2 u Mlilll. ll:lllllr1.-

whclhi.:i .J,c ,... a_<.; "'-"'ClDi llll" p.~ntull I either. Nc\·~rthclcss, Y.e pulled ~ that abounded v. uh char.-.:tcr rn the du.r­ to Ix.mg prc-o,;c11p1cJ \\Ith "'hach 1.:1abal and hurs1 lonh mto a mia\Ola of bl.I~ .t..:t.cr-ahoun!Lil: am'! 1,mt 1,oint 11.> 1hc. rrum Ol1W g.rt'ct1.'Cl u.1,, pm,...,JcJ h) a kindly loc.u.l "You've go1 the..~ \ublirne to the ridu:u­ Am1th1..-r cJugh1 111) eye. ··Our )itudcnL" We were onto Mnfhtudt.."111 ratios. ln ::.hop o\'-rwr There ,..,c~ 1."<10k1c.., 11.)1.1 lou~:· the Murke1,ng Director •mid. arc ck.po""-d to world d~ rt:~h tool~ 1990 1hcre were eight 'll\.tdems tti Cvti)· taff member. In 2003. II had ~ to ~ v.u,, the pm,·crbwl 111CCL .mJ mun,htng aw.i) on .1 ..a]m()n ru\\l brie and cncourJgOO lCh~ by popping thc.1r ht:.1d., i.xweral in ""'eat c;reauon of new knnwlcdgc " A, in. hoY... Leed.\. II M:Cms. _And academics dorl't in a funk .11 c:10 your ,;;tudy of the homolog~cal con· Perhaps bccam,c u •~ a •fun cu}',_ a.\ page Kevin Widdop rouml the door. TI1C}' "'ere nil very nice Ar one poin1 I was caught though. the sight or chocola~-<:hip and nuson­ jcctures retatc

A MAN fell to his death this week among Ille Wt-doe.day night city centne revelJcrs. COME HOME 1llc bod} ML,, lh~CO\Cretl hr two p.t.\,,i_ng polu:emcn. and i.:crt1ficd dead m the road at By BEN SCHOAELD AND mrnt agL'fK-1 Yorksh,re forwun.1 ).L\l 8:30pm on Cktobe:r 5th. SfJC\.,-ula.uon suggest,; KEVIN WIDDOP vcar that the man fell from iien.ffoldmg abme the · A ,wrenx.·m rel~t.,;ed hy B1~1encc LL.'C. lord he had lcn1 11~ Oat 10 hi:i friend lohJ /.,u,ls S1111./e11t that Yorkshue A puilr(' spuke!iper..tm ,aid: "We are llOI Suh.st.incl.~ found JI I.he bowie led to N.'l1ward h:.t, e::ictendcd thb de:udhnc to trc.tttng the death u.., ,u~piciom.. ·• 6(Kl Jlr1 for U.·.c.":1-" Uni srud twem,e,. 1;1x foot tall and of !>Inn build. He had lie ha., ,tl'k."C been dcao:J of an)' ··M.igdy cl-Nashar came to l...ttd5 10 ,hort, dud. bm>wn hair nnd wuom. down hb lcrt m,olvc:mcnt.. hut Scotland Yan.I sull "wd) for a PhD m the -.chool ol b1()­ arm wlu.:h may be Ch.inc~ wnt.mt?- He W:l!I regards him ~ a wt~li in lhc-,r ln\oC:-.· chcmi...U) lO Oct.ohcr 1<.XXJ. I !Th ~ubJCCl al'-(1 \\-C,1t1ng a green gin.,, bead necklace. ugnuon. wa.~ 'Oc.:\'Clopmcnt or a nm-cl mDtri"t Anyone with mform:ruon ~houJJ contlli.:l A '>pc>kespcrc:on !or the t'or rhc 1mmoh1hsauon of e~ for Wc~I Yorko:.hu-e Pohce on 0845 6060606. Mcunpoluan Police c:.aid: "W..: did u1l h1otcchnnl~ · .md he was spon~ An :trcJ of the Cil)' L'l:nlre wm, cordoned off tabor.i.h: Vl.'1)' clo~ly ,...ilh The Egyptian b)' the Ey~ian go\tm!Th!nt He sub- laM mghl with police lllpc .ind guarded by -.ev­ aulh1,nue.,, we did tr.J\,d to Egypt. and 1111111..-d tn T-i!bruW) lhb ye.v and was crnl offiC\!rc; v. e didn ·c intcf\ ,e\l, him. uwun.led lw~ PhD on Ma) 6. ''lie is st.ill in Eg}pt w1d he: ts "We Undcl",tnnd he WU!; seek.mg u rogardcd by ~ a., 1.1 w11nc.-.s " post..d(.)(..10raJ potjt,on in th~ UK. nnd Le,•d\ Snulcm has lw.nx..'CI ihitl d· th;.11 tu .. v1S1.t \~ updalcd by the Hom<.• Ntbhar is looking ror ~1Jratll'l!'I he wdl Office t=arly this year Jk has no1 been 1"1111 be quiu..c.•d by locnl Police nnd is -;ccn on tht.- campui,. !.Ince the hcginmng concerned abolll backlush tmm the or Jul)·· publu:. His pholol!fl!Ph v.a,;, 'P\;L'ihl.·d At the. lJme uf the mvcst1gatic1n '-"01· w:n):,,s oow.,papcr rmnt p;11,.>e, m JUI) lea~ at the unm:!rs:11y 'IJ.id hts hook!i Y.hcn 11 \\

