmental Building Solutions, LLC Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Jack Resnick & Sons, Inc. Structure Tone, Inc. Fireman Hospitality Group Gap Foundation Rizzo Group Studio Nazar (Bet Yosef Foundation) Flushing Bank Gap Inc. Rosenthal & Rosenthal Inc. Taconic Investment Partners LLC Fred Geller Electrical, Inc. GE Foundation May and Samuel Rudin Tag Associates, LTD. Friedman LLP Gerber Finance Inc. Family Foundation The Water Group LLC Fulvio & Associates, LLP Google Rudin Management Co., Inc. Thornton-Tomasetti, Inc. Gelmart Industries, Inc. HAB Bank Seven 7 Jeans Tishman Construction Corporation Gensler Harold Levinson Associates, Inc. Siemens Industry TPG Architecture Gladstein Family Foundation Heard Enterprises LLC Silverstein Properties, Inc. TPR Holdings LLC Goldman Copeland Associates, P.C. The Hedaya Capital Group, Inc. Situs LLC United Elevator Consultants, Inc. Harvard Maintenance Inc. Hertz, Herson & Co. LLP Slalom LLC Utility Programs & Metering II Inc. Hilldun Corporation Hornall Anderson Design Works LLC Standard Parking Valley National Bank Hollywood Reporter Insight Advisory Partners, LLC Starboard Value Van Deusen & Associates I. Buss & Allan Uniform Co. JSCS (Jam Sewer Jane and Frances Stein Foundation Vollero Beach Capital Partners Icon Interiors Cleaning Service Inc) Steven Madden LTD. Walton Street Capital Icon Parking Systems Kaufman Realty Company The Switzer Group, Inc. Webster Bank ING Financial Services Knoll Sy Syms Foundation The Weiser Philanthropic Fund J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated The Jacqueline Krese Charitable Fund United Way of New York City Jassin Consulting Group Lazarus & Lazarus, P.C. United Way of Northern New Jersey JDP Mechanical, Inc. Lend Lease US International Media Jefferies LoanCore Loeb & Troper Venable Foundation 41 London Bright Cleaners Corp. United Way of Northeastern Lauren Prague, Corrine Cervera, Marcia L. Bullard & Thomas J. New York, Inc. Director Administrative Assistant McNamara Charitable Gift Fund Universal Environmental Maria Loja-Barahona, Denise Espinal, Margolin, Winer & Evens LLP Consulting Inc. Associate Director Administrative Assistant McEnergy, Inc. Van Cleve Realty Capital LLC Sarah Merchant, Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C. View the Space Associate Director SONYC Shelly and Neil Mitchell Westchester Provisions, LLC Adam Schroeder, Antonio Capellan, Family Foundation Harold L. Wyman Foundation Associate Director Program Director The Mittlemann Family Foundation Alexis Telfair-Garcia, Luisana Victorica, Associate Director MMG Advisors, Inc. Government Program Director Morgan Stanley Annual Funding Anna Bossa, Appeal Campaign Speaker of the New York City Council- Senior Program Manager THE WORKPLACE Morrison Cohen LLP Melissa Mark-Viverito Jingwen Xu, MENTORING CENTER Senior Program Manager National Association of Asian New York City Council- Jeff Elgart, American Professionals Fernando Cabrera Chih Ling Cheng, Vice President Neuberger Berman Senior Program Manager New York City Council- Margaret Chin Rachel Rosen, New Meadowlands Stadium New York City Council- Julianna Griego, Director Company, LLC Robert Cornegy Program Manager Danielle White, New York Administrative Employees/ New York City Council- Laurie Cumbo Amy Holodak, Associate Director C.W.A. Local 1180 New York City Council- Inez E. Dickens Program Manager Michele Feinberg, New York Commercial Bank New York City Council- Cristina Iavarone, Senior Program Manager New York Real Estate TV, LLC Julissa Ferreras Program Manager The Nola Foundation New York City Council- Kristina Cepeda, Jessica Grossman, Par Plumbing Co., Inc. Daniel Garodnick Associate Program Manager Senior Program Manager Pest Elimination Systems New York City Council- Corey Johnson Joshua Franklin, Janell Bartley, Technology Inc. New York City Council- Ben Kallos Associate Program Manager Program Manager PlasmaNet Inc. New York City Council- Andy King Damara Gonzalez, Florence Capinding, Platinum Terrazzo New York City Council- Mark Levine Associate Program Manager Program Manager Play For Your Cause New York City Council- Rosie Mendez LisaMarie Gordils, Deborah Jasanya, Plus One Associate Program Manager New York City Council- Program Manager Prima Capital Advisors LLC Ydanis Rodriguez Saida Gordon, Kaye Schacter, Pulsd Inc. New York City Council- Ritchie Torres Associate Program Manager Program Manager Reddy Raw, Inc. New York City Council- Mark Treyger Rachel Lim, Emily Bader, Renaissance Charitable New York City Department of Youth Associate Program Manager Associate Program Manager Foundation Inc. and Community Development Sharyn Luo, Retail Portfolio Solutions New York State Office of Children Associate Program Manager Alyssa Catalanotto, Sagacious Consultants and Family Services Molly Lupton, Associate Program Manager Sanford Heisler LLP New York State Department of Health Associate Program Manager Shelby Garber, Santander Bank Foundation Brianne Manley, Associate Program Manager SBA Plumbing Corp. Big Brothers Big Sisters Associate Program Manager Rachel Marks, Seitz Ross Aronstam & Moritz LLP of New York City Staff Angelica Martinez, Associate Program Manager Siebert Branford Shank & Co. LLC Associate Program Manager Jessica Orapallo, Hector Batista, Signature Bank Erin O’Toole, Chief Executive Officer Associate Program Manager Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. Associate Program Manager Geraldine Thomas,* Elizabeth Ring, Staples Foundation Catherine Pearce, Vice President of Communications Associate Program Manager Star Funding, Inc. Associate Program Manager State Employees Federated Appeal Natasha Ristic, Audrey Stewart, Associate Program Manager Sterling National Bank Programs Associate Program Manager Stone Mountain USA, LLC Lori Bethea, Victoria Shire,* Alexis Vitanza, Strassberg & Strassberg, P.C. Administrative Assistant Chief Program Officer Associate Program Manager TFP1 Bernice KariKari Apau, Geraldine B. Goodman, THREE Group TRADITIONAL AND SPECIAL Graduated Program Manager Volunteer The John Thurlow Charitable Fund PRIORITIES DEPARTMENT Makdyanet Cedeno, The Travelers Foundation Valerie Stark-Trimarco, Graduated Program Manager EDUCATION INITIATIVE Trent Partners & Associates, Inc. Vice President Carolina Delgado Diana Noriega, Unitarian Universalist Congregation Amy Kui, Graduated Program Manager Director at Shelter Rock Director Maryann Diaz, Megan Carey, RECRUITMENT Program Manager Associate Director Diego Romero, Jordan Joseph, Janet Adkins, Director Associate Program Manager Enrollment Manager Alize Beal, Raven Shelton, Lissette Hernández, Community Outreach Manager Associate Program Manager Enrollment Coordinator Mayela Calderon, Angelis Ortiz, Jenya Walters, Community Outreach Coordinator Administrative Assistant Enrollment Coordinator ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Nicole Padilla, Charles Bozian,* THE CENTER FOR TRAINING Intake Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer AND PROFESSIONAL Shante Jackson, DEVELOPMENT Administrative Assistant HUMAN RECOURCES Kiana Walbrook, Jessie Baler, Racquel K. Lewis, Vice President Interviewer Vice President Cecilia Low-Weiner, Rebecca Bateman, Fllanza Bacaj, Program Manager Interviewer Human Resources Coordinator Jane Bender, DEVELOPMENT Interviewer FISCAL DEPARTMENT Shannon Snead,* Lizzy Roberts, Chief Development Officer Tuborah Bryant, Interviewer Vice President Controller Angelie Singla, Md Hoq, Vice President of Philanthropy Jennifer Ciraulo, Interviewer Staff Accountant Douglas Ramirez, Director of Special Events Ashley Davis, Interviewer TECHNOLOGY Trieste Ciotola, Robert Keller, Senior Grants Associate Yohansa Fernandez, Interviewer Director Gerry DiCicco, Damon Cocklin, Development Associate Shaquala Fields, Interviewer Technology Manager Rachel Minerva, Special Events Manager Denise Fisher, Interviewer BUILDING OPERATIONS Caitlin Quigley, Steven Schwartz, Tishania Louallen, Grants Associate Office Manager Interviewer Melody Rodriguez, Jesus Marquez, Kelly O’Brien, Special Events Manager Operations Assistant Interviewer Sarah Warnock, Irlem Adames, Nicole O’Neill, Grants Assistant Receptionist Interviewer Miranda Garcia, MARKETING Julia Ostrov, Receptionist Wendy DeMarco Fuentes,* Interviewer Chief Marketing Officer Jacob Pine, *Senior Staff Yimka Odebode, Interviewer New Media and Web Manager Victoria Rodriguez, Interviewer RECRUITMENT, CENTER FOR Maggie Villafranca, EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY Interviewer ASSURANCE Michal Yoran, Michael Coughlin,* Interviewer Chief Quality Assurance Officer

