UK Muslims Suffered Too

UK Muslims Suffered Too

2 u Mlilll. ll:lllllr1.- whclhi.:i .J,c ,... a_<.; "'-"'ClDi llll" p.~ntull I either. Nc\·~rthclcss, Y.e pulled ~ that abounded v. uh char.-.:tcr rn the du.r­ to prc-o,;c11p1cJ \\Ith "'hach 1.:1abal and hurs1 lonh mto a mia\Ola of bl.I~<lmg f.dv..utl Sll)ncr RuildmJ!. ta tn Jc,our ncx:t as hc,1d of cummumt:J· wa., lncre we~ lcuflcb aplenty handed numbers and a.!1p1ra11oru, • h Wil'i a htt h~c the ~ovcmlllt.'Tll mvn· 111,n, ,t.utcd her pre.amhlc. ""l11A.111g the out all hu.JJct pCtinb Jnd lofty 1Jcah, The um 1S on Lite verge of al'POimm ng the n:.niunal ncw~papcr)\ mm .md1cncc \\ ith ht.~ d.i"tinl..ii\'C dan c.le,«.:nbmg \\ ha1 \H~. w. Wtloni; n1embcr., Ocvclopm~nt Director And iL .,,,,uu~ [)()wnm~ Strtt1 bek1re J, 10 There \\fl\ lhe ,cretnnntt upuon &: ol tit\! um. can expect. Thb mw1, thJl .. rai-.c tL, intemaLum:i.l profile too. "W Right. OO"'-, l.kb No lunn) hll',meM, thl!. \\IUch Y.a, plai:c.."d ,hrewdJy aJ J,ll ci.1u11.JJ 1ltc 4u.tJil) of all _of nur learmog ,md ,hould he able lo r.u:.e £1SOm Ll\'cr ~ )..!.tr \nu'rc gonn;,, be on our ">!Lil: am'! 1,mt 1,oint 11.> 1hc. rru<ldk nr 1hr a... the 1 ye-Jr.-.," H(llmcs srud '1ltc acid b:sl L~. fl )J, di I Eh') ·11tc:n:·.. u l;JUc fot yet tmu· ~rumpt10U!-.·luokmg liLf Both \!,,ere leaching!!i will he world du...... b) :!010." I look forwanl to Llml one then h;:tlf and hoy, could l JUL\·e dnne with~ of lllWo'. ncvenhelc.,s l') cmg i.:ach nther u,pi ble:. On ver ,, a} tJic gooJ )o(Ufl. Piles upon pile~ (II fcto-lilli..'l1 ~ic.., c1ously a Ja;.1dc ffl>m Ol1W g.rt'ct1.'Cl u.1,, pm,...,JcJ h) a kindly loc.u.l "You've go1 the..~ \ublirne to the ridu:u­ Am1th1..-r cJugh1 111) eye. ··Our )itudcnL" We were onto Mnfhtudt.."111 ratios. ln ::.hop o\'-rwr There ,..,c~ 1."<10k1c.., 11.)1.1 lou~:· the Murke1,ng Director •mid. arc ck.po""-d to world d~ rt:~h tool~ 1990 1hcre were eight 'll\.tdems tti Cvti)· taff member. In 2003. II had ~ to ~ v.u,, the pm,·crbwl 111CCL .mJ mun,htng aw.i) on .1 ..a]m()n ru\\l brie and cncourJgOO l<l cnaga1:,-e 111 .tskmg greet. Etlch member ol tl1t: office mtm• number. You can 'ia)' thni .1gain. I thought. re.<,ean:h q~t,on..( and learning ubout the 18: I . Swdcnl.\ JUM wanna hmre a piece. of Sketch JuccJ thcm.'>Ch~ by popping thc.1r ht:.1d., i.xweral in ""'eat c;reauon of new knnwlcdgc " A, in. hoY... Leed.\. II M:Cms. _And academics dorl't in a funk .11 c:10 your ,;;tudy of the homolog~cal con· Perhaps bccam,c u •~ a •fun cu}',_ a.