• SPECIAL London Bombs - 3 months on • Hyd,ng racism: 4&5 • Bomber colour. 5 JOHN PEEL SPECIAL FREE 81,age TV guide SEE LS2 • Environment week: 6 • Depressed?: 6 •Copper Copper 7 •300 Seconds- Chaplain: 8 SEE LS2 12·13 5 • 22. CINEMAS JUICE 23 •League Tables: 8 • Comment - Islam: 9 • Letters: 10 • Opinion Hassan/Lochene: 11 • ShehzadTanweer.12&13 • Extremism on Campus: 14&15 • East African connection 16&17 • Hi1ab concerns: 18 • Dear Diary. 19 • Tea-break:: 19 - / BOOKS ON FILM CALL 0113 3801450 or email • Trampolled: 21 • lntelView - Ken Bates: 22&23 • Gimme an 'L'.; 24 . -- LS2 4-5 [email protected] ftllaV. October 7, 2005

Surf's up for unis' Tea party wacky courses By VICTORIA MARTIN E:.dm..::uum By PETER NEWLAND$ lnsu1111c .and S:tllor c~rdull) muni(ur ·wcml. c.:uJturnJ 1he un1\'l·.r-1ty\ Hcmlmgl~y cam ~~~; ~~;lf~~u:t:g~~1J1:a\:;;~t m,e Tup uf the h,[ \\;J', 1-'lymoulh pm,. h \lolls ~,rganbcd b)' Terry t.:nm.'f'tl) ·, Surf Science and i.'IJ\·mmmental um.I cco11umu: 1mp,1ct o·oonndl, Senior Lec1urer m m~~ :,,t.1..:mill.an Cancer Rcltet Tcchnnlog} BS..:. ctl!:ucJ due to high ot 1hous,mds l'll vi~unr, 10 ,1 holiday Sut·iulog.y of Phyqcal Activtty tnvue\ pc1tplc every yc.ir lll t.tkc ICk:al Jcm:uul for sraJua1c, with 'iUfl- Jc.,11nut111n. JmJ tht· C\'Cr-popullir E:llil'n:i1;~ ,mtl H1:al1h, and Cu thy parl and the~ .ir~ hope .. that ihi~ ing.-'lpcc1fu.- kn11\\ l~dge Lllc\t}lt m:1no1gcmc111 cour~ (UA L-inke.r, A.!>!tOCiillC Sc.ninr Research }C,lf wiU be lhe bt!st ye! with 1 5 Olhcr highltghh ur U1e lop l\'O lions), m wh1d1 ,1udcnh grnduntc Fellov. Both art:. from the n,illmn people · ct ft> lake 1>art r;mgc fnim 8ukln1 Tcdmotngy. w1U1 the ,kJU L-~-...... :1----...... ----..._ Carne1ie______faculty o l Sport und JCfO!t'> the UK __, olfen!'d al lhe Uni,!!r.i:lly OI W.ilcs ol cnrpon1tc chcnb tHll!ioldt' \\Ork 4 f'lilaV. OclOber 7, 2005 ·--·-··-· -··------SEE MORE IN EXTRA M1a11. October 1 . 2005 5

Thedavthe POiice called By BEN SCHOAELD

the rc\·cl!.11on duu u \llhurb ut l.a.-cd.., "'""" home,: In Hydin 10 the hnmt>+makmi; fo,i;;h"lf) U',(,.-d h) the I.oo.il.'.l lo lh:·u k:1lr.:hl:m "'r'au l,.11oy, w.; I\:' all w11tlin • da, pt.~'{'llc II , 1101. ri,ght dwl I'm handing out kJ. v. hcu the: pc1hc...- we 't•ffin!! th~lr ov.·n 1t11,J S ,ta·, <."A· \\lrt: lum:d \h \\!can' lho~hb Wcr' j hy follOl\,· "ior~•Jmem.:m Gl't' • \lulhnHUill.l. tl~ Ix I l.1h.'r.1l U.:muL"ml MP I~·~·., ,\ 11000 1111 :., roe 'll\tl !ic.:;ll\111111; 1,ut \ve lwe in 1111 t"r.:I f rluNJ.1 , rue 1~ 11 JUg h. ppc•n 11 C!)lllC here \lu!IXJll,ll'kl \..L\ on the ~,cu hd01r Lht mnh.1 r,wk. t..ut t m111..-J t k c0...,11 J 111, hl.UtJy ui n·lii;iuu, 1aa.:i.J 11d "ic1al ltamlC ny 10 :iny hac& .... ho WPtdf.l L\l!:R. ln1tlk'.. IPh~ 'Il'Jly,iJI wnt1 .1pfrn 11L'I am,mu".\11)' ·· \. 1 ,.umm111111r ~ ht: I•• Wm, \\.c·r,;: um1...d m l"1:.i1w:k:nm • 1 1 n \\ ~d111i 001 1t11; ~lrJli.lf'S \\c a i.11, ~ but h.111non.1ou~ L't1mmun1t\ ,md we tnlhl nnt I.ct lhi..:n1 hurm u,. co11tmucJ-1h1..· Ken l ,, wg,1J1rn.· ur 1he 1,1th a., r.ic...._.'fiboo h\ IIRl'" l,Okw.,kr;f ll I.Dl\lkm h.;1d hcen ,11T,\l.·lu,.'d squ.uel\ m il5 sull 111Klcct~ll). UK' Burle)' "ommunil) \\a, dt:1~.r­ mmi:d 1u ,h(m 11 \\BS wkm~ tlus J.flmm h;. th.r:ir hannony (1n lllt!tr cullt.'W..'bV~ d1111. Three months after the July bombings, as the muslim community Bui ~ real 11LK l.. .,... moo ro t.'Ornc tmm 1~ jounuh!>lS \\.ilo ~~cpt in In swlfd_), form .1 M:rum in Hyde park prepares for Ramadaan, the residents here live in in fri,ni ol !he pohi..·e ~cm Ion 11lt:ir e..;.pre,~iom, l-ore the we1g,h1 ot llh.:dw l)'Tilt:bm uni.I hand­ fear of racial tension. Leeds Student investigates \\ringing, and nlJl-lrnv.-"Tlcd .U1)1hmg the" lo,al~ had on ilisplay. "But don'I you hvc 111 fcai of rcpl'bali;T By DEVDULAL DAS a BEN Rcpon.-. of ruc1sm m the arc:i take " Bui tll(M: kind ol e.. ·en1s have ju,1 :.iOOl.lr September 11 or July 7 ,ind. knee ''No, WC' all gel along .. SCHOFIEI.D on two fomlS. T1le firil LS lhal of social fuelled anger and tension;· he sigru. Jerk, they will remind you of the pa.,.