QUALITY ASSURANCE CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE Robin Viscuse, Tali Schwartz, Vice President Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Jean-Marie Catlett, Leo Ching-Sham, Associate Director Evaluation Manager 43 Board of Directors Michael Conway W. Don Cornwell OFFICERS: Reuben S. Daniels Diane D’Erasmo Laura Parsons, Psy.D., Chairman Steven M. Durels Jonathan (Jody) Durst Edward L. Gardner, David W. Florence Chairman Emeritus Dennis Friedrich Marva Smalls, Robert L. Frome President Adam R. Goldenberg Jonathan Bram, Roger S. Goodell Immediate Past President Joe Gunn Gerald L. Hassell, Ash Gupta Vice Chairman Jared L. Landaw Adalbert von Gontard, Jr., Andrew Lipman Vice Chairman Lucy Lopez Philip F. Bleser, Barbara Mendelson Vice President Daniel R. Milberg Steve M. Moore Paul N. Glickman, Anthony Orso Vice President James Rapp Thomas R. Grossman, Marsha P. Roth Vice President Philip Seskin Peter J. Holzer, Marquett Smith Vice President Mark Standish Kenneth J. Knuckles, J Michael Stanley Vice President Sy Sternberg Katherine C. Linder, Frederick O. Terrell Vice President Glen Weiss Yvonne Liu, Vice President TRUSTEES EMERITUS: Jon May, Francis Carling Vice President Robert Moss Charles G. Posternak, Peter Pollack Vice President Rudolph J. Santoro Spyros Skouras Jerome A. Siegel, Lawrence J. Toal Vice President Beverly Benz Treuille Tawana Tibbs, Judy A. Weill Vice President Thomas G. Wyman Loraine B. Tsavaris, Vice President ADVISORY COUNCIL: John Waldron, Luis F. Barragan Vice President Mark A. DeRugeriis Erin Scanlon, Martin Freiman Treasurer Philip L. Milstein Sheila Wolf Freiman, Lee J. Miner Secretary Susan Moultrie Daniel J. McSwiggan, Joyce Mullins-Jackson General Counsel Trevor Mundt Michael Rosenthal James Warner TRUSTEES: Cheryle A. Wills Joseph S. Allerhand Richard T. Anderson Greg Braca Craig Clay 2015 Volunteer Recognition Award winners – Photo taken in Times Square, Hard Rock Cafe Marquee 45 ‘STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the year ended June 30, 2015