\ page Kevin Widdop rouml the door. TI1C}' "'ere nil very nice Ar one poin1 I was caught though. the sight or chocola~-<:hip and nuson­ jcctures retatc<l 10 the rcpreSc..--nlaJJon theo­ 7 ~llil.i.-d, and ocademics are p.ud a pii. '1lli!- is onr pre", officer. tlw, j.., thf cncru'iled cookJes What ir 1~y ex~h:d m ry or ;ll~ebras hdp bl.,0~1 my grado. ,,(' tance to deliver lccu,rcs io bleary-eyed 1 belted student.<. 11u: U:t'dt SR.lilrn1 Jt!alu '-"u.' wiled to office ~15t;u1t, lhi.., ,~ our puhlic1l) offi~ h.mnon}, l thooght' A.., in, you know. on A!. we reached th!! half.way puint. I lllc.."t'l till' p~,:oi offo.:cr. nr the august = .. lhc amc. cookie. '"It\ un wna.Ling m1t,t udmit 10 becoming u li1tli! dr.uned. Um,cr-ity of l.i..'Ctl, La.,t v,i;:ck u1 an office To my uncr ch.1gn.n. I ha,c to c..·onri.!\, rnomcnl." the pres.'- o!Tit:cr !;U1ti. un.,ure 11ie 1mop, weren't looking: l.00 ~1t, kewnwUldnp@yaJu, THE BOMBS: THREE MONTHS ON SEE MORE IN EXTRA ~ SCAFFOLD FALL DEATH AFRAID TO By PADDY COOKE A MAN fell to his death this week among Ille night city centne revelJcrs. COME HOME 1llc bod} ML,, lh~CO\Cretl hr two p.t.\,,i_ng polu:emcn. and i.:crt1ficd dead m the road at By BEN SCHOAELD AND mrnt agL'fK-1 Yorksh,re forwun.1 ).L\l 8:30pm on Cktobe:r 5th. SfJC\.,-ula.uon suggest,; KEVIN WIDDOP vcar that the man fell from iien.ffoldmg abme the · A ,wrenx.·m rel~t.,;ed hy B1~1encc LL.'C<l, r,ty Coum:11 One Stop Shop on 2 Great AN11-TERROR police are still York.,hirc .ll'k.l Yod.,h.Jre F\lfWanl sa1J. George SL keen to speak wiO, a PhD grJd ·1111.. Feuow.,Jup wa.... to ru.~1~1 ht.\ The location i<;. directly oppos11e. popuLlr 1me.,ug.auon mto develupmg .t ne.v.. drinlung ,-pot Vnr..11y. The councd buildmg ts who ic. remaining in Cairo ror b1ocataly\l and 10 take !w.11...-h n pmJuc1 10 dear!) umlc!rgomi rcru.watmu and 1~ CO\'ercd rear of being linked to the Jul) 7 m,U'kcl for mdu,trial use. in ..caffolrJmg. A poM monem hu.s Te\.ealed bomber.. "'A:, a Fcllov.., Dr Magd~ el-Na..Jt.lf the ,1mm'1,; inJurie~ 11n: consisltmt w1Lh n foll D, Magdy cl-Na.,har wa., ~ll.'d '"J.' cnlitJcd IO ,upport of up Many cye·Y.llm!:.-.c-, had re.paned hearing. by 4!ypua11 authnntic.s and qucsut.incd t.u £J0.000. I lowc\·cr. none of th1., w:L, gum.bob. but lhe police say theo;c ,IOf1es are m l'lmnec:uon wnh the bumt, rUl.101)' ,icces.\Cd. :mJ h,~ onl.) invul\cmcn.l ··u1L,ubl(t1.1J1l1atcd" found un Ak,,1ndr.t Ciro\tc.. Hyde Park Wilh LIie .liChCmc wac; hi~ llltCndiU'ICe Ill A l"OUDl;I( c.mployo:. who did not wish w be Jle wa.