· Fc'll.lt.l \\a., ;11 lh&; hc:.ut ,11 a Hindu tami1y\ mcism; u is not um.-ommon 1...-, ~ and Such ~nt.Jments prc·which goes· n:at.1.ll1n u.,Pemg 4111Lt.cd by u fox Nc...,.,pmmal· hear drivers leaning ou1 or their cars bombing.-.. The germ of mL... trust is \.iJ.ld "Whoever kdb a pcN)Tl UOJU\li)' ii 1~ PREPARATIONS for the 1st AU tlte) ,.., ;intOO 10 do wm, hum.I ou1 tJ~ upple!> and shoutmg abuse 01 resilient,. Then to have hcen i.ewn at the Ume of the a., if they killed 1M whole of humani­ they had prepared in 1ht Temple. bu1 v,,erc h;un­ month-long celebration or I.here's 1~ nbtltuuonaJ mc1sm. nttack on tht" lwm towers when the ty." pcrctl while NC'W York''.'I. finest fool.L."'<.l War on Ramadan are strewn throughout .. Even though I did my grodu;it1on mecha reportmg wen! into overdnve And the rca."°n for these .sUJ.temt:nL\ Terror philo~ophy cin the fonnl) Hyde Park's \lluslim streeLs. But the only JOhs thnl I have received are w11h discussion of me war on terror residents here live in fear nr o ,k1nhcnd B>· m¢11.foll. the fox: JOUmu had to aJ.0111 to it reets as !hough the community I.ht~ or deamog. cooking, wu11111g Ul ··R 1ghL after 9/11. the gcntahty Wll'i h:.1ckl~1!>h o.nd \\ ill do for "(llllC umc bh, producer that the W.1J hat! gt me lln a break A which playL'way c,cn mwtit)' ha., clo-,ed up more:· s..iyi. SauJ JUW11C> b:1d. to lu, w11e 011 lhc \ct)!C ot 1W•·i11g Mll~jue, though we ;U"C all mu.,lim'i we have our Anwar- Jama.al. when Lad, S1uden1 1 have to cam at fw.t und then I cun do devuta!: at the Grand told birth tothcirfir.t. au, 001 bclore u louil t.,kc.away n1) MaslL"f",, prot,ahl)' at1cr \\ h1ch I cnn Leed~ Srudt'nr own fmlh and we live m hnm1ony wi1h caughl up with him in llw Makkah had donall-tl .a 1,;t.1d~ ol pi1.1.t1" nnd .1.n .1m1ful ol get a t'ICttcrjoh. 1n the lil.tn)' of wont... ,..,h,ch fonn othcl"J, .. ·\kmal ,:ud Mu..,Jid Puk.J,t.m1 mu""'lue cola.., tn h,ind uul tn J1l)ltcc and c,·a..:ure..., 'Cl.tthng 1'hough I did appl) for heucr t('lb.., the rhctC1ric lhc ,.., ar on terror. s111in,:! Bul Rrun.ldan 1., all J.bout pcal.'.e. ·1ne r,11.:i~m i ol into a 11it;ht al tl1e lt>LWn: ~-ntre. I \\.h nc\:cr ~lec;ted: ..ind ,a;mi;_l!' thing nc.itl 10 Os.una bm L1dcn Jnd Al AoJ .L... l..red."i Sr1',lt·m walkt.-d fnim the implii.:11 hot )OU c,m rc.i

By ELENA SMITH ews Sara Jon~s Pett Newl nd1 pec1JI Co1n•spol'ldant Kevin Widdop GREE. b the colour a, l.redi. ieaturo Chns Gour uy. Dan Johnsen l ni'\'crsih", ·En~ironmcnl \\erk' tries rave K,r~ty Bennett 10 rui<;,e a~·anncs., or hulWLIVc\ tll make ash,on Hermione Pakenham, lauien Walhs l.«.'

IA-ere given wu., too lteaV). and on!) 40 J>L!r CCJtt ol finalist:. Lhoughl lhc:J "'ere cop10g DEPRESSION e1Ta1> more students \\ell wi1h 1he L-OU:t")C\lo'-1rk.. than e\'Cr before as academic pn...,... Folll>wmg a ~ ix,-r cent 1ocn:a.« m ",Utt rises. '>pending, ()O l.'t>Uru.cllm~ 'il'Nk.'t..'S, COOl..'efll h,l\ ~n r.. u'>c.'\l u,cr prc~surc plai:c tolk,\\,,:d hy ,t pie.a from lem, dcJlf"t''"ion wa." the hCCOod m~t com­ 1.'0Un.'iCIILn8 ,;cnicc, lvr more stull mon fCa.'°'1 lor c.'Ull'i liL,l vc.ar. und mcntnl A ~poke,pc1Mln \.ULI. -R\-ctird m1111hl•1, of ht·.allh '·'-'Ul!S J.re ,,~ mo:,, l'OrllllKffl thi., ,tudcnb to ~1a1c ha\~' u.'ied. the.' ccnln!' m -.crl\l,,.-..1cr so far. Cour.c ...uc-,..., CaJ.llC' thinl. 2fMlJ..()5. This ,,ruauon pl,k.'Cs hu~I.' pre, ·C".Jl numtx-r,, L, \\di a, people dmp­ sllll!s 111111\1.· tc.am, In~ more ,u.Kk'nt.. than pm~ into I.he. 1ghtlnk' Office. ha\edcfimte- 1, pn1fo:-....,,OOJ1Jy n.·t:ommtnJi..-0 1) ..:1llle up !hi:-, S<-ptl!mhcr comran:J to I.bl l'ht: Umquull Suf\'c) 21.XJ4-05 hhow, Scptnnhi.'f thilt per cent ol lilt: student-, sampk'

Explosive danger

