Library Alaska Openfilereport54
I :.; ' -~ '· r .( U. S. Department of the Interior BLM•AIHka Open File Report 54 / Bureau of Land Management BLM/AK/S"t-94/023+3045+985 July 1994 ' J - ~ J ...... J· Alaska State Office ~• 222 West 7th, #13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 V ' / I ...... ... ·- - • I \ • .•"· > Petrographic Characterization of Some ., Pr~cambrian Crystalline Rocks from the ,. \ Sondre Stromfjord Area, West Greenland .... ·i . -... I / ,.. Thomas C. Mowatt ~- ' A. S. Naidu \ ·" ,. ; .... · ' ' ...... ·-. ~. ' I' r. ·' .,,. \ '- •, I '·., ,J ,. Nordre su11mfi0rd f· ' (N1g:s:sugt6q) J Nordre /sortoq "· 67° ' \ ~ ' ' ' ,- ·-, ,- __, . _) _,. ..... .,,.,._._ .... ..J.. .. ., .,,· ! .,, ,., "\ .. .... ._,,~ \ .) ... ·~ , r I Acknowledgements I '\· , ;_ . The late June e. Mowatt- geologist, wife, friend- is. remembered for her contributions to this . work, and other geological endeavors, as well as in so many other ways. · , I ' , ~. ,.. ) .. ~- It is a pleasure t<? acknowledge the continued support and ,ncouragemen1 provided by John . \ Santora and Joseph A. 0ygas, respectively Deputy State Director, Mineral Resources, and Chief, / Brani,h of Lease Operations, both within the Alaska State Office, Bureau of Land Management, ,-ri. United States 0.epartment of the Interior, Anchorage, Alaska The excellent professional'atmo =~. ( ...., sphere arid interactions continually afforded by these gentlemen have been most conducive to · professional productivity. ,. :, 1ihe interest and support afforded by Professor John Kelley, Directo·r. Polar l~e Coring Office, , ' University of Alaska-Fairbanks, is verymu~h appreciated. The efforts an~ accomplishments of· - '· Professor Kelley and the PICO staff in the ·scientific and engineering .realms rf!l!',ted to i9e and sub- .. ice sampling have been most impressive; it has been a privilege to h~ve been associated with .. them. f · r ,-::.
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