\ on a v1s1r 10 tu .. home in the h1ur work."hop, orgam.~ by tJ1e namct..l. said: ·111cre I!. .a Im or 'ipeculation Egyptian capital l~llo~slup. 'fbl1 las1 orlht!..c;c wa.,on 24 abou1 1hc death bcm1,: a "hoo1111g." Bui the The propcrt}· hntl bc:cn renlr..'tl m hh Junuury 2005. '' po!il·mortcm showed no :.ign or gun hot n.1mt and rup1"1n., say he luld his I.ind­ Bw i:ontmr) 10 tlus. ~ have wuunt..l!>. lord he had lcn1 11~ Oat 10 hi:i friend lohJ /.,u,ls S1111./e11t that Yorkshue A puilr(' spuke! ,aid: "We are llOI found JI I.he bowie led to N.'l1ward h:.t, e::ictendcd thb de:udhnc to trc.tttng the death u.., ,u~piciom.. ·• 6(Kl Jl<OPIC being evacuated ml unkown cLte m the fuwre Bui police are yc1 to identify the body ond l:J.Na..Jiar, 3~. P"J,.iluU.-d fmm 1he ·n,e dc\iclopmenl agenc) ha., are u~m~ any w11nc,SC) 10 come forward. llle Um, cr..11)' of L..ccili B1uchcm1s1r; rc.flL'iCJ IOC<mfinnlhl!t. mnlc. 1s de.: ntx.-d a., while in his mid to late Department in Jul} A :,,p.1k~>r1 for U.·.c.":1-" Uni srud twem,e,. 1;1x foot tall and of !>Inn build. He had lie ha., ,tl'k."C been dcao:J of an)' ··M.igdy cl-Nashar came to l...ttd5 10 ,hort, dud. bm>wn hair nnd wuom. down hb lcrt m,olvc:mcnt.. hut Scotland Yan.I sull "wd) for a PhD m the -.chool ol b1()­ arm wlu.:h may be He W:l!I regards him ~ a wt~li in lhc-,r ln\oC:-.· chcmi...U) lO Oct.ohcr 1<.XXJ. I !Th ~ubJCCl al'-(1 \\-C,1t1ng a green gin.,, bead necklace. ugnuon. wa.~ 'Oc.:\'Clopmcnt or a nm-cl mDtri"t Anyone with mform:ruon ~houJJ contlli.:l A '>pc>kespcrc:on !or the t'or rhc 1mmoh1hsauon of e~ for Wc~I Pohce on 0845 6060606. Mcunpoluan Police c:.aid: "W..: did u1l h1otcchnnl~ · .md he was spon~ An :trcJ of the Cil)' L'l:nlre wm, cordoned off tabor.i.h: Vl.'1)' clo~ly ,...ilh The Egyptian b)' the Ey~ian go\tm!Th!nt He sub- laM mghl with police lllpc .ind guarded by -.ev­ aulh1,nue.,, we did tr.J\,d to Egypt. and 1111111..-d tn T-i!bruW) lhb ye.v and was crnl offiC\!rc; v. e didn ·c intcf\ ,e\l, him. uwun.led lw~ PhD on Ma) 6. ''lie is st.ill in Eg}pt w1d he: ts "We Undcl",tnnd he WU!; u rogardcd by ~ a., 1.1 w11nc.-.s " post..d(.)(..10raJ potjt,on in th~ UK. nnd Le,•d\ Snulcm has lw.nx..'CI ihitl d· th;.11 tu .. v1S1.t \~<L'> updalcd by the Hom<.• Ntbhar is looking ror ~1Jratll'l!'I he wdl Office t=arly this year Jk has no1 been 1"1111 be quiu..c.•d by locnl Police nnd is -;ccn on tht.- campui,.

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