By CLAIRE ROQERSON and AMY LEA LANOLORnS arc fnilini: to pr11terl lht!ir '>IUdeut hm­ ant.s. Thert i!o. ev1dt>nc" of land~ lurd.., 111 I ccd, \\ ho are noi Jlrf\­ du,:mt:: \.tlitl i?a, ,,1lcl~ rc,.ain.11., In rc,pon\l' lo lh1, v..orr)mg trc.nd, Bn11~h Ga, urc launthmg a hccr ma! c.:ampuig11 to w11rn uf !he d1111gen, B, In~ new t'1'n11nh .. hcllllll he 1\-.uCd wub .a copy of the landlord·, _gru, '-Ulery certH1cate. thut '.' ha,e nevcnecn a cupy. M,irk Dullell, ,1 ,pC'tkesmun for lMti,h na..,. suid: "It i!- lllllC tQ rnuk.c ,1udcut, uwan: of thc.1r nght,;; We. decided lo pUI 5ome mformauon m lhc OUl' place you can gunrnnh!c sludcnl'> will go and th;u·, the hur Our ~ldv1ce i!-i \'er::, s.1mple Nag y('lur landlord. If !he) rctuse IO show u gus t:CI'· 11flc;1h! lhcn quc,tion \l.hy." Over a 1000 hctr· mah will ht! IS\Ucd 111 lht: han; ,II Lct:d'i M~tropc'lltllm University ,IDd ut 40 other univer.11..1c, around thc­ counlf) Since Lrf'df Studnu hrought llu:. m the alknlinn of Lei:J.-. limvc.r.-.uy 1be:y ;1re now ~lso bnckinf tht· c:ampaign 95r,t ol ,rndcnt-. knnv. thul c.ar • hon nt('lnn~idc rn1 .. omng i.:,111 ktll th~m hut only t1ne in fiH hutne!> huvc •• te:-.tcr. Each vc:nr 30 dc;nh, are 1:.!ut.cd b~ uibon mun(Jxltfo. wlm:h 1, tiduurlt" nnd tldc.,:-.. U you SU\pec1 an applwnce 1s Prank callers' 'funny_game' wastes police time faUh\ YOU <,hould torn II off. open. yUur v.indo-... ~ ,mtl dnor,; But l'f)'Lng woU b nol ,·1cwcU a:,; a By FAAEREA MASUD One recent cnsc wno;, ur a male A 1,1udc.n1 who hn<. rnade fake cnU"' and &hen gel the appli.1m.:c gnmc by i:vcryonc [rcsher from Leed~ Univer.... 1ty claim­ 111 the p;L'il rcmulne:c.J unrcpentunt cheded h) calltng Tran ... co ,m Jumu: from .. l1's A DANGEROUS game is put· DC Ftmc..,1 Leed~ mg to have been held al knilc·pninl lunny I liked dnmg II bcf<>rc. ORUO 111 999 ting Ji ves at risk. \Vest We<:twom.l Police Siation sau.J; by lwo mc11 y, ho demanded hh but now I ca.r,.I be- buLherc:d. Symplum!. uf cllfbl.'.ln monox. Yorkshire police ha,•c reported "When v. e gc1 ll rcpon of a robbery. i1 rnnb1le phone ou1s1dc The Or1gi1ml "II used to give me ,1 rnsh. nnd 11 idc pni ... nnmg cun b~ deceptive a dislurbing ri.se in the number l! to prove 1ile safety of the ga, appli,mce .... they nre pulling your hfe 111 ri..;I... ,md hrcak.mg the Kennedy comes to town Jaw .. By BERTIE RAPKIN w11h the n10i.~1uc:. manage,111'.!nt cum rcducin!!, a.nlllity m thi.: l..ccd~ '"ommuni. Suggc:.lmn., mdm.lcd gowrnmcnl DURING a lour of Leeds Grand commuo11\· to iJi.,cu:o.~ \\hlll IIL'\ in ty. foni.ling for l::nglhh l:.m~uagc.: '°.",u, ... ~.... .\lo~que lu~l \Vednesdn~. future for ~tht: ;.1rc:..i In th~ wal...l." or tht.> dt>\11s1:1ting: ler· ;1'.!I 1nh:r;1ctmn bt:tween ethm..: grnup:o. Charil's Kennedy praised the Fullowin~ a w.irm wdcume. rnr auud., over !ht! ~ummcr, 1hcrc hn" in Brilum i:o. ro~.irdetl a~ [undumc-nr.11 Kennedy :-.aid. "Sol1111nn:-. naccl to he hcon much debar~ corircrning the rclfl lo intc.gr.it.1011. Leeds c.·ommu 11 it3 fo r "standing drh·~n from "ommunit)' Je,.cl up·· 1ion,hip hc11,1,ci;(I Mu..;Jirni'> u.nd nun The I ahnu1 govcp1ment 1.hd mn logetbcr" fo llowing the JulJ 7 Kennedy wt afongi.idt: I ccd" \fonh !\·tu~lim, 111 the l 1K, .inll c~pcc1ally in c,(.;.ape ~nlic1.;m, and "fony l3lutr "a~ bnmhinf!"i in London. We,;[ MP Greg Mulhulhuu.J ,md Leed~. blnmcd lnr 1g111Ung tJ1c 1s:;.u~ b) U"IIII!_! lu a , hit thut rndudi:-c.J the hmntl Cuuncillnr Kahccr Hu~,mu. Th1i,, wa. ., a chanct' 101 10<.·,1! rcsi­ vagui: terms ,uch .1s "t..lamJC. 1c.rmr- tm:UH) 1,n .<\lt-:\undrll Grme. Hyde Kt!nm•di.· ,tM,urcd re.mkn1-.; 1ha1 hl"­ dcn1,. of ull la11hs, 1u cxprc,, their 1r,ts·· and •·evil 1Jcl>logy .. r:11-l... 1..hc L1bcntl Dc:mocnit h.i:,1dcr met purt)' '·w111l1 w ll'itcn" u11hl•i1 tdc.;i, for , icw.., on 1he 1sr,uc. and lhn· dld .so 8 u fltdlll. llCblller 1. 2815 THE BOMBS: THREE MONTHS ON SEE MORE IN EXTRA > :=:------==i··· LEED • unh-cr.'