Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information Index accumulation. See capitalism; industrialization and gray economy, 209, 219–22 advertising, 237, See also branding; consumerism; and inequality, 224–5 propaganda, economic as bribes and currency, 209 agencies, 107 as expressions of loyalty, 204, 210, 217 and gender, 23 as gifts, 202, 209, 223 and racism, 103–6 differences in values of, 209, 211 and shortages, 115 DIY production of, 207 and social consumption, 109 expanding production of, 205–8 and state allocations, 113–15 fads defined, 201 as discourse of backwardness, 104, 283 in Great Exchange Program, 213–18 commodification of Mao, 289 in post-Mao era, 229 in capitalism, 110, 115, 282 materials used, 328 in consumerism, 2, 13, 50, 113 origins, 202 in Cultural Revolution, 177, 314 production statistics, 204 in mass campaigns, 109 state production of, 204 in Soviet Union, 287 used for protection, 207 Marxist critique of, 111 barbers, 90, 148, 166, 180 revenue, 282, 286 Beckert, Sven, 254 socialist version of, 114, 116, 117, 288 Beijing. See also Destroy movement; inequalities: socialistic images in, 116 urban/rural; Tianqiao campaign with foreign scripts, 103 badge exchanges in, 219 Albania, 256, 279 badges made in, 206 alienation. See capitalism: attributes of destination in Great Exchange, 213, 214 Andreas, Joel, 207, 326 haggling restrictions in, 145 anti-bureaucratism defined, 261, See also cadres as historic sites destroyed, 174 new class; capitalism:restoration of house ransackings, 185 antiques, 186, 188, 190, 191, 193, 320 mass rallies, 201, 213 archived websites explained, 240 PLA uniform fashion, 195–8 armbands.
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