REVENUE & Temporarily Unrestricted TOTAL OTHER SUPPORT Restricted

Private grants $2,544,418 $312,207 $2,856,625 and contributions

Special events, net $5,208,523 $5,208,523

Government grants $1,908,100 $1,908,100 and contracts

Interest and dividends $701,808 $701,808

Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) ($710,533) ($710,533) on investments

Net assets released $274,322 ($274,322) from restrictions

Total revenue and $9,926,638 $37,885 $9,964,523 other support

Temporarily Unrestricted EXPENSES Restricted TOTAL

Program $8,289,752 $8,289,752

Management $852,028 $852,028 and general

Fund raising $1,663,231 $1,663,231

Total expenses $10,805,011 $10,805,011

We have a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. SOCIAL MEDIA When something exciting happens most people can’t wait to tell someone about it. We’re the same way. Today, social media allows us to share the excitement of every event as soon as it happens.

Paul Rudd surprised our kids at a screening of the #1 movie, AntMan!



We believe the relationships between Bigs and Littles are life-changing and help prepare children for successful futures. BBBS of NYC provides quality, safe mentoring experiences for the children of the 5 boroughs, their families, and the Bigs who mentor them. We also believe in sharing our experience and expertise with other organizations and individuals looking to make a difference.


Children represent the future of our society, and BBBS of NYC is all about protecting the futures of children. We must judge everything we do by its end benefit to the Littles we serve. We must surround the Littles with as much positivity as possible.


Excellence comes in many forms and should be embraced by all departments. Individuals and teams must strive for the highest quality and treat their co-workers with the utmost respect.

40 Rector St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10006 • Tel: 212-686-2042 • Fax: 212-779-1221 bigsnyc.org • facebook.com/bbbsnyc • twitter.com/bbbsnyc • instagram.com/bbbsnyc

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