.itlt''-t both dropped "All religions down lhe rankings or uni. , er.it) league wblC!> lhb year, writt Wuisa B1Jntt•ood-Taylor and Jodie have ArmSlrOflg-Dtltrmt)'. Leed~ McLropoli1an fell 15 pla1.:es to ')0th nnd Leech UniVcrsny ,lumped extremists" from 341h tn 38th The umvcr..it1c~ wen: ranked accord­ m~ tu 1hc. u,ses!<.men1 or ci1ht dirtc-rcnt arc~ mcluding first-. and 2· h av.arded, The organt!>aU\lll will mark IIN tturd By MAYA PARMAR the stuJcnt/1'Wff rauo and the drop uut annive~ary "° 1th an ln1erfa11h rate AwarencM, "rel,. m '\imcmbcr Th" table 1 University ~prc.,entalh ~ an- llll actu;.111)'" lcrm nbJt:'-'.11\"¢ ot r,u,,.mg awurcnt:!>'I .. including the nt:w !"our m1llion pound'i. :;aying the ~me thing.,. 011..u:h, On the d,1) ol the the min, refurh1!<.hmen1 of the chem.t~lry labora­ H\! (.3jd ··J..Jam 1, wrci.tlmf' \\Uh uler v. ,L, 1Utdnding a meetrng "-ilh the tonc, and tbc updating and impro\·c:­ idcn11tv ,Uk.I It tcfaltclll 1u mockrn

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Mla!I. October l, 2005 9 UK Muslims suffered too

t 11- three mnnlhs on from Student Vnion Chri,;;IJan Idris Hussain the hurrenJOU!t i.111ncks in Chnplain1..') ant.I The Leeds I l.onJon hy misgmded Mc.trcpolihuJ Unhcr11i1y Mtu.lim., v.·ho :-lnugbtcred 1hrou~h th1-, dtfucult time, President of Leeds thcir fdlon llri1i,h cit1zcru Our joint work ll~ell ,how, These hmnfic 1:vcnh arc ho\\- Mui.llms and p..:,,plc of Met Islamic Society e\pec1ully in the lhDugbts uf otber belief" cun wMk togeth­ 1'-lushrn !.mdents w~ we start er to uffirm our commnn the. nt\l. yc,1r a1 Leed, Me:1 humanity. Uni. Notlung wnhm hlam In thr, lime 1 have been _1u... t1fies die killing t,f 1nno .tpproached h)' variou;; 1nur c:cnl people. Every ~angle naliM .. took.mg for mtcrv1c1,1, ~ Mu:-J11n orgnnitation ha~ and trying to ~trip me up'' cnmc out upenly 10 condtmn The- lack uf •uum:s abtlUt tlu!. including :Ill l:niver~it)' Lccd.s Met being. a hutbec.l of I,hunic S01.,eUI!.:. up anJ down Al-Qaeda ,,. tt:.,wrncnl Lo the m1r 1.·uunlr) fact thttl unY intcrvii:\\.:, I did ,\5 a Mu ... 11111 and ..icling g.ivc cuuld~'I be used 11et?n- Prc!-i1dcn1 of 1hc l sluin1c 1i,·d} ogains-t Muslims ,md Don't rely on Sodct) we will und have Lhcreforc "ere nut printed .n stereotypes • r~!ti\tcd .sll ;1ueinpl"- 10 ;is'illCI ull Thi, ,pco.k~ \'Olumes for ate Mu,hm Stud1:n1s wi1h the d1."da111 the Bnll!,.h media come and speak thc~c unlslamic und ev1I ha\ for Islam to u~ we're not ac11<,n..; Brit,.,h Mu.,1um, \\ere In order rn f1gh1 uur com­ as different as just ti. mut:h ,·ict1n1.,;: ul the mon Jihad 1s1rugglc) :ig;une;t uttac:b 111 London O:, an} 01her l''Hrem1.sm urid 1em1ristn our you think Briti,b com.moairy Mu~lim, hl;1mic Ln .. titulions nc.ec.1 to were among !.h,he killed b) teach the Mu,hm Community tbe terrorist-. on July 7. The: to work eflec1ivcly withm the Mu:-.tim commuun) hnwc\·cr LiK dcmocn.tlil" sy-;1cm. Thl! face,; 1hc 11dllcd ordeal of a J,damic SuCJC:l)' ha, uJway~ hacld.£sh fm:lkd b, media liJkc:n ,tt:ps lo cncuUraJ].e report.mg. and tJu... flouon of t.lushm s1udcn~ to u"e dc.1110- i;ollccuvc: rc .. pon .. ibihtj. cr.'11~· mcani,. to campaign for In The afh::rmu1h mt,.,quei. caus1..•, the.) sympa1hisc. wi1ll up trnd down our country weri: Mu~lim ... ult \WCr the world att.ac\...ed 1.mp1c:.uJ problem 1ukcn the "itcp l,I puhli,;hing .:1 Mu .. Jint :-.tudcnls now lace 1S 12 Poi!ll Pfon for Muslim prc:J\Hllcc. The.re arc many Stullcnts so lhat 1he)' knnv... l:ummun m1,conc~p11on, for uu,tanc:e. whnl ac1iuns tH nbout 1,1nm sprcud main!)' bj t11kc when lh~\' read ;in igoum.Ol or malicious media 1,Jnn1ophoh1c ari1\.lJc an 11 rc:pvrting I wuuld cncoumge n sol(.' resolved - It is Arahic wortl il~cif 1s K ,,.ab Dtrnblc:-,tundurd,. i11 ouJ for­ crucial to world anJ me.in-. rn !-1.rugglt: or eign prilu.:y tny,,mJ Pute .. l1mun s1rivc for. this artitlt! can 1hu,;; human nght,;, abu,;e~ and the • peace bi: Jc .. rihcd a-., a Jihad E Qa.lam (JthmJ of the Pen) 10 ~:~~t!.:dcasi ~u:: ":~;,1~r ~~ i >how Briush Mut-.Jnn t.11~~u:,,.1 world flC'UCC. Muslim ,t11c.l 11(m~ l :it rhe uction .. of the re\~ and Muslim stud~nh mu!'>\ wurk ~ 1n highligh1 the sufftrrng of lntethi:-r m the .be\l tnit.lnmns ,i the manv hcc:1u.,e of ii ~'!ci:\~denl act1v1~minl~u~~~~ : I couid not "'ntc about I.he 1 pre, inu, Few mouth.!. wnhout !...l11mqphnh1,1 anti c11mp,ugn : Anddver acknowledging the help and for u _just and peoiccfuJ world ] · o suppon of the Leeds mfof.ii leed.)mt.'ffat1c.c,,m ~ M1:1rupoluan Un1vcri,;t1y ~Ls,g/is.!b,...... ;~---~~rui~~t.a,~__ ___:.:.=:.=~---9:...... J 11 leedS Student lmlrl. October 7. 20tl5

ii,lilll!ll!ll~•••lilllw~• 1"1n•"'-1'11""'"'1'" .. ...,.,..:t1n~u1~-~~m. \ (,le~ on rhc h.i,1-. nf n1ci!i;m. lslanmpht,hia. o,!1111~ IO:O!!!!!bl!Jl,...ll!l!tlrffl•lllo!,ii11011i ?41! Anti-Scm,u,m, hnmnph,1biu, the vi ilfica. l,a tion <11 rcfugec, ~ ~ a.,ytum -.cckcr~ J:nd call fl,r an all-white Brit..11 11 . To argue lha1 the ~m:h he, ('t."('Plc ran fnr Lhc pl) ... 1t111n 111 ftnan..:e hcln:Js ol a party '>huuld not chnl• l;u.,11) the peopk .. 111ing: un uniun ~oum.:tl lcngco. to Stlmutmn·" arc anti • 11011 to thlll t1thcr:. ;are on ~,,den· ,:ommilti:(."!i snci.il y, ife healer, 1~ a \"Jew lhi1! ,1ppean. tn a campaign ha,·c been c ha\C' 1"1einl.! hl1i1Jing up Their ;\:mbl)' from rc.i_!:lrdl~s:, nf socin-economii.; ba1.:kgrnund 1 wa., t!IC!II itOd we htl,·l· hJd lub uf mlcrc'-t would sugfi!'\I (lc:"uplc wurk 1,1,jth ,nnie.ms from 11..:,,. n,lun!et:r~ 11·-. reall} mcc tu ":i: !,,r.1tch. fr;"'mg: tu ~Cl peoplr invuh..:J. bul­ undnc thh role \I. hh umon cnum.;il dulic:-. i,tnmp, 'iUch 11,. STAR 11nJ fmd Oul what 1he lhe p,1pcr rcpuruog on 1..,...ul.", and ;.u.:l1v111e'- b-,ue, 1m~ of !he ~)' lurrure.fuic.c coinmum 1hat ptut.lc.nt, cun get 111"olvcd m -;tl..;1·1 and ;iU b~ in cburgc of runmng thdr J.,~mhl) afon~,idl· all tbt! arti,·ttic, mcn­ I~ rnthcr 1hun rei1er.1Li11g ba'>e!C'"' lie, rdreslung l!J 1"c1; a pm.:1lh c- 1m11t;c uf 1;tu­ The threul of the BNP org:a111r..mg on lh:m~ m 1h1: cu111mun11,. At.:uon l'olun1c.·~r\ tionL·d abn,c n\l:f the 1;ou1st: ol the ye:.u r,,c seen IJr,t hand hov. much UITII!" ant.l cumpu\ al Leeds i'- real ~ the youth leader ol wvrl.. \O hard' • 'Copper' game C\'l'"ryonc IS lfllO i.l.~\Cm· Lite BNP, M¥k Collc111s a (recent) ~Jt.luak On a more ,cr1llm, point though. I huvc cfh,n puumg their bly me it i!-1 a ('If Ll·ctJs Univer..ity 10 ~a, 1h,1t I um .. h,·,~;li.t'. 1·m looJ...1ng Convc:nor. S1udcn1 A.'-!itmbly t\gain,1 hi: rcvcla11nn thal 1o.m111: ~tudc11t,; u1t.· p:i1tn:1pa!1n.g 111 an:: ,uppn...cd lO Wur .. in !iCCr'el ;.tnd nl) n)­ Rud\m mg around lighting t.:<1111mun11y prohlr.:ms :11 forn·111J lt1 wmking \Hth '>Uch licdit:atua'l culls lC ii'~ • With the launch of Black History ;mJ,1f.1m1in{! I \\-OU!d aJ,11 bkt' 10 pt1int nu, 10 .in) otb~r Month look out for debates, semi­ mo~ l:\11i1..'al pcoplt! that 1,~·n,n't J.rc,,.cd as. d~.ir ht! know-. ,oJ .111 Tht: t.,c1 thttl lh1, hih 1urued Into .1 game 1s l!\'c:rl mote nars and socials Including Changing 'The /\l.:ltun HtK1kcr bu1 _ "errn \\"urrmr offcmivc, Ihm !\lllnel11111~ .. o i:rn"l" be- ITI\ rnlhctl in Uu .. ~iclurncr World•: Changing Minds ·where now mann~r h,.:tt',1~, the 1111crh· c;tlh1u, manna 01,C1me or lhc Pnn~l'''>, Ill) .altcr cgn' LOO r .S1ud~nb A,...,,cmhl} Chair for teh student movement debate? uw.Jcnl popuiotlnn • Thursday October 13, Wpm Meeting Sun:I) \\hen )'OU ~el 111 univ..:r ... tl) )'ou·rc ma1,1rc-- ennup.h l hloc Tdford Room 3, ARC, LUU and Black ,\ct1rin OH1rdinatm Just to respond to • couple of your lo rcullsc lhut 1i u pul11:c officer. or .i.ny member ol the pt1ints, Kevin is Involved In the Historle: Past and Presentr interac• emcrgeni.::y 1;c_n1ccs, h rc,pom.lmg l(1 a pr:rnk call then union • everyone I•, no matter If tlve seminar• Friday October 14, Lhc} ·re nut tl·:-.rmnU1ni: 111 a real 1..·mcrgc.ncy l·all Chloe, •o sorry to reveal your night email e.fisher@leeds~ac.uk f or Job In such a public arena! Editor they are on Union Council, but par• 8-:1.iJ~, thi: oti-v1ou .. deu:m:nt<, ol bcmg c.iu~h1 • an £MO tlcularly If they are part of a large details line., cornn1unt1y ,l!r..,11:c and a pcrmam:nt 1..nminal rc.:vri.J society or incorporated body, which lhh .iho affoct-. 01bcr pt.•oplc Widdop does it again i• al•o a huge commitment. The Thi, i.., reek.II.!',..,, d110!!t:rou.'> ,md puh p..:npJc·, lr\lC!i m Not eating up profits other point is that sketch Is a aatlrl· Jung~r cal piece • didn't you laugh just a lit· Ju ... 1 fu.:king !.mp it rm wriung 1n nhou1 1ht.' i:mnmc:nis m.ctdc in In lciti:r" la:;1 week u was unplicJ that 1he rhl.' Skl·h.:h winch ~tall" 1ha1 ti Lhc union tie bit? • Editor .. am.h\.'1ch "llckcr" v.: nh · ~ut for Profil' un .:nunc1I hnd c.;ud ·•11 mvu\\led nn conuni1- Cll!il the Union mone} lo produl·e. whc.n in mcn1 thni we migh1 ho\ic had u goer frnm Racism is still present flli..:t andv..11:h King paid LUU tt1 use the Bomb impact still felt tbc ull- pec1ple wnuh.l hu,'c hci:n im,11lvell tugo 1>n their \licker n K.~·1,-in had dout 'iOme rc."><;trch 1n:.lcad ur The nti.1.-.-. gcnerol1 .. i1tmn m ,1 Ictti:r l(t!-11 wl!t;._ .1bnu1 1be S,,mali.m cnmmuni1y.. ilnn~ v.11h hree month'- un ll"llrn tlit: LI,1~lhm tcrron,t attm::b 1mll thc smrng in one! union \'.otlnt ii llll!c:ring. Erin McFcd) c.h~m1s,.111g the thre,tl uf !he Briti~h :\a1io1ml \h:tdow cnM ,l\lcr LecJs 1~ !,.ltl11ne.,;capuble. d~:umo!! up \\oa~~ 111 wluch he i.:uuld ~lag Communicali1m., and Dcmu...T.1c, UITict:r. oft I.he union, he might base 11ctualJ~ Pan) wu~ ub,olutcl) u-.101mdi111_?.. The BNP LLU . T me ,1 nt:n-\'a.,'i la",1:i,1 p.1rty 1,1,ho ultru\'. I Pcopk "'ill fcm.•n:.r mcluJe Hyde P.irk anJ Be:eo:;tou as reaii,cd that lhr.:11;; urt rc-.a,ons thu.t uul mun~ 11nponn.nt loc.illmh. in the \\-:U on terror. thm w,-,ocfa11on v.111 ht· evdla.,1.in!!,. 'Ille t.:u1111m111i1)' i.., otllspoJ...\!11 that nntlun,g hth chang~d. there hu...,n·t hecn dtl ,m:n;m,c In m1.i.il tcrbton. we're .,,ilJ TeXblal harassmenL 01969 549125 ,ex,,niv happy .is a muhirnlluml commum1y. blum i, n1>l a agt;.n:,,1,.c ft.'.ligiun. But ~omcthmg ha:,. chruigl~d There were nc"cr peopl~· i,.uy be nl'!-!fk.1"'1bk for yuu,df.if you don·t tlunk ..;lnlmg it n t.lv '-Umnmt 2 1:h,mgc 1t 1 unnugranl'i contribute a grcai deal 2 thi~ mg the,e thmg wuh ,uch (requ1.:n~s aml viiour hdorc. The Jh ,hm~ m nm: ght'is c; a gwd idea. don't COUTill)'-il.. pp! liJ..C U Iha! ~';JU\t• the; prob· u1mmunuy I"' nur..·ous anJ 1<, mak.mg ... urc everyum: know., a.,k fur 1un a puh bar,,.rntr arc no1 , our par. ··-·····························kcv\ Jun iL ~guin! pis, rvor f1:..,c..1n:h == ltm!t. 1 know many somnJi;. and other for­ how much they arc ,ticku\g 1ngethcr t:nis. or :,,nur friend" pom art11.:le \sketch I eien natioll.11,- m>nt! li.k(.· a., u dc~cirbc. Jnl It\ 1ml)l.)t1ant th,U 1.1.e rec;ltgni .. c the impai.:t lhat day had on .... , ...... y,-\lUdcnl nur..c- L.ccd.., ;uid don ·1 JU.!il muk\: a lol ot nol\t! ahnut why it basn·t popp)&oliv1a.i ~tn'I bcJic.-Yl' ur stupill com· A:-.1a11 Jmou1·· tillk 11bou1 -.c1-reg,1Llou I wcnb •• • ,..• ••• ...... , ..... ~········· nrndt· a i.lLlfcrcn(;e. mcnts on coc.:amc U:,¢J_gc 11 ohvinusly <.:Ai'\ the v.·h1~ brllt~h 'ipc:Cll d.ufog grnng to 00 hi bclJ1-gl\c u-. u Uesi..Tiption nr the guy II hu, miuk a llillc:n:m:c to e\•eryont 1,1,hu In·~, here. Thi! h bad4kate mos)! .,mcc: ,he·~ in of}!nni~C(l°.'!oh \\uit. thm wuJ h m-.ci~t fn1m the chiller' 1mpontlllt thin~ h to Ml lei ii chan_gC' u, ,mt.I 1he cit} i.n :t v. 11) ~h11h&ret)(1Tlet.ll~ fmdin 1hin~!'I \ ...... th,11 ki... down tht~ ;.oJidttrity th::u i!< hJo,,,oming here Jifftcull!SS nk*································- i·m towJJ) in ln,c ,vilh m~ Cflt!li,h ~t·,n v..fa, puhh .. hl:s tlus papcr'l1 wam C<)mpcn.,;,a. We·,·c '.'Ulnw~J I.he wnrlli hol, to n:ut·t 10 tcrmn!-m uud reli­ in..u lOtur .. vk. Sll -.he", pruh thi: ,;,,1m~ i.l_!!C 11011 lor ink \lam., on my whue luru~r..1 g1ou!'> c,r.tn::rn, .. m. but v.:c mui.t rcrngm~e Iha\ 11', hml an cflc..:l I poppy&uli\'ia lo\.\dn,\11 1i. nnf \Wr1l1 the: :1:, Ill}' mum. hut hcllu mr.. mbm,;on Dan .. ,, ...... , paper 1i.. prmtcd on lhc fad tho1l thl'y thmk ...... 01!lJahbreviated "1) 1c:-;t I~t wct-k its Lal~ m11,:,&.t.:ociune ;.1dJjcuun, \·an·1 be ,di j,. u wrung 10 ,11 m lecture, \\l!'>hmg ~f1Ut I SRfm.(,:om!n11t !..SR.com. thaL., ju,1 MlluJ...­ 'Top ten' tantrums lecturer v.a,, luu1d1..·ulfat to yrn1r hcd"' hope my.! Ban.ali1I .-) ~~~-~~1!:~~\~:!1;~;~:~~~)~ ...... nl1t .. but lh,·n, don't ca~ i1\ r.t."•mg n ••••••• •n .,. .... •••••••••••••••••• i.d lli.t• In JJ1c ·~tlJCk u1 a rut' 1'rn a nubile 'rC:t) lung dn.,!-1 :1n, <,cunJm,n 1J.ni. hcrr in teed!-,'' make ot paying hill!!i ha~ hcc-n re\i.:~ilcd ,is fhl" top nf h•~llU) uu~rJJ. h:Mng pwhkm., wub ...... )'oun;clf hear' \\ant to jom 1he ...canJo,t,ci­ h:n reuson~ why OaunaLc, full t1u1. Other men .and I tbmJ. hi: ~·nuld t,e lhc onL· for nit: )'tll.l ,ue ~orig.ht· d.1minc!ol" 1, p11 ....,1hl) the et~ ·, tc,;,tmc· l17')52X91779KHM'> lhan.,_ 111mwn up.by 1hc Ur'l-'t:)ec!- mdudt:d .,, ..... N olkuce, lhln!! ...... - h1gg_cM hanl· of m) life lll :,.~J i dnn "t hm c VOii 1h, lriJg~· ,1!<. your own pl."r,unal supermarh.c:I -.hell, llllvin!! poppy .ind l\li\ liJ 11" you think dnihs ~ ...... nn1:,,) ici\cn, and ,~cloat.hn~ frit!nJ, ..:oc1i11L' i .. ..:noly1lll arc c11mpkt.: hher.i. ~J~~ ~~ ;~~~.-:.. '. ~!~~ ~1~:~'. ~~~n;• ~ •• ••• ht1\\ dare popm and oli,in'decrec' that a·~ only n:.1"111ahlc: that Jli:npl!! rc!lpi'Ct )'nur nthi:or nut !iring h.u:l nell tn.1cll-"·11y nll)rc IJ'Hcrl!""lillg wh)· l'- halo lull ol lntle v. kcr,7dni(l lhc l'~X'.ainL! u.-.c.: j., JU!tlificd and salchc.,'aUM: ,1 male:~ 11.rc:11 t unl;iirly u .. ing tilhcr pc11pk., thmg, .rnd ra,nur 1hon }otU dnth drug-pnnolmg ~nlumn llllllulfc or 1• "k ,,rr ba.,:l hor11t' 0 ,. rn,llld U'>t'~ it'!' lt:t:d~ ,1mfon1 pa~r ,houltl· \ct out ynur £_mnnd rule, ,,.hco )'OU move in, t:'"~cia.ll) ..... ,. .,. .., , ...... n't .11!0'\\ the:: pnn1in1; uf ~11th 11nl.'d11c:,11ed Yo 1th pi:t1ple vou don't kno,,, or ·1und11m,.· so thal thi:rc ii kl'v h:itcs Llfl I that much )- limn he ...iop sum wotlUmun (.'OUlfnc.ni... ;~ db!!ll'>tlllg und pn .. ,ibl) J...ingcrnu.srubbtsh! wt1n°t he all) bitraness JI thl:'rc 1, a ptohlcm l·,tnnnc hu." a lal) /'-mdl}1a1111ov111g h1msemu1i: ,1m1 JI ., one ul lhl• 111:ils we lucc a~ studcms lh \:uur l>cs1 nm 10 Bel "-Oum.I up h'" 11 and ,.r thu1 t.loc-sn \ ,,orL l1d, 1h..-rn our IJfl lht:H ;Jr"-'-'" Improve artext life Woman's assembly kicked off on Wednesday, and they were puuling We've hod our say, let u• know what you think: email [email protected] or text In -your comment• over what the best and worst thing about • Tew p11Ni,hed Ji> ,.,1 "'"'·<"'"'' betng a girl ts.. Text us with your views n:/11.."·l ,111 . ~·lt>w\ 111 t/U' m•H·ip,(f)l'r UII MIii October 1, 2005 A macho booby prize

ru.:ho ,mum1g a,,, mug,wnc w:L-; lamba.,.ll.-d b)' t:\lcryone. ull outr.1geJ mOOlu i:nverage III r~nt year,;. Bui if ynu !-.Ct a.,idc the gtmckr 1s.~uel; Chris Lochery "-'-'Cnlly hdt.l a t.-ompetJ11on tor OU! how ~x1st ii i!